

A historian is a person who studies and writes about the past and is regarded as an authority on it.[1] Historians are concerned with the continuous, methodical narrative and research of past events as relating to the human race; as well as the study of all history in time. Some historians are recognized by publications or training and experience.[2] "Historian" became a professional occupation in the late nineteenth century as research universities were emerging in Germany and elsewhere.

Herodotus (c. 484–c. 425 BC) was a Greek historian who lived in the fifth century BC and one of the earliest historians whose work survives.


During the Irving v Penguin Books and Lipstadt trial, people[who?] became aware that the court needed to identify what was an "objective historian" in the same vein as the reasonable person, and reminiscent of the standard traditionally used in English law of "the man on the Clapham omnibus".[3] This was necessary so that there would be a legal benchmark to compare and contrast the scholarship of an objective historian against the illegitimate methods employed by David Irving, as before the Irving v Penguin Books and Lipstadt trial, there was no legal precedent for what constituted an objective historian.[3]

Justice Gray leant heavily on the research of one of the expert witnesses, Richard J. Evans, who compared illegitimate distortion of the historical record practiced by Holocaust deniers with established historical methodologies.[4]

By summarizing Gray's judgment, in an article published in the Yale Law Journal, Wendie E. Schneider distils these seven points for what he meant by an objective historian:[5]

  1. The historian must treat sources with appropriate reservations;
  2. The historian must not dismiss counter-evidence without scholarly consideration;
  3. The historian must be even-handed in treatment of evidence and eschew "cherry-picking";
  4. The historian must clearly indicate any speculation;
  5. The historian must not mistranslate documents or mislead by omitting parts of documents;
  6. The historian must weigh the authenticity of all accounts, not merely those that contradict their favored view; and
  7. The historian must take the motives of historical actors into consideration.

Schneider uses the concept of the "objective historian" to suggest that this could be an aid in assessing what makes a historian suitable as expert witnesses under the Daubert standard in the United States. Schneider proposed this, because, in her opinion, Irving could not have passed the standard Daubert tests unless a court was given "a great deal of assistance from historians".[6]

Schneider proposes that by testing a historian against the criteria of the "objective historian" then, even if a historian holds specific political views (and she gives an example of a well-qualified historian's testimony that was disregarded by a United States court because he was a member of a feminist group), providing the historian uses the "objective historian" standards, they are a "conscientious historian". It was Irving's failure as an "objective historian" not his right-wing views that caused him to lose his libel case, as a "conscientious historian" would not have "deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence" to support his political views.[7]

History analysis

The process of historical analysis involves investigation and analysis of competing ideas, facts, and purported facts to create coherent narratives that explain "what happened" and "why or how it happened". Modern historical analysis usually draws upon other social sciences, including economics, sociology, politics, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and linguistics. While ancient writers do not normally share modern historical practices, their work remains valuable for its insights within the cultural context of the times. An important part of the contribution of many modern historians is the verification or dismissal of earlier historical accounts through reviewing newly discovered sources and recent scholarship or through parallel disciplines like archaeology.



Reproduction of part of a tenth-century copy of Thucydides's History of the Peloponnesian War.

Understanding the past appears to be a universal human need, and the telling of history has emerged independently in civilizations around the world. What constitutes history is a philosophical question (see philosophy of history). The earliest chronologies date back to Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, though no historical writers in these early civilizations were known by name.

Systematic historical thought emerged in ancient Greece, a development that became an important influence on the writing of history elsewhere around the Mediterranean region. The earliest known critical historical works were The Histories, composed by Herodotus of Halicarnassus (484 – c. 425 BCE) who later became known as the "father of history" (Cicero). Herodotus attempted to distinguish between more and less reliable accounts and personally conducted research by travelling extensively, giving written accounts of various Mediterranean cultures. Although Herodotus' overall emphasis lay on the actions and characters of men, he also attributed an important role to divinity in the determination of historical events. Thucydides largely eliminated divine causality in his account of the war between Athens and Sparta, establishing a rationalistic element that set a precedent for subsequent Western historical writings. He was also the first to distinguish between cause and immediate origins of an event, while his successor Xenophon (c. 431 – 355 BCE) introduced autobiographical elements and character studies in his Anabasis.

Leonardo Bruni (c.1370–1444), the historian who first divided history into the three eras of Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Modern times.

The Romans adopted the Greek tradition. While early Roman works were still written in Greek, the Origines, composed by the Roman statesman Cato the Elder (234–149 BCE), was written in Latin, in a conscious effort to counteract Greek cultural influence. Strabo (63 BCE – c. 24 CE) was an important exponent of the Greco-Roman tradition of combining geography with history, presenting a descriptive history of peoples and places known to his era. Livy (59 BCE – 17 CE) records the rise of Rome from city-state to empire. His speculation about what would have happened if Alexander the Great had marched against Rome represents the first known instance of alternate history.[8]

In Chinese historiography, the Classic of History is one of the Five Classics of Chinese classic texts and one of the earliest narratives of China. The Spring and Autumn Annals, the official chronicle of the State of Lu covering the period from 722 to 481 BCE, is among the earliest surviving Chinese historical texts arranged on annalistic principles. Sima Qian (around 100 BCE) was the first in China to lay the groundwork for professional historical writing. His written work was the Shiji (Records of the Grand Historian), a monumental lifelong achievement in literature. Its scope extends as far back as the 16th century BCE, and it includes many treatises on specific subjects and individual biographies of prominent people and also explores the lives and deeds of commoners, both contemporary and those of previous eras.[9]

A page of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People

Christian historiography began early, perhaps as early as Luke-Acts, which is the primary source for the Apostolic Age. Writing history was popular among Christian monks and clergy in the Middle Ages. They wrote about the history of Jesus Christ, that of the Church and that of their patrons, the dynastic history of the local rulers. In the Early Middle Ages historical writing often took the form of annals or chronicles recording events year by year, but this style tended to hamper the analysis of events and causes.[10] An example of this type of writing is the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, which were the work of several different writers: it was started during the reign of Alfred the Great in the late ninth century, but one copy was still being updated in 1154.[11]

Muslim historical writings first began to develop in the seventh century, with the reconstruction of the Prophet Muhammad's life in the centuries following his death. With numerous conflicting narratives regarding Muhammad and his companions from various sources, scholars had to verify which sources were more reliable. To evaluate these sources, they developed various methodologies, such as the science of biography, science of hadith and Isnad (chain of transmission). They later applied these methodologies to other historical figures in the Islamic civilization. Famous historians in this tradition include Urwah (d. 712), Wahb ibn Munabbih (d. 728), Ibn Ishaq (d. 761), al-Waqidi (745–822), Ibn Hisham (d. 834), Muhammad al-Bukhari (810–870) and Ibn Hajar (1372–1449).


During the Age of Enlightenment, the modern development of historiography through the application of scrupulous methods began.

Voltaire's works of history are an excellent example of Enlightenment era history writing. Painting by Pierre Charles Baquoy.

French philosophe Voltaire (1694–1778) had an enormous influence on the art of history writing. His best-known histories are The Age of Louis XIV (1751), and Essay on the Customs and the Spirit of the Nations (1756). "My chief object," he wrote in 1739, "is not political or military history, it is the history of the arts, of commerce, of civilization – in a word, – of the human mind."[12] He broke from the tradition of narrating diplomatic and military events, and emphasized customs, social history, and achievements in the arts and sciences. He was the first scholar to make a serious attempt to write the history of the world, eliminating theological frameworks, and emphasizing economics, culture, and political history.

Edward Gibbon's Decline of the Roman Empire (1776) was a masterpiece of late 18th-century history writing.

At the same time, philosopher David Hume was having a similar impact on history in Great Britain. In 1754, he published the History of England, a six-volume work that extended from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. Hume adopted a similar scope to Voltaire in his history; as well as the history of Kings, Parliaments, and armies, he examined the history of culture, including literature and science, as well.[13] William Robertson, a Scottish historian, and the Historiographer Royal[14] published the History of Scotland 1542 – 1603, in 1759 and his most famous work, The history of the reign of Charles V in 1769.[15] His scholarship was painstaking for the time and he was able to access a large number of documentary sources that had previously been unstudied. He was also one of the first historians who understood the importance of general and universally applicable ideas in the shaping of historical events.[16]

The apex of Enlightenment history was reached with Edward Gibbon's, monumental six-volume work, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, published on 17 February 1776. Because of its relative objectivity and heavy use of primary sources, at the time its methodology became a model for later historians. This has led to Gibbon being called the first "modern historian".[17] The book sold impressively, earning its author a total of about £9000. Biographer Leslie Stephen wrote that thereafter, "His fame was as rapid as it has been lasting."

19th century

The tumultuous events surrounding the French Revolution inspired much of the historiography and analysis of the early 19th century. Interest in the 1688 Glorious Revolution was also rekindled by the Great Reform Act of 1832 in England.

Thomas Carlyle published his magnum opus, the three-volume The French Revolution: A History in 1837.[18][19] The resulting work had a passion new to historical writing. Thomas Macaulay produced his most famous work of history, The History of England from the Accession of James the Second, in 1848.[20] His writings are famous for their ringing prose and for their confident, sometimes dogmatic, emphasis on a progressive model of British history, according to which the country threw off superstition, autocracy and confusion to create a balanced constitution and a forward-looking culture combined with the freedom of belief and expression. This model of human progress has been called the Whig interpretation of history.[21]

Jules Michelet, later in his career.

In his main work Histoire de France, French historian Jules Michelet coined the term Renaissance (meaning "Re-birth" in French language), as a period in Europe's cultural history that represented a break from the Middle Ages, creating a modern understanding of humanity and its place in the world.[22] The nineteen-volume work covered French history from Charlemagne to the outbreak of the Revolution. Michelet was one of the first historians to shift the emphasis of history to the common people, rather than the leaders and institutions of the country. Another important French historian of the period was Hippolyte Taine. He was the chief theoretical influence of French naturalism, a major proponent of sociological positivism and one of the first practitioners of historicist criticism. Literary historicism as a critical movement has been said to originate with him.[23]

One of the major progenitors of the history of culture and art, was the Swiss historian Jacob Burckhardt[24] Burckhardt's best-known work is The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860). According to John Lukacs, he was the first master of cultural history, which seeks to describe the spirit and the forms of expression of a particular age, a particular people, or a particular place.[25] By the mid-19th century, scholars were beginning to analyse the history of institutional change, particularly the development of constitutional government. William Stubbs's Constitutional History of England (3 vols., 1874–78) was an important influence on this developing field. The work traced the development of the English constitution from the Teutonic invasions of Britain until 1485, and marked a distinct step in the advance of English historical learning.[26]

Karl Marx introduced the concept of historical materialism into the study of world-historical development. In his conception, the economic conditions and dominant modes of production determined the structure of society at that point. Previous historians had focused on the cyclical events of the rise and decline of rulers and nations. Process of nationalization of history, as part of national revivals in the 19th century, resulted with separation of "one's own" history from common universal history by such way of perceiving, understanding and treating the past that constructed history as history of a nation.[27] A new discipline, sociology, emerged in the late 19th century and analyzed and compared these perspectives on a larger scale.

Professionalization in Germany

Ranke established history as a professional academic discipline in Germany.

The modern academic study of history and methods of historiography were pioneered in 19th-century German universities. Leopold von Ranke was a pivotal influence in this regard, and is considered as the founder of modern source-based history.[28][29][30][31]

Specifically, he implemented the seminar teaching method in his classroom and focused on archival research and analysis of historical documents. Beginning with his first book in 1824, the History of the Latin and Teutonic Peoples from 1494 to 1514, Ranke used an unusually wide variety of sources for a historian of the age, including "memoirs, diaries, personal and formal missives, government documents, diplomatic dispatches and first-hand accounts of eye-witnesses". Over a career that spanned much of the century, Ranke set the standards for much of later historical writing, introducing such ideas as reliance on primary sources (empiricism), an emphasis on narrative history and especially international politics (aussenpolitik).[32] Sources had to be hard, not speculations and rationalizations. His credo was to write history the way it was. He insisted on primary sources with proven authenticity.[33]

20th century

The term Whig history was coined by Herbert Butterfield in his short book The Whig Interpretation of History in 1931, (a reference to the British Whigs, advocates of the power of Parliament) to refer to the approach to historiography that presents the past as an inevitable progression towards ever greater liberty and enlightenment, culminating in modern forms of liberal democracy and constitutional monarchy. In general, Whig historians emphasized the rise of constitutional government, personal freedoms, and scientific progress. The term has been also applied widely in historical disciplines outside of British history (the history of science, for example) to criticize any teleological (or goal-directed), hero-based, and transhistorical narrative.[34] Butterfield's antidote to Whig history was "...to evoke a certain sensibility towards the past, the sensibility which studies the past 'for the sake of the past', which delights in the concrete and the complex, which 'goes out to meet the past', which searches for 'unlikenesses between past and present'."[35] Butterfield's formulation received much attention, and the kind of historical writing he argued against in generalised terms is no longer academically respectable.[36]

The 20th century saw the creation of a huge variety of historiographical approaches. Marc Bloch's focus on social history rather than traditional political history was of tremendous influence.

The French Annales School radically changed the focus of historical research in France during the 20th century by stressing long-term social history, rather than political or diplomatic themes. The school emphasized the use of quantification and the paying of special attention to geography.[37][38] An eminent member of this school, Georges Duby, described his approach to history as one that

relegated the sensational to the sidelines and was reluctant to give a simple accounting of events, but strived on the contrary to pose and solve problems and, neglecting surface disturbances, to observe the long and medium-term evolution of economy, society, and civilisation.

Marxist historiography developed as a school of historiography influenced by the chief tenets of Marxism, including the centrality of social class and economic constraints in determining historical outcomes. Friedrich Engels wrote The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844, which was salient in creating the socialist impetus in British politics from then on, e.g. the Fabian Society. R. H. Tawney's The Agrarian Problem in the Sixteenth Century (1912)[39] and Religion and the Rise of Capitalism (1926), reflected his ethical concerns and preoccupations in economic history. A circle of historians inside the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) formed in 1946 and became a highly influential cluster of British Marxist historians, who contributed to history from below and class structure in early capitalist society. Members included Christopher Hill, Eric Hobsbawm and E. P. Thompson.

World history, as a distinct field of historical study, emerged as an independent academic field in the 1980s. It focused on the examination of history from a global perspective and looked for common patterns that emerged across all cultures. Arnold J. Toynbee's ten-volume A Study of History, written between 1933 and 1954, was an important influence on this developing field. He took a comparative topical approach to independent civilizations and demonstrated that they displayed striking parallels in their origin, growth, and decay.[40] William H. McNeill wrote The Rise of the West (1965) to improve upon Toynbee by showing how the separate civilizations of Eurasia interacted from the very beginning of their history, borrowing critical skills from one another, and thus precipitating still further change as adjustment between traditional old and borrowed new knowledge and practice became necessary.[41]

Historical editing

A new advanced specialty opened in the late 20th century: historical editing. Edmund Morgan reports on its emergence in the United States:[42]

It required, to begin with, large sums of money. But money has proved easier to recruit than talent. Historians who undertake these large editorial projects must leave the main channel of academic life. They do not teach; they do not write their own books; they do not enjoy long vacations for rumination, reflection, and research on whatever topic interests them at the moment. Instead they must live in unremitting daily pursuit of an individual whose company, whatever his genius, may ultimately begin to pall. Anyone who has edited historical manuscripts knows that it requires as much physical and intellectual labor to prepare a text for publication as it does to write a book of one's own. Indeed, the new editorial projects are far too large for one man. The editor-in-chief, having decided to forego a regular academic career, must entice other scholars to help him; and with the present [high] demand for college teachers, this is no easy task.

Education and profession

Peter R.L Brown, a Princeton historian of late antiquity and the medieval period.

An undergraduate history degree is often used as a stepping stone to graduate studies in business or law. Many historians are employed at universities and other facilities for post-secondary education.[43] In addition, it is normal for colleges and universities to require a PhD degree for new full-time hires. A scholarly thesis, such as a PhD, is now regarded as the baseline qualification for a professional historian. However, some historians still gain recognition based on published (academic) works and the award of fellowships by academic bodies like the Royal Historical Society. Publication is increasingly required by smaller schools, so graduate papers become journal articles and PhD dissertations become published monographs. The graduate student experience is difficult—those who finish their doctorate in the United States take on average 8 or more years; funding is scarce except at a few very rich universities. Being a teaching assistant in a course is required in some programs; in others it is a paid opportunity awarded a fraction of the students. Until the 1970s it was rare for graduate programs to teach how to teach; the assumption was that teaching was easy and that learning how to do research was the main mission.[44][45] A critical experience for graduate students is having a mentor who will provide psychological, social, intellectual and professional support, while directing scholarship and providing an introduction to the profession.[46]

Professional historians typically work in colleges and universities, archival centers, government agencies, museums, and as freelance writers and consultants.[47] The job market for new PhDs in history is poor and getting worse, with many relegated to part-time "adjunct" teaching jobs with low pay and no benefits.[48]

"Amateur" historians

C. Vann Woodward (1908–1999), Sterling Professor of History at Yale University, cautioned that the academicians had themselves abdicated their role as storytellers:

Professionals do well to apply the term "amateur" with caution to the historian outside their ranks. The word does have deprecatory and patronizing connotations that occasionally backfire. This is especially true of narrative history, which nonprofessionals have all but taken over. The gradual withering of the narrative impulse in favor of the analytical urge among professional academic historians has resulted in a virtual abdication of the oldest and most honored role of the historian, that of storyteller. Having abdicated... the professional is in a poor position to patronize amateurs who fulfill the needed function he has abandoned.[49]

See also



  1. ^ "Historian". Wordnetweb.princeton.edu. Retrieved June 27, 2008.
  2. ^ Herman, A. M. (1998). Occupational outlook handbook: 1998–99 edition. Indianapolis: JIST Works. Page 525.
  3. ^ a b Schneider 2001, p. 1531.
  4. ^ Schneider 2001, p. 1534.
  5. ^ Schneider 2001, pp. 1534, 1535.
  6. ^ Schneider 2001, pp. 1534, 1538.
  7. ^ Schneider 2001, pp. 15333, 1539.
  8. ^ . Mcadams.posc.mu.edu. Archived from the original on 2007-02-28. Retrieved 2010-08-28.
  9. ^ Jörn Rüsen (2007). Time and History: The Variety of Cultures. Berghahn Books. pp. 54–55. ISBN 978-1-84545-349-7.
  10. ^ Warren, John (1998). The past and its presenters: an introduction to issues in historiography, Hodder & Stoughton, ISBN 0-340-67934-4, pp. 78–79.
  11. ^ "Anglophile," Ryan Setliff Online. Dec 2. 2019. https://www.ryansetliff.online/#anglophile
  12. ^ E. Sreedharan (2004). A Textbook of Historiography: 500 BC to AD 2000. Orient Blackswan. p. 115. ISBN 9788125026570.
  13. ^ Wertz, S. K. (1993). "Hume and the Historiography of Science". Journal of the History of Ideas. 54 (3): 411–436. doi:10.2307/2710021. JSTOR 2710021.
  14. ^ "The Poker Club | James Boswell .info". www.jamesboswell.info.
  15. ^ Sher, R. B., Church and Society in the Scottish Enlightenment: The Moderate Literati of Edinburgh, Princeton, 1985.
  16. ^ "William Robertson: An 18th Century Anthropologist-Historian" (PDF). Retrieved 2012-12-17.
  17. ^ Deborah Parsons (2007). Theorists of the Modernist Novel: James Joyce, Dorothy Richardson and Virginia Woolf. Routledge. p. 94. ISBN 9780203965894.
  18. ^ Marshall, H.E. "Carlyle – The Sage Of Chelsea". English Literature For Boys And Girls. Retrieved 2009-09-19 – via Farlex Free Library.
  19. ^ Lundin, Leigh (2009-09-20). "Thomas Carlyle". Professional Works. Criminal Brief. Retrieved 2009-09-20.
  20. ^ Macaulay, Thomas Babington, History of England. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1878. Vol. V, title page and prefatory "Memoir of Lord Macaulay".
  21. ^ J. R. Western, Monarchy and Revolution. The English State in the 1680s (London: Blandford Press, 1972), p. 403.
  22. ^ Brotton, Jerry (2002). The Renaissance Bazaar. Oxford University Press. pp. 21–22.
  23. ^ Kelly, R. Gordon, "Literature and the Historian", American Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 2 (1974), 143.
  24. ^ "Jacob Burckhardt The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy Cultural history". www.age-of-the-sage.org.
  25. ^ John Lukacs, Remembered Past: John Lukacs on History, Historians, and Historical Knowledge, ed. Mark G Malvasi and Jeffrey O. Nelson, Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2004, 215.
  26. ^ s:A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature/Stubbs, William
  27. ^ Georgiy Kasianov, Philipp Terr (2010-04-07). A Laboratory of Transnational History Ukraine and recent Ukrainian historiography. p. 7. ISBN 978-1-84545-621-4. Retrieved October 18, 2010. This essay deals with, what I call, "nationalized history", meaning a way of perceiving, understanding and treating the past that requires separation of "one's own" history from "common" history and its construction as history of a nation.
  28. ^ Frederick C. Beiser (2011) The German Historicist Tradition, p.254
  29. ^ Janelle G. Reinelt, Joseph Roach (2007), Critical Theory and Performance, p. 193
  30. ^ Stern (ed.), The Varieties of History, p. 54: "Leopold von Ranke (1795–1886) is the father as well as the master of modern historical scholarship."
  31. ^ Green and Troup (eds.), The Houses of History, p. 2: "Leopold von Ranke was instrumental in establishing professional standards for historical training at the University of Berlin between 1824 and 1871."
  32. ^ E. Sreedharan, A textbook of historiography, 500 BC to AD 2000 (2004) p 185
  33. ^ Andreas Boldt, "Ranke: objectivity and history." Rethinking History 18.4 (2014): 457–474.
  34. ^ Ernst Mayr, "When Is Historiography Whiggish?" Journal of the History of Ideas, April 1990, Vol. 51 Issue 2, pp 301–309 in JSTOR
  35. ^ Adrian Wilson and T. G. Ashplant, "Whig History and Present-Centred History," The Historical Journal, 31 (1988): 1–16, at p. 10.
  36. ^ G. M. Trevelyan (1992), p. 208.
  37. ^ Lucien Febvre, La Terre et l'évolution humaine (1922), translated as A Geographical Introduction to History (London, 1932).
  38. ^ "Les Éditions de l'EHESS: Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales". www.editions.ehess.fr.
  39. ^ William Rose Benét (1988) p. 961
  40. ^ William H. McNeill, Arnold J. Toynbee a Life (1989)
  41. ^ McNeill, William H. (1995). "The Changing Shape of World History". History and Theory. 34 (2): 8–26. doi:10.2307/2505432. JSTOR 2505432.
  42. ^ Edmund S. Morgan, “John Adams and the Puritan Tradition.” New England Quarterly 34#4 (1961): 518–529 at p. 519.
  43. ^ . Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008–09 Edition. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Archived from the original on August 30, 2009.
  44. ^ Michael Kammen, "Some Reminiscences and Reflections on Graduate Education in History, Reviews in American History Volume 36, Number 3, Sept 2008 pp. 468–484 doi:10.1353/rah.0.0027
  45. ^ Walter Nugent, "Reflections: "Where Have All the Flowers Gone . . . When Will They Ever Learn?", Reviews in American History Volume 39, Number 1, March 2011, pp. 205–211 doi:10.1353/rah.2011.0055
  46. ^ Michael Kammen, "On Mentoring Apprentice Historians and Appreciating Mentors—Gleaned From the Memories of Others." Reviews in American History 40.2 (2012): 339–348. online
  47. ^ Anthony Grafton and Robert B. Townsend, "The Parlous Paths of the Profession" Perspectives on History (Sept. 2008) online
  48. ^ Robert B. Townsend and Julia Brookins, "The Troubled Academic Job Market for History." Perspectives on History (2016) 54#2 pp 157–182 echoes Robert B. Townsend, "Troubling News on Job Market for History PhDs," AHA Today Jan. 4, 2010 online 2011-01-16 at the Wayback Machine
  49. ^ C. Vann Woodward, "The Great American Butchery," New York Review of Books (March 6, 1975) online.


  • Schneider, Wendie Ellen (June 2001). (PDF). The Yale Law Journal. 110 (8): 1531–1545. doi:10.2307/797584. JSTOR 797584. Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 November 2013.
  • Vidor, Gian Marco (2015). "Emotions and writing the history of death. An interview with Michel Vovelle, Régis Bertrand and Anne Carol". Mortality. 20 (1): 36–47. doi:10.1080/13576275.2014.984485.

Further reading

  • The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature ed. by Mary Beth Norton and Pamela Gerardi (3rd ed. 2 vol, Oxford U.P. 1995) 2064 pages; annotated guide to 27,000 of the most important English language history books in all fields and topics vol 1 online, vol 2 online
  • Allison, William Henry. A guide to historical literature (1931) comprehensive bibliography for scholarship to 1930. online edition
  • Barnes, Harry ElmerA history of historical writing (1962)
  • Barraclough, Geoffrey. History: Main Trends of Research in the Social and Human Sciences, (1978)
  • Bentley, Michael. ed., Companion to Historiography, Routledge, 1997, ISBN 0415030846 pp; 39 chapters by experts
  • Bender, Thomas, et al. The Education of Historians for Twenty-first Century (2003) report by the Committee on Graduate Education of the American Historical Association
  • Breisach, Ernst. Historiography: Ancient, Medieval and Modern, 3rd edition, 2007, ISBN 0-226-07278-9
  • Boia, Lucian et al., eds. Great Historians of the Modern Age: An International Dictionary (1991)
  • Cannon, John, et al., eds. The Blackwell Dictionary of Historians. Blackwell Publishers, 1988 ISBN 0-631-14708-X.
  • Gilderhus, Mark T. History and Historians: A Historiographical Introduction, 2002, ISBN 0-13-044824-9
  • Iggers, Georg G. Historiography in the 20th Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge (2005)
  • Kelly, Boyd, ed. Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing. (1999). Fitzroy Dearborn ISBN 1-884964-33-8
  • Kramer, Lloyd, and Sarah Maza, eds. A Companion to Western Historical Thought Blackwell 2006. 520pp; ISBN 978-1-4051-4961-7.
  • Todd, Richard B. ed. Dictionary of British Classicists, 1500–1960, (2004). Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004 ISBN 1-85506-997-0.
  • Woolf D. R. A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities) (2 vol 1998) excerpt and text search

External links

  • Selected texts by the most known historians 2010-03-23 at the Wayback Machine

historian, other, uses, disambiguation, historian, person, studies, writes, about, past, regarded, authority, concerned, with, continuous, methodical, narrative, research, past, events, relating, human, race, well, study, history, time, some, historians, recog. For other uses see Historian disambiguation A historian is a person who studies and writes about the past and is regarded as an authority on it 1 Historians are concerned with the continuous methodical narrative and research of past events as relating to the human race as well as the study of all history in time Some historians are recognized by publications or training and experience 2 Historian became a professional occupation in the late nineteenth century as research universities were emerging in Germany and elsewhere Herodotus c 484 c 425 BC was a Greek historian who lived in the fifth century BC and one of the earliest historians whose work survives Contents 1 Objectivity 2 History analysis 3 Historiography 3 1 Ancient 3 2 Enlightenment 3 3 19th century 3 4 Professionalization in Germany 3 5 20th century 3 5 1 Historical editing 4 Education and profession 4 1 Amateur historians 5 See also 6 References 6 1 Citations 6 2 Sources 7 Further reading 8 External linksObjectivity EditDuring the Irving v Penguin Books and Lipstadt trial people who became aware that the court needed to identify what was an objective historian in the same vein as the reasonable person and reminiscent of the standard traditionally used in English law of the man on the Clapham omnibus 3 This was necessary so that there would be a legal benchmark to compare and contrast the scholarship of an objective historian against the illegitimate methods employed by David Irving as before the Irving v Penguin Books and Lipstadt trial there was no legal precedent for what constituted an objective historian 3 Justice Gray leant heavily on the research of one of the expert witnesses Richard J Evans who compared illegitimate distortion of the historical record practiced by Holocaust deniers with established historical methodologies 4 By summarizing Gray s judgment in an article published in the Yale Law Journal Wendie E Schneider distils these seven points for what he meant by an objective historian 5 The historian must treat sources with appropriate reservations The historian must not dismiss counter evidence without scholarly consideration The historian must be even handed in treatment of evidence and eschew cherry picking The historian must clearly indicate any speculation The historian must not mistranslate documents or mislead by omitting parts of documents The historian must weigh the authenticity of all accounts not merely those that contradict their favored view and The historian must take the motives of historical actors into consideration Schneider uses the concept of the objective historian to suggest that this could be an aid in assessing what makes a historian suitable as expert witnesses under the Daubert standard in the United States Schneider proposed this because in her opinion Irving could not have passed the standard Daubert tests unless a court was given a great deal of assistance from historians 6 Schneider proposes that by testing a historian against the criteria of the objective historian then even if a historian holds specific political views and she gives an example of a well qualified historian s testimony that was disregarded by a United States court because he was a member of a feminist group providing the historian uses the objective historian standards they are a conscientious historian It was Irving s failure as an objective historian not his right wing views that caused him to lose his libel case as a conscientious historian would not have deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence to support his political views 7 History analysis EditMain article Historical method The process of historical analysis involves investigation and analysis of competing ideas facts and purported facts to create coherent narratives that explain what happened and why or how it happened Modern historical analysis usually draws upon other social sciences including economics sociology politics psychology anthropology philosophy and linguistics While ancient writers do not normally share modern historical practices their work remains valuable for its insights within the cultural context of the times An important part of the contribution of many modern historians is the verification or dismissal of earlier historical accounts through reviewing newly discovered sources and recent scholarship or through parallel disciplines like archaeology Historiography EditMain article Historiography Ancient Edit Reproduction of part of a tenth century copy of Thucydides s History of the Peloponnesian War Understanding the past appears to be a universal human need and the telling of history has emerged independently in civilizations around the world What constitutes history is a philosophical question see philosophy of history The earliest chronologies date back to Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt though no historical writers in these early civilizations were known by name Systematic historical thought emerged in ancient Greece a development that became an important influence on the writing of history elsewhere around the Mediterranean region The earliest known critical historical works were The Histories composed by Herodotus of Halicarnassus 484 c 425 BCE who later became known as the father of history Cicero Herodotus attempted to distinguish between more and less reliable accounts and personally conducted research by travelling extensively giving written accounts of various Mediterranean cultures Although Herodotus overall emphasis lay on the actions and characters of men he also attributed an important role to divinity in the determination of historical events Thucydides largely eliminated divine causality in his account of the war between Athens and Sparta establishing a rationalistic element that set a precedent for subsequent Western historical writings He was also the first to distinguish between cause and immediate origins of an event while his successor Xenophon c 431 355 BCE introduced autobiographical elements and character studies in his Anabasis Leonardo Bruni c 1370 1444 the historian who first divided history into the three eras of Antiquity the Middle Ages and Modern times The Romans adopted the Greek tradition While early Roman works were still written in Greek the Origines composed by the Roman statesman Cato the Elder 234 149 BCE was written in Latin in a conscious effort to counteract Greek cultural influence Strabo 63 BCE c 24 CE was an important exponent of the Greco Roman tradition of combining geography with history presenting a descriptive history of peoples and places known to his era Livy 59 BCE 17 CE records the rise of Rome from city state to empire His speculation about what would have happened if Alexander the Great had marched against Rome represents the first known instance of alternate history 8 In Chinese historiography the Classic of History is one of the Five Classics of Chinese classic texts and one of the earliest narratives of China The Spring and Autumn Annals the official chronicle of the State of Lu covering the period from 722 to 481 BCE is among the earliest surviving Chinese historical texts arranged on annalistic principles Sima Qian around 100 BCE was the first in China to lay the groundwork for professional historical writing His written work was the Shiji Records of the Grand Historian a monumental lifelong achievement in literature Its scope extends as far back as the 16th century BCE and it includes many treatises on specific subjects and individual biographies of prominent people and also explores the lives and deeds of commoners both contemporary and those of previous eras 9 A page of Bede s Ecclesiastical History of the English People Christian historiography began early perhaps as early as Luke Acts which is the primary source for the Apostolic Age Writing history was popular among Christian monks and clergy in the Middle Ages They wrote about the history of Jesus Christ that of the Church and that of their patrons the dynastic history of the local rulers In the Early Middle Ages historical writing often took the form of annals or chronicles recording events year by year but this style tended to hamper the analysis of events and causes 10 An example of this type of writing is the Anglo Saxon Chronicles which were the work of several different writers it was started during the reign of Alfred the Great in the late ninth century but one copy was still being updated in 1154 11 Muslim historical writings first began to develop in the seventh century with the reconstruction of the Prophet Muhammad s life in the centuries following his death With numerous conflicting narratives regarding Muhammad and his companions from various sources scholars had to verify which sources were more reliable To evaluate these sources they developed various methodologies such as the science of biography science of hadith and Isnad chain of transmission They later applied these methodologies to other historical figures in the Islamic civilization Famous historians in this tradition include Urwah d 712 Wahb ibn Munabbih d 728 Ibn Ishaq d 761 al Waqidi 745 822 Ibn Hisham d 834 Muhammad al Bukhari 810 870 and Ibn Hajar 1372 1449 Enlightenment Edit During the Age of Enlightenment the modern development of historiography through the application of scrupulous methods began Voltaire s works of history are an excellent example of Enlightenment era history writing Painting by Pierre Charles Baquoy French philosophe Voltaire 1694 1778 had an enormous influence on the art of history writing His best known histories are The Age of Louis XIV 1751 and Essay on the Customs and the Spirit of the Nations 1756 My chief object he wrote in 1739 is not political or military history it is the history of the arts of commerce of civilization in a word of the human mind 12 He broke from the tradition of narrating diplomatic and military events and emphasized customs social history and achievements in the arts and sciences He was the first scholar to make a serious attempt to write the history of the world eliminating theological frameworks and emphasizing economics culture and political history Edward Gibbon s Decline of the Roman Empire 1776 was a masterpiece of late 18th century history writing At the same time philosopher David Hume was having a similar impact on history in Great Britain In 1754 he published the History of England a six volume work that extended from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688 Hume adopted a similar scope to Voltaire in his history as well as the history of Kings Parliaments and armies he examined the history of culture including literature and science as well 13 William Robertson a Scottish historian and the Historiographer Royal 14 published the History of Scotland 1542 1603 in 1759 and his most famous work The history of the reign of Charles V in 1769 15 His scholarship was painstaking for the time and he was able to access a large number of documentary sources that had previously been unstudied He was also one of the first historians who understood the importance of general and universally applicable ideas in the shaping of historical events 16 The apex of Enlightenment history was reached with Edward Gibbon s monumental six volume work The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire published on 17 February 1776 Because of its relative objectivity and heavy use of primary sources at the time its methodology became a model for later historians This has led to Gibbon being called the first modern historian 17 The book sold impressively earning its author a total of about 9000 Biographer Leslie Stephen wrote that thereafter His fame was as rapid as it has been lasting 19th century Edit The tumultuous events surrounding the French Revolution inspired much of the historiography and analysis of the early 19th century Interest in the 1688 Glorious Revolution was also rekindled by the Great Reform Act of 1832 in England Thomas Carlyle published his magnum opus the three volume The French Revolution A History in 1837 18 19 The resulting work had a passion new to historical writing Thomas Macaulay produced his most famous work of history The History of England from the Accession of James the Second in 1848 20 His writings are famous for their ringing prose and for their confident sometimes dogmatic emphasis on a progressive model of British history according to which the country threw off superstition autocracy and confusion to create a balanced constitution and a forward looking culture combined with the freedom of belief and expression This model of human progress has been called the Whig interpretation of history 21 Jules Michelet later in his career In his main work Histoire de France French historian Jules Michelet coined the term Renaissance meaning Re birth in French language as a period in Europe s cultural history that represented a break from the Middle Ages creating a modern understanding of humanity and its place in the world 22 The nineteen volume work covered French history from Charlemagne to the outbreak of the Revolution Michelet was one of the first historians to shift the emphasis of history to the common people rather than the leaders and institutions of the country Another important French historian of the period was Hippolyte Taine He was the chief theoretical influence of French naturalism a major proponent of sociological positivism and one of the first practitioners of historicist criticism Literary historicism as a critical movement has been said to originate with him 23 One of the major progenitors of the history of culture and art was the Swiss historian Jacob Burckhardt 24 Burckhardt s best known work is The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy 1860 According to John Lukacs he was the first master of cultural history which seeks to describe the spirit and the forms of expression of a particular age a particular people or a particular place 25 By the mid 19th century scholars were beginning to analyse the history of institutional change particularly the development of constitutional government William Stubbs s Constitutional History of England 3 vols 1874 78 was an important influence on this developing field The work traced the development of the English constitution from the Teutonic invasions of Britain until 1485 and marked a distinct step in the advance of English historical learning 26 Karl Marx introduced the concept of historical materialism into the study of world historical development In his conception the economic conditions and dominant modes of production determined the structure of society at that point Previous historians had focused on the cyclical events of the rise and decline of rulers and nations Process of nationalization of history as part of national revivals in the 19th century resulted with separation of one s own history from common universal history by such way of perceiving understanding and treating the past that constructed history as history of a nation 27 A new discipline sociology emerged in the late 19th century and analyzed and compared these perspectives on a larger scale Professionalization in Germany Edit Ranke established history as a professional academic discipline in Germany The modern academic study of history and methods of historiography were pioneered in 19th century German universities Leopold von Ranke was a pivotal influence in this regard and is considered as the founder of modern source based history 28 29 30 31 Specifically he implemented the seminar teaching method in his classroom and focused on archival research and analysis of historical documents Beginning with his first book in 1824 the History of the Latin and Teutonic Peoples from 1494 to 1514 Ranke used an unusually wide variety of sources for a historian of the age including memoirs diaries personal and formal missives government documents diplomatic dispatches and first hand accounts of eye witnesses Over a career that spanned much of the century Ranke set the standards for much of later historical writing introducing such ideas as reliance on primary sources empiricism an emphasis on narrative history and especially international politics aussenpolitik 32 Sources had to be hard not speculations and rationalizations His credo was to write history the way it was He insisted on primary sources with proven authenticity 33 20th century Edit The term Whig history was coined by Herbert Butterfield in his short book The Whig Interpretation of History in 1931 a reference to the British Whigs advocates of the power of Parliament to refer to the approach to historiography that presents the past as an inevitable progression towards ever greater liberty and enlightenment culminating in modern forms of liberal democracy and constitutional monarchy In general Whig historians emphasized the rise of constitutional government personal freedoms and scientific progress The term has been also applied widely in historical disciplines outside of British history the history of science for example to criticize any teleological or goal directed hero based and transhistorical narrative 34 Butterfield s antidote to Whig history was to evoke a certain sensibility towards the past the sensibility which studies the past for the sake of the past which delights in the concrete and the complex which goes out to meet the past which searches for unlikenesses between past and present 35 Butterfield s formulation received much attention and the kind of historical writing he argued against in generalised terms is no longer academically respectable 36 The 20th century saw the creation of a huge variety of historiographical approaches Marc Bloch s focus on social history rather than traditional political history was of tremendous influence The French Annales School radically changed the focus of historical research in France during the 20th century by stressing long term social history rather than political or diplomatic themes The school emphasized the use of quantification and the paying of special attention to geography 37 38 An eminent member of this school Georges Duby described his approach to history as one thatrelegated the sensational to the sidelines and was reluctant to give a simple accounting of events but strived on the contrary to pose and solve problems and neglecting surface disturbances to observe the long and medium term evolution of economy society and civilisation Marxist historiography developed as a school of historiography influenced by the chief tenets of Marxism including the centrality of social class and economic constraints in determining historical outcomes Friedrich Engels wrote The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844 which was salient in creating the socialist impetus in British politics from then on e g the Fabian Society R H Tawney s The Agrarian Problem in the Sixteenth Century 1912 39 and Religion and the Rise of Capitalism 1926 reflected his ethical concerns and preoccupations in economic history A circle of historians inside the Communist Party of Great Britain CPGB formed in 1946 and became a highly influential cluster of British Marxist historians who contributed to history from below and class structure in early capitalist society Members included Christopher Hill Eric Hobsbawm and E P Thompson World history as a distinct field of historical study emerged as an independent academic field in the 1980s It focused on the examination of history from a global perspective and looked for common patterns that emerged across all cultures Arnold J Toynbee s ten volume A Study of History written between 1933 and 1954 was an important influence on this developing field He took a comparative topical approach to independent civilizations and demonstrated that they displayed striking parallels in their origin growth and decay 40 William H McNeill wrote The Rise of the West 1965 to improve upon Toynbee by showing how the separate civilizations of Eurasia interacted from the very beginning of their history borrowing critical skills from one another and thus precipitating still further change as adjustment between traditional old and borrowed new knowledge and practice became necessary 41 Historical editing EditA new advanced specialty opened in the late 20th century historical editing Edmund Morgan reports on its emergence in the United States 42 It required to begin with large sums of money But money has proved easier to recruit than talent Historians who undertake these large editorial projects must leave the main channel of academic life They do not teach they do not write their own books they do not enjoy long vacations for rumination reflection and research on whatever topic interests them at the moment Instead they must live in unremitting daily pursuit of an individual whose company whatever his genius may ultimately begin to pall Anyone who has edited historical manuscripts knows that it requires as much physical and intellectual labor to prepare a text for publication as it does to write a book of one s own Indeed the new editorial projects are far too large for one man The editor in chief having decided to forego a regular academic career must entice other scholars to help him and with the present high demand for college teachers this is no easy task Education and profession EditFurther information List of historians Peter R L Brown a Princeton historian of late antiquity and the medieval period An undergraduate history degree is often used as a stepping stone to graduate studies in business or law Many historians are employed at universities and other facilities for post secondary education 43 In addition it is normal for colleges and universities to require a PhD degree for new full time hires A scholarly thesis such as a PhD is now regarded as the baseline qualification for a professional historian However some historians still gain recognition based on published academic works and the award of fellowships by academic bodies like the Royal Historical Society Publication is increasingly required by smaller schools so graduate papers become journal articles and PhD dissertations become published monographs The graduate student experience is difficult those who finish their doctorate in the United States take on average 8 or more years funding is scarce except at a few very rich universities Being a teaching assistant in a course is required in some programs in others it is a paid opportunity awarded a fraction of the students Until the 1970s it was rare for graduate programs to teach how to teach the assumption was that teaching was easy and that learning how to do research was the main mission 44 45 A critical experience for graduate students is having a mentor who will provide psychological social intellectual and professional support while directing scholarship and providing an introduction to the profession 46 Professional historians typically work in colleges and universities archival centers government agencies museums and as freelance writers and consultants 47 The job market for new PhDs in history is poor and getting worse with many relegated to part time adjunct teaching jobs with low pay and no benefits 48 Amateur historians Edit C Vann Woodward 1908 1999 Sterling Professor of History at Yale University cautioned that the academicians had themselves abdicated their role as storytellers Professionals do well to apply the term amateur with caution to the historian outside their ranks The word does have deprecatory and patronizing connotations that occasionally backfire This is especially true of narrative history which nonprofessionals have all but taken over The gradual withering of the narrative impulse in favor of the analytical urge among professional academic historians has resulted in a virtual abdication of the oldest and most honored role of the historian that of storyteller Having abdicated the professional is in a poor position to patronize amateurs who fulfill the needed function he has abandoned 49 See also Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Historians List of historians Antiquarian Auxiliary sciences of history Historiography Historical revisionism negationism References EditCitations Edit Historian Wordnetweb princeton edu Retrieved June 27 2008 Herman A M 1998 Occupational outlook handbook 1998 99 edition Indianapolis JIST Works Page 525 a b Schneider 2001 p 1531 Schneider 2001 p 1534 Schneider 2001 pp 1534 1535 Schneider 2001 pp 1534 1538 Schneider 2001 pp 15333 1539 Livy s History of Rome Book 9 Mcadams posc mu edu Archived from the original on 2007 02 28 Retrieved 2010 08 28 Jorn Rusen 2007 Time and History The Variety of Cultures Berghahn Books pp 54 55 ISBN 978 1 84545 349 7 Warren John 1998 The past and its presenters an introduction to issues in historiography Hodder amp Stoughton ISBN 0 340 67934 4 pp 78 79 Anglophile Ryan Setliff Online Dec 2 2019 https www ryansetliff online anglophile E Sreedharan 2004 A Textbook of Historiography 500 BC to AD 2000 Orient Blackswan p 115 ISBN 9788125026570 Wertz S K 1993 Hume and the Historiography of Science Journal of the History of Ideas 54 3 411 436 doi 10 2307 2710021 JSTOR 2710021 The Poker Club James Boswell info www jamesboswell info Sher R B Church and Society in the Scottish Enlightenment The Moderate Literati of Edinburgh Princeton 1985 William Robertson An 18th Century Anthropologist Historian PDF Retrieved 2012 12 17 Deborah Parsons 2007 Theorists of the Modernist Novel James Joyce Dorothy Richardson and Virginia Woolf Routledge p 94 ISBN 9780203965894 Marshall H E Carlyle The Sage Of Chelsea English Literature For Boys And Girls Retrieved 2009 09 19 via Farlex Free Library Lundin Leigh 2009 09 20 Thomas Carlyle Professional Works Criminal Brief Retrieved 2009 09 20 Macaulay Thomas Babington History of England Philadelphia Pennsylvania J B Lippincott amp Co 1878 Vol V title page and prefatory Memoir of Lord Macaulay J R Western Monarchy and Revolution The English State in the 1680s London Blandford Press 1972 p 403 Brotton Jerry 2002 The Renaissance Bazaar Oxford University Press pp 21 22 Kelly R Gordon Literature and the Historian American Quarterly Vol 26 No 2 1974 143 Jacob Burckhardt The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy Cultural history www age of the sage org John Lukacs Remembered Past John Lukacs on History Historians and Historical Knowledge ed Mark G Malvasi and Jeffrey O Nelson Wilmington DE ISI Books 2004 215 s A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature Stubbs William Georgiy Kasianov Philipp Terr 2010 04 07 A Laboratory of Transnational History Ukraine and recent Ukrainian historiography p 7 ISBN 978 1 84545 621 4 Retrieved October 18 2010 This essay deals with what I call nationalized history meaning a way of perceiving understanding and treating the past that requires separation of one s own history from common history and its construction as history of a nation Frederick C Beiser 2011 The German Historicist Tradition p 254 Janelle G Reinelt Joseph Roach 2007 Critical Theory and Performance p 193 Stern ed The Varieties of History p 54 Leopold von Ranke 1795 1886 is the father as well as the master of modern historical scholarship Green and Troup eds The Houses of History p 2 Leopold von Ranke was instrumental in establishing professional standards for historical training at the University of Berlin between 1824 and 1871 E Sreedharan A textbook of historiography 500 BC to AD 2000 2004 p 185 Andreas Boldt Ranke objectivity and history Rethinking History 18 4 2014 457 474 Ernst Mayr When Is Historiography Whiggish Journal of the History of Ideas April 1990 Vol 51 Issue 2 pp 301 309 in JSTOR Adrian Wilson and T G Ashplant Whig History and Present Centred History The Historical Journal 31 1988 1 16 at p 10 G M Trevelyan 1992 p 208 Lucien Febvre La Terre et l evolution humaine 1922 translated as A Geographical Introduction to History London 1932 Les Editions de l EHESS Annales Histoire Sciences sociales www editions ehess fr William Rose Benet 1988 p 961 William H McNeill Arnold J Toynbee a Life 1989 McNeill William H 1995 The Changing Shape of World History History and Theory 34 2 8 26 doi 10 2307 2505432 JSTOR 2505432 Edmund S Morgan John Adams and the Puritan Tradition New England Quarterly 34 4 1961 518 529 at p 519 Social Scientists Other Occupational Outlook Handbook 2008 09 Edition U S Bureau of Labor Statistics Archived from the original on August 30 2009 Michael Kammen Some Reminiscences and Reflections on Graduate Education in History Reviews in American History Volume 36 Number 3 Sept 2008 pp 468 484 doi 10 1353 rah 0 0027 Walter Nugent Reflections Where Have All the Flowers Gone When Will They Ever Learn Reviews in American History Volume 39 Number 1 March 2011 pp 205 211 doi 10 1353 rah 2011 0055 Michael Kammen On Mentoring Apprentice Historians and Appreciating Mentors Gleaned From the Memories of Others Reviews in American History 40 2 2012 339 348 online Anthony Grafton and Robert B Townsend The Parlous Paths of the Profession Perspectives on History Sept 2008 online Robert B Townsend and Julia Brookins The Troubled Academic Job Market for History Perspectives on History 2016 54 2 pp 157 182 echoes Robert B Townsend Troubling News on Job Market for History PhDs AHA Today Jan 4 2010 online Archived 2011 01 16 at the Wayback Machine C Vann Woodward The Great American Butchery New York Review of Books March 6 1975 online Sources Edit Schneider Wendie Ellen June 2001 Past Imperfect Irving v Penguin Books Ltd No 1996 I 1113 2000 WL 362478 Q B Apr 11 appeal denied Dec 18 2000 PDF The Yale Law Journal 110 8 1531 1545 doi 10 2307 797584 JSTOR 797584 Archived from the original PDF on 5 November 2013 Vidor Gian Marco 2015 Emotions and writing the history of death An interview with Michel Vovelle Regis Bertrand and Anne Carol Mortality 20 1 36 47 doi 10 1080 13576275 2014 984485 Further reading EditThe American Historical Association s Guide to Historical Literature ed by Mary Beth Norton and Pamela Gerardi 3rd ed 2 vol Oxford U P 1995 2064 pages annotated guide to 27 000 of the most important English language history books in all fields and topics vol 1 online vol 2 online Allison William Henry A guide to historical literature 1931 comprehensive bibliography for scholarship to 1930 online edition Barnes Harry ElmerA history of historical writing 1962 Barraclough Geoffrey History Main Trends of Research in the Social and Human Sciences 1978 Bentley Michael ed Companion to Historiography Routledge 1997 ISBN 0415030846 pp 39 chapters by experts Bender Thomas et al The Education of Historians for Twenty first Century 2003 report by the Committee on Graduate Education of the American Historical Association Breisach Ernst Historiography Ancient Medieval and Modern 3rd edition 2007 ISBN 0 226 07278 9 Boia Lucian et al eds Great Historians of the Modern Age An International Dictionary 1991 Cannon John et al eds The Blackwell Dictionary of Historians Blackwell Publishers 1988 ISBN 0 631 14708 X Gilderhus Mark T History and Historians A Historiographical Introduction 2002 ISBN 0 13 044824 9 Iggers Georg G Historiography in the 20th Century From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge 2005 Kelly Boyd ed Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing 1999 Fitzroy Dearborn ISBN 1 884964 33 8 Kramer Lloyd and Sarah Maza eds A Companion to Western Historical Thought Blackwell 2006 520pp ISBN 978 1 4051 4961 7 Todd Richard B ed Dictionary of British Classicists 1500 1960 2004 Bristol Thoemmes Continuum 2004 ISBN 1 85506 997 0 Woolf D R A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing Garland Reference Library of the Humanities 2 vol 1998 excerpt and text searchExternal links Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Historians Wikiquote has quotations related to Historian Look up historian in Wiktionary the free dictionary Selected texts by the most known historians Archived 2010 03 23 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Historian amp oldid 1136324448, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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