
Shingon Buddhism

Shingon Buddhism (真言宗, Shingon-shū) is one of the major schools of Buddhism in Japan and one of the few surviving Vajrayana lineages in East Asia, originally spread from India to China through traveling monks such as Vajrabodhi and Amoghavajra.

Danjō garan of Kongōbu-ji, the Shingon head temple in Mount Kōya
Shingon monks at Mount Koya

Known in Chinese as the Tangmi (唐密; the Esoteric School in the Tang dynasty of China), these esoteric teachings would later flourish in Japan under the auspices of a Buddhist monk named Kūkai (空海), who traveled to Tang China to acquire and request transmission of the esoteric teachings. For that reason, it is often called Japanese Esoteric Buddhism, or Orthodox Esoteric Buddhism.

The word shingon is the Japanese reading of the Chinese word 真言 (zhēnyán),[1] which is the translation of the Sanskrit word मन्त्र ("mantra").[2]


Painting of Kūkai from a set of scrolls depicting the first eight patriarchs of the Shingon school. Japan, Kamakura period (13th-14th centuries).

Shingon Buddhist doctrine and teachings arose during the Heian period (794-1185) after a Buddhist monk named Kūkai traveled to China in 804 to study Esoteric Buddhist practices in the city of Xi'an (西安), then called Chang-an, at Azure Dragon Temple (青龍寺) under Huiguo, a favourite student of the legendary Amoghavajra. Huiguo was the first person to gather the still scattered elements of Indian and Chinese Esoteric Buddhism into a cohesive system, and Esoteric Buddhism was not yet considered to be a different sect or school at that time. Kūkai returned to Japan as Huiguo's lineage- and Dharma-successor. Shingon followers usually refer to Kūkai as Kōbō-Daishi (弘法大師, Great Master of the Propagation of Dharma) or Odaishi-sama (お大師様, The Great Master), the posthumous name given to him years after his death by Emperor Daigo.

Kūkai's early esoteric practices

Before he went to China, Kūkai had been an independent monk in Japan for over a decade. He was extremely well versed in Chinese literature, calligraphy and Buddhist texts. A Japanese monk named Gonsō (勤操) had brought back to Japan from China an esoteric mantra of the bodhisattva Ākāśagarbha, the Kokūzō-gumonjihō (虚空蔵求聞持法 "Ākāśagarbha Memory-Retention Practice") that had been translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Śubhakarasiṃha (善無畏三蔵, Zenmui-Sanzō). When Kūkai was 22, he learned this mantra from Gonsō and regularly would go into the forests of Shikoku to practice it for long periods of time. He persevered in this mantra practice for seven years and mastered it. According to tradition, this practice brought him siddhis of superhuman memory retention and learning ability. Kūkai would later praise the power and efficacy of Kokuzō-Gumonjiho practice, crediting it with enabling him to remember all of Huiguo's teachings in only three months. Kūkai's respect for Ākāśagarbha was so great that he regarded him as his honzon (本尊) for the rest of his life.

It was also during this period of intense mantra practice that Kūkai dreamt of a man telling him to seek out the Mahavairocana Tantra for the doctrine that he sought. The Mahavairocana Tantra had only recently been made available in Japan. He was able to obtain a copy in Chinese but large portions were in Sanskrit in the Siddhaṃ script, which he did not know, and even the Chinese portions were too arcane for him to understand. He believed that this teaching was a door to the truth he sought, but he was unable to fully comprehend it and no one in Japan could help him. Thus, Kūkai resolved to travel to China to spend the time necessary to fully understand the Mahavairocana Tantra.

Kūkai's studies in China

When Kūkai reached China and first met Huiguo on the fifth month of 805, Huiguo was age sixty and on the verge of death from a long spate of illness. Huiguo exclaimed to Kūkai in Chinese (in paraphrase), "At last, you have come! I have been waiting for you! Quickly, prepare yourself for initiation into the mandalas!" Huiguo had foreseen that Esoteric Buddhism would not survive in India and China in the near future and that it was Kukai's destiny to see it continue in Japan. In the short space of three months, Huiguo initiated and taught Kūkai everything he knew on the doctrines and practices of the Mandala of the Two Realms as well as mastery of Sanskrit and (presumably to be able to communicate with Master Huiguo) Chinese. Huiguo declared Kūkai to be his final disciple and proclaimed him a Dharma successor, giving the lineage name Henjō-Kongō (Chinese: 遍照金剛; pinyin: Biànzhào Jīngāng) "All-Illuminating Vajra".

In the twelfth month of 805, Huiguo died and was buried next to his master, Amoghavajra. More than one thousand of his disciples gathered for his funeral. The honour of writing his funerary inscription on their behalf was given to Kūkai.

Kukai returned to Japan after Huiguo's death. If he had not, Shingon Esoteric Buddhism might not have survived; 35 years after Huiguo's death in the year 840, Emperor Wuzong of Tang assumed the throne. An avid Daoist, Wuzong despised Buddhism and considered the sangha useless tax-evaders. In 845, he ordered the destruction of 4600 vihara and 40,000 temples. Around 250,000 Buddhist monks and nuns had to give up their monastic lives. Wuzong stated that Buddhism was an alien religion and promoted Daoism zealously as the ethnic religion of the Han Chinese. Although Wuzong was soon assassinated by his own inner circle, the damage had been done. Chinese Buddhism, especially Esoteric practices, never fully recovered from the persecution, and esoteric elements were infused into other Buddhist sects and traditions.

After Kūkai's return to Japan

The main building of Shinsenen, a Shingon temple in Kyoto founded by Kūkai in 824

After returning to Japan, Kūkai collated and systematized all that he had learned from Huiguo into a cohesive doctrine of pure esoteric Buddhism that would become the basis for his school. Kūkai did not establish his teachings as a separate school; it was Emperor Junna, who favoured Kūkai and Esoteric Buddhism, who coined the term Shingon-Shū (真言宗, Mantra School) in an imperial decree which officially declared Tō-ji (東寺) in Kyoto an Esoteric temple that would perform official rites for the state. Kūkai actively took on disciples and offered transmission until his death in 835 at the age of 61.

Kūkai's first established monastery was in Mount Kōya (高野山), which has since become the base and a place of spiritual retreat for Shingon practitioners. Shingon enjoyed immense popularity during the Heian period (平安時代), particularly among the nobility, and contributed greatly to the art and literature of the time, influencing other communities such as the Tendai (天台宗) on Mount Hiei (比叡山).[3]

Shingon's emphasis on ritual found support in the Kyoto nobility, particularly the Fujiwara clan (藤原氏). This favour allotted Shingon several politically powerful temples in the capital, where rituals for the imperial family and nation were regularly performed. Many of these temples – Tō-ji and Daigo-ji (醍醐寺) in the south of Kyōto and Jingo-ji (神護寺) and Ninna-ji (仁和寺) in the northwest – became ritual centers establishing their own particular ritual lineages.


Like the Tendai School, which branched into the Jōdo-shū (浄土宗) and Nichiren Buddhism (日蓮系諸宗派, Nichiren-kei sho shūha) during the Kamakura period, Shingon divided into two major schools – the old school, Kogi Shingon (古義真言宗, Ancient Shingon school), and the new school, Shingi Shingon (新義真言宗, Reformed Shingon school).

This division primarily arose out of a political dispute between Kakuban (覚鑁), known posthumously as Kōgyō-Daishi (興教大師), and his faction of priests centered at the Denbō-in (伝法院) and the leadership at Kongōbu-ji (金剛峰寺), the head of Mount Kōya and the authority in teaching esoteric practices in general. Kakuban, who was originally ordained at Ninna-ji (仁和寺) in Kyōto, studied at several temple-centers including the Tendai complex at Onjō-ji (園城寺) before going to Mount Kōya. Through his connections he managed to gain the favour of high-ranking nobles in Kyoto, which helped him to be appointed abbot of Mount Kōya. The leadership at Kongōbuji, however, opposed the appointment on the premise that Kakuban had not originally been ordained on Mount Kōya.

After several conflicts, Kakuban and his faction of priests left the mountain for Mount Negoro (根来山) to the northwest, where they constructed a new temple complex now known as Negoro-ji (根来寺). After the death of Kakuban in 1143, the Negoro faction returned to Mount Kōya. However, in 1288, the conflict between Kongōbuji and the Denbō-in came to a head once again. Led by Raiyu, the Denbō-in priests once again left Mount Kōya, this time establishing their headquarters on Mount Negoro. This exodus marked the beginning of the Shingi Shingon School at Mount Negoro, which was the center of Shingi Shingon until it was sacked by daimyō Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣秀吉) in 1585.


The center image of the Mandala of the Womb Realm, featuring the central figure of Mahāvairocana, the five Dhyani Buddhas, and attendant bodhisattvas.

The Shingon lineage is an ancient transmission of esoteric Buddhist doctrine that began in India and then spread to China and Japan. Shingon is the name of this lineage in Japan, but there are also esoteric schools in China, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong that consider themselves part of this lineage (as the originators of the Esoteric teachings) and universally recognize Kūkai as their eighth patriarch. This is why sometimes the term "Orthodox Esoteric Buddhism" is used instead.

Shingon or Orthodox Esoteric Buddhism maintains that the expounder of the doctrine was originally the Universal Buddha Vairocana, but the first human to receive the doctrine was Nagarjuna in India. The tradition recognizes two groups of eight great patriarchs – one group of lineage holders and one group of great expounders of the doctrine.

The Eight Great Lineage Patriarchs (Fuho-Hasso 付法八祖)
  • Vairocana (Dainichi-Nyorai 大日如来)
  • Vajrasattva (Kongō-Satta 金剛薩埵)
  • Nagarjuna (Ryūju-Bosatsu 龍樹菩薩) – received the Mahavairocana Tantra from Vajrasattva inside an Iron Stupa in Southern India
  • Nagabodhi (Ryūchi-Bosatsu 龍智菩薩)
  • Vajrabodhi (Kongōchi-Sanzō 金剛智三蔵)
  • Amoghavajra (Fukūkongō-Sanzō 不空金剛三蔵)
  • Huiguo (Keika-Ajari 恵果阿闍梨)
  • Kūkai (Kōbō-Daishi 弘法大師)
The Eight Great Doctrine-Expounding Patriarchs (Denji-Hasso 伝持八祖)
  • Nagarjuna (Ryūju-Bosatsu 龍樹菩薩)
  • Nagabodhi (Ryūchi-Bosatsu 龍智菩薩)
  • Vajrabodhi (Kongōchi-Sanzō 金剛智三蔵)
  • Amoghavajra (Fukūkongō-Sanzō 不空金剛三蔵)
  • Śubhakarasiṃha (Zenmui-Sanzō 善無畏三蔵)
  • Yi Xing (Ichigyō-Zenji 一行禅師)
  • Huiguo (Keika-Ajari 恵果阿闍梨)
  • Kūkai (Kōbō-Daishi 弘法大師)


Garbhadhātu maṇḍala. Vairocana is located at the center


The teachings of Shingon are based on early Buddhist tantras, the Mahāvairocana Sūtra (大日経, Dainichi-kyō), the Vajraśekhara Sūtra (金剛頂経, Kongōchō-kyō), the Prajñāpāramitā Naya Sūtra (般若理趣経, Hannya Rishu-kyō), and the Susiddhikara Sūtra (蘇悉地経, Soshitsuji-kyō). These are the four principal texts of Esoteric Buddhism and are all tantras, not sutras, despite their names.

The mystical Vairocana and Vajraśekhara Tantras are expressed in the two main mandalas of Shingon, the Mandala of the Two Realms – The Womb Realm (Sanskrit: Garbhadhātu; Japanese: 胎蔵界曼荼羅, romanizedTaizōkai) mandala and the Diamond Realm (Sanskrit: Vajradhātu; Japanese: 金剛界曼荼羅, romanizedKongōkai) mandala.[2] These two mandalas are considered to be a compact expression of the entirety of the Dharma, and form the root of Buddhism. In Shingon temples, these two mandalas are always mounted one on each side of the central altar.

The Susiddhikara Sūtra is largely a compendium of rituals. Tantric Buddhism is concerned with the rituals and meditative practices that lead to enlightenment. According to Shingon doctrine, enlightenment is not a distant, foreign reality that can take aeons to approach but a real possibility within this very life,[4] based on the spiritual potential of every living being, known generally as Buddha-nature. If cultivated, this luminous nature manifests as innate wisdom. With the help of a genuine teacher and through proper training of the body, speech, and mind, i.e. "The Three Mysteries" (三密, Sanmitsu), one can reclaim and liberate this enlightened capacity for the benefit of oneself and others.

Kūkai systematized and categorized the teachings he inherited from Huiguo into ten bhūmis or "stages of spiritual realization".

Relationship to Vajrayāna

When the teachings of Shingon Buddhism were brought to Japan, Esoteric Buddhism was still in its early stages in India. At this time, the terms Vajrayāna ("Diamond Vehicle") and Mantrayāna ("Mantra Vehicle") were not used for Esoteric Buddhist teachings.[5] Instead, esoteric teachings were more typically referred to as Mantranaya, or the "Mantra System." According to Paul Williams, Mantranaya is the more appropriate term to describe the self-perception of early Esoteric Buddhism.[5]

The primary difference between Shingon and Tibetan Buddhism is that there is no Inner Tantra or Anuttarayoga Tantra in Shingon. Shingon has what corresponds to the Kriyā, Caryā, and Yoga classes of tantras in Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan system of classifying tantras into four classes is not used in Shingon.

Anuttarayoga Tantras such as the Yamantaka Tantra, Hevajra Tantra, Mahamaya Tantra, Cakrasaṃvara Tantra, and the Kalachakra Tantra were developed at a later period of Esoteric Buddhism and are not used in Shingon.

Esoteric vs exoteric

He wrote at length on the difference between exoteric, mainstream Mahayana Buddhism and esoteric Tantric Buddhism. The differences between exoteric and esoteric can be summarised:

  1. Esoteric teachings are preached by the Dharmakaya (法身, Hosshin) Buddha, who Kūkai identifies as Vairocana (大日如來, Dainichi Nyorai). Exoteric teachings are preached by the Nirmanakaya (応身, Ōjin) Buddha, which in our world and aeon, is the historical Gautama Buddha (釈迦牟尼, Shakamuni) or one of the Sambhoghakaya (報身, Hōjin) Buddhas.
  2. Exoteric Buddhism holds that the ultimate state of Buddhahood is ineffable, and that nothing can be said of it. Esoteric Buddhism holds that while nothing can be said of it verbally, it is readily communicated via esoteric rituals which involve the use of mantras, mudras, and mandalas.
  3. Kūkai held that exoteric doctrines were merely upāya "skillful means" teachings on the part of the Buddhas to help beings according to their capacity to understand the Truth. The esoteric doctrines, in comparison, are the Truth itself and are a direct communication of the inner experience of the Dharmakaya's enlightenment. When Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment in his earthly Nirmanakaya, he realized that the Dharmakaya is actually reality in its totality and that totality is Vairocana.
  4. Some exoteric schools in the late Nara and early Heian period Japan held (or were portrayed by Shingon adherents as holding) that attaining Buddhahood is possible but requires a huge amount of time (three incalculable aeons) of practice to achieve, whereas esoteric Buddhism teaches that Buddhahood can be attained in this lifetime by anyone.

Kūkai held, along with the Chinese Huayan school (華嚴, Kegon) and the Tendai schools, that all phenomena could be expressed as 'letters' in a 'World-Text'. Mantra, mudra, and mandala are special because they constitute the 'language' through which the Dharmakāya (i.e. Reality itself) communicates. Although portrayed through the use of anthropomorphic metaphors, Shingon does not see the Dharmakaya Buddha as a separate entity standing apart from the universe. Instead, the deity is the universe properly understood: the union of emptiness, Buddha nature, and all phenomena. Kūkai wrote that "the great Self embraces in itself each and all existences".[6]

Mahavairocana Tathagata

Dainichi-nyorai (Vairocana) image in Kume-dera

In Shingon, Mahavairocana Tathagata (大日如來) is the universal or Adi-Buddha that is the basis of all phenomena, present in each and all of them, and not existing independently or externally to them. The goal of Shingon is the realization that one's nature is identical with Mahavairocana, a goal that is achieved through initiation, meditation and esoteric ritual practices. This realization depends on receiving the secret doctrines of Shingon, transmitted orally to initiates by the school's masters. The "Three Mysteries" of body, speech, and mind participate simultaneously in the subsequent process of revealing one's nature: the body through devotional gestures (mudra) and the use of ritual instruments, speech through sacred formulas (mantra), and mind through meditation.

The Thirteen Buddhas

Thirteen Deities, Nambokucho-Muromachi period.

Shingon places an emphasis on the Thirteen Buddhas (十三仏, Jūsanbutsu),[7] a grouping of various buddhas and bodhisattvas; however this is purely for lay Buddhist practice (especially during funeral rites) and Shingon priests generally make devotions to more than just the Thirteen Buddhas.

Mahavairocana is the Universal Principle which underlies all Buddhist teachings, according to Shingon Buddhism, so other Buddhist figures can be thought of as manifestations with certain roles and attributes. Kūkai wrote that "the great Self is one, yet can be many".[8] Each Buddhist figure is symbolized by its own Sanskrit "seed" letter.


The siddhaṃ letter a.
A typical Shingon shrine set up for priests, with Vairocana at the center of the shrine, and the Womb Realm (Taizokai) and Diamond Realm (Kongokai) mandalas.
Video showing prayer service at Kōshō-ji in Nagoya. A monk is rhythmically beating a drum while chanting sutras.

Elements of Shingon practice

One feature that Shingon shares in common with other forms of Vajrayana Buddhism, is the use of bīja or seed-syllables in Sanskrit written in the Siddhaṃ alphabet along with anthropomorphic and symbolic representations to express Buddhist deities in their mandalas.

The Siddhaṃ alphabet (Shittan 悉曇, Bonji 梵字) is used to write mantras. A core meditative practice of Shingon is Ajikan (阿字觀) "meditating on the letter a" written using the Siddhaṃ alphabet. The letter A is an important symbol in Mahayana and esoteric Buddhism, which signifies the Dharmakaya, the Buddha Vairocana and non-arising.[9]

Other Shingon meditations include:

  • Gachirinkan (月輪觀, "Full Moon visualization"),
  • Gojigonjingan (五字嚴身觀, "Visualization of the Five Elements arrayed in The Body" from the Mahavairocana Tantra)
  • Gosōjōjingan (五相成身觀, Pañcābhisaṃbodhi "Series of Five Meditations to attain Buddhahood") from the Vajraśekhara Sutra.

The use of mandalas for contemplation is also another key feature of Shingon practice. The most important mandalas are the Womb or Matrix (taizo) Mandala based on the Mahavairocana Sutra and the Vajra (kongokai) Mandala based on the Vajrasekhara Sutra.

There are four types of mandalas in Shingon:

  • Mahāmaṇḍala (大曼荼羅, Large Mandala)
  • Bīja- or Dharmamaṇḍala (法曼荼羅)
  • Samayamaṇḍala (三昧耶曼荼羅), representations of the vows of the deities in the form of articles they hold or their mudras
  • Karmamaṇḍala (羯磨曼荼羅) representing the activities of the deities in the three-dimensional form of statues, etc.

The essence of Shingon practice is to experience Reality by emulating the inner realization of the Dharmakaya through the meditative ritual use of mantra, mudra and visualization, i.e. "The Three Mysteries" (Sanmitsu 三密). All Shingon followers gradually develop a teacher-student relationship, formal or informal, whereby a teacher learns the disposition of the student and teaches practices accordingly. For lay practitioners, there is no initiation ceremony beyond the Kechien Kanjō (結縁灌頂), which aims to help create the bond between the follower and Mahavairocana Buddha. It is normally offered only at Mount Kōya twice a year, but it can also be offered by larger temples under masters permitted to transmit the abhiseka. It is not required for all laypersons to take, and no assigned practices are given.


A priest from the Chuin-ryu lineage at Shigisan Chosonshi Temple (朝護孫子寺)

In the case of disciples wishing to train to become a Shingon ācārya or "teacher" (Ajari 阿闍梨, from ācārya Sanskrit: आचार्य), it requires a period of academic study and religious discipline, or formal training in a temple for a longer period of time, after having already received novice ordination and monastic precepts, and full completion of the rigorous four-fold preliminary training and retreat known as Shido Kegyō (四度加行).[10] Only then can the practitioner be able to undergo steps for training, examination, and finally abhiṣeka to be certified as a Shingon acarya and continue to study more advanced practices.

In either case, the stress is on finding a qualified and willing mentor who will guide the practitioner through the practice at a gradual pace. An acharya in Shingon is a committed and experienced teacher who is authorized to guide and teach practitioners. One must be an acharya for a number of years at least before one can request to be tested at Mount Kōya for the possibility to qualify as a mahācārya or "great teacher" (Dento Dai-Ajari 傳燈大阿闍梨), the highest rank of Shingon practice and a qualified grand master. However, it should be noticed that such a tradition is only in Koyasan sect. In other shingon sects, an Ajari who gives Kanjo is only called a Dai-Ajari or a Dento Dai-Ajari and has no special meaning like Koyasan sect. In the first place, Koyasan's Dharma Lineage became extinct immediately after Kūkai, and the current lineage of Koyasan sect is transplanted from Mandala-ji temple (曼荼羅寺) in Kyoto by Meizan (明算, 1021–1106). It implies that the tradition to become a Dento Dai-Ajari was created after Meizan, not an original tradition of Shingon. Furthermore, Meizan was not given the deepest teaching, so Yukai (宥快, 1345–1416), a great scholar at Koyasan, considered Anshoji-Ryu Lineage, rather than the Chuin-Ryu Lineage, to be the orthodox Shingon lineage.[11]

Apart from the supplication of prayers and reading of sutras, there are mantras and ritualistic meditative techniques that are available for any laypersons to practice on their own under the supervision of an Ajari. However, any esoteric practices require the devotee to undergo abhiṣeka (initiation) (Kanjō 灌頂) into each of these practices under the guidance of a qualified acharya before they may begin to learn and practice them. As with all schools of Esoteric Buddhism, great emphasis is placed on initiation and oral transmission of teachings from teacher to student.

Goma fire ritual

A goma ritual performed at Chushinkoji Temple in Japan

The goma (護摩) ritual of consecrated fire is unique to Esoteric Buddhism and is the most recognizable ritual defining Shingon among regular Japanese persons today. It stems from the Vedic homa ritual and is performed by qualified priests and acharyas for the benefit of individuals, the state or all sentient beings in general. The consecrated fire is believed to have a powerful cleansing effect spiritually and psychologically. The central deity invoked in this ritual is usually Acala (Fudō Myōō 不動明王). The ritual is performed for the purpose of destroying detrimental thoughts and desires, and for the making of secular requests and blessings. In most Shingon temples, this ritual is performed daily in the morning or the afternoon. Larger scale ceremonies often include the constant beating of taiko drums and mass chanting of the mantra of Acala by priests and lay practitioners. Flames can sometimes reach a few meters high. The combination of the ritual's visuals and sounds can be trance-inducing.

Adopting the practice from Shingon Buddhism, adherents the syncretic Japanese religion of Shugendō (修験道) also practice the goma ritual, of which two types are prominent: the saido dai goma and hashiramoto goma rituals.[12]


Today, there are very few books on Shingon in the West and until the 1940s, not a single book on Shingon had ever been published anywhere in the world, not even in Japan. Since this lineage was brought over to Japan from Tang China over 1100 years ago, its doctrines have always been closely guarded secrets, passed down orally through an initiatic chain and never written down. Throughout the centuries, except for the initiated, most of the Japanese common folk knew little of its secretive doctrines and of the monks of this "Mantra School" except that besides performing the usual priestly duties of prayers, blessings and funeral rites for the public, they practiced only Mikkyō "secret teachings", in stark contrast to all other Buddhist schools, and were called upon to perform mystical rituals that were supposedly able to summon rain, improve harvests, exorcise demons, avert natural disasters, heal the sick and protect the state. The most powerful ones were thought to be able to render entire armies useless.

Even though Tendai also incorporates esoteric teachings in its doctrines, it is still essentially an exoteric Mahayana school. Some exoteric texts are venerated and studied in Shingon as they are the foundation of Mahayana philosophy but the core teachings and texts of Shingon are purely esoteric. From the lack of written material, inaccessibility of its teachings to non-initiates, language barriers and the difficulty of finding qualified teachers outside Japan, Shingon is in all likelihood the most secretive and least understood school of Buddhism in the world.


Acalanatha, the wrathful manifestation of Mahavairocana, and the principal deity invoked during the goma ritual.

A large number of deities of Vedic, Hindu and Indo-Aryan origins have been incorporated into Mahayana Buddhism and this synthesis is especially prominent in Esoteric Buddhism. Many of these deities have vital roles as they are regularly invoked by the practitioner for various rituals and homas/pujas. In fact, it is ironic that the worship of Vedic-era deities, especially Indra (Taishakuten 帝釈天), the "King of the Heavens," has declined so much in India but is yet so highly revered in Japan that there are probably more temples devoted to him there than there are in India. Chinese Taoist and Japanese Shinto deities were also assimilated into Mahayana Buddhism as deva-class beings. For example, to Chinese Mahayana Buddhists, Indra (synonymous with Śakra) is the Jade Emperor of Taoism. Agni (Katen 火天), another Vedic deity, is invoked at the start of every Shingon Goma Ritual. The average Japanese person may not know the names Saraswati or Indra but Benzaiten (弁財天; Saraswati) and Taishakuten (帝釈天; Indra) are household names that every Japanese person knows.

In Orthodox Esoteric Buddhism, divine beings are grouped into six classes.

The Five Great Wisdom Kings

The Five Wisdom Kings is the most important grouping of Wisdom Kings in Esoteric Buddhism.

The Five Great Wisdom Kings are wrathful manifestations of the Five Dhyani Buddhas.

Other well-known Wisdom Kings

  • Ragaraja (Aizen Myōō 愛染明王)
  • Mahamayuri (Kujaku Myōō 孔雀明王)
  • Hayagriva (Batō Kannon 馬頭観音)
  • Ucchusma (Ususama Myōō 烏枢沙摩明王)
  • Atavaka (Daigensui Myōō 大元帥明王)

The Twelve Guardian Deities (Deva)

  • Agni (Katen 火天) – Lord of Fire; Guardian of the South East
  • Brahmā (Bonten 梵天) – Lord of the Heavens; Guardian of the Heavens (upward direction)
  • Chandra (Gatten 月天) – Lord of the Moon
  • Indra (Taishakuten 帝釈天) – Lord of the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven and The Thirty Three Devas; Guardian of the East
  • Prthivi or Bhūmī-Devī (Jiten 地天) – Lord of the Earth; Guardian of the Earth (downward direction)
  • Rakshasa (Rasetsuten 羅刹天) – Lord of Demons; Guardian of the South West (converted Buddhist rakshasas)
  • Shiva or Maheshvara (Daijizaiten 大自在天 or Ishanaten 伊舎那天) – Lord of The Desire Realms; Guardian of the North East
  • Sūrya (Nitten 日天) – Lord of the Sun
  • Vaishravana (Bishamonten 毘沙門天 or Tamonten 多聞天) – Lord of Wealth; Guardian of the North
  • Varuṇa (Suiten 水天) – Lord of Water; Guardian of the West
  • Vāyu (Fūten 風天)- Lord of Wind; Guardian of the North West
  • Yama (Emmaten 焔魔天) – Lord of the Underworld; Guardian of the South

Other Important Deities (Deva)

  • Marici (Marishi-Ten 摩里支天) – Patron deity of Warriors
  • Mahakala (Daikokuten 大黒天) – Patron deity of Wealth
  • Saraswati (Benzaiten 弁財天) – Patron deity of Knowledge, Art and Music
  • Ganesha (Kangiten 歓喜天) Patron deity of Bliss and Remover of Obstacles
  • Skanda (Idaten 韋駄天 or Kumaraten 鳩摩羅天) Protector of Buddhist Monasteries and Monks


Located in Kyoto, Japan, Daigo-ji is the head temple of the Daigo-ha branch of Shingon Buddhism.
Chishaku-in is the head temple of Shingon-shū Chizan-ha
Hasedera in Sakurai, Nara is the head temple of Shingon-shū Buzan-ha
  • The Orthodox (Kogi) Shingon School (古義真言宗)
    • Kōyasan (高野山真言宗)
      • Chuin-Ryu Lineage (中院流, decided after World War II[clarification needed])
      • Nishinoin-Ryu Nozen-Gata Kōya-Sojo Lineage (西院流能禅方高野相承, already extinct)
      • Nishinoin-Ryu Genyu-Gata Kōya-Sojo Lineage (西院流元瑜方高野相承, already extinct)
      • Nishinoin-Ryu Enyu-Gata Kōya-Sojo Lineage (西院流円祐方高野相承, already extinct)
      • Samboin-Ryu Kenjin-Gata Kōya-Sojo Lineage (三宝院流憲深方高野相承, almost extinct)
      • Samboin-Ryu Ikyo-Gata Kōya-Sojo Lineage (三宝院流意教方, almost extinct)
      • Samboin-Ryu Shingen-Gata Kōya-Sojo Lineage (三宝院流真源相承, almost extinct)
      • Anshoji-Ryu Lineage (安祥寺流, almost extinct)
      • Chuinhon-Ryu Lineage (中院本流, almost extinct)
      • Jimyoin-Ryu Lineage (持明院流, almost extinct)
    • Reiunji-ha (真言宗霊雲寺派)
      • Shinanshoji-Ryu Lineage (新安祥寺流, established by Jogon (浄厳, 1639 - 1702))
    • Zentsūji-ha (真言宗善通寺派)
      • Jizoin-Ryu Lineage (地蔵院流, already extinct)
      • Zuishinin-Ryu Lineage (随心院流, since Meiji era)
    • Daigo-ha (真言宗醍醐派)
      • Samboin-Ryu Jozei-Gata Lineage (三宝院流定済方)
      • Samboin-Ryu Kenjin-Gata Lineage (三宝院流憲深方, already extinct)
      • Rishoin-Ryu Lineage (理性院流, already extinct)
      • Kongoouin-Ryu Lineage (金剛王院流, already extinct)
      • Jizoin-Ryu Lineage (地蔵院流, already extinct)
    • Omuro-ha (真言宗御室派)
      • Nishinoin-Ryu Enyu-Gata Lineage (西院流円祐方)
    • Shingon-Ritsu (真言律宗)
      • Saidaiji-Ryu Lineage (already extinct) (西大寺流)
      • Chuin-Ryu Lineage (中院流, same as Kōyasan)
    • Daikakuji-ha (真言宗大覚寺派)
      • Samboin-Ryu Kenjin-Gata Lineage (三宝院流憲深方, already extinct)
      • Hojuin-Ryu Lineage (保寿院流, since Heisei era)
    • Sennyūji-ha (真言宗泉涌寺派)
      • Zuishinin-Ryu Lineage (随心院流)
    • Yamashina-ha (真言宗山階派)
      • Kanshuji-Ryu Lineage (観修寺流)
    • Shigisan (信貴山真言宗)
      • Chuin-Ryu Lineage (中院流, same as Kōyasan
    • Nakayamadera-ha (真言宗中山寺派)
      • Chuin-Ryu Lineage (中院流, same as Kōyasan)
    • Sanbōshū (真言三宝宗)
      • Chuin-Ryu Lineage (中院流, same as Kōyasan)
    • Sumadera-ha (真言宗須磨寺派)
      • Chuin-Ryu Lineage (中院流, same as Kōyasan)
    • Tōji-ha (真言宗東寺派)
      • Nishinoin-Ryu Nozen-Gata Lineage (西院流能禅方)
  • The Reformed (Shingi) Shingon School (新義真言宗)
    • Shingon-shu Negoroji (根来寺)
      • Chushoin-Ryu Lineage (中性院流)
    • Chizan-ha (真言宗智山派)
      • Chushoin-Ryu Lineage (中性院流)
      • Samboin-Ryu Nisshu-Sojo (三宝院流日秀相承)
    • Buzan-ha (真言宗豊山派)
      • Samboin-Ryu Kenjin-Gata Lineage (三宝院流憲深方, already extinct)
      • Chushoin-Ryu Lineage (中性院流)
      • Daidenboin-Ryu Lineage (大伝法院流, since Meiji era)
    • Kokubunji-ha (真言宗国分寺派)
    • Inunaki-ha (真言宗犬鳴派)

See also


  1. ^ "Zhēnyán". Cengage – via Encyclopedia.com.
  2. ^ a b Kiyota, Minoru (1987). . Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. 10 (1): 91–92. Archived from the original on 25 January 2014.
  3. ^ Caiger, Mason. A History of Japan, Revised Ed. pp. 106–107.
  4. ^ Inagaki Hisao (1972). "" (Principle of Attaining Buddhahood with the Present Body), Asia Major (New Series) 17 (2), 190-215
  5. ^ a b Williams, Paul, and Tribe, Anthony. Buddhist Thought: A Complete Introduction to the Indian Tradition. 2000. p. 271
  6. ^ Hakeda, Yushito S. (1972). Kūkai: Major Works. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. pp. 258. ISBN 0-231-03627-2.
  7. ^ Shingon Buddhist International Institute. . Archived from the original on 1 April 2013. Retrieved 5 July 2007.
  8. ^ Hakeda, Yushoto S. (1972). Kūkai: Major Works. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. pp. 258. ISBN 0-231-03627-2.
  9. ^ Ronald S Green. "The Shingon Ajikan, Meditation on the Syllable ‘A’: An analysis of components and development." The Matheson Trust (2017) p. 1 - 33. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.11859951
  10. ^ Sharf, Robert, H. (2003). , Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 26 (1), 59-62
  11. ^ Koda, Yuun (1982). Hoju Nimon no Chuin-Ryu, Journal of esoteric Buddhism 139, pp.27-42. PDF
  12. ^ "Ascetic Practice of Fire". Shugendo. Retrieved 23 February 2018.


  • Giebel, Rolf W.; Todaro, Dale A.; transl. (2004). , Berkeley, Calif.: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research. ISBN 1886439249
  • Giebel, Rolf, transl. (2006), , Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, Berkeley, ISBN 978-1-886439-32-0
  • Giebel, Rolf, transl. (2006). Two Esoteric Sutras: The Adamantine Pinnacle Sutra (T 18, no 865), The Susiddhikara Sutra (T 18, no 893), Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research. ISBN 1-886439-15-X
  • Hakeda, Yoshito S., transl. (1972). Kukai: Major Works, Translated, With an Account of His Life and a Study of His Thought, New York: Columbia University Press, ISBN 0-231-03627-2.
  • Matsunaga, Daigan; and Matsunaga, Alicia (1974). Foundation of Japanese Buddhism, Vol. I: The Aristocratic Age. Buddhist Books International, Los Angeles und Tokio. ISBN 0-914910-25-6.
  • Kiyota, Minoru (1978). Shingon Buddhism: Theory and Practice. Los Angeles/Tokyo: Buddhist Books International.
  • Payne, Richard K. (2004). "", Pacific World Journal, Third Series, No 6, 105–227.
  • Toki, Hôryû; Kawamura, Seiichi, tr, (1899). "Si-do-in-dzou; gestes de l'officiant dans les cérémonies mystiques des sectes Tendaï et Singon", Paris, E. Leroux.
  • Yamasaki, Taiko (1988). Shingon: Japanese Esoteric Buddhism, Boston/London: Shambala Publications.
  • Miyata, Taisen (1998). A Study of the Ritual Mudras in the Shingon Tradition and Their Symbolism.
  • Dreitlein, Eijo (2011). Shido Kegyo Shidai, Japan.
  • Dreitlein, Eijo (2011). Beginner's Handbook for the Shido Kegyo of Chuin-ryu, Japan.
  • Maeda, Shuwa (2019). The Ritual Books of Four Preliminary Practices: Sambo-in Lineage Kenjin School, Japan.
  • Chandra, Lokesh (2003). The Esoteric Iconography of Japanese Mandalas, International Academy of Indian Culture and Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi, ISBN 81-86471-93-6
  • Arai, Yusei (1997). Koyasan Shingon Buddhism: A Handbook for Followers, Japan: Koyasan Shingon Mission, ISBN 4-9900581-1-9.

External links

  • Koyasan Shingon Sect Main Temple Kongobu-ji
  • Ninna-ji Temple
  • Daigo-ji Temple
  • Chishakuin Temple
  • Negoro-ji Temple
  • Daikaku-ji Temple
  • Chogosonshi-ji Temple
  • Gokoku-ji Temple

shingon, buddhism, this, article, includes, list, general, references, lacks, sufficient, corresponding, inline, citations, please, help, improve, this, article, introducing, more, precise, citations, september, 2021, learn, when, remove, this, template, messa. This article includes a list of general references but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations September 2021 Learn how and when to remove this template message Shingon Buddhism 真言宗 Shingon shu is one of the major schools of Buddhism in Japan and one of the few surviving Vajrayana lineages in East Asia originally spread from India to China through traveling monks such as Vajrabodhi and Amoghavajra Danjō garan of Kongōbu ji the Shingon head temple in Mount Kōya Shingon monks at Mount Koya Known in Chinese as the Tangmi 唐密 the Esoteric School in the Tang dynasty of China these esoteric teachings would later flourish in Japan under the auspices of a Buddhist monk named Kukai 空海 who traveled to Tang China to acquire and request transmission of the esoteric teachings For that reason it is often called Japanese Esoteric Buddhism or Orthodox Esoteric Buddhism The word shingon is the Japanese reading of the Chinese word 真言 zhenyan 1 which is the translation of the Sanskrit word मन त र mantra 2 Contents 1 History 1 1 Kukai s early esoteric practices 1 2 Kukai s studies in China 1 3 After Kukai s return to Japan 1 4 Schism 2 Lineage 3 Doctrines 3 1 Tantra 3 2 Relationship to Vajrayana 3 3 Esoteric vs exoteric 3 4 Mahavairocana Tathagata 3 5 The Thirteen Buddhas 4 Practice 4 1 Elements of Shingon practice 4 2 Discipline 4 3 Goma fire ritual 5 Secrecy 6 Pantheon 7 Branches 8 See also 9 References 10 Bibliography 11 External linksHistory EditThis section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Shingon Buddhism news newspapers books scholar JSTOR September 2021 Learn how and when to remove this template message Painting of Kukai from a set of scrolls depicting the first eight patriarchs of the Shingon school Japan Kamakura period 13th 14th centuries Shingon Buddhist doctrine and teachings arose during the Heian period 794 1185 after a Buddhist monk named Kukai traveled to China in 804 to study Esoteric Buddhist practices in the city of Xi an 西安 then called Chang an at Azure Dragon Temple 青龍寺 under Huiguo a favourite student of the legendary Amoghavajra Huiguo was the first person to gather the still scattered elements of Indian and Chinese Esoteric Buddhism into a cohesive system and Esoteric Buddhism was not yet considered to be a different sect or school at that time Kukai returned to Japan as Huiguo s lineage and Dharma successor Shingon followers usually refer to Kukai as Kōbō Daishi 弘法大師 Great Master of the Propagation of Dharma or Odaishi sama お大師様 The Great Master the posthumous name given to him years after his death by Emperor Daigo Kukai s early esoteric practices Edit Before he went to China Kukai had been an independent monk in Japan for over a decade He was extremely well versed in Chinese literature calligraphy and Buddhist texts A Japanese monk named Gonsō 勤操 had brought back to Japan from China an esoteric mantra of the bodhisattva Akasagarbha the Kokuzō gumonjihō 虚空蔵求聞持法 Akasagarbha Memory Retention Practice that had been translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Subhakarasiṃha 善無畏三蔵 Zenmui Sanzō When Kukai was 22 he learned this mantra from Gonsō and regularly would go into the forests of Shikoku to practice it for long periods of time He persevered in this mantra practice for seven years and mastered it According to tradition this practice brought him siddhis of superhuman memory retention and learning ability Kukai would later praise the power and efficacy of Kokuzō Gumonjiho practice crediting it with enabling him to remember all of Huiguo s teachings in only three months Kukai s respect for Akasagarbha was so great that he regarded him as his honzon 本尊 for the rest of his life It was also during this period of intense mantra practice that Kukai dreamt of a man telling him to seek out the Mahavairocana Tantra for the doctrine that he sought The Mahavairocana Tantra had only recently been made available in Japan He was able to obtain a copy in Chinese but large portions were in Sanskrit in the Siddhaṃ script which he did not know and even the Chinese portions were too arcane for him to understand He believed that this teaching was a door to the truth he sought but he was unable to fully comprehend it and no one in Japan could help him Thus Kukai resolved to travel to China to spend the time necessary to fully understand the Mahavairocana Tantra Kukai s studies in China Edit When Kukai reached China and first met Huiguo on the fifth month of 805 Huiguo was age sixty and on the verge of death from a long spate of illness Huiguo exclaimed to Kukai in Chinese in paraphrase At last you have come I have been waiting for you Quickly prepare yourself for initiation into the mandalas Huiguo had foreseen that Esoteric Buddhism would not survive in India and China in the near future and that it was Kukai s destiny to see it continue in Japan In the short space of three months Huiguo initiated and taught Kukai everything he knew on the doctrines and practices of the Mandala of the Two Realms as well as mastery of Sanskrit and presumably to be able to communicate with Master Huiguo Chinese Huiguo declared Kukai to be his final disciple and proclaimed him a Dharma successor giving the lineage name Henjō Kongō Chinese 遍照金剛 pinyin Bianzhao Jingang All Illuminating Vajra In the twelfth month of 805 Huiguo died and was buried next to his master Amoghavajra More than one thousand of his disciples gathered for his funeral The honour of writing his funerary inscription on their behalf was given to Kukai Kukai returned to Japan after Huiguo s death If he had not Shingon Esoteric Buddhism might not have survived 35 years after Huiguo s death in the year 840 Emperor Wuzong of Tang assumed the throne An avid Daoist Wuzong despised Buddhism and considered the sangha useless tax evaders In 845 he ordered the destruction of 4600 vihara and 40 000 temples Around 250 000 Buddhist monks and nuns had to give up their monastic lives Wuzong stated that Buddhism was an alien religion and promoted Daoism zealously as the ethnic religion of the Han Chinese Although Wuzong was soon assassinated by his own inner circle the damage had been done Chinese Buddhism especially Esoteric practices never fully recovered from the persecution and esoteric elements were infused into other Buddhist sects and traditions After Kukai s return to Japan Edit The main building of Shinsenen a Shingon temple in Kyoto founded by Kukai in 824 After returning to Japan Kukai collated and systematized all that he had learned from Huiguo into a cohesive doctrine of pure esoteric Buddhism that would become the basis for his school Kukai did not establish his teachings as a separate school it was Emperor Junna who favoured Kukai and Esoteric Buddhism who coined the term Shingon Shu 真言宗 Mantra School in an imperial decree which officially declared Tō ji 東寺 in Kyoto an Esoteric temple that would perform official rites for the state Kukai actively took on disciples and offered transmission until his death in 835 at the age of 61 Kukai s first established monastery was in Mount Kōya 高野山 which has since become the base and a place of spiritual retreat for Shingon practitioners Shingon enjoyed immense popularity during the Heian period 平安時代 particularly among the nobility and contributed greatly to the art and literature of the time influencing other communities such as the Tendai 天台宗 on Mount Hiei 比叡山 3 Shingon s emphasis on ritual found support in the Kyoto nobility particularly the Fujiwara clan 藤原氏 This favour allotted Shingon several politically powerful temples in the capital where rituals for the imperial family and nation were regularly performed Many of these temples Tō ji and Daigo ji 醍醐寺 in the south of Kyōto and Jingo ji 神護寺 and Ninna ji 仁和寺 in the northwest became ritual centers establishing their own particular ritual lineages Schism Edit Like the Tendai School which branched into the Jōdo shu 浄土宗 and Nichiren Buddhism 日蓮系諸宗派 Nichiren kei sho shuha during the Kamakura period Shingon divided into two major schools the old school Kogi Shingon 古義真言宗 Ancient Shingon school and the new school Shingi Shingon 新義真言宗 Reformed Shingon school This division primarily arose out of a political dispute between Kakuban 覚鑁 known posthumously as Kōgyō Daishi 興教大師 and his faction of priests centered at the Denbō in 伝法院 and the leadership at Kongōbu ji 金剛峰寺 the head of Mount Kōya and the authority in teaching esoteric practices in general Kakuban who was originally ordained at Ninna ji 仁和寺 in Kyōto studied at several temple centers including the Tendai complex at Onjō ji 園城寺 before going to Mount Kōya Through his connections he managed to gain the favour of high ranking nobles in Kyoto which helped him to be appointed abbot of Mount Kōya The leadership at Kongōbuji however opposed the appointment on the premise that Kakuban had not originally been ordained on Mount Kōya After several conflicts Kakuban and his faction of priests left the mountain for Mount Negoro 根来山 to the northwest where they constructed a new temple complex now known as Negoro ji 根来寺 After the death of Kakuban in 1143 the Negoro faction returned to Mount Kōya However in 1288 the conflict between Kongōbuji and the Denbō in came to a head once again Led by Raiyu the Denbō in priests once again left Mount Kōya this time establishing their headquarters on Mount Negoro This exodus marked the beginning of the Shingi Shingon School at Mount Negoro which was the center of Shingi Shingon until it was sacked by daimyō Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 in 1585 Lineage Edit The center image of the Mandala of the Womb Realm featuring the central figure of Mahavairocana the five Dhyani Buddhas and attendant bodhisattvas This section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed September 2021 Learn how and when to remove this template message The Shingon lineage is an ancient transmission of esoteric Buddhist doctrine that began in India and then spread to China and Japan Shingon is the name of this lineage in Japan but there are also esoteric schools in China Korea Taiwan and Hong Kong that consider themselves part of this lineage as the originators of the Esoteric teachings and universally recognize Kukai as their eighth patriarch This is why sometimes the term Orthodox Esoteric Buddhism is used instead Shingon or Orthodox Esoteric Buddhism maintains that the expounder of the doctrine was originally the Universal Buddha Vairocana but the first human to receive the doctrine was Nagarjuna in India The tradition recognizes two groups of eight great patriarchs one group of lineage holders and one group of great expounders of the doctrine The Eight Great Lineage Patriarchs Fuho Hasso 付法八祖 Vairocana Dainichi Nyorai 大日如来 Vajrasattva Kongō Satta 金剛薩埵 Nagarjuna Ryuju Bosatsu 龍樹菩薩 received the Mahavairocana Tantra from Vajrasattva inside an Iron Stupa in Southern India Nagabodhi Ryuchi Bosatsu 龍智菩薩 Vajrabodhi Kongōchi Sanzō 金剛智三蔵 Amoghavajra Fukukongō Sanzō 不空金剛三蔵 Huiguo Keika Ajari 恵果阿闍梨 Kukai Kōbō Daishi 弘法大師 The Eight Great Doctrine Expounding Patriarchs Denji Hasso 伝持八祖 Nagarjuna Ryuju Bosatsu 龍樹菩薩 Nagabodhi Ryuchi Bosatsu 龍智菩薩 Vajrabodhi Kongōchi Sanzō 金剛智三蔵 Amoghavajra Fukukongō Sanzō 不空金剛三蔵 Subhakarasiṃha Zenmui Sanzō 善無畏三蔵 Yi Xing Ichigyō Zenji 一行禅師 Huiguo Keika Ajari 恵果阿闍梨 Kukai Kōbō Daishi 弘法大師 Doctrines Edit Garbhadhatu maṇḍala Vairocana is located at the center Tantra Edit The teachings of Shingon are based on early Buddhist tantras the Mahavairocana Sutra 大日経 Dainichi kyō the Vajrasekhara Sutra 金剛頂経 Kongōchō kyō the Prajnaparamita Naya Sutra 般若理趣経 Hannya Rishu kyō and the Susiddhikara Sutra 蘇悉地経 Soshitsuji kyō These are the four principal texts of Esoteric Buddhism and are all tantras not sutras despite their names The mystical Vairocana and Vajrasekhara Tantras are expressed in the two main mandalas of Shingon the Mandala of the Two Realms The Womb Realm Sanskrit Garbhadhatu Japanese 胎蔵界曼荼羅 romanized Taizōkai mandala and the Diamond Realm Sanskrit Vajradhatu Japanese 金剛界曼荼羅 romanized Kongōkai mandala 2 These two mandalas are considered to be a compact expression of the entirety of the Dharma and form the root of Buddhism In Shingon temples these two mandalas are always mounted one on each side of the central altar The Susiddhikara Sutra is largely a compendium of rituals Tantric Buddhism is concerned with the rituals and meditative practices that lead to enlightenment According to Shingon doctrine enlightenment is not a distant foreign reality that can take aeons to approach but a real possibility within this very life 4 based on the spiritual potential of every living being known generally as Buddha nature If cultivated this luminous nature manifests as innate wisdom With the help of a genuine teacher and through proper training of the body speech and mind i e The Three Mysteries 三密 Sanmitsu one can reclaim and liberate this enlightened capacity for the benefit of oneself and others Kukai systematized and categorized the teachings he inherited from Huiguo into ten bhumis or stages of spiritual realization Relationship to Vajrayana Edit When the teachings of Shingon Buddhism were brought to Japan Esoteric Buddhism was still in its early stages in India At this time the terms Vajrayana Diamond Vehicle and Mantrayana Mantra Vehicle were not used for Esoteric Buddhist teachings 5 Instead esoteric teachings were more typically referred to as Mantranaya or the Mantra System According to Paul Williams Mantranaya is the more appropriate term to describe the self perception of early Esoteric Buddhism 5 The primary difference between Shingon and Tibetan Buddhism is that there is no Inner Tantra or Anuttarayoga Tantra in Shingon Shingon has what corresponds to the Kriya Carya and Yoga classes of tantras in Tibetan Buddhism The Tibetan system of classifying tantras into four classes is not used in Shingon Anuttarayoga Tantras such as the Yamantaka Tantra Hevajra Tantra Mahamaya Tantra Cakrasaṃvara Tantra and the Kalachakra Tantra were developed at a later period of Esoteric Buddhism and are not used in Shingon Esoteric vs exoteric Edit He wrote at length on the difference between exoteric mainstream Mahayana Buddhism and esoteric Tantric Buddhism The differences between exoteric and esoteric can be summarised Esoteric teachings are preached by the Dharmakaya 法身 Hosshin Buddha who Kukai identifies as Vairocana 大日如來 Dainichi Nyorai Exoteric teachings are preached by the Nirmanakaya 応身 Ōjin Buddha which in our world and aeon is the historical Gautama Buddha 釈迦牟尼 Shakamuni or one of the Sambhoghakaya 報身 Hōjin Buddhas Exoteric Buddhism holds that the ultimate state of Buddhahood is ineffable and that nothing can be said of it Esoteric Buddhism holds that while nothing can be said of it verbally it is readily communicated via esoteric rituals which involve the use of mantras mudras and mandalas Kukai held that exoteric doctrines were merely upaya skillful means teachings on the part of the Buddhas to help beings according to their capacity to understand the Truth The esoteric doctrines in comparison are the Truth itself and are a direct communication of the inner experience of the Dharmakaya s enlightenment When Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment in his earthly Nirmanakaya he realized that the Dharmakaya is actually reality in its totality and that totality is Vairocana Some exoteric schools in the late Nara and early Heian period Japan held or were portrayed by Shingon adherents as holding that attaining Buddhahood is possible but requires a huge amount of time three incalculable aeons of practice to achieve whereas esoteric Buddhism teaches that Buddhahood can be attained in this lifetime by anyone Kukai held along with the Chinese Huayan school 華嚴 Kegon and the Tendai schools that all phenomena could be expressed as letters in a World Text Mantra mudra and mandala are special because they constitute the language through which the Dharmakaya i e Reality itself communicates Although portrayed through the use of anthropomorphic metaphors Shingon does not see the Dharmakaya Buddha as a separate entity standing apart from the universe Instead the deity is the universe properly understood the union of emptiness Buddha nature and all phenomena Kukai wrote that the great Self embraces in itself each and all existences 6 Mahavairocana Tathagata Edit Dainichi nyorai Vairocana image in Kume dera In Shingon Mahavairocana Tathagata 大日如來 is the universal or Adi Buddha that is the basis of all phenomena present in each and all of them and not existing independently or externally to them The goal of Shingon is the realization that one s nature is identical with Mahavairocana a goal that is achieved through initiation meditation and esoteric ritual practices This realization depends on receiving the secret doctrines of Shingon transmitted orally to initiates by the school s masters The Three Mysteries of body speech and mind participate simultaneously in the subsequent process of revealing one s nature the body through devotional gestures mudra and the use of ritual instruments speech through sacred formulas mantra and mind through meditation The Thirteen Buddhas Edit Thirteen Deities Nambokucho Muromachi period Shingon places an emphasis on the Thirteen Buddhas 十三仏 Jusanbutsu 7 a grouping of various buddhas and bodhisattvas however this is purely for lay Buddhist practice especially during funeral rites and Shingon priests generally make devotions to more than just the Thirteen Buddhas Wisdom King Acala Fudō Myōō 不動明王 Gautama Buddha Shaka Nyorai 釈迦如来 Manjusri Bodhisattva Monju Bosatsu 文殊菩薩 Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Fugen Bosatsu 普賢菩薩 Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Jizō Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 Maitreya Bodhisattva Miroku Bosatsu 弥勒菩薩 Bhaiṣajyaguru Buddha Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如來 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva Seishi Bosatsu 勢至菩薩 Amitabha Buddha Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来 Akṣobhya Buddha Ashuku Nyorai 阿閦如来 Mahavairocana Buddha Dainichi Nyorai 大日如来 Akasagarbha Bodhisattva Kokuzō Bosatsu 虚空蔵菩薩 Mahavairocana is the Universal Principle which underlies all Buddhist teachings according to Shingon Buddhism so other Buddhist figures can be thought of as manifestations with certain roles and attributes Kukai wrote that the great Self is one yet can be many 8 Each Buddhist figure is symbolized by its own Sanskrit seed letter Practice Edit The siddhaṃ letter a A typical Shingon shrine set up for priests with Vairocana at the center of the shrine and the Womb Realm Taizokai and Diamond Realm Kongokai mandalas source source source source source source source source source source Video showing prayer service at Kōshō ji in Nagoya A monk is rhythmically beating a drum while chanting sutras Elements of Shingon practice Edit One feature that Shingon shares in common with other forms of Vajrayana Buddhism is the use of bija or seed syllables in Sanskrit written in the Siddhaṃ alphabet along with anthropomorphic and symbolic representations to express Buddhist deities in their mandalas The Siddhaṃ alphabet Shittan 悉曇 Bonji 梵字 is used to write mantras A core meditative practice of Shingon is Ajikan 阿字觀 meditating on the letter a written using the Siddhaṃ alphabet The letter A is an important symbol in Mahayana and esoteric Buddhism which signifies the Dharmakaya the Buddha Vairocana and non arising 9 Other Shingon meditations include Gachirinkan 月輪觀 Full Moon visualization Gojigonjingan 五字嚴身觀 Visualization of the Five Elements arrayed in The Body from the Mahavairocana Tantra Gosōjōjingan 五相成身觀 Pancabhisaṃbodhi Series of Five Meditations to attain Buddhahood from the Vajrasekhara Sutra The use of mandalas for contemplation is also another key feature of Shingon practice The most important mandalas are the Womb or Matrix taizo Mandala based on the Mahavairocana Sutra and the Vajra kongokai Mandala based on the Vajrasekhara Sutra There are four types of mandalas in Shingon Mahamaṇḍala 大曼荼羅 Large Mandala Bija or Dharmamaṇḍala 法曼荼羅 Samayamaṇḍala 三昧耶曼荼羅 representations of the vows of the deities in the form of articles they hold or their mudras Karmamaṇḍala 羯磨曼荼羅 representing the activities of the deities in the three dimensional form of statues etc The essence of Shingon practice is to experience Reality by emulating the inner realization of the Dharmakaya through the meditative ritual use of mantra mudra and visualization i e The Three Mysteries Sanmitsu 三密 All Shingon followers gradually develop a teacher student relationship formal or informal whereby a teacher learns the disposition of the student and teaches practices accordingly For lay practitioners there is no initiation ceremony beyond the Kechien Kanjō 結縁灌頂 which aims to help create the bond between the follower and Mahavairocana Buddha It is normally offered only at Mount Kōya twice a year but it can also be offered by larger temples under masters permitted to transmit the abhiseka It is not required for all laypersons to take and no assigned practices are given Discipline Edit A priest from the Chuin ryu lineage at Shigisan Chosonshi Temple 朝護孫子寺 In the case of disciples wishing to train to become a Shingon acarya or teacher Ajari 阿闍梨 from acarya Sanskrit आच र य it requires a period of academic study and religious discipline or formal training in a temple for a longer period of time after having already received novice ordination and monastic precepts and full completion of the rigorous four fold preliminary training and retreat known as Shido Kegyō 四度加行 10 Only then can the practitioner be able to undergo steps for training examination and finally abhiṣeka to be certified as a Shingon acarya and continue to study more advanced practices In either case the stress is on finding a qualified and willing mentor who will guide the practitioner through the practice at a gradual pace An acharya in Shingon is a committed and experienced teacher who is authorized to guide and teach practitioners One must be an acharya for a number of years at least before one can request to be tested at Mount Kōya for the possibility to qualify as a mahacarya or great teacher Dento Dai Ajari 傳燈大阿闍梨 the highest rank of Shingon practice and a qualified grand master However it should be noticed that such a tradition is only in Koyasan sect In other shingon sects an Ajari who gives Kanjo is only called a Dai Ajari or a Dento Dai Ajari and has no special meaning like Koyasan sect In the first place Koyasan s Dharma Lineage became extinct immediately after Kukai and the current lineage of Koyasan sect is transplanted from Mandala ji temple 曼荼羅寺 in Kyoto by Meizan 明算 1021 1106 It implies that the tradition to become a Dento Dai Ajari was created after Meizan not an original tradition of Shingon Furthermore Meizan was not given the deepest teaching so Yukai 宥快 1345 1416 a great scholar at Koyasan considered Anshoji Ryu Lineage rather than the Chuin Ryu Lineage to be the orthodox Shingon lineage 11 Apart from the supplication of prayers and reading of sutras there are mantras and ritualistic meditative techniques that are available for any laypersons to practice on their own under the supervision of an Ajari However any esoteric practices require the devotee to undergo abhiṣeka initiation Kanjō 灌頂 into each of these practices under the guidance of a qualified acharya before they may begin to learn and practice them As with all schools of Esoteric Buddhism great emphasis is placed on initiation and oral transmission of teachings from teacher to student Goma fire ritual Edit A goma ritual performed at Chushinkoji Temple in Japan The goma 護摩 ritual of consecrated fire is unique to Esoteric Buddhism and is the most recognizable ritual defining Shingon among regular Japanese persons today It stems from the Vedic homa ritual and is performed by qualified priests and acharyas for the benefit of individuals the state or all sentient beings in general The consecrated fire is believed to have a powerful cleansing effect spiritually and psychologically The central deity invoked in this ritual is usually Acala Fudō Myōō 不動明王 The ritual is performed for the purpose of destroying detrimental thoughts and desires and for the making of secular requests and blessings In most Shingon temples this ritual is performed daily in the morning or the afternoon Larger scale ceremonies often include the constant beating of taiko drums and mass chanting of the mantra of Acala by priests and lay practitioners Flames can sometimes reach a few meters high The combination of the ritual s visuals and sounds can be trance inducing Adopting the practice from Shingon Buddhism adherents the syncretic Japanese religion of Shugendō 修験道 also practice the goma ritual of which two types are prominent the saido dai goma and hashiramoto goma rituals 12 Secrecy Edit This section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed September 2021 Learn how and when to remove this template message Today there are very few books on Shingon in the West and until the 1940s not a single book on Shingon had ever been published anywhere in the world not even in Japan Since this lineage was brought over to Japan from Tang China over 1100 years ago its doctrines have always been closely guarded secrets passed down orally through an initiatic chain and never written down Throughout the centuries except for the initiated most of the Japanese common folk knew little of its secretive doctrines and of the monks of this Mantra School except that besides performing the usual priestly duties of prayers blessings and funeral rites for the public they practiced only Mikkyō secret teachings in stark contrast to all other Buddhist schools and were called upon to perform mystical rituals that were supposedly able to summon rain improve harvests exorcise demons avert natural disasters heal the sick and protect the state The most powerful ones were thought to be able to render entire armies useless Even though Tendai also incorporates esoteric teachings in its doctrines it is still essentially an exoteric Mahayana school Some exoteric texts are venerated and studied in Shingon as they are the foundation of Mahayana philosophy but the core teachings and texts of Shingon are purely esoteric From the lack of written material inaccessibility of its teachings to non initiates language barriers and the difficulty of finding qualified teachers outside Japan Shingon is in all likelihood the most secretive and least understood school of Buddhism in the world Pantheon Edit This section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed September 2021 Learn how and when to remove this template message Acalanatha the wrathful manifestation of Mahavairocana and the principal deity invoked during the goma ritual Main article Japanese Buddhist pantheon A large number of deities of Vedic Hindu and Indo Aryan origins have been incorporated into Mahayana Buddhism and this synthesis is especially prominent in Esoteric Buddhism Many of these deities have vital roles as they are regularly invoked by the practitioner for various rituals and homas pujas In fact it is ironic that the worship of Vedic era deities especially Indra Taishakuten 帝釈天 the King of the Heavens has declined so much in India but is yet so highly revered in Japan that there are probably more temples devoted to him there than there are in India Chinese Taoist and Japanese Shinto deities were also assimilated into Mahayana Buddhism as deva class beings For example to Chinese Mahayana Buddhists Indra synonymous with Sakra is the Jade Emperor of Taoism Agni Katen 火天 another Vedic deity is invoked at the start of every Shingon Goma Ritual The average Japanese person may not know the names Saraswati or Indra but Benzaiten 弁財天 Saraswati and Taishakuten 帝釈天 Indra are household names that every Japanese person knows In Orthodox Esoteric Buddhism divine beings are grouped into six classes Buddhas Butsu 仏 Bodhisattvas Bosatsu 菩薩 Wisdom Kings or Vidyarajas Myōō 明王 Deities or Devas Ten 天 Avatars Keshin 化身 Patriarchs Soshi 祖師 The Five Great Wisdom Kings The Five Wisdom Kings is the most important grouping of Wisdom Kings in Esoteric Buddhism Main article Wisdom King The Five Great Wisdom Kings are wrathful manifestations of the Five Dhyani Buddhas Acala or Acalanatha Fudō Myōō 不動明王 The Immovable One Manifestation of Buddha Mahavairocana Amrtakundalin Gundari Myōō 軍荼利明王 The Dispenser of Heavenly Nectar Manifestation of Buddha Ratnasambhava Trailokyavijaya Gōzanze Myōō 降三世明王 The Conqueror of The Three Planes Manifestation of Buddha Akshobhya Yamantaka Daiitoku Myōō 大威徳明王 The Defeater of Death Manifestation of Buddha Amitabha Vajrayaksa Kongō Yasha Myōō 金剛夜叉明王 The Devourer of Demons Manifestation of Buddha AmoghasiddhiOther well known Wisdom Kings Ragaraja Aizen Myōō 愛染明王 Mahamayuri Kujaku Myōō 孔雀明王 Hayagriva Batō Kannon 馬頭観音 Ucchusma Ususama Myōō 烏枢沙摩明王 Atavaka Daigensui Myōō 大元帥明王 The Twelve Guardian Deities Deva Agni Katen 火天 Lord of Fire Guardian of the South East Brahma Bonten 梵天 Lord of the Heavens Guardian of the Heavens upward direction Chandra Gatten 月天 Lord of the Moon Indra Taishakuten 帝釈天 Lord of the Trayastriṃsa Heaven and The Thirty Three Devas Guardian of the East Prthivi or Bhumi Devi Jiten 地天 Lord of the Earth Guardian of the Earth downward direction Rakshasa Rasetsuten 羅刹天 Lord of Demons Guardian of the South West converted Buddhist rakshasas Shiva or Maheshvara Daijizaiten 大自在天 or Ishanaten 伊舎那天 Lord of The Desire Realms Guardian of the North East Surya Nitten 日天 Lord of the Sun Vaishravana Bishamonten 毘沙門天 or Tamonten 多聞天 Lord of Wealth Guardian of the North Varuṇa Suiten 水天 Lord of Water Guardian of the West Vayu Futen 風天 Lord of Wind Guardian of the North West Yama Emmaten 焔魔天 Lord of the Underworld Guardian of the SouthOther Important Deities Deva Marici Marishi Ten 摩里支天 Patron deity of Warriors Mahakala Daikokuten 大黒天 Patron deity of Wealth Saraswati Benzaiten 弁財天 Patron deity of Knowledge Art and Music Ganesha Kangiten 歓喜天 Patron deity of Bliss and Remover of Obstacles Skanda Idaten 韋駄天 or Kumaraten 鳩摩羅天 Protector of Buddhist Monasteries and MonksBranches Edit This section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed September 2021 Learn how and when to remove this template message Located in Kyoto Japan Daigo ji is the head temple of the Daigo ha branch of Shingon Buddhism Chishaku in is the head temple of Shingon shu Chizan ha Hasedera in Sakurai Nara is the head temple of Shingon shu Buzan ha The Orthodox Kogi Shingon School 古義真言宗 Kōyasan 高野山真言宗 Chuin Ryu Lineage 中院流 decided after World War II clarification needed Nishinoin Ryu Nozen Gata Kōya Sojo Lineage 西院流能禅方高野相承 already extinct Nishinoin Ryu Genyu Gata Kōya Sojo Lineage 西院流元瑜方高野相承 already extinct Nishinoin Ryu Enyu Gata Kōya Sojo Lineage 西院流円祐方高野相承 already extinct Samboin Ryu Kenjin Gata Kōya Sojo Lineage 三宝院流憲深方高野相承 almost extinct Samboin Ryu Ikyo Gata Kōya Sojo Lineage 三宝院流意教方 almost extinct Samboin Ryu Shingen Gata Kōya Sojo Lineage 三宝院流真源相承 almost extinct Anshoji Ryu Lineage 安祥寺流 almost extinct Chuinhon Ryu Lineage 中院本流 almost extinct Jimyoin Ryu Lineage 持明院流 almost extinct Reiunji ha 真言宗霊雲寺派 Shinanshoji Ryu Lineage 新安祥寺流 established by Jogon 浄厳 1639 1702 Zentsuji ha 真言宗善通寺派 Jizoin Ryu Lineage 地蔵院流 already extinct Zuishinin Ryu Lineage 随心院流 since Meiji era Daigo ha 真言宗醍醐派 Samboin Ryu Jozei Gata Lineage 三宝院流定済方 Samboin Ryu Kenjin Gata Lineage 三宝院流憲深方 already extinct Rishoin Ryu Lineage 理性院流 already extinct Kongoouin Ryu Lineage 金剛王院流 already extinct Jizoin Ryu Lineage 地蔵院流 already extinct Omuro ha 真言宗御室派 Nishinoin Ryu Enyu Gata Lineage 西院流円祐方 Shingon Ritsu 真言律宗 Saidaiji Ryu Lineage already extinct 西大寺流 Chuin Ryu Lineage 中院流 same as Kōyasan Daikakuji ha 真言宗大覚寺派 Samboin Ryu Kenjin Gata Lineage 三宝院流憲深方 already extinct Hojuin Ryu Lineage 保寿院流 since Heisei era Sennyuji ha 真言宗泉涌寺派 Zuishinin Ryu Lineage 随心院流 Yamashina ha 真言宗山階派 Kanshuji Ryu Lineage 観修寺流 Shigisan 信貴山真言宗 Chuin Ryu Lineage 中院流 same as Kōyasan Nakayamadera ha 真言宗中山寺派 Chuin Ryu Lineage 中院流 same as Kōyasan Sanbōshu 真言三宝宗 Chuin Ryu Lineage 中院流 same as Kōyasan Sumadera ha 真言宗須磨寺派 Chuin Ryu Lineage 中院流 same as Kōyasan Tōji ha 真言宗東寺派 Nishinoin Ryu Nozen Gata Lineage 西院流能禅方 The Reformed Shingi Shingon School 新義真言宗 Shingon shu Negoroji 根来寺 Chushoin Ryu Lineage 中性院流 Chizan ha 真言宗智山派 Chushoin Ryu Lineage 中性院流 Samboin Ryu Nisshu Sojo 三宝院流日秀相承 Buzan ha 真言宗豊山派 Samboin Ryu Kenjin Gata Lineage 三宝院流憲深方 already extinct Chushoin Ryu Lineage 中性院流 Daidenboin Ryu Lineage 大伝法院流 since Meiji era Kokubunji ha 真言宗国分寺派 Inunaki ha 真言宗犬鳴派 See also Edit Chinese Buddhism Tangmi Religion in Asia Religion in Japan Sokushinbutsu Shinjō Itō Shinnyo en Tachikawa ryu References Edit Zhenyan Cengage via Encyclopedia com a b Kiyota Minoru 1987 Shingon Mikkyō s Twofold Maṇḍala Paradoxes and Integration Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 10 1 91 92 Archived from the original on 25 January 2014 Caiger Mason A History of Japan Revised Ed pp 106 107 Inagaki Hisao 1972 Kukai s Sokushin Jobutsu Gi Principle of Attaining Buddhahood with the Present Body Asia Major New Series 17 2 190 215 a b Williams Paul and Tribe Anthony Buddhist Thought A Complete Introduction to the Indian Tradition 2000 p 271 Hakeda Yushito S 1972 Kukai Major Works New York NY Columbia University Press pp 258 ISBN 0 231 03627 2 Shingon Buddhist International Institute Jusan Butsu The Thirteen Buddhas of the Shingon School Archived from the original on 1 April 2013 Retrieved 5 July 2007 Hakeda Yushoto S 1972 Kukai Major Works New York NY Columbia University Press pp 258 ISBN 0 231 03627 2 Ronald S Green The Shingon Ajikan Meditation on the Syllable A An analysis of components and development The Matheson Trust 2017 p 1 33 DOI 10 6084 m9 figshare 11859951 Sharf Robert H 2003 Thinking through Shingon Ritual Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 26 1 59 62 Koda Yuun 1982 Hoju Nimon no Chuin Ryu Journal of esoteric Buddhism 139 pp 27 42 PDF Ascetic Practice of Fire Shugendo Retrieved 23 February 2018 Bibliography Edit Giebel Rolf W Todaro Dale A transl 2004 Shingon Texts Berkeley Calif Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research ISBN 1886439249 Giebel Rolf transl 2006 The Vairocanabhisaṃbodhi Sutra Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research Berkeley ISBN 978 1 886439 32 0 Giebel Rolf transl 2006 Two Esoteric Sutras The Adamantine Pinnacle Sutra T 18 no 865 The Susiddhikara Sutra T 18 no 893 Berkeley Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research ISBN 1 886439 15 X Hakeda Yoshito S transl 1972 Kukai Major Works Translated With an Account of His Life and a Study of His Thought New York Columbia University Press ISBN 0 231 03627 2 Matsunaga Daigan and Matsunaga Alicia 1974 Foundation of Japanese Buddhism Vol I The Aristocratic Age Buddhist Books International Los Angeles und Tokio ISBN 0 914910 25 6 Kiyota Minoru 1978 Shingon Buddhism Theory and Practice Los Angeles Tokyo Buddhist Books International Payne Richard K 2004 Ritual Syntax and Cognitive Theory Pacific World Journal Third Series No 6 105 227 Toki Horyu Kawamura Seiichi tr 1899 Si do in dzou gestes de l officiant dans les ceremonies mystiques des sectes Tendai et Singon Paris E Leroux Yamasaki Taiko 1988 Shingon Japanese Esoteric Buddhism Boston London Shambala Publications Miyata Taisen 1998 A Study of the Ritual Mudras in the Shingon Tradition and Their Symbolism Dreitlein Eijo 2011 Shido Kegyo Shidai Japan Dreitlein Eijo 2011 Beginner s Handbook for the Shido Kegyo of Chuin ryu Japan Maeda Shuwa 2019 The Ritual Books of Four Preliminary Practices Sambo in Lineage Kenjin School Japan Chandra Lokesh 2003 The Esoteric Iconography of Japanese Mandalas International Academy of Indian Culture and Aditya Prakashan New Delhi ISBN 81 86471 93 6 Arai Yusei 1997 Koyasan Shingon Buddhism A Handbook for Followers Japan Koyasan Shingon Mission ISBN 4 9900581 1 9 External links Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Shingon Buddhism Koyasan Shingon Sect Main Temple Kongobu ji Ninna ji Temple Daigo ji Temple Chishakuin Temple Negoro ji Temple Daikaku ji Temple Chogosonshi ji Temple Gokoku ji Temple Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Shingon Buddhism amp oldid 1135770805, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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