
Far-left politics

Far-left politics, also known as the radical left or extreme left, are politics further to the left on the left–right political spectrum than the standard political left. The term does not have a single, coherent definition; some scholars consider it to represent the left of social democracy, while others limit it to the left of communist parties. In certain instances—especially in the news mediafar left has been associated with some forms of authoritarianism, anarchism, communism, and Marxism, or are characterized as groups that advocate for revolutionary socialism and related communist ideologies, or anti-capitalism and anti-globalization. Far-left terrorism consists of extremist, militant, or insurgent groups that attempt to realize their ideals through political violence rather than using democratic processes.

Ideologies edit

The definition of the far left varies in the literature and there is not a general agreement on what it entails or consensus on the core characteristics that constitute the far left, other than being to the left of mainstream left-wing politics.[1] As with all political alignments, the exact boundaries of centre-left versus far-left politics are not clearly defined and can vary depending on context.[2] Far-left ideologies often include types of socialism, communism, and anarchism.[3][4]

According to political scientist Luke March, far-left groups may also be defined as those to the left of social democracy.[5] Per Richard Dunphy, "the radical left" desires fundamental changes in neoliberal capitalism and progressive reform of democracy such as direct democracy and the inclusion of marginalized communities,[6] while per March "the extreme left" denounces liberal democracy as a "compromise with bourgeois political forces" and defines capitalism more strictly.[7] Far-left politics is seen as radical politics because it calls for fundamental change to the capitalist socio-economic structure of society.[8]

Socialism edit

Socialists seek to create a socially equal society in which everyone has access to basic necessities and in which prosperity and knowledge are shared.[9] It is derived from ideas of egalitarianism.[10][11] Socialism has historically been divided into reformist socialism and radical or revolutionary socialism.[12]

Modern social democracy is generally considered to be a centre-left ideology.[13][2]

Democratic socialism is generally considered to be a left[14][15] or radical left[16] ideology, though historical democratic socialism has been described as centre-left.[17] Democratic socialism is sometimes used interchangeably with social democracy in political rhetoric, but it is generally understood to be farther left. Communists may also identify as democratic socialists to contrast themselves with Stalinists.[18] Democratic socialists reject social democracy for its association with neoliberalism, and they reject communism for its association with authoritarianism.[19]

Communism and Marxism edit

Communism is an ideological group that seeks the creation of a communist society. Modern communism is a form of revolutionary socialism based on support for the communist society described the theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, known as Marxism.[20][21][22] Offshoots of Marxism include Leninism, Marxism–Leninism (which was distinct from both of its eponymous ideologies), Maoism, Eurocommunism, anarchist communism, and others.

Anarchism edit

Anarchism seeks to create an alternate form of society that excludes the state entirely.[23] Anarchism incorporates elements of both socialism and liberalism,[24] and it was a prominent ideology among the far-left globally from 1900 to 1940.[25] Anarchist movements include classical anarchism, anarcho-syndicalism, social anarchism, individualist anarchism, anarcha-feminism, black anarchism, and queer anarchism, and green anarchism.

Anarcho-capitalism is generally regarded as a right-wing ideology.[26]

Positions edit

Far-left politics prioritize equality of outcome over equal opportunity.[27] Far-left groups support redistribution of income and wealth. They argue that capitalism and consumerism cause social inequality and advocate their dissolution. Some far-left groups also support the abolition of private property.[28] Scholars, such as Luke March and Cas Mudde, propose that socio-economic rights are at the far left's core. Moreover, March and Mudde argue that the far left is to the left of the political left with regard to how parties or groups describe economic inequality on the base of existing social and political arrangements.[7]

Far-left groups are anti-establishment, opposing existing political and economic structures.[28] Both anarchist and statist far-left ideologies may support disestablishment of traditional sociopolitical structures.[29] They are opposed to liberalism and liberal democracy, though some far-left movements support other forms of democracy.[27] They may be classified as radical, supporting a total reformation of society and its functions.[30] Most modern far-left political parties have rejected radicalism and revolutionary politics, instead seeking to enact change from within government.[31] Post-Soviet far-left movements in Europe and the United States are associated with anti-globalism and anti-neoliberalism.[32] Proponents of the horseshoe theory interpretation of the left–right political spectrum identify the far left and the far right as having more in common with each other as extremists than each of them has with centrists or moderates.[33] This theory has received criticism, however, by many academics.[34][35][36]

In Europe, the support for far-left politics comes from three overlapping groups: far-left subcultures, disaffected social democrats, and protest voters—those who are opposed to their country's European Union membership.[37] Political scientist Luke March identifies four major subgroups within contemporary European far-left politics: communists, democratic socialists, populist socialists, and social populists.[38] European radical-left politics share many of the values of centre-left politics, including cosmopolitanism, altruism, and egalitarianism.[39] They overlap in some areas with radical-right politics concerning radicalism, economic nationalism, Euroscepticism, and populism. Two clear distinctions emerge: first, "education [...] tends to statistically significantly lower chances of voting for radical right but increases the chance of voting radical left"; and second, radical-left voters tend not to share the social nationalism of the radical-right, instead having a socio-tropic, or other-regarding, bias based on the ideological concern for economic egalitarianism.[39] Other characteristics may include anti-Americanism, anti-globalization, opposition to NATO, and in some cases a rejection of European integration.[40]

Communism has historically emphasized economics and class over social issues.[41] In the 1970s and 1980s, far-left movements in Western Europe were increasingly defined by the new social movements, which gave prominence to issues such as environmentalism, animal rights, women's rights, the peace movement, and promoting the interests of the Third World. These ideas as a singular movement became less prominent in far-left politics as they were subsumed by green politics, but they are still disparately supported by many in the far-left.[42]

History edit

Early history edit

Societies resembling communist society have been postulated throughout human history, and many have been proposed as the earliest socialist or communist ideas.[43][44] The ideas of Plato have been described as an early type of socialism.[44] In medieval Europe, some philosophers argued that Jesus believed in shared ownership of property and that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church was contrary to his teachings. This included the Taborites, who attempted to create a social structure that resembled a communist society.[43] Early examples of communist societies in fiction include Utopia by Thomas More, which proposed a society without personal property, and The City of the Sun by Tommaso Campanella, which proposed a society without the family unit.[45] Modern far-left politics can be traced to Europe and North America in the late 18th century, when industrialization and political upheaval caused discontent among the working class.[46] Socialists were those who objected to the changing social and economic structures associated with industrialization, in that they promoted individualism over collectivism and that they created wealth for some but not for others, creating economic inequality.[44]

The term socialism first came into use in the early 19th century to describe the egalitarian ideas of redistribution promoted by writers like François-Noël Babeuf and John Thelwall. Inspired by the French Revolution, these writers objected to the existence of significant wealth, and Babeuf advocated a dictatorship on behalf of the people that would destroy those who caused inequality.[47][45] Socialism was recognized as a coherent philosophy in the 1830s with the publications of British reformer Robert Owen, who self-identified as socialist.[48] Owen, as well as others such as Henri de Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, and Étienne Cabet, developed the utopian socialist movement, and these utopian socialists established several communes to implement their ideology.[49][50] Cabet responded to More's Utopia with his own novel, The Voyage to Icaria.[51] He is credited with first using the term communism, though his usage was unrelated to the ideologies that were later known as communism.[52]

Early anarchists emerged in the 19th century, including Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Mikhail Bakunin. These anarchists endorsed many utopian ideas, but they emphasized the importance of revolution against and complete abolition of the state for a utopian society to exist.[53] Bakunin argued that peasants rather than the working class should lead a socialist revolution, and he popularized calls to violence among the anarchist movement.[54] Anarchist ideology spread to the Americas shortly after its development.[55]

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels introduced Marxism in the 1840s, which advocated revolutionary socialism.[56][52] As the state bureaucracy was developed in the late 19th century and labor rights were increasingly recognized by national governments, socialist movements were divided on the role of the state. Some objected to the increase in the state's involvement, while others believed that the state was a stronger alternative to protect worker's rights than labor movements.[57] Many of the former moved to anarchism, while many of the latter responded with the development of social democracy.[23]

Early 20th century edit

East Asian anarchism developed in the 1900s during the Russo-Japanese War, based on the ideas of Japanese writer Kōtoku Shūsui, who was in turn inspired by Peter Kropotkin. This movement saw its greatest prominence in the 1920s in China.[55]

Communism in early 20th century Europe often gained power in countries with significant polarization between segments of the population on an ethnic, religious, or economic basis,[58] and in countries that were destabilized by war.[59] It was less prominent in industrialized nations, where social democracy maintained electoral success over communist parties.[60] The first communist revolution took place in Russia, when the Russian Revolution emerged in 1917 amid political instability caused by World War I. The Bolsheviks seized power, under the rule of Vladimir Lenin and his ideology of Leninism.[61] The state ideology developed during the Russian Civil War from 1918 to 1921, setting the preservation of Bolshevik power as the highest priority to assure the building of socialism as well as seeking to spread communist revolution to other nations. Some additional communist governments formed in Europe, but they lasted only months.[62] Though the Bolsheviks identified as communist, the term socialist was often used interchangeably at the time.[63]

By 1922, as Russia transitioned into the Soviet Union, it responded to widespread hunger and poverty with the New Economic Policy, which restored market enterprise for smaller industries.[64] After Lenin's death, a power struggle between Nikolai Bukharin, Leon Trotsky, and Joseph Stalin ended with Stalin taking power by 1928.[65] Stalin implemented his ideology of Marxism–Leninism, which reorganized society and created a cult of personality in his favor.[66] This also entailed the Great Purge in the late 1930s, an interpretation of Lenin's revolutionary violence that saw hundreds of thousands of Stalin's opponents killed, often to be replaced by ambitious loyalists.[67] By this time, Marxism–Leninism was seen as the definitive implementation of communism by most communists globally, justifying the Great Purge as an effort to eradicate fascist infiltrators, with state censorship obscuring the Great Purge's extent.[68]

Anarcho-syndicalism was developed as a form of anarchism in the late 19th century, and it grew popular around 1900. It remained relevant in far-left politics through 1940.[25] During the Spanish Civil War in the late 1930s, anarcho-syndicalists seized control of multiple regions in Spain, but this ended when the nationalist faction won the war.[69] This, along with the rise of communism, ended the relevance of anarchism among the far-left globally after 1940.[70] As mass production became more common, the traditional style of labor that anarcho-syndicalists objected to ceased to exist, preventing any significant resurgence in the movement.[71]

Cold War edit

The Soviet Union's influence during and after World War II spread communism, directly and indirectly, to the rest of Eastern Europe and into Southeast Europe. New communist governments were formed in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Romania, and Yugoslavia.[72] The onset of the Cold War brought an end to communism's political influence in most of Western Europe,[73] and the development of post-industrial society caused many of the traditional sectors associated with communism to dissipate.[41] Following Stalin's death, the workers of several Eastern European countries staged revolutions against communist rule, requiring the Soviet military to suppress them.[74] Many of these countries were led by Stalinist rulers, who were forced out and replaced by the subsequent Soviet government.[75] Yugoslavia distanced itself as a neutral communist nation, aligned with neither the East nor the West.[76]

The New Left developed in Western Europe as an alternative to communism in the 1950s, taking positions on social issues and identity politics.[41] Green politics developed as an offshoot of the New Left, but it was deradicalized by the end of the 20th century and became a centre-left movement.[77] The association of Marxism–Leninism with the Soviet Union also caused Eurocommunism to be developed as a democratic communist movement in Western Europe, but it only briefly saw electoral success in the 1970s.[78] In the Years of Lead in Italy, far-left militants, such as the Red Brigades, justified the usage of political violence as a revolutionary means and defense against far-right terrorism and neo-fascism in Italy.[79]

The Chinese Communist Party had been active since 1921, but it did not seize power in China until its victory in the Chinese Civil War in 1949.[80] As with the Soviet Union, the newly formed People's Republic of China carried out purges of political enemies, killing millions of land owners. The peasants were not targeted, however, instead using them as a base of political support.[81] In the late 1950s and early 1960s, China under the rule of Mao Zedong distanced itself from the Soviet Union.[82] Maoism then grew in popularity as an alternative to Soviet-style communism.[83] At the same time, North Korea and North Vietnam were established as communist governments, triggering the Korean War and the Vietnam War against South Korea and South Vietnam, respectively.[84] By the late 1970s, Maoism in China was replaced by the ideology of Deng Xiaoping, which restored the private sector and market pricing.[85]

The Cuban Revolution led to Fidel Castro becoming the ruler of Cuba in 1959. Though he was not a communist, he aligned the nation with the communist movement to seek Soviet support.[86] Many other nations adopted socialism distinct from Marxism–Leninism during the Cold Warm particularly in Africa and Latin America.[87]

Communism was rapidly replaced between 1979 and 1992, in which eleven of the world's sixteen communist states were disestablished.[88] By the 1980s, the Soviet Union moved away from ideas of international communism as such efforts came to be seen as too inconvenient.[89] By 1988, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev had effectively abandoned communism.[85] In Europe, the far-left declined after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and it remained relatively subdued during the 1990s.[28] In many Eastern European countries, communist parties were banned by the new governments.[90] In others such as Moldova, they saw continued electoral success.[91]

21st century edit

Of the five communist states that survived into the 21st century, three of them — China, Vietnam, and Laos — had restored private ownership and reintegrated with global capitalist markets[88] although state and public control continued as well. For instance, Peter Nolan argues that land in China was decollectivized but not privatized, with control of land remaining in the hands of the community.[92] The Party of the European Left was established in 2004 as a pan-European political party for the far-left.[93] The European far-left reemerged in the late 2000s and early 2010s as a Eurosceptic, anti-globalist response to the Great Recession.[28] During this time, European far-left parties became frequent members of ruling coalitions.[94] The far-left parties during this time were rarely new creations, instead descending from earlier far-left parties of the 20th century.[95] In 2012, the autonomous region Rojava in northwestern Syria established self-governance based on an anarchist direct democracy at the local level and a one-party state at the regional level.[96] While far-left parties were in power in the 2010s, they were often forced to put aside their strong anti-neoliberalism and accept neoliberal policies, either proposed by their larger allies or imposed due to the international context.[97][98][99]

Far-left terrorism edit

Many far-left militant organizations were formed by members of existing political parties in the 1960s and 1970s,[100][101][102] among them the CPI (Maoist), Montoneros, New People's Army, Prima Linea, the Red Army Faction, and the Red Brigades.[103][104][102] These groups generally aimed to overthrow capitalism and the wealthy ruling classes.[105][106]

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Cosseron 2007, p. 20.
  2. ^ a b Ostrowski, Marius S. (2 January 2023). "The ideological morphology of left–centre–right". Journal of Political Ideologies. 28 (1): 1–15. doi:10.1080/13569317.2022.2163770. ISSN 1356-9317. S2CID 256033370.
  3. ^ Ostrowski, Marius S. (2 January 2023). "The ideological morphology of left–centre–right". Journal of Political Ideologies. 28 (1): 1–15. doi:10.1080/13569317.2022.2163770. ISSN 1356-9317. S2CID 256033370.
  4. ^ Jungkunz, Sebastian (2 January 2019). "Towards a Measurement of Extreme Left-Wing Attitudes". German Politics. 28 (1): 101–122. doi:10.1080/09644008.2018.1484906. ISSN 0964-4008. S2CID 158624439.
  5. ^ March 2011, pp. 1, 9.
  6. ^ Dunphy 2004.
  7. ^ a b March & Mudde 2005.
  8. ^ March 2012b.
  9. ^ van der Linden 2022, pp. 1–2.
  10. ^ van der Linden 2022, p. 3.
  11. ^ Newman 2005, p. 2.
  12. ^ Marks, Gary; Mbaye, Heather A. D.; Kim, Hyung Min (2009). "Radicalism or Reformism? Socialist Parties before World War I". American Sociological Review. 74 (4): 615–635. doi:10.1177/000312240907400406. ISSN 0003-1224. S2CID 144904504.
  13. ^ Cronin, Shoch & Ross 2011, pp. 1–3.
  14. ^ Millard, Gregory; et al. (2021). "1.3.1 Relating Ideologies: The Left-Right Spectrum". In Vézina, Valérie (ed.). Political Ideologies and Worldviews: An Introduction. Kwantlen Polytechnic University. ISBN 9781989864241. Retrieved 24 September 2023.  
  15. ^ Smithin, John (2008). Money, Enterprise and Income Distribution: Towards a Macroeconomic Theory of Capitalism. Taylor & Francis. pp. 29–30. ISBN 9781134641871.
  16. ^ March 2011, p. 16.
  17. ^ McIntyre, Richard (2 November 2022). "Democratic Socialism". Rethinking Marxism. 35: 24–35. doi:10.1080/08935696.2022.2127726. ISSN 0893-5696. S2CID 253291157.
  18. ^ March 2011, p. 94.
  19. ^ March 2011, p. 19.
  20. ^ March 2011, p. 18.
  21. ^ Breslauer 2021, p. 11.
  22. ^ van der Linden 2022, p. 10.
  23. ^ a b van der Linden 2022, p. 18.
  24. ^ Franks 2013, p. 388.
  25. ^ a b van der Linden 2022, p. 20.
  26. ^ Franks 2013, p. 389.
  27. ^ a b March 2011, p. 10.
  28. ^ a b c d Visser, Mark; Lubbers, Marcel; Kraaykamp, Gerbert; Jaspers, Eva (2014). "Support for radical left ideologies in Europe: Support for radical left ideologies in Europe". European Journal of Political Research. 53 (3): 541–558. doi:10.1111/1475-6765.12048.
  29. ^ van der Linden 2022, p. 24.
  30. ^ March 2011, p. 8.
  31. ^ March 2011, p. 202.
  32. ^ March 2011, p. 172.
  33. ^ Safire, William (1978). Safire's Political Dictionary. Oxford, England, UK: Oxford University Press. p. 385. ISBN 9780199711116.
  34. ^ Berlet, Chip; Lyons, Matthew N. (2000). Right-Wing Populism in America: Too Close for Comfort. New York: Guilford Press. p. 342.
  35. ^ Filipović, Miroslava; Đorić, Marija (2010). "The Left or the Right: Old Paradigms and New Governments". Serbian Political Thought. 2 (1–2): 121–144. doi:10.22182/spt.2122011.8.
  36. ^ Pavlopoulos, Vassilis (20 March 2014). Politics, economics, and the far right in Europe: a social psychological perspective. The Challenge of the Extreme Right in Europe: Past, Present, Future. Birkbeck, University of London.
  37. ^ Smaldone 2013, p. 304.
  38. ^ March 2008, p. 3.
  39. ^ a b Rooduijn, Matthijs; Burgoon, Brian; van Elsas, Erika J; van de Werfhorst, Herman G (2017). "Radical distinction: Support for radical left and radical right parties in Europe". European Union Politics. 18 (4): 536–559. doi:10.1177/1465116517718091. ISSN 1465-1165. PMC 5697563. PMID 29187802. The radicalisms of both left and right share concerns about the European Union, but they yield diametrically opposed attitudes about immigration—where the radical left shows marked signs of cosmopolitanism and the radical right clear nativism.
  40. ^ Hloušek & Kopeček 2010, p. 46.
  41. ^ a b c March 2011, p. 35.
  42. ^ March 2011, pp. 172–173.
  43. ^ a b Brown 2013, p. 364.
  44. ^ a b c Newman 2005, p. 6.
  45. ^ a b Brown 2013, p. 365.
  46. ^ van der Linden 2022, pp. 7–8.
  47. ^ van der Linden 2022, pp. 4–5.
  48. ^ van der Linden 2022, pp. 5–6.
  49. ^ van der Linden 2022, p. 8.
  50. ^ Newman 2005, pp. 7–11.
  51. ^ Newman 2005, p. 8.
  52. ^ a b Brown 2013, p. 366.
  53. ^ Newman 2005, p. 15.
  54. ^ Newman 2005, p. 17.
  55. ^ a b van der Linden 2022, pp. 19–20.
  56. ^ van der Linden 2022, pp. 9–10.
  57. ^ van der Linden 2022, pp. 14–17.
  58. ^ March 2011, p. 28.
  59. ^ Breslauer 2021, p. 3.
  60. ^ March 2011, p. 33.
  61. ^ Breslauer 2021, p. 46–48.
  62. ^ Breslauer 2021, pp. 51–53.
  63. ^ Brown 2013, p. 372.
  64. ^ Breslauer 2021, p. 56.
  65. ^ Breslauer 2021, pp. 59–61.
  66. ^ Breslauer 2021, pp. 63–67.
  67. ^ Breslauer 2021, pp. 71–72.
  68. ^ Breslauer 2021, pp. 91–92.
  69. ^ van der Linden 2022, p. 23.
  70. ^ van der Linden 2022, pp. 20, 23.
  71. ^ van der Linden 2022, pp. 23–24.
  72. ^ Breslauer 2021, pp. 95, 104.
  73. ^ March 2011, p. 41.
  74. ^ Breslauer 2021, p. 151.
  75. ^ Breslauer 2021, p. 153.
  76. ^ Breslauer 2021, p. 154.
  77. ^ March 2011, pp. 37–38.
  78. ^ March 2011, p. 42.
  79. ^ Rossi 2021: "The 1970s in Italy were characterized by the persistence and prolongation of political and social unrest that many Western countries experienced during the late 1960s. The decade saw the multiplication of far-left extra-parliamentary organizations, the presence of a militant far right movement, and an upsurge in the use of politically motivated violence and state repressive measures. The increasing militarization and the use of political violence, from sabotage and damage to property, to kidnappings and targeted assassinations, were justified by left-wing groups both as necessary means to achieve a revolutionary project and as defences against the threat of a neo-fascist coup."
  80. ^ Breslauer 2021, pp. 117–118.
  81. ^ Breslauer 2021, p. 126.
  82. ^ Breslauer 2021, pp. 164–166.
  83. ^ March 2011, p. 36.
  84. ^ Breslauer 2021, p. 135.
  85. ^ a b Brown 2013, p. 381.
  86. ^ Brown 2013, pp. 379–380.
  87. ^ Newman 2005, pp. 4–5.
  88. ^ a b Breslauer 2021, p. 1.
  89. ^ March 2011, p. 149.
  90. ^ March 2011, p. 45.
  91. ^ March 2011, p. 72.
  92. ^ Nolan, Peter (9 December 1995). China's Rise Russia's fall. MACMILLAN PRESS LTD. p. 191. ISBN 0-333-62265-0. Farmland was 'de-collectivised' in the early 1980s. This was not followed by the establishment of private property rights in land. Because the CCP wished to prevent the emergence of a landlord class, it did not permit the purchase and sale of farmland. Still in 1994, the Party 'adhered to the collective ownership of farmland'. The village community remained the owner, controlling the terms on which land was contracted out and operated by peasant households. It endeavoured to ensure that farm households had equal access to farmland, while the village government obtained part of the Ricardian rents from the land to use for community purposes. The Chinese government, through the communist party remained substantially in control of the de-collectivisation of farmland. Farmland was not distributed via a free market auction, which would have helped to produce a locally unequal outcome. Rather the massively dominant form was distribution of land contracts on a locally equal per capita basis
  93. ^ March 2011, p. 162.
  94. ^ March 2011, p. 1.
  95. ^ March 2011, p. 24.
  96. ^ van der Linden 2022, p. 25.
  97. ^ Chiocchetti 2016, "Filling the vacuum? The trajectory of the contemporary radical left in Western Europe".
  98. ^ Mudde 2016.
  99. ^ Katsourides 2020.
  100. ^ Pedahzur, Perliger & Weinberg 2009, p. 53.
  101. ^ Balz 2015, pp. 297–314.
  102. ^ a b Clark 2018, pp. 30–42, 48–59.
  103. ^ Raufer 1993.
  104. ^ Chaliand 2010, pp. 227–257.
  105. ^ The Irish Times, 22 April 1998: "German detectives yesterday confirmed as authentic a declaration by the Red Army Faction (RAF) terrorist group that its struggle to overthrow the German state is over."
  106. ^ CISAC 2008: "The PL [Prima Linea] sought to overthrow the capitalist state in Italy and replace it with a dictatorship of the proletariat."

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  • March, Luke (2011). Radical Left Parties in Europe. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-203-15487-8.
  • March, Luke (2012a). Radical Left Parties in Europe (E-book ed.). London, England: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-136-57897-7. Retrieved 19 November 2021 – via Google Books.
  • March, Luke (September 2012b). "Problems and Perspectives of Contemporary European Radical Left Parties: Chasing a Lost World or Still a World to Win?". International Critical Thought. London, England: Routledge. 2 (3): 314–339. doi:10.1080/21598282.2012.706777. S2CID 154948426.
  • Mudde, Cas (2016). SYRIZA: The Failure of the Populist Promise (E-book ed.). London, England: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-319-47479-3. Retrieved 21 November 2021 – via Google Books.
  • Newman, Michael (2005). Socialism: A Very Short Introduction. OUP Oxford. ISBN 978-0-19-157789-5.
  • Pedahzur, Ami; Perliger, Arie; Weinberg, Leonard (2009). Political Parties and Terrorist Groups (hardback 2nd ed.). London, England: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-77536-6. Retrieved 27 December 2021 – via Google Books.
  • Raufer, Xavier (October–December 1993). "The Red Brigades: A Farewell to Arms". Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. London, England: Routledge. 16 (4): 315–325. doi:10.1080/10576109308435937.
  • Rossi, Federica (April 2021). Treiber, Kyle (ed.). "The failed amnesty of the 'years of lead' in Italy: Continuity and transformations between (de)politicization and punitiveness". European Journal of Criminology. Los Angeles and London: SAGE Publications on behalf of the European Society of Criminology. 20 (2): 381–400. doi:10.1177/14773708211008441. ISSN 1741-2609. S2CID 234835036.
  • Smaldone, William (8 August 2013). European Socialism: A Concise History with Documents. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISBN 978-1-4422-0909-1.
  • van der Linden, Marcel (2022). The Cambridge History of Socialism. Vol. 1. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-108-48134-2.
  • "Red Brigades". CISAC. Stanford University. May 2008. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  • "Red Brigades announce end of their struggle to overthrow German state". The Irish Times. 22 April 1998. Retrieved 1 April 2020.

Further reading edit

Radical left parties case studies edit

  • Kioupkiolis, Alexandros (March 2016). "Podemos: The Ambiguous Promises of Left-wing Populism in Contemporary Spain". Journal of Political Ideologies. London, England: Routledge. 21 (2): 99–120. doi:10.1080/13569317.2016.1150136. S2CID 147247286. Retrieved 21 November 2021 – via ResearchGate.
  • Katsourides, Yannos (2016). Radical Left Parties in Government: The Cases of SYRIZA and AKEL (hadrback ed.). London, England: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/978-1-137-58841-8. ISBN 978-1-137-58840-1. Retrieved 21 November 2021 – via Google Books.

Radical left and radical right edit

  • el-Ojeili, Chamsy; Taylor, Dylan (September 2018). Cheng, Enfu; Schweickart, David; Andreani, Tony (eds.). "The Revaluation of All Values: Extremism, The Ultra-Left, and Revolutionary Anthropology". International Critical Thought. Taylor & Francis on behalf of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 8 (3): 410–425. doi:10.1080/21598282.2018.1506262. eISSN 2159-8312. ISSN 2159-8282. S2CID 158719628.
  • Chong, Dennis; McClosky, Herbert (July 1985). "Similarities and Differences Between Left-Wing and Right-Wing Radicals". British Journal of Political Science. 15 (3): 329–363. doi:10.1017/S0007123400004221. ISSN 0007-1234. S2CID 154330828.
  • Kopyciok, Svenja; Silver, Hilary (6 October 2021). "Left-Wing Xenophobia in Europe". Frontiers in Sociology. 6: 666–717. doi:10.3389/fsoc.2021.666717. ISSN 2297-7775. PMC 8222516. PMID 34179182.

Terrorism edit

  • Martin, Augustus; Prager, Fynnwin (2019). "Part II: The Terrorists – Terror from Below: Terrorism by Dissidents". Terrorism: An International Perspective. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications. pp. 189–193. ISBN 978-1-526-45995-4. LCCN 2018948259. Retrieved 27 December 2021 – via Google Books.

External links edit

  •   Media related to Far-left politics at Wikimedia Commons

left, politics, confused, with, ultra, leftism, also, known, radical, left, extreme, left, politics, further, left, left, right, political, spectrum, than, standard, political, left, term, does, have, single, coherent, definition, some, scholars, consider, rep. Not to be confused with ultra leftism Far left politics also known as the radical left or extreme left are politics further to the left on the left right political spectrum than the standard political left The term does not have a single coherent definition some scholars consider it to represent the left of social democracy while others limit it to the left of communist parties In certain instances especially in the news media far left has been associated with some forms of authoritarianism anarchism communism and Marxism or are characterized as groups that advocate for revolutionary socialism and related communist ideologies or anti capitalism and anti globalization Far left terrorism consists of extremist militant or insurgent groups that attempt to realize their ideals through political violence rather than using democratic processes Contents 1 Ideologies 1 1 Socialism 1 2 Communism and Marxism 1 3 Anarchism 2 Positions 3 History 3 1 Early history 3 2 Early 20th century 3 3 Cold War 3 4 21st century 4 Far left terrorism 5 See also 5 1 Far left politics 5 2 Anarchism 5 3 Communism and Marxism 6 References 7 Bibliography 8 Further reading 8 1 Radical left parties case studies 8 2 Radical left and radical right 8 3 Terrorism 9 External linksIdeologies editFurther information Types of socialism The definition of the far left varies in the literature and there is not a general agreement on what it entails or consensus on the core characteristics that constitute the far left other than being to the left of mainstream left wing politics 1 As with all political alignments the exact boundaries of centre left versus far left politics are not clearly defined and can vary depending on context 2 Far left ideologies often include types of socialism communism and anarchism 3 4 According to political scientist Luke March far left groups may also be defined as those to the left of social democracy 5 Per Richard Dunphy the radical left desires fundamental changes in neoliberal capitalism and progressive reform of democracy such as direct democracy and the inclusion of marginalized communities 6 while per March the extreme left denounces liberal democracy as a compromise with bourgeois political forces and defines capitalism more strictly 7 Far left politics is seen as radical politics because it calls for fundamental change to the capitalist socio economic structure of society 8 Socialism edit Main article Socialism Socialists seek to create a socially equal society in which everyone has access to basic necessities and in which prosperity and knowledge are shared 9 It is derived from ideas of egalitarianism 10 11 Socialism has historically been divided into reformist socialism and radical or revolutionary socialism 12 Modern social democracy is generally considered to be a centre left ideology 13 2 Democratic socialism is generally considered to be a left 14 15 or radical left 16 ideology though historical democratic socialism has been described as centre left 17 Democratic socialism is sometimes used interchangeably with social democracy in political rhetoric but it is generally understood to be farther left Communists may also identify as democratic socialists to contrast themselves with Stalinists 18 Democratic socialists reject social democracy for its association with neoliberalism and they reject communism for its association with authoritarianism 19 Communism and Marxism edit Main articles Communism and Marxism Communism is an ideological group that seeks the creation of a communist society Modern communism is a form of revolutionary socialism based on support for the communist society described the theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels known as Marxism 20 21 22 Offshoots of Marxism include Leninism Marxism Leninism which was distinct from both of its eponymous ideologies Maoism Eurocommunism anarchist communism and others Anarchism edit Main article Anarchism Anarchism seeks to create an alternate form of society that excludes the state entirely 23 Anarchism incorporates elements of both socialism and liberalism 24 and it was a prominent ideology among the far left globally from 1900 to 1940 25 Anarchist movements include classical anarchism anarcho syndicalism social anarchism individualist anarchism anarcha feminism black anarchism and queer anarchism and green anarchism Anarcho capitalism is generally regarded as a right wing ideology 26 Positions editFar left politics prioritize equality of outcome over equal opportunity 27 Far left groups support redistribution of income and wealth They argue that capitalism and consumerism cause social inequality and advocate their dissolution Some far left groups also support the abolition of private property 28 Scholars such as Luke March and Cas Mudde propose that socio economic rights are at the far left s core Moreover March and Mudde argue that the far left is to the left of the political left with regard to how parties or groups describe economic inequality on the base of existing social and political arrangements 7 Far left groups are anti establishment opposing existing political and economic structures 28 Both anarchist and statist far left ideologies may support disestablishment of traditional sociopolitical structures 29 They are opposed to liberalism and liberal democracy though some far left movements support other forms of democracy 27 They may be classified as radical supporting a total reformation of society and its functions 30 Most modern far left political parties have rejected radicalism and revolutionary politics instead seeking to enact change from within government 31 Post Soviet far left movements in Europe and the United States are associated with anti globalism and anti neoliberalism 32 Proponents of the horseshoe theory interpretation of the left right political spectrum identify the far left and the far right as having more in common with each other as extremists than each of them has with centrists or moderates 33 This theory has received criticism however by many academics 34 35 36 In Europe the support for far left politics comes from three overlapping groups far left subcultures disaffected social democrats and protest voters those who are opposed to their country s European Union membership 37 Political scientist Luke March identifies four major subgroups within contemporary European far left politics communists democratic socialists populist socialists and social populists 38 European radical left politics share many of the values of centre left politics including cosmopolitanism altruism and egalitarianism 39 They overlap in some areas with radical right politics concerning radicalism economic nationalism Euroscepticism and populism Two clear distinctions emerge first education tends to statistically significantly lower chances of voting for radical right but increases the chance of voting radical left and second radical left voters tend not to share the social nationalism of the radical right instead having a socio tropic or other regarding bias based on the ideological concern for economic egalitarianism 39 Other characteristics may include anti Americanism anti globalization opposition to NATO and in some cases a rejection of European integration 40 Communism has historically emphasized economics and class over social issues 41 In the 1970s and 1980s far left movements in Western Europe were increasingly defined by the new social movements which gave prominence to issues such as environmentalism animal rights women s rights the peace movement and promoting the interests of the Third World These ideas as a singular movement became less prominent in far left politics as they were subsumed by green politics but they are still disparately supported by many in the far left 42 History editSee also History of socialism History of communism and History of anarchism Early history edit Societies resembling communist society have been postulated throughout human history and many have been proposed as the earliest socialist or communist ideas 43 44 The ideas of Plato have been described as an early type of socialism 44 In medieval Europe some philosophers argued that Jesus believed in shared ownership of property and that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church was contrary to his teachings This included the Taborites who attempted to create a social structure that resembled a communist society 43 Early examples of communist societies in fiction include Utopia by Thomas More which proposed a society without personal property and The City of the Sun by Tommaso Campanella which proposed a society without the family unit 45 Modern far left politics can be traced to Europe and North America in the late 18th century when industrialization and political upheaval caused discontent among the working class 46 Socialists were those who objected to the changing social and economic structures associated with industrialization in that they promoted individualism over collectivism and that they created wealth for some but not for others creating economic inequality 44 The term socialism first came into use in the early 19th century to describe the egalitarian ideas of redistribution promoted by writers like Francois Noel Babeuf and John Thelwall Inspired by the French Revolution these writers objected to the existence of significant wealth and Babeuf advocated a dictatorship on behalf of the people that would destroy those who caused inequality 47 45 Socialism was recognized as a coherent philosophy in the 1830s with the publications of British reformer Robert Owen who self identified as socialist 48 Owen as well as others such as Henri de Saint Simon Charles Fourier and Etienne Cabet developed the utopian socialist movement and these utopian socialists established several communes to implement their ideology 49 50 Cabet responded to More s Utopia with his own novel The Voyage to Icaria 51 He is credited with first using the term communism though his usage was unrelated to the ideologies that were later known as communism 52 Early anarchists emerged in the 19th century including Pierre Joseph Proudhon and Mikhail Bakunin These anarchists endorsed many utopian ideas but they emphasized the importance of revolution against and complete abolition of the state for a utopian society to exist 53 Bakunin argued that peasants rather than the working class should lead a socialist revolution and he popularized calls to violence among the anarchist movement 54 Anarchist ideology spread to the Americas shortly after its development 55 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels introduced Marxism in the 1840s which advocated revolutionary socialism 56 52 As the state bureaucracy was developed in the late 19th century and labor rights were increasingly recognized by national governments socialist movements were divided on the role of the state Some objected to the increase in the state s involvement while others believed that the state was a stronger alternative to protect worker s rights than labor movements 57 Many of the former moved to anarchism while many of the latter responded with the development of social democracy 23 Early 20th century edit East Asian anarchism developed in the 1900s during the Russo Japanese War based on the ideas of Japanese writer Kōtoku Shusui who was in turn inspired by Peter Kropotkin This movement saw its greatest prominence in the 1920s in China 55 Communism in early 20th century Europe often gained power in countries with significant polarization between segments of the population on an ethnic religious or economic basis 58 and in countries that were destabilized by war 59 It was less prominent in industrialized nations where social democracy maintained electoral success over communist parties 60 The first communist revolution took place in Russia when the Russian Revolution emerged in 1917 amid political instability caused by World War I The Bolsheviks seized power under the rule of Vladimir Lenin and his ideology of Leninism 61 The state ideology developed during the Russian Civil War from 1918 to 1921 setting the preservation of Bolshevik power as the highest priority to assure the building of socialism as well as seeking to spread communist revolution to other nations Some additional communist governments formed in Europe but they lasted only months 62 Though the Bolsheviks identified as communist the term socialist was often used interchangeably at the time 63 By 1922 as Russia transitioned into the Soviet Union it responded to widespread hunger and poverty with the New Economic Policy which restored market enterprise for smaller industries 64 After Lenin s death a power struggle between Nikolai Bukharin Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin ended with Stalin taking power by 1928 65 Stalin implemented his ideology of Marxism Leninism which reorganized society and created a cult of personality in his favor 66 This also entailed the Great Purge in the late 1930s an interpretation of Lenin s revolutionary violence that saw hundreds of thousands of Stalin s opponents killed often to be replaced by ambitious loyalists 67 By this time Marxism Leninism was seen as the definitive implementation of communism by most communists globally justifying the Great Purge as an effort to eradicate fascist infiltrators with state censorship obscuring the Great Purge s extent 68 Anarcho syndicalism was developed as a form of anarchism in the late 19th century and it grew popular around 1900 It remained relevant in far left politics through 1940 25 During the Spanish Civil War in the late 1930s anarcho syndicalists seized control of multiple regions in Spain but this ended when the nationalist faction won the war 69 This along with the rise of communism ended the relevance of anarchism among the far left globally after 1940 70 As mass production became more common the traditional style of labor that anarcho syndicalists objected to ceased to exist preventing any significant resurgence in the movement 71 Cold War edit The Soviet Union s influence during and after World War II spread communism directly and indirectly to the rest of Eastern Europe and into Southeast Europe New communist governments were formed in Albania Bulgaria Czechoslovakia East Germany Hungary Romania and Yugoslavia 72 The onset of the Cold War brought an end to communism s political influence in most of Western Europe 73 and the development of post industrial society caused many of the traditional sectors associated with communism to dissipate 41 Following Stalin s death the workers of several Eastern European countries staged revolutions against communist rule requiring the Soviet military to suppress them 74 Many of these countries were led by Stalinist rulers who were forced out and replaced by the subsequent Soviet government 75 Yugoslavia distanced itself as a neutral communist nation aligned with neither the East nor the West 76 The New Left developed in Western Europe as an alternative to communism in the 1950s taking positions on social issues and identity politics 41 Green politics developed as an offshoot of the New Left but it was deradicalized by the end of the 20th century and became a centre left movement 77 The association of Marxism Leninism with the Soviet Union also caused Eurocommunism to be developed as a democratic communist movement in Western Europe but it only briefly saw electoral success in the 1970s 78 In the Years of Lead in Italy far left militants such as the Red Brigades justified the usage of political violence as a revolutionary means and defense against far right terrorism and neo fascism in Italy 79 The Chinese Communist Party had been active since 1921 but it did not seize power in China until its victory in the Chinese Civil War in 1949 80 As with the Soviet Union the newly formed People s Republic of China carried out purges of political enemies killing millions of land owners The peasants were not targeted however instead using them as a base of political support 81 In the late 1950s and early 1960s China under the rule of Mao Zedong distanced itself from the Soviet Union 82 Maoism then grew in popularity as an alternative to Soviet style communism 83 At the same time North Korea and North Vietnam were established as communist governments triggering the Korean War and the Vietnam War against South Korea and South Vietnam respectively 84 By the late 1970s Maoism in China was replaced by the ideology of Deng Xiaoping which restored the private sector and market pricing 85 The Cuban Revolution led to Fidel Castro becoming the ruler of Cuba in 1959 Though he was not a communist he aligned the nation with the communist movement to seek Soviet support 86 Many other nations adopted socialism distinct from Marxism Leninism during the Cold Warm particularly in Africa and Latin America 87 Communism was rapidly replaced between 1979 and 1992 in which eleven of the world s sixteen communist states were disestablished 88 By the 1980s the Soviet Union moved away from ideas of international communism as such efforts came to be seen as too inconvenient 89 By 1988 Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev had effectively abandoned communism 85 In Europe the far left declined after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and it remained relatively subdued during the 1990s 28 In many Eastern European countries communist parties were banned by the new governments 90 In others such as Moldova they saw continued electoral success 91 21st century edit Of the five communist states that survived into the 21st century three of them China Vietnam and Laos had restored private ownership and reintegrated with global capitalist markets 88 although state and public control continued as well For instance Peter Nolan argues that land in China was decollectivized but not privatized with control of land remaining in the hands of the community 92 The Party of the European Left was established in 2004 as a pan European political party for the far left 93 The European far left reemerged in the late 2000s and early 2010s as a Eurosceptic anti globalist response to the Great Recession 28 During this time European far left parties became frequent members of ruling coalitions 94 The far left parties during this time were rarely new creations instead descending from earlier far left parties of the 20th century 95 In 2012 the autonomous region Rojava in northwestern Syria established self governance based on an anarchist direct democracy at the local level and a one party state at the regional level 96 While far left parties were in power in the 2010s they were often forced to put aside their strong anti neoliberalism and accept neoliberal policies either proposed by their larger allies or imposed due to the international context 97 98 99 Far left terrorism editFurther information Left wing terrorism Many far left militant organizations were formed by members of existing political parties in the 1960s and 1970s 100 101 102 among them the CPI Maoist Montoneros New People s Army Prima Linea the Red Army Faction and the Red Brigades 103 104 102 These groups generally aimed to overthrow capitalism and the wealthy ruling classes 105 106 See also editFar left politics edit Anti Stalinist left Communitarianism Radical left Third camp Anarchism edit Anarchism without adjectives Collectivist anarchism Contemporary anarchism Egoist anarchism Mutualism Communism and Marxism edit Autonomism Centrist Marxism Left communism Trotskyism Post MarxismReferences edit Cosseron 2007 p 20 a b Ostrowski Marius S 2 January 2023 The ideological morphology of left centre right Journal of Political Ideologies 28 1 1 15 doi 10 1080 13569317 2022 2163770 ISSN 1356 9317 S2CID 256033370 Ostrowski Marius S 2 January 2023 The ideological morphology of left centre right Journal of Political Ideologies 28 1 1 15 doi 10 1080 13569317 2022 2163770 ISSN 1356 9317 S2CID 256033370 Jungkunz Sebastian 2 January 2019 Towards a Measurement of Extreme Left Wing Attitudes German Politics 28 1 101 122 doi 10 1080 09644008 2018 1484906 ISSN 0964 4008 S2CID 158624439 March 2011 pp 1 9 Dunphy 2004 a b March amp Mudde 2005 March 2012b van der Linden 2022 pp 1 2 van der Linden 2022 p 3 Newman 2005 p 2 Marks Gary Mbaye Heather A D Kim Hyung Min 2009 Radicalism or Reformism Socialist Parties before World War I American Sociological Review 74 4 615 635 doi 10 1177 000312240907400406 ISSN 0003 1224 S2CID 144904504 Cronin Shoch amp Ross 2011 pp 1 3 Millard Gregory et al 2021 1 3 1 Relating Ideologies The Left Right Spectrum In Vezina Valerie ed Political Ideologies and Worldviews An Introduction Kwantlen Polytechnic University ISBN 9781989864241 Retrieved 24 September 2023 nbsp Smithin John 2008 Money Enterprise and Income Distribution Towards a Macroeconomic Theory of Capitalism Taylor amp Francis pp 29 30 ISBN 9781134641871 March 2011 p 16 McIntyre Richard 2 November 2022 Democratic Socialism Rethinking Marxism 35 24 35 doi 10 1080 08935696 2022 2127726 ISSN 0893 5696 S2CID 253291157 March 2011 p 94 March 2011 p 19 March 2011 p 18 Breslauer 2021 p 11 van der Linden 2022 p 10 a b van der Linden 2022 p 18 Franks 2013 p 388 a b van der Linden 2022 p 20 Franks 2013 p 389 a b March 2011 p 10 a b c d Visser Mark Lubbers Marcel Kraaykamp Gerbert Jaspers Eva 2014 Support for radical left ideologies in Europe Support for radical left ideologies in Europe European Journal of Political Research 53 3 541 558 doi 10 1111 1475 6765 12048 van der Linden 2022 p 24 March 2011 p 8 March 2011 p 202 March 2011 p 172 Safire William 1978 Safire s Political Dictionary Oxford England UK Oxford University Press p 385 ISBN 9780199711116 Berlet Chip Lyons Matthew N 2000 Right Wing Populism in America Too Close for Comfort New York Guilford Press p 342 Filipovic Miroslava Đoric Marija 2010 The Left or the Right Old Paradigms and New Governments Serbian Political Thought 2 1 2 121 144 doi 10 22182 spt 2122011 8 Pavlopoulos Vassilis 20 March 2014 Politics economics and the far right in Europe a social psychological perspective The Challenge of the Extreme Right in Europe Past Present Future Birkbeck University of London Smaldone 2013 p 304 March 2008 p 3 a b Rooduijn Matthijs Burgoon Brian van Elsas Erika J van de Werfhorst Herman G 2017 Radical distinction Support for radical left and radical right parties in Europe European Union Politics 18 4 536 559 doi 10 1177 1465116517718091 ISSN 1465 1165 PMC 5697563 PMID 29187802 The radicalisms of both left and right share concerns about the European Union but they yield diametrically opposed attitudes about immigration where the radical left shows marked signs of cosmopolitanism and the radical right clear nativism Hlousek amp Kopecek 2010 p 46 a b c March 2011 p 35 March 2011 pp 172 173 a b Brown 2013 p 364 a b c Newman 2005 p 6 a b Brown 2013 p 365 van der Linden 2022 pp 7 8 van der Linden 2022 pp 4 5 van der Linden 2022 pp 5 6 van der Linden 2022 p 8 Newman 2005 pp 7 11 Newman 2005 p 8 a b Brown 2013 p 366 Newman 2005 p 15 Newman 2005 p 17 a b van der Linden 2022 pp 19 20 van der Linden 2022 pp 9 10 van der Linden 2022 pp 14 17 March 2011 p 28 Breslauer 2021 p 3 March 2011 p 33 Breslauer 2021 p 46 48 Breslauer 2021 pp 51 53 Brown 2013 p 372 Breslauer 2021 p 56 Breslauer 2021 pp 59 61 Breslauer 2021 pp 63 67 Breslauer 2021 pp 71 72 Breslauer 2021 pp 91 92 van der Linden 2022 p 23 van der Linden 2022 pp 20 23 van der Linden 2022 pp 23 24 Breslauer 2021 pp 95 104 March 2011 p 41 Breslauer 2021 p 151 Breslauer 2021 p 153 Breslauer 2021 p 154 March 2011 pp 37 38 March 2011 p 42 Rossi 2021 The 1970s in Italy were characterized by the persistence and prolongation of political and social unrest that many Western countries experienced during the late 1960s The decade saw the multiplication of far left extra parliamentary organizations the presence of a militant far right movement and an upsurge in the use of politically motivated violence and state repressive measures The increasing militarization and the use of political violence from sabotage and damage to property to kidnappings and targeted assassinations were justified by left wing groups both as necessary means to achieve a revolutionary project and as defences against the threat of a neo fascist coup Breslauer 2021 pp 117 118 Breslauer 2021 p 126 Breslauer 2021 pp 164 166 March 2011 p 36 Breslauer 2021 p 135 a b Brown 2013 p 381 Brown 2013 pp 379 380 Newman 2005 pp 4 5 a b Breslauer 2021 p 1 March 2011 p 149 March 2011 p 45 March 2011 p 72 Nolan Peter 9 December 1995 China s Rise Russia s fall MACMILLAN PRESS LTD p 191 ISBN 0 333 62265 0 Farmland was de collectivised in the early 1980s This was not followed by the establishment of private property rights in land Because the CCP wished to prevent the emergence of a landlord class it did not permit the purchase and sale of farmland Still in 1994 the Party adhered to the collective ownership of farmland The village community remained the owner controlling the terms on which land was contracted out and operated by peasant households It endeavoured to ensure that farm households had equal access to farmland while the village government obtained part of the Ricardian rents from the land to use for community purposes The Chinese government through the communist party remained substantially in control of the de collectivisation of farmland Farmland was not distributed via a free market auction which would have helped to produce a locally unequal outcome Rather the massively dominant form was distribution of land contracts on a locally equal per capita basis March 2011 p 162 March 2011 p 1 March 2011 p 24 van der Linden 2022 p 25 Chiocchetti 2016 Filling the vacuum The trajectory of the contemporary radical left in Western Europe Mudde 2016 Katsourides 2020 Pedahzur Perliger amp Weinberg 2009 p 53 Balz 2015 pp 297 314 a b Clark 2018 pp 30 42 48 59 Raufer 1993 Chaliand 2010 pp 227 257 The Irish Times 22 April 1998 German detectives yesterday confirmed as authentic a declaration by the Red Army Faction RAF terrorist group that its struggle to overthrow the German state is over CISAC 2008 The PL Prima Linea sought to overthrow the capitalist state in Italy and replace it with a dictatorship of the proletariat Bibliography editBalz Hanno 2015 Section III Terrorism in the Twentieth Century Militant Organizations in Western Europe in the 1970s and 1980s In Law Randall D ed The Routledge History of Terrorism Routledge Histories 1st ed London England Routledge pp 297 314 ISBN 978 0 367 86705 8 LCCN 2014039877 Retrieved 3 December 2021 via Google Books Breslauer George W 2021 The Rise and Demise of World Communism Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 757969 5 Chaliand Gerard 2010 The History of Terrorism From Antiquity to Al Qaeda 1st ed Berkeley California University of California Press ISBN 978 0 520 24709 3 Retrieved 19 November 2021 via Internet Archive Chiocchetti Paolo 2016 The Radical Left Party Family in Western Europe 1989 2015 E book ed London England Routledge ISBN 978 1 317 22186 9 Retrieved 19 November 2021 via Google Books Clark Simon 2018 Post War Italian Politics Stasis and Chaos Terror Vanquished The Italian Approach to Defeating Terrorism E book ed Arlington Virginia Center for Security Policy Studies ISBN 978 1 732 94780 1 LCCN 2018955266 Retrieved 28 November 2021 via Google Books Cosseron Serge 2007 Dictionnaire de l extreme gauche Dictionary of the far left in French paperback ed Paris France Larousse ISBN 978 2 035 82620 6 Retrieved 19 November 2021 via Google Books Cronin James E Shoch James Ross George eds 2011 What s Left of the Left Democrats and Social Democrats in Challenging Times Duke University Press ISBN 9780822350798 Dunphy Richard 2004 Contesting Capitalism Left Parties and European Integration paperback ed Manchester England Manchester University Press ISBN 978 0 719 06804 1 Retrieved 19 November 2021 via Google Books Freeden Michael Sargent Lyman Tower Stears Marc 15 August 2013 The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies OUP Oxford ISBN 978 0 19 166371 0 Brown Archie Communism In Freeden Sargent amp Stears 2013 Franks Benjamin Anarchism In Freeden Sargent amp Stears 2013 Gerstle Gary 2022 The Rise and Fall of the Neoliberal Order America and the World in the Free Market Era Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0197519646 Hlousek Vit Kopecek Lubomir 2010 Origin Ideology and Transformation of Political Parties East Central and Western Europe Compared 1st hardback ed London England Routledge ISBN 978 0 754 67840 3 Retrieved 19 November 2021 via Google Books Holzer Jan Mares Miroslav 2016 Challenges to Democracies in East Central Europe 1st hardback ed London England Routledge ISBN 978 1 138 65596 6 Retrieved 19 November 2021 via Google Books Katsambekis Giorgos Kioupkiolis Alexandros 2019 The Populist Radical Left in Europe E book ed London England Routledge ISBN 978 1 351 72048 9 Retrieved 19 November 2021 via Google Books Katsourides Yiannos 2020 Radical Left In Featherstone Kevin Sotiropolous Dimitri A eds The Oxford Handbook of Modern Greek Politics hardcover ed Oxford England Oxford University Press pp 299 315 doi 10 1093 oxfordhb 9780198825104 013 19 ISBN 978 0 198 82510 4 Retrieved 21 November 2021 via Google Books Liebman Marcel Miliband Ralph 1985 Beyond Social Democracy The Socialist Register London England Merlin Press 22 476 489 Retrieved 19 November 2021 via Marxists Internet Archive March Luke Mudde Cas 1 April 2005 What s Left of the Radical Left The European Radical Left After 1989 Decline and Mutation Comparative European Politics London England Palgrave Macmillan 3 1 23 49 doi 10 1057 palgrave cep 6110052 ISSN 1740 388X S2CID 55197396 Retrieved 21 November 2021 via ResearchGate March Luke 2008 Contemporary Far Left Parties in Europe From Marxism to the Mainstream PDF Berlin Germany Friedrich Ebert Stiftung ISBN 978 3 868 72000 6 Retrieved 3 June 2017 via Library of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung March Luke 2011 Radical Left Parties in Europe Routledge ISBN 978 0 203 15487 8 March Luke 2012a Radical Left Parties in Europe E book ed London England Routledge ISBN 978 1 136 57897 7 Retrieved 19 November 2021 via Google Books March Luke September 2012b Problems and Perspectives of Contemporary European Radical Left Parties Chasing a Lost World or Still a World to Win International Critical Thought London England Routledge 2 3 314 339 doi 10 1080 21598282 2012 706777 S2CID 154948426 Mudde Cas 2016 SYRIZA The Failure of the Populist Promise E book ed London England Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 978 3 319 47479 3 Retrieved 21 November 2021 via Google Books Newman Michael 2005 Socialism A Very Short Introduction OUP Oxford ISBN 978 0 19 157789 5 Pedahzur Ami Perliger Arie Weinberg Leonard 2009 Political Parties and Terrorist Groups hardback 2nd ed London England Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 77536 6 Retrieved 27 December 2021 via Google Books Raufer Xavier October December 1993 The Red Brigades A Farewell to Arms Studies in Conflict and Terrorism London England Routledge 16 4 315 325 doi 10 1080 10576109308435937 Rossi Federica April 2021 Treiber Kyle ed The failed amnesty of the years of lead in Italy Continuity and transformations between de politicization and punitiveness European Journal of Criminology Los Angeles and London SAGE Publications on behalf of the European Society of Criminology 20 2 381 400 doi 10 1177 14773708211008441 ISSN 1741 2609 S2CID 234835036 Smaldone William 8 August 2013 European Socialism A Concise History with Documents Rowman amp Littlefield Publishers ISBN 978 1 4422 0909 1 van der Linden Marcel 2022 The Cambridge History of Socialism Vol 1 Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 108 48134 2 Red Brigades CISAC Stanford University May 2008 Retrieved 1 April 2020 Red Brigades announce end of their struggle to overthrow German state The Irish Times 22 April 1998 Retrieved 1 April 2020 Further reading editNorwood Stephen H 2013 Antisemitism and the American Far Left paperback ed Cambridge England Cambridge University Press doi 10 1017 CBO9781139565806 ISBN 978 1 107 65700 7 S2CID 153120694 Retrieved 19 November 2021 via Google Books Radical left parties case studies edit Kioupkiolis Alexandros March 2016 Podemos The Ambiguous Promises of Left wing Populism in Contemporary Spain Journal of Political Ideologies London England Routledge 21 2 99 120 doi 10 1080 13569317 2016 1150136 S2CID 147247286 Retrieved 21 November 2021 via ResearchGate Katsourides Yannos 2016 Radical Left Parties in Government The Cases of SYRIZA and AKEL hadrback ed London England Palgrave Macmillan doi 10 1057 978 1 137 58841 8 ISBN 978 1 137 58840 1 Retrieved 21 November 2021 via Google Books Radical left and radical right edit el Ojeili Chamsy Taylor Dylan September 2018 Cheng Enfu Schweickart David Andreani Tony eds The Revaluation of All Values Extremism The Ultra Left and Revolutionary Anthropology International Critical Thought Taylor amp Francis on behalf of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 8 3 410 425 doi 10 1080 21598282 2018 1506262 eISSN 2159 8312 ISSN 2159 8282 S2CID 158719628 Chong Dennis McClosky Herbert July 1985 Similarities and Differences Between Left Wing and Right Wing Radicals British Journal of Political Science 15 3 329 363 doi 10 1017 S0007123400004221 ISSN 0007 1234 S2CID 154330828 Kopyciok Svenja Silver Hilary 6 October 2021 Left Wing Xenophobia in Europe Frontiers in Sociology 6 666 717 doi 10 3389 fsoc 2021 666717 ISSN 2297 7775 PMC 8222516 PMID 34179182 Terrorism edit Martin Augustus Prager Fynnwin 2019 Part II The Terrorists Terror from Below Terrorism by Dissidents Terrorism An International Perspective Thousand Oaks California SAGE Publications pp 189 193 ISBN 978 1 526 45995 4 LCCN 2018948259 Retrieved 27 December 2021 via Google Books External links edit nbsp Media related to Far left politics at Wikimedia Commons Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php 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