

The Mapuche (/mæˈpʊi/[3] (Mapuche and Spanish: [maˈputʃe])) is a group of native indigenous inhabitants of south-central Chile and southwestern Argentina, including parts of Patagonia. The collective term refers to a wide-ranging ethnicity composed of various groups who share a common social, religious, and economic structure, as well as a common linguistic heritage as Mapudungun speakers. Their homelands once extended from Choapa Valley to the Chiloé Archipelago and later spread eastward to Puelmapu,[clarification needed] a land comprising part of the Argentine pampa and Patagonia. Today the collective group makes up over 80% of the indigenous peoples in Chile and about 9% of the total Chilean population. The Mapuche are concentrated in the Araucanía region. Many have migrated from rural areas to the cities of Santiago and Buenos Aires for economic opportunities.

Mapuche women from Tirúa in 2015
Total population
c. 1,950,000
Regions with significant populations
Chile1,745,147 (2017)[1]
Argentina205,009 (2010)[2]
Traditional, Catholicism, Evangelicalism (less common), Jehovah's Witnesses
Related ethnic groups

The Mapuche traditional economy is based on agriculture; their traditional social organization consists of extended families, under the direction of a lonko or chief. In times of war, the Mapuche would unite in larger groupings and elect a toki (meaning "axe" or "axe-bearer") to lead them. Mapuche material culture is known for its textiles and silverwork.

At the time of Spanish arrival, the Picunche inhabited the valleys between the Choapa and Itata, Araucanian Mapuche inhabited the valleys between the Itata and Toltén rivers, south of there, the Huilliche and the Cunco lived as far south as the Chiloé Archipelago. In the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries, Mapuche groups migrated eastward into the Andes and Pampas, conquering, fusing and establishing relationships with the Poya and Pehuenche. At about the same time, ethnic groups of the Pampa regions, the Puelche, Ranquel, and northern Aonikenk, made contact with Mapuche groups. The Tehuelche adopted the Mapuche language and some of their culture, in what came to be called Araucanization, during which Patagonia came under effective Mapuche suzerainty.

Mapuche in the Spanish-ruled areas, especially the Picunche, mingled with the Spanish during the colonial period, forming a mestizo population that lost its indigenous identity. But Mapuche society in Araucanía and Patagonia remained independent until the late nineteenth century, when Chile occupied Araucanía and Argentina conquered Puelmapu. Since then the Mapuche have become subjects, and later nationals and citizens of the respective states. Today, many Mapuche and Chilean communities are engaged in the so-called Mapuche conflict over land and indigenous rights in both Argentina and Chile.

Etymology edit

Euler diagram of Mapuche ethnicities. Historical denominations no longer in use are shown with white fields. Groups that adopted Mapuche language and culture or that have partial Mapuche descent are shown in the periphery of the main magenta-colored field.

Historically the Spanish colonizers of South America referred to the Mapuche people as Araucanians (/ærɔːˈkniənz/,[4] araucanos). This term is now considered pejorative[5] by some people. For others, the importance of the term Araucanian lies in the universality of the epic work La Araucana,[6] written by Alonso de Ercilla, and the feats of that people in their long and interminable war against the Spanish Empire. The name is probably derived from the placename rag ko (Spanish Arauco), meaning "clayey water".[7][8] The Quechua word awqa, meaning "rebel, enemy", is probably not the root of araucano.[7]

Scholars believe that the various Mapuche groups (Moluche, Huilliche, Picunche, etc.) called themselves Reche during the early Spanish colonial period, due to what they referred to as their pure native blood, derived from Re meaning pure and Che meaning people.[9]

The name "Mapuche" is used both to refer collectively to the Picunche, Huilliche, and Moluche or Nguluche from Araucanía, at other times, exclusively to the Moluche or Nguluche from Araucanía. However, Mapuche is a relatively recent endonym meaning "People of the Earth" or "Children of the Earth", "mapu" means earth, and "che" means person. It is preferred as a term when referring to the "Mapuche" people after the Arauco War.[10]

The Mapuche identify by the geography of their territories, such as:

  • Pwelche or Puelche: "people of the east" occupied Pwel mapu or Puel mapu, the eastern lands (Pampa and Patagonia of Argentina).
  • Pikunche or Picunche: "people of the north" occupied Pikun-mapu, the "northern lands".
  • Williche or Huilliche: "people of the south" occupied Willi mapu, the "southern lands".
  • Pewenche or Pehuenche: "people of the pewen/pehuen" occupied Pewen mapu, "the land of the pewen (Araucaria araucana) tree".
  • Lafkenche: "people of the sea" occupied Lafken mapu, "the land of the sea"; also known as Coastal Mapuche.
  • Nagche: "people of the plains" occupied Nag mapu, "the land of the plains" (located in sectors of the Cordillera de Nahuelbuta and the low zones bordering it). Its epic and literary name is Araucanians and its old autochthonous name is Reche.[11] The ancient Mapuche Toqui ("axe-bearer") like Lef-Traru ("swift hawk", better known as Lautaro), Kallfülikan ("blue quartz stone", better known as Caupolicán – "polished flint") or Pelontraru ("Shining Caracara", better known as Pelantaro) were Nagche.
  • Wenteche: "people of the valleys" occupied Wente mapu, "the land of the valleys".[12]

History edit

Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala's picture of the confrontation between the Mapuches (left) and the Incas (right)

Pre-Columbian period edit

Archaeological finds have shown that Mapuche culture existed in Chile and Argentina as early as 600 to 500 BC.[13] Genetically the Mapuche differ from the adjacent indigenous peoples of Patagonia.[14] This suggests a "different origin or long-lasting separation of Mapuche and Patagonian populations".[14]

Troops of the Inca Empire are reported to have reached the Maule River and had a battle with the Mapuche between the Maule and the Itata Rivers there.[15] The southern border of the Inca Empire is believed by most modern scholars to have been situated between Santiago and the Maipo River, or somewhere between Santiago and the Maule River.[16] Thus the bulk of the Mapuche escaped Inca rule. Through their contact with Incan invaders Mapuches would have for the first time met people with state organizations. Their contact with the Incas gave them a collective awareness distinguishing between them and the invaders and uniting them into loose geo-political units despite their lack of state organization.[17]

At the time of the arrival of the first Spaniards to Chile, the largest indigenous population concentration was in the area spanning from the Itata River to Chiloé Island – that is the Mapuche heartland.[18] The Mapuche population between Itata River and Reloncaví Sound has been estimated at 705,000–900,000 in the mid-sixteenth century by historian José Bengoa.[19][note 1]

Distribution of pre-Hispanic people of Chile

Arauco War edit

The Spanish expansion into Mapuche territory was an offshoot of the conquest of Peru.[20] In 1536, Diego de Almagro set out to conquer Chile, after crossing the Itata River they were intercepted by a numerous contingent of Araucanian Mapuche armed with many bows and pikes in the Battle of Reynogüelén. Discouraged by the ferocity of the Mapuches, and the apparent lack of gold and silver in these lands, Almagro decided its full retreat the following year to Peru. In 1541, Pedro de Valdivia reached Chile from Cuzco and founded Santiago.[21] The northern Mapuche tribes, known as Promaucaes and Picunches, fought commanded by Michimalonco against Spanish conquest. His most famous stain is the Destruction of Santiago. Little more is known about their resistance.[22]

Painting El joven Lautaro of Pedro Subercaseaux, shows the military genius and expertise of his people.

In 1550, Pedro de Valdivia, who aimed to control all of Chile to the Straits of Magellan, campaigned in south-central Chile to conquer more Mapuche territory.[23] Between 1550 and 1553, the Spanish founded several cities[note 2] in Mapuche lands including Concepción, Valdivia, Imperial, Villarrica, and Angol.[23] The Spanish also established the forts of Arauco, Purén, and Tucapel.[23] Further efforts by the Spanish to gain more territory engaged them in the Arauco War against the Mapuche, a sporadic conflict that lasted nearly 350 years. Hostility towards the conquerors was compounded by the lack of a tradition of forced labor akin to the Inca mit'a among the Mapuche, who largely refused to serve the Spanish.[25]

From their establishment in 1550 to 1598, the Mapuche frequently laid siege to Spanish settlements in Araucanía.[24] In 1553, the Mapuches held a council at which they resolved to make war. They chose as their "toqui" (wartime chief) an strong man called Caupolicán and as his vice toqui Lautaro, because he had served as an auxiliary to the Spanish cavalry; he created the first Mapuche cavalry corps. With six thousand warriors under his command, Lautaro attacked the fort at Tucapel. The Spanish garrison was unable to withstand the assault and retreated to Purén. Lautaro seized and burned the fort and prepared his army certain that the Spaniards would attempt to retake Tucapel. Valdivia mounted a counter-attack, but he was quickly surrounded. He and his army was massacred by the Mapuches in the Battle of Tucapel. [26] In 1554 Lautaro went to destroy Concepción where in the Battle of Marihueñu he defeated Governor Villagra and devastated the city. In 1555 Lautaro went to the city of Angol and destroyed it, he also returned to Concepción, rebuilt by the Spanish and destroyed it again. In 1557 Lautaro headed with his army to destroy Santiago, fighting numerous battles with the Spanish along the way, but he and his army were devastated in the Battle of Mataquito.

From 1558 to 1598 war was mostly a low-intensity conflict.[27] Mapuche numbers decreased significantly following contact with the Spanish invaders; wars and epidemics decimated the population.[22] Others died in Spanish-owned gold mines.[25]

Caupolican by Nicanor Plaza

In 1598 a party of warriors from Purén led by Pelantaro, who were returning south from a raid in the Chillán area, ambushed Governor Martín García Óñez de Loyola and his troops[28] while they rested without taking any precautions against attack. Almost all the Spaniards died, save a cleric named Bartolomé Pérez, who was taken prisoner, and a soldier named Bernardo de Pereda. The Mapuche then initiated a general uprising that destroyed all the cities in their homeland south of the Biobío River.

In the years following the Battle of Curalaba, a general uprising developed among the Mapuches and Huilliches led to the Destruction of the Seven Cities. The Spanish cities of Angol, Imperial, Osorno, Santa Cruz de Oñez, Valdivia, and Villarrica were either destroyed or abandoned.[29] The city of Castro was taken by a Dutch-Mapuche alliance in 1599, but reconquered by the Spanish in 1600. Only Chillán and Concepción resisted Mapuche sieges and raids.[30] Except for the Chiloé Archipelago, all Chilean territory south of the Bíobío River was freed from Spanish rule.[29] In this period the Mapuche Nation crossed the Andes to conquer the present Argentine provinces of Chubut, Neuquen, La Pampa, and Río Negro.[citation needed]

Incorporation into Chile and Argentina edit

Cornelio Saavedra Rodríguez in meeting with the main lonkos of Araucania in 1869

In the nineteenth century, Chile experienced a fast territorial expansion. Chile established a colony at the Strait of Magellan in 1843, settled Valdivia, Osorno, and Llanquihue with German immigrants, and conquered land from Peru and Bolivia.[31][32] Later Chile would also annex Easter Island.[33] In this context, Araucanía began to be conquered by Chile due to two reasons. First, the Chilean state aimed for territorial continuity,[34] and second it remained the sole place for Chilean agriculture to expand.[35]

Between 1861 and 1871 Chile incorporated several Mapuche territories in Araucanía. In January 1881, having decisively defeated Peru in the battles of Chorrillos and Miraflores, Chile resumed the conquest of Araucanía.[36][37][38]

Historian Ward Churchill has claimed that the Mapuche population dropped from a total of half a million to 25,000 within a generation as a result of the occupation and its associated famine and disease.[39] The conquest of Araucanía caused numerous Mapuches to be displaced and forced to roam in search of shelter and food.[40] Scholar Pablo Miramán claims the introduction of state education during the Occupation of Araucanía had detrimental effects on traditional Mapuche education.[41]

Ancient flag of the Mapuche on the Arauco War.

In the years following the occupation the economy of Araucanía changed from being based on sheep and cattle herding to one based on agriculture and wood extraction.[42] The loss of land by Mapuches following the occupation caused severe erosion since Mapuches continued to practice a massive livestock herding in limited areas.[43]

Modern conflict edit

Land disputes and violent confrontations continue in some Mapuche areas, particularly in the northern sections of the Araucanía region between and around Traiguén and Lumaco. In 2003, the Commission for Historical Truth and New Treatments issued a report to defuse tensions calling for drastic changes in Chile's treatment of its indigenous people, more than 80% of whom are Mapuche. The recommendations included the formal recognition of political and "territorial" rights for indigenous peoples, as well as efforts to promote their cultural identities.[citation needed]

Though Japanese and Swiss interests are active in the economy of Araucanía (Ngulu Mapu), the two chief forestry companies are Chilean-owned.[citation needed] In the past, the firms have planted hundreds of thousands of hectares with non-native species such as Monterey pine, Douglas firs, and eucalyptus trees, sometimes replacing native Valdivian forests, although such substitution and replacement is now[when?] forgotten.[citation needed]

Chile exports wood to the United States, almost all of which comes from this southern region, with an annual value of around $600 million. Stand.earth, a conservation group, has led an international campaign for preservation, resulting in the Home Depot chain and other leading wood importers agreeing to revise their purchasing policies to "provide for the protection of native forests in Chile". Some Mapuche leaders want stronger protections for the forests.[citation needed]

In recent years[when?], the crimes committed by Mapuche armed insurgents have been prosecuted under counter-terrorism legislation, originally introduced by the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet to control political dissidents. The law allows prosecutors to withhold evidence from the defense for up to six months and to conceal the identity of witnesses, who may give evidence in court behind screens. Insurgent groups, such as the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco, use multiple tactics with the more extreme occurrences such as the burning of homes, churches, vehicles, structures, and pastures, which at times included causing deaths and threats to specific targets. As of 2005, protesters from Mapuche communities have used these tactics against properties of both multinational forestry corporations and private individuals.[44][45] In 2010 the Mapuche launched many hunger strikes in attempts to effect change in the anti-terrorism legislation.[46] As of 2019, the Chilean government committed human rights abuses against the Mapuche based on Israeli military techniques and surveillance according to the French website Orin21.[47][48]

Oil exploitation and fracking in the Vaca Muerta site in Neuquen, one of the biggest shale-oil and shale-gas deposits in the world, has produced waste dumps of sludge waste, polluting the environment close to the town of Añelo, which is about 1,200km south of Buenos Aires. In 2018, the Mapuche were suing Exxon, French company TotalEnergies and Pan American Energy.[49]

Culture edit

At the time of the arrival of Europeans, the Mapuche organized and constructed a network of forts and defensive buildings. Ancient Mapuche also built ceremonial constructions such as some earthwork mounds discovered near Purén.[50] Mapuche quickly adopted iron metal-working (Picunches already worked copper[51]) Mapuche learned horse riding and the use of cavalry in war from the Spaniards, along with the cultivation of wheat and sheep.

In the 300-year co-existence between the Spanish colonies and the relatively well-delineated autonomous Mapuche regions, the Mapuche also developed a strong tradition of trading with Spaniards, Argentines, and Chileans. Such trade lies at the heart of the Mapuche silver-working tradition, for Mapuche wrought their jewelry from the large and widely dispersed quantity of Spanish, Argentine, and Chilean silver coins. Mapuche also made headdresses with coins, which were called trarilonko, etc.

Mapuche languages edit

Familia Mapuche, by Claudio Gay, 1848.

Mapuche languages are spoken in Chile and Argentina. The two living branches are Huilliche and Mapudungun. Although not genetically related, lexical influence has been discerned from Quechua. Linguists estimate that only about 200,000 full-fluency speakers remain in Chile. The language receives only token support in the educational system. In recent years, it has started to be taught in rural schools of Bío-Bío, Araucanía, and Los Lagos Regions.

Mapuche speakers of Chilean Spanish who also speak Mapudungun tend to use more impersonal pronouns when speaking Spanish.[52]

Cosmology and beliefs edit

A council of Araucanian philosophers, 1904

Central to Mapuche cosmology is the idea of a creator called ngenechen, who is embodied in four components: an older man (fucha/futra/cha chau), an older woman (kude/kuse), a young man, and a young woman. They believe in worlds known as the Wenu Mapu and Minche Mapu. Also, Mapuche cosmology is informed by complex notions of spirits that coexist with humans and animals in the natural world, and daily circumstances can dictate spiritual practices.[53]

The most well-known Mapuche ritual ceremony is the Ngillatun, which loosely translates as "to pray" or "general prayer". These ceremonies are often major communal events that are of extreme spiritual and social importance. Many other ceremonies are practiced, and not all are for public or communal participation but are sometimes limited to family.

The main groups of deities and/or spirits in Mapuche mythology are the Pillan and Wangulen (ancestral spirits), the Ngen (spirits in nature), and the wekufe (evil spirits).

Central to Mapuche belief is the role of the machi (shaman). It is usually filled by a woman, following an apprenticeship with an older machi, and has many of the characteristics typical of shamans. The machi performs ceremonies for curing diseases, warding off evil, influencing weather, harvests, social interactions, and dreamwork. Machis often have extensive knowledge of regional medicinal herbs. As biodiversity in the Chilean countryside has declined due to commercial agriculture and forestry, the dissemination of such knowledge has also declined, but the Mapuche people are reviving it in their communities. Machis have an extensive knowledge of sacred stones and sacred animals.

The daughter of lonko Quilapán

Like many cultures, the Mapuche have a deluge myth (epeu) of a major flood in which the world is destroyed and recreated. The myth involves two opposing forces: Kai Kai (water, which brings death through floods) and Tren Tren (dry earth, which brings sunshine). In the deluge almost all humanity is drowned; the few not drowned survive through cannibalism. At last, only one couple is left. A machi tells them that they must give their only child to the waters, which they do, and this restores order to the world.

Part of the Mapuche ritual is prayer and animal sacrifice, required to maintain the cosmic balance. This belief has continued to current times. In 1960, for example, a machi sacrificed a young boy, throwing him into the water after an earthquake and a tsunami.[54][55][56]

The Mapuche have incorporated the remembered history of their long independence and resistance from 1540 (Spanish and then Chileans and Argentines) and of the treaty with the Chilean and Argentine governments in the 1870s. Memories, stories, and beliefs, often very local and particularized, are a significant part of the Mapuche traditional culture. To varying degrees, this history of resistance continues to this day amongst the Mapuche. At the same time, a large majority of Mapuche in Chile identify with the state as Chilean, similar to a large majority in Argentina identifying as Argentines.[citation needed]

Ethnobotany edit

Height of a chemamull (Mapuche funeral statue) compared to a person.

Ceremonies and traditions edit

We Tripantu is the Mapuche New Year celebration.

Textiles edit

Traditional Mapuche poncho exhibited in Museo Artesanía Chilena.

One of the best-known arts of the Mapuche is their textiles. The oldest data on textiles in the southernmost areas of the American continent (southern Chile and Argentina today) are found in some archaeological excavations, such as those of Pitrén Cemetery near the city of Temuco, and the Alboyanco site in the Biobío Region, both of Chile; and the Rebolledo Arriba Cemetery in Neuquén Province (Argentina). researchers have found evidence of fabrics made with complex techniques and designs, dated between AD 1300–1350.[57]

The Mapuche women were responsible for spinning and weaving. Knowledge of both weaving techniques and textile patterns particular to the locality was usually transmitted within the family, with mothers, grandmothers, and aunts teaching a girl the skills they had learned from their elders. Women who excelled in the textile arts were highly honored for their accomplishments and contributed economically and culturally to their kinship group. A measure of the importance of weaving is evident in the expectation that a man gives a larger dowry for a bride who was an accomplished weaver.[58]

In addition, the Mapuche used their textiles as an important surplus and an exchange trading good. Numerous sixteenth-century accounts describe their bartering the textiles with other indigenous peoples, and with colonists in newly developed settlements. Such trading enabled the Mapuche to obtain those goods that they did not produce or held in high esteem, such as horses. Tissue volumes made by Aboriginal women and marketed in the Araucanía and the north of Patagonia Argentina were considerable and constituted a vital economic resource for indigenous families.[59] The production of fabrics in the time before European settlement was intended for uses beyond domestic consumption.[60]

At present, the fabrics woven by the Mapuche continue to be used for domestic purposes, as well as for gift, sale, or barter. Most Mapuche women and their families now wear garments with foreign designs and tailored with materials of industrial origin, but they continue to weave ponchos, blankets, bands, and belts for regular use. Many of the fabrics are woven for trade, and in many cases, are an important source of income for families.[61] Glazed pots are used to dye the wool.[62][unreliable source?] Many Mapuche women continue to weave fabrics according to the customs of their ancestors and transmit their knowledge in the same way: within domestic life, from mother to daughter, and from grandmothers to granddaughters. This form of learning is based on gestural imitation, and only rarely, and when strictly necessary, the apprentice receives explicit instructions or help from their instructors. Knowledge is transmitted as the fabric is woven, the weaving and transmission of knowledge go together.[58]

Clava hand-club edit

Monument in the form of a gigantic clava mere okewa, located in Avenida Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva, Cañete, Chile

There is a traditional stone hand club used by the Mapuche which has been called a clava (Spanish for club). It has a long flat body. Another name is clava mere okewa; in Spanish, it may also be called a clava cefalomorfa. It has some ritual importance as a special sign of distinction carried by tribal chiefs. Many kinds of clubs are known.

This is an object associated with masculine power. It consists of a disk with an attached handle; the edge of the disc usually has a semicircular recess. In many cases, the face portrayed on the disc carries incised designs. The handle is cylindrical, generally with a larger diameter at its connection to the disk.[63][64]

Silverwork edit

Drawing of a trapelacucha, a silver finery piece.

In the later half of the eighteenth century, Mapuche silversmiths began to produce large amounts of silver finery.[65] The surge of silversmithing activity may be related to the 1726 parliament of Negrete that decreased hostilities between Spaniards and Mapuches and allowed trade to increase between colonial Chile and the free Mapuches.[65] In this context of increasing trade Mapuches began in the late eighteenth century to accept payments in silver coins for their products, usually cattle or horses.[65] These coins and silver coins obtained in political negotiations served as raw material for Mapuche metalsmiths (Mapudungun: rüxafe).[65][66][67] Old Mapuche silver pendants often included unmelted silver coins, something that has helped modern researchers to date the objects.[66] The bulk of the Spanish silver coins originated from mining in Potosí in Upper Peru.[67]

The great diversity in silver finery designs is because designs were made to be identified with different reynma (families), lof mapu (lands) as well as specific lonkos and machis.[68] Mapuche silver finery was also subject to changes in fashion albeit designs associated with philosophical and spiritual concepts have not undergone major changes.[68]

In the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century, Mapuche silversmithing activity and artistic diversity reached its climax.[69] All important Mapuche chiefs of the nineteenth century are supposed to have had at least one silversmith.[65] By 1984 Mapuche scholar Carlos Aldunate noted that there were no silversmiths alive among contemporary Mapuches.[65]

Literature edit

The Mapuche culture of the sixteenth century had an oral tradition and lacked a writing system. Since that time, a writing system for Mapudungun was developed, and Mapuche writings in both Spanish and Mapudungun have flourished.[70] Contemporary Mapuche literature can be said to be composed of an oral tradition and Spanish-Mapudungun bilingual writings.[70] Notable Mapuche poets include Sebastián Queupul, Pedro Alonzo, Elicura Chihuailaf, and Leonel Lienlaf.[70]

Cogender views edit

Among the Mapuche in La Araucanía, in addition to heterosexual female machi shamanesses, there are homosexual male machi weye shamans, who wear female clothing.[71][72][73] These machi weye were first described in Spanish in a chronicle of 1673.[74] Among the Mapuche, "the spirits are interested in machi's gendered discourses and performances, not in the sex under the machi's clothes".[75] In attracting the filew (possessing spirit), "Both male and female machi become spiritual brides who seduce and call their filew – at once husband and master – to possess their heads ... The ritual transvestism of male machi ... draws attention to the relational gender categories of spirit husband and machi wife as a couple (kurewen)."[76] As concerning "co-gendered identities"[77] of "machi as co-gender specialists",[78] it has been speculated that "female berdaches" may have formerly existed among the Mapuche.[79]

Mapuche, Chileans and the Chilean state edit

Following the independence of Chile in the 1810s, the Mapuche began to be perceived as Chilean by other Chileans, contrasting with previous perceptions of them as a separate people or nation.[80] However, not everybody agreed; 19th-century Argentine writer and president Domingo Faustino Sarmiento presented his view of the Mapuche-Chile relation by stating:[81]

Between two Chilean provinces (Concepción and Valdivia) there is a piece of land that is not a province, its language is different, it is inhabited by other people and it can still be said that it is not part of Chile. Yes, Chile is the name of the country over where its flag waves and its laws are obeyed.

Civilizing mission discourses and scientific racism edit

Painting by Raymond Monvoisin showing Elisa Bravo who was said to have survived the 1849 wreck of Joven Daniel to be then kidnapped by Mapuches.

The events surrounding the wreck of Joven Daniel at the coast of Araucanía in 1849 are considered an "inflection point" or "point of no return" in the relations between Mapuches and the Chilean state.[82] It cemented views of Mapuches as brutal barbarians and showed in the view of many that Chilean authorities' earlier goodwill was naive.[82][83]

There are various recorded instances in the nineteenth century when Mapuches were the subject of civilizing mission discourses by elements of the Chilean government and military. For example, Cornelio Saavedra Rodríguez called in 1861 for Mapuches to submit to Chilean state authority and "enter into reduction and civilization".[84] When the Mapuches were finally defeated in 1883 President Domingo Santa María declared:[85]

The country has with satisfaction seen the problem of the reduction of the whole Araucanía solved. This event, so important to our social and political life, and so significant for the future of the republic, has ended, happily and with costly and painful sacrifices. Today the whole Araucanía is subjugated, more than to the material forces, to the moral and civilizing force of the republic ...

The Chilean race, as everybody knows, is a mestizo race made of Spanish conquistadors and the Araucanian ...

Nicolás Palacios in La raza chilena, p. 34.

After the War of the Pacific (1879–1883) there was a rise of racial and national superiority ideas among the Chilean ruling class.[86] It was in this context that Chilean physician Nicolás Palacios hailed the Mapuche "race" arguing from a scientific racist and nationalist point of view. He considered the Mapuche superior to other tribes and the Chilean mestizo a blend of Mapuches and Visigothic elements from Spain.[87] The writings of Palacios became later influential among Chilean Nazis.[88]

As a result of the Occupation of Araucanía (1861–1883) and the War of the Pacific, Chile had incorporated territories with new indigenous populations. Mapuches obtained relatively favourable views as "primordial" Chileans contrasting with other indigenous peoples like the Aymara who were perceived as "foreign elements".[89]

Contemporary attitudes edit

Since some four years ago a History of the Civilization in Araucanía has been published in the said Anales in which our indigenous ancestors are treated like savages, cruel, depraved, lacking morals, lacking warrior skills ...

Nicolás Palacios, La raza chilena, p. 62.

Contemporary attitudes towards Mapuches on the part of non-indigenous people in Chile are highly individual and heterogeneous. Nevertheless, a considerable part of the non-indigenous people in Chile have a prejudiced and discriminatory attitude towards Mapuche. In a 2003 study, it was found that among the sample 41% of people over 60 years old, 35% of people of low socioeconomic standing, 35% of the supporters of right-wing parties, 36% of Protestants, and 26% of Catholics were prejudiced against indigenous peoples in Chile. In contrast, only 8% of those who attended university, 16% of supporters of left-wing parties, and 19% of people aged 18–29 were prejudiced.[90] Specific prejudices about the Mapuche are that the Mapuches are lazy and alcoholic; to some lesser degree, Mapuche are sometimes judged antiquated and dirty.[91]

In the 20th century, many Mapuche women migrated to large cities to work as domestic workers (Spanish: nanas mapuches). In Santiago, many of these women settled in Cerro Navia and La Pintana.[92] Sociologist Éric Fassin has called the occurrence of Mapuche domestic workers a continuation of colonial relations of servitude.[93]

Wenufoye flag created in 1992 by the indigenist organization "Consejo de Todas las Tierras".

Historian Gonzalo Vial claimed that the Republic of Chile owes a "historical debt" to the Mapuche. The Coordinadora Arauco-Malleco claims to have the goal of a "national liberation" of Mapuche, with their regaining sovereignty over their lands.[80] Reportedly there is a tendency among female Mapuche activists to reject feminism as they consider their struggle to go beyond gender.[92]

Mapuches and the Argentine state edit

Flag of Argentinian Tehuelche-Mapuche

19th-century Argentine authorities aiming to incorporate the Pampas and Patagonia into national territory recognized the Puelmapu Mapuche's strong connections with Chile. This gave Chile a certain influence over the Pampas. Argentine authorities feared that in an eventual war with Chile over Patagonia, Mapuches would align themselves with Chile.[94] In this context, Estanislao Zeballos published the work La Conquista de quince mil leguas (The Fifteen Thousand League Conquest) in 1878, which had been commissioned by the Argentine Ministry of War. In La Conquista de quince mil leguas Mapuches were presented as Chileans who were bound to return to Chile.[95] Mapuches were thus indirectly considered foreign enemies.[95] Such a notion fitted well with the expansionist designs of Nicolás Avellaneda and Julio Argentino Roca for Puelmapu.[95] The notion of Mapuches as Chileans is however an anachronism as Mapuches precede the formation of the modern state of Chile.[95] By 1920 Argentine Nacionalismo revived the idea of Mapuches being Chileans, in strong contrast with 20th-century scholars based in Chile such as Ricardo E. Latcham and Francisco Antonio Encina who advanced a theory that Mapuches originated east of the Andes before penetrating what came to be Chile.[13][95]

As late as 2017 Argentine historian Roberto E. Porcel wrote in a communiqué to the National Academy of History that those who often claim to be Mapuches in Argentina would be rather Mestizos, emboldened by European-descent supporters, who "lack any right for their claims and violence, not only for NOT being most of them Araucanians [sic], but also because they [the Araucanians] do not rank among our indigenous peoples".[96]

Modern politics edit

In the 2017 Chilean general election, the first two Mapuche women were elected to the Chilean Congress; Aracely Leuquén Uribe from National Renewal and Emilia Nuyado from the Socialist Party.[97]

In popular culture edit

  • In 2012, renowned Mapuche weaver Anita Paillamil collaborated with Chilean artist Guillermo Bert to create "Encoded Textiles," an exhibit that combined traditional mapuche textile weaving with QR Code designs.[98]
  • The 2020 Chilean-Brazilian animated film Nahuel and the Magic Book features major characters, Fresia and Huenchur who represent her clothing attire and her tribe.
  • The 4X video game Civilization VI features the Mapuche as a playable civilization (added in the Rise and Fall expansion). Their leader is Lautaro, a young Mapuche toqui known for leading the indigenous resistance against Spanish conquest in Chile and developing the tactics that would continue to be employed by the Mapuche during the long-running ArauIsab.
  • The novel "Inés of My Soul" by Isabel Allende features the conquest of Chile by Pedro Valdivia, and a large part of the book deals with the Mapuche Conflict.
  • The plot of the 2021 Chilean thriller film "Immersion" is a power struggle between a vacationing family and three Mapuche men.
  • The 2023 film "Sayen" depicts Mapuche villagers resisting an international mining company seeking to exploit cobalt.

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Note that Chiloé Archipelago with its large population is not included in this estimate.
  2. ^ These "cities" were often no more than forts.[24]

References edit

  1. ^ . Censo2017.cl. Archived from the original on 2019-01-25. Retrieved 2019-03-01.
  2. ^ (PDF) (in Spanish). INDEC. p. 281. Archived from the original (PDF) on 8 December 2015. Retrieved 5 December 2015.
  3. ^ "Mapuche". Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.)
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  6. ^ "La Araucana – Memoria Chilena, Biblioteca Nacional de Chile". www.memoriachilena.gob.cl.
  7. ^ a b Mapuche o Araucano 2006-11-05 at the Wayback Machine (in Spanish)
  8. ^ Antecedentes históricos del pueblo araucano 2006-11-07 at the Wayback Machine (in Spanish)
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  12. ^ . Archived from the original on 2019-02-12. Retrieved 2019-02-11.
  13. ^ a b Bengoa 2000, pp. 16–19.
  14. ^ a b Rey, Diego; Parga-Lozano, Carlos; Moscoso, Juan; Areces, Cristina; Enriquez-de-Salamanca, Mercedes; Fernández-Honrado, Mercedes; Abd-El-Fatah-Khalil, Sedeka; Alonso-Rubio, Javier; Arnaiz-Villena, Antonio (2013). "HLA genetic profile of Mapuche (Araucanian) Amerindians from Chile". Molecular Biology Reports. 40 (7): 4257–4267. doi:10.1007/s11033-013-2509-3. PMID 23666052. S2CID 14709971.
  15. ^ Bengoa 2003, pp. 37–38.
  16. ^ Dillehay, T.; Gordon, A. (1988). "La actividad prehispánica y su influencia en la Araucanía". In Dillehay, Tom; Netherly, Patricia (eds.). La frontera del estado Inca (in Spanish). pp. 183–196.
  17. ^ Bengoa 2003, p. 40.
  18. ^ Otero 2006, p. 36.
  19. ^ Bengoa 2003, p. 157.
  20. ^ Villalobos et al. 1974, pp. 91–93.
  21. ^ Villalobos et al. 1974, pp. 96–97.
  22. ^ a b Bengoa 2003, pp. 250–251.
  23. ^ a b c Villalobos et al. 1974, pp. 98–99.
  24. ^ a b "La Guerra de Arauco (1550–1656)". Memoria Chilena (in Spanish). Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. Retrieved January 30, 2014.
  25. ^ a b Bengoa 2003, pp. 252–253.
  26. ^ Vivar, Jerónimo de. "CXVI". (in Spanish). Archived from the original on April 28, 2012. Retrieved January 4, 2009. ...ayer mataron al apo y todos los cristianos que con él venían, que no escapó ninguno, y todos los yanaconas de servicio, si no eran los que se habían escondido
  27. ^ Dillehay 2007, p. 335.
  28. ^ Bengoa 2003, pp. 320–321.
  29. ^ a b Villalobos et al. 1974, p. 109.
  30. ^ Bengoa 2003, pp. 324–325.
  31. ^ "El fuerte Bulnes". Memoria Chilena (in Spanish). Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. Retrieved January 3, 2014.
  32. ^ Villalobos R., Sergio; Silva G., Osvaldo; Silva V., Fernando; Estelle M., Patricio (1974). Historia de Chile (1995 ed.). Editorial Universitaria. pp. 456–458, 571–575. ISBN 956-11-1163-2.
  33. ^ "Incorporándola al territorio chileno". Memoria Chilena (in Spanish). Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. Retrieved January 3, 2014.
  34. ^ Pinto 2003, p. 153.
  35. ^ Bengoa 2000, p. 156.
  36. ^ Bengoa 2000, pp. 275–276.
  37. ^ Ferrando 1986, p. 547
  38. ^ Bengoa 2000, pp. 277–278.
  39. ^ Ward Churchill, A Little Matter of Genocide, 109.
  40. ^ Bengoa 2000, pp. 232–233.
  41. ^ Pinto 2003, p. 205.
  42. ^ Pinto Rodríguez, Jorge (2011). "Ganadería y empresarios ganaderos de la Araucanía, 1900–1960". Historia. 44 (2): 369–400.
  43. ^ Bengoa 2000, pp. 262–263.
  44. ^ . Cooperativa.cl. Archived from the original on September 28, 2013. Retrieved 2013-09-25.
  45. ^ "Mapuche struggle for autonomy in Chile" 2019-06-17 at the Wayback Machine, Spero Forum
  46. ^ "Mapuche hunger strike in Chile highlights the real problem facing President Sebastian Pinera" 2014-11-29 at the Wayback Machine, Sounds and colors website
  47. ^ Zinevich, Benjamin (11 November 2019). "You've heard about the violence in Chile. You probably haven't about their relationship with Israel's army". The Independent. Retrieved 3 January 2021.
  48. ^ "Mapuche and Palestinians: Chile is a testing ground for Israeli weapons". Teller Report. December 2019.
  49. ^ "Mapuche group files lawsuit against multinationals over pollution from Vaca Muerta". Buenos Aires Times. pp. 2018–12–22. Retrieved 2022-06-25.
  50. ^ Dillehay, Tom, Monuments, Empires, and Resistance: The Araucanian Polity and Ritual Narratives (Cambridge University Press, Washington, 2007)
  51. ^ Pedro Mariño de Lobera, in Crónica del Reino de Chile, ch. XXXI and XXXIII, mentions copper points on the Mapuche pikes in the Battle of Andalien and Battle of Penco. Copper metallurgy was flourishing in South America, particularly in Peru, from around the beginning of the 1st millennium AD. The Mapuche may have learned copper metal working from their prior interaction with the Inca Empire or prior Peruvian cultures, or it may have been a native craft that developed independently in the region (copper being common in Chile).
  52. ^ Hurtado Cubillos, Luz Marcela (2009). "La expresión de impersonalidad en el español de Chile". Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica (in Spanish). 13: 31–42.
  53. ^ Ngenechen, and Don Armando Marileo
  54. ^ Bacigalupo, Ana Mariella (2004). Mariko Namba Walter, Eva Jane Neumann Fridman (ed.). Shamanism: an encyclopedia of world beliefs, practices, and culture. ABC-CLIO. p. 419. ISBN 978-1-57607-645-3. Retrieved 15 July 2011.
  55. ^ Bacigalupo, Ana Mariella (2007). Shamans of the Foye Tree: Gender, Power, and Healing among Chilean Mapuche. University of Texas Press. pp. 46–47. ISBN 978-0-292-71659-9.
  56. ^ Aladama, Arturo J. (2003). Violence and the Body: Race, Gender, and the State. Indiana University Press. p. 326. ISBN 978-0-253-21559-8.
  57. ^ Brugnoli y Hoces de la Guardia, 1995; Alvarado, 2002
  58. ^ a b Wilson, 1992; Mendez, 2009a.
  59. ^ Garavaglia, 1986; Palermo, 1994; Mendez, 2009b.
  60. ^ Méndez, 2009b.
  61. ^ Wilson, 1992; Alvarado, 2002; Mendez, 2009a.
  62. ^ Jesuitas, Misión Mapuche- (2009-05-28). "Misión Jesuita Mapuche: Noticias de Mayo..." Misión Jesuita Mapuche. Retrieved 2017-04-14.
  63. ^ Several types of clavas 2014-03-12 at the Wayback Machine Tesauro Regional Patrimonial, Chile
  64. ^ Image of clava cefalomorfa Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino
  65. ^ a b c d e f Aldunate, Carlos (1984). "Refrexiones acerca de la platería mapuche". CUHSO. 1. doi:10.7770/cuhso-v1n1-art129.
  66. ^ a b Kangiser Gómez, María Fernanda (2002). (PDF). Conserva. 6. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 December 2013. Retrieved 13 November 2013.
  67. ^ a b Painecura 2012, pp. 25–26.
  68. ^ a b Painecura 2012, pp. 27–28.
  69. ^ Painecura 2012, p. 30.
  70. ^ a b c Carrasco, I. 2000. "Mapuche poets in Chilean literature", Estudios Filológicos, 35, 139–149.
  71. ^ Bacigalupo, 2007. pp. 111–114
  72. ^ Bacigalupo, Ana Mariella. "The Struggle for Mapuche Shamans' Masculinity: Colonial Politics of Gender, Sexuality, and Power in Southern Chile". Ethnohistory, vol. 51, no. 3, Summer 2004, pp. 489–533. EBSCOhost.
  73. ^ Vilaça, Aparecida. "The Re-Invention of Mapuche Male Shamans as Catholic Priests: Legitimizing Indigenous Co-Gender Identities in Modern Chile". In Native Christians: Modes and Effects of Christianity among Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, edited by Robin M. Wright, Taylor and Francis, 2009, pp 89–108. ProQuest Ebook Central.
  74. ^ Francisco Núñez de Pineda y Bascuñán. Cautiverio felíz y razón de las guerras dilatadas de Chile. Santiago: Imprenta el Ferrocarril, 1863.
  75. ^ Donovan, Patricia (22 February 2007). . Archived from the original on 2012-03-15. Retrieved 2021-01-03.
  76. ^ Bacigalupo, 2007. p. 87
  77. ^ Bacigalupo, 2007. pp. 131–133
  78. ^ Bacigalupo, Ana Mariella (April 2007). Shamans of the Foye Tree: Gender, Power, and Healing among Chilean Mapuche. University of Texas Press. ISBN 978-0-292-71659-9.
  79. ^ Bacigalupo, 2007. p. 268, n. 5:18
  80. ^ a b Foerster, Rolf 2001. Sociedad mapuche y sociedad chilena: la deuda histórica. Polis, Revista de la Universidad Bolivariana.
  81. ^ Cayuqueo, Pedro (August 14, 2008), "Hernan Curiñir Lincoqueo, historiador mapuche: 'Sobre el Bicentenario chileno tenemos mucho que decir'", Azkintuwe.org (in Spanish)
  82. ^ a b Muñoz Sougarret, Jorge (2010). "El naufragio del bergantín Joven Daniel, 1849. El indígena en el imaginario histórico de Chile". Tiempo Histórico (in Spanish) (1): 133–148.
  83. ^ Bengoa 2000, pp. 163–165.
  84. ^ Ferrando Kaun, Ricardo (1986). Y así nació La Frontera... (Second ed.). Editorial Antártica. pp. 405–419. ISBN 978-956-7019-83-0.
  85. ^ Ferrando Kaun, Ricardo (1986). Y así nació La Frontera... (in Spanish) (Second ed.). Editorial Antártica. p. 583. ISBN 978-956-7019-83-0.
  86. ^ Ericka Beckman, Imperial Impersonations: Chilean Racism and the War of the Pacific, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  87. ^ Palacios, Nicolás (1918) [1904]. La raza chilena (in Spanish).
  88. ^ "Nicolás Palacios (1854-1911)". Memoria Chilena (in Spanish). Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. Retrieved 2020-05-10.
  89. ^ Vergara, Jorge Iván; Gundermann, Hans (2012). "Constitution and internal dynamics of the regional identitary in Tarapacá and Los Lagos, Chile". Chungara (in Spanish). University of Tarapacá. 44 (1): 115–134. doi:10.4067/s0717-73562012000100009.
  90. ^ Aymerich, Jaime; Canales, Manuel; Vivanco, Manuel (2003). "Encuesta Tolerancia y No Discriminación Tercera Medición" (in Spanish). Universidad de Chile, Departamento de Sociología, Fundación Facultad de Ciencias Sociales: 60–74. Retrieved 17 January 2018. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  91. ^ Quilaquea R., Daniel; Merino D., María Eugenia; Saiz V., José Luis (2007). "Representación social mapuche e imaginario social no mapuche de la discriminación percibida". Atenea. 496 (II): 81–103.
  92. ^ a b Cosgrove, Serena (2010). "Chile". Leadership from the Margins: Women and Civil Society Organizations in Argentina, Chile and El Salvador. Rutgers University Press. p. 128. ISBN 978-0-8135-4799-2.
  93. ^ Godoy Valdés, Gloria (September 13, 2012). "Sociólogo francés Éric Fassin reflexionó sobre el abuso y la violencia sexual". uchile.cl (in Spanish). Retrieved June 20, 2015.
  94. ^ Perry, Richard O. (1980). "Argentina and Chile: The Struggle for Patagonia 1843-1881". The Americas. 36 (3): 347–363. doi:10.2307/981291. JSTOR 981291. S2CID 147607097 – via JSTOR.
  95. ^ a b c d e Lenton, Diana (August 14, 2020). "La nación mapuche no es argentina ni chilena". Nodal (in Spanish). Retrieved November 12, 2020.
  96. ^ Porcel, Roberto E. (2017-08-22). Los mapuches en nuestro territorio- historia y actualidad (PDF) (Report). Retrieved 2021-01-05.
  97. ^ "Día histórico en el Congreso: asumen las primeras dos diputadas mapuche". www.t13.cl. 11 March 2018. Retrieved 2022-03-23.
  98. ^ Sandford, Maggie (July 2013). "What's a QR Code Doing on That Blanket?". Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved 2022-11-21.

Bibliography edit

  • Alvarado, Margarita (2002) "El esplendor del adorno: El poncho y el chanuntuku” En: Hijos del Viento, Arte de los Pueblos del Sur, Siglo XIX. Buenos Aires: Fundación PROA.
  • Bengoa, José (2000). Historia del pueblo mapuche: Siglos XIX y XX (Seventh ed.). LOM Ediciones. ISBN 956-282-232-X.
  • Brugnoli, Paulina y Hoces de la Guardia, Soledad (1995). "Estudio de fragmentos del sitio Alboyanco". En: Hombre y Desierto, una perspectiva cultural, 9: 375–381.
  • Corcuera, Ruth (1987). Herencia textil andina. Buenos Aires: Impresores SCA.
  • Corcuera, Ruth (1998). Ponchos de las Tierras del Plata. Buenos Aires: Fondo Nacional de las Artes.
  • Chertudi, Susana y Nardi, Ricardo (1961). "Tejidos Araucanos de la Argentina". En: Cuadernos del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Folklóricas, 2: 97–182.
  • Garavaglia, Juan Carlos (1986). “Los textiles de la tierra en el contexto colonial rioplatense: ¿una revolución industrial fallida?”. En: Anuario IEHS, 1:45–87.
  • Joseph, Claude (1931). Los tejidos Araucanos. Santiago de Chile: Imprenta San Francisco, Padre Las Casas.
  • Kradolfer, Sabine, Quand la parenté impose, le don dispose. Organisation sociale, don et identité dans les communautés mapuche de la province de Neuquén (Argentine) (Bern etc., Peter Lang, 2011) (Publications Universitaires Européennes. Série 19 B: Ethnologie-générale, 71).
  • Mendez, Patricia (2009a). “Herencia textil, identidad indígena y recursos económicos en la Patagonia Argentina”. En: Revista de la Asociación de Antropólogos Iberoamericanos en Red, 4, 1:11–53.
  • Méndez, Patricia (2009b). “Los tejidos indígenas en la Patagonia Argentina: cuatro siglos de comercio textilI”. En: Anuario INDIANA, 26: 233–265.
  • Millán de Palavecino, María Delia (1960). “Vestimenta Argentina”. En: Cuadernos del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Folklóricas, 1: 95–127.
  • Murra, John (1975). Formaciones económicas y políticas del mundo andino. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.
  • Nardi, Ricardo y Rolandi, Diana (1978). 1000 años de tejido en la Argentina. Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Cultura y Educación, Secretaría de Estado de Cultura, Instituto Nacional de Antropología.
  • Painecura Antinao, Juan (2012). Charu. Sociedad y cosmovisión en la platería mapuche.
  • Palermo, Miguel Angel (1994). "Economía y mujer en el sur argentino". En: Memoria Americana 3: 63–90.
  • Wilson, Angélica (1992). Arte de Mujeres. Santiago de Chile: Ed. CEDEM, Colección Artes y Oficios Nº 3.

Further reading edit

  • 'Nicholas Jose Reviews Speaking the Earth’s Languages: A Theory for Australian-Chilean Postcolonial Poetics': Cordite Poetry Review, 2014
  • 'Fogarty & Garrido: A Bilingual Conversation between Four Poems': Cordite Poetry Review, 2012
  • 'Trilingual Visibility in Our Transpacific: Three Mapuche Poets': Cordite Poetry Review, 2012
  • Language of the Land : The Mapuche in Argentina and Chile: IWGIA - IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, 2007, ISBN 978-87-91563-37-9
  • When a flower is reborn : The Life and Times of a Mapuche Feminist, 2002, ISBN 0-8223-2934-4
  • Courage Tastes of Blood : The Mapuche Community of Nicolás Ailío and the Chilean State, 1906–2001, 2005, ISBN 0-8223-3585-9
  • Neoliberal Economics, Democratic Transition, and Mapuche Demands for Rights in Chile, 2006, ISBN 0-8130-2938-4
  • Shamans of the Foye Tree : Gender, Power, and Healing among Chilean Mapuche, 2007, ISBN 978-0-292-71658-2
  • A Grammar of Mapuche, 2007, ISBN 978-3-11-019558-3
  • . Clas.berkeley.edu. Archived from the original on 2007-06-10.
  • Bandelier, Adolph Francis (1907). "Araucanians". The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  • Eim, Stefan (2010). The Conceptualisation of Mapuche Religion in Colonial Chile (1545–1787): http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2010/10717/pdf/Eim_Conceptualisation_of_Mapuche_Religion.pdf.
  • Faron, Louis (1961). Mapuche Social Structure, Illinois Studies in Anthropology (Urbana: University of Illinois Press).

External links edit

  • Mapuche International Link official website
  • Mapuche-nation.org
  • Rehue Foundation in Netherland
  • Mapulink website
  • Website of the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia

mapuche, spanish, maˈputʃe, group, native, indigenous, inhabitants, south, central, chile, southwestern, argentina, including, parts, patagonia, collective, term, refers, wide, ranging, ethnicity, composed, various, groups, share, common, social, religious, ec. The Mapuche m ae ˈ p ʊ tʃ i 3 Mapuche and Spanish maˈputʃe is a group of native indigenous inhabitants of south central Chile and southwestern Argentina including parts of Patagonia The collective term refers to a wide ranging ethnicity composed of various groups who share a common social religious and economic structure as well as a common linguistic heritage as Mapudungun speakers Their homelands once extended from Choapa Valley to the Chiloe Archipelago and later spread eastward to Puelmapu clarification needed a land comprising part of the Argentine pampa and Patagonia Today the collective group makes up over 80 of the indigenous peoples in Chile and about 9 of the total Chilean population The Mapuche are concentrated in the Araucania region Many have migrated from rural areas to the cities of Santiago and Buenos Aires for economic opportunities MapucheMapuche women from Tirua in 2015Total populationc 1 950 000Regions with significant populationsChile1 745 147 2017 1 Argentina205 009 2010 2 LanguagesMapudungunSpanishReligionTraditional Catholicism Evangelicalism less common Jehovah s WitnessesRelated ethnic groupsCore groups Boroano Cunco Huilliche Lafquenche Moluche Picunche Promaucae Araucanized groups Pehuenche Puelche Ranquel TehuelchemapuPeopleMapucheLanguageMapudungunCountryWallmapuThe Mapuche traditional economy is based on agriculture their traditional social organization consists of extended families under the direction of a lonko or chief In times of war the Mapuche would unite in larger groupings and elect a toki meaning axe or axe bearer to lead them Mapuche material culture is known for its textiles and silverwork At the time of Spanish arrival the Picunche inhabited the valleys between the Choapa and Itata Araucanian Mapuche inhabited the valleys between the Itata and Tolten rivers south of there the Huilliche and the Cunco lived as far south as the Chiloe Archipelago In the seventeenth eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Mapuche groups migrated eastward into the Andes and Pampas conquering fusing and establishing relationships with the Poya and Pehuenche At about the same time ethnic groups of the Pampa regions the Puelche Ranquel and northern Aonikenk made contact with Mapuche groups The Tehuelche adopted the Mapuche language and some of their culture in what came to be called Araucanization during which Patagonia came under effective Mapuche suzerainty Mapuche in the Spanish ruled areas especially the Picunche mingled with the Spanish during the colonial period forming a mestizo population that lost its indigenous identity But Mapuche society in Araucania and Patagonia remained independent until the late nineteenth century when Chile occupied Araucania and Argentina conquered Puelmapu Since then the Mapuche have become subjects and later nationals and citizens of the respective states Today many Mapuche and Chilean communities are engaged in the so called Mapuche conflict over land and indigenous rights in both Argentina and Chile Contents 1 Etymology 2 History 2 1 Pre Columbian period 2 2 Arauco War 2 3 Incorporation into Chile and Argentina 3 Modern conflict 4 Culture 4 1 Mapuche languages 4 2 Cosmology and beliefs 4 3 Ethnobotany 4 4 Ceremonies and traditions 4 5 Textiles 4 6 Clava hand club 4 7 Silverwork 4 8 Literature 4 9 Cogender views 5 Mapuche Chileans and the Chilean state 5 1 Civilizing mission discourses and scientific racism 5 2 Contemporary attitudes 6 Mapuches and the Argentine state 7 Modern politics 8 In popular culture 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References 12 Bibliography 13 Further reading 14 External linksEtymology edit nbsp Euler diagram of Mapuche ethnicities Historical denominations no longer in use are shown with white fields Groups that adopted Mapuche language and culture or that have partial Mapuche descent are shown in the periphery of the main magenta colored field Historically the Spanish colonizers of South America referred to the Mapuche people as Araucanians ae r ɔː ˈ k eɪ n i e n z 4 araucanos This term is now considered pejorative 5 by some people For others the importance of the term Araucanian lies in the universality of the epic work La Araucana 6 written by Alonso de Ercilla and the feats of that people in their long and interminable war against the Spanish Empire The name is probably derived from the placename rag ko Spanish Arauco meaning clayey water 7 8 The Quechua word awqa meaning rebel enemy is probably not the root of araucano 7 Scholars believe that the various Mapuche groups Moluche Huilliche Picunche etc called themselves Reche during the early Spanish colonial period due to what they referred to as their pure native blood derived from Re meaning pure and Che meaning people 9 The name Mapuche is used both to refer collectively to the Picunche Huilliche and Moluche or Nguluche from Araucania at other times exclusively to the Moluche or Nguluche from Araucania However Mapuche is a relatively recent endonym meaning People of the Earth or Children of the Earth mapu means earth and che means person It is preferred as a term when referring to the Mapuche people after the Arauco War 10 The Mapuche identify by the geography of their territories such as Pwelche or Puelche people of the east occupied Pwel mapu or Puel mapu the eastern lands Pampa and Patagonia of Argentina Pikunche or Picunche people of the north occupied Pikun mapu the northern lands Williche or Huilliche people of the south occupied Willi mapu the southern lands Pewenche or Pehuenche people of the pewen pehuen occupied Pewen mapu the land of the pewen Araucaria araucana tree Lafkenche people of the sea occupied Lafken mapu the land of the sea also known as Coastal Mapuche Nagche people of the plains occupied Nag mapu the land of the plains located in sectors of the Cordillera de Nahuelbuta and the low zones bordering it Its epic and literary name is Araucanians and its old autochthonous name is Reche 11 The ancient Mapuche Toqui axe bearer like Lef Traru swift hawk better known as Lautaro Kallfulikan blue quartz stone better known as Caupolican polished flint or Pelontraru Shining Caracara better known as Pelantaro were Nagche Wenteche people of the valleys occupied Wente mapu the land of the valleys 12 History editMain article Mapuche history nbsp Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala s picture of the confrontation between the Mapuches left and the Incas right Pre Columbian period edit See also Origin of the Mapuche and Incas in Central Chile Archaeological finds have shown that Mapuche culture existed in Chile and Argentina as early as 600 to 500 BC 13 Genetically the Mapuche differ from the adjacent indigenous peoples of Patagonia 14 This suggests a different origin or long lasting separation of Mapuche and Patagonian populations 14 Troops of the Inca Empire are reported to have reached the Maule River and had a battle with the Mapuche between the Maule and the Itata Rivers there 15 The southern border of the Inca Empire is believed by most modern scholars to have been situated between Santiago and the Maipo River or somewhere between Santiago and the Maule River 16 Thus the bulk of the Mapuche escaped Inca rule Through their contact with Incan invaders Mapuches would have for the first time met people with state organizations Their contact with the Incas gave them a collective awareness distinguishing between them and the invaders and uniting them into loose geo political units despite their lack of state organization 17 At the time of the arrival of the first Spaniards to Chile the largest indigenous population concentration was in the area spanning from the Itata River to Chiloe Island that is the Mapuche heartland 18 The Mapuche population between Itata River and Reloncavi Sound has been estimated at 705 000 900 000 in the mid sixteenth century by historian Jose Bengoa 19 note 1 nbsp Distribution of pre Hispanic people of ChileArauco War edit Main article Arauco War The Spanish expansion into Mapuche territory was an offshoot of the conquest of Peru 20 In 1536 Diego de Almagro set out to conquer Chile after crossing the Itata River they were intercepted by a numerous contingent of Araucanian Mapuche armed with many bows and pikes in the Battle of Reynoguelen Discouraged by the ferocity of the Mapuches and the apparent lack of gold and silver in these lands Almagro decided its full retreat the following year to Peru In 1541 Pedro de Valdivia reached Chile from Cuzco and founded Santiago 21 The northern Mapuche tribes known as Promaucaes and Picunches fought commanded by Michimalonco against Spanish conquest His most famous stain is the Destruction of Santiago Little more is known about their resistance 22 nbsp Painting El joven Lautaro of Pedro Subercaseaux shows the military genius and expertise of his people In 1550 Pedro de Valdivia who aimed to control all of Chile to the Straits of Magellan campaigned in south central Chile to conquer more Mapuche territory 23 Between 1550 and 1553 the Spanish founded several cities note 2 in Mapuche lands including Concepcion Valdivia Imperial Villarrica and Angol 23 The Spanish also established the forts of Arauco Puren and Tucapel 23 Further efforts by the Spanish to gain more territory engaged them in the Arauco War against the Mapuche a sporadic conflict that lasted nearly 350 years Hostility towards the conquerors was compounded by the lack of a tradition of forced labor akin to the Inca mit a among the Mapuche who largely refused to serve the Spanish 25 From their establishment in 1550 to 1598 the Mapuche frequently laid siege to Spanish settlements in Araucania 24 In 1553 the Mapuches held a council at which they resolved to make war They chose as their toqui wartime chief an strong man called Caupolican and as his vice toqui Lautaro because he had served as an auxiliary to the Spanish cavalry he created the first Mapuche cavalry corps With six thousand warriors under his command Lautaro attacked the fort at Tucapel The Spanish garrison was unable to withstand the assault and retreated to Puren Lautaro seized and burned the fort and prepared his army certain that the Spaniards would attempt to retake Tucapel Valdivia mounted a counter attack but he was quickly surrounded He and his army was massacred by the Mapuches in the Battle of Tucapel 26 In 1554 Lautaro went to destroy Concepcion where in the Battle of Marihuenu he defeated Governor Villagra and devastated the city In 1555 Lautaro went to the city of Angol and destroyed it he also returned to Concepcion rebuilt by the Spanish and destroyed it again In 1557 Lautaro headed with his army to destroy Santiago fighting numerous battles with the Spanish along the way but he and his army were devastated in the Battle of Mataquito From 1558 to 1598 war was mostly a low intensity conflict 27 Mapuche numbers decreased significantly following contact with the Spanish invaders wars and epidemics decimated the population 22 Others died in Spanish owned gold mines 25 nbsp Caupolican by Nicanor PlazaIn 1598 a party of warriors from Puren led by Pelantaro who were returning south from a raid in the Chillan area ambushed Governor Martin Garcia onez de Loyola and his troops 28 while they rested without taking any precautions against attack Almost all the Spaniards died save a cleric named Bartolome Perez who was taken prisoner and a soldier named Bernardo de Pereda The Mapuche then initiated a general uprising that destroyed all the cities in their homeland south of the Biobio River In the years following the Battle of Curalaba a general uprising developed among the Mapuches and Huilliches led to the Destruction of the Seven Cities The Spanish cities of Angol Imperial Osorno Santa Cruz de Onez Valdivia and Villarrica were either destroyed or abandoned 29 The city of Castro was taken by a Dutch Mapuche alliance in 1599 but reconquered by the Spanish in 1600 Only Chillan and Concepcion resisted Mapuche sieges and raids 30 Except for the Chiloe Archipelago all Chilean territory south of the Biobio River was freed from Spanish rule 29 In this period the Mapuche Nation crossed the Andes to conquer the present Argentine provinces of Chubut Neuquen La Pampa and Rio Negro citation needed Incorporation into Chile and Argentina edit Further information Occupation of Araucania and Conquest of the Desert nbsp Cornelio Saavedra Rodriguez in meeting with the main lonkos of Araucania in 1869In the nineteenth century Chile experienced a fast territorial expansion Chile established a colony at the Strait of Magellan in 1843 settled Valdivia Osorno and Llanquihue with German immigrants and conquered land from Peru and Bolivia 31 32 Later Chile would also annex Easter Island 33 In this context Araucania began to be conquered by Chile due to two reasons First the Chilean state aimed for territorial continuity 34 and second it remained the sole place for Chilean agriculture to expand 35 Between 1861 and 1871 Chile incorporated several Mapuche territories in Araucania In January 1881 having decisively defeated Peru in the battles of Chorrillos and Miraflores Chile resumed the conquest of Araucania 36 37 38 Historian Ward Churchill has claimed that the Mapuche population dropped from a total of half a million to 25 000 within a generation as a result of the occupation and its associated famine and disease 39 The conquest of Araucania caused numerous Mapuches to be displaced and forced to roam in search of shelter and food 40 Scholar Pablo Miraman claims the introduction of state education during the Occupation of Araucania had detrimental effects on traditional Mapuche education 41 nbsp Ancient flag of the Mapuche on the Arauco War In the years following the occupation the economy of Araucania changed from being based on sheep and cattle herding to one based on agriculture and wood extraction 42 The loss of land by Mapuches following the occupation caused severe erosion since Mapuches continued to practice a massive livestock herding in limited areas 43 Modern conflict editMain article Mapuche conflict See also Ralco Hydroelectric Plant Land disputes and violent confrontations continue in some Mapuche areas particularly in the northern sections of the Araucania region between and around Traiguen and Lumaco In 2003 the Commission for Historical Truth and New Treatments issued a report to defuse tensions calling for drastic changes in Chile s treatment of its indigenous people more than 80 of whom are Mapuche The recommendations included the formal recognition of political and territorial rights for indigenous peoples as well as efforts to promote their cultural identities citation needed Though Japanese and Swiss interests are active in the economy of Araucania Ngulu Mapu the two chief forestry companies are Chilean owned citation needed In the past the firms have planted hundreds of thousands of hectares with non native species such as Monterey pine Douglas firs and eucalyptus trees sometimes replacing native Valdivian forests although such substitution and replacement is now when forgotten citation needed Chile exports wood to the United States almost all of which comes from this southern region with an annual value of around 600 million Stand earth a conservation group has led an international campaign for preservation resulting in the Home Depot chain and other leading wood importers agreeing to revise their purchasing policies to provide for the protection of native forests in Chile Some Mapuche leaders want stronger protections for the forests citation needed In recent years when the crimes committed by Mapuche armed insurgents have been prosecuted under counter terrorism legislation originally introduced by the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet to control political dissidents The law allows prosecutors to withhold evidence from the defense for up to six months and to conceal the identity of witnesses who may give evidence in court behind screens Insurgent groups such as the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco use multiple tactics with the more extreme occurrences such as the burning of homes churches vehicles structures and pastures which at times included causing deaths and threats to specific targets As of 2005 protesters from Mapuche communities have used these tactics against properties of both multinational forestry corporations and private individuals 44 45 In 2010 the Mapuche launched many hunger strikes in attempts to effect change in the anti terrorism legislation 46 As of 2019 the Chilean government committed human rights abuses against the Mapuche based on Israeli military techniques and surveillance according to the French website Orin21 47 48 Oil exploitation and fracking in the Vaca Muerta site in Neuquen one of the biggest shale oil and shale gas deposits in the world has produced waste dumps of sludge waste polluting the environment close to the town of Anelo which is about 1 200km south of Buenos Aires In 2018 the Mapuche were suing Exxon French company TotalEnergies and Pan American Energy 49 Culture editAt the time of the arrival of Europeans the Mapuche organized and constructed a network of forts and defensive buildings Ancient Mapuche also built ceremonial constructions such as some earthwork mounds discovered near Puren 50 Mapuche quickly adopted iron metal working Picunches already worked copper 51 Mapuche learned horse riding and the use of cavalry in war from the Spaniards along with the cultivation of wheat and sheep In the 300 year co existence between the Spanish colonies and the relatively well delineated autonomous Mapuche regions the Mapuche also developed a strong tradition of trading with Spaniards Argentines and Chileans Such trade lies at the heart of the Mapuche silver working tradition for Mapuche wrought their jewelry from the large and widely dispersed quantity of Spanish Argentine and Chilean silver coins Mapuche also made headdresses with coins which were called trarilonko etc Mapuche languages edit Main article Mapudungun nbsp Familia Mapuche by Claudio Gay 1848 Mapuche languages are spoken in Chile and Argentina The two living branches are Huilliche and Mapudungun Although not genetically related lexical influence has been discerned from Quechua Linguists estimate that only about 200 000 full fluency speakers remain in Chile The language receives only token support in the educational system In recent years it has started to be taught in rural schools of Bio Bio Araucania and Los Lagos Regions Mapuche speakers of Chilean Spanish who also speak Mapudungun tend to use more impersonal pronouns when speaking Spanish 52 Cosmology and beliefs edit Main article Mapuche religion nbsp A council of Araucanian philosophers 1904Central to Mapuche cosmology is the idea of a creator called ngenechen who is embodied in four components an older man fucha futra cha chau an older woman kude kuse a young man and a young woman They believe in worlds known as the Wenu Mapu and Minche Mapu Also Mapuche cosmology is informed by complex notions of spirits that coexist with humans and animals in the natural world and daily circumstances can dictate spiritual practices 53 The most well known Mapuche ritual ceremony is the Ngillatun which loosely translates as to pray or general prayer These ceremonies are often major communal events that are of extreme spiritual and social importance Many other ceremonies are practiced and not all are for public or communal participation but are sometimes limited to family The main groups of deities and or spirits in Mapuche mythology are the Pillan and Wangulen ancestral spirits the Ngen spirits in nature and the wekufe evil spirits Central to Mapuche belief is the role of the machi shaman It is usually filled by a woman following an apprenticeship with an older machi and has many of the characteristics typical of shamans The machi performs ceremonies for curing diseases warding off evil influencing weather harvests social interactions and dreamwork Machis often have extensive knowledge of regional medicinal herbs As biodiversity in the Chilean countryside has declined due to commercial agriculture and forestry the dissemination of such knowledge has also declined but the Mapuche people are reviving it in their communities Machis have an extensive knowledge of sacred stones and sacred animals nbsp The daughter of lonko QuilapanLike many cultures the Mapuche have a deluge myth epeu of a major flood in which the world is destroyed and recreated The myth involves two opposing forces Kai Kai water which brings death through floods and Tren Tren dry earth which brings sunshine In the deluge almost all humanity is drowned the few not drowned survive through cannibalism At last only one couple is left A machi tells them that they must give their only child to the waters which they do and this restores order to the world Part of the Mapuche ritual is prayer and animal sacrifice required to maintain the cosmic balance This belief has continued to current times In 1960 for example a machi sacrificed a young boy throwing him into the water after an earthquake and a tsunami 54 55 56 The Mapuche have incorporated the remembered history of their long independence and resistance from 1540 Spanish and then Chileans and Argentines and of the treaty with the Chilean and Argentine governments in the 1870s Memories stories and beliefs often very local and particularized are a significant part of the Mapuche traditional culture To varying degrees this history of resistance continues to this day amongst the Mapuche At the same time a large majority of Mapuche in Chile identify with the state as Chilean similar to a large majority in Argentina identifying as Argentines citation needed Ethnobotany edit Main article Paleoethnobotany of the Mapuche nbsp Height of a chemamull Mapuche funeral statue compared to a person Ceremonies and traditions edit We Tripantu is the Mapuche New Year celebration Textiles edit Main article Mapuche textiles nbsp Traditional Mapuche poncho exhibited in Museo Artesania Chilena One of the best known arts of the Mapuche is their textiles The oldest data on textiles in the southernmost areas of the American continent southern Chile and Argentina today are found in some archaeological excavations such as those of Pitren Cemetery near the city of Temuco and the Alboyanco site in the Biobio Region both of Chile and the Rebolledo Arriba Cemetery in Neuquen Province Argentina researchers have found evidence of fabrics made with complex techniques and designs dated between AD 1300 1350 57 The Mapuche women were responsible for spinning and weaving Knowledge of both weaving techniques and textile patterns particular to the locality was usually transmitted within the family with mothers grandmothers and aunts teaching a girl the skills they had learned from their elders Women who excelled in the textile arts were highly honored for their accomplishments and contributed economically and culturally to their kinship group A measure of the importance of weaving is evident in the expectation that a man gives a larger dowry for a bride who was an accomplished weaver 58 In addition the Mapuche used their textiles as an important surplus and an exchange trading good Numerous sixteenth century accounts describe their bartering the textiles with other indigenous peoples and with colonists in newly developed settlements Such trading enabled the Mapuche to obtain those goods that they did not produce or held in high esteem such as horses Tissue volumes made by Aboriginal women and marketed in the Araucania and the north of Patagonia Argentina were considerable and constituted a vital economic resource for indigenous families 59 The production of fabrics in the time before European settlement was intended for uses beyond domestic consumption 60 At present the fabrics woven by the Mapuche continue to be used for domestic purposes as well as for gift sale or barter Most Mapuche women and their families now wear garments with foreign designs and tailored with materials of industrial origin but they continue to weave ponchos blankets bands and belts for regular use Many of the fabrics are woven for trade and in many cases are an important source of income for families 61 Glazed pots are used to dye the wool 62 unreliable source Many Mapuche women continue to weave fabrics according to the customs of their ancestors and transmit their knowledge in the same way within domestic life from mother to daughter and from grandmothers to granddaughters This form of learning is based on gestural imitation and only rarely and when strictly necessary the apprentice receives explicit instructions or help from their instructors Knowledge is transmitted as the fabric is woven the weaving and transmission of knowledge go together 58 Clava hand club edit nbsp Monument in the form of a gigantic clava mere okewa located in Avenida Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva Canete ChileThere is a traditional stone hand club used by the Mapuche which has been called a clava Spanish for club It has a long flat body Another name is clava mere okewa in Spanish it may also be called a clava cefalomorfa It has some ritual importance as a special sign of distinction carried by tribal chiefs Many kinds of clubs are known This is an object associated with masculine power It consists of a disk with an attached handle the edge of the disc usually has a semicircular recess In many cases the face portrayed on the disc carries incised designs The handle is cylindrical generally with a larger diameter at its connection to the disk 63 64 Silverwork edit Main article Mapuche silverwork nbsp Drawing of a trapelacucha a silver finery piece In the later half of the eighteenth century Mapuche silversmiths began to produce large amounts of silver finery 65 The surge of silversmithing activity may be related to the 1726 parliament of Negrete that decreased hostilities between Spaniards and Mapuches and allowed trade to increase between colonial Chile and the free Mapuches 65 In this context of increasing trade Mapuches began in the late eighteenth century to accept payments in silver coins for their products usually cattle or horses 65 These coins and silver coins obtained in political negotiations served as raw material for Mapuche metalsmiths Mapudungun ruxafe 65 66 67 Old Mapuche silver pendants often included unmelted silver coins something that has helped modern researchers to date the objects 66 The bulk of the Spanish silver coins originated from mining in Potosi in Upper Peru 67 The great diversity in silver finery designs is because designs were made to be identified with different reynma families lof mapu lands as well as specific lonkos and machis 68 Mapuche silver finery was also subject to changes in fashion albeit designs associated with philosophical and spiritual concepts have not undergone major changes 68 In the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century Mapuche silversmithing activity and artistic diversity reached its climax 69 All important Mapuche chiefs of the nineteenth century are supposed to have had at least one silversmith 65 By 1984 Mapuche scholar Carlos Aldunate noted that there were no silversmiths alive among contemporary Mapuches 65 Literature edit The Mapuche culture of the sixteenth century had an oral tradition and lacked a writing system Since that time a writing system for Mapudungun was developed and Mapuche writings in both Spanish and Mapudungun have flourished 70 Contemporary Mapuche literature can be said to be composed of an oral tradition and Spanish Mapudungun bilingual writings 70 Notable Mapuche poets include Sebastian Queupul Pedro Alonzo Elicura Chihuailaf and Leonel Lienlaf 70 Cogender views edit Among the Mapuche in La Araucania in addition to heterosexual female machi shamanesses there are homosexual male machi weye shamans who wear female clothing 71 72 73 These machi weye were first described in Spanish in a chronicle of 1673 74 Among the Mapuche the spirits are interested in machi s gendered discourses and performances not in the sex under the machi s clothes 75 In attracting the filew possessing spirit Both male and female machi become spiritual brides who seduce and call their filew at once husband and master to possess their heads The ritual transvestism of male machi draws attention to the relational gender categories of spirit husband and machi wife as a couple kurewen 76 As concerning co gendered identities 77 of machi as co gender specialists 78 it has been speculated that female berdaches may have formerly existed among the Mapuche 79 Mapuche Chileans and the Chilean state editFollowing the independence of Chile in the 1810s the Mapuche began to be perceived as Chilean by other Chileans contrasting with previous perceptions of them as a separate people or nation 80 However not everybody agreed 19th century Argentine writer and president Domingo Faustino Sarmiento presented his view of the Mapuche Chile relation by stating 81 Between two Chilean provinces Concepcion and Valdivia there is a piece of land that is not a province its language is different it is inhabited by other people and it can still be said that it is not part of Chile Yes Chile is the name of the country over where its flag waves and its laws are obeyed Civilizing mission discourses and scientific racism edit nbsp Painting by Raymond Monvoisin showing Elisa Bravo who was said to have survived the 1849 wreck of Joven Daniel to be then kidnapped by Mapuches The events surrounding the wreck of Joven Daniel at the coast of Araucania in 1849 are considered an inflection point or point of no return in the relations between Mapuches and the Chilean state 82 It cemented views of Mapuches as brutal barbarians and showed in the view of many that Chilean authorities earlier goodwill was naive 82 83 There are various recorded instances in the nineteenth century when Mapuches were the subject of civilizing mission discourses by elements of the Chilean government and military For example Cornelio Saavedra Rodriguez called in 1861 for Mapuches to submit to Chilean state authority and enter into reduction and civilization 84 When the Mapuches were finally defeated in 1883 President Domingo Santa Maria declared 85 The country has with satisfaction seen the problem of the reduction of the whole Araucania solved This event so important to our social and political life and so significant for the future of the republic has ended happily and with costly and painful sacrifices Today the whole Araucania is subjugated more than to the material forces to the moral and civilizing force of the republic The Chilean race as everybody knows is a mestizo race made of Spanish conquistadors and the Araucanian Nicolas Palacios in La raza chilena p 34 After the War of the Pacific 1879 1883 there was a rise of racial and national superiority ideas among the Chilean ruling class 86 It was in this context that Chilean physician Nicolas Palacios hailed the Mapuche race arguing from a scientific racist and nationalist point of view He considered the Mapuche superior to other tribes and the Chilean mestizo a blend of Mapuches and Visigothic elements from Spain 87 The writings of Palacios became later influential among Chilean Nazis 88 As a result of the Occupation of Araucania 1861 1883 and the War of the Pacific Chile had incorporated territories with new indigenous populations Mapuches obtained relatively favourable views as primordial Chileans contrasting with other indigenous peoples like the Aymara who were perceived as foreign elements 89 Contemporary attitudes edit Since some four years ago a History of the Civilization in Araucania has been published in the said Anales in which our indigenous ancestors are treated like savages cruel depraved lacking morals lacking warrior skills Nicolas Palacios La raza chilena p 62 Contemporary attitudes towards Mapuches on the part of non indigenous people in Chile are highly individual and heterogeneous Nevertheless a considerable part of the non indigenous people in Chile have a prejudiced and discriminatory attitude towards Mapuche In a 2003 study it was found that among the sample 41 of people over 60 years old 35 of people of low socioeconomic standing 35 of the supporters of right wing parties 36 of Protestants and 26 of Catholics were prejudiced against indigenous peoples in Chile In contrast only 8 of those who attended university 16 of supporters of left wing parties and 19 of people aged 18 29 were prejudiced 90 Specific prejudices about the Mapuche are that the Mapuches are lazy and alcoholic to some lesser degree Mapuche are sometimes judged antiquated and dirty 91 In the 20th century many Mapuche women migrated to large cities to work as domestic workers Spanish nanas mapuches In Santiago many of these women settled in Cerro Navia and La Pintana 92 Sociologist Eric Fassin has called the occurrence of Mapuche domestic workers a continuation of colonial relations of servitude 93 nbsp Wenufoye flag created in 1992 by the indigenist organization Consejo de Todas las Tierras Historian Gonzalo Vial claimed that the Republic of Chile owes a historical debt to the Mapuche The Coordinadora Arauco Malleco claims to have the goal of a national liberation of Mapuche with their regaining sovereignty over their lands 80 Reportedly there is a tendency among female Mapuche activists to reject feminism as they consider their struggle to go beyond gender 92 Mapuches and the Argentine state edit nbsp Flag of Argentinian Tehuelche Mapuche19th century Argentine authorities aiming to incorporate the Pampas and Patagonia into national territory recognized the Puelmapu Mapuche s strong connections with Chile This gave Chile a certain influence over the Pampas Argentine authorities feared that in an eventual war with Chile over Patagonia Mapuches would align themselves with Chile 94 In this context Estanislao Zeballos published the work La Conquista de quince mil leguas The Fifteen Thousand League Conquest in 1878 which had been commissioned by the Argentine Ministry of War In La Conquista de quince mil leguas Mapuches were presented as Chileans who were bound to return to Chile 95 Mapuches were thus indirectly considered foreign enemies 95 Such a notion fitted well with the expansionist designs of Nicolas Avellaneda and Julio Argentino Roca for Puelmapu 95 The notion of Mapuches as Chileans is however an anachronism as Mapuches precede the formation of the modern state of Chile 95 By 1920 Argentine Nacionalismo revived the idea of Mapuches being Chileans in strong contrast with 20th century scholars based in Chile such as Ricardo E Latcham and Francisco Antonio Encina who advanced a theory that Mapuches originated east of the Andes before penetrating what came to be Chile 13 95 As late as 2017 Argentine historian Roberto E Porcel wrote in a communique to the National Academy of History that those who often claim to be Mapuches in Argentina would be rather Mestizos emboldened by European descent supporters who lack any right for their claims and violence not only for NOT being most of them Araucanians sic but also because they the Araucanians do not rank among our indigenous peoples 96 Modern politics editIn the 2017 Chilean general election the first two Mapuche women were elected to the Chilean Congress Aracely Leuquen Uribe from National Renewal and Emilia Nuyado from the Socialist Party 97 In popular culture editIn 2012 renowned Mapuche weaver Anita Paillamil collaborated with Chilean artist Guillermo Bert to create Encoded Textiles an exhibit that combined traditional mapuche textile weaving with QR Code designs 98 The 2020 Chilean Brazilian animated film Nahuel and the Magic Book features major characters Fresia and Huenchur who represent her clothing attire and her tribe The 4X video game Civilization VI features the Mapuche as a playable civilization added in the Rise and Fall expansion Their leader is Lautaro a young Mapuche toqui known for leading the indigenous resistance against Spanish conquest in Chile and developing the tactics that would continue to be employed by the Mapuche during the long running ArauIsab The novel Ines of My Soul by Isabel Allende features the conquest of Chile by Pedro Valdivia and a large part of the book deals with the Mapuche Conflict The plot of the 2021 Chilean thriller film Immersion is a power struggle between a vacationing family and three Mapuche men The 2023 film Sayen depicts Mapuche villagers resisting an international mining company seeking to exploit cobalt See also editGuarani people Flag of the Mapuches Gunelve Wekufe Pillan nbsp Indigenous peoples of the Americas portalNotes edit Note that Chiloe Archipelago with its large population is not included in this estimate These cities were often no more than forts 24 References edit 2017census Censo2017 cl Archived from the original on 2019 01 25 Retrieved 2019 03 01 Censo Nacional de Poblacion Hogares y Viviendas 2010 Resultados definitivos Serie B No 2 Tomo 1 PDF in Spanish INDEC p 281 Archived from the original PDF on 8 December 2015 Retrieved 5 December 2015 Mapuche Oxford English Dictionary Online ed Oxford University Press Subscription or participating institution membership required Araucanian Oxford English Dictionary Online ed Oxford University Press Subscription or participating institution membership required AZ Domingo 17 de Febrero de 2008 PDF Archived from the original PDF on 2009 03 26 Retrieved 2013 09 25 La Araucana Memoria Chilena Biblioteca Nacional de Chile www memoriachilena gob cl a b Mapuche o Araucano Archived 2006 11 05 at the Wayback Machine in Spanish Antecedentes historicos del pueblo araucano Archived 2006 11 07 at the Wayback Machine in Spanish http www revistahistoriaindigena uchile cl index php RHI article download 40261 41815 bare URL PDF Las poblaciones reche mapuche Memoria Chilena Biblioteca Nacional de Chile Las poblaciones reche mapuche Memoria Chilena Biblioteca Nacional de Chile Mapuche territorial identities of Araucania Archived from the original on 2019 02 12 Retrieved 2019 02 11 a b Bengoa 2000 pp 16 19 a b Rey Diego Parga Lozano Carlos Moscoso Juan Areces Cristina Enriquez de Salamanca Mercedes Fernandez Honrado Mercedes Abd El Fatah Khalil Sedeka Alonso Rubio Javier Arnaiz Villena Antonio 2013 HLA genetic profile of Mapuche Araucanian Amerindians from Chile Molecular Biology Reports 40 7 4257 4267 doi 10 1007 s11033 013 2509 3 PMID 23666052 S2CID 14709971 Bengoa 2003 pp 37 38 Dillehay T Gordon A 1988 La actividad prehispanica y su influencia en la Araucania In Dillehay Tom Netherly Patricia eds La frontera del estado Inca in Spanish pp 183 196 Bengoa 2003 p 40 Otero 2006 p 36 Bengoa 2003 p 157 Villalobos et al 1974 pp 91 93 Villalobos et al 1974 pp 96 97 a b Bengoa 2003 pp 250 251 a b c Villalobos et al 1974 pp 98 99 a b La Guerra de Arauco 1550 1656 Memoria Chilena in Spanish Biblioteca Nacional de Chile Retrieved January 30 2014 a b Bengoa 2003 pp 252 253 Vivar Jeronimo de CXVI Cronica y relacion copiosa y verdadera de los reinos de Chile in Spanish Archived from the original on April 28 2012 Retrieved January 4 2009 ayer mataron al apo y todos los cristianos que con el venian que no escapo ninguno y todos los yanaconas de servicio si no eran los que se habian escondido Dillehay 2007 p 335 Bengoa 2003 pp 320 321 a b Villalobos et al 1974 p 109 Bengoa 2003 pp 324 325 El fuerte Bulnes Memoria Chilena in Spanish Biblioteca Nacional de Chile Retrieved January 3 2014 Villalobos R Sergio Silva G Osvaldo Silva V Fernando Estelle M Patricio 1974 Historia de Chile 1995 ed Editorial Universitaria pp 456 458 571 575 ISBN 956 11 1163 2 Incorporandola al territorio chileno Memoria Chilena in Spanish Biblioteca Nacional de Chile Retrieved January 3 2014 Pinto 2003 p 153 Bengoa 2000 p 156 Bengoa 2000 pp 275 276 Ferrando 1986 p 547 Bengoa 2000 pp 277 278 Ward Churchill A Little Matter of Genocide 109 Bengoa 2000 pp 232 233 Pinto 2003 p 205 Pinto Rodriguez Jorge 2011 Ganaderia y empresarios ganaderos de la Araucania 1900 1960 Historia 44 2 369 400 Bengoa 2000 pp 262 263 Redireccionando Cooperativa cl Archived from the original on September 28 2013 Retrieved 2013 09 25 Mapuche struggle for autonomy in Chile Archived 2019 06 17 at the Wayback Machine Spero Forum Mapuche hunger strike in Chile highlights the real problem facing President Sebastian Pinera Archived 2014 11 29 at the Wayback Machine Sounds and colors website Zinevich Benjamin 11 November 2019 You ve heard about the violence in Chile You probably haven t about their relationship with Israel s army The Independent Retrieved 3 January 2021 Mapuche and Palestinians Chile is a testing ground for Israeli weapons Teller Report December 2019 Mapuche group files lawsuit against multinationals over pollution from Vaca Muerta Buenos Aires Times pp 2018 12 22 Retrieved 2022 06 25 Dillehay Tom Monuments Empires and Resistance The Araucanian Polity and Ritual Narratives Cambridge University Press Washington 2007 Pedro Marino de Lobera in Cronica del Reino de Chile ch XXXI and XXXIII mentions copper points on the Mapuche pikes in the Battle of Andalien and Battle of Penco Copper metallurgy was flourishing in South America particularly in Peru from around the beginning of the 1st millennium AD The Mapuche may have learned copper metal working from their prior interaction with the Inca Empire or prior Peruvian cultures or it may have been a native craft that developed independently in the region copper being common in Chile Hurtado Cubillos Luz Marcela 2009 La expresion de impersonalidad en el espanol de Chile Cuadernos de Linguistica Hispanica in Spanish 13 31 42 Ngenechen and Don Armando Marileo Bacigalupo Ana Mariella 2004 Mariko Namba Walter Eva Jane Neumann Fridman ed Shamanism an encyclopedia of world beliefs practices and culture ABC CLIO p 419 ISBN 978 1 57607 645 3 Retrieved 15 July 2011 Bacigalupo Ana Mariella 2007 Shamans of the Foye Tree Gender Power and Healing among Chilean Mapuche University of Texas Press pp 46 47 ISBN 978 0 292 71659 9 Aladama Arturo J 2003 Violence and the Body Race Gender and the State Indiana University Press p 326 ISBN 978 0 253 21559 8 Brugnoli y Hoces de la Guardia 1995 Alvarado 2002 a b Wilson 1992 Mendez 2009a Garavaglia 1986 Palermo 1994 Mendez 2009b Mendez 2009b Wilson 1992 Alvarado 2002 Mendez 2009a Jesuitas Mision Mapuche 2009 05 28 Mision Jesuita Mapuche Noticias de Mayo Mision Jesuita Mapuche Retrieved 2017 04 14 Several types of clavas Archived 2014 03 12 at the Wayback Machine Tesauro Regional Patrimonial Chile Image of clava cefalomorfa Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino a b c d e f Aldunate Carlos 1984 Refrexiones acerca de la plateria mapuche CUHSO 1 doi 10 7770 cuhso v1n1 art129 a b Kangiser Gomez Maria Fernanda 2002 Conservacion en plateria mapuche Museo Fonck Vina del Mar PDF Conserva 6 Archived from the original PDF on 2 December 2013 Retrieved 13 November 2013 a b Painecura 2012 pp 25 26 a b Painecura 2012 pp 27 28 Painecura 2012 p 30 a b c Carrasco I 2000 Mapuche poets in Chilean literature Estudios Filologicos 35 139 149 Bacigalupo 2007 pp 111 114 Bacigalupo Ana Mariella The Struggle for Mapuche Shamans Masculinity Colonial Politics of Gender Sexuality and Power in Southern Chile Ethnohistory vol 51 no 3 Summer 2004 pp 489 533 EBSCOhost Vilaca Aparecida The Re Invention of Mapuche Male Shamans as Catholic Priests Legitimizing Indigenous Co Gender Identities in Modern Chile In Native Christians Modes and Effects of Christianity among Indigenous Peoples of the Americas edited by Robin M Wright Taylor and Francis 2009 pp 89 108 ProQuest Ebook Central Francisco Nunez de Pineda y Bascunan Cautiverio feliz y razon de las guerras dilatadas de Chile Santiago Imprenta el Ferrocarril 1863 Donovan Patricia 22 February 2007 The gendered realm of the foye tree Archived from the original on 2012 03 15 Retrieved 2021 01 03 Bacigalupo 2007 p 87 Bacigalupo 2007 pp 131 133 Bacigalupo Ana Mariella April 2007 Shamans of the Foye Tree Gender Power and Healing among Chilean Mapuche University of Texas Press ISBN 978 0 292 71659 9 Bacigalupo 2007 p 268 n 5 18 a b Foerster Rolf 2001 Sociedad mapuche y sociedad chilena la deuda historica Polis Revista de la Universidad Bolivariana Cayuqueo Pedro August 14 2008 Hernan Curinir Lincoqueo historiador mapuche Sobre el Bicentenario chileno tenemos mucho que decir Azkintuwe org in Spanish a b Munoz Sougarret Jorge 2010 El naufragio del bergantin Joven Daniel 1849 El indigena en el imaginario historico de Chile Tiempo Historico in Spanish 1 133 148 Bengoa 2000 pp 163 165 Ferrando Kaun Ricardo 1986 Y asi nacio La Frontera Second ed Editorial Antartica pp 405 419 ISBN 978 956 7019 83 0 Ferrando Kaun Ricardo 1986 Y asi nacio La Frontera in Spanish Second ed Editorial Antartica p 583 ISBN 978 956 7019 83 0 Ericka Beckman Imperial Impersonations Chilean Racism and the War of the Pacific University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Palacios Nicolas 1918 1904 La raza chilena in Spanish Nicolas Palacios 1854 1911 Memoria Chilena in Spanish Biblioteca Nacional de Chile Retrieved 2020 05 10 Vergara Jorge Ivan Gundermann Hans 2012 Constitution and internal dynamics of the regional identitary in Tarapaca and Los Lagos Chile Chungara in Spanish University of Tarapaca 44 1 115 134 doi 10 4067 s0717 73562012000100009 Aymerich Jaime Canales Manuel Vivanco Manuel 2003 Encuesta Tolerancia y No Discriminacion Tercera Medicion in Spanish Universidad de Chile Departamento de Sociologia Fundacion Facultad de Ciencias Sociales 60 74 Retrieved 17 January 2018 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Quilaquea R Daniel Merino D Maria Eugenia Saiz V Jose Luis 2007 Representacion social mapuche e imaginario social no mapuche de la discriminacion percibida Atenea 496 II 81 103 a b Cosgrove Serena 2010 Chile Leadership from the Margins Women and Civil Society Organizations in Argentina Chile and El Salvador Rutgers University Press p 128 ISBN 978 0 8135 4799 2 Godoy Valdes Gloria September 13 2012 Sociologo frances Eric Fassin reflexiono sobre el abuso y la violencia sexual uchile cl in Spanish Retrieved June 20 2015 Perry Richard O 1980 Argentina and Chile The Struggle for Patagonia 1843 1881 The Americas 36 3 347 363 doi 10 2307 981291 JSTOR 981291 S2CID 147607097 via JSTOR a b c d e Lenton Diana August 14 2020 La nacion mapuche no es argentina ni chilena Nodal in Spanish Retrieved November 12 2020 Porcel Roberto E 2017 08 22 Los mapuches en nuestro territorio historia y actualidad PDF Report Retrieved 2021 01 05 Dia historico en el Congreso asumen las primeras dos diputadas mapuche www t13 cl 11 March 2018 Retrieved 2022 03 23 Sandford Maggie July 2013 What s a QR Code Doing on That Blanket Smithsonian Magazine Retrieved 2022 11 21 Bibliography editAlvarado Margarita 2002 El esplendor del adorno El poncho y el chanuntuku En Hijos del Viento Arte de los Pueblos del Sur Siglo XIX Buenos Aires Fundacion PROA Bengoa Jose 2000 Historia del pueblo mapuche Siglos XIX y XX Seventh ed LOM Ediciones ISBN 956 282 232 X Brugnoli Paulina y Hoces de la Guardia Soledad 1995 Estudio de fragmentos del sitio Alboyanco En Hombre y Desierto una perspectiva cultural 9 375 381 Corcuera Ruth 1987 Herencia textil andina Buenos Aires Impresores SCA Corcuera Ruth 1998 Ponchos de las Tierras del Plata Buenos Aires Fondo Nacional de las Artes Chertudi Susana y Nardi Ricardo 1961 Tejidos Araucanos de la Argentina En Cuadernos del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Folkloricas 2 97 182 Garavaglia Juan Carlos 1986 Los textiles de la tierra en el contexto colonial rioplatense una revolucion industrial fallida En Anuario IEHS 1 45 87 Joseph Claude 1931 Los tejidos Araucanos Santiago de Chile Imprenta San Francisco Padre Las Casas Kradolfer Sabine Quand la parente impose le don dispose Organisation sociale don et identite dans les communautes mapuche de la province de Neuquen Argentine Bern etc Peter Lang 2011 Publications Universitaires Europeennes Serie 19 B Ethnologie generale 71 Mendez Patricia 2009a Herencia textil identidad indigena y recursos economicos en la Patagonia Argentina En Revista de la Asociacion de Antropologos Iberoamericanos en Red 4 1 11 53 Mendez Patricia 2009b Los tejidos indigenas en la Patagonia Argentina cuatro siglos de comercio textilI En Anuario INDIANA 26 233 265 Millan de Palavecino Maria Delia 1960 Vestimenta Argentina En Cuadernos del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Folkloricas 1 95 127 Murra John 1975 Formaciones economicas y politicas del mundo andino Lima Instituto de Estudios Peruanos Nardi Ricardo y Rolandi Diana 1978 1000 anos de tejido en la Argentina Buenos Aires Ministerio de Cultura y Educacion Secretaria de Estado de Cultura Instituto Nacional de Antropologia Painecura Antinao Juan 2012 Charu Sociedad y cosmovision en la plateria mapuche Palermo Miguel Angel 1994 Economia y mujer en el sur argentino En Memoria Americana 3 63 90 Wilson Angelica 1992 Arte de Mujeres Santiago de Chile Ed CEDEM Coleccion Artes y Oficios Nº 3 Further reading edit Nicholas Jose Reviews Speaking the Earth s Languages A Theory for Australian Chilean Postcolonial Poetics Cordite Poetry Review 2014 Fogarty amp Garrido A Bilingual Conversation between Four Poems Cordite Poetry Review 2012 Trilingual Visibility in Our Transpacific Three Mapuche Poets Cordite Poetry Review 2012 Language of the Land The Mapuche in Argentina and Chile IWGIA IWGIA International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs 2007 ISBN 978 87 91563 37 9 When a flower is reborn The Life and Times of a Mapuche Feminist 2002 ISBN 0 8223 2934 4 Courage Tastes of Blood The Mapuche Community of Nicolas Ailio and the Chilean State 1906 2001 2005 ISBN 0 8223 3585 9 Neoliberal Economics Democratic Transition and Mapuche Demands for Rights in Chile 2006 ISBN 0 8130 2938 4 Shamans of the Foye Tree Gender Power and Healing among Chilean Mapuche 2007 ISBN 978 0 292 71658 2 A Grammar of Mapuche 2007 ISBN 978 3 11 019558 3 Mapuche Dreamwork Clas berkeley edu Archived from the original on 2007 06 10 Bandelier Adolph Francis 1907 Araucanians The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol 1 New York Robert Appleton Company Eim Stefan 2010 The Conceptualisation of Mapuche Religion in Colonial Chile 1545 1787 http archiv ub uni heidelberg de volltextserver volltexte 2010 10717 pdf Eim Conceptualisation of Mapuche Religion pdf Faron Louis 1961 Mapuche Social Structure Illinois Studies in Anthropology Urbana University of Illinois Press External links edit nbsp Mapuche test of Wikipedia at Wikimedia Incubator nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mapuche Mapuche International Link official website Mapuche nation org Rehue Foundation in Netherland Mapulink website Mapuche Health Website of the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia Trannie Mystics Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Mapuche amp oldid 1190415041, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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