
Book of Job

The Book of Job (/b/; Biblical Hebrew: אִיּוֹב, romanized: ʾĪyyōḇ), or simply Job, is a book found in the Ketuvim ("Writings") section of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) and the first of the Poetic Books in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.[1] Scholars generally agree that it was written between the 7th and 3rd centuries BCE.[2] It addresses theodicy (why God permits evil in the world) through the experiences of the eponymous protagonist.[3] Job is a wealthy and God-fearing man with a comfortable life and a large family. God asks Satan (הַשָּׂטָן, haśśāṭān, 'lit.'the adversary'') for his opinion of Job's piety. When Satan states that Job would turn away from God if he were rendered penniless, without his family, and materially uncomfortable, God allows him to do so. The rest of the book deals with Job successfully defending himself against his unsympathetic friends, whom God admonishes, and God's sovereignty over nature.

Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 3522: dated to the 1st century AD, it contains part of Job 42 translated into Greek.

Structure edit

A scroll of the Book of Job, in Hebrew

The Book of Job consists of a prose prologue and epilogue narrative framing poetic dialogues and monologues.[4] It is common to view the narrative frame as the original core of the book, enlarged later by the poetic dialogues and discourses, and sections of the book such as the Elihu speeches and the wisdom poem of chapter 28 as late insertions, but recent trends have tended to concentrate on the book's underlying editorial unity.[5]

  1. Prologue: in two scenes, the first on Earth, the second in Heaven[6]
  2. Job's opening monologue:[7] seen by some scholars as a bridge between the prologue and the dialogues and by others as the beginning of the dialogues[8] and three cycles of dialogues between Job and his three friends[9] – the third cycle is not complete, the expected speech of Zophar being replaced by the wisdom poem of chapter 28.[10]
  3. Three monologues:
  4. Two speeches by God,[22] with Job's responses
  5. Epilogue – Job's restoration[23]

Contents edit

Job's Tormentors from William Blake's Illustrations for the Book of Job

Prologue on Earth and in Heaven edit

In chapter 1, the prologue on Earth introduces Job as a righteous man, blessed with wealth, sons, and daughters, who lives in the land of Uz. The scene then shifts to Heaven, where God asks Satan (Biblical Hebrew: הַשָּׂטָן, romanized: haśśāṭān, lit.'the adversary') for his opinion of Job's piety. Satan accuses Job of being pious only because he believes God is responsible for his happiness; if God were to take away everything that Job has, then he would surely curse God.[24]

God gives Satan permission to strip Job of his wealth and kill his children and servants, but Job nonetheless praises God: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there; the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."[25] In chapter 2, God further allows Satan to afflict Job's body with disfiguring and painful boils. As Job sits in the ashes of his former estate, his wife prompts him to "curse God, and die", but Job answers: "Shall we receive good from God and shall we not receive evil?"[26]

Job's opening monologue and dialogues between Job and his three friends edit

In chapter 3, "instead of cursing God",[27] Job laments the night of his conception and the day of his birth; he longs for death, "but it does not come".[28] His three friends, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite, visit him, accuse him of committing sin and tell him that his suffering was deserved as a result. Job responds with scorn: his interlocutors are "miserable comforters".[29] Since a just God would not treat him so harshly, patience in suffering is impossible, and the Creator should not take his creatures so lightly, to come against them with such force.[30]

Job's responses represent one of the most radical restatements of Israelite theology in the Hebrew Bible.[31] He moves away from the pious attitude shown in the prologue, and begins to berate God for the disproportionate wrath against him. He sees God as, among others, intrusive and suffocating;[32] unforgiving and obsessed with destroying a human target;[33] angry;[34] fixated on punishment;[35] and hostile and destructive.[36] He then shifts his focus from the injustice that he himself suffers to God's governance of the world. He suggests that the wicked have taken advantage of the needy and the helpless, who remain in significant hardship, but God does nothing to punish them.[37]

Three monologues: Poem to Wisdom, Job's closing monologue, and Elihu's speeches edit

Job and His Friends by Ilya Repin (1869)

The dialogues of Job and his friends are followed by a poem (the "hymn to wisdom") on the inaccessibility of wisdom: "Where is wisdom to be found?" it asks, and concludes that it has been hidden from man (chapter 28).[38] Job contrasts his previous fortune with his present plight, an outcast, mocked and in pain. He protests his innocence, lists the principles he has lived by, and demands that God answer him.[39]

Elihu (a character not previously mentioned) occupies chapters 32 to 37, intervening to state that wisdom comes from God, who reveals it through dreams and visions to those who will then declare their knowledge.[38]

Two speeches by God edit

From chapter 38, God speaks from a whirlwind.[40] God's speeches neither explain Job's suffering, nor defend divine justice, nor enter into the courtroom confrontation that Job has demanded, nor respond to his oath of innocence.[41] Instead God contrasts Job's weakness with divine wisdom and omnipotence: "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" Job makes a brief response, but God's monologue resumes, never addressing Job directly.[42]

In Job 42:1–6, Job makes his final response, confessing God's power and his own lack of knowledge "of things beyond me which I did not know". Previously he has only heard, but now his eyes have seen God, and therefore, he declares, "I retract and repent in dust and ashes".[43]

Epilogue edit

God tells Eliphaz that he and the two other friends "have not spoken of me what is right as my servant Job has done". The three (Elihu, the critic of Job and his friends, is not mentioned here) are told to make a burnt offering with Job as their intercessor, "for only to him will I show favour". Job is restored to health, riches and family, and lives to see his children to the fourth generation.[44]

Composition edit

Anonymous Byzantine illustration; the pre-incarnate Christ speaks to Job

Authorship, language, texts edit

The character Job appears in the 6th-century BCE Book of Ezekiel as an exemplary righteous man of antiquity, and the author of the Book of Job has apparently chosen this legendary hero for his parable.[45] Scholars generally agree that it was written between the 7th and 3rd centuries BCE, with the 6th century BCE as the most likely period for various reasons.[2][46] The anonymous author was almost certainly an Israelite, although the story is set outside Israel, in southern Edom or northern Arabia, and makes allusion to places as far apart as Mesopotamia and Egypt.[47] Despite the Israelite origins, it appears that the Book of Job was composed in a time where wisdom literature was common but not acceptable to Judean sensibilities (i.e. during the Babylonian exile and shortly after).[48]

The language of Job stands out for its conservative spelling and for its exceptionally large number of words and forms not found elsewhere in the Bible.[49] Many later scholars down to the 20th century looked for an Aramaic, Arabic or Edomite original, but a close analysis suggests that the foreign words and foreign-looking forms are literary affectations designed to lend authenticity to the book's distant setting and give it a foreign flavor.[47][50]

Modern revisions edit

Job exists in a number of forms: the Hebrew Masoretic Text, which underlies many modern Bible translations; the Greek Septuagint made in Egypt in the last centuries BCE; and Aramaic and Hebrew manuscripts found among the Dead Sea Scrolls.[51]

In the Latin Vulgate, the New Revised Standard Version and in Protestant Bibles, it is placed after the Book of Esther as the first of the poetic books.[1] In the Hebrew Bible it is located within the Ketuvim. John Hartley notes that in Sephardic manuscripts the texts are ordered as Psalms, Job, Proverbs but in Ashkenazic texts the order is Psalms, Proverbs, and then Job.[1] In the Catholic Jerusalem Bible it is described as the first of the "wisdom books" and follows the two books of the Maccabees.[52]

Job and the wisdom tradition edit

Job, Ecclesiastes and the Book of Proverbs belong to the genre of wisdom literature, sharing a perspective that they themselves call the "way of wisdom".[53] Wisdom means both a way of thinking and a body of knowledge gained through such thinking, as well as the ability to apply it to life. In its Biblical application in wisdom literature, it is seen as attainable in part through human effort and in part as a gift from God, but never in its entirety – except by God.[54]

The three books of wisdom literature share attitudes and assumptions but differ in their conclusions: Proverbs makes confident statements about the world and its workings that are flatly contradicted by Job and Ecclesiastes.[55] Wisdom literature from Sumeria and Babylonia can be dated to the third millennium BCE.[56] Several texts from ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt offer parallels to Job,[57] and while it is impossible to tell whether the author of Job was influenced by any of them, their existence suggests that the author was the recipient of a long tradition of reflection on the existence of inexplicable suffering.[58]

Themes edit

The Destruction of Leviathan by Gustave Doré (1865)

The Book of Job is an investigation of the problem of divine justice.[59] This problem, known in theology as the problem of evil or theodicy, can be rephrased as a question: "Why do the righteous suffer?"[3] The conventional answer in ancient Israel was that God rewards virtue and punishes sin (the principle known as "retributive justice").[60] This assumes a world in which human choices and actions are morally significant, but experience demonstrates that suffering is frequently unmerited.[61]

The biblical concept of righteousness was rooted in the covenant-making God who had ordered creation for communal well-being, and the righteous were those who invested in the community, showing special concern for the poor and needy (see Job's description of his life in chapter 31). Their antithesis were the wicked, who were selfish and greedy.[62] The Satan (or the Adversary) raises the question of whether there is such a thing as disinterested righteousness: if God rewards righteousness with prosperity, will men not act righteously from selfish motives? He asks God to test this by removing the prosperity of Job, the most righteous of all God's servants.[63]

The book begins with the frame narrative, giving the reader an omniscient "God's eye perspective" which introduces Job as a man of exemplary faith and piety, "blameless and upright", who "fears God" and "shuns evil".[64][65] The contrast between the frame and the poetic dialogues and monologues, in which Job never learns of the opening scenes in heaven or of the reason for his suffering, creates a sense of dramatic irony between the divine view of the Adversary's wager, and the human view of Job's suffering "without any reason" (2:3).[65]

In the poetic dialogues Job's friends see his suffering and assume he must be guilty, since God is just. Job, knowing he is innocent, concludes that God must be unjust.[66] He retains his piety throughout the story (contradicting the Adversary's suspicion that his righteousness is due to the expectation of reward), but makes clear from his first speech that he agrees with his friends that God should and does reward righteousness.[67] Elihu rejects the arguments of both parties: Job is wrong to accuse God of injustice, as God is greater than human beings, and nor are the friends correct; for suffering, far from being a punishment, may "rescue the afflicted from their affliction" and make them more amenable to revelation – literally, "open their ears" (Job 36:15).[68][66]

Chapter 28, the Poem (or Hymn) to Wisdom, introduces another theme, divine wisdom. The hymn does not place any emphasis on retributive justice, stressing instead the inaccessibility of wisdom.[69] Wisdom cannot be invented or purchased, it says; God alone knows the meaning of the world, and he grants it only to those who live in reverence before him.[70] God possesses wisdom because he grasps the complexities of the world (Job 28:24–26)[71] – a theme which looks forward to God's speech in chapters 38–41 with its repeated refrain "Where were you when...?"[72]

When God finally speaks he neither explains the reason for Job's suffering (revealed to the reader in the prologue in heaven) nor defends his justice. The first speech focuses on his role in maintaining order in the universe: the list of things that God does and Job cannot do demonstrates divine wisdom because order is the heart of wisdom. Job then confesses his lack of wisdom, meaning his lack of understanding of the workings of the cosmos and of the ability to maintain it. The second speech concerns God's role in controlling behemoth and leviathan, sometimes translated as the hippopotamus and crocodile, but more probably representing primeval cosmic creatures, in either case demonstrating God's wisdom and power.[73]

Job's reply to God's final speech is longer than his first and more complicated. The usual view is that he admits to being wrong to challenge God and now repents "in dust and ashes" (Job 42:6),[74] but the Hebrew is difficult, and an alternative understanding is that Job says he was wrong to repent and mourn and does not retract any of his arguments.[75] In the concluding part of the frame narrative God restores and increases his prosperity, indicating that the divine policy on retributive justice remains unchanged.[76]

Influence and interpretation edit

History of interpretation edit

A carved wooden figure of Job. Probably from Germany, 1750–1850 CE. The Wellcome Collection, London

In the Second Temple period (500 BCE–70 CE), the character of Job began to be transformed into something more patient and steadfast, with his suffering a test of virtue and a vindication of righteousness for the glory of God.[77] The process of "sanctifying" Job began with the Greek Septuagint translation (c. 200 BCE) and was furthered in the apocryphal Testament of Job (1st century BCE–1st century CE), which makes him the hero of patience.[78] This reading pays little attention to the Job of the dialogue sections of the book,[79] but it was the tradition taken up by the Epistle of James in the New Testament, which presents Job as one whose patience and endurance should be emulated by believers (James 5:7–11).[80][81]

When Christians began interpreting Job 19:23–29[82] (verses concerning a "redeemer" who Job hopes can save him from God) as a prophecy of Christ,[83] the predominant Jewish view became "Job the blasphemer", with some rabbis even saying that he was rightly punished by God because he had stood by while Pharaoh massacred the innocent Jewish infants.[84][85]

Augustine of Hippo recorded that Job had prophesied the coming of Christ, and Pope Gregory I offered him as a model of right living worthy of respect. The medieval Jewish scholar Maimonides declared his story a parable, and the medieval Christian Thomas Aquinas wrote a detailed commentary declaring it true history. In the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther explained how Job's confession of sinfulness and worthlessness underlay his saintliness, and John Calvin's interpretation of Job demonstrated the doctrine of the resurrection and the ultimate certainty of divine justice.[86]

The contemporary movement known as creation theology, an ecological theology valuing the needs of all creation, interprets God's speeches in Job 38–41 to imply that his interests and actions are not exclusively focused on humankind.[87]

Liturgical use edit

Jewish liturgy does not use readings from the Book of Job in the manner of the Pentateuch, Prophets, or Five Megillot, although it is quoted at funerals and times of mourning. However, there are some Jews, particularly the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, who do hold public readings of Job on the Tisha B'Av fast (a day of mourning over the destruction of the First and Second Temples and other tragedies).[88] The cantillation signs for the large poetic section in the middle of the Book of Job differ from those of most of the biblical books, using a system shared with it only by Psalms and Proverbs.

The Eastern Orthodox Church reads from Job and Exodus during Holy Week. Exodus prepares for the understanding of Christ's exodus to his Father, of his fulfillment of the whole history of salvation; Job, the sufferer, is the Old Testament icon of Christ.

The Roman Catholic Church reads from Job during Matins in the first two weeks of September and in the Office of the Dead,[89] and in the revised Liturgy of the Hours Job is read during the Fifth, Twelfth, and Twenty Sixth Week in Ordinary Time.[90]

In the modern Roman Rite, the Book of Job is read during:

  • 5th and 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
  • Weekday Reading for the 26th Week in Ordinary Time - Year II Cycle
  • Ritual Masses for the Anointing of the Sick and Viaticum - First Reading options
  • Masses for the Dead - First Reading options

In music, art, literature, and film edit

Georges de La Tour, Job Mocked by his Wife

The Book of Job has been deeply influential in Western culture, to such an extent that no list could be more than representative. Musical settings from Job include Orlande de Lassus's 1565 cycle of motets, the Sacrae Lectiones Novem ex Propheta Iob, and George Frideric Handel's use of Job 19:25 ("I know that my redeemer liveth") as an aria in his 1741 oratorio Messiah.

Modern works based on the book include Ralph Vaughan Williams's Job: A Masque for Dancing; French composer Darius Milhaud's Cantata From Job; and Joseph Stein's Broadway interpretation Fiddler on the Roof, based on the Tevye the Dairyman stories by Sholem Aleichem. Neil Simon wrote God's Favorite, which is a modern retelling of the Book of Job. Breughel and Georges de La Tour depicted Job visited by his wife. William Blake produced an entire cycle of illustrations for the book. It was adapted for Australian radio in 1939.

Writers Job has inspired or influenced include[original research?] John Milton (Samson Agonistes); Dostoevsky (The Brothers Karamazov)[citation needed]; Alfred Döblin (Berlin Alexanderplatz); Franz Kafka (The Trial); Carl Jung (Answer to Job); Joseph Roth (Job); Bernard Malamud; and Elizabeth Brewster, whose book Footnotes to the Book of Job was a finalist[91] for the 1996 Governor General's Award for poetry in Canada. Archibald MacLeish's drama JB, one of the most prominent uses of the Book of Job in modern literature, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1959. Verses from the Book of Job 3:14 figure prominently in the plot of the film Mission: Impossible (1996).[92] Job's influence can also be seen in the Coen brothers' 2009 film, A Serious Man, which was nominated for two Academy Awards.[93]

Terrence Malick's 2011 film The Tree of Life, which won the Palme d'Or, is heavily influenced by the themes of the Book of Job, with the film starting with a quote from the beginning of God's speech to Job. The 2014 Indian Malayalam-language film Iyobinte Pusthakam (lit.'Book of Job') by Amal Neerad tells the story of a man who is losing everything in his life. "The Sire of Sorrow (Job's Sad Song)" is the final track on Joni Mitchell's 15th studio album, Turbulent Indigo.

The Russian film Leviathan also draws themes from the Book of Job.[94] In 2015 two Ukrainian composers Roman Grygoriv and Illia Razumeiko created the opera-requiem IYOV. The premiere of the opera was held on 21 September 2015 on the main stage of the international multidisciplinary festival Gogolfest.[95]

In the 3rd episode of the 15th season of ER, the lines of Job 3:23 are quoted by doctor Abby Lockhart shortly before she and her husband (Dr. Luka Covac) leave the series forever.[96]

In season two of Good Omens, the tale of Job and his struggles with good and evil are demonstrated and debated as the demon Crowley is sent to plague Job and his family by destroying his property and children, and the angel Aziraphale struggles with the implications of the actions of God.[97]

In the South Park episode Cartmanland, Kyle Broflovski, who is Jewish, experiences a major crisis of faith when his nemesis Eric Cartman inherits millions from his late grandmother and subsequently buys his own theme park, while Kyle is stricken with hemorrhoids. When trying to break into Cartman's park, he accidentally pops them and is in such pain that he is hospitalized. Tortured by how something so awful can happen to him, while someone like Cartman gets his own theme park, he concludes there is no God and renounces his faith. His parents try to cheer him up by reading from the Book of Job, which only serves to demoralize Kyle even more, who despairs at Job's horrific trials by God to prove a point to Satan. Nevertheless, Cartman eventually loses the park and is left with none of his inheritance, plus some additional debt brought on due to a failure to pay taxes and by a lawsuit following a fatality at his park. This turn of events lifts Kyle's spirits and even sends the hemorrhoids into remission, to which he joyously proclaims "You ARE up there!"[98]

In Islam and Arab folk tradition edit

Job (Arabic: ايوب, romanizedAyyub) is one of the 25 prophets mentioned by name in the Quran, where he is lauded as a steadfast and upright worshipper (Q.38:44). His story has the same basic outline as in the Bible, although the three friends are replaced by his brothers, and his wife stays by his side.[85][99]

In Palestinian folklore, Job's place of trial is Al-Jura, a village adjacent to the ruins of Ascalon. It was there that God rewarded him with a Fountain of Youth that removed whatever illnesses he had and restored his youth. Al-Jura was a place of annual festivities (four days in all) when people of many faiths gathered and bathed in a natural spring. In Lebanon the Muwahideen (or Druze) community have a shrine built in the Shouf area that allegedly contains Job's tomb. In Turkey, Job is known as Eyüp, and he is supposed to have lived in Şanlıurfa. There is also a tomb of Job outside the city of Salalah in Oman.[100]

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Chapter 28,[19] previously read as part of the speech of Job, is now regarded by most scholars as a separate interlude in the narrator's voice.

References edit

Citations edit

  1. ^ a b c Hartley 1988, p. 3.
  2. ^ a b Kugler & Hartin 2009, p. 193.
  3. ^ a b Lawson 2004, p. 11.
  4. ^ Bullock 2007, p. 87.
  5. ^ Walton 2008, p. 343.
  6. ^ Job 1–2
  7. ^ Job 3
  8. ^ a b Walton 2008, p. 333.
  9. ^ Job 4–27
  10. ^ Kugler & Hartin 2009, p. 191.
  11. ^ Job 4–7
  12. ^ Job 8–10
  13. ^ Job 12–14
  14. ^ Job 15–17
  15. ^ Job 18–19
  16. ^ Job 20–21
  17. ^ Job 22–24
  18. ^ Job 25–27
  19. ^ Job 28
  20. ^ Job 29–31
  21. ^ Job 32–37
  22. ^ Job 38:1–40:2 and Job 40:6–41:34 Job 42:7–8
  23. ^ Job 42:9–17
  24. ^ Job 1:21
  25. ^ Job 1:21
  26. ^ Job 2:9–10
  27. ^ Crenshaw, James L., 17. Job in Barton, J. and Muddiman, J. (2001), The Oxford Bible Commentary 22 November 2017 at the Wayback Machine, p. 335
  28. ^ Job 3:21
  29. ^ Job 16:2
  30. ^ Kugler & Hartin 2009, p. 190.
  31. ^ Clines, David J. A. (2004). "Job's God". Concilium. 2004 (4): 39–51.
  32. ^ Job 7:17–19
  33. ^ Job 7:20–21
  34. ^ Job 9:13; Job 14:13; Job 16:9; Job 19:11
  35. ^ Job 10:13–14
  36. ^ Job 16:11–14
  37. ^ Job 24:1–12
  38. ^ a b Seow 2013, pp. 33–34.
  39. ^ Sawyer 2013, p. 27.
  40. ^ Job 38:1
  41. ^ Walton 2008, p. 339.
  42. ^ Sawyer 2013, p. 28.
  43. ^ Habel 1985, p. 575.
  44. ^ Kugler & Hartin 2009, p. 33.
  45. ^ Fokkelman 2012, p. 20.
  46. ^ Hartley 1988, p. 18.
  47. ^ a b Seow 2013, p. 24.
  48. ^ Kugel, James L. (2008). How to Read the Bible: A Guide to Scripture, Then and Now. Free Press. ISBN 978-0743235877.
  49. ^ Seow 2013, p. 17-20.
  50. ^ Kugel 2012, p. 641.
  51. ^ Seow 2013, pp. 1–16.
  52. ^ Jerusalem Bible (1966), Introduction to the Wisdom Books, p. 723
  53. ^ Farmer 1998, p. 129.
  54. ^ Farmer 1998, pp. 129–30.
  55. ^ Farmer 1998, pp. 130–31.
  56. ^ Bullock 2007, p. 84.
  57. ^ Hartley 2008, p. 346.
  58. ^ Hartley 2008, p. 360.
  59. ^ Bullock 2007, p. 82.
  60. ^ Hooks 2006, p. 58.
  61. ^ Brueggemann 2002, p. 201.
  62. ^ Brueggemann 2002, pp. 177–78.
  63. ^ Walton 2008, pp. 336–37.
  64. ^ Hooks 2006, p. 57.
  65. ^ a b O'Dowd 2008, pp. 242–43.
  66. ^ a b Seow 2013, pp. 97–98.
  67. ^ Kugler & Hartin 2009, p. 194.
  68. ^ Job 36:15
  69. ^ Dell 2003, p. 356.
  70. ^ Hooks 2006, pp. 329–30.
  71. ^ Job 28:24–26
  72. ^ Fiddes 1996, p. 174.
  73. ^ Walton 2008, p. 338.
  74. ^ Job 42:6
  75. ^ Sawyer 2013, p. 34.
  76. ^ Walton 2008, pp. 338–39.
  77. ^ Seow 2013, p. 111.
  78. ^ Allen 2008, pp. 362–63.
  79. ^ Dell 1991, pp. 6–7.
  80. ^ James 5:7–11
  81. ^ Allen 2008, p. 362.
  82. ^ Job 19:23–29
  83. ^ Simonetti, Conti & Oden 2006, pp. 105–06.
  84. ^ Allen 2008, pp. 361–62.
  85. ^ a b Noegel & Wheeler 2010, p. 171.
  86. ^ Allen 2008, pp. 368–71.
  87. ^ Farmer 1998, p. 150.
  88. ^ The Connection Between Tisha B'Av and Sefer Iyov (Job) Orthodox Union
  89. ^ Dell 1991, p. 26.
  90. ^ Bergsma, John Sietze (2018). A Catholic introduction to the Bible. Volume 1, The Old Testament. Brant James Pitre. San Francisco. pp. 556–558. ISBN 978-1-58617-722-5. OCLC 950745091.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  91. ^ "Past GGBooks winners and finalists".
  92. ^ Burnette-Bletsch, Rhonda, ed. (2016). The Bible in Motion: A Handbook of the Bible and Its Reception in Film. Handbooks of the Bible and Its Reception (HBR). Vol. 2. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. p. 372. ISBN 9781614513261.
  93. ^ Tollerton, David (October 2011). "Job of Suburbia? A Serious Man and Viewer Perceptions of the Biblical Biblical". Journal of Religion & Film. 15 (2, Article 7). Omaha: University of Nebraska: 1–11.
  94. ^ Moss, Walter (16 June 2015). "What Does the Film Leviathan Tell Us about Putin's Russia and Its Past?". History News Network.
  95. ^ GogolFest. . Archived from the original on 2 February 2017. Retrieved 25 January 2017.
  96. ^ . Archived from the original on 23 March 2022. Retrieved 23 March 2022.
  97. ^ "David Tennant, Michael Sheen Continue to Elevate Quality of Good Omens 2 | TV/Streaming | Roger Ebert".
  98. ^ South Park, Season 5, Episode 6, "Cartmanland". Directed and written by Trey Parker.
  99. ^ Wheeler 2002, p. 8.
  100. ^ Gray, Martin. "Tomb of Prophet Job, Salalah". World Pilgrimage Guide. Retrieved 3 August 2021.

Sources edit

  • Allen, J. (2008). "Job III: History of Interpretation". In Longman, Tremper; Enns, Peter (eds.). Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry & Writings. InterVarsity Press. ISBN 978-0-83081783-2.
  • Blenkinsopp, Joseph (1996). A History of Prophecy in Israel. Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN 978-0-66425639-5.
  • Brueggemann, Walter (2002). Reverberations of Faith: A Theological Handbook of Old Testament Themes. Westminster John Knox. ISBN 978-0-66422231-4.
  • Bullock, C. Hassell (2007). An Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic Books. Moody Publishers. ISBN 978-1-57567450-6.
  • Burnight, John (September 2021). Shepherd, David; Tiemeyer, Lena-Sofia (eds.). "Is Eliphaz a false prophet? The vision in Job 4.12–21". Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. 46 (1). SAGE Publications: 96–116. doi:10.1177/03090892211001404. ISSN 1476-6728. S2CID 238412522.
  • Dell, Katharine J. (2003). "Job". In Dunn, James D. G.; Rogerson, John William (eds.). Eerdmans Bible Commentary. Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-80283711-0.
  • Dell, Katherine J. (1991). The Book of Job as Sceptical Literature. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-085873-0. OCLC 857769510.
  • Farmer, Kathleen A. (1998). "The Wisdom Books". In McKenzie, Steven L.; Graham, Matt Patrick (eds.). The Hebrew Bible Today: An Introduction to Critical Issues. Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN 9780664256524.
  • Fiddes, Paul (1996). "'Where Shall Wisdom be Found?' Job 28 as a Riddle for Ancient and Modern Readers". In Barton, John; Reimer, David (eds.). After the Exile: Essays in Honour of Rex Mason. Mercer University Press. ISBN 978-0-86554524-3.
  • Fokkelman, J.P. (2012). The Book of Job in Form: A Literary Translation with Commentary. BRILL. ISBN 978-9-0042-3158-0.
  • Hartley, John E. (1988). The Book of Job. Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-8028-2528-5.
  • Hartley, John E. (2008). "Job II: Ancient Near Eastern Background". In Longman, Tremper; Enns, Peter (eds.). Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry & Writings. InterVarsity Press. ISBN 978-0-8308-1783-2.
  • Habel, Norman C (1985). The Book of Job: A Commentary. Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN 978-0-6642-2218-5.
  • Hooks, Stephen M. (2006). Job. College Press. ISBN 978-0-8990-0886-8.
  • Joyce, Paul M. (2009). Ezekiel: A Commentary. Continuum. ISBN 9780567483614.
  • Kugel, James L. (2012). How to Read the Bible: A Guide to Scripture, Then and Now. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-1-4516-8909-9.
  • Kugler, Robert; Hartin, Patrick J. (2009). An Introduction to the Bible. Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-8028-4636-5.
  • Lawson, Steven J. (2004). Job. B&H Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-8054-9470-9.
  • Murphy, Roland Edmund (2002). The Tree of Life: An Exploration of Biblical Wisdom Literature. Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-8028-3965-7.
  • Noegel, Scott B.; Wheeler, Brannon M. (2010). The A to Z of Prophets in Islam and Judaism. Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-1-4617-1895-6.
  • O'Dowd, R. (2008). "Frame Narrative". In Longman, Tremper; Enns, Peter (eds.). Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry & Writings. InterVarsity Press. ISBN 978-0-8308-1783-2.
  • Pihlström, Sami (2015). "Chapter 5. The Problem of Evil and Pragmatic Recognition". In Skowroński, Krzysztof Piotr (ed.). Practicing Philosophy as Experiencing Life. Essays on American Pragmatism. Leiden: Brill. pp. 77–101. doi:10.1163/9789004301993_006. hdl:10138/176976. ISBN 978-9-0043-0199-3.. Docx extract[permanent dead link].
  • Sawyer, John F.A. (2013). "Job". In Lieb, Michael; Mason, Emma; Roberts, Jonathan (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of the Reception History of the Bible. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-1992-0454-0.
  • Seow, C.L. (2013). Job 1–21: Interpretation and Commentary. Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-8028-4895-6.
  • Simonetti, Manlio; Conti, Marco; Oden, Thomas C. (2006). Job. InterVarsity Press. ISBN 9780830814763.
  • Vicchio, Stephen J. (2020). The Book of Job: A History of Interpretation and a Commentary. Wipf & Stock. ISBN 978-1-7252-5726-9.
  • Walsh, Jerome T (2001). Style and structure in Biblical Hebrew narrative. Liturgical Press. ISBN 9780814658970.
  • Walton, J.H. (2008). "Job I: Book of". In Longman, Tremper; Enns, Peter (eds.). Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry & Writings. InterVarsity Press. ISBN 9780830817832.
  • Wheeler, Brannon M. (18 June 2002). Prophets in the Quran: An Introduction to the Quran and Muslim Exegesis. A&C Black. ISBN 978-0-8264-4957-3.
  • Wilson, Gerald H. (2012). Job. Baker Books. ISBN 978-1-44123839-9.
  • Wollaston, Isabell (2013). "Post-Holocaust Interpretations of Job". In Lieb, Michael; Mason, Emma; Roberts, Jonathan (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of the Reception History of the Bible. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19967039-0.

Further reading edit

  • Michael Wise, Martin Abegg Jr, and Edward Cook (1996), The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation, Harper San Francisco paperback 1999, ISBN 0-06-069201-4 (contains the non-biblical portion of the scrolls)
  • Stella Papadaki-Oekland, Byzantine Illuminated Manuscripts of the Book of Job, ISBN 2-503-53232-2

External links edit

  • Sephardic Cantillations for the Book of Job by David M. Betesh and the Sephardic Pizmonim Project
  • Translations of The Book of Job at BibleGateway.com
  • Hebrew and English Parallel and Complete Text of the Book of Job 16 October 2011 at the Wayback Machine English Translation is the 1917 Old JPS
  • at the Wayback Machine (archived 6 September 2015)
  •   Bible: Job public domain audiobook at LibriVox

book, indian, film, also, known, iyobinte, pustakam, biblical, hebrew, romanized, ʾĪyyōḇ, simply, book, found, ketuvim, writings, section, hebrew, bible, tanakh, first, poetic, books, testament, christian, bible, scholars, generally, agree, that, written, betw. For the Indian film also known as Book of Job see Iyobinte Pustakam The Book of Job dʒ oʊ b Biblical Hebrew א י ו ב romanized ʾiyyōḇ or simply Job is a book found in the Ketuvim Writings section of the Hebrew Bible Tanakh and the first of the Poetic Books in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible 1 Scholars generally agree that it was written between the 7th and 3rd centuries BCE 2 It addresses theodicy why God permits evil in the world through the experiences of the eponymous protagonist 3 Job is a wealthy and God fearing man with a comfortable life and a large family God asks Satan ה ש ט ן hassaṭan lit the adversary for his opinion of Job s piety When Satan states that Job would turn away from God if he were rendered penniless without his family and materially uncomfortable God allows him to do so The rest of the book deals with Job successfully defending himself against his unsympathetic friends whom God admonishes and God s sovereignty over nature Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 3522 dated to the 1st century AD it contains part of Job 42 translated into Greek Contents 1 Structure 2 Contents 2 1 Prologue on Earth and in Heaven 2 2 Job s opening monologue and dialogues between Job and his three friends 2 3 Three monologues Poem to Wisdom Job s closing monologue and Elihu s speeches 2 4 Two speeches by God 2 5 Epilogue 3 Composition 3 1 Authorship language texts 3 2 Modern revisions 3 3 Job and the wisdom tradition 4 Themes 5 Influence and interpretation 5 1 History of interpretation 5 2 Liturgical use 5 3 In music art literature and film 5 4 In Islam and Arab folk tradition 6 See also 7 Notes 8 References 8 1 Citations 8 2 Sources 9 Further reading 10 External linksStructure edit nbsp A scroll of the Book of Job in HebrewThe Book of Job consists of a prose prologue and epilogue narrative framing poetic dialogues and monologues 4 It is common to view the narrative frame as the original core of the book enlarged later by the poetic dialogues and discourses and sections of the book such as the Elihu speeches and the wisdom poem of chapter 28 as late insertions but recent trends have tended to concentrate on the book s underlying editorial unity 5 Prologue in two scenes the first on Earth the second in Heaven 6 Job s opening monologue 7 seen by some scholars as a bridge between the prologue and the dialogues and by others as the beginning of the dialogues 8 and three cycles of dialogues between Job and his three friends 9 the third cycle is not complete the expected speech of Zophar being replaced by the wisdom poem of chapter 28 10 First cycle Eliphaz and Job s response 11 Bildad and Job 12 Zophar and Job 13 Second cycle Eliphaz and Job 14 Bildad and Job 15 Zophar and Job 16 Third cycle Eliphaz and Job 17 Bildad and Job 18 Three monologues A Poem to Wisdom a 8 Job s closing monologue 20 and Elihu s speeches 21 Two speeches by God 22 with Job s responses Epilogue Job s restoration 23 Contents edit nbsp Job s Tormentors from William Blake s Illustrations for the Book of JobPrologue on Earth and in Heaven edit In chapter 1 the prologue on Earth introduces Job as a righteous man blessed with wealth sons and daughters who lives in the land of Uz The scene then shifts to Heaven where God asks Satan Biblical Hebrew ה ש ט ן romanized hassaṭan lit the adversary for his opinion of Job s piety Satan accuses Job of being pious only because he believes God is responsible for his happiness if God were to take away everything that Job has then he would surely curse God 24 God gives Satan permission to strip Job of his wealth and kill his children and servants but Job nonetheless praises God Naked I came from my mother s womb and naked shall I return there the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord 25 In chapter 2 God further allows Satan to afflict Job s body with disfiguring and painful boils As Job sits in the ashes of his former estate his wife prompts him to curse God and die but Job answers Shall we receive good from God and shall we not receive evil 26 Job s opening monologue and dialogues between Job and his three friends edit In chapter 3 instead of cursing God 27 Job laments the night of his conception and the day of his birth he longs for death but it does not come 28 His three friends Eliphaz the Temanite Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite visit him accuse him of committing sin and tell him that his suffering was deserved as a result Job responds with scorn his interlocutors are miserable comforters 29 Since a just God would not treat him so harshly patience in suffering is impossible and the Creator should not take his creatures so lightly to come against them with such force 30 Job s responses represent one of the most radical restatements of Israelite theology in the Hebrew Bible 31 He moves away from the pious attitude shown in the prologue and begins to berate God for the disproportionate wrath against him He sees God as among others intrusive and suffocating 32 unforgiving and obsessed with destroying a human target 33 angry 34 fixated on punishment 35 and hostile and destructive 36 He then shifts his focus from the injustice that he himself suffers to God s governance of the world He suggests that the wicked have taken advantage of the needy and the helpless who remain in significant hardship but God does nothing to punish them 37 Three monologues Poem to Wisdom Job s closing monologue and Elihu s speeches edit nbsp Job and His Friends by Ilya Repin 1869 The dialogues of Job and his friends are followed by a poem the hymn to wisdom on the inaccessibility of wisdom Where is wisdom to be found it asks and concludes that it has been hidden from man chapter 28 38 Job contrasts his previous fortune with his present plight an outcast mocked and in pain He protests his innocence lists the principles he has lived by and demands that God answer him 39 Elihu a character not previously mentioned occupies chapters 32 to 37 intervening to state that wisdom comes from God who reveals it through dreams and visions to those who will then declare their knowledge 38 Two speeches by God edit From chapter 38 God speaks from a whirlwind 40 God s speeches neither explain Job s suffering nor defend divine justice nor enter into the courtroom confrontation that Job has demanded nor respond to his oath of innocence 41 Instead God contrasts Job s weakness with divine wisdom and omnipotence Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth Job makes a brief response but God s monologue resumes never addressing Job directly 42 In Job 42 1 6 Job makes his final response confessing God s power and his own lack of knowledge of things beyond me which I did not know Previously he has only heard but now his eyes have seen God and therefore he declares I retract and repent in dust and ashes 43 Epilogue edit God tells Eliphaz that he and the two other friends have not spoken of me what is right as my servant Job has done The three Elihu the critic of Job and his friends is not mentioned here are told to make a burnt offering with Job as their intercessor for only to him will I show favour Job is restored to health riches and family and lives to see his children to the fourth generation 44 Composition edit nbsp Anonymous Byzantine illustration the pre incarnate Christ speaks to JobAuthorship language texts edit The character Job appears in the 6th century BCE Book of Ezekiel as an exemplary righteous man of antiquity and the author of the Book of Job has apparently chosen this legendary hero for his parable 45 Scholars generally agree that it was written between the 7th and 3rd centuries BCE with the 6th century BCE as the most likely period for various reasons 2 46 The anonymous author was almost certainly an Israelite although the story is set outside Israel in southern Edom or northern Arabia and makes allusion to places as far apart as Mesopotamia and Egypt 47 Despite the Israelite origins it appears that the Book of Job was composed in a time where wisdom literature was common but not acceptable to Judean sensibilities i e during the Babylonian exile and shortly after 48 The language of Job stands out for its conservative spelling and for its exceptionally large number of words and forms not found elsewhere in the Bible 49 Many later scholars down to the 20th century looked for an Aramaic Arabic or Edomite original but a close analysis suggests that the foreign words and foreign looking forms are literary affectations designed to lend authenticity to the book s distant setting and give it a foreign flavor 47 50 Modern revisions edit Job exists in a number of forms the Hebrew Masoretic Text which underlies many modern Bible translations the Greek Septuagint made in Egypt in the last centuries BCE and Aramaic and Hebrew manuscripts found among the Dead Sea Scrolls 51 In the Latin Vulgate the New Revised Standard Version and in Protestant Bibles it is placed after the Book of Esther as the first of the poetic books 1 In the Hebrew Bible it is located within the Ketuvim John Hartley notes that in Sephardic manuscripts the texts are ordered as Psalms Job Proverbs but in Ashkenazic texts the order is Psalms Proverbs and then Job 1 In the Catholic Jerusalem Bible it is described as the first of the wisdom books and follows the two books of the Maccabees 52 Job and the wisdom tradition edit Job Ecclesiastes and the Book of Proverbs belong to the genre of wisdom literature sharing a perspective that they themselves call the way of wisdom 53 Wisdom means both a way of thinking and a body of knowledge gained through such thinking as well as the ability to apply it to life In its Biblical application in wisdom literature it is seen as attainable in part through human effort and in part as a gift from God but never in its entirety except by God 54 The three books of wisdom literature share attitudes and assumptions but differ in their conclusions Proverbs makes confident statements about the world and its workings that are flatly contradicted by Job and Ecclesiastes 55 Wisdom literature from Sumeria and Babylonia can be dated to the third millennium BCE 56 Several texts from ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt offer parallels to Job 57 and while it is impossible to tell whether the author of Job was influenced by any of them their existence suggests that the author was the recipient of a long tradition of reflection on the existence of inexplicable suffering 58 Themes edit nbsp The Destruction of Leviathan by Gustave Dore 1865 The Book of Job is an investigation of the problem of divine justice 59 This problem known in theology as the problem of evil or theodicy can be rephrased as a question Why do the righteous suffer 3 The conventional answer in ancient Israel was that God rewards virtue and punishes sin the principle known as retributive justice 60 This assumes a world in which human choices and actions are morally significant but experience demonstrates that suffering is frequently unmerited 61 The biblical concept of righteousness was rooted in the covenant making God who had ordered creation for communal well being and the righteous were those who invested in the community showing special concern for the poor and needy see Job s description of his life in chapter 31 Their antithesis were the wicked who were selfish and greedy 62 The Satan or the Adversary raises the question of whether there is such a thing as disinterested righteousness if God rewards righteousness with prosperity will men not act righteously from selfish motives He asks God to test this by removing the prosperity of Job the most righteous of all God s servants 63 The book begins with the frame narrative giving the reader an omniscient God s eye perspective which introduces Job as a man of exemplary faith and piety blameless and upright who fears God and shuns evil 64 65 The contrast between the frame and the poetic dialogues and monologues in which Job never learns of the opening scenes in heaven or of the reason for his suffering creates a sense of dramatic irony between the divine view of the Adversary s wager and the human view of Job s suffering without any reason 2 3 65 In the poetic dialogues Job s friends see his suffering and assume he must be guilty since God is just Job knowing he is innocent concludes that God must be unjust 66 He retains his piety throughout the story contradicting the Adversary s suspicion that his righteousness is due to the expectation of reward but makes clear from his first speech that he agrees with his friends that God should and does reward righteousness 67 Elihu rejects the arguments of both parties Job is wrong to accuse God of injustice as God is greater than human beings and nor are the friends correct for suffering far from being a punishment may rescue the afflicted from their affliction and make them more amenable to revelation literally open their ears Job 36 15 68 66 Chapter 28 the Poem or Hymn to Wisdom introduces another theme divine wisdom The hymn does not place any emphasis on retributive justice stressing instead the inaccessibility of wisdom 69 Wisdom cannot be invented or purchased it says God alone knows the meaning of the world and he grants it only to those who live in reverence before him 70 God possesses wisdom because he grasps the complexities of the world Job 28 24 26 71 a theme which looks forward to God s speech in chapters 38 41 with its repeated refrain Where were you when 72 When God finally speaks he neither explains the reason for Job s suffering revealed to the reader in the prologue in heaven nor defends his justice The first speech focuses on his role in maintaining order in the universe the list of things that God does and Job cannot do demonstrates divine wisdom because order is the heart of wisdom Job then confesses his lack of wisdom meaning his lack of understanding of the workings of the cosmos and of the ability to maintain it The second speech concerns God s role in controlling behemoth and leviathan sometimes translated as the hippopotamus and crocodile but more probably representing primeval cosmic creatures in either case demonstrating God s wisdom and power 73 Job s reply to God s final speech is longer than his first and more complicated The usual view is that he admits to being wrong to challenge God and now repents in dust and ashes Job 42 6 74 but the Hebrew is difficult and an alternative understanding is that Job says he was wrong to repent and mourn and does not retract any of his arguments 75 In the concluding part of the frame narrative God restores and increases his prosperity indicating that the divine policy on retributive justice remains unchanged 76 Influence and interpretation editHistory of interpretation edit nbsp A carved wooden figure of Job Probably from Germany 1750 1850 CE The Wellcome Collection LondonIn the Second Temple period 500 BCE 70 CE the character of Job began to be transformed into something more patient and steadfast with his suffering a test of virtue and a vindication of righteousness for the glory of God 77 The process of sanctifying Job began with the Greek Septuagint translation c 200 BCE and was furthered in the apocryphal Testament of Job 1st century BCE 1st century CE which makes him the hero of patience 78 This reading pays little attention to the Job of the dialogue sections of the book 79 but it was the tradition taken up by the Epistle of James in the New Testament which presents Job as one whose patience and endurance should be emulated by believers James 5 7 11 80 81 When Christians began interpreting Job 19 23 29 82 verses concerning a redeemer who Job hopes can save him from God as a prophecy of Christ 83 the predominant Jewish view became Job the blasphemer with some rabbis even saying that he was rightly punished by God because he had stood by while Pharaoh massacred the innocent Jewish infants 84 85 Augustine of Hippo recorded that Job had prophesied the coming of Christ and Pope Gregory I offered him as a model of right living worthy of respect The medieval Jewish scholar Maimonides declared his story a parable and the medieval Christian Thomas Aquinas wrote a detailed commentary declaring it true history In the Protestant Reformation Martin Luther explained how Job s confession of sinfulness and worthlessness underlay his saintliness and John Calvin s interpretation of Job demonstrated the doctrine of the resurrection and the ultimate certainty of divine justice 86 The contemporary movement known as creation theology an ecological theology valuing the needs of all creation interprets God s speeches in Job 38 41 to imply that his interests and actions are not exclusively focused on humankind 87 Liturgical use edit Jewish liturgy does not use readings from the Book of Job in the manner of the Pentateuch Prophets or Five Megillot although it is quoted at funerals and times of mourning However there are some Jews particularly the Spanish and Portuguese Jews who do hold public readings of Job on the Tisha B Av fast a day of mourning over the destruction of the First and Second Temples and other tragedies 88 The cantillation signs for the large poetic section in the middle of the Book of Job differ from those of most of the biblical books using a system shared with it only by Psalms and Proverbs The Eastern Orthodox Church reads from Job and Exodus during Holy Week Exodus prepares for the understanding of Christ s exodus to his Father of his fulfillment of the whole history of salvation Job the sufferer is the Old Testament icon of Christ The Roman Catholic Church reads from Job during Matins in the first two weeks of September and in the Office of the Dead 89 and in the revised Liturgy of the Hours Job is read during the Fifth Twelfth and Twenty Sixth Week in Ordinary Time 90 In the modern Roman Rite the Book of Job is read during 5th and 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Weekday Reading for the 26th Week in Ordinary Time Year II Cycle Ritual Masses for the Anointing of the Sick and Viaticum First Reading options Masses for the Dead First Reading optionsIn music art literature and film edit nbsp Georges de La Tour Job Mocked by his WifeThe Book of Job has been deeply influential in Western culture to such an extent that no list could be more than representative Musical settings from Job include Orlande de Lassus s 1565 cycle of motets the Sacrae Lectiones Novem ex Propheta Iob and George Frideric Handel s use of Job 19 25 I know that my redeemer liveth as an aria in his 1741 oratorio Messiah Modern works based on the book include Ralph Vaughan Williams s Job A Masque for Dancing French composer Darius Milhaud s Cantata From Job and Joseph Stein s Broadway interpretation Fiddler on the Roof based on the Tevye the Dairyman stories by Sholem Aleichem Neil Simon wrote God s Favorite which is a modern retelling of the Book of Job Breughel and Georges de La Tour depicted Job visited by his wife William Blake produced an entire cycle of illustrations for the book It was adapted for Australian radio in 1939 Writers Job has inspired or influenced include original research John Milton Samson Agonistes Dostoevsky The Brothers Karamazov citation needed Alfred Doblin Berlin Alexanderplatz Franz Kafka The Trial Carl Jung Answer to Job Joseph Roth Job Bernard Malamud and Elizabeth Brewster whose book Footnotes to the Book of Job was a finalist 91 for the 1996 Governor General s Award for poetry in Canada Archibald MacLeish s drama JB one of the most prominent uses of the Book of Job in modern literature was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1959 Verses from the Book of Job 3 14 figure prominently in the plot of the film Mission Impossible 1996 92 Job s influence can also be seen in the Coen brothers 2009 film A Serious Man which was nominated for two Academy Awards 93 Terrence Malick s 2011 film The Tree of Life which won the Palme d Or is heavily influenced by the themes of the Book of Job with the film starting with a quote from the beginning of God s speech to Job The 2014 Indian Malayalam language film Iyobinte Pusthakam lit Book of Job by Amal Neerad tells the story of a man who is losing everything in his life The Sire of Sorrow Job s Sad Song is the final track on Joni Mitchell s 15th studio album Turbulent Indigo The Russian film Leviathan also draws themes from the Book of Job 94 In 2015 two Ukrainian composers Roman Grygoriv and Illia Razumeiko created the opera requiem IYOV The premiere of the opera was held on 21 September 2015 on the main stage of the international multidisciplinary festival Gogolfest 95 In the 3rd episode of the 15th season of ER the lines of Job 3 23 are quoted by doctor Abby Lockhart shortly before she and her husband Dr Luka Covac leave the series forever 96 In season two of Good Omens the tale of Job and his struggles with good and evil are demonstrated and debated as the demon Crowley is sent to plague Job and his family by destroying his property and children and the angel Aziraphale struggles with the implications of the actions of God 97 In the South Park episode Cartmanland Kyle Broflovski who is Jewish experiences a major crisis of faith when his nemesis Eric Cartman inherits millions from his late grandmother and subsequently buys his own theme park while Kyle is stricken with hemorrhoids When trying to break into Cartman s park he accidentally pops them and is in such pain that he is hospitalized Tortured by how something so awful can happen to him while someone like Cartman gets his own theme park he concludes there is no God and renounces his faith His parents try to cheer him up by reading from the Book of Job which only serves to demoralize Kyle even more who despairs at Job s horrific trials by God to prove a point to Satan Nevertheless Cartman eventually loses the park and is left with none of his inheritance plus some additional debt brought on due to a failure to pay taxes and by a lawsuit following a fatality at his park This turn of events lifts Kyle s spirits and even sends the hemorrhoids into remission to which he joyously proclaims You ARE up there 98 In Islam and Arab folk tradition edit Main article Job in Islam Job Arabic ايوب romanized Ayyub is one of the 25 prophets mentioned by name in the Quran where he is lauded as a steadfast and upright worshipper Q 38 44 His story has the same basic outline as in the Bible although the three friends are replaced by his brothers and his wife stays by his side 85 99 In Palestinian folklore Job s place of trial is Al Jura a village adjacent to the ruins of Ascalon It was there that God rewarded him with a Fountain of Youth that removed whatever illnesses he had and restored his youth Al Jura was a place of annual festivities four days in all when people of many faiths gathered and bathed in a natural spring In Lebanon the Muwahideen or Druze community have a shrine built in the Shouf area that allegedly contains Job s tomb In Turkey Job is known as Eyup and he is supposed to have lived in Sanliurfa There is also a tomb of Job outside the city of Salalah in Oman 100 See also editAnswer to Job by Carl Jung Book of Job in Byzantine illuminated manuscripts Moralia in Job Ludlul bel nemeqi the Babylonian Job Testament of JobNotes edit Chapter 28 19 previously read as part of the speech of Job is now regarded by most scholars as a separate interlude in the narrator s voice References editCitations edit a b c Hartley 1988 p 3 a b Kugler amp Hartin 2009 p 193 a b Lawson 2004 p 11 Bullock 2007 p 87 Walton 2008 p 343 Job 1 2 Job 3 a b Walton 2008 p 333 Job 4 27 Kugler amp Hartin 2009 p 191 Job 4 7 Job 8 10 Job 12 14 Job 15 17 Job 18 19 Job 20 21 Job 22 24 Job 25 27 Job 28 Job 29 31 Job 32 37 Job 38 1 40 2 and Job 40 6 41 34 Job 42 7 8 Job 42 9 17 Job 1 21 Job 1 21 Job 2 9 10 Crenshaw James L 17 Job in Barton J and Muddiman J 2001 The Oxford Bible Commentary Archived 22 November 2017 at the Wayback Machine p 335 Job 3 21 Job 16 2 Kugler amp Hartin 2009 p 190 Clines David J A 2004 Job s God Concilium 2004 4 39 51 Job 7 17 19 Job 7 20 21 Job 9 13 Job 14 13 Job 16 9 Job 19 11 Job 10 13 14 Job 16 11 14 Job 24 1 12 a b Seow 2013 pp 33 34 Sawyer 2013 p 27 Job 38 1 Walton 2008 p 339 Sawyer 2013 p 28 Habel 1985 p 575 Kugler amp Hartin 2009 p 33 Fokkelman 2012 p 20 Hartley 1988 p 18 a b Seow 2013 p 24 Kugel James L 2008 How to Read the Bible A Guide to Scripture Then and Now Free Press ISBN 978 0743235877 Seow 2013 p 17 20 Kugel 2012 p 641 Seow 2013 pp 1 16 Jerusalem Bible 1966 Introduction to the Wisdom Books p 723 Farmer 1998 p 129 Farmer 1998 pp 129 30 Farmer 1998 pp 130 31 Bullock 2007 p 84 Hartley 2008 p 346 Hartley 2008 p 360 Bullock 2007 p 82 Hooks 2006 p 58 Brueggemann 2002 p 201 Brueggemann 2002 pp 177 78 Walton 2008 pp 336 37 Hooks 2006 p 57 a b O Dowd 2008 pp 242 43 a b Seow 2013 pp 97 98 Kugler amp Hartin 2009 p 194 Job 36 15 Dell 2003 p 356 Hooks 2006 pp 329 30 Job 28 24 26 Fiddes 1996 p 174 Walton 2008 p 338 Job 42 6 Sawyer 2013 p 34 Walton 2008 pp 338 39 Seow 2013 p 111 Allen 2008 pp 362 63 Dell 1991 pp 6 7 James 5 7 11 Allen 2008 p 362 Job 19 23 29 Simonetti Conti amp Oden 2006 pp 105 06 Allen 2008 pp 361 62 a b Noegel amp Wheeler 2010 p 171 Allen 2008 pp 368 71 Farmer 1998 p 150 The Connection Between Tisha B Av and Sefer Iyov Job Orthodox Union Dell 1991 p 26 Bergsma John Sietze 2018 A Catholic introduction to the Bible Volume 1 The Old Testament Brant James Pitre San Francisco pp 556 558 ISBN 978 1 58617 722 5 OCLC 950745091 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Past GGBooks winners and finalists Burnette Bletsch Rhonda ed 2016 The Bible in Motion A Handbook of the Bible and Its Reception in Film Handbooks of the Bible and Its Reception HBR Vol 2 Walter de Gruyter GmbH amp Co KG p 372 ISBN 9781614513261 Tollerton David October 2011 Job of Suburbia A Serious Man and Viewer Perceptions of the Biblical Biblical Journal of Religion amp Film 15 2 Article 7 Omaha University of Nebraska 1 11 Moss Walter 16 June 2015 What Does the Film Leviathan Tell Us about Putin s Russia and Its Past History News Network GogolFest Program 2015 Archived from the original on 2 February 2017 Retrieved 25 January 2017 ER Season 15 Episode 3 Transcript Archived from the original on 23 March 2022 Retrieved 23 March 2022 David Tennant Michael Sheen Continue to Elevate Quality of Good Omens 2 TV Streaming Roger Ebert South Park Season 5 Episode 6 Cartmanland Directed and written by Trey Parker Wheeler 2002 p 8 Gray Martin Tomb of Prophet Job Salalah World Pilgrimage Guide Retrieved 3 August 2021 Sources edit Allen J 2008 Job III History of Interpretation In Longman Tremper Enns Peter eds Dictionary of the Old Testament Wisdom Poetry amp Writings InterVarsity Press ISBN 978 0 83081783 2 Blenkinsopp Joseph 1996 A History of Prophecy in Israel Westminster John Knox Press ISBN 978 0 66425639 5 Brueggemann Walter 2002 Reverberations of Faith A Theological Handbook of Old Testament Themes Westminster John Knox ISBN 978 0 66422231 4 Bullock C Hassell 2007 An Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic Books Moody Publishers ISBN 978 1 57567450 6 Burnight John September 2021 Shepherd David Tiemeyer Lena Sofia eds Is Eliphaz a false prophet The vision in Job 4 12 21 Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 46 1 SAGE Publications 96 116 doi 10 1177 03090892211001404 ISSN 1476 6728 S2CID 238412522 Dell Katharine J 2003 Job In Dunn James D G Rogerson John William eds Eerdmans Bible Commentary Eerdmans ISBN 978 0 80283711 0 Dell Katherine J 1991 The Book of Job as Sceptical Literature Berlin Walter de Gruyter ISBN 978 3 11 085873 0 OCLC 857769510 Farmer Kathleen A 1998 The Wisdom Books In McKenzie Steven L Graham Matt Patrick eds The Hebrew Bible Today An Introduction to Critical Issues Westminster John Knox Press ISBN 9780664256524 Fiddes Paul 1996 Where Shall Wisdom be Found Job 28 as a Riddle for Ancient and Modern Readers In Barton John Reimer David eds After the Exile Essays in Honour of Rex Mason Mercer University Press ISBN 978 0 86554524 3 Fokkelman J P 2012 The Book of Job in Form A Literary Translation with Commentary BRILL ISBN 978 9 0042 3158 0 Hartley John E 1988 The Book of Job Eerdmans ISBN 978 0 8028 2528 5 Hartley John E 2008 Job II Ancient Near Eastern Background In Longman Tremper Enns Peter eds Dictionary of the Old Testament Wisdom Poetry amp Writings InterVarsity Press ISBN 978 0 8308 1783 2 Habel Norman C 1985 The Book of Job A Commentary Westminster John Knox Press ISBN 978 0 6642 2218 5 Hooks Stephen M 2006 Job College Press ISBN 978 0 8990 0886 8 Joyce Paul M 2009 Ezekiel A Commentary Continuum ISBN 9780567483614 Kugel James L 2012 How to Read the Bible A Guide to Scripture Then and Now Simon and Schuster ISBN 978 1 4516 8909 9 Kugler Robert Hartin Patrick J 2009 An Introduction to the Bible Eerdmans ISBN 978 0 8028 4636 5 Lawson Steven J 2004 Job B amp H Publishing Group ISBN 978 0 8054 9470 9 Murphy Roland Edmund 2002 The Tree of Life An Exploration of Biblical Wisdom Literature Eerdmans ISBN 978 0 8028 3965 7 Noegel Scott B Wheeler Brannon M 2010 The A to Z of Prophets in Islam and Judaism Scarecrow Press ISBN 978 1 4617 1895 6 O Dowd R 2008 Frame Narrative In Longman Tremper Enns Peter eds Dictionary of the Old Testament Wisdom Poetry amp Writings InterVarsity Press ISBN 978 0 8308 1783 2 Pihlstrom Sami 2015 Chapter 5 The Problem of Evil and Pragmatic Recognition In Skowronski Krzysztof Piotr ed Practicing Philosophy as Experiencing Life Essays on American Pragmatism Leiden Brill pp 77 101 doi 10 1163 9789004301993 006 hdl 10138 176976 ISBN 978 9 0043 0199 3 Docx extract permanent dead link Sawyer John F A 2013 Job In Lieb Michael Mason Emma Roberts Jonathan eds The Oxford Handbook of the Reception History of the Bible Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 1992 0454 0 Seow C L 2013 Job 1 21 Interpretation and Commentary Eerdmans ISBN 978 0 8028 4895 6 Simonetti Manlio Conti Marco Oden Thomas C 2006 Job InterVarsity Press ISBN 9780830814763 Vicchio Stephen J 2020 The Book of Job A History of Interpretation and a Commentary Wipf amp Stock ISBN 978 1 7252 5726 9 Walsh Jerome T 2001 Style and structure in Biblical Hebrew narrative Liturgical Press ISBN 9780814658970 Walton J H 2008 Job I Book of In Longman Tremper Enns Peter eds Dictionary of the Old Testament Wisdom Poetry amp Writings InterVarsity Press ISBN 9780830817832 Wheeler Brannon M 18 June 2002 Prophets in the Quran An Introduction to the Quran and Muslim Exegesis A amp C Black ISBN 978 0 8264 4957 3 Wilson Gerald H 2012 Job Baker Books ISBN 978 1 44123839 9 Wollaston Isabell 2013 Post Holocaust Interpretations of Job In Lieb Michael Mason Emma Roberts Jonathan eds The Oxford Handbook of the Reception History of the Bible Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19967039 0 Further reading editMichael Wise Martin Abegg Jr and Edward Cook 1996 The Dead Sea Scrolls A New Translation Harper San Francisco paperback 1999 ISBN 0 06 069201 4 contains the non biblical portion of the scrolls Stella Papadaki Oekland Byzantine Illuminated Manuscripts of the Book of Job ISBN 2 503 53232 2External links edit nbsp Wikiquote has quotations related to Book of Job nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Book of Job Sephardic Cantillations for the Book of Job by David M Betesh and the Sephardic Pizmonim Project Translations of The Book of Job at BibleGateway com Hebrew and English Parallel and Complete Text of the Book of Job Archived 16 October 2011 at the Wayback Machine English Translation is the 1917 Old JPS Introduction to the Book of Job at the Wayback Machine archived 6 September 2015 nbsp Bible Job public domain audiobook at LibriVox Book of JobWisdom literaturePreceded byProverbs Hebrew Bible Succeeded bySong of SongsPreceded byEsther ProtestantOld Testament Succeeded byPsalmsPreceded by2 Maccabees Roman CatholicOld TestamentPreceded by3 Maccabees Eastern OrthodoxOld Testament Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Book of Job amp oldid 1219496244, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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