
Dative case

In grammar, the dative case (abbreviated dat, or sometimes d when it is a core argument) is a grammatical case used in some languages to indicate the recipient or beneficiary of an action, as in "Maria Jacobo potum dedit", Latin for "Maria gave Jacob a drink". In this example, the dative marks what would be considered the indirect object of a verb in English.

Sometimes the dative has functions unrelated to giving. In Scottish Gaelic and Irish, the term dative case is used in traditional grammars to refer to the prepositional case-marking of nouns following simple prepositions and the definite article. In Georgian and Hindustani (Hindi-Urdu), the dative case can also mark the subject of a sentence.[1] This is called the dative construction. In Hindi, the dative construction is not limited to only certain verbs or tenses and it can be used with any verb in any tense or mood.

The dative was common among early Indo-European languages and has survived to the present in the Balto-Slavic branch and the Germanic branch, among others. It also exists in similar forms in several non-Indo-European languages, such as the Uralic family of languages. In some languages, the dative case has assimilated the functions of other, now extinct cases. In Ancient Greek, the dative has the functions of the Proto-Indo-European locative and instrumental as well as those of the original dative.

Under the influence of English, which uses the preposition "to" for (among other uses) both indirect objects (give to) and directions of movement (go to), the term "dative" has sometimes been used to describe cases that in other languages would more appropriately be called lative.


"Dative" comes from Latin cāsus datīvus ("case for giving"), a translation of Greek δοτικὴ πτῶσις, dotikē ptôsis ("inflection for giving").[2] Dionysius Thrax in his Art of Grammar also refers to it as epistaltikḗ "for sending (a letter)",[3] from the verb epistéllō "send to", a word from the same root as epistle.


The Old English language had a dative case; however, the English case system gradually fell into disuse during the Middle English period, when the accusative and dative of pronouns merged into a single oblique case that was also used with all prepositions. This conflation of case in Middle and Modern English has led most modern grammarians to discard the "accusative" and "dative" labels as obsolete in reference to English, often using the term "objective" for oblique.[4][5]

Set expressions

The dative case is rare in modern English usage, but it can be argued that it survives in a few set expressions. One example is the word "methinks", with the meaning "it seems to me". It survives in this fixed form from Old English (having undergone, however, phonetic changes with the rest of the language), in which it was constructed as "[it]" + "me" (the dative case of the personal pronoun) + "thinks" (i.e., "seems", < Old English þyncan, "to seem", a verb closely related to the verb þencan, "to think", but distinct from it in Old English; later it merged with "think" and lost this meaning).

Relic pronouns

The modern objective case pronoun whom is derived from the dative case in Old English, specifically the Old English dative pronoun "hwām" (as opposed to the modern subjective "who", which descends from Old English "hwā") – though "whom" also absorbed the functions of the Old English accusative pronoun "hwone". It is also cognate to the word "wem" (the dative form of "wer") in German. The OED defines all classical uses of the word "whom" in situations where the indirect object is not known[clarification needed] – in effect, indicating the anonymity of the indirect object.

Likewise, some of the object forms of personal pronouns are remnants of Old English datives. For example, "him" goes back to the Old English dative him (accusative was hine), and "her" goes back to the dative hire (accusative was hīe). These pronouns are not pure datives in modern English; they are also used for functions previously indicated by the accusative.

Modern English

The indirect object of the verb may be placed between the verb and the direct object of the verb: "he gave me a book" or "he wrote me a poem."

The indirect object may also be expressed using a prepositional phrase using "to": "he gave a book to me.


In general, the dative (German: Dativ) is used to mark the indirect object of a German sentence. For example:

  • Ich schickte dem Mann(e) das Buch. (literally: I sent "to the man" the book.) – Masculine
  • Ich gab der Frau den Stift zurück. (literally: I gave "to the woman" the pencil back.) – Feminine
  • Ich überreiche dem Kind(e) ein Geschenk. (literally: I hand "to the child" a present.) – Neuter

In English, the first sentence can be rendered as "I sent the book to the man" and as "I sent the man the book", where the indirect object is identified in English by standing in front of the direct object. The normal word order in German is to put the dative in front of the accusative (as in the example above). However, since the German dative is marked in form, it can also be put after the accusative: Ich schickte das Buch dem Mann(e). The (e) after Mann and Kind signifies a now largely archaic -e ending for certain nouns in the dative. It survives today almost exclusively in set phrases such as zu Hause (at home, lit. to house), im Zuge (in the course of), and am Tage (during the day, lit. at the day), as well as in occasional usage in formal prose, poetry, and song lyrics.

Some masculine nouns (and one neuter noun, Herz [heart]), referred to as weak nouns or n-nouns, take an -n or -en in the dative singular and plural. Many are masculine nouns ending in -e in the nominative (such as Name [name], Beamte [officer], and Junge [boy]), although not all such nouns follow this rule. Many also, whether or not they fall into the former category, refer to people, animals, professions, or titles; exceptions to this include the aforementioned Herz and Name, as well as Buchstabe (letter), Friede (peace), Obelisk (obelisk), Planet (planet), and others.

Certain German prepositions require the dative: aus (from), außer (out of), bei (at, near), entgegen (against), gegenüber (opposite), mit (with), nach (after, to), seit (since), von (from), and zu (at, in, to). Some other prepositions (an [at], auf [on], entlang [along], hinter [behind], in [in, into], neben (beside, next to), über [over, across], unter [under, below], vor [in front of], and zwischen [among, between]) may be used with dative (indicating current location), or accusative (indicating direction toward something). Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch(e) (dative: The book is lying on the table), but Ich lege das Buch auf den Tisch (accusative: I put the book onto the table).

In addition the four prepositions [an]statt (in place of), trotz (in spite of), während (during), and wegen (because of) which require the genitive in modern formal language, are most commonly used with the dative in colloquial German. For example, "because of the weather" is expressed as wegen dem Wetter instead of the formally correct wegen des Wetters. Other prepositions requiring the genitive in formal language, are combined with von ("of") in colloquial style, e.g. außerhalb vom Garten instead of außerhalb des Gartens ("outside the garden").

Note that the concept of an indirect object may be rendered by a prepositional phrase. In this case, the noun's or pronoun's case is determined by the preposition, not by its function in the sentence. Consider this sentence:

  • Ich sandte das Buch zum Verleger. 'I sent the book to the editor.'

Here, the subject, Ich, is in the nominative case, the direct object, das Buch, is in the accusative case, and zum Verleger is in the dative case, since zu always requires the dative (zum is a contraction of zu + dem). However:

  • Ich habe das Buch an meinen Freund (accusative) weitergegeben. 'I forwarded the book to my friend.' (weitergeben = lit.: to give further).

In this sentence, Freund is the indirect object, but, because it follows an (direction), the accusative is required, not the dative.

All of the articles change in the dative case.

Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural
Definite article dem der dem den
Indefinite article einem einer einem Ø (the semantically closest word would be einigen, dative plural of einig)
Negative articles keinem keiner keinem keinen

Some German verbs require the dative for their direct objects. Common examples are antworten (to answer), danken (to thank), gefallen (to please), folgen (to follow), glauben (to believe), helfen (to help), and raten (to advise). In each case, the direct object of the verb is rendered in the dative. For example:

  • Meine Freunde helfen mir. (My friends help me.)

These verbs cannot be used in normal passive constructions, because German allows these only for verbs with accusative objects. It is therefore ungrammatical to say: *Ich werde geholfen. "I am helped." Instead a special construction called "impersonal passive" must be used: Mir wird geholfen, literally: "To me is helped." A colloquial (non-standard) way to form the passive voice for dative verbs is the following: Ich kriege geholfen, or: Ich bekomme geholfen, literally: "I get helped". The use of the verb "to get" here reminds us that the dative case has something to do with giving and receiving. In German, help is not something you perform on somebody, but rather something you offer them.

The dative case is also used with reflexive (sich) verbs when specifying what part of the self the verb is being done to:

  • Ich wasche mich. – accusative (I wash myself.)
  • Ich wasche mir die Hände. – dative (I wash my hands, literally "I wash for myself the hands")

Cf. the respective accord in French: "Les enfants se sont lavés" (the children have washed themselves) vs. "Les enfants se sont lavé" [uninflected] "les mains" (... their hands).

German can use two datives to make sentences like: Sei mir meinem Sohn(e) gnädig! "For my sake, have mercy on my son!" Literally: "Be for me to my son merciful." The first dative mir ("for me") expresses the speaker's commiseration (much like the dativus ethicus in Latin, see below). The second dative meinem Sohn(e) ("to my son") names the actual object of the plea. Mercy is to be given to the son for or on behalf of his mother/father.

Adjective endings also change in the dative case. There are three inflection possibilities depending on what precedes the adjective. They most commonly use weak inflection when preceded by a definite article (the), mixed inflection after an indefinite article (a/an), and strong inflection when a quantity is indicated (many green apples).

Adj. in dative case Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural
Weak inflection -en -en -en -en
Mixed inflection -en -en -en -en
Strong inflection -em -er -em -en


There are several uses for the dative case (Dativus):

  • Dativus finalis (dative of purpose), e.g. non scholae sed vitae – "[we learn] not for school, but for life", auxilio vocare – "to call for help", venio auxilio – "I'm coming for help", accipio dono – "I receive [this] as a gift" or puellae ornamento est – "[this] is for the girl's decoration", or "... for decoration for the girl" (as puellae could be either dative or genitive)
  • Dativus commŏdi (incommodi), which means action for (or against) somebody, e.g., Graecis agros colere – "to till fields for Greeks"; Combination of Dativus commodi and finalis (double dative): tibi laetitiae "to you for joy"
  • Dativus possessivus (possessive dative) which means possession, e.g. angelis alae sunt – literally "to (or for) the angels are wings", this is typically found with a copula and translated as "angels have wings".
  • Dativus ethicus' (ethic dative) indicates that the person in the dative is or should be especially concerned about the action, e.g. Quid mihi Celsus agit? "What is Celsus doing for me?" (expressing the speaker being especially interested in what Celsus is doing for him or her);[6] or Cui prodest? "Whose interest does this serve?" (literally "To whom does this do good?")
  • Dativus auctoris, meaning; 'in the eyes of', e.g., vir bonus mihi videtur 'he seems to me to be a good man'.
  • The dative expresses agency with the gerundive when the gerundive is used to convey obligation or necessity,[7] e.g., haec nobis agenda sunt, 'these things must be done by us.'



In addition to its main function as the dativus, the dative case has other functions in Classical Greek:[8] (The chart below uses the Latin names for the types of dative; the Greek name for the dative is δοτική πτῶσις, like its Latin equivalent, derived from the verb "to give"; in Ancient Greek, δίδωμι.)

  • Dativus finalis: The dativus finalis, or the 'dative of purpose', is when the dative is used to denote the purpose of a certain action. For example:
    • "τῷ βασιλεῖ μάχομαι"
      • "I fight for the king".
    • "θνῄσκω τῇ τιμῇ"
      • "I die for honour".
  • Dativus commŏdi (incommodi): The dativus commodi sive incommodi, or the 'dative of benefit (or harm)' is the dative that expresses the advantage or disadvantage of something for someone. For example:
    • For the benefit of: "πᾶς ἀνὴρ αὑτῷ πονεῖ" (Sophocles, Ajax 1366).
      • "Every man toils for himself".
    • For the harm or disadvantage of: "ἥδε ἡ ἡμέρα τοῖς Ἕλλησι μεγάλων κακῶν ἄρξει." (Thucydides 2.12.4).
      • "This day will be the beginning of great sorrows for the Greeks (i.e., for their disadvantage)".
  • Dativus possessivus: The dativus possessivus, or the 'dative of possession' is the dative used to denote the possessor of a certain object or objects. For example:
    • "ἄλλοις μὲν γὰρ χρήματά ἐστι πολλὰ καὶ ἵπποι, ἡμῖν δὲ ξύμμαχοι ἀγαθοί." (Thucycdides 1.86.3).
      • "For others have a lot of money and ships and horses, but we have good allies (i.e., To others there is a lot of money...)".
  • Dativus ethicus: The dativus ethicus, or the 'ethic or polite dative,' is when the dative is used to signify that the person or thing spoken of is regarded with interest by someone. This dative is mostly, if not exclusively, used in pronouns. As such, it is also called the "dative of pronouns." For example:
    • "τούτῳ πάνυ μοι προσέχετε τὸν νοῦν." (Demosthenes 18.178).
      • "Pay close attention to this, I beg you (i.e., please pay..)".
    • "ὦ μῆτερ, ὡς καλός μοι ὁ πάππος." (Xenophon, Cyropaedia 18.178).
      • "Oh, mother, how handsome grandpa is (I've just realized!)".
  • Dativus auctoris: The dativus auctoris, or the 'dative of agent,' is the dative used to denote the doer of an action. Note, however, that in Classical Greek, the agent is usually in the genitive after ὑπό (by, at the hands of). The agent is in the dative most often with the perfect and pluperfect passive, and with the verbal adjective in -τέος. For example:
    • "πολλαὶ θεραπεῖαι τοῖς ἰατροῖς εὕρηνται." (Isocrates 8.39)
      • "Many cures have been discovered by doctors."
  • Dativus instrumenti: The dativus instrumenti, or the 'dative of instrument,' is when the dative is used to denote an instrument or means of a certain action (or, more accurately, as the instrumental case). For example:
    • "με κτείνει δόλῳ." (Homer, Odyssey 9.407)
      • "He kills me with a bait (i.e., by means of a bait)."
  • Dativus modi: The dativus modi, or the 'dative of manner,' is the dative used to describe the manner or way by which something happened. For example:
    • "νόσῳ ὕστερον ἀποθανόντα." (Thucydides 8.84)
      • "having died of (from) a disease."
  • Dativus mensurae: The dativus mensurae, or the 'dative of measurement,' is the dative used to denote the measurement of difference. For example:
    • "τῇ κεφαλῇ μείζονα." (Plato, Phaedo 101a)
      • "taller by a head."
    • "μακρῷ ἄριστος." (Plato, Laws 729d)
      • "by far the best."

The articles in the Greek dative are

Definite article
Masculine Neuter Feminine
Singular ΤΩΙ (τῳ) ΤΗΙ (τῃ)
Plural ΤΟΙΣ (τοις) ΤΑΙΣ (ταις)


The dative case, strictly speaking, no longer exists in Modern Greek, except in fossilized expressions like δόξα τω Θεώ (from the ecclesiastical τῷ Θεῷ δόξα, "Glory to God") or εν τάξει (ἐν τάξει, lit. "in order", i.e. "all right" or "OK"). Otherwise, most of the functions of the dative have been subsumed in the accusative.

Slavic languages

In Russian, the dative case is used for indicating the indirect object of an action (that to which something is given, thrown, read, etc.). In the instance where a person is the goal of motion, dative is used instead of accusative to indicate motion toward. This is usually achieved with the preposition κ + destination in dative case; К врачу, meaning "to the doctor."

Dative is also the necessary case taken by certain prepositions when expressing certain ideas. For instance, when the preposition по is used to mean "along," its object is always in dative case, as in По бокам, meaning "along the sides."

Other Slavic languages apply the dative case (and the other cases) more or less the same way as does Russian; some languages may use the dative in other ways. The following examples are from Polish:

  • after certain verbs (dziękować komuś "to thank someone", pomóc komuś "to help someone", wierzyć komuś "to believe someone")
  • in certain expressions (Czy podoba ci się piosenka? "Do you like the song?", Jest mi zimno "I'm cold", Jest nam smutno "We're feeling sad", Będzie wam trudniej... "It will be more difficult for you guys"), Śniło jej się, że... "She dreamt that"
  • dativus commodi to indicate action for somebody (Zbuduję temu człowiekowi dom "I will build a house for this person")
  • when something is taken away or something occurs to someone (Zdechł im pies "Their dog died"; Zabrali mu komputer "They took away his computer"; Zepsuł nam się samochód "Our car broke down"; Coś mi się przypomniało "I just remembered something")

Some other kinds of dative use as found in the Serbo-Croatian language are: Dativus finalis (Titaniku u pomoć "to Titanic's rescue"), Dativus commodi/incommodi (Operi svojoj majci suđe "Wash the dishes for your mother"), Dativus possessivus (Ovcama je dlaka gusta "Sheep's hair is thick"), Dativus ethicus (Šta mi radi Boni? "What is Boni doing? (I am especially interested in what it is)") and Dativus auctoris (Izgleda mi okej "It seems okay to me").[clarification needed]

Unusual in other Indo-European branches but common among Slavic languages, endings of nouns and adjectives are different based on grammatical function. Other factors are gender and number. In some cases, the ending may not be obvious, even when those three factors (function, gender, number) are considered. For example, in Polish, 'syn' ("son") and 'ojciec' ("father") are both masculine singular nouns, yet appear as syn → synowi and ojciec → ojcu in the dative.

Baltic languages

Both Lithuanian and Latvian have a distinct dative case in the system of nominal declensions.

Lithuanian nouns preserve Indo-European inflections in the dative case fairly well: (o-stems) vaikas -> sg. vaikui, pl. vaikams; (ā-stems) ranka -> sg. rankai, pl. rankoms; (i-stems) viltis -> sg. vilčiai, pl. viltims; (u-stems) sūnus -> sg. sūnui, pl. sūnums; (consonant stems) vanduo -> sg. vandeniui, pl. vandenims.

Adjectives in the dative case receive pronominal endings (this might be the result of a more recent development): tas geras vaikas -> sg. tam geram vaikui, pl. tiems geriems vaikams.

The dative case in Latvian underwent further simplifications – the original masculine endings of both nouns and adjectives have been replaced with pronominal inflections: tas vīrs -> sg. tam vīram, pl. tiem vīriem. Also, the final "s" in all Dative forms has been dropped. The only exception is personal pronouns in the plural: mums (to us), jums (to you). Note that in colloquial Lithuanian the final "s" in the dative is often omitted, as well: time geriem vaikam.

In both Latvian and Lithuanian, the main function of the dative case is to render the indirect object in a sentence: (lt) aš duodu vyrui knygą; (lv) es dodu [duodu] vīram grāmatu – I am giving a book to the man.

The dative case can also be used with gerundives to indicate an action preceding or simultaneous with the main action in a sentence: (lt) jam įėjus, visi atsistojo – when he walked in, everybody stood up, lit. to him having walked in, all stood up; (lt) jai miegant, visi dirbo – while she slept, everybody was working, lit. to her sleeping, all were working.

In modern standard Lithuanian, Dative case is not required by prepositions, although in many dialects it is done frequently: (dial.) iki (+D) šiai dienai, (stand.) iki (+G) šios dienos – up until this day.

In Latvian, the dative case is taken by several prepositions in the singular and all prepositions in the plural (due to peculiar historical changes): sg. bez (+G) tevis (without thee) ~ pl. bez (+D) jums (without you); sg. pa (+A) ceļu (along the road) ~ pl. pa (+D) ceļiem (along the roads).


[clarification needed]

In modern Eastern Armenian, the dative is attained by adding any article to the genitive:

dog = շուն
GEN > շան (of the dog; dog's) with no articles
DAT > շանը or շանն (to the dog) with definite articles (-ն if preceding a vowel)
DAT > մի շան (to a dog) with indefinite article
DAT > շանս (to my dog) with 1st person possessive article
DAT > շանդ (to your dog) with 2nd person possessive article

There is a general tendency to view -ին as the standard dative suffix, but only because that is its most productive (and therefore common) form. The suffix -ին as a dative marker is nothing but the standard, most common, genitive suffix -ի accompanied by the definite article -ն. But the dative case encompasses indefinite objects as well, which will not be marked by -ին:

Definite DAT > Ես գիրքը տվեցի տղային: (I gave the book to the boy)
Indefinite DAT> Ես գիրքը տվեցի մի տղայի: (I gave the book to a boy)

The main function of the dative marking in Armenian is to indicate the receiving end of an action, more commonly the indirect object which in English is preceded by the preposition to. In the use of "giving" verbs like give, donate, offer, deliver, sell, bring... the dative marks the recipient. With communicative verbs like tell, say, advise, explain, ask, answer... the dative marks the listener. Other verbs whose indirect objects are marked by the dative case in Armenian are show, reach, look, approach...

Eastern Armenian also uses the dative case to mark the time of an event, in the same way English uses the preposition at, as in Meet me at nine o' clock.

Indo-Aryan languages

Hindustani (Hindi-Urdu)

Hindustani (Hindi-Urdu) has true dative case for pronouns, but for nouns the dative case has to be constructed using the dative case-marker (postposition) को کو (ko) to the nouns in their oblique case. Pronouns in Hindustani also have an oblique case, so dative pronouns can also be alternatively constructed using the dative case-marker को کو (ko) with the pronouns in their oblique case, hence forming two sets of synonymous dative pronouns. The following table shows the pronouns in their nominative and their dative forms. Hindustani lacks pronouns in the third person and the demonstrative pronouns double as the third person pronouns.[9] [1]

Case Personal Pronouns Non-Personal Pronouns
1st Person 2nd Person Demonstrative Relative Interrogative
Intimate Neutral Formal Proximal Distal
Singular Plural Singular Singular & Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative मैं
































Dative मुझे




































The table below shows the oblique cases of Hindustani for the nouns boy and girl which take in the dative case-marker after them to assign the combination of the oblique case and the case-marker the dative case. The oblique case of Hindustani by itself has no meaning and adding the case-marker को کو (ko) assigns the oblique case the function of the dative case.[10][11][12][13][2]

Case boy girl
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative लड़का












Dative लड़के को

لڑکے کو


लड़कों को

لڑکوں کو


लड़की को

لڑکی کو


लड़कियों को

لڑکیوں کو


Dative case in Hindustani can also mark the subject of a sentence. This is called the dative construction or quirky subjects.[1] In the examples below the dative pronoun passes the subjecthood test of subject-oriented anaphora binding. The dative subject मुझे مجھے (mujhe) binds the anaphora अपने اپنے (apne).

























मुझे अपने सभी रिश्तेदार पसंद हैं

مجھے اپنے سبھی رشتےدار پسند ہیں

mujhei apnei sabhī rishtedār pasand hɛ̄

I.DAT REFL.MASC.PL all.NOM relatives.MASC.PL like be.PRS.MASC.PL

'I like all my relatives'





















मुझे अपने काम करने हैं

مجھے اپنے کام کرنے ہیں

mujhei apnei kām karne hɛ̄


'I have/want to do my work.'


The dative case is known as the "fourth case" (chaturthi-vibhakti) in the usual procedure in the declension of nouns. Its use is mainly for the indirect object.

Non-Indo-European languages


As with many other languages, the dative case is used in Hungarian to show the indirect object of a verb. For example, Dánielnek adtam ezt a könyvet (I gave this book to Dániel). It has two suffixes, -nak and -nek; the correct one is selected by vowel harmony. The personal dative pronouns follow the -nek version: nekem, neked, etc. This case is also used to express "for" in certain circumstances, such as "I bought a gift for Mother". In possessive constructions the nak/nek endings are also used but this is not the dative form (rather, the attributive or possessive case)[14]


Finnish does not have a separate dative case. However, the allative case can fulfill essentially the same role as dative, beyond its primary meaning of directional movement (that is, going somewhere or approaching someone). For example: He lahjoittivat kaikki rahansa köyhille (They donated all their money to the poor.)


In the Northeast Caucasian languages, such as Tsez, the dative also takes the functions of the lative case in marking the direction of an action. By some linguists, they are still regarded as two separate cases in those languages, although the suffixes are exactly the same for both cases. Other linguists list them separately only for the purpose of separating syntactic cases from locative cases. An example with the ditransitive verb "show" (literally: "make see") is given below:













Кидбā ужихъор кIетIу биквархо.

kidb-ā uži-qo-r kʼetʼu b-ikʷa-r-xo


"The girl shows the cat to the boy."

The dative/lative is also used to indicate possession, as in the example below, because there is no such verb as "to have".










Кидбехъор кIетIу зовси.

kidbe-qo-r kʼetʼu zow-si


"The girl had a cat."

As in the examples above, the dative/lative case usually occurs in combination with another suffix as poss-lative case; this should not be regarded as a separate case, however, as many of the locative cases in Tsez are constructed analytically; hence, they are, in fact, a combination of two case suffixes. See Tsez language#Locative case suffixes for further details.

Verbs of perception or emotion (like "see", "know", "love", "want") also require the logical subject to stand in the dative/lative case. Note that in this example the "pure" dative/lative without its POSS-suffix is used.










ГIалир ПатIи йетих.

ʻAli-r Patʼi y-eti-x

Ali-DAT/LAT Fatima:[II]:ABS II-love-PRES

"Ali loves Fatima."


The dative case (yönelme durumu) in Turkish language is formed by adding the ''-e" or "-a'' suffixes to the end of the noun, in accordance with the effected noun's vowel harmony. The word that should be in the dative case can be found as an answer to the questions 'neye?' (to what?), 'kime?' (to whom?) and 'nereye?' (to where?) will lead to find a dative case in a sentence.[15] There are many different uses for the dative case.

The dative also is for objects, usually indirect objects, but sometimes objects that in English would be considered direct:







Güneşin batışına bak.

sun's at-its-sinking look

"Look at the sunset."

The dative case tells whither, that is, the place to which. Thus it has roughly the meaning of the English prepositions "to" and "into", and also "in" when it can be replaced with "into":







Birayı buzdolabına koy.

the-beer into-icebox put

"Put the beer in(to) the fridge."

See also


  1. ^ a b Bhatt, Rajesh (2003). Experiencer subjects. Handout from MIT course “Structure of the Modern Indo-Aryan Languages”.
  2. ^ δοτικός. Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert; A Greek–English Lexicon at the Perseus Project
  3. ^ Dionysius Thrax. τέχνη γραμματική (Art of Grammar), section ιβ´ (10b): περὶ ὀνόματος (On the noun). Bibliotheca Augustana.
  4. ^ "Objective case (grammar)". (about) education. Retrieved 2016-01-29.
  5. ^ . Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on June 30, 2013. Retrieved 2016-01-29.
  6. ^ "Generating & parsing clitics with getarun". 1999. CiteSeerX {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  7. ^ Wheelock, Frederic (2011), Wheelock's Latin, New York: HarperCollins, p. 195, ISBN 978-0-06-199722-8
  8. ^ Morwood, James. Oxford Grammar of Classical Greek. Oxford University Press, 2002. (ISBN 0-19-521851-5)
  9. ^ "Hindi Pronouns". hindilanguage.info. 2012-04-20. Retrieved 2020-08-17.
  10. ^ Case in Hindi (Mark Spencer) [2005]
  11. ^ (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2020-09-24. Retrieved 2020-08-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  12. ^ Montrul, Silvina; Bhatia, Archna; Bhatt, Rakesh; Puri, Vandana (2019). "Case Marking in Hindi as the Weaker Language". Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 461. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00461. ISSN 1664-1078. PMC 6433818. PMID 30941069.
  13. ^ . Archived from the original on 2020-09-24. Retrieved 2020-08-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  14. ^ Ignatius Singer, 'Simplified Grammar of the Hungarian Language', 1882.
  15. ^ Sarıca, Bedri (2006). (PDF). ILMi ARAŞTIRMALAR. 22: 205–218. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2019-11-08. Retrieved 2019-11-08.

External links

  • German dative case A lesson covering the dative case in the German language
  • Hungarian dative case from www. HungarianReference.com
  • Russian Dative: [3], ,

dative, case, grammar, dative, case, abbreviated, sometimes, when, core, argument, grammatical, case, used, some, languages, indicate, recipient, beneficiary, action, maria, jacobo, potum, dedit, latin, maria, gave, jacob, drink, this, example, dative, marks, . In grammar the dative case abbreviated dat or sometimes d when it is a core argument is a grammatical case used in some languages to indicate the recipient or beneficiary of an action as in Maria Jacobo potum dedit Latin for Maria gave Jacob a drink In this example the dative marks what would be considered the indirect object of a verb in English Sometimes the dative has functions unrelated to giving In Scottish Gaelic and Irish the term dative case is used in traditional grammars to refer to the prepositional case marking of nouns following simple prepositions and the definite article In Georgian and Hindustani Hindi Urdu the dative case can also mark the subject of a sentence 1 This is called the dative construction In Hindi the dative construction is not limited to only certain verbs or tenses and it can be used with any verb in any tense or mood The dative was common among early Indo European languages and has survived to the present in the Balto Slavic branch and the Germanic branch among others It also exists in similar forms in several non Indo European languages such as the Uralic family of languages In some languages the dative case has assimilated the functions of other now extinct cases In Ancient Greek the dative has the functions of the Proto Indo European locative and instrumental as well as those of the original dative Under the influence of English which uses the preposition to for among other uses both indirect objects give to and directions of movement go to the term dative has sometimes been used to describe cases that in other languages would more appropriately be called lative Contents 1 Etymology 2 English 2 1 Set expressions 2 2 Relic pronouns 2 3 Modern English 3 German 4 Latin 5 Greek 5 1 Ancient 5 2 Modern 6 Slavic languages 7 Baltic languages 8 Armenian 9 Indo Aryan languages 9 1 Hindustani Hindi Urdu 9 2 Sanskrit 10 Non Indo European languages 10 1 Hungarian 10 2 Finnish 10 3 Tsez 10 4 Turkish 11 See also 12 References 13 External linksEtymology Edit Dative comes from Latin casus dativus case for giving a translation of Greek dotikὴ ptῶsis dotike ptosis inflection for giving 2 Dionysius Thrax in his Art of Grammar also refers to it as epistaltike for sending a letter 3 from the verb epistellō send to a word from the same root as epistle English EditThe Old English language had a dative case however the English case system gradually fell into disuse during the Middle English period when the accusative and dative of pronouns merged into a single oblique case that was also used with all prepositions This conflation of case in Middle and Modern English has led most modern grammarians to discard the accusative and dative labels as obsolete in reference to English often using the term objective for oblique 4 5 Set expressions Edit The dative case is rare in modern English usage but it can be argued that it survives in a few set expressions One example is the word methinks with the meaning it seems to me It survives in this fixed form from Old English having undergone however phonetic changes with the rest of the language in which it was constructed as it me the dative case of the personal pronoun thinks i e seems lt Old English thyncan to seem a verb closely related to the verb thencan to think but distinct from it in Old English later it merged with think and lost this meaning Relic pronouns Edit The modern objective case pronoun whom is derived from the dative case in Old English specifically the Old English dative pronoun hwam as opposed to the modern subjective who which descends from Old English hwa though whom also absorbed the functions of the Old English accusative pronoun hwone It is also cognate to the word wem the dative form of wer in German The OED defines all classical uses of the word whom in situations where the indirect object is not known clarification needed in effect indicating the anonymity of the indirect object Likewise some of the object forms of personal pronouns are remnants of Old English datives For example him goes back to the Old English dative him accusative was hine and her goes back to the dative hire accusative was hie These pronouns are not pure datives in modern English they are also used for functions previously indicated by the accusative Modern English Edit The indirect object of the verb may be placed between the verb and the direct object of the verb he gave me a book or he wrote me a poem The indirect object may also be expressed using a prepositional phrase using to he gave a book to me German EditIn general the dative German Dativ is used to mark the indirect object of a German sentence For example Ich schickte dem Mann e das Buch literally I sent to the man the book Masculine Ich gab der Frau den Stift zuruck literally I gave to the woman the pencil back Feminine Ich uberreiche dem Kind e ein Geschenk literally I hand to the child a present NeuterIn English the first sentence can be rendered as I sent the book to the man and as I sent the man the book where the indirect object is identified in English by standing in front of the direct object The normal word order in German is to put the dative in front of the accusative as in the example above However since the German dative is marked in form it can also be put after the accusative Ich schickte das Buch dem Mann e The e after Mann and Kind signifies a now largely archaic e ending for certain nouns in the dative It survives today almost exclusively in set phrases such as zu Hause at home lit to house im Zuge in the course of and am Tage during the day lit at the day as well as in occasional usage in formal prose poetry and song lyrics Some masculine nouns and one neuter noun Herz heart referred to as weak nouns or n nouns take an n or en in the dative singular and plural Many are masculine nouns ending in e in the nominative such as Name name Beamte officer and Junge boy although not all such nouns follow this rule Many also whether or not they fall into the former category refer to people animals professions or titles exceptions to this include the aforementioned Herz and Name as well as Buchstabe letter Friede peace Obelisk obelisk Planet planet and others Certain German prepositions require the dative aus from ausser out of bei at near entgegen against gegenuber opposite mit with nach after to seit since von from and zu at in to Some other prepositions an at auf on entlang along hinter behind in in into neben beside next to uber over across unter under below vor in front of and zwischen among between may be used with dative indicating current location or accusative indicating direction toward something Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch e dative The book is lying on the table but Ich lege das Buch auf den Tisch accusative I put the book onto the table In addition the four prepositions an statt in place of trotz in spite of wahrend during and wegen because of which require the genitive in modern formal language are most commonly used with the dative in colloquial German For example because of the weather is expressed as wegen dem Wetter instead of the formally correct wegen des Wetters Other prepositions requiring the genitive in formal language are combined with von of in colloquial style e g ausserhalb vom Garten instead of ausserhalb des Gartens outside the garden Note that the concept of an indirect object may be rendered by a prepositional phrase In this case the noun s or pronoun s case is determined by the preposition not by its function in the sentence Consider this sentence Ich sandte das Buch zum Verleger I sent the book to the editor Here the subject Ich is in the nominative case the direct object das Buch is in the accusative case and zum Verleger is in the dative case since zu always requires the dative zum is a contraction of zu dem However Ich habe das Buch an meinen Freund accusative weitergegeben I forwarded the book to my friend weitergeben lit to give further In this sentence Freund is the indirect object but because it follows an direction the accusative is required not the dative All of the articles change in the dative case Masculine Feminine Neuter PluralDefinite article dem der dem denIndefinite article einem einer einem O the semantically closest word would be einigen dative plural of einig Negative articles keinem keiner keinem keinenSome German verbs require the dative for their direct objects Common examples are antworten to answer danken to thank gefallen to please folgen to follow glauben to believe helfen to help and raten to advise In each case the direct object of the verb is rendered in the dative For example Meine Freunde helfen mir My friends help me These verbs cannot be used in normal passive constructions because German allows these only for verbs with accusative objects It is therefore ungrammatical to say Ich werde geholfen I am helped Instead a special construction called impersonal passive must be used Mir wird geholfen literally To me is helped A colloquial non standard way to form the passive voice for dative verbs is the following Ich kriege geholfen or Ich bekomme geholfen literally I get helped The use of the verb to get here reminds us that the dative case has something to do with giving and receiving In German help is not something you perform on somebody but rather something you offer them The dative case is also used with reflexive sich verbs when specifying what part of the self the verb is being done to Ich wasche mich accusative I wash myself Ich wasche mir die Hande dative I wash my hands literally I wash for myself the hands Cf the respective accord in French Les enfants se sont laves the children have washed themselves vs Les enfants se sont lave uninflected les mains their hands German can use two datives to make sentences like Sei mir meinem Sohn e gnadig For my sake have mercy on my son Literally Be for me to my son merciful The first dative mir for me expresses the speaker s commiseration much like the dativus ethicus in Latin see below The second dative meinem Sohn e to my son names the actual object of the plea Mercy is to be given to the son for or on behalf of his mother father Adjective endings also change in the dative case There are three inflection possibilities depending on what precedes the adjective They most commonly use weak inflection when preceded by a definite article the mixed inflection after an indefinite article a an and strong inflection when a quantity is indicated many green apples Adj in dative case Masculine Feminine Neuter PluralWeak inflection en en en enMixed inflection en en en enStrong inflection em er em enLatin EditFurther information Latin syntax Examples of case use There are several uses for the dative case Dativus Dativus finalis dative of purpose e g non scholae sed vitae we learn not for school but for life auxilio vocare to call for help venio auxilio I m coming for help accipio dono I receive this as a gift or puellae ornamento est this is for the girl s decoration or for decoration for the girl as puellae could be either dative or genitive Dativus commŏdi incommodi which means action for or against somebody e g Graecis agros colere to till fields for Greeks Combination of Dativus commodi and finalis double dative tibi laetitiae to you for joy Dativus possessivus possessive dative which means possession e g angelis alae sunt literally to or for the angels are wings this is typically found with a copula and translated as angels have wings Dativus ethicus ethic dative indicates that the person in the dative is or should be especially concerned about the action e g Quid mihi Celsus agit What is Celsus doing for me expressing the speaker being especially interested in what Celsus is doing for him or her 6 or Cui prodest Whose interest does this serve literally To whom does this do good Dativus auctoris meaning in the eyes of e g vir bonus mihi videtur he seems to me to be a good man The dative expresses agency with the gerundive when the gerundive is used to convey obligation or necessity 7 e g haec nobis agenda sunt these things must be done by us Greek EditAncient Edit In addition to its main function as the dativus the dative case has other functions in Classical Greek 8 The chart below uses the Latin names for the types of dative the Greek name for the dative is dotikh ptῶsis like its Latin equivalent derived from the verb to give in Ancient Greek didwmi Dativus finalis The dativus finalis or the dative of purpose is when the dative is used to denote the purpose of a certain action For example tῷ basileῖ maxomai I fight for the king 8nῄskw tῇ timῇ I die for honour Dativus commŏdi incommodi The dativus commodi sive incommodi or the dative of benefit or harm is the dative that expresses the advantage or disadvantage of something for someone For example For the benefit of pᾶs ἀnὴr aὑtῷ poneῖ Sophocles Ajax 1366 Every man toils for himself For the harm or disadvantage of ἥde ἡ ἡmera toῖs Ἕllhsi megalwn kakῶn ἄr3ei Thucydides 2 12 4 This day will be the beginning of great sorrows for the Greeks i e for their disadvantage Dativus possessivus The dativus possessivus or the dative of possession is the dative used to denote the possessor of a certain object or objects For example ἄllois mὲn gὰr xrhmata ἐsti pollὰ kaὶ ἵppoi ἡmῖn dὲ 3ymmaxoi ἀga8oi Thucycdides 1 86 3 For others have a lot of money and ships and horses but we have good allies i e To others there is a lot of money Dativus ethicus The dativus ethicus or the ethic or polite dative is when the dative is used to signify that the person or thing spoken of is regarded with interest by someone This dative is mostly if not exclusively used in pronouns As such it is also called the dative of pronouns For example toytῳ pany moi prosexete tὸn noῦn Demosthenes 18 178 Pay close attention to this I beg you i e please pay ὦ mῆter ὡs kalos moi ὁ pappos Xenophon Cyropaedia 18 178 Oh mother how handsome grandpa is I ve just realized Dativus auctoris The dativus auctoris or the dative of agent is the dative used to denote the doer of an action Note however that in Classical Greek the agent is usually in the genitive after ὑpo by at the hands of The agent is in the dative most often with the perfect and pluperfect passive and with the verbal adjective in teos For example pollaὶ 8erapeῖai toῖs ἰatroῖs eὕrhntai Isocrates 8 39 Many cures have been discovered by doctors Dativus instrumenti The dativus instrumenti or the dative of instrument is when the dative is used to denote an instrument or means of a certain action or more accurately as the instrumental case For example me kteinei dolῳ Homer Odyssey 9 407 He kills me with a bait i e by means of a bait Dativus modi The dativus modi or the dative of manner is the dative used to describe the manner or way by which something happened For example nosῳ ὕsteron ἀpo8anonta Thucydides 8 84 having died of from a disease Dativus mensurae The dativus mensurae or the dative of measurement is the dative used to denote the measurement of difference For example tῇ kefalῇ meizona Plato Phaedo 101a taller by a head makrῷ ἄristos Plato Laws 729d by far the best The articles in the Greek dative are Definite article Masculine Neuter FeminineSingular TWI tῳ THI tῃ Plural TOIS tois TAIS tais Modern Edit The dative case strictly speaking no longer exists in Modern Greek except in fossilized expressions like do3a tw 8ew from the ecclesiastical tῷ 8eῷ do3a Glory to God or en ta3ei ἐn ta3ei lit in order i e all right or OK Otherwise most of the functions of the dative have been subsumed in the accusative Slavic languages EditIn Russian the dative case is used for indicating the indirect object of an action that to which something is given thrown read etc In the instance where a person is the goal of motion dative is used instead of accusative to indicate motion toward This is usually achieved with the preposition k destination in dative case K vrachu meaning to the doctor Dative is also the necessary case taken by certain prepositions when expressing certain ideas For instance when the preposition po is used to mean along its object is always in dative case as in Po bokam meaning along the sides Other Slavic languages apply the dative case and the other cases more or less the same way as does Russian some languages may use the dative in other ways The following examples are from Polish after certain verbs dziekowac komus to thank someone pomoc komus to help someone wierzyc komus to believe someone in certain expressions Czy podoba ci sie piosenka Do you like the song Jest mi zimno I m cold Jest nam smutno We re feeling sad Bedzie wam trudniej It will be more difficult for you guys Snilo jej sie ze She dreamt that dativus commodi to indicate action for somebody Zbuduje temu czlowiekowi dom I will build a house for this person when something is taken away or something occurs to someone Zdechl im pies Their dog died Zabrali mu komputer They took away his computer Zepsul nam sie samochod Our car broke down Cos mi sie przypomnialo I just remembered something Some other kinds of dative use as found in the Serbo Croatian language are Dativus finalis Titaniku u pomoc to Titanic s rescue Dativus commodi incommodi Operi svojoj majci suđe Wash the dishes for your mother Dativus possessivus Ovcama je dlaka gusta Sheep s hair is thick Dativus ethicus Sta mi radi Boni What is Boni doing I am especially interested in what it is and Dativus auctoris Izgleda mi okej It seems okay to me clarification needed Unusual in other Indo European branches but common among Slavic languages endings of nouns and adjectives are different based on grammatical function Other factors are gender and number In some cases the ending may not be obvious even when those three factors function gender number are considered For example in Polish syn son and ojciec father are both masculine singular nouns yet appear as syn synowi and ojciec ojcu in the dative Baltic languages EditBoth Lithuanian and Latvian have a distinct dative case in the system of nominal declensions Lithuanian nouns preserve Indo European inflections in the dative case fairly well o stems vaikas gt sg vaikui pl vaikams a stems ranka gt sg rankai pl rankoms i stems viltis gt sg vilciai pl viltims u stems sunus gt sg sunui pl sunums consonant stems vanduo gt sg vandeniui pl vandenims Adjectives in the dative case receive pronominal endings this might be the result of a more recent development tas geras vaikas gt sg tam geram vaikui pl tiems geriems vaikams The dative case in Latvian underwent further simplifications the original masculine endings of both nouns and adjectives have been replaced with pronominal inflections tas virs gt sg tam viram pl tiem viriem Also the final s in all Dative forms has been dropped The only exception is personal pronouns in the plural mums to us jums to you Note that in colloquial Lithuanian the final s in the dative is often omitted as well time geriem vaikam In both Latvian and Lithuanian the main function of the dative case is to render the indirect object in a sentence lt as duodu vyrui knyga lv es dodu duodu viram gramatu I am giving a book to the man The dative case can also be used with gerundives to indicate an action preceding or simultaneous with the main action in a sentence lt jam įejus visi atsistojo when he walked in everybody stood up lit to him having walked in all stood up lt jai miegant visi dirbo while she slept everybody was working lit to her sleeping all were working In modern standard Lithuanian Dative case is not required by prepositions although in many dialects it is done frequently dial iki D siai dienai stand iki G sios dienos up until this day In Latvian the dative case is taken by several prepositions in the singular and all prepositions in the plural due to peculiar historical changes sg bez G tevis without thee pl bez D jums without you sg pa A celu along the road pl pa D celiem along the roads Armenian Edit clarification needed In modern Eastern Armenian the dative is attained by adding any article to the genitive dog շուն GEN gt շան of the dog dog s with no articles DAT gt շանը or շանն to the dog with definite articles ն if preceding a vowel DAT gt մի շան to a dog with indefinite article DAT gt շանս to my dog with 1st person possessive article DAT gt շանդ to your dog with 2nd person possessive articleThere is a general tendency to view ին as the standard dative suffix but only because that is its most productive and therefore common form The suffix ին as a dative marker is nothing but the standard most common genitive suffix ի accompanied by the definite article ն But the dative case encompasses indefinite objects as well which will not be marked by ին Definite DAT gt Ես գիրքը տվեցի տղային I gave the book to the boy Indefinite DAT gt Ես գիրքը տվեցի մի տղայի I gave the book to a boy The main function of the dative marking in Armenian is to indicate the receiving end of an action more commonly the indirect object which in English is preceded by the preposition to In the use of giving verbs like give donate offer deliver sell bring the dative marks the recipient With communicative verbs like tell say advise explain ask answer the dative marks the listener Other verbs whose indirect objects are marked by the dative case in Armenian are show reach look approach Eastern Armenian also uses the dative case to mark the time of an event in the same way English uses the preposition at as in Meet me at nine o clock Indo Aryan languages EditHindustani Hindi Urdu Edit Hindustani Hindi Urdu has true dative case for pronouns but for nouns the dative case has to be constructed using the dative case marker postposition क کو ko to the nouns in their oblique case Pronouns in Hindustani also have an oblique case so dative pronouns can also be alternatively constructed using the dative case marker क کو ko with the pronouns in their oblique case hence forming two sets of synonymous dative pronouns The following table shows the pronouns in their nominative and their dative forms Hindustani lacks pronouns in the third person and the demonstrative pronouns double as the third person pronouns 9 1 Case Personal Pronouns Non Personal Pronouns1st Person 2nd Person Demonstrative Relative InterrogativeIntimate Neutral Formal Proximal DistalSingular Plural Singular Singular amp Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular PluralNominative म میںma i हम ہمham त توtu त म تمtum आप آپap यह یہyah य یےye वह وہvah व وےve ज جوjo क न کونkaunDative म झ مجھےmujhe हम ہمیںhamẽ त झ تجھےtujhe त म ह تمھیںtumhẽ इस اسےise इन ह انہیںinhẽ उस اسےuse उन ह انہیںunhẽ ज स جسےjise ज न ह جنہیںjinhẽ क स کیسےkise क न ह کنھیںkinhẽThe table below shows the oblique cases of Hindustani for the nouns boy and girl which take in the dative case marker after them to assign the combination of the oblique case and the case marker the dative case The oblique case of Hindustani by itself has no meaning and adding the case marker क کو ko assigns the oblique case the function of the dative case 10 11 12 13 2 Case boy girlSingular Plural Singular PluralNominative लड क لڑکاlaṛka लड क لڑکےlaṛke लड क لڑکیlaṛki लड क य لڑکیاںlaṛkiya Dative लड क क لڑکے کوlaṛke ko लड क क لڑکوں کوlaṛko ko लड क क لڑکی کوlaṛki ko लड क य क لڑکیوں کوlaṛkiyo koDative case in Hindustani can also mark the subject of a sentence This is called the dative construction or quirky subjects 1 In the examples below the dative pronoun passes the subjecthood test of subject oriented anaphora binding The dative subject म झ مجھے mujhe binds the anaphora अपन اپنے apne म झ مجھےmujheiI DATअपन اپنےapneiREFL MASC PLसभ سبھیsabhiall NOMर श त द रرشتےدارrishtedarrelatives MASC PLपस दپسندpasandlikeह ہیںhɛ be PRS MASC PLम झ अपन सभ र श त द र पस द ह مجھے اپنے سبھی رشتےدار پسند ہیںmujhei apnei sabhi rishtedar pasand hɛ I DAT REFL MASC PL all NOM relatives MASC PL like be PRS MASC PL I like all my relatives म झ مجھےmujheiI DATअपन اپنےapneiREFL MASC PLक मکامkamwork NOMकरन کرنےkarnedo INF PTCP MASC PLह ہیںhɛ be PRS MASC PLम झ अपन क म करन ह مجھے اپنے کام کرنے ہیںmujhei apnei kam karne hɛ I DAT REFL MASC PL work NOM do INF PTCP MASC PL be PRS MASC PL I have want to do my work Sanskrit Edit The dative case is known as the fourth case chaturthi vibhakti in the usual procedure in the declension of nouns Its use is mainly for the indirect object Non Indo European languages EditHungarian Edit As with many other languages the dative case is used in Hungarian to show the indirect object of a verb For example Danielnek adtam ezt a konyvet I gave this book to Daniel It has two suffixes nak and nek the correct one is selected by vowel harmony The personal dative pronouns follow the nek version nekem neked etc This case is also used to express for in certain circumstances such as I bought a gift for Mother In possessive constructions the nak nek endings are also used but this is not the dative form rather the attributive or possessive case 14 Finnish Edit Finnish does not have a separate dative case However the allative case can fulfill essentially the same role as dative beyond its primary meaning of directional movement that is going somewhere or approaching someone For example He lahjoittivat kaikki rahansa koyhille They donated all their money to the poor Tsez Edit In the Northeast Caucasian languages such as Tsez the dative also takes the functions of the lative case in marking the direction of an action By some linguists they are still regarded as two separate cases in those languages although the suffixes are exactly the same for both cases Other linguists list them separately only for the purpose of separating syntactic cases from locative cases An example with the ditransitive verb show literally make see is given below Kidbakidb agirl OBL ERGuzhihoruzi qo rboy POSS DAT LATkIetIukʼetʼucat III ABSbikvarho b ikʷa r xoIII see CAUS PRESKidba uzhihor kIetIu bikvarho kidb a uzi qo r kʼetʼu b ikʷa r xogirl OBL ERG boy POSS DAT LAT cat III ABS III see CAUS PRES The girl shows the cat to the boy The dative lative is also used to indicate possession as in the example below because there is no such verb as to have Kidbehorkidbe qo rgirl OBL POSS DAT LATkIetIukʼetʼucat ABSzovsi zow sibe PST PSTKidbehor kIetIu zovsi kidbe qo r kʼetʼu zow sigirl OBL POSS DAT LAT cat ABS be PST PST The girl had a cat As in the examples above the dative lative case usually occurs in combination with another suffix as poss lative case this should not be regarded as a separate case however as many of the locative cases in Tsez are constructed analytically hence they are in fact a combination of two case suffixes See Tsez language Locative case suffixes for further details Verbs of perception or emotion like see know love want also require the logical subject to stand in the dative lative case Note that in this example the pure dative lative without its POSS suffix is used GIalirʻAli rAli DAT LATPatIiPatʼiFatima II ABSjetih y eti xII love PRESGIalir PatIi jetih ʻAli r Patʼi y eti xAli DAT LAT Fatima II ABS II love PRES Ali loves Fatima Turkish Edit The dative case yonelme durumu in Turkish language is formed by adding the e or a suffixes to the end of the noun in accordance with the effected noun s vowel harmony The word that should be in the dative case can be found as an answer to the questions neye to what kime to whom and nereye to where will lead to find a dative case in a sentence 15 There are many different uses for the dative case The dative also is for objects usually indirect objects but sometimes objects that in English would be considered direct Gunesinsun sbatisinaat its sinkingbak lookGunesin batisina bak sun s at its sinking look Look at the sunset The dative case tells whither that is the place to which Thus it has roughly the meaning of the English prepositions to and into and also in when it can be replaced with into Birayithe beerbuzdolabinainto iceboxkoy putBirayi buzdolabina koy the beer into icebox put Put the beer in to the fridge See also EditDative construction Declension in English Double dativeReferences Edit a b Bhatt Rajesh 2003 Experiencer subjects Handout from MIT course Structure of the Modern Indo Aryan Languages dotikos Liddell Henry George Scott Robert A Greek English Lexicon at the Perseus Project Dionysius Thrax texnh grammatikh Art of Grammar section ib 10b perὶ ὀnomatos On the noun Bibliotheca Augustana Objective case grammar about education Retrieved 2016 01 29 Personal pronoun Oxford Dictionaries Oxford University Press Archived from the original on June 30 2013 Retrieved 2016 01 29 Generating amp parsing clitics with getarun 1999 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 28 10 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Wheelock Frederic 2011 Wheelock s Latin New York HarperCollins p 195 ISBN 978 0 06 199722 8 Morwood James Oxford Grammar of Classical Greek Oxford University Press 2002 ISBN 0 19 521851 5 Hindi Pronouns hindilanguage info 2012 04 20 Retrieved 2020 08 17 Case in Hindi Mark Spencer 2005 Archived copy PDF Archived from the original PDF on 2020 09 24 Retrieved 2020 08 17 a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint archived copy as title link Montrul Silvina Bhatia Archna Bhatt Rakesh Puri Vandana 2019 Case Marking in Hindi as the Weaker Language Frontiers in Psychology 10 461 doi 10 3389 fpsyg 2019 00461 ISSN 1664 1078 PMC 6433818 PMID 30941069 Archived copy Archived from the original on 2020 09 24 Retrieved 2020 08 17 a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint archived copy as title link Ignatius Singer Simplified Grammar of the Hungarian Language 1882 Sarica Bedri 2006 Problem of the Confusion of the Case Endings Dative and Accusative in Turkish PDF ILMi ARASTIRMALAR 22 205 218 Archived from the original PDF on 2019 11 08 Retrieved 2019 11 08 External links EditGerman dative case A lesson covering the dative case in the German language Hungarian dative case from www HungarianReference com Russian Dative 3 4 5 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Dative case amp oldid 1132573147, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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