
Development economics

Development economics is a branch of economics which deals with economic aspects of the development process in low- and middle- income countries. Its focus is not only on methods of promoting economic development, economic growth and structural change but also on improving the potential for the mass of the population, for example, through health, education and workplace conditions, whether through public or private channels.[1]

Development economics involves the creation of theories and methods that aid in the determination of policies and practices and can be implemented at either the domestic or international level.[2] This may involve restructuring market incentives or using mathematical methods such as intertemporal optimization for project analysis, or it may involve a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods.[3] Common topics include growth theory, poverty and inequality, human capital, and institutions.[4]

Unlike in many other fields of economics, approaches in development economics may incorporate social and political factors to devise particular plans.[5] Also unlike many other fields of economics, there is no consensus on what students should know.[6] Different approaches may consider the factors that contribute to economic convergence or non-convergence across households, regions, and countries.[7]

Theories of development economics

Mercantilism and physiocracy

World GDP per capita, from 1400 to 2003 CE

The earliest Western theory of development economics was mercantilism, which developed in the 17th century, paralleling the rise of the nation state. Earlier theories had given little attention to development. For example, scholasticism, the dominant school of thought during medieval feudalism, emphasized reconciliation with Christian theology and ethics, rather than development. The 16th- and 17th-century School of Salamanca, credited as the earliest modern school of economics, likewise did not address development specifically.

Major European nations in the 17th and 18th centuries all adopted mercantilist ideals to varying degrees, the influence only ebbing with the 18th-century development of physiocrats in France and classical economics in Britain. Mercantilism held that a nation's prosperity depended on its supply of capital, represented by bullion (gold, silver, and trade value) held by the state. It emphasised the maintenance of a high positive trade balance (maximising exports and minimising imports) as a means of accumulating this bullion. To achieve a positive trade balance, protectionist measures such as tariffs and subsidies to home industries were advocated. Mercantilist development theory also advocated colonialism.

Theorists most associated with mercantilism include Philipp von Hörnigk, who in his Austria Over All, If She Only Will of 1684 gave the only comprehensive statement of mercantilist theory, emphasizing production and an export-led economy.[8] In France, mercantilist policy is most associated with 17th-century finance minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert, whose policies proved influential in later American development.

Mercantilist ideas continue in the theories of economic nationalism and neomercantilism.

Economic nationalism

Alexander Hamilton, credited as Father of the National System

Following mercantilism was the related theory of economic nationalism, promulgated in the 19th century related to the development and industrialization of the United States and Germany, notably in the policies of the American System in America and the Zollverein (customs union) in Germany. A significant difference from mercantilism was the de-emphasis on colonies, in favor of a focus on domestic production.

The names most associated with 19th-century economic nationalism are the first United States Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, the German-American Friedrich List, and the American economist Henry Clay. Hamilton's 1791 Report on Manufactures, his magnum opus, is the founding text of the American System, and drew from the mercantilist economies of Britain under Elizabeth I and France under Colbert. List's 1841 Das Nationale System der Politischen Ökonomie (translated into English as The National System of Political Economy), which emphasized stages of growth. Hamilton professed that developing an industrialized economy was impossible without protectionism because import duties are necessary to shelter domestic "infant industries" until they could achieve economies of scale.[9] Such theories proved influential in the United States, with much higher American average tariff rates on manufactured products between 1824 and the WWII period than most other countries,[10] Nationalist policies, including protectionism, were pursued by American politician Henry Clay, and later by Abraham Lincoln, under the influence of economist Henry Charles Carey.

Forms of economic nationalism and neomercantilism have also been key in Japan's development in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the more recent development of the Four Asian Tigers (Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore), and, most significantly, China.

Following Brexit and the 2016 United States presidential election, some experts have argued a new kind of "self-seeking capitalism" popularly known as Trumponomics could have a considerable impact on cross-border investment flows and long-term capital allocation[11][12]

Post-WWII theories

The origins of modern development economics are often traced to the need for, and likely problems with the industrialization of eastern Europe in the aftermath of World War II.[13] The key authors are Paul Rosenstein-Rodan,[14] Kurt Mandelbaum,[15] Ragnar Nurkse,[16] and Sir Hans Wolfgang Singer. Only after the war did economists turn their concerns towards Asia, Africa and Latin America. At the heart of these studies, by authors such as Simon Kuznets and W. Arthur Lewis[17] was an analysis of not only economic growth but also structural transformation.[18]

Linear-stages-of-growth model

An early theory of development economics, the linear-stages-of-growth model was first formulated in the 1950s by W. W. Rostow in The Stages of Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto, following work of Marx and List. This theory modifies Marx's stages theory of development and focuses on the accelerated accumulation of capital, through the utilization of both domestic and international savings as a means of spurring investment, as the primary means of promoting economic growth and, thus, development.[5] The linear-stages-of-growth model posits that there are a series of five consecutive stages of development that all countries must go through during the process of development. These stages are "the traditional society, the pre-conditions for take-off, the take-off, the drive to maturity, and the age of high mass-consumption"[19] Simple versions of the Harrod–Domar model provide a mathematical illustration of the argument that improved capital investment leads to greater economic growth.[5]

Such theories have been criticized for not recognizing that, while necessary, capital accumulation is not a sufficient condition for development. That is to say that this early and simplistic theory failed to account for political, social and institutional obstacles to development. Furthermore, this theory was developed in the early years of the Cold War and was largely derived from the successes of the Marshall Plan. This has led to the major criticism that the theory assumes that the conditions found in developing countries are the same as those found in post-WWII Europe.[5]

Structural-change theory

Structural-change theory deals with policies focused on changing the economic structures of developing countries from being composed primarily of subsistence agricultural practices to being a "more modern, more urbanized, and more industrially diverse manufacturing and service economy." There are two major forms of structural-change theory: W. Lewis' two-sector surplus model, which views agrarian societies as consisting of large amounts of surplus labor which can be utilized to spur the development of an urbanized industrial sector, and Hollis Chenery's patterns of development approach, which holds that different countries become wealthy via different trajectories. The pattern that a particular country will follow, in this framework, depends on its size and resources, and potentially other factors including its current income level and comparative advantages relative to other nations.[20][21] Empirical analysis in this framework studies the "sequential process through which the economic, industrial and institutional structure of an underdeveloped economy is transformed over time to permit new industries to replace traditional agriculture as the engine of economic growth."[5]

Structural-change approaches to development economics have faced criticism for their emphasis on urban development at the expense of rural development which can lead to a substantial rise in inequality between internal regions of a country. The two-sector surplus model, which was developed in the 1950s, has been further criticized for its underlying assumption that predominantly agrarian societies suffer from a surplus of labor. Actual empirical studies have shown that such labor surpluses are only seasonal and drawing such labor to urban areas can result in a collapse of the agricultural sector. The patterns of development approach has been criticized for lacking a theoretical framework.[5][citation needed]

International dependence theory

International dependence theories gained prominence in the 1970s as a reaction to the failure of earlier theories to lead to widespread successes in international development. Unlike earlier theories, international dependence theories have their origins in developing countries and view obstacles to development as being primarily external in nature, rather than internal. These theories view developing countries as being economically and politically dependent on more powerful, developed countries that have an interest in maintaining their dominant position. There are three different, major formulations of international dependence theory: neocolonial dependence theory, the false-paradigm model, and the dualistic-dependence model. The first formulation of international dependence theory, neocolonial dependence theory, has its origins in Marxism and views the failure of many developing nations to undergo successful development as being the result of the historical development of the international capitalist system.[5]

Neoclassical theory

First gaining prominence with the rise of several conservative governments in the developed world during the 1980s, neoclassical theories represent a radical shift away from International Dependence Theories. Neoclassical theories argue that governments should not intervene in the economy; in other words, these theories are claiming that an unobstructed free market is the best means of inducing rapid and successful development. Competitive free markets unrestrained by excessive government regulation are seen as being able to naturally ensure that the allocation of resources occurs with the greatest efficiency possible and the economic growth is raised and stabilized.[5][citation needed]

It is important to note that there are several different approaches within the realm of neoclassical theory, each with subtle, but important, differences in their views regarding the extent to which the market should be left unregulated. These different takes on neoclassical theory are the free market approach, public-choice theory, and the market-friendly approach. Of the three, both the free-market approach and public-choice theory contend that the market should be totally free, meaning that any intervention by the government is necessarily bad. Public-choice theory is arguably the more radical of the two with its view, closely associated with libertarianism, that governments themselves are rarely good and therefore should be as minimal as possible.[5]

Academic economists have given varied policy advice to governments of developing countries. See for example, Economy of Chile (Arnold Harberger), Economic history of Taiwan (Sho-Chieh Tsiang). Anne Krueger noted in 1996 that success and failure of policy recommendations worldwide had not consistently been incorporated into prevailing academic writings on trade and development.[5]

The market-friendly approach, unlike the other two, is a more recent development and is often associated with the World Bank. This approach still advocates free markets but recognizes that there are many imperfections in the markets of many developing nations and thus argues that some government intervention is an effective means of fixing such imperfections.[5]

Topics of research

Development economics also includes topics such as third world debt, and the functions of such organisations as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. In fact, the majority of development economists are employed by, do consulting with, or receive funding from institutions like the IMF and the World Bank.[22] Many such economists are interested in ways of promoting stable and sustainable growth in poor countries and areas, by promoting domestic self-reliance and education in some of the lowest income countries in the world. Where economic issues merge with social and political ones, it is referred to as development studies.

Geography and development

Economists Jeffrey D. Sachs, Andrew Mellinger, and John Gallup argue that a nation's geographical location and topography are key determinants and predictors of its economic prosperity.[23] Areas developed along the coast and near "navigable waterways" are far wealthier and more densely populated than those further inland. Furthermore, countries outside the tropic zones, which have more temperate climates, have also developed considerably more than those located within the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. These climates outside the tropic zones, described as "temperate-near," hold roughly a quarter of the world's population and produce more than half of the world's GNP, yet account for only 8.4% of the world's inhabited area.[23] Understanding of these different geographies and climates is imperative, they argue, because future aid programs and policies to facilitate must account for these differences.

Economic development and ethnicity

A growing body of research has been emerging among development economists since the very late 20th century focusing on interactions between ethnic diversity and economic development, particularly at the level of the nation-state. While most research looks at empirical economics at both the macro and the micro level, this field of study has a particularly heavy sociological approach. The more conservative branch of research focuses on tests for causality in the relationship between different levels of ethnic diversity and economic performance, while a smaller and more radical branch argues for the role of neoliberal economics in enhancing or causing ethnic conflict. Moreover, comparing these two theoretical approaches brings the issue of endogeneity (endogenicity) into questions. This remains a highly contested and uncertain field of research, as well as politically sensitive, largely due to its possible policy implications.

The role of ethnicity in economic development

Much discussion among researchers centers around defining and measuring two key but related variables: ethnicity and diversity. It is debated whether ethnicity should be defined by culture, language, or religion. While conflicts in Rwanda were largely along tribal lines, Nigeria's string of conflicts is thought to be – at least to some degree – religiously based.[24] Some have proposed that, as the saliency of these different ethnic variables tends to vary over time and across geography, research methodologies should vary according to the context.[25] Somalia provides an interesting example. Due to the fact that about 85% of its population defined themselves as Somali, Somalia was considered to be a rather ethnically homogeneous nation.[25] However, civil war caused ethnicity (or ethnic affiliation) to be redefined according to clan groups.[25]

There is also much discussion in academia concerning the creation of an index for "ethnic heterogeneity". Several indices have been proposed in order to model ethnic diversity (with regards to conflict). Easterly and Levine have proposed an ethno-linguistic fractionalization index defined as FRAC or ELF defined by:


where si is size of group i as a percentage of total population.[25] The ELF index is a measure of the probability that two randomly chosen individuals belong to different ethno-linguistic groups.[25] Other researchers have also applied this index to religious rather than ethno-linguistic groups.[26] Though commonly used, Alesina and La Ferrara point out that the ELF index fails to account for the possibility that fewer large ethnic groups may result in greater inter-ethnic conflict than many small ethnic groups.[25] More recently, researchers such as Montalvo and Reynal-Querol, have put forward the Q polarization index as a more appropriate measure of ethnic division.[27] Based on a simplified adaptation of a polarization index developed by Esteban and Ray, the Q index is defined as


where si once again represents the size of group i as a percentage of total population, and is intended to capture the social distance between existing ethnic groups within an area.[27]

Early researchers, such as Jonathan Pool, considered a concept dating back to the account of the Tower of Babel: that linguistic unity may allow for higher levels of development.[28] While pointing out obvious oversimplifications and the subjectivity of definitions and data collection, Pool suggested that we had yet to see a robust economy emerge from a nation with a high degree of linguistic diversity.[28] In his research Pool used the "size of the largest native-language community as a percentage of the population" as his measure of linguistic diversity.[28] Not much later, however, Horowitz pointed out that both highly diverse and highly homogeneous societies exhibit less conflict than those in between.[29] Similarly, Collier and Hoeffler provided evidence that both highly homogenous and highly heterogeneous societies exhibit lower risk of civil war, while societies that are more polarized are at greater risk.[30] As a matter of fact, their research suggests that a society with only two ethnic groups is about 50% more likely to experience civil war than either of the two extremes.[30] Nonetheless, Mauro points out that ethno-linguistic fractionalization is positively correlated with corruption, which in turn is negatively correlated with economic growth.[31] Moreover, in a study on economic growth in African countries, Easterly and Levine find that linguistic fractionalization plays a significant role in reducing national income growth and in explaining poor policies.[32][33] In addition, empirical research in the U.S., at the municipal level, has revealed that ethnic fractionalization (based on race) may be correlated with poor fiscal management and lower investments in public goods.[34] Finally, more recent research would propose that ethno-linguistic fractionalization is indeed negatively correlated with economic growth while more polarized societies exhibit greater public consumption, lower levels of investment and more frequent civil wars.[32]

Economic development and its impact on ethnic conflict

Increasingly, attention is being drawn to the role of economics in spawning or cultivating ethnic conflict. Critics of earlier development theories, mentioned above, point out that "ethnicity" and ethnic conflict cannot be treated as exogenous variables.[35] There is a body of literature that discusses how economic growth and development, particularly in the context of a globalizing world characterized by free trade, appears to be leading to the extinction and homogenization of languages.[36] Manuel Castells asserts that the "widespread destructuring of organizations, delegitimation of institutions, fading away of major social movements, and ephemeral cultural expressions" which characterize globalization lead to a renewed search for meaning; one that is based on identity rather than on practices.[37] Barber and Lewis argue that culturally-based movements of resistance have emerged as a reaction to the threat of modernization (perceived or actual) and neoliberal development.[38][39]

On a different note, Chua suggests that ethnic conflict often results from the envy of the majority toward a wealthy minority which has benefited from trade in a neoliberal world.[35] She argues that conflict is likely to erupt through political manipulation and the vilification of the minority.[35] Prasch points out that, as economic growth often occurs in tandem with increased inequality, ethnic or religious organizations may be seen as both assistance and an outlet for the disadvantaged.[35] However, empirical research by Piazza argues that economics and unequal development have little to do with social unrest in the form of terrorism.[40] Rather, "more diverse societies, in terms of ethnic and religious demography, and political systems with large, complex, multiparty systems were more likely to experience terrorism than were more homogeneous states with few or no parties at the national level".[40]

Recovery from conflict (civil war)

Violent conflict and economic development are deeply intertwined. Paul Collier[41] describes how poor countries are more prone to civil conflict. The conflict lowers incomes catching countries in a "conflict trap." Violent conflict destroys physical capital (equipment and infrastructure), diverts valuable resources to military spending, discourages investment and disrupts exchange.[42]

Recovery from civil conflict is very uncertain. Countries that maintain stability can experience a "peace dividend," through the rapid re-accumulation of physical capital (investment flows back to the recovering country because of the high return).[43] However, successful recovery depends on the quality of legal system and the protection of private property.[44] Investment is more productive in countries with higher quality institutions. Firms that experienced a civil war were more sensitive to the quality of the legal system that similar firms that had never been exposed to conflict.[45]

Growth indicator controversy

Per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP per head) is used by many developmental economists as an approximation of general national well-being. However, these measures are criticized as not measuring economic growth well enough, especially in countries where there is much economic activity that is not part of measured financial transactions (such as housekeeping and self-homebuilding), or where funding is not available for accurate measurements to be made publicly available for other economists to use in their studies (including private and institutional fraud, in some countries).

Even though per-capita GDP as measured can make economic well-being appear smaller than it really is in some developing countries, the discrepancy could be still bigger in a developed country where people may perform outside of financial transactions an even higher-value service than housekeeping or homebuilding as gifts or in their own households, such as counseling, lifestyle coaching, a more valuable home décor service, and time management. Even free choice can be considered to add value to lifestyles without necessarily increasing the financial transaction amounts.

More recent theories of Human Development have begun to see beyond purely financial measures of development, for example with measures such as medical care available, education, equality, and political freedom. One measure used is the Genuine Progress Indicator, which relates strongly to theories of distributive justice. Actual knowledge about what creates growth is largely unproven; however recent advances in econometrics and more accurate measurements in many countries are creating new knowledge by compensating for the effects of variables to determine probable causes out of merely correlational statistics.

Recent developments

Recent theories revolve around questions about what variables or inputs correlate or affect economic growth the most: elementary, secondary, or higher education, government policy stability, tariffs and subsidies, fair court systems, available infrastructure, availability of medical care, prenatal care and clean water, ease of entry and exit into trade, and equality of income distribution (for example, as indicated by the Gini coefficient), and how to advise governments about macroeconomic policies, which include all policies that affect the economy. Education enables countries to adapt the latest technology and creates an environment for new innovations.

The cause of limited growth and divergence in economic growth lies in the high rate of acceleration of technological change by a small number of developed countries[citation needed]. These countries' acceleration of technology was due to increased incentive structures for mass education which in turn created a framework for the population to create and adapt new innovations and methods. Furthermore, the content of their education was composed of secular schooling that resulted in higher productivity levels and modern economic growth.

Researchers at the Overseas Development Institute also highlight the importance of using economic growth to improve the human condition, raising people out of poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals.[46] Despite research showing almost no relation between growth and the achievement of the goals 2 to 7 and statistics showing that during periods of growth poverty levels in some cases have actually risen (e.g. Uganda grew by 2.5% annually between 2000 and 2003, yet poverty levels rose by 3.8%), researchers at the ODI suggest growth is necessary, but that it must be equitable.[46] This concept of inclusive growth is shared even by key world leaders such as former Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who emphasises that:

"Sustained and equitable growth based on dynamic structural economic change is necessary for making substantial progress in reducing poverty. It also enables faster progress towards the other Millennium Development Goals. While economic growth is necessary, it is not sufficient for progress on reducing poverty."[46]

Researchers at the ODI thus emphasise the need to ensure social protection is extended to allow universal access and that active policy measures are introduced to encourage the private sector to create new jobs as the economy grows (as opposed to jobless growth) and seek to employ people from disadvantaged groups.[46]

Notable development economists

See also


  1. ^ Bell, Clive (1987). "development economics," The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 1, pp. 818, 825.
  2. ^ Arndt, H. W. (1981). "Economic Development: A Semantic History," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 29(3), p pp. 457–66. Chicago: The Chicago University Press.
  3. ^ Bell, Clive (1987). "development economics," The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 1, p. 825.
  4. ^ McKenzie, David; Paffhausen, Anna Luisa (2017). "What Is Considered Development Economics? Commonalities and Differences in University Courses around the Developing World". The World Bank Economic Review. 31 (3): 595–610. doi:10.1093/wber/lhx015. hdl:10986/31468. ISSN 0258-6770.[permanent dead link]
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Todaro, Michael and Stephen Smith. Economic Development. 9th ed. Addison-Wesley series in economics, 2006.
  6. ^ Meier, Gerald M. and James E. Rauch. Leading Issues in Economic Development. 8th ed. Oxford University Press, 2005.
  7. ^ Ray, Debraj (2008). "development economics". The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
  8. ^ Ekelund, Robert B., Jr.; Hébert, Robert F. (1997). A History of Economic Theory and Method (4th ed.). Waveland Press [Long Grove, Illinois]. pp. 40–41. ISBN 978-1-57766-381-2.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  9. ^ Paul Bairoch, "Economics and World History: Myths and Paradoxes," (1995: University of Chicago Press, Chicago) p. 33.
  10. ^ Paul Bairoch, "Economics and World History: Myths and Paradoxes," (1995: University of Chicago Press, Chicago) p. 40.
  11. ^ Jeremy Weltman: 'Country Risk Review: Populism Is Risky', Euromoney Global Capital, January 6 2017.
  12. ^ M. Nicolas J. Firzli : 'The End of Globalization? Economic Policy in the Post-Neocon Age', Revue Analyse Financière, Q3 2016 – Issue N°60.
  13. ^ Meier, G.M. and Seers, D. (Eds) (1984). Pioneers in Development. New York: Oxford University Press for the World Bank. Review extract.
  14. ^ Rosenstein-Rodan, P. "Problems of Industrialization in Eastern and South Eastern Europe." Economic Journal 53 (1943).
  15. ^ Mandelbaum (Martin), K. (1945). The Industrialisation of Backward Areas. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Second Edition, (1955).
  16. ^ Nurkse, Ragnar (1953) Problems of Capital Formation in Underdeveloped Countries, Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  17. ^ Lewis, W.A. (1954). Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour. The Manchester School, XXII(2), pp. 139–91. Reprint.[permanent dead link]
  18. ^ Bardhan, Pranab K. and Christopher Udry (2000) Development Microeconomics, Oxford.
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  20. ^ Chenery, H.B. (1960). "Patterns of Industrial Growth," The American Economic Review, 50(4), pp. 624–54. American Economic Association.
  21. ^ Chenery, H.B. and Taylor, L. (1968). "Development Patterns: Among Countries and Over Time," The Review of Economics and Statistics, 50(4), pp. 391–416. Cambridge: MIT Press.
  22. ^ Klein, Daniel B. and DiCola, Therese. "Institutional Ties of Journal of Development Economics Authors and Editors". (August 2004).
  23. ^ a b Sachs, Jeffrey D.; Mellinger, Andrew; Gallup, John L. (2008). Chari, Sharad, Corbridge, Stuart (ed.). The Geography of Poverty and Wealth. Scientific American. Vol. 284. London; New York: Routledge. pp. 9–13. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0301-70. ISBN 9780415415057. PMID 11234509.
  24. ^ Salawu, B (2010). "Ethno-Religious Conflicts in Nigeria: Casual Analysis and Proposal for New Management Strategies" (PDF). European Journal of Social Sciences. 13 (3): 345–53.
  25. ^ a b c d e f Alesina, Alberto; La Ferrara, Eliana (2005). "Ethnic Diversity and Economic Performance" (PDF). Journal of Economic Literature. 43 (3): 762–800. doi:10.1257/002205105774431243. S2CID 8487971.
  26. ^ Fearon, James D (2003). "Ethnic and Cultural Diversity by Country". Journal of Economic Growth. 8 (2): 195–222. doi:10.1023/a:1024419522867. S2CID 152680631.
  27. ^ a b Montalvo, Jose G. and Marta Reynal-Querol. "Ethnic Diversity and Economic Development". Journal of Development Economics 76 (2005): 293–323. Print.
  28. ^ a b c Pool, Jonathan (1972). Fishman, Joshua A (ed.). "National Development and Language Diversity". Advances in the Sociology of Language. 2: 213–30. doi:10.1515/9783110880434-011. ISBN 9783110880434. S2CID 7394251.
  29. ^ Horowitz, D.L. Ethnic groups in conflict. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985. Print.
  30. ^ a b Collier, Paul; Hoeffler, Anke (1998). "On Economic Causes of Civil War" (PDF). Oxford Economic Papers. 50 (4): 563–73. doi:10.1093/oep/50.4.563.
  31. ^ Mauro, Paolo (1995). "Corruption and Growth". Quarterly Journal of Economics. 110 (3): 681–712. doi:10.2307/2946696. JSTOR 2946696.
  32. ^ a b Montalvo, Jose G.; Reynal-Querol, Marta (2005). "Ethnic Diversity and Economic Development" (PDF). Journal of Development Economics. 76 (2): 293–323. doi:10.1016/j.jdeveco.2004.01.002.
  33. ^ Dincer, Oguzhan C.; Wang, Fan (2011). "Ethnic Diversity and Economic Growth in China". Journal of Economic Policy Reform. 14 (1): 1–10. doi:10.1080/17487870.2011.523985. S2CID 40602760.
  34. ^ Alesina, Alberto; Baqir, Reza; Easterly, William (1999). "Public Goods and Ethnic Divisions". Quarterly Journal of Economics. 114 (4): 1243–84. doi:10.1162/003355399556269.
  35. ^ a b c d Prasch, Robert E. "Neoliberalism and Ethnic Conflict". Review of Radical Political Economics 44.3 (2012): 298–304. Web. Retrieved February 1, 2013.
  36. ^ De Grauwe, Paul. "Language Diversity and Economic Development". University of Leuven (January 2006). Working Paper. Web. Retrieved February 1, 2013.
  37. ^ Castells, Manuel. "The Rise of the Network Society". The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Vol. 1. Malden: Blackwell Publishers Inc., 1996. Print.
  38. ^ Lewis, Bernard. "The Roots of Muslim Rage". Atlantic Magazine (September 1990). Web. Retrieved February 11, 2013.
  39. ^ Barber, Benjamin R. "Jihad vs. McWorld". Atlantic Magazine (March 1992). Web. Retrieved February 11, 2013.
  40. ^ a b Piazza, James A (2006). "Rooted in Poverty?: Terrorism, Poor Economic Development, and Social Cleavages". Terrorism and Political Violence. 18 (1): 159–77. doi:10.1080/095465590944578. S2CID 54195092.
  41. ^ Collier, Paul. "The Bottom Billion." The Bottom Billion (2007).
  42. ^ Collier, Paul (1999). "On the consequences of civil war". Oxf. Econ. Pap. 51 (1): 168–83. doi:10.1093/oep/51.1.168.
  43. ^ Collier, Paul. "Civil War and the Economics of the Peace Dividend 2015-09-23 at the Wayback Machine" Working Paper. Centre for the Study of African Economies (1995).
  44. ^ O'Reilly, Colin "Investment and Institutions in Post Civil War Recovery". Comparative Economic Studies 56, 1–24 (March 2014) |doi:10.1057/ces.2013.28.
  45. ^ O'Reilly, Colin "Firm Investment Decisions in the Post Conflict Context" forthcoming The Economics of Transition.
  46. ^ a b c d Claire Melamed, Kate Higgins and Andy Sumner (2010) Economic growth and the MDGs 2011-07-17 at the Wayback Machine Overseas Development Institute.
  47. ^ . Archived from the original on 2010-04-24. Retrieved 2010-05-11.
  48. ^ . Archived from the original on 2010-05-29. Retrieved 2010-05-11.
  49. ^ description and preview).
  50. ^ Writer, Christina Pazzanese Harvard Staff (2021-06-03). "Tracing Amartya Sen's journey from colonial India to Nobel Prize and beyond". Harvard Gazette. Retrieved 2022-11-14.


  • Development Economics through the Decades: A Critical Look at 30 Years of the World Development Report World Bank Publications, Washington DC (2009), ISBN 978-0-8213-7255-5
  • World Bank Publications, Washington DC (2009), ISBN 978-0-8213-7270-8
  • Behrman, J.R. (2001). "Development, Economics of," International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, pp. 3566–3574
  • Bell, Clive (1987). "Development economics". The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics. 1: 818–26.
  • Crook, Clive (1992). "Third World Economic Development". In David R. Henderson (ed.). Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (1st ed.). Library of Economics and Liberty. OCLC 317650570, 50016270, 163149563
  • Easterly, William (2002), Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists' Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics, The MIT Press
  • Ben Fine and Jomo K.S. (eds, 2005), The New Development Economics: Post Washington Consensus Neoliberal Thinking, Zed Books
  • Peter Griffiths (2003), The Economist's Tale: A Consultant Encounters Hunger and the World Bank, Zed Books
  • K.S. Jomo (2005), Pioneers of Development Economics: Great Economists on Development, Zed Books – the contributions of economists such as Marshall and Keynes, not normally considered development economists
  • Lin, Justin Yifu (2012). The Quest for Prosperity: How Developing Economies Can Take Off. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-15589-0.
  • Gerald M. Meier (2005), Biography of a Subject: An Evolution of Development Economics, Oxford University Press
  • Gerald M. Meier, Dudley Seers [editors] (1984), , World Bank
  • Dwight H. Perkins, Steven Radelet, Donald R. Snodgrass, Malcolm Gillis and Michael Roemer (2001). Economics of Development, 5th edition, New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Jeffrey D. Sachs (2005), The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, Penguin Books
  • Debraj Ray (1998). Development Economics, Princeton University Press, . Other editions: Spanish, Antoni Bosch. 2002 Chinese edition, Beijing University Press. 2002, Indian edition, Oxford, 1998. Description, , and excerpt,
  • World Institute for Development Economics Research Publications/Discussion Papers
  • Smith, Charles; Rees, Gareth (1998). Economic Development, 2nd edition. Basingstoke: Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-333-72228-2.
  • Michael Todaro and Stephen C. Smith, Economic Development, 10th Ed., Addison-Wesley, 2008. Description.
  • Handbook of Development Economics, Elsevier. Description and table of contents:
Hollis B. Chenery and T. N. Srinivasan, eds. (1988, 1989). Vol. and
Jere Behrman and T.N. Srinivasan, eds. (1995). Vol and
T. Paul Schultz and John Strauss, eds. (2008). Vol
Dani Rodrik and Mark R. Rosenzweig, eds. (2009). Vol

External links

  • , a list of resources for development economics.
  • Technology in emerging economies (The Economist).
  • Top 10% institutions in the field of Development, a list of research institutions specialized in Development at Ideas.Repec

development, economics, this, article, about, academic, field, broader, context, economic, development, branch, economics, which, deals, with, economic, aspects, development, process, middle, income, countries, focus, only, methods, promoting, economic, develo. This article is about the academic field For the broader context see Economic development Development economics is a branch of economics which deals with economic aspects of the development process in low and middle income countries Its focus is not only on methods of promoting economic development economic growth and structural change but also on improving the potential for the mass of the population for example through health education and workplace conditions whether through public or private channels 1 Development economics involves the creation of theories and methods that aid in the determination of policies and practices and can be implemented at either the domestic or international level 2 This may involve restructuring market incentives or using mathematical methods such as intertemporal optimization for project analysis or it may involve a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods 3 Common topics include growth theory poverty and inequality human capital and institutions 4 Unlike in many other fields of economics approaches in development economics may incorporate social and political factors to devise particular plans 5 Also unlike many other fields of economics there is no consensus on what students should know 6 Different approaches may consider the factors that contribute to economic convergence or non convergence across households regions and countries 7 Contents 1 Theories of development economics 1 1 Mercantilism and physiocracy 1 2 Economic nationalism 1 3 Post WWII theories 1 4 Linear stages of growth model 1 5 Structural change theory 1 6 International dependence theory 1 7 Neoclassical theory 2 Topics of research 2 1 Geography and development 2 2 Economic development and ethnicity 2 2 1 The role of ethnicity in economic development 2 2 2 Economic development and its impact on ethnic conflict 2 2 3 Recovery from conflict civil war 3 Growth indicator controversy 4 Recent developments 5 Notable development economists 6 See also 7 Footnotes 8 Bibliography 9 External linksTheories of development economics EditMercantilism and physiocracy Edit World GDP per capita from 1400 to 2003 CEMain article Mercantilism The earliest Western theory of development economics was mercantilism which developed in the 17th century paralleling the rise of the nation state Earlier theories had given little attention to development For example scholasticism the dominant school of thought during medieval feudalism emphasized reconciliation with Christian theology and ethics rather than development The 16th and 17th century School of Salamanca credited as the earliest modern school of economics likewise did not address development specifically Major European nations in the 17th and 18th centuries all adopted mercantilist ideals to varying degrees the influence only ebbing with the 18th century development of physiocrats in France and classical economics in Britain Mercantilism held that a nation s prosperity depended on its supply of capital represented by bullion gold silver and trade value held by the state It emphasised the maintenance of a high positive trade balance maximising exports and minimising imports as a means of accumulating this bullion To achieve a positive trade balance protectionist measures such as tariffs and subsidies to home industries were advocated Mercantilist development theory also advocated colonialism Theorists most associated with mercantilism include Philipp von Hornigk who in his Austria Over All If She Only Will of 1684 gave the only comprehensive statement of mercantilist theory emphasizing production and an export led economy 8 In France mercantilist policy is most associated with 17th century finance minister Jean Baptiste Colbert whose policies proved influential in later American development Mercantilist ideas continue in the theories of economic nationalism and neomercantilism Economic nationalism Edit Alexander Hamilton credited as Father of the National System Main article Economic nationalism Following mercantilism was the related theory of economic nationalism promulgated in the 19th century related to the development and industrialization of the United States and Germany notably in the policies of the American System in America and the Zollverein customs union in Germany A significant difference from mercantilism was the de emphasis on colonies in favor of a focus on domestic production The names most associated with 19th century economic nationalism are the first United States Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton the German American Friedrich List and the American economist Henry Clay Hamilton s 1791 Report on Manufactures his magnum opus is the founding text of the American System and drew from the mercantilist economies of Britain under Elizabeth I and France under Colbert List s 1841 Das Nationale System der Politischen Okonomie translated into English as The National System of Political Economy which emphasized stages of growth Hamilton professed that developing an industrialized economy was impossible without protectionism because import duties are necessary to shelter domestic infant industries until they could achieve economies of scale 9 Such theories proved influential in the United States with much higher American average tariff rates on manufactured products between 1824 and the WWII period than most other countries 10 Nationalist policies including protectionism were pursued by American politician Henry Clay and later by Abraham Lincoln under the influence of economist Henry Charles Carey Forms of economic nationalism and neomercantilism have also been key in Japan s development in the 19th and 20th centuries and the more recent development of the Four Asian Tigers Hong Kong South Korea Taiwan and Singapore and most significantly China Following Brexit and the 2016 United States presidential election some experts have argued a new kind of self seeking capitalism popularly known as Trumponomics could have a considerable impact on cross border investment flows and long term capital allocation 11 12 Post WWII theories Edit See also Industrial development and Ragnar Nurkse s balanced growth theory The origins of modern development economics are often traced to the need for and likely problems with the industrialization of eastern Europe in the aftermath of World War II 13 The key authors are Paul Rosenstein Rodan 14 Kurt Mandelbaum 15 Ragnar Nurkse 16 and Sir Hans Wolfgang Singer Only after the war did economists turn their concerns towards Asia Africa and Latin America At the heart of these studies by authors such as Simon Kuznets and W Arthur Lewis 17 was an analysis of not only economic growth but also structural transformation 18 Linear stages of growth model Edit An early theory of development economics the linear stages of growth model was first formulated in the 1950s by W W Rostow in The Stages of Growth A Non Communist Manifesto following work of Marx and List This theory modifies Marx s stages theory of development and focuses on the accelerated accumulation of capital through the utilization of both domestic and international savings as a means of spurring investment as the primary means of promoting economic growth and thus development 5 The linear stages of growth model posits that there are a series of five consecutive stages of development that all countries must go through during the process of development These stages are the traditional society the pre conditions for take off the take off the drive to maturity and the age of high mass consumption 19 Simple versions of the Harrod Domar model provide a mathematical illustration of the argument that improved capital investment leads to greater economic growth 5 Such theories have been criticized for not recognizing that while necessary capital accumulation is not a sufficient condition for development That is to say that this early and simplistic theory failed to account for political social and institutional obstacles to development Furthermore this theory was developed in the early years of the Cold War and was largely derived from the successes of the Marshall Plan This has led to the major criticism that the theory assumes that the conditions found in developing countries are the same as those found in post WWII Europe 5 Structural change theory Edit Structural change theory deals with policies focused on changing the economic structures of developing countries from being composed primarily of subsistence agricultural practices to being a more modern more urbanized and more industrially diverse manufacturing and service economy There are two major forms of structural change theory W Lewis two sector surplus model which views agrarian societies as consisting of large amounts of surplus labor which can be utilized to spur the development of an urbanized industrial sector and Hollis Chenery s patterns of development approach which holds that different countries become wealthy via different trajectories The pattern that a particular country will follow in this framework depends on its size and resources and potentially other factors including its current income level and comparative advantages relative to other nations 20 21 Empirical analysis in this framework studies the sequential process through which the economic industrial and institutional structure of an underdeveloped economy is transformed over time to permit new industries to replace traditional agriculture as the engine of economic growth 5 Structural change approaches to development economics have faced criticism for their emphasis on urban development at the expense of rural development which can lead to a substantial rise in inequality between internal regions of a country The two sector surplus model which was developed in the 1950s has been further criticized for its underlying assumption that predominantly agrarian societies suffer from a surplus of labor Actual empirical studies have shown that such labor surpluses are only seasonal and drawing such labor to urban areas can result in a collapse of the agricultural sector The patterns of development approach has been criticized for lacking a theoretical framework 5 citation needed International dependence theory Edit International dependence theories gained prominence in the 1970s as a reaction to the failure of earlier theories to lead to widespread successes in international development Unlike earlier theories international dependence theories have their origins in developing countries and view obstacles to development as being primarily external in nature rather than internal These theories view developing countries as being economically and politically dependent on more powerful developed countries that have an interest in maintaining their dominant position There are three different major formulations of international dependence theory neocolonial dependence theory the false paradigm model and the dualistic dependence model The first formulation of international dependence theory neocolonial dependence theory has its origins in Marxism and views the failure of many developing nations to undergo successful development as being the result of the historical development of the international capitalist system 5 Neoclassical theory Edit First gaining prominence with the rise of several conservative governments in the developed world during the 1980s neoclassical theories represent a radical shift away from International Dependence Theories Neoclassical theories argue that governments should not intervene in the economy in other words these theories are claiming that an unobstructed free market is the best means of inducing rapid and successful development Competitive free markets unrestrained by excessive government regulation are seen as being able to naturally ensure that the allocation of resources occurs with the greatest efficiency possible and the economic growth is raised and stabilized 5 citation needed It is important to note that there are several different approaches within the realm of neoclassical theory each with subtle but important differences in their views regarding the extent to which the market should be left unregulated These different takes on neoclassical theory are the free market approach public choice theory and the market friendly approach Of the three both the free market approach and public choice theory contend that the market should be totally free meaning that any intervention by the government is necessarily bad Public choice theory is arguably the more radical of the two with its view closely associated with libertarianism that governments themselves are rarely good and therefore should be as minimal as possible 5 Academic economists have given varied policy advice to governments of developing countries See for example Economy of Chile Arnold Harberger Economic history of Taiwan Sho Chieh Tsiang Anne Krueger noted in 1996 that success and failure of policy recommendations worldwide had not consistently been incorporated into prevailing academic writings on trade and development 5 The market friendly approach unlike the other two is a more recent development and is often associated with the World Bank This approach still advocates free markets but recognizes that there are many imperfections in the markets of many developing nations and thus argues that some government intervention is an effective means of fixing such imperfections 5 Topics of research EditDevelopment economics also includes topics such as third world debt and the functions of such organisations as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank In fact the majority of development economists are employed by do consulting with or receive funding from institutions like the IMF and the World Bank 22 Many such economists are interested in ways of promoting stable and sustainable growth in poor countries and areas by promoting domestic self reliance and education in some of the lowest income countries in the world Where economic issues merge with social and political ones it is referred to as development studies Geography and development Edit Economists Jeffrey D Sachs Andrew Mellinger and John Gallup argue that a nation s geographical location and topography are key determinants and predictors of its economic prosperity 23 Areas developed along the coast and near navigable waterways are far wealthier and more densely populated than those further inland Furthermore countries outside the tropic zones which have more temperate climates have also developed considerably more than those located within the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn These climates outside the tropic zones described as temperate near hold roughly a quarter of the world s population and produce more than half of the world s GNP yet account for only 8 4 of the world s inhabited area 23 Understanding of these different geographies and climates is imperative they argue because future aid programs and policies to facilitate must account for these differences Economic development and ethnicity Edit A growing body of research has been emerging among development economists since the very late 20th century focusing on interactions between ethnic diversity and economic development particularly at the level of the nation state While most research looks at empirical economics at both the macro and the micro level this field of study has a particularly heavy sociological approach The more conservative branch of research focuses on tests for causality in the relationship between different levels of ethnic diversity and economic performance while a smaller and more radical branch argues for the role of neoliberal economics in enhancing or causing ethnic conflict Moreover comparing these two theoretical approaches brings the issue of endogeneity endogenicity into questions This remains a highly contested and uncertain field of research as well as politically sensitive largely due to its possible policy implications The role of ethnicity in economic development Edit Much discussion among researchers centers around defining and measuring two key but related variables ethnicity and diversity It is debated whether ethnicity should be defined by culture language or religion While conflicts in Rwanda were largely along tribal lines Nigeria s string of conflicts is thought to be at least to some degree religiously based 24 Some have proposed that as the saliency of these different ethnic variables tends to vary over time and across geography research methodologies should vary according to the context 25 Somalia provides an interesting example Due to the fact that about 85 of its population defined themselves as Somali Somalia was considered to be a rather ethnically homogeneous nation 25 However civil war caused ethnicity or ethnic affiliation to be redefined according to clan groups 25 There is also much discussion in academia concerning the creation of an index for ethnic heterogeneity Several indices have been proposed in order to model ethnic diversity with regards to conflict Easterly and Levine have proposed an ethno linguistic fractionalization index defined as FRAC or ELF defined by 1 i 1 N s i 2 displaystyle 1 sum i 1 N s i 2 where si is size of group i as a percentage of total population 25 The ELF index is a measure of the probability that two randomly chosen individuals belong to different ethno linguistic groups 25 Other researchers have also applied this index to religious rather than ethno linguistic groups 26 Though commonly used Alesina and La Ferrara point out that the ELF index fails to account for the possibility that fewer large ethnic groups may result in greater inter ethnic conflict than many small ethnic groups 25 More recently researchers such as Montalvo and Reynal Querol have put forward the Q polarization index as a more appropriate measure of ethnic division 27 Based on a simplified adaptation of a polarization index developed by Esteban and Ray the Q index is defined as Q 1 i 1 N 1 2 s i 1 2 2 s i displaystyle Q 1 sum i 1 N left frac tfrac 1 2 s i tfrac 1 2 right 2 times s i where si once again represents the size of group i as a percentage of total population and is intended to capture the social distance between existing ethnic groups within an area 27 Early researchers such as Jonathan Pool considered a concept dating back to the account of the Tower of Babel that linguistic unity may allow for higher levels of development 28 While pointing out obvious oversimplifications and the subjectivity of definitions and data collection Pool suggested that we had yet to see a robust economy emerge from a nation with a high degree of linguistic diversity 28 In his research Pool used the size of the largest native language community as a percentage of the population as his measure of linguistic diversity 28 Not much later however Horowitz pointed out that both highly diverse and highly homogeneous societies exhibit less conflict than those in between 29 Similarly Collier and Hoeffler provided evidence that both highly homogenous and highly heterogeneous societies exhibit lower risk of civil war while societies that are more polarized are at greater risk 30 As a matter of fact their research suggests that a society with only two ethnic groups is about 50 more likely to experience civil war than either of the two extremes 30 Nonetheless Mauro points out that ethno linguistic fractionalization is positively correlated with corruption which in turn is negatively correlated with economic growth 31 Moreover in a study on economic growth in African countries Easterly and Levine find that linguistic fractionalization plays a significant role in reducing national income growth and in explaining poor policies 32 33 In addition empirical research in the U S at the municipal level has revealed that ethnic fractionalization based on race may be correlated with poor fiscal management and lower investments in public goods 34 Finally more recent research would propose that ethno linguistic fractionalization is indeed negatively correlated with economic growth while more polarized societies exhibit greater public consumption lower levels of investment and more frequent civil wars 32 Economic development and its impact on ethnic conflict Edit Increasingly attention is being drawn to the role of economics in spawning or cultivating ethnic conflict Critics of earlier development theories mentioned above point out that ethnicity and ethnic conflict cannot be treated as exogenous variables 35 There is a body of literature that discusses how economic growth and development particularly in the context of a globalizing world characterized by free trade appears to be leading to the extinction and homogenization of languages 36 Manuel Castells asserts that the widespread destructuring of organizations delegitimation of institutions fading away of major social movements and ephemeral cultural expressions which characterize globalization lead to a renewed search for meaning one that is based on identity rather than on practices 37 Barber and Lewis argue that culturally based movements of resistance have emerged as a reaction to the threat of modernization perceived or actual and neoliberal development 38 39 On a different note Chua suggests that ethnic conflict often results from the envy of the majority toward a wealthy minority which has benefited from trade in a neoliberal world 35 She argues that conflict is likely to erupt through political manipulation and the vilification of the minority 35 Prasch points out that as economic growth often occurs in tandem with increased inequality ethnic or religious organizations may be seen as both assistance and an outlet for the disadvantaged 35 However empirical research by Piazza argues that economics and unequal development have little to do with social unrest in the form of terrorism 40 Rather more diverse societies in terms of ethnic and religious demography and political systems with large complex multiparty systems were more likely to experience terrorism than were more homogeneous states with few or no parties at the national level 40 Recovery from conflict civil war Edit Violent conflict and economic development are deeply intertwined Paul Collier 41 describes how poor countries are more prone to civil conflict The conflict lowers incomes catching countries in a conflict trap Violent conflict destroys physical capital equipment and infrastructure diverts valuable resources to military spending discourages investment and disrupts exchange 42 Recovery from civil conflict is very uncertain Countries that maintain stability can experience a peace dividend through the rapid re accumulation of physical capital investment flows back to the recovering country because of the high return 43 However successful recovery depends on the quality of legal system and the protection of private property 44 Investment is more productive in countries with higher quality institutions Firms that experienced a civil war were more sensitive to the quality of the legal system that similar firms that had never been exposed to conflict 45 Growth indicator controversy EditPer capita Gross Domestic Product GDP per head is used by many developmental economists as an approximation of general national well being However these measures are criticized as not measuring economic growth well enough especially in countries where there is much economic activity that is not part of measured financial transactions such as housekeeping and self homebuilding or where funding is not available for accurate measurements to be made publicly available for other economists to use in their studies including private and institutional fraud in some countries Even though per capita GDP as measured can make economic well being appear smaller than it really is in some developing countries the discrepancy could be still bigger in a developed country where people may perform outside of financial transactions an even higher value service than housekeeping or homebuilding as gifts or in their own households such as counseling lifestyle coaching a more valuable home decor service and time management Even free choice can be considered to add value to lifestyles without necessarily increasing the financial transaction amounts More recent theories of Human Development have begun to see beyond purely financial measures of development for example with measures such as medical care available education equality and political freedom One measure used is the Genuine Progress Indicator which relates strongly to theories of distributive justice Actual knowledge about what creates growth is largely unproven however recent advances in econometrics and more accurate measurements in many countries are creating new knowledge by compensating for the effects of variables to determine probable causes out of merely correlational statistics Recent developments EditSee also Fair trade movement Recent theories revolve around questions about what variables or inputs correlate or affect economic growth the most elementary secondary or higher education government policy stability tariffs and subsidies fair court systems available infrastructure availability of medical care prenatal care and clean water ease of entry and exit into trade and equality of income distribution for example as indicated by the Gini coefficient and how to advise governments about macroeconomic policies which include all policies that affect the economy Education enables countries to adapt the latest technology and creates an environment for new innovations The cause of limited growth and divergence in economic growth lies in the high rate of acceleration of technological change by a small number of developed countries citation needed These countries acceleration of technology was due to increased incentive structures for mass education which in turn created a framework for the population to create and adapt new innovations and methods Furthermore the content of their education was composed of secular schooling that resulted in higher productivity levels and modern economic growth Researchers at the Overseas Development Institute also highlight the importance of using economic growth to improve the human condition raising people out of poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals 46 Despite research showing almost no relation between growth and the achievement of the goals 2 to 7 and statistics showing that during periods of growth poverty levels in some cases have actually risen e g Uganda grew by 2 5 annually between 2000 and 2003 yet poverty levels rose by 3 8 researchers at the ODI suggest growth is necessary but that it must be equitable 46 This concept of inclusive growth is shared even by key world leaders such as former Secretary General Ban Ki moon who emphasises that Sustained and equitable growth based on dynamic structural economic change is necessary for making substantial progress in reducing poverty It also enables faster progress towards the other Millennium Development Goals While economic growth is necessary it is not sufficient for progress on reducing poverty 46 Researchers at the ODI thus emphasise the need to ensure social protection is extended to allow universal access and that active policy measures are introduced to encourage the private sector to create new jobs as the economy grows as opposed to jobless growth and seek to employ people from disadvantaged groups 46 Notable development economists EditDaron Acemoglu professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Clark Medal winner Philippe Aghion professor of economics at the London School of Economics and College de France co authored textbook in economic growth forwarded Schumpeterian growth and established creative destruction theories mathematically with Peter Howitt Nava Ashraf professor of economics at the London School of Economics Oriana Bandiera professor of economics at the London School of Economics and Director of the International Growth Centre Abhijit Banerjee professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Director of Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab co recipient of the 2019 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Pranab Bardhan professor of economics at the University of California Berkeley author of texts in both trade and development economics and editor of the Journal of Development Economics from 1985 to 2003 Kaushik Basu professor of economics at Cornell University and author of Analytical Development Economics Peter Thomas Bauer former professor of economics at the London School of Economics author of Dissent on Development Tim Besley professor of economics at the London School of Economics and commissioner of the UK National Infrastructure Commission Jagdish Bhagwati professor of economics and law at Columbia University Nancy Birdsall is the founding president of the Center for Global Development CGD in Washington DC USA and former executive vice president of the Inter American Development Bank David E Bloom professor of economics and demography at the Harvard School of Public Health Francois Bourguignon professor of economics and Director of the Paris School of Economics Robin Burgess professor of economics at the London School of Economics and Director of the International Growth Centre Francesco Caselli professor of economics at the London School of Economics Paul Collier author of The Bottom Billion which attempts to tie together a series of traps to explain the self fulfilling nature of poverty at the lower end of the development scale Partha Dasgupta professor of economics at the University of Cambridge Dave Donaldson professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Clark Medal winner Angus Deaton professor of economics at Princeton University and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics Melissa Dell professor of economics at Harvard University and Clark Medal winner Simeon Djankov research fellow at the Financial Markets Group of the London School of Economics Esther Duflo Director of Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2009 MacArthur Fellow 2010 Clark Medal winner advocate for field experiment co recipient of the 2019 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences William Easterly author of The Elusive Quest for Growth Economists Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics 47 48 and White Man s Burden How the West s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good 49 Oded Galor Israeli American economist at Brown University editor in chief of the Journal of Economic Growth the principal journal in economic growth Developer of the unified growth theory the newest alternative to theories of endogenous growth Maitreesh Ghatak professor of economics at the London School of Economics Peter Howitt Canadian economist at Brown University past president of the Canadian Economics Association introduced the concept of Schumpeterian growth and established creative destruction theory mathematically with Philippe Aghion Seema Jayachandran professor of economics at Northwestern University Dean Karlan American economist at Northwestern University co director of the Global Poverty Research Lab at the Buffett Institute for Global Studies founded Innovations for Poverty Action IPA a New Haven Connecticut based research outfit dedicated to creating and evaluating solutions to social and international development problems Michael Kremer University Professor at the University of Chicago co recipient of the 2019 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Eliana La Ferrara professor of economics at Bocconi University W Arthur Lewis winner of the 1979 Nobel Prize in Economics for work in development economics Justin Yifu Lin Chinese economist at Peking University former chief economist of World Bank one of the most prominent Chinese economists Sendhil Mullainathan professor of computation and behavioural science at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business Nathan Nunn professor of economics at Harvard University Benjamin Olken professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Rohini Pande professor of economics at Yale University Lant Pritchett professor at Harvard University s Kennedy School of Government and has held several prominent research positions at the World Bank Nancy Qian professor of economics at Northwestern University Kate Raworth Senior Research Associate at the Environmental Change Institute of the University of Oxford author of Doughnut Economics Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist formerly economist for the United Nations Development Programme s Human Development Report and Senior Researcher at Oxfam James Robinson professor of economics at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy Studies Dani Rodrik professor at Harvard University s Kennedy School of Government has written extensively on globalization Mark Rosenzweig a professor at Yale University and director of Economic Growth Center at Yale Jeffrey Sachs professor at Columbia University author of The End of Poverty Economic Possibilities of Our Time preview and Common Wealth Economics for a Crowded Planet Amartya Sen Indian economist first Asian Nobel Prize winner for economics author of Development as Freedom known for incorporating philosophical components into economic models 50 Nicholas Stern professor of economics at the London School of Economics former President of the British Academy and former World Bank Chief Economist Joseph Stiglitz professor at Columbia University and Nobel Prize winner and former chief economist at the World Bank John Sutton emeritus professor of economics at the London School of Economics Erik Thorbecke a co originator of Foster Greer Thorbecke poverty measure who also played a significant role in the development and popularization of social accounting matrix Michael Todaro known for the Todaro and Harris Todaro models of migration and urbanization Economic Development Robert M Townsend professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology known for his Thai Project a model for many other applied and theoretical projects in economic development Anthony Venables professor of economics at the University of Oxford Hernando de Soto author of The Other Path The Economic Answer to Terrorism and The Mystery of Capital Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else See also EditDemographic economics Dependency theory Development Cooperation Issues Development Cooperation Stories Development Cooperation Testimonials Development studies Development wave Environmental determinism Human Development and Capability Association International Association for Feminist Economics International Monetary Fund International development Important publications in development economics Economic development International development UN Human Development Index Gini coefficient Lorenz curve Harrod Domar model Debt relief Human security Kaldor s growth laws The Poverty of Development Economics Social development Sustainable development Women s education and developmentFootnotes Edit Bell Clive 1987 development economics The New Palgrave A Dictionary of Economics v 1 pp 818 825 Arndt H W 1981 Economic Development A Semantic History Economic Development and Cultural Change 29 3 p pp 457 66 Chicago The Chicago University Press Bell Clive 1987 development economics The New Palgrave A Dictionary of Economics v 1 p 825 McKenzie David Paffhausen Anna Luisa 2017 What Is Considered Development Economics Commonalities and Differences in University Courses around the Developing World The World Bank Economic Review 31 3 595 610 doi 10 1093 wber lhx015 hdl 10986 31468 ISSN 0258 6770 permanent dead link a b c d e f g h i j k Todaro Michael and Stephen Smith Economic Development 9th ed Addison Wesley series in economics 2006 Meier Gerald M and James E Rauch Leading Issues in Economic Development 8th ed Oxford University Press 2005 Ray Debraj 2008 development economics The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 2nd Edition Abstract Ekelund Robert B Jr Hebert Robert F 1997 A History of Economic Theory and Method 4th ed Waveland Press Long Grove Illinois pp 40 41 ISBN 978 1 57766 381 2 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Paul Bairoch Economics and World History Myths and Paradoxes 1995 University of Chicago Press Chicago p 33 Paul Bairoch Economics and World History Myths and Paradoxes 1995 University of Chicago Press Chicago p 40 Jeremy Weltman Country Risk Review Populism Is Risky Euromoney Global Capital January 6 2017 M Nicolas J Firzli The End of Globalization Economic Policy in the Post Neocon Age Revue Analyse Financiere Q3 2016 Issue N 60 Meier G M and Seers D Eds 1984 Pioneers in Development New York Oxford University Press for the World Bank Review extract Rosenstein Rodan P Problems of Industrialization in Eastern and South Eastern Europe Economic Journal 53 1943 Mandelbaum Martin K 1945 The Industrialisation of Backward Areas Oxford Basil Blackwell Second Edition 1955 Nurkse Ragnar 1953 Problems of Capital Formation in Underdeveloped Countries Oxford Basil Blackwell Lewis W A 1954 Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour The Manchester School XXII 2 pp 139 91 Reprint permanent dead link Bardhan Pranab K and Christopher Udry 2000 Development Microeconomics Oxford Rostow W W The Five Stages of Growth Development and Underdevelopment The Political Economy of Global Inequality 3rd ed pp 123 31 Eds Seligson Mitchell and John Passe Smith Boulder CO Lynne Rienner Publishers 2003 Chenery H B 1960 Patterns of Industrial Growth The American Economic Review 50 4 pp 624 54 American Economic Association Chenery H B and Taylor L 1968 Development Patterns Among Countries and Over Time The Review of Economics and Statistics 50 4 pp 391 416 Cambridge MIT Press Klein Daniel B and DiCola Therese Institutional Ties of Journal of Development Economics Authors and Editors August 2004 a b Sachs Jeffrey D Mellinger Andrew Gallup John L 2008 Chari Sharad Corbridge Stuart ed The Geography of Poverty and Wealth Scientific American Vol 284 London New York Routledge pp 9 13 doi 10 1038 scientificamerican0301 70 ISBN 9780415415057 PMID 11234509 Salawu B 2010 Ethno Religious Conflicts in Nigeria Casual Analysis and Proposal for New Management Strategies PDF European Journal of Social Sciences 13 3 345 53 a b c d e f Alesina Alberto La Ferrara Eliana 2005 Ethnic Diversity and Economic Performance PDF Journal of Economic Literature 43 3 762 800 doi 10 1257 002205105774431243 S2CID 8487971 Fearon James D 2003 Ethnic and Cultural Diversity by Country Journal of Economic Growth 8 2 195 222 doi 10 1023 a 1024419522867 S2CID 152680631 a b Montalvo Jose G and Marta Reynal Querol Ethnic Diversity and Economic Development Journal of Development Economics 76 2005 293 323 Print a b c Pool Jonathan 1972 Fishman Joshua A ed National Development and Language Diversity Advances in the Sociology of Language 2 213 30 doi 10 1515 9783110880434 011 ISBN 9783110880434 S2CID 7394251 Horowitz D L Ethnic groups in conflict Berkeley University of California Press 1985 Print a b Collier Paul Hoeffler Anke 1998 On Economic Causes of Civil War PDF Oxford Economic Papers 50 4 563 73 doi 10 1093 oep 50 4 563 Mauro Paolo 1995 Corruption and Growth Quarterly Journal of Economics 110 3 681 712 doi 10 2307 2946696 JSTOR 2946696 a b Montalvo Jose G Reynal Querol Marta 2005 Ethnic Diversity and Economic Development PDF Journal of Development Economics 76 2 293 323 doi 10 1016 j jdeveco 2004 01 002 Dincer Oguzhan C Wang Fan 2011 Ethnic Diversity and Economic Growth in China Journal of Economic Policy Reform 14 1 1 10 doi 10 1080 17487870 2011 523985 S2CID 40602760 Alesina Alberto Baqir Reza Easterly William 1999 Public Goods and Ethnic Divisions Quarterly Journal of Economics 114 4 1243 84 doi 10 1162 003355399556269 a b c d Prasch Robert E Neoliberalism and Ethnic Conflict Review of Radical Political Economics 44 3 2012 298 304 Web Retrieved February 1 2013 De Grauwe Paul Language Diversity and Economic Development University of Leuven January 2006 Working Paper Web Retrieved February 1 2013 Castells Manuel The Rise of the Network Society The Information Age Economy Society and Culture Vol 1 Malden Blackwell Publishers Inc 1996 Print Lewis Bernard The Roots of Muslim Rage Atlantic Magazine September 1990 Web Retrieved February 11 2013 Barber Benjamin R Jihad vs McWorld Atlantic Magazine March 1992 Web Retrieved February 11 2013 a b Piazza James A 2006 Rooted in Poverty Terrorism Poor Economic Development and Social Cleavages Terrorism and Political Violence 18 1 159 77 doi 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Tracing Amartya Sen s journey from colonial India to Nobel Prize and beyond Harvard Gazette Retrieved 2022 11 14 Bibliography EditDevelopment Economics through the Decades A Critical Look at 30 Years of the World Development Report World Bank Publications Washington DC 2009 ISBN 978 0 8213 7255 5 The Complete World Development Report 1978 2009 Single User DVD 30th Anniversary Edition World Bank Publications Washington DC 2009 ISBN 978 0 8213 7270 8 Behrman J R 2001 Development Economics of International Encyclopedia of the Social amp Behavioral Sciences pp 3566 3574 Abstract Bell Clive 1987 Development economics The New Palgrave A Dictionary of Economics 1 818 26 Crook Clive 1992 Third World Economic Development In David R Henderson ed Concise Encyclopedia of Economics 1st ed Library of Economics and Liberty OCLC 317650570 50016270 163149563 Easterly William 2002 Elusive Quest for Growth Economists Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics The MIT Press Ben Fine and Jomo K S eds 2005 The New Development Economics Post Washington Consensus Neoliberal Thinking Zed Books Peter Griffiths 2003 The Economist s Tale A Consultant Encounters Hunger and the World Bank Zed Books K S Jomo 2005 Pioneers of Development Economics Great Economists on Development Zed Books the contributions of economists such as Marshall and Keynes not normally considered development economists Lin Justin Yifu 2012 The Quest for Prosperity How Developing Economies Can Take Off Princeton NJ Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0 691 15589 0 Gerald M Meier 2005 Biography of a Subject An Evolution of Development Economics Oxford University Press Gerald M Meier Dudley Seers editors 1984 Pioneers in Development World Bank Dwight H Perkins Steven Radelet Donald R Snodgrass Malcolm Gillis and Michael Roemer 2001 Economics of Development 5th edition New York W W Norton Jeffrey D Sachs 2005 The End of Poverty Economic Possibilities for Our Time Penguin Books Debraj Ray 1998 Development Economics Princeton University Press Other editions Spanish Antoni Bosch 2002 Chinese edition Beijing University Press 2002 Indian edition Oxford 1998 Description table of contents and excerpt ch 1 World Institute for Development Economics Research Publications Discussion Papers Smith Charles Rees Gareth 1998 Economic Development 2nd edition Basingstoke Macmillan ISBN 978 0 333 72228 2 Michael Todaro and Stephen C Smith Economic Development 10th Ed Addison Wesley 2008 Description Handbook of Development Economics Elsevier Description and table of contents Hollis B Chenery and T N Srinivasan eds 1988 1989 Vol 1 and 2 Jere Behrman and T N Srinivasan eds 1995 Vol 3A and 3B T Paul Schultz and John Strauss eds 2008 Vol 4 Dani Rodrik and Mark R Rosenzweig eds 2009 Vol 5External links EditDevelopment Economics and Economic Development a list of resources for development economics Technology in emerging economies The Economist Top 10 institutions in the field of Development a list of research institutions specialized in Development at Ideas Repec Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Development economics amp oldid 1136197345, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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