

A ritual is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or revered objects.[1][2] Rituals may be prescribed by the traditions of a community, including a religious community. Rituals are characterized, but not defined, by formalism, traditionalism, invariance, rule-governance, sacral symbolism, and performance.[3]

A Śrauta yajna or fire ritual in Kerala, India. Hindu fire rituals have changed little for over three thousand years.

Rituals are a feature of all known human societies.[4] They include not only the worship rites and sacraments of organized religions and cults, but also rites of passage, atonement and purification rites, oaths of allegiance, dedication ceremonies, coronations and presidential inaugurations, marriages, funerals and more. Even common actions like hand-shaking and saying "hello" may be termed as rituals.

The field of ritual studies has seen a number of conflicting definitions of the term. One given by Kyriakidis is that a ritual is an outsider's or "etic" category for a set activity (or set of actions) that, to the outsider, seems irrational, non-contiguous, or illogical. The term can be used also by the insider or "emic" performer as an acknowledgement that this activity can be seen as such by the uninitiated onlooker.[5]

In psychology, the term ritual is sometimes used in a technical sense for a repetitive behavior systematically used by a person to neutralize or prevent anxiety; it can be a symptom of obsessive–compulsive disorder but obsessive-compulsive ritualistic behaviors are generally isolated activities.

Etymology edit

The English word ritual derives from the Latin ritualis, "that which pertains to rite (ritus)". In Roman juridical and religious usage, ritus was the proven way (mos) of doing something,[6] or "correct performance, custom".[7] The original concept of ritus may be related to the Sanskrit ṛtá ("visible order)" in Vedic religion, "the lawful and regular order of the normal, and therefore proper, natural and true structure of cosmic, worldly, human and ritual events".[8] The word "ritual" is first recorded in English in 1570, and came into use in the 1600s to mean "the prescribed order of performing religious services" or more particularly a book of these prescriptions.[9]

Characteristics edit

There are hardly any limits to the kind of actions that may be incorporated into a ritual. The rites of past and present societies have typically involved special gestures and words, recitation of fixed texts, performance of special music, songs or dances, processions, manipulation of certain objects, use of special dresses, consumption of special food, drink, or drugs, and much more.[10][11][12]

Catherine Bell argues that rituals can be characterized by formalism, traditionalism, invariance, rule-governance, sacral symbolism and performance.[13]

Formalism edit

The use of Latin in a Tridentine Catholic Mass is an example of a "restricted code".

Ritual uses a limited and rigidly organized set of expressions which anthropologists call a "restricted code" (in opposition to a more open "elaborated code"). Maurice Bloch argues that ritual obliges participants to use this formal oratorical style, which is limited in intonation, syntax, vocabulary, loudness, and fixity of order. In adopting this style, ritual leaders' speech becomes more style than content. Because this formal speech limits what can be said, it induces "acceptance, compliance, or at least forbearance with regard to any overt challenge". Bloch argues that this form of ritual communication makes rebellion impossible and revolution the only feasible alternative. Ritual tends to support traditional forms of social hierarchy and authority, and maintains the assumptions on which the authority is based from challenge.[14]

Traditionalism edit

The First Thanksgiving 1621, oil on canvas by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863–1930). The painting shows common misconceptions about the event that persist to modern times: Pilgrims did not wear such outfits, and the Wampanoag are dressed in the style of Plains Indians.[15]

Rituals appeal to tradition and are generally continued to repeat historical precedent, religious rite, mores, or ceremony accurately. Traditionalism varies from formalism in that the ritual may not be formal yet still makes an appeal to the historical trend. An example is the American Thanksgiving dinner, which may not be formal, yet is ostensibly based on an event from the early Puritan settlement of America. Historians Eric Hobsbawm and Terrence Ranger have argued that many of these are invented traditions, such as the rituals of the British monarchy, which invoke "thousand year-old tradition" but whose actual form originate in the late nineteenth century, to some extent reviving earlier forms, in this case medieval, that had been discontinued in the meantime. Thus, the appeal to history is important rather than accurate historical transmission.[16]

Invariance edit

Catherine Bell states that ritual is also invariant, implying careful choreography. This is less an appeal to traditionalism than a striving for timeless repetition. The key to invariance is bodily discipline, as in monastic prayer and meditation meant to mold dispositions and moods. This bodily discipline is frequently performed in unison, by groups.[17]

Rule-governance edit

Rituals tend to be governed by rules, a feature somewhat like formalism. Rules impose norms on the chaos of behavior, either defining the outer limits of what is acceptable or choreographing each move. Individuals are held to communally approved customs that evoke a legitimate communal authority that can constrain the possible outcomes. Historically, war in most societies has been bound by highly ritualized constraints that limit the legitimate means by which war was waged.[18]

Sacral symbolism edit

Ritual practitioner on Inwangsan Mountain, Seoul South Korea

Activities appealing to supernatural beings are easily considered rituals, although the appeal may be quite indirect, expressing only a generalized belief in the existence of the sacred demanding a human response. National flags, for example, may be considered more than signs representing a country. The flag stands for larger symbols such as freedom, democracy, free enterprise or national superiority.[19] Anthropologist Sherry Ortner writes that the flag

does not encourage reflection on the logical relations among these ideas, nor on the logical consequences of them as they are played out in social actuality, over time and history. On the contrary, the flag encourages a sort of all-or-nothing allegiance to the whole package, best summed [by] 'Our flag, love it or leave.'[20]

Particular objects become sacral symbols through a process of consecration which effectively creates the sacred by setting it apart from the profane. Boy Scouts and the armed forces in any country teach the official ways of folding, saluting and raising the flag, thus emphasizing that the flag should never be treated as just a piece of cloth.[21]

Performance edit

The performance of ritual creates a theatrical-like frame around the activities, symbols and events that shape participant's experience and cognitive ordering of the world, simplifying the chaos of life and imposing a more or less coherent system of categories of meaning onto it.[22] As Barbara Myerhoff put it, "not only is seeing believing, doing is believing."[23]

Genres edit

For simplicity's sake, the range of diverse rituals can be divided into categories with common characteristics, generally falling into one three major categories:

However, rituals can fall in more than one category or genre, and may be grouped in a variety of other ways. For example, the anthropologist Victor Turner writes:

Rituals may be seasonal, ... or they may be contingent, held in response to an individual or collective crisis. ... Other classes of rituals include divinatory rituals; ceremonies performed by political authorities to ensure the health and fertility of human beings, animals, and crops in their territories; initiation into priesthoods devoted to certain deities, into religious associations, or into secret societies; and those accompanying the daily offering of food and libations to deities or ancestral spirits or both.

Rites of passage edit

The "capping" ceremony is one of the principle rites of the Confucian ritual religion, alongside marriage, mourning rites, and sacrificial rituals.

A rite of passage is a ritual event that marks a person's transition from one status to another, including adoption, baptism, coming of age, graduation, inauguration, engagement, and marriage. Rites of passage may also include initiation into groups not tied to a formal stage of life such as a fraternity. Arnold van Gennep stated that rites of passage are marked by three stages:[24]

1. Separation
Wherein the initiates are separated from their old identities through physical and symbolic means.
2. Transition
Wherein the initiated are "betwixt and between". Victor Turner argued that this stage is marked by liminality, a condition of ambiguity or disorientation in which initiates have been stripped of their old identities, but have not yet acquired their new one. Turner states that "the attributes of liminality or of liminal personae ("threshold people") are necessarily ambiguous".[25] In this stage of liminality or "anti-structure" (see below), the initiates' role ambiguity creates a sense of communitas or emotional bond of community between them. This stage may be marked by ritual ordeals or ritual training.
3. Incorporation
Wherein the initiates are symbolically confirmed in their new identity and community.[26]

Rites of affliction edit

Anthropologist Victor Turner defines rites of affliction actions that seek to mitigate spirits or supernatural forces that inflict humans with bad luck, illness, gynecological troubles, physical injuries, and other such misfortunes.[27] These rites may include forms of spirit divination (consulting oracles) to establish causes—and rituals that heal, purify, exorcise, and protect. The misfortune experienced may include individual health, but also broader climate-related issues such as drought or plagues of insects. Healing rites performed by shamans frequently identify social disorder as the cause, and make the restoration of social relationships the cure.[28]

Turner uses the example of the Isoma ritual among the Ndembu of northwestern Zambia to illustrate. The Isoma rite of affliction is used to cure a childless woman of infertility. Infertility is the result of a "structural tension between matrilineal descent and virilocal marriage" (i.e., the tension a woman feels between her mother's family, to whom she owes allegiance, and her husband's family among whom she must live). "It is because the woman has come too closely in touch with the 'man's side' in her marriage that her dead matrikin have impaired her fertility." To correct the balance of matrilinial descent and marriage, the Isoma ritual dramatically placates the deceased spirits by requiring the woman to reside with her mother's kin.[29]

Shamanic and other ritual may effect a psychotherapeutic cure, leading anthropologists such as Jane Atkinson to theorize how. Atkinson argues that the effectiveness of a shamanic ritual for an individual may depend upon a wider audiences acknowledging the shaman's power, which may lead to the shaman placing greater emphasis on engaging the audience than in the healing of the patient.[30]

Death, mourning, and funerary rites edit

Many cultures have rites associated with death and mourning, such as the last rites and wake in Christianity, shemira in Judaism, the antyesti in Hinduism, and the antam sanskar in Sikhism.

Aztec ritual human sacrifices, Codex Mendoza

Calendrical and commemorative rites edit

Calendrical and commemorative rites are ritual events marking particular times of year, or a fixed period since an important event. Calendrical rituals give social meaning to the passage of time, creating repetitive weekly, monthly or yearly cycles. Some rites are oriented towards a culturally defined moment of change in the climatic cycle, such as solar terms or the changing of seasons, or they may mark the inauguration of an activity such as planting, harvesting, or moving from winter to summer pasture during the agricultural cycle.[27] They may be fixed by the solar or lunar calendar; those fixed by the solar calendar fall on the same day (of the Gregorian, Solar calendar) each year (such as New Year's Day on the first of January) while those calculated by the lunar calendar fall on different dates (of the Gregorian, Solar calendar) each year (such as Chinese lunar New Year). Calendrical rites impose a cultural order on nature.[31] Mircea Eliade states that the calendrical rituals of many religious traditions recall and commemorate the basic beliefs of a community, and their yearly celebration establishes a link between past and present, as if the original events are happening over again: "Thus the gods did; thus men do."[32]

Rites of sacrifice, exchange, and communion edit

Hindu fire offering ritual during Durga Puja in Bangladesh

This genre of ritual encompasses forms of sacrifice and offering meant to praise, please or placate divine powers. According to early anthropologist Edward Tylor, such sacrifices are gifts given in hope of a return. Catherine Bell, however, points out that sacrifice covers a range of practices from those that are manipulative and "magical" to those of pure devotion. Hindu puja, for example, appear to have no other purpose than to please the deity.[33]

According to Marcel Mauss, sacrifice is distinguished from other forms of offering by being consecrated, and hence sanctified. As a consequence, the offering is usually destroyed in the ritual to transfer it to the deities.

Rites of feasting, fasting, and festivals edit

Masquerade at the Carnival of Venice

Rites of feasting and fasting are those through which a community publicly expresses an adherence to basic, shared religious values, rather than to the overt presence of deities as is found in rites of affliction where feasting or fasting may also take place. It encompasses a range of performances such as communal fasting during Ramadan by Muslims; the slaughter of pigs in New Guinea; Carnival festivities; or penitential processions in Catholicism.[34] Victor Turner described this "cultural performance" of basic values a "social drama". Such dramas allow the social stresses that are inherent in a particular culture to be expressed and worked out symbolically in a ritual catharsis; as the social tensions continue to persist outside the ritual, pressure mounts for the ritual's cyclical performance.[35] In Carnival, for example, the practice of masking allows people to be what they are not, and acts as a general social leveller, erasing otherwise tense social hierarchies in a festival that emphasizes play outside the bounds of normal social limits. Yet outside carnival, social tensions of race, class and gender persist, hence requiring the repeated periodic release found in the festival.[36]

Water rites edit

A water rite is a rite or ceremonial custom that uses water as its central feature. Typically, a person is immersed or bathed as a symbol of religious indoctrination or ritual purification. Examples include the Mikveh in Judaism, a custom of purification; misogi in Shinto, a custom of spiritual and bodily purification involving bathing in a sacred waterfall, river, or lake; the Muslim ritual ablution or Wudu before prayer; baptism in Christianity, a custom and sacrament that represents both purification and initiation into the religious community (the Christian Church); and Amrit Sanskar in Sikhism, a rite of passage (sanskar) that similarly represents purification and initiation into the religious community (the khalsa). Rites that use water are not considered water rites if it is not their central feature. For example, having water to drink during or after ritual is common, but does not make thar ritual a water ritual unless the drinking of water is a central activity such as in the Church of All Worlds waterkin rite.

Fertility rites edit

Fertility rites or fertility cult are religious rituals that are intended to stimulate reproduction in humans or in the natural world.[37] Such rites may involve the sacrifice of "a primal animal, which must be sacrificed in the cause of fertility or even creation".[38]

Sexual rituals edit

Sexual rituals fall into two categories: culture-created, and natural behaviour, the human animal having developed sex rituals from evolutionary instincts for reproduction, which are then integrated into society, and elaborated to include aspects such as marriage rites, dances, etc.[39] Sometimes sexual rituals are highly formalized and/or part of religious activity, as in the cases of hieros gamos, the hierodule and the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO).

Political rituals edit

Parade through Macao, Latin City (2019). The Parade is held annually on December 20th to mark the anniversary of Macao's Handover to China.

According to anthropologist Clifford Geertz, political rituals actually construct power; that is, in his analysis of the Balinese state, he argued that rituals are not an ornament of political power, but that the power of political actors depends upon their ability to create rituals and the cosmic framework within which the social hierarchy headed by the king is perceived as natural and sacred.[40] As a "dramaturgy of power" comprehensive ritual systems may create a cosmological order that sets a ruler apart as a divine being, as in "the divine right" of European kings, or the divine Japanese Emperor.[41] Political rituals also emerge in the form of uncodified or codified conventions practiced by political officials that cement respect for the arrangements of an institution or role against the individual temporarily assuming it, as can be seen in the many rituals still observed within the procedure of parliamentary bodies.

Ritual can be used as a form of resistance, as for example, in the various Cargo Cults that developed against colonial powers in the South Pacific. In such religio-political movements, Islanders would use ritual imitations of western practices (such as the building of landing strips) as a means of summoning cargo (manufactured goods) from the ancestors. Leaders of these groups characterized the present state (often imposed by colonial capitalist regimes) as a dismantling of the old social order, which they sought to restore.[42] Rituals may also attain political significance after conflict, as is the case with the Bosnian syncretic holidays and festivals that transgress religious boundaries.[43]

Anthropological theories edit

Functionalism edit

A priest elevates the host during a Catholic Mass, one of the most widely performed rituals in the world.[44]

Nineteenth century "armchair anthropologists" were concerned with the basic question of how religion originated in human history. In the twentieth century their conjectural histories were replaced with new concerns around the question of what these beliefs and practices did for societies, regardless of their origin. In this view, religion was a universal, and while its content might vary enormously, it served certain basic functions such as the provision of prescribed solutions to basic human psychological and social problems, as well as expressing the central values of a society. Bronislaw Malinowski used the concept of function to address questions of individual psychological needs; A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, in contrast, looked for the function (purpose) of the institution or custom in preserving or maintaining society as a whole. They thus disagreed about the relationship of anxiety to ritual.[45]

Kowtowing in a court, China, before 1889

Malinowski argued that ritual was a non-technical means of addressing anxiety about activities where dangerous elements were beyond technical control: "magic is to be expected and generally to be found whenever man comes to an unbridgeable gap, a hiatus in his knowledge or in his powers of practical control, and yet has to continue in his pursuit.".[46] Radcliffe-Brown in contrast, saw ritual as an expression of common interest symbolically representing a community, and that anxiety was felt only if the ritual was not performed.[45] George C. Homans sought to resolve these opposing theories by differentiating between "primary anxieties" felt by people who lack the techniques to secure results, and "secondary (or displaced) anxiety" felt by those who have not performed the rites meant to allay primary anxiety correctly. Homans argued that purification rituals may then be conducted to dispel secondary anxiety.[47]

A.R. Radcliffe-Brown argued that ritual should be distinguished from technical action, viewing it as a structured event: "ritual acts differ from technical acts in having in all instances some expressive or symbolic element in them."[48] Edmund Leach, in contrast, saw ritual and technical action less as separate structural types of activity and more as a spectrum: "Actions fall into place on a continuous scale. At one extreme we have actions which are entirely profane, entirely functional, technique pure and simple; at the other we have actions which are entirely sacred, strictly aesthetic, technically non-functional. Between these two extremes we have the great majority of social actions which partake partly of the one sphere and partly of the other. From this point of view technique and ritual, profane and sacred, do not denote types of action but aspects of almost any kind of action."[49]

As social control edit

Balinese rice terraces regulated through ritual

The functionalist model viewed ritual as a homeostatic mechanism to regulate and stabilize social institutions by adjusting social interactions, maintaining a group ethos, and restoring harmony after disputes.

Although the functionalist model was soon superseded, later "neofunctional" theorists adopted its approach by examining the ways that ritual regulated larger ecological systems. Roy Rappaport, for example, examined the way gift exchanges of pigs between tribal groups in Papua New Guinea maintained environmental balance between humans, available food (with pigs sharing the same foodstuffs as humans) and resource base. Rappaport concluded that ritual, "...helps to maintain an undegraded environment, limits fighting to frequencies which do not endanger the existence of regional population, adjusts man-land ratios, facilitates trade, distributes local surpluses of pig throughout the regional population in the form of pork, and assures people of high quality protein when they are most in need of it".[50] Similarly, J. Stephen Lansing traced how the intricate calendar of Hindu Balinese rituals served to regulate the vast irrigation systems of Bali, ensuring the optimum distribution of water over the system while limiting disputes.[51]

Rebellion edit

While most Functionalists sought to link ritual to the maintenance of social order, South African functionalist anthropologist Max Gluckman coined the phrase "rituals of rebellion" to describe a type of ritual in which the accepted social order was symbolically turned on its head. Gluckman argued that the ritual was an expression of underlying social tensions (an idea taken up by Victor Turner), and that it functioned as an institutional pressure valve, relieving those tensions through these cyclical performances. The rites ultimately functioned to reinforce social order, insofar as they allowed those tensions to be expressed without leading to actual rebellion. Carnival is viewed in the same light. He observed, for example, how the first-fruits festival (incwala) of the South African Bantu kingdom of Swaziland symbolically inverted the normal social order, so that the king was publicly insulted, women asserted their domination over men, and the established authority of elders over the young was turned upside down.[52]

Structuralism edit

Claude Lévi-Strauss, the French anthropologist, regarded all social and cultural organization as symbolic systems of communication shaped by the inherent structure of the human brain. He therefore argued that the symbol systems are not reflections of social structure as the Functionalists believed, but are imposed on social relations to organize them. Lévi-Strauss thus viewed myth and ritual as complementary symbol systems, one verbal, one non-verbal. Lévi-Strauss was not concerned to develop a theory of ritual (although he did produce a four-volume analysis of myth) but was influential to later scholars of ritual such as Mary Douglas and Edmund Leach.[53]

Structure and anti-structure edit

Victor Turner combined Arnold van Gennep's model of the structure of initiation rites, and Gluckman's functionalist emphasis on the ritualization of social conflict to maintain social equilibrium, with a more structural model of symbols in ritual. Running counter to this emphasis on structured symbolic oppositions within a ritual was his exploration of the liminal phase of rites of passage, a phase in which "anti-structure" appears. In this phase, opposed states such as birth and death may be encompassed by a single act, object or phrase. The dynamic nature of symbols experienced in ritual provides a compelling personal experience; ritual is a "mechanism that periodically converts the obligatory into the desirable".[54]

Mary Douglas, a British Functionalist, extended Turner's theory of ritual structure and anti-structure with her own contrasting set of terms "grid" and "group" in the book Natural Symbols. Drawing on Levi-Strauss' Structuralist approach, she saw ritual as symbolic communication that constrained social behaviour. Grid is a scale referring to the degree to which a symbolic system is a shared frame of reference. Group refers to the degree people are tied into a tightly knit community. When graphed on two intersecting axes, four quadrants are possible: strong group/strong grid, strong group/weak grid, weak group/weak grid, weak group/strong grid. Douglas argued that societies with strong group or strong grid were marked by more ritual activity than those weak in either group or grid.[55] (see also, section below)

Anti-structure and communitas edit

In his analysis of rites of passage, Victor Turner argued that the liminal phase - that period 'betwixt and between' - was marked by "two models of human interrelatedness, juxtaposed and alternating": structure and anti-structure (or communitas).[56] While the ritual clearly articulated the cultural ideals of a society through ritual symbolism, the unrestrained festivities of the liminal period served to break down social barriers and to join the group into an undifferentiated unity with "no status, property, insignia, secular clothing, rank, kinship position, nothing to demarcate themselves from their fellows".[57] These periods of symbolic inversion have been studied in a diverse range of rituals such as pilgrimages and Yom Kippur.[58]

Social dramas edit

Beginning with Max Gluckman's concept of "rituals of rebellion", Victor Turner argued that many types of ritual also served as "social dramas" through which structural social tensions could be expressed, and temporarily resolved. Drawing on Van Gennep's model of initiation rites, Turner viewed these social dramas as a dynamic process through which the community renewed itself through the ritual creation of communitas during the "liminal phase". Turner analyzed the ritual events in 4 stages: breach in relations, crisis, redressive actions, and acts of reintegration. Like Gluckman, he argued these rituals maintain social order while facilitating disordered inversions, thereby moving people to a new status, just as in an initiation rite.[59]

Symbolic approaches to ritual edit

Arguments, melodies, formulas, maps and pictures are not idealities to be stared at but texts to be read; so are rituals, palaces, technologies, and social formations.

— Geertz (1980), p. 135

Clifford Geertz also expanded on the symbolic approach to ritual that began with Victor Turner. Geertz argued that religious symbol systems provided both a "model of" reality (showing how to interpret the world as is) as well as a "model for" reality (clarifying its ideal state). The role of ritual, according to Geertz, is to bring these two aspects – the "model of" and the "model for" – together: "it is in ritual – that is consecrated behaviour – that this conviction that religious conceptions are veridical and that religious directives are sound is somehow generated."[60]

Symbolic anthropologists like Geertz analyzed rituals as language-like codes to be interpreted independently as cultural systems. Geertz rejected Functionalist arguments that ritual describes social order, arguing instead that ritual actively shapes that social order and imposes meaning on disordered experience. He also differed from Gluckman and Turner's emphasis on ritual action as a means of resolving social passion, arguing instead that it simply displayed them.[61]

As a form of communication edit

Whereas Victor Turner saw in ritual the potential to release people from the binding structures of their lives into a liberating anti-structure or communitas, Maurice Bloch argued that ritual produced conformity.[62]

Maurice Bloch argued that ritual communication is unusual in that it uses a special, restricted vocabulary, a small number of permissible illustrations, and a restrictive grammar. As a result, ritual utterances become very predictable, and the speaker is made anonymous in that they have little choice in what to say. The restrictive syntax reduces the ability of the speaker to make propositional arguments, and they are left, instead, with utterances that cannot be contradicted such as "I do thee wed" in a wedding. These kinds of utterances, known as performatives, prevent speakers from making political arguments through logical argument, and are typical of what Weber called traditional authority instead.[63]

Bloch's model of ritual language denies the possibility of creativity. Thomas Csordas, in contrast, analyzes how ritual language can be used to innovate. Csordas looks at groups of rituals that share performative elements ("genres" of ritual with a shared "poetics"). These rituals may fall along the spectrum of formality, with some less, others more formal and restrictive. Csordas argues that innovations may be introduced in less formalized rituals. As these innovations become more accepted and standardized, they are slowly adopted in more formal rituals. In this way, even the most formal of rituals are potential avenues for creative expression.[64]

As a disciplinary program edit

Scriptorium monk at work. "Monks described this labor of transcribing manuscripts as being 'like prayer and fasting, a means of correcting one's unruly passions.'"[65]

In his historical analysis of articles on ritual and rite in the Encyclopædia Britannica, Talal Asad notes that from 1771 to 1852, the brief articles on ritual define it as a "book directing the order and manner to be observed in performing divine service" (i.e., as a script). There are no articles on the subject thereafter until 1910, when a new, lengthy article appeared that redefines ritual as "...a type of routine behaviour that symbolizes or expresses something".[66] As a symbolic activity, it is no longer confined to religion, but is distinguished from technical action. The shift in definitions from script to behavior, which is likened to a text, is matched by a semantic distinction between ritual as an outward sign (i.e., public symbol) and inward meaning.[67]

The emphasis has changed to establishing the meaning of public symbols and abandoning concerns with inner emotional states since, as Evans-Pritchard wrote "such emotional states, if present at all, must vary not only from individual to individual, but also in the same individual on different occasions and even at different points in the same rite."[68] Asad, in contrast, emphasizes behavior and inner emotional states; rituals are to be performed, and mastering these performances is a skill requiring disciplined action.

In other words, apt performance involves not symbols to be interpreted but abilities to be acquired according to rules that are sanctioned by those in authority: it presupposes no obscure meanings, but rather the formation of physical and linguistic skills.

— Asad (1993), p. 62

Drawing on the example of Medieval monastic life in Europe, he points out that ritual in this case refers to its original meaning of the "...book directing the order and manner to be observed in performing divine service". This book "prescribed practices, whether they had to do with the proper ways of eating, sleeping, working, and praying or with proper moral dispositions and spiritual aptitudes, aimed at developing virtues that are put 'to the service of God.'"[69] Monks, in other words, were disciplined in the Foucauldian sense. The point of monastic discipline was to learn skills and appropriate emotions. Asad contrasts his approach by concluding:

Symbols call for interpretation, and even as interpretive criteria are extended so interpretations can be multiplied. Disciplinary practices, on the other hand, cannot be varied so easily, because learning to develop moral capabilities is not the same thing as learning to invent representations.

— Asad (1993), p. 79

As a form of social solidarity edit

Ethnographic observation shows ritual can create social solidarity. Douglas Foley Went to North Town, Texas, between 1973 and 1974 to study public high school culture. He used interviews, participant observation, and unstructured chatting to study racial tension and capitalist culture in his ethnography Learning Capitalist Culture. Foley refers to football games and Friday Night Lights as a community ritual. This ritual united the school and created a sense of solidarity and community on a weekly basis involving pep rallies and the game itself. Foley observed judgement and segregation based on class, social status, wealth, and gender. He described Friday Night Lights as a ritual that overcomes those differences: "The other, gentler, more social side of football was, of course, the emphasis on camaraderie, loyalty, friendship between players, and pulling together".[70] In his ethnography Waiting for Elijah: Time and Encounter in a Bosnian Landscape, anthropologist Safet HadžiMuhamedović suggests that shared festivals like St George's Day and St Elijah's Day structure interfaith relationships and appear as acts of solidarity against ethno-nationalist purifications of territory in Bosnia.[43]

Ritualization edit

Asad's work critiqued the notion that there were universal characteristics of ritual to be found in all cases. Catherine Bell has extended this idea by shifting attention from ritual as a category, to the processes of "ritualization" by which ritual is created as a cultural form in a society. Ritualization is "a way of acting that is designed and orchestrated to distinguish and privilege what is being done in comparison to other, usually more quotidian, activities".[71]

Sociobiology and behavioral neuroscience edit

Anthropologists have also analyzed ritual via insights from other behavioral sciences. The idea that cultural rituals share behavioral similarities with personal rituals of individuals was discussed early on by Freud.[72] Dulaney and Fiske compared ethnographic descriptions of both rituals and non-ritual doings, such as work to behavioral descriptions from clinical descriptions of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD).[73] They note that OCD behavior often consists of such behavior as constantly cleaning objects, concern or disgust with bodily waste or secretions, repetitive actions to prevent harm, heavy emphasis on number or order of actions etc. They then show that ethnographic descriptions of cultural rituals contain around 5 times more of such content than ethnographic descriptions of other activities such as "work". Fiske later repeated similar analysis with more descriptions from a larger collection of different cultures, also contrasting descriptions of cultural rituals to descriptions of other behavioral disorders (in addition to OCD), in order to show that only OCD-like behavior (not other illnesses) shares properties with rituals.[74] The authors offer tentative explanations for these findings, for example that these behavioral traits are widely needed for survival, to control risk, and cultural rituals are often performed in the context of perceived collective risk.

Other anthropologists have taken these insights further, and constructed more elaborate theories based on the brain functions and physiology. Liénard and Boyer suggest that commonalities between obsessive behavior in individuals and similar behavior in collective contexts possibly share similarities due to underlying mental processes they call hazard precaution. They suggest that individuals of societies seem to pay more attention to information relevant to avoiding hazards, which in turn can explain why collective rituals displaying actions of hazard precaution are so popular and prevail for long periods in cultural transmission.[75]

Ritual as a methodological measure of religiosity edit

According to the sociologist Mervin Verbit, ritual may be understood as one of the key components of religiosity. And ritual itself may be broken down into four dimensions; content, frequency, intensity and centrality. The content of a ritual may vary from ritual to ritual, as does the frequency of its practice, the intensity of the ritual (how much of an impact it has on the practitioner), and the centrality of the ritual (in that religious tradition).[76][77][78]

In this sense, ritual is similar to Charles Glock's "practice" dimension of religiosity.[79]

Religious perspectives edit

In religion, a ritual can comprise the prescribed outward forms of performing the cultus, or cult, of a particular observation within a religion or religious denomination. Although ritual is often used in context with worship performed in a church, the actual relationship between any religion's doctrine and its ritual(s) can vary considerably from organized religion to non-institutionalized spirituality, such as ayahuasca shamanism as practiced by the Urarina of the upper Amazon.[80] Rituals often have a close connection with reverence, thus a ritual in many cases expresses reverence for a deity or idealized state of humanity.

Christianity edit

This Lutheran pastor administers the rite of confirmation on youth confirmands after instructing them in Luther's Small Catechism.

In Christianity, a rite is used to refer to a sacred ceremony (such as anointing of the sick), which may or may not carry the status of a sacrament depending on the Christian denomination (in Roman Catholicism, anointing of the sick is a sacrament while in Lutheranism it is not). The word "rite" is also used to denote a liturgical tradition usually emanating from a specific center; examples include the Roman Rite, the Byzantine Rite, and the Sarum Rite. Such rites may include various sub-rites. For example, the Byzantine Rite (which is used by the Eastern Orthodox, Eastern Lutheran, and Eastern Catholic churches) has Greek, Russian, and other ethnically based variants.

Islam edit

For daily prayers, practicing Muslims must perform a ritual recitation from the Quran in Arabic while bowing and prostrating. Quranic chapter 2 prescribes rituals such as the direction to face for prayers (qiblah); pilgrimage (Hajj), and fasting in Ramadan.[81] Iḥrām is a state of ritual purity in preparation for pilgrimage in Islam.[82]

Hajj rituals include circumambulation around the Kaʿbah.[83]... and show us our rites[84] - these rites (manāsik) are presumed the rituals of ḥajj.[83] Truly Ṣafā and Marwah are among the rituals of God[85] Saʿy is the ritual travel, partway between walking and running, seven times between the two hills.[86]

Freemasonry edit

In Freemasonry, rituals are scripted words and actions which employ Masonic symbolism to illustrate the principles espoused by Freemasons. These rituals are progressively taught to entrusted members during initiation into a particular Masonic rite comprising a series of degrees conferred by a Masonic body.[87] The degrees of Freemasonry derive from the three grades of medieval craft guilds; those of "Entered Apprentice", "Journeyman" (or "Fellowcraft"), and "Master Mason". In North America, Freemasons who have been raised to the degree of "Master Mason” have the option of joining appendant bodies that offer additional degrees to those, such as those of the Scottish Rite or the York Rite.

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ "Definition of RITUAL". merriam-webster.com.
  2. ^ Turner, Victor Witter (1973). "Symbols in African Ritual (16 March 1973)". Science. 179 (4078): 1100–1105. Bibcode:1973Sci...179.1100T. doi:10.1126/science.179.4078.1100. PMID 17788268. A ritual is a stereotyped sequence of activities involving gestures, words, and objects, performed in a sequestered place, and designed to influence preternatural entities or forces on behalf of the actors' goals and interests.
  3. ^ Bell (1997), pp. 138–169.
  4. ^ Brown, Donald (1991). Human Universals. United States: McGraw Hill. p. 139.
  5. ^ Kyriakidis, E., ed. (2007). The archaeology of ritual. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology UCLA publications.
  6. ^ Festus, entry on ritus, p. 364 (edition of Lindsay).
  7. ^ Barbara Boudewijnse, "British Roots of the Concept of Ritual," in Religion in the Making: The Emergence of the Sciences of Religion (Brill, 1998), p. 278.
  8. ^ Boudewijnse, "British Roots of the Concept of Ritual," p. 278.
  9. ^ Boudewijnse, "British Roots of the Concept of Ritual," p. 278, citing the Oxford English Dictionary.
  10. ^ Tolbert (1990a).
  11. ^ Tolbert (1990b).
  12. ^ Wilce (2006).
  13. ^ Bell (1997), pp. 138-169.
  14. ^ Bell (1997), pp. 139–140.
  15. ^ . The Patriot Ledger. November 26, 2009. Archived from the original on November 14, 2013. Retrieved 2010-08-01.
  16. ^ Bell (1997), pp. 145–150.
  17. ^ Bell (1997), pp. 152–153.
  18. ^ Bell (1997), p. 155.
  19. ^ Bell (1997), p. 156.
  20. ^ Ortner, Sherry (1973). "On Key Symbols". American Anthropologist. 75 (5): 1340. doi:10.1525/aa.1973.75.5.02a00100.
  21. ^ Bell (1997), pp. 156–57.
  22. ^ Bell (1997), pp. 156–157.
  23. ^ Myerhoff, Barbara (1997). Secular Ritual. Amsterdam: Van Gorcum. p. 223.
  24. ^ Bell (1997), p. 94.
  25. ^ Turner (1969), p. 95.
  26. ^ Turner (1969), p. 97.
  27. ^ a b Turner (1973).
  28. ^ Turner (1967), p. 9ff.
  29. ^ Turner (1969), pp. 20–21.
  30. ^ Atkinson, Jane (1987). "The Effectiveness of Shamans in an Indonesian Ritual". American Anthropologist. 89 (2): 342. doi:10.1525/aa.1987.89.2.02a00040.
  31. ^ Bell (1997), pp. 102–103.
  32. ^ Eliade, Mircea (1954). The Myth of Eternal Return or, Cosmos and History. Princeton: Princeton University Press. p. 21.
  33. ^ Bell (1997), p. 109.
  34. ^ Bell (1997), p. 121.
  35. ^ Turner, Victor (1974). Dramas, Fields, and Metaphors: Symbolic Action in Human Society. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. pp. 23–35.
  36. ^ Kinser, Samuel (1990). Carnival, American Style; Mardi Gras at New Orleans and Mobile. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p. 282.
  37. ^ Ananti, Emmanuel (January 1986). AnthonyBonanno (ed.). Archaeology and Fertility Cult in the Ancient Mediterranean: First International Conference on Archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean. B R Gruner Publishing. ISBN 9789027272539.
  38. ^ Aniela Jaffé, in C. G. Jung, Man and his Symbols (1978) p. 264
  39. ^ Desmond Morris, The Naked Ape Trilogy (London 1994) p. 246 and p. 34
  40. ^ Geertz (1980), pp. 13–17, 21.
  41. ^ Bell (1997), p. 130.
  42. ^ Worsley, Peter (1957). The Trumpet Shall Sound: A Study of 'Cargo Cults' in Melanesia. New York: Schocken books.
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  44. ^ Harkins, Franklin T. (2021). Thomas Aquinas: the basics. London and New York: Routledge. p. 166. ISBN 978-0-367-34986-8. It is estimated that in our times more than 350,000 Masses are celebrated each day on planet earth!
  45. ^ a b Lessa & Vogt (1979), pp. 36–38.
  46. ^ Lessa & Vogt (1979), p. 38.
  47. ^ Homans, George C. (1941). "Anxiety and Ritual: The Theories of Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown". American Anthropologist. 43 (2): 164–72. doi:10.1525/aa.1941.43.2.02a00020.
  48. ^ Radcliffe-Brown, A.R. (1939). Structure and Function in Primitive Society. London: Cohen and West. p. 143.
  49. ^ Leach, Edmund (1954). Political Systems of Highland Burma. London: Bell. pp. 12–13.
  50. ^ Rappaport, Roy (1979). Ecology, Meaning and Religion. Richmond, CA: North Atlantic Books. p. 41.
  51. ^ Lansing, Stephen (1991). Priests and Programmers: technologies of power in the engineered landscape of Bali. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  52. ^ Gluckman, Max (1963). Order and Rebellion in South East Africa: Collected Essays. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  53. ^ Bell, Catherine (1992). Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 42–43.
  54. ^ Turner (1967), p. 30.
  55. ^ Douglas, Mary (1973). Natural Symbols: Explorations in Cosmology. New York: Vintage Books.
  56. ^ Turner (1969), p. 96.
  57. ^ Turner (1967), pp. 96–97.
  58. ^ Bell, Catherine (1992). Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 128.
  59. ^ Kuper, Adam (1983). Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 156–57. ISBN 9780710094094.
  60. ^ Geertz, Clifford (1973). The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books. p. 112. ISBN 9780465097197.
  61. ^ Bell, Catherine (1992). Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 66–67.
  62. ^ Hughes-Freeland, Felicia (ed.). Ritual, Performance, Media. London: Routledge. p. 2.
  63. ^ Bloch, Maurice (1974). "Symbols, Song, Dance and Features of Articulation: Is Religion an Extreme Form of Traditional Authority?". Archives Européennes de Sociologie. 15 (1): 55–84. doi:10.1017/s0003975600002824. S2CID 145170270.
  64. ^ Csordas, Thomas J. (2001) [1997]. Language, Charisma, & Creativity: Ritual Life in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Basingstoke: Palgrave. pp. 255–65.
  65. ^ Asad (1993), p. 64.
  66. ^ Asad (1993), pp. 56–57.
  67. ^ Asad (1993), pp. 58–60.
  68. ^ Asad (1993), p. 73.
  69. ^ Asad (1993), p. 63.
  70. ^ Foley, Douglas (2010). Learning Capitalist Culture: Deep in the Heart of Tejas. University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 53.
  71. ^ Bell, Catherine (1992). Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 74.
  72. ^ Freud, S. (1928) Die Zukunft einer Illusion. Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag.
  73. ^ Dulaney, S.; Fiske, A. P. Cultural Rituals and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Is There a Common Psychological Mechanism? Ethos 1994, 22 (3), 243–283. https://doi.org/10.1525/eth.1994.22.3.02a00010.
  74. ^ Fiske, A. P.; Haslam, N. Is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder a Pathology of the Human Disposition to Perform Socially Meaningful Rituals? Evidence of Similar Content. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 1997, 185 (4), 211–222. https://doi.org/10.1097/00005053-199704000-00001 2022-11-18 at the Wayback Machine.
  75. ^ Liénard, P.; Boyer, P. Whence Collective Rituals? A Cultural Selection Model of Ritualized Behavior. American Anthropologist 2006, 108 (4), 814–827. https://doi.org/10.1525/aa.2006.108.4.814.
  76. ^ Verbit, M.F. (1970). The components and dimensions of religious behavior: Toward a reconceptualization of religiosity. American mosaic, 24, 39.
  77. ^ Küçükcan, T. (2010). Multidimensional Approach to Religion: a way of looking at religious phenomena. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 4(10), 60–70.
  78. ^ Küçükcan, Talip*. "Can Religiosity be Measured? Dimensions of Religious Commitment: Theories Revisited" (PDF). www.eskieserler.com.
  79. ^ Glock, Charles Y. (1972). Faulkner, J.E. (ed.). On the Study of Religious Commitment. pp. 38–56. {{cite encyclopedia}}: |work= ignored (help)
  80. ^ Dean, Bartholomew (2009). Urarina Society, Cosmology, and History in Peruvian Amazonia 2011-07-17 at the Wayback Machine, Gainesville: University Press of Florida ISBN 978-0-8130-3378-5
  81. ^ Lumbard, Joseph (April 2015). Introduction, The Study Quran. San Francisco: HarperOne.
  82. ^ Dagli, Caner (April 2015). Q2:189 Study notes, The Study Quran. San Francisco: HarperOne.
  83. ^ a b Dagli, Caner (April 2015). 2, The Cow, al-Baqarah, The Study Quran. San Francisco: HarperOne.
  84. ^ Quran 2:128 (Q2:128 2021-03-04 at the Wayback Machine, 50+ translations, islamawakened.com)
  85. ^ Quran 2:158 (Q2:158 2021-09-22 at the Wayback Machine, 50+ translations, islamawakened.com)
  86. ^ Dagli, Caner (April 2015). Q2:158 Study notes, The Study Quran. San Francisco: HarperOne.
  87. ^ Snoek, Jan A.M. (2014). "Masonic Rituals of Initiation". In Bodgan, Henrik; Snoek, Jan A.M. (eds.). Handbook of Freemasonry. Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion. Vol. 8. Leiden: BRILL. pp. 319–327. doi:10.1163/9789004273122_018. ISBN 978-90-04-21833-8. ISSN 1874-6691.

Cited literature edit

  • Asad, Talal (1993). "Toward a genealogy of the concept of ritual". Genealogies of Religion. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Bell, Catherine (1997). Ritual: Perspectives and Dimensions. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Geertz, Clifford (1980). Negara: the Theatre State in Nineteenth-Century Bali. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Lessa, William A.; Vogt, Evon Z., eds. (1979). Reader in Comparative Religion: An Anthropological Approach. New York: Harper & Row. ISBN 9780060439910.
  • Tolbert, Elizabeth (1990a). "Women Cry with Words: Symbolization of Affect in the Karelian Lament". Yearbook for Traditional Music. 22: 80–105. doi:10.2307/767933. JSTOR 767933. S2CID 192949893.
  • Tolbert, Elizabeth (1990b). Herndon, M.; Zigler, S. (eds.). Magico-Religious Power and Gender in the Karelian Lament. pp. 41–56. {{cite encyclopedia}}: |work= ignored (help)
  • Turner, Victor W. (1967). The Forest of Symbols: Aspects of Ndembu Ritual. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Turner, Victor W. (1969). The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Wilce, James M. (2006). "Magical Laments and Anthropological Reflections: The Production and Circulation of Anthropological Text as Ritual Activity". Current Anthropology. 47 (6): 891–914. doi:10.1086/507195. S2CID 11691889.

Further reading edit

  • Aractingi, Jean-Marc and G. Le Pape. (2011) "Rituals and catechisms in Ecumenical Rite" in East and West at the Crossroads Masonic, Editions l'Harmattan- Paris ISBN 978-2-296-54445-1.
  • Bax, Marcel. (2010). 'Rituals'. In: Jucker, Andeas H. & Taavitsainen, Irma, eds. Handbook of Pragmatics, Vol. 8: Historical Pragmatics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 483–519.
  • Bloch, Maurice. (1992) Prey into Hunter: The Politics of Religious Experience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Buc, Philippe. (2001) The Dangers of Ritual. Between Early Medieval Texts and Social Scientific Theory. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Buc, Philippe. (2007). 'The monster and the critics. A ritual reply'. Early Medieval Europe 15: 441–52.
  • Carrico, K., ed. (2011). 'Ritual.' Cultural Anthropology (Journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology). Virtual Issue: http://www.culanth.org/?q=node/462.
  • D'Aquili, Eugene G., Charles D. Laughlin and John McManus. (1979) The Spectrum of Ritual: A Biogenetic Structural Analysis. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Douglas, Mary. (1966) Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo. London: Routledge.
  • Durkheim, E. (1965 [1915]). The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. New York: The Free Press.
  • Etzioni, Amitai. (2000). "Toward a theory of public ritual." Sociological Theory 18(1): 44–59.
  • Erikson, Erik. (1977) Toys and Reasons: Stages in the Ritualization of Experience. New York: Norton.
  • Fogelin, L. (2007). The Archaeology of Religious Ritual. Annual Review of Anthropology 36: 55–71.
  • Gennep, Arnold van. (1960) The Rites of Passage. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
  • Grimes, Ronald L. (2014) The Craft of Ritual Studies. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Grimes, Ronald L. (1982, 2013) Beginnings in Ritual Studies. Third edition. Waterloo, Canada: Ritual Studies International.
  • Kyriakidis, E., ed. (2007) The archaeology of ritual. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology UCLA publications
  • Lawson, E.T. & McCauley, R.N. (1990) Rethinking Religion: Connecting Cognition and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Malinowski, Bronisław. (1948) Magic, Science and Religion. Boston: Beacon Press.
  • McCorkle Jr., William W. (2010) Ritualizing the Disposal of Dead Bodies: From Corpse to Concept. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
  • Perniola Mario. (2000). Ritual Thinking. Sexuality, Death, World, foreword by Hugh J. Silverman, with author's introduction, Amherst (USA), Humanity Books.
  • Post, Paul (2015) 'Ritual Studies', in: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion 1-23. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199340378.013.21
  • Rappaport, Roy A. (1999) Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Seijo, F. (2005). "The Politics of Fire: Spanish Forest Policy and Ritual Resistance in Galicia, Spain". Environmental Politics 14 (3): 380–402
  • Silverstein, M. (2003). Talking Politics :The Substance of Style from Abe to "W". Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press (distributed by University of Chicago).
  • Silverstein, M. (2004). ""Cultural" Concepts and the Language-Culture Nexus". Current Anthropology 45: 621–52.
  • Smith, Jonathan Z. (1987) To Take Place: Toward Theory in Ritual. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Staal, Frits (1990) Ritual and Mantras: Rules Without Meaning. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
  • Stollberg-Rilinger, Barbara (2013). Rituale. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2013
  • Utz, Richard. "Negotiating Heritage: Observations on Semantic Concepts, Temporality, and the Centre for the Study of the Cultural Heritage of Medieval Rituals". Philologie im Netz (2011): 70–87.
  • Yatromanolakis, Dimitrios and Panagiotis Roilos, (2003). Towards a Ritual Poetics, Athens, Foundation of the Hellenic World.
  • Yatromanolakis, Dimitrios and Panagiotis Roilos (eds.), (2005) Greek Ritual Poetics, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press.

ritual, other, uses, disambiguation, rite, disambiguation, ritual, sequence, activities, involving, gestures, words, actions, revered, objects, prescribed, traditions, community, including, religious, community, characterized, defined, formalism, traditionalis. For other uses see Ritual disambiguation and Rite disambiguation A ritual is a sequence of activities involving gestures words actions or revered objects 1 2 Rituals may be prescribed by the traditions of a community including a religious community Rituals are characterized but not defined by formalism traditionalism invariance rule governance sacral symbolism and performance 3 A Srauta yajna or fire ritual in Kerala India Hindu fire rituals have changed little for over three thousand years Rituals are a feature of all known human societies 4 They include not only the worship rites and sacraments of organized religions and cults but also rites of passage atonement and purification rites oaths of allegiance dedication ceremonies coronations and presidential inaugurations marriages funerals and more Even common actions like hand shaking and saying hello may be termed as rituals The field of ritual studies has seen a number of conflicting definitions of the term One given by Kyriakidis is that a ritual is an outsider s or etic category for a set activity or set of actions that to the outsider seems irrational non contiguous or illogical The term can be used also by the insider or emic performer as an acknowledgement that this activity can be seen as such by the uninitiated onlooker 5 In psychology the term ritual is sometimes used in a technical sense for a repetitive behavior systematically used by a person to neutralize or prevent anxiety it can be a symptom of obsessive compulsive disorder but obsessive compulsive ritualistic behaviors are generally isolated activities Contents 1 Etymology 2 Characteristics 2 1 Formalism 2 2 Traditionalism 2 3 Invariance 2 4 Rule governance 2 5 Sacral symbolism 2 6 Performance 3 Genres 3 1 Rites of passage 3 2 Rites of affliction 3 3 Death mourning and funerary rites 3 4 Calendrical and commemorative rites 3 5 Rites of sacrifice exchange and communion 3 6 Rites of feasting fasting and festivals 3 7 Water rites 3 8 Fertility rites 3 9 Sexual rituals 3 10 Political rituals 4 Anthropological theories 4 1 Functionalism 4 1 1 As social control 4 1 2 Rebellion 4 2 Structuralism 4 3 Structure and anti structure 4 3 1 Anti structure and communitas 4 3 2 Social dramas 4 4 Symbolic approaches to ritual 4 5 As a form of communication 4 6 As a disciplinary program 4 7 As a form of social solidarity 4 8 Ritualization 4 9 Sociobiology and behavioral neuroscience 4 10 Ritual as a methodological measure of religiosity 5 Religious perspectives 5 1 Christianity 5 2 Islam 6 Freemasonry 7 See also 8 References 8 1 Cited literature 9 Further readingEtymology editThe English word ritual derives from the Latin ritualis that which pertains to rite ritus In Roman juridical and religious usage ritus was the proven way mos of doing something 6 or correct performance custom 7 The original concept of ritus may be related to the Sanskrit ṛta visible order in Vedic religion the lawful and regular order of the normal and therefore proper natural and true structure of cosmic worldly human and ritual events 8 The word ritual is first recorded in English in 1570 and came into use in the 1600s to mean the prescribed order of performing religious services or more particularly a book of these prescriptions 9 Characteristics editThere are hardly any limits to the kind of actions that may be incorporated into a ritual The rites of past and present societies have typically involved special gestures and words recitation of fixed texts performance of special music songs or dances processions manipulation of certain objects use of special dresses consumption of special food drink or drugs and much more 10 11 12 Catherine Bell argues that rituals can be characterized by formalism traditionalism invariance rule governance sacral symbolism and performance 13 Formalism edit nbsp The use of Latin in a Tridentine Catholic Mass is an example of a restricted code Ritual uses a limited and rigidly organized set of expressions which anthropologists call a restricted code in opposition to a more open elaborated code Maurice Bloch argues that ritual obliges participants to use this formal oratorical style which is limited in intonation syntax vocabulary loudness and fixity of order In adopting this style ritual leaders speech becomes more style than content Because this formal speech limits what can be said it induces acceptance compliance or at least forbearance with regard to any overt challenge Bloch argues that this form of ritual communication makes rebellion impossible and revolution the only feasible alternative Ritual tends to support traditional forms of social hierarchy and authority and maintains the assumptions on which the authority is based from challenge 14 Traditionalism edit nbsp The First Thanksgiving 1621 oil on canvas by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris 1863 1930 The painting shows common misconceptions about the event that persist to modern times Pilgrims did not wear such outfits and the Wampanoag are dressed in the style of Plains Indians 15 Rituals appeal to tradition and are generally continued to repeat historical precedent religious rite mores or ceremony accurately Traditionalism varies from formalism in that the ritual may not be formal yet still makes an appeal to the historical trend An example is the American Thanksgiving dinner which may not be formal yet is ostensibly based on an event from the early Puritan settlement of America Historians Eric Hobsbawm and Terrence Ranger have argued that many of these are invented traditions such as the rituals of the British monarchy which invoke thousand year old tradition but whose actual form originate in the late nineteenth century to some extent reviving earlier forms in this case medieval that had been discontinued in the meantime Thus the appeal to history is important rather than accurate historical transmission 16 Invariance edit Catherine Bell states that ritual is also invariant implying careful choreography This is less an appeal to traditionalism than a striving for timeless repetition The key to invariance is bodily discipline as in monastic prayer and meditation meant to mold dispositions and moods This bodily discipline is frequently performed in unison by groups 17 Rule governance edit Rituals tend to be governed by rules a feature somewhat like formalism Rules impose norms on the chaos of behavior either defining the outer limits of what is acceptable or choreographing each move Individuals are held to communally approved customs that evoke a legitimate communal authority that can constrain the possible outcomes Historically war in most societies has been bound by highly ritualized constraints that limit the legitimate means by which war was waged 18 Sacral symbolism edit nbsp Ritual practitioner on Inwangsan Mountain Seoul South KoreaActivities appealing to supernatural beings are easily considered rituals although the appeal may be quite indirect expressing only a generalized belief in the existence of the sacred demanding a human response National flags for example may be considered more than signs representing a country The flag stands for larger symbols such as freedom democracy free enterprise or national superiority 19 Anthropologist Sherry Ortner writes that the flag does not encourage reflection on the logical relations among these ideas nor on the logical consequences of them as they are played out in social actuality over time and history On the contrary the flag encourages a sort of all or nothing allegiance to the whole package best summed by Our flag love it or leave 20 Particular objects become sacral symbols through a process of consecration which effectively creates the sacred by setting it apart from the profane Boy Scouts and the armed forces in any country teach the official ways of folding saluting and raising the flag thus emphasizing that the flag should never be treated as just a piece of cloth 21 Performance edit The performance of ritual creates a theatrical like frame around the activities symbols and events that shape participant s experience and cognitive ordering of the world simplifying the chaos of life and imposing a more or less coherent system of categories of meaning onto it 22 As Barbara Myerhoff put it not only is seeing believing doing is believing 23 Genres editFor simplicity s sake the range of diverse rituals can be divided into categories with common characteristics generally falling into one three major categories rites of passage generally changing an individual s social status communal rites whether of worship where a community comes together to worship such as Jewish synagogue or Mass or of another character such as fertility rites and certain non religious festivals rites of personal devotion where an individual worships including prayer and pilgrimages pledges of allegiance or promises to wed someone However rituals can fall in more than one category or genre and may be grouped in a variety of other ways For example the anthropologist Victor Turner writes Rituals may be seasonal or they may be contingent held in response to an individual or collective crisis Other classes of rituals include divinatory rituals ceremonies performed by political authorities to ensure the health and fertility of human beings animals and crops in their territories initiation into priesthoods devoted to certain deities into religious associations or into secret societies and those accompanying the daily offering of food and libations to deities or ancestral spirits or both Turner 1973 Rites of passage edit nbsp The capping ceremony is one of the principle rites of the Confucian ritual religion alongside marriage mourning rites and sacrificial rituals Main article Rites of passage A rite of passage is a ritual event that marks a person s transition from one status to another including adoption baptism coming of age graduation inauguration engagement and marriage Rites of passage may also include initiation into groups not tied to a formal stage of life such as a fraternity Arnold van Gennep stated that rites of passage are marked by three stages 24 1 Separation Wherein the initiates are separated from their old identities through physical and symbolic means 2 Transition Wherein the initiated are betwixt and between Victor Turner argued that this stage is marked by liminality a condition of ambiguity or disorientation in which initiates have been stripped of their old identities but have not yet acquired their new one Turner states that the attributes of liminality or of liminal personae threshold people are necessarily ambiguous 25 In this stage of liminality or anti structure see below the initiates role ambiguity creates a sense of communitas or emotional bond of community between them This stage may be marked by ritual ordeals or ritual training 3 Incorporation Wherein the initiates are symbolically confirmed in their new identity and community 26 Rites of affliction edit Further information Shamanism Exorcism and Ritual purification Anthropologist Victor Turner defines rites of affliction actions that seek to mitigate spirits or supernatural forces that inflict humans with bad luck illness gynecological troubles physical injuries and other such misfortunes 27 These rites may include forms of spirit divination consulting oracles to establish causes and rituals that heal purify exorcise and protect The misfortune experienced may include individual health but also broader climate related issues such as drought or plagues of insects Healing rites performed by shamans frequently identify social disorder as the cause and make the restoration of social relationships the cure 28 Turner uses the example of the Isoma ritual among the Ndembu of northwestern Zambia to illustrate The Isoma rite of affliction is used to cure a childless woman of infertility Infertility is the result of a structural tension between matrilineal descent and virilocal marriage i e the tension a woman feels between her mother s family to whom she owes allegiance and her husband s family among whom she must live It is because the woman has come too closely in touch with the man s side in her marriage that her dead matrikin have impaired her fertility To correct the balance of matrilinial descent and marriage the Isoma ritual dramatically placates the deceased spirits by requiring the woman to reside with her mother s kin 29 Shamanic and other ritual may effect a psychotherapeutic cure leading anthropologists such as Jane Atkinson to theorize how Atkinson argues that the effectiveness of a shamanic ritual for an individual may depend upon a wider audiences acknowledging the shaman s power which may lead to the shaman placing greater emphasis on engaging the audience than in the healing of the patient 30 Death mourning and funerary rites edit Further information Funeral This section needs expansion You can help by adding to it March 2022 Many cultures have rites associated with death and mourning such as the last rites and wake in Christianity shemira in Judaism the antyesti in Hinduism and the antam sanskar in Sikhism nbsp Aztec ritual human sacrifices Codex MendozaCalendrical and commemorative rites edit See also Liturgical calendar and Wheel of the Year Calendrical and commemorative rites are ritual events marking particular times of year or a fixed period since an important event Calendrical rituals give social meaning to the passage of time creating repetitive weekly monthly or yearly cycles Some rites are oriented towards a culturally defined moment of change in the climatic cycle such as solar terms or the changing of seasons or they may mark the inauguration of an activity such as planting harvesting or moving from winter to summer pasture during the agricultural cycle 27 They may be fixed by the solar or lunar calendar those fixed by the solar calendar fall on the same day of the Gregorian Solar calendar each year such as New Year s Day on the first of January while those calculated by the lunar calendar fall on different dates of the Gregorian Solar calendar each year such as Chinese lunar New Year Calendrical rites impose a cultural order on nature 31 Mircea Eliade states that the calendrical rituals of many religious traditions recall and commemorate the basic beliefs of a community and their yearly celebration establishes a link between past and present as if the original events are happening over again Thus the gods did thus men do 32 Rites of sacrifice exchange and communion edit nbsp Hindu fire offering ritual during Durga Puja in BangladeshThis genre of ritual encompasses forms of sacrifice and offering meant to praise please or placate divine powers According to early anthropologist Edward Tylor such sacrifices are gifts given in hope of a return Catherine Bell however points out that sacrifice covers a range of practices from those that are manipulative and magical to those of pure devotion Hindu puja for example appear to have no other purpose than to please the deity 33 According to Marcel Mauss sacrifice is distinguished from other forms of offering by being consecrated and hence sanctified As a consequence the offering is usually destroyed in the ritual to transfer it to the deities Rites of feasting fasting and festivals edit nbsp Masquerade at the Carnival of VeniceRites of feasting and fasting are those through which a community publicly expresses an adherence to basic shared religious values rather than to the overt presence of deities as is found in rites of affliction where feasting or fasting may also take place It encompasses a range of performances such as communal fasting during Ramadan by Muslims the slaughter of pigs in New Guinea Carnival festivities or penitential processions in Catholicism 34 Victor Turner described this cultural performance of basic values a social drama Such dramas allow the social stresses that are inherent in a particular culture to be expressed and worked out symbolically in a ritual catharsis as the social tensions continue to persist outside the ritual pressure mounts for the ritual s cyclical performance 35 In Carnival for example the practice of masking allows people to be what they are not and acts as a general social leveller erasing otherwise tense social hierarchies in a festival that emphasizes play outside the bounds of normal social limits Yet outside carnival social tensions of race class and gender persist hence requiring the repeated periodic release found in the festival 36 Water rites edit Further information Water and religion Holy water and Water Communion A water rite is a rite or ceremonial custom that uses water as its central feature Typically a person is immersed or bathed as a symbol of religious indoctrination or ritual purification Examples include the Mikveh in Judaism a custom of purification misogi in Shinto a custom of spiritual and bodily purification involving bathing in a sacred waterfall river or lake the Muslim ritual ablution or Wudu before prayer baptism in Christianity a custom and sacrament that represents both purification and initiation into the religious community the Christian Church and Amrit Sanskar in Sikhism a rite of passage sanskar that similarly represents purification and initiation into the religious community the khalsa Rites that use water are not considered water rites if it is not their central feature For example having water to drink during or after ritual is common but does not make thar ritual a water ritual unless the drinking of water is a central activity such as in the Church of All Worlds waterkin rite Fertility rites edit This section is an excerpt from Fertility rite edit Fertility rites or fertility cult are religious rituals that are intended to stimulate reproduction in humans or in the natural world 37 Such rites may involve the sacrifice of a primal animal which must be sacrificed in the cause of fertility or even creation 38 Sexual rituals edit This section is an excerpt from Sexual ritual edit Sexual rituals fall into two categories culture created and natural behaviour the human animal having developed sex rituals from evolutionary instincts for reproduction which are then integrated into society and elaborated to include aspects such as marriage rites dances etc 39 Sometimes sexual rituals are highly formalized and or part of religious activity as in the cases of hieros gamos the hierodule and the Ordo Templi Orientis OTO Political rituals edit nbsp Parade through Macao Latin City 2019 The Parade is held annually on December 20th to mark the anniversary of Macao s Handover to China According to anthropologist Clifford Geertz political rituals actually construct power that is in his analysis of the Balinese state he argued that rituals are not an ornament of political power but that the power of political actors depends upon their ability to create rituals and the cosmic framework within which the social hierarchy headed by the king is perceived as natural and sacred 40 As a dramaturgy of power comprehensive ritual systems may create a cosmological order that sets a ruler apart as a divine being as in the divine right of European kings or the divine Japanese Emperor 41 Political rituals also emerge in the form of uncodified or codified conventions practiced by political officials that cement respect for the arrangements of an institution or role against the individual temporarily assuming it as can be seen in the many rituals still observed within the procedure of parliamentary bodies Ritual can be used as a form of resistance as for example in the various Cargo Cults that developed against colonial powers in the South Pacific In such religio political movements Islanders would use ritual imitations of western practices such as the building of landing strips as a means of summoning cargo manufactured goods from the ancestors Leaders of these groups characterized the present state often imposed by colonial capitalist regimes as a dismantling of the old social order which they sought to restore 42 Rituals may also attain political significance after conflict as is the case with the Bosnian syncretic holidays and festivals that transgress religious boundaries 43 Anthropological theories editSee also Ritology Functionalism edit nbsp A priest elevates the host during a Catholic Mass one of the most widely performed rituals in the world 44 Main article Structural functionalism Nineteenth century armchair anthropologists were concerned with the basic question of how religion originated in human history In the twentieth century their conjectural histories were replaced with new concerns around the question of what these beliefs and practices did for societies regardless of their origin In this view religion was a universal and while its content might vary enormously it served certain basic functions such as the provision of prescribed solutions to basic human psychological and social problems as well as expressing the central values of a society Bronislaw Malinowski used the concept of function to address questions of individual psychological needs A R Radcliffe Brown in contrast looked for the function purpose of the institution or custom in preserving or maintaining society as a whole They thus disagreed about the relationship of anxiety to ritual 45 nbsp Kowtowing in a court China before 1889Malinowski argued that ritual was a non technical means of addressing anxiety about activities where dangerous elements were beyond technical control magic is to be expected and generally to be found whenever man comes to an unbridgeable gap a hiatus in his knowledge or in his powers of practical control and yet has to continue in his pursuit 46 Radcliffe Brown in contrast saw ritual as an expression of common interest symbolically representing a community and that anxiety was felt only if the ritual was not performed 45 George C Homans sought to resolve these opposing theories by differentiating between primary anxieties felt by people who lack the techniques to secure results and secondary or displaced anxiety felt by those who have not performed the rites meant to allay primary anxiety correctly Homans argued that purification rituals may then be conducted to dispel secondary anxiety 47 A R Radcliffe Brown argued that ritual should be distinguished from technical action viewing it as a structured event ritual acts differ from technical acts in having in all instances some expressive or symbolic element in them 48 Edmund Leach in contrast saw ritual and technical action less as separate structural types of activity and more as a spectrum Actions fall into place on a continuous scale At one extreme we have actions which are entirely profane entirely functional technique pure and simple at the other we have actions which are entirely sacred strictly aesthetic technically non functional Between these two extremes we have the great majority of social actions which partake partly of the one sphere and partly of the other From this point of view technique and ritual profane and sacred do not denote types of action but aspects of almost any kind of action 49 As social control edit nbsp Balinese rice terraces regulated through ritualSee also social control The functionalist model viewed ritual as a homeostatic mechanism to regulate and stabilize social institutions by adjusting social interactions maintaining a group ethos and restoring harmony after disputes Although the functionalist model was soon superseded later neofunctional theorists adopted its approach by examining the ways that ritual regulated larger ecological systems Roy Rappaport for example examined the way gift exchanges of pigs between tribal groups in Papua New Guinea maintained environmental balance between humans available food with pigs sharing the same foodstuffs as humans and resource base Rappaport concluded that ritual helps to maintain an undegraded environment limits fighting to frequencies which do not endanger the existence of regional population adjusts man land ratios facilitates trade distributes local surpluses of pig throughout the regional population in the form of pork and assures people of high quality protein when they are most in need of it 50 Similarly J Stephen Lansing traced how the intricate calendar of Hindu Balinese rituals served to regulate the vast irrigation systems of Bali ensuring the optimum distribution of water over the system while limiting disputes 51 Rebellion edit While most Functionalists sought to link ritual to the maintenance of social order South African functionalist anthropologist Max Gluckman coined the phrase rituals of rebellion to describe a type of ritual in which the accepted social order was symbolically turned on its head Gluckman argued that the ritual was an expression of underlying social tensions an idea taken up by Victor Turner and that it functioned as an institutional pressure valve relieving those tensions through these cyclical performances The rites ultimately functioned to reinforce social order insofar as they allowed those tensions to be expressed without leading to actual rebellion Carnival is viewed in the same light He observed for example how the first fruits festival incwala of the South African Bantu kingdom of Swaziland symbolically inverted the normal social order so that the king was publicly insulted women asserted their domination over men and the established authority of elders over the young was turned upside down 52 Structuralism edit Main article Structuralism Claude Levi Strauss the French anthropologist regarded all social and cultural organization as symbolic systems of communication shaped by the inherent structure of the human brain He therefore argued that the symbol systems are not reflections of social structure as the Functionalists believed but are imposed on social relations to organize them Levi Strauss thus viewed myth and ritual as complementary symbol systems one verbal one non verbal Levi Strauss was not concerned to develop a theory of ritual although he did produce a four volume analysis of myth but was influential to later scholars of ritual such as Mary Douglas and Edmund Leach 53 Structure and anti structure edit Victor Turner combined Arnold van Gennep s model of the structure of initiation rites and Gluckman s functionalist emphasis on the ritualization of social conflict to maintain social equilibrium with a more structural model of symbols in ritual Running counter to this emphasis on structured symbolic oppositions within a ritual was his exploration of the liminal phase of rites of passage a phase in which anti structure appears In this phase opposed states such as birth and death may be encompassed by a single act object or phrase The dynamic nature of symbols experienced in ritual provides a compelling personal experience ritual is a mechanism that periodically converts the obligatory into the desirable 54 Mary Douglas a British Functionalist extended Turner s theory of ritual structure and anti structure with her own contrasting set of terms grid and group in the book Natural Symbols Drawing on Levi Strauss Structuralist approach she saw ritual as symbolic communication that constrained social behaviour Grid is a scale referring to the degree to which a symbolic system is a shared frame of reference Group refers to the degree people are tied into a tightly knit community When graphed on two intersecting axes four quadrants are possible strong group strong grid strong group weak grid weak group weak grid weak group strong grid Douglas argued that societies with strong group or strong grid were marked by more ritual activity than those weak in either group or grid 55 see also section below Anti structure and communitas edit Main article Communitas In his analysis of rites of passage Victor Turner argued that the liminal phase that period betwixt and between was marked by two models of human interrelatedness juxtaposed and alternating structure and anti structure or communitas 56 While the ritual clearly articulated the cultural ideals of a society through ritual symbolism the unrestrained festivities of the liminal period served to break down social barriers and to join the group into an undifferentiated unity with no status property insignia secular clothing rank kinship position nothing to demarcate themselves from their fellows 57 These periods of symbolic inversion have been studied in a diverse range of rituals such as pilgrimages and Yom Kippur 58 Social dramas edit Beginning with Max Gluckman s concept of rituals of rebellion Victor Turner argued that many types of ritual also served as social dramas through which structural social tensions could be expressed and temporarily resolved Drawing on Van Gennep s model of initiation rites Turner viewed these social dramas as a dynamic process through which the community renewed itself through the ritual creation of communitas during the liminal phase Turner analyzed the ritual events in 4 stages breach in relations crisis redressive actions and acts of reintegration Like Gluckman he argued these rituals maintain social order while facilitating disordered inversions thereby moving people to a new status just as in an initiation rite 59 Symbolic approaches to ritual edit Arguments melodies formulas maps and pictures are not idealities to be stared at but texts to be read so are rituals palaces technologies and social formations Geertz 1980 p 135 Clifford Geertz also expanded on the symbolic approach to ritual that began with Victor Turner Geertz argued that religious symbol systems provided both a model of reality showing how to interpret the world as is as well as a model for reality clarifying its ideal state The role of ritual according to Geertz is to bring these two aspects the model of and the model for together it is in ritual that is consecrated behaviour that this conviction that religious conceptions are veridical and that religious directives are sound is somehow generated 60 Symbolic anthropologists like Geertz analyzed rituals as language like codes to be interpreted independently as cultural systems Geertz rejected Functionalist arguments that ritual describes social order arguing instead that ritual actively shapes that social order and imposes meaning on disordered experience He also differed from Gluckman and Turner s emphasis on ritual action as a means of resolving social passion arguing instead that it simply displayed them 61 As a form of communication edit Whereas Victor Turner saw in ritual the potential to release people from the binding structures of their lives into a liberating anti structure or communitas Maurice Bloch argued that ritual produced conformity 62 Maurice Bloch argued that ritual communication is unusual in that it uses a special restricted vocabulary a small number of permissible illustrations and a restrictive grammar As a result ritual utterances become very predictable and the speaker is made anonymous in that they have little choice in what to say The restrictive syntax reduces the ability of the speaker to make propositional arguments and they are left instead with utterances that cannot be contradicted such as I do thee wed in a wedding These kinds of utterances known as performatives prevent speakers from making political arguments through logical argument and are typical of what Weber called traditional authority instead 63 Bloch s model of ritual language denies the possibility of creativity Thomas Csordas in contrast analyzes how ritual language can be used to innovate Csordas looks at groups of rituals that share performative elements genres of ritual with a shared poetics These rituals may fall along the spectrum of formality with some less others more formal and restrictive Csordas argues that innovations may be introduced in less formalized rituals As these innovations become more accepted and standardized they are slowly adopted in more formal rituals In this way even the most formal of rituals are potential avenues for creative expression 64 As a disciplinary program edit nbsp Scriptorium monk at work Monks described this labor of transcribing manuscripts as being like prayer and fasting a means of correcting one s unruly passions 65 In his historical analysis of articles on ritual and rite in the Encyclopaedia Britannica Talal Asad notes that from 1771 to 1852 the brief articles on ritual define it as a book directing the order and manner to be observed in performing divine service i e as a script There are no articles on the subject thereafter until 1910 when a new lengthy article appeared that redefines ritual as a type of routine behaviour that symbolizes or expresses something 66 As a symbolic activity it is no longer confined to religion but is distinguished from technical action The shift in definitions from script to behavior which is likened to a text is matched by a semantic distinction between ritual as an outward sign i e public symbol and inward meaning 67 The emphasis has changed to establishing the meaning of public symbols and abandoning concerns with inner emotional states since as Evans Pritchard wrote such emotional states if present at all must vary not only from individual to individual but also in the same individual on different occasions and even at different points in the same rite 68 Asad in contrast emphasizes behavior and inner emotional states rituals are to be performed and mastering these performances is a skill requiring disciplined action In other words apt performance involves not symbols to be interpreted but abilities to be acquired according to rules that are sanctioned by those in authority it presupposes no obscure meanings but rather the formation of physical and linguistic skills Asad 1993 p 62 Drawing on the example of Medieval monastic life in Europe he points out that ritual in this case refers to its original meaning of the book directing the order and manner to be observed in performing divine service This book prescribed practices whether they had to do with the proper ways of eating sleeping working and praying or with proper moral dispositions and spiritual aptitudes aimed at developing virtues that are put to the service of God 69 Monks in other words were disciplined in the Foucauldian sense The point of monastic discipline was to learn skills and appropriate emotions Asad contrasts his approach by concluding Symbols call for interpretation and even as interpretive criteria are extended so interpretations can be multiplied Disciplinary practices on the other hand cannot be varied so easily because learning to develop moral capabilities is not the same thing as learning to invent representations Asad 1993 p 79 As a form of social solidarity edit Ethnographic observation shows ritual can create social solidarity Douglas Foley Went to North Town Texas between 1973 and 1974 to study public high school culture He used interviews participant observation and unstructured chatting to study racial tension and capitalist culture in his ethnography Learning Capitalist Culture Foley refers to football games and Friday Night Lights as a community ritual This ritual united the school and created a sense of solidarity and community on a weekly basis involving pep rallies and the game itself Foley observed judgement and segregation based on class social status wealth and gender He described Friday Night Lights as a ritual that overcomes those differences The other gentler more social side of football was of course the emphasis on camaraderie loyalty friendship between players and pulling together 70 In his ethnography Waiting for Elijah Time and Encounter in a Bosnian Landscape anthropologist Safet HadziMuhamedovic suggests that shared festivals like St George s Day and St Elijah s Day structure interfaith relationships and appear as acts of solidarity against ethno nationalist purifications of territory in Bosnia 43 Ritualization edit Main article Ritualization Asad s work critiqued the notion that there were universal characteristics of ritual to be found in all cases Catherine Bell has extended this idea by shifting attention from ritual as a category to the processes of ritualization by which ritual is created as a cultural form in a society Ritualization is a way of acting that is designed and orchestrated to distinguish and privilege what is being done in comparison to other usually more quotidian activities 71 Sociobiology and behavioral neuroscience edit Anthropologists have also analyzed ritual via insights from other behavioral sciences The idea that cultural rituals share behavioral similarities with personal rituals of individuals was discussed early on by Freud 72 Dulaney and Fiske compared ethnographic descriptions of both rituals and non ritual doings such as work to behavioral descriptions from clinical descriptions of obsessive compulsive disorder OCD 73 They note that OCD behavior often consists of such behavior as constantly cleaning objects concern or disgust with bodily waste or secretions repetitive actions to prevent harm heavy emphasis on number or order of actions etc They then show that ethnographic descriptions of cultural rituals contain around 5 times more of such content than ethnographic descriptions of other activities such as work Fiske later repeated similar analysis with more descriptions from a larger collection of different cultures also contrasting descriptions of cultural rituals to descriptions of other behavioral disorders in addition to OCD in order to show that only OCD like behavior not other illnesses shares properties with rituals 74 The authors offer tentative explanations for these findings for example that these behavioral traits are widely needed for survival to control risk and cultural rituals are often performed in the context of perceived collective risk Other anthropologists have taken these insights further and constructed more elaborate theories based on the brain functions and physiology Lienard and Boyer suggest that commonalities between obsessive behavior in individuals and similar behavior in collective contexts possibly share similarities due to underlying mental processes they call hazard precaution They suggest that individuals of societies seem to pay more attention to information relevant to avoiding hazards which in turn can explain why collective rituals displaying actions of hazard precaution are so popular and prevail for long periods in cultural transmission 75 Ritual as a methodological measure of religiosity edit Further information Theories about religions According to the sociologist Mervin Verbit ritual may be understood as one of the key components of religiosity And ritual itself may be broken down into four dimensions content frequency intensity and centrality The content of a ritual may vary from ritual to ritual as does the frequency of its practice the intensity of the ritual how much of an impact it has on the practitioner and the centrality of the ritual in that religious tradition 76 77 78 In this sense ritual is similar to Charles Glock s practice dimension of religiosity 79 Religious perspectives editFurther information Myth and ritual In religion a ritual can comprise the prescribed outward forms of performing the cultus or cult of a particular observation within a religion or religious denomination Although ritual is often used in context with worship performed in a church the actual relationship between any religion s doctrine and its ritual s can vary considerably from organized religion to non institutionalized spirituality such as ayahuasca shamanism as practiced by the Urarina of the upper Amazon 80 Rituals often have a close connection with reverence thus a ritual in many cases expresses reverence for a deity or idealized state of humanity Christianity edit nbsp This Lutheran pastor administers the rite of confirmation on youth confirmands after instructing them in Luther s Small Catechism Main article Rite Christianity In Christianity a rite is used to refer to a sacred ceremony such as anointing of the sick which may or may not carry the status of a sacrament depending on the Christian denomination in Roman Catholicism anointing of the sick is a sacrament while in Lutheranism it is not The word rite is also used to denote a liturgical tradition usually emanating from a specific center examples include the Roman Rite the Byzantine Rite and the Sarum Rite Such rites may include various sub rites For example the Byzantine Rite which is used by the Eastern Orthodox Eastern Lutheran and Eastern Catholic churches has Greek Russian and other ethnically based variants Islam edit For daily prayers practicing Muslims must perform a ritual recitation from the Quran in Arabic while bowing and prostrating Quranic chapter 2 prescribes rituals such as the direction to face for prayers qiblah pilgrimage Hajj and fasting in Ramadan 81 Iḥram is a state of ritual purity in preparation for pilgrimage in Islam 82 Hajj rituals include circumambulation around the Kaʿbah 83 and show us our rites 84 these rites manasik are presumed the rituals of ḥajj 83 Truly Ṣafa and Marwah are among the rituals of God 85 Saʿy is the ritual travel partway between walking and running seven times between the two hills 86 Freemasonry editMain articles Masonic ritual and symbolism and List of Masonic rites In Freemasonry rituals are scripted words and actions which employ Masonic symbolism to illustrate the principles espoused by Freemasons These rituals are progressively taught to entrusted members during initiation into a particular Masonic rite comprising a series of degrees conferred by a Masonic body 87 The degrees of Freemasonry derive from the three grades of medieval craft guilds those of Entered Apprentice Journeyman or Fellowcraft and Master Mason In North America Freemasons who have been raised to the degree of Master Mason have the option of joining appendant bodies that offer additional degrees to those such as those of the Scottish Rite or the York Rite See also editBehavioral script Play of the visualization Builders rites a sacrifice made before or during the erection of structuresPages displaying wikidata descriptions as a fallback Chinese ritual mastery traditions Chinese folk religion Confucianism Rite and centring Chinese ethical and philosophical system Gut ritual Korean shamanic rite Kagura Type of ceremonial dance in Shinto ritual Nabichum type of dancePages displaying wikidata descriptions as a fallback Nuo rituals Process art Art movement Processional walkway StructurePages displaying short descriptions with no spaces Religious symbolism Icon representing a particular religionPages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets Ritualism in the Church of England Emphasis on the rituals and liturgical ceremony of the church Symbolic boundaries theory of how people form social groups proposed by cultural sociologistsPages displaying wikidata descriptions as a fallback Taiping Qingjiao The Rite of Spring 1913 ballet by Igor StravinskyReferences edit Definition of RITUAL merriam webster com Turner Victor Witter 1973 Symbols in African Ritual 16 March 1973 Science 179 4078 1100 1105 Bibcode 1973Sci 179 1100T doi 10 1126 science 179 4078 1100 PMID 17788268 A ritual is a stereotyped sequence of activities involving gestures words and objects performed in a sequestered place and designed to influence preternatural entities or forces on behalf of the actors goals and interests Bell 1997 pp 138 169 Brown Donald 1991 Human Universals United States McGraw Hill p 139 Kyriakidis E ed 2007 The archaeology of ritual Cotsen Institute of Archaeology UCLA publications Festus entry on ritus p 364 edition of Lindsay Barbara Boudewijnse British Roots of the Concept of Ritual in Religion in the Making The Emergence of the Sciences of Religion Brill 1998 p 278 Boudewijnse British Roots of the Concept of Ritual p 278 Boudewijnse British Roots of the Concept of Ritual p 278 citing the Oxford English Dictionary Tolbert 1990a Tolbert 1990b Wilce 2006 Bell 1997 pp 138 169 Bell 1997 pp 139 140 LET S TALK TURKEY 5 myths about the Thanksgiving holiday The Patriot Ledger November 26 2009 Archived from the original on November 14 2013 Retrieved 2010 08 01 Bell 1997 pp 145 150 Bell 1997 pp 152 153 Bell 1997 p 155 Bell 1997 p 156 Ortner Sherry 1973 On Key Symbols American Anthropologist 75 5 1340 doi 10 1525 aa 1973 75 5 02a00100 Bell 1997 pp 156 57 Bell 1997 pp 156 157 Myerhoff Barbara 1997 Secular Ritual Amsterdam Van Gorcum p 223 Bell 1997 p 94 Turner 1969 p 95 Turner 1969 p 97 a b Turner 1973 Turner 1967 p 9ff Turner 1969 pp 20 21 Atkinson Jane 1987 The Effectiveness of Shamans in an Indonesian Ritual American Anthropologist 89 2 342 doi 10 1525 aa 1987 89 2 02a00040 Bell 1997 pp 102 103 Eliade Mircea 1954 The Myth of Eternal Return or Cosmos and History Princeton Princeton University Press p 21 Bell 1997 p 109 Bell 1997 p 121 Turner Victor 1974 Dramas Fields and Metaphors Symbolic Action in Human Society Ithaca NY Cornell University Press pp 23 35 Kinser Samuel 1990 Carnival American Style Mardi Gras at New Orleans and Mobile Chicago University of Chicago Press p 282 Ananti Emmanuel January 1986 AnthonyBonanno ed Archaeology and Fertility Cult in the Ancient Mediterranean First International Conference on Archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean B R Gruner Publishing ISBN 9789027272539 Aniela Jaffe in C G Jung Man and his Symbols 1978 p 264 Desmond Morris The Naked Ape Trilogy London 1994 p 246 and p 34 Geertz 1980 pp 13 17 21 Bell 1997 p 130 Worsley Peter 1957 The Trumpet Shall Sound A Study of Cargo Cults in Melanesia New York Schocken books a b HadziMuhamedovic Safet 2021 Waiting for Elijah Time and Encounter in a Bosnian Landscape Paperback ed Oxford Berghahn ISBN 978 1 80073 219 3 Harkins Franklin T 2021 Thomas Aquinas the basics London and New York Routledge p 166 ISBN 978 0 367 34986 8 It is estimated that in our times more than 350 000 Masses are celebrated each day on planet earth a b Lessa amp Vogt 1979 pp 36 38 Lessa amp Vogt 1979 p 38 Homans George C 1941 Anxiety and Ritual The Theories of Malinowski and Radcliffe Brown American Anthropologist 43 2 164 72 doi 10 1525 aa 1941 43 2 02a00020 Radcliffe Brown A R 1939 Structure and Function in Primitive Society London Cohen and West p 143 Leach Edmund 1954 Political Systems of Highland Burma London Bell pp 12 13 Rappaport Roy 1979 Ecology Meaning and Religion Richmond CA North Atlantic Books p 41 Lansing Stephen 1991 Priests and Programmers technologies of power in the engineered landscape of Bali Princeton NJ Princeton University Press Gluckman Max 1963 Order and Rebellion in South East Africa Collected Essays London Routledge amp Kegan Paul Bell Catherine 1992 Ritual Theory Ritual Practice Oxford Oxford University Press pp 42 43 Turner 1967 p 30 Douglas Mary 1973 Natural Symbols Explorations in Cosmology New York Vintage Books Turner 1969 p 96 Turner 1967 pp 96 97 Bell Catherine 1992 Ritual Theory Ritual Practice Oxford Oxford University Press p 128 Kuper Adam 1983 Anthropology and Anthropologists The Modern British School London Routledge amp Kegan Paul pp 156 57 ISBN 9780710094094 Geertz Clifford 1973 The Interpretation of Cultures New York Basic Books p 112 ISBN 9780465097197 Bell Catherine 1992 Ritual Theory Ritual Practice Oxford Oxford University Press pp 66 67 Hughes Freeland Felicia ed Ritual Performance Media London Routledge p 2 Bloch Maurice 1974 Symbols Song Dance and Features of Articulation Is Religion an Extreme Form of Traditional Authority Archives Europeennes de Sociologie 15 1 55 84 doi 10 1017 s0003975600002824 S2CID 145170270 Csordas Thomas J 2001 1997 Language Charisma amp Creativity Ritual Life in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Basingstoke Palgrave pp 255 65 Asad 1993 p 64 Asad 1993 pp 56 57 Asad 1993 pp 58 60 Asad 1993 p 73 Asad 1993 p 63 Foley Douglas 2010 Learning Capitalist Culture Deep in the Heart of Tejas University of Pennsylvania Press p 53 Bell Catherine 1992 Ritual Theory Ritual Practice Oxford Oxford University Press p 74 Freud S 1928 Die Zukunft einer Illusion Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag Dulaney S Fiske A P Cultural Rituals and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Is There a Common Psychological Mechanism Ethos 1994 22 3 243 283 https doi org 10 1525 eth 1994 22 3 02a00010 Fiske A P Haslam N Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder a Pathology of the Human Disposition to Perform Socially Meaningful Rituals Evidence of Similar Content J Nerv Ment Dis 1997 185 4 211 222 https doi org 10 1097 00005053 199704000 00001 Archived 2022 11 18 at the Wayback Machine Lienard P Boyer P Whence Collective Rituals A Cultural Selection Model of Ritualized Behavior American Anthropologist 2006 108 4 814 827 https doi org 10 1525 aa 2006 108 4 814 Verbit M F 1970 The components and dimensions of religious behavior Toward a reconceptualization of religiosity American mosaic 24 39 Kucukcan T 2010 Multidimensional Approach to Religion a way of looking at religious phenomena Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 10 60 70 Kucukcan Talip Can Religiosity be Measured Dimensions of Religious Commitment Theories Revisited PDF www eskieserler com Glock Charles Y 1972 Faulkner J E ed On the Study of Religious Commitment pp 38 56 a href Template Cite encyclopedia html title Template Cite encyclopedia cite encyclopedia a work ignored help Dean Bartholomew 2009 Urarina Society Cosmology and History in Peruvian Amazonia Archived 2011 07 17 at the Wayback Machine Gainesville University Press of Florida ISBN 978 0 8130 3378 5 Lumbard Joseph April 2015 Introduction The Study Quran San Francisco HarperOne Dagli Caner April 2015 Q2 189 Study notes The Study Quran San Francisco HarperOne a b Dagli Caner April 2015 2 The Cow al Baqarah The Study Quran San Francisco HarperOne Quran 2 128 Q2 128 Archived 2021 03 04 at the Wayback Machine 50 translations islamawakened com Quran 2 158 Q2 158 Archived 2021 09 22 at the Wayback Machine 50 translations islamawakened com Dagli Caner April 2015 Q2 158 Study notes The Study Quran San Francisco HarperOne Snoek Jan A M 2014 Masonic Rituals of Initiation In Bodgan Henrik Snoek Jan A M eds Handbook of Freemasonry Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion Vol 8 Leiden BRILL pp 319 327 doi 10 1163 9789004273122 018 ISBN 978 90 04 21833 8 ISSN 1874 6691 Cited literature edit Asad Talal 1993 Toward a genealogy of the concept of ritual Genealogies of Religion Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press Bell Catherine 1997 Ritual Perspectives and Dimensions New York Oxford University Press Geertz Clifford 1980 Negara the Theatre State in Nineteenth Century Bali Princeton Princeton University Press Lessa William A Vogt Evon Z eds 1979 Reader in Comparative Religion An Anthropological Approach New York Harper amp Row ISBN 9780060439910 Tolbert Elizabeth 1990a Women Cry with Words Symbolization of Affect in the Karelian Lament Yearbook for Traditional Music 22 80 105 doi 10 2307 767933 JSTOR 767933 S2CID 192949893 Tolbert Elizabeth 1990b Herndon M Zigler S eds Magico Religious Power and Gender in the Karelian Lament pp 41 56 a href Template Cite encyclopedia html title Template Cite encyclopedia cite encyclopedia a work ignored help Turner Victor W 1967 The Forest of Symbols Aspects of Ndembu Ritual Ithaca NY Cornell University Press Turner Victor W 1969 The Ritual Process Structure and Anti Structure Ithaca NY Cornell University Press Wilce James M 2006 Magical Laments and Anthropological Reflections The Production and Circulation of Anthropological Text as Ritual Activity Current Anthropology 47 6 891 914 doi 10 1086 507195 S2CID 11691889 Further reading editAractingi Jean Marc and G Le Pape 2011 Rituals and catechisms in Ecumenical Rite in East and West at the Crossroads Masonic Editions l Harmattan Paris ISBN 978 2 296 54445 1 Bax Marcel 2010 Rituals In Jucker Andeas H amp Taavitsainen Irma eds Handbook of Pragmatics Vol 8 Historical Pragmatics Berlin Mouton de Gruyter 483 519 Bloch Maurice 1992 Prey into Hunter The Politics of Religious Experience Cambridge Cambridge University Press Buc Philippe 2001 The Dangers of Ritual Between Early Medieval Texts and Social Scientific Theory Princeton Princeton University Press Buc Philippe 2007 The monster and the critics A ritual reply Early Medieval Europe 15 441 52 Carrico K ed 2011 Ritual Cultural Anthropology Journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology Virtual Issue http www culanth org q node 462 D Aquili Eugene G Charles D Laughlin and John McManus 1979 The Spectrum of Ritual A Biogenetic Structural Analysis New York Columbia University Press Douglas Mary 1966 Purity and Danger An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo London Routledge Durkheim E 1965 1915 The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life New York The Free Press Etzioni Amitai 2000 Toward a theory of public ritual Sociological Theory 18 1 44 59 Erikson Erik 1977 Toys and Reasons Stages in the Ritualization of Experience New York Norton Fogelin L 2007 The Archaeology of Religious Ritual Annual Review of Anthropology 36 55 71 Gennep Arnold van 1960 The Rites of Passage Chicago Chicago University Press Grimes Ronald L 2014 The Craft of Ritual Studies New York Oxford University Press Grimes Ronald L 1982 2013 Beginnings in Ritual Studies Third edition Waterloo Canada Ritual Studies International Kyriakidis E ed 2007 The archaeology of ritual Cotsen Institute of Archaeology UCLA publications Lawson E T amp McCauley R N 1990 Rethinking Religion Connecting Cognition and Culture Cambridge Cambridge University Press Malinowski Bronislaw 1948 Magic Science and Religion Boston Beacon Press McCorkle Jr William W 2010 Ritualizing the Disposal of Dead Bodies From Corpse to Concept New York Peter Lang Publishing Inc Perniola Mario 2000 Ritual Thinking Sexuality Death World foreword by Hugh J Silverman with author s introduction Amherst USA Humanity Books Post Paul 2015 Ritual Studies in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion 1 23 New York Oxford Oxford University Press DOI 10 1093 acrefore 9780199340378 013 21 Rappaport Roy A 1999 Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity Cambridge Cambridge University Press Seijo F 2005 The Politics of Fire Spanish Forest Policy and Ritual Resistance in Galicia Spain Environmental Politics 14 3 380 402 Silverstein M 2003 Talking Politics The Substance of Style from Abe to W Chicago Prickly Paradigm Press distributed by University of Chicago Silverstein M 2004 Cultural Concepts and the Language Culture Nexus Current Anthropology 45 621 52 Smith Jonathan Z 1987 To Take Place Toward Theory in Ritual Chicago University of Chicago Press Staal Frits 1990 Ritual and Mantras Rules Without Meaning New York Peter Lang Publishing Inc Stollberg Rilinger Barbara 2013 Rituale Frankfurt am Main Campus 2013 Utz Richard Negotiating Heritage Observations on Semantic Concepts Temporality and the Centre for the Study of the Cultural Heritage of Medieval Rituals Philologie im Netz 2011 70 87 Yatromanolakis Dimitrios and Panagiotis Roilos 2003 Towards a Ritual Poetics Athens Foundation of the Hellenic World Yatromanolakis Dimitrios and Panagiotis Roilos eds 2005 Greek Ritual Poetics Cambridge Mass Harvard University Press Ritual at Wikipedia s sister projects nbsp Definitions from Wiktionary nbsp Media from Commons nbsp Quotations from Wikiquote Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Ritual amp oldid 1179944096, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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