
American nationalism

American nationalism is a form of civic, ethnic, cultural or economic influences[1] found in the United States.[2] Essentially, it indicates the aspects that characterize and distinguish the United States as an autonomous political community. The term often explains efforts to reinforce its national identity and self-determination within its national and international affairs.[3]

Flag of the United States

All four forms of nationalism have found expression throughout the United States' history, depending on the historical period. The first Naturalization Act of 1790 passed by Congress and President George Washington defined American identity and citizenship on racial lines, declaring that only "free white men of good character" could become citizens, and denying citizenship to enslaved black people and anyone of non-European stock; thus it was a form of ethnic nationalism. American scholars such as Hans Kohn, however, argue that the United States government institutionalized a civic nationalism founded upon legal and rational concepts of citizenship, being based on common language and cultural traditions,[2] and that the Founding Fathers of the United States established the country upon liberal and individualist principles.

History edit

Colonial edit

The United States traces its origins to the Thirteen Colonies founded by Britain in the 17th and early 18th century. Residents identified with Britain until the mid-18th century when the first sense of being "American" emerged. The Albany Plan proposed a union between the colonies in 1754. Although unsuccessful, it served as a reference for future discussions of independence.

John Trumbull's Declaration of Independence is often identified as a depiction of the signing of the Declaration, but it actually shows the five person drafting committee presenting its work to the Second Continental Congress.[4]

American Revolution edit

Soon afterward, the colonies faced several common grievances over acts passed by the British Parliament, including taxation without representation. Americans were in general agreement that only their own colonial legislatures—and not Parliament in London—could pass internal taxes. Parliament vigorously insisted otherwise and no compromise was found. The London government punished Boston for the Boston Tea Party, and the Thirteen Colonies united and formed the Continental Congress, which lasted from 1774 to 1789. Fighting broke out in 1775 and the sentiment swung to independence in early 1776, influenced significantly by the appeal to American nationalism by Thomas Paine. His pamphlet Common Sense was a runaway best seller in 1776, read aloud in taverns and coffee houses.[5] Congress unanimously issued a Declaration of Independence announcing a new nation of independent states had formed, the United States of America. American Patriots won the American Revolutionary War and received generous peace terms from Britain in 1783. The minority of Loyalists (loyal to King George III) could remain or leave, but about 80% remained and became full American citizens.[6] Frequent parades along with new rituals and ceremonies—and a new flag—provided popular occasions for expressing a spirit of American nationalism.[7]

The new nation operated under the very weak national government set up by the Articles of Confederation, and most Americans prioritized their state over the nation. Nationalists led by George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison had Congress call a constitutional convention in 1787. It produced the Constitution for a strong national government which was debated in every state and unanimously adopted. It went into effect in 1789 as the first modern constitutional liberal democracy based on the consent of the governed,[8][9][10] with Washington as the first President.[11]

Westward Expansion edit

In an 1858 speech, future President Abraham Lincoln alluded to a form of American civic nationalism originating from the tenets of the Declaration of Independence as a force for national unity in the United States, stating that it was a method for uniting diverse peoples of different ethnic ancestries into a common nationality:

If they look back through this history to trace their connection with those days by blood, they find they have none, they cannot carry themselves back into that glorious epoch and make themselves feel that they are part of us, but when they look through that old Declaration of Independence they find that those old men say that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal", and then they feel that moral sentiment taught in that day evidences their relation to those men, that it is the father of all moral principle in them, and that they have a right to claim it as though they were blood of the blood, and flesh of the flesh of the men who wrote the Declaration, and so they are. That is the electric cord in that Declaration that links the hearts of patriotic and liberty-loving men together, that will link those patriotic hearts as long as the love of freedom exists in the minds of men throughout the world.

— Abraham Lincoln, address to Chicagoan voters, July 10, 1858[12]

American Civil War edit

White Southerners increasingly felt alienated—they saw themselves as becoming second-class citizens as aggressive anti-slavery Northerners tried to end their ability to enslave people to the fast-growing western territories. They questioned whether their loyalty to the nation trumped their commitment to their state and their way of life since it was so intimately bound up with slavery and whether they could enslave people.[13] A sense of Southern nationalism was starting to emerge; however, it was rudimentary as late as 1860 when the election of Lincoln was a signal for most of the slave states in the South to secede and form a new nation.[14] The Confederate government insisted the nationalism was real and imposed increasing burdens on the population in the name of independence and nationalism. The fierce combat record of the Confederates demonstrates their commitment to the death for independence. The government and army refused to compromise and were militarily overwhelmed in 1865.[15] By the 1890s, the white South felt vindicated through its belief in the newly constructed memory of the Lost Cause of the Confederacy. The North came to accept or at least tolerate racial segregation and disfranchisement of black voters in the South. The spirit of American nationalism had returned to Dixie.[16]

Reconstruction, Gilded Age and Progressive Era edit

An 1869 Thomas Nast cartoon espousing American exceptionalism shows Americans of different ancestries and ethnic backgrounds sit together at a dinner table with Columbia to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal as equal members of the American citizenry while Uncle Sam prepares and sets the table, thus espousing an inclusive form of American nationalism that is civic, where membership in the nation is not dependent upon ethnicity.[17][18]

The North's triumph in the American Civil War marked a significant transition in American national identity. The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment settled the fundamental question of national identity, such as the criteria for becoming a citizen of the United States. Everyone born in the territorial boundaries of the United States or those areas and subject to its jurisdiction was an American citizen, regardless of ethnicity or social status (indigenous people on reservations became citizens in 1924, while indigenous people off reservations had always been citizens).[19]

In the early 20th century, one of the highest-profile advocates for American nationalism was Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt's policies both at home and abroad, which came to be known as the New Nationalism, included an element of a strong national identity. He insisted that one had to be 100% American, not a "hyphenated American" who juggled multiple loyalties.

With a fast-growing industrial economy, immigrants were welcome from Europe, Canada, Mexico, and Cuba, and millions came. Becoming a full citizen was easy, requiring the completion of paperwork over five years.[20]  However, new Asian arrivals were not welcome. The U.S. imposed restrictions on most Chinese immigrants in the 1880s and informal restrictions on most Japanese in 1907. By 1924, it was difficult for any Asian to enter the United States, but children born in the United States to Asian parents were full citizens. The restrictions were ended on the Chinese in the 1940s and on other Asians in 1965.[21]

Newspaper reporting the annexation of the Republic of Hawaii in 1898

World Wars and interwar period edit

After the United States entered World War I, nationalism surged. Americans enlisted in the military en masse, motivated by propaganda and war films.[22] There was very little resistance to conscription.[23]

By the First World War, many native-born Protestants were skeptical of recent immigrants to the United States, who were often Catholic or Jewish and spoke languages other than English in their daily lives. There was a strong belief among many in favor of "one hundred percent Americanism", in contrast to "hyphenated Americanism". This was exemplified by the film The Birth of a Nation in 1915 and the rise of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1910s and 20s.  In the early- to-mid 20th century, public school education became compulsory in many jurisdictions, with parochial schools being restricted or outlawed. The school day typically began with the Pledge of Allegiance. It was in this milieu that the Immigration Act of 1924 was passed to regulate immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe. However, during this period, citizenship was also extended to Native Americans, both on- and off-reservation, for the first time.

World War II led to unprecedented nationalism in the United States. After the 1941 Attack on Pearl Harbor, many Americans enlisted in the military.[24][25] During the war, much of American life centered on contributing to the war effort, mainly through volunteer efforts, entry into the labor force, rationing, price controls, and income saving. Citizens willingly accepted these sacrifices out of a sense of nationalism, feeling they were for the greater good.[26][27] Even members of anti-war groups like the pacifist churches, anti-war movement, and conscientious objectors abandoned their pacifism for the sake of the war, feeling that World War II was a just war.[28][29][24]

Cold War edit

Following World War II and beginning with the Cold War, the United States emerged as a world superpower and abandoned its traditional policy of isolationism in favor of interventionism. With this, nationalism took on a new form in the U.S., as Americans began to view their country as a world police with the ultimate goal of eradicating communism from the world. This nationalist fervor was fueled by US involvement in the Korean War, Vietnam War, Bay of Pigs Invasion, and many other conflicts.[30][31]

Modern era edit

The September 11 attacks of 2001 led to a wave of nationalist expression in the United States. The start of the war on terror was accompanied by a rise in military enlistment that included not only lower-income Americans but also middle-class and upper-class citizens.[32] This nationalism continued long into the War in Afghanistan and Iraq War.[33]

Contemporary United States edit

Nationalism and Americanism remain topics in the modern United States. Political scientist Paul McCartney, for instance, argues that as a nation defined by a creed and sense of mission, Americans tend to equate their interests with those of humanity, which informs their global posture.[34] In some instances, it may be considered a form of ethnocentrism and American exceptionalism.

Due to the distinctive circumstances involved throughout history in American politics, its nationalism has developed concerning loyalty to a set of liberal, universal political ideals and perceived accountability to propagate those principles globally. Acknowledging the conception of the United States as accountable for spreading liberal change and promoting democracy throughout the world's politics and governance has defined practically all of American foreign policy. Therefore, democracy promotion is not just another measure of foreign policy, but it is instead the fundamental characteristic of their national identity and political determination.[35]

Varieties of American nationalism edit

In a 2016 paper in the American Sociological Review, "Varieties of American Popular Nationalism", sociologists Bart Bonikowski and Paul DiMaggio report on research findings supporting the existence of at least four kinds of American nationalists, including, groups which range from the smallest to the largest: (1) the disengaged, (2) creedal or civic nationalists, (3) ardent nationalists, and (4) restrictive nationalists.[36]

Bonikowski and Dimaggio's analysis of these four groups found that ardent nationalists made up about 24% of their study, and they comprised the largest of the two groups Bonikowski and Dimaggio consider "extreme". Members of this group closely identified with the United States, were very proud of their country and strongly associated themselves with factors of national hubris. They felt that a "true American" must speak English and live in the U.S. for most of their life. Fewer, but 75%, believe that a "true American" must be a Christian, and 86% believe a "true American" must be born in the country. Further, ardent nationalists thought that Jews, Muslims, agnostics and naturalized citizens were something less than genuinely American. The second class, Bonikowski and DiMaggio considered "extreme", was the smallest of the four classes because its members comprised 17% of their respondents. The disengaged showed low pride in the government institutions, and they did not fully identify with the United States. Their lack of pride extended to American democracy, American history, political equality in the U.S., and the country's political influence. This group was the least nationalistic of all of the four groups which they identified.[36]

Studies supported the idea that the American flag increased nationalism.[37]

The two remaining classes were less homogeneous in their responses than the ardent nationalists and disengaged were. Restrictive nationalists had low levels of pride in America and its institutions, but they defined a "true American" in ways that were markedly "exclusionary". This group was the largest of the four because its members comprised 38% of the study's respondents. While their levels of national identification and pride were moderate, they espoused beliefs that caused them to hold restrictive definitions of "true Americans"; for instance, their definitions excluded non-Christians."

The final group to be identified was creedal nationalists (also known as civic nationalists), whose members made up 22% of the study's respondents who were studied. This group believed in liberal values, was proud of the United States, and its members held the fewest restrictions on who could be considered a true American. They closely identified with their country, which they felt "very close" to, and were proud of its achievements. Bonikowski and Dimaggio dubbed the group "creedal" because their beliefs most closely approximated the precepts of what is widely considered the American creed.[36]

As part of their findings, the authors report that the connection between big money, religious belief, and national identity is significant. The belief that being a Christian is an integral part of what it means to be a "true American" is the most significant factor which separates the creedal nationalists and the disengaged from the restrictive and ardent nationalists. They also determined that their groupings cut across partisan boundaries, and they also help to explain what they perceive is the recent success of populist, nativist, and racist rhetoric in American politics.[36]

According to a 2021 American Journal of Sociology study by Bart Bonikowski, Yuval Feinstein, and Sean Bock, competing understandings of American nationhood had emerged in the United States in the prior two decades. They find, "nationalism has become sorted by party, as Republican identifiers have come to define America in more exclusionary and critical terms and Democrats have increasingly endorsed inclusive and positive conceptions of nationhood."[38]

Cultural nationalism edit

Cultural nationalism has historically been an integral element of American nationalism. Such cultural nationalists form group allegiances based on a common cultural heritage rather than race or political party. This heritage may include culture (Culture of the United States), language (English language), religion (Christianity), history (History of the United States), ideology (Democracy), and symbols (National symbols of the United States). Cultural nationalism is distinct from ethnic nationalism, in which race and ethnicity are emphasized over culture and language.[39][40]

Nationalism gained a cultural character beginning in the late 18th century. Multiple historical ideas have shaped modern cultural nationalism in the U.S., including the concept of the nation state, the fusion of nationalism and religion into religious nationalism, and identity politics.[40]

Civic nationalism edit

American nationalism sometimes takes the form of Civic nationalism, a liberal form of nationalism based on values such as freedom, equality, and individual rights. Civic nationalists view nationhood as a political identity. They argue that liberal democratic principles and loyalty define a civic nation. Membership is open to every citizen, regardless of culture, ethnicity, or language, as long as they believe in these values.[41][42]

Trumpism edit

Donald Trump flag

President Donald Trump was described as a nationalist,[43] and he embraced the term himself.[44] Several officials within his administration, including former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon,[45] Senior Advisor to the President Stephen Miller,[45] Director of the National Trade Council Peter Navarro,[46] former Deputy Assistant to the President Sebastian Gorka,[45] Special Assistant to the President Julia Hahn,[47] former Deputy Assistant to the President for Strategic Communications Michael Anton,[48] Secretary of State Mike Pompeo,[49] Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross,[50] Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer,[51] former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell,[52] former National Security Advisor John R. Bolton[53] and former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn[54] were described as representing a "nationalist wing" within the federal government.[55]

In a February 2017 article in The Atlantic, journalist Uri Friedman described "populist economic nationalist" as a new nationalist movement "modeled on the 'populism' of the 19th-century U.S. President Andrew Jackson" which was introduced in Trump's remarks to the Republican National Convention in a speech written by Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon. Miller had adopted Senator Jeff Sessions' form of "nation-state populism" while working as his aide.[56] By September 2017, The Washington Post journalist Greg Sargent observed that "Trump's nationalism" as "defined" by Bannon, Breitbart, Miller and "the rest of the 'populist economic nationalist' contingent around Trump" was beginning to have wavering support among Trump voters.[57] Some Republican members of Congress were also described as nationalists during the Trump era, such as Representative Steve King,[58] Representative Matt Gaetz,[59] Senator Tom Cotton[60] and Senator Josh Hawley.[61]

During the Trump era, commonly identified American nationalist political commentators included Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter,[62] Michelle Malkin,[63] Lou Dobbs,[64] Alex Jones,[65] Charlie Kirk,[66]Laura Ingraham,[62] Candace Owens,[67] Michael Savage,[68] Tucker Carlson,[69] and Mike Cernovich.[70]

See also edit

References edit


  1. ^
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  6. ^ Savelle, Max (1962). "Nationalism and Other Loyalties in the American Revolution". The American Historical Review. 67 (4): 901–923. doi:10.2307/1845245. JSTOR 1845245.
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  10. ^ Gascoigne, Bamber. "History of Democracy". 2001. "History of Democracy: Modern Democracy".
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  13. ^ Kohn, Hans (1961). The Idea of Nationalism: A Study in Its Origins and Background. Macmillan. OCLC 1115989.
  14. ^ McCardell, John (1979). The Idea of a Southern Nation: Southern Nationalists and Southern Nationalism, 1830–1860. Norton. ISBN 978-0393012415. OCLC 4933821.
  15. ^ Quigley, Paul (2012) Shifting Grounds: Nationalism and the American South, 1848–1865
  16. ^ Foster, Gaines M. (1988) Ghosts of the Confederacy: Defeat, the Lost Cause and the Emergence of the New South, 1865–1913
  17. ^ Kennedy, Robert C. (November 2001). . On This Day: HarpWeek. The New York Times Company. Archived from the original on November 23, 2001. Retrieved November 23, 2001.
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  20. ^ Archdeacon, Thomas J. (2000) European Immigration from the Colonial Era to the 1920s: A Historical Perspective
  21. ^ Lee, Erika (2007). "The "Yellow Peril" and Asian Exclusion in the Americas". Pacific Historical Review. 76 (4): 537–562. doi:10.1525/phr.2007.76.4.537.
  22. ^ Kennedy, David M. Over Here: The First World War and American Society (2004)
  23. ^ John Whiteclay Chambers II, To Raise an Army: The Draft Comes to Modern America (1987)
  24. ^ a b David Kennedy, Freedom from Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929-1945 (2001)
  25. ^ Prange, Gordon W.; Goldstein, Donald M.; Dillon, Katherine V. (1982). At Dawn We Slept: The Untold Story of Pearl Harbor.
  26. ^ Schneider, Carl G and Schneider, Dorothy; World War II ISBN 1438108907
  27. ^ Harold G. Vatter, The U.S. Economy in World War II (1988)
  28. ^ Mitchell K. Hall, 'A Withdrawal from Peace: The Historical Response to War of the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana),' Journal of Church and State (1985) 27#2
  29. ^ Scott H. Bennett, " American Pacifism, the 'Greatest Generation,' and World War II" in G. Kurt Piehler and Sidney Pash, The United States and the Second World War: New Perspectives on Diplomacy, War, and the Home Front (2010) Online 2020-01-13 at the Wayback Machine
  30. ^ Gaddis, John Lewis (2005). The Cold War: A New History.
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  33. ^ Sanger, David E. (2012). "1–5". Confront and Conceal: Obama's Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power.
  34. ^ McCartney, Paul (August 28, 2002). The Bush Doctrine and American Nationalism. Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. American Political Science Association. McCartney-2002. Archived from the original on August 12, 2007. Retrieved February 6, 2011.
  35. ^ Monten, Jonathan (2005) "The Roots of the Bush Doctrine: Power, Nationalism, and Democracy Promotion in U.S. Strategy" International Security v.29 n.4 pp.112-156
  36. ^ a b c d Bonikowski, Bart and DiMaggio, Paul (2016) "Varieties of American Popular Nationalism". American Sociological Review, 81(5): 949–980.
  37. ^ Kemmelmeier, Marcus (December 2008). "Sowing Patriotism, But Reaping Nationalism? Consequences of Exposure to the American Flag". Political Psychology. 29 (6): 859–879. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9221.2008.00670.x.
  38. ^ Bonikowski, Bart; Feinstein, Yuval; Bock, Sean (2021). "The Partisan Sorting of "America": How Nationalist Cleavages Shaped the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election". American Journal of Sociology. 127 (2): 492–561. doi:10.1086/717103. ISSN 0002-9602. S2CID 246017190.
  39. ^ "Nationalism And Ethnicity: Cultural Nationalism". Encyclopedia.com. Infonautics.
  40. ^ a b Kramer, Lloyd (2011). Nationalism in Europe and America: Politics, Cultures, and Identities Since 1775. University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 9780807834848.
  41. ^ Auer, Stefan (2004). Liberal Nationalism in Central Europe. Routledge. ISBN 1134378602.
  42. ^ Anna Stilz. "Civic Nationalism and Language Policy". Philosophy & Public Affairs. 37 (3).
  43. ^ "Trump visits Poland and not everyone is happy about it". USA Today. July 3, 2017.
  44. ^ "Trump: I Am A Nationalist In A True Sense". RealClearPolitics. February 27, 2017.
  45. ^ a b c "Trump pressured to dump nationalist wing". The Hill. August 15, 2017.
  46. ^ Sherman, Gabriel (December 21, 2017). ""I Have Power": Is Steve Bannon Running for President?". vanityfair.com. Retrieved March 31, 2018.
  47. ^ "Breitbart writer expected to join White House staff". Politico. January 22, 2017.
  48. ^ "The Populist Nationalist on Trump's National Security Council". The Atlantic. March 24, 2017.
  49. ^ "'Congressman from Koch' Mike Pompeo tapped to replace Tillerson at State Department". Marketwatch. March 13, 2018.
  50. ^ "Trump expected to tap billionaire investor Wilbur Ross for commerce secretary". The Washington Post. November 24, 2016.
  51. ^ "The Little-Known Trade Adviser Who Wields Enormous Power in Washington". The New York Times. March 8, 2018.
  52. ^ "Grenell to join Trump campaign". Politico. May 26, 2020.
  53. ^ "US nationalist policymakers take hold of foreign policy". Financial Times. March 23, 2018.
  54. ^ "The Alt-Right and Glenn Greenwald Versus H.R. McMaster". New York. August 8, 2017.
  55. ^ "The White House struggle between Stephen Bannon and H.R. McMaster is apparently coming to a head". The Week. August 14, 2017.
  56. ^ Friedman, Uri (February 27, 2017). "What is a populist? And is Donald Trump one?". The Atlantic. Retrieved September 15, 2017.
  57. ^ Sargent, Greg (September 15, 2017). "Trump's top supporters are in a full-blown panic. They're right to be afraid". The Washington Post. Retrieved September 15, 2017.
  58. ^ "Steve King ingests the poison of nationalist ideology". Washington Examiner. March 13, 2017.
  59. ^ "'It's a horror film': Matt Gaetz warns of Democratic rule at Republican convention". Tampa Bay Times. August 25, 2020.
  60. ^ "How Sen. Tom Cotton emerged as one of Trumpism's leading voices - The Washington Post". The Washington Post.
  61. ^ "Polishing the Nationalist Brand in the Trump Era". The New York Times. July 19, 2019.
  62. ^ a b Brownstein, Ronald (April 16, 2017). "Why Trump's Agenda Is Tilting in a More Conventional Direction". The Atlantic.
  63. ^ "Free speech continues to be squelched from left and right". Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Atlanta. January 16, 2020.
  64. ^ "Donald Trump 'Cherishes' Lou Dobbs So Much He Puts Him on Speakerphone for Oval Office Meetings". The Daily Beast. October 26, 2019.
  65. ^ "Donald Trump still calls Alex Jones for advice, claims the InfoWars founder and far right conspiracy theorist". The Independent. February 23, 2017.
  66. ^ Stone, Peter (October 23, 2021). "Money and misinformation: how Turning Point USA became a formidable pro-Trump force". The Guardian. Retrieved October 26, 2021.
  67. ^ https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/02/08/candace-owens-clarifies-hitler-nationalism-remark-after-backlash/2818679002/
  68. ^ . National Summary. Archived from the original on January 22, 2008. Retrieved June 24, 2009.
  69. ^ Coppins, McKay (February 23, 2017). "Tucker Carlson: The Bow-Tied Bard of Populism". The Atlantic.
  70. ^ Stack, Liam (April 5, 2017). "Who Is Mike Cernovich? A Guide". The New York Times.

Further reading edit

  • Arieli, Yehoshua (1964) Individualism and Nationalism in American Ideology. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • Birkin, Carol (2017) A Sovereign People: The Crises of the 1790s and the Birth of American Nationalism. Basic Books, ISBN 978-0-465-06088-7.
  • Faust, Drew G. (1988) The Creation of Confederate Nationalism: Ideology and Identity in the Civil War South. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press.
  • Kramer, Lloyd S. (2011) Nationalism in Europe and America: Politics, Cultures, and Identities Since 1775. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 9780807872000
  • Lawson, Melinda (2002) Patriot Fires: Forging a New American Nationalism in the Civil War North. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas.
  • Li, Qiong, and Marilynn Brewer (2004) "What Does It Mean to Be an American? Patriotism, Nationalism, and American Identity After September 11." Political Psychology. v.25 n.5 pp. 727–39.
  • Motyl, Alexander J. (2001). Encyclopedia of Nationalism, Volume II. Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-227230-1.
  • Maguire, Susan E. (2016) "Brother Jonathan and John Bull build a nation: the transactional nature of American nationalism in the early nineteenth century." National Identities v.18 n.2 pp. 179–98.
  • Mitchell, Lincoln A. (2016) The Democracy Promotion Paradox. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution. ISBN 9780815727026
  • Quigley, Paul (2012) Shifting Grounds: Nationalism and the American South, 1848-1865. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199735488
  • Schildkraut, Deborah J. 2014. "Boundaries of American Identity: Evolving Understandings of “Us”." Annual Review of Political Science
  • Staff (December 13, 2016) "How similar is America in 2016 to Germany in 1933". Boston Public Radio
  • Staff (December 20, 2005). "French anti-Americanism: Spot the difference". The Economist.
  • Trautsch, Jasper M. (September 2016) "The origins and nature of American nationalism," National Identities v.18 n.3 pp. 289–312.
  • Trautsch, Jasper M. (2018) The Genesis of America; U.S. Foreign Policy and the Formation of National Identity, 1793 - 1815. Cambridge
  • Waldstreicher, David (1997) In the Midst of Perpetual Fetes: The Making of American Nationalism, 1776–1820. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press
  • Zelinsky, Wilbur (1988) Nation into State: The Shifting Symbolic Foundations of American Nationalism. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

External links edit

  •   Media related to American nationalism at Wikimedia Commons

american, nationalism, confused, with, americanism, ideology, form, civic, ethnic, cultural, economic, influences, found, united, states, essentially, indicates, aspects, that, characterize, distinguish, united, states, autonomous, political, community, term, . Not to be confused with Americanism ideology American nationalism is a form of civic ethnic cultural or economic influences 1 found in the United States 2 Essentially it indicates the aspects that characterize and distinguish the United States as an autonomous political community The term often explains efforts to reinforce its national identity and self determination within its national and international affairs 3 Flag of the United StatesAll four forms of nationalism have found expression throughout the United States history depending on the historical period The first Naturalization Act of 1790 passed by Congress and President George Washington defined American identity and citizenship on racial lines declaring that only free white men of good character could become citizens and denying citizenship to enslaved black people and anyone of non European stock thus it was a form of ethnic nationalism American scholars such as Hans Kohn however argue that the United States government institutionalized a civic nationalism founded upon legal and rational concepts of citizenship being based on common language and cultural traditions 2 and that the Founding Fathers of the United States established the country upon liberal and individualist principles Contents 1 History 1 1 Colonial 1 2 American Revolution 1 3 Westward Expansion 1 4 American Civil War 1 5 Reconstruction Gilded Age and Progressive Era 1 6 World Wars and interwar period 1 7 Cold War 1 8 Modern era 2 Contemporary United States 3 Varieties of American nationalism 3 1 Cultural nationalism 3 2 Civic nationalism 3 3 Trumpism 4 See also 5 References 6 Further reading 7 External linksHistory editMain article History of the United States Colonial edit The United States traces its origins to the Thirteen Colonies founded by Britain in the 17th and early 18th century Residents identified with Britain until the mid 18th century when the first sense of being American emerged The Albany Plan proposed a union between the colonies in 1754 Although unsuccessful it served as a reference for future discussions of independence nbsp John Trumbull s Declaration of Independence is often identified as a depiction of the signing of the Declaration but it actually shows the five person drafting committee presenting its work to the Second Continental Congress 4 American Revolution edit Soon afterward the colonies faced several common grievances over acts passed by the British Parliament including taxation without representation Americans were in general agreement that only their own colonial legislatures and not Parliament in London could pass internal taxes Parliament vigorously insisted otherwise and no compromise was found The London government punished Boston for the Boston Tea Party and the Thirteen Colonies united and formed the Continental Congress which lasted from 1774 to 1789 Fighting broke out in 1775 and the sentiment swung to independence in early 1776 influenced significantly by the appeal to American nationalism by Thomas Paine His pamphlet Common Sense was a runaway best seller in 1776 read aloud in taverns and coffee houses 5 Congress unanimously issued a Declaration of Independence announcing a new nation of independent states had formed the United States of America American Patriots won the American Revolutionary War and received generous peace terms from Britain in 1783 The minority of Loyalists loyal to King George III could remain or leave but about 80 remained and became full American citizens 6 Frequent parades along with new rituals and ceremonies and a new flag provided popular occasions for expressing a spirit of American nationalism 7 The new nation operated under the very weak national government set up by the Articles of Confederation and most Americans prioritized their state over the nation Nationalists led by George Washington Alexander Hamilton and James Madison had Congress call a constitutional convention in 1787 It produced the Constitution for a strong national government which was debated in every state and unanimously adopted It went into effect in 1789 as the first modern constitutional liberal democracy based on the consent of the governed 8 9 10 with Washington as the first President 11 Westward Expansion edit In an 1858 speech future President Abraham Lincoln alluded to a form of American civic nationalism originating from the tenets of the Declaration of Independence as a force for national unity in the United States stating that it was a method for uniting diverse peoples of different ethnic ancestries into a common nationality If they look back through this history to trace their connection with those days by blood they find they have none they cannot carry themselves back into that glorious epoch and make themselves feel that they are part of us but when they look through that old Declaration of Independence they find that those old men say that We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal and then they feel that moral sentiment taught in that day evidences their relation to those men that it is the father of all moral principle in them and that they have a right to claim it as though they were blood of the blood and flesh of the flesh of the men who wrote the Declaration and so they are That is the electric cord in that Declaration that links the hearts of patriotic and liberty loving men together that will link those patriotic hearts as long as the love of freedom exists in the minds of men throughout the world Abraham Lincoln address to Chicagoan voters July 10 1858 12 American Civil War edit White Southerners increasingly felt alienated they saw themselves as becoming second class citizens as aggressive anti slavery Northerners tried to end their ability to enslave people to the fast growing western territories They questioned whether their loyalty to the nation trumped their commitment to their state and their way of life since it was so intimately bound up with slavery and whether they could enslave people 13 A sense of Southern nationalism was starting to emerge however it was rudimentary as late as 1860 when the election of Lincoln was a signal for most of the slave states in the South to secede and form a new nation 14 The Confederate government insisted the nationalism was real and imposed increasing burdens on the population in the name of independence and nationalism The fierce combat record of the Confederates demonstrates their commitment to the death for independence The government and army refused to compromise and were militarily overwhelmed in 1865 15 By the 1890s the white South felt vindicated through its belief in the newly constructed memory of the Lost Cause of the Confederacy The North came to accept or at least tolerate racial segregation and disfranchisement of black voters in the South The spirit of American nationalism had returned to Dixie 16 Reconstruction Gilded Age and Progressive Era edit nbsp An 1869 Thomas Nast cartoon espousing American exceptionalism shows Americans of different ancestries and ethnic backgrounds sit together at a dinner table with Columbia to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal as equal members of the American citizenry while Uncle Sam prepares and sets the table thus espousing an inclusive form of American nationalism that is civic where membership in the nation is not dependent upon ethnicity 17 18 The North s triumph in the American Civil War marked a significant transition in American national identity The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment settled the fundamental question of national identity such as the criteria for becoming a citizen of the United States Everyone born in the territorial boundaries of the United States or those areas and subject to its jurisdiction was an American citizen regardless of ethnicity or social status indigenous people on reservations became citizens in 1924 while indigenous people off reservations had always been citizens 19 In the early 20th century one of the highest profile advocates for American nationalism was Theodore Roosevelt Roosevelt s policies both at home and abroad which came to be known as the New Nationalism included an element of a strong national identity He insisted that one had to be 100 American not a hyphenated American who juggled multiple loyalties With a fast growing industrial economy immigrants were welcome from Europe Canada Mexico and Cuba and millions came Becoming a full citizen was easy requiring the completion of paperwork over five years 20 However new Asian arrivals were not welcome The U S imposed restrictions on most Chinese immigrants in the 1880s and informal restrictions on most Japanese in 1907 By 1924 it was difficult for any Asian to enter the United States but children born in the United States to Asian parents were full citizens The restrictions were ended on the Chinese in the 1940s and on other Asians in 1965 21 nbsp Newspaper reporting the annexation of the Republic of Hawaii in 1898World Wars and interwar period edit After the United States entered World War I nationalism surged Americans enlisted in the military en masse motivated by propaganda and war films 22 There was very little resistance to conscription 23 By the First World War many native born Protestants were skeptical of recent immigrants to the United States who were often Catholic or Jewish and spoke languages other than English in their daily lives There was a strong belief among many in favor of one hundred percent Americanism in contrast to hyphenated Americanism This was exemplified by the film The Birth of a Nation in 1915 and the rise of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1910s and 20s In the early to mid 20th century public school education became compulsory in many jurisdictions with parochial schools being restricted or outlawed The school day typically began with the Pledge of Allegiance It was in this milieu that the Immigration Act of 1924 was passed to regulate immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe However during this period citizenship was also extended to Native Americans both on and off reservation for the first time World War II led to unprecedented nationalism in the United States After the 1941 Attack on Pearl Harbor many Americans enlisted in the military 24 25 During the war much of American life centered on contributing to the war effort mainly through volunteer efforts entry into the labor force rationing price controls and income saving Citizens willingly accepted these sacrifices out of a sense of nationalism feeling they were for the greater good 26 27 Even members of anti war groups like the pacifist churches anti war movement and conscientious objectors abandoned their pacifism for the sake of the war feeling that World War II was a just war 28 29 24 Cold War edit Following World War II and beginning with the Cold War the United States emerged as a world superpower and abandoned its traditional policy of isolationism in favor of interventionism With this nationalism took on a new form in the U S as Americans began to view their country as a world police with the ultimate goal of eradicating communism from the world This nationalist fervor was fueled by US involvement in the Korean War Vietnam War Bay of Pigs Invasion and many other conflicts 30 31 Modern era edit The September 11 attacks of 2001 led to a wave of nationalist expression in the United States The start of the war on terror was accompanied by a rise in military enlistment that included not only lower income Americans but also middle class and upper class citizens 32 This nationalism continued long into the War in Afghanistan and Iraq War 33 Contemporary United States editNationalism and Americanism remain topics in the modern United States Political scientist Paul McCartney for instance argues that as a nation defined by a creed and sense of mission Americans tend to equate their interests with those of humanity which informs their global posture 34 In some instances it may be considered a form of ethnocentrism and American exceptionalism Due to the distinctive circumstances involved throughout history in American politics its nationalism has developed concerning loyalty to a set of liberal universal political ideals and perceived accountability to propagate those principles globally Acknowledging the conception of the United States as accountable for spreading liberal change and promoting democracy throughout the world s politics and governance has defined practically all of American foreign policy Therefore democracy promotion is not just another measure of foreign policy but it is instead the fundamental characteristic of their national identity and political determination 35 Varieties of American nationalism editIn a 2016 paper in the American Sociological Review Varieties of American Popular Nationalism sociologists Bart Bonikowski and Paul DiMaggio report on research findings supporting the existence of at least four kinds of American nationalists including groups which range from the smallest to the largest 1 the disengaged 2 creedal or civic nationalists 3 ardent nationalists and 4 restrictive nationalists 36 Bonikowski and Dimaggio s analysis of these four groups found that ardent nationalists made up about 24 of their study and they comprised the largest of the two groups Bonikowski and Dimaggio consider extreme Members of this group closely identified with the United States were very proud of their country and strongly associated themselves with factors of national hubris They felt that a true American must speak English and live in the U S for most of their life Fewer but 75 believe that a true American must be a Christian and 86 believe a true American must be born in the country Further ardent nationalists thought that Jews Muslims agnostics and naturalized citizens were something less than genuinely American The second class Bonikowski and DiMaggio considered extreme was the smallest of the four classes because its members comprised 17 of their respondents The disengaged showed low pride in the government institutions and they did not fully identify with the United States Their lack of pride extended to American democracy American history political equality in the U S and the country s political influence This group was the least nationalistic of all of the four groups which they identified 36 nbsp Studies supported the idea that the American flag increased nationalism 37 The two remaining classes were less homogeneous in their responses than the ardent nationalists and disengaged were Restrictive nationalists had low levels of pride in America and its institutions but they defined a true American in ways that were markedly exclusionary This group was the largest of the four because its members comprised 38 of the study s respondents While their levels of national identification and pride were moderate they espoused beliefs that caused them to hold restrictive definitions of true Americans for instance their definitions excluded non Christians The final group to be identified was creedal nationalists also known as civic nationalists whose members made up 22 of the study s respondents who were studied This group believed in liberal values was proud of the United States and its members held the fewest restrictions on who could be considered a true American They closely identified with their country which they felt very close to and were proud of its achievements Bonikowski and Dimaggio dubbed the group creedal because their beliefs most closely approximated the precepts of what is widely considered the American creed 36 As part of their findings the authors report that the connection between big money religious belief and national identity is significant The belief that being a Christian is an integral part of what it means to be a true American is the most significant factor which separates the creedal nationalists and the disengaged from the restrictive and ardent nationalists They also determined that their groupings cut across partisan boundaries and they also help to explain what they perceive is the recent success of populist nativist and racist rhetoric in American politics 36 According to a 2021 American Journal of Sociology study by Bart Bonikowski Yuval Feinstein and Sean Bock competing understandings of American nationhood had emerged in the United States in the prior two decades They find nationalism has become sorted by party as Republican identifiers have come to define America in more exclusionary and critical terms and Democrats have increasingly endorsed inclusive and positive conceptions of nationhood 38 Cultural nationalism edit Cultural nationalism has historically been an integral element of American nationalism Such cultural nationalists form group allegiances based on a common cultural heritage rather than race or political party This heritage may include culture Culture of the United States language English language religion Christianity history History of the United States ideology Democracy and symbols National symbols of the United States Cultural nationalism is distinct from ethnic nationalism in which race and ethnicity are emphasized over culture and language 39 40 Nationalism gained a cultural character beginning in the late 18th century Multiple historical ideas have shaped modern cultural nationalism in the U S including the concept of the nation state the fusion of nationalism and religion into religious nationalism and identity politics 40 Civic nationalism edit American nationalism sometimes takes the form of Civic nationalism a liberal form of nationalism based on values such as freedom equality and individual rights Civic nationalists view nationhood as a political identity They argue that liberal democratic principles and loyalty define a civic nation Membership is open to every citizen regardless of culture ethnicity or language as long as they believe in these values 41 42 Trumpism edit See also New Nationalism 21st century United States Trumpism and America First policy nbsp Donald Trump flagPresident Donald Trump was described as a nationalist 43 and he embraced the term himself 44 Several officials within his administration including former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon 45 Senior Advisor to the President Stephen Miller 45 Director of the National Trade Council Peter Navarro 46 former Deputy Assistant to the President Sebastian Gorka 45 Special Assistant to the President Julia Hahn 47 former Deputy Assistant to the President for Strategic Communications Michael Anton 48 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo 49 Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross 50 Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer 51 former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell 52 former National Security Advisor John R Bolton 53 and former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn 54 were described as representing a nationalist wing within the federal government 55 In a February 2017 article in The Atlantic journalist Uri Friedman described populist economic nationalist as a new nationalist movement modeled on the populism of the 19th century U S President Andrew Jackson which was introduced in Trump s remarks to the Republican National Convention in a speech written by Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon Miller had adopted Senator Jeff Sessions form of nation state populism while working as his aide 56 By September 2017 The Washington Post journalist Greg Sargent observed that Trump s nationalism as defined by Bannon Breitbart Miller and the rest of the populist economic nationalist contingent around Trump was beginning to have wavering support among Trump voters 57 Some Republican members of Congress were also described as nationalists during the Trump era such as Representative Steve King 58 Representative Matt Gaetz 59 Senator Tom Cotton 60 and Senator Josh Hawley 61 During the Trump era commonly identified American nationalist political commentators included Rush Limbaugh Ann Coulter 62 Michelle Malkin 63 Lou Dobbs 64 Alex Jones 65 Charlie Kirk 66 Laura Ingraham 62 Candace Owens 67 Michael Savage 68 Tucker Carlson 69 and Mike Cernovich 70 See also edit nbsp United States portalAmerican ancestry American conservatism American exceptionalism American literary nationalism American nativism American neo nationalism American patriotism Americanism Americanization Americentrism Christian Patriot Emergency Quota Act Immigration Act of 1924 Liberal nationalism Manifest Destiny Melting Pot National symbols of the United States New Nationalism Theodore Roosevelt Paleoconservatism Patriot movement Propaganda in the United States Pax Americana Salad bowl cultural idea White nationalismReferences editNotes Barbour Christine amp Wright Gerald C January 15 2013 Keeping the Republic Power and Citizenship in American Politics 6th Edition The Essentials CQ Press pp 31 33 ISBN 978 1 4522 4003 9 Retrieved January 6 2015 Who Is An American Native born and naturalized citizens Shklar Judith N 1991 American Citizenship The Quest for Inclusion The Tanner Lectures on Human Values Harvard University Press pp 3 4 ISBN 9780674022164 Retrieved December 17 2012 Slotkin Richard 2001 Unit Pride Ethnic Platoons and the Myths of American Nationality American Literary History 13 3 469 498 doi 10 1093 alh 13 3 469 S2CID 143996198 Retrieved December 17 2012 But it also expresses a myth of American nationality that remains vital in our political and cultural life the idealized self image of a multiethnic multiracial democracy hospitable to differences but united by a common sense of national belonging Eder Klaus amp Giesen Bernhard 2001 European Citizenship Between National Legacies and Postnational Projects Oxford University Press pp 25 26 ISBN 9780199241200 Retrieved February 1 2013 In inter state relations the American nation state presents its members as a monistic political body despite ethnic and national groups in the interior Petersen William Novak Michael amp Gleason Philip 1982 Concepts of Ethnicity Harvard University Press p 62 ISBN 9780674157262 Retrieved February 1 2013 To be or to become an American a person did not have to be of any particular national linguistic religious or ethnic background All he had to do was to commit himself to the political ideology centered on the abstract ideals of liberty equality and republicanism Thus the universalist ideological character of American nationality meant that it was open to anyone who willed to become an American Hirschman Charles Kasinitz Philip amp Dewind Josh November 4 1999 The Handbook of International Migration The American Experience Russell Sage Foundation p 300 ISBN 978 1 61044 289 3 Halle David July 15 1987 America s Working Man Work Home and Politics Among Blue Collar Property Owners University of Chicago Press p 233 ISBN 978 0 226 31366 5 The first and central way involves the view that Americans are all those persons born within the boundaries of the United States or admitted to citizenship by the government a b Motyl 2001 p 16 Miscevic Nenad March 31 2018 Zalta Edward N ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University Retrieved March 31 2018 via Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Wills Inventing America 348 Loughran Trish March 1 2006 Disseminating Common Sense Thomas Paine and the Problem of the Early National Bestseller American Literature 78 1 1 28 doi 10 1215 00029831 78 1 1 ISSN 0002 9831 Savelle Max 1962 Nationalism and Other Loyalties in the American Revolution The American Historical Review 67 4 901 923 doi 10 2307 1845245 JSTOR 1845245 Waldstreicher David 1995 Rites of Rebellion Rites of Assent Celebrations Print Culture and the Origins of American Nationalism The Journal of American History 82 1 37 61 doi 10 2307 2081914 JSTOR 2081914 Barksdale Nate October 28 2018 What is the world s oldest democracy history com Archived from the original on October 5 2019 Retrieved October 21 2021 Markoff John Where and When Was Democracy Invented Comparative Studies in Society and History Vol 41 No 4 Oct 1999 pp 660 690 Comparative Studies in Society and History PDF Cambridge University Press Gascoigne Bamber History of Democracy 2001 History of Democracy Modern Democracy Larson Edward J 2016 George Washington Nationalist University of Virginia Press Address to Chicagoan voters July 10 1858 quoted in Roy P Basler ed The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln 1953 vol 2 p 501 Kohn Hans 1961 The Idea of Nationalism A Study in Its Origins and Background Macmillan OCLC 1115989 McCardell John 1979 The Idea of a Southern Nation Southern Nationalists and Southern Nationalism 1830 1860 Norton ISBN 978 0393012415 OCLC 4933821 Quigley Paul 2012 Shifting Grounds Nationalism and the American South 1848 1865 Foster Gaines M 1988 Ghosts of the Confederacy Defeat the Lost Cause and the Emergence of the New South 1865 1913 Kennedy Robert C November 2001 Uncle Sam s Thanksgiving Dinner Artist Thomas Nast On This Day HarpWeek The New York Times Company Archived from the original on November 23 2001 Retrieved November 23 2001 Walfred Michele July 2014 Uncle Sam s Thanksgiving Dinner Two Coasts Two Perspectives Thomas Nast Cartoons Archived from the original on March 5 2016 Retrieved March 5 2016 Larsen Charles E 1959 Nationalism and States Rights in Commentaries on the Constitution after the Civil War The American Journal of Legal History 3 4 360 369 doi 10 2307 844323 JSTOR 844323 Archdeacon Thomas J 2000 European Immigration from the Colonial Era to the 1920s A Historical Perspective Lee Erika 2007 The Yellow Peril and Asian Exclusion in the Americas Pacific Historical Review 76 4 537 562 doi 10 1525 phr 2007 76 4 537 Kennedy David M Over Here The First World War and American Society 2004 John Whiteclay Chambers II To Raise an Army The Draft Comes to Modern America 1987 a b David Kennedy Freedom from Fear The American People in Depression and War 1929 1945 2001 Prange Gordon W Goldstein Donald M Dillon Katherine V 1982 At Dawn We Slept The Untold Story of Pearl Harbor Schneider Carl G and Schneider Dorothy World War II ISBN 1438108907 Harold G Vatter The U S Economy in World War II 1988 Mitchell K Hall A Withdrawal from Peace The Historical Response to War of the Church of God Anderson Indiana Journal of Church and State 1985 27 2 Scott H Bennett American Pacifism the Greatest Generation and World War II in G Kurt Piehler and Sidney Pash The United States and the Second World War New Perspectives on Diplomacy War and the Home Front 2010 Online Archived 2020 01 13 at the Wayback Machine Gaddis John Lewis 2005 The Cold War A New History Blakeley Ruth 2009 State Terrorism and Neoliberalism The North in the South Routledge p 92 ISBN 978 0415686174 The Demographics of Military Enlistment After 9 11 Archived from the original on February 26 2010 Retrieved July 6 2007 Sanger David E 2012 1 5 Confront and Conceal Obama s Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power McCartney Paul August 28 2002 The Bush Doctrine and American Nationalism Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association American Political Science Association McCartney 2002 Archived from the original on August 12 2007 Retrieved February 6 2011 Monten Jonathan 2005 The Roots of the Bush Doctrine Power Nationalism and Democracy Promotion in U S Strategy International Security v 29 n 4 pp 112 156 a b c d Bonikowski Bart and DiMaggio Paul 2016 Varieties of American Popular Nationalism American Sociological Review 81 5 949 980 Kemmelmeier Marcus December 2008 Sowing Patriotism But Reaping Nationalism Consequences of Exposure to the American Flag Political Psychology 29 6 859 879 doi 10 1111 j 1467 9221 2008 00670 x Bonikowski Bart Feinstein Yuval Bock Sean 2021 The Partisan Sorting of America How Nationalist Cleavages Shaped the 2016 U S Presidential Election American Journal of Sociology 127 2 492 561 doi 10 1086 717103 ISSN 0002 9602 S2CID 246017190 Nationalism And Ethnicity Cultural Nationalism Encyclopedia com Infonautics a b Kramer Lloyd 2011 Nationalism in Europe and America Politics Cultures and Identities Since 1775 University of North Carolina Press ISBN 9780807834848 Auer Stefan 2004 Liberal Nationalism in Central Europe Routledge ISBN 1134378602 Anna Stilz Civic Nationalism and Language Policy Philosophy amp Public Affairs 37 3 Trump visits Poland and not everyone is happy about it USA Today July 3 2017 Trump I Am A Nationalist In A True Sense RealClearPolitics February 27 2017 a b c Trump pressured to dump nationalist wing The Hill August 15 2017 Sherman Gabriel December 21 2017 I Have Power Is Steve Bannon Running for President vanityfair com Retrieved March 31 2018 Breitbart writer expected to join White House staff Politico January 22 2017 The Populist Nationalist on Trump s National Security Council The Atlantic March 24 2017 Congressman from Koch Mike Pompeo tapped to replace Tillerson at State Department Marketwatch March 13 2018 Trump expected to tap billionaire investor Wilbur Ross for commerce secretary The Washington Post November 24 2016 The Little Known Trade Adviser Who Wields Enormous Power in Washington The New York Times March 8 2018 Grenell to join Trump campaign Politico May 26 2020 US nationalist policymakers take hold of foreign policy Financial Times March 23 2018 The Alt Right and Glenn Greenwald Versus H R McMaster New York August 8 2017 The White House struggle between Stephen Bannon and H R McMaster is apparently coming to a head The Week August 14 2017 Friedman Uri February 27 2017 What is a populist And is Donald Trump one The Atlantic Retrieved September 15 2017 Sargent Greg September 15 2017 Trump s top supporters are in a full blown panic They re right to be afraid The Washington Post Retrieved September 15 2017 Steve King ingests the poison of nationalist ideology Washington Examiner March 13 2017 It s a horror film Matt Gaetz warns of Democratic rule at Republican convention Tampa Bay Times August 25 2020 How Sen Tom Cotton emerged as one of Trumpism s leading voices The Washington Post The Washington Post Polishing the Nationalist Brand in the Trump Era The New York Times July 19 2019 a b Brownstein Ronald April 16 2017 Why Trump s Agenda Is Tilting in a More Conventional Direction The Atlantic Free speech continues to be squelched from left and right Atlanta Journal Constitution Atlanta January 16 2020 Donald Trump Cherishes Lou Dobbs So Much He Puts Him on Speakerphone for Oval Office Meetings The Daily Beast October 26 2019 Donald Trump still calls Alex Jones for advice claims the InfoWars founder and far right conspiracy theorist The Independent February 23 2017 Stone Peter October 23 2021 Money and misinformation how Turning Point USA became a formidable pro Trump force The Guardian Retrieved October 26 2021 https eu usatoday com story news politics 2019 02 08 candace owens clarifies hitler nationalism remark after backlash 2818679002 Misunderstood Nationalist Understanding Michael Savage National Summary Archived from the original on January 22 2008 Retrieved June 24 2009 Coppins McKay February 23 2017 Tucker Carlson The Bow Tied Bard of Populism The Atlantic Stack Liam April 5 2017 Who Is Mike Cernovich A Guide The New York Times Further reading editArieli Yehoshua 1964 Individualism and Nationalism in American Ideology Cambridge Massachusetts Harvard University Press Birkin Carol 2017 A Sovereign People The Crises of the 1790s and the Birth of American Nationalism Basic Books ISBN 978 0 465 06088 7 Faust Drew G 1988 The Creation of Confederate Nationalism Ideology and Identity in the Civil War South Baton Rouge Louisiana Louisiana State University Press Kramer Lloyd S 2011 Nationalism in Europe and America Politics Cultures and Identities Since 1775 Chapel Hill North Carolina University of North Carolina Press ISBN 9780807872000 Lawson Melinda 2002 Patriot Fires Forging a New American Nationalism in the Civil War North Lawrence Kansas University Press of Kansas Li Qiong and Marilynn Brewer 2004 What Does It Mean to Be an American Patriotism Nationalism and American Identity After September 11 Political Psychology v 25 n 5 pp 727 39 Motyl Alexander J 2001 Encyclopedia of Nationalism Volume II Academic Press ISBN 978 0 12 227230 1 Maguire Susan E 2016 Brother Jonathan and John Bull build a nation the transactional nature of American nationalism in the early nineteenth century National Identities v 18 n 2 pp 179 98 Mitchell Lincoln A 2016 The Democracy Promotion Paradox Washington D C Brookings Institution ISBN 9780815727026 Quigley Paul 2012 Shifting Grounds Nationalism and the American South 1848 1865 New York Oxford University Press ISBN 9780199735488 Schildkraut Deborah J 2014 Boundaries of American Identity Evolving Understandings of Us Annual Review of Political Science Staff December 13 2016 How similar is America in 2016 to Germany in 1933 Boston Public Radio Staff December 20 2005 French anti Americanism Spot the difference The Economist Trautsch Jasper M September 2016 The origins and nature of American nationalism National Identities v 18 n 3 pp 289 312 Trautsch Jasper M 2018 The Genesis of America U S Foreign Policy and the Formation of National Identity 1793 1815 Cambridge Waldstreicher David 1997 In the Midst of Perpetual Fetes The Making of American Nationalism 1776 1820 Chapel Hill North Carolina University of North Carolina Press Zelinsky Wilbur 1988 Nation into State The Shifting Symbolic Foundations of American Nationalism Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press External links edit nbsp Media related to American nationalism at Wikimedia Commons Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title American nationalism amp oldid 1205984146, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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