
Tigrinya grammar

This article describes the grammar of Tigrinya, a South Semitic language which is spoken primarily in Eritrea and Ethiopia, and is written in Ge'ez script.



Like other Afro-Asiatic languages, Tigrinya has two grammatical genders, masculine and feminine, and all nouns belong to either one or the other. Grammatical gender in Tigrinya enters into the grammar in the following ways:

  • Verbs agree with their subjects in gender (unless the subject is first person).
  • Second and third person personal pronouns (you, he, she, they, etc. in English) are distinguished by gender.
  • Adjectives and determiners agree with the nouns they modify in gender.

Some noun pairs for people distinguish masculine and feminine by their endings, with the feminine signaled by t. These include agent nouns derived from verbs — ከፈተ käfätä 'open', ከፋቲ käfati 'opener (m.)', ከፋቲት käfatit 'opener (f.)' — and nouns for nationalities or natives of particular regions — ትግራዋይ tǝgraway 'Tigrean (m.)', ትግራወይቲ tǝgrawäyti 'Tigrean (f.)'.

Grammatical gender normally agrees with biological gender for people and animals; thus nouns such as ኣቦ ’abbo 'father', ወዲ wäddi 'son, boy', and ብዕራይ bǝ‘ǝray 'ox' are masculine, while nouns such as ኣደ addä 'mother', ጓል gʷal 'daughter, girl', and ላም lam or ላሕሚ lah.mi 'cow' are feminine. However, most names for animals do not specify biological gender, and the words ተባዕታይ täba‘tay 'male' and ኣንስተይቲ anǝstäyti must be placed before the nouns if the gender is to be indicated.

The gender of most inanimate nouns is not predictable from the form or the meaning. Grammars sometimes disagree on the genders of particular nouns; for example, ጸሓይ ṣäḥay 'sun' is masculine according to Leslau,[1] feminine according to Amanuel.[2] This disagreement seems to be due to dialectal differences.


Tigrinya has singular and plural number, but nouns that refer to multiple entities are not obligatorily plural. That is, if the context is clear, a formally singular noun may refer to multiple entities: ሓሙሽተ ḥammuštä 'five', ሰብኣይ säb’ay 'man', ሓሙሽተ ሰብኡት ḥammuštä säbut, 'five men'. It is also possible for a formally singular noun to appear together with plural agreement on adjectives or verbs: ብዙሓት bǝzuḥat 'many (pl.)', ዓዲ ‘addi 'village'; ብዙሓት ዓዲ bǝzuḥat ‘addi 'many villages'. The conventions for when this combination of singular and plural is or is not possible appear to be complex.[1]

As in Arabic, Tigre, and Ge'ez, noun plurals are formed both through the addition of suffixes to the singular form ("external" plural) and through the modification of the pattern of vowels within (and sometimes outside) the consonants that make up the noun root ("internal" or "broken" plural). In some cases suffixes may also be added to an internal plural. The most common patterns are as follows. In the designation of internal plural patterns, "C" represents one of the consonants of the noun root. Note that some nouns (for example, ዓራት ‘arat 'bed') have more than one possible plural.

External plural
-at, -tat
  • ዓራት ‘arat 'bed', ዓራታት(ዓራውቲ) ‘aratat 'beds'
  • እምባ ǝmba 'mountain', እምባታት ǝmbatat 'mountains'
-ot (following deletion of -a or -ay)
  • ጐይታ gʷäyta 'master', ጐይቶት gʷäytot 'masters'
  • ሓረስታይ ḥarästay 'farmer', ሓረስቶት ḥarästot 'farmers'
-ǝtti, -wǝtti (sometimes with deletion of final -t)
  • ገዛ gäza 'house', ገዛውቲ gäzawǝtti 'houses'
  • ዓራት ‘arat 'bed', ዓራውቲ ‘arawǝtti 'beds'
Internal plural
  • ፈረስ färäs 'horse', ኣፍራሰ ’afras 'horses'
  • እዝኒ ’ǝzni 'ear', ኣእዛን ’a’zan 'ears'
  • ንህቢ nǝhbi 'bee', ኣናህብ ’anahǝb 'bees'
  • በግዕ bäggǝ‘ 'sheep' (s.), ኣባግዕ ’abagǝ‘ 'sheep' (p.)
  • ደርሆ därho 'chicken', ደራሁ därahu 'chickens'
  • ጕሒላ gʷǝḥila 'thief', ጕሓሉ gʷǝḥalu 'thieves'
  • መንበር mänbär 'chair', መናብር mänabǝr 'chairs'
  • ሓርማዝ ḥarmaz 'elephant', ሓራምዝ ḥaramǝz 'elephants'
...äCti for the plural of agent and instrument nouns derived from verbs
  • ቀላቢ k'ällabi 'feeder', ቀለብቲ k'älläbti 'feeders'
  • ኣገልጋሊ ’agälgali 'server', ኣገልገልቲ ’agälgälti 'servers'
  • መኽደኒ mäxdäni 'cover', መኽደንቲ mäxdänti 'covers'
  • ክዳን kǝdan 'clothing', ክዳውንቲ kǝdawǝnti 'articles of clothing'
  • ሕጻን ḥǝs'an 'infant', ሕጻውንቲ ḥǝs'awǝnti 'infants'
  • መጽሓፍ mäs'ḥaf 'book', መጻሕፍቲ mäs'aḥǝfti 'books'
  • ኮኸብ koxäb 'star', ከዋኽብቲ käwaxǝbti 'stars'
...C*aC*ǝC..., where "C*" represents a single root consonant
  • ወረቐት wäräx'ät 'paper', ወረቓቕቲ wäräx'ax'ti 'papers'
  • ተመን tämän 'snake', ተማምን tämamǝn 'snakes'

Among the completely irregular plurals are ሰበይቲ säbäyti 'woman', ኣንስቲ ’anǝsti 'women' and ጓል gʷal 'girl, daughter', እዋልድ ’awalǝd 'girls, daughters' (alongside ኣጓላት ’agʷalat).

Expression of possession, genitive

Tigrinya has two ways to express the genitive relationships that are expressed in English using possessives (the city's streets), of phrases (the streets of the city), and noun-noun compounds (city streets).

  • Prepositional phrases with the preposition ናይ nay 'of'
  • ሓደ ḥadä 'one', ሰብ säb 'person', ቈልዓ kʷ'äl‘a 'child', ናይ ሓደ ሰብ ቈልዓ nay ḥadä säb kʷ'äl‘a 'one person's child', nat[clarification needed] can come before and after the possessee
  • መስተዋድድ mästäwadǝd 'preposition', ተሰሓቢ tësëḥabi 'object', ናይ መስተዋድድ ተሰሓቢ nay mästäwadǝd täsäḥabi 'object of a preposition'
  • Noun-noun constructions, with the "possessor" following the "possessed thing"
  • ጓል gʷal 'daughter', ሓወይ ḥawwäy 'my brother', ጓል ሓወይ gʷal ḥawwäy 'my brother's daughter (niece)'
  • መዓልቲ mä‘alti 'day', ሓርነት ḥarǝnnät 'freedom', መዓልቲ ሓርነት ኤርትራ mä‘alti ḥarǝnnät ’ertǝra 'Eritrean Liberation Day'


Personal pronouns

In most languages, there is a small number of basic distinctions of person, number, and often gender that play a role within the grammar of the language. Tigrinya and English are such languages. We see these distinctions within the basic set of independent personal pronouns, for example, English I, Tigrinya ኣነ anä; English she, Tigrinya ንሳ nǝssa. In Tigrinya, as in other Semitic languages, the same distinctions appear in three other places within the grammar of the languages as well.

Subject–verb agreement
All Tigrinya verbs agree with their subjects; that is, the person, number, and (second and third person) gender of the subject of the verb are marked by suffixes or prefixes on the verb. Because the affixes that signal subject agreement vary greatly with the particular verb tense/aspect/mood, they are normally not considered to be pronouns and are discussed elsewhere in this article under verb conjugation.
Object pronoun suffixes
Tigrinya verbs often have additional morphology that indicates the person, number, and (second and third person) gender of the object of the verb.







ንኣልማዝ ርእየያ

nǝ’almaz rǝ’yä-yya

Almaz-ACC I-saw-her

'I saw Almaz'

While suffixes such as -yya in this example are sometimes described as signaling object agreement, analogous to subject agreement, they are more often thought of as object pronoun suffixes because, unlike the markers of subject agreement, they do not vary significantly with the tense/aspect/mood of the verb. For arguments of the verb other than the subject or the object, a separate set of related suffixes have a dative, benefactive, adversative, instrumental, or locative meaning ('to', 'for', 'against', 'with', 'by', 'at').










ንኣልማዝ ማዕጾ ኸፊተላ

nǝ’almaz ma‘s'o xäfitä-lla

for-Almaz door I-opened-for-her

'I opened the door for Almaz'

Suffixes such as -lla in this example will be referred to in this article as prepositional object pronoun suffixes because they correspond to prepositional phrases such as 'for her', to distinguish them from the direct object pronoun suffixes such as -yya 'her'.
Possessive suffixes
Tigrinya has a further set of morphemes that are suffixed to either nouns or prepositions. These signal possession on a noun and prepositional object on a preposition. They will be referred to as possessive suffixes.
  • ገዛ gäza 'house', ገዛይ gäza-y 'my house', ገዛኣ gäza-’a 'her house'
  • ብዛዕባ bǝza‘ba 'about', ብዛዕባይ bǝza‘ba-y 'about me', ብዛዕብኣ bǝza‘bǝ-’a 'about her'

In each of these four aspects of the grammar, independent pronouns, subject–verb agreement, object-pronoun suffixes, and possessive suffixes, Tigrinya distinguishes ten combinations of person, number, and gender. For first person, there is a two-way distinction between singular ('I') and plural ('we'), whereas for second and third persons, there is a four-way distinction for the four combinations of singular and plural number and masculine and feminine gender ('you m. sg.', 'you f. sg.', 'you m. pl.', 'you f. pl.', 'he', 'she', 'they m.', 'they f.').

Like other Semitic languages, Tigrinya is a pro-drop language. That is, neutral sentences, in which no element is emphasized, normally use the verb conjugation rather than independent pronouns to indicate the subject, and incorporates the object pronoun into the verb: ኤርትራዊ እዩ ’erǝtrawi ’ǝyyu 'he's Eritrean,' ዓዲመያ ‘addimäyya 'I invited her'. The Tigrinya words that translate directly as 'he' and 'I' do not appear in these sentences, while the word 'her' is indicated by the 'a' at the end of the verb (thus, the person, number, and (second or third person) gender of the subject and object are all marked by affixes on the verb). When the subject in such sentences is emphasized, an independent pronoun is used: ንሱ ኤርትራዋይ እዩ nǝssu ’erǝtraway ̈’ǝyyu 'he's Eritrean,' ኣነ ዓዲመያ anǝ ‘addimäyya 'I invited her'. When the object is emphasized, instead of an independent pronoun, the accusative marker nǝ- is used with the appropriate possessive suffix: ንኣኣ ዓዲመያ nǝ’a’a ‘addimäyya 'I invited her'.

The table below shows alternatives for many of the forms. In each case, the choice depends on what precedes the form in question. For the possessive suffixes, the form depends on whether the noun or preposition ends in a vowel or a consonant, for example, ከልበይ kälb-äy 'my dog', ኣዶይ ’addo-y 'my mother'. For the object pronoun suffixes, for most of the forms there is a "light" (non-geminated) and a "heavy" (geminated) variant, a pattern also found in a number of other Ethiopian Semitic languages, including Tigre and the Western Gurage languages. The choice of which variant to use is somewhat complicated; some examples are given in the verb section.

Tigrinya Personal Pronouns
English Independent Object pronoun suffixes Possessive suffixes
Direct Prepositional
I ኣነ
-(n)ni -(l)läy -(ä)y
you (m. sg.) ንስኻ
-(k)ka -lka -ka
you (f. sg.) ንስኺ
-(k)ki -lki -ki
he ንሱ
-(’)o, (w)wo, yyo -(’)u
she ንሳ
-(’)a, (w)wa, yya -(l)la -(’)a
we ንሕና
-(n)na -lna -na
you (m. pl.) ንስኻትኩም
-(k)kum -lkum -kum
you (f. pl.) ንስኻትክን
-(k)kǝn -lkǝn -kǝn
they (m.) ንሳቶም
-(’)om, -(w)wom, -yyom -(l)lom -(’)om
they (f.) ንሳተን
-än, -’en, -(w)wän, -yyän -(l)län -än, -’en

Within second and third person, there is a set of additional "polite" independent pronouns, for reference to people that the speaker wishes to show respect towards. This usage is an example of the so-called T-V distinction that is made in many languages. The polite pronouns in Tigrinya are just the plural independent pronouns without -xat- or -at: ንስኹም nǝssǝxum 'you m. pol.', ንስኽን nǝssǝxǝn 'you f. pol.', ንሶም nǝssom 'he pol.', ንሰን nǝssän 'she pol.'. Although these forms are most often singular semantically — they refer to one person — they correspond to second or third person plural elsewhere in the grammar, as is common in other T-V systems.

For second person, there is also a set of independent vocative pronouns, used to call the addressee. These are ኣታ atta (m. sg.), ኣቲ atti (f. sg.), ኣቱም attum (m. pl.), ኣተን attän.

For possessive pronouns ('mine', 'yours', etc.), Tigrinya adds the possessive suffixes to nat- (from the preposition nay 'of'): ናተይ natäy 'mine', ናትካ natka 'yours m. sg.', ናትኪ natki 'yours f. sg.', ናታ nata 'hers', etc.

Reflexive pronouns

For reflexive pronouns ('myself', 'yourself', etc.), Tigrinya adds the possessive suffixes to one of the nouns ርእሲ rǝ’si 'head', ነፍሲ näfsi 'soul', or ባዕሊ ba‘li 'owner': ርእሰይ rǝ’säy / ነፍሰይ näfsäy / ባዕለይ ba‘läy 'myself', ርእሳ rǝ’sa / ነፍሳ näfsa / ባዕላ ba‘la 'herself', etc.

Demonstrative pronouns

Like English, Tigrinya makes a two-way distinction between near ('this, these') and far ('that, those') demonstrative pronouns and adjectives. Besides singular and plural, as in English, Tigrinya also distinguishes masculine and feminine gender.

Tigrinya Demonstrative Pronouns
Number Gender Near Far
Singular Masculine እዚ
Feminine እዚኣ
Plural Masculine እዚኦም / እዚኣቶም
እቲኦም / እቲኣቶም
Feminine እዚኤን / እዚኣተን
ǝzi’en, ǝzi’atän
እቲኤን / እቲኣተን
ǝti’en, ǝti’atän


Tigrinya adjectives may have separate masculine singular, feminine singular, and plural forms, and adjectives usually agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. The plural forms follow the same patterns as noun plurals; that is, they may be formed by suffixes or internal changes or a combination of the two. Some common patterns relating masculine, feminine and plural forms of adjectives are the following. Note that ä in the patterns becomes a after pharyngeal or glottal consonants (as elsewhere in Tigrinya).

masculine CǝC(C)uC, feminine CǝC(C)ǝCti, plural CǝC(C)uCat
  • ሕሙም ḥǝmum ሕምምቲ ḥǝmǝmti ሕሙማት ḥǝmumat 'sick'
masculine CäCCiC, feminine CäCCaC, plural CäCCäCti or CäCCaCti
  • ጸሊም s'ällim ጸላም s'ällam ጸለምቲ s'ällämti 'black'
  • ነዊሕ näwwiḥ ነዋሕ näwwaḥ ነዋሕቲ näwwaḥti 'long'
masculine and feminine the same , plural -(t)at. In the following case, the adjective is formed from adding -"am" to a noun, a feature shared with Amharic
  • ሃብቲ habti, 'wealth', ሃብታም habtam ሃብታማት habtamat 'rich'

Adjectives modifying plural animate nouns must be plural, but adjectives modifying plural inanimate nouns may be singular: ጻዕዳ ክዳውንቲ s'a‘da kǝdawǝnti 'white clothes' ('white' singular, 'clothes' plural). However, nouns referring to multiple entities may be singular when the context makes the plurality clear, and these singular nouns may be modified by plural adjectives: ክልተ ሃብታማት ሰበይቲ kǝlǝttä habtamat säbäyti 'two rich women' (lit. 'two rich (pl.) woman').

Adjectives are used less often in Tigrinya than in English. Most adjectives have a corresponding verb that is derived from the same consonantal root, and this verb often appears where English would have an adjective. For example, ከቢድ käbbid 'heavy' ከበደ käbädä 'be, become heavy', ሕማቕ ḥǝmmax 'bad', ሓመቐ ḥammäx'ä 'be, become bad'. In particular, an adjective may be replaced by the relative perfect form of the corresponding verb: ሕማቕ ሰብኣይ ḥǝmmax' säb’ay 'a bad man', ዝሓመቐ ሰብኣይ zǝḥammäx'ä säb’ay 'a bad man' (lit. 'man who became bad').


Demonstrative adjectives

As with the demonstrative pronouns, the Tigrinya demonstrative adjectives divide into expression for near ('this, these') and far ('that, those') referents, with separate forms for the four combinations of singular and plural number and masculine and feminine gender. Like other adjectives, demonstrative adjectives precede the noun, but they are often accompanied by a second copy or slightly modified form that follows the noun. The vowel beginning the form following the noun is often dropped and in writing may then be represented by an apostrophe: እዚ ሰብ'ዚ ǝzi säbzi 'this man'.

Tigrinya Demonstrative Adjectives
Number Gender Near Far
Singular Masculine እዚ ǝzi ... (እዚ ǝzi) እቲ ǝti ... (እቲ ǝti)
Feminine እዛ ǝza ... (እዚኣ ǝzi’a) እታ ǝta ... (እቲኣ ǝti’a)
Plural Masculine እዞመ ǝzom ... (እዚኦም ǝzi’om) እቶም ǝtom ... (እቲኦም ǝti’om)
Feminine እዘን ǝzän ... (እዚኤን ǝzi’en) እተነ ǝtän ... (እቲኤን ǝti’en)


Like other Semitic languages, Tigrinya has no indefinite article (English a), but has a definite article (English the). In Tigrinya, as in Tigre, but unlike in the Southern Ethiopian Semitic languages such as Amharic, this takes the form of a word that appears at the beginning of the noun phrase. The definite article is derived from, and almost identical to, the distal demonstrative adjective (English 'that'), as can be seen in the table below.

Tigrinya Definite Articles
Singular Plural
Masculine እቲ ǝti እቶም ǝtom
Feminine እታ ǝta እተን ǝtän

When the definite article is preceded by the accusative marker/preposition ን or the preposition ብ , the vowel sequence ǝ+ǝ merges into the vowel ä: በቲ መጋዝ bäti mägaz 'with the saw'. After other prepositions, the initial vowel of the article is often dropped: ካብቲ እተሓደረሉ ቦታ kabti ǝttäḥadärällu bota 'from the place where he spent the night'.


In Tigrinya, as in other Semitic languages, a verb is a complex object, the result of selections by the speaker/writer along at least four separate dimensions.

At the heart of a Semitic verb is its root, most often consisting of three consonants. This determines the basic lexical meaning of the verb. For example, the Tigrinya root meaning 'break' consists of the three consonants {sbr}.
Derivational pattern
The root may be altered in one of several ways that modify the basic meaning of the verb. In Tigrinya there are five such possibilities (though not all are possible for each verb). For example, the verb can be made passive: the sense 'be broken' is derived from the root {sbr} 'break' with the addition of the PASSIVE morpheme, though the form's actual realization depends on choices on other dimensions.
The root must be assigned a particular basic tense/aspect/mood (TAM). In Tigrinya there are four possibilities, conventionally referred to as perfect, imperfect, jussive/imperative, and gerundive. Once a lexical root, possibly altered through the addition of a derivational element, has been assigned a basic TAM, it becomes a pronounceable stem, though still not a complete word. For example, {sbr}+PASSIVE 'be broken' in the imperfect becomes sǝbbär 'is broken'.
Semitic verbs are conjugated; that is, they agree with the verb's subject in person, number, and gender. For example, if the subject of the imperfect of the passive of {sbr} is third person plural masculine ('they'), the form becomes the word ይስበሩ yǝsǝbbäru 'they are broken'.

In addition to these basic dimensions of variation characterizing all Tigrinya verbs, there are four additional possible modifications.

  1. A direct object or prepositional object suffix (see #Personal pronouns) may be added to the verb. For example, the prepositional object -läy 'for me' could be suffixed to the word ይስበሩ yǝsǝbbäru 'they are broken' to give ይስበሩለይ yǝsǝbbäruläy 'they are broken for me'.
  2. The verb may be negated. This requires a prefix and sometimes a suffix. For example, the word ይስበሩለይ yǝsǝbbäruläy 'they are broken for me' is negated by the prefixing of ay- and the suffixing of -n: ኣይስበሩለይን ayyǝsǝbbäruläyǝn 'they are not broken for me'.
  3. One or more morphemes including the relativizing morpheme zǝ- and various prepositions and conjunctions may be prefixed to the verb. For example, with the relativizing prefix, the form ኣይስበሩለይን ayyǝsǝbbäruläyǝn 'they are not broken for me' becomes ዘይስበሩለይ zäyyǝsǝbbäruläy '(those) that are not broken for me'. (The negative suffix -n does not occur in subordinate clauses.)
  4. The aspect of the verb may be modified through the addition of an auxiliary verb. Auxiliaries are usually treated as separate words in Tigrinya but in some cases are written as suffixes on the main verb. For example, with the auxiliary allo in its third person plural masculine form, the word ዘይስበሩለይ zäyyǝsǝbbäruläy '(those) that are not broken for me' takes on continuous aspect: ዘይስበሩለይ ዘለዉ zäyyǝsǝbbäruläy zälläwu '(those) which are not being broken for me'. (The relativizing prefix zǝ- must also appear on the auxiliary.)


Tigrinya has both simple and compound prepositions. The main simple prepositions are the following.

ኣብ ab 'on, in, at'
'with' (instrument), 'by' (means, agent), 'in' (duration)
'for (the benefit of), to the detriment of'
ል lə ‘for’ (Ethiopian dialects)
ናይ nay 'of'
ምስ mǝs 'with' (accompaniment)
ካብ kab 'from'
ናብ nab 'to, toward'
ከም käm 'like, as'
ብዘይ bǝzäy 'without'
ምእንቲ mǝ’ǝnti, ስለ sǝlä 'for, because of, on the part of'
ድሕሪ dǝḥri 'after'
ቅድሚ qǝdmi 'before'
ክሳዕ kǝsa‘, ክሳብ kǝsab, ስጋዕ sǝga‘ 'until'
ብዛዕባ bǝza‘ba 'about' (concerning)

With personal pronouns as objects, the pronouns take the form of possessive suffixes. In some cases, these are suffixed to a modified version of the preposition, and for the third person forms, there may be various possibilities: ንዕኡ nǝ‘ǝ’u ንእኡ nǝ’ǝ’u ንኡ nǝ’u 'for him'.

The compound prepositions consist of one of the simple prepositions, usually ኣብ ab, followed by a relational noun or a form related to a noun. Some compound prepositions alternate with simple prepositions consisting only of the second word: ድሕሪ dǝḥri ኣብ ድሕሪ ab dǝḥri 'after, behind', ቅድሚ qǝdmi ኣብ ቅድሚ ab qǝdmi 'before, in front of'. Other examples: ኣብ ውሽጢ ab wǝšt'i 'inside', ኣብ ጥቓ ab t'ǝx'a 'near', ኣብ ልዕሊ ab lǝ‘ǝli 'above, on', ኣብ ትሕቲ ab tǝḥti 'below', ኣብ ማእከል ab ma’käl 'in the middle of, among', ኣብ መንጎ ab mängo 'between'.


  • Amanuel Sahle (1998). Säwasǝw Tǝgrǝñña bǝsäffiw. Lawrenceville, NJ: Red Sea Press. ISBN 1-56902-096-5.
  • Dan'el Täxlu Räda (1996, Eth. Cal.) Zäbänawi säwasəw kʷ'ankʷ'a Təgrəñña. Mäx'älä.
  • Leslau, Wolf (1941) Documents tigrigna: grammaire et textes. Paris: Libraire C. Klincksieck.
  • Mason, John (Ed.) (1996) Säwasǝw Tǝgrǝñña, Tigrinya grammar. Lawrenceville, NJ, USA: Red Sea Press. ISBN 0-932415-20-2 (ISBN 0-932415-21-0, paperback)
  • Praetorius, F. (1871) Grammatik der Tigriñasprache in Abessinien. Halle. ISBN 3-487-05191-5 (1974 reprint)
  • Tadross, Andrew & Abraham Teklu. (2015) The Essential Guide to Tigrinya: The Language of Eritrea and Tigray Ethiopia.
  • Voigt, Rainer Maria (1977). Das tigrinische Verbalsystem. Berlin: Verlag von Dietrich Reimer.


  1. ^ a b Leslau, Wolf (1941) Documents Tigrigna (Éthiopien Septentrional): Grammaire et Textes. Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck.
  2. ^ Amanuel Sahle (1998). Säwasǝw Tǝgrǝñña bǝsäffiw. Lawrenceville, NJ: Red Sea Press. ISBN 1-56902-096-5.

tigrinya, grammar, this, article, section, should, specify, language, english, content, using, lang, transliteration, transliterated, languages, phonetic, transcriptions, with, appropriate, code, wikipedia, multilingual, support, templates, also, used, 2019, t. This article or section should specify the language of its non English content using lang transliteration for transliterated languages and IPA for phonetic transcriptions with an appropriate ISO 639 code Wikipedia s multilingual support templates may also be used See why May 2019 This article contains Ethiopic text Without proper rendering support you may see question marks boxes or other symbols instead of Ethiopic characters This article describes the grammar of Tigrinya a South Semitic language which is spoken primarily in Eritrea and Ethiopia and is written in Ge ez script Contents 1 Nouns 1 1 Gender 1 2 Number 1 3 Expression of possession genitive 2 Pronouns 2 1 Personal pronouns 2 2 Reflexive pronouns 2 3 Demonstrative pronouns 3 Adjectives 4 Determiners 4 1 Demonstrative adjectives 4 2 Articles 5 Verbs 6 Prepositions 7 Bibliography 8 ReferencesNouns EditGender Edit Like other Afro Asiatic languages Tigrinya has two grammatical genders masculine and feminine and all nouns belong to either one or the other Grammatical gender in Tigrinya enters into the grammar in the following ways Verbs agree with their subjects in gender unless the subject is first person Second and third person personal pronouns you he she they etc in English are distinguished by gender Adjectives and determiners agree with the nouns they modify in gender Some noun pairs for people distinguish masculine and feminine by their endings with the feminine signaled by t These include agent nouns derived from verbs ከፈተ kafata open ከፋቲ kafati opener m ከፋቲት kafatit opener f and nouns for nationalities or natives of particular regions ትግራዋይ tǝgraway Tigrean m ትግራወይቲ tǝgrawayti Tigrean f Grammatical gender normally agrees with biological gender for people and animals thus nouns such as ኣቦ abbo father ወዲ waddi son boy and ብዕራይ bǝ ǝray ox are masculine while nouns such as ኣደ adda mother ጓል gʷal daughter girl and ላም lam or ላሕሚ lah mi cow are feminine However most names for animals do not specify biological gender and the words ተባዕታይ taba tay male and ኣንስተይቲ anǝstayti must be placed before the nouns if the gender is to be indicated The gender of most inanimate nouns is not predictable from the form or the meaning Grammars sometimes disagree on the genders of particular nouns for example ጸሓይ ṣaḥay sun is masculine according to Leslau 1 feminine according to Amanuel 2 This disagreement seems to be due to dialectal differences Number Edit Tigrinya has singular and plural number but nouns that refer to multiple entities are not obligatorily plural That is if the context is clear a formally singular noun may refer to multiple entities ሓሙሽተ ḥammusta five ሰብኣይ sab ay man ሓሙሽተ ሰብኡት ḥammusta sabut five men It is also possible for a formally singular noun to appear together with plural agreement on adjectives or verbs ብዙሓት bǝzuḥat many pl ዓዲ addi village ብዙሓት ዓዲ bǝzuḥat addi many villages The conventions for when this combination of singular and plural is or is not possible appear to be complex 1 As in Arabic Tigre and Ge ez noun plurals are formed both through the addition of suffixes to the singular form external plural and through the modification of the pattern of vowels within and sometimes outside the consonants that make up the noun root internal or broken plural In some cases suffixes may also be added to an internal plural The most common patterns are as follows In the designation of internal plural patterns C represents one of the consonants of the noun root Note that some nouns for example ዓራት arat bed have more than one possible plural External plural at tat ዓራት arat bed ዓራታት ዓራውቲ aratat beds እምባ ǝmba mountain እምባታት ǝmbatat mountains ot following deletion of a or ay ጐይታ gʷayta master ጐይቶት gʷaytot masters ሓረስታይ ḥarastay farmer ሓረስቶት ḥarastot farmers ǝtti wǝtti sometimes with deletion of final t ገዛ gaza house ገዛውቲ gazawǝtti houses ዓራት arat bed ዓራውቲ arawǝtti beds Internal plural aCCaC ፈረስ faras horse ኣፍራሰ afras horses እዝኒ ǝzni ear ኣእዛን a zan ears aCaCǝC ንህቢ nǝhbi bee ኣናህብ anahǝb bees በግዕ baggǝ sheep s ኣባግዕ abagǝ sheep p CaCaCu ደርሆ darho chicken ደራሁ darahu chickens ጕሒላ gʷǝḥila thief ጕሓሉ gʷǝḥalu thieves C a a CaCǝC መንበር manbar chair መናብር manabǝr chairs ሓርማዝ ḥarmaz elephant ሓራምዝ ḥaramǝz elephants aCti for the plural of agent and instrument nouns derived from verbs ቀላቢ k allabi feeder ቀለብቲ k allabti feeders ኣገልጋሊ agalgali server ኣገልገልቲ agalgalti servers መኽደኒ maxdani cover መኽደንቲ maxdanti covers CǝCawǝCti ክዳን kǝdan clothing ክዳውንቲ kǝdawǝnti articles of clothing ሕጻን ḥǝs an infant ሕጻውንቲ ḥǝs awǝnti infants CaCaCǝCti መጽሓፍ mas ḥaf book መጻሕፍቲ mas aḥǝfti books ኮኸብ koxab star ከዋኽብቲ kawaxǝbti stars C aC ǝC where C represents a single root consonant ወረቐት warax at paper ወረቓቕቲ warax ax ti papers ተመን taman snake ተማምን tamamǝn snakes Among the completely irregular plurals are ሰበይቲ sabayti woman ኣንስቲ anǝsti women and ጓል gʷal girl daughter እዋልድ awalǝd girls daughters alongside ኣጓላት agʷalat Expression of possession genitive Edit Tigrinya has two ways to express the genitive relationships that are expressed in English using possessives the city s streets of phrases the streets of the city and noun noun compounds city streets Prepositional phrases with the preposition ናይ nay of ሓደ ḥada one ሰብ sab person ቈልዓ kʷ al a child ናይ ሓደ ሰብ ቈልዓ nay ḥada sab kʷ al a one person s child nat clarification needed can come before and after the possessee መስተዋድድ mastawadǝd preposition ተሰሓቢ teseḥabi object ናይ መስተዋድድ ተሰሓቢ nay mastawadǝd tasaḥabi object of a preposition Noun noun constructions with the possessor following the possessed thing ጓል gʷal daughter ሓወይ ḥawway my brother ጓል ሓወይ gʷal ḥawway my brother s daughter niece መዓልቲ ma alti day ሓርነት ḥarǝnnat freedom መዓልቲ ሓርነት ኤርትራ ma alti ḥarǝnnat ertǝra Eritrean Liberation Day Pronouns EditPersonal pronouns Edit In most languages there is a small number of basic distinctions of person number and often gender that play a role within the grammar of the language Tigrinya and English are such languages We see these distinctions within the basic set of independent personal pronouns for example English I Tigrinya ኣነ ana English she Tigrinya ንሳ nǝssa In Tigrinya as in other Semitic languages the same distinctions appear in three other places within the grammar of the languages as well Subject verb agreement All Tigrinya verbs agree with their subjects that is the person number and second and third person gender of the subject of the verb are marked by suffixes or prefixes on the verb Because the affixes that signal subject agreement vary greatly with the particular verb tense aspect mood they are normally not considered to be pronouns and are discussed elsewhere in this article under verb conjugation Object pronoun suffixes Tigrinya verbs often have additional morphology that indicates the person number and second and third person gender of the object of the verb ንኣልማዝnǝ almazAlmaz ACCርእየያrǝ ya yyaI saw herንኣልማዝ ርእየያnǝ almaz rǝ ya yyaAlmaz ACC I saw her I saw Almaz While suffixes such as yya in this example are sometimes described as signaling object agreement analogous to subject agreement they are more often thought of as object pronoun suffixes because unlike the markers of subject agreement they do not vary significantly with the tense aspect mood of the verb For arguments of the verb other than the subject or the object a separate set of related suffixes have a dative benefactive adversative instrumental or locative meaning to for against with by at ንኣልማዝnǝ almazfor Almazማዕጾma s odoorኸፊተላxafita llaI opened for herንኣልማዝ ማዕጾ ኸፊተላnǝ almaz ma s o xafita llafor Almaz door I opened for her I opened the door for Almaz Suffixes such as lla in this example will be referred to in this article as prepositional object pronoun suffixes because they correspond to prepositional phrases such as for her to distinguish them from the direct object pronoun suffixes such as yya her Possessive suffixes Tigrinya has a further set of morphemes that are suffixed to either nouns or prepositions These signal possession on a noun and prepositional object on a preposition They will be referred to as possessive suffixes ገዛ gaza house ገዛይ gaza y my house ገዛኣ gaza a her house ብዛዕባ bǝza ba about ብዛዕባይ bǝza ba y about me ብዛዕብኣ bǝza bǝ a about her In each of these four aspects of the grammar independent pronouns subject verb agreement object pronoun suffixes and possessive suffixes Tigrinya distinguishes ten combinations of person number and gender For first person there is a two way distinction between singular I and plural we whereas for second and third persons there is a four way distinction for the four combinations of singular and plural number and masculine and feminine gender you m sg you f sg you m pl you f pl he she they m they f Like other Semitic languages Tigrinya is a pro drop language That is neutral sentences in which no element is emphasized normally use the verb conjugation rather than independent pronouns to indicate the subject and incorporates the object pronoun into the verb ኤርትራዊ እዩ erǝtrawi ǝyyu he s Eritrean ዓዲመያ addimayya I invited her The Tigrinya words that translate directly as he and I do not appear in these sentences while the word her is indicated by the a at the end of the verb thus the person number and second or third person gender of the subject and object are all marked by affixes on the verb When the subject in such sentences is emphasized an independent pronoun is used ንሱ ኤርትራዋይ እዩ nǝssu erǝtraway ǝyyu he s Eritrean ኣነ ዓዲመያ anǝ addimayya I invited her When the object is emphasized instead of an independent pronoun the accusative marker nǝ is used with the appropriate possessive suffix ንኣኣ ዓዲመያ nǝ a a addimayya I invited her The table below shows alternatives for many of the forms In each case the choice depends on what precedes the form in question For the possessive suffixes the form depends on whether the noun or preposition ends in a vowel or a consonant for example ከልበይ kalb ay my dog ኣዶይ addo y my mother For the object pronoun suffixes for most of the forms there is a light non geminated and a heavy geminated variant a pattern also found in a number of other Ethiopian Semitic languages including Tigre and the Western Gurage languages The choice of which variant to use is somewhat complicated some examples are given in the verb section Tigrinya Personal Pronouns English Independent Object pronoun suffixes Possessive suffixesDirect PrepositionalI ኣነana n ni l lay a yyou m sg ንስኻnǝssǝxa k ka lka kayou f sg ንስኺnǝssǝxi k ki lki kihe ንሱnǝssu o w wo yyo ushe ንሳnǝssa a w wa yya l la awe ንሕናnǝḥǝna n na lna nayou m pl ንስኻትኩምnǝssǝxatkum k kum lkum kumyou f pl ንስኻትክንnǝssǝxatkǝn k kǝn lkǝn kǝnthey m ንሳቶምnǝssatom om w wom yyom l lom omthey f ንሳተንnǝssatan an en w wan yyan l lan an enWithin second and third person there is a set of additional polite independent pronouns for reference to people that the speaker wishes to show respect towards This usage is an example of the so called T V distinction that is made in many languages The polite pronouns in Tigrinya are just the plural independent pronouns without xat or at ንስኹም nǝssǝxum you m pol ንስኽን nǝssǝxǝn you f pol ንሶም nǝssom he pol ንሰን nǝssan she pol Although these forms are most often singular semantically they refer to one person they correspond to second or third person plural elsewhere in the grammar as is common in other T V systems For second person there is also a set of independent vocative pronouns used to call the addressee These are ኣታ atta m sg ኣቲ atti f sg ኣቱም attum m pl ኣተን attan For possessive pronouns mine yours etc Tigrinya adds the possessive suffixes to nat from the preposition nay of ናተይ natay mine ናትካ natka yours m sg ናትኪ natki yours f sg ናታ nata hers etc Reflexive pronouns Edit For reflexive pronouns myself yourself etc Tigrinya adds the possessive suffixes to one of the nouns ርእሲ rǝ si head ነፍሲ nafsi soul or ባዕሊ ba li owner ርእሰይ rǝ say ነፍሰይ nafsay ባዕለይ ba lay myself ርእሳ rǝ sa ነፍሳ nafsa ባዕላ ba la herself etc Demonstrative pronouns Edit Like English Tigrinya makes a two way distinction between near this these and far that those demonstrative pronouns and adjectives Besides singular and plural as in English Tigrinya also distinguishes masculine and feminine gender Tigrinya Demonstrative Pronouns Number Gender Near FarSingular Masculine እዚ ǝzi እቲ ǝtiFeminine እዚኣ ǝzi a እቲኣ ǝti aPlural Masculine እዚኦም እዚኣቶም ǝzi at om እቲኦም እቲኣቶም ǝti at omFeminine እዚኤን እዚኣተን ǝzi en ǝzi atan እቲኤን እቲኣተን ǝti en ǝti atanAdjectives EditTigrinya adjectives may have separate masculine singular feminine singular and plural forms and adjectives usually agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify The plural forms follow the same patterns as noun plurals that is they may be formed by suffixes or internal changes or a combination of the two Some common patterns relating masculine feminine and plural forms of adjectives are the following Note that a in the patterns becomes a after pharyngeal or glottal consonants as elsewhere in Tigrinya masculine CǝC C uC feminine CǝC C ǝCti plural CǝC C uCat ሕሙም ḥǝmum ሕምምቲ ḥǝmǝmti ሕሙማት ḥǝmumat sick masculine CaCCiC feminine CaCCaC plural CaCCaCti or CaCCaCti ጸሊም s allim ጸላም s allam ጸለምቲ s allamti black ነዊሕ nawwiḥ ነዋሕ nawwaḥ ነዋሕቲ nawwaḥti long masculine and feminine the same plural t at In the following case the adjective is formed from adding am to a noun a feature shared with Amharic ሃብቲ habti wealth ሃብታም habtam ሃብታማት habtamat rich Adjectives modifying plural animate nouns must be plural but adjectives modifying plural inanimate nouns may be singular ጻዕዳ ክዳውንቲ s a da kǝdawǝnti white clothes white singular clothes plural However nouns referring to multiple entities may be singular when the context makes the plurality clear and these singular nouns may be modified by plural adjectives ክልተ ሃብታማት ሰበይቲ kǝlǝtta habtamat sabayti two rich women lit two rich pl woman Adjectives are used less often in Tigrinya than in English Most adjectives have a corresponding verb that is derived from the same consonantal root and this verb often appears where English would have an adjective For example ከቢድ kabbid heavy ከበደ kabada be become heavy ሕማቕ ḥǝmmax bad ሓመቐ ḥammax a be become bad In particular an adjective may be replaced by the relative perfect form of the corresponding verb ሕማቕ ሰብኣይ ḥǝmmax sab ay a bad man ዝሓመቐ ሰብኣይ zǝḥammax a sab ay a bad man lit man who became bad Determiners EditDemonstrative adjectives Edit As with the demonstrative pronouns the Tigrinya demonstrative adjectives divide into expression for near this these and far that those referents with separate forms for the four combinations of singular and plural number and masculine and feminine gender Like other adjectives demonstrative adjectives precede the noun but they are often accompanied by a second copy or slightly modified form that follows the noun The vowel beginning the form following the noun is often dropped and in writing may then be represented by an apostrophe እዚ ሰብ ዚ ǝzi sabzi this man Tigrinya Demonstrative Adjectives Number Gender Near FarSingular Masculine እዚ ǝzi እዚ ǝzi እቲ ǝti እቲ ǝti Feminine እዛ ǝza እዚኣ ǝzi a እታ ǝta እቲኣ ǝti a Plural Masculine እዞመ ǝzom እዚኦም ǝzi om እቶም ǝtom እቲኦም ǝti om Feminine እዘን ǝzan እዚኤን ǝzi en እተነ ǝtan እቲኤን ǝti en Articles Edit Like other Semitic languages Tigrinya has no indefinite article English a but has a definite article English the In Tigrinya as in Tigre but unlike in the Southern Ethiopian Semitic languages such as Amharic this takes the form of a word that appears at the beginning of the noun phrase The definite article is derived from and almost identical to the distal demonstrative adjective English that as can be seen in the table below Tigrinya Definite Articles Singular PluralMasculine እቲ ǝti እቶም ǝtomFeminine እታ ǝta እተን ǝtanWhen the definite article is preceded by the accusative marker preposition ን nǝ or the preposition ብ bǝ the vowel sequence ǝ ǝ merges into the vowel a በቲ መጋዝ bati magaz with the saw After other prepositions the initial vowel of the article is often dropped ካብቲ እተሓደረሉ ቦታ kabti ǝttaḥadarallu bota from the place where he spent the night Verbs EditMain article Tigrinya verbs In Tigrinya as in other Semitic languages a verb is a complex object the result of selections by the speaker writer along at least four separate dimensions Root At the heart of a Semitic verb is its root most often consisting of three consonants This determines the basic lexical meaning of the verb For example the Tigrinya root meaning break consists of the three consonants sbr Derivational pattern The root may be altered in one of several ways that modify the basic meaning of the verb In Tigrinya there are five such possibilities though not all are possible for each verb For example the verb can be made passive the sense be broken is derived from the root sbr break with the addition of the PASSIVE morpheme though the form s actual realization depends on choices on other dimensions Tense Aspect Mood The root must be assigned a particular basic tense aspect mood TAM In Tigrinya there are four possibilities conventionally referred to as perfect imperfect jussive imperative and gerundive Once a lexical root possibly altered through the addition of a derivational element has been assigned a basic TAM it becomes a pronounceable stem though still not a complete word For example sbr PASSIVE be broken in the imperfect becomes sǝbbar is broken Conjugation Semitic verbs are conjugated that is they agree with the verb s subject in person number and gender For example if the subject of the imperfect of the passive of sbr is third person plural masculine they the form becomes the word ይስበሩ yǝsǝbbaru they are broken In addition to these basic dimensions of variation characterizing all Tigrinya verbs there are four additional possible modifications A direct object or prepositional object suffix see Personal pronouns may be added to the verb For example the prepositional object lay for me could be suffixed to the word ይስበሩ yǝsǝbbaru they are broken to give ይስበሩለይ yǝsǝbbarulay they are broken for me The verb may be negated This requires a prefix and sometimes a suffix For example the word ይስበሩለይ yǝsǝbbarulay they are broken for me is negated by the prefixing of ay and the suffixing of n ኣይስበሩለይን ayyǝsǝbbarulayǝn they are not broken for me One or more morphemes including the relativizing morpheme zǝ and various prepositions and conjunctions may be prefixed to the verb For example with the relativizing prefix the form ኣይስበሩለይን ayyǝsǝbbarulayǝn they are not broken for me becomes ዘይስበሩለይ zayyǝsǝbbarulay those that are not broken for me The negative suffix n does not occur in subordinate clauses The aspect of the verb may be modified through the addition of an auxiliary verb Auxiliaries are usually treated as separate words in Tigrinya but in some cases are written as suffixes on the main verb For example with the auxiliary allo in its third person plural masculine form the word ዘይስበሩለይ zayyǝsǝbbarulay those that are not broken for me takes on continuous aspect ዘይስበሩለይ ዘለዉ zayyǝsǝbbarulay zallawu those which are not being broken for me The relativizing prefix zǝ must also appear on the auxiliary Prepositions EditTigrinya has both simple and compound prepositions The main simple prepositions are the following ኣብ ab on in at ብ bǝ with instrument by means agent in duration ን nǝ for the benefit of to the detriment of ል le for Ethiopian dialects ናይ nay of ምስ mǝs with accompaniment ካብ kab from ናብ nab to toward ከም kam like as ብዘይ bǝzay without ምእንቲ mǝ ǝnti ስለ sǝla for because of on the part of ድሕሪ dǝḥri after ቅድሚ qǝdmi before ክሳዕ kǝsa ክሳብ kǝsab ስጋዕ sǝga until ብዛዕባ bǝza ba about concerning With personal pronouns as objects the pronouns take the form of possessive suffixes In some cases these are suffixed to a modified version of the preposition and for the third person forms there may be various possibilities ንዕኡ nǝ ǝ u ንእኡ nǝ ǝ u ንኡ nǝ u for him The compound prepositions consist of one of the simple prepositions usually ኣብ ab followed by a relational noun or a form related to a noun Some compound prepositions alternate with simple prepositions consisting only of the second word ድሕሪ dǝḥri ኣብ ድሕሪ ab dǝḥri after behind ቅድሚ qǝdmi ኣብ ቅድሚ ab qǝdmi before in front of Other examples ኣብ ውሽጢ ab wǝst i inside ኣብ ጥቓ ab t ǝx a near ኣብ ልዕሊ ab lǝ ǝli above on ኣብ ትሕቲ ab tǝḥti below ኣብ ማእከል ab ma kal in the middle of among ኣብ መንጎ ab mango between Bibliography EditAmanuel Sahle 1998 Sawasǝw Tǝgrǝnna bǝsaffiw Lawrenceville NJ Red Sea Press ISBN 1 56902 096 5 Dan el Taxlu Rada 1996 Eth Cal Zabanawi sawasew kʷ ankʷ a Tegrenna Max ala Leslau Wolf 1941 Documents tigrigna grammaire et textes Paris Libraire C Klincksieck Mason John Ed 1996 Sawasǝw Tǝgrǝnna Tigrinya grammar Lawrenceville NJ USA Red Sea Press ISBN 0 932415 20 2 ISBN 0 932415 21 0 paperback Praetorius F 1871 Grammatik der Tigrinasprache in Abessinien Halle ISBN 3 487 05191 5 1974 reprint Tadross Andrew amp Abraham Teklu 2015 The Essential Guide to Tigrinya The Language of Eritrea and Tigray Ethiopia Voigt Rainer Maria 1977 Das tigrinische Verbalsystem Berlin Verlag von Dietrich Reimer References Edit a b Leslau Wolf 1941 Documents Tigrigna Ethiopien Septentrional Grammaire et Textes Paris Librairie C Klincksieck Amanuel Sahle 1998 Sawasǝw Tǝgrǝnna bǝsaffiw Lawrenceville NJ Red Sea Press ISBN 1 56902 096 5 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Tigrinya grammar amp oldid 1094449506, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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