
Plant litter

Plant litter (also leaf litter, tree litter, soil litter, litterfall or duff) is dead plant material (such as leaves, bark, needles, twigs, and cladodes) that have fallen to the ground. This detritus or dead organic material and its constituent nutrients are added to the top layer of soil, commonly known as the litter layer or O horizon ("O" for "organic"). Litter is an important factor in ecosystem dynamics, as it is indicative of ecological productivity and may be useful in predicting regional nutrient cycling and soil fertility.[1]

Leaf litter, mainly White Beech, Gmelina leichhardtii, from Black Bulga State Conservation Area, NSW, Australia

Characteristics and variability

Plant litter, mainly western hemlock, Tsuga heterophylla, in Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, Washington, United States

Litterfall is characterized as fresh, undecomposed, and easily recognizable (by species and type) plant debris. This can be anything from leaves, cones, needles, twigs, bark, seeds/nuts, logs, or reproductive organs (e.g. the stamen of flowering plants). Items larger than 2 cm diameter are referred to as coarse litter, while anything smaller is referred to as fine litter or litter. The type of litterfall is most directly affected by ecosystem type. For example, leaf tissues account for about 70 percent of litterfall in forests, but woody litter tends to increase with forest age.[2] In grasslands, there is very little aboveground perennial tissue so the annual litterfall is very low and quite nearly equal to the net primary production.[3]

In soil science, soil litter is classified in three layers, which form on the surface of the O Horizon. These are the L, F, and H layers:[4]

  • L – organic horizon characterized by relatively undecomposed plant material (described above).
  • F – organic horizon found beneath L characterized by accumulation of partly decomposed organic matter.
  • H – organic horizon below F characterized by accumulation of fully decomposed organic matter mostly indiscernible

The litter layer is quite variable in its thickness, decomposition rate and nutrient content and is affected in part by seasonality, plant species, climate, soil fertility, elevation, and latitude.[1] The most extreme variability of litterfall is seen as a function of seasonality; each individual species of plant has seasonal losses of certain parts of its body, which can be determined by the collection and classification of plant litterfall throughout the year, and in turn affects the thickness of the litter layer. In tropical environments, the largest amount of debris falls in the latter part of dry seasons and early during wet season.[5] As a result of this variability due to seasons, the decomposition rate for any given area will also be variable.

Litter fall in the North American Baldcypress Swamp Network, Illinois to Louisiana, 2003[6]

Latitude also has a strong effect on litterfall rates and thickness. Specifically, litterfall declines with increasing latitude. In tropical rainforests, there is a thin litter layer due to the rapid decomposition,[7] while in boreal forests, the rate of decomposition is slower and leads to the accumulation of a thick litter layer, also known as a mor.[3] Net primary production works inversely to this trend, suggesting that the accumulation of organic matter is mainly a result of decomposition rate.

Surface detritus facilitates the capture and infiltration of rainwater into lower soil layers. Soil litter protects soil aggregates from raindrop impact, preventing the release of clay and silt particles from plugging soil pores.[8] Releasing clay and silt particles reduces the capacity for soil to absorb water and increases cross surface flow, accelerating soil erosion. In addition soil litter reduces wind erosion by preventing soil from losing moisture and providing cover preventing soil transportation.

Organic matter accumulation also helps protect soils from wildfire damage. Soil litter can be completely removed depending on intensity and severity of wildfires and season.[9] Regions with high frequency wildfires have reduced vegetation density and reduced soil litter accumulation. Climate also influences the depth of plant litter. Typically humid tropical and sub-tropical climates have reduced organic matter layers and horizons due to year-round decomposition and high vegetation density and growth. In temperate and cold climates, litter tends to accumulate and decompose slower due to a shorter growing season.

Net primary productivity

Net primary production and litterfall are intimately connected. In every terrestrial ecosystem, the largest fraction of all net primary production is lost to herbivores and litter fall.[citation needed] Due to their interconnectedness, global patterns of litterfall are similar to global patterns of net primary productivity.[3] Plant litter, which can be made up of fallen leaves, twigs, seeds, flowers, and other woody debris, makes up a large portion of above ground net primary production of all terrestrial ecosystems. Fungus plays a large role in cycling the nutrients from the plant litter back into the ecosystem. [10]

Habitat and food

Litter provides habitat for a variety of organisms.


Common wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) in Ivanovo Oblast, Russia

Certain plants are specially adapted for germinating and thriving in the litter layers. For example, bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) shoots puncture the layer to emerge in spring. Some plants with rhizomes, such as common wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) do well in this habitat.[7]

Detritivores and other decomposers

Fungi in the forest floor (Marselisborg Forests in Denmark)
A skink, Eutropis multifasciata, in leaf litter in Sabah, Malaysia

Many organisms that live on the forest floor are decomposers, such as fungi. Organisms whose diet consists of plant detritus, such as earthworms, are termed detritivores. The community of decomposers in the litter layer also includes bacteria, amoeba, nematodes, rotifer, tardigrades, springtails, cryptostigmata, potworms, insect larvae, mollusks, oribatid mites, woodlice, and millipedes.[7] Even some species of microcrustaceans, especially copepods (for instance Bryocyclops spp., Graeteriella spp.,Olmeccyclops hondo, Moraria spp.,Bryocamptus spp., Atheyella spp.)[11] live in moist leaf litter habitats and play an important role as predators and decomposers.[12]

The consumption of the litterfall by decomposers results in the breakdown of simple carbon compounds into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O), and releases inorganic ions (like nitrogen and phosphorus) into the soil where the surrounding plants can then reabsorb the nutrients that were shed as litterfall. In this way, litterfall becomes an important part of the nutrient cycle that sustains forest environments.

As litter decomposes, nutrients are released into the environment. The portion of the litter that is not readily decomposable is known as humus. Litter aids in soil moisture retention by cooling the ground surface and holding moisture in decaying organic matter. The flora and fauna working to decompose soil litter also aid in soil respiration. A litter layer of decomposing biomass provides a continuous energy source for macro- and micro-organisms.[13]

Larger animals

Numerous reptiles, amphibians, birds, and even some mammals rely on litter for shelter and forage. Amphibians such as salamanders and caecilians inhabit the damp microclimate underneath fallen leaves for part or all of their life cycle. This makes them difficult to observe. A BBC film crew captured footage of a female caecilian with young for the first time in a documentary that aired in 2008.[14] Some species of birds, such as the ovenbird of eastern North America for example, require leaf litter for both foraging and material for nests.[15] Sometimes litterfall even provides energy to much larger mammals, such as in boreal forests where lichen litterfall is one of the main constituents of wintering deer and elk diets.[16]

Nutrient cycle

During leaf senescence, a portion of the plant's nutrients are reabsorbed from the leaves. The nutrient concentrations in litterfall differ from the nutrient concentrations in the mature foliage by the reabsorption of constituents during leaf senescence.[3] Plants that grow in areas with low nutrient availability tend to produce litter with low nutrient concentrations, as a larger proportion of the available nutrients is reabsorbed. After senescence, the nutrient-enriched leaves become litterfall and settle on the soil below.

A budget for organic matter in a mature (120-year-old) Scots pine monoculture (SWECON site). Based on data from Andersson et al.(1980). Units are in kg of organic matter per ha. Att. -attached; Surf. -surface; min. -mineral; and veg. -vegetation[17]

Litterfall is the dominant pathway for nutrient return to the soil, especially for nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). The accumulation of these nutrients in the top layer of soil is known as soil immobilization. Once the litterfall has settled, decomposition of the litter layer, accomplished through the leaching of nutrients by rainfall and throughfall and by the efforts of detritivores, releases the breakdown products into the soil below and therefore contributes to the cation exchange capacity of the soil. This holds especially true for highly weathered tropical soils.[18]

Leaching is the process by which cations such as iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al), as well as organic matter are removed from the litterfall and transported downward into the soil below. This process is known as podzolization and is particularly intense in boreal and cool temperate forests that are mainly constituted by coniferous pines whose litterfall is rich in phenolic compounds and fulvic acid.[3]

By the process of biological decomposition by microfauna, bacteria, and fungi, CO2 and H2O, nutrient elements, and a decomposition-resistant organic substance called humus are released. Humus composes the bulk of organic matter in the lower soil profile.[3]

The decline of nutrient ratios is also a function of decomposition of litterfall (i.e. as litterfall decomposes, more nutrients enter the soil below and the litter will have a lower nutrient ratio). Litterfall containing high nutrient concentrations will decompose more rapidly and asymptote as those nutrients decrease.[19] Knowing this, ecologists have been able to use nutrient concentrations as measured by remote sensing as an index of a potential rate of decomposition for any given area.[20] Globally, data from various forest ecosystems shows an inverse relationship in the decline in nutrient ratios to the apparent nutrition availability of the forest.[3]

Once nutrients have re-entered the soil, the plants can then reabsorb them through their roots. Therefore, nutrient reabsorption during senescence presents an opportunity for a plant's future net primary production use. A relationship between nutrient stores can also be defined as:

annual storage of nutrients in plant tissues + replacement of losses from litterfall and leaching = the amount of uptake in an ecosystem

Ocean litter

Non-terrestrial litterfall follows a very different path. Litter is produced both inland by terrestrial plants and moved to the coast by fluvial processes, and by mangrove ecosystems. From the coast Robertson & Daniel 1989 found it is then removed by the tide, crabs and microbes. They also noticed that which of those three is most significant depends on the tidal regime. Nordhaus et al. 2011 find crabs forage for leaves at low tide and if their detritivory is the predominant disposal route, they can take 80% of leaf material. Bakkar et al 2017 studied the chemical contribution of the resulting crab defecation. They find crabs pass a noticeable amount of undegraded lignins to both the sediments and water composition. They also find that the exact carbonaceous contribution of each plant species can be traced from the plant, through the crab, to its sediment or water disposition in this way. Crabs are usually the only significant macrofauna in this process, however Raw et al 2017 find Terebralia palustris competes with crabs unusually vigorously in southeast Asia.[21]

Collection and analysis

The main objectives of litterfall sampling and analysis are to quantify litterfall production and chemical composition over time in order to assess the variation in litterfall quantities, and hence its role in nutrient cycling across an environmental gradient of climate (moisture and temperature) and soil conditions.[22]

Ecologists employ a simple approach to the collection of litterfall, most of which centers around one piece of equipment, known as a litterbag. A litterbag is simply any type of container that can be set out in any given area for a specified amount of time to collect the plant litter that falls from the canopy above.

Litterfall and throughfall collectors at beech stand in Thetford, East Anglia[23]

Litterbags are generally set in random locations within a given area and marked with GPS or local coordinates, and then monitored on a specific time interval. Once the samples have been collected, they are usually classified on type, size and species (if possible) and recorded on a spreadsheet.[24] When measuring bulk litterfall for an area, ecologists will weigh the dry contents of the litterbag. By this method litterfall flux can be defined as:

litterfall (kg m−2 yr−1) = total litter mass (kg) / litterbag area (m2)[25]

The litterbag may also be used to study decomposition of the litter layer. By confining fresh litter in the mesh bags and placing them on the ground, an ecologist can monitor and collect the decay measurements of that litter.[7] An exponential decay pattern has been produced by this type of experiment:  , where   is the initial leaf litter and   is a constant fraction of detrital mass.[3]

The mass-balance approach is also utilized in these experiments and suggests that the decomposition for a given amount of time should equal the input of litterfall for that same amount of time.

litterfall = k(detrital mass)[3]

For study various groups from edaphic fauna you need a different mesh sizes in the litterbags[26]


Change due to invasive earthworms

In some regions of glaciated North America, earthworms have been introduced where they are not native. Non-native earthworms have led to environmental changes by accelerating the rate of decomposition of litter. These changes are being studied, but may have negative impacts on some inhabitants such as salamanders.[27]

Forest litter raking

Leaf litter accumulation depends on factors like wind, decomposition rate and species composition of the forest. The quantity, depth and humidity of leaf litter varies in different habitats. The leaf litter found in primary forests is more abundant, deeper and holds more humidity than in secondary forests. This condition also allows for a more stable leaf litter quantity throughout the year.[28] This thin, delicate layer of organic material can be easily affected by humans. For instance, forest litter raking as a replacement for straw in husbandry is an old non-timber practice in forest management that has been widespread in Europe since the seventeenth century.[29][30] In 1853, an estimated 50 Tg of dry litter per year was raked in European forests, when the practice reached its peak.[31] This human disturbance, if not combined with other degradation factors, could promote podzolisation; if managed properly (for example, by burying litter removed after its use in animal husbandry), even the repeated removal of forest biomass may not have negative effects on pedogenesis.[32]

See also


  1. ^ a b Ochoa-Hueso, R; Delgado-Baquerizo, M; King, PTA; Benham, M; Arca, V; Power, SA (February 2019). "Ecosystem type and resource quality are more important than global change drivers in regulating early stages of litter decomposition". Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 129: 144–152. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.11.009. S2CID 92606851.
  2. ^ W. M. Lonsdale (1988). "Predicting the amount of litterfall in forests of the world". Annals of Botany. 61 (3): 319–324. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.aob.a087560.
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  4. ^ "Soil Classification". Faculty of Land and Food Systems. The University of British Columbia. Retrieved March 20, 2012.
  5. ^ A. V. Spain (1984). "Litterfall and the standing crop of litter in three tropical Australian rainforests". Journal of Ecology. 72 (3): 947–961. doi:10.2307/2259543. JSTOR 2259543.
  6. ^ "Litter Fall in the North American Baldcypress Swamp Network, Illinois to Louisiana, 2003". Nwrc.usgs.gov. 2013-08-19. Retrieved 2014-04-09.
  7. ^ a b c d Packham, J.R.; Harding, D.J.L.; Hilton, G.M.; Stuttard, R.A. (1992). Functional Ecology of Woodlands and Forests. London: Chapman & Hall. pp. 133–134, 246–247, 265. ISBN 0-412-43950-6.
  8. ^ Chanasyk, D.S.; Whitson, I.R.; Mapfumo, E.; Burke, J.M.; Prepas, E.E. (2003). "The Impacts of Forest Harvest and Wildfire on Soils and Hydrology in Temperate Forests: A Baseline to Develop Hypotheses for the Boreal Plain". Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science. 2: S51–S62. doi:10.1139/S03-034.
  9. ^ Ice, George G.; Neary, D.G.; Adams, P.W. (2004). "Effects of Wildfire on Soils and Watershed Processes" (PDF). Journal of Forestry. 102 (6): 16–20(5). Retrieved March 20, 2012.
  10. ^ Tennakoon, DS; Gentekaki, E; Jeewon, R; Kuo, CH; Promputtha, I; Hyde, KD (2021). "Life in leaf litter: Fungal community succession during decomposition". Mycosphere. 12: 406–429. doi:10.5943/mycosphere/12/1/5. S2CID 232767453.
  11. ^ Fiers, Frank; Jocque, Merlijn (2013-03-20). "Leaf litter copepods from a cloud forest mountain top in Honduras (Copepoda: Cyclopidae, Canthocamptidae)". Zootaxa. 3630 (2): 270–290. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3630.2.4. ISSN 1175-5334. PMID 26131511.
  12. ^ Fiers, Frank Fiers; Ghenne, Véronique (January 2000). "Cryptozoic copepods from Belgium: Diversity and biogeographic implications". Belgian Journal of Zoology. 130 (1): 11–19.
  13. ^ Bot, Alexandra (2005). The Importance of Soil Organic Matter. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations. pp. Chapter 3. ISBN 92-5-105366-9.
  14. ^ Writer David Attenborough, Director Scott Alexander, Producer Hilary Jeffkins (2008-02-11). "Land Invaders". Life in Cold Blood. BBC. BBC One.
  15. ^ Dunn, Jon; Garrett, Kimball (1997). Warblers. New York: Peterson Field Guides. p. 451. ISBN 0-395-78321-6.
  16. ^ Richard L. Ward & C. Les Marcum (2005). "Lichen litterfall consumption by wintering deer and elk in western Montana". Journal of Wildlife Management. 69 (3): 1081–1089. doi:10.2193/0022-541X(2005)069[1081:LLCBWD]2.0.CO;2. JSTOR 3803347. S2CID 86256436.
  17. ^ Breymeyer, A.I., B. Berg, S.T. Gower, & D. Johnson. “Temperate Coniferous Forests” Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE). Vol. 56: Global Change: Effects on Coniferous Forests and Grasslands Carbon Budget, Ch. 3. (1996).
  18. ^ J. Chave, D. Navarrete, S. Almeida, E. Álvarez, L. E. O. C. Aragão, D. Bonal, P. Châtelet, J. E. Silva-Espejo, J.-Y. Goret, P. von Hildebrand, E. Jiménez, S. Patiño, M. C. Peñuela, O. L. Phillips, P. Stevenson & Y. Malhi (2009). "Regional and seasonal patterns of litterfall in tropical South America" (PDF). Biogeosciences. 7 (1): 43–55. doi:10.5194/bg-7-43-2010. S2CID 18041426.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  19. ^ Scott D. Bridgham; John Pastor; Charles A. McClaugherty & Curtis J. Richardson (1995). (PDF). The American Naturalist. 145 (1): 1–21. doi:10.1086/285725. S2CID 84467103. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-08-13.
  20. ^ Melillo, J.M., & J.R. Gosz. “Interactions of Biogeochemical Cycles in Forest Ecosystems” Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE). Vol. 21: The Major Biogeochemical Cycles and Their Interactions, Ch. 6. (1983).
  21. ^ Cragg, Simon M.; Friess, Daniel A.; Gillis, Lucy G.; Trevathan-Tackett, Stacey M.; Terrett, Oliver M.; Watts, Joy E.M.; Distel, Daniel L.; Dupree, Paul (2020-01-03). "Vascular Plants Are Globally Significant Contributors to Marine Carbon Fluxes and Sinks". Annual Review of Marine Science. Annual Reviews. 12 (1): 469–497. Bibcode:2020ARMS...12..469C. doi:10.1146/annurev-marine-010318-095333. ISSN 1941-1405. PMID 31505131. S2CID 202555776.
  22. ^ Simmons, Jeffrey A. “Measuring Litterfall Flux.” West Virginia Wesleyan College (2003).
  23. ^ "Spatial variations of nitrogen deposition and its effect on forest biochemical processes". Forest Research. Retrieved March 27, 2011.
  24. ^ Estrella, Stephanie. “Standard Operating Procedures for Litterfall Collection, Processing, and Analysis: Version 2.0.” Washington State Department of Ecology. (2008).
  25. ^ Bastrup-Birk, A., & Nathalie Bréda. “Report on Sampling and Analysis of Litterfall” United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution: International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests. (2004).
  26. ^ Castro-Huerta, R., Falco, L., Sandler, R., Coviella, C. (2015). "Differential contribution of soil biota groups to plant litter decomposition as mediated by soil use". PeerJ. 3: e826. doi:10.7717/peerj.826. PMC 4359044. PMID 25780777.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  27. ^ Maerz, John C.; Nuzzo, Victoria A.; Blossey, Bernd (2009). "Declines in Woodland Salamander Abundance Associated with Non-Native Earthworm and Plant Invasions" (PDF). Conservation Biology. 23 (4): 975–981. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2009.01167.x. PMID 19236449. S2CID 24139505. Retrieved 28 April 2012.
  28. ^ Barrientos, Zaidett (2012). "Dynamics of leaf litter humidity, depth and quantity: two restoration strategies failed to mimic ground microhabitat conditions of a low montane and premontane forest in Costa Rica" (PDF). Revista de Biología Tropical. 60 (3): 1041–1053. doi:10.15517/rbt.v60i3.1756. PMID 23025078.
  29. ^ Bürgi, M., Gimmi, U. (2007). "Three objectives of historical ecology: the case of litter collecting in Central European forests". Landscape Ecology. 22: 77–87. doi:10.1007/s10980-007-9128-0. hdl:20.500.11850/58945. S2CID 21130814.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  30. ^ Gimmi, U., Poulter, B., Wolf, A., Portner, H., Weber, P., Bürgi, M. (2013). "Soil carbon pools in Swiss forests show legacy effects from historic forest litter raking" (PDF). Landscape Ecology. 28 (5): 385–846. doi:10.1007/s10980-012-9778-4. hdl:20.500.11850/66782. S2CID 16930894.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  31. ^ McGrath, M.J.; et al. (2015). "Reconstructing European forest management from 1600 to 2010". Biogeosciences. 12 (14): 4291–4316. Bibcode:2015BGeo...12.4291M. doi:10.5194/bg-12-4291-2015.
  32. ^ Scalenghe, R, Minoja, A.P., Zimmermann, S., Bertini, S. (2016). "Consequence of litter removal on pedogenesis: A case study in Bachs and Irchel (Switzerland)". Geoderma. 271: 191–201. Bibcode:2016Geode.271..191S. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.02.024.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

External links

  • forestresearch.gov.uk

plant, litter, also, leaf, litter, tree, litter, soil, litter, litterfall, duff, dead, plant, material, such, leaves, bark, needles, twigs, cladodes, that, have, fallen, ground, this, detritus, dead, organic, material, constituent, nutrients, added, layer, soi. Plant litter also leaf litter tree litter soil litter litterfall or duff is dead plant material such as leaves bark needles twigs and cladodes that have fallen to the ground This detritus or dead organic material and its constituent nutrients are added to the top layer of soil commonly known as the litter layer or O horizon O for organic Litter is an important factor in ecosystem dynamics as it is indicative of ecological productivity and may be useful in predicting regional nutrient cycling and soil fertility 1 Leaf litter mainly White Beech Gmelina leichhardtii from Black Bulga State Conservation Area NSW Australia Contents 1 Characteristics and variability 2 Net primary productivity 3 Habitat and food 3 1 Plants 3 2 Detritivores and other decomposers 3 3 Larger animals 4 Nutrient cycle 5 Ocean litter 6 Collection and analysis 7 Issues 7 1 Change due to invasive earthworms 7 2 Forest litter raking 8 See also 9 References 10 External linksCharacteristics and variability Edit Plant litter mainly western hemlock Tsuga heterophylla in Mount Baker Snoqualmie National Forest Washington United States Litterfall is characterized as fresh undecomposed and easily recognizable by species and type plant debris This can be anything from leaves cones needles twigs bark seeds nuts logs or reproductive organs e g the stamen of flowering plants Items larger than 2 cm diameter are referred to as coarse litter while anything smaller is referred to as fine litter or litter The type of litterfall is most directly affected by ecosystem type For example leaf tissues account for about 70 percent of litterfall in forests but woody litter tends to increase with forest age 2 In grasslands there is very little aboveground perennial tissue so the annual litterfall is very low and quite nearly equal to the net primary production 3 In soil science soil litter is classified in three layers which form on the surface of the O Horizon These are the L F and H layers 4 L organic horizon characterized by relatively undecomposed plant material described above F organic horizon found beneath L characterized by accumulation of partly decomposed organic matter H organic horizon below F characterized by accumulation of fully decomposed organic matter mostly indiscernible The litter layer is quite variable in its thickness decomposition rate and nutrient content and is affected in part by seasonality plant species climate soil fertility elevation and latitude 1 The most extreme variability of litterfall is seen as a function of seasonality each individual species of plant has seasonal losses of certain parts of its body which can be determined by the collection and classification of plant litterfall throughout the year and in turn affects the thickness of the litter layer In tropical environments the largest amount of debris falls in the latter part of dry seasons and early during wet season 5 As a result of this variability due to seasons the decomposition rate for any given area will also be variable Litter fall in the North American Baldcypress Swamp Network Illinois to Louisiana 2003 6 Latitude also has a strong effect on litterfall rates and thickness Specifically litterfall declines with increasing latitude In tropical rainforests there is a thin litter layer due to the rapid decomposition 7 while in boreal forests the rate of decomposition is slower and leads to the accumulation of a thick litter layer also known as a mor 3 Net primary production works inversely to this trend suggesting that the accumulation of organic matter is mainly a result of decomposition rate Surface detritus facilitates the capture and infiltration of rainwater into lower soil layers Soil litter protects soil aggregates from raindrop impact preventing the release of clay and silt particles from plugging soil pores 8 Releasing clay and silt particles reduces the capacity for soil to absorb water and increases cross surface flow accelerating soil erosion In addition soil litter reduces wind erosion by preventing soil from losing moisture and providing cover preventing soil transportation Organic matter accumulation also helps protect soils from wildfire damage Soil litter can be completely removed depending on intensity and severity of wildfires and season 9 Regions with high frequency wildfires have reduced vegetation density and reduced soil litter accumulation Climate also influences the depth of plant litter Typically humid tropical and sub tropical climates have reduced organic matter layers and horizons due to year round decomposition and high vegetation density and growth In temperate and cold climates litter tends to accumulate and decompose slower due to a shorter growing season Net primary productivity EditNet primary production and litterfall are intimately connected In every terrestrial ecosystem the largest fraction of all net primary production is lost to herbivores and litter fall citation needed Due to their interconnectedness global patterns of litterfall are similar to global patterns of net primary productivity 3 Plant litter which can be made up of fallen leaves twigs seeds flowers and other woody debris makes up a large portion of above ground net primary production of all terrestrial ecosystems Fungus plays a large role in cycling the nutrients from the plant litter back into the ecosystem 10 Habitat and food EditLitter provides habitat for a variety of organisms Plants Edit Common wood sorrel Oxalis acetosella in Ivanovo Oblast Russia Certain plants are specially adapted for germinating and thriving in the litter layers For example bluebell Hyacinthoides non scripta shoots puncture the layer to emerge in spring Some plants with rhizomes such as common wood sorrel Oxalis acetosella do well in this habitat 7 Detritivores and other decomposers Edit Fungi in the forest floor Marselisborg Forests in Denmark A skink Eutropis multifasciata in leaf litter in Sabah Malaysia Many organisms that live on the forest floor are decomposers such as fungi Organisms whose diet consists of plant detritus such as earthworms are termed detritivores The community of decomposers in the litter layer also includes bacteria amoeba nematodes rotifer tardigrades springtails cryptostigmata potworms insect larvae mollusks oribatid mites woodlice and millipedes 7 Even some species of microcrustaceans especially copepods for instance Bryocyclops spp Graeteriella spp Olmeccyclops hondo Moraria spp Bryocamptus spp Atheyella spp 11 live in moist leaf litter habitats and play an important role as predators and decomposers 12 The consumption of the litterfall by decomposers results in the breakdown of simple carbon compounds into carbon dioxide CO2 and water H2O and releases inorganic ions like nitrogen and phosphorus into the soil where the surrounding plants can then reabsorb the nutrients that were shed as litterfall In this way litterfall becomes an important part of the nutrient cycle that sustains forest environments As litter decomposes nutrients are released into the environment The portion of the litter that is not readily decomposable is known as humus Litter aids in soil moisture retention by cooling the ground surface and holding moisture in decaying organic matter The flora and fauna working to decompose soil litter also aid in soil respiration A litter layer of decomposing biomass provides a continuous energy source for macro and micro organisms 13 Larger animals Edit Numerous reptiles amphibians birds and even some mammals rely on litter for shelter and forage Amphibians such as salamanders and caecilians inhabit the damp microclimate underneath fallen leaves for part or all of their life cycle This makes them difficult to observe A BBC film crew captured footage of a female caecilian with young for the first time in a documentary that aired in 2008 14 Some species of birds such as the ovenbird of eastern North America for example require leaf litter for both foraging and material for nests 15 Sometimes litterfall even provides energy to much larger mammals such as in boreal forests where lichen litterfall is one of the main constituents of wintering deer and elk diets 16 Nutrient cycle EditDuring leaf senescence a portion of the plant s nutrients are reabsorbed from the leaves The nutrient concentrations in litterfall differ from the nutrient concentrations in the mature foliage by the reabsorption of constituents during leaf senescence 3 Plants that grow in areas with low nutrient availability tend to produce litter with low nutrient concentrations as a larger proportion of the available nutrients is reabsorbed After senescence the nutrient enriched leaves become litterfall and settle on the soil below A budget for organic matter in a mature 120 year old Scots pine monoculture SWECON site Based on data from Andersson et al 1980 Units are in kg of organic matter per ha Att attached Surf surface min mineral and veg vegetation 17 Litterfall is the dominant pathway for nutrient return to the soil especially for nitrogen N and phosphorus P The accumulation of these nutrients in the top layer of soil is known as soil immobilization Once the litterfall has settled decomposition of the litter layer accomplished through the leaching of nutrients by rainfall and throughfall and by the efforts of detritivores releases the breakdown products into the soil below and therefore contributes to the cation exchange capacity of the soil This holds especially true for highly weathered tropical soils 18 Leaching is the process by which cations such as iron Fe and aluminum Al as well as organic matter are removed from the litterfall and transported downward into the soil below This process is known as podzolization and is particularly intense in boreal and cool temperate forests that are mainly constituted by coniferous pines whose litterfall is rich in phenolic compounds and fulvic acid 3 By the process of biological decomposition by microfauna bacteria and fungi CO2 and H2O nutrient elements and a decomposition resistant organic substance called humus are released Humus composes the bulk of organic matter in the lower soil profile 3 The decline of nutrient ratios is also a function of decomposition of litterfall i e as litterfall decomposes more nutrients enter the soil below and the litter will have a lower nutrient ratio Litterfall containing high nutrient concentrations will decompose more rapidly and asymptote as those nutrients decrease 19 Knowing this ecologists have been able to use nutrient concentrations as measured by remote sensing as an index of a potential rate of decomposition for any given area 20 Globally data from various forest ecosystems shows an inverse relationship in the decline in nutrient ratios to the apparent nutrition availability of the forest 3 Once nutrients have re entered the soil the plants can then reabsorb them through their roots Therefore nutrient reabsorption during senescence presents an opportunity for a plant s future net primary production use A relationship between nutrient stores can also be defined as annual storage of nutrients in plant tissues replacement of losses from litterfall and leaching the amount of uptake in an ecosystemOcean litter EditNon terrestrial litterfall follows a very different path Litter is produced both inland by terrestrial plants and moved to the coast by fluvial processes and by mangrove ecosystems From the coast Robertson amp Daniel 1989 found it is then removed by the tide crabs and microbes They also noticed that which of those three is most significant depends on the tidal regime Nordhaus et al 2011 find crabs forage for leaves at low tide and if their detritivory is the predominant disposal route they can take 80 of leaf material Bakkar et al 2017 studied the chemical contribution of the resulting crab defecation They find crabs pass a noticeable amount of undegraded lignins to both the sediments and water composition They also find that the exact carbonaceous contribution of each plant species can be traced from the plant through the crab to its sediment or water disposition in this way Crabs are usually the only significant macrofauna in this process however Raw et al 2017 find Terebralia palustris competes with crabs unusually vigorously in southeast Asia 21 Collection and analysis EditThe main objectives of litterfall sampling and analysis are to quantify litterfall production and chemical composition over time in order to assess the variation in litterfall quantities and hence its role in nutrient cycling across an environmental gradient of climate moisture and temperature and soil conditions 22 Ecologists employ a simple approach to the collection of litterfall most of which centers around one piece of equipment known as a litterbag A litterbag is simply any type of container that can be set out in any given area for a specified amount of time to collect the plant litter that falls from the canopy above Litterfall and throughfall collectors at beech stand in Thetford East Anglia 23 Litterbags are generally set in random locations within a given area and marked with GPS or local coordinates and then monitored on a specific time interval Once the samples have been collected they are usually classified on type size and species if possible and recorded on a spreadsheet 24 When measuring bulk litterfall for an area ecologists will weigh the dry contents of the litterbag By this method litterfall flux can be defined as litterfall kg m 2 yr 1 total litter mass kg litterbag area m2 25 The litterbag may also be used to study decomposition of the litter layer By confining fresh litter in the mesh bags and placing them on the ground an ecologist can monitor and collect the decay measurements of that litter 7 An exponential decay pattern has been produced by this type of experiment X X o e k displaystyle frac X X o e k where X o displaystyle X o is the initial leaf litter and k displaystyle k is a constant fraction of detrital mass 3 The mass balance approach is also utilized in these experiments and suggests that the decomposition for a given amount of time should equal the input of litterfall for that same amount of time litterfall k detrital mass 3 For study various groups from edaphic fauna you need a different mesh sizes in the litterbags 26 Issues EditChange due to invasive earthworms Edit Main articles Earthworms as invasive species and Invasive earthworms of North America In some regions of glaciated North America earthworms have been introduced where they are not native Non native earthworms have led to environmental changes by accelerating the rate of decomposition of litter These changes are being studied but may have negative impacts on some inhabitants such as salamanders 27 Forest litter raking Edit Leaf litter accumulation depends on factors like wind decomposition rate and species composition of the forest The quantity depth and humidity of leaf litter varies in different habitats The leaf litter found in primary forests is more abundant deeper and holds more humidity than in secondary forests This condition also allows for a more stable leaf litter quantity throughout the year 28 This thin delicate layer of organic material can be easily affected by humans For instance forest litter raking as a replacement for straw in husbandry is an old non timber practice in forest management that has been widespread in Europe since the seventeenth century 29 30 In 1853 an estimated 50 Tg of dry litter per year was raked in European forests when the practice reached its peak 31 This human disturbance if not combined with other degradation factors could promote podzolisation if managed properly for example by burying litter removed after its use in animal husbandry even the repeated removal of forest biomass may not have negative effects on pedogenesis 32 See also EditCoarse woody debris Detritus Forest floor Leaf litter sieve Leaf mold a type of compost 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Global Change Effects on Coniferous Forests and Grasslands Carbon Budget Ch 3 1996 J Chave D Navarrete S Almeida E Alvarez L E O C Aragao D Bonal P Chatelet J E Silva Espejo J Y Goret P von Hildebrand E Jimenez S Patino M C Penuela O L Phillips P Stevenson amp Y Malhi 2009 Regional and seasonal patterns of litterfall in tropical South America PDF Biogeosciences 7 1 43 55 doi 10 5194 bg 7 43 2010 S2CID 18041426 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Scott D Bridgham John Pastor Charles A McClaugherty amp Curtis J Richardson 1995 Nutrient use efficiency a litterfall index a model and a test along a nutrient availability gradient in North Carolina peatlands PDF The American Naturalist 145 1 1 21 doi 10 1086 285725 S2CID 84467103 Archived from the original PDF on 2011 08 13 Melillo J M amp J R Gosz Interactions of Biogeochemical Cycles in Forest Ecosystems Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment SCOPE Vol 21 The Major Biogeochemical Cycles and Their Interactions Ch 6 1983 Cragg Simon M Friess Daniel A Gillis Lucy G Trevathan Tackett Stacey M Terrett Oliver M Watts Joy E M Distel Daniel L Dupree Paul 2020 01 03 Vascular Plants Are Globally Significant Contributors to Marine Carbon Fluxes and Sinks Annual Review of Marine Science Annual Reviews 12 1 469 497 Bibcode 2020ARMS 12 469C doi 10 1146 annurev marine 010318 095333 ISSN 1941 1405 PMID 31505131 S2CID 202555776 Simmons Jeffrey A Measuring Litterfall Flux West Virginia Wesleyan College 2003 Spatial variations of nitrogen deposition and its effect on forest biochemical processes Forest Research Retrieved March 27 2011 Estrella Stephanie Standard Operating Procedures for Litterfall Collection Processing and Analysis Version 2 0 Washington State Department of Ecology 2008 Bastrup Birk A amp Nathalie Breda Report on Sampling and Analysis of Litterfall United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution International Co operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests 2004 Castro Huerta R Falco L Sandler R Coviella C 2015 Differential contribution of soil biota groups to plant litter decomposition as mediated by soil use PeerJ 3 e826 doi 10 7717 peerj 826 PMC 4359044 PMID 25780777 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Maerz John C Nuzzo Victoria A Blossey Bernd 2009 Declines in Woodland Salamander Abundance Associated with Non Native Earthworm and Plant Invasions PDF Conservation Biology 23 4 975 981 doi 10 1111 j 1523 1739 2009 01167 x PMID 19236449 S2CID 24139505 Retrieved 28 April 2012 Barrientos Zaidett 2012 Dynamics of leaf litter humidity depth and quantity two restoration strategies failed to mimic ground microhabitat conditions of a low montane and premontane forest in Costa Rica PDF Revista de Biologia Tropical 60 3 1041 1053 doi 10 15517 rbt v60i3 1756 PMID 23025078 Burgi M Gimmi U 2007 Three objectives of historical ecology the case of litter collecting in Central European forests Landscape Ecology 22 77 87 doi 10 1007 s10980 007 9128 0 hdl 20 500 11850 58945 S2CID 21130814 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Gimmi U Poulter B Wolf A Portner H Weber P Burgi M 2013 Soil carbon pools in Swiss forests show legacy effects from historic forest litter raking PDF Landscape Ecology 28 5 385 846 doi 10 1007 s10980 012 9778 4 hdl 20 500 11850 66782 S2CID 16930894 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link McGrath M J et al 2015 Reconstructing European forest management from 1600 to 2010 Biogeosciences 12 14 4291 4316 Bibcode 2015BGeo 12 4291M doi 10 5194 bg 12 4291 2015 Scalenghe R Minoja A P Zimmermann S Bertini S 2016 Consequence of litter removal on pedogenesis A case study in Bachs and Irchel Switzerland Geoderma 271 191 201 Bibcode 2016Geode 271 191S doi 10 1016 j geoderma 2016 02 024 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link External links Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Plant litter ecology forestresearch gov uk Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Plant litter amp oldid 1136304463, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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