
Biological dispersal

Biological dispersal refers to both the movement of individuals (animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, etc.) from their birth site to their breeding site ('natal dispersal'), as well as the movement from one breeding site to another ('breeding dispersal'). Dispersal is also used to describe the movement of propagules such as seeds and spores. Technically, dispersal is defined as any movement that has the potential to lead to gene flow.[1] The act of dispersal involves three phases: departure, transfer, settlement and there are different fitness costs and benefits associated with each of these phases.[2] Through simply moving from one habitat patch to another, the dispersal of an individual has consequences not only for individual fitness, but also for population dynamics, population genetics, and species distribution.[3][4][5] Understanding dispersal and the consequences both for evolutionary strategies at a species level, and for processes at an ecosystem level, requires understanding on the type of dispersal, the dispersal range of a given species, and the dispersal mechanisms involved. Biological dispersal can be correlated to population density. The range of variations of a species' location determines expansion range.[6]

A dandelion seed caught in a spider web strand. Dandelions disperse seeds via wind currents.
Dispersal of lichen soredia (visualized using ultraviolet light) by a spider

Biological dispersal may be contrasted with geodispersal, which is the mixing of previously isolated populations (or whole biotas) following the erosion of geographic barriers to dispersal or gene flow (Lieberman, 2005;[7][8] Albert and Reis, 2011[9]).

Dispersal can be distinguished from animal migration (typically round-trip seasonal movement), although within the population genetics literature, the terms 'migration' and 'dispersal' are often used interchangeably.

Furthermore, biological dispersal is impacted and limited by different environmental conditions. This leads to a wide range of consequences on the organisms present in the environment and their ability to adapt their dispersal methods to that environment.

Types of dispersal edit

Dispersal from parent population

Some organisms are motile throughout their lives, but others are adapted to move or be moved at precise, limited phases of their life cycles. This is commonly called the dispersive phase of the life cycle. The strategies of organisms' entire life cycles often are predicated on the nature and circumstances of their dispersive phases.

In general, there are two basic types:

Passive Dispersal (Density-Independent Dispersal)
In passive dispersal, the organisms cannot move on their own but use other methods to achieve successful reproduction or facilitation into new habitats. Organisms have evolved adaptations for dispersal that take advantage of various forms of kinetic energy occurring naturally in the environment. This can be done by taking advantage of water, wind, or an animal that is able to perform active dispersal themselves. Some organisms are capable of movement while in their larval phase. This is common amongst some invertebrates, fish, insects and sessile organisms such as plants) that depend on animal vectors, wind, gravity or current for dispersal.
Invertebrates, like sea sponges and corals, pass gametes through water. In this way are able to successfully reproduce because the sperm move around, while the eggs are moved by currents. Plants act in similar ways as they can also use water currents, winds, or moving animals to transport their gametes. Seeds, spores, and fruits can have certain adaptations that aid in facilitation of movement. [10]
Active Dispersal (Density-Dependent Dispersal)
In active dispersal, an organism will move locations by its own inherit capabilities. Age is not a restriction, as location change is common in both young and adult animals. The extent of dispersion is dependent on multiple factors, such as local population, resource competition, habitat quality, and habitat size. Due to this, many consider active dispersal to also be density-dependence, as density of the community plays a major role in the movement of animals. However, the effect is observed in age groups differently, which results in diverse levels of dispersion.
When it comes to active dispersal, animals that are capable to free movement of large distances are ideal achieved through flying swimming, or walking. Nonetheless, there are restrictions enforced by geographical location and habitat. Walking animals are at the biggest disadvantage when it comes to this, as they can be prone to being stopped by potential barriers. Although some terrestrial animals traveling by foot can travel great distances, walking uses more energy in comparison to flying or swimming, especially when passing through adverse conditions. [10]

Due to population density, dispersal may relieve pressure for resources in an ecosystem, and competition for these resources may be a selection factor for dispersal mechanisms. Dispersal of organisms is a critical process for understanding both geographic isolation in evolution through gene flow and the broad patterns of current geographic distributions (biogeography).

A distinction is often made between natal dispersal where an individual (often a juvenile) moves away from the place it was born, and breeding dispersal where an individual (often an adult) moves away from one breeding location to breed elsewhere.

Costs and benefits edit

Epilobium hirsutum - Seed head

In the broadest sense, dispersal occurs when the fitness benefits of moving outweigh the costs.

There are a number of benefits to dispersal such as locating new resources, escaping unfavorable conditions, avoiding competing with siblings, and avoiding breeding with closely related individuals which could lead to inbreeding depression.[11]

There are also a number of costs associated with dispersal, which can be thought of in terms of four main currencies: energy, risk, time and opportunity.[2] Energetic costs include the extra energy required to move as well as energetic investment in movement machinery (e.g. wings). Risks include increased injury and mortality during dispersal and the possibility of settling in an unfavorable environment. Time spent dispersing is time that often cannot be spent on other activities such as growth and reproduction. Finally dispersal can also lead to outbreeding depression if an individual is better adapted to its natal environment than the one it ends up in. In social animals (such as many birds and mammals) a dispersing individual must find and join a new group, which can lead to loss of social rank.[2]

Dispersal range edit

"Dispersal range" refers to the distance a species can move from an existing population or the parent organism. An ecosystem depends critically on the ability of individuals and populations to disperse from one habitat patch to another. Therefore, biological dispersal is critical to the stability of ecosystems.

Urban Environments and Dispersal Range edit

Image showing rivers as dispersal vectors
Image depicts how development in urban areas can limit dispersal.

Urban areas can be seen to have their own unique affects on the dispersal range and dispersal abilities of different organisms. For plant species, urban environments largely provide novel dispersal vectors. While animals and physical factors (i.e. wind, water, etc) have played a role in dispersal for centuries, motor vehicles have recently been considered as major dispersal vectors. Tunnels that connect rural and urban environments have been shown to expedite a large amount of and diverse set of seeds from urban to rural environments. This could lead to possible sources of invasive species on the urban-rural gradient.[12] Another example of the affects of urbanization could be seen next to rivers. Urbanization has led to the introduction of different invasive species through direct planting or wind dispersal. In turn, rivers next to these invasive plant species have become vital dispersal vectors. Rivers could be seen to connect urban centers to rural and natural environments. Seeds from the invasive species were shown to be transported by the rivers to natural areas located downstream, thus building upon the already established dispersal distance of the plant.[13]

In contrast, urban environments can also provide limitations for certain dispersal strategies. Human influence through urbanization greatly affects the layout of landscapes, which leads to the limitation of dispersal strategies for many organisms. These changes have largely been exhibited through pollinator-flowering plant relationships. As the pollinator's optimal range of survival is limited, it leads to a limited supply of pollination sites. Subsequently, this leads to less gene flow between distantly separated populations, in turn decreasing the genetic diversity of each of the areas.[14] Likewise, urbanization has been shown to impact the gene flow of distinctly different species (ex. mice and bats) in similar ways. While these two species may have different ecological niches and living strategies, urbanization limits the dispersal strategies of both species. This leads to genetic isolation of both populations, resulting in limited gene flow. While the urbanization did have a greater affect on mice dispersal, it also led to a slight increase in inbreeding among bat populations.[15]

Environmental constraints edit

Few species are ever evenly or randomly distributed within or across landscapes. In general, species significantly vary across the landscape in association with environmental features that influence their reproductive success and population persistence.[16][17] Spatial patterns in environmental features (e.g. resources) permit individuals to escape unfavorable conditions and seek out new locations.[18] This allows the organism to "test" new environments for their suitability, provided they are within animal's geographic range. In addition, the ability of a species to disperse over a gradually changing environment could enable a population to survive extreme conditions. (i.e. climate change).

As the climate changes, prey and predators have to adapt to survive. This poses a problem for many animals, for example the Southern Rockhopper Penguins.[19] These penguins are able to live and thrive in a variety of climates due to the penguins' phenotypic plasticity.[20] However, they are predicted to respond by dispersal, not adaptation this time.[20] This is explained due to their long life spans and slow microevolution. Penguins in the subantarctic have very different foraging behavior from those of subtropical waters; it would be very hard to survive by keeping up with the fast changing climate, because these behaviors took years to shape.[19]

Dispersal barriers edit

A dispersal barrier may result in a dispersal range of a species much smaller than the species distribution. An artificial example is habitat fragmentation due to human land use. By contrast, natural barriers to dispersal that limit species distribution include mountain ranges and rivers. An example is the separation of the ranges of the two species of chimpanzee by the Congo River.

On the other hand, human activities may also expand the dispersal range of a species by providing new dispersal methods (e.g., ballast water from ships). Many such dispersed species become invasive, like rats or stinkbugs, but some species also have a slightly positive effect to human settlers like honeybees and earthworms.[21]

Dispersal mechanisms edit

Most animals are capable of locomotion and the basic mechanism of dispersal is movement from one place to another. Locomotion allows the organism to "test" new environments for their suitability, provided they are within the animal's range. Movements are usually guided by inherited behaviors.

The formation of barriers to dispersal or gene flow between adjacent areas can isolate populations on either side of the emerging divide. The geographic separation and subsequent genetic isolation of portions of an ancestral population can result in allopatric speciation.

Plant dispersal mechanisms edit

Burs are an example of a seed dispersion mechanism which uses a biotic vector, in this case animals with fur.

Seed dispersal is the movement or transport of seeds away from the parent plant. Plants are limited by vegetative reproduction and consequently rely upon a variety of dispersal vectors to transport their propagules, including both abiotic and biotic vectors. Seeds can be dispersed away from the parent plant individually or collectively, as well as dispersed in both space and time. The patterns of seed dispersal are determined in large part by the specific dispersal mechanism, and this has important implications for the demographic and genetic structure of plant populations, as well as migration patterns and species interactions. There are five main modes of seed dispersal: gravity, wind, ballistic, water and by animals.

Animal dispersal mechanisms edit

Non-motile animals edit

There are numerous animal forms that are non-motile, such as sponges, bryozoans, tunicates, sea anemones, corals, and oysters. In common, they are all either marine or aquatic. It may seem curious that plants have been so successful at stationary life on land, while animals have not, but the answer lies in the food supply. Plants produce their own food from sunlight and carbon dioxide—both generally more abundant on land than in water. Animals fixed in place must rely on the surrounding medium to bring food at least close enough to grab, and this occurs in the three-dimensional water environment, but with much less abundance in the atmosphere.

All of the marine and aquatic invertebrates whose lives are spent fixed to the bottom (more or less; anemones are capable of getting up and moving to a new location if conditions warrant) produce dispersal units. These may be specialized "buds", or motile sexual reproduction products, or even a sort of alteration of generations as in certain cnidaria.

Corals provide a good example of how sedentary species achieve dispersion. Broadcast spawning corals reproduce by releasing sperm and eggs directly into the water. These release events are coordinated by lunar phase in certain warm months, such that all corals of one or many species on a given reef will release on the same single or several consecutive nights. The released eggs are fertilized, and the resulting zygote develops quickly into a multicellular planula. This motile stage then attempts to find a suitable substratum for settlement. Most are unsuccessful and die or are fed upon by zooplankton and bottom dwelling predators such as anemones and other corals. However, untold millions are produced, and a few do succeed in locating spots of bare limestone, where they settle and transform by growth into a polyp. All things being favorable, the single polyp grows into a coral head by budding off new polyps to form a colony.

Motile animals edit

The majority of animals are motile. Motile animals can disperse themselves by their spontaneous and independent locomotive powers. For example, dispersal distances across bird species depend on their flight capabilities.[22] On the other hand, small animals utilize the existing kinetic energies in the environment, resulting in passive movement. Dispersal by water currents is especially associated with the physically small inhabitants of marine waters known as zooplankton. The term plankton comes from the Greek, πλαγκτον, meaning "wanderer" or "drifter".

Dispersal by dormant stages edit

Many animal species, especially freshwater invertebrates, are able to disperse by wind or by transfer with an aid of larger animals (birds, mammals or fishes) as dormant eggs, dormant embryos or, in some cases, dormant adult stages. Tardigrades, some rotifers and some copepods are able to withstand desiccation as adult dormant stages. Many other taxa (Cladocera, Bryozoa, Hydra, Copepoda and so on) can disperse as dormant eggs or embryos. Freshwater sponges usually have special dormant propagules called gemmulae for such a dispersal. Many kinds of dispersal dormant stages are able to withstand not only desiccation and low and high temperature, but also action of digestive enzymes during their transfer through digestive tracts of birds and other animals, high concentration of salts and many kinds of toxicants. Such dormant-resistant stages made possible the long-distance dispersal from one water body to another and broad distribution ranges of many freshwater animals.

Quantifying dispersal edit

Dispersal is most commonly quantified either in terms of rate or distance.

Dispersal rate (also called migration rate in the population genetics literature) or probability describes the probability that any individual leaves an area or, equivalently, the expected proportion of individual to leave an area.

The dispersal distance is usually described by a dispersal kernel which gives the probability distribution of the distance traveled by any individual. A number of different functions are used for dispersal kernels in theoretical models of dispersal including the negative exponential distribution,[23] extended negative exponential distribution,[23] normal distribution,[23] exponential power distribution,[24] inverse power distribution,[23] and the two-sided power distribution.[25] The inverse power distribution and distributions with 'fat tails' representing long-distance dispersal events (called leptokurtic distributions) are thought to best match empirical dispersal data.[23][26]

Consequences of dispersal edit

Dispersal not only has costs and benefits to the dispersing individual (as mentioned above), it also has consequences at the level of the population and species on both ecological and evolutionary timescales. Organisms can be dispersed through multiple methods. Carrying through animals is especially effective as it allows traveling of far distances. Many plants depend on this to be able to go to new locations, preferably with conditions ideal for precreation and germination. With this, dispersal has major influence in the determination of population and spread of plant species.[27]

Many populations have patchy spatial distributions where separate yet interacting sub-populations occupy discrete habitat patches (see metapopulations). Dispersing individuals move between different sub-populations which increases the overall connectivity of the metapopulation and can lower the risk of stochastic extinction. If a sub-population goes extinct by chance, it is more likely to be recolonized if the dispersal rate is high. Increased connectivity can also decrease the degree of local adaptation.

Human interference with the environment has been seen to have an effect on dispersal. Some of these occurrence have been accidents, like in the case of zebra mussels, which are indigenous to Southeast Russia. A ship had accidentally released them into the North American Great Lakes and they became a major nuisance in the area, as they began to clog water treatment and power plants. Another case of this was seen in Chinese bighead and silver carp, which were brought in with the purpose of algae control in many catfish ponds across the U.S. Unfortunately, some had managed to escape into the neighboring rivers of Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, and Ohio, eventually causing a negative impact for the surrounding ecosystems.[10] However, human created habitats such as urban environments have allowed certain migrated species to become urbanophiles or synanthropes. [28]

Dispersal has caused changes to many species on a genetic level. A positive correlation has been seen for differentiation and diversification of certain species of spiders in the Canary Islands. These spiders were residing in archipelagos and islands. Dispersion was identifying as a key factor in the rate of both occurrences. [29]

Human-Mediated Dispersal edit

Human impact has had a major influence on the movement of animals through time. An environmental response occurs in due to this, as dispersal patterns are important for species to survive major changes. There are two forms of human-mediated dispersal:

Human-Vectored Dispersal (HVD)
In Human-Vectored Dispersal, humans directly move the organism. This can occur deliberately, like for the usage of the animal in an agricultural setting, hunting or more. However, it can also occur accidentally, if the organism attaches itself to a person or vehicle. For this process, the organism first has to come in contact with a human and then movement can start. This has become more common has the human population all over the world has increased and movement through the world has also become more prevalent. Dispersal through a human can be many times more successful in distance compared to movement by wild or other environmental means. [30]
Human-Altered Dispersal (HAD)
Human-Altered Dispersal signifies the effects that have occurred due to human interference with landscapes and animals. Many of these interferences have caused negative consequences in the environment. For example, many areas have suffered habitat loss, which in turn can have a negative effect on dispersal. Researchers have found that due to this, animals have been reported to move further distances in an attempt to find isolated places. [30]This can especially be seen through construction of roads and other infrastructures in remote areas.

Long distance dispersals are observed when seeds are carried through human vectors. A study conducted to test the effects of human-mediated dispersal of seeds over long distances in two species of Brassica in England. The main methods of dispersal compared with movement by wind versus movement by attachment to outerwear. It was concluded that shoes were able to transport seeds to further distances than what would be achievable through wind alone. It was noted that some seeds were able to stay on the shoes for long periods of time, about 8 hours of walking, but evenly came off. Due to this, the seeds were able to travel far distances and settle into new areas, where they were previously not inhabiting. However, it is also important that the seeds land in places where they are able to stick and grow. Specific shoe size did not seem to have an effect on prevalence. [31]

Dispersal observation methods edit

Biological dispersal can be observed using different methods. To study the effects of dispersal, observers use the methods of landscape genetics.[32]  This allows scientists to observe the difference between population variation, climate and well as the size and shape of the landscape. An example of the use of landscape genetics as a means to study seed dispersal, for example, involves studying the effects of traffic using motorway tunnels between inner cities and suburban area.[33]

Genome wide SNP dataset and species distribution modelling are examples of computational methods used to examine different dispersal modes.[32] A genome wide SNP dataset can be used to determine the genomic and demographic history within the range of collection or observation [Reference needed]. Species distribution models are used when scientists wish to determine which region is best suited for the species under observation [Reference needed]. Methods such as these are used to understand the criteria the environment provides when migration and settlement occurs such as the cases in biological invasion.

Human aided dispersal, an example of an anthropogenic effect, can contribute to biological dispersal ranges and variations.[34]

Informed dispersal is a way to observe the cues of biological dispersal suggesting the reasoning behind the placement.[35] This concept implies that the movement between species also involve information transfer. Methods such as GPS location are used to monitor the social cues and mobility of species regarding habitat selection.[36] GPS radio-collars can be used when collecting data on social animals such a meerkats.[37] Consensus data such as detailed trip records and point of interest (POI) data can be used to predict the movement of humans from rural to urban areas are examples of informed dispersal [Reference needed].

Direct tracking or visual tracking allows scientists to monitor the movement of seed dispersal by color coding.[13] Scientists and observers can track the migration of individuals through the landscape. The pattern of transportation can then be visualized to reflect the range in which the organism expands.  

See also edit

References edit

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  34. ^ Butikofer, Luca; Jones, ⨯ Beatrix; Sacchi, Roberto; Mangiacotti, Marco; Ji, Weihong (November 2018). "A new method for modelling biological invasions from early spread data accounting for anthropogenic dispersal". PLOS ONE. 13 (11): e0205591. Bibcode:2018PLoSO..1305591B. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0205591. PMC 6258513. PMID 30481174. ProQuest 2138603973.
  35. ^ Clobert, Jean; Le Galliard, Jean‐François; Cote, Julien; Meylan, Sandrine; Massot, Manuel (March 2009). "Informed dispersal, heterogeneity in animal dispersal syndromes and the dynamics of spatially structured populations". Ecology Letters. 12 (3): 197–209. Bibcode:2009EcolL..12..197C. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01267.x. ISSN 1461-023X. PMID 19170731.
  36. ^ Khezerlou, Amin Vahedian; Zhou, Xun; Li, Xinyi; Street, W. Nick; Li, Yanhua (2021-08-12). "DILSA+: Predicting Urban Dispersal Events through Deep Survival Analysis with Enhanced Urban Features". ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. 12 (4): 49:1–49:25. doi:10.1145/3469085. ISSN 2157-6904. S2CID 237600882.
  37. ^ Cozzi, Gabriele; Maag, Nino; Börger, Luca; Clutton‐Brock, Tim H.; Ozgul, Arpat (May 2018). Street, Garrett (ed.). "Socially informed dispersal in a territorial cooperative breeder". Journal of Animal Ecology. 87 (3): 838–849. Bibcode:2018JAnEc..87..838C. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12795. ISSN 0021-8790. PMID 29344939. S2CID 46876229.

Further reading edit

  • Ingold CT (1971). Fungal spores: their liberation and dispersal. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 302. ISBN 978-0-19-854115-8.
  • Lidicker WZ, Caldwell RL (1982). Dispersal and migration. Stroudsburg, Pa.: Hutchinson Ross Pub. Co. p. 311. ISBN 978-0-87933-435-2. (Dispersal of animals)
  • Bullock JM, Kenward RE, Hails RS, eds. (2002). Dispersal ecology : the 42nd symposium of the British Ecological Society. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science. p. 458. ISBN 978-0-632-05876-1. (Animals and plants)
  • Lieberman BS (2008). "Emerging syntheses between palaeobiogeography and macroevolutionary theory". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 120: 51–57.
  • Turner MG, Gardner RH, O'Neill RV (2001). Landscape Ecology: In theory and practice, pattern and process. New York (NY): Springer Science.
  • Levin SA (1974). "Dispersion and Population Interactions". The American Naturalist. 108 (960): 207. doi:10.1086/282900. S2CID 83630608.
  • Clobert J, Danchin E, Dhondt AA, Nichols JD, eds. (2001). Dispersal. Oxford.: Oxford University Press.
  • Cousens R, Dytham C, Law R (2008). Dispersal in plants: a population perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

External links edit

    biological, dispersal, this, article, about, biological, dispersal, ecosystems, other, forms, dispersion, dispersion, disambiguation, refers, both, movement, individuals, animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, from, their, birth, site, their, breeding, site, natal,. This article is about biological dispersal in ecosystems For other forms of dispersion see Dispersion disambiguation Biological dispersal refers to both the movement of individuals animals plants fungi bacteria etc from their birth site to their breeding site natal dispersal as well as the movement from one breeding site to another breeding dispersal Dispersal is also used to describe the movement of propagules such as seeds and spores Technically dispersal is defined as any movement that has the potential to lead to gene flow 1 The act of dispersal involves three phases departure transfer settlement and there are different fitness costs and benefits associated with each of these phases 2 Through simply moving from one habitat patch to another the dispersal of an individual has consequences not only for individual fitness but also for population dynamics population genetics and species distribution 3 4 5 Understanding dispersal and the consequences both for evolutionary strategies at a species level and for processes at an ecosystem level requires understanding on the type of dispersal the dispersal range of a given species and the dispersal mechanisms involved Biological dispersal can be correlated to population density The range of variations of a species location determines expansion range 6 A dandelion seed caught in a spider web strand Dandelions disperse seeds via wind currents source source source source source source source Dispersal of lichen soredia visualized using ultraviolet light by a spiderBiological dispersal may be contrasted with geodispersal which is the mixing of previously isolated populations or whole biotas following the erosion of geographic barriers to dispersal or gene flow Lieberman 2005 7 8 Albert and Reis 2011 9 Dispersal can be distinguished from animal migration typically round trip seasonal movement although within the population genetics literature the terms migration and dispersal are often used interchangeably Furthermore biological dispersal is impacted and limited by different environmental conditions This leads to a wide range of consequences on the organisms present in the environment and their ability to adapt their dispersal methods to that environment Contents 1 Types of dispersal 2 Costs and benefits 3 Dispersal range 3 1 Urban Environments and Dispersal Range 3 2 Environmental constraints 3 3 Dispersal barriers 4 Dispersal mechanisms 4 1 Plant dispersal mechanisms 4 2 Animal dispersal mechanisms 4 2 1 Non motile animals 4 2 2 Motile animals 4 2 3 Dispersal by dormant stages 5 Quantifying dispersal 6 Consequences of dispersal 7 Human Mediated Dispersal 8 Dispersal observation methods 9 See also 10 References 11 Further reading 12 External linksTypes of dispersal edit nbsp Dispersal from parent populationSome organisms are motile throughout their lives but others are adapted to move or be moved at precise limited phases of their life cycles This is commonly called the dispersive phase of the life cycle The strategies of organisms entire life cycles often are predicated on the nature and circumstances of their dispersive phases In general there are two basic types Passive Dispersal Density Independent Dispersal In passive dispersal the organisms cannot move on their own but use other methods to achieve successful reproduction or facilitation into new habitats Organisms have evolved adaptations for dispersal that take advantage of various forms of kinetic energy occurring naturally in the environment This can be done by taking advantage of water wind or an animal that is able to perform active dispersal themselves Some organisms are capable of movement while in their larval phase This is common amongst some invertebrates fish insects and sessile organisms such as plants that depend on animal vectors wind gravity or current for dispersal Invertebrates like sea sponges and corals pass gametes through water In this way are able to successfully reproduce because the sperm move around while the eggs are moved by currents Plants act in similar ways as they can also use water currents winds or moving animals to transport their gametes Seeds spores and fruits can have certain adaptations that aid in facilitation of movement 10 Active Dispersal Density Dependent Dispersal In active dispersal an organism will move locations by its own inherit capabilities Age is not a restriction as location change is common in both young and adult animals The extent of dispersion is dependent on multiple factors such as local population resource competition habitat quality and habitat size Due to this many consider active dispersal to also be density dependence as density of the community plays a major role in the movement of animals However the effect is observed in age groups differently which results in diverse levels of dispersion When it comes to active dispersal animals that are capable to free movement of large distances are ideal achieved through flying swimming or walking Nonetheless there are restrictions enforced by geographical location and habitat Walking animals are at the biggest disadvantage when it comes to this as they can be prone to being stopped by potential barriers Although some terrestrial animals traveling by foot can travel great distances walking uses more energy in comparison to flying or swimming especially when passing through adverse conditions 10 Due to population density dispersal may relieve pressure for resources in an ecosystem and competition for these resources may be a selection factor for dispersal mechanisms Dispersal of organisms is a critical process for understanding both geographic isolation in evolution through gene flow and the broad patterns of current geographic distributions biogeography A distinction is often made between natal dispersal where an individual often a juvenile moves away from the place it was born and breeding dispersal where an individual often an adult moves away from one breeding location to breed elsewhere Costs and benefits edit nbsp Epilobium hirsutum Seed headIn the broadest sense dispersal occurs when the fitness benefits of moving outweigh the costs There are a number of benefits to dispersal such as locating new resources escaping unfavorable conditions avoiding competing with siblings and avoiding breeding with closely related individuals which could lead to inbreeding depression 11 There are also a number of costs associated with dispersal which can be thought of in terms of four main currencies energy risk time and opportunity 2 Energetic costs include the extra energy required to move as well as energetic investment in movement machinery e g wings Risks include increased injury and mortality during dispersal and the possibility of settling in an unfavorable environment Time spent dispersing is time that often cannot be spent on other activities such as growth and reproduction Finally dispersal can also lead to outbreeding depression if an individual is better adapted to its natal environment than the one it ends up in In social animals such as many birds and mammals a dispersing individual must find and join a new group which can lead to loss of social rank 2 Dispersal range edit Dispersal range refers to the distance a species can move from an existing population or the parent organism An ecosystem depends critically on the ability of individuals and populations to disperse from one habitat patch to another Therefore biological dispersal is critical to the stability of ecosystems Urban Environments and Dispersal Range edit nbsp Image showing rivers as dispersal vectors nbsp Image depicts how development in urban areas can limit dispersal Urban areas can be seen to have their own unique affects on the dispersal range and dispersal abilities of different organisms For plant species urban environments largely provide novel dispersal vectors While animals and physical factors i e wind water etc have played a role in dispersal for centuries motor vehicles have recently been considered as major dispersal vectors Tunnels that connect rural and urban environments have been shown to expedite a large amount of and diverse set of seeds from urban to rural environments This could lead to possible sources of invasive species on the urban rural gradient 12 Another example of the affects of urbanization could be seen next to rivers Urbanization has led to the introduction of different invasive species through direct planting or wind dispersal In turn rivers next to these invasive plant species have become vital dispersal vectors Rivers could be seen to connect urban centers to rural and natural environments Seeds from the invasive species were shown to be transported by the rivers to natural areas located downstream thus building upon the already established dispersal distance of the plant 13 In contrast urban environments can also provide limitations for certain dispersal strategies Human influence through urbanization greatly affects the layout of landscapes which leads to the limitation of dispersal strategies for many organisms These changes have largely been exhibited through pollinator flowering plant relationships As the pollinator s optimal range of survival is limited it leads to a limited supply of pollination sites Subsequently this leads to less gene flow between distantly separated populations in turn decreasing the genetic diversity of each of the areas 14 Likewise urbanization has been shown to impact the gene flow of distinctly different species ex mice and bats in similar ways While these two species may have different ecological niches and living strategies urbanization limits the dispersal strategies of both species This leads to genetic isolation of both populations resulting in limited gene flow While the urbanization did have a greater affect on mice dispersal it also led to a slight increase in inbreeding among bat populations 15 Environmental constraints edit Few species are ever evenly or randomly distributed within or across landscapes In general species significantly vary across the landscape in association with environmental features that influence their reproductive success and population persistence 16 17 Spatial patterns in environmental features e g resources permit individuals to escape unfavorable conditions and seek out new locations 18 This allows the organism to test new environments for their suitability provided they are within animal s geographic range In addition the ability of a species to disperse over a gradually changing environment could enable a population to survive extreme conditions i e climate change As the climate changes prey and predators have to adapt to survive This poses a problem for many animals for example the Southern Rockhopper Penguins 19 These penguins are able to live and thrive in a variety of climates due to the penguins phenotypic plasticity 20 However they are predicted to respond by dispersal not adaptation this time 20 This is explained due to their long life spans and slow microevolution Penguins in the subantarctic have very different foraging behavior from those of subtropical waters it would be very hard to survive by keeping up with the fast changing climate because these behaviors took years to shape 19 Dispersal barriers edit A dispersal barrier may result in a dispersal range of a species much smaller than the species distribution An artificial example is habitat fragmentation due to human land use By contrast natural barriers to dispersal that limit species distribution include mountain ranges and rivers An example is the separation of the ranges of the two species of chimpanzee by the Congo River On the other hand human activities may also expand the dispersal range of a species by providing new dispersal methods e g ballast water from ships Many such dispersed species become invasive like rats or stinkbugs but some species also have a slightly positive effect to human settlers like honeybees and earthworms 21 Dispersal mechanisms editThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed May 2020 Learn how and when to remove this template message Most animals are capable of locomotion and the basic mechanism of dispersal is movement from one place to another Locomotion allows the organism to test new environments for their suitability provided they are within the animal s range Movements are usually guided by inherited behaviors The formation of barriers to dispersal or gene flow between adjacent areas can isolate populations on either side of the emerging divide The geographic separation and subsequent genetic isolation of portions of an ancestral population can result in allopatric speciation Plant dispersal mechanisms edit nbsp Burs are an example of a seed dispersion mechanism which uses a biotic vector in this case animals with fur Main article Seed dispersal Seed dispersal is the movement or transport of seeds away from the parent plant Plants are limited by vegetative reproduction and consequently rely upon a variety of dispersal vectors to transport their propagules including both abiotic and biotic vectors Seeds can be dispersed away from the parent plant individually or collectively as well as dispersed in both space and time The patterns of seed dispersal are determined in large part by the specific dispersal mechanism and this has important implications for the demographic and genetic structure of plant populations as well as migration patterns and species interactions There are five main modes of seed dispersal gravity wind ballistic water and by animals Animal dispersal mechanisms edit Non motile animals edit There are numerous animal forms that are non motile such as sponges bryozoans tunicates sea anemones corals and oysters In common they are all either marine or aquatic It may seem curious that plants have been so successful at stationary life on land while animals have not but the answer lies in the food supply Plants produce their own food from sunlight and carbon dioxide both generally more abundant on land than in water Animals fixed in place must rely on the surrounding medium to bring food at least close enough to grab and this occurs in the three dimensional water environment but with much less abundance in the atmosphere All of the marine and aquatic invertebrates whose lives are spent fixed to the bottom more or less anemones are capable of getting up and moving to a new location if conditions warrant produce dispersal units These may be specialized buds or motile sexual reproduction products or even a sort of alteration of generations as in certain cnidaria Corals provide a good example of how sedentary species achieve dispersion Broadcast spawning corals reproduce by releasing sperm and eggs directly into the water These release events are coordinated by lunar phase in certain warm months such that all corals of one or many species on a given reef will release on the same single or several consecutive nights The released eggs are fertilized and the resulting zygote develops quickly into a multicellular planula This motile stage then attempts to find a suitable substratum for settlement Most are unsuccessful and die or are fed upon by zooplankton and bottom dwelling predators such as anemones and other corals However untold millions are produced and a few do succeed in locating spots of bare limestone where they settle and transform by growth into a polyp All things being favorable the single polyp grows into a coral head by budding off new polyps to form a colony Motile animals edit Main articles Animal locomotion and Animal migration The majority of animals are motile Motile animals can disperse themselves by their spontaneous and independent locomotive powers For example dispersal distances across bird species depend on their flight capabilities 22 On the other hand small animals utilize the existing kinetic energies in the environment resulting in passive movement Dispersal by water currents is especially associated with the physically small inhabitants of marine waters known as zooplankton The term plankton comes from the Greek plagkton meaning wanderer or drifter Dispersal by dormant stages edit Many animal species especially freshwater invertebrates are able to disperse by wind or by transfer with an aid of larger animals birds mammals or fishes as dormant eggs dormant embryos or in some cases dormant adult stages Tardigrades some rotifers and some copepods are able to withstand desiccation as adult dormant stages Many other taxa Cladocera Bryozoa Hydra Copepoda and so on can disperse as dormant eggs or embryos Freshwater sponges usually have special dormant propagules called gemmulae for such a dispersal Many kinds of dispersal dormant stages are able to withstand not only desiccation and low and high temperature but also action of digestive enzymes during their transfer through digestive tracts of birds and other animals high concentration of salts and many kinds of toxicants Such dormant resistant stages made possible the long distance dispersal from one water body to another and broad distribution ranges of many freshwater animals Quantifying dispersal editDispersal is most commonly quantified either in terms of rate or distance Dispersal rate also called migration rate in the population genetics literature or probability describes the probability that any individual leaves an area or equivalently the expected proportion of individual to leave an area The dispersal distance is usually described by a dispersal kernel which gives the probability distribution of the distance traveled by any individual A number of different functions are used for dispersal kernels in theoretical models of dispersal including the negative exponential distribution 23 extended negative exponential distribution 23 normal distribution 23 exponential power distribution 24 inverse power distribution 23 and the two sided power distribution 25 The inverse power distribution and distributions with fat tails representing long distance dispersal events called leptokurtic distributions are thought to best match empirical dispersal data 23 26 Consequences of dispersal editDispersal not only has costs and benefits to the dispersing individual as mentioned above it also has consequences at the level of the population and species on both ecological and evolutionary timescales Organisms can be dispersed through multiple methods Carrying through animals is especially effective as it allows traveling of far distances Many plants depend on this to be able to go to new locations preferably with conditions ideal for precreation and germination With this dispersal has major influence in the determination of population and spread of plant species 27 Many populations have patchy spatial distributions where separate yet interacting sub populations occupy discrete habitat patches see metapopulations Dispersing individuals move between different sub populations which increases the overall connectivity of the metapopulation and can lower the risk of stochastic extinction If a sub population goes extinct by chance it is more likely to be recolonized if the dispersal rate is high Increased connectivity can also decrease the degree of local adaptation Human interference with the environment has been seen to have an effect on dispersal Some of these occurrence have been accidents like in the case of zebra mussels which are indigenous to Southeast Russia A ship had accidentally released them into the North American Great Lakes and they became a major nuisance in the area as they began to clog water treatment and power plants Another case of this was seen in Chinese bighead and silver carp which were brought in with the purpose of algae control in many catfish ponds across the U S Unfortunately some had managed to escape into the neighboring rivers of Mississippi Missouri Illinois and Ohio eventually causing a negative impact for the surrounding ecosystems 10 However human created habitats such as urban environments have allowed certain migrated species to become urbanophiles or synanthropes 28 Dispersal has caused changes to many species on a genetic level A positive correlation has been seen for differentiation and diversification of certain species of spiders in the Canary Islands These spiders were residing in archipelagos and islands Dispersion was identifying as a key factor in the rate of both occurrences 29 Human Mediated Dispersal editHuman impact has had a major influence on the movement of animals through time An environmental response occurs in due to this as dispersal patterns are important for species to survive major changes There are two forms of human mediated dispersal Human Vectored Dispersal HVD In Human Vectored Dispersal humans directly move the organism This can occur deliberately like for the usage of the animal in an agricultural setting hunting or more However it can also occur accidentally if the organism attaches itself to a person or vehicle For this process the organism first has to come in contact with a human and then movement can start This has become more common has the human population all over the world has increased and movement through the world has also become more prevalent Dispersal through a human can be many times more successful in distance compared to movement by wild or other environmental means 30 Human Altered Dispersal HAD Human Altered Dispersal signifies the effects that have occurred due to human interference with landscapes and animals Many of these interferences have caused negative consequences in the environment For example many areas have suffered habitat loss which in turn can have a negative effect on dispersal Researchers have found that due to this animals have been reported to move further distances in an attempt to find isolated places 30 This can especially be seen through construction of roads and other infrastructures in remote areas Long distance dispersals are observed when seeds are carried through human vectors A study conducted to test the effects of human mediated dispersal of seeds over long distances in two species of Brassica in England The main methods of dispersal compared with movement by wind versus movement by attachment to outerwear It was concluded that shoes were able to transport seeds to further distances than what would be achievable through wind alone It was noted that some seeds were able to stay on the shoes for long periods of time about 8 hours of walking but evenly came off Due to this the seeds were able to travel far distances and settle into new areas where they were previously not inhabiting However it is also important that the seeds land in places where they are able to stick and grow Specific shoe size did not seem to have an effect on prevalence 31 Dispersal observation methods editBiological dispersal can be observed using different methods To study the effects of dispersal observers use the methods of landscape genetics 32 This allows scientists to observe the difference between population variation climate and well as the size and shape of the landscape An example of the use of landscape genetics as a means to study seed dispersal for example involves studying the effects of traffic using motorway tunnels between inner cities and suburban area 33 Genome wide SNP dataset and species distribution modelling are examples of computational methods used to examine different dispersal modes 32 A genome wide SNP dataset can be used to determine the genomic and demographic history within the range of collection or observation Reference needed Species distribution models are used when scientists wish to determine which region is best suited for the species under observation Reference needed Methods such as these are used to understand the criteria the environment provides when migration and settlement occurs such as the cases in biological invasion Human aided dispersal an example of an anthropogenic effect can contribute to biological dispersal ranges and variations 34 Informed dispersal is a way to observe the cues of biological dispersal suggesting the reasoning behind the placement 35 This concept implies that the movement between species also involve information transfer Methods such as GPS location are used to monitor the social cues and mobility of species regarding habitat selection 36 GPS radio collars can be used when collecting data on social animals such a meerkats 37 Consensus data such as detailed trip records and point of interest POI data can be used to predict the movement of humans from rural to urban areas are examples of informed dispersal Reference needed Direct tracking or visual tracking allows scientists to monitor the movement of seed dispersal by color coding 13 Scientists and observers can track the migration of individuals through the landscape The pattern of transportation can then be visualized to reflect the range in which the organism expands See also editAeroplankton Competition biology Disturbance ecology Dormancy dispersal in time Gene flow Habitat fragmentation Island hopping Landscape ecology Metapopulation Oceanic dispersal Phoresy Population modeling Population distribution Population ecology Species distributionReferences edit Ronce O 2007 How does it feel to be like a rolling stone Ten questions about dispersal evolution Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics 38 231 253 doi 10 1146 annurev ecolsys 38 091206 095611 a b c Bonte D Van Dyck H Bullock JM Coulon A Delgado M Gibbs M Lehouck V Matthysen E Mustin K Saastamoinen M Schtickzelle N Stevens VM Vandewoestijne S Baguette M Barton K Benton TG Chaput Bardy A Clobert J Dytham C Hovestadt T Meier CM Palmer SC Turlure C Travis JM May 2012 Costs of dispersal Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 87 2 290 312 doi 10 1111 j 1469 185X 2011 00201 x PMID 21929715 S2CID 30660996 Dunning JB Stewart DJ Danielson BJ Noon BR Root TL Lamberson RH Stevens EE 1995 Spatially explicit population models current forms and future uses PDF Ecological Applications 5 1 3 11 Bibcode 1995EcoAp 5 3D doi 10 2307 1942045 JSTOR 1942045 Hanski I Gilpin ME eds 1997 Metapopulation biology ecology genetics and evolution San Diego Academic Press ISBN 978 0 12 323446 9 Hanski I 1999 Metapopulation Ecology Oxford Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 854065 6 Smayda Theodore J 2007 08 01 Reflections on the ballast water dispersal harmful algal bloom paradigm Harmful Algae 6 4 601 622 doi 10 1016 j hal 2007 02 003 ISSN 1568 9883 Lieberman BS 2005 Geobiology and paleobiogeography tracking the coevolution of the Earth and its biota Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 219 1 2 23 33 Bibcode 2005PPP 219 23L doi 10 1016 j palaeo 2004 10 012 Lieberman BS 2005 Geobiology and paleobiogeography 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C Alexander Matt J Soons Merel B Galsworthy Stephen Dunne Laura Gould Robert Fairfax Christina Niggemann Marc Hails Rosie S Bullock James M 2009 02 07 Human mediated dispersal of seeds over long distances Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences 276 1656 523 532 doi 10 1098 rspb 2008 1131 ISSN 0962 8452 PMC 2664342 PMID 18826932 a b Sherpa Stephanie Renaud Julien Gueguen Maya Besnard Gilles Mouyon Loic Rey Delphine Despres Laurence September 2020 Zytynska Sharon ed Landscape does matter Disentangling founder effects from natural and human aided post introduction dispersal during an ongoing biological invasion Journal of Animal Ecology 89 9 2027 2042 doi 10 1111 1365 2656 13284 ISSN 0021 8790 PMID 32597498 S2CID 220257477 von der Lippe Moritz Kowarik Ingo January 2008 Do cities export biodiversity Traffic as dispersal vector across urban rural gradients Diversity and Distributions 14 1 18 25 Bibcode 2008DivDi 14 18V doi 10 1111 j 1472 4642 2007 00401 x ISSN 1366 9516 S2CID 23088179 Butikofer Luca Jones Beatrix Sacchi Roberto Mangiacotti Marco Ji Weihong November 2018 A new method for modelling biological invasions from early spread data accounting for anthropogenic dispersal PLOS ONE 13 11 e0205591 Bibcode 2018PLoSO 1305591B doi 10 1371 journal pone 0205591 PMC 6258513 PMID 30481174 ProQuest 2138603973 Clobert Jean Le Galliard Jean Francois Cote Julien Meylan Sandrine Massot Manuel March 2009 Informed dispersal heterogeneity in animal dispersal syndromes and the dynamics of spatially structured populations Ecology Letters 12 3 197 209 Bibcode 2009EcolL 12 197C doi 10 1111 j 1461 0248 2008 01267 x ISSN 1461 023X PMID 19170731 Khezerlou Amin Vahedian Zhou Xun Li Xinyi Street W Nick Li Yanhua 2021 08 12 DILSA Predicting Urban Dispersal Events through Deep Survival Analysis with Enhanced Urban Features ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 12 4 49 1 49 25 doi 10 1145 3469085 ISSN 2157 6904 S2CID 237600882 Cozzi Gabriele Maag Nino Borger Luca Clutton Brock Tim H Ozgul Arpat May 2018 Street Garrett ed Socially informed dispersal in a territorial cooperative breeder Journal of Animal Ecology 87 3 838 849 Bibcode 2018JAnEc 87 838C doi 10 1111 1365 2656 12795 ISSN 0021 8790 PMID 29344939 S2CID 46876229 Further reading editIngold CT 1971 Fungal spores their liberation and dispersal Oxford Clarendon Press pp 302 ISBN 978 0 19 854115 8 Lidicker WZ Caldwell RL 1982 Dispersal and migration Stroudsburg Pa Hutchinson Ross Pub Co p 311 ISBN 978 0 87933 435 2 Dispersal of animals Bullock JM Kenward RE Hails RS eds 2002 Dispersal ecology the 42nd symposium of the British Ecological Society Oxford UK Blackwell Science p 458 ISBN 978 0 632 05876 1 Animals and plants Lieberman BS 2008 Emerging syntheses between palaeobiogeography and macroevolutionary theory Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 120 51 57 Turner MG Gardner RH O Neill RV 2001 Landscape Ecology In theory and practice pattern and process New York NY Springer Science Levin SA 1974 Dispersion and Population Interactions The American Naturalist 108 960 207 doi 10 1086 282900 S2CID 83630608 Clobert J Danchin E Dhondt AA Nichols JD eds 2001 Dispersal Oxford Oxford University Press Cousens R Dytham C Law R 2008 Dispersal in plants a population perspective Oxford Oxford University Press External links edit nbsp Scholia has a profile for biological dispersal Q778143 Fruit and seed dispersal images at bioimages vanderbilt edu Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Biological dispersal amp oldid 1217919459, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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