

A chatbot (originally chatterbot[1]) is a software application or web interface that is designed to mimic human conversation through text or voice interactions.[2][3][4] Modern chatbots are typically online and use generative artificial intelligence systems that are capable of maintaining a conversation with a user in natural language and simulating the way a human would behave as a conversational partner. Such chatbots often use deep learning and natural language processing, but simpler chatbots have existed for decades.

A virtual assistant chatbot
The 1966 ELIZA chatbot

Since late 2022, the field has gained widespread attention due to the popularity of OpenAI's ChatGPT,[5][6] followed by alternatives such as Microsoft's Copilot and Google's Gemini.[7] Such examples reflect the recent practice of basing such products upon broad foundational large language models, such as GPT-4 or the Gemini language model, that get fine-tuned so as to target specific tasks or applications (i.e., simulating human conversation, in the case of chatbots). Chatbots can also be designed or customized to further target even more specific situations and/or particular subject-matter domains.[8]

A major area where chatbots have long been used is in customer service and support, with various sorts of virtual assistants.[9] Companies spanning a wide range of industries have begun using the latest generative artificial intelligence technologies to power more advanced developments in such areas.[8]

Background edit

In 1950, Alan Turing's famous article "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" was published,[10] which proposed what is now called the Turing test as a criterion of intelligence. This criterion depends on the ability of a computer program to impersonate a human in a real-time written conversation with a human judge to the extent that the judge is unable to distinguish reliably—on the basis of the conversational content alone—between the program and a real human. The notoriety of Turing's proposed test stimulated great interest in Joseph Weizenbaum's program ELIZA, published in 1966, which seemed to be able to fool users into believing that they were conversing with a real human. However Weizenbaum himself did not claim that ELIZA was genuinely intelligent, and the introduction to his paper presented it more as a debunking exercise:

In artificial intelligence, machines are made to behave in wondrous ways, often sufficient to dazzle even the most experienced observer. But once a particular program is unmasked, once its inner workings are explained, its magic crumbles away; it stands revealed as a mere collection of procedures. The observer says to himself "I could have written that". With that thought, he moves the program in question from the shelf marked "intelligent", to that reserved for curios. The object of this paper is to cause just such a re-evaluation of the program about to be "explained". Few programs ever needed it more.[11]

ELIZA's key method of operation (copied by chatbot designers ever since) involves the recognition of clue words or phrases in the input, and the output of the corresponding pre-prepared or pre-programmed responses that can move the conversation forward in an apparently meaningful way (e.g. by responding to any input that contains the word 'MOTHER' with 'TELL ME MORE ABOUT YOUR FAMILY').[11] Thus an illusion of understanding is generated, even though the processing involved has been merely superficial. ELIZA showed that such an illusion is surprisingly easy to generate because human judges are so ready to give the benefit of the doubt when conversational responses are capable of being interpreted as "intelligent".

Interface designers have come to appreciate that humans' readiness to interpret computer output as genuinely conversational—even when it is actually based on rather simple pattern-matching—can be exploited for useful purposes. Most people prefer to engage with programs that are human-like, and this gives chatbot-style techniques a potentially useful role in interactive systems that need to elicit information from users, as long as that information is relatively straightforward and falls into predictable categories. Thus, for example, online help systems can usefully employ chatbot techniques to identify the area of help that users require, potentially providing a "friendlier" interface than a more formal search or menu system. This sort of usage holds the prospect of moving chatbot technology from Weizenbaum's "shelf ... reserved for curios" to that marked "genuinely useful computational methods".

Development edit

Among the most notable early chatbots are ELIZA (1966) and PARRY (1972).[12][13][14][15] More recent notable programs include A.L.I.C.E., Jabberwacky and D.U.D.E (Agence Nationale de la Recherche and CNRS 2006). While ELIZA and PARRY were used exclusively to simulate typed conversation, many chatbots now include other functional features, such as games and web searching abilities. In 1984, a book called The Policeman's Beard is Half Constructed was published, allegedly written by the chatbot Racter (though the program as released would not have been capable of doing so).[16]

From 1978[17] to some time after 1983,[18] the CYRUS project led by Janet Kolodner constructed a chatbot simulating Cyrus Vance (57th United States Secretary of State). It used case-based reasoning, and updated its database daily by parsing wire news from United Press International. The program was unable to process the news items subsequent to the surprise resignation of Cyrus Vance in April 1980, and the team constructed another chatbot simulating his successor, Edmund Muskie.[19][18]

One pertinent field of AI research is natural-language processing. Usually, weak AI fields employ specialized software or programming languages created specifically for the narrow function required. For example, A.L.I.C.E. uses a markup language called AIML,[3] which is specific to its function as a conversational agent, and has since been adopted by various other developers of, so-called, Alicebots. Nevertheless, A.L.I.C.E. is still purely based on pattern matching techniques without any reasoning capabilities, the same technique ELIZA was using back in 1966. This is not strong AI, which would require sapience and logical reasoning abilities.

Jabberwacky learns new responses and context based on real-time user interactions, rather than being driven from a static database. Some more recent chatbots also combine real-time learning with evolutionary algorithms that optimize their ability to communicate based on each conversation held. Still, there is currently no general purpose conversational artificial intelligence, and some software developers focus on the practical aspect, information retrieval.

Chatbot competitions focus on the Turing test or more specific goals. Two such annual contests are the Loebner Prize and The Chatterbox Challenge (the latter has been offline since 2015, however, materials can still be found from web archives).[20]

Chatbots may use artificial neural networks as a language model. For example, generative pre-trained transformers (GPT), which use the transformer architecture, have become common to build sophisticated chatbots. The "pre-training" in its name refers to the initial training process on a large text corpus, which provides a solid foundation for the model to perform well on downstream tasks with limited amounts of task-specific data. An example of a GPT chatbot is ChatGPT.[21] Despite criticism of its accuracy and tendency to “hallucinate”—that is, to confidently output false information and even cite non-existent sources—ChatGPT has gained attention for its detailed responses and historical knowledge. Another example is BioGPT, developed by Microsoft, which focuses on answering biomedical questions.[22][23] In November 2023, Amazon announced a new chatbot, called Q, for people to use at work.[24]

DBpedia created a chatbot during the GSoC of 2017.[25][26][27] It can communicate through Facebook Messenger (see Master of Code Global article).

Application edit

Messaging apps edit

Many companies' chatbots run on messaging apps or simply via SMS. They are used for B2C customer service, sales and marketing.[28]

In 2016, Facebook Messenger allowed developers to place chatbots on their platform. There were 30,000 bots created for Messenger in the first six months, rising to 100,000 by September 2017.[29]

Since September 2017, this has also been as part of a pilot program on WhatsApp. Airlines KLM and Aeroméxico both announced their participation in the testing;[30][31][32][33] both airlines had previously launched customer services on the Facebook Messenger platform.

The bots usually appear as one of the user's contacts, but can sometimes act as participants in a group chat.

Many banks, insurers, media companies, e-commerce companies, airlines, hotel chains, retailers, health care providers, government entities and restaurant chains have used chatbots to answer simple questions, increase customer engagement,[34] for promotion, and to offer additional ways to order from them.[35] Chatbots are also used in market research to collect short survey responses.[36]

A 2017 study showed 4% of companies used chatbots.[37] According to a 2016 study, 80% of businesses said they intended to have one by 2020.[38]

As part of company apps and websites edit

Previous generations of chatbots were present on company websites, e.g. Ask Jenn from Alaska Airlines which debuted in 2008[39] or Expedia's virtual customer service agent which launched in 2011.[39][40] The newer generation of chatbots includes IBM Watson-powered "Rocky", introduced in February 2017 by the New York City-based e-commerce company Rare Carat to provide information to prospective diamond buyers.[41][42]

Chatbot sequences edit

Used by marketers to script sequences of messages, very similar to an autoresponder sequence. Such sequences can be triggered by user opt-in or the use of keywords within user interactions. After a trigger occurs a sequence of messages is delivered until the next anticipated user response. Each user response is used in the decision tree to help the chatbot navigate the response sequences to deliver the correct response message.

Company internal platforms edit

Other companies explore ways they can use chatbots internally, for example for Customer Support, Human Resources, or even in Internet-of-Things (IoT) projects. Overstock.com, for one, has reportedly launched a chatbot named Mila to automate certain simple yet time-consuming processes when requesting sick leave.[43] Other large companies such as Lloyds Banking Group, Royal Bank of Scotland, Renault and Citroën are now using automated online assistants instead of call centres with humans to provide a first point of contact. A SaaS chatbot business ecosystem has been steadily growing since the F8 Conference when Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg unveiled that Messenger would allow chatbots into the app.[44] In large companies, like in hospitals and aviation organizations, IT architects are designing reference architectures for Intelligent Chatbots that are used to unlock and share knowledge and experience in the organization more efficiently, and reduce the errors in answers from expert service desks significantly.[45] These Intelligent Chatbots make use of all kinds of artificial intelligence like image moderation and natural-language understanding (NLU), natural-language generation (NLG), machine learning and deep learning.

Customer service edit

Many high-tech banking organizations are looking to integrate automated AI-based solutions such as chatbots into their customer service in order to provide faster and cheaper assistance to their clients who are becoming increasingly comfortable with technology. In particular, chatbots can efficiently conduct a dialogue, usually replacing other communication tools such as email, phone, or SMS. In banking, their major application is related to quick customer service answering common requests, as well as transactional support.

Several studies report significant reduction in the cost of customer services, expected to lead to billions of dollars of economic savings in the next ten years.[46] In 2019, Gartner predicted that by 2021, 15% of all customer service interactions globally will be handled completely by AI.[47] A study by Juniper Research in 2019 estimates retail sales resulting from chatbot-based interactions will reach $112 billion by 2023.[48]

Since 2016, when Facebook allowed businesses to deliver automated customer support, e-commerce guidance, content, and interactive experiences through chatbots, a large variety of chatbots were developed for the Facebook Messenger platform.[49]

In 2016, Russia-based Tochka Bank launched the world's first Facebook bot for a range of financial services, including a possibility of making payments.[50]

In July 2016, Barclays Africa also launched a Facebook chatbot, making it the first bank to do so in Africa.[51]

The France's third-largest bank by total assets[52] Société Générale launched their chatbot called SoBot in March 2018. While 80% of users of the SoBot expressed their satisfaction after having tested it, Société Générale deputy director Bertrand Cozzarolo stated that it will never replace the expertise provided by a human advisor. [53]

The advantages of using chatbots for customer interactions in banking include cost reduction, financial advice, and 24/7 support.[54][55]

Healthcare edit

Chatbots are also appearing in the healthcare industry.[56][57] A study suggested that physicians in the United States believed that chatbots would be most beneficial for scheduling doctor appointments, locating health clinics, or providing medication information.[58]

Whatsapp has teamed up with the World Health Organization (WHO) to make a chatbot service that answers users' questions on COVID-19.[59]

In 2020, The Indian Government launched a chatbot called MyGov Corona Helpdesk,[60] that worked through Whatsapp and helped people access information about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.[61][62]

Certain patient groups are still reluctant to use chatbots. A mixed-methods study showed that people are still hesitant to use chatbots for their healthcare due to poor understanding of the technological complexity, the lack of empathy, and concerns about cyber-security.[63] The analysis showed that while 6% had heard of a health chatbot and 3% had experience of using it, 67% perceived themselves as likely to use one within 12 months. The majority of participants would use a health chatbot for seeking general health information (78%), booking a medical appointment (78%), and looking for local health services (80%). However, a health chatbot was perceived as less suitable for seeking results of medical tests and seeking specialist advice such as sexual health.

The analysis of attitudinal variables showed that most participants reported their preference for discussing their health with doctors (73%) and having access to reliable and accurate health information (93%). While 80% were curious about new technologies that could improve their health, 66% reported only seeking a doctor when experiencing a health problem and 65% thought that a chatbot was a good idea. 30% reported dislike about talking to computers, 41% felt it would be strange to discuss health matters with a chatbot and about half were unsure if they could trust the advice given by a chatbot. Therefore, perceived trustworthiness, individual attitudes towards bots, and dislike for talking to computers are the main barriers to health chatbots.

Politics edit

In New Zealand, the chatbot SAM – short for Semantic Analysis Machine[64] (made by Nick Gerritsen of Touchtech[65]) – has been developed. It is designed to share its political thoughts, for example on topics such as climate change, healthcare and education, etc. It talks to people through Facebook Messenger.[66][67][68][69]

In 2022, the chatbot "Leader Lars" or "Leder Lars" was nominated for The Synthetic Party to run in the Danish parliamentary election,[70] and was built by the artist collective Computer Lars.[71] Leader Lars differed from earlier virtual politicians by leading a political party and by not pretending to be an objective candidate.[72] This chatbot engaged in critical discussions on politics with users from around the world.[73]

In India, the state government has launched a chatbot for its Aaple Sarkar platform,[74] which provides conversational access to information regarding public services managed.[75][76]

Government edit

Chatbots have been used at different levels of government departments, including local, national and regional contexts. Chatbots are used to provide services like citizenship and immigration, court administrations, financial aid, and migrants’ rights inquiries. For example, EMMA answers more than 500,000 inquiries monthly, regarding services on citizenship and immigration in the US.[77]

Toys edit

Chatbots have also been incorporated into devices not primarily meant for computing, such as toys.[78]

Hello Barbie is an Internet-connected version of the doll that uses a chatbot provided by the company ToyTalk,[79] which previously used the chatbot for a range of smartphone-based characters for children.[80] These characters' behaviors are constrained by a set of rules that in effect emulate a particular character and produce a storyline.[81]

The My Friend Cayla doll was marketed as a line of 18-inch (46 cm) dolls which uses speech recognition technology in conjunction with an Android or iOS mobile app to recognize the child's speech and have a conversation. It, like the Hello Barbie doll, attracted controversy due to vulnerabilities with the doll's Bluetooth stack and its use of data collected from the child's speech.

IBM's Watson computer has been used as the basis for chatbot-based educational toys for companies such as CogniToys[78] intended to interact with children for educational purposes.[82]

Malicious use edit

Malicious chatbots are frequently used to fill chat rooms with spam and advertisements, by mimicking human behavior and conversations or to entice people into revealing personal information, such as bank account numbers. They were commonly found on Yahoo! Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger and other instant messaging protocols. There has also been a published report of a chatbot used in a fake personal ad on a dating service's website.[83]

Tay, an AI chatbot that learns from previous interaction, caused major controversy due to it being targeted by internet trolls on Twitter. The bot was exploited, and after 16 hours began to send extremely offensive Tweets to users. This suggests that although the bot learned effectively from experience, adequate protection was not put in place to prevent misuse.[84]

If a text-sending algorithm can pass itself off as a human instead of a chatbot, its message would be more credible. Therefore, human-seeming chatbots with well-crafted online identities could start scattering fake news that seems plausible, for instance making false claims during an election. With enough chatbots, it might be even possible to achieve artificial social proof.[85][86]

Limitations of chatbots edit

The creation and implementation of chatbots is still a developing area, heavily related to artificial intelligence and machine learning, so the provided solutions, while possessing obvious advantages, have some important limitations in terms of functionalities and use cases. However, this is changing over time.

The most common limitations are listed below:[87]

  • As the input/output database is fixed and limited, chatbots can fail while dealing with an unsaved query.[55]
  • A chatbot's efficiency highly depends on language processing and is limited because of irregularities, such as accents and mistakes.
  • Chatbots are unable to deal with multiple questions at the same time and so conversation opportunities are limited.[87]
  • Chatbots require a large amount of conversational data to train. Generative models, which are based on deep learning algorithms to generate new responses word by word based on user input, are usually trained on a large dataset of natural-language phrases.[3]
  • Chatbots have difficulty managing non-linear conversations that must go back and forth on a topic with a user.[88]
  • As it happens usually with technology-led changes in existing services, some consumers, more often than not from older generations, are uncomfortable with chatbots due to their limited understanding, making it obvious that their requests are being dealt with by machines.[87]

Chatbots and jobs edit

Chatbots are increasingly present in businesses and often are used to automate tasks that do not require skill-based talents. With customer service taking place via messaging apps as well as phone calls, there are growing numbers of use-cases where chatbot deployment gives organizations a clear return on investment. Call center workers may be particularly at risk from AI-driven chatbots.[89]

Chatbot jobs

Chatbot developers create, debug, and maintain applications that automate customer services or other communication processes. Their duties include reviewing and simplifying code when needed. They may also help companies implement bots in their operations.

A study by Forrester (June 2017) predicted that 25% of all jobs would be impacted by AI technologies by 2019.[90]

Prompt Engineering, the task of designing and refining prompts (inputs) leading to desired AI-generated responses has gained significant demand and popularity in recent years, with the advent of sophisticated models, notably OpenAI’s GPT series (which still contain notable flaws and limitations, as previously outlined).

See also edit

References edit

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  77. ^ Sajani Senadheera, et al. (2024) Understanding Chatbot Adoption in Local Governments: A Review and Framework, Journal of Urban Technology, DOI: 10.1080/10630732.2023.2297665
  78. ^ a b Amy (23 February 2015). . Virtual Agent Chat. Archived from the original on 21 February 2018. Retrieved 11 August 2016.
  79. ^ Nagy, Evie (13 February 2015). "Using Toy-talk Technology, New Hello Barbie Will Have Real Conversations With Kids". Fast Company. from the original on 15 March 2015. Retrieved 18 March 2015.
  80. ^ Oren Jacob, the co-founder and CEO of ToyTalk interviewed on the TV show Triangulation on the TWiT.tv network
  81. ^ "Artificial intelligence script tool". from the original on 12 December 2021. Retrieved 12 December 2021.
  82. ^ Takahashi, Dean (23 February 2015). "Elemental's smart connected toy taps IBM's Watson supercomputer for its brains". Venture Beat. from the original on 20 May 2015. Retrieved 15 May 2015.
  83. ^ Epstein, Robert (October 2007). "From Russia With Love: How I got fooled (and somewhat humiliated) by a computer" (PDF). Scientific American: Mind. pp. 16–17. (PDF) from the original on 19 October 2010. Retrieved 9 December 2007. Psychologist Robert Epstein reports how he was initially fooled by a chatterbot posing as an attractive girl in a personal ad he answered on a dating website. In the ad, the girl portrayed herself as being in Southern California and then soon revealed, in poor English, that she was actually in Russia. He became suspicious after a couple of months of email exchanges, sent her an email test of gibberish, and she still replied in general terms. The dating website is not named.
  84. ^ Bird, Jordan J.; Ekart, Aniko; Faria, Diego R. (June 2018). "Learning from Interaction: An Intelligent Networked-Based Human-Bot and Bot-Bot Chatbot System". Advances in Computational Intelligence Systems. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 840 (1st ed.). Nottingham, UK: Springer. pp. 179–190. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-97982-3_15. ISBN 978-3-319-97982-3. S2CID 52069140.
  85. ^ Temming, Maria (20 November 2018). "How Twitter bots get people to spread fake news". Science News. from the original on 27 November 2018. Retrieved 20 November 2018.
  86. ^ Epp, Len (11 May 2016). "Five Potential Malicious Uses For Chatbots". from the original on 24 February 2023. Retrieved 24 February 2023.
  87. ^ a b c Marous, Jim (14 March 2018). "Meet 11 of the Most Interesting Chatbots in Banking". The Financial Brand. from the original on 1 April 2019. Retrieved 1 April 2019.
  88. ^ Grudin, Jonathan; Jacques, Richard (2019), "Chatbots, Humbots, and the Quest for Artificial General Intelligence", Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – CHI '19, ACM CHI 2020, pp. 209–219, doi:10.1145/3290605.3300439, ISBN 978-1-4503-5970-2, S2CID 140274744
  89. ^ "How talking machines are taking call center jobs". BBC News. 23 August 2018. from the original on 1 April 2019. Retrieved 1 April 2019.
  90. ^ "How chatbots are killing jobs (and creating new ones)". 18 June 2017. from the original on 1 April 2019. Retrieved 1 April 2019.

Further reading edit

  • Gertner, Jon. (2023) "Wikipedia's Moment of Truth: Can the online encyclopedia help teach A.I. chatbots to get their facts right — without destroying itself in the process?" New York Times Magazine (18 July 2023) online
  • Searle, John (1980), "Minds, Brains and Programs", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 3 (3): 417–457, doi:10.1017/S0140525X00005756, S2CID 55303721
  • Shevat, Amir (2017). Designing bots: Creating conversational experiences (First ed.). Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media. ISBN 978-1-4919-7482-7. OCLC 962125282.

External links edit

  •   Media related to Chatbots at Wikimedia Commons
  •   Conversational bots at Wikibooks

chatbot, creation, software, chatbot, bots, internet, relay, chat, parts, this, article, those, related, everything, particularly, sections, after, intro, need, updated, reason, given, this, article, using, citations, from, 1970, virtually, claims, about, conv. For the bot creation software see ChatBot For bots on Internet Relay Chat see IRC bot Parts of this article those related to everything particularly sections after the intro need to be updated The reason given is this article is using citations from 1970 and virtually all claims about conversational capabilities are at least ten years out of date for example the Turing test was arguably made obsolete years ago by transformer models Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information February 2023 A chatbot originally chatterbot 1 is a software application or web interface that is designed to mimic human conversation through text or voice interactions 2 3 4 Modern chatbots are typically online and use generative artificial intelligence systems that are capable of maintaining a conversation with a user in natural language and simulating the way a human would behave as a conversational partner Such chatbots often use deep learning and natural language processing but simpler chatbots have existed for decades A virtual assistant chatbotThe 1966 ELIZA chatbotSince late 2022 the field has gained widespread attention due to the popularity of OpenAI s ChatGPT 5 6 followed by alternatives such as Microsoft s Copilot and Google s Gemini 7 Such examples reflect the recent practice of basing such products upon broad foundational large language models such as GPT 4 or the Gemini language model that get fine tuned so as to target specific tasks or applications i e simulating human conversation in the case of chatbots Chatbots can also be designed or customized to further target even more specific situations and or particular subject matter domains 8 A major area where chatbots have long been used is in customer service and support with various sorts of virtual assistants 9 Companies spanning a wide range of industries have begun using the latest generative artificial intelligence technologies to power more advanced developments in such areas 8 Contents 1 Background 2 Development 3 Application 3 1 Messaging apps 3 1 1 As part of company apps and websites 3 1 2 Chatbot sequences 3 2 Company internal platforms 3 3 Customer service 3 4 Healthcare 3 5 Politics 3 6 Government 3 7 Toys 3 8 Malicious use 4 Limitations of chatbots 5 Chatbots and jobs 6 See also 7 References 8 Further reading 9 External linksBackground editIn 1950 Alan Turing s famous article Computing Machinery and Intelligence was published 10 which proposed what is now called the Turing test as a criterion of intelligence This criterion depends on the ability of a computer program to impersonate a human in a real time written conversation with a human judge to the extent that the judge is unable to distinguish reliably on the basis of the conversational content alone between the program and a real human The notoriety of Turing s proposed test stimulated great interest in Joseph Weizenbaum s program ELIZA published in 1966 which seemed to be able to fool users into believing that they were conversing with a real human However Weizenbaum himself did not claim that ELIZA was genuinely intelligent and the introduction to his paper presented it more as a debunking exercise In artificial intelligence machines are made to behave in wondrous ways often sufficient to dazzle even the most experienced observer But once a particular program is unmasked once its inner workings are explained its magic crumbles away it stands revealed as a mere collection of procedures The observer says to himself I could have written that With that thought he moves the program in question from the shelf marked intelligent to that reserved for curios The object of this paper is to cause just such a re evaluation of the program about to be explained Few programs ever needed it more 11 ELIZA s key method of operation copied by chatbot designers ever since involves the recognition of clue words or phrases in the input and the output of the corresponding pre prepared or pre programmed responses that can move the conversation forward in an apparently meaningful way e g by responding to any input that contains the word MOTHER with TELL ME MORE ABOUT YOUR FAMILY 11 Thus an illusion of understanding is generated even though the processing involved has been merely superficial ELIZA showed that such an illusion is surprisingly easy to generate because human judges are so ready to give the benefit of the doubt when conversational responses are capable of being interpreted as intelligent Interface designers have come to appreciate that humans readiness to interpret computer output as genuinely conversational even when it is actually based on rather simple pattern matching can be exploited for useful purposes Most people prefer to engage with programs that are human like and this gives chatbot style techniques a potentially useful role in interactive systems that need to elicit information from users as long as that information is relatively straightforward and falls into predictable categories Thus for example online help systems can usefully employ chatbot techniques to identify the area of help that users require potentially providing a friendlier interface than a more formal search or menu system This sort of usage holds the prospect of moving chatbot technology from Weizenbaum s shelf reserved for curios to that marked genuinely useful computational methods Development editAmong the most notable early chatbots are ELIZA 1966 and PARRY 1972 12 13 14 15 More recent notable programs include A L I C E Jabberwacky and D U D E Agence Nationale de la Recherche and CNRS 2006 While ELIZA and PARRY were used exclusively to simulate typed conversation many chatbots now include other functional features such as games and web searching abilities In 1984 a book called The Policeman s Beard is Half Constructed was published allegedly written by the chatbot Racter though the program as released would not have been capable of doing so 16 From 1978 17 to some time after 1983 18 the CYRUS project led by Janet Kolodner constructed a chatbot simulating Cyrus Vance 57th United States Secretary of State It used case based reasoning and updated its database daily by parsing wire news from United Press International The program was unable to process the news items subsequent to the surprise resignation of Cyrus Vance in April 1980 and the team constructed another chatbot simulating his successor Edmund Muskie 19 18 One pertinent field of AI research is natural language processing Usually weak AI fields employ specialized software or programming languages created specifically for the narrow function required For example A L I C E uses a markup language called AIML 3 which is specific to its function as a conversational agent and has since been adopted by various other developers of so called Alicebots Nevertheless A L I C E is still purely based on pattern matching techniques without any reasoning capabilities the same technique ELIZA was using back in 1966 This is not strong AI which would require sapience and logical reasoning abilities Jabberwacky learns new responses and context based on real time user interactions rather than being driven from a static database Some more recent chatbots also combine real time learning with evolutionary algorithms that optimize their ability to communicate based on each conversation held Still there is currently no general purpose conversational artificial intelligence and some software developers focus on the practical aspect information retrieval Chatbot competitions focus on the Turing test or more specific goals Two such annual contests are the Loebner Prize and The Chatterbox Challenge the latter has been offline since 2015 however materials can still be found from web archives 20 Chatbots may use artificial neural networks as a language model For example generative pre trained transformers GPT which use the transformer architecture have become common to build sophisticated chatbots The pre training in its name refers to the initial training process on a large text corpus which provides a solid foundation for the model to perform well on downstream tasks with limited amounts of task specific data An example of a GPT chatbot is ChatGPT 21 Despite criticism of its accuracy and tendency to hallucinate that is to confidently output false information and even cite non existent sources ChatGPT has gained attention for its detailed responses and historical knowledge Another example is BioGPT developed by Microsoft which focuses on answering biomedical questions 22 23 In November 2023 Amazon announced a new chatbot called Q for people to use at work 24 DBpedia created a chatbot during the GSoC of 2017 25 26 27 It can communicate through Facebook Messenger see Master of Code Global article Application editSee also Virtual assistant Messaging apps edit Many companies chatbots run on messaging apps or simply via SMS They are used for B2C customer service sales and marketing 28 In 2016 Facebook Messenger allowed developers to place chatbots on their platform There were 30 000 bots created for Messenger in the first six months rising to 100 000 by September 2017 29 Since September 2017 this has also been as part of a pilot program on WhatsApp Airlines KLM and Aeromexico both announced their participation in the testing 30 31 32 33 both airlines had previously launched customer services on the Facebook Messenger platform The bots usually appear as one of the user s contacts but can sometimes act as participants in a group chat Many banks insurers media companies e commerce companies airlines hotel chains retailers health care providers government entities and restaurant chains have used chatbots to answer simple questions increase customer engagement 34 for promotion and to offer additional ways to order from them 35 Chatbots are also used in market research to collect short survey responses 36 A 2017 study showed 4 of companies used chatbots 37 According to a 2016 study 80 of businesses said they intended to have one by 2020 38 As part of company apps and websites edit Previous generations of chatbots were present on company websites e g Ask Jenn from Alaska Airlines which debuted in 2008 39 or Expedia s virtual customer service agent which launched in 2011 39 40 The newer generation of chatbots includes IBM Watson powered Rocky introduced in February 2017 by the New York City based e commerce company Rare Carat to provide information to prospective diamond buyers 41 42 Chatbot sequences edit Used by marketers to script sequences of messages very similar to an autoresponder sequence Such sequences can be triggered by user opt in or the use of keywords within user interactions After a trigger occurs a sequence of messages is delivered until the next anticipated user response Each user response is used in the decision tree to help the chatbot navigate the response sequences to deliver the correct response message Company internal platforms edit Other companies explore ways they can use chatbots internally for example for Customer Support Human Resources or even in Internet of Things IoT projects Overstock com for one has reportedly launched a chatbot named Mila to automate certain simple yet time consuming processes when requesting sick leave 43 Other large companies such as Lloyds Banking Group Royal Bank of Scotland Renault and Citroen are now using automated online assistants instead of call centres with humans to provide a first point of contact A SaaS chatbot business ecosystem has been steadily growing since the F8 Conference when Facebook s Mark Zuckerberg unveiled that Messenger would allow chatbots into the app 44 In large companies like in hospitals and aviation organizations IT architects are designing reference architectures for Intelligent Chatbots that are used to unlock and share knowledge and experience in the organization more efficiently and reduce the errors in answers from expert service desks significantly 45 These Intelligent Chatbots make use of all kinds of artificial intelligence like image moderation and natural language understanding NLU natural language generation NLG machine learning and deep learning Customer service edit Many high tech banking organizations are looking to integrate automated AI based solutions such as chatbots into their customer service in order to provide faster and cheaper assistance to their clients who are becoming increasingly comfortable with technology In particular chatbots can efficiently conduct a dialogue usually replacing other communication tools such as email phone or SMS In banking their major application is related to quick customer service answering common requests as well as transactional support Several studies report significant reduction in the cost of customer services expected to lead to billions of dollars of economic savings in the next ten years 46 In 2019 Gartner predicted that by 2021 15 of all customer service interactions globally will be handled completely by AI 47 A study by Juniper Research in 2019 estimates retail sales resulting from chatbot based interactions will reach 112 billion by 2023 48 Since 2016 when Facebook allowed businesses to deliver automated customer support e commerce guidance content and interactive experiences through chatbots a large variety of chatbots were developed for the Facebook Messenger platform 49 In 2016 Russia based Tochka Bank launched the world s first Facebook bot for a range of financial services including a possibility of making payments 50 In July 2016 Barclays Africa also launched a Facebook chatbot making it the first bank to do so in Africa 51 The France s third largest bank by total assets 52 Societe Generale launched their chatbot called SoBot in March 2018 While 80 of users of the SoBot expressed their satisfaction after having tested it Societe Generale deputy director Bertrand Cozzarolo stated that it will never replace the expertise provided by a human advisor 53 The advantages of using chatbots for customer interactions in banking include cost reduction financial advice and 24 7 support 54 55 Healthcare edit See also Artificial intelligence in healthcare Chatbots are also appearing in the healthcare industry 56 57 A study suggested that physicians in the United States believed that chatbots would be most beneficial for scheduling doctor appointments locating health clinics or providing medication information 58 Whatsapp has teamed up with the World Health Organization WHO to make a chatbot service that answers users questions on COVID 19 59 In 2020 The Indian Government launched a chatbot called MyGov Corona Helpdesk 60 that worked through Whatsapp and helped people access information about the Coronavirus COVID 19 pandemic 61 62 Certain patient groups are still reluctant to use chatbots A mixed methods study showed that people are still hesitant to use chatbots for their healthcare due to poor understanding of the technological complexity the lack of empathy and concerns about cyber security 63 The analysis showed that while 6 had heard of a health chatbot and 3 had experience of using it 67 perceived themselves as likely to use one within 12 months The majority of participants would use a health chatbot for seeking general health information 78 booking a medical appointment 78 and looking for local health services 80 However a health chatbot was perceived as less suitable for seeking results of medical tests and seeking specialist advice such as sexual health The analysis of attitudinal variables showed that most participants reported their preference for discussing their health with doctors 73 and having access to reliable and accurate health information 93 While 80 were curious about new technologies that could improve their health 66 reported only seeking a doctor when experiencing a health problem and 65 thought that a chatbot was a good idea 30 reported dislike about talking to computers 41 felt it would be strange to discuss health matters with a chatbot and about half were unsure if they could trust the advice given by a chatbot Therefore perceived trustworthiness individual attitudes towards bots and dislike for talking to computers are the main barriers to health chatbots Politics edit See also Government by algorithm AI politicians In New Zealand the chatbot SAM short for Semantic Analysis Machine 64 made by Nick Gerritsen of Touchtech 65 has been developed It is designed to share its political thoughts for example on topics such as climate change healthcare and education etc It talks to people through Facebook Messenger 66 67 68 69 In 2022 the chatbot Leader Lars or Leder Lars was nominated for The Synthetic Party to run in the Danish parliamentary election 70 and was built by the artist collective Computer Lars 71 Leader Lars differed from earlier virtual politicians by leading a political party and by not pretending to be an objective candidate 72 This chatbot engaged in critical discussions on politics with users from around the world 73 In India the state government has launched a chatbot for its Aaple Sarkar platform 74 which provides conversational access to information regarding public services managed 75 76 Government edit Chatbots have been used at different levels of government departments including local national and regional contexts Chatbots are used to provide services like citizenship and immigration court administrations financial aid and migrants rights inquiries For example EMMA answers more than 500 000 inquiries monthly regarding services on citizenship and immigration in the US 77 Toys edit Chatbots have also been incorporated into devices not primarily meant for computing such as toys 78 Hello Barbie is an Internet connected version of the doll that uses a chatbot provided by the company ToyTalk 79 which previously used the chatbot for a range of smartphone based characters for children 80 These characters behaviors are constrained by a set of rules that in effect emulate a particular character and produce a storyline 81 The My Friend Cayla doll was marketed as a line of 18 inch 46 cm dolls which uses speech recognition technology in conjunction with an Android or iOS mobile app to recognize the child s speech and have a conversation It like the Hello Barbie doll attracted controversy due to vulnerabilities with the doll s Bluetooth stack and its use of data collected from the child s speech IBM s Watson computer has been used as the basis for chatbot based educational toys for companies such as CogniToys 78 intended to interact with children for educational purposes 82 Malicious use edit Malicious chatbots are frequently used to fill chat rooms with spam and advertisements by mimicking human behavior and conversations or to entice people into revealing personal information such as bank account numbers They were commonly found on Yahoo Messenger Windows Live Messenger AOL Instant Messenger and other instant messaging protocols There has also been a published report of a chatbot used in a fake personal ad on a dating service s website 83 Tay an AI chatbot that learns from previous interaction caused major controversy due to it being targeted by internet trolls on Twitter The bot was exploited and after 16 hours began to send extremely offensive Tweets to users This suggests that although the bot learned effectively from experience adequate protection was not put in place to prevent misuse 84 If a text sending algorithm can pass itself off as a human instead of a chatbot its message would be more credible Therefore human seeming chatbots with well crafted online identities could start scattering fake news that seems plausible for instance making false claims during an election With enough chatbots it might be even possible to achieve artificial social proof 85 86 Limitations of chatbots editThe creation and implementation of chatbots is still a developing area heavily related to artificial intelligence and machine learning so the provided solutions while possessing obvious advantages have some important limitations in terms of functionalities and use cases However this is changing over time The most common limitations are listed below 87 As the input output database is fixed and limited chatbots can fail while dealing with an unsaved query 55 A chatbot s efficiency highly depends on language processing and is limited because of irregularities such as accents and mistakes Chatbots are unable to deal with multiple questions at the same time and so conversation opportunities are limited 87 Chatbots require a large amount of conversational data to train Generative models which are based on deep learning algorithms to generate new responses word by word based on user input are usually trained on a large dataset of natural language phrases 3 Chatbots have difficulty managing non linear conversations that must go back and forth on a topic with a user 88 As it happens usually with technology led changes in existing services some consumers more often than not from older generations are uncomfortable with chatbots due to their limited understanding making it obvious that their requests are being dealt with by machines 87 Chatbots and jobs editChatbots are increasingly present in businesses and often are used to automate tasks that do not require skill based talents With customer service taking place via messaging apps as well as phone calls there are growing numbers of use cases where chatbot deployment gives organizations a clear return on investment Call center workers may be particularly at risk from AI driven chatbots 89 Chatbot jobsChatbot developers create debug and maintain applications that automate customer services or other communication processes Their duties include reviewing and simplifying code when needed They may also help companies implement bots in their operations A study by Forrester June 2017 predicted that 25 of all jobs would be impacted by AI technologies by 2019 90 Prompt Engineering the task of designing and refining prompts inputs leading to desired AI generated responses has gained significant demand and popularity in recent years with the advent of sophisticated models notably OpenAI s GPT series which still contain notable flaws and limitations as previously outlined See also edit nbsp Linguistics portal nbsp Programming portal nbsp Human computer interaction portalApplications of artificial intelligence Autonomous agent ChatGPT from OpenAI Conversational user interface Dead Internet theory Eugene Goostman Friendly artificial intelligence Gemini from Google Hybrid intelligent system Intelligent agent Internet bot List of chatbots Multi agent system Natural language processing Social bot Software agent Software bot Stochastic parrot TwitterbotReferences edit Mauldin Michael 1994 ChatterBots TinyMuds and the Turing Test Entering the Loebner Prize Competition Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence AAAI Press archived from the original on 13 December 2007 retrieved 5 March 2008 What is a chatbot techtarget com Archived from the original on 2 November 2010 Retrieved 30 January 2017 a b c Caldarini Guendalina Jaf Sardar McGarry Kenneth 2022 A Literature Survey of Recent Advances in Chatbots Information 13 1 MDPI 41 arXiv 2201 06657 doi 10 3390 info13010041 Adamopoulou Eleni Moussiades Lefteris 2020 Chatbots History technology and applications Machine Learning with Applications 2 100006 doi 10 1016 j mlwa 2020 100006 Hu Krystal 2 February 2023 ChatGPT sets record for fastest growing user base analyst note Reuters Hines Kristi 4 June 2023 History Of ChatGPT A Timeline Of The Meteoric Rise Of Generative AI Chatbots Search Engine Journal Retrieved 17 November 2023 ChatGPT vs Bing vs Google Bard Which AI is the Most Helpful a b GPT 4 takes the world by storm List of companies that integrated the chatbot 21 March 2023 2017 Messenger Bot Landscape a Public Spreadsheet Gathering 1000 Messenger Bots 3 May 2017 Archived from the original on 2 February 2019 Retrieved 1 February 2019 Turing Alan 1950 Computing Machinery and Intelligence Mind 59 236 433 460 doi 10 1093 mind lix 236 433 a b Weizenbaum Joseph January 1966 ELIZA A Computer Program For the Study of Natural Language Communication Between Man And Machine Communications of the ACM 9 1 36 45 doi 10 1145 365153 365168 S2CID 1896290 Guzeldere Guven Franchi Stefano 24 July 1995 Constructions of the Mind Stanford Humanities Review SEHR 4 2 Stanford University archived from the original on 11 July 2007 retrieved 5 March 2008 Computer History Museum 2006 Internet History 1970 s Exhibits Computer History Museum archived from the original on 21 February 2008 retrieved 5 March 2008 Sondheim Alan J 1997 lt nettime gt Important Documents from the Early Internet 1972 nettime org archived from the original on 13 June 2008 retrieved 5 March 2008 Network Working Group 1973 RFC 439 PARRY Encounters the DOCTOR Internet Engineering Task Force Internet Society doi 10 17487 RFC0439 archived from the original on 20 February 2008 retrieved 5 March 2008 Transcript of a session between Parry and Eliza This is not the dialogue from the ICCC which took place 24 26 October 1972 whereas this session is from 18 September 1972 The Policeman s Beard is Half Constructed Archived 4 February 2010 at the Wayback Machine everything2 com 13 November 1999 Kolodner Janet L Memory organization for natural language data base inquiry Advanced Research Projects Agency 1978 a b Kolodner Janet L 1 October 1983 Maintaining organization in a dynamic long term memory Cognitive Science 7 4 243 280 doi 10 1016 S0364 0213 83 80001 9 inactive 29 March 2024 ISSN 0364 0213 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint DOI inactive as of March 2024 link Dennett Daniel C 2004 Teuscher Christof ed Can Machines Think Alan Turing Life and Legacy of a Great 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