
Old Testament

The Old Testament (often abbreviated OT) is the first division of the Christian biblical canon, which is based primarily upon the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh, a collection of ancient religious Hebrew writings by the Israelites.[1] The second division of Christian Bibles is the New Testament, written in the Koine Greek language.

The Old Testament consists of many distinct books by various authors produced over a period of centuries.[2] Christians traditionally divide the Old Testament into four sections: the first five books or Pentateuch (corresponds to the Jewish Torah); the history books telling the history of the Israelites, from their conquest of Canaan to their defeat and exile in Babylon; the poetic and "Wisdom books" dealing, in various forms, with questions of good and evil in the world; and the books of the biblical prophets, warning of the consequences of turning away from God.

The books that compose the Old Testament canon and their order and names differ between various branches of Christianity. The canons of the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches comprise up to 49 books; the Catholic canon comprises 46 books; and the most common Protestant canon comprises 39 books.[3]

There are 39 books common to essentially all Christian canons. They correspond to the 24 books of the Tanakh, with some differences of order, and there are some differences in text. The additional number reflects the splitting of several texts (Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra–Nehemiah, and the Twelve Minor Prophets) into separate books in Christian Bibles. The books that are part of the Christian Old Testament but that are not part of the Hebrew canon are sometimes described as deuterocanonical. In general, Catholic and Orthodox churches include these books in the Old Testament. Most Protestant Bibles do not include the deuterocanonical books in their canon, but some versions of Anglican and Lutheran Bibles place such books in a separate section called apocrypha. These books are ultimately derived from the earlier Greek Septuagint collection of the Hebrew scriptures and are also Jewish in origin. Some are also contained in the Dead Sea Scrolls.


The Old Testament contains 39 (Protestant), 46 (Catholic), or more (Orthodox and other) books, divided, very broadly, into the Pentateuch (Torah), the historical books, the "wisdom" books and the prophets.[4]

The table below uses the spellings and names present in modern editions of the Christian Bible, such as the Catholic New American Bible Revised Edition and the Protestant Revised Standard Version and English Standard Version. The spelling and names in both the 1609–F10 Douay Old Testament (and in the 1582 Rheims New Testament) and the 1749 revision by Bishop Challoner (the edition currently in print used by many Catholics, and the source of traditional Catholic spellings in English) and in the Septuagint differ from those spellings and names used in modern editions which are derived from the Hebrew Masoretic text.[a]

For the Orthodox canon, Septuagint titles are provided in parentheses when these differ from those editions. For the Catholic canon, the Douaic titles are provided in parentheses when these differ from those editions. Likewise, the King James Version references some of these books by the traditional spelling when referring to them in the New Testament, such as "Esaias" (for Isaiah).

In the spirit of ecumenism more recent Catholic translations (e.g. the New American Bible, Jerusalem Bible, and ecumenical translations used by Catholics, such as the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition) use the same "standardized" (King James Version) spellings and names as Protestant Bibles (e.g. 1 Chronicles as opposed to the Douaic 1 Paralipomenon, 1–2 Samuel and 1–2 Kings instead of 1–4 Kings) in those books which are universally considered canonical, the protocanonicals.

The Talmud (the Jewish commentary on the scriptures) in Bava Batra 14b gives a different order for the books in Nevi'im and Ketuvim. This order is also cited in Mishneh Torah Hilchot Sefer Torah 7:15. The order of the books of the Torah is universal through all denominations of Judaism and Christianity.

The disputed books, included in most canons but not in others, are often called the Biblical apocrypha, a term that is sometimes used specifically to describe the books in the Catholic and Orthodox canons that are absent from the Jewish Masoretic Text and most modern Protestant Bibles. Catholics, following the Canon of Trent (1546), describe these books as deuterocanonical, while Greek Orthodox Christians, following the Synod of Jerusalem (1672), use the traditional name of anagignoskomena, meaning "that which is to be read." They are present in a few historic Protestant versions; the German Luther Bible included such books, as did the English 1611 King James Version.[b]

Empty table cells indicate that a book is absent from that canon.

  Pentateuch, corresponding to the Hebrew Torah
  Historical books, most closely corresponding to the Hebrew Nevi'im (Prophets)
  Wisdom books, most closely corresponding to the Hebrew Ketuvim (Writings)
  Major Prophets
  Twelve Minor Prophets
Hebrew Bible
(24 books)[c]
Old Testament
(39 books)
Old Testament
(46 books)
Eastern Orthodox
Old Testament
(49 books)
Original language
Torah (Law)
Pentateuch or the Five books of Moses
Bereshit Genesis Genesis Genesis Hebrew
Shemot Exodus Exodus Exodus Hebrew
Vayikra Leviticus Leviticus Leviticus Hebrew
Bamidbar Numbers Numbers Numbers Hebrew
Devarim Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Hebrew
Nevi'im (Prophets)
Yehoshua Joshua Joshua (Josue) Joshua (Iesous) Hebrew
Shoftim Judges Judges Judges Hebrew
Rut (Ruth)[d] Ruth Ruth Ruth Hebrew
Shmuel 1 Samuel 1 Samuel (1 Kings)[e] 1 Samuel (1 Kingdoms)[f] Hebrew
2 Samuel 2 Samuel (2 Kings)[e] 2 Samuel (2 Kingdoms)[f] Hebrew
Melakhim 1 Kings 1 Kings (3 Kings)[e] 1 Kings (3 Kingdoms)[f] Hebrew
2 Kings 2 Kings (4 Kings)[e] 2 Kings (4 Kingdoms)[f] Hebrew
Divrei Hayamim (Chronicles)[d] 1 Chronicles 1 Chronicles (1 Paralipomenon) 1 Chronicles (1 Paralipomenon) Hebrew
2 Chronicles 2 Chronicles (2 Paralipomenon) 2 Chronicles (2 Paralipomenon) Hebrew
1 Esdras[g][h] Greek
Ezra–Nehemiah[d] Ezra Ezra (1 Esdras) Ezra (2 Esdras)[f][i][j] Hebrew and Aramaic
Nehemiah Nehemiah (2 Esdras) Nehemiah (2 Esdras)[f][i] Hebrew
Tobit (Tobias) Tobit[g] Aramaic and Hebrew
Judith Judith[g] Hebrew
Ester (Esther)[d] Esther Esther[k] Esther[k] Hebrew
1 Maccabees (1 Machabees)[l] 1 Maccabees[g] Hebrew and Greek[m]
2 Maccabees (2 Machabees)[l] 2 Maccabees[g] Greek
3 Maccabees[g] Greek
3 Esdras[g] Greek
4 Maccabees[n] Greek
Ketuvim (Writings) Wisdom books
Iyov (Job)[d] Job Job Job Hebrew
Tehillim (Psalms)[d] Psalms Psalms Psalms[o] Hebrew
Prayer of Manasseh[p] Greek
Mishlei (Proverbs)[d] Proverbs Proverbs Proverbs Hebrew
Qohelet (Ecclesiastes)[d] Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes Hebrew
Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs)[d] Song of Solomon Song of Songs (Canticle of Canticles) Song of Songs (Aisma Aismaton) Hebrew
Wisdom Wisdom[g] Greek
Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) Sirach[g] Hebrew
Nevi'im (Latter Prophets) Major Prophets
Yeshayahu Isaiah Isaiah (Isaias) Isaiah Hebrew
Yirmeyahu Jeremiah Jeremiah (Jeremias) Jeremiah Hebrew
Eikhah (Lamentations)[d] Lamentations Lamentations Lamentations Hebrew
Baruch[q] Baruch[q][g] Hebrew[7]
Letter of Jeremiah[r][g] Greek (majority view)[s]
Yekhezqel Ezekiel Ezekiel (Ezechiel) Ezekiel Hebrew
Daniyyel (Daniel)[d] Daniel Daniel[t] Daniel[t] Aramaic and Hebrew
Twelve Minor Prophets
The Twelve
Trei Asar
Hosea Hosea (Osee) Hosea Hebrew
Joel Joel Joel Hebrew
Amos Amos Amos Hebrew
Obadiah Obadiah (Abdias) Obadiah Hebrew
Jonah Jonah (Jonas) Jonah Hebrew
Micah Micah (Michaeas) Micah Hebrew
Nahum Nahum Nahum Hebrew
Habakkuk Habakkuk (Habacuc) Habakkuk Hebrew
Zephaniah Zephaniah (Sophonias) Zephaniah Hebrew
Haggai Haggai (Aggaeus) Haggai Hebrew
Zechariah Zechariah (Zacharias) Zechariah Hebrew
Malachi Malachi (Malachias) Malachi Hebrew

Several of the books in the Eastern Orthodox canon are also found in the appendix to the Latin Vulgate, formerly the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.

Books in the Appendix to the Vulgate Bible
Name in Vulgate Name in Eastern Orthodox use
3 Esdras 1 Esdras
4 Esdras 2 Esdras
Prayer of Manasseh Prayer of Manasseh
Psalm of David when he slew Goliath (Psalm 151) Psalm 151


Early scholarship

Some of the stories of the Pentateuch may derive from older sources. American science writer Homer W. Smith points out similarities between the Genesis creation narrative and that of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, such as the inclusion of the creation of the first man (Adam/Enkidu) in the Garden of Eden, a tree of knowledge, a tree of life, and a deceptive serpent.[8] Scholars such as Andrew R. George point out the similarity of the Genesis flood narrative and the Gilgamesh flood myth.[9][u] Similarities between the origin story of Moses and that of Sargon of Akkad were noted by psychoanalyst Otto Rank in 1909[13] and popularized by 20th century writers, such as H. G. Wells and Joseph Campbell.[14][15] Jacob Bronowski writes that, "the Bible is ... part folklore and part record. History is ... written by the victors, and the Israelis, when they burst through [Jericho (c. 1400 BC)], became the carriers of history."[16]

Recent scholarship

In 2007, a scholar of Judaism Lester L. Grabbe explained that earlier biblical scholars such as Julius Wellhausen (1844–1918) could be described as 'maximalist', accepting biblical text unless it has been disproven. Continuing in this tradition, both "the 'substantial historicity' of the patriarchs" and "the unified conquest of the land" were widely accepted in the United States until about the 1970s. Contrarily, Grabbe says that those in his field now "are all minimalists – at least, when it comes to the patriarchal period and the settlement. ... [V]ery few are willing to operate [as maximalists]."[17]


The first five books—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, book of Numbers and Deuteronomy—reached their present form in the Persian period (538–332 BC), and their authors were the elite of exilic returnees who controlled the Temple at that time.[18] The books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings follow, forming a history of Israel from the Conquest of Canaan to the Siege of Jerusalem c. 587 BC. There is a broad consensus among scholars that these originated as a single work (the so-called "Deuteronomistic History") during the Babylonian exile of the 6th century BC.[19]

The two Books of Chronicles cover much the same material as the Pentateuch and Deuteronomistic history and probably date from the 4th century BC.[20] Chronicles, and Ezra–Nehemiah, was probably finished during the 3rd century BC.[21] Catholic and Orthodox Old Testaments contain two (Catholic Old Testament) to four (Orthodox) Books of the Maccabees, written in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC.

These history books make up around half the total content of the Old Testament. Of the remainder, the books of the various prophets—Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the twelve "minor prophets"—were written between the 8th and 6th centuries BC, with the exceptions of Jonah and Daniel, which were written much later.[22] The "wisdom" books—Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Song of Songs—have various dates: Proverbs possibly was completed by the Hellenistic time (332–198 BC), though containing much older material as well; Job completed by the 6th century BC; Ecclesiastes by the 3rd century BC.[23]


Throughout the Old Testament, God is consistently depicted as the one who created the world. Although the God of the Old Testament is not consistently presented as the only God who exists, he is always depicted as the only God whom Israel is to worship, or the one "true God", that only Yahweh (or YHWH) is Almighty.[24]

The Old Testament stresses the special relationship between God and his chosen people, Israel, but includes instructions for proselytes as well. This relationship is expressed in the biblical covenant (contract)[25][26][27][28][29][30] between the two, received by Moses. The law codes in books such as Exodus and especially Deuteronomy are the terms of the contract: Israel swears faithfulness to God, and God swears to be Israel's special protector and supporter.[24] However, The Jewish Study Bible denies that the word covenant (brit in Hebrew) means "contract"; in the ancient Near East, a covenant would have been sworn before the gods, who would be its enforcers. As God is part of the agreement, and not merely witnessing it, The Jewish Study Bible instead interprets the term to refer to a pledge.[31]

Further themes in the Old Testament include salvation, redemption, divine judgment, obedience and disobedience, faith and faithfulness, among others. Throughout there is a strong emphasis on ethics and ritual purity, both of which God demands, although some of the prophets and wisdom writers seem to question this, arguing that God demands social justice above purity, and perhaps does not even care about purity at all. The Old Testament's moral code enjoins fairness, intervention on behalf of the vulnerable, and the duty of those in power to administer justice righteously. It forbids murder, bribery and corruption, deceitful trading, and many sexual misdemeanours. All morality is traced back to God, who is the source of all goodness.[32]

The problem of evil plays a large part in the Old Testament. The problem the Old Testament authors faced was that a good God must have had just reason for bringing disaster (meaning notably, but not only, the Babylonian exile) upon his people. The theme is played out, with many variations, in books as different as the histories of Kings and Chronicles, the prophets like Ezekiel and Jeremiah, and in the wisdom books like Job and Ecclesiastes.[32]


The interrelationship between various significant ancient manuscripts of the Old Testament, according to the Encyclopaedia Biblica (1903). Some manuscripts are identified by their siglum. LXX here denotes the original Septuagint.

The process by which scriptures became canons and Bibles was a long one, and its complexities account for the many different Old Testaments which exist today. Timothy H. Lim, a professor of Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Judaism at the University of Edinburgh, identifies the Old Testament as "a collection of authoritative texts of apparently divine origin that went through a human process of writing and editing."[2] He states that it is not a magical book, nor was it literally written by God and passed to mankind. By about the 5th century BC, Jews saw the five books of the Torah (the Old Testament Pentateuch) as having authoritative status; by the 2nd century BC, the Prophets had a similar status, although without quite the same level of respect as the Torah; beyond that, the Jewish scriptures were fluid, with different groups seeing authority in different books.[33]


Hebrew texts began to be translated into Greek in Alexandria in about 280 and continued until about 130 BC.[34] These early Greek translations – supposedly commissioned by Ptolemy II Philadelphus – were called the Septuagint (Latin for 'Seventy') from the supposed number of translators involved (hence its abbreviation "LXX"). This Septuagint remains the basis of the Old Testament in the Eastern Orthodox Church.[35]

It varies in many places from the Masoretic Text and includes numerous books no longer considered canonical in some traditions: 1 and 2 Esdras, Judith, Tobit, 3 and 4 Maccabees, the Book of Wisdom, Sirach, and Baruch.[36] Early modern biblical criticism typically explained these variations as intentional or ignorant corruptions by the Alexandrian scholars, but most recent scholarship holds it is simply based on early source texts differing from those later used by the Masoretes in their work.

The Septuagint was originally used by Hellenized Jews whose knowledge of Greek was better than Hebrew. However, the texts came to be used predominantly by gentile converts to Christianity and by the early Church as its scripture, Greek being the lingua franca of the early Church. The three most acclaimed early interpreters were Aquila of Sinope, Symmachus the Ebionite, and Theodotion; in his Hexapla, Origen placed his edition of the Hebrew text beside its transcription in Greek letters and four parallel translations: Aquila's, Symmachus's, the Septuagint's, and Theodotion's. The so-called "fifth" and "sixth editions" were two other Greek translations supposedly miraculously discovered by students outside the towns of Jericho and Nicopolis: these were added to Origen's Octapla.[37]

In 331, Constantine I commissioned Eusebius to deliver fifty Bibles for the Church of Constantinople. Athanasius[38] recorded Alexandrian scribes around 340 preparing Bibles for Constans. Little else is known, though there is plenty of speculation. For example, it is speculated that this may have provided motivation for canon lists and that Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus are examples of these Bibles. Together with the Peshitta and Codex Alexandrinus, these are the earliest extant Christian Bibles.[39] There is no evidence among the canons of the First Council of Nicaea of any determination on the canon. However, Jerome (347–420), in his Prologue to Judith, claims that the Book of Judith was "found by the Nicene Council to have been counted among the number of the Sacred Scriptures".[40]


In Western Christianity or Christianity in the Western half of the Roman Empire, Latin had displaced Greek as the common language of the early Christians, and in 382 AD Pope Damasus I commissioned Jerome, the leading scholar of the day, to produce an updated Latin Bible to replace the Vetus Latina, which was a Latin translation of the Septuagint. Jerome's work, called the Vulgate, was a direct translation from Hebrew, since he argued for the superiority of the Hebrew texts in correcting the Septuagint on both philological and theological grounds.[41] His Vulgate Old Testament became the standard Bible used in the Western Church, specifically as the Sixto-Clementine Vulgate, while the Churches in the East continued, and continue, to use the Septuagint.[42]

Jerome, however, in the Vulgate's prologues describes some portions of books in the Septuagint not found in the Hebrew Bible as being non-canonical (he called them apocrypha);[43] for Baruch, he mentions by name in his Prologue to Jeremiah and notes that it is neither read nor held among the Hebrews, but does not explicitly call it apocryphal or "not in the canon".[44] The Synod of Hippo (in 393), followed by the Council of Carthage (397) and the Council of Carthage (419), may be the first council that explicitly accepted the first canon which includes the books that did not appear in the Hebrew Bible;[45] the councils were under significant influence of Augustine of Hippo, who regarded the canon as already closed.[46]

Protestant canon

In the 16th century, the Protestant reformers sided with Jerome; yet although most Protestant Bibles now have only those books that appear in the Hebrew Bible, the order is that of the Greek Bible.[47]

Rome then officially adopted a canon, the Canon of Trent, which is seen as following Augustine's Carthaginian Councils[48] or the Council of Rome,[49][50] and includes most, but not all, of the Septuagint (3 Ezra and 3 and 4 Maccabees are excluded);[51] the Anglicans after the English Civil War adopted a compromise position, restoring the 39 Articles and keeping the extra books that were excluded by the Westminster Confession of Faith, both for private study and for reading in churches but not for establishing any doctrine, while Lutherans kept them for private study, gathered in an appendix as biblical apocrypha.[47]

Other versions

While the Hebrew, Greek and Latin versions of the Hebrew Bible are the best known Old Testaments, there were others. At much the same time as the Septuagint was being produced, translations were being made into Aramaic, the language of Jews living in Palestine and the Near East and likely the language of Jesus: these are called the Aramaic Targums, from a word meaning "translation", and were used to help Jewish congregations understand their scriptures.[52]

For Aramaic Christians there was a Syriac translation of the Hebrew Bible called the Peshitta, as well as versions in Coptic (the everyday language of Egypt in the first Christian centuries, descended from ancient Egyptian), Ethiopic (for use in the Ethiopian church, one of the oldest Christian churches), Armenian (Armenia was the first to adopt Christianity as its official religion), and Arabic.[52]

Christian theology

Christianity is based on the belief that the historical Jesus is also the Christ, as in the Confession of Peter. This belief is in turn based on Jewish understandings of the meaning of the Hebrew term Messiah, which, like the Greek "Christ", means "anointed". In the Hebrew Scriptures, it describes a king anointed with oil on his accession to the throne: he becomes "The LORD's anointed" or Yahweh's Anointed.

By the time of Jesus, some Jews expected that a flesh and blood descendant of David (the "Son of David") would come to establish a real Jewish kingdom in Jerusalem, instead of the Roman province of Judaea.[53] Others stressed the Son of Man, a distinctly other-worldly figure who would appear as a judge at the end of time. Some expounded a synthesised view of both positions, where a messianic kingdom of this world would last for a set period and be followed by the other-worldly age or World to Come.

Some[who?] thought the Messiah was already present, but unrecognised due to Israel's sins; some[who?] thought that the Messiah would be announced by a forerunner, probably Elijah (as promised by the prophet Malachi, whose book now ends the Old Testament and precedes Mark's account of John the Baptist). However, no view of the Messiah as based on the Old Testament predicted a Messiah who would suffer and die for the sins of all people.[53] The story of Jesus' death, therefore, involved a profound shift in meaning from the Old Testament tradition.[54]

The name "Old Testament" reflects Christianity's understanding of itself as the fulfilment of Jeremiah's prophecy of a New Covenant (which is similar to "testament" and often conflated) to replace the existing covenant between God and Israel (Jeremiah 31:31)[55].[1] The emphasis, however, has shifted from Judaism's understanding of the covenant as a racially- or tribally-based pledge between God and the Jewish people, to one between God and any person of faith who is "in Christ".[56]

See also

Explanatory notes

  1. ^ Generally due to derivation from transliterations of names used in the Latin Vulgate in the case of Catholicism, and from transliterations of the Greek Septuagint in the case of the Orthodox (as opposed to the derivation of translations, instead of transliterations, of Hebrew titles) such Ecclesiasticus (DRC) instead of Sirach (LXX) or Ben Sira (Hebrew), Paralipomenon (Greek, meaning "things omitted") instead of Chronicles, Sophonias instead of Zephaniah, Noe instead of Noah, Henoch instead of Enoch, Messias instead of Messiah, Sion instead of Zion, etc.
  2. ^ The foundational Thirty-Nine Articles of Anglicanism, in Article VI, asserts these disputed books are not used "to establish any doctrine", but "read for example of life." Although the Biblical Apocrypha are still used in Anglican Liturgy,[5] the modern trend is to not even print the Old Testament Apocrypha in editions of Anglican-used Bibles
  3. ^ The 24 books of the Hebrew Bible are the same as the 39 books of the Protestant Old Testament, only divided and ordered differently: the books of the Minor Prophets are in Christian Bibles twelve different books, and in Hebrew Bibles, one book called "The Twelve". Likewise, Christian Bibles divide the Books of Kingdoms into four books, either 1–2 Samuel and 1–2 Kings or 1–4 Kings: Jewish Bibles divide these into two books. The Jews likewise keep 1–2 Chronicles/Paralipomenon as one book. Ezra and Nehemiah are likewise combined in the Jewish Bible, as they are in many Orthodox Bibles, instead of divided into two books, as per the Catholic and Protestant tradition.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k This book is part of the Ketuvim, the third section of the Jewish canon. There is a different order in Jewish canon than in Christian canon.
  5. ^ a b c d The books of Samuel and Kings are often called First through Fourth Kings in the Catholic tradition, much like the Orthodox.
  6. ^ a b c d e f Names in parentheses are the Septuagint names and are often used by the Orthodox Christians.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k One of 11 deuterocanonical books in the Russian Synodal Bible.
  8. ^ 2 Esdras in the Russian Synodal Bible.
  9. ^ a b Some Eastern Orthodox churches follow the Septuagint and Hebrew Bibles by considering the books of Ezra and Nehemiah as one book.
  10. ^ 1 Esdras in the Russian Synodal Bible.
  11. ^ a b The Catholic and Orthodox Book of Esther includes 103 verses not in the Protestant Book of Esther.
  12. ^ a b The Latin Vulgate, Douay–Rheims, and Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition place First and Second Maccabees after Malachi; other Catholic translations place them after Esther.
  13. ^ 1 Maccabees is hypothesized by most scholars to have been originally written in Hebrew; however, if it was, the original Hebrew has been lost. The surviving Septuagint version is in Greek.[6]
  14. ^ In Greek Bibles, 4 Maccabees is found in the appendix.
  15. ^ Eastern Orthodox churches include Psalm 151 and the Prayer of Manasseh, not present in all canons.
  16. ^ Part of 2 Paralipomenon in the Russian Synodal Bible.
  17. ^ a b In Catholic Bibles, Baruch includes a sixth chapter called the Letter of Jeremiah. Baruch is not in the Protestant Bible or the Tanakh.
  18. ^ Eastern Orthodox Bibles have the books of Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah separate.
  19. ^ Hebrew (minority view); see Letter of Jeremiah for details.
  20. ^ a b In Catholic and Orthodox Bibles, Daniel includes three sections not included in Protestant Bibles. The Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Holy Children are included between Daniel 3:23–24. Susanna is included as Daniel 13. Bel and the Dragon is included as Daniel 14. These are not in the Protestant Old Testament.
  21. ^ The latter flood myth appears in a Babylonian copy dating to 700 BC,[10] though many scholars believe that this was probably copied from the Akkadian Atra-Hasis, which dates to the 18th century BC.[11] George points out that the modern version of the Epic of Gilgamesh was compiled by Sîn-lēqi-unninni, who lived sometime between 1300 and 1000 BC.[12]


  1. ^ a b Jones 2000, p. 215.
  2. ^ a b Lim, Timothy H. (2005). The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 41.
  3. ^ Barton 2001, p. 3.
  4. ^ Boadt 1984, pp. 11, 15–16.
  5. ^ (PDF), Orthodox Anglican, archived from the original (PDF) on 2009-02-05, Two of the hymns used in the American Prayer Book office of Morning Prayer, the Benedictus es and Benedicite, are taken from the Apocrypha. One of the offertory sentences in Holy Communion comes from an apocryphal book (Tob. 4: 8–9). Lessons from the Apocrypha are regularly appointed to be reason Sunday, Sunday, and the special services of Morning and Evening Prayer. There are altogether 111 such lessons in the latest revised American Prayer Book Lectionary [Books used are: II Esdras, Tobit, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, Three Holy Children, and I Maccabees.]
  6. ^ Goldstein, Jonathan A. (1976). I Maccabees. The Anchor Bible Series. Garden City, NY: Doubleday. p. 14. ISBN 0-385-08533-8.
  7. ^ Driver, Samuel Rolles (1911). "Bible" . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 3 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 849–894, see page 853, third para. Jeremiah.....were first written down in 604 B.C. by his friend and amanuensis Baruch, and the roll thus formed must have formed the nucleus of the present book. Some of the reports of Jeremiah's prophecies, and especially the biographical narratives, also probably have Baruch for their author. But the chronological disorder of the book, and other indications, show that Baruch could not have been the compiler of the book
  8. ^ Smith, Homer W. (1952). Man and His Gods. New York: Grosset & Dunlap. p. 117.
  9. ^ George, A. R. (2003). The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic: Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts. Oxford University Press. p. 70. ISBN 978-0-19-927841-1.
  10. ^ Cline, Eric H. (2007). From Eden to Exile: Unraveling Mysteries of the Bible. National Geographic. pp. 20–27. ISBN 978-1-4262-0084-7.
  11. ^ Tigay, Jeffrey H. (2002) [1982]. The Evolution of the Gilgamesh Epic. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers. pp. 23, 218, 224, 238. ISBN 9780865165465.
  12. ^ The Epic of Gilgamesh. Translated by Andrew R. George (reprinted ed.). London: Penguin Books. 2003 [1999]. pp. ii, xxiv–v. ISBN 0-14-044919-1.
  13. ^ Otto Rank (1914). The myth of the birth of the hero: a psychological interpretation of mythology. English translation by Drs. F. Robbins and Smith Ely Jelliffe. New York: The Journal of nervous and mental disease publishing company.
  14. ^ Wells, H. G. (1961) [1937]. The Outline of History: Volume 1. Doubleday. pp. 206, 208, 210, 212.
  15. ^ Campbell, Joseph (1964). The Masks of God, Vol. 3: Occidental Mythology. p. 127.
  16. ^ Bronowski, Jacob (1990) [1973]. The Ascent of Man. London: BBC Books. pp. 72–73, 77. ISBN 978-0-563-20900-3.
  17. ^ Grabbe, Lester L. (2007-10-25). "Some Recent Issues in the Study of the History of Israel". Understanding the History of Ancient Israel. British Academy. pp. 57–58. doi:10.5871/bacad/9780197264010.003.0005. ISBN 978-0-19-726401-0.
  18. ^ Blenkinsopp 1998, p. 184.
  19. ^ Rogerson 2003, pp. 153–54.
  20. ^ Coggins 2003, p. 282.
  21. ^ Grabbe 2003, pp. 213–14.
  22. ^ Miller 1987, pp. 10–11.
  23. ^ Crenshaw 2010, p. 5.
  24. ^ a b Barton 2001, p. 9: "4. Covenant and Redemption. It is a central point in many OT texts that the creator God YHWH is also in some sense Israel's special god, who at some point in history entered into a relationship with his people that had something of the nature of a contract. Classically this contract or covenant was entered into at Sinai, and Moses was its mediator."
  25. ^ Coogan 2008, p. 106.
  26. ^ Ferguson 1996, p. 2.
  27. ^ Ska 2009, p. 213.
  28. ^ Berman 2006, p. unpaginated: "At this juncture, however, God is entering into a "treaty" with the Israelites, and hence the formal need within the written contract for the grace of the sovereign to be documented.30 30. Mendenhall and Herion, "Covenant," p. 1183."
  29. ^ Levine 2001, p. 46.
  30. ^ Hayes 2006.
  31. ^ Berlin & Brettler 2014, p. PT194: 6.17-22: Further introduction and a pledge. 18: This v. records the first mention of the covenant ("brit") in the Tanakh. In the ancient Near East, a covenant was an agreement that the parties swore before the gods, and expected the gods to enforce. In this case, God is Himself a party to the covenant, which is more like a pledge than an agreement or contract (this was sometimes the case in the ancient Near East as well). The covenant with Noah will receive longer treatment in 9.1-17.
  32. ^ a b Barton 2001, p. 10.
  33. ^ Brettler 2005, p. 274.
  34. ^ Gentry 2008, p. 302.
  35. ^ Würthwein 1995.
  36. ^ Jones 2000, p. 216.
  37. ^ Cave, William. A complete history of the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of the holy apostles, and the two evangelists, St. Mark and Luke, Vol. II. Wiatt (Philadelphia), 1810. Retrieved 2013-02-06.
  38. ^ Apol. Const. 4
  39. ^ The Canon Debate, pp. 414–15, for the entire paragraph
  40. ^ Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "Book of Judith" . Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Canonicity: "..." the Synod of Nicaea is said to have accounted it as Sacred Scripture" (Praef. in Lib.). No such declaration indeed is to be found in the Canons of Nicaea, and it is uncertain whether St. Jerome is referring to the use made of the book in the discussions of the council, or whether he was misled by some spurious canons attributed to that council".
  41. ^ Rebenich, S., Jerome (Routledge, 2013), p. 58. ISBN 9781134638444
  42. ^ Würthwein 1995, pp. 91–99.
  43. ^ "The Bible". www.thelatinlibrary.com.
  44. ^ Kevin P. Edgecomb, , archived from the original on 2013-12-31, retrieved 2015-11-30
  45. ^ McDonald & Sanders, editors of The Canon Debate, 2002, chapter 5: The Septuagint: The Bible of Hellenistic Judaism by Albert C. Sundberg Jr., page 72, Appendix D-2, note 19.
  46. ^ Everett Ferguson, "Factors leading to the Selection and Closure of the New Testament Canon", in The Canon Debate. eds. L. M. McDonald & J. A. Sanders (Hendrickson, 2002) p. 320; F. F. Bruce, The Canon of Scripture (Intervarsity Press, 1988) p. 230; cf. Augustine, De Civitate Dei 22.8
  47. ^ a b Barton 1997, pp. 80–81.
  48. ^ Philip Schaff, "Chapter IX. Theological Controversies, and Development of the Ecumenical Orthodoxy", History of the Christian Church, CCEL
  49. ^ Lindberg (2006). A Brief History of Christianity. Blackwell Publishing. p. 15.
  50. ^ F.L. Cross, E.A. Livingstone, ed. (1983), The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (2nd ed.), Oxford University Press, p. 232
  51. ^ Soggin 1987, p. 19.
  52. ^ a b Würthwein 1995, pp. 79–90, 100–4.
  53. ^ a b Farmer 1991, pp. 570–71.
  54. ^ Juel 2000, pp. 236–39.
  55. ^ Jeremiah 31:31
  56. ^ Herion 2000, pp. 291–92.

General and cited references

  • Bandstra, Barry L (2004), Reading the Old Testament: an introduction to the Hebrew Bible, Wadsworth, ISBN 978-0-495-39105-0
  • Barton, John (1997), How the Bible Came to Be, Westminster John Knox Press, ISBN 978-0-664-25785-9
  • ——— (2001), "Introduction to the Old Testament", in Muddiman, John; Barton, John (eds.), Bible Commentary, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-875500-5
  • Berlin, Adele; Brettler, Marc Zvi, eds. (2014-10-17). The Jewish Study Bible: Second Edition. Oxford University Press. p. PT194. ISBN 978-0-19-939387-9.
  • Berman, Joshua A. (Summer 2006). "God's Alliance with Man". Azure: Ideas for the Jewish Nation (25). ISSN 0793-6664. Retrieved 2019-10-31.
  • Blenkinsopp, Joseph (1998), "The Pentateuch", in Barton, John (ed.), The Cambridge companion to biblical interpretation, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-48593-7
  • Boadt, Lawrence (1984), Reading the Old Testament: an introduction, Paulist Press, ISBN 978-0-8091-2631-6
  • Brettler, Marc Zvi (2005), How to read the Bible, Jewish Publication Society, ISBN 978-0-8276-1001-9
  • Bultman, Christoph (2001), "Deuteronomy", in Barton, John; Muddiman, John (eds.), Oxford Bible Commentary, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-875500-5
  • Coggins, Richard J (2003), "1 and 2 Chronicles", in Dunn, James DG; Rogerson, John William (eds.), Commentary on the Bible, Eerdmans, ISBN 978-0-8028-3711-0
  • Coogan, Michael David (2008-11-01). A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament: The Hebrew Bible in Its Context. Oxford University Press. p. 106. ISBN 978-0-19-533272-8..
  • Crenshaw, James L (2010), Old Testament wisdom: an introduction, Westminster John Knox Press, ISBN 978-0-664-23459-1
  • Davies, GI (1998), "Introduction to the Pentateuch", in Barton, John (ed.), Oxford Bible Commentary, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-875500-5
  • Dines, Jennifer M (2004), "The Septuagint", Continuum, ISBN 978-0-567-08464-4
  • Farmer, Ron (1991), "Messiah/Christ", in Mills, Watson E; Bullard, Roger Aubrey (eds.), Mercer dictionary of the Bible, Mercer University Press, ISBN 978-0-86554-373-7
  • Ferguson, Everett (1996). The Church of Christ: A Biblical Ecclesiology for Today. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. p. 2. ISBN 978-0-8028-4189-6.
  • Gentry, Peter R (2008), "Old Greek and Later Revisors", in Sollamo, Raija; Voitila, Anssi; Jokiranta, Jutta (eds.), Scripture in transition, Brill, ISBN 978-90-04-16582-3
  • Grabbe, Lester L (2003), "Ezra", in Dunn, James DG; Rogerson, John William (eds.), Commentary on the Bible, Eerdmans, ISBN 978-0-8028-3711-0
  • Hasel, Gerhard F (1991), Old Testament theology: basic issues in the current debate, Eerdmans, ISBN 978-0-8028-0537-9
  • Hayes, Christine (2006). "Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible): Lecture 6 Transcript". Open Yale Courses. Retrieved 2019-10-31.
  • Herion, Gary A (2000), "Covenant", in Freedman, David Noel (ed.), Dictionary of the Bible, Eerdmans, ISBN 978-90-5356-503-2
  • Jobes, Karen H; Silva, Moises (2005), Invitation to the Septuagint, Baker Academic
  • Jones, Barry A (2000), "Canon of the Old Testament", in Freedman, David Noel (ed.), Dictionary of the Bible, William B Eerdmans, ISBN 978-90-5356-503-2
  • Juel, Donald (2000), "Christ", in Freedman, David Noel (ed.), Dictionary of the Bible, William B Eerdmans, ISBN 978-90-5356-503-2
  • Levine, Amy-Jill (2001). "Covenant and Law, Part I (Exodus 19–40, Leviticus, Deuteronomy). Lecture 10" (PDF). The Old Testament. Course Guidebook. The Great Courses. p. 46.
  • Lim, Timothy H. (2005). The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • McLay, Tim (2003), The use of the Septuagint in New Testament research, Eerdmans, ISBN 978-0-8028-6091-0
  • Miller, John W (2004), How the Bible came to be, Paulist Press, ISBN 978-0-8091-4183-8
  • Miller, John W (1987), Meet the prophets: a beginner's guide to the books of the biblical prophets, Paulist Press, ISBN 978-0-8091-2899-0
  • Miller, Stephen R. (1994), Daniel, B&H Publishing Group, ISBN 978-0-8054-0118-9
  • Rogerson, John W (2003), "Deuteronomy", in Dunn, James DG; Rogerson, John William (eds.), Commentary on the Bible, Eerdmans, ISBN 978-0-8028-3711-0
  • Sailhamer, John H. (1992), The Pentateuch As Narrative, Zondervan, ISBN 978-0-310-57421-7
  • Schniedewind, William M (2004), How the Bible Became a Book, Cambridge, ISBN 978-0-521-53622-6
  • Ska, Jean Louis (2009). The Exegesis of the Pentateuch: Exegetical Studies and Basic Questions. Mohr Siebeck. p. 213. ISBN 978-3-16-149905-0.
  • Soggin, J. Alberto (1987), Introduction to the Old Testament, Westminster John Knox Press, ISBN 978-0-664-22156-0
  • Stuart, Douglas (1987), Hosea-Jonah, Thomas Nelson, ISBN 978-0-8499-0230-7
  • Würthwein, Ernst (1995), The text of the Old Testament: an introduction to the Biblia Hebraica, William B Eerdmans, ISBN 978-0-8028-0788-5

Further reading

  • Anderson, Bernhard. Understanding the Old Testament. ISBN 0-13-948399-3
  • Bahnsen, Greg, et al., Five Views on Law and Gospel (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1993).
  • Berkowitz, Ariel; Berkowitz, D'vorah (2004), Torah Rediscovered (4th ed.), Shoreshim, ISBN 978-0-9752914-0-5.
  • Dever, William G. (2003), Who Were the Early Israelites?, Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B Eerdmans, ISBN 978-0-8028-0975-9.
  • Driver, Samuel Rolles (1911). "Bible" . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 3 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 849–894.
  • Hill, Andrew; Walton, John (2000), A Survey of the Old Testament (2nd ed.), Grand Rapids: Zondervan, ISBN 978-0-310-22903-2.
  • Kuntz, John Kenneth (1974), The People of Ancient Israel: an introduction to Old Testament Literature, History, and Thought, Harper & Row, ISBN 978-0-06-043822-7.
  • Lancaster, D Thomas (2005), Restoration: Returning the Torah of God to the Disciples of Jesus, Littleton \: First Fruits of Zion.
  • Papadaki-Oekland, Stella (2009), Byzantine Illuminated Manuscripts of the Book of Job, ISBN 978-2-503-53232-5.
  • von Rad, Gerhard (1982–1984), Theologie des Alten Testaments [Theology of the Old Testament] (in German), vol. Band 1–2, Munich: Auflage.
  • Rouvière, Jean-Marc (2006), Brèves méditations sur la Création du monde [Brief meditations on the creation of the World] (in French), Paris: L'Harmattan.
  • Salibi, Kamal (1985), The Bible Came from Arabia, London: Jonathan Cape, ISBN 978-0-224-02830-1.
  • Schmid, Konrad (2012), The Old Testament: A Literary History, Minneapolis: Fortress, ISBN 978-0-8006-9775-4.
  • Silberman, Neil A; et al. (2003), The Bible Unearthed, New York: Simon & Schuster, ISBN 978-0-684-86912-4 (hardback), ISBN 0-684-86913-6 (paperback).
  • Sprinkle, Joseph ‘Joe’ M (2006), Biblical Law and Its Relevance: A Christian Understanding and Ethical Application for Today of the Mosaic Regulations, Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, ISBN 978-0-7618-3371-0 (clothbound) and ISBN 0-7618-3372-2 (paperback).

External links

  • Bible gateway. Full texts of the Old (and New) Testaments including the full Roman and Orthodox Catholic canons
  • , archived from the original on 2018-09-24, retrieved 2018-09-29 - Tanakh
  • "Old Testament", , La feuille d'Olivier, archived from the original on 2010-12-07 Protestant Old Testament on a single page
  • "Old Testament", Reading Room, Canada: Tyndale Seminary. Extensive online Old Testament resources (including commentaries)
  • Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible), Yale University
  • "Old Testament". Encyclopedia.com. The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
  • Bible, X10 host: Old Testament stories and commentary
  • Tanakh ML (parallel Bible)Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia and the King James Version

testament, this, article, about, christian, bible, related, jewish, text, hebrew, bible, redirects, here, 2006, sunz, album, album, 1962, film, film, often, abbreviated, first, division, christian, biblical, canon, which, based, primarily, upon, books, hebrew,. This article is about the Christian Bible For the related Jewish text see Hebrew Bible The Old Testament redirects here For the 2006 Sunz of Man album see The Old Testament album For the 1962 film see The Old Testament film The Old Testament often abbreviated OT is the first division of the Christian biblical canon which is based primarily upon the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh a collection of ancient religious Hebrew writings by the Israelites 1 The second division of Christian Bibles is the New Testament written in the Koine Greek language The Old Testament consists of many distinct books by various authors produced over a period of centuries 2 Christians traditionally divide the Old Testament into four sections the first five books or Pentateuch corresponds to the Jewish Torah the history books telling the history of the Israelites from their conquest of Canaan to their defeat and exile in Babylon the poetic and Wisdom books dealing in various forms with questions of good and evil in the world and the books of the biblical prophets warning of the consequences of turning away from God The books that compose the Old Testament canon and their order and names differ between various branches of Christianity The canons of the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches comprise up to 49 books the Catholic canon comprises 46 books and the most common Protestant canon comprises 39 books 3 There are 39 books common to essentially all Christian canons They correspond to the 24 books of the Tanakh with some differences of order and there are some differences in text The additional number reflects the splitting of several texts Samuel Kings Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah and the Twelve Minor Prophets into separate books in Christian Bibles The books that are part of the Christian Old Testament but that are not part of the Hebrew canon are sometimes described as deuterocanonical In general Catholic and Orthodox churches include these books in the Old Testament Most Protestant Bibles do not include the deuterocanonical books in their canon but some versions of Anglican and Lutheran Bibles place such books in a separate section called apocrypha These books are ultimately derived from the earlier Greek Septuagint collection of the Hebrew scriptures and are also Jewish in origin Some are also contained in the Dead Sea Scrolls Contents 1 Content 2 Historicity 2 1 Early scholarship 2 2 Recent scholarship 3 Composition 4 Themes 5 Formation 5 1 Greek 5 2 Latin 5 3 Protestant canon 5 4 Other versions 6 Christian theology 7 See also 8 Explanatory notes 9 Citations 10 General and cited references 11 Further reading 12 External linksContent EditMain articles Biblical canon and Development of the Old Testament canon The Old Testament contains 39 Protestant 46 Catholic or more Orthodox and other books divided very broadly into the Pentateuch Torah the historical books the wisdom books and the prophets 4 The table below uses the spellings and names present in modern editions of the Christian Bible such as the Catholic New American Bible Revised Edition and the Protestant Revised Standard Version and English Standard Version The spelling and names in both the 1609 F10 Douay Old Testament and in the 1582 Rheims New Testament and the 1749 revision by Bishop Challoner the edition currently in print used by many Catholics and the source of traditional Catholic spellings in English and in the Septuagint differ from those spellings and names used in modern editions which are derived from the Hebrew Masoretic text a For the Orthodox canon Septuagint titles are provided in parentheses when these differ from those editions For the Catholic canon the Douaic titles are provided in parentheses when these differ from those editions Likewise the King James Version references some of these books by the traditional spelling when referring to them in the New Testament such as Esaias for Isaiah In the spirit of ecumenism more recent Catholic translations e g the New American Bible Jerusalem Bible and ecumenical translations used by Catholics such as the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition use the same standardized King James Version spellings and names as Protestant Bibles e g 1 Chronicles as opposed to the Douaic 1 Paralipomenon 1 2 Samuel and 1 2 Kings instead of 1 4 Kings in those books which are universally considered canonical the protocanonicals The Talmud the Jewish commentary on the scriptures in Bava Batra 14b gives a different order for the books in Nevi im and Ketuvim This order is also cited in Mishneh Torah Hilchot Sefer Torah 7 15 The order of the books of the Torah is universal through all denominations of Judaism and Christianity The disputed books included in most canons but not in others are often called the Biblical apocrypha a term that is sometimes used specifically to describe the books in the Catholic and Orthodox canons that are absent from the Jewish Masoretic Text and most modern Protestant Bibles Catholics following the Canon of Trent 1546 describe these books as deuterocanonical while Greek Orthodox Christians following the Synod of Jerusalem 1672 use the traditional name of anagignoskomena meaning that which is to be read They are present in a few historic Protestant versions the German Luther Bible included such books as did the English 1611 King James Version b Empty table cells indicate that a book is absent from that canon Pentateuch corresponding to the Hebrew Torah Historical books most closely corresponding to the Hebrew Nevi im Prophets Wisdom books most closely corresponding to the Hebrew Ketuvim Writings Major Prophets Twelve Minor Prophets Hebrew Bible Tanakh 24 books c ProtestantOld Testament 39 books CatholicOld Testament 46 books Eastern OrthodoxOld Testament 49 books Original languageTorah Law Pentateuch or the Five books of MosesBereshit Genesis Genesis Genesis HebrewShemot Exodus Exodus Exodus HebrewVayikra Leviticus Leviticus Leviticus HebrewBamidbar Numbers Numbers Numbers HebrewDevarim Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Deuteronomy HebrewNevi im Prophets Historical booksYehoshua Joshua Joshua Josue Joshua Iesous HebrewShoftim Judges Judges Judges HebrewRut Ruth d Ruth Ruth Ruth HebrewShmuel 1 Samuel 1 Samuel 1 Kings e 1 Samuel 1 Kingdoms f Hebrew2 Samuel 2 Samuel 2 Kings e 2 Samuel 2 Kingdoms f HebrewMelakhim 1 Kings 1 Kings 3 Kings e 1 Kings 3 Kingdoms f Hebrew2 Kings 2 Kings 4 Kings e 2 Kings 4 Kingdoms f HebrewDivrei Hayamim Chronicles d 1 Chronicles 1 Chronicles 1 Paralipomenon 1 Chronicles 1 Paralipomenon Hebrew2 Chronicles 2 Chronicles 2 Paralipomenon 2 Chronicles 2 Paralipomenon Hebrew1 Esdras g h GreekEzra Nehemiah d Ezra Ezra 1 Esdras Ezra 2 Esdras f i j Hebrew and AramaicNehemiah Nehemiah 2 Esdras Nehemiah 2 Esdras f i HebrewTobit Tobias Tobit g Aramaic and HebrewJudith Judith g HebrewEster Esther d Esther Esther k Esther k Hebrew1 Maccabees 1 Machabees l 1 Maccabees g Hebrew and Greek m 2 Maccabees 2 Machabees l 2 Maccabees g Greek3 Maccabees g Greek3 Esdras g Greek4 Maccabees n GreekKetuvim Writings Wisdom booksIyov Job d Job Job Job HebrewTehillim Psalms d Psalms Psalms Psalms o HebrewPrayer of Manasseh p GreekMishlei Proverbs d Proverbs Proverbs Proverbs HebrewQohelet Ecclesiastes d Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes HebrewShir Hashirim Song of Songs d Song of Solomon Song of Songs Canticle of Canticles Song of Songs Aisma Aismaton HebrewWisdom Wisdom g GreekSirach Ecclesiasticus Sirach g HebrewNevi im Latter Prophets Major ProphetsYeshayahu Isaiah Isaiah Isaias Isaiah HebrewYirmeyahu Jeremiah Jeremiah Jeremias Jeremiah HebrewEikhah Lamentations d Lamentations Lamentations Lamentations HebrewBaruch q Baruch q g Hebrew 7 Letter of Jeremiah r g Greek majority view s Yekhezqel Ezekiel Ezekiel Ezechiel Ezekiel HebrewDaniyyel Daniel d Daniel Daniel t Daniel t Aramaic and HebrewTwelve Minor ProphetsThe TwelveorTrei Asar Hosea Hosea Osee Hosea HebrewJoel Joel Joel HebrewAmos Amos Amos HebrewObadiah Obadiah Abdias Obadiah HebrewJonah Jonah Jonas Jonah HebrewMicah Micah Michaeas Micah HebrewNahum Nahum Nahum HebrewHabakkuk Habakkuk Habacuc Habakkuk HebrewZephaniah Zephaniah Sophonias Zephaniah HebrewHaggai Haggai Aggaeus Haggai HebrewZechariah Zechariah Zacharias Zechariah HebrewMalachi Malachi Malachias Malachi HebrewSeveral of the books in the Eastern Orthodox canon are also found in the appendix to the Latin Vulgate formerly the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church Books in the Appendix to the Vulgate BibleName in Vulgate Name in Eastern Orthodox use3 Esdras 1 Esdras4 Esdras 2 EsdrasPrayer of Manasseh Prayer of ManassehPsalm of David when he slew Goliath Psalm 151 Psalm 151Historicity EditFurther information Historicity of the Bible Hebrew Bible Old Testament Early scholarship Edit Some of the stories of the Pentateuch may derive from older sources American science writer Homer W Smith points out similarities between the Genesis creation narrative and that of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh such as the inclusion of the creation of the first man Adam Enkidu in the Garden of Eden a tree of knowledge a tree of life and a deceptive serpent 8 Scholars such as Andrew R George point out the similarity of the Genesis flood narrative and the Gilgamesh flood myth 9 u Similarities between the origin story of Moses and that of Sargon of Akkad were noted by psychoanalyst Otto Rank in 1909 13 and popularized by 20th century writers such as H G Wells and Joseph Campbell 14 15 Jacob Bronowski writes that the Bible is part folklore and part record History is written by the victors and the Israelis when they burst through Jericho c 1400 BC became the carriers of history 16 Recent scholarship Edit In 2007 a scholar of Judaism Lester L Grabbe explained that earlier biblical scholars such as Julius Wellhausen 1844 1918 could be described as maximalist accepting biblical text unless it has been disproven Continuing in this tradition both the substantial historicity of the patriarchs and the unified conquest of the land were widely accepted in the United States until about the 1970s Contrarily Grabbe says that those in his field now are all minimalists at least when it comes to the patriarchal period and the settlement V ery few are willing to operate as maximalists 17 Composition EditFurther information Composition of the Torah Dating the Bible and Documentary hypothesis The first five books Genesis Exodus Leviticus book of Numbers and Deuteronomy reached their present form in the Persian period 538 332 BC and their authors were the elite of exilic returnees who controlled the Temple at that time 18 The books of Joshua Judges Samuel and Kings follow forming a history of Israel from the Conquest of Canaan to the Siege of Jerusalem c 587 BC There is a broad consensus among scholars that these originated as a single work the so called Deuteronomistic History during the Babylonian exile of the 6th century BC 19 The two Books of Chronicles cover much the same material as the Pentateuch and Deuteronomistic history and probably date from the 4th century BC 20 Chronicles and Ezra Nehemiah was probably finished during the 3rd century BC 21 Catholic and Orthodox Old Testaments contain two Catholic Old Testament to four Orthodox Books of the Maccabees written in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC These history books make up around half the total content of the Old Testament Of the remainder the books of the various prophets Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel and the twelve minor prophets were written between the 8th and 6th centuries BC with the exceptions of Jonah and Daniel which were written much later 22 The wisdom books Job Proverbs Ecclesiastes Psalms Song of Songs have various dates Proverbs possibly was completed by the Hellenistic time 332 198 BC though containing much older material as well Job completed by the 6th century BC Ecclesiastes by the 3rd century BC 23 Themes EditThroughout the Old Testament God is consistently depicted as the one who created the world Although the God of the Old Testament is not consistently presented as the only God who exists he is always depicted as the only God whom Israel is to worship or the one true God that only Yahweh or YHWH is Almighty 24 The Old Testament stresses the special relationship between God and his chosen people Israel but includes instructions for proselytes as well This relationship is expressed in the biblical covenant contract 25 26 27 28 29 30 between the two received by Moses The law codes in books such as Exodus and especially Deuteronomy are the terms of the contract Israel swears faithfulness to God and God swears to be Israel s special protector and supporter 24 However The Jewish Study Bible denies that the word covenant brit in Hebrew means contract in the ancient Near East a covenant would have been sworn before the gods who would be its enforcers As God is part of the agreement and not merely witnessing it The Jewish Study Bible instead interprets the term to refer to a pledge 31 Further themes in the Old Testament include salvation redemption divine judgment obedience and disobedience faith and faithfulness among others Throughout there is a strong emphasis on ethics and ritual purity both of which God demands although some of the prophets and wisdom writers seem to question this arguing that God demands social justice above purity and perhaps does not even care about purity at all The Old Testament s moral code enjoins fairness intervention on behalf of the vulnerable and the duty of those in power to administer justice righteously It forbids murder bribery and corruption deceitful trading and many sexual misdemeanours All morality is traced back to God who is the source of all goodness 32 The problem of evil plays a large part in the Old Testament The problem the Old Testament authors faced was that a good God must have had just reason for bringing disaster meaning notably but not only the Babylonian exile upon his people The theme is played out with many variations in books as different as the histories of Kings and Chronicles the prophets like Ezekiel and Jeremiah and in the wisdom books like Job and Ecclesiastes 32 Formation EditMain article Biblical canon See also Development of the Hebrew Bible canon Development of the Old Testament canon Septuagint and Books of the Vulgate The interrelationship between various significant ancient manuscripts of the Old Testament according to the Encyclopaedia Biblica 1903 Some manuscripts are identified by their siglum LXX here denotes the original Septuagint The process by which scriptures became canons and Bibles was a long one and its complexities account for the many different Old Testaments which exist today Timothy H Lim a professor of Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Judaism at the University of Edinburgh identifies the Old Testament as a collection of authoritative texts of apparently divine origin that went through a human process of writing and editing 2 He states that it is not a magical book nor was it literally written by God and passed to mankind By about the 5th century BC Jews saw the five books of the Torah the Old Testament Pentateuch as having authoritative status by the 2nd century BC the Prophets had a similar status although without quite the same level of respect as the Torah beyond that the Jewish scriptures were fluid with different groups seeing authority in different books 33 Greek Edit See also Septuagint Hebrew texts began to be translated into Greek in Alexandria in about 280 and continued until about 130 BC 34 These early Greek translations supposedly commissioned by Ptolemy II Philadelphus were called the Septuagint Latin for Seventy from the supposed number of translators involved hence its abbreviation LXX This Septuagint remains the basis of the Old Testament in the Eastern Orthodox Church 35 It varies in many places from the Masoretic Text and includes numerous books no longer considered canonical in some traditions 1 and 2 Esdras Judith Tobit 3 and 4 Maccabees the Book of Wisdom Sirach and Baruch 36 Early modern biblical criticism typically explained these variations as intentional or ignorant corruptions by the Alexandrian scholars but most recent scholarship holds it is simply based on early source texts differing from those later used by the Masoretes in their work The Septuagint was originally used by Hellenized Jews whose knowledge of Greek was better than Hebrew However the texts came to be used predominantly by gentile converts to Christianity and by the early Church as its scripture Greek being the lingua franca of the early Church The three most acclaimed early interpreters were Aquila of Sinope Symmachus the Ebionite and Theodotion in his Hexapla Origen placed his edition of the Hebrew text beside its transcription in Greek letters and four parallel translations Aquila s Symmachus s the Septuagint s and Theodotion s The so called fifth and sixth editions were two other Greek translations supposedly miraculously discovered by students outside the towns of Jericho and Nicopolis these were added to Origen s Octapla 37 In 331 Constantine I commissioned Eusebius to deliver fifty Bibles for the Church of Constantinople Athanasius 38 recorded Alexandrian scribes around 340 preparing Bibles for Constans Little else is known though there is plenty of speculation For example it is speculated that this may have provided motivation for canon lists and that Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus are examples of these Bibles Together with the Peshitta and Codex Alexandrinus these are the earliest extant Christian Bibles 39 There is no evidence among the canons of the First Council of Nicaea of any determination on the canon However Jerome 347 420 in his Prologue to Judith claims that the Book of Judith was found by the Nicene Council to have been counted among the number of the Sacred Scriptures 40 Latin Edit See also Deuterocanonical books and Vulgate In Western Christianity or Christianity in the Western half of the Roman Empire Latin had displaced Greek as the common language of the early Christians and in 382 AD Pope Damasus I commissioned Jerome the leading scholar of the day to produce an updated Latin Bible to replace the Vetus Latina which was a Latin translation of the Septuagint Jerome s work called the Vulgate was a direct translation from Hebrew since he argued for the superiority of the Hebrew texts in correcting the Septuagint on both philological and theological grounds 41 His Vulgate Old Testament became the standard Bible used in the Western Church specifically as the Sixto Clementine Vulgate while the Churches in the East continued and continue to use the Septuagint 42 Jerome however in the Vulgate s prologues describes some portions of books in the Septuagint not found in the Hebrew Bible as being non canonical he called them apocrypha 43 for Baruch he mentions by name in his Prologue to Jeremiah and notes that it is neither read nor held among the Hebrews but does not explicitly call it apocryphal or not in the canon 44 The Synod of Hippo in 393 followed by the Council of Carthage 397 and the Council of Carthage 419 may be the first council that explicitly accepted the first canon which includes the books that did not appear in the Hebrew Bible 45 the councils were under significant influence of Augustine of Hippo who regarded the canon as already closed 46 Protestant canon Edit In the 16th century the Protestant reformers sided with Jerome yet although most Protestant Bibles now have only those books that appear in the Hebrew Bible the order is that of the Greek Bible 47 Rome then officially adopted a canon the Canon of Trent which is seen as following Augustine s Carthaginian Councils 48 or the Council of Rome 49 50 and includes most but not all of the Septuagint 3 Ezra and 3 and 4 Maccabees are excluded 51 the Anglicans after the English Civil War adopted a compromise position restoring the 39 Articles and keeping the extra books that were excluded by the Westminster Confession of Faith both for private study and for reading in churches but not for establishing any doctrine while Lutherans kept them for private study gathered in an appendix as biblical apocrypha 47 Other versions Edit While the Hebrew Greek and Latin versions of the Hebrew Bible are the best known Old Testaments there were others At much the same time as the Septuagint was being produced translations were being made into Aramaic the language of Jews living in Palestine and the Near East and likely the language of Jesus these are called the Aramaic Targums from a word meaning translation and were used to help Jewish congregations understand their scriptures 52 For Aramaic Christians there was a Syriac translation of the Hebrew Bible called the Peshitta as well as versions in Coptic the everyday language of Egypt in the first Christian centuries descended from ancient Egyptian Ethiopic for use in the Ethiopian church one of the oldest Christian churches Armenian Armenia was the first to adopt Christianity as its official religion and Arabic 52 Christian theology EditMain article Christian views on the Old Covenant Christianity is based on the belief that the historical Jesus is also the Christ as in the Confession of Peter This belief is in turn based on Jewish understandings of the meaning of the Hebrew term Messiah which like the Greek Christ means anointed In the Hebrew Scriptures it describes a king anointed with oil on his accession to the throne he becomes The LORD s anointed or Yahweh s Anointed By the time of Jesus some Jews expected that a flesh and blood descendant of David the Son of David would come to establish a real Jewish kingdom in Jerusalem instead of the Roman province of Judaea 53 Others stressed the Son of Man a distinctly other worldly figure who would appear as a judge at the end of time Some expounded a synthesised view of both positions where a messianic kingdom of this world would last for a set period and be followed by the other worldly age or World to Come Some who thought the Messiah was already present but unrecognised due to Israel s sins some who thought that the Messiah would be announced by a forerunner probably Elijah as promised by the prophet Malachi whose book now ends the Old Testament and precedes Mark s account of John the Baptist However no view of the Messiah as based on the Old Testament predicted a Messiah who would suffer and die for the sins of all people 53 The story of Jesus death therefore involved a profound shift in meaning from the Old Testament tradition 54 The name Old Testament reflects Christianity s understanding of itself as the fulfilment of Jeremiah s prophecy of a New Covenant which is similar to testament and often conflated to replace the existing covenant between God and Israel Jeremiah 31 31 55 1 The emphasis however has shifted from Judaism s understanding of the covenant as a racially or tribally based pledge between God and the Jewish people to one between God and any person of faith who is in Christ 56 See also EditAbrogation of Old Covenant laws Biblical and Quranic narratives Book of Job in Byzantine illuminated manuscripts Criticism of the Bible Expounding of the Law Genealogies of Genesis Law and Gospel List of ancient legal codes List of Hebrew Bible manuscripts Marcion of Sinope Non canonical books referenced in the Bible Quotations from the Hebrew Bible in the New TestamentExplanatory notes Edit Generally due to derivation from transliterations of names used in the Latin Vulgate in the case of Catholicism and from transliterations of the Greek Septuagint in the case of the Orthodox as opposed to the derivation of translations instead of transliterations of Hebrew titles such Ecclesiasticus DRC instead of Sirach LXX or Ben Sira Hebrew Paralipomenon Greek meaning things omitted instead of Chronicles Sophonias instead of Zephaniah Noe instead of Noah Henoch instead of Enoch Messias instead of Messiah Sion instead of Zion etc The foundational Thirty Nine Articles of Anglicanism in Article VI asserts these disputed books are not used to establish any doctrine but read for example of life Although the Biblical Apocrypha are still used in Anglican Liturgy 5 the modern trend is to not even print the Old Testament Apocrypha in editions of Anglican used Bibles The 24 books of the Hebrew Bible are the same as the 39 books of the Protestant Old Testament only divided and ordered differently the books of the Minor Prophets are in Christian Bibles twelve different books and in Hebrew Bibles one book called The Twelve Likewise Christian Bibles divide the Books of Kingdoms into four books either 1 2 Samuel and 1 2 Kings or 1 4 Kings Jewish Bibles divide these into two books The Jews likewise keep 1 2 Chronicles Paralipomenon as one book Ezra and Nehemiah are likewise combined in the Jewish Bible as they are in many Orthodox Bibles instead of divided into two books as per the Catholic and Protestant tradition a b c d e f g h i j k This book is part of the Ketuvim the third section of the Jewish canon There is a different order in Jewish canon than in Christian canon a b c d The books of Samuel and Kings are often called First through Fourth Kings in the Catholic tradition much like the Orthodox a b c d e f Names in parentheses are the Septuagint names and are often used by the Orthodox Christians a b c d e f g h i j k One of 11 deuterocanonical books in the Russian Synodal Bible 2 Esdras in the Russian Synodal Bible a b Some Eastern Orthodox churches follow the Septuagint and Hebrew Bibles by considering the books of Ezra and Nehemiah as one book 1 Esdras in the Russian Synodal Bible a b The Catholic and Orthodox Book of Esther includes 103 verses not in the Protestant Book of Esther a b The Latin Vulgate Douay Rheims and Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition place First and Second Maccabees after Malachi other Catholic translations place them after Esther 1 Maccabees is hypothesized by most scholars to have been originally written in Hebrew however if it was the original Hebrew has been lost The surviving Septuagint version is in Greek 6 In Greek Bibles 4 Maccabees is found in the appendix Eastern Orthodox churches include Psalm 151 and the Prayer of Manasseh not present in all canons Part of 2 Paralipomenon in the Russian Synodal Bible a b In Catholic Bibles Baruch includes a sixth chapter called the Letter of Jeremiah Baruch is not in the Protestant Bible or the Tanakh Eastern Orthodox Bibles have the books of Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah separate Hebrew minority view see Letter of Jeremiah for details a b In Catholic and Orthodox Bibles Daniel includes three sections not included in Protestant Bibles The Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Holy Children are included between Daniel 3 23 24 Susanna is included as Daniel 13 Bel and the Dragon is included as Daniel 14 These are not in the Protestant Old Testament The latter flood myth appears in a Babylonian copy dating to 700 BC 10 though many scholars believe that this was probably copied from the Akkadian Atra Hasis which dates to the 18th century BC 11 George points out that the modern version of the Epic of Gilgamesh was compiled by Sin leqi unninni who lived sometime between 1300 and 1000 BC 12 Citations Edit a b Jones 2000 p 215 a b Lim Timothy H 2005 The Dead Sea Scrolls A Very Short Introduction Oxford Oxford University Press p 41 Barton 2001 p 3 Boadt 1984 pp 11 15 16 The Apocrypha Bridge of the Testaments PDF Orthodox Anglican archived from the original PDF on 2009 02 05 Two of the hymns used in the American Prayer Book office of Morning Prayer the Benedictus es and Benedicite are taken from the Apocrypha One of the offertory sentences in Holy Communion comes from an apocryphal book Tob 4 8 9 Lessons from the Apocrypha are regularly appointed to be reason Sunday Sunday and the special services of Morning and Evening Prayer There are altogether 111 such lessons in the latest revised American Prayer Book Lectionary Books used are II Esdras Tobit Wisdom Ecclesiasticus Baruch Three Holy Children and I Maccabees Goldstein Jonathan A 1976 I Maccabees The Anchor Bible Series Garden City NY Doubleday p 14 ISBN 0 385 08533 8 Driver Samuel Rolles 1911 Bible In Chisholm Hugh ed Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol 3 11th ed Cambridge University Press pp 849 894 see page 853 third para Jeremiah were first written down in 604 B C by his friend and amanuensis Baruch and the roll thus formed must have formed the nucleus of the present book Some of the reports of Jeremiah s prophecies and especially the biographical narratives also probably have Baruch for their author But the chronological disorder of the book and other indications show that Baruch could not have been the compiler of the book Smith Homer W 1952 Man and His Gods New York Grosset amp Dunlap p 117 George A R 2003 The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic Introduction Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts Oxford University Press p 70 ISBN 978 0 19 927841 1 Cline Eric H 2007 From Eden to Exile Unraveling Mysteries of the Bible National Geographic pp 20 27 ISBN 978 1 4262 0084 7 Tigay Jeffrey H 2002 1982 The Evolution of the Gilgamesh Epic Bolchazy Carducci Publishers pp 23 218 224 238 ISBN 9780865165465 The Epic of Gilgamesh Translated by Andrew R George reprinted ed London Penguin Books 2003 1999 pp ii xxiv v ISBN 0 14 044919 1 Otto Rank 1914 The myth of the birth of the hero a psychological interpretation of mythology English translation by Drs F Robbins and Smith Ely Jelliffe New York The Journal of nervous and mental disease publishing company Wells H G 1961 1937 The Outline of History Volume 1 Doubleday pp 206 208 210 212 Campbell Joseph 1964 The Masks of God Vol 3 Occidental Mythology p 127 Bronowski Jacob 1990 1973 The Ascent of Man London BBC Books pp 72 73 77 ISBN 978 0 563 20900 3 Grabbe Lester L 2007 10 25 Some Recent Issues in the Study of the History of Israel Understanding the History of Ancient Israel British Academy pp 57 58 doi 10 5871 bacad 9780197264010 003 0005 ISBN 978 0 19 726401 0 Blenkinsopp 1998 p 184 Rogerson 2003 pp 153 54 Coggins 2003 p 282 Grabbe 2003 pp 213 14 Miller 1987 pp 10 11 Crenshaw 2010 p 5 a b Barton 2001 p 9 4 Covenant and Redemption It is a central point in many OT texts that the creator God YHWH is also in some sense Israel s special god who at some point in history entered into a relationship with his people that had something of the nature of a contract Classically this contract or covenant was entered into at Sinai and Moses was its mediator Coogan 2008 p 106 Ferguson 1996 p 2 Ska 2009 p 213 Berman 2006 p unpaginated At this juncture however God is entering into a treaty with the Israelites and hence the formal need within the written contract for the grace of the sovereign to be documented 30 30 Mendenhall and Herion Covenant p 1183 Levine 2001 p 46 Hayes 2006 Berlin amp Brettler 2014 p PT194 6 17 22 Further introduction and a pledge 18 This v records the first mention of the covenant brit in the Tanakh In the ancient Near East a covenant was an agreement that the parties swore before the gods and expected the gods to enforce In this case God is Himself a party to the covenant which is more like a pledge than an agreement or contract this was sometimes the case in the ancient Near East as well The covenant with Noah will receive longer treatment in 9 1 17 a b Barton 2001 p 10 Brettler 2005 p 274 Gentry 2008 p 302 Wurthwein 1995 Jones 2000 p 216 Cave William A complete history of the lives acts and martyrdoms of the holy apostles and the two evangelists St Mark and Luke Vol II Wiatt Philadelphia 1810 Retrieved 2013 02 06 Apol Const 4 The Canon Debate pp 414 15 for the entire paragraph Herbermann Charles ed 1913 Book of Judith Catholic Encyclopedia New York Robert Appleton Company Canonicity the Synod of Nicaea is said to have accounted it as Sacred Scripture Praef in Lib No such declaration indeed is to be found in the Canons of Nicaea and it is uncertain whether St Jerome is referring to the use made of the book in the discussions of the council or whether he was misled by some spurious canons attributed to that council Rebenich S Jerome Routledge 2013 p 58 ISBN 9781134638444 Wurthwein 1995 pp 91 99 The Bible www thelatinlibrary com Kevin P Edgecomb Jerome s Prologue to Jeremiah archived from the original on 2013 12 31 retrieved 2015 11 30 McDonald amp Sanders editors of The Canon Debate 2002 chapter 5 The Septuagint The Bible of Hellenistic Judaism by Albert C Sundberg Jr page 72 Appendix D 2 note 19 Everett Ferguson Factors leading to the Selection and Closure of the New Testament Canon in The Canon Debate eds L M McDonald amp J A Sanders Hendrickson 2002 p 320 F F Bruce The Canon of Scripture Intervarsity Press 1988 p 230 cf Augustine De Civitate Dei 22 8 a b Barton 1997 pp 80 81 Philip Schaff Chapter IX Theological Controversies and Development of the Ecumenical Orthodoxy History of the Christian Church CCEL Lindberg 2006 A Brief History of Christianity Blackwell Publishing p 15 F L Cross E A Livingstone ed 1983 The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church 2nd ed Oxford University Press p 232 Soggin 1987 p 19 a b Wurthwein 1995 pp 79 90 100 4 a b Farmer 1991 pp 570 71 Juel 2000 pp 236 39 Jeremiah 31 31 Herion 2000 pp 291 92 General and cited references EditBandstra Barry L 2004 Reading the Old Testament an introduction to the Hebrew Bible Wadsworth ISBN 978 0 495 39105 0 Barton John 1997 How the Bible Came to Be Westminster John Knox Press ISBN 978 0 664 25785 9 2001 Introduction to the Old Testament in Muddiman John Barton John eds Bible Commentary Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 875500 5 Berlin Adele Brettler Marc Zvi eds 2014 10 17 The Jewish Study Bible Second Edition Oxford University Press p PT194 ISBN 978 0 19 939387 9 Berman Joshua A Summer 2006 God s Alliance with Man Azure Ideas for the Jewish Nation 25 ISSN 0793 6664 Retrieved 2019 10 31 Blenkinsopp Joseph 1998 The Pentateuch in Barton John ed The Cambridge companion to biblical interpretation Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 48593 7 Boadt Lawrence 1984 Reading the Old Testament an introduction Paulist Press ISBN 978 0 8091 2631 6 Brettler Marc Zvi 2005 How to read the Bible Jewish Publication Society ISBN 978 0 8276 1001 9 Bultman Christoph 2001 Deuteronomy in Barton John Muddiman John eds Oxford Bible Commentary Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 875500 5 Coggins Richard J 2003 1 and 2 Chronicles in Dunn James DG Rogerson John William eds Commentary on the Bible Eerdmans ISBN 978 0 8028 3711 0 Coogan Michael David 2008 11 01 A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament The Hebrew Bible in Its Context Oxford University Press p 106 ISBN 978 0 19 533272 8 Crenshaw James L 2010 Old Testament wisdom an introduction Westminster John Knox Press ISBN 978 0 664 23459 1 Davies GI 1998 Introduction to the Pentateuch in Barton John ed Oxford Bible Commentary Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 875500 5 Dines Jennifer M 2004 The Septuagint Continuum ISBN 978 0 567 08464 4 Farmer Ron 1991 Messiah Christ in Mills Watson E Bullard Roger Aubrey eds Mercer dictionary of the Bible Mercer University Press ISBN 978 0 86554 373 7 Ferguson Everett 1996 The Church of Christ A Biblical Ecclesiology for Today Wm B Eerdmans Publishing p 2 ISBN 978 0 8028 4189 6 Gentry Peter R 2008 Old Greek and Later Revisors in Sollamo Raija Voitila Anssi Jokiranta Jutta eds Scripture in transition Brill ISBN 978 90 04 16582 3 Grabbe Lester L 2003 Ezra in Dunn James DG Rogerson John William eds Commentary on the Bible Eerdmans ISBN 978 0 8028 3711 0 Hasel Gerhard F 1991 Old Testament theology basic issues in the current debate Eerdmans ISBN 978 0 8028 0537 9 Hayes Christine 2006 Introduction to the Old Testament Hebrew Bible Lecture 6 Transcript Open Yale Courses Retrieved 2019 10 31 Herion Gary A 2000 Covenant in Freedman David Noel ed Dictionary of the Bible Eerdmans ISBN 978 90 5356 503 2 Jobes Karen H Silva Moises 2005 Invitation to the Septuagint Baker Academic Jones Barry A 2000 Canon of the Old Testament in Freedman David Noel ed Dictionary of the Bible William B Eerdmans ISBN 978 90 5356 503 2 Juel Donald 2000 Christ in Freedman David Noel ed Dictionary of the Bible William B Eerdmans ISBN 978 90 5356 503 2 Levine Amy Jill 2001 Covenant and Law Part I Exodus 19 40 Leviticus Deuteronomy Lecture 10 PDF The Old Testament Course Guidebook The Great Courses p 46 Lim Timothy H 2005 The Dead Sea Scrolls A Very Short Introduction Oxford Oxford University Press McLay Tim 2003 The use of the Septuagint in New Testament research Eerdmans ISBN 978 0 8028 6091 0 Miller John W 2004 How the Bible came to be Paulist Press ISBN 978 0 8091 4183 8 Miller John W 1987 Meet the prophets a beginner s guide to the books of the biblical prophets Paulist Press ISBN 978 0 8091 2899 0 Miller Stephen R 1994 Daniel B amp H Publishing Group ISBN 978 0 8054 0118 9 Rogerson John W 2003 Deuteronomy in Dunn James DG Rogerson John William eds Commentary on the Bible Eerdmans ISBN 978 0 8028 3711 0 Sailhamer John H 1992 The Pentateuch As Narrative Zondervan ISBN 978 0 310 57421 7 Schniedewind William M 2004 How the Bible Became a Book Cambridge ISBN 978 0 521 53622 6 Ska Jean Louis 2009 The Exegesis of the Pentateuch Exegetical Studies and Basic Questions Mohr Siebeck p 213 ISBN 978 3 16 149905 0 Soggin J Alberto 1987 Introduction to the Old Testament Westminster John Knox Press ISBN 978 0 664 22156 0 Stuart Douglas 1987 Hosea Jonah Thomas Nelson ISBN 978 0 8499 0230 7 Wurthwein Ernst 1995 The text of the Old Testament an introduction to the Biblia Hebraica William B Eerdmans ISBN 978 0 8028 0788 5Further reading EditAnderson Bernhard Understanding the Old Testament ISBN 0 13 948399 3 Bahnsen Greg et al Five Views on Law and Gospel Grand Rapids Zondervan 1993 Berkowitz Ariel Berkowitz D vorah 2004 Torah Rediscovered 4th ed Shoreshim ISBN 978 0 9752914 0 5 Dever William G 2003 Who Were the Early Israelites Grand Rapids Michigan William B Eerdmans ISBN 978 0 8028 0975 9 Driver Samuel Rolles 1911 Bible In Chisholm Hugh ed Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol 3 11th ed Cambridge University Press pp 849 894 Hill Andrew Walton John 2000 A Survey of the Old Testament 2nd ed Grand Rapids Zondervan ISBN 978 0 310 22903 2 Kuntz John Kenneth 1974 The People of Ancient Israel an introduction to Old Testament Literature History and Thought Harper amp Row ISBN 978 0 06 043822 7 Lancaster D Thomas 2005 Restoration Returning the Torah of God to the Disciples of Jesus Littleton First Fruits of Zion Papadaki Oekland Stella 2009 Byzantine Illuminated Manuscripts of the Book of Job ISBN 978 2 503 53232 5 von Rad Gerhard 1982 1984 Theologie des Alten Testaments Theology of the Old Testament in German vol Band 1 2 Munich Auflage Rouviere Jean Marc 2006 Breves meditations sur la Creation du monde Brief meditations on the creation of the World in French Paris L Harmattan Salibi Kamal 1985 The Bible Came from Arabia London Jonathan Cape ISBN 978 0 224 02830 1 Schmid Konrad 2012 The Old Testament A Literary History Minneapolis Fortress ISBN 978 0 8006 9775 4 Silberman Neil A et al 2003 The Bible Unearthed New York Simon amp Schuster ISBN 978 0 684 86912 4 hardback ISBN 0 684 86913 6 paperback Sprinkle Joseph Joe M 2006 Biblical Law and Its Relevance A Christian Understanding and Ethical Application for Today of the Mosaic Regulations Lanham Maryland University Press of America ISBN 978 0 7618 3371 0 clothbound and ISBN 0 7618 3372 2 paperback External links Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Old Testament Bible gateway Full texts of the Old and New Testaments including the full Roman and Orthodox Catholic canons Early Jewish Writings archived from the original on 2018 09 24 retrieved 2018 09 29 Tanakh Old Testament Ecritures La feuille d Olivier archived from the original on 2010 12 07 Protestant Old Testament on a single page Old Testament Reading Room Canada Tyndale Seminary Extensive online Old Testament resources including commentaries Introduction to the Old Testament Hebrew Bible Yale University Old Testament Encyclopedia com The Columbia Encyclopedia 6th ed Bible X10 host Old Testament stories and commentary Tanakh ML parallel Bible Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia and the King James Version Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Old Testament amp oldid 1136967443, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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