
AltGr key

AltGr (also Alt Graph) is a modifier key found on many computer keyboards (rather than a second Alt key found on US keyboards). It is primarily used to type characters that are not widely used in the territory where sold, such as foreign currency symbols, typographic marks and accented letters. On a typical Windows-compatible PC keyboard, the AltGr key, when present, takes the place of the right-hand Alt key. The key at this location will operate as AltGr if a keyboard layout using AltGr is chosen in the operating system, regardless of what is engraved on the key.[1] In macOS, the Option key has functions similar to the AltGr key.

The AltGr key is the first key to the right of the space bar.
A keyboard with additional engravings showing the characters typed when AltGr is held down. (The AltGr key, located immediately to the right of the Space bar, does not appear in this photo.)

The AltGr key is used as an additional Shift key, to provide a third and a fourth (when Shift is also pressed) grapheme for most keys. Most are accented variants of the letters on the keys, but also additional symbols and punctuation marks. Some languages such as Bengali use this key when the number of letters of their alphabet is too large for a standard keyboard. For example, on the US-International keyboard layout, the C key can be used to insert four different characters:


IBM states that AltGr is an abbreviation for alternate graphic.[2][3]

Sun Microsystems keyboard, which labels the key as Alt Graph.

A key labelled with some variation of "Alt Graphic" was on many computer keyboards before the Windows international layouts. On early home computers the alternate graphemes were primarily box-drawing characters.[4]

This likely was the intended purpose of the Alt key on PC keyboards, however software quickly used this as a combination key for shortcuts, requiring a new key for producing additional characters.


Windows interprets Ctrl+Alt as AltGr, to accommodate some compact keyboards like those of netbooks which have neither the AltGr key or a right-hand Alt key. Thus Ctrl+Alt+a has the same effect as AltGr+a. Because of this feature, Microsoft advises that Ctrl+Alt not be used as part of any application keyboard shortcut, as it would prevent typing the matching AltGr character on such keyboards.[5]

Function by default national keyboard

In most of the keyboard diagrams the symbol you get when holding down AltGr is in blue in the lower-right of the corner. If different, the symbol for Shift+AltGr is shown in the upper-right.


Jatiya Layout (Alt Gr activated characters in blue)


Belgian keyboard under Linux (Ubuntu 9.10)

The Windows version of the Belgian keyboard may only support a subset of these characters. Several of the AltGr combinations are themselves dead keys, which are followed by another letter to produce an accented version of that letter.


ABNT complying keyboard layout (Alt Gr activated characters in blue)

ABNT2 complying keyboard layout (Alt Gr activated characters in blue)

Some notes

  • The AltGr+C combination results in the (obsolete) symbol ₢ for the former Brazilian currency, the Brazilian cruzeiro.
  • The AltGr+Q, AltGr+W, AltGr+E combinations are useful as a replacement for the "/?" key, which is physically absent on non-Brazilian keyboards.
  • Some software (e.g. Microsoft Word) will map AltGr+R to ® and AltGr+T to ™, but this is not standard behavior and was likely an accident owing to the fact that the combinations Ctrl+Alt+R and Ctrl+Alt+T were intended.


On AZERTY keyboards, AltGr enables the user to type the following characters:

French AZERTY keyboard


On German keyboards, AltGr enables the user to type the following characters, which are indicated on the keyboard:

German keyboard layout "T1" according to DIN 2137-1:2012-06

Windows 8 introduced the ability of pressing AltGr+⇧ Shift+ß to produce (capital ß). Even though this is usually not indicated on the physical keyboard—potentially due to a lack of space, since the ß-key already has three different levels (ß → "ß", ⇧ Shift+ß → "?", and, as shown above, AltGr+ß → "\")—, it can be seen in the Windows On-Screen Keyboard by selecting the necessary keys with the German keyboard layout selected. Some newer types of German keyboards offer the assignment AltGr+H → capital ß.



Some of these key combinations also result in different characters if the polytonic layout is used.



On Hebrew keyboards, AltGr enables the user to type the Hebrew vowels and pronunciation marks. In addition, there are several combinations for special characters:


Using a Hebrew keyboard, one may write in Yiddish as the two languages share many letters. However, Yiddish has some additional digraphs not otherwise found in Hebrew, which are entered via AltGr:


On Italian keyboards, AltGr enables the user to type the following characters:

There is an alternate layout, which differ just in disposition of characters accessible through AltGr and includes the tilde and the curly brackets.


The following letters can be input in the Latvian keyboard layout using AltGr:

North Macedonia

On Macedonian keyboards, AltGr enables the user to type the following characters:

The Netherlands

  • Digits row
    • AltGr+1 → ¹ and ¡
    • AltGr+2 → ²
    • AltGr+3 → ³
    • AltGr+4 → £ and ¤
    • AltGr+5 → €
    • AltGr+6 → ¼
    • AltGr+7 → ½
    • AltGr+8 → ¾
    • AltGr+9 → ‘
    • AltGr+0 → ’
    • AltGr+- → ¥
    • AltGr+= → × and ÷
  • Top letters row
    • AltGr+Q → ä and Ä
    • AltGr+W → å and Å
    • AltGr+E → é and É
    • AltGr+R → ®
    • AltGr+T → þ and Þ (Icelandic and Old English thorn)
    • AltGr+Y → ü and Ü
    • AltGr+U → ú and Ú
    • AltGr+I → í and Í
    • AltGr+O → ó and Ó
    • AltGr+P → ö and Ö
    • AltGr+[ → «
    • AltGr+] → »
    • AltGr+\ → ¬ and ¦
  • Middle letters row (Home row)
    • AltGr+A → á and Á
    • AltGr+S → ß (German eszett aka sharp s) and §
    • AltGr+D → ð and Ð (Icelandic edh)
    • AltGr+L → ø and Ø
    • AltGr+; → ¶ and °
    • AltGr+' → ´ and ¨
  • Bottom letters row
    • AltGr+Z → æ and Æ
    • AltGr+C → © and ¢
    • AltGr+N → ñ and Ñ
    • AltGr+M → µ
    • AltGr+, → ç and Ç
    • AltGr+/ → ¿

Nordic countries and Estonia

The keyboard layouts in the Nordic countries Denmark (DK), Faroe Islands (FO), Finland (FI), Norway (NO) and Sweden (SE) as well as in Estonia (EE) are largely similar to each other. Generally the AltGr key can be used to create the following characters:

Other AltGr combinations are peculiar to just some of the countries:

Finnish multilingual

The Finnish multilingual keyboard standard adds many new characters to the traditional layout via the AltGr key, as shown in the image below (the blue characters can be written with the AltGr key; several dead key diacritics, shown in red, are also available as an AltGr combination).[6][7]



Typewriters in Poland used a QWERTZ layout specifically designed for the Polish language with accented letters in the Polish alphabet obtainable directly. When personal computers became available worldwide in the 1980s, commercial importing into Poland was not supported by its communist government, so most machines in Poland were brought in by private individuals. Most had US keyboards, and various methods were devised to make available the accented Polish letters. An established method was to configure the right Alt key as an AltGr key and to use it in combination with a Latin base letter to obtain the equivalent precomposed character (accented form of the letter).

  • AltGr+Aą
  • AltGr+Cć
  • AltGr+Eę
  • AltGr+Lł
  • AltGr+Nń
  • AltGr+Oó
  • AltGr+Sś
  • AltGr+U
  • AltGr+Xź
  • AltGr+Zż

(Because there are two types of "z with diacritic" (ź and ż), AltGr+X is a special case.)

At the time of the Fall of communism and opening of commercial import channels this practice was so widespread that it was adopted as the de facto standard. Nowadays nearly all PCs in Poland have standard US keyboards and use the AltGr method to enter Polish diacritics. This keyboard mapping is referred to as the Polish programmers' layout (klawiatura polska programisty) or simply Polish layout.

Another layout is still used on typewriters, mostly by professional typists. Computer keyboards with this layout are available, though difficult to find, and supported by a number of operating systems; they are known as Polish typists' layout (klawiatura polska maszynistki). Older Polish versions of Microsoft Windows used this layout, describing it as Polish layout. On current versions it is referred to as Polish (214).


The keymap with the AltGr key:

 â ß € r ț y u î o § „ ” ă ș đ f g h j k ł  ; z x © v b n m «  » 


Since release 1903, versions of Windows 10 have the binding:

South Slavic Latin and Czech keyboards

On South Slavic Latin (used in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia) and on Czech keyboards, the following letters and special characters are created using AltGr:


South Slavic cyrillic keyboards use a different layout.


On Swiss keyboards, AltGr in combination with the following keys types the following characters:

Switzerland has three national Languages (German, French and Italian). The Swiss keyboard layout is therefore designed with compatibility in mind for all three languages. In regions where German is spoken, the Swiss German layout will be used, where the OEM5 key will type an Ä). In French regions the Swiss French layout will be used where OEM5 will type À. However, In combination with AltGr, the region-specific layout is irrelevant.

Swiss German: AltGr+Ä → {

Swiss French: AltGr+À → {


In Turkish keyboard variants the AltGr can be used to display the following characters:

  • AltGr+aæ
  • AltGr+sß
  • AltGr+e
  • AltGr+t
  • AltGr+q@
  • AltGr+ıi
  • AltGr+ü a → ã
  • AltGr+ğ a → ä
  • AltGr+ş a → á
  • AltGr+, a → à

United Kingdom and Ireland


In UK and Ireland keyboard layouts, only two alternative use symbols are printed on most keyboards, which require the AltGr key to function. These are:

  • the euro sign. Located on the "4/$" key.
  • ¦ the broken bar symbol. Located on the "`/¬" key, to the immediate left of "1".

Using the AltGr key on Linux produces many foreign characters and international symbols, e.g. ¹²³€½{[]}@łe¶ŧ←↓→øþæßðđŋħjĸł«»¢“”nµΩŁE®Ŧ¥↑ıØÞƧЪŊĦJ&Ł<>©‘’Nº×÷· (If reconfigured as a compose key, an even larger repertoire is available).

With the UK extended keyboard setting (below), ChromeOS offers a large repertoire of symbols and precomposed characters.

Scotland and Wales

For the diacritics used by Welsh (ŵ and ŷ) and Scottish Gaelic (à, è, ì, ò and ù), the UK extended keyboard setting is needed. This makes available AltGr+6 (for circumflex accent) and AltGr+` (for grave accent) as dead keys.

UK extended keyboard layout

The UK-Extended keyboard mapping (available with Microsoft Windows, Linux and ChromeOS) allows many characters with diacritical marks (including those used in other European countries) to be generated by using the AltGr key or dead keys in combination with others.

UK extended layout under ChromeOS
! ¡
1 ¹
" ½
3 ³
$ ¼
5 ½
7 {
8 [
( ±
9 ]
) °
0 }
_ ¿
- \
tab Q Ω
q @
e é
R ®
t ŧ
y ý
u ú
i í
o ó
p þ
🔍 A Á
a á
S §
s ß
d ð
F ª
f đ
g ŋ
h ħ
K &
k ĸ
l ł
shift | ¦
\ |
Z <
z «
X >
x »
c ç
n n
M º
m µ
< ×
> ÷
. ·

Notes: Dotted circle (◌) is used here to indicate a dead key. The ` (grave accent) key is the only one that acts as a free-standing dead key and thus does not respond as shown on the key-cap. All others are invoked by AltGr.
AltGr+⇧ Shift+0 (°) is a degree sign; AltGr+⇧ Shift+M (º) is a masculine ordinal indicator. For a complete list of the characters available using dead keys, see QWERTY#ChromeOS.

United States

Most keyboards sold in the US do not have an (engraved) AltGr key. However, if there is an right-hand Alt key it will act as AltGr if a layout using it is installed (conversely a foreign keyboard AltGr will act like the right-hand Alt if the standard US keyboard layout is installed).


Microsoft provides a US-International keyboard layout that uses AltGr (or right-hand Alt or Ctrl+Alt) key to produce more characters:


Red characters are dead keys; for example ä can be entered with "a.

Other operating systems such as Linux and ChromeOS follow this layout but increase the repertoire of glyphs provided.

X Window System

In the X Window System (Linux, BSD, Unix), AltGr can often be used to produce additional characters with almost every key on the keyboard. Furthermore, with some keys, AltGr will produce a dead key; for example on a UK keyboard, semicolon can be used to add an acute accent to a base letter, and left square bracket can be used to add a trema:

  • AltGr+; followed by Eé
  • AltGr+[ followed by ⇧ Shift+OÖ

This use of dead keys enables one to type a wide variety of precomposed characters that combine various diacritics with either uppercase or lowercase letters, achieving a similar effect to the Compose key.

Keyboard maps

Below are some diagrams and examples of country-specific key maps. For the diagrams, the grey symbols are the standard characters, yellow is with ⇧ Shift, red is with AltGr, and blue is with ⇧ Shift+AltGr.

Danish keyboard

The Danish keymap features the following key combinations:

  • AltGr+⇧ Shift+QΩ
  • AltGr+Oø
  • AltGr+Mµ

Italian keyboard

The Italian keymap includes, among other combinations, the following:

Norwegian keyboard

The complete Norwegian X Window key map with its AltGr combinations

Swedish keyboard

The complete Swedish X Window key map with its AltGr combinations

See also


  1. ^ Microsoft Support. "How to use the United States-International keyboard layout in Windows 7, in Windows Vista, and in Windows XP". Microsoft. Retrieved 30 May 2020.
  2. ^ . ibm.com. Archived from the original on 14 January 2006. Retrieved 4 June 2005.
  3. ^ "IBM Globalization – Alternate graphic". ibm.com.
  4. ^ Kaplan, Michael S.: "To start press the ALTGR key." Hmm... where's the ALTGR key?. 28 December 2004.
  5. ^ Raymond Chen (29 March 2004). "Why Ctrl+Alt shouldn't be used as a shortcut modifier". Microsoft.
  6. ^ SFS 5966 Keyboard layout. Finnish-Swedish multilingual keyboard setting. Finnish Standards Association SFS. 3 November 2008.
  7. ^ Kotoistus: Uusi näppäinasettelu = Status of the new Keyboard Layout 27 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine. A bi-lingual (Finnish + English) presentation page collecting drafts of the Finnish Multilingual Keyboard. CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd. Page updated 28 December 2006.

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RAlt redirects here For the manufacturer of racing cars see Ralt This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources AltGr key news newspapers books scholar JSTOR April 2017 Learn how and when to remove this template message AltGr also Alt Graph is a modifier key found on many computer keyboards rather than a second Alt key found on US keyboards It is primarily used to type characters that are not widely used in the territory where sold such as foreign currency symbols typographic marks and accented letters On a typical Windows compatible PC keyboard the AltGr key when present takes the place of the right hand Alt key The key at this location will operate as AltGr if a keyboard layout using AltGr is chosen in the operating system regardless of what is engraved on the key 1 In macOS the Option key has functions similar to the AltGr key The AltGr key is the first key to the right of the space bar A keyboard with additional engravings showing the characters typed when AltGr is held down The AltGr key located immediately to the right of the Space bar does not appear in this photo The AltGr key is used as an additional Shift key to provide a third and a fourth when Shift is also pressed grapheme for most keys Most are accented variants of the letters on the keys but also additional symbols and punctuation marks Some languages such as Bengali use this key when the number of letters of their alphabet is too large for a standard keyboard For example on the US International keyboard layout the C key can be used to insert four different characters C c lowercase first level Shift C C uppercase second level AltGr C c copyright sign third level AltGr Shift C cent sign fourth level Contents 1 History 1 1 Ctrl Alt 2 Function by default national keyboard 2 1 Bangladesh 2 2 Belgium 2 3 Brazil 2 3 1 Some notes 2 4 France 2 5 Germany 2 6 Greece 2 7 Israel 2 7 1 Hebrew 2 7 2 Yiddish 2 8 Italy 2 9 Latvia 2 9 1 Lowercase letters 2 9 2 Uppercase letters 2 10 North Macedonia 2 11 The Netherlands 2 12 Nordic countries and Estonia 2 12 1 Finnish multilingual 2 13 Poland 2 14 Romania 2 15 Russia 2 16 South Slavic Latin and Czech keyboards 2 17 Switzerland 2 18 Turkey 2 19 United Kingdom and Ireland 2 19 1 Scotland and Wales 2 19 2 UK extended keyboard layout 2 20 United States 2 20 1 US International 3 X Window System 3 1 Keyboard maps 3 1 1 Danish keyboard 3 1 2 Italian keyboard 3 1 3 Norwegian keyboard 3 1 4 Swedish keyboard 4 See also 5 ReferencesHistory EditIBM states that AltGr is an abbreviation for alternate graphic 2 3 Sun Microsystems keyboard which labels the key as Alt Graph A key labelled with some variation of Alt Graphic was on many computer keyboards before the Windows international layouts On early home computers the alternate graphemes were primarily box drawing characters 4 This likely was the intended purpose of the Alt key on PC keyboards however software quickly used this as a combination key for shortcuts requiring a new key for producing additional characters Ctrl Alt Edit Windows interprets Ctrl Alt as AltGr to accommodate some compact keyboards like those of netbooks which have neither the AltGr key or a right hand Alt key Thus Ctrl Alt a has the same effect as AltGr a Because of this feature Microsoft advises that Ctrl Alt not be used as part of any application keyboard shortcut as it would prevent typing the matching AltGr character on such keyboards 5 Function by default national keyboard EditIn most of the keyboard diagrams the symbol you get when holding down AltGr is in blue in the lower right of the corner If different the symbol for Shift AltGr is shown in the upper right Bangladesh Edit Jatiya Layout Alt Gr activated characters in blue Belgium Edit Belgian keyboard under Linux Ubuntu 9 10 The Windows version of the Belgian keyboard may only support a subset of these characters Several of the AltGr combinations are themselves dead keys which are followed by another letter to produce an accented version of that letter Brazil Edit ABNT complying keyboard layout Alt Gr activated characters in blue ABNT2 complying keyboard layout Alt Gr activated characters in blue Some notes Edit The AltGr C combination results in the obsolete symbol for the former Brazilian currency the Brazilian cruzeiro The AltGr Q AltGr W AltGr E combinations are useful as a replacement for the key which is physically absent on non Brazilian keyboards Some software e g Microsoft Word will map AltGr R to and AltGr T to but this is not standard behavior and was likely an accident owing to the fact that the combinations Ctrl Alt R and Ctrl Alt T were intended France Edit On AZERTY keyboards AltGr enables the user to type the following characters French AZERTY keyboard Germany Edit On German keyboards AltGr enables the user to type the following characters which are indicated on the keyboard German keyboard layout T1 according to DIN 2137 1 2012 06 Windows 8 introduced the ability of pressing AltGr Shift ss to produce ẞ capital ss Even though this is usually not indicated on the physical keyboard potentially due to a lack of space since the ss key already has three different levels ss ss Shift ss and as shown above AltGr ss it can be seen in the Windows On Screen Keyboard by selecting the necessary keys with the German keyboard layout selected Some newer types of German keyboards offer the assignment AltGr H capital ss Greece Edit Some of these key combinations also result in different characters if the polytonic layout is used Israel Edit Hebrew Edit On Hebrew keyboards AltGr enables the user to type the Hebrew vowels and pronunciation marks In addition there are several combinations for special characters AltGr 3 AltGr 4 AltGr 5 AltGr 6 AltGr 7 AltGr 8 AltGr 9 LRM AltGr 0 RLM AltGr AltGr AltGr AltGr ך AltGr Shift ך AltGr ף AltGr ת AltGr Shift ת AltGr ץ AltGr AltGr AltGr Shift נ Yiddish Edit Using a Hebrew keyboard one may write in Yiddish as the two languages share many letters However Yiddish has some additional digraphs not otherwise found in Hebrew which are entered via AltGr AltGr י ײ AltGr ע ױ AltGr ט װ Italy Edit On Italian keyboards AltGr enables the user to type the following characters AltGr E AltGr 5 AltGr o AltGr a AltGr e AltGr AltGr Shift e AltGr Shift There is an alternate layout which differ just in disposition of characters accessible through AltGr and includes the tilde and the curly brackets Latvia Edit The following letters can be input in the Latvian keyboard layout using AltGr Lowercase letters Edit AltGr A a AltGr C c AltGr E e AltGr G g AltGr I i AltGr K k AltGr L l AltGr N n AltGr O ō AltGr R ŗ AltGr S s AltGr U u AltGr Z z Uppercase letters Edit AltGr Shift A A AltGr Shift C C AltGr Shift E E AltGr Shift G G AltGr Shift I i AltGr Shift K k AltGr Shift L L AltGr Shift N N AltGr Shift O Ō AltGr Shift R Ŗ AltGr Shift S S AltGr Shift U u AltGr Shift Z Z North Macedonia Edit On Macedonian keyboards AltGr enables the user to type the following characters AltGr e AltGr sh Ђ AltGr ѓ ђ AltGr f AltGr g AltGr ch Ћ AltGr ќ ћ AltGr v AltGr b AltGr n AltGr m The Netherlands Edit The US international keyboard see below is a popular alternative in the Netherlands Digits row AltGr 1 and AltGr 2 AltGr 3 AltGr 4 and AltGr 5 AltGr 6 AltGr 7 AltGr 8 AltGr 9 AltGr 0 AltGr AltGr and Top letters row AltGr Q a and A AltGr W a and A AltGr E e and E AltGr R AltGr T th and TH Icelandic and Old English thorn AltGr Y u and U AltGr U u and U AltGr I i and I AltGr O o and o AltGr P o and O AltGr AltGr AltGr and Middle letters row Home row AltGr A a and A AltGr S ss German eszett aka sharp s and AltGr D d and D Icelandic edh AltGr L o and O AltGr and AltGr and Bottom letters row AltGr Z ae and AE AltGr C c and AltGr N n and N AltGr M µ AltGr c and C AltGr Nordic countries and Estonia Edit The keyboard layouts in the Nordic countries Denmark DK Faroe Islands FO Finland FI Norway NO and Sweden SE as well as in Estonia EE are largely similar to each other Generally the AltGr key can be used to create the following characters AltGr 2 AltGr 3 AltGr 4 AltGr E AltGr M µ AltGr 7 AltGr 8 AltGr 9 AltGr 0 AltGr excluding EE Other AltGr combinations are peculiar to just some of the countries AltGr EE FI SE AltGr lt EE FI SE AltGr lt DK FO AltGr DK FO AltGr NO AltGr d FO AltGr a FO AltGr o FO AltGr 5 NO DK FO SE sometimes FI AltGr S s EE sometimes FI AltGr Z z EE sometimes FI AltGr O EE AltGr EE Finnish multilingual Edit The Finnish multilingual keyboard standard adds many new characters to the traditional layout via the AltGr key as shown in the image below the blue characters can be written with the AltGr key several dead key diacritics shown in red are also available as an AltGr combination 6 7 Poland Edit Typewriters in Poland used a QWERTZ layout specifically designed for the Polish language with accented letters in the Polish alphabet obtainable directly When personal computers became available worldwide in the 1980s commercial importing into Poland was not supported by its communist government so most machines in Poland were brought in by private individuals Most had US keyboards and various methods were devised to make available the accented Polish letters An established method was to configure the right Alt key as an AltGr key and to use it in combination with a Latin base letter to obtain the equivalent precomposed character accented form of the letter AltGr A a AltGr C c AltGr E e AltGr L l AltGr N n AltGr O o AltGr S s AltGr U AltGr X z AltGr Z z Because there are two types of z with diacritic z and z AltGr X is a special case At the time of the Fall of communism and opening of commercial import channels this practice was so widespread that it was adopted as the de facto standard Nowadays nearly all PCs in Poland have standard US keyboards and use the AltGr method to enter Polish diacritics This keyboard mapping is referred to as the Polish programmers layout klawiatura polska programisty or simply Polish layout Another layout is still used on typewriters mostly by professional typists Computer keyboards with this layout are available though difficult to find and supported by a number of operating systems they are known as Polish typists layout klawiatura polska maszynistki Older Polish versions of Microsoft Windows used this layout describing it as Polish layout On current versions it is referred to as Polish 214 Romania Edit The keymap with the AltGr key a ss r ț y u i o ă ș đ f g h j k l z x c v b n m Russia Edit Since release 1903 versions of Windows 10 have the binding AltGr 8 Ruble sign South Slavic Latin and Czech keyboards Edit On South Slavic Latin used in Croatia Slovenia Bosnia and Herzegovina Montenegro and Serbia and on Czech keyboards the following letters and special characters are created using AltGr AltGr Q AltGr W AltGr E AltGr S AltGr Đ AltGr F AltGr G AltGr K l AltGr L L AltGr C ss AltGr Z AltGr V AltGr B AltGr N AltGr M AltGr lt AltGr gt AltGr 1 AltGr 2 ˇ AltGr 3 AltGr 4 AltGr 5 AltGr 6 AltGr 7 AltGr 8 AltGr 9 AltGr 0 AltGr AltGr South Slavic cyrillic keyboards use a different layout Switzerland Edit On Swiss keyboards AltGr in combination with the following keys types the following characters AltGr 1 AltGr 2 AltGr 3 AltGr 4 AltGr 5 AltGr 6 AltGr 7 AltGr 8 AltGr lt AltGr E AltGr dead key AltGr dead key AltGr U AltGr E See explanation below AltGr AltGr A AltGr A See explanation below AltGr Switzerland has three national Languages German French and Italian The Swiss keyboard layout is therefore designed with compatibility in mind for all three languages In regions where German is spoken the Swiss German layout will be used where the OEM5 key will type an A In French regions the Swiss French layout will be used where OEM5 will type A However In combination with AltGr the region specific layout is irrelevant Swiss German AltGr A Swiss French AltGr A Turkey Edit In Turkish keyboard variants the AltGr can be used to display the following characters AltGr a ae AltGr s ss AltGr e AltGr t AltGr q AltGr i i AltGr u a a AltGr g a a AltGr s a a AltGr a a United Kingdom and Ireland Edit For broader coverage of this topic see QWERTY United Kingdom and QWERTY Irish AltGr A a and A AltGr E e and E AltGr I i and I AltGr O o and o AltGr U u and U AltGr 4 AltGr AltGr In UK and Ireland keyboard layouts only two alternative use symbols are printed on most keyboards which require the AltGr key to function These are the euro sign Located on the 4 key the broken bar symbol Located on the key to the immediate left of 1 Using the AltGr key on Linux produces many foreign characters and international symbols e g le ŧ othaessdđŋħjĸl nµWLE Ŧ iOTHAE DªŊĦJ amp L lt gt c Nº If reconfigured as a compose key an even larger repertoire is available With the UK extended keyboard setting below ChromeOS offers a large repertoire of symbols and precomposed characters Scotland and Wales Edit For the diacritics used by Welsh ŵ and ŷ and Scottish Gaelic a e i o and u the UK extended keyboard setting is needed This makes available AltGr 6 for circumflex accent and AltGr for grave accent as dead keys UK extended keyboard layout Edit The UK Extended keyboard mapping available with Microsoft Windows Linux and ChromeOS allows many characters with diacritical marks including those used in other European countries to be generated by using the AltGr key or dead keys in combination with others UK extended layout under ChromeOS 1 2 3 4 5 6 amp 7 8 9 0 tab Q W q W Ẃ w ẃ E E e e R r T Ŧ t ŧ Y Y y y U U u u I I i i O o o o P TH p th A A a a S s ss D D d d F ª f đ G Ŋ g ŋ H Ħ h ħ J j K amp k ĸ L L l l shift Z lt z X gt x C C c c V v B b N N n n M º m µ lt gt Notes Dotted circle is used here to indicate a dead key The grave accent key is the only one that acts as a free standing dead key and thus does not respond as shown on the key cap All others are invoked by AltGr AltGr Shift 0 is a degree sign AltGr Shift M º is a masculine ordinal indicator For a complete list of the characters available using dead keys see QWERTY ChromeOS United States Edit Most keyboards sold in the US do not have an engraved AltGr key However if there is an right hand Alt key it will act as AltGr if a layout using it is installed conversely a foreign keyboard AltGr will act like the right hand Alt if the standard US keyboard layout is installed US International Edit For broader coverage of this topic see QWERTY US International Microsoft provides a US International keyboard layout that uses AltGr or right hand Alt or Ctrl Alt key to produce more characters Red characters are dead keys for example a can be entered with a Other operating systems such as Linux and ChromeOS follow this layout but increase the repertoire of glyphs provided X Window System EditIn the X Window System Linux BSD Unix AltGr can often be used to produce additional characters with almost every key on the keyboard Furthermore with some keys AltGr will produce a dead key for example on a UK keyboard semicolon can be used to add an acute accent to a base letter and left square bracket can be used to add a trema AltGr followed by E e AltGr followed by Shift O OThis use of dead keys enables one to type a wide variety of precomposed characters that combine various diacritics with either uppercase or lowercase letters achieving a similar effect to the Compose key Keyboard maps Edit Below are some diagrams and examples of country specific key maps For the diagrams the grey symbols are the standard characters yellow is with Shift red is with AltGr and blue is with Shift AltGr Danish keyboard Edit The Danish keymap features the following key combinations AltGr Shift Q W AltGr O o AltGr M µItalian keyboard Edit The Italian keymap includes among other combinations the following AltGr H ħ AltGr i AltGr AltGr Norwegian keyboard Edit The complete Norwegian X Window key map with its AltGr combinations Swedish keyboard Edit The complete Swedish X Window key map with its AltGr combinationsSee also EditModifier key Option key Shift key Dead key Escape character Compose key Windows Alt keycodes Precomposed characterReferences Edit Microsoft Support How to use the United States International keyboard layout in Windows 7 in Windows Vista and in Windows XP Microsoft Retrieved 30 May 2020 Keyboard Technical Reference ibm com Archived from the original on 14 January 2006 Retrieved 4 June 2005 IBM Globalization Alternate graphic ibm com Kaplan Michael S To start press the ALTGR key Hmm where s the ALTGR key 28 December 2004 Raymond Chen 29 March 2004 Why Ctrl Alt shouldn t be used as a shortcut modifier Microsoft SFS 5966 Keyboard layout Finnish Swedish multilingual keyboard setting Finnish Standards Association SFS 3 November 2008 Kotoistus Uusi nappainasettelu Status of the new Keyboard Layout Archived 27 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine A bi lingual Finnish English presentation page collecting drafts of the Finnish Multilingual Keyboard CSC IT Center for Science Ltd Page updated 28 December 2006 IBM PC keyboard Windows ANSI US layout vteEsc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 PrtScn SysRq ScrollLock Pause Break Insert Home PgUp NumLock Delete End PgDn 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 Enter 0 Ins Del Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title AltGr key amp oldid 1130851509, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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