
Koine Greek phonology

The Greek language underwent pronunciation changes during the Koine Greek period, from about 300 BC to 400 AD. At the beginning of the period, the pronunciation was close to Classical Greek, while at the end it was almost identical to Modern Greek.

Vowel length distinctions are important for classical poetry and drama, but become less important for prose into the patristic age.


The most significant changes during the Koine Greek period concerned vowels: these were the loss of vowel length distinction, the shift of the Ancient Greek system of pitch accent to a stress accent system, and the monophthongization of diphthongs (except αυ and ευ). These changes seem widely attested from the 2nd century BC in Egyptian Greek, and in the early 2nd century AD in learned Attic inscriptions; it is therefore likely that they were already common in the 2nd century BC and generalized no later than the 2nd century AD.

Another change was the frication of the second element of diphthongs αυ and ευ. This change likely took place after the vocalic changes described above occurred. It is attested in Egyptian Greek starting from the 1st century AD, and seems to have been generalized in the late Roman period.

Another series of changes was the frication of voiced stops, which is widely attested in Egyptian Greek starting from the 1st century AD, but may have been generalized at a later date, possibly in the late Roman or early Byzantine periods.

Yet another series of changes was the frication of aspirated voiceless stops, which is attested in several locations from the 1st century AD, but seems to have been generalized at a later date, possibly in the late Roman or early Byzantine period.

A last change (possibly related to frication of aspirated stops) is the loss of /h/, which may have begun as soon as the late 1st century BC in Egyptian Greek, seems to have taken place no earlier than the 2nd century AD in learned Attic inscription,[citation needed] and had most probably been generalized by the late Roman times.

Controversies about reconstructions

The primary point of contention comes from the diversity of the Greek-speaking world: evidence suggests that phonological changes occurred at different times according to location and/or speaker background. It appears that many phonetic changes associated with the Koine period had already occurred in some varieties of Greek during the Classical period.

An opposition between learned language and vulgar language has been claimed for the corpus of Attic inscriptions. Some phonetic changes are attested in vulgar inscriptions since the end of the Classical period; still they are not generalized until the start of the 2nd century AD in learned inscriptions. While orthographic conservatism in learned inscriptions may account for this, contemporary transcriptions from Greek into Latin might support the idea that this is not just orthographic conservatism, but that learned speakers of Greek retained a conservative phonological system into the Roman period. On the other hand, Latin transcriptions, too, may be exhibiting orthographic conservatism.

Interpretation is more complex when different dating is found for similar phonetic changes in Egyptian papyri and learned Attic inscriptions. A first explanation would be dialectal differences (influence of foreign phonological systems through non-native speakers); changes would then have happened in Egyptian Greek before they were generalized in Attic. A second explanation would be that learned Attic inscriptions reflect a more learned variety of Greek than Egyptian papyri; learned speech would then have resisted changes that had been generalized in vulgar speech. A last explanation would be that the orthography in learned Attic inscriptions was artificially conservative; changes may then have been generalized no later than they are attested in Egyptian papyri. All these explanations are plausible to some degree, but would lead to different dating for the generalization of the same changes.

To sum this up, there is some measure of uncertainty in dating of phonetic changes; indeed, the exact dating and the rapidity of the generalization of Koine Greek phonological changes are still matters of discussion among researchers. Orthographic variants in contemporary written sources is the most direct evidence, but it is not enough to date a change in every context. Testimony of grammarians and, to a lesser extent, transcriptions into foreign language are interesting because they can indicate which pronunciation was regarded as standard by learned speakers; however, it has been argued that transcriptions may in some cases be conventional rather than phonetic, and Greek grammarians appear to describe learned pronunciation while ignoring established vulgar pronunciation.

Sample reconstructed phonological systems

Boeotian, 4th century BC

Although it belongs to the late classical period rather than the Koine Greek period, Boeotian phonology is shown here as it prefigures several traits of later Koine phonology.

By the 4th century BC, Boeotian had monophthongized most diphthongs, and featured a fricative γ. In contrast with Ionic-Attic and Koine, υ had remained a back vowel in Boeotian (written ου). Long and short vowels were still distinguished.[1]

Teodorsson argues that by 350 BC, the majority Attic dialect seemed to display similar values (except for υ, which was a front vowel; his reconstruction has already cancelled vowel length distinctions and merged υ and η merged with /i/ as in Modern Greek),[2] but W. Sidney Allen does not consider his conclusions to be reliable, and suspects they are an overinterpretation of the evidence.[3]

Early monophthongization, and perhaps even vowel weakening due to the shift to a stress accent, is also attested in Thessalian of the 3rd century BC, suggesting that several minority dialects had an advanced vowel system by the early Hellenistic period.[4]

Short vowels

Front Back
unrounded rounded
Close /i/ /u/
Mid /e/ ε /o/ ο
Open /a/

In this case when transcribing ε/ο (and also later αι/ω) the phonemic symbols /e/ and /o/ denote true mid-vowels, i.e. neither close nor open.[5]

Long vowels

Front Back
unrounded rounded rounded
Close /iː/ , ει   /uː/ , ου, υι
Close-mid /eː/ η, , (οι) /øː/(?) οι  
Mid     /oː/ ω,
Open-mid /ɛː/ αι    
Open /aː/ ,

The /yː/ value for οι is attested later, in the 3rd century BC. An intermediate value of /øː/ has been suggested by some, perhaps attested in spellings of ει for οι indicating a premature loss of lip-rounding leading to /eː/, rather than /iː/ (c.f. text below.)[6]



Diphthongs αυ and ευ likely retained their classical pronunciation. A single interchange with -β, indicating an early change to /av, ev/, is found later, in the 3rd century BC.[7]

Stop and former stop consonants

Bilabial Dental Velar
voiceless /p/ π /t/ τ /k/ κ
voiced /b/(?) β /d/(?) δ /ɣ/ γ
aspirated voiceless /pʰ/(?) φ /tʰ/(?) θ /kʰ/(?) χ

Fricative values for β, δ, φ, θ and χ are not unlikely, but are not attested in Boeotian in the 4th century BC. A fricative value for θ is attested in Laconian in the late 5th century BCE through spellings with σ,[8] including in some plays by Aristophanes. δ also appears to have become fricative in 6th century BC Elean (see discussion on consonants below).[9] Additionally, as noted above, a single example of ευ for εβ is found a century later.[10]

Other consonants

Nasals /m/ μ /n/ ν
(~ [ŋ]) γ
Liquids /l/ λ /r/ (~ [r̥] ?) ρ ()
Sibilant /s/ σ /z/ ζ, σ
Aspirate(?) /h/(?)

No reference has been found on the status of the aspirate in Boeotian at this period.


The tonal accent system of Ancient Greek probably remained relevant.

Sample phonetic transcription

The following text, a Hellenistic Boeotian inscription, is rendered in a reconstructed pronunciation reflecting regional phonological developments. Monophthongization and vowel raising are clearly seen in the specialized Boeotian orthography which uses η instead of αι, ει for η and ηι (ῃ) and ω for ωι (ῳ.) There is also a spelling of ει for οι, indicating an early loss of lip-rounding resulting in /eː/, not /i(ː)/; it can therefore be inferred that at this stage οι became /øː/, not /y/. It is possible that in vulgar Attic the /y/ > /i/ shift had already occurred in the 4th century BC, but was resisted in Koine due to conservative interference. Also notable is the continued use of digamma ϝ for /w/.[11]

....Διουκλεῖς κὴ Κωτίλα ἀντίθεντι τὰν ϝιδίαν θρεπτάν, ἧ ὄνιουμα Ζωπουρίνα, ἱαρ[ὰν] τεῖ Σεράπει, παραμείνασαν αὐτεῖς ἇς κα ζῶνθι ἀνενκλείτως, τὰν ἀνάθεσιν ποιούμενει διὰ τῶ σ[ο]υνεδρίω κατὰ τὸν νόμον.

Greek pronunciation: [...diuklêːs kɛː koːtílaː antítʰenti taːn widíaːn tʰreptán, hɛː ónjuma zoːpuríːnaː, hiaràn teː serápeː, paraméːnaːsan auteːs hâs kaː zôːntʰi aneŋkléːtoːs, taːn anátʰesin pojúːmeneː dia toː sunhedríoː kata ton nómon.]
Diocles and Cotila dedicate their slave, whose name is Zopurina, to the safe keeping of Serapis, provided that she has remained in service with them blamelessly for as long as they live; they make this dedication through the council according to the law.

Learned pronunciation, 4th century BC until early Roman period

Until the beginning of Roman times, some learned speakers may have retained a conservative pronunciation that preserved many traits of the Ancient Greek phonological system. However, already in the 4th century BC, the popular dialect in Athens may have been moving in the direction of the Koine without differences in vowel length, as noted above.[12] Even in Attic official inscriptions, the learned pronunciation appears to have disappeared by the 2nd century AD.[13]

The "learned pronunciation" described here is mostly pre-Koine Attic.

Short vowels

Front Back
unrounded rounded rounded
Close /i/ /y/  
Mid /e/ ε   /o/ ο
Open /a/

Long vowels

Front Back
unrounded rounded
Close /iː/ , ει/_C or #, () /yː/ , (υι) /uː/ ου
Close-mid or Mid /eː/ η, ει/_V, () /oː/ ω
Open /aː/

The ει pseudo-diphthong was confused with ι in manuscripts, except before a vowel, where it was confused with η, so it probably retained its ancient value there.[14] A monophthongal pronunciation of υι as /yː/ is written in parentheses as a dialectal trait of Great Attic[clarify] beginning in the late classical period.[15] In addition, probably first lost its final element and merged with /eː/, but later raised to /iː/ (as seen in alternations between spellings of /ει for the 2sg middle ending.) Both pronunciations are given as possible dialectal variants.[16]


Front offglide Back offglide
(Long first element) /aː(i)/

Long first element diphthongs are written in parentheses because they were gradually monophthongized starting from the classical period; Dionysius of Halicarnassus prescribes them as a "correct" pronunciation, indicating that the diphthongs were no longer pronounced in natural speech.[17] By the 1st century BC the process of monophthongization was over (see diachronic description below for more details).

Stop consonants

Bilabial Dental Velar
voiceless /p/ π /t/ τ /k/ κ
voiced /b/ β /d/ δ /ɡ/ γ
aspirated voiceless /pʰ/ φ /tʰ/ θ /kʰ/ χ

Ancient grammarians and transcriptions suggest that voiced and aspirated stop consonants were retained until the beginning of the Roman period. The voiced stops probably became fricatives before the voiceless aspirates.[18]

Other consonants

Nasals /m/ μ /n/ ν
(~ [ŋ]) γ
Liquids /l/ λ /r/ (~ [r̥] ?) ρ ()
Sibilant /s/ σ /z/ ζ, σ
Aspirate /h/

Some scholars regard [ŋ] as an allophone of [n], others as a separate phoneme, which is why it is put in parentheses.

What exact sound represented is a matter of discussion, but it should probably be regarded as an allophone of the /r/ notated by ρ.

ζ denotes a /zz/ geminate between vowels.


"Learned speech" retained the tonal accent system of Ancient Greek.

Sample phonetic transcription

The following excerpt is part of a Roman Senatorial decree to the town of Thisbae in Boeotia in 170 BC, and is transcribed with a conservative variety of Koiné in the early Roman period.[19] The transcription shows partial (pre-consonantal/word-final) raising of and ει to /iː/, retention of pitch accent, and retention of word-initial /h/ (the rough breathing).

περὶ ὧν Θισ[β]εῖς λόγους ἐποιήσαντο· περὶ τῶν καθ᾿αὑ[τ]οὺς πραγμάτων, οἵτινες ἐν τῆι φιλίαι τῆι ἡμετέραι ἐνέμειναν, ὅπως αὐτοῖς δοθῶσιν [ο]ἷς τὰ καθ᾿ αὑτοὺς πράγματα ἐξηγήσωνται, περὶ τούτου τοῦ πράγματος οὕτως ἔδοξεν· ὅπως Κόιντος Μαίνιος στρατηγὸς τῶν ἐκ τῆς συνκλήτου [π]έντε ἀποτάξηι οἳ ἂν αὐτῶι ἐκ τῶν δημοσίων πρα[γμ]άτων καὶ τῆς ἰδίας πίστεως φαίνωνται.
Greek pronunciation: [peri hoːn tʰizbîːs lóɡuːs epojéːsanto; peri toːn katʰ hautûːs praːɡmátoːn, hoítines en tiː pʰilíaːi tiː heːmetéraːi enémiːnan, hópoːs autois dotʰôːsin hois ta katʰ hautùːs práːɡmata ekseːɡéːsoːntai, peri túːtuː tuː práːɡmatos húːtoːs édoksen; hópoːs ˈkʷintos ˈmainios strateːɡòs toːn ek teːs syŋkléːtuː pénte apotáksiː, hoi an autoːi ek toːn deːmosíoːn praːɡmátoːn kai teːs idíaːs písteoːs pʰaínoːntai.]
Concerning those matters about which the citizens of Thisbae made representations. Concerning their own affairs: the following decision was taken concerning the proposal that those who remained true to our friendship should be given the facilities to conduct their own affairs; that our praetor/governor Quintus Maenius should delegate five members of the senate who seemed to him appropriate in the light of their public actions and individual good faith.

Egyptian Greek, mid 2nd century BC

By around 150 BC Egyptian Greek had monophthongized diphthongs and lost vowel length distinction.


Front Back
unrounded rounded rounded
Close /i/ ι, ει/_C or #, /y/ υ /u/ ου
Close-mid or Near-close /e̝/(?) ει/_V, η /ø/(?), οι  
Mid /e/ ε, αι   /o/ ο, ω,
Open /a/ α,

Confusion of ο with ω and of ε with αι in Egypt begin from this period on. However, υ was not confused with οι before the 1st century BC, so is still represented in the intermediate phase of /ø/.[20] υ remained rounded, but apparently merged with /i/ in certain conditions (see sample text below). Further confusion of ο/ω and ου is also common, indicating a neutralization of /o/ and /u/, perhaps with a closer articulation of /o/. However, distinction between close and mid back vowels is still maintained in the chart, because this development was likely an isolated regional trait related to Coptic influence, not affecting the development of the language generally.[21]

η was apparently distinguished from ε in quality, but at the same time was not regularly confused with ι (except under certain phonetic contexts, see sample text below.) Therefore, it may represent the intermediate stage of a near close vowel /e̝/, pushed up the frontal axis to /i/ along with the raising of /ɛː/ (αι) to /e/. Once again, this new vowel is also the prevocalic value of ει.[22] An alternative route of development taken by other scholars is that αι, having initially monophthongized as /æː/, and ε /e/ merged to acquire a middle value of /ɛ/, distinguished from the new close-mid /e/ (written η); the result of the merger would then be raised to /e/ once η merged with ι.[23]



The transition of αυ and ευ from /au/, /eu/ to /aβ/, /eβ/ was likely already in progress. A probable intermediate semi-vocalic stage is therefore presented here. The diphthong /yi/ was apparently retained in Egyptian at least in this century.[24]

Stop and former stop consonants

Bilabial Dental Palatal Velar
voiceless /p/ π /t/ τ   /k/ κ
voiced /b/ β /d/ δ (~ [ʝ]) γ /ɣ/ γ
aspirated voiceless /pʰ/ φ /tʰ/ θ   /kʰ/ χ

Evidence for a fricative γ in Egyptian Greek dates as far back to the 4th century BC. From the 2nd century BC, these include omissions and insertions of γ before a front vowel which indicate a palatal fricative allophone in such positions.[25] However, these may not have been standard pronunciations.[26] β likely did not become fricative till the 1st century AD. Fricative pronunciation for aspirates may have been generalized even later in Egyptian Greek.

Other consonants

Nasals /m/ μ, ν /n/ ν
(~ [ŋ]) γ
Liquids /l/ λ /r/ (~ [r̥ʰ] ?) ρ ()
Sibilant /s/ σ /z/ ζ, σ
(Aspirate) /h/

Aspiration may have begun to disappear from popular speech in the 1st century BC.


The accent had changed to a stress accent.

Sample phonetic transcription

The following late Ptolemaic Egyptian papyrus from 154 BC is rendered in popular pronunciation including the loss of vowel length distinction and shift to a stress accent. The substitution of αι for ε points to monophthongization; for οι, this is still in the intermediate phase of /ø/, as inferred by the lack of confusion with υ. The interchange of ι for η and υ suggests an early raising to /i/ for the former and loss of lip-rounding for the latter; this occurs only in highly restricted phonetic conditions (i.e. in labial environments),[27] or may be an isolated dialectal trait. Horrocks' transcription already has a fricative γ with a palatal allophone before front vowels.[28]

συγγέγραμμαι τῆι Ἑσπέρου θυγατρί, μέλλω δὲ ἰσάγειν ἐν τῷ Μεσορὴ μηνί. καλῶς ποιήσεις ἀποστεῖλαί μοι ἰμίχουν ἐλαίου. γέγραφ’ ἱμεῖν ἵνα εἰδῆται...παραγενοῦ δὲ εἰς τὴν ἡμέραν.
[syŋ ̍ɡeɣrame ti heˈsperu tʰyɣaˈtri, ˈmelo de iˈsaʝin en do mesoˈri miˈni. kaˈlos poˈje̝sis apoˈstilˈe mø hiˈmikʰun eˈleu. ˈʝeɣrapʰ hiˈmin hina iˈdite...paraʝeˈnu de is te̝n he̝ˈmeran.]
I have made a contract with the daughter of Hesperos, and I shall marry her in the month of Mesore. Please send half a chous (a liquid measure) of oil. I have written to you so that you may know...Come for the (wedding) day.

Popular pronunciation, 1st century BC – 2nd century AD

The loss of vowel length and the spread of Greek under Alexander the Great led to a reorganization of the vowels in the phonology of Koine Greek. There were no longer distinctions of long and short vowels in popular speech.

Front Back
unrounded rounded rounded
Close /i/ ι, ει, /y/ υ, οι, υι /u/ ου
Near Close /e̝/(?) η    
Mid /e/ ε, αι   /o/ ω, ο,
Open /a/ α,

The monophthongization process was over by the 1st century BC with the final merger of οι and υ.

Former diphthongs

[aɸʷ, aβʷ](?)
[eɸʷ, eβʷ](?)

In the Roman period the αυ and ευ diphthongs developed narrower articulations, possibly closing to [aɸʷ, aβʷ], [eɸʷ, eβʷ] or even, depending on when lip-rounding was lost, [aɸ, aβ] and [eɸ, eβ].[29] Before the 4th century AD interchanges of αυ/ευ with α(υ)ου/ε(υ)ου are still more common than confusions with αβ/εβ,[30] so many (if not most) speakers probably preserved the earlier pronunciations of the second element as a semi-vowel or labialized consonant.

Stop and former stop consonants

Bilabial Dental Palatal Velar
voiceless stop /p/ π /t/ τ   /k/ κ
voiced /β/ β /d/ δ (~ [ʝ]) γ /ɣ/ γ
voiceless /pʰ/, (/ɸ/?) φ /tʰ/, (/θ/?) θ   /kʰ/, (/x/?) χ

By the 1st century the voiced consonants β and γ became fricatives /β/ and /ɣ/, though δ probably remained plosive till the 3rd century.[31] Despite the lack of clear evidence for the fricativization of aspirated plosives in the Koine, φ, θ, and χ perhaps started to become fricatives in areas outside Egypt such as the northern Mediterranean.[32] See discussion below.

Other consonants

Nasals /m/ μ /n/ ν
(~ [ŋ]) γ
Liquids /l/ λ /r/ ρ
Sibilant /s/ σ /z/ ζ, σ
(Aspirate) (/h/)

Aspiration had probably dropped out of popular speech, but possibly remained a characteristic of learned speech.[33]

Accentuation lost distinctions of high and high-low tones, leaving only a high tone for a "stress" accent.

Sample phonetic transcription

The following papyrus letter from 100 AD is again transcribed in popular Koine pronunciation. It now shows fricative values for the second element in diphthongs αυ/ευ and for β, except in transliterations of Latin names,[34] but aspirated plosives remain plosive. Monophthongization and loss of vowel length are clearly seen in the graphic interchanges of ι/ει, υ/οι, and ω/o.[35] Also, there is frequent post-nasal voicing of voiceless stops, which is strengthened in Egypt because of Coptic influence but was eventually standardized everywhere and is a rule in Modern Greek.[36]

Λούκιος Βελλήνος Γέμελλος Σαβίνωι τῶι οιεἱῶι χαίρειν. εὖ οὖν πυήσας κομισάμενός μου τὴν ἐπιστολὴν πέμσις μυ Πίνδαρον εἰς τὴν πόλιν τὸν πεδιοφύλακα τῆς Διονυσιάδος, ἐπὶ ἐρώτησέ με Ἑρμοναξ εἵνα αὐτὸν λάβῃ εἰς Κερκεσοῦχα καταμαθῖν τὸν ἐλαιῶνα αὐτοῦ, ἐπὶ πυκνός ἐστιν και θέλι ἐξ αὐτὸν ἐκκόψαι φυτά, εἵνα ἐνπίρος κοπῇ τὰ μέλλοντα ἐκκόπτεσθαι.
Greek pronunciation: [ˈlucios beˈle̝nos ˈɟemelos saˈbino to hyˈjo ˈcʰerin. ev un pyˈe̝sas komiˈsameˈnoz mu te̝n epistoˈle̝(n) ˈpem(p)siz my ˈpindaron is te̝m ˈbolin tom bedioˈpʰylaka tiz djonyˈsjados, eˈpi eˈrote̝ˈse me erˈmonaks in(a) a(f)ton ˈlavi is cerceˈsukʰa katamaˈtʰi(n) ton eleˈon(a) a(f)tu, eˈpi pyˈknos estin ce ˈtʰeli eks afˈton eˈkopse pʰyˈta, ina emˈbiros koˈpi ta ˈmelonda eˈkoptestʰe.]
Lucius Bellenus Gemellus to his son Sabinus greetings. On receipt of my letter you will kindly send me Pindarus the field-guard from Dionysias to the city, as Hermonax has asked me for permission to take him to Kerkesoucha to examine his olive grove, as it is dense and he wants to cut out some trees from it, so that those to be cut down may be cut skillfully.

4th century AD

By the 4th century AD, the loss of vowel length distinction and aspiration was most probably generalized. η was often confused with ι (hence pronounced /i/?), but still occasionally with ε (presumably pronounced /e/, as it still is today in Eastern – i. e., Pontic and Cappadocian – Greek dialects).[37] Fricative values for former voiced and aspirate stop consonants were probably already common; however, some dialects may have retained voiced and aspirate stop consonants until the end of the 1st millennium. The pronunciation suggested here, though far from being universal, is essentially that of Modern Greek except for the continued roundedness of /y/.


Front Back
unrounded rounded rounded
Close /i/ ι, ει, η, /y/ υ, οι, υι /u/ ου
Mid /e/ ε, αι, some η (dialectal?)   /o/ ο, ω,
Open /a/ α,

There is some confusion between η and ι in Attic and Asia Minor two centuries earlier. However, in the papyri, it is only from this period that interchange with symbols for /i/ becomes as common as that between ι/ει, ε/αι or υ/οι.[38] The confusion between /y/ and /i/ had begun as early as the 2nd century BC in Egyptian Greek, but it was most probably not generalized in all phonetic positions yet.[39]

Former diphthongs

[af, av]
[ef, ev]

The full transition of αυ and ευ to /av, ev/ may have been generalized by this time.[40]

Stop and former-stop consonants

Labial Dental Palatal Velar
voiceless stop /p/ π /t/ τ (~ [c]?) κ /k/ κ
voiced fricative /v/ β /ð/ δ (~ [ʝ]) γ /ɣ/ γ
formerly aspirated voiceless fricative /f/ φ /θ/ θ (~ [ç]?) χ /x/ χ

Despite the lack of evidence for the latter change in Egyptian papyri,[41] it is perhaps not an unreasonable assumption that fricative values for both former voiced stops and voiceless aspirated stops were common in many other dialects.[42] It is uncertain as to when the palatal allophones for velars /k/ and /x/ appeared.

Other consonants

Nasals /m/ μ /n/ ν
(~ [ŋ]) γ
Liquids /l/ λ /r/ ρ
Sibilant /s/ σ /z/ ζ, σ


The stress accent system was probably generalized.

Sample phonetic transcription

The following excerpt from a late 4th century AD papyrus letter is rendered in late Roman/early Byzantine era popular Koine. Vowel length loss and monophthongization are presumed to be nearly universal in all regions, as is seen in the familiar interchanges of ι/ει, υ/οι, ε/αι, and ω/ο. The misspelling of ὕμισυ for ἥμισυ again suggests, as noted above, that both η and υ merged with ι/ει before labials. By now, however, η (earlier Koine /e̝/?) had possibly fully raised to /i/ in all positions, as is shown in the transcription. Aspiration has been lost, and both voiced plosives and voiceless aspirated plosives have become fricatives.[43] The omission of γ in the misspelling ὑιέvovτα (ὑγιαί–) may reflect a palatal allophone [ʝ] of velar fricative /ɣ/ before front vowels.[44]

τῇ κυρία μου ἀδ[ελ]φῇ Μανατίνῃ Πρώβ[ο]ς ἀδελφὼ χαίριν. πρὼ [μ]ὲν πάντων εὔχωμαι τῷ κυρίῳ θεῷ περὶ τῆς σῆς ὡλοκληρίας ὅπως ὑιένοντα σοὶ καὶ εὐθυμοῦντι ἀπωλάβῃς τὰ παρ' ἐμοῦ γράμματα. [γι]γνώσκιν σε θέλω, κυρία μου ἀδελφή, ἄπελθε πρὸς Πετρώνιν τὼν ἐνγυησάμενόν μου δέξε ἀ[π' ἀ]ὐτοῦ ἐκ τοῦ μισθοῦ μου ἕναν ὕμισυ...
Greek pronunciation: [ti cyˈria mu aðelˈfi manaˈtini ˈprovos aðelˈfo(s) ˈçerin. pro men ˈpandon ˈefxome to cyˈrio θeˈο peri tis sis olokliˈrias opos yˈʝenonda sy ce efθiˈmundi apoˈlavis ta par emu ˈɣramata. ʝi(ɣ)ˈnosci(n) se ˈθelo, cyˈria mu aðelˈfi, ˈapelθe pros peˈtronin ton eŋɡyiˈsameno(n) mu. ˈðekse ap afˈtu ek tu misˈθumu enan ˈimisi...]
To my lady sister Manatine Probus her brother greetings. Above all I pray to the Lord God concerning your well-being that you receive my letter in good health and in good spirits. I want you to know, my lady sister, (that you must) go to Petronius my guarantor. Get from him out of my pay one and a half (talents)...

Diachronic phonetic description

Loss of vowel quantity distinction

The ancient distinction between long and short vowels was lost in popular speech at the beginning of the Koine period. "By the mid-second century [BCE] however, the majority system had undergone important changes, most notably monophthongization, the loss of distinctive length, and the shift to a primary stress accent."[45]

From the 2nd century BC, spelling errors in non-literary Egyptian papyri suggest stress accent and loss of vowel length distinction. The widespread confusion between ο and ω in Attic inscriptions starting in the 2nd century AD was probably caused by a loss of vowel length distinction.[46]

Transition to stress accent

The means of accenting words changed from pitch to stress, meaning that the accented syllable had only one tone option (high) and was presumably louder and/or stronger. This shift directly corresponded with monophthongization and the loss of vowel timing distinctions, which destroyed the environment in which a pitch accent could be sustained.[47]

From the mid 2nd century BC, spelling errors all over the Mediterranean, including occasional graphic omissions of unaccented vowels, suggest a loss of vowel length distinction, which is commonly thought to result in the loss of tonal accent.[29] More evidence of stress accent appears in poetry starting from the late 2nd century AD – early 3rd century AD.[48]


Spurious diphthongs

Before a consonant, the diphthong ει had started to become monophthongal in Attic as early as the 6th century BC, and pronounced like ε̄, probably as /eː/. From the late 4th century BC in Attic, the spurious diphthong (pseudo-diphthong) ει (now notating both etymological ει and etymological ε̄) came to be pronounced like , probably as /iː/ (with the quality that the digraph still has in modern Greek).[49]

Before a vowel, the diphthong ει did not follow the same evolution as pre-consonantal ει.[50] One theory to explain this difference is that pre-vocalic ει may have kept a diphthongal value [ej] until the 4th century BC, the [j] being progressively perceived as a glide from /e/ to the next vowel.[51] From the late 4th century BC, the pre-vocalic diphthong ει came to be confused with η, which implies that, unlike before a consonant, it retained the value /eː/, probably with a loss of openness distinction with η;[50] for later evolution, refer to η below.

Starting from the 6th century in Attic, the diphthong ου had been monophthongized and confused with ο̄. While its initial value had probably been /oː/, it must have evolved to /uː/ quite early (possibly in the 6th century BC, and at any rate before 350 BC); this vowel quality has been preserved through modern times.[52]

Short-first-element i diphthongs

Diphthong αι was probably monophthongized at first as /ε(ː)/.[53] This value is attested in Boeotian in the early 4th century BC with the Boeotian spelling of η for αι.[54] Confusion of αι with ε suggests that this transition had taken place by the mid 2nd century BC in Egyptian Greek.[55] Further confusion between αι and ε is found in Palestine in the early 2nd century,[56] and the confusion between αι and ε starting from c. 125 AD in Attic suggests that the monophthongization took place in the early 2nd century AD in learned Attic.[57] Allen thinks the transition to /e/ (i.e. loss of openness distinction with ε) to have taken place later; while Allen is not very explicit on this point, this theory seems based on the observation that while both η and αι are confused with ε, αι is not confused with η.[58] However, not all scholars seem to agree.[56] No reference on this point of debate has been found.

Diphthong οι was monophthongized as /yː/ or /y/ (depending on when the loss of vowel length distinction took place).[59] This is attested in Boeotian as early as the 3rd century BC with a spelling of υ for οι, but this was probably a dialectal trait.[60] Still, diphthong οι must have kept a diphthongal value at least in learned language until Roman times, as it is transcribed as oe in Latin. Further evidence of monophthongization is found from the early 1st century BC in Egyptian Greek, as well as in the early 2nd century AD in Palestine.[56] Monophthongization in learned language seems attested by a υ spelling for οι found in a text dated from the early 2nd century AD and another from c. 240 AD.[61] (Look up note on evolution of υ for subsequent evolution.)

Koine Greek initially seems to feature diphthong υι, which had been progressively monophthongized to /yː/ (written υ for ) in Attic from the 6th century BC to the 4th century BC but retained in other Greek dialects.[62] It was later monophthongized as /yː/ or /y/ (depending on when the loss of vowel length distinction took place). The author of these lines has not found any reference on when this change took place, but this transition may be phonologically linked to, and at any rate is quite unlikely to have taken place after, the similar transition of οι to /y(ː)/. (See discussion on υ below for subsequent evolution.)

Short-first-element u diphthongs

Diphthongs αυ and ευ lost their ancient value of /au, eu/ and fortified to a fricative consonantal pronunciation of /aβ, eβ/ or /av, ev/, through the likely intermediate stages of /aw, ew/ and then [aβʷ, eβʷ][63][64] Sporadic confusions of αυ/ευ with αβ/εβ, which attest a fricative pronunciation, are found as early as 3rd century BC Boeotia and in 2nd century BC Egypt.[65] Further such confusions appear rarely in the papyri at the beginning of the 1st century AD.[66] However, Gignac notes that before the Late Roman/Early Byzantine period spellings with α(υ)ου/ε(υ)ου are more common, which more likely represent the earlier transitional phases of /aw, ew/ or [aβʷ, eβʷ].[67] Allen also believes that the fricative pronunciation was not generalized at once; for instance, Jewish catacombs inscriptions still show a diphthongal value in the 2nd–3rd century AD.[68] Confusion of αυ and ευ with αβ/εβ becomes increasingly common in late Roman and early Byzantine times, which suggests that it had been generalized by this time.[29] Outside of Egypt, spellings with αβ/εβ are also found in Asia Minor, from the Late Roman period.[69] Finally, indirect evidence comes from transcriptions into foreign languages, such as Coptic ϩⲓⲡⲡⲉϥ (Hippef) for ἱππεῦ (2nd century AD),[70] or Byzantine Late Hebrew/Aramaic transcriptions of αυ/ευ with אב (ab-).[71]

Long-first-element i diphthongs

Diphthong [72] had started to become monophthongal in Attic at least as early as the 4th century BC as it was often written ει and probably pronounced [eː]. In Koine Greek, most were therefore subjected to the same evolution as original classical /eː/ and came to be pronounced /i(ː)/. However, in some inflexional endings (mostly 1st declension dative singular and subjunctive 3 Sg.), the evolution was partially reverted from c. 200 BC, probably by analogy of forms of other cases/persons, to η and was probably pronounced /eː/ at first (look up note on evolution of η for subsequent evolution).[73]

Other long-first-element ι diphthongs ( and )[74] became monophthongal by the 2nd century BC, as they were written α and ω;[75] the former was probably pronounced /a(ː)/, while the later may have been pronounced /ɔ(ː)/ at first if openness distinction had not been lost yet, and was eventually pronounced /o(ː)/ at any rate (look up discussion of single vowels ο and ω below for details). From the 2nd century AD, Atticism caused for a widespread reintroduction of the ancient spelling with the final ι, but in any case was not pronounced.[76]

Long-first-element u diphthongs

When augmented from ευ in verbs, diphthong ηυ had been altered to ευ from the 4th century BC.[77]

Other long-first-element υ diphthongs (ᾱυ, ηυ and ωυ) had become monophthongal from the 1st century BC, as they were written as α, η and ω;[78] the first was probably pronounced /a(ː)/, while the two later may have been pronounced /ɛ(ː)/ and /ɔ(ː)/ at first if openness distinction had not been lost yet (/e(ː)/ and /o(ː)/ otherwise), and were eventually pronounced /i(ː)/ and /o(ː)/ at any rate (look up discussions of single vowels ο and ω and single vowel η below for details).

Single vowel quality

Apart from η, simple vowels have better preserved their ancient pronunciation than diphthongs.

As noted above, at the start of the Koine Greek period, pseudo-diphthong ει before consonant had a value of /iː/, whereas pseudo-diphthong ου had a value of [uː]; these vowel qualities have remained unchanged through Modern Greek. Diphthong ει before vowel had been generally monophthongized to a value of /i(ː)/ and confused with η, thus sharing later developments of η.

The quality of vowels α, ε̆, ι and ο have remained unchanged through Modern Greek, as /a/, /e/, /i/ and /o/.[79]

Vowels ο and ω started to be regularly confused in Attic inscriptions starting in the 2nd century AD, which may indicate that the quality distinction was lost around this time. However, this may as well indicate the loss of length distinction, with an earlier or simultaneous loss of quality distinction. Indeed, the fact that some less systematic confusion is found in Attic inscriptions from the 4th century BC may alternatively point to a loss of openness distinction in the 4th century BC, and the systematization of the confusion in the 2nd century AD would then have been caused by the loss of length distinction.[46]

The quality distinction between η and ε may have been lost in Attic in the late 4th century BCE, when pre-consonantic pseudo-diphthong ει started to be confused with ι and pre-vocalic diphthong ει with η.[80] C. 150 AD, Attic inscriptions started confusing η and ι, indicating the appearance of a /iː/ or /i/ (depending on when the loss of vowel length distinction took place) pronunciation that is still in usage in standard Modern Greek; however, it seems that some locutors retained the /e̝/ pronunciation for some time, as Attic inscriptions continued to in parallel confuse η and ε, and transcriptions into Gothic and, to some extent, Old Armenian transcribe η as e.[81] Additionally, it is noted that while interchange of η and ι/ει does occur in the Ptolemaic and Roman period, these only occur in restrictive phonetic conditions or may otherwise be explained due to grammatical developments.[82] Moreover, itacism still shows exceptions in Asia Minor Greek, especially Pontic Greek, where η partially merges with ε instead of with ι.

Koine Greek adopted for vowel υ the pronunciation /y/ of Ionic-Attic. Confusion of υ with ι appears in Egyptian papyri from the 2nd century BC and 2nd century AD, suggesting a pronunciation of /i/, but this occurs only in restricted phonetic conditions or may be a regional trait (since Coptic did not have /y/.)[83][84] Transcriptions into Gothic and, to some extent, Armenian suggest that υ still retained a /y/ pronunciation, and the transition to /i/ in mainstream Greek is thought to have taken place at the end of the 1st millennium.[85]

Loss of aspiration

The aspirate breathing (aspiration, referring here to the phoneme /h/, which is usually marked by the rough breathing sign), which was already lost in the Ionic idioms of Asia Minor and the Aeolic of Lesbos (psilosis),[86] later stopped being pronounced in Koine Greek. Incorrect or hypercorrect markings of assimilatory aspiration (i.e. un-aspirated plosive becomes aspirated before initial aspiration) in Egyptian papyri suggest that this loss was already under way in Egyptian Greek in the late 1st century BC.[87] Transcriptions into foreign languages and consonant changes before aspirate testify that this transition must not have been generalized before the 2nd century AD, but transcriptions into Gothic show that it was at least well under way in the 4th century AD.[88]


Among consonants, only β, δ, γ and ζ are certain to have changed from Classical Greek. Consonants φ, θ and χ are assumed to have changed, too, but there is some disagreement amongst scholars over evidence for these.

The consonant ζ, which had probably a value of /zd/ in Classical Attic[89][90] (though some scholars have argued in favor of a value of /dz/, and the value probably varied according to dialects – see Zeta (letter) for further discussion), acquired the sound /z/ that it still has in Modern Greek, seemingly with a geminate pronunciation /zz/ at least between vowels. Attic inscriptions suggest that this pronunciation was already common by the end of the 4th century BC.[91]

Horrocks agrees with Gignac on finding evidence that geminate consonants tended to simplify beginning from the 3rd century BC, as seen in their arbitrary use in less literate writing.[92][93] However, degemination was not carried out universally, as seen where the South Italian, south-eastern and some Asia Minor dialects preserve double consonants.[94]

The consonants φ, θ, which were initially pronounced as aspirates /pʰ/ and /tʰ/, developed into fricatives /f/[95] and [θ].[96] On the other hand, there is no specific evidence of the transition of consonant χ from aspirate /kʰ/ to fricative [x~ç] in the Koine Greek period. There is evidence for fricative θ in Laconian in the 5th century BC,[97] but this is unlikely to have influenced Koine Greek, which is largely based on Ionic-Attic. According to Allen, the first clear evidence for fricative φ and θ in Koine Greek dates from the 1st century AD in Latin Pompeian inscriptions.[98] Yet, evidence suggest an aspirate pronunciation for θ in Palestine in the early 2nd century,[99] and Jewish catacomb inscriptions of the 2nd–3rd century AD suggest a pronunciation of /f/ for φ, /tʰ/ for θ and /kʰ/ for χ, which would testify that the transition of θ to a fricative was not yet general at this time, and suggests that the transition of φ to a fricative may have happened before the transition of θ and χ.[100] There may be evidence for fricative φ in 2nd century AD Attic, in the form of omission of the second element in the ευ diphthongs (which were pronounced [ef, ev]) before φ.[101] Armenian transcriptions transcribe χ as /kʰ/ until the 10th century AD, so it seems that χ was pronounced as aspirate by at least some speakers until then.[102]

There is disagreement as to when consonants β, γ and δ, which were originally pronounced /b/, /ɡ/, /d/, acquired the value of /v/,[103] [ɣ~ʝ], and /ð/ that they have in Modern Greek.[104] There is evidence of fricative γ as far back as the 4th century BC, in the form of omissions before a back vowel.[105] In the papyri from the 2nd century BC γ is sometimes omitted or inserted before a front vowel, which indicates a palatal allophone [ʝ] or [j].[106] However, to Allen these do not seem to have been a standard pronunciation.[26] Some scholars have argued that the replacement of old Greek ϝ /w/ with β in certain late classical dialects indicates a fricative pronunciation.[107] Ancient grammarians describe the plosive nature of these letters, β is transcribed as b, not v, in Latin, and Cicero still seems to identify β with Latin b.[108] Gignac finds evidence from non-literary papyri suggesting a fricative pronunciation in some contexts (mostly intervocalic) from about the 1st century AD, in the form of the use of β to transcribe Latin ⟨v⟩ (which was also undergoing a fortition process from semi-vowel /w/ to fricative /β/.)[109] However, Allen is again sceptical that this pronunciation was generalized yet.[110] Increasingly common confusion of αυ and ευ with αβ and εβ in late Roman and early Byzantine times suggests that the fricative pronunciation of β was common if not general by this time.[111][112] Yet, it is not before the 10th century AD that transcriptions of β as fricative վ v or γ as voiced velar ղ ł (pronounced [ɣ~ʁ]) are found in Armenian, which suggests that the transition was not general before the end of the 1st millennium; however, previous transcriptions may have been learned transcriptions.[113] Georgian loans in the 9th and 10th centuries similarly show inconsistency in transcribing β and γ as a stop or fricative; β is consistently rendered as ბ b rather than ვ v, while γ may be written with an adapted symbol ღ for fricative /ɣ/ or with ჟ [ʒ] (approximating [ʝ] in palatal position), but also with stop გ g.[114] There is probable evidence for a peculiarly early shift of /d/ > /ð/ in 6th century BC Elean, seen in the writing of ζ for δ.[115] Gignac interprets similar spellings in the Egyptian papyri beginning in the 1st century AD as the spirant pronunciation for δ in the Koine, but before the 4th century AD these only occur before /i/.[116] However, not all scholars agree that there is a reasonable phonetic basis for the earlier fricativization of δ before ι.[117]

The weakness of final ν /n/, frequently before a stop consonant, is attested in Egypt in both Hellenistic and Roman times, seen directly in graphic omission and hypercorrect insertion, though its complete loss would not be carried through until the medieval period and excluding the South-Italian, south-eastern and Asia Minor dialects.[118] The development of voiced allophones [b], [d], [g] of voiceless stops π, τ, and κ after nasals is also evidenced in Pamphylia as early as the 4th century BC and in the Egyptian papyri (mostly Roman period) in the interchange with β, δ, and γ in post-nasal positions (where these letters retained their ancient plosive values, as noted above.)[119] Hence μπ, ντ, γκ would later be used for /b/, /d/, /g/, via assimilation to the second element.[120] In Egypt this development is seen as an influence of the Coptic substrate.[121] But at the same time, this change has now become standard in Modern Greek, and so it appears to have occurred in other areas as well.[122]

See also


  1. ^ Verse texts in the Boeotian vernacular, such as the poetry of Corinna, retain vowel length.
  2. ^ Teodorsson (1978:96–98)
  3. ^ Allen (1987:ix–x)
  4. ^ Horrocks (2010:33–34)
  5. ^ Otherwise transcribed as /e̞/ and /o̞/. It will be noted specifically in the table if the same symbols are used to represent a close-mid vowel value (see below.) For the exacting quality of Greek mid vowels, see Allen, W. Sidney (1968) Vox Graeca: A guide to the pronunciation of classical Greek, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 59-60
  6. ^ Horrocks (2010:163)
  7. ^ Gignac (1976)[page needed]
  8. ^ Horrocks (2010:170)
  9. ^ Horrocks (2010:30–31)
  10. ^ Gignac (1976, p. 233, note 1)
  11. ^ Horrocks (2010:85–86)
  12. ^ Teodorsson (1978:96–97)
  13. ^ Cf. a spelling of υ for οι on an official inscription, noted in Allen, W. Sidney (1968). Vox Graeca: A Guide to the Pronunciation of Classical Greek. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 77, note 2.
  14. ^ Note that /_C stands for pre-consonantal, /_V for pre-vocalic contexts and /_# for a word boundary. See Horrocks (2010:168)
  15. ^ Horrocks (2010:162–168)
  16. ^ C.f. differences in reconstructions of Attic versus Egyptian, Horrocks (2010:163–167)
  17. ^ Teodorsson, Sven-Tage (2001–2002). "The Origin and Progress of the Greek Diglossia". Sborník Prací Filozofické Fakulty Brněnske Univerzity (6–7): 319.
  18. ^ Horrocks (2010:170–171)
  19. ^ Horrocks (2010:142)
  20. ^ Teodorsson (1977:253–255)
  21. ^ Horrocks (2010:112, 118)
  22. ^ Horrocks (2010:118, 162, 168)
  23. ^ Bubeník (1989:228), c.f. also Teodorsson (1978:216)
  24. ^ Horrocks (2010:165–167)
  25. ^ Teodorsson (1977:241–243)
  26. ^ a b Allen (1987:31–32)
  27. ^ Horrocks (2010:118)
  28. ^ Note, however, that Horrocks has chosen to transcribe this sound as [j], rather than [ʝ], assuming a palatal approximant and not a fricative value.
  29. ^ a b c Horrocks (2010:169)
  30. ^ Gignac (1976:232–233)
  31. ^ Gignac (1976:68–76)
  32. ^ Horrocks (2010:171)
  33. ^ Buth, page 225, note 24
  34. ^ However, the pronunciation suggested by Horrocks is more advanced than the pronunciation indicated by the table above since αυ/ευ have fully transitioned to [av, ev].
  35. ^ Horrocks (2010:172–173)
  36. ^ Horrocks (2010:110–111)
  37. ^ Not all scholars agree that the Pontic pronunciation of η as ε is an archaism. Horrocks notes that ε is written for any letter or digraph representing /i/ in other dialects––i.e. ι, ει, οι, or υ, which never represented the sound /ɛː/ in Ancient Greek––not just η. He therefore attributes this phonological feature of East Greek to vowel weakening, paralleling the omission of unstressed vowels. Horrocks (2010:400)
  38. ^ Gignac (1976:242)
  39. ^ Horrocks (2010:118–119, 162–63)
  40. ^ Buth, op. cit., page 4, note 8, citing Horrocks (1997:111)
  41. ^ Gignac (1976:98–101)
  42. ^ Horrocks (2010:170–171)
  43. ^ Horrocks (2010:183–184)
  44. ^ Gignac (1976:71–72)
  45. ^ Horrocks (1997:109)
  46. ^ a b Allen (1987:94)
  47. ^ Horrocks (2010:118, 169)
  48. ^ Allen (1987:130)
  49. ^ Allen (1987:69–72). Diphthong 'ει' had already merged with ι in the 5th century BC in regions such as Argos or in the 4th century BC in Corinth (e.g. ΛΕΓΙΣ).[citation needed] It was also the case in Boeotia in the early 4th century BC (Allen, op. cit., page 74)
  50. ^ a b Allen (1987:72–73)
  51. ^ This perceived glide would explain why, in the 5th and 4th centuries BC in Attic, though there was no pre-vocalic ε̄ that ει may have been confused with, ει was often written as ε; indeed, while the confusion seems to have ceased after the 4th century BC, several etymological pre-vocalic ει remain in altered ε̆ form in Koine Greek. Such a perceived glide may actually be even older, since in Homeric verses etymological pre-vocalic ει is often written either as a short ε or a long ει. Allen, op. cit., page 83–84.
  52. ^ Allen (1987:75–78)
  53. ^ with a possible intermediate stage of /æ(ː)/, c.f. Horrocks (2010:119, 161)
  54. ^ This spelling (e.g. IG 7.1672.6 Θειβῆος = Θηβαῖος, Corinna fr. 664 μέμφομη = μέμφομαι; cf. Lejeune (1972:230–1)) indicates that the transition of αι to /ɛː/ had taken place in Boeotian but not in Attic in the early 4th century BC Allen (1987:74).
  55. ^ Randall Buth, Ἡ Κοινὴ Προφορά, page 3.
  56. ^ a b c Buth, op. cit., page 3.
  57. ^ Allen (1987:79)
  58. ^ Allen (1987:79) The transition would then have taken place after the transition of η to /iː/~/i/ was over in mainstream Greek, that is to say no earlier than the late Roman period or early Byzantine period.
  59. ^ With possible intermediate states /øi/ and /ø(ː)/, c.f. Horrocks (2010:162).
  60. ^ Lejeune (1972:230–1), Allen (1987:81): e.g. IG 7.283 etc. τῦς ἄλλυς προξένυς = τοῖς ἄλλοις προξένοις,
  61. ^ Allen (1987:81)
  62. ^ Allen (1987:81), note 54
  63. ^ Horrocks (2010:169)
  64. ^ Comparable to the modern pronunciation of /av, ev/ (partially assimilated to [af, ef] before voiceless consonants θ, κ, ξ, π, ς, τ, φ, χ, and ψ, this assimilation being undated).
  65. ^ In Egypt ῥάυδους for ῥάβδους, Gignac (1976, p. 233, note 1)
  66. ^ πνευτύνις for πνεβτύνι for the early bilabial fricative stage, Buth, op. cit., page 4, note 8, citing Gignac (1976, pages 68, note 1, and page 70).
  67. ^ e.g. fluctuation among writing φλαυου–, φλαου– or φλαυ– for Latin Flauius, Gignac (1976:232).
  68. ^ Allen (1987:80), note 47
  69. ^ Schwyzer (1990:198)
  70. ^ Schwyzer (1990:198)
  71. ^ Bubeník (1989:228)
  72. ^ note that the subscript ι notation is medieval, the ι is adscript in ancient texts where it appears
  73. ^ Allen (1987:85–86)
  74. ^ once again, the subscript notation is medieval
  75. ^ Allen (1987:86). However, when augmented from οι in verbs, diphthong had been altered to οι instead (Allen 1987:87), note 70
  76. ^ Horrocks (2010:175)
  77. ^ Allen (1987:87), note 70
  78. ^ Allen (1987:87)
  79. ^ Note again that in this case the symbols /e, o/ transcribe true mid vowels, rather than close-mid values.
  80. ^ Allen (1987:73). This evolution had probably happened by the early 4th century BCE in Boeotian but definitively not in Attic, as shown by e.g. Boeotian πατειρ vs Attic πατήρ (Allen 1987:74)
  81. ^ Allen (1987:74–75)
  82. ^ As an example, cf. the Ptolemaic papyrus above in which η shifts to /i/ in pre-labial conditions. As for grammatical explanations of certain errors, the falling together of perfect and aorist tenses in the Koine could have created confusion between aorist ἧκα and perfect εἷκα, c.f. Horrocks (2010:168)
  83. ^ Horrocks (2010:168–169)
  84. ^ Allen (1987:68)
  85. ^ Allen (1987:68), note 14
  86. ^ Lejeune (1972:281–2)
  87. ^ e.g. ἐπ' οἷς for ἐφ' οἷς, Randall Buth, op. cit., page 5–6, citing Gignac (1976:137–138).
  88. ^ Allen (1987:53)
  89. ^ Allen (1987:56)
  90. ^ Allen (1987:58), note 115
  91. ^ Allen (1987:58)
  92. ^ e.g. πρόγραμα for πρόγραμμα, Horrocks (2010:171, 175)
  93. ^ Gignac (1976:154–165)
  94. ^ Horrocks (2010:274)
  95. ^ An intermediate stage of [ɸ] has been proposed by some, but there is no specific evidence to support this (Allen 1987:25)
  96. ^ A transitional affricate stage, e.g. /pf, tθ, kx/, is also possible. This would then simplify to /f, θ, x/ in the contexts of clusters involving other voiceless fricatives due to resulting difficult pronunciations, e.g. /s/ or /f/, c.f. Horrocks (2010:171).
  97. ^ e.g. Aristophanes Εἰρήνη, l. 214, σιώ for θεώ (Allen 1987:26)
  98. ^ Particularly meaningful is lasfe found for λάσθη (Allen 1987:23)
  99. ^ Randall Buth, op. cit., page 4
  100. ^ Allen (1987:24)
  101. ^ e.g. Ἐφρονίς for Εὐφρονίς, Horrock (2010:171), citing Konrad Meisterhans (1900), Grammatik der attischen Inschriften
  102. ^ Allen (1987:25)
  103. ^ An intermediate stage of /β/ has been proposed by some, cf. Horrocks (1997:112)
  104. ^ except when preceded by a nasal consonant (μ, ν, γ); in that case, they retain their ancient sounds (e.g. γαμβρός > γαμπρός [ɣamˈbros], ἀνήρ, ἄνδρα > άντρας [ˈandras], ἄγγελος > άγγελος[ˈaɲɟelos])
  105. ^ e.g. ὀλίος fοr ὀλίγος, Gignac (1976, note 1, p. 71)
  106. ^ e.g. ἱγεροῦ for ἱεροῦ, Teodorsson (1978:186–187)
  107. ^ e.g. βοικία, Bubeník (1989:188)
  108. ^ Allen (1987:31)
  109. ^ e.g. Σερβικίου for Σερουικίου, Gignac (1976:68–69)
  110. ^ Allen (1987:32), note 46
  111. ^ Randall Buth, op. cit., page 4, note 8, citing Horrocks (1997:111)
  112. ^ e.g. προσαγορεύβομε for προσαγορεύομαι, Gignac (1976:70)
  113. ^ Allen (1987:32), note 45
  114. ^ Macharadse, Neil A. (1980). "Zur Lautung der griechischen Sprache der byzantinischen Zeit". Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik (29): 152–154.
  115. ^ e.g. ζέ for δέ, Horrocks (2010:31), citing Julián Méndez Dosuna, "On ⟨Z⟩ for ⟨Δ⟩ in Greek dialecal inscriptions", Sprache 35, 82-114
  116. ^ e.g. ζακοσίας for διακοσίας, Gignac (1976:75–76)
  117. ^ Horrocks (2010:170), citing Méndez Dosuna, Review of G.C. Horrocks (1997), Greek: a history of the language and its speakers, London, in Journal of Greek Linguistics 1, 274-95
  118. ^ Horrocks (2010:171, 274)
  119. ^ e.g. Pamphylian πέδε for πέντε, Egyptian πέμβτης for πέμπτης, Bubeník (1989:220, 239)
  120. ^ e.g. [ˈpente] > [ˈpende] > [ˈpedde] > [ˈpede], Horrocks (2010:111), c.f. Pamphylian evidence above.
  121. ^ Gignac (1976:81–84, 178–179)
  122. ^ Horrocks (2010:111, 172)


  • Bubeník, Vít (1989), Hellenistic and Roman Greece as a sociolinguistic area, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, ISBN 90-272-3551-1
  • Allen, W. Sidney (1987), Vox Graeca: the pronunciation of Classical Greek (3rd ed.), Cambridge: University Press, ISBN 0-521-33555-8
  • Buth, Randall (2008), Living Koine Greek, Part One, Jerusalem: Biblical Language Center, ISBN 978-965-7352-02-1
  • Buth, Randall (2008), Ἡ κοινὴ προφορά: Notes on the Pronunciation System of Phonemic Koine Greek (PDF)
  • Gignac, Francis T. (1976), A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Periods: Vol. 1 Phonology, Milan: Instituto Editoriale Cisalpino-La Goliardica, ASIN B0006CVTGQ
  • Horrocks, Geoffrey C. (1997), Greek: A History of the Language and Its Speakers, Longman, ISBN 978-0-582-30709-4
    • Horrocks, Geoffrey (2010), Greek: A History of the Language and its Speakers (2nd ed.), Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-1-118-78515-7
  • Lejeune, Michel (1972), Phonétique historique du mycénien et du grec ancien (2nd ed.), Paris: Éditions Klincksieck
  • Schwyzer, Eduard (1990), Griechische Grammatik (6th ed.), Munich: Verlag C.H. Beck, ISBN 90-272-3551-1
  • Teodorsson, Sven-Tage (1978), The phonology of Attic in the Hellenistic period, Göteborg: Göteborg University, ISBN 91-7346-059-1
  • Teodorsson, Sven-Tage (1977), The phonology of Ptolemaic Koine, Göteborg: Göteborg University, ISBN 91-7346-035-4

koine, greek, phonology, this, article, contains, phonetic, transcriptions, international, phonetic, alphabet, introductory, guide, symbols, help, distinction, between, brackets, transcription, delimiters, greek, language, underwent, pronunciation, changes, du. This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet IPA For an introductory guide on IPA symbols see Help IPA For the distinction between and see IPA Brackets and transcription delimiters The Greek language underwent pronunciation changes during the Koine Greek period from about 300 BC to 400 AD At the beginning of the period the pronunciation was close to Classical Greek while at the end it was almost identical to Modern Greek Vowel length distinctions are important for classical poetry and drama but become less important for prose into the patristic age Contents 1 Overview 2 Controversies about reconstructions 3 Sample reconstructed phonological systems 3 1 Boeotian 4th century BC 3 1 1 Short vowels 3 1 2 Long vowels 3 1 3 Diphthongs 3 1 4 Stop and former stop consonants 3 1 5 Other consonants 3 1 6 Accentuation 3 1 7 Sample phonetic transcription 3 2 Learned pronunciation 4th century BC until early Roman period 3 2 1 Short vowels 3 2 2 Long vowels 3 2 3 Diphthongs 3 2 4 Stop consonants 3 2 5 Other consonants 3 2 6 Accentuation 3 2 7 Sample phonetic transcription 3 3 Egyptian Greek mid 2nd century BC 3 3 1 Vowels 3 3 2 Diphthongs 3 3 3 Stop and former stop consonants 3 3 4 Other consonants 3 3 5 Accentuation 3 3 6 Sample phonetic transcription 3 4 Popular pronunciation 1st century BC 2nd century AD 3 4 1 Former diphthongs 3 4 2 Stop and former stop consonants 3 4 3 Other consonants 3 4 4 Sample phonetic transcription 3 5 4th century AD 3 5 1 Vowels 3 5 2 Former diphthongs 3 5 3 Stop and former stop consonants 3 5 4 Other consonants 3 5 5 Accentuation 3 5 6 Sample phonetic transcription 4 Diachronic phonetic description 4 1 Loss of vowel quantity distinction 4 2 Transition to stress accent 4 3 Diphthongs 4 3 1 Spurious diphthongs 4 3 2 Short first element i diphthongs 4 3 3 Short first element u diphthongs 4 3 4 Long first element i diphthongs 4 3 5 Long first element u diphthongs 4 4 Single vowel quality 4 5 Loss of aspiration 4 6 Consonants 5 See also 6 References 7 BibliographyOverview EditThe most significant changes during the Koine Greek period concerned vowels these were the loss of vowel length distinction the shift of the Ancient Greek system of pitch accent to a stress accent system and the monophthongization of diphthongs except ay and ey These changes seem widely attested from the 2nd century BC in Egyptian Greek and in the early 2nd century AD in learned Attic inscriptions it is therefore likely that they were already common in the 2nd century BC and generalized no later than the 2nd century AD Another change was the frication of the second element of diphthongs ay and ey This change likely took place after the vocalic changes described above occurred It is attested in Egyptian Greek starting from the 1st century AD and seems to have been generalized in the late Roman period Another series of changes was the frication of voiced stops which is widely attested in Egyptian Greek starting from the 1st century AD but may have been generalized at a later date possibly in the late Roman or early Byzantine periods Yet another series of changes was the frication of aspirated voiceless stops which is attested in several locations from the 1st century AD but seems to have been generalized at a later date possibly in the late Roman or early Byzantine period A last change possibly related to frication of aspirated stops is the loss of h which may have begun as soon as the late 1st century BC in Egyptian Greek seems to have taken place no earlier than the 2nd century AD in learned Attic inscription citation needed and had most probably been generalized by the late Roman times Controversies about reconstructions EditThe primary point of contention comes from the diversity of the Greek speaking world evidence suggests that phonological changes occurred at different times according to location and or speaker background It appears that many phonetic changes associated with the Koine period had already occurred in some varieties of Greek during the Classical period An opposition between learned language and vulgar language has been claimed for the corpus of Attic inscriptions Some phonetic changes are attested in vulgar inscriptions since the end of the Classical period still they are not generalized until the start of the 2nd century AD in learned inscriptions While orthographic conservatism in learned inscriptions may account for this contemporary transcriptions from Greek into Latin might support the idea that this is not just orthographic conservatism but that learned speakers of Greek retained a conservative phonological system into the Roman period On the other hand Latin transcriptions too may be exhibiting orthographic conservatism Interpretation is more complex when different dating is found for similar phonetic changes in Egyptian papyri and learned Attic inscriptions A first explanation would be dialectal differences influence of foreign phonological systems through non native speakers changes would then have happened in Egyptian Greek before they were generalized in Attic A second explanation would be that learned Attic inscriptions reflect a more learned variety of Greek than Egyptian papyri learned speech would then have resisted changes that had been generalized in vulgar speech A last explanation would be that the orthography in learned Attic inscriptions was artificially conservative changes may then have been generalized no later than they are attested in Egyptian papyri All these explanations are plausible to some degree but would lead to different dating for the generalization of the same changes To sum this up there is some measure of uncertainty in dating of phonetic changes indeed the exact dating and the rapidity of the generalization of Koine Greek phonological changes are still matters of discussion among researchers Orthographic variants in contemporary written sources is the most direct evidence but it is not enough to date a change in every context Testimony of grammarians and to a lesser extent transcriptions into foreign language are interesting because they can indicate which pronunciation was regarded as standard by learned speakers however it has been argued that transcriptions may in some cases be conventional rather than phonetic and Greek grammarians appear to describe learned pronunciation while ignoring established vulgar pronunciation Sample reconstructed phonological systems EditBoeotian 4th century BC Edit Although it belongs to the late classical period rather than the Koine Greek period Boeotian phonology is shown here as it prefigures several traits of later Koine phonology By the 4th century BC Boeotian had monophthongized most diphthongs and featured a fricative g In contrast with Ionic Attic and Koine y had remained a back vowel in Boeotian written oy Long and short vowels were still distinguished 1 Teodorsson argues that by 350 BC the majority Attic dialect seemed to display similar values except for y which was a front vowel his reconstruction has already cancelled vowel length distinctions and merged y and h merged with i as in Modern Greek 2 but W Sidney Allen does not consider his conclusions to be reliable and suspects they are an overinterpretation of the evidence 3 Early monophthongization and perhaps even vowel weakening due to the shift to a stress accent is also attested in Thessalian of the 3rd century BC suggesting that several minority dialects had an advanced vowel system by the early Hellenistic period 4 Short vowels Edit Front Backunrounded roundedClose i ῐ u ῠMid e e o oOpen a ᾰIn this case when transcribing e o and also later ai w the phonemic symbols e and o denote true mid vowels i e neither close nor open 5 Long vowels Edit Front Backunrounded rounded roundedClose iː ῑ ei uː ῡ oy yiClose mid eː h ῃ oi oː oi Mid oː w ῳOpen mid ɛː ai Open aː ᾱ ᾳThe yː value for oi is attested later in the 3rd century BC An intermediate value of oː has been suggested by some perhaps attested in spellings of ei for oi indicating a premature loss of lip rounding leading to eː rather than iː c f text below 6 Diphthongs Edit au ay eu eyDiphthongs ay and ey likely retained their classical pronunciation A single interchange with b indicating an early change to av ev is found later in the 3rd century BC 7 Stop and former stop consonants Edit Bilabial Dental Velarvoiceless p p t t k kvoiced b b d d ɣ gaspirated voiceless pʰ f tʰ 8 kʰ xFricative values for b d f 8 and x are not unlikely but are not attested in Boeotian in the 4th century BC A fricative value for 8 is attested in Laconian in the late 5th century BCE through spellings with s 8 including in some plays by Aristophanes d also appears to have become fricative in 6th century BC Elean see discussion on consonants below 9 Additionally as noted above a single example of ey for eb is found a century later 10 Other consonants Edit Nasals m m n n ŋ gLiquids l l r r r ῥ Sibilant s s z z sAspirate h No reference has been found on the status of the aspirate in Boeotian at this period Accentuation Edit The tonal accent system of Ancient Greek probably remained relevant Sample phonetic transcription Edit The following text a Hellenistic Boeotian inscription is rendered in a reconstructed pronunciation reflecting regional phonological developments Monophthongization and vowel raising are clearly seen in the specialized Boeotian orthography which uses h instead of ai ei for h and hi ῃ and w for wi ῳ There is also a spelling of ei for oi indicating an early loss of lip rounding resulting in eː not i ː it can therefore be inferred that at this stage oi became oː not y It is possible that in vulgar Attic the y gt i shift had already occurred in the 4th century BC but was resisted in Koine due to conservative interference Also notable is the continued use of digamma ϝ for w 11 Dioykleῖs kὴ Kwtila ἀnti8enti tὰn ϝidian 8reptan ἧ ὄnioyma Zwpoyrina ἱar ὰn teῖ Serapei parameinasan aὐteῖs ἇs ka zῶn8i ἀnenkleitws tὰn ἀna8esin poioymenei diὰ tῶ s o ynedriw katὰ tὸn nomon Greek pronunciation diukleːs kɛː koːtilaː antitʰenti taːn widiaːn tʰreptan hɛː onjuma zoːpuriːnaː hiaran teː serapeː parameːnaːsan auteːs has kaː zoːntʰi aneŋkleːtoːs taːn anatʰesin pojuːmeneː dia toː sunhedrioː kata ton nomon Diocles and Cotila dedicate their slave whose name is Zopurina to the safe keeping of Serapis provided that she has remained in service with them blamelessly for as long as they live they make this dedication through the council according to the law Learned pronunciation 4th century BC until early Roman period Edit Until the beginning of Roman times some learned speakers may have retained a conservative pronunciation that preserved many traits of the Ancient Greek phonological system However already in the 4th century BC the popular dialect in Athens may have been moving in the direction of the Koine without differences in vowel length as noted above 12 Even in Attic official inscriptions the learned pronunciation appears to have disappeared by the 2nd century AD 13 The learned pronunciation described here is mostly pre Koine Attic Short vowels Edit Front Backunrounded rounded roundedClose i ῐ y ῠ Mid e e o oOpen a ᾰLong vowels Edit Front Backunrounded roundedClose iː ῑ ei C or ῃ yː ῡ yi uː oyClose mid or Mid eː h ei V ῃ oː wOpen aː ᾱThe ei pseudo diphthong was confused with i in manuscripts except before a vowel where it was confused with h so it probably retained its ancient value there 14 A monophthongal pronunciation of yi as yː is written in parentheses as a dialectal trait of Great Attic clarify beginning in the late classical period 15 In addition ῃ probably first lost its final element and merged with eː but later raised to iː as seen in alternations between spellings of ῃ ei for the 2sg middle ending Both pronunciations are given as possible dialectal variants 16 Diphthongs Edit Front offglide Back offglide ai ai oi oi yi yi au ay eu ey Long first element aː i ᾳ oː i ῳ aː u ᾱy eː u hy oː u wyLong first element diphthongs are written in parentheses because they were gradually monophthongized starting from the classical period Dionysius of Halicarnassus prescribes them as a correct pronunciation indicating that the diphthongs were no longer pronounced in natural speech 17 By the 1st century BC the process of monophthongization was over see diachronic description below for more details Stop consonants Edit Bilabial Dental Velarvoiceless p p t t k kvoiced b b d d ɡ gaspirated voiceless pʰ f tʰ 8 kʰ xAncient grammarians and transcriptions suggest that voiced and aspirated stop consonants were retained until the beginning of the Roman period The voiced stops probably became fricatives before the voiceless aspirates 18 Other consonants Edit Nasals m m n n ŋ gLiquids l l r r r ῥ Sibilant s s z z sAspirate h Some scholars regard ŋ as an allophone of n others as a separate phoneme which is why it is put in parentheses What exact sound ῥ represented is a matter of discussion but it should probably be regarded as an allophone of the r notated by r z denotes a zz geminate between vowels Accentuation Edit Learned speech retained the tonal accent system of Ancient Greek Sample phonetic transcription Edit The following excerpt is part of a Roman Senatorial decree to the town of Thisbae in Boeotia in 170 BC and is transcribed with a conservative variety of Koine in the early Roman period 19 The transcription shows partial pre consonantal word final raising of ῃ and ei to iː retention of pitch accent and retention of word initial h the rough breathing perὶ ὧn 8is b eῖs logoys ἐpoihsanto perὶ tῶn ka8 aὑ t oὺs pragmatwn oἵtines ἐn tῆi filiai tῆi ἡmeterai ἐnemeinan ὅpws aὐtoῖs do8ῶsin o ἷs tὰ ka8 aὑtoὺs pragmata ἐ3hghswntai perὶ toytoy toῦ pragmatos oὕtws ἔdo3en ὅpws Kointos Mainios strathgὸs tῶn ἐk tῆs synklhtoy p ente ἀpota3hi oἳ ἂn aὐtῶi ἐk tῶn dhmosiwn pra gm atwn kaὶ tῆs ἰdias pistews fainwntai Greek pronunciation peri hoːn tʰizbiːs loɡuːs epojeːsanto peri toːn katʰ hautuːs praːɡmatoːn hoitines en tiː pʰiliaːi tiː heːmeteraːi enemiːnan hopoːs autois dotʰoːsin hois ta katʰ hautuːs praːɡmata ekseːɡeːsoːntai peri tuːtuː tuː praːɡmatos huːtoːs edoksen hopoːs ˈkʷintos ˈmainios strateːɡos toːn ek teːs syŋkleːtuː pente apotaksiː hoi an autoːi ek toːn deːmosioːn praːɡmatoːn kai teːs idiaːs pisteoːs pʰainoːntai Concerning those matters about which the citizens of Thisbae made representations Concerning their own affairs the following decision was taken concerning the proposal that those who remained true to our friendship should be given the facilities to conduct their own affairs that our praetor governor Quintus Maenius should delegate five members of the senate who seemed to him appropriate in the light of their public actions and individual good faith Egyptian Greek mid 2nd century BC Edit By around 150 BC Egyptian Greek had monophthongized diphthongs and lost vowel length distinction Vowels Edit Front Backunrounded rounded roundedClose i i ei C or ῃ y y u oyClose mid or Near close e ei V h o oi Mid e e ai o o w ῳOpen a a ᾳConfusion of o with w and of e with ai in Egypt begin from this period on However y was not confused with oi before the 1st century BC so is still represented in the intermediate phase of o 20 y remained rounded but apparently merged with i in certain conditions see sample text below Further confusion of o w and oy is also common indicating a neutralization of o and u perhaps with a closer articulation of o However distinction between close and mid back vowels is still maintained in the chart because this development was likely an isolated regional trait related to Coptic influence not affecting the development of the language generally 21 h was apparently distinguished from e in quality but at the same time was not regularly confused with i except under certain phonetic contexts see sample text below Therefore it may represent the intermediate stage of a near close vowel e pushed up the frontal axis to i along with the raising of ɛː ai to e Once again this new vowel is also the prevocalic value of ei 22 An alternative route of development taken by other scholars is that ai having initially monophthongized as aeː and e e merged to acquire a middle value of ɛ distinguished from the new close mid e written h the result of the merger would then be raised to e once h merged with i 23 Diphthongs Edit aw ay ew ey yi yiThe transition of ay and ey from au eu to ab eb was likely already in progress A probable intermediate semi vocalic stage is therefore presented here The diphthong yi was apparently retained in Egyptian at least in this century 24 Stop and former stop consonants Edit Bilabial Dental Palatal Velarvoiceless p p t t k kvoiced b b d d ʝ g ɣ gaspirated voiceless pʰ f tʰ 8 kʰ xEvidence for a fricative g in Egyptian Greek dates as far back to the 4th century BC From the 2nd century BC these include omissions and insertions of g before a front vowel which indicate a palatal fricative allophone in such positions 25 However these may not have been standard pronunciations 26 b likely did not become fricative till the 1st century AD Fricative pronunciation for aspirates may have been generalized even later in Egyptian Greek Other consonants Edit Nasals m m n n n ŋ gLiquids l l r r ʰ r ῥ Sibilant s s z z s Aspirate h Aspiration may have begun to disappear from popular speech in the 1st century BC Accentuation Edit The accent had changed to a stress accent Sample phonetic transcription Edit The following late Ptolemaic Egyptian papyrus from 154 BC is rendered in popular pronunciation including the loss of vowel length distinction and shift to a stress accent The substitution of ai for e points to monophthongization for oi this is still in the intermediate phase of o as inferred by the lack of confusion with y The interchange of i for h and y suggests an early raising to i for the former and loss of lip rounding for the latter this occurs only in highly restricted phonetic conditions i e in labial environments 27 or may be an isolated dialectal trait Horrocks transcription already has a fricative g with a palatal allophone before front vowels 28 syggegrammai tῆi Ἑsperoy 8ygatri mellw dὲ ἰsagein ἐn tῷ Mesorὴ mhni kalῶs poihseis ἀposteῖlai moi ἰmixoyn ἐlaioy gegraf ἱmeῖn ἵna eἰdῆtai paragenoῦ dὲ eἰs tὴn ἡmeran syŋ ɡeɣrame ti heˈsperu tʰyɣaˈtri ˈmelo de iˈsaʝin en do mesoˈri miˈni kaˈlos poˈje sis apoˈstilˈe mo hiˈmikʰun eˈleu ˈʝeɣrapʰ hiˈmin hina iˈdite paraʝeˈnu de is te n he ˈmeran I have made a contract with the daughter of Hesperos and I shall marry her in the month of Mesore Please send half a chous a liquid measure of oil I have written to you so that you may know Come for the wedding day Popular pronunciation 1st century BC 2nd century AD Edit The loss of vowel length and the spread of Greek under Alexander the Great led to a reorganization of the vowels in the phonology of Koine Greek There were no longer distinctions of long and short vowels in popular speech Front Backunrounded rounded roundedClose i i ei ῃ y y oi yi u oyNear Close e h Mid e e ai o w o ῳOpen a a ᾳThe monophthongization process was over by the 1st century BC with the final merger of oi and y Former diphthongs Edit aɸʷ abʷ ay eɸʷ ebʷ eyIn the Roman period the ay and ey diphthongs developed narrower articulations possibly closing to aɸʷ abʷ eɸʷ ebʷ or even depending on when lip rounding was lost aɸ ab and eɸ eb 29 Before the 4th century AD interchanges of ay ey with a y oy e y oy are still more common than confusions with ab eb 30 so many if not most speakers probably preserved the earlier pronunciations of the second element as a semi vowel or labialized consonant Stop and former stop consonants Edit Bilabial Dental Palatal Velarvoiceless stop p p t t k kvoiced b b d d ʝ g ɣ gvoiceless pʰ ɸ f tʰ 8 8 kʰ x xBy the 1st century the voiced consonants b and g became fricatives b and ɣ though d probably remained plosive till the 3rd century 31 Despite the lack of clear evidence for the fricativization of aspirated plosives in the Koine f 8 and x perhaps started to become fricatives in areas outside Egypt such as the northern Mediterranean 32 See discussion below Other consonants Edit Nasals m m n n ŋ gLiquids l l r rSibilant s s z z s Aspirate h Aspiration had probably dropped out of popular speech but possibly remained a characteristic of learned speech 33 Accentuation lost distinctions of high and high low tones leaving only a high tone for a stress accent Sample phonetic transcription Edit The following papyrus letter from 100 AD is again transcribed in popular Koine pronunciation It now shows fricative values for the second element in diphthongs ay ey and for b except in transliterations of Latin names 34 but aspirated plosives remain plosive Monophthongization and loss of vowel length are clearly seen in the graphic interchanges of i ei y oi and w o 35 Also there is frequent post nasal voicing of voiceless stops which is strengthened in Egypt because of Coptic influence but was eventually standardized everywhere and is a rule in Modern Greek 36 Loykios Bellhnos Gemellos Sabinwi tῶi oieἱῶi xairein eὖ oὖn pyhsas komisamenos moy tὴn ἐpistolὴn pemsis my Pindaron eἰs tὴn polin tὸn pediofylaka tῆs Dionysiados ἐpὶ ἐrwthse me Ἑrmona3 eἵna aὐtὸn labῃ eἰs Kerkesoῦxa katama8ῖn tὸn ἐlaiῶna aὐtoῦ ἐpὶ pyknos ἐstin kai 8eli ἐ3 aὐtὸn ἐkkopsai fyta eἵna ἐnpiros kopῇ tὰ mellonta ἐkkoptes8ai Greek pronunciation ˈlucios beˈle nos ˈɟemelos saˈbino to hyˈjo ˈcʰerin ev un pyˈe sas komiˈsameˈnoz mu te n epistoˈle n ˈpem p siz my ˈpindaron is te m ˈbolin tom bedioˈpʰylaka tiz djonyˈsjados eˈpi eˈrote ˈse me erˈmonaks in a a f ton ˈlavi is cerceˈsukʰa katamaˈtʰi n ton eleˈon a a f tu eˈpi pyˈknos estin ce ˈtʰeli eks afˈton eˈkopse pʰyˈta ina emˈbiros koˈpi ta ˈmelonda eˈkoptestʰe Lucius Bellenus Gemellus to his son Sabinus greetings On receipt of my letter you will kindly send me Pindarus the field guard from Dionysias to the city as Hermonax has asked me for permission to take him to Kerkesoucha to examine his olive grove as it is dense and he wants to cut out some trees from it so that those to be cut down may be cut skillfully 4th century AD Edit By the 4th century AD the loss of vowel length distinction and aspiration was most probably generalized h was often confused with i hence pronounced i but still occasionally with e presumably pronounced e as it still is today in Eastern i e Pontic and Cappadocian Greek dialects 37 Fricative values for former voiced and aspirate stop consonants were probably already common however some dialects may have retained voiced and aspirate stop consonants until the end of the 1st millennium The pronunciation suggested here though far from being universal is essentially that of Modern Greek except for the continued roundedness of y Vowels Edit Front Backunrounded rounded roundedClose i i ei h ῃ y y oi yi u oyMid e e ai some h dialectal o o w ῳOpen a a ᾳThere is some confusion between h and i in Attic and Asia Minor two centuries earlier However in the papyri it is only from this period that interchange with symbols for i becomes as common as that between i ei e ai or y oi 38 The confusion between y and i had begun as early as the 2nd century BC in Egyptian Greek but it was most probably not generalized in all phonetic positions yet 39 Former diphthongs Edit af av ay ef ev eyThe full transition of ay and ey to av ev may have been generalized by this time 40 Stop and former stop consonants Edit Labial Dental Palatal Velarvoiceless stop p p t t c k k kvoiced fricative v b d d ʝ g ɣ gformerly aspirated voiceless fricative f f 8 8 c x x xDespite the lack of evidence for the latter change in Egyptian papyri 41 it is perhaps not an unreasonable assumption that fricative values for both former voiced stops and voiceless aspirated stops were common in many other dialects 42 It is uncertain as to when the palatal allophones for velars k and x appeared Other consonants Edit Nasals m m n n ŋ gLiquids l l r rSibilant s s z z sAccentuation Edit The stress accent system was probably generalized Sample phonetic transcription Edit The following excerpt from a late 4th century AD papyrus letter is rendered in late Roman early Byzantine era popular Koine Vowel length loss and monophthongization are presumed to be nearly universal in all regions as is seen in the familiar interchanges of i ei y oi e a i and w o The misspelling of ὕmisy for ἥmisy again suggests as noted above that both h and y merged with i ei before labials By now however h earlier Koine e had possibly fully raised to i in all positions as is shown in the transcription Aspiration has been lost and both voiced plosives and voiceless aspirated plosives have become fricatives 43 The omission of g in the misspelling ὑievovta ὑgiai may reflect a palatal allophone ʝ of velar fricative ɣ before front vowels 44 tῇ kyria moy ἀd el fῇ Manatinῃ Prwb o s ἀdelfὼ xairin prὼ m ὲn pantwn eὔxwmai tῷ kyriῳ 8eῷ perὶ tῆs sῆs ὡloklhrias ὅpws ὑienonta soὶ kaὶ eὐ8ymoῦnti ἀpwlabῃs tὰ par ἐmoῦ grammata gi gnwskin se 8elw kyria moy ἀdelfh ἄpel8e prὸs Petrwnin tὼn ἐngyhsamenon moy de3e ἀ p ἀ ὐtoῦ ἐk toῦ mis8oῦ moy ἕnan ὕmisy Greek pronunciation ti cyˈria mu adelˈfi manaˈtini ˈprovos adelˈfo s ˈcerin pro men ˈpandon ˈefxome to cyˈrio 8eˈo peri tis sis olokliˈrias opos yˈʝenonda sy ce ef8iˈmundi apoˈlavis ta par emu ˈɣramata ʝi ɣ ˈnosci n se ˈ8elo cyˈria mu adelˈfi ˈapel8e pros peˈtronin ton eŋɡyiˈsameno n mu ˈdekse ap afˈtu ek tu misˈ8umu enan ˈimisi To my lady sister Manatine Probus her brother greetings Above all I pray to the Lord God concerning your well being that you receive my letter in good health and in good spirits I want you to know my lady sister that you must go to Petronius my guarantor Get from him out of my pay one and a half talents Diachronic phonetic description EditLoss of vowel quantity distinction Edit The ancient distinction between long and short vowels was lost in popular speech at the beginning of the Koine period By the mid second century BCE however the majority system had undergone important changes most notably monophthongization the loss of distinctive length and the shift to a primary stress accent 45 From the 2nd century BC spelling errors in non literary Egyptian papyri suggest stress accent and loss of vowel length distinction The widespread confusion between o and w in Attic inscriptions starting in the 2nd century AD was probably caused by a loss of vowel length distinction 46 Transition to stress accent Edit The means of accenting words changed from pitch to stress meaning that the accented syllable had only one tone option high and was presumably louder and or stronger This shift directly corresponded with monophthongization and the loss of vowel timing distinctions which destroyed the environment in which a pitch accent could be sustained 47 From the mid 2nd century BC spelling errors all over the Mediterranean including occasional graphic omissions of unaccented vowels suggest a loss of vowel length distinction which is commonly thought to result in the loss of tonal accent 29 More evidence of stress accent appears in poetry starting from the late 2nd century AD early 3rd century AD 48 Diphthongs Edit Spurious diphthongs Edit Before a consonant the diphthong ei had started to become monophthongal in Attic as early as the 6th century BC and pronounced like e probably as eː From the late 4th century BC in Attic the spurious diphthong pseudo diphthong ei now notating both etymological ei and etymological e came to be pronounced like ῑ probably as iː with the quality that the digraph still has in modern Greek 49 Before a vowel the diphthong ei did not follow the same evolution as pre consonantal ei 50 One theory to explain this difference is that pre vocalic ei may have kept a diphthongal value ej until the 4th century BC the j being progressively perceived as a glide from e to the next vowel 51 From the late 4th century BC the pre vocalic diphthong ei came to be confused with h which implies that unlike before a consonant it retained the value eː probably with a loss of openness distinction with h 50 for later evolution refer to h below Starting from the 6th century in Attic the diphthong oy had been monophthongized and confused with o While its initial value had probably been oː it must have evolved to uː quite early possibly in the 6th century BC and at any rate before 350 BC this vowel quality has been preserved through modern times 52 Short first element i diphthongs Edit Diphthong ai was probably monophthongized at first as e ː 53 This value is attested in Boeotian in the early 4th century BC with the Boeotian spelling of h for ai 54 Confusion of ai with e suggests that this transition had taken place by the mid 2nd century BC in Egyptian Greek 55 Further confusion between ai and e is found in Palestine in the early 2nd century 56 and the confusion between ai and e starting from c 125 AD in Attic suggests that the monophthongization took place in the early 2nd century AD in learned Attic 57 Allen thinks the transition to e i e loss of openness distinction with e to have taken place later while Allen is not very explicit on this point this theory seems based on the observation that while both h and ai are confused with e ai is not confused with h 58 However not all scholars seem to agree 56 No reference on this point of debate has been found Diphthong oi was monophthongized as yː or y depending on when the loss of vowel length distinction took place 59 This is attested in Boeotian as early as the 3rd century BC with a spelling of y for oi but this was probably a dialectal trait 60 Still diphthong oi must have kept a diphthongal value at least in learned language until Roman times as it is transcribed as oe in Latin Further evidence of monophthongization is found from the early 1st century BC in Egyptian Greek as well as in the early 2nd century AD in Palestine 56 Monophthongization in learned language seems attested by a y spelling for oi found in a text dated from the early 2nd century AD and another from c 240 AD 61 Look up note on evolution of y for subsequent evolution Koine Greek initially seems to feature diphthong yi which had been progressively monophthongized to yː written y for ῡ in Attic from the 6th century BC to the 4th century BC but retained in other Greek dialects 62 It was later monophthongized as yː or y depending on when the loss of vowel length distinction took place The author of these lines has not found any reference on when this change took place but this transition may be phonologically linked to and at any rate is quite unlikely to have taken place after the similar transition of oi to y ː See discussion on y below for subsequent evolution Short first element u diphthongs Edit Diphthongs ay and ey lost their ancient value of au eu and fortified to a fricative consonantal pronunciation of ab eb or av ev through the likely intermediate stages of aw ew and then abʷ ebʷ 63 64 Sporadic confusions of ay ey with ab eb which attest a fricative pronunciation are found as early as 3rd century BC Boeotia and in 2nd century BC Egypt 65 Further such confusions appear rarely in the papyri at the beginning of the 1st century AD 66 However Gignac notes that before the Late Roman Early Byzantine period spellings with a y oy e y oy are more common which more likely represent the earlier transitional phases of aw ew or abʷ ebʷ 67 Allen also believes that the fricative pronunciation was not generalized at once for instance Jewish catacombs inscriptions still show a diphthongal value in the 2nd 3rd century AD 68 Confusion of ay and ey with ab eb becomes increasingly common in late Roman and early Byzantine times which suggests that it had been generalized by this time 29 Outside of Egypt spellings with ab eb are also found in Asia Minor from the Late Roman period 69 Finally indirect evidence comes from transcriptions into foreign languages such as Coptic ϩⲓⲡⲡⲉϥ Hippef for ἱppeῦ 2nd century AD 70 or Byzantine Late Hebrew Aramaic transcriptions of ay ey with אב ab 71 Long first element i diphthongs Edit Diphthong ῃ 72 had started to become monophthongal in Attic at least as early as the 4th century BC as it was often written ei and probably pronounced eː In Koine Greek most ῃ were therefore subjected to the same evolution as original classical eː and came to be pronounced i ː However in some inflexional endings mostly 1st declension dative singular and subjunctive 3 Sg the evolution was partially reverted from c 200 BC probably by analogy of forms of other cases persons to h and was probably pronounced eː at first look up note on evolution of h for subsequent evolution 73 Other long first element i diphthongs ᾳ and ῳ 74 became monophthongal by the 2nd century BC as they were written a and w 75 the former was probably pronounced a ː while the later may have been pronounced ɔ ː at first if openness distinction had not been lost yet and was eventually pronounced o ː at any rate look up discussion of single vowels o and w below for details From the 2nd century AD Atticism caused for a widespread reintroduction of the ancient spelling with the final i but in any case was not pronounced 76 Long first element u diphthongs Edit When augmented from ey in verbs diphthong hy had been altered to ey from the 4th century BC 77 Other long first element y diphthongs ᾱy hy and wy had become monophthongal from the 1st century BC as they were written as a h and w 78 the first was probably pronounced a ː while the two later may have been pronounced ɛ ː and ɔ ː at first if openness distinction had not been lost yet e ː and o ː otherwise and were eventually pronounced i ː and o ː at any rate look up discussions of single vowels o and w and single vowel h below for details Single vowel quality Edit Apart from h simple vowels have better preserved their ancient pronunciation than diphthongs As noted above at the start of the Koine Greek period pseudo diphthong ei before consonant had a value of iː whereas pseudo diphthong oy had a value of uː these vowel qualities have remained unchanged through Modern Greek Diphthong ei before vowel had been generally monophthongized to a value of i ː and confused with h thus sharing later developments of h The quality of vowels a e i and o have remained unchanged through Modern Greek as a e i and o 79 Vowels o and w started to be regularly confused in Attic inscriptions starting in the 2nd century AD which may indicate that the quality distinction was lost around this time However this may as well indicate the loss of length distinction with an earlier or simultaneous loss of quality distinction Indeed the fact that some less systematic confusion is found in Attic inscriptions from the 4th century BC may alternatively point to a loss of openness distinction in the 4th century BC and the systematization of the confusion in the 2nd century AD would then have been caused by the loss of length distinction 46 The quality distinction between h and e may have been lost in Attic in the late 4th century BCE when pre consonantic pseudo diphthong ei started to be confused with i and pre vocalic diphthong ei with h 80 C 150 AD Attic inscriptions started confusing h and i indicating the appearance of a iː or i depending on when the loss of vowel length distinction took place pronunciation that is still in usage in standard Modern Greek however it seems that some locutors retained the e pronunciation for some time as Attic inscriptions continued to in parallel confuse h and e and transcriptions into Gothic and to some extent Old Armenian transcribe h as e 81 Additionally it is noted that while interchange of h and i ei does occur in the Ptolemaic and Roman period these only occur in restrictive phonetic conditions or may otherwise be explained due to grammatical developments 82 Moreover itacism still shows exceptions in Asia Minor Greek especially Pontic Greek where h partially merges with e instead of with i Koine Greek adopted for vowel y the pronunciation y of Ionic Attic Confusion of y with i appears in Egyptian papyri from the 2nd century BC and 2nd century AD suggesting a pronunciation of i but this occurs only in restricted phonetic conditions or may be a regional trait since Coptic did not have y 83 84 Transcriptions into Gothic and to some extent Armenian suggest that y still retained a y pronunciation and the transition to i in mainstream Greek is thought to have taken place at the end of the 1st millennium 85 Loss of aspiration Edit The aspirate breathing aspiration referring here to the phoneme h which is usually marked by the rough breathing sign which was already lost in the Ionic idioms of Asia Minor and the Aeolic of Lesbos psilosis 86 later stopped being pronounced in Koine Greek Incorrect or hypercorrect markings of assimilatory aspiration i e un aspirated plosive becomes aspirated before initial aspiration in Egyptian papyri suggest that this loss was already under way in Egyptian Greek in the late 1st century BC 87 Transcriptions into foreign languages and consonant changes before aspirate testify that this transition must not have been generalized before the 2nd century AD but transcriptions into Gothic show that it was at least well under way in the 4th century AD 88 Consonants Edit Among consonants only b d g and z are certain to have changed from Classical Greek Consonants f 8 and x are assumed to have changed too but there is some disagreement amongst scholars over evidence for these The consonant z which had probably a value of zd in Classical Attic 89 90 though some scholars have argued in favor of a value of dz and the value probably varied according to dialects see Zeta letter for further discussion acquired the sound z that it still has in Modern Greek seemingly with a geminate pronunciation zz at least between vowels Attic inscriptions suggest that this pronunciation was already common by the end of the 4th century BC 91 Horrocks agrees with Gignac on finding evidence that geminate consonants tended to simplify beginning from the 3rd century BC as seen in their arbitrary use in less literate writing 92 93 However degemination was not carried out universally as seen where the South Italian south eastern and some Asia Minor dialects preserve double consonants 94 The consonants f 8 which were initially pronounced as aspirates pʰ and tʰ developed into fricatives f 95 and 8 96 On the other hand there is no specific evidence of the transition of consonant x from aspirate kʰ to fricative x c in the Koine Greek period There is evidence for fricative 8 in Laconian in the 5th century BC 97 but this is unlikely to have influenced Koine Greek which is largely based on Ionic Attic According to Allen the first clear evidence for fricative f and 8 in Koine Greek dates from the 1st century AD in Latin Pompeian inscriptions 98 Yet evidence suggest an aspirate pronunciation for 8 in Palestine in the early 2nd century 99 and Jewish catacomb inscriptions of the 2nd 3rd century AD suggest a pronunciation of f for f tʰ for 8 and kʰ for x which would testify that the transition of 8 to a fricative was not yet general at this time and suggests that the transition of f to a fricative may have happened before the transition of 8 and x 100 There may be evidence for fricative f in 2nd century AD Attic in the form of omission of the second element in the ey diphthongs which were pronounced ef ev before f 101 Armenian transcriptions transcribe x as kʰ until the 10th century AD so it seems that x was pronounced as aspirate by at least some speakers until then 102 There is disagreement as to when consonants b g and d which were originally pronounced b ɡ d acquired the value of v 103 ɣ ʝ and d that they have in Modern Greek 104 There is evidence of fricative g as far back as the 4th century BC in the form of omissions before a back vowel 105 In the papyri from the 2nd century BC g is sometimes omitted or inserted before a front vowel which indicates a palatal allophone ʝ or j 106 However to Allen these do not seem to have been a standard pronunciation 26 Some scholars have argued that the replacement of old Greek ϝ w with b in certain late classical dialects indicates a fricative pronunciation 107 Ancient grammarians describe the plosive nature of these letters b is transcribed as b not v in Latin and Cicero still seems to identify b with Latin b 108 Gignac finds evidence from non literary papyri suggesting a fricative pronunciation in some contexts mostly intervocalic from about the 1st century AD in the form of the use of b to transcribe Latin v which was also undergoing a fortition process from semi vowel w to fricative b 109 However Allen is again sceptical that this pronunciation was generalized yet 110 Increasingly common confusion of ay and ey with ab and eb in late Roman and early Byzantine times suggests that the fricative pronunciation of b was common if not general by this time 111 112 Yet it is not before the 10th century AD that transcriptions of b as fricative վ v or g as voiced velar ղ l pronounced ɣ ʁ are found in Armenian which suggests that the transition was not general before the end of the 1st millennium however previous transcriptions may have been learned transcriptions 113 Georgian loans in the 9th and 10th centuries similarly show inconsistency in transcribing b and g as a stop or fricative b is consistently rendered as ბ b rather than ვ v while g may be written with an adapted symbol ღ for fricative ɣ or with ჟ ʒ approximating ʝ in palatal position but also with stop გ g 114 There is probable evidence for a peculiarly early shift of d gt d in 6th century BC Elean seen in the writing of z for d 115 Gignac interprets similar spellings in the Egyptian papyri beginning in the 1st century AD as the spirant pronunciation for d in the Koine but before the 4th century AD these only occur before i 116 However not all scholars agree that there is a reasonable phonetic basis for the earlier fricativization of d before i 117 The weakness of final n n frequently before a stop consonant is attested in Egypt in both Hellenistic and Roman times seen directly in graphic omission and hypercorrect insertion though its complete loss would not be carried through until the medieval period and excluding the South Italian south eastern and Asia Minor dialects 118 The development of voiced allophones b d g of voiceless stops p t and k after nasals is also evidenced in Pamphylia as early as the 4th century BC and in the Egyptian papyri mostly Roman period in the interchange with b d and g in post nasal positions where these letters retained their ancient plosive values as noted above 119 Hence mp nt gk would later be used for b d g via assimilation to the second element 120 In Egypt this development is seen as an influence of the Coptic substrate 121 But at the same time this change has now become standard in Modern Greek and so it appears to have occurred in other areas as well 122 See also EditKoine Greek Ancient Greek phonology Modern Greek phonologyReferences Edit Verse texts in the Boeotian vernacular such as the poetry of Corinna retain vowel length Teodorsson 1978 96 98 Allen 1987 ix x Horrocks 2010 33 34 Otherwise transcribed as e and o It will be noted specifically in the table if the same symbols are used to represent a close mid vowel value see below For the exacting quality of Greek mid vowels see Allen W Sidney 1968 Vox Graeca A guide to the pronunciation of classical Greek Cambridge Cambridge University Press 59 60 Horrocks 2010 163 Gignac 1976 page needed Horrocks 2010 170 Horrocks 2010 30 31 Gignac 1976 p 233 note 1 Horrocks 2010 85 86 Teodorsson 1978 96 97 Cf a spelling of y for oi on an official inscription noted in Allen W Sidney 1968 Vox Graeca A Guide to the Pronunciation of Classical Greek Cambridge Cambridge University Press p 77 note 2 Note that C stands for pre consonantal V for pre vocalic contexts and for a word boundary See Horrocks 2010 168 Horrocks 2010 162 168 C f differences in reconstructions of Attic versus Egyptian Horrocks 2010 163 167 Teodorsson Sven Tage 2001 2002 The Origin and Progress of the Greek Diglossia Sbornik Praci Filozoficke Fakulty Brnenske Univerzity 6 7 319 Horrocks 2010 170 171 Horrocks 2010 142 Teodorsson 1977 253 255 Horrocks 2010 112 118 Horrocks 2010 118 162 168 Bubenik 1989 228 c f also Teodorsson 1978 216 Horrocks 2010 165 167 Teodorsson 1977 241 243 a b Allen 1987 31 32 Horrocks 2010 118 Note however that Horrocks has chosen to transcribe this sound as j rather than ʝ assuming a palatal approximant and not a fricative value a b c Horrocks 2010 169 Gignac 1976 232 233 Gignac 1976 68 76 Horrocks 2010 171 Buth page 225 note 24 However the pronunciation suggested by Horrocks is more advanced than the pronunciation indicated by the table above since ay ey have fully transitioned to av ev Horrocks 2010 172 173 Horrocks 2010 110 111 Not all scholars agree that the Pontic pronunciation of h as e is an archaism Horrocks notes that e is written for any letter or digraph representing i in other dialects i e i ei oi or y which never represented the sound ɛː in Ancient Greek not just h He therefore attributes this phonological feature of East Greek to vowel weakening paralleling the omission of unstressed vowels Horrocks 2010 400 Gignac 1976 242 Horrocks 2010 118 119 162 63 Buth op cit page 4 note 8 citing Horrocks 1997 111 Gignac 1976 98 101 Horrocks 2010 170 171 Horrocks 2010 183 184 Gignac 1976 71 72 Horrocks 1997 109 a b Allen 1987 94 Horrocks 2010 118 169 Allen 1987 130 Allen 1987 69 72 Diphthong ei had already merged with i in the 5th century BC in regions such as Argos or in the 4th century BC in Corinth e g LEGIS citation needed It was also the case in Boeotia in the early 4th century BC Allen op cit page 74 a b Allen 1987 72 73 This perceived glide would explain why in the 5th and 4th centuries BC in Attic though there was no pre vocalic e that ei may have been confused with ei was often written as e indeed while the confusion seems to have ceased after the 4th century BC several etymological pre vocalic ei remain in altered e form in Koine Greek Such a perceived glide may actually be even older since in Homeric verses etymological pre vocalic ei is often written either as a short e or a long ei Allen op cit page 83 84 Allen 1987 75 78 with a possible intermediate stage of ae ː c f Horrocks 2010 119 161 This spelling e g IG 7 1672 6 8eibῆos 8hbaῖos Corinna fr 664 memfomh memfomai cf Lejeune 1972 230 1 indicates that the transition of ai to ɛː had taken place in Boeotian but not in Attic in the early 4th century BC Allen 1987 74 Randall Buth Ἡ Koinὴ Profora page 3 a b c Buth op cit page 3 Allen 1987 79 Allen 1987 79 The transition would then have taken place after the transition of h to iː i was over in mainstream Greek that is to say no earlier than the late Roman period or early Byzantine period With possible intermediate states oi and o ː c f Horrocks 2010 162 Lejeune 1972 230 1 Allen 1987 81 e g IG 7 283 etc tῦs ἄllys pro3enys toῖs ἄllois pro3enois Allen 1987 81 Allen 1987 81 note 54 Horrocks 2010 169 Comparable to the modern pronunciation of av ev partially assimilated to af ef before voiceless consonants 8 k 3 p s t f x and ps this assimilation being undated In Egypt ῥaydoys for ῥabdoys Gignac 1976 p 233 note 1 pneytynis for pnebtyni for the early bilabial fricative stage Buth op cit page 4 note 8 citing Gignac 1976 pages 68 note 1 and page 70 e g fluctuation among writing flayoy flaoy or flay for Latin Flauius Gignac 1976 232 Allen 1987 80 note 47 Schwyzer 1990 198 Schwyzer 1990 198 Bubenik 1989 228 note that the subscript i notation is medieval the i is adscript in ancient texts where it appears Allen 1987 85 86 once again the subscript notation is medieval Allen 1987 86 However when augmented from oi in verbs diphthong ῳ had been altered to oi instead Allen 1987 87 note 70 Horrocks 2010 175 Allen 1987 87 note 70 Allen 1987 87 Note again that in this case the symbols e o transcribe true mid vowels rather than close mid values Allen 1987 73 This evolution had probably happened by the early 4th century BCE in Boeotian but definitively not in Attic as shown by e g Boeotian pateir vs Attic pathr Allen 1987 74 Allen 1987 74 75 As an example cf the Ptolemaic papyrus above in which h shifts to i in pre labial conditions As for grammatical explanations of certain errors the falling together of perfect and aorist tenses in the Koine could have created confusion between aorist ἧka and perfect eἷka c f Horrocks 2010 168 Horrocks 2010 168 169 Allen 1987 68 Allen 1987 68 note 14 Lejeune 1972 281 2 e g ἐp oἷs for ἐf oἷs Randall Buth op cit page 5 6 citing Gignac 1976 137 138 Allen 1987 53 Allen 1987 56 Allen 1987 58 note 115 Allen 1987 58 e g programa for programma Horrocks 2010 171 175 Gignac 1976 154 165 Horrocks 2010 274 An intermediate stage of ɸ has been proposed by some but there is no specific evidence to support this Allen 1987 25 A transitional affricate stage e g pf t8 kx is also possible This would then simplify to f 8 x in the contexts of clusters involving other voiceless fricatives due to resulting difficult pronunciations e g s or f c f Horrocks 2010 171 e g Aristophanes Eἰrhnh l 214 siw for 8ew Allen 1987 26 Particularly meaningful is lasfe found for las8h Allen 1987 23 Randall Buth op cit page 4 Allen 1987 24 e g Ἐfronis for Eὐfronis Horrock 2010 171 citing Konrad Meisterhans 1900 Grammatik der attischen Inschriften Allen 1987 25 An intermediate stage of b has been proposed by some cf Horrocks 1997 112 except when preceded by a nasal consonant m n g in that case they retain their ancient sounds e g gambros gt gampros ɣamˈbros ἀnhr ἄndra gt antras ˈandras ἄggelos gt aggelos ˈaɲɟelos e g ὀlios for ὀligos Gignac 1976 note 1 p 71 e g ἱgeroῦ for ἱeroῦ Teodorsson 1978 186 187 e g boikia Bubenik 1989 188 Allen 1987 31 e g Serbikioy for Seroyikioy Gignac 1976 68 69 Allen 1987 32 note 46 Randall Buth op cit page 4 note 8 citing Horrocks 1997 111 e g prosagoreybome for prosagoreyomai Gignac 1976 70 Allen 1987 32 note 45 Macharadse Neil A 1980 Zur Lautung der griechischen Sprache der byzantinischen Zeit Jahrbuch der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik 29 152 154 e g ze for de Horrocks 2010 31 citing Julian Mendez Dosuna On Z for D in Greek dialecal inscriptions Sprache 35 82 114 e g zakosias for diakosias Gignac 1976 75 76 Horrocks 2010 170 citing Mendez Dosuna Review of G C Horrocks 1997 Greek a history of the language and its speakers London in Journal of Greek Linguistics 1 274 95 Horrocks 2010 171 274 e g Pamphylian pede for pente Egyptian pembths for pempths Bubenik 1989 220 239 e g ˈpente gt ˈpende gt ˈpedde gt ˈpede Horrocks 2010 111 c f Pamphylian evidence above Gignac 1976 81 84 178 179 Horrocks 2010 111 172 Bibliography EditBubenik Vit 1989 Hellenistic and Roman Greece as a sociolinguistic area Amsterdam and Philadelphia John Benjamins Publishing Company ISBN 90 272 3551 1 Allen W Sidney 1987 Vox Graeca the pronunciation of Classical Greek 3rd ed Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 33555 8 Buth Randall 2008 Living Koine Greek Part One Jerusalem Biblical Language Center ISBN 978 965 7352 02 1 Buth Randall 2008 Ἡ koinὴ profora Notes on the Pronunciation System of Phonemic Koine Greek PDF Gignac Francis T 1976 A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Periods Vol 1 Phonology Milan Instituto Editoriale Cisalpino La Goliardica ASIN B0006CVTGQ Horrocks Geoffrey C 1997 Greek A History of the Language and Its Speakers Longman ISBN 978 0 582 30709 4 Horrocks Geoffrey 2010 Greek A History of the Language and its Speakers 2nd ed Oxford Wiley Blackwell ISBN 978 1 118 78515 7 Lejeune Michel 1972 Phonetique historique du mycenien et du grec ancien 2nd ed Paris Editions Klincksieck Schwyzer Eduard 1990 Griechische Grammatik 6th ed Munich Verlag C H Beck ISBN 90 272 3551 1 Teodorsson Sven Tage 1978 The phonology of Attic in the Hellenistic period Goteborg Goteborg University ISBN 91 7346 059 1 Teodorsson Sven Tage 1977 The phonology of Ptolemaic Koine Goteborg Goteborg University ISBN 91 7346 035 4 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Koine Greek phonology amp oldid 1128445603, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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