

In anthropology, liminality (from Latin līmen 'a threshold')[1] is the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of a rite of passage, when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the rite is complete.[2] During a rite's liminal stage, participants "stand at the threshold"[3] between their previous way of structuring their identity, time, or community, and a new way (which completing the rite establishes).

The concept of liminality was first developed in the early twentieth century by folklorist Arnold van Gennep and later taken up by Victor Turner.[4] More recently, usage of the term has broadened to describe political and cultural change as well as rites.[5][6] During liminal periods of all kinds, social hierarchies may be reversed or temporarily dissolved, continuity of tradition may become uncertain, and future outcomes once taken for granted may be thrown into doubt.[7] The dissolution of order during liminality creates a fluid, malleable situation that enables new institutions and customs to become established.[8] The term has also passed into popular usage and has been expanded to include liminoid experiences that are more relevant to post-industrial society.[9]

Rites of passage

Arnold van Gennep

Van Gennep, who coined the term liminality, published in 1909 his Rites de Passage, a work that explores and develops the concept of liminality in the context of rites in small-scale societies.[10] Van Gennep began his book by identifying the various categories of rites. He distinguished between those that result in a change of status for an individual or social group, and those that signify transitions in the passage of time. In doing so, he placed a particular emphasis on rites of passage, and claimed that "such rituals marking, helping, or celebrating individual or collective passages through the cycle of life or of nature exist in every culture, and share a specific three-fold sequential structure".[8]

This three-fold structure, as established by van Gennep, is made up of the following components:[10]

  • preliminal rites (or rites of separation): This stage involves a metaphorical "death", as the initiate is forced to leave something behind by breaking with previous practices and routines.
  • liminal rites (or transition rites): Two characteristics are essential to these rites. First, the rite "must follow a strictly prescribed sequence, where everybody knows what to do and how".[8] Second, everything must be done "under the authority of a master of ceremonies".[8] The destructive nature of this rite allows for considerable changes to be made to the identity of the initiate. This middle stage (when the transition takes place) "implies an actual passing through the threshold that marks the boundary between two phases, and the term 'liminality' was introduced in order to characterize this passage."[8]
  • postliminal rites (or rites of incorporation): During this stage, the initiand is re-incorporated into society with a new identity, as a "new" being.

Turner confirmed his nomenclature for "the three phases of passage from one culturally defined state or status to another...preliminal, liminal, and postliminal".[11]

Beyond this structural template, Van Gennep also suggested four categories of rites that emerge as universal across cultures and societies. He suggested that there are four types of social rites of passage that are replicable and recognizable among many ethnographic populations.[12] They include:

  • Passage of people from one status to another, initiation ceremonies in which an outsider is brought into the group. This includes marriage and initiation ceremonies that move one from the status of an outsider to an insider.
  • Passage from one place to another, such as moving houses, moving to a new city, etc.
  • Passage from one situation to another: beginning university, starting a new job, and graduating high school or university.
  • Passage of time such as New Year celebrations and birthdays.[12]

Van Gennep considered rites of initiation to be the most typical rite. To gain a better understanding of "tripartite structure" of liminal situations, one can look at a specific rite of initiation: the initiation of youngsters into adulthood, which Turner considered the most typical rite. In such rites of passage, the experience is highly structured. The first phase (the rite of separation) requires the child to go through a separation from his family; this involves his/her "death" as a child, as childhood is effectively left behind. In the second stage, initiands (between childhood and adulthood) must pass a "test" to prove they are ready for adulthood. If they succeed, the third stage (incorporation) involves a celebration of the "new birth" of the adult and a welcoming of that being back into society.

By constructing this three-part sequence, van Gennep identified a pattern he believed was inherent in all ritual passages. By suggesting that such a sequence is universal (meaning that all societies use rites to demarcate transitions), van Gennep made an important claim (one that not many anthropologists make, as they generally tend to demonstrate cultural diversity while shying away from universality).[12]

An anthropological rite, especially a rite of passage, involves some change to the participants, especially their social status.;[13] and in 'the first phase (of separation) comprises symbolic behaviour signifying the detachment of the individual...from an earlier fixed point in the social structure.[14] Their status thus becomes liminal. In such a liminal situation, "the initiands live outside their normal environment and are brought to question their self and the existing social order through a series of rituals that often involve acts of pain: the initiands come to feel nameless, spatio-temporally dislocated and socially unstructured".[15] In this sense, liminal periods are "destructive" as well as "constructive", meaning that "the formative experiences during liminality will prepare the initiand (and his/her cohort) to occupy a new social role or status, made public during the reintegration rituals".[15]

Victor Turner

Initiation ritual of boys in Malawi. The ritual marks the passage from child to adult male, a liminal stage in the context of their lives

Turner, who is considered to have "re-discovered the importance of liminality", first came across van Gennep's work in 1963.[6] In 1967 he published his book The Forest of Symbols, which included an essay entitled Betwixt and Between: The Liminal Period in Rites of Passage. Within the works of Turner, liminality began to wander away from its narrow application to ritual passages in small-scale societies.[6] In the various works he completed while conducting his fieldwork amongst the Ndembu in Zambia, he made numerous connections between tribal and non-tribal societies, "sensing that what he argued for the Ndembu had relevance far beyond the specific ethnographic context".[6] He became aware that liminality "...served not only to identify the importance of in-between periods, but also to understand the human reactions to liminal experiences: the way liminality shaped personality, the sudden foregrounding of agency, and the sometimes dramatic tying together of thought and experience".[6]

'The attributes of liminality or of liminal personae ("threshold people") are necessarily ambiguous'.[16] One's sense of identity dissolves to some extent, bringing about disorientation, but also the possibility of new perspectives. Turner posits that, if liminality is regarded as a time and place of withdrawal from normal modes of social action, it potentially can be seen as a period of scrutiny for central values and axioms of the culture where it occurs.[17]—one where normal limits to thought, self-understanding, and behavior are undone. In such situations, "the very structure of society [is] temporarily suspended"[8]

'According to Turner, all liminality must eventually dissolve, for it is a state of great intensity that cannot exist very long without some sort of structure to stabilize it...either the individual returns to the surrounding social structure...or else liminal communities develop their own internal social structure, a condition Turner calls "normative communitas"'.[18]

Turner also worked on the idea of communitas, the feeling of camaraderie associated among a group experiencing the same liminal experience or rite.[19] Turner defined three distinct and not always sequential forms of communitas, which he describes as "that 'antistructural' state at stake in the liminal phase of ritual forms."[19] The first, spontaneous communitas, is described as "a direct, immediate, and total confrontation of human identities" in which those involved share a feeling of synchronicity and a total immersion into one fluid event.[19] The second form, ideological communitas, which aims at interrupting spontaneous communitas through some type of intervention which would result in the formation of a utopian society in which all actions would be carried out at the level of spontaneous communitas.[19] The third, normative communitas, deals with a group of society attempting to grow relationships and support spontaneous communitas on a relatively permanent basis, subjecting it to laws of society and "denaturing the grace" of the accepted form of camaraderie.[19]

The work of Victor Turner has vital significance in turning attention to this concept introduced by Arnold van Gennep. However, Turner's approach to liminality has two major shortcomings: First, Turner was keen to limit the meaning of the concept to the concrete settings of small-scale tribal societies, preferring the neologism "liminoid" coined by him to analyse certain features of the modern world. However, Agnes Horvath (2013) argues that the term can and should be applied to concrete historical events as offering a vital means for historical and sociological understanding. Second, Turner attributed a rather univocally positive connotation to liminal situations, as ways of renewal when liminal situations can be periods of uncertainty, anguish, even existential fear: a facing of the abyss in void.[20]


Liminality has both spatial and temporal dimensions, and can be applied to a variety of subjects: individuals, larger groups (cohorts or villages), whole societies, and possibly even entire civilizations.[6] The following chart summarizes the different dimensions and subjects of liminal experiences, and also provides the main characteristics and key examples of each category.[6]

Individual Group Society
  • Sudden events affecting one's life (death, divorce, illness) or individualized ritual passage (baptism, ritual passage to adulthood, as for example among the Ndembu).
  • Ritual passage to adulthood (almost always in cohort groups); graduation ceremonies, etc.
  • A whole society facing a sudden event (sudden invasion, natural disaster, a plague) where social distinctions and normal hierarchy disappear;
  • Carnivals;
  • Revolutions.
  • Critical life-stages;
  • Puberty or teenage years.
  • Ritual passage to adulthood, which may extend into weeks or months in some societies;
  • Group travels;
  • Going to university, college or taking a gap year between secondary school and college/university.
  • Wars;
  • Revolutionary periods.
Epoch (or life-span duration)
  • Individuals standing "outside society", by choice or designated (as with exiled persons);
  • Monkhood;
  • In some tribal societies, individuals remain "dangerous" or excluded because of a failed ritual passage;
  • Twins are permanently liminal in some societies.[citation needed]
  • Religious fraternities, ethnic minorities, sexual and gender minorities ;
  • Immigrant groups betwixt and between;
  • Old and new cultures;
  • Groups that live at the edge of "normal structures", may be perceived as dangerous (e.g., punks) and/or "holy" (e.g, monks living by strict vows).
  • Prolonged wars, enduring political instability, prolonged intellectual confusion; Incorporation and reproduction of liminality into "structures";
  • Modernity as "permanent liminality".

Another significant variable is "scale," or the "degree" to which an individual or group experiences liminality.[6] In other words, "there are degrees of liminality, and…the degree depends on the extent to which the liminal experience can be weighed against persisting structures."[6] When the spatial and temporal are both affected, the intensity of the liminal experience increases and so-called "pure liminality" is approached.[6]

In large-scale societies

Destruction, from The Course of Empire by Thomas Cole (1836).

The concept of a liminal situation can also be applied to entire societies that are going through a crisis or a "collapse of order".[6] Philosopher Karl Jaspers made a significant contribution to this idea through his concept of the "axial age", which was "an in-between period between two structured world-views and between two rounds of empire building; it was an age of creativity where "man asked radical questions", and where the "unquestioned grasp on life is loosened".[6] It was essentially a time of uncertainty which, most importantly, involved entire civilizations. Seeing as liminal periods are both destructive and constructive, the ideas and practices that emerge from these liminal historical periods are of extreme importance, as they will "tend to take on the quality of structure".[6] Events such as political or social revolutions (along with other periods of crisis) can thus be considered liminal, as they result in the complete collapse of order and can lead to significant social change.[15]

Liminality in large-scale societies differs significantly from liminality found in ritual passages in small-scale societies. One primary characteristic of liminality (as defined van Gennep and Turner) is that there is a way in as well as a way out.[6] In ritual passages, "members of the society are themselves aware of the liminal state: they know that they will leave it sooner or later, and have 'ceremony masters' to guide them through the rituals".[6] However, in those liminal periods that affect society as a whole, the future (what comes after the liminal period) is completely unknown, and there is no "ceremony master" who has gone through the process before and that can lead people out of it.[6] In such cases, liminal situations can become dangerous. They allow for the emergence of "self-proclaimed ceremony masters", that assume leadership positions and attempt to "[perpetuate] liminality and by emptying the liminal moment of real creativity, [turn] it into a scene of mimetic rivalry".[6]

Depth psychology

Jungians have often seen the individuation process of self-realization as taking place within a liminal space. "Individuation begins with a withdrawal from normal modes of socialisation, epitomized by the breakdown of the persona...liminality".[21] Thus "what Turner's concept of social liminality does for status in society, Jung [...] does for the movement of the person through the life process of individuation".[22] Individuation can be seen as a "movement through liminal space and time, from disorientation to integration [...] What takes place in the dark phase of liminality is a process of breaking down [...] in the interest of "making whole" one's meaning, purpose and sense of relatedness once more"[23] As an archetypal figure, "the trickster is a symbol of the liminal state itself, and of its permanent accessibility as a source of recreative power".[24]

Jungian-based analytical psychology is also deeply rooted in the ideas of liminality. The idea of a 'container' or 'vessel' as a key player in the ritual process of psychotherapy has been noted by many and Carl Jung's objective was to provide a space he called "a temenos, a magic circle, a vessel, in which the transformation inherent in the patient's condition would be allowed to take place."[12]

But other depth psychologies speak of a similar process. Carl Rogers describes "the 'out-of-this-world' quality that many therapists have remarked upon, a sort of trance-like feeling in the relationship that client and therapist emerge from at the end of the hour, as if from a deep well or tunnel.[25] The French talk of how the psychoanalytic setting 'opens/forges the "intermediate space," "excluded middle," or "between" that figures so importantly in Irigaray's writing".[26] Marion Milner claimed that "a temporal spatial frame also marks off the special kind of reality of a psycho-analytic session...the different kind of reality that is within it".[27]

Jungians however have perhaps been most explicit about the "need to accord space, time and place for liminal feeling"[28]—as well about the associated dangers, "two mistakes: we provide no ritual space at all in our lives [...] or we stay in it too long".[29] Indeed, Jung's psychology has itself been described as "a form of 'permanent liminality' in which there is no need to return to social structure".[30]

Examples of general usage

In rites

Liminal phase of a rite of passage: Albert Anker's Die Ziviltrauung ("The Civil Marriage"), 1887

In the context of rites, liminality is being artificially produced, as opposed to those situations (such as natural disasters) in which it can occur spontaneously.[6] In the simple example of a college graduation ceremony, the liminal phase can actually be extended to include the period of time between when the last assignment was finished (and graduation was assured) all the way through reception of the diploma. That no man's land represents the limbo associated with liminality. The stress of accomplishing tasks for college has been lifted, yet the individual has not moved on to a new stage in life (psychologically or physically). The result is a unique perspective on what has come before, and what may come next.

It can include the period between when a couple get engaged and their marriage or between death and burial, for which cultures may have set ritual observances. Even sexually liberal cultures may strongly disapprove of an engaged spouse having sex with another person during this time. When a marriage proposal is initiated there is a liminal stage between the question and the answer during which the social arrangements of both parties involved are subject to transformation and inversion; a sort of "life stage limbo" so to speak in that the affirmation or denial can result in multiple and diverse outcomes.

Getz[31] provides commentary on the liminal/liminoid zone when discussing the planned event experience. He refers to a liminal zone at an event as the creation of "time out of time: a special place". He notes that this liminal zone is both spatial and temporal and integral when planning a successful event (e.g. ceremony, concert, conference etc.).[32]

In time

The temporal dimension of liminality can relate to moments (sudden events), periods (weeks, months, or possibly years), and epochs (decades, generations, maybe even centuries).[6]


Twilight serves as a liminal time, between day and night—where one is "in the twilight zone, in a liminal nether region of the night".[33] The title of the television fiction series The Twilight Zone makes reference to this, describing it as "the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition" in one variant of the original series' opening. The name is from an actual zone observable from space in the place where daylight or shadow advances or retreats about the Earth. Noon and, more often, midnight can be considered liminal, the first transitioning between morning and afternoon, the latter between days.

Within the years, liminal times include equinoxes when day and night have equal length, and solstices, when the increase of day or night shifts over to its decrease. This "qualitative bounding of quantitatively unbounded phenomena"[34] marks the cyclical changes of seasons throughout the year. Where the quarter days are held to mark the change in seasons, they also are liminal times. New Year's Day, whatever its connection or lack of one to the astrological sky, is a liminal time. Customs such as fortune-telling take advantage of this liminal state. In a number of cultures, actions and events on the first day of the year can determine the year, leading to such beliefs as first-foot. Many cultures regard it as a time especially prone to hauntings by ghostsliminal beings, neither alive nor dead.

In religion

Christian worship

A painting depicting Jacob's Ladder to heaven

Liminal existence can be located in a separated sacred space, which occupies a sacred time. Examples in the Bible include the dream of Jacob (Genesis 28:12–19) where he encounters God between heaven and earth and the instance when Isaiah meets the Lord in the temple of holiness (Isaiah 6:1–6).[35] In such a liminal space, the individual experiences the revelation of sacred knowledge where God imparts his knowledge on the person.

Worship can be understood in this context as the church community (or communitas or koinonia) enter into liminal space corporately.[35] Religious symbols and music may aid in this process described as a pilgrimage by way of prayer, song, or liturgical acts. The congregation is transformed in the liminal space and as they exit, are sent out back into the world to serve.

Of beings

Various minority groups can be considered liminal. In reality illegal immigrants (present but not "official"), and stateless people, for example, are regarded as liminal because they are "betwixt and between home and host, part of society, but sometimes never fully integrated".[6] Bisexual, intersex, and transgender people in some contemporary societies, people of mixed ethnicity, and those accused but not yet judged guilty or not guilty can also be considered to be liminal. Teenagers, being neither children nor adults, are liminal people: indeed, "for young people, liminality of this kind has become a permanent phenomenon...Postmodern liminality".[36]

The "trickster as the mythic projection of the magician—standing in the limen between the sacred realm and the profane"[37] and related archetypes embody many such contradictions as do many popular culture celebrities. The category could also hypothetically and in fiction include cyborgs, hybrids between two species, shapeshifters. One could also consider seals, crabs, shorebirds, frogs, bats, dolphins/whales and other "border animals" to be liminal: "the wild duck and swan are cases in point...intermediate creatures that combine underwater activity and the bird flight with an intermediate, terrestrial life".[38] Shamans and spiritual guides also serve as liminal beings, acting as "mediators between this and the other world; his presence is betwixt and between the human and supernatural."[39] Many believe that shamans and spiritual advisers were born into their fate, possessing a greater understanding of and connection to the natural world, and thus they often live in the margins of society, existing in a liminal state between worlds and outside of common society.[39]

In places

A hotel room is a liminal place, being an area that is only slept in for transient purposes and for a limited duration.

The spatial dimension of liminality can include specific places, larger zones or areas, or entire countries and larger regions.[6] Liminal places can range from borders and frontiers to no man's lands and disputed territories, to crossroads to perhaps airports, hotels, and bathrooms. Sociologist Eva Illouz argues that all "romantic travel enacts the three stages that characterize liminality: separation, marginalization, and reaggregation".[40]

In mythology and religion or esoteric lore liminality can include such realms as Purgatory or Da'at, which, as well as signifying liminality, some theologians deny actually existing, making them, in some cases, doubly liminal. "Between-ness" defines these spaces. For a hotel worker (an insider) or a person passing by with disinterest (a total outsider), the hotel would have a very different connotation. To a traveller staying there, the hotel would function as a liminal zone, just as "doors and windows and hallways and gates frame...the definitively liminal condition".[41]

More conventionally, springs, caves, shores, rivers, volcanic calderas—"a huge crater of an extinct volcano...[as] another symbol of transcendence"[42]—fords, passes, crossroads, bridges, and marshes are all liminal: "'edges', borders or faultlines between the legitimate and the illegitimate".[43] Oedipus met his father at the crossroads and killed him; the bluesman Robert Johnson met the devil at the crossroads, where he is said to have sold his soul.[44]

In architecture, liminal spaces are defined as "the physical spaces between one destination and the next."[45] Common examples of such spaces include hallways, airports, and streets.[46][47]

In contemporary culture viewing the nightclub experience (dancing in a nightclub) through the liminoid framework highlights the "presence or absence of opportunities for social subversion, escape from social structures, and exercising choice".[48] This allows "insights into what may be effectively improved in hedonic spaces. Enhancing the consumer experience of these liminoid aspects may heighten experiential feelings of escapism and play, thus encouraging the consumer to more freely consume".[48]

In folklore

Harihara—the fused representation of Vishnu (Hari) and Shiva (Hara) from the Hindu tradition, existing in a liminal state of being.

There are a number of stories in folklore of those who could only be killed in a liminal space: In Welsh mythology, Lleu could not be killed during the day or night, nor indoors or outdoors, nor riding or walking, nor clothed or naked (and is attacked at dusk, while wrapped in a net with one foot on a cauldron and one on a goat). Likewise, in Hindu text Bhagavata Purana, Vishnu appears in a half-man half-lion form named Narasimha to destroy the demon Hiranyakashipu who has obtained the power never to be killed in day nor night, in the ground nor in the air, with weapon nor by bare hands, in a building nor outside it, by man nor beast. Narasimha kills Hiranyakashipu at dusk, across his lap, with his sharp claws, on the threshold of the palace, and as Narasimha is a god himself, the demon is killed by neither man nor beast. In the Mahabharata, Indra promises not to slay Namuci and Vritra with anything wet or dry, nor in the day or in the night, but instead kills them at dusk with foam.[49]

The classic tale of Cupid and Psyche serves as an example of the liminal in myth, exhibited through Psyche's character and the events she experiences. She is always regarded as too beautiful to be human yet not quite a goddess, establishing her liminal existence.[50] Her marriage to Death in Apuleius' version occupies two classic Van Gennep liminal rites: marriage and death.[50] Psyche resides in the liminal space of no longer being a maiden yet not quite a wife, as well as living between worlds. Beyond this, her transition to immortality to live with Cupid serves as a liminal rite of passage in which she shifts from mortal to immortal, human to goddess; when Psyche drinks the ambrosia and seals her fate, the rite is completed and the tale ends with a joyous wedding and the birth of Cupid and Psyche's daughter.[50] The characters themselves exist in liminal spaces while experiencing classic rites of passage that necessitate the crossing of thresholds into new realms of existence.

In ethnographic research

In ethnographic research, "the researcher is...in a liminal state, separated from his own culture yet not incorporated into the host culture"[51]—when he or she is both participating in the culture and observing the culture. The researcher must consider the self in relation to others and his or her positioning in the culture being studied.

In many cases, greater participation in the group being studied can lead to increased access of cultural information and greater in-group understanding of experiences within the culture. However increased participation also blurs the role of the researcher in data collection and analysis. Often a researcher that engages in fieldwork as a "participant" or "participant-observer" occupies a liminal state where he/she is a part of the culture, but also separated from the culture as a researcher. This liminal state of being betwixt and between is emotional and uncomfortable as the researcher uses self-reflexivity to interpret field observations and interviews.

Some scholars argue that ethnographers are present in their research, occupying a liminal state, regardless of their participant status. Justification for this position is that the researcher as a "human instrument" engages with his/her observations in the process of recording and analyzing the data. A researcher, often unconsciously, selects what to observe, how to record observations and how to interpret observations based on personal reference points and experiences. For example, even in selecting what observations are interesting to record, the researcher must interpret and value the data available. To explore the liminal state of the researcher in relation to the culture, self-reflexivity and awareness are important tools to reveal researcher bias and interpretation.

In higher education

For many students, the process of starting university can be seen as a liminal space.[52] Whilst many students move away from home for the first time, they often do not break their links with home, seeing the place of origin as home rather than the town where they are studying. Student orientation often includes activities that act as a rite of passage, making the start of university as a significant period. This can be reinforced by the split of town and gown, where local communities and the student body maintain different traditions and codes of behaviour. This means that many university students are no longer seen as school children, but have not yet achieved the status of independent adults. This creates an environment where risk-taking is balanced with safe spaces that allow students to try out new identities and new ways of being within a structure that provides meaning.[53]

In popular culture

Novels and short stories

Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey by Chuck Palahniuk makes use of liminality in explaining time travel. Possession by A. S. Byatt describes how postmodern "Literary theory. Feminism...write about liminality. Thresholds. Bastions. Fortresses".[54] Each book title in The Twilight Saga speaks of a liminal period (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn). In The Phantom Tollbooth (1961), Milo enters "The Lands Beyond", a liminal place (which explains its topsy-turvy nature), through a magical tollbooth. When he finishes his quest, he returns, but changed, seeing the world differently. The giver of the tollbooth is never seen and name never known, and hence, also remains liminal. Liminality is a major theme in Offshore by Penelope Fitzgerald, in which the characters live between sea and land on docked boats, becoming liminal people. Saul Bellow's "varied uses of liminality...include his Dangling Man, suspended between civilian life and the armed forces"[55] at "the onset of the dangling days".[56]

Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre follows the protagonist through different stages of life as she crosses the threshold from student to teacher to woman.[57] Her existence throughout the novel takes a liminal character. She can first be seen when she hides herself behind a large red curtain to read, closing herself off physically and existing in a paracosmic realm. At Gateshead, Jane is noted to be set apart and on the outside of the family, putting her in a liminal space in which she neither belongs nor is completely cast away.[58] Jane's existence emerges as paradoxical as she transcends commonly accepted beliefs about what it means to be a woman, orphan, child, victim, criminal, and pilgrim,[59] and she creates her own narrative as she is torn from her past and denied a certain future.[59] Faced with a series of crises, Jane's circumstances question social constructs and allow Jane to progress or to retract; this creates a narrative dynamic of structure and liminality (as coined by Turner).[59]

Karen Brooks states that Australian grunge lit books, such as Clare Mendes' Drift Street, Edward Berridge's The Lives of the Saints, and Andrew McGahan's Praise "...explor[e] the psychosocial and psychosexual limitations of young sub/urban characters in relation to the imaginary and socially constructed boundaries defining...self and other" and "opening up" new "liminal [boundary] spaces" where the concept of an abject human body can be explored.[60] Brooks states that Berridge's short stories provide "...a variety of violent, disaffected and often abject young people", characters who "...blur and often overturn" the boundaries between suburban and urban space.[60] Brooks states that the marginalized characters in The Lives of the Saints, Drift Street and Praise are able to stay in "shit creek" (an undesirable setting or situation) and "diver[t]... flows" of these "creeks", thus claiming their rough settings' "liminality" (being in a border situation or transitional setting) and their own "abjection" (having "abject bodies" with health problems, disease, etc.) as "sites of symbolic empowerment and agency".[60]

Brooks states that the story "Caravan Park" in Berridge's short story collection is an example of a story with a "liminal" setting, as it is set in a mobile home park; since mobile homes can be relocated, she states that setting a story in a mobile home "...has the potential to disrupt a range of geo-physical and psycho-social boundaries".[60] Brooks states that in Berridge's story "Bored Teenagers", the adolescents using a community drop-in centre decide to destroy its equipment and defile the space by urinating in it, thus "altering the dynamics of the place and the way" their bodies are perceived, with their destructive activities being deemed by Brooks to indicate the community centre's "loss of authority" over the teens.[60]

In-Between: Liminal Stories is a collection of ten short stories and poems that exclusively focus on liminal expressions of various themes like memory disorder, pandemic uncertainty, authoritarianism, virtual reality, border disputes, old-age anxiety, environmental issues, and gender trouble. The stories, such as "In-Between", "Cogito, Ergo Sum", "The Trap", "Monkey Bath", "DreamCatcher", "Escape to Nowhere", "A Letter to My-Self", "No Man's Land", "Whither Am I?", and "Fe/Male",[61] apart from their thematic relevance, directly and indirectly link the possibilities and potential of liminality in literature for developing characters, plots, and settings. The experiences and expressions of the in-between states of living ‘betwixt and between’ in a transitional world that intricately changes the constants and perpetuities of human life are eminent in the stories that are associated with the theoretical concepts such as permanent and temporary liminality, liminal space, liminal entity, liminoid, communitas, and anti-structure. The significance of liminality in the short stories is emphasised by conceptualising the existence of the characters as "living not here, not there – but somewhere in a space between here and there".[61]


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, a play by Tom Stoppard, takes place both in a kind of no-man's-land and the actual setting of Hamlet. "Shakespeare's play Hamlet is in several ways an essay in sustained liminality ... only via a condition of complete liminality can Hamlet finally see the way forward".[62] In the play Waiting for Godot for the entire length of the play, two men walk around restlessly on an empty stage. They alternate between hope and hopelessness. At times one forgets what they are even waiting for, and the other reminds him: "We are waiting for Godot". The identity of 'Godot' is never revealed, and perhaps the men do not know Godot's identity. The men are trying to keep up their spirits as they wander the empty stage, waiting.

Films and TV shows

The Twilight Zone (1959–2003) is a US television anthology series that explores unusual situations between reality and the paranormal. The Terminal (2004), is a US film in which the main character (Viktor Navorski) is trapped in a liminal space; since he can neither legally return to his home country Krakozhia nor enter the United States, he must remain in the airport terminal indefinitely until he finds a way out at the end of the film. In the film Waking Life, about dreams, Aklilu Gebrewold talks about liminality. Primer (2004), is a US science fiction film by Shane Carruth where the main characters set up their time travelling machine in a storage facility to ensure it will not be accidentally disturbed. The hallways of the storage facility are eerily unchanging and impersonal, in a sense depicted as outside of time, and could be considered a liminal space. When the main characters are inside the time travel box, they are clearly in temporal liminality. Yet another example comes from Hayao Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke in which the Forest Spirit can only be killed while switching between its two forms.

Photography and Internet culture

A white hallway lit by fluorescent lighting with an exit sign, an example of a “liminal space”.

In the late 2010s, a trend of images depicting so-called "liminal spaces" has surged in online art and photography communities, with the intent to convey "a sense of nostalgia, lostness, and uncertainty".[63] The subjects of these photos may not necessarily fit within the usual definition of spatial liminality (such as that of hallways, waiting areas or rest stops) but are instead defined by a forlorn atmosphere and sentiments of abandonment, decay and quietness. Additionally, it has been suggested that the liminal space phenomenon could represent a broader feeling of disorientation in modern society, explaining the usage of places that are common in childhood memories (such as playgrounds or schools) as reflective about the passage of time and the collective experience of growing older.[64]

The phenomenon gained media attention in 2019, when a short creepypasta originally posted to 4chan's /x/ board in 2019 went viral.[65] The creepypasta showed an image of a hallway with yellow carpets and wallpaper, with a caption purporting that by "noclipping out of bounds in real life", one may enter the Backrooms, an empty wasteland of corridors with nothing but "the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in".[66] Since then, a popular subreddit titled "liminal space", cataloguing photographs that give a "sense that something is not quite right",[67] has accrued over 500,000 followers.[68][69] A Twitter account called @SpaceLiminalBot posts many liminal space photos and it has accrued over 1.2 million followers.[70] Liminal spaces can also be found in painting and drawing, for example in paintings by Jeffery Smart.[71][72]

Research indicates that liminal spaces may appear eerie or strange because they fall into an uncanny valley of architecture and physical places.[73]

Music and other media

The 2019 surrealist puzzle game Superliminal, developed by Pillow Castle Games, explicitly incorporates liminality into its puzzles and level design.

Liminal Space is an album by American breakcore artist Xanopticon. Coil mention liminality throughout their works, most explicitly with the title of their song "Batwings (A Limnal Hymn)" (sic) from their album Musick to Play in the Dark Vol. 2. In .hack//Liminality Harald Hoerwick, the creator of the MMORPG "The World", attempted to bring the real world into the online world, creating a hazy barrier between the two worlds; a concept called "Liminality".

In the lyrics of French rock band Little Nemo's song "A Day Out of Time", the idea of liminality is indirectly explored by describing a transitional moment before the returning of "the common worries". This liminal moment is referred as timeless and, therefore, absent of aims and/or regrets.

Liminoid experiences

In 1974, Victor Turner coined the term liminoid (from the Greek word eidos, meaning "form or shape"[12]) to refer to experiences that have characteristics of liminal experiences but are optional and do not involve a resolution of a personal crisis.[2] Unlike liminal events, liminoid experiences are conditional and do not result in a change of status, but merely serve as transitional moments in time.[2] The liminal is part of society, an aspect of social or religious rites, while the liminoid is a break from society, part of "play" or "playing". With the rise in industrialization and the emergence of leisure as an acceptable form of play separate from work, liminoid experiences have become much more common than liminal rites.[2] In these modern societies, rites are diminished and "forged the concept of 'liminoid' rituals for analogous but secular phenomena" such as attending rock concerts and other[74] liminoid experiences.

The fading of liminal stages in exchange for liminoid experiences is marked by the shift in culture from tribal and agrarian to modern and industrial. In these societies, work and play are entirely separate whereas in more archaic societies, they are nearly indistinguishable.[2] In the past play was interwoven with the nature of work as symbolic gestures and rites in order to promote fertility, abundance, and the passage of certain liminal phases; thus, work and play are inseparable and often dependent on social rites.[2] Examples of this include Cherokee and Mayan riddles, trickster tales, sacred ball games, and joking relationships which serve holy purposes of work in liminal situations while retaining the element of playfulness.[2]

Ritual and myth were, in the past, exclusively connected to collective work that served holy and often symbolic purposes; liminal rites were held in the form of coming-of-age ceremonies, celebrations of seasons, and more. Industrialization cut the cord between work and the sacred, putting "work" and "play" in separate boxes that rarely, if ever, intersected.[2] In a famous essay regarding the shift from liminal to liminoid in industrial society, Turner offers a twofold explanation of this sect. First, society began to move away from activities concerning collective ritual obligations, placing more emphasis on the individual than the community; this led to more choice in activities, with many such as work and leisure becoming optional. Second, the work done to earn a living became entirely separate from his or her other activities so that it is "no longer natural, but arbitrary."[2] In simpler terms, the industrial revolution brought about free time that had not existed in past societies and created space for liminoid experiences to exist.[2]

Examples of liminoid experiences


Sporting events such as the Olympics, NFL football games, and hockey matches are forms of liminoid experiences. They are optional activities of leisure that place both the spectator and the competitor in in-between places outside of society's norms. Sporting events also create a sense of community among fans and reinforces the collective spirit of those who take part.[19] Homecoming football games, gymnastics meets, modern baseball games, and swim meets all qualify as liminoid and follow a seasonal schedule; therefore, the flow of sports becomes cyclical and predictable, reinforcing the liminal qualities.[19]

Commercial flight

One scholar, Alexandra Murphy, has argued that airplane travel is inherently liminoid—suspended in the sky, neither here nor there and crossing thresholds of time and space, it is difficult to make sense of the experience of flying.[75] Murphy posits that flights shift our existence into a limbo space in which movement becomes an accepted set of cultural performances aimed at convincing us that air travel is a reflection of reality rather than a separation from it.[75]

See also


  1. ^ "liminal", Oxford English Dictionary. Ed. J. A. Simpson and E. S. C. Weiner. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. OED Online Oxford 23, 2007; cf. subliminal.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Turner, Victor (July 1974). "Liminal to Liminoid, in Play, Flow, and Ritual: An Essay in Comparative Symbology". Rice Institute Pamphlet - Rice University Studies. 60 (3). hdl:1911/63159. S2CID 55545819.
  3. ^ Guribye, Eugene; Lie, Birgit; Overland, Gwynyth, eds. (2014). Nordic Work with Traumatised Refugees: Do We Really Care. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. p. 194. ISBN 978-1-4438-6777-1.
  4. ^ "Liminality and Communitas", in "The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure" (New Brunswick: Aldine Transaction Press, 2008).
  5. ^ Katznelson, Ira (11 May 2021). "Measuring Liberalism, Confronting Evil: A Retrospective". Annual Review of Political Science. 24 (1): 1–19. doi:10.1146/annurev-polisci-042219-030219.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Thomassen, Bjørn (2009). "The Uses and Meanings of Liminality". International Political Anthropology. 2 (1): 5–27.
  7. ^ Horvath, A.; Thomassen, B.; Wydra, H. (2009). "Introduction: Liminality and Cultures of Change". International Political Anthropology. 2 (1): 3–4.
  8. ^ a b c d e f Szakolczai, A. (2009). "Liminality and Experience: Structuring transitory situations and transformative events". International Political Anthropology. 2 (1): 141–172.
  9. ^ Barfield, Thomas (1997). The Dictionary of Anthropology. p. 477.
  10. ^ a b van Gennep, Arnold (1977). The rites of passage. Routledge & Kegan Paul. p. 21. ISBN 978-0-7100-8744-7. OCLC 925214175.
  11. ^ Victor W. Turner, The Ritual Process (Penguin 1969) p. 155.
  12. ^ a b c d e Andrews, Hazel; Roberts, Les (2015). "Liminality". International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. pp. 131–137. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.12102-6. ISBN 978-0-08-097087-5.
  13. ^ Victor Turner, "Betwixt and Between: The Liminal Period in Rites de Passage", in The Forest of Symbols (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967).
  14. ^ Turner, Ritual p. 80
  15. ^ a b c Thomassen, Bjørn (2006). "Liminality". In Harrington, A.; Marshall, B.; Müller, H.-P. (eds.). Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory. London: Routledge. pp. 322–323.
  16. ^ Turner Ritual p. 81
  17. ^ Turner, Ritual p. 156
  18. ^ Peter Homas, Jung in Context (London 1979) p. 207
  19. ^ a b c d e f g John, Graham St (2008). Victor Turner and Contemporary Cultural Performance. Berghahn Books. p. 127. ISBN 978-0-85745-037-1.
  20. ^ Horvath, Agnes (2013). Modernism and Charisma. doi:10.1057/9781137277862. ISBN 978-1-349-44741-1.[page needed]
  21. ^ Homans 1979, 207.
  22. ^ Hall, quoted in Miller and Jung 2004, 104.
  23. ^ Shorter 1988, 73, 79.
  24. ^ Robert Pelton in Young-Eisendrath and Dawson eds. 1997, 244
  25. ^ Rogers 1961, 202.
  26. ^ E. Hirsh, in Burke et al. eds. 1994, 309n
  27. ^ Quoted in Casement 1997, 158.
  28. ^ Shorter 1988, 79.
  29. ^ Bly, 1991, 194.
  30. ^ Homans 1979, 208.
  31. ^ Getz 2007, 179.
  32. ^ Getz 2007, 442.
  33. ^ Costello 2002, 158.
  34. ^ Olwig, Kenneth R (April 2005). "Liminality, Seasonality and Landscape". Landscape Research. 30 (2): 259–271. doi:10.1080/01426390500044473. S2CID 144415449.
  35. ^ a b Carson, Timothy L (2003). Transforming Worship. Chalice Press. p. 61. ISBN 978-0-8272-3692-9.
  36. ^ Kahane 1997, 31.
  37. ^ Nicholas 2009, 25.
  38. ^ Joseph Henderson in Jung 1978, 153.
  39. ^ a b Takiguchi, Naoko (1990). "Liminal Experiences of Miyako Shamans: Reading a Shaman's Diary". Asian Folklore Studies. 49 (1): 1–38. doi:10.2307/1177947. JSTOR 1177947.
  40. ^ Illouz 1997, 143.
  41. ^ Richard Brown in Corcoran 2002, 211.
  42. ^ Joseph Henderson, in Jung 1978, 152.
  43. ^ Richard Brown in Corcoran 2002, 196
  44. ^ El Khoury, 2015, 217[full citation needed]
  45. ^ Asuncion, Isabel Berenguer (13 June 2020). "Living through liminal spaces". INQUIRER.net.
  46. ^ Matthews, Hugh (2003). "The street as a liminal space". Children in the City. pp. 119–135. doi:10.4324/9780203167236-11. ISBN 978-0-203-16723-6.
  47. ^ Huang, Wei-Jue; Xiao, Honggen; Wang, Sha (May 2018). "Airports as liminal space". Annals of Tourism Research. 70: 1–13. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2018.02.003. hdl:10397/77916.
  48. ^ a b Taheri, Babak; Gori, Keith; O’Gorman, Kevin; Hogg, Gillian; Farrington, Thomas (2 January 2016). "Experiential liminoid consumption: the case of nightclubbing". Journal of Marketing Management. 32 (1–2): 19–43. doi:10.1080/0267257X.2015.1089309. S2CID 145243798.
  49. ^ "Vritra". Encyclopedia of Religion. Macmillan Reference USA/Gale Group. 2006. Retrieved 2007-06-22.
  50. ^ a b c Peters, Jesse (2014). "Intra Limen: An Examination of Liminality in Apuleius' Metamorphoses and Giulio Romano's Sala di Amore e Psiche". CiteSeerX {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  51. ^ Norris Johnson, in Robben and Sluka 2007, 76
  52. ^ Heading, David; Loughlin, Eleanor (2018). "Lonergan's insight and threshold concepts: students in the liminal space" (PDF). Teaching in Higher Education. 23 (6): 657–667. doi:10.1080/13562517.2017.1414792. S2CID 149321628.
  53. ^ Rutherford, Vanessa; Pickup, Ian (2015). "Negotiating Liminality in Higher Education: Formal and Informal Dimensions of the Student Experience as Facilitators of Quality". The European Higher Education Area. pp. 703–723. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20877-0_44. ISBN 978-3-319-18767-9. S2CID 146606519.
  54. ^ Byatt 1990, 505–06.
  55. ^ Elsbree 1991, 66.
  56. ^ Bellow 1977, 84.
  57. ^ Brontë, Charlotte (1816–1855). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. 1. Oxford University Press. 2017-11-28. doi:10.1093/odnb/9780192683120.013.3523.
  58. ^ Clark, Megan (2017). "The Space In-Between: Exploring Liminality in Jane Eyre". Criterion: A Journal of Literary Criticism. 10.
  59. ^ a b c Gilead, Sarah (1987). "Liminality and Antiliminality in Charlotte Brontë's Novels: Shirley Reads Jane Eyre". Texas Studies in Literature and Language. 29 (3): 302–322. JSTOR 40754831.
  60. ^ a b c d e Brooks, Karen (1 October 1998). "Shit Creek: Suburbia, Abjection and Subjectivity in Australian 'Grunge' Fiction". Australian Literary Studies. 18 (4): 87–99.
  61. ^ a b Mathew, Raisun (2022). In-Between: Liminal Stories. Authorspress. ISBN 978-93-91314-04-0.[page needed][self-published source?]
  62. ^ Liebler, pp. 182–84
  63. ^ "Architecture: The Cult Following Of Liminal Space". Musée Magazine. Retrieved 2021-03-05.
  64. ^ "How liminal spaces became the internet's latest obsession". TwoPointOne Magazine. 18 June 2021. Retrieved 2022-08-03.
  65. ^ S, Michael L.; al (2020-04-30). "'The Backrooms Game' Brings a Modern Creepypasta to Life [What We Play in the Shadows]". Bloody Disgusting!. Retrieved 2021-03-05.
  66. ^ . YouTube. 2020-10-30. Archived from the original on 2020-10-30. Retrieved 2021-03-05.
  67. ^ "Liminal Spaces may be the most 2020 of all trends". Earnest Pettie Online. 2020-12-31. Retrieved 2021-03-05.
  68. ^ "Will the mall survive COVID? Whatever happens, these artists want to capture them before they're gone | CBC Arts". CBC. Retrieved 2021-03-05.
  69. ^ "LiminalSpace". Reddit. Retrieved 2021-07-07.
  70. ^ Pitre, Jake (2022-11-01). "The Eerie Comfort of Liminal Spaces". The Atlantic. Retrieved 2023-01-02.
  71. ^ Kenyon, Nick (2022-03-02). "The Exhibition Spotlighting One Of Australia's Greatest Artists". Boss Hunting. Retrieved 2022-09-02.
  72. ^ "Jeffrey Smart - 155 artworks - painting". www.wikiart.org. Retrieved 2022-09-02.
  73. ^ Diel, Alexander; Lewis, Michael (1 August 2022). "Structural deviations drive an uncanny valley of physical places". Journal of Environmental Psychology. 82: 101844. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2022.101844. S2CID 250404379.
  74. ^ Illouz, Consuming p. 142
  75. ^ a b Murphy, Alexandra G. (October 2002). "Organizational Politics of Place and Space: The Perpetual Liminoid Performance of Commercial Flight". Text and Performance Quarterly. 22 (4): 297–316. doi:10.1080/10462930208616175. S2CID 145132584.

General sources

  • Barfield, Thomas J. The Dictionary of Anthropology. Oxford: Blackwell, 1997.
  • Bellow, Saul. Dangling Man (Penguin 1977).
  • Benzel, Rick. Inspiring Creativity: an Anthology of Powerful Insights and Practical Ideas to Guide You to Successful Creating. Playa Del Rey, CA: Creativity Coaching Association, 2005.
  • Bly, Robert. Iron John (Dorset 1991).
  • Burke, Carolyn, Naomi Schor, and Margaret Whitford. Engaging with Irigaray: Feminist Philosophy and Modern European Thought. New York: Columbia UP, 1994.
  • Byatt, A. S. Possession; a Romance. New York: Vintage International, 1990.
  • Carson, Timothy L. "Chapter Seven: Betwixt and Between, Worship and Liminal Reality." Transforming Worship. St. Louis, MO: Chalice, 2003.
  • Casement, Patrick. Further Learning from the Patient (London 1997).
  • Corcoran, Neil. Do You, Mr Jones?: Bob Dylan with the Poets and Professors. London: Chatto & Windus, 2002.
  • Costello, Stephen J. The Pale Criminal: Psychoanalytic Perspectives. London: Karnac, 2002.
  • Douglas, Mary. Implicit Meanings Essays in Anthropology. London [u.a.]: Routledge, 1984.
  • Elsbree, Langdon. Ritual Passages and Narrative Structures. New York: P. Lang, 1991.
  • Getz, D. 2007. Event studies: theory, research and policy for planned events. Burlington, MA:Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Girard, René. "To Double Business Bound": Essays on Literature, Mimesis, and Anthropology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1988.
  • Girard, René. Violence and the Sacred. London: Athlone, 1988.
  • Homans, Peter. Jung in Context: Modernity and the Making of a Psychology. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1979.
  • Horvath, Agnes (November 2009). "Liminality and the Unreal Class of the Image-making Craft: An Essay on Political Alchemy". International Political Anthropology. 2 (1): 51–73.
  • Horvath, Agnes; Thomassen, Bjorn (May 2008). "Mimetic Errors in Liminal Schismogenesis: On the Political Anthropology of the Trickster". 1. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  • Illouz, Eva. Consuming the Romantic Utopia: Love and the Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism. UCP, 1997.
  • Jung, C. G. Man and His Symbols. London: Picador, 1978.
  • Kahane Reuven, et al., The Origins of Postmodern Youth (New York: 1997)
  • Liebler, Naomi Conn. Shakespeare's Festive Tragedy: the Ritual Foundations of Genre. London: Routledge, 1995.
  • Lih, Andrew. The Wikipedia Revolution: How a Bunch of Nobodies Created the World's Greatest Encyclopedia. London: Aurum, 2009.
  • Mathew, Raisun (2022). In-Between: Liminal Stories. Authorspress.
  • Miller, Jeffrey C., and C. G. Jung. The Transcendent Function: Jung's Model of Psychological Growth through Dialogue with the Unconscious. Albany: State University of New York, 2004.
  • Nicholas, Dean Andrew. The Trickster Revisited: Deception as a Motif in the Pentatech. New York: Peter Lang, 2009.
  • Oxford English Dictionary. Ed. J. A. Simpson and E. S. C. Weiner. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. OED Online Oxford University Press. Accessed June 23, 2007; cf. subliminal.
  • Quasha, George & Charles Stein. An Art of Limina: Gary Hill's Works and Writings. Barcelona: Ediciones Polígrafa, 2009. Foreword by Lynne Cooke.
  • Ramanujan, A. K. Speaking of Śiva. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
  • Robben, A. and Sluka, J. Editors, Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
  • Rogers, Carl R. On Becoming a Person; a Therapist's View of Psychotherapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961.
  • Shorter, Bani. An Image Darkly Forming: Women and Initiation. London: Routledge, 1988.
  • St John, Graham (April 2001). "Alternative Cultural Heterotopia and the Liminoid Body: Beyond Turner at ConFest". The Australian Journal of Anthropology. 12 (1): 47–66. doi:10.1111/j.1835-9310.2001.tb00062.x.
  • St John, Graham (ed.) 2008. Victor Turner and Contemporary Cultural Performance 2010-05-07 at the Wayback Machine. New York: Berghahn. ISBN 1-84545-462-6.
  • St John, Graham (June 2013). "Aliens Are Us: Cosmic Liminality, Remixticism, and Alien ation in Psytrance". The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture. 25 (2): 186–204. doi:10.3138/jrpc.25.2.186. S2CID 194094479.
  • St. John, Graham (2014). "Victor Turner". Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology. doi:10.1093/obo/9780199766567-0074. ISBN 978-0-19-976656-7.
  • John, Graham St (2015). "Liminal Being: Electronic Dance Music Cultures, Ritualization and the Case of Psytrance". The SAGE Handbook of Popular Music. pp. 243–260. doi:10.4135/9781473910362.n14. ISBN 9781446210857.
  • Szakolczai, A. (2000) Reflexive Historical Sociology, London: Routledge.
  • Turner, "Betwixt and Between: The Liminal Period in Rites de Passage", in The Forest of Symbols Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967
  • Turner, Victor Witter. The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-structure. Chicago: Aldine Pub., 1969
  • Turner, Victor Witter. Dramas, Fields, and Metaphors: Symbolic Action in Human Society. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1974.
  • Turner, Victor. Liminal to liminoid in play, flow, and ritual: An essay in comparative symbology. Rice University Studies 1974.
  • Turner, Victor W., and Edith Turner. Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture Anthropological Perspectives. New York: Columbia UP, 1978.
  • Gennep, Arnold Van. The Rites of Passage. (Chicago: University of Chicago), 1960.
  • Waskul, Dennis D. Net.seXXX: Readings on Sex, Pornography, and the Internet. New York: P. Lang, 2004.
  • Young-Eisendrath, Polly, and Terence Dawson. The Cambridge Companion to Jung. Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: Cambridge UP, 1997.

External links

  •   The dictionary definition of liminal at Wiktionary
  •   The dictionary definition of liminality at Wiktionary
  •   The dictionary definition of liminoid at Wiktionary

liminality, anthropology, liminality, from, latin, līmen, threshold, quality, ambiguity, disorientation, that, occurs, middle, stage, rite, passage, when, participants, longer, hold, their, ritual, status, have, begun, transition, status, they, will, hold, whe. In anthropology liminality from Latin limen a threshold 1 is the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of a rite of passage when participants no longer hold their pre ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the rite is complete 2 During a rite s liminal stage participants stand at the threshold 3 between their previous way of structuring their identity time or community and a new way which completing the rite establishes The concept of liminality was first developed in the early twentieth century by folklorist Arnold van Gennep and later taken up by Victor Turner 4 More recently usage of the term has broadened to describe political and cultural change as well as rites 5 6 During liminal periods of all kinds social hierarchies may be reversed or temporarily dissolved continuity of tradition may become uncertain and future outcomes once taken for granted may be thrown into doubt 7 The dissolution of order during liminality creates a fluid malleable situation that enables new institutions and customs to become established 8 The term has also passed into popular usage and has been expanded to include liminoid experiences that are more relevant to post industrial society 9 Contents 1 Rites of passage 1 1 Arnold van Gennep 1 2 Victor Turner 2 Types 3 In large scale societies 4 Depth psychology 5 Examples of general usage 5 1 In rites 5 2 In time 5 2 1 Examples 5 3 In religion 5 3 1 Christian worship 5 4 Of beings 5 5 In places 5 6 In folklore 5 7 In ethnographic research 5 8 In higher education 5 9 In popular culture 5 9 1 Novels and short stories 5 9 2 Plays 5 9 3 Films and TV shows 5 9 4 Photography and Internet culture 5 9 5 Music and other media 6 Liminoid experiences 6 1 Examples of liminoid experiences 6 1 1 Sports 6 1 2 Commercial flight 7 See also 8 Citations 9 General sources 10 External linksRites of passage EditArnold van Gennep Edit Van Gennep who coined the term liminality published in 1909 his Rites de Passage a work that explores and develops the concept of liminality in the context of rites in small scale societies 10 Van Gennep began his book by identifying the various categories of rites He distinguished between those that result in a change of status for an individual or social group and those that signify transitions in the passage of time In doing so he placed a particular emphasis on rites of passage and claimed that such rituals marking helping or celebrating individual or collective passages through the cycle of life or of nature exist in every culture and share a specific three fold sequential structure 8 This three fold structure as established by van Gennep is made up of the following components 10 preliminal rites or rites of separation This stage involves a metaphorical death as the initiate is forced to leave something behind by breaking with previous practices and routines liminal rites or transition rites Two characteristics are essential to these rites First the rite must follow a strictly prescribed sequence where everybody knows what to do and how 8 Second everything must be done under the authority of a master of ceremonies 8 The destructive nature of this rite allows for considerable changes to be made to the identity of the initiate This middle stage when the transition takes place implies an actual passing through the threshold that marks the boundary between two phases and the term liminality was introduced in order to characterize this passage 8 postliminal rites or rites of incorporation During this stage the initiand is re incorporated into society with a new identity as a new being Turner confirmed his nomenclature for the three phases of passage from one culturally defined state or status to another preliminal liminal and postliminal 11 Beyond this structural template Van Gennep also suggested four categories of rites that emerge as universal across cultures and societies He suggested that there are four types of social rites of passage that are replicable and recognizable among many ethnographic populations 12 They include Passage of people from one status to another initiation ceremonies in which an outsider is brought into the group This includes marriage and initiation ceremonies that move one from the status of an outsider to an insider Passage from one place to another such as moving houses moving to a new city etc Passage from one situation to another beginning university starting a new job and graduating high school or university Passage of time such as New Year celebrations and birthdays 12 Van Gennep considered rites of initiation to be the most typical rite To gain a better understanding of tripartite structure of liminal situations one can look at a specific rite of initiation the initiation of youngsters into adulthood which Turner considered the most typical rite In such rites of passage the experience is highly structured The first phase the rite of separation requires the child to go through a separation from his family this involves his her death as a child as childhood is effectively left behind In the second stage initiands between childhood and adulthood must pass a test to prove they are ready for adulthood If they succeed the third stage incorporation involves a celebration of the new birth of the adult and a welcoming of that being back into society By constructing this three part sequence van Gennep identified a pattern he believed was inherent in all ritual passages By suggesting that such a sequence is universal meaning that all societies use rites to demarcate transitions van Gennep made an important claim one that not many anthropologists make as they generally tend to demonstrate cultural diversity while shying away from universality 12 An anthropological rite especially a rite of passage involves some change to the participants especially their social status 13 and in the first phase of separation comprises symbolic behaviour signifying the detachment of the individual from an earlier fixed point in the social structure 14 Their status thus becomes liminal In such a liminal situation the initiands live outside their normal environment and are brought to question their self and the existing social order through a series of rituals that often involve acts of pain the initiands come to feel nameless spatio temporally dislocated and socially unstructured 15 In this sense liminal periods are destructive as well as constructive meaning that the formative experiences during liminality will prepare the initiand and his her cohort to occupy a new social role or status made public during the reintegration rituals 15 Victor Turner Edit Initiation ritual of boys in Malawi The ritual marks the passage from child to adult male a liminal stage in the context of their livesTurner who is considered to have re discovered the importance of liminality first came across van Gennep s work in 1963 6 In 1967 he published his book The Forest of Symbols which included an essay entitled Betwixt and Between The Liminal Period in Rites of Passage Within the works of Turner liminality began to wander away from its narrow application to ritual passages in small scale societies 6 In the various works he completed while conducting his fieldwork amongst the Ndembu in Zambia he made numerous connections between tribal and non tribal societies sensing that what he argued for the Ndembu had relevance far beyond the specific ethnographic context 6 He became aware that liminality served not only to identify the importance of in between periods but also to understand the human reactions to liminal experiences the way liminality shaped personality the sudden foregrounding of agency and the sometimes dramatic tying together of thought and experience 6 The attributes of liminality or of liminal personae threshold people are necessarily ambiguous 16 One s sense of identity dissolves to some extent bringing about disorientation but also the possibility of new perspectives Turner posits that if liminality is regarded as a time and place of withdrawal from normal modes of social action it potentially can be seen as a period of scrutiny for central values and axioms of the culture where it occurs 17 one where normal limits to thought self understanding and behavior are undone In such situations the very structure of society is temporarily suspended 8 According to Turner all liminality must eventually dissolve for it is a state of great intensity that cannot exist very long without some sort of structure to stabilize it either the individual returns to the surrounding social structure or else liminal communities develop their own internal social structure a condition Turner calls normative communitas 18 Turner also worked on the idea of communitas the feeling of camaraderie associated among a group experiencing the same liminal experience or rite 19 Turner defined three distinct and not always sequential forms of communitas which he describes as that antistructural state at stake in the liminal phase of ritual forms 19 The first spontaneous communitas is described as a direct immediate and total confrontation of human identities in which those involved share a feeling of synchronicity and a total immersion into one fluid event 19 The second form ideological communitas which aims at interrupting spontaneous communitas through some type of intervention which would result in the formation of a utopian society in which all actions would be carried out at the level of spontaneous communitas 19 The third normative communitas deals with a group of society attempting to grow relationships and support spontaneous communitas on a relatively permanent basis subjecting it to laws of society and denaturing the grace of the accepted form of camaraderie 19 The work of Victor Turner has vital significance in turning attention to this concept introduced by Arnold van Gennep However Turner s approach to liminality has two major shortcomings First Turner was keen to limit the meaning of the concept to the concrete settings of small scale tribal societies preferring the neologism liminoid coined by him to analyse certain features of the modern world However Agnes Horvath 2013 argues that the term can and should be applied to concrete historical events as offering a vital means for historical and sociological understanding Second Turner attributed a rather univocally positive connotation to liminal situations as ways of renewal when liminal situations can be periods of uncertainty anguish even existential fear a facing of the abyss in void 20 Types EditLiminality has both spatial and temporal dimensions and can be applied to a variety of subjects individuals larger groups cohorts or villages whole societies and possibly even entire civilizations 6 The following chart summarizes the different dimensions and subjects of liminal experiences and also provides the main characteristics and key examples of each category 6 Individual Group SocietyMoment Sudden events affecting one s life death divorce illness or individualized ritual passage baptism ritual passage to adulthood as for example among the Ndembu Ritual passage to adulthood almost always in cohort groups graduation ceremonies etc A whole society facing a sudden event sudden invasion natural disaster a plague where social distinctions and normal hierarchy disappear Carnivals Revolutions Period Critical life stages Puberty or teenage years Ritual passage to adulthood which may extend into weeks or months in some societies Group travels Going to university college or taking a gap year between secondary school and college university Wars Revolutionary periods Epoch or life span duration Individuals standing outside society by choice or designated as with exiled persons Monkhood In some tribal societies individuals remain dangerous or excluded because of a failed ritual passage Twins are permanently liminal in some societies citation needed Religious fraternities ethnic minorities sexual and gender minorities Immigrant groups betwixt and between Old and new cultures Groups that live at the edge of normal structures may be perceived as dangerous e g punks and or holy e g monks living by strict vows Prolonged wars enduring political instability prolonged intellectual confusion Incorporation and reproduction of liminality into structures Modernity as permanent liminality Another significant variable is scale or the degree to which an individual or group experiences liminality 6 In other words there are degrees of liminality and the degree depends on the extent to which the liminal experience can be weighed against persisting structures 6 When the spatial and temporal are both affected the intensity of the liminal experience increases and so called pure liminality is approached 6 In large scale societies Edit Destruction from The Course of Empire by Thomas Cole 1836 The concept of a liminal situation can also be applied to entire societies that are going through a crisis or a collapse of order 6 Philosopher Karl Jaspers made a significant contribution to this idea through his concept of the axial age which was an in between period between two structured world views and between two rounds of empire building it was an age of creativity where man asked radical questions and where the unquestioned grasp on life is loosened 6 It was essentially a time of uncertainty which most importantly involved entire civilizations Seeing as liminal periods are both destructive and constructive the ideas and practices that emerge from these liminal historical periods are of extreme importance as they will tend to take on the quality of structure 6 Events such as political or social revolutions along with other periods of crisis can thus be considered liminal as they result in the complete collapse of order and can lead to significant social change 15 Liminality in large scale societies differs significantly from liminality found in ritual passages in small scale societies One primary characteristic of liminality as defined van Gennep and Turner is that there is a way in as well as a way out 6 In ritual passages members of the society are themselves aware of the liminal state they know that they will leave it sooner or later and have ceremony masters to guide them through the rituals 6 However in those liminal periods that affect society as a whole the future what comes after the liminal period is completely unknown and there is no ceremony master who has gone through the process before and that can lead people out of it 6 In such cases liminal situations can become dangerous They allow for the emergence of self proclaimed ceremony masters that assume leadership positions and attempt to perpetuate liminality and by emptying the liminal moment of real creativity turn it into a scene of mimetic rivalry 6 Depth psychology EditJungians have often seen the individuation process of self realization as taking place within a liminal space Individuation begins with a withdrawal from normal modes of socialisation epitomized by the breakdown of the persona liminality 21 Thus what Turner s concept of social liminality does for status in society Jung does for the movement of the person through the life process of individuation 22 Individuation can be seen as a movement through liminal space and time from disorientation to integration What takes place in the dark phase of liminality is a process of breaking down in the interest of making whole one s meaning purpose and sense of relatedness once more 23 As an archetypal figure the trickster is a symbol of the liminal state itself and of its permanent accessibility as a source of recreative power 24 Jungian based analytical psychology is also deeply rooted in the ideas of liminality The idea of a container or vessel as a key player in the ritual process of psychotherapy has been noted by many and Carl Jung s objective was to provide a space he called a temenos a magic circle a vessel in which the transformation inherent in the patient s condition would be allowed to take place 12 But other depth psychologies speak of a similar process Carl Rogers describes the out of this world quality that many therapists have remarked upon a sort of trance like feeling in the relationship that client and therapist emerge from at the end of the hour as if from a deep well or tunnel 25 The French talk of how the psychoanalytic setting opens forges the intermediate space excluded middle or between that figures so importantly in Irigaray s writing 26 Marion Milner claimed that a temporal spatial frame also marks off the special kind of reality of a psycho analytic session the different kind of reality that is within it 27 Jungians however have perhaps been most explicit about the need to accord space time and place for liminal feeling 28 as well about the associated dangers two mistakes we provide no ritual space at all in our lives or we stay in it too long 29 Indeed Jung s psychology has itself been described as a form of permanent liminality in which there is no need to return to social structure 30 Examples of general usage EditIn rites Edit This section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed September 2010 Learn how and when to remove this template message Liminal phase of a rite of passage Albert Anker s Die Ziviltrauung The Civil Marriage 1887 In the context of rites liminality is being artificially produced as opposed to those situations such as natural disasters in which it can occur spontaneously 6 In the simple example of a college graduation ceremony the liminal phase can actually be extended to include the period of time between when the last assignment was finished and graduation was assured all the way through reception of the diploma That no man s land represents the limbo associated with liminality The stress of accomplishing tasks for college has been lifted yet the individual has not moved on to a new stage in life psychologically or physically The result is a unique perspective on what has come before and what may come next It can include the period between when a couple get engaged and their marriage or between death and burial for which cultures may have set ritual observances Even sexually liberal cultures may strongly disapprove of an engaged spouse having sex with another person during this time When a marriage proposal is initiated there is a liminal stage between the question and the answer during which the social arrangements of both parties involved are subject to transformation and inversion a sort of life stage limbo so to speak in that the affirmation or denial can result in multiple and diverse outcomes Getz 31 provides commentary on the liminal liminoid zone when discussing the planned event experience He refers to a liminal zone at an event as the creation of time out of time a special place He notes that this liminal zone is both spatial and temporal and integral when planning a successful event e g ceremony concert conference etc 32 In time Edit The temporal dimension of liminality can relate to moments sudden events periods weeks months or possibly years and epochs decades generations maybe even centuries 6 Examples Edit This section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed September 2010 Learn how and when to remove this template message Twilight serves as a liminal time between day and night where one is in the twilight zone in a liminal nether region of the night 33 The title of the television fiction series The Twilight Zone makes reference to this describing it as the middle ground between light and shadow between science and superstition in one variant of the original series opening The name is from an actual zone observable from space in the place where daylight or shadow advances or retreats about the Earth Noon and more often midnight can be considered liminal the first transitioning between morning and afternoon the latter between days Within the years liminal times include equinoxes when day and night have equal length and solstices when the increase of day or night shifts over to its decrease This qualitative bounding of quantitatively unbounded phenomena 34 marks the cyclical changes of seasons throughout the year Where the quarter days are held to mark the change in seasons they also are liminal times New Year s Day whatever its connection or lack of one to the astrological sky is a liminal time Customs such as fortune telling take advantage of this liminal state In a number of cultures actions and events on the first day of the year can determine the year leading to such beliefs as first foot Many cultures regard it as a time especially prone to hauntings by ghosts liminal beings neither alive nor dead In religion Edit Christian worship Edit A painting depicting Jacob s Ladder to heaven Liminal existence can be located in a separated sacred space which occupies a sacred time Examples in the Bible include the dream of Jacob Genesis 28 12 19 where he encounters God between heaven and earth and the instance when Isaiah meets the Lord in the temple of holiness Isaiah 6 1 6 35 In such a liminal space the individual experiences the revelation of sacred knowledge where God imparts his knowledge on the person Worship can be understood in this context as the church community or communitas or koinonia enter into liminal space corporately 35 Religious symbols and music may aid in this process described as a pilgrimage by way of prayer song or liturgical acts The congregation is transformed in the liminal space and as they exit are sent out back into the world to serve Of beings Edit Various minority groups can be considered liminal In reality illegal immigrants present but not official and stateless people for example are regarded as liminal because they are betwixt and between home and host part of society but sometimes never fully integrated 6 Bisexual intersex and transgender people in some contemporary societies people of mixed ethnicity and those accused but not yet judged guilty or not guilty can also be considered to be liminal Teenagers being neither children nor adults are liminal people indeed for young people liminality of this kind has become a permanent phenomenon Postmodern liminality 36 The trickster as the mythic projection of the magician standing in the limen between the sacred realm and the profane 37 and related archetypes embody many such contradictions as do many popular culture celebrities The category could also hypothetically and in fiction include cyborgs hybrids between two species shapeshifters One could also consider seals crabs shorebirds frogs bats dolphins whales and other border animals to be liminal the wild duck and swan are cases in point intermediate creatures that combine underwater activity and the bird flight with an intermediate terrestrial life 38 Shamans and spiritual guides also serve as liminal beings acting as mediators between this and the other world his presence is betwixt and between the human and supernatural 39 Many believe that shamans and spiritual advisers were born into their fate possessing a greater understanding of and connection to the natural world and thus they often live in the margins of society existing in a liminal state between worlds and outside of common society 39 In places Edit A hotel room is a liminal place being an area that is only slept in for transient purposes and for a limited duration The spatial dimension of liminality can include specific places larger zones or areas or entire countries and larger regions 6 Liminal places can range from borders and frontiers to no man s lands and disputed territories to crossroads to perhaps airports hotels and bathrooms Sociologist Eva Illouz argues that all romantic travel enacts the three stages that characterize liminality separation marginalization and reaggregation 40 In mythology and religion or esoteric lore liminality can include such realms as Purgatory or Da at which as well as signifying liminality some theologians deny actually existing making them in some cases doubly liminal Between ness defines these spaces For a hotel worker an insider or a person passing by with disinterest a total outsider the hotel would have a very different connotation To a traveller staying there the hotel would function as a liminal zone just as doors and windows and hallways and gates frame the definitively liminal condition 41 More conventionally springs caves shores rivers volcanic calderas a huge crater of an extinct volcano as another symbol of transcendence 42 fords passes crossroads bridges and marshes are all liminal edges borders or faultlines between the legitimate and the illegitimate 43 Oedipus met his father at the crossroads and killed him the bluesman Robert Johnson met the devil at the crossroads where he is said to have sold his soul 44 In architecture liminal spaces are defined as the physical spaces between one destination and the next 45 Common examples of such spaces include hallways airports and streets 46 47 In contemporary culture viewing the nightclub experience dancing in a nightclub through the liminoid framework highlights the presence or absence of opportunities for social subversion escape from social structures and exercising choice 48 This allows insights into what may be effectively improved in hedonic spaces Enhancing the consumer experience of these liminoid aspects may heighten experiential feelings of escapism and play thus encouraging the consumer to more freely consume 48 In folklore Edit Harihara the fused representation of Vishnu Hari and Shiva Hara from the Hindu tradition existing in a liminal state of being There are a number of stories in folklore of those who could only be killed in a liminal space In Welsh mythology Lleu could not be killed during the day or night nor indoors or outdoors nor riding or walking nor clothed or naked and is attacked at dusk while wrapped in a net with one foot on a cauldron and one on a goat Likewise in Hindu text Bhagavata Purana Vishnu appears in a half man half lion form named Narasimha to destroy the demon Hiranyakashipu who has obtained the power never to be killed in day nor night in the ground nor in the air with weapon nor by bare hands in a building nor outside it by man nor beast Narasimha kills Hiranyakashipu at dusk across his lap with his sharp claws on the threshold of the palace and as Narasimha is a god himself the demon is killed by neither man nor beast In the Mahabharata Indra promises not to slay Namuci and Vritra with anything wet or dry nor in the day or in the night but instead kills them at dusk with foam 49 The classic tale of Cupid and Psyche serves as an example of the liminal in myth exhibited through Psyche s character and the events she experiences She is always regarded as too beautiful to be human yet not quite a goddess establishing her liminal existence 50 Her marriage to Death in Apuleius version occupies two classic Van Gennep liminal rites marriage and death 50 Psyche resides in the liminal space of no longer being a maiden yet not quite a wife as well as living between worlds Beyond this her transition to immortality to live with Cupid serves as a liminal rite of passage in which she shifts from mortal to immortal human to goddess when Psyche drinks the ambrosia and seals her fate the rite is completed and the tale ends with a joyous wedding and the birth of Cupid and Psyche s daughter 50 The characters themselves exist in liminal spaces while experiencing classic rites of passage that necessitate the crossing of thresholds into new realms of existence In ethnographic research Edit In ethnographic research the researcher is in a liminal state separated from his own culture yet not incorporated into the host culture 51 when he or she is both participating in the culture and observing the culture The researcher must consider the self in relation to others and his or her positioning in the culture being studied In many cases greater participation in the group being studied can lead to increased access of cultural information and greater in group understanding of experiences within the culture However increased participation also blurs the role of the researcher in data collection and analysis Often a researcher that engages in fieldwork as a participant or participant observer occupies a liminal state where he she is a part of the culture but also separated from the culture as a researcher This liminal state of being betwixt and between is emotional and uncomfortable as the researcher uses self reflexivity to interpret field observations and interviews Some scholars argue that ethnographers are present in their research occupying a liminal state regardless of their participant status Justification for this position is that the researcher as a human instrument engages with his her observations in the process of recording and analyzing the data A researcher often unconsciously selects what to observe how to record observations and how to interpret observations based on personal reference points and experiences For example even in selecting what observations are interesting to record the researcher must interpret and value the data available To explore the liminal state of the researcher in relation to the culture self reflexivity and awareness are important tools to reveal researcher bias and interpretation In higher education Edit For many students the process of starting university can be seen as a liminal space 52 Whilst many students move away from home for the first time they often do not break their links with home seeing the place of origin as home rather than the town where they are studying Student orientation often includes activities that act as a rite of passage making the start of university as a significant period This can be reinforced by the split of town and gown where local communities and the student body maintain different traditions and codes of behaviour This means that many university students are no longer seen as school children but have not yet achieved the status of independent adults This creates an environment where risk taking is balanced with safe spaces that allow students to try out new identities and new ways of being within a structure that provides meaning 53 In popular culture Edit Novels and short stories Edit Rant An Oral Biography of Buster Casey by Chuck Palahniuk makes use of liminality in explaining time travel Possession by A S Byatt describes how postmodern Literary theory Feminism write about liminality Thresholds Bastions Fortresses 54 Each book title in The Twilight Saga speaks of a liminal period Twilight New Moon Eclipse and Breaking Dawn In The Phantom Tollbooth 1961 Milo enters The Lands Beyond a liminal place which explains its topsy turvy nature through a magical tollbooth When he finishes his quest he returns but changed seeing the world differently The giver of the tollbooth is never seen and name never known and hence also remains liminal Liminality is a major theme in Offshore by Penelope Fitzgerald in which the characters live between sea and land on docked boats becoming liminal people Saul Bellow s varied uses of liminality include his Dangling Man suspended between civilian life and the armed forces 55 at the onset of the dangling days 56 Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre follows the protagonist through different stages of life as she crosses the threshold from student to teacher to woman 57 Her existence throughout the novel takes a liminal character She can first be seen when she hides herself behind a large red curtain to read closing herself off physically and existing in a paracosmic realm At Gateshead Jane is noted to be set apart and on the outside of the family putting her in a liminal space in which she neither belongs nor is completely cast away 58 Jane s existence emerges as paradoxical as she transcends commonly accepted beliefs about what it means to be a woman orphan child victim criminal and pilgrim 59 and she creates her own narrative as she is torn from her past and denied a certain future 59 Faced with a series of crises Jane s circumstances question social constructs and allow Jane to progress or to retract this creates a narrative dynamic of structure and liminality as coined by Turner 59 Karen Brooks states that Australian grunge lit books such as Clare Mendes Drift Street Edward Berridge s The Lives of the Saints and Andrew McGahan s Praise explor e the psychosocial and psychosexual limitations of young sub urban characters in relation to the imaginary and socially constructed boundaries defining self and other and opening up new liminal boundary spaces where the concept of an abject human body can be explored 60 Brooks states that Berridge s short stories provide a variety of violent disaffected and often abject young people characters who blur and often overturn the boundaries between suburban and urban space 60 Brooks states that the marginalized characters in The Lives of the Saints Drift Street and Praise are able to stay in shit creek an undesirable setting or situation and diver t flows of these creeks thus claiming their rough settings liminality being in a border situation or transitional setting and their own abjection having abject bodies with health problems disease etc as sites of symbolic empowerment and agency 60 Brooks states that the story Caravan Park in Berridge s short story collection is an example of a story with a liminal setting as it is set in a mobile home park since mobile homes can be relocated she states that setting a story in a mobile home has the potential to disrupt a range of geo physical and psycho social boundaries 60 Brooks states that in Berridge s story Bored Teenagers the adolescents using a community drop in centre decide to destroy its equipment and defile the space by urinating in it thus altering the dynamics of the place and the way their bodies are perceived with their destructive activities being deemed by Brooks to indicate the community centre s loss of authority over the teens 60 In Between Liminal Stories is a collection of ten short stories and poems that exclusively focus on liminal expressions of various themes like memory disorder pandemic uncertainty authoritarianism virtual reality border disputes old age anxiety environmental issues and gender trouble The stories such as In Between Cogito Ergo Sum The Trap Monkey Bath DreamCatcher Escape to Nowhere A Letter to My Self No Man s Land Whither Am I and Fe Male 61 apart from their thematic relevance directly and indirectly link the possibilities and potential of liminality in literature for developing characters plots and settings The experiences and expressions of the in between states of living betwixt and between in a transitional world that intricately changes the constants and perpetuities of human life are eminent in the stories that are associated with the theoretical concepts such as permanent and temporary liminality liminal space liminal entity liminoid communitas and anti structure The significance of liminality in the short stories is emphasised by conceptualising the existence of the characters as living not here not there but somewhere in a space between here and there 61 Plays Edit Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead a play by Tom Stoppard takes place both in a kind of no man s land and the actual setting of Hamlet Shakespeare s play Hamlet is in several ways an essay in sustained liminality only via a condition of complete liminality can Hamlet finally see the way forward 62 In the play Waiting for Godot for the entire length of the play two men walk around restlessly on an empty stage They alternate between hope and hopelessness At times one forgets what they are even waiting for and the other reminds him We are waiting for Godot The identity of Godot is never revealed and perhaps the men do not know Godot s identity The men are trying to keep up their spirits as they wander the empty stage waiting Films and TV shows Edit The Twilight Zone 1959 2003 is a US television anthology series that explores unusual situations between reality and the paranormal The Terminal 2004 is a US film in which the main character Viktor Navorski is trapped in a liminal space since he can neither legally return to his home country Krakozhia nor enter the United States he must remain in the airport terminal indefinitely until he finds a way out at the end of the film In the film Waking Life about dreams Aklilu Gebrewold talks about liminality Primer 2004 is a US science fiction film by Shane Carruth where the main characters set up their time travelling machine in a storage facility to ensure it will not be accidentally disturbed The hallways of the storage facility are eerily unchanging and impersonal in a sense depicted as outside of time and could be considered a liminal space When the main characters are inside the time travel box they are clearly in temporal liminality Yet another example comes from Hayao Miyazaki s Princess Mononoke in which the Forest Spirit can only be killed while switching between its two forms Photography and Internet culture Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Liminal spaces Main article Liminal space aesthetic A white hallway lit by fluorescent lighting with an exit sign an example of a liminal space In the late 2010s a trend of images depicting so called liminal spaces has surged in online art and photography communities with the intent to convey a sense of nostalgia lostness and uncertainty 63 The subjects of these photos may not necessarily fit within the usual definition of spatial liminality such as that of hallways waiting areas or rest stops but are instead defined by a forlorn atmosphere and sentiments of abandonment decay and quietness Additionally it has been suggested that the liminal space phenomenon could represent a broader feeling of disorientation in modern society explaining the usage of places that are common in childhood memories such as playgrounds or schools as reflective about the passage of time and the collective experience of growing older 64 The phenomenon gained media attention in 2019 when a short creepypasta originally posted to 4chan s x board in 2019 went viral 65 The creepypasta showed an image of a hallway with yellow carpets and wallpaper with a caption purporting that by noclipping out of bounds in real life one may enter the Backrooms an empty wasteland of corridors with nothing but the stink of old moist carpet the madness of mono yellow the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum buzz and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in 66 Since then a popular subreddit titled liminal space cataloguing photographs that give a sense that something is not quite right 67 has accrued over 500 000 followers 68 69 A Twitter account called SpaceLiminalBot posts many liminal space photos and it has accrued over 1 2 million followers 70 Liminal spaces can also be found in painting and drawing for example in paintings by Jeffery Smart 71 72 Research indicates that liminal spaces may appear eerie or strange because they fall into an uncanny valley of architecture and physical places 73 Music and other media Edit The 2019 surrealist puzzle game Superliminal developed by Pillow Castle Games explicitly incorporates liminality into its puzzles and level design Liminal Space is an album by American breakcore artist Xanopticon Coil mention liminality throughout their works most explicitly with the title of their song Batwings A Limnal Hymn sic from their album Musick to Play in the Dark Vol 2 In hack Liminality Harald Hoerwick the creator of the MMORPG The World attempted to bring the real world into the online world creating a hazy barrier between the two worlds a concept called Liminality In the lyrics of French rock band Little Nemo s song A Day Out of Time the idea of liminality is indirectly explored by describing a transitional moment before the returning of the common worries This liminal moment is referred as timeless and therefore absent of aims and or regrets Liminoid experiences EditIn 1974 Victor Turner coined the term liminoid from the Greek word eidos meaning form or shape 12 to refer to experiences that have characteristics of liminal experiences but are optional and do not involve a resolution of a personal crisis 2 Unlike liminal events liminoid experiences are conditional and do not result in a change of status but merely serve as transitional moments in time 2 The liminal is part of society an aspect of social or religious rites while the liminoid is a break from society part of play or playing With the rise in industrialization and the emergence of leisure as an acceptable form of play separate from work liminoid experiences have become much more common than liminal rites 2 In these modern societies rites are diminished and forged the concept of liminoid rituals for analogous but secular phenomena such as attending rock concerts and other 74 liminoid experiences The fading of liminal stages in exchange for liminoid experiences is marked by the shift in culture from tribal and agrarian to modern and industrial In these societies work and play are entirely separate whereas in more archaic societies they are nearly indistinguishable 2 In the past play was interwoven with the nature of work as symbolic gestures and rites in order to promote fertility abundance and the passage of certain liminal phases thus work and play are inseparable and often dependent on social rites 2 Examples of this include Cherokee and Mayan riddles trickster tales sacred ball games and joking relationships which serve holy purposes of work in liminal situations while retaining the element of playfulness 2 Ritual and myth were in the past exclusively connected to collective work that served holy and often symbolic purposes liminal rites were held in the form of coming of age ceremonies celebrations of seasons and more Industrialization cut the cord between work and the sacred putting work and play in separate boxes that rarely if ever intersected 2 In a famous essay regarding the shift from liminal to liminoid in industrial society Turner offers a twofold explanation of this sect First society began to move away from activities concerning collective ritual obligations placing more emphasis on the individual than the community this led to more choice in activities with many such as work and leisure becoming optional Second the work done to earn a living became entirely separate from his or her other activities so that it is no longer natural but arbitrary 2 In simpler terms the industrial revolution brought about free time that had not existed in past societies and created space for liminoid experiences to exist 2 Examples of liminoid experiences Edit Sports Edit Sporting events such as the Olympics NFL football games and hockey matches are forms of liminoid experiences They are optional activities of leisure that place both the spectator and the competitor in in between places outside of society s norms Sporting events also create a sense of community among fans and reinforces the collective spirit of those who take part 19 Homecoming football games gymnastics meets modern baseball games and swim meets all qualify as liminoid and follow a seasonal schedule therefore the flow of sports becomes cyclical and predictable reinforcing the liminal qualities 19 Commercial flight Edit One scholar Alexandra Murphy has argued that airplane travel is inherently liminoid suspended in the sky neither here nor there and crossing thresholds of time and space it is difficult to make sense of the experience of flying 75 Murphy posits that flights shift our existence into a limbo space in which movement becomes an accepted set of cultural performances aimed at convincing us that air travel is a reflection of reality rather than a separation from it 75 See also EditAndrogyny Bardo Cognitive dissonance Critical point thermodynamics Limbo Liminal being Liminal deity Limit situation Locus amoenus Phase transition Transitioning transgender Trance EntityCitations Edit liminal Oxford English Dictionary Ed J A Simpson and E S C Weiner 2nd ed Oxford Clarendon Press 1989 OED Online Oxford 23 2007 cf subliminal a b c d e f g h i j Turner Victor July 1974 Liminal to Liminoid in Play Flow and Ritual An Essay in Comparative Symbology Rice Institute Pamphlet Rice University Studies 60 3 hdl 1911 63159 S2CID 55545819 Guribye Eugene Lie Birgit Overland Gwynyth eds 2014 Nordic Work with Traumatised Refugees Do We Really Care Cambridge Scholars Publishing p 194 ISBN 978 1 4438 6777 1 Liminality and Communitas in The Ritual Process Structure and Anti Structure New Brunswick Aldine Transaction Press 2008 Katznelson Ira 11 May 2021 Measuring Liberalism Confronting Evil A Retrospective Annual Review of Political Science 24 1 1 19 doi 10 1146 annurev polisci 042219 030219 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Thomassen Bjorn 2009 The Uses and Meanings of Liminality International Political Anthropology 2 1 5 27 Horvath A Thomassen B Wydra H 2009 Introduction Liminality and Cultures of Change International Political Anthropology 2 1 3 4 a b c d e f Szakolczai A 2009 Liminality and Experience Structuring transitory situations and transformative events International Political Anthropology 2 1 141 172 Barfield Thomas 1997 The Dictionary of Anthropology p 477 a b van Gennep Arnold 1977 The rites of passage Routledge amp Kegan Paul p 21 ISBN 978 0 7100 8744 7 OCLC 925214175 Victor W Turner The Ritual Process Penguin 1969 p 155 a b c d e Andrews Hazel Roberts Les 2015 Liminality International Encyclopedia of the Social amp Behavioral Sciences pp 131 137 doi 10 1016 B978 0 08 097086 8 12102 6 ISBN 978 0 08 097087 5 Victor Turner Betwixt and Between The Liminal Period in Rites de Passage in The Forest of Symbols Ithaca NY Cornell University Press 1967 Turner Ritual p 80 a b c Thomassen Bjorn 2006 Liminality In Harrington A Marshall B Muller H P eds Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory London Routledge pp 322 323 Turner Ritual p 81 Turner Ritual p 156 Peter Homas Jung in Context London 1979 p 207 a b c d e f g John Graham St 2008 Victor Turner and Contemporary Cultural Performance Berghahn Books p 127 ISBN 978 0 85745 037 1 Horvath Agnes 2013 Modernism and Charisma doi 10 1057 9781137277862 ISBN 978 1 349 44741 1 page needed Homans 1979 207 Hall quoted in Miller and Jung 2004 104 Shorter 1988 73 79 Robert Pelton in Young Eisendrath and Dawson eds 1997 244 Rogers 1961 202 E Hirsh in Burke et al eds 1994 309n Quoted in Casement 1997 158 Shorter 1988 79 Bly 1991 194 Homans 1979 208 Getz 2007 179 Getz 2007 442 Costello 2002 158 Olwig Kenneth R April 2005 Liminality Seasonality and Landscape Landscape Research 30 2 259 271 doi 10 1080 01426390500044473 S2CID 144415449 a b Carson Timothy L 2003 Transforming Worship Chalice Press p 61 ISBN 978 0 8272 3692 9 Kahane 1997 31 Nicholas 2009 25 Joseph Henderson in Jung 1978 153 a b Takiguchi Naoko 1990 Liminal Experiences of Miyako Shamans Reading a Shaman s Diary Asian Folklore Studies 49 1 1 38 doi 10 2307 1177947 JSTOR 1177947 Illouz 1997 143 Richard Brown in Corcoran 2002 211 Joseph Henderson in Jung 1978 152 Richard Brown in Corcoran 2002 196 El Khoury 2015 217 full citation needed Asuncion Isabel Berenguer 13 June 2020 Living through liminal spaces INQUIRER net Matthews Hugh 2003 The street as a liminal space Children in the City pp 119 135 doi 10 4324 9780203167236 11 ISBN 978 0 203 16723 6 Huang Wei Jue Xiao Honggen Wang Sha May 2018 Airports as liminal space Annals of Tourism Research 70 1 13 doi 10 1016 j annals 2018 02 003 hdl 10397 77916 a b Taheri Babak Gori Keith O Gorman Kevin Hogg Gillian Farrington Thomas 2 January 2016 Experiential liminoid consumption the case of nightclubbing Journal of Marketing Management 32 1 2 19 43 doi 10 1080 0267257X 2015 1089309 S2CID 145243798 Vritra Encyclopedia of Religion Macmillan Reference USA Gale Group 2006 Retrieved 2007 06 22 a b c Peters Jesse 2014 Intra Limen An Examination of Liminality in Apuleius Metamorphoses and Giulio Romano s Sala di Amore e Psiche CiteSeerX 10 1 1 840 7301 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Norris Johnson in Robben and Sluka 2007 76 Heading David Loughlin Eleanor 2018 Lonergan s insight and threshold concepts students in the liminal space PDF Teaching in Higher Education 23 6 657 667 doi 10 1080 13562517 2017 1414792 S2CID 149321628 Rutherford Vanessa Pickup Ian 2015 Negotiating Liminality in Higher Education Formal and Informal Dimensions of the Student Experience as Facilitators of Quality The European Higher Education Area pp 703 723 doi 10 1007 978 3 319 20877 0 44 ISBN 978 3 319 18767 9 S2CID 146606519 Byatt 1990 505 06 Elsbree 1991 66 Bellow 1977 84 Bronte Charlotte 1816 1855 Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Vol 1 Oxford University Press 2017 11 28 doi 10 1093 odnb 9780192683120 013 3523 Clark Megan 2017 The Space In Between Exploring Liminality in Jane Eyre Criterion A Journal of Literary Criticism 10 a b c Gilead Sarah 1987 Liminality and Antiliminality in Charlotte Bronte s Novels Shirley Reads Jane Eyre Texas Studies in Literature and Language 29 3 302 322 JSTOR 40754831 a b c d e Brooks Karen 1 October 1998 Shit Creek Suburbia Abjection and Subjectivity in Australian Grunge Fiction Australian Literary Studies 18 4 87 99 a b Mathew Raisun 2022 In Between Liminal Stories Authorspress ISBN 978 93 91314 04 0 page needed self published source Liebler pp 182 84 Architecture The Cult Following Of Liminal Space Musee Magazine Retrieved 2021 03 05 How liminal spaces became the internet s latest obsession TwoPointOne Magazine 18 June 2021 Retrieved 2022 08 03 S Michael L al 2020 04 30 The Backrooms Game Brings a Modern Creepypasta to Life What We Play in the Shadows Bloody Disgusting Retrieved 2021 03 05 We will find where the Original Backrooms Photo was taken But we need your help YouTube YouTube 2020 10 30 Archived from the original on 2020 10 30 Retrieved 2021 03 05 Liminal Spaces may be the most 2020 of all trends Earnest Pettie Online 2020 12 31 Retrieved 2021 03 05 Will the mall survive COVID Whatever happens these artists want to capture them before they re gone CBC Arts CBC Retrieved 2021 03 05 LiminalSpace Reddit Retrieved 2021 07 07 Pitre Jake 2022 11 01 The Eerie Comfort of Liminal Spaces The Atlantic Retrieved 2023 01 02 Kenyon Nick 2022 03 02 The Exhibition Spotlighting One Of Australia s Greatest Artists Boss Hunting Retrieved 2022 09 02 Jeffrey Smart 155 artworks painting www wikiart org Retrieved 2022 09 02 Diel Alexander Lewis Michael 1 August 2022 Structural deviations drive an uncanny valley of physical places Journal of Environmental Psychology 82 101844 doi 10 1016 j jenvp 2022 101844 S2CID 250404379 Illouz Consuming p 142 a b Murphy Alexandra G October 2002 Organizational Politics of Place and Space The Perpetual Liminoid Performance of Commercial Flight Text and Performance Quarterly 22 4 297 316 doi 10 1080 10462930208616175 S2CID 145132584 General sources EditBarfield Thomas J The Dictionary of Anthropology Oxford Blackwell 1997 Bellow Saul Dangling Man Penguin 1977 Benzel Rick Inspiring Creativity an Anthology of Powerful Insights and Practical Ideas to Guide You to Successful Creating Playa Del Rey CA Creativity Coaching Association 2005 Bly Robert Iron John Dorset 1991 Burke Carolyn Naomi Schor and Margaret Whitford Engaging with Irigaray Feminist Philosophy and Modern European Thought New York Columbia UP 1994 Byatt A S Possession a Romance New York Vintage International 1990 Carson Timothy L Chapter Seven Betwixt and Between Worship and Liminal Reality Transforming Worship St Louis MO Chalice 2003 Casement Patrick Further Learning from the Patient London 1997 Corcoran Neil Do You Mr Jones Bob Dylan with the Poets and Professors London Chatto amp Windus 2002 Costello Stephen J The Pale Criminal Psychoanalytic Perspectives London Karnac 2002 Douglas Mary Implicit Meanings Essays in Anthropology London u a Routledge 1984 Elsbree Langdon Ritual Passages and Narrative Structures New York P Lang 1991 Getz D 2007 Event studies theory research and policy for planned events Burlington MA Butterworth Heinemann Girard Rene To Double Business Bound Essays on Literature Mimesis and Anthropology Baltimore Johns Hopkins UP 1988 Girard Rene Violence and the Sacred London Athlone 1988 Homans Peter Jung in Context Modernity and the Making of a Psychology Chicago University of Chicago 1979 Horvath Agnes November 2009 Liminality and the Unreal Class of the Image making Craft An Essay on Political Alchemy International Political Anthropology 2 1 51 73 Horvath Agnes Thomassen Bjorn May 2008 Mimetic Errors in Liminal Schismogenesis On the Political Anthropology of the Trickster 1 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Illouz Eva Consuming the Romantic Utopia Love and the Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism UCP 1997 Jung C G Man and His Symbols London Picador 1978 Kahane Reuven et al The Origins of Postmodern Youth New York 1997 Liebler Naomi Conn Shakespeare s Festive Tragedy the Ritual Foundations of Genre London Routledge 1995 Lih Andrew The Wikipedia Revolution How a Bunch of Nobodies Created the World s Greatest Encyclopedia London Aurum 2009 Mathew Raisun 2022 In Between Liminal Stories Authorspress Miller Jeffrey C and C G Jung The Transcendent Function Jung s Model of Psychological Growth through Dialogue with the Unconscious Albany State University of New York 2004 Nicholas Dean Andrew The Trickster Revisited Deception as a Motif in the Pentatech New York Peter Lang 2009 Oxford English Dictionary Ed J A Simpson and E S C Weiner 2nd ed Oxford Clarendon Press 1989 OED Online Oxford University Press Accessed June 23 2007 cf subliminal Quasha George amp Charles Stein An Art of Limina Gary Hill s Works and Writings Barcelona Ediciones Poligrafa 2009 Foreword by Lynne Cooke Ramanujan A K Speaking of Siva Harmondsworth Penguin 1979 Robben A and Sluka J Editors Ethnographic Fieldwork An Anthropological Reader Wiley Blackwell 2012 Rogers Carl R On Becoming a Person a Therapist s View of Psychotherapy Boston Houghton Mifflin 1961 Shorter Bani An Image Darkly Forming Women and Initiation London Routledge 1988 St John Graham April 2001 Alternative Cultural Heterotopia and the Liminoid Body Beyond Turner at ConFest The Australian Journal of Anthropology 12 1 47 66 doi 10 1111 j 1835 9310 2001 tb00062 x St John Graham ed 2008 Victor Turner and Contemporary Cultural Performance Archived 2010 05 07 at the Wayback Machine New York Berghahn ISBN 1 84545 462 6 St John Graham June 2013 Aliens Are Us Cosmic Liminality Remixticism and Alien ation in Psytrance The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 25 2 186 204 doi 10 3138 jrpc 25 2 186 S2CID 194094479 St John Graham 2014 Victor Turner Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology doi 10 1093 obo 9780199766567 0074 ISBN 978 0 19 976656 7 John Graham St 2015 Liminal Being Electronic Dance Music Cultures Ritualization and the Case of Psytrance The SAGE Handbook of Popular Music pp 243 260 doi 10 4135 9781473910362 n14 ISBN 9781446210857 Szakolczai A 2000 Reflexive Historical Sociology London Routledge Turner Betwixt and Between The Liminal Period in Rites de Passage in The Forest of Symbols Ithaca NY Cornell University Press 1967 Turner Victor Witter The Ritual Process Structure and Anti structure Chicago Aldine Pub 1969 Turner Victor Witter Dramas Fields and Metaphors Symbolic Action in Human Society Ithaca Cornell UP 1974 Turner Victor Liminal to liminoid in play flow and ritual An essay in comparative symbology Rice University Studies 1974 Turner Victor W and Edith Turner Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture Anthropological Perspectives New York Columbia UP 1978 Gennep Arnold Van The Rites of Passage Chicago University of Chicago 1960 Waskul Dennis D Net seXXX Readings on Sex Pornography and the Internet New York P Lang 2004 Young Eisendrath Polly and Terence Dawson The Cambridge Companion to Jung Cambridge Cambridgeshire Cambridge UP 1997 External links Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Liminal spaces The dictionary definition of liminal at Wiktionary The dictionary definition of liminality at Wiktionary The dictionary definition of liminoid at Wiktionary Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w 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