
Quotation marks in English

In English writing, quotation marks or inverted commas, also known informally as quotes, talking marks,[1][2] speech marks,[3] quote marks, quotemarks or speechmarks, are punctuation marks placed on either side of a word or phrase in order to identify it as a quotation, direct speech or a literal title or name. Quotation marks may be used to indicate that the meaning of the word or phrase they surround should be taken to be different from (or, at least, a modification of) that typically associated with it, and are often used in this way to express irony (for example, in the sentence 'The lunch lady plopped a glob of "food" onto my tray.' the quotation marks around the word food show it is being called that ironically). They are also sometimes used to emphasise a word or phrase, although this is usually considered incorrect. [4][5]

“ ”
Double typographic quotes
‘ ’ " " ' '
Single typographic quotes Neutral double quotes Neutral single quotes

Quotation marks are written as a pair of opening and closing marks in either of two styles: single (‘...’) or double (“...”). Opening and closing quotation marks may be identical in form (called neutral, vertical, straight, typewriter, or "dumb" quotation marks), or may be distinctly left-handed and right-handed (typographic or, colloquially, curly quotation marks); see Quotation mark § Summary table for details. Typographic quotation marks are usually used in manuscript and typeset text. Because typewriter and computer keyboards lack keys to directly enter typographic quotation marks, much of typed writing has neutral quotation marks. Some computer software has the feature often called "smart quotes" which can, sometimes imperfectly, convert neutral quotation marks to typographic ones.

The typographic closing double quotation mark and the neutral double quotation mark are similar to – and sometimes stand in for – the ditto mark and the double prime symbol. Likewise, the typographic opening single quotation mark is sometimes used to represent the ʻokina while either the typographic closing single quotation mark or the neutral single quotation mark may represent the prime symbol. Characters with different meanings are typically given different visual appearance in typefaces that recognize these distinctions, and they each have different Unicode code points. Despite being semantically different, the typographic closing single quotation mark and the typographic apostrophe have the same visual appearance and code point (U+2019), as do the neutral single quote and typewriter apostrophe (U+0027).[6] (Despite the different code points, the curved and straight versions are sometimes considered multiple glyphs of the same character.)[7]

History edit

In the first centuries of typesetting, quotations were distinguished merely by indicating the speaker, and this can still be seen in some editions of the Christian Bible. During the Renaissance, quotations were distinguished by setting in a typeface contrasting with the main body text (often italic type with roman, or the other way around). Long quotations were also set this way, at full size and full measure.[8]

Quotation marks were first cut in metal type during the middle of the sixteenth century, and were used copiously by some printers by the seventeenth. In some Baroque and Romantic-period books, they would be repeated at the beginning of every line of a long quotation. When this practice was abandoned, the empty margin remained, leaving the modern form of indented block quotation.[8]

In Early Modern English, quotation marks were used to denote pithy comments. They were used to quote direct speech as early as the late sixteenth century, and this practice became more common over time.[9][10]

Usage edit

Quotations and speech edit

Single or double quotation marks denote either speech or a quotation. Double quotes are preferred in the United States, and also tend to be preferred in Australia[11][12] (though the Australian Government prefers single quotes)[13] and Canada. Single quotes are more usual in the United Kingdom, Ireland and South Africa, though double quotes are also common there, especially in journalistic works[clarification needed].[14][15] In New Zealand, both styles are used.[16][17]

A publisher's or author's style may take precedence over regional general preferences. The important idea is that the style of opening and closing quotation marks must be matched:

'Good morning, Frank,' said Hal.
"Good morning, Frank," said Hal.

For speech within speech, the other style is used as inner quotation marks:

'Hal said, "Good morning, Dave,"' recalled Frank.
"Hal said, 'Good morning, Dave,'" recalled Frank.

Sometimes quotations are nested in more levels than inner and outer quotation. Nesting levels up to five can be found in the Christian Bible.[18] In these cases, questions arise about the form (and names) of the quotation marks to be used. The most common way is to simply alternate between the two forms,[19] thus:

" ... ' ... " ... ' ... ' ... " ... ' ... "

If such a passage is further quoted in another publication, then all of their forms have to be shifted up by one level.

In many cases, quotations that span multiple paragraphs are set as block quotations, and thus do not require quotation marks. However, quotation marks are used for multiple-paragraph quotations in some cases, especially in narratives, where the convention in English is to give opening quotation marks to the first and each subsequent paragraph, using closing quotation marks only for the final paragraph of the quotation, as in the following example from Pride and Prejudice:

The letter was to this effect:

"My dear Lizzy,

"I wish you joy. If you love Mr. Darcy half as well as I do my dear Wickham, you must be very happy. It is a great comfort to have you so rich, and when you have nothing else to do, I hope you will think of us. I am sure Wickham would like a place at court very much, and I do not think we shall have quite money enough to live upon without some help. Any place would do, of about three or four hundred a year; but however, do not speak to Mr. Darcy about it, if you had rather not.

"Yours, etc."

As noted above, in some older texts, the quotation mark is repeated every line, rather than every paragraph.

When quoted text is interrupted, such as with the phrase he said, a closing quotation mark is used before the interruption, and an opening quotation mark after. Commas are also often used before and after the interruption, more often for quotations of speech than for quotations of text:

"Everything", said Hal, "is going extremely well."

Quotation marks are not used for indirect speech. This is because indirect speech can be a paraphrase; it is not a direct quote, and in the course of any composition, it is important to document when one is using a quotation versus when one is just giving content, which may be paraphrased, and which could be open to interpretation.

For example, if Hal says: "All systems are functional", then, in indirect speech:

Incorrect: Hal said that "everything was going extremely well".
Correct: Hal said that everything was going extremely well.

Irony edit

Another common use of quotation marks is to indicate or call attention to ironic, dubious, or non-standard words:

He shared his "wisdom" with me.
The lunch lady plopped a glob of "food" onto my tray.
He complained about too many "gummint" regulations.

Quotes indicating verbal irony, or other special use, are sometimes called scare quotes. They are sometimes gestured in oral speech using air quotes, or indicated in speech with a tone change or by replacement with supposed[ly] or so-called.

Signalling unusual usage edit

Quotation marks are also used to indicate that the writer realises that a word is not being used in its current commonly accepted sense:

Crystals somehow "know" which shape to grow into.

In addition to conveying a neutral attitude and to call attention to a neologism, or slang, or special terminology (also known as jargon), quoting can also indicate words or phrases that are descriptive but unusual, colloquial, folksy, startling, humorous, metaphoric, or contain a pun: Dawkins's concept of a meme could be described as an "evolving idea".

People also use quotation marks in this way to distance the writer from the terminology in question so as not to be associated with it, for example to indicate that a quoted word is not official terminology, or that a quoted phrase presupposes things that the author does not necessarily agree with; or to indicate special terminology that should be identified for accuracy's sake as someone else's terminology, as when a term (particularly a controversial term) pre-dates the writer or represents the views of someone else, perhaps without judgement (contrast this neutrally distancing quoting to the negative use of scare quotes).

The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017),[20] acknowledges this type of use but, in section 7.57, cautions against its overuse: "Quotation marks are often used to alert readers that a term is used in a nonstandard (or slang), ironic, or other special sense .... [T]hey imply 'This is not my term,' or 'This is not how the term is usually applied.' Like any such device, scare quotes lose their force and irritate readers if overused."

Use–mention distinction edit

Either quotation marks or italic type can emphasise that an instance of a word refers to the word itself rather than its associated concept.

Cheese is derived from milk. (concept)
"Cheese" is derived from a word in Old English. (word)
Cheese has calcium, protein, and phosphorus. (concept)
Cheese has three Es. (word)

In linguistics edit

Precise writing about language often uses italics for the word itself and single quotation marks for a gloss, with the two not separated by a comma or other punctuation,[21] and with strictly logical quotation around the gloss – extraneous terminal punctuation outside the quotation marks – even in North American publications, which might otherwise prefer them inside:[22]

Latin ovis 'sheep', canis 'dog', and equus 'horse' are nouns.

Titles of artistic works edit

Quotation marks, rather than italics, are generally used for the titles of shorter works. Whether these are single or double depends on the context; however, many styles, especially for poetry, prefer the use of single quotation marks.

  • Short fiction, poetry, etc.: Arthur C. Clarke's "The Sentinel"
  • Book chapters: The first chapter of 3001: The Final Odyssey is "Comet Cowboy"
  • Articles in books, magazines, journals, etc.: "Extra-Terrestrial Relays", Wireless World, October 1945
  • Album tracks, singles, etc.: David Bowie's "Space Oddity"

As a rule, the title of a whole publication is italicised (or, in typewritten text, underlined), whereas the titles of minor works within or a subset of the larger publication (such as poems, short stories, named chapters, journal papers, newspaper articles, TV show episodes, video game levels, editorial sections of websites, etc.) are written with quotation marks.

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Dahl's short story "Taste" in Completely Unexpected Tales

Nicknames and false titles edit

Quotation marks can also set off a nickname embedded in an actual name, or a false or ironic title embedded in an actual title; for example, Nat "King" Cole, Frank "Chairman of the Board" Sinatra, or Simone Rizzo "Sam the Plumber" DeCavalcante.

Nonstandard usage edit

Quotes are sometimes used for emphasis in lieu of underlining or italics, most commonly on signs or placards. This usage can be confused with ironic or altered-usage quotation, sometimes with unintended humor. For example, For sale: "fresh" fish, "fresh" oysters, could be construed to imply that fresh is not used with its everyday meaning, or indeed to indicate that the fish or oysters are anything but fresh. As another example, Cashiers' desks open until noon for your "convenience" could be interpreted to mean that the convenience was for the bank employees, not the customers.[5]

Order of punctuation edit

With regard to quotation marks adjacent to periods and commas, there are two styles of punctuation in widespread use. These two styles are most commonly referred to as "American" and "British", or sometimes "typesetters' quotation" and "logical quotation". Both systems have the same rules regarding question marks, exclamation points, colons, and semicolons. However, they differ in the treatment of periods and commas.[23][24]

In all major forms of English, question marks, exclamation marks, semicolons, and any other punctuation (with the possible exceptions of periods and commas, as explained in the sections below) are placed inside or outside the closing quotation mark depending on whether they are part of the quoted material.[25]

Did he say, "Good morning, Dave"?
No, he said, "Where are you, Dave?"
There are three major definitions of the word "gender": vernacular, sociological, and linguistic.
Type "C:" at the DOS prompt to switch from a floppy disk to a hard drive.

A convention is the use of square brackets to indicate content between the quotation marks that has been modified from, or was not present in, the original material.

British style edit

The prevailing style in the United Kingdom – called British style,[23][25] logical quotation,[26] and logical punctuation[27] – is to include within quotation marks only those punctuation marks that appeared in the original quoted material and in which the punctuation mark fits with the sense of the quotation, but otherwise to place punctuation outside the closing quotation marks.[27] Fowler's A Dictionary of Modern English Usage provides an early example of the rule: "All signs of punctuation used with words in quotation marks must be placed according to the sense."[28]

When dealing with words-as-words, short-form works and sentence fragments, this style places periods and commas outside the quotation marks:

"Carefree", in general, means "free from care or anxiety".
The title of the song was "Gloria", which many already knew.
She said she felt "free from care and anxiety".

When dealing with direct speech, according to the British style guide Butcher's Copy-editing, if a quotation is broken by words of the main sentence, and then resumed, the punctuation before the break should follow the closing quote unless it forms part of the quotation. An exception may be made when writing fiction, where the first comma may be placed before the first closing quote.[29] In non-fiction, some British publishers may permit placing punctuation that is not part of the person's speech inside the quotation marks but prefer that it be placed outside.[29] Periods and commas that are part of the person's speech are permitted inside the quotation marks regardless of whether the material is fiction.[29]

"Today," said Cinderella, "I feel free from care and anxiety." (fiction)
"Today", said the Prime Minister, "I feel free from care and anxiety." (preferred in non-fiction)
"Today I feel happy," said the woman, "carefree, and well." (regardless)

Hart's Rules and the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors call the British style "new" quoting. It is also similar to the use of quotation marks in many other languages (including Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Catalan, Dutch and German). A few US professional societies whose professions frequently employ various non-word characters, such as chemistry and computer programming, use the British form in their style guides (see ACS Style Guide).

According to the Jargon File from 1983, American hackers (members of a subculture of enthusiastic programmers) switched to what they later discovered to be the British quotation system because placing a period inside a quotation mark can change the meaning of data strings that are meant to be typed character-for-character.[30]

Some American style guides specific to certain specialties also prefer the British style.[24] For example, the journal Language of the Linguistic Society of America requires that the closing quotation mark precede the period or comma unless that period or comma is "a necessary part of the quoted matter".[22] The websites Wikipedia and Pitchfork use logical punctuation.[27]

American style edit

In the United States, the prevailing style is called American style,[25] whereby commas and periods are almost always placed inside closing quotation marks.[31][32][33][34][35] The American style is used by most newspapers, publishing houses, and style guides in the United States and, to a lesser extent, Canada as well.

When dealing with words-as-words, short-form works, and sentence fragments, standard American style places periods and commas inside the quotation marks:

"Carefree," in general, means "free from care or anxiety."
The title of the song was "Gloria," which many already knew.
She said she felt "free from care and anxiety."

This style also places periods and commas inside the quotation marks when dealing with direct speech, regardless of whether the work is fiction or non-fiction:

"Today," said Cinderella, "I feel free from care and anxiety." (fiction)
"Today," said the Prime Minister, "I feel free from care and anxiety." (non-fiction)

Nevertheless, many American style guides explicitly permit periods and commas outside the quotation marks when the presence of the punctuation mark inside the quotation marks leads to ambiguity, such as when describing keyboard input, as in the following example:

In the programming language Pascal, the statement "end.", including the period, signifies the end of a program.

The American style is recommended by the Modern Language Association's MLA Style Manual, the American Psychological Association's APA Publication Manual, the University of Chicago's The Chicago Manual of Style, the American Institute of Physics's AIP Style Manual, the American Medical Association's AMA Manual of Style, the American Political Science Association's APSA Style Manual, the Associated Press' The AP Guide to Punctuation, and the Canadian Public Works' The Canadian Style.[36] This style is also used in some British news and fiction.[37][29]

Ending the sentence edit

In both major styles, regardless of placement, only one end mark (?, !, or .) can end a sentence. Only the period, however, may not end a quoted sentence when it does not also end the enclosing sentence, except for literal text:[24][38][39]

"Hello, world," she said. (both styles)
She said, "Hello, world." (both styles)
"Hello, world!" she exclaimed. (both styles)
"Is anybody out there?" she asked into the void. (both styles)

With narration of direct speech, both styles retain punctuation inside the quotation marks, with a full stop changing into a comma if followed by attributive matter, also known as a speech tag or annunciatory clause. Americans tend to apply quotations when signifying doubt of veracity (sarcastically or seriously), to imply another meaning to a word or to imply a cynical take on a paraphrased quotation, without punctuation at all.

Typographical considerations edit

Primary quotations versus secondary quotations edit

Primary quotations are orthographically distinguished from secondary quotations that may be nested within a primary quotation. British English often uses single quotation marks to identify the outermost text of a primary quotation versus double quotation marks for inner, nested quotations. By contrast, American English typically uses double quotation marks to identify the outermost text of a primary quotation versus single quotation marks for inner, nested quotations.

British usage does vary, with some authoritative sources such as The Economist and The Times recommending the same usage as in the US,[40] whereas other authoritative sources, such as The King's English, Fowler's, and New Hart's Rules, recommend single quotation marks.[41] In journals and newspapers, quotation mark double/single use often depends on the individual publication's house style.

Spacing edit

In English, when a quotation follows other writing on a line of text, a space precedes the opening quotation mark unless the preceding symbol, such as an em dash, requires that there be no space. When a quotation is followed by other writing on a line of text, a space follows the closing quotation mark unless it is immediately followed by other punctuation within the sentence, such as a colon or closing punctuation. (These exceptions are ignored by some Asian computer systems that systematically display quotation marks with the included spacing, as this spacing is part of the fixed-width characters.)

There is generally no space between an opening quotation mark and the following word, or a closing quotation mark and the preceding word. When a double quotation mark or a single quotation mark immediately follows the other, proper spacing for legibility may suggest that a thin space ( ) or larger non-breaking space ( ) be inserted.

So Dave actually said, "He said, 'Good morning' "? (thin-space)
Yes, he did say, "He said, 'Good morning.' " (non-breaking space)

This is not common practice in mainstream publishing, which will generally use more precise kerning. It is more common in online writing, although using CSS to create the spacing by kerning is more semantically appropriate in Web typography than inserting extraneous spacing characters.

Non-language-related usage edit

Straight quotation marks (or italicised straight quotation marks) are often used to approximate the prime and double prime, e.g. when signifying feet and inches or arcminutes and arcseconds. For instance, 5 feet and 6 inches is often written 5' 6"; and 40 degrees, 20 arcminutes, and 50 arcseconds is written 40° 20' 50". When available, however, primes should be used instead (e.g. 5 6″, and 40° 20 50″). Prime and double prime are not present in most code pages, including ASCII and Latin-1, but are present in Unicode, as characters U+2032 PRIME and U+2033 DOUBLE PRIME. The HTML character entity references are ′ and ″, respectively.

Double quotation marks, or pairs of single ones, also represent the ditto mark.

Straight single and double quotation marks are used in most programming languages to delimit strings or literal characters, collectively known as string literals. In some languages (e.g. Pascal) only one type is allowed, in some (e.g. C and its derivatives) both are used with different meanings and in others (e.g. Python) both are used interchangeably. In some languages, if it is desired to include the same quotation marks used to delimit a string inside the string, the quotation marks are doubled. For example, to represent the string eat 'hot' dogs in Pascal one uses 'eat ''hot'' dogs'. Other languages use an escape character, often the backslash, as in 'eat \'hot\' dogs'.

In the TeX typesetting program, left double quotes are produced by typing two back-ticks (``) and right double quotes by typing two apostrophes (''). This is a continuation of a typewriter tradition of using ticks for opening quotation marks; see Quotation mark § Typewriters and early computers.

Typing quotation marks on a computer keyboard edit

Standard English computer keyboard layouts inherited the single and double straight quotation marks from the typewriter (the single quotation mark also doubling as an apostrophe), and they do not include individual keys for left-handed and right-handed typographic quotation marks. In character encoding terms, these characters are labeled unidirectional. However, most computer text-editing programs provide a "smart quotes" feature to automatically convert straight quotation marks into bidirectional punctuation, though sometimes imperfectly (see § Smart quotes). Generally, this smart quote feature is enabled by default, and it can be turned off in an "options" or "preferences" dialog. Some websites do not allow typographic quotation marks or apostrophes in posts. One can skirt these limitations, however, by using the HTML character codes or entities[42] or the other key combinations in the following table. In Windows, AutoHotkey scripts can be used to assign simpler key combinations to opening and closing quotation marks.

How to type typographic quotation marks (and apostrophes) on a computer keyboard
  Windows Alt code combinations macOS key combinations Linux (X) keys Unicode point HTML entity HTML decimal
Single opening    Alt+0145 (on number pad) ⌥ Opt+] Compose+<+' or Alt Gr+⇧ Shift+V U+2018 &lsquo; &#8216;
Single closing
(& apostrophe[43][44])
   Alt+0146 (on number pad) ⌥ Opt+⇧ Shift+] Compose+>+' or Alt Gr+⇧ Shift+B U+2019 &rsquo; &#8217;
Double opening    Alt+0147 (on number pad) ⌥ Opt+[ Compose+<+" or Alt Gr+v U+201C &ldquo; &#8220;
Double closing    Alt+0148 (on number pad) ⌥ Opt+⇧ Shift+[ Compose+>+" or Alt Gr+b U+201D &rdquo; &#8221;

(For additional characters used in other languages, see Quotation mark § Summary table.)

Smart quotes edit

To make typographic quotation marks easier to enter, publishing software often automatically converts typewriter quotation marks (and apostrophes) to typographic form during text entry (with or without the user being aware of it). Out-of-the-box behavior on macOS and iOS is to make this conversion. These are known as smart quotes (“...”). Straight quotation marks are also retronymically called dumb quotes ("...").[45]

The method for producing smart quotes may be based solely on the character preceding the mark. If it is a space or another of a set of hard-coded characters or if the mark begins a line, the mark will be rendered as an opening quote; if not, it will be rendered as a closing quote or apostrophe. This method can cause errors, especially for contractions that start with an apostrophe or text with nested quotations:

Text as typed Desired result Example erroneous results
'14 14 14
I forgot my 'phone. I forgot my ’phone. I forgot my ‘phone.
'Twas the night before Christmas ...[46] ’ Twas the night before Christmas ... ‘ Twas the night before Christmas ...
"'Hello,' he said, 'to you'" ‘Hello,’ he said, ‘to you’
  • ‘Hello,’ he said, ‘to you’
  • ’Hello,’ he said, ‘to you’

In Windows, if it is necessary to follow a space with a closing quotation mark when Smart Quotes is in effect, it is usually sufficient to input the character using the Alt code shown above rather than typing " or '.

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Lunsford, Susan (December 2001). 100 skill-building lessons using 10 favorite books : a teacher's treasury of irresistible lessons & activities that help children meet learning goals in reading, writing, math and more. p. 10. ISBN 0439205794.
  2. ^ Hayes, Andrea (April 2011). Language Toolkit for New Zealand 2, Volume 2. p. 17. ISBN 978-1107624702.
  3. ^ Barber, Katherine, ed. (2005). Canadian Oxford Dictionary (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-541816-6.
  4. ^ Jeremy Butterfield (2015). Fowler's Dictionary of Modern English Usage. Oxford University Press. p. 680. ISBN 978-0-19-966135-0.
  5. ^ a b Zwicky, Arnold (29 January 2006). "Dubious Quotation Marks". itre.cis.upenn.edu. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  6. ^ "Smart" apostrophes The Chicago Manual of Style Online (17th ed.). Part 2, Chapter 6.117. Retrieved 3 January 2019. Subscription required (free trial available).
  7. ^ Chagnon, Bevi (December 2013). "Fonts, Typography, and Accessibility". Retrieved 3 January 2019.
  8. ^ a b Bringhurst, Robert (2002). The Elements of Typographic Style. ver. 2.5. Point Roberts, Washington: Hartley & Marks. p. 86. ISBN 978-0-88179-132-7.
  9. ^ Higgins, John (1587). The Mirror for Magistrates.
  10. ^ Truss, Lynne (2003). Eats, Shoots & Leaves. p. 151. ISBN 1-59240-087-6.
  11. ^ https://davidbrewsterwriter.com/blog/2014/8/19/quote-me-on-this-using-single-and-double-quotation-marks?format=amp
  12. ^ https://www.macquariedictionary.com.au/resources/view/resource/6/
  13. ^ Australian Government (24 October 2022). "Quotation marks". Australian Government Style Manual. from the original on 23 March 2023. Retrieved 1 May 2023.
  14. ^ Trask, R. L. (1997). The Penguin Guide to Punctuation. p. 94. ISBN 9780140513660.
  15. ^ Peters, Pam (2007). The Cambridge guide to Australian English usage (2nd ed.). Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. p. 670. ISBN 978-0-521-87821-0. OCLC 73994040.
  16. ^ https://www.clearlingo.co.nz/blog/new-zealand-english-single-or-double-quote-marks
  17. ^ https://www.digital.govt.nz/standards-and-guidance/design-and-ux/content-design-guidance/grammar-and-punctuation/
  18. ^ Jeremiah 27:1–11; 29:1–28; 29:30–32; 34:1–5; Ezekiel 27:1–36
  19. ^ Stilman, Ann (1997). Grammatically Correct. p. 181. ISBN 978-0-89879-776-3.
  20. ^ "The Chicago Manual of Style Online" (17th ed.). University of Chicago Press. 2017. Section 7.57. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  21. ^ "Style Sheet", Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics, (undated), p. 2
  22. ^ a b "Language Style Sheet" (PDF). Language. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America. 2015. Retrieved 21 December 2018. 4. Punctuation: a. ... The second member of a pair of quotation marks should precede any other adjacent mark of punctuation, unless the other mark is a necessary part of the quoted matter .... 6. Cited Forms: ... e. After the first occurrence of non-English forms, provide a gloss in single quotation marks: Latin ovis 'sheep' is a noun. No comma precedes the gloss and no comma follows, unless necessary for other reasons: Latin ovis 'sheep', canis 'dog', and equus 'horse' are nouns.
  23. ^ a b Scientific Style and Format: The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors and Publishers. Council of Biology Editors / Cambridge University Press. 2002. ISBN 9780521471541. Retrieved 21 December 2018. In the British style (OUP 1983), all signs of punctuation used with words and quotation marks must be placed according to the sense.
  24. ^ a b c "The Chicago Manual of Style Online" (17th ed.). University of Chicago Press. 2017. Sections 6.9-6.11. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  25. ^ a b c Lee, Chelsea (11 August 2011). "Punctuating Around Quotation Marks". APA Style Blog. American Psychological Association. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  26. ^ "Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies" (PDF). Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen. 2008. Retrieved 21 December 2018. Punctuation marks are placed inside the quotation marks only if the sense of the punctuation is part of the quotation; this system is referred to as logical quotation.
  27. ^ a b c Yagoda, Ben (12 May 2011). "The Rise of "Logical Punctuation"". Slate. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  28. ^ Burchfield, R. W., ed. (1996). The New Fowler's Modern English Usage (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 646. ISBN 978-0-19-869126-6. Emphasis in original.
  29. ^ a b c d Butcher, Judith; Drake, Caroline; Leach, Maureen (2006). Butcher's Copy-editing: The Cambridge Handbook for Editors, Copy-editors and Proofreaders (4th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 273. ISBN 978-0-521-84713-1.
  30. ^ "The Jargon File, Chapter 5. Hacker Writing Style". CATB.org. Retrieved 7 November 2010.
  31. ^ "Punctuation". The Associated Press Stylebook. p. 337.
  32. ^ The Chicago Manual of Style Online: Q&A. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  33. ^ Strunk, William Jr.; White, E. B. (2000). The Elements of Style (4th ed.). Pearson Education. p. 36. ISBN 9780205313426.
  34. ^ McFarlane, J. A. (Sandy); Clements, Warren (2003). The Globe and Mail Style Book (9th ed.). p. 237. ISBN 978-0771056857.
  35. ^ Brinck, Tom; Gergle, Darren; Wood, Scott W. (2002). Usability for the Web. Morgan Kaufmann. p. 277. doi:10.1016/B978-1-55860-658-6.X5000-7. ISBN 978-1-55860-658-6.
  36. ^ Other style guides and reference volumes include the following: U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual (2008, p. 217), US Department of Education's IES Style Guide (2005, p. 43), The Canadian Style: A Guide to Writing and Editing (1997, p. 148), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, International Reading Association Style Guide, American Dialect Society, Association of Legal Writing Directors' ALWD Citation Manual, The McGraw-Hill Desk Reference by K. D. Sullivan (2006, p. 52), Webster's New World Punctuation by Geraldine Woods (2005, p. 68), The New Oxford Guide to Writing by Thomas S. Kane (1994, pp. 278, 305, 306), Merriam-Webster's Manual for Writers and Editors by Merriam-Webster (1998, p. 27), Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers by Lynn Troyka, et al. (1993, p. 517), Science and Technical Writing by Philip Rubens (2001, p. 208), Health Professionals Style Manual by Shirley Fondiller and Barbara Nerone (2006, p. 72), The Gregg Reference Manual by William A. Sabin (2000, p. 247), The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation by Jane Straus(2007, p. 61), The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage by Allan M. Siegal, The New York Times Guide to Essential Knowledge (2004, p. 788), The Copyeditor's Handbook by Amy Einsohn (2000, p. 111), The Grammar Bible by Michael Strumpf, Auriel Douglas (2004, p. 446), Elements of Style by William Strunk and Elwyn B. White (1979, p. 36), Little English Handbook by Edward P. J. Corbett (1997, p. 135), Commonsense Grammar and Style by Phillip S. Sparks (2004, p. 18), Handbook of Technical Writing by Gerald Alred et al. (2006, pp. 83, 373), MIT Guide To Science and Engineering Communication by J. Paradis and M. L. Zimmerman (2002, p. 314), Guide to Writing Empirical Papers by G. David Garson (2002, p. 178), Modern English by A. L. Lazarus, A. MacLeish, and H. W. Smith (1971, p. 71), The Scott Foresman Handbook for Writers (8th ed.) by John Ruszkiewicz et al., Comma Sense by Richard Lederer, John Shore (2007, p. 138), Write right! by Jan Venolia (2001, p. 82), Scholastic Journalism by Earl English and Clarence Hach (1962. p. 75), Grammar in Plain English by Harriet Diamond and Phyllis Dutwin (2005, p. 199), Crimes Against the English Language by Jill Meryl Levy (2005, p. 21), The Analytical Writer by Adrienne Robins (1997, p. 524), Writing with a Purpose by James McNab McCrimmon (1973, p. 415), Writing and Reporting News by Carole Rich (2000, p. 60), The Lawyer's Guide to Writing Well by Tom Goldstein (2003, p. 163), Woodroof's Quotations, Commas And Other Things English by D. K. Woodroof (2005, pp. 10–12), Journalism Language and Expression by Sundara Rajan (2005, p. 76), The Business Writer's Handbook by Gerald Alred et al. (2006, p. 451), The Business Style Handbook by Helen Cunningham (2002, p. 213), Essentials of English by Vincent Hopper (2000, p. 127).
  37. ^ March, David (19 May 2011). "'The British style'? 'The American way?' They are not so different | Mind your language". the Guardian. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  38. ^ Ritter, R. M., ed. (2005). New Hart's Rules. ISBN 978-0-19-861041-0.
  39. ^ Merriam-Webster (2001). Merriam-Webster's Guide to Punctuation and Style (2nd ed.). ISBN 978-0-87779-921-4.
  40. ^ "American and British English". The Economist Style Guide (Fourth ed.). London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd. 1996. p. 85. ISBN 0241135567. Tim Austin, Richard Dixon (2003) The Times Style and Usage Guide. London: HarperCollins. ISBN 0007145055
  41. ^ "Quotation Marks. Fowler, H. W. 1908. The King's English". Bartleby.com. Retrieved 7 November 2010.
  42. ^ "Character entity references in HTML 4". W3.org. World Wide Web Consortium. 24 December 1999. Retrieved 30 May 2015.
  43. ^ "Unicode Character 'RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK' (U+2019)". FileFormat.info. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  44. ^ "General Punctuation: Range: 2000–206F" (PDF). Unicode.org. Unicode Consortium. Retrieved 21 December 2015.
  45. ^ Spencer, Dave (31 January 2011). "Typographic Train Wrecks". Glyphic. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  46. ^ Moore, Clement Clarke (1823), "A Visit from Saint Nicholas", first published in the Troy Sentinel. The quotation in the Huffington Post exhibits the problem with "smart quotes".

External links edit

  • Curling Quotes in HTML, SGML, and XML
  • Quotation marks in the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository
  • ASCII and Unicode quotation marks – discussion of the problem of ASCII grave accent characters used as left quotation marks
  • Commonly confused characters
  • Quotation mark

quotation, marks, english, english, writing, quotation, marks, inverted, commas, also, known, informally, quotes, talking, marks, speech, marks, quote, marks, quotemarks, speechmarks, punctuation, marks, placed, either, side, word, phrase, order, identify, quo. In English writing quotation marks or inverted commas also known informally as quotes talking marks 1 2 speech marks 3 quote marks quotemarks or speechmarks are punctuation marks placed on either side of a word or phrase in order to identify it as a quotation direct speech or a literal title or name Quotation marks may be used to indicate that the meaning of the word or phrase they surround should be taken to be different from or at least a modification of that typically associated with it and are often used in this way to express irony for example in the sentence The lunch lady plopped a glob of food onto my tray the quotation marks around the word food show it is being called that ironically They are also sometimes used to emphasise a word or phrase although this is usually considered incorrect 4 5 Double typographic quotes Single typographic quotes Neutral double quotes Neutral single quotes Quotation marks are written as a pair of opening and closing marks in either of two styles single or double Opening and closing quotation marks may be identical in form called neutral vertical straight typewriter or dumb quotation marks or may be distinctly left handed and right handed typographic or colloquially curly quotation marks see Quotation mark Summary table for details Typographic quotation marks are usually used in manuscript and typeset text Because typewriter and computer keyboards lack keys to directly enter typographic quotation marks much of typed writing has neutral quotation marks Some computer software has the feature often called smart quotes which can sometimes imperfectly convert neutral quotation marks to typographic ones The typographic closing double quotation mark and the neutral double quotation mark are similar to and sometimes stand in for the ditto mark and the double prime symbol Likewise the typographic opening single quotation mark is sometimes used to represent the ʻokina while either the typographic closing single quotation mark or the neutral single quotation mark may represent the prime symbol Characters with different meanings are typically given different visual appearance in typefaces that recognize these distinctions and they each have different Unicode code points Despite being semantically different the typographic closing single quotation mark and the typographic apostrophe have the same visual appearance and code point U 2019 as do the neutral single quote and typewriter apostrophe U 0027 6 Despite the different code points the curved and straight versions are sometimes considered multiple glyphs of the same character 7 Contents 1 History 2 Usage 2 1 Quotations and speech 2 2 Irony 2 3 Signalling unusual usage 2 4 Use mention distinction 2 4 1 In linguistics 2 5 Titles of artistic works 2 6 Nicknames and false titles 2 7 Nonstandard usage 3 Order of punctuation 3 1 British style 3 2 American style 3 3 Ending the sentence 4 Typographical considerations 4 1 Primary quotations versus secondary quotations 4 2 Spacing 4 3 Non language related usage 4 4 Typing quotation marks on a computer keyboard 4 4 1 Smart quotes 5 See also 6 References 7 External linksHistory editIn the first centuries of typesetting quotations were distinguished merely by indicating the speaker and this can still be seen in some editions of the Christian Bible During the Renaissance quotations were distinguished by setting in a typeface contrasting with the main body text often italic type with roman or the other way around Long quotations were also set this way at full size and full measure 8 Quotation marks were first cut in metal type during the middle of the sixteenth century and were used copiously by some printers by the seventeenth In some Baroque and Romantic period books they would be repeated at the beginning of every line of a long quotation When this practice was abandoned the empty margin remained leaving the modern form of indented block quotation 8 In Early Modern English quotation marks were used to denote pithy comments They were used to quote direct speech as early as the late sixteenth century and this practice became more common over time 9 10 Usage editQuotations and speech edit Single or double quotation marks denote either speech or a quotation Double quotes are preferred in the United States and also tend to be preferred in Australia 11 12 though the Australian Government prefers single quotes 13 and Canada Single quotes are more usual in the United Kingdom Ireland and South Africa though double quotes are also common there especially in journalistic works clarification needed 14 15 In New Zealand both styles are used 16 17 A publisher s or author s style may take precedence over regional general preferences The important idea is that the style of opening and closing quotation marks must be matched Good morning Frank said Hal Good morning Frank said Hal For speech within speech the other style is used as inner quotation marks Hal said Good morning Dave recalled Frank Hal said Good morning Dave recalled Frank Sometimes quotations are nested in more levels than inner and outer quotation Nesting levels up to five can be found in the Christian Bible 18 In these cases questions arise about the form and names of the quotation marks to be used The most common way is to simply alternate between the two forms 19 thus If such a passage is further quoted in another publication then all of their forms have to be shifted up by one level In many cases quotations that span multiple paragraphs are set as block quotations and thus do not require quotation marks However quotation marks are used for multiple paragraph quotations in some cases especially in narratives where the convention in English is to give opening quotation marks to the first and each subsequent paragraph using closing quotation marks only for the final paragraph of the quotation as in the following example from Pride and Prejudice The letter was to this effect My dear Lizzy I wish you joy If you love Mr Darcy half as well as I do my dear Wickham you must be very happy It is a great comfort to have you so rich and when you have nothing else to do I hope you will think of us I am sure Wickham would like a place at court very much and I do not think we shall have quite money enough to live upon without some help Any place would do of about three or four hundred a year but however do not speak to Mr Darcy about it if you had rather not Yours etc As noted above in some older texts the quotation mark is repeated every line rather than every paragraph When quoted text is interrupted such as with the phrase he said a closing quotation mark is used before the interruption and an opening quotation mark after Commas are also often used before and after the interruption more often for quotations of speech than for quotations of text Everything said Hal is going extremely well Quotation marks are not used for indirect speech This is because indirect speech can be a paraphrase it is not a direct quote and in the course of any composition it is important to document when one is using a quotation versus when one is just giving content which may be paraphrased and which could be open to interpretation For example if Hal says All systems are functional then in indirect speech Incorrect Hal said that everything was going extremely well Correct Hal said that everything was going extremely well Irony edit Main article Scare quotes Another common use of quotation marks is to indicate or call attention to ironic dubious or non standard words He shared his wisdom with me The lunch lady plopped a glob of food onto my tray He complained about too many gummint regulations Quotes indicating verbal irony or other special use are sometimes called scare quotes They are sometimes gestured in oral speech using air quotes or indicated in speech with a tone change or by replacement with supposed ly or so called Signalling unusual usage edit Quotation marks are also used to indicate that the writer realises that a word is not being used in its current commonly accepted sense Crystals somehow know which shape to grow into In addition to conveying a neutral attitude and to call attention to a neologism or slang or special terminology also known as jargon quoting can also indicate words or phrases that are descriptive but unusual colloquial folksy startling humorous metaphoric or contain a pun Dawkins s concept of a meme could be described as an evolving idea People also use quotation marks in this way to distance the writer from the terminology in question so as not to be associated with it for example to indicate that a quoted word is not official terminology or that a quoted phrase presupposes things that the author does not necessarily agree with or to indicate special terminology that should be identified for accuracy s sake as someone else s terminology as when a term particularly a controversial term pre dates the writer or represents the views of someone else perhaps without judgement contrast this neutrally distancing quoting to the negative use of scare quotes The Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition 2017 20 acknowledges this type of use but in section 7 57 cautions against its overuse Quotation marks are often used to alert readers that a term is used in a nonstandard or slang ironic or other special sense T hey imply This is not my term or This is not how the term is usually applied Like any such device scare quotes lose their force and irritate readers if overused Use mention distinction edit Main articles Use mention distinction and Metalanguage Either quotation marks or italic type can emphasise that an instance of a word refers to the word itself rather than its associated concept Cheese is derived from milk concept Cheese is derived from a word in Old English word Cheese has calcium protein and phosphorus concept Cheese has three Es word In linguistics edit Precise writing about language often uses italics for the word itself and single quotation marks for a gloss with the two not separated by a comma or other punctuation 21 and with strictly logical quotation around the gloss extraneous terminal punctuation outside the quotation marks even in North American publications which might otherwise prefer them inside 22 Latin ovis sheep canis dog and equus horse are nouns Titles of artistic works edit Quotation marks rather than italics are generally used for the titles of shorter works Whether these are single or double depends on the context however many styles especially for poetry prefer the use of single quotation marks Short fiction poetry etc Arthur C Clarke s The Sentinel Book chapters The first chapter of 3001 The Final Odyssey is Comet Cowboy Articles in books magazines journals etc Extra Terrestrial Relays Wireless World October 1945 Album tracks singles etc David Bowie s Space Oddity As a rule the title of a whole publication is italicised or in typewritten text underlined whereas the titles of minor works within or a subset of the larger publication such as poems short stories named chapters journal papers newspaper articles TV show episodes video game levels editorial sections of websites etc are written with quotation marks Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet Dahl s short story Taste in Completely Unexpected Tales Nicknames and false titles edit Quotation marks can also set off a nickname embedded in an actual name or a false or ironic title embedded in an actual title for example Nat King Cole Frank Chairman of the Board Sinatra or Simone Rizzo Sam the Plumber DeCavalcante Nonstandard usage edit Quotes are sometimes used for emphasis in lieu of underlining or italics most commonly on signs or placards This usage can be confused with ironic or altered usage quotation sometimes with unintended humor For example For sale fresh fish fresh oysters could be construed to imply that fresh is not used with its everyday meaning or indeed to indicate that the fish or oysters are anything but fresh As another example Cashiers desks open until noon for your convenience could be interpreted to mean that the convenience was for the bank employees not the customers 5 Order of punctuation editWith regard to quotation marks adjacent to periods and commas there are two styles of punctuation in widespread use These two styles are most commonly referred to as American and British or sometimes typesetters quotation and logical quotation Both systems have the same rules regarding question marks exclamation points colons and semicolons However they differ in the treatment of periods and commas 23 24 In all major forms of English question marks exclamation marks semicolons and any other punctuation with the possible exceptions of periods and commas as explained in the sections below are placed inside or outside the closing quotation mark depending on whether they are part of the quoted material 25 Did he say Good morning Dave No he said Where are you Dave There are three major definitions of the word gender vernacular sociological and linguistic Type C at the DOS prompt to switch from a floppy disk to a hard drive A convention is the use of square brackets to indicate content between the quotation marks that has been modified from or was not present in the original material British style edit The prevailing style in the United Kingdom called British style 23 25 logical quotation 26 and logical punctuation 27 is to include within quotation marks only those punctuation marks that appeared in the original quoted material and in which the punctuation mark fits with the sense of the quotation but otherwise to place punctuation outside the closing quotation marks 27 Fowler s A Dictionary of Modern English Usage provides an early example of the rule All signs of punctuation used with words in quotation marks must be placed according to the sense 28 When dealing with words as words short form works and sentence fragments this style places periods and commas outside the quotation marks Carefree in general means free from care or anxiety The title of the song was Gloria which many already knew She said she felt free from care and anxiety When dealing with direct speech according to the British style guide Butcher s Copy editing if a quotation is broken by words of the main sentence and then resumed the punctuation before the break should follow the closing quote unless it forms part of the quotation An exception may be made when writing fiction where the first comma may be placed before the first closing quote 29 In non fiction some British publishers may permit placing punctuation that is not part of the person s speech inside the quotation marks but prefer that it be placed outside 29 Periods and commas that are part of the person s speech are permitted inside the quotation marks regardless of whether the material is fiction 29 Today said Cinderella I feel free from care and anxiety fiction Today said the Prime Minister I feel free from care and anxiety preferred in non fiction Today I feel happy said the woman carefree and well regardless Hart s Rules and the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors call the British style new quoting It is also similar to the use of quotation marks in many other languages including Portuguese Spanish French Italian Catalan Dutch and German A few US professional societies whose professions frequently employ various non word characters such as chemistry and computer programming use the British form in their style guides see ACS Style Guide According to the Jargon File from 1983 American hackers members of a subculture of enthusiastic programmers switched to what they later discovered to be the British quotation system because placing a period inside a quotation mark can change the meaning of data strings that are meant to be typed character for character 30 Some American style guides specific to certain specialties also prefer the British style 24 For example the journal Language of the Linguistic Society of America requires that the closing quotation mark precede the period or comma unless that period or comma is a necessary part of the quoted matter 22 The websites Wikipedia and Pitchfork use logical punctuation 27 American style edit In the United States the prevailing style is called American style 25 whereby commas and periods are almost always placed inside closing quotation marks 31 32 33 34 35 The American style is used by most newspapers publishing houses and style guides in the United States and to a lesser extent Canada as well When dealing with words as words short form works and sentence fragments standard American style places periods and commas inside the quotation marks Carefree in general means free from care or anxiety The title of the song was Gloria which many already knew She said she felt free from care and anxiety This style also places periods and commas inside the quotation marks when dealing with direct speech regardless of whether the work is fiction or non fiction Today said Cinderella I feel free from care and anxiety fiction Today said the Prime Minister I feel free from care and anxiety non fiction Nevertheless many American style guides explicitly permit periods and commas outside the quotation marks when the presence of the punctuation mark inside the quotation marks leads to ambiguity such as when describing keyboard input as in the following example In the programming language Pascal the statement end including the period signifies the end of a program The American style is recommended by the Modern Language Association s MLA Style Manual the American Psychological Association s APA Publication Manual the University of Chicago s The Chicago Manual of Style the American Institute of Physics s AIP Style Manual the American Medical Association s AMA Manual of Style the American Political Science Association s APSA Style Manual the Associated Press The AP Guide to Punctuation and the Canadian Public Works The Canadian Style 36 This style is also used in some British news and fiction 37 29 Ending the sentence edit In both major styles regardless of placement only one end mark or can end a sentence Only the period however may not end a quoted sentence when it does not also end the enclosing sentence except for literal text 24 38 39 Hello world she said both styles She said Hello world both styles Hello world she exclaimed both styles Is anybody out there she asked into the void both styles With narration of direct speech both styles retain punctuation inside the quotation marks with a full stop changing into a comma if followed by attributive matter also known as a speech tag or annunciatory clause Americans tend to apply quotations when signifying doubt of veracity sarcastically or seriously to imply another meaning to a word or to imply a cynical take on a paraphrased quotation without punctuation at all Typographical considerations editPrimary quotations versus secondary quotations edit Primary quotations are orthographically distinguished from secondary quotations that may be nested within a primary quotation British English often uses single quotation marks to identify the outermost text of a primary quotation versus double quotation marks for inner nested quotations By contrast American English typically uses double quotation marks to identify the outermost text of a primary quotation versus single quotation marks for inner nested quotations British usage does vary with some authoritative sources such as The Economist and The Times recommending the same usage as in the US 40 whereas other authoritative sources such as The King s English Fowler s and New Hart s Rules recommend single quotation marks 41 In journals and newspapers quotation mark double single use often depends on the individual publication s house style Spacing edit In English when a quotation follows other writing on a line of text a space precedes the opening quotation mark unless the preceding symbol such as an em dash requires that there be no space When a quotation is followed by other writing on a line of text a space follows the closing quotation mark unless it is immediately followed by other punctuation within the sentence such as a colon or closing punctuation These exceptions are ignored by some Asian computer systems that systematically display quotation marks with the included spacing as this spacing is part of the fixed width characters There is generally no space between an opening quotation mark and the following word or a closing quotation mark and the preceding word When a double quotation mark or a single quotation mark immediately follows the other proper spacing for legibility may suggest that a thin space amp thinsp or larger non breaking space amp nbsp be inserted So Dave actually said He said Good morning thin space Yes he did say He said Good morning non breaking space This is not common practice in mainstream publishing which will generally use more precise kerning It is more common in online writing although using CSS to create the spacing by kerning is more semantically appropriate in Web typography than inserting extraneous spacing characters Non language related usage edit Straight quotation marks or italicised straight quotation marks are often used to approximate the prime and double prime e g when signifying feet and inches or arcminutes and arcseconds For instance 5 feet and 6 inches is often written 5 6 and 40 degrees 20 arcminutes and 50 arcseconds is written 40 20 50 When available however primes should be used instead e g 5 6 and 40 20 50 Prime and double prime are not present in most code pages including ASCII and Latin 1 but are present in Unicode as characters U 2032 PRIME and U 2033 DOUBLE PRIME The HTML character entity references are amp prime and amp Prime respectively Double quotation marks or pairs of single ones also represent the ditto mark Straight single and double quotation marks are used in most programming languages to delimit strings or literal characters collectively known as string literals In some languages e g Pascal only one type is allowed in some e g C and its derivatives both are used with different meanings and in others e g Python both are used interchangeably In some languages if it is desired to include the same quotation marks used to delimit a string inside the string the quotation marks are doubled For example to represent the string eat hot dogs in Pascal one uses eat hot dogs Other languages use an escape character often the backslash as in eat hot dogs In the TeX typesetting program left double quotes are produced by typing two back ticks and right double quotes by typing two apostrophes This is a continuation of a typewriter tradition of using ticks for opening quotation marks see Quotation mark Typewriters and early computers Typing quotation marks on a computer keyboard edit Standard English computer keyboard layouts inherited the single and double straight quotation marks from the typewriter the single quotation mark also doubling as an apostrophe and they do not include individual keys for left handed and right handed typographic quotation marks In character encoding terms these characters are labeled unidirectional However most computer text editing programs provide a smart quotes feature to automatically convert straight quotation marks into bidirectional punctuation though sometimes imperfectly see Smart quotes Generally this smart quote feature is enabled by default and it can be turned off in an options or preferences dialog Some websites do not allow typographic quotation marks or apostrophes in posts One can skirt these limitations however by using the HTML character codes or entities 42 or the other key combinations in the following table In Windows AutoHotkey scripts can be used to assign simpler key combinations to opening and closing quotation marks How to type typographic quotation marks and apostrophes on a computer keyboard Windows Alt code combinations macOS key combinations Linux X keys Unicode point HTML entity HTML decimal Single opening Alt 0145 on number pad Opt Compose lt or Alt Gr Shift V U 2018 amp lsquo amp 8216 Single closing amp apostrophe 43 44 Alt 0146 on number pad Opt Shift Compose gt or Alt Gr Shift B U 2019 amp rsquo amp 8217 Double opening Alt 0147 on number pad Opt Compose lt or Alt Gr v U 201C amp ldquo amp 8220 Double closing Alt 0148 on number pad Opt Shift Compose gt or Alt Gr b U 201D amp rdquo amp 8221 For additional characters used in other languages see Quotation mark Summary table Smart quotes edit To make typographic quotation marks easier to enter publishing software often automatically converts typewriter quotation marks and apostrophes to typographic form during text entry with or without the user being aware of it Out of the box behavior on macOS and iOS is to make this conversion These are known as smart quotes Straight quotation marks are also retronymically called dumb quotes 45 The method for producing smart quotes may be based solely on the character preceding the mark If it is a space or another of a set of hard coded characters or if the mark begins a line the mark will be rendered as an opening quote if not it will be rendered as a closing quote or apostrophe This method can cause errors especially for contractions that start with an apostrophe or text with nested quotations Text as typed Desired result Example erroneous results 14 14 14 I forgot my phone I forgot my phone I forgot my phone Twas the night before Christmas 46 Twas the night before Christmas Twas the night before Christmas Hello he said to you Hello he said to you Hello he said to you Hello he said to you In Windows if it is necessary to follow a space with a closing quotation mark when Smart Quotes is in effect it is usually sufficient to input the character using the Alt code shown above rather than typing or See also editGuillemet the French quotation mark International variation in quotation marks Modifier letter double apostrophe ʻOkina Typewriter conventions Western Latin character sets computing References edit Lunsford Susan December 2001 100 skill building lessons using 10 favorite books a teacher s treasury of irresistible lessons amp activities that help children meet learning goals in reading writing math and more p 10 ISBN 0439205794 Hayes Andrea April 2011 Language Toolkit for New Zealand 2 Volume 2 p 17 ISBN 978 1107624702 Barber Katherine ed 2005 Canadian Oxford Dictionary 2nd ed Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 541816 6 Jeremy Butterfield 2015 Fowler s Dictionary of Modern English Usage Oxford University Press p 680 ISBN 978 0 19 966135 0 a b Zwicky Arnold 29 January 2006 Dubious Quotation Marks itre cis upenn edu Retrieved 21 December 2018 Smart apostrophes The Chicago Manual of Style Online 17th ed Part 2 Chapter 6 117 Retrieved 3 January 2019 Subscription required free trial available Chagnon Bevi December 2013 Fonts Typography and Accessibility Retrieved 3 January 2019 a b Bringhurst Robert 2002 The Elements of Typographic Style ver 2 5 Point Roberts Washington Hartley amp Marks p 86 ISBN 978 0 88179 132 7 Higgins John 1587 The Mirror for Magistrates Truss Lynne 2003 Eats Shoots amp Leaves p 151 ISBN 1 59240 087 6 https davidbrewsterwriter com blog 2014 8 19 quote me on this using single and double quotation marks format amp https www macquariedictionary com au resources view resource 6 Australian Government 24 October 2022 Quotation marks Australian Government Style Manual Archived from the original on 23 March 2023 Retrieved 1 May 2023 Trask R L 1997 The Penguin Guide to Punctuation p 94 ISBN 9780140513660 Peters Pam 2007 The Cambridge guide to Australian English usage 2nd ed Melbourne Cambridge University Press p 670 ISBN 978 0 521 87821 0 OCLC 73994040 https www clearlingo co nz blog new zealand english single or double quote marks https www digital govt nz standards and guidance design and ux content design guidance grammar and punctuation Jeremiah 27 1 11 29 1 28 29 30 32 34 1 5 Ezekiel 27 1 36 Stilman Ann 1997 Grammatically Correct p 181 ISBN 978 0 89879 776 3 The Chicago Manual of Style Online 17th ed University of Chicago Press 2017 Section 7 57 Retrieved 21 December 2018 Style Sheet Language Acquisition A Journal of Developmental Linguistics undated p 2 a b Language Style Sheet PDF Language Washington DC Linguistic Society of America 2015 Retrieved 21 December 2018 4 Punctuation a The second member of a pair of quotation marks should precede any other adjacent mark of punctuation unless the other mark is a necessary part of the quoted matter 6 Cited Forms e After the first occurrence of non English forms provide a gloss in single quotation marks Latin ovis sheep is a noun No comma precedes the gloss and no comma follows unless necessary for other reasons Latin ovis sheep canis dog and equus horse are nouns a b Scientific Style and Format The CBE Manual for Authors Editors and Publishers Council of Biology Editors Cambridge University Press 2002 ISBN 9780521471541 Retrieved 21 December 2018 In the British style OUP 1983 all signs of punctuation used with words and quotation marks must be placed according to the sense a b c The Chicago Manual of Style Online 17th ed University of Chicago Press 2017 Sections 6 9 6 11 Retrieved 21 December 2018 a b c Lee Chelsea 11 August 2011 Punctuating Around Quotation Marks APA Style Blog American Psychological Association Retrieved 21 December 2018 Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies PDF Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies University of Aberdeen 2008 Retrieved 21 December 2018 Punctuation marks are placed inside the quotation marks only if the sense of the punctuation is part of the quotation this system is referred to as logical quotation a b c Yagoda Ben 12 May 2011 The Rise of Logical Punctuation Slate Retrieved 21 December 2018 Burchfield R W ed 1996 The New Fowler s Modern English Usage 3rd ed Oxford University Press p 646 ISBN 978 0 19 869126 6 Emphasis in original a b c d Butcher Judith Drake Caroline Leach Maureen 2006 Butcher s Copy editing The Cambridge Handbook for Editors Copy editors and Proofreaders 4th ed Cambridge University Press p 273 ISBN 978 0 521 84713 1 The Jargon File Chapter 5 Hacker Writing Style CATB org Retrieved 7 November 2010 Punctuation The Associated Press Stylebook p 337 The Chicago Manual of Style Online Q amp A Retrieved 21 December 2018 Strunk William Jr White E B 2000 The Elements of Style 4th ed Pearson Education p 36 ISBN 9780205313426 McFarlane J A Sandy Clements Warren 2003 The Globe and Mail Style Book 9th ed p 237 ISBN 978 0771056857 Brinck Tom Gergle Darren Wood Scott W 2002 Usability for the Web Morgan Kaufmann p 277 doi 10 1016 B978 1 55860 658 6 X5000 7 ISBN 978 1 55860 658 6 Other style guides and reference volumes include the following U S Government Printing Office Style Manual 2008 p 217 US Department of Education s IES Style Guide 2005 p 43 The Canadian Style A Guide to Writing and Editing 1997 p 148 International Committee of Medical Journal Editors International Reading Association Style Guide American Dialect Society Association of Legal Writing Directors ALWD Citation Manual The McGraw Hill Desk Reference by K D Sullivan 2006 p 52 Webster s New World Punctuation by Geraldine Woods 2005 p 68 The New Oxford Guide to Writing by Thomas S Kane 1994 pp 278 305 306 Merriam Webster s Manual for Writers and Editors by Merriam Webster 1998 p 27 Simon amp Schuster Handbook for Writers by Lynn Troyka et al 1993 p 517 Science and Technical Writing by Philip Rubens 2001 p 208 Health Professionals Style Manual by Shirley Fondiller and Barbara Nerone 2006 p 72 The Gregg Reference Manual by William A Sabin 2000 p 247 The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation by Jane Straus 2007 p 61 The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage by Allan M Siegal The New York Times Guide to Essential Knowledge 2004 p 788 The Copyeditor s Handbook by Amy Einsohn 2000 p 111 The Grammar Bible by Michael Strumpf Auriel Douglas 2004 p 446 Elements of Style by William Strunk and Elwyn B White 1979 p 36 Little English Handbook by Edward P J Corbett 1997 p 135 Commonsense Grammar and Style by Phillip S Sparks 2004 p 18 Handbook of Technical Writing by Gerald Alred et al 2006 pp 83 373 MIT Guide To Science and Engineering Communication by J Paradis and M L Zimmerman 2002 p 314 Guide to Writing Empirical Papers by G David Garson 2002 p 178 Modern English by A L Lazarus A MacLeish and H W Smith 1971 p 71 The Scott Foresman Handbook for Writers 8th ed by John Ruszkiewicz et al Comma Sense by Richard Lederer John Shore 2007 p 138 Write right by Jan Venolia 2001 p 82 Scholastic Journalism by Earl English and Clarence Hach 1962 p 75 Grammar in Plain English by Harriet Diamond and Phyllis Dutwin 2005 p 199 Crimes Against the English Language by Jill Meryl Levy 2005 p 21 The Analytical Writer by Adrienne Robins 1997 p 524 Writing with a Purpose by James McNab McCrimmon 1973 p 415 Writing and Reporting News by Carole Rich 2000 p 60 The Lawyer s Guide to Writing Well by Tom Goldstein 2003 p 163 Woodroof s Quotations Commas And Other Things English by D K Woodroof 2005 pp 10 12 Journalism Language and Expression by Sundara Rajan 2005 p 76 The Business Writer s Handbook by Gerald Alred et al 2006 p 451 The Business Style Handbook by Helen Cunningham 2002 p 213 Essentials of English by Vincent Hopper 2000 p 127 March David 19 May 2011 The British style The American way They are not so different Mind your language the Guardian Retrieved 19 November 2021 Ritter R M ed 2005 New Hart s Rules ISBN 978 0 19 861041 0 Merriam Webster 2001 Merriam Webster s Guide to Punctuation and Style 2nd ed ISBN 978 0 87779 921 4 American and British English The Economist Style Guide Fourth ed London Hamish Hamilton Ltd 1996 p 85 ISBN 0241135567 Tim Austin Richard Dixon 2003 The Times Style and Usage Guide London HarperCollins ISBN 0007145055 Quotation Marks Fowler H W 1908 The King s English Bartleby com Retrieved 7 November 2010 Character entity references in HTML 4 W3 org World Wide Web Consortium 24 December 1999 Retrieved 30 May 2015 Unicode Character RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK U 2019 FileFormat info Retrieved 21 December 2018 General Punctuation Range 2000 206F PDF Unicode org Unicode Consortium Retrieved 21 December 2015 Spencer Dave 31 January 2011 Typographic Train Wrecks Glyphic Retrieved 21 December 2018 Moore Clement Clarke 1823 A Visit from Saint Nicholas first published in the Troy Sentinel The quotation in the Huffington Post exhibits the problem with smart quotes External links edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Quotation mark Curling Quotes in HTML SGML and XML Quotation marks in the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository ASCII and Unicode quotation marks discussion of the problem of ASCII grave accent characters used as left quotation marks Commonly confused characters Quotation mark Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Quotation marks in English amp oldid 1214247064, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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