
Dysfunctional family

A dysfunctional family is a family in which conflict, misbehavior, and often child neglect or abuse and sometimes even all of the above on the part of individual parents occur continuously and regularly, leading other members to accommodate such actions. Children sometimes grow up in such families with the understanding that such a situation is normal. Dysfunctional families are primarily a result of two adults, one typically overtly abusive and the other codependent, and may also be affected by substance abuse or other forms of addiction, or sometimes by an untreated mental illness. Parents having grown up in a dysfunctional family may over-correct or emulate their own parents. In some cases, the dominant parent will abuse or neglect their children and the other parent will not object, misleading a child to assume blame.[1]

A dysfunctional family affects familial ties and creates conflicts in the same family space.

Perceptions and historical context

A common misperception of dysfunctional families is the mistaken belief that the parents are on the verge of separation and divorce. While this is true in a few cases, often the marital satisfaction is very strong as the parents' faults actually complement each other.[2] In short, they have nowhere else to go. However, this does not necessarily mean the family's situation is stable. Any major stressor, such as relocation, unemployment/underemployment, physical or mental illness, natural disaster, etc., can cause existing difficulties affecting the children to become much worse.[3][need quotation to verify]

Dysfunctional families pervade all strata of society regardless of social, financial or intellectual status.[citation needed] Nevertheless, until recent decades,[timeframe?] professionals (therapists, social workers, teachers, counselors, clergy, etc.) did not take the concept of a dysfunctional family seriously, especially not with reference to the middle and upper classes. Any intervention would have been seen[by whom?] as violating the sanctity of marriage and increasing the probability of divorce, which was socially unacceptable at the time.[when?] Historically, society expected the children of dysfunctional families to obey their parents (ultimately the father), and to cope with the situation alone.[4][failed verification][5][need quotation to verify]


Dysfunctional family members have common features and behavior patterns as a result of their experiences within the family structure. This tends to reinforce the dysfunctional behavior, either through enabling or perpetuation. The family unit can be affected by a variety of factors.[6]

Common features

Nearly universal

Some features are common to most dysfunctional families:

  • Lack of empathy, understanding, and sensitivity towards certain family members, while expressing extreme empathy or appeasement towards one or more members who have real or perceived "special needs". In other words, one family member continuously receives far more than they deserve, while another is marginalized.
  • Denial (refusal to acknowledge abusive behavior, possibly believing that the situation is normal or even beneficial; also known as the "elephant in the room".)
  • Inadequate or missing boundaries for self (e.g. tolerating inappropriate treatment from others, failing to express what is acceptable and unacceptable treatment, tolerance of physical, emotional or sexual abuse.)
  • Disrespect of others' boundaries (e.g. physical contact that other person dislikes; breaking important promises without just cause; purposefully violating a boundary another person has expressed.)
  • Extremes in conflict (either too much fighting or insufficient peaceful arguing between family members.)
  • Unequal or unfair treatment of one or more family members due to their birth order, gender, age, family role (mother, etc.), abilities, race, caste, etc. (may include frequent appeasement of one member at the expense of others, or an uneven/inconsistent enforcement of rules.)

Not universal

Though not universal among dysfunctional families, and by no means exclusive to them, the following features are typical of dysfunctional families:

  • Abnormally high levels of jealousy or other controlling behaviors.
  • Conflict influenced by marital status:
    • Between separated or divorced parents, usually related to, or arising from their breakup.
    • Conflict between parents who remain married, often for the perceived "sake" of the children, but whose separation or divorce would in fact remove a detrimental influence on those children (must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, as a breakup may harm children.)
    • Parents who wish to divorce, but cannot due to financial, societal (including religious), or legal reasons.
  • Children afraid to talk (within or outside the family) about what is happening at home, or are otherwise fearful of their parents.
  • Abnormal sexual behavior such as adultery, promiscuity, or incest.
  • Lack of time spent together, especially in recreational activities and social events ("We never do anything as a family.")
  • Parents insist that they treat their children fairly and equitably when that is not the case.
  • Family members (including children) who disown each other, or refuse to be seen together in public (either unilaterally or bilaterally.)
  • Children of parents who are experiencing a substance use disorder or who engage in binge drinking have an increased tendency to adopt substance use disorders later in life.[7]

Specific examples

There are certain times where families can become dysfunctional due to specific situational examples. Some of these include difficulty integrating into a new culture, strain in the relationship between nuclear and extended family members, children in a rebellion phase, and ideological differences in belief systems.

Laundry List

The program "Adult Children of Alcoholics" includes something labeled as a "Laundry List". The Laundry List is core literature of the program Adult Children of Alcoholics. This list has 14 different statements that relate to being an adult child of a parent with an alcohol addiction. These statements provide commentary on how children have been affected by the trauma of having alcoholic parents. Some highlights of the statements include, "confusing love and pity", "having low self-esteem", and having a "loss of identity". The Laundry list is a helpful tool in group therapy in order to show families that they are not alone in their struggles. Female children whose parents were alcoholics have an increased risk of developing depression. Male children of alcoholics are at a significantly higher risk for developing a substance use disorder.[8]


Unhealthy signs

Unhealthy parenting signs, which could lead to a family becoming dysfunctional include:[9]

  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Ridicule[10]
  • Conditional love[10]
  • Disrespect;[10] especially contempt.
  • Emotional intolerance (family members not allowed to express the "wrong" emotions.)[10]
  • Social dysfunction or isolation[10] (for example, parents unwilling to reach out to other families—especially those with children of the same gender and approximate age, or do nothing to help their "friendless" child.)
  • Stifled speech (children not allowed to dissent or question authority.)[10]
  • Denial of an "inner life" (children are not allowed to develop their own value systems.)[10]
  • Being under- or over-protective
  • Apathy ("I don't care!")
  • Belittling ("You can't do anything right!")
  • Shame ("Shame on you!")
  • Bitterness (regardless of what is said, using a bitter tone of voice.)
  • Hypocrisy ("Do as I say, not as I do.")
  • Lack of forgiveness for minor misdeeds or accidents
  • Judgmental statements or demonization ("You are a liar!")
  • Being overly critical and withholding proper praise. (experts say 80–90% praise, and 10–20% constructive criticism is the most healthy.)[11][12]
  • Double standards or giving "mixed messages" by having a dual system of values (i.e. one set for the outside world, another when in private, or teaching divergent values to each child.)
  • The absentee parent (seldom available for their child due to work overload, alcohol/drug abuse, gambling, or other addictions.)
  • Unfulfilled projects, activities, and promises affecting children ("We'll do it later.")
  • Giving to one child what rightly belongs to another
  • Gender prejudice (treats one gender of children fairly; the other unfairly.)
  • Discussion and exposure to sexuality: either too much, too soon or too little, too late
  • Faulty discipline based more on emotions or family politics than on established rules (e.g., punishment by "surprise".)
  • Having an unpredictable emotional state due to substance abuse, personality disorder(s), or stress
  • Parents always (or never) take their children's side when others report acts of misbehavior, or teachers report problems at school
  • Scapegoating (knowingly or recklessly blaming one child for the misdeeds of another)
  • "Tunnel vision" diagnosis of children's problems (for example, a parent may think their child is either lazy or has learning disabilities after he falls behind in school despite recent absence due to illness.)
  • Older siblings given either no or excessive authority over younger siblings with respect to their age difference and level of maturity.
  • Frequent withholding of consent ("blessing") for culturally common, lawful, and age-appropriate activities a child wants to take part in
  • The "know-it-all" (has no need to obtain child's side of the story when accusing, or listen to child's opinions on matters which greatly impact them.)
  • Regularly forcing children to attend activities for which they are extremely over- or under-qualified (e.g. using a preschool to babysit a typical nine-year-old boy, taking a young child to poker games, etc.)
  • Either being a miser ("scrooge") in totality or selectively allowing children's needs to go unmet (e.g. a father will not buy a bicycle for his son because he wants to save money for retirement or "something important".)
  • Disagreements about nature and nurture (parents, often non-biological, blame common problems on child's heredity, when faulty parenting may be the actual cause.)

Dysfunctional styles


"Children as pawns"

One common dysfunctional parental behavior is a parent's manipulation of a child in order to achieve some outcome adverse to the other parent's rights or interests. Examples include verbal manipulation such as spreading gossip about the other parent, communicating with the parent through the child (and in the process exposing the child to the risks of the other parent's displeasure with that communication) rather than doing so directly, trying to obtain information through the child (spying), or causing the child to dislike the other parent, with insufficient or no concern for the damaging effects of the parent's behavior on the child. While many instances of such manipulation occur in shared custody situations that have resulted from separation or divorce, it can also take place in intact families, where it is known as triangulation.

List of other dysfunctional styles

  • "Using" (destructively narcissistic parents who rule by fear and conditional love.)
  • Abusing (parents who use physical violence, or emotionally, or sexually abuse their children.)
  • Perfectionist (fixating on order, prestige, power, or perfect appearances, while preventing their child from failing at anything.)
  • Dogmatic or cult-like (harsh and inflexible discipline, with children not allowed, within reason, to dissent, question authority, or develop their own value system.)
  • Inequitable parenting (going to extremes for one child while continually ignoring the needs of another.)
  • Deprivation (control or neglect by withholding love, support, necessities, sympathy, praise, attention, encouragement, supervision, or otherwise putting their children's well-being at risk.)
  • Abuse among siblings (parents fail to intervene when a sibling physically or sexually abuses another sibling.)
  • Abandonment (a parent who willfully separates from their children, not wishing any further contact, and in some cases without locating alternative, long-term parenting arrangements, leaving them as orphans.)
  • Appeasement (parents who reward bad behavior—even by their own standards—and inevitably punish another child's good behavior in order to maintain the peace and avoid temper tantrums. "Peace at any price.")
  • Loyalty manipulation (giving unearned rewards and lavish attention trying to ensure a favored, yet rebellious child will be the one most loyal and well-behaved, while subtly ignoring the wants and needs of their most loyal child currently.)
  • "Helicopter parenting" (parents who micro-manage their children's lives or relationships among siblings—especially minor conflicts.)
  • "The deceivers" (well-regarded parents in the community, likely to be involved in some charitable/non-profit works, who abuse or mistreat one or more of their children.)
  • "Public image manager" (sometimes related to above, children warned to not disclose what fights, abuse, or damage happens at home, or face severe punishment "Don't tell anyone what goes on in this family".)
  • "The paranoid parent" (a parent having persistent and irrational fear accompanied by anger and false accusations that their child is up to no good or others are plotting harm.)
  • "No friends allowed" (parents discourage, prohibit, or interfere with their child from making friends of the same age and gender.)
  • Role reversal (parents who expect their minor children to take care of them instead.)
  • "Not your business" (children continuously told that a particular brother or sister who is often causing problems is none of their concern.)
  • Ultra-egalitarianism (either a much younger child is permitted to do whatever an older child may, or an older child must wait years until a younger child is mature enough.)
  • "The guard dog" (a parent who blindly attacks family members perceived as causing the slightest upset to their esteemed spouse, partner, or child.)
  • "My baby forever" (a parent who will not allow one or more of their young children to grow up and begin taking care of themselves.)
  • "The cheerleader" (one parent "cheers on" the other parent who is simultaneously abusing their child.)
  • "Along for the ride" (a reluctant de facto, step, foster, or adoptive parent who does not truly care about their non-biological child, but must co-exist in the same home for the sake of their spouse or partner) (See also: Cinderella effect).
  • "The politician" (a parent who repeatedly makes or agrees to children's promises while having little to no intention of keeping them.)
  • "It's taboo" (parents rebuff any questions children may have about sexuality, pregnancy, romance, puberty, certain areas of human anatomy, nudity, etc.)
  • Identified patient (one child, usually selected by the mother, who is forced into going to therapy while the family's overall dysfunction is kept hidden.)
  • Münchausen syndrome by proxy (a much more extreme situation than above, where the child is intentionally made ill by a parent seeking attention from physicians and other professionals.)


Coalitions are subsystems within families with more rigid boundaries and are thought to be a sign of family dysfunction.[14]

  • The isolated family member (either a parent or child up against the rest of the otherwise united family.)
  • Parent vs. parent (frequent fights amongst adults, whether married, divorced, or separated, conducted away from the children.)
  • The polarized family (a parent and one or more children on each side of the conflict.)
  • Parents vs. kids (intergenerational conflict, generation gap or culture shock dysfunction.)
  • The balkanized family (named after the three-way war in the Balkans where alliances shift back and forth.)
  • Free-for-all (a family that fights in a "free-for-all" style, though may become polarized when range of possible choices is limited.)


Unlike divorce, and to a lesser extent, separation, there is often no record of an "intact" family being dysfunctional. As a result, friends, relatives, and teachers of such children may be completely unaware of the situation. In addition, a child may be unfairly blamed for the family's dysfunction, and placed under even greater stress than those whose parents separate.

The six basic roles

Children growing up in a dysfunctional family have been known to adopt or be assigned one or more of the following six basic roles:[15][16]

  • The Golden Child (also known as the Hero or Superkid[17]): a child who becomes a high achiever or overachiever outside the family (e.g., in academics or athletics) as a means of escaping the dysfunctional family environment, defining themselves independently of their role in the dysfunctional family, currying favor with parents, or shielding themselves from criticism by family members.
  • The Problem Child, Rebel, or Truth Teller:[18] the child who a) causes most problems related to the family's dysfunction or b) "acts out" in response to preexisting family dysfunction, in the latter case often in an attempt to divert attention paid to another member who exhibits a pattern of similar misbehavior.
    • A variant of the "problem child" role is the Scapegoat, who is unjustifiably assigned the "problem child" role by others within the family or even wrongfully blamed by other family members for those members' own individual or collective dysfunction, often despite being the only emotionally stable member of the family.
  • The Caretaker: the one who takes responsibility for the emotional well-being of the family, often assuming a parental role; the intra-familial counterpart of the "Good Child"/"Superkid."
  • The Lost Child or Passive Kid:[19] the inconspicuous, introverted, quiet one, whose needs are usually ignored or hidden.
  • The Mascot or Family Clown:[20] uses comedy to divert attention away from the increasingly dysfunctional family system.
  • The Mastermind: the opportunist who capitalizes on the other family members' faults to get whatever they want; often the object of appeasement by grown-ups.

Effects on Children

Children that are a product of dysfunctional families, either at the time or as they grow older, may exhibit behavior that is inappropriate for their expected stage of development due to psychological distress.[15] Children of dysfunctional families may also behave in a manner that is relatively immature when compared to their peers. Conversely, other children may appear to emotionally "grow up too fast"; or be in a mixed mode (e.g. well-behaved, but unable to care for themselves.) Children from dysfunctional environments also have a tendency to demonstrate learned unhealthy attachments due to intergenerational dysfunctional parenting.[21]

The effects of a disordered upbringing may induce an array of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety,[22] and suicidal thoughts place these young individuals at a higher risk or engaging in more severe actions of self-harm and problematic conduct.[23] This troubled environment also places the youth at a significantly higher risk of becoming addicted to drugs or developing alcoholism, especially if parents or close peers have a history of substance use. Numerous studies have determined that deviant peer associations are generally associated with substance use and that parental use can account for one-half to two-thirds of future instances of chemical dependency[24]). There is also a increased risk of the individual developing behavioral addictions[25] in the forms of gambling, excessive spending, pornography, or binge eating disorder; the latter often resulting in obesity or/and other physical health issues and psychological distress.[26]

These young individuals may also have difficulty forming healthy relationships within their peer group, due to social apprehensions,[27] possible personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders,[28] or general unhealthy coping mechanisms. They may also demonstrate oppositional defiant characteristics by rebelling against parental authority, and non-family adults, or conversely, uphold their family's values in the face of peer pressure. Children of disordered environments may also demonstrate a lack of self-discipline when their parents are not around, engage in other future detrimental activities such as compulsive spending[29] or develop procrastinating tendencies that can have detrimental effects on their educational/occupational obligations.[30]

Additionally, children may demonstrate social inadequacies by spending an inordinate amount of time alone watching television, playing video games, surfing the Internet, and engaging in other solitary activities which lack in-person social interaction.[31] This disordered upbringing can also promote the child to project aggressive behaviors on their peers by bullying or harassing others or becoming a victim of bullying.[32] Both of these roles often lead to an elevated risk of the child having low self-esteem issues and difficulties expressing emotions, a common effect related to emotional and physical abuse.[33]

A lack of parental structure can lead young individuals to seek alternative forms of peer alliances, including peer groups that engage in juvenile delinquency and those who perform acts that are knowingly illegal or demonstrate symptoms of an oppositional defiant disorder.[34] This habitual behavior and environmental factors can also lead the troubled youth to a life of crime, or to become involved in gang activity.[35]

This lack of socially normative structure and defiant behavior is also notable in cases where sexual abuse was prevalent. Early sexual experiences can lead to sexually inappropriate behavior that could lead to future interest in pedophilia.[36] or facing charges that can result in the individual becoming a sex offender. A 1999 study determined that children who had experienced abusive sexual experiences, "as compared to those without, were more likely to be victims of physical family violence, to have run away, to be substance abusers, and to have family members with drug or alcohol problems" (Kellogg et al, 1999).[37] Additionally, the young individual may be at an elevated risk of becoming poor or homeless,[38] even in cases where the child's environment consisted of an average/above-average socioeconomic standing.

Further socialization problems can be demonstrated by children of dysfunctional families, including habitual or sudden academic performance problems.[39] This notion can be more apparent as the child may exhibit a severe lack of organizational skills in their day-to-day lives. These individuals are also at an elevated inability to maintain healthy interpersonal relationships, which often includes distrusting others or even demonstrating paranoid behaviors that can be indicative of childhood trauma-induced psychosis and schizophrenia.[40] There is also a higher probability of the youth engaging in future unstable empathetical relationships, with higher tendencies to engage in more risky behavior, including sex with multiple partners, becoming pregnant, or becoming a parent of illegitimate children.[41]

Further dysfunctional behaviors can be perpetuated in other future relationships. An individual that was raised in a dysfunctional home environment may also pass this learned behavior on to their offspring, including their substance use habits, conflict resolution methods, and learned social boundaries.[42] These social inadequacies can result in individuals demonstrating self-protective behaviors, to compensate for the difference in their childhoods, as they may have the inability to practice positive self-care and effective emotional coping strategies.

Positive Outcomes

Although there are many negative outcomes that came come from growing up in a dysfunctional household, the brain can be able to produce positive ones as well. As discussed in the article, "Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families", resilience is something that can come out of these obstacles in children's lives and make for a brighter future.[citation needed] Resilience is defined as something positive that is able to be brought forth from negative experiences in childhood. (Resilience in Adult Children of Alcoholics: A Nonpathological Approach to Social Work Practice). This refers to the ability for children who go through many hardships with their parents growing up to be able to take those hardships and learn from them in order to develop better coping strategies and find meaning in their futures. For example, when children find themselves in a dysfunctional family thefe, they may take the route of either isolating themselves, or reaching out for help. When children reach out for help, they can develop resiliency over time by fostering positive relationships with guidance counselors, or other trusted adults that will continue to stay strong after they become adults themselves.

Resilience is also something that can be strengthened through community settings and positive interactions with others. A dysfunctional family can create a large amount of trauma for children that they may carry into their adult lives. Although different families may create different types of trauma for children, the way that trauma is processed is very similar. When children are able to bond and help each other through the process of dealing with trauma, they can find comfort, which in turn promotes resiliency. What trauma tends to do is make people feel like there is something wrong with them, and they should keep themselves away from the rest of society. This is why recognizing that one is not alone in their struggles is an extremely powerful thing.

Resources and Hope

The organization Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families (ACA) serves as an extremely useful tool in providing support for people who come from a dysfunctional childhood where their caretakers suffered with alcoholism. What the ACA does that is hold a twelve step program that is designed to create emotional healing in adult children. By doing this, the program hopes to see the adult children equally as worthy of help and support as the people in their families who faced the alcoholism themselves. There are multiple kinds of meetings that the organization holds in order to bring resources to all different groups (women, men, LGBTQ+, teens, young adults). These meeting settings also have different formats, so that people can be met where they are in their individual healing journey. For example, one could view a guest speaker's presentation before they go into any formal counseling. This is a significant aspect to the resource of meetings, because some people feel too overwhelmed by certain settings to even begin the process. It is better for a person to join the organization at all, than to be too nervous to go to a full-blown meeting and be turned away forever.

In popular culture

See also


  1. ^ Masteller, James; Stoop, David (1991). "The Blame Game". Forgiving Our Parents, Forgiving Ourselves: Healing Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families (revised and updated ed.). ReadHowYouWant.com (published 2011). p. 222. ISBN 9781459622937. Retrieved 20 October 2019. People who grew up in dysfunctional families often feel that everything that goes wrong in the world is their fault.
  2. ^ Xiang, Shiyuan; Liu, Yan; Lu, Yitian; Bai, Lu; Xu, Shenghan (February 2020). "Exploring the family origins of adolescent dysfunctional separation–individuation". Journal of Child and Family Studies. 29 (2): 382–391. doi:10.1007/s10826-019-01644-w. ISSN 1062-1024. S2CID 210539668.
  3. ^ Kerr, Michael E.; Bowen, Murray (1988-10-17). Family Evaluation: an approach based on Bowen theory. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 978-0393700565.
  4. ^ Millett, Kate (1998). "The Theory of Sexual Politics". In Marsh, Ian; Campbell, Rosie; Keating, Mike (eds.). Classic and Contemporary Readings in Sociology. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315840154. ISBN 978-0582320239. from the original on 2015-05-19. Retrieved 2015-01-25.
  5. ^ Napier, Nancy J. (April 1990). Recreating Your Self: Help for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families. ISBN 978-0393028423.
  6. ^ Kaslow, Florence W. (January 1996). Handbook of Relational Diagnosis and Dysfunctional Family Patterns. Wiley-Interscience. ISBN 978-0471080787.
  7. ^ Italy), International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (14th : 2012 : Catania (2012). Advances in computational intelligence : 14th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU 2012, Catania, Italy, July 9-13, 2012. Proceedings. Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-31709-5. OCLC 802337663.
  8. ^ Italy), International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (14th : 2012 : Catania (2012). Advances in computational intelligence : 14th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU 2012, Catania, Italy, July 9-13, 2012. Proceedings. Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-31709-5. OCLC 802337663.
  9. ^ Blair, Justice; Blair, Rita (April 1990). The Abusing Family (Revised ed.). Insight Books. ISBN 978-0306434419.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g Neuharth, Dan (1999). If You Had Controlling Parents: How to Make Peace with Your Past and Take Your Place in the World. Diane Publishing Company. ISBN 978-0788193835.
  11. ^ "Praise, encouragement and rewards". Raising Children Network. 2011-04-10. from the original on 2019-03-28.
  12. ^ [9] https://www.lifehack.org/350678/13-signs-toxic-parent-that-many-people-dont-realize
  13. ^ Kagan, Richard; Schlosberg, Shirley (1989-03-17). Families in Perpetual Crisis. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 978-0393700664.
  14. ^ Whiteman, S. D.; McHale, S. M.; Soli, A. (2011). "Theoretical Perspectives on Sibling Relationships". Journal of Family Theory & Review. 3 (2): 124–139. doi:10.1111/j.1756-2589.2011.00087.x. PMC 3127252. PMID 21731581.
  15. ^ a b Forgiving Our Parents: For Adult Children from Dysfunctional Families by Dwight Lee Wolter c. 1995.[full citation needed] Except where individually noted
  16. ^ Polson, Beth; Newton, Miller (1984). Not My Kid: A Family's Guide to Kids and Drugs. Arbor Books / Kids of North Jersey Nurses. ISBN 978-0877956334.
  17. ^ Polson and Newton, pp. 81–84
  18. ^ [Polson and Newton, pp. 84–85]
  19. ^ Polson and Newton, pp. 86–90
  20. ^ Polson and Newton, pp. 85–86
  21. ^ Rees, Corrine (2016). "Children's Attachments".
  22. ^ "Good parents 'buffer' their kids' minds". The Sydney Morning Herald. AAP. 2010-09-21. from the original on 2018-03-24. Retrieved 2012-06-13.
  23. ^ Maniglio, Roberto (2010). "The role of child sexual abuse in the etiology of suicide and non-suicidal self-injury". journal.
  24. ^ Dube, Shanta (2003). "Childhood Abuse, Neglect, and Household Dysfunction and the Risk of Illicit Drug Use: The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study". American Academy of Pediatrics.
  25. ^ Zilberman, Noem (2020). "Who becomes addicted and to what? psychosocial predictors of substance and behavioral addictive disorders". Science Direct.
  26. ^ Sepúlveda, Rosa (2020). "Identifying Loss of Control Eating within Childhood Obesity: The Importance of Family Environment and Child Psychological Distress". MDPI.
  27. ^ Rogosch, Fred (1994). "Illustrating the interface of family and peer relations through the study of child maltreatment". Wiley Online.
  28. ^ Erndic, Ozturk. "Betrayal trauma, dissociative experiences and dysfunctional family dynamics: Flashbacks, self-harming behaviors and suicide attempts in post-traumatic stress disorder and dissociative disorders" (PDF). Medicine science.
  29. ^ Roberts, James (2019). "Family conflict and adolescent compulsive buying behavior". Emerald Insight.
  30. ^ Flett, Gordon (1995). "Procrastination, Negative Self-Evaluation, and Stress in Depression and Anxiety".
  31. ^ Conger, Rand (1981). "The Assessment of Dysfunctional Family Systems".
  32. ^ Sterling, John (2008). "Understanding the Behavioral and Emotional Consequences of Child Abuse". Pediatrics.
  33. ^ . Long Beach Fire Department Training Center. 2009-09-19. Archived from the original on 2010-01-31.
  34. ^ Xiuyun, Lin (2022). "A Systematic Review of Multiple Family Factors Associated with Oppositional Defiant Disorder".
  35. ^ McNeil, Sharde (2013). "Low-Income Families With Potential Adolescent Gang Involvement: A Structural Community Family Therapy Integration Model". American Journal of Family Therapy.
  36. ^ Glasser, M.; Kolvin, I.; Campbell, D.; Glasser, A.; Leitch, I.; Farrelly, S. (December 2001). "Cycle of child sexual abuse: Links between being a victim and becoming a perpetrator". The British Journal of Psychiatry. 179 (6): 482–494. doi:10.1192/bjp.179.6.482. PMID 11731348.
  37. ^ Kellogg, Nancy (1999). "Early sexual experiences among pregnant and parenting adolescents".
  38. ^ Shelton, Katherine (2015). "Risk Factors for Homelessness: Evidence From a Population-Based Study". Psychiatry Online Journal.
  39. ^ Beal, Edward (1997). "Academic Difficulties Found Within Dysfunctional Family Relationships". Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America.
  40. ^ Reed, J (12 October 2005). "Childhood trauma, psychosis and schizophrenia: a literature review with theoretical and clinical implications".
  41. ^ Ary, Dennis (1999). "Development of Adolescent Problem Behavior".
  42. ^ Walker, Moira (2007). "The inter-generational transmission of trauma: The effects of abuse on the survivor's relationship with their children and on the children themselves". European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling.

References Cont.

23. Palmer, Nancie. (August 1997). Resilience in Adult Children of Alcoholics:A Nonpathological Approach to Social Work Practice, Health & Social Work, 22 (3) pp. 201–209, https://doi.org/10.1093/hsw/22.3.201

24. ACA Worldwide. (2022, April 14). Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families World Service Organization. Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families. Retrieved April 19, 2022, from https://adultchildren.org/

Further reading

  • Lundy Bancroft, "Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men" 2002 Berkley Books, ISBN 0-399-14844-2
  • John Bradshaw, Healing the Shame That Binds You
  • John Bradshaw, Homecoming: Reclaiming and Healing Your Inner Child
  • John Bradshaw, Bradshaw On: The Family
  • Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman, The Narcissistic Family. Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Beth Polson and Miller Newton, Not My Kid: A Family's Guide to Kids and Drugs, Arbor Books / Kids of North Jersey Nurses, 1984, ISBN 978-0877956334,
  • Charles L. Whitfield, Healing the Child Within: Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families

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template message Learn how and when to remove this template message A dysfunctional family is a family in which conflict misbehavior and often child neglect or abuse and sometimes even all of the above on the part of individual parents occur continuously and regularly leading other members to accommodate such actions Children sometimes grow up in such families with the understanding that such a situation is normal Dysfunctional families are primarily a result of two adults one typically overtly abusive and the other codependent and may also be affected by substance abuse or other forms of addiction or sometimes by an untreated mental illness Parents having grown up in a dysfunctional family may over correct or emulate their own parents In some cases the dominant parent will abuse or neglect their children and the other parent will not object misleading a child to assume blame 1 A dysfunctional family affects familial ties and creates conflicts in the same family space Contents 1 Perceptions and historical context 2 Examples 2 1 Common features 2 1 1 Nearly universal 2 1 2 Not universal 2 2 Specific examples 2 3 Laundry List 3 Parenting 3 1 Unhealthy signs 3 2 Dysfunctional styles 3 2 1 Children as pawns 3 2 2 List of other dysfunctional styles 4 Dynamical 5 Children 5 1 The six basic roles 5 2 Effects on Children 6 In popular culture 7 See also 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External linksPerceptions and historical context EditA common misperception of dysfunctional families is the mistaken belief that the parents are on the verge of separation and divorce While this is true in a few cases often the marital satisfaction is very strong as the parents faults actually complement each other 2 In short they have nowhere else to go However this does not necessarily mean the family s situation is stable Any major stressor such as relocation unemployment underemployment physical or mental illness natural disaster etc can cause existing difficulties affecting the children to become much worse 3 need quotation to verify Dysfunctional families pervade all strata of society regardless of social financial or intellectual status citation needed Nevertheless until recent decades timeframe professionals therapists social workers teachers counselors clergy etc did not take the concept of a dysfunctional family seriously especially not with reference to the middle and upper classes Any intervention would have been seen by whom as violating the sanctity of marriage and increasing the probability of divorce which was socially unacceptable at the time when Historically society expected the children of dysfunctional families to obey their parents ultimately the father and to cope with the situation alone 4 failed verification 5 need quotation to verify Examples EditDysfunctional family members have common features and behavior patterns as a result of their experiences within the family structure This tends to reinforce the dysfunctional behavior either through enabling or perpetuation The family unit can be affected by a variety of factors 6 Common features Edit Nearly universal Edit Some features are common to most dysfunctional families Lack of empathy understanding and sensitivity towards certain family members while expressing extreme empathy or appeasement towards one or more members who have real or perceived special needs In other words one family member continuously receives far more than they deserve while another is marginalized Denial refusal to acknowledge abusive behavior possibly believing that the situation is normal or even beneficial also known as the elephant in the room Inadequate or missing boundaries for self e g tolerating inappropriate treatment from others failing to express what is acceptable and unacceptable treatment tolerance of physical emotional or sexual abuse Disrespect of others boundaries e g physical contact that other person dislikes breaking important promises without just cause purposefully violating a boundary another person has expressed Extremes in conflict either too much fighting or insufficient peaceful arguing between family members Unequal or unfair treatment of one or more family members due to their birth order gender age family role mother etc abilities race caste etc may include frequent appeasement of one member at the expense of others or an uneven inconsistent enforcement of rules Not universal Edit Though not universal among dysfunctional families and by no means exclusive to them the following features are typical of dysfunctional families Abnormally high levels of jealousy or other controlling behaviors Conflict influenced by marital status Between separated or divorced parents usually related to or arising from their breakup Conflict between parents who remain married often for the perceived sake of the children but whose separation or divorce would in fact remove a detrimental influence on those children must be evaluated on a case by case basis as a breakup may harm children Parents who wish to divorce but cannot due to financial societal including religious or legal reasons Children afraid to talk within or outside the family about what is happening at home or are otherwise fearful of their parents Abnormal sexual behavior such as adultery promiscuity or incest Lack of time spent together especially in recreational activities and social events We never do anything as a family Parents insist that they treat their children fairly and equitably when that is not the case Family members including children who disown each other or refuse to be seen together in public either unilaterally or bilaterally Children of parents who are experiencing a substance use disorder or who engage in binge drinking have an increased tendency to adopt substance use disorders later in life 7 Specific examples Edit There are certain times where families can become dysfunctional due to specific situational examples Some of these include difficulty integrating into a new culture strain in the relationship between nuclear and extended family members children in a rebellion phase and ideological differences in belief systems Laundry List Edit The program Adult Children of Alcoholics includes something labeled as a Laundry List The Laundry List is core literature of the program Adult Children of Alcoholics This list has 14 different statements that relate to being an adult child of a parent with an alcohol addiction These statements provide commentary on how children have been affected by the trauma of having alcoholic parents Some highlights of the statements include confusing love and pity having low self esteem and having a loss of identity The Laundry list is a helpful tool in group therapy in order to show families that they are not alone in their struggles Female children whose parents were alcoholics have an increased risk of developing depression Male children of alcoholics are at a significantly higher risk for developing a substance use disorder 8 Parenting EditUnhealthy signs Edit Unhealthy parenting signs which could lead to a family becoming dysfunctional include 9 Unrealistic expectations Ridicule 10 Conditional love 10 Disrespect 10 especially contempt Emotional intolerance family members not allowed to express the wrong emotions 10 Social dysfunction or isolation 10 for example parents unwilling to reach out to other families especially those with children of the same gender and approximate age or do nothing to help their friendless child Stifled speech children not allowed to dissent or question authority 10 Denial of an inner life children are not allowed to develop their own value systems 10 Being under or over protective Apathy I don t care Belittling You can t do anything right Shame Shame on you Bitterness regardless of what is said using a bitter tone of voice Hypocrisy Do as I say not as I do Lack of forgiveness for minor misdeeds or accidents Judgmental statements or demonization You are a liar Being overly critical and withholding proper praise experts say 80 90 praise and 10 20 constructive criticism is the most healthy 11 12 Double standards or giving mixed messages by having a dual system of values i e one set for the outside world another when in private or teaching divergent values to each child The absentee parent seldom available for their child due to work overload alcohol drug abuse gambling or other addictions Unfulfilled projects activities and promises affecting children We ll do it later Giving to one child what rightly belongs to another Gender prejudice treats one gender of children fairly the other unfairly Discussion and exposure to sexuality either too much too soon or too little too late Faulty discipline based more on emotions or family politics than on established rules e g punishment by surprise Having an unpredictable emotional state due to substance abuse personality disorder s or stress Parents always or never take their children s side when others report acts of misbehavior or teachers report problems at school Scapegoating knowingly or recklessly blaming one child for the misdeeds of another Tunnel vision diagnosis of children s problems for example a parent may think their child is either lazy or has learning disabilities after he falls behind in school despite recent absence due to illness Older siblings given either no or excessive authority over younger siblings with respect to their age difference and level of maturity Frequent withholding of consent blessing for culturally common lawful and age appropriate activities a child wants to take part in The know it all has no need to obtain child s side of the story when accusing or listen to child s opinions on matters which greatly impact them Regularly forcing children to attend activities for which they are extremely over or under qualified e g using a preschool to babysit a typical nine year old boy taking a young child to poker games etc Either being a miser scrooge in totality or selectively allowing children s needs to go unmet e g a father will not buy a bicycle for his son because he wants to save money for retirement or something important Disagreements about nature and nurture parents often non biological blame common problems on child s heredity when faulty parenting may be the actual cause Dysfunctional styles Edit 13 Children as pawns Edit One common dysfunctional parental behavior is a parent s manipulation of a child in order to achieve some outcome adverse to the other parent s rights or interests Examples include verbal manipulation such as spreading gossip about the other parent communicating with the parent through the child and in the process exposing the child to the risks of the other parent s displeasure with that communication rather than doing so directly trying to obtain information through the child spying or causing the child to dislike the other parent with insufficient or no concern for the damaging effects of the parent s behavior on the child While many instances of such manipulation occur in shared custody situations that have resulted from separation or divorce it can also take place in intact families where it is known as triangulation List of other dysfunctional styles Edit Using destructively narcissistic parents who rule by fear and conditional love Abusing parents who use physical violence or emotionally or sexually abuse their children Perfectionist fixating on order prestige power or perfect appearances while preventing their child from failing at anything Dogmatic or cult like harsh and inflexible discipline with children not allowed within reason to dissent question authority or develop their own value system Inequitable parenting going to extremes for one child while continually ignoring the needs of another Deprivation control or neglect by withholding love support necessities sympathy praise attention encouragement supervision or otherwise putting their children s well being at risk Abuse among siblings parents fail to intervene when a sibling physically or sexually abuses another sibling Abandonment a parent who willfully separates from their children not wishing any further contact and in some cases without locating alternative long term parenting arrangements leaving them as orphans Appeasement parents who reward bad behavior even by their own standards and inevitably punish another child s good behavior in order to maintain the peace and avoid temper tantrums Peace at any price Loyalty manipulation giving unearned rewards and lavish attention trying to ensure a favored yet rebellious child will be the one most loyal and well behaved while subtly ignoring the wants and needs of their most loyal child currently Helicopter parenting parents who micro manage their children s lives or relationships among siblings especially minor conflicts The deceivers well regarded parents in the community likely to be involved in some charitable non profit works who abuse or mistreat one or more of their children Public image manager sometimes related to above children warned to not disclose what fights abuse or damage happens at home or face severe punishment Don t tell anyone what goes on in this family The paranoid parent a parent having persistent and irrational fear accompanied by anger and false accusations that their child is up to no good or others are plotting harm No friends allowed parents discourage prohibit or interfere with their child from making friends of the same age and gender Role reversal parents who expect their minor children to take care of them instead Not your business children continuously told that a particular brother or sister who is often causing problems is none of their concern Ultra egalitarianism either a much younger child is permitted to do whatever an older child may or an older child must wait years until a younger child is mature enough The guard dog a parent who blindly attacks family members perceived as causing the slightest upset to their esteemed spouse partner or child My baby forever a parent who will not allow one or more of their young children to grow up and begin taking care of themselves The cheerleader one parent cheers on the other parent who is simultaneously abusing their child Along for the ride a reluctant de facto step foster or adoptive parent who does not truly care about their non biological child but must co exist in the same home for the sake of their spouse or partner See also Cinderella effect The politician a parent who repeatedly makes or agrees to children s promises while having little to no intention of keeping them It s taboo parents rebuff any questions children may have about sexuality pregnancy romance puberty certain areas of human anatomy nudity etc Identified patient one child usually selected by the mother who is forced into going to therapy while the family s overall dysfunction is kept hidden Munchausen syndrome by proxy a much more extreme situation than above where the child is intentionally made ill by a parent seeking attention from physicians and other professionals Dynamical EditCoalitions are subsystems within families with more rigid boundaries and are thought to be a sign of family dysfunction 14 The isolated family member either a parent or child up against the rest of the otherwise united family Parent vs parent frequent fights amongst adults whether married divorced or separated conducted away from the children The polarized family a parent and one or more children on each side of the conflict Parents vs kids intergenerational conflict generation gap or culture shock dysfunction The balkanized family named after the three way war in the Balkans where alliances shift back and forth Free for all a family that fights in a free for all style though may become polarized when range of possible choices is limited Children EditUnlike divorce and to a lesser extent separation there is often no record of an intact family being dysfunctional As a result friends relatives and teachers of such children may be completely unaware of the situation In addition a child may be unfairly blamed for the family s dysfunction and placed under even greater stress than those whose parents separate The six basic roles Edit Children growing up in a dysfunctional family have been known to adopt or be assigned one or more of the following six basic roles 15 16 The Golden Child also known as the Hero or Superkid 17 a child who becomes a high achiever or overachiever outside the family e g in academics or athletics as a means of escaping the dysfunctional family environment defining themselves independently of their role in the dysfunctional family currying favor with parents or shielding themselves from criticism by family members The Problem Child Rebel or Truth Teller 18 the child who a causes most problems related to the family s dysfunction or b acts out in response to preexisting family dysfunction in the latter case often in an attempt to divert attention paid to another member who exhibits a pattern of similar misbehavior A variant of the problem child role is the Scapegoat who is unjustifiably assigned the problem child role by others within the family or even wrongfully blamed by other family members for those members own individual or collective dysfunction often despite being the only emotionally stable member of the family The Caretaker the one who takes responsibility for the emotional well being of the family often assuming a parental role the intra familial counterpart of the Good Child Superkid The Lost Child or Passive Kid 19 the inconspicuous introverted quiet one whose needs are usually ignored or hidden The Mascot or Family Clown 20 uses comedy to divert attention away from the increasingly dysfunctional family system The Mastermind the opportunist who capitalizes on the other family members faults to get whatever they want often the object of appeasement by grown ups Effects on Children Edit Children that are a product of dysfunctional families either at the time or as they grow older may exhibit behavior that is inappropriate for their expected stage of development due to psychological distress 15 Children of dysfunctional families may also behave in a manner that is relatively immature when compared to their peers Conversely other children may appear to emotionally grow up too fast or be in a mixed mode e g well behaved but unable to care for themselves Children from dysfunctional environments also have a tendency to demonstrate learned unhealthy attachments due to intergenerational dysfunctional parenting 21 The effects of a disordered upbringing may induce an array of mental health issues including depression anxiety 22 and suicidal thoughts place these young individuals at a higher risk or engaging in more severe actions of self harm and problematic conduct 23 This troubled environment also places the youth at a significantly higher risk of becoming addicted to drugs or developing alcoholism especially if parents or close peers have a history of substance use Numerous studies have determined that deviant peer associations are generally associated with substance use and that parental use can account for one half to two thirds of future instances of chemical dependency 24 There is also a increased risk of the individual developing behavioral addictions 25 in the forms of gambling excessive spending pornography or binge eating disorder the latter often resulting in obesity or and other physical health issues and psychological distress 26 These young individuals may also have difficulty forming healthy relationships within their peer group due to social apprehensions 27 possible personality disorders post traumatic stress disorders 28 or general unhealthy coping mechanisms They may also demonstrate oppositional defiant characteristics by rebelling against parental authority and non family adults or conversely uphold their family s values in the face of peer pressure Children of disordered environments may also demonstrate a lack of self discipline when their parents are not around engage in other future detrimental activities such as compulsive spending 29 or develop procrastinating tendencies that can have detrimental effects on their educational occupational obligations 30 Additionally children may demonstrate social inadequacies by spending an inordinate amount of time alone watching television playing video games surfing the Internet and engaging in other solitary activities which lack in person social interaction 31 This disordered upbringing can also promote the child to project aggressive behaviors on their peers by bullying or harassing others or becoming a victim of bullying 32 Both of these roles often lead to an elevated risk of the child having low self esteem issues and difficulties expressing emotions a common effect related to emotional and physical abuse 33 A lack of parental structure can lead young individuals to seek alternative forms of peer alliances including peer groups that engage in juvenile delinquency and those who perform acts that are knowingly illegal or demonstrate symptoms of an oppositional defiant disorder 34 This habitual behavior and environmental factors can also lead the troubled youth to a life of crime or to become involved in gang activity 35 This lack of socially normative structure and defiant behavior is also notable in cases where sexual abuse was prevalent Early sexual experiences can lead to sexually inappropriate behavior that could lead to future interest in pedophilia 36 or facing charges that can result in the individual becoming a sex offender A 1999 study determined that children who had experienced abusive sexual experiences as compared to those without were more likely to be victims of physical family violence to have run away to be substance abusers and to have family members with drug or alcohol problems Kellogg et al 1999 37 Additionally the young individual may be at an elevated risk of becoming poor or homeless 38 even in cases where the child s environment consisted of an average above average socioeconomic standing Further socialization problems can be demonstrated by children of dysfunctional families including habitual or sudden academic performance problems 39 This notion can be more apparent as the child may exhibit a severe lack of organizational skills in their day to day lives These individuals are also at an elevated inability to maintain healthy interpersonal relationships which often includes distrusting others or even demonstrating paranoid behaviors that can be indicative of childhood trauma induced psychosis and schizophrenia 40 There is also a higher probability of the youth engaging in future unstable empathetical relationships with higher tendencies to engage in more risky behavior including sex with multiple partners becoming pregnant or becoming a parent of illegitimate children 41 Further dysfunctional behaviors can be perpetuated in other future relationships An individual that was raised in a dysfunctional home environment may also pass this learned behavior on to their offspring including their substance use habits conflict resolution methods and learned social boundaries 42 These social inadequacies can result in individuals demonstrating self protective behaviors to compensate for the difference in their childhoods as they may have the inability to practice positive self care and effective emotional coping strategies Positive OutcomesAlthough there are many negative outcomes that came come from growing up in a dysfunctional household the brain can be able to produce positive ones as well As discussed in the article Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families resilience is something that can come out of these obstacles in children s lives and make for a brighter future citation needed Resilience is defined as something positive that is able to be brought forth from negative experiences in childhood Resilience in Adult Children of Alcoholics A Nonpathological Approach to Social Work Practice This refers to the ability for children who go through many hardships with their parents growing up to be able to take those hardships and learn from them in order to develop better coping strategies and find meaning in their futures For example when children find themselves in a dysfunctional family thefe they may take the route of either isolating themselves or reaching out for help When children reach out for help they can develop resiliency over time by fostering positive relationships with guidance counselors or other trusted adults that will continue to stay strong after they become adults themselves Resilience is also something that can be strengthened through community settings and positive interactions with others A dysfunctional family can create a large amount of trauma for children that they may carry into their adult lives Although different families may create different types of trauma for children the way that trauma is processed is very similar When children are able to bond and help each other through the process of dealing with trauma they can find comfort which in turn promotes resiliency What trauma tends to do is make people feel like there is something wrong with them and they should keep themselves away from the rest of society This is why recognizing that one is not alone in their struggles is an extremely powerful thing Resources and HopeThe organization Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families ACA serves as an extremely useful tool in providing support for people who come from a dysfunctional childhood where their caretakers suffered with alcoholism What the ACA does that is hold a twelve step program that is designed to create emotional healing in adult children By doing this the program hopes to see the adult children equally as worthy of help and support as the people in their families who faced the alcoholism themselves There are multiple kinds of meetings that the organization holds in order to bring resources to all different groups women men LGBTQ teens young adults These meeting settings also have different formats so that people can be met where they are in their individual healing journey For example one could view a guest speaker s presentation before they go into any formal counseling This is a significant aspect to the resource of meetings because some people feel too overwhelmed by certain settings to even begin the process It is better for a person to join the organization at all than to be too nervous to go to a full blown meeting and be turned away forever In popular culture EditFilms about dysfunctional families Television series about dysfunctional families Animated television series about dysfunctional familiesSee also EditRotten kid theorem Abnormality behavior Alcoholism in family systems Domestic violence Family nexus Family therapy Harry Stack Sullivan Identified patient Karpman Drama Triangle Multisystemic therapy MST Narcissistic parent Parental alienation Parenting styles Psychological manipulation Factitious disorder imposed on another Claude SteinerReferences Edit Masteller James Stoop David 1991 The Blame Game Forgiving Our Parents Forgiving Ourselves Healing Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families revised and updated ed ReadHowYouWant com published 2011 p 222 ISBN 9781459622937 Retrieved 20 October 2019 People who grew up in dysfunctional families often feel that everything that goes wrong in the world is their fault Xiang Shiyuan Liu Yan Lu Yitian Bai Lu Xu Shenghan February 2020 Exploring the family origins of adolescent dysfunctional separation individuation Journal of Child and Family Studies 29 2 382 391 doi 10 1007 s10826 019 01644 w ISSN 1062 1024 S2CID 210539668 Kerr Michael E Bowen Murray 1988 10 17 Family Evaluation an approach based on Bowen theory W W Norton amp Company ISBN 978 0393700565 Millett Kate 1998 The Theory of Sexual Politics In Marsh Ian Campbell Rosie Keating Mike eds Classic and Contemporary Readings in Sociology Routledge doi 10 4324 9781315840154 ISBN 978 0582320239 Archived from the original on 2015 05 19 Retrieved 2015 01 25 Napier Nancy J April 1990 Recreating Your Self Help for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families ISBN 978 0393028423 Kaslow Florence W January 1996 Handbook of Relational Diagnosis and Dysfunctional Family Patterns Wiley Interscience ISBN 978 0471080787 Italy International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge Based Systems 14th 2012 Catania 2012 Advances in computational intelligence 14th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge Based Systems IPMU 2012 Catania Italy July 9 13 2012 Proceedings Springer ISBN 978 3 642 31709 5 OCLC 802337663 Italy International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge Based Systems 14th 2012 Catania 2012 Advances in computational intelligence 14th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge Based Systems IPMU 2012 Catania Italy July 9 13 2012 Proceedings Springer ISBN 978 3 642 31709 5 OCLC 802337663 Blair Justice Blair Rita April 1990 The Abusing Family Revised ed Insight Books ISBN 978 0306434419 a b c d e f g Neuharth Dan 1999 If You Had Controlling Parents How to Make Peace with Your Past and Take Your Place in the World Diane Publishing Company ISBN 978 0788193835 Praise encouragement and rewards Raising Children Network 2011 04 10 Archived from the original on 2019 03 28 9 https www lifehack org 350678 13 signs toxic parent that many people dont realize Kagan Richard Schlosberg Shirley 1989 03 17 Families in Perpetual Crisis W W Norton amp Company ISBN 978 0393700664 Whiteman S D McHale S M Soli A 2011 Theoretical Perspectives on Sibling Relationships Journal of Family Theory amp Review 3 2 124 139 doi 10 1111 j 1756 2589 2011 00087 x PMC 3127252 PMID 21731581 a b Forgiving Our Parents For Adult Children from Dysfunctional Families by Dwight Lee Wolter c 1995 full citation needed Except where individually noted Polson Beth Newton Miller 1984 Not My Kid A Family s Guide to Kids and Drugs Arbor Books Kids of North Jersey Nurses ISBN 978 0877956334 Polson and Newton pp 81 84 Polson and Newton pp 84 85 Polson and Newton pp 86 90 Polson and Newton pp 85 86 Rees Corrine 2016 Children s Attachments Good parents buffer their kids minds The Sydney Morning Herald AAP 2010 09 21 Archived from the original on 2018 03 24 Retrieved 2012 06 13 Maniglio Roberto 2010 The role of child sexual abuse in the etiology of suicide and non suicidal self injury journal Dube Shanta 2003 Childhood Abuse Neglect and Household Dysfunction and the Risk of Illicit Drug Use The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study American Academy of Pediatrics Zilberman Noem 2020 Who becomes addicted and to what psychosocial predictors of substance and behavioral addictive disorders Science Direct Sepulveda Rosa 2020 Identifying Loss of Control Eating within Childhood Obesity The Importance of Family Environment and Child Psychological Distress MDPI Rogosch Fred 1994 Illustrating the interface of family and peer relations through the study of child maltreatment Wiley Online Erndic Ozturk Betrayal trauma dissociative experiences and dysfunctional family dynamics Flashbacks self harming behaviors and suicide attempts in post traumatic stress disorder and dissociative disorders PDF Medicine science Roberts James 2019 Family conflict and adolescent compulsive buying behavior Emerald Insight Flett Gordon 1995 Procrastination Negative Self Evaluation and Stress in Depression and Anxiety Conger Rand 1981 The Assessment of Dysfunctional Family Systems Sterling John 2008 Understanding the Behavioral and Emotional Consequences of Child Abuse Pediatrics Child Abuse Long Beach Fire Department Training Center 2009 09 19 Archived from the original on 2010 01 31 Xiuyun Lin 2022 A Systematic Review of Multiple Family Factors Associated with Oppositional Defiant Disorder McNeil Sharde 2013 Low Income Families With Potential Adolescent Gang Involvement A Structural Community Family Therapy Integration Model American Journal of Family Therapy Glasser M Kolvin I Campbell D Glasser A Leitch I Farrelly S December 2001 Cycle of child sexual abuse Links between being a victim and becoming a perpetrator The British Journal of Psychiatry 179 6 482 494 doi 10 1192 bjp 179 6 482 PMID 11731348 Kellogg Nancy 1999 Early sexual experiences among pregnant and parenting adolescents Shelton Katherine 2015 Risk Factors for Homelessness Evidence From a Population Based Study Psychiatry Online Journal Beal Edward 1997 Academic Difficulties Found Within Dysfunctional Family Relationships Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America Reed J 12 October 2005 Childhood trauma psychosis and schizophrenia a literature review with theoretical and clinical implications Ary Dennis 1999 Development of Adolescent Problem Behavior Walker Moira 2007 The inter generational transmission of trauma The effects of abuse on the survivor s relationship with their children and on the children themselves European Journal of Psychotherapy amp Counselling References Cont 23 Palmer Nancie August 1997 Resilience in Adult Children of Alcoholics A Nonpathological Approach to Social Work Practice Health amp Social Work 22 3 pp 201 209 https doi org 10 1093 hsw 22 3 20124 ACA Worldwide 2022 April 14 Adult Children of Alcoholics amp Dysfunctional Families World Service Organization Adult Children of Alcoholics amp Dysfunctional Families Retrieved April 19 2022 from https adultchildren org Further reading EditLundy Bancroft Why Does He Do That Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men 2002 Berkley Books ISBN 0 399 14844 2 John Bradshaw Healing the Shame That Binds You John Bradshaw Homecoming Reclaiming and Healing Your Inner Child John Bradshaw Bradshaw On The Family Stephanie Donaldson Pressman The Narcissistic Family Diagnosis and Treatment Beth Polson and Miller Newton Not My Kid A Family s Guide to Kids and Drugs Arbor Books Kids of North Jersey Nurses 1984 ISBN 978 0877956334 Charles L Whitfield Healing the Child Within Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional FamiliesExternal links Edit Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Dysfunctional family amp oldid 1146244319, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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