
Assumption Chapel

45°27′21″N 94°24′51″W / 45.45583°N 94.41417°W / 45.45583; -94.41417

Assumption Chapel

Assumption Chapel, also known as the Grasshopper Chapel, is a Roman Catholic Marian shrine and pilgrimage chapel (German: Wahlfahrtsort)[1] (German: Gnadenkapelle).[2][3] The shrine stands upon one of the tallest hills in Stearns County, and which is known locally as (German: Marienberg), meaning "Mary's Mountain", on the outskirts of Cold Spring, Minnesota. The chapel stands in a region of Minnesota largely settled in the 1850s by German-American Catholics who were invited to the area by Slovenian-American missionary Fr. Francis Xavier Pierz and which remained, until shortly before the Second World War, a major center of the German language in the United States.

Although inspired by one thousand years old traditions carried from Southern Germany to Central Minnesota by its peasant-pioneers, the Assumption chapel, similarly to the St. Boniface pilgrimage shrine in nearby St. Augusta, was constructed in 1877, as a desperate plea for heavenly intercession against the Rocky Mountain locusts; a species of giant grasshopper whose plagues devastated the region between 1856 and 1877.

The petition was considered to have been successful at the time and there has not been another Rocky Mountain locus plague in Minnesota since 1877. Moreover, the last documented sighting of live Rocky Mountain locusts in the wild took place in southern Canada in 1902.[4] In 2014, the species of insects which was once numerous enough to block out the sunlight and reduce farm families throughout North America to starvation was formally declared extinct by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.[5]

Background edit

Fr. Francis Xavier Pierz, 1864

Writing in 1997, Jewish-American historian of America's religious architecture Marilyn J. Chiat described the early history of the region as follows, "Father Francis X. Pierz, a missionary to Indians in central Minnesota, published a series of articles in 1851 in German Catholic newspapers advocating Catholic settlement in central Minnesota. Large numbers of immigrants, mainly German, but also Slovenian and Polish, responded. Over 20 parishes where formed in what is now Stearns County, each centered on a church-oriented hamlet. As the farmers prospered, the small frame churches were replaced by more substantial buildings of brick or stone such as St. Mary, Help of Christians, a Gothic Revival stone structure built in 1873. Stearns County retains in its German character and is still home to one of the largest rural Catholic populations in Anglo-America."[6]

St. Mary Help of Christians Church, St. Augusta, Minnesota.

The first Assumption Chapel was known as (German: Maria-Hilf), meaning "Mary, Help of Christians", and was built atop the same hill, which is locally known as (German: Marienberg), meaning "Mary's Mountain". At the time of its original construction in 1877, much of the Midwest was suffering from a four year long Rocky Mountain locust plague. At the same time, however, the construction of the chapel was based on a tradition stretching back much earlier.

1856 - 1857 plague edit

A 1902 scientific illustration of the Rocky Mountain locust.

According to Fr. Bruno Riss (1829-1900), a Benedictine missionary priest from Augsburg, in the Kingdom of Bavaria, the first Rocky Mountain locust plague to strike Central Minnesota began on 15 August 1856, during the preaching of a mission for the Feast of the Assumption by Father Francis Xavier Weninger inside the newly erected log chapel in St. Joseph, Minnesota; following the lifting of a personal interdict imposed against that community by Bishop Joseph Crétin in May 1856. The Rocky Mountain locusts darkened the sky and pounded upon the rooftop of the chapel so incredibly loud that they were mistaken for a thunder and hailstorm. Only after the mission did the real reason for the "storm" become apparent, and the clouds of "hoppers" swiftly devoured both the crops and much of the seed grain, which left the newly arrived German-American Catholic settlers of the region destitute.[7]

Red River ox-cart at Saint Cloud, 1887

According to Father Bruno Riss, "This small, voracious yet invincible monster had in a short time devastated all that grows and blooms upon the face of the earth. Within about 2 or 3 days the fields presented the appearance of being newly plowed. Then an indescribable misery entered the homes of the settlers of Stearns County. The entire harvest was a dead loss for those settlers who had taken their abodes in this region during the previous year: those, of course, who had settled during the year of the famine had no crops to lose, as they had not planted any. The first terrible winter was at hand the victuals that remained were soon consumed, prices rose enormously, because the nearest market was at St. Paul, and it required a full week to make a trip with an ox-team. Still, hope did not die."[8]

Although the grasshoppers were believed to have been killed off by the 1856-1857 winter and seed wheat stood at $2 per bushel, it became apparent during the spring planting in 1857 that the locusts had simply laid their eggs in the furrows. When the warmth of the sun hatched the eggs, the results were even more catastrophic for the local population than the events of the previous year, as the grasshoppers, "suffered nothing to grow, except peas."[9]

According to Fr. Bruno Riss, "They found their way into the houses and destroyed whatever clothing they could reach. In the church not a shred of clothing could remain unexposed, everything was locked up in presses. Even the priest at the altar was not secure against their attacks: before Mass the hoppers had to be swept off the altar. The priest had to vest hastily, place the altar clothes upon the altar and be very careful to keep the Sacred Host covered with the Paten, and at the Elevation to leave the palla upon the chalice. During Mass the altar-boys were kept busy driving away the insolent insects with whips from the vestments of the priest."[10]

According to Father Bruno Riss, George Berger (1823-1897), a St. Joseph homesteader from Oberschneiding, in the Kingdom of Bavaria,[11] raised the question, in a typically self-deprecating example of Stearns County German humor, after Mass one Sunday, "Why does God afflict us with grasshoppers?" Herr Berger then answered his own question, "in his own humorous way", and explained, "God saw that when we lived in the States from which we emigrated, we were good for nothing and wanted to cure us without harming our neighbors and therefore he led us to this place and the grasshoppers after us and now, I hope, we are all cured."[12]

By May 1857, conditions among the settlers had deteriorated to the point that the four Benedictine priests responsible for the region discussed the situation together and proposed to their parishioners the idea of vowing to make a biannual religious procession and pilgrimage (German: Bittgang) in perpetuity if the locust plague were lifted. The Benedictines had recalled two Saints, early missionaries who spearheaded the Christianization of the pagan Germanic tribes in what later became the Diocese of Augsburg during a time when what is now the Germanosphere was very similar to the Wild West, who both had a well established reputation for intercession during similar plagues of vermin in Southern Germany. For this reason, the processions were scheduled for July 4th, the Feast of Saint Ulrich of Augsburg, and September 6th, the Feast of Saint Magnus of Füssen. Immediately after the proposal was accepted and a solemn vow was made by the parish missions at St. Cloud, St. Augusta, St. Joseph, Jacobs Prairie, and Richmond, a strong northwest wind blew the locusts out of the region. Even though local settlers had to wait another fourteen months for the next harvest to end local destitution, the religious processions began almost immediately.[13]

Statue of St. Ulrich of Augsburg inside the parish church in Gora Oljka, Slovenia.

For the first pilgrimage, on the next Feast Day of St. Ulrich of Augsburg on 4 July 1857, St. James's Roman Catholic Church in Jacobs Prairie was chosen as the objective. The pilgrims from St. Augusta and St. Cloud crossed the Sauk River at "Waite's Crossing" and were met on the other side by the pilgrims from Richmond and other nearby communities. The Tridentine Mass was then offered under the open sky before the pilgrimage continued to its objective.[14]

Meanwhile, the writer of a letter from Stearns County to Der Wahrheitsfreund in Cincinnati, Ohio, which was published on July 2, 1857, commented, "Truly, one feels that they have been transported back to Germany when they see the beautiful customs of the Fatherland, votive and other processions, which proceed over fields and meadows". The same writer continued, "Some of the Yankees witnessed the event and stared, as they had never seen this, and its meaning was strange to them. It must be said in praise of them that in such circumstances they were well-behaved and not once tried to disturb the atmosphere."[3]

Statue of St. Magnus of Füssen outside the Basilica of St Mang in Füssen, Bavaria.

An eyewitness account of the annual pilgrimage upon the Feast of St. Magnus of Füssen was also published in Der Wahrheitsfreund on September 23, 1858. According to Stephen Gross, "The reporter described the congregation at St. Joseph meeting at 6:00 A.M. and beginning an hour later to walk the eight miles to Jacobs Prairie. Two miles from their destination they were met by the parishioners from Jacobs Prairie, who accompanied the procession back to the church. Mass was held outside at the base of a huge mission cross, decorated with flowers and holy pictures. The priest in his sermon expressed his joy at the unity and love, which prevailed in the parishes, and his wish that it would always remain so."[3]

The crosses erected outside pioneer churches in the area after the completion of similar processions and parish missions, or marking the future locations of parish churches, always bore the maxim, (German: Wer ausharrt bis ans End, der wird selig.") ("Blessed is he who perseveres to the end.")[3][15]

Fr. Bruno Riss later recalled, however, "In subsequent years, I am informed that the custom of observing these processions was abandoned, but a return of the ancient enemy revived the former fervor."[16]

According to Stephen Gross, however, this is not entirely accurate. While the Feast Day of St. Ulrich of Augsburg was swiftly displaced by America's Independence Day, this was not the case with St. Magnus of Füssen. St. Magnus, who is the founder of St. Mang's Abbey, Füssen and is traditionally known as the "Apostle of the Allgäu", continued to be widely venerated in Stearns County as a patron of good harvests and as the protector against lightning, hail, and plagues of vermin. Furthermore, his Feast Day on September 6 continued to be celebrated until well into the 1870s, both in and around Jacobs Prairie, as, "Grasshopper Day."[3]

1870s plague edit

Plate II from Riley’s The locust plague in the United States (1877), showing extent of damage in 1874

The later plague began in the summer of 1873, when similarly migrating Rocky Mountain Locusts laid claim to a territory spreading from southern Wyoming over Nebraska and the Dakotas all the way to Iowa and Minnesota.[17]

The first year the grasshoppers came looking for food and found it in the plentiful wheat fields, where they laid eggs. The newly hatched grasshoppers were wingless for the first six to eight weeks of life, but their work was no less devastating. Until they could fly, they crawled along and feasted on the tender new growth of crops. When their wings grew strong enough, they flew off for another field. This cycle would continue from 1873 to 1877, bringing widespread destruction to a part of the country primarily dependent on an agricultural economy.

Large black clouds made up of thousands of grasshoppers moved from field to field, from county to county.[17] One historian reported that "grasshoppers, sixty to eighty per square yard, could devour one ton of hay per day each forty acres they covered."[18] The grasshoppers ate everything and anything: crops, fruit trees, wooden fork handles, even clothing.[17] In her book On the Banks of Plum Creek, Laura Ingalls Wilder records her eyewitness accounts of the plight of these plagues. She relates how they could not even keep grasshoppers out of the milk pail while milking.[19] She tells how some men headed to the eastern side of the state to find work on unaffected farms.[19]

1875 cartoon by Henry Worrall depicting Kansas farmers battling giant grasshoppers.

The farmers who stayed to fight the plague resorted to desperate measures. Some used smudge pots to keep the grasshoppers in flight. Others set their doomed crops on fire in order to kill the fledgling grasshoppers. Many farmers resorted to catching them by hand or in buckets. People started building makeshift "hopper dozers". These machines consisted of pieces of sheet metal smeared with tar, which would be dragged over infested fields. The grasshoppers would get stuck in the tar and be wiped off and burned at each end of the field.[17] However, the grasshoppers devastated crops at a speed that no human invention could compete with.[17]

The number of grasshoppers and the destruction they brought with them grew each year. By the spring of 1877, grasshopper eggs covered approximately two thirds of Minnesota.[18] Each year, the Minnesota State Legislature appropriated more and more funds to assist its distressed citizens with the purchase of seed and even the necessities of food and clothing.[18] People began to lose their faith in man-made interventions. They turned to spiritual means to relieve the devastation caused by the plague. Minnesota governor John S. Pillsbury declared April 26, 1877, a statewide day of prayer.[20] That night and the following day the weather shifted and the rain which fell soon turned to snow.[17] The people thought this could be the event to impede the grasshoppers' destructive advances, but when the storm passed they were as plentiful as ever.

The first chapel edit

In Stearns County, about a month after the Statewide day of Prayer, newly ordained Father Leo Winter, OSB, was assigned to the Parish of St. James in Jacobs Prairie, with further responsibility for the mission of St. Nicholas eight miles away.[18] In the midst of the plague, Father Winter encouraged the people to continue their prayers of supplication.[18]

According to Fr. Robert J. Voigt, Father Winter, "felt the plague was a punishment sent by God because the people had become too self-sufficient. They had their plots of land by now and some income, so they started to forget about God. Father Leo felt it was time for the people to repent of their waywardness and plead with God to remove the plague. So he urged the people to continue that Day of Prayer in their homes and he did so himself in their churches."[21]

One Sunday, while Father Winter was saying the Offertory of the Tridentine Mass, the thought came to him of urging his parishioners to promise to build a chapel in honor of Mary, Help of Christians, so that She would intercede with Her Son for relief from the grasshopper plague.[3][22] Father Winter talked over the idea with fellow parishioners. They decided to build a chapel upon Marienberg in the Blessed Virgin’s honor and to offer Masses of Thanksgiving on every Saturday.[18]

The parishioners of the two parishes agreed. They vowed to build a chapel "to honor the mother of God, to take refuge in her as their intercessor and be freed from the ravages of the grasshopper plague."[3] Two farmers donated seven acres halfway between the two parishes of St. James and St. Nicholas.[18] Construction on the Chapel began July 16, 1877.[18] Laura Ingalls Wilder alleges that the grasshoppers left suddenly that month.[19]

All told, the chapel cost a total of $865 and was completed in less than a month.[18] A pilgrimage statue of the Blessed Virgin holding the Christ Child was carved by Slovenian-immigrant Joseph Ambroziz, an 80-year old farmer and folk artist from St. Joseph, Minnesota.[23]

Before the day of the chapel's completion and dedication, August 15, 1877, all houses in the nearby villages were decorated with flags, and with garlands of oak and evergreen branches. Triumphal arches (German: Triumphbogen), which were also made of oak and evergreen branches and festooned with legends in both Ecclesiastical Latin, Standard German, and the local dialect known as "Stearns County German", were constructed in advance and lined the whole planned pilgrimage route.[24]

As described by a local reporter for Der Nordstern, cannons were fired off at 5:00 am to announce the beginning of a religious procession (German: Bittgang) in the nearby villages of Cold Spring, Jacobs Prairie, St. Nicholas, and other communities. The pilgrims from Jacobs Prairie, who, like all other groups of pilgrims, were singing German hymns (German: Kirchenlieder) and praying the rosary.[25] According to Fr. Robert J. Voigt, while praying the rosary, it is traditional in Stearns County German culture to mention which of the Mysteries of the Rosary is being focussed upon right after the Name of Jesus during each Hail Mary.[26]

The pilgrims from Jacobs Prairie walked behind a wagon upon which carried a wooden statue of the Blessed Virgin and the Christ Child, Who were surrounded by twelve girls dressed in white and bearing white flags. They were followed by four priests, several altar boys swinging censers, twenty six men on horseback, and many other pilgrims. As the pilgrims passed through Cold Spring, a reporter later commented that the houses were decorated with flags, and oak and evergreen garlands as though the Blessed Virgin herself, or some earthly monarch, were visiting the community.[27]

Upon the arrival of all the pilgrims at the chapel, Father Winter and the other priest cooperated in consecrating the altar and offered a Tridentine Missa Solemnis.[18][28]

On August 23, 1877, Der Nordstern reported about the chapel, "the place, which a month ago was a wilderness, and overgrown with wild brush, can today be called a paradise, a place of refuge for pilgrims."[3]

According to a document signed and notarized with six witnesses, by the time the second Mass was offered in the Chapel on September 8, 1877, no grasshoppers remained.[18]

There has not been a grasshopper plague in Minnesota or the Midwest at large since 1877.[18] The Masses in Maria Hilf continued as promised, and the farmers began to harvest successful crops the next year.

Furthermore, the last documented sighting of live Rocky Mountain locusts took place in southern Canada in 1902.[29] In 2014, the species of insect which was once numerous enough to block out the sun and reduce farm families throughout North America to the brink of starvation was formally declared extinct by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.[5]

According to the official history of St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church in Cold Spring, "To what soon became known as Marienberg, or 'Mary Hill', regular pilgrimages were regularly made. In many instances, these were made penitentiary on foot, or even barefooted. Up the face of the steep slope, earthen steps were cut, on which the devout would kneel step by step with praying a Hail Mary at each. Tales were told of miracles wrought by these prayers -- especially in the case of a sickly boy of the pioneer Nicholas Hansen family. Restored to health, he went on in adulthood to be a first missionary to the Bahamas, Bonaventure Hansen, O.S.B."[30]

According to Stephen Gross, the future Bahamian missionary was stricken with Sydenham's chorea when only 12-years of age, only to be completely cured as his parents made a twelve mile Bittgang, or pilgrimage on foot, to the Blessed Virgin's shrine upon Marienberg.[3]

1894 tornado edit

The original wooden chapel was hit on June 28, 1894, by a tornado travelling from the southeast,[18] and was picked up and smashed into a nearby grove of trees. The destruction of the chapel was complete--except for the wooden statue of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child which had been carved by Joseph Ambroziz and carried in the wagon from Jacobs Prairie in 1877. After the 1894 tornado, the statue still stood unharmed in the ruins of the chapel.[18][31]

Meanwhile, Anton Bold, one of the two donors for the land on which the chapel sits, saved his life by clinging to a stump. He later recalled, (German: "Der hat oben und unten gerüpft, aber ich hab' fest gehalten!") ("It plucked at me above and below, but I held on tight!")[32]

According to Fr. Robert J. Voigt, "The cyclone did not stop at the chapel. It destroyed other farm homes, barns, and granaries. It killed and injured cattle and horses, but missed the people, for they hid in their cellars. The tornado headed north. It gobbled up the church at Jacobs Prairie for dessert, and after travelling twenty miles, it did $60,000 worth of damage at St. John's Abbey. The storm even brought St. John's a present, some feed stacks from Cold Spring, identified by the farmers' names. In the winter, the farmers talked about rebuilding their chapel, but in summer with the pressure of farm work, they forgot about it..."[33]

Marienberg would accordingly stand vacant for the next fifty-eight years.

Second chapel edit

Stone inscription above chapel door, reading "Assumpta est Maria"

In 1952, in honor of the centennial of the diocese of Saint Cloud, the Chapel was rebuilt. The current chapel stands sixteen by twenty-six feet, the approximate size of the original building.[18] It was constructed of rough granite, much of which was donated by the Cold Spring Granite Company.[3] The inside of the Chapel is simple and has no pews, only an altar. The chapel's inside walls are carved from polished agate and carnelian granite.[18] The Chapel also features four stained-glass windows. Above the altar stands the very same wooden statue of the Blessed Virgin and the Christ Child that was carved by Joseph Ambroziz, carried in the wagon from Jacobs Prairie in 1877, and which survived the destruction of the original chapel by the tornado in 1894.

As the doctrine of the Assumption of Mary had only just been formally defined in 1950, the dedication of the chapel was changed accordingly. For this reason, as well, a stone carving above the door is inscribed in Ecclesiastical Latin, "Assumpta est Maria" ("Mary has been taken up"). Our Lady is pictured, and at her feet, bowing in submission, are two grasshoppers.[34][35]

This new chapel was dedicated on October 7, 1952.[18] Today, in continuation of the Chapel's tradition, there is an annual August 15 Mass celebrated inside the Assumption Chapel upon Marienberg.

Since 1962, an outdoor shrine to St. Joseph has also been located nearby. An outdoor Way of the Cross was added more recently.[36]

The centennial of the chapel on August 15, 1977, was commemorated by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saint Cloud with a religious procession from the Gothic Revival St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church in downtown Cold Spring to the chapel, where Mass was offered by Bishop George Speltz. A formal proclamation was also issued for the anniversary, by which Governor of Minnesota Rudy Perpich, "do hereby join with you in a reaffirmation of faith and thanksgiving" for, "the 'miracle' that took place one hundred years ago.'"[37]

Since 1990, for nine consecutive weeks in May and June, Mass is celebrated on Thursday evenings; a novena for the intention of a safe planting season and a good harvest. The surrounding parishes take turns offering the Mass.

A 23-mile bicycle pilgrimage to and from the chapel on the Feast of the Assumption has been taking place locally for at least 25-years.[38] Similarly to the revival of the Medieval Pilgrimage to Chartres following the Second Vatican Council in France, local Traditional Catholics have revived annual pilgrimages on foot to the Assumption Chapel upon Marienberg and many once forgotten traditions attached to them.[39]

St. Boniface Chapel edit

The St. Boniface Chapel was built in obedience to a similar vow by the parishioners of St. Wendelin's Church in Luxemburg and St. Mary, Help of Christians Church, both of which now lie within the city limits of St. Augusta, "half-way between their parish churches - on a small tree-crowned hill on the Henry Kaeter farm".[40] Annual pilgrimages to the site continued for many years afterwards on June 5, the Feast Day of St. Boniface, the driving force behind both the Anglo-Saxon mission that resulted in the Christianisation of the Germanic peoples, and who is revered as the "Apostle to the Germans". The rosary would be prayed during the route, followed by a Solemn High Mass with both parish choirs taking turns, and an open air dinner reception which bore strong parallels with a traditional Pennsylvania Dutch Fersommling. Sometimes, similarly to traditional Irish Pattern Days, rivalry between the two parishes would result in fist fights during the dinner, particularly when alcohol became involved. The St. Boniface Chapel pilgrimage and it's associated customs were only gradually abandoned in the late 1880s.[41]

After taking the helm of St. Mary Help of Christians Church in 1958, Fr. Severin Schwieters convinced his parishioners that the chapel was a highly important local heritage monument which deserved to be restored. At his urging, the parishioners moved the ruins to a wooded hill near the original site and reconstructed, as much as possible, using the original wood and other materials. St. Augustine's Church in east St. Cloud donated a new altar and all other items necessary for saying the Tridentine Mass. By St. Boniface's Day 1961, the chapel was ready for the pilgrimage to be restored which sometimes still continues.[42]

Catholic hymns traditionally sung in the Germanosphere during Marian pilgrimages edit

Background edit

According to Fr. Coleman J. Barry, there is traditionally a very intensive rivalry between parish choirs in Stearns County German culture. From the time of early settlement, every local parish choir used B.H.F. Hellebusch's Katholisches Gesang und Gebet Buch and the six Sing Messen found therein until the Regensburg-style of Gregorian Chant was introduced beginning in the 1880s. Parish choir-directors often doubled as local school-masters and were traditionally referred to as, (German: die Kirchen Väter), or "The Church Fathers". Catholic hymns in the German language (German: Kirchenlieder), which were always carefully chosen to fit the occasion, were also traditionally sung during pilgrimages and at Low Mass.[43]

As appearing in the Cantate! hymnal of the period edit

Folklore edit

According to Fr. Robert J. Voigt, "At night this chapel is illuminated with spotlights, strategically placed. They have their effect. The story is told of a man who left a Cold Spring tavern and was driving along Highway 23 towards St. Cloud. On the outskirts, he looked up and saw that lighted chapel. Returning to the tavern, he dropped his pint of whiskey on the counter and said, 'Anytime you see a church flying through the air, it's time to quit drinkin'.'"[44]

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Pages 17.
  2. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Pages 28.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Gross, Stephen John (April 2006). "The Grasshopper Shrine at Cold Spring, Minnesota: Religion and Market Capitalism among German-American Catholics" (PDF). The Catholic Historical Review. 92 (2): 215–243. doi:10.1353/cat.2006.0133. S2CID 159890053.
  4. ^ Canada's History, October–November 2015, pages 43-44
  5. ^ a b "Melanoplus spretus, Rocky Mountain grasshopper". Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Retrieved 2009-04-16.
  6. ^ Marilyn J. Chiat (1997), America's Religious Architecture: Sacred Places for Every Community, Preservation Press. Page 146.
  7. ^ Fr. Bruno Riss, O.S.B., The First Beginning of St. John's Abbey, "Saint Johns University Record", March 1889 and April 1889.
  8. ^ Fr. Bruno Riss, O.S.B., The First Beginning of St. John's Abbey, "Saint Johns University Record", March 1889.
  9. ^ Fr. Bruno Riss, O.S.B., The First Beginning of St. John's Abbey, "Saint Johns University Record", March 1889, May 1889.
  10. ^ Fr. Bruno Riss, O.S.B., The First Beginning of St. John's Abbey, "Saint Johns University Record", March 1889, May 1889.
  11. ^ George Berger biographical file, Archive Room, Stearns County Historical Society, St. Cloud, Minnesota.
  12. ^ Fr. Bruno Riss, O.S.B., The First Beginning of St. John's Abbey, "Saint Johns University Record", March 1889, May 1889.
  13. ^ Fr. Bruno Riss, O.S.B., The First Beginning of St. John's Abbey, "Saint Johns University Record", June 1889.
  14. ^ Fr. Bruno Riss, O.S.B., The First Beginning of St. John's Abbey, "Saint Johns University Record", June 1889.
  15. ^ Janice Wedl, O.S.B. (2005), A Dwelling Place for God: The History of St. Mary, Help of Christians Parish, St. Augusta, Minnesota, North Star Press, St. Cloud, Minnesota. Page 53.
  16. ^ Fr. Bruno Riss, O.S.B., The First Beginning of St. John's Abbey, "Saint Johns University Record", June 1889.
  17. ^ a b c d e f Atkins, Annette (1984). Harvest of Grief. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Historical Society. ISBN 9780873514798.
  18. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Voigt, Robert J. (1993). The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers. Cold Spring, MN.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  19. ^ a b c Wilder, Laura Ingalls (1965). On the Banks of Plum Creek. New York: Harper & Row Publishers. ISBN 9780060885403.
  20. ^ "Assumption Chapel" accessed April 5, 2011.
  21. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Page 8)17.
  22. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Page 17.
  23. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Page 19.
  24. ^ The Grasshopper Chapel at Cold Spring, Minnesota: Religion and Market Capitalism among German-American Catholics, by Stephen Gross, Catholic Historical Review, 2006, pages 215-243.
  25. ^ The Grasshopper Chapel at Cold Spring, Minnesota: Religion and Market Capitalism among German-American Catholics, by Stephen Gross, Catholic Historical Review, 2006, pages 215-243.
  26. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Page 41.
  27. ^ The Grasshopper Chapel at Cold Spring, Minnesota: Religion and Market Capitalism among German-American Catholics, by Stephen Gross, Catholic Historical Review, 2006, pages 215-243.
  28. ^ The Grasshopper Chapel at Cold Spring, Minnesota: Religion and Market Capitalism among German-American Catholics, by Stephen Gross, Catholic Historical Review, 2006, pages 215-243.
  29. ^ Canada's History, October–November 2015, pages 43-44
  30. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Pages 27.
  31. ^ The Grasshopper Chapel at Cold Spring, Minnesota: Religion and Market Capitalism among German-American Catholics, by Stephen Gross, Catholic Historical Review, 2006, pages 215-243.
  32. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Page 28.
  33. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Pages 28-29.
  34. ^ The Grasshopper Chapel at Cold Spring, Minnesota: Religion and Market Capitalism among German-American Catholics, by Stephen Gross, Catholic Historical Review, 2006, pages 215-243.
  35. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Pages 6-7.
  36. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Page 8.
  37. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Pages 34-35.
  38. ^ Pedal Pilgrimage Grasshopper Chapel
  39. ^ Grasshopper Chapel Pilgrimage 2021
  40. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Pages 25.
  41. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Pages 25-27.
  42. ^ Janice Wedl, O.S.B. (2005), A Dwelling Place for God: The History of St. Mary, Help of Christians Parish, St. Augusta, Minnesota, North Star Press, St. Cloud, Minnesota. Page 113.
  43. ^ Coleman J. Barry (1956), Worship and Work: Saint John's Abbey and University 1856-1956, Order of St. Benedict, Collegeville, Minnesota. Pages 90-92.
  44. ^ Fr. Robert J. Voigt (1991), The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Page 8.

External links edit

  • Annual Pedal Pilgrimage to and from the Grasshopper Chapel Official Website
  • Traditional Catholic Pilgrimage to the Grasshopper Chapel upon Marienberg, Official Website

assumption, chapel, 45583, 41417, 45583, 41417, also, known, grasshopper, chapel, roman, catholic, marian, shrine, pilgrimage, chapel, german, wahlfahrtsort, german, gnadenkapelle, shrine, stands, upon, tallest, hills, stearns, county, which, known, locally, g. 45 27 21 N 94 24 51 W 45 45583 N 94 41417 W 45 45583 94 41417 Assumption Chapel Assumption Chapel also known as the Grasshopper Chapel is a Roman Catholic Marian shrine and pilgrimage chapel German Wahlfahrtsort 1 German Gnadenkapelle 2 3 The shrine stands upon one of the tallest hills in Stearns County and which is known locally as German Marienberg meaning Mary s Mountain on the outskirts of Cold Spring Minnesota The chapel stands in a region of Minnesota largely settled in the 1850s by German American Catholics who were invited to the area by Slovenian American missionary Fr Francis Xavier Pierz and which remained until shortly before the Second World War a major center of the German language in the United States Although inspired by one thousand years old traditions carried from Southern Germany to Central Minnesota by its peasant pioneers the Assumption chapel similarly to the St Boniface pilgrimage shrine in nearby St Augusta was constructed in 1877 as a desperate plea for heavenly intercession against the Rocky Mountain locusts a species of giant grasshopper whose plagues devastated the region between 1856 and 1877 The petition was considered to have been successful at the time and there has not been another Rocky Mountain locus plague in Minnesota since 1877 Moreover the last documented sighting of live Rocky Mountain locusts in the wild took place in southern Canada in 1902 4 In 2014 the species of insects which was once numerous enough to block out the sunlight and reduce farm families throughout North America to starvation was formally declared extinct by the International Union for Conservation of Nature 5 Contents 1 Background 2 1856 1857 plague 3 1870s plague 4 The first chapel 5 1894 tornado 6 Second chapel 7 St Boniface Chapel 8 Catholic hymns traditionally sung in the Germanosphere during Marian pilgrimages 8 1 Background 8 2 As appearing in the Cantate hymnal of the period 9 Folklore 10 See also 11 References 12 External linksBackground edit nbsp Fr Francis Xavier Pierz 1864 Writing in 1997 Jewish American historian of America s religious architecture Marilyn J Chiat described the early history of the region as follows Father Francis X Pierz a missionary to Indians in central Minnesota published a series of articles in 1851 in German Catholic newspapers advocating Catholic settlement in central Minnesota Large numbers of immigrants mainly German but also Slovenian and Polish responded Over 20 parishes where formed in what is now Stearns County each centered on a church oriented hamlet As the farmers prospered the small frame churches were replaced by more substantial buildings of brick or stone such as St Mary Help of Christians a Gothic Revival stone structure built in 1873 Stearns County retains in its German character and is still home to one of the largest rural Catholic populations in Anglo America 6 nbsp St Mary Help of Christians Church St Augusta Minnesota The first Assumption Chapel was known as German Maria Hilf meaning Mary Help of Christians and was built atop the same hill which is locally known as German Marienberg meaning Mary s Mountain At the time of its original construction in 1877 much of the Midwest was suffering from a four year long Rocky Mountain locust plague At the same time however the construction of the chapel was based on a tradition stretching back much earlier 1856 1857 plague edit nbsp A 1902 scientific illustration of the Rocky Mountain locust According to Fr Bruno Riss 1829 1900 a Benedictine missionary priest from Augsburg in the Kingdom of Bavaria the first Rocky Mountain locust plague to strike Central Minnesota began on 15 August 1856 during the preaching of a mission for the Feast of the Assumption by Father Francis Xavier Weninger inside the newly erected log chapel in St Joseph Minnesota following the lifting of a personal interdict imposed against that community by Bishop Joseph Cretin in May 1856 The Rocky Mountain locusts darkened the sky and pounded upon the rooftop of the chapel so incredibly loud that they were mistaken for a thunder and hailstorm Only after the mission did the real reason for the storm become apparent and the clouds of hoppers swiftly devoured both the crops and much of the seed grain which left the newly arrived German American Catholic settlers of the region destitute 7 nbsp Red River ox cart at Saint Cloud 1887 According to Father Bruno Riss This small voracious yet invincible monster had in a short time devastated all that grows and blooms upon the face of the earth Within about 2 or 3 days the fields presented the appearance of being newly plowed Then an indescribable misery entered the homes of the settlers of Stearns County The entire harvest was a dead loss for those settlers who had taken their abodes in this region during the previous year those of course who had settled during the year of the famine had no crops to lose as they had not planted any The first terrible winter was at hand the victuals that remained were soon consumed prices rose enormously because the nearest market was at St Paul and it required a full week to make a trip with an ox team Still hope did not die 8 Although the grasshoppers were believed to have been killed off by the 1856 1857 winter and seed wheat stood at 2 per bushel it became apparent during the spring planting in 1857 that the locusts had simply laid their eggs in the furrows When the warmth of the sun hatched the eggs the results were even more catastrophic for the local population than the events of the previous year as the grasshoppers suffered nothing to grow except peas 9 According to Fr Bruno Riss They found their way into the houses and destroyed whatever clothing they could reach In the church not a shred of clothing could remain unexposed everything was locked up in presses Even the priest at the altar was not secure against their attacks before Mass the hoppers had to be swept off the altar The priest had to vest hastily place the altar clothes upon the altar and be very careful to keep the Sacred Host covered with the Paten and at the Elevation to leave the palla upon the chalice During Mass the altar boys were kept busy driving away the insolent insects with whips from the vestments of the priest 10 According to Father Bruno Riss George Berger 1823 1897 a St Joseph homesteader from Oberschneiding in the Kingdom of Bavaria 11 raised the question in a typically self deprecating example of Stearns County German humor after Mass one Sunday Why does God afflict us with grasshoppers Herr Berger then answered his own question in his own humorous way and explained God saw that when we lived in the States from which we emigrated we were good for nothing and wanted to cure us without harming our neighbors and therefore he led us to this place and the grasshoppers after us and now I hope we are all cured 12 By May 1857 conditions among the settlers had deteriorated to the point that the four Benedictine priests responsible for the region discussed the situation together and proposed to their parishioners the idea of vowing to make a biannual religious procession and pilgrimage German Bittgang in perpetuity if the locust plague were lifted The Benedictines had recalled two Saints early missionaries who spearheaded the Christianization of the pagan Germanic tribes in what later became the Diocese of Augsburg during a time when what is now the Germanosphere was very similar to the Wild West who both had a well established reputation for intercession during similar plagues of vermin in Southern Germany For this reason the processions were scheduled for July 4th the Feast of Saint Ulrich of Augsburg and September 6th the Feast of Saint Magnus of Fussen Immediately after the proposal was accepted and a solemn vow was made by the parish missions at St Cloud St Augusta St Joseph Jacobs Prairie and Richmond a strong northwest wind blew the locusts out of the region Even though local settlers had to wait another fourteen months for the next harvest to end local destitution the religious processions began almost immediately 13 nbsp Statue of St Ulrich of Augsburg inside the parish church in Gora Oljka Slovenia For the first pilgrimage on the next Feast Day of St Ulrich of Augsburg on 4 July 1857 St James s Roman Catholic Church in Jacobs Prairie was chosen as the objective The pilgrims from St Augusta and St Cloud crossed the Sauk River at Waite s Crossing and were met on the other side by the pilgrims from Richmond and other nearby communities The Tridentine Mass was then offered under the open sky before the pilgrimage continued to its objective 14 Meanwhile the writer of a letter from Stearns County to Der Wahrheitsfreund in Cincinnati Ohio which was published on July 2 1857 commented Truly one feels that they have been transported back to Germany when they see the beautiful customs of the Fatherland votive and other processions which proceed over fields and meadows The same writer continued Some of the Yankees witnessed the event and stared as they had never seen this and its meaning was strange to them It must be said in praise of them that in such circumstances they were well behaved and not once tried to disturb the atmosphere 3 nbsp Statue of St Magnus of Fussen outside the Basilica of St Mang in Fussen Bavaria An eyewitness account of the annual pilgrimage upon the Feast of St Magnus of Fussen was also published in Der Wahrheitsfreund on September 23 1858 According to Stephen Gross The reporter described the congregation at St Joseph meeting at 6 00 A M and beginning an hour later to walk the eight miles to Jacobs Prairie Two miles from their destination they were met by the parishioners from Jacobs Prairie who accompanied the procession back to the church Mass was held outside at the base of a huge mission cross decorated with flowers and holy pictures The priest in his sermon expressed his joy at the unity and love which prevailed in the parishes and his wish that it would always remain so 3 The crosses erected outside pioneer churches in the area after the completion of similar processions and parish missions or marking the future locations of parish churches always bore the maxim German Wer ausharrt bis ans End der wird selig Blessed is he who perseveres to the end 3 15 Fr Bruno Riss later recalled however In subsequent years I am informed that the custom of observing these processions was abandoned but a return of the ancient enemy revived the former fervor 16 According to Stephen Gross however this is not entirely accurate While the Feast Day of St Ulrich of Augsburg was swiftly displaced by America s Independence Day this was not the case with St Magnus of Fussen St Magnus who is the founder of St Mang s Abbey Fussen and is traditionally known as the Apostle of the Allgau continued to be widely venerated in Stearns County as a patron of good harvests and as the protector against lightning hail and plagues of vermin Furthermore his Feast Day on September 6 continued to be celebrated until well into the 1870s both in and around Jacobs Prairie as Grasshopper Day 3 1870s plague edit nbsp Plate II from Riley s The locust plague in the United States 1877 showing extent of damage in 1874 The later plague began in the summer of 1873 when similarly migrating Rocky Mountain Locusts laid claim to a territory spreading from southern Wyoming over Nebraska and the Dakotas all the way to Iowa and Minnesota 17 The first year the grasshoppers came looking for food and found it in the plentiful wheat fields where they laid eggs The newly hatched grasshoppers were wingless for the first six to eight weeks of life but their work was no less devastating Until they could fly they crawled along and feasted on the tender new growth of crops When their wings grew strong enough they flew off for another field This cycle would continue from 1873 to 1877 bringing widespread destruction to a part of the country primarily dependent on an agricultural economy Large black clouds made up of thousands of grasshoppers moved from field to field from county to county 17 One historian reported that grasshoppers sixty to eighty per square yard could devour one ton of hay per day each forty acres they covered 18 The grasshoppers ate everything and anything crops fruit trees wooden fork handles even clothing 17 In her book On the Banks of Plum Creek Laura Ingalls Wilder records her eyewitness accounts of the plight of these plagues She relates how they could not even keep grasshoppers out of the milk pail while milking 19 She tells how some men headed to the eastern side of the state to find work on unaffected farms 19 nbsp 1875 cartoon by Henry Worrall depicting Kansas farmers battling giant grasshoppers The farmers who stayed to fight the plague resorted to desperate measures Some used smudge pots to keep the grasshoppers in flight Others set their doomed crops on fire in order to kill the fledgling grasshoppers Many farmers resorted to catching them by hand or in buckets People started building makeshift hopper dozers These machines consisted of pieces of sheet metal smeared with tar which would be dragged over infested fields The grasshoppers would get stuck in the tar and be wiped off and burned at each end of the field 17 However the grasshoppers devastated crops at a speed that no human invention could compete with 17 The number of grasshoppers and the destruction they brought with them grew each year By the spring of 1877 grasshopper eggs covered approximately two thirds of Minnesota 18 Each year the Minnesota State Legislature appropriated more and more funds to assist its distressed citizens with the purchase of seed and even the necessities of food and clothing 18 People began to lose their faith in man made interventions They turned to spiritual means to relieve the devastation caused by the plague Minnesota governor John S Pillsbury declared April 26 1877 a statewide day of prayer 20 That night and the following day the weather shifted and the rain which fell soon turned to snow 17 The people thought this could be the event to impede the grasshoppers destructive advances but when the storm passed they were as plentiful as ever The first chapel editIn Stearns County about a month after the Statewide day of Prayer newly ordained Father Leo Winter OSB was assigned to the Parish of St James in Jacobs Prairie with further responsibility for the mission of St Nicholas eight miles away 18 In the midst of the plague Father Winter encouraged the people to continue their prayers of supplication 18 According to Fr Robert J Voigt Father Winter felt the plague was a punishment sent by God because the people had become too self sufficient They had their plots of land by now and some income so they started to forget about God Father Leo felt it was time for the people to repent of their waywardness and plead with God to remove the plague So he urged the people to continue that Day of Prayer in their homes and he did so himself in their churches 21 One Sunday while Father Winter was saying the Offertory of the Tridentine Mass the thought came to him of urging his parishioners to promise to build a chapel in honor of Mary Help of Christians so that She would intercede with Her Son for relief from the grasshopper plague 3 22 Father Winter talked over the idea with fellow parishioners They decided to build a chapel upon Marienberg in the Blessed Virgin s honor and to offer Masses of Thanksgiving on every Saturday 18 The parishioners of the two parishes agreed They vowed to build a chapel to honor the mother of God to take refuge in her as their intercessor and be freed from the ravages of the grasshopper plague 3 Two farmers donated seven acres halfway between the two parishes of St James and St Nicholas 18 Construction on the Chapel began July 16 1877 18 Laura Ingalls Wilder alleges that the grasshoppers left suddenly that month 19 All told the chapel cost a total of 865 and was completed in less than a month 18 A pilgrimage statue of the Blessed Virgin holding the Christ Child was carved by Slovenian immigrant Joseph Ambroziz an 80 year old farmer and folk artist from St Joseph Minnesota 23 Before the day of the chapel s completion and dedication August 15 1877 all houses in the nearby villages were decorated with flags and with garlands of oak and evergreen branches Triumphal arches German Triumphbogen which were also made of oak and evergreen branches and festooned with legends in both Ecclesiastical Latin Standard German and the local dialect known as Stearns County German were constructed in advance and lined the whole planned pilgrimage route 24 As described by a local reporter for Der Nordstern cannons were fired off at 5 00 am to announce the beginning of a religious procession German Bittgang in the nearby villages of Cold Spring Jacobs Prairie St Nicholas and other communities The pilgrims from Jacobs Prairie who like all other groups of pilgrims were singing German hymns German Kirchenlieder and praying the rosary 25 According to Fr Robert J Voigt while praying the rosary it is traditional in Stearns County German culture to mention which of the Mysteries of the Rosary is being focussed upon right after the Name of Jesus during each Hail Mary 26 The pilgrims from Jacobs Prairie walked behind a wagon upon which carried a wooden statue of the Blessed Virgin and the Christ Child Who were surrounded by twelve girls dressed in white and bearing white flags They were followed by four priests several altar boys swinging censers twenty six men on horseback and many other pilgrims As the pilgrims passed through Cold Spring a reporter later commented that the houses were decorated with flags and oak and evergreen garlands as though the Blessed Virgin herself or some earthly monarch were visiting the community 27 Upon the arrival of all the pilgrims at the chapel Father Winter and the other priest cooperated in consecrating the altar and offered a Tridentine Missa Solemnis 18 28 On August 23 1877 Der Nordstern reported about the chapel the place which a month ago was a wilderness and overgrown with wild brush can today be called a paradise a place of refuge for pilgrims 3 According to a document signed and notarized with six witnesses by the time the second Mass was offered in the Chapel on September 8 1877 no grasshoppers remained 18 There has not been a grasshopper plague in Minnesota or the Midwest at large since 1877 18 The Masses in Maria Hilf continued as promised and the farmers began to harvest successful crops the next year Furthermore the last documented sighting of live Rocky Mountain locusts took place in southern Canada in 1902 29 In 2014 the species of insect which was once numerous enough to block out the sun and reduce farm families throughout North America to the brink of starvation was formally declared extinct by the International Union for Conservation of Nature 5 According to the official history of St Boniface Roman Catholic Church in Cold Spring To what soon became known as Marienberg or Mary Hill regular pilgrimages were regularly made In many instances these were made penitentiary on foot or even barefooted Up the face of the steep slope earthen steps were cut on which the devout would kneel step by step with praying a Hail Mary at each Tales were told of miracles wrought by these prayers especially in the case of a sickly boy of the pioneer Nicholas Hansen family Restored to health he went on in adulthood to be a first missionary to the Bahamas Bonaventure Hansen O S B 30 According to Stephen Gross the future Bahamian missionary was stricken with Sydenham s chorea when only 12 years of age only to be completely cured as his parents made a twelve mile Bittgang or pilgrimage on foot to the Blessed Virgin s shrine upon Marienberg 3 1894 tornado editThe original wooden chapel was hit on June 28 1894 by a tornado travelling from the southeast 18 and was picked up and smashed into a nearby grove of trees The destruction of the chapel was complete except for the wooden statue of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child which had been carved by Joseph Ambroziz and carried in the wagon from Jacobs Prairie in 1877 After the 1894 tornado the statue still stood unharmed in the ruins of the chapel 18 31 Meanwhile Anton Bold one of the two donors for the land on which the chapel sits saved his life by clinging to a stump He later recalled German Der hat oben und unten gerupft aber ich hab fest gehalten It plucked at me above and below but I held on tight 32 According to Fr Robert J Voigt The cyclone did not stop at the chapel It destroyed other farm homes barns and granaries It killed and injured cattle and horses but missed the people for they hid in their cellars The tornado headed north It gobbled up the church at Jacobs Prairie for dessert and after travelling twenty miles it did 60 000 worth of damage at St John s Abbey The storm even brought St John s a present some feed stacks from Cold Spring identified by the farmers names In the winter the farmers talked about rebuilding their chapel but in summer with the pressure of farm work they forgot about it 33 Marienberg would accordingly stand vacant for the next fifty eight years Second chapel edit nbsp Stone inscription above chapel door reading Assumpta est Maria In 1952 in honor of the centennial of the diocese of Saint Cloud the Chapel was rebuilt The current chapel stands sixteen by twenty six feet the approximate size of the original building 18 It was constructed of rough granite much of which was donated by the Cold Spring Granite Company 3 The inside of the Chapel is simple and has no pews only an altar The chapel s inside walls are carved from polished agate and carnelian granite 18 The Chapel also features four stained glass windows Above the altar stands the very same wooden statue of the Blessed Virgin and the Christ Child that was carved by Joseph Ambroziz carried in the wagon from Jacobs Prairie in 1877 and which survived the destruction of the original chapel by the tornado in 1894 As the doctrine of the Assumption of Mary had only just been formally defined in 1950 the dedication of the chapel was changed accordingly For this reason as well a stone carving above the door is inscribed in Ecclesiastical Latin Assumpta est Maria Mary has been taken up Our Lady is pictured and at her feet bowing in submission are two grasshoppers 34 35 This new chapel was dedicated on October 7 1952 18 Today in continuation of the Chapel s tradition there is an annual August 15 Mass celebrated inside the Assumption Chapel upon Marienberg Since 1962 an outdoor shrine to St Joseph has also been located nearby An outdoor Way of the Cross was added more recently 36 The centennial of the chapel on August 15 1977 was commemorated by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saint Cloud with a religious procession from the Gothic Revival St Boniface Roman Catholic Church in downtown Cold Spring to the chapel where Mass was offered by Bishop George Speltz A formal proclamation was also issued for the anniversary by which Governor of Minnesota Rudy Perpich do hereby join with you in a reaffirmation of faith and thanksgiving for the miracle that took place one hundred years ago 37 Since 1990 for nine consecutive weeks in May and June Mass is celebrated on Thursday evenings a novena for the intention of a safe planting season and a good harvest The surrounding parishes take turns offering the Mass A 23 mile bicycle pilgrimage to and from the chapel on the Feast of the Assumption has been taking place locally for at least 25 years 38 Similarly to the revival of the Medieval Pilgrimage to Chartres following the Second Vatican Council in France local Traditional Catholics have revived annual pilgrimages on foot to the Assumption Chapel upon Marienberg and many once forgotten traditions attached to them 39 St Boniface Chapel editThe St Boniface Chapel was built in obedience to a similar vow by the parishioners of St Wendelin s Church in Luxemburg and St Mary Help of Christians Church both of which now lie within the city limits of St Augusta half way between their parish churches on a small tree crowned hill on the Henry Kaeter farm 40 Annual pilgrimages to the site continued for many years afterwards on June 5 the Feast Day of St Boniface the driving force behind both the Anglo Saxon mission that resulted in the Christianisation of the Germanic peoples and who is revered as the Apostle to the Germans The rosary would be prayed during the route followed by a Solemn High Mass with both parish choirs taking turns and an open air dinner reception which bore strong parallels with a traditional Pennsylvania Dutch Fersommling Sometimes similarly to traditional Irish Pattern Days rivalry between the two parishes would result in fist fights during the dinner particularly when alcohol became involved The St Boniface Chapel pilgrimage and it s associated customs were only gradually abandoned in the late 1880s 41 After taking the helm of St Mary Help of Christians Church in 1958 Fr Severin Schwieters convinced his parishioners that the chapel was a highly important local heritage monument which deserved to be restored At his urging the parishioners moved the ruins to a wooded hill near the original site and reconstructed as much as possible using the original wood and other materials St Augustine s Church in east St Cloud donated a new altar and all other items necessary for saying the Tridentine Mass By St Boniface s Day 1961 the chapel was ready for the pilgrimage to be restored which sometimes still continues 42 Catholic hymns traditionally sung in the Germanosphere during Marian pilgrimages editBackground edit According to Fr Coleman J Barry there is traditionally a very intensive rivalry between parish choirs in Stearns County German culture From the time of early settlement every local parish choir used B H F Hellebusch s Katholisches Gesang und Gebet Buch and the six Sing Messen found therein until the Regensburg style of Gregorian Chant was introduced beginning in the 1880s Parish choir directors often doubled as local school masters and were traditionally referred to as German die Kirchen Vater or The Church Fathers Catholic hymns in the German language German Kirchenlieder which were always carefully chosen to fit the occasion were also traditionally sung during pilgrimages and at Low Mass 43 As appearing in the Cantate hymnal of the period edit Ein Haus voll Glorie schauet composed by Fr Joseph Hermann Mohr 1834 1892 in a deliberately similar tempo to the Prussian Army military marches that were widely popular during the German Empire as an anthem of nonviolent resistance to the anti Catholicism of Otto von Bismarck s Kulturkampf At the time of its composition Fr Mohr a Jesuit priest was living in the Third French Republic as a refugee from the Iron Chancellor s Jesuit Law of 1872 Freu dich du Himmelskonigin author unknown a verse paraphrase of the Regina caeli dating from c 1600 Gegrusset seist du Konigin a verse paraphrase of the Salve Regina by Johann Georg Seidenbusch 1641 1729 of the Aufhausen Priory near Regensburg Kingdom of Bavaria Known throughout the Anglosphere under the translated lyrics titled Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above which first appeared in 1884 Lasst uns erfreuen a Marian Easter hymn composed during the Counter Reformation and the Thirty Years War by Fr Friedrich Spee 1591 1635 a Jesuit missionary priest in Westphalia religious poet and early polemicist against witch hunts Maria breit den Mantel aus author unknown but first published at Innsbruck in 1641 and later updated into Standard German by Fr Joseph Hermann Mohr A hymn to the Virgin of Mercy a Marian devotion which is highly similar to the Byzantine Catholic Protecting Veil of the Mother of God Also widely used as an anthem of nonviolent resistance to the Kulturkampf Segne du Maria composed in 1870 by poetess Cordula Wohler 1845 1916 after her father a Lutheran pastor at Lichtenhagen Mecklenburg threw her out of the house and disowned her for converting to Catholicism Folklore editAccording to Fr Robert J Voigt At night this chapel is illuminated with spotlights strategically placed They have their effect The story is told of a man who left a Cold Spring tavern and was driving along Highway 23 towards St Cloud On the outskirts he looked up and saw that lighted chapel Returning to the tavern he dropped his pint of whiskey on the counter and said Anytime you see a church flying through the air it s time to quit drinkin 44 See also editGerman American Demographics German language in the United States Pilgrimage to Chartres Roman Catholic Marian ChurchesReferences edit Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Pages 17 Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Pages 28 a b c d e f g h i j Gross Stephen John April 2006 The Grasshopper Shrine at Cold Spring Minnesota Religion and Market Capitalism among German American Catholics PDF The Catholic Historical Review 92 2 215 243 doi 10 1353 cat 2006 0133 S2CID 159890053 Canada s History October November 2015 pages 43 44 a b Melanoplus spretus Rocky Mountain grasshopper Animal Diversity Web University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Retrieved 2009 04 16 Marilyn J Chiat 1997 America s Religious Architecture Sacred Places for Every Community Preservation Press Page 146 Fr Bruno Riss O S B The First Beginning of St John s Abbey Saint Johns University Record March 1889 and April 1889 Fr Bruno Riss O S B The First Beginning of St John s Abbey Saint Johns University Record March 1889 Fr Bruno Riss O S B The First Beginning of St John s Abbey Saint Johns University Record March 1889 May 1889 Fr Bruno Riss O S B The First Beginning of St John s Abbey Saint Johns University Record March 1889 May 1889 George Berger biographical file Archive Room Stearns County Historical Society St Cloud Minnesota Fr Bruno Riss O S B The First Beginning of St John s Abbey Saint Johns University Record March 1889 May 1889 Fr Bruno Riss O S B The First Beginning of St John s Abbey Saint Johns University Record June 1889 Fr Bruno Riss O S B The First Beginning of St John s Abbey Saint Johns University Record June 1889 Janice Wedl O S B 2005 A Dwelling Place for God The History of St Mary Help of Christians Parish St Augusta Minnesota North Star Press St Cloud Minnesota Page 53 Fr Bruno Riss O S B The First Beginning of St John s Abbey Saint Johns University Record June 1889 a b c d e f Atkins Annette 1984 Harvest of Grief St Paul MN Minnesota Historical Society ISBN 9780873514798 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Voigt Robert J 1993 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring MN a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link a b c Wilder Laura Ingalls 1965 On the Banks of Plum Creek New York Harper amp Row Publishers ISBN 9780060885403 Assumption Chapel accessed April 5 2011 Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Page 8 17 Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Page 17 Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Page 19 The Grasshopper Chapel at Cold Spring Minnesota Religion and Market Capitalism among German American Catholics by Stephen Gross Catholic Historical Review 2006 pages 215 243 The Grasshopper Chapel at Cold Spring Minnesota Religion and Market Capitalism among German American Catholics by Stephen Gross Catholic Historical Review 2006 pages 215 243 Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Page 41 The Grasshopper Chapel at Cold Spring Minnesota Religion and Market Capitalism among German American Catholics by Stephen Gross Catholic Historical Review 2006 pages 215 243 The Grasshopper Chapel at Cold Spring Minnesota Religion and Market Capitalism among German American Catholics by Stephen Gross Catholic Historical Review 2006 pages 215 243 Canada s History October November 2015 pages 43 44 Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Pages 27 The Grasshopper Chapel at Cold Spring Minnesota Religion and Market Capitalism among German American Catholics by Stephen Gross Catholic Historical Review 2006 pages 215 243 Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Page 28 Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Pages 28 29 The Grasshopper Chapel at Cold Spring Minnesota Religion and Market Capitalism among German American Catholics by Stephen Gross Catholic Historical Review 2006 pages 215 243 Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Pages 6 7 Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Page 8 Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Pages 34 35 Pedal Pilgrimage Grasshopper Chapel Grasshopper Chapel Pilgrimage 2021 Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Pages 25 Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Pages 25 27 Janice Wedl O S B 2005 A Dwelling Place for God The History of St Mary Help of Christians Parish St Augusta Minnesota North Star Press St Cloud Minnesota Page 113 Coleman J Barry 1956 Worship and Work Saint John s Abbey and University 1856 1956 Order of St Benedict Collegeville Minnesota Pages 90 92 Fr Robert J Voigt 1991 The Story of Mary and the Grasshoppers Cold Spring Minnesota Page 8 External links editAnnual Pedal Pilgrimage to and from the Grasshopper Chapel Official Website Traditional Catholic Pilgrimage to the Grasshopper Chapel upon Marienberg Official Website Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Assumption Chapel amp oldid 1217030151, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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