

A forest is an area of land dominated by trees.[1] Hundreds of definitions of forest are used throughout the world, incorporating factors such as tree density, tree height, land use, legal standing, and ecological function.[2][3][4] The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) defines a forest as, "Land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5 meters and a canopy cover of more than 10 percent, or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ. It does not include land that is predominantly under agricultural or urban use."[5] Using this definition, Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 (FRA 2020) found that forests covered 4.06 billion hectares (10.0 billion acres; 40.6 million square kilometres; 15.7 million square miles), or approximately 31 percent of the world's land area in 2020.[6]

Forests are the predominant terrestrial ecosystem of Earth, and are found around the globe.[7] More than half of the world's forests are found in only five countries (Brazil, Canada, China, Russia, and the United States). The largest share of forests (45 percent) are in the tropical latitudes, followed by those in the boreal, temperate, and subtropic domains.[8]

Forests account for 75% of the gross primary production of the Earth's biosphere, and contain 80% of the Earth's plant biomass. Net primary production is estimated at 21.9 gigatonnes of biomass per year for tropical forests, 8.1 for temperate forests, and 2.6 for boreal forests.[7]

Forests at different latitudes and elevations, and with different precipitation and evapotranspiration[9] form distinctly different biomes: boreal forests around the North Pole, tropical moist forests and tropical dry forests around the Equator, and temperate forests at the middle latitudes. Areas at higher elevations tend to support forests similar to those at higher latitudes, and the amount of precipitation also affects forest composition.

Almost half the forest area (49 percent) is relatively intact, while 9 percent is found in fragments with little or no connectivity. Tropical rainforests and boreal coniferous forests are the least fragmented, whereas subtropical dry forests and temperate oceanic forests are among the most fragmented. Roughly 80 percent of the world's forest area is found in patches larger than 1 million hectares (2.5 million acres). The remaining 20 percent is located in more than 34 million patches around the world – the vast majority less than 1,000 hectares (2,500 acres) in size.[8]

Human society and forests influence each other in both positive and negative ways.[10] Forests provide ecosystem services to humans and serve as tourist attractions. Forests can also affect people's health. Human activities, including unsustainable use of forest resources, can negatively affect forest ecosystems.[11]


Forest in the Scottish Highlands

Although the word forest is commonly used, there is no universally recognised precise definition, with more than 800 definitions of forest used around the world.[4] Although a forest is usually defined by the presence of trees, under many definitions an area completely lacking trees may still be considered a forest if it grew trees in the past, will grow trees in the future,[12] or was legally designated as a forest regardless of vegetation type.[13][14]

There are three broad categories of definitions of forest in use: administrative, land use, and land cover.[13] Administrative definitions are based primarily upon the legal designations of land, and commonly bear little relationship to its vegetation: land that is legally designated as a forest is defined as such even if no trees are growing on it.[13] Land-use definitions are based on the primary purpose that the land serves. For example, a forest may be defined as any land that is used primarily for production of timber. Under such a land-use definition, cleared roads or infrastructure within an area used for forestry—or areas that have been cleared by harvesting, disease, or fire—are still considered forests, even if they contain no trees. Land-cover definitions define forests based upon the type and density of vegetation growing on the land. Such definitions typically define a forest as an area growing trees above some threshold. These thresholds are typically the number of trees per area (density), the area of ground under the tree canopy (canopy cover) or the section of land that is occupied by the cross-section of tree trunks (basal area).[13] Under such land-cover definitions, an area of land can only be known as forest if it is growing trees. Areas that fail to meet the land-cover definition may be still included while immature trees are present that are expected to meet the definition at maturity.[13]

Under land-use definitions, there is considerable variation on where the cutoff points are between a forest, woodland, and savanna. Under some definitions, to be considered a forest requires very high levels of tree canopy cover, from 60% to 100%,[15] which excludes woodlands and savannas, which have a lower canopy cover. Other definitions consider savannas to be a type of forest, and include all areas with tree canopies over 10%.[12]

Some areas covered with trees are legally defined as agricultural areas, e.g. Norway spruce plantations, under Austrian forest law, when the trees are being grown as Christmas trees and are below a certain height.


Since the 13th century, the Niepołomice Forest in Poland has had special use and protection. In this view from space, different coloration can indicate different functions.[16]

The word forest derives from the Old French forest (also forès), denoting "forest, vast expanse covered by trees"; forest was first introduced into English as the word denoting wild land set aside for hunting[17] without necessarily having trees on the land.[18] Possibly a borrowing, probably via Frankish or Old High German, of the Medieval Latin foresta, denoting "open wood", Carolingian scribes first used foresta in the capitularies of Charlemagne, specifically to denote the royal hunting grounds of the king. The word was not endemic to the Romance languages, e.g., native words for forest in the Romance languages derived from the Latin silva, which denoted "forest" and "wood(land)" (cf. the English sylva and sylvan; the Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese selva; the Romanian silvă; the Old French selve). Cognates of forest in Romance languages—e.g., the Italian foresta, Spanish and Portuguese floresta, etc.—are all ultimately derivations of the French word.

A forest near Vinitsa, North Macedonia

The precise origin of Medieval Latin foresta is obscure. Some authorities claim the word derives from the Late Latin phrase forestam silvam, denoting "the outer wood"; others claim the word is a latinisation of the Frankish *forhist, denoting "forest, wooded country", and was assimilated to forestam silvam, pursuant to the common practice of Frankish scribes. The Old High German forst denoting "forest"; Middle Low German vorst denoting "forest"; Old English fyrhþ denoting "forest, woodland, game preserve, hunting ground" (English frith); and Old Norse fýri, denoting "coniferous forest"; all of which derive from the Proto-Germanic *furhísa-, *furhíþija-, denoting "a fir-wood, coniferous forest", from the Proto-Indo-European *perkwu-, denoting "a coniferous or mountain forest, wooded height" all attest to the Frankish *forhist.

Uses of forest in English to denote any uninhabited and unenclosed area are presently considered archaic.[19] The Norman rulers of England introduced the word as a legal term, as seen in Latin texts such as the Magna Carta, to denote uncultivated land that was legally designated for hunting by feudal nobility (see Royal Forest).[19][20]

These hunting forests did not necessarily contain any trees. Because that often included significant areas of woodland, "forest" eventually came to connote woodland in general, regardless of tree density.[citation needed] By the beginning of the fourteenth century, English texts used the word in all three of its senses: common, legal, and archaic.[19] Other English words used to denote "an area with a high density of trees" are firth, frith, holt, weald, wold, wood, and woodland. Unlike forest, these are all derived from Old English and were not borrowed from another language. Some present classifications reserve woodland for denoting a locale with more open space between trees, and distinguish kinds of woodlands as open forests and closed forests, premised on their crown covers.[21] Finally, sylva (plural sylvae or, less classically, sylvas) is a peculiar English spelling of the Latin silva, denoting a "woodland", and has precedent in English, including its plural forms. While its use as a synonym of forest, and as a Latinate word denoting a woodland, may be admitted; in a specific technical sense it is restricted to denoting the species of trees that comprise the woodlands of a region, as in its sense in the subject of silviculture.[22] The resorting to sylva in English indicates more precisely the denotation that the use of forest intends.

Evolutionary history

The first known forests on Earth arose in the Late Devonian (approximately 380 million years ago), with the evolution of Archaeopteris,[23] which was a plant that was both tree-like and fern-like, growing to 10 metres (33 ft) in height. It quickly spread throughout the world, from the equator to subpolar latitudes;[23] and it formed the first forest by being the first species known to cast shade due to its fronds and by forming soil from its roots. Archaeopteris was deciduous, dropping its fronds onto the forest floor, the shade, soil, and forest duff from the dropped fronds creating the first forest.[23] The shed organic matter altered the freshwater environment, slowing its flow and providing food. This promoted freshwater fish.[23]


Forests account for 75% of the gross primary productivity of the Earth's biosphere, and contain 80% of the Earth's plant biomass.[7]

The world's forests contain about 606 gigatonnes of living biomass (above- and below-ground) and 59 gigatonnes of dead wood. The total biomass has decreased slightly since 1990, but biomass per unit area has increased.[24]

Forest ecosystems can be found in all regions capable of sustaining tree growth, at altitudes up to the tree line, except where natural fire frequency or other disturbance is too high, or where the environment has been altered by human activity.

The latitudes 10° north and south of the equator are mostly covered in tropical rainforest, and the latitudes between 53°N and 67°N have boreal forest. As a general rule, forests dominated by angiosperms (broadleaf forests) are more species-rich than those dominated by gymnosperms (conifer, montane, or needleleaf forests), although exceptions exist.

Forests sometimes contain many tree species within a small area (as in tropical rainforests and temperate deciduous forests), or relatively few species over large areas (e.g., taiga and arid montane coniferous forests). Forests are often home to many animal and plant species, and biomass per unit area is high compared to other vegetation communities. Much of this biomass occurs below ground in the root systems and as partially decomposed plant detritus. The woody component of a forest contains lignin, which is relatively slow to decompose compared with other organic materials such as cellulose or carbohydrate.

The biodiversity of forests varies considerably according to factors such as forest type, geography, climate, and soils – in addition to human use.[25] Most forest habitats in temperate regions support relatively few animal and plant species, and species that tend to have large geographical distributions, while the montane forests of Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, and lowland forests of Australia, coastal Brazil, the Caribbean islands, Central America, and insular Southeast Asia have many species with small geographical distributions.[25] Areas with dense human populations and intense agricultural land use, such as Europe, parts of Bangladesh, China, India, and North America, are less intact in terms of their biodiversity.[25] Northern Africa, southern Australia, coastal Brazil, Madagascar, and South Africa are also identified as areas with striking losses in biodiversity intactness.[25]


Even, dense old-growth stand of beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) prepared to be regenerated by their saplings in the understory, in the Brussels part of the Sonian Forest.

A forest consists of many components that can be broadly divided into two categories: biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living). The living parts include trees, shrubs, vines, grasses and other herbaceous (non-woody) plants, mosses, algae, fungi, insects, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and microorganisms living on the plants and animals and in the soil, connected by mycorrhizal networks.[26]


Spiny forest at Ifaty, Madagascar, featuring various Adansonia (baobab) species, Alluaudia procera (Madagascar ocotillo) and other vegetation

A forest is made up of many layers. The main layers of all forest types are the forest floor, the understory, and the canopy. The emergent layer, above the canopy, exists in tropical rainforests. Each layer has a different set of plants and animals, depending upon the availability of sunlight, moisture, and food.

  • Forest floor contains decomposing leaves, animal droppings, and dead trees. Decay on the forest floor forms new soil and provides nutrients to the plants. The forest floor supports ferns, grasses, mushroom, and tree seedlings.
  • Understory is made up of bushes, shrubs, and young trees that are adapted to living in the shade of the canopy.
  • Canopy is formed by the mass of intertwined branches, twigs, and leaves of mature trees. The crowns of the dominant trees receive most of the sunlight. This is the most productive part of the trees, where maximum food is produced. The canopy forms a shady, protective "umbrella" over the rest of the forest.
  • Emergent layer exists in a tropical rain forest and is composed of a few scattered trees that tower over the canopy.[27]

In botany and countries like Germany and Poland, a different classification of forest vegetation is often used: tree, shrub, herb, and moss layers (see stratification (vegetation)).


Proportion and distribution of global forest area by climatic domain, 2020[28]

Forests are classified differently and to different degrees of specificity. One such classification is in terms of the biomes in which they exist, combined with leaf longevity of the dominant species (whether they are evergreen or deciduous). Another distinction is whether the forests are composed predominantly of broadleaf trees, coniferous (needle-leaved) trees, or mixed.

The number of trees in the world, according to a 2015 estimate, is 3 trillion, of which 1.4 trillion are in the tropics or sub-tropics, 0.6 trillion in the temperate zones, and 0.7 trillion in the coniferous boreal forests. The 2015 estimate is about eight times higher than previous estimates, and is based on tree densities measured on over 400,000 plots. It remains subject to a wide margin of error, not least because the samples are mainly from Europe and North America.[29]

Forests can also be classified according to the amount of human alteration. Old-growth forest contains mainly natural patterns of biodiversity in established seral patterns, and they contain mainly species native to the region and habitat. In contrast, secondary forest is forest regrowing following timber harvest and may contain species originally from other regions or habitats.[30]

Different global forest classification systems have been proposed, but none has gained universal acceptance.[31] UNEP-WCMC's forest category classification system is a simplification of other, more complex systems (e.g. UNESCO's forest and woodland 'subformations'). This system divides the world's forests into 26 major types, which reflect climatic zones as well as the principal types of trees. These 26 major types can be reclassified into 6 broader categories: temperate needleleaf, temperate broadleaf and mixed, tropical moist, tropical dry, sparse trees and parkland, and forest plantations.[31] Each category is described in a separate section below.

Temperate needleleaf

Temperate needleleaf forests mostly occupy the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, as well as some warm temperate areas, especially on nutrient-poor or otherwise unfavourable soils. These forests are composed entirely, or nearly so, of coniferous species (Coniferophyta). In the Northern Hemisphere, pines Pinus, spruces Picea, larches Larix, firs Abies, Douglas firs Pseudotsuga, and hemlocks Tsuga make up the canopy; but other taxa are also important. In the Southern Hemisphere, most coniferous trees (members of Araucariaceae and Podocarpaceae) occur mixed with broadleaf species, and are classed as broadleaf-and-mixed forests.[31]

Temperate broadleaf and mixed

Broadleaf forest in Bhutan

Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests include a substantial component of trees of the Anthophyta group. They are generally characteristic of the warmer temperate latitudes, but extend to cool temperate ones, particularly in the southern hemisphere. They include such forest types as the mixed deciduous forests of the United States and their counterparts in China and Japan; the broadleaf evergreen rainforests of Japan, Chile, and Tasmania; the sclerophyllous forests of Australia, central Chile, the Mediterranean, and California; and the southern beech Nothofagus forests of Chile and New Zealand.[31]

Tropical moist

There are many different types of tropical moist forests, with lowland evergreen broad-leaf tropical rainforests: for example várzea and igapó forests and the terra firme forests of the Amazon Basin; the peat swamp forests; dipterocarp forests of Southeast Asia; and the high forests of the Congo Basin. Seasonal tropical forests, perhaps the best description for the colloquial term "jungle", typically range from the rainforest zone 10 degrees north or south of the equator, to the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. Forests located on mountains are also included in this category, divided largely into upper and lower montane formations, on the basis of the variation of physiognomy corresponding to changes in altitude.[32]

Tropical dry

Tropical dry forests are characteristic of areas in the tropics affected by seasonal drought. The seasonality of rainfall is usually reflected in the deciduousness of the forest canopy, with most trees being leafless for several months of the year. Under some conditions, such as less fertile soils or less predictable drought regimes, the proportion of evergreen species increases and the forests are characterised as "sclerophyllous". Thorn forest, a dense forest of low stature with a high frequency of thorny or spiny species, is found where drought is prolonged, and especially where grazing animals are plentiful. On very poor soils, and especially where fire or herbivory are recurrent phenomena, savannas develop.[31]

Sparse trees and savanna

Sparse trees and savanna are forests with sparse tree-canopy cover. They occur principally in areas of transition from forested to non-forested landscapes. The two major zones in which these ecosystems occur are in the boreal region and in the seasonally dry tropics. At high latitudes, north of the main zone of boreal forestland, growing conditions are not adequate to maintain a continuously closed forest cover, so tree cover is both sparse and discontinuous. This vegetation is variously called open taiga, open lichen woodland, and forest tundra. A savanna is a mixed woodlandgrassland ecosystem characterized by the trees being sufficiently widely spaced so that the canopy does not close. The open canopy allows sufficient light to reach the ground to support an unbroken herbaceous layer that consists primarily of grasses. Savannas maintain an open canopy despite a high tree density.[31]


Forest plantations are generally intended for the production of timber and pulpwood. Commonly mono-specific, planted with even spacing between the trees, and intensively managed, these forests are generally important as habitat for native biodiversity. Some are managed in ways that enhance their biodiversity protection functions and can provide ecosystem services such as nutrient capital maintenance, watershed and soil structure protection and carbon storage.[30][31]


Share of land that is covered by forest

The annual net loss of forest area has decreased since 1990, but the world is not on track to meet the target of the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests to increase forest area by 3 percent by 2030.[25]

While deforestation is taking place in some areas, new forests are being established through natural expansion or deliberate efforts in other areas. As a result, the net loss of forest area is less than the rate of deforestation; and it, too, is decreasing: from 7.8 million hectares (19 million acres) per year in the 1990s to 4.7 million hectares (12 million acres) per year during 2010–2020.[25] In absolute terms, the global forest area decreased by 178 million hectares (440 million acres; 1,780,000 square kilometres; 690,000 square miles) between 1990 and 2020, which is an area about the size of Libya.[25]

Societal significance

Redwood tree in northern California redwood forest, where many redwood trees are managed for preservation and longevity, rather than being harvested for wood production

Forests provide a diversity of ecosystem services including:

Some researchers state that forests do not only provide benefits, but can in certain cases also incur costs to humans.[38][39] Forests may impose an economic burden,[40][41] diminish the enjoyment of natural areas,[42] reduce the food-producing capacity of grazing land[43] and cultivated land,[44] reduce biodiversity,[45][46] reduce available water for humans and wildlife,[47][48] harbour dangerous or destructive wildlife,[38][49] and act as reservoirs of human and livestock disease.[50][51]


The management of forests is often referred to as forestry. Forest management has changed considerably over the last few centuries, with rapid changes from the 1980s onward, culminating in a practice now referred to as sustainable forest management. Forest ecologists concentrate on forest patterns and processes, usually with the aim of elucidating cause-and-effect relationships. Foresters who practice sustainable forest management focus on the integration of ecological, social, and economic values, often in consultation with local communities and other stakeholders.

Priest River winding through Whitetail Butte with lots of forestry to the east—these lot patterns have existed since the mid-19th century. The white patches reflect areas with younger, smaller trees, where winter snow cover shows up brightly to the astronauts. Dark green-brown squares are parcels

Humans have generally decreased the amount of forest worldwide. Anthropogenic factors that can affect forests include logging, urban sprawl, human-caused forest fires, acid rain, invasive species, and the slash and burn practices of swidden agriculture or shifting cultivation. The loss and re-growth of forests lead to a distinction between two broad types of forest: primary or old-growth forest and secondary forest. There are also many natural factors that can cause changes in forests over time, including forest fires, insects, diseases, weather, competition between species, etc. In 1997, the World Resources Institute recorded that only 20% of the world's original forests remained in large intact tracts of undisturbed forest.[52] More than 75% of these intact forests lie in three countries: the boreal forests of Russia and Canada, and the rainforest of Brazil.

According to Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020, an estimated 420 million hectares (1.0 billion acres) of forest have been lost worldwide through deforestation since 1990, but the rate of forest loss has declined substantially. In the most recent five-year period (2015–2020), the annual rate of deforestation was estimated at 10 million hectares (25 million acres), down from 12 million hectares (30 million acres) annually in 2010–2015.[24]

China instituted a ban on logging, beginning in 1998, due to the erosion and flooding that it caused.[53] In addition, ambitious tree-planting programmes in countries such as China, India, the United States, and Vietnam – combined with natural expansion of forests in some regions – have added more than 7 million hectares (17 million acres) of new forests annually. As a result, the net loss of forest area was reduced to 5.2 million hectares (13 million acres) per year between 2000 and 2010, down from 8.3 million hectares (21 million acres) annually in the 1990s. In 2015, a study for Nature Climate Change showed that the trend has recently been reversed, leading to an "overall gain" in global biomass and forests. This gain is due especially to reforestation in China and Russia.[54] New forests are not equivalent to old growth forests in terms of species diversity, resilience, and carbon capture. On 7 September 2015, the FAO released a new study stating that over the last 25 years the global deforestation rate has decreased by 50% due to improved management of forests and greater government protection.[55][56]

Proportion of forest in protected areas, by region, 2020[24]

There is an estimated 726 million hectares (1.79 billion acres) of forest in protected areas worldwide. Of the six major world regions, South America has the highest share of forests in protected areas, at 31 percent. The area of such areas globally has increased by 191 million hectares (470 million acres) since 1990, but the rate of annual increase slowed in 2010–2020.[24]

Smaller areas of woodland in cities may be managed as urban forestry, sometimes within public parks. These are often created for human benefits; Attention Restoration Theory argues that spending time in nature reduces stress and improves health, while forest schools and kindergartens help young people to develop social as well as scientific skills in forests. These typically need to be close to where the children live.


Canada has about 4 million square kilometres (1.5 million square miles) of forest land. More than 90% of forest land is publicly owned and about 50% of the total forest area is allocated for harvesting. These allocated areas are managed using the principles of sustainable forest management, which include extensive consultation with local stakeholders. About eight percent of Canada's forest is legally protected from resource development.[57][58] Much more forest land—about 40 percent of the total forest land base—is subject to varying degrees of protection through processes such as integrated land use planning or defined management areas, such as certified forests.[58]

By December 2006, over 1.2 million square kilometres (460,000 square miles) of forest land in Canada (about half the global total) had been certified as being sustainably managed.[59] Clearcutting, first used in the latter half of the 20th century, is less expensive, but devastating to the environment; and companies are required by law to ensure that harvested areas are adequately regenerated. Most Canadian provinces have regulations limiting the size of new clear-cuts, although some older ones grew to 110 square kilometres (42 sq mi) over several years.

The Canadian Forest Service is the government department which looks after Forests in Canada.


Latvian Pine Forest in Ķegums Municipality

Latvia has about 3.27 million hectares (8.1 million acres; 12,600 square miles) of forest land, which equates to about 50.5% of Latvia's total area of 64,590 square kilometres (24,938 sq mi) 1.51 million hectares (3.7 million acres) of forest land (46% of total forest land) is publicly owned and 1.75 million hectares (4.3 million acres) of forest land (54% of the total) is in private hands. Latvia's forests have been steadily increasing over the years, which is in contrast to many other nations, mostly due to the forestation of land not used for agriculture. In 1935, there were only 1.757 million hectares (4.34 million acres) of forest; today this has increased by more than 150%. Birch is the most common tree at 28.2%, followed by pine (26.9%), spruce (18.3%), grey alder (9.7%), aspen (8.0%), black alder (5.7%), oak/ash (1.2%), with other hardwood trees making up the rest (2.0%).[60][61]

United States

In the United States, most forests have historically been affected by humans to some degree, though in recent years improved forestry practices have helped regulate or moderate large-scale impacts. The United States Forest Service estimated a net loss of about 2 million hectares (4.9 million acres) between 1997 and 2020; this estimate includes conversion of forest land to other uses, including urban and suburban development, as well as afforestation and natural reversion of abandoned crop and pasture land to forest. In many areas of the United States, the area of forest is stable or increasing, particularly in many northern states. The opposite problem from flooding has plagued national forests, with loggers complaining that a lack of thinning and proper forest management has resulted in large forest fires.[62][63]

World size records

Largest forests in the world
Forest Area Countries
Amazon rainforest 5,500,000 km2 (2,100,000 sq mi) Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela
Congo Rainforest 2,000,000 km2 (770,000 sq mi) Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon
Atlantic Forest 1,315,460 km2 (507,900 sq mi) Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay
Valdivian Temperate Rainforest 248,100 km2 (95,800 sq mi) Chile, Argentina
Tongass National Forest 68,000 km2 (26,000 sq mi) United States
Rainforest of Xishuangbanna 19,223 km2 (7,422 sq mi) China
Sunderbans 10,000 km2 (3,900 sq mi) India, Bangladesh
Daintree Rainforest 1,200 km2 (460 sq mi) Australia

See also


  This article incorporates text from a free content work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 (license statement/permission). Text taken from Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 Key findings, FAO, FAO. To learn how to add open license text to Wikipedia articles, please see this how-to page. For information on reusing text from Wikipedia, please see the terms of use.

  This article incorporates text from a free content work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 (license statement/permission). Text taken from The State of the World’s Forests 2020. In brief – Forests, biodiversity and people, FAO & UNEP, FAO & UNEP. To learn how to add open license text to Wikipedia articles, please see this how-to page. For information on reusing text from Wikipedia, please see the terms of use.


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External links

forest, this, article, about, community, trees, other, uses, disambiguation, broader, coverage, this, topic, plant, community, forest, area, land, dominated, trees, hundreds, definitions, forest, used, throughout, world, incorporating, factors, such, tree, den. This article is about a community of trees For other uses see Forest disambiguation For broader coverage of this topic see Plant community A forest is an area of land dominated by trees 1 Hundreds of definitions of forest are used throughout the world incorporating factors such as tree density tree height land use legal standing and ecological function 2 3 4 The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FAO defines a forest as Land spanning more than 0 5 hectares with trees higher than 5 meters and a canopy cover of more than 10 percent or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ It does not include land that is predominantly under agricultural or urban use 5 Using this definition Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 FRA 2020 found that forests covered 4 06 billion hectares 10 0 billion acres 40 6 million square kilometres 15 7 million square miles or approximately 31 percent of the world s land area in 2020 6 A conifer forest in the Swiss Alps National Park Forests are the predominant terrestrial ecosystem of Earth and are found around the globe 7 More than half of the world s forests are found in only five countries Brazil Canada China Russia and the United States The largest share of forests 45 percent are in the tropical latitudes followed by those in the boreal temperate and subtropic domains 8 Forests account for 75 of the gross primary production of the Earth s biosphere and contain 80 of the Earth s plant biomass Net primary production is estimated at 21 9 gigatonnes of biomass per year for tropical forests 8 1 for temperate forests and 2 6 for boreal forests 7 Forests at different latitudes and elevations and with different precipitation and evapotranspiration 9 form distinctly different biomes boreal forests around the North Pole tropical moist forests and tropical dry forests around the Equator and temperate forests at the middle latitudes Areas at higher elevations tend to support forests similar to those at higher latitudes and the amount of precipitation also affects forest composition Almost half the forest area 49 percent is relatively intact while 9 percent is found in fragments with little or no connectivity Tropical rainforests and boreal coniferous forests are the least fragmented whereas subtropical dry forests and temperate oceanic forests are among the most fragmented Roughly 80 percent of the world s forest area is found in patches larger than 1 million hectares 2 5 million acres The remaining 20 percent is located in more than 34 million patches around the world the vast majority less than 1 000 hectares 2 500 acres in size 8 Human society and forests influence each other in both positive and negative ways 10 Forests provide ecosystem services to humans and serve as tourist attractions Forests can also affect people s health Human activities including unsustainable use of forest resources can negatively affect forest ecosystems 11 Contents 1 Definition 2 Etymology 3 Evolutionary history 4 Ecology 4 1 Components 4 2 Layers 4 3 Types 4 3 1 Temperate needleleaf 4 3 2 Temperate broadleaf and mixed 4 3 3 Tropical moist 4 3 4 Tropical dry 4 3 5 Sparse trees and savanna 4 3 6 Plantations 5 Area 6 Societal significance 7 Management 7 1 Canada 7 2 Latvia 7 3 United States 8 World size records 9 See also 10 Sources 11 References 12 External linksDefinition Forest in the Scottish Highlands Although the word forest is commonly used there is no universally recognised precise definition with more than 800 definitions of forest used around the world 4 Although a forest is usually defined by the presence of trees under many definitions an area completely lacking trees may still be considered a forest if it grew trees in the past will grow trees in the future 12 or was legally designated as a forest regardless of vegetation type 13 14 There are three broad categories of definitions of forest in use administrative land use and land cover 13 Administrative definitions are based primarily upon the legal designations of land and commonly bear little relationship to its vegetation land that is legally designated as a forest is defined as such even if no trees are growing on it 13 Land use definitions are based on the primary purpose that the land serves For example a forest may be defined as any land that is used primarily for production of timber Under such a land use definition cleared roads or infrastructure within an area used for forestry or areas that have been cleared by harvesting disease or fire are still considered forests even if they contain no trees Land cover definitions define forests based upon the type and density of vegetation growing on the land Such definitions typically define a forest as an area growing trees above some threshold These thresholds are typically the number of trees per area density the area of ground under the tree canopy canopy cover or the section of land that is occupied by the cross section of tree trunks basal area 13 Under such land cover definitions an area of land can only be known as forest if it is growing trees Areas that fail to meet the land cover definition may be still included while immature trees are present that are expected to meet the definition at maturity 13 Under land use definitions there is considerable variation on where the cutoff points are between a forest woodland and savanna Under some definitions to be considered a forest requires very high levels of tree canopy cover from 60 to 100 15 which excludes woodlands and savannas which have a lower canopy cover Other definitions consider savannas to be a type of forest and include all areas with tree canopies over 10 12 Some areas covered with trees are legally defined as agricultural areas e g Norway spruce plantations under Austrian forest law when the trees are being grown as Christmas trees and are below a certain height Etymology Since the 13th century the Niepolomice Forest in Poland has had special use and protection In this view from space different coloration can indicate different functions 16 The word forest derives from the Old French forest also fores denoting forest vast expanse covered by trees forest was first introduced into English as the word denoting wild land set aside for hunting 17 without necessarily having trees on the land 18 Possibly a borrowing probably via Frankish or Old High German of the Medieval Latin foresta denoting open wood Carolingian scribes first used foresta in the capitularies of Charlemagne specifically to denote the royal hunting grounds of the king The word was not endemic to the Romance languages e g native words for forest in the Romance languages derived from the Latin silva which denoted forest and wood land cf the English sylva and sylvan the Italian Spanish and Portuguese selva the Romanian silvă the Old French selve Cognates of forest in Romance languages e g the Italian foresta Spanish and Portuguese floresta etc are all ultimately derivations of the French word A forest near Vinitsa North Macedonia The precise origin of Medieval Latin foresta is obscure Some authorities claim the word derives from the Late Latin phrase forestam silvam denoting the outer wood others claim the word is a latinisation of the Frankish forhist denoting forest wooded country and was assimilated to forestam silvam pursuant to the common practice of Frankish scribes The Old High German forst denoting forest Middle Low German vorst denoting forest Old English fyrhth denoting forest woodland game preserve hunting ground English frith and Old Norse fyri denoting coniferous forest all of which derive from the Proto Germanic furhisa furhithija denoting a fir wood coniferous forest from the Proto Indo European perkwu denoting a coniferous or mountain forest wooded height all attest to the Frankish forhist Uses of forest in English to denote any uninhabited and unenclosed area are presently considered archaic 19 The Norman rulers of England introduced the word as a legal term as seen in Latin texts such as the Magna Carta to denote uncultivated land that was legally designated for hunting by feudal nobility see Royal Forest 19 20 These hunting forests did not necessarily contain any trees Because that often included significant areas of woodland forest eventually came to connote woodland in general regardless of tree density citation needed By the beginning of the fourteenth century English texts used the word in all three of its senses common legal and archaic 19 Other English words used to denote an area with a high density of trees are firth frith holt weald wold wood and woodland Unlike forest these are all derived from Old English and were not borrowed from another language Some present classifications reserve woodland for denoting a locale with more open space between trees and distinguish kinds of woodlands as open forests and closed forests premised on their crown covers 21 Finally sylva plural sylvae or less classically sylvas is a peculiar English spelling of the Latin silva denoting a woodland and has precedent in English including its plural forms While its use as a synonym of forest and as a Latinate word denoting a woodland may be admitted in a specific technical sense it is restricted to denoting the species of trees that comprise the woodlands of a region as in its sense in the subject of silviculture 22 The resorting to sylva in English indicates more precisely the denotation that the use of forest intends Evolutionary historyThe first known forests on Earth arose in the Late Devonian approximately 380 million years ago with the evolution of Archaeopteris 23 which was a plant that was both tree like and fern like growing to 10 metres 33 ft in height It quickly spread throughout the world from the equator to subpolar latitudes 23 and it formed the first forest by being the first species known to cast shade due to its fronds and by forming soil from its roots Archaeopteris was deciduous dropping its fronds onto the forest floor the shade soil and forest duff from the dropped fronds creating the first forest 23 The shed organic matter altered the freshwater environment slowing its flow and providing food This promoted freshwater fish 23 EcologyMain article Forest ecology Temperate rainforest in Tasmania s Hellyer Gorge Forests account for 75 of the gross primary productivity of the Earth s biosphere and contain 80 of the Earth s plant biomass 7 The world s forests contain about 606 gigatonnes of living biomass above and below ground and 59 gigatonnes of dead wood The total biomass has decreased slightly since 1990 but biomass per unit area has increased 24 Forest ecosystems can be found in all regions capable of sustaining tree growth at altitudes up to the tree line except where natural fire frequency or other disturbance is too high or where the environment has been altered by human activity The latitudes 10 north and south of the equator are mostly covered in tropical rainforest and the latitudes between 53 N and 67 N have boreal forest As a general rule forests dominated by angiosperms broadleaf forests are more species rich than those dominated by gymnosperms conifer montane or needleleaf forests although exceptions exist Forests sometimes contain many tree species within a small area as in tropical rainforests and temperate deciduous forests or relatively few species over large areas e g taiga and arid montane coniferous forests Forests are often home to many animal and plant species and biomass per unit area is high compared to other vegetation communities Much of this biomass occurs below ground in the root systems and as partially decomposed plant detritus The woody component of a forest contains lignin which is relatively slow to decompose compared with other organic materials such as cellulose or carbohydrate The biodiversity of forests varies considerably according to factors such as forest type geography climate and soils in addition to human use 25 Most forest habitats in temperate regions support relatively few animal and plant species and species that tend to have large geographical distributions while the montane forests of Africa South America Southeast Asia and lowland forests of Australia coastal Brazil the Caribbean islands Central America and insular Southeast Asia have many species with small geographical distributions 25 Areas with dense human populations and intense agricultural land use such as Europe parts of Bangladesh China India and North America are less intact in terms of their biodiversity 25 Northern Africa southern Australia coastal Brazil Madagascar and South Africa are also identified as areas with striking losses in biodiversity intactness 25 Components Even dense old growth stand of beech trees Fagus sylvatica prepared to be regenerated by their saplings in the understory in the Brussels part of the Sonian Forest A forest consists of many components that can be broadly divided into two categories biotic living and abiotic non living The living parts include trees shrubs vines grasses and other herbaceous non woody plants mosses algae fungi insects mammals birds reptiles amphibians and microorganisms living on the plants and animals and in the soil connected by mycorrhizal networks 26 Layers Spiny forest at Ifaty Madagascar featuring various Adansonia baobab species Alluaudia procera Madagascar ocotillo and other vegetation A forest is made up of many layers The main layers of all forest types are the forest floor the understory and the canopy The emergent layer above the canopy exists in tropical rainforests Each layer has a different set of plants and animals depending upon the availability of sunlight moisture and food Forest floor contains decomposing leaves animal droppings and dead trees Decay on the forest floor forms new soil and provides nutrients to the plants The forest floor supports ferns grasses mushroom and tree seedlings Understory is made up of bushes shrubs and young trees that are adapted to living in the shade of the canopy Canopy is formed by the mass of intertwined branches twigs and leaves of mature trees The crowns of the dominant trees receive most of the sunlight This is the most productive part of the trees where maximum food is produced The canopy forms a shady protective umbrella over the rest of the forest Emergent layer exists in a tropical rain forest and is composed of a few scattered trees that tower over the canopy 27 In botany and countries like Germany and Poland a different classification of forest vegetation is often used tree shrub herb and moss layers see stratification vegetation Types Proportion and distribution of global forest area by climatic domain 2020 28 Forests are classified differently and to different degrees of specificity One such classification is in terms of the biomes in which they exist combined with leaf longevity of the dominant species whether they are evergreen or deciduous Another distinction is whether the forests are composed predominantly of broadleaf trees coniferous needle leaved trees or mixed Boreal forests occupy the subarctic zone and are generally evergreen and coniferous Temperate zones support both broadleaf deciduous forests e g temperate deciduous forest and evergreen coniferous forests e g temperate coniferous forests and temperate rainforests Warm temperate zones support broadleaf evergreen forests including laurel forests Tropical and subtropical forests include tropical and subtropical moist forests tropical and subtropical dry forests and tropical and subtropical coniferous forests Forests are classified according to physiognomy based on their overall physical structure or developmental stage e g old growth vs second growth Forests can also be classified more specifically based on the climate and the dominant tree species present resulting in numerous different forest types e g Ponderosa pine Douglas fir forest The number of trees in the world according to a 2015 estimate is 3 trillion of which 1 4 trillion are in the tropics or sub tropics 0 6 trillion in the temperate zones and 0 7 trillion in the coniferous boreal forests The 2015 estimate is about eight times higher than previous estimates and is based on tree densities measured on over 400 000 plots It remains subject to a wide margin of error not least because the samples are mainly from Europe and North America 29 Forests can also be classified according to the amount of human alteration Old growth forest contains mainly natural patterns of biodiversity in established seral patterns and they contain mainly species native to the region and habitat In contrast secondary forest is forest regrowing following timber harvest and may contain species originally from other regions or habitats 30 Different global forest classification systems have been proposed but none has gained universal acceptance 31 UNEP WCMC s forest category classification system is a simplification of other more complex systems e g UNESCO s forest and woodland subformations This system divides the world s forests into 26 major types which reflect climatic zones as well as the principal types of trees These 26 major types can be reclassified into 6 broader categories temperate needleleaf temperate broadleaf and mixed tropical moist tropical dry sparse trees and parkland and forest plantations 31 Each category is described in a separate section below Temperate needleleaf Temperate needleleaf forests mostly occupy the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere as well as some warm temperate areas especially on nutrient poor or otherwise unfavourable soils These forests are composed entirely or nearly so of coniferous species Coniferophyta In the Northern Hemisphere pines Pinus spruces Picea larches Larix firs Abies Douglas firs Pseudotsuga and hemlocks Tsuga make up the canopy but other taxa are also important In the Southern Hemisphere most coniferous trees members of Araucariaceae and Podocarpaceae occur mixed with broadleaf species and are classed as broadleaf and mixed forests 31 Temperate broadleaf and mixed Broadleaf forest in Bhutan Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests include a substantial component of trees of the Anthophyta group They are generally characteristic of the warmer temperate latitudes but extend to cool temperate ones particularly in the southern hemisphere They include such forest types as the mixed deciduous forests of the United States and their counterparts in China and Japan the broadleaf evergreen rainforests of Japan Chile and Tasmania the sclerophyllous forests of Australia central Chile the Mediterranean and California and the southern beech Nothofagus forests of Chile and New Zealand 31 Tropical moist There are many different types of tropical moist forests with lowland evergreen broad leaf tropical rainforests for example varzea and igapo forests and the terra firme forests of the Amazon Basin the peat swamp forests dipterocarp forests of Southeast Asia and the high forests of the Congo Basin Seasonal tropical forests perhaps the best description for the colloquial term jungle typically range from the rainforest zone 10 degrees north or south of the equator to the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn Forests located on mountains are also included in this category divided largely into upper and lower montane formations on the basis of the variation of physiognomy corresponding to changes in altitude 32 Tropical dry Tropical dry forests are characteristic of areas in the tropics affected by seasonal drought The seasonality of rainfall is usually reflected in the deciduousness of the forest canopy with most trees being leafless for several months of the year Under some conditions such as less fertile soils or less predictable drought regimes the proportion of evergreen species increases and the forests are characterised as sclerophyllous Thorn forest a dense forest of low stature with a high frequency of thorny or spiny species is found where drought is prolonged and especially where grazing animals are plentiful On very poor soils and especially where fire or herbivory are recurrent phenomena savannas develop 31 Sparse trees and savanna Sparse trees and savanna are forests with sparse tree canopy cover They occur principally in areas of transition from forested to non forested landscapes The two major zones in which these ecosystems occur are in the boreal region and in the seasonally dry tropics At high latitudes north of the main zone of boreal forestland growing conditions are not adequate to maintain a continuously closed forest cover so tree cover is both sparse and discontinuous This vegetation is variously called open taiga open lichen woodland and forest tundra A savanna is a mixed woodland grassland ecosystem characterized by the trees being sufficiently widely spaced so that the canopy does not close The open canopy allows sufficient light to reach the ground to support an unbroken herbaceous layer that consists primarily of grasses Savannas maintain an open canopy despite a high tree density 31 Plantations Forest plantations are generally intended for the production of timber and pulpwood Commonly mono specific planted with even spacing between the trees and intensively managed these forests are generally important as habitat for native biodiversity Some are managed in ways that enhance their biodiversity protection functions and can provide ecosystem services such as nutrient capital maintenance watershed and soil structure protection and carbon storage 30 31 Area Share of land that is covered by forest The annual net loss of forest area has decreased since 1990 but the world is not on track to meet the target of the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests to increase forest area by 3 percent by 2030 25 While deforestation is taking place in some areas new forests are being established through natural expansion or deliberate efforts in other areas As a result the net loss of forest area is less than the rate of deforestation and it too is decreasing from 7 8 million hectares 19 million acres per year in the 1990s to 4 7 million hectares 12 million acres per year during 2010 2020 25 In absolute terms the global forest area decreased by 178 million hectares 440 million acres 1 780 000 square kilometres 690 000 square miles between 1990 and 2020 which is an area about the size of Libya 25 Societal significanceMain articles Forestry Logging and Deforestation Redwood tree in northern California redwood forest where many redwood trees are managed for preservation and longevity rather than being harvested for wood production Burned forest on Thasos Forests provide a diversity of ecosystem services including Converting carbon dioxide into oxygen and biomass A full grown tree produces about 100 kilograms 220 lb of net oxygen per year 33 Acting as a carbon sink Therefore they are necessary to mitigate climate change According to the Special Report on Global Warming of 1 5 C of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to avoid temperature rise by more than 1 5 degrees above pre industrial levels there will need to be an increase in global forest cover equal to the land area of Canada 10 million square kilometres 3 9 million square miles by 2050 34 Aiding in regulating climate For example research from 2017 shows that forests induce rainfall If the forest is cut it can lead to drought 35 and in the tropics to occupational heat stress of outdoor workers 36 Purifying water Mitigating natural hazards such as floods Serving as a genetic reserve Serving as a source of lumber and as recreational areas Serving as a source of woodlands and trees for millions of people dependent almost entirely on forests for subsistence for their essential fuelwood food and fodder needs 37 Some researchers state that forests do not only provide benefits but can in certain cases also incur costs to humans 38 39 Forests may impose an economic burden 40 41 diminish the enjoyment of natural areas 42 reduce the food producing capacity of grazing land 43 and cultivated land 44 reduce biodiversity 45 46 reduce available water for humans and wildlife 47 48 harbour dangerous or destructive wildlife 38 49 and act as reservoirs of human and livestock disease 50 51 ManagementMain article Forest management The management of forests is often referred to as forestry Forest management has changed considerably over the last few centuries with rapid changes from the 1980s onward culminating in a practice now referred to as sustainable forest management Forest ecologists concentrate on forest patterns and processes usually with the aim of elucidating cause and effect relationships Foresters who practice sustainable forest management focus on the integration of ecological social and economic values often in consultation with local communities and other stakeholders Priest River winding through Whitetail Butte with lots of forestry to the east these lot patterns have existed since the mid 19th century The white patches reflect areas with younger smaller trees where winter snow cover shows up brightly to the astronauts Dark green brown squares are parcels Humans have generally decreased the amount of forest worldwide Anthropogenic factors that can affect forests include logging urban sprawl human caused forest fires acid rain invasive species and the slash and burn practices of swidden agriculture or shifting cultivation The loss and re growth of forests lead to a distinction between two broad types of forest primary or old growth forest and secondary forest There are also many natural factors that can cause changes in forests over time including forest fires insects diseases weather competition between species etc In 1997 the World Resources Institute recorded that only 20 of the world s original forests remained in large intact tracts of undisturbed forest 52 More than 75 of these intact forests lie in three countries the boreal forests of Russia and Canada and the rainforest of Brazil According to Food and Agriculture Organization s FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 an estimated 420 million hectares 1 0 billion acres of forest have been lost worldwide through deforestation since 1990 but the rate of forest loss has declined substantially In the most recent five year period 2015 2020 the annual rate of deforestation was estimated at 10 million hectares 25 million acres down from 12 million hectares 30 million acres annually in 2010 2015 24 China instituted a ban on logging beginning in 1998 due to the erosion and flooding that it caused 53 In addition ambitious tree planting programmes in countries such as China India the United States and Vietnam combined with natural expansion of forests in some regions have added more than 7 million hectares 17 million acres of new forests annually As a result the net loss of forest area was reduced to 5 2 million hectares 13 million acres per year between 2000 and 2010 down from 8 3 million hectares 21 million acres annually in the 1990s In 2015 a study for Nature Climate Change showed that the trend has recently been reversed leading to an overall gain in global biomass and forests This gain is due especially to reforestation in China and Russia 54 New forests are not equivalent to old growth forests in terms of species diversity resilience and carbon capture On 7 September 2015 the FAO released a new study stating that over the last 25 years the global deforestation rate has decreased by 50 due to improved management of forests and greater government protection 55 56 Proportion of forest in protected areas by region 2020 24 There is an estimated 726 million hectares 1 79 billion acres of forest in protected areas worldwide Of the six major world regions South America has the highest share of forests in protected areas at 31 percent The area of such areas globally has increased by 191 million hectares 470 million acres since 1990 but the rate of annual increase slowed in 2010 2020 24 Smaller areas of woodland in cities may be managed as urban forestry sometimes within public parks These are often created for human benefits Attention Restoration Theory argues that spending time in nature reduces stress and improves health while forest schools and kindergartens help young people to develop social as well as scientific skills in forests These typically need to be close to where the children live Canada Main article Forests of Canada Garibaldi Provincial Park British Columbia Canada has about 4 million square kilometres 1 5 million square miles of forest land More than 90 of forest land is publicly owned and about 50 of the total forest area is allocated for harvesting These allocated areas are managed using the principles of sustainable forest management which include extensive consultation with local stakeholders About eight percent of Canada s forest is legally protected from resource development 57 58 Much more forest land about 40 percent of the total forest land base is subject to varying degrees of protection through processes such as integrated land use planning or defined management areas such as certified forests 58 By December 2006 over 1 2 million square kilometres 460 000 square miles of forest land in Canada about half the global total had been certified as being sustainably managed 59 Clearcutting first used in the latter half of the 20th century is less expensive but devastating to the environment and companies are required by law to ensure that harvested areas are adequately regenerated Most Canadian provinces have regulations limiting the size of new clear cuts although some older ones grew to 110 square kilometres 42 sq mi over several years The Canadian Forest Service is the government department which looks after Forests in Canada Latvia Latvian Pine Forest in kegums Municipality Latvia has about 3 27 million hectares 8 1 million acres 12 600 square miles of forest land which equates to about 50 5 of Latvia s total area of 64 590 square kilometres 24 938 sq mi 1 51 million hectares 3 7 million acres of forest land 46 of total forest land is publicly owned and 1 75 million hectares 4 3 million acres of forest land 54 of the total is in private hands Latvia s forests have been steadily increasing over the years which is in contrast to many other nations mostly due to the forestation of land not used for agriculture In 1935 there were only 1 757 million hectares 4 34 million acres of forest today this has increased by more than 150 Birch is the most common tree at 28 2 followed by pine 26 9 spruce 18 3 grey alder 9 7 aspen 8 0 black alder 5 7 oak ash 1 2 with other hardwood trees making up the rest 2 0 60 61 United States In the United States most forests have historically been affected by humans to some degree though in recent years improved forestry practices have helped regulate or moderate large scale impacts The United States Forest Service estimated a net loss of about 2 million hectares 4 9 million acres between 1997 and 2020 this estimate includes conversion of forest land to other uses including urban and suburban development as well as afforestation and natural reversion of abandoned crop and pasture land to forest In many areas of the United States the area of forest is stable or increasing particularly in many northern states The opposite problem from flooding has plagued national forests with loggers complaining that a lack of thinning and proper forest management has resulted in large forest fires 62 63 World size recordsLargest forests in the world Forest Area CountriesAmazon rainforest 5 500 000 km2 2 100 000 sq mi Brazil Peru Colombia Bolivia Ecuador French Guiana Guyana Suriname VenezuelaCongo Rainforest 2 000 000 km2 770 000 sq mi Angola Cameroon Central African Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo Equatorial Guinea GabonAtlantic Forest 1 315 460 km2 507 900 sq mi Brazil Argentina ParaguayValdivian Temperate Rainforest 248 100 km2 95 800 sq mi Chile ArgentinaTongass National Forest 68 000 km2 26 000 sq mi United StatesRainforest of Xishuangbanna 19 223 km2 7 422 sq mi ChinaSunderbans 10 000 km2 3 900 sq mi India BangladeshDaintree Rainforest 1 200 km2 460 sq mi AustraliaSee also Ecology portal Environment portal Trees portalAgroforestry Ancient woodland an official classification of ancient forest in the United Kingdom Bioproducts Close to nature forestry Cloud forest Chase land Dendrology Dendrometry Ecological succession Forest dynamics Forest migration Forest pathology History of the forest in Central Europe Hyrcanian forests Illegal logging Intact forest landscape Kelp forest A forest made mostly if not entirely of Kelp an underwater forest List of countries by forest area List of old growth forests List of superlative trees List of tree genera List of trees and shrubs by taxonomic family Natural environment Natural landscape Orchard Permaforestry Tree plantations forestry Primeval forest a term often used interchangeably with old growth forest REDD plus Savanna Silviculture Stand level modelling Stratification vegetation Subalpine forest Taiga a biome characterized by coniferous forests Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests Temperate coniferous forest Tree Tree allometry Tree farm Trees of the world Tropical rainforest Tropical and subtropical coniferous forests Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests Wildcrafting Wilderness Woodland Woodland management RainforestSources This article incorporates text from a free content work Licensed under CC BY SA 3 0 license statement permission Text taken from Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 Key findings FAO FAO To learn how to add open license text to Wikipedia articles please see this how to page For information on reusing text from Wikipedia please see the terms of use This article incorporates text from a free content work Licensed under CC BY SA 3 0 license statement permission Text taken from The State of the World 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