

Caecilians (/sɪˈsɪliən/; New Latin for 'blind ones') are a group of limbless, vermiform (worm-shaped) or serpentine (snake-shaped) amphibians with small or sometimes nonexistent eyes. They mostly live hidden in soil or in streambeds, and this cryptic lifestyle renders caecilians among the least familiar amphibians. Modern caecilians live in the tropics of South and Central America, Africa, and southern Asia. Caecilians feed on small subterranean creatures such as earthworms. The body is cylindrical and often darkly coloured, and the skull is bullet-shaped and strongly built. Caecilian heads have several unique adaptations, including fused cranial and jaw bones, a two-part system of jaw muscles, and a chemosensory tentacle in front of the eye. The skin is slimy and bears ringlike markings or grooves and may contain scales.[2]

Modern caecilians are a clade, the order Gymnophiona /ˌɪmnəˈfənə/ (or Apoda /ˈæpədə/), one of the three living amphibian groups alongside Anura (frogs) and Urodela (salamanders). Gymnophiona is a crown group, encompassing all modern caecilians and all descendants of their last common ancestor. There are more than 220 living species of caecilian classified in 10 families. Gymnophionomorpha is a recently coined name for the corresponding total group which includes Gymnophiona as well as a few extinct stem-group caecilians (extinct amphibians whose closest living relatives are caecilians but are not descended from any caecilian).[3][4] Some palaeontologists have used the name Gymnophiona for the total group and the old name Apoda for the crown group[5]. However, Apoda has other even older uses, including as the name of a genus of Butterfly making its use potentially confusing and best avoided. 'Gymnophiona' derives from the Greek words γυμνος / gymnos (Ancient Greek for 'naked') and οφις / ophis (Ancient Greek for 'snake'), as the caecilians were originally thought to be related to snakes and to lack scales.[6]

The study of caecilian evolution is complicated by their poor fossil record and specialized anatomy. Genetic evidence and some anatomical details (such as pedicellate teeth) support the idea that frogs, salamanders, and caecilians (collectively known as lissamphibians) are each others' closest relatives. Frogs and salamanders show many similarities to dissorophoids, a group of extinct amphibians in the order Temnospondyli. Caecilians are more controversial; many studies extend dissorophoid ancestry to caecilians. Some studies have instead argued that caecilians descend from extinct lepospondyl or stereospondyl amphibians, contradicting evidence for lissamphibian monophyly (common ancestry). Rare fossils of early gymnophionans such as Eocaecilia and Funcusvermis have helped to test the various conflicting hypotheses for the relationships between caecilians and other living and extinct amphibians.

Description edit

X-ray showing the skeleton of Typhlonectes (Typhlonectidae)

Caecilians' anatomy is highly adapted for a burrowing lifestyle. In a couple of species belonging to the primitive genus Ichthyophis vestigial traces of limbs have been found, and in Typhlonectes compressicauda the presence of limb buds has been observed during embryonic development, remnants in an otherwise completely limbless body.[7] This makes the smaller species resemble worms, while the larger species like Caecilia thompsoni, with lengths up to 1.5 m (5 ft), resemble snakes. Their tails are short or absent, and their cloacae are near the ends of their bodies.[8][9][10]

Except for one lungless species, Atretochoana eiselti,[11] all caecilians have lungs, but also use their skin or mouths for oxygen absorption. Often, the left lung is much smaller than the right one, an adaptation to body shape that is also found in snakes.[12]

Their trunk muscles are adapted to pushing their way through the ground, with the vertebral column and its musculature acting as a piston inside the outer layer of the body wall musculature, which is closely attached to the skin.[13] By contracting the outer layer of muscles it squeezes the coelom and generates a strong hydrostatic force that lengthens the body.[14] This muscle system allows the animal to anchor its hind end in position, and force the head forwards, and then pull the rest of the body up to reach it in waves. In water or very loose mud, caecilians instead swim in an eel-like fashion.[15] Caecilians in the family Typhlonectidae are aquatic, and the largest of their kind. The representatives of this family have a fleshy fin running along the rear section of their bodies, which enhances propulsion in water.[16]

Skull and senses edit

Caecilians have small or absent eyes, with only a single known class of photoreceptors, and their vision is limited to dark-light perception.[17][18] Unlike other modern amphibians (frogs and salamanders) the skull is compact and solid, with few large openings between plate-like cranial bones. The snout is pointed and bullet-shaped, used to force their way through soil or mud. In most species the mouth is recessed under the head, so that the snout overhangs the mouth.[10]

The bones in the skull are reduced in number compared to prehistoric amphibian species. Many bones of the skull are fused together: the maxilla and palatine bones have fused into a maxillopalatine in all living caecilians, and the nasal and premaxilla bones fuse into a nasopremaxilla in some families. Some families can be differentiated by the presence of absence of certain skull bones, such as the septomaxillae, prefrontals, an/or a postfrontal-like bone surrounding the orbit (eye socket). The braincase is encased in a fully integrated compound bone called the os basale, which takes up most of the rear and lower parts of the skull. In skulls viewed from above, a mesethmoid bone may be visible in some species, wedging into the midline of the skull roof.[19][20][21]

Head of Geotrypetes seraphini (Dermophiidae), showing reduced eyes, nostrils, and small tentacles below the nostrils

All caecilians have a pair of unique sensory structures, known as tentacles, located on either side of the head between the eyes and nostrils. These are probably used for a second olfactory capability, in addition to the normal sense of smell based in the nose.[15]

The ringed caecilian (Siphonops annulatus) has dental glands that may be homologous to the venom glands of some snakes and lizards. The function of these glands is unknown.[22]

The middle ear consists of only the stapes bone and the oval window, which transfer vibrations into the inner ear through a reentrant fluid circuit as seen in some reptiles. Adults of species within the family Scolecomorphidae lack both a stapes and an oval window, making them the only known amphibians missing all the components of a middle ear apparatus.[23]

The lower jaw is specialized in caecilians. Gymnophionans, including extinct species, have only two components of the jaw: the pseudodentary (at the front, bearing teeth) and pseudoangular (at the back, bearing the jaw joint and muscle attachments). These two components are what remains following fusion between a larger set of bones. An additional inset tooth row with up to 20 teeth lies parallel to the main marginal tooth row of the jaw.[20]

All but the most primitive caecilians have two sets of muscles for closing the jaw, compared with the single pair found in other amphibians. One set of muscles, the adductors, insert into the upper edge of the pseudoangular in front of the jaw joint. Adductor muscles are commonplace in vertebrates, and close the jaw by pulling upwards and forwards. A more unique set of muscles, the abductors, insert into the rear edge of the pseudoangular below and behind the jaw joint. They close the jaw by pulling backwards and downwards. Jaw muscles are more highly developed in the most efficient burrowers among the caecilians, and appear to help keep the skull and jaw rigid.[15][24]

Skin edit

Caecilia pulchraserrana (Caeciliidae) showing the smooth skin typical of caecilians

Their skin is smooth and usually dark, but some species have colourful skins. Inside the skin are calcite scales. Because of these scales, the caecilians were once thought to be related to the fossil Stegocephalia, but they are now believed to be a secondary development, and the two groups are most likely unrelated.[10] Scales are absent in the families Scolecomorphidae and Typhlonectidae, except the species Typhlonectes compressicauda where minute scales have been found in the hinder region of the body.[25] The skin also has numerous ring-shaped folds, or annuli, that partially encircle the body, giving them a segmented appearance. Like some other living amphibians, the skin contains glands that secrete a toxin to deter predators.[15] The skin secretions of Siphonops paulensis have been shown to have hemolytic properties.[26]

Milk provisioning edit

Recent research, as documented in the journal Science, has shed light on the behavior of certain species of caecilians. These studies reveal that some caecilians exhibit a phenomenon wherein they provide their hatchlings with a nutrient-rich substance akin to milk, delivered through a maternal vent. Among the species investigated, the oviparous nonmammalian caecilian amphibian Siphonops annulatus stood out, indicating that the practice of lactation may be more widespread among these creatures than previously thought. As detailed in a 2024 study, researchers collected 16 mothers of the Siphonops annulatus species from cacao plantations in Brazil's Atlantic Forest and filmed them with their altricial hatchlings in the lab. The mothers remained with their offspring, which suckled on a white, viscous liquid from their cloaca, experiencing rapid growth in their first week. This milk-like substance, rich in fats and carbohydrates, is produced in the mother's oviduct epithelium's hypertrophied glands, similar to mammal milk. The substance was released seemingly in response to tactile and acoustic stimulation by the babies. The researchers observed the hatchlings emitting high-pitched clicking sounds as they approached their mothers for milk, a behavior unique among amphibians. This milk-feeding behavior may contribute to the development of the hatchlings' microbiome and immune system, similar to mammalian young. The presence of milk production in caecilians that lay eggs suggests an evolutionary transition between egg-laying and live birth.[27][28][29]

Distribution edit

Current distribution of caecilians (in green)

Caecilians are native to wet, tropical regions of Southeast Asia, India, Bangladesh, Nepal[30] and Sri Lanka, parts of East and West Africa, the Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean, Central America, and in northern and eastern South America. In Africa, caecilians are found from Guinea-Bissau (Geotrypetes) to southern Malawi (Scolecomorphus), with an unconfirmed record from eastern Zimbabwe. They have not been recorded from the extensive areas of tropical forest in central Africa. In South America, they extend through subtropical eastern Brazil well into temperate northern Argentina. They can be seen as far south as Buenos Aires, when they are carried by the flood waters of the Paraná River coming from farther north. Their American range extends north to southern Mexico. The northernmost distribution is of the species Ichthyophis sikkimensis of northern India. Ichthyophis is also found in South China and Northern Vietnam. In Southeast Asia, they are found as far east as Java, Borneo, and the southern Philippines, but they have not crossed Wallace's line and are not present in Australia or nearby islands. There are no known caecilians in Madagascar, but their presence in the Seychelles and India has led to speculation on the presence of undiscovered extinct or extant caecilians there.[31]

In 2021, a live specimen of Typhlonectes natans, a caecilian native to Colombia and Venezuela, was collected from a drainage canal in South Florida. It was the only caecilian ever reported in the wild in the United States, and is considered to be an introduction, perhaps from the wildlife trade. Whether a breeding population has been established in the area is unknown.[32][33]

Taxonomy edit

The name caecilian derives from the Latin word caecus, meaning "blind", referring to the small or sometimes nonexistent eyes. The name dates back to the taxonomic name of the first species described by Carl Linnaeus, which he named Caecilia tentaculata.[10]

There has historically been disagreement over the use of the two primary scientific names for caecilians, Apoda and Gymnophiona. Some palaeontologists prefer to use the name Apoda to refer to the "crown group", that is, the group containing all modern caecilians and extinct members of these modern lineages and the name Gymnophiona to refer to the total group, that is, all caecilians and caecilian-like amphibians that are more closely related to modern groups than to frogs or salamanders. However, Apoda been used for groups of fishes and of sea cucumbers and is the name of a genus of moth, and its continued use in caecilian taxonomy is potentially confusing and unhelpful.

A classification of caecilians by Wilkinson et al. (2011) divided the living caecilians into 9 families containing nearly 200 species.[20] In 2012, a tenth caecilian family was newly described, Chikilidae.[34][35] This classification is based on a thorough definition of monophyly based on morphological and molecular evidence,[36][37][38][39] and it solves the longstanding problems of paraphyly of the Caeciliidae in previous classifications without an exclusive reliance upon synonymy.[20][40] There are 219 species of caecilian in 33 genera and 10 families.

Family Image Taxon author Genera Species Common name Geographic range
Caecilia subnigricans
Rafinesque, 1814 2 47 Common caecilians Central and South America (Bolivia north to Costa Rica).
Chikilidae Kamei et al., 2012 1 4 Northeast Indian caecilians Northeast India and Bangladesh, with possible occurrences in Myanmar.
Geotrypetes seraphini
Taylor, 1969 4 15 Neotropical caecilians Equatorial Africa (West Africa, Tanzania, Kenya), Central and South America (Colombia north to Mexico).
Grandisoniidae (formerly Indotyphlidae)  
Grandisonia sechellensis
Lescure, Renous & Gasc, 1986 7 24 Indo-African caecilians Equatorial Africa (Cameroon, Ethiopia), the Seychelles, western India (Western Ghats).
Boulengerula taitana
Laurent, 1984 2 10 African caecilians Equatorial Africa (Nigeria south to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya south to Malawi, possible occurrences in Angola and Zambia).
Ichthyophis kodaguensis
Taylor, 1969 2 57 Asian tailed caecilians South and Southeast Asia (western India north to Nepal, east to the Philippines, southern China and Indonesia).
Epicrionops sp.
Nussbaum, 1977 3 14 American tailed caecilians Northern South America (northernmost Brazil west to Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru).
Scolecomorphus kirkii
Taylor, 1969 2 6 Buried-eyed caecilians Equatorial Africa (Cameroon, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique).
Microcaecilia dermatophaga
Bonaparte, 1850 5 28 South American caecilians South America (Colombia south to northern Argentina, Paraguay, and southernmost Brazil).
Typhlonectes natans
Taylor, 1968 5 14 Aquatic caecilians South America (Colombia and Venezuela south to northern Argentina and Uruguay).

The most recent phylogeny of caecilians is based on molecular mitogenomic evidence examined by San Mauro et al. (2014), and modified to include some more recently described genera such as Amazops.[41][42][43]

Evolution edit

Eocaecilia, an Early Jurassic amphibian commonly considered one of the oldest (stem-group) caecilians

Little is known of the evolutionary history of the caecilians, which have left a very sparse fossil record. The first fossil, a vertebra dated to the Paleocene, was not discovered until 1972.[44] Other vertebrae, which have characteristic features unique to modern species, were later found in Paleocene and Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) sediments.[5]

Phylogenetic evidence suggests that the ancestors of caecilians and batrachians (including frogs and salamanders) diverged from one another during the Carboniferous. This leaves a gap of more than 70 million years between the presumed origins of caecilians and the earliest definitive fossils of stem-caecilians.[45][4]

Prior to 2023, the earliest fossil attributed to a stem-caecilian (an amphibian closer to caecilians than to frogs or salamanders but not a member of the extant caecilian lineage) comes from the Jurassic period. This primitive genus, Eocaecilia, had small limbs and well-developed eyes.[46] In their 2008 description of the Early Permian amphibian Gerobatrachus,[47] Anderson and co-authors suggested that caecilians arose from the Lepospondyl group of ancestral tetrapods, and may be more closely related to amniotes than to frogs and salamanders, which arose from Temnospondyl ancestors. Numerous groups of lepospondyls evolved reduced limbs, elongated bodies, and burrowing behaviors, and morphological studies on Permian and Carboniferous lepospondyls have placed the early caecilian (Eocaecilia) among these groups.[48] Divergent origins of caecilians and other extant amphibians may help explain the slight discrepancy between fossil dates for the origins of modern Amphibia, which suggest Permian origins, and the earlier dates, in the Carboniferous, predicted by some molecular clock studies of DNA sequences. Most morphological and molecular studies of extant amphibians, however, support monophyly for caecilians, frogs, and salamanders, and the most recent molecular study based on multi-locus data suggest a Late CarboniferousEarly Permian origin of extant amphibians.[49]

Chinlestegophis, a stereospondyl temnospondyl from the Late Triassic Chinle Formation of Colorado, was proposed to be a stem-caecilian in a 2017 paper by Pardo and co-authors. If confirmed, this would bolster the proposed pre-Triassic origin of Lissamphibia suggested by molecular clocks. It would fill a gap in the fossil record of early caecilians and suggest that stereospondyls as a whole qualify as stem-group caecilians.[45] However, affinities between Chinlestegophis and gymnophionans have been disputed along several lines of evidence. A 2020 study questioned the choice of characters supporting the relationship,[3] and a 2019 reanalysis of the original data matrix found that other equally parsimonious positions were supported for the placement of Chinlestegophis and gymnophionans among tetrapods.[50]

A 2023 paper by Kligman and co-authors described Funcusvermis, another amphibian from the Chinle Formation of Arizona. Funcusvermis was strongly supported as a stem group caecilian based on traits of its numerous skull and jaw fragments, the largest sample of caecilian fossils known. The paper discussed the various hypotheses for caecilian origins: the polyphyly hypothesis (caecilians as lepospondyls, and other lissamphibians as temnospondyls), the lepospondyl hypothesis (lissamphibians as lepospondyls), and the newer hypothesis supported by Chinlestegophis, where caecilians and other lissamphibians had separate origins within temnospondyls. Nevertheless, all of these ideas were refuted, and the most strongly supported hypothesis combined lissamphibians into a monophyletic group of dissorophoid temnospondyls closely related to Gerobatrachus.[4]

Behavior edit

Reproduction edit

Maternal care in Ichthyophis (Ichthyophiidae)

Caecilians are the only order of amphibians to use internal insemination exclusively (although most salamanders have internal fertilization and the tailed frog in the US uses a tail-like appendage for internal insemination in its fast-flowing water environment).[15] The male caecilians have a long tube-like intromittent organ, the phallodeum,[51] which is inserted into the cloaca of the female for two to three hours. About 25% of the species are oviparous (egg-laying); the eggs are laid in terrestrial nests rather than in water and are guarded by the female. For some species, the young caecilians are already metamorphosed when they hatch; others hatch as larvae. The larvae are not fully aquatic, but spend the daytime in the soil near the water.[15][52]

About 75% of caecilians are viviparous, meaning they give birth to already-developed offspring. The foetus is fed inside the female with cells lining the oviduct, which they eat with special scraping teeth. Some larvae, such as those of Typhlonectes, are born with enormous external gills which are shed almost immediately.

Microcaecilia dermatophaga (Siphonopidae) mother and hatchlings. This species is one of several caecilians in which maternal dermatophagy has been observed.

The egg-laying herpelid species Boulengerula taitana feeds its young by developing an outer layer of skin, high in fat and other nutrients, which the young peel off with modified teeth. This allows them to grow by up to 10 times their own weight in a week. The skin is consumed every three days, the time it takes for a new layer to grow, and the young have only been observed to eat it at night. It was formerly thought that the juveniles subsisted only on a liquid secretion from their mothers.[53][54][55] This form of parental care, known as maternal dermatophagy, has also been reported in two species in the family Siphonopidae: Siphonops annulatus and Microcaecilia dermatophaga. Siphonopids and herpelids are not closely related to each other, having diverged in the Cretaceous Period. The presence of maternal dermatophagy in both families suggest that it may be more widespread among caecilians than previously considered.[56][57]

Herpele squalostoma caecilians vertically transmit the mother's microbiome to their offspring through maternal dermatophagy. In comparison to other amphibians, the extended parenting of caecilians can provide beneficial bacteria and fungi, but this transmission risks the spread of diseases like chytridiomycosis.[58][59]

Diet edit

Caecilians are considered as generalist predators.[60] While caecilians are generally carnivorous, their diet differs between taxa. The stomach contents of wild caecilians include primarily soil ecosystem engineers[61] like earthworms, termites, lizards, moth larvae, and shrimp. Some species of caecilians will opportunistically consume newborn rodents, salmon eggs, and veal in laboratory conditions, as well as vertebrates such as scolecophidian snakes, lizards, small fishes, and frogs.[62][63]

Cultural significance edit

As caecilians are a reclusive group, they are only featured in a few human myths, and are generally considered repulsive in traditional customs.

In the folklore of certain regions of India, caecilians are feared and reviled, based on the belief that they are fatally venomous. Caecilians in the Eastern Himalayas are colloquially known as "back ache snakes",[64] while in the Western Ghats, Ichthyophis tricolor is considered to be more toxic than a king cobra.[65][66] Despite deep cultural respect for the cobra and other dangerous animals, the caecilian is killed on sight by salt and kerosene.[65] These myths have complicated conservation initiatives for Indian caecilians.[65][64][66]

Crotaphatrema lamottei, a rare species native to Mount Oku in Cameroon, is classified as a Kefa-ntie (burrowing creature) by the Oku. Kefa-ntie, a term also encompassing native moles and blind snakes, are considered poisonous, causing painful sores if encountered, contacted, or killed. According to Oku tradition, the ceremony to cleanse the affliction involves a potion composed of ground herbs, palm oil, snail shells, and chicken blood applied to and licked off of the left thumb.[67]

South American caecilians have a variable relationship to local cultures.[66] The minhocão, a legendary worm-like beast in Brazilian folklore, may be inspired by caecilians. Colombian folklore states that the aquatic caecilian, Typhlonectes natans, can be manifested from a lock of hair sealed in a sunken bottle. In southern Mexico and Central America, Dermophis mexicanus is colloquially known as the "tapalcua", a name referencing the belief that it emerges to embed itself in the rear end of any unsuspecting person who chooses to relieve themself over its home. This may be inspired by their tendency to nest in refuse heaps.[66]

See also edit

References edit

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  2. ^ Wilkinson M (2012). "Caecilians" (PDF). Current Biology. 22 (17): R668–R669. Bibcode:2012CBio...22.R668W. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.06.019. PMID 22974987.
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  56. ^ Wilkinson M, Kupfer A, Marques-Porto R, Jeffkins H, Antoniazzi MM, Jared C (11 June 2008). "One hundred million years of skin feeding? Extended parental care in a Neotropical caecilian (Amphibia: Gymnophiona)". Biology Letters. 4 (4): 358–361. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2008.0217. PMC 2610157. PMID 18547909.
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  59. ^ Kouete MT, Bletz MC, LaBumbard BC, Woodhams DC, Blackburn DC (15 May 2023). "Parental Care Contributes to Vertical Transmission of Microbes in a Skin-Feeding and Direct-Developing Caecilian". Animal Microbiome. 5 (28). BioMed Central: 28. doi:10.1186/s42523-023-00243-x. PMC 10184399. PMID 37189209.
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  64. ^ a b Sathyabhamu, Das Biju, Rachunliu G Kamei, David Gower, & Mark Wilkinson (2009) "Conservation of Caecilians in the Eastern Himalayas Region" Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund Project Report. pp. 1–22.
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  67. ^ Doherty-Bone TM, Ndifon R, Gower DJ (2011). "Traditional indigenous perspectives on soil-dwelling vertebrates in Oku, Cameroon, with special reference to the caecilian Crotaphatrema lamottei". Herpetological Bulletin. 116: 19–24.

External links edit

  •   Media related to Gymnophiona at Wikimedia Commons
  •   Data related to Gymnophiona at Wikispecies

caecilian, this, article, about, order, amphibians, bishop, carthage, latin, blind, ones, group, limbless, vermiform, worm, shaped, serpentine, snake, shaped, amphibians, with, small, sometimes, nonexistent, eyes, they, mostly, live, hidden, soil, streambeds, . This article is about an order of amphibians For the bishop of Carthage see Caecilianus Caecilians s ɪ ˈ s ɪ l i e n New Latin for blind ones are a group of limbless vermiform worm shaped or serpentine snake shaped amphibians with small or sometimes nonexistent eyes They mostly live hidden in soil or in streambeds and this cryptic lifestyle renders caecilians among the least familiar amphibians Modern caecilians live in the tropics of South and Central America Africa and southern Asia Caecilians feed on small subterranean creatures such as earthworms The body is cylindrical and often darkly coloured and the skull is bullet shaped and strongly built Caecilian heads have several unique adaptations including fused cranial and jaw bones a two part system of jaw muscles and a chemosensory tentacle in front of the eye The skin is slimy and bears ringlike markings or grooves and may contain scales 2 CaecilianTemporal range Late Triassic Norian Present 223 0 Ma PreꞒ Ꞓ O S D C P T J K Pg NOscaecilia ochrocephala Caeciliidae Scientific classificationDomain EukaryotaKingdom AnimaliaPhylum ChordataClass AmphibiaSubclass LissamphibiaOrder GymnophionaMuller 1832 1 Subgroups Eocaecilia Funcusvermis Rubricacaecilia Chinlestegophis Clade Apoda Oppel 1811 Caeciliidae Chikilidae Dermophiidae Herpelidae Ichthyophiidae Grandisoniidae Rhinatrematidae Scolecomorphidae Siphonopidae TyphlonectidaeSynonyms 1 Gymnophia Rafinesque 1814Modern caecilians are a clade the order Gymnophiona ˌ dʒ ɪ m n e ˈ f aɪ e n e or Apoda ˈ ae p e d e one of the three living amphibian groups alongside Anura frogs and Urodela salamanders Gymnophiona is a crown group encompassing all modern caecilians and all descendants of their last common ancestor There are more than 220 living species of caecilian classified in 10 families Gymnophionomorpha is a recently coined name for the corresponding total group which includes Gymnophiona as well as a few extinct stem group caecilians extinct amphibians whose closest living relatives are caecilians but are not descended from any caecilian 3 4 Some palaeontologists have used the name Gymnophiona for the total group and the old name Apoda for the crown group 5 However Apoda has other even older uses including as the name of a genus of Butterfly making its use potentially confusing and best avoided Gymnophiona derives from the Greek words gymnos gymnos Ancient Greek for naked and ofis ophis Ancient Greek for snake as the caecilians were originally thought to be related to snakes and to lack scales 6 The study of caecilian evolution is complicated by their poor fossil record and specialized anatomy Genetic evidence and some anatomical details such as pedicellate teeth support the idea that frogs salamanders and caecilians collectively known as lissamphibians are each others closest relatives Frogs and salamanders show many similarities to dissorophoids a group of extinct amphibians in the order Temnospondyli Caecilians are more controversial many studies extend dissorophoid ancestry to caecilians Some studies have instead argued that caecilians descend from extinct lepospondyl or stereospondyl amphibians contradicting evidence for lissamphibian monophyly common ancestry Rare fossils of early gymnophionans such as Eocaecilia and Funcusvermis have helped to test the various conflicting hypotheses for the relationships between caecilians and other living and extinct amphibians Contents 1 Description 1 1 Skull and senses 1 2 Skin 1 3 Milk provisioning 2 Distribution 3 Taxonomy 4 Evolution 5 Behavior 5 1 Reproduction 5 2 Diet 6 Cultural significance 7 See also 8 References 9 External linksDescription edit nbsp X ray showing the skeleton of Typhlonectes Typhlonectidae Caecilians anatomy is highly adapted for a burrowing lifestyle In a couple of species belonging to the primitive genus Ichthyophis vestigial traces of limbs have been found and in Typhlonectes compressicauda the presence of limb buds has been observed during embryonic development remnants in an otherwise completely limbless body 7 This makes the smaller species resemble worms while the larger species like Caecilia thompsoni with lengths up to 1 5 m 5 ft resemble snakes Their tails are short or absent and their cloacae are near the ends of their bodies 8 9 10 Except for one lungless species Atretochoana eiselti 11 all caecilians have lungs but also use their skin or mouths for oxygen absorption Often the left lung is much smaller than the right one an adaptation to body shape that is also found in snakes 12 Their trunk muscles are adapted to pushing their way through the ground with the vertebral column and its musculature acting as a piston inside the outer layer of the body wall musculature which is closely attached to the skin 13 By contracting the outer layer of muscles it squeezes the coelom and generates a strong hydrostatic force that lengthens the body 14 This muscle system allows the animal to anchor its hind end in position and force the head forwards and then pull the rest of the body up to reach it in waves In water or very loose mud caecilians instead swim in an eel like fashion 15 Caecilians in the family Typhlonectidae are aquatic and the largest of their kind The representatives of this family have a fleshy fin running along the rear section of their bodies which enhances propulsion in water 16 Skull and senses edit Caecilians have small or absent eyes with only a single known class of photoreceptors and their vision is limited to dark light perception 17 18 Unlike other modern amphibians frogs and salamanders the skull is compact and solid with few large openings between plate like cranial bones The snout is pointed and bullet shaped used to force their way through soil or mud In most species the mouth is recessed under the head so that the snout overhangs the mouth 10 The bones in the skull are reduced in number compared to prehistoric amphibian species Many bones of the skull are fused together the maxilla and palatine bones have fused into a maxillopalatine in all living caecilians and the nasal and premaxilla bones fuse into a nasopremaxilla in some families Some families can be differentiated by the presence of absence of certain skull bones such as the septomaxillae prefrontals an or a postfrontal like bone surrounding the orbit eye socket The braincase is encased in a fully integrated compound bone called the os basale which takes up most of the rear and lower parts of the skull In skulls viewed from above a mesethmoid bone may be visible in some species wedging into the midline of the skull roof 19 20 21 nbsp Head of Geotrypetes seraphini Dermophiidae showing reduced eyes nostrils and small tentacles below the nostrilsAll caecilians have a pair of unique sensory structures known as tentacles located on either side of the head between the eyes and nostrils These are probably used for a second olfactory capability in addition to the normal sense of smell based in the nose 15 The ringed caecilian Siphonops annulatus has dental glands that may be homologous to the venom glands of some snakes and lizards The function of these glands is unknown 22 The middle ear consists of only the stapes bone and the oval window which transfer vibrations into the inner ear through a reentrant fluid circuit as seen in some reptiles Adults of species within the family Scolecomorphidae lack both a stapes and an oval window making them the only known amphibians missing all the components of a middle ear apparatus 23 The lower jaw is specialized in caecilians Gymnophionans including extinct species have only two components of the jaw the pseudodentary at the front bearing teeth and pseudoangular at the back bearing the jaw joint and muscle attachments These two components are what remains following fusion between a larger set of bones An additional inset tooth row with up to 20 teeth lies parallel to the main marginal tooth row of the jaw 20 All but the most primitive caecilians have two sets of muscles for closing the jaw compared with the single pair found in other amphibians One set of muscles the adductors insert into the upper edge of the pseudoangular in front of the jaw joint Adductor muscles are commonplace in vertebrates and close the jaw by pulling upwards and forwards A more unique set of muscles the abductors insert into the rear edge of the pseudoangular below and behind the jaw joint They close the jaw by pulling backwards and downwards Jaw muscles are more highly developed in the most efficient burrowers among the caecilians and appear to help keep the skull and jaw rigid 15 24 Skin edit nbsp Caecilia pulchraserrana Caeciliidae showing the smooth skin typical of caeciliansTheir skin is smooth and usually dark but some species have colourful skins Inside the skin are calcite scales Because of these scales the caecilians were once thought to be related to the fossil Stegocephalia but they are now believed to be a secondary development and the two groups are most likely unrelated 10 Scales are absent in the families Scolecomorphidae and Typhlonectidae except the species Typhlonectes compressicauda where minute scales have been found in the hinder region of the body 25 The skin also has numerous ring shaped folds or annuli that partially encircle the body giving them a segmented appearance Like some other living amphibians the skin contains glands that secrete a toxin to deter predators 15 The skin secretions of Siphonops paulensis have been shown to have hemolytic properties 26 Milk provisioning edit Recent research as documented in the journal Science has shed light on the behavior of certain species of caecilians These studies reveal that some caecilians exhibit a phenomenon wherein they provide their hatchlings with a nutrient rich substance akin to milk delivered through a maternal vent Among the species investigated the oviparous nonmammalian caecilian amphibian Siphonops annulatus stood out indicating that the practice of lactation may be more widespread among these creatures than previously thought As detailed in a 2024 study researchers collected 16 mothers of the Siphonops annulatus species from cacao plantations in Brazil s Atlantic Forest and filmed them with their altricial hatchlings in the lab The mothers remained with their offspring which suckled on a white viscous liquid from their cloaca experiencing rapid growth in their first week This milk like substance rich in fats and carbohydrates is produced in the mother s oviduct epithelium s hypertrophied glands similar to mammal milk The substance was released seemingly in response to tactile and acoustic stimulation by the babies The researchers observed the hatchlings emitting high pitched clicking sounds as they approached their mothers for milk a behavior unique among amphibians This milk feeding behavior may contribute to the development of the hatchlings microbiome and immune system similar to mammalian young The presence of milk production in caecilians that lay eggs suggests an evolutionary transition between egg laying and live birth 27 28 29 Distribution edit nbsp Current distribution of caecilians in green Caecilians are native to wet tropical regions of Southeast Asia India Bangladesh Nepal 30 and Sri Lanka parts of East and West Africa the Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean Central America and in northern and eastern South America In Africa caecilians are found from Guinea Bissau Geotrypetes to southern Malawi Scolecomorphus with an unconfirmed record from eastern Zimbabwe They have not been recorded from the extensive areas of tropical forest in central Africa In South America they extend through subtropical eastern Brazil well into temperate northern Argentina They can be seen as far south as Buenos Aires when they are carried by the flood waters of the Parana River coming from farther north Their American range extends north to southern Mexico The northernmost distribution is of the species Ichthyophis sikkimensis of northern India Ichthyophis is also found in South China and Northern Vietnam In Southeast Asia they are found as far east as Java Borneo and the southern Philippines but they have not crossed Wallace s line and are not present in Australia or nearby islands There are no known caecilians in Madagascar but their presence in the Seychelles and India has led to speculation on the presence of undiscovered extinct or extant caecilians there 31 In 2021 a live specimen of Typhlonectes natans a caecilian native to Colombia and Venezuela was collected from a drainage canal in South Florida It was the only caecilian ever reported in the wild in the United States and is considered to be an introduction perhaps from the wildlife trade Whether a breeding population has been established in the area is unknown 32 33 Taxonomy editThe name caecilian derives from the Latin word caecus meaning blind referring to the small or sometimes nonexistent eyes The name dates back to the taxonomic name of the first species described by Carl Linnaeus which he named Caecilia tentaculata 10 There has historically been disagreement over the use of the two primary scientific names for caecilians Apoda and Gymnophiona Some palaeontologists prefer to use the name Apoda to refer to the crown group that is the group containing all modern caecilians and extinct members of these modern lineages and the name Gymnophiona to refer to the total group that is all caecilians and caecilian like amphibians that are more closely related to modern groups than to frogs or salamanders However Apoda been used for groups of fishes and of sea cucumbers and is the name of a genus of moth and its continued use in caecilian taxonomy is potentially confusing and unhelpful A classification of caecilians by Wilkinson et al 2011 divided the living caecilians into 9 families containing nearly 200 species 20 In 2012 a tenth caecilian family was newly described Chikilidae 34 35 This classification is based on a thorough definition of monophyly based on morphological and molecular evidence 36 37 38 39 and it solves the longstanding problems of paraphyly of the Caeciliidae in previous classifications without an exclusive reliance upon synonymy 20 40 There are 219 species of caecilian in 33 genera and 10 families Family Image Taxon author Genera Species Common name Geographic rangeCaeciliidae nbsp Caecilia subnigricans Rafinesque 1814 2 47 Common caecilians Central and South America Bolivia north to Costa Rica Chikilidae Kamei et al 2012 1 4 Northeast Indian caecilians Northeast India and Bangladesh with possible occurrences in Myanmar Dermophiidae nbsp Geotrypetes seraphini Taylor 1969 4 15 Neotropical caecilians Equatorial Africa West Africa Tanzania Kenya Central and South America Colombia north to Mexico Grandisoniidae formerly Indotyphlidae nbsp Grandisonia sechellensis Lescure Renous amp Gasc 1986 7 24 Indo African caecilians Equatorial Africa Cameroon Ethiopia the Seychelles western India Western Ghats Herpelidae nbsp Boulengerula taitana Laurent 1984 2 10 African caecilians Equatorial Africa Nigeria south to the Democratic Republic of the Congo Kenya south to Malawi possible occurrences in Angola and Zambia Ichthyophiidae nbsp Ichthyophis kodaguensis Taylor 1969 2 57 Asian tailed caecilians South and Southeast Asia western India north to Nepal east to the Philippines southern China and Indonesia Rhinatrematidae nbsp Epicrionops sp Nussbaum 1977 3 14 American tailed caecilians Northern South America northernmost Brazil west to Venezuela Colombia Ecuador and Peru Scolecomorphidae nbsp Scolecomorphus kirkii Taylor 1969 2 6 Buried eyed caecilians Equatorial Africa Cameroon Tanzania Malawi Mozambique Siphonopidae nbsp Microcaecilia dermatophaga Bonaparte 1850 5 28 South American caecilians South America Colombia south to northern Argentina Paraguay and southernmost Brazil Typhlonectidae nbsp Typhlonectes natans Taylor 1968 5 14 Aquatic caecilians South America Colombia and Venezuela south to northern Argentina and Uruguay The most recent phylogeny of caecilians is based on molecular mitogenomic evidence examined by San Mauro et al 2014 and modified to include some more recently described genera such as Amazops 41 42 43 Gymnophiona Eocaeciliidae Eocaecilia micropodia Rubricacaecilia monbaroniApoda Rhinatrematidae AmazopsRhinatremaEpicrionopsStegokrotaphia Ichthyophiidae UraeotyphlusIchthyophisTeresomata Scolecomorphidae CrotaphatremaScolecomorphusChikilidae ChikilaHerpelidae HerpeleBoulengerulaCaeciliidae Atretochoana Nectocaecilia PotamotyphlusChthonerpetonTyphlonectesOscaeciliaCaeciliaGrandisoniidae Idiocranium Indotyphlus SylvacaeciliaGegeneophisHypogeophisPrasliniaGrandisoniaDermophiidae GeotrypetesSchistometopumGymnopisDermophisSiphonopidae Brasilotyphlus Microcaecilia MimosiphonopsLuetkenotyphlusSiphonopsEvolution edit nbsp Eocaecilia an Early Jurassic amphibian commonly considered one of the oldest stem group caeciliansLittle is known of the evolutionary history of the caecilians which have left a very sparse fossil record The first fossil a vertebra dated to the Paleocene was not discovered until 1972 44 Other vertebrae which have characteristic features unique to modern species were later found in Paleocene and Late Cretaceous Cenomanian sediments 5 Phylogenetic evidence suggests that the ancestors of caecilians and batrachians including frogs and salamanders diverged from one another during the Carboniferous This leaves a gap of more than 70 million years between the presumed origins of caecilians and the earliest definitive fossils of stem caecilians 45 4 Prior to 2023 the earliest fossil attributed to a stem caecilian an amphibian closer to caecilians than to frogs or salamanders but not a member of the extant caecilian lineage comes from the Jurassic period This primitive genus Eocaecilia had small limbs and well developed eyes 46 In their 2008 description of the Early Permian amphibian Gerobatrachus 47 Anderson and co authors suggested that caecilians arose from the Lepospondyl group of ancestral tetrapods and may be more closely related to amniotes than to frogs and salamanders which arose from Temnospondyl ancestors Numerous groups of lepospondyls evolved reduced limbs elongated bodies and burrowing behaviors and morphological studies on Permian and Carboniferous lepospondyls have placed the early caecilian Eocaecilia among these groups 48 Divergent origins of caecilians and other extant amphibians may help explain the slight discrepancy between fossil dates for the origins of modern Amphibia which suggest Permian origins and the earlier dates in the Carboniferous predicted by some molecular clock studies of DNA sequences Most morphological and molecular studies of extant amphibians however support monophyly for caecilians frogs and salamanders and the most recent molecular study based on multi locus data suggest a Late Carboniferous Early Permian origin of extant amphibians 49 Chinlestegophis a stereospondyl temnospondyl from the Late Triassic Chinle Formation of Colorado was proposed to be a stem caecilian in a 2017 paper by Pardo and co authors If confirmed this would bolster the proposed pre Triassic origin of Lissamphibia suggested by molecular clocks It would fill a gap in the fossil record of early caecilians and suggest that stereospondyls as a whole qualify as stem group caecilians 45 However affinities between Chinlestegophis and gymnophionans have been disputed along several lines of evidence A 2020 study questioned the choice of characters supporting the relationship 3 and a 2019 reanalysis of the original data matrix found that other equally parsimonious positions were supported for the placement of Chinlestegophis and gymnophionans among tetrapods 50 A 2023 paper by Kligman and co authors described Funcusvermis another amphibian from the Chinle Formation of Arizona Funcusvermis was strongly supported as a stem group caecilian based on traits of its numerous skull and jaw fragments the largest sample of caecilian fossils known The paper discussed the various hypotheses for caecilian origins the polyphyly hypothesis caecilians as lepospondyls and other lissamphibians as temnospondyls the lepospondyl hypothesis lissamphibians as lepospondyls and the newer hypothesis supported by Chinlestegophis where caecilians and other lissamphibians had separate origins within temnospondyls Nevertheless all of these ideas were refuted and the most strongly supported hypothesis combined lissamphibians into a monophyletic group of dissorophoid temnospondyls closely related to Gerobatrachus 4 Behavior editReproduction edit nbsp Maternal care in Ichthyophis Ichthyophiidae Caecilians are the only order of amphibians to use internal insemination exclusively although most salamanders have internal fertilization and the tailed frog in the US uses a tail like appendage for internal insemination in its fast flowing water environment 15 The male caecilians have a long tube like intromittent organ the phallodeum 51 which is inserted into the cloaca of the female for two to three hours About 25 of the species are oviparous egg laying the eggs are laid in terrestrial nests rather than in water and are guarded by the female For some species the young caecilians are already metamorphosed when they hatch others hatch as larvae The larvae are not fully aquatic but spend the daytime in the soil near the water 15 52 About 75 of caecilians are viviparous meaning they give birth to already developed offspring The foetus is fed inside the female with cells lining the oviduct which they eat with special scraping teeth Some larvae such as those of Typhlonectes are born with enormous external gills which are shed almost immediately nbsp Microcaecilia dermatophaga Siphonopidae mother and hatchlings This species is one of several caecilians in which maternal dermatophagy has been observed The egg laying herpelid species Boulengerula taitana feeds its young by developing an outer layer of skin high in fat and other nutrients which the young peel off with modified teeth This allows them to grow by up to 10 times their own weight in a week The skin is consumed every three days the time it takes for a new layer to grow and the young have only been observed to eat it at night It was formerly thought that the juveniles subsisted only on a liquid secretion from their mothers 53 54 55 This form of parental care known as maternal dermatophagy has also been reported in two species in the family Siphonopidae Siphonops annulatus and Microcaecilia dermatophaga Siphonopids and herpelids are not closely related to each other having diverged in the Cretaceous Period The presence of maternal dermatophagy in both families suggest that it may be more widespread among caecilians than previously considered 56 57 Herpele squalostoma caecilians vertically transmit the mother s microbiome to their offspring through maternal dermatophagy In comparison to other amphibians the extended parenting of caecilians can provide beneficial bacteria and fungi but this transmission risks the spread of diseases like chytridiomycosis 58 59 Diet edit Caecilians are considered as generalist predators 60 While caecilians are generally carnivorous their diet differs between taxa The stomach contents of wild caecilians include primarily soil ecosystem engineers 61 like earthworms termites lizards moth larvae and shrimp Some species of caecilians will opportunistically consume newborn rodents salmon eggs and veal in laboratory conditions as well as vertebrates such as scolecophidian snakes lizards small fishes and frogs 62 63 Cultural significance editAs caecilians are a reclusive group they are only featured in a few human myths and are generally considered repulsive in traditional customs In the folklore of certain regions of India caecilians are feared and reviled based on the belief that they are fatally venomous Caecilians in the Eastern Himalayas are colloquially known as back ache snakes 64 while in the Western Ghats Ichthyophis tricolor is considered to be more toxic than a king cobra 65 66 Despite deep cultural respect for the cobra and other dangerous animals the caecilian is killed on sight by salt and kerosene 65 These myths have complicated conservation initiatives for Indian caecilians 65 64 66 Crotaphatrema lamottei a rare species native to Mount Oku in Cameroon is classified as a Kefa ntie burrowing creature by the Oku Kefa ntie a term also encompassing native moles and blind snakes are considered poisonous causing painful sores if encountered contacted or killed According to Oku tradition the ceremony to cleanse the affliction involves a potion composed of ground herbs palm oil snail shells and chicken blood applied to and licked off of the left thumb 67 South American caecilians have a variable relationship to local cultures 66 The minhocao a legendary worm like beast in Brazilian folklore may be inspired by caecilians Colombian folklore states that the aquatic caecilian Typhlonectes natans can be manifested from a lock of hair sealed in a sunken bottle In southern Mexico and Central America Dermophis mexicanus is colloquially known as the tapalcua a name referencing the belief that it emerges to embed itself in the rear end of any unsuspecting person who chooses to relieve themself over its home This may be inspired by their tendency to nest in refuse heaps 66 See also edit nbsp Amphibians portalCaecilians of the Western GhatsReferences edit a b Frost Darrel R 2019 Gymnophiona Muller 1832 Amphibian Species of the World an Online Reference Version 6 0 American Museum of Natural History Retrieved 11 September 2019 Wilkinson M 2012 Caecilians PDF Current Biology 22 17 R668 R669 Bibcode 2012CBio 22 R668W doi 10 1016 j cub 2012 06 019 PMID 22974987 a b Santos RO Laurin M Zaher H 2020 A review of the fossil record of caecilians Lissamphibia Gymnophionomorpha with comments on its use to calibrate molecular timetrees Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 131 4 737 755 doi 10 1093 biolinnean blaa148 a b c Kligman BT Gee BM Marsh AD Nesbitt SJ Smith ME Parker WG et al 25 January 2023 Triassic stem caecilian supports dissorophoid origin of living amphibians Nature 614 7946 102 107 Bibcode 2023Natur 614 102K doi 10 1038 s41586 022 05646 5 ISSN 1476 4687 PMC 9892002 PMID 36697827 a b Evans SE Sigogneau Russell D 2001 A stem group caecilian Lissamphibia Gymnophiona from the Lower Cretaceous of North Africa Palaeontology 44 2 259 273 Bibcode 2001Palgy 44 259E doi 10 1111 1475 4983 00179 Wilkinson M 2012 Caecilians Current Biology 22 17 R668 R669 An Anatomical Feature of Caecilian Amphibians The Lengthening of the Body and Organs Goin CJ Goin O Zug G 1978 Order Gymnophiona Introduction to Herpetology 3rd ed San Francisco W H Freeman and Company p 201 ISBN 978 0 7167 0020 3 Himstedt W 1996 Die Blindwuhlen in German Magdeburg Westarp Wissenschaften ISBN 978 3 89432 434 6 a b c d Chisholm H ed 1911 Caecilia Encyclopaedia Britannica 11th ed Cambridge University Press Atretochoana eiselti Natural History Museum Retrieved 22 February 2012 Mader D June 1995 Reptilian Anatomy Reptiles 3 2 84 93 The Ecology and Behavior of Amphibians Caecilians Current Biology a b c d e f Nussbaum RA 1998 Cogger H G Zweifel R G eds Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians San Diego Academic Press pp 52 59 ISBN 978 0 12 178560 4 Piper R 2007 Extraordinary Animals An Encyclopedia of Curious and Unusual Animals Greenwood Press Mohun SM Davies WI 27 August 2019 The Evolution of Amphibian Photoreception Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7 doi 10 3389 fevo 2019 00321 Mohun SM Davies WL Bowmaker JK Pisani D Himstedt W Gower DJ et al 2010 Identification and characterization of visual pigments in caecilians Amphibia Gymnophiona an order of limbless vertebrates with rudimentary eyes The Journal of Experimental Biology 213 20 3586 3592 doi 10 1242 jeb 045914 PMID 20889838 Taylor EH 1969 Skulls of Gymnophiona and their significance in the taxonomy of the group The University of Kansas Science Bulletin 48 15 585 687 a b c d Wilkinson M San Mauro D Sherratt E Gower D J 2011 A nine family classification of caecilians Amphibia Gymnophiona PDF Zootaxa 2874 41 64 doi 10 11646 zootaxa 2874 1 3 S2CID 86301415 Marshall AF Bardua C Gower DJ Wilkinson M Sherratt E Goswami A 27 March 2019 High density three dimensional morphometric analyses support conserved static intraspecific modularity in caecilian Amphibia Gymnophiona crania Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126 4 721 742 doi 10 1093 biolinnean blz001 hdl 2440 123277 ISSN 0024 4066 Mailho Fontana PL Antoniazzi MM Alexandre C Pimenta DC Sciani JM Brodie ED et al July 2020 Morphological Evidence for an Oral Venom System in Caecilian Amphibians iScience 23 7 101234 Bibcode 2020iSci 23j1234M doi 10 1016 j isci 2020 101234 ISSN 2589 0042 PMC 7385905 PMID 32621800 Hearing and Sound Communication in Amphibians Kleinteich T Haas A Summers AP 15 May 2008 Caecilian jaw closing mechanics integrating two muscle systems Journal of the Royal Society Interface 5 29 1491 1504 doi 10 1098 rsif 2008 0155 PMC 2607354 PMID 18482905 Arun D Sandhya S Akbarsha MA Oommen OV Divya L 2020 An insight into the skin glands dermal scales and secretions of the caecilian amphibian Ichthyophis beddomei Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 27 10 2683 2690 doi 10 1016 j sjbs 2020 06 009 PMC 7499274 PMID 32994727 Elisabeth N Ferroni Schwartz Carlos A Schwartz Antonio Sebben 1998 Occurrence of hemolytic activity in the skin secretion of the caecilian Siphonops paulensis Natural Toxins 6 5 179 182 doi 10 1002 SICI 1522 7189 199809 10 6 5 lt 179 AID NT20 gt 3 0 CO 2 M PMID 10398514 Quaglia S 7 March 2024 Bizarre Wormlike and Oozing Milk for Their Babies The New York Times ISSN 0362 4331 Retrieved 11 March 2024 Wake MH 7 March 2024 Amphibian hatchlings find mother s milk Science 383 1060 1061 2024 1060 1061 doi 10 1126 science ado2094 PMID 38452095 Mailho Fontana PL Antoniazzi MM Coelho GR Pimenta DC Fernandes LP Kupfer A et al 8 March 2024 Milk provisioning in oviparous caecilian amphibians Science 383 6687 1092 1095 doi 10 1126 science adi5379 ISSN 0036 8075 PMID 38452082 Rathor H 5 May 2016 Kutnjema Mareka Jiv Sarpa Hoina Katipur Kantipur News Archived from the original on 22 February 2017 Retrieved 5 May 2016 James D Gardner Jean Claude Rage The fossil record of lissamphibians from Africa Madagascar and the Arabian Plate Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 96 1 1 52 March 2016 Worm Like Limbless Amphibian Known As Caecilians Spotted in Florida For The First Time Conservation Reefcause com 3 August 2021 Retrieved 4 August 2021 Sheehy C Blackburn D Kouete M Gestring K Laurie K Prechtel A et al 15 July 2021 First record of a caecilian order Gymnophiona Typhlonectes natans in Florida and in the United States Reptiles amp Amphibians 28 2 355 357 doi 10 17161 randa v28i2 15629 ISSN 2332 4961 Kamei R San Mauro D Gower D J Van Bocxlaer I Sherratt E Thomas A et al 2012 Discovery of a new family of amphibians from Northeast India with ancient links to Africa Proc R Soc B 279 1737 2396 401 doi 10 1098 rspb 2012 0150 PMC 3350690 PMID 22357266 New amphibian family found in India CBC News Associated Press 21 February 2012 San Mauro D Gower D J Oommen O V Wilkinson M Zardoya R 2004 Phylogeny of caecilian amphibians Gymnophiona based on complete mitochondrial genomes and nuclear RAG1 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 33 2 413 427 doi 10 1016 j ympev 2004 05 014 PMID 15336675 San Mauro D Gower D J Massingham T Wilkinson M Zardoya R Cotton J A 2009 Experimental design in caecilian systematics phylogenetic information of mitochondrial genomes and nuclear rag1 Systematic Biology 58 4 425 438 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 577 2856 doi 10 1093 sysbio syp043 PMID 20525595 Zhang P Wake M H 2009 A mitogenomic perspective on the phylogeny and biogeography of living caecilians Amphibia Gymnophiona Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 2 479 491 doi 10 1016 j ympev 2009 06 018 PMID 19577653 San Mauro D Gower D J Cotton J A Zardoya R Wilkinson M Massingham T 2012 Experimental design in phylogenetics testing predictions from expected information Systematic Biology 61 4 661 674 doi 10 1093 sysbio sys028 PMID 22328568 Frost DR Grant T Faivovich J Bain RH Haas A Haddad CF et al 2006 The Amphibian Tree of Life Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 297 1 370 appendices doi 10 1206 0003 0090 2006 297 0001 TATOL 2 0 CO 2 ISSN 0003 0090 S2CID 86140137 Pyron R A Wiens J J 2011 A large scale phylogeny of Amphibia including over 2800 species and a revised classification of extant frogs salamanders and caecilians Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 61 2 543 583 doi 10 1016 j ympev 2011 06 012 PMID 21723399 San Mauro D Gower D J Muller H Loader S P Zardoya R Nussbaum R A et al 2014 Life history evolution and mitogenomic phylogeny of caecilian amphibians Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 73 177 89 doi 10 1016 j ympev 2014 01 009 hdl 10261 123960 PMID 24480323 AmphibiaWeb Amazops amazops amphibiaweb org Retrieved 24 January 2021 Estes R Wake Marvalee H 22 September 1972 The First Fossil Record of Caecilian Amphibians Nature 239 5369 228 231 Bibcode 1972Natur 239 228E doi 10 1038 239228b0 S2CID 4260251 a b Pardo JD Small BJ Huttenlocker AK 3 July 2017 Stem caecilian from the Triassic of Colorado sheds light on the origins of Lissamphibia Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 27 E5389 E5395 Bibcode 2017PNAS 114E5389P doi 10 1073 pnas 1706752114 ISSN 0027 8424 PMC 5502650 PMID 28630337 Jenkins PA Walsh Denis M 16 September 1993 An Early Jurassic caecilian with limbs Nature 365 6443 246 250 Bibcode 1993Natur 365 246J doi 10 1038 365246a0 S2CID 4342438 Anderson JS Reisz RR Scott D Frobisch NB Sumida SS 2008 A stem batrachian from the Early Permian of Texas and the origin of frogs and salamanders Nature 453 7194 515 8 Bibcode 2008Natur 453 515A doi 10 1038 nature06865 PMID 18497824 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10 1371 journal pone 0057756 ISSN 1932 6203 PMC 3590283 PMID 23483926 Quaglia S 18 October 2023 These Amphibians Have a Taste for Their Mom s Skin The New York Times Retrieved 22 October 2023 Kouete MT Bletz MC LaBumbard BC Woodhams DC Blackburn DC 15 May 2023 Parental Care Contributes to Vertical Transmission of Microbes in a Skin Feeding and Direct Developing Caecilian Animal Microbiome 5 28 BioMed Central 28 doi 10 1186 s42523 023 00243 x PMC 10184399 PMID 37189209 Govindappa V 10 September 2016 An unusual diet of Ichthyophis caecilians Current Science 111 111 793 795 JSTOR 24908573 Retrieved 15 March 2024 Govindappa V 10 September 2016 An unusual diet of Ichthyophis caecilians Current Science 111 111 793 795 JSTOR 24908573 Retrieved 15 March 2024 Govindappa V 10 September 2016 An unusual diet of Ichthyophis caecilians Current Science 111 793 795 JSTOR 24908573 Retrieved 15 March 2024 Schwenk K 2000 Feeding Form Function and Evolution in Tetrapod Vertebrates Elsevier pp 149 167 ISBN 978 0 08 053163 2 a b Sathyabhamu Das Biju Rachunliu G Kamei David Gower amp Mark Wilkinson 2009 Conservation of Caecilians in the Eastern Himalayas Region Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund Project Report pp 1 22 a b c K Ramachandran amp Oommen V Oommen August 2008 Deep rooted myths and their impact on the population of gymnophionan amphibians among the inhabited areas of Kerala India FrogLog v 88 pp 3 5 a b c d Crump M 2015 Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog Adder s Fork and Lizard s Leg University of Chicago Press doi 10 7208 chicago 9780226116143 001 0001 ISBN 978 0 226 11600 6 Doherty Bone TM Ndifon R Gower DJ 2011 Traditional indigenous perspectives on soil dwelling vertebrates in Oku Cameroon with special reference to the caecilian Crotaphatrema lamottei Herpetological Bulletin 116 19 24 External links edit nbsp Media related to Gymnophiona at Wikimedia Commons nbsp Data related to Gymnophiona at Wikispecies Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Caecilian amp oldid 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