
Carolingian Renaissance

The Carolingian Renaissance was the first of three medieval renaissances, a period of cultural activity in the Carolingian Empire. Charlemagne's reign led to an intellectual revival beginning in the 8th century and continuing throughout the 9th century, taking inspiration from "ancient Roman and Greek culture"[1] and the Christian Roman Empire of the fourth century. During this period, there was an increase of literature, writing, visual arts, architecture, music, jurisprudence, liturgical reforms, and scriptural studies. Carolingian schools were effective centers of education, and they served generations of scholars by producing editions and copies of the classics, both Christian and pagan.[2]

Carolingian minuscule, one of the products of the Carolingian Renaissance.

The movement occurred mostly during the reigns of Carolingian rulers Charlemagne and Louis the Pious. It was supported by the scholars of the Carolingian court, notably Alcuin of York.[3] Charlemagne's Admonitio generalis (789) and Epistola de litteris colendis served as manifestos. Alcuin wrote on subjects ranging from grammar and biblical exegesis to arithmetic and astronomy. He also collected rare books, which formed the nucleus of the library at York Cathedral. His enthusiasm for learning made him an effective teacher. Alcuin writes:[4][5][6]

In the morning, at the height of my powers, I sowed the seed in Britain, now in the evening when my blood is growing cold I am still sowing in France, hoping both will grow, by the grace of God, giving some the honey of the holy scriptures, making others drunk on the old wine of ancient learning

Another prominent figure in the Carolingian renaissance was Theodulf of Orléans, a refugee from the Umayyad invasion of Spain who became involved in the cultural circle at the imperial court before Charlemagne appointed him bishop of Orléans. Theodulf’s greatest contribution to learning was his scholarly edition of the Vulgate Bible, drawing on manuscripts from Spain, Italy, and Gaul, and even the original Hebrew.[7]

The effects of this cultural revival were mostly limited to a small group of court literati.[1] According to John Contreni, "it had a spectacular effect on education and culture in Francia, a debatable effect on artistic endeavors, and an unmeasurable effect on what mattered most to the Carolingians, the moral regeneration of society".[8][9] The secular and ecclesiastical leaders of the Carolingian Renaissance made efforts to write better Latin, to copy and preserve patristic and classical texts, and to develop a more legible, classicizing script, with clearly distinct capital and minuscule letters. It was the Carolingian minuscule that Renaissance humanists took to be Roman and employed as humanist minuscule, from which has developed early modern Italic script. They also applied rational ideas to social issues for the first time in centuries, providing a common language and writing style that enabled communication throughout most of Europe.

Background edit

Lorsch Abbey gatehouse, c. 800, an example of the Carolingian architectural style - a first, albeit isolated classical movement in architecture

As Pierre Riché points out, the expression "Carolingian Renaissance" does not imply that Western Europe was barbaric or obscurantist before the Carolingian era.[10] The centuries following the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West did not see an abrupt disappearance of the ancient schools, from which emerged Martianus Capella, Cassiodorus and Boethius, essential icons of the Roman cultural heritage in the Middle Ages, thanks to which the disciplines of liberal arts were preserved.[11] The 7th century saw the "Isidorian Renaissance" in the Visigothic Kingdom of Hispania[12] in which sciences flourished[13][14][15] and the integration of Christian and pre-Christian thought occurred,[16] while the spread of Irish monastic schools (scriptoria) over Europe laid the groundwork for the Carolingian Renaissance.[17][18]

There were numerous factors in this cultural expansion, the most obvious of which was that Charlemagne's uniting of most of Western Europe brought about peace and stability, which set the stage for prosperity. This period marked an economic revival in Western Europe, following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. Local economies in the West had degenerated into largely subsistence agriculture by the early seventh century, with towns functioning merely as places of gift-exchange for the elite.[19] By the late seventh century, developed urban settlements had emerged, populated mostly by craftsmen, merchants and boaters and boasting street grids, artisanal production as well as regional and long-distance trade.[19] A prime example of this type of emporium was Dorestad.[19]

The development of the Carolingian economy was fueled by the efficient organization and exploitation of labor on large estates, producing a surplus of primarily grain, wine and salt.[20][21] In turn, inter-regional trade in these commodities facilitated the expansion of towns.[20][21] Archaeological data shows the continuation of this upward trend in the early eighth century.[19] The zenith of the early Carolingian economy was reached from 775 to 830, coinciding with the largest surpluses of the period, large-scale building of churches as well as overpopulation and three famines that showed the limits of the system.[22] After a period of disruption from 830 to 850, caused by civil wars and Viking raids, economic development resumed in the 850s, with the emporiums disappearing completely and being replaced by fortified commercial towns.[22]

One of the major causes of the sudden economic growth was the slave trade. Following the rise of the Arab empires, the Arab elites created a major demand for slaves with European slaves particularly prized. As a result of Charlemagne's wars of conquest in Eastern Europe, a steady supply of captured Slavs, Avars, Saxons and Danes reached merchants in Western Europe, who then exported the slaves via Ampurias, Girona and the Pyrenees passes to Muslim Spain and other parts of the Arab world.[23] The market for slaves was so lucrative that it almost immediately transformed the long-distance trade of the European economies.[24][25] The slave trade enabled the West to re-engage with the Muslim and Eastern Roman empires so that other industries, such as textiles, were able to grow in Europe as well.[26]

Import edit

Kenneth Clark was of the view that by means of the Carolingian Renaissance, Western civilization survived by the skin of its teeth.[27] However, the use of the term renaissance to describe this period is contested, notably by Lynn Thorndike,[28] due to the majority of changes brought about by this period being confined almost entirely to the clergy, and due to the period lacking the wide-ranging social movements of the later Italian Renaissance.[29] Instead of being a rebirth of new cultural movements, the period was more an attempt to recreate the previous culture of the Roman Empire.[30] The Carolingian Renaissance in retrospect also has some of the character of a false dawn, in that its cultural gains were largely dissipated within a couple of generations, a perception voiced by Walahfrid Strabo (died 849), in his introduction to Einhard's Life of Charlemagne,[n 1] summing up the generation of renewal:

Charlemagne was able to offer the cultureless and, I might say, almost completely unenlightened territory of the realm which God had entrusted to him, a new enthusiasm for all human knowledge. In its earlier state of barbarousness, his kingdom had been hardly touched at all by any such zeal, but now it opened its eyes to God's illumination. In our own time the thirst for knowledge is disappearing again: the light of wisdom is less and less sought after and is now becoming rare again in most men's minds.[32]

Scholarly efforts edit

A lack of Latin literacy in eighth-century western Europe caused problems for the Carolingian rulers by severely limiting the number of people capable of serving as court scribes in societies where Latin was valued. Of even greater concern to some rulers was the fact that not all parish priests possessed the skill to read the Vulgate Bible. An additional problem was that the vulgar Latin of the later Western Roman Empire had begun to diverge into the regional dialects, the precursors to today's Romance languages, that were becoming mutually unintelligible and preventing scholars from one part of Europe being able to communicate with persons from another part of Europe.

Alcuin (pictured centre), was one of the leading scholars of the Carolingian Renaissance.

To address these problems, Charlemagne ordered the creation of schools in a capitulary known as the Charter of Modern Thought, issued in 787.[33] A major part of his program of reform was to attract many of the leading scholars of the Christendom of his day to his court. Among the first called to court were Italians: Peter of Pisa, who from 776 to about 790 instructed Charlemagne in Latin, and from 776 to 787 Paulinus of Aquileia, whom Charlemagne nominated as patriarch of Aquileia in 787. The Lombard Paul the Deacon was brought to court in 782 and remained until 787, when Charles nominated him abbot of Montecassino. Theodulf of Orléans was a Spanish Goth who served at court from 782 to 797 when nominated as bishop of Orléans. Theodulf had been in friendly competition over the standardization of the Vulgate with the chief among the Charlemagne's scholars, Alcuin of York. Alcuin was a Northumbrian monk and deacon who served as head of the Palace School from 782 to 796, except for the years 790 to 793 when he returned to England. After 796, he continued his scholarly work as abbot of St. Martin's Monastery in Tours.[29] Among those to follow Alcuin across the Channel to the Frankish court was Joseph Scottus, an Irishman who left some original biblical commentary and acrostic experiments. After this first generation of non-Frankish scholars, their Frankish pupils, such as Angilbert, would make their own mark.

The later courts of Louis the Pious and Charles the Bald had similar groups of scholars many of whom were of Irish origin. The Irish monk Dicuil attended the former court, and the more famous Irishman John Scotus Eriugena attended the latter becoming head of the Palace School at Aachen.

One of the primary efforts was the creation of a standardized curriculum for use at the recently created schools. Alcuin led this effort and was responsible for the writing of textbooks, creation of word lists, and establishing the trivium and quadrivium as the basis for education.[34]

Another contribution from this period was the development of Carolingian minuscule, a "book-hand" first used at the monasteries of Corbie and Tours that introduced the use of lower-case letters. A standardized version of Latin was also developed that allowed for the coining of new words while retaining the grammatical rules of Classical Latin. This Medieval Latin became a common language of scholarship and allowed administrators and travellers to make themselves understood in various regions of Europe.[35]

The earliest concept of Europe as a distinct cultural region (instead of simply a geographic area) appeared during the Carolingian Renaissance of the 9th century, and included the territories which practiced Western Christianity at the time.[36]

Carolingian workshops produced over 100,000 manuscripts in the 9th century, of which some 6000 to 7000 survive.[37] The Carolingians produced the earliest surviving copies of the works of Cicero, Horace, Martial, Statius, Lucretius, Terence, Julius Caesar, Boethius and Martianus Capella.[38] No copies of the texts of these authors were made in the Latin West in the 7th and 8th centuries.[38]

Reform of Latin pronunciation edit

According to Roger Wright, the Carolingian Renaissance is responsible for the modern-day pronunciation of Ecclesiastical Latin. Up until that point there had been no conceptual distinction between Latin and Romance; the former was simply regarded as the written form of the latter. For instance in early medieval Spain the word for 'century'—which would have been pronounced */sjeglo/— was properly spelled ⟨saeculum⟩, as it had been for the better part of a millennium. The scribe would not have read aloud ⟨saeculum⟩ as /sɛkulum/ any more than an English speaker today would pronounce ⟨knight⟩ as */knɪxt/ rather than /naɪt/.[39]

Non-native speakers of Latin, however—such as clergy of Anglo-Saxon or Irish origin—appear to have used a rather different pronunciation, presumably attempting to sound out each word according to its spelling. The Carolingian Renaissance in France introduced this artificial pronunciation for the first time to native speakers as well. No longer would, for instance, the word ⟨viridiarium⟩ 'orchard' be read aloud as the equivalent Old French word */verdʒjǽr/. It now had to be pronounced precisely as spelled, with all six syllables: /viridiarium/.[40]

Such a radical change had the effect of rendering Latin sermons completely unintelligible to the general Romance-speaking public, which prompted officials a few years later, at the Council of Tours, to instruct priests to read sermons aloud in the old way, in rusticam romanam linguam or 'plain roman[ce] speech' (while the liturgy retained the new pronunciation to this day).[41]

As there was now no unambiguous way to indicate whether a given text was to be read aloud as Latin or Romance, and native Germanic speakers (such as church singers) numerous in the empire might have struggled to read words in Latin orthography according to Romance orthoepy, various attempts were made in France to devise a new orthography for the latter; among the earliest examples are parts of the Oaths of Strasbourg and the Sequence of Saint Eulalia. As the Carolingian Reforms spread the 'proper' Latin pronunciation from France to other Romance-speaking areas, local scholars eventually felt the need to create distinct spelling systems for their own vernaculars as well, thereby initiating the literary phase of Medieval Romance.[42] Writing in Romance does not appear to have become widespread until the Renaissance of the Twelfth Century, however.[43]

Carolingian art edit

Carolingian art spans the roughly hundred-year period from about 800–900. Although brief, it was an influential period. Northern Europe embraced classical Mediterranean Roman art forms for the first time, setting the stage for the rise of Romanesque art and eventually Gothic art in the West. Illuminated manuscripts, metalwork, small-scale sculpture, mosaics, and frescos survive from the period.

Carolingian architecture edit

Instrumental music
A musician playing a cithara that is thought to have evolved from the Greek lyre, from the 9th century Charles the Bald Bible.
Player with cithara that appears lute-like, from the 9th century Utrecht Psalter.
A cithara (word used by the early 9th century Stuttgart Psalter) being held as a citole three centuries later.
Documents created during the Carolingian Renaissance show the growth of instrumental music with new instruments. The images may document earlier European cythara (lute types) or else a "revival of the Roman kithara."[44]

Carolingian architecture is the style of North European architecture promoted by Charlemagne. The period of architecture spans the late eighth and ninth centuries until the reign of Otto I in 936, and was a conscious attempt to create a Roman Renaissance, emulating Roman, Early Christian and Byzantine architecture, with its own innovation, resulting in having a unique character.[45] This syncretic architectural style can be exemplified by the first church of St Mark's in Venice, fusing proto-Romanesque and Byzantine influences.[46]

There was a profusion of new clerical and secular buildings constructed during this period, John Contreni calculated that "The little more than eight decades between 768 to 855 alone saw the construction of 27 new cathedrals, 417 monasteries, and 100 royal residences".[45]

Carolingian currency edit

Around AD 755, Charlemagne's father Pepin the Short reformed the currency of the Frankish Kingdom.[47] A variety of local systems was standardized. Minor mints were closed and royal control over the remaining bigger mints strengthened,[47] increasing purity.[48] In place of the gold Roman and Byzantine solidus then common, he established a system based on a new .940-fine silver penny (Latin: denarius; French: denier) weighing 1/240 of a pound (librum, libra, or lira; livre).[48] (The Carolingian pound seems to have been about 489.5 grams,[49][50] making each penny about 2 grams.) As the debased solidus was then roughly equivalent to 11 of these pennies, the shilling (solidus; sol) was established at that value, making it 1/22 of the silver pound.[51] This was later adjusted to 12 and 1/20, respectively. During the Carolingian period, however, neither shillings or pounds were minted, being instead used as notional units of account.[48] (For instance, a "shilling" or "solidus" of grain was a measure equivalent to the amount of grain that 12 pennies could purchase.)[52] Despite the purity and quality of the new pennies, however, they were repeatedly rejected by traders throughout the Carolingian period in favor of the gold coins used elsewhere, a situation that led to repeated legislation against such refusal to accept the king's currency.[51]

The Carolingian system was imported to England by Offa of Mercia and other kings, where it formed the basis of English currency until the late 20th century.[48]

Gallery edit

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Einhard's use of the Roman historian Suetonius as a model for the new genre of biography is itself a marker for the Carolingian Renaissance.[31]

References edit

Citations edit

  1. ^ a b Rietbergen, P. J. A. N. (2000). A Short History of the Netherlands: From Prehistory to the Present Day (4th ed.). Amersfoort: Bekking. p. 29. ISBN 90-6109-440-2. OCLC 52849131.
  2. ^ The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Oxford University Press. 2005. p. 290-291. ISBN 978-0-19-280290-3.
  3. ^ Trompf (1973).
  4. ^ "Alcuin - Biography".
  5. ^ Tried by Fire: The Story of Christianity's First Thousand Years. Thomas Nelson. 22 March 2016. p. 325. ISBN 978-0-7180-1871-9.
  6. ^ The Art of Mathematics – Take Two: Tea Time in Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 30 June 2022. p. 300. ISBN 978-1-108-97642-8.
  7. ^ The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Oxford University Press. 2005. p. 1603. ISBN 978-0-19-280290-3.
  8. ^ Contreni (1984), p. 59.
  9. ^ Nelson (1986).
  10. ^ Pierre Riché, Les Carolingiens. Une famille qui fit l'Europe, Paris, Hachette, coll. « Pluriel », 1983 p. 354
  11. ^ Michel Lemoine, article Arts libéraux in Claude Gauvard (dir.), Dictionnaire du Moyen Âge, Paris, PUF, coll. « Quadrige », 2002 p. 94
  12. ^ Sur le sujet, voir Jacques Fontaine, Isidore de Séville et la culture classique dans l'Espagne wisigothique, Paris, 1959
  13. ^ Fernández-Morera, Darío (2016). The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise. Muslims, Christians and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain. ISI Books. p. 70. ISBN 9781504034692.
  14. ^ Fear, A. T. (1997). Lives of the Visigothic Fathers. Liverpool University. p. XXII-XXIII. ISBN 978-0853235828.
  15. ^ Kampers, Gerd (2008). Geschichte der Westgoten. Ferdinand Schöningh. p. 322. ISBN 9783506765178.
  16. ^ Jacques Fontaine, Isidore de Séville et la culture classique dans l'Espagne wisigothique, Paris, 1959
  17. ^ Pierre Riché, Éducation et culture dans l'Occident barbare (VIe-VIIIe siècles), Paris, Le Seuil, coll. « Points Histoire », 1995, 4e éd.. p.256-257, 264, 273-274, 297
  18. ^ Louis Halphen, Les Barbares, Paris, 1936, p. 236 ; Étienne Gilson, La Philosophie au Moyen Âge, Paris, 1944, p. 181.
  19. ^ a b c d Verhulst 2002, p. 133.
  20. ^ a b Verhulst 2002, p. 113.
  21. ^ a b Verhulst 2002, p. 135.
  22. ^ a b Verhulst 2002, p. 134.
  23. ^ Verhulst 2002, p. 105.
  24. ^ McCormick, Michael (1 November 2002). "New Light on the 'Dark Ages': How the Slave Trade Fuelled the Carolingian Economy". Past & Present. 177 (1): 17–54. doi:10.1093/past/177.1.17.
  25. ^ Frost, Peter (September 14, 2013). "From Slavs to Slaves". Evo and Proud.
  26. ^ Goody, Jack (2012). The Theft of History. Cambridge University Press. pp. 87–88. ISBN 9781107394704.
  27. ^ Clark, Civilization.
  28. ^ Thorndike (1943).
  29. ^ a b Scott (1964), p. 30.
  30. ^ Cantor (1993), p. 190.
  31. ^ Innes (1997).
  32. ^ Lewis Thorpe, tr., Einhard and Notker the Stammerer, Two Lives of Charlemagne, 1969:49f.
  33. ^ Carolingian Schools, Carolingian Schools of Thought.
  34. ^ Cantor (1993), p. 189.
  35. ^ Chambers & al. (1983), pp. 204–205.
  36. ^ Dr. Sanjay Kumar (2021). A Handbook of Political Geography. K.K. Publications. p. 127.
  37. ^ Buringh 2010, p. 237.
  38. ^ a b Buringh 2010, p. 139.
  39. ^ Wright, pp. 44–50
  40. ^ Wright, pp. 104–7
  41. ^ Wright, pp. 118-20
  42. ^ Wright, pp. 122–32, 143–4
  43. ^ Wright 2002, p. 151
  44. ^ Winternitz, Emanuel (July–December 1961). "THE SURVIVAL OF THE KITHARA AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE CITTERN, A Study in Morphology". Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. 24 (3/4): 213. doi:10.2307/750796. JSTOR 750796. S2CID 195057025. Retrieved 24 November 2016.
  45. ^ a b Contreni (1984), p. 63.
  46. ^ Brown, Thomas; Holmes, George (1988). The Oxford History of Medieval Europe. Great Britain: Oxford University Press. p. 55.
  47. ^ a b Allen (2009).
  48. ^ a b c d Chown (1994), p. 23.
  49. ^ Ferguson (1974), "Pound".
  50. ^ Munro (2012), p. 31.
  51. ^ a b Suchodolski (1983).
  52. ^ Scott (1964), p. 40.

Bibliography edit

  • Allen, Larry (2009), "Carolingian Reform", The Encyclopedia of Money, Sta. Barbara: ABC Clio, pp. 59–60, ISBN 978-1-59884-251-7.
  • Buringh, Eltjo (2010). Medieval Manuscript Production in the Latin West. Brill Publishers. ISBN 978-9004175198.
  • Cantor, Norman F. (1993). The Civilization of the Middle Ages: a completely revised and expanded edition of Medieval history, the life and death of a civilization. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-017033-2.
  • Chambers, Mortimer; et al. (1983), The Western Experience to 1715 (3rd ed.), New York: Alfred A. Knopf, ISBN 978-0-394-33085-3.
  • Chown, John F (1994), A History of Money from AD 800, London: Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-10279-7.
  • Contreni, John G. (1984), "The Carolingian Renaissance", Renaissances before the Renaissance: cultural revivals of late antiquity and the Middle Ages.
  • Ferguson, Wallace K. (1974), "Money and Coinage of the Age of Erasmus: An Historical and Analytical Glossary with Particular Reference to France, the Low Countries, England, the Rhineland, and Italy", The Correspondence of Erasmus: Letters 1 to 141: 1484 to 1500, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 311–349, ISBN 978-0-8020-1981-3.
  • Grier, James (Spring 2003), "Ademar de Chabannes, Carolingian Musical Practices, and "Nota Romana", Journal of the American Musicological Society, vol. 56, [University of California Press, American Musicological Society], pp. 43–98, doi:10.1525/jams.2003.56.1.43, JSTOR 10.1525/jams.2003.56.1.43.
  • Innes, M. (1997), "The classical tradition in the Carolingian Renaissance: Ninth-century encounters with Suetonius", International Journal of the Classical Tradition.
  • Munro, John H. (2012), "The Technology and Economics of Coinage Debasements in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: With Special Reference to the Low Countries and England", Money in the Pre-Industrial World: Bullion, Debasements, and Coin Substitutes, Pickering & Chatto, republished 2016 by Routledge, pp. 30 ff, ISBN 978-1-84893-230-2.
  • Nelson, Janet L. (1986), "On the limits of the Carolingian renaissance", Politics and Ritual in Early Medieval Europe.
  • Panofsky, Erwin. Renaissance and Renascences in Western Art. New York/Evanston: Harpers Torchbooks, 1969.
  • Scott, Martin (1964), Medieval Europe, New York: Dorset Press, ISBN 978-0-88029-115-6.
  • Suchodolski, Stanislaw (1983), "On the Rejection of Good Coin in Carolingian Europe", Studies in Numismatic Method: Presented to Philip Grierson, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 147–152, ISBN 978-0-521-22503-8.
  • Thorndike, Lynn (1943), "Renaissance or Prenaissance?", Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. No. 4, pp. 65 ff.
  • Trompf, G.W. (1973), "The concept of the Carolingian Renaissance", Journal of the History of Ideas, pp. 3 ff.
  • Wright, Roger (1982). Late Latin and Early Romance in Spain and Carolingian France. Liverpool: Francis Cairns.
  • Verhulst, Adriaan (2002). The Carolingian Economy. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-00474-9.

External links edit

  • The Carolingian Renaissance, BBC Radio 4 discussion with Matthew Innes, Julia Smith & Mary Garrison (In Our Time, Mar, 30, 2006)

carolingian, renaissance, first, three, medieval, renaissances, period, cultural, activity, carolingian, empire, charlemagne, reign, intellectual, revival, beginning, century, continuing, throughout, century, taking, inspiration, from, ancient, roman, greek, c. The Carolingian Renaissance was the first of three medieval renaissances a period of cultural activity in the Carolingian Empire Charlemagne s reign led to an intellectual revival beginning in the 8th century and continuing throughout the 9th century taking inspiration from ancient Roman and Greek culture 1 and the Christian Roman Empire of the fourth century During this period there was an increase of literature writing visual arts architecture music jurisprudence liturgical reforms and scriptural studies Carolingian schools were effective centers of education and they served generations of scholars by producing editions and copies of the classics both Christian and pagan 2 Carolingian minuscule one of the products of the Carolingian Renaissance The movement occurred mostly during the reigns of Carolingian rulers Charlemagne and Louis the Pious It was supported by the scholars of the Carolingian court notably Alcuin of York 3 Charlemagne s Admonitio generalis 789 and Epistola de litteris colendis served as manifestos Alcuin wrote on subjects ranging from grammar and biblical exegesis to arithmetic and astronomy He also collected rare books which formed the nucleus of the library at York Cathedral His enthusiasm for learning made him an effective teacher Alcuin writes 4 5 6 In the morning at the height of my powers I sowed the seed in Britain now in the evening when my blood is growing cold I am still sowing in France hoping both will grow by the grace of God giving some the honey of the holy scriptures making others drunk on the old wine of ancient learning Another prominent figure in the Carolingian renaissance was Theodulf of Orleans a refugee from the Umayyad invasion of Spain who became involved in the cultural circle at the imperial court before Charlemagne appointed him bishop of Orleans Theodulf s greatest contribution to learning was his scholarly edition of the Vulgate Bible drawing on manuscripts from Spain Italy and Gaul and even the original Hebrew 7 The effects of this cultural revival were mostly limited to a small group of court literati 1 According to John Contreni it had a spectacular effect on education and culture in Francia a debatable effect on artistic endeavors and an unmeasurable effect on what mattered most to the Carolingians the moral regeneration of society 8 9 The secular and ecclesiastical leaders of the Carolingian Renaissance made efforts to write better Latin to copy and preserve patristic and classical texts and to develop a more legible classicizing script with clearly distinct capital and minuscule letters It was the Carolingian minuscule that Renaissance humanists took to be Roman and employed as humanist minuscule from which has developed early modern Italic script They also applied rational ideas to social issues for the first time in centuries providing a common language and writing style that enabled communication throughout most of Europe Contents 1 Background 2 Import 3 Scholarly efforts 4 Reform of Latin pronunciation 5 Carolingian art 6 Carolingian architecture 7 Carolingian currency 8 Gallery 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References 11 1 Citations 11 2 Bibliography 12 External linksBackground edit nbsp Lorsch Abbey gatehouse c 800 an example of the Carolingian architectural style a first albeit isolated classical movement in architectureAs Pierre Riche points out the expression Carolingian Renaissance does not imply that Western Europe was barbaric or obscurantist before the Carolingian era 10 The centuries following the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West did not see an abrupt disappearance of the ancient schools from which emerged Martianus Capella Cassiodorus and Boethius essential icons of the Roman cultural heritage in the Middle Ages thanks to which the disciplines of liberal arts were preserved 11 The 7th century saw the Isidorian Renaissance in the Visigothic Kingdom of Hispania 12 in which sciences flourished 13 14 15 and the integration of Christian and pre Christian thought occurred 16 while the spread of Irish monastic schools scriptoria over Europe laid the groundwork for the Carolingian Renaissance 17 18 There were numerous factors in this cultural expansion the most obvious of which was that Charlemagne s uniting of most of Western Europe brought about peace and stability which set the stage for prosperity This period marked an economic revival in Western Europe following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire Local economies in the West had degenerated into largely subsistence agriculture by the early seventh century with towns functioning merely as places of gift exchange for the elite 19 By the late seventh century developed urban settlements had emerged populated mostly by craftsmen merchants and boaters and boasting street grids artisanal production as well as regional and long distance trade 19 A prime example of this type of emporium was Dorestad 19 The development of the Carolingian economy was fueled by the efficient organization and exploitation of labor on large estates producing a surplus of primarily grain wine and salt 20 21 In turn inter regional trade in these commodities facilitated the expansion of towns 20 21 Archaeological data shows the continuation of this upward trend in the early eighth century 19 The zenith of the early Carolingian economy was reached from 775 to 830 coinciding with the largest surpluses of the period large scale building of churches as well as overpopulation and three famines that showed the limits of the system 22 After a period of disruption from 830 to 850 caused by civil wars and Viking raids economic development resumed in the 850s with the emporiums disappearing completely and being replaced by fortified commercial towns 22 One of the major causes of the sudden economic growth was the slave trade Following the rise of the Arab empires the Arab elites created a major demand for slaves with European slaves particularly prized As a result of Charlemagne s wars of conquest in Eastern Europe a steady supply of captured Slavs Avars Saxons and Danes reached merchants in Western Europe who then exported the slaves via Ampurias Girona and the Pyrenees passes to Muslim Spain and other parts of the Arab world 23 The market for slaves was so lucrative that it almost immediately transformed the long distance trade of the European economies 24 25 The slave trade enabled the West to re engage with the Muslim and Eastern Roman empires so that other industries such as textiles were able to grow in Europe as well 26 Import editKenneth Clark was of the view that by means of the Carolingian Renaissance Western civilization survived by the skin of its teeth 27 However the use of the term renaissance to describe this period is contested notably by Lynn Thorndike 28 due to the majority of changes brought about by this period being confined almost entirely to the clergy and due to the period lacking the wide ranging social movements of the later Italian Renaissance 29 Instead of being a rebirth of new cultural movements the period was more an attempt to recreate the previous culture of the Roman Empire 30 The Carolingian Renaissance in retrospect also has some of the character of a false dawn in that its cultural gains were largely dissipated within a couple of generations a perception voiced by Walahfrid Strabo died 849 in his introduction to Einhard s Life of Charlemagne n 1 summing up the generation of renewal Charlemagne was able to offer the cultureless and I might say almost completely unenlightened territory of the realm which God had entrusted to him a new enthusiasm for all human knowledge In its earlier state of barbarousness his kingdom had been hardly touched at all by any such zeal but now it opened its eyes to God s illumination In our own time the thirst for knowledge is disappearing again the light of wisdom is less and less sought after and is now becoming rare again in most men s minds 32 Scholarly efforts editSee also Carolingian minuscule and Medieval Latin A lack of Latin literacy in eighth century western Europe caused problems for the Carolingian rulers by severely limiting the number of people capable of serving as court scribes in societies where Latin was valued Of even greater concern to some rulers was the fact that not all parish priests possessed the skill to read the Vulgate Bible An additional problem was that the vulgar Latin of the later Western Roman Empire had begun to diverge into the regional dialects the precursors to today s Romance languages that were becoming mutually unintelligible and preventing scholars from one part of Europe being able to communicate with persons from another part of Europe nbsp Alcuin pictured centre was one of the leading scholars of the Carolingian Renaissance To address these problems Charlemagne ordered the creation of schools in a capitulary known as the Charter of Modern Thought issued in 787 33 A major part of his program of reform was to attract many of the leading scholars of the Christendom of his day to his court Among the first called to court were Italians Peter of Pisa who from 776 to about 790 instructed Charlemagne in Latin and from 776 to 787 Paulinus of Aquileia whom Charlemagne nominated as patriarch of Aquileia in 787 The Lombard Paul the Deacon was brought to court in 782 and remained until 787 when Charles nominated him abbot of Montecassino Theodulf of Orleans was a Spanish Goth who served at court from 782 to 797 when nominated as bishop of Orleans Theodulf had been in friendly competition over the standardization of the Vulgate with the chief among the Charlemagne s scholars Alcuin of York Alcuin was a Northumbrian monk and deacon who served as head of the Palace School from 782 to 796 except for the years 790 to 793 when he returned to England After 796 he continued his scholarly work as abbot of St Martin s Monastery in Tours 29 Among those to follow Alcuin across the Channel to the Frankish court was Joseph Scottus an Irishman who left some original biblical commentary and acrostic experiments After this first generation of non Frankish scholars their Frankish pupils such as Angilbert would make their own mark The later courts of Louis the Pious and Charles the Bald had similar groups of scholars many of whom were of Irish origin The Irish monk Dicuil attended the former court and the more famous Irishman John Scotus Eriugena attended the latter becoming head of the Palace School at Aachen One of the primary efforts was the creation of a standardized curriculum for use at the recently created schools Alcuin led this effort and was responsible for the writing of textbooks creation of word lists and establishing the trivium and quadrivium as the basis for education 34 Another contribution from this period was the development of Carolingian minuscule a book hand first used at the monasteries of Corbie and Tours that introduced the use of lower case letters A standardized version of Latin was also developed that allowed for the coining of new words while retaining the grammatical rules of Classical Latin This Medieval Latin became a common language of scholarship and allowed administrators and travellers to make themselves understood in various regions of Europe 35 The earliest concept of Europe as a distinct cultural region instead of simply a geographic area appeared during the Carolingian Renaissance of the 9th century and included the territories which practiced Western Christianity at the time 36 Carolingian workshops produced over 100 000 manuscripts in the 9th century of which some 6000 to 7000 survive 37 The Carolingians produced the earliest surviving copies of the works of Cicero Horace Martial Statius Lucretius Terence Julius Caesar Boethius and Martianus Capella 38 No copies of the texts of these authors were made in the Latin West in the 7th and 8th centuries 38 Reform of Latin pronunciation editAccording to Roger Wright the Carolingian Renaissance is responsible for the modern day pronunciation of Ecclesiastical Latin Up until that point there had been no conceptual distinction between Latin and Romance the former was simply regarded as the written form of the latter For instance in early medieval Spain the word for century which would have been pronounced sjeglo was properly spelled saeculum as it had been for the better part of a millennium The scribe would not have read aloud saeculum as sɛkulum any more than an English speaker today would pronounce knight as knɪxt rather than naɪt 39 Non native speakers of Latin however such as clergy of Anglo Saxon or Irish origin appear to have used a rather different pronunciation presumably attempting to sound out each word according to its spelling The Carolingian Renaissance in France introduced this artificial pronunciation for the first time to native speakers as well No longer would for instance the word viridiarium orchard be read aloud as the equivalent Old French word verdʒjǽr It now had to be pronounced precisely as spelled with all six syllables viridiarium 40 Such a radical change had the effect of rendering Latin sermons completely unintelligible to the general Romance speaking public which prompted officials a few years later at the Council of Tours to instruct priests to read sermons aloud in the old way in rusticam romanam linguam or plain roman ce speech while the liturgy retained the new pronunciation to this day 41 As there was now no unambiguous way to indicate whether a given text was to be read aloud as Latin or Romance and native Germanic speakers such as church singers numerous in the empire might have struggled to read words in Latin orthography according to Romance orthoepy various attempts were made in France to devise a new orthography for the latter among the earliest examples are parts of the Oaths of Strasbourg and the Sequence of Saint Eulalia As the Carolingian Reforms spread the proper Latin pronunciation from France to other Romance speaking areas local scholars eventually felt the need to create distinct spelling systems for their own vernaculars as well thereby initiating the literary phase of Medieval Romance 42 Writing in Romance does not appear to have become widespread until the Renaissance of the Twelfth Century however 43 Carolingian art editMain article Carolingian art Carolingian art spans the roughly hundred year period from about 800 900 Although brief it was an influential period Northern Europe embraced classical Mediterranean Roman art forms for the first time setting the stage for the rise of Romanesque art and eventually Gothic art in the West Illuminated manuscripts metalwork small scale sculpture mosaics and frescos survive from the period Carolingian architecture editMain article Carolingian architecture Instrumental music nbsp A musician playing a cithara that is thought to have evolved from the Greek lyre from the 9th century Charles the Bald Bible nbsp Player with cithara that appears lute like from the 9th century Utrecht Psalter nbsp A cithara word used by the early 9th century Stuttgart Psalter being held as a citole three centuries later Documents created during the Carolingian Renaissance show the growth of instrumental music with new instruments The images may document earlier European cythara lute types or else a revival of the Roman kithara 44 Carolingian architecture is the style of North European architecture promoted by Charlemagne The period of architecture spans the late eighth and ninth centuries until the reign of Otto I in 936 and was a conscious attempt to create a Roman Renaissance emulating Roman Early Christian and Byzantine architecture with its own innovation resulting in having a unique character 45 This syncretic architectural style can be exemplified by the first church of St Mark s in Venice fusing proto Romanesque and Byzantine influences 46 There was a profusion of new clerical and secular buildings constructed during this period John Contreni calculated that The little more than eight decades between 768 to 855 alone saw the construction of 27 new cathedrals 417 monasteries and 100 royal residences 45 Carolingian currency editSee also Denier Solidus Livre and English currency Around AD 755 Charlemagne s father Pepin the Short reformed the currency of the Frankish Kingdom 47 A variety of local systems was standardized Minor mints were closed and royal control over the remaining bigger mints strengthened 47 increasing purity 48 In place of the gold Roman and Byzantine solidus then common he established a system based on a new 940 fine silver penny Latin denarius French denier weighing 1 240 of a pound librum libra or lira livre 48 The Carolingian pound seems to have been about 489 5 grams 49 50 making each penny about 2 grams As the debased solidus was then roughly equivalent to 11 of these pennies the shilling solidus sol was established at that value making it 1 22 of the silver pound 51 This was later adjusted to 12 and 1 20 respectively During the Carolingian period however neither shillings or pounds were minted being instead used as notional units of account 48 For instance a shilling or solidus of grain was a measure equivalent to the amount of grain that 12 pennies could purchase 52 Despite the purity and quality of the new pennies however they were repeatedly rejected by traders throughout the Carolingian period in favor of the gold coins used elsewhere a situation that led to repeated legislation against such refusal to accept the king s currency 51 The Carolingian system was imported to England by Offa of Mercia and other kings where it formed the basis of English currency until the late 20th century 48 Gallery edit nbsp Aachen Gospels c 820 an example of Carolingian illumination nbsp A copy of the Plan of Saint GallSee also editIconography of Charlemagne Golden Age of medieval Bulgarian cultureNotes edit Einhard s use of the Roman historian Suetonius as a model for the new genre of biography is itself a marker for the Carolingian Renaissance 31 References editCitations edit a b Rietbergen P J A N 2000 A Short History of the Netherlands From Prehistory to the Present Day 4th ed Amersfoort Bekking p 29 ISBN 90 6109 440 2 OCLC 52849131 The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church Oxford University Press 2005 p 290 291 ISBN 978 0 19 280290 3 Trompf 1973 Alcuin Biography Tried by Fire The Story of Christianity s First Thousand Years Thomas Nelson 22 March 2016 p 325 ISBN 978 0 7180 1871 9 The Art of Mathematics Take Two Tea Time in Cambridge Cambridge University Press 30 June 2022 p 300 ISBN 978 1 108 97642 8 The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church Oxford University Press 2005 p 1603 ISBN 978 0 19 280290 3 Contreni 1984 p 59 Nelson 1986 Pierre Riche Les Carolingiens Une famille qui fit l Europe Paris Hachette coll Pluriel 1983 p 354 Michel Lemoine article Arts liberaux in Claude Gauvard dir Dictionnaire du Moyen Age Paris PUF coll Quadrige 2002 p 94 Sur le sujet voir Jacques Fontaine Isidore de Seville et la culture classique dans l Espagne wisigothique Paris 1959 Fernandez Morera Dario 2016 The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise Muslims Christians and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain ISI Books p 70 ISBN 9781504034692 Fear A T 1997 Lives of the Visigothic Fathers Liverpool University p XXII XXIII ISBN 978 0853235828 Kampers Gerd 2008 Geschichte der Westgoten Ferdinand Schoningh p 322 ISBN 9783506765178 Jacques Fontaine Isidore de Seville et la culture classique dans l Espagne wisigothique Paris 1959 Pierre Riche Education et culture dans l Occident barbare VIe VIIIe siecles Paris Le Seuil coll Points Histoire 1995 4e ed p 256 257 264 273 274 297 Louis Halphen Les Barbares Paris 1936 p 236 Etienne Gilson La Philosophie au Moyen Age Paris 1944 p 181 a b c d Verhulst 2002 p 133 a b Verhulst 2002 p 113 a b Verhulst 2002 p 135 a b Verhulst 2002 p 134 Verhulst 2002 p 105 McCormick Michael 1 November 2002 New Light on the Dark Ages How the Slave Trade Fuelled the Carolingian Economy Past amp Present 177 1 17 54 doi 10 1093 past 177 1 17 Frost Peter September 14 2013 From Slavs to Slaves Evo and Proud Goody Jack 2012 The Theft of History Cambridge University Press pp 87 88 ISBN 9781107394704 Clark Civilization Thorndike 1943 a b Scott 1964 p 30 Cantor 1993 p 190 Innes 1997 Lewis Thorpe tr Einhard and Notker the Stammerer Two Lives of Charlemagne 1969 49f Carolingian Schools Carolingian Schools of Thought Cantor 1993 p 189 Chambers amp al 1983 pp 204 205 Dr Sanjay Kumar 2021 A Handbook of Political Geography K K Publications p 127 Buringh 2010 p 237 a b Buringh 2010 p 139 Wright pp 44 50 Wright pp 104 7 Wright pp 118 20 Wright pp 122 32 143 4 Wright 2002 p 151 Winternitz Emanuel July December 1961 THE SURVIVAL OF THE KITHARA AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE CITTERN A Study in Morphology Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 24 3 4 213 doi 10 2307 750796 JSTOR 750796 S2CID 195057025 Retrieved 24 November 2016 a b Contreni 1984 p 63 Brown Thomas Holmes George 1988 The Oxford History of Medieval Europe Great Britain Oxford University Press p 55 a b Allen 2009 a b c d Chown 1994 p 23 Ferguson 1974 Pound Munro 2012 p 31 a b Suchodolski 1983 Scott 1964 p 40 Bibliography edit Allen Larry 2009 Carolingian Reform The Encyclopedia of Money Sta Barbara ABC Clio pp 59 60 ISBN 978 1 59884 251 7 Buringh Eltjo 2010 Medieval Manuscript Production in the Latin West Brill Publishers ISBN 978 9004175198 Cantor Norman F 1993 The Civilization of the Middle Ages a completely revised and expanded edition of Medieval history the life and death of a civilization HarperCollins ISBN 978 0 06 017033 2 Chambers Mortimer et al 1983 The Western Experience to 1715 3rd ed New York Alfred A Knopf ISBN 978 0 394 33085 3 Chown John F 1994 A History of Money from AD 800 London Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 10279 7 Contreni John G 1984 The Carolingian Renaissance Renaissances before the Renaissance cultural revivals of late antiquity and the Middle Ages Ferguson Wallace K 1974 Money and Coinage of the Age of Erasmus An Historical and Analytical Glossary with Particular Reference to France the Low Countries England the Rhineland and Italy The Correspondence of Erasmus Letters 1 to 141 1484 to 1500 Toronto University of Toronto Press pp 311 349 ISBN 978 0 8020 1981 3 Grier James Spring 2003 Ademar de Chabannes Carolingian Musical Practices and Nota Romana Journal of the American Musicological Society vol 56 University of California Press American Musicological Society pp 43 98 doi 10 1525 jams 2003 56 1 43 JSTOR 10 1525 jams 2003 56 1 43 Innes M 1997 The classical tradition in the Carolingian Renaissance Ninth century encounters with Suetonius International Journal of the Classical Tradition Munro John H 2012 The Technology and Economics of Coinage Debasements in Medieval and Early Modern Europe With Special Reference to the Low Countries and England Money in the Pre Industrial World Bullion Debasements and Coin Substitutes Pickering amp Chatto republished 2016 by Routledge pp 30 ff ISBN 978 1 84893 230 2 Nelson Janet L 1986 On the limits of the Carolingian renaissance Politics and Ritual in Early Medieval Europe Panofsky Erwin Renaissance and Renascences in Western Art New York Evanston Harpers Torchbooks 1969 Scott Martin 1964 Medieval Europe New York Dorset Press ISBN 978 0 88029 115 6 Suchodolski Stanislaw 1983 On the Rejection of Good Coin in Carolingian Europe Studies in Numismatic Method Presented to Philip Grierson Cambridge Cambridge University Press pp 147 152 ISBN 978 0 521 22503 8 Thorndike Lynn 1943 Renaissance or Prenaissance Journal of the History of Ideas vol No 4 pp 65 ff Trompf G W 1973 The concept of the Carolingian Renaissance Journal of the History of Ideas pp 3 ff Wright Roger 1982 Late Latin and Early Romance in Spain and Carolingian France Liverpool Francis Cairns Verhulst Adriaan 2002 The Carolingian Economy Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 00474 9 External links editThe Carolingian Renaissance BBC Radio 4 discussion with Matthew Innes Julia Smith amp Mary Garrison In Our Time Mar 30 2006 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Carolingian Renaissance amp oldid 1206385194, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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