
Carbon sequestration

Carbon sequestration is the process of storing carbon in a carbon pool.[2]: 2248  It plays a crucial role in mitigating climate change by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. There are two main types of carbon sequestration: biologic (also called biosequestration) and geologic.[3] Biologic carbon sequestration is a naturally occurring process as part of the carbon cycle. Humans can enhance it through deliberate actions and use of technology. Carbon dioxide (CO
) is naturally captured from the atmosphere through biological, chemical, and physical processes. These processes can be accelerated for example through changes in land use and agricultural practices, called carbon farming. Artificial processes have also been devised to produce similar effects. This approach is called carbon capture and storage. It involves using technology to capture and sequester (store) CO
that is produced from human activities underground or under the sea bed.

Schematic showing both geologic and biologic carbon sequestration of the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere emitted by human activities.[1]

Forests, kelp beds, and other forms of plant life absorb carbon dioxide from the air as they grow, and bind it into biomass. However, these biological stores are considered impermanent carbon sinks as the long-term sequestration cannot be guaranteed. For example, natural events, such as wildfires or disease, economic pressures and changing political priorities can result in the sequestered carbon being released back into the atmosphere.[4]

Carbon dioxide that has been removed from the atmosphere can also be stored in the Earth's crust by injecting it into the subsurface, or in the form of insoluble carbonate salts. The latter process is called mineral sequestration. These methods are considered non-volatile because they not only remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere but also sequester it indefinitely. This means the carbon is "locked away" for thousands to millions of years.

To enhance carbon sequestration processes in oceans the following technologies have been proposed: Seaweed farming, ocean fertilization, artificial upwelling, basalt storage, mineralization and deep sea sediments, adding bases to neutralize acids.[5] However, none have achieved large scale application so far.

Terminology edit

The term carbon sequestration is used in different ways in the literature and media. The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report defines it as "The process of storing carbon in a carbon pool".[2]: 2248  Subsequently, a pool is defined as "a reservoir in the Earth system where elements, such as carbon and nitrogen, reside in various chemical forms for a period of time".[2]: 2244 

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) defines carbon sequestration as follows: "Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide."[3] Therefore, the difference between carbon sequestration and carbon capture and storage (CCS) is sometimes blurred in the media. The IPCC however defines CCS as "a process in which a relatively pure stream of carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial sources is separated, treated and transported to a long-term storage location".[6]: 2221 

History of the term (etymology) edit

The term sequestration is based on the Latin sequestrare, which means set aside or surrender. It is derived from sequester, a depositary or trustee, one in whose hands a thing in dispute was placed until the dispute was settled. In English "sequestered" means secluded or withdrawn.[7]

In law, sequestration is the act of removing, separating, or seizing anything from the possession of its owner under process of law for the benefit of creditors or the state.[7]

Roles edit

In nature edit

Carbon sequestration is part of the natural carbon cycle by which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of Earth.[citation needed]

Carbon dioxide is naturally captured from the atmosphere through biological, chemical or physical processes, and stored in long-term reservoirs.

Forests, kelp beds, and other forms of plant life absorb carbon dioxide from the air as they grow, and bind it into biomass. However, these biological stores are considered volatile carbon sinks as the long-term sequestration cannot be guaranteed. Events such as wildfires or disease, economic pressures and changing political priorities can result in the sequestered carbon being released back into the atmosphere.[8]

In climate change mitigation edit

Carbon sequestration - when acting as a carbon sink - helps to mitigate climate change and thus reduce harmful effects of climate change. It helps to slow the atmospheric and marine accumulation of greenhouse gases, which are released by burning fossil fuels and industrial livestock production.[9]

Carbon sequestration, when applied for climate change mitigation, can either build on enhancing naturally occurring carbon sequestration or use technology for carbon sequestration processes.[citation needed]

Within the carbon capture and storage approaches, carbon sequestration refers to the storage component. Artificial carbon storage technologies can be applied, such as gaseous storage in deep geological formations (including saline formations and exhausted gas fields), and solid storage by reaction of CO2 with metal oxides to produce stable carbonates.[10]

For carbon to be sequestered artificially (i.e. not using the natural processes of the carbon cycle) it must first be captured, or it must be significantly delayed or prevented from being re-released into the atmosphere (by combustion, decay, etc.) from an existing carbon-rich material, by being incorporated into an enduring usage (such as in construction). Thereafter it can be passively stored or remain productively utilized over time in a variety of ways. For instance, upon harvesting, wood (as a carbon-rich material) can be incorporated into construction or a range of other durable products, thus sequestering its carbon over years or even centuries.[11]

Biological carbon sequestration on land edit

Reforestation and reducing deforestation can increase carbon sequestration in several ways. Pandani (Richea pandanifolia) near Lake Dobson, Mount Field National Park, Tasmania, Australia

Biological carbon sequestration (also called biosequestration) is the capture and storage of the atmospheric greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by continual or enhanced biological processes. This form of carbon sequestration occurs through increased rates of photosynthesis via land-use practices such as reforestation and sustainable forest management.[12][13] Land-use changes that enhance natural carbon capture have the potential to capture and store large amounts of carbon dioxide each year. These include the conservation, management, and restoration of ecosystems such as forests, peatlands, wetlands, and grasslands, in addition to carbon sequestration methods in agriculture.[14]

Methods and practices exist to enhance soil carbon sequestration in both sectors of agriculture and forestry.[15]

Forestry edit

Transferring land rights to indigenous inhabitants is argued to efficiently conserve forests.

Trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis. Throughout this biochemical process, chlorophyll in the tree's leaves harnesses sunlight to convert CO2 and water into glucose and oxygen.[16] While glucose serves as a source of energy for the tree, oxygen is released into the atmosphere as a byproduct. Trees store carbon in the form of biomass, encompassing roots, stems, branches, and leaves. Throughout their lifespan, trees continue to sequester carbon, acting as long-term storage units for atmospheric CO2.[17] Sustainable forest management, afforestration, reforestation and proforestation are therefore important contributions to climate change mitigation. Afforestation is the establishment of a forest in an area where there was no previous tree cover. Proforestation is the practice of growing an existing forest intact toward its full ecological potential.[18] An important consideration in such efforts is that the carbon sink potential of forests will saturate[19] and forests can turn from sinks to carbon sources.[20][21] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that a combination of measures aimed at increasing forest carbon stocks, and sustainable timber offtake will generate the largest carbon sequestration benefit.[22]

In terms of carbon retention on forest land, it is better to avoid deforestation than to remove trees and subsequently reforest, as deforestation leads to irreversible effects e.g. biodiversity loss and soil degradation.[23] Additionally, the effects of af- or reforestation will be farther in the future compared to keeping existing forests intact.[24] It takes much longer − several decades − for reforested areas to return to the same carbon sequestration levels found in mature tropical forests.[25]

There are four primary ways in which reforestation and reducing deforestation can increase carbon sequestration. First, by increasing the volume of existing forest. Second, by increasing the carbon density of existing forests at a stand and landscape scale.[26] Third, by expanding the use of forest products that will sustainably replace fossil-fuel emissions. Fourth, by reducing carbon emissions that are caused from deforestation and degradation.[27]

The planting of trees on marginal crop and pasture lands helps to incorporate carbon from atmospheric CO
into biomass.[28][29] For this carbon sequestration process to succeed the carbon must not return to the atmosphere from biomass burning or rotting when the trees die.[30] To this end, land allotted to the trees must not be converted to other uses and management of the frequency of disturbances might be necessary in order to avoid extreme events. Alternatively, the wood from them must itself be sequestered, e.g., via biochar, bio-energy with carbon storage (BECS), landfill or stored by use in construction.

Reforestation with long-lived trees (>100 years) will sequester carbon for substantial periods and be released gradually, minimizing carbon's climate impact during the 21st century. Earth offers enough room to plant an additional 1.2 trillion trees.[31] Planting and protecting them would offset some 10 years of CO2 emissions and sequester 205 billion tons of carbon.[32] This approach is supported by the Trillion Tree Campaign. Restoring all degraded forests world-wide would capture about 205 billion tons of carbon in total, which is about two-thirds of all carbon emissions.[33][34]

Although a bamboo forest stores less total carbon than a mature forest of trees, a bamboo plantation sequesters carbon at a much faster rate than a mature forest or a tree plantation. Therefore, the farming of bamboo timber may have significant carbon sequestration potential.[35]

During a 30-year period to 2050 if all new construction globally utilized 90% wood products, largely via adoption of mass timber in low rise construction, this could sequester 700 million net tons of carbon per year,[36][37] thus negating approximately 2% of annual carbon emissions as of 2019.[38] This is in addition to the elimination of carbon emissions from the displaced construction material such as steel or concrete, which are carbon-intense to produce.

As enforcement of forest protection may not sufficiently address the drivers behind deforestation – the largest of which being the production of beef in the case of the Amazon rainforest[39] – it may also need policies. These could effectively ban and/or progressively discourage deforestation-associated trade via e.g. product information requirements, satellite monitoring like the Global Forest Watch, related eco-tariffs, and product certifications.[40][41][42]

Wetlands edit

An example of a healthy wetland ecosystem
Global distribution of blue carbon (rooted vegetation in the coastal zone): tidal marshes, mangroves and seagrasses.[43]

Wetland restoration involves restoring a wetland's natural biological, geological, and chemical functions through re-establishment or rehabilitation.[44] It has also been proposed as a potential climate change mitigation strategy.[45] Wetland soil, particularly in coastal wetlands such as mangroves, sea grasses, and salt marshes,[45] is an important carbon reservoir; 20–30% of the world's soil carbon is found in wetlands, while only 5–8% of the world's land is composed of wetlands.[46] Studies have shown that restored wetlands can become productive CO2 sinks[47][48][49] and many restoration projects have been enacted in the US and around the world.[50][51] Aside from climate benefits, wetland restoration and conservation can help preserve biodiversity, improve water quality, and aid with flood control.[52]

The plants that make up wetlands absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and convert it into organic matter. The waterlogged nature of the soil slows down the decomposition of organic material, leading to the accumulation of carbon-rich peat, acting as a long-term carbon sink.[53] Additionally, anaerobic conditions in waterlogged soils hinder the complete breakdown of organic matter, promoting the conversion of carbon into more stable forms.[54]

As with forests, for the sequestration process to succeed, the wetland must remain undisturbed. If it is disturbed somehow, the carbon stored in the plants and sediments will be released back into the atmosphere and the ecosystem will no longer function as a carbon sink.[55] Additionally, some wetlands can release non-CO2 greenhouse gases, such as methane[56] and nitrous oxide[57] which could offset potential climate benefits. The amounts of carbon sequestered via blue carbon by wetlands can also be difficult to measure.[52]

Wetlands are created when water overflows into heavily vegetated soil causing plants to adapt to a flooded ecosystem.[58] Wetlands can occur in three different regions.[59] Marine wetlands are found in shallow coastal areas, tidal wetlands are also coastal but are found farther inland, and non-tidal wetlands are found inland and have no effects from tides. Wetland soil is an important carbon sink; 14.5% of the world's soil carbon is found in wetlands, while only 5.5% of the world's land is composed of wetlands.[60] Not only are wetlands a great carbon sink, they have many other benefits like collecting floodwater, filtering air and water pollutants, and creating a home for numerous birds, fish, insects, and plants.[59]

Climate change could alter soil carbon storage changing it from a sink to a source.[61] With rising temperatures comes an increase in greenhouse gasses from wetlands especially locations with permafrost. When this permafrost melts it increases the available oxygen and water in the soil.[61] Because of this, bacteria in the soil would create large amounts of carbon dioxide and methane to be released into the atmosphere.[61]

The link between climate change and wetlands is still not fully known.[61] It is also not clear how restored wetlands manage carbon while still being a contributing source of methane. However, preserving these areas would help prevent further release of carbon into the atmosphere.[62]

Peatlands, mires and peat bogs edit

Peatlands hold approximately 30% of the carbon in our ecosystem.[62] When they are drained for agricultural land and urbanization, because peatlands are so vast, large quantities of carbon decompose and emit CO2 into the atmosphere.[62] The loss of one peatland could potentially produce more carbon than 175–500 years of methane emissions.[61]

Peat bogs act as a sink for carbon because they accumulate partially decayed biomass that would otherwise continue to decay completely. There is a variance on how much the peatlands act as a carbon sink or carbon source that can be linked to varying climates in different areas of the world and different times of the year.[63] By creating new bogs, or enhancing existing ones, the amount of carbon that is sequestered by bogs would increase.[64]

Agriculture edit

Panicum virgatum switchgrass, valuable in biofuel production, soil conservation, and carbon sequestration in soils.

Compared to natural vegetation, cropland soils are depleted in soil organic carbon (SOC). When soil is converted from natural land or semi-natural land, such as forests, woodlands, grasslands, steppes, and savannas, the SOC content in the soil reduces by about 30–40%.[65] This loss is due to the removal of plant material containing carbon, in terms of harvests. When land use changes, the carbon in the soil will either increase or decrease, and this change will continue until the soil reaches a new equilibrium. Deviations from this equilibrium can also be affected by variated climate.[66]

The decreasing of SOC content can be counteracted by increasing the carbon input. This can be done with several strategies, e.g. leave harvest residues on the field, use manure as fertilizer, or including perennial crops in the rotation. Perennial crops have a larger below ground biomass fraction, which increases the SOC content.[65]

Perennial crops reduce the need for tillage and thus help mitigate soil erosion, and may help increase soil organic matter. Globally, soils are estimated to contain >8,580 gigatons of organic carbon, about ten times the amount in the atmosphere and much more than in vegetation.[67]

Researchers have found that rising temperatures can lead to population booms in soil microbes, converting stored carbon into carbon dioxide. In laboratory experiments heating soil, fungi-rich soils released less carbon dioxide than other soils.[68]

Following carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption from the atmosphere, plants deposit organic matter into the soil.[69] This organic matter, derived from decaying plant material and root systems, is rich in carbon compounds. Microorganisms in the soil break down this organic matter, and in the process, some of the carbon becomes further stabilized in the soil as humus - a process known as humification.[70]

On a global basis, it is estimated that soil contains about 2,500 gigatons of carbon. This is greater than 3-fold the carbon found in the atmosphere and 4-fold of that found in living plants and animals.[71] About 70% of the global soil organic carbon in non-permafrost areas is found in the deeper soil within the upper 1 meter and stabilized by mineral-organic associations.[72]

Carbon farming edit

Carbon farming is a set of agricultural methods that aim to store carbon in the soil, crop roots, wood and leaves. The technical term for this is carbon sequestration. The overall goal of carbon farming is to create a net loss of carbon from the atmosphere.[73] This is done by increasing the rate at which carbon is sequestered into soil and plant material. One option is to increase the soil's organic matter content. This can also aid plant growth, improve soil water retention capacity[74] and reduce fertilizer use.[75] Sustainable forest management is another tool that is used in carbon farming.[76] Carbon farming is one component of climate-smart agriculture. It is also one of the methods for carbon dioxide removal (CDR).

Agricultural methods for carbon farming include adjusting how tillage and livestock grazing is done, using organic mulch or compost, working with biochar and terra preta, and changing the crop types. Methods used in forestry include for example reforestation and bamboo farming.

Carbon farming methods might have additional costs. Some countries have government policies that give financial incentives to farmers to use carbon farming methods.[77]

As of 2016, variants of carbon farming reached hundreds of millions of hectares globally, of the nearly 5 billion hectares (1.2×1010 acres) of world farmland.[78]

Carbon farming is not without its challenges or disadvantages. This is because some of its methods can affect ecosystem services. For example, carbon farming could cause an increase of land clearing, monocultures and biodiversity loss.[79] It is important to maximize environmental benefits of carbon farming by keeping in mind ecosystem services at the same time.[79]

Prairies edit

Prairie restoration is a conservation effort to restore prairie lands that were destroyed due to industrial, agricultural, commercial, or residential development.[80] The primary aim is to return areas and ecosystems to their previous state before their depletion.[81] The mass of SOC able to be stored in these restored plots is typically greater than the previous crop, acting as a more effective carbon sink.[82][83]

Biochar edit

Biochar is charcoal created by pyrolysis of biomass waste. The resulting material is added to a landfill or used as a soil improver to create terra preta.[84][85] Addition of pyrogenic organic carbon (biochar) is a novel strategy to increase the soil-C stock for the long term and to mitigate global warming by offsetting the atmospheric C (up to 9.5 Gigatons C annually).[86] In the soil, the biochar carbon is unavailable for oxidation to CO
and consequential atmospheric release. However concerns have been raised about biochar potentially accelerating release of the carbon already present in the soil.[87]

Terra preta, an anthropogenic, high-carbon soil, is also being investigated as a sequestration mechanism. By pyrolysing biomass, about half of its carbon can be reduced to charcoal, which can persist in the soil for centuries, and makes a useful soil amendment, especially in tropical soils (biochar or agrichar).[88][89]

Burial of biomass edit

Biochar can be landfilled, used as a soil improver or burned using carbon capture and storage.

Burying biomass (such as trees) directly mimics the natural processes that created fossil fuels.[90] The global potential for carbon sequestration using wood burial is estimated to be 10 ± 5 GtC/yr and largest rates in tropical forests (4.2 GtC/yr), followed by temperate (3.7 GtC/yr) and boreal forests (2.1 GtC/yr).[11] In 2008, Ning Zeng of the University of Maryland estimated 65 GtC lying on the floor of the world's forests as coarse woody material which could be buried and costs for wood burial carbon sequestration run at 50 USD/tC which is much lower than carbon capture from e.g. power plant emissions.[11] CO2 fixation into woody biomass is a natural process carried out through photosynthesis. This is a nature-based solution and suggested methods include the use of "wood vaults" to store the wood-containing carbon under oxygen-free conditions.[91]

In 2022 a certification organization published methodologies for biomass burial.[92] Other biomass storage proposals have included the burial of biomass deep underwater, including at the bottom of the Black Sea.[93]

Geological carbon sequestration edit

Underground storage in suitable geologic formations edit

Geological sequestration refers to the storage of CO2 underground in depleted oil and gas reservoirs, saline formations, or deep, coal beds unsuitable for mining.[citation needed]

Once CO2 is captured from a point source, such as a cement factory,[94] it can be compressed to ≈100 bar into a supercritical fluid. In this form, the CO2 could be transported via pipeline to the place of storage. The CO2 could then be injected deep underground, typically around 1 km, where it would be stable for hundreds to millions of years.[95] Under these storage conditions, the density of supercritical CO2 is 600 to 800 kg/m3.[96]

The important parameters in determining a good site for carbon storage are: rock porosity, rock permeability, absence of faults, and geometry of rock layers. The medium in which the CO2 is to be stored ideally has a high porosity and permeability, such as sandstone or limestone. Sandstone can have a permeability ranging from 1 to 10−5 Darcy, with a porosity as high as ≈30%. The porous rock must be capped by a layer of low permeability which acts as a seal, or caprock, for the CO2. Shale is an example of a very good caprock, with a permeability of 10−5 to 10−9 Darcy. Once injected, the CO2 plume will rise via buoyant forces, since it is less dense than its surroundings. Once it encounters a caprock, it will spread laterally until it encounters a gap. If there are fault planes near the injection zone, there is a possibility the CO2 could migrate along the fault to the surface, leaking into the atmosphere, which would be potentially dangerous to life in the surrounding area. Another risk related to carbon sequestration is induced seismicity. If the injection of CO2 creates pressures underground that are too high, the formation will fracture, potentially causing an earthquake.[97]

Structural trapping is considered the principal storage mechanism, impermeable or low permeability rocks such as mudstone, anhydrite, halite, or tight carbonates act as a barrier to the upward buoyant migration of CO2, resulting in the retention of CO2 within a storage formation.[98] While trapped in a rock formation, CO2 can be in the supercritical fluid phase or dissolve in groundwater/brine. It can also react with minerals in the geologic formation to become carbonates.

Mineral sequestration edit

Mineral sequestration aims to trap carbon in the form of solid carbonate salts. This process occurs slowly in nature and is responsible for the deposition and accumulation of limestone over geologic time. Carbonic acid in groundwater slowly reacts with complex silicates to dissolve calcium, magnesium, alkalis and silica and leave a residue of clay minerals. The dissolved calcium and magnesium react with bicarbonate to precipitate calcium and magnesium carbonates, a process that organisms use to make shells. When the organisms die, their shells are deposited as sediment and eventually turn into limestone. Limestones have accumulated over billions of years of geologic time and contain much of Earth's carbon. Ongoing research aims to speed up similar reactions involving alkali carbonates.[99]

Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks edit

Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) are metal-organic frameworks similar to zeolites. Because of their porosity, chemical stability and thermal resistance, ZIFs are being examined for their capacity to capture carbon dioxide.[100]

Mineral carbonation edit

CO2 exothermically reacts with metal oxides, producing stable carbonates (e.g. calcite, magnesite). This process (CO2-to-stone) occurs naturally over periods of years and is responsible for much surface limestone. Olivine is one such metal oxide.[101][self-published source?] Rocks rich in metal oxides that react with CO2, such as MgO and CaO as contained in basalts, have been proven as a viable means to achieve carbon-dioxide mineral storage.[102][103] The reaction rate can in principle be accelerated with a catalyst[104] or by increasing temperatures [dubious ] and/or pressures, or by mineral pre-treatment, although this method can require additional energy. The IPCC estimates that a power plant equipped with CCS using mineral storage would need 60–180% more energy than one without.[105] Theoretically, up to 22% of crustal mineral mass is able to form carbonates.[citation needed] Formation of Carbonates is considered to be the safest capturing mechanism of CO2.[106]

Selected metal oxides of Earth's crust
Earthen oxide Percent of crust Carbonate Enthalpy change (kJ/mol)
CaO 4.90 CaCO3 −179
MgO 4.36 MgCO3 −118
Na2O 3.55 Na2CO3 −322
FeO 3.52 FeCO3 −85
K2O 2.80 K2CO3 −393.5
Fe2O3 2.63 FeCO3 112
All oxides 21.76 All carbonates

Ultramafic mine tailings are a readily available source of fine-grained metal oxides that could serve this purpose.[107] Accelerating passive CO2 sequestration via mineral carbonation may be achieved through microbial processes that enhance mineral dissolution and carbonate precipitation.[108][109][110]

Carbon, in the form of CO
can be removed from the atmosphere by chemical processes, and stored in stable carbonate mineral forms. This process (CO
-to-stone) is known as "carbon sequestration by mineral carbonation" or mineral sequestration. The process involves reacting carbon dioxide with abundantly available metal oxides – either magnesium oxide (MgO) or calcium oxide (CaO) – to form stable carbonates. These reactions are exothermic and occur naturally (e.g., the weathering of rock over geologic time periods).[111][112]

CaO + CO
MgO + CO

Calcium and magnesium are found in nature typically as calcium and magnesium silicates (such as forsterite and serpentinite) and not as binary oxides. For forsterite and serpentine the reactions are:

+ 2 CO
→ 2 MgCO
+ SiO
+ 3 CO
→ 3 MgCO
+ 2 SiO
+ 2 H

These reactions are slightly more favorable at low temperatures.[111] This process occurs naturally over geologic time frames and is responsible for much of the Earth's surface limestone. The reaction rate can be made faster however, by reacting at higher temperatures and/or pressures, although this method requires some additional energy. Alternatively, the mineral could be milled to increase its surface area, and exposed to water and constant abrasion to remove the inert Silica as could be achieved naturally by dumping Olivine in the high energy surf of beaches.[113] Experiments suggest the weathering process is reasonably quick (one year) given porous basaltic rocks.[114][115]

The reaction yield, that is, the amount of CO2 mineralized per unit mass of the target material, is rarely achieved as per stoichiometry and as such, higher temperature, pressure and even chemical reagents will have to be used to achieve a better yield in a short time. As mineralized products occupy more volume than the originally excavated rocks, the environmental impacts associated with landfilling more material than was excavated in the first place must be considered.[116]

naturally reacts with peridotite rock in surface exposures of ophiolites, notably in Oman. It has been suggested that this process can be enhanced to carry out natural mineralization of CO

When CO
is dissolved in water and injected into hot basaltic rocks underground it has been shown that the CO
reacts with the basalt to form solid carbonate minerals.[119] A test plant in Iceland started up in October 2017, extracting up to 50 tons of CO2 a year from the atmosphere and storing it underground in basaltic rock.[120]

Researchers from British Columbia, developed a low cost process for the production of magnesite, also known as magnesium carbonate, which can sequester CO2 from the air, or at the point of air pollution, e.g. at a power plant. The crystals are naturally occurring, but accumulation is usually very slow.[121]

Concrete is a promising destination of captured carbon dioxide. Several advantages that concrete offers include, but not limited to: a source of plenty of calcium due to its substantial production all over the world; a thermodynamically stable condition for carbon dioxide to be stored as calcium carbonates; and its long-term capability of storing carbon dioxide as a material widely used in infrastructure.[122][123] Demolished concrete waste or recycled concrete could be also used aside from newly produced concrete.[124] Studies at HeidelbergCement show that carbon sequestration can turn demolished and recycled concrete into a supplementary cementitious material, which can act as a secondary binder in tandem with Portland cement, in new concrete production.[125][126]

Sequestration in oceans edit

Marine carbon pumps edit

The pelagic food web, showing the central involvement of marine microorganisms in how the ocean imports carbon and then exports it back to the atmosphere and ocean floor

The ocean naturally sequesters carbon through different processes.[citation needed] The solubility pump moves carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into the surface ocean where it reacts with water molecules to form carbonic acid. The solubility of carbon dioxide increases with decreasing water temperatures. Thermohaline circulation moves dissolved carbon dioxide to cooler waters where it is more soluble, increasing carbon concentrations in the ocean interior. The biological pump moves dissolved carbon dioxide from the surface ocean to the ocean's interior through the conversion of inorganic carbon to organic carbon by photosynthesis. Organic matter that survives respiration and remineralization can be transported through sinking particles and organism migration to the deep ocean.[citation needed]

The low temperatures, high pressure, and reduced oxygen levels in the deep sea slow down decomposition processes, preventing the rapid release of carbon back into the atmosphere and acting as a long-term storage reservoir.[127]

Vegetated coastal ecosystems edit

Blue carbon is a concept within climate change mitigation that refers to "biologically driven carbon fluxes and storage in marine systems that are amenable to management."[128]: 2220  Most commonly, it refers to the role that tidal marshes, mangroves and seagrasses can play in carbon sequestration.[128]: 2220  These ecosystems can play an important role for climate change mitigation and ecosystem-based adaptation. However, when blue carbon ecosystems are degraded or lost they release carbon back to the atmosphere, thereby adding to greenhouse gas emissions.[128]: 2220 

Seaweed farming and algae edit


Seaweed grow in shallow and coastal areas, and capture significant amounts of carbon that can be transported to the deep ocean by oceanic mechanisms; seaweed reaching the deep ocean sequester carbon and prevent it from exchanging with the atmosphere over millennia.[129] Growing seaweed offshore with the purpose of sinking the seaweed in the depths of the sea to sequester carbon has been suggested.[130] In addition, seaweed grows very fast and can theoretically be harvested and processed to generate biomethane, via anaerobic digestion to generate electricity, via cogeneration/CHP or as a replacement for natural gas. One study suggested that if seaweed farms covered 9% of the ocean they could produce enough biomethane to supply Earth's equivalent demand for fossil fuel energy, remove 53 gigatonnes of CO2 per year from the atmosphere and sustainably produce 200 kg per year of fish, per person, for 10 billion people.[131] Ideal species for such farming and conversion include Laminaria digitata, Fucus serratus and Saccharina latissima.[132]

Both macroalgae and microalgae are being investigated as possible means of carbon sequestration.[133][134] Marine phytoplankton perform half of the global photosynthetic CO2 fixation (net global primary production of ~50 Pg C per year) and half of the oxygen production despite amounting to only ~1% of global plant biomass.[135]

Because algae lack the complex lignin associated with terrestrial plants, the carbon in algae is released into the atmosphere more rapidly than carbon captured on land.[133][136] Algae have been proposed as a short-term storage pool of carbon that can be used as a feedstock for the production of various biogenic fuels.[137]

Women working with seaweed

Large-scale seaweed farming (called "ocean afforestation") could sequester huge amounts of carbon.[138] Wild seaweed will sequester large amount of carbon through dissolved particles of organic matter being transported to deep ocean seafloors where it will become buried and remain for long periods of time.[139] Currently seaweed farming is carried out to provide food, medicine and biofuel.[139] In respect to carbon farming, the potential growth of seaweed for carbon farming would see the harvested seaweed transported to the deep ocean for long-term burial.[139] Seaweed farming has gathered attention given the limited terrestrial space available for carbon farming practices.[139] Currently seaweed farming occurs mostly in the Asian Pacific coastal areas where it has been a rapidly increasing market.[139] The IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate recommends "further research attention" on seaweed farming as a mitigation tactic.[140]

However, seaweed farming, and carbon farming in general, only keeps the carbon within the fast carbon cycle, in intimate contact with the ocean and atmosphere, and once in equilibrium with the ecology, cannot be expected to hold additional carbon.

Ocean fertilization edit

An oceanic phytoplankton bloom in the South Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Argentina. Encouraging such blooms with iron fertilization could lock up carbon on the seabed. However, this approach is currently (2022) no longer being actively pursued.

Ocean fertilization or ocean nourishment is a type of technology for carbon dioxide removal from the ocean based on the purposeful introduction of plant nutrients to the upper ocean to increase marine food production and to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.[141][142] Ocean nutrient fertilization, for example iron fertilization, could stimulate photosynthesis in phytoplankton. The phytoplankton would convert the ocean's dissolved carbon dioxide into carbohydrate, some of which would sink into the deeper ocean before oxidizing. More than a dozen open-sea experiments confirmed that adding iron to the ocean increases photosynthesis in phytoplankton by up to 30 times.[143]

This is one of the more well-researched carbon dioxide removal (CDR) approaches, however this approach would only sequester carbon on a timescale of 10-100 years dependent on ocean mixing times. While surface ocean acidity may decrease as a result of nutrient fertilization, when the sinking organic matter remineralizes, deep ocean acidity will increase. A 2021 report on CDR indicates that there is medium-high confidence that the technique could be efficient and scalable at low cost, with medium environmental risks.[144] One of the key risks of nutrient fertilization is nutrient robbing, a process by which excess nutrients used in one location for enhanced primary productivity, as in a fertilization context, are then unavailable for normal productivity downstream. This could result in ecosystem impacts far outside the original site of fertilization.[144]

A number of techniques, including fertilization by the micronutrient iron (called iron fertilization) or with nitrogen and phosphorus (both macronutrients), have been proposed. But research in the early 2020s suggested that it could only permanently sequester a small amount of carbon.[145]

Artificial upwelling edit

Artificial upwelling or downwelling is an approach that would change the mixing layers of the ocean. Encouraging various ocean layers to mix can move nutrients and dissolved gases around, offering avenues for geoengineering.[146] Mixing may be achieved by placing large vertical pipes in the oceans to pump nutrient rich water to the surface, triggering blooms of algae, which store carbon when they grow and export carbon when they die.[146][147][148] This produces results somewhat similar to iron fertilization. One side-effect is a short-term rise in CO
, which limits its attractiveness.[149]

Mixing layers involve transporting the denser and colder deep ocean water to the surface mixed layer. As the ocean temperature decreases with depth, more carbon dioxide and other compounds are able to dissolve in the deeper layers.[150] This can be induced by reversing the oceanic carbon cycle through the use of large vertical pipes serving as ocean pumps,[151] or a mixer array.[152] When the nutrient rich deep ocean water is moved to the surface, algae bloom occurs, resulting in a decrease in carbon dioxide due to carbon intake from phytoplankton and other photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms. The transfer of heat between the layers will also cause seawater from the mixed layer to sink and absorb more carbon dioxide. This method has not gained much traction as algae bloom harms marine ecosystems by blocking sunlight and releasing harmful toxins into the ocean.[153] The sudden increase in carbon dioxide on the surface level will also temporarily decrease the pH of the seawater, impairing the growth of coral reefs. The production of carbonic acid through the dissolution of carbon dioxide in seawater hinders marine biogenic calcification and causes major disruptions to the oceanic food chain.[154]

Basalt storage edit

Carbon dioxide sequestration in basalt involves the injecting of CO
into deep-sea formations. The CO
first mixes with seawater and then reacts with the basalt, both of which are alkaline-rich elements. This reaction results in the release of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions forming stable carbonate minerals.[155]

Underwater basalt offers a good alternative to other forms of oceanic carbon storage because it has a number of trapping measures to ensure added protection against leakage. These measures include "geochemical, sediment, gravitational and hydrate formation." Because CO
hydrate is denser than CO
in seawater, the risk of leakage is minimal. Injecting the CO
at depths greater than 2,700 meters (8,900 ft) ensures that the CO
has a greater density than seawater, causing it to sink.[156]

One possible injection site is Juan de Fuca plate. Researchers at the Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory found that this plate at the western coast of the United States has a possible storage capacity of 208 gigatons. This could cover the entire current U.S. carbon emissions for over 100 years.[156]

This process is undergoing tests as part of the CarbFix project, resulting in 95% of the injected 250 tonnes of CO2 to solidify into calcite in two years, using 25 tonnes of water per tonne of CO2.[115][157]

Mineralization and deep sea sediments edit

Similar to mineralization processes that take place within rocks, mineralization can also occur under the sea. The rate of dissolution of carbon dioxide from atmosphere to oceanic regions is determined by the circulation period of the ocean and buffering ability of subducting surface water.[158] Researchers have demonstrated that the carbon dioxide marine storage at several kilometers depth could be viable for up to 500 years, but is dependent on injection site and conditions. Several studies have shown that although it may fix carbon dioxide effectively, carbon dioxide may be released back to the atmosphere over time. However, this is unlikely for at least a few more centuries. The neutralization of CaCO3, or balancing the concentration of CaCO3 on the seafloor, land and in the ocean, can be measured on a timescale of thousands of years. More specifically, the predicted time is 1700 years for ocean and approximately 5000 to 6000 years for land.[159][160] Further, the dissolution time for CaCO3 can be improved by injecting near or downstream of the storage site.[161]

In addition to carbon mineralization, another proposal is deep sea sediment injection. It injects liquid carbon dioxide at least 3000 m below the surface directly into ocean sediments to generate carbon dioxide hydrate. Two regions are defined for exploration: 1) the negative buoyancy zone (NBZ), which is the region between liquid carbon dioxide denser than surrounding water and where liquid carbon dioxide has neutral buoyancy, and 2) the hydrate formation zone (HFZ), which typically has low temperatures and high pressures. Several research models have shown that the optimal depth of injection requires consideration of intrinsic permeability and any changes in liquid carbon dioxide permeability for optimal storage. The formation of hydrates decreases liquid carbon dioxide permeability, and injection below HFZ is more energetically favored than within the HFZ. If the NBZ is a greater column of water than the HFZ, the injection should happen below the HFZ and directly to the NBZ.[162] In this case, liquid carbon dioxide will sink to the NBZ and be stored below the buoyancy and hydrate cap. Carbon dioxide leakage can occur if there is dissolution into pore fluid or via molecular diffusion. However, this occurs over thousands of years.[161][163][164]

Adding bases to neutralize acids edit

Carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid when dissolved in water, so ocean acidification is a significant consequence of elevated carbon dioxide levels, and limits the rate at which it can be absorbed into the ocean (the solubility pump). A variety of different bases have been suggested that could neutralize the acid and thus increase CO
absorption.[165][166][167][168][169] For example, adding crushed limestone to oceans enhances the absorption of carbon dioxide.[170] Another approach is to add sodium hydroxide to oceans which is produced by electrolysis of salt water or brine, while eliminating the waste hydrochloric acid by reaction with a volcanic silicate rock such as enstatite, effectively increasing the rate of natural weathering of these rocks to restore ocean pH.[171][172][173]

Single-step carbon sequestration and storage edit

Single-step carbon sequestration and storage is a saline water-based mineralization technology extracting carbon dioxide from seawater and storing it in the form of solid minerals.[174]

Abandoned ideas edit

Direct deep-sea carbon dioxide injection edit

It was once suggested that CO2 could be stored in the oceans by direct injection into the deep ocean and storing it there for some centuries. At the time, this proposal was called "ocean storage" but more precisely it was known as "direct deep-sea carbon dioxide injection". However, the interest in this avenue of carbon storage has much reduced since about 2001 because of concerns about the unknown impacts on marine life[175]: 279 , high costs and concerns about its stability or permanence.[95] The "IPCC Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage" in 2005 did include this technology as an option.[175]: 279  However, the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report in 2014 no longer mentioned the term "ocean storage" in its report on climate change mitigation methods.[176] The most recent IPCC Sixth Assessment Report in 2022 also no longer includes any mention of "ocean storage" in its "Carbon Dioxide Removal taxonomy".[177]: 12–37 

Cost edit

Cost of the sequestration (not including capture and transport) varies but is below US$10 per tonne in some cases where onshore storage is available.[178] For example Carbfix cost is around US$25 per tonne of CO2.[179] A 2020 report estimated sequestration in forests (so including capture) at US$35 for small quantities to US$280 per tonne for 10% of the total required to keep to 1.5 C warming.[180] But there is risk of forest fires releasing the carbon.[181]

Applications in climate change policies edit

United States edit

Starting in the mid-late 2010s, many pieces of US climate and environment policy have sought to make use of the climate change mitigation potential of carbon sequestration. Many of these policies involve either conservation of carbon sink ecosystems, such as forests and wetlands, or encouraging agricultural and land use practices designed to increase carbon sequestration such as carbon farming or agroforestry, often through financial incentivization for farmers and landowners.[citation needed]

The Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, signed by president Joe Biden on January 27, 2021, includes several mentions of carbon sequestration via conservation and restoration of carbon sink ecosystems, such as wetlands and forests. These include emphasizing the importance of farmers, landowners, and coastal communities in carbon sequestration, directing the Treasury Department to promote conservation of carbon sinks through market based mechanisms, and directing the Department of the Interior to collaborate with other agencies to create a Civilian Climate Corps to increase carbon sequestration in agriculture, among other things.[182]

See also edit

References edit

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carbon, sequestration, this, article, about, storing, carbon, that, atmosphere, removing, carbon, dioxide, from, industrial, point, sources, before, enters, atmosphere, carbon, capture, storage, removing, carbon, dioxide, from, atmosphere, negative, emissions,. This article is about storing carbon so that it is not in the atmosphere For removing carbon dioxide from industrial point sources before it enters the atmosphere see Carbon capture and storage For removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and negative emissions see Carbon dioxide removal Carbon sequestration is the process of storing carbon in a carbon pool 2 2248 It plays a crucial role in mitigating climate change by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere There are two main types of carbon sequestration biologic also called biosequestration and geologic 3 Biologic carbon sequestration is a naturally occurring process as part of the carbon cycle Humans can enhance it through deliberate actions and use of technology Carbon dioxide CO2 is naturally captured from the atmosphere through biological chemical and physical processes These processes can be accelerated for example through changes in land use and agricultural practices called carbon farming Artificial processes have also been devised to produce similar effects This approach is called carbon capture and storage It involves using technology to capture and sequester store CO2 that is produced from human activities underground or under the sea bed Schematic showing both geologic and biologic carbon sequestration of the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere emitted by human activities 1 Forests kelp beds and other forms of plant life absorb carbon dioxide from the air as they grow and bind it into biomass However these biological stores are considered impermanent carbon sinks as the long term sequestration cannot be guaranteed For example natural events such as wildfires or disease economic pressures and changing political priorities can result in the sequestered carbon being released back into the atmosphere 4 Carbon dioxide that has been removed from the atmosphere can also be stored in the Earth s crust by injecting it into the subsurface or in the form of insoluble carbonate salts The latter process is called mineral sequestration These methods are considered non volatile because they not only remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere but also sequester it indefinitely This means the carbon is locked away for thousands to millions of years To enhance carbon sequestration processes in oceans the following technologies have been proposed Seaweed farming ocean fertilization artificial upwelling basalt storage mineralization and deep sea sediments adding bases to neutralize acids 5 However none have achieved large scale application so far Contents 1 Terminology 1 1 History of the term etymology 2 Roles 2 1 In nature 2 2 In climate change mitigation 3 Biological carbon sequestration on land 3 1 Forestry 3 2 Wetlands 3 2 1 Peatlands mires and peat bogs 3 3 Agriculture 3 3 1 Carbon farming 3 3 2 Prairies 3 3 3 Biochar 3 4 Burial of biomass 4 Geological carbon sequestration 4 1 Underground storage in suitable geologic formations 4 2 Mineral sequestration 4 2 1 Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks 4 2 2 Mineral carbonation 5 Sequestration in oceans 5 1 Marine carbon pumps 5 2 Vegetated coastal ecosystems 5 3 Seaweed farming and algae 5 4 Ocean fertilization 5 5 Artificial upwelling 5 6 Basalt storage 5 6 1 Mineralization and deep sea sediments 5 7 Adding bases to neutralize acids 5 7 1 Single step carbon sequestration and storage 5 8 Abandoned ideas 5 8 1 Direct deep sea carbon dioxide injection 6 Cost 7 Applications in climate change policies 7 1 United States 8 See also 9 ReferencesTerminology editThe term carbon sequestration is used in different ways in the literature and media The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report defines it as The process of storing carbon in a carbon pool 2 2248 Subsequently a pool is defined as a reservoir in the Earth system where elements such as carbon and nitrogen reside in various chemical forms for a period of time 2 2244 The United States Geological Survey USGS defines carbon sequestration as follows Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide 3 Therefore the difference between carbon sequestration and carbon capture and storage CCS is sometimes blurred in the media The IPCC however defines CCS as a process in which a relatively pure stream of carbon dioxide CO2 from industrial sources is separated treated and transported to a long term storage location 6 2221 History of the term etymology edit The term sequestration is based on the Latin sequestrare which means set aside or surrender It is derived from sequester a depositary or trustee one in whose hands a thing in dispute was placed until the dispute was settled In English sequestered means secluded or withdrawn 7 In law sequestration is the act of removing separating or seizing anything from the possession of its owner under process of law for the benefit of creditors or the state 7 Roles editIn nature edit Carbon sequestration is part of the natural carbon cycle by which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere pedosphere geosphere hydrosphere and atmosphere of Earth citation needed Carbon dioxide is naturally captured from the atmosphere through biological chemical or physical processes and stored in long term reservoirs Forests kelp beds and other forms of plant life absorb carbon dioxide from the air as they grow and bind it into biomass However these biological stores are considered volatile carbon sinks as the long term sequestration cannot be guaranteed Events such as wildfires or disease economic pressures and changing political priorities can result in the sequestered carbon being released back into the atmosphere 8 In climate change mitigation edit Further information climate change mitigation Carbon sequestration when acting as a carbon sink helps to mitigate climate change and thus reduce harmful effects of climate change It helps to slow the atmospheric and marine accumulation of greenhouse gases which are released by burning fossil fuels and industrial livestock production 9 Carbon sequestration when applied for climate change mitigation can either build on enhancing naturally occurring carbon sequestration or use technology for carbon sequestration processes citation needed Within the carbon capture and storage approaches carbon sequestration refers to the storage component Artificial carbon storage technologies can be applied such as gaseous storage in deep geological formations including saline formations and exhausted gas fields and solid storage by reaction of CO2 with metal oxides to produce stable carbonates 10 For carbon to be sequestered artificially i e not using the natural processes of the carbon cycle it must first be captured or it must be significantly delayed or prevented from being re released into the atmosphere by combustion decay etc from an existing carbon rich material by being incorporated into an enduring usage such as in construction Thereafter it can be passively stored or remain productively utilized over time in a variety of ways For instance upon harvesting wood as a carbon rich material can be incorporated into construction or a range of other durable products thus sequestering its carbon over years or even centuries 11 Biological carbon sequestration on land edit nbsp Reforestation and reducing deforestation can increase carbon sequestration in several ways Pandani Richea pandanifolia near Lake Dobson Mount Field National Park Tasmania Australia Biological carbon sequestration also called biosequestration is the capture and storage of the atmospheric greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by continual or enhanced biological processes This form of carbon sequestration occurs through increased rates of photosynthesis via land use practices such as reforestation and sustainable forest management 12 13 Land use changes that enhance natural carbon capture have the potential to capture and store large amounts of carbon dioxide each year These include the conservation management and restoration of ecosystems such as forests peatlands wetlands and grasslands in addition to carbon sequestration methods in agriculture 14 Methods and practices exist to enhance soil carbon sequestration in both sectors of agriculture and forestry 15 Forestry edit See also Carbon sink Forests and Deforestation nbsp Transferring land rights to indigenous inhabitants is argued to efficiently conserve forests Trees absorb carbon dioxide CO2 from the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis Throughout this biochemical process chlorophyll in the tree s leaves harnesses sunlight to convert CO2 and water into glucose and oxygen 16 While glucose serves as a source of energy for the tree oxygen is released into the atmosphere as a byproduct Trees store carbon in the form of biomass encompassing roots stems branches and leaves Throughout their lifespan trees continue to sequester carbon acting as long term storage units for atmospheric CO2 17 Sustainable forest management afforestration reforestation and proforestation are therefore important contributions to climate change mitigation Afforestation is the establishment of a forest in an area where there was no previous tree cover Proforestation is the practice of growing an existing forest intact toward its full ecological potential 18 An important consideration in such efforts is that the carbon sink potential of forests will saturate 19 and forests can turn from sinks to carbon sources 20 21 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC concluded that a combination of measures aimed at increasing forest carbon stocks and sustainable timber offtake will generate the largest carbon sequestration benefit 22 In terms of carbon retention on forest land it is better to avoid deforestation than to remove trees and subsequently reforest as deforestation leads to irreversible effects e g biodiversity loss and soil degradation 23 Additionally the effects of af or reforestation will be farther in the future compared to keeping existing forests intact 24 It takes much longer several decades for reforested areas to return to the same carbon sequestration levels found in mature tropical forests 25 There are four primary ways in which reforestation and reducing deforestation can increase carbon sequestration First by increasing the volume of existing forest Second by increasing the carbon density of existing forests at a stand and landscape scale 26 Third by expanding the use of forest products that will sustainably replace fossil fuel emissions Fourth by reducing carbon emissions that are caused from deforestation and degradation 27 The planting of trees on marginal crop and pasture lands helps to incorporate carbon from atmospheric CO2 into biomass 28 29 For this carbon sequestration process to succeed the carbon must not return to the atmosphere from biomass burning or rotting when the trees die 30 To this end land allotted to the trees must not be converted to other uses and management of the frequency of disturbances might be necessary in order to avoid extreme events Alternatively the wood from them must itself be sequestered e g via biochar bio energy with carbon storage BECS landfill or stored by use in construction Reforestation with long lived trees gt 100 years will sequester carbon for substantial periods and be released gradually minimizing carbon s climate impact during the 21st century Earth offers enough room to plant an additional 1 2 trillion trees 31 Planting and protecting them would offset some 10 years of CO2 emissions and sequester 205 billion tons of carbon 32 This approach is supported by the Trillion Tree Campaign Restoring all degraded forests world wide would capture about 205 billion tons of carbon in total which is about two thirds of all carbon emissions 33 34 Although a bamboo forest stores less total carbon than a mature forest of trees a bamboo plantation sequesters carbon at a much faster rate than a mature forest or a tree plantation Therefore the farming of bamboo timber may have significant carbon sequestration potential 35 During a 30 year period to 2050 if all new construction globally utilized 90 wood products largely via adoption of mass timber in low rise construction this could sequester 700 million net tons of carbon per year 36 37 thus negating approximately 2 of annual carbon emissions as of 2019 38 This is in addition to the elimination of carbon emissions from the displaced construction material such as steel or concrete which are carbon intense to produce As enforcement of forest protection may not sufficiently address the drivers behind deforestation the largest of which being the production of beef in the case of the Amazon rainforest 39 it may also need policies These could effectively ban and or progressively discourage deforestation associated trade via e g product information requirements satellite monitoring like the Global Forest Watch related eco tariffs and product certifications 40 41 42 Wetlands edit See also Blue carbon nbsp An example of a healthy wetland ecosystem nbsp Global distribution of blue carbon rooted vegetation in the coastal zone tidal marshes mangroves and seagrasses 43 Wetland restoration involves restoring a wetland s natural biological geological and chemical functions through re establishment or rehabilitation 44 It has also been proposed as a potential climate change mitigation strategy 45 Wetland soil particularly in coastal wetlands such as mangroves sea grasses and salt marshes 45 is an important carbon reservoir 20 30 of the world s soil carbon is found in wetlands while only 5 8 of the world s land is composed of wetlands 46 Studies have shown that restored wetlands can become productive CO2 sinks 47 48 49 and many restoration projects have been enacted in the US and around the world 50 51 Aside from climate benefits wetland restoration and conservation can help preserve biodiversity improve water quality and aid with flood control 52 The plants that make up wetlands absorb carbon dioxide CO2 from the atmosphere and convert it into organic matter The waterlogged nature of the soil slows down the decomposition of organic material leading to the accumulation of carbon rich peat acting as a long term carbon sink 53 Additionally anaerobic conditions in waterlogged soils hinder the complete breakdown of organic matter promoting the conversion of carbon into more stable forms 54 As with forests for the sequestration process to succeed the wetland must remain undisturbed If it is disturbed somehow the carbon stored in the plants and sediments will be released back into the atmosphere and the ecosystem will no longer function as a carbon sink 55 Additionally some wetlands can release non CO2 greenhouse gases such as methane 56 and nitrous oxide 57 which could offset potential climate benefits The amounts of carbon sequestered via blue carbon by wetlands can also be difficult to measure 52 Wetlands are created when water overflows into heavily vegetated soil causing plants to adapt to a flooded ecosystem 58 Wetlands can occur in three different regions 59 Marine wetlands are found in shallow coastal areas tidal wetlands are also coastal but are found farther inland and non tidal wetlands are found inland and have no effects from tides Wetland soil is an important carbon sink 14 5 of the world s soil carbon is found in wetlands while only 5 5 of the world s land is composed of wetlands 60 Not only are wetlands a great carbon sink they have many other benefits like collecting floodwater filtering air and water pollutants and creating a home for numerous birds fish insects and plants 59 Climate change could alter soil carbon storage changing it from a sink to a source 61 With rising temperatures comes an increase in greenhouse gasses from wetlands especially locations with permafrost When this permafrost melts it increases the available oxygen and water in the soil 61 Because of this bacteria in the soil would create large amounts of carbon dioxide and methane to be released into the atmosphere 61 The link between climate change and wetlands is still not fully known 61 It is also not clear how restored wetlands manage carbon while still being a contributing source of methane However preserving these areas would help prevent further release of carbon into the atmosphere 62 Peatlands mires and peat bogs edit Peatlands hold approximately 30 of the carbon in our ecosystem 62 When they are drained for agricultural land and urbanization because peatlands are so vast large quantities of carbon decompose and emit CO2 into the atmosphere 62 The loss of one peatland could potentially produce more carbon than 175 500 years of methane emissions 61 Peat bogs act as a sink for carbon because they accumulate partially decayed biomass that would otherwise continue to decay completely There is a variance on how much the peatlands act as a carbon sink or carbon source that can be linked to varying climates in different areas of the world and different times of the year 63 By creating new bogs or enhancing existing ones the amount of carbon that is sequestered by bogs would increase 64 Agriculture edit See also Carbon sink Soils nbsp Panicum virgatum switchgrass valuable in biofuel production soil conservation and carbon sequestration in soils Compared to natural vegetation cropland soils are depleted in soil organic carbon SOC When soil is converted from natural land or semi natural land such as forests woodlands grasslands steppes and savannas the SOC content in the soil reduces by about 30 40 65 This loss is due to the removal of plant material containing carbon in terms of harvests When land use changes the carbon in the soil will either increase or decrease and this change will continue until the soil reaches a new equilibrium Deviations from this equilibrium can also be affected by variated climate 66 The decreasing of SOC content can be counteracted by increasing the carbon input This can be done with several strategies e g leave harvest residues on the field use manure as fertilizer or including perennial crops in the rotation Perennial crops have a larger below ground biomass fraction which increases the SOC content 65 Perennial crops reduce the need for tillage and thus help mitigate soil erosion and may help increase soil organic matter Globally soils are estimated to contain gt 8 580 gigatons of organic carbon about ten times the amount in the atmosphere and much more than in vegetation 67 Researchers have found that rising temperatures can lead to population booms in soil microbes converting stored carbon into carbon dioxide In laboratory experiments heating soil fungi rich soils released less carbon dioxide than other soils 68 Following carbon dioxide CO2 absorption from the atmosphere plants deposit organic matter into the soil 69 This organic matter derived from decaying plant material and root systems is rich in carbon compounds Microorganisms in the soil break down this organic matter and in the process some of the carbon becomes further stabilized in the soil as humus a process known as humification 70 On a global basis it is estimated that soil contains about 2 500 gigatons of carbon This is greater than 3 fold the carbon found in the atmosphere and 4 fold of that found in living plants and animals 71 About 70 of the global soil organic carbon in non permafrost areas is found in the deeper soil within the upper 1 meter and stabilized by mineral organic associations 72 Carbon farming edit This section is an excerpt from Carbon farming edit Carbon farming is a set of agricultural methods that aim to store carbon in the soil crop roots wood and leaves The technical term for this is carbon sequestration The overall goal of carbon farming is to create a net loss of carbon from the atmosphere 73 This is done by increasing the rate at which carbon is sequestered into soil and plant material One option is to increase the soil s organic matter content This can also aid plant growth improve soil water retention capacity 74 and reduce fertilizer use 75 Sustainable forest management is another tool that is used in carbon farming 76 Carbon farming is one component of climate smart agriculture It is also one of the methods for carbon dioxide removal CDR Agricultural methods for carbon farming include adjusting how tillage and livestock grazing is done using organic mulch or compost working with biochar and terra preta and changing the crop types Methods used in forestry include for example reforestation and bamboo farming Carbon farming methods might have additional costs Some countries have government policies that give financial incentives to farmers to use carbon farming methods 77 As of 2016 variants of carbon farming reached hundreds of millions of hectares globally of the nearly 5 billion hectares 1 2 1010 acres of world farmland 78 Carbon farming is not without its challenges or disadvantages This is because some of its methods can affect ecosystem services For example carbon farming could cause an increase of land clearing monocultures and biodiversity loss 79 It is important to maximize environmental benefits of carbon farming by keeping in mind ecosystem services at the same time 79 Prairies edit Prairie restoration is a conservation effort to restore prairie lands that were destroyed due to industrial agricultural commercial or residential development 80 The primary aim is to return areas and ecosystems to their previous state before their depletion 81 The mass of SOC able to be stored in these restored plots is typically greater than the previous crop acting as a more effective carbon sink 82 83 Biochar edit Main article Biochar Biochar is charcoal created by pyrolysis of biomass waste The resulting material is added to a landfill or used as a soil improver to create terra preta 84 85 Addition of pyrogenic organic carbon biochar is a novel strategy to increase the soil C stock for the long term and to mitigate global warming by offsetting the atmospheric C up to 9 5 Gigatons C annually 86 In the soil the biochar carbon is unavailable for oxidation to CO2 and consequential atmospheric release However concerns have been raised about biochar potentially accelerating release of the carbon already present in the soil 87 Terra preta an anthropogenic high carbon soil is also being investigated as a sequestration mechanism By pyrolysing biomass about half of its carbon can be reduced to charcoal which can persist in the soil for centuries and makes a useful soil amendment especially in tropical soils biochar or agrichar 88 89 Burial of biomass edit nbsp Biochar can be landfilled used as a soil improver or burned using carbon capture and storage Burying biomass such as trees directly mimics the natural processes that created fossil fuels 90 The global potential for carbon sequestration using wood burial is estimated to be 10 5 GtC yr and largest rates in tropical forests 4 2 GtC yr followed by temperate 3 7 GtC yr and boreal forests 2 1 GtC yr 11 In 2008 Ning Zeng of the University of Maryland estimated 65 GtC lying on the floor of the world s forests as coarse woody material which could be buried and costs for wood burial carbon sequestration run at 50 USD tC which is much lower than carbon capture from e g power plant emissions 11 CO2 fixation into woody biomass is a natural process carried out through photosynthesis This is a nature based solution and suggested methods include the use of wood vaults to store the wood containing carbon under oxygen free conditions 91 In 2022 a certification organization published methodologies for biomass burial 92 Other biomass storage proposals have included the burial of biomass deep underwater including at the bottom of the Black Sea 93 Geological carbon sequestration editUnderground storage in suitable geologic formations edit Main articles Carbon capture and storage and Direct air capture Geological sequestration refers to the storage of CO2 underground in depleted oil and gas reservoirs saline formations or deep coal beds unsuitable for mining citation needed Once CO2 is captured from a point source such as a cement factory 94 it can be compressed to 100 bar into a supercritical fluid In this form the CO2 could be transported via pipeline to the place of storage The CO2 could then be injected deep underground typically around 1 km where it would be stable for hundreds to millions of years 95 Under these storage conditions the density of supercritical CO2 is 600 to 800 kg m3 96 The important parameters in determining a good site for carbon storage are rock porosity rock permeability absence of faults and geometry of rock layers The medium in which the CO2 is to be stored ideally has a high porosity and permeability such as sandstone or limestone Sandstone can have a permeability ranging from 1 to 10 5 Darcy with a porosity as high as 30 The porous rock must be capped by a layer of low permeability which acts as a seal or caprock for the CO2 Shale is an example of a very good caprock with a permeability of 10 5 to 10 9 Darcy Once injected the CO2 plume will rise via buoyant forces since it is less dense than its surroundings Once it encounters a caprock it will spread laterally until it encounters a gap If there are fault planes near the injection zone there is a possibility the CO2 could migrate along the fault to the surface leaking into the atmosphere which would be potentially dangerous to life in the surrounding area Another risk related to carbon sequestration is induced seismicity If the injection of CO2 creates pressures underground that are too high the formation will fracture potentially causing an earthquake 97 Structural trapping is considered the principal storage mechanism impermeable or low permeability rocks such as mudstone anhydrite halite or tight carbonates act as a barrier to the upward buoyant migration of CO2 resulting in the retention of CO2 within a storage formation 98 While trapped in a rock formation CO2 can be in the supercritical fluid phase or dissolve in groundwater brine It can also react with minerals in the geologic formation to become carbonates Mineral sequestration edit Mineral sequestration aims to trap carbon in the form of solid carbonate salts This process occurs slowly in nature and is responsible for the deposition and accumulation of limestone over geologic time Carbonic acid in groundwater slowly reacts with complex silicates to dissolve calcium magnesium alkalis and silica and leave a residue of clay minerals The dissolved calcium and magnesium react with bicarbonate to precipitate calcium and magnesium carbonates a process that organisms use to make shells When the organisms die their shells are deposited as sediment and eventually turn into limestone Limestones have accumulated over billions of years of geologic time and contain much of Earth s carbon Ongoing research aims to speed up similar reactions involving alkali carbonates 99 Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks edit Main article Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks ZIFs are metal organic frameworks similar to zeolites Because of their porosity chemical stability and thermal resistance ZIFs are being examined for their capacity to capture carbon dioxide 100 Mineral carbonation edit This section needs to be updated Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information June 2019 CO2 exothermically reacts with metal oxides producing stable carbonates e g calcite magnesite This process CO2 to stone occurs naturally over periods of years and is responsible for much surface limestone Olivine is one such metal oxide 101 self published source Rocks rich in metal oxides that react with CO2 such as MgO and CaO as contained in basalts have been proven as a viable means to achieve carbon dioxide mineral storage 102 103 The reaction rate can in principle be accelerated with a catalyst 104 or by increasing temperatures dubious discuss and or pressures or by mineral pre treatment although this method can require additional energy The IPCC estimates that a power plant equipped with CCS using mineral storage would need 60 180 more energy than one without 105 Theoretically up to 22 of crustal mineral mass is able to form carbonates citation needed Formation of Carbonates is considered to be the safest capturing mechanism of CO2 106 Selected metal oxides of Earth s crust Earthen oxide Percent of crust Carbonate Enthalpy change kJ mol CaO 4 90 CaCO3 179 MgO 4 36 MgCO3 118 Na2O 3 55 Na2CO3 322 FeO 3 52 FeCO3 85 K2O 2 80 K2CO3 393 5 Fe2O3 2 63 FeCO3 112 All oxides 21 76 All carbonates Ultramafic mine tailings are a readily available source of fine grained metal oxides that could serve this purpose 107 Accelerating passive CO2 sequestration via mineral carbonation may be achieved through microbial processes that enhance mineral dissolution and carbonate precipitation 108 109 110 Carbon in the form of CO2 can be removed from the atmosphere by chemical processes and stored in stable carbonate mineral forms This process CO2 to stone is known as carbon sequestration by mineral carbonation or mineral sequestration The process involves reacting carbon dioxide with abundantly available metal oxides either magnesium oxide MgO or calcium oxide CaO to form stable carbonates These reactions are exothermic and occur naturally e g the weathering of rock over geologic time periods 111 112 CaO CO2 CaCO3 MgO CO2 MgCO3 Calcium and magnesium are found in nature typically as calcium and magnesium silicates such as forsterite and serpentinite and not as binary oxides For forsterite and serpentine the reactions are Mg2 SiO4 2 CO2 2 MgCO3 SiO2 Mg3 Si2 O5 OH 4 3 CO2 3 MgCO3 2 SiO2 2 H2 O These reactions are slightly more favorable at low temperatures 111 This process occurs naturally over geologic time frames and is responsible for much of the Earth s surface limestone The reaction rate can be made faster however by reacting at higher temperatures and or pressures although this method requires some additional energy Alternatively the mineral could be milled to increase its surface area and exposed to water and constant abrasion to remove the inert Silica as could be achieved naturally by dumping Olivine in the high energy surf of beaches 113 Experiments suggest the weathering process is reasonably quick one year given porous basaltic rocks 114 115 The reaction yield that is the amount of CO2 mineralized per unit mass of the target material is rarely achieved as per stoichiometry and as such higher temperature pressure and even chemical reagents will have to be used to achieve a better yield in a short time As mineralized products occupy more volume than the originally excavated rocks the environmental impacts associated with landfilling more material than was excavated in the first place must be considered 116 CO2 naturally reacts with peridotite rock in surface exposures of ophiolites notably in Oman It has been suggested that this process can be enhanced to carry out natural mineralization of CO2 117 118 When CO2 is dissolved in water and injected into hot basaltic rocks underground it has been shown that the CO2 reacts with the basalt to form solid carbonate minerals 119 A test plant in Iceland started up in October 2017 extracting up to 50 tons of CO2 a year from the atmosphere and storing it underground in basaltic rock 120 Researchers from British Columbia developed a low cost process for the production of magnesite also known as magnesium carbonate which can sequester CO2 from the air or at the point of air pollution e g at a power plant The crystals are naturally occurring but accumulation is usually very slow 121 Concrete is a promising destination of captured carbon dioxide Several advantages that concrete offers include but not limited to a source of plenty of calcium due to its substantial production all over the world a thermodynamically stable condition for carbon dioxide to be stored as calcium carbonates and its long term capability of storing carbon dioxide as a material widely used in infrastructure 122 123 Demolished concrete waste or recycled concrete could be also used aside from newly produced concrete 124 Studies at HeidelbergCement show that carbon sequestration can turn demolished and recycled concrete into a supplementary cementitious material which can act as a secondary binder in tandem with Portland cement in new concrete production 125 126 Sequestration in oceans editMarine carbon pumps edit Further information Solubility pump and Biological pump nbsp The pelagic food web showing the central involvement of marine microorganisms in how the ocean imports carbon and then exports it back to the atmosphere and ocean floor The ocean naturally sequesters carbon through different processes citation needed The solubility pump moves carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into the surface ocean where it reacts with water molecules to form carbonic acid The solubility of carbon dioxide increases with decreasing water temperatures Thermohaline circulation moves dissolved carbon dioxide to cooler waters where it is more soluble increasing carbon concentrations in the ocean interior The biological pump moves dissolved carbon dioxide from the surface ocean to the ocean s interior through the conversion of inorganic carbon to organic carbon by photosynthesis Organic matter that survives respiration and remineralization can be transported through sinking particles and organism migration to the deep ocean citation needed The low temperatures high pressure and reduced oxygen levels in the deep sea slow down decomposition processes preventing the rapid release of carbon back into the atmosphere and acting as a long term storage reservoir 127 Vegetated coastal ecosystems edit This section is an excerpt from Blue carbon edit Blue carbon is a concept within climate change mitigation that refers to biologically driven carbon fluxes and storage in marine systems that are amenable to management 128 2220 Most commonly it refers to the role that tidal marshes mangroves and seagrasses can play in carbon sequestration 128 2220 These ecosystems can play an important role for climate change mitigation and ecosystem based adaptation However when blue carbon ecosystems are degraded or lost they release carbon back to the atmosphere thereby adding to greenhouse gas emissions 128 2220 Seaweed farming and algae edit Further information Seaweed farming Climate change mitigation nbsp Kelp forest nbsp Seagrass meadow Seaweed grow in shallow and coastal areas and capture significant amounts of carbon that can be transported to the deep ocean by oceanic mechanisms seaweed reaching the deep ocean sequester carbon and prevent it from exchanging with the atmosphere over millennia 129 Growing seaweed offshore with the purpose of sinking the seaweed in the depths of the sea to sequester carbon has been suggested 130 In addition seaweed grows very fast and can theoretically be harvested and processed to generate biomethane via anaerobic digestion to generate electricity via cogeneration CHP or as a replacement for natural gas One study suggested that if seaweed farms covered 9 of the ocean they could produce enough biomethane to supply Earth s equivalent demand for fossil fuel energy remove 53 gigatonnes of CO2 per year from the atmosphere and sustainably produce 200 kg per year of fish per person for 10 billion people 131 Ideal species for such farming and conversion include Laminaria digitata Fucus serratus and Saccharina latissima 132 Both macroalgae and microalgae are being investigated as possible means of carbon sequestration 133 134 Marine phytoplankton perform half of the global photosynthetic CO2 fixation net global primary production of 50 Pg C per year and half of the oxygen production despite amounting to only 1 of global plant biomass 135 Because algae lack the complex lignin associated with terrestrial plants the carbon in algae is released into the atmosphere more rapidly than carbon captured on land 133 136 Algae have been proposed as a short term storage pool of carbon that can be used as a feedstock for the production of various biogenic fuels 137 nbsp Women working with seaweed Large scale seaweed farming called ocean afforestation could sequester huge amounts of carbon 138 Wild seaweed will sequester large amount of carbon through dissolved particles of organic matter being transported to deep ocean seafloors where it will become buried and remain for long periods of time 139 Currently seaweed farming is carried out to provide food medicine and biofuel 139 In respect to carbon farming the potential growth of seaweed for carbon farming would see the harvested seaweed transported to the deep ocean for long term burial 139 Seaweed farming has gathered attention given the limited terrestrial space available for carbon farming practices 139 Currently seaweed farming occurs mostly in the Asian Pacific coastal areas where it has been a rapidly increasing market 139 The IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate recommends further research attention on seaweed farming as a mitigation tactic 140 However seaweed farming and carbon farming in general only keeps the carbon within the fast carbon cycle in intimate contact with the ocean and atmosphere and once in equilibrium with the ecology cannot be expected to hold additional carbon Ocean fertilization edit nbsp An oceanic phytoplankton bloom in the South Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Argentina Encouraging such blooms with iron fertilization could lock up carbon on the seabed However this approach is currently 2022 no longer being actively pursued This section is an excerpt from Ocean fertilization edit Ocean fertilization or ocean nourishment is a type of technology for carbon dioxide removal from the ocean based on the purposeful introduction of plant nutrients to the upper ocean to increase marine food production and to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere 141 142 Ocean nutrient fertilization for example iron fertilization could stimulate photosynthesis in phytoplankton The phytoplankton would convert the ocean s dissolved carbon dioxide into carbohydrate some of which would sink into the deeper ocean before oxidizing More than a dozen open sea experiments confirmed that adding iron to the ocean increases photosynthesis in phytoplankton by up to 30 times 143 This is one of the more well researched carbon dioxide removal CDR approaches however this approach would only sequester carbon on a timescale of 10 100 years dependent on ocean mixing times While surface ocean acidity may decrease as a result of nutrient fertilization when the sinking organic matter remineralizes deep ocean acidity will increase A 2021 report on CDR indicates that there is medium high confidence that the technique could be efficient and scalable at low cost with medium environmental risks 144 One of the key risks of nutrient fertilization is nutrient robbing a process by which excess nutrients used in one location for enhanced primary productivity as in a fertilization context are then unavailable for normal productivity downstream This could result in ecosystem impacts far outside the original site of fertilization 144 A number of techniques including fertilization by the micronutrient iron called iron fertilization or with nitrogen and phosphorus both macronutrients have been proposed But research in the early 2020s suggested that it could only permanently sequester a small amount of carbon 145 Artificial upwelling edit Artificial upwelling or downwelling is an approach that would change the mixing layers of the ocean Encouraging various ocean layers to mix can move nutrients and dissolved gases around offering avenues for geoengineering 146 Mixing may be achieved by placing large vertical pipes in the oceans to pump nutrient rich water to the surface triggering blooms of algae which store carbon when they grow and export carbon when they die 146 147 148 This produces results somewhat similar to iron fertilization One side effect is a short term rise in CO2 which limits its attractiveness 149 Mixing layers involve transporting the denser and colder deep ocean water to the surface mixed layer As the ocean temperature decreases with depth more carbon dioxide and other compounds are able to dissolve in the deeper layers 150 This can be induced by reversing the oceanic carbon cycle through the use of large vertical pipes serving as ocean pumps 151 or a mixer array 152 When the nutrient rich deep ocean water is moved to the surface algae bloom occurs resulting in a decrease in carbon dioxide due to carbon intake from phytoplankton and other photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms The transfer of heat between the layers will also cause seawater from the mixed layer to sink and absorb more carbon dioxide This method has not gained much traction as algae bloom harms marine ecosystems by blocking sunlight and releasing harmful toxins into the ocean 153 The sudden increase in carbon dioxide on the surface level will also temporarily decrease the pH of the seawater impairing the growth of coral reefs The production of carbonic acid through the dissolution of carbon dioxide in seawater hinders marine biogenic calcification and causes major disruptions to the oceanic food chain 154 Basalt storage edit Carbon dioxide sequestration in basalt involves the injecting of CO2 into deep sea formations The CO2 first mixes with seawater and then reacts with the basalt both of which are alkaline rich elements This reaction results in the release of Ca2 and Mg2 ions forming stable carbonate minerals 155 Underwater basalt offers a good alternative to other forms of oceanic carbon storage because it has a number of trapping measures to ensure added protection against leakage These measures include geochemical sediment gravitational and hydrate formation Because CO2 hydrate is denser than CO2 in seawater the risk of leakage is minimal Injecting the CO2 at depths greater than 2 700 meters 8 900 ft ensures that the CO2 has a greater density than seawater causing it to sink 156 One possible injection site is Juan de Fuca plate Researchers at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory found that this plate at the western coast of the United States has a possible storage capacity of 208 gigatons This could cover the entire current U S carbon emissions for over 100 years 156 This process is undergoing tests as part of the CarbFix project resulting in 95 of the injected 250 tonnes of CO2 to solidify into calcite in two years using 25 tonnes of water per tonne of CO2 115 157 Mineralization and deep sea sediments edit See also Pelagic sedimentSimilar to mineralization processes that take place within rocks mineralization can also occur under the sea The rate of dissolution of carbon dioxide from atmosphere to oceanic regions is determined by the circulation period of the ocean and buffering ability of subducting surface water 158 Researchers have demonstrated that the carbon dioxide marine storage at several kilometers depth could be viable for up to 500 years but is dependent on injection site and conditions Several studies have shown that although it may fix carbon dioxide effectively carbon dioxide may be released back to the atmosphere over time However this is unlikely for at least a few more centuries The neutralization of CaCO3 or balancing the concentration of CaCO3 on the seafloor land and in the ocean can be measured on a timescale of thousands of years More specifically the predicted time is 1700 years for ocean and approximately 5000 to 6000 years for land 159 160 Further the dissolution time for CaCO3 can be improved by injecting near or downstream of the storage site 161 In addition to carbon mineralization another proposal is deep sea sediment injection It injects liquid carbon dioxide at least 3000 m below the surface directly into ocean sediments to generate carbon dioxide hydrate Two regions are defined for exploration 1 the negative buoyancy zone NBZ which is the region between liquid carbon dioxide denser than surrounding water and where liquid carbon dioxide has neutral buoyancy and 2 the hydrate formation zone HFZ which typically has low temperatures and high pressures Several research models have shown that the optimal depth of injection requires consideration of intrinsic permeability and any changes in liquid carbon dioxide permeability for optimal storage The formation of hydrates decreases liquid carbon dioxide permeability and injection below HFZ is more energetically favored than within the HFZ If the NBZ is a greater column of water than the HFZ the injection should happen below the HFZ and directly to the NBZ 162 In this case liquid carbon dioxide will sink to the NBZ and be stored below the buoyancy and hydrate cap Carbon dioxide leakage can occur if there is dissolution into pore fluid or via molecular diffusion However this occurs over thousands of years 161 163 164 Adding bases to neutralize acids edit Further information Ocean acidification Carbon removal technologies which add alkalinity Carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid when dissolved in water so ocean acidification is a significant consequence of elevated carbon dioxide levels and limits the rate at which it can be absorbed into the ocean the solubility pump A variety of different bases have been suggested that could neutralize the acid and thus increase CO2 absorption 165 166 167 168 169 For example adding crushed limestone to oceans enhances the absorption of carbon dioxide 170 Another approach is to add sodium hydroxide to oceans which is produced by electrolysis of salt water or brine while eliminating the waste hydrochloric acid by reaction with a volcanic silicate rock such as enstatite effectively increasing the rate of natural weathering of these rocks to restore ocean pH 171 172 173 Single step carbon sequestration and storage edit Single step carbon sequestration and storage is a saline water based mineralization technology extracting carbon dioxide from seawater and storing it in the form of solid minerals 174 Abandoned ideas edit Direct deep sea carbon dioxide injection edit Main article Direct deep sea carbon dioxide injection It was once suggested that CO2 could be stored in the oceans by direct injection into the deep ocean and storing it there for some centuries At the time this proposal was called ocean storage but more precisely it was known as direct deep sea carbon dioxide injection However the interest in this avenue of carbon storage has much reduced since about 2001 because of concerns about the unknown impacts on marine life 175 279 high costs and concerns about its stability or permanence 95 The IPCC Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage in 2005 did include this technology as an option 175 279 However the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report in 2014 no longer mentioned the term ocean storage in its report on climate change mitigation methods 176 The most recent IPCC Sixth Assessment Report in 2022 also no longer includes any mention of ocean storage in its Carbon Dioxide Removal taxonomy 177 12 37 Cost editCost of the sequestration not including capture and transport varies but is below US 10 per tonne in some cases where onshore storage is available 178 For example Carbfix cost is around US 25 per tonne of CO2 179 A 2020 report estimated sequestration in forests so including capture at US 35 for small quantities to US 280 per tonne for 10 of the total required to keep to 1 5 C warming 180 But there is risk of forest fires releasing the carbon 181 Applications in climate change policies editFurther information Carbon dioxide removal Issues and Carbon capture and storage Society and culture United States edit Further information Climate change policy of the United States and Climate change in the United States Mitigation Starting in the mid late 2010s many pieces of US climate and environment policy have sought to make use of the climate change mitigation potential of carbon sequestration Many of these policies involve either conservation of carbon sink ecosystems such as forests and wetlands or encouraging agricultural and land use practices designed to increase carbon sequestration such as carbon farming or agroforestry often through financial incentivization for farmers and landowners citation needed The Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad signed by president Joe Biden on January 27 2021 includes several mentions of carbon sequestration via conservation and restoration of carbon sink ecosystems such as wetlands and forests These include emphasizing the importance of farmers landowners and coastal communities in carbon sequestration directing the Treasury Department to promote conservation of carbon sinks through market based mechanisms and directing the Department of the Interior to collaborate with other agencies to create a Civilian Climate Corps to increase carbon sequestration in agriculture among other things 182 See also edit nbsp Ecology portal nbsp Climate change portal Carbon budget Mycorrhizal fungi and soil carbon storageReferences edit CCS Explained UKCCSRC Archived from the original on June 28 2020 Retrieved June 27 2020 a b c IPCC 2021 Masson Delmotte V Zhai P Pirani A Connors S L et al eds Climate Change 2021 The Physical Science Basis PDF Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Cambridge University Press In Press Archived PDF from the original on June 5 2022 Retrieved June 3 2022 a b What is carbon sequestration U S Geological Survey www usgs gov Archived from the original on February 6 2023 Retrieved February 6 2023 Myles Allen September 2020 The Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting PDF 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