
Yeniseian languages

The Yeniseian languages (sometimes known as Yeniseic or Yenisei-Ostyak;[notes 1] occasionally spelled with -ss-) are a family of languages that are spoken by the Yeniseian people in the Yenisei River region of central Siberia. As part of the proposed Dené–Yeniseian language family, the Yeniseian languages have been argued to be part of "the first demonstration of a genealogical link between Old World and New World language families that meets the standards of traditional comparative-historical linguistics".[1] The only surviving language of the group today is Ket.

EthnicityYeniseian people
today along the Yenisei River
historically large parts of Siberia and of Mongolia
Linguistic classificationDené–Yeniseian?
  • Yeniseian
  • Northern
  • Southern †
Distribution of Yeniseian languages in the 17th century (hatched) and in the end of 20th century (solid). Hydronymic data suggests that this distribution represents a northward migration of original Yeniseian populations from the Sayan Mountains and northern Mongolia.

The distribution of individual Yeniseian languages in 1600

From hydronymic and genetic data, it is suggested that the Yeniseian languages were spoken in a much greater area in ancient times, including parts of northern China and Mongolia.[2] It has been further proposed that the recorded distribution of Yeniseian languages from the 17th century onward represents a relatively recent northward migration, and that the Yeniseian urheimat lies to the south of Lake Baikal.[3]

The Yeniseians have been connected to the Xiongnu, whose ruling elite may have spoken a southern Yeniseian language similar to Pumpokol.[4] The Jie, who ruled the Later Zhao state of northern China, are likewise believed to have spoken a Pumpokolic language based on linguistic and ethnogeographic data.[5]

For those who argue the Xiongnu spoke a Yeniseian language, the Yeniseian languages are thought to have contributed many ubiquitous loanwords to Turkic and Mongolic vocabulary, such as Khan, Khagan, Tarqan, and the word for "god" and "sky", Tengri.[6] This conclusion has primarily been drawn from the analysis of preserved Xiongnu texts in the form of Chinese characters.


Proto-Yeniseian (before 500 BC; split around 1 AD)[7]

  • Northern Yeniseian (split around 700 AD)
  • Southern Yeniseian
    • Kott–Assan (split around 1200 AD)
      • Kott (extinct by the mid-1800s)
      • Assan (extinct by 1800)
    • Arin–Pumpokol (split around 550 AD)

It is theorized that the Xiongnu and Hunnic languages were Southern Yeniseian. Only two languages of this family survived into the 20th century: Ket (also known as Imbat Ket), with around 200 speakers, and Yugh (also known as Sym Ket), now extinct. The other known members of this family—Arin, Assan, Pumpokol, and Kott—have been extinct for over two centuries. Other groups—the Buklin, Baikot, Yarin, Yastin, Ashkyshtym, and Koibalkyshtym—are identifiable as Yeniseic speaking from tsarist fur-tax records compiled during the 17th century, but nothing remains of their languages except a few proper names.


Ket, the only extant Yeniseian language, is the northernmost known. Historical sources record a contemporaneous northern expansion of the Ket along the Yenisei during the Russian conquest of Siberia.[8] Today, it is mainly spoken in Turukhansky District of Krasnoyarsk Krai in far northern Siberia, in villages such as Kellog and Sulomay. Yugh, which only recently faced extinction, was spoken from Yeniseysk to Vorogovo, Yartsevo, and the upper Ket River.

The early modern distributions of Arin, Pumpokol, Kott, and Assan can be reconstructed. The Arin were north of Krasnoyarsk, whereas the closely related Pumpokol was spoken to the north and west of it, along the upper Ket. Kott and Assan, another pair of closely related languages, occupied the area south of Krasnoyarsk, and east to the Kan River.[9] From toponyms it can be seen that Yeniseian populations probably lived in Buryatia, Zabaykalsky, and northern Mongolia. As an example, the toponym ši can be found in Zabaykalsky Krai, which is probably related to the Proto-Yeniseian word sēs "river" and likely derives from an undocumented Yeniseian language. Some toponyms that appear Yeniseian extend as far as Heilongjiang.[10]

Václav Blažek argues, based on hydronymic data, that Yeniseians were once spread out even farther into the west.[of what?] He compares, for example, the word šet, found in more westerly river names, to Proto-Yeniseian sēs "river."[11]

Origins and history

According to Vovin, the Xiongnu Empire had a Yeniseian-speaking component.

According to a 2016 study, Yeniseian people and their language originated likely somewhere near the Altai Mountains or near Lake Baikal. According to this study, the Yeniseians are linked to Paleo-Eskimo groups.[12] The Yeniseians have also been hypothesised to be representative of a back-migration from Beringia to central Siberia, and the Dené–Yeniseians a result of a radiation of populations out of the Bering land bridge.[13]

In Siberia, Edward Vajda observed that Yeniseian hydronyms in the circumpolar region (the recent area of distribution of Yeniseian languages) clearly overlay earlier systems, with the layering of morphemes onto Ugric, Samoyedic, Turkic, and Tungusic place names. It is therefore proposed that the homeland, or dispersal point, of the Yeniseian languages lies in the boreal region between Lake Baikal, northern Mongolia, and the Upper Yenisei basin, referred to by Vajda as a territory "abandoned" by the original Yeniseian speakers.[3] On the other hand, Václav Blažek (2019) argues that based on hydronomic evidence, Yeneisian languages were originally spoken on the northern slopes of the Tianshan and Pamir mountains before dispersing downstream via the Irtysh River.[14]

The modern populations of Yeniseians in central and northern Siberia are thus not indigenous, and represents a more recent migration northward. This was noted by Russian explorers during the conquest of Siberia: the Ket are recorded to have been expanding northwards along the Yenisei, from the river Yeloguy to the Kureyka, from the 17th century onward.[8] Based on these records, the modern Ket-speaking area appears to represent the very northernmost reaches of Yeniseian migration.

The Jie kings of the Later Zhao are likely to have spoke Yeniseian.

The origin of this northward migration from the Mongolian steppe has been connected to the fall of the Xiongnu confederation. It appears from Chinese sources that a Yeniseian group might have been a major part of the heterogeneous Xiongnu tribal confederation,[15] who have traditionally been considered the ancestors of the Huns and other Northern Asian groups. However, these suggestions are difficult to substantiate due to the paucity of data.[16][17]

Alexander Vovin argues that at least parts of the Xiongnu, possibly its core or ruling class, spoke a Yeniseian language.[4] Positing a higher degree of similarity of Xiongnu to Yeniseian as compared to Turkic, he also praised Stefan Georg's demonstration of how the word Tengri (the Turkic and Mongolic word for "sky" and later "god") originated from Proto-Yeniseian tɨŋVr.[6]

It has been further suggested that the Yeniseian-speaking Xiongnu elite underwent a language shift to Oghur Turkic while migrating westward, eventually becoming the Huns. However, it has also been suggested that the core of the Hunnic language was a Yeniseian language.[18]

Vajda (et al. 2013) proposed that the ruling elite of the Huns spoke a Yeniseian language and influenced other languages in the region.[2]

One sentence of the language of the Jie, a Xiongnu tribe who founded the Later Zhao state, appears consistent with being a Yeniseian language.[4] Later study suggests that Jie is closer to Pumpokol than to other Yeniseian languages such as Ket.[5] This has been substantiated with geographical data by Vajda, who states that Yeniseian hydronyms found in northern Mongolia are exclusively Pumpokolic, in the process demonstrating both a linguistic and geographic proximity between Yeniseian and Jie.

The decline of the southern Yeniseian languages during and after the Russian conquest of Siberia has been attributed to language shifts of the Arin and Pumpokol to Khakas or Chulym Tatar, and the Kott and Assan to Khakas.[9]

Family features

The Yeniseian languages share many contact-induced similarities with the South Siberian Turkic languages, Samoyedic languages, and Evenki. These include long-distance nasal harmony, the development of former affricates to stops, and the use of postpositions or grammatical enclitics as clausal subordinators.[19] Yeniseic nominal enclitics closely approximate the case systems of geographically contiguous families. Despite these similarities, Yeniseian appears to stand out among the languages of Siberia in several typological respects, such as the presence of tone, the prefixing verb inflection, and highly complex morphophonology.[20]

The Yeniseian languages have been described as having up to four tones or no tones at all. The 'tones' are concomitant with glottalization, vowel length, and breathy voice, not unlike the situation reconstructed for Old Chinese before the development of true tones in Chinese. The Yeniseian languages have highly elaborate verbal morphology.

Personal pronouns
Northern branch Southern branch
Ket Yugh Kott-Assan Arin-Pumpokol
Kott dialects Assan Arin Pumpokol
1st sg. āˑ(t) āt ai aj ai ad
2nd sg. ūˑ ū au au au u
3rd sg. būˑ uju ~ hatu (masc.)
uja ~ hata (fem.)
bari au adu
1st pl. ɤ̄ˑt ~ ɤ́tn ɤ́tn ajoŋ ajuŋ aiŋ adɨŋ
2nd pl. ɤ́kŋ kɤ́kŋ auoŋ ~ aoŋ avun ajaŋ
3rd pl. būˑŋ béìŋ uniaŋ ~ hatien hatin itaŋ ?

The following table exemplifies the basic Yeniseian numerals as well as the various attempts at reconstructing the proto-forms:[21]

   Gloss    Northern branch Southern branch Reconstructions
Ket dialects Yugh Kott-Assan Arin-Pumpokol
SK Kott Assan Arin Pumpokol Starostin
1 qūˑs χūs huːtʃa hutʃa qusej xuta *xu-sa
2 ɯ̄ˑn ɯ̄n iːna ina kina hinɛaŋ *xɨna
3 dɔˀŋ dɔˀŋ toːŋa taŋa tʲoŋa ~ tʲuːŋa dóŋa *doʔŋa
4 sīˑk sīk tʃeɡa ~ ʃeːɡa ʃeɡa tʃaɡa ziang *si-
5 qāˑk χāk keɡa ~ χeːɡa keɡa qala hejlaŋ *qä-
6 aˀ ~ à àː χelutʃa ɡejlutʃa ɨɡa aɡɡɛaŋ *ʔaẋV
7 ɔˀŋ ɔˀŋ χelina ɡejlina ɨnʲa onʲaŋ *ʔoʔn-
10 qɔ̄ˑ χɔ̄ haːɡa ~ haɡa xaha qau ~ hioɡa hajaŋ *ẋɔGa
20 ɛˀk ɛˀk iːntʰukŋ inkukn kinthjuŋ hédiang *ʔeʔk ~ xeʔk
100 kiˀ kiˀ ujaːx jus jus útamssa *kiʔ ~ ɡiʔ / *ʔalVs-(tamsV)

The following table exemplifies a few basic vocabulary items as well as the various attempts at reconstructing the proto-forms:[21]

Other vocabulary
   Gloss    Northern branch Southern branch Reconstructions
Ket dialects Yugh Kott-Assan Arin-Pumpokol
SK NK CK Kott Assan Arin Pumpokol Vajda Starostin Werner
Larch sɛˀs sɛˀs šɛˀš sɛˀs šet čet čit tag *čɛˀç *seʔs *sɛʔt / *tɛʔt
River sēˑs sēˑs šēˑš sēs šet šet sat tat *cēˑc *ses *set / *tet
Stone tʌˀs tʌˀs tʌˀš čʌˀs šiš šiš kes kit *cʰɛˀs *čɨʔs *t'ɨʔs
Finger tʌˀq tʌˀq tʌˀq tʌˀχ tʰoχ ? intoto tok *tʰɛˀq *tǝʔq *thǝʔq
Resin dīˑk dīˑk dīˑk dʲīk čik ? ? ? *čīˑk *ǯik (~-g, -ẋ) *d'ik
Wolf qɯ̄ˑt qɯ̄ˑti qɯ̄ˑtə χɯ̄ˑt (boru ← Turkic) qut xotu *qʷīˑtʰi *qɨte (˜ẋ-) *qʌthǝ
Winter kɤ̄ˑt kɤ̄ˑti kɤ̄ˑte kɤ̄ˑt keːtʰi ? lot lete *kʷeˑtʰi *gǝte *kǝte
Light kʌˀn kʌˀn kʌˀn kʌˀn kin ? lum ? *kʷɛˀn *gǝʔn- ?
Person kɛˀd kɛˀd kɛˀd kɛˀtʲ hit het kit kit *kɛˀt *keʔt ?
Two ɯ̄ˑn ɯ̄ˑn ɯ̄ˑn ɯ̄n in in kin hin *kʰīˑn *xɨna *(k)ɨn
Water ūˑl ūˑl ūˑl ūr ul ul kul ul *kʰul *qoʔl (~ẋ-, -r)  ?
Birch ùs ùːse ùːsə ùːʰs uča uuča kus uta *kʰuχʂa *xūsa *kuʔǝt'ǝ
  Snowsled  súùl súùl šúùl sɔ́ùl  čogar  čɛgar šal tsɛl *tsehʷəl      *soʔol *sogǝl (~č/t'-ʎ) 

Proposed relations to other language families

Until 2008, few linguists had accepted connections between Yeniseian and any other language family, though distant connections have been proposed with most of the ergative languages of Eurasia.


In 2008, Edward Vajda of Western Washington University presented evidence for a genealogical relation between the Yeneisian languages of Siberia and the Na–Dené languages of North America.[22] At the time of publication (2010), Vajda's proposals had been favorably reviewed by several specialists of Na-Dené and Yeniseian languages—although at times with caution—including Michael Krauss, Jeff Leer, James Kari, and Heinrich Werner, as well as a number of other respected linguists, such as Bernard Comrie, Johanna Nichols, Victor Golla, Michael Fortescue, Eric Hamp, and Bill Poser (Kari and Potter 2010:12).[23] One significant exception is the critical review of the volume of collected papers by Lyle Campbell[24] and a response by Vajda[25] published in late 2011 that clearly indicate the proposal is not completely settled at the present time. Two other reviews and notices of the volume appeared in 2011 by Keren Rice and Jared Diamond.


The Karasuk hypothesis, linking Yeniseian to Burushaski, has been proposed by several scholars, notably by A.P. Dulson[26] and V.N. Toporov.[27] George van Driem, the most prominent current advocate of the Karasuk hypothesis, postulates that the Burusho people were part of the migration out of Central Asia, that resulted in the Indo-European conquest of the Indus Valley.[28]


As noted by Tailleur[29] and Werner,[30] some of the earliest proposals of genetic relations of Yeniseian, by M.A. Castrén (1856), James Byrne (1892), and G.J. Ramstedt (1907), suggested that Yeniseian was a northern relative of the Sino–Tibetan languages. These ideas were followed much later by Kai Donner[31] and Karl Bouda.[32] A 2008 study found further evidence for a possible relation between Yeniseian and Sino–Tibetan, citing several possible cognates.[33] Gao Jingyi (2014) identified twelve Sinitic and Yeniseian shared etymologies that belonged to the basic vocabulary, and argued that these Sino-Yeniseian etymologies could not be loans from either language into the other.[34] A link between the Na–Dené languages and Sino–Tibetan languages, known as Sino–Dené had also been proposed by Edward Sapir. Around 1920 Sapir became convinced that Na–Dené was more closely related to Sino–Tibetan than to other American families.[35] Edward Vadja's Dené–Yeniseian proposal renewed interest among linguists such as Geoffrey Caveney (2014) to look into support for the Sino–Dené hypothesis. Caveney considered a link between Sino–Tibetan, Na–Dené, and Yeniseian to be plausible but did not support the hypothesis that Sino–Tibetan and Na–Dené were related to the Caucasian languages (Sino–Caucasian and Dené–Caucasian).[36]


Bouda, in various publications in the 1930s through the 1950s, described a linguistic network that (besides Yeniseian and Sino-Tibetan) also included Caucasian, and Burushaski, some forms of which have gone by the name of Sino-Caucasian. The works of R. Bleichsteiner[37] and O.G. Tailleur,[38] the late Sergei A. Starostin[39] and Sergei L. Nikolayev[40] have sought to confirm these connections. Others who have developed the hypothesis, often expanded to Dené–Caucasian, include J.D. Bengtson,[41] V. Blažek,[42] J.H. Greenberg (with M. Ruhlen),[43] and M. Ruhlen.[44] George Starostin continues his father's work in Yeniseian, Sino-Caucasian and other fields.[45] This theory is very controversial or viewed as obsolete by nearly all modern linguists.[46][47][48]


  1. ^ "Ostyak" is a concept of areal rather than genetic linguistics. In addition to the Yeniseian languages it also includes the Uralic languages Khanty and Selkup.


  1. ^ Bernard Comrie (2008) "Why the Dene-Yeniseic Hypothesis is Exciting". Fairbanks and Anchorage, Alaska: Dene-Yeniseic Symposium.
  2. ^ a b Vajda, Edward J. (2013). Yeniseian Peoples and Languages: A History of Yeniseian Studies with an Annotated Bibliography and a Source Guide. Oxford/New York: Routledge.
  3. ^ a b Vajda, Edward. "Yeniseian and Dene Hydronyms" (PDF). Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication. 17: 183–201.
  4. ^ a b c Vovin, Alexander. "Did the Xiongnu speak a Yeniseian language?". Central Asiatic Journal 44/1 (2000), pp. 87–104.
  5. ^ a b Vovin, Alexander; Vajda, Edward J.; de la Vaissière, Etienne (2016). "Who were the *Kyet (羯) and what language did they speak?". Journal Asiatique. 304 (1): 125–144.
  6. ^ a b Vovin, Alexander (2000). "Did the Xiong Nu Speak a Yeniseian Language?". Central Asiatic Journal. 44 (1).
  7. ^ Vadja 2007
  8. ^ a b Georg, Stefan (January 2003). "The Gradual Disappearance of a Eurasian Language Family". Language Death and Language Maintenance: Theoretical, Practical and Descriptive Approaches. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. 240: 89. doi:10.1075/cilt.240.07geo. ISBN 978-90-272-4752-0.
  9. ^ a b Vajda, Edward J. (2004-01-01). Languages and Prehistory of Central Siberia. John Benjamins Publishing. ISBN 978-90-272-4776-6.
  10. ^ https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10125/24847/1/ldc-sp17-10-vajda.pdf[bare URL PDF]
  11. ^ https://starling.rinet.ru/confer/Blazhek-2019.pdf[bare URL PDF]
  12. ^ Flegontov, Pavel; Changmai, Piya; Zidkova, Anastassiya; Logacheva, Maria D.; Altınışık, N. Ezgi; Flegontova, Olga; Gelfand, Mikhail S.; Gerasimov, Evgeny S.; Khrameeva, Ekaterina E. (2016-02-11). "Genomic study of the Ket: a Paleo-Eskimo-related ethnic group with significant ancient North Eurasian ancestry". Scientific Reports. 6: 20768. arXiv:1508.03097. Bibcode:2016NatSR...620768F. doi:10.1038/srep20768. PMC 4750364. PMID 26865217.
  13. ^ Sicoli, Mark A.; Holton, Gary (2014-03-12). "Linguistic Phylogenies Support Back-Migration from Beringia to Asia". PLOS ONE. 9 (3): e91722. Bibcode:2014PLoSO...991722S. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091722. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 3951421. PMID 24621925.
  14. ^ Blažek, Václav. 2019. Toward the question of Yeniseian homeland in perspective of toponymy. 14th Annual Sergei Starostin Memorial Conference on Comparative-Historical Linguistics. Moscow: RSUH.
  15. ^ See Vovin 2000, Vovin 2002 and Pulleyblank 2002
  16. ^ See Vajda 2008a
  17. ^ Sinor, Denis (1996). "23.4 The Xiongnu Empire". In Herrmann, J.; Zürcher, E. (eds.). History of Humanity. Multiple History. Vol. III: From the Seventh Century B.C. to the Seventh Century A.D. UNESCO. p. 452. ISBN 978-92-3-102812-0.
  18. ^ E. G. Pulleyblank, "The consonontal system of old Chinese" [Pt 1], Asia Major, vol. IX (1962), pp. 1–2.
  19. ^ See Anderson 2003
  20. ^ Georg, Stefan (2008). "Yeniseic languages and the Siberian linguistic area". Evidence and Counter-Evidence. Festschrift Frederik Kortlandt. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics. Vol. 33. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi. pp. 151–168.
  21. ^ a b See Vajda 2007, Starostin 1982 and Werner (???)
  22. ^ See Vajda 2010
  23. ^ Language Log » The languages of the Caucasus
  24. ^ Lyle Campbell, 2011, "Review of The Dene-Yeniseian Connection (Kari and Potter)," International Journal of American Linguistics 77:445–451. "In summary, the proposed Dene-Yeniseian connection cannot be embraced at present. The hypothesis is indeed stimulating, advanced by a serious scholar trying to use appropriate procedures. Unfortunately, neither the lexical evidence (with putative sound correspondences) nor the morphological evidence adduced is sufficient to support a distant genetic relationship between Na-Dene and Yeniseian." (pg. 450).
  25. ^ Edward Vajda, 2011, "A Response to Campbell," International Journal of American Linguistics 77:451–452. "It remains incumbent upon the proponents of the DY hypothesis to provide solutions to at least some of the unresolved problems identified in Campbell's review or in DYC itself. My opinion is that every one of them requires a convincing solution before the relationship between Yeniseian and Na-Dene can be considered settled." (pg. 452).
  26. ^ See Dulson 1968
  27. ^ See Toporov 1971
  28. ^ See Van Driem 2001
  29. ^ See Tailleur 1994
  30. ^ See Werner 1994
  31. ^ See Donner 1930
  32. ^ See Bouda 1963 and Bouda 1957
  33. ^ Sedláček, Kamil (2008). "The Yeniseian Languages of the 18th Century and Ket and Sino-Tibetan Word Comparisons". Central Asiatic Journal. 52 (2): 219–305. ISSN 0008-9192. JSTOR 41928491.
  34. ^ 高晶一, Jingyi Gao (2017). "Xia and Ket Identified by Sinitic and Yeniseian Shared Etymologies // 確定夏國及凱特人的語言為屬於漢語族和葉尼塞語系共同詞源". Central Asiatic Journal. 60 (1–2): 51–58. doi:10.13173/centasiaj.60.1-2.0051. ISSN 0008-9192. JSTOR 10.13173/centasiaj.60.1-2.0051.
  35. ^ Ruhlen, Merritt (1998-11-10). "The origin of the Na-Dene". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 95 (23): 13994–13996. Bibcode:1998PNAS...9513994R. doi:10.1073/pnas.95.23.13994. ISSN 0027-8424. PMC 25007. PMID 9811914.
  36. ^ Caveney, Geoffrey (2014). "Sino-Tibetan ŋ- and Na-Dene *kw- / *gw- / *xw-: 1st Person Pronouns and Lexical Cognate Sets". Journal of Chinese Linguistics. 42 (2): 461–487. JSTOR 24774894.
  37. ^ See Bleichsteiner 1930
  38. ^ See Tailleur 1958 and Tailleur 1994
  39. ^ See Starostin 1982, Starostin 1984, Starostin 1991, Starostin & Ruhlen 1994
  40. ^ See Nikola(y)ev 1991
  41. ^ See Bengtson 1994, Bengtson 1998, Bengtson 2008
  42. ^ See Blažek & Bengtson 1995
  43. ^ See Greenberg & Ruhlen, Greenberg & Ruhlen 1997
  44. ^ See Ruhlen 1997, Ruhlen 1998a, Ruhlen 1998b
  45. ^ See Reshetnikov & Starostin 1995a, Reshetnikov & Starostin 1995b, Dybo & Starostin
  46. ^ Trask, R. L. (2000). The Dictionary of Historical and Comparative Linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pg. 85
  47. ^ Dalby, Andrew (1998). Dictionary of Languages. New York: Columbia University Press. pg. 434
  48. ^ Sanchez-Mazas, Alicia; Blench, Roger; Ross, Malcolm D.; Peiros, Ilia; Lin, Marie (2008-07-25). Past Human Migrations in East Asia: Matching Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics. Routledge. ISBN 9781134149629.


  • Anderson, G. (2003) 'Yeniseic languages in Siberian areal perspective', Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 56.1/2: 12–39. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
  • Anonymous. (1925). The Similarity of Chinese and Indian Languages. Science Supplement 62 (1607): xii. [Usually incorrectly cited as "Sapir (1925)": see Kaye (1992), Bengtson (1994).]
  • Bengtson, John D. (1994). Edward Sapir and the 'Sino-Dené' Hypothesis. Anthropological Science 102.3: 207–230.
  • Bengtson, John D. (1998). Caucasian and Sino-Tibetan: A Hypothesis of S. A. Starostin. General Linguistics, Vol. 36, no. 1/2, 1998 (1996). Pegasus Press, University of North Carolina, Asheville, North Carolina.
  • Bengtson, John D. (1998). Some Yenisseian Isoglosses. Mother tongue IV, 1998.
  • Bengtson, J.D. (2008). Materials for a Comparative Grammar of the Dene–Caucasian (Sino-Caucasian) Languages. In Aspects of Comparative Linguistics, v. 3., pp. 45–118. Moscow: RSUH Publishers.
  • Blažaek, Václav, and John D. Bengtson. 1995. "Lexica Dene–Caucasica." Central Asiatic Journal 39.1: 11–50, 39.2: 161–164.
  • Bleichsteiner, Robert. (1930). "Die werschikisch-burischkische Sprache im Pamirgebiet und ihre Stellung zu den Japhetitensprachen des Kaukasus [The Werchikwar-Burushaski language in the Pamir region and its position relative to the Japhetic languages of the Caucasus]." Wiener Beiträge zur Kunde des Morgenlandes 1: 289–331.
  • Bouda, Karl. (1936). Jenisseisch-tibetische Wortgleichungen [Yeniseian-Tibetan word equivalents]. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 90: 149–159.
  • Bouda, Karl. (1957). Die Sprache der Jenissejer. Genealogische und morphologische Untersuchungen [The language of the Yeniseians. Genealogical and morphological investigations]. Anthropos 52.1–2: 65–134.
  • Donner, Kai. (1930). Über die Jenissei-Ostiaken und ihre Sprache [About the Yenisei ostyaks and their language]. Journal de la Société Finno-ougrienne 44.
  • Van Driem, George. (2001). The Languages of the Himalayas. Leiden: Brill Publishers.
  • (Dulson, A.P.) Дульзон, А.П. (1968). Кетский язык [The Ket language]. Томск: Издательство Томского Университета [Tomsk: Tomsk University Press].
  • Dybo, Anna V., Starostin, G. S. (2008). In Defense of the Comparative Method, or the End of the Vovin Controversy. // Originally in: Aspects of Comparative Linguistics, v. 3. Moscow: RSUH Publishers, pp. 109–258.
  • Georg, Stefan. (2007). A Descriptive Grammar of Ket (Yenisei-Ostyak), Volume I: Introduction, Phonology, Morphology, Folkestone/Kent: Global Oriental. ISBN 978-1-901903-58-4
  • Greenberg, J.H., and M. Ruhlen. (1992). Scientific American 267.5 (November): 94–99.
  • Greenberg, J.H., and M. Ruhlen. (1997). L'origine linguistique des Amérindiens[The linguistic origin of the Amerindians]. Pour la Science (Dossier, October), 84–89.
  • Kaye, A.S. (1992). Distant genetic relationship and Edward Sapir. Semiotica 91.3/4: 273–300.
  • Nikola(y)ev, Sergei L. (1991). Sino-Caucasian Languages in America. In Shevoroshkin (1991): 42–66.
  • Pulleyblank, Edwin G. (2002). Central Asia and Non-Chinese Peoples of Ancient China (Collected Studies, 731).
  • Reshetnikov, Kirill Yu.; Starostin, George S. (1995). The Structure of the Ket Verbal Form. // Originally in: The Ket Volume (Studia Ketica), v. 4. Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture, pp. 7–121.
  • Starostin, George S. (1995). Morphology of the Kott Verb and Reconstruction of the Proto-Yeniseian Verbal System. // Originally in: The Ket Volume (Studia Ketica), v. 4. Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture, pp. 122–175.
  • Ruhlen, M. (1997). Une nouvelle famille de langues: le déné-caucasien [A new language family: Dene–Caucasian]. Pour la Science (Dossier, October) 68–73.
  • Ruhlen, Merritt. (1998a). Dene–Caucasian: A New Linguistic Family. In The Origins and Past of Modern Humans – Towards Reconciliation, ed. by Keiichi Omoto and Phillip V. Tobias, Singapore, World Scientific, 231–46.
  • Ruhlen, Merritt. (1998b). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95: 13994–96.
  • Rubicz, R., Melvin, K.L., Crawford, M.H. 2002. Genetic Evidence for the phylogenetic relationship between Na-Dene and Yeniseian speakers. Human Biology, Dec 1 2002 74 (6) 743–761
  • Sapir, Edward. (1920). Comparative Sino-Tibetan and Na-Dené Dictionary. Ms. Ledger. American Philosophical Society Na 20a.3. (Microfilm)
  • Shafer, Robert. (1952). Athapaskan and Sino-Tibetan. International Journal of American Linguistics 18: 12–19.
  • Shafer, Robert. (1957). Note on Athapaskan and Sino-Tibetan. International Journal of American Linguistics 23: 116–117.
  • Stachowski, Marek (1996). Über einige altaische Lehnwörter in den Jenissej-Sprachen. In Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 1: 91–115.
  • Stachowski, Marek (1997). Altaistische Anmerkungen zum “Vergleichenden Wörterbuch der Jenissej-Sprachen”. In Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 2: 227–239.
  • Stachowski, Marek (2004). Anmerkungen zu einem neuen vergleichenden Wörterbuch der Jenissej-Sprachen. In Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 9: 189–204.
  • Stachowski, Marek (2006a). Arabische Lehnwörter in den Jenissej-Sprachen des 18. Jahrhunderts und die Frage der Sprachbünde in Sibirien[permanent dead link] In Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 123 (2006): 155–158.
  • Stachowski, Marek (2006b). Persian loan words in 18th century Yeniseic and the problem of linguistic areas in Siberia. In A. Krasnowolska / K. Maciuszak / B. Mękarska (ed.): In the Orient where the Gracious Light... [Festschrift for A. Pisowicz], Kraków: 179–184.
  • (Starostin, Sergei A.) Старостин, Сергей А. (1982). Праенисейская реконструкция и внешние связи енисейских языков [A Proto-Yeniseian reconstruction and the external relations of the Yeniseian languages]. In: Кетский сборник, ed. Е.А. Алексеенко (E.A. Alekseenko). Leningrad: Nauka, 44–237.
  • (Starostin, Sergei A.) Старостин, Сергей А. (1984). Гипотеза о генетических связях сино-тибетских языков с енисейскими и северокавказскими языками [A hypothesis on genetic relations of the Sino-Tibetan languages to the Yeniseian and the North Caucasian languages]. In: Лингвистическая реконструкция и древнейшая история Востока [Linguistic reconstruction and the prehistory of the East], 4: Древнейшая языковая ситуация в восточной Азии [The prehistoric language situation in eastern Asia], ed. И. Ф. Вардуль (I.F. Varduľ) et al. Москва: Институт востоковедения [Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences], 19–38. [see Starostin 1991]
  • Starostin, Sergei A. (1991). On the Hypothesis of a Genetic Connection Between the Sino-Tibetan Languages and the Yeniseian and North Caucasian Languages. In Shevoroshkin (1991): 12–41. [Translation of Starostin 1984]
  • Starostin, Sergei A., and Merritt Ruhlen. (1994). Proto-Yeniseian Reconstructions, with Extra-Yeniseian Comparisons. In M. Ruhlen, On the Origin of Languages: Studies in Linguistic Taxonomy. Stanford: Stanford University Press. pp. 70–92. [Partial translation of Starostin 1982, with additional comparisons by Ruhlen.]
  • Tailleur, O.G. (1994). Traits paléo-eurasiens de la morphologie iénisséienne. Études finno-ougriennes 26: 35–56.
  • Tailleur, O.G. (1958). Un îlot basco-caucasien en Sibérie: les langues iénisséiennes [A little Basque-Caucasian island in Siberia: the Yeniseian languages]. Orbis 7.2: 415–427.
  • Toporov, V.N. (1971). Burushaski and Yeniseian Languages: Some Parallels. Travaux linguistiques de Prague 4: 107–125.
  • Vajda, Edward J. (1998). The Kets and Their Language. Mother Tongue IV.
  • Vajda, Edward J. (2000). Ket Prosodic Phonology. Munich: Lincom Europa Languages of the World vol. 15.
  • Vajda, Edward J. (2002). The Origin of Phonemic Tone in Yeniseic. In CLS 37, 2002. (Parasession on Arctic languages: 305–320).
  • Vajda, Edward J. (2004). Ket. Lincom Europa, München.
  • Vajda, Edward J. (2004). Languages and Prehistory of Central Siberia. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 262. John Benjamin Publishing Company. (Presentation of the Yeniseian family and its speakers, together with neighboring languages and their speakers, in linguistic, historical and archeological view)
  • Vajda, Edward J. (2007). Yeniseic substrates and typological accommodation in central Siberia.
  • Vajda, Edward J. (2008). "Yeniseic" a chapter in the book Language isolates and microfamilies of Asia, Routledge, to be co-authored with Bernard Comrie; 53 pages).
  • Vajda, Edward J. (2010). "Siberian Link with Na-Dene Languages." The Dene–Yeniseian Connection, ed. by J. Kari and B. Potter, 33–99. Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska, new series, vol. 5. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Department of Anthropology.
  • Vovin, Alexander. (2000). 'Did the Xiong-nu speak a Yeniseian language?' Central Asiatic Journal 44.1: 87–104.
  • Vovin, Alexander. (2002). 'Did the Xiongnu speak a Yeniseian language? Part 2: Vocabulary', in Altaica Budapestinensia MMII, Proceedings of the 45th Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Budapest, June 23–28, pp. 389–394.
  • Werner, Heinrich. (1998). Reconstructing Proto-Yenisseian. Mother Tongue IV.
  • Werner, Heinrich. (2004). Zur jenissejisch-indianischen Urverwandtschaft [On the Yeniseian-[American] Indian primordial relationship]. Wiesbaden: Harassowitz.

External links

  • by Edward Vajda, a proponent of the Yeniseian-Na-Dene connection.
  • Lecture notes on the Ket people 2019-04-06 at the Wayback Machine by Edward Vajda.
  • Map of the Yeniseian family from the Santa Fe Institute.
  • by Merritt Ruhlen.
  • Yenisseian Etymology by S. A. Starostin.
  • Sino-Caucasian [comparative phonology] by S. A. Starostin. 2005.
  • Sino-Caucasian [comparative glossary] by S. A. Starostin. 2005.
  • Article on Yeniseian languages (in Russian)
  • Multimedia Database of Ket Language, Moscow State (Lomonosov) University
  • Ket language vocabulary with loanwords (from the World Loanword Database)

yeniseian, languages, confused, with, yenish, language, sometimes, known, yeniseic, yenisei, ostyak, notes, occasionally, spelled, with, family, languages, that, spoken, yeniseian, people, yenisei, river, region, central, siberia, part, proposed, dené, yenisei. Not to be confused with the Yenish language The Yeniseian languages sometimes known as Yeniseic or Yenisei Ostyak notes 1 occasionally spelled with ss are a family of languages that are spoken by the Yeniseian people in the Yenisei River region of central Siberia As part of the proposed Dene Yeniseian language family the Yeniseian languages have been argued to be part of the first demonstration of a genealogical link between Old World and New World language families that meets the standards of traditional comparative historical linguistics 1 The only surviving language of the group today is Ket YeniseianEthnicityYeniseian peopleGeographicdistributiontoday along the Yenisei River historically large parts of Siberia and of MongoliaLinguistic classificationDene Yeniseian YeniseianProto languageProto YeniseianSubdivisionsNorthern Southern Glottologyeni1252Distribution of Yeniseian languages in the 17th century hatched and in the end of 20th century solid Hydronymic data suggests that this distribution represents a northward migration of original Yeniseian populations from the Sayan Mountains and northern Mongolia The distribution of individual Yeniseian languages in 1600From hydronymic and genetic data it is suggested that the Yeniseian languages were spoken in a much greater area in ancient times including parts of northern China and Mongolia 2 It has been further proposed that the recorded distribution of Yeniseian languages from the 17th century onward represents a relatively recent northward migration and that the Yeniseian urheimat lies to the south of Lake Baikal 3 The Yeniseians have been connected to the Xiongnu whose ruling elite may have spoken a southern Yeniseian language similar to Pumpokol 4 The Jie who ruled the Later Zhao state of northern China are likewise believed to have spoken a Pumpokolic language based on linguistic and ethnogeographic data 5 For those who argue the Xiongnu spoke a Yeniseian language the Yeniseian languages are thought to have contributed many ubiquitous loanwords to Turkic and Mongolic vocabulary such as Khan Khagan Tarqan and the word for god and sky Tengri 6 This conclusion has primarily been drawn from the analysis of preserved Xiongnu texts in the form of Chinese characters Contents 1 Classification 2 Distribution 3 Origins and history 4 Family features 5 Proposed relations to other language families 5 1 Dene Yeniseian 5 2 Karasuk 5 3 Sino Tibetan 5 4 Dene Caucasian 6 Notes 7 References 8 Bibliography 9 External linksClassification EditSee also Para Yeniseian languages This section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Yeniseian languages news newspapers books scholar JSTOR October 2021 Learn how and when to remove this template message Proto Yeniseian before 500 BC split around 1 AD 7 Northern Yeniseian split around 700 AD Ket 550 speakers Yugh Southern Yeniseian Kott Assan split around 1200 AD Kott extinct by the mid 1800s Assan extinct by 1800 Arin Pumpokol split around 550 AD Arin extinct by 1800 Pumpokol extinct by 1750 Jie It is theorized that the Xiongnu and Hunnic languages were Southern Yeniseian Only two languages of this family survived into the 20th century Ket also known as Imbat Ket with around 200 speakers and Yugh also known as Sym Ket now extinct The other known members of this family Arin Assan Pumpokol and Kott have been extinct for over two centuries Other groups the Buklin Baikot Yarin Yastin Ashkyshtym and Koibalkyshtym are identifiable as Yeniseic speaking from tsarist fur tax records compiled during the 17th century but nothing remains of their languages except a few proper names Distribution EditKet the only extant Yeniseian language is the northernmost known Historical sources record a contemporaneous northern expansion of the Ket along the Yenisei during the Russian conquest of Siberia 8 Today it is mainly spoken in Turukhansky District of Krasnoyarsk Krai in far northern Siberia in villages such as Kellog and Sulomay Yugh which only recently faced extinction was spoken from Yeniseysk to Vorogovo Yartsevo and the upper Ket River The early modern distributions of Arin Pumpokol Kott and Assan can be reconstructed The Arin were north of Krasnoyarsk whereas the closely related Pumpokol was spoken to the north and west of it along the upper Ket Kott and Assan another pair of closely related languages occupied the area south of Krasnoyarsk and east to the Kan River 9 From toponyms it can be seen that Yeniseian populations probably lived in Buryatia Zabaykalsky and northern Mongolia As an example the toponym si can be found in Zabaykalsky Krai which is probably related to the Proto Yeniseian word ses river and likely derives from an undocumented Yeniseian language Some toponyms that appear Yeniseian extend as far as Heilongjiang 10 Vaclav Blazek argues based on hydronymic data that Yeniseians were once spread out even farther into the west of what He compares for example the word set found in more westerly river names to Proto Yeniseian ses river 11 Origins and history Edit According to Vovin the Xiongnu Empire had a Yeniseian speaking component See also Proto Yeniseian According to a 2016 study Yeniseian people and their language originated likely somewhere near the Altai Mountains or near Lake Baikal According to this study the Yeniseians are linked to Paleo Eskimo groups 12 The Yeniseians have also been hypothesised to be representative of a back migration from Beringia to central Siberia and the Dene Yeniseians a result of a radiation of populations out of the Bering land bridge 13 In Siberia Edward Vajda observed that Yeniseian hydronyms in the circumpolar region the recent area of distribution of Yeniseian languages clearly overlay earlier systems with the layering of morphemes onto Ugric Samoyedic Turkic and Tungusic place names It is therefore proposed that the homeland or dispersal point of the Yeniseian languages lies in the boreal region between Lake Baikal northern Mongolia and the Upper Yenisei basin referred to by Vajda as a territory abandoned by the original Yeniseian speakers 3 On the other hand Vaclav Blazek 2019 argues that based on hydronomic evidence Yeneisian languages were originally spoken on the northern slopes of the Tianshan and Pamir mountains before dispersing downstream via the Irtysh River 14 The modern populations of Yeniseians in central and northern Siberia are thus not indigenous and represents a more recent migration northward This was noted by Russian explorers during the conquest of Siberia the Ket are recorded to have been expanding northwards along the Yenisei from the river Yeloguy to the Kureyka from the 17th century onward 8 Based on these records the modern Ket speaking area appears to represent the very northernmost reaches of Yeniseian migration The Jie kings of the Later Zhao are likely to have spoke Yeniseian The origin of this northward migration from the Mongolian steppe has been connected to the fall of the Xiongnu confederation It appears from Chinese sources that a Yeniseian group might have been a major part of the heterogeneous Xiongnu tribal confederation 15 who have traditionally been considered the ancestors of the Huns and other Northern Asian groups However these suggestions are difficult to substantiate due to the paucity of data 16 17 Alexander Vovin argues that at least parts of the Xiongnu possibly its core or ruling class spoke a Yeniseian language 4 Positing a higher degree of similarity of Xiongnu to Yeniseian as compared to Turkic he also praised Stefan Georg s demonstration of how the word Tengri the Turkic and Mongolic word for sky and later god originated from Proto Yeniseian tɨŋVr 6 It has been further suggested that the Yeniseian speaking Xiongnu elite underwent a language shift to Oghur Turkic while migrating westward eventually becoming the Huns However it has also been suggested that the core of the Hunnic language was a Yeniseian language 18 Vajda et al 2013 proposed that the ruling elite of the Huns spoke a Yeniseian language and influenced other languages in the region 2 One sentence of the language of the Jie a Xiongnu tribe who founded the Later Zhao state appears consistent with being a Yeniseian language 4 Later study suggests that Jie is closer to Pumpokol than to other Yeniseian languages such as Ket 5 This has been substantiated with geographical data by Vajda who states that Yeniseian hydronyms found in northern Mongolia are exclusively Pumpokolic in the process demonstrating both a linguistic and geographic proximity between Yeniseian and Jie The decline of the southern Yeniseian languages during and after the Russian conquest of Siberia has been attributed to language shifts of the Arin and Pumpokol to Khakas or Chulym Tatar and the Kott and Assan to Khakas 9 Family features EditThe Yeniseian languages share many contact induced similarities with the South Siberian Turkic languages Samoyedic languages and Evenki These include long distance nasal harmony the development of former affricates to stops and the use of postpositions or grammatical enclitics as clausal subordinators 19 Yeniseic nominal enclitics closely approximate the case systems of geographically contiguous families Despite these similarities Yeniseian appears to stand out among the languages of Siberia in several typological respects such as the presence of tone the prefixing verb inflection and highly complex morphophonology 20 The Yeniseian languages have been described as having up to four tones or no tones at all The tones are concomitant with glottalization vowel length and breathy voice not unlike the situation reconstructed for Old Chinese before the development of true tones in Chinese The Yeniseian languages have highly elaborate verbal morphology Personal pronouns Northern branch Southern branchKet Yugh Kott Assan Arin PumpokolKott dialects Assan Arin Pumpokol1st sg aˑ t at ai aj ai ad2nd sg uˑ u au au au u3rd sg buˑ bu uju hatu masc uja hata fem bari au adu1st pl ɤ ˑt ɤ tn ɤ tn ajoŋ ajuŋ aiŋ adɨŋ2nd pl ɤ kŋ kɤ kŋ auoŋ aoŋ avun aŋ ajaŋ3rd pl buˑŋ beiŋ uniaŋ hatien hatin itaŋ The following table exemplifies the basic Yeniseian numerals as well as the various attempts at reconstructing the proto forms 21 Numerals Gloss Northern branch Southern branch ReconstructionsKet dialects Yugh Kott Assan Arin PumpokolSK Kott Assan Arin Pumpokol Starostin1 quˑs xus huːtʃa hutʃa qusej xuta xu sa2 ɯ ˑn ɯ n iːna ina kina hinɛaŋ xɨna3 dɔˀŋ dɔˀŋ toːŋa taŋa tʲoŋa tʲuːŋa doŋa doʔŋa4 siˑk sik tʃeɡa ʃeːɡa ʃeɡa tʃaɡa ziang si 5 qaˑk xak keɡa xeːɡa keɡa qala hejlaŋ qa 6 aˀ a aː xelutʃa ɡejlutʃa ɨɡa aɡɡɛaŋ ʔaẋV7 ɔˀŋ ɔˀŋ xelina ɡejlina ɨnʲa onʲaŋ ʔoʔn 10 qɔ ˑ xɔ haːɡa haɡa xaha qau hioɡa hajaŋ ẋɔGa20 ɛˀk ɛˀk iːntʰukŋ inkukn kinthjuŋ hediang ʔeʔk xeʔk100 kiˀ kiˀ ujaːx jus jus utamssa kiʔ ɡiʔ ʔalVs tamsV The following table exemplifies a few basic vocabulary items as well as the various attempts at reconstructing the proto forms 21 Other vocabulary Gloss Northern branch Southern branch ReconstructionsKet dialects Yugh Kott Assan Arin PumpokolSK NK CK Kott Assan Arin Pumpokol Vajda Starostin WernerLarch sɛˀs sɛˀs sɛˀs sɛˀs set cet cit tag cɛˀc seʔs sɛʔt tɛʔtRiver seˑs seˑs seˑs ses set set sat tat ceˑc ses set tetStone tʌˀs tʌˀs tʌˀs cʌˀs sis sis kes kit cʰɛˀs cɨʔs t ɨʔsFinger tʌˀq tʌˀq tʌˀq tʌˀx tʰox intoto tok tʰɛˀq tǝʔq thǝʔqResin diˑk diˑk diˑk dʲik cik ciˑk ǯik g ẋ d ikWolf qɯ ˑt qɯ ˑti qɯ ˑte xɯ ˑt boru Turkic qut xotu qʷiˑtʰi qɨte ẋ qʌthǝWinter kɤ ˑt kɤ ˑti kɤ ˑte kɤ ˑt keːtʰi lot lete kʷeˑtʰi gǝte kǝteLight kʌˀn kʌˀn kʌˀn kʌˀn kin lum kʷɛˀn gǝʔn Person kɛˀd kɛˀd kɛˀd kɛˀtʲ hit het kit kit kɛˀt keʔt Two ɯ ˑn ɯ ˑn ɯ ˑn ɯ n in in kin hin kʰiˑn xɨna k ɨnWater uˑl uˑl uˑl ur ul ul kul ul kʰul qoʔl ẋ r Birch us uːse uːse uːʰs uca uuca kus uta kʰuxʂa xusa kuʔǝt ǝ Snowsled suul suul suul sɔ ul cogar cɛgar sal tsɛl tsehʷel soʔol sogǝl c t ʎ Proposed relations to other language families EditUntil 2008 few linguists had accepted connections between Yeniseian and any other language family though distant connections have been proposed with most of the ergative languages of Eurasia Dene Yeniseian Edit Main article Dene Yeniseian languages In 2008 Edward Vajda of Western Washington University presented evidence for a genealogical relation between the Yeneisian languages of Siberia and the Na Dene languages of North America 22 At the time of publication 2010 Vajda s proposals had been favorably reviewed by several specialists of Na Dene and Yeniseian languages although at times with caution including Michael Krauss Jeff Leer James Kari and Heinrich Werner as well as a number of other respected linguists such as Bernard Comrie Johanna Nichols Victor Golla Michael Fortescue Eric Hamp and Bill Poser Kari and Potter 2010 12 23 One significant exception is the critical review of the volume of collected papers by Lyle Campbell 24 and a response by Vajda 25 published in late 2011 that clearly indicate the proposal is not completely settled at the present time Two other reviews and notices of the volume appeared in 2011 by Keren Rice and Jared Diamond Karasuk Edit Main article Karasuk languages The Karasuk hypothesis linking Yeniseian to Burushaski has been proposed by several scholars notably by A P Dulson 26 and V N Toporov 27 George van Driem the most prominent current advocate of the Karasuk hypothesis postulates that the Burusho people were part of the migration out of Central Asia that resulted in the Indo European conquest of the Indus Valley 28 Sino Tibetan Edit Main article Sino Tibetan languages As noted by Tailleur 29 and Werner 30 some of the earliest proposals of genetic relations of Yeniseian by M A Castren 1856 James Byrne 1892 and G J Ramstedt 1907 suggested that Yeniseian was a northern relative of the Sino Tibetan languages These ideas were followed much later by Kai Donner 31 and Karl Bouda 32 A 2008 study found further evidence for a possible relation between Yeniseian and Sino Tibetan citing several possible cognates 33 Gao Jingyi 2014 identified twelve Sinitic and Yeniseian shared etymologies that belonged to the basic vocabulary and argued that these Sino Yeniseian etymologies could not be loans from either language into the other 34 A link between the Na Dene languages and Sino Tibetan languages known as Sino Dene had also been proposed by Edward Sapir Around 1920 Sapir became convinced that Na Dene was more closely related to Sino Tibetan than to other American families 35 Edward Vadja s Dene Yeniseian proposal renewed interest among linguists such as Geoffrey Caveney 2014 to look into support for the Sino Dene hypothesis Caveney considered a link between Sino Tibetan Na Dene and Yeniseian to be plausible but did not support the hypothesis that Sino Tibetan and Na Dene were related to the Caucasian languages Sino Caucasian and Dene Caucasian 36 Dene Caucasian Edit Main article Dene Caucasian languages Bouda in various publications in the 1930s through the 1950s described a linguistic network that besides Yeniseian and Sino Tibetan also included Caucasian and Burushaski some forms of which have gone by the name of Sino Caucasian The works of R Bleichsteiner 37 and O G Tailleur 38 the late Sergei A Starostin 39 and Sergei L Nikolayev 40 have sought to confirm these connections Others who have developed the hypothesis often expanded to Dene Caucasian include J D Bengtson 41 V Blazek 42 J H Greenberg with M Ruhlen 43 and M Ruhlen 44 George Starostin continues his father s work in Yeniseian Sino Caucasian and other fields 45 This theory is very controversial or viewed as obsolete by nearly all modern linguists 46 47 48 Notes Edit Ostyak is a concept of areal rather than genetic linguistics In addition to the Yeniseian languages it also includes the Uralic languages Khanty and Selkup References Edit Bernard Comrie 2008 Why the Dene Yeniseic Hypothesis is Exciting Fairbanks and Anchorage Alaska Dene Yeniseic Symposium a b Vajda Edward J 2013 Yeniseian Peoples and Languages A History of Yeniseian Studies with an Annotated Bibliography and a Source Guide Oxford New York Routledge a b Vajda Edward Yeniseian and Dene Hydronyms PDF Language Documentation amp Conservation Special Publication 17 183 201 a b c Vovin Alexander Did the Xiongnu speak a Yeniseian language Central Asiatic Journal 44 1 2000 pp 87 104 a b Vovin Alexander Vajda Edward J de la Vaissiere Etienne 2016 Who were the Kyet 羯 and what language did they speak Journal Asiatique 304 1 125 144 a b Vovin Alexander 2000 Did the Xiong Nu Speak a Yeniseian Language Central Asiatic Journal 44 1 Vadja 2007 a b Georg Stefan January 2003 The Gradual Disappearance of a Eurasian Language Family Language Death and Language Maintenance Theoretical Practical and Descriptive Approaches Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 240 89 doi 10 1075 cilt 240 07geo ISBN 978 90 272 4752 0 a b Vajda Edward J 2004 01 01 Languages and Prehistory of Central Siberia John Benjamins Publishing ISBN 978 90 272 4776 6 https scholarspace manoa hawaii edu bitstream 10125 24847 1 ldc sp17 10 vajda pdf bare URL PDF https starling rinet ru confer Blazhek 2019 pdf bare URL PDF Flegontov Pavel Changmai Piya Zidkova Anastassiya Logacheva Maria D Altinisik N Ezgi Flegontova Olga Gelfand Mikhail S Gerasimov Evgeny S Khrameeva Ekaterina E 2016 02 11 Genomic study of the Ket a Paleo Eskimo related ethnic group with significant ancient North Eurasian ancestry Scientific Reports 6 20768 arXiv 1508 03097 Bibcode 2016NatSR 620768F doi 10 1038 srep20768 PMC 4750364 PMID 26865217 Sicoli Mark A Holton Gary 2014 03 12 Linguistic Phylogenies Support Back Migration from Beringia to Asia PLOS ONE 9 3 e91722 Bibcode 2014PLoSO 991722S doi 10 1371 journal pone 0091722 ISSN 1932 6203 PMC 3951421 PMID 24621925 Blazek Vaclav 2019 Toward the question of Yeniseian homeland in perspective of toponymy 14th Annual Sergei Starostin Memorial Conference on Comparative Historical Linguistics Moscow RSUH See Vovin 2000 Vovin 2002 and Pulleyblank 2002 See Vajda 2008a Sinor Denis 1996 23 4 The Xiongnu Empire In Herrmann J Zurcher E eds History of Humanity Multiple History Vol III From the Seventh Century B C to the Seventh Century A D UNESCO p 452 ISBN 978 92 3 102812 0 E G Pulleyblank The consonontal system of old Chinese Pt 1 Asia Major vol IX 1962 pp 1 2 See Anderson 2003 Georg Stefan 2008 Yeniseic languages and the Siberian linguistic area Evidence and Counter Evidence Festschrift Frederik Kortlandt Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics Vol 33 Amsterdam New York Rodopi pp 151 168 a b See Vajda 2007 Starostin 1982 and Werner See Vajda 2010 Language Log The languages of the Caucasus Lyle Campbell 2011 Review of The Dene Yeniseian Connection Kari and Potter International Journal of American Linguistics 77 445 451 In summary the proposed Dene Yeniseian connection cannot be embraced at present The hypothesis is indeed stimulating advanced by a serious scholar trying to use appropriate procedures Unfortunately neither the lexical evidence with putative sound correspondences nor the morphological evidence adduced is sufficient to support a distant genetic relationship between Na Dene and Yeniseian pg 450 Edward Vajda 2011 A Response to Campbell International Journal of American Linguistics 77 451 452 It remains incumbent upon the proponents of the DY hypothesis to provide solutions to at least some of the unresolved problems identified in Campbell s review or in DYC itself My opinion is that every one of them requires a convincing solution before the relationship between Yeniseian and Na Dene can be considered settled pg 452 See Dulson 1968 See Toporov 1971 See Van Driem 2001 See Tailleur 1994 See Werner 1994 See Donner 1930 See Bouda 1963 and Bouda 1957 Sedlacek Kamil 2008 The Yeniseian Languages of the 18th Century and Ket and Sino Tibetan Word Comparisons Central Asiatic Journal 52 2 219 305 ISSN 0008 9192 JSTOR 41928491 高晶一 Jingyi Gao 2017 Xia and Ket Identified by Sinitic and Yeniseian Shared Etymologies 確定夏國及凱特人的語言為屬於漢語族和葉尼塞語系共同詞源 Central Asiatic Journal 60 1 2 51 58 doi 10 13173 centasiaj 60 1 2 0051 ISSN 0008 9192 JSTOR 10 13173 centasiaj 60 1 2 0051 Ruhlen Merritt 1998 11 10 The origin of the Na Dene Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 23 13994 13996 Bibcode 1998PNAS 9513994R doi 10 1073 pnas 95 23 13994 ISSN 0027 8424 PMC 25007 PMID 9811914 Caveney Geoffrey 2014 Sino Tibetan ŋ and Na Dene kw gw xw 1st Person Pronouns and Lexical Cognate Sets Journal of Chinese Linguistics 42 2 461 487 JSTOR 24774894 See Bleichsteiner 1930 See Tailleur 1958 and Tailleur 1994 See Starostin 1982 Starostin 1984 Starostin 1991 Starostin amp Ruhlen 1994 See Nikola y ev 1991 See Bengtson 1994 Bengtson 1998 Bengtson 2008 See Blazek amp Bengtson 1995 See Greenberg amp Ruhlen Greenberg amp Ruhlen 1997 See Ruhlen 1997 Ruhlen 1998a Ruhlen 1998b See Reshetnikov amp Starostin 1995a Reshetnikov amp Starostin 1995b Dybo amp Starostin Trask R L 2000 The Dictionary of Historical and Comparative Linguistics Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press pg 85 Dalby Andrew 1998 Dictionary of Languages New York Columbia University Press pg 434 Sanchez Mazas Alicia Blench Roger Ross Malcolm D Peiros Ilia Lin Marie 2008 07 25 Past Human Migrations in East Asia Matching Archaeology Linguistics and Genetics Routledge ISBN 9781134149629 Bibliography EditAnderson G 2003 Yeniseic languages in Siberian areal perspective Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 56 1 2 12 39 Berlin Akademie Verlag Anonymous 1925 The Similarity of Chinese and Indian Languages Science Supplement 62 1607 xii Usually incorrectly cited as Sapir 1925 see Kaye 1992 Bengtson 1994 Bengtson John D 1994 Edward Sapir and the Sino Dene Hypothesis Anthropological Science 102 3 207 230 Bengtson John D 1998 Caucasian and Sino Tibetan A Hypothesis of S A Starostin General Linguistics Vol 36 no 1 2 1998 1996 Pegasus Press University of North Carolina Asheville North Carolina Bengtson John D 1998 Some Yenisseian Isoglosses Mother tongue IV 1998 Bengtson J D 2008 Materials for a Comparative Grammar of the Dene Caucasian Sino Caucasian Languages In Aspects of Comparative Linguistics v 3 pp 45 118 Moscow RSUH Publishers Blazaek Vaclav and John D Bengtson 1995 Lexica Dene Caucasica Central Asiatic Journal 39 1 11 50 39 2 161 164 Bleichsteiner Robert 1930 Die werschikisch burischkische Sprache im Pamirgebiet und ihre Stellung zu den Japhetitensprachen des Kaukasus The Werchikwar Burushaski language in the Pamir region and its position relative to the Japhetic languages of the Caucasus Wiener Beitrage zur Kunde des Morgenlandes 1 289 331 Bouda Karl 1936 Jenisseisch tibetische Wortgleichungen Yeniseian Tibetan word equivalents Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 90 149 159 Bouda Karl 1957 Die Sprache der Jenissejer Genealogische und morphologische Untersuchungen The language of the Yeniseians Genealogical and morphological investigations Anthropos 52 1 2 65 134 Donner Kai 1930 Uber die Jenissei Ostiaken und ihre Sprache About the Yenisei ostyaks and their language Journal de la Societe Finno ougrienne 44 Van Driem George 2001 The Languages of the Himalayas Leiden Brill Publishers Dulson A P Dulzon A P 1968 Ketskij yazyk The Ket language Tomsk Izdatelstvo Tomskogo Universiteta Tomsk Tomsk University Press Dybo Anna V Starostin G S 2008 In Defense of the Comparative Method or the End of the Vovin Controversy Originally in Aspects of Comparative Linguistics v 3 Moscow RSUH Publishers pp 109 258 Georg Stefan 2007 A Descriptive Grammar of Ket Yenisei Ostyak Volume I Introduction Phonology Morphology Folkestone Kent Global Oriental ISBN 978 1 901903 58 4 Greenberg J H and M Ruhlen 1992 Linguistic Origins of Native Americans Scientific American 267 5 November 94 99 Greenberg J H and M Ruhlen 1997 L origine linguistique des Amerindiens The linguistic origin of the Amerindians Pour la Science Dossier October 84 89 Kaye A S 1992 Distant genetic relationship and Edward Sapir Semiotica 91 3 4 273 300 Nikola y ev Sergei L 1991 Sino Caucasian Languages in America In Shevoroshkin 1991 42 66 Pulleyblank Edwin G 2002 Central Asia and Non Chinese Peoples of Ancient China Collected Studies 731 Reshetnikov Kirill Yu Starostin George S 1995 The Structure of the Ket Verbal Form Originally in The Ket Volume Studia Ketica v 4 Moscow Languages of Russian Culture pp 7 121 Starostin George S 1995 Morphology of the Kott Verb and Reconstruction of the Proto Yeniseian Verbal System Originally in The Ket Volume Studia Ketica v 4 Moscow Languages of Russian Culture pp 122 175 Ruhlen M 1997 Une nouvelle famille de langues le dene caucasien A new language family Dene Caucasian Pour la Science Dossier October 68 73 Ruhlen Merritt 1998a Dene Caucasian A New Linguistic Family In The Origins and Past of Modern Humans Towards Reconciliation ed by Keiichi Omoto and Phillip V Tobias Singapore World Scientific 231 46 Ruhlen Merritt 1998b The Origin of the Na Dene Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 13994 96 Rubicz R Melvin K L Crawford M H 2002 Genetic Evidence for the phylogenetic relationship between Na Dene and Yeniseian speakers Human Biology Dec 1 2002 74 6 743 761 Sapir Edward 1920 Comparative Sino Tibetan and Na Dene Dictionary Ms Ledger American Philosophical Society Na 20a 3 Microfilm Shafer Robert 1952 Athapaskan and Sino Tibetan International Journal of American Linguistics 18 12 19 Shafer Robert 1957 Note on Athapaskan and Sino Tibetan International Journal of American Linguistics 23 116 117 Stachowski Marek 1996 Uber einige altaische Lehnworter in den Jenissej Sprachen In Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 1 91 115 Stachowski Marek 1997 Altaistische Anmerkungen zum Vergleichenden Worterbuch der Jenissej Sprachen In Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 2 227 239 Stachowski Marek 2004 Anmerkungen zu einem neuen vergleichenden Worterbuch der Jenissej Sprachen In Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 9 189 204 Stachowski Marek 2006a Arabische Lehnworter in den Jenissej Sprachen des 18 Jahrhunderts und die Frage der Sprachbunde in Sibirien permanent dead link In Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 123 2006 155 158 Stachowski Marek 2006b Persian loan words in 18th century Yeniseic and the problem of linguistic areas in Siberia In A Krasnowolska K Maciuszak B Mekarska ed In the Orient where the Gracious Light Festschrift for A Pisowicz Krakow 179 184 Starostin Sergei A Starostin Sergej A 1982 Praenisejskaya rekonstrukciya i vneshnie svyazi enisejskih yazykov A Proto Yeniseian reconstruction and the external relations of the Yeniseian languages In Ketskij sbornik ed E A Alekseenko E A Alekseenko Leningrad Nauka 44 237 Starostin Sergei A Starostin Sergej A 1984 Gipoteza o geneticheskih svyazyah sino tibetskih yazykov s enisejskimi i severokavkazskimi yazykami A hypothesis on genetic relations of the Sino Tibetan languages to the Yeniseian and the North Caucasian languages In Lingvisticheskaya rekonstrukciya i drevnejshaya istoriya Vostoka Linguistic reconstruction and the prehistory of the East 4 Drevnejshaya yazykovaya situaciya v vostochnoj Azii The prehistoric language situation in eastern Asia ed I F Vardul I F Varduľ et al Moskva Institut vostokovedeniya Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences 19 38 see Starostin 1991 Starostin Sergei A 1991 On the Hypothesis of a Genetic Connection Between the Sino Tibetan Languages and the Yeniseian and North Caucasian Languages In Shevoroshkin 1991 12 41 Translation of Starostin 1984 Starostin Sergei A and Merritt Ruhlen 1994 Proto Yeniseian Reconstructions with Extra Yeniseian Comparisons In M Ruhlen On the Origin of Languages Studies in Linguistic Taxonomy Stanford Stanford University Press pp 70 92 Partial translation of Starostin 1982 with additional comparisons by Ruhlen Tailleur O G 1994 Traits paleo eurasiens de la morphologie ienisseienne Etudes finno ougriennes 26 35 56 Tailleur O G 1958 Un ilot basco caucasien en Siberie les langues ienisseiennes A little Basque Caucasian island in Siberia the Yeniseian languages Orbis 7 2 415 427 Toporov V N 1971 Burushaski and Yeniseian Languages Some Parallels Travaux linguistiques de Prague 4 107 125 Vajda Edward J 1998 The Kets and Their Language Mother Tongue IV Vajda Edward J 2000 Ket Prosodic Phonology Munich Lincom Europa Languages of the World vol 15 Vajda Edward J 2002 The Origin of Phonemic Tone in Yeniseic In CLS 37 2002 Parasession on Arctic languages 305 320 Vajda Edward J 2004 Ket Lincom Europa Munchen Vajda Edward J 2004 Languages and Prehistory of Central Siberia Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 262 John Benjamin Publishing Company Presentation of the Yeniseian family and its speakers together with neighboring languages and their speakers in linguistic historical and archeological view Vajda Edward J 2007 Yeniseic substrates and typological accommodation in central Siberia Vajda Edward J 2008 Yeniseic a chapter in the book Language isolates and microfamilies of Asia Routledge to be co authored with Bernard Comrie 53 pages Vajda Edward J 2010 Siberian Link with Na Dene Languages The Dene Yeniseian Connection ed by J Kari and B Potter 33 99 Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska new series vol 5 Fairbanks University of Alaska Fairbanks Department of Anthropology Vovin Alexander 2000 Did the Xiong nu speak a Yeniseian language Central Asiatic Journal 44 1 87 104 Vovin Alexander 2002 Did the Xiongnu speak a Yeniseian language Part 2 Vocabulary in Altaica Budapestinensia MMII Proceedings of the 45th Permanent International Altaistic Conference Budapest June 23 28 pp 389 394 Werner Heinrich 1998 Reconstructing Proto Yenisseian Mother Tongue IV Werner Heinrich 2004 Zur jenissejisch indianischen Urverwandtschaft On the Yeniseian American Indian primordial relationship Wiesbaden Harassowitz External links Edit Wiktionary has a list of reconstructed Proto Yeniseian forms at Appendix Proto Yeniseian reconstructions Results from the February 2008 Dene Yeniseic Symposium A Siberian Link With Na Dene Languages by Edward Vajda a proponent of the Yeniseian Na Dene connection Lecture notes on the Ket people Archived 2019 04 06 at the Wayback Machine by Edward Vajda Map of the Yeniseian family from the Santa Fe Institute Comparison of Yeniseian and Na Dene by Merritt Ruhlen Yenisseian Etymology by S A Starostin Sino Caucasian comparative phonology by S A Starostin 2005 Sino Caucasian comparative glossary by S A Starostin 2005 Article on Yeniseian languages in Russian Multimedia Database of Ket Language Moscow State Lomonosov University Ket language vocabulary with loanwords from the World Loanword Database Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Yeniseian languages amp oldid 1132730811, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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