
First Triumvirate

The First Triumvirate was an informal political alliance among three prominent politicians in the late Roman Republic: Gaius Julius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus and Marcus Licinius Crassus. The constitution of the Roman republic had many veto points. In order to bypass constitutional obstacles and force through the political goals of the three men, they forged in secret an alliance where they promised to use their respective influence to support each other. The "triumvirate" was not a formal magistracy, nor did it achieve a lasting domination over state affairs.

Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey, the members of the political alliance.

It was formed between the three men due to their mutual need to overcome opposition in the senate against their proposals in the previous years. Initially secret, it emerged publicly during Caesar's first consulship in 59 BC to push through legislation for the three allies. Caesar secured passage of an agrarian law which helped resettle Pompey's veterans, a law ratifying Pompey's settlements after the Third Mithridatic War, and legislation on provincial administration and tax collection. Caesar also was placed in a long-term governorship in Gaul. The early success of the alliance, however, triggered substantial political backlash. Political alliances at Rome reorganised to counterbalance the three men in the coming years.

By 55 BC, the alliance was fraying. The three men, however, came together in mutual interest to renew their pact. By force and with political disruption aided by their allies, they delayed consular elections into 55 BC and intimidated the comitia into electing Pompey and Crassus again as consuls. Caesar's command in Gaul was then renewed for another five years; plum provincial commands placed Pompey in Spain and Crassus in Syria. Amid even stronger backlash at Rome against the use of naked force and chaos to achieve political ends, Crassus was killed during his ill-fated invasion of Parthia in 53 BC.

Caesar and Pompey, the two remaining allies, maintained friendly relations for a few years. They remained allies even after Pompey's assumption of a sole consulship in 52 BC and the death of Julia (Caesar's daughter and Pompey's wife). Pompey, however, moved to form alliances to counterbalance Caesar's influence after Crassus' death. These drew him slowly into a policy of confrontation with Caesar. Deteriorating trust through 50 BC, along with the influence of Catonian anti-Caesarian hardliners on Pompey, eventually pushed Caesar into open rebellion in January 49 BC.


The term "First Triumvirate", while well-known, is a misleading one which is regularly avoided by modern scholars of the late republic. Boards of a certain number of men such as decemviri were a feature of Roman administration, but this alliance was not counted among them. The term appears nowhere in any ancient source, refers to no official position, and is "completely and obviously erroneous".[1] In the ancient world, the triple alliance was referred to with varying terms: Cicero, contemporaneously, wrote of "three men" (tris homines)[2] exercising a regnum; a satire by Marcus Terentius Varro called it a "three-headed monster"; later historians such as Suetonius and Livy referred to the three as a societas or conspiratio; the allies themselves "would presumably have referred to it simply as amicitia".[3]

The usage of the term "triumvirate" to describe this political alliance was unattested during the Renaissance. First attested in 1681,[4] the term emerged into widespread use only during the 18th century; for some time, knowledge that the term was a modern coinage was unknown, "revealed" only in 1807. By the 19th century, usage was somewhat regular – mostly in English and French sources, though not in German ones, – usually prefaced with clarifications that the term did not refer to any official position.[5]

More recently, scholars have started to avoid the term in publications altogether.[3] Harriet Flower in Roman Republics writes that "First Triumvirate" is "misleading in equating the position of the 50s with the official triumvirate of Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian",[6] preferring "alliance"[7] and "Big Three".[8] Recent books by Andrew Lintott and Richard Billows also have avoided invocation of "First Triumvirate".[3] Others add more reasons to avoid its use, for example, Robert Morstein-Marx in the recent book Julius Caesar and the Roman People, "it is almost impossible to use the phrase 'First Triumvirate' without adopting some version of the view that it was a kind of conspiracy against the republic... Nomenclature matters... I eschew the traditional 'First Triumvirate' altogether".[9] Classicists writing for more general audience also have shied away from use of the term "First Triumvirate". Mary Beard, for example, uses "Gang of Three" in her 2015 book SPQR.[10] Yet others, such as Adrian Goldsworthy, have not, staying with the traditional nomenclature while explaining that the term is inaccurate.[11]

The fourth edition of the Oxford Classical Dictionary, for example, similarly says "the coalition formed between Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus in 60 BCE was wholly unofficial and never described at the time as a triumvirate... 'First' and 'Second Triumvirate' are modern and misleading terms".[12]



The alliance between Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar emerged due to their failure to pass various core portions of their programmes in the gridlocked state of Roman politics in the years before 60 BC. All three had wanted something from the senate but were stymied.[3]


Pompey, having recently returned from the Third Mithridatic War wanted ratification of his settlements in Asia. He also sought lands for his veterans to retire on.[13] After Pompey's return from the Sertorian War from Hispania in 71 BC, he had been able secure a similar bill distributing land to his veterans; he also had sent subordinates back to Rome to stand for the tribunate in attempts to bring the relevant legislation forward (an attempt in 63 BC was opposed by then-consul Cicero in De lege agraria).[14] Further attempts in 62 BC had led to his allied tribune fleeing from the city. While he was successful in getting one of his men, Marcus Pupius Piso Frugi Calpurnianus, elected consul for 61 BC, an intervening religious scandal had made it impossible for him to push forward the appropriate land resettlement legislation.[15] Through massive bribes, Pompey also secured the election of more of his men to offices in 60 BC (Lucius Afranius as consul; Lucius Flavius as one of the plebeian tribunes), but they too were stymied.[16] Cato the Younger and Quintus Caecilius Metellus Celer, motivated in part by their dislike of Pompey's having previously and irregularly displaced their ally Lucullus from a previous command against Mithridates, Pompey's recent divorce of Celer's half-sister in a failed attempt to form a marriage alliance with Cato,[17] and also by their fear of Pompey's power, led an obstructive coalition.[18] Lucullus returned from his semi-retirement to demand an in-depth review of every aspect of Pompey's eastern arrangements; "this would take a tremendous amount of time and would prevent passage of the bill for the foreseeable future".[19] Without capable allies in the magistracies – both Piso and Afranius were ineffective – Pompey was forced to look elsewhere for allies.[20]


Crassus was one of the richest men in Rome, having made his fortune by profiting from the Sullan proscriptions.[21] He was a patron for Rome's equestrian businessmen. With Pompey, he had served as consul in 70 BC.[22] Those public contractors had massively over-bid on tax contracts for the province of Asia (parts of modern western Turkey) because they failed to account for the devastation of the Third Mithridatic War.[23] His clients demanded a reduction in the taxes they were contractually obliged to deliver to the treasury, a goal also stymied by Cato and Celer in December 61 BC.[24] While senators such as Cicero personally believed "it was ridiculous for [the tax farmers] to seek to have their contracts renegotiated or cancelled simply because they had overestimated their potential profits", the senate had been on the verge of approving the legislation before Celer's intervention.[25] Crassus, a personal enemy of Pompey, also opposed Pompey's settlements and land bills in 60 BC, successfully mobilising his support among the lower-ranked senators to defeat Pompey's proposals.[26] His opposition to Pompey may have been in attempt to win over the senators blocking his own goals, but this was evidently unsuccessful.[23] Passing renegotiation of these tax contracts was vital for Crassus: "his reputation and influence depended on his ability to act as a champion for the powerful equestrian order".[27]


Caesar in 60 BC was a recently returning governor of Spain.[28] At this point, he was the least powerful of the three,[3] although he had, in an upset, won election as pontifex maximus in 63 BC.[29] An energetic politician who had "espoused Pompeian causes for nearly a decade", he was also indebted to Crassus, who was a guarantor of Caesar's debts.[30] Upon his early return from Hispania Ulterior in June 60 BC,[31] he was forced to choose between entering the city to declare candidacy for the consulship, which would dissolve his military command and make him ineligible for a triumph, or staying outside of the city in an attempt to work a triumph from the senate.[32] While the senate had regularly given permission for candidacies in absentia, Cato filibustered Caesar's request; Caesar, shockingly, gave up his eligibility for Rome's highest military honour to declare his candidacy.[33] Caesar was the known favourite for the consulship; to hobble him, Cato and his allies took two actions. They sought to assign the then-yet-to-be-elected consuls of 59 BC to "the woodlands and paths of Italy" and sought the election of an uncooperative consular colleague.[34] In both respects, they were successful, the consuls of 59 would receive a command with no opportunities for glory or profit – incompatible with Caesar's need to repay his huge debts – and Cato secured election of his son-in-law and a personal enemy of Caesar's, Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus, as Caesar's co-consul.[34] Caesar won his election handily, but for him to turn it into anything useful for his career, he too would need allies.[35]


Scholars have debated the specific date at which the alliance was formed.[36] Plutarch, Livy, and Appian placed the formation of the alliance before Caesar's election; Vellius, Suetonius and Cassius Dio instead put its formation after his election.[37]

During the elections to the consulship, Caesar certainly received support from both Pompey and Crassus, though "each for his own reasons... Crassus cultivated promising adherents[;] Pompey needed a strong figure in the consulship".[36] Against the later literary sources, however, a contemporaneous letter to Cicero, where Caesar asked to form a political alliance, also implies Caesar had not yet reconciled Pompey and Crassus by December of 60, months after his election in the summer.[36] Erich Gruen, in Last Generation of the Roman Republic, believes this letter, combined with the fact that Pompey and Crassus would have alienated each-other with any overt support for Caesar's candidacy, places the alliance's formation decisively after Caesar's consular election.[38] Some historians believe Caesar, in his letter to Cicero, may have been coy ("it may also be that Caesar was not yet showing Cicero all of his cards"[39]) but it did show that Caesar "was not specifically looking at building a triumvirate, but rather was looking to build as strong a coalition as possible".[39] This evidence – especially disclosure that a pact was sought[40] – places the formation of the alliance some time between July 60 and January 59 BC.[41][42]

The purpose of the alliance was to secure something that none of the three men could secure alone. If Pompey and Caesar aligned alone, they would not likely be able to overcome opposition to Pompey's proposals in the senate. Pompey and Crassus were personal rivals who could only align through an intermediary. Caesar was that intermediary.[43] Crassus' motives are less clear. He must have wanted more than simply renegotiation of tax contracts. Crassus' additionally would be one of the administrators for the Pompeian land grants and, in doing so, "the preeminence which Crassus could not quite attain on his own [came] within his grasp".[44] Caesar needed the alliance as well: he would fully become his own man, "escap[ing] the subordinate stature of Pompey's other amici", defeat the political opposition, and win a profitable command.[45]

Caesar's consulship, 59 BC

Agrarian law

It was well known prior to Caesar's assumption of the consulship with the new year that he would propose a lex agraria.[46] With powerful and secret political allies, Caesar started his consulship of 59 BC relatively traditionally. After ordering that minutes of the senate's debates be published, he published a draft proposal for a lex Julia agraria and set it on the senate's agenda.[47] He took a conciliatory approach, respecting the normal order of the senate and also writing a bill that rectified all the criticisms to Rullus' land bill in 63 BC (Cicero opposed that bill in De lege agraria): Caesar would preserve public lands in Campania, repopulate desolate areas of Italy, move citizens from Rome onto the land (reducing the chance of riots), distribute credit for the bill among twenty commissioners (of which Caesar was not to be one), purchase property for redistribution only from willing sellers based on censorial assessments, pay for the entire project from monies won by Pompey, and extend the land grants to Pompey's veterans in return for their service.[48][49]

Caesar had the bill read out line-by-line and promised to make any changes needed to receive the assent of the senate.[50] Little reasoned opposition emerged. In general, that an agrarian bill was desirable and "well justified... could not reasonably be denied... many senators must have felt that it was not high time to make good on the promise made long ago to the long-suffering veterans".[51] Some ancient sources describe Caesar's conciliatory tone as a cynical plot to roll over the senators; Caesar's goal may have been to provide the senators an opportunity to "adopt symbolic leadership and demonstrate its solicitude for the interests... of the people... [giving] the body a chance to co-opt the cause of agrarian legislation in its own favour".[52]

Bust of Cato the Younger, one of the men who successfully stymied the plans of all of the three allies in the years before their alliance.

Whether a cynical ploy or not, the senate voiced little opposition until the speaking order eventually wound its way to Cato;[53] Cato immediately started a filibuster, arguing instead that the people would be too gracious to Caesar for bringing the bill and that the current situation was fine.[54][55] The extent to which Caesar's prestige during his first consulship was a topic of debate is unclear; the later sources may here be injecting their knowledge of Caesar's later victories into the narrative.[56] Caesar, seeking to break the filibuster, therefore threatened to have Cato sent to the carcer, Rome's small jail, which elicited mass indignation from the senators.[57][58] In doing so, Cato succeeded in provoking Caesar into giving credence to Cato's claims that Caesar was a would-be tyrant.[59] Recognising the mistake, Caesar quickly had Cato released.[60] After facing these hurdles in the senate, Caesar moved to bring the agrarian law before the people on his own authority, without senatorial consent.[61]

Moving to the forum, Caesar summoned a contio (a meeting wherein a magistrate would address the people) where he requested Bibulus explain his opposition. When Bibulus failed to articulate any meaningful objections, beyond that "he would not permit any innovation", Caesar pled with him before the people,[62] leading Bibulus to exclaim in frustration that "you will not have this law this year, not even should you all want it!",[63] a violation of the norm of popular sovereignty.[64] Seeking to avoid a tribunician veto, Caesar exposed his alliance, summoning Pompey and Crassus. Pompey, when asked what he would do if opponents should use violence to disrupt the bill's passage, said "he would provide a shield if anyone dared to raise a sword in opposition".[65] Bibulus responded by mobilising three tribunes[a] to veto the bill (alternatively, he may have wanted to declare bad omens to prevent voting, or both).[67] During the attempt, he was assaulted by a mob, which threw him from the rostra and broke his fasces, symbolically rejecting Bibulus' consular authority.[68] The law was then passed; the next day, Bibulus called a meeting of the senate seeking to annul the law on grounds that it was passed contrary to the auspices and with violence; annulment on such grounds was extremely rare and the senate, regardless, refused.[69][70] Caesar "provocatively demanded from the senate an oath of obedience to the law and got it" after some pushing and resistance from Cato and some of his allies.[71]

Laws for Pompey and Crassus

Some time after passage of the agrarian bill, Bibulus withdrew from public business to his home to declare unfavourable omens on all future voting days;[b] the specific time in the year he did so, however, is not known.[74] Caesar moved two further bills, first, for ratification of a one-third write-down of the tax bills owed by the publicani for Crassus, and second, for ratification of Pompey's eastern settlement. Both bills were passed with little or no debate in the senate.[75] Lucullus, attempting to oppose Pompey's eastern settlement, was "forced into public humiliation on his knees before Caesar" when the consul threatened prosecution.[76] When Cicero, defending his former co-consul Gaius Antonius Hybrida, made an off-hand remark complaining about the political situation, his "deadly enemy P. Clodius [had] his long-obstructed 'transition' to the plebs rushed through by Caesar... in good time to stand for the tribunate".[77][78]

Caesar then moved to lift the exemption of Campania from his agrarian bill some time in May; its passage may have proved the last straw for Bibulus, who then withdrew to his house.[79] Pompey, shortly thereafter, also wed Caesar's daughter Julia to seal their alliance.[80] An ally of Caesar's, Publius Vatinius (then-plebeian tribune), also secured the passage of a law granting to Caesar the provinces of Illyricum and Cisalpine Gaul for five years.[81] Doing so replaced Caesar's assigned province of the woods and paths of Italy with Gaul; this was in response to growing tensions between the republic and the recent victors of a power struggle in Gaul, which had destabilised the geopolitical situation in the region.[82] After the death of the governor of Transalpine Gaul – one of Cato's allies – the senate was persuaded also to assign to Caesar that province as well.[83][84] Both bills were met with little resistance, likely due to Cato and his allies' boycotting of public business.[81]

Popular opinion turns

By the summer, however, popular opinion had started to turn against Caesar's methods.[85] Pompey also was distancing himself from Caesar.[80] This was in part due to the success to Cato and Bibulus' campaign: Bibulus' choice to confine himself to his home "presented the image of the city dominated by one man's sole power, unchecked by a colleague".[86] Pompey and Caesar attempted public protests against Bibulus' edicts and seclusion, respectively, to little response from the people. By then, the popular fervour of the agrarian bills had died down and the public likely desired a return to normal politics.[87]

The ancient sources claimed that for most of the year, the senate was not called and that the people and senators were intimidated and cowed into passing whatever the three allies put before them.[88] These claims are incompatible with the attested events of that year.[89] For example, in that year, Caesar's ally Vatinius was defeated in an election to the augurate[90] and later elections for the magistracies returned Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus and Gaius Memmius, both opponents of Pompey and Caesar, as praetors.[91] He was also able to secure election of two allies – one was Caesar's soon-to-be father-in-law (Lucius Calpurnius Piso) and the other was Pompey's supporter Aulus Gabinius – to the consulship.[92] Also passed during Caesar's consulship was the lex Julia de repetundis, which was a wide-ranging reform on corruption in the provinces and before the republic's permanent courts.[93]

Fraying of the pact, 59–55 BC

During the Caesar's consulship, the success of Cato and Bibulus' tactics at discrediting Caesar and Pompey made the two greatly unpopular during and after the summer: "[Caesar and Pompey's] public appearances were received coldly or with open antagonism... Bibulus, far from being a pitiable figure, had never enjoyed such wide repute".[94] Cato and Bibulus, for their part, mobilised a large propaganda campaign seeking to brand Caesar a tyrant, with "dire warnings of the impending overthrow of the republican government" that discredited the alliance and forced senators to re-evaluate their tacit support.[95] Crassus revelled in Pompey's discomfitures before the people; this unpopularity frayed at the alliance between the three men, which was meant only to secure for them aims which they could not achieve by themselves.[96]

Upon the conclusion of Caesar's consulship, he left after a few months for his provincial assignment to Gaul. His legislative activity, however, came under immediate attack from Domitius and Memmius, who had been elected as praetors during Caesar's electoral comitia the last year, claiming that Caesar had passed the legislation against the auspices.[97] These efforts were utterly unsuccessful – the pro-triumviral consuls allowed debate on the topic for three days – and the senate rejected the claims.[98] In later years, Caesar's laws were accepted writ large (perhaps with the exception of Bibulus), disregarding any technical religious objections: "If Cicero and Cato both went along with the laws of Vatinius and Caesar, we can fairly assume the rest of the senators did so as well... For Bibulus, it was something of a personal campaign to seek to undermine... Caesar's legislation... but his protests in 59 and later hardly 'kept [it] technically invalid'".[99]

At Rome

Consular results from 59–55 BC[c]
Year Consul
Prior Posterior
59 BC C Julius Caesar
M Calpurnius Bibulus
58 BC L Calpurnius Piso
Caesarian (mild), anti-Pompeian[100]
A Gabinius
57 BC P Cornelius Lentulus Spinther
Pompeian (defected)[103]
Q Caecilius Metellus Nepos
56 BC Cn Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus
Anti-Caesarian, anti-Pompeian[105]
L Marcius Philippus
Anti-Caesarian, anti-Pompeian[106]
55 BC Cn Pompeius Magnus
M Licinius Crassus

Pompey had the most to lose. After alienating the Metelli by divorcing Mucia, Pompey's alliance with Caesar and Crassus alienated some former allies in the 60s as well, including the Cornelii Lentuli.[107] The triple alliance also led to other formerly rivalrous families mending their relationships. The Luculli and Servilii, who had been rivals for decades, "combined to withstand the triumvirs".[108] Similarly, the Scibonii Curiones, Cornelii Sullae, and Memmii switched from supporting Pompey into opposing him and Caesar.[108] In general, "there can be no coincidence in the fact that, in almost every case, former amici of Pompey are first seen to be ranged with the opposition in the year 59... by maintaining a consciously moral posture, driving the triumvirs to extreme measures, and parading their own martyrdom, Cato and his associates ruined triumviral credit among the people and assembled aristocratic collaboration in resistance".[109]

Early in 59 BC, Caesar and Pompey had ratified the adoption of Publius Clodius Pulcher into a plebeian clan.[110] Clodius was an independent agent who was adept at playing political enemies off of each other.[111] Soon after Clodius' adoption was ratified, he, against Caesar's wishes, successfully stood for a tribunate for 58 BC.[112] After some slights from Caesar and Pompey relating to assignment of a foreign mission, he broke with them.[113] At the start of his tribunate, Clodius pushed forward four popular bills to expand grain imports, provide free grain to Roman citizens in the city, restore the collegia (professional organisations), regulate the use of auspices as obstructive tactics, and regulate the power of the censors to remove senators.[114] He also moved agitating against Cicero's illegal execution of the Catilinarian conspirators during his consulship in 63 BC.[115] While Cicero had secured some promises of protection from Pompey, Crassus, Caesar, and the consuls for 58 BC, "the promised assistance... never materialised" because Clodius had quickly gained a powerful popular following which the fraying alliance was unwilling to oppose.[116] He also quickly won over the consuls of that year by promising them the plum provincial assignments they needed to avoid bankruptcy.[117]

Later in the year 58, Clodius started to openly criticise the triumvirs, especially Pompey, forcing him into self-seclusion in his home. He also attacked Caesar's legislation on religious grounds.[118] Pompey was somewhat successful in checking Clodius' influence when he formed a coalition to overturn Cicero's banishment, but Clodius' attacks continued, tacitly supported by Crassus and one Gaius Porcius Cato (a relative of Cato the Younger).[119] Pompey also responded by supporting Titus Annius Milo and Publius Sestius, who raised their own urban mobs to contest the streets from Clodius' mobs,[120][121] and, with the returned Cicero's support, was able to secure a prestigious command over Rome's grain supply in September 57 BC.[120][122]

However, Pompey's very success renewed the coalition against him: a coalition of the Claudii, including Clodius, the Lentuli, and the Catonians – with little meaningful opposition from Caesar and Crassus – were able to shut off any hope of Pompey being granted a new military command in Egypt to restore Ptolemy XII Auletes to the throne.[123] In a clash of mutually exclusive proposals raised by different factions in January 56 BC,[d] all proposals were unacceptable to at least one party, leading to nothing being done about Egypt.[124] At the same time, Pompey's grain command had not produced reduced prices, further reducing his popularity; under attack by Clodius, whom Pompey suspected Crassus was supporting, the conservatives around Bibulus and Curio watched.[125]

All the consuls of 57 and 56 BC were, if not opponents of, indifferent to both Caesar and Pompey; the failure to maintain their political influence put the alliance into a "shambles".[126] Cicero, describing Pompey's plight, mentions the contio-goers estranged, the nobility hostile, and the senate unfair.[127] Without the ability to make allies with the rest of the aristocracy, who had closed ranks against him, Pompey had to double down with his existing allies.[119]

In Gaul

Through this whole period, Caesar was fighting in the Gallic Wars. By early 56 BC, he had won enormous popularity both with the senate and the people: in 57, Caesar requested thanksgivings for his victory over the Belgae and, at a motion of Cicero, received fifteen days of supplicationes, a new record. In his narrative of his campaign, Commentarii de Bello Gallico, by 57, Caesar reported pacification of the whole region.[128] These military achievements had undercut any political will to undermine Caesar's acta from his first consulship, and during 56 itself, Caesar received a series of favourable senatorial decrees to provide more funds for his troops in Gaul – above Cicero's objections that Caesar could have paid for them out of his spoils – and granted his request to have ten legates (decem legati) sent to aid in administration and senatorial settlement of the region's affairs.[129]

Caesar's successes at this point had made him extremely popular among the people and in general across the political class; Cicero, who had been sullen during Caesar's consulship, sang his praises, saying "If perhaps Gaius Caesar was too contentious in any matter, if the greatness of the struggle, his zeal for glory, if his irrepressible spirit and high nobility drove him on [that] should be tolerated in the case of a man of his quality".[130] This popularity, however, did not translate into political victories for his political allies: none of the magistrates for 57 were friendly; in the elections of 57 (for magistrates in 56) his allies were repulsed from both the aedileship and the praetorship, while his political enemies won two praetorships.[131] Caesar's political support in Rome was largely dependent on Pompey and Crassus, rather than his own legates or allies.[132]

By 56 BC, Caesar's enemies were mobilising against him: a tribune attempted to recall him for trial – which was vetoed, as he Caesar was legitimately on government business, – while Domitius only "declared his intention to terminate Caesar's command as soon as possible".[120] Furthermore, Caesar's land bills were under attack by a tribune – perhaps under Pompey's influence – who wanted to deny Caesar's veterans from receiving land under his lex Julia agraria upon their retirement.[133] And in the summer, fighting started back up, with campaigns against a Veneti uprising in northwestern Gaul.[134] These campaigns led Caesar to seek a five-year extension of his command; to do this, he too would need the support of his allies once more.[135]


Location of modern-day Lucca (in Italian) on a map of modern Italy. In 56 BC, Luca was one of the southern-most cities of Caesar's province of Cisalpine Gaul.
Coordinates: 43°50′30″N 10°30′10″E / 43.84167°N 10.50278°E / 43.84167; 10.50278
ProvinceCisalpine Gaul
CountryRoman Republic

Luca Conference

Over the summer of 56 BC, Caesar met with the leaders of various factions across Cisalpine Gaul. He met with Crassus at Ravenna[120] and Pompey at the town of Luca, the southern-most city in Cisalpine Gaul.[136] The agreement emerged from three relatively compatible aims: Crassus and Pompey desired a joint consulship; they also wanted good provincial assignments. Caesar needed an extension in his command to prevent a possible usurpation by Ahenobarbus.[137]

Some two hundred senators, mostly of lower rank, attended upon the three men, seeking to ingratiate themselves.[138] The conference also forced a re-evaluation of alliances across the wider aristocracy: the Claudii – both Appius and Publius – and Gaius Cato switched sides back to the dynasts. Cicero, dependent on and indebted to Pompey for his return from exile, was also enlisted to lend rhetorical support.[137] The alliance was renewed and expanded to include the Claudii Pulchri, turning Clodius from an opponent to a supporter.[139] In return for their help, the allies would support Appius – whose chances of election to a consulship without their support was slim – in his goal of being elected consul for 54.[140] The remaining opposition was also further reinvigorated. Cato had returned from a provincial assignment in Cyprus in late 56 and supported Domitius' campaign for the consulship. After 55 BC, when Pompey and Crassus assumed a joint consulship by violence, the political fortunates of the triple alliance quickly soured.[137]

The development of the specific terms of their renewed agreement may have taken some time. Caesar responded to the threat of Domitius' consulship by asking Crassus to stand and veto any actions to take away his command.[141] Pompey chose to stand for the consulship as well, possibly unilaterally, met with the support (if not entirely willing), of his allies.[141] However, by the time this arrangement was decided, the current consul – Marcellinus – refused to accept their candidacy on grounds that they had passed the deadline. Faced with political disaster, they decided instead of "scuttle the whole election process" for 56 BC.[142]

Joint consulship, 55 BC

Election of Pompey and Crassus was by no means certain.[143] By the time of the conference, to produce the conditions needed for victory, the alliance stoked mob violence and interposed a permanent tribunician veto – courtesy of Clodius' ally, Gaius Cato, who was tribune that year – to block elections until the following year.[144] The terms of the consuls having expired, elections were conducted instead by temporary extraordinary magistrates, interreges, and with the arrival of Caesar's soldiers from Gaul on winter furlough, elections were held. Employing force to drive other candidates away and distributing bribes to ensure their victory, Pompey and Crassus were elected consuls.[144] They then used their control over the electoral comitia also to secure the election of their allies to the praetorship (both Milo and Vatinius were returned) while excluding opponents (Cato was not).[143]

These strong-arm tactics were exceptional and resulted from the alliance's realisation that failure to secure the consulship in this year would result in their political extinction.[145] While they certainly won a temporary victory, the longer-term fallout of intimidation tactics and the validation of Cato's warnings proved especially harmful "among the basically conservative Roman voters".[145]

Pompey and Crassus moved first to elect censors and pass new legislation regulating juries and punishing bribery. The main piece of legislation was brought by an allied tribune, Gaius Trebonius, to grant for five years Crassus and Pompey the provinces of Syria and Hispania (they would draw lots for the specific assignment). Crassus envisioned possible campaigns against Egypt[e] or the Parthians; Pompey envisioned similar campaigns against the Spanish hinterlands.[147] Fearing vetoes from two of his tribunician colleagues,[f] Trebonius had one of them locked in the senate house and prevented the other from entering the Forum with an obstructive mob. With the bill passed, they also made good on their promise to Caesar, putting forward legislation extending Caesar's term in Gaul for five more years.[149]

Assignment of Roman provinces to Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus.

Pompey threw lavish games in September as part of his dedication of the Theatre of Pompey. News also came of Caesar's expedition beyond the Rhine to Britain; for these, the senate voted him twenty days of thanksgiving. The opposing tribunes attempted to obstruct recruitment for Crassus and Pompey's armies, but were unsuccessful. When Crassus left the city in November, escorted by Pompey, they announced bad omens, attempted to arrest him, and cursed him at the city's gate.[150] Part of the justification against Crassus' campaign was in terms of immorality: "several in Cato's circle argued... the Parthians had given no justification for war".[151]

The elections for the year, however, went strongly against the allies. Unwilling to repeat their mob tactics due to their unpopularity, Pompey campaigned for one of his clients, Titus Ampius Balbus, but those efforts were in vain. The voters returned Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, denied victory by Pompey and Crassus' violence, and Appius Claudius Pulcher.[152] Also elected was Cato for a praetorship; the next year, he would chair the court on extortion.[153]


The new consul Appius Claudius Pulcher seemed an ally, but as the political winds blew against the alliance, he quickly defected. Early in the year, he cooperated with them in securing the appointment of a Pompeian ally as one of Caesar's tribunes and obstructed Gabinius' prosecution (for the bribes received to induce his invasion of Egypt), but seeing Pompey's support for one Marcus Aemilius Scaurus rather than his brother for the consulship of 53 BC, he broke with Pompey and launched a prosecution against Scaurus.[154]

The alliance's opponents, led by Cato's coterie, also launched a broadside against their supporters in the courts:

  • Gaius Porcius Cato, the tribune in 56 who had vetoed elections to delay them for Pompey and Crassus, was prosecuted but acquitted. He was then brought on new charges but again acquitted.[155]
  • Another tribune, Marcus Nonius Sufenas, who had helped Gaius Cato, was also tried. He was acquitted.[156]
  • Also prosecuted was a Pompeian tribune from 57 BC, who was also acquitted.[157]
  • In the case of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus, tried before Cato's extortion court for extorting the Sardinians during his propraetorship, six leading defence advocates (Cicero, Hortensius, and Clodius included) and nine former consuls – including Pompey and Metellus Nepos – were enlisted in his defence. He too was acquitted.[157]
  • Publius Vatinius was tried for giving bribes in his campaign for praetor. With Cicero's (begrudging) defence, he was acquitted.[158]
  • Aulus Gabinius, one of Pompey's allies and former legates, was tried after his return from Syria in September 54 BC for receiving bribes to attack Egypt. He was tried first for treason but acquitted after Pompey bribed the jurors. In a second trial for extortion, Pompey's blatant bribes "had likely led to a surge of resentment" and Gabinius was sent into exile, the only major conviction of the year.[159] By this time, consul Pulcher had switched sides, joining in the attack on Gabinius.[160]
  • When Gabinius was sent into exile, a prosecution was launched to recover portions of unpaid fines against one of Gabinius' financial agents who was an ally of Pompey and Caesar. With Cicero's help, he too was acquitted.[161]

At least three more supporters of the triumvirate were prosecuted; they too were all acquitted.[158] Cato and his coterie's judicial attacks were unsuccessful "in large part because the complex network of connections among senators meant that the litigants could not be reduced to stark choices between two political parties or ideologies".[158]

This year also saw the death of Caesar's daughter, and Pompey's wife, Julia, in childbirth. Caesar offered in marriage his grand-niece Octavia, but was rebuffed. Pompey's refusal, however, did not indicate a break between the two allies.[162] At the time, there was "no demonstrable rupture"; Pompey and Caesar continued to support each other politically for several years.[163]

The elections for 53 BC were hugely delayed due to political violence and bribery.[164] Domitius and Appius Claudius engaged in bribery pact with two consular candidates. Thus, an anti-triumviral consul, a wavering ally, a supporter of the triumvirate (Gaius Memmius), and an opponent (Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus) banded together.[165] The consuls, concerned that they would be precluded from holding military command due to the lack of a requisite lex curiata, promised to throw their support behind the two candidates in exchange for choice provinces and their securing false testimony from three augurs to swear that the requisite lex had been passed.[166]

When Memmius exposed the conspiracy, likely to implicate Domitius, all four were indicted for bribery.[167] The senate delayed elections to hold an inquiry, but the specific steps forward became quickly contested and various tribunes vetoed the elections. Coupled with raging street battles in the city between Milo and Clodius' armed gangs, elections were finally held after more than seven months without any magistrates, in July 53 BC.[168] Dio attributed these delays to tribunician vetoes against elections of interreges designed to incite appointment of Pompey as dictator. Pompey was not in the city; his return in the summer and his declining of a dictatorship, however, may have stabilised the city sufficiently – both by his presence and by his starting a rapprochement with Cato's conservative faction – to allow for elections.[169] By July, the alliance's support for Scaurus, along with Gaius Memmius, had gone nowhere. The comitia instead returned candidates supported by a coalition of triumviral enemies: Marcus Valerius Messalla Rufus and Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus.[170] As a whole, these various elections showed the weakness of the triumviral coalition: Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus were unable to produce consistently favourable results except when their aims were entirely united; the joint consulship in 55 BC was brought about by force and, "thereafter, their [the alliance's] stock with the voters rapidly depreciated".[171]

Pompey's sole consulship, 52 BC

In spring of 53 BC, while Rome dealt with its own political crisis, Crassus launched his invasion of Syria and Caesar was dealing with a military crisis as the Gauls rose up. From the perspective at Rome, news of ambushes against in Gaul arrived first: Caesar abandoned his civil functions in Cisalpine Gaul to rescue his legions wintering in the Eburones' territory (near modern Belgium).[172] A few months later, news of the disaster at the Battle of Carrhae arrived, reporting that Crassus and much of his army had been killed by the Parthians.[173]

Still at this point, Caesar and Pompey were on friendly terms. Caesar praised Pompey, for example, for lending one of Pompey's Spanish legions to help against the Gauls, a private military arrangement which Cato criticised in the senate for usurping senatorial prerogatives on legionary assignments.[174] The consuls immediately prepared to hold elections for 52 BC, which proved impossible when they were injured by stones thrown by the crowd.[175]

As the year 52 BC started, the consuls stepped down without replacement. For the first 18 days of the year, tribunes continually interposed their vetoes against election of an interrex. Standing for the consulship in this year were Milo (supported by Cato and others), Publius Plautius Hypsaeus (one of Pompey's former lieutenants), and Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio.[164] Clodius, still warring with Milo's street gangs, supported Milo's competitors.[176] Some ancient historians – including Plutarch, Livy, and Valerius Maximus – believed that this violence was all part of a plot to have Pompey appointed dictator.[177] That Pompey desired a dictatorship is unnecessary to explain his opposition to elections; Pompey may have opposed the elections merely because they would have been elections that Milo would have won.[178] On 18 January, at a chance counter between Clodius and Milo on a road near a suburb outside of Rome, Milo's henchmen killed Clodius after a short brawl between their two entourages.[179] The next day, his body was brought back to Rome, where a mob then stormed the senate house and burnt it down – along with the Basilica Porcia – as part of Clodius' funeral pyre.[179]

At the resulting senate meeting on the Palatine, the senate elected an interrex. This was in part because two of the men obstructing senatorial action – Pompey and one of the tribunes, Titus Munatius Plancus, – were not present.[180] Shortly thereafter, the senate passed a senatus consultum ultimum which called for the interrex and Pompey, as proconsul, to raise troops and take them into the city to restore order.[180] The following eleven interreges were unable to hold elections.[181] However, some fifty-eight days after Clodius' death, with a sufficient force in the city, the twelfth interrex was able to hold elections.[182] At the direction of the senate on motion of Bibulus and supported by Cato, only Pompey's candidacy was accepted, and upon his election, he became consul without colleague.[183] The purpose of the decree was possibly to forestall a Pompeian dictatorship or as part of a compromise to restore normal government while also precluding Milo's likely election (allowing Milo to be brought to trial for Clodius' murder).[184]

Also around this time, Pompey had married the daughter of Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio, who also was the widow of Crassus' son; this was part of an attempt to win over more allies.[185] Metellus Pius' family was not part of Cato's coterie (they were personal enemies and Cato's allies had attempted to prosecute him in 60 BC) and marrying Crassus' son's widow could win over some of the now-dead Crassus' supporters.[186]

Pompey began his consulship by marching soldiers into the city and imposing order by force.[187] After passing legislation, he immediately prosecuted Milo for public violence, a move which Cato and Cicero opposed (for this trial, Cicero wrote Pro Milone). Pompey, however, was able to secure a conviction and forced Milo into exile.[188] Pompey and Cato also bumped heads on the "Law of the Ten Tribunes" – a bill proposed by all ten of the plebeian tribunes in the aftermath of news of Caesar's victory at Alesia – which granted Caesar the right to stand for the consulship in absentia: Pompey supported it; Cato opposed.[189] Amid bribery scandals, Pompey also secured the passage of a law mooted the previous year, which required a delay of five years been magistracy and dispatch to a province. It was meant to break "the nexus of corruption between ambition for office and provincial extortion". Pompey, however, sought and secured exception from his own law, assuming a five year command in Spain immediately.[190]

Collapse, 52–49 BC

The death of Julia did not mark an immediate collapse in the alliance between Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar.[191] The view that her death made a confrontation inevitable is held by a number of ancient sources,[192] but is no longer uncritically accepted by modern scholars.[193] Nor did his election as sole consul in 52 BC mark an immediate collapse in their alliance.[187] During Pompey's sole consulship, he married Cornelia Metella, the daughter of Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio, but this too was not a break with Caesar (as implied by Velleius Paterclus).[194] The death of Crassus in early 53 BC, however, did mark the conversion of a balanced three-person alliance into what would turn into a dyadic rivalry. Pompey's marriage in 52 BC and his another law reaffirming the requirement to declare candidacy for office in person "did not actually harm Caesar directly" but indicated his willingness to build alliances with other, formerly closed off, political groupings.[195]

Cato stood for the consulship of 51 BC. But after running an honest campaign with little bribery and promises to recall Caesar from Gaul, his canvass was rejected by the people.[196] Elected instead were Marcus Claudius Marcellus and Servius Sulpicius Rufus. The former was an enemy of Caesar and raised in 51 BC the question of stripping Caesar of his command,[197] arguing that because of Caesar's victory at Alesia, his provincia (here meaning "task") in Gaul was completed.[198] His effort was vetoed; Pompey, too, objected, arguing that removing Caesar before the summer of 50 BC would not respect his dignity.[199]

At the elections for the magistrates of 50 BC, Caesar's ally Gaius Scribonius Curio was elected tribune; Gaius Claudius Marcellus and Lucius Aemilius Paullus were returned as consuls-designate.[197] While Paullus was induced by a massive bribe (Caesar funded his renovation of the basilica Aemilia),[200] Paullus remained only neutral.[201] By late 51 BC, the coming showdown became clearer: Caesar would induce tribunes to veto discussion of his replacement in Gaul – leaving him in command – while Cato and his conservatives sought to enlist Pompey to defend against any Caesarian threats and deny Caesar any honours.[202] However, Pompey did not immediately come around to breaking with Caesar: he needed Caesar's support to secure a possible command against the Parthians as concerns rose that year over a possible counter-invasion following Crassus' defeat.[203]

In the new year, in March 50 BC, one of the new consuls, Gaius Claudius Marcellus, raised the question of Caesar's command again. His efforts were vetoed by Curio, however, and the consuls responded by putting a hold on all provincial discussions, in an attempt to force Curio to lift it.[204] This veto, perhaps a mistake or possibly made with knowledge that Pompey was hostile to Caesar's standing for election in absentia with his army – which would have been seen as intimidating – started the crisis.[205] Caesar, knowing that Pompey was reconciling with Cato and Bibulus, was unable to trust him to stick to his word, especially if giving up his command would open him to possibly having his candidacy and triumph rejected by the unfriendly consuls.[206][g] Caesar rejected a senatorial compromise which would have had Caesar stand for the consulship in 50 without giving up his command or armies, likely because he did not trust Pompey and the consuls to uphold their end of the bargain.[201]

The proposal of Curio that both men lay down their commands also was rejected, this time by Pompey, who saw it as a personal affront. While the proposal was approved by the senate overwhelmingly, Pompey's refusal and Caesar's militating against his Spanish command sapped trust between the two men.[207] After Pompey's illness in early summer – which triggered spontaneous prayers for his health that he interpreted as support if he were to engage in civil conflict[208] – he proposed acceptance, but by this point, Caesar and his partisans were unable to trust Pompey also to hold his end of the bargain and give up his command if Caesar did so first.[209] When two legions were transferred from Caesar's Gallic armies to Italy, on the pretext of use against Parthia (a threat that did not materialise), Caesar's trust in Pompey was shaken again.[210] At the elections, Caesar supported Servius Sulpicius Galba and Lucius Cornelius Lentulus Crus: elected were Gaius Claudius Marcellus (homonymous cousin of the consul of 50 BC) and Crus, who quickly defected from Caesar's cause.[211]

As consul Gaius Claudius Marcellus started military preparations with the clear purpose of opposing Caesar's triumphal return[212] and with Caesar unable to trust Pompey or his loose Catonian allies to hold to his word and vice versa, neither side wanted to make concessions in fear that the other would not reciprocate.[213] Moreover, each side was confident that it held the superior position, expecting the other to give way.[208] By January 49 BC, this spiralled into a civil war that neither side, Cato's partisans excepted, seemed to have wanted.[214]


The alliance was clearly successful in winning short-term political advantage for its members in Caesar's consulship of 59 BC. However, over the following years, it broke down: "cooperation was shaky and the disenchantment of former supporters proved.. to be debilitating". Moreover, its very success triggered "the coalescence of aristocratic groups in opposition" with greatly lessened success in the later half of the 50s.[215] Overall, the alliance was "never entirely stable" and was marked by periods of renewal followed by a return to rivalries between the three members. The goals sought together were broadly opportunistic and self-interested.[3] The alliance, however, was part of the thinking that went into the creation of the Second Triumvirate a few decades later.[6]

The formation of the three-way alliance "has been seen as a momentous milestone in the crippling of republican institutions" since ancient times. The ancient historian Gaius Asinius Pollio chose to start his history of the civil wars with its formation; other historians, including Ronald Syme in Roman Revolution (1939), have taken a similar tact, viewing it as "the end of the free state".[216] For example, Jürgen von Ungern-Sternberg in the Cambridge Companion to the Roman Republic (2014), wrote:

Their friendship (amicitia) could have been a traditional alliance within the framework of what was usual in Roman political life. Yet their agreement that nothing should be done in Rome that was displeasing to any of the three... changed the rules of the game. There had never been a time when three men had conceived of the notion that their private arrangements should regulate what would happen in Rome. For there had never before been three men with the necessary resources and power to impose their vision on the state.[217]

Others disagree. Erich Gruen, for example, writes "the union of political cliques in 59 was an information amicitia... [it was] no novelty in Roman politics and simply underlined the mobility of grouping that had been characteristic of previous decades".[218] In this vein, the alliance can be seen as something similar also to "the kind of political deal the Saturninus and Glaucia were trying to organise in 100" BC.[6] Amy Russell, writing in the Encyclopedia of Ancient History, similarly focuses on how the alliance failed to dominate elections, viewing instead the accusations of regnum from Cicero and lamentations of tyranny as "deriv[ing] from their opponents' rhetoric... [who] at the same time... were working to divide them [the allies]".[3] Similarly, Mary Beard says the alliance "was not such a complete takeover as those comments [from Horace and Cicero] imply[;] there were all kinds of strains, disagreements, and rivalries between the three men ... the electoral process sometimes got the better of them and someone quite different, not at all to their liking, was voted in".[219]

The alliance's collapse after Crassus' death was because his death put the two remaining men in competition with one another. Coupled with Caesar's military success in Gaul, he was no longer a junior partner. Pompey's search for new allies to counter-balance Caesar led him into conflict.[3]


  1. ^ The three tribunes with Bibulus were Quintus Ancharius, Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus, and Gaius Fannius.[66]
  2. ^ The effect of declaring unfavourable omens in absentia was minimal: "It has long been recognised that, in order to be valid... the bad omen... must be announced in person".[72] "The embarassing effect for those who treat Bibulus' attempted servatio as if it ought to have been decisive... is that we have no well-attested instance ever of the successful use of the practice to prevent or to retroactive annul legislation".[73]
  3. ^ Name ordering as provided in Broughton 1952.
  4. ^ Wiseman 1992, p. 392, explaining the senate debate on 13 January 56 BC: Bibulus' proposal was defeated. Hortensius' proposal was vetoed. The decision was then delayed. One tribune proposed recalling Spinther (then governor in Cilicia); another tribune proposed sending Pompey; Clodius' supporters then proposed sending Crassus. One of the consuls put all tribunician proposals on hold by declaring holidays; one tribune responded by threatening to veto the elections. Eventually, Isauricus' proposal passed, but was itself vetoed.
  5. ^ This campaign was not to be. During Crassus' consulship in 55 BC, Gabinius – consul in 58 BC, then-Syrian governor, and in return for a massive bribe of 240 million sesterces – went on an unsanctioned expedition into Egypt and decisively defeated Berenice IV, restoring Ptolemy XII to the throne by April 55 BC.[146]
  6. ^ The two opposing tribunes were Publius Aquillius Gallus and Gaius Ateius Capito.[148]
  7. ^ Such was the fate of Caesar's ally in the elections in 50 BC: Caesar supported Servius Sulpicius Galba, who was defeated even though he had the most votes.[201]



  1. ^ Ridley 1999, p. 143.
  2. ^ Cic. Att. 2.9.2, cited by Russell 2015.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Russell 2015.
  4. ^ Ridley 1999, p. 135.
  5. ^ Ridley 1999, p. 139.
  6. ^ a b c Flower 2010, p. 148.
  7. ^ Flower 2010, p. 88.
  8. ^ Flower 2010, p. 149.
  9. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 119–20.
  10. ^ Beard 2015, p. 278.
  11. ^ See, eg, Goldsworthy 2006, pp. 164–65.
  12. ^ Cadoux & Lintott 2012.
  13. ^ Drogula 2019, pp. 109, 112; Russell 2015.
  14. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 109; Drogula 2019, p. 109 n. 26.
  15. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 109.
  16. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 111.
  17. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 107.
  18. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 111; Russell 2015.
  19. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 113.
  20. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 87.
  21. ^ Badian 2012a.
  22. ^ Broughton 1952, p. 126.
  23. ^ a b Drogula 2019, p. 114.
  24. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 115; Russell 2015.
  25. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 115.
  26. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 86–87.
  27. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 117.
  28. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 119.
  29. ^ Broughton 1952, p. 171.
  30. ^ Gruen 1995, pp. 87–88.
  31. ^ Millar 1998, p. 123.
  32. ^ Drogula 2019, pp. 119–20.
  33. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 120.
  34. ^ a b Drogula 2019, p. 121.
  35. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 89; Drogula 2019, p. 125.
  36. ^ a b c Gruen 1995, p. 88.
  37. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 125; Gruen 1995, p. 89.
  38. ^ Gruen 1995, pp. 88–89. "The conjoining of forces... postdates the inception of Caesar's consulship... only after [Caesar] was safely voted into the consulship would he move to effect reconciliation".
  39. ^ a b Drogula 2019, p. 126.
  40. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 126 n. 82.
  41. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 127.
  42. ^ Millar 1998, p. 124.
  43. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 89; Drogula 2019, p. 126.
  44. ^ Gruen 1995, pp. 89–90.
  45. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 89.
  46. ^ Millar 1998, p. 123–24.
  47. ^ Wiseman 1992, p. 368.
  48. ^ Wiseman 1992, pp. 368–69.
  49. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 122.
  50. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 124.
  51. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 121–22.
  52. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 126, 129.
  53. ^ Mouritsen 2017, pp. 149, 150.
  54. ^ Tatum 2006, p. 199.
  55. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 129.
  56. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 124-25.
  57. ^ Millar 1998, p. 126.
  58. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 130.
  59. ^ Drogula 2019, pp. 131 (provoking Caesar), 129 (Cato's claims).
  60. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 131.
  61. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 130.
  62. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 131.
  63. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 132, citing Dio 38.4.3.
  64. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 131–32, explaining, "consuls had no recognised right of veto over legislation... nor was the mere lack of prior formal approval by the senate valid grounds for a veto... occasionally[, magistrates] did have to be reminded that the people, not the senate, held the power of decision over key issues of legislation and election, but on known occasions where this occurred, they swiftly conceded" (commas introduced).
  65. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 134–35, also dismissing reports from Plutarch that Pompey "filled the city with soldiers and controlled everything by violence" (Plut. Pomp. 48.1).
  66. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 137 n. 74; Broughton 1952, p. 189.
  67. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 136–37.
  68. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 138.
  69. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 140, dismissing Dio's claim that the senators were "enslaved to the multitude" (Dio 38.6.4) as rather reflecting senatorial deference to the clear will of the people.
  70. ^ Wiseman 1992, p. 371.
  71. ^ Wiseman 1992, p. 371; Drogula 2019, pp. 135–36.
  72. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 144 n. 108.
  73. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 145 (emphasis in original).
  74. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 142 et seq.
  75. ^ Wiseman 1992, p. 372.
  76. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 137; Wiseman 1992, p. 372.
  77. ^ Wiseman 1992, p. 372; Gruen 1995, p. 98.
  78. ^ Gruen 1966, p. 122, pinpointing Caesar's reaction to Cicero's public lamentation of the "sad circumstances of contemporary public life" as the inciting incident in Caesar's ratification of Clodius' transitio ad plebem. This was early in the year; by April, Caesar was having second thoughts. Gruen 1966, p. 123.
  79. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 143 (Bibulus), 147 (dating to May).
  80. ^ a b Wiseman 1992, p. 374.
  81. ^ a b Drogula 2019, p. 137.
  82. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 172–75, 177–78, 180.
  83. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 176.
  84. ^ Drogula 2019, pp. 137–38.
  85. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 148.
  86. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 151.
  87. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 152.
  88. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 155.
  89. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 155–63, explaining:
    • While Cato may have boycotted, there was no indication that Cicero or other moderates did so. While Cicero wrote some letters from this country estates, those were over the normal April break.
    • Dio claims that Caesar and his allies could get anything they wanted before a cowed senate, but reports of full and rowdy meetings in which senators were willing to insult Caesar to his face trend against those claims.
    • The Vettius affair – where an informer accused various conservatives of plotting to murder Pompey – that summer took place before a full senate that was not wholly under Caesar's control; no trials against those named occurred.
    • There are no indications in Cicero's later letters implying that Caesar or Pompey used force to intimidate political opponents in 59.
  90. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 160.
  91. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 165–66.
  92. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 165.
  93. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 166–67.
  94. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 92.
  95. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 143.
  96. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 93.
  97. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 182.
  98. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 183.
  99. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 186.
  100. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 145. "Piso had the support of Caesar... more important, he was a man of substance in the oligarchy, regarded not a Caesarian, but as a leader of the boni... [Piso] encouraged Clodius' attacks and relished Pompey's difficulties".
  101. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 144, noting Gabinius defended Pompey from Clodius.
  102. ^ Mouritsen 2017, p. 157, describing Gabinius as "Pompey's man".
  103. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 144–45. "Spinther seemed safe and reliable... [however] the hitherto pliable Lentulus Spinther proved to have ambitions of his own... he and others had managed the thwart the aims of Pompey".
  104. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 145, opposing Pompey due to divorce of Mucia.
  105. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 146, specifying opposition to Caesar and Pompey "with unrestrained vehemence".
  106. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 146. "[Marcellinus'] colleague, Philippus, was more subdued and less conspicuous. He preferred to follow the lead of Marcellinus".
  107. ^ Gruen 1995, pp. 93–94.
  108. ^ a b Gruen 1995, p. 94.
  109. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 95.
  110. ^ Gruen 1966, pp. 122–23.
  111. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 98. "It should no longer be necessary to refute the older notion that Clodius acted as agent or tool of the triumvirate".
  112. ^ Gruen 1966, p. 124.
  113. ^ Wiseman 1992, p. 373.
  114. ^ Wiseman 1992, pp. 377–78.
  115. ^ Gruen 1966, p. 125.
  116. ^ Gruen 1966, p. 125–27.
  117. ^ Gruen 1966, p. 127; Wiseman 1992, p. 380.
  118. ^ Gruen 1966, p. 128.
  119. ^ a b Gruen 1995, p. 100.
  120. ^ a b c d Tatum 2006, p. 202.
  121. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 145.
  122. ^ Gruen 1969, p. 79.
  123. ^ Tatum 2006, p. 202; Gruen 1995, p. 100; Wiseman 1992, p. 391.
  124. ^ Wiseman 1992, p. 392.
  125. ^ Wiseman 1992, p. 393.
  126. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 146.
  127. ^ Mouritsen 2017, p. 77, citing, Cic. QFr. 2.3.4.
  128. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 219–20, 221 (pacification).
  129. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 220–21.
  130. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 225.
  131. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 228.
  132. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 229.
  133. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 175.
  134. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 222.
  135. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 176.
  136. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 209.
  137. ^ a b c Gruen 1995, p. 101.
  138. ^ Badian 2012b.
  139. ^ Tatum 2006, pp. 202–33.
  140. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 177.
  141. ^ a b Drogula 2019, p. 181.
  142. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 182 ("scuttle..."); Gruen 1995, p. 147 ("The triumviral combine was faced with political extinction.").
  143. ^ a b Tatum 2006, p. 203.
  144. ^ a b Drogula 2019, p. 182.
  145. ^ a b Gruen 1995, p. 147.
  146. ^ Wiseman 1992, p. 399.
  147. ^ Wiseman 1992, pp. 398, 399 (drawing of lots).
  148. ^ Wiseman 1992, p. 398.
  149. ^ Wiseman 1992, pp. 398–99.
  150. ^ Wiseman 1992, p. 400.
  151. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 188, adding that the tribune who cursed Crassus was later blamed for the disaster at Carrhae.
  152. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 148.
  153. ^ Drogula 2019, pp. 187–88, 190.
  154. ^ Gruen 1969, p. 102.
  155. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 190.
  156. ^ Drogula 2019, pp. 190–91.
  157. ^ a b Drogula 2019, p. 191.
  158. ^ a b c Drogula 2019, p. 192.
  159. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 195.
  160. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 193.
  161. ^ Drogula 2019, pp. 195–96.
  162. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 200.
  163. ^ Drogula 2019, pp. 200–01.
  164. ^ a b Ramsey 2016, p. 299.
  165. ^ Drogula 2019, pp. 203–04. Note that Drogula references a "C. Domitius Calvinus", which is a typographical error; on the next page he mentions that the Calvinus implicated was the consul for 53 BC, who was Gnaeus Domitius.
  166. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 203, adding, "the fluid nature of political alliance enabled this surprising [grouping] of optimates and supporters of the triumvirate, all – including Cato's brother in law – acting solely for their own interests and not for any political platform".
  167. ^ Drogula 2019, pp. 203–04.
  168. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 207; Wiseman 1992, p. 405.
  169. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 208; Wiseman 1992, p. 405.
  170. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 149; see also n. 119, dismissing the notion that Calvinus was supported by Caesar.
  171. ^ Gruen 1995, pp. 149–50.
  172. ^ Wiseman 1992, pp. 404–05.
  173. ^ Wiseman 1992, p. 404.
  174. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 209; Wiseman 1992, p. 407.
  175. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 152; Drogula 2019, p. 210.
  176. ^ Ramsey 2016, p. 300; Drogula 2019, p. 211.
  177. ^ Ramsey 2016, p. 304.
  178. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 213.
  179. ^ a b Ramsey 2016, p. 300.
  180. ^ a b Ramsey 2016, p. 301.
  181. ^ Ramsey 2016, pp. 303–04.
  182. ^ Ramsey 2016, p. 303.
  183. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 214.
  184. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 215; Ramsey 2016, p. 313.
  185. ^ Drogula 2019, pp. 211–12.
  186. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 212; Gruen 1995, pp. 152, 154.
  187. ^ a b Drogula 2019, p. 218.
  188. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 154; Drogula 2019, pp. 218–19.
  189. ^ Drogula 2019, pp. 219–20; Wiseman 1992, p. 412.
  190. ^ Wiseman 1992, p. 413.
  191. ^ Drogula 2019, pp. 200–01; Gruen 1995, p. 450.
  192. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 450 n. 4, citing Vell. Pat. 2.47.2; Val. Max. 4.6.4; Lucan 1.98–120; Florus 2.13.13; Plut. Pomp. 53.4–7; Plut. Caes. 28.1; Dio 40.44.2–3.
  193. ^ Eg Gruen 1995, p. 450; Drogula 2019, p. 200; Russell 2015.
  194. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 218; Gruen 1995, p. 154.
  195. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 223.
  196. ^ Tatum 2006, p. 206.
  197. ^ a b Wiseman 1992, p. 415.
  198. ^ Drogula 2019, p. 233; Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 270.
  199. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 270.
  200. ^ Wiseman 1992, pp. 415–16.
  201. ^ a b c Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 278.
  202. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 272–73.
  203. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 273–74.
  204. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 274–75.
  205. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 276–77.
  206. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 277.
  207. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 281.
  208. ^ a b Tatum 2006, p. 207.
  209. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 283.
  210. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 284–85.
  211. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, p. 287.
  212. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 292, 297, 299.
  213. ^ Rawson 1992, p. 428, asking rhetorically, even if Caesar received all his desired concessions as promises, "was this a promise they [Cato's factio] could be trusted to keep?"
  214. ^ Morstein-Marx 2021, pp. 258–59, 259 ("the same cannot be said [not wanting civil war] of Caesar's bitterest enemies clustered around Cato").
  215. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 91.
  216. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 90, quoting Syme, Ronald (1939). Roman Revolution. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 35–36.
  217. ^ von Ungern-Sternberg 2014, p. 91.
  218. ^ Gruen 1995, p. 90.
  219. ^ Beard 2015, p. 279.


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  • Flower, Harriet (2010). Roman republics. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-14043-8. LCCN 2009004551.
  • Flower, Harriet, ed. (2014). The Cambridge companion to the Roman republic (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-03224-8. OCLC 866253238.
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  • Goldsworthy, Adrian (2006). Caesar: Life of a Colossus. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-13919-8.
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first, triumvirate, this, article, about, ancient, roman, political, alliance, between, caesar, pompey, crassus, 19th, century, argentine, alliance, argentina, informal, political, alliance, among, three, prominent, politicians, late, roman, republic, gaius, j. This article is about the ancient Roman political alliance between Caesar Pompey and Crassus For the 19th century AD Argentine alliance see First Triumvirate Argentina The First Triumvirate was an informal political alliance among three prominent politicians in the late Roman Republic Gaius Julius Caesar Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus and Marcus Licinius Crassus The constitution of the Roman republic had many veto points In order to bypass constitutional obstacles and force through the political goals of the three men they forged in secret an alliance where they promised to use their respective influence to support each other The triumvirate was not a formal magistracy nor did it achieve a lasting domination over state affairs Caesar Crassus and Pompey the members of the political alliance It was formed between the three men due to their mutual need to overcome opposition in the senate against their proposals in the previous years Initially secret it emerged publicly during Caesar s first consulship in 59 BC to push through legislation for the three allies Caesar secured passage of an agrarian law which helped resettle Pompey s veterans a law ratifying Pompey s settlements after the Third Mithridatic War and legislation on provincial administration and tax collection Caesar also was placed in a long term governorship in Gaul The early success of the alliance however triggered substantial political backlash Political alliances at Rome reorganised to counterbalance the three men in the coming years By 55 BC the alliance was fraying The three men however came together in mutual interest to renew their pact By force and with political disruption aided by their allies they delayed consular elections into 55 BC and intimidated the comitia into electing Pompey and Crassus again as consuls Caesar s command in Gaul was then renewed for another five years plum provincial commands placed Pompey in Spain and Crassus in Syria Amid even stronger backlash at Rome against the use of naked force and chaos to achieve political ends Crassus was killed during his ill fated invasion of Parthia in 53 BC Caesar and Pompey the two remaining allies maintained friendly relations for a few years They remained allies even after Pompey s assumption of a sole consulship in 52 BC and the death of Julia Caesar s daughter and Pompey s wife Pompey however moved to form alliances to counterbalance Caesar s influence after Crassus death These drew him slowly into a policy of confrontation with Caesar Deteriorating trust through 50 BC along with the influence of Catonian anti Caesarian hardliners on Pompey eventually pushed Caesar into open rebellion in January 49 BC Contents 1 Naming 2 History 2 1 Formation 2 1 1 Pompey 2 1 2 Crassus 2 1 3 Caesar 2 1 4 Timing 2 2 Caesar s consulship 59 BC 2 2 1 Agrarian law 2 2 2 Laws for Pompey and Crassus 2 2 3 Popular opinion turns 2 3 Fraying of the pact 59 55 BC 2 3 1 At Rome 2 3 2 In Gaul 2 4 Renewal 2 4 1 Luca Conference 2 4 2 Joint consulship 55 BC 2 5 Backlash 2 6 Pompey s sole consulship 52 BC 2 7 Collapse 52 49 BC 3 Evaluation 4 Notes 5 References 5 1 Citations 5 2 SourcesNaming EditThe term First Triumvirate while well known is a misleading one which is regularly avoided by modern scholars of the late republic Boards of a certain number of men such as decemviri were a feature of Roman administration but this alliance was not counted among them The term appears nowhere in any ancient source refers to no official position and is completely and obviously erroneous 1 In the ancient world the triple alliance was referred to with varying terms Cicero contemporaneously wrote of three men tris homines 2 exercising a regnum a satire by Marcus Terentius Varro called it a three headed monster later historians such as Suetonius and Livy referred to the three as a societas or conspiratio the allies themselves would presumably have referred to it simply as amicitia 3 The usage of the term triumvirate to describe this political alliance was unattested during the Renaissance First attested in 1681 4 the term emerged into widespread use only during the 18th century for some time knowledge that the term was a modern coinage was unknown revealed only in 1807 By the 19th century usage was somewhat regular mostly in English and French sources though not in German ones usually prefaced with clarifications that the term did not refer to any official position 5 More recently scholars have started to avoid the term in publications altogether 3 Harriet Flower in Roman Republics writes that First Triumvirate is misleading in equating the position of the 50s with the official triumvirate of Antony Lepidus and Octavian 6 preferring alliance 7 and Big Three 8 Recent books by Andrew Lintott and Richard Billows also have avoided invocation of First Triumvirate 3 Others add more reasons to avoid its use for example Robert Morstein Marx in the recent book Julius Caesar and the Roman People it is almost impossible to use the phrase First Triumvirate without adopting some version of the view that it was a kind of conspiracy against the republic Nomenclature matters I eschew the traditional First Triumvirate altogether 9 Classicists writing for more general audience also have shied away from use of the term First Triumvirate Mary Beard for example uses Gang of Three in her 2015 book SPQR 10 Yet others such as Adrian Goldsworthy have not staying with the traditional nomenclature while explaining that the term is inaccurate 11 The fourth edition of the Oxford Classical Dictionary for example similarly says the coalition formed between Caesar Pompey and Crassus in 60 BCE was wholly unofficial and never described at the time as a triumvirate First and Second Triumvirate are modern and misleading terms 12 History EditFormation Edit The alliance between Pompey Crassus and Caesar emerged due to their failure to pass various core portions of their programmes in the gridlocked state of Roman politics in the years before 60 BC All three had wanted something from the senate but were stymied 3 Pompey Edit Pompey having recently returned from the Third Mithridatic War wanted ratification of his settlements in Asia He also sought lands for his veterans to retire on 13 After Pompey s return from the Sertorian War from Hispania in 71 BC he had been able secure a similar bill distributing land to his veterans he also had sent subordinates back to Rome to stand for the tribunate in attempts to bring the relevant legislation forward an attempt in 63 BC was opposed by then consul Cicero in De lege agraria 14 Further attempts in 62 BC had led to his allied tribune fleeing from the city While he was successful in getting one of his men Marcus Pupius Piso Frugi Calpurnianus elected consul for 61 BC an intervening religious scandal had made it impossible for him to push forward the appropriate land resettlement legislation 15 Through massive bribes Pompey also secured the election of more of his men to offices in 60 BC Lucius Afranius as consul Lucius Flavius as one of the plebeian tribunes but they too were stymied 16 Cato the Younger and Quintus Caecilius Metellus Celer motivated in part by their dislike of Pompey s having previously and irregularly displaced their ally Lucullus from a previous command against Mithridates Pompey s recent divorce of Celer s half sister in a failed attempt to form a marriage alliance with Cato 17 and also by their fear of Pompey s power led an obstructive coalition 18 Lucullus returned from his semi retirement to demand an in depth review of every aspect of Pompey s eastern arrangements this would take a tremendous amount of time and would prevent passage of the bill for the foreseeable future 19 Without capable allies in the magistracies both Piso and Afranius were ineffective Pompey was forced to look elsewhere for allies 20 Crassus Edit Crassus was one of the richest men in Rome having made his fortune by profiting from the Sullan proscriptions 21 He was a patron for Rome s equestrian businessmen With Pompey he had served as consul in 70 BC 22 Those public contractors had massively over bid on tax contracts for the province of Asia parts of modern western Turkey because they failed to account for the devastation of the Third Mithridatic War 23 His clients demanded a reduction in the taxes they were contractually obliged to deliver to the treasury a goal also stymied by Cato and Celer in December 61 BC 24 While senators such as Cicero personally believed it was ridiculous for the tax farmers to seek to have their contracts renegotiated or cancelled simply because they had overestimated their potential profits the senate had been on the verge of approving the legislation before Celer s intervention 25 Crassus a personal enemy of Pompey also opposed Pompey s settlements and land bills in 60 BC successfully mobilising his support among the lower ranked senators to defeat Pompey s proposals 26 His opposition to Pompey may have been in attempt to win over the senators blocking his own goals but this was evidently unsuccessful 23 Passing renegotiation of these tax contracts was vital for Crassus his reputation and influence depended on his ability to act as a champion for the powerful equestrian order 27 Caesar Edit Caesar in 60 BC was a recently returning governor of Spain 28 At this point he was the least powerful of the three 3 although he had in an upset won election as pontifex maximus in 63 BC 29 An energetic politician who had espoused Pompeian causes for nearly a decade he was also indebted to Crassus who was a guarantor of Caesar s debts 30 Upon his early return from Hispania Ulterior in June 60 BC 31 he was forced to choose between entering the city to declare candidacy for the consulship which would dissolve his military command and make him ineligible for a triumph or staying outside of the city in an attempt to work a triumph from the senate 32 While the senate had regularly given permission for candidacies in absentia Cato filibustered Caesar s request Caesar shockingly gave up his eligibility for Rome s highest military honour to declare his candidacy 33 Caesar was the known favourite for the consulship to hobble him Cato and his allies took two actions They sought to assign the then yet to be elected consuls of 59 BC to the woodlands and paths of Italy and sought the election of an uncooperative consular colleague 34 In both respects they were successful the consuls of 59 would receive a command with no opportunities for glory or profit incompatible with Caesar s need to repay his huge debts and Cato secured election of his son in law and a personal enemy of Caesar s Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus as Caesar s co consul 34 Caesar won his election handily but for him to turn it into anything useful for his career he too would need allies 35 Timing Edit Scholars have debated the specific date at which the alliance was formed 36 Plutarch Livy and Appian placed the formation of the alliance before Caesar s election Vellius Suetonius and Cassius Dio instead put its formation after his election 37 During the elections to the consulship Caesar certainly received support from both Pompey and Crassus though each for his own reasons Crassus cultivated promising adherents Pompey needed a strong figure in the consulship 36 Against the later literary sources however a contemporaneous letter to Cicero where Caesar asked to form a political alliance also implies Caesar had not yet reconciled Pompey and Crassus by December of 60 months after his election in the summer 36 Erich Gruen in Last Generation of the Roman Republic believes this letter combined with the fact that Pompey and Crassus would have alienated each other with any overt support for Caesar s candidacy places the alliance s formation decisively after Caesar s consular election 38 Some historians believe Caesar in his letter to Cicero may have been coy it may also be that Caesar was not yet showing Cicero all of his cards 39 but it did show that Caesar was not specifically looking at building a triumvirate but rather was looking to build as strong a coalition as possible 39 This evidence especially disclosure that a pact was sought 40 places the formation of the alliance some time between July 60 and January 59 BC 41 42 The purpose of the alliance was to secure something that none of the three men could secure alone If Pompey and Caesar aligned alone they would not likely be able to overcome opposition to Pompey s proposals in the senate Pompey and Crassus were personal rivals who could only align through an intermediary Caesar was that intermediary 43 Crassus motives are less clear He must have wanted more than simply renegotiation of tax contracts Crassus additionally would be one of the administrators for the Pompeian land grants and in doing so the preeminence which Crassus could not quite attain on his own came within his grasp 44 Caesar needed the alliance as well he would fully become his own man escap ing the subordinate stature of Pompey s other amici defeat the political opposition and win a profitable command 45 Caesar s consulship 59 BC Edit Agrarian law Edit It was well known prior to Caesar s assumption of the consulship with the new year that he would propose a lex agraria 46 With powerful and secret political allies Caesar started his consulship of 59 BC relatively traditionally After ordering that minutes of the senate s debates be published he published a draft proposal for a lex Julia agraria and set it on the senate s agenda 47 He took a conciliatory approach respecting the normal order of the senate and also writing a bill that rectified all the criticisms to Rullus land bill in 63 BC Cicero opposed that bill in De lege agraria Caesar would preserve public lands in Campania repopulate desolate areas of Italy move citizens from Rome onto the land reducing the chance of riots distribute credit for the bill among twenty commissioners of which Caesar was not to be one purchase property for redistribution only from willing sellers based on censorial assessments pay for the entire project from monies won by Pompey and extend the land grants to Pompey s veterans in return for their service 48 49 Caesar had the bill read out line by line and promised to make any changes needed to receive the assent of the senate 50 Little reasoned opposition emerged In general that an agrarian bill was desirable and well justified could not reasonably be denied many senators must have felt that it was not high time to make good on the promise made long ago to the long suffering veterans 51 Some ancient sources describe Caesar s conciliatory tone as a cynical plot to roll over the senators Caesar s goal may have been to provide the senators an opportunity to adopt symbolic leadership and demonstrate its solicitude for the interests of the people giving the body a chance to co opt the cause of agrarian legislation in its own favour 52 Bust of Cato the Younger one of the men who successfully stymied the plans of all of the three allies in the years before their alliance Whether a cynical ploy or not the senate voiced little opposition until the speaking order eventually wound its way to Cato 53 Cato immediately started a filibuster arguing instead that the people would be too gracious to Caesar for bringing the bill and that the current situation was fine 54 55 The extent to which Caesar s prestige during his first consulship was a topic of debate is unclear the later sources may here be injecting their knowledge of Caesar s later victories into the narrative 56 Caesar seeking to break the filibuster therefore threatened to have Cato sent to the carcer Rome s small jail which elicited mass indignation from the senators 57 58 In doing so Cato succeeded in provoking Caesar into giving credence to Cato s claims that Caesar was a would be tyrant 59 Recognising the mistake Caesar quickly had Cato released 60 After facing these hurdles in the senate Caesar moved to bring the agrarian law before the people on his own authority without senatorial consent 61 Moving to the forum Caesar summoned a contio a meeting wherein a magistrate would address the people where he requested Bibulus explain his opposition When Bibulus failed to articulate any meaningful objections beyond that he would not permit any innovation Caesar pled with him before the people 62 leading Bibulus to exclaim in frustration that you will not have this law this year not even should you all want it 63 a violation of the norm of popular sovereignty 64 Seeking to avoid a tribunician veto Caesar exposed his alliance summoning Pompey and Crassus Pompey when asked what he would do if opponents should use violence to disrupt the bill s passage said he would provide a shield if anyone dared to raise a sword in opposition 65 Bibulus responded by mobilising three tribunes a to veto the bill alternatively he may have wanted to declare bad omens to prevent voting or both 67 During the attempt he was assaulted by a mob which threw him from the rostra and broke his fasces symbolically rejecting Bibulus consular authority 68 The law was then passed the next day Bibulus called a meeting of the senate seeking to annul the law on grounds that it was passed contrary to the auspices and with violence annulment on such grounds was extremely rare and the senate regardless refused 69 70 Caesar provocatively demanded from the senate an oath of obedience to the law and got it after some pushing and resistance from Cato and some of his allies 71 Laws for Pompey and Crassus Edit Some time after passage of the agrarian bill Bibulus withdrew from public business to his home to declare unfavourable omens on all future voting days b the specific time in the year he did so however is not known 74 Caesar moved two further bills first for ratification of a one third write down of the tax bills owed by the publicani for Crassus and second for ratification of Pompey s eastern settlement Both bills were passed with little or no debate in the senate 75 Lucullus attempting to oppose Pompey s eastern settlement was forced into public humiliation on his knees before Caesar when the consul threatened prosecution 76 When Cicero defending his former co consul Gaius Antonius Hybrida made an off hand remark complaining about the political situation his deadly enemy P Clodius had his long obstructed transition to the plebs rushed through by Caesar in good time to stand for the tribunate 77 78 Caesar then moved to lift the exemption of Campania from his agrarian bill some time in May its passage may have proved the last straw for Bibulus who then withdrew to his house 79 Pompey shortly thereafter also wed Caesar s daughter Julia to seal their alliance 80 An ally of Caesar s Publius Vatinius then plebeian tribune also secured the passage of a law granting to Caesar the provinces of Illyricum and Cisalpine Gaul for five years 81 Doing so replaced Caesar s assigned province of the woods and paths of Italy with Gaul this was in response to growing tensions between the republic and the recent victors of a power struggle in Gaul which had destabilised the geopolitical situation in the region 82 After the death of the governor of Transalpine Gaul one of Cato s allies the senate was persuaded also to assign to Caesar that province as well 83 84 Both bills were met with little resistance likely due to Cato and his allies boycotting of public business 81 Popular opinion turns Edit By the summer however popular opinion had started to turn against Caesar s methods 85 Pompey also was distancing himself from Caesar 80 This was in part due to the success to Cato and Bibulus campaign Bibulus choice to confine himself to his home presented the image of the city dominated by one man s sole power unchecked by a colleague 86 Pompey and Caesar attempted public protests against Bibulus edicts and seclusion respectively to little response from the people By then the popular fervour of the agrarian bills had died down and the public likely desired a return to normal politics 87 The ancient sources claimed that for most of the year the senate was not called and that the people and senators were intimidated and cowed into passing whatever the three allies put before them 88 These claims are incompatible with the attested events of that year 89 For example in that year Caesar s ally Vatinius was defeated in an election to the augurate 90 and later elections for the magistracies returned Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus and Gaius Memmius both opponents of Pompey and Caesar as praetors 91 He was also able to secure election of two allies one was Caesar s soon to be father in law Lucius Calpurnius Piso and the other was Pompey s supporter Aulus Gabinius to the consulship 92 Also passed during Caesar s consulship was the lex Julia de repetundis which was a wide ranging reform on corruption in the provinces and before the republic s permanent courts 93 Fraying of the pact 59 55 BC Edit During the Caesar s consulship the success of Cato and Bibulus tactics at discrediting Caesar and Pompey made the two greatly unpopular during and after the summer Caesar and Pompey s public appearances were received coldly or with open antagonism Bibulus far from being a pitiable figure had never enjoyed such wide repute 94 Cato and Bibulus for their part mobilised a large propaganda campaign seeking to brand Caesar a tyrant with dire warnings of the impending overthrow of the republican government that discredited the alliance and forced senators to re evaluate their tacit support 95 Crassus revelled in Pompey s discomfitures before the people this unpopularity frayed at the alliance between the three men which was meant only to secure for them aims which they could not achieve by themselves 96 Upon the conclusion of Caesar s consulship he left after a few months for his provincial assignment to Gaul His legislative activity however came under immediate attack from Domitius and Memmius who had been elected as praetors during Caesar s electoral comitia the last year claiming that Caesar had passed the legislation against the auspices 97 These efforts were utterly unsuccessful the pro triumviral consuls allowed debate on the topic for three days and the senate rejected the claims 98 In later years Caesar s laws were accepted writ large perhaps with the exception of Bibulus disregarding any technical religious objections If Cicero and Cato both went along with the laws of Vatinius and Caesar we can fairly assume the rest of the senators did so as well For Bibulus it was something of a personal campaign to seek to undermine Caesar s legislation but his protests in 59 and later hardly kept it technically invalid 99 At Rome Edit Consular results from 59 55 BC c Year ConsulPrior Posterior59 BC C Julius CaesarTriumviral M Calpurnius BibulusAnti triumviral58 BC L Calpurnius PisoCaesarian mild anti Pompeian 100 A GabiniusPompeian 101 102 57 BC P Cornelius Lentulus SpintherPompeian defected 103 Q Caecilius Metellus NeposAnti Pompeian 104 56 BC Cn Cornelius Lentulus MarcellinusAnti Caesarian anti Pompeian 105 L Marcius PhilippusAnti Caesarian anti Pompeian 106 55 BC Cn Pompeius MagnusTriumviral M Licinius CrassusTriumviralPompey had the most to lose After alienating the Metelli by divorcing Mucia Pompey s alliance with Caesar and Crassus alienated some former allies in the 60s as well including the Cornelii Lentuli 107 The triple alliance also led to other formerly rivalrous families mending their relationships The Luculli and Servilii who had been rivals for decades combined to withstand the triumvirs 108 Similarly the Scibonii Curiones Cornelii Sullae and Memmii switched from supporting Pompey into opposing him and Caesar 108 In general there can be no coincidence in the fact that in almost every case former amici of Pompey are first seen to be ranged with the opposition in the year 59 by maintaining a consciously moral posture driving the triumvirs to extreme measures and parading their own martyrdom Cato and his associates ruined triumviral credit among the people and assembled aristocratic collaboration in resistance 109 Early in 59 BC Caesar and Pompey had ratified the adoption of Publius Clodius Pulcher into a plebeian clan 110 Clodius was an independent agent who was adept at playing political enemies off of each other 111 Soon after Clodius adoption was ratified he against Caesar s wishes successfully stood for a tribunate for 58 BC 112 After some slights from Caesar and Pompey relating to assignment of a foreign mission he broke with them 113 At the start of his tribunate Clodius pushed forward four popular bills to expand grain imports provide free grain to Roman citizens in the city restore the collegia professional organisations regulate the use of auspices as obstructive tactics and regulate the power of the censors to remove senators 114 He also moved agitating against Cicero s illegal execution of the Catilinarian conspirators during his consulship in 63 BC 115 While Cicero had secured some promises of protection from Pompey Crassus Caesar and the consuls for 58 BC the promised assistance never materialised because Clodius had quickly gained a powerful popular following which the fraying alliance was unwilling to oppose 116 He also quickly won over the consuls of that year by promising them the plum provincial assignments they needed to avoid bankruptcy 117 Later in the year 58 Clodius started to openly criticise the triumvirs especially Pompey forcing him into self seclusion in his home He also attacked Caesar s legislation on religious grounds 118 Pompey was somewhat successful in checking Clodius influence when he formed a coalition to overturn Cicero s banishment but Clodius attacks continued tacitly supported by Crassus and one Gaius Porcius Cato a relative of Cato the Younger 119 Pompey also responded by supporting Titus Annius Milo and Publius Sestius who raised their own urban mobs to contest the streets from Clodius mobs 120 121 and with the returned Cicero s support was able to secure a prestigious command over Rome s grain supply in September 57 BC 120 122 However Pompey s very success renewed the coalition against him a coalition of the Claudii including Clodius the Lentuli and the Catonians with little meaningful opposition from Caesar and Crassus were able to shut off any hope of Pompey being granted a new military command in Egypt to restore Ptolemy XII Auletes to the throne 123 In a clash of mutually exclusive proposals raised by different factions in January 56 BC d all proposals were unacceptable to at least one party leading to nothing being done about Egypt 124 At the same time Pompey s grain command had not produced reduced prices further reducing his popularity under attack by Clodius whom Pompey suspected Crassus was supporting the conservatives around Bibulus and Curio watched 125 All the consuls of 57 and 56 BC were if not opponents of indifferent to both Caesar and Pompey the failure to maintain their political influence put the alliance into a shambles 126 Cicero describing Pompey s plight mentions the contio goers estranged the nobility hostile and the senate unfair 127 Without the ability to make allies with the rest of the aristocracy who had closed ranks against him Pompey had to double down with his existing allies 119 In Gaul Edit Main article Gallic Wars Through this whole period Caesar was fighting in the Gallic Wars By early 56 BC he had won enormous popularity both with the senate and the people in 57 Caesar requested thanksgivings for his victory over the Belgae and at a motion of Cicero received fifteen days of supplicationes a new record In his narrative of his campaign Commentarii de Bello Gallico by 57 Caesar reported pacification of the whole region 128 These military achievements had undercut any political will to undermine Caesar s acta from his first consulship and during 56 itself Caesar received a series of favourable senatorial decrees to provide more funds for his troops in Gaul above Cicero s objections that Caesar could have paid for them out of his spoils and granted his request to have ten legates decem legati sent to aid in administration and senatorial settlement of the region s affairs 129 Caesar s successes at this point had made him extremely popular among the people and in general across the political class Cicero who had been sullen during Caesar s consulship sang his praises saying If perhaps Gaius Caesar was too contentious in any matter if the greatness of the struggle his zeal for glory if his irrepressible spirit and high nobility drove him on that should be tolerated in the case of a man of his quality 130 This popularity however did not translate into political victories for his political allies none of the magistrates for 57 were friendly in the elections of 57 for magistrates in 56 his allies were repulsed from both the aedileship and the praetorship while his political enemies won two praetorships 131 Caesar s political support in Rome was largely dependent on Pompey and Crassus rather than his own legates or allies 132 By 56 BC Caesar s enemies were mobilising against him a tribune attempted to recall him for trial which was vetoed as he Caesar was legitimately on government business while Domitius only declared his intention to terminate Caesar s command as soon as possible 120 Furthermore Caesar s land bills were under attack by a tribune perhaps under Pompey s influence who wanted to deny Caesar s veterans from receiving land under his lex Julia agraria upon their retirement 133 And in the summer fighting started back up with campaigns against a Veneti uprising in northwestern Gaul 134 These campaigns led Caesar to seek a five year extension of his command to do this he too would need the support of his allies once more 135 Renewal Edit Luca LucaLocation of modern day Lucca in Italian on a map of modern Italy In 56 BC Luca was one of the southern most cities of Caesar s province of Cisalpine Gaul Coordinates 43 50 30 N 10 30 10 E 43 84167 N 10 50278 E 43 84167 10 50278ProvinceCisalpine GaulCountryRoman RepublicLuca Conference Edit Main article Luca Conference Over the summer of 56 BC Caesar met with the leaders of various factions across Cisalpine Gaul He met with Crassus at Ravenna 120 and Pompey at the town of Luca the southern most city in Cisalpine Gaul 136 The agreement emerged from three relatively compatible aims Crassus and Pompey desired a joint consulship they also wanted good provincial assignments Caesar needed an extension in his command to prevent a possible usurpation by Ahenobarbus 137 Some two hundred senators mostly of lower rank attended upon the three men seeking to ingratiate themselves 138 The conference also forced a re evaluation of alliances across the wider aristocracy the Claudii both Appius and Publius and Gaius Cato switched sides back to the dynasts Cicero dependent on and indebted to Pompey for his return from exile was also enlisted to lend rhetorical support 137 The alliance was renewed and expanded to include the Claudii Pulchri turning Clodius from an opponent to a supporter 139 In return for their help the allies would support Appius whose chances of election to a consulship without their support was slim in his goal of being elected consul for 54 140 The remaining opposition was also further reinvigorated Cato had returned from a provincial assignment in Cyprus in late 56 and supported Domitius campaign for the consulship After 55 BC when Pompey and Crassus assumed a joint consulship by violence the political fortunates of the triple alliance quickly soured 137 The development of the specific terms of their renewed agreement may have taken some time Caesar responded to the threat of Domitius consulship by asking Crassus to stand and veto any actions to take away his command 141 Pompey chose to stand for the consulship as well possibly unilaterally met with the support if not entirely willing of his allies 141 However by the time this arrangement was decided the current consul Marcellinus refused to accept their candidacy on grounds that they had passed the deadline Faced with political disaster they decided instead of scuttle the whole election process for 56 BC 142 Joint consulship 55 BC Edit Election of Pompey and Crassus was by no means certain 143 By the time of the conference to produce the conditions needed for victory the alliance stoked mob violence and interposed a permanent tribunician veto courtesy of Clodius ally Gaius Cato who was tribune that year to block elections until the following year 144 The terms of the consuls having expired elections were conducted instead by temporary extraordinary magistrates interreges and with the arrival of Caesar s soldiers from Gaul on winter furlough elections were held Employing force to drive other candidates away and distributing bribes to ensure their victory Pompey and Crassus were elected consuls 144 They then used their control over the electoral comitia also to secure the election of their allies to the praetorship both Milo and Vatinius were returned while excluding opponents Cato was not 143 These strong arm tactics were exceptional and resulted from the alliance s realisation that failure to secure the consulship in this year would result in their political extinction 145 While they certainly won a temporary victory the longer term fallout of intimidation tactics and the validation of Cato s warnings proved especially harmful among the basically conservative Roman voters 145 Pompey and Crassus moved first to elect censors and pass new legislation regulating juries and punishing bribery The main piece of legislation was brought by an allied tribune Gaius Trebonius to grant for five years Crassus and Pompey the provinces of Syria and Hispania they would draw lots for the specific assignment Crassus envisioned possible campaigns against Egypt e or the Parthians Pompey envisioned similar campaigns against the Spanish hinterlands 147 Fearing vetoes from two of his tribunician colleagues f Trebonius had one of them locked in the senate house and prevented the other from entering the Forum with an obstructive mob With the bill passed they also made good on their promise to Caesar putting forward legislation extending Caesar s term in Gaul for five more years 149 Assignment of Roman provinces to Caesar Pompey and Crassus Pompey threw lavish games in September as part of his dedication of the Theatre of Pompey News also came of Caesar s expedition beyond the Rhine to Britain for these the senate voted him twenty days of thanksgiving The opposing tribunes attempted to obstruct recruitment for Crassus and Pompey s armies but were unsuccessful When Crassus left the city in November escorted by Pompey they announced bad omens attempted to arrest him and cursed him at the city s gate 150 Part of the justification against Crassus campaign was in terms of immorality several in Cato s circle argued the Parthians had given no justification for war 151 The elections for the year however went strongly against the allies Unwilling to repeat their mob tactics due to their unpopularity Pompey campaigned for one of his clients Titus Ampius Balbus but those efforts were in vain The voters returned Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus denied victory by Pompey and Crassus violence and Appius Claudius Pulcher 152 Also elected was Cato for a praetorship the next year he would chair the court on extortion 153 Backlash Edit The new consul Appius Claudius Pulcher seemed an ally but as the political winds blew against the alliance he quickly defected Early in the year he cooperated with them in securing the appointment of a Pompeian ally as one of Caesar s tribunes and obstructed Gabinius prosecution for the bribes received to induce his invasion of Egypt but seeing Pompey s support for one Marcus Aemilius Scaurus rather than his brother for the consulship of 53 BC he broke with Pompey and launched a prosecution against Scaurus 154 The alliance s opponents led by Cato s coterie also launched a broadside against their supporters in the courts Gaius Porcius Cato the tribune in 56 who had vetoed elections to delay them for Pompey and Crassus was prosecuted but acquitted He was then brought on new charges but again acquitted 155 Another tribune Marcus Nonius Sufenas who had helped Gaius Cato was also tried He was acquitted 156 Also prosecuted was a Pompeian tribune from 57 BC who was also acquitted 157 In the case of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus tried before Cato s extortion court for extorting the Sardinians during his propraetorship six leading defence advocates Cicero Hortensius and Clodius included and nine former consuls including Pompey and Metellus Nepos were enlisted in his defence He too was acquitted 157 Publius Vatinius was tried for giving bribes in his campaign for praetor With Cicero s begrudging defence he was acquitted 158 Aulus Gabinius one of Pompey s allies and former legates was tried after his return from Syria in September 54 BC for receiving bribes to attack Egypt He was tried first for treason but acquitted after Pompey bribed the jurors In a second trial for extortion Pompey s blatant bribes had likely led to a surge of resentment and Gabinius was sent into exile the only major conviction of the year 159 By this time consul Pulcher had switched sides joining in the attack on Gabinius 160 When Gabinius was sent into exile a prosecution was launched to recover portions of unpaid fines against one of Gabinius financial agents who was an ally of Pompey and Caesar With Cicero s help he too was acquitted 161 At least three more supporters of the triumvirate were prosecuted they too were all acquitted 158 Cato and his coterie s judicial attacks were unsuccessful in large part because the complex network of connections among senators meant that the litigants could not be reduced to stark choices between two political parties or ideologies 158 This year also saw the death of Caesar s daughter and Pompey s wife Julia in childbirth Caesar offered in marriage his grand niece Octavia but was rebuffed Pompey s refusal however did not indicate a break between the two allies 162 At the time there was no demonstrable rupture Pompey and Caesar continued to support each other politically for several years 163 The elections for 53 BC were hugely delayed due to political violence and bribery 164 Domitius and Appius Claudius engaged in bribery pact with two consular candidates Thus an anti triumviral consul a wavering ally a supporter of the triumvirate Gaius Memmius and an opponent Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus banded together 165 The consuls concerned that they would be precluded from holding military command due to the lack of a requisite lex curiata promised to throw their support behind the two candidates in exchange for choice provinces and their securing false testimony from three augurs to swear that the requisite lex had been passed 166 When Memmius exposed the conspiracy likely to implicate Domitius all four were indicted for bribery 167 The senate delayed elections to hold an inquiry but the specific steps forward became quickly contested and various tribunes vetoed the elections Coupled with raging street battles in the city between Milo and Clodius armed gangs elections were finally held after more than seven months without any magistrates in July 53 BC 168 Dio attributed these delays to tribunician vetoes against elections of interreges designed to incite appointment of Pompey as dictator Pompey was not in the city his return in the summer and his declining of a dictatorship however may have stabilised the city sufficiently both by his presence and by his starting a rapprochement with Cato s conservative faction to allow for elections 169 By July the alliance s support for Scaurus along with Gaius Memmius had gone nowhere The comitia instead returned candidates supported by a coalition of triumviral enemies Marcus Valerius Messalla Rufus and Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus 170 As a whole these various elections showed the weakness of the triumviral coalition Caesar Pompey and Crassus were unable to produce consistently favourable results except when their aims were entirely united the joint consulship in 55 BC was brought about by force and thereafter their the alliance s stock with the voters rapidly depreciated 171 Pompey s sole consulship 52 BC Edit In spring of 53 BC while Rome dealt with its own political crisis Crassus launched his invasion of Syria and Caesar was dealing with a military crisis as the Gauls rose up From the perspective at Rome news of ambushes against in Gaul arrived first Caesar abandoned his civil functions in Cisalpine Gaul to rescue his legions wintering in the Eburones territory near modern Belgium 172 A few months later news of the disaster at the Battle of Carrhae arrived reporting that Crassus and much of his army had been killed by the Parthians 173 Still at this point Caesar and Pompey were on friendly terms Caesar praised Pompey for example for lending one of Pompey s Spanish legions to help against the Gauls a private military arrangement which Cato criticised in the senate for usurping senatorial prerogatives on legionary assignments 174 The consuls immediately prepared to hold elections for 52 BC which proved impossible when they were injured by stones thrown by the crowd 175 As the year 52 BC started the consuls stepped down without replacement For the first 18 days of the year tribunes continually interposed their vetoes against election of an interrex Standing for the consulship in this year were Milo supported by Cato and others Publius Plautius Hypsaeus one of Pompey s former lieutenants and Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio 164 Clodius still warring with Milo s street gangs supported Milo s competitors 176 Some ancient historians including Plutarch Livy and Valerius Maximus believed that this violence was all part of a plot to have Pompey appointed dictator 177 That Pompey desired a dictatorship is unnecessary to explain his opposition to elections Pompey may have opposed the elections merely because they would have been elections that Milo would have won 178 On 18 January at a chance counter between Clodius and Milo on a road near a suburb outside of Rome Milo s henchmen killed Clodius after a short brawl between their two entourages 179 The next day his body was brought back to Rome where a mob then stormed the senate house and burnt it down along with the Basilica Porcia as part of Clodius funeral pyre 179 At the resulting senate meeting on the Palatine the senate elected an interrex This was in part because two of the men obstructing senatorial action Pompey and one of the tribunes Titus Munatius Plancus were not present 180 Shortly thereafter the senate passed a senatus consultum ultimum which called for the interrex and Pompey as proconsul to raise troops and take them into the city to restore order 180 The following eleven interreges were unable to hold elections 181 However some fifty eight days after Clodius death with a sufficient force in the city the twelfth interrex was able to hold elections 182 At the direction of the senate on motion of Bibulus and supported by Cato only Pompey s candidacy was accepted and upon his election he became consul without colleague 183 The purpose of the decree was possibly to forestall a Pompeian dictatorship or as part of a compromise to restore normal government while also precluding Milo s likely election allowing Milo to be brought to trial for Clodius murder 184 Also around this time Pompey had married the daughter of Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio who also was the widow of Crassus son this was part of an attempt to win over more allies 185 Metellus Pius family was not part of Cato s coterie they were personal enemies and Cato s allies had attempted to prosecute him in 60 BC and marrying Crassus son s widow could win over some of the now dead Crassus supporters 186 Pompey began his consulship by marching soldiers into the city and imposing order by force 187 After passing legislation he immediately prosecuted Milo for public violence a move which Cato and Cicero opposed for this trial Cicero wrote Pro Milone Pompey however was able to secure a conviction and forced Milo into exile 188 Pompey and Cato also bumped heads on the Law of the Ten Tribunes a bill proposed by all ten of the plebeian tribunes in the aftermath of news of Caesar s victory at Alesia which granted Caesar the right to stand for the consulship in absentia Pompey supported it Cato opposed 189 Amid bribery scandals Pompey also secured the passage of a law mooted the previous year which required a delay of five years been magistracy and dispatch to a province It was meant to break the nexus of corruption between ambition for office and provincial extortion Pompey however sought and secured exception from his own law assuming a five year command in Spain immediately 190 Collapse 52 49 BC Edit The death of Julia did not mark an immediate collapse in the alliance between Pompey Crassus and Caesar 191 The view that her death made a confrontation inevitable is held by a number of ancient sources 192 but is no longer uncritically accepted by modern scholars 193 Nor did his election as sole consul in 52 BC mark an immediate collapse in their alliance 187 During Pompey s sole consulship he married Cornelia Metella the daughter of Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio but this too was not a break with Caesar as implied by Velleius Paterclus 194 The death of Crassus in early 53 BC however did mark the conversion of a balanced three person alliance into what would turn into a dyadic rivalry Pompey s marriage in 52 BC and his another law reaffirming the requirement to declare candidacy for office in person did not actually harm Caesar directly but indicated his willingness to build alliances with other formerly closed off political groupings 195 Cato stood for the consulship of 51 BC But after running an honest campaign with little bribery and promises to recall Caesar from Gaul his canvass was rejected by the people 196 Elected instead were Marcus Claudius Marcellus and Servius Sulpicius Rufus The former was an enemy of Caesar and raised in 51 BC the question of stripping Caesar of his command 197 arguing that because of Caesar s victory at Alesia his provincia here meaning task in Gaul was completed 198 His effort was vetoed Pompey too objected arguing that removing Caesar before the summer of 50 BC would not respect his dignity 199 At the elections for the magistrates of 50 BC Caesar s ally Gaius Scribonius Curio was elected tribune Gaius Claudius Marcellus and Lucius Aemilius Paullus were returned as consuls designate 197 While Paullus was induced by a massive bribe Caesar funded his renovation of the basilica Aemilia 200 Paullus remained only neutral 201 By late 51 BC the coming showdown became clearer Caesar would induce tribunes to veto discussion of his replacement in Gaul leaving him in command while Cato and his conservatives sought to enlist Pompey to defend against any Caesarian threats and deny Caesar any honours 202 However Pompey did not immediately come around to breaking with Caesar he needed Caesar s support to secure a possible command against the Parthians as concerns rose that year over a possible counter invasion following Crassus defeat 203 In the new year in March 50 BC one of the new consuls Gaius Claudius Marcellus raised the question of Caesar s command again His efforts were vetoed by Curio however and the consuls responded by putting a hold on all provincial discussions in an attempt to force Curio to lift it 204 This veto perhaps a mistake or possibly made with knowledge that Pompey was hostile to Caesar s standing for election in absentia with his army which would have been seen as intimidating started the crisis 205 Caesar knowing that Pompey was reconciling with Cato and Bibulus was unable to trust him to stick to his word especially if giving up his command would open him to possibly having his candidacy and triumph rejected by the unfriendly consuls 206 g Caesar rejected a senatorial compromise which would have had Caesar stand for the consulship in 50 without giving up his command or armies likely because he did not trust Pompey and the consuls to uphold their end of the bargain 201 The proposal of Curio that both men lay down their commands also was rejected this time by Pompey who saw it as a personal affront While the proposal was approved by the senate overwhelmingly Pompey s refusal and Caesar s militating against his Spanish command sapped trust between the two men 207 After Pompey s illness in early summer which triggered spontaneous prayers for his health that he interpreted as support if he were to engage in civil conflict 208 he proposed acceptance but by this point Caesar and his partisans were unable to trust Pompey also to hold his end of the bargain and give up his command if Caesar did so first 209 When two legions were transferred from Caesar s Gallic armies to Italy on the pretext of use against Parthia a threat that did not materialise Caesar s trust in Pompey was shaken again 210 At the elections Caesar supported Servius Sulpicius Galba and Lucius Cornelius Lentulus Crus elected were Gaius Claudius Marcellus homonymous cousin of the consul of 50 BC and Crus who quickly defected from Caesar s cause 211 As consul Gaius Claudius Marcellus started military preparations with the clear purpose of opposing Caesar s triumphal return 212 and with Caesar unable to trust Pompey or his loose Catonian allies to hold to his word and vice versa neither side wanted to make concessions in fear that the other would not reciprocate 213 Moreover each side was confident that it held the superior position expecting the other to give way 208 By January 49 BC this spiralled into a civil war that neither side Cato s partisans excepted seemed to have wanted 214 Evaluation EditThe alliance was clearly successful in winning short term political advantage for its members in Caesar s consulship of 59 BC However over the following years it broke down cooperation was shaky and the disenchantment of former supporters proved to be debilitating Moreover its very success triggered the coalescence of aristocratic groups in opposition with greatly lessened success in the later half of the 50s 215 Overall the alliance was never entirely stable and was marked by periods of renewal followed by a return to rivalries between the three members The goals sought together were broadly opportunistic and self interested 3 The alliance however was part of the thinking that went into the creation of the Second Triumvirate a few decades later 6 The formation of the three way alliance has been seen as a momentous milestone in the crippling of republican institutions since ancient times The ancient historian Gaius Asinius Pollio chose to start his history of the civil wars with its formation other historians including Ronald Syme in Roman Revolution 1939 have taken a similar tact viewing it as the end of the free state 216 For example Jurgen von Ungern Sternberg in the Cambridge Companion to the Roman Republic 2014 wrote Their friendship amicitia could have been a traditional alliance within the framework of what was usual in Roman political life Yet their agreement that nothing should be done in Rome that was displeasing to any of the three changed the rules of the game There had never been a time when three men had conceived of the notion that their private arrangements should regulate what would happen in Rome For there had never before been three men with the necessary resources and power to impose their vision on the state 217 Others disagree Erich Gruen for example writes the union of political cliques in 59 was an information amicitia it was no novelty in Roman politics and simply underlined the mobility of grouping that had been characteristic of previous decades 218 In this vein the alliance can be seen as something similar also to the kind of political deal the Saturninus and Glaucia were trying to organise in 100 BC 6 Amy Russell writing in the Encyclopedia of Ancient History similarly focuses on how the alliance failed to dominate elections viewing instead the accusations of regnum from Cicero and lamentations of tyranny as deriv ing from their opponents rhetoric who at the same time were working to divide them the allies 3 Similarly Mary Beard says the alliance was not such a complete takeover as those comments from Horace and Cicero imply there were all kinds of strains disagreements and rivalries between the three men the electoral process sometimes got the better of them and someone quite different not at all to their liking was voted in 219 The alliance s collapse after Crassus death was because his death put the two remaining men in competition with one another Coupled with Caesar s military success in Gaul he was no longer a junior partner Pompey s search for new allies to counter balance Caesar led him into conflict 3 Notes Edit The three tribunes with Bibulus were Quintus Ancharius Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus and Gaius Fannius 66 The effect of declaring unfavourable omens in absentia was minimal It has long been recognised that in order to be valid the bad omen must be announced in person 72 The embarassing effect for those who treat Bibulus attempted servatio as if it ought to have been decisive is that we have no well attested instance ever of the successful use of the practice to prevent or to retroactive annul legislation 73 Name ordering as provided in Broughton 1952 Wiseman 1992 p 392 explaining the senate debate on 13 January 56 BC The senate voted overwhelmingly against use of military force Publius Servilius Isauricus proposed not restoring Ptolemy XII Bibulus proposed sending three senators without imperium to mediate thereby excluding Pompey Crassus proposed sending three senators with imperium to mediate Quintus Hortensius Cicero and Marcus Lucullus proposed sending Lentulus Spinther Lucius Volcacius Tullus supported by Lucius Afranius and Pompey s allies proposed sending Pompey Bibulus proposal was defeated Hortensius proposal was vetoed The decision was then delayed One tribune proposed recalling Spinther then governor in Cilicia another tribune proposed sending Pompey Clodius supporters then proposed sending Crassus One of the consuls put all tribunician proposals on hold by declaring holidays one tribune responded by threatening to veto the elections Eventually Isauricus proposal passed but was itself vetoed This campaign was not to be During Crassus consulship in 55 BC Gabinius consul in 58 BC then Syrian governor and in return for a massive bribe of 240 million sesterces went on an unsanctioned expedition into Egypt and decisively defeated Berenice IV restoring Ptolemy XII to the throne by April 55 BC 146 The two opposing tribunes were Publius Aquillius Gallus and Gaius Ateius Capito 148 Such was the fate of Caesar s ally in the elections in 50 BC Caesar supported Servius Sulpicius Galba who was defeated even though he had the most votes 201 References EditCitations Edit Ridley 1999 p 143 Cic Att 2 9 2 cited by Russell 2015 a b c d e f g h Russell 2015 Ridley 1999 p 135 Ridley 1999 p 139 a b c Flower 2010 p 148 Flower 2010 p 88 Flower 2010 p 149 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 119 20 Beard 2015 p 278 See eg Goldsworthy 2006 pp 164 65 Cadoux amp Lintott 2012 Drogula 2019 pp 109 112 Russell 2015 Drogula 2019 p 109 Drogula 2019 p 109 n 26 Drogula 2019 p 109 Drogula 2019 p 111 Drogula 2019 p 107 Drogula 2019 p 111 Russell 2015 Drogula 2019 p 113 Gruen 1995 p 87 Badian 2012a Broughton 1952 p 126 a b Drogula 2019 p 114 Drogula 2019 p 115 Russell 2015 Drogula 2019 p 115 Gruen 1995 p 86 87 Drogula 2019 p 117 Drogula 2019 p 119 Broughton 1952 p 171 Gruen 1995 pp 87 88 Millar 1998 p 123 Drogula 2019 pp 119 20 Drogula 2019 p 120 a b Drogula 2019 p 121 Gruen 1995 p 89 Drogula 2019 p 125 a b c Gruen 1995 p 88 Drogula 2019 p 125 Gruen 1995 p 89 Gruen 1995 pp 88 89 The conjoining of forces postdates the inception of Caesar s consulship only after Caesar was safely voted into the consulship would he move to effect reconciliation a b Drogula 2019 p 126 Drogula 2019 p 126 n 82 Drogula 2019 p 127 Millar 1998 p 124 Gruen 1995 p 89 Drogula 2019 p 126 Gruen 1995 pp 89 90 Gruen 1995 p 89 Millar 1998 p 123 24 Wiseman 1992 p 368 Wiseman 1992 pp 368 69 Morstein Marx 2021 p 122 Morstein Marx 2021 p 124 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 121 22 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 126 129 Mouritsen 2017 pp 149 150 Tatum 2006 p 199 Drogula 2019 p 129 Morstein Marx 2021 p 124 25 Millar 1998 p 126 Drogula 2019 p 130 Drogula 2019 pp 131 provoking Caesar 129 Cato s claims Drogula 2019 p 131 Morstein Marx 2021 p 130 Morstein Marx 2021 p 131 Drogula 2019 p 132 citing Dio 38 4 3 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 131 32 explaining consuls had no recognised right of veto over legislation nor was the mere lack of prior formal approval by the senate valid grounds for a veto occasionally magistrates did have to be reminded that the people not the senate held the power of decision over key issues of legislation and election but on known occasions where this occurred they swiftly conceded commas introduced Morstein Marx 2021 pp 134 35 also dismissing reports from Plutarch that Pompey filled the city with soldiers and controlled everything by violence Plut Pomp 48 1 Morstein Marx 2021 p 137 n 74 Broughton 1952 p 189 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 136 37 Morstein Marx 2021 p 138 Morstein Marx 2021 p 140 dismissing Dio s claim that the senators were enslaved to the multitude Dio 38 6 4 as rather reflecting senatorial deference to the clear will of the people Wiseman 1992 p 371 Wiseman 1992 p 371 Drogula 2019 pp 135 36 Morstein Marx 2021 p 144 n 108 Morstein Marx 2021 p 145 emphasis in original Morstein Marx 2021 pp 142 et seq Wiseman 1992 p 372 Drogula 2019 p 137 Wiseman 1992 p 372 Wiseman 1992 p 372 Gruen 1995 p 98 Gruen 1966 p 122 pinpointing Caesar s reaction to Cicero s public lamentation of the sad circumstances of contemporary public life as the inciting incident in Caesar s ratification of Clodius transitio ad plebem This was early in the year by April Caesar was having second thoughts Gruen 1966 p 123 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 143 Bibulus 147 dating to May a b Wiseman 1992 p 374 a b Drogula 2019 p 137 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 172 75 177 78 180 Morstein Marx 2021 p 176 Drogula 2019 pp 137 38 Morstein Marx 2021 p 148 Morstein Marx 2021 p 151 Morstein Marx 2021 p 152 Morstein Marx 2021 p 155 Morstein Marx 2021 p 155 63 explaining While Cato may have boycotted there was no indication that Cicero or other moderates did so While Cicero wrote some letters from this country estates those were over the normal April break Dio claims that Caesar and his allies could get anything they wanted before a cowed senate but reports of full and rowdy meetings in which senators were willing to insult Caesar to his face trend against those claims The Vettius affair where an informer accused various conservatives of plotting to murder Pompey that summer took place before a full senate that was not wholly under Caesar s control no trials against those named occurred There are no indications in Cicero s later letters implying that Caesar or Pompey used force to intimidate political opponents in 59 Morstein Marx 2021 p 160 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 165 66 Morstein Marx 2021 p 165 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 166 67 Gruen 1995 p 92 Drogula 2019 p 143 Gruen 1995 p 93 Morstein Marx 2021 p 182 Morstein Marx 2021 p 183 Morstein Marx 2021 p 186 Gruen 1995 p 145 Piso had the support of Caesar more important he was a man of substance in the oligarchy regarded not a Caesarian but as a leader of the boni Piso encouraged Clodius attacks and relished Pompey s difficulties Gruen 1995 p 144 noting Gabinius defended Pompey from Clodius Mouritsen 2017 p 157 describing Gabinius as Pompey s man Gruen 1995 p 144 45 Spinther seemed safe and reliable however the hitherto pliable Lentulus Spinther proved to have ambitions of his own he and others had managed the thwart the aims of Pompey Gruen 1995 p 145 opposing Pompey due to divorce of Mucia Gruen 1995 p 146 specifying opposition to Caesar and Pompey with unrestrained vehemence Gruen 1995 p 146 Marcellinus colleague Philippus was more subdued and less conspicuous He preferred to follow the lead of Marcellinus Gruen 1995 pp 93 94 a b Gruen 1995 p 94 Gruen 1995 p 95 Gruen 1966 pp 122 23 Gruen 1995 p 98 It should no longer be necessary to refute the older notion that Clodius acted as agent or tool of the triumvirate Gruen 1966 p 124 Wiseman 1992 p 373 Wiseman 1992 pp 377 78 Gruen 1966 p 125 Gruen 1966 p 125 27 Gruen 1966 p 127 Wiseman 1992 p 380 Gruen 1966 p 128 a b Gruen 1995 p 100 a b c d Tatum 2006 p 202 Gruen 1995 p 145 Gruen 1969 p 79 Tatum 2006 p 202 Gruen 1995 p 100 Wiseman 1992 p 391 Wiseman 1992 p 392 Wiseman 1992 p 393 Gruen 1995 p 146 Mouritsen 2017 p 77 citing Cic QFr 2 3 4 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 219 20 221 pacification Morstein Marx 2021 pp 220 21 Morstein Marx 2021 p 225 Morstein Marx 2021 p 228 Morstein Marx 2021 p 229 Drogula 2019 p 175 Morstein Marx 2021 p 222 Drogula 2019 p 176 Morstein Marx 2021 p 209 a b c Gruen 1995 p 101 Badian 2012b Tatum 2006 pp 202 33 Drogula 2019 p 177 a b Drogula 2019 p 181 Drogula 2019 p 182 scuttle Gruen 1995 p 147 The triumviral combine was faced with political extinction a b Tatum 2006 p 203 a b Drogula 2019 p 182 a b Gruen 1995 p 147 Wiseman 1992 p 399 Wiseman 1992 pp 398 399 drawing of lots Wiseman 1992 p 398 Wiseman 1992 pp 398 99 Wiseman 1992 p 400 Drogula 2019 p 188 adding that the tribune who cursed Crassus was later blamed for the disaster at Carrhae Gruen 1995 p 148 Drogula 2019 pp 187 88 190 Gruen 1969 p 102 Drogula 2019 p 190 Drogula 2019 pp 190 91 a b Drogula 2019 p 191 a b c Drogula 2019 p 192 Drogula 2019 p 195 Drogula 2019 p 193 Drogula 2019 pp 195 96 Drogula 2019 p 200 Drogula 2019 pp 200 01 a b Ramsey 2016 p 299 Drogula 2019 pp 203 04 Note that Drogula references a C Domitius Calvinus which is a typographical error on the next page he mentions that the Calvinus implicated was the consul for 53 BC who was Gnaeus Domitius Drogula 2019 p 203 adding the fluid nature of political alliance enabled this surprising grouping of optimates and supporters of the triumvirate all including Cato s brother in law acting solely for their own interests and not for any political platform Drogula 2019 pp 203 04 Drogula 2019 p 207 Wiseman 1992 p 405 Drogula 2019 p 208 Wiseman 1992 p 405 Gruen 1995 p 149 see also n 119 dismissing the notion that Calvinus was supported by Caesar Gruen 1995 pp 149 50 Wiseman 1992 pp 404 05 Wiseman 1992 p 404 Drogula 2019 p 209 Wiseman 1992 p 407 Gruen 1995 p 152 Drogula 2019 p 210 Ramsey 2016 p 300 Drogula 2019 p 211 Ramsey 2016 p 304 Drogula 2019 p 213 a b Ramsey 2016 p 300 a b Ramsey 2016 p 301 Ramsey 2016 pp 303 04 Ramsey 2016 p 303 Drogula 2019 p 214 Drogula 2019 p 215 Ramsey 2016 p 313 Drogula 2019 pp 211 12 Drogula 2019 p 212 Gruen 1995 pp 152 154 a b Drogula 2019 p 218 Gruen 1995 p 154 Drogula 2019 pp 218 19 Drogula 2019 pp 219 20 Wiseman 1992 p 412 Wiseman 1992 p 413 Drogula 2019 pp 200 01 Gruen 1995 p 450 Gruen 1995 p 450 n 4 citing Vell Pat 2 47 2 Val Max 4 6 4 Lucan 1 98 120 Florus 2 13 13 Plut Pomp 53 4 7 Plut Caes 28 1 Dio 40 44 2 3 Eg Gruen 1995 p 450 Drogula 2019 p 200 Russell 2015 Drogula 2019 p 218 Gruen 1995 p 154 Drogula 2019 p 223 Tatum 2006 p 206 a b Wiseman 1992 p 415 Drogula 2019 p 233 Morstein Marx 2021 p 270 Morstein Marx 2021 p 270 Wiseman 1992 pp 415 16 a b c Morstein Marx 2021 p 278 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 272 73 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 273 74 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 274 75 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 276 77 Morstein Marx 2021 p 277 Morstein Marx 2021 p 281 a b Tatum 2006 p 207 Morstein Marx 2021 p 283 Morstein Marx 2021 p 284 85 Morstein Marx 2021 p 287 Morstein Marx 2021 pp 292 297 299 Rawson 1992 p 428 asking rhetorically even if Caesar received all his desired concessions as promises was this a promise they Cato s factio could be trusted to keep Morstein Marx 2021 pp 258 59 259 the same cannot be said not wanting civil war of Caesar s bitterest enemies clustered around Cato Gruen 1995 p 91 Gruen 1995 p 90 quoting Syme Ronald 1939 Roman Revolution Oxford Clarendon Press pp 35 36 von Ungern Sternberg 2014 p 91 Gruen 1995 p 90 Beard 2015 p 279 Sources Edit Beard Mary 2015 SPQR a history of ancient Rome 1st ed New York Liveright Publishing ISBN 978 0 87140 423 7 OCLC 902661394 Broughton Thomas Robert Shannon 1952 The magistrates of the Roman republic Vol 2 New York American Philological Association Crook John Lintott Andrew Rawson Elizabeth eds 1992 The Cambridge ancient history Vol 9 2nd ed Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 85073 8 OCLC 121060 Rawson E Caesar civil war and dictatorship In CAH2 1992 pp 424 67 Wiseman TP Caesar Pompey and Rome 59 50 BC In CAH2 1992 pp 368 423 Drogula Fred K 2019 Cato the Younger life and death at the end of the Roman republic New York Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 086902 1 OCLC 1090168108 Flower Harriet 2010 Roman republics Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0 691 14043 8 LCCN 2009004551 Flower Harriet ed 2014 The Cambridge companion to the Roman republic 2nd ed New York Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 107 03224 8 OCLC 866253238 von Ungern Sternberg Jurgen The crisis of the republic In Flower 2014 pp 78 100 Goldsworthy Adrian 2006 Caesar Life of a Colossus Yale University Press ISBN 978 0 300 13919 8 Gruen Erich S 1966 P Clodius Instrument or Independent Agent Phoenix 20 2 120 130 doi 10 2307 1086053 ISSN 0031 8299 JSTOR 1086053 Gruen Erich S 1969 Pompey the Roman Aristocracy and the Conference of Luca Historia Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte 18 1 71 108 ISSN 0018 2311 JSTOR 4435061 Gruen Erich 1995 1974 Last generation of the Roman republic Berkeley University of California Press ISBN 0 520 02238 6 Hornblower Simon et al eds 2012 Oxford classical dictionary 4th ed Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 954556 8 OCLC 959667246 Badian Ernst 2012a Licinius Crassus 1 Marcus In OCD4 2012 doi 10 1093 acrefore 9780199381135 013 3694 Badian Ernst 2012b Luca In OCD4 2012 Cadoux Theodore John Lintott Andrew triumviri In OCD4 2012 Millar Fergus 1998 The crowd in Rome in the late republic Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures 22 Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press ISBN 0 472 10892 1 Morstein Marx Robert 2021 Julius Caesar and the Roman People Cambridge University Press doi 10 1017 9781108943260 ISBN 978 1 108 94326 0 S2CID 242729962 Mouritsen Henrik 2017 Politics in the Roman republic Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 107 03188 3 OCLC 961266598 Ramsey John T 2016 How and why was Pompey Made Sole Consul in 52 BC Historia Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte 65 3 298 324 doi 10 25162 historia 2016 0017 ISSN 0018 2311 JSTOR 45019234 S2CID 252459421 Ridley R 1999 What s in the Name the so called First Triumvirate Arctos Acta Philological Fennica 33 133 44 Rosenstein NS Morstein Marx R eds 2006 A companion to the Roman Republic Blackwell ISBN 978 1 4051 7203 5 OCLC 86070041 Tatum W Jeffrey The final crisis In Rosenstein amp Morstein Marx 2006 pp 190 et seq Russell Amy 30 June 2015 Triumvirate First Encyclopedia of Ancient History Wiley doi 10 1002 9781444338386 wbeah26425 ISBN 978 1 4051 7935 5 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title First Triumvirate amp oldid 1149854874, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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