
Celestial spheres

The celestial spheres, or celestial orbs, were the fundamental entities of the cosmological models developed by Plato, Eudoxus, Aristotle, Ptolemy, Copernicus, and others. In these celestial models, the apparent motions of the fixed stars and planets are accounted for by treating them as embedded in rotating spheres made of an aetherial, transparent fifth element (quintessence), like gems set in orbs. Since it was believed that the fixed stars did not change their positions relative to one another, it was argued that they must be on the surface of a single starry sphere.[1]

Geocentric celestial spheres; Peter Apian's Cosmographia (Antwerp, 1539)

In modern thought, the orbits of the planets are viewed as the paths of those planets through mostly empty space. Ancient and medieval thinkers, however, considered the celestial orbs to be thick spheres of rarefied matter nested one within the other, each one in complete contact with the sphere above it and the sphere below.[2] When scholars applied Ptolemy's epicycles, they presumed that each planetary sphere was exactly thick enough to accommodate them.[2] By combining this nested sphere model with astronomical observations, scholars calculated what became generally accepted values at the time for the distances to the Sun: about 4 million miles (6.4 million kilometres), to the other planets, and to the edge of the universe: about 73 million miles (117 million kilometres).[3] The nested sphere model's distances to the Sun and planets differ significantly from modern measurements of the distances,[4] and the size of the universe is now known to be inconceivably large and continuously expanding.[5]

Albert Van Helden has suggested that from about 1250 until the 17th century, virtually all educated Europeans were familiar with the Ptolemaic model of "nesting spheres and the cosmic dimensions derived from it".[6] Even following the adoption of Copernicus's heliocentric model of the universe, new versions of the celestial sphere model were introduced, with the planetary spheres following this sequence from the central Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth-Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Mainstream belief in the theory of celestial spheres did not survive the Scientific Revolution. In the early 1600s, Kepler continued to discuss celestial spheres, although he did not consider that the planets were carried by the spheres but held that they moved in elliptical paths described by Kepler's laws of planetary motion. In the late 1600s, Greek and medieval theories concerning the motion of terrestrial and celestial objects were replaced by Newton's law of universal gravitation and Newtonian mechanics, which explain how Kepler's laws arise from the gravitational attraction between bodies.

History edit

Early ideas of spheres and circles edit

In Greek antiquity the ideas of celestial spheres and rings first appeared in the cosmology of Anaximander in the early 6th century BC.[7] In his cosmology both the Sun and Moon are circular open vents in tubular rings of fire enclosed in tubes of condensed air; these rings constitute the rims of rotating chariot-like wheels pivoting on the Earth at their centre. The fixed stars are also open vents in such wheel rims, but there are so many such wheels for the stars that their contiguous rims all together form a continuous spherical shell encompassing the Earth. All these wheel rims had originally been formed out of an original sphere of fire wholly encompassing the Earth, which had disintegrated into many individual rings.[8] Hence, in Anaximanders's cosmogony, in the beginning was the sphere, out of which celestial rings were formed, from some of which the stellar sphere was in turn composed. As viewed from the Earth, the ring of the Sun was highest, that of the Moon was lower, and the sphere of the stars was lowest.

Following Anaximander, his pupil Anaximenes (c. 585 – c. 528/4) held that the stars, Sun, Moon, and planets are all made of fire. But whilst the stars are fastened on a revolving crystal sphere like nails or studs, the Sun, Moon, and planets, and also the Earth, all just ride on air like leaves because of their breadth.[9] And whilst the fixed stars are carried around in a complete circle by the stellar sphere, the Sun, Moon and planets do not revolve under the Earth between setting and rising again like the stars do, but rather on setting they go laterally around the Earth like a cap turning halfway around the head until they rise again. And unlike Anaximander, he relegated the fixed stars to the region most distant from the Earth. The most enduring feature of Anaximenes' cosmos was its conception of the stars being fixed on a crystal sphere as in a rigid frame, which became a fundamental principle of cosmology down to Copernicus and Kepler.

After Anaximenes, Pythagoras, Xenophanes and Parmenides all held that the universe was spherical.[10] And much later in the fourth century BC Plato's Timaeus proposed that the body of the cosmos was made in the most perfect and uniform shape, that of a sphere containing the fixed stars.[11] But it posited that the planets were spherical bodies set in rotating bands or rings rather than wheel rims as in Anaximander's cosmology.

Emergence of the planetary spheres edit

Instead of bands, Plato's student Eudoxus developed a planetary model using concentric spheres for all the planets, with three spheres each for his models of the Moon and the Sun and four each for the models of the other five planets, thus making 26 spheres in all.[12][13] Callippus modified this system, using five spheres for his models of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars and retaining four spheres for the models of Jupiter and Saturn, thus making 33 spheres in all.[13] Each planet is attached to the innermost of its own particular set of spheres. Although the models of Eudoxus and Callippus qualitatively describe the major features of the motion of the planets, they fail to account exactly for these motions and therefore cannot provide quantitative predictions.[14] Although historians of Greek science have traditionally considered these models to be merely geometrical representations,[15][16] recent studies have proposed that they were also intended to be physically real[17] or have withheld judgment, noting the limited evidence to resolve the question.[18]

In his Metaphysics, Aristotle developed a physical cosmology of spheres, based on the mathematical models of Eudoxus. In Aristotle's fully developed celestial model, the spherical Earth is at the centre of the universe and the planets are moved by either 47 or 55 interconnected spheres that form a unified planetary system,[19] whereas in the models of Eudoxus and Callippus each planet's individual set of spheres were not connected to those of the next planet. Aristotle says the exact number of spheres, and hence the number of movers, is to be determined by astronomical investigation, but he added additional spheres to those proposed by Eudoxus and Callippus, to counteract the motion of the outer spheres. Aristotle considers that these spheres are made of an unchanging fifth element, the aether. Each of these concentric spheres is moved by its own god—an unchanging divine unmoved mover, and who moves its sphere simply by virtue of being loved by it.[20]

Ptolemaic model of the spheres for Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn with epicycle, eccentric deferent and equant point. Georg von Peuerbach, Theoricae novae planetarum, 1474.

In his Almagest, the astronomer Ptolemy (fl. c. 150 AD) developed geometrical predictive models of the motions of the stars and planets and extended them to a unified physical model of the cosmos in his Planetary hypotheses.[21][22][23][24] By using eccentrics and epicycles, his geometrical model achieved greater mathematical detail and predictive accuracy than had been exhibited by earlier concentric spherical models of the cosmos.[25] In Ptolemy's physical model, each planet is contained in two or more spheres,[26] but in Book 2 of his Planetary Hypotheses Ptolemy depicted thick circular slices rather than spheres as in its Book 1. One sphere/slice is the deferent, with a centre offset somewhat from the Earth; the other sphere/slice is an epicycle embedded in the deferent, with the planet embedded in the epicyclical sphere/slice.[27] Ptolemy's model of nesting spheres provided the general dimensions of the cosmos, the greatest distance of Saturn being 19,865 times the radius of the Earth and the distance of the fixed stars being at least 20,000 Earth radii.[26]

The planetary spheres were arranged outwards from the spherical, stationary Earth at the centre of the universe in this order: the spheres of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. In more detailed models the seven planetary spheres contained other secondary spheres within them. The planetary spheres were followed by the stellar sphere containing the fixed stars; other scholars added a ninth sphere to account for the precession of the equinoxes, a tenth to account for the supposed trepidation of the equinoxes, and even an eleventh to account for the changing obliquity of the ecliptic.[28] In antiquity the order of the lower planets was not universally agreed. Plato and his followers ordered them Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, and then followed the standard model for the upper spheres.[29][30] Others disagreed about the relative place of the spheres of Mercury and Venus: Ptolemy placed both of them beneath the Sun with Venus above Mercury, but noted others placed them both above the Sun; some medieval thinkers, such as al-Bitruji, placed the sphere of Venus above the Sun and that of Mercury below it.[31]

Middle Ages edit

The Earth within seven celestial spheres, from Bede, De natura rerum, late 11th century

Astronomical discussions edit

A series of astronomers, beginning with the Muslim astronomer al-Farghānī, used the Ptolemaic model of nesting spheres to compute distances to the stars and planetary spheres. Al-Farghānī's distance to the stars was 20,110 Earth radii which, on the assumption that the radius of the Earth was 3,250 miles (5,230 kilometres), came to 65,357,500 miles (105,182,700 kilometres).[32] An introduction to Ptolemy's Almagest, the Tashil al-Majisti, believed to be written by Thābit ibn Qurra, presented minor variations of Ptolemy's distances to the celestial spheres.[33] In his Zij, Al-Battānī presented independent calculations of the distances to the planets on the model of nesting spheres, which he thought was due to scholars writing after Ptolemy. His calculations yielded a distance of 19,000 Earth radii to the stars.[34]

Around the turn of the millennium, the Arabic astronomer and polymath Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen) presented a development of Ptolemy's geocentric models in terms of nested spheres. Despite the similarity of this concept to that of Ptolemy's Planetary Hypotheses, al-Haytham's presentation differs in sufficient detail that it has been argued that it reflects an independent development of the concept.[35] In chapters 15–16 of his Book of Optics, Ibn al-Haytham also said that the celestial spheres do not consist of solid matter.[36]

Near the end of the twelfth century, the Spanish Muslim astronomer al-Bitrūjī (Alpetragius) sought to explain the complex motions of the planets without Ptolemy's epicycles and eccentrics, using an Aristotelian framework of purely concentric spheres that moved with differing speeds from east to west. This model was much less accurate as a predictive astronomical model,[37] but it was discussed by later European astronomers and philosophers.[38][39]

In the thirteenth century the astronomer al-'Urḍi proposed a radical change to Ptolemy's system of nesting spheres. In his Kitāb al-Hayáh, he recalculated the distance of the planets using parameters which he redetermined. Taking the distance of the Sun as 1,266 Earth radii, he was forced to place the sphere of Venus above the sphere of the Sun; as a further refinement, he added the planet's diameters to the thickness of their spheres. As a consequence, his version of the nesting spheres model had the sphere of the stars at a distance of 140,177 Earth radii.[34]

About the same time, scholars in European universities began to address the implications of the rediscovered philosophy of Aristotle and astronomy of Ptolemy. Both astronomical scholars and popular writers considered the implications of the nested sphere model for the dimensions of the universe.[40] Campanus of Novara's introductory astronomical text, the Theorica planetarum, used the model of nesting spheres to compute the distances of the various planets from the Earth, which he gave as 22,612 Earth radii or 73,387,747100660 miles.[41][42] In his Opus Majus, Roger Bacon cited Al-Farghānī's distance to the stars of 20,110 Earth radii, or 65,357,700 miles, from which he computed the circumference of the universe to be 410,818,51737 miles.[43] Clear evidence that this model was thought to represent physical reality is the accounts found in Bacon's Opus Majus of the time needed to walk to the Moon[44] and in the popular Middle English South English Legendary, that it would take 8,000 years to reach the highest starry heaven.[45][46] General understanding of the dimensions of the universe derived from the nested sphere model reached wider audiences through the presentations in Hebrew by Moses Maimonides, in French by Gossuin of Metz, and in Italian by Dante Alighieri.[47]

Philosophical and theological discussions edit

Philosophers were less concerned with such mathematical calculations than with the nature of the celestial spheres, their relation to revealed accounts of created nature, and the causes of their motion.

Adi Setia describes the debate among Islamic scholars in the twelfth century, based on the commentary of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi about whether the celestial spheres are real, concrete physical bodies or "merely the abstract circles in the heavens traced out… by the various stars and planets." Setia points out that most of the learned, and the astronomers, said they were solid spheres "on which the stars turn… and this view is closer to the apparent sense of the Qur'anic verses regarding the celestial orbits." However, al-Razi mentions that some, such as the Islamic scholar Dahhak, considered them to be abstract. Al-Razi himself, was undecided, he said: "In truth, there is no way to ascertain the characteristics of the heavens except by authority [of divine revelation or prophetic traditions]." Setia concludes: "Thus it seems that for al-Razi (and for others before and after him), astronomical models, whatever their utility or lack thereof for ordering the heavens, are not founded on sound rational proofs, and so no intellectual commitment can be made to them insofar as description and explanation of celestial realities are concerned."[48]

Christian and Muslim philosophers modified Ptolemy's system to include an unmoved outermost region, the empyrean heaven, which came to be identified as the dwelling place of God and all the elect.[49] Medieval Christians identified the sphere of stars with the Biblical firmament and sometimes posited an invisible layer of water above the firmament, to accord with Genesis.[50] An outer sphere, inhabited by angels, appeared in some accounts.[51]

Edward Grant, a historian of science, has provided evidence that medieval scholastic philosophers generally considered the celestial spheres to be solid in the sense of three-dimensional or continuous, but most did not consider them solid in the sense of hard. The consensus was that the celestial spheres were made of some kind of continuous fluid.[52]

Later in the century, the mutakallim Adud al-Din al-Iji (1281–1355) rejected the principle of uniform and circular motion, following the Ash'ari doctrine of atomism, which maintained that all physical effects were caused directly by God's will rather than by natural causes.[53] He maintained that the celestial spheres were "imaginary things" and "more tenuous than a spider's web".[54] His views were challenged by al-Jurjani (1339–1413), who maintained that even if the celestial spheres "do not have an external reality, yet they are things that are correctly imagined and correspond to what [exists] in actuality".[54]

Medieval astronomers and philosophers developed diverse theories about the causes of the celestial spheres' motions. They attempted to explain the spheres' motions in terms of the materials of which they were thought to be made, external movers such as celestial intelligences, and internal movers such as motive souls or impressed forces. Most of these models were qualitative, although a few incorporated quantitative analyses that related speed, motive force and resistance.[55] By the end of the Middle Ages, the common opinion in Europe was that celestial bodies were moved by external intelligences, identified with the angels of revelation.[56] The outermost moving sphere, which moved with the daily motion affecting all subordinate spheres, was moved by an unmoved mover, the Prime Mover, who was identified with God. Each of the lower spheres was moved by a subordinate spiritual mover (a replacement for Aristotle's multiple divine movers), called an intelligence.[57]

Renaissance edit

Thomas Digges' 1576 Copernican heliocentric model of the celestial orbs

Early in the sixteenth century Nicolaus Copernicus drastically reformed the model of astronomy by displacing the Earth from its central place in favour of the Sun, yet he called his great work De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres). Although Copernicus does not treat the physical nature of the spheres in detail, his few allusions make it clear that, like many of his predecessors, he accepted non-solid celestial spheres.[58] Copernicus rejected the ninth and tenth spheres, placed the orb of the Moon around the Earth, and moved the Sun from its orb to the center of the universe. The planetary orbs circled the center of the universe in the following order: Mercury, Venus, the great orb containing the Earth and the orb of the Moon, then the orbs of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Finally he retained the eighth sphere of the stars, which he held to be stationary.[59]

The English almanac maker, Thomas Digges, delineated the spheres of the new cosmological system in his Perfit Description of the Caelestiall Orbes … (1576). Here he arranged the "orbes" in the new Copernican order, expanding one sphere to carry "the globe of mortalitye", the Earth, the four classical elements, and the Moon, and expanding the sphere of stars infinitely to encompass all the stars and also to serve as "the court of the Great God, the habitacle of the elect, and of the coelestiall angelles."[60]

Johannes Kepler's diagram of the celestial spheres, and of the spaces between them, following the opinion of Copernicus (Mysterium Cosmographicum, 2nd ed., 1621)

In the sixteenth century, a number of philosophers, theologians, and astronomers—among them Francesco Patrizi, Andrea Cisalpino, Peter Ramus, Robert Bellarmine, Giordano Bruno, Jerónimo Muñoz, Michael Neander, Jean Pena, and Christoph Rothmann—abandoned the concept of celestial spheres.[61] Rothmann argued from observations of the comet of 1585 that the lack of observed parallax indicated that the comet was beyond Saturn, while the absence of observed refraction indicated the celestial region was of the same material as air, hence there were no planetary spheres.[62]

Tycho Brahe's investigations of a series of comets from 1577 to 1585, aided by Rothmann's discussion of the comet of 1585 and Michael Maestlin's tabulated distances of the comet of 1577, which passed through the planetary orbs, led Tycho to conclude[63] that "the structure of the heavens was very fluid and simple." Tycho opposed his view to that of "very many modern philosophers" who divided the heavens into "various orbs made of hard and impervious matter." Edward Grant found relatively few believers in hard celestial spheres before Copernicus and concluded that the idea first became common sometime between the publication of Copernicus's De revolutionibus in 1542 and Tycho Brahe's publication of his cometary research in 1588.[64][65]

In his early Mysterium Cosmographicum, Johannes Kepler considered the distances of the planets and the consequent gaps required between the planetary spheres implied by the Copernican system, which had been noted by his former teacher, Michael Maestlin.[66] Kepler's Platonic cosmology filled the large gaps with the five Platonic polyhedra, which accounted for the spheres' measured astronomical distance.[67][page needed] In Kepler's mature celestial physics, the spheres were regarded as the purely geometric spatial regions containing each planetary orbit rather than as the rotating physical orbs of the earlier Aristotelian celestial physics. The eccentricity of each planet's orbit thereby defined the radii of the inner and outer limits of its celestial sphere and thus its thickness. In Kepler's celestial mechanics, the cause of planetary motion became the rotating Sun, itself rotated by its own motive soul.[68] However, an immobile stellar sphere was a lasting remnant of physical celestial spheres in Kepler's cosmology.

Literary and visual expressions edit

"Because the medieval universe is finite, it has a shape, the perfect spherical shape, containing within itself an ordered variety....
"The spheres ... present us with an object in which the mind can rest, overwhelming in its greatness but satisfying in its harmony."

C. S. Lewis, The Discarded Image, p. 99.

Dante and Beatrice gaze upon the highest Heaven; from Gustave Doré's illustrations to the Divine Comedy, Paradiso Canto 28, lines 16–39.

In Cicero's Dream of Scipio, the elder Scipio Africanus describes an ascent through the celestial spheres, compared to which the Earth and the Roman Empire dwindle into insignificance. A commentary on the Dream of Scipio by the Roman writer Macrobius, which included a discussion of the various schools of thought on the order of the spheres, did much to spread the idea of the celestial spheres through the Early Middle Ages.[69]

Nicole Oresme, Le livre du Ciel et du Monde, Paris, BnF, Manuscrits, Fr. 565, f. 69 (1377)

Some late medieval figures noted that the celestial spheres' physical order was inverse to their order on the spiritual plane, where God was at the center and the Earth at the periphery. Near the beginning of the fourteenth century Dante, in the Paradiso of his Divine Comedy, described God as a light at the center of the cosmos.[70] Here the poet ascends beyond physical existence to the Empyrean Heaven, where he comes face to face with God himself and is granted understanding of both divine and human nature. Later in the century, the illuminator of Nicole Oresme's Le livre du Ciel et du Monde, a translation of and commentary on Aristotle's De caelo produced for Oresme's patron, King Charles V, employed the same motif. He drew the spheres in the conventional order, with the Moon closest to the Earth and the stars highest, but the spheres were concave upwards, centered on God, rather than concave downwards, centered on the Earth.[71] Below this figure Oresme quotes the Psalms that "The heavens declare the Glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork."[72]

The late-16th-century Portuguese epic The Lusiads vividly portrays the celestial spheres as a "great machine of the universe" constructed by God.[73] The explorer Vasco da Gama is shown the celestial spheres in the form of a mechanical model. Contrary to Cicero's representation, da Gama's tour of the spheres begins with the Empyrean, then descends inward toward Earth, culminating in a survey of the domains and divisions of earthly kingdoms, thus magnifying the importance of human deeds in the divine plan.

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Grant, Planets, Stars, and Orbs, p. 440.
  2. ^ a b Lindberg, Beginnings of Western Science, p. 251.
  3. ^ Van Helden, Measuring the Universe, pp. 28–40.
  4. ^ Grant, Planets, Stars, and Orbs, pp. 437–8.
  5. ^ Van Helden, Measuring the Universe, p. 3.
  6. ^ Van Helden, Measuring the Universe, pp. 37, 40.
  7. ^ See chapter 4 of Heath's Aristarchus of Samos 1913/97 Oxford University Press/Sandpiper Books Ltd; see p. 11 of Popper's The World of Parmenides Routledge 1998
  8. ^ Heath ibid pp26–8
  9. ^ See chapter 5 of Heath’s 1913 Aristarchus of Samos
  10. ^ For Xenophanes' and Parmenides' spherist cosmologies see Heath ibid chapter 7 and chapter 9 respectively, and Popper ibid Essays 2 & 3.
  11. ^ F. M. Cornford, Plato's Cosmology: The Timaeus of Plato, pp. 54–7
  12. ^ Neugebauer, History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy, vol. 2, pp. 677–85.
  13. ^ a b Lloyd, "Heavenly aberrations," p. 173.
  14. ^ Neugebauer, History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy, vol. 2, pp. 677–85.
  15. ^ Dreyer, History of the Planetary Systems, pp. 90–1, 121–2
  16. ^ Lloyd, Aristotle, p. 150.
  17. ^ Larry Wright, "The Astronomy of Eudoxus: Geometry or Physics," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 4 (1973): 165–72.
  18. ^ G. E. R. Lloyd, "Saving the Phenomena," Classical Quarterly, 28 (1978): 202–222, at p. 219.
  19. ^ Aristotle, Metaphysics 1073b1–1074a13, pp. 882–883 in The Basic Works of Aristotle Richard McKeon, ed., The Modern Library 2001
  20. ^ "The final cause, then, produces motion by being loved, but all other things move by being moved" Aristotle Metaphysics 1072b4.
  21. ^ Neugebauer, History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy, pp. 111–12, 148
  22. ^ Pedersen, Early Physics and Astronomy p. 87
  23. ^ Crowe, Theories of the World, pp.45, 49–50, 72,
  24. ^ Linton, From Eudoxus to Einstein, pp.63–64, 81.
  25. ^ Taliaferro, Translator's Introduction to the Almagest, p,1; Dreyer, History of the Planetary Systems, pp.160, 167.
  26. ^ a b Neugebauer, History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy, vol. 2, pp. 917–926.
  27. ^ Andrea Murschel, "The Structure and Function of Ptolemy's Physical Hypotheses of Planetary Motion," Journal for the History of Astronomy, 26(1995): 33–61.
  28. ^ Francis R. Johnson, "Marlowe's "Imperiall Heaven," ELH, 12 (1945): 35–44, p. 39
  29. ^ Bruce S. Eastwood, Ordering the Heavens: Roman Astronomy and Cosmology in the Carolingian Renaissance, (Leiden: Brill) 2007, pp. 36–45
  30. ^ In his De Revolutionibus Bk1.10 Copernicus claimed the empirical reason why Plato's followers put the orbits of Mercury and Venus above the Sun's was that if they were sub-solar, then by the Sun's reflected light they would only ever appear as hemispheres at most and would also sometimes eclipse the Sun, but they do neither. (See p521 Great Books of the Western World 16 Ptolemy–Copernicus–Kepler)
  31. ^ al-Biţrūjī. (1971) On the Principles of Astronomy, 7.159–65, trans. Bernard R. Goldstein, vol. 1, pp. 123–5. New Haven: Yale Univ. Pr. ISBN 0-300-01387-6
  32. ^ Van Helden, Measuring the Universe, pp. 29–31.
  33. ^ Van Helden, Measuring the Universe, p. 31.
  34. ^ a b Van Helden, Measuring the Universe, pp. 31–2.
  35. ^ Langermann, Y. Tzvi (1990). Ibn al Haytham's on the Configuration of the World. New York: Garland Publishing. pp. 11–25.
  36. ^ Rosen, Edward (1985). "The Dissolution of the Solid Celestial Spheres". Journal of the History of Ideas. 46 (1): 13–31 [19–20, 21]. doi:10.2307/2709773. JSTOR 2709773..
  37. ^ Goldstein, Bernard R. (1971). Al-Bitrūjī: On the Principles of Astronomy. Vol. 1. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 40–5.
  38. ^ Goldstein, Al-Bitrūjī, p. 6.
  39. ^ Grant, Planets, Stars, and Orbs, pp. 563–6.
  40. ^ Grant, Planets, Stars, and Orbs, pp. 433–43.
  41. ^ Grant, Planets, Stars, and Orbs, pp. 434–8.
  42. ^ Van Helden, Measuring the Universe, pp. 33–4.
  43. ^ Van Helden, Measuring the Universe, p. 36.
  44. ^ Van Helden, Measuring the Universe, p. 35.
  45. ^ Lewis, The Discarded Image, pp. 97–8.
  46. ^ Van Helden, Measuring the Universe, p. 38.
  47. ^ Van Helden, Measuring the Universe, pp. 37–9.
  48. ^ Adi Setia (2004), "Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi on Physics and the Nature of the Physical World: A Preliminary Survey", Islam & Science, 2, retrieved 2 March 2010
  49. ^ Grant, Planets, Stars, and Orbs, pp. 382–3.
  50. ^ Lindberg, Beginnings of Western Science, pp. 249–50.
  51. ^ Lindberg, Beginnings of Western Science, p. 250.
  52. ^ Grant, Planets, Stars, and Orbs, pp. 328–30.
  53. ^ Huff, Toby (2003). The Rise of Early Modern Science: Islam, China, and the West. Cambridge University Press. p. 175. ISBN 978-0-521-52994-5.
  54. ^ a b Ragep, F. Jamil; Al-Qushji, Ali (2001). "Freeing Astronomy from Philosophy: An Aspect of Islamic Influence on Science". Osiris. 2nd Series. 16 (Science in Theistic Contexts: Cognitive Dimensions): 55–57. Bibcode:2001Osir...16...49R. doi:10.1086/649338. ISSN 0369-7827. JSTOR 301979. S2CID 142586786.
  55. ^ Grant, Planets, Stars, and Orbs, p. 541.
  56. ^ Grant, Planets, Stars, and Orbs, p. 527.
  57. ^ Grant, Planets, Stars, and Orbs, pp. 526–45.
  58. ^ Nicholas Jardine, "The Significance of the Copernican Orbs", Journal for the History of Astronomy, 13 (1982): 168–94, pp. 177–78.
  59. ^ Hilderich von Varel (Edo Hildericus), Propositiones Cosmographicae de Globi Terreni Dimensione, (Frankfurt a. d. Oder, 1576), quoted in Peter Barker and Bernard R. Goldstein, "Realism and Instrumentalism in Sixteenth Century Astronomy: A Reappraisal", Perspectives on Science 6.3 (1998): 232–58, pp. 242–23.
  60. ^ Koyre, From the Closed World, pp. 28–30.
  61. ^ Michael A. Granada, "Did Tycho Eliminate the Celestial Spheres before 1586?", Journal for the History of Astronomy, 37 (2006): 126–45, pp. 127–29.
  62. ^ Bernard R. Goldstein and Peter Barker, "The Role of Rothmann in the Dissolution of the Celestial Spheres", The British Journal for the History of Science, 28 (1995): 385–403, pp. 390–91.
  63. ^ Michael A. Granada, "Did Tycho Eliminate the Celestial Spheres before 1586?", Journal for the History of Astronomy, 37 (2006): 126–45, pp. 132–38.
  64. ^ Grant, "Celestial Orbs," pp. 185–86.
  65. ^ Grant, Planets, Stars, and Orbs, pp. 345–48.
  66. ^ Grasshoff, "Michael Maestlin's Mystery".
  67. ^ Field, Kepler's geometric cosmology.
  68. ^ Johannes Kepler, Epitome of Copernican Astronomy, vol. 1, book 4.2.3, pp. 514–15 (1630).
  69. ^ Macrobius, Commentary on the Dream of Scipio, transl. by William Harris Stahl, New York: Columbia Univ. Pr., 1952; on the order of the spheres see pp. 162–165.
  70. ^ C. S. Lewis, The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1964, p. 116. ISBN 0-521-09450-X.
  71. ^ Nicole Oreseme, "Le livre du Ciel et du Monde", 1377, retrieved 2 June 2007.[1]
  72. ^ Ps. 18: 2; quoted in Nicole Oresme, Le livre du ciel et du monde, edited and translated by A, D. Menut and A. J. Denomy, Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Pr., 1968, pp. 282–283.
  73. ^ Luiz Vaz de Camões, The Lusiads, translated by Landeg White. Oxford University Press, 2010.

Bibliography edit

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  • Copernicus, Nicolaus On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, in Great Books of the Western World : 16 Ptolemy Copernicus Kepler Encyclopædia Britannica Inc 1952
  • Crowe, Michael J. (1990). Theories of the World from Antiquity to the Copernican Revolution. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, Inc. ISBN 978-0-486-26173-7.
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  • Field, J. V., Kepler's geometrical cosmology. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1988 ISBN 0-226-24823-2
  • Golino, Carlo (ed.), Galileo Reappraised, University of California Press 1966
  • Grant, Edward, "Celestial Orbs in the Latin Middle Ages," Isis, 78(1987): 153–73; reprinted in Michael H. Shank, ed., The Scientific Enterprise in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Pr., 2000. ISBN 0-226-74951-7
  • Grant, Edward, Planets, Stars, and Orbs: The Medieval Cosmos, 1200–1687, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1994. ISBN 0-521-56509-X
  • Grant, Edward, The Foundations of Modern Science in the Middle Ages, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1996. ISBN 0-521-56762-9
  • Grasshoff, Gerd (2012). "Michael Maestlin's Mystery: Theory Building with Diagrams". Journal for the History of Astronomy. 43 (1): 57–73. Bibcode:2012JHA....43...57G. doi:10.1177/002182861204300104. S2CID 117056401.
  • Gingerich, Owen The Eye of Heaven, American Institute of Physics 1993
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  • Jarrell, R.A., The contemporaries of Tycho Brahe in Taton & Wilson (eds)1989
  • Koyré, Alexandre, Galileo Studies (translator Mepham) Harvester Press 1977 ISBN 0-85527-354-2
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  • Kepler, Johannes, Epitome of Copernican Astronomy (Bks 4 & 5), published in Great Books of the Western World : 16 Ptolemy Copernicus Kepler, Encyclopædia Britannica Inc. 1952
  • Lewis, C. S., The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1964 ISBN 0-521-09450-X
  • Lindberg, David C. (1992). The Beginnings of Western Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-48231-6.
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  • Lloyd, G. E. R., Aristotle: The Growth and Structure of his Thought, pp. 133–153, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1968. ISBN 0-521-09456-9.
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  • Mach, Ernst, The Science of Mechanics Open Court 1960.
  • Maier, Annaliese, At the Threshold of Exact Science: Selected Writings of Annaliese Maier on Late Medieval Natural Philosophy, edited by Steven Sargent, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982.
  • McCluskey, Stephen C., Astronomies and Cultures in Early Medieval Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1998. ISBN 0-521-77852-2
  • Neugebauer, Otto, A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy, 3 vols., New York: Springer, 1975. ISBN 0-387-06995-X
  • Pederson, Olaf (1993) [1974]. Early Physics and Astronomy: A Historical Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-40340-5.
  • Popper, Karl, The World of Parmenides Routledge 1996
  • Rosen, Edward, Three Copernican Treatises Dover 1939/59.
  • Sambursky, S., The Physical World of Late Antiquity Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1962
  • Schofield, C., The Tychonic and Semi-Tychonic World Systems in Taton & Wilson (eds) 1989
  • Sorabji, Richard, Matter, Space and Motion London: Duckworth, 1988 ISBN 0-7156-2205-6
  • Sorabji, Richard, (ed.) Philoponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science London & Ithaca NY 1987
  • Sorabji, Richard, The Philosophy of the Commentators, 200–600 AD: Volume 2 Physics Duckworth 2004
  • Taliaferro, R. Catesby (1946). Translator's Introduction to the Almagest. In Hutchins (1952, pp.1–4).
  • R. Taton & C. Wilson (eds.), The General History of Astronomy: Volume 2 Planetary astronomy from the Renaissance to the rise of astrophysics Part A Tycho Brahe to Newton Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1989
  • Thoren, Victor E., "The Comet of 1577 and Tycho Brahe's System of the World," Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, 29 (1979): 53–67.
  • Thoren, Victor E., Tycho Brahe in Taton & Wilson 1989
  • Van Helden, Albert (1985). Measuring the Universe: Cosmic Dimensions from Aristarchus to Halley. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-84882-2.

External links edit

  • Working model and complete explanation of the Eudoxus's Spheres
  • Dennis Duke, Animated Ptolemaic model of the nested spheres 8 September 2006 at the Wayback Machine
  • Henry Mendell, Vignettes of Ancient Mathematics: Ptolemy, Almagest
  • M. Blundevile his exercises, p 282 – Depiction of celestial spheres in a 1613 book

celestial, spheres, confused, with, celestial, sphere, heavenly, spheres, redirects, here, album, studio, musique, ancienne, montréal, heavenly, spheres, celestial, spheres, celestial, orbs, were, fundamental, entities, cosmological, models, developed, plato, . Not to be confused with Celestial sphere Heavenly spheres redirects here For the album by the Studio de musique ancienne de Montreal see Heavenly Spheres The celestial spheres or celestial orbs were the fundamental entities of the cosmological models developed by Plato Eudoxus Aristotle Ptolemy Copernicus and others In these celestial models the apparent motions of the fixed stars and planets are accounted for by treating them as embedded in rotating spheres made of an aetherial transparent fifth element quintessence like gems set in orbs Since it was believed that the fixed stars did not change their positions relative to one another it was argued that they must be on the surface of a single starry sphere 1 Geocentric celestial spheres Peter Apian s Cosmographia Antwerp 1539 In modern thought the orbits of the planets are viewed as the paths of those planets through mostly empty space Ancient and medieval thinkers however considered the celestial orbs to be thick spheres of rarefied matter nested one within the other each one in complete contact with the sphere above it and the sphere below 2 When scholars applied Ptolemy s epicycles they presumed that each planetary sphere was exactly thick enough to accommodate them 2 By combining this nested sphere model with astronomical observations scholars calculated what became generally accepted values at the time for the distances to the Sun about 4 million miles 6 4 million kilometres to the other planets and to the edge of the universe about 73 million miles 117 million kilometres 3 The nested sphere model s distances to the Sun and planets differ significantly from modern measurements of the distances 4 and the size of the universe is now known to be inconceivably large and continuously expanding 5 Albert Van Helden has suggested that from about 1250 until the 17th century virtually all educated Europeans were familiar with the Ptolemaic model of nesting spheres and the cosmic dimensions derived from it 6 Even following the adoption of Copernicus s heliocentric model of the universe new versions of the celestial sphere model were introduced with the planetary spheres following this sequence from the central Sun Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter and Saturn Mainstream belief in the theory of celestial spheres did not survive the Scientific Revolution In the early 1600s Kepler continued to discuss celestial spheres although he did not consider that the planets were carried by the spheres but held that they moved in elliptical paths described by Kepler s laws of planetary motion In the late 1600s Greek and medieval theories concerning the motion of terrestrial and celestial objects were replaced by Newton s law of universal gravitation and Newtonian mechanics which explain how Kepler s laws arise from the gravitational attraction between bodies Contents 1 History 1 1 Early ideas of spheres and circles 1 2 Emergence of the planetary spheres 1 3 Middle Ages 1 3 1 Astronomical discussions 1 3 2 Philosophical and theological discussions 1 4 Renaissance 2 Literary and visual expressions 3 See also 4 Notes 5 Bibliography 6 External linksHistory editFurther information on the causes of the motions of the celestial spheres Dynamics of the celestial spheres Early ideas of spheres and circles edit In Greek antiquity the ideas of celestial spheres and rings first appeared in the cosmology of Anaximander in the early 6th century BC 7 In his cosmology both the Sun and Moon are circular open vents in tubular rings of fire enclosed in tubes of condensed air these rings constitute the rims of rotating chariot like wheels pivoting on the Earth at their centre The fixed stars are also open vents in such wheel rims but there are so many such wheels for the stars that their contiguous rims all together form a continuous spherical shell encompassing the Earth All these wheel rims had originally been formed out of an original sphere of fire wholly encompassing the Earth which had disintegrated into many individual rings 8 Hence in Anaximanders s cosmogony in the beginning was the sphere out of which celestial rings were formed from some of which the stellar sphere was in turn composed As viewed from the Earth the ring of the Sun was highest that of the Moon was lower and the sphere of the stars was lowest Following Anaximander his pupil Anaximenes c 585 c 528 4 held that the stars Sun Moon and planets are all made of fire But whilst the stars are fastened on a revolving crystal sphere like nails or studs the Sun Moon and planets and also the Earth all just ride on air like leaves because of their breadth 9 And whilst the fixed stars are carried around in a complete circle by the stellar sphere the Sun Moon and planets do not revolve under the Earth between setting and rising again like the stars do but rather on setting they go laterally around the Earth like a cap turning halfway around the head until they rise again And unlike Anaximander he relegated the fixed stars to the region most distant from the Earth The most enduring feature of Anaximenes cosmos was its conception of the stars being fixed on a crystal sphere as in a rigid frame which became a fundamental principle of cosmology down to Copernicus and Kepler After Anaximenes Pythagoras Xenophanes and Parmenides all held that the universe was spherical 10 And much later in the fourth century BC Plato s Timaeus proposed that the body of the cosmos was made in the most perfect and uniform shape that of a sphere containing the fixed stars 11 But it posited that the planets were spherical bodies set in rotating bands or rings rather than wheel rims as in Anaximander s cosmology Emergence of the planetary spheres edit Instead of bands Plato s student Eudoxus developed a planetary model using concentric spheres for all the planets with three spheres each for his models of the Moon and the Sun and four each for the models of the other five planets thus making 26 spheres in all 12 13 Callippus modified this system using five spheres for his models of the Sun Moon Mercury Venus and Mars and retaining four spheres for the models of Jupiter and Saturn thus making 33 spheres in all 13 Each planet is attached to the innermost of its own particular set of spheres Although the models of Eudoxus and Callippus qualitatively describe the major features of the motion of the planets they fail to account exactly for these motions and therefore cannot provide quantitative predictions 14 Although historians of Greek science have traditionally considered these models to be merely geometrical representations 15 16 recent studies have proposed that they were also intended to be physically real 17 or have withheld judgment noting the limited evidence to resolve the question 18 In his Metaphysics Aristotle developed a physical cosmology of spheres based on the mathematical models of Eudoxus In Aristotle s fully developed celestial model the spherical Earth is at the centre of the universe and the planets are moved by either 47 or 55 interconnected spheres that form a unified planetary system 19 whereas in the models of Eudoxus and Callippus each planet s individual set of spheres were not connected to those of the next planet Aristotle says the exact number of spheres and hence the number of movers is to be determined by astronomical investigation but he added additional spheres to those proposed by Eudoxus and Callippus to counteract the motion of the outer spheres Aristotle considers that these spheres are made of an unchanging fifth element the aether Each of these concentric spheres is moved by its own god an unchanging divine unmoved mover and who moves its sphere simply by virtue of being loved by it 20 nbsp Ptolemaic model of the spheres for Venus Mars Jupiter and Saturn with epicycle eccentric deferent and equant point Georg von Peuerbach Theoricae novae planetarum 1474 In his Almagest the astronomer Ptolemy fl c 150 AD developed geometrical predictive models of the motions of the stars and planets and extended them to a unified physical model of the cosmos in his Planetary hypotheses 21 22 23 24 By using eccentrics and epicycles his geometrical model achieved greater mathematical detail and predictive accuracy than had been exhibited by earlier concentric spherical models of the cosmos 25 In Ptolemy s physical model each planet is contained in two or more spheres 26 but in Book 2 of his Planetary Hypotheses Ptolemy depicted thick circular slices rather than spheres as in its Book 1 One sphere slice is the deferent with a centre offset somewhat from the Earth the other sphere slice is an epicycle embedded in the deferent with the planet embedded in the epicyclical sphere slice 27 Ptolemy s model of nesting spheres provided the general dimensions of the cosmos the greatest distance of Saturn being 19 865 times the radius of the Earth and the distance of the fixed stars being at least 20 000 Earth radii 26 The planetary spheres were arranged outwards from the spherical stationary Earth at the centre of the universe in this order the spheres of the Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter and Saturn In more detailed models the seven planetary spheres contained other secondary spheres within them The planetary spheres were followed by the stellar sphere containing the fixed stars other scholars added a ninth sphere to account for the precession of the equinoxes a tenth to account for the supposed trepidation of the equinoxes and even an eleventh to account for the changing obliquity of the ecliptic 28 In antiquity the order of the lower planets was not universally agreed Plato and his followers ordered them Moon Sun Mercury Venus and then followed the standard model for the upper spheres 29 30 Others disagreed about the relative place of the spheres of Mercury and Venus Ptolemy placed both of them beneath the Sun with Venus above Mercury but noted others placed them both above the Sun some medieval thinkers such as al Bitruji placed the sphere of Venus above the Sun and that of Mercury below it 31 Middle Ages edit nbsp The Earth within seven celestial spheres from Bede De natura rerum late 11th century Astronomical discussions edit A series of astronomers beginning with the Muslim astronomer al Farghani used the Ptolemaic model of nesting spheres to compute distances to the stars and planetary spheres Al Farghani s distance to the stars was 20 110 Earth radii which on the assumption that the radius of the Earth was 3 250 miles 5 230 kilometres came to 65 357 500 miles 105 182 700 kilometres 32 An introduction to Ptolemy s Almagest the Tashil al Majisti believed to be written by Thabit ibn Qurra presented minor variations of Ptolemy s distances to the celestial spheres 33 In his Zij Al Battani presented independent calculations of the distances to the planets on the model of nesting spheres which he thought was due to scholars writing after Ptolemy His calculations yielded a distance of 19 000 Earth radii to the stars 34 Around the turn of the millennium the Arabic astronomer and polymath Ibn al Haytham Alhacen presented a development of Ptolemy s geocentric models in terms of nested spheres Despite the similarity of this concept to that of Ptolemy s Planetary Hypotheses al Haytham s presentation differs in sufficient detail that it has been argued that it reflects an independent development of the concept 35 In chapters 15 16 of his Book of Optics Ibn al Haytham also said that the celestial spheres do not consist of solid matter 36 Near the end of the twelfth century the Spanish Muslim astronomer al Bitruji Alpetragius sought to explain the complex motions of the planets without Ptolemy s epicycles and eccentrics using an Aristotelian framework of purely concentric spheres that moved with differing speeds from east to west This model was much less accurate as a predictive astronomical model 37 but it was discussed by later European astronomers and philosophers 38 39 In the thirteenth century the astronomer al Urḍi proposed a radical change to Ptolemy s system of nesting spheres In his Kitab al Hayah he recalculated the distance of the planets using parameters which he redetermined Taking the distance of the Sun as 1 266 Earth radii he was forced to place the sphere of Venus above the sphere of the Sun as a further refinement he added the planet s diameters to the thickness of their spheres As a consequence his version of the nesting spheres model had the sphere of the stars at a distance of 140 177 Earth radii 34 About the same time scholars in European universities began to address the implications of the rediscovered philosophy of Aristotle and astronomy of Ptolemy Both astronomical scholars and popular writers considered the implications of the nested sphere model for the dimensions of the universe 40 Campanus of Novara s introductory astronomical text the Theorica planetarum used the model of nesting spheres to compute the distances of the various planets from the Earth which he gave as 22 612 Earth radii or 73 387 747100 660 miles 41 42 In his Opus Majus Roger Bacon cited Al Farghani s distance to the stars of 20 110 Earth radii or 65 357 700 miles from which he computed the circumference of the universe to be 410 818 5173 7 miles 43 Clear evidence that this model was thought to represent physical reality is the accounts found in Bacon s Opus Majus of the time needed to walk to the Moon 44 and in the popular Middle English South English Legendary that it would take 8 000 years to reach the highest starry heaven 45 46 General understanding of the dimensions of the universe derived from the nested sphere model reached wider audiences through the presentations in Hebrew by Moses Maimonides in French by Gossuin of Metz and in Italian by Dante Alighieri 47 Philosophical and theological discussions edit Philosophers were less concerned with such mathematical calculations than with the nature of the celestial spheres their relation to revealed accounts of created nature and the causes of their motion Adi Setia describes the debate among Islamic scholars in the twelfth century based on the commentary of Fakhr al Din al Razi about whether the celestial spheres are real concrete physical bodies or merely the abstract circles in the heavens traced out by the various stars and planets Setia points out that most of the learned and the astronomers said they were solid spheres on which the stars turn and this view is closer to the apparent sense of the Qur anic verses regarding the celestial orbits However al Razi mentions that some such as the Islamic scholar Dahhak considered them to be abstract Al Razi himself was undecided he said In truth there is no way to ascertain the characteristics of the heavens except by authority of divine revelation or prophetic traditions Setia concludes Thus it seems that for al Razi and for others before and after him astronomical models whatever their utility or lack thereof for ordering the heavens are not founded on sound rational proofs and so no intellectual commitment can be made to them insofar as description and explanation of celestial realities are concerned 48 Christian and Muslim philosophers modified Ptolemy s system to include an unmoved outermost region the empyrean heaven which came to be identified as the dwelling place of God and all the elect 49 Medieval Christians identified the sphere of stars with the Biblical firmament and sometimes posited an invisible layer of water above the firmament to accord with Genesis 50 An outer sphere inhabited by angels appeared in some accounts 51 Edward Grant a historian of science has provided evidence that medieval scholastic philosophers generally considered the celestial spheres to be solid in the sense of three dimensional or continuous but most did not consider them solid in the sense of hard The consensus was that the celestial spheres were made of some kind of continuous fluid 52 Later in the century the mutakallim Adud al Din al Iji 1281 1355 rejected the principle of uniform and circular motion following the Ash ari doctrine of atomism which maintained that all physical effects were caused directly by God s will rather than by natural causes 53 He maintained that the celestial spheres were imaginary things and more tenuous than a spider s web 54 His views were challenged by al Jurjani 1339 1413 who maintained that even if the celestial spheres do not have an external reality yet they are things that are correctly imagined and correspond to what exists in actuality 54 Medieval astronomers and philosophers developed diverse theories about the causes of the celestial spheres motions They attempted to explain the spheres motions in terms of the materials of which they were thought to be made external movers such as celestial intelligences and internal movers such as motive souls or impressed forces Most of these models were qualitative although a few incorporated quantitative analyses that related speed motive force and resistance 55 By the end of the Middle Ages the common opinion in Europe was that celestial bodies were moved by external intelligences identified with the angels of revelation 56 The outermost moving sphere which moved with the daily motion affecting all subordinate spheres was moved by an unmoved mover the Prime Mover who was identified with God Each of the lower spheres was moved by a subordinate spiritual mover a replacement for Aristotle s multiple divine movers called an intelligence 57 Renaissance edit nbsp Thomas Digges 1576 Copernican heliocentric model of the celestial orbs Early in the sixteenth century Nicolaus Copernicus drastically reformed the model of astronomy by displacing the Earth from its central place in favour of the Sun yet he called his great work De revolutionibus orbium coelestium On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres Although Copernicus does not treat the physical nature of the spheres in detail his few allusions make it clear that like many of his predecessors he accepted non solid celestial spheres 58 Copernicus rejected the ninth and tenth spheres placed the orb of the Moon around the Earth and moved the Sun from its orb to the center of the universe The planetary orbs circled the center of the universe in the following order Mercury Venus the great orb containing the Earth and the orb of the Moon then the orbs of Mars Jupiter and Saturn Finally he retained the eighth sphere of the stars which he held to be stationary 59 The English almanac maker Thomas Digges delineated the spheres of the new cosmological system in his Perfit Description of the Caelestiall Orbes 1576 Here he arranged the orbes in the new Copernican order expanding one sphere to carry the globe of mortalitye the Earth the four classical elements and the Moon and expanding the sphere of stars infinitely to encompass all the stars and also to serve as the court of the Great God the habitacle of the elect and of the coelestiall angelles 60 nbsp Johannes Kepler s diagram of the celestial spheres and of the spaces between them following the opinion of Copernicus Mysterium Cosmographicum 2nd ed 1621 In the sixteenth century a number of philosophers theologians and astronomers among them Francesco Patrizi Andrea Cisalpino Peter Ramus Robert Bellarmine Giordano Bruno Jeronimo Munoz Michael Neander Jean Pena and Christoph Rothmann abandoned the concept of celestial spheres 61 Rothmann argued from observations of the comet of 1585 that the lack of observed parallax indicated that the comet was beyond Saturn while the absence of observed refraction indicated the celestial region was of the same material as air hence there were no planetary spheres 62 Tycho Brahe s investigations of a series of comets from 1577 to 1585 aided by Rothmann s discussion of the comet of 1585 and Michael Maestlin s tabulated distances of the comet of 1577 which passed through the planetary orbs led Tycho to conclude 63 that the structure of the heavens was very fluid and simple Tycho opposed his view to that of very many modern philosophers who divided the heavens into various orbs made of hard and impervious matter Edward Grant found relatively few believers in hard celestial spheres before Copernicus and concluded that the idea first became common sometime between the publication of Copernicus s De revolutionibus in 1542 and Tycho Brahe s publication of his cometary research in 1588 64 65 In his early Mysterium Cosmographicum Johannes Kepler considered the distances of the planets and the consequent gaps required between the planetary spheres implied by the Copernican system which had been noted by his former teacher Michael Maestlin 66 Kepler s Platonic cosmology filled the large gaps with the five Platonic polyhedra which accounted for the spheres measured astronomical distance 67 page needed In Kepler s mature celestial physics the spheres were regarded as the purely geometric spatial regions containing each planetary orbit rather than as the rotating physical orbs of the earlier Aristotelian celestial physics The eccentricity of each planet s orbit thereby defined the radii of the inner and outer limits of its celestial sphere and thus its thickness In Kepler s celestial mechanics the cause of planetary motion became the rotating Sun itself rotated by its own motive soul 68 However an immobile stellar sphere was a lasting remnant of physical celestial spheres in Kepler s cosmology Literary and visual expressions edit Because the medieval universe is finite it has a shape the perfect spherical shape containing within itself an ordered variety The spheres present us with an object in which the mind can rest overwhelming in its greatness but satisfying in its harmony C S Lewis The Discarded Image p 99 nbsp Dante and Beatrice gaze upon the highest Heaven from Gustave Dore s illustrations to the Divine Comedy Paradiso Canto 28 lines 16 39 In Cicero s Dream of Scipio the elder Scipio Africanus describes an ascent through the celestial spheres compared to which the Earth and the Roman Empire dwindle into insignificance A commentary on the Dream of Scipio by the Roman writer Macrobius which included a discussion of the various schools of thought on the order of the spheres did much to spread the idea of the celestial spheres through the Early Middle Ages 69 nbsp Nicole Oresme Le livre du Ciel et du Monde Paris BnF Manuscrits Fr 565 f 69 1377 Some late medieval figures noted that the celestial spheres physical order was inverse to their order on the spiritual plane where God was at the center and the Earth at the periphery Near the beginning of the fourteenth century Dante in the Paradiso of his Divine Comedy described God as a light at the center of the cosmos 70 Here the poet ascends beyond physical existence to the Empyrean Heaven where he comes face to face with God himself and is granted understanding of both divine and human nature Later in the century the illuminator of Nicole Oresme s Le livre du Ciel et du Monde a translation of and commentary on Aristotle s De caelo produced for Oresme s patron King Charles V employed the same motif He drew the spheres in the conventional order with the Moon closest to the Earth and the stars highest but the spheres were concave upwards centered on God rather than concave downwards centered on the Earth 71 Below this figure Oresme quotes the Psalms that The heavens declare the Glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork 72 The late 16th century Portuguese epic The Lusiads vividly portrays the celestial spheres as a great machine of the universe constructed by God 73 The explorer Vasco da Gama is shown the celestial spheres in the form of a mechanical model Contrary to Cicero s representation da Gama s tour of the spheres begins with the Empyrean then descends inward toward Earth culminating in a survey of the domains and divisions of earthly kingdoms thus magnifying the importance of human deeds in the divine plan See also editAngels in Christianity Body of light History of the center of the Universe Musica universalis Primum Mobile Seven heavens Sphere of fireNotes editThis article has an unclear citation style The references used may be made clearer with a different or consistent style of citation and footnoting May 2023 Learn how and when to remove this message Grant Planets Stars and Orbs p 440 a b Lindberg Beginnings of Western Science p 251 Van Helden Measuring the Universe pp 28 40 Grant Planets Stars and Orbs pp 437 8 Van Helden Measuring the Universe p 3 Van Helden Measuring the Universe pp 37 40 See chapter 4 of Heath s Aristarchus of Samos 1913 97 Oxford University Press Sandpiper Books Ltd see p 11 of Popper s The World of Parmenides Routledge 1998 Heath ibid pp26 8 See chapter 5 of Heath s 1913 Aristarchus of Samos For Xenophanes and Parmenides spherist cosmologies see Heath ibid chapter 7 and chapter 9 respectively and Popper ibid Essays 2 amp 3 F M Cornford Plato s Cosmology The Timaeus of Plato pp 54 7 Neugebauer History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy vol 2 pp 677 85 a b Lloyd Heavenly aberrations p 173 Neugebauer History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy vol 2 pp 677 85 Dreyer History of the Planetary Systems pp 90 1 121 2 Lloyd Aristotle p 150 Larry Wright The Astronomy of Eudoxus Geometry or Physics Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 4 1973 165 72 G E R Lloyd Saving the Phenomena Classical Quarterly 28 1978 202 222 at p 219 Aristotle Metaphysics 1073b1 1074a13 pp 882 883 in The Basic Works of Aristotle Richard McKeon ed The Modern Library 2001 The final cause then produces motion by being loved but all other things move by being moved Aristotle Metaphysics 1072b4 Neugebauer History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy pp 111 12 148 Pedersen Early Physics and Astronomy p 87 Crowe Theories of the World pp 45 49 50 72 Linton From Eudoxus to Einstein pp 63 64 81 Taliaferro Translator s Introduction to the Almagest p 1 Dreyer History of the Planetary Systems pp 160 167 a b Neugebauer History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy vol 2 pp 917 926 Andrea Murschel The Structure and Function of Ptolemy s Physical Hypotheses of Planetary Motion Journal for the History of Astronomy 26 1995 33 61 Francis R Johnson Marlowe s Imperiall Heaven ELH 12 1945 35 44 p 39 Bruce S Eastwood Ordering the Heavens Roman Astronomy and Cosmology in the Carolingian Renaissance Leiden Brill 2007 pp 36 45 In his De Revolutionibus Bk1 10 Copernicus claimed the empirical reason why Plato s followers put the orbits of Mercury and Venus above the Sun s was that if they were sub solar then by the Sun s reflected light they would only ever appear as hemispheres at most and would also sometimes eclipse the Sun but they do neither See p521 Great Books of the Western World 16 Ptolemy Copernicus Kepler al Biţruji 1971 On the Principles of Astronomy 7 159 65 trans Bernard R Goldstein vol 1 pp 123 5 New Haven Yale Univ Pr ISBN 0 300 01387 6 Van Helden Measuring the Universe pp 29 31 Van Helden Measuring the Universe p 31 a b Van Helden Measuring the Universe pp 31 2 Langermann Y Tzvi 1990 Ibn al Haytham s on the Configuration of the World New York Garland Publishing pp 11 25 Rosen Edward 1985 The Dissolution of the Solid Celestial Spheres Journal of the History of Ideas 46 1 13 31 19 20 21 doi 10 2307 2709773 JSTOR 2709773 Goldstein Bernard R 1971 Al Bitruji On the Principles of Astronomy Vol 1 New Haven Yale University Press pp 40 5 Goldstein Al Bitruji p 6 Grant Planets Stars and Orbs pp 563 6 Grant Planets Stars and Orbs pp 433 43 Grant Planets Stars and Orbs pp 434 8 Van Helden Measuring the Universe pp 33 4 Van Helden Measuring the Universe p 36 Van Helden Measuring the Universe p 35 Lewis The Discarded Image pp 97 8 Van Helden Measuring the Universe p 38 Van Helden Measuring the Universe pp 37 9 Adi Setia 2004 Fakhr Al Din Al Razi on Physics and the Nature of the Physical World A Preliminary Survey Islam amp Science 2 retrieved 2 March 2010 Grant Planets Stars and Orbs pp 382 3 Lindberg Beginnings of Western Science pp 249 50 Lindberg Beginnings of Western Science p 250 Grant Planets Stars and Orbs pp 328 30 Huff Toby 2003 The Rise of Early Modern Science Islam China and the West Cambridge University Press p 175 ISBN 978 0 521 52994 5 a b Ragep F Jamil Al Qushji Ali 2001 Freeing Astronomy from Philosophy An Aspect of Islamic Influence on Science Osiris 2nd Series 16 Science in Theistic Contexts Cognitive Dimensions 55 57 Bibcode 2001Osir 16 49R doi 10 1086 649338 ISSN 0369 7827 JSTOR 301979 S2CID 142586786 Grant Planets Stars and Orbs p 541 Grant Planets Stars and Orbs p 527 Grant Planets Stars and Orbs pp 526 45 Nicholas Jardine The Significance of the Copernican Orbs Journal for the History of Astronomy 13 1982 168 94 pp 177 78 Hilderich von Varel Edo Hildericus Propositiones Cosmographicae de Globi Terreni Dimensione Frankfurt a d Oder 1576 quoted in Peter Barker and Bernard R Goldstein Realism and Instrumentalism in Sixteenth Century Astronomy A Reappraisal Perspectives on Science 6 3 1998 232 58 pp 242 23 Koyre From the Closed World pp 28 30 Michael A Granada Did Tycho Eliminate the Celestial Spheres before 1586 Journal for the History of Astronomy 37 2006 126 45 pp 127 29 Bernard R Goldstein and Peter Barker The Role of Rothmann in the Dissolution of the Celestial Spheres The British Journal for the History of Science 28 1995 385 403 pp 390 91 Michael A Granada Did Tycho Eliminate the Celestial Spheres before 1586 Journal for the History of Astronomy 37 2006 126 45 pp 132 38 Grant Celestial Orbs pp 185 86 Grant Planets Stars and Orbs pp 345 48 Grasshoff Michael Maestlin s Mystery Field Kepler s geometric cosmology Johannes Kepler Epitome of Copernican Astronomy vol 1 book 4 2 3 pp 514 15 1630 Macrobius Commentary on the Dream of Scipio transl by William Harris Stahl New York Columbia Univ Pr 1952 on the order of the spheres see pp 162 165 C S Lewis The Discarded Image An 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Copernican Revolution Mineola NY Dover Publications Inc ISBN 978 0 486 26173 7 Duhem Pierre History of Physics The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol 12 New York Robert Appleton Company 1911 18 Jun 2008 lt http www newadvent org cathen 12047a htm gt Duhem Pierre Le Systeme du Monde Histoire des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon a Copernic 10 vols Paris Hermann 1959 Duhem Pierre Medieval Cosmology Theories of Infinity Place Time Void and the Plurality of Worlds excerpts from Le Systeme du Monde translated and edited by Roger Ariew Chicago University of Chicago Press 1987 ISBN 0 226 16923 5 Dreyer John Louis Emil 2007 1905 History of the Planetary Systems from Thales to Kepler New York NY Cosimo ISBN 978 1 60206 441 6 Eastwood Bruce Astronomy in Christian Latin Europe c 500 c 1150 Journal for the History of Astronomy 28 1997 235 258 Eastwood Bruce Ordering the Heavens Roman Astronomy and Cosmology in the Carolingian Renaissance Leiden Brill 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 16186 3 Eastwood Bruce and Gerd Grasshoff Planetary Diagrams for Roman Astronomy in Medieval Europe ca 800 1500 Transactions of the American Philosophical Society vol 94 pt 3 Philadelphia 2004 ISBN 0 87169 943 5 Field J V Kepler s geometrical cosmology Chicago Chicago University Press 1988 ISBN 0 226 24823 2 Golino Carlo ed Galileo Reappraised University of California Press 1966 Grant Edward Celestial Orbs in the Latin Middle Ages Isis 78 1987 153 73 reprinted in Michael H Shank ed The Scientific Enterprise in Antiquity and the Middle Ages Chicago Univ of Chicago Pr 2000 ISBN 0 226 74951 7 Grant Edward Planets Stars and Orbs The Medieval Cosmos 1200 1687 Cambridge Cambridge Univ Pr 1994 ISBN 0 521 56509 X Grant Edward The Foundations of Modern Science in the Middle Ages Cambridge Cambridge Univ Pr 1996 ISBN 0 521 56762 9 Grasshoff Gerd 2012 Michael Maestlin s Mystery Theory Building with Diagrams Journal for the History of Astronomy 43 1 57 73 Bibcode 2012JHA 43 57G doi 10 1177 002182861204300104 S2CID 117056401 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Springer 1975 ISBN 0 387 06995 X Pederson Olaf 1993 1974 Early Physics and Astronomy A Historical Introduction Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 40340 5 Popper Karl The World of Parmenides Routledge 1996 Rosen Edward Three Copernican Treatises Dover 1939 59 Sambursky S The Physical World of Late Antiquity Routledge amp Kegan Paul 1962 Schofield C The Tychonic and Semi Tychonic World Systems in Taton amp Wilson eds 1989 Sorabji Richard Matter Space and Motion London Duckworth 1988 ISBN 0 7156 2205 6 Sorabji Richard ed Philoponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science London amp Ithaca NY 1987 Sorabji Richard The Philosophy of the Commentators 200 600 AD Volume 2 Physics Duckworth 2004 Taliaferro R Catesby 1946 Translator s Introduction to the Almagest In Hutchins 1952 pp 1 4 R Taton amp C Wilson eds The General History of Astronomy Volume 2 Planetary astronomy from the Renaissance to the rise of astrophysics Part A Tycho Brahe to Newton Cambridge Cambridge Univ Pr 1989 Thoren Victor E The Comet of 1577 and Tycho Brahe s System of the World Archives Internationales d Histoire des Sciences 29 1979 53 67 Thoren Victor E Tycho Brahe in Taton amp Wilson 1989 Van Helden Albert 1985 Measuring the Universe Cosmic Dimensions from Aristarchus to Halley Chicago and London University of Chicago Press ISBN 978 0 226 84882 2 External links edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Celestial spheres cosmological model Working model and complete explanation of the Eudoxus s Spheres Dennis Duke Animated Ptolemaic model of the nested spheres Archived 8 September 2006 at the Wayback Machine Henry Mendell Vignettes of Ancient Mathematics Eudoxus of Cnidus Ptolemy Almagest M Blundevile his exercises p 282 Depiction of celestial spheres in a 1613 book Portals nbsp History nbsp Astronomy nbsp Stars nbsp Outer space nbsp Solar System Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Celestial spheres amp oldid 1221183254, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, 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