
Gamma function

In mathematics, the gamma function (represented by Γ, the capital letter gamma from the Greek alphabet) is one commonly used extension of the factorial function to complex numbers. The gamma function is defined for all complex numbers except the non-positive integers. For every positive integer n,

The gamma function along part of the real axis
General information
General definition
Fields of applicationCalculus, mathematical analysis, statistics, physics

Derived by Daniel Bernoulli, for complex numbers with a positive real part, the gamma function is defined via a convergent improper integral:

The gamma function then is defined as the analytic continuation of this integral function to a meromorphic function that is holomorphic in the whole complex plane except zero and the negative integers, where the function has simple poles.

The gamma function has no zeros, so the reciprocal gamma function 1/Γ(z) is an entire function. In fact, the gamma function corresponds to the Mellin transform of the negative exponential function:

Other extensions of the factorial function do exist, but the gamma function is the most popular and useful. It is a component in various probability-distribution functions, and as such it is applicable in the fields of probability and statistics, as well as combinatorics.

Motivation Edit

  interpolates the factorial function to non-integer values.

The gamma function can be seen as a solution to the following interpolation problem:

"Find a smooth curve that connects the points (x, y) given by y = (x − 1)! at the positive integer values for x."

A plot of the first few factorials suggests that such a curve can be drawn, but it would be preferable to have a formula that precisely describes the curve, in which the number of operations does not depend on the size of x. The simple formula for the factorial, x! = 1 × 2 × ⋯ × x, cannot be used directly for non-integer values of x since it is only valid when x is a natural number (or positive integer). There are, relatively speaking, no such simple solutions for factorials; no finite combination of sums, products, powers, exponential functions, or logarithms will suffice to express x!; but it is possible to find a general formula for factorials using tools such as integrals and limits from calculus. A good solution to this is the gamma function.[1]

There are infinitely many continuous extensions of the factorial to non-integers: infinitely many curves can be drawn through any set of isolated points. The gamma function is the most useful solution in practice, being analytic (except at the non-positive integers), and it can be defined in several equivalent ways. However, it is not the only analytic function that extends the factorial, as adding to it any analytic function that is zero on the positive integers, such as k sin mπx for an integer m, will give another function with that property.[1] Such a function is known as a pseudogamma function, the most famous being the Hadamard function.[2]

The gamma function, Γ(z) in blue, plotted along with Γ(z) + sin(πz) in green. Notice the intersection at positive integers. Both are valid analytic continuations of the factorials to the non-integers.

A more restrictive property than satisfying the above interpolation is to satisfy the recurrence relation defining a translated version of the factorial function,[3][4]


for any positive real number x. But this would allow for multiplication by any function g(x) satisfying both g(x) = g(x+1) for all real numbers x and g(0) = 1, such as the function g(x) = e k sin 2mπx. One of several ways to resolve the ambiguity comes from the Bohr–Mollerup theorem. It states that when the condition that f be logarithmically convex (or "super-convex",[5] meaning that   is convex) is added, it uniquely determines f for positive, real inputs. From there, the gamma function can be extended to all real and complex values (except the negative integers and zero) by using the unique analytic continuation of f.[6]

Definition Edit

Main definition Edit

The notation   is due to Legendre.[1] If the real part of the complex number z is strictly positive ( ), then the integral


converges absolutely, and is known as the Euler integral of the second kind. (Euler's integral of the first kind is the beta function.[1]) Using integration by parts, one sees that:

Plot of the absolute value of the gamma function in complex plane in 3D with color and legend and 1000 plot points created with Mathematica

Recognizing that   as  


We can calculate  :


Thus we can show that   for any positive integer n by induction. Specifically, the base case is that  , and the induction step is that  .

The identity   can be used (or, yielding the same result, analytic continuation can be used) to uniquely extend the integral formulation for   to a meromorphic function defined for all complex numbers z, except integers less than or equal to zero.[1] It is this extended version that is commonly referred to as the gamma function.[1]

Alternative definitions Edit

There are many equivalent definitions.

Euler's definition as an infinite product Edit

For a fixed integer  , as the integer   increases, we have that [7]


If   is not an integer then it is not possible to say whether this equation is true because we have not yet (in this section) defined the factorial function for non-integers. However, we do get a unique extension of the factorial function to the non-integers by insisting that this equation continue to hold when the arbitrary integer   is replaced by an arbitrary complex number  ,

Multiplying both sides by   gives
This infinite product, which is due to Euler,[8] converges for all complex numbers   except the non-positive integers, which fail because of a division by zero. Intuitively, this formula indicates that   is approximately the result of computing   for some large integer  , multiplying by   to approximate  , and using the relationship   backwards   times to get an approximation for  ; and furthermore that this approximation becomes exact as   increases to infinity.

Weierstrass's definition Edit

The definition for the gamma function due to Weierstrass is also valid for all complex numbers z except the non-positive integers:

where   is the Euler–Mascheroni constant.[1] This is the Hadamard product of   in a rewritten form.
Proof of equivalence of the three definitions

Equivalence of the integral definition and Weierstrass definition

By the integral definition, the relation   and Hadamard factorization theorem,

for some constants   since   is an entire function of order  . Since   as  ,   (or an integer multiple of  ) and since  ,
Whence   for some integer  . Since   for  , we have   and

Equivalence of the Weierstrass definition and Euler definition

and taking   gives the desired result.

Properties Edit

General Edit

Besides the fundamental property discussed above:


other important functional equations for the gamma function are Euler's reflection formula


which implies


and the Legendre duplication formula

Derivation of Euler's reflection formula

Proof 1

We can use Euler's infinite product

to compute
where the last equality is a known result. A similar derivation begins with Weierstrass's definition.

Proof 2

First we prove that

Consider the positively oriented rectangular contour   with vertices at  ,  ,   and   where  . Then by the residue theorem,
and let   be the analogous integral over the top side of the rectangle. Then   as   and  . If   denotes the right vertical side of the rectangle, then
for some constant   and since  , the integral tends to   as  . Analogously, the integral over the left vertical side of the rectangle tends to   as  . Therefore
from which
Proving the reflection formula for all   proves it for all   by analytic continuation.
Derivation of the Legendre duplication formula

The beta function can be represented as


Setting   yields


After the substitution   we get


The function   is even, hence


Now assume




This implies




the Legendre duplication formula follows:


The duplication formula is a special case of the multiplication theorem (see [9] Eq. 5.5.6):


A simple but useful property, which can be seen from the limit definition, is:


In particular, with z = a + bi, this product is


If the real part is an integer or a half-integer, this can be finitely expressed in closed form:

Proof of absolute value formulas for arguments of integer or half-integer real part

First, consider the reflection formula applied to  .

Applying the recurrence relation to the second term, we have
which with simple rearrangement gives

Second, consider the reflection formula applied to  .


Formulas for other values of   for which the real part is integer or half-integer quickly follow by induction using the recurrence relation in the positive and negative directions.

Perhaps the best-known value of the gamma function at a non-integer argument is


which can be found by setting   in the reflection or duplication formulas, by using the relation to the beta function given below with  , or simply by making the substitution   in the integral definition of the gamma function, resulting in a Gaussian integral. In general, for non-negative integer values of   we have:


where the double factorial  . See Particular values of the gamma function for calculated values.

It might be tempting to generalize the result that   by looking for a formula for other individual values   where   is rational, especially because according to Gauss's digamma theorem, it is possible to do so for the closely related digamma function at every rational value. However, these numbers   are not known to be expressible by themselves in terms of elementary functions. It has been proved that   is a transcendental number and algebraically independent of   for any integer   and each of the fractions  .[10] In general, when computing values of the gamma function, we must settle for numerical approximations.

The derivatives of the gamma function are described in terms of the polygamma functionψ(0)(z):


For a positive integer m the derivative of the gamma function can be calculated as follows:

Plot of gamma function in the complex plane from -2-2i to 6+2i with colors created in Mathematica

where H(m) is the mth harmonic number and γ is the Euler–Mascheroni constant.

For   the  th derivative of the gamma function is:


(This can be derived by differentiating the integral form of the gamma function with respect to  , and using the technique of differentiation under the integral sign.)

Using the identity


where   is the Riemann zeta function, and   is a partition of   given by


we have in particular the Laurent series expansion of the gamma function [11]


Inequalities Edit

When restricted to the positive real numbers, the gamma function is a strictly logarithmically convex function. This property may be stated in any of the following three equivalent ways:

  • For any two positive real numbers   and  , and for any  ,
  • For any two positive real numbers   and  , and   >  
  • For any positive real number  ,

The last of these statements is, essentially by definition, the same as the statement that  , where   is the polygamma function of order 1. To prove the logarithmic convexity of the gamma function, it therefore suffices to observe that   has a series representation which, for positive real x, consists of only positive terms.

Logarithmic convexity and Jensen's inequality together imply, for any positive real numbers   and  ,


There are also bounds on ratios of gamma functions. The best-known is Gautschi's inequality, which says that for any positive real number x and any s ∈ (0, 1),


Stirling's formula Edit

Representation of the gamma function in the complex plane. Each point   is colored according to the argument of  . The contour plot of the modulus   is also displayed.
3-dimensional plot of the absolute value of the complex gamma function

The behavior of   for an increasing positive real variable is given by Stirling's formula

where the symbol   means asymptotic convergence; the ratio of the two sides converges to 1 in the limit  .[1] This growth is faster than exponential,  , for any fixed value of  .

Another useful limit for asymptotic approximations for   is:


Residues Edit

The behavior for non-positive   is more intricate. Euler's integral does not converge for  , but the function it defines in the positive complex half-plane has a unique analytic continuation to the negative half-plane. One way to find that analytic continuation is to use Euler's integral for positive arguments and extend the domain to negative numbers by repeated application of the recurrence formula,[1]

choosing   such that   is positive. The product in the denominator is zero when   equals any of the integers  . Thus, the gamma function must be undefined at those points to avoid division by zero; it is a meromorphic function with simple poles at the non-positive integers.[1]

For a function   of a complex variable  , at a simple pole  , the residue of   is given by:


For the simple pole   we rewrite recurrence formula as:

The numerator at   is
and the denominator
So the residues of the gamma function at those points are:[12]
The gamma function is non-zero everywhere along the real line, although it comes arbitrarily close to zero as z → −∞. There is in fact no complex number   for which  , and hence the reciprocal gamma function   is an entire function, with zeros at  .[1]

Minima and maxima Edit

On the real line, the gamma function has a local minimum at zmin+1.46163214496836234126[13] where it attains the value Γ(zmin) ≈ +0.88560319441088870027.[14] The gamma function rises to either side of this minimum. The solution to Γ(z − 0.5) = Γ(z + 0.5) is z = +1.5 and the common value is Γ(1) = Γ(2) = +1. The positive solution to Γ(z − 1) = Γ(z + 1) is z = φ ≈ +1.618, the golden ratio, and the common value is Γ(φ − 1) = Γ(φ + 1) = φ! ≈ +1.44922960226989660037.[15]

The gamma function must alternate sign between its poles at the non-positive integers because the product in the forward recurrence contains an odd number of negative factors if the number of poles between   and   is odd, and an even number if the number of poles is even.[12] The extrema values of the Gamma function between the non-positive integers are Γ(-0.50408300826454938526...[16]) = -3.54464361115500508912..., Γ(-1.57349847316239045877...[17]) = 2.30240725833968013582..., Γ(-2.61072086844414465000...[18]) = -0.88813635840124192009..., Γ(-3.63529336643690109783...[19]) = 0.24512753983436625043..., Γ(-4.65323776174314244171...[20]) = -0.05277963958731940076..., etc.

Integral representations Edit

There are many formulas, besides the Euler integral of the second kind, that express the gamma function as an integral. For instance, when the real part of z is positive,[21]


where the three integrals respectively follow from the substitutions  ,   [23] and  [24] in Euler's second integral. The last integral in particular makes clear the connection between the gamma function at half integer arguments and the Gaussian integral: if we let   we get  .

Binet's first integral formula for the gamma function states that, when the real part of z is positive, then:[25]

The integral on the right-hand side may be interpreted as a Laplace transform. That is,

Binet's second integral formula states that, again when the real part of z is positive, then:[26]


Let C be a Hankel contour, meaning a path that begins and ends at the point on the Riemann sphere, whose unit tangent vector converges to −1 at the start of the path and to 1 at the end, which has winding number 1 around 0, and which does not cross [0, ∞). Fix a branch of   by taking a branch cut along [0, ∞) and by taking   to be real when t is on the negative real axis. Assume z is not an integer. Then Hankel's formula for the gamma function is:[27]

where   is interpreted as  . The reflection formula leads to the closely related expression
again valid whenever z is not an integer.

Continued fraction representation Edit

The gamma function can also be represented by a sum of two continued fractions:[28][29]

where  .

Fourier series expansion Edit

The logarithm of the gamma function has the following Fourier series expansion for  


which was for a long time attributed to Ernst Kummer, who derived it in 1847.[30][31] However, Iaroslav Blagouchine discovered that Carl Johan Malmsten first derived this series in 1842.[32][33]

Raabe's formula Edit

In 1840 Joseph Ludwig Raabe proved that

gamma, function, gamma, function, ordinals, veblen, function, gamma, distribution, statistics, gamma, distribution, function, used, video, image, color, representations, gamma, correction, mathematics, gamma, function, represented, capital, letter, gamma, from. For the gamma function of ordinals see Veblen function For the gamma distribution in statistics see Gamma distribution For the function used in video and image color representations see Gamma correction In mathematics the gamma function represented by G the capital letter gamma from the Greek alphabet is one commonly used extension of the factorial function to complex numbers The gamma function is defined for all complex numbers except the non positive integers For every positive integer n GammaThe gamma function along part of the real axisGeneral informationGeneral definitionG z 0 t z 1 e t d t displaystyle Gamma z int 0 infty t z 1 e t dt Fields of applicationCalculus mathematical analysis statistics physicsG n n 1 displaystyle Gamma n n 1 Derived by Daniel Bernoulli for complex numbers with a positive real part the gamma function is defined via a convergent improper integral G z 0 t z 1 e t d t ℜ z gt 0 displaystyle Gamma z int 0 infty t z 1 e t text d t qquad Re z gt 0 The gamma function then is defined as the analytic continuation of this integral function to a meromorphic function that is holomorphic in the whole complex plane except zero and the negative integers where the function has simple poles The gamma function has no zeros so the reciprocal gamma function 1 G z is an entire function In fact the gamma function corresponds to the Mellin transform of the negative exponential function G z M e x z displaystyle Gamma z mathcal M e x z Other extensions of the factorial function do exist but the gamma function is the most popular and useful It is a component in various probability distribution functions and as such it is applicable in the fields of probability and statistics as well as combinatorics Contents 1 Motivation 2 Definition 2 1 Main definition 2 2 Alternative definitions 2 2 1 Euler s definition as an infinite product 2 2 2 Weierstrass s definition 3 Properties 3 1 General 3 2 Inequalities 3 3 Stirling s formula 3 4 Residues 3 5 Minima and maxima 3 6 Integral representations 3 7 Continued fraction representation 3 8 Fourier series expansion 3 9 Raabe s formula 3 10 Pi function 3 11 Relation to other functions 3 12 Particular values 4 The log gamma function 4 1 Properties 4 2 Integration over log gamma 5 Approximations 6 Applications 6 1 Integration problems 6 2 Calculating products 6 3 Analytic number theory 7 History 7 1 18th century Euler and Stirling 7 2 19th century Gauss Weierstrass and Legendre 7 3 19th 20th centuries characterizing the gamma function 7 4 Reference tables and software 8 See also 9 Notes 10 Further reading 11 External linksMotivation Edit nbsp G x 1 displaystyle Gamma x 1 nbsp interpolates the factorial function to non integer values The gamma function can be seen as a solution to the following interpolation problem Find a smooth curve that connects the points x y given by y x 1 at the positive integer values for x A plot of the first few factorials suggests that such a curve can be drawn but it would be preferable to have a formula that precisely describes the curve in which the number of operations does not depend on the size of x The simple formula for the factorial x 1 2 x cannot be used directly for non integer values of x since it is only valid when x is a natural number or positive integer There are relatively speaking no such simple solutions for factorials no finite combination of sums products powers exponential functions or logarithms will suffice to express x but it is possible to find a general formula for factorials using tools such as integrals and limits from calculus A good solution to this is the gamma function 1 There are infinitely many continuous extensions of the factorial to non integers infinitely many curves can be drawn through any set of isolated points The gamma function is the most useful solution in practice being analytic except at the non positive integers and it can be defined in several equivalent ways However it is not the only analytic function that extends the factorial as adding to it any analytic function that is zero on the positive integers such as k sin mpx for an integer m will give another function with that property 1 Such a function is known as a pseudogamma function the most famous being the Hadamard function 2 nbsp The gamma function G z in blue plotted along with G z sin pz in green Notice the intersection at positive integers Both are valid analytic continuations of the factorials to the non integers A more restrictive property than satisfying the above interpolation is to satisfy the recurrence relation defining a translated version of the factorial function 3 4 f 1 1 displaystyle f 1 1 nbsp f x 1 x f x displaystyle f x 1 xf x nbsp for any positive real number x But this would allow for multiplication by any function g x satisfying both g x g x 1 for all real numbers x and g 0 1 such as the function g x ek sin 2mpx One of several ways to resolve the ambiguity comes from the Bohr Mollerup theorem It states that when the condition that f be logarithmically convex or super convex 5 meaning that ln f displaystyle ln circ f nbsp is convex is added it uniquely determines f for positive real inputs From there the gamma function can be extended to all real and complex values except the negative integers and zero by using the unique analytic continuation of f 6 Definition EditMain definition Edit The notation G z displaystyle Gamma z nbsp is due to Legendre 1 If the real part of the complex number z is strictly positive ℜ z gt 0 displaystyle Re z gt 0 nbsp then the integralG z 0 t z 1 e t d t displaystyle Gamma z int 0 infty t z 1 e t dt nbsp converges absolutely and is known as the Euler integral of the second kind Euler s integral of the first kind is the beta function 1 Using integration by parts one sees that nbsp Plot of the absolute value of the gamma function in complex plane in 3D with color and legend and 1000 plot points created with MathematicaG z 1 0 t z e t d t t z e t 0 0 z t z 1 e t d t lim t t z e t 0 z e 0 z 0 t z 1 e t d t displaystyle begin aligned Gamma z 1 amp int 0 infty t z e t dt amp Bigl t z e t Bigr 0 infty int 0 infty zt z 1 e t dt amp lim t to infty left t z e t right left 0 z e 0 right z int 0 infty t z 1 e t dt end aligned nbsp Recognizing that t z e t 0 displaystyle t z e t to 0 nbsp as t displaystyle t to infty nbsp G z 1 z 0 t z 1 e t d t z G z displaystyle begin aligned Gamma z 1 amp z int 0 infty t z 1 e t dt amp z Gamma z end aligned nbsp We can calculate G 1 displaystyle Gamma 1 nbsp G 1 0 t 1 1 e t d t 0 e t d t 1 displaystyle begin aligned Gamma 1 amp int 0 infty t 1 1 e t dt amp int 0 infty e t dt amp 1 end aligned nbsp Thus we can show that G n n 1 displaystyle Gamma n n 1 nbsp for any positive integer n by induction Specifically the base case is that G 1 1 0 displaystyle Gamma 1 1 0 nbsp and the induction step is that G n 1 n G n n n 1 n displaystyle Gamma n 1 n Gamma n n n 1 n nbsp The identity G z G z 1 z textstyle Gamma z frac Gamma z 1 z nbsp can be used or yielding the same result analytic continuation can be used to uniquely extend the integral formulation for G z displaystyle Gamma z nbsp to a meromorphic function defined for all complex numbers z except integers less than or equal to zero 1 It is this extended version that is commonly referred to as the gamma function 1 Alternative definitions Edit There are many equivalent definitions Euler s definition as an infinite product Edit For a fixed integer m displaystyle m nbsp as the integer n displaystyle n nbsp increases we have that 7 lim n n n 1 m n m 1 displaystyle lim n to infty frac n left n 1 right m n m 1 nbsp If m displaystyle m nbsp is not an integer then it is not possible to say whether this equation is true because we have not yet in this section defined the factorial function for non integers However we do get a unique extension of the factorial function to the non integers by insisting that this equation continue to hold when the arbitrary integer m displaystyle m nbsp is replaced by an arbitrary complex number z displaystyle z nbsp lim n n n 1 z n z 1 displaystyle lim n to infty frac n left n 1 right z n z 1 nbsp Multiplying both sides by z 1 displaystyle z 1 nbsp gives G z z 1 1 z lim n n z n z n 1 z 1 z lim n 1 n 1 1 z n z 2 1 3 2 n 1 n z 1 z n 1 1 1 z n 1 1 n z displaystyle begin aligned Gamma z amp z 1 8pt amp frac 1 z lim n to infty n frac z n z n 1 z 8pt amp frac 1 z lim n to infty 1 cdots n frac 1 1 z cdots n z left frac 2 1 cdot frac 3 2 cdots frac n 1 n right z 8pt amp frac 1 z prod n 1 infty left frac 1 1 frac z n left 1 frac 1 n right z right end aligned nbsp This infinite product which is due to Euler 8 converges for all complex numbers z displaystyle z nbsp except the non positive integers which fail because of a division by zero Intuitively this formula indicates that G z displaystyle Gamma z nbsp is approximately the result of computing G n 1 n displaystyle Gamma n 1 n nbsp for some large integer n displaystyle n nbsp multiplying by n 1 z displaystyle n 1 z nbsp to approximate G n z 1 displaystyle Gamma n z 1 nbsp and using the relationship G x 1 x G x displaystyle Gamma x 1 x Gamma x nbsp backwards n 1 displaystyle n 1 nbsp times to get an approximation for G z displaystyle Gamma z nbsp and furthermore that this approximation becomes exact as n displaystyle n nbsp increases to infinity Weierstrass s definition Edit The definition for the gamma function due to Weierstrass is also valid for all complex numbers z except the non positive integers G z e g z z n 1 1 z n 1 e z n displaystyle Gamma z frac e gamma z z prod n 1 infty left 1 frac z n right 1 e z n nbsp where g 0 577216 displaystyle gamma approx 0 577216 nbsp is the Euler Mascheroni constant 1 This is the Hadamard product of 1 G z displaystyle 1 Gamma z nbsp in a rewritten form Proof of equivalence of the three definitionsEquivalence of the integral definition and Weierstrass definitionBy the integral definition the relation G z 1 z G z displaystyle Gamma z 1 z Gamma z nbsp and Hadamard factorization theorem 1 G z z e c 1 z c 2 n 1 e z n 1 z n z C Z 0 displaystyle frac 1 Gamma z ze c 1 z c 2 prod n 1 infty e frac z n left 1 frac z n right quad z in mathbb C setminus mathbb Z 0 nbsp for some constants c 1 c 2 displaystyle c 1 c 2 nbsp since 1 G displaystyle 1 Gamma nbsp is an entire function of order 1 displaystyle 1 nbsp Since z G z 1 displaystyle z Gamma z to 1 nbsp as z 0 displaystyle z to 0 nbsp c 2 0 displaystyle c 2 0 nbsp or an integer multiple of 2 p i displaystyle 2 pi i nbsp and since G 1 1 displaystyle Gamma 1 1 nbsp e c 1 n 1 e 1 n 1 1 n exp lim N n 1 N log 1 1 n 1 n exp lim N log N 1 n 1 N 1 n exp lim N log N log 1 1 N n 1 N 1 n exp lim N log N n 1 N 1 n e g displaystyle begin aligned e c 1 amp prod n 1 infty e frac 1 n left 1 frac 1 n right amp exp left lim N to infty sum n 1 N left log left 1 frac 1 n right frac 1 n right right amp exp left lim N to infty left log N 1 sum n 1 N frac 1 n right right amp exp left lim N to infty left log N log left 1 frac 1 N right sum n 1 N frac 1 n right right amp exp left lim N to infty left log N sum n 1 N frac 1 n right right amp e gamma end aligned nbsp Whence c 1 g 2 p i k displaystyle c 1 gamma 2 pi ik nbsp for some integer k displaystyle k nbsp Since G z R displaystyle Gamma z in mathbb R nbsp for z R Z 0 displaystyle z in mathbb R setminus mathbb Z 0 nbsp we have k 0 displaystyle k 0 nbsp and 1 G z z e g z n 1 e z n 1 z n z C Z 0 displaystyle frac 1 Gamma z ze gamma z prod n 1 infty e frac z n left 1 frac z n right quad z in mathbb C setminus mathbb Z 0 nbsp Equivalence of the Weierstrass definition and Euler definitionG z e g z z n 1 1 z n 1 e z n 1 z lim n e z ln n 1 1 2 1 3 1 n e z 1 1 2 1 3 1 n 1 z 1 z 2 1 z n 1 z lim n 1 1 z 1 z 2 1 z n e z ln n lim n n n z z z 1 z n z C Z 0 displaystyle begin aligned Gamma z amp frac e gamma z z prod n 1 infty left 1 frac z n right 1 e z n amp frac 1 z lim n to infty e z left ln n 1 frac 1 2 frac 1 3 cdots frac 1 n right frac e z left 1 frac 1 2 frac 1 3 cdots frac 1 n right left 1 z right left 1 frac z 2 right cdots left 1 frac z n right amp frac 1 z lim n to infty frac 1 left 1 z right left 1 frac z 2 right cdots left 1 frac z n right e z ln left n right amp lim n to infty frac n n z z z 1 cdots z n quad z in mathbb C setminus mathbb Z 0 end aligned nbsp Let G n z n n z z z 1 z n displaystyle Gamma n z frac n n z z z 1 cdots z n nbsp and G n z n 1 n z z z 1 z n 1 displaystyle G n z frac n 1 n z z z 1 cdots z n 1 nbsp Then G n z n z n G n z displaystyle Gamma n z frac n z n G n z nbsp and lim n G n 1 z lim n G n z lim n G n z G z displaystyle lim n to infty G n 1 z lim n to infty G n z lim n to infty Gamma n z Gamma z nbsp therefore G z lim n n n 1 z z z 1 z n z C Z 0 displaystyle Gamma z lim n to infty frac n n 1 z z z 1 cdots z n quad z in mathbb C setminus mathbb Z 0 nbsp Then n n 1 z z z 1 z n 2 1 z 3 2 z 4 3 z n 1 n z z 1 z 1 z 2 1 z 3 1 z n 1 z k 1 n 1 1 k z 1 z k z C Z 0 displaystyle frac n n 1 z z z 1 cdots z n frac 2 1 z 3 2 z 4 3 z cdots n 1 n z z 1 z 1 z 2 1 z 3 cdots 1 z n frac 1 z prod k 1 n frac 1 1 k z 1 z k quad z in mathbb C setminus mathbb Z 0 nbsp and taking n displaystyle n to infty nbsp gives the desired result Properties EditGeneral Edit Besides the fundamental property discussed above G z 1 z G z displaystyle Gamma z 1 z Gamma z nbsp other important functional equations for the gamma function are Euler s reflection formulaG 1 z G z p sin p z z Z displaystyle Gamma 1 z Gamma z frac pi sin pi z qquad z not in mathbb Z nbsp which impliesG z n 1 n 1 G z G 1 z G n 1 z n Z displaystyle Gamma z n 1 n 1 frac Gamma z Gamma 1 z Gamma n 1 z qquad n in mathbb Z nbsp and the Legendre duplication formulaG z G z 1 2 2 1 2 z p G 2 z displaystyle Gamma z Gamma left z tfrac 1 2 right 2 1 2z sqrt pi Gamma 2z nbsp Derivation of Euler s reflection formulaProof 1We can use Euler s infinite productG z 1 z n 1 1 1 n z 1 z n displaystyle Gamma z frac 1 z prod n 1 infty frac 1 1 n z 1 z n nbsp to compute 1 G 1 z G z 1 z G z G z z n 1 1 z n 1 z n 1 1 n z 1 1 n z z n 1 1 z 2 n 2 sin p z p displaystyle frac 1 Gamma 1 z Gamma z frac 1 z Gamma z Gamma z z prod n 1 infty frac 1 z n 1 z n 1 1 n z 1 1 n z z prod n 1 infty left 1 frac z 2 n 2 right frac sin pi z pi nbsp where the last equality is a known result A similar derivation begins with Weierstrass s definition Proof 2First we prove thatI e a x 1 e x d x 0 v a 1 1 v d v p sin p a a 0 1 displaystyle I int infty infty frac e ax 1 e x dx int 0 infty frac v a 1 1 v dv frac pi sin pi a quad a in 0 1 nbsp Consider the positively oriented rectangular contour C R displaystyle C R nbsp with vertices at R displaystyle R nbsp R displaystyle R nbsp R 2 p i displaystyle R 2 pi i nbsp and R 2 p i displaystyle R 2 pi i nbsp where R R displaystyle R in mathbb R nbsp Then by the residue theorem C R e a z 1 e z d z 2 p i e a p i displaystyle int C R frac e az 1 e z dz 2 pi ie a pi i nbsp Let I R R R e a x 1 e x d x displaystyle I R int R R frac e ax 1 e x dx nbsp and let I R displaystyle I R nbsp be the analogous integral over the top side of the rectangle Then I R I displaystyle I R to I nbsp as R displaystyle R to infty nbsp and I R e 2 p i a I R displaystyle I R e 2 pi ia I R nbsp If A R displaystyle A R nbsp denotes the right vertical side of the rectangle then A R e a z 1 e z d z 0 2 p e a R i t 1 e R i t d t C e a 1 R displaystyle left int A R frac e az 1 e z dz right leq int 0 2 pi left frac e a R it 1 e R it right dt leq Ce a 1 R nbsp for some constant C displaystyle C nbsp and since a lt 1 displaystyle a lt 1 nbsp the integral tends to 0 displaystyle 0 nbsp as R displaystyle R to infty nbsp Analogously the integral over the left vertical side of the rectangle tends to 0 displaystyle 0 nbsp as R displaystyle R to infty nbsp Therefore I e 2 p i a I 2 p i e a p i displaystyle I e 2 pi ia I 2 pi ie a pi i nbsp from which I p sin p a a 0 1 displaystyle I frac pi sin pi a quad a in 0 1 nbsp Then G 1 z 0 e u u z d u t 0 e v t v t z d v t gt 0 displaystyle Gamma 1 z int 0 infty e u u z du t int 0 infty e vt vt z dv quad t gt 0 nbsp and G z G 1 z 0 0 e t 1 v v z d v d t 0 v z 1 v d v p sin p 1 z p sin p z z 0 1 displaystyle begin aligned Gamma z Gamma 1 z amp int 0 infty int 0 infty e t 1 v v z dv dt amp int 0 infty frac v z 1 v dv amp frac pi sin pi 1 z amp frac pi sin pi z quad z in 0 1 end aligned nbsp Proving the reflection formula for all z 0 1 displaystyle z in 0 1 nbsp proves it for all z C Z displaystyle z in mathbb C setminus mathbb Z nbsp by analytic continuation Derivation of the Legendre duplication formulaThe beta function can be represented asB z 1 z 2 G z 1 G z 2 G z 1 z 2 0 1 t z 1 1 1 t z 2 1 d t displaystyle mathrm B z 1 z 2 frac Gamma z 1 Gamma z 2 Gamma z 1 z 2 int 0 1 t z 1 1 1 t z 2 1 dt nbsp Setting z 1 z 2 z displaystyle z 1 z 2 z nbsp yieldsG 2 z G 2 z 0 1 t z 1 1 t z 1 d t displaystyle frac Gamma 2 z Gamma 2z int 0 1 t z 1 1 t z 1 dt nbsp After the substitution t 1 u 2 displaystyle t frac 1 u 2 nbsp we getG 2 z G 2 z 1 2 2 z 1 1 1 1 u 2 z 1 d u displaystyle frac Gamma 2 z Gamma 2z frac 1 2 2z 1 int 1 1 left 1 u 2 right z 1 du nbsp The function 1 u 2 z 1 displaystyle 1 u 2 z 1 nbsp is even hence2 2 z 1 G 2 z 2 G 2 z 0 1 1 u 2 z 1 d u displaystyle 2 2z 1 Gamma 2 z 2 Gamma 2z int 0 1 1 u 2 z 1 du nbsp Now assumeB 1 2 z 0 1 t 1 2 1 1 t z 1 d t t s 2 displaystyle mathrm B left frac 1 2 z right int 0 1 t frac 1 2 1 1 t z 1 dt quad t s 2 nbsp ThenB 1 2 z 2 0 1 1 s 2 z 1 d s 2 0 1 1 u 2 z 1 d u displaystyle mathrm B left frac 1 2 z right 2 int 0 1 1 s 2 z 1 ds 2 int 0 1 1 u 2 z 1 du nbsp This implies2 2 z 1 G 2 z G 2 z B 1 2 z displaystyle 2 2z 1 Gamma 2 z Gamma 2z mathrm B left frac 1 2 z right nbsp SinceB 1 2 z G 1 2 G z G z 1 2 G 1 2 p displaystyle mathrm B left frac 1 2 z right frac Gamma left frac 1 2 right Gamma z Gamma left z frac 1 2 right quad Gamma left frac 1 2 right sqrt pi nbsp the Legendre duplication formula follows G z G z 1 2 2 1 2 z p G 2 z displaystyle Gamma z Gamma left z frac 1 2 right 2 1 2z sqrt pi Gamma 2z nbsp The duplication formula is a special case of the multiplication theorem see 9 Eq 5 5 6 k 0 m 1 G z k m 2 p m 1 2 m 1 2 m z G m z displaystyle prod k 0 m 1 Gamma left z frac k m right 2 pi frac m 1 2 m frac 1 2 mz Gamma mz nbsp A simple but useful property which can be seen from the limit definition is G z G z G z G z R displaystyle overline Gamma z Gamma overline z Rightarrow Gamma z Gamma overline z in mathbb R nbsp In particular with z a bi this product is G a b i 2 G a 2 k 0 1 1 b 2 a k 2 displaystyle Gamma a bi 2 Gamma a 2 prod k 0 infty frac 1 1 frac b 2 a k 2 nbsp If the real part is an integer or a half integer this can be finitely expressed in closed form G b i 2 p b sinh p b G 1 2 b i 2 p cosh p b G 1 b i 2 p b sinh p b G 1 n b i 2 p b sinh p b k 1 n k 2 b 2 n N G n b i 2 p b sinh p b k 1 n k 2 b 2 1 n N G 1 2 n b i 2 p cosh p b k 1 n k 1 2 2 b 2 1 n N displaystyle begin aligned Gamma bi 2 amp frac pi b sinh pi b 1ex left Gamma left tfrac 1 2 bi right right 2 amp frac pi cosh pi b 1ex left Gamma left 1 bi right right 2 amp frac pi b sinh pi b 1ex left Gamma left 1 n bi right right 2 amp frac pi b sinh pi b prod k 1 n left k 2 b 2 right quad n in mathbb N 1ex left Gamma left n bi right right 2 amp frac pi b sinh pi b prod k 1 n left k 2 b 2 right 1 quad n in mathbb N 1ex left Gamma left tfrac 1 2 pm n bi right right 2 amp frac pi cosh pi b prod k 1 n left left k tfrac 1 2 right 2 b 2 right pm 1 quad n in mathbb N 1ex amp end aligned nbsp Proof of absolute value formulas for arguments of integer or half integer real partFirst consider the reflection formula applied to z b i displaystyle z bi nbsp G b i G 1 b i p sin p b i displaystyle Gamma bi Gamma 1 bi frac pi sin pi bi nbsp Applying the recurrence relation to the second term we have b i G b i G b i p sin p b i displaystyle bi cdot Gamma bi Gamma bi frac pi sin pi bi nbsp which with simple rearrangement gives G b i G b i p b i sin p b i p b sinh p b displaystyle Gamma bi Gamma bi frac pi bi sin pi bi frac pi b sinh pi b nbsp Second consider the reflection formula applied to z 1 2 b i displaystyle z tfrac 1 2 bi nbsp G 1 2 b i G 1 1 2 b i G 1 2 b i G 1 2 b i p sin p 1 2 b i p cos p b i p cosh p b displaystyle Gamma tfrac 1 2 bi Gamma left 1 tfrac 1 2 bi right Gamma tfrac 1 2 bi Gamma tfrac 1 2 bi frac pi sin pi tfrac 1 2 bi frac pi cos pi bi frac pi cosh pi b nbsp Formulas for other values of z displaystyle z nbsp for which the real part is integer or half integer quickly follow by induction using the recurrence relation in the positive and negative directions Perhaps the best known value of the gamma function at a non integer argument isG 1 2 p displaystyle Gamma left tfrac 1 2 right sqrt pi nbsp which can be found by setting z 1 2 textstyle z frac 1 2 nbsp in the reflection or duplication formulas by using the relation to the beta function given below with z 1 z 2 1 2 textstyle z 1 z 2 frac 1 2 nbsp or simply by making the substitution u z displaystyle u sqrt z nbsp in the integral definition of the gamma function resulting in a Gaussian integral In general for non negative integer values of n displaystyle n nbsp we have G 1 2 n 2 n 4 n n p 2 n 1 2 n p n 1 2 n n p G 1 2 n 4 n n 2 n p 2 n 2 n 1 p p 1 2 n n displaystyle begin aligned Gamma left tfrac 1 2 n right amp 2n over 4 n n sqrt pi frac 2n 1 2 n sqrt pi binom n frac 1 2 n n sqrt pi 8pt Gamma left tfrac 1 2 n right amp 4 n n over 2n sqrt pi frac 2 n 2n 1 sqrt pi frac sqrt pi binom 1 2 n n end aligned nbsp where the double factorial 2 n 1 2 n 1 2 n 3 3 1 displaystyle 2n 1 2n 1 2n 3 cdots 3 1 nbsp See Particular values of the gamma function for calculated values It might be tempting to generalize the result that G 1 2 p textstyle Gamma left frac 1 2 right sqrt pi nbsp by looking for a formula for other individual values G r displaystyle Gamma r nbsp where r displaystyle r nbsp is rational especially because according to Gauss s digamma theorem it is possible to do so for the closely related digamma function at every rational value However these numbers G r displaystyle Gamma r nbsp are not known to be expressible by themselves in terms of elementary functions It has been proved that G n r displaystyle Gamma n r nbsp is a transcendental number and algebraically independent of p displaystyle pi nbsp for any integer n displaystyle n nbsp and each of the fractions r 1 6 1 4 1 3 2 3 3 4 5 6 textstyle r frac 1 6 frac 1 4 frac 1 3 frac 2 3 frac 3 4 frac 5 6 nbsp 10 In general when computing values of the gamma function we must settle for numerical approximations The derivatives of the gamma function are described in terms of the polygamma function ps 0 z G z G z ps 0 z displaystyle Gamma z Gamma z psi 0 z nbsp For a positive integer m the derivative of the gamma function can be calculated as follows nbsp Plot of gamma function in the complex plane from 2 2i to 6 2i with colors created in MathematicaG m 1 m g k 1 m 1 k m g H m displaystyle Gamma m 1 m left gamma sum k 1 m frac 1 k right m left gamma H m right nbsp where H m is the mth harmonic number and g is the Euler Mascheroni constant For ℜ z gt 0 displaystyle Re z gt 0 nbsp the n displaystyle n nbsp th derivative of the gamma function is d n d z n G z 0 t z 1 e t ln t n d t displaystyle frac d n dz n Gamma z int 0 infty t z 1 e t ln t n dt nbsp This can be derived by differentiating the integral form of the gamma function with respect to z displaystyle z nbsp and using the technique of differentiation under the integral sign Using the identityG n 1 1 n n p n i 1 r z a i k i a i z x z x x 1 g x 1 displaystyle Gamma n 1 1 n n sum limits pi vdash n prod i 1 r frac zeta a i k i cdot a i qquad zeta x begin cases zeta x amp x neq 1 gamma amp x 1 end cases nbsp where z z displaystyle zeta z nbsp is the Riemann zeta function and p displaystyle pi nbsp is a partition of n displaystyle n nbsp given byp a 1 a 1 k 1 terms a r a r k r terms displaystyle pi underbrace a 1 cdots a 1 k 1 text terms cdots underbrace a r cdots a r k r text terms nbsp we have in particular the Laurent series expansion of the gamma function 11 G z 1 z g 1 2 g 2 p 2 6 z 1 6 g 3 g p 2 2 2 z 3 z 2 O z 3 displaystyle Gamma z frac 1 z gamma tfrac 1 2 left gamma 2 frac pi 2 6 right z tfrac 1 6 left gamma 3 frac gamma pi 2 2 2 zeta 3 right z 2 O z 3 nbsp Inequalities Edit When restricted to the positive real numbers the gamma function is a strictly logarithmically convex function This property may be stated in any of the following three equivalent ways For any two positive real numbers x 1 displaystyle x 1 nbsp and x 2 displaystyle x 2 nbsp and for any t 0 1 displaystyle t in 0 1 nbsp G t x 1 1 t x 2 G x 1 t G x 2 1 t displaystyle Gamma tx 1 1 t x 2 leq Gamma x 1 t Gamma x 2 1 t nbsp For any two positive real numbers x 1 displaystyle x 1 nbsp and x 2 displaystyle x 2 nbsp and x 2 displaystyle x 2 nbsp gt x 1 displaystyle x 1 nbsp G x 2 G x 1 1 x 2 x 1 gt exp G x 1 G x 1 displaystyle left frac Gamma x 2 Gamma x 1 right frac 1 x 2 x 1 gt exp left frac Gamma x 1 Gamma x 1 right nbsp For any positive real number x displaystyle x nbsp G x G x gt G x 2 displaystyle Gamma x Gamma x gt Gamma x 2 nbsp The last of these statements is essentially by definition the same as the statement that ps 1 x gt 0 displaystyle psi 1 x gt 0 nbsp where ps 1 displaystyle psi 1 nbsp is the polygamma function of order 1 To prove the logarithmic convexity of the gamma function it therefore suffices to observe that ps 1 displaystyle psi 1 nbsp has a series representation which for positive real x consists of only positive terms Logarithmic convexity and Jensen s inequality together imply for any positive real numbers x 1 x n displaystyle x 1 ldots x n nbsp and a 1 a n displaystyle a 1 ldots a n nbsp G a 1 x 1 a n x n a 1 a n G x 1 a 1 G x n a n 1 a 1 a n displaystyle Gamma left frac a 1 x 1 cdots a n x n a 1 cdots a n right leq bigl Gamma x 1 a 1 cdots Gamma x n a n bigr frac 1 a 1 cdots a n nbsp There are also bounds on ratios of gamma functions The best known is Gautschi s inequality which says that for any positive real number x and any s 0 1 x 1 s lt G x 1 G x s lt x 1 1 s displaystyle x 1 s lt frac Gamma x 1 Gamma x s lt left x 1 right 1 s nbsp Stirling s formula Edit Main article Stirling s approximation nbsp Representation of the gamma function in the complex plane Each point z displaystyle z nbsp is colored according to the argument of G z displaystyle Gamma z nbsp The contour plot of the modulus G z displaystyle Gamma z nbsp is also displayed nbsp 3 dimensional plot of the absolute value of the complex gamma functionThe behavior of G x displaystyle Gamma x nbsp for an increasing positive real variable is given by Stirling s formulaG x 1 2 p x x e x displaystyle Gamma x 1 sim sqrt 2 pi x left frac x e right x nbsp where the symbol displaystyle sim nbsp means asymptotic convergence the ratio of the two sides converges to 1 in the limit x textstyle x to infty nbsp 1 This growth is faster than exponential exp b x displaystyle exp beta x nbsp for any fixed value of b displaystyle beta nbsp Another useful limit for asymptotic approximations for x displaystyle x to infty nbsp is G x a G x x a a C displaystyle Gamma x alpha sim Gamma x x alpha qquad alpha in mathbb C nbsp Residues Edit The behavior for non positive z displaystyle z nbsp is more intricate Euler s integral does not converge for ℜ z 0 displaystyle Re z leq 0 nbsp but the function it defines in the positive complex half plane has a unique analytic continuation to the negative half plane One way to find that analytic continuation is to use Euler s integral for positive arguments and extend the domain to negative numbers by repeated application of the recurrence formula 1 G z G z n 1 z z 1 z n displaystyle Gamma z frac Gamma z n 1 z z 1 cdots z n nbsp choosing n displaystyle n nbsp such that z n displaystyle z n nbsp is positive The product in the denominator is zero when z displaystyle z nbsp equals any of the integers 0 1 2 displaystyle 0 1 2 ldots nbsp Thus the gamma function must be undefined at those points to avoid division by zero it is a meromorphic function with simple poles at the non positive integers 1 For a function f displaystyle f nbsp of a complex variable z displaystyle z nbsp at a simple pole c displaystyle c nbsp the residue of f displaystyle f nbsp is given by Res f c lim z c z c f z displaystyle operatorname Res f c lim z to c z c f z nbsp For the simple pole z n displaystyle z n nbsp we rewrite recurrence formula as z n G z G z n 1 z z 1 z n 1 displaystyle z n Gamma z frac Gamma z n 1 z z 1 cdots z n 1 nbsp The numerator at z n displaystyle z n nbsp is G z n 1 G 1 1 displaystyle Gamma z n 1 Gamma 1 1 nbsp and the denominator z z 1 z n 1 n 1 n n 1 n 1 n n displaystyle z z 1 cdots z n 1 n 1 n cdots n 1 n 1 n n nbsp So the residues of the gamma function at those points are 12 Res G n 1 n n displaystyle operatorname Res Gamma n frac 1 n n nbsp The gamma function is non zero everywhere along the real line although it comes arbitrarily close to zero as z There is in fact no complex number z displaystyle z nbsp for which G z 0 displaystyle Gamma z 0 nbsp and hence the reciprocal gamma function 1 G z textstyle frac 1 Gamma z nbsp is an entire function with zeros at z 0 1 2 displaystyle z 0 1 2 ldots nbsp 1 Minima and maxima Edit On the real line the gamma function has a local minimum at zmin 1 4616321449 68362 34126 13 where it attains the value G zmin 0 8856031944 10888 70027 14 The gamma function rises to either side of this minimum The solution to G z 0 5 G z 0 5 is z 1 5 and the common value is G 1 G 2 1 The positive solution to G z 1 G z 1 is z f 1 618 the golden ratio and the common value is G f 1 G f 1 f 1 4492296022 69896 60037 15 The gamma function must alternate sign between its poles at the non positive integers because the product in the forward recurrence contains an odd number of negative factors if the number of poles between z displaystyle z nbsp and z n displaystyle z n nbsp is odd and an even number if the number of poles is even 12 The extrema values of the Gamma function between the non positive integers are G 0 5040830082 64549 38526 16 3 5446436111 55005 08912 G 1 5734984731 62390 45877 17 2 3024072583 39680 13582 G 2 6107208684 44144 65000 18 0 8881363584 01241 92009 G 3 6352933664 36901 09783 19 0 2451275398 34366 25043 G 4 6532377617 43142 44171 20 0 0527796395 87319 40076 etc Integral representations Edit There are many formulas besides the Euler integral of the second kind that express the gamma function as an integral For instance when the real part of z is positive 21 G z e z t e t d t displaystyle Gamma z int infty infty e zt e t dt nbsp and 22 G z 0 1 log 1 t z 1 d t displaystyle Gamma z int 0 1 left log frac 1 t right z 1 dt nbsp G z 2 0 t 2 z 1 e t 2 d t displaystyle Gamma z 2 int 0 infty t 2z 1 e t 2 dt nbsp where the three integrals respectively follow from the substitutions t e x displaystyle t e x nbsp t log x displaystyle t log x nbsp 23 and t x 2 displaystyle t x 2 nbsp 24 in Euler s second integral The last integral in particular makes clear the connection between the gamma function at half integer arguments and the Gaussian integral if we let z 1 2 displaystyle z 1 2 nbsp we get G 1 2 p 2 0 e t 2 d t textstyle Gamma 1 2 sqrt pi 2 int 0 infty e t 2 dt nbsp Binet s first integral formula for the gamma function states that when the real part of z is positive then 25 log G z z 1 2 log z z 1 2 log 2 p 0 1 2 1 t 1 e t 1 e t z t d t displaystyle log Gamma z left z frac 1 2 right log z z frac 1 2 log 2 pi int 0 infty left frac 1 2 frac 1 t frac 1 e t 1 right frac e tz t dt nbsp The integral on the right hand side may be interpreted as a Laplace transform That is log G z e z z 2 p z L 1 2 t 1 t 2 1 t e t 1 z displaystyle log left Gamma z left frac e z right z sqrt 2 pi z right mathcal L left frac 1 2t frac 1 t 2 frac 1 t e t 1 right z nbsp Binet s second integral formula states that again when the real part of z is positive then 26 log G z z 1 2 log z z 1 2 ln 2 p 2 0 arctan t z e 2 p t 1 d t displaystyle log Gamma z left z frac 1 2 right log z z frac 1 2 ln 2 pi 2 int 0 infty frac arctan t z e 2 pi t 1 dt nbsp Let C be a Hankel contour meaning a path that begins and ends at the point on the Riemann sphere whose unit tangent vector converges to 1 at the start of the path and to 1 at the end which has winding number 1 around 0 and which does not cross 0 Fix a branch of log t displaystyle log t nbsp by taking a branch cut along 0 and by taking log t displaystyle log t nbsp to be real when t is on the negative real axis Assume z is not an integer Then Hankel s formula for the gamma function is 27 G z 1 2 i sin p z C t z 1 e t d t displaystyle Gamma z frac 1 2i sin pi z int C t z 1 e t dt nbsp where t z 1 displaystyle t z 1 nbsp is interpreted as exp z 1 log t displaystyle exp z 1 log t nbsp The reflection formula leads to the closely related expression 1 G z i 2 p C t z e t d t displaystyle frac 1 Gamma z frac i 2 pi int C t z e t dt nbsp again valid whenever z is not an integer Continued fraction representation Edit The gamma function can also be represented by a sum of two continued fractions 28 29 G z e 1 2 0 z 1 z 1 2 2 z 2 z 2 2 4 z 3 z 3 2 6 z 4 z 4 2 8 z 5 z 5 2 10 z e 1 z 0 z 0 z 1 1 z 2 z 1 z 3 2 z 4 z 2 z 5 3 z 6 displaystyle Gamma z cfrac e 1 2 0 z 1 cfrac z 1 2 2 z 2 cfrac z 2 2 4 z 3 cfrac z 3 2 6 z 4 cfrac z 4 2 8 z 5 cfrac z 5 2 10 z ddots cfrac e 1 z 0 cfrac z 0 z 1 cfrac 1 z 2 cfrac z 1 z 3 cfrac 2 z 4 cfrac z 2 z 5 cfrac 3 z 6 ddots nbsp where z C displaystyle z in mathbb C nbsp Fourier series expansion Edit The logarithm of the gamma function has the following Fourier series expansion for 0 lt z lt 1 displaystyle 0 lt z lt 1 nbsp ln G z 1 2 z g ln 2 1 z ln p 1 2 ln sin p z 1 p n 1 ln n n sin 2 p n z displaystyle ln Gamma z left frac 1 2 z right gamma ln 2 1 z ln pi frac 1 2 ln sin pi z frac 1 pi sum n 1 infty frac ln n n sin 2 pi nz nbsp which was for a long time attributed to Ernst Kummer who derived it in 1847 30 31 However Iaroslav Blagouchine discovered that Carl Johan Malmsten first derived this series in 1842 32 33 Raabe s formula Edit In 1840 Joseph Ludwig Raabe proved that a a 1 ln G z d z 1 2 ln 2 p a ln a a a gt 0 displaystyle int a a 1 ln Gamma z dz tfrac 1 2 ln 2 pi a ln a a quad a gt 0 span, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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