
Nazi salute

The Nazi salute, also known as the Hitler salute (German: Hitlergruß, lit.'Hitler greeting', IPA: [ˈhɪtlɐˌɡʁuːs] (listen);[1] also called by the Nazi Party deutscher Gruß, 'German greeting', IPA: [ˈdɔʏtʃɐ ˈɡʁuːs] (listen)),[2] or the Sieg Heil salute, is a gesture that was used as a greeting in Nazi Germany. The salute is performed by extending the right arm from the shoulder into the air with a straightened hand. Usually, the person offering the salute would say "Heil Hitler!" (lit. 'Hail Hitler!', IPA: [ˌhaɪl ˈhɪtlɐ] (listen)),[3] "Heil, mein Führer!" ('Hail, my leader!'), or "Sieg Heil!" ('Hail victory!'). It was officially adopted by the Nazi Party in 1926, although it had been used within the party as early as 1921,[4] to signal obedience to the party's leader, Adolf Hitler, and to glorify the German nation (and later the German war effort). The salute was mandatory for civilians[5] but mostly optional for military personnel, who retained a traditional military salute until the failed assassination attempt on Hitler[6] on 20 July 1944.

Members of the Hitler Youth in Berlin performing the Nazi salute at a rally in 1933

Use of this salute is illegal in modern-day Germany (Strafgesetzbuch section 86a) and Austria (Verbotsgesetz 1947), and is also considered a criminal offence in modern-day Poland[7] and Slovakia.[7] The use of any Nazi phrases associated with the salute is also forbidden.[8] In Italy, it is a criminal offence only if used with the intent to "reinstate the defunct National Fascist Party", or to exalt or promote its ideology or members.[9] In Canada and most of Europe (including the Czech Republic,[10] France, the Netherlands, Sweden,[7] Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, and Russia), displaying the salute is not in itself a criminal offence, but constitutes hate speech if used for propagating the Nazi ideology.[11][12][7] Publicly performing the salute is also illegal in the Australian states of Tasmania and Victoria.[13]


People performing the Nazi salute at the Harzburg Front rally in Bad Harzburg, October 1931
Hitler used to answer the common salute with his modified version, where his palm was parallel to the sky.

The salute was executed by extending the right arm stiff to an upward 45° angle and then straightening the hand so that it is parallel to the arm.[14] Usually, an utterance of "Sieg Heil", "Heil Hitler!", or "Heil!" accompanied the gesture. If one saw an acquaintance at a distance, it was enough to simply raise the right hand.[14] If one encountered a superior, one would also say "Heil Hitler".[14] If physical disability prevented raising the right arm, it was acceptable to raise the left.[15]

Hitler and Hermann Göring (first row left) saluting at a 1928 Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg

Hitler gave the salute in two ways. When reviewing his troops or crowds, he generally used the traditional stiff-armed salute. When greeting individuals who saluted, he used a modified version of the salute, bending his right arm at a 90° angle with the elbow facing forward while holding an open hand with the bottom of the palm facing towards those greeted at shoulder height and the face of the palm parallel with the sky. It was also adopted by those with rank who would themselves be saluted.[16]

Origins and adoption

The spoken greeting "Heil" became popular in the pan-German movement around 1900.[17] It was used by the followers of Georg Ritter von Schönerer, head of the Austrian Alldeutsche Partei ("Pan-German Party") who considered himself leader of the Austrian Germans, and who was described by Carl E. Schorske as "The strongest and most thoroughly consistent anti-Semite that Austria produced" before the coming of Hitler. Hitler took both the "Heil" greeting – which was popularly used in his "hometown" of Linz when he was a boy[18] – and the title of "Führer" for the head of the Nazi Party from Schönerer,[17][19] whom he admired.[20]

The extended arm saluting gesture is believed to be based on an ancient Roman custom, but no known Roman work of art depicts it, nor does any extant Roman text describe it.[21] Jacques-Louis David's 1784 painting Oath of the Horatii displayed a raised arm salutatory gesture in an ancient Roman setting.[22][23][24] The gesture and its identification with ancient Rome was advanced in other French neoclassic art.[25]

In 1892, Francis Bellamy introduced the American Pledge of Allegiance, which was to be accompanied by a visually similar saluting gesture, referred to as the Bellamy salute.[26][notes 1] A raised arm gesture was then used in the 1899 American stage production of Ben-Hur,[27] and its 1907 film adaptation.[28] The gesture was further elaborated upon in several early Italian films.[29] Of special note was the 1914 silent film Cabiria, whose screenplay had contributions from the Italian ultra-nationalist Gabriele d'Annunzio,[30] arguably a forerunner of Italian Fascism.[31] In 1919, when he led the occupation of Fiume, d'Annunzio used the style of salute depicted in the film as a neo-Imperialist ritual and the Italian Fascist Party quickly adopted it.[32]

By autumn 1923, or perhaps as early as 1921, some members of the Nazi Party were using the rigid, outstretched right arm salute to greet Hitler, who responded by raising his own right hand crooked back at the elbow, palm opened upwards, in a gesture of acceptance.[33] In 1926, the Nazi salute was made compulsory for all party members.[34] It functioned as a display of commitment to the Party and a declaration of principle to the outside world.[35] Gregor Strasser wrote in 1927 that the greeting in and of itself was a pledge of loyalty to Hitler, as well as a symbol of personal dependence on the Führer.[36] Even so, the drive to gain acceptance did not go unchallenged.[35]

Some party members questioned the legitimacy of the so-called Roman salute, employed by Fascist Italy, as un-Germanic.[35] In response, efforts were made to establish its pedigree by inventing a tradition after the fact.[35] In June 1928, Rudolf Hess published an article titled "The Fascist Greeting", which claimed that the gesture was used in Germany as early as 1921, before the Nazis had heard about the Italian Fascists.[37] He admits in the article: "The NSDAP's introduction of the raised-arm greeting approximately two years ago still gets some people's blood boiling. Its opponents suspect the greeting of being un-Germanic. They accuse it of merely aping the [Italian] Fascists",[38] but goes on to ask, "and even if the decree from two years ago [Hess' order that all party members use it] is seen as an adaption of the Fascist gesture, is that really so terrible"?[38] Ian Kershaw points out that Hess did not deny the likely influence from Fascist Italy, even if indeed the salute had been used sporadically in 1921 as Hess claimed.[39]

On the night of 3 January 1942, Hitler said of the origins of the salute:[40]

I made it the salute of the Party long after the Duce had adopted it. I'd read the description of the sitting of the Diet of Worms, in the course of which Luther was greeted with the German salute. It was to show him that he was not being confronted with arms, but with peaceful intentions. In the days of Frederick the Great, people still saluted with their hats, with pompous gestures. In the Middle Ages the serfs humbly doffed their bonnets, whilst the noblemen gave the German salute. It was in the Ratskeller at Bremen, about the year 1921, that I first saw this style of salute. It must be regarded as a survival of an ancient custom, which originally signified: "See, I have no weapon in my hand!" I introduced the salute into the Party at our first meeting in Weimar. The SS at once gave it a soldierly style. It's from that moment that our opponents honored us with the epithet "dogs of Fascists".

— Adolf Hitler, Hitler's Table Talk

Nazi chants

A mass "Sieg Heil" during a rally in the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district of Berlin in 1935

Nazi chants like "Heil Hitler!" and "Sieg Heil!" were prevalent across Nazi Germany, sprouting in mass rallies and even regular greetings alike.

In Nazi Germany, the Nazi chants "Heil Hitler!" and "Sieg Heil!" were the formulas used by the regime: when meeting someone it was customary to greet with the words "Heil Hitler!", while "Sieg Heil!" was a verbal salute used at mass rallies. Specifically to the cry of an officer of the word Sieg ('victory'), the crowd responded with Heil ('hail').[41] For example, at the 1934 Nuremberg Rally, Rudolf Hess ended his climactic speech with the words "The Party is Hitler. But Hitler is Germany, just as Germany is Hitler. Hitler! Sieg Heil!"[42] At his total war speech delivered in 1943, audiences shouted "Sieg Heil!", as Joseph Goebbels solicited from them "a kind of plebiscitary 'Ja'" to total war[43] (ja meaning 'yes' in German).

On 11 March 1945, less than two months before the capitulation of Nazi Germany, a memorial for the dead of the war was held in Marktschellenberg, a small town near Hitler's Berghof residence.[44] The British historian Ian Kershaw remarks that the power of the Führer cult and the "Hitler Myth" had vanished, which is evident from this report:

When the leader of the Wehrmacht unit at the end of his speech called for a Sieg Heil for the Führer, it was returned neither by the Wehrmacht present, nor by the Volkssturm, nor by the spectators of the civilian population who had turned up. This silence of the masses ... probably reflects better than anything else, the attitudes of the population.[44]

The Swing Youth (German: Swingjugend) were a group of middle-class teenagers who consciously separated themselves from Nazism and its culture, greeting each other with "Swing-Heil!" and addressing one another as "old-hot-boy".[45] This playful behaviour was dangerous for participants in the subculture; on 2 January 1942, Heinrich Himmler ordered that the leaders be put in concentration camps to be drilled and beaten.[45]

The form "Heil, mein Führer!" ('Hail, my Leader!') was for direct address to Hitler,[46] while "Sieg Heil" was repeated as a chant on public occasions.[46] Written communications would be concluded with either "mit deutschem Gruß" ("with German regards"), or with "Heil Hitler".[47] In correspondence with high-ranking Nazi officials, letters were usually signed with "Heil Hitler".[48]

From 1933 to 1945

Enamel sign with the note "The German greets: Hail Hitler!" (Der Deutsche grüßt: Heil Hitler!)

Under a decree issued by Reich Minister of the Interior Wilhelm Frick on 13 July 1933 (one day before the ban on all non-Nazi parties), all German public employees were required to use the salute.[5] The decree also required the salute during the singing of the national anthem and the "Horst-Wessel-Lied".[5] It stipulated that "anyone not wishing to come under suspicion of behaving in a consciously negative fashion will therefore render the Hitler Greeting,"[5] and its use quickly spread as people attempted to avoid being labelled as a dissident.[49] A rider to the decree, added two weeks later, stipulated that if physical disability prevented raising of the right arm, "then it is correct to carry out the Greeting with the left arm."[15] On 27 September, prison inmates were forbidden to use the salute,[50] as were Jews by 1937.[51]

By the end of 1934, special courts were established to punish those who refused to salute.[52] Offenders, such as Protestant preacher Paul Schneider, faced the possibility of being sent to a concentration camp.[52] Foreigners were not exempt from intimidation if they refused to salute. For example, the Portuguese Consul General was beaten by members of the Sturmabteilung for remaining seated in a car and not saluting a procession in Hamburg.[53] Reactions to inappropriate use were not merely violent but sometimes bizarre.[54] For example, a memo dated 23 July 1934 sent to local police stations stated: "There have been reports of traveling vaudeville performers training their monkeys to give the German Greeting. ... see to it that said animals are destroyed."[54]

Ten- and eleven-year-old Berlin schoolchildren, 1934. The salute was a regular gesture in German schools.
Fritz Schilgen carrying the Olympic torch at the Berlin Olympic Stadium with the public giving the Nazi salute in the background

The salute soon became part of everyday life, a historically unique phenomenon that politicised all communication in Germany for twelve years, superseding all prior forms of greeting, such as "Grüß Gott" ("Hello"), "Guten Tag" ("Good day"), and "Auf Wiederseh(e)n" ("Goodbye").[55] Postmen used the greeting when they knocked on people's doors to deliver packages or letters.[55] Small metal signs that reminded people to use the Hitler salute were displayed in public squares and on telephone poles and street lights throughout Germany.[56] Department store clerks greeted customers with "Heil Hitler, how may I help you?"[55] Dinner guests brought glasses etched with the words "Heil Hitler" as house gifts.[55] The salute was required of all persons passing the Feldherrnhalle in Munich, site of the climax of the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, which the government had made into a shrine to the Nazi dead; so many pedestrians avoided this mandate by detouring through the small Viscardigasse behind that the passage acquired the nickname "Dodgers' Alley" (Drückebergergasse).[57] The daughter of the American Ambassador to Germany, Martha Dodd, describes the first time she saw the salute:

The first time I met von Ribbentrop was at a luncheon we gave at the Embassy. He was tall and slender, with a vague blond handsomeness. Outstanding among all the guests, Ribbentrop arrived in Nazi uniform. Most Nazis came to diplomatic functions in ordinary suits unless the affair was extremely formal. His manner of shaking hands was an elaborate ceremony in itself. He held out his hand, then retreated and held your hand at arm’s length, lowered his arm stiffly by his side, then raised the arm swiftly in a Nazi salute, just barely missing your nose. All the time he was staring at you with such intensity you were wondering what new sort of mesmerism he thought he was effecting. The whole ritual was performed with such self-conscious dignity and in such silence that hardly a word was whispered while Ribbentrop made his exhibitionistic acquaintance with the guests present. To me the procedure was so ridiculous I could scarcely keep a straight face.[58]

Children were indoctrinated at an early age.[59] Kindergarten children were taught to raise their hand to the proper height by hanging their lunch bags across the raised arm of their teacher.[59] At the beginning of first grade primers was a lesson on how to use the greeting.[59] The greeting found its way into fairy tales, including classics like Sleeping Beauty.[59] Students and teachers would salute each other at the beginning and end of the school day, between classes, or whenever an adult entered the classroom.[60]

In 1935, at the end of Hans Spemann’s acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize, he gave a Nazi salute.[61]

Some athletes used the Nazi salute in the opening ceremony of the 1936 Berlin Olympics as they passed by Hitler in the reviewing stand.[62] This was done by delegates from Afghanistan, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Bolivia, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy and Turkey.[62] The Bulgarian athletes performed the Nazi salute and broke into a goose-step;[62] Turkish athletes maintained the salute all around the track.[63] There is some confusion over the use of the salute, since the stiff-arm Nazi salute could have been mistaken for an Olympic salute, with the right arm held out at a slight angle to the right from the shoulder.[62] According to the American sports writer Jeremy Schaap, only half of the athletes from Austria performed a Nazi salute, while the other half gave an Olympic salute. According to the historian Richard Mandell, there are conflicting reports on whether athletes from France performed a Nazi salute or an Olympic Salute.[63] In football, the England football team bowed to pressure from the British Foreign Office and performed the salute during a friendly match on 14 May 1938.[64]

Jehovah's Witnesses came into conflict with the Nazi regime because they refused to salute Adolf Hitler with the Nazi salute, believing that it conflicted with their worship of God. Because refusing to salute Hitler was considered a crime, Jehovah's Witnesses were arrested, and their children attending school were expelled, detained and separated from their families.[65]

Military use

Karl Dönitz and Wehrmacht performing Nazi salute, 1941

The Wehrmacht refused to adopt the Hitler salute officially and was able for a time to maintain its customs.[66] A compromise edict from the Reich Defense Ministry, issued on 19 September 1933, required the Hitler salute of soldiers and uniformed civil servants while singing the "Horst-Wessel-Lied" and national anthem, and in non-military encounters both within and outside the Wehrmacht (for example, when greeting members of the civilian government). At all other times they were permitted to use their traditional salutes.[66] However, according to (pre-Nazi) Reichswehr and Wehrmacht protocol, the traditional military salute was prohibited when the saluting soldier was not wearing a uniform headgear (helmet or cap). Because of this, all bareheaded salutes used the Nazi salute, making it de facto mandatory in most situations.[67]

Full adoption of the Hitler salute by the military was discussed in January 1944 at a conference regarding traditions in the military at Hitler's headquarters. Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, head of the Armed Forces, had expressed a desire to standardize the salute across all organizations in Germany.[68] On 23 July 1944, several days after the failed assassination attempt, Goebbels suggested to Hitler that the military be ordered to fully adopt the Hitler salute as a show of loyalty, since Army officers had been responsible for the assassination attempt.[69][70] Hitler approved the suggestion without emotion, and the order went into effect on 24 July 1944.[69][70]

On the night of 3 January 1942, Hitler stated the following about the compromise edict of 1933:[40]

I imposed the German salute for the following reason. I'd given orders, at the beginning, that in the Army I should not be greeted with the German salute. But many people forgot. Fritsch drew his conclusions, and punished all who forgot to give me the military salute, with fourteen days' confinement to barracks. I, in turn, drew my conclusions and introduced the German salute likewise into the Army.

— Adolf Hitler, Hitler's Table Talk

Satiric responses

Despite indoctrination and punishment, the salute was ridiculed by some people. Since heil is also the imperative of the German verb heilen ('to heal'), a common joke in Nazi Germany was to reply with, "Is he sick?" "Am I a doctor?" or "You heal him!"[71] Jokes were also made by distorting the phrase. For example, "Heil Hitler" might become "Ein Liter" ('One liter')[71] or "Drei Liter" ('Three Liter').[72] Cabaret performer Karl Valentin would quip, "It's lucky that Hitler's name wasn't 'Kräuter'. Otherwise, we'd have to go around yelling Heilkräuter ('medicinal herbs')".[71] Similar puns were made involving "-bronn" (rendering "Heilbronn", the name of a German city), and "-butt" (rendering "Heilbutt", the German word for 'halibut').

"Millions stand behind me" (John Heartfield photomontage)

Satirical use of the salute dates back to anti-Nazi propaganda in Germany before 1933. In 1932, photomontage artist John Heartfield used Hitler's modified version, with the hand bent over the shoulder, in a poster that linked Hitler to Big Business. A giant figure representing right-wing capitalists stands behind Hitler, placing money in his hand, suggesting "backhand" donations. The caption is, "the meaning of the Hitler salute" and "Millions stand behind me".[73] Heartfield was forced to flee in 1933 after the Nazi seizure of power in Germany.

Another example is a cartoon by New Zealand political cartoonist David Low, mocking the Night of the Long Knives. Run in the Evening Standard on 3 July 1934, it shows Hitler with a smoking gun grimacing at terrified SA men with their hands up. The caption reads: "They salute with both hands now".[74] When Achille Starace proposed that Italians should write Evviva Il Duce in letters, Mussolini wrote an editorial in Il Popolo d'Italia mocking the idea.[75]


Today in Germany, Nazi salutes in written form, vocally, and even straight-extending the right arm as a saluting gesture (with or without the phrase), are illegal.[76][77] The offence is punishable by up to three years in prison (Strafgesetzbuch section 86a).[77][78] Usage for art, teaching and science is allowed unless "the existence of an insult results from the form of the utterance or the circumstances under which it occurred."[78] Use of the salute, or any phrases associated with the salute, has also been illegal in Austria since the end of World War II.

In Germany, usage that is "ironic and clearly critical of the Hitler Greeting" is exempt, which has led to legal debates as to what constitutes ironic use.[79] One case involved Prince Ernst August of Hanover who was brought to court after using the gesture as a commentary on the behavior of an unduly zealous airport baggage inspector.[79] On 23 November 2007, the Amtsgericht Cottbus sentenced Horst Mahler to six months of imprisonment without parole for having, according to his own claims, ironically performed the Hitler salute when reporting to prison for a nine-month term a year earlier.[80] The following month, a pensioner named Roland T was given a prison term of five months for, amongst other things, training his dog Adolf to raise his right paw in a Nazi salute every time the command "Heil Hitler!" was uttered.[81]

The Supreme Court of Switzerland ruled in 2014 that Nazi salutes do not breach hate crime laws if expressed as one's personal opinion, but only if they are used in attempt to propagate Nazi ideology.[11][12]

Modified versions of the salute are sometimes used by neo-Nazis. One such version is the so-called "Kühnen salute" with extended thumb, index and middle finger, which is also a criminal offence in Germany.[82] In written correspondence, the number 88 is sometimes used by some neo-Nazis as a substitute for "Heil Hitler" ("H" as the eighth letter of the alphabet).[83] Swiss neo-Nazis were reported to use a variant of the Kühnengruss, though extending one's right arm over their head and extending said three fingers has a different historical source for Switzerland, as the first three Eidgenossen or confederates are often depicted with this motion. Hezbollah supporters in Lebanon often raise their arms in a Nazi-style salute.[84][85]

The Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging, a South African neo-Nazi organization known for its militant advocacy of white separatism,[86][87] has espoused brown uniforms as well as Nazi German-esque flags, insignia, and salutes at meetings and public rallies.[88] Hundreds of supporters in 2010 delivered straight-arm salutes outside the funeral for AWB leader Eugène Terre'Blanche, who was murdered by two black farm workers over an alleged wage dispute.[89][90]

On 28 May 2012, BBC current affairs programme Panorama examined the issues of racism, antisemitism and football hooliganism, which it claimed were prevalent among Polish and Ukrainian football supporters. The two countries hosted the international football competition UEFA Euro 2012.[91]

On 16 March 2013, Greek footballer Giorgos Katidis of AEK Athens F.C. was handed a life ban from the Greek national team for performing the salute after scoring a goal against Veria F.C. in Athens' Olympic Stadium.[92]

On 18 July 2015, The Sun published an image of the British Royal Family from private film shot in 1933 or 1934, showing Princess Elizabeth (the future Queen, then a young girl) and the Queen Mother both performing a Nazi salute, accompanied by Edward VIII, taken from 17 seconds of home footage (also released by The Sun).[93] The footage ignited controversy in the UK,[94] and there have been questions as to whether the release of this footage was appropriate.[95] Buckingham Palace described the release of this footage as "disappointing",[96] and considered pursuing legal action against The Sun,[97] whereas Stig Abell (managing director of The Sun) said that the footage was "a matter of national historical significance to explore what was going on in the [1930s] ahead of the Second World War". Abell responded to criticism by assuring that The Sun was not suggesting "anything improper on the part of the Queen or indeed the Queen Mum".[98]

A far-right protestor gives the Nazi salute at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville during 2017.

American white supremacist Richard B. Spencer drew considerable media attention in the weeks following the 2016 U.S. presidential election, where, at a National Policy Institute conference, he quoted from Nazi propaganda and denounced Jews.[99] In response to his cry "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!", a number of his supporters gave the Nazi salute and chanted in a similar fashion to the Sieg Heil chant.[100][101]

CNN fired political commentator Jeffrey Lord on 10 August 2017, after he tweeted "Sieg Heil!" to Angelo Carusone, president of Media Matters for America, suggesting Carusone was a fascist.[102][103][104]

In August 2021, a Michigan man named Paul Marcum gave the Nazi salute during a dispute over mask mandates and was fired from his job as a tennis instructor after Birmingham Public Schools announced that it would not tolerate any acts of racism, disrespect, violence, or inequitable treatment of any person.[105]

Incidents involving North American students

On January 31, 2017, multiple students at Cypress Ranch High School in Cypress, Texas, performed both the raised fist salute and the Nazi salute in its "Class Of 2017" photo. The photo was then sent from one of the students to six other students by message and claiming that "some females held the fist while some white males raised the Nazi salute." The incident was reported to the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District saying that "they are extremely disappointed with the actions," and later made a statement on the district "understanding the serious nature of the incident and appropriate action has been taken at one of its campuses."[106]

In May 2018, students at Baraboo High School, in Baraboo, Wisconsin, appeared to perform a Nazi salute in a photograph taken before their junior prom. The image went viral on social media six months later, sparking outrage. The school decided the students could not be punished because of their First Amendment rights.[107][108]

In November 2018, a group of students of Pacifica High School of Garden Grove Unified School District in California was shown in a video giving the Nazi salute and singing Erika. The incident took place at an after-hours off-campus student athletics banquet. The school administration did not learn about the incident until March 2019, at which time the students were disciplined. The school did not release details of what the discipline entailed, but released a statement saying that they would continue to deal with the incident "in collaboration with agencies dedicated to anti-bias education."[109] On 20 August 2019, the school district announced that it was reopening the investigation into the incident because new photographs and another video has surfaced of the event, along with "new allegations" and "new claims". Parents and teachers criticized the school's administration for their initial secrecy about the incident, for which the school's principal apologized.[110]

In March 2019, students from Newport Beach, California, attending a private party made a swastika from red-and-white plastic party cups and gave Nazi salutes over it. Some of the students may have been from Newport Harbor High School of Newport-Mesa Unified School District, a very large district that encompasses 58 square miles and includes the cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. Officials from the district condemned the students' behavior and said they were working with law enforcement to collect information on the incident.[111]

On February 1, 2022, one of the pupils from Charles H. Best Middle School in North York, a district in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, performed a Nazi salute to a Jewish student while another who allegedly built a swastika, which led the Toronto District School Board to launch an investigation, and condemnation by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.[112]

Ku Klux Klan

Among other gestures used by the Ku Klux Klan, the "Klan salute" is similar to the Nazi salute, the difference being that it is performed using the left arm and not the right, and that often the fingers of the hand are splayed and not held tightly together. The four fingers represent the four Ks in "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan". According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Klan salute dates to 1915.[113]

In popular culture

  • In a running gag in Hogan's Heroes, Colonel Klink often forgets to give the Hitler salute at the end of a phone call; instead, he usually asks, "What's that?" and then says, "Yes, of course, Heil Hitler".[114] In the German-language version of the show, called Ein Käfig voller Helden (A Cage Full of Heroes), Col. Klink and Sgt. Schultz have rural Gomer Pyle-type accents, and stiff-armed salutes are accompanied by such witticisms as: "this is how high the cornflowers grow".[115] The "Heil Hitler" greeting was the variant most often used and associated with the series; "Sieg Heil" was rarely heard.
  • A related gesture was used by the fictional Nazi-affiliated organization Hydra from Marvel Comics, with both arms outstretched, clenched fists and the phrase "Hail Hydra" uttered by members of the organization.[116]
  • On the American animated TV sitcom Family Guy, a "Cheesie Charlie's" worker dressed up as a devil welcomed both Peter and Chris to the "dungeon", who performs the Nazi salute shortly after welcoming the two characters (Season 1, Episode 3, "Chitty Chitty Death Bang", first broadcast: April 18, 1999). In another episode, a previously-appearing unnamed character, Quahog's town librarian, is drafted by a committee of townspeople to run for mayor. None of them knows her name, and she introduces herself as "Elle Hitler" ("no relation," she says), and they all stand, extend their arms to salute her with their drinks, and say "Hi, Elle Hitler!" (Season 19, Episode 7, "Wild Wild West", first broadcast: November 22, 2020).

See also


Informational notes

  1. ^ Because of the resemblance between the American Bellamy salute and the Nazi salute, it was replaced in 1942 by a hand-over-the-heart gesture to be used by civilians during the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem. See:
    • Bishop, Ronald (2007). "A Case of First Impression". Taking on the Pledge of Allegiance: The News Media and Michael Newdow's Constitutional Challenge. Albany, New York: SUNY Press. p. 27. ISBN 9780791471814.
    • Ellis, Richard (2005). To the Flag: The Unlikely History of the Pledge of Allegiance. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas. pp. 116–118. ISBN 9780700613724.


  1. ^ Determinative compound Hitlergruß: Hitler see Krech/Stock/Hirschfeld, Deutsches Aussprachewörterbuch, Walter de Gruyter, 2009, p. 587: IPA: [ˈhɪtlɐ]; Gruß: hear Duden: Gruß and see Krech/Stock/Hirschfeld, Deutsches Aussprachewörterbuch, Walter de Gruyter, 2009, p. 557: IPA: [ɡʁuːs].
  2. ^ Pronunciation wordcombination Deutscher Gruß: deutscher see Duden: Deutscher (noun and adjective have same pronunciation): IPA: [ˈdɔʏtʃɐ]; Gruß: hear Duden: Gruß and see Krech/Stock/Hirschfeld, Deutsches Aussprachewörterbuch, Walter de Gruyter, 2009, p. 557: IPA: [ɡʁuːs]; emphasis: compare Duden: Englische Gruß -> secondary stress on first syllable, main stress on second word, same with Deutscher Gruß.
  3. ^ Pronunciation word combination Heil Hitler!: heil, hear Duden: heil and see Krech/Stock/Hirschfeld, Deutsches Aussprachewörterbuch, Walter de Gruyter, 2009, p. 574: IPA: [haɪl] (remark: Krech/Stock/Hirschfeld are always using 'aə̯'-Transcription for 'ei'- and 'ai'-sounds, standard transcription IPA: [haɪl]); Hitler see Krech/Stock/Hirschfeld, Deutsches Aussprachewörterbuch, Walter de Gruyter, 2009, p. 587: IPA: [ˈhɪtlɐ]; emphasis: compare Heil Hitler! (two speakers) -> secondary stress on first syllable, main stress on first syllable of second word
  4. ^ Albrecht Tyrell (Hrsg.): Führer befiehl … Selbstzeugnisse aus der „Kampfzeit“ der NSDAP. Grondrom Verlag, Bindlach 1991, S. 129 f.
  5. ^ a b c d Kershaw (2001), p. 60
  6. ^ Büchner, Alex (1991). German Infantry Handbook, 1939–1945: Organization, Uniforms, Weapons, Equipment, Operations. Schipper Publishing. ISBN 978-0-88740-284-5.
  7. ^ a b c d Sehmer, Alexander (20 July 2015). "Countries where Nazi salute is illegal". The Times of India. from the original on 23 July 2015. Retrieved 14 June 2018.
  8. ^ "German gig shut down by police after crowd chants Nazi slogan 'sieg heil'". Sky News.
  9. ^ "Saluto fascista, la Cassazione: "Non è reato se commemorativo" e conferma due assoluzioni a Milano" [Fascist salute, Supreme Court of Cassation: "Not a crime if memorial" and confirms two acquittals in Milan]. La Repubblica (in Italian). Milan. 20 February 2018. Retrieved 3 January 2020.
  10. ^ "Hajloval. Hrozí mu tři roky vězení". Deník (in Czech). Retrieved 19 October 2016.
  11. ^ a b O'Dea, Claire (21 May 2014). "Hitler salute ruled not always illegal". Swissinfo.ch. Retrieved 27 May 2014.
  12. ^ a b "Swiss court rules that Nazi salute may be 'personal statement', not racism". The Guardian. Geneva. Associated Press. 21 May 2014. Retrieved 27 May 2014.
  13. ^ https://www.theadvocate.com.au/story/8140173/modern-tasmania-quick-to-condemn-nazi-partys-hitler-salute/
  14. ^ a b c Grunberger, Richard (1995). The 12-year Reich: a social history of Nazi Germany, 1933–1945. Da Capo Press. ISBN 9780306806605.
  15. ^ a b Kershaw (2001)
  16. ^ Knickerbocker, H.R. (2008). Is Tomorrow Hitler's?: 200 Questions on the Battle of Mankind (reprint ed.). Kessinger Publishing. p. 5. ISBN 9781417992775.
  17. ^ a b Mommsen, Hans (2003). The Third Reich Between Vision and Reality: New Perspectives on German History 1918–1945. German Historical Perspectives. Vol. 12. Berg Publishers. p. 28. ISBN 9781859736272.
  18. ^ Fest, Joachim C. (1973) Hitler. Translated by Richard and Clara Winston. New York: Vintage. p. 36. ISBN 0-394-72023-7
  19. ^ Kershaw (1999), pp. 34–35
  20. ^ Ullrich, Volker (2016) Hitler: Ascent 1889-1939. Translated by Jefferson Chase. New York: Vintage. p.35. ISBN 978-1-101-87205-5
  21. ^ Winkler (2009), p. 2
  22. ^ Winkler (2009), p. 55 The raised arm, first stretched out as a symbol of righteous fervor-as the Horatii evince it-and later as a symbol of political allegiance and religious-political unity between a people and its leader, becomes an important part of the iconography of new societies. In addition to its specific contemporary use the gesture comes to express, in a fashion that appears timeless and even mystical, an appeal to a higher being and to a heroic ancient past that had served as a model for most of Western civilization for centuries, although often in ways not supported by historical fact. David’s Oath of the Horatii provided the starting point for an arresting gesture that progressed from oath-taking to what will become known as the Roman salute.
  23. ^ Winkler (2009) pp. 42–44
  24. ^ Boime, Albert (1987). Art in an age of revolution, 1750–1800. Social history of modern art. Vol. 1. University of Chicago Press. pp. 400–401. ISBN 9780226063348. Boime states: "The brothers stretch out their arms in a salute that has since become associated with tyranny. The 'Hail Caesar' of antiquity (although at the time of the Horatti a Caesar had yet to be born) was transformed into the 'Heil Hitler' of the modern period. The fraternal intimacy brought about by the Horatii's dedication to absolute principles of victory or death ... is closely related to the establishment of the fraternal order ... In the total commitment or blind obedience of a single, exclusive group lies the potentiality of the authoritarian state."
  25. ^ Winkler (2009), pp. 40, 50–51
  26. ^ Winkler (2009), p. 57
  27. ^ Winkler (2009), pp. 70, 72, 74
  28. ^ Winkler (2009), p. 83
  29. ^ Winkler (2009), pp. 85–90
  30. ^ Winkler (2009), p. 94
  31. ^ Ledeen, Michael A. (2001) "Preface" to D'Annunzio: the First Duce. New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0765807427
  32. ^ Falasca-Zamponi, Simonetta (2000). Fascist spectacle: the aesthetics of power in Mussolini's Italy. Studies on the history of society and culture. Vol. 28. University of California Press. pp. 110–113. ISBN 9780520226777.
  33. ^ Evans, Richard J. (2005). "The Rize of Nazism". The Coming of the Third Reich. Penguin Group. pp. 184–185. ISBN 9780143034698.
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  35. ^ a b c d Allert (2009), p. 55
  36. ^ Kershaw (1998), p. 294
  37. ^ Allert (2009), pp. 55–56
  38. ^ a b Allert (2009), p. 56
  39. ^ Kershaw (1999), pp. 294, 689
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  41. ^ Allert (2009), p. 32
  42. ^ Kershaw (2001), p. 69
  43. ^ Kershaw (2000), pp. 561–562.
  44. ^ a b Kershaw (2000), p. 766
  45. ^ a b Willett, Ralph (May 1989). "Hot Swing and the Dissolute Life: Youth, Style and Popular Music in Europe 1939–49". Popular Music. Cambridge University Press. 8 (2): 161. doi:10.1017/s0261143000003342. JSTOR 853465. S2CID 162509772.
  46. ^ a b Lepage, Jean-Denis G.G. (2008). Hitler Youth, 1922–1945: An Illustrated History. McFarland. p. 70. ISBN 9780786439355.
  47. ^ Allert (2009), p. 15.
  48. ^ Klee, Kulturlexikon, S. 227.
  49. ^ Evans, Richard J. (2005) The Third Reich in Power. New York: Penguin. p. 45. ISBN 0-14-303790-0
  50. ^ Staff (27 September 1933). "Nazi Salute Banned in Prisons". The New York Times. p. 12. Retrieved 26 February 2010.
  51. ^ Allert (2009), p. 51
  52. ^ a b Allert (2009), p. 61
  53. ^ Shore, Zachary (2003). What Hitler knew: the battle for information in Nazi foreign policy. Oxford University Press US. p. 33. ISBN 9780195154597.
  54. ^ a b Allert (2009), p. 60
  55. ^ a b c d Allert (2009), p. 33
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  62. ^ a b c d Schaap, Jeremy (2007). Triumph: the untold story of Jesse Owens and Hitler's Olympics. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. pp. 163–166. ISBN 9780618688227.
  63. ^ a b Mandell, Richard D. (1987). The Nazi Olympics. Sports and Society. Champaign, Illinois: University of Illinois Press. p. 149. ISBN 9780252013256.
  64. ^ Football, fascism and England's Nazi salute, BBC Magazine, 22 September 2003
  65. ^ King, Christine. "Leadership Lessons from History: Jehovah's Witnesses". The International Journal of Leadership in Public Services 7, no. 2 (2011): 178–185. doi:10.1108/17479881111160168
  66. ^ a b Allert (2009) pp. 80–82
  67. ^ Reibert redivivus, in: Der Spiegel 5/1960, pp. 35–36, (27 January 1960), available online in the Spiegel Online archives (retrieved: 25 March 2013).
  68. ^ Heiber, Helmut (2004). Hitler and his Generals: Military Conferences 1942–1945. Enigma Books. p. 398. ISBN 1-929631-28-6.
  69. ^ a b Allert (2009), p. 82
  70. ^ a b Ullrich, Volker (2020). Hitler: Downfall: 1939-1945. Translated by Jefferson Chase. New York: Knopf. p. 476. ISBN 978-1-101-87400-4.
  71. ^ a b c Allert (2009), p. 44
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  73. ^ Jay, Martin (2001). "From Modernism to Post-Modernism". In T. C. W. Blanning (ed.). The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern Europe. Oxford Illustrated Histories. Oxford University Press. p. 261. ISBN 9780192854261.
  74. ^ Reynoldson, Fiona (1996). "The Nazi Regime 1933–1945". In Rosemary Rees (ed.). Weimar and Nazi Germany. Oxford Illustrated Histories. Heinemann. p. 42. ISBN 9780435308605.
  75. ^ Gunther, John (1940). Inside Europe. New York: Harper & Brothers. p. 259.
  76. ^ "Rechtsextremismus – Straftaten". hagalil.com. Retrieved 24 February 2010.
  77. ^ a b Allert (2009), pp. 94–95
  78. ^ a b "Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch, StGB)". Federal Law Gazette I. 13 November 1998. pp. 945, 3322. Retrieved 14 February 2010.
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  80. ^ "Sechs Monate für Hitlergruß" (in German). Die Zeit/dpa. 23 November 2007.
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  83. ^ Allert (2009), p. 94
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  115. ^ Dawn Trimble Bunyak (2005). Our Last Mission: A World War II Prisoner in Germany. University of Oklahoma Press. p. xix. ISBN 9780806137179.
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  • Allert, Tilman (2009). The Hitler Salute: On the Meaning of a Gesture. Translated by Jefferson Chase. Picador. ISBN 9780312428303.
  • Kershaw, Ian (1999). Hitler, 1889–1936: Hubris. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 0-393-04671-0.
  • Kershaw, Ian (2000). Hitler, 1936–45: Nemesis. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 9780393049947.
  • Kershaw, Ian (2001). The "Hitler Myth": Image and Reality in the Third Reich (2, reissue ed.). London: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780192802064.
  • Winkler, Martin M. (2009). The Roman Salute: Cinema, History, Ideology. Columbus: Ohio State University Press. ISBN 9780814208649.

External links

  •   Media related to Nazi salutes at Wikimedia Commons

nazi, salute, also, known, hitler, salute, german, hitlergruß, hitler, greeting, ˈhɪtlɐˌɡʁuːs, listen, also, called, nazi, party, deutscher, gruß, german, greeting, ˈdɔʏtʃɐ, ˈɡʁuːs, listen, sieg, heil, salute, gesture, that, used, greeting, nazi, germany, salu. The Nazi salute also known as the Hitler salute German Hitlergruss lit Hitler greeting IPA ˈhɪtlɐˌɡʁuːs listen 1 also called by the Nazi Party deutscher Gruss German greeting IPA ˈdɔʏtʃɐ ˈɡʁuːs listen 2 or the Sieg Heil salute is a gesture that was used as a greeting in Nazi Germany The salute is performed by extending the right arm from the shoulder into the air with a straightened hand Usually the person offering the salute would say Heil Hitler lit Hail Hitler IPA ˌhaɪl ˈhɪtlɐ listen 3 Heil mein Fuhrer Hail my leader or Sieg Heil Hail victory It was officially adopted by the Nazi Party in 1926 although it had been used within the party as early as 1921 4 to signal obedience to the party s leader Adolf Hitler and to glorify the German nation and later the German war effort The salute was mandatory for civilians 5 but mostly optional for military personnel who retained a traditional military salute until the failed assassination attempt on Hitler 6 on 20 July 1944 Members of the Hitler Youth in Berlin performing the Nazi salute at a rally in 1933 Use of this salute is illegal in modern day Germany Strafgesetzbuch section 86a and Austria Verbotsgesetz 1947 and is also considered a criminal offence in modern day Poland 7 and Slovakia 7 The use of any Nazi phrases associated with the salute is also forbidden 8 In Italy it is a criminal offence only if used with the intent to reinstate the defunct National Fascist Party or to exalt or promote its ideology or members 9 In Canada and most of Europe including the Czech Republic 10 France the Netherlands Sweden 7 Switzerland the United Kingdom Ukraine and Russia displaying the salute is not in itself a criminal offence but constitutes hate speech if used for propagating the Nazi ideology 11 12 7 Publicly performing the salute is also illegal in the Australian states of Tasmania and Victoria 13 Contents 1 Description 2 Origins and adoption 3 Nazi chants 4 From 1933 to 1945 4 1 Military use 4 2 Satiric responses 5 Post 1945 5 1 Incidents involving North American students 5 2 Ku Klux Klan 6 In popular culture 7 See also 8 References 9 External linksDescription Edit People performing the Nazi salute at the Harzburg Front rally in Bad Harzburg October 1931 Hitler used to answer the common salute with his modified version where his palm was parallel to the sky The salute was executed by extending the right arm stiff to an upward 45 angle and then straightening the hand so that it is parallel to the arm 14 Usually an utterance of Sieg Heil Heil Hitler or Heil accompanied the gesture If one saw an acquaintance at a distance it was enough to simply raise the right hand 14 If one encountered a superior one would also say Heil Hitler 14 If physical disability prevented raising the right arm it was acceptable to raise the left 15 Hitler and Hermann Goring first row left saluting at a 1928 Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg Hitler gave the salute in two ways When reviewing his troops or crowds he generally used the traditional stiff armed salute When greeting individuals who saluted he used a modified version of the salute bending his right arm at a 90 angle with the elbow facing forward while holding an open hand with the bottom of the palm facing towards those greeted at shoulder height and the face of the palm parallel with the sky It was also adopted by those with rank who would themselves be saluted 16 Origins and adoption EditSee also Roman salute The spoken greeting Heil became popular in the pan German movement around 1900 17 It was used by the followers of Georg Ritter von Schonerer head of the Austrian Alldeutsche Partei Pan German Party who considered himself leader of the Austrian Germans and who was described by Carl E Schorske as The strongest and most thoroughly consistent anti Semite that Austria produced before the coming of Hitler Hitler took both the Heil greeting which was popularly used in his hometown of Linz when he was a boy 18 and the title of Fuhrer for the head of the Nazi Party from Schonerer 17 19 whom he admired 20 The extended arm saluting gesture is believed to be based on an ancient Roman custom but no known Roman work of art depicts it nor does any extant Roman text describe it 21 Jacques Louis David s 1784 painting Oath of the Horatii displayed a raised arm salutatory gesture in an ancient Roman setting 22 23 24 The gesture and its identification with ancient Rome was advanced in other French neoclassic art 25 In 1892 Francis Bellamy introduced the American Pledge of Allegiance which was to be accompanied by a visually similar saluting gesture referred to as the Bellamy salute 26 notes 1 A raised arm gesture was then used in the 1899 American stage production of Ben Hur 27 and its 1907 film adaptation 28 The gesture was further elaborated upon in several early Italian films 29 Of special note was the 1914 silent film Cabiria whose screenplay had contributions from the Italian ultra nationalist Gabriele d Annunzio 30 arguably a forerunner of Italian Fascism 31 In 1919 when he led the occupation of Fiume d Annunzio used the style of salute depicted in the film as a neo Imperialist ritual and the Italian Fascist Party quickly adopted it 32 By autumn 1923 or perhaps as early as 1921 some members of the Nazi Party were using the rigid outstretched right arm salute to greet Hitler who responded by raising his own right hand crooked back at the elbow palm opened upwards in a gesture of acceptance 33 In 1926 the Nazi salute was made compulsory for all party members 34 It functioned as a display of commitment to the Party and a declaration of principle to the outside world 35 Gregor Strasser wrote in 1927 that the greeting in and of itself was a pledge of loyalty to Hitler as well as a symbol of personal dependence on the Fuhrer 36 Even so the drive to gain acceptance did not go unchallenged 35 Some party members questioned the legitimacy of the so called Roman salute employed by Fascist Italy as un Germanic 35 In response efforts were made to establish its pedigree by inventing a tradition after the fact 35 In June 1928 Rudolf Hess published an article titled The Fascist Greeting which claimed that the gesture was used in Germany as early as 1921 before the Nazis had heard about the Italian Fascists 37 He admits in the article The NSDAP s introduction of the raised arm greeting approximately two years ago still gets some people s blood boiling Its opponents suspect the greeting of being un Germanic They accuse it of merely aping the Italian Fascists 38 but goes on to ask and even if the decree from two years ago Hess order that all party members use it is seen as an adaption of the Fascist gesture is that really so terrible 38 Ian Kershaw points out that Hess did not deny the likely influence from Fascist Italy even if indeed the salute had been used sporadically in 1921 as Hess claimed 39 On the night of 3 January 1942 Hitler said of the origins of the salute 40 I made it the salute of the Party long after the Duce had adopted it I d read the description of the sitting of the Diet of Worms in the course of which Luther was greeted with the German salute It was to show him that he was not being confronted with arms but with peaceful intentions In the days of Frederick the Great people still saluted with their hats with pompous gestures In the Middle Ages the serfs humbly doffed their bonnets whilst the noblemen gave the German salute It was in the Ratskeller at Bremen about the year 1921 that I first saw this style of salute It must be regarded as a survival of an ancient custom which originally signified See I have no weapon in my hand I introduced the salute into the Party at our first meeting in Weimar The SS at once gave it a soldierly style It s from that moment that our opponents honored us with the epithet dogs of Fascists Adolf Hitler Hitler s Table TalkNazi chants Edit A mass Sieg Heil during a rally in the Tempelhof Schoneberg district of Berlin in 1935 Nazi chants like Heil Hitler and Sieg Heil were prevalent across Nazi Germany sprouting in mass rallies and even regular greetings alike In Nazi Germany the Nazi chants Heil Hitler and Sieg Heil were the formulas used by the regime when meeting someone it was customary to greet with the words Heil Hitler while Sieg Heil was a verbal salute used at mass rallies Specifically to the cry of an officer of the word Sieg victory the crowd responded with Heil hail 41 For example at the 1934 Nuremberg Rally Rudolf Hess ended his climactic speech with the words The Party is Hitler But Hitler is Germany just as Germany is Hitler Hitler Sieg Heil 42 At his total war speech delivered in 1943 audiences shouted Sieg Heil as Joseph Goebbels solicited from them a kind of plebiscitary Ja to total war 43 ja meaning yes in German On 11 March 1945 less than two months before the capitulation of Nazi Germany a memorial for the dead of the war was held in Marktschellenberg a small town near Hitler s Berghof residence 44 The British historian Ian Kershaw remarks that the power of the Fuhrer cult and the Hitler Myth had vanished which is evident from this report When the leader of the Wehrmacht unit at the end of his speech called for a Sieg Heil for the Fuhrer it was returned neither by the Wehrmacht present nor by the Volkssturm nor by the spectators of the civilian population who had turned up This silence of the masses probably reflects better than anything else the attitudes of the population 44 The Swing Youth German Swingjugend were a group of middle class teenagers who consciously separated themselves from Nazism and its culture greeting each other with Swing Heil and addressing one another as old hot boy 45 This playful behaviour was dangerous for participants in the subculture on 2 January 1942 Heinrich Himmler ordered that the leaders be put in concentration camps to be drilled and beaten 45 The form Heil mein Fuhrer Hail my Leader was for direct address to Hitler 46 while Sieg Heil was repeated as a chant on public occasions 46 Written communications would be concluded with either mit deutschem Gruss with German regards or with Heil Hitler 47 In correspondence with high ranking Nazi officials letters were usually signed with Heil Hitler 48 From 1933 to 1945 Edit Enamel sign with the note The German greets Hail Hitler Der Deutsche grusst Heil Hitler Under a decree issued by Reich Minister of the Interior Wilhelm Frick on 13 July 1933 one day before the ban on all non Nazi parties all German public employees were required to use the salute 5 The decree also required the salute during the singing of the national anthem and the Horst Wessel Lied 5 It stipulated that anyone not wishing to come under suspicion of behaving in a consciously negative fashion will therefore render the Hitler Greeting 5 and its use quickly spread as people attempted to avoid being labelled as a dissident 49 A rider to the decree added two weeks later stipulated that if physical disability prevented raising of the right arm then it is correct to carry out the Greeting with the left arm 15 On 27 September prison inmates were forbidden to use the salute 50 as were Jews by 1937 51 By the end of 1934 special courts were established to punish those who refused to salute 52 Offenders such as Protestant preacher Paul Schneider faced the possibility of being sent to a concentration camp 52 Foreigners were not exempt from intimidation if they refused to salute For example the Portuguese Consul General was beaten by members of the Sturmabteilung for remaining seated in a car and not saluting a procession in Hamburg 53 Reactions to inappropriate use were not merely violent but sometimes bizarre 54 For example a memo dated 23 July 1934 sent to local police stations stated There have been reports of traveling vaudeville performers training their monkeys to give the German Greeting see to it that said animals are destroyed 54 Ten and eleven year old Berlin schoolchildren 1934 The salute was a regular gesture in German schools Fritz Schilgen carrying the Olympic torch at the Berlin Olympic Stadium with the public giving the Nazi salute in the background The salute soon became part of everyday life a historically unique phenomenon that politicised all communication in Germany for twelve years superseding all prior forms of greeting such as Gruss Gott Hello Guten Tag Good day and Auf Wiederseh e n Goodbye 55 Postmen used the greeting when they knocked on people s doors to deliver packages or letters 55 Small metal signs that reminded people to use the Hitler salute were displayed in public squares and on telephone poles and street lights throughout Germany 56 Department store clerks greeted customers with Heil Hitler how may I help you 55 Dinner guests brought glasses etched with the words Heil Hitler as house gifts 55 The salute was required of all persons passing the Feldherrnhalle in Munich site of the climax of the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch which the government had made into a shrine to the Nazi dead so many pedestrians avoided this mandate by detouring through the small Viscardigasse behind that the passage acquired the nickname Dodgers Alley Druckebergergasse 57 The daughter of the American Ambassador to Germany Martha Dodd describes the first time she saw the salute The first time I met von Ribbentrop was at a luncheon we gave at the Embassy He was tall and slender with a vague blond handsomeness Outstanding among all the guests Ribbentrop arrived in Nazi uniform Most Nazis came to diplomatic functions in ordinary suits unless the affair was extremely formal His manner of shaking hands was an elaborate ceremony in itself He held out his hand then retreated and held your hand at arm s length lowered his arm stiffly by his side then raised the arm swiftly in a Nazi salute just barely missing your nose All the time he was staring at you with such intensity you were wondering what new sort of mesmerism he thought he was effecting The whole ritual was performed with such self conscious dignity and in such silence that hardly a word was whispered while Ribbentrop made his exhibitionistic acquaintance with the guests present To me the procedure was so ridiculous I could scarcely keep a straight face 58 Children were indoctrinated at an early age 59 Kindergarten children were taught to raise their hand to the proper height by hanging their lunch bags across the raised arm of their teacher 59 At the beginning of first grade primers was a lesson on how to use the greeting 59 The greeting found its way into fairy tales including classics like Sleeping Beauty 59 Students and teachers would salute each other at the beginning and end of the school day between classes or whenever an adult entered the classroom 60 In 1935 at the end of Hans Spemann s acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize he gave a Nazi salute 61 Some athletes used the Nazi salute in the opening ceremony of the 1936 Berlin Olympics as they passed by Hitler in the reviewing stand 62 This was done by delegates from Afghanistan Bermuda Bulgaria Bolivia France Greece Iceland Italy and Turkey 62 The Bulgarian athletes performed the Nazi salute and broke into a goose step 62 Turkish athletes maintained the salute all around the track 63 There is some confusion over the use of the salute since the stiff arm Nazi salute could have been mistaken for an Olympic salute with the right arm held out at a slight angle to the right from the shoulder 62 According to the American sports writer Jeremy Schaap only half of the athletes from Austria performed a Nazi salute while the other half gave an Olympic salute According to the historian Richard Mandell there are conflicting reports on whether athletes from France performed a Nazi salute or an Olympic Salute 63 In football the England football team bowed to pressure from the British Foreign Office and performed the salute during a friendly match on 14 May 1938 64 Jehovah s Witnesses came into conflict with the Nazi regime because they refused to salute Adolf Hitler with the Nazi salute believing that it conflicted with their worship of God Because refusing to salute Hitler was considered a crime Jehovah s Witnesses were arrested and their children attending school were expelled detained and separated from their families 65 Military use Edit Karl Donitz and Wehrmacht performing Nazi salute 1941 The Wehrmacht refused to adopt the Hitler salute officially and was able for a time to maintain its customs 66 A compromise edict from the Reich Defense Ministry issued on 19 September 1933 required the Hitler salute of soldiers and uniformed civil servants while singing the Horst Wessel Lied and national anthem and in non military encounters both within and outside the Wehrmacht for example when greeting members of the civilian government At all other times they were permitted to use their traditional salutes 66 However according to pre Nazi Reichswehr and Wehrmacht protocol the traditional military salute was prohibited when the saluting soldier was not wearing a uniform headgear helmet or cap Because of this all bareheaded salutes used the Nazi salute making it de facto mandatory in most situations 67 Full adoption of the Hitler salute by the military was discussed in January 1944 at a conference regarding traditions in the military at Hitler s headquarters Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel head of the Armed Forces had expressed a desire to standardize the salute across all organizations in Germany 68 On 23 July 1944 several days after the failed assassination attempt Goebbels suggested to Hitler that the military be ordered to fully adopt the Hitler salute as a show of loyalty since Army officers had been responsible for the assassination attempt 69 70 Hitler approved the suggestion without emotion and the order went into effect on 24 July 1944 69 70 On the night of 3 January 1942 Hitler stated the following about the compromise edict of 1933 40 I imposed the German salute for the following reason I d given orders at the beginning that in the Army I should not be greeted with the German salute But many people forgot Fritsch drew his conclusions and punished all who forgot to give me the military salute with fourteen days confinement to barracks I in turn drew my conclusions and introduced the German salute likewise into the Army Adolf Hitler Hitler s Table Talk Satiric responses Edit Despite indoctrination and punishment the salute was ridiculed by some people Since heil is also the imperative of the German verb heilen to heal a common joke in Nazi Germany was to reply with Is he sick Am I a doctor or You heal him 71 Jokes were also made by distorting the phrase For example Heil Hitler might become Ein Liter One liter 71 or Drei Liter Three Liter 72 Cabaret performer Karl Valentin would quip It s lucky that Hitler s name wasn t Krauter Otherwise we d have to go around yelling Heilkrauter medicinal herbs 71 Similar puns were made involving bronn rendering Heilbronn the name of a German city and butt rendering Heilbutt the German word for halibut Millions stand behind me John Heartfield photomontage Satirical use of the salute dates back to anti Nazi propaganda in Germany before 1933 In 1932 photomontage artist John Heartfield used Hitler s modified version with the hand bent over the shoulder in a poster that linked Hitler to Big Business A giant figure representing right wing capitalists stands behind Hitler placing money in his hand suggesting backhand donations The caption is the meaning of the Hitler salute and Millions stand behind me 73 Heartfield was forced to flee in 1933 after the Nazi seizure of power in Germany Another example is a cartoon by New Zealand political cartoonist David Low mocking the Night of the Long Knives Run in the Evening Standard on 3 July 1934 it shows Hitler with a smoking gun grimacing at terrified SA men with their hands up The caption reads They salute with both hands now 74 When Achille Starace proposed that Italians should write Evviva Il Duce in letters Mussolini wrote an editorial in Il Popolo d Italia mocking the idea 75 Post 1945 EditToday in Germany Nazi salutes in written form vocally and even straight extending the right arm as a saluting gesture with or without the phrase are illegal 76 77 The offence is punishable by up to three years in prison Strafgesetzbuch section 86a 77 78 Usage for art teaching and science is allowed unless the existence of an insult results from the form of the utterance or the circumstances under which it occurred 78 Use of the salute or any phrases associated with the salute has also been illegal in Austria since the end of World War II In Germany usage that is ironic and clearly critical of the Hitler Greeting is exempt which has led to legal debates as to what constitutes ironic use 79 One case involved Prince Ernst August of Hanover who was brought to court after using the gesture as a commentary on the behavior of an unduly zealous airport baggage inspector 79 On 23 November 2007 the Amtsgericht Cottbus sentenced Horst Mahler to six months of imprisonment without parole for having according to his own claims ironically performed the Hitler salute when reporting to prison for a nine month term a year earlier 80 The following month a pensioner named Roland T was given a prison term of five months for amongst other things training his dog Adolf to raise his right paw in a Nazi salute every time the command Heil Hitler was uttered 81 The Supreme Court of Switzerland ruled in 2014 that Nazi salutes do not breach hate crime laws if expressed as one s personal opinion but only if they are used in attempt to propagate Nazi ideology 11 12 Modified versions of the salute are sometimes used by neo Nazis One such version is the so called Kuhnen salute with extended thumb index and middle finger which is also a criminal offence in Germany 82 In written correspondence the number 88 is sometimes used by some neo Nazis as a substitute for Heil Hitler H as the eighth letter of the alphabet 83 Swiss neo Nazis were reported to use a variant of the Kuhnengruss though extending one s right arm over their head and extending said three fingers has a different historical source for Switzerland as the first three Eidgenossen or confederates are often depicted with this motion Hezbollah supporters in Lebanon often raise their arms in a Nazi style salute 84 85 The Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging a South African neo Nazi organization known for its militant advocacy of white separatism 86 87 has espoused brown uniforms as well as Nazi German esque flags insignia and salutes at meetings and public rallies 88 Hundreds of supporters in 2010 delivered straight arm salutes outside the funeral for AWB leader Eugene Terre Blanche who was murdered by two black farm workers over an alleged wage dispute 89 90 On 28 May 2012 BBC current affairs programme Panorama examined the issues of racism antisemitism and football hooliganism which it claimed were prevalent among Polish and Ukrainian football supporters The two countries hosted the international football competition UEFA Euro 2012 91 On 16 March 2013 Greek footballer Giorgos Katidis of AEK Athens F C was handed a life ban from the Greek national team for performing the salute after scoring a goal against Veria F C in Athens Olympic Stadium 92 On 18 July 2015 The Sun published an image of the British Royal Family from private film shot in 1933 or 1934 showing Princess Elizabeth the future Queen then a young girl and the Queen Mother both performing a Nazi salute accompanied by Edward VIII taken from 17 seconds of home footage also released by The Sun 93 The footage ignited controversy in the UK 94 and there have been questions as to whether the release of this footage was appropriate 95 Buckingham Palace described the release of this footage as disappointing 96 and considered pursuing legal action against The Sun 97 whereas Stig Abell managing director of The Sun said that the footage was a matter of national historical significance to explore what was going on in the 1930s ahead of the Second World War Abell responded to criticism by assuring that The Sun was not suggesting anything improper on the part of the Queen or indeed the Queen Mum 98 A far right protestor gives the Nazi salute at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville during 2017 American white supremacist Richard B Spencer drew considerable media attention in the weeks following the 2016 U S presidential election where at a National Policy Institute conference he quoted from Nazi propaganda and denounced Jews 99 In response to his cry Hail Trump hail our people hail victory a number of his supporters gave the Nazi salute and chanted in a similar fashion to the Sieg Heil chant 100 101 CNN fired political commentator Jeffrey Lord on 10 August 2017 after he tweeted Sieg Heil to Angelo Carusone president of Media Matters for America suggesting Carusone was a fascist 102 103 104 In August 2021 a Michigan man named Paul Marcum gave the Nazi salute during a dispute over mask mandates and was fired from his job as a tennis instructor after Birmingham Public Schools announced that it would not tolerate any acts of racism disrespect violence or inequitable treatment of any person 105 Incidents involving North American students Edit On January 31 2017 multiple students at Cypress Ranch High School in Cypress Texas performed both the raised fist salute and the Nazi salute in its Class Of 2017 photo The photo was then sent from one of the students to six other students by message and claiming that some females held the fist while some white males raised the Nazi salute The incident was reported to the Cypress Fairbanks Independent School District saying that they are extremely disappointed with the actions and later made a statement on the district understanding the serious nature of the incident and appropriate action has been taken at one of its campuses 106 In May 2018 students at Baraboo High School in Baraboo Wisconsin appeared to perform a Nazi salute in a photograph taken before their junior prom The image went viral on social media six months later sparking outrage The school decided the students could not be punished because of their First Amendment rights 107 108 In November 2018 a group of students of Pacifica High School of Garden Grove Unified School District in California was shown in a video giving the Nazi salute and singing Erika The incident took place at an after hours off campus student athletics banquet The school administration did not learn about the incident until March 2019 at which time the students were disciplined The school did not release details of what the discipline entailed but released a statement saying that they would continue to deal with the incident in collaboration with agencies dedicated to anti bias education 109 On 20 August 2019 the school district announced that it was reopening the investigation into the incident because new photographs and another video has surfaced of the event along with new allegations and new claims Parents and teachers criticized the school s administration for their initial secrecy about the incident for which the school s principal apologized 110 In March 2019 students from Newport Beach California attending a private party made a swastika from red and white plastic party cups and gave Nazi salutes over it Some of the students may have been from Newport Harbor High School of Newport Mesa Unified School District a very large district that encompasses 58 square miles and includes the cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa Officials from the district condemned the students behavior and said they were working with law enforcement to collect information on the incident 111 On February 1 2022 one of the pupils from Charles H Best Middle School in North York a district in Toronto Ontario Canada performed a Nazi salute to a Jewish student while another who allegedly built a swastika which led the Toronto District School Board to launch an investigation and condemnation by the Simon Wiesenthal Center 112 Ku Klux Klan Edit Among other gestures used by the Ku Klux Klan the Klan salute is similar to the Nazi salute the difference being that it is performed using the left arm and not the right and that often the fingers of the hand are splayed and not held tightly together The four fingers represent the four Ks in Knights of the Ku Klux Klan According to the Anti Defamation League the Klan salute dates to 1915 113 In popular culture EditIn a running gag in Hogan s Heroes Colonel Klink often forgets to give the Hitler salute at the end of a phone call instead he usually asks What s that and then says Yes of course Heil Hitler 114 In the German language version of the show called Ein Kafig voller Helden A Cage Full of Heroes Col Klink and Sgt Schultz have rural Gomer Pyle type accents and stiff armed salutes are accompanied by such witticisms as this is how high the cornflowers grow 115 The Heil Hitler greeting was the variant most often used and associated with the series Sieg Heil was rarely heard A related gesture was used by the fictional Nazi affiliated organization Hydra from Marvel Comics with both arms outstretched clenched fists and the phrase Hail Hydra uttered by members of the organization 116 On the American animated TV sitcom Family Guy a Cheesie Charlie s worker dressed up as a devil welcomed both Peter and Chris to the dungeon who performs the Nazi salute shortly after welcoming the two characters Season 1 Episode 3 Chitty Chitty Death Bang first broadcast April 18 1999 In another episode a previously appearing unnamed character Quahog s town librarian is drafted by a committee of townspeople to run for mayor None of them knows her name and she introduces herself as Elle Hitler no relation she says and they all stand extend their arms to salute her with their drinks and say Hi Elle Hitler Season 19 Episode 7 Wild Wild West first broadcast November 22 2020 See also EditAve Bellamy salute Bras d honneur Heil og sael Quenelle gesture Raised fist Roman salute Zogist salute Wolf saluteReferences EditInformational notes Because of the resemblance between the American Bellamy salute and the Nazi salute it was replaced in 1942 by a hand over the heart gesture to be used by civilians during the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem See Bishop Ronald 2007 A Case of First Impression Taking on the Pledge of Allegiance The News Media and Michael Newdow s Constitutional Challenge Albany New York SUNY Press p 27 ISBN 9780791471814 Ellis Richard 2005 To the Flag The Unlikely History of the Pledge of Allegiance Lawrence Kansas University Press of Kansas pp 116 118 ISBN 9780700613724 Citations Determinative compound Hitlergruss Hitler see Krech Stock Hirschfeld Deutsches Ausspracheworterbuch Walter de Gruyter 2009 p 587 IPA ˈhɪtlɐ Gruss hear Duden Gruss and see Krech Stock Hirschfeld Deutsches Ausspracheworterbuch Walter de Gruyter 2009 p 557 IPA ɡʁuːs Pronunciation wordcombination Deutscher Gruss deutscher see Duden Deutscher noun and adjective have same pronunciation IPA ˈdɔʏtʃɐ Gruss hear Duden Gruss and see Krech Stock Hirschfeld Deutsches Ausspracheworterbuch Walter de Gruyter 2009 p 557 IPA ɡʁuːs emphasis compare Duden Englische Gruss gt secondary stress on first syllable main stress on second word same with Deutscher Gruss Pronunciation word combination Heil Hitler heil hear Duden heil and see Krech Stock Hirschfeld Deutsches Ausspracheworterbuch Walter de Gruyter 2009 p 574 IPA haɪl remark Krech Stock Hirschfeld are always using ae Transcription for ei and ai sounds standard transcription IPA haɪl Hitler see Krech Stock Hirschfeld Deutsches Ausspracheworterbuch Walter de Gruyter 2009 p 587 IPA ˈhɪtlɐ emphasis compare Heil Hitler two speakers gt secondary stress on first syllable main stress on first syllable of second word Albrecht Tyrell Hrsg Fuhrer befiehl Selbstzeugnisse aus der Kampfzeit der NSDAP Grondrom Verlag Bindlach 1991 S 129 f a b c d Kershaw 2001 p 60 Buchner Alex 1991 German Infantry Handbook 1939 1945 Organization Uniforms Weapons Equipment Operations Schipper Publishing ISBN 978 0 88740 284 5 a b c d Sehmer Alexander 20 July 2015 Countries where Nazi salute is illegal The Times of India Archived from the original on 23 July 2015 Retrieved 14 June 2018 German gig shut down by police after crowd chants Nazi slogan sieg heil Sky News Saluto fascista la Cassazione Non e reato se commemorativo e conferma due assoluzioni a Milano Fascist salute Supreme Court of Cassation Not a crime if memorial and confirms two acquittals in Milan La Repubblica in Italian Milan 20 February 2018 Retrieved 3 January 2020 Hajloval Hrozi mu tri roky vezeni Denik in Czech Retrieved 19 October 2016 a b O Dea Claire 21 May 2014 Hitler salute ruled not always illegal Swissinfo ch Retrieved 27 May 2014 a b Swiss court rules that Nazi salute may be personal statement not racism The Guardian Geneva Associated Press 21 May 2014 Retrieved 27 May 2014 https www theadvocate com au story 8140173 modern tasmania quick to condemn nazi partys hitler salute a b c Grunberger Richard 1995 The 12 year Reich a social history of Nazi Germany 1933 1945 Da Capo Press ISBN 9780306806605 a b Kershaw 2001 Knickerbocker H R 2008 Is Tomorrow Hitler s 200 Questions on the Battle of Mankind reprint ed Kessinger Publishing p 5 ISBN 9781417992775 a b Mommsen Hans 2003 The Third Reich Between Vision and Reality New Perspectives on German History 1918 1945 German Historical Perspectives Vol 12 Berg Publishers p 28 ISBN 9781859736272 Fest Joachim C 1973 Hitler Translated by Richard and Clara Winston New York Vintage p 36 ISBN 0 394 72023 7 Kershaw 1999 pp 34 35 Ullrich Volker 2016 Hitler Ascent 1889 1939 Translated by Jefferson Chase New York Vintage p 35 ISBN 978 1 101 87205 5 Winkler 2009 p 2 Winkler 2009 p 55 The raised arm first stretched out as a symbol of righteous fervor as the Horatii evince it and later as a symbol of political allegiance and religious political unity between a people and its leader becomes an important part of the iconography of new societies In addition to its specific contemporary use the gesture comes to express in a fashion that appears timeless and even mystical an appeal to a higher being and to a heroic ancient past that had served as a model for most of Western civilization for centuries although often in ways not supported by historical fact David s Oath of the Horatii provided the starting point for an arresting gesture that progressed from oath taking to what will become known as the Roman salute Winkler 2009 pp 42 44 Boime Albert 1987 Art in an age of revolution 1750 1800 Social history of modern art Vol 1 University of Chicago Press pp 400 401 ISBN 9780226063348 Boime states The brothers stretch out their arms in a salute that has since become associated with tyranny The Hail Caesar of antiquity although at the time of the Horatti a Caesar had yet to be born was transformed into the Heil Hitler of the modern period The fraternal intimacy brought about by the Horatii s dedication to absolute principles of victory or death is closely related to the establishment of the fraternal order In the total commitment or blind obedience of a single exclusive group lies the potentiality of the authoritarian state Winkler 2009 pp 40 50 51 Winkler 2009 p 57 Winkler 2009 pp 70 72 74 Winkler 2009 p 83 Winkler 2009 pp 85 90 Winkler 2009 p 94 Ledeen Michael A 2001 Preface to D Annunzio the First Duce New York Routledge ISBN 978 0765807427 Falasca Zamponi Simonetta 2000 Fascist spectacle the aesthetics of power in Mussolini s Italy Studies on the history of society and culture Vol 28 University of California Press pp 110 113 ISBN 9780520226777 Evans Richard J 2005 The Rize of Nazism The Coming of the Third Reich Penguin Group pp 184 185 ISBN 9780143034698 Kershaw Ian 2001 The Hitler Myth Image and Reality in the Third Reich Oxford University Press p 26 ISBN 978 0192802064 a b c d Allert 2009 p 55 Kershaw 1998 p 294 Allert 2009 pp 55 56 a b Allert 2009 p 56 Kershaw 1999 pp 294 689 a b Hitler Adolf 2000 Bormann Martin ed Hitler s Table Talk 1941 1944 trans Cameron Norman Stevens R H Preface and Introduction The Mind of Adolf Hitler by H R Trevor Roper 3rd ed London Enigma Books pp 172 173 ISBN 1 929631 05 7 Allert 2009 p 32 Kershaw 2001 p 69 Kershaw 2000 pp 561 562 a b Kershaw 2000 p 766 a b Willett Ralph May 1989 Hot Swing and the Dissolute Life Youth Style and Popular Music in Europe 1939 49 Popular Music Cambridge University Press 8 2 161 doi 10 1017 s0261143000003342 JSTOR 853465 S2CID 162509772 a b Lepage Jean Denis G G 2008 Hitler Youth 1922 1945 An Illustrated History McFarland p 70 ISBN 9780786439355 Allert 2009 p 15 Klee Kulturlexikon S 227 Evans Richard J 2005 The Third Reich in Power New York Penguin p 45 ISBN 0 14 303790 0 Staff 27 September 1933 Nazi Salute Banned in Prisons The New York Times p 12 Retrieved 26 February 2010 Allert 2009 p 51 a b Allert 2009 p 61 Shore Zachary 2003 What Hitler knew the battle for information in Nazi foreign policy Oxford University Press US p 33 ISBN 9780195154597 a b Allert 2009 p 60 a b c d Allert 2009 p 33 Allert 2009 p 34 Feldherrnhalle Field Marshal s Hall Odeonsplatz 2007 Archived from the original on 6 December 2010 Allert 2009 a b c d Allert 2009 p 35 Allert 2009 p 38 Emling Shelley Marie Curie and Her Daughters The Private Lives of Science s First Family Pg 146 United Kingdom St Martin s Publishing Group 2012 a b c d Schaap Jeremy 2007 Triumph the untold story of Jesse Owens and Hitler s Olympics Houghton Mifflin Harcourt pp 163 166 ISBN 9780618688227 a b Mandell Richard D 1987 The Nazi Olympics Sports and Society Champaign Illinois University of Illinois Press p 149 ISBN 9780252013256 Football fascism and England s Nazi salute BBC Magazine 22 September 2003 King Christine Leadership Lessons from History Jehovah s Witnesses The 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Nazi marching song CNN Hanna Jason Meeks Alexandra and Vera Amir 21 August 2019 California school reopens an investigation of a Nazi salute video saying other images have emerged CNN Chiu Allyson 5 March 2019 Nazi salutes and a swastika made of red cups Newport Beach students condemned for abhorrent anti Semitic activity The Washington Post CityNews Staff ndg Ku Klux Klan hand sign Anti Defamation League Hogan s Heroes TV Series 1965 1971 IMDb Dawn Trimble Bunyak 2005 Our Last Mission A World War II Prisoner in Germany University of Oklahoma Press p xix ISBN 9780806137179 Peters Megan 5 September 2017 Marvel Trademarks The Phrase Hail Hydra After Website Controversy Marvel Retrieved 2 October 2019 Bibliography Allert Tilman 2009 The Hitler Salute On the Meaning of a Gesture Translated by Jefferson Chase Picador ISBN 9780312428303 Kershaw Ian 1999 Hitler 1889 1936 Hubris New York W W Norton amp Company ISBN 0 393 04671 0 Kershaw Ian 2000 Hitler 1936 45 Nemesis New York W W Norton amp Company ISBN 9780393049947 Kershaw Ian 2001 The Hitler Myth Image and Reality in the Third Reich 2 reissue ed London Oxford University Press ISBN 9780192802064 Winkler Martin M 2009 The Roman Salute Cinema History Ideology Columbus Ohio State University Press ISBN 9780814208649 External links Edit Media related to Nazi salutes at Wikimedia Commons Portal Germany Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Nazi salute amp oldid 1153559026, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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