
Feminist theory

Feminist theory is the extension of feminism into theoretical, fictional, or philosophical discourse. It aims to understand the nature of gender inequality. It examines women's and men's social roles, experiences, interests, chores, and feminist politics in a variety of fields, such as anthropology and sociology, communication, media studies, psychoanalysis,[1] political theory, home economics, literature, education, and philosophy.[2]

Feminist theory often focuses on analyzing gender inequality. Themes often explored in feminist theory include discrimination, objectification (especially sexual objectification), oppression, patriarchy,[3][4] stereotyping, art history[5] and contemporary art,[6][7] and aesthetics.[8][9]

History edit

Feminist theories first emerged as early as 1794 in publications such as A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft, "The Changing Woman",[10] "Ain't I a Woman",[11] "Speech after Arrest for Illegal Voting",[12] and so on. "The Changing Woman" is a Navajo Myth that gave credit to a woman who, in the end, populated the world.[13] In 1851, Sojourner Truth addressed women's rights issues through her publication, "Ain't I a Woman". Sojourner Truth addressed the issue of women having limited rights due to men's flawed perception of women. Truth argued that if a woman of color can perform tasks that were supposedly limited to men, then any woman of any color could perform those same tasks. After her arrest for illegally voting, Susan B. Anthony gave a speech within court in which she addressed the issues of language within the constitution documented in her publication, "Speech after Arrest for Illegal voting" in 1872. Anthony questioned the authoritative principles of the constitution and its male-gendered language. She raised the question of why women are accountable to be punished under law but they cannot use the law for their own protection (women could not vote, own property, nor maintain custody of themselves in marriage). She also critiqued the constitution for its male-gendered language and questioned why women should have to abide by laws that do not specify women.

Nancy Cott makes a distinction between modern feminism and its antecedents, particularly the struggle for suffrage. In the United States she places the turning point in the decades before and after women obtained the vote in 1920 (1910–1930). She argues that the prior woman movement was primarily about woman as a universal entity, whereas over this 20-year period it transformed itself into one primarily concerned with social differentiation, attentive to individuality and diversity. New issues dealt more with woman's condition as a social construct, gender identity, and relationships within and between genders. Politically, this represented a shift from an ideological alignment comfortable with the right, to one more radically associated with the left.[14]

Susan Kingsley Kent says that Freudian patriarchy was responsible for the diminished profile of feminism in the inter-war years,[15] others such as Juliet Mitchell consider this to be overly simplistic since Freudian theory is not wholly incompatible with feminism.[16] Some feminist scholarship shifted away from the need to establish the origins of family, and towards analyzing the process of patriarchy.[17] In the immediate postwar period, Simone de Beauvoir stood in opposition to an image of "the woman in the home". De Beauvoir provided an existentialist dimension to feminism with the publication of Le Deuxième Sexe (The Second Sex) in 1949.[18] As the title implies, the starting point is the implicit inferiority of women, and the first question de Beauvoir asks is "what is a woman"?[19] A woman she realizes is always perceived of as the "other", "she is defined and differentiated with reference to man and not he with reference to her". In this book and her essay, "Woman: Myth & Reality", de Beauvoir anticipates Betty Friedan in seeking to demythologize the male concept of woman. "A myth invented by men to confine women to their oppressed state. For women, it is not a question of asserting themselves as women, but of becoming full-scale human beings." "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman", or as Toril Moi puts it "a woman defines herself through the way she lives her embodied situation in the world, or in other words, through the way in which she makes something of what the world makes of her". Therefore, the woman must regain subject, to escape her defined role as "other", as a Cartesian point of departure.[20] In her examination of myth, she appears as one who does not accept any special privileges for women. Ironically, feminist philosophers have had to extract de Beauvoir herself from out of the shadow of Jean-Paul Sartre to fully appreciate her.[21] While more philosopher and novelist than activist, she did sign one of the Mouvement de Libération des Femmes manifestos.

The resurgence of feminist activism in the late 1960s was accompanied by an emerging literature of concerns for the earth and spirituality, and environmentalism. This, in turn, created an atmosphere conducive to reigniting the study of and debate on matricentricity, as a rejection of determinism, such as Adrienne Rich[22] and Marilyn French[23] while for socialist feminists like Evelyn Reed,[24] patriarchy held the properties of capitalism. Feminist psychologists, such as Jean Baker Miller, sought to bring a feminist analysis to previous psychological theories, proving that "there was nothing wrong with women, but rather with the way modern culture viewed them".[25]

Elaine Showalter describes the development of feminist theory as having a number of phases. The first she calls "feminist critique" – where the feminist reader examines the ideologies behind literary phenomena. The second Showalter calls "Gynocritics" – where the "woman is producer of textual meaning" including "the psychodynamics of female creativity; linguistics and the problem of a female language; the trajectory of the individual or collective female literary career and literary history". The last phase she calls "gender theory" – where the "ideological inscription and the literary effects of the sex/gender system" are explored".[26] This model has been criticized by Toril Moi who sees it as an essentialist and deterministic model for female subjectivity. She also criticized it for not taking account of the situation for women outside the west.[27] From the 1970s onwards, psychoanalytical ideas that have been arising in the field of French feminism have gained a decisive influence on feminist theory. Feminist psychoanalysis deconstructed the phallic hypotheses regarding the Unconscious. Julia Kristeva, Bracha Ettinger and Luce Irigaray developed specific notions concerning unconscious sexual difference, the feminine, and motherhood, with wide implications for film and literature analysis.[28]

In the 1990s and the first decades of the 21st century, intersectionality played a major role in feminist theory, leading to the development of transfeminism and queer feminism and the consolidation of Black, anti-racist and postcolonial feminisms, among others.[29] The rise of the fourth wave in the 2010s led to new discussions on sexual violence, consent and body positivity, as well as a deepening of intersectional perspectives.[30][31][32] Simultaneously, feminist philosophy and anthropology saw a rise in new materialist, affect-oriented, posthumanist and ecofeminist perspectives.[33][34][35][36]

Disciplines edit

There are a number of distinct feminist disciplines, in which experts in other areas apply feminist techniques and principles to their own fields. Additionally, these are also debates which shape feminist theory and they can be applied interchangeably in the arguments of feminist theorists.

Bodies edit

In western thought, the body has been historically associated solely with women, whereas men have been associated with the mind. Susan Bordo, a modern feminist philosopher, in her writings elaborates the dualistic nature of the mind/body connection by examining the early philosophies of Aristotle, Hegel, and Descartes, revealing how such distinguishing binaries such as spirit/matter and male activity/female passivity have worked to solidify gender characteristics and categorization. Bordo goes on to point out that while men have historically been associated with the intellect and the mind or spirit, women have long been associated with the body, the subordinated, negatively imbued term in the mind/body dichotomy.[37] The notion of the body (but not the mind) being associated with women has served as a justification to deem women as property, objects, and exchangeable commodities (among men). For example, women's bodies have been objectified throughout history through the changing ideologies of fashion, diet, exercise programs, cosmetic surgery, childbearing, etc. This contrasts to men's role as a moral agent, responsible for working or fighting in bloody wars. The race and class of a woman can determine whether her body will be treated as decoration and protected, which is associated with middle or upper-class women's bodies. On the other hand, the other body is recognized for its use in labor and exploitation which is generally associated with women's bodies in the working-class or with women of color. Second-wave feminist activism has argued for reproductive rights and choice. The women's health movement and lesbian feminism are also associated with this Bodies debate.

The standard and contemporary sex and gender system edit

The standard sex determination and gender model consists of evidence based on the determined sex and gender of every individual and serve as norms for societal life. The model that the sex-determination of a person exists within a male/female dichotomy, giving importance to genitals and how they are formed via chromosomes and DNA-binding proteins (such as the sex-determining region Y genes), which are responsible for sending sex-determined initialization and completion signals to and from the biological sex-determination system in fetuses. Occasionally, variations occur during the sex-determining process, resulting in intersex conditions. The standard model defines gender as a social understanding/ideology that defines what behaviors, actions, and appearances are normal for males and females. Studies into biological sex-determining systems also have begun working towards connecting certain gender conducts such as behaviors, actions, and desires with sex-determinism.[38]

Socially-biasing children sex and gender system edit

The socially biasing children's sex and gender model broadens the horizons of the sex and gender ideologies. It revises the ideology of sex to be a social construct that is not limited to either male or female. The Intersex Society of North America which explains that "nature doesn't decide where the category of 'male' ends and the category of 'intersex' begins, or where the category of 'intersex' ends and the category of 'female' begins. Humans decide. Humans (today, typically doctors) decide how small a penis has to be, or how unusual a combination of parts has to be before it counts as intersex".[39] Therefore, sex is not a biological/natural construct but a social one instead since, society and doctors decide on what it means to be male, female, or intersex in terms of sex chromosomes and genitals, in addition to their personal judgment on who or how one passes as specific sex. The ideology of gender remains a social construct but is not as strict and fixed. Instead, gender is easily malleable and is forever changing. One example of where the standard definition of gender alters with time happens to be depicted in Sally Shuttleworth's Female Circulation in which the "abasement of the woman, reducing her from an active participant in the labor market to the passive bodily existence to be controlled by male expertise is indicative of the ways in which the ideological deployment of gender roles operated to facilitate and sustain the changing structure of familial and market relations in Victorian England".[40] In other words, this quote shows what it meant growing up into the roles of a female (gender/roles) changed from being a homemaker to being a working woman and then back to being passive and inferior to males. In conclusion, the contemporary sex gender model is accurate because both sex and gender are rightly seen as social constructs inclusive of the wide spectrum of sexes and genders and in which nature and nurture are interconnected.

Epistemologies edit

Questions about how knowledge is produced, generated, and distributed have been central to Western conceptions of feminist theory and discussions on feminist epistemology. One debate proposes such questions as "Are there 'women's ways of knowing' and 'women's knowledge'?" And "How does the knowledge women produce about themselves differ from that produced by patriarchy?"[41] Feminist theorists have also proposed the "feminist standpoint knowledge" which attempts to replace the "view from nowhere" with the model of knowing that expels the "view from women's lives".[41] A feminist approach to epistemology seeks to establish knowledge production from a woman's perspective. It theorizes that from personal experience comes knowledge which helps each individual look at things from a different insight.

It is central to feminism that women are systematically subordinated, and bad faith exists when women surrender their agency to this subordination (for example, acceptance of religious beliefs that a man is the dominant party in a marriage by the will of God). Simone de Beauvoir labels such women "mutilated" and "immanent".[42][43][44][45]

Intersectionality edit

Intersectionality is the examination of various ways in which people are oppressed, based on the relational web of dominating factors of race, sex, class, nation and sexual orientation. Intersectionality "describes the simultaneous, multiple, overlapping, and contradictory systems of power that shape our lives and political options". While this theory can be applied to all people, and more particularly all women, it is specifically mentioned and studied within the realms of black feminism. Patricia Hill Collins argues that black women in particular, have a unique perspective on the oppression of the world as unlike white women, they face both racial and gender oppression simultaneously, among other factors. This debate raises the issue of understanding the oppressive lives of women that are not only shaped by gender alone but by other elements such as racism, classism, ageism, heterosexism, ableism etc.

Language edit

In this debate, women writers have addressed the issues of masculinized writing through male gendered language that may not serve to accommodate the literary understanding of women's lives. Such masculinized language that feminist theorists address is the use of, for example, "God the Father", which is looked upon as a way of designating the sacred as solely men (or, in other words, biblical language glorifies men through all of the masculine pronouns like "he" and "him" and addressing God as a "He"). Feminist theorists attempt to reclaim and redefine women through a deeper thinking of language. For example, feminist theorists have used the term "womyn" instead of "women". Some feminist theorists have suggested using neutral terminology when naming jobs (for example, police officer versus policeman or mail carrier versus mailman). Some feminist theorists have reclaimed and redefined such words as "dyke" and "bitch".

Psychology edit

Feminist psychology is a form of psychology centered on societal structures and gender. Feminist psychology critiques the fact that historically psychological research has been done from a male perspective with the view that males are the norm.[46] Feminist psychology is oriented on the values and principles of feminism. It incorporates gender and the ways women are affected by issues resulting from it. Ethel Dench Puffer Howes was one of the first women to enter the field of psychology. She was the executive secretary of the National College Equal Suffrage League in 1914.

One major psychological theory, relational-cultural theory, is based on the work of Jean Baker Miller, whose book Toward a New Psychology of Women proposes that "growth-fostering relationships are a central human necessity and that disconnections are the source of psychological problems".[47] Inspired by Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique, and other feminist classics from the 1960s, relational-cultural theory proposes that "isolation is one of the most damaging human experiences and is best treated by reconnecting with other people", and that a therapist should "foster an atmosphere of empathy and acceptance for the patient, even at the cost of the therapist's neutrality".[48] The theory is based on clinical observations and sought to prove that "there was nothing wrong with women, but rather with the way modern culture viewed them".[25]

Psychoanalysis edit

Psychoanalytic feminism and feminist psychoanalysis are based on Freud and his psychoanalytic theories, but they also supply an important critique of it. It maintains that gender is not biological but is based on the psycho-sexual development of the individual, but also that sexual difference and gender are different notions. Psychoanalytical feminists believe that gender inequality comes from early childhood experiences, which lead men to believe themselves to be masculine, and women to believe themselves feminine. It is further maintained that gender leads to a social system that is dominated by males, which in turn influences the individual psycho-sexual development. As a solution it was suggested by some to avoid the gender-specific structuring of the society coeducation.[1][4] From the last 30 years of the 20th century, the contemporary French psychoanalytical theories concerning the feminine, that refer to sexual difference rather than to gender, with psychoanalysts like Julia Kristeva,[49][50] Maud Mannoni, Luce Irigaray,[51][52] and Bracha Ettinger that invented the concept matrixial space and matrixial Feminist ethics,[53][54][55][56][57] have largely influenced not only feminist theory but also the understanding of the subject in philosophy, art, aesthetics and ethics and the general field of psychoanalysis itself.[58][59] These French psychoanalysts are mainly post-Lacanian. Other feminist psychoanalysts and feminist theorists whose contributions have enriched the field through an engagement with psychoanalysis are Jessica Benjamin,[60] Jacqueline Rose,[61] Ranjana Khanna,[62] and Shoshana Felman.[63]

Girl with doll

Literary theory edit

Feminist literary criticism is literary criticism informed by feminist theories or politics. Its history has been varied, from classic works of female authors such as George Eliot, Virginia Woolf,[64] and Margaret Fuller to recent theoretical work in women's studies and gender studies by "third-wave" authors.[65]

In the most general terms, feminist literary criticism before the 1970s was concerned with the politics of women's authorship and the representation of women's condition within literature.[65] Since the arrival of more complex conceptions of gender and subjectivity, feminist literary criticism has taken a variety of new routes. It has considered gender in the terms of Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, as part of the deconstruction of existing power relations.[65]

Film theory edit

Many feminist film critics, such as Laura Mulvey, have pointed to the "male gaze" that predominates in classical Hollywood film making. Through the use of various film techniques, such as shot reverse shot, the viewers are led to align themselves with the point of view of a male protagonist. Notably, women function as objects of this gaze far more often than as proxies for the spectator.[66][67] Feminist film theory of the last twenty years is heavily influenced by the general transformation in the field of aesthetics, including the new options of articulating the gaze, offered by psychoanalytical French feminism, like Bracha Ettinger's feminine, maternal and matrixial gaze.[68][69]

Art history edit

Linda Nochlin[70] and Griselda Pollock[71][72][73] are prominent art historians writing on contemporary and modern artists and articulating Art history from a feminist perspective since the 1970s. Pollock works with French psychoanalysis, and in particular with Kristeva's and Ettinger's theories, to offer new insights into art history and contemporary art with special regard to questions of trauma and trans-generation memory in the works of women artists. Other prominent feminist art historians include: Norma Broude and Mary Garrard; Amelia Jones; Mieke Bal; Carol Duncan; Lynda Nead; Lisa Tickner; Tamar Garb; Hilary Robinson; Katy Deepwell.

History edit

Feminist history refers to the re-reading and re-interpretation of history from a feminist perspective. It is not the same as the history of feminism, which outlines the origins and evolution of the feminist movement. It also differs from women's history, which focuses on the role of women in historical events. The goal of feminist history is to explore and illuminate the female viewpoint of history through rediscovery of female writers, artists, philosophers, etc., in order to recover and demonstrate the significance of women's voices and choices in the past.[74][75][76][77][78]

Geography edit

Feminist geography is often considered part of a broader postmodern approach to the subject which is not primarily concerned with the development of conceptual theory in itself but rather focuses on the real experiences of individuals and groups in their own localities, upon the geographies that they live in within their own communities. In addition to its analysis of the real world, it also critiques existing geographical and social studies, arguing that academic traditions are delineated by patriarchy, and that contemporary studies which do not confront the nature of previous work reinforce the male bias of academic study.[79][80][81]

Philosophy edit

The Feminist philosophy refers to a philosophy approached from a feminist perspective. Feminist philosophy involves attempts to use methods of philosophy to further the cause of the feminist movements, it also tries to criticize and/or reevaluate the ideas of traditional philosophy from within a feminist view. This critique stems from the dichotomy Western philosophy has conjectured with the mind and body phenomena.[82] There is no specific school for feminist philosophy like there has been in regard to other theories. This means that Feminist philosophers can be found in the analytic and continental traditions, and the different viewpoints taken on philosophical issues with those traditions. Feminist philosophers also have many different viewpoints taken on philosophical issues within those traditions. Feminist philosophers who are feminists can belong to many different varieties of feminism. The writings of Judith Butler, Rosi Braidotti, Donna Haraway, Bracha Ettinger and Avital Ronell are the most significant psychoanalytically informed influences on contemporary feminist philosophy.

Sexology edit

Feminist sexology is an offshoot of traditional studies of sexology that focuses on the intersectionality of sex and gender in relation to the sexual lives of women. Feminist sexology shares many principles with the wider field of sexology; in particular, it does not try to prescribe a certain path or "normality" for women's sexuality, but only observe and note the different and varied ways in which women express their sexuality. Looking at sexuality from a feminist point of view creates connections between the different aspects of a person's sexual life.

From feminists' perspectives, sexology, which is the study of human sexuality and sexual relationship, relates to the intersectionality of gender, race and sexuality. Men have dominant power and control over women in the relationship, and women are expected to hide their true feeling about sexual behaviors. Women of color face even more sexual violence in the society. Some countries in Africa and Asia even practice female genital cutting, controlling women's sexual desire and limiting their sexual behavior. Moreover, Bunch, the women's and human rights activist, states that society used to see lesbianism as a threat to male supremacy and to the political relationships between men and women.[83] Therefore, in the past, people viewed being a lesbian as a sin and made it death penalty. Even today, many people still discriminate homosexuals. Many lesbians hide their sexuality and face even more sexual oppression.

Monosexual paradigm edit

Monosexual Paradigm is a term coined by Blasingame, a self-identified African American, bisexual female. Blasingame used this term to address the lesbian and gay communities who turned a blind eye to the dichotomy that oppressed bisexuals from both heterosexual and homosexual communities. This oppression negatively affects the gay and lesbian communities more so than the heterosexual community due to its contradictory exclusiveness of bisexuals. Blasingame argued that in reality dichotomies are inaccurate to the representation of individuals because nothing is truly black or white, straight or gay. Her main argument is that biphobia is the central message of two roots; internalized heterosexism and racism. Internalized heterosexism is described in the monosexual paradigm in which the binary states that you are either straight or gay and nothing in between. Gays and lesbians accept this internalized heterosexism by morphing into the monosexial paradigm and favoring single attraction and opposing attraction for both sexes. Blasingame described this favoritism as an act of horizontal hostility, where oppressed groups fight amongst themselves. Racism is described in the monosexual paradigm as a dichotomy where individuals are either black or white, again nothing in between. The issue of racism comes into fruition in regards to the bisexuals coming out process, where risks of coming out vary on a basis of anticipated community reaction and also in regards to the norms among bisexual leadership, where class status and race factor predominately over sexual orientation.[84]

Politics edit

Feminist political theory is a recently emerging field in political science focusing on gender and feminist themes within the state, institutions and policies. It questions the "modern political theory, dominated by universalistic liberalist thought, which claims indifference to gender or other identity differences and has therefore taken its time to open up to such concerns".[85]

Feminist perspectives entered international relations in the late 1980s, at about the same time as the end of the Cold War. This time was not a coincidence because the last forty years the conflict between US and USSR had been the dominant agenda of international politics. After the Cold War, there was continuing relative peace between the main powers. Soon, many new issues appeared on international relation's agenda. More attention was also paid to social movements. Indeed, in those times feminist approaches also used to depict the world politics. Feminists started to emphasize that while women have always been players in international system, their participation has frequently been associated with non-governmental settings such as social movements. However, they could also participate in inter-state decision making process as men did. Until more recently, the role of women in international politics has been confined to being the wives of diplomats, nannies who go abroad to find work and support their family, or sex workers trafficked across international boundaries. Women's contributions has not been seen in the areas where hard power plays significant role such as military. Nowadays, women are gaining momentum in the sphere of international relations in areas of government, diplomacy, academia, etc.. Despite barriers to more senior roles, women currently hold 11.1 percent of the seats in the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and 10.8 percent in the House. In the U.S. Department of State, women make up 29 percent of the chiefs of mission, and 29 percent of senior foreign positions at USAID.[86] In contrast, women are profoundly impacted by decisions the statepersons make.[87]

Economics edit

Feminist economics broadly refers to a developing branch of economics that applies feminist insights and critiques to economics. However, in recent decades, feminists like for example Katrine Marçal, author of Who cooked Adam Smith's dinner has also taken up a critique of economics.[88] Research in feminist economics is often interdisciplinary, critical, or heterodox. It encompasses debates about the relationship between feminism and economics on many levels: from applying mainstream economic methods to under-researched "women's" areas, to questioning how mainstream economics values the reproductive sector, to deeply philosophical critiques of economic epistemology and methodology.[89]

One prominent issue that feminist economists investigate is how the gross domestic product (GDP) does not adequately measure unpaid labor predominantly performed by women, such as housework, childcare, and eldercare.[90][91] Feminist economists have also challenged and exposed the rhetorical approach of mainstream economics.[92] They have made critiques of many basic assumptions of mainstream economics, including the Homo economicus model.[93] In the Houseworker's Handbook Betsy Warrior presents a cogent argument that the reproduction and domestic labor of women form the foundation of economic survival; although, unremunerated and not included in the GDP.[94] According to Warrior:

Economics, as it's presented today, lacks any basis in reality as it leaves out the very foundation of economic life. That foundation is built on women's labor; first her reproductive labor which produces every new laborer (and the first commodity, which is mother's milk and which nurtures every new "consumer/laborer"); secondly, women's labor composed of cleaning, cooking, negotiating social stability and nurturing, which prepares for market and maintains each laborer. This constitutes women's continuing industry enabling laborers to occupy every position in the work force. Without this fundamental labor and commodity there would be no economic activity.

Warrior also notes that the unacknowledged income of men from illegal activities like arms, drugs and human trafficking, political graft, religious emoluments and various other undisclosed activities provide a rich revenue stream to men, which further invalidates GDP figures.[94] Even in underground economies where women predominate numerically, like trafficking in humans, prostitution and domestic servitude, only a tiny fraction of the pimp's revenue filters down to the women and children he deploys. Usually the amount spent on them is merely for the maintenance of their lives and, in the case of those prostituted, some money may be spent on clothing and such accouterments as will make them more salable to the pimp's clients. For instance, focusing on just the U.S., according to a government sponsored report by the Urban Institute in 2014, "A street prostitute in Dallas may make as little as $5 per sex act. But pimps can take in $33,000 a week in Atlanta, where the sex business brings in an estimated $290 million per year."[95]

Proponents of this theory have been instrumental in creating alternative models, such as the capability approach and incorporating gender into the analysis of economic data to affect policy. Marilyn Power suggests that feminist economic methodology can be broken down into five categories.[96]

Legal theory edit

Feminist legal theory is based on the feminist view that law's treatment of women in relation to men has not been equal or fair. The goals of feminist legal theory, as defined by leading theorist Clare Dalton, consist of understanding and exploring the female experience, figuring out if law and institutions oppose females, and figuring out what changes can be committed to. This is to be accomplished through studying the connections between the law and gender as well as applying feminist analysis to concrete areas of law.[97][98][99]

Feminist legal theory stems from the inadequacy of the current structure to account for discrimination women face, especially discrimination based on multiple, intersecting identities. Kimberlé Crenshaw's work is central to feminist legal theory, particularly her article Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory, and Antiracist Politics. DeGraffenreid v General Motors is an example of such a case. In this instance, the court ruled the plaintiffs, five Black women including Emma DeGraffenreid, who were employees of General Motors, were not eligible to file a complaint on the grounds they, as black women, were not "a special class to be protected from discrimination".[100] The ruling in DeGraffenreid against the plaintiff revealed the courts inability to understand intersectionality's role in discrimination.[100] Moore v Hughes Helicopters, Inc. is another ruling, which serves to reify the persistent discrediting of intersectionality as a factor in discrimination. In the case of Moore, the plaintiff brought forth statistical evidence revealing a disparity in promotions to upper-level and supervisory jobs between men and women and, to a lesser extent, between Black and white men.[100] Ultimately, the court denied the plaintiff the ability to represent all Blacks and all females.[100] The decision dwindled the pool of statistical information the plaintiff could pull from and limited the evidence only to that of Black women, which is a ruling in direct contradiction to DeGraffenreid.[100] Further, because the plaintiff originally claimed discrimination as a Black female rather than, more generally, as a female the court stated it had concerns whether the plaintiff could "adequately represent white female employees".[100] Payne v Travenol serves as yet another example of the courts inconsistency when dealing with issues revolving around intersections of race and sex. The plaintiffs in Payne, two Black females, filed suit against Travenol on behalf of both Black men and women on the grounds the pharmaceutical plant practiced racial discrimination.[100] The court ruled the plaintiffs could not adequately represent Black males; however, they did allow the admittance of statistical evidence, which was inclusive of all Black employees.[100] Despite the more favorable outcome after it was found there was extensive racial discrimination, the courts decided the benefits of the ruling – back pay and constructive seniority – would not be extended to Black males employed by the company.[100] Moore contends Black women cannot adequately represent white women on issues of sex discrimination, Payne suggests Black women cannot adequately represent Black men on issues of race discrimination, and DeGraffenreid argues Black women are not a special class to be protected. The rulings, when connected, display a deep-rooted problem in regards to addressing discrimination within the legal system. These cases, although they are outdated are used by feminists as evidence of their ideas and principles.

Communication theory edit

Feminist communication theory has evolved over time and branches out in many directions. Early theories focused on the way that gender influenced communication and many argued that language was "man made". This view of communication promoted a "deficiency model" asserting that characteristics of speech associated with women were negative and that men "set the standard for competent interpersonal communication", which influences the type of language used by men and women. These early theories also suggested that ethnicity, cultural and economic backgrounds also needed to be addressed. They looked at how gender intersects with other identity constructs, such as class, race, and sexuality. Feminist theorists, especially those considered to be liberal feminists, began looking at issues of equality in education and employment. Other theorists addressed political oratory and public discourse. The recovery project brought to light many women orators who had been "erased or ignored as significant contributors". Feminist communication theorists also addressed how women were represented in the media and how the media "communicated ideology about women, gender, and feminism".[101][102]

Feminist communication theory also encompasses access to the public sphere, whose voices are heard in that sphere, and the ways in which the field of communication studies has limited what is regarded as essential to public discourse. The recognition of a full history of women orators overlooked and disregarded by the field has effectively become an undertaking of recovery, as it establishes and honors the existence of women in history and lauds the communication by these historically significant contributors. This recovery effort, begun by Andrea Lunsford, Professor of English and Director of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at Stanford University and followed by other feminist communication theorists also names women such as Aspasia, Diotima, and Christine de Pisan, who were likely influential in rhetorical and communication traditions in classical and medieval times, but who have been negated as serious contributors to the traditions.[102]

Feminist communication theorists are also concerned with a recovery effort in attempting to explain the methods used by those with power to prohibit women like Maria W. Stewart, Sarah Moore Grimké, and Angelina Grimké, and more recently, Ella Baker and Anita Hill, from achieving a voice in political discourse and consequently being driven from the public sphere. Theorists in this vein are also interested in the unique and significant techniques of communication employed by these women and others like them to surmount some of the oppression they experienced.[102]

Feminist theorist also evaluate communication expectations for students and women in the work place, in particular how the performance of feminine versus masculine styles of communicating are constructed. Judith Butler, who coined the term "gender performativity" further suggests that, "theories of communication must explain the ways individuals negotiate, resist, and transcend their identities in a highly gendered society". This focus also includes the ways women are constrained or "disciplined" in the discipline of communication in itself, in terms of biases in research styles and the "silencing" of feminist scholarship and theory.[102]

Who is responsible for deciding what is considered important public discourse is also put into question by feminist theorists in communication scholarship. This lens of feminist communication theory is labeled as revalorist theory which honors the historical perspective of women in communication in an attempt to recover voices that have been historically neglected.[102] There have been many attempts to explain the lack of representative voices in the public sphere for women including, the notion that, "the public sphere is built on essentialist principles that prevent women from being seen as legitimate communicators in that sphere", and theories of subalternity", which, "under extreme conditions of oppression...prevent those in positions of power from even hearing their communicative attempts".[102]

Public relations edit

Feminist theory can be applied to the field of public relations. The feminist scholar Linda Hon examined the major obstacles that women in the field experienced. Some common barriers included male dominance and gender stereotypes. Hon shifted the feminist theory of PR from "women's assimilation into patriarchal systems " to "genuine commitment to social restructuring".[103] Similarly to the studies Hon conducted, Elizabeth Lance Toth studied Feminist Values in Public Relations.[104] Toth concluded that there is a clear link between feminist gender and feminist value. These values include honesty, sensitivity, perceptiveness, fairness, and commitment.

Design edit

Technical writers[who?] have concluded that visual language can convey facts and ideas clearer than almost any other means of communication.[105] According to the feminist theory, "gender may be a factor in how human beings represent reality."[105]

Men and women will construct different types of structures about the self, and, consequently, their thought processes may diverge in content and form. This division depends on the self-concept, which is an "important regulator of thoughts, feelings and actions" that "governs one's perception of reality".[106]

With that being said, the self-concept has a significant effect on how men and women represent reality in different ways.

Recently, "technical communicators'[who?] terms such as 'visual rhetoric,' 'visual language,' and 'document design' indicate a new awareness of the importance of visual design".[105]

Deborah S. Bosley explores this new concept of the "feminist theory of design"[105] by conducting a study on a collection of undergraduate males and females who were asked to illustrate a visual, on paper, given to them in a text. Based on this study, she creates a "feminist theory of design" and connects it to technical communicators.

In the results of the study, males used more angular illustrations, such as squares, rectangles and arrows, which are interpreted as a "direction" moving away from or a moving toward, thus suggesting more aggressive positions than rounded shapes, showing masculinity.

Females, on the other hand, used more curved visuals, such as circles, rounded containers and bending pipes. Bosley takes into account that feminist theory offers insight into the relationship between females and circles or rounded objects. According to Bosley, studies of women and leadership indicate a preference for nonhierarchical work patterns (preferring a communication "web" rather than a communication "ladder"). Bosley explains that circles and other rounded shapes, which women chose to draw, are nonhierarchical and often used to represent inclusive, communal relationships, confirming her results that women's visual designs do have an effect on their means of communications.[undue weight? ]

Based on these conclusions, this "feminist theory of design" can go on to say that gender does play a role in how humans represent reality.

Black feminist criminology edit

Black feminist criminology theory is a concept created by Hillary Potter in 2006 to act as a bridge that integrates Feminist theory with criminology. It is based on the integration of Black feminist theory and critical race feminist theory.[107]

As Potter articulates this theory, Black feminist criminology describes experiences of Black women as victims of crimes. Other scholars, such as Patrina Duhaney and Geniece Crawford Mondé, have explored Black feminist criminology in relation to current and formerly incarcerated Black women.[108][109]

For years, Black women were historically overlooked and disregarded in the study of crime and criminology; however, with a new focus on Black feminism that sparked in the 1980s, Black feminists began to contextualize their unique experiences and examine why the general status of Black women in the criminal justice system was lacking in female specific approaches.[110] Potter explains that because Black women usually have "limited access to adequate education and employment as consequences of racism, sexism, and classism", they are often disadvantaged. This disadvantage materializes into "poor responses by social service professionals and crime-processing agents to Black women's interpersonal victimization".[111]

Most crime studies focused on White males/females and Black males. Any results or conclusions targeted to Black males were usually assumed to be the same situation for Black females. This was very problematic since Black males and Black females differ in what they experience. For instance, economic deprivation, status equality between the sexes, distinctive socialization patterns, racism, and sexism should all be taken into account between Black males and Black females. The two will experience all of these factors differently; therefore, it was crucial to resolve this dilemma.

Black feminist criminology is proposed as the solution to this problem. It takes four factors into account:

  • The social structural oppression of Black women (such as through the lens of Crenshaw's intersectionality).
  • Nuances of Black communities and cultures.
  • Black intimate and familial relations.
  • The Black woman as an individual.

These four factors, Potter argues, helps Black feminist criminology describe the differences between Black women's and Black men's experiences within the criminal justice system. Still, Potter urges caution, noting that, just because this theory aims to help understand and explain Black women's experiences with the criminal justice system, one cannot generalize so much that nuances in experiences are ignored. Potter writes that Black women's "individual circumstances must always be considered in conjunction with the shared experiences of these women."[107]

Feminist science and technology studies edit

Feminist science and technology studies (STS) refers to the transdisciplinary field of research on the ways gender and other markers of identity intersect with technology, science, and culture. The practice emerged from feminist critique on the masculine-coded uses of technology in the fields of natural, medical, and technical sciences, and its entanglement in gender and identity.[112] A large part of feminist technoscience theory explains science and technologies to be linked and should be held accountable for the social and cultural developments resulting from both fields.[112]

Some key issues feminist technoscience studies address include:

  • The use of feminist analysis when applied to scientific ideas and practices
  • Intersections between race, class, gender, science, and technology
  • The implications of situated knowledges
  • Politics of gender on how to understand agency, body, rationality, and the boundaries between nature and culture[112]

Ecological feminism or ecofeminism edit

In the 1970s, the impacts of post-World War II technological development led many women to organise against issues from the toxic pollution of neighbourhoods to nuclear weapons testing on indigenous lands. This grassroots activism emerging across every continent was both intersectional and cross-cultural in its struggle to protect the conditions for reproduction of Life on Earth. Known as ecofeminism, the political relevance of this movement continues to expand. Classic statements in its literature include Carolyn Merchant, United States, The Death of Nature;[113] Maria Mies, Germany, Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale;[114] Vandana Shiva, India, Staying Alive: Women Ecology and Development;[115] Ariel Salleh, Australia, Ecofeminism as Politics: nature, Marx, and the postmodern.[116] Ecofeminism involves a profound critique of Eurocentric epistemology, science, economics, and culture. It is increasingly prominent as a feminist response to the contemporary breakdown of the planetary ecosystem.

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ a b Chodorow, Nancy J., Feminism and Psychoanalytic Theory (Yale University Press: 1989, 1991)
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  83. ^ Bunch, Charlotte. Lesbians in Revolt. 1972.
  84. ^ Blasingame, Brenda Maria. "The Roots of Biphobia: Racism and Internalized Heterosexism." Closer to Home: Bisexuality and Feminism. Ed. Elizabeth Reba Weise. Seattle: Seal Press, 1992. 47-53.
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  89. ^ Barker, Drucilla K. and Edith Kuiper, eds. 2003. Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Economics. London and New York: Routledge.
  90. ^ Radical Feminism: A Documentary Reader, By Barbara A. Crow, Housework: Slavery or a Labor of Love, p 530, NYU Press 2000
  91. ^ Waring, Marilyn, If Women Counted: A New Feminist Economics 2012-04-17 at the Wayback Machine,San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988.
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  101. ^ Dow, B. (2009). Feminist approaches to communication. In W. Eadie (Ed.), 21st century communication: A reference handbook. (pp. 82-90). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
  102. ^ a b c d e f Griffin, C. (2009). "Feminist Communication Theories". In Littlejohn, Stephen W.; Foss, Karen A. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Communication Theory. SAGE Publications. pp. 391–392. ISBN 978-1-4129-5937-7. from the original on 2017-04-23. Retrieved 2016-10-24.
  103. ^ Hon, Linda Childers (1995). "Toward a Feminist Theory of Public Relations". Journal of Public Relations Research. 7: 27–88. doi:10.1207/s1532754xjprr0701_03.
  104. ^ Grunig, Larissa A.; Toth, Elizabeth L.; Hon, Linda Childers (January 2000). "Feminist Values in Public Relations". Journal of Public Relations Research. 12 (1): 49–68. doi:10.1207/s1532754xjprr1201_4. ISSN 1062-726X. S2CID 145558769.
  105. ^ a b c d Bosley, Deborah. Gender and Visual Communication: Toward a Feminist Theory of Design. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Vol. 35, No. 4, December 1992, pp. 222-228
  106. ^ Markus, Hazel, Oyserman, Daphna. Gender and Thought: The Role of Self Concept. Gender and Thought: Psychological Perspectives, 1989, pp. 100-127
  107. ^ a b Potter, Hillary (April 2006). "An Argument for Black Feminist Criminology: Understanding African American Women's Experiences With Intimate Partner Abuse Using an Integrated Approach" (PDF). Feminist Criminology. 1 (2). doi:10.1177/1557085106286547. S2CID 144251569.
  108. ^ Mondé, Geniece Crawford (2021-08-21). "Trying to get Free": A Theoretical Centering of Black Women's Post-Carceral Narratives of Systemic Unfreedom (Report).
  109. ^ Duhaney, Patrina (2021-12-05). "Contextualizing the Experiences of Black Women Arrested for Intimate Partner Violence in Canada". Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 37 (21–22): NP21189–NP21216. doi:10.1177/08862605211056723. ISSN 0886-2605. PMC 9554381. PMID 34865540.
  110. ^ Gabbidon, Shaun L. (2010). Criminological Perspectives on Race and Crime. Routledge. p. 202. ISBN 978-1-135-16049-4. from the original on 2017-04-23. Retrieved 2016-10-24.
  111. ^ Gabbidon (2010), p. 224.
  112. ^ a b c Åsberg, Cecilia; Lykke, Nina (5 November 2010). "Feminist technoscience studies". European Journal of Women's Studies. 17 (4): 299–305. doi:10.1177/1350506810377692. S2CID 146433213.
  113. ^ Merchant, Carolyn (1980). The Death of Nature: Women and the Scientific Revolution. New York: Harper & Row. p. 348. ISBN 0062505955.
  114. ^ Mies, Maria (1986). Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale (1st ed.). London: Zed Books. p. 280. ISBN 9780862323424.
  115. ^ Shiva, Vandana (1989). Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development. London: Zed Books. p. 256. ISBN 9780862328238.
  116. ^ Salleh, Ariel (1997). Ecofeminism as Politics: Nature, Marx and the Postmodern (1st ed.). London: Zed Books. p. 400. ISBN 9781856494007.

Further reading edit

  • "Lexicon of Debates". Feminist Theory: A Reader. 2nd Ed. Edited by Kolmar, Wendy and Bartowski, Frances. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005. 42–60.

External links edit

  • Evolutionary Feminism
  • Feminist theory website (Center for Digital Discourse and Culture, Virginia Tech)
  • Feminist Theories and Anthropology by Heidi Armbruster
  • The Radical Women Manifesto: Socialist Feminist Theory, Program and Organizational Structure (Seattle: Red Letter Press, 2001)
  • Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women, Brown University
  • Feminist Theory Archive, Brown University
  • The Feminist eZine – An Archive of Historical Feminist Articles
  • (archived 3 November 2013)

feminist, theory, journal, feminist, theory, journal, book, feminist, theory, from, margin, center, extension, feminism, into, theoretical, fictional, philosophical, discourse, aims, understand, nature, gender, inequality, examines, women, social, roles, exper. For the journal see Feminist Theory journal For the book see Feminist Theory From Margin to Center Feminist theory is the extension of feminism into theoretical fictional or philosophical discourse It aims to understand the nature of gender inequality It examines women s and men s social roles experiences interests chores and feminist politics in a variety of fields such as anthropology and sociology communication media studies psychoanalysis 1 political theory home economics literature education and philosophy 2 Feminist theory often focuses on analyzing gender inequality Themes often explored in feminist theory include discrimination objectification especially sexual objectification oppression patriarchy 3 4 stereotyping art history 5 and contemporary art 6 7 and aesthetics 8 9 Contents 1 History 2 Disciplines 2 1 Bodies 2 2 The standard and contemporary sex and gender system 2 2 1 Socially biasing children sex and gender system 2 3 Epistemologies 2 4 Intersectionality 2 5 Language 2 6 Psychology 2 6 1 Psychoanalysis 2 7 Literary theory 2 8 Film theory 2 9 Art history 2 10 History 2 11 Geography 2 12 Philosophy 2 13 Sexology 2 14 Monosexual paradigm 2 15 Politics 2 16 Economics 2 17 Legal theory 2 18 Communication theory 2 19 Public relations 2 20 Design 2 21 Black feminist criminology 2 22 Feminist science and technology studies 2 23 Ecological feminism or ecofeminism 3 See also 4 References 5 Further reading 6 External linksHistory editFeminist theories first emerged as early as 1794 in publications such as A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft The Changing Woman 10 Ain t I a Woman 11 Speech after Arrest for Illegal Voting 12 and so on The Changing Woman is a Navajo Myth that gave credit to a woman who in the end populated the world 13 In 1851 Sojourner Truth addressed women s rights issues through her publication Ain t I a Woman Sojourner Truth addressed the issue of women having limited rights due to men s flawed perception of women Truth argued that if a woman of color can perform tasks that were supposedly limited to men then any woman of any color could perform those same tasks After her arrest for illegally voting Susan B Anthony gave a speech within court in which she addressed the issues of language within the constitution documented in her publication Speech after Arrest for Illegal voting in 1872 Anthony questioned the authoritative principles of the constitution and its male gendered language She raised the question of why women are accountable to be punished under law but they cannot use the law for their own protection women could not vote own property nor maintain custody of themselves in marriage She also critiqued the constitution for its male gendered language and questioned why women should have to abide by laws that do not specify women Nancy Cott makes a distinction between modern feminism and its antecedents particularly the struggle for suffrage In the United States she places the turning point in the decades before and after women obtained the vote in 1920 1910 1930 She argues that the prior woman movement was primarily about woman as a universal entity whereas over this 20 year period it transformed itself into one primarily concerned with social differentiation attentive to individuality and diversity New issues dealt more with woman s condition as a social construct gender identity and relationships within and between genders Politically this represented a shift from an ideological alignment comfortable with the right to one more radically associated with the left 14 Susan Kingsley Kent says that Freudian patriarchy was responsible for the diminished profile of feminism in the inter war years 15 others such as Juliet Mitchell consider this to be overly simplistic since Freudian theory is not wholly incompatible with feminism 16 Some feminist scholarship shifted away from the need to establish the origins of family and towards analyzing the process of patriarchy 17 In the immediate postwar period Simone de Beauvoir stood in opposition to an image of the woman in the home De Beauvoir provided an existentialist dimension to feminism with the publication of Le Deuxieme Sexe The Second Sex in 1949 18 As the title implies the starting point is the implicit inferiority of women and the first question de Beauvoir asks is what is a woman 19 A woman she realizes is always perceived of as the other she is defined and differentiated with reference to man and not he with reference to her In this book and her essay Woman Myth amp Reality de Beauvoir anticipates Betty Friedan in seeking to demythologize the male concept of woman A myth invented by men to confine women to their oppressed state For women it is not a question of asserting themselves as women but of becoming full scale human beings One is not born but rather becomes a woman or as Toril Moi puts it a woman defines herself through the way she lives her embodied situation in the world or in other words through the way in which she makes something of what the world makes of her Therefore the woman must regain subject to escape her defined role as other as a Cartesian point of departure 20 In her examination of myth she appears as one who does not accept any special privileges for women Ironically feminist philosophers have had to extract de Beauvoir herself from out of the shadow of Jean Paul Sartre to fully appreciate her 21 While more philosopher and novelist than activist she did sign one of the Mouvement de Liberation des Femmes manifestos The resurgence of feminist activism in the late 1960s was accompanied by an emerging literature of concerns for the earth and spirituality and environmentalism This in turn created an atmosphere conducive to reigniting the study of and debate on matricentricity as a rejection of determinism such as Adrienne Rich 22 and Marilyn French 23 while for socialist feminists like Evelyn Reed 24 patriarchy held the properties of capitalism Feminist psychologists such as Jean Baker Miller sought to bring a feminist analysis to previous psychological theories proving that there was nothing wrong with women but rather with the way modern culture viewed them 25 Elaine Showalter describes the development of feminist theory as having a number of phases The first she calls feminist critique where the feminist reader examines the ideologies behind literary phenomena The second Showalter calls Gynocritics where the woman is producer of textual meaning including the psychodynamics of female creativity linguistics and the problem of a female language the trajectory of the individual or collective female literary career and literary history The last phase she calls gender theory where the ideological inscription and the literary effects of the sex gender system are explored 26 This model has been criticized by Toril Moi who sees it as an essentialist and deterministic model for female subjectivity She also criticized it for not taking account of the situation for women outside the west 27 From the 1970s onwards psychoanalytical ideas that have been arising in the field of French feminism have gained a decisive influence on feminist theory Feminist psychoanalysis deconstructed the phallic hypotheses regarding the Unconscious Julia Kristeva Bracha Ettinger and Luce Irigaray developed specific notions concerning unconscious sexual difference the feminine and motherhood with wide implications for film and literature analysis 28 In the 1990s and the first decades of the 21st century intersectionality played a major role in feminist theory leading to the development of transfeminism and queer feminism and the consolidation of Black anti racist and postcolonial feminisms among others 29 The rise of the fourth wave in the 2010s led to new discussions on sexual violence consent and body positivity as well as a deepening of intersectional perspectives 30 31 32 Simultaneously feminist philosophy and anthropology saw a rise in new materialist affect oriented posthumanist and ecofeminist perspectives 33 34 35 36 Disciplines editSee also Feminist movements and ideologies There are a number of distinct feminist disciplines in which experts in other areas apply feminist techniques and principles to their own fields Additionally these are also debates which shape feminist theory and they can be applied interchangeably in the arguments of feminist theorists Bodies edit In western thought the body has been historically associated solely with women whereas men have been associated with the mind Susan Bordo a modern feminist philosopher in her writings elaborates the dualistic nature of the mind body connection by examining the early philosophies of Aristotle Hegel and Descartes revealing how such distinguishing binaries such as spirit matter and male activity female passivity have worked to solidify gender characteristics and categorization Bordo goes on to point out that while men have historically been associated with the intellect and the mind or spirit women have long been associated with the body the subordinated negatively imbued term in the mind body dichotomy 37 The notion of the body but not the mind being associated with women has served as a justification to deem women as property objects and exchangeable commodities among men For example women s bodies have been objectified throughout history through the changing ideologies of fashion diet exercise programs cosmetic surgery childbearing etc This contrasts to men s role as a moral agent responsible for working or fighting in bloody wars The race and class of a woman can determine whether her body will be treated as decoration and protected which is associated with middle or upper class women s bodies On the other hand the other body is recognized for its use in labor and exploitation which is generally associated with women s bodies in the working class or with women of color Second wave feminist activism has argued for reproductive rights and choice The women s health movement and lesbian feminism are also associated with this Bodies debate The standard and contemporary sex and gender system edit The standard sex determination and gender model consists of evidence based on the determined sex and gender of every individual and serve as norms for societal life The model that the sex determination of a person exists within a male female dichotomy giving importance to genitals and how they are formed via chromosomes and DNA binding proteins such as the sex determining region Y genes which are responsible for sending sex determined initialization and completion signals to and from the biological sex determination system in fetuses Occasionally variations occur during the sex determining process resulting in intersex conditions The standard model defines gender as a social understanding ideology that defines what behaviors actions and appearances are normal for males and females Studies into biological sex determining systems also have begun working towards connecting certain gender conducts such as behaviors actions and desires with sex determinism 38 Socially biasing children sex and gender system edit This section is written like a personal reflection personal essay or argumentative essay that states a Wikipedia editor s personal feelings or presents an original argument about a topic Please help improve it by rewriting it in an encyclopedic style July 2018 Learn how and when to remove this template message The socially biasing children s sex and gender model broadens the horizons of the sex and gender ideologies It revises the ideology of sex to be a social construct that is not limited to either male or female The Intersex Society of North America which explains that nature doesn t decide where the category of male ends and the category of intersex begins or where the category of intersex ends and the category of female begins Humans decide Humans today typically doctors decide how small a penis has to be or how unusual a combination of parts has to be before it counts as intersex 39 Therefore sex is not a biological natural construct but a social one instead since society and doctors decide on what it means to be male female or intersex in terms of sex chromosomes and genitals in addition to their personal judgment on who or how one passes as specific sex The ideology of gender remains a social construct but is not as strict and fixed Instead gender is easily malleable and is forever changing One example of where the standard definition of gender alters with time happens to be depicted in Sally Shuttleworth s Female Circulation in which the abasement of the woman reducing her from an active participant in the labor market to the passive bodily existence to be controlled by male expertise is indicative of the ways in which the ideological deployment of gender roles operated to facilitate and sustain the changing structure of familial and market relations in Victorian England 40 In other words this quote shows what it meant growing up into the roles of a female gender roles changed from being a homemaker to being a working woman and then back to being passive and inferior to males In conclusion the contemporary sex gender model is accurate because both sex and gender are rightly seen as social constructs inclusive of the wide spectrum of sexes and genders and in which nature and nurture are interconnected Epistemologies edit Questions about how knowledge is produced generated and distributed have been central to Western conceptions of feminist theory and discussions on feminist epistemology One debate proposes such questions as Are there women s ways of knowing and women s knowledge And How does the knowledge women produce about themselves differ from that produced by patriarchy 41 Feminist theorists have also proposed the feminist standpoint knowledge which attempts to replace the view from nowhere with the model of knowing that expels the view from women s lives 41 A feminist approach to epistemology seeks to establish knowledge production from a woman s perspective It theorizes that from personal experience comes knowledge which helps each individual look at things from a different insight It is central to feminism that women are systematically subordinated and bad faith exists when women surrender their agency to this subordination for example acceptance of religious beliefs that a man is the dominant party in a marriage by the will of God Simone de Beauvoir labels such women mutilated and immanent 42 43 44 45 Intersectionality edit Main article Intersectionality Intersectionality is the examination of various ways in which people are oppressed based on the relational web of dominating factors of race sex class nation and sexual orientation Intersectionality describes the simultaneous multiple overlapping and contradictory systems of power that shape our lives and political options While this theory can be applied to all people and more particularly all women it is specifically mentioned and studied within the realms of black feminism Patricia Hill Collins argues that black women in particular have a unique perspective on the oppression of the world as unlike white women they face both racial and gender oppression simultaneously among other factors This debate raises the issue of understanding the oppressive lives of women that are not only shaped by gender alone but by other elements such as racism classism ageism heterosexism ableism etc Language edit See also Feminist language reform Gender neutral language and Category Feminist terminology In this debate women writers have addressed the issues of masculinized writing through male gendered language that may not serve to accommodate the literary understanding of women s lives Such masculinized language that feminist theorists address is the use of for example God the Father which is looked upon as a way of designating the sacred as solely men or in other words biblical language glorifies men through all of the masculine pronouns like he and him and addressing God as a He Feminist theorists attempt to reclaim and redefine women through a deeper thinking of language For example feminist theorists have used the term womyn instead of women Some feminist theorists have suggested using neutral terminology when naming jobs for example police officer versus policeman or mail carrier versus mailman Some feminist theorists have reclaimed and redefined such words as dyke and bitch Psychology edit Feminist psychology is a form of psychology centered on societal structures and gender Feminist psychology critiques the fact that historically psychological research has been done from a male perspective with the view that males are the norm 46 Feminist psychology is oriented on the values and principles of feminism It incorporates gender and the ways women are affected by issues resulting from it Ethel Dench Puffer Howes was one of the first women to enter the field of psychology She was the executive secretary of the National College Equal Suffrage League in 1914 One major psychological theory relational cultural theory is based on the work of Jean Baker Miller whose book Toward a New Psychology of Women proposes that growth fostering relationships are a central human necessity and that disconnections are the source of psychological problems 47 Inspired by Betty Friedan s Feminine Mystique and other feminist classics from the 1960s relational cultural theory proposes that isolation is one of the most damaging human experiences and is best treated by reconnecting with other people and that a therapist should foster an atmosphere of empathy and acceptance for the patient even at the cost of the therapist s neutrality 48 The theory is based on clinical observations and sought to prove that there was nothing wrong with women but rather with the way modern culture viewed them 25 Psychoanalysis edit See also Psychoanalysis and Feminism and the Oedipus complex Psychoanalytic feminism and feminist psychoanalysis are based on Freud and his psychoanalytic theories but they also supply an important critique of it It maintains that gender is not biological but is based on the psycho sexual development of the individual but also that sexual difference and gender are different notions Psychoanalytical feminists believe that gender inequality comes from early childhood experiences which lead men to believe themselves to be masculine and women to believe themselves feminine It is further maintained that gender leads to a social system that is dominated by males which in turn influences the individual psycho sexual development As a solution it was suggested by some to avoid the gender specific structuring of the society coeducation 1 4 From the last 30 years of the 20th century the contemporary French psychoanalytical theories concerning the feminine that refer to sexual difference rather than to gender with psychoanalysts like Julia Kristeva 49 50 Maud Mannoni Luce Irigaray 51 52 and Bracha Ettinger that invented the concept matrixial space and matrixial Feminist ethics 53 54 55 56 57 have largely influenced not only feminist theory but also the understanding of the subject in philosophy art aesthetics and ethics and the general field of psychoanalysis itself 58 59 These French psychoanalysts are mainly post Lacanian Other feminist psychoanalysts and feminist theorists whose contributions have enriched the field through an engagement with psychoanalysis are Jessica Benjamin 60 Jacqueline Rose 61 Ranjana Khanna 62 and Shoshana Felman 63 nbsp Girl with dollLiterary theory edit Main article Feminist literary criticism See also Gynocriticism Feminist literary criticism is literary criticism informed by feminist theories or politics Its history has been varied from classic works of female authors such as George Eliot Virginia Woolf 64 and Margaret Fuller to recent theoretical work in women s studies and gender studies by third wave authors 65 In the most general terms feminist literary criticism before the 1970s was concerned with the politics of women s authorship and the representation of women s condition within literature 65 Since the arrival of more complex conceptions of gender and subjectivity feminist literary criticism has taken a variety of new routes It has considered gender in the terms of Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis as part of the deconstruction of existing power relations 65 Film theory edit Main article Feminist film theory Many feminist film critics such as Laura Mulvey have pointed to the male gaze that predominates in classical Hollywood film making Through the use of various film techniques such as shot reverse shot the viewers are led to align themselves with the point of view of a male protagonist Notably women function as objects of this gaze far more often than as proxies for the spectator 66 67 Feminist film theory of the last twenty years is heavily influenced by the general transformation in the field of aesthetics including the new options of articulating the gaze offered by psychoanalytical French feminism like Bracha Ettinger s feminine maternal and matrixial gaze 68 69 Art history edit Linda Nochlin 70 and Griselda Pollock 71 72 73 are prominent art historians writing on contemporary and modern artists and articulating Art history from a feminist perspective since the 1970s Pollock works with French psychoanalysis and in particular with Kristeva s and Ettinger s theories to offer new insights into art history and contemporary art with special regard to questions of trauma and trans generation memory in the works of women artists Other prominent feminist art historians include Norma Broude and Mary Garrard Amelia Jones Mieke Bal Carol Duncan Lynda Nead Lisa Tickner Tamar Garb Hilary Robinson Katy Deepwell History edit Main article Feminist history Feminist history refers to the re reading and re interpretation of history from a feminist perspective It is not the same as the history of feminism which outlines the origins and evolution of the feminist movement It also differs from women s history which focuses on the role of women in historical events The goal of feminist history is to explore and illuminate the female viewpoint of history through rediscovery of female writers artists philosophers etc in order to recover and demonstrate the significance of women s voices and choices in the past 74 75 76 77 78 Geography edit Main article Feminist geography Feminist geography is often considered part of a broader postmodern approach to the subject which is not primarily concerned with the development of conceptual theory in itself but rather focuses on the real experiences of individuals and groups in their own localities upon the geographies that they live in within their own communities In addition to its analysis of the real world it also critiques existing geographical and social studies arguing that academic traditions are delineated by patriarchy and that contemporary studies which do not confront the nature of previous work reinforce the male bias of academic study 79 80 81 Philosophy edit Main article Feminist philosophy The Feminist philosophy refers to a philosophy approached from a feminist perspective Feminist philosophy involves attempts to use methods of philosophy to further the cause of the feminist movements it also tries to criticize and or reevaluate the ideas of traditional philosophy from within a feminist view This critique stems from the dichotomy Western philosophy has conjectured with the mind and body phenomena 82 There is no specific school for feminist philosophy like there has been in regard to other theories This means that Feminist philosophers can be found in the analytic and continental traditions and the different viewpoints taken on philosophical issues with those traditions Feminist philosophers also have many different viewpoints taken on philosophical issues within those traditions Feminist philosophers who are feminists can belong to many different varieties of feminism The writings of Judith Butler Rosi Braidotti Donna Haraway Bracha Ettinger and Avital Ronell are the most significant psychoanalytically informed influences on contemporary feminist philosophy Sexology edit Main article Feminist sexology Feminist sexology is an offshoot of traditional studies of sexology that focuses on the intersectionality of sex and gender in relation to the sexual lives of women Feminist sexology shares many principles with the wider field of sexology in particular it does not try to prescribe a certain path or normality for women s sexuality but only observe and note the different and varied ways in which women express their sexuality Looking at sexuality from a feminist point of view creates connections between the different aspects of a person s sexual life From feminists perspectives sexology which is the study of human sexuality and sexual relationship relates to the intersectionality of gender race and sexuality Men have dominant power and control over women in the relationship and women are expected to hide their true feeling about sexual behaviors Women of color face even more sexual violence in the society Some countries in Africa and Asia even practice female genital cutting controlling women s sexual desire and limiting their sexual behavior Moreover Bunch the women s and human rights activist states that society used to see lesbianism as a threat to male supremacy and to the political relationships between men and women 83 Therefore in the past people viewed being a lesbian as a sin and made it death penalty Even today many people still discriminate homosexuals Many lesbians hide their sexuality and face even more sexual oppression Monosexual paradigm edit Main article Monosexuality Monosexual Paradigm is a term coined by Blasingame a self identified African American bisexual female Blasingame used this term to address the lesbian and gay communities who turned a blind eye to the dichotomy that oppressed bisexuals from both heterosexual and homosexual communities This oppression negatively affects the gay and lesbian communities more so than the heterosexual community due to its contradictory exclusiveness of bisexuals Blasingame argued that in reality dichotomies are inaccurate to the representation of individuals because nothing is truly black or white straight or gay Her main argument is that biphobia is the central message of two roots internalized heterosexism and racism Internalized heterosexism is described in the monosexual paradigm in which the binary states that you are either straight or gay and nothing in between Gays and lesbians accept this internalized heterosexism by morphing into the monosexial paradigm and favoring single attraction and opposing attraction for both sexes Blasingame described this favoritism as an act of horizontal hostility where oppressed groups fight amongst themselves Racism is described in the monosexual paradigm as a dichotomy where individuals are either black or white again nothing in between The issue of racism comes into fruition in regards to the bisexuals coming out process where risks of coming out vary on a basis of anticipated community reaction and also in regards to the norms among bisexual leadership where class status and race factor predominately over sexual orientation 84 Politics edit Main article Feminist political theory Feminist political theory is a recently emerging field in political science focusing on gender and feminist themes within the state institutions and policies It questions the modern political theory dominated by universalistic liberalist thought which claims indifference to gender or other identity differences and has therefore taken its time to open up to such concerns 85 Feminist perspectives entered international relations in the late 1980s at about the same time as the end of the Cold War This time was not a coincidence because the last forty years the conflict between US and USSR had been the dominant agenda of international politics After the Cold War there was continuing relative peace between the main powers Soon many new issues appeared on international relation s agenda More attention was also paid to social movements Indeed in those times feminist approaches also used to depict the world politics Feminists started to emphasize that while women have always been players in international system their participation has frequently been associated with non governmental settings such as social movements However they could also participate in inter state decision making process as men did Until more recently the role of women in international politics has been confined to being the wives of diplomats nannies who go abroad to find work and support their family or sex workers trafficked across international boundaries Women s contributions has not been seen in the areas where hard power plays significant role such as military Nowadays women are gaining momentum in the sphere of international relations in areas of government diplomacy academia etc Despite barriers to more senior roles women currently hold 11 1 percent of the seats in the U S Senate Foreign Relations Committee and 10 8 percent in the House In the U S Department of State women make up 29 percent of the chiefs of mission and 29 percent of senior foreign positions at USAID 86 In contrast women are profoundly impacted by decisions the statepersons make 87 Economics edit Main articles Feminist critique of economics and Feminist economics Feminist economics broadly refers to a developing branch of economics that applies feminist insights and critiques to economics However in recent decades feminists like for example Katrine Marcal author of Who cooked Adam Smith s dinner has also taken up a critique of economics 88 Research in feminist economics is often interdisciplinary critical or heterodox It encompasses debates about the relationship between feminism and economics on many levels from applying mainstream economic methods to under researched women s areas to questioning how mainstream economics values the reproductive sector to deeply philosophical critiques of economic epistemology and methodology 89 One prominent issue that feminist economists investigate is how the gross domestic product GDP does not adequately measure unpaid labor predominantly performed by women such as housework childcare and eldercare 90 91 Feminist economists have also challenged and exposed the rhetorical approach of mainstream economics 92 They have made critiques of many basic assumptions of mainstream economics including the Homo economicus model 93 In the Houseworker s Handbook Betsy Warrior presents a cogent argument that the reproduction and domestic labor of women form the foundation of economic survival although unremunerated and not included in the GDP 94 According to Warrior Economics as it s presented today lacks any basis in reality as it leaves out the very foundation of economic life That foundation is built on women s labor first her reproductive labor which produces every new laborer and the first commodity which is mother s milk and which nurtures every new consumer laborer secondly women s labor composed of cleaning cooking negotiating social stability and nurturing which prepares for market and maintains each laborer This constitutes women s continuing industry enabling laborers to occupy every position in the work force Without this fundamental labor and commodity there would be no economic activity Warrior also notes that the unacknowledged income of men from illegal activities like arms drugs and human trafficking political graft religious emoluments and various other undisclosed activities provide a rich revenue stream to men which further invalidates GDP figures 94 Even in underground economies where women predominate numerically like trafficking in humans prostitution and domestic servitude only a tiny fraction of the pimp s revenue filters down to the women and children he deploys Usually the amount spent on them is merely for the maintenance of their lives and in the case of those prostituted some money may be spent on clothing and such accouterments as will make them more salable to the pimp s clients For instance focusing on just the U S according to a government sponsored report by the Urban Institute in 2014 A street prostitute in Dallas may make as little as 5 per sex act But pimps can take in 33 000 a week in Atlanta where the sex business brings in an estimated 290 million per year 95 Proponents of this theory have been instrumental in creating alternative models such as the capability approach and incorporating gender into the analysis of economic data to affect policy Marilyn Power suggests that feminist economic methodology can be broken down into five categories 96 Legal theory edit Main article Feminist legal theory Feminist legal theory is based on the feminist view that law s treatment of women in relation to men has not been equal or fair The goals of feminist legal theory as defined by leading theorist Clare Dalton consist of understanding and exploring the female experience figuring out if law and institutions oppose females and figuring out what changes can be committed to This is to be accomplished through studying the connections between the law and gender as well as applying feminist analysis to concrete areas of law 97 98 99 Feminist legal theory stems from the inadequacy of the current structure to account for discrimination women face especially discrimination based on multiple intersecting identities Kimberle Crenshaw s work is central to feminist legal theory particularly her article Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics DeGraffenreid v General Motors is an example of such a case In this instance the court ruled the plaintiffs five Black women including Emma DeGraffenreid who were employees of General Motors were not eligible to file a complaint on the grounds they as black women were not a special class to be protected from discrimination 100 The ruling in DeGraffenreid against the plaintiff revealed the courts inability to understand intersectionality s role in discrimination 100 Moore v Hughes Helicopters Inc is another ruling which serves to reify the persistent discrediting of intersectionality as a factor in discrimination In the case of Moore the plaintiff brought forth statistical evidence revealing a disparity in promotions to upper level and supervisory jobs between men and women and to a lesser extent between Black and white men 100 Ultimately the court denied the plaintiff the ability to represent all Blacks and all females 100 The decision dwindled the pool of statistical information the plaintiff could pull from and limited the evidence only to that of Black women which is a ruling in direct contradiction to DeGraffenreid 100 Further because the plaintiff originally claimed discrimination as a Black female rather than more generally as a female the court stated it had concerns whether the plaintiff could adequately represent white female employees 100 Payne v Travenol serves as yet another example of the courts inconsistency when dealing with issues revolving around intersections of race and sex The plaintiffs in Payne two Black females filed suit against Travenol on behalf of both Black men and women on the grounds the pharmaceutical plant practiced racial discrimination 100 The court ruled the plaintiffs could not adequately represent Black males however they did allow the admittance of statistical evidence which was inclusive of all Black employees 100 Despite the more favorable outcome after it was found there was extensive racial discrimination the courts decided the benefits of the ruling back pay and constructive seniority would not be extended to Black males employed by the company 100 Moore contends Black women cannot adequately represent white women on issues of sex discrimination Payne suggests Black women cannot adequately represent Black men on issues of race discrimination and DeGraffenreid argues Black women are not a special class to be protected The rulings when connected display a deep rooted problem in regards to addressing discrimination within the legal system These cases although they are outdated are used by feminists as evidence of their ideas and principles Communication theory edit Feminist communication theory has evolved over time and branches out in many directions Early theories focused on the way that gender influenced communication and many argued that language was man made This view of communication promoted a deficiency model asserting that characteristics of speech associated with women were negative and that men set the standard for competent interpersonal communication which influences the type of language used by men and women These early theories also suggested that ethnicity cultural and economic backgrounds also needed to be addressed They looked at how gender intersects with other identity constructs such as class race and sexuality Feminist theorists especially those considered to be liberal feminists began looking at issues of equality in education and employment Other theorists addressed political oratory and public discourse The recovery project brought to light many women orators who had been erased or ignored as significant contributors Feminist communication theorists also addressed how women were represented in the media and how the media communicated ideology about women gender and feminism 101 102 Feminist communication theory also encompasses access to the public sphere whose voices are heard in that sphere and the ways in which the field of communication studies has limited what is regarded as essential to public discourse The recognition of a full history of women orators overlooked and disregarded by the field has effectively become an undertaking of recovery as it establishes and honors the existence of women in history and lauds the communication by these historically significant contributors This recovery effort begun by Andrea Lunsford Professor of English and Director of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at Stanford University and followed by other feminist communication theorists also names women such as Aspasia Diotima and Christine de Pisan who were likely influential in rhetorical and communication traditions in classical and medieval times but who have been negated as serious contributors to the traditions 102 Feminist communication theorists are also concerned with a recovery effort in attempting to explain the methods used by those with power to prohibit women like Maria W Stewart Sarah Moore Grimke and Angelina Grimke and more recently Ella Baker and Anita Hill from achieving a voice in political discourse and consequently being driven from the public sphere Theorists in this vein are also interested in the unique and significant techniques of communication employed by these women and others like them to surmount some of the oppression they experienced 102 Feminist theorist also evaluate communication expectations for students and women in the work place in particular how the performance of feminine versus masculine styles of communicating are constructed Judith Butler who coined the term gender performativity further suggests that theories of communication must explain the ways individuals negotiate resist and transcend their identities in a highly gendered society This focus also includes the ways women are constrained or disciplined in the discipline of communication in itself in terms of biases in research styles and the silencing of feminist scholarship and theory 102 Who is responsible for deciding what is considered important public discourse is also put into question by feminist theorists in communication scholarship This lens of feminist communication theory is labeled as revalorist theory which honors the historical perspective of women in communication in an attempt to recover voices that have been historically neglected 102 There have been many attempts to explain the lack of representative voices in the public sphere for women including the notion that the public sphere is built on essentialist principles that prevent women from being seen as legitimate communicators in that sphere and theories of subalternity which under extreme conditions of oppression prevent those in positions of power from even hearing their communicative attempts 102 Public relations edit Feminist theory can be applied to the field of public relations The feminist scholar Linda Hon examined the major obstacles that women in the field experienced Some common barriers included male dominance and gender stereotypes Hon shifted the feminist theory of PR from women s assimilation into patriarchal systems to genuine commitment to social restructuring 103 Similarly to the studies Hon conducted Elizabeth Lance Toth studied Feminist Values in Public Relations 104 Toth concluded that there is a clear link between feminist gender and feminist value These values include honesty sensitivity perceptiveness fairness and commitment Design edit Technical writers who have concluded that visual language can convey facts and ideas clearer than almost any other means of communication 105 According to the feminist theory gender may be a factor in how human beings represent reality 105 Men and women will construct different types of structures about the self and consequently their thought processes may diverge in content and form This division depends on the self concept which is an important regulator of thoughts feelings and actions that governs one s perception of reality 106 With that being said the self concept has a significant effect on how men and women represent reality in different ways Recently technical communicators who terms such as visual rhetoric visual language and document design indicate a new awareness of the importance of visual design 105 Deborah S Bosley explores this new concept of the feminist theory of design 105 by conducting a study on a collection of undergraduate males and females who were asked to illustrate a visual on paper given to them in a text Based on this study she creates a feminist theory of design and connects it to technical communicators In the results of the study males used more angular illustrations such as squares rectangles and arrows which are interpreted as a direction moving away from or a moving toward thus suggesting more aggressive positions than rounded shapes showing masculinity Females on the other hand used more curved visuals such as circles rounded containers and bending pipes Bosley takes into account that feminist theory offers insight into the relationship between females and circles or rounded objects According to Bosley studies of women and leadership indicate a preference for nonhierarchical work patterns preferring a communication web rather than a communication ladder Bosley explains that circles and other rounded shapes which women chose to draw are nonhierarchical and often used to represent inclusive communal relationships confirming her results that women s visual designs do have an effect on their means of communications undue weight discuss Based on these conclusions this feminist theory of design can go on to say that gender does play a role in how humans represent reality Black feminist criminology edit Black feminist criminology theory is a concept created by Hillary Potter in 2006 to act as a bridge that integrates Feminist theory with criminology It is based on the integration of Black feminist theory and critical race feminist theory 107 As Potter articulates this theory Black feminist criminology describes experiences of Black women as victims of crimes Other scholars such as Patrina Duhaney and Geniece Crawford Monde have explored Black feminist criminology in relation to current and formerly incarcerated Black women 108 109 For years Black women were historically overlooked and disregarded in the study of crime and criminology however with a new focus on Black feminism that sparked in the 1980s Black feminists began to contextualize their unique experiences and examine why the general status of Black women in the criminal justice system was lacking in female specific approaches 110 Potter explains that because Black women usually have limited access to adequate education and employment as consequences of racism sexism and classism they are often disadvantaged This disadvantage materializes into poor responses by social service professionals and crime processing agents to Black women s interpersonal victimization 111 Most crime studies focused on White males females and Black males Any results or conclusions targeted to Black males were usually assumed to be the same situation for Black females This was very problematic since Black males and Black females differ in what they experience For instance economic deprivation status equality between the sexes distinctive socialization patterns racism and sexism should all be taken into account between Black males and Black females The two will experience all of these factors differently therefore it was crucial to resolve this dilemma Black feminist criminology is proposed as the solution to this problem It takes four factors into account The social structural oppression of Black women such as through the lens of Crenshaw s intersectionality Nuances of Black communities and cultures Black intimate and familial relations The Black woman as an individual These four factors Potter argues helps Black feminist criminology describe the differences between Black women s and Black men s experiences within the criminal justice system Still Potter urges caution noting that just because this theory aims to help understand and explain Black women s experiences with the criminal justice system one cannot generalize so much that nuances in experiences are ignored Potter writes that Black women s individual circumstances must always be considered in conjunction with the shared experiences of these women 107 Feminist science and technology studies edit Main article Feminist technoscience Feminist science and technology studies STS refers to the transdisciplinary field of research on the ways gender and other markers of identity intersect with technology science and culture The practice emerged from feminist critique on the masculine coded uses of technology in the fields of natural medical and technical sciences and its entanglement in gender and identity 112 A large part of feminist technoscience theory explains science and technologies to be linked and should be held accountable for the social and cultural developments resulting from both fields 112 Some key issues feminist technoscience studies address include The use of feminist analysis when applied to scientific ideas and practices Intersections between race class gender science and technology The implications of situated knowledges Politics of gender on how to understand agency body rationality and the boundaries between nature and culture 112 Ecological feminism or ecofeminism edit In the 1970s the impacts of post World War II technological development led many women to organise against issues from the toxic pollution of neighbourhoods to nuclear weapons testing on indigenous lands This grassroots activism emerging across every continent was both intersectional and cross cultural in its struggle to protect the conditions for reproduction of Life on Earth Known as ecofeminism the political relevance of this movement continues to expand Classic statements in its literature include Carolyn Merchant United States The Death of Nature 113 Maria Mies Germany Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale 114 Vandana Shiva India Staying Alive Women Ecology and Development 115 Ariel Salleh Australia Ecofeminism as Politics nature Marx and the postmodern 116 Ecofeminism involves a profound critique of Eurocentric epistemology science economics and culture It is increasingly prominent as a feminist response to the contemporary breakdown of the planetary ecosystem See also editAnarcha feminism Antifeminism Atheist feminism Chicana feminism Christian feminism Conflict theories Conservative feminism Cultural feminism Difference feminism Equality feminism Feminism and modern architecture Fat feminism Feminist anthropology Feminist sociology First wave feminism Fourth wave feminism French feminism Gender equality Global feminism Hermeneutics of feminism in Islam Hip hop feminism Indigenous feminism Individualist feminism Islamic feminism Jewish feminism Lesbian feminism Lipstick feminism Liberal feminism Material feminism Marxist feminism Networked feminism Neofeminism New feminism Postcolonial feminism Postmodern feminism Post structural feminism Pro feminism Pro life feminism Radical feminism Rape culture Separatist feminism Second wave feminism Sex positive feminism Sikh feminism Socialist feminism Standpoint feminism State feminism Structuralist feminism Third wave feminism Transfeminism Transnational feminismReferences edit a b Chodorow Nancy J Feminism and Psychoanalytic Theory Yale University Press 1989 1991 Brabeck Mary Brown Laura 1997 Feminist theory and psychological practice In Worell J Johnson N eds Shaping the Future of Feminist Psychology Education Research and Practice Washington D C American Psychological Association pp 15 35 doi 10 1037 10245 001 ISBN 1 55798 448 4 Gilligan Carol In a Different Voice Women s Conceptions of Self and Morality in Harvard Educational Review 1977 a b Lerman Hannah Feminist Ethics in Psychotherapy Springer Publishing Company 1990 ISBN 978 0 8261 6290 8 Pollock Griselda Looking Back to the Future Essays on Art Life and Death G amp B Arts 2001 ISBN 90 5701 132 8 de Zegher Catherine Inside the Visible Massachusetts MIT Press 1996 Armstrong Carol and de Zegher Catherine Women Artists at the Millennium Massachusetts October Books MIT Press 2006 ISBN 0 262 01226 X Arnold Dana and Iverson Margaret Eds Art and Thought Blackwell 2003 ISBN 0 631 22715 6 Florence Penny and Foster Nicola Differential Aesthetics Ashgate 2000 ISBN 0 7546 1493 X The Changing Woman Navajo Origin Myth Feminist Theory A Reader 2nd Ed Edited by Kolmar Wendy and Bartowski Frances New York McGraw Hill 2005 64 Truth Sojourner Ain t I a Woman Feminist Theory A Reader 2nd Ed Edited by Kolmar Wendy and Bartowski Frances New York McGraw Hill 2005 79 Anthony Susan B Speech After Arrest for Illegal Voting Feminist Theory A Reader 2nd Ed Edited by Kolmar Wendy and Bartowski Frances New York McGraw Hill 2005 91 95 Native American Indian Legends Changing Woman Navajo 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University Press pp 385 407 ISBN 9780190249663 Wingrove Elizabeth 2015 Materialisms The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory Oxford University Press pp 454 472 ISBN 9780190249663 Liljestrom Marianne 2015 Affect The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory Oxford University Press pp 16 39 ISBN 9780190249663 Glabau Danya 2017 Feminists write the Anthropocene three tales of possibility in Late Capitalism Journal of Cultural Economy 10 6 541 548 doi 10 1080 17530350 2017 1350597 S2CID 149303228 Niccolini Alyssa D Ringrose Jessica 2019 Feminist Posthumanism Sage Research Methods doi 10 4135 9781526421036 ISBN 9781529745481 S2CID 241112463 Bordo Unbearable Weight p 4 Mittwoch U October 1988 The race to be male New Scientist 120 1635 38 42 ISNA Frequently Asked Questions Intersex Society of North America 1993 2008 Shuttleworth Sally Female Circulation Medical Discourse and Popular Advertising in the Mid Victorian Era Body Politics Women and the Discourses of Science Eds Mary Jacobus Evelyn Fox Keller and Sally Shuttleworth New York Routledge 1990 47 70 a b Bartkowski compiled by Wendy K Kolmar Frances 1999 Feminist theory a reader Mountain View Calif u a Mayfield Pub Co p 45 ISBN 978 1559349253 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link The Look as Bad Faith Debra B Bergoffen Philosophy Today 36 3 1992 221 227 It argues with Simone de Beauvoir that patriarchal marriage is both a perversion of the meaning of the couple and an institution in transition Marriage Autonomy and the Feminine Protest Hypatia Volume 14 Number 4 Fall 1999 pp 18 35 1 Archived 2016 03 04 at the Wayback Machine mutilated immanent The Second Sex Simone de Beauvoir H M Parshley Trans Vintage Press 1952 women are systematically subordinated de Beauvoir labels women mutilated and immanent women succumb to bad faith and surrender their agency Feminist Perspectives on the Self Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Crawford M amp Unger R 2000 Women and 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Threshold New York Peter Lang 2007 ISBN 978 1 4331 0002 4 Bracha L Ettinger Matrixial Subjectivity Aesthetics Ethics Vol 1 1990 2000 Selected papers from 1990 2000 edited with Introduction by Griselda Pollock Pelgrave Macmillan 2020 Ettinger Bracha The Matrixial Borderspace Essays from 1994 1999 University of Minnesota Press 2006 ISBN 0 8166 3587 0 Theory Culture and Society Vol 21 num 1 2004 ISSN 0263 2764 Vanda Zajko and Miriam Leonard eds Laughing with Medusa Oxford University Press 2006 87 117 ISBN 0 19 927438 X Jessica Benjamin The Bonds of Love London Virago 1990 Dora Fragment of an Analysis in In Dora s Case Edited by Berenheimer and Kahane London Virago 1985 Khanna Ranjana 2003 Dark Continents Psychoanalysis and Colonialism Duke University Press ISBN 978 0822330677 Felman Shoshana 1993 What Does a Woman Want Johns Hopkins University Press ISBN 9780801846205 Humm Maggie Modernist Women and Visual Cultures Rutgers University Press 2003 ISBN 0 8135 3266 3 a b c Barry Peter Feminist Literary Criticism in Beginning theory Manchester University Press 2002 ISBN 0 7190 6268 3 Chaudhuri Shohini Feminist Film Theorists Routledge 2006 ISBN 978 0 415 32433 5 Mulvey Laura Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema in Feminism and Film Theory Ed Constance Penley Routledge 1988 Laura Mulvey Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema Archived from the original on 2005 11 03 Retrieved 2007 08 05 Humm Maggie Feminism and Film Indiana University press 1997 ISBN 0 253 33334 2 Gutierrez Arbilla Julian Daniel Aesthetics Ethics and Trauma in the Cinema of Pedro Almodovar Edinburgh University press 2017 ISBN 978 1 4744 3167 5 Nochlin Linda Why have There Been No Great Women Artists Thirty Years After In Armstrong Carol and de Zegher Catherine eds Women Artists as the Millennium Cambridge Massachusetts October Books MIT Press 2006 ISBN 978 0 262 01226 3 Parker Rozsika and Pollock Griselda Old Mistresses Women Art and Ideology London and New York Pandora 1981 Griselda Pollock Looking Back to the Future New York G amp B New Arts Press 2001 ISBN 90 5701 132 8 Griselda Pollock Encounters in the Virtual Feminist Museum Time Space and the Archive Routledge 2007 ISBN 0 415 41374 5 Cain William E ed Making Feminist History The Literary Scholarship of Sandra M Gilbert and Susan Gubar Garland Publications 1994 Laslitt Barbara Ruth Ellen B Joeres Krishan Sharma Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham and Jeanne Barker Nunn ed History and Theory Feminist Research Debates Contestations University of Chicago Press 1997 Lerner Gerda The Majority Finds Its Past Placing Women in History Oxford University Press 1981 Pollock Griselda Generations and Geographies in the Visual Arts London Routledge 1996 ISBN 0 415 14128 1 de Zegher Catherine and Teicher Hendel Eds 3 X Abstraction New Haven Yale University Press 2005 ISBN 0 300 10826 5 Holcomb Briavel 1995 Reviewed work Feminism and Geography The Limits of Geographical Knowledge Gillian Rose Gender Planning and the Policy Process Jo Little Geographical 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critique Marianne A Ferber and Julie A Nelson Beyond Economic Man Feminist Theory and Economics Chicago University of Chicago Press 1993 Marianne A Ferber and Julie A Nelson Feminist Economics Today Beyond Economic Man Chicago University of Chicago Press 2003 a b A Modest Herstory of Betsy Warrior PDF Archived PDF from the original on 2015 11 20 Retrieved 2015 11 10 Lowrey Annie 12 March 2014 In Depth Report Details Economics of Sex Trade The New York Times Archived from the original on 18 August 2017 Retrieved 21 February 2017 via NYTimes com Power Marilyn Social Provisioning as a Starting Point for Feminist Economics Feminist Economics Volume 10 Number 3 Routledge November 2004 Dalton Clare Where We Stand Observations on the Situation of Feminist Legal Thought in Feminist Legal Theory Foundations ed by D Kelly Weisberg Temple University Press 1993 ISBN 978 1 56639 028 6 Dalton Clare Deconstructing Contract Doctrine in Feminist Legal Theory Readings in Law and Gender ed by Katharine T Bartlett and Rosanne Kennedy Harper Collins 1992 Feminist Legal Theory Readings in Law and Gender ed by Katharine T Bartlett and Rosanne Kennedy Harper Collins 1992 ISBN 978 0 8133 1248 4 a b c d e f g h i Crenshaw Kimberle 1991 Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics PDF Westview Press Inc pp 57 80 ISBN 978 0 8133 1247 7 Archived from the original PDF on 2015 02 06 Dow B 2009 Feminist approaches to communication In W Eadie Ed 21st century communication A reference handbook pp 82 90 Thousand Oaks CA SAGE Publications Inc a b c d e f Griffin C 2009 Feminist Communication Theories In Littlejohn Stephen W Foss Karen A eds Encyclopedia of Communication Theory SAGE Publications pp 391 392 ISBN 978 1 4129 5937 7 Archived from the original on 2017 04 23 Retrieved 2016 10 24 Hon Linda Childers 1995 Toward a Feminist Theory of Public Relations Journal of Public Relations Research 7 27 88 doi 10 1207 s1532754xjprr0701 03 Grunig Larissa A Toth Elizabeth L Hon Linda Childers January 2000 Feminist Values in Public Relations Journal of Public Relations Research 12 1 49 68 doi 10 1207 s1532754xjprr1201 4 ISSN 1062 726X S2CID 145558769 a b c d Bosley Deborah Gender and Visual Communication Toward a Feminist Theory of Design IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Vol 35 No 4 December 1992 pp 222 228 Markus Hazel Oyserman Daphna Gender and Thought The Role of Self Concept Gender and Thought Psychological Perspectives 1989 pp 100 127 a b Potter Hillary April 2006 An Argument for Black Feminist Criminology Understanding African American Women s Experiences With Intimate Partner Abuse Using an Integrated Approach PDF Feminist Criminology 1 2 doi 10 1177 1557085106286547 S2CID 144251569 Monde Geniece Crawford 2021 08 21 Trying to get Free A Theoretical Centering of Black Women s Post Carceral Narratives of Systemic Unfreedom Report Duhaney Patrina 2021 12 05 Contextualizing the Experiences of Black Women Arrested for Intimate Partner Violence in Canada Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37 21 22 NP21189 NP21216 doi 10 1177 08862605211056723 ISSN 0886 2605 PMC 9554381 PMID 34865540 Gabbidon Shaun L 2010 Criminological Perspectives on Race and Crime Routledge p 202 ISBN 978 1 135 16049 4 Archived from the original on 2017 04 23 Retrieved 2016 10 24 Gabbidon 2010 p 224 a b c Asberg Cecilia Lykke Nina 5 November 2010 Feminist technoscience studies European Journal of Women s Studies 17 4 299 305 doi 10 1177 1350506810377692 S2CID 146433213 Merchant Carolyn 1980 The Death of Nature Women and the Scientific Revolution New York Harper amp Row p 348 ISBN 0062505955 Mies Maria 1986 Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale 1st ed London Zed Books p 280 ISBN 9780862323424 Shiva Vandana 1989 Staying Alive Women Ecology and Development London Zed Books p 256 ISBN 9780862328238 Salleh Ariel 1997 Ecofeminism as Politics Nature Marx and the Postmodern 1st ed London Zed Books p 400 ISBN 9781856494007 Further reading edit Lexicon of Debates Feminist Theory A Reader 2nd Ed Edited by Kolmar Wendy and Bartowski Frances New York McGraw Hill 2005 42 60 External links edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Feminist theory nbsp Wikiquote has quotations related to Feminist theory nbsp Wikibooks has a book on the topic of Sociological Theory Feminist Theory Evolutionary Feminism Feminist theory website Center for Digital Discourse and Culture Virginia Tech Feminist Theories and Anthropology by Heidi Armbruster The Radical Women Manifesto Socialist Feminist Theory Program and Organizational Structure Seattle Red Letter Press 2001 Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women Brown University Feminist Theory Archive Brown University The Feminist eZine An Archive of Historical Feminist Articles Women Poverty and Economics Facts and Figures archived 3 November 2013 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Feminist theory amp oldid 1207637396, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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