
Climate engineering

Climate engineering (also called geoengineering) is a term used for both carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management, also called solar geoengineering, when applied at a planetary scale.[1]: 6–11  However, they have very different geophysical characteristics which is why the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change no longer uses this overarching term.[1]: 6–11 [2] Carbon dioxide removal approaches are part of climate change mitigation. Solar geoengineering involves reflecting some sunlight (solar radiation) back to space.[3] All forms of geoengineering are not a standalone solution to climate change, but need to be coupled with other forms of climate change mitigation.[4] Another approach to geoengineering is to increase the Earth's thermal emittance through passive radiative cooling.[5][6][7]

Carbon dioxide removal is defined as "Anthropogenic activities removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and durably storing it in geological, terrestrial, or ocean reservoirs, or in products. It includes existing and potential anthropogenic enhancement of biological or geochemical CO2 sinks and direct air carbon dioxide capture and storage, but excludes natural CO2 uptake not directly caused by human activities."[2]

Some types of climate engineering are highly controversial due to the large uncertainties around effectiveness, side effects and unforeseen consequences.[8] However, the risks of such interventions must be seen in the context of the trajectory of climate change without them.[9][10]

Definitions edit

Climate engineering (or geoengineering) has been used as an umbrella term for both carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management (or solar geoengineering), when applied at a planetary scale.[1]: 6–11  However, these two methods have very different geophysical characteristics, which is why the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change no longer uses this term.[1]: 6–11 [2] This decision was communicated in around 2018, see for example the "Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C".[11]: 550 

Some authors, for example in the mainstream media, also include passive daytime radiative cooling, "ocean geoengineering" and others in the term of climate engineering.[12][8]

Specific technologies that fall into the "climate engineering" umbrella term include:[13]: 30 

The following methods are not termed "climate engineering" in the latest IPCC assessment report in 2022[1]: 6–11  but are nevertheless included in other publications on this topic:[25][8]

Technologies edit

Carbon dioxide removal edit

Planting trees is a nature-based way to temporarily remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.[31][32]

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR), also known as carbon removal, greenhouse gas removal (GGR) or negative emissions, is a process in which carbon dioxide gas (CO2) is removed from the atmosphere by deliberate human activities and durably stored in geological, terrestrial, or ocean reservoirs, or in products.[33]: 2221  In the context of net zero greenhouse gas emissions targets,[34] CDR is increasingly integrated into climate policy, as an element of climate change mitigation strategies.[35] Achieving net zero emissions will require both deep cuts in emissions and the use of CDR. CDR can counterbalance emissions that are technically difficult to eliminate, such as some agricultural and industrial emissions.[36]: 114 

CDR methods include afforestation, reforestation, agricultural practices that sequester carbon in soils (carbon farming), wetland restoration and blue carbon approaches, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), ocean fertilization, ocean alkalinity enhancement,[37] and direct air capture when combined with storage,[38]: 115  To assess whether negative emissions are achieved by a particular process, comprehensive life cycle analysis of the process must be performed.

Solar geoengineering edit

Proposed solar geoengineering using a tethered balloon to inject sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere

Solar geoengineering, or solar radiation modification (SRM), is a type of climate engineering in which sunlight (solar radiation) would be reflected back to outer space to limit or offset human-caused climate change. There are multiple potential approaches, with stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) being the most-studied method, followed by marine cloud brightening (MCB).[39] Other methods have been proposed, including a variety of space-based approaches, but they are generally considered less viable,[40] and are not taken seriously by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.[41] SRM methods could have a rapid cooling effect on atmospheric temperature, but if the intervention were to suddenly stop for any reason, the cooling would soon stop as well. It is estimated that the cooling impact from SAI would cease 1–3 years after the last aerosol injection, while the impact from marine cloud brightening would disappear in just 10 days. Contrastingly, once any carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere and not removed, its warming impact does not decrease for a century, and some of it will persist for hundreds to thousands of years. As such, solar geoengineering is not a substitute for reducing greenhouse gas emissions but would act as a temporary measure to limit warming while emissions of greenhouse gases are reduced and carbon dioxide is removed.[41]

If solar geoengineering were to cease while greenhouse gas levels remained high, it would lead to "large and extremely rapid" warming and similarly abrupt changes to the water cycle. Rapid termination would significantly increase the threats to biodiversity from climate change.[42] In spite of this risk, solar geoengineering is frequently discussed as a policy option because it is much faster and (in the short run) cheaper than any form of climate change mitigation. While cooling the atmosphere by 1 °C (1.8 °F) through stratospheric aerosol injection would cost at least $18 billion annually (at 2020 USD value),[43] and other approaches also cost tens of billions of dollars or more annually,[44] this would still be "orders of magnitude" cheaper than greenhouse gas mitigation,[45] and the unmitigated effects of climate change would cost far more than that.[40]

Passive daytime radiative cooling edit

Enhancing the thermal emissivity of Earth through passive daytime radiative cooling has been proposed as an alternative or "third approach" to geoengineering[5][46] that is "less intrusive" and more predictable or reversible than stratospheric aerosol injection.[47]

Passive daytime radiative cooling (PDRC) can lower temperatures with zero energy consumption or pollution by radiating heat into outer space. Widespread application has been proposed as a solution to global warming.[48]

Passive daytime radiative cooling (PDRC) is a zero-energy building cooling method proposed as a solution to reduce air conditioning, lower urban heat island effect, cool human body temperatures in extreme heat, move toward carbon neutrality and control global warming by enhancing terrestrial heat flow to outer space through the installation of thermally-emissive surfaces on Earth that require zero energy consumption or pollution.[49][50][51][52][53][48][54][55][56] Application of PDRCs may also increase the efficiency of systems benefiting of a better cooling, such like photovoltaic systems, dew collection techniques, and thermoelectric generators.[57][58]

PDRC surfaces are designed to be high in solar reflectance (to minimize heat gain) and strong in longwave infrared (LWIR) thermal radiation heat transfer through the atmosphere's infrared window (8–13 µm) to cool temperatures even during the daytime.[59][60][61] It is also referred to as passive radiative cooling (PRC), daytime passive radiative cooling (DPRC), radiative sky cooling (RSC), photonic radiative cooling, and terrestrial radiative cooling.[60][61][57][62] PDRC differs from solar radiation management because it increases radiative heat emission rather than merely reflecting the absorption of solar radiation.[63]
Video to explain some of the marine geoengineering approaches with a focus on their risks, negative impacts and potential side-effects, as well as on the question of governance of these technologies.

Ocean geoengineering edit

Ocean geoengineering involves adding material such as lime or iron to the ocean to affect its ability to support marine life and/or sequester CO
. In 2021 the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) requested $2.5 billion funds for research in the following decade, specifically including field tests.[12]

Ocean liming edit

Enriching seawater with calcium hydroxide (lime) has been reported to lower ocean acidity, which reduces pressure on marine life such as oysters and absorb CO
. The added lime raised the water's pH, capturing CO
in the form of calcium bicarbonate or as carbonate deposited in mollusk shells. Lime is produced in volume for the cement industry.[12] This was assessed in 2022 in an experiment in Apalachicola, Florida in an attempt to halt declining oyster populations. pH levels increased modestly, as CO
was reduced by 70 ppm.[12]

A 2014 experiment added sodium hydroxide (lye) to part of Australia's Great Barrier Reef. It raised pH levels to nearly preindustrial levels.[12]

However, producing alkaline materials typically releases large amounts of CO
, partially offsetting the sequestration. Alkaline additives become diluted and dispersed in one month, without durable effects, such that if necessary, the program could be ended without leaving long-term effects.[12]

Iron fertilization edit

Iron fertilization is the intentional introduction of iron-containing compounds (like iron sulfate) to iron-poor areas of the ocean surface to stimulate phytoplankton production. This is intended to enhance biological productivity and/or accelerate carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration from the atmosphere. Iron is a trace element necessary for photosynthesis in plants. It is highly insoluble in sea water and in a variety of locations is the limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth. Large algal blooms can be created by supplying iron to iron-deficient ocean waters. These blooms can nourish other organisms.

Submarine forest edit

Another 2022 experiment attempted to sequester carbon using giant kelp planted off the Namibian coast.[12] Whilst this approach has been called "ocean geoengineering" by the researchers it is just another form of carbon dioxide removal via sequestration. Another term that is used to describe this process is blue carbon management and also marine geoengineering.

Glacier stabilization edit

A proposed "underwater sill" blocking 50% of warm water flows heading for the glacier could have the potential to delay its collapse and the resultant sea level rise by many centuries.[27]

Some engineering interventions have been proposed for Thwaites Glacier and the nearby Pine Island Glacier to stabilize its ice physically, or to preserve it by blocking the flow of warm ocean water, which currently renders the collapse of these two glaciers practically inevitable even without further warming.[64][65] A proposal from 2018 included building sills at the Thwaites' grounding line to either physically reinforce it, or to block some fraction of warm water flow. The former would be the simplest intervention, yet still equivalent to "the largest civil engineering projects that humanity has ever attempted": it is also only 30% likely to work. Constructions blocking even 50% of the warm water flow are expected to be far more effective, yet far more difficult as well.[66] Further, some researchers dissented, arguing that this proposal could be ineffective, or even accelerate sea level rise.[67] The original authors have suggested attempting this intervention on smaller sites, like the Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland, as a test run,[66][65] as well as acknowledging that this intervention cannot prevent sea level rise from the increased ocean heat content, and would be ineffective in the long run without greenhouse gas emission reductions.[66]

In 2023, a modified proposal was tabled: it was proposed that an installation of underwater "curtains", made out of a flexible material and anchored to Amundsen Sea floor would be able to interrupt warm water flow while reducing costs and increasing their longevity (conservatively estimated at 25 years for curtain elements and up to 100 years for the foundations) relative to more rigid structures. With them in place, Thwaites Ice Shelf and Pine Island Ice Shelf would presumably be able to regrow to a state they last had a century ago, thus stabilizing these glaciers.[68][69][65] To achieve this, the curtains would have to be placed at a depth of around 600 metres (0.37 miles) (to avoid damage from icebergs which would be regularly drifting above) and be 80 km (50 mi) long. The authors acknowledged that while work on this scale would be unprecedented and face many challenges in the Antarctic (including polar night and the currently insufficient numbers of specialized polar ships and underwater vessels), it would also not require any new technology and there is already experience of laying down pipelines at such depths.[68][69]

Problems edit

According to climate economist Gernot Wagner the term "geoengineering" is "largely an artefact and a result of the terms frequent use in popular discourse" and "so vague and all-encompassing as to have lost much meaning".[8]: 14 

Interventions at large scale run a greater risk of unintended disruptions of natural systems, resulting in a dilemma that such disruptions might be more damaging than the climate damage that they offset.[9]

Ethical aspects edit

Climate engineering may reduce the urgency of reducing carbon emissions, a form of moral hazard.[70] Also, most efforts have only temporary effects, which implies rapid rebound if they are not sustained.[71] The Union of Concerned Scientists points to the danger that the technology will become an excuse not to address the root causes of climate change, slow our emissions reductions and start moving toward a low-carbon economy.[72] However, several public opinion surveys and focus groups reported either desire to increase emission cuts in the presence of climate engineering, or of no effect.[73][74][75] Other modelling work suggests that the prospect of climate engineering may in fact increase the likelihood of emissions reduction.[76][77][78][79]

If climate engineering can alter the climate, then this raises questions whether humans have the right to deliberately change the climate, and under what conditions. For example, using climate engineering to stabilize temperatures is not the same as doing so to optimize the climate for some other purpose. Some religious traditions express views on the relationship between humans and their surroundings that encourage (to conduct responsible stewardship) or discourage (to avoid hubris) explicit actions to affect climate.[80]

Society and culture edit

Public perception edit

A large 2018 study used an online survey to investigate public perceptions of six climate engineering methods in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.[13] Public awareness of climate engineering was low; less than a fifth of respondents reported prior knowledge. Perceptions of the six climate engineering methods proposed (three from the carbon dioxide removal group and three from the solar geoengineering group) were largely negative and frequently associated with attributes like 'risky', 'artificial' and 'unknown effects'. Carbon dioxide removal methods were preferred over solar geoengineering. Public perceptions were remarkably stable with only minor differences between the different countries in the surveys.[13][81]

Some environmental organizations (such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace) have been reluctant to endorse or oppose solar geoengineering, but are often more supportive of nature-based carbon dioxide removal projects, such as afforestation and peatland restoration.[70][82]

History edit

Several organizations have investigated climate engineering with a view to evaluating its potential, including the US Congress,[83] the US National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine,[84] the Royal Society,[85] the UK Parliament,[86] the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,[87] and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The IMechE report examined a small subset of proposed methods (air capture, urban albedo and algal-based CO2 capture techniques), and its main conclusions were that climate engineering should be researched and trialed at the small scale alongside a wider decarbonization of the economy.[87]

The Royal Society review examined a wide range of proposed climate engineering methods and evaluated them in terms of effectiveness, affordability, timeliness, and safety (assigning qualitative estimates in each assessment). The key recommendations reports were that "Parties to the UNFCCC should make increased efforts towards mitigating and adapting to climate change, and in particular to agreeing to global emissions reductions", and that "[nothing] now known about geoengineering options gives any reason to diminish these efforts".[88] Nonetheless, the report also recommended that "research and development of climate engineering options should be undertaken to investigate whether low-risk methods can be made available if it becomes necessary to reduce the rate of warming this century".[88]

In 2009, a review examined the scientific plausibility of proposed methods rather than the practical considerations such as engineering feasibility or economic cost. The authors found that "[air] capture and storage shows the greatest potential, combined with afforestation, reforestation and bio-char production", and noted that "other suggestions that have received considerable media attention, in particular, "ocean pipes" appear to be ineffective".[89] They concluded that "[climate] geoengineering is best considered as a potential complement to the mitigation of CO2 emissions, rather than as an alternative to it".[89]

In 2015, the US National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine concluded a 21-month project to study the potential impacts, benefits, and costs of climate engineering. The differences between these two classes of climate engineering "led the committee to evaluate the two types of approaches separately in companion reports, a distinction it hopes carries over to future scientific and policy discussions."[90][91][92] The resulting study titled Climate Intervention was released in February 2015 and consists of two volumes: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth[93] and Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration.[94] According to their brief about the study:[95][93]

Climate intervention is no substitute for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions and adaptation efforts aimed at reducing the negative consequences of climate change. However, as our planet enters a period of changing climate never before experienced in recorded human history, interest is growing in the potential for deliberate intervention in the climate system to counter climate change... Carbon dioxide removal strategies address a key driver of climate change, but research is needed to fully assess if any of these technologies could be appropriate for large-scale deployment. Albedo modification strategies could rapidly cool the planet's surface but pose environmental and other risks that are not well understood and therefore should not be deployed at climate-altering scales; more research is needed to determine if albedo modification approaches could be viable in the future.

In June 2023 the US government released a report that recommended conducting research on stratospheric aerosol injection and marine cloud brightening.[96]

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ a b c d e IPCC (2022) Chapter 1: Introduction and Framing in Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA
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climate, engineering, geoengineering, redirects, here, other, uses, geoengineering, disambiguation, also, called, geoengineering, term, used, both, carbon, dioxide, removal, solar, radiation, management, also, called, solar, geoengineering, when, applied, plan. Geoengineering redirects here For other uses see Geoengineering disambiguation Climate engineering also called geoengineering is a term used for both carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management also called solar geoengineering when applied at a planetary scale 1 6 11 However they have very different geophysical characteristics which is why the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change no longer uses this overarching term 1 6 11 2 Carbon dioxide removal approaches are part of climate change mitigation Solar geoengineering involves reflecting some sunlight solar radiation back to space 3 All forms of geoengineering are not a standalone solution to climate change but need to be coupled with other forms of climate change mitigation 4 Another approach to geoengineering is to increase the Earth s thermal emittance through passive radiative cooling 5 6 7 Carbon dioxide removal is defined as Anthropogenic activities removing carbon dioxide CO2 from the atmosphere and durably storing it in geological terrestrial or ocean reservoirs or in products It includes existing and potential anthropogenic enhancement of biological or geochemical CO2 sinks and direct air carbon dioxide capture and storage but excludes natural CO2 uptake not directly caused by human activities 2 Some types of climate engineering are highly controversial due to the large uncertainties around effectiveness side effects and unforeseen consequences 8 However the risks of such interventions must be seen in the context of the trajectory of climate change without them 9 10 Contents 1 Definitions 2 Technologies 2 1 Carbon dioxide removal 2 2 Solar geoengineering 2 3 Passive daytime radiative cooling 2 4 Ocean geoengineering 2 4 1 Ocean liming 2 4 2 Iron fertilization 2 4 3 Submarine forest 2 4 4 Glacier stabilization 3 Problems 3 1 Ethical aspects 4 Society and culture 4 1 Public perception 5 History 6 See also 7 ReferencesDefinitions editClimate engineering or geoengineering has been used as an umbrella term for both carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management or solar geoengineering when applied at a planetary scale 1 6 11 However these two methods have very different geophysical characteristics which is why the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change no longer uses this term 1 6 11 2 This decision was communicated in around 2018 see for example the Special Report on Global Warming of 1 5 C 11 550 Some authors for example in the mainstream media also include passive daytime radiative cooling ocean geoengineering and others in the term of climate engineering 12 8 Specific technologies that fall into the climate engineering umbrella term include 13 30 Carbon dioxide removal Biochar Biochar is a high carbon fine grained residue that is produced via pyrolysis 14 Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage BECCS the process of extracting bioenergy from biomass and capturing and storing the carbon thereby removing it from the atmosphere 15 Direct air capture and carbon storage a process of capturing carbon dioxide directly from the ambient air as opposed to capturing from point sources such as a cement factory or biomass power plant and generating a concentrated stream of CO2 for sequestration or utilization or production of carbon neutral fuel and windgas Enhanced weathering a process that aims to accelerate the natural weathering by spreading finely ground silicate rock such as basalt onto surfaces which speeds up chemical reactions between rocks water and air It also removes carbon dioxide CO2 from the atmosphere permanently storing it in solid carbonate minerals or ocean alkalinity 16 The latter also slows ocean acidification Solar Radiation Management Marine cloud brightening a proposed technique that would make clouds brighter reflecting a small fraction of incoming sunlight back into space in order to offset anthropogenic global warming 17 Mirrors in space MIS satellites that are designed to change the amount of solar radiation that impacts the Earth as a form of climate engineering Since the conception of the idea in 1923 1929 1957 and 1978 Hermann Oberth and also in the 1980s space mirrors have mainly been theorized as a way to deflect sunlight to counter global warming and were seriously considered in the 2000s 18 19 20 21 22 23 Stratospheric aerosol injection SAI a proposed method to introduce aerosols into the stratosphere to create a cooling effect via global dimming and increased albedo which occurs naturally from volcanic eruptions 24 The following methods are not termed climate engineering in the latest IPCC assessment report in 2022 1 6 11 but are nevertheless included in other publications on this topic 25 8 Passive daytime radiative cooling Ground level albedo modification a process of increasing Earth s albedo through the means of altering things on the Earth s surface Examples include planting light colored plants to help with reflecting sunlight back into space 26 Glacier stabilization proposals aiming to slow down or prevent sea level rise caused by the collapse of notable marine terminating glaciers such as Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland or Thwaites Glacier and Pine Island Glacier in Antarctica It may be possible to bolster some glaciers directly 27 but blocking the flow of ever warming ocean water at a distance allowing it more time to mix with the cooler water around the glacier is likely to be far more effective 28 29 30 Technologies editCarbon dioxide removal edit This section is an excerpt from Carbon dioxide removal edit nbsp Planting trees is a nature based way to temporarily remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere 31 32 Carbon dioxide removal CDR also known as carbon removal greenhouse gas removal GGR or negative emissions is a process in which carbon dioxide gas CO2 is removed from the atmosphere by deliberate human activities and durably stored in geological terrestrial or ocean reservoirs or in products 33 2221 In the context of net zero greenhouse gas emissions targets 34 CDR is increasingly integrated into climate policy as an element of climate change mitigation strategies 35 Achieving net zero emissions will require both deep cuts in emissions and the use of CDR CDR can counterbalance emissions that are technically difficult to eliminate such as some agricultural and industrial emissions 36 114 CDR methods include afforestation reforestation agricultural practices that sequester carbon in soils carbon farming wetland restoration and blue carbon approaches bioenergy with carbon capture and storage BECCS ocean fertilization ocean alkalinity enhancement 37 and direct air capture when combined with storage 38 115 To assess whether negative emissions are achieved by a particular process comprehensive life cycle analysis of the process must be performed Solar geoengineering edit nbsp Proposed solar geoengineering using a tethered balloon to inject sulfate aerosols into the stratosphereThis section is an excerpt from Solar geoengineering edit Solar geoengineering or solar radiation modification SRM is a type of climate engineering in which sunlight solar radiation would be reflected back to outer space to limit or offset human caused climate change There are multiple potential approaches with stratospheric aerosol injection SAI being the most studied method followed by marine cloud brightening MCB 39 Other methods have been proposed including a variety of space based approaches but they are generally considered less viable 40 and are not taken seriously by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 41 SRM methods could have a rapid cooling effect on atmospheric temperature but if the intervention were to suddenly stop for any reason the cooling would soon stop as well It is estimated that the cooling impact from SAI would cease 1 3 years after the last aerosol injection while the impact from marine cloud brightening would disappear in just 10 days Contrastingly once any carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere and not removed its warming impact does not decrease for a century and some of it will persist for hundreds to thousands of years As such solar geoengineering is not a substitute for reducing greenhouse gas emissions but would act as a temporary measure to limit warming while emissions of greenhouse gases are reduced and carbon dioxide is removed 41 If solar geoengineering were to cease while greenhouse gas levels remained high it would lead to large and extremely rapid warming and similarly abrupt changes to the water cycle Rapid termination would significantly increase the threats to biodiversity from climate change 42 In spite of this risk solar geoengineering is frequently discussed as a policy option because it is much faster and in the short run cheaper than any form of climate change mitigation While cooling the atmosphere by 1 C 1 8 F through stratospheric aerosol injection would cost at least 18 billion annually at 2020 USD value 43 and other approaches also cost tens of billions of dollars or more annually 44 this would still be orders of magnitude cheaper than greenhouse gas mitigation 45 and the unmitigated effects of climate change would cost far more than that 40 Passive daytime radiative cooling edit Enhancing the thermal emissivity of Earth through passive daytime radiative cooling has been proposed as an alternative or third approach to geoengineering 5 46 that is less intrusive and more predictable or reversible than stratospheric aerosol injection 47 This section is an excerpt from Passive daytime radiative cooling edit nbsp Passive daytime radiative cooling PDRC can lower temperatures with zero energy consumption or pollution by radiating heat into outer space Widespread application has been proposed as a solution to global warming 48 Passive daytime radiative cooling PDRC is a zero energy building cooling method proposed as a solution to reduce air conditioning lower urban heat island effect cool human body temperatures in extreme heat move toward carbon neutrality and control global warming by enhancing terrestrial heat flow to outer space through the installation of thermally emissive surfaces on Earth that require zero energy consumption or pollution 49 50 51 52 53 48 54 55 56 Application of PDRCs may also increase the efficiency of systems benefiting of a better cooling such like photovoltaic systems dew collection techniques and thermoelectric generators 57 58 PDRC surfaces are designed to be high in solar reflectance to minimize heat gain and strong in longwave infrared LWIR thermal radiation heat transfer through the atmosphere s infrared window 8 13 µm to cool temperatures even during the daytime 59 60 61 It is also referred to as passive radiative cooling PRC daytime passive radiative cooling DPRC radiative sky cooling RSC photonic radiative cooling and terrestrial radiative cooling 60 61 57 62 PDRC differs from solar radiation management because it increases radiative heat emission rather than merely reflecting the absorption of solar radiation 63 source source source source source source source source track track Video to explain some of the marine geoengineering approaches with a focus on their risks negative impacts and potential side effects as well as on the question of governance of these technologies Ocean geoengineering edit Main article Carbon sequestration Sequestration techniques in oceans See also Ocean fertilization Ocean geoengineering involves adding material such as lime or iron to the ocean to affect its ability to support marine life and or sequester CO2 In 2021 the US National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine NASEM requested 2 5 billion funds for research in the following decade specifically including field tests 12 Ocean liming edit Main articles Carbon sequestration Adding bases to neutralize acids and Ocean acidification Carbon removal technologies which add alkalinity Enriching seawater with calcium hydroxide lime has been reported to lower ocean acidity which reduces pressure on marine life such as oysters and absorb CO2 The added lime raised the water s pH capturing CO2 in the form of calcium bicarbonate or as carbonate deposited in mollusk shells Lime is produced in volume for the cement industry 12 This was assessed in 2022 in an experiment in Apalachicola Florida in an attempt to halt declining oyster populations pH levels increased modestly as CO2 was reduced by 70 ppm 12 A 2014 experiment added sodium hydroxide lye to part of Australia s Great Barrier Reef It raised pH levels to nearly preindustrial levels 12 However producing alkaline materials typically releases large amounts of CO2 partially offsetting the sequestration Alkaline additives become diluted and dispersed in one month without durable effects such that if necessary the program could be ended without leaving long term effects 12 Iron fertilization edit This section is an excerpt from Iron fertilization edit Iron fertilization is the intentional introduction of iron containing compounds like iron sulfate to iron poor areas of the ocean surface to stimulate phytoplankton production This is intended to enhance biological productivity and or accelerate carbon dioxide CO2 sequestration from the atmosphere Iron is a trace element necessary for photosynthesis in plants It is highly insoluble in sea water and in a variety of locations is the limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth Large algal blooms can be created by supplying iron to iron deficient ocean waters These blooms can nourish other organisms Submarine forest edit Another 2022 experiment attempted to sequester carbon using giant kelp planted off the Namibian coast 12 Whilst this approach has been called ocean geoengineering by the researchers it is just another form of carbon dioxide removal via sequestration Another term that is used to describe this process is blue carbon management and also marine geoengineering Glacier stabilization edit nbsp A proposed underwater sill blocking 50 of warm water flows heading for the glacier could have the potential to delay its collapse and the resultant sea level rise by many centuries 27 This section is an excerpt from Thwaites Glacier Engineering options for stabilization edit Some engineering interventions have been proposed for Thwaites Glacier and the nearby Pine Island Glacier to stabilize its ice physically or to preserve it by blocking the flow of warm ocean water which currently renders the collapse of these two glaciers practically inevitable even without further warming 64 65 A proposal from 2018 included building sills at the Thwaites grounding line to either physically reinforce it or to block some fraction of warm water flow The former would be the simplest intervention yet still equivalent to the largest civil engineering projects that humanity has ever attempted it is also only 30 likely to work Constructions blocking even 50 of the warm water flow are expected to be far more effective yet far more difficult as well 66 Further some researchers dissented arguing that this proposal could be ineffective or even accelerate sea level rise 67 The original authors have suggested attempting this intervention on smaller sites like the Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland as a test run 66 65 as well as acknowledging that this intervention cannot prevent sea level rise from the increased ocean heat content and would be ineffective in the long run without greenhouse gas emission reductions 66 In 2023 a modified proposal was tabled it was proposed that an installation of underwater curtains made out of a flexible material and anchored to Amundsen Sea floor would be able to interrupt warm water flow while reducing costs and increasing their longevity conservatively estimated at 25 years for curtain elements and up to 100 years for the foundations relative to more rigid structures With them in place Thwaites Ice Shelf and Pine Island Ice Shelf would presumably be able to regrow to a state they last had a century ago thus stabilizing these glaciers 68 69 65 To achieve this the curtains would have to be placed at a depth of around 600 metres 0 37 miles to avoid damage from icebergs which would be regularly drifting above and be 80 km 50 mi long The authors acknowledged that while work on this scale would be unprecedented and face many challenges in the Antarctic including polar night and the currently insufficient numbers of specialized polar ships and underwater vessels it would also not require any new technology and there is already experience of laying down pipelines at such depths 68 69 Problems editAccording to climate economist Gernot Wagner the term geoengineering is largely an artefact and a result of the terms frequent use in popular discourse and so vague and all encompassing as to have lost much meaning 8 14 Interventions at large scale run a greater risk of unintended disruptions of natural systems resulting in a dilemma that such disruptions might be more damaging than the climate damage that they offset 9 Ethical aspects edit Climate engineering may reduce the urgency of reducing carbon emissions a form of moral hazard 70 Also most efforts have only temporary effects which implies rapid rebound if they are not sustained 71 The Union of Concerned Scientists points to the danger that the technology will become an excuse not to address the root causes of climate change slow our emissions reductions and start moving toward a low carbon economy 72 However several public opinion surveys and focus groups reported either desire to increase emission cuts in the presence of climate engineering or of no effect 73 74 75 Other modelling work suggests that the prospect of climate engineering may in fact increase the likelihood of emissions reduction 76 77 78 79 If climate engineering can alter the climate then this raises questions whether humans have the right to deliberately change the climate and under what conditions For example using climate engineering to stabilize temperatures is not the same as doing so to optimize the climate for some other purpose Some religious traditions express views on the relationship between humans and their surroundings that encourage to conduct responsible stewardship or discourage to avoid hubris explicit actions to affect climate 80 Society and culture editPublic perception edit A large 2018 study used an online survey to investigate public perceptions of six climate engineering methods in the United States United Kingdom Australia and New Zealand 13 Public awareness of climate engineering was low less than a fifth of respondents reported prior knowledge Perceptions of the six climate engineering methods proposed three from the carbon dioxide removal group and three from the solar geoengineering group were largely negative and frequently associated with attributes like risky artificial and unknown effects Carbon dioxide removal methods were preferred over solar geoengineering Public perceptions were remarkably stable with only minor differences between the different countries in the surveys 13 81 Some environmental organizations such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace have been reluctant to endorse or oppose solar geoengineering but are often more supportive of nature based carbon dioxide removal projects such as afforestation and peatland restoration 70 82 History editSeveral organizations have investigated climate engineering with a view to evaluating its potential including the US Congress 83 the US National Academy of Sciences Engineering and Medicine 84 the Royal Society 85 the UK Parliament 86 the Institution of Mechanical Engineers 87 and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change The IMechE report examined a small subset of proposed methods air capture urban albedo and algal based CO2 capture techniques and its main conclusions were that climate engineering should be researched and trialed at the small scale alongside a wider decarbonization of the economy 87 The Royal Society review examined a wide range of proposed climate engineering methods and evaluated them in terms of effectiveness affordability timeliness and safety assigning qualitative estimates in each assessment The key recommendations reports were that Parties to the UNFCCC should make increased efforts towards mitigating and adapting to climate change and in particular to agreeing to global emissions reductions and that nothing now known about geoengineering options gives any reason to diminish these efforts 88 Nonetheless the report also recommended that research and development of climate engineering options should be undertaken to investigate whether low risk methods can be made available if it becomes necessary to reduce the rate of warming this century 88 In 2009 a review examined the scientific plausibility of proposed methods rather than the practical considerations such as engineering feasibility or economic cost The authors found that air capture and storage shows the greatest potential combined with afforestation reforestation and bio char production and noted that other suggestions that have received considerable media attention in particular ocean pipes appear to be ineffective 89 They concluded that climate geoengineering is best considered as a potential complement to the mitigation of CO2 emissions rather than as an alternative to it 89 In 2015 the US National Academy of Sciences Engineering and Medicine concluded a 21 month project to study the potential impacts benefits and costs of climate engineering The differences between these two classes of climate engineering led the committee to evaluate the two types of approaches separately in companion reports a distinction it hopes carries over to future scientific and policy discussions 90 91 92 The resulting study titled Climate Intervention was released in February 2015 and consists of two volumes Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth 93 and Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration 94 According to their brief about the study 95 93 Climate intervention is no substitute for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions and adaptation efforts aimed at reducing the negative consequences of climate change However as our planet enters a period of changing climate never before experienced in recorded human history interest is growing in the potential for deliberate intervention in the climate system to counter climate change Carbon dioxide removal strategies address a key driver of climate change but research is needed to fully assess if any of these technologies could be appropriate for large scale deployment Albedo modification strategies could rapidly cool the planet s surface but pose environmental and other risks that are not well understood and therefore should not be deployed at climate altering scales more research is needed to determine if albedo modification approaches could be viable in the future In June 2023 the US government released a report that recommended conducting research on stratospheric aerosol injection and marine cloud brightening 96 See also edit nbsp Environment portal nbsp Weather portal nbsp Global warming portal Arctic geoengineering Climate justice Earth systems engineering and management Land surface effects on climate List of geoengineering topics Weather modificationReferences edit a b c d e IPCC 2022 Chapter 1 Introduction and Framing in Climate Change 2022 Mitigation of Climate Change Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom and New York NY USA a b c IPCC 2021 Annex VII Glossary Matthews J B R V Moller R van Diemen J S Fuglestvedt V Masson Delmotte C Mendez S Semenov A Reisinger eds In Climate Change 2021 The Physical Science Basis Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Masson Delmotte V P Zhai A Pirani S L Connors C Pean S Berger N Caud Y Chen L Goldfarb M I Gomis M Huang K Leitzell E Lonnoy J B R Matthews T K Maycock T Waterfield O Yelekci R Yu and B Zhou eds Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom and New York NY USA pp 2215 2256 doi 10 1017 9781009157896 022 National Academies of Sciences Engineering 2021 03 25 Reflecting Sunlight Recommendations for Solar Geoengineering Research and Research Governance doi 10 17226 25762 ISBN 978 0 309 67605 2 S2CID 234327299 Archived from the original on 2021 04 17 Retrieved 2021 04 17 Munday Jeremy 2019 Tackling Climate Change through Radiative Cooling Joule 3 9 2057 2060 doi 10 1016 j joule 2019 07 010 S2CID 201590290 Further radiative cooling cannot be a complete standalone solution but rather is part of a more comprehensive approach that must include CO2 reduction Otherwise the radiative balance will not last long and the potential financial benefits of mitigation will not fully be realized because of continued ocean acidification air pollution and redistribution of biomass a b Zevenhovena Ron Falt Martin June 2018 Radiative cooling through the atmospheric window A third less intrusive geoengineering approach Energy 152 via Elsevier Science Direct An alternative third geoengineering approach would be enhanced cooling by thermal radiation from the Earth s surface into space Wang Tong Wu Yi Shi Lan Hu Xinhua Chen Min Wu Limin 2021 A structural polymer for highly efficient all day passive radiative cooling Nature Communications 12 365 365 doi 10 1038 s41467 020 20646 7 PMC 7809060 PMID 33446648 One possibly alternative approach is passive radiative cooling a sky facing surface on the Earth spontaneously cools by radiating heat to the ultracold outer space through the atmosphere s longwave infrared LWIR transparency window l 8 13 mm Chen Meijie Pang Dan Chen Xingyu Yan Hongjie Yang Yuan 2022 Passive daytime radiative cooling Fundamentals material designs and applications EcoMat 4 doi 10 1002 eom2 12153 S2CID 240331557 via Wiley Passive daytime radiative cooling dissipates terrestrial heat to the extremely cold outer space without using any energy input or producing pollution It has the potential to simultaneously alleviate the two major problems of energy crisis and global warming a b c d Gernot Wagner 2021 Geoengineering the Gamble a b Matthias Honegger Axel Michaelowa Sonja Butzengeiger Geyer 2012 Climate Engineering Avoiding Pandora s Box through Research and Governance PDF FNI Climate Policy Perspectives Fridtjof Nansen Institute FNI Perspectives Archived from the original PDF on 2015 09 06 Retrieved 2018 10 09 Zahra Hirji October 6 2016 Removing CO2 From the Air Only Hope for Fixing Climate Change New Study Says Without negative emissions to help return atmospheric CO2 to 350 ppm future generations could face costs that may become too heavy to bear paper says insideclimatenews org InsideClimate News Archived from the original on November 17 2019 Retrieved October 7 2016 Global Warming of 1 5 C IPCC Special Report on 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approach is passive radiative cooling a sky facing surface on the Earth spontaneously cools by radiating heat to the ultracold outer space through the atmosphere s longwave infrared LWIR transparency window l 8 13 mm Munday Jeremy 2019 Tackling Climate Change through Radiative Cooling Joule 3 9 2057 2060 doi 10 1016 j joule 2019 07 010 S2CID 201590290 A reduction in solar absorption is usually proposed through the injection of reflective aerosols into the atmosphere however serious concerns have been raised regarding side effects of these forms of geoengineering and our ability to undo any of the climatic changes we create a b Chen Meijie Pang Dan Chen Xingyu Yan Hongjie Yang Yuan 2022 Passive daytime radiative cooling Fundamentals material designs and applications EcoMat 4 doi 10 1002 eom2 12153 S2CID 240331557 Passive daytime radiative cooling PDRC dissipates terrestrial heat to the extremely cold outer space without using any energy input or producing pollution It has the potential 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solar reflectance 𝜌 solar l 0 3 2 5 mm to minimize solar heat gain and simultaneously strong LWIR thermal emittance e LWIR to maximize radiative heat loss is highly desirable When the incoming radiative heat from the Sun is balanced by the outgoing radiative heat emission the temperature of the Earth can reach its steady state a b Zevenhovena Ron Falt Martin June 2018 Radiative cooling through the atmospheric window A third less intrusive geoengineering approach Energy 152 via Elsevier Science Direct An alternative third geoengineering approach would be enhanced cooling by thermal radiation from the Earth s surface into space With 100 W m2 as a demonstrated passive cooling effect a surface coverage of 0 3 would then be needed or 1 of Earth s land mass surface If half of it would be installed in urban built areas which cover roughly 3 of the Earth s land mass a 17 coverage would be needed there with the remainder being installed in rural areas Aili Ablimit Yin Xiaobo Yang Ronggui 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