

Abū Jaʿfar Muḥammad ibn Jarīr ibn Yazīd al-Ṭabarī (Arabic: أبو جعفر محمد بن جرير بن يزيد الطبري), more commonly known as al-Ṭabarī (الطبري), was a Muslim historian and scholar from Amol, Tabaristan. Among the most prominent figures of the Islamic Golden Age, al-Tabari is known for his historical works and his expertise in Qur'anic exegesis (tafsir), but he has also been described as "an impressively prolific polymath".[4] He wrote works on a diverse range of subjects, including world history, poetry, lexicography, grammar, ethics, mathematics, and medicine.[4][5]

Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
Born839 CE (224 AH)
Died923 CE (310 AH) (aged 84)
Baghdad, Abbasid Caliphate (present-day Iraq)
EraMedieval era
RegionAbbasid Caliphate
JurisprudenceFounded the Jariri madhhab
Notable work(s)Tafsīr al-Ṭabarī, History of the Prophets and Kings, Tahdhīb al-āthār, Ikhtilāf al-fuqaha' ("Disagreement of the Jurists")
Muslim leader
Influenced by

His most influential and best known works are his Quranic commentary, known in Arabic as Tafsīr al-Ṭabarī, and his historical chronicle called History of the Prophets and Kings (Tarīkh al-rusul wa-l-mulūk), often referred to as Tarīkh al-Ṭabarī ("al-Tabari's History").

Al-Tabari followed the Shafi'i madhhab for nearly a decade before he developed his own interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence. His understanding of fiqh was both sophisticated and remarkably fluid and, as such, he continued to develop his ideas and thoughts on juristic matters right to the end of his life.[6]

Al-Tabari's school (madhhab) of legal thought flourished among Sunni ulama for two centuries after his death, before it eventually became extinct.[7] It was usually designated by the name Jariri jurisprudence.


Tabari was born in Amol, Tabaristan (some 20 km south of the Caspian Sea) in the winter of 838–39.[8] He has been described as either of Persian or Arab origin.[9][10][11][12][13] He memorized the Qur'an at seven, was a qualified prayer leader at eight, and began to study the prophetic traditions at nine. He left home to study in 236 AH[14] (850/1 AD), when he was twelve. He retained close ties to his hometown. He returned at least twice, the second time in 290 AH (903 AD), when his outspokenness caused some uneasiness and led to his quick departure.[15]

He first went to Ray (Rhages), where he remained for some five years.[16] A major teacher in Rayy was Abu Abdillah Muhammad ibn Humayd al-Razi, who had earlier taught in Baghdad, but was now in his seventies[17] While in Ray, he also studied Muslim jurisprudence according to the Hanafi school.[18] Among other material, ibn Humayd taught Jarir Tabari the historical works of ibn Ishaq, especially al-Sirah, his life of Muhammad.[19] Tabari was thus introduced in youth to pre-Islamic and early Islamic history. Tabari quotes ibn Humayd frequently, but little is known about Tabari's other teachers in Rayy.[17]

Tabari then travelled to study in Baghdad under Ahmad ibn Hanbal, who, however, had recently died (in late 855 or early 856).[20] Tabari possibly made a pilgrimage prior to his first arrival in Baghdad.[20] He left Baghdad probably in 242 AH (856/7 AD)[21] to travel through the southern cities of Basra, Kufah and Wasit.[20] There, he met a number of eminent and venerable scholars.[21] In addition to his previous study of Hanafi law, Tabari also studied the Shafi'i, Maliki and Zahiri rites.[22] Tabari's study of the latter school was with the founder, Dawud al-Zahiri,[23] and Tabari hand-copied and transmitted many of his teacher's works.[24] Tabari was then well-versed in four of the five remaining Sunni legal schools, before founding his own independent, yet eventually extinct, school. His debates with his former teachers and classmates were known, and served as a demonstration of said independence.[25] Notably missing from this list is the Hanbali school, the fourth largest legal school within Sunni Islam in the present era. Tabari's view of Ibn Hanbal, the school's founder, became decidedly negative later in life. Tabari did not give Ibn Hanbal's dissenting opinion any weight at all when considering the various views of jurists, stating that Ibn Hanbal had not even been a jurist at all but merely a recorder of Hadith.[26]

On his return to Baghdad, he took a tutoring position from the vizier, Ubaydallah ibn Yahya ibn Khaqan.[27] This would have been before A.H. 244 (858), since the vizier was out of office and in exile from 244 to 248 (858–9 to 862).[27]There is an anecdote telling that Tabari had agreed to tutor for ten dinars a month, but his teaching was so effective and the boy's writing so impressive that the teacher was offered a tray of dinars and dirhams. The ever-ethical Tabari declined the offer, saying he had undertaken to do his work at the specified amount, and could not honorably take more.[28] That is one of a number of narratives about him declining gifts or giving gifts of equal or greater amount in return.[28]

In his late twenties, he travelled to Syria, Palestine, India and Egypt.[29] In Beirut, he made the highly significant connection of al-Abbas ibn al-Walid ibn Mazyad al-'Udhri al-Bayruti (c. 169–270/785–86 to 883–84). Al-Abbas instructed Tabari in the Syrian school's variant readings of the Qur'an and transmitted through his father al-Walid the legal views of al-Awza'i, Beirut's prominent jurist from a century earlier.

Tabari arrived in Egypt in 253 AH (867 AD),[30] and some time after 256/870, he returned to Baghdad,[31] possibly making a pilgrimage on the way. If so, he did not stay long in the Hijaz. Tabari had a private income from his father while he was still living, and then the inheritance.[32] He took money for teaching. Among Tabari's students was Ibn al-Mughallis, who was also a student of Tabari's own teacher Muhammad bin Dawud al-Zahiri; Ibn al-Mughallis lavished Tabari with almost excessive praise.[33][34] He never took a government or a judicial position.[35]

Tabari was some fifty years old when al-Mu'tadid became caliph. He was well past seventy in the year his History was published. During the intervening years, he was a famous (if somewhat controversial) personality. Among the figures of his age, he had access to sources of information equal to anyone, except, perhaps, those who were directly connected with decision making within the government. Most, if not all, the materials for the histories of al-Mu'tadid, al-Muktafi, and the early years of al-Muqtadir, were collected by him about the time the reported events took place. His accounts are as authentic as one can expect from that period.[36] Tabari final years were marked by conflict with the Hanbalite followers of Al-Hasan ibn 'Ali al-Barbahari, a student of the students of Ibn Hanbal. Tabari was known for his view that Hanbalism was not a legitimate school of thought, as Ibn Hanbal was a compiler of traditions and not a proper jurist.[37] The Hanbalites of Baghdad would often stone Tabari's house, escalating the persecution to the point where Abbasid authorities had to subdue them by force.[38] The Baghdad chief of police tried to organize a debate between Tabari and the Hanbalites to settle their differences. While Tabari accepted, the Hanbalites did not show up, but instead came later to pelt his house with stones again. The constant threat of violence from the Hanbalites hung over Tabari's head for the rest of his life.[39]

Tabari died on 17 February 923.[39] Some sources suggest that Abbasid authorities buried Tabari at night in secret as they feared mob violence by the Hanbalites,[40] but these reports are uncertain, and other sources agree that he was buried in the morning after his death.[39] Regardless, Tabari was remembered positively by contemporaries such as Ibn Duraid,[39] and the Hanbalites were condemned by Abbasid authorities in their entirety for persecuting opponents, roughly a decade later. They even prevented people from meeting with him, and Ibn Jarir remained trapped in his home until he died.[41] The period in which Tabari lived was full of religious differences and political unrest, which was characterized by the stigmatization and accusation of individuals.[42]

Tomb of al-Tabari in Baghdad, Iraq

Personal characteristics

He is described as having a dark complexion, large eyes and a long beard. He was tall and slender[43] and his hair and beard remained black until he was very old. He was attentive to his health, avoiding red meat, fats, and other foods he deemed unhealthy. He was seldom sick before his last decade, when he suffered from bouts of pleurisy. When he was ill, he treated himself (to the approval of physicians). He had a sense of humor, though serious subjects he treated seriously. He had studied poetry when young and enjoyed writing, reciting and participating in poetic exchanges. It is said that he was asked in Egypt about al-Tirimmah, and was able to recite this 7th century poet's work for Egyptians who had merely heard al-Tirimmah's name.[44]Ali ibn al-Athir, in his memoirs, he confirmed these features. He was witty and urbane, clean, and well mannered.[45] He avoided coarse speech, instead displaying refined eloquence.[43] He had a good grounding in grammar, lexicography, and philology. Such were considered essential for Qur'anic commentary. He knew Persian and was acquainted with the origins of various foreign loan words in Arabic from a number of other languages.

Al-Tabari was very humble to his companions, visitors and students, without being proud of his position, condescending with his knowledge, or being domineering towards others. He did not bear hatred against anyone, and he had a satisfied soul, excusing those who had wronged him, and forgiving those who offended him.

He died in Baghdad on 17 February 923.[39]

Bal'ami's 14th century Persian version of Universal History by Tabari

Tabari's ordeal with Hanbalites

His ijtihad (independent judgement) led to criticism from the Zahiris and some fanatic Hanbali followers. Though his conflict with the leaders of the Zāhiriyya was resolved, the Hanbalites literally besieged him in his own home. Apparently, al-Tabari did not think much of Ibn Hanbal as a jurist (faqih), but mainly saw him as a traditionist (muhaddith), and this was enough to incite the Hanbalites against him. Al-Tabari was suddenly accused of being a Jahmite heretic, while his respect for 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth rightly guided caliph, exposed him to accusations of Shi'ite sympathies. At the same time, he incurred the wrath of the Shi'ites by defending the previous three caliphs.[46]

In Baghdad, three Hanbalites, who do not seem further identifiable, asked al-Tabari about his views on a tradition attributed to Mujahid, concerning the explanation of the verse 79 from Surat al-Isra' in the Qur'an about the Praiseworthy Station of the Prophet Muhammad, known as "al-Maqam al-Mahmud".

The verse is: "And some part of the night, awake for it (this would be) an optional prayer (or spiritual profit) for you; it may be that your Lord will exalt you to a Praiseworthy Station."[Quran 17:79 (Translated by Nurettin Uzunoğlu)]

In the books of Tafsir (interpretation of the Qur'an), authors indicated that the Praiseworthy Station (al-Maqam al-Mahmud) mentioned in the above verse is the most highest place in Paradise, which will be granted to the Prophet Muhammad and none else, and the position of intercession (Shafa'a) will be giving to him by permission of Allah/God on behalf of the believers on the Day of Judgment. The Prophet Muhammad will intercede on their behalf, so that Allah/God will relieve them of the suffering of such a situation.

However, the Hanbalites interpreted the Praiseworthy Station as the seating of the Prophet Muhammad by Allah/God on the Throne, despite the overall weakness of the narrations supporting it.[47]

Al-Tabari is said to have declared bluntly that it was absurd. Moreover, he recited:

ولا له في عرشه جليس سبحان من ليس له أنيس
Exalted/Glorified be the One (Allah), Who has no comrade nor companion sitting on His Throne

Upon hearing this, the fanatic Hanbali followers attacked him fiercely, and stoned his residence and caused a serious disturbance which had to be subdued by force. Trouble with the Hanbalites that took a similar form was also reported at the time of al-Tabari's death. In connection with it, Nazuk is mentioned as chief of police. He was appointed to this position only in 310/922, the year al-Tabari died, but he appears to have held high positions in the police before, and may already have been in charge of al-Tabari's protection against potential Hanbalite violence.

In 309/921, the wazir 'Ali b. 'Isa had offered al-Tabari the opportunity to debate the matter with the Hanbalites in his residence. Al-Tabari agreed, but the Hanbalites did not show up. However, shortly before his death, Hanbalite rioters supposedly pelted his house with stones so numerous that they formed a large wall in front of it.[48][49]

According to Franz Rosenthal, "The role of Hanbalite hostility, though real, seems to have been exaggerated in connection with his death as it was in his life."[39] He further adds that "Those who knew Tabari best always played down the inconveniences he suffered from the Hanbalites."[50]


Opening lines of the Quran from a Persian translation of Tabari's commentary

Al-Tabari wrote history, theology and Qur'anic commentary. His principal and most influential works were:

His legal texts, commentaries and Qur'anic exegesis, and history, produced respectively, were published throughout his lifetime. Biographers stress his reverence for scholarship, objectivity, and independent judgement (ijtihad).[51] He rates the credibility of his sources from a theological rather than an historical standpoint, yet he opposed religious innovation. In one anecdote, Abu Kamil suggested him when he was near death, to forgive his enemies, which he agreed to, apart from one who called him an innovator.[52] Tabari was generally conciliatory, moderate, and affable.[53]

Initially, Tabari belonged to the Shafi'ite madhhab (school) of fiqh (Islamic law), and was welcomed by them. He established his own madhhab, usually designated the Jariri madhhab after his patronymic. His school failed to endure in the competitive atmosphere of the times. As a youth in Baghdad, he had applied to the Hanbalite's but received a hostile rejection.[54]

Al-Tabari's jurisprudence belongs to a type which Christopher Melchert has called "Rationalism", largely associated with the Shafi'i madhhab. It was characterized by strong scripturalist tendencies. He appears, like Dawud al-Zahiri, to restrict consensus historically, defining it as the transmission by many authorities of reports on which the Sahaba agreed unanimously. Like Dawud al-Zahiri, he also held that consensus must be tied to a text and cannot be based on legal analogy.[55]

While we still lack a satisfactory scholarly biography of this remarkable scholar, interested readers now have access to a meticulous and well-annotated translation of the sections from al-Tabari's chronicle, which constitute the most important primary source for the history of his reign. Anyone familiar with al-Tabari's chronicle knows what a formidable challenge it poses for a translator, especially for one attempting to make it accessible to an audience that includes non-specialists. There is first of all the obstacle of al-Tabari's Arabic prose, which varies greatly in style and complexity, according to the source he is using (and apparently quoting verbatim). The sections in the McAuliffe translation, drawn mostly from al-Mada'ini and 'Umar ibn Shabba, do not represent the most obscure passages to be found in al-Tabari, but they are nonetheless full of linguistic ambiguities and difficulties for the translator.[56]

He wrote extensively; his voluminous corpus containing three main titles:

The first of the two large works, generally known as the Annals (Arabic Tarikh al-Tabari). This is a universal history from the time of Qur'anic Creation to 915, and is renowned for its detail and accuracy concerning Muslim and Middle Eastern history. Tabari's work is one of the major primary sources for historians. The History commenced with the Creation, followed by accounts regarding the patriarchs, prophets, and rulers of antiquity. The history of the Sasanian Empire came next. For the period of the Prophet's life, al-Ṭabarī drew upon the extensive researches of 8th-century Medinan scholars. Although pre-Islamic influences are evident in their works, the Medinan perspective of Muslim history evolved as a theocentric (god-centred) universal history of prophecy, culminating in the career of Muhammad and not as a continuum of tribal wars and values. The sources for al-Ṭabarī's History covering the years from the Prophet’s death to the fall of the Umayyad dynasty (661–750 CE) were short monographs, each treating a major event or the circumstances attending the death of an important person. Al-Ṭabarī supplemented this material with historical reports embodied in works on genealogy, poetry, and tribal affairs. Further, details of the early ʿAbbāsid period were available to him in a few histories of the caliphs that unfortunately have come down only in the fragments preserved by al-Ṭabarī. Almost all of these accounts reflected an Iraqi perspective of the community; coupled with this is al-Ṭabarī’s scant attention to affairs in Egypt, North Africa, and Muslim Spain, so that his History does not have the secular “universal” outlook sometimes attributed to it. From the beginning of the Muslim era (dated from 622, the date of the hijrah—the Prophet Muhammad’s migration from Mecca to Medina), the History is arranged as a set of annals according to the years after the hijrah. It terminates in the year 915.

His second great work was the commentary on the Qur'an, (Arabic Tafsir al-Tabari), which was marked by the same fullness of detail as the Annals. Abul-Qaasim Ibn 'Aqil Al-Warraq says: " Imām Ibn Jarir once said to his students: “Are you all ready to write down my lesson on the commentary of the entire Holy Quran?" They enquired as to how lengthy it would be. "30 000 pages"! he replied. They said: "This would take a long time and cannot be completed in one lifetime. He therefore made it concise and kept it to 3000 pages (note, this was in reference to the old days when they used ink and hard-paper which was a bit long format today). It took him seven years to finish it from the year 283 until 290.

It is said that it is the most voluminous Athari Tafsir (i.e., based on hadith not intellect) existent today, and so well received by the Ummah that it survived to this day intact, due to its popularity and widely printed copies available worldwide. Scholars such as Baghawi and Suyuti used it largely. It was used in compiling the Tafsir ibn Kathir, which is often referred to as Mukhtasar Tafsir at-Tabari.

A perusal of Tabari shows that he in fact relied on a variety of historians and other authors, such as Abu Mihnaf, Sayf b. 'Umar, Ibn al-Kalbi, 'Awana ibn al-Hakam, Nasr b. Muzahim, al-Mada'ini, 'Urwa b. al-Zubayr, al-Zuhri, Ibn Ishaq, Waqidi, Wahb b. Munabbih, Ka'b al-Ahbar, Ibn al-Matni, al Haggag b. al-Minhal, Hisham b. 'Urwa, al-Zubayr b. Bakkar and so forth, in addition to oral accounts that were circulating at the time. In recounting his history, Tabari used numerous channels to give accounts. These are both channels that are given by the same author in a work, such as for example three different accounts that start with the isnad al-Harita.[57]

Although no subject in history, recitation of the Quran and its interpretation, poetry, grammar and vocabulary, ethics, mathematics, and theology remained untouched by Tabari, he is primarily known as the author and author of history.

Translations of Tabari's book

This book has been translated a lot so far. Less than fifty years after the author's death, the history of the Prophet and the Kings has been translated into Persian by Muhammad Bal'ami, the minister of science of Nuh II, in 352 AH.

Theodor Nöldeke, the German orientalist in 1879 has also translated the Sassanid section of Tabari's history into German, and has since been reprinted several times.[58][59]

Dutch orientalist Michael Jan de Goeje, in several volumes, translated Tabari's history book into Dutch, The book was later translated into English and republished in 1998 by State University of New York Press and Paris Diderot University. Hermann Zotenberg published the history of Tabari in French Language in four volumes in Paris.[60] His book on the nativities and history was translated into Latin by Giovanni da Siviglia and published in Venice in 1503. Franz Rosenthal translated in 1989 Tabari history book of three volumes, with title "History of the Middle East".[61]

Clifford Edmund Bosworth, published the book History of Tabari in three volumes with an introduction by Ehsan Yarshater in 1999 in the United States, Albania and France.[62] Planning for the translation of this great chronicle book into English in forty volumes began in 1971, led by Ehsan Yarshater as General Editor and assisted by an Editorial Board Ihsan Abbas, American University of Beirut, Clifford Edmund Bosworth University of Manchester, Jacob Lassner Wayne State University, as Supervising Editor, and Franz Rosenthal in Yale University. Estelle Whelan at the Columbia Center for Iranian Studies served as Editorial Coordinator.[63]

Ignác Goldziher Hungarian scholar, wrote in 1920 a book focusing on Tabari, titled in German as "Die Richtungen der islamischen Koranauslegung", and it was published by Brill Publishers.[64] Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary also published the complete History of the Prophets and Kings in 17 volumes in his center.[65] W. Montgomery Watt researched the history of Tabari, and from 1987 to 1999 published the book History of Tabari entitled "Muhammad at Mecca".[66] Also Manuscripts Tabari history, Tabari interpretation and translation of Tabari history stored in Central Library of Astan Quds Razavi.[67]

Moshe Pearlman, Ismail Poonawala, Fred Donner, Hugh N. Kennedy, Khalid Yahya Blankinship, R. Stephen Humphreys, Michael G. Morony, G. R. Hawting, Martin Hinds, Carole Hillenbrand, George Saliba, and Yohanan Friedmann authors and researchers were prominent, they published a collection of books on the history of Tabari with different titles.[68][69][70]

Texts relating to al-Tabari

Al-Azdi was an extremely early witness to the reception of al-Tabari's text - indeed, much earlier than the sources that are customarily used to improve our understanding of the Tarikh al-rusul wa-l-muluk, e.g., Miskawayh, Ibn Asakir, Ibn al-Athir, and Ibn Khallikan. Second, since al-Azdi was writing in the decades following al-Tabari, his Tarikh can say something about the reception of al-Tabari Tarikh among those who immediately followed the great master. That al-Tabari's history was immensely significant we can all agree; but as to precisely how he became so significant there is no clear consensus. Returning to Forand's insight, al-Azdi frequently drew on the same authorities tapped by al-Tabari, but whose works are for the most part now lost, such as Abu Ma'shar (170/786), Abu Mikhnaf (157/774), al-Haytham ibn 'Adi (207/822), al-Madaini (around 228/843), and 'Umar ibn Shabba (262/878).[71]

Realistic depictions alternate with formalized and archetypal narrative. Tabari is careful to give his reports of these conquests a religious frame (expressions such as "Nu'aym wrote to 'Umar about the victory that God had given him" [pp. 25–26] abound), though it is worth noting that Tabari describes the initiation of the campaign in pragmatic rather than ideological terms. He states that 'Umar's decision to invade came as a result of his realization Yazdegerd was making war on him every year, and when it was suggested to him that he would continue to do this until he was driven out of his kingdom" (p. 2). The religious frame in Tabari's account is therefore not inflexible or exclusive.[72]


In 2015, a statue of Jarir Tabari, along with another Iranian scientist, Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi, was erected in the courtyard of the National Library of Tajikistan.[73] There are streets and schools named after him in Riyadh, Doha, Amol, Qazvin, Khobar, Aqaba, Madaba, Beirut, Dhahran, Heliopolis, Kuwait, Homs, Hama and Baghdad.

Abdolhossein Zarrinkoob and Lefebvre Lucidio in a speech at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, founded the Tabari History Research Structure Institute.[74] The Jarir Tabari first international commemoration in 1989, with a suggestion by Mohammad Ebrahim Bastani Parizi was held by Kayhan magazine at Mazandaran University.[75] In 1987, The ERTU (Egyptian Radio and Television Union) produced the first TV series that presented the life of Jarir Tabari under the name “Imam al-Tabari”, it was directed by Magdy Abou Emira starring Ezzat El Alaili. In addition to Egypt, the biographical series was shown on Arabic channels in other countries.[76][77]

See also



  1. ^ Jonathan A.C. Brown (2007), The Canonization of al-Bukhārī and Muslim: The Formation and Function of the Sunnī Ḥadīth Canon, p. 151. Brill Publishers. ISBN 9789004158399.
  2. ^ Melchert, Christopher (1997). "Chapter 7: Al-Khallal and the Classical Hanbali school". The Formation of the Sunni Schools of Law, 9th-10th Centuries C.E. Koninklijke Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Publishers. p. 154. ISBN 90-04-10952-8. ..al-Tabarī and Ibn Khuzaymah were scholars of very great stature, their published creeds thoroughly traditionalist
  3. ^ Freyer Stowasser, Barbara (1994). "Introduction". Women in the Qur'an, Traditions, and Interpretation. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 8. ISBN 978-0-19-511148-4. The traditionalist Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (d. 923) authored a traditionist Qur'anic exegesis, Jami'al-bayan 'an ta'wil ay al-Qur'an (or fi tafsir al-Quran), and a traditionist History of the world..
  4. ^ a b Lindsay Jones (ed.), Encyclopedia of religion, volume 13, Macmillan Reference USA, 2005, p. 8943
  5. ^ The Cambridge History Of Iran, vol 4. London: Cambridge University Press. 1975. p. 599. ISBN 978-0-521-20093-6.
  6. ^ Muhammad Mojlum Khan (2009). The Muslim 100: The Lives, Thoughts and Achievements of the Most Influential Muslims in History. Kube Publishing Ltd. p. 182. ISBN 9781847740298.
  7. ^ A.C. Brown, Jonathan (2014). Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet's Legacy. Oneworld Publications. p. 193. ISBN 978-1780744209. Although it eventually became extinct, Tabari's madhhab flourished among Sunni ulama for two centuries after his death.
  8. ^ Rosenthal 1989, pp. 10–11.
  9. ^ Magdalino, Paul; Nelson, Robert S. (2010). The Old Testament in Byzantium. Harvard University Press. p. 279. ISBN 978-0-88402-348-7. the Persian-born, Baghdādī polymath Abū Jaʿfar b. Jarīr al-Ṭabarī (d. 923/310) was putting the finishing ...
  10. ^ Daniel, Elton L. (2000–2013). "ṬABARI, ABU JAʿFAR MOḤAMMAD B. JARIR". ENCYCLOPÆDIA IRANICA. Retrieved 4 December 2016. ...one of the most eminent Iranian scholars of the early Abbasid era... There is thus no way of knowing for certain whether Ṭabari's family was native to the Āol region or perhaps arrived with the wave of Muslim colonists after the Abbasid revolution, either as converts or Arab settlers.
  11. ^ Gaston Wiet, etc, "The Great Medieval Civilizations: cultural and scientific development. Volume 3. The great medieval civilizations. Part 1", Published by Allen and Unwin, 1975. pg 722:In the meantime another author, Tabari, Persian by origin, had been unobtrusively at work on two monumental pieces of writing, a commentary on the Koran ..
  12. ^ Bosworth, C.E. (24 April 2012). "al-Ṭabarī". Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition. ...whether the family was of indigenous stock or descended from Arab colonists in Tabaristan is unknown...
  13. ^ Cheung, Johnny (6 June 2016), On the (Middle) Iranian borrowings in Qur'ānic (and pre-Islamic) Arabic, retrieved 9 February 2023 "Even so, the evidence of the early philologists was so strong, that for the proponents of a “foreign free” Qur’ānic reading, the similarities between some of the Arabic forms and their foreign counterparts were just coincidental, or at least, Arabic happened to use those forms first in the Qur’ān, which is the position of the celebrated Persian historian and theologian al-Ṭabarī (839 - 923 CE) in his famous Tafsīr of the Qur’ān."
  14. ^ Rosenthal 1989, pp. 15–16.
  15. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 11.
  16. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 16.
  17. ^ a b Rosenthal 1989, p. 17.
  18. ^ Devin J. Stewart, "Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari's al-Bayan 'an Usul al-Ahkam and the Genre of Usul al-Fiqh in Ninth Century Baghdad," p. 325. Taken from Abbasid Studies: Occasional Papers of the School of Abbasid Studies, Cambridge, 6–10 January 2002. Edited by James Montgomery. Leuven: Peeters Publishers and the Department of Oriental Studies, 2004.
  19. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 18.
  20. ^ a b c Rosenthal 1989, p. 19.
  21. ^ a b Rosenthal 1989, p. 20.
  22. ^ Ibn al-Nadim, al-Fihrist, p. 291. Ed. Rida Tajaddud. Tehran: Dar al-Masirah, 1988.
  23. ^ Christopher Melchert, The Formation of the Sunni Schools of Law: 9th–10th Centuries C.E., p. 185. Leiden: Brill Publishers, 1997.
  24. ^ Yaqut al-Hamawi, Irshad, vol. 18, p. 78.
  25. ^ Stewart, Tabari, p. 326.
  26. ^ al-Hamawi, vol. 18, pp. 57–58.
  27. ^ a b Rosenthal 1989, p. 21.
  28. ^ a b Rosenthal 1989, p. 22.
  29. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 23.
  30. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 27.
  31. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 31.
  32. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 14.
  33. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 52.
  34. ^ Boaz Shoshan, Poetics of Islamic Historiography: Deconstructing Ṭabarī's History, introductio, p. xxvi. Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2004. ISBN 9004137939
  35. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 36.
  36. ^ Saliba, George. The History of Al-Ṭabarī = Taʻrīkh al-rusul wa ʻl-mulūk. Vol. XXXVIII. New York: State University of New York, 1985. Print.
  37. ^ Yaqut al-Hamawi, Irshad, vol. 18, pp. 57–58.
  38. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 73.
  39. ^ a b c d e f Rosenthal 1989, p. 78.
  40. ^ Joel L. Kraemer, Humanism in the Renaissance of Islam: The Cultural Revival During the Buyid Age, p. 61. Volume 7 of Studies in Islamic culture and history. Leiden: Brill Publishers, 1992. ISBN 978-9004097360
  41. ^ Joel L. Kraemer, p. 62.
  42. ^ Al-Ṭabarī
  43. ^ a b Rosenthal 1989, p. 40.
  44. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 46.
  45. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 41.
  46. ^ Camilla Adang (1996). Muslim Writers on Judaism and the Hebrew Bible: From Ibn Rabban to Ibn Hazm. Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies. Vol. 22. E. J. Brill. p. 42. ISBN 9789004100343.
  47. ^ Gibril Fouad Haddad. "The Prophet's (s) Seating on the Throne". www.naqshbandi.ca. Naqshbandi Order in Montreal.
  48. ^ The History of al-Tabari Vol. 1: General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood. Vol. 1. Translated by Franz Rosenthal. State University of New York Press (SUNY Press). 1989. pp. 73–74. ISBN 9781438417837.
  49. ^ Dr. Mona Zaytoun. "محنة الإمام الطبري مع الحنابلة". www.almothaqaf.com. Almothaqaf Newspaper.
  50. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 77.
  51. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 55.
  52. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 61.
  53. ^ Rosenthal 1989, p. 56.
  54. ^ Rosenthal 1989, pp. 63–66.
  55. ^ Devin J. Stewart, "Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari's al-Bayan 'an Usul al-Ahkam and the Genre of Usul al-Fiqh in Ninth Century Baghdad," pg. 339. Taken from Abbasid Studies: Occasional Papers of the School of Abbasid Studies, Cambridge, 6–10 January 2002. Edited by James Montgomery. Leuven: Peeters Publishers and the Department of Oriental Studies, 2004.
  56. ^ The History of al-Tabari (Tarikh al-Rusul Walmuluk). Vol. XXVIII: Abbasid Authority Affirmed, the Early Years of al-Mansur A.D. 753-763/A.H. 136–145 by Al-Tabari (Abu Jafar Muhammad Ibn Jarir); Jane Dammen McAuliffe, Review by: Daniel, Elton L. (1997). "Review". International Journal of Middle East Studies. 29 (2): 287–289. doi:10.1017/S0020743800064564. JSTOR 164026.
  57. ^ Osman, Ghada. "ORAL VS. WRITTEN TRANSMISSION: THE CASE OF ṬABARĪ AND IBN SAʿD." Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 15 May 2012.
  58. ^ Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden. Aus der arabischen Chronik des Tabari. Übersetzt und mit ausführlichen Erläuterungen und Ergänzungen versehen von Theodor Nöldeke. Leiden 1879 (Digitalisat der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle).
  59. ^ University and State Library / MENAdoc-Sammlung
  60. ^ Tabarî, La Chronique Histoire des prophètes et des rois. 2 Bände, übersetzt aus dem Persischen von Hermann Zotenberg. Éditions Actes Sud / Sindbad 2001, Band I, ISBN 2-7427-3317-5, Band II, ISBN 2-7427-3318-3.
  61. ^ General Introduction and From Creation to the Flood, Franz Rosenthal (1989)
  62. ^ Clifford Edmund Bosworth (Übersetzer), Vorwort von Ehsan Yarshater: Al-Tabari. The Sasanids, the Byzantines, the Lakhmids, and Yemen. State University of New York Press, Albany 1999 (erschienen in der oben genannten Reihe, behandelt die Geschichte der Sasaniden).
  63. ^ Center for Iranian Studies
  64. ^ Ignaz Goldziher: Die Richtungen der islamischen Koranauslegung. Brill, Leiden 1920
  65. ^ Табари // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона : в 86 т. (82 т. и 4 доп.). — СПб., 1890—1907.
  66. ^ The History of Al-Tabari, Vol. 6: Muhammad at Mecca (SUNY Series in Near Eastern Studies), AbeBooks
  67. ^ Prominent works of Muhammad ibn Jarir Tabari
  68. ^ "al-Tabari", Oxford Bibliographies Online
  69. ^ The History of al-Tabari (Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk) / Cambridge Dictionary
  70. ^ Set - History of al-Tabari / SUNY Press
  71. ^ A Local Historian's Debt to al-Ṭabarī: The Case of al-Azdī's Tarīkh al-Mawṣil, Chase F. Robinson, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 126, No. 4 (October – December 2006), pp. 521–535, Published by: American Oriental Society, Article Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/20064541.
  72. ^ The History of al-Tabari (Tarikh al-rusul wal-muluk). Vol. XIV: The Conquest of Iran by al-Tabari; G. Rex Smith, Review by: Hassan I. Mneimneh, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 28, No. 2 (May 1996), pp. 262–264, Published by: Cambridge University Press, Article Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/176433
  73. ^ Anothertravelguide.com (July 2013). "National Library of Tajikistan". Retrieved 14 July 2020.
  74. ^ "درباره عبدالحسین زرین‌ کوب" [About Zarinkoob About his work]. IRNA. Retrieved 14 July 2020.
  75. ^ "قلم سحرآمیز "استاد پاریز"" [Congress in honor of Sheikh Historian Muhammad ibn Jarir Tabari]. Magiran. Mazandaran University. Retrieved 14 July 2020.
  76. ^ "Tabari (1987)". elCinema.com. Retrieved 14 July 2020.
  77. ^ "من الزير سالم لملوك الطوائف ." [The most important Syrian historical drama]. Diwan Al Arab (in Arabic). Retrieved 14 July 2020.


External links

  • Elton L. Daniel. "Tabari". Encyclopædia Iranica. Retrieved 14 September 2017.
  • "Biographical Data: Abu Jaffar Tabari". salaam.co.uk. Retrieved 15 September 2008.

tabari, other, people, named, tabari, tabari, disambiguation, abū, jaʿfar, muḥammad, jarīr, yazīd, Ṭabarī, arabic, أبو, جعفر, محمد, بن, جرير, بن, يزيد, الطبري, more, commonly, known, Ṭabarī, الطبري, muslim, historian, scholar, from, amol, tabaristan, among, mo. For other people named Al Tabari see Al Tabari disambiguation Abu Jaʿfar Muḥammad ibn Jarir ibn Yazid al Ṭabari Arabic أبو جعفر محمد بن جرير بن يزيد الطبري more commonly known as al Ṭabari الطبري was a Muslim historian and scholar from Amol Tabaristan Among the most prominent figures of the Islamic Golden Age al Tabari is known for his historical works and his expertise in Qur anic exegesis tafsir but he has also been described as an impressively prolific polymath 4 He wrote works on a diverse range of subjects including world history poetry lexicography grammar ethics mathematics and medicine 4 5 Muhammad ibn Jarir al TabariPersonalBorn839 CE 224 AH Amol Tabaristan Abbasid Caliphate present day Iran Died923 CE 310 AH aged 84 Baghdad Abbasid Caliphate present day Iraq ReligionIslamEraMedieval eraRegionAbbasid CaliphateDenominationSunni 1 JurisprudenceFounded the Jariri madhhabCreedAthari 2 3 Notable work s Tafsir al Ṭabari History of the Prophets and Kings Tahdhib al athar Ikhtilaf al fuqaha Disagreement of the Jurists Muslim leaderInfluenced by Dawud al ZahiriInfluenced al Suyuti Ibn KathirHis most influential and best known works are his Quranic commentary known in Arabic as Tafsir al Ṭabari and his historical chronicle called History of the Prophets and Kings Tarikh al rusul wa l muluk often referred to as Tarikh al Ṭabari al Tabari s History Al Tabari followed the Shafi i madhhab for nearly a decade before he developed his own interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence His understanding of fiqh was both sophisticated and remarkably fluid and as such he continued to develop his ideas and thoughts on juristic matters right to the end of his life 6 Al Tabari s school madhhab of legal thought flourished among Sunni ulama for two centuries after his death before it eventually became extinct 7 It was usually designated by the name Jariri jurisprudence Contents 1 Biography 2 Personal characteristics 3 Tabari s ordeal with Hanbalites 4 Works 5 Translations of Tabari s book 6 Texts relating to al Tabari 7 Reception 8 See also 9 References 9 1 Citations 9 2 Sources 10 External linksBiography EditTabari was born in Amol Tabaristan some 20 km south of the Caspian Sea in the winter of 838 39 8 He has been described as either of Persian or Arab origin 9 10 11 12 13 He memorized the Qur an at seven was a qualified prayer leader at eight and began to study the prophetic traditions at nine He left home to study in 236 AH 14 850 1 AD when he was twelve He retained close ties to his hometown He returned at least twice the second time in 290 AH 903 AD when his outspokenness caused some uneasiness and led to his quick departure 15 He first went to Ray Rhages where he remained for some five years 16 A major teacher in Rayy was Abu Abdillah Muhammad ibn Humayd al Razi who had earlier taught in Baghdad but was now in his seventies 17 While in Ray he also studied Muslim jurisprudence according to the Hanafi school 18 Among other material ibn Humayd taught Jarir Tabari the historical works of ibn Ishaq especially al Sirah his life of Muhammad 19 Tabari was thus introduced in youth to pre Islamic and early Islamic history Tabari quotes ibn Humayd frequently but little is known about Tabari s other teachers in Rayy 17 Tabari then travelled to study in Baghdad under Ahmad ibn Hanbal who however had recently died in late 855 or early 856 20 Tabari possibly made a pilgrimage prior to his first arrival in Baghdad 20 He left Baghdad probably in 242 AH 856 7 AD 21 to travel through the southern cities of Basra Kufah and Wasit 20 There he met a number of eminent and venerable scholars 21 In addition to his previous study of Hanafi law Tabari also studied the Shafi i Maliki and Zahiri rites 22 Tabari s study of the latter school was with the founder Dawud al Zahiri 23 and Tabari hand copied and transmitted many of his teacher s works 24 Tabari was then well versed in four of the five remaining Sunni legal schools before founding his own independent yet eventually extinct school His debates with his former teachers and classmates were known and served as a demonstration of said independence 25 Notably missing from this list is the Hanbali school the fourth largest legal school within Sunni Islam in the present era Tabari s view of Ibn Hanbal the school s founder became decidedly negative later in life Tabari did not give Ibn Hanbal s dissenting opinion any weight at all when considering the various views of jurists stating that Ibn Hanbal had not even been a jurist at all but merely a recorder of Hadith 26 On his return to Baghdad he took a tutoring position from the vizier Ubaydallah ibn Yahya ibn Khaqan 27 This would have been before A H 244 858 since the vizier was out of office and in exile from 244 to 248 858 9 to 862 27 There is an anecdote telling that Tabari had agreed to tutor for ten dinars a month but his teaching was so effective and the boy s writing so impressive that the teacher was offered a tray of dinars and dirhams The ever ethical Tabari declined the offer saying he had undertaken to do his work at the specified amount and could not honorably take more 28 That is one of a number of narratives about him declining gifts or giving gifts of equal or greater amount in return 28 In his late twenties he travelled to Syria Palestine India and Egypt 29 In Beirut he made the highly significant connection of al Abbas ibn al Walid ibn Mazyad al Udhri al Bayruti c 169 270 785 86 to 883 84 Al Abbas instructed Tabari in the Syrian school s variant readings of the Qur an and transmitted through his father al Walid the legal views of al Awza i Beirut s prominent jurist from a century earlier Tabari arrived in Egypt in 253 AH 867 AD 30 and some time after 256 870 he returned to Baghdad 31 possibly making a pilgrimage on the way If so he did not stay long in the Hijaz Tabari had a private income from his father while he was still living and then the inheritance 32 He took money for teaching Among Tabari s students was Ibn al Mughallis who was also a student of Tabari s own teacher Muhammad bin Dawud al Zahiri Ibn al Mughallis lavished Tabari with almost excessive praise 33 34 He never took a government or a judicial position 35 Tabari was some fifty years old when al Mu tadid became caliph He was well past seventy in the year his History was published During the intervening years he was a famous if somewhat controversial personality Among the figures of his age he had access to sources of information equal to anyone except perhaps those who were directly connected with decision making within the government Most if not all the materials for the histories of al Mu tadid al Muktafi and the early years of al Muqtadir were collected by him about the time the reported events took place His accounts are as authentic as one can expect from that period 36 Tabari final years were marked by conflict with the Hanbalite followers of Al Hasan ibn Ali al Barbahari a student of the students of Ibn Hanbal Tabari was known for his view that Hanbalism was not a legitimate school of thought as Ibn Hanbal was a compiler of traditions and not a proper jurist 37 The Hanbalites of Baghdad would often stone Tabari s house escalating the persecution to the point where Abbasid authorities had to subdue them by force 38 The Baghdad chief of police tried to organize a debate between Tabari and the Hanbalites to settle their differences While Tabari accepted the Hanbalites did not show up but instead came later to pelt his house with stones again The constant threat of violence from the Hanbalites hung over Tabari s head for the rest of his life 39 Tabari died on 17 February 923 39 Some sources suggest that Abbasid authorities buried Tabari at night in secret as they feared mob violence by the Hanbalites 40 but these reports are uncertain and other sources agree that he was buried in the morning after his death 39 Regardless Tabari was remembered positively by contemporaries such as Ibn Duraid 39 and the Hanbalites were condemned by Abbasid authorities in their entirety for persecuting opponents roughly a decade later They even prevented people from meeting with him and Ibn Jarir remained trapped in his home until he died 41 The period in which Tabari lived was full of religious differences and political unrest which was characterized by the stigmatization and accusation of individuals 42 Tomb of al Tabari in Baghdad IraqPersonal characteristics EditHe is described as having a dark complexion large eyes and a long beard He was tall and slender 43 and his hair and beard remained black until he was very old He was attentive to his health avoiding red meat fats and other foods he deemed unhealthy He was seldom sick before his last decade when he suffered from bouts of pleurisy When he was ill he treated himself to the approval of physicians He had a sense of humor though serious subjects he treated seriously He had studied poetry when young and enjoyed writing reciting and participating in poetic exchanges It is said that he was asked in Egypt about al Tirimmah and was able to recite this 7th century poet s work for Egyptians who had merely heard al Tirimmah s name 44 Ali ibn al Athir in his memoirs he confirmed these features He was witty and urbane clean and well mannered 45 He avoided coarse speech instead displaying refined eloquence 43 He had a good grounding in grammar lexicography and philology Such were considered essential for Qur anic commentary He knew Persian and was acquainted with the origins of various foreign loan words in Arabic from a number of other languages Al Tabari was very humble to his companions visitors and students without being proud of his position condescending with his knowledge or being domineering towards others He did not bear hatred against anyone and he had a satisfied soul excusing those who had wronged him and forgiving those who offended him He died in Baghdad on 17 February 923 39 Bal ami s 14th century Persian version of Universal History by TabariTabari s ordeal with Hanbalites EditHis ijtihad independent judgement led to criticism from the Zahiris and some fanatic Hanbali followers Though his conflict with the leaders of the Zahiriyya was resolved the Hanbalites literally besieged him in his own home Apparently al Tabari did not think much of Ibn Hanbal as a jurist faqih but mainly saw him as a traditionist muhaddith and this was enough to incite the Hanbalites against him Al Tabari was suddenly accused of being a Jahmite heretic while his respect for Ali ibn Abi Talib the fourth rightly guided caliph exposed him to accusations of Shi ite sympathies At the same time he incurred the wrath of the Shi ites by defending the previous three caliphs 46 In Baghdad three Hanbalites who do not seem further identifiable asked al Tabari about his views on a tradition attributed to Mujahid concerning the explanation of the verse 79 from Surat al Isra in the Qur an about the Praiseworthy Station of the Prophet Muhammad known as al Maqam al Mahmud The verse is And some part of the night awake for it this would be an optional prayer or spiritual profit for you it may be that your Lord will exalt you to a Praiseworthy Station Quran 17 79 Translated by Nurettin Uzunoglu In the books of Tafsir interpretation of the Qur an authors indicated that the Praiseworthy Station al Maqam al Mahmud mentioned in the above verse is the most highest place in Paradise which will be granted to the Prophet Muhammad and none else and the position of intercession Shafa a will be giving to him by permission of Allah God on behalf of the believers on the Day of Judgment The Prophet Muhammad will intercede on their behalf so that Allah God will relieve them of the suffering of such a situation However the Hanbalites interpreted the Praiseworthy Station as the seating of the Prophet Muhammad by Allah God on the Throne despite the overall weakness of the narrations supporting it 47 Al Tabari is said to have declared bluntly that it was absurd Moreover he recited ولا له في عرشه جليس سبحان من ليس له أنيسExalted Glorified be the One Allah Who has no comrade nor companion sitting on His ThroneUpon hearing this the fanatic Hanbali followers attacked him fiercely and stoned his residence and caused a serious disturbance which had to be subdued by force Trouble with the Hanbalites that took a similar form was also reported at the time of al Tabari s death In connection with it Nazuk is mentioned as chief of police He was appointed to this position only in 310 922 the year al Tabari died but he appears to have held high positions in the police before and may already have been in charge of al Tabari s protection against potential Hanbalite violence In 309 921 the wazir Ali b Isa had offered al Tabari the opportunity to debate the matter with the Hanbalites in his residence Al Tabari agreed but the Hanbalites did not show up However shortly before his death Hanbalite rioters supposedly pelted his house with stones so numerous that they formed a large wall in front of it 48 49 According to Franz Rosenthal The role of Hanbalite hostility though real seems to have been exaggerated in connection with his death as it was in his life 39 He further adds that Those who knew Tabari best always played down the inconveniences he suffered from the Hanbalites 50 Works Edit Opening lines of the Quran from a Persian translation of Tabari s commentary Al Tabari wrote history theology and Qur anic commentary His principal and most influential works were Tafsir al Tabari Commentary of al Tabari Qur anic commentary tafsir Tarikh al Rusul wa al Muluk History of the Prophets and Kings historical chronicle often referred to as Tarikh al Tabari His legal texts commentaries and Qur anic exegesis and history produced respectively were published throughout his lifetime Biographers stress his reverence for scholarship objectivity and independent judgement ijtihad 51 He rates the credibility of his sources from a theological rather than an historical standpoint yet he opposed religious innovation In one anecdote Abu Kamil suggested him when he was near death to forgive his enemies which he agreed to apart from one who called him an innovator 52 Tabari was generally conciliatory moderate and affable 53 Initially Tabari belonged to the Shafi ite madhhab school of fiqh Islamic law and was welcomed by them He established his own madhhab usually designated the Jariri madhhab after his patronymic His school failed to endure in the competitive atmosphere of the times As a youth in Baghdad he had applied to the Hanbalite s but received a hostile rejection 54 Al Tabari s jurisprudence belongs to a type which Christopher Melchert has called Rationalism largely associated with the Shafi i madhhab It was characterized by strong scripturalist tendencies He appears like Dawud al Zahiri to restrict consensus historically defining it as the transmission by many authorities of reports on which the Sahaba agreed unanimously Like Dawud al Zahiri he also held that consensus must be tied to a text and cannot be based on legal analogy 55 While we still lack a satisfactory scholarly biography of this remarkable scholar interested readers now have access to a meticulous and well annotated translation of the sections from al Tabari s chronicle which constitute the most important primary source for the history of his reign Anyone familiar with al Tabari s chronicle knows what a formidable challenge it poses for a translator especially for one attempting to make it accessible to an audience that includes non specialists There is first of all the obstacle of al Tabari s Arabic prose which varies greatly in style and complexity according to the source he is using and apparently quoting verbatim The sections in the McAuliffe translation drawn mostly from al Mada ini and Umar ibn Shabba do not represent the most obscure passages to be found in al Tabari but they are nonetheless full of linguistic ambiguities and difficulties for the translator 56 He wrote extensively his voluminous corpus containing three main titles History of the Prophets and Kings Tarikh al Rusul wa al Muluk commonly called Tarikh al Tabari The first of the two large works generally known as the Annals Arabic Tarikh al Tabari This is a universal history from the time of Qur anic Creation to 915 and is renowned for its detail and accuracy concerning Muslim and Middle Eastern history Tabari s work is one of the major primary sources for historians The History commenced with the Creation followed by accounts regarding the patriarchs prophets and rulers of antiquity The history of the Sasanian Empire came next For the period of the Prophet s life al Ṭabari drew upon the extensive researches of 8th century Medinan scholars Although pre Islamic influences are evident in their works the Medinan perspective of Muslim history evolved as a theocentric god centred universal history of prophecy culminating in the career of Muhammad and not as a continuum of tribal wars and values The sources for al Ṭabari s History covering the years from the Prophet s death to the fall of the Umayyad dynasty 661 750 CE were short monographs each treating a major event or the circumstances attending the death of an important person Al Ṭabari supplemented this material with historical reports embodied in works on genealogy poetry and tribal affairs Further details of the early ʿAbbasid period were available to him in a few histories of the caliphs that unfortunately have come down only in the fragments preserved by al Ṭabari Almost all of these accounts reflected an Iraqi perspective of the community coupled with this is al Ṭabari s scant attention to affairs in Egypt North Africa and Muslim Spain so that his History does not have the secular universal outlook sometimes attributed to it From the beginning of the Muslim era dated from 622 the date of the hijrah the Prophet Muhammad s migration from Mecca to Medina the History is arranged as a set of annals according to the years after the hijrah It terminates in the year 915 The Commentary on the Qur an Commentary al Tabari His second great work was the commentary on the Qur an Arabic Tafsir al Tabari which was marked by the same fullness of detail as the Annals Abul Qaasim Ibn Aqil Al Warraq says Imam Ibn Jarir once said to his students Are you all ready to write down my lesson on the commentary of the entire Holy Quran They enquired as to how lengthy it would be 30 000 pages he replied They said This would take a long time and cannot be completed in one lifetime He therefore made it concise and kept it to 3000 pages note this was in reference to the old days when they used ink and hard paper which was a bit long format today It took him seven years to finish it from the year 283 until 290 It is said that it is the most voluminous Athari Tafsir i e based on hadith not intellect existent today and so well received by the Ummah that it survived to this day intact due to its popularity and widely printed copies available worldwide Scholars such as Baghawi and Suyuti used it largely It was used in compiling the Tafsir ibn Kathir which is often referred to as Mukhtasar Tafsir at Tabari Tahdhib al Athar was begun by Tabari This was on the traditions transmitted from the Companions of Muhammad It was not however completed A perusal of Tabari shows that he in fact relied on a variety of historians and other authors such as Abu Mihnaf Sayf b Umar Ibn al Kalbi Awana ibn al Hakam Nasr b Muzahim al Mada ini Urwa b al Zubayr al Zuhri Ibn Ishaq Waqidi Wahb b Munabbih Ka b al Ahbar Ibn al Matni al Haggag b al Minhal Hisham b Urwa al Zubayr b Bakkar and so forth in addition to oral accounts that were circulating at the time In recounting his history Tabari used numerous channels to give accounts These are both channels that are given by the same author in a work such as for example three different accounts that start with the isnad al Harita 57 Although no subject in history recitation of the Quran and its interpretation poetry grammar and vocabulary ethics mathematics and theology remained untouched by Tabari he is primarily known as the author and author of history Translations of Tabari s book EditThis book has been translated a lot so far Less than fifty years after the author s death the history of the Prophet and the Kings has been translated into Persian by Muhammad Bal ami the minister of science of Nuh II in 352 AH Theodor Noldeke the German orientalist in 1879 has also translated the Sassanid section of Tabari s history into German and has since been reprinted several times 58 59 Dutch orientalist Michael Jan de Goeje in several volumes translated Tabari s history book into Dutch The book was later translated into English and republished in 1998 by State University of New York Press and Paris Diderot University Hermann Zotenberg published the history of Tabari in French Language in four volumes in Paris 60 His book on the nativities and history was translated into Latin by Giovanni da Siviglia and published in Venice in 1503 Franz Rosenthal translated in 1989 Tabari history book of three volumes with title History of the Middle East 61 Clifford Edmund Bosworth published the book History of Tabari in three volumes with an introduction by Ehsan Yarshater in 1999 in the United States Albania and France 62 Planning for the translation of this great chronicle book into English in forty volumes began in 1971 led by Ehsan Yarshater as General Editor and assisted by an Editorial Board Ihsan Abbas American University of Beirut Clifford Edmund Bosworth University of Manchester Jacob Lassner Wayne State University as Supervising Editor and Franz Rosenthal in Yale University Estelle Whelan at the Columbia Center for Iranian Studies served as Editorial Coordinator 63 Ignac Goldziher Hungarian scholar wrote in 1920 a book focusing on Tabari titled in German as Die Richtungen der islamischen Koranauslegung and it was published by Brill Publishers 64 Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary also published the complete History of the Prophets and Kings in 17 volumes in his center 65 W Montgomery Watt researched the history of Tabari and from 1987 to 1999 published the book History of Tabari entitled Muhammad at Mecca 66 Also Manuscripts Tabari history Tabari interpretation and translation of Tabari history stored in Central Library of Astan Quds Razavi 67 Moshe Pearlman Ismail Poonawala Fred Donner Hugh N Kennedy Khalid Yahya Blankinship R Stephen Humphreys Michael G Morony G R Hawting Martin Hinds Carole Hillenbrand George Saliba and Yohanan Friedmann authors and researchers were prominent they published a collection of books on the history of Tabari with different titles 68 69 70 Texts relating to al Tabari EditAl Azdi was an extremely early witness to the reception of al Tabari s text indeed much earlier than the sources that are customarily used to improve our understanding of the Tarikh al rusul wa l muluk e g Miskawayh Ibn Asakir Ibn al Athir and Ibn Khallikan Second since al Azdi was writing in the decades following al Tabari his Tarikh can say something about the reception of al Tabari Tarikh among those who immediately followed the great master That al Tabari s history was immensely significant we can all agree but as to precisely how he became so significant there is no clear consensus Returning to Forand s insight al Azdi frequently drew on the same authorities tapped by al Tabari but whose works are for the most part now lost such as Abu Ma shar 170 786 Abu Mikhnaf 157 774 al Haytham ibn Adi 207 822 al Madaini around 228 843 and Umar ibn Shabba 262 878 71 Realistic depictions alternate with formalized and archetypal narrative Tabari is careful to give his reports of these conquests a religious frame expressions such as Nu aym wrote to Umar about the victory that God had given him pp 25 26 abound though it is worth noting that Tabari describes the initiation of the campaign in pragmatic rather than ideological terms He states that Umar s decision to invade came as a result of his realization Yazdegerd was making war on him every year and when it was suggested to him that he would continue to do this until he was driven out of his kingdom p 2 The religious frame in Tabari s account is therefore not inflexible or exclusive 72 Reception EditIn 2015 a statue of Jarir Tabari along with another Iranian scientist Muhammad ibn Zakariya al Razi was erected in the courtyard of the National Library of Tajikistan 73 There are streets and schools named after him in Riyadh Doha Amol Qazvin Khobar Aqaba Madaba Beirut Dhahran Heliopolis Kuwait Homs Hama and Baghdad Abdolhossein Zarrinkoob and Lefebvre Lucidio in a speech at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies founded the Tabari History Research Structure Institute 74 The Jarir Tabari first international commemoration in 1989 with a suggestion by Mohammad Ebrahim Bastani Parizi was held by Kayhan magazine at Mazandaran University 75 In 1987 The ERTU Egyptian Radio and Television Union produced the first TV series that presented the life of Jarir Tabari under the name Imam al Tabari it was directed by Magdy Abou Emira starring Ezzat El Alaili In addition to Egypt the biographical series was shown on Arabic channels in other countries 76 77 See also Edital Tirmidhi Ibn Kullab Islamic scholars List of Persian scientists and scholars List of Muslim historians Bal amiReferences EditCitations Edit Jonathan A C Brown 2007 The Canonization of al Bukhari and Muslim The Formation and Function of the Sunni Ḥadith Canon p 151 Brill Publishers ISBN 9789004158399 Melchert Christopher 1997 Chapter 7 Al Khallal and the Classical Hanbali school The Formation of the Sunni Schools of Law 9th 10th Centuries C E Koninklijke Brill Leiden The Netherlands Brill Publishers p 154 ISBN 90 04 10952 8 al Tabari and Ibn Khuzaymah were scholars of very great stature their published creeds thoroughly traditionalist Freyer Stowasser Barbara 1994 Introduction Women in the Qur an Traditions and Interpretation New York Oxford University Press p 8 ISBN 978 0 19 511148 4 The traditionalist Abu Ja far Muhammad ibn Jarir al Tabari d 923 authored a traditionist Qur anic exegesis Jami al bayan an ta wil ay al Qur an or fi tafsir al Quran and a traditionist History of the world a b Lindsay Jones ed Encyclopedia of religion volume 13 Macmillan Reference USA 2005 p 8943 The Cambridge History Of Iran vol 4 London Cambridge University Press 1975 p 599 ISBN 978 0 521 20093 6 Muhammad Mojlum Khan 2009 The Muslim 100 The Lives Thoughts and Achievements of the Most Influential Muslims in History Kube Publishing Ltd p 182 ISBN 9781847740298 A C Brown Jonathan 2014 Misquoting Muhammad The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet s Legacy Oneworld Publications p 193 ISBN 978 1780744209 Although it eventually became extinct Tabari s madhhab flourished among Sunni ulama for two centuries after his death Rosenthal 1989 pp 10 11 Magdalino Paul Nelson Robert S 2010 The Old Testament in Byzantium Harvard University Press p 279 ISBN 978 0 88402 348 7 the Persian born Baghdadi polymath Abu Jaʿfar b Jarir al Ṭabari d 923 310 was putting the finishing Daniel Elton L 2000 2013 ṬABARI ABU JAʿFAR MOḤAMMAD B JARIR ENCYCLOPAEDIA IRANICA Retrieved 4 December 2016 one of the most eminent Iranian scholars of the early Abbasid era There is thus no way of knowing for certain whether Ṭabari s family was native to the Aol region or perhaps arrived with the wave of Muslim colonists after the Abbasid revolution either as converts or Arab settlers Gaston Wiet etc The Great Medieval Civilizations cultural and scientific development Volume 3 The great medieval civilizations Part 1 Published by Allen and Unwin 1975 pg 722 In the meantime another author Tabari Persian by origin had been unobtrusively at work on two monumental pieces of writing a commentary on the Koran Bosworth C E 24 April 2012 al Ṭabari Encyclopaedia of Islam Second Edition whether the family was of indigenous stock or descended from Arab colonists in Tabaristan is unknown Cheung Johnny 6 June 2016 On the Middle Iranian borrowings in Qur anic and pre Islamic Arabic retrieved 9 February 2023 Even so the evidence of the early philologists was so strong that for the proponents of a foreign free Qur anic reading the similarities between some of the Arabic forms and their foreign counterparts were just coincidental or at least Arabic happened to use those forms first in the Qur an which is the position of the celebrated Persian historian and theologian al Ṭabari 839 923 CE in his famous Tafsir of the Qur an Rosenthal 1989 pp 15 16 Rosenthal 1989 p 11 Rosenthal 1989 p 16 a b Rosenthal 1989 p 17 Devin J Stewart Muhammad b Jarir al Tabari s al Bayan an Usul al Ahkam and the Genre of Usul al Fiqh in Ninth Century Baghdad p 325 Taken from Abbasid Studies Occasional Papers of the School of Abbasid Studies Cambridge 6 10 January 2002 Edited by James Montgomery Leuven Peeters Publishers and the Department of Oriental Studies 2004 Rosenthal 1989 p 18 a b c Rosenthal 1989 p 19 a b Rosenthal 1989 p 20 Ibn al Nadim al Fihrist p 291 Ed Rida Tajaddud Tehran Dar al Masirah 1988 Christopher Melchert The Formation of the Sunni Schools of Law 9th 10th Centuries C E p 185 Leiden Brill Publishers 1997 Yaqut al Hamawi Irshad vol 18 p 78 Stewart Tabari p 326 al Hamawi vol 18 pp 57 58 a b Rosenthal 1989 p 21 a b Rosenthal 1989 p 22 Rosenthal 1989 p 23 Rosenthal 1989 p 27 Rosenthal 1989 p 31 Rosenthal 1989 p 14 Rosenthal 1989 p 52 Boaz Shoshan Poetics of Islamic Historiography Deconstructing Ṭabari s History introductio p xxvi Leiden Brill Publishers 2004 ISBN 9004137939 Rosenthal 1989 p 36 Saliba George The History of Al Ṭabari Taʻrikh al rusul wa ʻl muluk Vol XXXVIII New York State University of New York 1985 Print Yaqut al Hamawi Irshad vol 18 pp 57 58 Rosenthal 1989 p 73 a b c d e f Rosenthal 1989 p 78 Joel L Kraemer Humanism in the Renaissance of Islam The Cultural Revival During the Buyid Age p 61 Volume 7 of Studies in Islamic culture and history Leiden Brill Publishers 1992 ISBN 978 9004097360 Joel L Kraemer p 62 Al Ṭabari a b Rosenthal 1989 p 40 Rosenthal 1989 p 46 Rosenthal 1989 p 41 Camilla Adang 1996 Muslim Writers on Judaism and the Hebrew Bible From Ibn Rabban to Ibn Hazm Islamic Philosophy Theology and Science Texts and Studies Vol 22 E J Brill p 42 ISBN 9789004100343 Gibril Fouad Haddad The Prophet s s Seating on the Throne www naqshbandi ca Naqshbandi Order in Montreal The History of al Tabari Vol 1 General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood Vol 1 Translated by Franz Rosenthal State University of New York Press SUNY Press 1989 pp 73 74 ISBN 9781438417837 Dr Mona Zaytoun محنة الإمام الطبري مع الحنابلة www almothaqaf com Almothaqaf Newspaper Rosenthal 1989 p 77 Rosenthal 1989 p 55 Rosenthal 1989 p 61 Rosenthal 1989 p 56 Rosenthal 1989 pp 63 66 Devin J Stewart Muhammad b Jarir al Tabari s al Bayan an Usul al Ahkam and the Genre of Usul al Fiqh in Ninth Century Baghdad pg 339 Taken from Abbasid Studies Occasional Papers of the School of Abbasid Studies Cambridge 6 10 January 2002 Edited by James Montgomery Leuven Peeters Publishers and the Department of Oriental Studies 2004 The History of al Tabari Tarikh al Rusul Walmuluk Vol XXVIII Abbasid Authority Affirmed the Early Years of al Mansur A D 753 763 A H 136 145 by Al Tabari Abu Jafar Muhammad Ibn Jarir Jane Dammen McAuliffe Review by Daniel Elton L 1997 Review International Journal of Middle East Studies 29 2 287 289 doi 10 1017 S0020743800064564 JSTOR 164026 Osman Ghada ORAL VS WRITTEN TRANSMISSION THE CASE OF ṬABARi AND IBN SAʿD Academic Search Premier EBSCO Web 15 May 2012 Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden Aus der arabischen Chronik des Tabari Ubersetzt und mit ausfuhrlichen Erlauterungen und Erganzungen versehen von Theodor Noldeke Leiden 1879 Digitalisat der Universitats und Landesbibliothek Sachsen Anhalt Halle University and State Library MENAdoc Sammlung Tabari La Chronique Histoire des prophetes et des rois 2 Bande ubersetzt aus dem Persischen von Hermann Zotenberg Editions Actes Sud Sindbad 2001 Band I ISBN 2 7427 3317 5 Band II ISBN 2 7427 3318 3 General Introduction and From Creation to the Flood Franz Rosenthal 1989 Clifford Edmund Bosworth Ubersetzer Vorwort von Ehsan Yarshater Al Tabari The Sasanids the Byzantines the Lakhmids and Yemen State University of New York Press Albany 1999 erschienen in der oben genannten Reihe behandelt die Geschichte der Sasaniden Center for Iranian Studies Ignaz Goldziher Die Richtungen der islamischen Koranauslegung Brill Leiden 1920 Tabari Enciklopedicheskij slovar Brokgauza i Efrona v 86 t 82 t i 4 dop SPb 1890 1907 The History of Al Tabari Vol 6 Muhammad at Mecca SUNY Series in Near Eastern Studies AbeBooks Prominent works of Muhammad ibn Jarir Tabari al Tabari Oxford Bibliographies Online The History of al Tabari Ta rikh al rusul wa l muluk Cambridge Dictionary Set History of al Tabari SUNY Press A Local Historian s Debt to al Ṭabari The Case of al Azdi s Tarikh al Mawṣil Chase F Robinson Journal of the American Oriental Society Vol 126 No 4 October December 2006 pp 521 535 Published by American Oriental Society Article Stable URL https www jstor org stable 20064541 The History of al Tabari Tarikh al rusul wal muluk Vol XIV The Conquest of Iran by al Tabari G Rex Smith Review by Hassan I Mneimneh International Journal of Middle East Studies Vol 28 No 2 May 1996 pp 262 264 Published by Cambridge University Press Article Stable URL https www jstor org stable 176433 Anothertravelguide com July 2013 National Library of Tajikistan Retrieved 14 July 2020 درباره عبدالحسین زرین کوب About Zarinkoob About his work IRNA Retrieved 14 July 2020 قلم سحرآمیز استاد پاریز Congress in honor of Sheikh Historian Muhammad ibn Jarir Tabari Magiran Mazandaran University Retrieved 14 July 2020 Tabari 1987 elCinema com Retrieved 14 July 2020 من الزير سالم لملوك الطوائف The most important Syrian historical drama Diwan Al Arab in Arabic Retrieved 14 July 2020 Sources Edit Bosworth C E 2000 al Ṭabari In Bearman P J Bianquis Th Bosworth C E van Donzel E amp Heinrichs W P eds The Encyclopaedia of Islam Second Edition Volume X T U Leiden E J Brill pp 11 15 doi 10 1163 1573 3912 islam COM 1133 ISBN 978 90 04 11211 7 Ulrika Martensson al Tabari in Muhammad in History Thought and Culture An Encyclopedia of the Prophet of God Edited by C Fitzpatrick and A Walker Santa Barbara ABC CLIO 2014 2 vols Rosenthal Franz ed 1989 The History of al Ṭabari Volume I General Introduction and from the Creation to the Flood SUNY Series in Near Eastern Studies Albany New York State University of New York Press ISBN 978 0 88706 562 0 C E Bosworth al Tabari Abu Djafar Muhammad b Djarir b Yazid in P J Bearman Th Bianquis C E Bosworth E van Donzel and W P Heinrichs et al Encyclopaedia of Islam 2nd Edition Leiden E J Brill 12 Vols published between 1960 and 2005 Franz Rosenthal translator The History of al Ţabari Albany State University of New York Press 1989 Volume 1 Ehsan Yar Shater ed The History of al Ţabari Albany State University of New York Press 40 Vols published between 1989 and 2007 ISBN 0 88706 563 5External links Edit Wikisource has the text of the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica article Ṭabari Arabic Wikisource has original text related to this article Muhammad ibn Jarir al Tabari Elton L Daniel Tabari Encyclopaedia Iranica Retrieved 14 September 2017 Biographical Data Abu Jaffar Tabari salaam co uk Retrieved 15 September 2008 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Al Tabari amp oldid 1143738054, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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