

Mulatto (/mjˈlæt/, /məˈlɑːt/) is a racial classification to refer to people of mixed African and European ancestry. Its use is considered outdated and offensive in several languages, including English and Dutch,[1] whereas in languages such as Italian, Spanish and Portuguese it is not, and can even be a source of pride.[2][3][4] A mulatta (Spanish: mulata) is a female mulatto.[5][6]

Countries with the highest percentages of multi-racials who specifically have equally high European and African ancestry— Mulatto, are Dominican Republic (74%)[7][8] and Cape Verde (71%).[9][10][11][12][13] Brazil has the largest Mulatto population, known as Pardo in Brazil, numbering about 91 million, 45% of the country.[14] Mulattos in many Latin American countries, aside from the strong European and African blood, usually also have slight indigenous admixture. "Race-mixing" has been strong in Latin America for centuries, since the start of the colonial period in many cases, many Latin American multiracial families (including mulatto) have been mixed for several generations and now the mixing has been mostly multiracials reproducing with other multiracials. Other countries with notable mulatto populations in percentage and/or total number include Cuba,[15] Puerto Rico,[16] Venezuela,[17] Panama,[18] Colombia,[19] South Africa,[20] Curaçao,[21][22] and the United States.[23]

Etymology edit

Juan de Pareja by Diego Velázquez, CE 1650 – Juan de Pareja was born into slavery in Spain. He was of mixed African and Spanish descent.

The English term and spelling mulatto is derived from the Spanish and Portuguese mulato. It was a common term in the Southeastern United States during the era of slavery. Some sources suggest that it may derive from the Portuguese word mula (from the Latin mūlus), meaning 'mule', the hybrid offspring of a horse and a donkey.[24][25] The Real Academia Española traces its origin to mulo in the sense of hybridity; originally used to refer to any mixed race person.[26] The term is now generally considered outdated and offensive in non-Spanish and non-Portuguese speaking countries,[27] and was considered offensive even in the 19th century.[28]

Jack D. Forbes suggests it originated in the Arabic term muwallad, which means 'a person of mixed ancestry'.[29] Muwallad literally means 'born, begotten, produced, generated; brought up', with the implication of being born and raised among Arabs, but not of Arab blood. Muwallad is derived from the root word WaLaD (Arabic: ولد, direct Arabic transliteration: waw, lam, dal) and colloquial Arabic pronunciation can vary greatly. Walad means 'descendant, offspring, scion; child; son; boy; young animal, young one'.[citation needed]

In al-Andalus, muwallad referred to the offspring of non-Arab Muslim people who adopted the Islamic religion and manners. Specifically, the term was historically applied to the descendants of indigenous Christian Iberians who, after several generations of living among a Muslim majority, adopted their culture and religion. Notable examples of this category include the famous Muslim scholar Ibn Hazm. According to Lisan al-Arab, one of the earliest Arab dictionaries (c. 13th century AD), applied the term to the children of non-Muslim (often Christian) slaves or non-Muslim children who were captured in a war and were raised by Muslims to follow their religion and culture. Thus, in this context, the term muwallad has a meaning close to 'the adopted'. According to the same source, the term does not denote being of mixed-race but rather being of foreign-blood and local culture.

In English, printed usage of mulatto dates to at least the 16th century. The 1595 work Drake's Voyages first used the term in the context of intimate unions producing biracial children. The Oxford English Dictionary defined mulatto as "one who is the offspring of a European and a Black". This earliest usage regarded "black" and "white" as discrete "species", with the "mulatto" constituting a third separate "species".[30]

According to Julio Izquierdo Labrado,[31] the 19th-century linguist Leopoldo Eguilaz y Yanguas, as well as some Arabic sources[32] muwallad is the etymological origin of mulato. These sources specify that mulato would have been derived directly from muwallad independently of the related word muladí, a term that was applied to Iberian Christians who had converted to Islam during the Moorish governance of Iberia in the Middle Ages.

The Real Academia Española (Spanish Royal Academy) casts doubt on the muwallad theory. It states, "The term mulata is documented in our diachronic data bank in 1472 and is used in reference to livestock mules in Documentacion medieval de la Corte de Justicia de Ganaderos de Zaragoza, whereas muladí (from mullawadí) does not appear until the 18th century, according to [Joan] Corominas".[nb 1]

Scholars such as Werner Sollors cast doubt on the mule etymology for mulatto. In the 18th and 19th centuries, racialists such as Edward Long and Josiah Nott began to assert that mulattoes were sterile like mules. They projected this belief back onto the etymology of the word mulatto. Sollors points out that this etymology is anachronistic: "The Mulatto sterility hypothesis that has much to do with the rejection of the term by some writers is only half as old as the word 'Mulatto'."[34]

Africa edit

Of São Tomé and Príncipe's 193,413 inhabitants, the largest segment is classified as mestiço, or mixed race.[35] 71% of the population of Cape Verde is also classified as such.[36] The great majority of their current populations descend from unions between the Portuguese, who colonized the islands from the 15th century onward, and black Africans they brought from the African mainland to work as slaves. In the early years, mestiços began to form a third-class between the Portuguese colonists and African slaves, as they were usually bilingual and often served as interpreters between the populations.

In Angola and Mozambique, the mestiço constitute smaller but still important minorities; 2% in Angola[37] and 0.2% in Mozambique.[38]

Mulatto and mestiço are not terms commonly used in South Africa to refer to people of mixed ancestry. The persistence of some authors in using this term, anachronistically, reflects the old-school essentialist views of race as a de facto biological phenomenon, and the 'mixing' of race as legitimate grounds for the creation of a 'new race'. This disregards cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversity and/or differences between regions and globally among populations of mixed ancestry.[39]

In Namibia, an ethnic group known as Rehoboth Basters, descend from historic liaisons between the Cape Colony Dutch and indigenous African women. The name Baster is derived from the Dutch word for 'bastard' (or 'crossbreed'). While some people consider this term demeaning, the Basters proudly use the term as an indication of their history. In the early 21st century, they number between 20,000 and 30,000 people. There are, of course, other people of mixed race in the country.[citation needed]

Cape Verde edit

The Creole or Mulatto ethnic group boasts of comprising 71% of the total Cape Verdean population. The Creole population traces back their history to African slavery and Portuguese colonization. Cape Verde was uninhabited upon Portuguese discovery in the 1400s. Cape Verde became an important slave trade center and linked Africa to the Western countries. Intermarriages between the freed slaves and the European settlers gave rise to the Creole population.[9]

South Africa edit

Abdullah Abdurahman

In South Africa, Coloured is a term used to refer to individuals with some degree of sub-Saharan ancestry but subjectively 'not enough' to be considered 'black' under the Apartheid era law of South Africa. Today these people self-identify as 'Coloured'. Other Afrikaans terms used include Bruinmense (translates to 'brown people'), Kleurlinge (translates to 'Coloured') or Bruin Afrikaners (translates to 'brown Africans' and is used to distinguish them from the main body of Afrikaners (translates to 'African') who are white). Under Apartheid law through the latter half of the 20th century, the government established seven categories of Coloured people: Cape Coloured, Cape Malay, Griqua and Other Coloured – the aim of subdivisions was to enhance the meaning of the larger category of Coloured by making it all-encompassing. Legally and politically speaking, all people of colour were classified "black" in the non-racial terms of anti-Apartheid rhetoric of the Black Consciousness Movement.[40]

In addition to European ancestry, the Coloured people usually had some portion of Asian ancestry from immigrants from India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, China and/or Saint Helena. Based on the Population Registration Act to classify people, the government passed laws prohibiting mixed marriages. Many people who classified as belonging to the "Asian" category could legally intermarry with "mixed-race" people because they shared the same nomenclature.[40] There was extensive combining of these diverse heritages in the Western Cape.

In other parts of South Africa and neighboring states, the coloured usually were descendants of two primary ethnic groups - primarily Africans of various tribes and European colonists of various tribes, with generations of coloured forming families. The use of the term Coloured has changed over the course of history. For instance, in the first census after the South African war (1912), Indians were counted as 'Coloured'. But before and after this war, they were counted as 'Asiatic'.[41]

In KwaZulu-Natal, most Coloureds (that were classified as "other coloureds") had British and Zulu heritage. Zimbabwean coloureds were descended from Shona or Ndebele mixing with British and Afrikaner settlers.[citation needed]

Griqua, on the other hand, are descendants of Khoisan and Afrikaner trekboers, with contributions from central Southern African groups.[42] The Griqua were subjected to an ambiguity of other creole people within Southern African social order. According to Nurse and Jenkins (1975), the leader of this "mixed" group, Adam Kok I, was a former slave of the Dutch governor. He was manumitted and provided land outside Cape Town in the eighteenth century. With territories beyond the Dutch East India Company administration, Kok provided refuge to deserting soldiers, refugee slaves, and remaining members of various Khoikhoi tribes.[40]

Afro-European tribes and clans edit

Latin America and the Caribbean edit

Mulattoes in colonial Mexico edit

Spaniard + Negra, Mulatto. Miguel Cabrera. Mexico 1763

Africans were transported by Spaniards slave traders to Mexico starting in the early 16th century. Offspring of Spaniards and African women resulted early on in mixed-race children, termed mulattoes. In Spanish law, the status of the child followed that of the mother, so that despite having a Spanish parent, their offspring were enslaved. The label mulatto was recorded in official colonial documentation, so that marriage registers, censuses, and court documents allow research on different aspects of mulattoes’ lives. Although some legal documents simply label a person a mulatto/a, other designations occurred. In the sales of casta slaves in 17th-century Mexico City, official notaries recorded gradations of skin color in the transactions. These included mulato blanco or mulata blanca ('white mulatto'), for light-skinned slave. These were usually American-born slaves. Some said categorized persons i.e. mulata blanca used their light skin to their advantage if they escaped their unlawful and brutal incarceration from their criminal slave owners, thus 'passing' as free persons of color. Mulatos blancos often emphasized their Spanish parentage, and considered themselves and were considered separate from negros or pardos and ordinary mulattoes. Darker mulatto slaves were often termed mulatos prietos or sometimes mulatos cochos.[43] In Chile, along with mulatos blancos, there were also españoles oscuros ('dark Spaniards').[44]

There was considerable malleability and manipulation of racial labeling, including the seemingly stable category of mulatto. In a case that came before the Mexican Inquisition, a woman publicly identified as a mulatta was described by a Spanish priest, Diego Xaimes Ricardo Villavicencio, as "a white mulata with curly hair, because she is the daughter of a dark-skinned mulata and a Spaniard, and for her manner of dress she has flannel petticoats and a native blouse (huipil), sometimes silken, sometimes woolen. She wears shoes, and her natural and common language is not Spanish, but Chocho [an indigenous Mexican language], as she was brought up among Indians with her mother, from which she contracted the vice of drunkenness, to which she often succumbs, as Indians do, and from them she has also received the crime of [idolatry]." Community members were interrogated as to their understanding of her racial standing. Her mode of dress, very wavy hair and light skin confirmed for one witness that she was a mulatta. Ultimately though, her rootedness in the indigenous community persuaded the Inquisition that she was an India, and therefore outside of their jurisdiction.[45] Even though the accused had physical features of a mulatta, her cultural category was more important. In colonial Latin America, mulato could also refer to an individual of mixed African and Native American ancestry, but the term zambo was more consistently used for that racial mixture.[46]

Dominican friar Thomas Gage spent over a decade in the Viceroyalty of New Spain in the early 17th century; he converted to Anglicanism and later wrote of his travels, often disparaging Spanish colonial society and culture. In Mexico City, he observed in considerable detail the opulence of dress of women, writing that "The attire of this baser sort of people of blackamoors and mulattoes (which are of a mixed nature, of Spaniards and blackamoors) is so light, and their carriage so enticing, that many Spaniards even of the better sort (who are too too [sic] prone to venery) disdain their wives for them... Most of these are or have been slaves, though love have set them loose, at liberty to enslave souls to sin and Satan."[47]

In the late 18th century, some mixed-race persons sought legal "certificates of whiteness" (cédulas de gracias al sacar), in order to rise socially and practice professions. American-born Spaniards (criollos) sought to prevent the approval of such petitions, since the "purity" of their own whiteness would be in jeopardy. They asserted their "purity of blood" (limpieza de sangre) as white persons who had "always been known, held and commonly reputed to be white persons, Old Christians of the nobility, clean of all bad blood and without any mixture of commoner, Jew, Moor, Mulatto, or converso in any degree, no matter how remote."[48] Spaniards both American- and Iberian-born discriminated against pardos and mulattoes because of their "bad blood." One Cuban sought the grant of his petition in order to practice as a surgeon, a profession from which he was barred because of his mulatto designation. Royal laws and decrees prevented pardos and mulattoes from serving as a public notary, lawyer, pharmacist, ordination to the priesthood, or graduation from university. Mulattas declared white could marry a Spaniard.[49]

Gallery edit

Mulattoes in the modern era edit

Brazil edit

A Redenção de Cam (Redemption of Ham), by Galician painter Modesto Brocos, 1895, Museu Nacional de Belas Artes. (Brazil) The painting depicts a black grandmother, mulatta mother, white father and their quadroon child, hence three generations of hypergamy through racial whitening.

According to the IBGE 2000 census, 38.5% of Brazilians identified as pardo, a term for people of mixed backgrounds.[50][51][52] Many mixed-race Brazilians have varying degrees of European, Amerindian and African ancestry.[citation needed] According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics census 2006, some 42.6% of Brazilian identify as pardo, an increase over the 2000 census.[53]

Haiti edit

Mulattoes account for up to 5% of Haiti's population. In Haitian history, such mixed-race people, known in colonial times as free people of color, gained some education and property before the Revolution. In some cases, their white fathers arranged for multiracial sons to be educated in France and join the military, giving them an advance economically. Free people of color gained some social capital and political power before the Revolution, were influential during the Revolution and since then. The people of color have retained their elite position, based on education and social capital, that is apparent in the political, economic and cultural hierarchy in present-day Haiti. Numerous leaders throughout Haiti's history have been people of color.[54]

Many Haitian mulattoes were slaveholders and often actively participated in the oppression of the black majority.[55] Some Dominican mulattoes were also slave owners.[56]

The Haitian Revolution was started by mulattoes. The subsequent struggle within Haiti between the mulattoes led by André Rigaud and the black Haitians led by Toussaint Louverture devolved into the War of Knives.[57][58] With secret aid from the United States,[59] Toussaint eventually won the conflict and made himself ruler of the entire island of Hispaniola. Napoleon ordered for Charles Leclerc and a substantial army to put down the rebellion; Leclerc seized Toussaint in 1802 and deported him to France, where he died in prison a year later. Leclerc was succeeded by General Rochambeau. With reinforcements from France and Poland, Rochambeau began a bloody campaign against the mulattoes and intensified operations against the blacks, importing bloodhounds to track and kill them. Thousands of black POW and suspects were chained to cannonballs and tossed into the sea.[60] Historians of the Haitian Revolution credit Rochambeau's brutal tactics for uniting black and mulatto soldiers against the French.

Jean-Pierre Boyer, the mulatto ruler of Haiti (1818–43)

In 1806, Haiti divided into a black-controlled north and a mulatto-ruled south. Haitian President Jean-Pierre Boyer, the son of a Frenchman and a former African slave, managed to unify a divided Haiti but excluded blacks from power. In 1847, a black military officer named Faustin Soulouque was made president, with the mulattoes supporting him; but, instead of proving a tool in the hands of the senators, he showed a strong will, and, although by his antecedents belonging to the mulatto party, he began to attach the blacks to his interest. The mulattoes retaliated by conspiring; but Soulouque began to decimate his enemies by confiscation, proscriptions, and executions. The black soldiers began a general massacre in Port-au-Prince, which ceased only after the French consul, Charles Reybaud, threatened to order the landing of marines from the men-of-war in the harbor.

Dominican Republic edit

Soulouque considered the neighbouring Dominican Republic's white and mulatto rulers as his "natural" enemies.[61] He invaded the Dominican Republic in March 1849, but was defeated at the Battle of Las Carreras by Pedro Santana[nb 2] near Ocoa on 21 April and compelled to retreat. Haitian strategy was ridiculed by the American press:

[At the first encounter] ... a division of negro troops of Faustin ran, and their commander, Gen. Garat, was killed. The main body, eighteen thousand troops, under the Emperor, encountered four hundred Dominicans with a field piece, and notwithstanding the disparity of force, the latter charged and caused the Haytiens to flee in every direction ... Faustin came very near falling into the enemy's hands. They were once within a few feet of him, and he was only saved by Thirlonge and other officers of his staff, several of whom lost their lives. The Dominicans pursued the retreating Haytiens some miles until they were checked and driven back by the Garde Nationale of Port-au-Prince, commanded by Robert Gateau, the auctioneer.[63]

The Haitians were unable to ward off a series of Dominican navy reprisal raids along Haiti's south coast, launched by Dominican president Buenaventura Báez.[64] Despite the failure of the Dominican campaign, Soulouque caused himself to be proclaimed emperor on 26 August 1849, under the name of Faustin I. He was called a rey de farsa (clown emperor) by the Dominicans.[61] Toward the close of 1855, he invaded the Dominican Republic again at the head of an army of 30,000 men, but was again defeated by Santana, and barely escaped being captured. His treasure and crown fell into the hands of the enemy. Soulouque was ousted in a military coup led by mulatto General Fabre Geffrard in 1858–59.

In the eastern two-thirds of Hispaniola, the mulattoes were an ever-growing majority group, and in essence they took over the entire Dominican Republic, with no organized black opposition. Many of its rulers and famous figures were mulattoes, such as Gregorio Luperón, Ulises Heureaux, José Joaquín Puello, Matías Ramón Mella,[65] Buenaventura Báez,[66] and Rafael Trujillo.[67] The Dominican Republic has been described as the only true mulatto country in the world.[68] Pervasive Dominican racism, based on rejection of African ancestry, has led to many assaults against the large Haitian immigrant community,[68] the most lethal of which was the 1937 parsley massacre. Approximately 5,000–67,000[citation needed] men, women, children, babies and elderly, who were selected by their skin color, were massacred with machetes, or were thrown to sharks.[69]

Dominican Republic edit

Mixed Dominicans, also referred to as mulatto, mestizo or historically quadroon, are Dominicans who are of mixed racial ancestry. Dominican Republic has many racial terms and some are used differently than in other countries, for example Mestizo signifies any racial mix and not solely a European/indigenous mix like in other Latin American countries, while Indio describes people of skin tones between white and black and has nothing to do with native peoples. Representing 73.9% of the Dominican Republic's population, they are by far the single largest racial grouping of the country.[70] Mixed Dominicans are the descendants from the racial integration between the Europeans, Native Americans, and later the Africans. They have a total population of approximately 8 million.[71][72]

The Dominican Republic was the site of the first European settlement in the Americas, the Captaincy General of Santo Domingo founded in 1493. After the arrival of Europeans and the founding of the colony, African people were imported to the island. The fusion of European, native Taino, and African influences contributed to the development of present-day Dominican culture. From the start of the colonial period in the 1500s, Miscegenation (Mestizaje), intermixing of races particularly Spanish settlers, native Tainos, and imported Africans (free or enslaved), was very strong.[73] In fact, colonial Santo Domingo had higher amount of mixing and lesser racial tensions in comparison to other colonies, even other Spanish colonies, this was due to the fact that for most of its colonial period, Santo Domingo was a poorer colony where even the majority of the white Spanish settlers were poor, which helped foster a relatively peaceful racial atmosphere, allowing for growth in its mixed race population and racial fluidity. Santo Domingo as a colony was used a military base and had an economy based on Cattle ranching, which was a far less labor-intensive than the more common plantation slavery at the time.[74][75] By the 1700s, the majority of the population was mixed race, forming the basis of the Dominican ethnicity as a distinct people well before independence was achieved.[76] During colonial times, mixed-race/mulatto Dominicans had a lot of influence, they were instrumental in the independence period and the founding of the nation. Many Dominican presidents were mulatto, and mulatto Dominicans have had influence in every aspect of Dominican culture and society.

According to recent genealogical DNA studies of the Dominican population, the genetic makeup is predominantly European and Sub-Saharan African, with a lesser degree of Native American ancestry.[77] The average Dominican DNA of the founder population is estimated to be 73% European, 10% Native, and 17% African. After the Haitian and Afro-Caribbean migrations the overall percentage changed to 57% European, 8% Native and 35% African.[78] Due to mixed race Dominicans (and most Dominicans in general) being a mix of mainly European and African, with lesser amounts of indigenous Taino, they can accurately be described as "Mulatto" or "Tri-racial".[79][80] Dominican Republic have several informal terms to loosely describe a person's degree of racial admixture, Mestizo means any type of mixed ancestry unlike in other Latin American countries it describes specifically a European/native mix,[81] Indio describes mixed race people whose skin color is between white and black.[82]

In Dominican Republic and some other Latin American countries, it can sometimes be difficult to determine the exact number of racial groups, because the lines between whites and lighter multiracials are very blurry, which is also true between blacks and darker multiracials. As race in Dominican Republic acts as a continuum of white—mulatto—black and not as clear cut as in places like the United States.[83] And many times in the same family, there can be people of different colors and racial phenotypes who are blood related, this is due to the large amounts of interracial mixing for hundreds of years in Dominican Republic and the Spanish Caribbean in general, allowing for high amounts of genetic diversity.[84] The majority of the Dominican population is tri-racial, with nearly all Dominicans having Taíno Native American ancestry along with European and African ancestry. European ancestry in the mixed population typically ranges between 50% and 60% on average, while African ancestry ranges between 30% and 40%, and the Native ancestry usually ranges between 5% and 10%. European and Native ancestry tends to be strongest in cities and towns of the north-central Cibao region, and generally in the mountainous interior of the country. African ancestry is strongest in coastal areas, the southeast plain, and the border regions.[77]

Puerto Rico edit

Although the average Puerto Rican is of mixed-race,[citation needed] few actually identified as multiracial ("two or more races") in the 2010 census; only 3.3% did so.[85] They more often identified with their predominant heritage or phenotype. However, in the 2020 census, the amount of Puerto Ricans identifying as multiracial went up to 49.8% and an additional 25.5% identified as "some other race", showing a marked change in the way Puerto Ricans view themselves. This may show that Puerto Ricans are now more open to embracing all sides of their mixed-race heritage and do not view themselves as part of the standard race dynamic in the United States hence the high number of people identifying as "some other race", a similar phenomenon went on in the mainland United States with the overall US Hispanic/Latino population.[86] Most have significant ancestry from two or more of the founding source populations of Spaniards, Africans, and Tainos, although Spanish ancestry is predominant in a majority of the population. Similar to many other Latin American ethnic groups, Puerto Ricans are multi-generationally mixed race, though most are European dominant in ancestry, Puerto Ricans who are "evenly mixed" can accurately be described "Mulatto", "Quadroon", or Tri-racial very similar to mixed populations in Cuba and Dominican Republic. Overall, Puerto Ricans are European-dominant Tri-racials, however there are many with near even European and African ancestry. According to the National Geographic Genographic Project, "the average Puerto Rican individual carries 12% Native American, 65% West Eurasian (Mediterranean, Northern European and/or Middle Eastern) and 20% Sub-Saharan African DNA."[87]

Studies have shown that the racial ancestry mixture of the average Puerto Rican (regardless of racial self-identity) is about 64% European, 21% African, and 15% Native Taino, with European ancestry strongest on the west side of the island and West African ancestry strongest on the east side, and the levels of Taino ancestry (which, according to some research, ranges from about 5%-35%) generally highest in the southwest of the island.[88][89][90]

A study of a sample of 96 healthy self-identified White Puerto Ricans and self-identified Black Puerto Ricans in the U.S. showed that, although all carried a contribution from all 3 ancestral populations (European, African, and Amerindian), the proportions showed significant variation. Depending on individuals, although often correlating with their self-identified race, African ancestry ranged from less than 10% to over 50%, while European ancestry ranged from under 20% to over 80%. Amerindian ancestry showed less fluctuation, generally hovering between 5% and 20% irrespective of self-identified race.[91][92][93]

Many Spaniard men took indigenous Taino and West African wives and in the first centuries of the Spanish colonial period the island was overwhelmingly racially mixed. Under Spanish rule, mass immigration shifted the ethnic make-up of the island, as a result of the Royal Decree of Graces of 1815. Puerto Rico went from being two-thirds black and mulatto in the beginning of the 19th century, to being nearly 80% white by the middle of the 20th century. This was compounded by more flexible attitudes to race under Spanish rule, as epitomized by the Regla del Sacar.[94][95][96][97][98] Under Spanish rule, Puerto Rico had laws such as Regla del Sacar or Gracias al Sacar, which allowed persons of mixed ancestry to pay a fee to be classified as white,[99] which was the opposite of "one-drop rule" in US society after the American Civil War.[100][101]

Cuba edit

In the 2012 Census of Cuba, 26.6% (2.97 million) of the Cubans self-identified as mulatto or mestizo.[102] But the percentage multiracial/mulatto make up varies widely, from as low as 26% to as high as 51%.[15] Unlike, the two other Spanish Caribbean islands (Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico) where nearly everyone even most self-proclaimed whites and blacks are mixed to varying degrees, in Cuba there are significant pure or nearly pure European and African populations.[84] Multi-racials/Mulattos are widespread throughout Cuba. The DNA average for the Cuban population is 72% European, 23% African, and 5% indigenous, though among mulatto Cubans the European and African ancestry is more even.[103]

Prior to the 20th century, majority of the Cuban population was of mixed race descent to varying degrees, with pure Spaniards or criollos being a significant minority. Between 1902 and 1933, some 750,000 Spaniards migrated to Cuba from Europe, which changed the racial demographics of the region rapidly. Many of the newly arrived Spanish migrants did not intermix with the native Cuban population, unlike the earlier colonial settlers and conquistadors who intermixed with Tainos and Africans at large scale rates. Self identified “white” Cubans with colonial roots on the island usually have Amerindian and or African admixture to varying degrees, as well as self identified “black” Cubans with colonial roots having varying degrees of European and or Amerindian admixture.

United States edit

Colonial and Antebellum eras edit

Advertisement in the Virginia Gazette placed by Thomas Jefferson offering a reward for his escaped slave named Sandy who was defined as "mulatto".[104]

Historians have documented sexual abuse of enslaved women during the colonial and post-revolutionary slavery times by white men in power: planters, their sons before marriage, overseers, etc., which resulted in many multiracial children born into slavery. Starting with Virginia in 1662, colonies adopted the principle of partus sequitur ventrem in slave law, which said that children born in the colony were born into the status of their mother. Thus, children born to slave mothers were born into slavery, regardless of who their fathers were and whether they were baptized as Christians. Children born to white mothers were free, even if they were mixed-race. Children born to free mixed-race mothers were also free.[citation needed]

Paul Heinegg has documented that most of the free people of color listed in the 1790–1810 censuses in the Upper South were descended from unions and marriages during the colonial period in Virginia between white women, who were free or indentured servants, and African or African American men, servant, slave or free. In the early colonial years, such working-class people lived and worked closely together, and slavery was not as much of a racial caste. Slave law had established that children in the colony took the status of their mothers. This meant that multi-racial children born to white women were born free. The colony required them to serve lengthy indentures if the woman was not married, but nonetheless, numerous individuals with African ancestry were born free, and formed more free families. Over the decades, many of these free people of color became leaders in the African-American community; others married increasingly into the white community.[105][106] His findings have been supported by DNA studies and other contemporary researchers as well.[107]

A daughter born to a South Asian father and Irish mother in Maryland in 1680, both of whom probably came to the colony as indentured servants, was classified as a "mulatto" and sold into slavery.[108]

Historian F. James Davis says,

Rapes occurred, and many slave women were forced to submit regularly to white males or suffer harsh consequences. However, slave girls often courted a sexual relationship with the master, or another male in the family, as a way of gaining distinction among the slaves, avoiding field work, and obtaining special jobs and other favored treatment for their mixed children (Reuter, 1970:129). Sexual contacts between the races also included prostitution, adventure, concubinage, and sometimes love. In rare instances, where free blacks were concerned, there was marriage (Bennett, 1962:243–68).[109]

Creole woman with black servant, New Orleans, 1867.

Historically in the American South, the term mulatto was also applied at times to persons with mixed Native American and African American ancestry.[110] For example, a 1705 Virginia statute reads as follows:

"And for clearing all manner of doubts which hereafter may happen to arise upon the construction of this act, or any other act, who shall be accounted a mulatto, Be it enacted and declared, and it is hereby enacted and declared, That the child of an Indian and the child, grand child, or great grand child, of a negro shall be deemed, accounted, held and taken to be a mulatto."[111]

However, southern colonies began to prohibit Indian slavery in the eighteenth century, so, according to their own laws, even mixed-race children born to Native American women should be considered free. The societies did not always observe this distinction.

Certain Native American tribes of the Inocoplo family in Texas referred to themselves as "mulatto".[112] At one time, Florida's laws declared that a person from any number of mixed ancestries would be legally defined as a mulatto, including White/Hispanic, Black/Native American, and just about any other mix as well.[113]

In the United States, due to the influence and laws making slavery a racial caste, and later practices of hypodescent, white colonists and settlers tended to classify persons of mixed African and Native American ancestry as black, regardless of how they identified themselves, or sometimes as Black Indians. But many tribes had matrilineal kinship systems and practices of absorbing other peoples into their cultures. Multiracial children born to Native American mothers were customarily raised in her family and specific tribal culture. Federally recognized Native American tribes have insisted that identity and membership is related to culture rather than race, and that individuals brought up within tribal culture are fully members, regardless of whether they also have some European or African ancestry. Many tribes have had mixed-race members who identify primarily as members of the tribes.

If the multiracial children were born to slave women (generally of at least partial African descent), they were classified under slave law as slaves. This was to the advantage of slaveowners, as Indian slavery had been abolished. If mixed-race children were born to Native American mothers, they should be considered free, but sometimes slaveholders kept them in slavery anyway. Multiracial children born to slave mothers were generally raised within the African-American community and considered "black".[110]

"Mulattoes returning from town with groceries and supplies near Melrose, Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana." Marion Post Wolcott, Farm Security Administration, July 1940

California edit

The first pioneers of Alta California were of mulatto ancestry.[114]

Louisiana edit

Three different race classifications appear in this public notice by the executor of the last will of Andre Deshotels, deceased, regarding emancipation of his former slaves. (Opelousas Patriot, St. Landry Parish, November 3, 1855, via Chronicling America digital newspaper archive)

The American Guide to Louisiana, published by the Federal Writers Project in 1941, included a breakdown of traditional race classifications in that region, stating "The following elaborate terminology, now no longer in use because of the lack of genealogical records upon which to base finely drawn blood distinctions, was once employed to differentiate between types according to diminution of Negro blood."[115] (Original orthography preserved.)

Term Parentage "Percentage of Negro blood"
Sacatro Negro and Griffe 87.5
Griffe Negro and Mulatto 75
Marabon Mulatto and Griffe 62.5
Mulatto Negro and white 50
Os rouge Negro and Indian 50
Tierceron Mulatoon and Quadroon 37.5
Quadroon White and Mulatto 25
Octoroon White and Quadroon 12.5

A 1916 history called The Mulatto in the United States reported two other archaic race-classification systems:[116]

From Frederick Law Olmstead's A Journey to the Seaboard Slave States (1854)
Header text Header text
Sacatra griffe and negress
Griffe Negro and mulatto
Marabon mulatto and griffe
Mulatto white and Negro
Quadroon white and mulatto
Metif white and Quadroon
Meamelouc white and metif
Quarteron white and meamelouc
Sang-mele white and quarteron
From Charles Davenport's Heredity of Skin Color in Negro-White Crosses (1910)
Header text Header text
Mulatto Negro and white
Quadroon mulatto and white
Octoroon quadroon and white
Cascos mulatto and mulatto
Sambo mulatto and Negro
Mango sambo and Negro
Mustifee octoroon and white
Mustifino mustifee and white

Contemporary era edit

Mulatto was used as an official census racial category in the United States, to acknowledge multiracial persons, until 1930.[117] (In the early 20th century, several southern states had adopted the one-drop rule as law, and southern Congressmen pressed the US Census Bureau to drop the mulatto category: they wanted all persons to be classified as "black" or "white".)[118][119][120]

Since 2010, persons responding to the census have been allowed to identify as having more than one type of ethnic ancestry.[citation needed]

Mulatto (Biracial in the U.S.) populations come from various sources. Firstly, the average ancestral DNA of African Americans is about 80% African, 19% European, and 1% indigenous.[121] Lighter skinned African Americans are usually "more mixed" than the average African American, with the white ancestors sometimes being several generations back, which gives them a multiracial phenotype.[122][123][124] Some of these lighter African Americans have abandoned the black identity and started to identify as multiracial.[125] Many small isolate mixed race groups, such as for example Louisiana Creole people, got absorbed into the overall African American population. There also growing numbers of black/white interracial couples and multiracial people of recent origins– parents being of different races.[126][127][128][129] Many immigrants who are racially Mulattos, have come to the United States from countries like Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, being most prevalent in cities like New York and Miami.

Colonial references edit

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Corominas describes his doubts on the theory as follows: "[Mulato] does not derive from the Arab muwállad, 'acculturated foreigner' and sometimes 'mulatto' (see 'Mdí'), as Eguílaz would have it, since this word was pronounced 'moo-EL-led' in the Arabic of Spain. In the 19th century, Reinhart Dozy (Supplément aux Dictionnaires Arabes, Vol. II, Leyden, 1881, 841a) rejected this Arabic etymology, indicating the true one, supported by the Arabic nagîl, 'mulatto', derived from nagl, 'mule'."[33]
  2. ^ General Pedro Santana, who also held the Spanish noble name Marquess de las Carreras.[62]
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  124. ^ Bates, Karen Grigsby (7 October 2014). "'A Chosen Exile': Black People Passing In White America". NPR. Retrieved 14 December 2023.
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  126. ^ census.gov
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  129. ^ Foster-Frau, Silvia; Mellnik, Ted; Blanco, Adrian (8 October 2021). "'We're talking about a big, powerful phenomenon': Multiracial Americans drive change". Washington Post. Retrieved 14 December 2023.

Further reading edit

  • Beckmann, Susan. "The mulatto of style: language in Derek Walcott's drama." Canadian Drama 6.1 (1980): 71–89. online
  • McNeil, Daniel (2010). Sex and Race in the Black Atlantic: Mulatto Devils and Multiracial Messiahs. Routledge.
  • Tenzer, Lawrence Raymond (1997). The Forgotten Cause of the Civil War: A New Look at the Slavery Issue. Scholars' Pub. House.
  • Talty, Stephan (2003). Mulatto America: At the Crossroads of Black and White Culture: A Social History. HarperCollins Publishers Inc. ISBN 9780060185176.
  • Gatewood, Willard B. (1990). Aristocrats of Color: The Black Elite, 1880-1920. Indiana University Press. ISBN 9780253325525.
  • Eguilaz y Yanguas, Leopoldo (1886). Glosario de las palabras españolas (castellanas, catalanas, gallegas, mallorquinas, portuguesas, valencianas y bascongadas), de orígen oriental (árabe, hebreo, malayo, persa y turco) (in Spanish). Granada: La Lealtad.
  • Freitag, Ulrike; Clarence-Smith, William G., eds. (1997). . Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia. Vol. 57. Leiden: Brill. p. 392. ISBN 90-04-10771-1. Archived from the original on 28 June 2008. Retrieved 14 July 2008. Engseng Ho, an anthropologist, discusses the role of the muwallad in the region. The term muwallad, used primarily in reference to those of "mixed blood", is analyzed through ethnographic and textual information.
  • Freitag, Ulrike (December 1999). . The British-Yemeni Society. Archived from the original on 12 July 2000. Retrieved 14 July 2008.
  • Myntti, Cynthia (1994). . Yemen Update. American Institute for Yemeni Studies. 34 (44): 14–9. Archived from the original on 18 June 2008. Retrieved 14 July 2008.
  • Williamson, Joel (1980). New People: Miscegenation and Mulattoes in the United States. The Free Press. ISBN 9780029347904.

External links edit

  • A Brief History of Census “Race”
  • Surprises in the Family Tree
  • The Mulatto Factor in Black Family Genealogy
  • Dr. David Pilgrim, "The Tragic Mulatto Myth", Jim Crow Museum, Ferris State University
  • , in-depth research links on Mulattoes, About.com
  • Encarta's breakdown of Mulatto people ( 2009-11-01)
  • Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Mulatto" . Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.

mulatto, confused, with, rapper, mountain, mulato, mulatos, redirect, here, other, uses, mulato, disambiguation, river, colombia, mulatos, river, ɑː, racial, classification, refer, people, mixed, african, european, ancestry, considered, outdated, offensive, se. Not to be confused with Mulatto rapper or Mulatto Mountain Mulato and Mulatos redirect here For other uses see Mulato disambiguation For the river in Colombia see Mulatos River Mulatto m j uː ˈ l ae t oʊ m e ˈ l ɑː t oʊ is a racial classification to refer to people of mixed African and European ancestry Its use is considered outdated and offensive in several languages including English and Dutch 1 whereas in languages such as Italian Spanish and Portuguese it is not and can even be a source of pride 2 3 4 A mulatta Spanish mulata is a female mulatto 5 6 Countries with the highest percentages of multi racials who specifically have equally high European and African ancestry Mulatto are Dominican Republic 74 7 8 and Cape Verde 71 9 10 11 12 13 Brazil has the largest Mulatto population known as Pardo in Brazil numbering about 91 million 45 of the country 14 Mulattos in many Latin American countries aside from the strong European and African blood usually also have slight indigenous admixture Race mixing has been strong in Latin America for centuries since the start of the colonial period in many cases many Latin American multiracial families including mulatto have been mixed for several generations and now the mixing has been mostly multiracials reproducing with other multiracials Other countries with notable mulatto populations in percentage and or total number include Cuba 15 Puerto Rico 16 Venezuela 17 Panama 18 Colombia 19 South Africa 20 Curacao 21 22 and the United States 23 Contents 1 Etymology 2 Africa 2 1 Cape Verde 2 2 South Africa 2 3 Afro European tribes and clans 3 Latin America and the Caribbean 3 1 Mulattoes in colonial Mexico 3 1 1 Gallery 3 2 Mulattoes in the modern era 3 2 1 Brazil 3 3 Haiti 3 3 1 Dominican Republic 3 4 Dominican Republic 3 4 1 Puerto Rico 3 5 Cuba 4 United States 4 1 Colonial and Antebellum eras 4 2 California 4 3 Louisiana 4 4 Contemporary era 5 Colonial references 6 See also 7 References 8 Further reading 9 External linksEtymology edit nbsp Juan de Pareja by Diego Velazquez CE 1650 Juan de Pareja was born into slavery in Spain He was of mixed African and Spanish descent The English term and spelling mulatto is derived from the Spanish and Portuguese mulato It was a common term in the Southeastern United States during the era of slavery Some sources suggest that it may derive from the Portuguese word mula from the Latin mulus meaning mule the hybrid offspring of a horse and a donkey 24 25 The Real Academia Espanola traces its origin to mulo in the sense of hybridity originally used to refer to any mixed race person 26 The term is now generally considered outdated and offensive in non Spanish and non Portuguese speaking countries 27 and was considered offensive even in the 19th century 28 Jack D Forbes suggests it originated in the Arabic term muwallad which means a person of mixed ancestry 29 Muwallad literally means born begotten produced generated brought up with the implication of being born and raised among Arabs but not of Arab blood Muwallad is derived from the root word WaLaD Arabic ولد direct Arabic transliteration waw lam dal and colloquial Arabic pronunciation can vary greatly Walad means descendant offspring scion child son boy young animal young one citation needed In al Andalus muwallad referred to the offspring of non Arab Muslim people who adopted the Islamic religion and manners Specifically the term was historically applied to the descendants of indigenous Christian Iberians who after several generations of living among a Muslim majority adopted their culture and religion Notable examples of this category include the famous Muslim scholar Ibn Hazm According to Lisan al Arab one of the earliest Arab dictionaries c 13th century AD applied the term to the children of non Muslim often Christian slaves or non Muslim children who were captured in a war and were raised by Muslims to follow their religion and culture Thus in this context the term muwallad has a meaning close to the adopted According to the same source the term does not denote being of mixed race but rather being of foreign blood and local culture In English printed usage of mulatto dates to at least the 16th century The 1595 work Drake s Voyages first used the term in the context of intimate unions producing biracial children The Oxford English Dictionary defined mulatto as one who is the offspring of a European and a Black This earliest usage regarded black and white as discrete species with the mulatto constituting a third separate species 30 According to Julio Izquierdo Labrado 31 the 19th century linguist Leopoldo Eguilaz y Yanguas as well as some Arabic sources 32 muwallad is the etymological origin of mulato These sources specify that mulato would have been derived directly from muwallad independently of the related word muladi a term that was applied to Iberian Christians who had converted to Islam during the Moorish governance of Iberia in the Middle Ages The Real Academia Espanola Spanish Royal Academy casts doubt on the muwallad theory It states The term mulata is documented in our diachronic data bank in 1472 and is used in reference to livestock mules in Documentacion medieval de la Corte de Justicia de Ganaderos de Zaragoza whereas muladi from mullawadi does not appear until the 18th century according to Joan Corominas nb 1 Scholars such as Werner Sollors cast doubt on the mule etymology for mulatto In the 18th and 19th centuries racialists such as Edward Long and Josiah Nott began to assert that mulattoes were sterile like mules They projected this belief back onto the etymology of the word mulatto Sollors points out that this etymology is anachronistic The Mulatto sterility hypothesis that has much to do with the rejection of the term by some writers is only half as old as the word Mulatto 34 Africa editSee also Indigenous peoples of Africa This section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section Unsourced material may be challenged and removed March 2016 Learn how and when to remove this template message Of Sao Tome and Principe s 193 413 inhabitants the largest segment is classified as mestico or mixed race 35 71 of the population of Cape Verde is also classified as such 36 The great majority of their current populations descend from unions between the Portuguese who colonized the islands from the 15th century onward and black Africans they brought from the African mainland to work as slaves In the early years mesticos began to form a third class between the Portuguese colonists and African slaves as they were usually bilingual and often served as interpreters between the populations In Angola and Mozambique the mestico constitute smaller but still important minorities 2 in Angola 37 and 0 2 in Mozambique 38 Mulatto and mestico are not terms commonly used in South Africa to refer to people of mixed ancestry The persistence of some authors in using this term anachronistically reflects the old school essentialist views of race as a de facto biological phenomenon and the mixing of race as legitimate grounds for the creation of a new race This disregards cultural linguistic and ethnic diversity and or differences between regions and globally among populations of mixed ancestry 39 In Namibia an ethnic group known as Rehoboth Basters descend from historic liaisons between the Cape Colony Dutch and indigenous African women The name Baster is derived from the Dutch word for bastard or crossbreed While some people consider this term demeaning the Basters proudly use the term as an indication of their history In the early 21st century they number between 20 000 and 30 000 people There are of course other people of mixed race in the country citation needed Cape Verde edit The Creole or Mulatto ethnic group boasts of comprising 71 of the total Cape Verdean population The Creole population traces back their history to African slavery and Portuguese colonization Cape Verde was uninhabited upon Portuguese discovery in the 1400s Cape Verde became an important slave trade center and linked Africa to the Western countries Intermarriages between the freed slaves and the European settlers gave rise to the Creole population 9 South Africa edit Main article Coloureds nbsp Abdullah AbdurahmanIn South Africa Coloured is a term used to refer to individuals with some degree of sub Saharan ancestry but subjectively not enough to be considered black under the Apartheid era law of South Africa Today these people self identify as Coloured Other Afrikaans terms used include Bruinmense translates to brown people Kleurlinge translates to Coloured or Bruin Afrikaners translates to brown Africans and is used to distinguish them from the main body of Afrikaners translates to African who are white Under Apartheid law through the latter half of the 20th century the government established seven categories of Coloured people Cape Coloured Cape Malay Griqua and Other Coloured the aim of subdivisions was to enhance the meaning of the larger category of Coloured by making it all encompassing Legally and politically speaking all people of colour were classified black in the non racial terms of anti Apartheid rhetoric of the Black Consciousness Movement 40 In addition to European ancestry the Coloured people usually had some portion of Asian ancestry from immigrants from India Indonesia Madagascar Malaysia Mauritius Sri Lanka China and or Saint Helena Based on the Population Registration Act to classify people the government passed laws prohibiting mixed marriages Many people who classified as belonging to the Asian category could legally intermarry with mixed race people because they shared the same nomenclature 40 There was extensive combining of these diverse heritages in the Western Cape In other parts of South Africa and neighboring states the coloured usually were descendants of two primary ethnic groups primarily Africans of various tribes and European colonists of various tribes with generations of coloured forming families The use of the term Coloured has changed over the course of history For instance in the first census after the South African war 1912 Indians were counted as Coloured But before and after this war they were counted as Asiatic 41 In KwaZulu Natal most Coloureds that were classified as other coloureds had British and Zulu heritage Zimbabwean coloureds were descended from Shona or Ndebele mixing with British and Afrikaner settlers citation needed Griqua on the other hand are descendants of Khoisan and Afrikaner trekboers with contributions from central Southern African groups 42 The Griqua were subjected to an ambiguity of other creole people within Southern African social order According to Nurse and Jenkins 1975 the leader of this mixed group Adam Kok I was a former slave of the Dutch governor He was manumitted and provided land outside Cape Town in the eighteenth century With territories beyond the Dutch East India Company administration Kok provided refuge to deserting soldiers refugee slaves and remaining members of various Khoikhoi tribes 40 Afro European tribes and clans edit Akus Americo Liberians Amaros Fernandinos Gold Coast Euro Africans Saro people Sherbro Hubris Sherbro Tuckers Sherbro Caulkers Sherbro Rogers Sherbro Clevelands Sierra Leone Creole peopleLatin America and the Caribbean editMulattoes in colonial Mexico edit Main article Casta See also Pardo Morisco Torna atras and Lobo racial category nbsp Spaniard Negra Mulatto Miguel Cabrera Mexico 1763Africans were transported by Spaniards slave traders to Mexico starting in the early 16th century Offspring of Spaniards and African women resulted early on in mixed race children termed mulattoes In Spanish law the status of the child followed that of the mother so that despite having a Spanish parent their offspring were enslaved The label mulatto was recorded in official colonial documentation so that marriage registers censuses and court documents allow research on different aspects of mulattoes lives Although some legal documents simply label a person a mulatto a other designations occurred In the sales of casta slaves in 17th century Mexico City official notaries recorded gradations of skin color in the transactions These included mulato blanco or mulata blanca white mulatto for light skinned slave These were usually American born slaves Some said categorized persons i e mulata blanca used their light skin to their advantage if they escaped their unlawful and brutal incarceration from their criminal slave owners thus passing as free persons of color Mulatos blancos often emphasized their Spanish parentage and considered themselves and were considered separate from negros or pardos and ordinary mulattoes Darker mulatto slaves were often termed mulatos prietos or sometimes mulatos cochos 43 In Chile along with mulatos blancos there were also espanoles oscuros dark Spaniards 44 There was considerable malleability and manipulation of racial labeling including the seemingly stable category of mulatto In a case that came before the Mexican Inquisition a woman publicly identified as a mulatta was described by a Spanish priest Diego Xaimes Ricardo Villavicencio as a white mulata with curly hair because she is the daughter of a dark skinned mulata and a Spaniard and for her manner of dress she has flannel petticoats and a native blouse huipil sometimes silken sometimes woolen She wears shoes and her natural and common language is not Spanish but Chocho an indigenous Mexican language as she was brought up among Indians with her mother from which she contracted the vice of drunkenness to which she often succumbs as Indians do and from them she has also received the crime of idolatry Community members were interrogated as to their understanding of her racial standing Her mode of dress very wavy hair and light skin confirmed for one witness that she was a mulatta Ultimately though her rootedness in the indigenous community persuaded the Inquisition that she was an India and therefore outside of their jurisdiction 45 Even though the accused had physical features of a mulatta her cultural category was more important In colonial Latin America mulato could also refer to an individual of mixed African and Native American ancestry but the term zambo was more consistently used for that racial mixture 46 Dominican friar Thomas Gage spent over a decade in the Viceroyalty of New Spain in the early 17th century he converted to Anglicanism and later wrote of his travels often disparaging Spanish colonial society and culture In Mexico City he observed in considerable detail the opulence of dress of women writing that The attire of this baser sort of people of blackamoors and mulattoes which are of a mixed nature of Spaniards and blackamoors is so light and their carriage so enticing that many Spaniards even of the better sort who are too too sic prone to venery disdain their wives for them Most of these are or have been slaves though love have set them loose at liberty to enslave souls to sin and Satan 47 In the late 18th century some mixed race persons sought legal certificates of whiteness cedulas de gracias al sacar in order to rise socially and practice professions American born Spaniards criollos sought to prevent the approval of such petitions since the purity of their own whiteness would be in jeopardy They asserted their purity of blood limpieza de sangre as white persons who had always been known held and commonly reputed to be white persons Old Christians of the nobility clean of all bad blood and without any mixture of commoner Jew Moor Mulatto or converso in any degree no matter how remote 48 Spaniards both American and Iberian born discriminated against pardos and mulattoes because of their bad blood One Cuban sought the grant of his petition in order to practice as a surgeon a profession from which he was barred because of his mulatto designation Royal laws and decrees prevented pardos and mulattoes from serving as a public notary lawyer pharmacist ordination to the priesthood or graduation from university Mulattas declared white could marry a Spaniard 49 Gallery edit nbsp Casta painting of a Spaniard a Negra and a Mulatto Jose de Alcibar 18th c Mexico nbsp De Espanol y Negra Mulato Anon 18th c nbsp De Espanol y Negra Mulato Jose Joaquin Magon 18th c Mexico nbsp De Espanol y Negra Mulato Anon nbsp De negro y espanola sale mulato From a Black man and a Spanish woman a Mulatto is begotten Anon nbsp De Espanol y Mulata Morisca Anon 1799 nbsp De Mulata y Espanol Morisca Juan Patricio Morlete 18th c Mexico nbsp De Mulato y Mestiza Torna atras nbsp De Negro y Mulata Zambo 18th c Peru nbsp Don Miguel Enriquez a Puerto Rican privateer nbsp Examples of NuevaEspana New Spain Mexico classifications of Mulatto and Mestizo in 1763 nbsp Descendants of 1711 Salvador Rosales the mulatto Mulattoes in the modern era edit Brazil edit Main articles Pardo Brazilians and Mixed race Brazilian nbsp A Redencao de Cam Redemption of Ham by Galician painter Modesto Brocos 1895 Museu Nacional de Belas Artes Brazil The painting depicts a black grandmother mulatta mother white father and their quadroon child hence three generations of hypergamy through racial whitening According to the IBGE 2000 census 38 5 of Brazilians identified as pardo a term for people of mixed backgrounds 50 51 52 Many mixed race Brazilians have varying degrees of European Amerindian and African ancestry citation needed According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics census 2006 some 42 6 of Brazilian identify as pardo an increase over the 2000 census 53 Haiti edit Main article Mulatto Haitians Mulattoes account for up to 5 of Haiti s population In Haitian history such mixed race people known in colonial times as free people of color gained some education and property before the Revolution In some cases their white fathers arranged for multiracial sons to be educated in France and join the military giving them an advance economically Free people of color gained some social capital and political power before the Revolution were influential during the Revolution and since then The people of color have retained their elite position based on education and social capital that is apparent in the political economic and cultural hierarchy in present day Haiti Numerous leaders throughout Haiti s history have been people of color 54 Many Haitian mulattoes were slaveholders and often actively participated in the oppression of the black majority 55 Some Dominican mulattoes were also slave owners 56 The Haitian Revolution was started by mulattoes The subsequent struggle within Haiti between the mulattoes led by Andre Rigaud and the black Haitians led by Toussaint Louverture devolved into the War of Knives 57 58 With secret aid from the United States 59 Toussaint eventually won the conflict and made himself ruler of the entire island of Hispaniola Napoleon ordered for Charles Leclerc and a substantial army to put down the rebellion Leclerc seized Toussaint in 1802 and deported him to France where he died in prison a year later Leclerc was succeeded by General Rochambeau With reinforcements from France and Poland Rochambeau began a bloody campaign against the mulattoes and intensified operations against the blacks importing bloodhounds to track and kill them Thousands of black POW and suspects were chained to cannonballs and tossed into the sea 60 Historians of the Haitian Revolution credit Rochambeau s brutal tactics for uniting black and mulatto soldiers against the French nbsp Jean Pierre Boyer the mulatto ruler of Haiti 1818 43 In 1806 Haiti divided into a black controlled north and a mulatto ruled south Haitian President Jean Pierre Boyer the son of a Frenchman and a former African slave managed to unify a divided Haiti but excluded blacks from power In 1847 a black military officer named Faustin Soulouque was made president with the mulattoes supporting him but instead of proving a tool in the hands of the senators he showed a strong will and although by his antecedents belonging to the mulatto party he began to attach the blacks to his interest The mulattoes retaliated by conspiring but Soulouque began to decimate his enemies by confiscation proscriptions and executions The black soldiers began a general massacre in Port au Prince which ceased only after the French consul Charles Reybaud threatened to order the landing of marines from the men of war in the harbor Dominican Republic edit Soulouque considered the neighbouring Dominican Republic s white and mulatto rulers as his natural enemies 61 He invaded the Dominican Republic in March 1849 but was defeated at the Battle of Las Carreras by Pedro Santana nb 2 near Ocoa on 21 April and compelled to retreat Haitian strategy was ridiculed by the American press At the first encounter a division of negro troops of Faustin ran and their commander Gen Garat was killed The main body eighteen thousand troops under the Emperor encountered four hundred Dominicans with a field piece and notwithstanding the disparity of force the latter charged and caused the Haytiens to flee in every direction Faustin came very near falling into the enemy s hands They were once within a few feet of him and he was only saved by Thirlonge and other officers of his staff several of whom lost their lives The Dominicans pursued the retreating Haytiens some miles until they were checked and driven back by the Garde Nationale of Port au Prince commanded by Robert Gateau the auctioneer 63 The Haitians were unable to ward off a series of Dominican navy reprisal raids along Haiti s south coast launched by Dominican president Buenaventura Baez 64 Despite the failure of the Dominican campaign Soulouque caused himself to be proclaimed emperor on 26 August 1849 under the name of Faustin I He was called a rey de farsa clown emperor by the Dominicans 61 Toward the close of 1855 he invaded the Dominican Republic again at the head of an army of 30 000 men but was again defeated by Santana and barely escaped being captured His treasure and crown fell into the hands of the enemy Soulouque was ousted in a military coup led by mulatto General Fabre Geffrard in 1858 59 In the eastern two thirds of Hispaniola the mulattoes were an ever growing majority group and in essence they took over the entire Dominican Republic with no organized black opposition Many of its rulers and famous figures were mulattoes such as Gregorio Luperon Ulises Heureaux Jose Joaquin Puello Matias Ramon Mella 65 Buenaventura Baez 66 and Rafael Trujillo 67 The Dominican Republic has been described as the only true mulatto country in the world 68 Pervasive Dominican racism based on rejection of African ancestry has led to many assaults against the large Haitian immigrant community 68 the most lethal of which was the 1937 parsley massacre Approximately 5 000 67 000 citation needed men women children babies and elderly who were selected by their skin color were massacred with machetes or were thrown to sharks 69 Dominican Republic edit Main article Mixed Dominicans Mixed Dominicans also referred to as mulatto mestizo or historically quadroon are Dominicans who are of mixed racial ancestry Dominican Republic has many racial terms and some are used differently than in other countries for example Mestizo signifies any racial mix and not solely a European indigenous mix like in other Latin American countries while Indio describes people of skin tones between white and black and has nothing to do with native peoples Representing 73 9 of the Dominican Republic s population they are by far the single largest racial grouping of the country 70 Mixed Dominicans are the descendants from the racial integration between the Europeans Native Americans and later the Africans They have a total population of approximately 8 million 71 72 The Dominican Republic was the site of the first European settlement in the Americas the Captaincy General of Santo Domingo founded in 1493 After the arrival of Europeans and the founding of the colony African people were imported to the island The fusion of European native Taino and African influences contributed to the development of present day Dominican culture From the start of the colonial period in the 1500s Miscegenation Mestizaje intermixing of races particularly Spanish settlers native Tainos and imported Africans free or enslaved was very strong 73 In fact colonial Santo Domingo had higher amount of mixing and lesser racial tensions in comparison to other colonies even other Spanish colonies this was due to the fact that for most of its colonial period Santo Domingo was a poorer colony where even the majority of the white Spanish settlers were poor which helped foster a relatively peaceful racial atmosphere allowing for growth in its mixed race population and racial fluidity Santo Domingo as a colony was used a military base and had an economy based on Cattle ranching which was a far less labor intensive than the more common plantation slavery at the time 74 75 By the 1700s the majority of the population was mixed race forming the basis of the Dominican ethnicity as a distinct people well before independence was achieved 76 During colonial times mixed race mulatto Dominicans had a lot of influence they were instrumental in the independence period and the founding of the nation Many Dominican presidents were mulatto and mulatto Dominicans have had influence in every aspect of Dominican culture and society According to recent genealogical DNA studies of the Dominican population the genetic makeup is predominantly European and Sub Saharan African with a lesser degree of Native American ancestry 77 The average Dominican DNA of the founder population is estimated to be 73 European 10 Native and 17 African After the Haitian and Afro Caribbean migrations the overall percentage changed to 57 European 8 Native and 35 African 78 Due to mixed race Dominicans and most Dominicans in general being a mix of mainly European and African with lesser amounts of indigenous Taino they can accurately be described as Mulatto or Tri racial 79 80 Dominican Republic have several informal terms to loosely describe a person s degree of racial admixture Mestizo means any type of mixed ancestry unlike in other Latin American countries it describes specifically a European native mix 81 Indio describes mixed race people whose skin color is between white and black 82 In Dominican Republic and some other Latin American countries it can sometimes be difficult to determine the exact number of racial groups because the lines between whites and lighter multiracials are very blurry which is also true between blacks and darker multiracials As race in Dominican Republic acts as a continuum of white mulatto black and not as clear cut as in places like the United States 83 And many times in the same family there can be people of different colors and racial phenotypes who are blood related this is due to the large amounts of interracial mixing for hundreds of years in Dominican Republic and the Spanish Caribbean in general allowing for high amounts of genetic diversity 84 The majority of the Dominican population is tri racial with nearly all Dominicans having Taino Native American ancestry along with European and African ancestry European ancestry in the mixed population typically ranges between 50 and 60 on average while African ancestry ranges between 30 and 40 and the Native ancestry usually ranges between 5 and 10 European and Native ancestry tends to be strongest in cities and towns of the north central Cibao region and generally in the mountainous interior of the country African ancestry is strongest in coastal areas the southeast plain and the border regions 77 Puerto Rico edit Although the average Puerto Rican is of mixed race citation needed few actually identified as multiracial two or more races in the 2010 census only 3 3 did so 85 They more often identified with their predominant heritage or phenotype However in the 2020 census the amount of Puerto Ricans identifying as multiracial went up to 49 8 and an additional 25 5 identified as some other race showing a marked change in the way Puerto Ricans view themselves This may show that Puerto Ricans are now more open to embracing all sides of their mixed race heritage and do not view themselves as part of the standard race dynamic in the United States hence the high number of people identifying as some other race a similar phenomenon went on in the mainland United States with the overall US Hispanic Latino population 86 Most have significant ancestry from two or more of the founding source populations of Spaniards Africans and Tainos although Spanish ancestry is predominant in a majority of the population Similar to many other Latin American ethnic groups Puerto Ricans are multi generationally mixed race though most are European dominant in ancestry Puerto Ricans who are evenly mixed can accurately be described Mulatto Quadroon or Tri racial very similar to mixed populations in Cuba and Dominican Republic Overall Puerto Ricans are European dominant Tri racials however there are many with near even European and African ancestry According to the National Geographic Genographic Project the average Puerto Rican individual carries 12 Native American 65 West Eurasian Mediterranean Northern European and or Middle Eastern and 20 Sub Saharan African DNA 87 Studies have shown that the racial ancestry mixture of the average Puerto Rican regardless of racial self identity is about 64 European 21 African and 15 Native Taino with European ancestry strongest on the west side of the island and West African ancestry strongest on the east side and the levels of Taino ancestry which according to some research ranges from about 5 35 generally highest in the southwest of the island 88 89 90 A study of a sample of 96 healthy self identified White Puerto Ricans and self identified Black Puerto Ricans in the U S showed that although all carried a contribution from all 3 ancestral populations European African and Amerindian the proportions showed significant variation Depending on individuals although often correlating with their self identified race African ancestry ranged from less than 10 to over 50 while European ancestry ranged from under 20 to over 80 Amerindian ancestry showed less fluctuation generally hovering between 5 and 20 irrespective of self identified race 91 92 93 Many Spaniard men took indigenous Taino and West African wives and in the first centuries of the Spanish colonial period the island was overwhelmingly racially mixed Under Spanish rule mass immigration shifted the ethnic make up of the island as a result of the Royal Decree of Graces of 1815 Puerto Rico went from being two thirds black and mulatto in the beginning of the 19th century to being nearly 80 white by the middle of the 20th century This was compounded by more flexible attitudes to race under Spanish rule as epitomized by the Regla del Sacar 94 95 96 97 98 Under Spanish rule Puerto Rico had laws such as Regla del Sacar or Gracias al Sacar which allowed persons of mixed ancestry to pay a fee to be classified as white 99 which was the opposite of one drop rule in US society after the American Civil War 100 101 Cuba edit In the 2012 Census of Cuba 26 6 2 97 million of the Cubans self identified as mulatto or mestizo 102 But the percentage multiracial mulatto make up varies widely from as low as 26 to as high as 51 15 Unlike the two other Spanish Caribbean islands Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico where nearly everyone even most self proclaimed whites and blacks are mixed to varying degrees in Cuba there are significant pure or nearly pure European and African populations 84 Multi racials Mulattos are widespread throughout Cuba The DNA average for the Cuban population is 72 European 23 African and 5 indigenous though among mulatto Cubans the European and African ancestry is more even 103 Prior to the 20th century majority of the Cuban population was of mixed race descent to varying degrees with pure Spaniards or criollos being a significant minority Between 1902 and 1933 some 750 000 Spaniards migrated to Cuba from Europe which changed the racial demographics of the region rapidly Many of the newly arrived Spanish migrants did not intermix with the native Cuban population unlike the earlier colonial settlers and conquistadors who intermixed with Tainos and Africans at large scale rates Self identified white Cubans with colonial roots on the island usually have Amerindian and or African admixture to varying degrees as well as self identified black Cubans with colonial roots having varying degrees of European and or Amerindian admixture United States editColonial and Antebellum eras edit See also Children of the plantation and Shadow family nbsp Advertisement in the Virginia Gazette placed by Thomas Jefferson offering a reward for his escaped slave named Sandy who was defined as mulatto 104 Historians have documented sexual abuse of enslaved women during the colonial and post revolutionary slavery times by white men in power planters their sons before marriage overseers etc which resulted in many multiracial children born into slavery Starting with Virginia in 1662 colonies adopted the principle of partus sequitur ventrem in slave law which said that children born in the colony were born into the status of their mother Thus children born to slave mothers were born into slavery regardless of who their fathers were and whether they were baptized as Christians Children born to white mothers were free even if they were mixed race Children born to free mixed race mothers were also free citation needed Paul Heinegg has documented that most of the free people of color listed in the 1790 1810 censuses in the Upper South were descended from unions and marriages during the colonial period in Virginia between white women who were free or indentured servants and African or African American men servant slave or free In the early colonial years such working class people lived and worked closely together and slavery was not as much of a racial caste Slave law had established that children in the colony took the status of their mothers This meant that multi racial children born to white women were born free The colony required them to serve lengthy indentures if the woman was not married but nonetheless numerous individuals with African ancestry were born free and formed more free families Over the decades many of these free people of color became leaders in the African American community others married increasingly into the white community 105 106 His findings have been supported by DNA studies and other contemporary researchers as well 107 A daughter born to a South Asian father and Irish mother in Maryland in 1680 both of whom probably came to the colony as indentured servants was classified as a mulatto and sold into slavery 108 Historian F James Davis says Rapes occurred and many slave women were forced to submit regularly to white males or suffer harsh consequences However slave girls often courted a sexual relationship with the master or another male in the family as a way of gaining distinction among the slaves avoiding field work and obtaining special jobs and other favored treatment for their mixed children Reuter 1970 129 Sexual contacts between the races also included prostitution adventure concubinage and sometimes love In rare instances where free blacks were concerned there was marriage Bennett 1962 243 68 109 nbsp Creole woman with black servant New Orleans 1867 Historically in the American South the term mulatto was also applied at times to persons with mixed Native American and African American ancestry 110 For example a 1705 Virginia statute reads as follows And for clearing all manner of doubts which hereafter may happen to arise upon the construction of this act or any other act who shall be accounted a mulatto Be it enacted and declared and it is hereby enacted and declared That the child of an Indian and the child grand child or great grand child of a negro shall be deemed accounted held and taken to be a mulatto 111 However southern colonies began to prohibit Indian slavery in the eighteenth century so according to their own laws even mixed race children born to Native American women should be considered free The societies did not always observe this distinction Certain Native American tribes of the Inocoplo family in Texas referred to themselves as mulatto 112 At one time Florida s laws declared that a person from any number of mixed ancestries would be legally defined as a mulatto including White Hispanic Black Native American and just about any other mix as well 113 In the United States due to the influence and laws making slavery a racial caste and later practices of hypodescent white colonists and settlers tended to classify persons of mixed African and Native American ancestry as black regardless of how they identified themselves or sometimes as Black Indians But many tribes had matrilineal kinship systems and practices of absorbing other peoples into their cultures Multiracial children born to Native American mothers were customarily raised in her family and specific tribal culture Federally recognized Native American tribes have insisted that identity and membership is related to culture rather than race and that individuals brought up within tribal culture are fully members regardless of whether they also have some European or African ancestry Many tribes have had mixed race members who identify primarily as members of the tribes If the multiracial children were born to slave women generally of at least partial African descent they were classified under slave law as slaves This was to the advantage of slaveowners as Indian slavery had been abolished If mixed race children were born to Native American mothers they should be considered free but sometimes slaveholders kept them in slavery anyway Multiracial children born to slave mothers were generally raised within the African American community and considered black 110 nbsp Mulattoes returning from town with groceries and supplies near Melrose Natchitoches Parish Louisiana Marion Post Wolcott Farm Security Administration July 1940California edit See also Los Angeles Pobladores The first pioneers of Alta California were of mulatto ancestry 114 Louisiana edit nbsp Three different race classifications appear in this public notice by the executor of the last will of Andre Deshotels deceased regarding emancipation of his former slaves Opelousas Patriot St Landry Parish November 3 1855 via Chronicling America digital newspaper archive The American Guide to Louisiana published by the Federal Writers Project in 1941 included a breakdown of traditional race classifications in that region stating The following elaborate terminology now no longer in use because of the lack of genealogical records upon which to base finely drawn blood distinctions was once employed to differentiate between types according to diminution of Negro blood 115 Original orthography preserved Term Parentage Percentage of Negro blood Sacatro Negro and Griffe 87 5Griffe Negro and Mulatto 75Marabon Mulatto and Griffe 62 5Mulatto Negro and white 50Os rouge Negro and Indian 50Tierceron Mulatoon and Quadroon 37 5Quadroon White and Mulatto 25Octoroon White and Quadroon 12 5A 1916 history called The Mulatto in the United States reported two other archaic race classification systems 116 From Frederick Law Olmstead s A Journey to the Seaboard Slave States 1854 Header text Header textSacatra griffe and negressGriffe Negro and mulattoMarabon mulatto and griffeMulatto white and NegroQuadroon white and mulattoMetif white and QuadroonMeamelouc white and metifQuarteron white and meameloucSang mele white and quarteronFrom Charles Davenport s Heredity of Skin Color in Negro White Crosses 1910 Header text Header textMulatto Negro and whiteQuadroon mulatto and whiteOctoroon quadroon and whiteCascos mulatto and mulattoSambo mulatto and NegroMango sambo and NegroMustifee octoroon and whiteMustifino mustifee and whiteContemporary era edit Further information Multiracial Americans Mulatto was used as an official census racial category in the United States to acknowledge multiracial persons until 1930 117 In the early 20th century several southern states had adopted the one drop rule as law and southern Congressmen pressed the US Census Bureau to drop the mulatto category they wanted all persons to be classified as black or white 118 119 120 Since 2010 persons responding to the census have been allowed to identify as having more than one type of ethnic ancestry citation needed Mulatto Biracial in the U S populations come from various sources Firstly the average ancestral DNA of African Americans is about 80 African 19 European and 1 indigenous 121 Lighter skinned African Americans are usually more mixed than the average African American with the white ancestors sometimes being several generations back which gives them a multiracial phenotype 122 123 124 Some of these lighter African Americans have abandoned the black identity and started to identify as multiracial 125 Many small isolate mixed race groups such as for example Louisiana Creole people got absorbed into the overall African American population There also growing numbers of black white interracial couples and multiracial people of recent origins parents being of different races 126 127 128 129 Many immigrants who are racially Mulattos have come to the United States from countries like Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico being most prevalent in cities like New York and Miami Colonial references editBasters Fernandino Quadroon and other terms denoting the degree of African descent Metis Mestizo Castizo Half breed Zambo Pardo Creole peoplesSee also editMultiracial people Miscegenation Interracial marriage Racial fluidity Biracial and multiracial identity development Multiracialism Ethnic groups in Latin America Mixed Dominicans Dominican people Puerto Ricans Cubans Spanish Caribbean Moreno Venezuelans Cape Verdeans Mixed race Brazilian Pardo Brazilians Mixed Race Day holiday in Brazil celebrating mixed race heritage Multiracial Americans Passing racial identity One drop rule United States racial classification High yellow Redbone ethnicity Melungeon Dominickers Louisiana Creole people Creoles of color Creole peoples Mulatto Haitians Marabou ethnicity Dougla people Multiracial Antiguans and Barbudans Mixed race Caymanians Multiracial Ugandans in Uganda Coloureds Rhineland Bastard Cafres Cassare a marriage alliance between European traders and African rulers Mixed White and Black African people in the United Kingdom Mestizo Castizo Casta Zambo Pardo Quadroon Mischling Free people of color Tragic mulatto Blanqueamiento African diaspora in the Americas Afro Latin Americans Afro Arabs Black Europeans of African ancestry African admixture in Europe Atlantic slave trade History of Latin America Colorism in the Caribbean Discrimination based on skin color Mixed twins Race and genetics Race of the future Historical race conceptsReferences editNotes Corominas describes his doubts on the theory as follows Mulato does not derive from the Arab muwallad acculturated foreigner and sometimes mulatto see Mdi as Eguilaz would have it since this word was pronounced moo EL led in the Arabic of Spain In the 19th century Reinhart Dozy Supplement aux Dictionnaires Arabes Vol II Leyden 1881 841a rejected this Arabic etymology indicating the true one supported by the Arabic nagil mulatto derived from nagl mule 33 General Pedro Santana who also held the Spanish noble name Marquess de las Carreras 62 Citations Is mulat taboe trouw nl Quote In English and among many African Americans the term mulatto carries offensive connotations In Spanish and Portuguese however and among U S Latinos as and Latin Americans the term mulato a so spelled not only does not carry an offensive connotation but has in fact now become a sign of pride and identity in Grace and Humanness Theological Reflections Because of Culture by Orlando O Esp Orbis Books 2007 Mulatto Lexico Dictionaries Archived from the original on 28 June 2020 Retrieved 25 March 2021 Dictionary com Meanings amp Definitions of English Words Dictionary com Retrieved 14 December 2023 Mulatta definition and meaning Collins English Dictionary www collinsdictionary com Retrieved 25 March 2021 mulato Traduccion de MULATTO al ingles por Oxford Dictionary en Lexico com y tambien el significado de MULATTO en espanol Lexico Dictionaries in Spanish Archived from the original on 29 June 2020 Retrieved 25 March 2021 Ethnic Groups Of The Dominican Republic WorldAtlas 25 April 2017 Retrieved 14 December 2023 Montinaro Francesco Busby George B J Pascali Vincenzo L Myers Simon Hellenthal Garrett Capelli Cristian 24 March 2015 Unravelling the hidden ancestry of American admixed populations Nature Communications 6 6596 Bibcode 2015NatCo 6 6596M doi 10 1038 ncomms7596 PMC 4374169 PMID 25803618 a b Ethnic Groups Of Cape Verde WorldAtlas 5 June 2018 Retrieved 14 December 2023 Barker Jean E 12 September 2012 Cape Verdean Americans A Historical Perspective of Ethnicity and Race Trotter Review 10 1 Retrieved 14 December 2023 Cabo Verde Culture Facts amp Travel CountryReports www countryreports org Retrieved 14 December 2023 Cabo Verde The World Factbook www cia gov Retrieved 14 December 2023 Fisher Gene A Model Suzanne 2012 Cape Verdean identity in a land of Black and White Ethnicities 12 3 354 379 doi 10 1177 1468796811419599 S2CID 145341841 Population by ethnicity Brazil 2022 Statista Retrieved 14 December 2023 a b Latin American Country Profiles latinostories com Genographic Project DNA Results Reveal Details of Puerto Rican History nationalgeographic org 25 July 2014 Nacional ine gob ve Panama Central Intelligence Agency 6 December 2023 Retrieved 14 December 2023 via CIA gov Geoportal del DANE Geovisor CNPV 2018 Retrieved 14 December 2023 Stats dead link Curacao Central Intelligence Agency 6 December 2023 Retrieved 14 December 2023 via CIA gov Curacao U S Consulate in 17 November 2022 History of Curacao St Maarten Bonaire St Eustatius and Saba U S Consulate General in Curacao Retrieved 14 December 2023 Bodenhorn Howard 2002 The Complexion Gap The Economic Consequences of Color among Free African Americans in the Rural Antebellum South Report Cambridge MA doi 10 3386 w8957 Chambers Dictionary of Etymology Robert K Barnhart Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd 2003 p 684 Harper Douglas mulatto Online Etymology Dictionary Retrieved 14 July 2008 Mulato Real Academia Espanola Retrieved 14 June 2017 De mulo en el sentido de hibrido aplicado primero a cualquier mestizo Kimberly McClain DaCosta 2007 Making Multiracials State Family and Market in the Redrawing of the Color Line Stanford University Press pp 165 166 ISBN 978 0 8047 5545 0 Although the mulatto ad is supposed to be streetwise authentic and hip the mixed race character s use of an outdated even offensive term to refer to herself belies such assertions Nicholas Patrick Beck 1975 The Other Children Minority Education in California Public Schools from Statehood to 1890 University of California Los Angeles p 132 Strictly speaking a mulatto is the first generation offspring of a white and a Negro Often regarded even in the 19th century as an offensive term the word was frequently used to indicate a person of any mixture of caucasian and Negro ancestry Jack D Forbes 1993 Africans and Native Americans the language of race and the evolution of Red Black peoples University of Illinois Press p 145 ISBN 978 0 252 06321 3 David S Goldstein Audrey B Thacker eds 2007 Complicating Constructions Race Ethnicity and 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African American genetic variation unveiled Broad Institute 22 July 2011 Retrieved 14 December 2023 Staff newsone 2 February 2018 Why So Many Black People Are Still So Caught Up On Skin Color Retrieved 14 December 2023 The Mulatto Advantage Summary 423 Words Bartleby www bartleby com Retrieved 14 December 2023 Bates Karen Grigsby 7 October 2014 A Chosen Exile Black People Passing In White America NPR Retrieved 14 December 2023 Center Pew Research 14 April 2022 1 Personal identity and intra racial connections Retrieved 14 December 2023 Tables census gov The rise of interracial marriage and its approval rating Retrieved 14 December 2023 Number of Interracial Marriages Multiracial Americans Growing Rapidly Voice of America 4 March 2017 Retrieved 14 December 2023 Foster Frau Silvia Mellnik Ted Blanco Adrian 8 October 2021 We re talking about a big powerful phenomenon Multiracial Americans drive change Washington Post Retrieved 14 December 2023 Further reading editBeckmann Susan The mulatto 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p 392 ISBN 90 04 10771 1 Archived from the original on 28 June 2008 Retrieved 14 July 2008 Engseng Ho an anthropologist discusses the role of the muwallad in the region The term muwallad used primarily in reference to those of mixed blood is analyzed through ethnographic and textual information Freitag Ulrike December 1999 Hadhrami migration in the 19th and 20th centuries The British Yemeni Society Archived from the original on 12 July 2000 Retrieved 14 July 2008 Myntti Cynthia 1994 Interview Hamid al Gadri Yemen Update American Institute for Yemeni Studies 34 44 14 9 Archived from the original on 18 June 2008 Retrieved 14 July 2008 Williamson Joel 1980 New People Miscegenation and Mulattoes in the United States The Free Press ISBN 9780029347904 External links edit nbsp Look up mulatto in Wiktionary the free dictionary A Brief History of Census Race Surprises in the Family Tree The Mulatto Factor in Black Family Genealogy Dr David Pilgrim The Tragic Mulatto Myth Jim Crow Museum Ferris 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