
Ilocano grammar

Ilocano grammar is the study of the morphological and syntactic structures of the Ilocano language, a language spoken in the northern Philippines by ethnic Ilocanos and Ilocano communities in the US, Saudi Arabia and other countries around the globe.

Ilocano is an agglutinative language. This agglutinating characteristic is most apparent in its verbal morphology, which has a Philippine-type voice system.

Determiners edit

Ilocano has two subsets of determiners. Articles are similar to "the" and "a" or "an" in English. Demonstratives point out something ("this" or "that"), whether what is being referred to is in space, in time or is something previously mentioned.

Ilocano determiners have only two forms (core and oblique) — unlike Ilocano pronouns, which have three distinct forms: absolutive, ergative and oblique. The core form may function for either the absolutive or ergative cases.

Articles edit

Ilocano has two sets of articles, common and personal. Personal articles are used for people, names, and personal titles. Common articles are used with all other nouns (including names of countries and cities).

Case Singular Plural
Core ti[note 1] dagiti
Oblique iti kadagiti
Case Singular Plural
Core ni da
Oblique ken ni kada

Kinship terms such as "mother" or "uncle" can take either set of articles. Preceded by the common article, the term is more generalized or conceptual; preceded by a personal article, the reference is more specific (the speaker refers to a member of his or her family or a specific antecedent).

Napan ti ama idiay eskuelaan ti anakna. The father went to his child's school. Napan ni ama idiay eskuelaan ni kabsat. Father went to sister's/brother's school. 

The same can also be said of titles or offices.

Nakitak ni maestra idiay padaya. I saw teacher at the party. (referring to the speaker's teacher in school) Nakakitaak iti maestra idiay padaya. I saw a teacher at the party. (any teacher) 

Demonstratives edit

Similar to articles, demonstratives has two forms (core and oblique) and two numbers (singular and plural). Like Spanish or Japanese, Ilokano has a three-way distinction regarding space. In addition, Ilokano has another set, which refers to objects or events not visible to either the speaker or the listener and occurred or existed before the current time frame. Therefore, Ilokano demonstratives have a five-way distinction relative to time and space.

Demonstratives are linked to their noun (or noun phrases) with the ligature a/nga.

Daytoy a lalaki This man Lalaki a daytoy This man (here) (with more emphasis on his spatial relation to the speaker) Daytoy a dakkel a balay This big house Dagita nga immay nga ubbing Those children who came 

The forms in parentheses below do not require a ligature and act as an article.[1] they may not follow their nouns as the full forms.

Ta lalaki That man ("Lalaki 'ta" does not occur, since "ta" is contraction of "dayta" which mean "that.") 


Nagtagtagainepak iti daydi apong. I dreamt of grandmother. (Grandmother has died.) Nabirukam 'tay kuartam? Did you find your money? 

Spatial edit

Ilocano distinguishes the following levels of proximity:

  • Proximal: Nearer the speaker ("this")
  • Medial: Nearer the listener ("that")
  • Distal: Removed from both speaker and listener ("yonder")
Number Case Proximal Medial Distal
Singular Core daytoy ('toy[note 1]) dayta ('ta[note 1]) daydiay ('diay[note 1])
Oblique iti daytoy


iti dayta


iti daydiay


Plural Core dagitoy dagita dagidiay
Oblique kadagitoy kadagita kadagidiay
Adverbial itoy ita idiay

Temporal edit

This series refers to objects and events in times other than the present (as opposed to space, physical or mental). The referents may not be visible to either speaker or listener at the time of the utterance.

  • Recent: Refers to things (or events) that might not be visible at the moment of speech and have occurred or existed relatively recently.
  • Remote: Refers to persons who have died, things that no longer exist, events which occurred long ago and are rather vague or something referred to in the future.
Number Case Recent Remote
Singular Core daytay ('tay[note 1]) daydi ('di[note 1])
Oblique kadaytay kadaydi
Oblique (Common) iti daytay iti daydi
Oblique (Personal) ken daytay ken daydi
Plural Core dagitay dagidi
Oblique kadagitay kadagidi
Adverbial itay idi

This series of demonstratives can be used with the future particle -(n)to if the noun will come into existence or will be used in the future.

Dagitayto annakmo ket mapanaganan iti 'Maria' ken 'Juan'. Your (future) children will be named 'Mary' and 'John'. 

Adverbial forms can set the temporal frame of the clause it introduces and usually corresponds to "when" or "before" referring to the past.


Nagawiden ni Juan itay simmangpet ni Maria. John had already gone home when Maria arrived. (Maria had just arrived earlier today.) 
Nagawiden ni Juan idi simmangpet ni Maria. John had already gone home when Maria arrived. (Someone is relating a story from a long time ago.) 

Future edit

The demonstrative inton, intono, tono, ton is used with reference to the future (< i- + (n)to "FUT" (+ no "CONJ")).[2] It does not share the same morphology of the other demonstratives. It is commonly found in fixed time phrases and acts adverbially. It functions to subordinate clauses referring to future time.


intono bigat tomorrow (lit. future morning) intono rabii tonight (lit. future night/evening) intono sumaruno a tawen next year (lit. future year) intono sumaruno a dua a tawen in the next two years (lit. in the future two years) Mapan agbakasion intono dumakkel ti sueldona. He will go on vacation when his salary increases (in the future). 

Pronouns edit

Personal pronouns edit

Ilocano personal pronouns distinguish three cases: absolutive, ergative and oblique. They also distinguish three numbers: singular, dual and plural.

Accent marks in the following table are not written, but given here for pronunciation purposes:

Personal Pronouns
Absolutive Ergative Oblique
Disjunctive Enclitic (-ak)[note 2] Enclitic (-ko)[note 3] Disjunctive
1st person singular siák[note 4] -ak[note 5] -k(o)[note 6][note 7] kaniák
1st person dual datá, sitá[note 4] -ta -ta kadatá
2nd person singular siká[note 4] -ka -m(o)[note 6] kaniam, kenká
3rd person singular isú(na) [note 8] -na kaniana, kenkuána
1st person plural inclusive datayó, sitayó[note 4] -tayó -tayó kaniatayo, kadatayó
1st person plural exclusive dakamí, sikamí[note 4] -kamí -mi kaniami, kadakamí
2nd person plural dakayó, sikayó[note 4] -kayó -yo kaniayo, kadakayó
3rd person plural isúda -da -da kaniada, kadakuáda
  • First person is the only person to distinguish a dual number; it includes the speaker and one listener. If there are more people addressed (or referred to), one of the first-person-plural forms is the more appropriate form to use. Non-native speakers of Ilocano who are not familiar with this concept will tend to confuse the first-person-plural inclusive tayo with ta (the first-person dual). For example, in a situation where the speaker and the listener are leaving, a native would say "Intan", but a non-native might say "Intayon".
  • First-person-plural forms encode inclusivity. Inclusive forms refer to the speaker and at least two listeners (or the listener and others). On the other hand, exclusive forms refer to the speaker and others (the listener is not included).
  • Personal pronouns in the absolutive case have two forms: disjunctive and enclitic. Disjunctive (or independent) pronouns do not attach to any word, and they can stand as predicates. On the other hand, enclitic pronouns attach to the preceding word (whether a noun or a verb). When attached to a noun, they can indicate possession; to a verb, they indicate the agent of the verb.
  • Oblique pronouns usually express conveyance to someone. They also mark the patient role (direct object) of verbs cast in the agent voice. Additionally, when used with nouns denoting people (for example, relatives or a personal title), they refer to that person's place of residence.

Examples of independent absolutive personal pronouns:

1) Siak ti gayyem ni Juan. "I am Juan's friend." 
2) Sikami/Dakami ti napan idiay Laoag. "It was us who went to Laoag." 
3) Sikayo/Dakayo ngay? "What about you? (plural) " 

In 1 and 2 above, siak and dakami are the only words in the "topic" slot. The rest of the sentence is the "comment". There is no copula "to be" (as in English). In 3 sikayo stands alone, as ngay (a particle) only adds to the sentence.

Examples of enclitic absolutive personal pronouns:

Gumatgatangak iti saba. "I am buying bananas." 
Agawidkayonto kadi intono Sabado? "Are all of you going home on Saturday?" 

Examples of possessive use of the enclitic personal pronouns:

Napintas ti balaymo. "Your house is beautiful." 
Ayanna daydiay asok? "Where is my dog?" 

Examples of ergative enclitic personal pronouns:

Basbasaenda ti diario. "They are reading the newspaper." 
Intedna kaniak. "He gave it to me." 

Examples of oblique personal pronouns:

Imbagam kaniana! "You told her!" 
Ibagam kadakuada. "Tell them." 

Enclitic personal-pronoun sequences edit

Enclitic personal-pronoun sequences occur with goal-oriented (transitive) verbs: verbs that take both a subject and object to complete its meaning. Enclitic personal pronouns may (or may not) combine when they occur in sequence, in the order of subject (in the ergative case, or -ko series) and goal (in the absolutive case, or the -ak series).

Agent Patient
1st Sing. 2nd Sing. 3rd Sing. 1st Dual 1st Plur. Excl. 1st Plur. Incl. 2nd Plur. 3rd Plur.
1st Singular [note 9] -ka -k(o)Ø[note 8] -kayo -k(o) ida
2nd Singular -nak [note 9] -m(o)Ø[note 8] -nakami -m(o) ida
3rd Singular -nak -naka [note 9]/-naØ[note 8] -nata -nakami -natayo -nakayo -na ida
1st Dual -taØ[note 8] [note 9] -ta ida
1st Plur. Excl. -daka -miØ[note 8] [note 9] -dakayo -mi ida
1st Plur. Incl. -tayoØ[note 8] [note 9] -tayo ida
2nd Plural -dak -yoØ[note 8] -data -dakami [note 9] -yo ida
3rd Plural -dak -daka -daØ[note 8] -data -dakami -datayo -dakayo [note 9]/-da ida
  • Third person is assumed when it is a patient. In other words, it appears as a "zero" morpheme (represented by 'Ø'). If there is a need for emphasis, isuna (an independent absolutive personal pronoun) may be used (for example, Nakitak isuna, "I saw him.")
  • Ida never combines with a pronoun. Other enclitics may occur between the agent and ida (for example, Nailutuannan ida, "He cooked for them already".)
  • -na appears to signal a singular (2nd or 3rd person) agent, whereas -da signals a plural agent.
  • When the agent of a transitive verb is a noun phrase and its patient is a pronoun, or when the possessor is a noun phrase and the possessed is a pronoun, the combinations with the third person pronouns co-occur with the noun phrases to which they refer. (See Clitic doubling.)
  • Some combinations do not exist (for example, a first-person-singular subject and a first-person-plural patient. Typically, these non-existent forms are those where the agent is among the patients.

Reflexive pronouns edit

Reflexive pronouns consist of the word bagi (/ba.'gi/), "body" and the appropriate ergative enclitic. (Note that the stress falls on the ultima of the word.)

Person Form Gloss
1st sing. bagik myself
2nd sing. bagim yourself
3rd sing. bagina himself
1st dual bagita ourselves
1st plu. inc. bagitayo ourselves
1st plu. ex. bagimi ourselves
2nd plu. bagiyo yourselves
3rd plu. bagida themselves

Independent possessives edit

Possessive pronouns consist of either the word bagi /'ba:.gi/ ("share") or kukua ("ownership") and the appropriate ergative enclitic. There is no difference in meaning between the two sets of forms.

Note that the stress in bagi falls on the penult, instead of the ultima (as in bagi, /ba.'gi/ above). As stress is not normally written, context will clarify which of the two types of pronouns is being used.

Person Bagi Kukua Gloss
1st sing. bagik kukuak mine
2nd sing. bagim kukuam yours
3rd sing. bagina kukuana his
1st dual bagita kukuata ours
1st plu. inc. bagitayo kukuatayo ours
1st plu. ex. bagimi kukuami ours
2nd plu. bagiyo kukuayo yours
3rd plu. bagida kukuada theirs

A possessive pronoun is most commonly used in lieu of the thing possessed. It answers the question "Whose is this?"

Bagimi dagidiay. Those are ours. Ania kadagitoy a lugan ti nadungpar? Bagida. Which of these cars was hit? Theirs. Husto ti pagtugawam idiay lamesa. Nangato la unay met ti kukuak. Your chair at the table is just right. Mine is too high. Kinnannan ti sorbetesna. Ngem, dita met pay kinnan ti bagita. She already ate her ice cream. But, we haven't yet eaten ours (or our share). 

Although use of ergative pronouns is more common, possessive pronouns can show possession as well. They precede the noun (or noun phrase) they modify, and are linked with a/nga. Using this construction adds the nuance that the noun (or noun phrase) is particular to the possessor.

Nabirokanna ti kukuana nga libro. She found her book. She found her own book. Nabirokanna ti librona. She found her book. (It could have been another girl's book she found.) 

Indefinite Pronouns edit

Indefinite pronouns are formed with the appropriate interrogative and the particle man.

An alternate form is with uray preceding the interrogative. These forms, however, can stand alone.

Interrogative Gloss Indefinite w/ man Indefinite w/ uray Gloss
siasino who? siasino man, siasinoman uray siasino anyone, anybody, whoever
ania what? ania man, aniaman uray ania anything, whatever
kaano when? kaano man, kaanoman uray kaano anytime, whenever
inton-ano when? (in the future) inton-ano man, inton-anoman uray inton-ano anytime, whenever (in the future)
kasano how? kasano man, kasanoman uray kasano however, anyhow
sadino where? sadino man, sadinoman uray sadino wherever, anywhere


Ania ti kayatmo? What do you want? Uray ania. Anything. BUT, NOT... *Ania man. 

Nouns edit

Nouns are classed as either common or personal; personal nouns are introduced by the personal article ni. Names of people or anthropomorphized nouns are marked by ni (ni Juan, Juan). Kinship terms and titles can also be preceded by ni (ni tatang, ni kaeskuelam). They may be introduced by ti (the common article) if the speaker is making a generalization. All other nouns (the common nouns) are introduced by ti; for example, ti aso ("the dog") and ti balay ("the house").

Plurality edit

Ilokano has two ways to indicate plurality: the noun accompanied by a plural form of the article, or morphologically. Plurality can be indicated simply by the appropriate plural form of the article without any change in the noun, e.g. dagiti aso, "the dogs" or kadagiti balay, "(among) the houses".

To indicate the plural morphologically, the first syllable of the root is reduplicated or a consonant phoneme is geminated. This type of pluralization occurs commonly with nouns denoting people. Other nouns have a plural form which does not follow either preceding method, and must be learned individually.

Plurals formed morphologically, however, have the added nuance of distribution, e.g. babbalasang ("each/every young woman"). Neither method of pluralization is exclusive. Plural articles commonly occur with morphological plurals.

  • Open-Syllable Reduplication

kayong, brother-in-law
kakayong, brothers-in-law

  • Closed-Syllable Reduplication

ima, hand
im-ima, hands

  • Gemination

ubing, child
ubbing, children

lalaki, male
lallaki, males

Adjectives edit

Root adjectives edit

Root adjectives do not have any of the common derivational affixes such as a-, ma-, na- or any other derivational affix. Many root adjectives denote physical characteristics (especially physical abnormalities).

Example bassit small dakkel big baro new daan old (applied to inanimate objects) baket old (applied to animate females) lakay old (applied to animate males) buttiog pot-bellied (applied to men) tuleng deaf pangkis cross-eyed/cock-eyed 

Derived adjectives edit

  • Na-

The most common prefix for deriving adjectives. The na- prefix denotes the descriptive quality of the root.

Root Gloss Adjective Gloss
alsem sourness, acidity naalsem sour, acid
gasang spice, spiciness, heat nagasang spicy, hot (taste)
pait bile, bitterness napait bitter, acrid
uyong severity, harshness nauyong harsh, mean, severe
  • Ma-

Some roots have a derived adjective form that begins with ma-; a number have derived adjectives in both ma- and na-. The chief difference is that ma- prefix denotes a condition or an experience.

Root Gloss na- ma-
sakit sickness, pain, disease nasakit painful masakit ill, sick
lam-ek chill nalam-ek cold (weather) malam-ek to be, feel cold
ulaw dizziness, nausea maulaw to be, feel dizzy
  • A-

A fixed number of roots begin with a-, an archaic prefix which is no longer productive (e.g. atiddog, "long"; as a result, the prefix no longer has a meaning of its own.

Root Gloss Adjective Gloss
tiddog length atiddog long
baba lower part ababa short (height)

Adjectival degrees and forms edit


The positive form is the "dictionary" form (or plain form) from which the other degrees can be derived.


The comparative form of adjectives is used when comparing at least two nouns, where one has more of the characteristic denoted by the adjective. The comparative form is derived by reduplicating the first syllable of the root; for example, 'naud-udi, "(the) later (one in a sequence) < naudi, "last" < udi "rear".


The moderate form of an adjective denotes that what is being described has some degree of quality. In English, this is expressed by "rather" or "somewhat". The moderate degree is formed by prefixing paN- and suffixing -en to the root. The final -N is the organic nasal of the first consonant of the root (which is lost in the case of stops).

Comparative superlative

The superlative is the form that is used when something has the greatest degree of a characteristic, in comparison to other items. It is formed by prefixing ka- and suffixing -an to the root.

Absolute superlative

The intensive degree denotes that what it being described is the epitome of the adjective's meaning. A near parallelism is the use of -ísimo/a in Spanish or -issimo/a in Italian.

The prefix naka- is added with the reduplication of the first three phonetic segments of the root (e.g. nakabakbaknang, "very wealthy, rich".


The excessive is used to denote that the quality of the adjective is extreme. This degree is formed using the adverb unay with the positive form of the adjective (e.g. nabaknang unay "too, extremely, overly wealthy, rich".


This form corresponds to the use of "how" or "so" in English in a phrases of wonder, admiration or surprise. The intensive is formed by prefixing nag- to the root (for example, nagbaknang "very wealthy" < baknang "wealth, riches". Commonly, the intensive is accompanied by the enclitic -(e)n, e.g. Nagbaknangen ni Maria "Maria's very rich!"

Root: pudot "warmth"
Degree Form Gloss
Positive napudot warm
Comparative napudpudot warmer
Moderate pamudoten rather warm
Comparative Superlative kapudotan warmest
Absolutive Superlative nakapudpudot very warm
Excessive napudot unay too warm
Intensive nagpudoten so warm! how warm!

Verbs edit

Although other word classes in Ilokano are not diverse in forms, verbs are morphologically complex inflecting for grammatical distinctions such as tense/aspect, number and focus.

Ilokano has a morphosyntactic alignment that shares characteristics of both Nominative–accusative and Ergative–absolutive known as the Austronesian alignment.

Adverbs edit

Demonstrative adverbs edit

Demonstrative adverbs are similar to demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. Each series uses spatial reference, and shows the same degrees of proximity: proximal, medial and distal.

Locatives edit

Locatives correspond to "here" and "there". They have a three-way distinction similar to the demonstratives: proximal, medial and distal, and can be used with nouns to specify location. In addition, they can replace a noun phrase in the oblique case which concerns location.

Locative determiners
Space Form Gloss
Proximal ditoy here
Medial dita there
Distal idiay


there or yonder


Immay ditoy balay. He came to our house (here). Napan dita a balay. He went to that house (just over there). He went to the house. Napan idiay. He went there.(referring to a far place) 

Manner edit

Ilocano has a set of adverbs referring to manner. They are a combination of kas ("like/as") and the abbreviated determiner forms toy, ta and diay.

Locative determiners
Space Form Gloss
Proximal kastoy like this, this way
Medial kasta like that, that way
Distal kasdiay like that, that way


Kinitak a kastoy. I looked at him like this. 
Apay sinuratmo a kasta? Why did you write it that way? 
Nagsala a kasdiay. She danced like that (over there, like she is dancing). 

As with many word categories in Ilocano, prefixing ag- (a verbalizing prefix) results in verbs expressing the generality of the action (possibly accompanied by an imitating gesture).


Nagkastoy. He went like this/He did this. 
Agkasta kunana. She said that she would go like that/do that. 
Nagkasdiayak. I went like that/do that (over there) (pointing to someone who is in the midst of the action in question). 

Adding pa- (a directional prefix), direction is implied.


Nagpakastoy. He went/came here. He went/came through here. 
Agpakasta kunana. She said that she would go/come there. She said she would go/come through there. 
Nagpakasdiayak. I went/came (over) there. I went/came through (over) there. 

Numbers edit

Ilocano has two number systems: one native and the other derived from Spanish. The systems are used interchangeably; however, the situation can dictate which system is preferred. Typically, Ilocanos use native numbers for one through ten and Spanish numbers for amounts of ten and higher. Time is told using the Spanish system and numbers for hours and minutes; for example, alas dos (two o'clock). For dates, cardinal Spanish numbers are the norm; for example, 12 (dose) ti Julio (the twelfth of July).

Particles edit

Typology edit

Ilocano employs a predicate-initial structure: verbs and adjectives occur in the first position of the sentence, then the rest of the sentence follows.

Verb phrases edit

Comment-topic edit

VSO (Verb–Subject–Object) edit

Existentials edit

Two existential particles, adda and awan, are used in Ilokano to express modes of possession and existence. While adda is used as either an absolute or current existential, awan is used as a negative existential.

Adda edit

Adda can indicate absolute possession, which signifies that the possessor owns the possessed object regardless of whether or not the object is with him at the moment.

Adda kadi kotsem? Do you have a car? 
Adda kadi asawamon? Do you have a spouse already? 

It can also indicate current possession, meaning that the possessed object is within reach of its owner. This requires the possessor to be in the oblique case (e.g. kaniák).

Adda ti tulbek kaniak. I have the key (on me now). 

For emphasis, possessors may also precede the possessed objects.

Adda kaniak ti tulbek. I (am the one) who has the key. 

Adda can combine with the spatial demonstrative adverbs to produce addadtoy, "is/are here"; addadta, "is/are there" and addadiay, "is/are there (yonder)".

Awan edit

Awan is used as the negative of adda.

Awan ti luganko. I don't have a car. 
Awan ti aso ni Maria. Maria does not have a dog. 
Awan kaniak. I don't have it. 

Indefinite phrases edit

Indefinite phrases (phrases including words such as "someone", "somebody" or "something") are introduced by adda. If the indefinite phrase is the actor, the intransitive form of the verb is used; if the indefinite is the goal (or patient) of the verb, a goal-focused form of the verb is used.

Adda ti immay. (Actor) Someone came. (lit. "There is (someone) who came.") 
Adda ti pinatayda. (Goal) They killed somebody. (lit. "There is (someone) who was killed by them.") 
Adda ti linabaak idi kalman. (Goal) I washed something yesterday. (lit. "There is (something) that I washed yesterday.") 

Whereas adda is used for indefinite phrases, awan is used for negative phrases, e.g. "nobody came", "no one is here".

Awan ti immay No one came. 
Awan ti pinatayda. They killed nobody. 
Awan ti linabaak idi kalman. I washed nothing yesterday. 

The double negative in English (where the above examples are "no one didn't come", "they didn't kill nobody" and "I didn't wash nothing yesterday") is common in colloquial speech. In other languages such as in Romance languages, it is mandatory. In Ilocano, however, the use of the negative saan or di in conjunction with awan results in something absolute.

Awan ti saan nga immay. There isn't anybody who didn't come. (i.e. "Everyone came.") 
Awan ti saanda a pinatay. There wasn't anybody that they didn't kill. (i.e. "They killed everyone.") 
Awan ti saanko a linabaan idi kalman. There isn't anything I didn't wash. (i.e. "I washed everything.") 

Negation edit

Saan/Di edit

Saan (and its variant, haan) and di (no, not) occupy the predicate slot of phrases in which they occur. As a result, personal pronouns and other enclitics will bind to it instead of the word or phrase that saan or di negates. The combination of the ergative first person pronoun (i.e. ko) does not combine with di in the expected *diko. Instead, diak is used. Saan requires the use of the ligature a/nga with verbal predicates; di does not.


Verb predicate + Napanak idiay tiendaan. (I went to the store.) – Saanak a napan idiay tiendaan. (I did not go to the store.) – Diak napan idiay tiendaan. 
Noun predicate + Estudianteka. (You are a student.) – Saanka nga estudiante. (You are not a student.) 
Adjective predicate + Nalaingak. (I am intelligent.) – Saanak a nalaing. (I am not intelligent.) 

Awan edit

Clauses edit

Coordination edit

Interrogatives edit

Interrogative words are always the first constituents of a sentence or phrase.

Simple edit

The following table contains common simple interrogatives:

Interrogative Gloss Notes
Ania What?
Apay Why?
Asino Who?
Ayan Where? Used when inquiring about a place
Inton-ano When? Used when inquiring about a time in the future
Kaano When? Used when inquiring about a present or past time
Kasano How?
Sagmamano How much? Used when inquiring about a price.
Mano How many?/How much?
Sadino Where? Used when inquiring where an action is performed


  • Asino, siasino, sino, sinno

There are no differences between these; siasino, however, can denote pluratity.

  • Ayan and sadino

Ayan is used when inquiring the location of something; for example, Ayan ti tulbekko? "Where are my keys?" Sadino, on the other hand, is used in conjunction with verbs, e.g. Sadino ti papanam? "Where are you going?".

  • Inton-ano and kaano

Inton-ano is used when inquiring about a time in the future, kaano about a past or present time. Compare the following examples:

Inton-ano ti misa? (When is the mass? When will the mass be?) Kaano ti misa? (When is the mass?) Kaano daydi misa? (When was that mass? Note how the use of daydi adds emphasis on the past) 

Locative edit

In addition to the locative interrogatives, Ayan? and Sadino, the locative form of the verb can be used alone with a change in intonation.


Sadino ti panganam? Panganam? Where are you eating? Sadino ti nangalaanyo? Nangalaanyo? Where did you get it? 

Complex edit

Complex interrogatives have the characteristic -ano appended. The following are a few which occur (or are possible):

Interrogative Gloss Notes
Agpaano? In which direction? To where? ag-, pa- (directional morpheme) and -ano
Maikamano? In what order? maika- (ordinal prefix) and mano (how much, many?)
Mamin-ano? How many times? mamin- (multiplicative prefix) and -ano
Taga-ano? From where? taga- (prefix of origin) and -ano
Kapin-ano? How related? kapin- (prefix of kinship relation) and -ano


Agpaanoka? (Where are you going to? Which way are you going?) Taga-anoda? (Where are they from?) Kapin-ano isuna? (How is he related?) 

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ a b c d e f The short forms of the singular demonstratives may be used in place of ti if the speaker would like to be more specific in regards to space or time.
  2. ^ The series of absolutive enclitics is sometimes referred to as the -ak series, a name derived from the form of the first person singular.
  3. ^ The series of ergative enclitics series is sometimes referred to as the -ko series, a name derived from the form of the first person singular.
  4. ^ a b c d e f These forms are a combination of the obsolete variant of the personal article si and the absolutive enclitic form.
  5. ^ When the enclitic particle -(e)n is attached, the form becomes -akon indicating that it once was -ako in the history of the language. (cf. Tagalog)
  6. ^ a b The final o is lost when the preceding word ends in a simple vowel and when there are no following enclitics. Compare the following:
    • Asom Your dog
    • Asomonto It will be your dog.
  7. ^ When attaching to either of the suffixes, -en or -an, the -n of the suffix is lost.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i The 3rd person singular has no ending or form; it is inferred by context.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h In situations where the agent and the patient are the same, the agent remains the same, but the patient is one of the reflexive pronouns that correspond to the agent.

Citations edit

  1. ^ Rubino (1997), p. 49
  2. ^ Rubino (1997), p. 48

References edit

  • Espiritu, Percy (1984). Let's Speak Ilokano. University of Hawaii Press.
  • Rubino, Carl (1997). A Reference Grammar of Ilokano (PhD thesis). University of California, Santa Barbara.
  • Rubino, Carl (1998). English-Ilocano Dictionary & Phrasebook. New York: Hippocrene Books.
  • Rubino, Carl (2000). Ilocano Dictionary and Grammar: Ilocano-English, English-Ilocano. University of Hawaii Press.

ilocano, grammar, study, morphological, syntactic, structures, ilocano, language, language, spoken, northern, philippines, ethnic, ilocanos, ilocano, communities, saudi, arabia, other, countries, around, globe, ilocano, agglutinative, language, this, agglutina. Ilocano grammar is the study of the morphological and syntactic structures of the Ilocano language a language spoken in the northern Philippines by ethnic Ilocanos and Ilocano communities in the US Saudi Arabia and other countries around the globe Ilocano is an agglutinative language This agglutinating characteristic is most apparent in its verbal morphology which has a Philippine type voice system Contents 1 Determiners 1 1 Articles 1 2 Demonstratives 1 2 1 Spatial 1 2 2 Temporal 1 3 Future 2 Pronouns 2 1 Personal pronouns 2 2 Enclitic personal pronoun sequences 2 3 Reflexive pronouns 2 4 Independent possessives 2 5 Indefinite Pronouns 3 Nouns 3 1 Plurality 4 Adjectives 4 1 Root adjectives 4 2 Derived adjectives 4 3 Adjectival degrees and forms 5 Verbs 6 Adverbs 6 1 Demonstrative adverbs 6 2 Locatives 6 3 Manner 7 Numbers 8 Particles 9 Typology 10 Verb phrases 10 1 Comment topic 10 2 VSO Verb Subject Object 11 Existentials 11 1 Adda 11 2 Awan 11 3 Indefinite phrases 12 Negation 12 1 Saan Di 12 2 Awan 13 Clauses 13 1 Coordination 14 Interrogatives 14 1 Simple 14 2 Locative 14 3 Complex 15 See also 16 Notes 17 Citations 18 ReferencesDeterminers editIlocano has two subsets of determiners Articles are similar to the and a or an in English Demonstratives point out something this or that whether what is being referred to is in space in time or is something previously mentioned Ilocano determiners have only two forms core and oblique unlike Ilocano pronouns which have three distinct forms absolutive ergative and oblique The core form may function for either the absolutive or ergative cases Articles edit Ilocano has two sets of articles common and personal Personal articles are used for people names and personal titles Common articles are used with all other nouns including names of countries and cities Common Case Singular PluralCore ti note 1 dagitiOblique iti kadagitiPersonal Case Singular PluralCore ni daOblique ken ni kadaKinship terms such as mother or uncle can take either set of articles Preceded by the common article the term is more generalized or conceptual preceded by a personal article the reference is more specific the speaker refers to a member of his or her family or a specific antecedent Napan ti ama idiay eskuelaan ti anakna The father went to his child s school Napan ni ama idiay eskuelaan ni kabsat Father went to sister s brother s school The same can also be said of titles or offices Nakitak ni maestra idiay padaya I saw teacher at the party referring to the speaker s teacher in school Nakakitaak iti maestra idiay padaya I saw a teacher at the party any teacher Demonstratives edit Similar to articles demonstratives has two forms core and oblique and two numbers singular and plural Like Spanish or Japanese Ilokano has a three way distinction regarding space In addition Ilokano has another set which refers to objects or events not visible to either the speaker or the listener and occurred or existed before the current time frame Therefore Ilokano demonstratives have a five way distinction relative to time and space Demonstratives are linked to their noun or noun phrases with the ligature a nga Daytoy a lalaki This man Lalaki a daytoy This man here with more emphasis on his spatial relation to the speaker Daytoy a dakkel a balay This big house Dagita nga immay nga ubbing Those children who came The forms in parentheses below do not require a ligature and act as an article 1 they may not follow their nouns as the full forms Ta lalaki That man Lalaki ta does not occur since ta is contraction of dayta which mean that Examples Nagtagtagainepak iti daydi apong I dreamt of grandmother Grandmother has died Nabirukam tay kuartam Did you find your money Spatial edit Ilocano distinguishes the following levels of proximity Proximal Nearer the speaker this Medial Nearer the listener that Distal Removed from both speaker and listener yonder Spatial Number Case Proximal Medial DistalSingular Core daytoy toy note 1 dayta ta note 1 daydiay diay note 1 Oblique iti daytoy kadaytoy iti dayta kadayta iti daydiay kadaydiayPlural Core dagitoy dagita dagidiayOblique kadagitoy kadagita kadagidiayAdverbial itoy ita idiayTemporal edit This series refers to objects and events in times other than the present as opposed to space physical or mental The referents may not be visible to either speaker or listener at the time of the utterance Recent Refers to things or events that might not be visible at the moment of speech and have occurred or existed relatively recently Remote Refers to persons who have died things that no longer exist events which occurred long ago and are rather vague or something referred to in the future Non Visible Number Case Recent RemoteSingular Core daytay tay note 1 daydi di note 1 Oblique kadaytay kadaydiOblique Common iti daytay iti daydiOblique Personal ken daytay ken daydiPlural Core dagitay dagidiOblique kadagitay kadagidiAdverbial itay idiThis series of demonstratives can be used with the future particle n to if the noun will come into existence or will be used in the future Dagitayto annakmo ket mapanaganan iti Maria ken Juan Your future children will be named Mary and John Adverbial forms can set the temporal frame of the clause it introduces and usually corresponds to when or before referring to the past Examples Nagawiden ni Juan itay simmangpet ni Maria John had already gone home when Maria arrived Maria had just arrived earlier today Nagawiden ni Juan idi simmangpet ni Maria John had already gone home when Maria arrived Someone is relating a story from a long time ago Future edit The demonstrative inton intono tono ton is used with reference to the future lt i n to FUT no CONJ 2 It does not share the same morphology of the other demonstratives It is commonly found in fixed time phrases and acts adverbially It functions to subordinate clauses referring to future time Examples intono bigat tomorrow lit future morning intono rabii tonight lit future night evening intono sumaruno a tawen next year lit future year intono sumaruno a dua a tawen in the next two years lit in the future two years Mapan agbakasion intono dumakkel ti sueldona He will go on vacation when his salary increases in the future Pronouns editPersonal pronouns edit Ilocano personal pronouns distinguish three cases absolutive ergative and oblique They also distinguish three numbers singular dual and plural Accent marks in the following table are not written but given here for pronunciation purposes Personal Pronouns Absolutive Ergative ObliqueDisjunctive Enclitic ak note 2 Enclitic ko note 3 Disjunctive1st person singular siak note 4 ak note 5 k o note 6 note 7 kaniak1st person dual data sita note 4 ta ta kadata2nd person singular sika note 4 ka m o note 6 kaniam kenka3rd person singular isu na O note 8 na kaniana kenkuana1st person plural inclusive datayo sitayo note 4 tayo tayo kaniatayo kadatayo1st person plural exclusive dakami sikami note 4 kami mi kaniami kadakami2nd person plural dakayo sikayo note 4 kayo yo kaniayo kadakayo3rd person plural isuda da da kaniada kadakuadaNotesFirst person is the only person to distinguish a dual number it includes the speaker and one listener If there are more people addressed or referred to one of the first person plural forms is the more appropriate form to use Non native speakers of Ilocano who are not familiar with this concept will tend to confuse the first person plural inclusive tayo with ta the first person dual For example in a situation where the speaker and the listener are leaving a native would say Intan but a non native might say Intayon First person plural forms encode inclusivity Inclusive forms refer to the speaker and at least two listeners or the listener and others On the other hand exclusive forms refer to the speaker and others the listener is not included Personal pronouns in the absolutive case have two forms disjunctive and enclitic Disjunctive or independent pronouns do not attach to any word and they can stand as predicates On the other hand enclitic pronouns attach to the preceding word whether a noun or a verb When attached to a noun they can indicate possession to a verb they indicate the agent of the verb Oblique pronouns usually express conveyance to someone They also mark the patient role direct object of verbs cast in the agent voice Additionally when used with nouns denoting people for example relatives or a personal title they refer to that person s place of residence Examples of independent absolutive personal pronouns 1 Siak ti gayyem ni Juan I am Juan s friend 2 Sikami Dakami ti napan idiay Laoag It was us who went to Laoag 3 Sikayo Dakayo ngay What about you plural In 1 and 2 above siak and dakami are the only words in the topic slot The rest of the sentence is the comment There is no copula to be as in English In 3 sikayo stands alone as ngay a particle only adds to the sentence Examples of enclitic absolutive personal pronouns Gumatgatangak iti saba I am buying bananas Agawidkayonto kadi intono Sabado Are all of you going home on Saturday Examples of possessive use of the enclitic personal pronouns Napintas ti balaymo Your house is beautiful Ayanna daydiay asok Where is my dog Examples of ergative enclitic personal pronouns Basbasaenda ti diario They are reading the newspaper Intedna kaniak He gave it to me Examples of oblique personal pronouns Imbagam kaniana You told her Ibagam kadakuada Tell them Enclitic personal pronoun sequences edit Enclitic personal pronoun sequences occur with goal oriented transitive verbs verbs that take both a subject and object to complete its meaning Enclitic personal pronouns may or may not combine when they occur in sequence in the order of subject in the ergative case or ko series and goal in the absolutive case or the ak series Agent Patient1st Sing 2nd Sing 3rd Sing 1st Dual 1st Plur Excl 1st Plur Incl 2nd Plur 3rd Plur 1st Singular note 9 ka k o O note 8 kayo k o ida2nd Singular nak note 9 m o O note 8 nakami m o ida3rd Singular nak naka note 9 naO note 8 nata nakami natayo nakayo na ida1st Dual taO note 8 note 9 ta ida1st Plur Excl daka miO note 8 note 9 dakayo mi ida1st Plur Incl tayoO note 8 note 9 tayo ida2nd Plural dak yoO note 8 data dakami note 9 yo ida3rd Plural dak daka daO note 8 data dakami datayo dakayo note 9 da idaNotesThird person is assumed when it is a patient In other words it appears as a zero morpheme represented by O If there is a need for emphasis isuna an independent absolutive personal pronoun may be used for example Nakitak isuna I saw him Ida never combines with a pronoun Other enclitics may occur between the agent and ida for example Nailutuannan ida He cooked for them already na appears to signal a singular 2nd or 3rd person agent whereas da signals a plural agent When the agent of a transitive verb is a noun phrase and its patient is a pronoun or when the possessor is a noun phrase and the possessed is a pronoun the combinations with the third person pronouns co occur with the noun phrases to which they refer See Clitic doubling Some combinations do not exist for example a first person singular subject and a first person plural patient Typically these non existent forms are those where the agent is among the patients Reflexive pronouns edit Reflexive pronouns consist of the word bagi ba gi body and the appropriate ergative enclitic Note that the stress falls on the ultima of the word Person Form Gloss1st sing bagik myself2nd sing bagim yourself3rd sing bagina himselfherselfitself1st dual bagita ourselves1st plu inc bagitayo ourselves1st plu ex bagimi ourselves2nd plu bagiyo yourselves3rd plu bagida themselvesIndependent possessives edit Possessive pronouns consist of either the word bagi ba gi share or kukua ownership and the appropriate ergative enclitic There is no difference in meaning between the two sets of forms Note that the stress in bagi falls on the penult instead of the ultima as in bagi ba gi above As stress is not normally written context will clarify which of the two types of pronouns is being used Person Bagi Kukua Gloss1st sing bagik kukuak mine2nd sing bagim kukuam yours3rd sing bagina kukuana hishersits1st dual bagita kukuata ours1st plu inc bagitayo kukuatayo ours1st plu ex bagimi kukuami ours2nd plu bagiyo kukuayo yours3rd plu bagida kukuada theirsA possessive pronoun is most commonly used in lieu of the thing possessed It answers the question Whose is this Bagimi dagidiay Those are ours Ania kadagitoy a lugan ti nadungpar Bagida Which of these cars was hit Theirs Husto ti pagtugawam idiay lamesa Nangato la unay met ti kukuak Your chair at the table is just right Mine is too high Kinnannan ti sorbetesna Ngem dita met pay kinnan ti bagita She already ate her ice cream But we haven t yet eaten ours or our share Although use of ergative pronouns is more common possessive pronouns can show possession as well They precede the noun or noun phrase they modify and are linked with a nga Using this construction adds the nuance that the noun or noun phrase is particular to the possessor Nabirokanna ti kukuana nga libro She found her book She found her own book Nabirokanna ti librona She found her book It could have been another girl s book she found Indefinite Pronouns edit Indefinite pronouns are formed with the appropriate interrogative and the particle man An alternate form is with uray preceding the interrogative These forms however can stand alone Interrogative Gloss Indefinite w man Indefinite w uray Glosssiasino who siasino man siasinoman uray siasino anyone anybody whoeverania what ania man aniaman uray ania anything whateverkaano when kaano man kaanoman uray kaano anytime wheneverinton ano when in the future inton ano man inton anoman uray inton ano anytime whenever in the future kasano how kasano man kasanoman uray kasano however anyhowsadino where sadino man sadinoman uray sadino wherever anywhereExamples Ania ti kayatmo What do you want Uray ania Anything BUT NOT Ania man Nouns editNouns are classed as either common or personal personal nouns are introduced by the personal article ni Names of people or anthropomorphized nouns are marked by ni ni Juan Juan Kinship terms and titles can also be preceded by ni ni tatang ni kaeskuelam They may be introduced by ti the common article if the speaker is making a generalization All other nouns the common nouns are introduced by ti for example ti aso the dog and ti balay the house Plurality edit Ilokano has two ways to indicate plurality the noun accompanied by a plural form of the article or morphologically Plurality can be indicated simply by the appropriate plural form of the article without any change in the noun e g dagiti aso the dogs or kadagiti balay among the houses To indicate the plural morphologically the first syllable of the root is reduplicated or a consonant phoneme is geminated This type of pluralization occurs commonly with nouns denoting people Other nouns have a plural form which does not follow either preceding method and must be learned individually Plurals formed morphologically however have the added nuance of distribution e g babbalasang each every young woman Neither method of pluralization is exclusive Plural articles commonly occur with morphological plurals Open Syllable Reduplicationkayong brother in lawkakayong brothers in law Closed Syllable Reduplicationima handim ima hands Geminationubing childubbing childrenlalaki malelallaki malesAdjectives editRoot adjectives edit Root adjectives do not have any of the common derivational affixes such as a ma na or any other derivational affix Many root adjectives denote physical characteristics especially physical abnormalities Example bassit small dakkel big baro new daan old applied to inanimate objects baket old applied to animate females lakay old applied to animate males buttiog pot bellied applied to men tuleng deaf pangkis cross eyed cock eyed Derived adjectives edit Na The most common prefix for deriving adjectives The na prefix denotes the descriptive quality of the root Root Gloss Adjective Glossalsem sourness acidity naalsem sour acidgasang spice spiciness heat nagasang spicy hot taste pait bile bitterness napait bitter acriduyong severity harshness nauyong harsh mean severeMa Some roots have a derived adjective form that begins with ma a number have derived adjectives in both ma and na The chief difference is that ma prefix denotes a condition or an experience Root Gloss na ma sakit sickness pain disease nasakit painful masakit ill sicklam ek chill nalam ek cold weather malam ek to be feel coldulaw dizziness nausea maulaw to be feel dizzyA A fixed number of roots begin with a an archaic prefix which is no longer productive e g atiddog long as a result the prefix no longer has a meaning of its own Root Gloss Adjective Glosstiddog length atiddog longbaba lower part ababa short height Adjectival degrees and forms edit PositiveThe positive form is the dictionary form or plain form from which the other degrees can be derived ComparativeThe comparative form of adjectives is used when comparing at least two nouns where one has more of the characteristic denoted by the adjective The comparative form is derived by reduplicating the first syllable of the root for example naud udi the later one in a sequence lt naudi last lt udi rear ModerateThe moderate form of an adjective denotes that what is being described has some degree of quality In English this is expressed by rather or somewhat The moderate degree is formed by prefixing paN and suffixing en to the root The final N is the organic nasal of the first consonant of the root which is lost in the case of stops Comparative superlativeThe superlative is the form that is used when something has the greatest degree of a characteristic in comparison to other items It is formed by prefixing ka and suffixing an to the root Absolute superlativeThe intensive degree denotes that what it being described is the epitome of the adjective s meaning A near parallelism is the use of isimo a in Spanish or issimo a in Italian The prefix naka is added with the reduplication of the first three phonetic segments of the root e g nakabakbaknang very wealthy rich ExcessiveThe excessive is used to denote that the quality of the adjective is extreme This degree is formed using the adverb unay with the positive form of the adjective e g nabaknang unay too extremely overly wealthy rich IntensiveThis form corresponds to the use of how or so in English in a phrases of wonder admiration or surprise The intensive is formed by prefixing nag to the root for example nagbaknang very wealthy lt baknang wealth riches Commonly the intensive is accompanied by the enclitic e n e g Nagbaknangen ni Maria Maria s very rich Root pudot warmth Degree Form GlossPositive napudot warmComparative napudpudot warmerModerate pamudoten rather warmComparative Superlative kapudotan warmestAbsolutive Superlative nakapudpudot very warmExcessive napudot unay too warmIntensive nagpudoten so warm how warm Verbs editMain article Ilokano verb Although other word classes in Ilokano are not diverse in forms verbs are morphologically complex inflecting for grammatical distinctions such as tense aspect number and focus Ilokano has a morphosyntactic alignment that shares characteristics of both Nominative accusative and Ergative absolutive known as the Austronesian alignment Adverbs editDemonstrative adverbs edit Demonstrative adverbs are similar to demonstrative adjectives and pronouns Each series uses spatial reference and shows the same degrees of proximity proximal medial and distal Locatives edit Locatives correspond to here and there They have a three way distinction similar to the demonstratives proximal medial and distal and can be used with nouns to specify location In addition they can replace a noun phrase in the oblique case which concerns location Locative determiners Space Form GlossProximal ditoy hereMedial dita thereDistal idiay sadiay there or yonderExamples Immay ditoy balay He came to our house here Napan dita a balay He went to that house just over there He went to the house Napan idiay He went there referring to a far place Manner edit Ilocano has a set of adverbs referring to manner They are a combination of kas like as and the abbreviated determiner forms toy ta and diay Locative determiners Space Form GlossProximal kastoy like this this wayMedial kasta like that that wayDistal kasdiay like that that wayExamples Kinitak a kastoy I looked at him like this Apay sinuratmo a kasta Why did you write it that way Nagsala a kasdiay She danced like that over there like she is dancing As with many word categories in Ilocano prefixing ag a verbalizing prefix results in verbs expressing the generality of the action possibly accompanied by an imitating gesture Examples Nagkastoy He went like this He did this Agkasta kunana She said that she would go like that do that Nagkasdiayak I went like that do that over there pointing to someone who is in the midst of the action in question Adding pa a directional prefix direction is implied Examples Nagpakastoy He went came here He went came through here Agpakasta kunana She said that she would go come there She said she would go come through there Nagpakasdiayak I went came over there I went came through over there Numbers editMain article Ilocano numbers Ilocano has two number systems one native and the other derived from Spanish The systems are used interchangeably however the situation can dictate which system is preferred Typically Ilocanos use native numbers for one through ten and Spanish numbers for amounts of ten and higher Time is told using the Spanish system and numbers for hours and minutes for example alas dos two o clock For dates cardinal Spanish numbers are the norm for example 12 dose ti Julio the twelfth of July Particles editMain article Ilokano particlesTypology editIlocano employs a predicate initial structure verbs and adjectives occur in the first position of the sentence then the rest of the sentence follows Verb phrases editComment topic edit This section is empty You can help by adding to it October 2022 VSO Verb Subject Object edit This section is empty You can help by adding to it October 2022 Existentials editTwo existential particles adda and awan are used in Ilokano to express modes of possession and existence While adda is used as either an absolute or current existential awan is used as a negative existential Adda edit Adda can indicate absolute possession which signifies that the possessor owns the possessed object regardless of whether or not the object is with him at the moment Adda kadi kotsem Do you have a car Adda kadi asawamon Do you have a spouse already It can also indicate current possession meaning that the possessed object is within reach of its owner This requires the possessor to be in the oblique case e g kaniak Adda ti tulbek kaniak I have the key on me now For emphasis possessors may also precede the possessed objects Adda kaniak ti tulbek I am the one who has the key Adda can combine with the spatial demonstrative adverbs to produce addadtoy is are here addadta is are there and addadiay is are there yonder Awan edit Awan is used as the negative of adda Awan ti luganko I don t have a car Awan ti aso ni Maria Maria does not have a dog Awan kaniak I don t have it Indefinite phrases edit Indefinite phrases phrases including words such as someone somebody or something are introduced by adda If the indefinite phrase is the actor the intransitive form of the verb is used if the indefinite is the goal or patient of the verb a goal focused form of the verb is used Adda ti immay Actor Someone came lit There is someone who came Adda ti pinatayda Goal They killed somebody lit There is someone who was killed by them Adda ti linabaak idi kalman Goal I washed something yesterday lit There is something that I washed yesterday Whereas adda is used for indefinite phrases awan is used for negative phrases e g nobody came no one is here Awan ti immay No one came Awan ti pinatayda They killed nobody Awan ti linabaak idi kalman I washed nothing yesterday The double negative in English where the above examples are no one didn t come they didn t kill nobody and I didn t wash nothing yesterday is common in colloquial speech In other languages such as in Romance languages it is mandatory In Ilocano however the use of the negative saan or di in conjunction with awan results in something absolute Awan ti saan nga immay There isn t anybody who didn t come i e Everyone came Awan ti saanda a pinatay There wasn t anybody that they didn t kill i e They killed everyone Awan ti saanko a linabaan idi kalman There isn t anything I didn t wash i e I washed everything Negation editSaan Di edit Saan and its variant haan and di no not occupy the predicate slot of phrases in which they occur As a result personal pronouns and other enclitics will bind to it instead of the word or phrase that saan or di negates The combination of the ergative first person pronoun i e ko does not combine with di in the expected diko Instead diak is used Saan requires the use of the ligature a nga with verbal predicates di does not Examples Verb predicate Napanak idiay tiendaan I went to the store Saanak a napan idiay tiendaan I did not go to the store Diak napan idiay tiendaan Noun predicate Estudianteka You are a student Saanka nga estudiante You are not a student Adjective predicate Nalaingak I am intelligent Saanak a nalaing I am not intelligent Awan editClauses editCoordination editInterrogatives editInterrogative words are always the first constituents of a sentence or phrase Simple edit The following table contains common simple interrogatives Interrogative Gloss NotesAnia What Apay Why Asino Who Ayan Where Used when inquiring about a placeInton ano When Used when inquiring about a time in the futureKaano When Used when inquiring about a present or past timeKasano How Sagmamano How much Used when inquiring about a price Mano How many How much Sadino Where Used when inquiring where an action is performedSiasinoSinoSinno Who Asino siasino sino sinnoThere are no differences between these siasino however can denote pluratity Ayan and sadinoAyan is used when inquiring the location of something for example Ayan ti tulbekko Where are my keys Sadino on the other hand is used in conjunction with verbs e g Sadino ti papanam Where are you going Inton ano and kaanoInton ano is used when inquiring about a time in the future kaano about a past or present time Compare the following examples Inton ano ti misa When is the mass When will the mass be Kaano ti misa When is the mass Kaano daydi misa When was that mass Note how the use of daydi adds emphasis on the past Locative edit In addition to the locative interrogatives Ayan and Sadino the locative form of the verb can be used alone with a change in intonation Examples Sadino ti panganam Panganam Where are you eating Sadino ti nangalaanyo Nangalaanyo Where did you get it Complex edit Complex interrogatives have the characteristic ano appended The following are a few which occur or are possible Interrogative Gloss NotesAgpaano In which direction To where ag pa directional morpheme and anoMaikamano In what order maika ordinal prefix and mano how much many Mamin ano How many times mamin multiplicative prefix and anoTaga ano From where taga prefix of origin and anoKapin ano How related kapin prefix of kinship relation and anoExamples Agpaanoka Where are you going to Which way are you going Taga anoda Where are they from Kapin ano isuna How is he related See also editIlocano language Languages of the PhilippinesNotes edit a b c d e f The short forms of the singular demonstratives may be used in place of ti if the speaker would like to be more specific in regards to space or time The series of absolutive enclitics is sometimes referred to as the ak series a name derived from the form of the first person singular The series of ergative enclitics series is sometimes referred to as the ko series a name derived from the form of the first person singular a b c d e f These forms are a combination of the obsolete variant of the personal article si and the absolutive enclitic form When the enclitic particle e n is attached the form becomes akon indicating that it once was ako in the history of the language cf Tagalog a b The final o is lost when the preceding word ends in a simple vowel and when there are no following enclitics Compare the following Asom Your dog Asomonto It will be your dog When attaching to either of the suffixes en or an the n of the suffix is lost a b c d e f g h i The 3rd person singular has no ending or form it is inferred by context a b c d e f g h In situations where the agent and the patient are the same the agent remains the same but the patient is one of the reflexive pronouns that correspond to the agent Citations edit Rubino 1997 p 49 Rubino 1997 p 48References editEspiritu Percy 1984 Let s Speak Ilokano University of Hawaii Press Rubino Carl 1997 A Reference Grammar of Ilokano PhD thesis University of California Santa Barbara Rubino Carl 1998 English Ilocano Dictionary amp Phrasebook New York Hippocrene Books Rubino Carl 2000 Ilocano Dictionary and Grammar Ilocano English English Ilocano University of Hawaii Press Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Ilocano grammar amp oldid 1117031195, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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