
Agriculture in Chile

Agriculture in Chile encompasses a wide range of different activities due to its particular geography, climate, geology and human factors. Historically agriculture is one of the bases of Chile's economy, now agriculture and allied sectors—like forestry, logging and fishing—account only for 4.9% of the GDP as of 2007 and employed 13.6% of the country's labor force. Some major agricultural products of Chile include grapes, apples, onions, wheat, corn, oats, peaches, garlic, asparagus, beans, beef, poultry, wool, fish and timber.[1] Due to its geographical isolation and strict customs policies, Chile is free from diseases such as Mad Cow, fruit fly and Phylloxera, this plus being located in the southern hemisphere (having quite different harvesting times compared to the Northern Hemisphere) and its wide range of agriculture conditions are considered Chile's main comparative advantages. However, the mountainous landscape of Chile limits the extent and intensity of agriculture so that arable land corresponds only to 2.62% of the total territory.[1]

Llamas in Lauca National Park
Agriculture in Elqui valley
Many of Chile's vineyards are found on dorp land within the foothills of the Andes.

Chile's principal growing region and agricultural heartland is the Central Valley, bounded by the Chilean Coast Range to the west, the Andes to the east, Aconcagua River to the north, and Bío-Bío River to the south. In the northern half of Chile, cultivation is highly dependent on irrigation. South of the Central Valley, cultivation is gradually replaced by aquaculture, silviculture, sheep and cattle farming.

Production edit

Graph of the world export of cherries from 2012 to 2021, showing how this market has doubled in size and Chile's leadership.

Chile is one of the 5 largest world producers of cherry and cranberry, and one of the 10 largest world producers of grape, apple, kiwi, peach, plum and hazelnut, focusing on exporting high-value fruits.[2]

In 2018, Chile was the 9th largest producer of grape in the world, with 2 million tons produced; the 10th largest producer of apple in the world, with 1.7 million tons produced; and the 6th largest producer of kiwi in the world, with 230 thousand tons produced, in addition to producing 1.4 million tons of wheat, 1.1 million tons of maize, 1.1 million tons of potato, 951 thousand tons of tomato, 571 thousand tons of oats, 368 thousand tons of onion, 319 thousand tons of peach, 280 thousand tons of pear, 192 thousand tons of rice, 170 thousand tons of barley, 155 thousand tons of cherry, 151 thousand tons of lemon, 118 thousand tons of tangerine, 113 thousand tons of orange, 110 thousand tons of olives, 106 thousand tons of cranberry, in addition to smaller productions of other agricultural products.[3]

Agriculture by natural region edit

Norte Grande edit

The Norte Grande region covers most of Atacama Desert and its crop agriculture is contracted around small oases, such as Pica (known for its Limón de Pica) and Pozo Almonte. The use of water from Loa River and other streams is limited due to contamination with heavy metals from the mining industry. Some minor subsistence agriculture is practised in Loa River. Recently these waters are being used for growing non-edible plants, such as flowers. In Norte Grande's Puna plateau, indigenous Aymaras practise traditional llama and alpaca herding.[2]

Norte Chico edit

Norte Chico has a semi-arid climate that limits agriculture to the Transverse Valleys, namely; Choapa, Copiapó, Elqui, Limarí and Aconcagua. Most agriculture here is dependent on irrigation. Norte Chico is known for its production of grapes for Pisco and papayas. Other crops cultivated include olives and avocados .[citation needed]

Zona Central edit

Zona Central is Chile's agricultural and cultural heartland. With its mediterranean climate, Zona Central hosts the largest part of the country's wine regions. Most of Chile's premium wine regions depend on irrigation to sustain vineyards, the necessary water formed by melting snow caps in the Andes. In the developing wine regions along the Coastal Ranges and in the far south, there is not a lack of needed rainfall but vineyards owners have to deal with other factors, such as the Humboldt Current from the Pacific which can bathe a vineyard with a blanket of cool air. For the rest of Chile's wine regions, the Coastal Ranges serve as a buffer from the current and also act as a rain shadow. The vineyards in these regions are planted on the valley plains of the Andes foothills along the major rivers such as the Maipo, Rapel and Maule Rivers.[4]

Zona Sur edit

Aquacultre installations in southern Chile.

Wheat cultivation, cattle farming, silviculture and salmon aquaculture are the main agricultural activities of Zona Sur. In northern Zona Sur Araucania Region was known until recently as "Chile’s granary". Wheat in Araucanía continues to be the main crop; however, production of oats and lupine has increased significantly. While the area devoted to traditional crops and natural pasture has tended to shrink in Araucanía, there has been an increase in artificial and improved pasturelands. This supports a substantial mass of livestock, including beef cattle, swine, sheep, and horses, and abundant production of milk and by-products. Salmon aquaculture is Los Lagos Region largest source of jobs and main export industry. Nearly all of Chile's, and much of the southern hemisphere, blueberry and cranberry production is concentrated in Zona Sur.

Cultivation and production of hazelnuts in Chile is centred in the south-central regions from Maule to Los Lagos. Production increased greatly in the 2010s.[5] In 2016 Chile exported about 6,500 tons of hazelnuts.[6] Chilean hazelnuts are described by Reuters as an alternative to Turkish hazelnuts that dominate the international market.[6]

Zona Austral edit

Lambs in Tierra del Fuego.

In Zona Austral, sheepherding has been a major industry since the 19th century. In the Magallanes Region alone, there is an estimate of 1.5 and 2 million sheep that is distributed among 300 farmers as of 2006.[7] Exotic species, like reindeer, have been introduced in recent years.[6] Agriculture in the north-western parts of Zona Austral (Aisén, Chiloé and Palena) focuses on aquaculture and silviculture and is similar to that of Zona Sur.

Evidence ranging from historical records, local agriculturalists, and DNA analyses strongly supports the hypothesis that the most widely cultivated variety of potato worldwide, Solanum tuberosum tuberosum, is indigenous to Chiloé Island and has been cultivated by the local indigenous people since before the coming of the Spanish.[8][9]

History edit

Pre-Hispanic agriculture edit

Huaso in a Chilean wheat field, 1940. The picture illustrates some of Chile's two most important agriculture products cattle farming and wheat.

At the time of the arrival of the first Spaniards to Chile the largest indigenous population concentration was in the area spanning from Itata River to Chiloé Archipelago.[10] In this area indigenous groups practised glade agriculture among the forests.[11] The forests provided firewood, fibre and allowed the production of planks.[11] Agriculture type varied; while some Mapuches and Huilliches practised a slash-and-burn type of agriculture some more labour-intensive agriculture is known to have been developed by Mapuches around Budi Lake (raised fields) and the Lumaco and Purén valleys (canalized fields).[12][13] Pre-Hispanic agriculture extended as far south as the Guaitecas Archipelago (44° S), were indigenous Chonos cultivated Chiloé potatoes.[14] Tools are known to have been relatively simple. In addition the Mapuche and Huilliche economy was complemented with chilihueque raising, fishing, collection of shellfish and algae.[13][11]

Colonial agriculture edit

As the Spanish settled in Chile in the 16th century many cities were founded and indean labour partitioned among Spanish conquistadores.[15] Beyond subsistence the 16th century economy of Chile was oriented towards large-scale production. Spanish colonizers used large amounts of indigenous labour following the slave labour system used in the sugar cane plantations of the Mediterranean islands and Macaronesia. This system of labour successively killed the production base leading to the imposition of the encomienda system by the Spanish Crown in order to prevent excesses. In Chile Spanish settlers managed to continue to exploit indigenous labour under slave like conditions despite the implementation of the encomienda. Rich Spanish settlers had over time to face opposition to their mode of production by Jesuits, Spanish officials and indigenous Mapuches.[16]

All mainland Spanish settlements (red dots) south of Biobío River were destroyed by 1604.

The initial Spanish settlers of Chiloé Archipelago (conquered in 1567[17]) attempted to base their economy on gold extraction and a "hispanic-mediterranean" agricultural model. This activity ended in a general failure given the unsuitable conditions of the archipelago.[18] Spaniards however reoriented their activities into logging Fitzroya.[18]

The collapse of the Spanish cities in the south following the battle of Curalaba (1598) meant for the Spaniards the loss of both the main gold districts and the largest indigenous labour sources.[19] After those dramatic years the colony of Chile became concentrated in the central valley which became increasingly populated, explored and economically exploited. Following a tendency common in the whole Spanish America haciendas were formed as the economy moved away from mining and into agriculture and husbandry.[20]

1744 engraving published in Relación histórica del viaje a la América meridional. The image shows cattle in the Chilean countryside including a square for cattle slaughter.

In the 17th century economy of the Viceroyalty of Peru, Chile's husbandry and agriculture based economy had a peripheral role, contrasting to ore-rich districts like Potosí and the wealthy city of Lima. Husbandry products made up the bulk of Chilean exports to the rest of the viceroyalty. These products included suet, charqui and leather. This trade made Chilean historian Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna label the 17th century the century of suet (Spanish: Siglo del sebo).[21] Other products exported included dry fruits, mules, wines and minor amounts of copper.[21] Trade with Peru was controlled by merchants from Lima that enjoyed protection by the Spanish authorities in Lima.[22] In addition to the exports to coastal Peru Chile also exported products inland to Upper Peru through the port of Arica.[21] Trade inside Chile was small since cities were tiny and self-sufficient.[21]

In the 1650–1800 period the Chilean lower classes grew considerably in size.[23] To deal with the poor and landless population a policy of founding cities[note 1] and granting lands in their surroundings was implemented.[23] From 1730 to 1820 a large number of farmers settled in the outskirts of old cities or formed new cities.[24] Settling as a farmer in the outskirts of old cities (La Serena, Valparaíso, Santiago and Concepción) was overall more popular than joining a new city since it secured a larger consumer market for agricultural products.[25] Chilean haciendas (latifundia) engaged little in the supply of Chilean cities but focused on international exports for revenues.[26]

without Chile, Lima would not exist

— Viceroy José de Armendáriz in 1736[27]

Chile begun exporting cereals to Peru in 1687 when Peru was struck by both an earthquake and a stem rust epidemic.[22] Chilean soil and climatic conditions were better for cereal production than those of Peru and Chilean wheat was cheaper and of better quality than Peruvian wheat.[22][28] According to historians Villalobos et al. the 1687 events were only the detonant factor for exports to start.[22] The Chilean Central Valley, La Serena and Concepción were the districts that came to be involved in cereal export to Peru.[22] Compared with the 19th century the area cultivated with wheat was very small and production modest.[28]

Initially Chilean latifundia could not meet the wheat demand due to a labour shortage, so had to incorporate temporal workers in addition to the permanent staff. Another response by the latifundia to labour shortages was to act as merchants buying wheat produced by independent farmers or from farmers that hired land. In the period 1700 to 1850 this second option was overall more lucrative.[29]

The 1687 Peru earthquake also ended a Peruvian wine-boom as the earthquake destroyed wine cellars and mud containers used for wine storage.[30] The gradual decline of Peruvian wine even caused Peru to import some wine from Chile as it happened in 1795 when Lima imported 5.000 troves (Spanish: botijas) from Concepción in southern Chile.[30][31] This particular export showed the emergence of Chile relative to Peru as a wine-making region.[30]

Early Republican Era edit

The independence wars in Chile (1810–1818) and Peru (1809–1824) had a negative impact on the Chilean economy. Trade was disrupted and armies in Chile pillaged the countryside. The war made commerce a high risk activity and royalist Peru, then the only market for Chilean agricultural products, was closed to commerce with independent Chile. The Guerra a muerte phase was particularly destructive for the Biobío area and ended only to see a period of outlaw banditry (e.g. Pincheira brothers) occur until the late 1820s.[32]

Cornelio Saavedra Rodríguez in a meeting with the main Mapuche loncos of Araucania in 1869. With the Occupation of the Araucanía, that culminated in the 1880s, new lands were made available for non-indigenous agriculture.

The Chilean silver rush that developed from 1830s onward led a significant impact in agriculture as rich miners invested in the agriculture sector.[33] German immigrants that arrived from 1850 to 1875 pioneered the use of wage labour in agriculture.[34][35]

In the 19th century, access to the Californian and Australian markets made wheat export a very lucrative activity.[36] In the mid 19th century, these countries experienced large gold rushes which created a large demand for wheat. Chile was at the time the "only wheat producer of some importance in the Pacific".[37] At the same time as the wheat cycle new irrigation canals were built and apiculture and some machines introduced into Chilean agriculture.[38] Apart from that, new markets were explored for Chilean agricultural products.[38] The wheat boom did not last for long; by 1855 California managed to supply itself with wheat and from 1858 onwards it went over to export wheat to Chile.[37] The Australian gold rush of 1851 had the effect of decreasing the labour used in agriculture forcing the colony to import wheat from Chile sustaining Chilean wheat exports whilst the Californian market vanished.[37] After the gold rushes of California and Australia were over these regions begun exporting wheat competing with Chilean wheat[38] forcing from the mid-1860s onwards wheat exports to be shifted to England.[36] Between 1850 and 1875 the area cultivated with wheat and barley for export in Chile rose from 120 to 450 ha.[39] The "cycle" came to an end in the late 1870s due to the increased technification of agriculture in the United States and Argentina plus the competition of Russia and Canada.[36][40] The end of the wheat cycle added to the already difficult situation that Chilean economy was passing through in the 1870s.

Until the mid-19th century more than 80% of Chilean population remained rural working in agriculture or mining and was to a large degree self-sufficient to produce articles of consume.[41]

Starting in 1873, Chile's economy deteriorated.[42] In agriculture this was seen as Chilean wheat exports were outcompeted by production in Canada, Russia, and Argentina.[40][43] As the victor and possessor of a new coastal territory following the War of the Pacific, Chile benefited by gaining a lucrative territory with significant mineral income. The national treasury grew by 900 percent between 1879 and 1902, due to taxes coming from the newly acquired lands.[44] British involvement and control of the nitrate industry rose significantly,[45] but from 1901 to 1921 Chilean ownership increased from 15% to 51%.[46] The growth of Chilean economy sustained in its saltpetre monopoly[47] meant, compared to the previous growth cycle (1832–1873), that the economy became less diversified and overly dependent on a single natural resource.[40]

The establishment of the Buenos Aires-Mendoza railroad in 1885 ended the lengthy and costly trade with carts that connected these two regions of Argentina and facilitated cattle exports from the pampas to Chile, albeit in the last portion of the route the cattle had to walk over the high mountain passes of the Andes.[30][48] These imports resulted in a lowering of meat prices in Chile.[48] Sociedad Nacional de la Agricultura (National Agriculture Society), a landowners organization, pushed for a tariff on Argentine cattle and in 1897 the tariff was passed in a bill at the Chilean congress.[48] The unpopular tariff resulted a massive protest in that degenerated into a destructive riot in Santiago in October 1905.[48] Chilean wine exports to Argentina were hampered by the lack of effective land transport and a series of war scares. This situation changed after the Pactos de Mayo were signed in 1902 and the inauguration of the Transandine Railway in 1909, making war unlikely and trade across the Andes easy. Governments agreed to sign a free trade agreement. Argentine winegrowers association, Centro Vitivinícola Nacional, dominated by European immigrants protested vigorously against the free trade agreement since Chilean wines were considered a threat to the local industry. The complaints of Argentine wine growers in conjunction with that of Chilean cattle farmers represented in Sociedad Nacional de la Agricultura ended up tearing down the plans for a free trade agreement.[49]

Tierra del Fuego and much of Magallanes Region did also experienced a fast growth of the sheepherding industry since the 1880s accompanied by colonization of the sparsely populated Patagonian grasslands.[50] In the South-Central Araucanía the Chilean invasion of native Mapuche territory caused the economy of Araucanía to change from being based on sheep and cattle herding to one based on agriculture and wood extraction.[51] The Mapuches' loss of land following the occupation caused severe erosion since Mapuches continued to practice large-scale livestock herding in limited areas.[52]

20th century edit

The 1900–1930 period contributed some of the largest growth of agriculture in the 20th century until the 1980s.[53] Despite this, conditions for rural workers remained harsh, with Tancredo Pinochet denouncing the poor conditions of workers in the hacienda of president Juan Luis Sanfuentes during his presidency (1915–1920).[53] Within a dual sector economic model the Chilean hacienda has been characterized as a prime example of a primitive and rural component.[54] McBride, a British who visited Chile in the 1930s, is reported to have been "astounded" to see haciendas with "agricultural methods that reminds of ancient Egypt, Greece or Palestine."[55]

Starting in 1953 the growth rate of Chilean economy decreased to an annual average of 0.7% but increased to an annual average of 2.4–3.0% in the 1957–1960 period.[56] The decline in the economic growth from 1953 was attributed by some to a neglect of agriculture.[56][57] The agrarian production in Chile contracted from 1950 onwards.[58] A government plan set up in 1954 to address this ended with meager results and in 1958 a new plan was presented.[58] That plan allowed CORFO to develop investments in dairy plants, refrigerated slaughterhouses, sugar refineries and transport infrastructure.[58]

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ These cities were often in fact more of villages or towns due to their size.

References edit

  1. ^ a b The World Factbook -CIA, 2008-02-27
  2. ^ Chile en 2018, por FAO
  3. ^ Chile production in 2018, by FAO
  4. ^ T. Stevenson "The Sotheby's Wine Encyclopedia" pg 543-546 Dorling Kindersley 2005 ISBN 0-7566-1324-8
  5. ^ "Hazelnut Production in Chile". Gateway to South America. 2015-07-03. Retrieved 2019-07-06.
  6. ^ a b Nickel, Rod (2017-11-02). "Nutella-maker Ferrero seeks to crack Turkish grip on hazelnuts". Reuters. Retrieved 2019-07-03.
  7. ^ Mercopress - Sheep farming innovation in Magallanes Region 2008-02-28
  8. ^ Molecular description and similarity relationships among native germplasm potatoes (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum L.) using morphological data and AFLP markers, Jaime Solano Solis et al., Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, July 2007
  9. ^ Using DNA, scientists hunt for the roots of the modern potato
  10. ^ Otero 2006, p. 36.
  11. ^ a b c Otero 2006, pp. 21–22.
  12. ^ Dillehay, Tom D.; Pino Quivira, Mario; Bonzani, Renée; Silva, Claudia; Wallner, Johannes; Le Quesne, Carlos (2007) Cultivated wetlands and emerging complexity in south-central Chile and long distance effects of climate change. Antiquity 81 (2007): 949–960
  13. ^ a b Villalobos et al. 1974, p. 50.
  14. ^ Bird, Junius (1946). "The Alacaluf". In Steward, Julian H. (ed.). Handbook of South American Indians. Bulletin 143. Vol. I. –Bureau of American Ethnology. pp. 55–79.
  15. ^ Villalobos et al. 1974, pp. 109–113.
  16. ^ Salazar 1985, pp. 23–25.
  17. ^ Hanisch, Walter (1982), La Isla de Chiloé, Academia Superior de Ciencias Pedagógicas de Santiago, pp. 11–12
  18. ^ a b Torrejón, Fernando; Cisternas, Marco; Alvial, Ingrid and Torres, Laura. 2011. Consecuencias de la tala maderera colonial en los bosques de alece de Chiloé, sur de Chile (Siglos XVI-XIX)*. Magallania. Vol. 39(2):75–95.
  19. ^ Salazar & Pinto 2002, p. 15.
  20. ^ Villalobos et al. 1974, pp. 160–165.
  21. ^ a b c d (in Spanish) Villalobos, Sergio; Retamal Ávila, Julio and Serrano, Sol. 2000. Historia del pueblo Chileno. Vol 4. p. 154.
  22. ^ a b c d e Villalobos et al. 1974, pp. 155–160.
  23. ^ a b Salazar 1985, p. 49.
  24. ^ Salazar 1985, p. 58.
  25. ^ Salazar 1985, p. 52.
  26. ^ Salazar 1985, p. 88.
  27. ^ Quoted in Diego Barros Arana's História general de Chile, Vol. 16 (Santiago, 1884–1902), p. 74.
  28. ^ a b Collier, Simon and Sater William F. 2004. A History of Chile: 1808–2002 Cambridge University Press. p. 10.
  29. ^ Salazar 1985, pp. 40–41
  30. ^ a b c d Lacoste, Pablo (2004), "La vid y el vino en América del Sur: el desplazamiento de los polos vitivinícolas (siglos XVI al XX)", Revista Universum, 19 (2): 62–93, doi:10.4067/s0718-23762004000200005 [1]
  31. ^ del Pozo, José (2004), Historia del vino chileno, Editorial Universitaria, pp. 35–45
  32. ^ Villalobos et al. 1974, pp. 406–413.
  33. ^ Villalobos et al. 1974, pp. 469–472.
  34. ^ Bernedo Pinto, Patricio (1999), "Los industriales alemanes de Valdivia, 1850–1914" (PDF), Historia, 32: 5–42
  35. ^ Vergara, Jorge Iván; Gundermann, Hans (2012). "Constitution and internal dynamics of the regional identitary in Tarapacá and Los Lagos, Chile". Chungara (in Spanish). 44 (1). University of Tarapacá: 115–134. doi:10.4067/s0717-73562012000100009.
  36. ^ a b c (in Spanish) La Hacienda (1830–1930). Memoria Chilena.
  37. ^ a b c Villalobos et al. 1974, pp. 481–485.
  38. ^ a b c (in Spanish) Economía chilena durante el siglo XIX. Cristián Sepúlveda Irribarra.
  39. ^ Salazar & Pinto 2002, p. 102.
  40. ^ a b c Salazar & Pinto 2002, pp. 25–29.
  41. ^ Salazar & Pinto 2002, pp. 133–134.
  42. ^ Palma, Gabriel. Trying to 'Tax and Spend' Oneself out of the 'Dutch Disease': The Chilean Economy from the War of the Pacific to the Great Depression. p. 217–240
  43. ^ Villalobos et al. 1974, pp. 6003–605.
  44. ^ Crow, The Epic of Latin America, p. 180
  45. ^ Foster, John B. & Clark, Brett. (2003). "Ecological Imperialism: The Curse of Capitalism" (accessed September 2, 2005). The Socialist Register 2004, p190–192. Also available in print from Merlin Press.
  46. ^ Salazar & Pinto 2002, pp. 124–125.
  47. ^ Brown, J. R. (1963), "Nitrate Crises, Combinations, and the Chilean Government in the Nitrate Age", The Hispanic American Historical Review, 43 (2): 230–246, doi:10.2307/2510493, JSTOR 2510493
  48. ^ a b c d Benjamin S. 1997. Meat and Strength: The Moral Economy of a Chilean Food Riot. Cultural Anthropology, 12, pp. 234–268.
  49. ^ Lacoste, Pablo (2004), , Historia, 31 (I): 97–127, archived from the original on 2013-12-17, retrieved 2019-06-18
  50. ^ Martinic Beros, Mateo (2001), "La actividad industrial en Magallanes entre 1890 y mediados del siglo XX.", Historia, 34
  51. ^ Pinto Rodríguez, Jorge (2011), "Ganadería y empresarios ganaderos de la Araucanía, 1900–1960", Historia, 44 (2): 369–400
  52. ^ Bengoa 2000, pp. 262–263.
  53. ^ a b Salazar & Pinto 2002, pp. 106–107.
  54. ^ Ducoing Ruiz, C. A. (2012), Capital formation in machinery and industrialization. Chile 1844–1938 (PDF)
  55. ^ McCutchen McBride, George (1936), Wright, J. K. (ed.), Chile: Land and Society, New York: American Geographical Society, p. 177
  56. ^ a b Salazar & Pinto 2002, pp. 143–144.
  57. ^ Salazar & Pinto 2002, p. 145.
  58. ^ a b c Naranjo, Eduardo (1997). Den Auktoritära Staten och Ekonomisk Utveckling i Chile (Ph.D.). University of Lund.

External links edit

  •   Media related to Agriculture in Chile at Wikimedia Commons

agriculture, chile, encompasses, wide, range, different, activities, particular, geography, climate, geology, human, factors, historically, agriculture, bases, chile, economy, agriculture, allied, sectors, like, forestry, logging, fishing, account, only, 2007,. Agriculture in Chile encompasses a wide range of different activities due to its particular geography climate geology and human factors Historically agriculture is one of the bases of Chile s economy now agriculture and allied sectors like forestry logging and fishing account only for 4 9 of the GDP as of 2007 and employed 13 6 of the country s labor force Some major agricultural products of Chile include grapes apples onions wheat corn oats peaches garlic asparagus beans beef poultry wool fish and timber 1 Due to its geographical isolation and strict customs policies Chile is free from diseases such as Mad Cow fruit fly and Phylloxera this plus being located in the southern hemisphere having quite different harvesting times compared to the Northern Hemisphere and its wide range of agriculture conditions are considered Chile s main comparative advantages However the mountainous landscape of Chile limits the extent and intensity of agriculture so that arable land corresponds only to 2 62 of the total territory 1 Llamas in Lauca National ParkAgriculture in Elqui valleyMany of Chile s vineyards are found on dorp land within the foothills of the Andes Chile s principal growing region and agricultural heartland is the Central Valley bounded by the Chilean Coast Range to the west the Andes to the east Aconcagua River to the north and Bio Bio River to the south In the northern half of Chile cultivation is highly dependent on irrigation South of the Central Valley cultivation is gradually replaced by aquaculture silviculture sheep and cattle farming Contents 1 Production 2 Agriculture by natural region 2 1 Norte Grande 2 2 Norte Chico 2 3 Zona Central 2 4 Zona Sur 2 5 Zona Austral 3 History 3 1 Pre Hispanic agriculture 3 2 Colonial agriculture 3 3 Early Republican Era 3 4 20th century 4 See also 5 Notes 6 References 7 External linksProduction edit nbsp Graph of the world export of cherries from 2012 to 2021 showing how this market has doubled in size and Chile s leadership Chile is one of the 5 largest world producers of cherry and cranberry and one of the 10 largest world producers of grape apple kiwi peach plum and hazelnut focusing on exporting high value fruits 2 In 2018 Chile was the 9th largest producer of grape in the world with 2 million tons produced the 10th largest producer of apple in the world with 1 7 million tons produced and the 6th largest producer of kiwi in the world with 230 thousand tons produced in addition to producing 1 4 million tons of wheat 1 1 million tons of maize 1 1 million tons of potato 951 thousand tons of tomato 571 thousand tons of oats 368 thousand tons of onion 319 thousand tons of peach 280 thousand tons of pear 192 thousand tons of rice 170 thousand tons of barley 155 thousand tons of cherry 151 thousand tons of lemon 118 thousand tons of tangerine 113 thousand tons of orange 110 thousand tons of olives 106 thousand tons of cranberry in addition to smaller productions of other agricultural products 3 Agriculture by natural region editNorte Grande edit The Norte Grande region covers most of Atacama Desert and its crop agriculture is contracted around small oases such as Pica known for its Limon de Pica and Pozo Almonte The use of water from Loa River and other streams is limited due to contamination with heavy metals from the mining industry Some minor subsistence agriculture is practised in Loa River Recently these waters are being used for growing non edible plants such as flowers In Norte Grande s Puna plateau indigenous Aymaras practise traditional llama and alpaca herding 2 Norte Chico edit Norte Chico has a semi arid climate that limits agriculture to the Transverse Valleys namely Choapa Copiapo Elqui Limari and Aconcagua Most agriculture here is dependent on irrigation Norte Chico is known for its production of grapes for Pisco and papayas Other crops cultivated include olives and avocados 3 citation needed Zona Central edit Zona Central is Chile s agricultural and cultural heartland With its mediterranean climate Zona Central hosts the largest part of the country s wine regions Most of Chile s premium wine regions depend on irrigation to sustain vineyards the necessary water formed by melting snow caps in the Andes In the developing wine regions along the Coastal Ranges and in the far south there is not a lack of needed rainfall but vineyards owners have to deal with other factors such as the Humboldt Current from the Pacific which can bathe a vineyard with a blanket of cool air For the rest of Chile s wine regions the Coastal Ranges serve as a buffer from the current and also act as a rain shadow The vineyards in these regions are planted on the valley plains of the Andes foothills along the major rivers such as the Maipo Rapel and Maule Rivers 4 Zona Sur edit nbsp Aquacultre installations in southern Chile Wheat cultivation cattle farming silviculture and salmon aquaculture are the main agricultural activities of Zona Sur In northern Zona Sur Araucania Region was known until recently as Chile s granary Wheat in Araucania continues to be the main crop however production of oats and lupine has increased significantly 4 While the area devoted to traditional crops and natural pasture has tended to shrink in Araucania there has been an increase in artificial and improved pasturelands This supports a substantial mass of livestock including beef cattle swine sheep and horses and abundant production of milk and by products Salmon aquaculture is Los Lagos Region largest source of jobs and main export industry 5 Nearly all of Chile s and much of the southern hemisphere blueberry and cranberry production is concentrated in Zona Sur Cultivation and production of hazelnuts in Chile is centred in the south central regions from Maule to Los Lagos Production increased greatly in the 2010s 5 In 2016 Chile exported about 6 500 tons of hazelnuts 6 Chilean hazelnuts are described by Reuters as an alternative to Turkish hazelnuts that dominate the international market 6 Zona Austral edit nbsp Lambs in Tierra del Fuego In Zona Austral sheepherding has been a major industry since the 19th century In the Magallanes Region alone there is an estimate of 1 5 and 2 million sheep that is distributed among 300 farmers as of 2006 7 Exotic species like reindeer have been introduced in recent years 6 Agriculture in the north western parts of Zona Austral Aisen Chiloe and Palena focuses on aquaculture and silviculture and is similar to that of Zona Sur Evidence ranging from historical records local agriculturalists and DNA analyses strongly supports the hypothesis that the most widely cultivated variety of potato worldwide Solanum tuberosum tuberosum is indigenous to Chiloe Island and has been cultivated by the local indigenous people since before the coming of the Spanish 8 9 History editMain article History of agriculture in Chile Pre Hispanic agriculture edit nbsp Huaso in a Chilean wheat field 1940 The picture illustrates some of Chile s two most important agriculture products cattle farming and wheat At the time of the arrival of the first Spaniards to Chile the largest indigenous population concentration was in the area spanning from Itata River to Chiloe Archipelago 10 In this area indigenous groups practised glade agriculture among the forests 11 The forests provided firewood fibre and allowed the production of planks 11 Agriculture type varied while some Mapuches and Huilliches practised a slash and burn type of agriculture some more labour intensive agriculture is known to have been developed by Mapuches around Budi Lake raised fields and the Lumaco and Puren valleys canalized fields 12 13 Pre Hispanic agriculture extended as far south as the Guaitecas Archipelago 44 S were indigenous Chonos cultivated Chiloe potatoes 14 Tools are known to have been relatively simple In addition the Mapuche and Huilliche economy was complemented with chilihueque raising fishing collection of shellfish and algae 13 11 Colonial agriculture edit As the Spanish settled in Chile in the 16th century many cities were founded and indean labour partitioned among Spanish conquistadores 15 Beyond subsistence the 16th century economy of Chile was oriented towards large scale production Spanish colonizers used large amounts of indigenous labour following the slave labour system used in the sugar cane plantations of the Mediterranean islands and Macaronesia This system of labour successively killed the production base leading to the imposition of the encomienda system by the Spanish Crown in order to prevent excesses In Chile Spanish settlers managed to continue to exploit indigenous labour under slave like conditions despite the implementation of the encomienda Rich Spanish settlers had over time to face opposition to their mode of production by Jesuits Spanish officials and indigenous Mapuches 16 nbsp All mainland Spanish settlements red dots south of Biobio River were destroyed by 1604 The initial Spanish settlers of Chiloe Archipelago conquered in 1567 17 attempted to base their economy on gold extraction and a hispanic mediterranean agricultural model This activity ended in a general failure given the unsuitable conditions of the archipelago 18 Spaniards however reoriented their activities into logging Fitzroya 18 The collapse of the Spanish cities in the south following the battle of Curalaba 1598 meant for the Spaniards the loss of both the main gold districts and the largest indigenous labour sources 19 After those dramatic years the colony of Chile became concentrated in the central valley which became increasingly populated explored and economically exploited Following a tendency common in the whole Spanish America haciendas were formed as the economy moved away from mining and into agriculture and husbandry 20 nbsp 1744 engraving published in Relacion historica del viaje a la America meridional The image shows cattle in the Chilean countryside including a square for cattle slaughter In the 17th century economy of the Viceroyalty of Peru Chile s husbandry and agriculture based economy had a peripheral role contrasting to ore rich districts like Potosi and the wealthy city of Lima Husbandry products made up the bulk of Chilean exports to the rest of the viceroyalty These products included suet charqui and leather This trade made Chilean historian Benjamin Vicuna Mackenna label the 17th century the century of suet Spanish Siglo del sebo 21 Other products exported included dry fruits mules wines and minor amounts of copper 21 Trade with Peru was controlled by merchants from Lima that enjoyed protection by the Spanish authorities in Lima 22 In addition to the exports to coastal Peru Chile also exported products inland to Upper Peru through the port of Arica 21 Trade inside Chile was small since cities were tiny and self sufficient 21 In the 1650 1800 period the Chilean lower classes grew considerably in size 23 To deal with the poor and landless population a policy of founding cities note 1 and granting lands in their surroundings was implemented 23 From 1730 to 1820 a large number of farmers settled in the outskirts of old cities or formed new cities 24 Settling as a farmer in the outskirts of old cities La Serena Valparaiso Santiago and Concepcion was overall more popular than joining a new city since it secured a larger consumer market for agricultural products 25 Chilean haciendas latifundia engaged little in the supply of Chilean cities but focused on international exports for revenues 26 without Chile Lima would not exist Viceroy Jose de Armendariz in 1736 27 Chile begun exporting cereals to Peru in 1687 when Peru was struck by both an earthquake and a stem rust epidemic 22 Chilean soil and climatic conditions were better for cereal production than those of Peru and Chilean wheat was cheaper and of better quality than Peruvian wheat 22 28 According to historians Villalobos et al the 1687 events were only the detonant factor for exports to start 22 The Chilean Central Valley La Serena and Concepcion were the districts that came to be involved in cereal export to Peru 22 Compared with the 19th century the area cultivated with wheat was very small and production modest 28 Initially Chilean latifundia could not meet the wheat demand due to a labour shortage so had to incorporate temporal workers in addition to the permanent staff Another response by the latifundia to labour shortages was to act as merchants buying wheat produced by independent farmers or from farmers that hired land In the period 1700 to 1850 this second option was overall more lucrative 29 The 1687 Peru earthquake also ended a Peruvian wine boom as the earthquake destroyed wine cellars and mud containers used for wine storage 30 The gradual decline of Peruvian wine even caused Peru to import some wine from Chile as it happened in 1795 when Lima imported 5 000 troves Spanish botijas from Concepcion in southern Chile 30 31 This particular export showed the emergence of Chile relative to Peru as a wine making region 30 Early Republican Era edit The independence wars in Chile 1810 1818 and Peru 1809 1824 had a negative impact on the Chilean economy Trade was disrupted and armies in Chile pillaged the countryside The war made commerce a high risk activity and royalist Peru then the only market for Chilean agricultural products was closed to commerce with independent Chile The Guerra a muerte phase was particularly destructive for the Biobio area and ended only to see a period of outlaw banditry e g Pincheira brothers occur until the late 1820s 32 nbsp Cornelio Saavedra Rodriguez in a meeting with the main Mapuche loncos of Araucania in 1869 With the Occupation of the Araucania that culminated in the 1880s new lands were made available for non indigenous agriculture The Chilean silver rush that developed from 1830s onward led a significant impact in agriculture as rich miners invested in the agriculture sector 33 German immigrants that arrived from 1850 to 1875 pioneered the use of wage labour in agriculture 34 35 In the 19th century access to the Californian and Australian markets made wheat export a very lucrative activity 36 In the mid 19th century these countries experienced large gold rushes which created a large demand for wheat Chile was at the time the only wheat producer of some importance in the Pacific 37 At the same time as the wheat cycle new irrigation canals were built and apiculture and some machines introduced into Chilean agriculture 38 Apart from that new markets were explored for Chilean agricultural products 38 The wheat boom did not last for long by 1855 California managed to supply itself with wheat and from 1858 onwards it went over to export wheat to Chile 37 The Australian gold rush of 1851 had the effect of decreasing the labour used in agriculture forcing the colony to import wheat from Chile sustaining Chilean wheat exports whilst the Californian market vanished 37 After the gold rushes of California and Australia were over these regions begun exporting wheat competing with Chilean wheat 38 forcing from the mid 1860s onwards wheat exports to be shifted to England 36 Between 1850 and 1875 the area cultivated with wheat and barley for export in Chile rose from 120 to 450 ha 39 The cycle came to an end in the late 1870s due to the increased technification of agriculture in the United States and Argentina plus the competition of Russia and Canada 36 40 The end of the wheat cycle added to the already difficult situation that Chilean economy was passing through in the 1870s Until the mid 19th century more than 80 of Chilean population remained rural working in agriculture or mining and was to a large degree self sufficient to produce articles of consume 41 Starting in 1873 Chile s economy deteriorated 42 In agriculture this was seen as Chilean wheat exports were outcompeted by production in Canada Russia and Argentina 40 43 As the victor and possessor of a new coastal territory following the War of the Pacific Chile benefited by gaining a lucrative territory with significant mineral income The national treasury grew by 900 percent between 1879 and 1902 due to taxes coming from the newly acquired lands 44 British involvement and control of the nitrate industry rose significantly 45 but from 1901 to 1921 Chilean ownership increased from 15 to 51 46 The growth of Chilean economy sustained in its saltpetre monopoly 47 meant compared to the previous growth cycle 1832 1873 that the economy became less diversified and overly dependent on a single natural resource 40 The establishment of the Buenos Aires Mendoza railroad in 1885 ended the lengthy and costly trade with carts that connected these two regions of Argentina and facilitated cattle exports from the pampas to Chile albeit in the last portion of the route the cattle had to walk over the high mountain passes of the Andes 30 48 These imports resulted in a lowering of meat prices in Chile 48 Sociedad Nacional de la Agricultura National Agriculture Society a landowners organization pushed for a tariff on Argentine cattle and in 1897 the tariff was passed in a bill at the Chilean congress 48 The unpopular tariff resulted a massive protest in that degenerated into a destructive riot in Santiago in October 1905 48 Chilean wine exports to Argentina were hampered by the lack of effective land transport and a series of war scares This situation changed after the Pactos de Mayo were signed in 1902 and the inauguration of the Transandine Railway in 1909 making war unlikely and trade across the Andes easy Governments agreed to sign a free trade agreement Argentine winegrowers association Centro Vitivinicola Nacional dominated by European immigrants protested vigorously against the free trade agreement since Chilean wines were considered a threat to the local industry The complaints of Argentine wine growers in conjunction with that of Chilean cattle farmers represented in Sociedad Nacional de la Agricultura ended up tearing down the plans for a free trade agreement 49 Tierra del Fuego and much of Magallanes Region did also experienced a fast growth of the sheepherding industry since the 1880s accompanied by colonization of the sparsely populated Patagonian grasslands 50 In the South Central Araucania the Chilean invasion of native Mapuche territory caused the economy of Araucania to change from being based on sheep and cattle herding to one based on agriculture and wood extraction 51 The Mapuches loss of land following the occupation caused severe erosion since Mapuches continued to practice large scale livestock herding in limited areas 52 20th century edit The 1900 1930 period contributed some of the largest growth of agriculture in the 20th century until the 1980s 53 Despite this conditions for rural workers remained harsh with Tancredo Pinochet denouncing the poor conditions of workers in the hacienda of president Juan Luis Sanfuentes during his presidency 1915 1920 53 Within a dual sector economic model the Chilean hacienda has been characterized as a prime example of a primitive and rural component 54 McBride a British who visited Chile in the 1930s is reported to have been astounded to see haciendas with agricultural methods that reminds of ancient Egypt Greece or Palestine 55 Starting in 1953 the growth rate of Chilean economy decreased to an annual average of 0 7 but increased to an annual average of 2 4 3 0 in the 1957 1960 period 56 The decline in the economic growth from 1953 was attributed by some to a neglect of agriculture 56 57 The agrarian production in Chile contracted from 1950 onwards 58 A government plan set up in 1954 to address this ended with meager results and in 1958 a new plan was presented 58 That plan allowed CORFO to develop investments in dairy plants refrigerated slaughterhouses sugar refineries and transport infrastructure 58 See also editAquaculture in Chile Chilean wine Climate of Chile Drought in Chile Fishing in Chile Forestry in Chile White Earthquake Water resources management in ChileNotes edit These cities were often in fact more of villages or towns due to their size References edit a b The World Factbook CIA 2008 02 27 Chile en 2018 por FAO Chile production in 2018 by FAO T Stevenson The Sotheby s Wine Encyclopedia pg 543 546 Dorling Kindersley 2005 ISBN 0 7566 1324 8 Hazelnut Production in Chile Gateway to South America 2015 07 03 Retrieved 2019 07 06 a b Nickel Rod 2017 11 02 Nutella maker Ferrero seeks to crack Turkish grip on hazelnuts Reuters Retrieved 2019 07 03 Mercopress Sheep farming innovation in Magallanes Region 2008 02 28 Molecular description and similarity relationships among native germplasm potatoes Solanum tuberosum ssp tuberosum L using morphological data and AFLP markers Jaime Solano Solis et al Electronic Journal of Biotechnology July 2007 Using DNA scientists hunt for the roots of the modern potato Otero 2006 p 36 a b c Otero 2006 pp 21 22 Dillehay Tom D Pino Quivira Mario Bonzani Renee Silva Claudia Wallner Johannes Le Quesne Carlos 2007 Cultivated wetlands and emerging complexity in south central Chile and long distance effects of climate change Antiquity 81 2007 949 960 a b Villalobos et al 1974 p 50 Bird Junius 1946 The Alacaluf In Steward Julian H ed Handbook of South American Indians Bulletin 143 Vol I Bureau of American Ethnology pp 55 79 Villalobos et al 1974 pp 109 113 Salazar 1985 pp 23 25 Hanisch Walter 1982 La Isla de Chiloe Academia Superior de Ciencias Pedagogicas de Santiago pp 11 12 a b Torrejon Fernando Cisternas Marco Alvial Ingrid and Torres Laura 2011 Consecuencias de la tala maderera colonial en los bosques de alece de Chiloe sur de Chile Siglos XVI XIX Magallania Vol 39 2 75 95 Salazar amp Pinto 2002 p 15 Villalobos et al 1974 pp 160 165 a b c d in Spanish Villalobos Sergio Retamal Avila Julio and Serrano Sol 2000 Historia del pueblo Chileno Vol 4 p 154 a b c d e Villalobos et al 1974 pp 155 160 a b Salazar 1985 p 49 Salazar 1985 p 58 Salazar 1985 p 52 Salazar 1985 p 88 Quoted in Diego Barros Arana s Historia general de Chile Vol 16 Santiago 1884 1902 p 74 a b Collier Simon and Sater William F 2004 A History of Chile 1808 2002 Cambridge University Press p 10 Salazar 1985 pp 40 41 a b c d Lacoste Pablo 2004 La vid y el vino en America del Sur el desplazamiento de los polos vitivinicolas siglos XVI al XX Revista Universum 19 2 62 93 doi 10 4067 s0718 23762004000200005 1 del Pozo Jose 2004 Historia del vino chileno Editorial Universitaria pp 35 45 Villalobos et al 1974 pp 406 413 Villalobos et al 1974 pp 469 472 Bernedo Pinto Patricio 1999 Los industriales alemanes de Valdivia 1850 1914 PDF Historia 32 5 42 Vergara Jorge Ivan Gundermann Hans 2012 Constitution and internal dynamics of the regional identitary in Tarapaca and Los Lagos Chile Chungara in Spanish 44 1 University of Tarapaca 115 134 doi 10 4067 s0717 73562012000100009 a b c in Spanish La Hacienda 1830 1930 Memoria Chilena a b c Villalobos et al 1974 pp 481 485 a b c in Spanish Economia chilena durante el siglo XIX Cristian Sepulveda Irribarra Salazar amp Pinto 2002 p 102 a b c Salazar amp Pinto 2002 pp 25 29 Salazar amp Pinto 2002 pp 133 134 Palma Gabriel Trying to Tax and Spend Oneself out of the Dutch Disease The Chilean Economy from the War of the Pacific to the Great Depression p 217 240 Villalobos et al 1974 pp 6003 605 Crow The Epic of Latin America p 180 Foster John B amp Clark Brett 2003 Ecological Imperialism The Curse of Capitalism accessed September 2 2005 The Socialist Register 2004 p190 192 Also available in print from Merlin Press Salazar amp Pinto 2002 pp 124 125 Brown J R 1963 Nitrate Crises Combinations and the Chilean Government in the Nitrate Age The Hispanic American Historical Review 43 2 230 246 doi 10 2307 2510493 JSTOR 2510493 a b c d Benjamin S 1997 Meat and Strength The Moral Economy of a Chilean Food Riot Cultural Anthropology 12 pp 234 268 Lacoste Pablo 2004 Vinos carnes ferrocarriles y el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Argentina y Chile 1905 1910 Historia 31 I 97 127 archived from the original on 2013 12 17 retrieved 2019 06 18 Martinic Beros Mateo 2001 La actividad industrial en Magallanes entre 1890 y mediados del siglo XX Historia 34 Pinto Rodriguez Jorge 2011 Ganaderia y empresarios ganaderos de la Araucania 1900 1960 Historia 44 2 369 400 Bengoa 2000 pp 262 263 a b Salazar amp Pinto 2002 pp 106 107 Ducoing Ruiz C A 2012 Capital formation in machinery and industrialization Chile 1844 1938 PDF McCutchen McBride George 1936 Wright J K ed Chile Land and Society New York American Geographical Society p 177 a b Salazar amp Pinto 2002 pp 143 144 Salazar amp Pinto 2002 p 145 a b c Naranjo Eduardo 1997 Den Auktoritara Staten och Ekonomisk Utveckling i Chile Ph D University of Lund External links edit nbsp Media related to Agriculture in Chile at Wikimedia Commons Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Agriculture in Chile amp oldid 1177742094, wikipedia, wiki, 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