

In linguistics (especially generative grammar), complementizer or complementiser (glossing abbreviation: comp) is a functional category (part of speech) that includes those words that can be used to turn a clause into the subject or object of a sentence. For example, the word that may be called a complementizer in English sentences like Mary believes that it is raining. The concept of complementizers is specific to certain modern grammatical theories; in traditional grammar, such words are normally considered conjunctions. The standard abbreviation for complementizer is C.

Category of C

C as head of CP

The complementizer is often held to be the syntactic head of a full clause, which is therefore often represented by the abbreviation CP (for complementizer phrase). Evidence that the complementizer functions as the head of its clause includes that it is commonly the last element in a clause in head-final languages like Korean or Japanese, in which other heads follow their complements, whereas it appears at the start of a clause in head-initial languages such as English, where heads normally precede their complements.[1] The trees below illustrate the phrase "Taro said that he married Hanako" in Japanese and English; syntactic heads are marked in red, demonstrating that C falls in head-final position in Japanese, and in head-initial position in English.









Taro-wa Hanako-to kekkonsi-ta-to it-ta

Taro-TOP Hanako-and marry-PST-COMP say-PST

‘Taro said that he married Hanako.’ [2]

Syntax tree for Japanese vs. English phrase; syntactic heads marked in red. Note position of complementizer.

Sources of C

It is common for the complementizers of a language to develop historically from other syntactic categories, a process known as grammaticalization.

C can develop from a determiner

Across the languages of the world, it is especially common for pronouns or determiners to be used as complementizers (e.g., English that).

I read in the paper that it's going to be cold today.

C can develop from an interrogative word

Another frequent source of complementizers is the class of interrogative words. It is especially common for a form that otherwise means what to be borrowed as a complementizer, but other interrogative words are often used as well, as in the following colloquial English example, where unstressed how is roughly equivalent to that.

I read in the paper how it's going to be cold today.

C can develop from a preposition

With non-finite clauses, English for in sentences like I would prefer for there to be a table in the corner shows a preposition that has arguably developed into a complementizer. (The sequence for there in this sentence is not a prepositional phrase under this analysis.)

C can develop from a verb

In many languages of West Africa and South Asia, the form of the complementizer can be related to the verb say. In these languages, the complementizer is also called the quotative. The quotative performs many extended functions in these languages.

Empty complementizers

Some analyses allow for the possibility of invisible or "empty" complementizers. An empty complementizer is considered to be present when there is not a word, even though the rules of grammar expect one. The complementizer (for example, "that") is usually said to be understood – i.e., an English speaker knows it is there, and so it does not need to be said. Its existence in English has been proposed based on the following type of alternation:

He hopes you go ahead with the speech
He hopes that you go ahead with the speech

Because that can be inserted between the verb and the embedded clause without changing the meaning, the original sentence without a visible complementizer would be reanalyzed as

He hopes C you go ahead with the speech

Where the symbol C represents the empty (or "null") complementizer, this suggests another interpretation of the earlier "how" sentence:

I read in the paper <how> C [it's going to be cold today]

where "how" serves as a specifier to the empty complementizer. This allows for a consistent analysis of another troublesome alternation:

The man <whom> C [I saw yesterday] ate my lunch!
The man <OP> C [I saw yesterday] ate my lunch!
The man <OP> that [I saw yesterday] ate my lunch!

where "OP" represents an invisible interrogative known as an operator.

In a more general sense, the proposed empty complementizer parallels the suggestion of near-universal empty determiners.

Various analyses have been proposed to explain when the empty complementizer can substitute for a phonologically overt complementizer. One explanation is that complementizers are eligible for omission when they are epistemically neutral or redundant. For example, in many environments, English's epistemically neutral that and Danish's at can be omitted. In addition, if a complementizer expresses a semantic meaning that is also expressed by another marker in the phrase, the complementizer carrying the redundant meaning may be omitted. Consider the complementizer be in Mangap-Mbula, which expresses uncertainty, in the following example:













Nio aη-so [(=be) ni ko i-mar].

NOM.1SG 1SG-say ([COMP) NOM.3SG UC 3SG-come

‘I think (that) he will come.’ [3]

Here, the marker ko also expresses epistemic uncertainty, so be can be replaced by the phonologically null complementizer without affecting meaning or grammaticality.[4]

Complementizers are present in a wide range of environments; in some, C is obligatorily overt (i.e., cannot be replaced by the empty complementizer). For example, in English, CPs selected for by manner-of-speaking verbs (whisper, mutter, groan, etc) resist C-drop:[5]

Barney whispered *(that) Wilma was dating Fred.
Barney said (that) Wilma was dating Fred.

In other environments, the complementizer can be omitted without loss of grammaticality, but may result in semantic ambiguity. For example, consider the English sentence "The newspaper reported that a new mayor was elected and (that) there was a riot." Listeners can infer a causal relationship between the two events reported by the newspaper: a new mayor was elected, and as a result, there was a riot. Alternatively, the events may be interpreted as independent of each other. The non-causal interpretation is more likely when the second complementizer that is present, whereas the causal interpretation is more likely when an empty complementizer is present.[6]

The ambiguity here arises because the sentence where the second complementizer is empty may also be interpreted as simply having no second complementizer. In the first case, the sentence involves coordination of CPs, which lends itself more easily to a non-causal interpretation, but the latter case involves coordination of TPs, which is the necessary structure for a causal interpretation.[7] Partial syntax trees for the possible structures are given below.

Overt C necessarily leads to coordination of CPs, which lends itself easily to a non-causal interpretation.
CP coordination is necessary for a non-causal interpretation, so an empty complementizer must be present.
TP coordination is necessary for a causal interpretation, so no second complementizer is present.

Selectional restrictions imposed by C

As a syntactic head, C always selects for a complement tense phrase (TP) whose syntax and semantics are dictated by the choice of C. The choice of C can determine whether the associated TP is finite or non-finite, whether it carries the semantic meaning of certainty or uncertainty, whether it expresses a question or an assertion, et cetera.

Propositions vs. indirect questions

The following complementizers are available in English: that, for, if, whether, ∅.[8]

If and whether form CPs that express indirect questions:[8]

John wonders whether / if it is raining outside.

In contrast, complementizers for, that, as well as the phonologically null complementizer introduce "declarative or non-interrogative" CPs.[8]

John thinks it is raining outside.
John thinks that it is raining outside.
John prefers for it to be raining.

Finite vs. non-finite TPs

Tense phrases in English can be divided into finite (tensed) clauses or non-finite (tenseless) clauses. The former includes an indication of the relative time when its content occurs; the latter has no overt indication of time: compare John will leave (John's leaving will take place in the future) with John wants to leave (we are unsure when John is leaving).[8]

Certain complementizers strictly select for finite clauses (denoted [+finite]) while others select for non-finite clauses (denoted [-finite]).

Adapted from Sportiche et al., 2014 page 96
Syntax trees illustrating that English complementizers "that" and "for" select for particular finite/non-finite tense. C marked in red, T marked in blue.

Complementizers if, that require [+tense] TP:

Mary wishes that she will win the game. (future)
Mary believes if she wins the game, she can date John. (present)

Complementizer for requires a [-tense] TP:

Mary hopes for Kate to win the game. (infinitive)

Complementizer whether allows either [+tense] or [-tense] TP:

John wonders whether Mary will win the game. (future)
Mary wonders whether to win the game or not. (infinitive)
Closed-class functional categories: Complementizer
Category Sub-category English examples Number (n)
Complementizer (C) finite C {∅, that} n = 5
non-finite C {∅, for}
interrogative C {∅, if, whether}

Epistemic selection

Complementizers frequently carry epistemic meaning - that is, meaning about the speaker's degree of certainty (for example, whether they are doubtful), or the speaker's source of information (for example, whether they are making an inference, or have direct evidence). Contrast the meaning of "if" and "that" in English:

John doesn't know if Mary is there.
John doesn’t know that Mary is there.

“If” signals that the associated tense phrase must carry the epistemic meaning of uncertainty. In contrast, “that” is epistemically neutral.[9] This contrast is not uncommon cross-linguistically: in languages with only two complementizers, one is frequently neutral, while the other carries the meaning of uncertainty. One such language is Lango (a Nilotic language spoken in Uganda):[9]













ɲákô áokobbɪ̀ dákô [ dyεl ocamo].

girl 3SG.say.BEN.PFV woman COMP goat 3SG.eat.PFV

’The girl told the woman that the goat ate it.’[10]















dákô párô apárâ [ ɲákô orego kál].

woman 3SG.consider.HAB consider.GER COMP girl 3SG.grind.PFV millet

’The woman doubts whether the girl ground the millet.’[11]

Additional languages with this neutrality/uncertainty complementizer contrast include several European languages:[12]

Neutral vs. uncertain complementizers in various languages [13]
Language Neutral complementizer Uncertain complementizer
Faroese at (‘that’) um (‘if’)
Neo-Aramaic qed (‘that’) in (‘if’)
Bulgarian ce (‘that’) dali (‘if, whether’)
Estonian et (‘that’) kas (‘if, whether’)
Irish go (‘that’) an (‘if, whether’)

In other languages, complementizers are richer in epistemic meaning. For example, in Mangap-Mbula, an Austronesian language of Papua New Guinea, the following complementizers are available:[14]

Epistemic meaning of complementizers in Mangap-Mbula [15]
Complementizer Epistemic meaning
kokena be / ∅ 'lest'

(="I don't want this to happen")

(ta)kembei 'like'

(="I think like this.")

'asserted factuality'

(="I say this is something which has happened or is happening.")

ta(u) / ∅ 'presupposed factuality'

(="I know that this is something which has happened, and I think that you know about it too.")

tabe 'presupposed non-factuality'

(="I know that this is something which has happened and that you know about it.")

ki 'habitual event'

(="This is the kind of thing that is always happening.")

More generally, complementizers have been found to express the following values cross-linguistically: certainty, (general) uncertainty, probability, negative probability/falsehood, apprehension, and reportativity.[16]

Complementizers in Itzaj Maya also demonstrate epistemic meaning. For instance, English that and Itzaj Maya kej are used not only to identify complements, but also to introduce relative clauses:

Itzaj Maya (Hofling, 2000: 496, 495)[17]

(1) a.









Ma’ t-inw-ojel-t-aj [ke t-u-b’et-aj].

neg ?-1sg.a-know-tr-its comp compl-3a-do-cts

‘I didn't know that he did it.’

Taken from Boye (2015), page 3

(1) b.









Ma’ inw-ojel [wa t-u-b’et-aj].

neg 1sg.a-know comp compl-3a-do-cts

‘I don't know if he did it.’

Taken from Boye (2015), page 3

(1a) introduces a subdordinate clause and (1b) introduces a conditional clause, similar to English. The former subtype that can be defined in terms of information source and includes meanings glossed as direct evidence, indirect evidence, hearsay, inferential. The latter one if can be defined in terms of degree of certainty and includes meanings glossed as certainty, probability, epistemic possibility, doubt. Thus, epistemic meaning as a whole can be defined in terms of the notion of justificatory support.[18]

Abbreviations of Itzaj Maya
SG Singular
A Set A person marker
TR Transitive
ITS Incompletive Transitive Status
COMPL Completive aspect
CTS Completive Transitive Status
PRO Pronoun
ABST Abstract
ABIL Abilitive
INCH Inchoative

Abbreviations adapted from Boye (2015) page 15 and Hofling (1998) page 225-226.

Complementizer stacking

But not only that, Itzaj Maya can combine the neutral complementizer ke with the non-neutral, waj. This is illustrated in examples (2a), where the neutral complementizer ke occurs alone, and (2b), where it is optionally inserted in front of the uncertainty complementizer waj:[19]

Itzaj Maya (Hofling, 2000: 495, 506)[20]

Adapted from Boye (2015) page 9

(2) a.











Uy-ojel [ke la'ayti’ u-si'pil t-u-jaj-il].

3-know comp 3pro 3-crime to-3-true-abst

‘He knows that it is his crime truly.’

Taken from Boye (2015), page 9

(2) b.







[(ke) wa patal-uy-an-t-ik-en].

comp comp abil-3-help-tr-inch-1sg

‘And I asked her if she could help me.’

Taken from Boye (2015), page 9

In (1a,b) and (2a) we saw each complementizer can be licensed once within the clause, but in (2b) we observe the significant difference of Itzaj Maya from English. In English we are able to license multiple C as long as the clause is completed with the embedded V or D. For example, I saw that fox that ran towards the garden that Tommy took care of. In such cases, C can appear as the complement of V or D many times. However, CP-recursion in two tiers or CP appearing as an immediate complement of maximal projection CP cannot be allowed in English. This action of Complementizer Stacking is realised as ungrammatical.

Adapted from Nyvad et al., 2017 page 451

In Scandinavian languages, however, we see this phenomenon of complementizer stacking. For example, researchers observed the two basic types of CP-recursion that occur independently in Danish: a CP with V2 (i.e. a CP headed by a lexical predicate in its head position) will be referred as CP ("big CP"), whereas a CP without V2 (i.e. CP headed by a non-lexical element) will be referred to as cP ("little cP").[21]

  • [cP c° [– LEXICAL]] ("little cP")
  • [cP C° [+ LEXICAL]] ("big CP")

Adapted from Nyvad et al., (2017) page 453.

The case of little/big CPs are comparable to "VP shell" structure in English where it introduces a small v in the higher position in the tree, and big V in the lower position in the tree.

We also see in the examples, Danish allows complementizer stacking in constructions involving subject extraction from complement and relative clauses in colloquial speech:

(3) a.

Vi kender de lingvister … [cP OP1 [c° som] [cP [c° at] [cP [c° der] [IP __1 vil læse den her bog]]]].

Vi kender de lingvister … [cP OP1 [c° som] [cP [c° at] [cP [c° der] [IP __1 vil læse den her bog]]]].

We know the linguists thatREL thatCOMP thatREL will read this here book

(3) b.

Peter påstod [cP [c° at] [CP det her1 [C° kunne] han gøre __1 meget bedre]]

Peter påstod [cP [c° at] [CP det her1 [C° kunne] han gøre __1 meget bedre]]

Peter claimed that this here could he do much better

Taken from Nyvad et al., (2017) page 463-464

We observe that complementizers are indeed stacked together in the beginning of the clause, acting as a complement of DP. CP-recusion structure on the right is applied for each of the clause, which points to evidence of complementizer stacking in Danish. In addition, we note the combination of som at der in (3a) is only possible in one specific order, which lead the researchers to believe that som may not require an empty operator in its Spec-CP position.[21]

In various languages

Assyrian Neo-Aramaic

In Assyrian Neo-Aramaic, a modern Aramaic language, kat (or qat, depending on the dialect) is used as a complementizer and is related to the relativizer. Though it is less common in casual speech, and more so in formal conversation.


In Hebrew (both Modern and Ancient) two complementizers coexist:[22] שֶ [ʃe], which is either related to the relativizer ‘asher ( < Akkadian ‘ashru ‘place’) and/or to the pronominal Proto-Semitic dhu ('this'); and כִּי [ki], which is also used as a conjunction meaning 'because, when'. In modern usage, the latter is reserved for more formal writing.

American Sign Language

While some manual complementizers exist in American Sign Language they are usually expressed non-manually by grammaticalized facial expressions. Conditional clauses, for example, are indicated by raised eye-brows. If a manual complementizer is used it is also accompanied by a facial expression.[23] The non-manual marking of complementizers is a common phenomenon found in many sign languages and it was even suggested[by whom?] that C-categories are universally marked with the face in sign languages.[24]

See also


  1. ^ Sells, Peter (1995). "Korean and Japanese Morphology from a Lexical Perspective". Linguistic Inquiry. 26 (2): 277–325. ISSN 0024-3892. JSTOR 4178898.
  2. ^ Ishihara, Yuki (September 2021). "Root Complementizer tte in Japanese" (PDF).
  3. ^ Bugenhagen (1995), pg. 270
  4. ^ Boye et al. (2015), pg. 13
  5. ^ Cuba, Carlos de (2018-03-03). "Manner-of-speaking that-complements as close apposition structures". Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America. 3 (1): 32–1–13. doi:10.3765/plsa.v3i1.4320. ISSN 2473-8689.
  6. ^ Rohde, Hannah; Tyler, Joseph; Carlson, Katy (2017). "Form and function: Optional complementizers reduce causal inferences". Glossa (London). 2 (1): 53. doi:10.5334/gjgl.134. ISSN 2397-1835. PMC 5552188. PMID 28804781.
  7. ^ Bjorkman, Bronwyn M.; Folli, R.; Sevdali, C.; Truswell, R. (2013). "A syntactic answer to a pragmatic puzzle: The case of asymmetric and". www.semanticscholar.org. S2CID 207968747. Retrieved 2022-04-23.
  8. ^ a b c d Sportiche, Dominique; Koopman, Hilda Judith; Stabler, Edward P (2014). An introduction to syntactic analysis and theory. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Inc. ISBN 9781118470480.
  9. ^ a b Boye, Kasper; van Lier, Eva; Theilgaard Brink, Eva (2015-09-01). "Epistemic complementizers: a cross-linguistic survey". Language Sciences. 51: 1–17. doi:10.1016/j.langsci.2015.04.001. ISSN 0388-0001.
  10. ^ Adapted from Noonan 1992, pg. 220, 227
  11. ^ Adapted from Noonan 1992, pg. 220, 227
  12. ^ Nordström, Jackie; Boye, Kasper (2016-07-11), "Complementizer semantics in the Germanic languages", Complementizer Semantics in European Languages, De Gruyter, pp. 131–174, doi:10.1515/9783110416619-007, ISBN 9783110416619, retrieved 2022-04-12
  13. ^ Adapted from Nordström and Boye 2015, pg. 8
  14. ^ Bugenhagen, Robert D. (1991). "A grammar of Mangap-Mbula : an Austronesian language of Papua New Guinea": 226. doi:10.25911/5d723a51866ce. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  15. ^ Adapted from Bugenhagen, pg. 226
  16. ^ Boye et al. (2015), pg. 15
  17. ^ Hofling, Charles Andrew (2000). Itzaj Maya grammar. Félix Fernando Tesucún. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. ISBN 978-1-60781-218-0. OCLC 812924896.
  18. ^ Boye, Kasper; van Lier, Eva; Theilgaard Brink, Eva (2015). "Epistemic complementizers: a cross-linguistic survey". Language Sciences. 51: 1–17. doi:10.1016/j.langsci.2015.04.001 – via Elsevier Science Direct.
  19. ^ Nordström, Jackie; Boye, Kasper (2016-07-11), "Complementizer semantics in the Germanic languages", Complementizer Semantics in European Languages, De Gruyter, pp. 131–174, doi:10.1515/9783110416619-007, ISBN 9783110416619, retrieved 2022-04-15
  20. ^ Hofling, Charles Andrew (2000). Itzaj Maya grammar. Félix Fernando Tesucún. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. ISBN 978-1-60781-218-0. OCLC 812924896.
  21. ^ a b Nyvad, Anne Mette; Christensen, Ken Ramshøj; Vikner, Sten (2017-01-01). "CP-recursion in Danish: A cP/CP-analysis". The Linguistic Review. 34 (3): 463–464. doi:10.1515/tlr-2017-0008. ISSN 0167-6318. S2CID 171704958.
  22. ^ Pages 79–81 of Zuckermann, Ghil'ad (2006), "Complement Clause Types in Israeli", Complementation: A Cross-Linguistic Typology, edited by R. M. W. Dixon and Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 72–92 (Chapter 3).
  23. ^ Liddell, Scott K. (1980): American sign language syntax. The Hague: De Gruyter.
  24. ^ Bross, Fabian (2020): The clausal syntax of German Sign Language. A cartographic approach. Berlin: Language Science Press.


  • Bjorkman, Bronwyn M. et al. “A syntactic answer to a pragmatic puzzle: The case of asymmetric and.” (2013).
  • Boye, K. (2012). Epistemic meaning. In Epistemic Meaning. De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Boye, K., van Lier, E., & Theilgaard Brink, E. (2015). Epistemic complementizers: A cross-linguistic survey. Language Sciences (Oxford), 51(Sep), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.langsci.2015.04.001
  • Hofling, C. A. (2000). Itzaj maya grammar. University of Utah Press.
  • Kaltenböck, Gunther. “‘… That Is the Question': Complementizer Omission in Extraposed That-Clauses.” English Language and Linguistics, vol. 10, no. 2, 2006, pp. 371–396., doi:10.1017/S1360674306001961.
  • Legate, Julie Anne. (2010). On how how is used instead of that. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 28:121-134.
  • Noonan, Michael. A grammar of Lango. Vol. 7. Walter de Gruyter, 2011.
  • Nordström, Jackie; Boye, Kasper (2016-07-11), "Complementizer semantics in the Germanic languages", Complementizer Semantics in European Languages, De Gruyter, pp. 131–174, retrieved 2022-04-15
  • Nyvad, Anne Mette; Christensen, Ken Ramshøj; Vikner, Sten (2017-01-01). "CP-recursion in Danish: A cP/CP-analysis". The Linguistic Review. 34 (3). doi:10.1515/tlr-2017-0008. ISSN 0167-6318.
  • Rosenbaum, Peter S. (1967). The grammar of English predicate complement constructions (PDF). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Sportiche, D., Koopman, H. J., & Stabler, E. P. (2014;2013;). An introduction to syntactic analysis and theory (1st;1; ed.). John Wiley & Sons Inc.

complementizer, this, article, includes, list, general, references, lacks, sufficient, corresponding, inline, citations, please, help, improve, this, article, introducing, more, precise, citations, july, 2019, learn, when, remove, this, template, message, ling. This article includes a list of general references but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations July 2019 Learn how and when to remove this template message In linguistics especially generative grammar complementizer or complementiser glossing abbreviation comp is a functional category part of speech that includes those words that can be used to turn a clause into the subject or object of a sentence For example the word that may be called a complementizer in English sentences like Mary believes that it is raining The concept of complementizers is specific to certain modern grammatical theories in traditional grammar such words are normally considered conjunctions The standard abbreviation for complementizer is C Contents 1 Category of C 1 1 C as head of CP 1 2 Sources of C 1 2 1 C can develop from a determiner 1 2 2 C can develop from an interrogative word 1 2 3 C can develop from a preposition 1 2 4 C can develop from a verb 2 Empty complementizers 3 Selectional restrictions imposed by C 3 1 Propositions vs indirect questions 3 2 Finite vs non finite TPs 3 3 Epistemic selection 3 4 Complementizer stacking 4 In various languages 4 1 Assyrian Neo Aramaic 4 2 Hebrew 4 3 American Sign Language 5 See also 6 Notes 7 ReferencesCategory of C EditC as head of CP Edit The complementizer is often held to be the syntactic head of a full clause which is therefore often represented by the abbreviation CP for complementizer phrase Evidence that the complementizer functions as the head of its clause includes that it is commonly the last element in a clause in head final languages like Korean or Japanese in which other heads follow their complements whereas it appears at the start of a clause in head initial languages such as English where heads normally precede their complements 1 The trees below illustrate the phrase Taro said that he married Hanako in Japanese and English syntactic heads are marked in red demonstrating that C falls in head final position in Japanese and in head initial position in English Taro waTaro TOPHanako toHanako andkekkonsi ta tomarry PST COMPit tasay PSTTaro wa Hanako to kekkonsi ta to it taTaro TOP Hanako and marry PST COMP say PST Taro said that he married Hanako 2 Syntax tree for Japanese vs English phrase syntactic heads marked in red Note position of complementizer Sources of C Edit It is common for the complementizers of a language to develop historically from other syntactic categories a process known as grammaticalization C can develop from a determiner Edit Across the languages of the world it is especially common for pronouns or determiners to be used as complementizers e g English that I read in the paper that it s going to be cold today C can develop from an interrogative word Edit Another frequent source of complementizers is the class of interrogative words It is especially common for a form that otherwise means what to be borrowed as a complementizer but other interrogative words are often used as well as in the following colloquial English example where unstressed how is roughly equivalent to that I read in the paper how it s going to be cold today C can develop from a preposition Edit With non finite clauses English for in sentences like I would prefer for there to be a table in the corner shows a preposition that has arguably developed into a complementizer The sequence for there in this sentence is not a prepositional phrase under this analysis C can develop from a verb Edit In many languages of West Africa and South Asia the form of the complementizer can be related to the verb say In these languages the complementizer is also called the quotative The quotative performs many extended functions in these languages Empty complementizers EditSome analyses allow for the possibility of invisible or empty complementizers An empty complementizer is considered to be present when there is not a word even though the rules of grammar expect one The complementizer for example that is usually said to be understood i e an English speaker knows it is there and so it does not need to be said Its existence in English has been proposed based on the following type of alternation He hopes you go ahead with the speech He hopes that you go ahead with the speechBecause that can be inserted between the verb and the embedded clause without changing the meaning the original sentence without a visible complementizer would be reanalyzed as He hopes C you go ahead with the speechWhere the symbol C represents the empty or null complementizer this suggests another interpretation of the earlier how sentence I read in the paper lt how gt C it s going to be cold today where how serves as a specifier to the empty complementizer This allows for a consistent analysis of another troublesome alternation The man lt whom gt C I saw yesterday ate my lunch The man lt OP gt C I saw yesterday ate my lunch The man lt OP gt that I saw yesterday ate my lunch where OP represents an invisible interrogative known as an operator In a more general sense the proposed empty complementizer parallels the suggestion of near universal empty determiners Various analyses have been proposed to explain when the empty complementizer can substitute for a phonologically overt complementizer One explanation is that complementizers are eligible for omission when they are epistemically neutral or redundant For example in many environments English s epistemically neutral that and Danish s at can be omitted In addition if a complementizer expresses a semantic meaning that is also expressed by another marker in the phrase the complementizer carrying the redundant meaning may be omitted Consider the complementizer be in Mangap Mbula which expresses uncertainty in the following example NioNOM 1SGah so1SG say be COMP niNOM 3SGkoUCi mar 3SG comeNio ah so be ni ko i mar NOM 1SG 1SG say COMP NOM 3SG UC 3SG come I think that he will come 3 Here the marker ko also expresses epistemic uncertainty so be can be replaced by the phonologically null complementizer without affecting meaning or grammaticality 4 Complementizers are present in a wide range of environments in some C is obligatorily overt i e cannot be replaced by the empty complementizer For example in English CPs selected for by manner of speaking verbs whisper mutter groan etc resist C drop 5 Barney whispered that Wilma was dating Fred Barney said that Wilma was dating Fred In other environments the complementizer can be omitted without loss of grammaticality but may result in semantic ambiguity For example consider the English sentence The newspaper reported that a new mayor was elected and that there was a riot Listeners can infer a causal relationship between the two events reported by the newspaper a new mayor was elected and as a result there was a riot Alternatively the events may be interpreted as independent of each other The non causal interpretation is more likely when the second complementizer that is present whereas the causal interpretation is more likely when an empty complementizer is present 6 The ambiguity here arises because the sentence where the second complementizer is empty may also be interpreted as simply having no second complementizer In the first case the sentence involves coordination of CPs which lends itself more easily to a non causal interpretation but the latter case involves coordination of TPs which is the necessary structure for a causal interpretation 7 Partial syntax trees for the possible structures are given below Overt C necessarily leads to coordination of CPs which lends itself easily to a non causal interpretation CP coordination is necessary for a non causal interpretation so an empty complementizer must be present TP coordination is necessary for a causal interpretation so no second complementizer is present Selectional restrictions imposed by C EditAs a syntactic head C always selects for a complement tense phrase TP whose syntax and semantics are dictated by the choice of C The choice of C can determine whether the associated TP is finite or non finite whether it carries the semantic meaning of certainty or uncertainty whether it expresses a question or an assertion et cetera Propositions vs indirect questions Edit The following complementizers are available in English that for if whether 8 If and whether form CPs that express indirect questions 8 John wonders whether if it is raining outside In contrast complementizers for that as well as the phonologically null complementizer introduce declarative or non interrogative CPs 8 John thinks it is raining outside John thinks that it is raining outside John prefers for it to be raining Finite vs non finite TPs Edit Tense phrases in English can be divided into finite tensed clauses or non finite tenseless clauses The former includes an indication of the relative time when its content occurs the latter has no overt indication of time compare John will leave John s leaving will take place in the future with John wants to leave we are unsure when John is leaving 8 Certain complementizers strictly select for finite clauses denoted finite while others select for non finite clauses denoted finite Adapted from Sportiche et al 2014 page 96 Syntax trees illustrating that English complementizers that and for select for particular finite non finite tense C marked in red T marked in blue Complementizers if that require tense TP Mary wishes that she will win the game future Mary believes if she wins the game she can date John present Complementizer for requires a tense TP Mary hopes for Kate to win the game infinitive Complementizer whether allows either tense or tense TP John wonders whether Mary will win the game future Mary wonders whether to win the game or not infinitive Closed class functional categories Complementizer Category Sub category English examples Number n Complementizer C finite C that n 5non finite C for interrogative C if whether Epistemic selection Edit Complementizers frequently carry epistemic meaning that is meaning about the speaker s degree of certainty for example whether they are doubtful or the speaker s source of information for example whether they are making an inference or have direct evidence Contrast the meaning of if and that in English John doesn t know if Mary is there John doesn t know that Mary is there If signals that the associated tense phrase must carry the epistemic meaning of uncertainty In contrast that is epistemically neutral 9 This contrast is not uncommon cross linguistically in languages with only two complementizers one is frequently neutral while the other carries the meaning of uncertainty One such language is Lango a Nilotic language spoken in Uganda 9 ɲakogirlaokobbɪ 3SG say BEN PFVdakowoman niCOMPdyelgoatocamo 3SG eat PFVɲako aokobbɪ dako ni dyel ocamo girl 3SG say BEN PFV woman COMP goat 3SG eat PFV The girl told the woman that the goat ate it 10 dakowomanparo3SG consider HABaparaconsider GER kaCOMPɲakogirlorego3SG grind PFVkal milletdako paro apara ka ɲako orego kal woman 3SG consider HAB consider GER COMP girl 3SG grind PFV millet The woman doubts whether the girl ground the millet 11 Additional languages with this neutrality uncertainty complementizer contrast include several European languages 12 Neutral vs uncertain complementizers in various languages 13 Language Neutral complementizer Uncertain complementizerFaroese at that um if Neo Aramaic qed that in if Bulgarian ce that dali if whether Estonian et that kas if whether Irish go that an if whether In other languages complementizers are richer in epistemic meaning For example in Mangap Mbula an Austronesian language of Papua New Guinea the following complementizers are available 14 Epistemic meaning of complementizers in Mangap Mbula 15 Complementizer Epistemic meaningkokena be lest I don t want this to happen ta kembei like I think like this asserted factuality I say this is something which has happened or is happening ta u presupposed factuality I know that this is something which has happened and I think that you know about it too tabe presupposed non factuality I know that this is something which has happened and that you know about it ki habitual event This is the kind of thing that is always happening More generally complementizers have been found to express the following values cross linguistically certainty general uncertainty probability negative probability falsehood apprehension and reportativity 16 Complementizers in Itzaj Maya also demonstrate epistemic meaning For instance English that and Itzaj Maya kej are used not only to identify complements but also to introduce relative clauses Itzaj Maya Hofling 2000 496 495 17 1 a Ma negt inw ojel t aj 1sg a know tr its kecompt u b et aj compl 3a do ctsMa t inw ojel t aj ke t u b et aj neg 1sg a know tr its comp compl 3a do cts I didn t know that he did it Taken from Boye 2015 page 3 1 b Ma neginw ojel1sg a know wacompt u b et aj compl 3a do ctsMa inw ojel wa t u b et aj neg 1sg a know comp compl 3a do cts I don t know if he did it Taken from Boye 2015 page 3 1a introduces a subdordinate clause and 1b introduces a conditional clause similar to English The former subtype that can be defined in terms of information source and includes meanings glossed as direct evidence indirect evidence hearsay inferential The latter one if can be defined in terms of degree of certainty and includes meanings glossed as certainty probability epistemic possibility doubt Thus epistemic meaning as a whole can be defined in terms of the notion of justificatory support 18 Abbreviations of Itzaj Maya ABBREVIATION MEANINGSG SingularA Set A person markerTR TransitiveITS Incompletive Transitive StatusCOMPL Completive aspectCTS Completive Transitive StatusPRO PronounABST AbstractABIL AbilitiveINCH InchoativeAbbreviations adapted from Boye 2015 page 15 and Hofling 1998 page 225 226 Complementizer stacking Edit But not only that Itzaj Maya can combine the neutral complementizer ke with the non neutral waj This is illustrated in examples 2a where the neutral complementizer ke occurs alone and 2b where it is optionally inserted in front of the uncertainty complementizer waj 19 Itzaj Maya Hofling 2000 495 506 20 Adapted from Boye 2015 page 9 2 a Uy ojel3 know kecompla ayti 3prou si pil3 crimet u jaj il to 3 true abstUy ojel ke la ayti u si pil t u jaj il 3 know comp 3pro 3 crime to 3 true abst He knows that it is his crime truly Taken from Boye 2015 page 9 2 b ke compwacomppatal uy an t ik en abil 3 help tr inch 1sg ke wa patal uy an t ik en comp comp abil 3 help tr inch 1sg And I asked her if she could help me Taken from Boye 2015 page 9In 1a b and 2a we saw each complementizer can be licensed once within the clause but in 2b we observe the significant difference of Itzaj Maya from English In English we are able to license multiple C as long as the clause is completed with the embedded V or D For example I saw that fox that ran towards the garden that Tommy took care of In such cases C can appear as the complement of V or D many times However CP recursion in two tiers or CP appearing as an immediate complement of maximal projection CP cannot be allowed in English This action of Complementizer Stacking is realised as ungrammatical Adapted from Nyvad et al 2017 page 451 In Scandinavian languages however we see this phenomenon of complementizer stacking For example researchers observed the two basic types of CP recursion that occur independently in Danish a CP with V2 i e a CP headed by a lexical predicate in its head position will be referred as CP big CP whereas a CP without V2 i e CP headed by a non lexical element will be referred to as cP little cP 21 cP c LEXICAL little cP cP C LEXICAL big CP Adapted from Nyvad et al 2017 page 453 The case of little big CPs are comparable to VP shell structure in English where it introduces a small v in the higher position in the tree and big V in the lower position in the tree We also see in the examples Danish allows complementizer stacking in constructions involving subject extraction from complement and relative clauses in colloquial speech 3 a Vi kender de lingvister cP OP1 c som cP c at cP c der IP 1 vil laese den her bog Vi kender de lingvister cP OP1 c som cP c at cP c der IP 1 vil laese den her bog We know the linguists thatREL thatCOMP thatREL will read this here book 3 b Peter pastod cP c at CP det her1 C kunne han gore 1 meget bedre Peter pastod cP c at CP det her1 C kunne han gore 1 meget bedre Peter claimed that this here could he do much better Taken from Nyvad et al 2017 page 463 464We observe that complementizers are indeed stacked together in the beginning of the clause acting as a complement of DP CP recusion structure on the right is applied for each of the clause which points to evidence of complementizer stacking in Danish In addition we note the combination of som at der in 3a is only possible in one specific order which lead the researchers to believe that som may not require an empty operator in its Spec CP position 21 In various languages EditAssyrian Neo Aramaic Edit In Assyrian Neo Aramaic a modern Aramaic language kat or qat depending on the dialect is used as a complementizer and is related to the relativizer Though it is less common in casual speech and more so in formal conversation Hebrew Edit In Hebrew both Modern and Ancient two complementizers coexist 22 ש ʃe which is either related to the relativizer asher lt Akkadian ashru place and or to the pronominal Proto Semitic dhu this and כ י ki which is also used as a conjunction meaning because when In modern usage the latter is reserved for more formal writing American Sign Language Edit While some manual complementizers exist in American Sign Language they are usually expressed non manually by grammaticalized facial expressions Conditional clauses for example are indicated by raised eye brows If a manual complementizer is used it is also accompanied by a facial expression 23 The non manual marking of complementizers is a common phenomenon found in many sign languages and it was even suggested by whom that C categories are universally marked with the face in sign languages 24 See also EditX bar theory Structure of S Dependent clause ECM verb That clauseNotes Edit Sells Peter 1995 Korean and Japanese Morphology from a Lexical Perspective Linguistic Inquiry 26 2 277 325 ISSN 0024 3892 JSTOR 4178898 Ishihara Yuki September 2021 Root Complementizer tte in Japanese PDF Bugenhagen 1995 pg 270 Boye et al 2015 pg 13 Cuba Carlos de 2018 03 03 Manner of speaking that complements as close apposition structures Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 3 1 32 1 13 doi 10 3765 plsa v3i1 4320 ISSN 2473 8689 Rohde Hannah Tyler Joseph Carlson Katy 2017 Form and function Optional complementizers reduce causal inferences Glossa London 2 1 53 doi 10 5334 gjgl 134 ISSN 2397 1835 PMC 5552188 PMID 28804781 Bjorkman Bronwyn M Folli R Sevdali C Truswell R 2013 A syntactic answer to a pragmatic puzzle The case of asymmetric and www semanticscholar org S2CID 207968747 Retrieved 2022 04 23 a b c d Sportiche Dominique Koopman Hilda Judith Stabler Edward P 2014 An introduction to syntactic analysis and theory Hoboken John Wiley amp Sons Inc ISBN 9781118470480 a b Boye Kasper van Lier Eva Theilgaard Brink Eva 2015 09 01 Epistemic complementizers a cross linguistic survey Language Sciences 51 1 17 doi 10 1016 j langsci 2015 04 001 ISSN 0388 0001 Adapted from Noonan 1992 pg 220 227 Adapted from Noonan 1992 pg 220 227 Nordstrom Jackie Boye Kasper 2016 07 11 Complementizer semantics in the Germanic languages Complementizer Semantics in European Languages De Gruyter pp 131 174 doi 10 1515 9783110416619 007 ISBN 9783110416619 retrieved 2022 04 12 Adapted from Nordstrom and Boye 2015 pg 8 Bugenhagen Robert D 1991 A grammar of Mangap Mbula an Austronesian language of Papua New Guinea 226 doi 10 25911 5d723a51866ce a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Adapted from Bugenhagen pg 226 Boye et al 2015 pg 15 Hofling Charles Andrew 2000 Itzaj Maya grammar Felix Fernando Tesucun Salt Lake City University of Utah Press ISBN 978 1 60781 218 0 OCLC 812924896 Boye Kasper van Lier Eva Theilgaard Brink Eva 2015 Epistemic complementizers a cross linguistic survey Language Sciences 51 1 17 doi 10 1016 j langsci 2015 04 001 via Elsevier Science Direct Nordstrom Jackie Boye Kasper 2016 07 11 Complementizer semantics in the Germanic languages Complementizer Semantics in European Languages De Gruyter pp 131 174 doi 10 1515 9783110416619 007 ISBN 9783110416619 retrieved 2022 04 15 Hofling Charles Andrew 2000 Itzaj Maya grammar Felix Fernando Tesucun Salt Lake City University of Utah Press ISBN 978 1 60781 218 0 OCLC 812924896 a b Nyvad Anne Mette Christensen Ken Ramshoj Vikner Sten 2017 01 01 CP recursion in Danish A cP CP analysis The Linguistic Review 34 3 463 464 doi 10 1515 tlr 2017 0008 ISSN 0167 6318 S2CID 171704958 Pages 79 81 of Zuckermann Ghil ad 2006 Complement Clause Types in Israeli Complementation A Cross Linguistic Typology edited by R M W Dixon and Alexandra Y Aikhenvald Oxford Oxford University Press pp 72 92 Chapter 3 Liddell Scott K 1980 American sign language syntax The Hague De Gruyter Bross Fabian 2020 The clausal syntax of German Sign Language A cartographic approach Berlin Language Science Press References EditBjorkman Bronwyn M et al A syntactic answer to a pragmatic puzzle The case of asymmetric and 2013 Boye K 2012 Epistemic meaning In Epistemic Meaning De Gruyter Mouton Boye K van Lier E amp Theilgaard Brink E 2015 Epistemic complementizers A cross linguistic survey Language Sciences Oxford 51 Sep 1 17 https doi org 10 1016 j langsci 2015 04 001 Hofling C A 2000 Itzaj maya grammar University of Utah Press Kaltenbock Gunther That Is the Question Complementizer Omission in Extraposed That Clauses English Language and Linguistics vol 10 no 2 2006 pp 371 396 doi 10 1017 S1360674306001961 Legate Julie Anne 2010 On how how is used instead of that Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 28 121 134 Noonan Michael A grammar of Lango Vol 7 Walter de Gruyter 2011 Nordstrom Jackie Boye Kasper 2016 07 11 Complementizer semantics in the Germanic languages Complementizer Semantics in European Languages De Gruyter pp 131 174 retrieved 2022 04 15 Nyvad Anne Mette Christensen Ken Ramshoj Vikner Sten 2017 01 01 CP recursion in Danish A cP CP analysis The Linguistic Review 34 3 doi 10 1515 tlr 2017 0008 ISSN 0167 6318 Rosenbaum Peter S 1967 The grammar of English predicate complement constructions PDF Cambridge MA MIT Press Sportiche D Koopman H J amp Stabler E P 2014 2013 An introduction to syntactic analysis and theory 1st 1 ed John Wiley amp Sons Inc Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Complementizer amp oldid 1127492387, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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