
Numerical analysis

Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms that use numerical approximation (as opposed to symbolic manipulations) for the problems of mathematical analysis (as distinguished from discrete mathematics). It is the study of numerical methods that attempt at finding approximate solutions of problems rather than the exact ones. Numerical analysis finds application in all fields of engineering and the physical sciences, and in the 21st century also the life and social sciences, medicine, business and even the arts. Current growth in computing power has enabled the use of more complex numerical analysis, providing detailed and realistic mathematical models in science and engineering. Examples of numerical analysis include: ordinary differential equations as found in celestial mechanics (predicting the motions of planets, stars and galaxies), numerical linear algebra in data analysis,[2][3][4] and stochastic differential equations and Markov chains for simulating living cells in medicine and biology.

Babylonian clay tablet YBC 7289 (c. 1800–1600 BC) with annotations. The approximation of the square root of 2 is four sexagesimal figures, which is about six decimal figures. 1 + 24/60 + 51/602 + 10/603 = 1.41421296...[1]

Before modern computers, numerical methods often relied on hand interpolation formulas, using data from large printed tables. Since the mid 20th century, computers calculate the required functions instead, but many of the same formulas continue to be used in software algorithms.[5]

The numerical point of view goes back to the earliest mathematical writings. A tablet from the Yale Babylonian Collection (YBC 7289), gives a sexagesimal numerical approximation of the square root of 2, the length of the diagonal in a unit square.

Numerical analysis continues this long tradition: rather than giving exact symbolic answers translated into digits and applicable only to real-world measurements, approximate solutions within specified error bounds are used.

General introduction

The overall goal of the field of numerical analysis is the design and analysis of techniques to give approximate but accurate solutions to hard problems, the variety of which is suggested by the following:

  • Advanced numerical methods are essential in making numerical weather prediction feasible.
  • Computing the trajectory of a spacecraft requires the accurate numerical solution of a system of ordinary differential equations.
  • Car companies can improve the crash safety of their vehicles by using computer simulations of car crashes. Such simulations essentially consist of solving partial differential equations numerically.
  • Hedge funds (private investment funds) use tools from all fields of numerical analysis to attempt to calculate the value of stocks and derivatives more precisely than other market participants.
  • Airlines use sophisticated optimization algorithms to decide ticket prices, airplane and crew assignments and fuel needs. Historically, such algorithms were developed within the overlapping field of operations research.
  • Insurance companies use numerical programs for actuarial analysis.

The rest of this section outlines several important themes of numerical analysis.


The field of numerical analysis predates the invention of modern computers by many centuries. Linear interpolation was already in use more than 2000 years ago. Many great mathematicians of the past were preoccupied by numerical analysis,[5] as is obvious from the names of important algorithms like Newton's method, Lagrange interpolation polynomial, Gaussian elimination, or Euler's method. The origins of modern numerical analysis are often linked to a 1947 paper by John von Neumann and Herman Goldstine,[6][7][8] but others consider modern numerical analysis to go back to work by E. T. Whittaker in 1912.[6]

To facilitate computations by hand, large books were produced with formulas and tables of data such as interpolation points and function coefficients. Using these tables, often calculated out to 16 decimal places or more for some functions, one could look up values to plug into the formulas given and achieve very good numerical estimates of some functions. The canonical work in the field is the NIST publication edited by Abramowitz and Stegun, a 1000-plus page book of a very large number of commonly used formulas and functions and their values at many points. The function values are no longer very useful when a computer is available, but the large listing of formulas can still be very handy.

The mechanical calculator was also developed as a tool for hand computation. These calculators evolved into electronic computers in the 1940s, and it was then found that these computers were also useful for administrative purposes. But the invention of the computer also influenced the field of numerical analysis,[5] since now longer and more complicated calculations could be done.

The Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis was initiated in 1985 by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.

Direct and iterative methods

Consider the problem of solving

3x3 + 4 = 28

for the unknown quantity x.

Direct method
3x3 + 4 = 28.
Subtract 4 3x3 = 24.
Divide by 3 x3 =  8.
Take cube roots x =  2.

For the iterative method, apply the bisection method to f(x) = 3x3 − 24. The initial values are a = 0, b = 3, f(a) = −24, f(b) = 57.

Iterative method
a b mid f(mid)
0 3 1.5 −13.875
1.5 3 2.25 10.17...
1.5 2.25 1.875 −4.22...
1.875 2.25 2.0625 2.32...

From this table it can be concluded that the solution is between 1.875 and 2.0625. The algorithm might return any number in that range with an error less than 0.2.

Discretization and numerical integration


In a two-hour race, the speed of the car is measured at three instants and recorded in the following table.

Time 0:20 1:00 1:40
km/h 140 150 180

A discretization would be to say that the speed of the car was constant from 0:00 to 0:40, then from 0:40 to 1:20 and finally from 1:20 to 2:00. For instance, the total distance traveled in the first 40 minutes is approximately (2/3 h × 140 km/h) = 93.3 km. This would allow us to estimate the total distance traveled as 93.3 km + 100 km + 120 km = 313.3 km, which is an example of numerical integration (see below) using a Riemann sum, because displacement is the integral of velocity.

Ill-conditioned problem: Take the function f(x) = 1/(x − 1). Note that f(1.1) = 10 and f(1.001) = 1000: a change in x of less than 0.1 turns into a change in f(x) of nearly 1000. Evaluating f(x) near x = 1 is an ill-conditioned problem.

Well-conditioned problem: By contrast, evaluating the same function f(x) = 1/(x − 1) near x = 10 is a well-conditioned problem. For instance, f(10) = 1/9 ≈ 0.111 and f(11) = 0.1: a modest change in x leads to a modest change in f(x).

Direct methods compute the solution to a problem in a finite number of steps. These methods would give the precise answer if they were performed in infinite precision arithmetic. Examples include Gaussian elimination, the QR factorization method for solving systems of linear equations, and the simplex method of linear programming. In practice, finite precision is used and the result is an approximation of the true solution (assuming stability).

In contrast to direct methods, iterative methods are not expected to terminate in a finite number of steps. Starting from an initial guess, iterative methods form successive approximations that converge to the exact solution only in the limit. A convergence test, often involving the residual, is specified in order to decide when a sufficiently accurate solution has (hopefully) been found. Even using infinite precision arithmetic these methods would not reach the solution within a finite number of steps (in general). Examples include Newton's method, the bisection method, and Jacobi iteration. In computational matrix algebra, iterative methods are generally needed for large problems.[9][10][11][12]

Iterative methods are more common than direct methods in numerical analysis. Some methods are direct in principle but are usually used as though they were not, e.g. GMRES and the conjugate gradient method. For these methods the number of steps needed to obtain the exact solution is so large that an approximation is accepted in the same manner as for an iterative method.


Furthermore, continuous problems must sometimes be replaced by a discrete problem whose solution is known to approximate that of the continuous problem; this process is called 'discretization'. For example, the solution of a differential equation is a function. This function must be represented by a finite amount of data, for instance by its value at a finite number of points at its domain, even though this domain is a continuum.

Generation and propagation of errors

The study of errors forms an important part of numerical analysis. There are several ways in which error can be introduced in the solution of the problem.


Round-off errors arise because it is impossible to represent all real numbers exactly on a machine with finite memory (which is what all practical digital computers are).

Truncation and discretization error

Truncation errors are committed when an iterative method is terminated or a mathematical procedure is approximated and the approximate solution differs from the exact solution. Similarly, discretization induces a discretization error because the solution of the discrete problem does not coincide with the solution of the continuous problem. In the example above to compute the solution of  , after ten iterations, the calculated root is roughly 1.99. Therefore, the truncation error is roughly 0.01.

Once an error is generated, it propagates through the calculation. For example, the operation + on a computer is inexact. A calculation of the type   is even more inexact.

A truncation error is created when a mathematical procedure is approximated. To integrate a function exactly, an infinite sum of regions must be found, but numerically only a finite sum of regions can be found, and hence the approximation of the exact solution. Similarly, to differentiate a function, the differential element approaches zero, but numerically only a nonzero value of the differential element can be chosen.

Numerical stability and well-posed problems

Numerical stability is a notion in numerical analysis. An algorithm is called 'numerically stable' if an error, whatever its cause, does not grow to be much larger during the calculation.[13] This happens if the problem is 'well-conditioned', meaning that the solution changes by only a small amount if the problem data are changed by a small amount.[13] To the contrary, if a problem is 'ill-conditioned', then any small error in the data will grow to be a large error.[13]

Both the original problem and the algorithm used to solve that problem can be 'well-conditioned' or 'ill-conditioned', and any combination is possible.

So an algorithm that solves a well-conditioned problem may be either numerically stable or numerically unstable. An art of numerical analysis is to find a stable algorithm for solving a well-posed mathematical problem. For instance, computing the square root of 2 (which is roughly 1.41421) is a well-posed problem. Many algorithms solve this problem by starting with an initial approximation x0 to  , for instance x0 = 1.4, and then computing improved guesses x1, x2, etc. One such method is the famous Babylonian method, which is given by xk+1 = xk/2 + 1/xk. Another method, called 'method X', is given by xk+1 = (xk2 − 2)2 + xk.[note 1] A few iterations of each scheme are calculated in table form below, with initial guesses x0 = 1.4 and x0 = 1.42.

Babylonian Babylonian Method X Method X
x0 = 1.4 x0 = 1.42 x0 = 1.4 x0 = 1.42
x1 = 1.4142857... x1 = 1.41422535... x1 = 1.4016 x1 = 1.42026896
x2 = 1.414213564... x2 = 1.41421356242... x2 = 1.4028614... x2 = 1.42056...
... ...
x1000000 = 1.41421... x27 = 7280.2284...

Observe that the Babylonian method converges quickly regardless of the initial guess, whereas Method X converges extremely slowly with initial guess x0 = 1.4 and diverges for initial guess x0 = 1.42. Hence, the Babylonian method is numerically stable, while Method X is numerically unstable.

Numerical stability is affected by the number of the significant digits the machine keeps. If a machine is used that keeps only the four most significant decimal digits, a good example on loss of significance can be given by the two equivalent functions
Comparing the results of
by comparing the two results above, it is clear that loss of significance (caused here by catastrophic cancellation from subtracting approximations to the nearby numbers   and  , despite the subtraction being computed exactly) has a huge effect on the results, even though both functions are equivalent, as shown below
The desired value, computed using infinite precision, is 11.174755...
  • The example is a modification of one taken from Mathew; Numerical methods using MATLAB, 3rd ed.

Areas of study

The field of numerical analysis includes many sub-disciplines. Some of the major ones are:

Computing values of functions

Interpolation: Observing that the temperature varies from 20 degrees Celsius at 1:00 to 14 degrees at 3:00, a linear interpolation of this data would conclude that it was 17 degrees at 2:00 and 18.5 degrees at 1:30pm.

Extrapolation: If the gross domestic product of a country has been growing an average of 5% per year and was 100 billion last year, it might extrapolated that it will be 105 billion this year.


Regression: In linear regression, given n points, a line is computed that passes as close as possible to those n points.


Optimization: Suppose lemonade is sold at a lemonade stand, at $1.00 per glass, that 197 glasses of lemonade can be sold per day, and that for each increase of $0.01, one less glass of lemonade will be sold per day. If $1.485 could be charged, profit would be maximized, but due to the constraint of having to charge a whole-cent amount, charging $1.48 or $1.49 per glass will both yield the maximum income of $220.52 per day.


Differential equation: If 100 fans are set up to blow air from one end of the room to the other and then a feather is dropped into the wind, what happens? The feather will follow the air currents, which may be very complex. One approximation is to measure the speed at which the air is blowing near the feather every second, and advance the simulated feather as if it were moving in a straight line at that same speed for one second, before measuring the wind speed again. This is called the Euler method for solving an ordinary differential equation.

One of the simplest problems is the evaluation of a function at a given point. The most straightforward approach, of just plugging in the number in the formula is sometimes not very efficient. For polynomials, a better approach is using the Horner scheme, since it reduces the necessary number of multiplications and additions. Generally, it is important to estimate and control round-off errors arising from the use of floating-point arithmetic.

Interpolation, extrapolation, and regression

Interpolation solves the following problem: given the value of some unknown function at a number of points, what value does that function have at some other point between the given points?

Extrapolation is very similar to interpolation, except that now the value of the unknown function at a point which is outside the given points must be found.[14]

Regression is also similar, but it takes into account that the data are imprecise. Given some points, and a measurement of the value of some function at these points (with an error), the unknown function can be found. The least squares-method is one way to achieve this.

Solving equations and systems of equations

Another fundamental problem is computing the solution of some given equation. Two cases are commonly distinguished, depending on whether the equation is linear or not. For instance, the equation   is linear while   is not.

Much effort has been put in the development of methods for solving systems of linear equations. Standard direct methods, i.e., methods that use some matrix decomposition are Gaussian elimination, LU decomposition, Cholesky decomposition for symmetric (or hermitian) and positive-definite matrix, and QR decomposition for non-square matrices. Iterative methods such as the Jacobi method, Gauss–Seidel method, successive over-relaxation and conjugate gradient method[15] are usually preferred for large systems. General iterative methods can be developed using a matrix splitting.

Root-finding algorithms are used to solve nonlinear equations (they are so named since a root of a function is an argument for which the function yields zero). If the function is differentiable and the derivative is known, then Newton's method is a popular choice.[16][17] Linearization is another technique for solving nonlinear equations.

Solving eigenvalue or singular value problems

Several important problems can be phrased in terms of eigenvalue decompositions or singular value decompositions. For instance, the spectral image compression algorithm[18] is based on the singular value decomposition. The corresponding tool in statistics is called principal component analysis.


Optimization problems ask for the point at which a given function is maximized (or minimized). Often, the point also has to satisfy some constraints.

The field of optimization is further split in several subfields, depending on the form of the objective function and the constraint. For instance, linear programming deals with the case that both the objective function and the constraints are linear. A famous method in linear programming is the simplex method.

The method of Lagrange multipliers can be used to reduce optimization problems with constraints to unconstrained optimization problems.

Evaluating integrals

Numerical integration, in some instances also known as numerical quadrature, asks for the value of a definite integral.[19] Popular methods use one of the Newton–Cotes formulas (like the midpoint rule or Simpson's rule) or Gaussian quadrature.[20] These methods rely on a "divide and conquer" strategy, whereby an integral on a relatively large set is broken down into integrals on smaller sets. In higher dimensions, where these methods become prohibitively expensive in terms of computational effort, one may use Monte Carlo or quasi-Monte Carlo methods (see Monte Carlo integration[21]), or, in modestly large dimensions, the method of sparse grids.

Differential equations

Numerical analysis is also concerned with computing (in an approximate way) the solution of differential equations, both ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations.[22]

Partial differential equations are solved by first discretizing the equation, bringing it into a finite-dimensional subspace.[23] This can be done by a finite element method,[24][25][26] a finite difference method,[27] or (particularly in engineering) a finite volume method.[28] The theoretical justification of these methods often involves theorems from functional analysis. This reduces the problem to the solution of an algebraic equation.


Since the late twentieth century, most algorithms are implemented in a variety of programming languages. The Netlib repository contains various collections of software routines for numerical problems, mostly in Fortran and C. Commercial products implementing many different numerical algorithms include the IMSL and NAG libraries; a free-software alternative is the GNU Scientific Library.

Over the years the Royal Statistical Society published numerous algorithms in its Applied Statistics (code for these "AS" functions is here); ACM similarly, in its Transactions on Mathematical Software ("TOMS" code is here). The Naval Surface Warfare Center several times published its Library of Mathematics Subroutines (code here).

There are several popular numerical computing applications such as MATLAB,[29][30][31] TK Solver, S-PLUS, and IDL[32] as well as free and open source alternatives such as FreeMat, Scilab,[33][34] GNU Octave (similar to Matlab), and IT++ (a C++ library). There are also programming languages such as R[35] (similar to S-PLUS), Julia,[36] and Python with libraries such as NumPy, SciPy[37][38][39] and SymPy. Performance varies widely: while vector and matrix operations are usually fast, scalar loops may vary in speed by more than an order of magnitude.[40][41]

Many computer algebra systems such as Mathematica also benefit from the availability of arbitrary-precision arithmetic which can provide more accurate results.[42][43][44][45]

Also, any spreadsheet software can be used to solve simple problems relating to numerical analysis. Excel, for example, has hundreds of available functions, including for matrices, which may be used in conjunction with its built in "solver".

See also


  1. ^ This is a fixed point iteration for the equation  , whose solutions include  . The iterates always move to the right since  . Hence   converges and   diverges.



  1. ^ . Archived from the original on 13 August 2012. Retrieved 2 October 2006.
  2. ^ Demmel, J.W. (1997). Applied numerical linear algebra. SIAM. doi:10.1137/1.9781611971446. ISBN 978-1-61197-144-6.
  3. ^ Ciarlet, P.G.; Miara, B.; Thomas, J.M. (1989). Introduction to numerical linear algebra and optimization. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521327886. OCLC 877155729.
  4. ^ Trefethen, Lloyd; Bau III, David (1997). Numerical Linear Algebra. SIAM. ISBN 978-0-89871-361-9.
  5. ^ a b c Brezinski, C.; Wuytack, L. (2012). Numerical analysis: Historical developments in the 20th century. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-444-59858-5.
  6. ^ a b Watson, G.A. (2010). "The history and development of numerical analysis in Scotland: a personal perspective" (PDF). The Birth of Numerical Analysis. World Scientific. pp. 161–177. ISBN 9789814469456.
  7. ^ Bultheel, Adhemar; Cools, Ronald, eds. (2010). The Birth of Numerical Analysis. Vol. 10. World Scientific. ISBN 978-981-283-625-0.
  8. ^ Brezinski & Wuytack 2001, p. 2
  9. ^ Saad, Y. (2003). Iterative methods for sparse linear systems. SIAM. ISBN 978-0-89871-534-7.
  10. ^ Hageman, L.A.; Young, D.M. (2012). Applied iterative methods (2nd ed.). Courier Corporation. ISBN 978-0-8284-0312-2.
  11. ^ Traub, J.F. (1982). Iterative methods for the solution of equations (2nd ed.). American Mathematical Society. ISBN 978-0-8284-0312-2.
  12. ^ Greenbaum, A. (1997). Iterative methods for solving linear systems. SIAM. ISBN 978-0-89871-396-1.
  13. ^ a b c Higham 2002
  14. ^ Brezinski, C.; Zaglia, M.R. (2013). Extrapolation methods: theory and practice. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-08-050622-7.
  15. ^ Hestenes, Magnus R.; Stiefel, Eduard (December 1952). "Methods of Conjugate Gradients for Solving Linear Systems" (PDF). Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards. 49 (6): 409–. doi:10.6028/jres.049.044.
  16. ^ Ezquerro Fernández, J.A.; Hernández Verón, M.Á. (2017). Newton's method: An updated approach of Kantorovich's theory. Birkhäuser. ISBN 978-3-319-55976-6.
  17. ^ Deuflhard, Peter (2006). Newton Methods for Nonlinear Problems. Affine Invariance and Adaptive Algorithms. Computational Mathematics. Vol. 35 (2nd ed.). Springer. ISBN 978-3-540-21099-3.
  18. ^ Ogden, C.J.; Huff, T. (1997). (PDF). Math 45. College of the Redwoods. Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 September 2006.
  19. ^ Davis, P.J.; Rabinowitz, P. (2007). Methods of numerical integration. Courier Corporation. ISBN 978-0-486-45339-2.
  20. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Gaussian Quadrature". MathWorld.
  21. ^ Geweke, John (1996). "15. Monte carlo simulation and numerical integration". Handbook of Computational Economics. Vol. 1. Elsevier. pp. 731–800. doi:10.1016/S1574-0021(96)01017-9. ISBN 9780444898579.
  22. ^ Iserles, A. (2009). A first course in the numerical analysis of differential equations (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-73490-5.
  23. ^ Ames, W.F. (2014). Numerical methods for partial differential equations (3rd ed.). Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-08-057130-0.
  24. ^ Johnson, C. (2012). Numerical solution of partial differential equations by the finite element method. Courier Corporation. ISBN 978-0-486-46900-3.
  25. ^ Brenner, S.; Scott, R. (2013). The mathematical theory of finite element methods (2nd ed.). Springer. ISBN 978-1-4757-3658-8.
  26. ^ Strang, G.; Fix, G.J. (2018) [1973]. An analysis of the finite element method (2nd ed.). Wellesley-Cambridge Press. ISBN 9780980232783. OCLC 1145780513.
  27. ^ Strikwerda, J.C. (2004). Finite difference schemes and partial differential equations (2nd ed.). SIAM. ISBN 978-0-89871-793-8.
  28. ^ LeVeque, Randall (2002). Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-139-43418-8.
  29. ^ Quarteroni, A.; Saleri, F.; Gervasio, P. (2014). Scientific computing with MATLAB and Octave (4th ed.). Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-45367-0.
  30. ^ Gander, W.; Hrebicek, J., eds. (2011). Solving problems in scientific computing using Maple and Matlab®. Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-18873-2.
  31. ^ Barnes, B.; Fulford, G.R. (2011). Mathematical modelling with case studies: a differential equations approach using Maple and MATLAB (2nd ed.). CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-4200-8350-7. OCLC 1058138488.
  32. ^ Gumley, L.E. (2001). Practical IDL programming. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-08-051444-4.
  33. ^ Bunks, C.; Chancelier, J.P.; Delebecque, F.; Goursat, M.; Nikoukhah, R.; Steer, S. (2012). Engineering and scientific computing with Scilab. Springer. ISBN 978-1-4612-7204-5.
  34. ^ Thanki, R.M.; Kothari, A.M. (2019). Digital image processing using SCILAB. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-89533-8.
  35. ^ Ihaka, R.; Gentleman, R. (1996). "R: a language for data analysis and graphics" (PDF). Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 5 (3): 299–314. doi:10.1080/10618600.1996.10474713.
  36. ^ Bezanson, Jeff; Edelman, Alan; Karpinski, Stefan; Shah, Viral B. (1 January 2017). "Julia: A Fresh Approach to Numerical Computing". SIAM Review. 59 (1): 65–98. doi:10.1137/141000671. hdl:1721.1/110125. ISSN 0036-1445. S2CID 13026838.
  37. ^ Jones, E., Oliphant, T., & Peterson, P. (2001). SciPy: Open source scientific tools for Python.
  38. ^ Bressert, E. (2012). SciPy and NumPy: an overview for developers. O'Reilly. ISBN 9781306810395.
  39. ^ Blanco-Silva, F.J. (2013). Learning SciPy for numerical and scientific computing. Packt. ISBN 9781782161639.
  40. ^ Speed comparison of various number crunching packages 5 October 2006 at the Wayback Machine
  41. ^ Comparison of mathematical programs for data analysis Archived 18 May 2016 at the Portuguese Web Archive Stefan Steinhaus, ScientificWeb.com
  42. ^ Maeder, R.E. (1997). Programming in mathematica (3rd ed.). Addison-Wesley. ISBN 9780201854497. OCLC 1311056676.
  43. ^ Wolfram, Stephen (1999). The MATHEMATICA® book, version 4. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781579550042.
  44. ^ Shaw, W.T.; Tigg, J. (1993). Applied Mathematica: getting started, getting it done (PDF). Addison-Wesley. ISBN 978-0-201-54217-2. OCLC 28149048.
  45. ^ Marasco, A.; Romano, A. (2001). Scientific Computing with Mathematica: Mathematical Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations. Springer. ISBN 978-0-8176-4205-1.


External links


  • Numerische Mathematik, volumes 1–..., Springer, 1959–
    • volumes 1–66, 1959–1994 (searchable; pages are images). (in English and German)
  • Journal on Numerical Analysis (SINUM), volumes 1–..., SIAM, 1964–

Online texts

Online course material

numerical, analysis, study, algorithms, that, numerical, approximation, opposed, symbolic, manipulations, problems, mathematical, analysis, distinguished, from, discrete, mathematics, study, numerical, methods, that, attempt, finding, approximate, solutions, p. Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms that use numerical approximation as opposed to symbolic manipulations for the problems of mathematical analysis as distinguished from discrete mathematics It is the study of numerical methods that attempt at finding approximate solutions of problems rather than the exact ones Numerical analysis finds application in all fields of engineering and the physical sciences and in the 21st century also the life and social sciences medicine business and even the arts Current growth in computing power has enabled the use of more complex numerical analysis providing detailed and realistic mathematical models in science and engineering Examples of numerical analysis include ordinary differential equations as found in celestial mechanics predicting the motions of planets stars and galaxies numerical linear algebra in data analysis 2 3 4 and stochastic differential equations and Markov chains for simulating living cells in medicine and biology Babylonian clay tablet YBC 7289 c 1800 1600 BC with annotations The approximation of the square root of 2 is four sexagesimal figures which is about six decimal figures 1 24 60 51 602 10 603 1 41421296 1 Before modern computers numerical methods often relied on hand interpolation formulas using data from large printed tables Since the mid 20th century computers calculate the required functions instead but many of the same formulas continue to be used in software algorithms 5 The numerical point of view goes back to the earliest mathematical writings A tablet from the Yale Babylonian Collection YBC 7289 gives a sexagesimal numerical approximation of the square root of 2 the length of the diagonal in a unit square Numerical analysis continues this long tradition rather than giving exact symbolic answers translated into digits and applicable only to real world measurements approximate solutions within specified error bounds are used Contents 1 General introduction 1 1 History 1 2 Direct and iterative methods 1 2 1 Discretization and numerical integration 1 3 Discretization 2 Generation and propagation of errors 2 1 Round off 2 2 Truncation and discretization error 2 3 Numerical stability and well posed problems 3 Areas of study 3 1 Computing values of functions 3 2 Interpolation extrapolation and regression 3 3 Solving equations and systems of equations 3 4 Solving eigenvalue or singular value problems 3 5 Optimization 3 6 Evaluating integrals 3 7 Differential equations 4 Software 5 See also 6 Notes 7 References 7 1 Citations 7 2 Sources 8 External links 8 1 Journals 8 2 Online texts 8 3 Online course materialGeneral introduction EditThe overall goal of the field of numerical analysis is the design and analysis of techniques to give approximate but accurate solutions to hard problems the variety of which is suggested by the following Advanced numerical methods are essential in making numerical weather prediction feasible Computing the trajectory of a spacecraft requires the accurate numerical solution of a system of ordinary differential equations Car companies can improve the crash safety of their vehicles by using computer simulations of car crashes Such simulations essentially consist of solving partial differential equations numerically Hedge funds private investment funds use tools from all fields of numerical analysis to attempt to calculate the value of stocks and derivatives more precisely than other market participants Airlines use sophisticated optimization algorithms to decide ticket prices airplane and crew assignments and fuel needs Historically such algorithms were developed within the overlapping field of operations research Insurance companies use numerical programs for actuarial analysis The rest of this section outlines several important themes of numerical analysis History Edit The field of numerical analysis predates the invention of modern computers by many centuries Linear interpolation was already in use more than 2000 years ago Many great mathematicians of the past were preoccupied by numerical analysis 5 as is obvious from the names of important algorithms like Newton s method Lagrange interpolation polynomial Gaussian elimination or Euler s method The origins of modern numerical analysis are often linked to a 1947 paper by John von Neumann and Herman Goldstine 6 7 8 but others consider modern numerical analysis to go back to work by E T Whittaker in 1912 6 To facilitate computations by hand large books were produced with formulas and tables of data such as interpolation points and function coefficients Using these tables often calculated out to 16 decimal places or more for some functions one could look up values to plug into the formulas given and achieve very good numerical estimates of some functions The canonical work in the field is the NIST publication edited by Abramowitz and Stegun a 1000 plus page book of a very large number of commonly used formulas and functions and their values at many points The function values are no longer very useful when a computer is available but the large listing of formulas can still be very handy The mechanical calculator was also developed as a tool for hand computation These calculators evolved into electronic computers in the 1940s and it was then found that these computers were also useful for administrative purposes But the invention of the computer also influenced the field of numerical analysis 5 since now longer and more complicated calculations could be done The Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis was initiated in 1985 by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Direct and iterative methods Edit Consider the problem of solving 3x3 4 28for the unknown quantity x Direct method 3x3 4 28 Subtract 4 3x3 24 Divide by 3 x3 8 Take cube roots x 2 For the iterative method apply the bisection method to f x 3x3 24 The initial values are a 0 b 3 f a 24 f b 57 Iterative method a b mid f mid 0 3 1 5 13 8751 5 3 2 25 10 17 1 5 2 25 1 875 4 22 1 875 2 25 2 0625 2 32 From this table it can be concluded that the solution is between 1 875 and 2 0625 The algorithm might return any number in that range with an error less than 0 2 Discretization and numerical integration Edit In a two hour race the speed of the car is measured at three instants and recorded in the following table Time 0 20 1 00 1 40km h 140 150 180A discretization would be to say that the speed of the car was constant from 0 00 to 0 40 then from 0 40 to 1 20 and finally from 1 20 to 2 00 For instance the total distance traveled in the first 40 minutes is approximately 2 3 h 140 km h 93 3 km This would allow us to estimate the total distance traveled as 93 3 km 100 km 120 km 313 3 km which is an example of numerical integration see below using a Riemann sum because displacement is the integral of velocity Ill conditioned problem Take the function f x 1 x 1 Note that f 1 1 10 and f 1 001 1000 a change in x of less than 0 1 turns into a change in f x of nearly 1000 Evaluating f x near x 1 is an ill conditioned problem Well conditioned problem By contrast evaluating the same function f x 1 x 1 near x 10 is a well conditioned problem For instance f 10 1 9 0 111 and f 11 0 1 a modest change in x leads to a modest change in f x Direct methods compute the solution to a problem in a finite number of steps These methods would give the precise answer if they were performed in infinite precision arithmetic Examples include Gaussian elimination the QR factorization method for solving systems of linear equations and the simplex method of linear programming In practice finite precision is used and the result is an approximation of the true solution assuming stability In contrast to direct methods iterative methods are not expected to terminate in a finite number of steps Starting from an initial guess iterative methods form successive approximations that converge to the exact solution only in the limit A convergence test often involving the residual is specified in order to decide when a sufficiently accurate solution has hopefully been found Even using infinite precision arithmetic these methods would not reach the solution within a finite number of steps in general Examples include Newton s method the bisection method and Jacobi iteration In computational matrix algebra iterative methods are generally needed for large problems 9 10 11 12 Iterative methods are more common than direct methods in numerical analysis Some methods are direct in principle but are usually used as though they were not e g GMRES and the conjugate gradient method For these methods the number of steps needed to obtain the exact solution is so large that an approximation is accepted in the same manner as for an iterative method Discretization Edit Furthermore continuous problems must sometimes be replaced by a discrete problem whose solution is known to approximate that of the continuous problem this process is called discretization For example the solution of a differential equation is a function This function must be represented by a finite amount of data for instance by its value at a finite number of points at its domain even though this domain is a continuum Generation and propagation of errors EditThe study of errors forms an important part of numerical analysis There are several ways in which error can be introduced in the solution of the problem Round off Edit Round off errors arise because it is impossible to represent all real numbers exactly on a machine with finite memory which is what all practical digital computers are Truncation and discretization error Edit Truncation errors are committed when an iterative method is terminated or a mathematical procedure is approximated and the approximate solution differs from the exact solution Similarly discretization induces a discretization error because the solution of the discrete problem does not coincide with the solution of the continuous problem In the example above to compute the solution of 3 x 3 4 28 displaystyle 3x 3 4 28 after ten iterations the calculated root is roughly 1 99 Therefore the truncation error is roughly 0 01 Once an error is generated it propagates through the calculation For example the operation on a computer is inexact A calculation of the type a b c d e displaystyle a b c d e is even more inexact A truncation error is created when a mathematical procedure is approximated To integrate a function exactly an infinite sum of regions must be found but numerically only a finite sum of regions can be found and hence the approximation of the exact solution Similarly to differentiate a function the differential element approaches zero but numerically only a nonzero value of the differential element can be chosen Numerical stability and well posed problems Edit Numerical stability is a notion in numerical analysis An algorithm is called numerically stable if an error whatever its cause does not grow to be much larger during the calculation 13 This happens if the problem is well conditioned meaning that the solution changes by only a small amount if the problem data are changed by a small amount 13 To the contrary if a problem is ill conditioned then any small error in the data will grow to be a large error 13 Both the original problem and the algorithm used to solve that problem can be well conditioned or ill conditioned and any combination is possible So an algorithm that solves a well conditioned problem may be either numerically stable or numerically unstable An art of numerical analysis is to find a stable algorithm for solving a well posed mathematical problem For instance computing the square root of 2 which is roughly 1 41421 is a well posed problem Many algorithms solve this problem by starting with an initial approximation x0 to 2 displaystyle sqrt 2 for instance x0 1 4 and then computing improved guesses x1 x2 etc One such method is the famous Babylonian method which is given by xk 1 xk 2 1 xk Another method called method X is given by xk 1 xk2 2 2 xk note 1 A few iterations of each scheme are calculated in table form below with initial guesses x0 1 4 and x0 1 42 Babylonian Babylonian Method X Method Xx0 1 4 x0 1 42 x0 1 4 x0 1 42x1 1 4142857 x1 1 41422535 x1 1 4016 x1 1 42026896x2 1 414213564 x2 1 41421356242 x2 1 4028614 x2 1 42056 x1000000 1 41421 x27 7280 2284 Observe that the Babylonian method converges quickly regardless of the initial guess whereas Method X converges extremely slowly with initial guess x0 1 4 and diverges for initial guess x0 1 42 Hence the Babylonian method is numerically stable while Method X is numerically unstable Numerical stability is affected by the number of the significant digits the machine keeps If a machine is used that keeps only the four most significant decimal digits a good example on loss of significance can be given by the two equivalent functions f x x x 1 x displaystyle f x x left sqrt x 1 sqrt x right and g x x x 1 x displaystyle g x frac x sqrt x 1 sqrt x Comparing the results off 500 500 501 500 500 22 38 22 36 500 0 02 10 displaystyle f 500 500 left sqrt 501 sqrt 500 right 500 left 22 38 22 36 right 500 0 02 10 dd and g 500 500 501 500 500 22 38 22 36 500 44 74 11 17 displaystyle begin alignedat 3 g 500 amp frac 500 sqrt 501 sqrt 500 amp frac 500 22 38 22 36 amp frac 500 44 74 11 17 end alignedat by comparing the two results above it is clear that loss of significance caused here by catastrophic cancellation from subtracting approximations to the nearby numbers 501 displaystyle sqrt 501 and 500 displaystyle sqrt 500 despite the subtraction being computed exactly has a huge effect on the results even though both functions are equivalent as shown belowf x x x 1 x x x 1 x x 1 x x 1 x x x 1 2 x 2 x 1 x x x 1 x x 1 x x 1 x 1 x x x 1 x g x displaystyle begin alignedat 4 f x amp x left sqrt x 1 sqrt x right amp x left sqrt x 1 sqrt x right frac sqrt x 1 sqrt x sqrt x 1 sqrt x amp x frac sqrt x 1 2 sqrt x 2 sqrt x 1 sqrt x amp x frac x 1 x sqrt x 1 sqrt x amp x frac 1 sqrt x 1 sqrt x amp frac x sqrt x 1 sqrt x amp g x end alignedat dd The desired value computed using infinite precision is 11 174755 The example is a modification of one taken from Mathew Numerical methods using MATLAB 3rd ed Areas of study EditThe field of numerical analysis includes many sub disciplines Some of the major ones are Computing values of functions Edit Interpolation Observing that the temperature varies from 20 degrees Celsius at 1 00 to 14 degrees at 3 00 a linear interpolation of this data would conclude that it was 17 degrees at 2 00 and 18 5 degrees at 1 30pm Extrapolation If the gross domestic product of a country has been growing an average of 5 per year and was 100 billion last year it might extrapolated that it will be 105 billion this year Regression In linear regression given n points a line is computed that passes as close as possible to those n points Optimization Suppose lemonade is sold at a lemonade stand at 1 00 per glass that 197 glasses of lemonade can be sold per day and that for each increase of 0 01 one less glass of lemonade will be sold per day If 1 485 could be charged profit would be maximized but due to the constraint of having to charge a whole cent amount charging 1 48 or 1 49 per glass will both yield the maximum income of 220 52 per day Differential equation If 100 fans are set up to blow air from one end of the room to the other and then a feather is dropped into the wind what happens The feather will follow the air currents which may be very complex One approximation is to measure the speed at which the air is blowing near the feather every second and advance the simulated feather as if it were moving in a straight line at that same speed for one second before measuring the wind speed again This is called the Euler method for solving an ordinary differential equation One of the simplest problems is the evaluation of a function at a given point The most straightforward approach of just plugging in the number in the formula is sometimes not very efficient For polynomials a better approach is using the Horner scheme since it reduces the necessary number of multiplications and additions Generally it is important to estimate and control round off errors arising from the use of floating point arithmetic Interpolation extrapolation and regression Edit Interpolation solves the following problem given the value of some unknown function at a number of points what value does that function have at some other point between the given points Extrapolation is very similar to interpolation except that now the value of the unknown function at a point which is outside the given points must be found 14 Regression is also similar but it takes into account that the data are imprecise Given some points and a measurement of the value of some function at these points with an error the unknown function can be found The least squares method is one way to achieve this Solving equations and systems of equations Edit Another fundamental problem is computing the solution of some given equation Two cases are commonly distinguished depending on whether the equation is linear or not For instance the equation 2 x 5 3 displaystyle 2x 5 3 is linear while 2 x 2 5 3 displaystyle 2x 2 5 3 is not Much effort has been put in the development of methods for solving systems of linear equations Standard direct methods i e methods that use some matrix decomposition are Gaussian elimination LU decomposition Cholesky decomposition for symmetric or hermitian and positive definite matrix and QR decomposition for non square matrices Iterative methods such as the Jacobi method Gauss Seidel method successive over relaxation and conjugate gradient method 15 are usually preferred for large systems General iterative methods can be developed using a matrix splitting Root finding algorithms are used to solve nonlinear equations they are so named since a root of a function is an argument for which the function yields zero If the function is differentiable and the derivative is known then Newton s method is a popular choice 16 17 Linearization is another technique for solving nonlinear equations Solving eigenvalue or singular value problems Edit Several important problems can be phrased in terms of eigenvalue decompositions or singular value decompositions For instance the spectral image compression algorithm 18 is based on the singular value decomposition The corresponding tool in statistics is called principal component analysis Optimization Edit Main article Mathematical optimization Optimization problems ask for the point at which a given function is maximized or minimized Often the point also has to satisfy some constraints The field of optimization is further split in several subfields depending on the form of the objective function and the constraint For instance linear programming deals with the case that both the objective function and the constraints are linear A famous method in linear programming is the simplex method The method of Lagrange multipliers can be used to reduce optimization problems with constraints to unconstrained optimization problems Evaluating integrals Edit Main article Numerical integration Numerical integration in some instances also known as numerical quadrature asks for the value of a definite integral 19 Popular methods use one of the Newton Cotes formulas like the midpoint rule or Simpson s rule or Gaussian quadrature 20 These methods rely on a divide and conquer strategy whereby an integral on a relatively large set is broken down into integrals on smaller sets In higher dimensions where these methods become prohibitively expensive in terms of computational effort one may use Monte Carlo or quasi Monte Carlo methods see Monte Carlo integration 21 or in modestly large dimensions the method of sparse grids Differential equations Edit Main articles Numerical ordinary differential equations and Numerical partial differential equations Numerical analysis is also concerned with computing in an approximate way the solution of differential equations both ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations 22 Partial differential equations are solved by first discretizing the equation bringing it into a finite dimensional subspace 23 This can be done by a finite element method 24 25 26 a finite difference method 27 or particularly in engineering a finite volume method 28 The theoretical justification of these methods often involves theorems from functional analysis This reduces the problem to the solution of an algebraic equation Software EditMain articles List of numerical analysis software and Comparison of numerical analysis software Since the late twentieth century most algorithms are implemented in a variety of programming languages The Netlib repository contains various collections of software routines for numerical problems mostly in Fortran and C Commercial products implementing many different numerical algorithms include the IMSL and NAG libraries a free software alternative is the GNU Scientific Library Over the years the Royal Statistical Society published numerous algorithms in its Applied Statistics code for these AS functions is here ACM similarly in its Transactions on Mathematical Software TOMS code is here The Naval Surface Warfare Center several times published its Library of Mathematics Subroutines code here There are several popular numerical computing applications such as MATLAB 29 30 31 TK Solver S PLUS and IDL 32 as well as free and open source alternatives such as FreeMat Scilab 33 34 GNU Octave similar to Matlab and IT a C library There are also programming languages such as R 35 similar to S PLUS Julia 36 and Python with libraries such as NumPy SciPy 37 38 39 and SymPy Performance varies widely while vector and matrix operations are usually fast scalar loops may vary in speed by more than an order of magnitude 40 41 Many computer algebra systems such as Mathematica also benefit from the availability of arbitrary precision arithmetic which can provide more accurate results 42 43 44 45 Also any spreadsheet software can be used to solve simple problems relating to numerical analysis Excel for example has hundreds of available functions including for matrices which may be used in conjunction with its built in solver See also EditCategory Numerical analysts Analysis of algorithms Computational science Computational physics Gordon Bell Prize Interval arithmetic List of numerical analysis topics Local linearization method Numerical differentiation Numerical Recipes Probabilistic numerics Symbolic numeric computation Validated numericsNotes Edit This is a fixed point iteration for the equation x x 2 2 2 x f x displaystyle x x 2 2 2 x f x whose solutions include 2 displaystyle sqrt 2 The iterates always move to the right since f x x displaystyle f x geq x Hence x 1 1 4 lt 2 displaystyle x 1 1 4 lt sqrt 2 converges and x 1 1 42 gt 2 displaystyle x 1 1 42 gt sqrt 2 diverges References EditCitations Edit Photograph illustration and description of the root 2 tablet from the Yale Babylonian Collection Archived from the original on 13 August 2012 Retrieved 2 October 2006 Demmel J W 1997 Applied numerical linear algebra SIAM doi 10 1137 1 9781611971446 ISBN 978 1 61197 144 6 Ciarlet P G Miara B Thomas J M 1989 Introduction to numerical linear algebra and optimization Cambridge University Press ISBN 9780521327886 OCLC 877155729 Trefethen Lloyd Bau III David 1997 Numerical Linear Algebra SIAM ISBN 978 0 89871 361 9 a b c Brezinski C Wuytack L 2012 Numerical analysis Historical developments in the 20th century Elsevier ISBN 978 0 444 59858 5 a b Watson G A 2010 The history and development of numerical analysis in Scotland a personal perspective PDF The Birth of Numerical Analysis World Scientific pp 161 177 ISBN 9789814469456 Bultheel Adhemar Cools Ronald eds 2010 The Birth of Numerical Analysis Vol 10 World Scientific ISBN 978 981 283 625 0 Brezinski amp Wuytack 2001 p 2harvnb error no target CITEREFBrezinskiWuytack2001 help Saad Y 2003 Iterative methods for sparse linear systems SIAM ISBN 978 0 89871 534 7 Hageman L A Young D M 2012 Applied iterative methods 2nd ed Courier Corporation ISBN 978 0 8284 0312 2 Traub J F 1982 Iterative methods for the solution of equations 2nd ed American Mathematical Society ISBN 978 0 8284 0312 2 Greenbaum A 1997 Iterative methods for solving linear systems SIAM ISBN 978 0 89871 396 1 a b c Higham 2002 Brezinski C Zaglia M R 2013 Extrapolation methods theory and practice Elsevier ISBN 978 0 08 050622 7 Hestenes Magnus R Stiefel Eduard December 1952 Methods of Conjugate Gradients for Solving Linear Systems PDF Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards 49 6 409 doi 10 6028 jres 049 044 Ezquerro Fernandez J A Hernandez Veron M A 2017 Newton s method An updated approach of Kantorovich s theory Birkhauser ISBN 978 3 319 55976 6 Deuflhard Peter 2006 Newton 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element method Courier Corporation ISBN 978 0 486 46900 3 Brenner S Scott R 2013 The mathematical theory of finite element methods 2nd ed Springer ISBN 978 1 4757 3658 8 Strang G Fix G J 2018 1973 An analysis of the finite element method 2nd ed Wellesley Cambridge Press ISBN 9780980232783 OCLC 1145780513 Strikwerda J C 2004 Finite difference schemes and partial differential equations 2nd ed SIAM ISBN 978 0 89871 793 8 LeVeque Randall 2002 Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 139 43418 8 Quarteroni A Saleri F Gervasio P 2014 Scientific computing with MATLAB and Octave 4th ed Springer ISBN 978 3 642 45367 0 Gander W Hrebicek J eds 2011 Solving problems in scientific computing using Maple and Matlab Springer ISBN 978 3 642 18873 2 Barnes B Fulford G R 2011 Mathematical modelling with case studies a differential equations approach using Maple and MATLAB 2nd ed CRC Press ISBN 978 1 4200 8350 7 OCLC 1058138488 Gumley L E 2001 Practical IDL programming Elsevier ISBN 978 0 08 051444 4 Bunks C Chancelier J P Delebecque F Goursat M Nikoukhah R Steer S 2012 Engineering and scientific computing with Scilab Springer ISBN 978 1 4612 7204 5 Thanki R M Kothari A M 2019 Digital image processing using SCILAB Springer ISBN 978 3 319 89533 8 Ihaka R Gentleman R 1996 R a language for data analysis and graphics PDF Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 5 3 299 314 doi 10 1080 10618600 1996 10474713 Bezanson Jeff Edelman Alan Karpinski Stefan Shah Viral B 1 January 2017 Julia A Fresh Approach to Numerical Computing SIAM Review 59 1 65 98 doi 10 1137 141000671 hdl 1721 1 110125 ISSN 0036 1445 S2CID 13026838 Jones E Oliphant T amp Peterson P 2001 SciPy Open source scientific tools for Python Bressert E 2012 SciPy and NumPy an overview for developers O Reilly ISBN 9781306810395 Blanco Silva F J 2013 Learning SciPy for numerical and scientific computing Packt ISBN 9781782161639 Speed comparison of various number crunching packages Archived 5 October 2006 at the Wayback Machine Comparison of mathematical programs for data analysis Archived 18 May 2016 at the Portuguese Web Archive Stefan Steinhaus ScientificWeb com Maeder R E 1997 Programming in mathematica 3rd ed Addison Wesley ISBN 9780201854497 OCLC 1311056676 Wolfram Stephen 1999 The MATHEMATICA book version 4 Cambridge University Press ISBN 9781579550042 Shaw W T Tigg J 1993 Applied Mathematica getting started getting it done PDF Addison Wesley ISBN 978 0 201 54217 2 OCLC 28149048 Marasco A Romano A 2001 Scientific Computing with Mathematica Mathematical Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations Springer ISBN 978 0 8176 4205 1 Sources Edit Golub Gene H Charles F Van Loan 1986 Matrix Computations 3rd ed Johns Hopkins University Press ISBN 0 8018 5413 X Higham Nicholas J 2002 1996 Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics ISBN 0 89871 355 2 Hildebrand F B 1974 Introduction to Numerical Analysis 2nd ed McGraw Hill ISBN 0 07 028761 9 Leader Jeffery J 2004 Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation Addison Wesley ISBN 0 201 73499 0 Wilkinson J H 1988 1965 The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem Clarendon Press ISBN 978 0 19 853418 1 Kahan W 1972 A survey of error analysis Proc IFIP Congress 71 in Ljubljana Info Processing 71 Vol 2 North Holland pp 1214 39 ISBN 978 0 7204 2063 0 OCLC 25116949 examples of the importance of accurate arithmetic Trefethen Lloyd N 2008 IV 21 Numerical analysis PDF In Leader I Gowers T Barrow Green J eds Princeton Companion of Mathematics Princeton University Press pp 604 614 ISBN 978 0 691 11880 2 External links EditNumerical analysis at Wikipedia s sister projects Media from Commons Quotations from Wikiquote Textbooks from Wikibooks Journals Edit Numerische Mathematik volumes 1 Springer 1959 volumes 1 66 1959 1994 searchable pages are images in English and German Journal on Numerical Analysis SINUM volumes 1 SIAM 1964 Online texts Edit Numerical analysis Encyclopedia of Mathematics EMS Press 2001 1994 Numerical Recipes William H Press free downloadable previous editions First Steps in Numerical Analysis archived R J Hosking S Joe D C Joyce and J C Turner CSEP Computational Science Education Project U S Department of Energy archived 2017 08 01 Numerical Methods ch 3 in the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions Numerical Interpolation Differentiation and Integration ch 25 in the Handbook of Mathematical Functions Abramowitz and Stegun Online course material Edit Numerical Methods Archived 28 July 2009 at the Wayback Machine Stuart Dalziel University of Cambridge Lectures on Numerical Analysis Dennis Deturck and Herbert S Wilf University of Pennsylvania Numerical methods John D Fenton University of Karlsruhe Numerical Methods for Physicists Anthony O Hare Oxford University Lectures in Numerical Analysis archived R Radok Mahidol University Introduction to Numerical Analysis for Engineering Henrik Schmidt Massachusetts Institute of Technology Numerical Analysis for Engineering D W Harder University of Waterloo Introduction to Numerical Analysis Doron Levy University of Maryland Numerical Analysis Numerical Methods archived John H Mathews California State University Fullerton Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Numerical analysis amp oldid 1135007538, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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