
History of antisemitism in the United States

Different opinions exist among historians regarding the extent of antisemitism in American history and how American antisemitism contrasted with its European counterpart. Earlier students of American Jewish life minimized the presence of antisemitism in the United States, which they considered a late and alien phenomenon that arose on the American scene in the late 19th century. More recently however, scholars have asserted that no period in American Jewish history was free from antisemitism. The debate about the significance of antisemitism during different periods of American history has continued to the present day.[1]

A cartoon from Judge magazine showing the advancement of poor Jewish immigrants, 1892.

The first governmental incident of anti-Jewish sentiment was recorded during the American Civil War, when General Ulysses S. Grant issued a General Order (quickly rescinded by President Abraham Lincoln) of expulsion against Jews from the portions of Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi that were under his control.

During the first half of the 20th century, Jews were routinely discriminated against and barred from working in some fields of employment, barred from renting and/or owning certain properties, not accepted as members by social clubs, barred from resort areas and barred from enrolling in colleges by quotas. Antisemitism reached its peak during the interwar period with the rise of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s, antisemitic publications in The Dearborn Independent, and incendiary radio speeches by Father Coughlin in the late 1930s.

Following World War II and the Holocaust, anti-Jewish sentiment significantly declined in the United States. However, there has been an upsurge in the number of antisemitic hate crimes in recent years.

Colonial era edit

In the mid 17th century, Peter Stuyvesant, the last Director-General of the Dutch colony of New Netherland, sought to maintain the position of the Dutch Reformed Church in America refusing to allow other denominations such as Lutherans, Catholics and Quakers the right to organize a church. He also described Jews as "deceitful", "very repugnant", and "hateful enemies and blasphemers of the name of Christ".[2] Prior to this, the inhabitants of the Dutch settlement of Vlishing had declared that "the law of love, peace, and liberty" extended to "Jews, Turks, and Egyptians."[3]

19th century edit

According to Peter Knight, throughout most of the 18th and 19th centuries, the United States rarely experienced antisemitic action comparable to the sort that was endemic in Europe during the same period.[4] Jews were viewed as a race beginning in the 1870s, but this understanding was considered positive, as Jews were viewed as white. [5]

Civil War edit

Major General Ulysses S. Grant was influenced by these sentiments and issued General Order No. 11 expelling Jews from areas under his control in western Tennessee:

The Jews, as a class violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department and also department orders, are hereby expelled ... within twenty-four hours from the receipt of this order.

Grant later issued an order "that no Jews are to be permitted to travel on the road southward." His aide, Colonel John V. DuBois, ordered "all cotton speculators, Jews, and all vagabonds with no honest means of support", to leave the district. "The Israelites especially should be kept out ... they are such an intolerable nuisance."

This order was quickly rescinded by President Abraham Lincoln but not until it had been enforced in a number of towns.[6] According to Jerome Chanes, Lincoln's revocation of Grant's order was based primarily on "constitutional strictures against ... the federal government singling out any group for special treatment." Chanes characterizes General Order No. 11 as "unique in the history of the United States" because it was the only overtly antisemitic official action of the United States government.[7]

Immigration from Eastern Europe edit

Antisemitic anti-immigrant cartoon, 1890

Between 1881 and 1920, approximately 3 million Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe immigrated to America, many of them fleeing pogroms and the difficult economic conditions which were widespread in much of Eastern Europe during this time. Pogroms in the Russian Empire prompted waves of Jewish immigrants after 1881. Jews, along with many Eastern and Southern European immigrants, came to work the country's growing mines and factories. Many Americans distrusted these Jewish immigrants.[6]

Between 1900 and 1924, approximately 1.75 million Jews immigrated to America's shores, the bulk from Eastern Europe. Whereas before 1900, American Jews never amounted even to 1 percent of America's total population, by 1930 Jews formed about 3.5 percent. This dramatic increase, combined with the upward mobility of some Jews, contributed to a resurgence of antisemitism.

As the European immigration swelled the Jewish population of the United States, there developed a growing sense of Jews as different. Indeed, the United States government's Census Bureau classified Jews as their own race, Hebrews, and a 1909 effort led by Simon Wolf to remove Hebrew as a race through a Congressional bill failed.[5] Jerome Chanes attributes this perception on the fact that Jews were concentrated in a small number of occupations: they were perceived as being mostly clothing manufacturers, shopkeepers and department store owners. He notes that so-called "German Jews" (who in reality came not just from Germany but from Austria-Hungary and other countries as well) found themselves increasingly segregated by a widespread social antisemitism that became even more prevalent in the twentieth century and which persists in vestigial form even today.[8]

Populism edit

An antisemitic political cartoon in an issue of "Sound Money" magazine which appeared in 1896. "This is the U.S. in the Hands of the Jews", portraying Uncle Sam being crucified like Jesus. Two figures labeled "Wall Street Pirates" with caricatured Jewish features poke him with a spear and raise a poisoned sponge to his lips. The tub of poison is labeled "Debt", the poisoned sponge "Interest on Bonds", and the spear "Single Gold Standard". Below, figures labeled "Republicanism" (Caricature of James G. Blaine) and "Democracy" (Caricature of Grover Cleveland) pick Uncle Sam's pockets.

In the middle of the 19th century, a number of German Jewish immigrants founded investment banking firms which later became mainstays of the industry. Most prominent Jewish banks in the United States were investment banks, rather than commercial banks.[9][10] Although Jews played only a minor role in the nation's commercial banking system, the prominence of Jewish investment bankers such as the Rothschild family in Europe, and Jacob Schiff, of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. in New York City, made the claims of antisemites believable to some.

One example of allegations of Jewish control of world finances, during the 1890s, is Mary Elizabeth Lease, an American farming activist and populist from Kansas, who frequently blamed the Rothschilds and the "British bankers" as the source of farmers' ills.[11]

The Morgan Bonds scandal injected populist antisemitism into the 1896 presidential campaign. It was disclosed that President Grover Cleveland had sold bonds to a syndicate which included J. P. Morgan and the Rothschilds house, bonds which that syndicate was now selling for a profit, the Populists used it as an opportunity to uphold their view of history, and argue that Washington and Wall Street were in the hands of the international Jewish banking houses.

Another focus of antisemitic feeling was the allegation that Jews were at the center of an international conspiracy to fix the currency and thus the economy to a single gold standard.[12]

According to Deborah Dash Moore, populist antisemitism used the Jew to symbolize both capitalism and urbanism so as to personify concepts that were too abstract to serve as satisfactory objects of animosity.[13]

Richard Hofstadter describes populist antisemitism as "entirely verbal." He continues by asserting that, "(it) was a mode of expression, a rhetorical style, not a tactic or a program." He notes that, "(it) did not lead to exclusion laws, much less to riots or pogroms." Hofstadter still concludes, however, that the "Greenback-Populist tradition activated most of ... modern popular antisemitism in the United States."

Early 20th century edit

Cover of Jew Jokes, (Cleveland: Arthur Westbrook Company) 1908

In the first half of the 20th century, Jews were discriminated against in employment, access to residential and resort areas, membership in clubs and organizations, and in tightened quotas on Jewish enrollment and teaching positions in colleges and universities. Restaurants, hotels and other establishments that barred Jews from entry were called "restricted".[14]

Lynching of Leo Frank edit

In 1913, a Jewish-American in Atlanta named Leo Frank was convicted for the rape and murder of Mary Phagan, a 13-year-old Christian girl who he employed. In the middle of the night on April 27, 1913, Mary Phagan was found dead by a night watchman in the basement of a pencil factory in Atlanta, Georgia.[15] Leo Frank, the superintendent of the factory, was the last person to acknowledge seeing her alive earlier that day after paying her weekly wages. Detectives took Frank to the scene of the crime and the morgue to view the body. After further questioning, they concluded that he was most likely not the murderer. In the days following, rumors began to spread amongst the public that the girl had been sexually assaulted prior to her death. This sparked outrage amongst the public which called for immediate action and justice for her murder. On April 29, following Phagan's funeral, public outrage reached its pinnacle. Under immense pressure to identify a suspect, detectives arrested Leo Frank on the same day. Being a Jewish factory owner, previously from the north, Frank was an easy target for the antisemitic population who already distrusted northern merchants who had come to the south to work following the American Civil War.[16][17] During the trial, the primary witness was Jim Conley, a black janitor who worked at the factory. Initially a suspect, Conley became the state's main witness in the trial against Frank.

Prior to the trial, Conely had given four conflicting statements regarding his role in the murder. In court, the Frank's lawyers were unable to disprove Conley's claims that he was forced by Frank to dispose of Phagan's body. The trial gathered immense attention especially from Atlantans, who gathered in large crowds around the courthouse demanding for a guilty verdict. In addition to this, much of the media coverage at the time took an antisemitic tone and after 25 days, Leo Frank was found guilty of murder on August 25 and sentenced to death by hanging on August 26. The verdict was met with cheers and celebration form the crowd. Following the verdict, Frank's lawyers submitted a total of five appeals to the Georgia Supreme Court as well as the U.S. Supreme Court claiming that Frank's absence on the day of the verdict and the amount of public pressure and influence swayed the jury. After this, the case was brought to Georgia governor John M. Slaton. Despite the public demanding for him to hold the verdict, Slaton changed Frank's verdict from death sentence to life imprisonment, believing that his innocence would eventually be established and he would be set free.[16] This decision was met with immense public outrage, causing riots and even forcing Slaton to declare Martial Law at one point. On August 16, 1915, 25 citizens stormed a prison farm in Milledgeville where Leo Frank was being held. Taking Frank from his cell, they drove him to Marietta, the hometown of Mary Phagan, and hanged him from a tree. Leaders of the lynch mob would later gather at Stone Mountain to revive the Ku Klux Klan.

In response to the lynching of Leo Frank, Sigmund Livingston founded the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) under the sponsorship of B'nai B'rith. The ADL became the leading Jewish group fighting antisemitism in the United States. The lynching of Leo Frank coincided with and helped spark the revival of the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan disseminated the view that anarchists, communists and Jews were subverting American values and ideals.

World War I edit

With the American entry into World War I, Jews were targeted by antisemites as "slackers" and "war-profiteers" responsible for many of the ills of the country. For example, a U.S. Army manual published for war recruits stated that, "The foreign born, and especially Jews, are more apt to malinger than the native-born." When ADL representatives protested about this to President Woodrow Wilson, he ordered the manual recalled. The ADL also mounted a campaign to give Americans the facts about military and civilian contributions of Jews to the war effort.[18]

1920s edit

Antisemitism in the United States reached its peak during the interwar period.[citation needed] The rise of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s, the antisemitic works of newspapers and radio speeches in the late 1930s indicated the strength of attacks on the Jewish community.

One element in American antisemitism during the 1920s was the identification of Jews with Bolshevism where the concept of Bolshevism was used pejoratively in the country. (see article on "Jewish Bolshevism").

Immigration legislation enacted in the United States in 1921 and 1924 was interpreted widely as being at least partly anti-Jewish in intent because it strictly limited the immigration quotas of eastern European nations with large Jewish populations, nations from which approximately 3 million Jews had immigrated to the United States by 1920.

Discrimination in education and professions edit

Jews encountered resistance when they tried to move into white-collar and professional positions. Banking, insurance, public utilities, medical schools, hospitals, large law firms and faculty positions, restricted the entrance of Jews. This era of "polite" Judeophobia through social discrimination, underwent an ideological escalation in the 1930s.

Restriction on immigration edit

In 1924, Congress passed the Johnson–Reed Act severely restricting immigration. Although the act did not specifically target Jews, the effect of the legislation was that 86% of the 165,000 permitted entries were from Northern European countries, with Germany, Britain, and Ireland having the highest quotas. The act effectively diminished the flow of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe to a trickle.

The Dearborn Independent edit

The Dearborn Independent

Henry Ford was a pacifist who opposed World War I, and he believed that Jews were responsible for starting wars in order to profit from them: "International financiers are behind all war. They are what is called the international Jew: German Jews, French Jews, English Jews, American Jews. I believe that in all those countries except our own the Jewish financier is supreme ... here the Jew is a threat".[19] Ford believed that Jews were responsible for capitalism, and in their role as financiers, they did not contribute anything of value to society.[20]

In 1915, during World War I, Ford blamed Jews for instigating the war, saying "I know who caused the war: German-Jewish bankers."[21] Later, in 1925, Ford said "What I oppose most is the international Jewish money power that is met in every war. That is what I oppose—a power that has no country and that can order the young men of all countries out to death'". According to author Steven Watts, Ford's antisemitism was partially due to a noble desire for world peace.[21][22]

Ford became aware of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and believed it to be a legitimate document, and he published portions of it in his newspaper, the Dearborn Independent. Also, in 1920–21 the Dearborn Independent carried a series of articles expanding on the themes of financial control by Jews, entitled:[23]

  1. Jewish Idea in American Monetary Affairs: The remarkable story of Paul Warburg, who began work on the United States monetary system after three weeks residence in this country
  2. Jewish Idea Molded Federal Reserve System: What Baruch was in War Material, Paul Warburg was in War Finances; Some Curious revelations of money and politics.
  3. Jewish Idea of a Central Bank for America: The evolution of Paul M. Warburg's idea of Federal Reserve System without government management.
  4. How Jewish International Finance Functions: The Warburg family and firm divided the world between them and did amazing things which non-Jews could not do
  5. Jewish Power and America's Money Famine: The Warburg Federal Reserve sucks money to New York, leaving productive sections of the country in disastrous need.
  6. The Economic Plan of International Jews: An outline of the Protocolists' monetary policy, with notes on the parallel found in Jewish financial practice.

One of the articles, "Jewish Power and America's Money Famine", asserted that the power exercised by Jews over the nation's supply of money was insidious by helping deprive farmers and others outside the banking coterie of money when they needed it most. The article asked the question: "Where is the American gold supply? ... It may be in the United States but it does not belong to the United States" and it drew the conclusion that Jews controlled the gold supply and, hence, American money.[24]

Another of the articles, "Jewish Idea Molded Federal Reserve System" was a reflection of Ford's suspicion of the Federal Reserve System and its proponent, Paul Warburg. Ford believed the Federal Reserve system was secretive and insidious.[25]

These articles gave rise to claims of antisemitism against Ford,[26] and in 1929 he signed a statement apologizing for the articles.[27]

1930s edit

Antisemitic activists in the 1930s were led by Father Charles Coughlin, William Dudley Pelley and Gerald L. K. Smith. Ford's attacks on Jews continued to be circulated, although the KKK was practically defunct. They promulgated various interrelated conspiracy theories, widely spreading the fear that Jews were working for the destruction or replacement of white Americans and Christianity in the U.S.[28][29]

According to Gilman and Katz, antisemitism increased dramatically in the 1930s with demands being made to exclude American Jews from American social, political and economic life.[30]

During the 1930s and 1940s, right-wing demagogues linked the Great Depression of the 1930s, the New Deal, President Franklin Roosevelt, and the threat of war in Europe to the machinations of an imagined international Jewish conspiracy that was both communist and capitalist. A new ideology appeared which accused "the Jews" of dominating Franklin Roosevelt's administration, of causing the Great Depression, and of dragging the United States into World War II against a new Germany which deserved nothing but admiration. Roosevelt's "New Deal" was derisively referred to as the "Jew Deal".[30]

Father Charles Coughlin, a radio preacher, as well as many other prominent public figures, condemned "the Jews," Gerald L. K. Smith, a Disciples of Christ minister, was the founder (1937) of the Committee of One Million and publisher (beginning in 1942) of The Cross and the Flag, a magazine that declared that "Christian character is the basis of all real Americanism." Other antisemitic agitators included Fritz Julius Kuhn of the German-American Bund, William Dudley Pelley, and the Rev. Gerald Winrod.

In the end, promoters of antisemitism achieved no more than a passing popularity as the threat of Nazi Germany became more and more evident to the American electorate. Steven Roth asserts that there was never a real possibility of a "Jewish question" appearing on the American political agenda as it did in Europe; according to Roth, the resistance to political antisemitism in the United States was due to the heterogeneity of the American political structure.[31]

American attitudes towards Jews edit

A 1942 advertisement for recreational lodging in Goshen, Connecticut stating that the facility is not a hotel and caters to Christian clientele specifically.

In a 1938 poll, approximately 60 percent of the respondents held a low opinion of Jews, labeling them "greedy," "dishonest," and "pushy."[32] 41 percent of respondents agreed that Jews had "too much power in the United States," and this figure rose to 58 percent by 1945.[33] Several surveys taken from 1940 to 1946 found that Jews were seen as a greater threat to the welfare of the United States than any other national, religious, or racial group.[34]

Charles Coughlin edit

The main spokesman for antisemitic sentiment was Charles Coughlin, a Catholic priest whose weekly radio program drew between 5 and 12 million listeners in the late 1930s. Coughlin's newspaper, Social Justice, reached a circulation of 800,000 at its peak in 1937.

After the 1936 election, Coughlin increasingly expressed sympathy for the fascist policies of Hitler and Mussolini, as an antidote to Bolshevism. His weekly radio broadcasts became suffused with themes regarded as overtly antisemitic. He blamed the Depression on an international conspiracy of Jewish bankers, and also claimed that Jewish bankers were behind the Russian Revolution.[35]

Coughlin began publication of a newspaper, Social Justice, during this period, in which he printed antisemitic polemics such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Like Joseph Goebbels, Coughlin claimed that Marxist atheism in Europe was a Jewish plot. The 5 December 1938 issue of Social Justice included an article by Coughlin which closely resembled a speech made by Goebbels on 13 September 1935 attacking Jews, atheists and communists, with some sections being copied verbatim by Coughlin from an English translation of the Goebbels speech.

On November 20, 1938, two weeks after Kristallnacht, when Jews across Germany were attacked and killed, and Jewish businesses, homes and synagogues burned, Coughlin blamed the Jewish victims,[36] saying that "Jewish persecution only followed after Christians first were persecuted." After this speech, and as his programs became more antisemitic, some radio stations, including those in New York and Chicago, began refusing to air his speeches without pre-approved scripts; in New York, his programs were cancelled by WINS and WMCA, leaving Coughlin to broadcasting on the Newark part-time station WHBI. This made Coughlin a hero in Nazi Germany, where papers ran headlines like: "America is Not Allowed to Hear the Truth."

On December 18, 1938, two thousand of Coughlin's followers marched in New York protesting potential asylum law changes that would allow more Jews (including refugees from Hitler's persecution) into the US, chanting, "Send Jews back where they came from in leaky boats!" and "Wait until Hitler comes over here!" The protests continued for several months. Donald Warren, using information from the FBI and German government archives, has also argued that Coughlin received indirect funding from Nazi Germany during this period.[37]

After 1936, Coughlin began supporting an organization called the Christian Front, which claimed him as an inspiration. In January, 1940, the Christian Front was shut down when the FBI discovered the group was arming itself and "planning to murder Jews, communists, and 'a dozen Congressmen'"[38] and eventually establish, in J. Edgar Hoover's words, "a dictatorship, similar to the Hitler dictatorship in Germany." Coughlin publicly stated, after the plot was discovered, that he still did not "disassociate himself from the movement," and though he was never linked directly to the plot, his reputation suffered a fatal decline.[39]

After the attack on Pearl Harbor and the declaration of war in December 1941, the anti-interventionist movement (such as the America First Committee) sputtered out, and isolationists like Coughlin were seen as being sympathetic to the enemy. In 1942, the new bishop of Detroit ordered Coughlin to stop his controversial political activities and confine himself to his duties as a parish priest.

Pelley and Winrod edit

William Dudley Pelley founded (1933) the antisemitic Silvershirt Legion of America; nine years later he was convicted of sedition. And Gerald Winrod, leader of Defenders of the Christian Faith, was eventually indicted for conspiracy to cause insubordination in the United States Armed Forces during World War II.

America First Committee edit

The avant-garde of the new non-interventionism was the America First Committee, which included the aviation hero Charles Lindbergh and many prominent Americans. The America First Committee opposed any involvement in the war in Europe.

Officially, America First avoided any appearance of antisemitism and voted to drop Henry Ford as a member for his overt antisemitism.

In a speech delivered on September 11, 1941, at an America First rally, Lindbergh claimed that three groups had been "pressing this country toward war": the Roosevelt Administration, the British, and the Jews—and complained about what he insisted was the Jews' "large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government."[40]

In an expurgated portion of his published diaries Lindbergh wrote: "We must limit to a reasonable amount the Jewish influence. ... Whenever the Jewish percentage of total population becomes too high, a reaction seems to invariably occur. It is too bad because a few Jews of the right type are, I believe, an asset to any country."

German American Bund edit

The German American Bund held parades in New York City in the late 1930s which featured Nazi uniforms and flags featuring swastikas alongside American flags. Some 20,000 people heard Bund leader Fritz Julius Kuhn criticize President Franklin D. Roosevelt by repeatedly referring to him as "Frank D. Rosenfeld", calling his New Deal the "Jew Deal", and espousing his belief in the existence of a Bolshevik-Jewish conspiracy in America.

Refugees from Nazi Germany edit

In the years before and during World War II the United States Congress, the Roosevelt Administration, and public opinion expressed concern about the fate of Jews in Europe but consistently refused to permit immigration of Jewish refugees.

In a report issued by the State Department during the Clinton Administration, Undersecretary of State Stuart Eizenstat noted that the United States accepted only 21,000 refugees from Europe and did not significantly raise or even fill its restrictive quotas, accepting far fewer Jews per capita than many of the neutral European countries and fewer in absolute terms than Switzerland.[41]

According to David Wyman, "The United States and its Allies were willing to attempt almost nothing to save the Jews."[42] There is some debate as to whether U.S. policies were generally targeted against all immigrants or specifically against Jews in particular. Wyman characterized FDR advisor and State Department official in charge of immigration policy Breckinridge Long as a nativist, more anti-immigrant than just antisemitic.[43]

SS St. Louis edit

The SS St. Louis sailed out of Hamburg into the Atlantic Ocean in May 1939 carrying one non-Jewish and 936 (mainly German) Jewish refugees seeking asylum from Nazi persecution just before World War II. On 4 June 1939, having failed to obtain permission to disembark passengers in Cuba, the St. Louis was also refused permission to unload on orders of President Roosevelt as the ship waited in the Caribbean Sea between Florida and Cuba.[44][45]

The Holocaust edit

During the Holocaust, antisemitism was a factor that limited American Jewish action during the war, and put American Jews in a difficult position. It is clear that antisemitism was a prevalent attitude in the US, which was especially convenient for America during the Holocaust. In America, antisemitism, which reached high levels in the late 1930s, continued to rise in the 1940s. During the years before Pearl Harbor, over a hundred antisemitic organizations were responsible for pumping hate propaganda to the American public. Furthermore, especially in New York City and Boston, young gangs vandalized Jewish cemeteries and synagogues, and attacks on Jewish youngsters were common. Swastikas and anti-Jewish slogans, as well as antisemitic literature, were spread. In 1944, a public opinion poll showed that a quarter of Americans still regarded Jews as a "menace." Antisemitism in the State Department played a large role in Washington's hesitant response to the plight of European Jews persecuted by Nazis.[46]

In a 1943 speech on the floor of Congress quoted in both The Jewish News of Detroit[47] and the antisemitic magazine The Defender of Wichita[48] Mississippi Representative John E. Rankin espoused a conspiracy of "alien-minded" Communist Jews arranging for white women to be raped by African American men:

When those communistic Jews—of whom the decent Jews are ashamed—go around here and hug and kiss these Negroes, dance with them, intermarry with them, and try to force their way into white restaurants, white hotels and white picture shows, they are not deceiving any red-blooded American, and, above all, they are not deceiving the men in our armed forces—as to who is at the bottom of all this race trouble.

The better element of the Jews, and especially the old line American Jews throughout the South and West, are not only ashamed of, but they are alarmed at, the activities of these communistic Jews who are stirring this trouble up.

They have caused the deaths of many good Negroes who never would have got into trouble if they had been left alone, as well as the deaths of many good white people, including many innocent, unprotected white girls, who have been raped and murdered by vicious Negroes, who have been encouraged by those alien-minded Communists to commit such crimes.

US Government policy edit

Josiah DuBois wrote the famous "Report to the Secretary on the Acquiescence of This Government in the Murder of the Jews," which Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr., used to convince President Franklin D. Roosevelt to establish the War Refugee Board in 1944.[49][50][51] Randolph Paul was also a principal sponsor of this report, the first contemporaneous Government paper attacking America's dormant complicity in the Holocaust.

Entitled "Report to the Secretary on the Acquiescence of This Government in the Murder of the Jews", the document was an indictment of the U.S. State Department's diplomatic, military, and immigration policies. Among other things, the Report narrated the State Department's inaction and in some instances active opposition to the release of funds for the Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe, and condemned immigration policies that closed American doors to Jewish refugees from countries then engaged in their systematic slaughter.

The catalyst for the Report was an incident involving 70,000 Romanian Jews whose evacuation from the Kingdom of Romania could have been procured with a $170,000 bribe. The Foreign Funds Control unit of the Treasury, which was within Paul's jurisdiction, authorized the payment of the funds, the release of which both the President and Secretary of State Cordell Hull supported. From mid-July 1943, when the proposal was made and Treasury approved, through December 1943, a combination of the State Department's bureaucracy and the British Ministry of Economic Warfare interposed various obstacles. The Report was the product of frustration over that event.

On January 16, 1944, Morgenthau and Paul personally delivered the paper to President Roosevelt, warning him that Congress would act if he did not. The result was Executive Order 9417,[52] creating the War Refugee Board composed of the Secretaries of State, Treasury and War. Issued on January 22, 1944, the Executive Order declared that "it is the policy of this Government to take all measures within its power to rescue the victims of enemy oppression who are in imminent danger of death and otherwise to afford such victims all possible relief and assistance consistent with the successful prosecution of the war."[53]

It has been estimated that 190,000–200,000 Jews could have been saved during the Second World War had it not been for bureaucratic obstacles to immigration deliberately created by Breckinridge Long and others.[54]

1950s edit

Liberty Lobby edit

Liberty Lobby was a political advocacy organization which was founded in 1955 by Willis Carto in 1955. Liberty Lobby was founded as a conservative political organization and was known to hold strongly antisemitic views and to be a devotee of the writings of Francis Parker Yockey, who was one of a handful of post-World War II writers who revered Adolf Hitler.

Late twentieth century edit

The Nixon White House tapes released during the Watergate scandal reveal that President Richard Nixon made numerous anti-Semitic remarks during his presidency.[55] For example he repeatedly referred to National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger as "Jew boy," and blamed the anti-Vietnam War movement and leaking of the Pentagon Papers on Jews.[55][56][57]

Antisemitic violence in this era includes the 1977 shootings at Brith Sholom Kneseth Israel synagogue in St. Louis, Missouri, the 1984 murder of Alan Berg, the 1985 Goldmark Murders, and the 1986 Murder of Neal Rosenblum.

NSPA march in Skokie edit

Seeking a venue, In 1977 and 1978, members of the National Socialist Party of America (NSPA) chose Skokie. Because of the large number of Holocaust survivors in Skokie, it was believed that the march would be disruptive, and the village refused to allow it. They passed three new ordinances requiring damage deposits, banning marches in military uniforms and limiting the distribution of hate speech literature. The American Civil Liberties Union interceded on behalf of the NSPA in National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie seeking a parade permit and to invalidate the three new Skokie ordinances.

However, due to a subsequent lifting of the Marquette Park ban, the NSPA ultimately held their rally in Chicago on July 7, 1978, instead of in Skokie.[58]

African-American community edit

In 1984, civil rights leader Jessie Jackson speaking to Washington Post reporter Milton Coleman referred to Jews as "Hymies" and New York City as "Hymietown." He later apologized.[59]

During the Crown Heights riot, marchers proceeded carrying antisemitic signs and an Israeli flag was burned.[60][61] Ultimately, black and Jewish leaders developed an outreach program between their communities to help calm and possibly improve racial relations in Crown Heights over the next decade.[62]

According to Anti-Defamation League surveys begun in 1964, African Americans are significantly more likely than white Americans to hold antisemitic beliefs, although there is a strong correlation between education level and the rejection of antisemitic stereotypes for all races. However, black Americans of all education levels are nevertheless significantly more likely than whites of the same education level to be antisemitic. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) were nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most antisemitic category (those agreeing with at least 6 of 11 statements that were potentially or clearly antisemitic). Among blacks with no college education, 43% fell into the most antisemitic group (vs. 18% for the general population), which fell to 27% among blacks with some college education, and 18% among blacks with a four-year college degree (vs. 5% for the general population).[63]

Other manifestations edit

During the early 1980s, isolationists on the far right made overtures to anti-war activists on the left in the United States in an attempt to join forces and protest against government policies in areas where they shared concerns.[64] This was mainly in the area of civil liberties, opposition to United States military intervention overseas and opposition to US support for Israel.[65][66] As they interacted, some of the classic right-wing antisemitic scapegoating conspiracy theories began to seep into progressive circles,[65] including stories about how a "New World Order", also called the "Shadow Government" or "The Octopus",[64] was manipulating world governments. Antisemitic conspiracism was "peddled aggressively" by right-wing groups.[65] Some on the left adopted the rhetoric, which was made possible by their lack of knowledge about the history of fascism and its use of "scapegoating, reductionist and simplistic solutions, demagoguery, and a conspiracy theory of history."[65]

Towards the end of 1990, as the movement against the Gulf War began to build, a number of far-right and antisemitic groups sought out alliances with left-wing anti-war coalitions, who began to speak openly about a "Jewish lobby" that was encouraging the United States to invade Ba'athist Iraq. This idea evolved into conspiracy theories about a "Zionist-occupied government" (ZOG), which has been seen as equivalent to the early-20th century antisemitic hoax,The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[64] The anti-war movement as a whole rejected these overtures by the political right.[65]

In the context of the first US-Iraq war, on September 15, 1990, Pat Buchanan appeared on The McLaughlin Group and said that "there are only two groups that are beating the drums for war in the Middle East – the Israeli defense ministry and its 'amen corner' in the United States." He also said: "The Israelis want this war desperately because they want the United States to destroy the Iraqi war machine. They want us to finish them off. They don't care about our relations with the Arab world."[67]

21st century edit

Many in the Jewish community celebrated the vice-presidential candidacy of Senator Joseph Lieberman in the 2000 presidential election as marking a milestone in the decline of antisemitism in the United States.[citation needed]

New antisemitism edit

Antisemitic sign at a protest in 2008

In recent years some scholars have advanced the concept of New antisemitism, coming simultaneously from the far-left, the far right, and radical Islam, which tends to focus on opposition to the creation of a Jewish homeland in the State of Israel, and argue that the language of Anti-Zionism and criticism of Israel are used to attack the Jews more broadly. In this view, the proponents of the new concept believe that criticisms of Israel and anti-Zionism are often disproportionate in degree and unique in kind, and attribute this to antisemitism.[68]

A 2009 study entitled "Modern Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israeli Attitudes", published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 2009, tested new theoretical model of antisemitism among Americans in the Greater New York area with 3 experiments. The research team's theoretical model proposed that mortality salience (reminding people that they will someday die) increases antisemitism and that antisemitism is often expressed as anti-Israel attitudes. The first experiment showed that mortality salience led to higher levels of antisemitism and lower levels of support for Israel. The study's methodology was designed to tease out antisemitic attitudes that are concealed by polite people . The second experiment showed that mortality salience caused people to perceive Israel as very important, but did not cause them to perceive any other country this way. The third experiment showed that mortality salience led to a desire to punish Israel for human rights violations but not to a desire to punish Russia or India for identical human rights violations. According to the researchers, their results "suggest that Jews constitute a unique cultural threat to many people's worldviews, that anti-Semitism causes hostility to Israel, and that hostility to Israel may feed back to increase anti-Semitism." Furthermore, "those claiming that there is no connection between antisemitism and hostility toward Israel are wrong."[69]

In October 2014 the controversial opera The Death of Klinghoffer was staged in the Metropolitan Opera in New-York. The opera tells the story of the 1985 hijacking of the Achille Lauro cruise ship by Palestinian terrorists, and the killing of Jewish passenger Leon Klinghoffer. Some of the criticism opposed to the opera claimed it's partly antisemitic and glorifies the killers,[70] as American writer and feminist Phyllis Chesler, an opera aficionado, wrote:

The Death of Klinghoffer also demonizes Israel—which is what anti-Semitism is partly about today. It incorporates lethal Islamic (and now universal) pseudo-histories about Israel and Jews. It beatifies terrorism, both musically and in the libretto.[71]

College campuses edit

On April 3, 2006, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights announced its finding that incidents of antisemitism are a "serious problem" on college campuses throughout the United States.[72]

Stephen H. Norwood compares the Antisemitism in contemporary American University to the antisemitism in campuses during the Nazi era.[73] His article shows how the support in Anti-Zionist opinions encourages antisemitism inside American campus. Norwood describes in his article: "In 2002, Muslim student groups at San Francisco State University similarly invoked the medieval blood libel, distributing fliers showing a can with a picture of a dead baby beneath a large drop of blood and two Israeli flags, captioned: "Made in Israel. Palestinian Children Meat. Slaughtered According to Jewish Rites Under American License." On that campus a mob menaced Jewish students with taunts of "Hitler did not finish the job" and "Go back to Russia." The transfer between the criticism on Israel to pure antisemitism is significant.

During April 2014 there were at least 3 incidents of swastika drawings on Jewish property in University dormitories. At UCF for example, a Jewish student found 9 swastikas carved into walls of her apartment.[74]

On the beginning of September 2014 there were two cases of antisemitism in College campuses: two students from East Carolina University sprayed swastika on the apartment door of a Jewish student,[75] while on the same day, a Jewish student from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte was told "to go burn in an oven." The student had also told the media she is "hunted" because of her support in Israel: "I have been called a terrorist, baby killer, woman killer, [told that] I use blood to make matzah and other foods, Christ killer, occupier, and much more."[76]

In October 2014 fliers were handed out in the University of California in Santa Barbara that claimed "9/11 Was an Outside Job" with a large blue Star of David. The fliers contained links to several websites that accused Israel of the attack.[77] A few days later antisemitic graffiti was found on a Jewish fraternity house in Emory University in Atlanta.[78] Another graffiti incident occurred in Northeastern University, where swastikas drawn on flyers for a school event.[79]

A survey published in February 2015 by Trinity College and the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law found out that 54 percent of the participants had been subject to or witnessing antisemitism on their campus. The survey included 1,157 self-identified Jewish students at 55 campuses nationwide. The most significant origin for antisemitism, according to the survey was "from an individual student" (29 percent). Other origins were: in clubs/ societies, in lecture/ class, in student union, etc. The findings of the research compared to a parallel study conducted in United kingdom, and the results were similar.[80]

In October 2015 it was reported that a few cars in the parking lot of the UC Davis were vandalized and scratched with antisemitic slurs and swastika sketches.[81] A few days later, antisemitic slurs were found on a chalkboard in a center of the campus at Towson University.[82]

Nation of Islam edit

Some Jewish organizations, Christian organizations, Muslim organizations, and academics consider the Nation of Islam to be antisemitic. Specifically, they claim that the Nation of Islam has engaged in revisionist and antisemitic interpretations of the Holocaust and exaggerates the role of Jews in the African slave trade.[83] The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) alleges that NOI Health Minister, Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, has accused Jewish doctors of injecting Blacks with the human immunodeficiency virus,[84] an allegation that Muhammad has denied.

The Nation of Islam claimed that Jews were responsible for slavery, economic exploitation of black labor, selling alcohol and drugs in their communities, and unfair domination of the economy.

Some members of the Black Nationalist Nation of Islam claimed that Jews were responsible for the exploitation of black labor, bringing alcohol and drugs into their communities, and unfair domination of the economy.

The Nation of Islam has repeatedly denied charges of antisemitism,[85] and NOI leader Minister Louis Farrakhan has stated, "The ADL ... uses the term 'anti-Semitism' to stifle all criticism of Zionism and the Zionist policies of the State of Israel and also to stifle all legitimate criticism of the errant behavior of some Jewish people toward the non-Jewish population of the earth."[86]

American attitudes towards Jews edit

According to an Anti-Defamation League survey, 14 percent of U.S. residents had antisemitic views. The 2005 survey found "35 percent of foreign-born Hispanics" and "36 percent of African-Americans hold strong antisemitic beliefs, four times more than the 9 percent for whites".[87] The 2005 Anti-Defamation League survey includes data on Hispanic attitudes, with 29% being most antisemitic (vs. 9% for whites and 36% for blacks); being born in the United States helped alleviate this attitude: 35% of foreign-born Hispanics, but only 19% of those born in the US.[88]

Hate crimes edit

Escalating hate crimes which targeted Jews and members of other minority groups prompted the passage of the federal Hate Crimes Statistics Act in 1990. On April 1, 2014, Frazier Glenn Miller, a former member of the Ku Klux Klan arrived at the Jewish center of Kansas City and murdered 3 people.[89] After his capture, the suspect was heard saying "Heil Hitler".[90]

In April 2014, the Anti-Defamation League published its 2013 audit of antisemitic incidents, the audit pointed out a decline of 19 percent in the number of reported antisemitic incidents. The total number of antisemitic attacks across the U.S. was 751, including 31 physical assaults, 315 incidents of vandalism and 405 cases of harassment.[91]

The Vassar Students for Justice in Palestine published a Nazi World War II propaganda poster in May 2014. The poster displays Jews as part of a monster who tries to destroy the world. Vassar College president Catharine Hill denounced the poster.[92] A few months later, a physical attack occurred in Philadelphia, when a Jewish student on the campus of Temple University was assaulted and punched in the face by a member of the organization Students for Justice in Palestine, who called him an antisemitic slur.[93]

In May 2014, a Jewish mother from Chicago accused a group of students at her eighth-grade son's school of bullying and antisemitism. They used the multi-player video game Clash of Clans to create a group called "Jews Incinerator" and described themselves by stating: "we are a friendly group of racists with one goal- put all Jews into an army camp until they are disposed of. Sieg! Heil!" Two students wrote apology letters.[94][95]

In June 2014 there were several antisemitic hate crimes. A swastika and other antisemitic graffiti were scrawled onto a streetside directional sign in San Francisco.[96] Another graffiti found at the Sanctuary Lofts Apartments, where a graffiti artists drew antisemitic, satanic and racist symbols inside the apartment complex.[97] Towards the end of the month a young Jewish boy was attacked while he was leaving his home in Brooklyn. The suspect, who was on a bike, opened his hand while passing and struck the victim in the face, then yelled antisemitic slurs.[98]

In July 2014, during the 2014 Gaza War, there was an increase in the occurrence of antisemitic incidents. In the beginning of the month an antisemitic banner was flown above Brighton Beach and Coney Island. The banner contained symbols that meant "peace plus swastika equals love". The word "PROSWASTIKA" also appeared on the banner.[99] Additionally, there were more than 5 incidents of antisemitic graffiti across the country. In Borough Park, Brooklyn, New York, three man were arrested for vandalizing a Yeshiva property and a nearby house in the Jewish neighborhood by spraying swastikas and inscriptions such as "you don't belong here".[100] Later that month swastika drawings were found on mailboxes near a national Jewish fraternity house in Eugene, Oregon.[101]

Swastika drawings and also the phrase 'kill Jews' were found on a playground floor in Riverdale, Bronx.[102] There were also two incidents of graffiti in Clarksville, Tennessee and Lowell, Massachusetts.[103][104] Some vandalism incidents occurred on a cemetery in Massachusetts.[105] and in country club in Frontenac, Missouri[106] Toward the end of the month there were two places were the word 'Hamas' was scribbled on Jewish property and on a Synagogue[107][108] In addition, linked with the operation in Gaza Strip, anti-Jewish leaflets were found on cars in the Jewish neighborhood in Chicago. The leaflets threatened violence if Israel did not pull out of Gaza.[109]

In August 2014 there were two incidents in Los Angeles and Chicago where leaflets from the Nazi era in Germany got resurrected. In Westwood, near the UCLA a Jewish store owner got swastika-marked leaflets contained threatens and warnings.[110] A few days earlier, during a pro-Palestinian rally in Chicago, antisemitic leaflets were handed out to passersby. Those leaflets were exactly the same Nazi propaganda used in 1930's Germany.[111] Besides the above, there were more than six[112] incidents of graffiti and vandalism aimed at the Jewish populations in various cities in the United States. Some of the graffiti compared Israel to Nazi Germany.[113] There was also an antisemitic attack on four Orthodox Jewish teens in Borough Park, Brooklyn towards the mid-month.[114] Another physical attack occurred in Philadelphia, when a Jewish student on the campus of Temple University was assaulted and punched in the face by a violent member of the anti-Israel organization SJP.[93]

In the beginning of September 2014 there were more than 6 incidents of antisemitic graffiti across the country,[115] three of them outside religious buildings such as a synagogue or Yeshiva.[116] Most of the drawings included swastika inscriptions, and one of them had the words "Murder the Jew tenant".[117] Later that month another antisemitic graffiti was found on the Jewish Community Center in Boulder, Colorado.[118] Then, a few days later a violent attack occurred in Baltimore, Maryland, when during Rosh Hashanah a man who drove near the Jewish school shot three man after shouting "Jews, Jews, Jews".[119]

Towards the end of the month a rabbi was thrown out of a Greek restaurant when the owner found out he was Jewish. Moreover, the owner suggested him a "full size salad" or "Jewish size salad" which according to him meant "cheap and small".[120] Besides the above, Robert Ransdell, a write-in candidate for US Senate from Kentucky used the slogan "With Jews we lose" for his running.[121] Another incident occurred in the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, when a Jewish student was told "to go burn in an oven." The student had also told the media she is "hunted" because of her support in Israel: "I have been called a terrorist, baby killer, woman killer, [told that] I use blood to make matzah and other foods, Christ killer, occupier, and much more."[76]

October 2014 started with an antisemitic slur from a coffee shop owner in Bushwick who wrote on Facebook and Twitter that "greedy infiltrators" Jewish people came to buy a house near his business.[122] Later that month, two synagogues were desecrated in Akron, Ohio, and in Spokane, Washington. One of them was sprayed with swastika graffiti[123] and the other one was damaged by vandalism.[124] During the month there was also a physical attack, when the head of a Hebrew association was beaten outside Barclays Center after a Nets-Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball game. The attacker was a participant in a pro-Palestinian demonstration outside the hall.[125] During another incident in October, fliers were handed out in the University of California in Santa Barbara that claimed "9/11 Was an Outside Job" with a large blue Star of David. The fliers contained links to several websites that accusing Israel of the attack.[77] A few days later an antisemitic graffiti was found on Jewish fraternity house in Emory University in Atlanta.[78]

During December 2014 a Jewish Israeli young man was stabbed in his neck while standing outside of the Chabad-Lubavitch building in New York City.[126] Another antisemitic incident in New York occurred when a threatening photo was sent to a Hasidic Jewish lawmaker. The photo showed his head pasted on the body of a person beheaded by the Islamic State jihadist group.[127] Besides those incidents, several antisemitic graffiti found across the country,[128] and a couple of synagogues were vandalized in Chicago[129] and in Ocala, Florida.[130]

  Private residence (22%)
  College Campus (7%)
  Jewish Institution / School (11%)
  Non-Jewish School (12%)
  Public area (35%)
  Private Building / Area (12%)
  Cemetery (1%)

January 2015 started with some antisemitic graffiti throughout the country, such as racist writing on a car[131] and on an elevator's button.[132] In February that year there were more incidents of antisemitic graffiti and harassment. In Sacramento, California, Israeli flags with a swastika instead of the Star of David were hung out of a house. An American flag with a swastika on it was also taped to the house's door.[133] Earlier that month there were two incidents of antisemitic graffiti outside and inside the Jewish fraternity house at UC Davis.[134] In Lakewood, NJ a Jewish-owned store was targeted with graffiti. That followed several other antisemitic messages found spray-painted and carved around town.[135]

An incident at UCLA on February 10, 2015, where a Jewish student was questioned by a student council regarding whether being active in a Jewish organization constituted a "conflict of interest", illustrated the existing confusion among some students on this point.[136]

In April 2015 the Anti Defamation League published its 2014 audit of antisemitic incidents. It counted 912 antisemitic incidents across the U.S. during 2014. This represents a 21 percent increase from the 751 incidents reported during the same period in 2013. Most of the incidents (513) belong to the category of "harassments, threats and events". The audit shows that most of the vandalism incidents occurred in public areas (35%). A review of the results shows that during Operation Protective Edge there was a significant increase in the number of antisemitic incidents, compares to the rest of the year. As usual, highest totals of antisemitic incidents have been found in states where there is a large Jewish population: New York State- 231 incidents, California- 184 incidents, New Jersey- 107 incidents, Florida- 70 incidents. In all of these states, more antisemitic incidents were counted in 2014 than in 2013.[137]

On January 2, 2018, Blaze Bernstein was murdered by Samuel Woodward, who is a member of a neo-Nazi terrorist organization called Atomwaffen Division.[138] It is being prosecuted as a hate crime on the basis of sexual orientation, but Woodward has made many antisemitic comments, and Bernstein was both gay and Jewish.[citation needed]

On October 27, 2018, 11 people were murdered in an attack on the Tree of Life – Or L'Simcha synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The shooting was committed by Robert Bowers, a prolific user of the alt-tech social media service Gab where he promoted antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories as well as the white nationalist doctrine of white genocide, which is claimed to be a Jewish conspiracy.[139]

On April 27, 2019, the Chabad of Poway in California was attacked by a 19 year old gunman who killed 1 and injured 3. The shooter in question, John T. Earnest, had written an open letter which he posted on 8chan's /pol/ messageboard specifically blaming Jews for white genocide and other ills.[140]

On December 10, 2019, a mass-shooting attack took place against a kosher grocery store in Jersey City, killing six (including both perpetrators). The attackers invoked tenets of an extremist version of Black Hebrew Israelite philosophy.[141] In December 2019, the Jewish community of New York suffered a number of antisemitic attacks, including a mass stabbing in Monsey on the 28th.[142]

In May 2021 there was an upsurge of antisemitic actions in the United States at the same time as the clashes between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.[143]

On January 15, 2022, four people were taken hostage by a gunman at a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas. After a standoff with the police, the gunman, a British Pakistani, was killed and the hostages freed.[144]

Later in 2022, right-wing political commentator Nick Fuentes blamed Jewish people themselves for antisemitic actions being carried out against the Jewish community. He further claimed that such actions would only get worse if "the Jews" did not support "people like us". Due to comments like these, Fuentes is regarded as an antisemite.[145][146]

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Jonathan D. Sarna and Jonathan Golden. "The American Jewish Experience in the Twentieth Century: Antisemitism and Assimilation".
  2. ^ Jacobson, Matthew Frye. Whiteness of a Different Color, p.171
  3. ^ "John Hancocks of Queens: The Search for Kin". The New York Times. March 18, 2007. Retrieved November 17, 2020.
  4. ^ Knight, Peter (2003). Conspiracy theories in American history: an encyclopedia, Volume 1. ABC-CLIO. p. 81. ISBN 978-1-57607-812-9.
  5. ^ a b Goldstein, Eric (2006). The Price of Whiteness. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-12105-5.
  6. ^ a b Perednik, Gustavo. "Judeophobia - History and analysis of Antisemitism, Jew-Hate and anti-"Zionism"".
  7. ^ Chanes, Jerome A. (2004). Antisemitism: a reference handbook. ABC-CLIO. p. 70. ISBN 978-1-57607-209-7.
  8. ^ Chanes, Jerome A. (2004). Antisemitism: a reference handbook. ABC-CLIO. pp. 70–71. ISBN 978-1-57607-209-7.
  9. ^ Krefetz p 54-55
  10. ^ Knight, Peter (2003). Conspiracy theories in American history: an encyclopedia, Volume 1. ABC-CLIO. p. 82. ISBN 978-1-57607-812-9.
  11. ^ Levitas, pp 187-88
  12. ^ Albanese, Catherine L. (1981). America, religions and religion. Wadsworth Pub. Co. By the 1890s antisemitic feeling had crystallized around the suspicion that the Jews were responsible for an international conspiracy to base the economy on the single gold standard.
  13. ^ Moore, Deborah Dash (1981). B'nai B'rith and the challenge of ethnic leadership. SUNY Press. p. 103. ISBN 978-0-87395-481-5.
  14. ^ The Jews in America The Atlantic
  15. ^ "Leo Frank (1884-1915)". jewishvirtuallibrary.org. American Jewish Historical Society. Retrieved April 30, 2020.
  16. ^ a b Dinnerstein, Leonard. "Leo Frank Case". New Georgia Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 30, 2020.
  17. ^ Bernstein, Mathew H. "Screening a Lynching: The Leo Frank Case on Film and Television". The Temple. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2009. Retrieved April 30, 2020.
  18. ^ "Hang the Jew, Hang the Jew". Anti-Defamation League. Retrieved May 13, 2019.
  19. ^ Perry p 168-9. Perry quotes Ford.
  20. ^ Perry p 168–9
  21. ^ a b Watts, Steven,The People's Tycoon: Henry Ford and the American Century, Vintage, 2006, p 383
  22. ^ Baldwin, Neil, Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate, PublicAffairs, 2002, p 59
  23. ^ Jewish influence in the Federal Reserve System, reprinted from the Dearborn independent, Dearborn Pub. Co., 1921
  24. ^ Geisst, Charles R., Wheels of Fortune: The History of Speculation from Scandal to Respectability, John Wiley and Sons, 2003 p 66–68
  25. ^ Norword, Stephen Harlan, Encyclopedia of American Jewish history, Volume 1, ABC-CLIO, 2008, p 181
  26. ^ Foxman, pp 69–72
  27. ^ Baldwin, Neil, Henry Ford and the Jews: the mass production of hate, PublicAffairs, 2002, pp 213–218
  28. ^ Winston, Andrew S. (2021). ""Jews will not replace us!": Antisemitism, Interbreeding and Immigration in Historical Context". American Jewish History. 105 (1): 1–24. doi:10.1353/ajh.2021.0001. ISSN 1086-3141. S2CID 239725899.
  29. ^ Leonard Dinnerstein, Anti-Semitism in America (1994) pp 78-127.
  30. ^ a b Gilman, Sander L.; Katz, Steven T. (1993). Anti-Semitism in Times of Crisis. NYU Press. p. 10. ISBN 978-0-8147-3056-0.
  31. ^ Roth, Stephen (2002). Antisemitism Worldwide, 2000/1. University of Nebraska Press. p. 14. ISBN 978-0-8032-5945-4.
  32. ^ Jaher, Frederic Cople (2002). The Jews and the Nation: Revolution, Emancipation, State Formation, and the Liberal Paradigm in America and France. Princeton University Press. p. 230. ISBN 978-1-4008-2526-4.
  33. ^ Smitha, Frank E. "Roosevelt and Approaching War: The Economy, Politics and Questions of War, 1937-38". Retrieved April 23, 2008.
  34. ^ Greear, Wesley P. (May 2002). (PDF) (Thesis). East Tennessee State University. Archived from the original (PDF) on November 27, 2007. Retrieved September 28, 2020.
  35. ^ Schrag, Peter (May 1, 2010). Not Fit for Our Society: Nativism and Immigration. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-25978-2.
  36. ^ Marc Dollinger (2000): Quest for Inclusion. Princeton University Press. p.66
  37. ^ Warren, Radio Priest: Charles Coughlin, The Father of Hate Radio, 1996.
  38. ^ Father Charles Edward Coughlin (1891-1971) by Richard Sanders, Editor
  39. ^ New York Times. January 22, 1940.
  40. ^ "PBC: The Perilous Fight. Antisemitism". PBS. Retrieved October 8, 2006.
  41. ^ Eizenstadt, Stuart (June 2, 1998). "On-the-record briefing upon the release of the report, "U.S. and Allied Wartime and Postwar Relations and Negotiations With Argentina, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey on Looted Gold and German External Assets and U.S. Concerns About the Fate of the Wartime Ustasha Treasury"". U.S. Department of State Archive.
  42. ^ David S. Wyman, The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust, 1941-1945 (New York, 1984), p. 5.
  43. ^ Charles Stember, ed. (1966). Jews in the Mind of America. New York, Basic Books. pp. 53–62.
  44. ^ (Press release). United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. October 6, 2006. Archived from the original on June 26, 2007. Retrieved July 17, 2007.
  45. ^ Rosen, p. 563.
  46. ^ Boyer, Paul S., ed. (2006). The Oxford Companion to United States history. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press. ISBN 978-0-19-508209-8.
  47. ^ Slomovitz, Philip, ed. (July 16, 1943). "A Rest From Bigotry". As the Editor Views the News. The Jewish News. Vol. 3, no. 17. Detroit. from the original on April 27, 2021.
  48. ^ Winrod, Gerald Burton, ed. (September 1943). "Congressman Says Negroes Deceived" (PDF). The Defender. Wichita, Kansas. p. 12. (PDF) from the original on May 30, 2013.
  49. ^ "U.S. Holocaust Museum Agrees to Recognize Bergson Activists in Exhibit". The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies. Retrieved November 11, 2010.
  50. ^ "Report to the Secretary on the Acquiescence of this Government in the Murder of the Jews". The Jewish Virtual Library. January 13, 1944. Retrieved August 25, 2009.
  51. ^ Text of report February 2, 2017, at the Wayback Machine at the website of TV show American Experience, a program shown on the PBS.
  52. ^ "Franklin D. Roosevelt: Executive Order 9417 Establishing the War Refugee Board". The American Presidency Project. January 22, 1944. Retrieved August 25, 2009.
  53. ^ Morse, A. (1968). While Six Million Died. Random House. pp. 92–93. ISBN 978-0-87951-836-3.
  54. ^ "Breckinridge Long (1881-1958)", Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), accessed March 12, 2006.
  55. ^ a b "Nixon's Anti-Semitic Views". www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org. Retrieved April 16, 2022.
  56. ^ Reuter, Tim. "An Age Of Realism: Nixon, Kissinger, And The Limits Of Power". Forbes. Retrieved April 16, 2022.
  57. ^ Graff, Garrett M. (2022). Watergate: A New History (1 ed.). New York: Avid Reader Press. pp. 63. ISBN 978-1-9821-3916-2. OCLC 1260107112
  58. ^ "Events Related to the Proposed Nazi March". Retrieved February 21, 2010.
  59. ^ Washington Post Retrieved March 12, 2008
  60. ^ BergerAugust 19, Paul; Papapietro, 2011claudio. "In Crown Heights, Residents Still Cling to Their Grievances". The Forward.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  61. ^ Shapiro, Edward S. Crown Heights: Blacks, Jews, and the 1991 Brooklyn Riot. UPNE, 2006: 38-40.
  62. ^ "Beep Honor Peace Coalition: Crown Heights leaders reflect on 10-year milestone"[permanent dead link], New York Daily News, August 23, 2001.
  63. ^ "Anti-Semitism and Prejudice in America: Highlights from an ADL Survey - November 1998", Anti-Defamation League, accessed March 12, 2006.
  64. ^ a b c Berlet, Chip."ZOG Ate My Brains" 2006-07-15 at the Wayback Machine, New Internationalist, October 2004.
  65. ^ a b c d e Berlet, Chip. "Right woos Left", Publiceye.org, December 20, 1990; revised February 22, 1994, revised again 1999.
  66. ^ The right-wing use of anti-Zionism as a cover for antisemitism can be seen in a 1981 issue of Spotlight, published by the neo-Nazi Liberty Lobby: "A brazen attempt by influential "Israel-firsters" in the policy echelons of the Reagan administration to extend their control to the day-to-day espionage and covert-action operations of the CIA was the hidden source of the controversy and scandals that shook the U.S. intelligence establishment this summer. The dual loyalists ... have long wanted to grab a hand in the on-the-spot "field control" of the CIA's worldwide clandestine services. They want this control, not just for themselves, but on behalf of the Mossad, Israel's terrorist secret police. (Spotlight, August 24, 1981, cited in Berlet, Chip. "Right woos Left", Publiceye.org, December 20, 1990; revised February 22, 1994, revised again 1999.)
  67. ^ A.M. Rosenthal (September 14, 1990). "ON MY MIND; Forgive Them Not". The New York Times.
  68. ^ Sources for the following are:
    • Bauer, Yehuda. , 2003, retrieved April 22, 2006.
    • Chesler, Phyllis. The New Anti-Semitism: The Current Crisis and What We Must Do About It, Jossey-Bass, 2003, pp. 158-159, 181.
    • Doward, Jamie. Jews predict record level of hate attacks: Militant Islamic media accused of stirring up new wave of anti-semitism, The Guardian, August 8, 2004.
    • Kinsella, Warren. The New anti-Semitism 2007-10-14 at the Wayback Machine, accessed March 5, 2006.
    • Sacks, Jonathan. "The New Antisemitism" 2008-06-07 at the Wayback Machine, Haaretz, September 6, 2002, retrieved on January 10, 2007.
    • Strauss, Mark. in Rosenbaum, Ron (ed). Those who Forget the Past: The Question of Anti-Semitism, Random House 2004, p 272.
  69. ^ Modern Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israeli Attitudes, Florette Cohen, Department of Psychology, The College of Staten Island, City University New York; Lee Jussim, Department of Psychology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick; Kent D. Harber, Department of Psychology, Rutgers University, Newark; Gautam Bhasin, Department of Counseling, Columbia Teacher's College, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2009, Vol. 97, No. 2, 290–306 [1]
  70. ^ "Protesters Call For Metropolitan Opera To Cancel 'The Death of Klinghoffer'". No. Entertainment. CBS New-York. September 22, 2014. Retrieved October 27, 2014.
  71. ^ Gordon, Jerry. . Archived from the original on February 12, 2016. Retrieved October 27, 2014.
  72. ^ U.S. Commission on Civil Rights: "Findings and Recommendations Regarding Campus Antisemitism" (PDF). (19.3 KiB). April 3, 2006
  73. ^ Norwood, Stephen H. (PDF). the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism. Archived from the original (PDF) on August 2, 2014. Retrieved April 23, 2014.
  74. ^ "UCF student finds swastikas carved into walls of her apartment". CFCA. Retrieved April 30, 2014.
  75. ^ "East Carolina University Students Arrested For Allegedly Spray-Painting Swastika". The Jewish Daily Forward. JTA. September 4, 2014. Retrieved September 10, 2014.
  76. ^ a b Mael, Daniel. "Jewish student at UNC Charlotte told to 'burn in an oven'". CFCA. Truth Revolt. Retrieved September 10, 2014.
  77. ^ a b "Fliers posted at California university blame Jews for 9/11". The Jerusalem Post. October 2, 2014. Retrieved October 22, 2014.
  78. ^ a b . WSB-TV Atlanta. October 6, 2014. Archived from the original on October 7, 2014. Retrieved October 23, 2014.
  79. ^ "Swastikas drawn on flayers". CFCA. Retrieved December 21, 2014.
  80. ^ Kosmin, Barry A.; Keysar, Ariela. (PDF). The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law; Trinity College. Archived from the original (PDF) on 18 March 2015. Retrieved 28 February 2015.
  81. ^ Viet, Tran (October 19, 2015). "Anti-Semitic vandalism shocks UC Davis campus". The California Aggie. Retrieved October 26, 2015.
  82. ^ "Antisemitic graffiti found at Towson University". CFCA. Retrieved October 26, 2015.
  83. ^ "H-Antisemitism | H-Net". networks.h-net.org.
  84. ^ . Archived from the original on April 26, 2006.
  85. ^ . Archived from the original on August 22, 2007.
  86. ^ The Final Call, February 16, 1994
  87. ^ . Archived from the original on February 7, 2011. Retrieved November 10, 2007.
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Further reading edit

  • Dinnerstein, Leonard. Antisemitism in America (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), a standard scholarly history
  • Dinnerstein, Leonard. Uneasy at Home: Antisemitism and the American Jewish Experience New York: Columbia University Press, 1987.
  • Dobkowski, Michael N. The Tarnished Dream: The Basis of American Anti-Semitism (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979, a major scholarly study online
  • Gerber, David A., ed. Anti-Semitism in American History (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1986), scholarly essays.
  • Gerteis, Joseph, and Nir Rotem. "Connecting the 'Others': White Anti-Semitic and Anti-Muslim Views in America." Sociological Quarterly (2022): 1-21.
  • Goldstein, Judith S. The Politics of Ethnic Pressure: The American Jewish Committee Fight against Immigration Restriction, 1906–1917 (Routledge, 2020) online.
  • Halperin, Edward C. "Why did the United States medical school admissions quota for Jews end?" American Journal of the Medical Sciences 358.5 (2019): 317-325.
  • Handlin, Oscar, and Mary F. Handlin. "The Acquisition of Political and Social Rights by the Jews in the United States." The American Jewish Year Book (1955): 43-98. online
  • Handlin, Oscar. “American Views of the Jew at the Opening of the Twentieth Century.” Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society 40#4, 1951, pp. 323–44. online
    • Pollack, Norman. "Handlin on Anti-Semitism: A Critique of 'American Views of the Jew'." Journal of American History 51.3 (1964): 391-403. online
  • Higham, John. Strangers in the land: Patterns of American nativism, 1860-1925 (1955) a famous classic. online
  • Higham, John. Send these to me: immigrants in urban America (2nd ed. 1984) online, extensive coverage of anti-semitism
  • Higham, John. "Social discrimination against Jews in America, 1830-1930." Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society 47.1 (1957): 1-33. online
  • Jaher, Frederic Cople. A Scapegoat in the Wilderness: The Origins and Rise of Anti-Semitism in America (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994), a standard scholarly history.
  • Jacobs, Steven Leonard. "Antisemitism in the American Religious Landscape: The Present Twenty-First Century Moment." Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry 3.2 (2021) online[dead link].
  • Levinger, Lee J. Anti-Semitism in the United States: Its History and Causes (1925). outdated
  • Levy, Richard S., ed. Antisemitism: A historical encyclopedia of prejudice and persecution (2 vol, Abc-clio, 2005), worldwide coverage by experts. excerpt
  • Marinari, Maddalena. Unwanted: Italian and Jewish mobilization against restrictive immigration laws, 1882–1965 (UNC Press Books, 2019).
  • Martire, Gregory and Ruth Clark. Anti-Semitism in the United States: A Study of Prejudice in the 1980s (New York, N.Y.: Praeger, 1982).
  • Rausch, David A. Fundamentalist-evangelicals and Anti-semitism (Philadelphia: Trinity Press International, 1993).
  • Rosenfeld, Alvin H. "Antisemitism in Today’s America." in An End to Antisemitism! (2021): 367+ online.
  • Scholnick, Myron I. The New Deal and Anti-Semitism in America (New York: Garland Pub., 1990).
  • Selzer, Michael, ed. 'Kike!:' A Documentary History of Anti-Semitism in America (New York, World Pub. 1972).
  • Thernstrom, Stephan, Ann Orlov, and Oscar Handlin, eds. Harvard encyclopedia of American ethnic groups (Harvard UP) (1980); scholarly coverage of every major ethnic group
  • Valbousquet, Nina. "'Un-American' Antisemitism?: The American Jewish Committee's Response to Global Antisemitism in the Interwar Period." American Jewish History 105.1 (2021): 77-102. excerpt
  • Volkman, Ernest. A Legacy of Hate: Anti-Semitism in America (New York: F. Watts, 1982); popular history.

Historiography and memory edit

  • Baigell, Matthew. The Implacable Urge to Defame: Cartoon Jews in the American Press, 1877-1935 (Syracuse University Press, 2017).
  • Cohen, Naomi W. "Antisemitism in the gilded age: The Jewish view." Jewish Social Studies 41.3/4 (1979): 187-210. online[dead link]
  • Dobkowski, Michael N. “American Anti-Semitism: A Reinterpretation.” American Quarterly 29#2, (1977), pp. 166–81. doi:10.2307/2712357; emphasis on popular stereotypes
  • Dobkowski, Michael N. "American antisemitism and American historians: A critique." Patterns of Prejudice 14.2 (1980): 33-43. doi:10.1080/0031322X.1980.9969566 excerpt.
  • Gordan, Rachel. "The 1940s as the Decade of the Anti-Antisemitism Novel." Religion and American Culture 31.1 (2021): 33-81. online[dead link]
  • Koffman, David S., et al. "Roundtable on Anti-Semitism in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era." Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 19.3 (2020): 473-505.
  • Kranson, Rachel. "Rethinking the Historiography of American Antisemitism in the Wake of the Pittsburgh Shooting." American Jewish History 105.1 (2021): 247-253. excerpt
  • MacDonald, Kevin. "Jewish involvement in shaping American immigration policy, 1881–1965: A historical review." Population and Environment 19.4 (1998): 295-356.
  • Pollack, Norman. "The Myth of Populist Anti-Semitism." American Historical Review 68.1 (1962): 76-80. online
  • Rockaway, Robert, and Arnon Gutfeld. "Demonic images of the Jew in the nineteenth century United States." American Jewish History 89.4 (2001): 355-381. JSTOR 23886447
  • Rockaway, Robert. "Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate." American Jewish History 89.4 (2001): 467-469. summary
  • Stember, Charles, ed. Jews in the Mind of America (1966) online
  • Tevis, Britt P. "Trends in the Study of Antisemitism in United States History." American Jewish History 105.1 (2021): 255-284. excerpt
  • Varat, Deborah. " 'Their New Jerusalem': Representations of Jewish Immigrants in the American Popular Press, 1880–1903." Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 20.2 (2021): 277-300.
  • Winston, Andrew S. "'Jews will not replace us!': Antisemitism, Interbreeding and Immigration in Historical Context." American Jewish History 105.1 (2021): 1-24. excerpt

history, antisemitism, united, states, different, opinions, exist, among, historians, regarding, extent, antisemitism, american, history, american, antisemitism, contrasted, with, european, counterpart, earlier, students, american, jewish, life, minimized, pre. Different opinions exist among historians regarding the extent of antisemitism in American history and how American antisemitism contrasted with its European counterpart Earlier students of American Jewish life minimized the presence of antisemitism in the United States which they considered a late and alien phenomenon that arose on the American scene in the late 19th century More recently however scholars have asserted that no period in American Jewish history was free from antisemitism The debate about the significance of antisemitism during different periods of American history has continued to the present day 1 A cartoon from Judge magazine showing the advancement of poor Jewish immigrants 1892 The first governmental incident of anti Jewish sentiment was recorded during the American Civil War when General Ulysses S Grant issued a General Order quickly rescinded by President Abraham Lincoln of expulsion against Jews from the portions of Tennessee Kentucky and Mississippi that were under his control During the first half of the 20th century Jews were routinely discriminated against and barred from working in some fields of employment barred from renting and or owning certain properties not accepted as members by social clubs barred from resort areas and barred from enrolling in colleges by quotas Antisemitism reached its peak during the interwar period with the rise of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s antisemitic publications in The Dearborn Independent and incendiary radio speeches by Father Coughlin in the late 1930s Following World War II and the Holocaust anti Jewish sentiment significantly declined in the United States However there has been an upsurge in the number of antisemitic hate crimes in recent years Contents 1 Colonial era 2 19th century 2 1 Civil War 2 2 Immigration from Eastern Europe 2 3 Populism 3 Early 20th century 3 1 Lynching of Leo Frank 4 World War I 5 1920s 5 1 Discrimination in education and professions 5 2 Restriction on immigration 5 3 The Dearborn Independent 6 1930s 6 1 American attitudes towards Jews 6 2 Charles Coughlin 6 3 Pelley and Winrod 6 4 America First Committee 6 5 German American Bund 7 Refugees from Nazi Germany 7 1 SS St Louis 8 The Holocaust 8 1 US Government policy 9 1950s 9 1 Liberty Lobby 10 Late twentieth century 10 1 NSPA march in Skokie 10 2 African American community 10 3 Other manifestations 11 21st century 11 1 New antisemitism 11 2 College campuses 11 3 Nation of Islam 11 4 American attitudes towards Jews 11 5 Hate crimes 12 See also 13 Notes 14 Further reading 14 1 Historiography and memoryColonial era editIn the mid 17th century Peter Stuyvesant the last Director General of the Dutch colony of New Netherland sought to maintain the position of the Dutch Reformed Church in America refusing to allow other denominations such as Lutherans Catholics and Quakers the right to organize a church He also described Jews as deceitful very repugnant and hateful enemies and blasphemers of the name of Christ 2 Prior to this the inhabitants of the Dutch settlement of Vlishing had declared that the law of love peace and liberty extended to Jews Turks and Egyptians 3 19th century editAccording to Peter Knight throughout most of the 18th and 19th centuries the United States rarely experienced antisemitic action comparable to the sort that was endemic in Europe during the same period 4 Jews were viewed as a race beginning in the 1870s but this understanding was considered positive as Jews were viewed as white 5 Civil War edit Further information General Order No 11 1862 Major General Ulysses S Grant was influenced by these sentiments and issued General Order No 11 expelling Jews from areas under his control in western Tennessee The Jews as a class violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department and also department orders are hereby expelled within twenty four hours from the receipt of this order Grant later issued an order that no Jews are to be permitted to travel on the road southward His aide Colonel John V DuBois ordered all cotton speculators Jews and all vagabonds with no honest means of support to leave the district The Israelites especially should be kept out they are such an intolerable nuisance This order was quickly rescinded by President Abraham Lincoln but not until it had been enforced in a number of towns 6 According to Jerome Chanes Lincoln s revocation of Grant s order was based primarily on constitutional strictures against the federal government singling out any group for special treatment Chanes characterizes General Order No 11 as unique in the history of the United States because it was the only overtly antisemitic official action of the United States government 7 Immigration from Eastern Europe edit nbsp Antisemitic anti immigrant cartoon 1890Between 1881 and 1920 approximately 3 million Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe immigrated to America many of them fleeing pogroms and the difficult economic conditions which were widespread in much of Eastern Europe during this time Pogroms in the Russian Empire prompted waves of Jewish immigrants after 1881 Jews along with many Eastern and Southern European immigrants came to work the country s growing mines and factories Many Americans distrusted these Jewish immigrants 6 Between 1900 and 1924 approximately 1 75 million Jews immigrated to America s shores the bulk from Eastern Europe Whereas before 1900 American Jews never amounted even to 1 percent of America s total population by 1930 Jews formed about 3 5 percent This dramatic increase combined with the upward mobility of some Jews contributed to a resurgence of antisemitism As the European immigration swelled the Jewish population of the United States there developed a growing sense of Jews as different Indeed the United States government s Census Bureau classified Jews as their own race Hebrews and a 1909 effort led by Simon Wolf to remove Hebrew as a race through a Congressional bill failed 5 Jerome Chanes attributes this perception on the fact that Jews were concentrated in a small number of occupations they were perceived as being mostly clothing manufacturers shopkeepers and department store owners He notes that so called German Jews who in reality came not just from Germany but from Austria Hungary and other countries as well found themselves increasingly segregated by a widespread social antisemitism that became even more prevalent in the twentieth century and which persists in vestigial form even today 8 Populism edit Further information History of investment banking in the United States nbsp An antisemitic political cartoon in an issue of Sound Money magazine which appeared in 1896 This is the U S in the Hands of the Jews portraying Uncle Sam being crucified like Jesus Two figures labeled Wall Street Pirates with caricatured Jewish features poke him with a spear and raise a poisoned sponge to his lips The tub of poison is labeled Debt the poisoned sponge Interest on Bonds and the spear Single Gold Standard Below figures labeled Republicanism Caricature of James G Blaine and Democracy Caricature of Grover Cleveland pick Uncle Sam s pockets In the middle of the 19th century a number of German Jewish immigrants founded investment banking firms which later became mainstays of the industry Most prominent Jewish banks in the United States were investment banks rather than commercial banks 9 10 Although Jews played only a minor role in the nation s commercial banking system the prominence of Jewish investment bankers such as the Rothschild family in Europe and Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb amp Co in New York City made the claims of antisemites believable to some One example of allegations of Jewish control of world finances during the 1890s is Mary Elizabeth Lease an American farming activist and populist from Kansas who frequently blamed the Rothschilds and the British bankers as the source of farmers ills 11 The Morgan Bonds scandal injected populist antisemitism into the 1896 presidential campaign It was disclosed that President Grover Cleveland had sold bonds to a syndicate which included J P Morgan and the Rothschilds house bonds which that syndicate was now selling for a profit the Populists used it as an opportunity to uphold their view of history and argue that Washington and Wall Street were in the hands of the international Jewish banking houses Another focus of antisemitic feeling was the allegation that Jews were at the center of an international conspiracy to fix the currency and thus the economy to a single gold standard 12 According to Deborah Dash Moore populist antisemitism used the Jew to symbolize both capitalism and urbanism so as to personify concepts that were too abstract to serve as satisfactory objects of animosity 13 Richard Hofstadter describes populist antisemitism as entirely verbal He continues by asserting that it was a mode of expression a rhetorical style not a tactic or a program He notes that it did not lead to exclusion laws much less to riots or pogroms Hofstadter still concludes however that the Greenback Populist tradition activated most of modern popular antisemitism in the United States Early 20th century edit nbsp Cover of Jew Jokes Cleveland Arthur Westbrook Company 1908In the first half of the 20th century Jews were discriminated against in employment access to residential and resort areas membership in clubs and organizations and in tightened quotas on Jewish enrollment and teaching positions in colleges and universities Restaurants hotels and other establishments that barred Jews from entry were called restricted 14 Lynching of Leo Frank edit In 1913 a Jewish American in Atlanta named Leo Frank was convicted for the rape and murder of Mary Phagan a 13 year old Christian girl who he employed In the middle of the night on April 27 1913 Mary Phagan was found dead by a night watchman in the basement of a pencil factory in Atlanta Georgia 15 Leo Frank the superintendent of the factory was the last person to acknowledge seeing her alive earlier that day after paying her weekly wages Detectives took Frank to the scene of the crime and the morgue to view the body After further questioning they concluded that he was most likely not the murderer In the days following rumors began to spread amongst the public that the girl had been sexually assaulted prior to her death This sparked outrage amongst the public which called for immediate action and justice for her murder On April 29 following Phagan s funeral public outrage reached its pinnacle Under immense pressure to identify a suspect detectives arrested Leo Frank on the same day Being a Jewish factory owner previously from the north Frank was an easy target for the antisemitic population who already distrusted northern merchants who had come to the south to work following the American Civil War 16 17 During the trial the primary witness was Jim Conley a black janitor who worked at the factory Initially a suspect Conley became the state s main witness in the trial against Frank Prior to the trial Conely had given four conflicting statements regarding his role in the murder In court the Frank s lawyers were unable to disprove Conley s claims that he was forced by Frank to dispose of Phagan s body The trial gathered immense attention especially from Atlantans who gathered in large crowds around the courthouse demanding for a guilty verdict In addition to this much of the media coverage at the time took an antisemitic tone and after 25 days Leo Frank was found guilty of murder on August 25 and sentenced to death by hanging on August 26 The verdict was met with cheers and celebration form the crowd Following the verdict Frank s lawyers submitted a total of five appeals to the Georgia Supreme Court as well as the U S Supreme Court claiming that Frank s absence on the day of the verdict and the amount of public pressure and influence swayed the jury After this the case was brought to Georgia governor John M Slaton Despite the public demanding for him to hold the verdict Slaton changed Frank s verdict from death sentence to life imprisonment believing that his innocence would eventually be established and he would be set free 16 This decision was met with immense public outrage causing riots and even forcing Slaton to declare Martial Law at one point On August 16 1915 25 citizens stormed a prison farm in Milledgeville where Leo Frank was being held Taking Frank from his cell they drove him to Marietta the hometown of Mary Phagan and hanged him from a tree Leaders of the lynch mob would later gather at Stone Mountain to revive the Ku Klux Klan In response to the lynching of Leo Frank Sigmund Livingston founded the Anti Defamation League ADL under the sponsorship of B nai B rith The ADL became the leading Jewish group fighting antisemitism in the United States The lynching of Leo Frank coincided with and helped spark the revival of the Ku Klux Klan The Klan disseminated the view that anarchists communists and Jews were subverting American values and ideals World War I editWith the American entry into World War I Jews were targeted by antisemites as slackers and war profiteers responsible for many of the ills of the country For example a U S Army manual published for war recruits stated that The foreign born and especially Jews are more apt to malinger than the native born When ADL representatives protested about this to President Woodrow Wilson he ordered the manual recalled The ADL also mounted a campaign to give Americans the facts about military and civilian contributions of Jews to the war effort 18 1920s editAntisemitism in the United States reached its peak during the interwar period citation needed The rise of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s the antisemitic works of newspapers and radio speeches in the late 1930s indicated the strength of attacks on the Jewish community One element in American antisemitism during the 1920s was the identification of Jews with Bolshevism where the concept of Bolshevism was used pejoratively in the country see article on Jewish Bolshevism Immigration legislation enacted in the United States in 1921 and 1924 was interpreted widely as being at least partly anti Jewish in intent because it strictly limited the immigration quotas of eastern European nations with large Jewish populations nations from which approximately 3 million Jews had immigrated to the United States by 1920 Discrimination in education and professions edit Further information Numerus clausus Jews encountered resistance when they tried to move into white collar and professional positions Banking insurance public utilities medical schools hospitals large law firms and faculty positions restricted the entrance of Jews This era of polite Judeophobia through social discrimination underwent an ideological escalation in the 1930s Restriction on immigration edit In 1924 Congress passed the Johnson Reed Act severely restricting immigration Although the act did not specifically target Jews the effect of the legislation was that 86 of the 165 000 permitted entries were from Northern European countries with Germany Britain and Ireland having the highest quotas The act effectively diminished the flow of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe to a trickle The Dearborn Independent edit Main article The Dearborn Independent nbsp The Dearborn IndependentHenry Ford was a pacifist who opposed World War I and he believed that Jews were responsible for starting wars in order to profit from them International financiers are behind all war They are what is called the international Jew German Jews French Jews English Jews American Jews I believe that in all those countries except our own the Jewish financier is supreme here the Jew is a threat 19 Ford believed that Jews were responsible for capitalism and in their role as financiers they did not contribute anything of value to society 20 In 1915 during World War I Ford blamed Jews for instigating the war saying I know who caused the war German Jewish bankers 21 Later in 1925 Ford said What I oppose most is the international Jewish money power that is met in every war That is what I oppose a power that has no country and that can order the young men of all countries out to death According to author Steven Watts Ford s antisemitism was partially due to a noble desire for world peace 21 22 Ford became aware of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and believed it to be a legitimate document and he published portions of it in his newspaper the Dearborn Independent Also in 1920 21 the Dearborn Independent carried a series of articles expanding on the themes of financial control by Jews entitled 23 Jewish Idea in American Monetary Affairs The remarkable story of Paul Warburg who began work on the United States monetary system after three weeks residence in this country Jewish Idea Molded Federal Reserve System What Baruch was in War Material Paul Warburg was in War Finances Some Curious revelations of money and politics Jewish Idea of a Central Bank for America The evolution of Paul M Warburg s idea of Federal Reserve System without government management How Jewish International Finance Functions The Warburg family and firm divided the world between them and did amazing things which non Jews could not do Jewish Power and America s Money Famine The Warburg Federal Reserve sucks money to New York leaving productive sections of the country in disastrous need The Economic Plan of International Jews An outline of the Protocolists monetary policy with notes on the parallel found in Jewish financial practice One of the articles Jewish Power and America s Money Famine asserted that the power exercised by Jews over the nation s supply of money was insidious by helping deprive farmers and others outside the banking coterie of money when they needed it most The article asked the question Where is the American gold supply It may be in the United States but it does not belong to the United States and it drew the conclusion that Jews controlled the gold supply and hence American money 24 Another of the articles Jewish Idea Molded Federal Reserve System was a reflection of Ford s suspicion of the Federal Reserve System and its proponent Paul Warburg Ford believed the Federal Reserve system was secretive and insidious 25 These articles gave rise to claims of antisemitism against Ford 26 and in 1929 he signed a statement apologizing for the articles 27 1930s editAntisemitic activists in the 1930s were led by Father Charles Coughlin William Dudley Pelley and Gerald L K Smith Ford s attacks on Jews continued to be circulated although the KKK was practically defunct They promulgated various interrelated conspiracy theories widely spreading the fear that Jews were working for the destruction or replacement of white Americans and Christianity in the U S 28 29 According to Gilman and Katz antisemitism increased dramatically in the 1930s with demands being made to exclude American Jews from American social political and economic life 30 During the 1930s and 1940s right wing demagogues linked the Great Depression of the 1930s the New Deal President Franklin Roosevelt and the threat of war in Europe to the machinations of an imagined international Jewish conspiracy that was both communist and capitalist A new ideology appeared which accused the Jews of dominating Franklin Roosevelt s administration of causing the Great Depression and of dragging the United States into World War II against a new Germany which deserved nothing but admiration Roosevelt s New Deal was derisively referred to as the Jew Deal 30 Father Charles Coughlin a radio preacher as well as many other prominent public figures condemned the Jews Gerald L K Smith a Disciples of Christ minister was the founder 1937 of the Committee of One Million and publisher beginning in 1942 of The Cross and the Flag a magazine that declared that Christian character is the basis of all real Americanism Other antisemitic agitators included Fritz Julius Kuhn of the German American Bund William Dudley Pelley and the Rev Gerald Winrod In the end promoters of antisemitism achieved no more than a passing popularity as the threat of Nazi Germany became more and more evident to the American electorate Steven Roth asserts that there was never a real possibility of a Jewish question appearing on the American political agenda as it did in Europe according to Roth the resistance to political antisemitism in the United States was due to the heterogeneity of the American political structure 31 American attitudes towards Jews edit nbsp A 1942 advertisement for recreational lodging in Goshen Connecticut stating that the facility is not a hotel and caters to Christian clientele specifically In a 1938 poll approximately 60 percent of the respondents held a low opinion of Jews labeling them greedy dishonest and pushy 32 41 percent of respondents agreed that Jews had too much power in the United States and this figure rose to 58 percent by 1945 33 Several surveys taken from 1940 to 1946 found that Jews were seen as a greater threat to the welfare of the United States than any other national religious or racial group 34 Charles Coughlin edit Main article Charles Coughlin The main spokesman for antisemitic sentiment was Charles Coughlin a Catholic priest whose weekly radio program drew between 5 and 12 million listeners in the late 1930s Coughlin s newspaper Social Justice reached a circulation of 800 000 at its peak in 1937 After the 1936 election Coughlin increasingly expressed sympathy for the fascist policies of Hitler and Mussolini as an antidote to Bolshevism His weekly radio broadcasts became suffused with themes regarded as overtly antisemitic He blamed the Depression on an international conspiracy of Jewish bankers and also claimed that Jewish bankers were behind the Russian Revolution 35 Coughlin began publication of a newspaper Social Justice during this period in which he printed antisemitic polemics such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Like Joseph Goebbels Coughlin claimed that Marxist atheism in Europe was a Jewish plot The 5 December 1938 issue of Social Justice included an article by Coughlin which closely resembled a speech made by Goebbels on 13 September 1935 attacking Jews atheists and communists with some sections being copied verbatim by Coughlin from an English translation of the Goebbels speech On November 20 1938 two weeks after Kristallnacht when Jews across Germany were attacked and killed and Jewish businesses homes and synagogues burned Coughlin blamed the Jewish victims 36 saying that Jewish persecution only followed after Christians first were persecuted After this speech and as his programs became more antisemitic some radio stations including those in New York and Chicago began refusing to air his speeches without pre approved scripts in New York his programs were cancelled by WINS and WMCA leaving Coughlin to broadcasting on the Newark part time station WHBI This made Coughlin a hero in Nazi Germany where papers ran headlines like America is Not Allowed to Hear the Truth On December 18 1938 two thousand of Coughlin s followers marched in New York protesting potential asylum law changes that would allow more Jews including refugees from Hitler s persecution into the US chanting Send Jews back where they came from in leaky boats and Wait until Hitler comes over here The protests continued for several months Donald Warren using information from the FBI and German government archives has also argued that Coughlin received indirect funding from Nazi Germany during this period 37 After 1936 Coughlin began supporting an organization called the Christian Front which claimed him as an inspiration In January 1940 the Christian Front was shut down when the FBI discovered the group was arming itself and planning to murder Jews communists and a dozen Congressmen 38 and eventually establish in J Edgar Hoover s words a dictatorship similar to the Hitler dictatorship in Germany Coughlin publicly stated after the plot was discovered that he still did not disassociate himself from the movement and though he was never linked directly to the plot his reputation suffered a fatal decline 39 After the attack on Pearl Harbor and the declaration of war in December 1941 the anti interventionist movement such as the America First Committee sputtered out and isolationists like Coughlin were seen as being sympathetic to the enemy In 1942 the new bishop of Detroit ordered Coughlin to stop his controversial political activities and confine himself to his duties as a parish priest Pelley and Winrod edit William Dudley Pelley founded 1933 the antisemitic Silvershirt Legion of America nine years later he was convicted of sedition And Gerald Winrod leader of Defenders of the Christian Faith was eventually indicted for conspiracy to cause insubordination in the United States Armed Forces during World War II America First Committee edit Main article America First Committee The avant garde of the new non interventionism was the America First Committee which included the aviation hero Charles Lindbergh and many prominent Americans The America First Committee opposed any involvement in the war in Europe Officially America First avoided any appearance of antisemitism and voted to drop Henry Ford as a member for his overt antisemitism In a speech delivered on September 11 1941 at an America First rally Lindbergh claimed that three groups had been pressing this country toward war the Roosevelt Administration the British and the Jews and complained about what he insisted was the Jews large ownership and influence in our motion pictures our press our radio and our government 40 In an expurgated portion of his published diaries Lindbergh wrote We must limit to a reasonable amount the Jewish influence Whenever the Jewish percentage of total population becomes too high a reaction seems to invariably occur It is too bad because a few Jews of the right type are I believe an asset to any country German American Bund edit Main article German American Bund The German American Bund held parades in New York City in the late 1930s which featured Nazi uniforms and flags featuring swastikas alongside American flags Some 20 000 people heard Bund leader Fritz Julius Kuhn criticize President Franklin D Roosevelt by repeatedly referring to him as Frank D Rosenfeld calling his New Deal the Jew Deal and espousing his belief in the existence of a Bolshevik Jewish conspiracy in America Refugees from Nazi Germany editIn the years before and during World War II the United States Congress the Roosevelt Administration and public opinion expressed concern about the fate of Jews in Europe but consistently refused to permit immigration of Jewish refugees In a report issued by the State Department during the Clinton Administration Undersecretary of State Stuart Eizenstat noted that the United States accepted only 21 000 refugees from Europe and did not significantly raise or even fill its restrictive quotas accepting far fewer Jews per capita than many of the neutral European countries and fewer in absolute terms than Switzerland 41 According to David Wyman The United States and its Allies were willing to attempt almost nothing to save the Jews 42 There is some debate as to whether U S policies were generally targeted against all immigrants or specifically against Jews in particular Wyman characterized FDR advisor and State Department official in charge of immigration policy Breckinridge Long as a nativist more anti immigrant than just antisemitic 43 SS St Louis edit Main article MS St Louis The Voyage of the Damned The SS St Louis sailed out of Hamburg into the Atlantic Ocean in May 1939 carrying one non Jewish and 936 mainly German Jewish refugees seeking asylum from Nazi persecution just before World War II On 4 June 1939 having failed to obtain permission to disembark passengers in Cuba the St Louis was also refused permission to unload on orders of President Roosevelt as the ship waited in the Caribbean Sea between Florida and Cuba 44 45 The Holocaust editDuring the Holocaust antisemitism was a factor that limited American Jewish action during the war and put American Jews in a difficult position It is clear that antisemitism was a prevalent attitude in the US which was especially convenient for America during the Holocaust In America antisemitism which reached high levels in the late 1930s continued to rise in the 1940s During the years before Pearl Harbor over a hundred antisemitic organizations were responsible for pumping hate propaganda to the American public Furthermore especially in New York City and Boston young gangs vandalized Jewish cemeteries and synagogues and attacks on Jewish youngsters were common Swastikas and anti Jewish slogans as well as antisemitic literature were spread In 1944 a public opinion poll showed that a quarter of Americans still regarded Jews as a menace Antisemitism in the State Department played a large role in Washington s hesitant response to the plight of European Jews persecuted by Nazis 46 In a 1943 speech on the floor of Congress quoted in both The Jewish News of Detroit 47 and the antisemitic magazine The Defender of Wichita 48 Mississippi Representative John E Rankin espoused a conspiracy of alien minded Communist Jews arranging for white women to be raped by African American men When those communistic Jews of whom the decent Jews are ashamed go around here and hug and kiss these Negroes dance with them intermarry with them and try to force their way into white restaurants white hotels and white picture shows they are not deceiving any red blooded American and above all they are not deceiving the men in our armed forces as to who is at the bottom of all this race trouble The better element of the Jews and especially the old line American Jews throughout the South and West are not only ashamed of but they are alarmed at the activities of these communistic Jews who are stirring this trouble up They have caused the deaths of many good Negroes who never would have got into trouble if they had been left alone as well as the deaths of many good white people including many innocent unprotected white girls who have been raped and murdered by vicious Negroes who have been encouraged by those alien minded Communists to commit such crimes US Government policy edit Josiah DuBois wrote the famous Report to the Secretary on the Acquiescence of This Government in the Murder of the Jews which Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr used to convince President Franklin D Roosevelt to establish the War Refugee Board in 1944 49 50 51 Randolph Paul was also a principal sponsor of this report the first contemporaneous Government paper attacking America s dormant complicity in the Holocaust Entitled Report to the Secretary on the Acquiescence of This Government in the Murder of the Jews the document was an indictment of the U S State Department s diplomatic military and immigration policies Among other things the Report narrated the State Department s inaction and in some instances active opposition to the release of funds for the Jews in Nazi occupied Europe and condemned immigration policies that closed American doors to Jewish refugees from countries then engaged in their systematic slaughter The catalyst for the Report was an incident involving 70 000 Romanian Jews whose evacuation from the Kingdom of Romania could have been procured with a 170 000 bribe The Foreign Funds Control unit of the Treasury which was within Paul s jurisdiction authorized the payment of the funds the release of which both the President and Secretary of State Cordell Hull supported From mid July 1943 when the proposal was made and Treasury approved through December 1943 a combination of the State Department s bureaucracy and the British Ministry of Economic Warfare interposed various obstacles The Report was the product of frustration over that event On January 16 1944 Morgenthau and Paul personally delivered the paper to President Roosevelt warning him that Congress would act if he did not The result was Executive Order 9417 52 creating the War Refugee Board composed of the Secretaries of State Treasury and War Issued on January 22 1944 the Executive Order declared that it is the policy of this Government to take all measures within its power to rescue the victims of enemy oppression who are in imminent danger of death and otherwise to afford such victims all possible relief and assistance consistent with the successful prosecution of the war 53 It has been estimated that 190 000 200 000 Jews could have been saved during the Second World War had it not been for bureaucratic obstacles to immigration deliberately created by Breckinridge Long and others 54 1950s editLiberty Lobby edit Main article Liberty Lobby Liberty Lobby was a political advocacy organization which was founded in 1955 by Willis Carto in 1955 Liberty Lobby was founded as a conservative political organization and was known to hold strongly antisemitic views and to be a devotee of the writings of Francis Parker Yockey who was one of a handful of post World War II writers who revered Adolf Hitler Late twentieth century editThe Nixon White House tapes released during the Watergate scandal reveal that President Richard Nixon made numerous anti Semitic remarks during his presidency 55 For example he repeatedly referred to National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger as Jew boy and blamed the anti Vietnam War movement and leaking of the Pentagon Papers on Jews 55 56 57 Antisemitic violence in this era includes the 1977 shootings at Brith Sholom Kneseth Israel synagogue in St Louis Missouri the 1984 murder of Alan Berg the 1985 Goldmark Murders and the 1986 Murder of Neal Rosenblum NSPA march in Skokie edit Seeking a venue In 1977 and 1978 members of the National Socialist Party of America NSPA chose Skokie Because of the large number of Holocaust survivors in Skokie it was believed that the march would be disruptive and the village refused to allow it They passed three new ordinances requiring damage deposits banning marches in military uniforms and limiting the distribution of hate speech literature The American Civil Liberties Union interceded on behalf of the NSPA in National Socialist Party of America v Village of Skokie seeking a parade permit and to invalidate the three new Skokie ordinances However due to a subsequent lifting of the Marquette Park ban the NSPA ultimately held their rally in Chicago on July 7 1978 instead of in Skokie 58 African American community edit See also 1977 Washington D C attack and hostage taking and Crown Heights riot In 1984 civil rights leader Jessie Jackson speaking to Washington Post reporter Milton Coleman referred to Jews as Hymies and New York City as Hymietown He later apologized 59 During the Crown Heights riot marchers proceeded carrying antisemitic signs and an Israeli flag was burned 60 61 Ultimately black and Jewish leaders developed an outreach program between their communities to help calm and possibly improve racial relations in Crown Heights over the next decade 62 According to Anti Defamation League surveys begun in 1964 African Americans are significantly more likely than white Americans to hold antisemitic beliefs although there is a strong correlation between education level and the rejection of antisemitic stereotypes for all races However black Americans of all education levels are nevertheless significantly more likely than whites of the same education level to be antisemitic In the 1998 survey blacks 34 were nearly four times as likely as whites 9 to fall into the most antisemitic category those agreeing with at least 6 of 11 statements that were potentially or clearly antisemitic Among blacks with no college education 43 fell into the most antisemitic group vs 18 for the general population which fell to 27 among blacks with some college education and 18 among blacks with a four year college degree vs 5 for the general population 63 Other manifestations edit During the early 1980s isolationists on the far right made overtures to anti war activists on the left in the United States in an attempt to join forces and protest against government policies in areas where they shared concerns 64 This was mainly in the area of civil liberties opposition to United States military intervention overseas and opposition to US support for Israel 65 66 As they interacted some of the classic right wing antisemitic scapegoating conspiracy theories began to seep into progressive circles 65 including stories about how a New World Order also called the Shadow Government or The Octopus 64 was manipulating world governments Antisemitic conspiracism was peddled aggressively by right wing groups 65 Some on the left adopted the rhetoric which was made possible by their lack of knowledge about the history of fascism and its use of scapegoating reductionist and simplistic solutions demagoguery and a conspiracy theory of history 65 Towards the end of 1990 as the movement against the Gulf War began to build a number of far right and antisemitic groups sought out alliances with left wing anti war coalitions who began to speak openly about a Jewish lobby that was encouraging the United States to invade Ba athist Iraq This idea evolved into conspiracy theories about a Zionist occupied government ZOG which has been seen as equivalent to the early 20th century antisemitic hoax The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 64 The anti war movement as a whole rejected these overtures by the political right 65 In the context of the first US Iraq war on September 15 1990 Pat Buchanan appeared on The McLaughlin Group and said that there are only two groups that are beating the drums for war in the Middle East the Israeli defense ministry and its amen corner in the United States He also said The Israelis want this war desperately because they want the United States to destroy the Iraqi war machine They want us to finish them off They don t care about our relations with the Arab world 67 21st century editMain article Antisemitism in the United States Many in the Jewish community celebrated the vice presidential candidacy of Senator Joseph Lieberman in the 2000 presidential election as marking a milestone in the decline of antisemitism in the United States citation needed New antisemitism edit Main articles New antisemitism and Antisemitism in the United States in the 21st century nbsp Antisemitic sign at a protest in 2008In recent years some scholars have advanced the concept of New antisemitism coming simultaneously from the far left the far right and radical Islam which tends to focus on opposition to the creation of a Jewish homeland in the State of Israel and argue that the language of Anti Zionism and criticism of Israel are used to attack the Jews more broadly In this view the proponents of the new concept believe that criticisms of Israel and anti Zionism are often disproportionate in degree and unique in kind and attribute this to antisemitism 68 A 2009 study entitled Modern Anti Semitism and Anti Israeli Attitudes published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 2009 tested new theoretical model of antisemitism among Americans in the Greater New York area with 3 experiments The research team s theoretical model proposed that mortality salience reminding people that they will someday die increases antisemitism and that antisemitism is often expressed as anti Israel attitudes The first experiment showed that mortality salience led to higher levels of antisemitism and lower levels of support for Israel The study s methodology was designed to tease out antisemitic attitudes that are concealed by polite people The second experiment showed that mortality salience caused people to perceive Israel as very important but did not cause them to perceive any other country this way The third experiment showed that mortality salience led to a desire to punish Israel for human rights violations but not to a desire to punish Russia or India for identical human rights violations According to the researchers their results suggest that Jews constitute a unique cultural threat to many people s worldviews that anti Semitism causes hostility to Israel and that hostility to Israel may feed back to increase anti Semitism Furthermore those claiming that there is no connection between antisemitism and hostility toward Israel are wrong 69 In October 2014 the controversial opera The Death of Klinghoffer was staged in the Metropolitan Opera in New York The opera tells the story of the 1985 hijacking of the Achille Lauro cruise ship by Palestinian terrorists and the killing of Jewish passenger Leon Klinghoffer Some of the criticism opposed to the opera claimed it s partly antisemitic and glorifies the killers 70 as American writer and feminist Phyllis Chesler an opera aficionado wrote The Death of Klinghoffer also demonizes Israel which is what anti Semitism is partly about today It incorporates lethal Islamic and now universal pseudo histories about Israel and Jews It beatifies terrorism both musically and in the libretto 71 College campuses edit See also Universities and antisemitism On April 3 2006 the U S Commission on Civil Rights announced its finding that incidents of antisemitism are a serious problem on college campuses throughout the United States 72 Stephen H Norwood compares the Antisemitism in contemporary American University to the antisemitism in campuses during the Nazi era 73 His article shows how the support in Anti Zionist opinions encourages antisemitism inside American campus Norwood describes in his article In 2002 Muslim student groups at San Francisco State University similarly invoked the medieval blood libel distributing fliers showing a can with a picture of a dead baby beneath a large drop of blood and two Israeli flags captioned Made in Israel Palestinian Children Meat Slaughtered According to Jewish Rites Under American License On that campus a mob menaced Jewish students with taunts of Hitler did not finish the job and Go back to Russia The transfer between the criticism on Israel to pure antisemitism is significant During April 2014 there were at least 3 incidents of swastika drawings on Jewish property in University dormitories At UCF for example a Jewish student found 9 swastikas carved into walls of her apartment 74 On the beginning of September 2014 there were two cases of antisemitism in College campuses two students from East Carolina University sprayed swastika on the apartment door of a Jewish student 75 while on the same day a Jewish student from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte was told to go burn in an oven The student had also told the media she is hunted because of her support in Israel I have been called a terrorist baby killer woman killer told that I use blood to make matzah and other foods Christ killer occupier and much more 76 In October 2014 fliers were handed out in the University of California in Santa Barbara that claimed 9 11 Was an Outside Job with a large blue Star of David The fliers contained links to several websites that accused Israel of the attack 77 A few days later antisemitic graffiti was found on a Jewish fraternity house in Emory University in Atlanta 78 Another graffiti incident occurred in Northeastern University where swastikas drawn on flyers for a school event 79 A survey published in February 2015 by Trinity College and the Louis D Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law found out that 54 percent of the participants had been subject to or witnessing antisemitism on their campus The survey included 1 157 self identified Jewish students at 55 campuses nationwide The most significant origin for antisemitism according to the survey was from an individual student 29 percent Other origins were in clubs societies in lecture class in student union etc The findings of the research compared to a parallel study conducted in United kingdom and the results were similar 80 In October 2015 it was reported that a few cars in the parking lot of the UC Davis were vandalized and scratched with antisemitic slurs and swastika sketches 81 A few days later antisemitic slurs were found on a chalkboard in a center of the campus at Towson University 82 Nation of Islam edit Main article Nation of Islam and antisemitism Further information African American Jewish relations Nation of Islam Some Jewish organizations Christian organizations Muslim organizations and academics consider the Nation of Islam to be antisemitic Specifically they claim that the Nation of Islam has engaged in revisionist and antisemitic interpretations of the Holocaust and exaggerates the role of Jews in the African slave trade 83 The Anti Defamation League ADL alleges that NOI Health Minister Dr Abdul Alim Muhammad has accused Jewish doctors of injecting Blacks with the human immunodeficiency virus 84 an allegation that Muhammad has denied The Nation of Islam claimed that Jews were responsible for slavery economic exploitation of black labor selling alcohol and drugs in their communities and unfair domination of the economy Some members of the Black Nationalist Nation of Islam claimed that Jews were responsible for the exploitation of black labor bringing alcohol and drugs into their communities and unfair domination of the economy The Nation of Islam has repeatedly denied charges of antisemitism 85 and NOI leader Minister Louis Farrakhan has stated The ADL uses the term anti Semitism to stifle all criticism of Zionism and the Zionist policies of the State of Israel and also to stifle all legitimate criticism of the errant behavior of some Jewish people toward the non Jewish population of the earth 86 American attitudes towards Jews edit According to an Anti Defamation League survey 14 percent of U S residents had antisemitic views The 2005 survey found 35 percent of foreign born Hispanics and 36 percent of African Americans hold strong antisemitic beliefs four times more than the 9 percent for whites 87 The 2005 Anti Defamation League survey includes data on Hispanic attitudes with 29 being most antisemitic vs 9 for whites and 36 for blacks being born in the United States helped alleviate this attitude 35 of foreign born Hispanics but only 19 of those born in the US 88 Hate crimes edit Further information Antisemitism in the United States in the 21st century Escalating hate crimes which targeted Jews and members of other minority groups prompted the passage of the federal Hate Crimes Statistics Act in 1990 On April 1 2014 Frazier Glenn Miller a former member of the Ku Klux Klan arrived at the Jewish center of Kansas City and murdered 3 people 89 After his capture the suspect was heard saying Heil Hitler 90 In April 2014 the Anti Defamation League published its 2013 audit of antisemitic incidents the audit pointed out a decline of 19 percent in the number of reported antisemitic incidents The total number of antisemitic attacks across the U S was 751 including 31 physical assaults 315 incidents of vandalism and 405 cases of harassment 91 The Vassar Students for Justice in Palestine published a Nazi World War II propaganda poster in May 2014 The poster displays Jews as part of a monster who tries to destroy the world Vassar College president Catharine Hill denounced the poster 92 A few months later a physical attack occurred in Philadelphia when a Jewish student on the campus of Temple University was assaulted and punched in the face by a member of the organization Students for Justice in Palestine who called him an antisemitic slur 93 In May 2014 a Jewish mother from Chicago accused a group of students at her eighth grade son s school of bullying and antisemitism They used the multi player video game Clash of Clans to create a group called Jews Incinerator and described themselves by stating we are a friendly group of racists with one goal put all Jews into an army camp until they are disposed of Sieg Heil Two students wrote apology letters 94 95 In June 2014 there were several antisemitic hate crimes A swastika and other antisemitic graffiti were scrawled onto a streetside directional sign in San Francisco 96 Another graffiti found at the Sanctuary Lofts Apartments where a graffiti artists drew antisemitic satanic and racist symbols inside the apartment complex 97 Towards the end of the month a young Jewish boy was attacked while he was leaving his home in Brooklyn The suspect who was on a bike opened his hand while passing and struck the victim in the face then yelled antisemitic slurs 98 In July 2014 during the 2014 Gaza War there was an increase in the occurrence of antisemitic incidents In the beginning of the month an antisemitic banner was flown above Brighton Beach and Coney Island The banner contained symbols that meant peace plus swastika equals love The word PROSWASTIKA also appeared on the banner 99 Additionally there were more than 5 incidents of antisemitic graffiti across the country In Borough Park Brooklyn New York three man were arrested for vandalizing a Yeshiva property and a nearby house in the Jewish neighborhood by spraying swastikas and inscriptions such as you don t belong here 100 Later that month swastika drawings were found on mailboxes near a national Jewish fraternity house in Eugene Oregon 101 Swastika drawings and also the phrase kill Jews were found on a playground floor in Riverdale Bronx 102 There were also two incidents of graffiti in Clarksville Tennessee and Lowell Massachusetts 103 104 Some vandalism incidents occurred on a cemetery in Massachusetts 105 and in country club in Frontenac Missouri 106 Toward the end of the month there were two places were the word Hamas was scribbled on Jewish property and on a Synagogue 107 108 In addition linked with the operation in Gaza Strip anti Jewish leaflets were found on cars in the Jewish neighborhood in Chicago The leaflets threatened violence if Israel did not pull out of Gaza 109 In August 2014 there were two incidents in Los Angeles and Chicago where leaflets from the Nazi era in Germany got resurrected In Westwood near the UCLA a Jewish store owner got swastika marked leaflets contained threatens and warnings 110 A few days earlier during a pro Palestinian rally in Chicago antisemitic leaflets were handed out to passersby Those leaflets were exactly the same Nazi propaganda used in 1930 s Germany 111 Besides the above there were more than six 112 incidents of graffiti and vandalism aimed at the Jewish populations in various cities in the United States Some of the graffiti compared Israel to Nazi Germany 113 There was also an antisemitic attack on four Orthodox Jewish teens in Borough Park Brooklyn towards the mid month 114 Another physical attack occurred in Philadelphia when a Jewish student on the campus of Temple University was assaulted and punched in the face by a violent member of the anti Israel organization SJP 93 In the beginning of September 2014 there were more than 6 incidents of antisemitic graffiti across the country 115 three of them outside religious buildings such as a synagogue or Yeshiva 116 Most of the drawings included swastika inscriptions and one of them had the words Murder the Jew tenant 117 Later that month another antisemitic graffiti was found on the Jewish Community Center in Boulder Colorado 118 Then a few days later a violent attack occurred in Baltimore Maryland when during Rosh Hashanah a man who drove near the Jewish school shot three man after shouting Jews Jews Jews 119 Towards the end of the month a rabbi was thrown out of a Greek restaurant when the owner found out he was Jewish Moreover the owner suggested him a full size salad or Jewish size salad which according to him meant cheap and small 120 Besides the above Robert Ransdell a write in candidate for US Senate from Kentucky used the slogan With Jews we lose for his running 121 Another incident occurred in the University of North Carolina at Charlotte when a Jewish student was told to go burn in an oven The student had also told the media she is hunted because of her support in Israel I have been called a terrorist baby killer woman killer told that I use blood to make matzah and other foods Christ killer occupier and much more 76 October 2014 started with an antisemitic slur from a coffee shop owner in Bushwick who wrote on Facebook and Twitter that greedy infiltrators Jewish people came to buy a house near his business 122 Later that month two synagogues were desecrated in Akron Ohio and in Spokane Washington One of them was sprayed with swastika graffiti 123 and the other one was damaged by vandalism 124 During the month there was also a physical attack when the head of a Hebrew association was beaten outside Barclays Center after a Nets Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball game The attacker was a participant in a pro Palestinian demonstration outside the hall 125 During another incident in October fliers were handed out in the University of California in Santa Barbara that claimed 9 11 Was an Outside Job with a large blue Star of David The fliers contained links to several websites that accusing Israel of the attack 77 A few days later an antisemitic graffiti was found on Jewish fraternity house in Emory University in Atlanta 78 During December 2014 a Jewish Israeli young man was stabbed in his neck while standing outside of the Chabad Lubavitch building in New York City 126 Another antisemitic incident in New York occurred when a threatening photo was sent to a Hasidic Jewish lawmaker The photo showed his head pasted on the body of a person beheaded by the Islamic State jihadist group 127 Besides those incidents several antisemitic graffiti found across the country 128 and a couple of synagogues were vandalized in Chicago 129 and in Ocala Florida 130 Private residence 22 College Campus 7 Jewish Institution School 11 Non Jewish School 12 Public area 35 Private Building Area 12 Cemetery 1 January 2015 started with some antisemitic graffiti throughout the country such as racist writing on a car 131 and on an elevator s button 132 In February that year there were more incidents of antisemitic graffiti and harassment In Sacramento California Israeli flags with a swastika instead of the Star of David were hung out of a house An American flag with a swastika on it was also taped to the house s door 133 Earlier that month there were two incidents of antisemitic graffiti outside and inside the Jewish fraternity house at UC Davis 134 In Lakewood NJ a Jewish owned store was targeted with graffiti That followed several other antisemitic messages found spray painted and carved around town 135 An incident at UCLA on February 10 2015 where a Jewish student was questioned by a student council regarding whether being active in a Jewish organization constituted a conflict of interest illustrated the existing confusion among some students on this point 136 In April 2015 the Anti Defamation League published its 2014 audit of antisemitic incidents It counted 912 antisemitic incidents across the U S during 2014 This represents a 21 percent increase from the 751 incidents reported during the same period in 2013 Most of the incidents 513 belong to the category of harassments threats and events The audit shows that most of the vandalism incidents occurred in public areas 35 A review of the results shows that during Operation Protective Edge there was a significant increase in the number of antisemitic incidents compares to the rest of the year As usual highest totals of antisemitic incidents have been found in states where there is a large Jewish population New York State 231 incidents California 184 incidents New Jersey 107 incidents Florida 70 incidents In all of these states more antisemitic incidents were counted in 2014 than in 2013 137 On January 2 2018 Blaze Bernstein was murdered by Samuel Woodward who is a member of a neo Nazi terrorist organization called Atomwaffen Division 138 It is being prosecuted as a hate crime on the basis of sexual orientation but Woodward has made many antisemitic comments and Bernstein was both gay and Jewish citation needed On October 27 2018 11 people were murdered in an attack on the Tree of Life Or L Simcha synagogue in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania The shooting was committed by Robert Bowers a prolific user of the alt tech social media service Gab where he promoted antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories as well as the white nationalist doctrine of white genocide which is claimed to be a Jewish conspiracy 139 On April 27 2019 the Chabad of Poway in California was attacked by a 19 year old gunman who killed 1 and injured 3 The shooter in question John T Earnest had written an open letter which he posted on 8chan s pol messageboard specifically blaming Jews for white genocide and other ills 140 On December 10 2019 a mass shooting attack took place against a kosher grocery store in Jersey City killing six including both perpetrators The attackers invoked tenets of an extremist version of Black Hebrew Israelite philosophy 141 In December 2019 the Jewish community of New York suffered a number of antisemitic attacks including a mass stabbing in Monsey on the 28th 142 In May 2021 there was an upsurge of antisemitic actions in the United States at the same time as the clashes between Israel and Hamas in Gaza 143 On January 15 2022 four people were taken hostage by a gunman at a synagogue in Colleyville Texas After a standoff with the police the gunman a British Pakistani was killed and the hostages freed 144 Later in 2022 right wing political commentator Nick Fuentes blamed Jewish people themselves for antisemitic actions being carried out against the Jewish community He further claimed that such actions would only get worse if the Jews did not support people like us Due to comments like these Fuentes is regarded as an antisemite 145 146 See also editAntisemitic trope Anti Zionism Jewish history Geography of antisemitism United States History of antisemitism History of religion in the United States History of the Jews in the United States Military history of Jewish Americans Antisemitism in the United States in the 21st century List of antisemitic incidents in the United States List of attacks on Jewish institutions in the United States United States and the Holocaust Israel United States relations Discrimination in the United States Racism in the United States Religious discrimination in the United States Stereotypes of groups within the United States Stereotypes of Jews Timeline of Jewish history Timeline of antisemitism Timeline of the Holocaust History of Israel History of Palestine Timeline of the Arab Israeli conflict Timeline of the Israeli Palestinian conflict African American Jewish relations Islamic Jewish relationsNotes edit Jonathan D Sarna and Jonathan Golden The American Jewish Experience in the Twentieth Century Antisemitism and Assimilation Jacobson Matthew Frye Whiteness of a Different Color p 171 John Hancocks of Queens The Search for Kin The New York Times March 18 2007 Retrieved November 17 2020 Knight Peter 2003 Conspiracy theories in American history an encyclopedia Volume 1 ABC CLIO p 81 ISBN 978 1 57607 812 9 a b Goldstein Eric 2006 The Price of Whiteness Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0 691 12105 5 a b Perednik Gustavo Judeophobia History and analysis of Antisemitism Jew Hate and anti Zionism Chanes Jerome A 2004 Antisemitism a reference handbook ABC CLIO p 70 ISBN 978 1 57607 209 7 Chanes Jerome A 2004 Antisemitism a reference handbook ABC CLIO pp 70 71 ISBN 978 1 57607 209 7 Krefetz p 54 55 Knight Peter 2003 Conspiracy theories in American history an encyclopedia Volume 1 ABC CLIO p 82 ISBN 978 1 57607 812 9 Levitas pp 187 88 Albanese Catherine L 1981 America religions and religion Wadsworth Pub Co By the 1890s antisemitic feeling had crystallized around the suspicion that the Jews were responsible for an international conspiracy to base the economy on the single gold standard Moore Deborah Dash 1981 B nai B rith and the challenge of ethnic leadership SUNY Press p 103 ISBN 978 0 87395 481 5 The Jews in America The Atlantic Leo Frank 1884 1915 jewishvirtuallibrary org American Jewish Historical Society Retrieved April 30 2020 a b Dinnerstein Leonard Leo Frank Case New Georgia Encyclopedia Retrieved April 30 2020 Bernstein Mathew H Screening a Lynching The Leo Frank Case on Film and Television The Temple Athens University of Georgia Press 2009 Retrieved April 30 2020 Hang the Jew Hang the Jew Anti Defamation League Retrieved May 13 2019 Perry p 168 9 Perry quotes Ford Perry p 168 9 a b Watts Steven The People s Tycoon Henry Ford and the American Century Vintage 2006 p 383 Baldwin Neil Henry Ford and the Jews The Mass Production of Hate PublicAffairs 2002 p 59 Jewish influence in the Federal Reserve System reprinted from the Dearborn independent Dearborn Pub Co 1921 Geisst Charles R Wheels of Fortune The History of Speculation from Scandal to Respectability John Wiley and Sons 2003 p 66 68 Norword Stephen Harlan Encyclopedia of American Jewish history Volume 1 ABC CLIO 2008 p 181 Foxman pp 69 72 Baldwin Neil Henry Ford and the Jews the mass production of hate PublicAffairs 2002 pp 213 218 Winston Andrew S 2021 Jews will not replace us Antisemitism Interbreeding and Immigration in Historical Context American Jewish History 105 1 1 24 doi 10 1353 ajh 2021 0001 ISSN 1086 3141 S2CID 239725899 Leonard Dinnerstein Anti Semitism in America 1994 pp 78 127 a b Gilman Sander L Katz Steven T 1993 Anti Semitism in Times of Crisis NYU Press p 10 ISBN 978 0 8147 3056 0 Roth Stephen 2002 Antisemitism Worldwide 2000 1 University of Nebraska Press p 14 ISBN 978 0 8032 5945 4 Jaher Frederic Cople 2002 The Jews and the Nation Revolution Emancipation State Formation 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Legacy of Hate Anti Semitism in America New York F Watts 1982 popular history Historiography and memory edit Baigell Matthew The Implacable Urge to Defame Cartoon Jews in the American Press 1877 1935 Syracuse University Press 2017 Cohen Naomi W Antisemitism in the gilded age The Jewish view Jewish Social Studies 41 3 4 1979 187 210 online dead link Dobkowski Michael N American Anti Semitism A Reinterpretation American Quarterly 29 2 1977 pp 166 81 doi 10 2307 2712357 emphasis on popular stereotypes Dobkowski Michael N American antisemitism and American historians A critique Patterns of Prejudice 14 2 1980 33 43 doi 10 1080 0031322X 1980 9969566 excerpt Gordan Rachel The 1940s as the Decade of the Anti Antisemitism Novel Religion and American Culture 31 1 2021 33 81 online dead link Koffman David S et al Roundtable on Anti Semitism in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 19 3 2020 473 505 Kranson Rachel Rethinking the Historiography of 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Winston Andrew S Jews will not replace us Antisemitism Interbreeding and Immigration in Historical Context American Jewish History 105 1 2021 1 24 excerpt Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title History of antisemitism in the United States amp oldid 1187178957, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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