

The Vulgate (/ˈvʌlɡt, -ɡət/; also called Biblia Vulgata (Bible in common tongue), Latin: [ˈbɪbli.a wʊlˈɡaːta]), sometimes referred to as the Latin Vulgate, is a late-4th-century Latin translation of the Bible.

8th-century Vulgate (Codex Sangallensis 63) with the Comma Johanneum at the bottom margin

The Vulgate is largely the work of Jerome who, in 382, had been commissioned by Pope Damasus I to revise the Vetus Latina Gospels used by the Roman Church. Later, on his own initiative, Jerome extended this work of revision and translation to include most of the books of the Bible. The Vulgate became progressively adopted as the Bible text within the Western Church. Over succeeding centuries, it eventually eclipsed the Vetus Latina. By the 13th century it had taken over from the former version the designation versio vulgata[1] (the "version commonly used") or vulgata for short. The Vulgate also contains some Vetus Latina translations that Jerome did not work on.

The Vulgate was to become the Catholic Church's officially promulgated Latin version of the Bible as the Sixtine Vulgate (1590), then as the Clementine Vulgate (1592), and then as the Nova Vulgata (1979). The Vulgate is still currently used in the Latin Church. The Catholic Church affirmed the Vulgate as its official Latin Bible at the Council of Trent (1545–1563), though there was no authoritative edition at that time.[2] The Clementine edition of the Vulgate became the standard Bible text of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, and remained so until 1979 when the Nova Vulgata was promulgated.

Terminology edit

The term "Vulgate" is used to designate the Latin Bible only since the 16th century. An example of the use of this word in this sense at the time is the title of the 1538 edition of the Latin Bible by Erasmus: Biblia utriusque testamenti juxta vulgatam translationem.[3]

Authorship edit

The Vulgate has a compound text that is not entirely Jerome's work.[4] Jerome's translation of the four Gospels are revisions of Vetus Latina translations he did while having the Greek as reference.[5][6]

The Latin translations of the rest of the New Testament are revisions to the Vetus Latina, considered as being made by Pelagian circles or by Rufinus the Syrian, or by Rufinus of Aquileia.[5][7][8] Several unrevised books of the Vetus Latina Old Testament also commonly became included in the Vulgate. These are: 1 and 2 Maccabees, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah.[9][10]

Having separately translated the book of Psalms from the Greek Hexapla Septuagint, Jerome translated all of the books of the Jewish Bible—the Hebrew book of Psalms included—from Hebrew himself. He also translated the books of Tobit and Judith from Aramaic versions, the additions to the Book of Esther from the Common Septuagint and the additions to the Book of Daniel from the Greek of Theodotion.[11]

Content edit

The Vulgate is "a composite collection which cannot be identified with only Jerome's work," because the Vulgate contains Vetus Latina which are independent from Jerome's work.[9]

The Alcuinian pandects contain:[9]

The 13th-century Paris Bibles remove the Epistle to the Laodiceans, but add:[9]

Another text which is considered as part of the Vulgate is:

  • Translation from the Hebrew by Jerome: the books of the Hebrew Bible, including a translation of the Psalms from the Hebrew.[11] This translation of the Psalms was kept in Spanish manuscripts of the Vulgate long after the Gallican psalter had supplanted it elsewhere.[17] Completion dates given by experts for this translation of the Psalms range from between 390 and 398.[18]

Jerome's work of translation edit

Saint Jerome in His Study, by Domenico Ghirlandaio

Jerome did not embark on the work with the intention of creating a new version of the whole Bible, but the changing nature of his program can be tracked in his voluminous correspondence. He had been commissioned by Damasus I in 382 to revise the Vetus Latina text of the four Gospels from the best Greek texts. By the time of Damasus' death in 384, Jerome had completed this task, together with a more cursory revision from the Greek Common Septuagint of the Vetus Latina text of the Psalms in the Roman Psalter, a version which he later disowned and is now lost.[19] How much of the rest of the New Testament he then revised is difficult to judge,[20][21] but none of his work survived in the Vulgate text of these books. The revised text of the New Testament outside the Gospels is the work of other scholars. Rufinus of Aquileia has been suggested, as has Rufinus the Syrian (an associate of Pelagius) and Pelagius himself, though without specific evidence for any of them;[7][22] Pelagian groups have also been suggested as the revisers.[5] This unknown reviser worked more thoroughly than Jerome had done, consistently using older Greek manuscript sources of Alexandrian text-type. They had published a complete revised New Testament text by 410 at the latest, when Pelagius quoted from it in his commentary on the letters of Paul.[23][6]

In Jerome's Vulgate, the Hebrew Book of Ezra–Nehemiah is translated as the single book of "Ezra". Jerome defends this in his Prologue to Ezra, although he had noted formerly in his Prologue to the Book of Kings that some Greeks and Latins had proposed that this book should be split in two. Jerome argues that the two books of Ezra found in the Septuagint and Vetus Latina, Esdras A and Esdras B, represented "variant examples" of a single Hebrew original. Hence, he does not translate Esdras A separately even though up until then it had been universally found in Greek and Vetus Latina Old Testaments, preceding Esdras B, the combined text of Ezra–Nehemiah.[24]

The Vulgate is usually credited as being the first translation of the Old Testament into Latin directly from the Hebrew Tanakh rather than from the Greek Septuagint. Jerome's extensive use of exegetical material written in Greek, as well as his use of the Aquiline and Theodotiontic columns of the Hexapla, along with the somewhat paraphrastic style[25] in which he translated, makes it difficult to determine exactly how direct the conversion of Hebrew to Latin was.[a][26][27] Augustine of Hippo, a contemporary of Jerome, states in Book XVII ch. 43 of his The City of God that "in our own day the priest Jerome, a great scholar and master of all three tongues, has made a translation into Latin, not from Greek but directly from the original Hebrew."[28] Nevertheless, Augustine still maintained that the Septuagint, alongside the Hebrew, witnessed the inspired text of Scripture and consequently pressed Jerome for complete copies of his Hexaplar Latin translation of the Old Testament, a request that Jerome ducked with the excuse that the originals had been lost "through someone's dishonesty".[29]

Prologues edit

Prologues written by Jerome to some of his translations of parts of the Bible are to the Pentateuch,[30] to Joshua,[31] and to Kings (1–2 Kings and 1–2 Samuel) which is also called the Galeatum principium.[32] Following these are prologues to Chronicles,[33] Ezra,[34] Tobit,[35] Judith,[36] Esther,[37] Job,[38] the Gallican Psalms,[39] Song of Songs,[40] Isaiah,[41] Jeremiah,[42] Ezekiel,[43] Daniel,[14] the minor prophets,[44] the gospels.[45] The final prologue is to the Pauline epistles and is better known as Primum quaeritur; this prologue is considered not to have been written by Jerome.[46][7] Related to these are Jerome's Notes on the Rest of Esther[47] and his Prologue to the Hebrew Psalms.[48]

A theme of the Old Testament prologues is Jerome's preference for the Hebraica veritas (i.e., Hebrew truth) over the Septuagint, a preference which he defended from his detractors. After Jerome had translated some parts of the Septuagint into Latin, he came to consider the text of the Septuagint as being faulty in itself, i.e. Jerome thought mistakes in the Septuagint text were not all mistakes made by copyists, but that some mistakes were part of the original text itself as it was produced by the Seventy translators. Jerome believed that the Hebrew text more clearly prefigured Christ than the Greek of the Septuagint, since he believed some quotes of the Old Testament in the New Testament were not present in the Septuagint, but existed in the Hebrew version; Jerome gave some of those quotes in his prologue to the Pentateuch.[49] In the Galeatum principium (a.k.a. Prologus Galeatus), Jerome described an Old Testament canon of 22 books, which he found represented in the 22-letter Hebrew alphabet. Alternatively, he numbered the books as 24, which he identifies with the 24 elders in the Book of Revelation casting their crowns before the Lamb.[32] In the prologue to Ezra, he sets the "twenty-four elders" of the Hebrew Bible against the "Seventy interpreters" of the Septuagint.[34]

In addition, many medieval Vulgate manuscripts included Jerome's epistle number 53, to Paulinus bishop of Nola, as a general prologue to the whole Bible. Notably, this letter was printed at the head of the Gutenberg Bible. Jerome's letter promotes the study of each of the books of the Old and New Testaments listed by name (and excluding any mention of the deuterocanonical books); and its dissemination had the effect of propagating the belief that the whole Vulgate text was Jerome's work.

The prologue to the Pauline Epistles in the Vulgate defends the Pauline authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews, directly contrary to Jerome's own views—a key argument in demonstrating that Jerome did not write it. The author of the Primum quaeritur is unknown, but it is first quoted by Pelagius in his commentary on the Pauline letters written before 410. As this work also quotes from the Vulgate revision of these letters, it has been proposed that Pelagius or one of his associates may have been responsible for the revision of the Vulgate New Testament outside the Gospels. At any rate, it is reasonable to identify the author of the preface with the unknown reviser of the New Testament outside the gospels.[7]

Some manuscripts of the Pauline epistles contain short Marcionite prologues to each of the epistles indicating where they were written, with notes about where the recipients dwelt. Adolf von Harnack, citing De Bruyne, argued that these notes were written by Marcion of Sinope or one of his followers.[50] Many early Vulgate manuscripts contain a set of Priscillianist prologues to the gospels.

Relation with the Vetus Latina Bible edit

The Latin biblical texts in use before Jerome's Vulgate are usually referred to collectively as the Vetus Latina, or "Vetus Latina Bible". "Vetus Latina" means that they are older than the Vulgate and written in Latin, not that they are written in Old Latin. Jerome himself uses the term "Latin Vulgate" for the Vetus Latina text, so intending to denote this version as the common Latin rendering of the Greek Vulgate or Common Septuagint (which Jerome otherwise terms the "Seventy interpreters"). This remained the usual use of the term "Latin Vulgate" in the West for centuries. On occasion Jerome applies the term "Septuagint" (Septuaginta) to refer to the Hexaplar Septuagint, where he wishes to distinguish this from the Vulgata or Common Septuagint. The earliest known use of the term Vulgata to describe the "new" Latin translation was made by Roger Bacon in the 13th century.[51] The translations in the Vetus Latina had accumulated piecemeal over a century or more. They were not translated by a single person or institution, nor uniformly edited. The individual books varied in quality of translation and style, and different manuscripts and quotations witness wide variations in readings. Some books appear to have been translated several times. The book of Psalms, in particular, had circulated for over a century in an earlier Latin version (the Cyprianic Version), before it was superseded by the Vetus Latina version in the 4th century. Jerome, in his preface to the Vulgate gospels, commented that there were "as many [translations] as there are manuscripts"; subsequently repeating the witticism in his preface to the Book of Joshua. The base text for Jerome's revision of the gospels was a Vetus Latina text similar to the Codex Veronensis, with the text of the Gospel of John conforming more to that in the Codex Corbiensis.[52]

Jerome's work on the Gospels was a revision of the Vetus Latina versions, and not a new translation. "High priest" is rendered princeps sacerdotum in Vulgate Matthew; as summus sacerdos in Vulgate Mark; and as pontifex in Vulgate John. The Vetus Latina gospels had been translated from Greek originals of the Western text-type. Comparison of Jerome's Gospel texts with those in Vetus Latina witnesses, suggests that his revision was concerned with substantially redacting their expanded "Western" phraseology in accordance with the Greek texts of better early Byzantine and Alexandrian witnesses. One major change Jerome introduced was to re-order the Latin Gospels. Most Vetus Latina gospel books followed the "Western" order of Matthew, John, Luke, Mark; Jerome adopted the "Greek" order of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. His revisions became progressively less frequent and less consistent in the gospels presumably done later.[53] In places Jerome adopted readings that did not correspond to a straightforward rendering either of the Vetus Latina or the Greek text, so reflecting a particular doctrinal interpretation; as in his rewording panem nostrum supersubstantialem at Matthew 6:11.[54]

The unknown reviser of the rest of the New Testament shows marked differences from Jerome, both in editorial practice and in their sources. Where Jerome sought to correct the Vetus Latina text with reference to the best recent Greek manuscripts, with a preference for those conforming to the Byzantine text-type, the Greek text underlying the revision of the rest of the New Testament demonstrates the Alexandrian text-type found in the great uncial codices of the mid-4th century, most similar to the Codex Sinaiticus. The reviser's changes generally conform very closely to this Greek text, even in matters of word order—to the extent that the resulting text may be only barely intelligible as Latin.[6]

After the Gospels, the most widely used and copied part of the Christian Bible is the Book of Psalms. Consequently, Damasus also commissioned Jerome to revise the psalter in use in Rome, to agree better with the Greek of the Common Septuagint. Jerome said he had done this cursorily when in Rome, but he later disowned this version, maintaining that copyists had reintroduced erroneous readings. Until the 20th century, it was commonly assumed that the surviving Roman Psalter represented Jerome's first attempted revision, but more recent scholarship—following de Bruyne—rejects this identification. The Roman Psalter is indeed one of at least five revised versions of the mid-4th century Vetus Latina Psalter, but compared to the other four, the revisions in the Roman Psalter are in clumsy Latin, and fail to follow Jerome's known translational principles, especially in respect of correcting harmonised readings. Nevertheless, it is clear from Jerome's correspondence (especially in his defence of the Gallican Psalter in the long and detailed Epistle 106)[55] that he was familiar with the Roman Psalter text, and consequently it is assumed that this revision represents the Roman text as Jerome had found it.[56]

Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, 1 and 2 Maccabees and Baruch (with the Letter of Jeremiah) are included in the Vulgate, and are purely Vetus Latina translations which Jerome did not touch.[57]

In the 9th century the Vetus Latina texts of Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah were introduced into the Vulgate in versions revised by Theodulf of Orleans and are found in a minority of early medieval Vulgate pandect bibles from that date onward.[10] After 1300, when the booksellers of Paris began to produce commercial single volume Vulgate bibles in large numbers, these commonly included both Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah as the Book of Baruch. Also beginning in the 9th century, Vulgate manuscripts are found that split Jerome's combined translation from the Hebrew of Ezra and the Nehemiah into separate books called 1 Ezra and 2 Ezra. Bogaert argues that this practice arose from an intention to conform the Vulgate text to the authoritative canon lists of the 5th/6th century, where 'two books of Ezra' were commonly cited.[58] Subsequently, many late medieval Vulgate bible manuscripts introduced a Latin version, originating from before Jerome and distinct from that in the Vetus Latina, of the Greek Esdras A, now commonly termed 3 Ezra; and also a Latin version of an Ezra Apocalypse, commonly termed 4 Ezra.

Council of Trent and position of the Catholic Church edit

The Vulgate was given an official capacity by the Council of Trent (1545–1563) as the touchstone of the biblical canon concerning which parts of books are canonical.[59] The Vulgate was declared to "be held as authentic" by the Catholic Church by the Council of Trent.[60]

The Council of Trent cited long usage in support of the Vulgate's magisterial authority:

Moreover, this sacred and holy Synod,—considering that no small utility may accrue to the Church of God, if it be made known which out of all the Latin editions, now in circulation, of the sacred books, is to be held as authentic,—ordains and declares, that the said old and vulgate edition, which, by the lengthened usage of so many years, has been approved of in the Church, be, in public lectures, disputations, sermons and expositions, held as authentic; and that no one is to dare, or presume to reject it under any pretext whatever.[60]

The qualifier "Latin editions, now in circulation" and the use of "authentic" (not "inerrant") show the limits of this statement.[61]

When the council listed the books included in the canon, it qualified the books as being "entire with all their parts, as they have been used to be read in the Catholic Church, and as they are contained in the Vetus Latina vulgate edition". The fourth session of the Council specified 72 canonical books in the Bible: 45 in the Old Testament, 27 in the New Testament with Lamentations not being counted as separate from Jeremiah.[62] On 2 June 1927, Pope Pius XI clarified this decree, allowing that the Comma Johanneum was open to dispute.[63]

Later, in the 20th century, Pope Pius XII declared the Vulgate as "free from error whatsoever in matters of faith and morals" in his encyclical Divino Afflante Spiritu:

Hence this special authority or as they say, authenticity of the Vulgate was not affirmed by the Council particularly for critical reasons, but rather because of its legitimate use in the Churches throughout so many centuries; by which use indeed the same is shown, in the sense in which the Church has understood and understands it, to be free from any error whatsoever in matters of faith and morals; so that, as the Church herself testifies and affirms, it may be quoted safely and without fear of error in disputations, in lectures and in preaching [...]"[64]

— Pope Pius XII

The inerrancy is with respect to faith and morals, as it says in the above quote: "free from any error whatsoever in matters of faith and morals", and the inerrancy is not in a philological sense:

[...] and so its authenticity is not specified primarily as critical, but rather as juridical.[64]

The Catholic Church has produced three official editions of the Vulgate: the Sixtine Vulgate, the Clementine Vulgate, and the Nova Vulgata (see below).

Influence on Western Christianity edit

First page of the first volume of the Gutenberg Bible: the epistle of Jerome to Paulinus from the University of Texas copy. The page has 40 lines.

For over a thousand years (c. AD 400–1530), the Vulgate was the most commonly used edition of the most influential text in Western European society. Indeed, for most Western Christians, especially Catholics, it was the only version of the Bible ever encountered, only truly being eclipsed in the mid 20th century.[65]

In about 1455, the first Vulgate published by the moveable type process was produced in Mainz by a partnership between Johannes Gutenberg and banker John Fust (or Faust).[66][67][68] At the time, a manuscript of the Vulgate was selling for approximately 500 guilders. Gutenberg's works appear to have been a commercial failure, and Fust sued for recovery of his 2026 guilder investment and was awarded complete possession of the Gutenberg plant. Arguably, the Reformation could not have been possible without the diaspora of biblical knowledge that was permitted by the development of moveable type.[67]

Aside from its use in prayer, liturgy, and private study, the Vulgate served as inspiration for ecclesiastical art and architecture, hymns, countless paintings, and popular mystery plays.

Reformation edit

The fifth volume of Walton's London Polyglot of 1657 included several versions of the New Testament: in Greek, Latin (a Vulgate version and the version by Arius Montanus), Syriac, Ethiopic, and Arabic. It also included a version of the Gospels in Persian.[69]

The Vulgate Latin is used regularly in Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan of 1651; in the Leviathan Hobbes "has a worrying tendency to treat the Vulgate as if it were the original".[70]

Translations edit

Before the publication of Pius XII's Divino afflante Spiritu, the Vulgate was the source text used for many translations of the Bible into vernacular languages. In English, the interlinear translation of the Lindisfarne Gospels[71] as well as other Old English Bible translations, the translation of John Wycliffe,[72] the Douay–Rheims Bible, the Confraternity Bible, and Ronald Knox's translation were all made from the Vulgate.

Influence upon the English language edit

The Vulgate had significant cultural influence on literature for centuries, and thus the development of the English language, especially in matters of religion.[65] Many Latin words were taken from the Vulgate into English nearly unchanged in meaning or spelling: creatio (e.g. Genesis 1:1, Heb 9:11), salvatio (e.g. Is 37:32, Eph 2:5), justificatio (e.g. Rom 4:25, Heb 9:1), testamentum (e.g. Mt 26:28), sanctificatio (1 Ptr 1:2, 1 Cor 1:30), regeneratio (Mt 19:28), and raptura (from a noun form of the verb rapere in 1 Thes 4:17). The word "publican" comes from the Latin publicanus (e.g., Mt 10:3), and the phrase "far be it" is a translation of the Latin expression absit. (e.g., Mt 16:22 in the King James Bible).[73] Other examples include apostolus, ecclesia, evangelium, Pascha, and angelus.

Critical value edit

In translating the 38 books of the Hebrew Bible (Ezra–Nehemiah being counted as one book), Jerome was relatively free in rendering their text into Latin, but it is possible to determine that the oldest surviving complete manuscripts of the Masoretic Text which date from nearly 600 years after Jerome, nevertheless transmit a consonantal Hebrew text very close to that used by Jerome.[74]

Manuscripts and editions edit

The Vulgate exists in many forms. The Codex Amiatinus is the oldest surviving complete manuscript from the 8th century. The Gutenberg Bible is a notable printed edition of the Vulgate by Johann Gutenberg in 1455. The Sixtine Vulgate (1590) is the first official Bible of the Catholic Church. The Clementine Vulgate (1592) is a standardized edition of the medieval Vulgate, and the second official Bible of the Catholic Church. The Stuttgart Vulgate is a 1969 critical edition of the Vulgate. The Nova Vulgata is the third and latest official Bible of the Catholic Church; it was published in 1979, and is a translation in Classical Latin from modern critical editions of original language texts of the Bible.

Manuscripts and early editions edit

A page from the Codex Amiatinus containing the beginning of the Gospel of Mark

A number of manuscripts containing or reflecting the Vulgate survive today. Dating from the 8th century, the Codex Amiatinus is the earliest surviving manuscript of the complete Vulgate Bible. The Codex Fuldensis, dating from around 545, contains most of the New Testament in the Vulgate version, but the four gospels are harmonised into a continuous narrative derived from the Diatessaron.

Carolingian period edit

"The two best-known revisions of the Latin Scriptures in the early medieval period were made in the Carolingian period by Alcuin of York (c. 730–840) and Theodulf of Orleans (750/760–821)."[75]

Alcuin of York oversaw efforts to make a Latin Bible, an exemplar of which was presented to Charlemagne in 801. Alcuin's edition contained the Vulgate version. It appears Alcuin concentrated only on correcting errors of grammar, orthography and punctuation. "Even though Alcuin's revision of the Latin Bible was neither the first nor the last of the Carolingian period, it managed to prevail over the other versions and to become the most influential edition for centuries to come." The success of this Bible has been attributed to the fact that this Bible may have been "prescribed as the official version at the emperor's request." However, Bonifatius Fischer believes its success was rather due to the productivity of the scribes of Tours where Alcuin was abbot, at the monastery of Saint Martin; Fischer believes the emperor only favored the editorial work of Alcuin by encouraging work on the Bible in general.[76]

"Although, in contrast to Alcuin, Theodulf [of Orleans] clearly developed an editorial programme, his work on the Bible was far less influential than that of hs slightly older contemporary. Nevertheless, several manuscripts containing his version have come down to us." Theodulf added to his edition of the Bible the Book of Baruch, which Alcuin's edition did not contain; it is this version of the Book of Baruch which later became part of the Vulgate. In his editorial activity, on at least one manuscript of the Theodulf Bible (S Paris, BNF lat. 9398), Theodulf marked variant readings along with their sources in the margin of the manuscripts. Those marginal notes of variant readings along with their sources "seem to foreshadow the thirteenth-century correctoria."[77] In the 9th century the Vetus Latina texts of Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah were introduced into the Vulgate in versions revised by Theodulf of Orleans and are found in a minority of early medieval Vulgate pandect bibles from that date onward.[10]

Cassiodorus, Isidore of Sevilla, and Stephen Harding also worked on editions of the Latin Bible. Isidore's edition as well as the edition of Cassiodorus "ha[ve] not come down to us."[78]

By the 9th century, due to the success of Alcuin's edition, the Vulgate had replaced the Vetus Latina as the most available edition of the Latin Bible.[79]

Late Middle Ages edit

The University of Paris, the Dominicans, and the Franciscans assembled lists of correctoria—approved readings—where variants had been noted.[80]

Printed editions edit

Renaissance edit

Though the advent of printing greatly reduced the potential of human error and increased the consistency and uniformity of the text, the earliest editions of the Vulgate merely reproduced the manuscripts that were readily available to publishers. Of the hundreds of early editions, the most notable today is the Mazarin edition published by Johann Gutenberg and Johann Fust in 1455, famous for its beauty and antiquity. In 1504, the first Vulgate with variant readings was published in Paris. One of the texts of the Complutensian Polyglot was an edition of the Vulgate made from ancient manuscripts and corrected to agree with the Greek.

Erasmus published an edition corrected to agree better with the Greek and Hebrew in 1516. Other corrected editions were published by Xanthus Pagninus in 1518, Cardinal Cajetan, Augustinus Steuchius in 1529, Abbot Isidorus Clarius (Venice, 1542) and others. In 1528, Robertus Stephanus published the first of a series of critical editions, which formed the basis of the later Sistine and Clementine editions. John Henten's critical edition of the Bible followed in 1547.[51]

In 1550, Stephanus fled to Geneva, where he issued his final critical edition of the Vulgate in 1555. This was the first complete Bible with full chapter and verse divisions and became the standard biblical reference text for late-16th century Reformed theology.

Sixtine and Clementine Vulgates edit

Frontispiece of the original Sixtine Vulgate
Frontispiece of the original 1592 Sixto-Clementine Vulgate

After the Reformation, when the Catholic Church strove to counter Protestantism and refute its doctrines, the Vulgate was declared at the Council of Trent to "be, in public lectures, disputations, sermons and expositions, held as authentic; and that no one is to dare, or presume to reject it under any pretext whatever."[60] Furthermore, the council expressed the wish that the Vulgate be printed quam emendatissime[b] ("with fewest possible faults").[2][81]

In 1590, the Sixtine Vulgate was issued, under Sixtus V, as being the official Bible recommended by the Council of Trent.[82][83] On 27 August 1590, Sixtus V died. After his death, "many claimed that the text of the Sixtine Vulgate was too error-ridden for general use."[84] On 5 September of the same year, the College of Cardinals stopped all further sales of the Sixtine Vulgate and bought and destroyed as many copies as possible by burning them. The reason invoked for this action was printing inaccuracies in Sixtus V's edition of the Vulgate. However, Bruce Metzger, an American biblical scholar, believes that the printing inaccuracies may have been a pretext and that the attack against this edition had been instigated by the Jesuits, "whom Sixtus had offended by putting one of Bellarmine's books on the 'Index' ".[85]

In the same year he became pope (1592), Clement VIII recalled all copies of the Sixtine Vulgate.[86][87] The reason invoked for recalling Sixtus V's edition was printing errors, however the Sixtine Vulgate was mostly free of them.[87][83]

The Sistine edition was replaced by Clement VIII (1592–1605). This new edition was published in 1592 and is called today the Clementine Vulgate[88][89] or Sixto-Clementine Vulgate.[89] "The misprints of this edition were partly eliminated in a second (1593) and a third (1598) edition."[88]

The Clementine Vulgate is the edition most familiar to Catholics who have lived prior to the liturgical reforms following Vatican II. Roger Gryson, in the preface to the 4th edition of the Stuttgart Vulgate (1994), asserts that the Clementine edition "frequently deviates from the manuscript tradition for literary or doctrinal reasons, and offers only a faint reflection of the original Vulgate, as read in the pandecta of the first millennium."[90] However, historical scholar Cardinal Francis Aidan Gasquet, in the Catholic Encyclopedia, states that the Clementine Vulgate substantially represents the Vulgate which Jerome produced in the fourth century, although "it stands in need of close examination and much correction to make it [completely] agree with the translation of St. Jerome".[91]

Modern critical editions edit

Most other later editions were limited to the New Testament and did not present a full critical apparatus, most notably Karl Lachmann's editions of 1842 and 1850 based primarily on the Codex Amiatinus and the Codex Fuldensis,[92] Fleck's edition[93] of 1840, and Constantin von Tischendorf's edition of 1864. In 1906 Eberhard Nestle published Novum Testamentum Latine,[94] which presented the Clementine Vulgate text with a critical apparatus comparing it to the editions of Sixtus V (1590), Lachman (1842), Tischendorf (1854), and Wordsworth and White (1889), as well as the Codex Amiatinus and the Codex Fuldensis.

To make a text available representative of the earliest copies of the Vulgate and summarise the most common variants between the various manuscripts, Anglican scholars at the University of Oxford began to edit the New Testament in 1878 (completed in 1954), while the Benedictines of Rome began an edition of the Old Testament in 1907 (completed in 1995). The Oxford Anglican scholars's findings were condensed into an edition of both the Old and New Testaments, first published at Stuttgart in 1969, created with the participation of members from both projects. These books are the standard editions of the Vulgate used by scholars.[95]

Oxford New Testament edit

As a result of the inaccuracy of existing editions of the Vulgate, in 1878, the delegates of the Oxford University Press accepted a proposal from classicist John Wordsworth to produce a critical edition of the New Testament.[96][97] This was eventually published as Nouum Testamentum Domini nostri Iesu Christi Latine, secundum editionem sancti Hieronymi in three volumes between 1889 and 1954.[98]

The edition, commonly known as the Oxford Vulgate, relies primarily on the texts of the Codex Amiatinus, Codex Fuldensis (Codex Harleianus in the Gospels), Codex Sangermanensis, Codex Mediolanensis (in the Gospels), and Codex Reginensis (in Paul).[99][100] It also consistently cites readings in the so-called DELQR group of manuscripts, named after the sigla it uses for them: Book of Armagh (D), Egerton Gospels (E), Lichfield Gospels (L), Book of Kells (Q), and Rushworth Gospels (R).[101]

Benedictine (Rome) Old Testament edit

In 1907, Pope Pius X commissioned the Benedictine monks to prepare a critical edition of Jerome's Vulgate, entitled Biblia Sacra iuxta latinam vulgatam versionem.[102] This text was originally planned as the basis for a revised complete official Bible for the Catholic Church to replace the Clementine edition.[103] The first volume, the Pentateuch, was completed in 1926.[104][105] For the Pentateuch, the primary sources for the text are the Codex Amiatinus, the Codex Turonensis (the Ashburnham Pentateuch), and the Ottobonianus Octateuch.[106] For the rest of the Old Testament (except the Book of Psalms) the primary sources for the text are the Codex Amiatinus and Codex Cavensis.[107]

Following the Codex Amiatinus and the Vulgate texts of Alcuin and Theodulf, the Benedictine Vulgate reunited the Book of Ezra and the Book of Nehemiah into a single book, reversing the decisions of the Sixto-Clementine Vulgate.

In 1933, Pope Pius XI established the Pontifical Abbey of St Jerome-in-the-City to complete the work. By the 1970s, as a result of liturgical changes that had spurred the Vatican to produce a new translation of the Latin Bible, the Nova Vulgata, the Benedictine edition was no longer required for official purposes,[108] and the abbey was suppressed in 1984.[109] Five monks were nonetheless allowed to complete the final two volumes of the Old Testament, which were published under the abbey's name in 1987 and 1995.[110]

Stuttgart Vulgate edit

Concordance to the Vulgate Bible for the Stuttgart Vulgate

Based on the editions of Oxford and Rome, but with an independent examination of the manuscript evidence and extending their lists of primary witnesses for some books, the Württembergische Bibelanstalt, later the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft (German Bible Society), based in Stuttgart, first published a critical edition of the complete Vulgate in 1969. The work has continued to be updated, with a fifth edition appearing in 2007.[111] The project was originally directed by Robert Weber, OSB (a monk of the same Benedictine abbey responsible for the Benedictine edition), with collaborators Bonifatius Fischer, Jean Gribomont, Hedley Frederick Davis Sparks (also responsible for the completion of the Oxford edition), and Walter Thiele. Roger Gryson has been responsible for the most recent editions. It is thus marketed by its publisher as the "Weber-Gryson" edition, but is also frequently referred to as the Stuttgart edition.[112]

The Weber-Gryson includes of Jerome's prologues and the Eusebian Canons.

It contains two Psalters, the Gallicanum and the juxta Hebraicum, which are printed on facing pages to allow easy comparison and contrast between the two versions. It has an expanded Apocrypha, containing Psalm 151 and the Epistle to the Laodiceans in addition to 3 and 4 Ezra and the Prayer of Manasses. In addition, its modern prefaces in Latin, German, French, and English are a source of valuable information about the history of the Vulgate.

Nova Vulgata edit

The Nova Vulgata (Nova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio), also called the Neo-Vulgate, is the official Latin edition of the Bible published by the Holy See for use in the contemporary Roman rite. It is not a critical edition of the historical Vulgate, but a revision of the text intended to accord with modern critical Hebrew and Greek texts and produce a style closer to Classical Latin.[113]

In 1979, the Nova Vulgata was promulgated as "typical" (standard) by John Paul II.[114]

Online versions edit

The title "Vulgate" is currently applied to three distinct online texts which can be found from various sources on the Internet. The text being used can be ascertained from the spelling of Eve's name in Genesis 3:20:[115][116]

See also edit

Related articles edit

Some manuscripts edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Some, following P. Nautin (1986) and perhaps E. Burstein (1971), suggest that Jerome may have been almost wholly dependent on Greek material for his interpretation of the Hebrew. A. Kamesar (1993), on the other hand, sees evidence that in some cases Jerome's knowledge of Hebrew exceeds that of his exegetes, implying a direct understanding of the Hebrew text.
  2. ^ Literally "in the most correct manner possible"

References edit

  1. ^ T. Lewis, Charlton; Short, Charles. "A Latin Dictionary | vulgo". www.perseus.tufts.edu. Retrieved 5 October 2019.
  2. ^ a b Metzger, Bruce M. (1977). The Early Versions of the New Testament. Oxford: Clarendon Press. p. 348.
  3. ^ Canellis, Aline, ed. (2017). "Introduction : Du travail de Jérôme à la Vulgate" [Introduction: From Jerome's work to the Vulgate]. Jérôme : Préfaces aux livres de la Bible [Jerome : Preface to the books of the Bible] (in French). Abbeville: Éditions du Cerf. pp. 216–7. ISBN 978-2-204-12618-2.
  4. ^ Plater, William Edward; Henry Julian White (1926). A grammar of the Vulgate, being an introduction to the study of the latinity of the Vulgate Bible. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  5. ^ a b c d e Canellis, Aline, ed. (2017). Jérôme : Préfaces aux livres de la Bible [Jerome : Preface to the books of the Bible] (in French). Abbeville: Éditions du Cerf. pp. 89–90, 217. ISBN 978-2-204-12618-2.
  6. ^ a b c Houghton, H. A. G. (2016). The Latin New Testament; a Guide to its Early History, Texts and Manuscripts. Oxford University Press. p. 41.
  7. ^ a b c d e Scherbenske, Eric W. (2013). Canonizing Paul: Ancient Editorial Practice and the Corpus Paulinum. Oxford University Press. p. 183.
  8. ^ a b Houghton, H. A. G. (2016). The Latin New Testament; a Guide to its Early History, Texts and Manuscripts. Oxford University Press. pp. 36, 41.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Canellis, Aline, ed. (2017). "Introduction : Du travail de Jérôme à la Vulgate" [Introduction: From Jerome's work to the Vulgate]. Jérôme : Préfaces aux livres de la Bible [Jerome : Preface to the books of the Bible] (in French). Abbeville: Éditions du Cerf. p. 217. ISBN 978-2-204-12618-2.
  10. ^ a b c d e Bogaert, Pierre-Maurice (2005). "Le livre de Baruch dans les manuscrits de la Bible latine. Disparition et réintégration". Revue Bénédictine. 115 (2): 286–342. doi:10.1484/J.RB.5.100598.
  11. ^ a b Canellis, Aline, ed. (2017). "Introduction : Du travail de Jérôme à la Vulgate" [Introduction: From Jerome's work to the Vulgate]. Jérôme : Préfaces aux livres de la Bible [Jerome : Preface to the books of the Bible] (in French). Abbeville: Éditions du Cerf. pp. 213, 217. ISBN 978-2-204-12618-2.
  12. ^ Chapman, John (1922). "St Jerome and the Vulgate New Testament (I–II)". The Journal of Theological Studies. o.s. 24 (93): 33–51. doi:10.1093/jts/os-XXIV.93.33. ISSN 0022-5185. Chapman, John (1923). "St Jerome and the Vulgate New Testament (III)". The Journal of Theological Studies. o.s. 24 (95): 282–299. doi:10.1093/jts/os-XXIV.95.282. ISSN 0022-5185.
  13. ^ Canellis, Aline, ed. (2017). Jérôme : Préfaces aux livres de la Bible [Jerome : Preface to the books of the Bible] (in French). Abbeville: Éditions du Cerf. pp. 132–133, 217. ISBN 978-2-204-12618-2.
  14. ^ a b . www.bombaxo.com. Archived from the original on 1 January 2014. Retrieved 26 June 2017.
  15. ^ Canellis, Aline, ed. (2017). "Introduction : Révision et retourn à l'Hebraica veritas" [Introduction: Revision and return to Hebraica veritas]. Jérôme : Préfaces aux livres de la Bible [Jerome : Preface to the books of the Bible] (in French). Abbeville: Éditions du Cerf. pp. 133–134, 217. ISBN 978-2-204-12618-2.
  16. ^ York, Harry Clinton (1910). "The Latin Versions of First Esdras". The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures. 26 (4): 253–302. doi:10.1086/369651. JSTOR 527826. S2CID 170979647.
  17. ^ Weber, Robert; Gryson, Roger, eds. (2007). "Praefatio". Biblia sacra : iuxta Vulgatam versionem. Oliver Wendell Holmes Library Phillips Academy (5 ed.). Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. pp. VI, XV, XXV, XXXIV. ISBN 978-3-438-05303-9.
  18. ^ Canellis, Aline, ed. (2017). "Introduction : Révision et retourn à l'Hebraica veritas" [Introduction: Revision and return to Hebraica veritas]. Jérôme : Préfaces aux livres de la Bible [Jerome : Preface to the books of the Bible] (in French). Abbeville: Éditions du Cerf. p. 98. ISBN 978-2-204-12618-2.
  19. ^ Goins, Scott (2014). "Jerome's Psalters". In Brown, William P. (ed.). Oxford Handbook to the Psalms. Oxford University Press. p. 188.
  20. ^ Scherbenske, Eric W. (2013). Canonizing Paul: Ancient Editorial Practice and the Corpus Paulinum. Oxford University Press. p. 182.
  21. ^ Houghton, H. A. G. (2016). The Latin New Testament; a Guide to its Early History, Texts and Manuscripts. Oxford University Press. p. 31.
  22. ^ Houghton, H. A. G. (2016). The Latin New Testament; a Guide to its Early History, Texts and Manuscripts. Oxford University Press. p. 36.
  23. ^ Scherbenske, Eric W. (2013). Canonizing Paul: Ancient Editorial Practice and the Corpus Paulinum. Oxford University Press. p. 184.
  24. ^ Bogaert, Pierre-Maurice (2000). "Les livres d'Esdras et leur numérotation dans l'histoire du canon de la Bible latin". Revue Bénédictine. 1o5 (1–2): 5–26. doi:10.1484/J.RB.5.100750.
  25. ^ Worth, Roland H. Jr. Bible Translations: A History Through Source Documents. pp. 29–30.
  26. ^ Pierre Nautin, article "Hieronymus", in: Theologische Realenzyklopädie, Vol. 15, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin – New York 1986, pp. 304–315, [309–310].
  27. ^ Adam Kamesar. Jerome, Greek Scholarship, and the Hebrew Bible: A Study of the Quaestiones Hebraicae in Genesim. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993. ISBN 978-0198147275. p. 97. This work cites E. Burstein, La compétence en hébreu de saint Jérôme (Diss.), Poitiers 1971.
  28. ^ City of God edited and abridged by Vernon J. Bourke 1958
  29. ^ "Church Fathers: Letter 172 (Augustine) or 134 (Jerome)". www.newadvent.org. Retrieved 26 June 2017.
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  49. ^ Canellis, Aline, ed. (2017). "Introduction : Révision et retourn à l'Hebraica veritas" [Introduction: Revision and return to Hebraica veritas]. Jérôme : Préfaces aux livres de la Bible [Jerome : Preface to the books of the Bible] (in French). Abbeville: Éditions du Cerf. pp. 99–109. ISBN 978-2-204-12618-2.
  50. ^ Origin of the New Testament - APPENDIX I (to § 2 of Part I, pp. 59 f.) The Marcionite Prologues to the Pauline Epistles, Adolf von Harnack, 1914. Moreover, Harnack noted: "We have indeed long known that Marcionite readings found their way into the ecclesiastical text of the Pauline epistles, but now for seven years we have known that Churches actually accepted the Marcionite prefaces to the Pauline epistles! De Bruyne has made one of the finest discoveries of later days in proving that those prefaces, which we read first in Codex Fuldensis and then in numbers of later manuscripts, are Marcionite, and that the Churches had not noticed the cloven hoof."
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  52. ^ Buron, Philip (2014). The text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research; 2nd edn. Brill Publishers. p. 182.
  53. ^ Houghton, H. A. G. (2016). The Latin New Testament; a Guide to its Early History, Texts and Manuscripts. Oxford University Press. pp. 32, 34, 195.
  54. ^ Houghton, H. A. G. (2016). The Latin New Testament; a Guide to its Early History, Texts and Manuscripts. Oxford University Press. p. 33.
  55. ^ Goins, Scott (2014). "Jerome's Psalters". In Brown, William. P. (ed.). Oxford Handbook of the Psalms. OUP. p. 190.
  56. ^ Norris, Oliver (2017). "Tracing Fortunatianus's Psalter". In Dorfbauer, Lukas J. (ed.). Fortunatianus ridivivus. CSEL. p. 285.
  57. ^ Biblia Sacra iuxta vulgatam versionem. Robert Weber, Roger Gryson (eds.) (5 ed.). Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. 2007. p. XXXIII.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  58. ^ Bogaert, Pierre-Maurice (2000). "Les livres d'Esdras et leur numérotation dans l'histoire du canon de la Bible latin". Revue Bénédictine. 110 (1–2): 5–26. doi:10.1484/J.RB.5.100750.
  59. ^ Sutcliffe, Edmund F. (1948). "The Council of Trent on the authentia of the Vulgate". The Journal of Theological Studies. o.s. 49 (193–194): 35–42. doi:10.1093/jts/os-XLIX.193-194.35. ISSN 0022-5185.
  60. ^ a b c Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, The Fourth Session, 1546
  61. ^ Akin, Jimmy. "Is the Vulgate the Catholic Church's Official Bible?". National Catholic Register. Retrieved 15 May 2018.
  62. ^ Fourth Session, April 8 1546.
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  64. ^ a b "Divino Afflante Spiritu, Pope Pius XII, #21 (in English version)". w2.vatican.va. Retrieved 18 March 2020.
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  69. ^ Daniell, David (2003). The Bible in English: its history and influence. New Haven: Yale University Press. p. 510. ISBN 0-300-09930-4.
  70. ^ (Daniell 2003, p. 478)
  71. ^ Michelle P. Brown, The Lindisfarne Gospels: Society, Spirituality and the Scribe, Volume 1
  72. ^ James E. Smith, Introduction to Biblical Studies, p. 38.
  73. ^ Mt 16:22
  74. ^ Kenyon, Frederic G. (1939). Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts (4th ed.). London. p. 81. Retrieved 6 January 2011.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
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  76. ^ Linde, Cornelia (2011). "II.2 Medieval Editions". How to correct the Sacra scriptura? Textual criticism of the Latin Bible between the twelfth and fifteenth century. Medium Ævum Monographs 29. Oxford: Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature. pp. 39–41. ISBN 978-0907570226.
  77. ^ Linde, Cornelia (2011). "II.2 Medieval Editions". How to correct the Sacra scriptura? Textual criticism of the Latin Bible between the twelfth and fifteenth century. Medium Ævum Monographs 29. Oxford: Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature. pp. 41–2. ISBN 978-0907570226.
  78. ^ Linde, Cornelia (2011). "II.2 Medieval Editions". How to correct the Sacra scriptura? Textual criticism of the Latin Bible between the twelfth and fifteenth century. Medium Ævum Monographs 29. Oxford: Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature. pp. 39, 250. ISBN 978-0907570226.
  79. ^ Linde, Cornelia (2011). "II.2 Medieval Editions". How to correct the Sacra scriptura? Textual criticism of the Latin Bible between the twelfth and fifteenth century. Medium Ævum Monographs 29. Oxford: Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature. p. 47. ISBN 978-0907570226.
  80. ^ Linde, Cornelia (2011). "II.2 Medieval Editions". How to correct the Sacra scriptura? Textual criticism of the Latin Bible between the twelfth and fifteenth century. Medium Ævum Monographs 29. Oxford: Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature. pp. 42–47. ISBN 978-0907570226.
  81. ^ Berger, Samuel (1879). La Bible au seizième siècle: Étude sur les origines de la critique biblique (in French). Paris. p. 147 ff. Retrieved 23 January 2011.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  82. ^ Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose (1894). "Chapter III. Latin versions". In Miller, Edward (ed.). A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament. Vol. 2 (4th ed.). London: George Bell & Sons. p. 64.
  83. ^ a b "Vulgate in the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Online. Retrieved 17 September 2019.
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  85. ^ Metzger, Bruce M. (1977). The Early Versions of the New Testament. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 348–349.
  86. ^ Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose; Edward Miller (1894). A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament. Vol. 2 (4 ed.). London: George Bell & Sons. p. 64.
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  117. ^ Woman's Work in Bible Study and Translation, Zahm, John Augustine ("A.H. Johns") (1912), in The Catholic World, New York, Vol. 95/June 1912 (bibliographic details see here and here), via CatholicCulture.org. Accessed 4 Sept 2021.
  118. ^ "St. Paula, Roman Matron". Vatican News. Retrieved 6 September 2021.
  119. ^ Hardesty, Nancy (1988). "Paula: A Portrait of 4th Century Piety". Christian History. Worcester, PA: Christian History Institute (17, "Women In The Early Church"). Retrieved 5 September 2021.

Further reading edit

  • Samuel Berger, Histoire de la Vulgate pendant les premiers siècles du Moyen Age (Paris 1893).
  • R. Draguet, "Le Maître louvainiste, [Jean] Driedo, inspirateur du décret de Trente sur la Vulgate", in Festschrift volume, Miscellenea historica in honorem Alberti de Meyer (Louvain: Bibliothèque universitaire, 1946), pp. 836–854.
  • Richard Gameson ed. The Early Medieval Bible, Cambridge University Press, 1994
  • H.A.G. Houghton ed. The Oxford Handbook of the Latin Bible, Oxford University Press, 2023.
  • G. W. M. Lampe ed. The Cambridge History of the Bible. Vol 2 Cambridge University Press 1969.
  • Lang, Bernhard (2023). "Handbook of the Vulgate Bible and its reception". Vulgata in Dialogue. ISSN 2504-5156.
  • Richard Marsden, The Text of the Old Testament in Anglo-Saxon England, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  • C. H. Turner, The Oldest Manuscript of the Vulgate Gospels (The Clarendon Press: Oxford 1931).
  • Frans van Liere, Introduction to the Medieval Bible, Cambridge University Press, 2014.
  • Steinmeuller, John E. (1938). "The History of the Latin Vulgate". CatholicCulture. Homiletic & Pastoral Review. pp. 252–257. Retrieved 18 September 2019.
  • Gallagher, Edmon (2015). "Why Did Jerome Translate Tobit and Judith?". Harvard Theological Review. 108 (3): 356–75. doi:10.1017/S0017816015000231. S2CID 164400348 – via Academia.edu.

External links edit

Clementine Vulgate

  • The Clementine Vulgate, fully searchable and possible to compare with both the Douay Rheims and Knox Bibles side by side.
  • Clementine Vulgate 1822, including Apocrypha
  • Clementine Vulgate 1861, including Apocrypha
  • The Clementine Vulgate, searchable. Michael Tweedale, et alii. Other installable modules include Weber's Stuttgart Vulgate. Missing 3 and 4 Esdras, and Manasses.
  • Vulgata, Hieronymiana versio (Jerome's version), Latin text complete as ebook (public domain)
  • The Vulgate New Testament, with the Douay Version of 1582. In Parallel Columns (London 1872).

Oxford Vulgate

  • Wordsworth, John; White, Henry Julian, eds. (1889). Nouum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi latine, secundum editionem Sancti Hieronymi. Vol. 1. Oxford: The Clarendon Press.
  • Wordsworth, John; White, Henry Julian, eds. (1941). Nouum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi latine, secundum editionem Sancti Hieronymi. Vol. 2. Oxford: The Clarendon Press.
  • Wordsworth, John; White, Henry Julian, eds. (1954). Nouum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi latine, secundum editionem Sancti Hieronymi. Vol. 3. Oxford: The Clarendon Press.

Stuttgart Vulgate

  • Weber-Gryson (Stuttgart) edition, official online text
  • Latin Vulgate with Parallel English Douay-Rheims and King James Version, Stuttgart edition, but missing 3 and 4 Esdras, Manasses, Psalm 151, and Laodiceans.

Nova Vulgata

  • Nova Vulgata, from the Vatican website

Miscellaneous translations

  • Jerome's Biblical Prefaces
  • Vulgate text of Laodiceans including a parallel English translation
  • Psalmus 151 Latin text

Works about the Vulgate

  • Timeline of Jerome's translations
  • Title pages from early editions
  • Works by or about Vulgate at Internet Archive
  • Works by Vulgate at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)  

vulgate, catholic, redirects, here, other, uses, catholic, disambiguation, also, called, biblia, vulgata, bible, common, tongue, latin, ˈbɪbli, wʊlˈɡaːta, sometimes, referred, latin, late, century, latin, translation, bible, century, codex, sangallensis, with,. Catholic Vulgate redirects here For other uses see Catholic Vulgate disambiguation The Vulgate ˈ v ʌ l ɡ eɪ t ɡ e t also called Biblia Vulgata Bible in common tongue Latin ˈbɪbli a wʊlˈɡaːta sometimes referred to as the Latin Vulgate is a late 4th century Latin translation of the Bible 8th century Vulgate Codex Sangallensis 63 with the Comma Johanneum at the bottom marginThe Vulgate is largely the work of Jerome who in 382 had been commissioned by Pope Damasus I to revise the Vetus Latina Gospels used by the Roman Church Later on his own initiative Jerome extended this work of revision and translation to include most of the books of the Bible The Vulgate became progressively adopted as the Bible text within the Western Church Over succeeding centuries it eventually eclipsed the Vetus Latina By the 13th century it had taken over from the former version the designation versio vulgata 1 the version commonly used or vulgata for short The Vulgate also contains some Vetus Latina translations that Jerome did not work on The Vulgate was to become the Catholic Church s officially promulgated Latin version of the Bible as the Sixtine Vulgate 1590 then as the Clementine Vulgate 1592 and then as the Nova Vulgata 1979 The Vulgate is still currently used in the Latin Church The Catholic Church affirmed the Vulgate as its official Latin Bible at the Council of Trent 1545 1563 though there was no authoritative edition at that time 2 The Clementine edition of the Vulgate became the standard Bible text of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church and remained so until 1979 when the Nova Vulgata was promulgated Contents 1 Terminology 2 Authorship 2 1 Content 3 Jerome s work of translation 3 1 Prologues 4 Relation with the Vetus Latina Bible 5 Council of Trent and position of the Catholic Church 6 Influence on Western Christianity 6 1 Reformation 6 2 Translations 6 3 Influence upon the English language 7 Critical value 8 Manuscripts and editions 8 1 Manuscripts and early editions 8 1 1 Carolingian period 8 1 2 Late Middle Ages 8 2 Printed editions 8 2 1 Renaissance 8 2 2 Sixtine and Clementine Vulgates 8 3 Modern critical editions 8 3 1 Oxford New Testament 8 3 2 Benedictine Rome Old Testament 8 3 3 Stuttgart Vulgate 8 4 Nova Vulgata 8 5 Online versions 9 See also 9 1 Related articles 9 2 Some manuscripts 10 Notes 11 References 12 Further reading 13 External linksTerminology editThe term Vulgate is used to designate the Latin Bible only since the 16th century An example of the use of this word in this sense at the time is the title of the 1538 edition of the Latin Bible by Erasmus Biblia utriusque testamenti juxta vulgatam translationem 3 Authorship editThe Vulgate has a compound text that is not entirely Jerome s work 4 Jerome s translation of the four Gospels are revisions of Vetus Latina translations he did while having the Greek as reference 5 6 The Latin translations of the rest of the New Testament are revisions to the Vetus Latina considered as being made by Pelagian circles or by Rufinus the Syrian or by Rufinus of Aquileia 5 7 8 Several unrevised books of the Vetus Latina Old Testament also commonly became included in the Vulgate These are 1 and 2 Maccabees Wisdom Ecclesiasticus Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah 9 10 Having separately translated the book of Psalms from the Greek Hexapla Septuagint Jerome translated all of the books of the Jewish Bible the Hebrew book of Psalms included from Hebrew himself He also translated the books of Tobit and Judith from Aramaic versions the additions to the Book of Esther from the Common Septuagint and the additions to the Book of Daniel from the Greek of Theodotion 11 Content edit The Vulgate is a composite collection which cannot be identified with only Jerome s work because the Vulgate contains Vetus Latina which are independent from Jerome s work 9 The Alcuinian pandects contain 9 Revision of Vetus Latina by Jerome the Gospels corrected with reference to the Greek manuscripts which Jerome considered the best available 12 9 Translation from the Hebrew by Jerome all the books from the Hebrew canon except the Book of Psalms 9 Translation from the Hexaplar Septuagint by Jerome his Gallican version of the Book of Psalms 5 Translation from Aramaic by Jerome the book of Tobit and the book of Judith 9 Translation from the Greek of Theodotion by Jerome the three additions to the Book of Daniel the Song of the Three Children the Story of Susanna and the Story of Bel and the Dragon Jerome marked these additions with an obelus before them to distinguish them from the rest of the text 13 He says that because those parts are spread throughout the whole world we have appended by banishing and placing them after the spit or obelus so we will not be seen among the unlearned to have cut off a large part of the scroll 14 Translation from the Common Septuagint by Jerome the Additions to Esther Jerome gathered all these additions together at the end of the Book of Esther marking them with an obelus 15 Revision of Vetus Latina by Pelagian groups or by Rufinus the Syrian or by Rufinus of Aquileia Acts Pauline epistles Catholic epistles and the Apocalypse 5 8 7 Vetus Latina wholly unrevised Epistle to the Laodiceans Sirach Wisdom 1 and 2 Maccabees 9 10 The 13th century Paris Bibles remove the Epistle to the Laodiceans but add 9 Vetus Latina wholly unrevised Prayer of Manasses 4 Ezra the Book of Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah The Book of Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah were first excluded by Jerome as non canonical but sporadically re admitted into the Vulgate tradition from the Additions to the Book of Jeremiah of the Vetus Latina from the 9th century onward 9 10 Independent translation distinct from the Vetus Latina probably of the 3rd century 3 Ezra 9 16 Another text which is considered as part of the Vulgate is Translation from the Hebrew by Jerome the books of the Hebrew Bible including a translation of the Psalms from the Hebrew 11 This translation of the Psalms was kept in Spanish manuscripts of the Vulgate long after the Gallican psalter had supplanted it elsewhere 17 Completion dates given by experts for this translation of the Psalms range from between 390 and 398 18 Jerome s work of translation edit nbsp Saint Jerome in His Study by Domenico GhirlandaioJerome did not embark on the work with the intention of creating a new version of the whole Bible but the changing nature of his program can be tracked in his voluminous correspondence He had been commissioned by Damasus I in 382 to revise the Vetus Latina text of the four Gospels from the best Greek texts By the time of Damasus death in 384 Jerome had completed this task together with a more cursory revision from the Greek Common Septuagint of the Vetus Latina text of the Psalms in the Roman Psalter a version which he later disowned and is now lost 19 How much of the rest of the New Testament he then revised is difficult to judge 20 21 but none of his work survived in the Vulgate text of these books The revised text of the New Testament outside the Gospels is the work of other scholars Rufinus of Aquileia has been suggested as has Rufinus the Syrian an associate of Pelagius and Pelagius himself though without specific evidence for any of them 7 22 Pelagian groups have also been suggested as the revisers 5 This unknown reviser worked more thoroughly than Jerome had done consistently using older Greek manuscript sources of Alexandrian text type They had published a complete revised New Testament text by 410 at the latest when Pelagius quoted from it in his commentary on the letters of Paul 23 6 In Jerome s Vulgate the Hebrew Book of Ezra Nehemiah is translated as the single book of Ezra Jerome defends this in his Prologue to Ezra although he had noted formerly in his Prologue to the Book of Kings that some Greeks and Latins had proposed that this book should be split in two Jerome argues that the two books of Ezra found in the Septuagint and Vetus Latina Esdras A and Esdras B represented variant examples of a single Hebrew original Hence he does not translate Esdras A separately even though up until then it had been universally found in Greek and Vetus Latina Old Testaments preceding Esdras B the combined text of Ezra Nehemiah 24 The Vulgate is usually credited as being the first translation of the Old Testament into Latin directly from the Hebrew Tanakh rather than from the Greek Septuagint Jerome s extensive use of exegetical material written in Greek as well as his use of the Aquiline and Theodotiontic columns of the Hexapla along with the somewhat paraphrastic style 25 in which he translated makes it difficult to determine exactly how direct the conversion of Hebrew to Latin was a 26 27 Augustine of Hippo a contemporary of Jerome states in Book XVII ch 43 of his The City of God that in our own day the priest Jerome a great scholar and master of all three tongues has made a translation into Latin not from Greek but directly from the original Hebrew 28 Nevertheless Augustine still maintained that the Septuagint alongside the Hebrew witnessed the inspired text of Scripture and consequently pressed Jerome for complete copies of his Hexaplar Latin translation of the Old Testament a request that Jerome ducked with the excuse that the originals had been lost through someone s dishonesty 29 Prologues edit Prologues written by Jerome to some of his translations of parts of the Bible are to the Pentateuch 30 to Joshua 31 and to Kings 1 2 Kings and 1 2 Samuel which is also called the Galeatum principium 32 Following these are prologues to Chronicles 33 Ezra 34 Tobit 35 Judith 36 Esther 37 Job 38 the Gallican Psalms 39 Song of Songs 40 Isaiah 41 Jeremiah 42 Ezekiel 43 Daniel 14 the minor prophets 44 the gospels 45 The final prologue is to the Pauline epistles and is better known as Primum quaeritur this prologue is considered not to have been written by Jerome 46 7 Related to these are Jerome s Notes on the Rest of Esther 47 and his Prologue to the Hebrew Psalms 48 A theme of the Old Testament prologues is Jerome s preference for the Hebraica veritas i e Hebrew truth over the Septuagint a preference which he defended from his detractors After Jerome had translated some parts of the Septuagint into Latin he came to consider the text of the Septuagint as being faulty in itself i e Jerome thought mistakes in the Septuagint text were not all mistakes made by copyists but that some mistakes were part of the original text itself as it was produced by the Seventy translators Jerome believed that the Hebrew text more clearly prefigured Christ than the Greek of the Septuagint since he believed some quotes of the Old Testament in the New Testament were not present in the Septuagint but existed in the Hebrew version Jerome gave some of those quotes in his prologue to the Pentateuch 49 In the Galeatum principium a k a Prologus Galeatus Jerome described an Old Testament canon of 22 books which he found represented in the 22 letter Hebrew alphabet Alternatively he numbered the books as 24 which he identifies with the 24 elders in the Book of Revelation casting their crowns before the Lamb 32 In the prologue to Ezra he sets the twenty four elders of the Hebrew Bible against the Seventy interpreters of the Septuagint 34 In addition many medieval Vulgate manuscripts included Jerome s epistle number 53 to Paulinus bishop of Nola as a general prologue to the whole Bible Notably this letter was printed at the head of the Gutenberg Bible Jerome s letter promotes the study of each of the books of the Old and New Testaments listed by name and excluding any mention of the deuterocanonical books and its dissemination had the effect of propagating the belief that the whole Vulgate text was Jerome s work The prologue to the Pauline Epistles in the Vulgate defends the Pauline authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews directly contrary to Jerome s own views a key argument in demonstrating that Jerome did not write it The author of the Primum quaeritur is unknown but it is first quoted by Pelagius in his commentary on the Pauline letters written before 410 As this work also quotes from the Vulgate revision of these letters it has been proposed that Pelagius or one of his associates may have been responsible for the revision of the Vulgate New Testament outside the Gospels At any rate it is reasonable to identify the author of the preface with the unknown reviser of the New Testament outside the gospels 7 Some manuscripts of the Pauline epistles contain short Marcionite prologues to each of the epistles indicating where they were written with notes about where the recipients dwelt Adolf von Harnack citing De Bruyne argued that these notes were written by Marcion of Sinope or one of his followers 50 Many early Vulgate manuscripts contain a set of Priscillianist prologues to the gospels Relation with the Vetus Latina Bible editMain article Vetus Latina The Latin biblical texts in use before Jerome s Vulgate are usually referred to collectively as the Vetus Latina or Vetus Latina Bible Vetus Latina means that they are older than the Vulgate and written in Latin not that they are written in Old Latin Jerome himself uses the term Latin Vulgate for the Vetus Latina text so intending to denote this version as the common Latin rendering of the Greek Vulgate or Common Septuagint which Jerome otherwise terms the Seventy interpreters This remained the usual use of the term Latin Vulgate in the West for centuries On occasion Jerome applies the term Septuagint Septuaginta to refer to the Hexaplar Septuagint where he wishes to distinguish this from the Vulgata or Common Septuagint The earliest known use of the term Vulgata to describe the new Latin translation was made by Roger Bacon in the 13th century 51 The translations in the Vetus Latina had accumulated piecemeal over a century or more They were not translated by a single person or institution nor uniformly edited The individual books varied in quality of translation and style and different manuscripts and quotations witness wide variations in readings Some books appear to have been translated several times The book of Psalms in particular had circulated for over a century in an earlier Latin version the Cyprianic Version before it was superseded by the Vetus Latina version in the 4th century Jerome in his preface to the Vulgate gospels commented that there were as many translations as there are manuscripts subsequently repeating the witticism in his preface to the Book of Joshua The base text for Jerome s revision of the gospels was a Vetus Latina text similar to the Codex Veronensis with the text of the Gospel of John conforming more to that in the Codex Corbiensis 52 Jerome s work on the Gospels was a revision of the Vetus Latina versions and not a new translation High priest is rendered princeps sacerdotum in Vulgate Matthew as summus sacerdos in Vulgate Mark and as pontifex in Vulgate John The Vetus Latina gospels had been translated from Greek originals of the Western text type Comparison of Jerome s Gospel texts with those in Vetus Latina witnesses suggests that his revision was concerned with substantially redacting their expanded Western phraseology in accordance with the Greek texts of better early Byzantine and Alexandrian witnesses One major change Jerome introduced was to re order the Latin Gospels Most Vetus Latina gospel books followed the Western order of Matthew John Luke Mark Jerome adopted the Greek order of Matthew Mark Luke John His revisions became progressively less frequent and less consistent in the gospels presumably done later 53 In places Jerome adopted readings that did not correspond to a straightforward rendering either of the Vetus Latina or the Greek text so reflecting a particular doctrinal interpretation as in his rewording panem nostrum supersubstantialem at Matthew 6 11 54 The unknown reviser of the rest of the New Testament shows marked differences from Jerome both in editorial practice and in their sources Where Jerome sought to correct the Vetus Latina text with reference to the best recent Greek manuscripts with a preference for those conforming to the Byzantine text type the Greek text underlying the revision of the rest of the New Testament demonstrates the Alexandrian text type found in the great uncial codices of the mid 4th century most similar to the Codex Sinaiticus The reviser s changes generally conform very closely to this Greek text even in matters of word order to the extent that the resulting text may be only barely intelligible as Latin 6 After the Gospels the most widely used and copied part of the Christian Bible is the Book of Psalms Consequently Damasus also commissioned Jerome to revise the psalter in use in Rome to agree better with the Greek of the Common Septuagint Jerome said he had done this cursorily when in Rome but he later disowned this version maintaining that copyists had reintroduced erroneous readings Until the 20th century it was commonly assumed that the surviving Roman Psalter represented Jerome s first attempted revision but more recent scholarship following de Bruyne rejects this identification The Roman Psalter is indeed one of at least five revised versions of the mid 4th century Vetus Latina Psalter but compared to the other four the revisions in the Roman Psalter are in clumsy Latin and fail to follow Jerome s known translational principles especially in respect of correcting harmonised readings Nevertheless it is clear from Jerome s correspondence especially in his defence of the Gallican Psalter in the long and detailed Epistle 106 55 that he was familiar with the Roman Psalter text and consequently it is assumed that this revision represents the Roman text as Jerome had found it 56 Wisdom Ecclesiasticus 1 and 2 Maccabees and Baruch with the Letter of Jeremiah are included in the Vulgate and are purely Vetus Latina translations which Jerome did not touch 57 In the 9th century the Vetus Latina texts of Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah were introduced into the Vulgate in versions revised by Theodulf of Orleans and are found in a minority of early medieval Vulgate pandect bibles from that date onward 10 After 1300 when the booksellers of Paris began to produce commercial single volume Vulgate bibles in large numbers these commonly included both Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah as the Book of Baruch Also beginning in the 9th century Vulgate manuscripts are found that split Jerome s combined translation from the Hebrew of Ezra and the Nehemiah into separate books called 1 Ezra and 2 Ezra Bogaert argues that this practice arose from an intention to conform the Vulgate text to the authoritative canon lists of the 5th 6th century where two books of Ezra were commonly cited 58 Subsequently many late medieval Vulgate bible manuscripts introduced a Latin version originating from before Jerome and distinct from that in the Vetus Latina of the Greek Esdras A now commonly termed 3 Ezra and also a Latin version of an Ezra Apocalypse commonly termed 4 Ezra Council of Trent and position of the Catholic Church editThe Vulgate was given an official capacity by the Council of Trent 1545 1563 as the touchstone of the biblical canon concerning which parts of books are canonical 59 The Vulgate was declared to be held as authentic by the Catholic Church by the Council of Trent 60 The Council of Trent cited long usage in support of the Vulgate s magisterial authority Moreover this sacred and holy Synod considering that no small utility may accrue to the Church of God if it be made known which out of all the Latin editions now in circulation of the sacred books is to be held as authentic ordains and declares that the said old and vulgate edition which by the lengthened usage of so many years has been approved of in the Church be in public lectures disputations sermons and expositions held as authentic and that no one is to dare or presume to reject it under any pretext whatever 60 The qualifier Latin editions now in circulation and the use of authentic not inerrant show the limits of this statement 61 When the council listed the books included in the canon it qualified the books as being entire with all their parts as they have been used to be read in the Catholic Church and as they are contained in the Vetus Latina vulgate edition The fourth session of the Council specified 72 canonical books in the Bible 45 in the Old Testament 27 in the New Testament with Lamentations not being counted as separate from Jeremiah 62 On 2 June 1927 Pope Pius XI clarified this decree allowing that the Comma Johanneum was open to dispute 63 Later in the 20th century Pope Pius XII declared the Vulgate as free from error whatsoever in matters of faith and morals in his encyclical Divino Afflante Spiritu Hence this special authority or as they say authenticity of the Vulgate was not affirmed by the Council particularly for critical reasons but rather because of its legitimate use in the Churches throughout so many centuries by which use indeed the same is shown in the sense in which the Church has understood and understands it to be free from any error whatsoever in matters of faith and morals so that as the Church herself testifies and affirms it may be quoted safely and without fear of error in disputations in lectures and in preaching 64 Pope Pius XII The inerrancy is with respect to faith and morals as it says in the above quote free from any error whatsoever in matters of faith and morals and the inerrancy is not in a philological sense and so its authenticity is not specified primarily as critical but rather as juridical 64 The Catholic Church has produced three official editions of the Vulgate the Sixtine Vulgate the Clementine Vulgate and the Nova Vulgata see below Influence on Western Christianity edit nbsp First page of the first volume of the Gutenberg Bible the epistle of Jerome to Paulinus from the University of Texas copy The page has 40 lines For over a thousand years c AD 400 1530 the Vulgate was the most commonly used edition of the most influential text in Western European society Indeed for most Western Christians especially Catholics it was the only version of the Bible ever encountered only truly being eclipsed in the mid 20th century 65 In about 1455 the first Vulgate published by the moveable type process was produced in Mainz by a partnership between Johannes Gutenberg and banker John Fust or Faust 66 67 68 At the time a manuscript of the Vulgate was selling for approximately 500 guilders Gutenberg s works appear to have been a commercial failure and Fust sued for recovery of his 2026 guilder investment and was awarded complete possession of the Gutenberg plant Arguably the Reformation could not have been possible without the diaspora of biblical knowledge that was permitted by the development of moveable type 67 Aside from its use in prayer liturgy and private study the Vulgate served as inspiration for ecclesiastical art and architecture hymns countless paintings and popular mystery plays Reformation edit See also Reformation The fifth volume of Walton s London Polyglot of 1657 included several versions of the New Testament in Greek Latin a Vulgate version and the version by Arius Montanus Syriac Ethiopic and Arabic It also included a version of the Gospels in Persian 69 The Vulgate Latin is used regularly in Thomas Hobbes Leviathan of 1651 in the Leviathan Hobbes has a worrying tendency to treat the Vulgate as if it were the original 70 Translations edit Before the publication of Pius XII s Divino afflante Spiritu the Vulgate was the source text used for many translations of the Bible into vernacular languages In English the interlinear translation of the Lindisfarne Gospels 71 as well as other Old English Bible translations the translation of John Wycliffe 72 the Douay Rheims Bible the Confraternity Bible and Ronald Knox s translation were all made from the Vulgate Influence upon the English language edit The Vulgate had significant cultural influence on literature for centuries and thus the development of the English language especially in matters of religion 65 Many Latin words were taken from the Vulgate into English nearly unchanged in meaning or spelling creatio e g Genesis 1 1 Heb 9 11 salvatio e g Is 37 32 Eph 2 5 justificatio e g Rom 4 25 Heb 9 1 testamentum e g Mt 26 28 sanctificatio 1 Ptr 1 2 1 Cor 1 30 regeneratio Mt 19 28 and raptura from a noun form of the verb rapere in 1 Thes 4 17 The word publican comes from the Latin publicanus e g Mt 10 3 and the phrase far be it is a translation of the Latin expression absit e g Mt 16 22 in the King James Bible 73 Other examples include apostolus ecclesia evangelium Pascha and angelus Critical value editIn translating the 38 books of the Hebrew Bible Ezra Nehemiah being counted as one book Jerome was relatively free in rendering their text into Latin but it is possible to determine that the oldest surviving complete manuscripts of the Masoretic Text which date from nearly 600 years after Jerome nevertheless transmit a consonantal Hebrew text very close to that used by Jerome 74 Manuscripts and editions editThe Vulgate exists in many forms The Codex Amiatinus is the oldest surviving complete manuscript from the 8th century The Gutenberg Bible is a notable printed edition of the Vulgate by Johann Gutenberg in 1455 The Sixtine Vulgate 1590 is the first official Bible of the Catholic Church The Clementine Vulgate 1592 is a standardized edition of the medieval Vulgate and the second official Bible of the Catholic Church The Stuttgart Vulgate is a 1969 critical edition of the Vulgate The Nova Vulgata is the third and latest official Bible of the Catholic Church it was published in 1979 and is a translation in Classical Latin from modern critical editions of original language texts of the Bible Manuscripts and early editions edit Main article Vulgate manuscripts nbsp A page from the Codex Amiatinus containing the beginning of the Gospel of MarkA number of manuscripts containing or reflecting the Vulgate survive today Dating from the 8th century the Codex Amiatinus is the earliest surviving manuscript of the complete Vulgate Bible The Codex Fuldensis dating from around 545 contains most of the New Testament in the Vulgate version but the four gospels are harmonised into a continuous narrative derived from the Diatessaron Carolingian period edit See also de Alkuin Bibel The two best known revisions of the Latin Scriptures in the early medieval period were made in the Carolingian period by Alcuin of York c 730 840 and Theodulf of Orleans 750 760 821 75 Alcuin of York oversaw efforts to make a Latin Bible an exemplar of which was presented to Charlemagne in 801 Alcuin s edition contained the Vulgate version It appears Alcuin concentrated only on correcting errors of grammar orthography and punctuation Even though Alcuin s revision of the Latin Bible was neither the first nor the last of the Carolingian period it managed to prevail over the other versions and to become the most influential edition for centuries to come The success of this Bible has been attributed to the fact that this Bible may have been prescribed as the official version at the emperor s request However Bonifatius Fischer believes its success was rather due to the productivity of the scribes of Tours where Alcuin was abbot at the monastery of Saint Martin Fischer believes the emperor only favored the editorial work of Alcuin by encouraging work on the Bible in general 76 Although in contrast to Alcuin Theodulf of Orleans clearly developed an editorial programme his work on the Bible was far less influential than that of hs slightly older contemporary Nevertheless several manuscripts containing his version have come down to us Theodulf added to his edition of the Bible the Book of Baruch which Alcuin s edition did not contain it is this version of the Book of Baruch which later became part of the Vulgate In his editorial activity on at least one manuscript of the Theodulf Bible S Paris BNF lat 9398 Theodulf marked variant readings along with their sources in the margin of the manuscripts Those marginal notes of variant readings along with their sources seem to foreshadow the thirteenth century correctoria 77 In the 9th century the Vetus Latina texts of Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah were introduced into the Vulgate in versions revised by Theodulf of Orleans and are found in a minority of early medieval Vulgate pandect bibles from that date onward 10 Cassiodorus Isidore of Sevilla and Stephen Harding also worked on editions of the Latin Bible Isidore s edition as well as the edition of Cassiodorus ha ve not come down to us 78 By the 9th century due to the success of Alcuin s edition the Vulgate had replaced the Vetus Latina as the most available edition of the Latin Bible 79 Late Middle Ages edit See also Paris BibleThe University of Paris the Dominicans and the Franciscans assembled lists of correctoria approved readings where variants had been noted 80 Printed editions edit Renaissance edit Though the advent of printing greatly reduced the potential of human error and increased the consistency and uniformity of the text the earliest editions of the Vulgate merely reproduced the manuscripts that were readily available to publishers Of the hundreds of early editions the most notable today is the Mazarin edition published by Johann Gutenberg and Johann Fust in 1455 famous for its beauty and antiquity In 1504 the first Vulgate with variant readings was published in Paris One of the texts of the Complutensian Polyglot was an edition of the Vulgate made from ancient manuscripts and corrected to agree with the Greek Erasmus published an edition corrected to agree better with the Greek and Hebrew in 1516 Other corrected editions were published by Xanthus Pagninus in 1518 Cardinal Cajetan Augustinus Steuchius in 1529 Abbot Isidorus Clarius Venice 1542 and others In 1528 Robertus Stephanus published the first of a series of critical editions which formed the basis of the later Sistine and Clementine editions John Henten s critical edition of the Bible followed in 1547 51 In 1550 Stephanus fled to Geneva where he issued his final critical edition of the Vulgate in 1555 This was the first complete Bible with full chapter and verse divisions and became the standard biblical reference text for late 16th century Reformed theology Sixtine and Clementine Vulgates edit Main articles Canon of Trent Sixtine Vulgate and Sixto Clementine Vulgate nbsp Frontispiece of the original Sixtine Vulgate nbsp Frontispiece of the original 1592 Sixto Clementine VulgateAfter the Reformation when the Catholic Church strove to counter Protestantism and refute its doctrines the Vulgate was declared at the Council of Trent to be in public lectures disputations sermons and expositions held as authentic and that no one is to dare or presume to reject it under any pretext whatever 60 Furthermore the council expressed the wish that the Vulgate be printed quam emendatissime b with fewest possible faults 2 81 In 1590 the Sixtine Vulgate was issued under Sixtus V as being the official Bible recommended by the Council of Trent 82 83 On 27 August 1590 Sixtus V died After his death many claimed that the text of the Sixtine Vulgate was too error ridden for general use 84 On 5 September of the same year the College of Cardinals stopped all further sales of the Sixtine Vulgate and bought and destroyed as many copies as possible by burning them The reason invoked for this action was printing inaccuracies in Sixtus V s edition of the Vulgate However Bruce Metzger an American biblical scholar believes that the printing inaccuracies may have been a pretext and that the attack against this edition had been instigated by the Jesuits whom Sixtus had offended by putting one of Bellarmine s books on the Index 85 In the same year he became pope 1592 Clement VIII recalled all copies of the Sixtine Vulgate 86 87 The reason invoked for recalling Sixtus V s edition was printing errors however the Sixtine Vulgate was mostly free of them 87 83 The Sistine edition was replaced by Clement VIII 1592 1605 This new edition was published in 1592 and is called today the Clementine Vulgate 88 89 or Sixto Clementine Vulgate 89 The misprints of this edition were partly eliminated in a second 1593 and a third 1598 edition 88 The Clementine Vulgate is the edition most familiar to Catholics who have lived prior to the liturgical reforms following Vatican II Roger Gryson in the preface to the 4th edition of the Stuttgart Vulgate 1994 asserts that the Clementine edition frequently deviates from the manuscript tradition for literary or doctrinal reasons and offers only a faint reflection of the original Vulgate as read in the pandecta of the first millennium 90 However historical scholar Cardinal Francis Aidan Gasquet in the Catholic Encyclopedia states that the Clementine Vulgate substantially represents the Vulgate which Jerome produced in the fourth century although it stands in need of close examination and much correction to make it completely agree with the translation of St Jerome 91 Modern critical editions edit Most other later editions were limited to the New Testament and did not present a full critical apparatus most notably Karl Lachmann s editions of 1842 and 1850 based primarily on the Codex Amiatinus and the Codex Fuldensis 92 Fleck s edition 93 of 1840 and Constantin von Tischendorf s edition of 1864 In 1906 Eberhard Nestle published Novum Testamentum Latine 94 which presented the Clementine Vulgate text with a critical apparatus comparing it to the editions of Sixtus V 1590 Lachman 1842 Tischendorf 1854 and Wordsworth and White 1889 as well as the Codex Amiatinus and the Codex Fuldensis To make a text available representative of the earliest copies of the Vulgate and summarise the most common variants between the various manuscripts Anglican scholars at the University of Oxford began to edit the New Testament in 1878 completed in 1954 while the Benedictines of Rome began an edition of the Old Testament in 1907 completed in 1995 The Oxford Anglican scholars s findings were condensed into an edition of both the Old and New Testaments first published at Stuttgart in 1969 created with the participation of members from both projects These books are the standard editions of the Vulgate used by scholars 95 Oxford New Testament edit Main article Oxford Vulgate As a result of the inaccuracy of existing editions of the Vulgate in 1878 the delegates of the Oxford University Press accepted a proposal from classicist John Wordsworth to produce a critical edition of the New Testament 96 97 This was eventually published as Nouum Testamentum Domini nostri Iesu Christi Latine secundum editionem sancti Hieronymi in three volumes between 1889 and 1954 98 The edition commonly known as the Oxford Vulgate relies primarily on the texts of the Codex Amiatinus Codex Fuldensis Codex Harleianus in the Gospels Codex Sangermanensis Codex Mediolanensis in the Gospels and Codex Reginensis in Paul 99 100 It also consistently cites readings in the so called DELQR group of manuscripts named after the sigla it uses for them Book of Armagh D Egerton Gospels E Lichfield Gospels L Book of Kells Q and Rushworth Gospels R 101 Benedictine Rome Old Testament edit Main article Benedictine Vulgate In 1907 Pope Pius X commissioned the Benedictine monks to prepare a critical edition of Jerome s Vulgate entitled Biblia Sacra iuxta latinam vulgatam versionem 102 This text was originally planned as the basis for a revised complete official Bible for the Catholic Church to replace the Clementine edition 103 The first volume the Pentateuch was completed in 1926 104 105 For the Pentateuch the primary sources for the text are the Codex Amiatinus the Codex Turonensis the Ashburnham Pentateuch and the Ottobonianus Octateuch 106 For the rest of the Old Testament except the Book of Psalms the primary sources for the text are the Codex Amiatinus and Codex Cavensis 107 Following the Codex Amiatinus and the Vulgate texts of Alcuin and Theodulf the Benedictine Vulgate reunited the Book of Ezra and the Book of Nehemiah into a single book reversing the decisions of the Sixto Clementine Vulgate In 1933 Pope Pius XI established the Pontifical Abbey of St Jerome in the City to complete the work By the 1970s as a result of liturgical changes that had spurred the Vatican to produce a new translation of the Latin Bible the Nova Vulgata the Benedictine edition was no longer required for official purposes 108 and the abbey was suppressed in 1984 109 Five monks were nonetheless allowed to complete the final two volumes of the Old Testament which were published under the abbey s name in 1987 and 1995 110 Stuttgart Vulgate edit Main article Stuttgart Vulgate nbsp Concordance to the Vulgate Bible for the Stuttgart VulgateBased on the editions of Oxford and Rome but with an independent examination of the manuscript evidence and extending their lists of primary witnesses for some books the Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt later the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft German Bible Society based in Stuttgart first published a critical edition of the complete Vulgate in 1969 The work has continued to be updated with a fifth edition appearing in 2007 111 The project was originally directed by Robert Weber OSB a monk of the same Benedictine abbey responsible for the Benedictine edition with collaborators Bonifatius Fischer Jean Gribomont Hedley Frederick Davis Sparks also responsible for the completion of the Oxford edition and Walter Thiele Roger Gryson has been responsible for the most recent editions It is thus marketed by its publisher as the Weber Gryson edition but is also frequently referred to as the Stuttgart edition 112 The Weber Gryson includes of Jerome s prologues and the Eusebian Canons It contains two Psalters the Gallicanum and the juxta Hebraicum which are printed on facing pages to allow easy comparison and contrast between the two versions It has an expanded Apocrypha containing Psalm 151 and the Epistle to the Laodiceans in addition to 3 and 4 Ezra and the Prayer of Manasses In addition its modern prefaces in Latin German French and English are a source of valuable information about the history of the Vulgate Nova Vulgata edit Main article Nova Vulgata The Nova Vulgata Nova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio also called the Neo Vulgate is the official Latin edition of the Bible published by the Holy See for use in the contemporary Roman rite It is not a critical edition of the historical Vulgate but a revision of the text intended to accord with modern critical Hebrew and Greek texts and produce a style closer to Classical Latin 113 In 1979 the Nova Vulgata was promulgated as typical standard by John Paul II 114 Online versions edit The title Vulgate is currently applied to three distinct online texts which can be found from various sources on the Internet The text being used can be ascertained from the spelling of Eve s name in Genesis 3 20 115 116 Heva the Clementine Vulgate Hava the Stuttgart edition of the Vulgate Eva the Nova VulgataSee also editRelated articles edit Bible translations into Latin Biblia Pauperum Books of the Vulgate Ferdinand Cavallera Divino afflante Spiritu Gutenberg Bible Jerome Paula and Eustochium Catholic saints important collaborators of Jerome 117 118 119 Latin Psalters The Philobiblon Poor Man s BibleSome manuscripts edit Codex Amiatinus Codex Complutensis I Codex Fuldensis Codex Gigas Codex Sangallensis 1395 List of New Testament Latin manuscripts Vulgate manuscriptsNotes edit Some following P Nautin 1986 and perhaps E Burstein 1971 suggest that Jerome may have been almost wholly dependent on Greek material for his interpretation of the Hebrew A Kamesar 1993 on the other hand sees evidence that in some cases Jerome s knowledge of Hebrew exceeds that of his exegetes implying a direct understanding of the Hebrew text Literally in the most correct manner possible References edit T Lewis Charlton Short Charles A Latin Dictionary vulgo www perseus tufts edu Retrieved 5 October 2019 a b Metzger Bruce M 1977 The Early Versions of the New Testament Oxford Clarendon Press p 348 Canellis Aline ed 2017 Introduction Du travail de Jerome a la Vulgate Introduction From Jerome s work to the Vulgate Jerome Prefaces aux livres de la Bible Jerome Preface to the books of the Bible in French Abbeville Editions du Cerf pp 216 7 ISBN 978 2 204 12618 2 Plater William Edward Henry Julian White 1926 A grammar of the Vulgate being an introduction to the study of the latinity of the Vulgate Bible Oxford Clarendon Press a b c d e Canellis Aline ed 2017 Jerome Prefaces aux livres de la Bible Jerome Preface to the books of the Bible in French Abbeville Editions du Cerf pp 89 90 217 ISBN 978 2 204 12618 2 a b c Houghton H A G 2016 The Latin New Testament a Guide to its Early History Texts and Manuscripts Oxford University Press p 41 a b c d e Scherbenske Eric W 2013 Canonizing Paul Ancient Editorial Practice and the Corpus Paulinum Oxford University Press p 183 a b Houghton H A G 2016 The Latin New Testament a Guide to its Early History Texts and Manuscripts Oxford University Press pp 36 41 a b c d e f g h i j Canellis Aline ed 2017 Introduction Du travail de Jerome a la Vulgate Introduction From Jerome s work to the Vulgate Jerome Prefaces aux livres de la Bible Jerome Preface to the books of the Bible in French Abbeville Editions du Cerf p 217 ISBN 978 2 204 12618 2 a b c d e Bogaert Pierre Maurice 2005 Le livre de Baruch dans les manuscrits de la Bible latine Disparition et reintegration Revue Benedictine 115 2 286 342 doi 10 1484 J RB 5 100598 a b Canellis Aline ed 2017 Introduction Du travail de Jerome a la Vulgate Introduction From Jerome s work to the Vulgate Jerome Prefaces aux livres de la Bible Jerome Preface to the books of the Bible in French Abbeville Editions du Cerf pp 213 217 ISBN 978 2 204 12618 2 Chapman John 1922 St Jerome and the Vulgate New Testament I II The Journal of Theological Studies o s 24 93 33 51 doi 10 1093 jts os XXIV 93 33 ISSN 0022 5185 Chapman John 1923 St Jerome and the Vulgate New Testament III The Journal of Theological Studies o s 24 95 282 299 doi 10 1093 jts os XXIV 95 282 ISSN 0022 5185 Canellis Aline ed 2017 Jerome Prefaces aux livres de la Bible Jerome Preface to the books of the Bible in French Abbeville Editions du Cerf pp 132 133 217 ISBN 978 2 204 12618 2 a b Jerome s Prologue to Daniel biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 1 January 2014 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Canellis Aline ed 2017 Introduction Revision et retourn a l Hebraica veritas Introduction Revision and return to Hebraica veritas Jerome Prefaces aux livres de la Bible Jerome Preface to the books of the Bible in French Abbeville Editions du Cerf pp 133 134 217 ISBN 978 2 204 12618 2 York Harry Clinton 1910 The Latin Versions of First Esdras The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures 26 4 253 302 doi 10 1086 369651 JSTOR 527826 S2CID 170979647 Weber Robert Gryson Roger eds 2007 Praefatio Biblia sacra iuxta Vulgatam versionem Oliver Wendell Holmes Library Phillips Academy 5 ed Stuttgart Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft pp VI XV XXV XXXIV ISBN 978 3 438 05303 9 Canellis Aline ed 2017 Introduction Revision et retourn a l Hebraica veritas Introduction Revision and return to Hebraica veritas Jerome Prefaces aux livres de la Bible Jerome Preface to the books of the Bible in French Abbeville Editions du Cerf p 98 ISBN 978 2 204 12618 2 Goins Scott 2014 Jerome s Psalters In Brown William P ed Oxford Handbook to the Psalms Oxford University Press p 188 Scherbenske Eric W 2013 Canonizing Paul Ancient Editorial Practice and the Corpus Paulinum Oxford University Press p 182 Houghton H A G 2016 The Latin New Testament a Guide to its Early History Texts and Manuscripts Oxford University Press p 31 Houghton H A G 2016 The Latin New Testament a Guide to its Early History Texts and Manuscripts Oxford University Press p 36 Scherbenske Eric W 2013 Canonizing Paul Ancient Editorial Practice and the Corpus Paulinum Oxford University Press p 184 Bogaert Pierre Maurice 2000 Les livres d Esdras et leur numerotation dans l histoire du canon de la Bible latin Revue Benedictine 1o5 1 2 5 26 doi 10 1484 J RB 5 100750 Worth Roland H Jr Bible Translations A History Through Source Documents pp 29 30 Pierre Nautin article Hieronymus in Theologische Realenzyklopadie Vol 15 Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York 1986 pp 304 315 309 310 Adam Kamesar Jerome Greek Scholarship and the Hebrew Bible A Study of the Quaestiones Hebraicae in Genesim Clarendon Press Oxford 1993 ISBN 978 0198147275 p 97 This work cites E Burstein La competence en hebreu de saint Jerome Diss Poitiers 1971 City of God edited and abridged by Vernon J Bourke 1958 Church Fathers Letter 172 Augustine or 134 Jerome www newadvent org Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to Genesis biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 5 June 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to Joshua biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 10 November 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 a b Jerome s Helmeted Introduction to Kings biblicalia www bombaxo com Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to Chronicles biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 3 August 2014 Retrieved 26 June 2017 a b Jerome s Prologue to Ezra biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 5 June 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to Tobias biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 5 June 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to Judith biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 8 December 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to Esther biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 4 December 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to Job biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 8 December 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to Psalms LXX biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 4 December 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to the Books of Solomon biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 3 December 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to Isaiah biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 8 December 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to Jeremiah biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 31 December 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to Ezekiel biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 31 December 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to the Twelve Prophets biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 5 June 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to the Gospels biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 10 November 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Vulgate Prologue to Paul s Letters biblicalia www bombaxo com Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Notes to the Additions to Esther biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 3 December 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Jerome s Prologue to Psalms Hebrew biblicalia www bombaxo com Archived from the original on 3 December 2013 Retrieved 26 June 2017 Canellis Aline ed 2017 Introduction Revision et retourn a l Hebraica veritas Introduction Revision and return to Hebraica veritas Jerome Prefaces aux livres de la Bible Jerome Preface to the books of the Bible in French Abbeville Editions du Cerf pp 99 109 ISBN 978 2 204 12618 2 Origin of the New Testament APPENDIX I to 2 of Part I pp 59 f The Marcionite Prologues to the Pauline Epistles Adolf von Harnack 1914 Moreover Harnack noted We have indeed long known that Marcionite readings found their way into the ecclesiastical text of the Pauline epistles but now for seven years we have known that Churches actually accepted the Marcionite prefaces to the Pauline epistles De Bruyne has made one of the finest discoveries of later days in proving that those prefaces which we read first in Codex Fuldensis and then in numbers of later manuscripts are Marcionite and that the Churches had not noticed the cloven hoof a b Latin Vulgate International Standard Bible Encyclopedia www bible researcher com 1915 Retrieved 16 August 2019 Buron Philip 2014 The text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research 2nd edn Brill Publishers p 182 Houghton H A G 2016 The Latin New Testament a Guide to its Early History Texts and Manuscripts Oxford University Press pp 32 34 195 Houghton H A G 2016 The Latin New Testament a Guide to its Early History Texts and Manuscripts Oxford University Press p 33 Goins Scott 2014 Jerome s Psalters In Brown William P ed Oxford Handbook of the Psalms OUP p 190 Norris Oliver 2017 Tracing Fortunatianus s Psalter In Dorfbauer Lukas J ed Fortunatianus ridivivus CSEL p 285 Biblia Sacra iuxta vulgatam versionem Robert Weber Roger Gryson eds 5 ed Stuttgart Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft 2007 p XXXIII a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link Bogaert Pierre Maurice 2000 Les livres d Esdras et leur numerotation dans l histoire du canon de la Bible latin Revue Benedictine 110 1 2 5 26 doi 10 1484 J RB 5 100750 Sutcliffe Edmund F 1948 The Council of Trent on the authentia of the Vulgate The Journal of Theological Studies o s 49 193 194 35 42 doi 10 1093 jts os XLIX 193 194 35 ISSN 0022 5185 a b c Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent The Fourth Session 1546 Akin Jimmy Is the Vulgate the Catholic Church s Official Bible National Catholic Register Retrieved 15 May 2018 Fourth Session April 8 1546 Denzinger English translation older numbering patristica net Retrieved 11 March 2020 2198 This decree of January 13 1897 was passed to check the audacity of private teachers who attributed to themselves the right either of rejecting entirely the authenticity of the Johannine comma or at least of calling it into question by their own final judgment But it was not meant at all to prevent Catholic writers from investigating the subject more fully and after weighing the arguments accurately on both sides with that and temperance which the gravity of the subject requires from inclining toward an opinion in opposition to its authenticity provided they professed that they were ready to abide by the judgment of the Church to which the duty was delegated by Jesus Christ not only of interpreting Holy Scripture but also of guarding it faithfully a b Divino Afflante Spiritu Pope Pius XII 21 in English version w2 vatican va Retrieved 18 March 2020 a b Cataloging Biblical Materials Princeton Library Princeton University Library s Cataloging Documentation Retrieved 19 May 2023 Skeen William 1872 Early Typography Colombo Ceylon a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link a b E C Bigmore C W H Wyman 2014 A Bibliography of Printing Cambridge Cambridge University Press p 288 ISBN 9781108074322 Watt Robert 1824 Bibliotheca Britannica or a General Index to British and Foreign Literature Edinburgh and London Longman Hurst amp Co p 452 Daniell David 2003 The Bible in English its history and influence New Haven Yale University Press p 510 ISBN 0 300 09930 4 Daniell 2003 p 478 Michelle P Brown The Lindisfarne Gospels Society Spirituality and the Scribe Volume 1 James E Smith Introduction to Biblical Studies p 38 Mt 16 22 Kenyon Frederic G 1939 Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts 4th ed London p 81 Retrieved 6 January 2011 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Linde Cornelia 2011 II 2 Medieval Editions How to correct the Sacra scriptura Textual criticism of the Latin Bible between the twelfth and fifteenth century Medium AEvum Monographs 29 Oxford Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature p 39 ISBN 978 0907570226 Linde Cornelia 2011 II 2 Medieval Editions How to correct the Sacra scriptura Textual criticism of the Latin Bible between the twelfth and fifteenth century Medium AEvum Monographs 29 Oxford Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature pp 39 41 ISBN 978 0907570226 Linde Cornelia 2011 II 2 Medieval Editions How to correct the Sacra scriptura Textual criticism of the Latin Bible between the twelfth and fifteenth century Medium AEvum Monographs 29 Oxford Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature pp 41 2 ISBN 978 0907570226 Linde Cornelia 2011 II 2 Medieval Editions How to correct the Sacra scriptura Textual criticism of the Latin Bible between the twelfth and fifteenth century Medium AEvum Monographs 29 Oxford Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature pp 39 250 ISBN 978 0907570226 Linde Cornelia 2011 II 2 Medieval Editions How to correct the Sacra scriptura Textual criticism of the Latin Bible between the twelfth and fifteenth century Medium AEvum Monographs 29 Oxford Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature p 47 ISBN 978 0907570226 Linde Cornelia 2011 II 2 Medieval Editions How to correct the Sacra scriptura Textual criticism of the Latin Bible between the twelfth and fifteenth century Medium AEvum Monographs 29 Oxford Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature pp 42 47 ISBN 978 0907570226 Berger Samuel 1879 La Bible au seizieme siecle Etude sur les origines de la critique biblique in French Paris p 147 ff Retrieved 23 January 2011 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Scrivener Frederick Henry Ambrose 1894 Chapter III Latin versions In Miller Edward ed A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament Vol 2 4th ed London George Bell amp Sons p 64 a b Vulgate in the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Online Retrieved 17 September 2019 Pelikan Jaroslav Jan 1996 Catalog of Exhibition Item 1 14 The reformation of the Bible the Bible of the Reformation Dallas Bridwell Library Internet Archive New Haven Yale University Press p 98 ISBN 9780300066678 Metzger Bruce M 1977 The Early Versions of the New Testament Oxford Clarendon Press pp 348 349 Scrivener Frederick Henry Ambrose Edward Miller 1894 A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament Vol 2 4 ed London George Bell amp Sons p 64 a b Hastings James 2004 1898 Vulgate A Dictionary of the Bible Vol 4 part 2 Shimrath Zuzim Honolulu Hawaii University Press of the Pacific p 881 ISBN 978 1410217295 a b Metzger Bruce M 1977 The Early Versions of the New Testament Oxford Clarendon Press p 349 a b Pelikan Jaroslav Jan 1996 1 Sacred Philology Catalog of Exhibition Item 1 14 The reformation of the Bible the Bible of the Reformation Dallas Bridwell Library Internet Archive New Haven Yale University Press pp 14 98 ISBN 9780300066678 Weber Robert Gryson Roger eds 2007 Praefatio Biblia sacra iuxta Vulgatam versionem Oliver Wendell Holmes Library Phillips Academy 5th ed Stuttgart Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft pp IX XVIII XXVIII XXXVII ISBN 978 3 438 05303 9 Gasquet F A 1912 Revision of Vulgate In the Catholic Encyclopedia New York Robert Appleton Company Retrieved July 25 2022 Lachmann Karl 1842 50 Novum Testamentum graece et latine Berlin Reimer Google Books Volume 1 Volume 2 Novum Testamentum Vulgatae editionis juxta textum Clementis VIII Romanum ex Typogr Apost Vatic A 1592 accurate expressum Cum variantibus in margine lectionibus antiquissimi et praestantissimi codicis olim monasterii Montis Amiatae in Etruria nunc bibliothecae Florentinae Laurentianae Mediceae saec VI p Chr scripti Praemissa est commentatio de codice Amiatino et versione latina vulgata Sumtibus et Typis C Tauchnitii 26 June 2017 Retrieved 26 June 2017 via Google Books Nestle Eberhard 1906 Novum Testamentum Latine textum Vaticanum cum apparatu critico ex editionibus et libris manu scriptis collecto imprimendum Stuttgart Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt Kilpatrick G D 1978 The Itala The Classical Review n s 28 1 56 58 doi 10 1017 s0009840x00225523 JSTOR 3062542 S2CID 163698896 Wordsworth John 1883 The Oxford critical edition of the Vulgate New Testament Oxford p 4 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Watson E W 1915 Life of Bishop John Wordsworth London Longmans Green Nouum Testamentum Domini nostri Iesu Christi Latine secundum editionem sancti Hieronymi John Wordsworth Henry Julian White eds Oxford Clarendon Press 1889 1954 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link 3 vols Biblia Sacra iuxta vulgatam versionem Robert Weber Roger Gryson eds 5 ed Stuttgart Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft 2007 p XLVI a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link Houghton H A G 2016 The Latin New Testament a Guide to its Early History Texts and Manuscripts Oxford University Press p 130 H A G Houghton 2016 The Latin New Testament A Guide to Its Early History Texts and Manuscripts Oxford University Press p 74 ISBN 978 0198744733 Retrieved 5 June 2016 Biblia Sacra iuxta latinam vulgatam versionem Pontifical Abbey of St Jerome in the City ed Rome Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1926 95 ISBN 8820921286 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link 18 vols Gasquet F A 1912 Vulgate Revision of The Catholic Encyclopedia New York Robert Appleton Company Burkitt F C 1923 The text of the Vulgate The Journal of Theological Studies o s 24 96 406 414 doi 10 1093 jts os XXIV 96 406 ISSN 0022 5185 Kraft Robert A 1965 Review of Biblia Sacra iuxta Latinam vulgatam versionem ad codicum fidem iussu Pauli Pp VI cura et studio monachorum abbatiae pontificiae Sancti Hieronymi in Urbe ordinis Sancti Benedicti edita 12 Sapientia Salomonis Liber Hiesu Filii Sirach Gnomon 37 8 777 781 ISSN 0017 1417 JSTOR 27683795 Preaux Jean G 1954 Review of Biblia Sacra iuxta latinum vulgatam versionem Liber psalmorum ex recensione sancti Hieronymi cum praefationibus et epistula ad Sunniam et Fretelam Latomus 13 1 70 71 JSTOR 41520237 Weld Blundell Adrian 1947 The Revision of the Vulgate Bible PDF Scripture 2 4 100 104 Biblia Sacra iuxta vulgatam versionem Robert Weber Roger Gryson eds 5 ed Stuttgart Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft 2007 p XLIII a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link Scripturarum Thesarurus Apostolic Constitution 25 April 1979 John Paul II Vatican The Holy See Retrieved 19 December 2013 Pope John Paul II Epistula Vincentio Truijen OSB Abbati Claravallensi De Pontificia Commissione Vulgatae editioni recognoscendae atque emendandae Vatican The Holy See Retrieved 19 December 2013 Bibliorum Sacrorum Vetus Vulgata Libreria Editrice Vaticana Archived from the original on 19 December 2013 Retrieved 19 December 2013 Biblia Sacra iuxta vulgatam versionem Robert Weber Roger Gryson eds 5 ed Stuttgart Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft 2007 ISBN 978 3 438 05303 9 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link Die Vulgata ed Weber Gryson bibelwissenschaft de Retrieved 9 November 2013 Stramare Tarcisio 1981 Die Neo Vulgata Zur Gestaltung des Textes Biblische Zeitschrift 25 1 67 81 doi 10 30965 25890468 02501005 S2CID 244689083 Scripturarum Thesarurus Apostolic Constitution 25 April 1979 John Paul II Vatican The Holy See Retrieved 19 December 2013 Marshall Taylor 23 March 2012 Which Latin Vulgate Should You Purchase Taylor Marshall Retrieved 16 August 2019 Houghton H A G 2016 The Latin New Testament A Guide to Its Early History Texts and Manuscripts Oxford University Press p 133 ISBN 978 0198744733 Woman s Work in Bible Study and Translation Zahm John Augustine A H Johns 1912 in The Catholic World New York Vol 95 June 1912 bibliographic details see here and here via CatholicCulture org Accessed 4 Sept 2021 St Paula Roman Matron Vatican News Retrieved 6 September 2021 Hardesty Nancy 1988 Paula A Portrait of 4th Century Piety Christian History Worcester PA Christian History Institute 17 Women In The Early Church Retrieved 5 September 2021 Further reading editSamuel Berger Histoire de la Vulgate pendant les premiers siecles du Moyen Age Paris 1893 R Draguet Le Maitre louvainiste Jean Driedo inspirateur du decret de Trente sur la Vulgate in Festschrift volume Miscellenea historica in honorem Alberti de Meyer Louvain Bibliotheque universitaire 1946 pp 836 854 Richard Gameson ed The Early Medieval Bible Cambridge University Press 1994 H A G Houghton ed The Oxford Handbook of the Latin Bible Oxford University Press 2023 G W M Lampe ed The Cambridge History of the Bible Vol 2 Cambridge University Press 1969 Lang Bernhard 2023 Handbook of the Vulgate Bible and its reception Vulgata in Dialogue ISSN 2504 5156 Richard Marsden The Text of the Old Testament in Anglo Saxon England Cambridge University Press 1995 C H Turner The Oldest Manuscript of the Vulgate Gospels The Clarendon Press Oxford 1931 Frans van Liere Introduction to the Medieval Bible Cambridge University Press 2014 Steinmeuller John E 1938 The History of the Latin Vulgate CatholicCulture Homiletic amp Pastoral Review pp 252 257 Retrieved 18 September 2019 Gallagher Edmon 2015 Why Did Jerome Translate Tobit and Judith Harvard Theological Review 108 3 356 75 doi 10 1017 S0017816015000231 S2CID 164400348 via Academia edu External links edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Vulgate Clementine Vulgate The Clementine Vulgate fully searchable and possible to compare with both the Douay Rheims and Knox Bibles side by side Clementine Vulgate 1822 including Apocrypha Clementine Vulgate 1861 including Apocrypha The Clementine Vulgate searchable Michael Tweedale et alii Other installable modules include Weber s Stuttgart Vulgate Missing 3 and 4 Esdras and Manasses Vulgata Hieronymiana versio Jerome s version Latin text complete as ebook public domain The Vulgate New Testament with the Douay Version of 1582 In Parallel Columns London 1872 Oxford Vulgate Wordsworth John White Henry Julian eds 1889 Nouum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi latine secundum editionem Sancti Hieronymi Vol 1 Oxford The Clarendon Press Wordsworth John White Henry Julian eds 1941 Nouum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi latine secundum editionem Sancti Hieronymi Vol 2 Oxford The Clarendon Press Wordsworth John White Henry Julian eds 1954 Nouum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi latine secundum editionem Sancti Hieronymi Vol 3 Oxford The Clarendon Press Stuttgart Vulgate Weber Gryson Stuttgart edition official online text Latin Vulgate with Parallel English Douay Rheims and King James Version Stuttgart edition but missing 3 and 4 Esdras Manasses Psalm 151 and Laodiceans Nova Vulgata Nova Vulgata from the Vatican websiteMiscellaneous translations Jerome s Biblical Prefaces Vulgate text of Laodiceans including a parallel English translation Psalmus 151 Latin textWorks about the Vulgate Eight examples of the Vulgate 13th 15th centuries Center for Digital Initiatives University of Vermont Libraries Timeline of Jerome s translations Title pages from early editions Works by or about Vulgate at Internet Archive Works by Vulgate at LibriVox public domain audiobooks nbsp Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Vulgate amp oldid 1189332300, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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