
Sublime (philosophy)

In aesthetics, the sublime (from the Latin sublīmis) is the quality of greatness, whether physical, moral, intellectual, metaphysical, aesthetic, spiritual, or artistic. The term especially refers to a greatness beyond all possibility of calculation, measurement, or imitation.

Caspar David Friedrich, Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, 1817, Kunsthalle Hamburg. Romantic artists during the 19th century used the epic of nature as an expression of the sublime.

Since its first application in the field of rhetoric and drama in ancient Greece it became an important concept not just in philosophical aesthetics but also in literary theory and art history.[1]

Ancient philosophy Edit

The first known study of the sublime is ascribed to Longinus: Peri Hupsous/Hypsous or On the Sublime. This is thought to have been written in the 1st century AD though its origin and authorship are uncertain. For Longinus, the sublime is an adjective that describes great, elevated, or lofty thought or language, particularly in the context of rhetoric. As such, the sublime inspires awe and veneration, with greater persuasive powers. Longinus' treatise is also notable for referring not only to Greek authors such as Homer, but also to biblical sources such as Genesis.

This treatise was rediscovered in the 16th century, and its subsequent impact on aesthetics is usually attributed to its translation into French by linguist Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux in 1674. Later the treatise was translated into English by John Pultney in 1680, Leonard Welsted in 1712, and William Smith in 1739 whose translation had its fifth edition in 1800.

Modern philosophy Edit

The concept of the sublime emerged in Europe with the birth of literary criticism in the late 17th century.[2] It was associated with the works of the French writers Pierre Corneille, Jean-Baptiste Racine, Jean-Baptiste l'Abbé Dubos, and Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux.[2]

British philosophy Edit

Hahnen, Swiss Alps. British writers, taking the Grand Tour in the 17th and 18th centuries, first used the sublime to describe objects of nature.

In Britain, the development of the concept of the sublime as an aesthetic quality in nature distinct from beauty was brought into prominence in the 18th century in the writings of Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury and John Dennis. These authors expressed an appreciation of the fearful and irregular forms of external nature, and Joseph Addison's synthesis of concepts of the sublime in his The Spectator, and later the Pleasures of the Imagination. All three Englishmen had, within the span of several years, made the journey across the Alps and commented in their writings of the horrors and harmony of the experience, expressing a contrast of aesthetic qualities.[3]

John Dennis was the first to publish his comments in a journal letter published as Miscellanies in 1693, giving an account of crossing the Alps where, contrary to his prior feelings for the beauty of nature as a "delight that is consistent with reason", the experience of the journey was at once a pleasure to the eye as music is to the ear, but "mingled with Horrours, and sometimes almost with despair".[4] Shaftesbury had made the journey two years prior to Dennis but did not publish his comments until 1709 in the Moralists. His comments on the experience also reflected pleasure and repulsion, citing a "wasted mountain" that showed itself to the world as a "noble ruin" (Part III, Sec. 1, 390–91), but his concept of the sublime in relation to beauty was one of degree rather than the sharp contradistinction that Dennis developed into a new form of literary criticism. Shaftesbury's writings reflect more of a regard for the awe of the infinity of space ("Space astonishes" referring to the Alps), where the sublime was not an aesthetic quality in opposition to beauty, but a quality of a grander and higher importance than beauty. In referring to the Earth as a "Mansion-Globe" and "Man-Container" Shaftsbury writes "How narrow then must it appear compar'd with the capacious System of its own Sun...tho animated with a sublime Celestial Spirit...." (Part III, sec. 1, 373).[5]

Joseph Addison embarked on the Grand Tour in 1699 and commented in Remarks on Several Parts of Italy etc. that "The Alps fill the mind with an agreeable kind of horror".[6] The significance of Addison's concept of the sublime is that the three pleasures of the imagination that he identified—greatness, uncommonness, and beauty—"arise from visible objects"; that is, from sight rather than from rhetoric. It is also notable that in writing on the "Sublime in external Nature", he does not use the term "sublime" but uses semi-synonymous terms such as "unbounded", "unlimited", "spacious", "greatness", and on occasion terms denoting excess.[4]

The British description of the sublime has been described as distinct from the Kantian conceptualization, which emphasized a detachment of aesthetic judgment.[7] The British tradition is noted for its rejection of the idea that aesthetic judgment and ethical conduct are not connected. One of its positions holds that the affective register of the sublime is not divorced from the standards that govern human conduct and that it does not transcend ethical conduct.

Edmund Burke Edit

Addison's notion of greatness was integral to the concept of sublimity. An object of art could be beautiful yet it could not possess greatness. His Pleasures of the Imagination, as well as Mark Akenside's Pleasures of the Imagination of 1744 and Edward Young's poem Night Thoughts of 1745 are generally considered the starting points for Edmund Burke's analysis of sublimity.

Edmund Burke developed his conception of sublimity in A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful of 1756.[4] Burke was the first philosopher to argue that sublimity and beauty are mutually exclusive. The dichotomy that Burke articulated is not as simple as Dennis' opposition, and is antithetical in the same degree as light and darkness. Light may accentuate beauty, but either great light or darkness, i. e., the absence of light, is sublime to the extent that it can annihilate vision of the object in question. What is "dark, uncertain, and confused"[8] moves the imagination to awe and a degree of horror. While the relationship of sublimity and beauty is one of mutual exclusivity, either can provide pleasure. Sublimity may evoke horror, but knowledge that the perception is a fiction is pleasureful.[9]

Burke's concept of sublimity was an antithetical contrast to the classical conception of the aesthetic quality of beauty being the pleasurable experience that Plato described in several of his dialogues, e. g. Philebus, Ion, Hippias Major, and Symposium, and suggested that ugliness is an aesthetic quality in its capacity to instill intense emotions, ultimately providing pleasure.[10] For Aristotle, the function of artistic forms was to instill pleasure, and he first pondered the problem that an object of art representing ugliness produces "pain." Aristotle's detailed analysis of this problem involved his study of tragic literature and its paradoxical nature as both shocking and having poetic value.[11] The classical notion of ugliness prior to Edmund Burke, most notably described in the works of Saint Augustine of Hippo, denoted it as the absence of form and therefore as a degree of non-existence. For St. Augustine, beauty is the result of the benevolence and goodness of God in His creation, and as a category it had no opposite. Because ugliness lacks any attributive value, it is formless due to the absence of beauty.[12]

Burke's treatise is also notable for focusing on the physiological effects of sublimity, in particular the dual emotional quality of fear and attraction that other authors noted. Burke described the sensation attributed to sublimity as a negative pain, which he denominated "delight" and which is distinct from positive pleasure. "Delight" is thought to result from the removal of pain, caused by confronting a sublime object, and supposedly is more intense than positive pleasure. Though Burke's explanations for the physiological effects of sublimity, e. g. tension resulting from eye strain, were not seriously considered by later authors, his empirical method of reporting his own psychological experience was more influential, especially in contrast to the analysis of Immanuel Kant. Burke is also distinguished from Kant in his emphasis on the subject's realization of his physical limitations rather than any supposed sense of moral or spiritual transcendence.[13]

German philosophy Edit

Immanuel Kant Edit

Viviano Codazzi: Rendition of St. Peter's Square, Rome, dated 1630. Kant referred to St. Peter's as "splendid", a term he used for objects producing feeling for both the beautiful and the sublime.

Immanuel Kant, in 1764, made an attempt to record his thoughts on the observing subject's mental state in Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime. He held that the sublime was of three kinds: the noble, the splendid, and the terrifying.

In his Critique of Judgment (1790),[14] Kant officially says that there are two forms of the sublime, the mathematical and the dynamical, although some commentators hold that there is a third form, the moral sublime, a hold-over from the earlier "noble" sublime.[15] Kant claims, "We call that sublime which is absolutely great"(§ 25). He distinguishes between the "remarkable differences" of the Beautiful and the Sublime, noting that beauty "is connected with the form of the object", having "boundaries", while the sublime "is to be found in a formless object", represented by a "boundlessness" (§ 23). Kant evidently divides the sublime into the mathematical and the dynamical, where in the mathematical "aesthetical comprehension" is not a consciousness of a mere greater unit, but the notion of absolute greatness not inhibited with ideas of limitations (§ 27). The dynamically sublime is "nature considered in an aesthetic judgment as might that has no dominion over us", and an object can create a fearfulness "without being afraid of it" (§ 28). He considers both the beautiful and the sublime as "indefinite" concepts, but where beauty relates to the "Understanding", sublime is a concept belonging to "Reason", and "shows a faculty of the mind surpassing every standard of Sense" (§ 25). For Kant, one's inability to grasp the magnitude of a sublime event such as an earthquake demonstrates inadequacy of one's sensibility and imagination. Simultaneously, one's ability to subsequently identify such an event as singular and whole indicates the superiority of one's cognitive, supersensible powers. Ultimately, it is this "supersensible substrate," underlying both nature and thought, on which true sublimity is located.[16]

Arthur Schopenhauer Edit

To clarify the concept of the feeling of the sublime, Arthur Schopenhauer listed examples of its transition from the beautiful to the most sublime. This can be found in the first volume of his The World as Will and Representation, § 39.

For him, the feeling of the beautiful is in seeing an object that invites the observer to transcend individuality, and simply observe the idea underlying the object. The feeling of the sublime, however, is when the object does not invite such contemplation but instead is an overpowering or vast malignant object of great magnitude, one that could destroy the observer.

  • Feeling of Beauty – Light is reflected off a flower. (Pleasure from a mere perception of an object that cannot hurt observer).
  • Weakest Feeling of Sublime – Light reflected off stones. (Pleasure from beholding objects that pose no threat, objects devoid of life).
  • Weaker Feeling of Sublime – Endless desert with no movement. (Pleasure from seeing objects that could not sustain the life of the observer).
  • Sublime – Turbulent Nature. (Pleasure from perceiving objects that threaten to hurt or destroy observer).
  • Full Feeling of Sublime – Overpowering turbulent Nature. (Pleasure from beholding very violent, destructive objects).
  • Fullest Feeling of Sublime – Immensity of Universe's extent or duration. (Pleasure from knowledge of observer's nothingness and oneness with Nature).

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Edit

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel considered the sublime a marker of cultural difference and a characteristic feature of oriental art. His teleological view of history meant that he considered "oriental" cultures as less developed, more autocratic in terms of their political structures and more fearful of divine law. According to his reasoning, this meant that oriental artists were more inclined towards the aesthetic and the sublime: they could engage God only through "sublated" means. He believed that the excess of intricate detail that is characteristic of Chinese art, or the dazzling metrical patterns characteristic of Islamic art, were typical examples of the sublime and argued that the disembodiment and formlessness of these art forms inspired the viewer with an overwhelming aesthetic sense of awe.[17]

Rudolf Otto Edit

Rudolf Otto compared the sublime with his newly coined concept of the numinous. The numinous comprises terror, Tremendum, but also a strange fascination, Fascinans.

Contemporary philosophy Edit

20th century Edit

Maurizio Bolognini, SMSMS (SMS Mediated Sublime), 2000–2006, an interactive installation that aims to involve the audience in the experience of the manipulation and consumption of the technological sublime[18][19] [20]

At the beginning of the 20th century Neo-Kantian German philosopher and theorist of aesthetics Max Dessoir founded the Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, which he edited for many years, and published the work Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft in which he formulated five primary aesthetic forms: the beautiful, the sublime, the tragic, the ugly, and the comic.[21]

The experience of the sublime involves a self-forgetfulness where personal fear is replaced by a sense of well-being and security when confronted with an object exhibiting superior might, and is similar to the experience of the tragic. The "tragic consciousness" is the capacity to gain an exalted state of consciousness from the realization of the unavoidable suffering destined for all men and that there are oppositions in life that can never be resolved, most notably that of the "forgiving generosity of deity" subsumed to "inexorable fate".[22]

Thomas Weiskel re-examined Kant's aesthetics and the Romantic conception of the sublime through the prism of semiotic theory and psychoanalysis.[23] He argued that Kant's "mathematical sublime" could be seen in semiotic terms as the presence of an excess of signifiers, a monotonous infinity threatens to dissolve all oppositions and distinctions. The "dynamic sublime", on the other hand, was an excess of signifieds: meaning was always overdetermined.

According to Jean-François Lyotard, the sublime, as a theme in aesthetics, was the founding move of the Modernist period.[24] Lyotard argued that the modernists attempted to replace the beautiful with the release of the perceiver from the constraints of the human condition. For him, the sublime's significance is in the way it points to an aporia (impassable doubt) in human reason; it expresses the edge of our conceptual powers and reveals the multiplicity and instability of the postmodern world.

21st century Edit

According to Mario Costa, the concept of the sublime should be examined first of all in relation to the epochal novelty of digital technologies, and technological artistic production: new media art, computer-based generative art, networking, telecommunication art.[25] For him, the new technologies are creating conditions for a new kind of sublime: the "technological sublime". The traditional categories of aesthetics (beauty, meaning, expression, feeling) are being replaced by the notion of the sublime, which after being "natural" in the 18th century, and "metropolitan-industrial" in the modern era, has now become technological.

There has also been some resurgence of interest in the sublime in analytic philosophy since the early 1990s, with occasional articles in The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism and The British Journal of Aesthetics, as well as monographs by writers such as Malcolm Budd, James Kirwan and Kirk Pillow. As in the postmodern or critical theory tradition, analytic philosophical studies often begin with accounts of Kant or other philosophers of the 18th or early 19th centuries. Noteworthy is a general theory of the sublime, in the tradition of Longinus, Burke and Kant, in which Tsang Lap Chuen presents the notion of limit-situations in life as being central to the human experience.[26]

Jadranka Skorin-Kapov in The Intertwining of Aesthetics and Ethics: Exceeding of Expectations, Ecstasy, Sublimity[27] argues for sublimity as the common root to aesthetics and ethics, "The origin of surprise is the break (the pause, the rupture) between one's sensibility and one's powers of representation... The recuperation that follows the break between one's sensibility and one's representational capability leads to sublimity and the subsequent feelings of admiration and/or responsibility, allowing for the intertwining of aesthetics and ethics... The roles of aesthetics and ethics—that is, the roles of artistic and moral judgments, are very relevant to contemporary society and business practices, especially in light of the technological advances that have resulted in the explosion of visual culture and in the mixture of awe and apprehension as we consider the future of humanity."

See also Edit

References Edit

  1. ^ Doran, Robert (2017). The Theory of the Sublime from Longinus to Kant. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p. 1. ISBN 978-1-107-10153-1.
  2. ^ a b Costelloe, Timothy M. (2013). The British Aesthetic Tradition: From Shaftesbury to Wittgenstein. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 4. ISBN 978-0-521-51830-7.
  3. ^ Nicolson, Marjorie Hope. Mountain Gloom and Mountain Glory. Ithaca, 1959
  4. ^ a b c Nicolson, Marjorie Hope. "Sublime in External Nature". Dictionary of the History of Ideas. New York, 1974.
  5. ^ Cooper, Anthony Ashley, Third Earl of Shaftesbury. The Moralists: A Philosophical Rhapsody. 1709.
  6. ^ Joseph Addison, Remarks on Several Parts of Italy etc. in the years 1701, 1702, 1703. 1773 edition, printed for T. Walker. Chapter on ‘Geneva and the Lake’: 261 Located on Google books, accessed 11.12.07
  7. ^ Ashfield, Andrew; de Bolla, Peter (1998). The Sublime: A Reader in British Eighteenth-Century Aesthetic Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 3. ISBN 0-521-39545-3.
  8. ^ Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, Part 1, Section 7: "Whatever is fitted in any sort to excite the ideas of pain, and danger, that is to say, whatever is in any sort terrible, or is conversant about terrible objects, or operates in a manner analogous to terror, is a source of the sublime; that is, it is productive of the strongest emotion which the mind is capable of feeling...." In Part 2, Section 2, Burke wrote that "terror is in all cases whatsoever, either more openly or latently, the ruling principle of the sublime."
  9. ^ Monroe C. Beardsley, "History of Aesthetics", Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Volume 1, p. 27 (Macmillan, 1973). But Edmund Burke disagreed: "Nor is it, either in real or fictitious distresses, our immunity from them which produces our delight ... it is absolutely necessary that my life should be out of any imminent hazard, before I can take a delight in the sufferings of others, real or imaginary ... it is a sophism to argue from thence, that this immunity is the cause of my delight". (A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, Part 1, Section 15)
  10. ^ Jerome Stolnitz, "Ugliness", Encyclopedia of Philosophy (McMillan, 1973).
  11. ^ Monroe C. Beardsley, "History of Aesthetics", Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Volume 1, p. 20 (Macmillan, 1973).
  12. ^ Jerome Stolnitz, "Ugliness", Encyclopedia of Philosophy (McMillan, 1973). Also, Monroe C. Beardsley, "History of Aesthetics", Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Volume 1, p. 22 (Macmillan, 1973).
  13. ^ Vanessa L. Ryan, "The Physiological Sublime: Burke’s Critique of Reason", Journal of the History of Ideas, Volume 62, Number 1 (April 2001).
  14. ^ Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Judgment. Trans. J.H. Bernard. Macmillan, 1951.
  15. ^ Clewis, Robert. 2009. The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. http://www.cambridge.org/us/knowledge/isbn/item2326741/?site_locale=en_US
  16. ^ Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Judgment. Trans. J.H. Bernard. Macmillan, 1951. Translator's introduction and notes to the Critique of Judgment
  17. ^ Hegel, G.W.F. Aesthetics: Lectures on Fine Art. Translated by T.M. Know. Oxford: Clarendon, 1975.
  18. ^ Bolognini, Maurizio (April 2004). "The SMSMS Project: Collective Intelligence Machines in the Digital City". Leonardo. 37 (2): 147–149. doi:10.1162/0024094041139247. S2CID 57569240.
  19. ^ Maurizio Bolognini, "De l'interaction à la démocratie. Vers un art génératif post-digital" / "From interactivity to democracy. Towards a post-digital generative art", Artmedia X Proceedings. Paris 2010.
  20. ^ The last decades of the 19th century saw the rise of Kunstwissenschaft, or the "science of art"—a movement to discern laws of aesthetic appreciation and arrive at a scientific approach to aesthetic experience: Stolnitz, Jerome. "Beauty". In Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Vol. 1, p. 266. Macmillan (1973).
  21. ^ Emery, Stephen A.. "Dessoir, Max". In Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Vol. 2, p. 355. Macmillan (1973).
  22. ^ Emery, Stephen A.. "Dessoir, Max". In Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Vol. 2, p. 356. Macmillan (1973).
  23. ^ Weiskel, Thomas. The Romantic Sublime (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976)
  24. ^ Lyotard, Jean-François. Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime. Trans. Elizabeth Rottenberg. Stanford University Press, 1994. Lyotard expresses his own elements of the sublime but recommends Kant's Critique of Judgment, §23–§29 as a preliminary reading requirement to understanding his analysis.
  25. ^ Mario Costa (1994) [1990], Le sublime technologique (in French), Lausanne: IDERIVE, ISBN 88-88091-85-8. Mario Costa (2006), Dimenticare l'arte (in Italian), Milan: Franco Angeli, ISBN 978-88-464-6364-7.
  26. ^ Tsang, Lap Chuen. The Sublime: Groundwork towards a Theory. University of Rochester Press, 1998.
  27. ^ Skorin-Kapov, Jadranka (2016). The Intertwining of Aesthetics and Ethics: Exceeding of Expectations, Ecstasy, Sublimity. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. ISBN 978-1-4985-2456-8.

Further reading Edit

  • Addison, Joseph. The Spectator. Ed. Donald E. Bond. Oxford, 1965.
  • Beidler. P. G. ‘The Postmodern Sublime: Kant and Tony Smith’s Anecdote of the Cube’. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 53, No. 2 (Spring 1995): 177–186.
  • Brady, E. ‘Imagination and the Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature’. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 56, No. 2 (Spring 1998): 139–147.
  • Brett, R.L. The Third Earl of Shaftesbury. London, 1951. ASIN: B0007IYKBU
  • Budd, M. The Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003.
  • Burke, Edmund. A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. London, 1958. ISBN 0-935005-28-5
  • Clewis, Robert, ed. The Sublime Reader. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.
  • Clewis, Robert, ed. The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Collingwood, R.G. The Idea of Nature. Oxford, 1945. ISBN 0-313-25166-5
  • Cooper, Anthony Ashley, Third Earl of Shaftesbury. The Moralists: A Philosophical Rhapsody, in Characteristicks, Vol. II. Ed. John M. Robertson. London, 1900.
  • Crowther, P. How Pictures Complete Us; The Beautiful, the Sublime and the Divine. Stanford University Press, 2016. ISBN 978-0-80479846-4
  • de Bolla, P. The Discourse of the Sublime. Basil Blackwell, 1989.
  • Dennis, John. Miscellanies in Verse and Prose, in Critical Works, Vol. II. Ed. Edward Niles Hooker. Baltimore, 1939–1943. ASIN: B0007E9YR4
  • Doran, Robert. ‘Literary History and the Sublime in Erich Auerbach’s Mimesis’. New Literary History 38.2 (2007): 353–369.
  • Doran, Robert. The Theory of the Sublime from Longinus to Kant. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. OCLC 959033482
  • Dessoir, Max. Aesthetics and theory of art. Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft. Translated by Stephen A. Emery. With a foreword by Thomas Munro. Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1970. ISBN 0-8143-1383-3
  • Duffy, C. Shelley and the revolutionary sublime. Cambridge, 2005.
  • Ferguson, F. Solitude and the Sublime: romanticism and the aesthetics of individuation. Routledge, 1992.
  • Fisher, P. Wonder, the rainbow and the aesthetics of rare experiences. Harvard University Press, 1999.
  • Fudge, R. S. ‘Imagination and the Science-Based Aesthetic Appreciation of Unscenic Nature’. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 59, No. 3 (Summer 2001): 275–285.
  • Gilbert-Rolfe, Jeremy. "Beauty and the Contemporary Sublime," Allworth Press, 1999.
  • Hipple, Walter John, Jr. The Beautiful, the Sublime, and the Picturesque in Eighteenth-Century British Aesthetic Theory. Carbondale, IL, 1957.
  • Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Judgment. Trans. J.H. Bernard. Macmillan, 1951.
  • Kant, Immanuel. Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime. Translated by John T. Goldthwaite. University of California Press, 2003. ISBN 0-520-24078-2
  • Kaplama, Erman. Cosmological Aesthetics through the Kantian Sublime and Nietzschean Dionysian. Lanham: UPA, Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.
  • Kirwan, J. (2005). Sublimity: The Non-Rational and the Irrational in the History of Aesthetics. Routledge, 2005.
  • Lyotard, Jean-François. Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime. Trans. Elizabeth Rottenberg. Stanford University Press, 1994.
  • Monk, Samuel H. The Sublime: A Study of Critical Theories in XVIII-Century England. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1935/1960.
  • Nicolson, Marjorie Hope. Mountain Gloom and Mountain Glory. Ithaca, 1959. ISBN 0-295-97577-6
  • Navon, Mois. "Sublime Tekhelet". The Writings of Mois Navon
  • Nicolson, Marjorie Hope. "Sublime in External Nature". Dictionary of the History of Ideas. New York, 1974.
  • Noel, J. ‘Space, Time and the Sublime in Hume’s Treatise’. British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 34, No. 3, July 1994: 218–225.
  • Pillow, K. Sublime Understanding: Aesthetic Reflection in Kant and Hegel. MIT Press, 2000.
  • Ryan, V. (2001). 'The physiological sublime: Burke's critique of reason'. Journal of the history of ideas, vol. 62, no. 2 (2001): 265–279.
  • George Santayana. The Sense of Beauty. Being the Outlines of Aesthetic Theory. New York, Modern Library, 1955. Pp. 230–240.
  • Saville, A. ‘Imagination and Aesthetic Value’. British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 46, No. 3, July 2006: 248–258.
  • Shaw, P. The Sublime. Routledge, 2006.
  • Shusterman, R. ‘Somaesthetics and Burke’s Sublime’. British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 45, No. 4, October 2005: 323–341.
  • Sircello, Guy, ‘How is a Theory of the Sublime Possible?’ The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 51, No. 4 (Autumn 1993): 541–550.
  • Schopenhauer, Arthur. The World as Will and Representation. Volume I. New York: Dover Press. ISBN 0-486-21761-2
  • Slocombe, Will. Nihilism and the Sublime Postmodern: The (Hi)Story of a Difficult Relationship. New York: Routledge, 2006.
  • Stolnitz, Jerome. "On the Significance of Lord Shaftesbury in Modern Aesthetic Theory". Philosophical Quarterly, 43(2):97–113, 1961.
  • Tsang, Lap Chuen. The Sublime : Groundwork towards a Theory. University of Rochester Press, 1998.
  • Zuckert, R. ‘Awe or Envy? Herder contra Kant on the Sublime’. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 61, No. 3 (Summer 2003): 217–232.

External links Edit

  • Friedrich Schiller, On the Sublime
  • The Sublime, BBC Radio 4 discussion with Janet Todd, Annie Janowitz & Peter de Bolla (In Our Time, Feb. 12, 2004)

sublime, philosophy, sublimity, redirects, here, other, uses, sublimity, disambiguation, also, sublime, literary, this, article, lead, section, short, adequately, summarize, points, please, consider, expanding, lead, provide, accessible, overview, important, a. Sublimity redirects here For other uses see Sublimity disambiguation See also Sublime literary This article s lead section may be too short to adequately summarize the key points Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of all important aspects of the article November 2017 In aesthetics the sublime from the Latin sublimis is the quality of greatness whether physical moral intellectual metaphysical aesthetic spiritual or artistic The term especially refers to a greatness beyond all possibility of calculation measurement or imitation Caspar David Friedrich Wanderer above the Sea of Fog 1817 Kunsthalle Hamburg Romantic artists during the 19th century used the epic of nature as an expression of the sublime Since its first application in the field of rhetoric and drama in ancient Greece it became an important concept not just in philosophical aesthetics but also in literary theory and art history 1 Contents 1 Ancient philosophy 2 Modern philosophy 2 1 British philosophy 2 1 1 Edmund Burke 2 2 German philosophy 2 2 1 Immanuel Kant 2 2 2 Arthur Schopenhauer 2 2 3 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 2 2 4 Rudolf Otto 3 Contemporary philosophy 3 1 20th century 3 2 21st century 4 See also 5 References 6 Further reading 7 External linksAncient philosophy EditThe first known study of the sublime is ascribed to Longinus Peri Hupsous Hypsous or On the Sublime This is thought to have been written in the 1st century AD though its origin and authorship are uncertain For Longinus the sublime is an adjective that describes great elevated or lofty thought or language particularly in the context of rhetoric As such the sublime inspires awe and veneration with greater persuasive powers Longinus treatise is also notable for referring not only to Greek authors such as Homer but also to biblical sources such as Genesis This treatise was rediscovered in the 16th century and its subsequent impact on aesthetics is usually attributed to its translation into French by linguist Nicolas Boileau Despreaux in 1674 Later the treatise was translated into English by John Pultney in 1680 Leonard Welsted in 1712 and William Smith in 1739 whose translation had its fifth edition in 1800 Modern philosophy EditThe concept of the sublime emerged in Europe with the birth of literary criticism in the late 17th century 2 It was associated with the works of the French writers Pierre Corneille Jean Baptiste Racine Jean Baptiste l Abbe Dubos and Nicolas Boileau Despreaux 2 British philosophy Edit nbsp Hahnen Swiss Alps British writers taking the Grand Tour in the 17th and 18th centuries first used the sublime to describe objects of nature In Britain the development of the concept of the sublime as an aesthetic quality in nature distinct from beauty was brought into prominence in the 18th century in the writings of Anthony Ashley Cooper 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury and John Dennis These authors expressed an appreciation of the fearful and irregular forms of external nature and Joseph Addison s synthesis of concepts of the sublime in his The Spectator and later the Pleasures of the Imagination All three Englishmen had within the span of several years made the journey across the Alps and commented in their writings of the horrors and harmony of the experience expressing a contrast of aesthetic qualities 3 John Dennis was the first to publish his comments in a journal letter published as Miscellanies in 1693 giving an account of crossing the Alps where contrary to his prior feelings for the beauty of nature as a delight that is consistent with reason the experience of the journey was at once a pleasure to the eye as music is to the ear but mingled with Horrours and sometimes almost with despair 4 Shaftesbury had made the journey two years prior to Dennis but did not publish his comments until 1709 in the Moralists His comments on the experience also reflected pleasure and repulsion citing a wasted mountain that showed itself to the world as a noble ruin Part III Sec 1 390 91 but his concept of the sublime in relation to beauty was one of degree rather than the sharp contradistinction that Dennis developed into a new form of literary criticism Shaftesbury s writings reflect more of a regard for the awe of the infinity of space Space astonishes referring to the Alps where the sublime was not an aesthetic quality in opposition to beauty but a quality of a grander and higher importance than beauty In referring to the Earth as a Mansion Globe and Man Container Shaftsbury writes How narrow then must it appear compar d with the capacious System of its own Sun tho animated with a sublime Celestial Spirit Part III sec 1 373 5 Joseph Addison embarked on the Grand Tour in 1699 and commented in Remarks on Several Parts of Italy etc that The Alps fill the mind with an agreeable kind of horror 6 The significance of Addison s concept of the sublime is that the three pleasures of the imagination that he identified greatness uncommonness and beauty arise from visible objects that is from sight rather than from rhetoric It is also notable that in writing on the Sublime in external Nature he does not use the term sublime but uses semi synonymous terms such as unbounded unlimited spacious greatness and on occasion terms denoting excess 4 The British description of the sublime has been described as distinct from the Kantian conceptualization which emphasized a detachment of aesthetic judgment 7 The British tradition is noted for its rejection of the idea that aesthetic judgment and ethical conduct are not connected One of its positions holds that the affective register of the sublime is not divorced from the standards that govern human conduct and that it does not transcend ethical conduct Edmund Burke Edit Addison s notion of greatness was integral to the concept of sublimity An object of art could be beautiful yet it could not possess greatness His Pleasures of the Imagination as well as Mark Akenside s Pleasures of the Imagination of 1744 and Edward Young s poem Night Thoughts of 1745 are generally considered the starting points for Edmund Burke s analysis of sublimity Edmund Burke developed his conception of sublimity in A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful of 1756 4 Burke was the first philosopher to argue that sublimity and beauty are mutually exclusive The dichotomy that Burke articulated is not as simple as Dennis opposition and is antithetical in the same degree as light and darkness Light may accentuate beauty but either great light or darkness i e the absence of light is sublime to the extent that it can annihilate vision of the object in question What is dark uncertain and confused 8 moves the imagination to awe and a degree of horror While the relationship of sublimity and beauty is one of mutual exclusivity either can provide pleasure Sublimity may evoke horror but knowledge that the perception is a fiction is pleasureful 9 Burke s concept of sublimity was an antithetical contrast to the classical conception of the aesthetic quality of beauty being the pleasurable experience that Plato described in several of his dialogues e g Philebus Ion Hippias Major and Symposium and suggested that ugliness is an aesthetic quality in its capacity to instill intense emotions ultimately providing pleasure 10 For Aristotle the function of artistic forms was to instill pleasure and he first pondered the problem that an object of art representing ugliness produces pain Aristotle s detailed analysis of this problem involved his study of tragic literature and its paradoxical nature as both shocking and having poetic value 11 The classical notion of ugliness prior to Edmund Burke most notably described in the works of Saint Augustine of Hippo denoted it as the absence of form and therefore as a degree of non existence For St Augustine beauty is the result of the benevolence and goodness of God in His creation and as a category it had no opposite Because ugliness lacks any attributive value it is formless due to the absence of beauty 12 Burke s treatise is also notable for focusing on the physiological effects of sublimity in particular the dual emotional quality of fear and attraction that other authors noted Burke described the sensation attributed to sublimity as a negative pain which he denominated delight and which is distinct from positive pleasure Delight is thought to result from the removal of pain caused by confronting a sublime object and supposedly is more intense than positive pleasure Though Burke s explanations for the physiological effects of sublimity e g tension resulting from eye strain were not seriously considered by later authors his empirical method of reporting his own psychological experience was more influential especially in contrast to the analysis of Immanuel Kant Burke is also distinguished from Kant in his emphasis on the subject s realization of his physical limitations rather than any supposed sense of moral or spiritual transcendence 13 German philosophy Edit Immanuel Kant Edit See also Immanuel Kant Aesthetic philosophy nbsp Viviano Codazzi Rendition of St Peter s Square Rome dated 1630 Kant referred to St Peter s as splendid a term he used for objects producing feeling for both the beautiful and the sublime Immanuel Kant in 1764 made an attempt to record his thoughts on the observing subject s mental state in Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime He held that the sublime was of three kinds the noble the splendid and the terrifying In his Critique of Judgment 1790 14 Kant officially says that there are two forms of the sublime the mathematical and the dynamical although some commentators hold that there is a third form the moral sublime a hold over from the earlier noble sublime 15 Kant claims We call that sublime which is absolutely great 25 He distinguishes between the remarkable differences of the Beautiful and the Sublime noting that beauty is connected with the form of the object having boundaries while the sublime is to be found in a formless object represented by a boundlessness 23 Kant evidently divides the sublime into the mathematical and the dynamical where in the mathematical aesthetical comprehension is not a consciousness of a mere greater unit but the notion of absolute greatness not inhibited with ideas of limitations 27 The dynamically sublime is nature considered in an aesthetic judgment as might that has no dominion over us and an object can create a fearfulness without being afraid of it 28 He considers both the beautiful and the sublime as indefinite concepts but where beauty relates to the Understanding sublime is a concept belonging to Reason and shows a faculty of the mind surpassing every standard of Sense 25 For Kant one s inability to grasp the magnitude of a sublime event such as an earthquake demonstrates inadequacy of one s sensibility and imagination Simultaneously one s ability to subsequently identify such an event as singular and whole indicates the superiority of one s cognitive supersensible powers Ultimately it is this supersensible substrate underlying both nature and thought on which true sublimity is located 16 Arthur Schopenhauer Edit To clarify the concept of the feeling of the sublime Arthur Schopenhauer listed examples of its transition from the beautiful to the most sublime This can be found in the first volume of his The World as Will and Representation 39 For him the feeling of the beautiful is in seeing an object that invites the observer to transcend individuality and simply observe the idea underlying the object The feeling of the sublime however is when the object does not invite such contemplation but instead is an overpowering or vast malignant object of great magnitude one that could destroy the observer Feeling of Beauty Light is reflected off a flower Pleasure from a mere perception of an object that cannot hurt observer Weakest Feeling of Sublime Light reflected off stones Pleasure from beholding objects that pose no threat objects devoid of life Weaker Feeling of Sublime Endless desert with no movement Pleasure from seeing objects that could not sustain the life of the observer Sublime Turbulent Nature Pleasure from perceiving objects that threaten to hurt or destroy observer Full Feeling of Sublime Overpowering turbulent Nature Pleasure from beholding very violent destructive objects Fullest Feeling of Sublime Immensity of Universe s extent or duration Pleasure from knowledge of observer s nothingness and oneness with Nature Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Edit Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel considered the sublime a marker of cultural difference and a characteristic feature of oriental art His teleological view of history meant that he considered oriental cultures as less developed more autocratic in terms of their political structures and more fearful of divine law According to his reasoning this meant that oriental artists were more inclined towards the aesthetic and the sublime they could engage God only through sublated means He believed that the excess of intricate detail that is characteristic of Chinese art or the dazzling metrical patterns characteristic of Islamic art were typical examples of the sublime and argued that the disembodiment and formlessness of these art forms inspired the viewer with an overwhelming aesthetic sense of awe 17 Rudolf Otto Edit Rudolf Otto compared the sublime with his newly coined concept of the numinous The numinous comprises terror Tremendum but also a strange fascination Fascinans Contemporary philosophy Edit20th century Edit nbsp Maurizio Bolognini SMSMS SMS Mediated Sublime 2000 2006 an interactive installation that aims to involve the audience in the experience of the manipulation and consumption of the technological sublime 18 19 20 At the beginning of the 20th century Neo Kantian German philosopher and theorist of aesthetics Max Dessoir founded the Zeitschrift fur Asthetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft which he edited for many years and published the work Asthetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft in which he formulated five primary aesthetic forms the beautiful the sublime the tragic the ugly and the comic 21 The experience of the sublime involves a self forgetfulness where personal fear is replaced by a sense of well being and security when confronted with an object exhibiting superior might and is similar to the experience of the tragic The tragic consciousness is the capacity to gain an exalted state of consciousness from the realization of the unavoidable suffering destined for all men and that there are oppositions in life that can never be resolved most notably that of the forgiving generosity of deity subsumed to inexorable fate 22 Thomas Weiskel re examined Kant s aesthetics and the Romantic conception of the sublime through the prism of semiotic theory and psychoanalysis 23 He argued that Kant s mathematical sublime could be seen in semiotic terms as the presence of an excess of signifiers a monotonous infinity threatens to dissolve all oppositions and distinctions The dynamic sublime on the other hand was an excess of signifieds meaning was always overdetermined According to Jean Francois Lyotard the sublime as a theme in aesthetics was the founding move of the Modernist period 24 Lyotard argued that the modernists attempted to replace the beautiful with the release of the perceiver from the constraints of the human condition For him the sublime s significance is in the way it points to an aporia impassable doubt in human reason it expresses the edge of our conceptual powers and reveals the multiplicity and instability of the postmodern world 21st century Edit According to Mario Costa the concept of the sublime should be examined first of all in relation to the epochal novelty of digital technologies and technological artistic production new media art computer based generative art networking telecommunication art 25 For him the new technologies are creating conditions for a new kind of sublime the technological sublime The traditional categories of aesthetics beauty meaning expression feeling are being replaced by the notion of the sublime which after being natural in the 18th century and metropolitan industrial in the modern era has now become technological There has also been some resurgence of interest in the sublime in analytic philosophy since the early 1990s with occasional articles in The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism and The British Journal of Aesthetics as well as monographs by writers such as Malcolm Budd James Kirwan and Kirk Pillow As in the postmodern or critical theory tradition analytic philosophical studies often begin with accounts of Kant or other philosophers of the 18th or early 19th centuries Noteworthy is a general theory of the sublime in the tradition of Longinus Burke and Kant in which Tsang Lap Chuen presents the notion of limit situations in life as being central to the human experience 26 Jadranka Skorin Kapov in The Intertwining of Aesthetics and Ethics Exceeding of Expectations Ecstasy Sublimity 27 argues for sublimity as the common root to aesthetics and ethics The origin of surprise is the break the pause the rupture between one s sensibility and one s powers of representation The recuperation that follows the break between one s sensibility and one s representational capability leads to sublimity and the subsequent feelings of admiration and or responsibility allowing for the intertwining of aesthetics and ethics The roles of aesthetics and ethics that is the roles of artistic and moral judgments are very relevant to contemporary society and business practices especially in light of the technological advances that have resulted in the explosion of visual culture and in the mixture of awe and apprehension as we consider the future of humanity See also EditDigital sublime Overview effect Sublime literary References Edit Doran Robert 2017 The Theory of the Sublime from Longinus to Kant Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press p 1 ISBN 978 1 107 10153 1 a b Costelloe Timothy M 2013 The British Aesthetic Tradition From Shaftesbury to Wittgenstein New York Cambridge University Press p 4 ISBN 978 0 521 51830 7 Nicolson Marjorie Hope Mountain Gloom and Mountain Glory Ithaca 1959 a b c Nicolson Marjorie Hope Sublime in External Nature Dictionary of the History of Ideas New York 1974 Cooper Anthony Ashley Third Earl of Shaftesbury The Moralists A Philosophical Rhapsody 1709 Joseph Addison Remarks on Several Parts of Italy etc in the years 1701 1702 1703 1773 edition printed for T Walker Chapter on Geneva and the Lake 261 Located on Google books accessed 11 12 07 Ashfield Andrew de Bolla Peter 1998 The Sublime A Reader in British Eighteenth Century Aesthetic Theory New York Cambridge University Press p 3 ISBN 0 521 39545 3 Edmund Burke A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful Part 1 Section 7 Whatever is fitted in any sort to excite the ideas of pain and danger that is to say whatever is in any sort terrible or is conversant about terrible objects or operates in a manner analogous to terror is a source of the sublime that is it is productive of the strongest emotion which the mind is capable of feeling In Part 2 Section 2 Burke wrote that terror is in all cases whatsoever either more openly or latently the ruling principle of the sublime Monroe C Beardsley History of Aesthetics Encyclopedia of Philosophy Volume 1 p 27 Macmillan 1973 But Edmund Burke disagreed Nor is it either in real or fictitious distresses our immunity from them which produces our delight it is absolutely necessary that my life should be out of any imminent hazard before I can take a delight in the sufferings of others real or imaginary it is a sophism to argue from thence that this immunity is the cause of my delight A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful Part 1 Section 15 Jerome Stolnitz Ugliness Encyclopedia of Philosophy McMillan 1973 Monroe C Beardsley History of Aesthetics Encyclopedia of Philosophy Volume 1 p 20 Macmillan 1973 Jerome Stolnitz Ugliness Encyclopedia of Philosophy McMillan 1973 Also Monroe C Beardsley History of Aesthetics Encyclopedia of Philosophy Volume 1 p 22 Macmillan 1973 Vanessa L Ryan The Physiological Sublime Burke s Critique of Reason Journal of the History of Ideas Volume 62 Number 1 April 2001 Kant Immanuel Critique of Judgment Trans J H Bernard Macmillan 1951 Clewis Robert 2009 The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom Cambridge Cambridge University Press http www cambridge org us knowledge isbn item2326741 site locale en US Kant Immanuel Critique of Judgment Trans J H Bernard Macmillan 1951 Translator s introduction and notes to the Critique of Judgment Hegel G W F Aesthetics Lectures on Fine Art Translated by T M Know Oxford Clarendon 1975 Bolognini Maurizio April 2004 The SMSMS Project Collective Intelligence Machines in the Digital City Leonardo 37 2 147 149 doi 10 1162 0024094041139247 S2CID 57569240 Maurizio Bolognini De l interaction a la democratie Vers un art generatif post digital From interactivity to democracy Towards a post digital generative art Artmedia X Proceedings Paris 2010 The last decades of the 19th century saw the rise of Kunstwissenschaft or the science of art a movement to discern laws of aesthetic appreciation and arrive at a scientific approach to aesthetic experience Stolnitz Jerome Beauty In Encyclopedia of Philosophy Vol 1 p 266 Macmillan 1973 Emery Stephen A Dessoir Max In Encyclopedia of Philosophy Vol 2 p 355 Macmillan 1973 Emery Stephen A Dessoir Max In Encyclopedia of Philosophy Vol 2 p 356 Macmillan 1973 Weiskel Thomas The Romantic Sublime Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press 1976 Lyotard Jean Francois Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime Trans Elizabeth Rottenberg Stanford University Press 1994 Lyotard expresses his own elements of the sublime but recommends Kant s Critique of Judgment 23 29 as a preliminary reading requirement to understanding his analysis Mario Costa 1994 1990 Le sublime technologique in French Lausanne IDERIVE ISBN 88 88091 85 8 Mario Costa 2006 Dimenticare l arte in Italian Milan Franco Angeli ISBN 978 88 464 6364 7 Tsang Lap Chuen The Sublime Groundwork towards a Theory University of Rochester Press 1998 Skorin Kapov Jadranka 2016 The Intertwining of Aesthetics and Ethics Exceeding of Expectations Ecstasy Sublimity Lanham MD Lexington Books ISBN 978 1 4985 2456 8 Further reading EditAddison Joseph The Spectator Ed Donald E Bond Oxford 1965 Beidler P G The Postmodern Sublime Kant and Tony Smith s Anecdote of the Cube The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism Vol 53 No 2 Spring 1995 177 186 Brady E Imagination and the Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism Vol 56 No 2 Spring 1998 139 147 Brett R L The Third Earl of Shaftesbury London 1951 ASIN B0007IYKBU Budd M The Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature Oxford Oxford University Press 2003 Burke Edmund A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful London 1958 ISBN 0 935005 28 5 Clewis Robert ed The Sublime Reader London Bloomsbury Academic 2019 Clewis Robert ed The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2009 Collingwood R G The Idea of Nature Oxford 1945 ISBN 0 313 25166 5 Cooper Anthony Ashley Third Earl of Shaftesbury The Moralists A Philosophical Rhapsody in Characteristicks Vol II Ed John M Robertson London 1900 Crowther P How Pictures Complete Us The Beautiful the Sublime and the Divine Stanford University Press 2016 ISBN 978 0 80479846 4 de Bolla P The Discourse of the Sublime Basil Blackwell 1989 Dennis John Miscellanies in Verse and Prose in Critical Works Vol II Ed Edward Niles Hooker Baltimore 1939 1943 ASIN B0007E9YR4 Doran Robert Literary History and the Sublime in Erich Auerbach s Mimesis New Literary History 38 2 2007 353 369 Doran Robert The Theory of the Sublime from Longinus to Kant Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2015 OCLC 959033482 Dessoir Max Aesthetics and theory of art Asthetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft Translated by Stephen A Emery With a foreword by Thomas Munro Detroit Wayne State University Press 1970 ISBN 0 8143 1383 3 Duffy C Shelley and the revolutionary sublime Cambridge 2005 Ferguson F Solitude and the Sublime romanticism and the aesthetics of individuation Routledge 1992 Fisher P Wonder the rainbow and the aesthetics of rare experiences Harvard University Press 1999 Fudge R S Imagination and the Science Based Aesthetic Appreciation of Unscenic Nature The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism Vol 59 No 3 Summer 2001 275 285 Gilbert Rolfe Jeremy Beauty and the Contemporary Sublime Allworth Press 1999 Hipple Walter John Jr The Beautiful the Sublime and the Picturesque in Eighteenth Century British Aesthetic Theory Carbondale IL 1957 Kant Immanuel Critique of Judgment Trans J H Bernard Macmillan 1951 Kant Immanuel Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime Translated by John T Goldthwaite University of California Press 2003 ISBN 0 520 24078 2 Kaplama Erman Cosmological Aesthetics through the Kantian Sublime and Nietzschean Dionysian Lanham UPA Rowman amp Littlefield 2014 Kirwan J 2005 Sublimity The Non Rational and the Irrational in the History of Aesthetics Routledge 2005 Lyotard Jean Francois Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime Trans Elizabeth Rottenberg Stanford University Press 1994 Monk Samuel H The Sublime A Study of Critical Theories in XVIII Century England Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press 1935 1960 Nicolson Marjorie Hope Mountain Gloom and Mountain Glory Ithaca 1959 ISBN 0 295 97577 6 Navon Mois Sublime Tekhelet The Writings of Mois Navon Nicolson Marjorie Hope Sublime in External Nature Dictionary of the History of Ideas New York 1974 Noel J Space Time and the Sublime in Hume s Treatise British Journal of Aesthetics Vol 34 No 3 July 1994 218 225 Pillow K Sublime Understanding Aesthetic Reflection in Kant and Hegel MIT Press 2000 Ryan V 2001 The physiological sublime Burke s critique of reason Journal of the history of ideas vol 62 no 2 2001 265 279 George Santayana The Sense of Beauty Being the Outlines of Aesthetic Theory New York Modern Library 1955 Pp 230 240 Saville A Imagination and Aesthetic Value British Journal of Aesthetics Vol 46 No 3 July 2006 248 258 Shaw P The Sublime Routledge 2006 Shusterman R Somaesthetics and Burke s Sublime British Journal of Aesthetics Vol 45 No 4 October 2005 323 341 Sircello Guy How is a Theory of the Sublime Possible The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism Vol 51 No 4 Autumn 1993 541 550 Schopenhauer Arthur The World as Will and Representation Volume I New York Dover Press ISBN 0 486 21761 2 Slocombe Will Nihilism and the Sublime Postmodern The Hi Story of a Difficult Relationship New York Routledge 2006 Stolnitz Jerome On the Significance of Lord Shaftesbury in Modern Aesthetic Theory Philosophical Quarterly 43 2 97 113 1961 Tsang Lap Chuen The Sublime Groundwork towards a Theory University of Rochester Press 1998 Zuckert R Awe or Envy Herder contra Kant on the Sublime The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism Vol 61 No 3 Summer 2003 217 232 External links Edit nbsp Wikiquote has quotations related to Sublime philosophy nbsp Wikisource has the text of the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica article Sublime Friedrich Schiller On the Sublime The Sublime BBC Radio 4 discussion with Janet Todd Annie Janowitz amp Peter de Bolla In Our Time Feb 12 2004 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Sublime philosophy amp oldid 1161744348, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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