
Roman expansion in Italy

The Roman expansion in Italy covers a series of conflicts in which Rome grew from being a small Italian city-state to be the ruler of the Italian region. Roman tradition attributes to the Roman kings the first war against the Sabines and the first conquests around the Alban Hills and down to the coast of Latium. The birth of the Roman Republic after the overthrow of the Etruscan monarch of Rome in 509 BC began a series of major wars between the Romans and the Etruscans. In 390 BC, Gauls from the north of Italy sacked Rome. In the second half of the 4th century BC Rome clashed repeatedly with the Samnites, a powerful tribal coalition of the Apennine region.

Roman expansion in Italy from 500 BC to 218 BC through the Latin War (light red), Samnite Wars (pink/orange), Pyrrhic War (beige), and First and Second Punic War (yellow and green). Cisalpine Gaul (238–146 BC) and Alpine valleys (16–7 BC) were later added. The Roman Republic in 500 BC is marked with dark red.

By the end of these wars, Rome had become the most powerful state in central Italy and began to expand to the north and to the south. The last threat to Roman hegemony came during the Pyrrhic war (280–275 BC) when Tarentum enlisted the aid of the Greek king Pyrrhus of Epirus to campaign in the North of Italy. Resistance in Etruria was finally crushed in 265–264 BC, the same year the First Punic War began and brought Roman forces outside of the peninsula for the first time. Starting from the First Punic War (264–241 BC) the territories subject to Roman rule also included Sicily (241 BC), Sardinia and Corsica (238 BC), islands transformed into provinces.

Later, in conjunction with the Second Punic War (218–202 BC), Rome also proceeded to subjugate the Celtic territories north of the Apennines of Cisalpine Gaul (from 222 to 200 BC) and then of the neighboring populations of Veneti (to the east) and Ligures (to the west) until reach the foothills of the Alps. With the end of the period of civil wars (44–31 BC), Augustus undertook the conquest of the Alpine valleys (from the Aosta Valley to the Arsia river in Istria) from 16 BC to 7 BC completing the conquest of the Italian geographical region. Following the conquest of the entire Alpine arc, and with it the entire Italian territory, he divided Italy into 11 regions (about 7 AD). Conquered territories were incorporated into the growing Roman state in a number of ways: land confiscations, the establishment of coloniae, granting of full or partial Roman citizenship and military alliances with nominally independent states. The successful conquest of Italy gave Rome access to a manpower pool unrivaled by any contemporary state and paved the way to the eventual Roman interference of the entire Mediterranean world.

Background edit

Ethnolinguistic map of Italy in the Iron Age, before the Roman expansion and conquest of Italy

The name of ancient peoples of Italy indicates those populations settled in the Italian peninsula during the Iron Age and before the Roman expansion and conquest of Italy. Many of the names are either scholarly inventions or exonyms assigned by the ancient writers of works in ancient Greek and Latin.

In regard to the specific names of particular ancient Italian tribes and peoples, the time-window in which historians know the historical ascribed names of ancient Italian peoples mostly falls into the range of about 750 BC (at the legendary foundation of Rome) to about 200 BC (in the middle Roman Republic), the time range in which most of the written documentation first exists of such names and prior to the nearly complete assimilation of Italian peoples into Roman culture.

Nearly all of these peoples and tribes spoke Indo-European languages: Italics, Celts, Ancient Greeks, and tribes likely occupying various intermediate positions between these language groups. On the other hand, some Italian peoples (such as the Rhaetians, Camuni, Etruscans) likely spoke non- or pre-Indo-European languages. In addition, peoples speaking languages of the Afro-Asiatic family, specifically the largely Semitic Phoenicians and Carthaginians, settled and colonized some coastal parts of Italy (particularly in insular Italy in western and southern Sardinia and western Sicily).[1]

Some scholars believe that many peoples spoke non-Indo-European languages. Some of them were Pre-Indo-Europeans or Paleo-Europeans while, with regard to some others, Giacomo Devoto proposed the definition of Peri-Indo-European (i.e. everything that has hybrid characters between Indo-European and non-Indo-European).[2]

Roman conquest of Latium vetus (753-341 BC) edit

The Capitoline Wolf sculpture in the Capitoline Museums. According to legend, Rome was founded in 753 BC by Romulus and Remus, who were raised by a she-wolf.
The ancient Latium vetus and its main inhabited centres
Italy in 400 BC

The most ancient Roman history from the foundation of Rome as a small tribal village[3] until the end of the Royal Age with the fall of the kings of Rome is the least preserved.[4][5] Although Livy, a Roman historian, in his work Ab Urbe condita lists a series of seven kings of archaic Rome, from the first settlement up to the first years, the first four 'kings' (Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullus Hostilius and Ancus Martius) are almost certainly entirely apocryphal.[6] Historians hypothesize that, prior to the establishment of Etruscan rule over Rome under Tarquinius Priscus, the fifth king of tradition,[6] Rome had been led by some sort of religious authority.[7] According to tradition, Romulus fortified one of seven hills of Rome, the Palatine Hill, after founding the city, and Livy claims that, shortly after its foundation, Rome was "equal to any of the surrounding cities in military prowess".[8]

Under the Etruscan kings Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius and Tarquinius Superbus, Rome expanded in a northwesterly direction, coming into conflict against the Veientani (northeast of the Tiber) after the expiration of the treaty that ended the previous war.[9] Tarquinius Priscus fought the Sabines (in about 585/584 BC), as did his successor Servius Tullius.[10] Again Priscus obtained a triumph over the Latins (he bought the cities of Corniculum and Collatia from the Roman state)[11][12] and the Etruscans (on 1 April 588/587 BC).[13] Servius Tullius also obtained a double triumph over the latter (on 25 November 571/570 BC and on 25 May 567/566 BC). And finally Strabo recalls that Tarquinius Priscus always destroyed numerous cities of the Aequi.[14] The last king of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus, was the first to fight the Volsci[15][16] and then subdued numerous cities of Latium vetus, making peace with the Etruscans.[15] Eventually the Etruscan kings were overthrown in the context of a wider disempowerment of Etruscan power in the region during the same period, and Rome, whose possessions did not extend beyond 15 miles from the city,[15] gave itself a republican set-up.[17][18]

With the beginning of this new historical phase, the immediate neighbours of Rome were cities or villages of the Latins, with a tribal structure similar to that of Rome, or even Sabine tribes of the nearby Apennine hills.[19] Gradually Rome defeated both the Sabines and the local cities which were either hegemonized by the Etruscans or Latin cities which, like Rome, had rid themselves of their Etruscan rulers. Rome defeated the Lavinii and the Tusculi in the battle of Lake Regillus, 496 BC,[20] and the Sabines in an unknown battle in 449 BC, the Aequi and the Volsci in the battle of Mount Algidus in 458 BC and in the battle of Corbio in 446 BC, the Volsci in the battle of Corbione[21] and in the conquest of Anzio in 377 BC,[22] the Aurunci in the battle of Ariccia;[23] they were defeated by the Veientani in the battle of the Cremera in 477 BC,[24] in the conquest of Fidene in 435 BC[25] and in the wars that led to the conquest of Veii in 396 BC. Once the Veientani had been defeated, the Romans had effectively completed the conquest of their immediate Etruscan neighbors,[26] and, at the same time, secured their position against the immediate threat posed by the tribal peoples of the Apennine hills.

Rome, however, still controlled only a very small area and its business played a minor role in the entire context of the Italian peninsula: the remains of Veii, for example, today fall entirely within the suburbs of modern Rome[21] and Rome's interests came to the attention of the Greeks, bearers of the leading culture of the time.[27] The bulk of Italy still remained in the hands of the Latins, the Sabines, the Samnites and other peoples of central Italy, the Greek colonists of the Magna Graecia poleis, and, in particular, the Celtic peoples of northern Italy, including the Gauls.

At the time, Celtic civilization was vibrant and in the process of military and territorial expansion, with a spread that, although lacking in cohesion, came to cover much of continental Europe. It was precisely at the hands of the Celts of Gaul that Rome suffered a humiliating defeat, which was followed by a setback imposed on its expansion: the memory of that defeat was destined to imprint itself deeply on the conscience and future memory of Rome. From 390 BC, many Gallic tribes had begun to invade Italy from the north, unbeknownst to the Romans whose interests still turned to security on an essentially local scenario. Rome was alerted by a particularly warlike tribe,[27] the Senones, who invaded the Etruscan province of Siena from the north and attacked the city of Clusium (Chiusi),[28] not far from the sphere of Roman influence. The inhabitants of Chiusi, overwhelmed by the strength of their enemies, superior in number and ferocity, asked Rome for help. Almost unintentionally[27] the Romans not only found themselves in conflict with the Senones, but they became their main target.[28] The Romans faced them in the battle of the Allia[27] around the years 390–387 BC. The Gauls, led by the leader Brennus, defeated a Roman army of about 15,000 soldiers[27] and pursued the fugitives right into the city itself, which was subjected to a partial but humiliating sack[29][30] before being driven out or convinced to leave on payment of a ransom.[27]

The hegemony over central-southern Italy (343-264 BC) edit

The Mars of Todi, a life-sized Etruscan bronze sculpture of a soldier making a votive offering, late 5th to early 5th century BC, kept in the Vatican Museums

After recovering from the sack of Rome,[31] the Romans immediately resumed their expansion into Italy.

Central Italy edit

The Samnites were just as warlike and rich as the Romans[32] and set out to expand into new lands in fertile Italian plains near Rome.[33] The First Samnite War, between 343 and 341 BC, followed widespread Samnite incursions into the territory of Rome,[34] which were followed by the battle of Mount Gaurus (342 BC) and the battle of Suessula (341 BC). The Romans defeated the Samnites but were forced to withdraw from the war without being able to exploit the success to the fullest, due to the revolt of many of the Latin allies in the conflict known as the Latin War.[35][36] Around 340 BC Rome found itself having to contain both the Samnite incursions into its territory and those of the rebellious Latin cities, with which it engaged in a bitter conflict. Eventually the Latins were defeated at the battle of Vesuvius and again at the battle of Trifanum,[36] after which the Latin cities were forced to submit to Roman power.[37][38]

The Second Samnite War, from 327 to 304 BC, represented a more serious and lengthy affair, both for the Romans and for the Samnites,[39] the conclusion of which required more than 20 years of conflict and 24 battles at the price of serious losses for both sides. The alternating fortunes of the conflict smiled both on the Samnites and on the Romans; the former took possession of Naples in 327 BC,[39] which the Romans recovered before being defeated in the battle of the Caudine Forks[39][40] and at the battle of Lautulae. The Romans finally emerged victorious from the battle of Bovianum (305 BC), when by now, as early as 314 BC, the tide of the war was turning decisively in Rome's favor, forcing the Samnites to negotiate the surrender on increasingly unfavorable terms. In 304 BC the Romans came to a massive annexation of Samnite territories, on which they even founded many of their colonies. But seven years after their defeat, while Rome's dominance over the area seemed secure, the Samnites rose again and defeated the Romans at the battle of Camerinum, in 298 BC, which started the Third Samnite War. Strengthened by this success, they tried to put together a coalition of many of the populations that had once been hostile to Rome, to prevent Rome from dominating the whole of central and southern Italy. The army that in 295 B.C. faced the Romans at the battle of Sentinum[40] included a motley coalition of Samnites, Gauls, Etruscans and Umbri.[41] When the Roman army won a convincing victory even over these combined forces, it became clear that nothing more could prevent Rome from dominating Italy. And with the subsequent battle of Populonia, in 282 BC, Rome put an end to the last vestiges of Etruscan hegemony over the region. The Roman victory in the three Samnite Wars (343–341; 326–304; 298–290 BC) therefore ensured the control of a large part of central-southern Italy for the City; the political and military strategies implemented by Rome, such as the foundation of colonies under Latin rights, the deduction of Roman colonies and the construction of the Appian Way, testify to the power of this expansionist push towards the South.[42] The interest in territorial domination was in fact not a simple prerogative of some aristocratic families, including the Claudia gens, but invested the entire Roman political scene, and the entire Roman Senate adhered to it together with the plebeians.[42] In fact, the advance towards the South was stimulated by economic and cultural interests; while the presence of a civilization, that of Magna Graecia, with a high level of military, political and cultural organization, capable of resisting Roman expansion, contributed to slowing it down.[43]

rightSamnite infantry and cavalry, fresco from a tomb frieze in Nola, 4th century BC

Southern Italy edit

With the beginning of the third century, Rome had become a great power in the Italian peninsular, but had not yet entered into friction with the dominant Mediterranean powers of the time, Carthage and the poleis of Greece. Southern Italy still remained in the hands of the colonies of Magna Graecia[44] which had been allies of the Samnites.[45]

Although the commercial relationships between Rome and the centres of Magna Graecia are little known, a certain sharing of commercial interests between Rome and the Greek cities of Campania at least is probable as evidenced by the issue, starting from 320 BC, of Roman-Campanian coins.[46] These commercial agreements may have been a result of the Samnite wars and of the Roman expansion towards the South. However, the needs of the Roman rural populace for new arable lands also determined the need for territorial expansion towards the south that the expansion in central and northern Italy had not satisfied.

Bust of Pyrrhus of Epirus at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples

After Pyrrhus' invasion of southern Italy in 280 BC who was joined by some from the Greek colonies and by some of the Samnites who had revolted against Roman control,[47] the Romans were defeated in several battles. When Pyrrhus realised that his stay in Italy was unsustainable and withdrew,[48] Rome moved rapidly into southern Italy, subjugating and dividing Magna Graecia by pacts and treaties (foedera)[49] with most of the cities which introduced a sort of indirect control over the region.[50] However, there is no evidence of major military impositions on the Greek cities even during the 1st Punic War, the only contribution being a fleet of transport ships borrowed from Naples, Tarentum and Locri in 264 at the start of the war.[51]

Conquests during and following the Punic Wars (264–133 BC) edit

Territories of Cisalpine Gaul (highlighted in transparent red) between the end of the 2nd century BC and the beginning of the 1st century BC

Having established an effective dominion over the Italian peninsula,[52] and on the strength of its military reputation,[53] Rome was able to start looking at expanding outside the Italian peninsula. Considering the natural barrier of the Alps to the north and still not wanting to compete in battle with the proud Gallic peoples, Rome turned its gaze elsewhere, to Sicily and the Mediterranean islands, bringing it into open conflict with its former ally, Carthage, in the Punic Wars.[53][54]

Cisalpine Gaul edit

The Roman army had gone beyond the Po river shortly before the beginning of the war and had conquered part of the territories of Cisalpine Gaul. The battle of Clastidium, in 222 BC, earned Rome the capture of the Insubres' capital of Mediolanum (Milan). In order to consolidate its dominion, Rome created the colonies of Piacenza, in the territory of the Boii, and Cremona in that of the Insubres. The Gauls of northern Italy had therefore rebelled following Hannibal's descent into Italy from the Alps.

During the Second Punic War, Rome also subjugated the Celtic territories north of the Apennines of Cisalpine Gaul (from 222 to 200 BC) and then those of the neighbouring Veneti (to the east) and the Ligures (to the west) before reaching the base of the Alps.

In 200 BC, the Gauls in revolt took possession of the colony of Piacenza and threatened Cremona, but Rome decided to intervene in force. In 196 BC Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica defeated the Insubres, and in 191 BC, the Boii, who controlled a vast area between Piacenza and Rimini, were defeated. After crossing the Po river the Roman penetration continued peacefully; the local populations, Cenomani and Veneti, realized that Rome was the only power capable of protecting them from the assaults of the other neighboring tribes. Around 191 BC Cisalpine Gaul was definitively occupied. The advance also continued in the north-eastern part with the foundation of the Roman colony of Aquileia in 181 BC.[55][56][57] In 177 BC Istria was subjugated and in 175 BC the Cisalpine Ligures also. A few decades later, Polybius could personally testify to the decline of the Celtic population in the Po valley, expelled from the region or confined to some limited subalpine areas.[58]

Magna Graecia edit

Hannibal's allies in southern Italy c. 213 BC (blue)

Sicily was conquered by Rome during the First Punic War. Only Syracuse remained independent until 212 because its king Hiero II was a devoted ally of the Romans. His grandson Hieronymus however allied with Hannibal, which prompted the Romans to besiege the city, which fell in 212 BC.

It seems there was a lack of Roman interest in southern Italy itself before 218, that the Italiotes had little contact with Rome in this period and that, apart from the Roman garrisons in many cities, Roman control was limited.[59]

After the second Punic War, Rome pursued an unprecedented program of reorganisation in southern Italy where many of the cities were annexed to the Roman Republic in 205 BC as a consequence of their defection to Hannibal.[60] Roman colonies (civium romanorum) were the main element of the new territorial control plan starting from the lex Atinia of 197 BC. In 194 BC, garrisons of 300 Roman veterans were implanted in Volturnum, Liternum, Puteoli, Salernum and Buxentum, and to Sipontum on the Adriatic. This model was replicated in the territory of the Brettii; 194 BC saw the foundation of the Roman colonies of Kroton and Tempsa, followed by the Latin colonies of Copia (193 BC) and Valentia (192 BC).[61]

However, Romanisation was not the same as political unification after the extension of citizenship during the Social Wars in 90/89 BC and considerable variations in cities remained afterwards as late as the Augustan period depending on their political and social organisation and distance from Rome. Romanisation also depended on the major differences in Rome's treatment of cities, from the early and complete assimilation of Cumae (the only Greek city made a civitas sine suffragio, in 338 BC) and Paestum to the endurance of the Greek language and culture at Naples and Rhegium.[62]

Other regions edit

Many tribal groups, both in the north and in the south, were forcibly uprooted from their native country and deported elsewhere.[63] The Ligurian Apuans, for example, were deported en masse (47,000 people) to Sannio and Campania. The process of Romanisation and homogenisation of the peninsula began to bear fruit at this point. In the south, for example, the Italian aristocrats began to organise mixed marriages with the Roman and Etruscan aristocracies, in order to create conjugal relationships that led to blood ties throughout the peninsula. This was so successful that, starting from the 1st century BC, numerous prominent political figures could count Etruscan, Samnite, and Umbrian families and so on among their ancestors.[64]

The socii rebel and ask for Roman citizenship (133–42 BC) edit

Depiction of the Gracchi brothers made during the 19th century by Eugene Guillaume, today located at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. The brothers lay their hands on a document titled "property", consistent with then-current interpretations of their lives.[65]

The period from the Gracchan agitations (133–121 BC) to the domination of Sulla (82–78 BC), marked the beginning of the crisis which, almost a century later, ended the aristocratic republic. Historian Ronald Syme has called the period of transition from the Republic to the Augustan principate the "Roman Revolution".[66]

The Republic's rapid expansion in the Mediterranean basin led to huge problems as until then, the Roman institutions had been designed to administer a small state, but the state now stretched from Iberia to Africa, Greece, and Asia Minor. In 133 BC, the tribune of the plebs Tiberius Gracchus was concerned by the shortage of manpower in various parts of Italy and by the widespread poverty. He was convinced that in these conditions it would have been impossible to maintain the social order which was the backbone of the army. So he proposed to distribute excess land to less well-off citizens, giving new vigor to the class of small agricultural owners, which was in serious difficulty due to the continuous wars. He was opposed by large landowners, who extended their domains through the eviction of debtor settlers or the purchase of their land.[67] The constant wars at home and abroad forced the small landowners to abandon their farms for many years to serve in the legions; but they supplied Rome (by means of looting and conquests) with an enormous quantity of cheap goods[68] and slaves, who were usually employed in the farms of the wealthy, with huge consequences for the Roman social fabric, as small landed property could not compete with the slave estates, with their low running costs. All those families who, due to debts, had been forced to leave the countryside, took refuge in Rome, where they formed an urban underclass; a mass of people who had no job, no home and no food to eat, with the inevitable and dangerous social tensions in the Italian world.

After these events, Roman Italy was affected by the Cimbrian Wars (113–101 BC). The Germanic tribes of the Cimbri and Teutons from Northern Europe migrated into Rome's northern territories,[69] and came into conflict with Rome and its allies.[70] This was alarming given the history of the invasion of the Gauls in 390 BC and the "Hannibalic war"; so much so that Italy and Rome itself felt seriously threatened.[70] In 105 BC the Romans suffered one of their worst defeats in the battle of Arausio, near Orange in Transalpine Gaul; it was a tremendous defeat, almost equal to that of the battle of Cannae. After the Cimbri granted a truce to the Romans to devote themselves to the plunder of Iberia, Rome was able to carefully prepare for the final battle against these Germanic populations, managing to exterminate them first in the battle of Aquae Sextiae (Aix-en-Provence) and then in the battle of Vercellae, on Italian soil.[69] The tribes were beaten and enslaved (at least 140,000 captives) and their threat removed.[71]

Map of the Roman confederacy in 100 BC, at the advent of the Social War (91–88 BC).
  Roman possessions
  Latin colonies
  Allies of Rome (socii)

With the second half of the 2nd century BC the Italics without Roman citizenship (socii) began to ask for citizenship, which they however obtained after a hard and bloody social war in 89 BC. It was the last and fundamental step of the Italian integration into the Roman world, and therefore of the consequent fusion of the various ethnic cultures into a single political and cultural identity. The Italics without citizenship coalesced against Rome (Velleius Paterculus even writes "all of Italy rose up against Rome"[72]) and, if on the one hand the Italian coalition lost the war, it also obtained the longed-for Roman citizenship.[73] It was at the end of this "great war" (as Diodorus Siculus[74] defined it), that the differences between Italy and the provinces became more evident.

Simultaneously with all these events, in the years between 135 and 71 BC, there were servile uprisings in Sicily and then on Italian soil, which opposed the slaves to the Roman state. The third uprising was the most serious.[75] Estimates of the number of rioters speak of the involvement of a number of 120,000 or 150,000 slaves.[76] In this last revolt, Spartacus, leading the rebels, had been trained as a gladiator. In 73 BC, together with some companions, he rebelled against Capua and fled towards Vesuvius. The number of rebels quickly grew to 70,000, composed mainly of Thracian, Gaul and Germanic slaves. Initially, Spartacus and his second-in-command Crixus managed to defeat several legions sent against them. Once a unified command was established under Marcus Licinius Crassus, who had six legions, the rebellion was crushed in 71 BC. About 10,000 slaves fled the battlefield. The fleeing slaves were intercepted by Pompey, aided by the pirates who had initially promised to transport them to Sicily but then betrayed them, presumably on the basis of an agreement with Rome, which was returning from Spain, and 6,000 were crucified along the Appian Way, from Capua to Rome.[77]

Many historians agree that the Roman civil wars, mostly fought on Italian soil, were a logical consequence of a long process of decline of Rome's political institutions, which began with the murders of the Gracchi in 133 and 121 BC.[78] and continue with the reform of the legions of Gaius Marius, who was the first to hold many extraordinary public positions inaugurating an example that would be followed by the future aspiring dictators of the decadent republic, the social war, the clash between Marians and Sullans which ended with the establishment of the dictatorship of Sulla, known for the proscription lists issued in its course, and finally in the First Triumvirate.[79] These events shattered the foundations of the Republic.

The Tusculum portrait, possibly the only surviving sculpture of Caesar made during his lifetime, now housed at the Archaeological Museum in Turin, Italy

After bitter disagreements with the senate, Caesar crossed the Rubicon river in arms, which marked the border between the province of Cisalpine Gaul and the territory of Italy;[80] the senate, on the other hand, rallied around Pompey and, in an attempt to defend the republican institutions, decided to declare war on Caesar (49 BC). That same year, citizenship was also extended to the Cisalpine Gauls and the Veneti through the Lex Roscia, crowning the long-awaited social integration of the entire Italian peninsula, effectively becoming all Italics, Romans to all intents and purposes.[81]

Meanwhile, after ups and downs, Cesariani and Pompeiani faced each other in the battle of Pharsalus, where Cesare irreparably defeated his rival. Pompey then sought refuge in Egypt, but was killed there (48 BC). Caesar also went to Egypt, and there he became involved in the dynastic dispute that broke out between Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy XIII. Once the situation was resolved, he resumed the war, and defeated the king Pharnaces II of Pontus in the battle of Zela (47 BC). He therefore left for Africa, where the Pompeians had reorganized under the command of Cato, and defeated them in the battle of Thapsus (46 BC). The survivors found refuge in Spain, where Caesar joined them and defeated them, this time definitively, in the battle of Munda (45 BC).

Caesar died following a conspiracy on the Ides of March (44 BC) and his nephew Octavian became his main heir. Informed of the killing of his great-uncle, he decided to return to Rome to claim his rights as an adopted son, as well as that of boasting, as the only adopted son, the name of the deceased, thus becoming Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian. Caesar also left the inhabitants of Rome 300 sesterces each, in addition to his gardens along the banks of the Tiber (Horti Caesaris).[82] Having landed in Brindisi,[83] Octavian arrived in Rome on 21 May, after the caesaricides had already left the city for more than a month. The young man hastened to claim the adoptive name of Gaius Julius Caesar, publicly declaring that he accepted his father's inheritance and therefore asking to take possession of the family assets. The Senate, and in particular Cicero, who saw him at that moment as an inexperienced beginner given his young age,[84] ready to be manipulated by the senatorial aristocracy, and who appreciated the weakening of Antony's position, approved the ratification of the will. With Caesar's patrimony now at his disposal, Octavian was able to recruit a private army of about 3,000 veterans, while Mark Antony, having obtained the assignment of Cisalpine Gaul already entrusted to the proprietor Decimus Brutus, was preparing to wage war on the Caesaricides to regain favor of the Caesarian faction. On this occasion Cicero wrote to Titus Pomponius Atticus demonstrating certainty about Octavian's fidelity to the republican cause, certain of the possibility of exploiting the potential of that young scion to eliminate Antony,[85] who emerged unscathed (to the orator's grave displeasure) from the Ides.[86]

And while a new civil war was underway, two years after the death of Caesar (42 BC), the new province of Cisalpine Gaul was abolished and Roman Italy came to incorporate all the territories south of the Alps, and became fully part of Italy, even if its cities had already obtained Roman citizenship from Caesar seven years earlier.[81]

From Philippi (42 BC) to the Augustan reorganization (7 AD) edit

Statue of Augustus known as "Augustus of Prima Porta" or "Augustus loricato", kept in the Vatican Museums. He created for the first time an administrative region called Italia with inhabitants called "Italicus populus"; for this reason historians called him Father of Italians.[87]

After the victory of Octavian and Antony in the battle of Philippi (42 BC), new contrasts arose between the two. Lucius Antonius, brother of Antony, in 41 BC rebelled against Octavian because he demanded that even his brother's veterans were distributed lands in Italy (in addition to Octavian's 170,000 veterans), but he was defeated in Perugia in 40 BC. Suetonius recounts that during the siege of Perugia, while he was making a sacrifice not far from the city walls, Octavian was nearly killed by a group of gladiators who had made a sortie from the city.[88] After Lucius Antonius' defeat,[88] both Antonius and Octavian decided not to give too much weight to the incident.[89] Eventually even the soldiers of both sides refused to fight and the triumvirs put their strife aside. With the treaty of Brindisi (September 40 BC) there was a new division of the provinces as Antony was left with the Roman East from Scutari, including Macedonia and Achaia; to Octavian the West including Illyricum; to Lepidus, now out of the power games, Africa and Numidia; Sicilia was confirmed to Sextus Pompey to silence him, so that he would not cause problems in the West.[89] The pact was sanctioned with the marriage between Antony, whose wife Fulva had recently died, and Octavian's sister, Octavia the Younger.

In 38 BC, Octavian resolved to meet in Brindisi with Antony and Lepidus to renew the alliance pact for another five years. In 36 BC, however, due to his friend and general Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, Octavian managed to put an end to the war with Sextus Pompey. The latter, due also to some reinforcements sent by Antonio, was in fact definitively defeated in the battle of Naulochus.[90] Sicily fell and Sextus Pompey fled to the East, where he was shortly afterwards assassinated by Antonius' assassins.[89] At that point, however, Octavian had to face the ambitions of Lepidus, who believed that Sicily should be his turn and, breaking the alliance pact, moved to take possession of it with 20 legions. However, quickly defeated, after his soldiers abandoned him by going over to Octavian's side, Lepidus was finally confined to the Circeo, while retaining the public office of pontifex maximus.[90]

After the gradual elimination of all contenders over six years, from Brutus and Cassius, to Sextus Pompeius and Lepidus, the situation remained in the sole hands of Octavian, in the West, and Antony, in the East, leading to an inevitable increase in contrasts between the two triumvirs. Conflict was now inevitable. Only the casus belli was missing, which Octavian found in Antony's will, in which his decision to leave the eastern territories of Rome to Cleopatra of Egypt and her children, including Caesarion, son of Caesar, were recorded.[91] Later, when it had Antony declared a public enemy, the Senate of Rome declared war on Cleopatra, the last Ptolemaic queen of Egypt, in late 32 BC, Antony and Cleopatra were defeated at the battle of Actium on September 2, 31 BC and both committed suicide the following year in Egypt.[91][92]

Octavian had become, in fact, the absolute master of the Roman state, even if formally Rome was still a republic and Octavian himself had not yet been invested with any official power, given that his potestas of triumvir had never been renewed: in the Res Gestae Divi Augusti acknowledges having governed in recent years by virtue of the "potitus rerum omnium per consensum universorum" ("general consensus"), having for this reason received a sort of perpetual tribunicia potestas[93] (certainly an extra-constitutional fact).[94] As long as this consensus continued to include the loyal support of armies, Octavian could govern safely, and his victory constituted, in fact, Italy's victory over the Near East; the guarantee that the Roman Empire would never have been able to find its equilibrium and its center elsewhere than Rome.

The regions of Italy at the time of Augustus (7 AD)

With the end of the period of civil wars, Octavian Augustus undertook the conquest of the Alpine valleys (from the Aosta Valley to the river Arsia in Istria) from 16 BC to 7 BC completing the conquest of the Italian geographical region. Following the conquest of the entire Alpine arc, and with it the entire Italian territory, he divided Italy into 11 regions, enriching it with new centers (about 7 AD).[95] The regions in question were as follows:

Suetonius and the Res gestae divi Augusti speak of the foundation of as many as 28 colonies.[96] It recognized, in a certain way, the importance of these colonies, attributing rights equal to those of Rome, allowing the decurions of the colonies to vote, each in their own city, for the election of the magistrates of Rome, sending their vote in Rome, on election day.[96]

Augustus strengthened the hegemonic position of the Italian peninsula and its Roman and Italic traditions. Throughout the first century, Italy enjoyed unequaled prestige, strong economic and juridical privileges due to the Ius Italicum which distinguished Italian soil from the Solum provinciale, and a hegemonic position at a military as well as an economic level within the Mediterranean Sea. Among the privileges of Italy there was also the construction of a dense road network, the embellishment of the cities by equipping them with numerous public structures (forums, temples, amphitheaters, theaters and baths)[97] and tax collection offices.[96]

As Roman provinces were being established throughout the Mediterranean, Italy maintained a special status which made it domina provinciarum ("ruler of the provinces"),[98][99][100] and – especially in relation to the first centuries of imperial stabilityrectrix mundi ("governor of the world")[101][102] and omnium terrarum parens ("parent of all lands").[103][104] Such a status meant that, within Italy in times of peace, Roman magistrates also exercised the imperium domi (police power) as an alternative to the imperium militiae (military power). Italy's inhabitants had Latin Rights as well as religious and financial privileges.

References edit

  1. ^ "Sicilian Peoples: The Carthaginians". Retrieved 9 February 2022.
  2. ^ Giacomo Devoto, Gli antichi Italici, Firenze, Vallecchi, 1931.
  3. ^ Pennell 1890, chpt. 3, par. 8
  4. ^ Grant 1993, p. 23
  5. ^ Pennell 1890, chpt. 9, par. 3
  6. ^ a b Pennell 1890, chpt. 5, par. 1
  7. ^ Grant 1993, p. 21
  8. ^ Livy, Ab urbe condita, I, 9.
  9. ^ Livy, Ab urbe condita, I, 42.
  10. ^ Eutropius, Breviarium ab Urbe condita, I, 7.
  11. ^ Livy, Ab urbe condita, 1.19.
  12. ^ Livy, Ab urbe condita, 1.37.
  13. ^ Fasti Triumphales
  14. ^ Strabo, Geographica, V, 3.4.
  15. ^ a b c Eutropius, Breviarium ab Urbe condita, I, 8.
  16. ^ Livy, Ab urbe condita, 1.25 and 1.44.
  17. ^ Grant 1993, p. 31
  18. ^ Pennell 1890, chpt. 6, par. 1
  19. ^ Grant 1993, p. 38
  20. ^ Grant 1993, p. 37
  21. ^ a b Matyszak 2004, p. 13
  22. ^ Grant 1993, p. 39
  23. ^ Livy, Ab urbe condita, II, 26
  24. ^ Grant 1993, p. 41
  25. ^ Grant 1993, p. 42
  26. ^ Pennell 1890, chpt. 2
  27. ^ a b c d e f Grant 1993, p. 44
  28. ^ a b Pennell 1890, chpt. 9, par. 2
  29. ^ Livy, Ab urbe condita, V, 48
  30. ^ Lane Fox 2005, p. 283
  31. ^ Pennell 1890, chpt. 9, par. 4
  32. ^ Pennell 1890, chpt. 9, par. 23
  33. ^ Lane Fox 2005, p. 282
  34. ^ Pennell 1890, chpt. 9, par. 8
  35. ^ Grant 1993, p. 48
  36. ^ a b Pennell 1890, chpt. 9, par. 13
  37. ^ Grant 1993, p. 49
  38. ^ Pennell 1890, chpt. 9, par. 14
  39. ^ a b c Grant 1993, p. 52
  40. ^ a b Lane Fox 2005, p. 290
  41. ^ Grant 1993, p. 53
  42. ^ a b Musti 1990, p. 533
  43. ^ Musti 1990, p. 534
  44. ^ Grant 1993, p. 77
  45. ^ Matyszak 2004, p. 14
  46. ^ Musti 1990, p. 535
  47. ^ Grant 1993, p. 78
  48. ^ Cassius Dio, Roman History, I, 7.3.
  49. ^ DMITRIEV, S. (2017). The Status of Greek Cities in Roman Reception and Adaptation. Hermes, 145(2), 195–209. http://www.jstor.org/stable/26650396
  50. ^ Lane Fox 2005, p. 307
  51. ^ Polybius 1.20.14
  52. ^ Pennell 1890, chpt. 11, par. 1
  53. ^ a b Grant 1993, p. 80
  54. ^ Matyszak 2004, p. 16
  55. ^ Velleius Paterculus, Historiae Romanae ad M. Vinicium consulem libri duo, I, 13.2.
  56. ^ Pliny the Elder, Natural History, III, 126-127.
  57. ^ Livy, Ab urbe condita, XL, 34.2-3.
  58. ^ Polybius, Histories, II, 35.4.
  59. ^ Kathryn Lomas, Aspects of the Relationship between Rome and the Greek Cities of Southern Italy and Campania during the Republic and Early Empire, Thesis L3473, Newcastle University, 1989 http://theses.ncl.ac.uk/jspui/handle/10443/744
  60. ^ "Le arti di Efesto. Capolavori in metallo" (in Italian). p. 11. Retrieved 12 July 2023.
  61. ^ Giuseppe Celsi, La colonia romana di Croto e la statio di Lacenium, Gruppo Archeologico Krotoniate (GAK) https://www.gruppoarcheologicokr.it/la-colonia-romana-di-croto/
  62. ^ Kathryn Lomas, Aspects of the Relationship between Rome and the Greek Cities of Southern Italy and Campania during the Republic and Early Empire, Thesis L3473, Newcastle University, 1989 http://theses.ncl.ac.uk/jspui/handle/10443/744 P. 8
  63. ^ Robson 1934, pp. 599–608
  64. ^ David 2002, p. 43
  65. ^ Sturgis, Russell (1904). The appreciation of sculpture: a handbook. New York: Baker. p. 146.
  66. ^ Ruffolo 2004, p. 72
  67. ^ Ruffolo 2004, p. 18
  68. ^ Ruffolo 2004, p. 17
  69. ^ a b Matyszak 2004, p. 75
  70. ^ a b Santosuosso 2001, p. 6
  71. ^ Le Glay, Voisin & Le Bohec 2002, p. 111
  72. ^ Velleius Paterculus, Historiae Romanae ad M. Vinicium consulem libri duo, II, 15.
  73. ^ Strabo, Geographica, V, 1.1.
  74. ^ Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca historica, XXXVII, 1.
  75. ^ Matyszak 2004, p. 77
  76. ^ Santosuosso 2001, p. 43
  77. ^ Matyszak 2004, p. 133
  78. ^ Sheppard & Hook 2010, p. 8
  79. ^ Sheppard & Hook 2010, pp. 9–10
  80. ^ Sheppard & Hook 2010, p. 16
  81. ^ a b Laffi 1992, pp. 5–23
  82. ^ Plutarch, Parallel Lives, Caesar, 68.
  83. ^ Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, Augustus, 10.
  84. ^ Cicero, Philippicae, XIII.
  85. ^ Cicero, Epistulae ad Atticum, XV, 12.2.
  86. ^ Canfora 2007, pp. 72–73
  87. ^ "LaGrandeBiblioteca.com is available at DomainMarket.com". LaGrandeBiblioteca.com is available at DomainMarket.com. from the original on 2 February 2020. Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  88. ^ a b Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, Augustus, 14.
  89. ^ a b c Wells 1995
  90. ^ a b Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, Augustus, 16.
  91. ^ a b Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, Augustus, 17.
  92. ^ Chamoux 1988, pp. 254 and following
  93. ^ Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, Augustus, 27.
  94. ^ Mazzarino 1973, pp. 68 and following
  95. ^ Pliny the Elder, Natural History, III, 46.
  96. ^ a b c Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, Augustus, 46.
  97. ^ Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, Augustus, 30.
  98. ^ A. Fear; P. Liddel, eds. (2010). "The Glory of Italy and Rome's Universal Destiny in Strabo's Geographika". Historiae Mundi. Studies in Universal History. London: Duckworth. pp. 87–101. Retrieved 20 November 2021.
  99. ^ Keaveney, Arthur (January 1987). Arthur Keaveney: Rome and the Unification of Italy. ISBN 9780709931218. Retrieved 20 November 2021.
  100. ^ Billanovich, Giuseppe (2008). Libreria Universitaria Hoepli, Lezioni di filologia, Giuseppe Billanovich e Roberto Pesce: Corpus Iuris Civilis, Italia non erat provincia, sed domina provinciarum, Feltrinelli, p.363 (in Italian). ISBN 9788896543092. Retrieved 20 November 2021.
  101. ^ Bleicken, Jochen (15 October 2015). Italy: the absolute center of the Republic and the Roman Empire. ISBN 9780241003909. Retrieved 20 November 2021.
  102. ^ Morcillo, Martha García (2010). "The Roman Italy: Rectrix Mundi and Omnium Terrarum Parens". In A. Fear; P. Liddel (eds.). Historiae Mundi. Studies in Universal History. London: Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781472519801. Retrieved 20 November 2021.
  103. ^ Altri nomi e appellativi relazionati allo status dell'Italia in epoca romana (in Italian). Bloomsbury. 20 November 2013. ISBN 9781472519801. Retrieved 20 November 2021.
  104. ^ "Antico appellativo dell'Italia romana: Italia Omnium Terrarum Parens" (in Italian). Retrieved 20 November 2021.

Bibliography edit

  • Canfora, Luciano (2007). La prima marcia su Roma (in Italian). Laterza. ISBN 978-88-420-8368-9.
  • Cantor, Norman Frank (2004). Antiquity. Perennial Press. ISBN 0-06-093098-5.
  • Chamoux, François (1988). Marco Antonio: ultimo principe dell'oriente greco (in Italian). Milan: Rizzoli. ISBN 88-18-18012-6.
  • David, Jean-Michel (2002). La Romanizzazione dell'Italia (in Italian). Laterza. ISBN 978-8842064138.
  • Fulminante, Francesca (2023). The rise of early Rome: transportation networks and domination in central Italy, 1050-500 BC. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781316516805.
  • Grant, Michael (1993). The History of Rome. Faber and Faber. ISBN 0-571-11461-X.
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  • Lane Fox, Robin (2005). The Classical World. Penguin Books. ISBN 0-14-102141-1.
  • Le Glay, Marcel; Voisin, Jean-Louis; Le Bohec, Yann (2002). Storia romana (in Italian). Il Mulino. ISBN 978-8815087799.
  • Musti, Domenico (1990). "La spinta verso il Sud: espansione romana e rapporti "internazionali"". Storia di Roma. Vol. I. Turin: Einaudi. ISBN 978-88-06-11741-2.
  • Pennell, Robert Franklin (1890). Ancient Rome: From the earliest times down to 476 A.D. Riverside, California: Kessinger Publishing. ISBN 978-1165311828.
  • Matyszak, Philip (2004). The Enemies of Rome. New York: Thames and Hudson. ISBN 0-500-25124-X.
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  • Santosuosso, Antonio (2001). Storming the Heavens: Soldiers, Emperors and Civilians in the Roman Empire. Westview Press. ISBN 0-8133-3523-X.
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  • Wells, Colin Michael (1995). L'impero romano (in Italian). Bologna: Il Mulino. ISBN 88-15-04756-5.

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This article is about the unification of Italy by the Roman Republic For Justinian s Italian campaign see Gothic War 535 554 The Roman expansion in Italy covers a series of conflicts in which Rome grew from being a small Italian city state to be the ruler of the Italian region Roman tradition attributes to the Roman kings the first war against the Sabines and the first conquests around the Alban Hills and down to the coast of Latium The birth of the Roman Republic after the overthrow of the Etruscan monarch of Rome in 509 BC began a series of major wars between the Romans and the Etruscans In 390 BC Gauls from the north of Italy sacked Rome In the second half of the 4th century BC Rome clashed repeatedly with the Samnites a powerful tribal coalition of the Apennine region Roman expansion in Italy from 500 BC to 218 BC through the Latin War light red Samnite Wars pink orange Pyrrhic War beige and First and Second Punic War yellow and green Cisalpine Gaul 238 146 BC and Alpine valleys 16 7 BC were later added The Roman Republic in 500 BC is marked with dark red By the end of these wars Rome had become the most powerful state in central Italy and began to expand to the north and to the south The last threat to Roman hegemony came during the Pyrrhic war 280 275 BC when Tarentum enlisted the aid of the Greek king Pyrrhus of Epirus to campaign in the North of Italy Resistance in Etruria was finally crushed in 265 264 BC the same year the First Punic War began and brought Roman forces outside of the peninsula for the first time Starting from the First Punic War 264 241 BC the territories subject to Roman rule also included Sicily 241 BC Sardinia and Corsica 238 BC islands transformed into provinces Later in conjunction with the Second Punic War 218 202 BC Rome also proceeded to subjugate the Celtic territories north of the Apennines of Cisalpine Gaul from 222 to 200 BC and then of the neighboring populations of Veneti to the east and Ligures to the west until reach the foothills of the Alps With the end of the period of civil wars 44 31 BC Augustus undertook the conquest of the Alpine valleys from the Aosta Valley to the Arsia river in Istria from 16 BC to 7 BC completing the conquest of the Italian geographical region Following the conquest of the entire Alpine arc and with it the entire Italian territory he divided Italy into 11 regions about 7 AD Conquered territories were incorporated into the growing Roman state in a number of ways land confiscations the establishment of coloniae granting of full or partial Roman citizenship and military alliances with nominally independent states The successful conquest of Italy gave Rome access to a manpower pool unrivaled by any contemporary state and paved the way to the eventual Roman interference of the entire Mediterranean world Contents 1 Background 2 Roman conquest of Latium vetus 753 341 BC 3 The hegemony over central southern Italy 343 264 BC 3 1 Central Italy 3 2 Southern Italy 4 Conquests during and following the Punic Wars 264 133 BC 4 1 Cisalpine Gaul 4 2 Magna Graecia 4 3 Other regions 5 The socii rebel and ask for Roman citizenship 133 42 BC 6 From Philippi 42 BC to the Augustan reorganization 7 AD 7 References 8 BibliographyBackground editMain article List of ancient peoples of Italy nbsp Ethnolinguistic map of Italy in the Iron Age before the Roman expansion and conquest of ItalyThe name of ancient peoples of Italy indicates those populations settled in the Italian peninsula during the Iron Age and before the Roman expansion and conquest of Italy Many of the names are either scholarly inventions or exonyms assigned by the ancient writers of works in ancient Greek and Latin In regard to the specific names of particular ancient Italian tribes and peoples the time window in which historians know the historical ascribed names of ancient Italian peoples mostly falls into the range of about 750 BC at the legendary foundation of Rome to about 200 BC in the middle Roman Republic the time range in which most of the written documentation first exists of such names and prior to the nearly complete assimilation of Italian peoples into Roman culture Nearly all of these peoples and tribes spoke Indo European languages Italics Celts Ancient Greeks and tribes likely occupying various intermediate positions between these language groups On the other hand some Italian peoples such as the Rhaetians Camuni Etruscans likely spoke non or pre Indo European languages In addition peoples speaking languages of the Afro Asiatic family specifically the largely Semitic Phoenicians and Carthaginians settled and colonized some coastal parts of Italy particularly in insular Italy in western and southern Sardinia and western Sicily 1 Some scholars believe that many peoples spoke non Indo European languages Some of them were Pre Indo Europeans or Paleo Europeans while with regard to some others Giacomo Devoto proposed the definition of Peri Indo European i e everything that has hybrid characters between Indo European and non Indo European 2 Roman conquest of Latium vetus 753 341 BC editMain articles Roman Aequian wars Roman Volscian wars Roman conquest of the Hernici Roman Latin wars and Roman Gallic wars nbsp The Capitoline Wolf sculpture in the Capitoline Museums According to legend Rome was founded in 753 BC by Romulus and Remus who were raised by a she wolf nbsp The ancient Latium vetus and its main inhabited centres nbsp Italy in 400 BCThe most ancient Roman history from the foundation of Rome as a small tribal village 3 until the end of the Royal Age with the fall of the kings of Rome is the least preserved 4 5 Although Livy a Roman historian in his work Ab Urbe condita lists a series of seven kings of archaic Rome from the first settlement up to the first years the first four kings Romulus Numa Pompilius Tullus Hostilius and Ancus Martius are almost certainly entirely apocryphal 6 Historians hypothesize that prior to the establishment of Etruscan rule over Rome under Tarquinius Priscus the fifth king of tradition 6 Rome had been led by some sort of religious authority 7 According to tradition Romulus fortified one of seven hills of Rome the Palatine Hill after founding the city and Livy claims that shortly after its foundation Rome was equal to any of the surrounding cities in military prowess 8 Under the Etruscan kings Tarquinius Priscus Servius Tullius and Tarquinius Superbus Rome expanded in a northwesterly direction coming into conflict against the Veientani northeast of the Tiber after the expiration of the treaty that ended the previous war 9 Tarquinius Priscus fought the Sabines in about 585 584 BC as did his successor Servius Tullius 10 Again Priscus obtained a triumph over the Latins he bought the cities of Corniculum and Collatia from the Roman state 11 12 and the Etruscans on 1 April 588 587 BC 13 Servius Tullius also obtained a double triumph over the latter on 25 November 571 570 BC and on 25 May 567 566 BC And finally Strabo recalls that Tarquinius Priscus always destroyed numerous cities of the Aequi 14 The last king of Rome Tarquinius Superbus was the first to fight the Volsci 15 16 and then subdued numerous cities of Latium vetus making peace with the Etruscans 15 Eventually the Etruscan kings were overthrown in the context of a wider disempowerment of Etruscan power in the region during the same period and Rome whose possessions did not extend beyond 15 miles from the city 15 gave itself a republican set up 17 18 With the beginning of this new historical phase the immediate neighbours of Rome were cities or villages of the Latins with a tribal structure similar to that of Rome or even Sabine tribes of the nearby Apennine hills 19 Gradually Rome defeated both the Sabines and the local cities which were either hegemonized by the Etruscans or Latin cities which like Rome had rid themselves of their Etruscan rulers Rome defeated the Lavinii and the Tusculi in the battle of Lake Regillus 496 BC 20 and the Sabines in an unknown battle in 449 BC the Aequi and the Volsci in the battle of Mount Algidus in 458 BC and in the battle of Corbio in 446 BC the Volsci in the battle of Corbione 21 and in the conquest of Anzio in 377 BC 22 the Aurunci in the battle of Ariccia 23 they were defeated by the Veientani in the battle of the Cremera in 477 BC 24 in the conquest of Fidene in 435 BC 25 and in the wars that led to the conquest of Veii in 396 BC Once the Veientani had been defeated the Romans had effectively completed the conquest of their immediate Etruscan neighbors 26 and at the same time secured their position against the immediate threat posed by the tribal peoples of the Apennine hills Rome however still controlled only a very small area and its business played a minor role in the entire context of the Italian peninsula the remains of Veii for example today fall entirely within the suburbs of modern Rome 21 and Rome s interests came to the attention of the Greeks bearers of the leading culture of the time 27 The bulk of Italy still remained in the hands of the Latins the Sabines the Samnites and other peoples of central Italy the Greek colonists of the Magna Graecia poleis and in particular the Celtic peoples of northern Italy including the Gauls At the time Celtic civilization was vibrant and in the process of military and territorial expansion with a spread that although lacking in cohesion came to cover much of continental Europe It was precisely at the hands of the Celts of Gaul that Rome suffered a humiliating defeat which was followed by a setback imposed on its expansion the memory of that defeat was destined to imprint itself deeply on the conscience and future memory of Rome From 390 BC many Gallic tribes had begun to invade Italy from the north unbeknownst to the Romans whose interests still turned to security on an essentially local scenario Rome was alerted by a particularly warlike tribe 27 the Senones who invaded the Etruscan province of Siena from the north and attacked the city of Clusium Chiusi 28 not far from the sphere of Roman influence The inhabitants of Chiusi overwhelmed by the strength of their enemies superior in number and ferocity asked Rome for help Almost unintentionally 27 the Romans not only found themselves in conflict with the Senones but they became their main target 28 The Romans faced them in the battle of the Allia 27 around the years 390 387 BC The Gauls led by the leader Brennus defeated a Roman army of about 15 000 soldiers 27 and pursued the fugitives right into the city itself which was subjected to a partial but humiliating sack 29 30 before being driven out or convinced to leave on payment of a ransom 27 The hegemony over central southern Italy 343 264 BC editMain articles Samnite Wars Latin War Roman Etruscan Wars and Pyrrhic War nbsp The Mars of Todi a life sized Etruscan bronze sculpture of a soldier making a votive offering late 5th to early 5th century BC kept in the Vatican Museums After recovering from the sack of Rome 31 the Romans immediately resumed their expansion into Italy Central Italy edit The Samnites were just as warlike and rich as the Romans 32 and set out to expand into new lands in fertile Italian plains near Rome 33 The First Samnite War between 343 and 341 BC followed widespread Samnite incursions into the territory of Rome 34 which were followed by the battle of Mount Gaurus 342 BC and the battle of Suessula 341 BC The Romans defeated the Samnites but were forced to withdraw from the war without being able to exploit the success to the fullest due to the revolt of many of the Latin allies in the conflict known as the Latin War 35 36 Around 340 BC Rome found itself having to contain both the Samnite incursions into its territory and those of the rebellious Latin cities with which it engaged in a bitter conflict Eventually the Latins were defeated at the battle of Vesuvius and again at the battle of Trifanum 36 after which the Latin cities were forced to submit to Roman power 37 38 The Second Samnite War from 327 to 304 BC represented a more serious and lengthy affair both for the Romans and for the Samnites 39 the conclusion of which required more than 20 years of conflict and 24 battles at the price of serious losses for both sides The alternating fortunes of the conflict smiled both on the Samnites and on the Romans the former took possession of Naples in 327 BC 39 which the Romans recovered before being defeated in the battle of the Caudine Forks 39 40 and at the battle of Lautulae The Romans finally emerged victorious from the battle of Bovianum 305 BC when by now as early as 314 BC the tide of the war was turning decisively in Rome s favor forcing the Samnites to negotiate the surrender on increasingly unfavorable terms In 304 BC the Romans came to a massive annexation of Samnite territories on which they even founded many of their colonies But seven years after their defeat while Rome s dominance over the area seemed secure the Samnites rose again and defeated the Romans at the battle of Camerinum in 298 BC which started the Third Samnite War Strengthened by this success they tried to put together a coalition of many of the populations that had once been hostile to Rome to prevent Rome from dominating the whole of central and southern Italy The army that in 295 B C faced the Romans at the battle of Sentinum 40 included a motley coalition of Samnites Gauls Etruscans and Umbri 41 When the Roman army won a convincing victory even over these combined forces it became clear that nothing more could prevent Rome from dominating Italy And with the subsequent battle of Populonia in 282 BC Rome put an end to the last vestiges of Etruscan hegemony over the region The Roman victory in the three Samnite Wars 343 341 326 304 298 290 BC therefore ensured the control of a large part of central southern Italy for the City the political and military strategies implemented by Rome such as the foundation of colonies under Latin rights the deduction of Roman colonies and the construction of the Appian Way testify to the power of this expansionist push towards the South 42 The interest in territorial domination was in fact not a simple prerogative of some aristocratic families including the Claudia gens but invested the entire Roman political scene and the entire Roman Senate adhered to it together with the plebeians 42 In fact the advance towards the South was stimulated by economic and cultural interests while the presence of a civilization that of Magna Graecia with a high level of military political and cultural organization capable of resisting Roman expansion contributed to slowing it down 43 nbsp rightSamnite infantry and cavalry fresco from a tomb frieze in Nola 4th century BCSouthern Italy edit See also Magna Graecia With the beginning of the third century Rome had become a great power in the Italian peninsular but had not yet entered into friction with the dominant Mediterranean powers of the time Carthage and the poleis of Greece Southern Italy still remained in the hands of the colonies of Magna Graecia 44 which had been allies of the Samnites 45 Although the commercial relationships between Rome and the centres of Magna Graecia are little known a certain sharing of commercial interests between Rome and the Greek cities of Campania at least is probable as evidenced by the issue starting from 320 BC of Roman Campanian coins 46 These commercial agreements may have been a result of the Samnite wars and of the Roman expansion towards the South However the needs of the Roman rural populace for new arable lands also determined the need for territorial expansion towards the south that the expansion in central and northern Italy had not satisfied nbsp Bust of Pyrrhus of Epirus at the National Archaeological Museum of NaplesAfter Pyrrhus invasion of southern Italy in 280 BC who was joined by some from the Greek colonies and by some of the Samnites who had revolted against Roman control 47 the Romans were defeated in several battles When Pyrrhus realised that his stay in Italy was unsustainable and withdrew 48 Rome moved rapidly into southern Italy subjugating and dividing Magna Graecia by pacts and treaties foedera 49 with most of the cities which introduced a sort of indirect control over the region 50 However there is no evidence of major military impositions on the Greek cities even during the 1st Punic War the only contribution being a fleet of transport ships borrowed from Naples Tarentum and Locri in 264 at the start of the war 51 Conquests during and following the Punic Wars 264 133 BC editMain articles Punic Wars History of Sardinia and History of Corsica nbsp Territories of Cisalpine Gaul highlighted in transparent red between the end of the 2nd century BC and the beginning of the 1st century BCHaving established an effective dominion over the Italian peninsula 52 and on the strength of its military reputation 53 Rome was able to start looking at expanding outside the Italian peninsula Considering the natural barrier of the Alps to the north and still not wanting to compete in battle with the proud Gallic peoples Rome turned its gaze elsewhere to Sicily and the Mediterranean islands bringing it into open conflict with its former ally Carthage in the Punic Wars 53 54 Cisalpine Gaul edit The Roman army had gone beyond the Po river shortly before the beginning of the war and had conquered part of the territories of Cisalpine Gaul The battle of Clastidium in 222 BC earned Rome the capture of the Insubres capital of Mediolanum Milan In order to consolidate its dominion Rome created the colonies of Piacenza in the territory of the Boii and Cremona in that of the Insubres The Gauls of northern Italy had therefore rebelled following Hannibal s descent into Italy from the Alps During the Second Punic War Rome also subjugated the Celtic territories north of the Apennines of Cisalpine Gaul from 222 to 200 BC and then those of the neighbouring Veneti to the east and the Ligures to the west before reaching the base of the Alps In 200 BC the Gauls in revolt took possession of the colony of Piacenza and threatened Cremona but Rome decided to intervene in force In 196 BC Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica defeated the Insubres and in 191 BC the Boii who controlled a vast area between Piacenza and Rimini were defeated After crossing the Po river the Roman penetration continued peacefully the local populations Cenomani and Veneti realized that Rome was the only power capable of protecting them from the assaults of the other neighboring tribes Around 191 BC Cisalpine Gaul was definitively occupied The advance also continued in the north eastern part with the foundation of the Roman colony of Aquileia in 181 BC 55 56 57 In 177 BC Istria was subjugated and in 175 BC the Cisalpine Ligures also A few decades later Polybius could personally testify to the decline of the Celtic population in the Po valley expelled from the region or confined to some limited subalpine areas 58 Magna Graecia edit See also Sicilia Roman province nbsp Hannibal s allies in southern Italy c 213 BC blue Sicily was conquered by Rome during the First Punic War Only Syracuse remained independent until 212 because its king Hiero II was a devoted ally of the Romans His grandson Hieronymus however allied with Hannibal which prompted the Romans to besiege the city which fell in 212 BC It seems there was a lack of Roman interest in southern Italy itself before 218 that the Italiotes had little contact with Rome in this period and that apart from the Roman garrisons in many cities Roman control was limited 59 After the second Punic War Rome pursued an unprecedented program of reorganisation in southern Italy where many of the cities were annexed to the Roman Republic in 205 BC as a consequence of their defection to Hannibal 60 Roman colonies civium romanorum were the main element of the new territorial control plan starting from the lex Atinia of 197 BC In 194 BC garrisons of 300 Roman veterans were implanted in Volturnum Liternum Puteoli Salernum and Buxentum and to Sipontum on the Adriatic This model was replicated in the territory of the Brettii 194 BC saw the foundation of the Roman colonies of Kroton and Tempsa followed by the Latin colonies of Copia 193 BC and Valentia 192 BC 61 However Romanisation was not the same as political unification after the extension of citizenship during the Social Wars in 90 89 BC and considerable variations in cities remained afterwards as late as the Augustan period depending on their political and social organisation and distance from Rome Romanisation also depended on the major differences in Rome s treatment of cities from the early and complete assimilation of Cumae the only Greek city made a civitas sine suffragio in 338 BC and Paestum to the endurance of the Greek language and culture at Naples and Rhegium 62 Other regions edit Many tribal groups both in the north and in the south were forcibly uprooted from their native country and deported elsewhere 63 The Ligurian Apuans for example were deported en masse 47 000 people to Sannio and Campania The process of Romanisation and homogenisation of the peninsula began to bear fruit at this point In the south for example the Italian aristocrats began to organise mixed marriages with the Roman and Etruscan aristocracies in order to create conjugal relationships that led to blood ties throughout the peninsula This was so successful that starting from the 1st century BC numerous prominent political figures could count Etruscan Samnite and Umbrian families and so on among their ancestors 64 The socii rebel and ask for Roman citizenship 133 42 BC editMain articles Cimbrian War Social War 91 87 BC Sulla s civil war Caesar s civil war and Lex Roscia nbsp Depiction of the Gracchi brothers made during the 19th century by Eugene Guillaume today located at the Musee d Orsay in Paris The brothers lay their hands on a document titled property consistent with then current interpretations of their lives 65 The period from the Gracchan agitations 133 121 BC to the domination of Sulla 82 78 BC marked the beginning of the crisis which almost a century later ended the aristocratic republic Historian Ronald Syme has called the period of transition from the Republic to the Augustan principate the Roman Revolution 66 The Republic s rapid expansion in the Mediterranean basin led to huge problems as until then the Roman institutions had been designed to administer a small state but the state now stretched from Iberia to Africa Greece and Asia Minor In 133 BC the tribune of the plebs Tiberius Gracchus was concerned by the shortage of manpower in various parts of Italy and by the widespread poverty He was convinced that in these conditions it would have been impossible to maintain the social order which was the backbone of the army So he proposed to distribute excess land to less well off citizens giving new vigor to the class of small agricultural owners which was in serious difficulty due to the continuous wars He was opposed by large landowners who extended their domains through the eviction of debtor settlers or the purchase of their land 67 The constant wars at home and abroad forced the small landowners to abandon their farms for many years to serve in the legions but they supplied Rome by means of looting and conquests with an enormous quantity of cheap goods 68 and slaves who were usually employed in the farms of the wealthy with huge consequences for the Roman social fabric as small landed property could not compete with the slave estates with their low running costs All those families who due to debts had been forced to leave the countryside took refuge in Rome where they formed an urban underclass a mass of people who had no job no home and no food to eat with the inevitable and dangerous social tensions in the Italian world After these events Roman Italy was affected by the Cimbrian Wars 113 101 BC The Germanic tribes of the Cimbri and Teutons from Northern Europe migrated into Rome s northern territories 69 and came into conflict with Rome and its allies 70 This was alarming given the history of the invasion of the Gauls in 390 BC and the Hannibalic war so much so that Italy and Rome itself felt seriously threatened 70 In 105 BC the Romans suffered one of their worst defeats in the battle of Arausio near Orange in Transalpine Gaul it was a tremendous defeat almost equal to that of the battle of Cannae After the Cimbri granted a truce to the Romans to devote themselves to the plunder of Iberia Rome was able to carefully prepare for the final battle against these Germanic populations managing to exterminate them first in the battle of Aquae Sextiae Aix en Provence and then in the battle of Vercellae on Italian soil 69 The tribes were beaten and enslaved at least 140 000 captives and their threat removed 71 nbsp Map of the Roman confederacy in 100 BC at the advent of the Social War 91 88 BC Roman possessions Latin colonies Allies of Rome socii With the second half of the 2nd century BC the Italics without Roman citizenship socii began to ask for citizenship which they however obtained after a hard and bloody social war in 89 BC It was the last and fundamental step of the Italian integration into the Roman world and therefore of the consequent fusion of the various ethnic cultures into a single political and cultural identity The Italics without citizenship coalesced against Rome Velleius Paterculus even writes all of Italy rose up against Rome 72 and if on the one hand the Italian coalition lost the war it also obtained the longed for Roman citizenship 73 It was at the end of this great war as Diodorus Siculus 74 defined it that the differences between Italy and the provinces became more evident Simultaneously with all these events in the years between 135 and 71 BC there were servile uprisings in Sicily and then on Italian soil which opposed the slaves to the Roman state The third uprising was the most serious 75 Estimates of the number of rioters speak of the involvement of a number of 120 000 or 150 000 slaves 76 In this last revolt Spartacus leading the rebels had been trained as a gladiator In 73 BC together with some companions he rebelled against Capua and fled towards Vesuvius The number of rebels quickly grew to 70 000 composed mainly of Thracian Gaul and Germanic slaves Initially Spartacus and his second in command Crixus managed to defeat several legions sent against them Once a unified command was established under Marcus Licinius Crassus who had six legions the rebellion was crushed in 71 BC About 10 000 slaves fled the battlefield The fleeing slaves were intercepted by Pompey aided by the pirates who had initially promised to transport them to Sicily but then betrayed them presumably on the basis of an agreement with Rome which was returning from Spain and 6 000 were crucified along the Appian Way from Capua to Rome 77 Many historians agree that the Roman civil wars mostly fought on Italian soil were a logical consequence of a long process of decline of Rome s political institutions which began with the murders of the Gracchi in 133 and 121 BC 78 and continue with the reform of the legions of Gaius Marius who was the first to hold many extraordinary public positions inaugurating an example that would be followed by the future aspiring dictators of the decadent republic the social war the clash between Marians and Sullans which ended with the establishment of the dictatorship of Sulla known for the proscription lists issued in its course and finally in the First Triumvirate 79 These events shattered the foundations of the Republic nbsp The Tusculum portrait possibly the only surviving sculpture of Caesar made during his lifetime now housed at the Archaeological Museum in Turin ItalyAfter bitter disagreements with the senate Caesar crossed the Rubicon river in arms which marked the border between the province of Cisalpine Gaul and the territory of Italy 80 the senate on the other hand rallied around Pompey and in an attempt to defend the republican institutions decided to declare war on Caesar 49 BC That same year citizenship was also extended to the Cisalpine Gauls and the Veneti through the Lex Roscia crowning the long awaited social integration of the entire Italian peninsula effectively becoming all Italics Romans to all intents and purposes 81 Meanwhile after ups and downs Cesariani and Pompeiani faced each other in the battle of Pharsalus where Cesare irreparably defeated his rival Pompey then sought refuge in Egypt but was killed there 48 BC Caesar also went to Egypt and there he became involved in the dynastic dispute that broke out between Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy XIII Once the situation was resolved he resumed the war and defeated the king Pharnaces II of Pontus in the battle of Zela 47 BC He therefore left for Africa where the Pompeians had reorganized under the command of Cato and defeated them in the battle of Thapsus 46 BC The survivors found refuge in Spain where Caesar joined them and defeated them this time definitively in the battle of Munda 45 BC Caesar died following a conspiracy on the Ides of March 44 BC and his nephew Octavian became his main heir Informed of the killing of his great uncle he decided to return to Rome to claim his rights as an adopted son as well as that of boasting as the only adopted son the name of the deceased thus becoming Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian Caesar also left the inhabitants of Rome 300 sesterces each in addition to his gardens along the banks of the Tiber Horti Caesaris 82 Having landed in Brindisi 83 Octavian arrived in Rome on 21 May after the caesaricides had already left the city for more than a month The young man hastened to claim the adoptive name of Gaius Julius Caesar publicly declaring that he accepted his father s inheritance and therefore asking to take possession of the family assets The Senate and in particular Cicero who saw him at that moment as an inexperienced beginner given his young age 84 ready to be manipulated by the senatorial aristocracy and who appreciated the weakening of Antony s position approved the ratification of the will With Caesar s patrimony now at his disposal Octavian was able to recruit a private army of about 3 000 veterans while Mark Antony having obtained the assignment of Cisalpine Gaul already entrusted to the proprietor Decimus Brutus was preparing to wage war on the Caesaricides to regain favor of the Caesarian faction On this occasion Cicero wrote to Titus Pomponius Atticus demonstrating certainty about Octavian s fidelity to the republican cause certain of the possibility of exploiting the potential of that young scion to eliminate Antony 85 who emerged unscathed to the orator s grave displeasure from the Ides 86 And while a new civil war was underway two years after the death of Caesar 42 BC the new province of Cisalpine Gaul was abolished and Roman Italy came to incorporate all the territories south of the Alps and became fully part of Italy even if its cities had already obtained Roman citizenship from Caesar seven years earlier 81 From Philippi 42 BC to the Augustan reorganization 7 AD editMain articles War of Actium and Regions of Augustan Italy nbsp Statue of Augustus known as Augustus of Prima Porta or Augustus loricato kept in the Vatican Museums He created for the first time an administrative region called Italia with inhabitants called Italicus populus for this reason historians called him Father of Italians 87 After the victory of Octavian and Antony in the battle of Philippi 42 BC new contrasts arose between the two Lucius Antonius brother of Antony in 41 BC rebelled against Octavian because he demanded that even his brother s veterans were distributed lands in Italy in addition to Octavian s 170 000 veterans but he was defeated in Perugia in 40 BC Suetonius recounts that during the siege of Perugia while he was making a sacrifice not far from the city walls Octavian was nearly killed by a group of gladiators who had made a sortie from the city 88 After Lucius Antonius defeat 88 both Antonius and Octavian decided not to give too much weight to the incident 89 Eventually even the soldiers of both sides refused to fight and the triumvirs put their strife aside With the treaty of Brindisi September 40 BC there was a new division of the provinces as Antony was left with the Roman East from Scutari including Macedonia and Achaia to Octavian the West including Illyricum to Lepidus now out of the power games Africa and Numidia Sicilia was confirmed to Sextus Pompey to silence him so that he would not cause problems in the West 89 The pact was sanctioned with the marriage between Antony whose wife Fulva had recently died and Octavian s sister Octavia the Younger In 38 BC Octavian resolved to meet in Brindisi with Antony and Lepidus to renew the alliance pact for another five years In 36 BC however due to his friend and general Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa Octavian managed to put an end to the war with Sextus Pompey The latter due also to some reinforcements sent by Antonio was in fact definitively defeated in the battle of Naulochus 90 Sicily fell and Sextus Pompey fled to the East where he was shortly afterwards assassinated by Antonius assassins 89 At that point however Octavian had to face the ambitions of Lepidus who believed that Sicily should be his turn and breaking the alliance pact moved to take possession of it with 20 legions However quickly defeated after his soldiers abandoned him by going over to Octavian s side Lepidus was finally confined to the Circeo while retaining the public office of pontifex maximus 90 After the gradual elimination of all contenders over six years from Brutus and Cassius to Sextus Pompeius and Lepidus the situation remained in the sole hands of Octavian in the West and Antony in the East leading to an inevitable increase in contrasts between the two triumvirs Conflict was now inevitable Only the casus belli was missing which Octavian found in Antony s will in which his decision to leave the eastern territories of Rome to Cleopatra of Egypt and her children including Caesarion son of Caesar were recorded 91 Later when it had Antony declared a public enemy the Senate of Rome declared war on Cleopatra the last Ptolemaic queen of Egypt in late 32 BC Antony and Cleopatra were defeated at the battle of Actium on September 2 31 BC and both committed suicide the following year in Egypt 91 92 Octavian had become in fact the absolute master of the Roman state even if formally Rome was still a republic and Octavian himself had not yet been invested with any official power given that his potestas of triumvir had never been renewed in the Res Gestae Divi Augusti acknowledges having governed in recent years by virtue of the potitus rerum omnium per consensum universorum general consensus having for this reason received a sort of perpetual tribunicia potestas 93 certainly an extra constitutional fact 94 As long as this consensus continued to include the loyal support of armies Octavian could govern safely and his victory constituted in fact Italy s victory over the Near East the guarantee that the Roman Empire would never have been able to find its equilibrium and its center elsewhere than Rome nbsp The regions of Italy at the time of Augustus 7 AD With the end of the period of civil wars Octavian Augustus undertook the conquest of the Alpine valleys from the Aosta Valley to the river Arsia in Istria from 16 BC to 7 BC completing the conquest of the Italian geographical region Following the conquest of the entire Alpine arc and with it the entire Italian territory he divided Italy into 11 regions enriching it with new centers about 7 AD 95 The regions in question were as follows Regio I Latium et Campania Regio II Apulia et Calabria Regio III Lucania et Bruttium Regio IV Samnium Regio V Picenum Regio VI Umbria et Ager Gallicus Regio VII Etruria Regio VIII Aemilia Regio IX Liguria Regio X Venetia et Histria Regio XI TranspadanaSuetonius and the Res gestae divi Augusti speak of the foundation of as many as 28 colonies 96 It recognized in a certain way the importance of these colonies attributing rights equal to those of Rome allowing the decurions of the colonies to vote each in their own city for the election of the magistrates of Rome sending their vote in Rome on election day 96 Augustus strengthened the hegemonic position of the Italian peninsula and its Roman and Italic traditions Throughout the first century Italy enjoyed unequaled prestige strong economic and juridical privileges due to the Ius Italicum which distinguished Italian soil from the Solum provinciale and a hegemonic position at a military as well as an economic level within the Mediterranean Sea Among the privileges of Italy there was also the construction of a dense road network the embellishment of the cities by equipping them with numerous public structures forums temples amphitheaters theaters and baths 97 and tax collection offices 96 As Roman provinces were being established throughout the Mediterranean Italy maintained a special status which made it domina provinciarum ruler of the provinces 98 99 100 and especially in relation to the first centuries of imperial stability rectrix mundi governor of the world 101 102 and omnium terrarum parens parent of all lands 103 104 Such a status meant that within Italy in times of peace Roman magistrates also exercised the imperium domi police power as an alternative to the imperium militiae military power Italy s inhabitants had Latin Rights as well as religious and financial privileges References edit Sicilian Peoples The Carthaginians Retrieved 9 February 2022 Giacomo Devoto Gli antichi Italici Firenze Vallecchi 1931 Pennell 1890 chpt 3 par 8 Grant 1993 p 23 Pennell 1890 chpt 9 par 3 a b Pennell 1890 chpt 5 par 1 Grant 1993 p 21 Livy Ab urbe condita I 9 Livy Ab urbe condita I 42 Eutropius Breviarium ab Urbe condita I 7 Livy Ab urbe condita 1 19 Livy Ab urbe condita 1 37 Fasti Triumphales Strabo Geographica V 3 4 a b c Eutropius Breviarium ab Urbe condita I 8 Livy Ab urbe condita 1 25 and 1 44 Grant 1993 p 31 Pennell 1890 chpt 6 par 1 Grant 1993 p 38 Grant 1993 p 37 a b Matyszak 2004 p 13 Grant 1993 p 39 Livy Ab urbe condita II 26 Grant 1993 p 41 Grant 1993 p 42 Pennell 1890 chpt 2 a b c d e f Grant 1993 p 44 a b Pennell 1890 chpt 9 par 2 Livy Ab urbe condita V 48 Lane Fox 2005 p 283 Pennell 1890 chpt 9 par 4 Pennell 1890 chpt 9 par 23 Lane Fox 2005 p 282 Pennell 1890 chpt 9 par 8 Grant 1993 p 48 a b Pennell 1890 chpt 9 par 13 Grant 1993 p 49 Pennell 1890 chpt 9 par 14 a b c Grant 1993 p 52 a b Lane Fox 2005 p 290 Grant 1993 p 53 a b Musti 1990 p 533 Musti 1990 p 534 Grant 1993 p 77 Matyszak 2004 p 14 Musti 1990 p 535 Grant 1993 p 78 Cassius Dio Roman History I 7 3 DMITRIEV S 2017 The Status of 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Thesis L3473 Newcastle University 1989 http theses ncl ac uk jspui handle 10443 744 P 8 Robson 1934 pp 599 608 David 2002 p 43 Sturgis Russell 1904 The appreciation of sculpture a handbook New York Baker p 146 Ruffolo 2004 p 72 Ruffolo 2004 p 18 Ruffolo 2004 p 17 a b Matyszak 2004 p 75 a b Santosuosso 2001 p 6 Le Glay Voisin amp Le Bohec 2002 p 111 Velleius Paterculus Historiae Romanae ad M Vinicium consulem libri duo II 15 Strabo Geographica V 1 1 Diodorus Siculus Bibliotheca historica XXXVII 1 Matyszak 2004 p 77 Santosuosso 2001 p 43 Matyszak 2004 p 133 Sheppard amp Hook 2010 p 8 Sheppard amp Hook 2010 pp 9 10 Sheppard amp Hook 2010 p 16 a b Laffi 1992 pp 5 23 Plutarch Parallel Lives Caesar 68 Suetonius The Twelve Caesars Augustus 10 Cicero Philippicae XIII Cicero Epistulae ad Atticum XV 12 2 Canfora 2007 pp 72 73 LaGrandeBiblioteca com is available at DomainMarket com LaGrandeBiblioteca com is available at DomainMarket com Archived from the original on 2 February 2020 Retrieved 29 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15 October 2015 Italy the absolute center of the Republic and the Roman Empire ISBN 9780241003909 Retrieved 20 November 2021 Morcillo Martha Garcia 2010 The Roman Italy Rectrix Mundi and Omnium Terrarum Parens In A Fear P Liddel eds Historiae Mundi Studies in Universal History London Bloomsbury ISBN 9781472519801 Retrieved 20 November 2021 Altri nomi e appellativi relazionati allo status dell Italia in epoca romana in Italian Bloomsbury 20 November 2013 ISBN 9781472519801 Retrieved 20 November 2021 Antico appellativo dell Italia romana Italia Omnium Terrarum Parens in Italian Retrieved 20 November 2021 Bibliography editCanfora Luciano 2007 La prima marcia su Roma in Italian Laterza ISBN 978 88 420 8368 9 Cantor Norman Frank 2004 Antiquity Perennial Press ISBN 0 06 093098 5 Chamoux Francois 1988 Marco Antonio ultimo principe dell oriente greco in Italian Milan Rizzoli ISBN 88 18 18012 6 David Jean Michel 2002 La Romanizzazione dell Italia in Italian Laterza ISBN 978 8842064138 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420 2377 9 ISBN unspecified Robson D O 1934 The Samnites in the Po Valley The Classical Journal 29 8 Ruffolo Giorgio 2004 Quando l Italia era una superpotenza in Italian Turin Einaudi ISBN 978 88 06 17514 6 Santosuosso Antonio 2001 Storming the Heavens Soldiers Emperors and Civilians in the Roman Empire Westview Press ISBN 0 8133 3523 X Sheppard Si Hook Adam 2010 Farsalo Cesare contro Pompeo in Italian RBA Italia amp Osprey Publishing ISBN unspecified Wells Colin Michael 1995 L impero romano in Italian Bologna Il Mulino ISBN 88 15 04756 5 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Roman expansion in Italy amp oldid 1197530338, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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