
Italian grammar

Italian grammar is the body of rules describing the properties of the Italian language. Italian words can be divided into the following lexical categories: articles, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.

Articles Edit

Italian articles vary according to definiteness (definite, indefinite, and partitive), number, gender, and the initial sound of the subsequent word. Partitive articles compound the preposition di with the corresponding definite article, to express uncertain quantity. In the plural, they typically translate into English as "few"; in the singular, typically as "some".

Definite article
Gender Number Article Usage
Masculine Singular il Standard masculine singular definite article, used in all cases other than those detailed below.[1]

Foreign words beginning with ⟨w⟩, pronounced /w/ or /v/, take il and not lo: il West /ˈwɛst/ (referring to the American Old West), il whisky /ˈwiski/, il Watt /ˈvat/, etc.[2]

lo Used before words with certain initial sounds:
  • before ⟨s⟩ pronounced as /s/, /z/, or /ʃ/ followed by another consonant ("impure s", Italian: S (esse) complicata, S impura, or S preconsonantica)
  • before self-geminating consonants:[3] ⟨z⟩, pronounced as /ts/ or /dz/; ⟨gn⟩; ⟨gli⟩; ⟨sci⟩ (or ⟨sh⟩ or ⟨ch⟩ in loan words, e.g. lo chef) pronounced as /ʃ/
  • before complex consonant clusters ⟨ps⟩, pronounced as /ps/ or /ss/; ⟨pn⟩ as /pn/ or /nn/; ⟨x⟩ as /ks/ or /ss/, ⟨mn⟩ as /mn/ or /nn/, etc., mostly foreign words
  • before ⟨y⟩ or ⟨i⟩ pronounced as semivowel /j/, (e.g. foreign words like lo yoghurt, and local words and scientific or geographical names like lo iodio)
l' Used before words that begin with a vowel (l'amico) or ⟨uo⟩ /wɔ/ (l'uomo).
Plural i Standard masculine plural definite article, used for plurals that take il in the singular: i cani (plural of il cane).
gli Corresponds to lo and l' in the singular:
  • before vowels, pronounced /ʎ/
  • before the consonants listed for lo, pronounced /ʎi/

Il dio ("the god") has the irregular plural gli dei ("the gods").

Feminine Singular la Standard form of the feminine singular definite article, used before consonants and before ⟨i⟩ when pronounced as semivowel /j/, e.g. la iarda.
l' As with l', used before any word that begins with a vowel, not including ⟨i⟩ when pronounced as the semivowel /j/.
Plural le Standard form of the feminine plural definite article, never elided.
Indefinite article
Gender Article Usage
Masculine un Standard masculine singular indefinite article, used before vowels and simple consonants.
uno Used instead of un before "impure s", self-geminating consonants, and complex consonant clusters, following the same rules as lo vs. il above, for example: uno studente.
Feminine una Standard feminine singular indefinite article.
un' Used before any word that starts with a vowel, not including ⟨i⟩ when used as semivowel /j/.
Partitive article
Gender Number Article Contraction of
Masculine Singular del di + il
dell' di + l'
dello di + lo
Plural dei di + i
degli di + gli
Feminine Singular della di + la
dell' di + l'
Plural delle di + le

Inflection of nouns and adjectives Edit

Nouns have gender (masculine, feminine or, in many instances, both) and inflect in number (singular and plural). When a noun refers to people or animals with natural gender, grammatical gender typically corresponds. The gender each noun is written in is the opposite of arbitrary. Because most nouns have a masculine and a feminine form, the form the given noun is written in could change the entire structure of the sentence. As in most other Romance languages, the historical neuter has merged with the masculine. A subgroup of these deriving from Latin's second declension are considered feminine in the plural. Subclauses and infinitives are masculine. Adjectives inflect for gender and number in patterns broadly similar to nouns.

General noun and adjectival endings by number and gender
Gender Singular Plural Example
Masculine -o -i il cappello nero, i cappelli neri ("the black hat(s)")
Feminine -a -e la bella macchina, le belle macchine ("the beautiful car(s)")
Masculine and feminine -e -i il/la comandante intelligente, i/le comandanti intelligenti ("the smart commander(s)")
Mixed (historically neuter) -o -a il lenzuolo leggero, le lenzuola leggere ("the light bed sheet(s)")
Masculine -a -i l'atleta entusiasta, gli atleti entusiasti ("the enthusiastic athlete(s)")
Feminine -ie -ie la specie estinta, le specie estinte ("the extinct species")
All nouns ending with a stressed vowel singular = plural la città, le città ("the city(-ies)")
Non-integrated loanwords il/la manager trendy, i/le manager trendy ("the trendy manager(s)")

In the last two examples, only the article carries information about gender and number.

Most masculine words that end in -io pronounced as /jo/ drop the -o and thus end in -i in the plural: vecchio / vecchi ("old"), funzionario / funzionari ("functionary(-ies)"), esempio / esempi ("example(s)"), etc.

The Italian hard and soft C and G phenomenon leads to certain peculiarities in spelling and pronunciation:

  • Words in -cio and -gio form plurals in -ci and -gi, e.g. bacio / baci ("kiss(es)")
  • Words in -cia and -gia have been a point of contention. According to a commonly employed rule,[4] they:
    • form plurals in -ce and -ge if the final letter before the suffix is a consonant: frangia, frange ("fringe(s)"); faccia, facce ("face(s)").
    • form plurals in -cie and -gie if the final letter before the suffix is a vowel: camicia, camicie ("shirt(s)"); ciliegia, ciliegie ("cherry"/"cherries"). Note that the presence of an i in the plural ending has no impact on the pronunciation in this case.[5]
    • when the i is stressed, it always remains in plural: farmacia / farmacie ("chemist's shop(s)"), nevralgia / nevralgie ("neuralgia(s)").
  • Words in -co and -go behave irregularly: for some words the plural form causes the hard consonant to become soft, and for others the consonant remains hard. "The grammarians are skeptical of any attempt at giving a ruling about this area".[6] There are, however, certain rules of thumb:
    • plurals are formed with -chi and -ghi if the last letter before the suffix is a consonant or a stressed vowel: fungo / funghi ("mushroom(s)"), stecco / stecchi ("stick(s)"), mago / maghi ("magician(s)"), fuoco / fuochi ("fire(s)")
    • plurals are formed with -ci and -gi if the last letter before the suffix is an unstressed vowel: comico / comici ("comedian(s)"), medico / medici ("physician(s)")
    • in words ending with -logo suffix, the plural is usually[6] in -gi when -logo means "expert" or "student", corresponding to English -logist (e.g. archeologo / archeologi, "archaeologist(s)"), while it is in -ghi when it means "speech" or "reasoning", corresponding often to English -logue/-log (e.g. catalogo / cataloghi, "catalogue(s)").
    • there are exceptions such as amico / amici ("friend(s)"), greco / greci ("Greek(s)"), valico / valichi ("mountain pass(es)"), carico / carichi ("cargo(s)").
  • Words in -ca and -ga form plurals in -che and -ghe, e.g. amica / amiche ("female friend(s)")

Nouns Edit

Most nouns are derived from Latin. Many of these are themselves borrowed from Greek (e.g. poeta below). Although Italian nouns do not inflect for case, they are derived from a mixture of the Latin nominative and accusative cases:

Derivation of noun inflections
Latin declension (nominative/accusative) Italian singular/plural Masculine Feminine
1st (-a, -ae   /   -am, -ās) -a, -e amica / amiche "female friend(s)"
1st & 2nd (-a, -i   /   n/a)[7] -a, -i poeta / poeti "poet(s)"
2nd (-us, -ī   /   -um, -ōs) -o, -i amico / amici "friend(s)"
3rd (-is, -ēs   /   -em, -ēs) -e, -i cane / cani "dog(s)" parete / pareti "wall(s)"
4th (-us, -ūs   /   -um, -ūs) -o, -i passo / passi "step(s)" mano / mani "hand(s)"
5th (-ēs, -ēs   /   -em, -ēs) -e, -i fede / fedi "faith(s)"

Nouns ending in any letter other than -a, -e or -o, as well as nouns ending in a stressed vowel, are normally invariable in the plural. Thus:

  • la gru / le gru ("the crane(s)", from Latin grūs / grūes)
  • la città / le città ("the city(ies)", contracted form of archaic cittade, cittadi, from Latin cīvitātem, cīvitātēs)
  • il caffè / i caffè ("the coffee(s)")
  • il film / i film ("the film(s)")

There are certain words (derived from Latin second-declension neuter nouns) that are masculine in the singular and feminine or masculine in the plural. Examples include:

  • il braccio / le braccia or i bracci ("the arm(s)")
  • l'uovo / le uova ("the egg(s)")
  • il ginocchio / le ginocchia or i ginocchi ("the knee(s)")
  • il sopracciglio / le sopracciglia or i sopraccigli ("the eyebrow(s)")

These nouns' endings derive regularly from the Latin neuter endings of the second declension (sg. -um / pl. -a), but there are some from the third declension as well: e.g. il gregge / le greggi (flock(s), but i greggi works, too); the tradition of calling them "irregular" or "mobile gender" (genere mobile) would come from the paradigm that there are so few nouns of this kind that the existence of neuter can be considered vestigial (compared to Romanian, which has many more nouns of the masculine singular–feminine plural type, and as such are usually classified as a separate neuter gender). The choice of plural is sometimes left to the user, while in some cases there are differences of meaning:[8]

  • Sometimes, for body parts, the feminine/neuter plural denotes the literal meaning while the masculine one denotes a figurative meaning: il braccio ("the arm") / le braccia ("the arms") / i bracci ("the isthmuses", "the inlets"); il corno ("the horn") / le corna ("the horns" of an animal) / i corni ("the horns" as musical instruments)
  • Sometimes, especially in poetic and old-fashioned Italian, the masculine plural acts as a count noun, while the neuter/feminine plural acts as a mass noun: il cervello ("the brain") / due cervelli ("two brains") / le cervella ("the cerebral matter"); l'anello ("the ring") / due anelli ("two rings") / le anella ("ringlets"); furthermore, il dito ("the finger") / le dita ("the fingers") and also due dita ("two fingers") / but i diti indici ("the index fingers")

Most noun stems are derived from the accusative: Latin socer/socerum begets Italian suocero, and Latin pēs/pēdem begets Italian piede. There are a few exceptions, however, such as uomo from Latin homo/hominem and moglie from Latin mulier/mulierem. Neuter third-declension nouns may bequeath Italian nouns either from the nominative/accusative case (e.g. capo from caput, cuore from cor) or from the oblique case used for other cases and for the plural (e.g. latte from lac, lact-, giure from ius, iur-).

Irregular plurals Edit

There are a few genuine irregular plurals in Italian (plurali irregolari). Most of these were introduced in Vulgar Latin, but some derive from irregular Latin plurals. Examples include:

  • uomo / uomini (man/men; Latin homo / homines)
  • il dio / gli dei (god(s); note also the irregularity in the article: gli instead of i)
  • bue / buoi (ox(en); Latin bovem / boves)
  • tempio / templi (temple(s); the plural retains the l from Vulgar Latin templi[9] in order to distinguish it from tempi, the plural of tempo; the l is lost in the singular)

Alteration Edit

In Italian, altered nouns are nouns with particular shades of meaning. They are divided into diminutives, "vezzeggiativi" (diminutives with kindness and sympathy nuance), augmentatives and pejoratives.

Suffix Example
-ino tavolo (table) tavolino (small table)
-etto libro (book) libretto
-atto cerbia (deer) cerbiatto (fawn)
-ello bambino (child) bambinello (small child)
-icello monte (mountain) monticello
-icciolo porto (port) porticciolo
-acchio orso (bear) orsacchio
(terms of endearment)
-uccio cavallo (horse) cavalluccio
-acchiotto orso (bear) orsacchiotto
-iciattolo fiume (river) fiumiciattolo
-olo figlio (son) figliolo (also figliuolo)
-otto cucciolo (puppy) cucciolotto
-one libro (book) librone (big book)
-accione uomo (man) omaccione
-accio libro (book) libraccio (bad book)
-astro medico (medic) medicastro (quack doctor)
-ucolo poeta (poet) poetucolo
-onzolo medico (medic) mediconzolo
-uncolo uomo (man) omuncolo (insignificant man)
-otto contadino (farmer) contadinotto (peasant)

Many other alterations can be built, sometimes with more than one suffix: for example, libro (book) can become libretto (diminutive), libricino (double diminutive), libercolo (diminutive + pejorative), libraccio (pejorative), libraccione (pejorative + augmentative). Uomo (man), coming from Latin homo, becomes om- in altered forms: omino/ometto (diminutive), omone (augmentative), omaccio (pejorative), omaccione (augmentative + pejorative).

Adjectives Edit

In Italian, an adjective can be placed before or after the noun. The unmarked placement for most adjectives (e.g. colours, nationalities) is after the noun,[10] but this is reversed for a few common classes of adjective — those denoting beauty, age, goodness, and size are placed before the noun in the unmarked case, and after the noun for emphasis.

Placing the adjective after the noun can alter its meaning or indicate restrictiveness of reference. If a noun has many adjectives, usually no more than one will be before the noun.[citation needed]

  • un libro rosso = a red book (the unmarked case)
  • un rosso libro = a book that is red (the marked case; it is especially important to the intended meaning that the book is red, as opposed to some other color)
  • un buon uomo = a good man (the unmarked case)
  • un uomo buono = a man who is good (the marked case; it is especially important to the intended meaning that he is good, the adjective is emphasized)

Adjectives are inflected for gender and number:

Gender Grammatical number Case 1 Case 2
Masculine Singular -o -e
Plural -i -i
Feminine Singular -a -e
Plural -e -i

Degrees of comparison Edit

Italian has three degrees of comparison: comparative, relative superlative and absolute superlative.[clarification needed]

The comparative and relative superlative are formed with più ("more", "most"); for instance:

  • sono più alto di te ("I am taller than you")
  • sono il più alto fra gli uomini ("I am the tallest of men")

Vice versa, inverting the order of the words[clarification needed], it's required to replace più with meno ("less, fewer"); for instance:

  • sono il meno forte del campionato ("I am the least strong of the championship")
  • tu sei meno alto di me ("You are less tall than me")

Another comparative form is made with the word come ('as', 'like'); for instance:

  • sono alto come te ("I am as tall as you")

The absolute comparative is formed by placing troppo ("too") before the adjective; for instance:

  • sei troppo buono ("you are too good").

The absolute superlative, derived from the Latin synthetic superlative in -issimus, is formed by adding -issimo to an adjective: intelligente ("intelligent"), intelligentissimo ("very intelligent"); sporco ("dirty") sporchissimo ("very dirty"). If the two letters before the last vowel are pr or br (e.g., aspro, celebre), the r is removed and -errimo is the suffix used (asperrimo, celeberrimo) ("very sour", "very famous"). Another way to form the absolute superlative is to place either molto or assai ("very") before the adjective. For instance sporchissimo and molto sporco ("very dirty") are the same, although the form ending in issimo is usually perceived as more emphatic; that is, sporchissimo is dirtier than molto sporco.[citation needed]

Some adjectives have irregular comparatives (though with regularly-formed variants also in common use), like

  • buono ("good"), migliore / più buono ("better" or "best"), ottimo / buonissimo ("very good")
  • cattivo ("bad"), peggiore / più cattivo ("worse" or "worst"), pessimo / cattivissimo ("very bad")
  • grande ("big"), maggiore / più grande ("bigger"), massimo / grandissimo ("very big")
  • piccolo ("small"), minore / più piccolo ("smaller"), minimo / piccolissimo ("very small")

Possessive adjectives Edit

With the exception of 3rd person plural loro 'their', possessive adjectives, like articles, must agree with the gender and number of the noun they modify. Hence, mio zio (my uncle), but mia zia (my aunt). So depending on what is being modified, the possessive adjectives are:

Person Masculine Feminine
Singular Plural Singular Plural
1st sing. mio miei mia mie
2nd sing. tuo tuoi tua tue
3rd sing. suo suoi sua sue
1st pl. nostro nostri nostra nostre
2nd pl. vostro vostri vostra vostre
3rd pl. loro

In most cases the possessive adjective is used with an article, usually the definite article:

Ho perso la mia penna. ("I have lost my pen.")
Mi piace il mio lavoro. ("I like my job.")
Hanno rubato la mia automobile! ("They have stolen my car!")

And sometimes with the indefinite article:

Un mio amico mi ha detto che... ("A friend of mine told me that...")
Ho visto una sua foto. ("I have seen a photograph of him/her.")
Luca è un mio amico. ("Luke is a friend of mine.")

The only exception is when the possessive refers to an individual family member (unless the family member is described or characterized in some way):

Laura è mia sorella ("Laura is my sister.")
Ieri ho visto mia sorella Diana ("I saw my sister Diana yesterday.")
Questa penna è di mia zia. ("This pen is my aunt's.")

Mamma and papà (or babbo, in Central Italy; "mother" and "father"), however, are usually used with the article.

For emphasis, however, possessive adjectives are sometimes placed after the noun. This is usually after words like 'colpa' (fault, sin); 'casa' (house, home); 'merito' (merit); 'piacere' (pleasure); or in vocative expressions.

È colpa sua. ("It is his/her fault.")
Oh dio mio! ("Oh, my god!")
Arrivederci, amico mio! ("Goodbye, my friend!")
Vorresti andare a casa mia? ("Would you like to come over to my house?")

If the antecedent of a third person possessive (being used as an object) is the subject of the sentence, proprio can be used instead of suo,[11] though the usage of proprio is declining in spoken language:[citation needed]

Marco e Maria hanno discusso di filosofia. Marco ha scelto il proprio punto di vista. ("Marco and Maria discussed philosophy. Marco took his own point of view.")
Marco e Maria hanno discusso di filosofia. Marco ha scelto il suo punto di vista. ("Marco and Maria discussed philosophy. Marco took his/her point of view.")

The first sentence is unambiguous and states that Marco took his own point of view, whereas the second sentence is ambiguous because it may mean that Marco took either his own or Maria's point of view.

Demonstrative adjectives Edit

Italian originally had three degrees of demonstrative adjectives: questo (for items near or related to the first person speaker: English "this"), quello (for items near or related to an eventual third person: English "that"), and codesto (for items near or related to an eventual second person). The usage has undergone a simplification, including the meaning of codesto in quello, and only Tuscan speakers still use codesto. Its use is very rare in modern language, and the word has acquired a rather pejorative connotation.

Pronouns Edit

Italian features a sizeable set of pronouns. Personal pronouns are inflected for person, number, case, and, in the third person, gender. Literary subject pronouns also have a distinction between animate (egli, ella) and inanimate (esso, essa) antecedents, although this is lost in colloquial usage, where lui, lei and loro are the most used forms for animate subjects, while no specific pronoun is employed for inanimate subjects (if needed, demonstrative pronouns such as "questo" or "quello" may be used). There is also the uninflected pronoun ciò, which is only used with abstract antecedents.

Personal pronouns are normally omitted in the subject, as the conjugation is usually enough to determine the grammatical person. They are used when some emphasis is needed, e.g. sono italiano ("I am Italian") vs. io sono italiano ("I [specifically, as opposed to others] am Italian").

The words ci, vi and ne act both as personal pronouns (respectively instrumental and genitive case) and clitic pro-forms for "there" (ci and vi, with identical meaning – as in c'è, ci sono, v'è, vi sono, ci vengo, etc.) and "from there" (ne – as in è entrato in casa alle 10:00 e ne è uscito alle 11:00).

Personal pronouns
Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Instrumental
Clitic form[a] Stressed form Clitic form I.[a][b] Clitic form II.[c] Stressed form Clitic form[a][d] Stressed form[e] Clitic form I.[a][f] Clitic form II.[g] Stressed form
sg. 1st io di me mi me a me mi me con me
2nd tu[h] di te ti te a te ti te con te
3rd m. egli, esso, lui[i] ne di lui, di esso gli glie-[j] a lui, a esso lo lui, esso ci ce con lui, con esso
f. ella, essa, lei[i][k] di lei, di essa le a lei, a essa la lei, essa con lei, con essa
refl. di sé si se a sé si con sé
pl. 1st noi di noi ci ce a noi ci noi con noi
2nd voi[h] di voi vi ve a voi vi voi con voi
3rd m. essi,[k] loro[i] ne di loro, di essi[l] loro[m][n] a loro, a essi[l] li loro, essi[l] ci ce con loro, con essi[l]
f. esse,[k] loro[i] di loro, di esse[l] a loro, a esse[l] le loro, esse[l] con loro, con esse[l]
refl. di sé si se a sé si con sé
Possessive pronouns
Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
sg. 1st mio mia miei mie
2nd tuo tua tuoi tue
3rd suo sua suoi sue
pl. 1st nostro nostra nostri nostre
2nd vostro vostra vostri vostre
3rd loro
Relative pronouns[o]
Genitive Dative Instrumental
Clitic form[p] Clitic form[p] Stressed form Clitic form[p] Stressed form Stressed form
sg./pl. che cui[q][r] di cui cui[s][r] a cui con cui
Local case pro-forms
Locative, Lative[t] Ablative[u]
Clitic form I.[a] Clitic form II. Stressed form Clitic form[a] Stressed form
ci, vi ce, ve qui, qua / lì, là ne da qui, da qua / da lì, da là


  1. ^ a b c d e f Often elided to m', t', l', c', etc. (except loro) before vowels (especially i) and h in colloquial speech, especially in Central and Southern Italy, and less often in written language. The extent to which individual pronouns are elided varies, ranging from virtually always (lo and la) to rarely (ne).
  2. ^ Alone, as in Ti do un libro, and sometimes with other clitic pronouns (see below)
  3. ^ Sometimes before other clitic pronouns (see below), as in Te lo do
  4. ^ When unstressed accusative pronouns are used in compound tenses, the final vowel of the past participle must agree in gender and number with the accusative pronoun. For example, Hai comprato i cocomeri e le mele? ("Did you buy the watermelons and the apples?") – Li [i cocomeri] ho comprati ma non le [le mele] ho comprate ("I bought them [the former] but I did not buy them [the latter]"). This also happens when the underlying pronoun is made opaque by elision: l'ho svegliato ("I woke him up"), versus L'ho svegliata ("I woke her up").
  5. ^ The stressed form of the accusative also acts as the prepositional object.
  6. ^ Alone, as in Ci chiacchiero volentieri ("I am happy to chat with him/her"), and sometimes with other clitic pronouns (see below)
  7. ^ Sometimes before other clitic pronouns (see below), as in:
    – Vedresti Carla con una gonna lunga e un cappello?
    – Sì, ce la vedrei.
  8. ^ a b Informal (see below)
  9. ^ a b c d Previously only accusative, today lui, lei and loro are also accepted as nominative.
  10. ^ Combines with the following pronoun to form one word; compare Gliene sono grato with Te ne sono grato. Only possible with lo, la, li, le, and ne (see below) to form glielo, gliela, glieli, gliele, and gliene.
  11. ^ a b c Lei, Loro, Essi and Esse (spelled this way) are also used as formal second-person pronouns (see below).
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h When a distinction is made between egli / ella (animate) and esso/a (inanimate), in the nominative case essi/e is always the plural of both the animate and the inanimate pronouns. However, in the accusative, as well as the object of prepositions (as in di lui / di lei, di esso/a), essi/e can be used only for inanimate nouns, while loro must be used for animate nouns instead.
  13. ^ Not used like most clitics, simply follows the verb as with normal nouns. Compare Gli dico (3rd person m. sg., clitic form I.) with Dico loro (3rd person m. and f. pl.) and Gliene do due (3rd person m. and f. sg., clitic form II.) with Ne do loro due (3rd person m. and f. pl.).
  14. ^ In spoken Italian, gli ("to him") and glie- ("to him/her") are often used as the plural ("to them") instead of classical loro. So: Conosci Luca: gli ho sempre detto di stare lontano dalle cattive compagnie ("You know Luca: I have always told him to stay away from bad companies") and: Conosci Luca e Gino: gli ho sempre detto... ("...I have always told them...") instead of ... ho sempre detto loro di stare.... It also works in the feminine: Conosci Lucia e Gina: gli ho sempre detto... instead of the more classical ... ho detto loro.... However, classical loro is normally never replaced with gli/glie- in written language.
  15. ^ Che and cui can always be replaced with the pro-form il quale / la quale (gendered), which is always stressed.
  16. ^ a b c Differently from personal pronouns, clitic forms of relative pronouns do not rely on the verb for their accent, but might use the accent of any other part of speech instead. Compare ne ho studiato a fondo le parti più rilevanti ("I have studied the most relevant parts of it in depth"), where ne (personal pronoun, genitive) must rely on the verb ho for its accent, with le cui parti più rilevanti ho studiato a fondo ("whose most relevant parts I have studied in depth"), where cui (relative pronoun, genitive) relies on the noun parti for its accent.
  17. ^ Always positioned between the article and the noun, as in Ieri lì sedeva un uomo il cui sguardo rivelava una certa malinconia. ("Yesterday a man was sitting there, whose look revealed some sort of melancholia"), or Fu un virtuosissimo violinista, la cui fama ancora riecheggia tra le sale da concerto. ("He was a virtuoso violinist, whose fame still echoes among concert halls.")
  18. ^ a b Cui (by itself) also acts as the prepositional object (as in per cui). Note that as the prepositional object cui is always stressed.
  19. ^ Example: L'unica persona cui confessai tutti i miei segreti adesso mi odia. ("The only person to whom I confessed all my secrets now hates me.")
  20. ^ As in c'è, vi sono ("There is/are), Ce l'ha messo ("He/she put it there), etc.
  21. ^ As in Ne sono uscito alle... ("I left (from) there at...")

Clitic pronouns Edit

Though objects come after the verb as a rule, this is often not the case with a class of unstressed clitic pro-forms.

Clitic pronouns are replaced with the stressed form for emphatic reasons. A somewhat similar situation is represented by the dative shift in English ditransitive verbs. Compare, for example, (emphasis in italic) "John gave a book to her" with "John gave her a book". In Italian these two different emphases map respectively to "John diede un libro a lei" (stressed form) and "John le diede un libro" (clitic form). Compared to English, Italian presents a richer set of cases.

Clitic pronouns generally come before the verb, but in certain types of constructions, such as lo devo fare, they can also appear as enclitics (attached to the verb itself) – in this case, devo farlo. In the infinitive, gerund and, except with third-person courtesy forms, imperative moods clitic pronouns must always be compound to the suffix as enclitics[12] (as in confessalo! [2p. sg.]/confessiamolo! [1p. pl.]/confessatelo! [2p. pl.], ricordandolo and mangiarlo).

Examples of clitic pronouns
Italian English
Genitive Non vedo Francesca, ma ne vedo la bicicletta. I don't see Francesca, but I see her bike (the bike of her).
Dative Gli parlai per un'ora intera. I spoke to him for a whole hour.
Accusative La vedo. I see her.
Instrumental Sì! Lo conosco! Una volta ci giocai a pallacanestro! Yes! I know him! Long ago I played basketball with him!

Other examples:

accusative Davide la lascia in ufficio. (David leaves it in the office.)
dative + accusative + nominative Davide me la lascia. (David leaves me it.)
Davide te ne lascia una. (David leaves (to) you one of them.)
accusative + nominative + dative Davide la lascia a me. (David leaves it to me.)
Davide ne lascia una a te. (David leaves one of them (to) you.)
(subjunctive +) infinitive + dative + accusative Davide potrebbe lasciargliene una. (David might leave one of them to him/her/it.)
dative + accusative + subjunctive (+ infinitive) Davide gliene potrebbe lasciare una. (David might leave one of them to him/her/it.)

(Compare with the similar use of objective pronouns and pro-forms in French and Catalan.)

Finally, in the imperative mood, the objective pronouns come once again after the verb, but this time as a suffix:

imperative + accusative "Lasciala in ufficio!" ("Leave it in the office!")
imperative + dative + accusative "Lasciamela!" ("Leave it to me!"/"Leave me it!")
(conditional +) infinitive + dative "Davide potrebbe lasciarla in ufficio." (David might leave it in the office.)
negative imperative + dative + accusative "Non lasciargliela!" ("Do not leave it to/for him/her/it/them!")
imperative + dative + accusative "Davide dovrebbe lasciargliela." ("David should leave it to/for him/her/it/them.")
  • Stressed forms of all four non-subject cases are used when emphasized (e.g. "uccidi me, non lui" ("kill me, not him"), dallo a lei ("give it to her"), lo farò con lui ("I'll do it with that"), etc.).
  • In colloquial speech, form I. of the dative (mi, ti, gli, le, si, ci, vi) is often associated with the emphasized form of the dative (a me, a te, a lui, a lei, a sé, a noi, a voi, a loro) in such a way: a me mi danno un libro ("they give me a book"), a loro gli hanno venduto una casa ("they sold them a house"). Though widely used, this redundant usage is considered non-standard.

Combinations of clitics Edit

In Italian it is possible to append more than one clitic to a single verb. In normal usage, two is the usual limit, although clusters of three can occasionally arise for some speakers,[13] especially with impersonal constructs (e.g. Ce la si sente = "One feels up to it", or Nessuno ha ancora visto l'ultimo film di Woody Allen, quindi ce lo si vede tutti insieme! = "Nobody has watched the last Woody Allen movie yet, so we have to watch it together!"). Any two cases can be used together, except for accusative + genitive, and word order is strictly determined according to one of the following two patterns:[14]

  1. When third-person non-reflexive accusative or genitive clitics are used, form II. of the other clitic is used, which always precedes it. Thus:
  2. 1 2 3
    me, te, glie-, se, ce, ve lo, la, li, le ne si[a]
    1. ^ Impersonal si; used to form quasi-passive constructions and essentially the same case as the pronoun that precedes it: Lo si vede spesso = "You/we/one see(s) him a lot" (lit. more like "He is seen a lot"). Se is used with ne instead, however: Se ne parla = "You talk about it". Cannot be used with stressed form of other clitics; used with unstressed form otherwise (see below).

    For example:

  • Ve lo dico già da ora: io non verrò! = "I already told you [pl.] (said it to you): I'm not coming!" (dative + accusative)
  • Ce li ha già dati = "He/she/you already gave them to us" (dative + accusative)
  • Ecco l'uomo di cui mi innamorai! Te ne ho portato la foto! = "Here's the man I fell in love with! I brought you the picture (of him)!" (dative + genitive)
  • Vedresti Carla con una gonna lunga e un cappello? – Sì, ce la vedrei = "Could you imagine Carla with a long skirt and a hat? – Yes, I could imagine her with that" (instrumental + accusative)
  • Riuscirai a trasportare abbastanza mele con quel piccolo furgoncino? – Uomo di poca fede! Ce ne trasporterò quintali! = "Will you be able to transport enough apples with such a small van? – Man of little faith! I'll transport quintals of them (with it)!" (instrumental + genitive)
  • Otherwise, form I. is used for both clitics:
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6
    mi gli, le vi ti ci si[a]
    1. ^ Reflexive or impersonal


    • Mi ti mostro senza veli = "I'm showing myself without veils to you" (accusative + dative)
    • Ti si fece incontro = "He/she approached you (moved himself/herself to you)" (dative + accusative)
    • "[G]li ti darò nelle mani, perché in pezzi ti faccia come tu meriti"[15] = "I will deliver you to him, so that he will tear you to pieces as you deserve" (dative + accusative)
    • Marco ha vinto! Che farà con tutti quei soldi? – Ci si pagherà l'Università = "Marco won! What's he going to do with all that money? – He'll use it to pay for college (pay for college for himself with it)" (instrumental + dative)
    • Metti via quella pistola! Ti ci ammazzi! = "Put away that pistol! You'll use it to kill yourself (kill yourself with it)!" (accusative + instrumental)

    Apocopated forms Edit

    Clitic forms (except "cui") before a verbal form beginning with a vowel (except when they are compound to the suffix) can be apocopated; apocopations are more common before verbal forms "è", "ho", "hai", "ha", "hanno", "abbia", and "abbiano" of verbs "essere" and "avere", than when they are before verbal forms of other verbs, which are more rare, also apocopations of "che" are rare, while apocopation of "cui" is avoided due to phonetic ambiguities with words such as "qua" (homophone to "cu'ha"). Apocopation is not mandatory. Ci is graphically apocopated only in front of "e" and "i" (as in c'è and c'inserisco), but the "i" is graphically kept in front of other vowels (as in mi ci addentro), although in all cases it is pronounced /t͡ʃ/ (without the "i"); similarly gli is graphically apocopated only in front of "i" (as in gl'impongo) but not in front of other vowels (gli è dato sapere), although in all cases the "i" is never pronounced. The apocopated form of che is always pronounced /k/, even when otherwise common phonetic rules switch their pronunciations.[16]

    Examples of apocopated forms
    clitic form è[a] ho[b] hai[c] ha[d] abbiamo[e] avete[f] hanno[g]
    mi m'è m'ho[h] m'hai m'ha m'avete m'hanno
    ti t'è t'ho t'hai[h] t'ha t'abbiamo t'hanno
    gli gli è gli ho gli hai gli ha gli abbiamo gli avete gli hanno
    gliela/gliele/glieli/glielo gliel'è gliel'ho gliel'hai gliel'ha gliel'abbiamo gliel'avete gliel'hanno
    la/le/li/lo l'è l'ho l'hai l'ha l'abbiamo l'avete l'hanno
    si s'è s'ha s'hanno
    ci c'è ci ho ci hai ci ha ci abbiamo ci avete ci hanno
    vi v'è v'ho v'hai v'ha v'abbiamo v'avete v'hanno
    che ch'è ch'ho ch'hai ch'ha ch'abbiamo ch'avete ch'hanno
    1. ^ "(he/she/it/one) is"
    2. ^ "(I) have"
    3. ^ "(you [sg.]) have"
    4. ^ "(he/she/it/one) has"
    5. ^ "(we) have"
    6. ^ "(you [pl.]) have
    7. ^ "(they) have"
    8. ^ a b apocopated of reflexive pronouns with verbal forms of verb "avere" ("ho", "hai", ...) are rarely used.

    T–V distinction Edit

    Italian makes use of the T–V distinction in second-person address. The second-person nominative pronoun is tu for informal use, and for formal use, the third-person form Lei has been used since the Renaissance.[6] It is used like "Sie" in German, "usted" in Spanish, and "vous" in French. Lei was originally an object form of ella, which in turn referred to an honorific of the feminine gender such as la magnificenza tua/vostra ("Your Magnificence") or Vossignoria ("Your Lordship"),[17] and by analogy, Loro came to be used as the formal plural. Previously, and in some Italian regions today (e.g. Campania), voi was used as the formal singular, like French "vous". The pronouns lei (third-person singular), Lei (formal second-person singular), loro (third-person plural), and Loro (formal second-person plural) are pronounced the same but written as shown, and formal Lei and Loro take third-person conjugations. Formal Lei is invariable for gender (always feminine), but adjectives that modify it are not: one would say to a man La conosco ("I know you") but Lei è alto ("You are tall"). Formal Loro is variable for gender: Li conosco ("I know you [masc. pl.]") vs. Le conosco ("I know you [fem. pl.]"), etc. The formal plural is very rarely used in modern Italian; the unmarked form is widely used instead.[18] For example: Gino, Lei è un bravo ingegnere. Marco, Lei è un bravo architetto. Insieme, voi sarete una gran bella squadra. ("Gino, you are a good engineer. Marco, you are a good architect. Together, you will make a very good team.").

    Verbs Edit

    Based on the ending of their infiniti presenti (-are, -ere, or -ire), all Italian verbs can be assigned to three distinct conjugation patterns. Exceptions are found: fare "to do/make" (from Latin FACĔRE) and dire "to say" (from Latin DICĔRE) were originally 2nd conjugation verbs that reduced the unstressed vowel in the infinitive (and consequentially in the future and conditional, whose stem derives from the infinitive), but still follow the 2nd conjugation for all the other tenses; this behaviour is similarly featured in the verbs ending in -trarre, -porre and -durre, derived respectively from the Latin TRAHĔRE (to drag), PONĔRE (to put) and DVCĔRE (to lead).[19]

    Just like many other Romance languages, Italian verbs express distinct verbal aspects by means of analytic structures such as periphrases, rather than synthetic ones; the only aspectual distinction between two synthetic forms is the one between the imperfetto (habitual past tense) and the passato remoto (perfective past tense), although the latter is usually replaced in spoken language by the passato prossimo.

    Tenses Edit

    Simple tenses Edit

    Tense Italian name Example English equivalent
    Indicative Mood
    Present indicativo presente faccio I do
    I am doing[verbs 1]
    Imperfect indicativo imperfetto facevo I used to do
    I was doing[verbs 1]
    Preterite[verbs 2] passato remoto feci I did
    Future futuro semplice farò I will do
    Conditional mood
    Present condizionale presente farei I would do
    Subjunctive mood
    Present congiuntivo presente (che) io faccia (that) I do
    Imperfect congiuntivo imperfetto (che) io facessi (that) I did/do
    Imperative mood
    Present imperativo fa'! (you) do!

    Compound tenses Edit

    Aspects other than the habitual and the imperfective, such as the perfective, the progressive and the prospective, are rendered in Italian by a series of periphrastic structures that may or may not be perceived as different tenses by different speakers. Note the difference between:

    • Perfect aspect: io ho fatto (English: I have done)
    • Progressive aspect: io sto facendo (English: I'm doing)
    • Prospective aspect: io sto per fare (English: I'm about to do)
    Tense Italian name Example English equivalent
    Indicative Mood
    Present perfect passato prossimo ho fatto I have done
    I did
    Recent pluperfect trapassato prossimo avevo fatto I had done[verbs 3]
    Remote pluperfect trapassato remoto ebbi fatto I had done[verbs 3]
    Future perfect futuro anteriore avrò fatto I will have done
    I may have done
    Present continuous presente progressivo sto facendo I am doing[verbs 1]
    Past continuous passato progressivo stavo facendo I was doing[verbs 1]
    Future continuous futuro progressivo starò facendo I will be doing
    I may be doing
    Conditional mood
    Preterite condizionale passato avrei fatto I would have done
    Present continuous condizionale progressivo starei facendo I would be doing
    Subjunctive mood
    Preterite congiuntivo passato (che) io abbia fatto (that) I have done
    Pluperfect congiuntivo trapassato (che) io avessi fatto (that) I had done
    Present continuous congiuntivo presente progressivo (che) io stia facendo (that) I be doing
    Imperfect continuous congiuntivo imperfetto progressivo (che) io stessi facendo (that) I were doing

    Impersonal forms Edit

    Tense Italian name Example English equivalent
    Present infinito presente fare to do
    Past infinito passato aver fatto to have done
    Present gerundio presente facendo doing
    Past gerundio passato avendo fatto having done
    Present participio presente facente doing
    Past participio passato fatto done
    1. ^ a b c d While Italian features a series of periphrastic progressive tenses grammatically distinct from the unmarked forms, the present and past continuous are used less frequently than in English, and can generally be replaced with the respective simple forms. This cannot necessarily apply to all other progressive tenses.
    2. ^ In Northern Italy and in Sardinia, the preterite is usually perceived as formal, and in informal or everyday language is usually replaced by the present perfect (ho fatto); it is however regularly used in Southern Italy, and also commonly found in both older and more recent literature.
    3. ^ a b The trapassato prossimo (recent pluperfect) and the more uncommon trapassato remoto (remote pluperfect), while separate tenses in Italian, translate the same English tense, the past perfect; the difference in usage between the two mirrors the one between the present perfect and the preterite.

    Compound tense auxiliary verbs Edit

    In Italian, compound tenses expressing perfect aspect are formed with either auxiliary verb avere ("to have") for transitive verbs and some intransitive verbs and with essere ("to be") for the remaining intransitive verbs, plus the past participle. Progressive aspect is rendered by verb stare plus the gerund. The prospective aspect is formed with stare plus the preposition per and the infinitive.

    The passive voice of transitive verbs is formed with essere in the perfective and prospective aspects, with venire in the progressive or habitual aspect, and with either essere or venire in the perfective aspects:

    • Il cancello è stato appena aperto. ("The gate has just been opened.")
    • Il cancello sta per essere aperto ("The gate is about to be opened")
    • Il cancello sta venendo aperto in questo momento. ("The gate is being opened right now.")
    • Il cancello viene aperto ogni giorno. ("The gate is opened every day.")
    • Il cancello fu/venne aperto in fretta. ("The gate was quickly opened.")

    For the perfect tenses of intransitive verbs a reliable rule cannot be given, although a useful rule of thumb is that if a verb's past participle can take on adjectival value, essere is used, otherwise avere.[20][21] Also, reflexive verbs and unaccusative verbs use essere (typically non-agentive verbs of motion and change of state, i.e. involuntary actions like cadere ("to fall") or morire ("to die")).[citation needed]

    The distinction between the two auxiliary verbs is important for the correct formation of the compound tenses and is essential to the agreement of the past participle. Some verbs, like vivere ("to live"), may use both: Io ho vissuto ("I have lived") can alternatively be expressed as, Io sono vissuto.

    Past participle Edit

    The past participle is used in Italian as both an adjective and to form many of the compound tenses of the language. There are regular endings for the past participle, based on the conjugation class (see below). There are, however, many irregular forms as not all verbs follow the pattern, particularly the -ere verbs. Some of the more common irregular past participles include: essere (to be) → stato (same for stare); fare (to do, to make) → fatto; dire (to say, to tell) → detto; aprire (to open) → aperto; chiedere (to ask) → chiesto; chiudere (to close) → chiuso; leggere (to read) → letto; mettere (to put) → messo; perdere (to lose) → perso; prendere (to take, to get) → preso; rispondere (to answer) → risposto; scrivere (to write) → scritto; vedere (to see) → visto.

    For the intransitive verbs taking essere, the past participle always agrees with the subject—that is, it follows the usual adjective agreement rules: egli è partito; ella è partita. This is also true for reflexive verbs, the impersonal si construction (which requires any adjectives that refer to it to be in the masculine plural: Si è sempre stanchi alla fine della giornata – One is always tired at the end of the day), and the passive voice, which also use essere (Queste mele sono state comprate da loro – These apples have been bought by them, against Essi hanno comprato queste mele – They bought these apples). [1][22]

    The past participle when used with avere never changes to agree with the subject. It must agree with the object, though, in sentences where this is expressed by a third person clitic pronoun (e.g. Hai mangiato la mela? – Sì, l'ho mangiata (Have you eaten the apple? – Yes, I have eaten it)). When the object is expressed by a first or second person clitic pronoun instead, the agreement is optional: Maria! Ti ha chiamato / chiamata Giovanni? – No, non mi ha chiamato / chiamata (Maria! Has Giovanni called you? – No, he has not).

    In all the other cases where the object is not expressed by a clitic pronoun, the agreement with the object is obsolescent in modern Italian (but still correct): La storia che avete raccontata (obsolete) / raccontato non mi convince (The story you told does not convince me); or compare Manzoni's Lucia aveva avute due buone ragioni[23] with the more modern Lucia aveva avuto due buone ragioni (Lucia had had two good reasons).

    Tense relationship in subordinate sentences Edit

    Italian inherits consecutio temporum, a grammar rule from Latin that governs the relationship between the tenses in principal and subordinate clauses. Consecutio temporum has very rigid rules. These rules require the subjunctive tense in order to express contemporaneity, posteriority and anteriority in relation with the principal clause.

    • To express contemporaneity when the principal clause is in a simple tense (future, present, or simple past,) the subordinate clause uses the present subjunctive, to express contemporaneity in the present.
      • Penso che Davide sia intelligente. I think David is smart.
    • When the principal clause has a past imperfect or perfect, the subordinate clause uses the imperfect subjunctive, expressing contemporaneity in the past.
      • Pensavo che Davide fosse intelligente. I thought David was smart.
    • To express anteriority when the principal clause is in a simple tense (future, or present or passato prossimo) the subordinate clause uses the past subjunctive.
      • Penso che Davide sia stato intelligente. I think David has been smart.
    • To express anteriority when the principal clause has a past imperfect or perfect, the subjunctive has to be pluperfect.
      • Pensavo che Davide fosse stato intelligente. I thought David had been smart.
    • To express posteriority the subordinate clause uses the future tense in the indicative mood, not the subjunctive, because the subjunctive has no future tense.
      • Penso che Davide sarà intelligente. I think David will be smart.
    • To express posteriority with respect to a past event, the subordinate clause uses the past conditional, whereas in other European languages (such as French, English, and Spanish) the present conditional is used.
      • Pensavo che Davide sarebbe stato intelligente. I thought that David would have been smart.

    Regular conjugation Edit

    The infinitive of first conjugation verbs ends in -are, that of second conjugation verbs in -ere, and that of third conjugation verbs in -ire. In the following examples for different moods, the first conjugation verb is parlare (meaning to talk/speak), the second conjugation verb is temere (to fear) and the third conjugation verb is partire (to leave/depart.)

    Indicative mood Edit

    Present Preterite Imperfect Simple future
    1st Conj. 2nd Conj. 3rd Conj. 1st Conj. 2nd Conj. 3rd Conj. 1st Conj. 2nd Conj. 3rd Conj. 1st Conj. 2nd Conj. 3rd Conj.
    io parlo temo parto parlai temetti; temei partii parlavo temevo partivo parlerò temerò partirò
    tu parli temi parti parlasti temesti partisti parlavi temevi partivi parlerai temerai partirai
    egli, ella, esso/essa parla teme parte parlò temette; temé partì parlava temeva partiva parlerà temerà partirà
    noi parliamo temiamo partiamo parlammo tememmo partimmo parlavamo temevamo partivamo parleremo temeremo partiremo
    voi parlate temete partite parlaste temeste partiste parlavate temevate partivate parlerete temerete partirete
    essi/esse parlano temono partono parlarono temettero; temerono partirono parlavano temevano partivano parleranno temeranno partiranno
    Recent past = present of avere/essere + past participle Remote pluperfect = preterite of avere/essere + past participle Recent pluperfect = imperfect of avere/essere + past participle Future perfect = simple future of avere/essere + past participle

    Many third conjugation verbs insert an infix -sc- between the stem and the endings in the first, second, and third persons singular and third person plural of the present indicative and subjunctive, e.g., capire > capisco, capisci, capisce, capiamo, capite, capiscono (indicative) and capisca, capisca, capisca, capiamo, capiate, capiscano (subjunctive). This subgroup of third conjugation verbs is usually referred to as incoativi, because in Latin the original function of the suffix -sc- was to denote inchoative verbs, but this meaning is totally lost in modern Italian, where the suffix mostly serves a euphonic function.[6]

    Subjunctive mood Edit

    The Italian subjunctive mood is used to indicate cases of desire, express doubt, make impersonal emotional statements, and to talk about impeding events.

    Present Imperfect
    1st Conj. 2nd Conj. 3rd Conj. 1st Conj. 2nd Conj. 3rd Conj.
    io parli tema parta parlassi temessi partissi
    tu parli tema parta parlassi temessi partissi
    egli, ella, esso/essa parli tema parta parlasse temesse partisse
    noi parliamo temiamo partiamo parlassimo temessimo partissimo
    voi parliate temiate partiate parlaste temeste partiste
    essi/esse parlino temano partano parlassero temessero partissero
    Past = present of avere/essere + past participle Past perfect = imperfect of avere/essere + past participle
    • Third conjugation verbs like capire mentioned above insert -isc- in the first, second, and third persons singular and third person plural of the present.
    • Compound forms (past and past perfect) are made by adding the past participle (e.g. parlato) to the corresponding auxiliary form (as "abbia") in the present and imperfect.

    Conditional mood Edit

    1st Conj. 2nd Conj. 3rd Conj.
    io parlerei temerei partirei
    tu parleresti temeresti partiresti
    egli, ella, esso/essa parlerebbe temerebbe partirebbe
    noi parleremmo temeremmo partiremmo
    voi parlereste temereste partireste
    essi/esse parlerebbero temerebbero partirebbero
    Past = conditional of avere/essere + past participle

    As the table shows, verbs each take their own root from their class of verb: -are becomes -er-, -ere becomes -er-, and -ire becomes -ir-, the same roots as used in the future indicative tense. All verbs add the same ending to this root.

    Some verbs do not follow this pattern, but take irregular roots, these include: Andare (to go) ~ Andr-, Avere (to have) ~ Avr-, Bere (to drink) ~ Berr-, Dare (to give) ~ Dar-, Dovere (to have to) ~ Dovr-, Essere (to be) ~ Sar-, Fare (to make/do) ~ Far-, Godere (to enjoy) ~ Godr-, Potere (to be able to) ~ Potr-, Rimanere (to remain) ~ Rimarr-, Sapere (to know) ~ Sapr-, Sedere (to sit) ~ Sedr-, Stare (to be/feel) ~ Star-, Tenere (to hold) ~ Terr-, Vedere (to see) ~ Vedr-, Venire (to come) ~ Verr-, Vivere (to live) ~ Vivr-, Volere (to want) ~ Vorr- etc.

    The Italian conditional mood is a mood that refers to an action that is possible or likely, but is dependent upon a condition. Example:

    Io andrei in spiaggia, ma fa troppo freddo. ("I would go to the beach, but it is too cold.")

    It can be used in two tenses, the present, by conjugation of the appropriate verb, or the past, using the auxiliary conjugated in the conditional, with the past participle of the appropriate noun:

    Mangerei un sacco adesso, se non stessi cercando di fare colpo su queste ragazze. ("I would eat a lot now, if I were not trying to impress these girls")
    Sarei andato in città, se avessi saputo che ci andavano loro. ("I would have gone to the city, if I had known that they were going.")

    Many Italian speakers often use the imperfect instead of the conditional and subjunctive. Prescriptivists usually view this as incorrect, but it is frequent in colloquial speech and tolerated in all but high registers and in most writing:[24]

    Se lo sapevo, andavo alla spiaggia ("If I had known it, I would have gone to the beach.")
    Se Lucia non faceva quel segno, la risposta sarebbe probabilmente stata diversa.[25] ("If Lucia had not made that sign, the answer would probably have been different.")

    The conditional can also be used in Italian to express "could", with the conjugated forms of potere ("to be able to"), "should", with the conjugated forms of dovere ("to have to"), or "would like", with the conjugated forms of "volere" (want):

    [Lui] potrebbe leggere un libro. ("He could read a book.")
    [Loro] dovrebbero andare a letto. ("They should go to bed.")
    Vorrei un bicchiere d'acqua, per favore. ("I would like a glass of water, please.")

    Imperative mood Edit

    1st Conj. 2nd Conj. 3rd Conj.
    (tu) parla! temi! parti!
    (Ella) parli! tema! parta!
    (noi) parliamo! temiamo! partiamo!
    (voi) parlate! temete! partite!
    (Essi/Esse) parlino! temano! partano!

    Verbs like capire insert -isc- in all except the noi and voi forms. Technically, the only real imperative forms are the second-person singular and plural, with the other persons being borrowed from the present subjunctive.

    Non-finite forms Edit

    • Infinitive: present: -are, -ere, -ire; past: avere/essere + past participle
    • Gerund: present: -ando, -endo, -endo; past: avendo/essendo + past participle
    • Participle: present: -ante -ente -ente; past: -ato, -uto (though verbs of the second conjugation almost always have a contracted desinence, e.g. "cuocere" (to cook) "cotto" (cooked)), -ito

    Irregular verbs Edit

    While the majority of Italian verbs are regular, many of the most commonly used are irregular. In particular, the auxiliary verbs essere, stare and avere, and the common modal verbs dovere (expressing necessity or obligation), potere (expressing permission and to a lesser degree ability), sapere (expressing ability) and volere (expressing willingness) are all irregular.

    The only irregular verbs of the first conjugation are dare (to give), which follows the same pattern as stare, and andare (to go), which features suppletive forms in the present of the indicative, subjunctive and imperative from the Latin verb VADERE. While apparently a 1st conjugation verb, fare is actually a highly irregular verb of the second conjugation. Even the third conjugation features a small handful of irregular verbs, like morire (to die), whose present is muoio, muori, muore, moriamo, morite, muoiono (indicative) and muoia, muoia, muoia, moriamo, moriate, muoiano (subjunctive).

    The second conjugation combines the second and third conjugation of Latin; since the verbs belonging to the third conjugation were athematic, and they behaved less regularly than the ones belonging to the other conjugations (compare AMĀRE > AMAVI, AMATVS, first conjugation, and LEGĚRE > LEGI, LECTVS, third conjugation), the second conjugation Italian features many irregularities that trace back to the original paradigms of the Latin verbs: amare > amai, amato (first conjugation, regular), but leggere > lessi, letto (second conjugation, irregular).

    essere (to be; auxiliary)
    Indicative Subjunctive Conditional
    Present Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfect
    io sono ero fui sarò sia fossi sarei
    tu sei eri fosti sarai sia fossi saresti
    lui, lei, esso/essa è era fu sarà sia fosse sarebbe
    noi siamo eravamo fummo saremo siamo fossimo saremmo
    voi siete eravate foste sarete siate foste sareste
    loro, essi/esse sono erano furono saranno siano fossero sarebbero
    stare (to stay; auxiliary)
    Indicative Subjunctive Conditional
    Present Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfect
    io sto stavo stetti starò stia stessi starei
    tu stai stavi stesti starai stia stessi staresti
    lui, lei, esso/essa sta stava stette starà stia stesse starebbe
    noi stiamo stavamo stemmo staremo stiamo stessimo staremmo
    voi state stavate steste starete stiate steste stareste
    loro, essi/esse stanno stavano stettero staranno stiano stessero starebbero
    avere (to have; auxiliary)
    Indicative Subjunctive Conditional
    Present Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfect
    io ho avevo ebbi avrò abbia avessi avrei
    tu hai avevi avesti avrai abbia avessi avresti
    lui, lei, esso/essa ha aveva ebbe avrà abbia avesse avrebbe
    noi abbiamo avevamo avemmo avremo abbiamo avessimo avremmo
    voi avete avevate aveste avrete abbiate aveste avreste
    loro, essi/esse hanno avevano ebbero avranno abbiano avessero avrebbero
    dovere (to have to, must, should; modal)
    Indicative Subjunctive Conditional
    Present Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfect
    io devo/debbo dovevo dovetti dovrò debba dovessi dovrei
    tu devi dovevi dovesti dovrai debba dovessi dovresti
    lui, lei, esso/essa deve doveva dovette dovrà debba dovesse dovrebbe
    noi dobbiamo dovevamo dovemmo dovremo dobbiamo dovessimo dovremmo
    voi dovete dovevate doveste dovrete dobbiate doveste dovreste
    loro, essi/esse devono/debbono dovevano dovettero dovranno debbano dovessero dovrebbero
    potere (to be able to, can, could; modal)
    Indicative Subjunctive Conditional
    Present Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfect
    io posso potevo potei potrò possa potessi potrei
    tu puoi potevi potesti potrai possa potessi potresti
    lui, lei, esso/essa può poteva poté potrà possa potesse potrebbe
    noi possiamo potevamo potemmo potremo possiamo potessimo potremmo
    voi potete potevate poteste potrete possiate poteste potreste
    loro, essi/esse possono potevano poterono potranno possano potessero potrebbero
    volere (to want, will, would); modal)
    Indicative Subjunctive Conditional
    Present Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfect
    io voglio volevo volli vorrò voglia volessi vorrei
    tu vuoi volevi volesti vorrai voglia volessi vorresti
    lui, lei, esso/essa vuole voleva volle vorrà voglia volesse vorrebbe
    noi vogliamo volevamo volemmo vorremo vogliamo volessimo vorremmo
    voi volete volevate voleste vorrete vogliate voleste vorreste
    loro, essi/esse vogliono volevano vollero vorranno vogliano volessero vorrebbero
    sapere (to be able to, can; modal[26])
    Indicative Subjunctive Conditional
    Present Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfect
    io so sapevo seppi saprò sappia sapessi saprei
    tu sai sapevi sapesti saprai sappia sapessi sapresti
    lui, lei, esso/essa sa sapeva seppe saprà sappia sapesse saprebbe
    noi sappiamo sapevamo sapemmo sapremo sappiamo sapessimo sapremmo
    voi sapete sapevate sapeste saprete sappiate sapeste sapreste
    loro, essi/esse sanno sapevano seppero sapranno sappiano sapessero saprebbero

    Adverbs Edit

    An adjective can be made into a modal adverb by adding -mente (from Latin "mente", ablative of "mens" (mind), feminine noun) to the ending of the feminine singular form of the adjective. E.g. lenta "slow (feminine)" becomes lentamente "slowly". Adjectives ending in -re or -le lose their e before adding -mente (facile "easy" becomes facilmente "easily", particolare "particular" becomes particolarmente "particularly").

    These adverbs can also be derived from the absolute superlative form of adjectives, e.g. lentissimamente ("very slowly"), facilissimamente ("very easily").

    There is also a plethora of temporal, local, modal and interrogative adverbs, mostly derived from Latin, e.g. quando ("when"), dove ("where"), come ("how"), perché ("why"/"because"), mai ("never"), sempre ("always"), etc.

    Prepositions Edit

    Italian has a closed class of basic prepositions, to which a number of adverbs can be added that also double as prepositions, e.g.: sopra il tavolo ("upon the table"), prima di adesso ("before now").

    In modern Italian the prepositions tra and fra are interchangeable, and often chosen on the basis of euphony: tra fratelli ("among brothers") vs. fra i tralicci ("between the power pylons").

    In modern Italian, all the basic prepositions except tra, fra, con and per have to be combined with an article placed next to them. Of these, con and per have optional combining forms: col, collo, colla, coll', coi, cogli, colle; pel, pello, pella, pell', pei, pegli, pelle; except for col and coi, which are occasionally used, however, these are archaic and very rare.

    Prepositions normally require the article before the following noun in a similar way as the English language does. However Latin's lack of articles influenced several cases of prepositions used without article in Italian (e.g., "a capo", "da capo", "di colpo", "in bicicletta", "per strada").

    The preposition su becomes su di before a pronoun (e.g., "su di te"). Some speakers also use su di before a word beginning in u for euphonic reasons (e.g., "su di un cavallo"), but this is regarded as incorrect by grammarians. Historically the variant form sur was used before the letter u; however, this form fell into disuse during the nineteenth century.

    Mandatory contractions
    Italian English Preposition + article
    il lo la l' i gli le
    di of, from del dello della dell' dei degli delle
    a to, at al allo alla all' ai agli alle
    da from, by, since dal dallo dalla dall' dai dagli dalle
    in in nel nello nella nell' nei negli nelle
    su on, about sul sullo sulla sull' sui sugli sulle
    Optional contractions
    Italian English Preposition + article
    il lo la l' i gli le
    con with col collo colla coll' coi cogli colle
    per for, through pel pello pella pell' pei pegli pelle
    tra between, among tral trallo tralla trall' trai tragli tralle
    fra between, among fral frallo fralla frall' frai fragli fralle

    Syntax Edit

    Italian is an SVO language. Nevertheless, the SVO sequence is sometimes replaced by one of the other arrangements (SOV, VSO, OVS, etc.), especially for reasons of emphasis and, in literature, for reasons of style and metre: Italian has relatively free word order.

    The subject is usually omitted when it is a pronoun – distinctive verb conjugations make it redundant. Subject pronouns are considered emphatic when used at all.

    Questions are formed by a rising intonation at the end of the sentence (in written form, a question mark). There is usually no other special marker, although wh-movement does usually occur. In general, intonation and context are important to recognize questions from affirmative statements.

    Davide è arrivato in ufficio. (David has arrived at the office.)
    Davide è arrivato in ufficio? ("Talking about David… did he arrive at the office?" or "Davide has arrived at the office? Really?" – depending on the intonation)
    Perché Davide è arrivato in ufficio? (Why has David arrived at the office?)
    Perché Davide è arrivato in ufficio. (Because David has arrived at the office.)
    È arrivato Davide in ufficio. ("It was David who arrived at the office" or "David arrived at the office" – depending on the intonation)
    È arrivato Davide in ufficio? (Has David arrived at the office?)
    È arrivato in ufficio. (He has arrived at the office.)
    (Lui) è arrivato in ufficio. (He has arrived at the office.)
    Chi è arrivato in ufficio? (Who has arrived at the office?)

    In general, adjectives come after the noun they modify, adverbs after the verb. But: as with French, adjectives coming before the noun indicate essential quality of the noun. Demonstratives (e.g. questo this, quello that) come before the noun, and a few particular adjectives (e.g. bello) may be inflected like demonstratives and placed before the noun.

    Disputed points in Italian grammar Edit

    Among sometimes proscribed Italian forms are:

    • The usage of an indicative form where a subjunctive one is traditional; for instance: credo che Giorgio ieri fosse a casa ("I believe that yesterday George was at home") is considered proper, while credo che Giorgio ieri era a casa may not be; se Maria fosse stata a casa, le avrei telefonato ("if Mary had been at home, I would have telephoned her") is preferred, se Maria era a casa le telefonavo is often proscribed, despite being found in classic Italian writers.
    • The use of the object forms (lui, lei, loro and Lei) of third person pronouns instead of the subject forms (egli, ella, essi and Ella), which are employed in formal language.
    • Ma però, despite being widespread in spoken language, is proscribed in formal usage because it is redundant (ma and però are synonyms).

    Italian grammar books Edit

    The first Italian grammar was printed by Giovanni Francesco Fortunio in 1516 with the title Regole grammaticali della volgar lingua.[27] Ever since, several Italian and foreign scholars have published works devoted to its description. Among others may be mentioned the famous Grammatica storica della lingua italiana e dei suoi dialetti written by the philologist Gerhard Rohlfs, published at the end of the 1960s.

    Among the most modern publications are those by Luca Serianni, in collaboration with Alberto Castelvecchi, Grammatica italiana. Suoni, forme, costrutti (Utet, Torino, 1998); and by Lorenzo Renzi, Giampaolo Salvi and Anna Cardinaletti, Grande grammatica italiana di consultazione (3 vol., Bologna, Il Mulino, 1988–1995). The most complete and accurate grammar in English is A Reference Grammar of Modern Italian by Martin Maiden and Cecilia Robustelli (McGraw-Hill, Chicago, 2000; 2nd edition Routledge, New York, 2013).

    Bibliography Edit

    • Serianni, Luca (2000). Italiano. Grammatica, sintassi, dubbi (in Italian). Milan: Garzanti. ISBN 8811504880.
    • Berloco, Fabrizio (2018). The Big Book of Italian Verbs: 900 Fully Conjugated Verbs in All Tenses. With IPA Transcription, 2nd Edition. Lengu. ISBN 978-8894034813.

    References Edit

    1. ^ a b . Archived from the original on 2011-07-20. Retrieved 2009-06-25.
    2. ^ . Archived from the original on 2011-07-20. Retrieved 2009-06-25.
    3. ^ Self-geminating consonants are always long between vowels
    4. ^ . Archived from the original on 2011-07-20. Retrieved 2009-06-25.
    5. ^ Accademia della Crusca, Plurali difficili 2012-02-17 at the Wayback Machine
    6. ^ a b c d Serianni, Luca (1997). Italiano. Garzanti. ISBN 88-11-50470-8.
    7. ^ This class emerged in 13th Century Old Italian. Presumably the plural ending changed to -i because these nouns were masculine. See Dynamics of Morphological Productivity by Francesco Gardani, page 427.
    8. ^ Accademia della Crusca, Plurali doppi
    9. ^ In Classical Latin, the word is neuter: templum / templa. However, in Vulgar Latin the neuter gender gradually eroded as more and more words migrated to the other genders. The earliest evidence for a masculine version of templum in Vulgar Latin comes from the Late Latin Codex Bezae (circa 400) where we read ‘quiaegodestruamhunctemplum’ where in the Vulgata we read ‘Ego dissolvam templum hoc’ (Evangelium secundum Marcum 14.58). The nominative singular is unattested, but judging from other attested neuter nouns turned masculine, it would presumably have been *templus. See An Introduction to Vulgar Latin by Charles Hall Grandgent, page 145, and Itala und Vulgata by Hermann Rönsch, page 266.
    10. ^ . Archived from the original on 2011-07-20. Retrieved 2009-06-25.
    11. ^ . Archived from the original on 2011-07-20. Retrieved 2009-06-25.
    12. ^ This was not always the case, however. It is not rare indeed to find in opera librettos the clitic before the imperative, as in Ti ferma! (which in standard Italian means "He/She/It stops you!") instead of the standard Fermati! (which means "Stop yourself!"). However this usage today is completely non-standard and modern listeners might have difficulties with it when approaching old texts.
    13. ^ Lepschy, Giulio and Anna Laura Lepschy. 1998. The Italian Language Today. New York: New Amsterdam Books. p. 214
    14. ^ Lepschy, Giulio and Anna Laura Lepschy. 1998. The Italian Language Today. New York: New Amsterdam Books. p. 212
    15. ^ Giraldi, Giovanni Battista (1565). Gli Ecatommiti [The Moor of Venice]. Tipografia Borghi & Compagni (published 1833). p. 1840.
    16. ^ (with ho, hai, ha, hanno, and verbal forms beginning with a, o or u)
    17. ^ Maiden, Martin, M.Mair Parry. 1997. The dialects of Italy. P.113
    18. ^ Accademia della Crusca, Sui pronomi di cortesia
    19. ^ Berloco 2018
    20. ^ . Archived from the original on 2009-05-30. Retrieved 2009-06-27.
    21. ^ . Archived from the original on 2011-07-20. Retrieved 2009-06-27.
    22. ^ Use of impersonal “si” with transitive, intransitive, and copular verbs in Italian. "Passive Voice & Impersonal "Si" in Italian". Adros Verse Education. Retrieved September 9, 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
    23. ^ Alessandro Manzoni, The Betrothed (1827)
    24. ^ Fornaciari, Raffaello (1881). Sintassi italiana. Florence.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) See an excerpt at "Grammatica italiana – L'imperfetto nelle frasi condizionali". Retrieved 2007-10-08.
    25. ^ Alessandro Manzoni, I promessi sposi, chapter 3
    26. ^ The verb "sapere" has two distinctive meanings depending whether it is used as a modal verb (i.e. accompanying another infinitive) or not. As a modal verb it means "can, being able to", as in So suonare il violino ("I can play the violin"), while as a normal verb it means "to know", as in So cosa significhi ("I know what that means").
    27. ^ Michael Metzeltin (2004). Las lenguas románicas estándar: (historia de su formación y de su uso). Uviéu, Asturias: Academia Llingua Asturiana. p. 221. ISBN 84-8168-356-6.

    External links Edit

    • Verb Conjugation Trainer from Molto Bene Italian
    • Accademia della Crusca
    • Italian grammar at Curlie

    italian, grammar, this, article, section, should, specify, language, english, content, using, lang, transliteration, transliterated, languages, phonetic, transcriptions, with, appropriate, code, wikipedia, multilingual, support, templates, also, used, november. This article or section should specify the language of its non English content using lang transliteration for transliterated languages and IPA for phonetic transcriptions with an appropriate ISO 639 code Wikipedia s multilingual support templates may also be used See why November 2020 Italian grammar is the body of rules describing the properties of the Italian language Italian words can be divided into the following lexical categories articles nouns adjectives pronouns verbs adverbs prepositions conjunctions and interjections Contents 1 Articles 2 Inflection of nouns and adjectives 3 Nouns 3 1 Irregular plurals 3 2 Alteration 4 Adjectives 4 1 Degrees of comparison 4 2 Possessive adjectives 4 3 Demonstrative adjectives 5 Pronouns 5 1 Clitic pronouns 5 1 1 Combinations of clitics 5 1 2 Apocopated forms 5 2 T V distinction 6 Verbs 6 1 Tenses 6 1 1 Simple tenses 6 1 2 Compound tenses 6 1 3 Impersonal forms 6 2 Compound tense auxiliary verbs 6 3 Past participle 6 4 Tense relationship in subordinate sentences 6 5 Regular conjugation 6 5 1 Indicative mood 6 5 2 Subjunctive mood 6 5 3 Conditional mood 6 5 4 Imperative mood 6 5 5 Non finite forms 6 6 Irregular verbs 7 Adverbs 8 Prepositions 9 Syntax 10 Disputed points in Italian grammar 11 Italian grammar books 12 Bibliography 13 References 14 External linksArticles EditItalian articles vary according to definiteness definite indefinite and partitive number gender and the initial sound of the subsequent word Partitive articles compound the preposition di with the corresponding definite article to express uncertain quantity In the plural they typically translate into English as few in the singular typically as some Definite article Gender Number Article UsageMasculine Singular il Standard masculine singular definite article used in all cases other than those detailed below 1 Foreign words beginning with w pronounced w or v take il and not lo il West ˈwɛst referring to the American Old West il whisky ˈwiski il Watt ˈvat etc 2 lo Used before words with certain initial sounds before s pronounced as s z or ʃ followed by another consonant impure s Italian S esse complicata S impura or S preconsonantica before self geminating consonants 3 z pronounced as ts or dz gn gli sci or sh or ch in loan words e g lo chef pronounced as ʃ before complex consonant clusters ps pronounced as ps or ss pn as pn or nn x as ks or ss mn as mn or nn etc mostly foreign words before y or i pronounced as semivowel j e g foreign words like lo yoghurt and local words and scientific or geographical names like lo iodio l Used before words that begin with a vowel l amico or uo wɔ l uomo Plural i Standard masculine plural definite article used for plurals that take il in the singular i cani plural of il cane gli Corresponds to lo and l in the singular before vowels pronounced ʎ before the consonants listed for lo pronounced ʎi Il dio the god has the irregular plural gli dei the gods Feminine Singular la Standard form of the feminine singular definite article used before consonants and before i when pronounced as semivowel j e g la iarda l As with l used before any word that begins with a vowel not including i when pronounced as the semivowel j Plural le Standard form of the feminine plural definite article never elided Indefinite article Gender Article UsageMasculine un Standard masculine singular indefinite article used before vowels and simple consonants uno Used instead of un before impure s self geminating consonants and complex consonant clusters following the same rules as lo vs il above for example uno studente Feminine una Standard feminine singular indefinite article un Used before any word that starts with a vowel not including i when used as semivowel j Partitive article Gender Number Article Contraction ofMasculine Singular del di ildell di l dello di loPlural dei di idegli di gliFeminine Singular della di ladell di l Plural delle di leInflection of nouns and adjectives EditNouns have gender masculine feminine or in many instances both and inflect in number singular and plural When a noun refers to people or animals with natural gender grammatical gender typically corresponds The gender each noun is written in is the opposite of arbitrary Because most nouns have a masculine and a feminine form the form the given noun is written in could change the entire structure of the sentence As in most other Romance languages the historical neuter has merged with the masculine A subgroup of these deriving from Latin s second declension are considered feminine in the plural Subclauses and infinitives are masculine Adjectives inflect for gender and number in patterns broadly similar to nouns General noun and adjectival endings by number and gender Gender Singular Plural ExampleMasculine o i il cappello nero i cappelli neri the black hat s Feminine a e la bella macchina le belle macchine the beautiful car s Masculine and feminine e i il la comandante intelligente i le comandanti intelligenti the smart commander s Mixed historically neuter o a il lenzuolo leggero le lenzuola leggere the light bed sheet s Masculine a i l atleta entusiasta gli atleti entusiasti the enthusiastic athlete s Feminine ie ie la specie estinta le specie estinte the extinct species All nouns ending with a stressed vowel singular plural la citta le citta the city ies Non integrated loanwords il la manager trendy i le manager trendy the trendy manager s In the last two examples only the article carries information about gender and number Most masculine words that end in io pronounced as jo drop the o and thus end in i in the plural vecchio vecchi old funzionario funzionari functionary ies esempio esempi example s etc The Italian hard and soft C and G phenomenon leads to certain peculiarities in spelling and pronunciation Words in cio and gio form plurals in ci and gi e g bacio baci kiss es Words in cia and gia have been a point of contention According to a commonly employed rule 4 they form plurals in ce and ge if the final letter before the suffix is a consonant frangia frange fringe s faccia facce face s form plurals in cie and gie if the final letter before the suffix is a vowel camicia camicie shirt s ciliegia ciliegie cherry cherries Note that the presence of an i in the plural ending has no impact on the pronunciation in this case 5 when the i is stressed it always remains in plural farmacia farmacie chemist s shop s nevralgia nevralgie neuralgia s Words in co and go behave irregularly for some words the plural form causes the hard consonant to become soft and for others the consonant remains hard The grammarians are skeptical of any attempt at giving a ruling about this area 6 There are however certain rules of thumb plurals are formed with chi and ghi if the last letter before the suffix is a consonant or a stressed vowel fungo funghi mushroom s stecco stecchi stick s mago maghi magician s fuoco fuochi fire s plurals are formed with ci and gi if the last letter before the suffix is an unstressed vowel comico comici comedian s medico medici physician s in words ending with logo suffix the plural is usually 6 in gi when logo means expert or student corresponding to English logist e g archeologo archeologi archaeologist s while it is in ghi when it means speech or reasoning corresponding often to English logue log e g catalogo cataloghi catalogue s there are exceptions such as amico amici friend s greco greci Greek s valico valichi mountain pass es carico carichi cargo s Words in ca and ga form plurals in che and ghe e g amica amiche female friend s Nouns EditMost nouns are derived from Latin Many of these are themselves borrowed from Greek e g poeta below Although Italian nouns do not inflect for case they are derived from a mixture of the Latin nominative and accusative cases Derivation of noun inflections Latin declension nominative accusative Italian singular plural Masculine Feminine1st a ae am as a e amica amiche female friend s 1st amp 2nd a i n a 7 a i poeta poeti poet s 2nd us i um ōs o i amico amici friend s 3rd is es em es e i cane cani dog s parete pareti wall s 4th us us um us o i passo passi step s mano mani hand s 5th es es em es e i fede fedi faith s Nouns ending in any letter other than a e or o as well as nouns ending in a stressed vowel are normally invariable in the plural Thus la gru le gru the crane s from Latin grus grues la citta le citta the city ies contracted form of archaic cittade cittadi from Latin civitatem civitates il caffe i caffe the coffee s il film i film the film s There are certain words derived from Latin second declension neuter nouns that are masculine in the singular and feminine or masculine in the plural Examples include il braccio le braccia or i bracci the arm s l uovo le uova the egg s il ginocchio le ginocchia or i ginocchi the knee s il sopracciglio le sopracciglia or i sopraccigli the eyebrow s These nouns endings derive regularly from the Latin neuter endings of the second declension sg um pl a but there are some from the third declension as well e g il gregge le greggi flock s but i greggi works too the tradition of calling them irregular or mobile gender genere mobile would come from the paradigm that there are so few nouns of this kind that the existence of neuter can be considered vestigial compared to Romanian which has many more nouns of the masculine singular feminine plural type and as such are usually classified as a separate neuter gender The choice of plural is sometimes left to the user while in some cases there are differences of meaning 8 Sometimes for body parts the feminine neuter plural denotes the literal meaning while the masculine one denotes a figurative meaning il braccio the arm le braccia the arms i bracci the isthmuses the inlets il corno the horn le corna the horns of an animal i corni the horns as musical instruments Sometimes especially in poetic and old fashioned Italian the masculine plural acts as a count noun while the neuter feminine plural acts as a mass noun il cervello the brain due cervelli two brains le cervella the cerebral matter l anello the ring due anelli two rings le anella ringlets furthermore il dito the finger le dita the fingers and also due dita two fingers but i diti indici the index fingers Most noun stems are derived from the accusative Latin socer socerum begets Italian suocero and Latin pes pedem begets Italian piede There are a few exceptions however such as uomo from Latin homo hominem and moglie from Latin mulier mulierem Neuter third declension nouns may bequeath Italian nouns either from the nominative accusative case e g capo from caput cuore from cor or from the oblique case used for other cases and for the plural e g latte from lac lact giure from ius iur Irregular plurals Edit There are a few genuine irregular plurals in Italian plurali irregolari Most of these were introduced in Vulgar Latin but some derive from irregular Latin plurals Examples include uomo uomini man men Latin homo homines il dio gli dei god s note also the irregularity in the article gli instead of i bue buoi ox en Latin bovem boves tempio templi temple s the plural retains the l from Vulgar Latin templi 9 in order to distinguish it from tempi the plural of tempo the l is lost in the singular Alteration Edit In Italian altered nouns are nouns with particular shades of meaning They are divided into diminutives vezzeggiativi diminutives with kindness and sympathy nuance augmentatives and pejoratives Suffix Examplediminutivi diminutive ino tavolo table tavolino small table etto libro book libretto atto cerbia deer cerbiatto fawn ello bambino child bambinello small child icello monte mountain monticello icciolo porto port porticciolo acchio orso bear orsacchiovezzeggiativi terms of endearment uccio cavallo horse cavalluccio acchiotto orso bear orsacchiotto iciattolo fiume river fiumiciattolo olo figlio son figliolo also figliuolo otto cucciolo puppy cucciolottoaccrescitivi augmentative one libro book librone big book accione uomo man omaccionedispregiativi pejorative accio libro book libraccio bad book astro medico medic medicastro quack doctor ucolo poeta poet poetucolo onzolo medico medic mediconzolo uncolo uomo man omuncolo insignificant man otto contadino farmer contadinotto peasant Many other alterations can be built sometimes with more than one suffix for example libro book can become libretto diminutive libricino double diminutive libercolo diminutive pejorative libraccio pejorative libraccione pejorative augmentative Uomo man coming from Latin homo becomes om in altered forms omino ometto diminutive omone augmentative omaccio pejorative omaccione augmentative pejorative Adjectives EditIn Italian an adjective can be placed before or after the noun The unmarked placement for most adjectives e g colours nationalities is after the noun 10 but this is reversed for a few common classes of adjective those denoting beauty age goodness and size are placed before the noun in the unmarked case and after the noun for emphasis Placing the adjective after the noun can alter its meaning or indicate restrictiveness of reference If a noun has many adjectives usually no more than one will be before the noun citation needed un libro rosso a red book the unmarked case un rosso libro a book that is red the marked case it is especially important to the intended meaning that the book is red as opposed to some other color un buon uomo a good man the unmarked case un uomo buono a man who is good the marked case it is especially important to the intended meaning that he is good the adjective is emphasized Adjectives are inflected for gender and number Gender Grammatical number Case 1 Case 2Masculine Singular o ePlural i iFeminine Singular a ePlural e iDegrees of comparison Edit Italian has three degrees of comparison comparative relative superlative and absolute superlative clarification needed The comparative and relative superlative are formed with piu more most for instance sono piu alto di te I am taller than you sono il piu alto fra gli uomini I am the tallest of men Vice versa inverting the order of the words clarification needed it s required to replace piu with meno less fewer for instance sonoil meno forte del campionato I am the least strong of the championship tu sei meno alto di me You are less tall than me Another comparative form is made with the word come as like for instance sono alto come te I am as tall as you The absolute comparative is formed by placing troppo too before the adjective for instance sei troppo buono you are too good The absolute superlative derived from the Latin synthetic superlative in issimus is formed by adding issimo to an adjective intelligente intelligent intelligentissimo very intelligent sporco dirty sporchissimo very dirty If the two letters before the last vowel are pr or br e g aspro celebre the r is removed and errimo is the suffix used asperrimo celeberrimo very sour very famous Another way to form the absolute superlative is to place either molto or assai very before the adjective For instance sporchissimo and molto sporco very dirty are the same although the form ending in issimo is usually perceived as more emphatic that is sporchissimo is dirtier than molto sporco citation needed Some adjectives have irregular comparatives though with regularly formed variants also in common use like buono good migliore piu buono better or best ottimo buonissimo very good cattivo bad peggiore piu cattivo worse or worst pessimo cattivissimo very bad grande big maggiore piu grande bigger massimo grandissimo very big piccolo small minore piu piccolo smaller minimo piccolissimo very small Possessive adjectives Edit With the exception of 3rd person plural loro their possessive adjectives like articles must agree with the gender and number of the noun they modify Hence mio zio my uncle but mia zia my aunt So depending on what is being modified the possessive adjectives are Person Masculine FeminineSingular Plural Singular Plural1st sing mio miei mia mie2nd sing tuo tuoi tua tue3rd sing suo suoi sua sue1st pl nostro nostri nostra nostre2nd pl vostro vostri vostra vostre3rd pl loroIn most cases the possessive adjective is used with an article usually the definite article Ho perso la mia penna I have lost my pen Mi piace il mio lavoro I like my job Hanno rubato la mia automobile They have stolen my car And sometimes with the indefinite article Un mio amico mi ha detto che A friend of mine told me that Ho visto una sua foto I have seen a photograph of him her Luca e un mio amico Luke is a friend of mine The only exception is when the possessive refers to an individual family member unless the family member is described or characterized in some way Laura e mia sorella Laura is my sister Ieri ho visto mia sorella Diana I saw my sister Diana yesterday Questa penna e di mia zia This pen is my aunt s Mamma and papa or babbo in Central Italy mother and father however are usually used with the article For emphasis however possessive adjectives are sometimes placed after the noun This is usually after words like colpa fault sin casa house home merito merit piacere pleasure or in vocative expressions E colpa sua It is his her fault Oh dio mio Oh my god Arrivederci amico mio Goodbye my friend Vorresti andare a casa mia Would you like to come over to my house If the antecedent of a third person possessive being used as an object is the subject of the sentence proprio can be used instead of suo 11 though the usage of proprio is declining in spoken language citation needed Marco e Maria hanno discusso di filosofia Marco ha scelto il proprio punto di vista Marco and Maria discussed philosophy Marco took his own point of view Marco e Maria hanno discusso di filosofia Marco ha scelto il suo punto di vista Marco and Maria discussed philosophy Marco took his her point of view The first sentence is unambiguous and states that Marco took his own point of view whereas the second sentence is ambiguous because it may mean that Marco took either his own or Maria s point of view Demonstrative adjectives Edit Italian originally had three degrees of demonstrative adjectives questo for items near or related to the first person speaker English this quello for items near or related to an eventual third person English that and codesto for items near or related to an eventual second person The usage has undergone a simplification including the meaning of codesto in quello and only Tuscan speakers still use codesto Its use is very rare in modern language and the word has acquired a rather pejorative connotation Pronouns EditItalian features a sizeable set of pronouns Personal pronouns are inflected for person number case and in the third person gender Literary subject pronouns also have a distinction between animate egli ella and inanimate esso essa antecedents although this is lost in colloquial usage where lui lei and loro are the most used forms for animate subjects while no specific pronoun is employed for inanimate subjects if needed demonstrative pronouns such as questo or quello may be used There is also the uninflected pronoun cio which is only used with abstract antecedents Personal pronouns are normally omitted in the subject as the conjugation is usually enough to determine the grammatical person They are used when some emphasis is needed e g sono italiano I am Italian vs io sono italiano I specifically as opposed to others am Italian The words ci vi and ne act both as personal pronouns respectively instrumental and genitive case and clitic pro forms for there ci and vi with identical meaning as in c e ci sono v e vi sono ci vengo etc and from there ne as in e entrato in casa alle 10 00 e ne e uscito alle 11 00 Personal pronouns Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative InstrumentalClitic form a Stressed form Clitic form I a b Clitic form II c Stressed form Clitic form a d Stressed form e Clitic form I a f Clitic form II g Stressed formsg 1st io di me mi me a me mi me con me2nd tu h di te ti te a te ti te con te3rd m egli esso lui i ne di lui di esso gli glie j a lui a esso lo lui esso ci ce con lui con essof ella essa lei i k di lei di essa le a lei a essa la lei essa con lei con essarefl di se si se a se si se con sepl 1st noi di noi ci ce a noi ci noi con noi2nd voi h di voi vi ve a voi vi voi con voi3rd m essi k loro i ne di loro di essi l loro m n a loro a essi l li loro essi l ci ce con loro con essi l f esse k loro i di loro di esse l a loro a esse l le loro esse l con loro con esse l refl di se si se a se si se con sePossessive pronouns Singular PluralMasculine Feminine Masculine Femininesg 1st mio mia miei mie2nd tuo tua tuoi tue3rd suo sua suoi suepl 1st nostro nostra nostri nostre2nd vostro vostra vostri vostre3rd loroRelative pronouns o Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative InstrumentalClitic form p Clitic form p Stressed form Clitic form p Stressed form Stressed formsg pl che cui q r di cui cui s r a cui con cuiLocal case pro forms Locative Lative t Ablative u Clitic form I a Clitic form II Stressed form Clitic form a Stressed formci vi ce ve qui qua li la ne da qui da qua da li da laNotes a b c d e f Often elided to m t l c etc except loro before vowels especially i and h in colloquial speech especially in Central and Southern Italy and less often in written language The extent to which individual pronouns are elided varies ranging from virtually always lo and la to rarely ne Alone as in Ti do un libro and sometimes with other clitic pronouns see below Sometimes before other clitic pronouns see below as in Te lo do When unstressed accusative pronouns are used in compound tenses the final vowel of the past participle must agree in gender and number with the accusative pronoun For example Hai comprato i cocomeri e le mele Did you buy the watermelons and the apples Li i cocomeri ho comprati ma non le le mele ho comprate I bought them the former but I did not buy them the latter This also happens when the underlying pronoun is made opaque by elision l ho svegliato I woke him up versus L ho svegliata I woke her up The stressed form of the accusative also acts as the prepositional object Alone as in Ci chiacchiero volentieri I am happy to chat with him her and sometimes with other clitic pronouns see below Sometimes before other clitic pronouns see below as in Vedresti Carla con una gonna lunga e un cappello Si ce la vedrei a b Informal see below a b c d Previously only accusative today lui lei and loro are also accepted as nominative Combines with the following pronoun to form one word compare Gliene sono grato with Te ne sono grato Only possible with lo la li le and ne see below to form glielo gliela glieli gliele and gliene a b c Lei Loro Essi and Esse spelled this way are also used as formal second person pronouns see below a b c d e f g h When a distinction is made between egli ella animate and esso a inanimate in the nominative case essi e is always the plural of both the animate and the inanimate pronouns However in the accusative as well as the object of prepositions as in di lui di lei di esso a essi e can be used only for inanimate nouns while loro must be used for animate nouns instead Not used like most clitics simply follows the verb as with normal nouns Compare Gli dico 3rd person m sg clitic form I with Dico loro 3rd person m and f pl and Gliene do due 3rd person m and f sg clitic form II with Ne do loro due 3rd person m and f pl In spoken Italian gli to him and glie to him her are often used as the plural to them instead of classical loro So Conosci Luca gli ho sempre detto di stare lontano dalle cattive compagnie You know Luca I have always told him to stay away from bad companies and Conosci Luca e Gino gli ho sempre detto I have always told them instead of ho sempre detto loro di stare It also works in the feminine Conosci Lucia e Gina gli ho sempre detto instead of the more classical ho detto loro However classical loro is normally never replaced with gli glie in written language Che and cui can always be replaced with the pro form il quale la quale gendered which is always stressed a b c Differently from personal pronouns clitic forms of relative pronouns do not rely on the verb for their accent but might use the accent of any other part of speech instead Compare ne ho studiato a fondo le parti piu rilevanti I have studied the most relevant parts of it in depth where ne personal pronoun genitive must rely on the verb ho for its accent with le cui parti piu rilevanti ho studiato a fondo whose most relevant parts I have studied in depth where cui relative pronoun genitive relies on the noun parti for its accent Always positioned between the article and the noun as in Ieri li sedeva un uomo il cui sguardo rivelava una certa malinconia Yesterday a man was sitting there whose look revealed some sort of melancholia or Fu un virtuosissimo violinista la cui fama ancora riecheggia tra le sale da concerto He was a virtuoso violinist whose fame still echoes among concert halls a b Cui by itself also acts as the prepositional object as in per cui Note that as the prepositional object cui is always stressed Example L unica persona cui confessai tutti i miei segreti adesso mi odia The only person to whom I confessed all my secrets now hates me As in c e vi sono There is are Ce l ha messo He she put it there etc As in Ne sono uscito alle I left from there at Clitic pronouns Edit Though objects come after the verb as a rule this is often not the case with a class of unstressed clitic pro forms Clitic pronouns are replaced with the stressed form for emphatic reasons A somewhat similar situation is represented by the dative shift in English ditransitive verbs Compare for example emphasis in italic John gave a book to her with John gave her a book In Italian these two different emphases map respectively to John diede un libro a lei stressed form and John le diede un libro clitic form Compared to English Italian presents a richer set of cases Clitic pronouns generally come before the verb but in certain types of constructions such as lo devo fare they can also appear as enclitics attached to the verb itself in this case devo farlo In the infinitive gerund and except with third person courtesy forms imperative moods clitic pronouns must always be compound to the suffix as enclitics 12 as in confessalo 2p sg confessiamolo 1p pl confessatelo 2p pl ricordandolo and mangiarlo Examples of clitic pronouns Italian EnglishGenitive Non vedo Francesca ma ne vedo la bicicletta I don t see Francesca but I see her bike the bike of her Dative Gli parlai per un ora intera I spoke to him for a whole hour Accusative La vedo I see her Instrumental Si Lo conosco Una volta ci giocai a pallacanestro Yes I know him Long ago I played basketball with him Other examples accusative Davide la lascia in ufficio David leaves it in the office dative accusative nominative Davidemela lascia David leaves me it Davide tenelascia una David leaves to you one of them accusative nominative dative Davidelalascia a me David leaves it to me Davide ne lascia unaa te David leaves one of them to you subjunctive infinitive dative accusative Davide potrebbe lasciarglieneuna David might leave one of them to him her it dative accusative subjunctive infinitive Davide glienepotrebbe lasciare una David might leave one of them to him her it Compare with the similar use of objective pronouns and pro forms in French and Catalan Finally in the imperative mood the objective pronouns come once again after the verb but this time as a suffix imperative accusative Lasciala in ufficio Leave it in the office imperative dative accusative Lasciamela Leave it to me Leave me it conditional infinitive dative Davide potrebbe lasciarla in ufficio David might leave it in the office negative imperative dative accusative Non lasciargliela Do not leave it to for him her it them imperative dative accusative Davide dovrebbe lasciargliela David should leave it to for him her it them Stressed forms of all four non subject cases are used when emphasized e g uccidi me non lui kill me not him dallo a lei give it to her lo faro con lui I ll do it with that etc In colloquial speech form I of the dative mi ti gli le si ci vi is often associated with the emphasized form of the dative a me a te a lui a lei a se a noi a voi a loro in such a way a me mi danno un libro they give me a book a loro gli hanno venduto una casa they sold them a house Though widely used this redundant usage is considered non standard Combinations of clitics Edit In Italian it is possible to append more than one clitic to a single verb In normal usage two is the usual limit although clusters of three can occasionally arise for some speakers 13 especially with impersonal constructs e g Ce la si sente One feels up to it or Nessuno ha ancora visto l ultimo film di Woody Allen quindi ce lo si vede tutti insieme Nobody has watched the last Woody Allen movie yet so we have to watch it together Any two cases can be used together except for accusative genitive and word order is strictly determined according to one of the following two patterns 14 When third person non reflexive accusative or genitive clitics are used form II of the other clitic is used which always precedes it Thus 1 2 3me te glie se ce ve lo la li le ne si a Impersonal si used to form quasi passive constructions and essentially the same case as the pronoun that precedes it Lo si vede spesso You we one see s him a lot lit more like He is seen a lot Se is used with ne instead however Se ne parla You talk about it Cannot be used with stressed form of other clitics used with unstressed form otherwise see below For example Ve lo dico gia da ora io non verro I already told you pl said it to you I m not coming dative accusative Ce li ha gia dati He she you already gave them to us dative accusative Ecco l uomo di cui mi innamorai Te ne ho portato la foto Here s the man I fell in love with I brought you the picture of him dative genitive Vedresti Carla con una gonna lunga e un cappello Si ce la vedrei Could you imagine Carla with a long skirt and a hat Yes I could imagine her with that instrumental accusative Riuscirai a trasportare abbastanza mele con quel piccolo furgoncino Uomo di poca fede Ce ne trasportero quintali Will you be able to transport enough apples with such a small van Man of little faith I ll transport quintals of them with it instrumental genitive Otherwise form I is used for both clitics 1 2 3 4 5 6mi gli le vi ti ci si a Reflexive or impersonal Thus Mi ti mostro senza veli I m showing myself without veils to you accusative dative Ti si fece incontro He she approached you moved himself herself to you dative accusative G li ti daro nelle mani perche in pezzi ti faccia come tu meriti 15 I will deliver you to him so that he will tear you to pieces as you deserve dative accusative Marco ha vinto Che fara con tutti quei soldi Ci si paghera l Universita Marco won What s he going to do with all that money He ll use it to pay for college pay for college for himself with it instrumental dative Metti via quella pistola Ti ci ammazzi Put away that pistol You ll use it to kill yourself kill yourself with it accusative instrumental Apocopated forms Edit Clitic forms except cui before a verbal form beginning with a vowel except when they are compound to the suffix can be apocopated apocopations are more common before verbal forms e ho hai ha hanno abbia and abbiano of verbs essere and avere than when they are before verbal forms of other verbs which are more rare also apocopations of che are rare while apocopation of cui is avoided due to phonetic ambiguities with words such as qua homophone to cu ha Apocopation is not mandatory Ci is graphically apocopated only in front of e and i as in c e and c inserisco but the i is graphically kept in front of other vowels as in mi ci addentro although in all cases it is pronounced t ʃ without the i similarly gli is graphically apocopated only in front of i as in gl impongo but not in front of other vowels gli e dato sapere although in all cases the i is never pronounced The apocopated form of che is always pronounced k even when otherwise common phonetic rules switch their pronunciations 16 Examples of apocopated forms clitic form e a ho b hai c ha d abbiamo e avete f hanno g mi m e m ho h m hai m ha m avete m hannoti t e t ho t hai h t ha t abbiamo t hannogli gli e gli ho gli hai gli ha gli abbiamo gli avete gli hannogliela gliele glieli glielo gliel e gliel ho gliel hai gliel ha gliel abbiamo gliel avete gliel hannola le li lo l e l ho l hai l ha l abbiamo l avete l hannosi s e s ha s hannoci c e ci ho ci hai ci ha ci abbiamo ci avete ci hannovi v e v ho v hai v ha v abbiamo v avete v hannoche ch e ch ho ch hai ch ha ch abbiamo ch avete ch hanno he she it one is I have you sg have he she it one has we have you pl have they have a b apocopated of reflexive pronouns with verbal forms of verb avere ho hai are rarely used T V distinction Edit Italian makes use of the T V distinction in second person address The second person nominative pronoun is tu for informal use and for formal use the third person form Lei has been used since the Renaissance 6 It is used like Sie in German usted in Spanish and vous in French Lei was originally an object form of ella which in turn referred to an honorific of the feminine gender such as la magnificenza tua vostra Your Magnificence or Vossignoria Your Lordship 17 and by analogy Loro came to be used as the formal plural Previously and in some Italian regions today e g Campania voi was used as the formal singular like French vous The pronouns lei third person singular Lei formal second person singular loro third person plural and Loro formal second person plural are pronounced the same but written as shown and formal Lei and Loro take third person conjugations Formal Lei is invariable for gender always feminine but adjectives that modify it are not one would say to a man La conosco I know you but Lei e alto You are tall Formal Loro is variable for gender Li conosco I know you masc pl vs Le conosco I know you fem pl etc The formal plural is very rarely used in modern Italian the unmarked form is widely used instead 18 For example Gino Lei e un bravo ingegnere Marco Lei e un bravo architetto Insieme voi sarete una gran bella squadra Gino you are a good engineer Marco you are a good architect Together you will make a very good team Verbs EditMain article Italian conjugation Based on the ending of their infiniti presenti are ere or ire all Italian verbs can be assigned to three distinct conjugation patterns Exceptions are found fare to do make from Latin FACĔRE and dire to say from Latin DICĔRE were originally 2nd conjugation verbs that reduced the unstressed vowel in the infinitive and consequentially in the future and conditional whose stem derives from the infinitive but still follow the 2nd conjugation for all the other tenses this behaviour is similarly featured in the verbs ending in trarre porre and durre derived respectively from the Latin TRAHĔRE to drag PONĔRE to put and DVCĔRE to lead 19 Just like many other Romance languages Italian verbs express distinct verbal aspects by means of analytic structures such as periphrases rather than synthetic ones the only aspectual distinction between two synthetic forms is the one between the imperfetto habitual past tense and the passato remoto perfective past tense although the latter is usually replaced in spoken language by the passato prossimo Tenses Edit Simple tenses Edit Tense Italian name Example English equivalentIndicative MoodPresent indicativo presente faccio I doI am doing verbs 1 Imperfect indicativo imperfetto facevo I used to doI was doing verbs 1 Preterite verbs 2 passato remoto feci I didFuture futuro semplice faro I will doConditional moodPresent condizionale presente farei I would doSubjunctive moodPresent congiuntivo presente che io faccia that I doImperfect congiuntivo imperfetto che io facessi that I did doImperative moodPresent imperativo fa you do Compound tenses Edit Aspects other than the habitual and the imperfective such as the perfective the progressive and the prospective are rendered in Italian by a series of periphrastic structures that may or may not be perceived as different tenses by different speakers Note the difference between Perfect aspect io ho fatto English I have done Progressive aspect io sto facendo English I m doing Prospective aspect io sto per fare English I m about to do Tense Italian name Example English equivalentIndicative MoodPresent perfect passato prossimo ho fatto I have doneI didRecent pluperfect trapassato prossimo avevo fatto I had done verbs 3 Remote pluperfect trapassato remoto ebbi fatto I had done verbs 3 Future perfect futuro anteriore avro fatto I will have doneI may have donePresent continuous presente progressivo sto facendo I am doing verbs 1 Past continuous passato progressivo stavo facendo I was doing verbs 1 Future continuous futuro progressivo staro facendo I will be doingI may be doingConditional moodPreterite condizionale passato avrei fatto I would have donePresent continuous condizionale progressivo starei facendo I would be doingSubjunctive moodPreterite congiuntivo passato che io abbia fatto that I have donePluperfect congiuntivo trapassato che io avessi fatto that I had donePresent continuous congiuntivo presente progressivo che io stia facendo that I be doingImperfect continuous congiuntivo imperfetto progressivo che io stessi facendo that I were doingImpersonal forms Edit Tense Italian name Example English equivalentInfinitivesPresent infinito presente fare to doPast infinito passato aver fatto to have doneGerundsPresent gerundio presente facendo doingPast gerundio passato avendo fatto having doneParticiplesPresent participio presente facente doingPast participio passato fatto doneNotes a b c d While Italian features a series of periphrastic progressive tenses grammatically distinct from the unmarked forms the present and past continuous are used less frequently than in English and can generally be replaced with the respective simple forms This cannot necessarily apply to all other progressive tenses In Northern Italy and in Sardinia the preterite is usually perceived as formal and in informal or everyday language is usually replaced by the present perfect ho fatto it is however regularly used in Southern Italy and also commonly found in both older and more recent literature a b The trapassato prossimo recent pluperfect and the more uncommon trapassato remoto remote pluperfect while separate tenses in Italian translate the same English tense the past perfect the difference in usage between the two mirrors the one between the present perfect and the preterite Compound tense auxiliary verbs Edit In Italian compound tenses expressing perfect aspect are formed with either auxiliary verb avere to have for transitive verbs and some intransitive verbs and with essere to be for the remaining intransitive verbs plus the past participle Progressive aspect is rendered by verb stare plus the gerund The prospective aspect is formed with stare plus the preposition per and the infinitive The passive voice of transitive verbs is formed with essere in the perfective and prospective aspects with venire in the progressive or habitual aspect and with either essere or venire in the perfective aspects Il cancello e stato appena aperto The gate has just been opened Il cancello sta per essere aperto The gate is about to be opened Il cancello sta venendo aperto in questo momento The gate is being opened right now Il cancello viene aperto ogni giorno The gate is opened every day Il cancello fu venne aperto in fretta The gate was quickly opened For the perfect tenses of intransitive verbs a reliable rule cannot be given although a useful rule of thumb is that if a verb s past participle can take on adjectival value essere is used otherwise avere 20 21 Also reflexive verbs and unaccusative verbs use essere typically non agentive verbs of motion and change of state i e involuntary actions like cadere to fall or morire to die citation needed The distinction between the two auxiliary verbs is important for the correct formation of the compound tenses and is essential to the agreement of the past participle Some verbs like vivere to live may use both Io ho vissuto I have lived can alternatively be expressed as Io sono vissuto Past participle Edit The past participle is used in Italian as both an adjective and to form many of the compound tenses of the language There are regular endings for the past participle based on the conjugation class see below There are however many irregular forms as not all verbs follow the pattern particularly the ere verbs Some of the more common irregular past participles include essere to be stato same for stare fare to do to make fatto dire to say to tell detto aprire to open aperto chiedere to ask chiesto chiudere to close chiuso leggere to read letto mettere to put messo perdere to lose perso prendere to take to get preso rispondere to answer risposto scrivere to write scritto vedere to see visto For the intransitive verbs taking essere the past participle always agrees with the subject that is it follows the usual adjective agreement rules egli e partito ella e partita This is also true for reflexive verbs the impersonal si construction which requires any adjectives that refer to it to be in the masculine plural Si e sempre stanchi alla fine della giornata One is always tired at the end of the day and the passive voice which also use essere Queste mele sono state comprate da loro These apples have been bought by them against Essi hanno comprato queste mele They bought these apples 1 22 The past participle when used with avere never changes to agree with the subject It must agree with the object though in sentences where this is expressed by a third person clitic pronoun e g Hai mangiato la mela Si l ho mangiata Have you eaten the apple Yes I have eaten it When the object is expressed by a first or second person clitic pronoun instead the agreement is optional Maria Ti ha chiamato chiamata Giovanni No non mi ha chiamato chiamata Maria Has Giovanni called you No he has not In all the other cases where the object is not expressed by a clitic pronoun the agreement with the object is obsolescent in modern Italian but still correct La storia che avete raccontata obsolete raccontato non mi convince The story you told does not convince me or compare Manzoni s Lucia aveva avute due buone ragioni 23 with the more modern Lucia aveva avuto due buone ragioni Lucia had had two good reasons Tense relationship in subordinate sentences Edit Italian inherits consecutio temporum a grammar rule from Latin that governs the relationship between the tenses in principal and subordinate clauses Consecutio temporum has very rigid rules These rules require the subjunctive tense in order to express contemporaneity posteriority and anteriority in relation with the principal clause To express contemporaneity when the principal clause is in a simple tense future present or simple past the subordinate clause uses the present subjunctive to express contemporaneity in the present Penso che Davide sia intelligente I think David is smart When the principal clause has a past imperfect or perfect the subordinate clause uses the imperfect subjunctive expressing contemporaneity in the past Pensavo che Davide fosse intelligente I thought David was smart To express anteriority when the principal clause is in a simple tense future or present or passato prossimo the subordinate clause uses the past subjunctive Penso che Davide sia stato intelligente I think David has been smart To express anteriority when the principal clause has a past imperfect or perfect the subjunctive has to be pluperfect Pensavo che Davide fosse stato intelligente I thought David had been smart To express posteriority the subordinate clause uses the future tense in the indicative mood not the subjunctive because the subjunctive has no future tense Penso che Davide sara intelligente I think David will be smart To express posteriority with respect to a past event the subordinate clause uses the past conditional whereas in other European languages such as French English and Spanish the present conditional is used Pensavo che Davide sarebbe stato intelligente I thought that David would have been smart Regular conjugation Edit The infinitive of first conjugation verbs ends in are that of second conjugation verbs in ere and that of third conjugation verbs in ire In the following examples for different moods the first conjugation verb is parlare meaning to talk speak the second conjugation verb is temere to fear and the third conjugation verb is partire to leave depart Indicative mood Edit Present Preterite Imperfect Simple future1st Conj 2nd Conj 3rd Conj 1st Conj 2nd Conj 3rd Conj 1st Conj 2nd Conj 3rd Conj 1st Conj 2nd Conj 3rd Conj io parlo temo parto parlai temetti temei partii parlavo temevo partivo parlero temero partirotu parli temi parti parlasti temesti partisti parlavi temevi partivi parlerai temerai partiraiegli ella esso essa parla teme parte parlo temette teme parti parlava temeva partiva parlera temera partiranoi parliamo temiamo partiamo parlammo tememmo partimmo parlavamo temevamo partivamo parleremo temeremo partiremovoi parlate temete partite parlaste temeste partiste parlavate temevate partivate parlerete temerete partireteessi esse parlano temono partono parlarono temettero temerono partirono parlavano temevano partivano parleranno temeranno partirannoRecent past present of avere essere past participle Remote pluperfect preterite of avere essere past participle Recent pluperfect imperfect of avere essere past participle Future perfect simple future of avere essere past participleMany third conjugation verbs insert an infix sc between the stem and the endings in the first second and third persons singular and third person plural of the present indicative and subjunctive e g capire gt capisco capisci capisce capiamo capite capiscono indicative and capisca capisca capisca capiamo capiate capiscano subjunctive This subgroup of third conjugation verbs is usually referred to as incoativi because in Latin the original function of the suffix sc was to denote inchoative verbs but this meaning is totally lost in modern Italian where the suffix mostly serves a euphonic function 6 Subjunctive mood Edit The Italian subjunctive mood is used to indicate cases of desire express doubt make impersonal emotional statements and to talk about impeding events Present Imperfect1st Conj 2nd Conj 3rd Conj 1st Conj 2nd Conj 3rd Conj io parli tema parta parlassi temessi partissitu parli tema parta parlassi temessi partissiegli ella esso essa parli tema parta parlasse temesse partissenoi parliamo temiamo partiamo parlassimo temessimo partissimovoi parliate temiate partiate parlaste temeste partisteessi esse parlino temano partano parlassero temessero partisseroPast present of avere essere past participle Past perfect imperfect of avere essere past participleThird conjugation verbs like capire mentioned above insert isc in the first second and third persons singular and third person plural of the present Compound forms past and past perfect are made by adding the past participle e g parlato to the corresponding auxiliary form as abbia in the present and imperfect Conditional mood Edit Present1st Conj 2nd Conj 3rd Conj io parlerei temerei partireitu parleresti temeresti partirestiegli ella esso essa parlerebbe temerebbe partirebbenoi parleremmo temeremmo partiremmovoi parlereste temereste partiresteessi esse parlerebbero temerebbero partirebberoPast conditional of avere essere past participleAs the table shows verbs each take their own root from their class of verb are becomes er ere becomes er and ire becomes ir the same roots as used in the future indicative tense All verbs add the same ending to this root Some verbs do not follow this pattern but take irregular roots these include Andare to go Andr Avere to have Avr Bere to drink Berr Dare to give Dar Dovere to have to Dovr Essere to be Sar Fare to make do Far Godere to enjoy Godr Potere to be able to Potr Rimanere to remain Rimarr Sapere to know Sapr Sedere to sit Sedr Stare to be feel Star Tenere to hold Terr Vedere to see Vedr Venire to come Verr Vivere to live Vivr Volere to want Vorr etc The Italian conditional mood is a mood that refers to an action that is possible or likely but is dependent upon a condition Example Io andrei in spiaggia ma fa troppo freddo I would go to the beach but it is too cold It can be used in two tenses the present by conjugation of the appropriate verb or the past using the auxiliary conjugated in the conditional with the past participle of the appropriate noun Mangerei un sacco adesso se non stessi cercando di fare colpo su queste ragazze I would eat a lot now if I were not trying to impress these girls Sarei andato in citta se avessi saputo che ci andavano loro I would have gone to the city if I had known that they were going Many Italian speakers often use the imperfect instead of the conditional and subjunctive Prescriptivists usually view this as incorrect but it is frequent in colloquial speech and tolerated in all but high registers and in most writing 24 Se lo sapevo andavo alla spiaggia If I had known it I would have gone to the beach Se Lucia non faceva quel segno la risposta sarebbe probabilmente stata diversa 25 If Lucia had not made that sign the answer would probably have been different The conditional can also be used in Italian to express could with the conjugated forms of potere to be able to should with the conjugated forms of dovere to have to or would like with the conjugated forms of volere want Lui potrebbe leggere un libro He could read a book Loro dovrebbero andare a letto They should go to bed Vorrei un bicchiere d acqua per favore I would like a glass of water please Imperative mood Edit 1st Conj 2nd Conj 3rd Conj tu parla temi parti Ella parli tema parta noi parliamo temiamo partiamo voi parlate temete partite Essi Esse parlino temano partano Verbs like capire insert isc in all except the noi and voi forms Technically the only real imperative forms are the second person singular and plural with the other persons being borrowed from the present subjunctive Non finite forms Edit Infinitive present are ere ire past avere essere past participle Gerund present ando endo endo past avendo essendo past participle Participle present ante ente ente past ato uto though verbs of the second conjugation almost always have a contracted desinence e g cuocere to cook cotto cooked itoIrregular verbs Edit While the majority of Italian verbs are regular many of the most commonly used are irregular In particular the auxiliary verbs essere stare and avere and the common modal verbs dovere expressing necessity or obligation potere expressing permission and to a lesser degree ability sapere expressing ability and volere expressing willingness are all irregular The only irregular verbs of the first conjugation are dare to give which follows the same pattern as stare and andare to go which features suppletive forms in the present of the indicative subjunctive and imperative from the Latin verb VADERE While apparently a 1st conjugation verb fare is actually a highly irregular verb of the second conjugation Even the third conjugation features a small handful of irregular verbs like morire to die whose present is muoio muori muore moriamo morite muoiono indicative and muoia muoia muoia moriamo moriate muoiano subjunctive The second conjugation combines the second and third conjugation of Latin since the verbs belonging to the third conjugation were athematic and they behaved less regularly than the ones belonging to the other conjugations compare AMARE gt AMAVI AMATVS first conjugation and LEGERE gt LEGI LECTVS third conjugation the second conjugation Italian features many irregularities that trace back to the original paradigms of the Latin verbs amare gt amai amato first conjugation regular but leggere gt lessi letto second conjugation irregular essere to be auxiliary Indicative Subjunctive ConditionalPresent Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfectio sono ero fui saro sia fossi sareitu sei eri fosti sarai sia fossi sarestilui lei esso essa e era fu sara sia fosse sarebbenoi siamo eravamo fummo saremo siamo fossimo saremmovoi siete eravate foste sarete siate foste saresteloro essi esse sono erano furono saranno siano fossero sarebberostare to stay auxiliary Indicative Subjunctive ConditionalPresent Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfectio sto stavo stetti staro stia stessi stareitu stai stavi stesti starai stia stessi starestilui lei esso essa sta stava stette stara stia stesse starebbenoi stiamo stavamo stemmo staremo stiamo stessimo staremmovoi state stavate steste starete stiate steste staresteloro essi esse stanno stavano stettero staranno stiano stessero starebberoavere to have auxiliary Indicative Subjunctive ConditionalPresent Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfectio ho avevo ebbi avro abbia avessi avreitu hai avevi avesti avrai abbia avessi avrestilui lei esso essa ha aveva ebbe avra abbia avesse avrebbenoi abbiamo avevamo avemmo avremo abbiamo avessimo avremmovoi avete avevate aveste avrete abbiate aveste avresteloro essi esse hanno avevano ebbero avranno abbiano avessero avrebberodovere to have to must should modal Indicative Subjunctive ConditionalPresent Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfectio devo debbo dovevo dovetti dovro debba dovessi dovreitu devi dovevi dovesti dovrai debba dovessi dovrestilui lei esso essa deve doveva dovette dovra debba dovesse dovrebbenoi dobbiamo dovevamo dovemmo dovremo dobbiamo dovessimo dovremmovoi dovete dovevate doveste dovrete dobbiate doveste dovresteloro essi esse devono debbono dovevano dovettero dovranno debbano dovessero dovrebberopotere to be able to can could modal Indicative Subjunctive ConditionalPresent Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfectio posso potevo potei potro possa potessi potreitu puoi potevi potesti potrai possa potessi potrestilui lei esso essa puo poteva pote potra possa potesse potrebbenoi possiamo potevamo potemmo potremo possiamo potessimo potremmovoi potete potevate poteste potrete possiate poteste potresteloro essi esse possono potevano poterono potranno possano potessero potrebberovolere to want will would modal Indicative Subjunctive ConditionalPresent Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfectio voglio volevo volli vorro voglia volessi vorreitu vuoi volevi volesti vorrai voglia volessi vorrestilui lei esso essa vuole voleva volle vorra voglia volesse vorrebbenoi vogliamo volevamo volemmo vorremo vogliamo volessimo vorremmovoi volete volevate voleste vorrete vogliate voleste vorresteloro essi esse vogliono volevano vollero vorranno vogliano volessero vorrebberosapere to be able to can modal 26 Indicative Subjunctive ConditionalPresent Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfectio so sapevo seppi sapro sappia sapessi sapreitu sai sapevi sapesti saprai sappia sapessi saprestilui lei esso essa sa sapeva seppe sapra sappia sapesse saprebbenoi sappiamo sapevamo sapemmo sapremo sappiamo sapessimo sapremmovoi sapete sapevate sapeste saprete sappiate sapeste sapresteloro essi esse sanno sapevano seppero sapranno sappiano sapessero saprebberoAdverbs EditAn adjective can be made into a modal adverb by adding mente from Latin mente ablative of mens mind feminine noun to the ending of the feminine singular form of the adjective E g lenta slow feminine becomes lentamente slowly Adjectives ending in re or le lose their e before adding mente facile easy becomes facilmente easily particolare particular becomes particolarmente particularly These adverbs can also be derived from the absolute superlative form of adjectives e g lentissimamente very slowly facilissimamente very easily There is also a plethora of temporal local modal and interrogative adverbs mostly derived from Latin e g quando when dove where come how perche why because mai never sempre always etc Prepositions EditItalian has a closed class of basic prepositions to which a number of adverbs can be added that also double as prepositions e g sopra il tavolo upon the table prima di adesso before now In modern Italian the prepositions tra and fra are interchangeable and often chosen on the basis of euphony tra fratelli among brothers vs fra i tralicci between the power pylons In modern Italian all the basic prepositions except tra fra con and per have to be combined with an article placed next to them Of these con and per have optional combining forms col collo colla coll coi cogli colle pel pello pella pell pei pegli pelle except for col and coi which are occasionally used however these are archaic and very rare Prepositions normally require the article before the following noun in a similar way as the English language does However Latin s lack of articles influenced several cases of prepositions used without article in Italian e g a capo da capo di colpo in bicicletta per strada The preposition su becomes su di before a pronoun e g su di te Some speakers also use su di before a word beginning in u for euphonic reasons e g su di un cavallo but this is regarded as incorrect by grammarians Historically the variant form sur was used before the letter u however this form fell into disuse during the nineteenth century Mandatory contractionsItalian English Preposition articleil lo la l i gli ledi of from del dello della dell dei degli dellea to at al allo alla all ai agli alleda from by since dal dallo dalla dall dai dagli dallein in nel nello nella nell nei negli nellesu on about sul sullo sulla sull sui sugli sulleOptional contractionsItalian English Preposition articleil lo la l i gli lecon with col collo colla coll coi cogli colleper for through pel pello pella pell pei pegli pelletra between among tral trallo tralla trall trai tragli trallefra between among fral frallo fralla frall frai fragli fralleSyntax EditItalian is an SVO language Nevertheless the SVO sequence is sometimes replaced by one of the other arrangements SOV VSO OVS etc especially for reasons of emphasis and in literature for reasons of style and metre Italian has relatively free word order The subject is usually omitted when it is a pronoun distinctive verb conjugations make it redundant Subject pronouns are considered emphatic when used at all Questions are formed by a rising intonation at the end of the sentence in written form a question mark There is usually no other special marker although wh movement does usually occur In general intonation and context are important to recognize questions from affirmative statements Davide e arrivato in ufficio David has arrived at the office Davide e arrivato in ufficio Talking about David did he arrive at the office or Davide has arrived at the office Really depending on the intonation Perche Davide e arrivato in ufficio Why has David arrived at the office Perche Davide e arrivato in ufficio Because David has arrived at the office E arrivato Davide in ufficio It was David who arrived at the office or David arrived at the office depending on the intonation E arrivato Davide in ufficio Has David arrived at the office E arrivato in ufficio He has arrived at the office Lui e arrivato in ufficio He has arrived at the office Chi e arrivato in ufficio Who has arrived at the office In general adjectives come after the noun they modify adverbs after the verb But as with French adjectives coming before the noun indicate essential quality of the noun Demonstratives e g questo this quello that come before the noun and a few particular adjectives e g bello may be inflected like demonstratives and placed before the noun Disputed points in Italian grammar EditAmong sometimes proscribed Italian forms are The usage of an indicative form where a subjunctive one is traditional for instance credo che Giorgio ieri fosse a casa I believe that yesterday George was at home is considered proper while credo che Giorgio ieri era a casa may not be se Maria fosse stata a casa le avrei telefonato if Mary had been at home I would have telephoned her is preferred se Maria era a casa le telefonavo is often proscribed despite being found in classic Italian writers The use of the object forms lui lei loro and Lei of third person pronouns instead of the subject forms egli ella essi and Ella which are employed in formal language Ma pero despite being widespread in spoken language is proscribed in formal usage because it is redundant ma and pero are synonyms Italian grammar books EditThe first Italian grammar was printed by Giovanni Francesco Fortunio in 1516 with the title Regole grammaticali della volgar lingua 27 Ever since several Italian and foreign scholars have published works devoted to its description Among others may be mentioned the famous Grammatica storica della lingua italiana e dei suoi dialetti written by the philologist Gerhard Rohlfs published at the end of the 1960s Among the most modern publications are those by Luca Serianni in collaboration with Alberto Castelvecchi Grammatica italiana Suoni forme costrutti Utet Torino 1998 and by Lorenzo Renzi Giampaolo Salvi and Anna Cardinaletti Grande grammatica italiana di consultazione 3 vol Bologna Il Mulino 1988 1995 The most complete and accurate grammar in English is A Reference Grammar of Modern Italian by Martin Maiden and Cecilia Robustelli McGraw Hill Chicago 2000 2nd edition Routledge New York 2013 Bibliography EditSerianni Luca 2000 Italiano Grammatica sintassi dubbi in Italian Milan Garzanti ISBN 8811504880 Berloco Fabrizio 2018 The Big Book of Italian Verbs 900 Fully Conjugated Verbs in All Tenses With IPA Transcription 2nd Edition Lengu ISBN 978 8894034813 References Edit a b Accademia della Crusca Guida alla scelta dell articolo Archived from the original on 2011 07 20 Retrieved 2009 06 25 Accademia della Crusca Articolo davanti a parole straniere inizianti per w e sw Archived from the original on 2011 07 20 Retrieved 2009 06 25 Self geminating consonants are always long between vowels Accademia della Crusca Sul plurale dei nomi in cia e gia e su una scelta d autore Archived from the original on 2011 07 20 Retrieved 2009 06 25 Accademia della Crusca Plurali difficili Archived 2012 02 17 at the Wayback Machine a b c d Serianni Luca 1997 Italiano Garzanti ISBN 88 11 50470 8 This class emerged in 13th Century Old Italian Presumably the plural ending changed to i because these nouns were masculine See Dynamics of Morphological Productivity by Francesco Gardani page 427 Accademia della Crusca Plurali doppi In Classical Latin the word is neuter templum templa However in Vulgar Latin the neuter gender gradually eroded as more and more words migrated to the other genders The earliest evidence for a masculine version of templum in Vulgar Latin comes from the Late Latin Codex Bezae circa 400 where we read quiaegodestruamhunctemplum where in the Vulgata we read Ego dissolvam templum hoc Evangelium secundum Marcum 14 58 The nominative singular is unattested but judging from other attested neuter nouns turned masculine it would presumably have been templus See An Introduction to Vulgar Latin by Charles Hall Grandgent page 145 and Itala und Vulgata by Hermann Ronsch page 266 Accademia della Crusca Sulla posizione dell aggettivo qualificativo in italiano Archived from the original on 2011 07 20 Retrieved 2009 06 25 Accademia della Crusca Impiego diProprioeSuo Archived from the original on 2011 07 20 Retrieved 2009 06 25 This was not always the case however It is not rare indeed to find in opera librettos the clitic before the imperative as in Ti ferma which in standard Italian means He She It stops you instead of the standard Fermati which means Stop yourself However this usage today is completely non standard and modern listeners might have difficulties with it when approaching old texts Lepschy Giulio and Anna Laura Lepschy 1998 The Italian Language Today New York New Amsterdam Books p 214 Lepschy Giulio and Anna Laura Lepschy 1998 The Italian Language Today New York New Amsterdam Books p 212 Giraldi Giovanni Battista 1565 Gli Ecatommiti The Moor of Venice Tipografia Borghi amp Compagni published 1833 p 1840 with ho hai ha hanno and verbal forms beginning with a o or u Maiden Martin M Mair Parry 1997 The dialects of Italy P 113 Accademia della Crusca Sui pronomi di cortesia Berloco 2018 Accademia della Crusca La scelta degli ausiliari Archived from the original on 2009 05 30 Retrieved 2009 06 27 Accademia della Crusca Ausiliare con i verbi intransitivi Archived from the original on 2011 07 20 Retrieved 2009 06 27 Use of impersonal si with transitive intransitive and copular verbs in Italian Passive Voice amp Impersonal Si in Italian Adros Verse Education Retrieved September 9 2023 a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Alessandro Manzoni The Betrothed 1827 Fornaciari Raffaello 1881 Sintassi italiana Florence a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link See an excerpt at Grammatica italiana L imperfetto nelle frasi condizionali Retrieved 2007 10 08 Alessandro Manzoni I promessi sposi chapter 3 The verb sapere has two distinctive meanings depending whether it is used as a modal verb i e accompanying another infinitive or not As a modal verb it means can being able to as in So suonare il violino I can play the violin while as a normal verb it means to know as in So cosa significhi I know what that means Michael Metzeltin 2004 Las lenguas romanicas estandar historia de su formacion y de su uso Uvieu Asturias Academia Llingua Asturiana p 221 ISBN 84 8168 356 6 External links EditVerb Conjugation Trainer from Molto Bene Italian Accademia della Crusca Italian grammar at Curlie Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Italian grammar amp oldid 1178704463, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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