
Martianus Capella

Martianus Minneus Felix Capella (fl.c. 410–420) was a jurist, polymath and Latin prose writer of late antiquity, one of the earliest developers of the system of the seven liberal arts that structured early medieval education.[1][2][3][4] He was a native of Madaura.

Grammar teaching, from a 10th-century manuscript of De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii

His single encyclopedic work, De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii ("On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury"), also called De septem disciplinis ("On the seven disciplines"), is an elaborate didactic allegory written in a mixture of prose and elaborately allusive verse.

Martianus often presents philosophical views based on Neoplatonism, the Platonic school of philosophy pioneered by Plotinus and his followers.[5]

Like his near-contemporary Macrobius, who also produced a major work on classical Roman religion, Martianus never directly identifies his own religious affiliation. Much of his work occurs in the form of dialogue, and the views of the interlocutors may not represent the author's own.[6]

Life edit

According to Cassiodorus, Martianus was a native of Madaura—which had been the native city of Apuleius—in the Roman province of Africa (now Souk Ahras, Algeria). He appears to have practiced as a jurist at Roman Carthage.

Martianus was active during the 5th century, writing after the sack of Rome by Alaric I in 410, which he mentions, but apparently before the conquest of North Africa by the Vandals in 429.[7]

As early as the middle of the 6th century, Securus Memor Felix, a professor of rhetoric, received the text in Rome, for his personal subscription at the end of Book I (or Book II in many manuscripts) records that he was working "from most corrupt exemplars". Gerardus Vossius erroneously took this to mean that Martianus was himself active in the 6th century, giving rise to a long-standing misconception about Martianus's dating.[8]

The lunar crater Capella is named after him.

De nuptiis edit

Musica, illustration by Gherardo di Giovanni del Fora (15th century)

This single encyclopedic work, De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii ("On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury"), sometimes called De septem disciplinis ("On the seven disciplines") or the Satyricon,[9] is an elaborate didactic allegory written in a mixture of prose and elaborately allusive verse, a prosimetrum in the manner of the Menippean satires of Varro. The style is wordy and involved, loaded with metaphor and bizarre expressions. The book was of great importance in defining the standard formula of academic learning from the Christianized Roman Empire of the fifth century until the Renaissance of the 12th century. This formula included a medieval love for allegory (in particular personifications) as a means of presenting knowledge, and a structuring of that learning around the seven liberal arts.

The book, embracing in résumé form the narrowed classical culture of his time, was dedicated to his son. Its frame story in the first two books relates the courtship and wedding of Mercury (intelligent or profitable pursuit), who has been refused by Wisdom, Divination and the Soul, with the maiden Philologia (learning, or more literally the love of letters and study), who is made immortal under the protection of the gods, the Muses, the Cardinal Virtues and the Graces. The title refers to the allegorical union of the intellectually profitable pursuit (Mercury) of learning by way of the art of letters (Philology).

Among the wedding gifts are seven maids who will be Philology's servants. They are the seven liberal arts: Grammar (an old woman with a knife for excising children's grammatical errors), Dialectic, Rhetoric (a tall woman with a dress decorated with figures of speech and armed in a fashion to harm adversaries), Geometry, Arithmetic, Astronomy and (musical) Harmony. As each art is introduced, she gives an exposition of the principles of the science she represents, thereby providing a summary of the seven liberal arts. Two other arts, Architecture and Medicine, were present at the feast, but since they care for earthly things, they were to keep silent in the company of the celestial deities.

Each book is an abstract or a compilation from earlier authors. The treatment of the subjects belongs to a tradition which goes back to Varro's Disciplinae, even to Varro's passing allusion to architecture and medicine, which in Martianus Capella's day were mechanics' arts, material for clever slaves but not for senators. The classical Roman curriculum, which was to pass—largely through Martianus Capella's book—into the early medieval period, was modified but scarcely revolutionized by Christianity. The verse portions, on the whole correct and classically constructed, are in imitation of Varro.

Naboth's representation of Martianus Capella's geo-heliocentric astronomical model (1573)
Retorica, illustration by Gherardo di Giovanni del Fora (15th century)

The eighth book describes a modified geocentric astronomical model, in which the Earth is at rest in the center of the universe and circled by the moon, the sun, three planets and the stars, while Mercury and Venus circle the Sun.[10] The view that Mercury and Venus circle the Sun was singled out as one not to "disregard" by Copernicus in Book I of his De revolutionibus orbium coelestium.

Influence edit

Martianus Capella can best be understood in terms of the reputation of his book.[11] The work was read, taught, and commented upon throughout the early Middle Ages and shaped European education during the early medieval period and the Carolingian renaissance.

As early as the end of the fifth century, another African, Fulgentius, composed a work modeled on it. A note found in numerous manuscripts—written by one Securus Memor Felix, who was intending to produce an edition—indicates that by about 534 the dense and convoluted text of De nuptiis had already become hopelessly corrupted by scribal errors[12] (Michael Winterbottom suggests that Securus Memor's work may be the basis of the text found in "an impressive number of extant books" written in the ninth century).[13] Another sixth-century writer, Gregory of Tours, attests that it had become virtually a school manual.[14] In his 1959 study, C. Leonardi catalogued 241 existing manuscripts of De nuptiis, attesting to its popularity during the Middle Ages.[13] It was commented upon copiously: by John Scotus Erigena, Hadoard, Alexander Neckham, and Remigius of Auxerre.[15][16] In the eleventh century the German monk Notker Labeo translated the first two books into Old High German. Martianus continued to play a major role as transmitter of ancient learning until the rise of a new system of learning founded on scholastic Aristotelianism. As late as the thirteenth century, Martianus was still credited as having been the efficient cause of the study of astronomy.[17]

Modern interpreters have less interest in Martianus's ideas, "except for the light his work throws on what men in other times and places knew or thought it was important to know about the artes liberales".[18] C. S. Lewis, in The Allegory of Love, states that "the universe, which has produced the bee-orchid and the giraffe, has produced nothing stranger than Martianus Capella".

The editio princeps of De nuptiis, edited by Franciscus Vitalis Bodianus, was printed in Vicenza in 1499. The work's comparatively late date in print, as well as the modest number of later editions,[19] is a marker of the slide in its popularity, save as an elementary educational primer in the liberal arts.[20] For many years the standard edition of the work was that of A. Dick (Teubner, 1925), but J. Willis produced a new edition for Teubner in 1983.[13]

A modern introduction, focusing on the mathematical arts, is Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts, vol. 1: The Quadrivium of Martianus Capella: Latin Traditions in the Mathematical Sciences, 50 B.C. – A.D. 1250.[21] Volume 2 of this work is an English translation of De nuptiis.

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Margaret Deanesly, A History of Early Medieval Europe: From 476–911 (New York: Routledge, 2020).
  2. ^ Jack Lindsay, "Introduction: Apuleius and His Work", in The Golden Ass, trans. Jack Lindsay (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1960), p. 25.
  3. ^ Andy Merrills and Richard Miles, The Vandals (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2010), p. 213.
  4. ^ Ian Wood, "Latin", in A Companion to Late Antique Literature, ed. Scott McGill and Edward J. Watts (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2018), p. 27
  5. ^ Danuta Shanzer, A Philosophical and Literary Commentary on Martianus Capella's De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii Book One (University of California Press, 1986), pp. 14, 136 et passim; Stahl, et al., vol. 1, p. 10.
  6. ^ Stahl and Johnson with Burge, The Quadrivium of Martianus Capella, p. 5ff.; Alan Cameron, The Last Pagans of Rome (Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 265ff. Cameron finds it highly unlikely that a non-Christian could participate prominently in public life at this late date.
  7. ^ William H. Stahl, "To a Better Understanding of Martianus Capella" Speculum 40.1 (January 1965), pp. 102-115.
  8. ^ Parker, H. - "The Seven Liberal Arts" (The English Historical Review, vol. 5, no. 19, pp. 417-461)
  9. ^ On the title see William Stahl, Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts, vol. 1, pp. 21-22.
  10. ^ Bruce S. Eastwood, Ordering the Heavens: Roman Astronomy and Cosmology in the Carolingian Renaissance (Leiden: Brill, 2007), pp. 238-9.
  11. ^ "The most elucidating approach to Martianus is through his fortuna (Stahl 1965, p. 105).
  12. ^ Stahl 1965, p. 104.
  13. ^ a b c Winterbottom, "Martianus Capella" in Texts and Transmission: A Survey of the Latin Classics, edited by L. D. Reynolds (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983), p. 245.
  14. ^ "Our Martianus has instructed us in the seven disciplines" (History of the Franks X, 449, 14.)
  15. ^ For a digital edition of the glosses in Carolingian manuscripts of Martianus Capella, see Teeuwen (2008) and Isépy & Posselt (2010).
  16. ^ "Victorius of Aquitaine. Martianus Capella. Remigius of Auxerre. Gregory the Great". World Digital Library. Retrieved 2014-06-03.
  17. ^ Stephen C. McCluskey, Astronomies and Cultures in Early Medieval Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1999), p. 159.
  18. ^ M. P. Cunningham, review of Stahl, Johnson and Burge, Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts, vol. 1: The Quadrivium of Martianus Capella: Latin Traditions in the Mathematical Sciences 50 B.C. - A.D. 1250, in: Classical Philology vol. 72 no. 1 (January 1977, pp. 79-80) p. 80.
  19. ^ One, edited and emended by the sixteen-year-old Hugo Grotius, is a tour de force, "one of the more prodigious feats of Latin scholarship", as was noted by Stahl 1965, p. 104.
  20. ^ Stahl 1965, p. 102.
  21. ^ Stahl, William Harris; Johnson, Richard; Burge, E. L. (1971). Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts, Vol. 1: The Quadrivium of Martianus Capella: Latin Traditions in the Mathematical Sciences, 50 B.C.–A.D. 1250 (Records of Civilization: Sources and Studies, 84). New York: Columbia University Press. OCLC 888835999.

References edit

  • Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Capella, Martianus Minneus Felix" . Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. An early version of this article was based on it.
  • "Martianus Capella" in Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
  • P. Wessner in Pauly-Wissowa, Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaften 1930.
  • M. Cappuyns, in Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastique, Paris, 1949.
  • Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts. New York: Columbia University Press 1971.
    • Vol. 1: The quadrivium of Martianus Capella. Latin traditions in the mathematical sciences, 50 B.C.–A.D. 1250, by William Harris Stahl, 1971.
    • Vol. 2: The marriage of Philology and Mercury, translated by William Harris Stahl and R. Johnson, with E. L. Burge, 1977.
  • M. Ferré, Martianus Capella. Les noces de Philologie et de Mercure. Livre IV: la dialectique, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2007.
  • B. Ferré, Martianus Capella. Les noces de Philologie et de Mercure. Livre VI: la géométrie, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2007.
  • J.-Y. Guillaumin, Martianus Capella. Les noces de Philologie et de Mercure. Livre VII: l'arithmétique, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2003.
  • De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii (book 9 only).
  • Konrad Vössing, "Augustinus und Martianus Capella - ein Diskurs im Spätantiken Karthago?", in Therese Fuhrer (hg), Die christlich-philosophischen Diskurse der Spätantike: Texte, Personen, Institutionen: Akten der Tagung vom 22.-25. Februar 2006 am Zentrum für Antike und Moderne der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2008) (Philosophie der Antike, 28),
  • O’Sullivan, Sinéad, "Martianus Capella and the Carolingians: Some Observations Based on the Glosses on Books I–II from the Oldest Gloss Tradition on De nuptiis," in Elizabeth Mullins and Diarmuid Scully (eds), Listen, O Isles, unto me: Studies in Medieval Word and Image in honour of Jennifer O’Reilly (Cork, 2011), 28–38.

External links edit

Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "Martianus Capella" . Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company..

  • Martianus Capella (2008). Thomas Brouwer; Mariken Teeuwen (eds.). Carolingian Scholarship and Martianus Capella: The Oldest Commentary Tradition. Leiden: Huygens Instituut. Retrieved 22 November 2013.
  • Martianus Capella; Remigius of Auxerre; John Scotus Eriugena (2010). Monika Isépy; Bernd Posselt (eds.). Die Glossen zu Martianus Capella im Codex 193 der Kölner Dombibliothek. Cologne: Münchner Zentrum für Editionswissenschaft. Retrieved 22 November 2013.
  • Online Galleries, History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries 2020-11-13 at the Wayback Machine High resolution images of works by Martianus Capella in .jpg and .tiff format.
  • De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii in PDF and other formats
  • Rhetores latini minores, Carl Halm (ed.), Lipsiae in aedibus B. G. Teubneri, 1863, pp. 449-492.

martianus, capella, martianus, redirects, here, carolingian, scholar, martianus, hiberniensis, roman, freedman, icelus, martianus, martianus, minneus, felix, capella, jurist, polymath, latin, prose, writer, late, antiquity, earliest, developers, system, seven,. Martianus redirects here For the Carolingian scholar see Martianus Hiberniensis For the Roman freedman see Icelus Martianus Martianus Minneus Felix Capella fl c 410 420 was a jurist polymath and Latin prose writer of late antiquity one of the earliest developers of the system of the seven liberal arts that structured early medieval education 1 2 3 4 He was a native of Madaura Grammar teaching from a 10th century manuscript of De nuptiis Philologiae et MercuriiHis single encyclopedic work De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury also called De septem disciplinis On the seven disciplines is an elaborate didactic allegory written in a mixture of prose and elaborately allusive verse Martianus often presents philosophical views based on Neoplatonism the Platonic school of philosophy pioneered by Plotinus and his followers 5 Like his near contemporary Macrobius who also produced a major work on classical Roman religion Martianus never directly identifies his own religious affiliation Much of his work occurs in the form of dialogue and the views of the interlocutors may not represent the author s own 6 Contents 1 Life 2 De nuptiis 2 1 Influence 3 See also 4 Notes 5 References 6 External linksLife editAccording to Cassiodorus Martianus was a native of Madaura which had been the native city of Apuleius in the Roman province of Africa now Souk Ahras Algeria He appears to have practiced as a jurist at Roman Carthage Martianus was active during the 5th century writing after the sack of Rome by Alaric I in 410 which he mentions but apparently before the conquest of North Africa by the Vandals in 429 7 As early as the middle of the 6th century Securus Memor Felix a professor of rhetoric received the text in Rome for his personal subscription at the end of Book I or Book II in many manuscripts records that he was working from most corrupt exemplars Gerardus Vossius erroneously took this to mean that Martianus was himself active in the 6th century giving rise to a long standing misconception about Martianus s dating 8 The lunar crater Capella is named after him De nuptiis edit nbsp Musica illustration by Gherardo di Giovanni del Fora 15th century This single encyclopedic work De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury sometimes called De septem disciplinis On the seven disciplines or the Satyricon 9 is an elaborate didactic allegory written in a mixture of prose and elaborately allusive verse a prosimetrum in the manner of the Menippean satires of Varro The style is wordy and involved loaded with metaphor and bizarre expressions The book was of great importance in defining the standard formula of academic learning from the Christianized Roman Empire of the fifth century until the Renaissance of the 12th century This formula included a medieval love for allegory in particular personifications as a means of presenting knowledge and a structuring of that learning around the seven liberal arts The book embracing in resume form the narrowed classical culture of his time was dedicated to his son Its frame story in the first two books relates the courtship and wedding of Mercury intelligent or profitable pursuit who has been refused by Wisdom Divination and the Soul with the maiden Philologia learning or more literally the love of letters and study who is made immortal under the protection of the gods the Muses the Cardinal Virtues and the Graces The title refers to the allegorical union of the intellectually profitable pursuit Mercury of learning by way of the art of letters Philology Among the wedding gifts are seven maids who will be Philology s servants They are the seven liberal arts Grammar an old woman with a knife for excising children s grammatical errors Dialectic Rhetoric a tall woman with a dress decorated with figures of speech and armed in a fashion to harm adversaries Geometry Arithmetic Astronomy and musical Harmony As each art is introduced she gives an exposition of the principles of the science she represents thereby providing a summary of the seven liberal arts Two other arts Architecture and Medicine were present at the feast but since they care for earthly things they were to keep silent in the company of the celestial deities Each book is an abstract or a compilation from earlier authors The treatment of the subjects belongs to a tradition which goes back to Varro s Disciplinae even to Varro s passing allusion to architecture and medicine which in Martianus Capella s day were mechanics arts material for clever slaves but not for senators The classical Roman curriculum which was to pass largely through Martianus Capella s book into the early medieval period was modified but scarcely revolutionized by Christianity The verse portions on the whole correct and classically constructed are in imitation of Varro nbsp Naboth s representation of Martianus Capella s geo heliocentric astronomical model 1573 nbsp Retorica illustration by Gherardo di Giovanni del Fora 15th century The eighth book describes a modified geocentric astronomical model in which the Earth is at rest in the center of the universe and circled by the moon the sun three planets and the stars while Mercury and Venus circle the Sun 10 The view that Mercury and Venus circle the Sun was singled out as one not to disregard by Copernicus in Book I of his De revolutionibus orbium coelestium Influence edit Martianus Capella can best be understood in terms of the reputation of his book 11 The work was read taught and commented upon throughout the early Middle Ages and shaped European education during the early medieval period and the Carolingian renaissance As early as the end of the fifth century another African Fulgentius composed a work modeled on it A note found in numerous manuscripts written by one Securus Memor Felix who was intending to produce an edition indicates that by about 534 the dense and convoluted text of De nuptiis had already become hopelessly corrupted by scribal errors 12 Michael Winterbottom suggests that Securus Memor s work may be the basis of the text found in an impressive number of extant books written in the ninth century 13 Another sixth century writer Gregory of Tours attests that it had become virtually a school manual 14 In his 1959 study C Leonardi catalogued 241 existing manuscripts of De nuptiis attesting to its popularity during the Middle Ages 13 It was commented upon copiously by John Scotus Erigena Hadoard Alexander Neckham and Remigius of Auxerre 15 16 In the eleventh century the German monk Notker Labeo translated the first two books into Old High German Martianus continued to play a major role as transmitter of ancient learning until the rise of a new system of learning founded on scholastic Aristotelianism As late as the thirteenth century Martianus was still credited as having been the efficient cause of the study of astronomy 17 Modern interpreters have less interest in Martianus s ideas except for the light his work throws on what men in other times and places knew or thought it was important to know about the artes liberales 18 C S Lewis in The Allegory of Love states that the universe which has produced the bee orchid and the giraffe has produced nothing stranger than Martianus Capella The editio princeps of De nuptiis edited by Franciscus Vitalis Bodianus was printed in Vicenza in 1499 The work s comparatively late date in print as well as the modest number of later editions 19 is a marker of the slide in its popularity save as an elementary educational primer in the liberal arts 20 For many years the standard edition of the work was that of A Dick Teubner 1925 but J Willis produced a new edition for Teubner in 1983 13 A modern introduction focusing on the mathematical arts is Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts vol 1 The Quadrivium of Martianus Capella Latin Traditions in the Mathematical Sciences 50 B C A D 1250 21 Volume 2 of this work is an English translation of De nuptiis See also editAllegory in the Middle Ages Macrobius a contemporaneous pagan handbook compiler who offers many parallels with Martianus CassiodorusNotes edit Margaret Deanesly A History of Early Medieval Europe From 476 911 New York Routledge 2020 Jack Lindsay Introduction Apuleius and His Work in The Golden Ass trans Jack Lindsay Bloomington Indiana University Press 1960 p 25 Andy Merrills and Richard Miles The Vandals Chichester John Wiley amp Sons 2010 p 213 Ian Wood Latin in A Companion to Late Antique Literature ed Scott McGill and Edward J Watts Hoboken John Wiley amp Sons 2018 p 27 Danuta Shanzer A Philosophical and Literary Commentary on Martianus Capella sDe Nuptiis Philologiae et MercuriiBook One University of California Press 1986 pp 14 136 et passim Stahl et al vol 1 p 10 Stahl and Johnson with Burge The Quadrivium of Martianus Capella p 5ff Alan Cameron The Last Pagans of Rome Oxford University Press 2011 p 265ff Cameron finds it highly unlikely that a non Christian could participate prominently in public life at this late date William H Stahl To a Better Understanding of Martianus Capella Speculum 40 1 January 1965 pp 102 115 Parker H The Seven Liberal Arts The English Historical Review vol 5 no 19 pp 417 461 On the title see William Stahl Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts vol 1 pp 21 22 Bruce S Eastwood Ordering the Heavens Roman Astronomy and Cosmology in the Carolingian Renaissance Leiden Brill 2007 pp 238 9 The most elucidating approach to Martianus is through his fortuna Stahl 1965 p 105 Stahl 1965 p 104 a b c Winterbottom Martianus Capella in Texts and Transmission A Survey of the Latin Classics edited by L D Reynolds Oxford Clarendon Press 1983 p 245 Our Martianus has instructed us in the seven disciplines History of the Franks X 449 14 For a digital edition of the glosses in Carolingian manuscripts of Martianus Capella see Teeuwen 2008 and Isepy amp Posselt 2010 Victorius of Aquitaine Martianus Capella Remigius of Auxerre Gregory the Great World Digital Library Retrieved 2014 06 03 Stephen C McCluskey Astronomies and Cultures in Early Medieval Europe Cambridge Cambridge Univ Press 1999 p 159 M P Cunningham review of Stahl Johnson and Burge Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts vol 1 The Quadrivium of Martianus Capella Latin Traditions in the Mathematical Sciences 50 B C A D 1250 in Classical Philology vol 72 no 1 January 1977 pp 79 80 p 80 One edited and emended by the sixteen year old Hugo Grotius is a tour de force one of the more prodigious feats of Latin scholarship as was noted by Stahl 1965 p 104 Stahl 1965 p 102 Stahl William Harris Johnson Richard Burge E L 1971 Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts Vol 1 The Quadrivium of Martianus Capella Latin Traditions in the Mathematical Sciences 50 B C A D 1250 Records of Civilization Sources and Studies 84 New York Columbia University Press OCLC 888835999 References editChisholm Hugh ed 1911 Capella Martianus Minneus Felix Encyclopaedia Britannica 11th ed Cambridge University Press An early version of this article was based on it Martianus Capella in Encyclopaedia Britannica Online P Wessner in Pauly Wissowa Real Encyclopadie der classischen Altertumswissenschaften 1930 M Cappuyns in Dictionnaire d histoire et de geographie ecclesiastique Paris 1949 Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts New York Columbia University Press 1971 Vol 1 The quadrivium of Martianus Capella Latin traditions in the mathematical sciences 50 B C A D 1250 by William Harris Stahl 1971 Vol 2 The marriage of Philology and Mercury translated by William Harris Stahl and R Johnson with E L Burge 1977 M Ferre Martianus Capella Les noces de Philologie et de Mercure Livre IV la dialectique Paris Les Belles Lettres 2007 B Ferre Martianus Capella Les noces de Philologie et de Mercure Livre VI la geometrie Paris Les Belles Lettres 2007 J Y Guillaumin Martianus Capella Les noces de Philologie et de Mercure Livre VII l arithmetique Paris Les Belles Lettres 2003 De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii book 9 only Konrad Vossing Augustinus und Martianus Capella ein Diskurs im Spatantiken Karthago in Therese Fuhrer hg Die christlich philosophischen Diskurse der Spatantike Texte Personen Institutionen Akten der Tagung vom 22 25 Februar 2006 am Zentrum fur Antike und Moderne der Albert Ludwigs Universitat Freiburg Stuttgart Franz Steiner Verlag 2008 Philosophie der Antike 28 O Sullivan Sinead Martianus Capella and the Carolingians Some Observations Based on the Glosses on Books I II from the Oldest Gloss Tradition on De nuptiis in Elizabeth Mullins and Diarmuid Scully eds Listen O Isles unto me Studies in Medieval Word and Image in honour of Jennifer O Reilly Cork 2011 28 38 External links edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Martianus Capella Herbermann Charles ed 1913 Martianus Capella Catholic Encyclopedia New York Robert Appleton Company Martianus Capella 2008 Thomas Brouwer Mariken Teeuwen eds Carolingian Scholarship and Martianus Capella The Oldest Commentary Tradition Leiden Huygens Instituut Retrieved 22 November 2013 Martianus Capella Remigius of Auxerre John Scotus Eriugena 2010 Monika Isepy Bernd Posselt eds Die Glossen zu Martianus Capella im Codex 193 der Kolner Dombibliothek Cologne Munchner Zentrum fur Editionswissenschaft Retrieved 22 November 2013 Online Galleries History of Science Collections University of Oklahoma Libraries Archived 2020 11 13 at the Wayback Machine High resolution images of works by Martianus Capella in jpg and tiff format De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii in PDF and other formats Rhetores latini minores Carl Halm ed Lipsiae in aedibus B G Teubneri 1863 pp 449 492 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Martianus Capella amp oldid 1194728640, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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