
Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

The Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Serbo-Croatian: Socijalistička Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina / Социјалистичка Аутономна Покрајина Војводина; Hungarian: Vajdaság Szocialista Autonóm Tartomány) was one of two autonomous provinces within the Socialist Republic of Serbia, in the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The province is the direct predecessor to the modern-day Serbian Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.

Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
Социјалистичка Аутономна Покрајина Војводина (Serbo-Croatian)
Socijalistička Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina (Serbo-Croatian)
Vajdaság Szocialista Autonóm Tartomány (Hungarian)
Autonomous province of Serbia in Yugoslavia

Vojvodina (dark red) in Serbia (red), within Yugoslavia
CapitalNovi Sad
• 1991
21,506 km2 (8,304 sq mi)
• 1991
 • TypeAutonomous province
Historical eraCold War
• Provincial status
1 September 1945
• Autonomous Provincial status
28 September 1990

The province was formally created in 1945 in the aftermath of the World War II in Yugoslavia, as the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina / Аутономна Покрајина Војводина; Hungarian: Vajdaság Autonóm Tartomány). In 1968, it was granted a higher level of political autonomy, and the adjective Socialist was added to its official name. In 1990, after the constitutional reform influenced by what is known as the anti-bureaucratic revolution, its autonomy was reduced to the pre-1968 level, and the term Socialist was dropped from its name. It was encompassing regions of Srem, Banat and Bačka, with capital in Novi Sad.[1]

Throughout its existence Serbs in Vojvodina constituted the largest ethnic group in the province with a parallel strong affirmation of multi-ethnic and multi-cultural elements central to province's identity. Alongside Serbian standard of then official Serbo-Croatian, socialist Vojvodina officially used other languages including Hungarian, Pannonian Rusyn, Slovak and Romanian. After the opposition failed to secure any seats in the 1945 elections (followed by the formal introduction of a one-party system), the province was ruled by the League of Communists of Vojvodina, part of both the Serbian and wider Yugoslav ruling party.

History Edit

Political situation in 1944–1945

During the Second World War in Yugoslavia (1941–1945), the territory was occupied by the Axis Powers. In the autumn of 1944, Yugoslav partisans and the Red Army expelled Axis troops from most parts the region, that was placed under the military administration. At that time, the political status of the territory was not yet determined. The projected borders of future Vojvodina included the regions of Banat, Bačka, Baranja and most of the region of Syrmia, including Zemun. The de jure temporary border between Vojvodina and Croatia in Syrmia was Vukovar-Vinkovci-Županja line. De facto, western parts of Syrmia remained under Axis military control until April 1945. From 17 October 1944 to 27 January 1945, most of the region (Banat, Bačka, Baranja) was under direct military administration, and by the spring of 1945, provisional regional administration was created.[2]

1945–1968 Edit

Ethnic map (1961)

The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Serbo-Croatian: Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina / Аутономна Покрајина Војводина) was formed in 1945, as an autonomous province within the People's Republic of Serbia, a federal unit of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia.[3]

The process was initiated on 30–31 July 1945, when the provisional provincial assembly of Vojvodina decided that the province should join Serbia. This decision was confirmed in the third AVNOJ assembly on 10 August 1945, and the law that regulated the autonomous status of Vojvodina within Serbia was adopted on 1 September 1945. The final borders of Vojvodina with Croatia and Central Serbia were defined in 1945: Baranja and western Syrmia were assigned to Croatia,[4] while small parts of Banat and Syrmia near Belgrade were assigned to Central Serbia. A small part of northern Mačva near Sremska Mitrovica was assigned to Vojvodina. The capital city of the province was Novi Sad, which was also the capital of the former Danube Banovina province that existed before World War II.

The position of Vojvodina within Serbia was defined by the Constitution of Yugoslavia (1946) and the Constitution of Serbia (1947). The first Statute of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina was adopted in 1948, and the second in 1953. After the constitutional reform in 1963, the third statute was adopted, in the same year.

1968–1990 Edit

Ethnic map (1971)
Ethnic map (1981)

Until 1968, Vojvodina enjoyed a limited level of autonomy within Serbia. After the constitutional reform, that was enacted in 1968, the province was granted a higher level of autonomy, and its name was changed to the Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Serbo-Croatian: Socijalistička Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina / Социјалистичка Аутономна Покрајина Војводина). Under the Constitutional Law of 21 February 1969, it achieved legislative autonomy, and in the same time, four minority languages were also recognized (besides Serbo-Croatian) as official languages (Article 67) in the province (Magyar, Slovak, Romanian, Rusyn).[5]

Under the 1974 Yugoslav Constitution, the province gained higher level of autonomy, that defined Vojvodina (still remaining within Serbia) as one of the subjects of the Yugoslav federation, and also gave it voting rights equivalent to Serbia itself on the country's collective presidency. The Constitution of the Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Ustav Socijalističke Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine / Устав Социјалистичке Аутономне Покрајине Војводине), that was adopted in 1974, became the highest legal act of the province, replacing the previous Constitutional Law of 1969.[6]

After the constitutional reform in Yugoslavia (1988), the process of democratization was initiated. In 1989, amendments to the Constitution of Serbia were adopted, limiting the autonomy of Vojvodina. Under the rule of the Serbian president Slobodan Milošević, the new Constitution of Serbia was adopted on 28 September 1990, omitting the adjective Socialist from the official names and further reducing the rights of autonomous provinces. After this, the Vojvodina was no longer a subject of the Yugoslav federation, but again only the autonomous province of Serbia, with limited level of autonomy. The name of the province was also reverted to the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.[7]

During the entire period from 1945 to 1990, the only authorized political party in the province was the League of Communists of Vojvodina, which was part of the League of Communists of Serbia and part of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia.

Institutions Edit

Institutions of the Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina included:

  • Presidency (Predsedništvo)
  • Working bodies of presidency (Radna tela predsedništva):
    • Council for people's defence (Savet za narodnu odbranu)
    • Council for protection of constitutional system (Savet za zaštitu ustavnog poretka)
    • Commission for organizational and staff questions (Komisija za organizaciona i kadrovska pitanja)
    • Commission for amnesty (Komisija za pomilovanja)
    • Commission for applications and suggestions (Komisija za predstavke i predloge)
    • Commission for medals (Komisija za odlikovanja)
    • Commission for economic reform (Komisija za privrednu reformu)
  • Parliament (Skupština)
  • Councils of parliament (Veća skupštine):
    • Council of associated work (Veće udruženog rada)
    • Council of municipalities (Veće opština)
    • Social-political council (Društveno-političko veće)
  • Provincial committees (Pokrajinski komiteti):
    • Provincial committee for energetics and raws (Pokrajinski komitet za energetiku i sirovine)
    • Provincial committee for international cooperation (Pokrajinski komitet za međunarodnu saradnju)
    • Provincial committee for traffic and connections (Pokrajinski komitet za saobraćaj i veze)
    • Provincial committee for water economy (Pokrajinski komitet za vodoprivredu)
    • Provincial committee for education and culture (Pokrajinski komitet za obrazovanje i kulturu)
    • Provincial committee for work (Pokrajinski komitet za rad)
    • Provincial committee for health and social protection (Pokrajinski komitet za zdravlje i socijalnu zaštitu)
    • Provincial committee for veteran and invalid questions (Pokrajinski komitet za boračka i invalidska pitanja)
    • Provincial committee for urbanism, residential questions and protection of human environment (Pokrajinski komitet za urbanizam, stambena pitanja i zaštitu čovekove sredine)
    • Provincial committee for informations (Pokrajinski komitet za informacije)
    • Provincial committee for social planning (Pokrajinski komitet za društveno planiranje)
    • Provincial committee for legislation (Pokrajinski komitet za zakonodavstvo)
    • Provincial committee for science and informatics (Pokrajinski komitet za nauku i informatiku)
  • Provincial social councils (Pokrajinski društveni saveti):
    • Provincial social council for questions of social regulation (Pokrajinski društveni savet za pitanja društvenog uređenja)
    • Provincial social council for economic development and economic politics (Pokrajinski društveni savet za privredni razvoj i ekonomsku politiku)
    • Provincial social council for foreign relations (Pokrajinski društveni savet za odnose sa inostranstvom)
  • Government (Izvršno veće)
  • Provincial bodies of administration (Pokrajinski organi uprave):
    • Provincial secretarity for people's defence (Pokrajinski sekretarijat za narodnu odbranu)
    • Provincial secretarity for internal affairs (Pokrajinski sekretarijat za unutrašnje poslove)
    • Provincial secretarity for jurisdiction and administration (Pokrajinski sekretarijat za pravosuđe i upravu)
    • Provincial secretarity for finances (Pokrajinski sekretarijat za finansije)
    • Provincial secretarity for industry, construction, and terciar activities (Pokrajinski sekretarijat za industriju, građevinarstvo i tercijarne delatnosti)
    • Provincial secretarity for agriculture, food industry and wood industry (Pokrajinski sekretarijat za poljoprivredu, prehrambenu industriju i šumarstvo)
    • Provincial secretarity for market, prices, monitoring of economic developments and tourism (Pokrajinski sekretarijat za tržište, cene, praćenje privrednih kretanja i turizam)
  • Provincial administrative organizations (Pokrajinske upravne organizacije):
    • Provincial establishment for social planning (Pokrajinski zavod za društveno planiranje)
    • Provincial establishment for statistics (Pokrajinski zavod za statistiku)
    • Provincial establishment for public administration (Pokrajinski zavod za javnu upravu)
    • Provincial establishment for international scientific, cultural, educational and technical cooperation (Pokrajinski zavod za međunarodnu naučnu, kulturnu, prosvetnu i tehničku saradnju)
    • Provincial establishment for hydro-meteorogy (Pokrajinski hidrometeorološki zavod)
    • Provincial establishment for staff affairs (Pokrajinski zavod za kadrovske poslove)
    • Provincial establishment for prices and monitoring of economic developments (Pokrajinski zavod za cene i praćenje privrednih kretanja)
    • Provincial administration for geodetic and property-juridical affairs (Pokrajinska uprava za geodetske i imovinsko-pravne poslove)
    • Administration for budget (Uprava za budžet)
    • Provincial administration for social profit (Pokrajinska uprava društvenih prihoda)
    • Provincial directorate for stock reserves (Pokrajinska direkcija za robne rezerve)
    • Services for general and joint affairs of provincial institutions (Službe za opšte i zajedničke poslove pokrajinskih organa)
  • Jurisdictional institutions of SAP Vojvodina (Pravosudni organi SAP Vojvodine):
    • Constitutional court of Vojvodina (Ustavni sud Vojvodine)
    • Supreme court of Vojvodina (Vrhovni sud Vojvodine)
    • Public prosecution of SAP Vojvodina (Javno tužilaštvo SAP Vojvodine)
    • Public juristical defence of SAP Vojvodina (Javno pravobranilaštvo SAP Vojvodine)
    • Provincial social juristical defender of autonomy (Pokrajinski društveni pravobranilac samoupravljanja)
    • Court of associated work (Sud udruženog rada)

Presidents Edit

Presidents of the Presidency of Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina:

  • Radovan Vlajković (1974–1981)
  • Predrag Vladisavljević (1981–1982)
  • Danilo Kekić (1982–1983)
  • Đorđe Radosavljević (1983–1984)
  • Nandor Major (1984–1985)
  • Predrag Vladisavljević (1985–1986)
  • Đorđe Radosavljević (1986–1988)
  • Nandor Major (1988–1989)
  • Jugoslav Kostić (1989–1991)

Demographics Edit

1948 census
Ethnicity Number %
Serbs 841,246 50.6
Hungarians 428,932 25.8
Croats 134,232 8.1
Slovaks 72,032 4.3
Romanians 59,263 3.6
Germans 31,821 1.9
Montenegrins 30,589 1.9
Rusyns and Ukrainians 22,083 1.3
Macedonians 9,090 0.5
Romani 7,585 0.4
Slovenes 7,223 0.4
Russians 5,148 0.3
Czechs 3,976 0.3
Bulgarians 3,501 0.2
Yugoslavs 1,050 0.1
Others 5,441 0.3
1953 census
Ethnicity Number %
Serbs 865,538 50.9
Hungarians 435,179 25.6
Croats 127,027 7.5
Slovaks 71,153 4.2
Romanians 57,218 3.4
Montenegrins 30,516 1.8
Rusyns 23,038 1.4
Macedonians 11,622 0.7
Others 78,254 4.6
1961 census
Ethnicity Number %
Serbs 1,017,713 54.9
Hungarians 442,560 23.9
Croats 145,341 7.8
Slovaks 73,830 4
Romanians 57,259 3.1
Montenegrins 34,782 1.9
Rusyns 23,038 1.4
Macedonians 11,622 0.7
Others 83,480 4.4

According to the 1981 census, the population of the province included:

See also Edit

References Edit

  1. ^ Petranović 1988.
  2. ^ Petranović 2002, p. 91.
  3. ^ Pavlowitch 2002, p. 154.
  4. ^ Pavlowitch 2002, p. 159.
  5. ^ Уставни закон Социјалистичке Аутономне Покрајине Војводине (1969)
  6. ^ Pavlowitch 2002, p. 185.
  7. ^ Pavlowitch 2002, p. 194-195.

Sources Edit

  • Bennett, Christopher (1995). Yugoslavia's Bloody Collapse: Causes, Course and Consequences. London: Hurst & Company.
  • Ćirković, Sima (2004). The Serbs. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Pavlowitch, Stevan K. (2002). Serbia: The History behind the Name. London: Hurst & Company.
  • Petranović, Branko (1980). Istorija Jugoslavije 1918-1978. Beograd: Nolit.
  • Petranović, Branko (1988). Istorija Jugoslavije 1918-1988. Vol. 3. Beograd: Nolit.
  • Petranović, Branko (2002). The Yugoslav Experience of Serbian National Integration. Boulder: East European Monographs.
  • Ramet, Sabrina P.; Pavlaković, Vjeran, eds. (2007) [2005]. Serbia Since 1989: Politics and Society Under Milošević and After. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
  • Tomasevich, Jozo (2001). War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: Occupation and Collaboration. Vol. 2. San Francisco: Stanford University Press.

External links Edit

  •   Media related to SAP Vojvodina at Wikimedia Commons

socialist, autonomous, province, vojvodina, this, article, includes, list, general, references, lacks, sufficient, corresponding, inline, citations, please, help, improve, this, article, introducing, more, precise, citations, october, 2007, learn, when, remove. This article includes a list of general references but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations October 2007 Learn how and when to remove this template message The Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Serbo Croatian Socijalisticka Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina Sociјalistichka Autonomna Pokraјina Voјvodina Hungarian Vajdasag Szocialista Autonom Tartomany was one of two autonomous provinces within the Socialist Republic of Serbia in the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia The province is the direct predecessor to the modern day Serbian Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Socialist Autonomous Province of VojvodinaSociјalistichka Autonomna Pokraјina Voјvodina Serbo Croatian Socijalisticka Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina Serbo Croatian Vajdasag Szocialista Autonom Tartomany Hungarian Autonomous province of Serbia in Yugoslavia1945 1990Vojvodina dark red in Serbia red within YugoslaviaCapitalNovi SadArea 199121 506 km2 8 304 sq mi Population 19911 952 533HistoryGovernment TypeAutonomous provincePresident Historical eraCold War Provincial status1 September 1945 Autonomous Provincial status1968 Constitutional reform28 September 1990The province was formally created in 1945 in the aftermath of the World War II in Yugoslavia as the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina Autonomna Pokraјina Voјvodina Hungarian Vajdasag Autonom Tartomany In 1968 it was granted a higher level of political autonomy and the adjective Socialist was added to its official name In 1990 after the constitutional reform influenced by what is known as the anti bureaucratic revolution its autonomy was reduced to the pre 1968 level and the term Socialist was dropped from its name It was encompassing regions of Srem Banat and Backa with capital in Novi Sad 1 Throughout its existence Serbs in Vojvodina constituted the largest ethnic group in the province with a parallel strong affirmation of multi ethnic and multi cultural elements central to province s identity Alongside Serbian standard of then official Serbo Croatian socialist Vojvodina officially used other languages including Hungarian Pannonian Rusyn Slovak and Romanian After the opposition failed to secure any seats in the 1945 elections followed by the formal introduction of a one party system the province was ruled by the League of Communists of Vojvodina part of both the Serbian and wider Yugoslav ruling party Contents 1 History 1 1 1945 1968 1 2 1968 1990 2 Institutions 2 1 Presidents 3 Demographics 4 See also 5 References 6 Sources 7 External linksHistory Edit nbsp Political situation in 1944 1945During the Second World War in Yugoslavia 1941 1945 the territory was occupied by the Axis Powers In the autumn of 1944 Yugoslav partisans and the Red Army expelled Axis troops from most parts the region that was placed under the military administration At that time the political status of the territory was not yet determined The projected borders of future Vojvodina included the regions of Banat Backa Baranja and most of the region of Syrmia including Zemun The de jure temporary border between Vojvodina and Croatia in Syrmia was Vukovar Vinkovci Zupanja line De facto western parts of Syrmia remained under Axis military control until April 1945 From 17 October 1944 to 27 January 1945 most of the region Banat Backa Baranja was under direct military administration and by the spring of 1945 provisional regional administration was created 2 1945 1968 Edit nbsp Ethnic map 1961 The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Serbo Croatian Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina Autonomna Pokraјina Voјvodina was formed in 1945 as an autonomous province within the People s Republic of Serbia a federal unit of the Federal People s Republic of Yugoslavia 3 The process was initiated on 30 31 July 1945 when the provisional provincial assembly of Vojvodina decided that the province should join Serbia This decision was confirmed in the third AVNOJ assembly on 10 August 1945 and the law that regulated the autonomous status of Vojvodina within Serbia was adopted on 1 September 1945 The final borders of Vojvodina with Croatia and Central Serbia were defined in 1945 Baranja and western Syrmia were assigned to Croatia 4 while small parts of Banat and Syrmia near Belgrade were assigned to Central Serbia A small part of northern Macva near Sremska Mitrovica was assigned to Vojvodina The capital city of the province was Novi Sad which was also the capital of the former Danube Banovina province that existed before World War II The position of Vojvodina within Serbia was defined by the Constitution of Yugoslavia 1946 and the Constitution of Serbia 1947 The first Statute of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina was adopted in 1948 and the second in 1953 After the constitutional reform in 1963 the third statute was adopted in the same year 1968 1990 Edit nbsp Ethnic map 1971 nbsp Ethnic map 1981 Until 1968 Vojvodina enjoyed a limited level of autonomy within Serbia After the constitutional reform that was enacted in 1968 the province was granted a higher level of autonomy and its name was changed to the Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Serbo Croatian Socijalisticka Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina Sociјalistichka Autonomna Pokraјina Voјvodina Under the Constitutional Law of 21 February 1969 it achieved legislative autonomy and in the same time four minority languages were also recognized besides Serbo Croatian as official languages Article 67 in the province Magyar Slovak Romanian Rusyn 5 Under the 1974 Yugoslav Constitution the province gained higher level of autonomy that defined Vojvodina still remaining within Serbia as one of the subjects of the Yugoslav federation and also gave it voting rights equivalent to Serbia itself on the country s collective presidency The Constitution of the Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Ustav Socijalisticke Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine Ustav Sociјalistichke Autonomne Pokraјine Voјvodine that was adopted in 1974 became the highest legal act of the province replacing the previous Constitutional Law of 1969 6 After the constitutional reform in Yugoslavia 1988 the process of democratization was initiated In 1989 amendments to the Constitution of Serbia were adopted limiting the autonomy of Vojvodina Under the rule of the Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic the new Constitution of Serbia was adopted on 28 September 1990 omitting the adjective Socialist from the official names and further reducing the rights of autonomous provinces After this the Vojvodina was no longer a subject of the Yugoslav federation but again only the autonomous province of Serbia with limited level of autonomy The name of the province was also reverted to the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina 7 During the entire period from 1945 to 1990 the only authorized political party in the province was the League of Communists of Vojvodina which was part of the League of Communists of Serbia and part of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia Institutions EditInstitutions of the Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina included Presidency Predsednistvo Working bodies of presidency Radna tela predsednistva Council for people s defence Savet za narodnu odbranu Council for protection of constitutional system Savet za zastitu ustavnog poretka Commission for organizational and staff questions Komisija za organizaciona i kadrovska pitanja Commission for amnesty Komisija za pomilovanja Commission for applications and suggestions Komisija za predstavke i predloge Commission for medals Komisija za odlikovanja Commission for economic reform Komisija za privrednu reformu Parliament Skupstina Councils of parliament Veca skupstine Council of associated work Vece udruzenog rada Council of municipalities Vece opstina Social political council Drustveno politicko vece Provincial committees Pokrajinski komiteti Provincial committee for energetics and raws Pokrajinski komitet za energetiku i sirovine Provincial committee for international cooperation Pokrajinski komitet za međunarodnu saradnju Provincial committee for traffic and connections Pokrajinski komitet za saobracaj i veze Provincial committee for water economy Pokrajinski komitet za vodoprivredu Provincial committee for education and culture Pokrajinski komitet za obrazovanje i kulturu Provincial committee for work Pokrajinski komitet za rad Provincial committee for health and social protection Pokrajinski komitet za zdravlje i socijalnu zastitu Provincial committee for veteran and invalid questions Pokrajinski komitet za boracka i invalidska pitanja Provincial committee for urbanism residential questions and protection of human environment Pokrajinski komitet za urbanizam stambena pitanja i zastitu covekove sredine Provincial committee for informations Pokrajinski komitet za informacije Provincial committee for social planning Pokrajinski komitet za drustveno planiranje Provincial committee for legislation Pokrajinski komitet za zakonodavstvo Provincial committee for science and informatics Pokrajinski komitet za nauku i informatiku Provincial social councils Pokrajinski drustveni saveti Provincial social council for questions of social regulation Pokrajinski drustveni savet za pitanja drustvenog uređenja Provincial social council for economic development and economic politics Pokrajinski drustveni savet za privredni razvoj i ekonomsku politiku Provincial social council for foreign relations Pokrajinski drustveni savet za odnose sa inostranstvom Government Izvrsno vece Provincial bodies of administration Pokrajinski organi uprave Provincial secretarity for people s defence Pokrajinski sekretarijat za narodnu odbranu Provincial secretarity for internal affairs Pokrajinski sekretarijat za unutrasnje poslove Provincial secretarity for jurisdiction and administration Pokrajinski sekretarijat za pravosuđe i upravu Provincial secretarity for finances Pokrajinski sekretarijat za finansije Provincial secretarity for industry construction and terciar activities Pokrajinski sekretarijat za industriju građevinarstvo i tercijarne delatnosti Provincial secretarity for agriculture food industry and wood industry Pokrajinski sekretarijat za poljoprivredu prehrambenu industriju i sumarstvo Provincial secretarity for market prices monitoring of economic developments and tourism Pokrajinski sekretarijat za trziste cene pracenje privrednih kretanja i turizam Provincial administrative organizations Pokrajinske upravne organizacije Provincial establishment for social planning Pokrajinski zavod za drustveno planiranje Provincial establishment for statistics Pokrajinski zavod za statistiku Provincial establishment for public administration Pokrajinski zavod za javnu upravu Provincial establishment for international scientific cultural educational and technical cooperation Pokrajinski zavod za međunarodnu naucnu kulturnu prosvetnu i tehnicku saradnju Provincial establishment for hydro meteorogy Pokrajinski hidrometeoroloski zavod Provincial establishment for staff affairs Pokrajinski zavod za kadrovske poslove Provincial establishment for prices and monitoring of economic developments Pokrajinski zavod za cene i pracenje privrednih kretanja Provincial administration for geodetic and property juridical affairs Pokrajinska uprava za geodetske i imovinsko pravne poslove Administration for budget Uprava za budzet Provincial administration for social profit Pokrajinska uprava drustvenih prihoda Provincial directorate for stock reserves Pokrajinska direkcija za robne rezerve Services for general and joint affairs of provincial institutions Sluzbe za opste i zajednicke poslove pokrajinskih organa Jurisdictional institutions of SAP Vojvodina Pravosudni organi SAP Vojvodine Constitutional court of Vojvodina Ustavni sud Vojvodine Supreme court of Vojvodina Vrhovni sud Vojvodine Public prosecution of SAP Vojvodina Javno tuzilastvo SAP Vojvodine Public juristical defence of SAP Vojvodina Javno pravobranilastvo SAP Vojvodine Provincial social juristical defender of autonomy Pokrajinski drustveni pravobranilac samoupravljanja Court of associated work Sud udruzenog rada Presidents Edit Presidents of the Presidency of Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Radovan Vlajkovic 1974 1981 Predrag Vladisavljevic 1981 1982 Danilo Kekic 1982 1983 Đorđe Radosavljevic 1983 1984 Nandor Major 1984 1985 Predrag Vladisavljevic 1985 1986 Đorđe Radosavljevic 1986 1988 Nandor Major 1988 1989 Jugoslav Kostic 1989 1991 Demographics Edit1948 censusEthnicity Number Serbs 841 246 50 6Hungarians 428 932 25 8Croats 134 232 8 1Slovaks 72 032 4 3Romanians 59 263 3 6Germans 31 821 1 9Montenegrins 30 589 1 9Rusyns and Ukrainians 22 083 1 3Macedonians 9 090 0 5Romani 7 585 0 4Slovenes 7 223 0 4Russians 5 148 0 3Czechs 3 976 0 3Bulgarians 3 501 0 2Yugoslavs 1 050 0 1Others 5 441 0 31953 censusEthnicity Number Serbs 865 538 50 9Hungarians 435 179 25 6Croats 127 027 7 5Slovaks 71 153 4 2Romanians 57 218 3 4Montenegrins 30 516 1 8Rusyns 23 038 1 4Macedonians 11 622 0 7Others 78 254 4 61961 censusEthnicity Number Serbs 1 017 713 54 9Hungarians 442 560 23 9Croats 145 341 7 8Slovaks 73 830 4Romanians 57 259 3 1Montenegrins 34 782 1 9Rusyns 23 038 1 4Macedonians 11 622 0 7Others 83 480 4 4According to the 1981 census the population of the province included Serbs 1 107 375 54 4 Hugarians 385 356 18 9 Croats 119 157 5 9 Slovaks 69 549 3 4 Romanians 47 289 2 3 Montenegrins 43 304 2 1 Rusyns and Ukrainians 24 306 1 2 Others 238 436 11 8 See also EditVojvodina History of Vojvodina Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Socialist Republic of Serbia Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo 1944 1945 killings in VojvodinaReferences Edit Petranovic 1988 Petranovic 2002 p 91 Pavlowitch 2002 p 154 Pavlowitch 2002 p 159 Ustavni zakon Sociјalistichke Autonomne Pokraјine Voјvodine 1969 Pavlowitch 2002 p 185 Pavlowitch 2002 p 194 195 Sources EditBennett Christopher 1995 Yugoslavia s Bloody Collapse Causes Course and Consequences London Hurst amp Company Cirkovic Sima 2004 The Serbs Malden Blackwell Publishing Pavlowitch Stevan K 2002 Serbia The History behind the Name London Hurst amp Company Petranovic Branko 1980 Istorija Jugoslavije 1918 1978 Beograd Nolit Petranovic Branko 1988 Istorija Jugoslavije 1918 1988 Vol 3 Beograd Nolit Petranovic Branko 2002 The Yugoslav Experience of Serbian National Integration Boulder East European Monographs Ramet Sabrina P Pavlakovic Vjeran eds 2007 2005 Serbia Since 1989 Politics and Society Under Milosevic and After Seattle University of Washington Press Tomasevich Jozo 2001 War and Revolution in Yugoslavia 1941 1945 Occupation and Collaboration Vol 2 San Francisco Stanford University Press External links Edit nbsp Media related to SAP Vojvodina at Wikimedia Commons Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina amp oldid 1181145007, 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