
Fixed stars

In astronomy, the fixed stars (Latin: stellae fixae) are the luminary points, mainly stars, that appear not to move relative to one another against the darkness of the night sky in the background. This is in contrast to those lights visible to naked eye, namely planets and comets, that appear to move slowly among those "fixed" stars.

Stars in the night sky appear to be attached to a dark background, the Celestial dome
Kepler, Johannes. Mysterium Cosmographicum, 1596. Kepler's heliocentric rendition of the cosmos, containing an outermost “sphaera stellar fixar,” or sphere of fixed stars.

The fixed stars includes all the stars visible to the naked eye other than the Sun, as well as the faint band of the Milky Way. Due to their star-like appearance when viewed with the naked eye, the few visible individual nebulae and other deep-sky objects also are counted among the fixed stars. Approximately 6,000 stars are visible to the naked eye under optimal conditions.

The term fixed stars is a misnomer because those celestial objects are not actually fixed with respect to one another or to Earth. Due to their immense distance from Earth, these objects appear to move so slowly in the sky that the change in their relative positions is nearly imperceptible on human timescales, except under careful examination with modern instruments, such as telescopes, that can reveal their proper motions. Hence, they can be considered to be "fixed" for many purposes, such as navigation, charting of stars, astrometry, and timekeeping.

Due to the large distances of astronomical objects, human vision is unable to perceive the three-dimensional depth of outer space, giving the impression that all stars and other extrasolar objects are equidistant from the observer. Historically, the fixed stars were often believed to exist attached on a giant celestial sphere, or firmament, which revolves daily around Earth, and hence it was known as the "sphere of fixed stars", which acted as the supposed limit of the whole universe. For many centuries, the term fixed stars was a synonym for that celestial sphere.

People in many cultures have imagined that the brightest stars form constellations, which are apparent pictures in the sky seeming to be persistent, being deemed also as fixed. That way, constellations have been used for centuries, and still are today, to identify regions of the night sky by both professional and amateur astronomers.

Astronomical models which included fixed stars Edit

Pythagoreans Edit

Pythagorean philosophers held a number of different views on the structure of the universe, but each included a sphere of fixed stars as its boundary. Philolaos (c. 5th cent. BCE) proposed a universe which had at its center a central fire, invisible to man. All of the planets, the Moon, Sun, and stars rotated about this central fire, with the Earth being the nearest object to it.[1] In this system, the stars are contained in the furthest sphere, which also rotates, but too slowly for motion to be observed. The motion of the stars is instead explained by the motion of the Earth about the central fire.[1]

Another Pythagorean, Ecphantos of Syracuse (c. 400 BCE) proposed a system quite similar to that of Philolaos, but without a central fire. Instead, this cosmos was centered on the Earth, which remained stationary but rotated on an axis, while the Moon, Sun, and planets revolved about it.[1] This system's final boundary was a fixed sphere of stars, and the perceived motion of the stars was thought to be caused by the rotation of the Earth.[1]

Plato Edit

Plato’s (c. 429-347 BCE) universe was centered on a completely stationary Earth, constructed with a series of concentric spheres. The outer sphere of this system consisted of fire and contained all of the planets (which according to Plato, included the Moon and Sun). The outermost portion of this sphere was the location of the stars.[2] This sphere of fire rotated about the Earth, carrying the stars with it. The belief that the stars were fixed in their place in the sphere of fire was of great importance to all of Plato’s system. The stars’ position was used as a reference for all celestial motions and used to create Plato's ideas of planets possessing multiple motions.[3]

Eudoxus of Cnidus Edit

Eudoxus, a student of Plato, was born around 400 BC.[4] A mathematician and an astronomer, he generated one of the earliest sphere-centric models of the planet systems, based on his background as a mathematician. Eudoxus's model was geocentric, with the Earth being a stationary sphere at the center of the system, surrounded by 27 rotating spheres.[4] The farthest sphere carried stars, which he declared to be fixed within the sphere. Thus, though the stars were moved around the Earth by the sphere which they occupied, they themselves did not move and were therefore considered fixed.[5]

Aristotle Edit

Aristotle, who lived from 384 to 322 BC[4] studied and published similar ideas to Plato, and based on the Eudoxus' system, but he improved on them through his books Metaphysics and On the Heavens written around 350 BC.[4] He claimed that all things have some way of moving, (including "heavenly bodies," or planets,) but he denies that the movement could be caused by a vacuum, because then the objects would move much too fast and without sensible directions.[4] He stated that everything was moved by something and started exploring a concept similar to gravity. He was one of the first to argue (and prove) that the Earth was round, drawing on observations of eclipses and the movements of the other planets relative to the Earth.[4] He proceeded to conclude that most planets navigated in a circular motion.

His cosmos was geocentric, with the Earth at the center, surrounded by a layer of water and air, which was in turn surrounded by a layer of fire which filled the space until reaching the Moon.[5] Aristotle also proposed a fifth element called "aether," which is purported to make up the Sun, the planets, and the stars.[4] However, Aristotle believed that while the planets rotate, the stars still remain fixed. His argument was that if such a massive body was moving, there must surely be evidence that is noticeable from the Earth.[6] However, one cannot hear the stars moving, nor can they really see their progress, so Aristotle concludes that while they may be shifted by the planets, they do not move themselves. He writes in On the Heavens, "If the bodies of the stars moved in a quantity either of air or of fire...the noise which they created would inevitably be tremendous, and this being so, it would reach and shatter things here on earth".[7] His theory that the stars may be carried but were fixed and do not autonomously move or rotate was widely accepted for a time.

Aristarchus of Samos Edit

Aristarchus (3rd cent. BCE), proposed an early heliocentric universe, which would later inspire the work of Copernicus. In his model, the Sun, entirely stationary, laid at the center, and all planets revolved around it.[8] Beyond the planets was the sphere of fixed stars, also motionless. This system presented two more unique ideas in addition to being heliocentric: the Earth rotated daily to create day, night, and the perceived motions of the other heavenly bodies, and the sphere of fixed stars at its boundary were immensely distant from its center.[9] This massive distance had to be assumed due to the fact that stars were observed to have no parallax, which can only be explained by geocentricity or immense distances which create a parallax too small to be measured.

Claudius Ptolemy Edit

Ptolemy, 100-175 AD,[5] summarized ideas about the cosmos through his mathematical models and his book Mathematical Syntaxis, much more commonly known as the Almagest.[4] It was written around 150 AD, and Ptolemy declared that the stars' placement in relation to each other and distances apart remained unchanged by the rotation of the heavens.[5] He utilized a method using eclipses to find the star distances and calculated the distance of the Moon based on parallax observations.[10] Shortly after, he wrote a follow-up called Planetary Hypotheses.[10]

Ptolemy used and wrote about the geocentric system, drawing greatly on traditional Aristotelian physics,[10] but using more complicated devices, known as deferent and epicycles he borrowed from previous works by geometer Apollonius of Perga and astronomer Hipparchus of Nicaea.[11] He declared that the stars are fixed within their celestial spheres, but the spheres themselves are not fixed. The rotations of these spheres thus explain the subtle movements of the constellations throughout the year.[5]

Martianus Capella Edit

Martianus Capella (fl. c. 410–420) describes a modified geocentric model, in which the Earth is at rest in the center of the universe and circled by the Moon, the Sun, three planets and the stars, while Mercury and Venus circle the Sun, all surrounded by the sphere of fixed stars.[12] His model was not widely accepted, despite of his authority; he was one of the earliest developers of the system of the seven liberal arts, the trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) and the quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy), that structured early medieval education.[13] Nonetheless, his single encyclopedic work, De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii ("On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury"), also called De septem disciplinis ("On the seven disciplines") was read, taught, and commented upon throughout the early Middle Ages and shaped European education during the early medieval period and the Carolingian renaissance.[14]

Nicolaus Copernicus Edit

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) created a heliocentric system composed of orbs carrying each of the heavenly bodies.[15] The final orb in his model was that of the fixed stars. This final orb was the largest of his cosmos, in both diameter and thickness. This orb of stars is entirely fixed, as the stars are embedded in the sphere, and the sphere itself is immobile.[15] The perceived motion of the stars, therefore, is created by the daily rotation of the Earth about its axis.

Tycho Brahe Edit

Tycho Brahe’s (1546-1601) system of the universe has been called “geo-heliocentric” due to its twofold structure.[9] At its center lies the stationary Earth, which is orbited by the Moon and Sun. The planets then revolve about the Sun while it revolves about the Earth. Beyond all of these heavenly bodies lies a sphere of fixed stars.[16] This sphere rotates about the stationary Earth, creating the perceived motion of the stars in the sky.[16] This system has an interesting feature in that the Sun and planets cannot be contained in solid orbs (their orbs would collide), but yet the stars are represented as being contained in a fixed sphere at the boundary of the cosmos.[16]

Johannes Kepler Edit

Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) was a devoted Copernican, following Copernicus's models and ideas yet developing them.[4] He was also an assistant of Tycho Brahe, and he could access his patron's accurate measurements in his observational database. Kepler's Mysterium cosmographicum (1596), a strong defense of the Copernican system, still pictures an image labelling the outmost celestial sphere as Sphaera Stellar Fixar, Latin for sphere of fixed stars, following the long-held belief in such sphere.

This view was later superseded in his book Astronomia nova (1609), where he established his laws of planetary motion,[17] the mathematical basis for his own Rudolphine Tables, which are working tables from which planetary positions could be shown.[10] Kepler's laws were the tipping point in finally disproving the old geocentric (or Ptolemaic) cosmic theories and models,[18] what was backed by the first uses of telescope by his contemporary Galileo Galilei, also an advocate of Copernicus.

Estimated radius Edit

First Greeks, as many other ancient cultures, thought of sky as it was a giant dome-like structure only a few meters above the highest mountains. The myth of Atlas tells that this Titan held the whole heavens on his shoulders.[19]

Around 560 BCE, Anaximander was the first philosopher to consider the Sun as a huge object (larger than the land of Peloponnesus[20]), and consequently, to realize how far from Earth it might be, and the first to present a system where the celestial bodies turned at different distances. But erroneously, he thought the stars were closer to Earth (about 9 to 10 times the Earth's size) than the Moon (18-19 times) and the Sun (27-28 times).[21] Nonetheless, later Pythagorians as Philolaus around 400 BCE, also conceived a universe with orbiting bodies,[22] thus assuming the fixed stars were, at least, a bit farther than the Moon, the Sun and the rest of the planets.

Meanwhile, circa 450 BCE Anaxagoras had suggested that the Moon is rocky, thus opaque, and closer to the Earth than the Sun, giving a correct explanation of eclipses.[23] As far as the Sun and the Moon were conceived as spherical bodies, and as they do not collide at solar eclipses, this implies than the outer space should have some certain, indeterminate, depth.

Eudoxus of Cnidus, in around 380 BCE, devised a geometric-mathematical model for the movements of the planets based on (conceptual) concentric spheres centered on Earth,[24] and by 360 BCE Plato claimed in his Timaeus that circles and spheres were the preferred shape of the universe, and that the Earth was at the centre and the stars forming the outermost shell, followed by planets, the Sun, and the Moon.[25]

Around 350 BCE Aristotle modified Eudoxus' model by supposing the spheres were material and crystalline.[26] He was able to articulate the spheres for most planets, however, the spheres for Jupiter and Saturn crossed each other. Aristotle solved this complication by introducing an unrolled sphere. By all these devices, and even assuming the planets were star-like, single points, the sphere of the fixed stars should implicitly be farther than previously thought.

Around 280 BCE, Aristarchus of Samos offered the first definite discussion of the possibility of a heliocentric cosmos,[27] and by geometrical means he estimated the Moon's orbital radius at 60 Earth radii, and its physical radius as one-third that of the Earth. He made an inaccurate attempt to measure the distance to the Sun, but sufficient to assert that the Sun is much bigger than Earth and it is much further away than the Moon. So the minor body, the Earth, must orbit the major one, the Sun, and not the opposite.[28] This reasoning led him to assert that, as stars do not show evident parallax viewed from Earth along a single year, they must be very, very far away from the terrestrial surface and, assuming they were all at the same distance from us, he gave a relative estimation.

Following the heliocentric ideas of Aristarcus (but not explicitly supporting them), around 250 BCE Archimedes in his work The Sand Reckoner computes the diameter of the universe centered around the Sun to be about 10×1014 stadia (in modern units, about 2 light years, 18.93×1012 km, 11.76×1012 mi).[29]

In Archimedes' own words:

His [Aristarchus'] hypotheses are that the fixed stars and the Sun remain unmoved, that the Earth revolves about the Sun on the circumference of a circle, the Sun lying in the middle of the orbit, and that the sphere of fixed stars, situated about the same center as the Sun, is so great that the circle in which he supposes the Earth to revolve bears such a proportion to the distance of the fixed stars as the center of the sphere bears to its surface.[30]

Around 210 BCE, Apollonius of Perga shows the equivalence of two descriptions of the apparent retrograde motions of planets (assuming the geocentric model): one using eccentrics and another deferent and epicycles.[31]

In the following century, measures of the sizes and distances of the Earth and the Moon improved. Around 200 BCE Eratosthenes determined that the radius of the Earth is roughly 6,400 km (4,000 mi).[32] Circa 150 BCE Hipparchus uses parallax to determine that the distance to the Moon is roughly 380,000 km (236,100 mi),[33] nearly matching Aristarchus. This imposed a minimum radius for the sphere of fixed stars at center-to-center Earth to Moon distance plus the Moon's radius (approx. 1/3 Earth radius), plus the width of the Sun (it being, at least, the same that the Moon), plus the indeterminate thickness of the planets' spheres (believed to be thin, anyway), for a total about 386,400 km (240,100 mi). This was around 24,500,000 times lower than Archimedes' computation.

The complexity to be described by the geocentric model

Around 130 AD, Ptolemy adopted Apollonius' epicycles in his geocentric model.[34] Epicycles are described as an orbit within an orbit. For example, looking at Venus, Ptolemy claimed that it orbits the Earth, and as it orbits the Earth, it also orbits the original orbit riding a second, minor local sphere. (Ptolemy emphasised that the epicycle motion does not apply to the Sun.) This device necessarily enlarges each of the celestial spheres, thus making the outer sphere of the fixed stars yet larger.

When scholars applied Ptolemy's epicycles, they presumed that each planetary sphere was exactly thick enough to accommodate them.[35] By combining this nested sphere model with astronomical observations, scholars calculated what became generally accepted values at the time for the distances to the Sun: about 4 million kilometres (2.5 million miles), and to the edge of the universe: about 73 million kilometres (45 million miles),[36] still around 130,000 times less than Archimedes.

Ptolomy's methods, written in his Almagest, were accurate enough to keep them largely undisputed for more than 1,500 years.[37] But by the European Renaissance, the possibility that such a huge sphere could complete a single revolution of 360° around the Earth in only 24 hours was deemed improbable,[38] and this point was one of the arguments of Nicholas Copernicus for leaving behind the centuries-old geocentric model.

The highest upper bound ever given was by Jewish astronomer Levi ben Gershon (Gersonides) who, circa 1300, estimated the distance to the fixed stars to be no less than 159,651,513,380,944 Earth radii, or about 100,000 light-years in modern units.[39] This was an overestimate; although in the actual universe there are stars farther than that distance, both in the Milky Way (about three times wider) and all the external galaxies, the closest star from Earth (other than the Sun) is Proxima Centauri at about 4.25 light-years only.

In Nordic mythology Edit

The attempts to explain the universe stem from observations of the objects found in the sky. Different cultures historically have various stories to provide an answer to the questions of what they are seeing. Norse mythology originates from northern Europe, around the geographical location of modern-day region of Scandinavia and northern Germany. The Norse mythology consists of tales and myths derived from Old Norse, which was a Northern German language from the Middle Ages. There is a series of manuscript texts written in Old Norse which contain a collection of [35] poems written from oral tradition.[40] Among historians there seems to be speculation of the specific dates of the poems written, however, the estimated record of the texts is around the beginning of the thirteenth century.[41] Although the oral tradition of passing down tales existed long before the advent of text manuscripts and print versions.

Among surviving texts there is mention of the mythological god, Odin. Scholars have recounted the tale of the Αesir Gods creation myth which includes the idea of fixed stars found within the teleology of the tale. Padaric Colum has written a book, The Children of Odin, which in much detail reiterates the story of how the Aesir gods brought the giant named Ymir to his demise and created the world from his body, affixing sparks from the fiery Muspelheim, or the fixed stars, to the dome of the sky, which was the skull of Ymir.[42] The Norse creation myth is one of several cases which treated stars as being fixed to a sphere beyond the earth. Later scientific literature shows astronomical thought which kept a version of this idea until the seventeenth century.

Developing western astronomy Edit

Copernicus, Nicolaus. On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. Nüremberg. 1543. Print copy of Copernicus's work showing the model of the universe with the Sun in the center and a sphere of “immobile stars” on the outside according to his theory of the cosmos.

Western astronomical knowledge was based on the traditional thoughts from philosophical and observational inquiries of Greek Antiquity. Other cultures contributed to thought about the fixed stars including the Babylonians, who from the eighteenth to the sixth century BC constructed constellation maps. Maps of the stars and the idea of mythological stories to explain them were largely being acquired all over the world and in several cultures. One similarity between them all was the preliminary understanding that the stars were fixed and immobile in the universe.

This understanding was incorporated into theorized models and mathematical representations of the cosmos by philosophers like Anaximander and Aristotle from the Ancient Greeks. Anaximander proposed this original (and erroneous) order of the celestial objects above the Earth: first a nearest layer with the fixed stars plus planets, then another layer with the Moon, and finally an outer one with the Sun. To him, the stars, as well as the Sun and Moon, were apertures of "wheel-like condensations filled with fire".[43] All other later models of the planetary system show a celestial sphere containing fixed stars on the outermost part of the universe, its edge, within it lie all the rest of the moving luminaires.

Plato, Aristotle and other like Greek thinkers of antiquity, and later the Ptolemaic model of the cosmos showed an Earth-centered universe. Ptolemy was influential with his heavily mathematical work, the Almagest, which attempts to explain the peculiarity of stars that moved. These "wandering stars", planets, moved across the background of fixed stars which were spread along a sphere surrounding encompassing the universe. This geocentric view was held through the Middle Ages, and was later countered by subsequent astronomers and mathematicians alike, such as Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler, who challenged the long-standing view of geocentrism and constructed a Sun-centered universe, this being known as the heliocentric system. The tradition of thought which appears in all of these systems of the universe, even with their divergent mechanisms, is the presence of the sphere of fixed stars.

The heliocentric universe appearing in De Mundo Nostro Sublunari Philosophia Nova (New Philosophy about our Sublunary World), attributed to William Gilbert, 1631 (posthumous). The text reads: "The stars outside the orb of the Sun's power, or in the form of an effusion, are not moved by the Sun, but appear fixed to us."

In the sixteenth century, a number of writers inspired by Copernicus, such as Thomas Digges,[44] Giordano Bruno[45] and William Gilbert[38] argued for an indefinitely extended or even infinite universe, with other stars as distant suns, paving the way to deprecate the Aristotelian sphere of the fixed stars.

The studies of the heavens were revolutionized with the invention of the telescope. First developed in 1608, Galileo Galilei heard about it and made a telescope for himself.[10] He immediately noticed that the planets were not, in fact, perfectly smooth, a theory formerly put forth by Aristotle.[10] He continued to examine the skies and constellations and soon knew that the "fixed stars" which had been studied and mapped were only a tiny portion of the massive universe that lay beyond the reach of the naked eye.[10] When in 1610 he aimed his telescope to the faint strip of the Milky Way, he found it resolves into countless white star-like spots, presumably farther stars themselves.[46]

The development of Isaac Newton's laws, published in his work Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687, raised further questions among theorists about the mechanisms of the heavens: the universal force of gravity suggested that stars could not simply be fixed or at rest, as their gravitational pulls cause "mutual attraction" and therefore cause them to move in relation to each other.[5]

The term "Solar System" entered the English language by 1704, when John Locke used it to refer to the Sun, planets, and comets as a whole.[47] By then it had been stablished beyond doubt that planets are other worlds, and stars are other distant suns, so the whole Solar System is actually only a small part of an immensely large universe, and definitively something distinct.

“Fixed stars” not fixed Edit

Principle of the stellar parallax effect, and the definition of one parsec as a unit of distance (not to scale).
Relation between proper motion and velocity components of a distant, moving celestial object as seen from the Solar System (not to scale).
Doppler redshift and blueshift

Astronomers and natural philosophers before divided the lights in the sky into two groups. One group contained the fixed stars, which appear to rise and set but keep the same relative arrangement over time, and show no evident stellar parallax, which is a change in apparent position caused by the orbital motion of the Earth. The other group contained the naked eye planets, which they called wandering stars. (The Sun and Moon were sometimes called stars and planets as well.) The planets seem to move forward and back, changing their position over short periods of time (weeks or months). They always seem to move within the band of stars called the zodiac by Westerners. The planets can also be distinguished from fixed stars because stars tend to twinkle, while planets appear to shine with a steady light.

However, fixed stars show parallax. It can be used to find the distance to nearby stars. This motion is only apparent; it is the Earth that moves. This effect was small enough not to be accurately measured until the 19th century, but from about 1670 and onward, astronomers such as Jean Picard, Robert Hooke, John Flamsteed, and others began detecting motion from the stars and attempting measurements. These movements amounted to significant, if almost imperceptibly small, fractions.[10] The first successful stellar parallax measurements were done by Thomas Henderson in Cape Town South Africa in 1832-1833, where he measured parallax of one of the closest stars ― alpha Centauri.[48]

The fixed stars exhibit real motion as well, however. This motion may be viewed as having components that consist in part of motion of the galaxy to which the star belongs, in part of rotation of that galaxy, and in part of motion peculiar to the star itself within its galaxy. In the case of star systems or star clusters, the individual components even move with respect to each other in a non-linear manner.

Relative to the Solar System, this real motion of a star is divided into radial motion and proper motion, with "proper motion" being the component across the line of sight.[49] In 1718 Edmund Halley announced his discovery that the fixed stars actually have proper motion.[50] Proper motion was not noticed by ancient cultures because it requires precise measurements over long periods of time to notice. In fact, the night sky today looks very much as it did thousands of years ago, so much so that some modern constellations were first named by the Babylonians.

A typical method to determine proper motion is to measure the position of a star relative to a limited, selected set of very distant objects that exhibit no mutual movement, and that, because of their distance, are assumed to have very small proper motion.[51] Another approach is to compare photographs of a star at different times against a large background of more distant objects.[52] The star with the largest known proper motion is Barnard's Star.[50]

Radial velocity of stars, and other deep-space objects, can be revealed spectroscopically thru the Doppler-Fizeau effect, by which the frequency of the received light decreases for objects that were receding (redshift) and increases for objects that were approaching (blueshift), when compared to the light emitted by a stationary object. William Huggins ventured in 1868 to estimate the radial velocity of Sirius with respect to the Sun, based on observed redshift of the star's light.[53]

The phrase "fixed star" is technically incorrect, but nonetheless it is used in an historical context, and in classical mechanics. When used as a visual reference for observations, they usually are called background stars or simply distant stars, still retaining the intuitive meaning of they being "fixed" in some practical sense.

In classical mechanics Edit

In Newton's time the fixed stars were invoked as a reference frame supposedly at rest relative to absolute space. In other reference frames either at rest with respect to the fixed stars or in uniform translation relative to these stars, Newton's laws of motion were supposed to hold. In contrast, in frames accelerating with respect to the fixed stars, in particular frames rotating relative to the fixed stars, the laws of motion did not hold in their simplest form, but had to be supplemented by the addition of fictitious forces, for example, the Coriolis force and the centrifugal force.

As we now know, the fixed stars are not fixed. The concept of inertial frames of reference is no longer tied to either the fixed stars or to absolute space. Rather, the identification of an inertial frame is based upon the simplicity of the laws of physics in the frame, in particular, the absence of fictitious forces.

Law of inertia holds for Galilean coordinate system which is a hypothetical system relative to which fixed stars remain fixed.

In relational mechanics Edit

References for this section:[54][55][56][57][58][59][60]

Fixed stars can be observed outside the view of classical mechanics and the view of relational mechanics. Relational quantum mechanics is a field theory that is a part of classical mechanics that dictates only the evolution of distances between particles and not their motion. The formation of this field theory gives solutions to the criticisms made by Leibniz and Mach of Newton's mechanics. As Newton relied on absolute space, relational mechanics does not. Describing fixed stars in terms of relational mechanics agrees with Newtonian mechanics.

The use of privileged frames (Newtonian Frame) allows for the observation of Keplerian orbits for the motion of the planets; however, the observation of individual evolutions does not hold value in relational mechanics. An individual evolution can be distorted by changing the frame to which the position and velocity of an individual evolution are considered not observable. The observables in relational mechanics are the distance between the particles and the angles of the straight lines that joins the particles. Relational equations deal with the evolution of observation variables because they are independent of frames and can calculate a given evolution of distances that individual evolutions can describe from different frames. This can only mean that gauge symmetry employs mechanics with the essential relational feature that Leibniz claimed.

Leibniz and Mach criticized the use of absolute space to validate Newtonian frames. Leibniz believed in the relation of the bodies as opposed to individual evolutions relative to metaphysically defined frames. Mach would criticize Newton's concept of absolute acceleration, stating that the shape of the water only proves the rotation with respect to the rest of the universe. Mach's criticism was later taken up by Einstein, stating "Mach's principle," the idea that inertia is determined by the interaction with the rest of the universe. Relational mechanics can be referred to as a Machian theory.

The reformation of mechanics in the 20th century was ripe with relational principles. The laws of mechanics combine potential and kinetic variables, which in this case, the potential is already relational because it contains distances between the particles. The Newtonian kinetic energy contained individual velocities that were attempted to be reformulated into relative velocities and the possibility of distances. However, these attempts led to many opposing concepts to inertia that were not supported, to which many agreed that the basic premise of Newtonian kinetic energy should be preserved.

The evolution of distances between particles does not require inertial frames to show themselves but instead uses them as coordinates for particles. The two different laws of mechanics are conceptually different. An example would be the isolation of a subsystem where Newton's law would describe its evolution in terms of absolute, initial, and final conditions. Relational mechanics would describe its evolution in terms of internal and external distances, so even if the system is "isolated," its evolution will always be described by the relation of the subsystem to the rest of the universe.

Literary references Edit

  • Dante made the fixed stars the eighth of the ten heavens into which he divided his Paradiso.

See also Edit

References Edit

  1. ^ a b c d Pedersen, Olaf (1974). Early physics and astronomy : a historical introduction. Pihl, Mogens. London: MacDonald and Janes. pp. 59–63. ISBN 0-356-04122-0. OCLC 1094297.
  2. ^ Cornford, Fracis (1960). Plato's Cosmology; the Timaeus of Plato, Translated with a Running Commentary by Francis Macdonald Cornford. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. pp. 54–57.
  3. ^ Pedersen, Olaf (1974). Early physics and astronomy : a historical introduction. Pihl, Mogens. London: MacDonald and Janes. pp. 65–67. ISBN 0-356-04122-0. OCLC 1094297.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i Lang, Kenneth R. A companion to astronomy and astrophysics : chronology and glossary with data tables. [New York]. ISBN 0-387-30734-6. OCLC 70587818.
  5. ^ a b c d e f Bartusiak, Marcia (2004). Archives of the universe : a treasury of astronomy's historic works of discovery (1st ed.). New York: Pantheon Books. ISBN 0-375-42170-X. OCLC 54966424.
  6. ^ Case, Stephen (Summer 2013). "Divine Animals: Plato, Aristotle, and the Stars". Mercury. 42: 29–31 – via Academia.
  7. ^ "VII. The Heavens", Aristotle, Columbia University Press, 1960-12-31, pp. 145–162, doi:10.7312/rand90400-008, ISBN 978-0-231-87855-5
  8. ^ Heath, Thomas (1920). The Copernicus of Antiquity (Aristarchus of Samos). London: The Macmillan Company. pp. 41.
  9. ^ a b Pedersen, Olaf (1974). Early physics and astronomy : a historical introduction. Pihl, Mogens. London: MacDonald and Janes. pp. 63–64. ISBN 0-356-04122-0. OCLC 1094297.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h Taton, René; Wilson, Curtis (1989). Planetary astronomy from the Renaissance to the rise of astrophysics. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-24254-1. OCLC 769917781.
  11. ^ Carrol, Bradley and Ostlie, Dale, An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, San Francisco, 2007. pp. 4
  12. ^ Bruce S. Eastwood, Ordering the Heavens: Roman Astronomy and Cosmology in the Carolingian Renaissance (Leiden: Brill, 2007), pp. 238-9.
  13. ^ Margaret Deanesly, A History of Early Medieval Europe: From 476–911 (New York: Routledge, 2020).
  14. ^ "The most elucidating approach to Martianus is through his fortuna (Stahl 1965, p. 105).
  15. ^ a b Pedersen, Olaf (1974). Early physics and astronomy : a historical introduction. Pihl, Mogens. London: MacDonald and Janes. pp. 303–307. ISBN 0-356-04122-0. OCLC 1094297.
  16. ^ a b c Christianson, J. R. (John Robert) (2000). On Tycho's island : Tycho Brahe and his assistants, 1570-1601. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. pp. 122-123. ISBN 0-521-65081-X. OCLC 41419611.
  17. ^ Goldstein, Bernard; Hon, Giora (2005). "Kepler's Move from Orbs to Orbits: Documenting a Revolutionary Scientific Concept". Perspectives on Science. 13: 74–111. doi:10.1162/1063614053714126. S2CID 57559843.
  18. ^ Moore, Patrick. (1976). The A-Z of astronomy (Rev. ed.). New York: Scribner. ISBN 0-684-14924-9. OCLC 2967962.
  19. ^ Hesiod, Theogony 517–520
  20. ^ Sider, D. (1973). "Anaxagoras on the Size of the Sun". Classical Philology. 68 (2): 128–129. doi:10.1086/365951. JSTOR 269068. S2CID 161940013.
  21. ^ Most of Anaximander's model of the Universe comes from pseudo-Plutarch (II, 20–28):
    "[The Sun] is a circle twenty-eight times as big as the Earth, with the outline similar to that of a fire-filled chariot wheel, on which appears a mouth in certain places and through which it exposes its fire, as through the hole on a flute. [...] the Sun is equal to the Earth, but the circle on which it breathes and on which it's borne is twenty-seven times as big as the whole earth. [...] [The eclipse] is when the mouth from which comes the fire heat is closed. [...] [The Moon] is a circle nineteen times as big as the whole earth, all filled with fire, like that of the Sun".
  22. ^ Thurston, Hugh (1994). Early astronomy. New York: Springer-Verlag New York. p. 111. ISBN 0-387-94107-X.
  23. ^ Curd, Patricia (2019). "Anaxagoras". In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  24. ^ Yavetz, Ido (February 1998). "On the Homocentric Spheres of Eudoxus". Archive for History of Exact Sciences. 52 (3): 222–225. Bibcode:1998AHES...52..222Y. doi:10.1007/s004070050017. JSTOR 41134047. S2CID 121186044.
  25. ^ Pedersen, Olaf (1993). Early physics and astronomy. A historical introduction. Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-40340-5.
  26. ^ Thurston, Hugh (1994). Early astronomy. New York: Springer-Verlag New York. p. 118. ISBN 0-387-94107-X.
  27. ^ Heath (1920, p. 302])
  28. ^ Hirshfeld, Alan W. (2004). "The Triangles of Aristarchus". The Mathematics Teacher. 97 (4): 228–231. doi:10.5951/MT.97.4.0228. ISSN 0025-5769. JSTOR 20871578.
  29. ^ Archimedes, The Sand Reckoner 511 R U, by Ilan Vardi, accessed 28-II-2007.
  30. ^ Arenarius, I., 4–7
  31. ^ Carrol, Bradley and Ostlie, Dale, An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, San Francisco, 2007. pp. 4
  32. ^ Russo, Lucio (2004). The forgotten revolution : how science was born in 300 BC and why it had to be reborn. Berlin: Springer. p. 68. ISBN 3-540-20396-6. OCLC 52945835.
  33. ^ G. J. Toomer, "Hipparchus on the distances of the sun and moon," Archive for History of Exact Sciences 14 (1974), 126–142.
  34. ^ North, John (1995). The Norton History of Astronomy and Cosmology. New York: W.W.Norton & Company, Inc. p. 115. ISBN 0-393-03656-1.
  35. ^ Lindberg, David C. (1992). The Beginnings of Western Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p. 251. ISBN 978-0-226-48231-6.
  36. ^ Van Helden, Albert (1985). Measuring the Universe: Cosmic Dimensions from Aristarchus to Halley. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 28–40. ISBN 978-0-226-84882-2.
  37. ^ "Almagest – Ptolemy (Elizabeth)". projects.iq.harvard.edu. Retrieved 2022-11-05.
  38. ^ a b Gilbert, William (1893). "Book 6, Chapter III". De Magnete. Translated by Mottelay, P. Fleury. (Facsimile). New York: Dover Publications. ISBN 0-486-26761-X.
  39. ^ Kennedy, E. S. (1986-06-01). "The Astronomy of Levi ben Gerson (1288–1344): A Critical Edition of Chapters 1–20 with Translation and Commentary. Levi ben Gerson, Bernard R. Goldstein". Isis. 77 (2): 371–372. doi:10.1086/354184. ISSN 0021-1753.
  40. ^ Bray, Oliver (1908). The Elder or Poetic Edda; commonly known as Saemund's Edda. Edited and translated with introd. and notes by Oliver Bray. Illustrated by W.G. Collingwood (1 ed.). archive.org: London Printed for the Viking Club.
  41. ^ Lindow, John (2001). Norse Mythology: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs. books.google.com: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199839698.
  42. ^ Colum, Padaric (March 2, 2008). The Children of Odin: The Book of Northern Myths. Guternberg Project: Gutenberg Project eBook. pp. 62–69.
  43. ^ Khan, Charles (1960). Anaximander and the Origins of Greek Cosmology. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 84–85. ISBN 9780231903349.
  44. ^ Hellyer, Marcus, ed. (2008). The Scientific Revolution: The Essential Readings. Blackwell Essential Readings in History. Vol. 7. John Wiley & Sons. p. 63. ISBN 9780470754771. The Puritan Thomas Digges (1546–1595?) was the earliest Englishman to offer a defense of the Copernican theory. ... Accompanying Digges's account is a diagram of the universe portraying the heliocentric system surrounded by the orb of fixed stars, described by Digges as infinitely extended in all dimensions.
  45. ^ Bruno, Giordano. . On the infinite universe and worlds. Archived from the original on 27 April 2012.
  46. ^ Galileo Galilei, Sidereus Nuncius (Venice, (Italy): Thomas Baglioni, 1610), pages 15 and 16. March 16, 2016, at the Wayback Machine
    English translation: Galileo Galilei with Edward Stafford Carlos, trans., The Sidereal Messenger (London: Rivingtons, 1880), pages 42 and 43. December 2, 2012, at the Wayback Machine
  47. ^ "solar (adj.)". Online Etymology Dictionary. from the original on 18 March 2022. Retrieved 2 May 2022.
  48. ^ Henderson, Thomas (1839). "On the Parallax of α Centauri". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 4 (19): 168–170. Bibcode:1839MNRAS...4..168H. doi:10.1093/mnras/4.19.168.
  49. ^ John R. Percy (2007). Understanding Variable Stars. Cambridge University Press. p. 21. ISBN 978-0-521-23253-1.
  50. ^ a b Theo Koupelis; Karl F. Kuhn (2007). In Quest of the Universe. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. p. 369. ISBN 978-0-7637-4387-1.
  51. ^ Peter Schneider (2006). Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology. Springer. p. 84, §2.6.5. ISBN 3-540-33174-3.
  52. ^ Christopher De Pree; Alan Axelrod (2004). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Astronomy (3rd ed.). Alpha Books. p. 198. ISBN 1-59257-219-7.
  53. ^ Huggins, W. (1868). "Further observations on the spectra of some of the stars and nebulae, with an attempt to determine therefrom whether these bodies are moving towards or from the Earth, also observations on the spectra of the Sun and of Comet II". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 158: 529–564. Bibcode:1868RSPT..158..529H. doi:10.1098/rstl.1868.0022.
  54. ^ Ferraro, Rafael (2017). "The Frame of Fixed Stars in Relational Mechanics". Foundations of Physics. 47 (1): 71. arXiv:1801.00676. Bibcode:2017FoPh...47...71F. doi:10.1007/s10701-016-0042-7. S2CID 254514108.
  55. ^ Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz; Samuel Clarke; Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von Leibniz; Robert Gavin Alexander (1956). The Leibniz-Clarke correspondence: Together with extracts from Newton's Principia and Opticks. Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0-7190-0669-2.
  56. ^ Mach, Ernst; McCormack, Translated by Thomas J. (2013). The Science of Mechanics. Bibcode:2013scme.book.....M.
  57. ^ Einstein, Albert (1912). "Gibt es eine Gravitationswirkung, die der elektrodynamischen Induktionswirkung analog ist?". Vierteljahrschrift FÜR Gerichtliche Medizin und ÖFfentliches SanitÄTswesen. 44: 37. Bibcode:1912VMed...44...37E.
  58. ^ Einstein, A. (2005). "Die formale Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie". Albert Einstein: Akademie‐Vorträge. pp. 8–64. doi:10.1002/3527608958.ch2. ISBN 9783527406098.
  59. ^ Einstein, A. (1916). "Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie". Annalen der Physik. 354 (7): 769. Bibcode:1916AnP...354..769E. doi:10.1002/andp.19163540702.
  60. ^ Einstein, A. (1918). "Prinzipielles zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie". Annalen der Physik. 360 (4): 241. Bibcode:1918AnP...360..241E. doi:10.1002/andp.19183600402.

fixed, stars, band, fixed, stars, band, astronomy, fixed, stars, latin, stellae, fixae, luminary, points, mainly, stars, that, appear, move, relative, another, against, darkness, night, background, this, contrast, those, lights, visible, naked, namely, planets. For the band see Fixed Stars band In astronomy the fixed stars Latin stellae fixae are the luminary points mainly stars that appear not to move relative to one another against the darkness of the night sky in the background This is in contrast to those lights visible to naked eye namely planets and comets that appear to move slowly among those fixed stars Stars in the night sky appear to be attached to a dark background the Celestial domeKepler Johannes Mysterium Cosmographicum 1596 Kepler s heliocentric rendition of the cosmos containing an outermost sphaera stellar fixar or sphere of fixed stars The fixed stars includes all the stars visible to the naked eye other than the Sun as well as the faint band of the Milky Way Due to their star like appearance when viewed with the naked eye the few visible individual nebulae and other deep sky objects also are counted among the fixed stars Approximately 6 000 stars are visible to the naked eye under optimal conditions The term fixed stars is a misnomer because those celestial objects are not actually fixed with respect to one another or to Earth Due to their immense distance from Earth these objects appear to move so slowly in the sky that the change in their relative positions is nearly imperceptible on human timescales except under careful examination with modern instruments such as telescopes that can reveal their proper motions Hence they can be considered to be fixed for many purposes such as navigation charting of stars astrometry and timekeeping Due to the large distances of astronomical objects human vision is unable to perceive the three dimensional depth of outer space giving the impression that all stars and other extrasolar objects are equidistant from the observer Historically the fixed stars were often believed to exist attached on a giant celestial sphere or firmament which revolves daily around Earth and hence it was known as the sphere of fixed stars which acted as the supposed limit of the whole universe For many centuries the term fixed stars was a synonym for that celestial sphere People in many cultures have imagined that the brightest stars form constellations which are apparent pictures in the sky seeming to be persistent being deemed also as fixed That way constellations have been used for centuries and still are today to identify regions of the night sky by both professional and amateur astronomers Contents 1 Astronomical models which included fixed stars 1 1 Pythagoreans 1 2 Plato 1 3 Eudoxus of Cnidus 1 4 Aristotle 1 5 Aristarchus of Samos 1 6 Claudius Ptolemy 1 7 Martianus Capella 1 8 Nicolaus Copernicus 1 9 Tycho Brahe 1 10 Johannes Kepler 2 Estimated radius 3 In Nordic mythology 4 Developing western astronomy 5 Fixed stars not fixed 6 In classical mechanics 7 In relational mechanics 8 Literary references 9 See also 10 ReferencesAstronomical models which included fixed stars EditPythagoreans Edit Pythagorean philosophers held a number of different views on the structure of the universe but each included a sphere of fixed stars as its boundary Philolaos c 5th cent BCE proposed a universe which had at its center a central fire invisible to man All of the planets the Moon Sun and stars rotated about this central fire with the Earth being the nearest object to it 1 In this system the stars are contained in the furthest sphere which also rotates but too slowly for motion to be observed The motion of the stars is instead explained by the motion of the Earth about the central fire 1 Another Pythagorean Ecphantos of Syracuse c 400 BCE proposed a system quite similar to that of Philolaos but without a central fire Instead this cosmos was centered on the Earth which remained stationary but rotated on an axis while the Moon Sun and planets revolved about it 1 This system s final boundary was a fixed sphere of stars and the perceived motion of the stars was thought to be caused by the rotation of the Earth 1 Plato Edit Plato s c 429 347 BCE universe was centered on a completely stationary Earth constructed with a series of concentric spheres The outer sphere of this system consisted of fire and contained all of the planets which according to Plato included the Moon and Sun The outermost portion of this sphere was the location of the stars 2 This sphere of fire rotated about the Earth carrying the stars with it The belief that the stars were fixed in their place in the sphere of fire was of great importance to all of Plato s system The stars position was used as a reference for all celestial motions and used to create Plato s ideas of planets possessing multiple motions 3 Eudoxus of Cnidus Edit Eudoxus a student of Plato was born around 400 BC 4 A mathematician and an astronomer he generated one of the earliest sphere centric models of the planet systems based on his background as a mathematician Eudoxus s model was geocentric with the Earth being a stationary sphere at the center of the system surrounded by 27 rotating spheres 4 The farthest sphere carried stars which he declared to be fixed within the sphere Thus though the stars were moved around the Earth by the sphere which they occupied they themselves did not move and were therefore considered fixed 5 Aristotle Edit Aristotle who lived from 384 to 322 BC 4 studied and published similar ideas to Plato and based on the Eudoxus system but he improved on them through his books Metaphysics and On the Heavens written around 350 BC 4 He claimed that all things have some way of moving including heavenly bodies or planets but he denies that the movement could be caused by a vacuum because then the objects would move much too fast and without sensible directions 4 He stated that everything was moved by something and started exploring a concept similar to gravity He was one of the first to argue and prove that the Earth was round drawing on observations of eclipses and the movements of the other planets relative to the Earth 4 He proceeded to conclude that most planets navigated in a circular motion His cosmos was geocentric with the Earth at the center surrounded by a layer of water and air which was in turn surrounded by a layer of fire which filled the space until reaching the Moon 5 Aristotle also proposed a fifth element called aether which is purported to make up the Sun the planets and the stars 4 However Aristotle believed that while the planets rotate the stars still remain fixed His argument was that if such a massive body was moving there must surely be evidence that is noticeable from the Earth 6 However one cannot hear the stars moving nor can they really see their progress so Aristotle concludes that while they may be shifted by the planets they do not move themselves He writes in On the Heavens If the bodies of the stars moved in a quantity either of air or of fire the noise which they created would inevitably be tremendous and this being so it would reach and shatter things here on earth 7 His theory that the stars may be carried but were fixed and do not autonomously move or rotate was widely accepted for a time Aristarchus of Samos Edit Aristarchus 3rd cent BCE proposed an early heliocentric universe which would later inspire the work of Copernicus In his model the Sun entirely stationary laid at the center and all planets revolved around it 8 Beyond the planets was the sphere of fixed stars also motionless This system presented two more unique ideas in addition to being heliocentric the Earth rotated daily to create day night and the perceived motions of the other heavenly bodies and the sphere of fixed stars at its boundary were immensely distant from its center 9 This massive distance had to be assumed due to the fact that stars were observed to have no parallax which can only be explained by geocentricity or immense distances which create a parallax too small to be measured Claudius Ptolemy Edit Ptolemy 100 175 AD 5 summarized ideas about the cosmos through his mathematical models and his book Mathematical Syntaxis much more commonly known as the Almagest 4 It was written around 150 AD and Ptolemy declared that the stars placement in relation to each other and distances apart remained unchanged by the rotation of the heavens 5 He utilized a method using eclipses to find the star distances and calculated the distance of the Moon based on parallax observations 10 Shortly after he wrote a follow up called Planetary Hypotheses 10 Ptolemy used and wrote about the geocentric system drawing greatly on traditional Aristotelian physics 10 but using more complicated devices known as deferent and epicycles he borrowed from previous works by geometer Apollonius of Perga and astronomer Hipparchus of Nicaea 11 He declared that the stars are fixed within their celestial spheres but the spheres themselves are not fixed The rotations of these spheres thus explain the subtle movements of the constellations throughout the year 5 Martianus Capella Edit Martianus Capella fl c 410 420 describes a modified geocentric model in which the Earth is at rest in the center of the universe and circled by the Moon the Sun three planets and the stars while Mercury and Venus circle the Sun all surrounded by the sphere of fixed stars 12 His model was not widely accepted despite of his authority he was one of the earliest developers of the system of the seven liberal arts the trivium grammar logic and rhetoric and the quadrivium arithmetic geometry music astronomy that structured early medieval education 13 Nonetheless his single encyclopedic work De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury also called De septem disciplinis On the seven disciplines was read taught and commented upon throughout the early Middle Ages and shaped European education during the early medieval period and the Carolingian renaissance 14 Nicolaus Copernicus Edit Nicolaus Copernicus 1473 1543 created a heliocentric system composed of orbs carrying each of the heavenly bodies 15 The final orb in his model was that of the fixed stars This final orb was the largest of his cosmos in both diameter and thickness This orb of stars is entirely fixed as the stars are embedded in the sphere and the sphere itself is immobile 15 The perceived motion of the stars therefore is created by the daily rotation of the Earth about its axis Tycho Brahe Edit Tycho Brahe s 1546 1601 system of the universe has been called geo heliocentric due to its twofold structure 9 At its center lies the stationary Earth which is orbited by the Moon and Sun The planets then revolve about the Sun while it revolves about the Earth Beyond all of these heavenly bodies lies a sphere of fixed stars 16 This sphere rotates about the stationary Earth creating the perceived motion of the stars in the sky 16 This system has an interesting feature in that the Sun and planets cannot be contained in solid orbs their orbs would collide but yet the stars are represented as being contained in a fixed sphere at the boundary of the cosmos 16 Johannes Kepler Edit Johannes Kepler 1571 1630 was a devoted Copernican following Copernicus s models and ideas yet developing them 4 He was also an assistant of Tycho Brahe and he could access his patron s accurate measurements in his observational database Kepler s Mysterium cosmographicum 1596 a strong defense of the Copernican system still pictures an image labelling the outmost celestial sphere as Sphaera Stellar Fixar Latin for sphere of fixed stars following the long held belief in such sphere This view was later superseded in his book Astronomia nova 1609 where he established his laws of planetary motion 17 the mathematical basis for his own Rudolphine Tables which are working tables from which planetary positions could be shown 10 Kepler s laws were the tipping point in finally disproving the old geocentric or Ptolemaic cosmic theories and models 18 what was backed by the first uses of telescope by his contemporary Galileo Galilei also an advocate of Copernicus Estimated radius EditFirst Greeks as many other ancient cultures thought of sky as it was a giant dome like structure only a few meters above the highest mountains The myth of Atlas tells that this Titan held the whole heavens on his shoulders 19 Around 560 BCE Anaximander was the first philosopher to consider the Sun as a huge object larger than the land of Peloponnesus 20 and consequently to realize how far from Earth it might be and the first to present a system where the celestial bodies turned at different distances But erroneously he thought the stars were closer to Earth about 9 to 10 times the Earth s size than the Moon 18 19 times and the Sun 27 28 times 21 Nonetheless later Pythagorians as Philolaus around 400 BCE also conceived a universe with orbiting bodies 22 thus assuming the fixed stars were at least a bit farther than the Moon the Sun and the rest of the planets Meanwhile circa 450 BCE Anaxagoras had suggested that the Moon is rocky thus opaque and closer to the Earth than the Sun giving a correct explanation of eclipses 23 As far as the Sun and the Moon were conceived as spherical bodies and as they do not collide at solar eclipses this implies than the outer space should have some certain indeterminate depth Eudoxus of Cnidus in around 380 BCE devised a geometric mathematical model for the movements of the planets based on conceptual concentric spheres centered on Earth 24 and by 360 BCE Plato claimed in his Timaeus that circles and spheres were the preferred shape of the universe and that the Earth was at the centre and the stars forming the outermost shell followed by planets the Sun and the Moon 25 Around 350 BCE Aristotle modified Eudoxus model by supposing the spheres were material and crystalline 26 He was able to articulate the spheres for most planets however the spheres for Jupiter and Saturn crossed each other Aristotle solved this complication by introducing an unrolled sphere By all these devices and even assuming the planets were star like single points the sphere of the fixed stars should implicitly be farther than previously thought Around 280 BCE Aristarchus of Samos offered the first definite discussion of the possibility of a heliocentric cosmos 27 and by geometrical means he estimated the Moon s orbital radius at 60 Earth radii and its physical radius as one third that of the Earth He made an inaccurate attempt to measure the distance to the Sun but sufficient to assert that the Sun is much bigger than Earth and it is much further away than the Moon So the minor body the Earth must orbit the major one the Sun and not the opposite 28 This reasoning led him to assert that as stars do not show evident parallax viewed from Earth along a single year they must be very very far away from the terrestrial surface and assuming they were all at the same distance from us he gave a relative estimation Following the heliocentric ideas of Aristarcus but not explicitly supporting them around 250 BCE Archimedes in his work The Sand Reckoner computes the diameter of the universe centered around the Sun to be about 10 1014 stadia in modern units about 2 light years 18 93 1012 km 11 76 1012 mi 29 In Archimedes own words His Aristarchus hypotheses are that the fixed stars and the Sun remain unmoved that the Earth revolves about the Sun on the circumference of a circle the Sun lying in the middle of the orbit and that the sphere of fixed stars situated about the same center as the Sun is so great that the circle in which he supposes the Earth to revolve bears such a proportion to the distance of the fixed stars as the center of the sphere bears to its surface 30 Around 210 BCE Apollonius of Perga shows the equivalence of two descriptions of the apparent retrograde motions of planets assuming the geocentric model one using eccentrics and another deferent and epicycles 31 In the following century measures of the sizes and distances of the Earth and the Moon improved Around 200 BCE Eratosthenes determined that the radius of the Earth is roughly 6 400 km 4 000 mi 32 Circa 150 BCE Hipparchus uses parallax to determine that the distance to the Moon is roughly 380 000 km 236 100 mi 33 nearly matching Aristarchus This imposed a minimum radius for the sphere of fixed stars at center to center Earth to Moon distance plus the Moon s radius approx 1 3 Earth radius plus the width of the Sun it being at least the same that the Moon plus the indeterminate thickness of the planets spheres believed to be thin anyway for a total about 386 400 km 240 100 mi This was around 24 500 000 times lower than Archimedes computation The complexity to be described by the geocentric modelAround 130 AD Ptolemy adopted Apollonius epicycles in his geocentric model 34 Epicycles are described as an orbit within an orbit For example looking at Venus Ptolemy claimed that it orbits the Earth and as it orbits the Earth it also orbits the original orbit riding a second minor local sphere Ptolemy emphasised that the epicycle motion does not apply to the Sun This device necessarily enlarges each of the celestial spheres thus making the outer sphere of the fixed stars yet larger When scholars applied Ptolemy s epicycles they presumed that each planetary sphere was exactly thick enough to accommodate them 35 By combining this nested sphere model with astronomical observations scholars calculated what became generally accepted values at the time for the distances to the Sun about 4 million kilometres 2 5 million miles and to the edge of the universe about 73 million kilometres 45 million miles 36 still around 130 000 times less than Archimedes Ptolomy s methods written in his Almagest were accurate enough to keep them largely undisputed for more than 1 500 years 37 But by the European Renaissance the possibility that such a huge sphere could complete a single revolution of 360 around the Earth in only 24 hours was deemed improbable 38 and this point was one of the arguments of Nicholas Copernicus for leaving behind the centuries old geocentric model The highest upper bound ever given was by Jewish astronomer Levi ben Gershon Gersonides who circa 1300 estimated the distance to the fixed stars to be no less than 159 651 513 380 944 Earth radii or about 100 000 light years in modern units 39 This was an overestimate although in the actual universe there are stars farther than that distance both in the Milky Way about three times wider and all the external galaxies the closest star from Earth other than the Sun is Proxima Centauri at about 4 25 light years only In Nordic mythology EditThe attempts to explain the universe stem from observations of the objects found in the sky Different cultures historically have various stories to provide an answer to the questions of what they are seeing Norse mythology originates from northern Europe around the geographical location of modern day region of Scandinavia and northern Germany The Norse mythology consists of tales and myths derived from Old Norse which was a Northern German language from the Middle Ages There is a series of manuscript texts written in Old Norse which contain a collection of 35 poems written from oral tradition 40 Among historians there seems to be speculation of the specific dates of the poems written however the estimated record of the texts is around the beginning of the thirteenth century 41 Although the oral tradition of passing down tales existed long before the advent of text manuscripts and print versions Among surviving texts there is mention of the mythological god Odin Scholars have recounted the tale of the Aesir Gods creation myth which includes the idea of fixed stars found within the teleology of the tale Padaric Colum has written a book The Children of Odin which in much detail reiterates the story of how the Aesir gods brought the giant named Ymir to his demise and created the world from his body affixing sparks from the fiery Muspelheim or the fixed stars to the dome of the sky which was the skull of Ymir 42 The Norse creation myth is one of several cases which treated stars as being fixed to a sphere beyond the earth Later scientific literature shows astronomical thought which kept a version of this idea until the seventeenth century Developing western astronomy Edit Copernicus Nicolaus On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres Nuremberg 1543 Print copy of Copernicus s work showing the model of the universe with the Sun in the center and a sphere of immobile stars on the outside according to his theory of the cosmos Western astronomical knowledge was based on the traditional thoughts from philosophical and observational inquiries of Greek Antiquity Other cultures contributed to thought about the fixed stars including the Babylonians who from the eighteenth to the sixth century BC constructed constellation maps Maps of the stars and the idea of mythological stories to explain them were largely being acquired all over the world and in several cultures One similarity between them all was the preliminary understanding that the stars were fixed and immobile in the universe This understanding was incorporated into theorized models and mathematical representations of the cosmos by philosophers like Anaximander and Aristotle from the Ancient Greeks Anaximander proposed this original and erroneous order of the celestial objects above the Earth first a nearest layer with the fixed stars plus planets then another layer with the Moon and finally an outer one with the Sun To him the stars as well as the Sun and Moon were apertures of wheel like condensations filled with fire 43 All other later models of the planetary system show a celestial sphere containing fixed stars on the outermost part of the universe its edge within it lie all the rest of the moving luminaires Plato Aristotle and other like Greek thinkers of antiquity and later the Ptolemaic model of the cosmos showed an Earth centered universe Ptolemy was influential with his heavily mathematical work the Almagest which attempts to explain the peculiarity of stars that moved These wandering stars planets moved across the background of fixed stars which were spread along a sphere surrounding encompassing the universe This geocentric view was held through the Middle Ages and was later countered by subsequent astronomers and mathematicians alike such as Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler who challenged the long standing view of geocentrism and constructed a Sun centered universe this being known as the heliocentric system The tradition of thought which appears in all of these systems of the universe even with their divergent mechanisms is the presence of the sphere of fixed stars The heliocentric universe appearing in De Mundo Nostro Sublunari Philosophia Nova New Philosophy about our Sublunary World attributed to William Gilbert 1631 posthumous The text reads The stars outside the orb of the Sun s power or in the form of an effusion are not moved by the Sun but appear fixed to us In the sixteenth century a number of writers inspired by Copernicus such as Thomas Digges 44 Giordano Bruno 45 and William Gilbert 38 argued for an indefinitely extended or even infinite universe with other stars as distant suns paving the way to deprecate the Aristotelian sphere of the fixed stars The studies of the heavens were revolutionized with the invention of the telescope First developed in 1608 Galileo Galilei heard about it and made a telescope for himself 10 He immediately noticed that the planets were not in fact perfectly smooth a theory formerly put forth by Aristotle 10 He continued to examine the skies and constellations and soon knew that the fixed stars which had been studied and mapped were only a tiny portion of the massive universe that lay beyond the reach of the naked eye 10 When in 1610 he aimed his telescope to the faint strip of the Milky Way he found it resolves into countless white star like spots presumably farther stars themselves 46 The development of Isaac Newton s laws published in his work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687 raised further questions among theorists about the mechanisms of the heavens the universal force of gravity suggested that stars could not simply be fixed or at rest as their gravitational pulls cause mutual attraction and therefore cause them to move in relation to each other 5 The term Solar System entered the English language by 1704 when John Locke used it to refer to the Sun planets and comets as a whole 47 By then it had been stablished beyond doubt that planets are other worlds and stars are other distant suns so the whole Solar System is actually only a small part of an immensely large universe and definitively something distinct Fixed stars not fixed Edit Principle of the stellar parallax effect and the definition of one parsec as a unit of distance not to scale Relation between proper motion and velocity components of a distant moving celestial object as seen from the Solar System not to scale Doppler redshift and blueshiftAstronomers and natural philosophers before divided the lights in the sky into two groups One group contained the fixed stars which appear to rise and set but keep the same relative arrangement over time and show no evident stellar parallax which is a change in apparent position caused by the orbital motion of the Earth The other group contained the naked eye planets which they called wandering stars The Sun and Moon were sometimes called stars and planets as well The planets seem to move forward and back changing their position over short periods of time weeks or months They always seem to move within the band of stars called the zodiac by Westerners The planets can also be distinguished from fixed stars because stars tend to twinkle while planets appear to shine with a steady light However fixed stars show parallax It can be used to find the distance to nearby stars This motion is only apparent it is the Earth that moves This effect was small enough not to be accurately measured until the 19th century but from about 1670 and onward astronomers such as Jean Picard Robert Hooke John Flamsteed and others began detecting motion from the stars and attempting measurements These movements amounted to significant if almost imperceptibly small fractions 10 The first successful stellar parallax measurements were done by Thomas Henderson in Cape Town South Africa in 1832 1833 where he measured parallax of one of the closest stars alpha Centauri 48 The fixed stars exhibit real motion as well however This motion may be viewed as having components that consist in part of motion of the galaxy to which the star belongs in part of rotation of that galaxy and in part of motion peculiar to the star itself within its galaxy In the case of star systems or star clusters the individual components even move with respect to each other in a non linear manner Relative to the Solar System this real motion of a star is divided into radial motion and proper motion with proper motion being the component across the line of sight 49 In 1718 Edmund Halley announced his discovery that the fixed stars actually have proper motion 50 Proper motion was not noticed by ancient cultures because it requires precise measurements over long periods of time to notice In fact the night sky today looks very much as it did thousands of years ago so much so that some modern constellations were first named by the Babylonians A typical method to determine proper motion is to measure the position of a star relative to a limited selected set of very distant objects that exhibit no mutual movement and that because of their distance are assumed to have very small proper motion 51 Another approach is to compare photographs of a star at different times against a large background of more distant objects 52 The star with the largest known proper motion is Barnard s Star 50 Radial velocity of stars and other deep space objects can be revealed spectroscopically thru the Doppler Fizeau effect by which the frequency of the received light decreases for objects that were receding redshift and increases for objects that were approaching blueshift when compared to the light emitted by a stationary object William Huggins ventured in 1868 to estimate the radial velocity of Sirius with respect to the Sun based on observed redshift of the star s light 53 The phrase fixed star is technically incorrect but nonetheless it is used in an historical context and in classical mechanics When used as a visual reference for observations they usually are called background stars or simply distant stars still retaining the intuitive meaning of they being fixed in some practical sense In classical mechanics EditMain article Inertial frame of reference In Newton s time the fixed stars were invoked as a reference frame supposedly at rest relative to absolute space In other reference frames either at rest with respect to the fixed stars or in uniform translation relative to these stars Newton s laws of motion were supposed to hold In contrast in frames accelerating with respect to the fixed stars in particular frames rotating relative to the fixed stars the laws of motion did not hold in their simplest form but had to be supplemented by the addition of fictitious forces for example the Coriolis force and the centrifugal force As we now know the fixed stars are not fixed The concept of inertial frames of reference is no longer tied to either the fixed stars or to absolute space Rather the identification of an inertial frame is based upon the simplicity of the laws of physics in the frame in particular the absence of fictitious forces Law of inertia holds for Galilean coordinate system which is a hypothetical system relative to which fixed stars remain fixed In relational mechanics EditThis section may be confusing or unclear to readers Please help clarify the section There might be a discussion about this on the talk page December 2022 Learn how and when to remove this template message This section includes a list of references related reading or external links but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations Please help to improve this section by introducing more precise citations December 2021 Learn how and when to remove this template message References for this section 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Fixed stars can be observed outside the view of classical mechanics and the view of relational mechanics Relational quantum mechanics is a field theory that is a part of classical mechanics that dictates only the evolution of distances between particles and not their motion The formation of this field theory gives solutions to the criticisms made by Leibniz and Mach of Newton s mechanics As Newton relied on absolute space relational mechanics does not Describing fixed stars in terms of relational mechanics agrees with Newtonian mechanics The use of privileged frames Newtonian Frame allows for the observation of Keplerian orbits for the motion of the planets however the observation of individual evolutions does not hold value in relational mechanics An individual evolution can be distorted by changing the frame to which the position and velocity of an individual evolution are considered not observable The observables in relational mechanics are the distance between the particles and the angles of the straight lines that joins the particles Relational equations deal with the evolution of observation variables because they are independent of frames and can calculate a given evolution of distances that individual evolutions can describe from different frames This can only mean that gauge symmetry employs mechanics with the essential relational feature that Leibniz claimed Leibniz and Mach criticized the use of absolute space to validate Newtonian frames Leibniz believed in the relation of the bodies as opposed to individual evolutions relative to metaphysically defined frames Mach would criticize Newton s concept of absolute acceleration stating that the shape of the water only proves the rotation with respect to the rest of the universe Mach s criticism was later taken up by Einstein stating Mach s principle the idea that inertia is determined by the interaction with the rest of the universe Relational mechanics can be referred to as a Machian theory The reformation of mechanics in the 20th century was ripe with relational principles The laws of mechanics combine potential and kinetic variables which in this case the potential is already relational because it contains distances between the particles The Newtonian kinetic energy contained individual velocities that were attempted to be reformulated into relative velocities and the possibility of distances However these attempts led to many opposing concepts to inertia that were not supported to which many agreed that the basic premise of Newtonian kinetic energy should be preserved The evolution of distances between particles does not require inertial frames to show themselves but instead uses them as coordinates for particles The two different laws of mechanics are conceptually different An example would be the isolation of a subsystem where Newton s law would describe its evolution in terms of absolute initial and final conditions Relational mechanics would describe its evolution in terms of internal and external distances so even if the system is isolated its evolution will always be described by the relation of the subsystem to the rest of the universe Literary references EditDante made the fixed stars the eighth of the ten heavens into which he divided his Paradiso See also EditCelestial sphere Astronomical coordinate systems Celestial navigation Star catalogue Catalogues of Fundamental Stars Guide Star Catalog List of stars for navigation Pole star Guide star Star tracker Fine guidance sensor Apparent magnitude Related to apparent brightness Firmament Behenian fixed star Historical models of the Solar System Dynamics of the celestial spheres Milky WayReferences Edit a b c d Pedersen Olaf 1974 Early physics and astronomy a historical introduction Pihl Mogens London MacDonald and Janes pp 59 63 ISBN 0 356 04122 0 OCLC 1094297 Cornford Fracis 1960 Plato s Cosmology the Timaeus of Plato Translated with a Running Commentary by Francis Macdonald Cornford Indianapolis Bobbs Merrill pp 54 57 Pedersen Olaf 1974 Early physics and astronomy a historical introduction Pihl Mogens London MacDonald and Janes pp 65 67 ISBN 0 356 04122 0 OCLC 1094297 a b c d e f g h i Lang Kenneth R A companion to astronomy and astrophysics chronology and glossary with data tables New York ISBN 0 387 30734 6 OCLC 70587818 a b c d e f Bartusiak Marcia 2004 Archives of the universe a treasury of astronomy s historic works of discovery 1st ed New York Pantheon Books ISBN 0 375 42170 X OCLC 54966424 Case Stephen Summer 2013 Divine Animals Plato Aristotle and the Stars Mercury 42 29 31 via Academia VII The Heavens Aristotle Columbia University Press 1960 12 31 pp 145 162 doi 10 7312 rand90400 008 ISBN 978 0 231 87855 5 Heath Thomas 1920 The Copernicus of Antiquity Aristarchus of Samos London The Macmillan Company pp 41 a b Pedersen Olaf 1974 Early physics and astronomy a historical introduction Pihl Mogens London MacDonald and Janes pp 63 64 ISBN 0 356 04122 0 OCLC 1094297 a b c d e f g h Taton Rene Wilson Curtis 1989 Planetary astronomy from the Renaissance to the rise of astrophysics Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 24254 1 OCLC 769917781 Carrol Bradley and Ostlie Dale An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics Second Edition Addison Wesley San Francisco 2007 pp 4 Bruce S Eastwood Ordering the Heavens Roman Astronomy and Cosmology in the Carolingian Renaissance Leiden Brill 2007 pp 238 9 Margaret Deanesly A History of Early Medieval Europe From 476 911 New York Routledge 2020 The most elucidating approach to Martianus is through his fortuna Stahl 1965 p 105 a b Pedersen Olaf 1974 Early physics and astronomy a historical introduction Pihl Mogens London MacDonald and Janes pp 303 307 ISBN 0 356 04122 0 OCLC 1094297 a b c Christianson J R John Robert 2000 On Tycho s island Tycho Brahe and his assistants 1570 1601 Cambridge U K Cambridge University Press pp 122 123 ISBN 0 521 65081 X OCLC 41419611 Goldstein Bernard Hon Giora 2005 Kepler s Move from Orbs to Orbits Documenting a Revolutionary Scientific Concept Perspectives on Science 13 74 111 doi 10 1162 1063614053714126 S2CID 57559843 Moore Patrick 1976 The A Z of astronomy Rev ed New York Scribner ISBN 0 684 14924 9 OCLC 2967962 Hesiod Theogony 517 520 Sider D 1973 Anaxagoras on the Size of the Sun Classical Philology 68 2 128 129 doi 10 1086 365951 JSTOR 269068 S2CID 161940013 Most of Anaximander s model of the Universe comes from pseudo Plutarch II 20 28 The Sun is a circle twenty eight times as big as the Earth with the outline similar to that of a fire filled chariot wheel on which appears a mouth in certain places and through which it exposes its fire as through the hole on a flute the Sun is equal to the Earth but the circle on which it breathes and on which it s borne is twenty seven times as big as the whole earth The eclipse is when the mouth from which comes the fire heat is closed The Moon is a circle nineteen times as big as the whole earth all filled with fire like that of the Sun Thurston Hugh 1994 Early astronomy New York Springer Verlag New York p 111 ISBN 0 387 94107 X Curd Patricia 2019 Anaxagoras In Zalta Edward N ed Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Yavetz Ido February 1998 On the Homocentric Spheres of Eudoxus Archive for History of Exact Sciences 52 3 222 225 Bibcode 1998AHES 52 222Y doi 10 1007 s004070050017 JSTOR 41134047 S2CID 121186044 Pedersen Olaf 1993 Early physics and astronomy A historical introduction Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 40340 5 Thurston Hugh 1994 Early astronomy New York Springer Verlag New York p 118 ISBN 0 387 94107 X Heath 1920 p 302 Hirshfeld Alan W 2004 The Triangles of Aristarchus The Mathematics Teacher 97 4 228 231 doi 10 5951 MT 97 4 0228 ISSN 0025 5769 JSTOR 20871578 Archimedes The Sand Reckoner 511 R U by Ilan Vardi accessed 28 II 2007 Arenarius I 4 7 Carrol Bradley and Ostlie Dale An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics Second Edition Addison Wesley San Francisco 2007 pp 4 Russo Lucio 2004 The forgotten revolution how science was born in 300 BC and why it had to be reborn Berlin Springer p 68 ISBN 3 540 20396 6 OCLC 52945835 G J Toomer Hipparchus on the distances of the sun and moon Archive for History of Exact Sciences 14 1974 126 142 North John 1995 The Norton History of Astronomy and Cosmology New York W W Norton amp Company Inc p 115 ISBN 0 393 03656 1 Lindberg David C 1992 The Beginnings of Western Science Chicago University of Chicago Press p 251 ISBN 978 0 226 48231 6 Van Helden Albert 1985 Measuring the Universe Cosmic Dimensions from Aristarchus to Halley Chicago and London University of Chicago Press pp 28 40 ISBN 978 0 226 84882 2 Almagest Ptolemy Elizabeth projects iq harvard edu Retrieved 2022 11 05 a b Gilbert William 1893 Book 6 Chapter III De Magnete Translated by Mottelay P Fleury Facsimile New York Dover Publications ISBN 0 486 26761 X Kennedy E S 1986 06 01 The Astronomy of Levi ben Gerson 1288 1344 A Critical Edition of Chapters 1 20 with Translation and Commentary Levi ben Gerson Bernard R Goldstein Isis 77 2 371 372 doi 10 1086 354184 ISSN 0021 1753 Bray Oliver 1908 The Elder or Poetic Edda commonly known as Saemund s Edda Edited and translated with introd and notes by Oliver Bray Illustrated by W G Collingwood 1 ed archive org London Printed for the Viking Club Lindow John 2001 Norse Mythology A Guide to Gods Heroes Rituals and Beliefs books google com Oxford University Press ISBN 9780199839698 Colum Padaric March 2 2008 The Children of Odin The Book of Northern Myths Guternberg Project Gutenberg Project eBook pp 62 69 Khan Charles 1960 Anaximander and the Origins of Greek Cosmology New York Columbia University Press pp 84 85 ISBN 9780231903349 Hellyer Marcus ed 2008 The Scientific Revolution The Essential Readings Blackwell Essential Readings in History Vol 7 John Wiley amp Sons p 63 ISBN 9780470754771 The Puritan Thomas Digges 1546 1595 was the earliest Englishman to offer a defense of the Copernican theory Accompanying Digges s account is a diagram of the universe portraying the heliocentric system surrounded by the orb of fixed stars described by Digges as infinitely extended in all dimensions Bruno Giordano Third Dialogue On the infinite universe and worlds Archived from the original on 27 April 2012 Galileo Galilei Sidereus Nuncius Venice Italy Thomas Baglioni 1610 pages 15 and 16 Archived March 16 2016 at the Wayback Machine English translation Galileo Galilei with Edward Stafford Carlos trans The Sidereal Messenger London Rivingtons 1880 pages 42 and 43 Archived December 2 2012 at the Wayback Machine solar adj Online Etymology Dictionary Archived from the original on 18 March 2022 Retrieved 2 May 2022 Henderson Thomas 1839 On the Parallax of a Centauri Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 4 19 168 170 Bibcode 1839MNRAS 4 168H doi 10 1093 mnras 4 19 168 John R Percy 2007 Understanding Variable Stars Cambridge University Press p 21 ISBN 978 0 521 23253 1 a b Theo Koupelis Karl F Kuhn 2007 In Quest of the Universe Jones amp Bartlett Publishers p 369 ISBN 978 0 7637 4387 1 Peter Schneider 2006 Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology Springer p 84 2 6 5 ISBN 3 540 33174 3 Christopher De Pree Alan Axelrod 2004 The Complete Idiot s Guide to Astronomy 3rd ed Alpha Books p 198 ISBN 1 59257 219 7 Huggins W 1868 Further observations on the spectra of some of the stars and nebulae with an attempt to determine therefrom whether these bodies are moving towards or from the Earth also observations on the spectra of the Sun and of Comet II Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 158 529 564 Bibcode 1868RSPT 158 529H doi 10 1098 rstl 1868 0022 Ferraro Rafael 2017 The Frame of Fixed Stars in Relational Mechanics Foundations of Physics 47 1 71 arXiv 1801 00676 Bibcode 2017FoPh 47 71F doi 10 1007 s10701 016 0042 7 S2CID 254514108 Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz Samuel Clarke Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von Leibniz Robert Gavin Alexander 1956 The Leibniz Clarke correspondence Together with extracts from Newton s Principia and Opticks Manchester University Press ISBN 978 0 7190 0669 2 Mach Ernst McCormack Translated by Thomas J 2013 The Science of Mechanics Bibcode 2013scme book M Einstein Albert 1912 Gibt es eine Gravitationswirkung die der elektrodynamischen Induktionswirkung analog ist Vierteljahrschrift FUR Gerichtliche Medizin und OFfentliches SanitATswesen 44 37 Bibcode 1912VMed 44 37E Einstein A 2005 Die formale Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitatstheorie Albert Einstein Akademie Vortrage pp 8 64 doi 10 1002 3527608958 ch2 ISBN 9783527406098 Einstein A 1916 Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitatstheorie Annalen der Physik 354 7 769 Bibcode 1916AnP 354 769E doi 10 1002 andp 19163540702 Einstein A 1918 Prinzipielles zur allgemeinen Relativitatstheorie Annalen der Physik 360 4 241 Bibcode 1918AnP 360 241E doi 10 1002 andp 19183600402 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Fixed stars amp oldid 1171967598, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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