
Roman commerce

Roman commerce was a major sector of the Roman economy during the later generations of the Republic and throughout most of the imperial period. Fashions and trends in historiography and in popular culture have tended to neglect the economic basis of the empire in favor of the lingua franca of Latin and the exploits of the Roman legions.[citation needed] The language and the legions were supported by trade and were part of its backbone. The Romans were businessmen, and the longevity of their empire was caused by their commercial trade.[citation needed]

A Roman fresco from Pompeii, 1st century AD, depicting a Maenad in silk dress, Naples National Archaeological Museum; silks came from the Han dynasty of China along the Silk Road, a valuable trade commodity in the Roman empire, whereas Roman glasswares made their way to Han China via land and sea.[1]

Whereas in theory members of the Roman Senate and their sons were restricted when engaging in trade,[2] the members of the equestrian order were involved in businesses despite their upper-class values, which laid the emphasis on military pursuits and leisure activities. Plebeians and freedmen held shop or manned stalls at markets, and vast numbers of slaves did most of the hard work. The slaves were themselves also the subject of commercial transactions. Probably because of their high proportion in society compared to that in Classical Greece, the reality of runaways, and the Servile Wars and minor uprisings, they gave a distinct flavor to Roman commerce.[citation needed]

The intricate, complex, and extensive accounting of Roman trade was conducted with counting boards and the Roman abacus. The abacus, which used Roman numerals, was ideally suited to the counting of Roman currency and tallying of Roman measures.[citation needed]

Negotiatores, mercatores and pedlars

Arcus Argentariorum in Rome, a private offering of the argentarii and negotiantes of the Forum Boarium

The negotiatores were in part bankers because they lent money on interest. They also bought and sold staples in bulk or did commerce in wholesale quantities of goods. The argentarii acted as agents in public or private auctions, kept deposits of money for individuals, cashed cheques (prescriptiones) and served as moneychangers. In some instances the argentarii are considered a subset of the negotiatores and in others as a group apart. The argentarii sometimes did the same kind of work as the mensarii, who were public bankers appointed by the state. They kept strict books, called tabulae, which were treated as legal proof by the courts.[citation needed]

The mercatores were usually plebeians or freedmen. They were present in all the open-air markets or covered shops, manning stalls or hawking goods by the side of the road. They were also present near Roman military camps during campaigns. They sold food and clothing to the soldiers and paid cash for any booty coming from military activities.[citation needed]

There is some information on the economy of Roman Palestine from Jewish sources of around the 3rd century AD. Itinerant pedlars (rochel) took spices and perfumes to the rural population.[3] This suggests that the economic benefits of the Empire did reach, at least, the upper levels of the peasantry.

Commercial infrastructure

Principal Roman trade routes, internal and external in 180 AD

The Forum Cuppedinis in ancient Rome was a market which offered general goods. At least four other large markets specialized in specific goods such as cattle, wine, fish and herbs and vegetables, but the Roman Forum drew the bulk of the traffic. All new cities, like Timgad, were laid out according to an orthogonal grid plan which facilitated transportation and commerce. These cities were connected by good roads. Navigable rivers were extensively used and some canals were dug, but neither leave such clear archaeological traces as roads. Consequently, they tend to be underestimated. Maintaining peace was a major factor in the expansion of trade. All settlements--especially the smaller ones--could be located in economically rational positions. Before and after the Roman Empire, hilltop defensive positions were preferred for small settlements and piracy made coastal settlement particularly hazardous for all but the largest cities.[citation needed]

By the 1st century, the provinces of the Roman Empire were trading huge volumes of commodities to one another via sea routes. There was an increasing tendency for specialization, particularly in manufacturing, agriculture and mining. Some provinces specialized in producing certain types of goods, such as grain in Egypt and North Africa and wine and olive oil in Italy, Hispania, and Greece.[citation needed]

Knowledge of the Roman economy is extremely patchy. The vast bulk of traded goods, being agricultural, normally leave no direct remains. Very exceptionally, as at Berenice, there is evidence of long distance trade in black pepper, almonds, hazelnuts, stone pine cones, walnuts, coconuts, apricots and peaches besides the more expected figs, raisins and dates. The wine, olive oil and garum (fermented fish sauce) trades were exceptional in leaving amphorae behind. There is a single reference of the Syrian export of kipi stiff quince jam or marmalade to Rome.[4][5]

Land routes

Even before the Roman Republic, the Roman Kingdom was engaged in regular commerce using the river Tiber. Before the Punic Wars completely changed the nature of commerce in the Mediterranean, the Republic had important commercial exchanges with Carthage. It entered into several commercial and political agreements with its rival city in addition to engaging in simple retail trading. The Roman Empire traded with the Chinese (via Parthian and other intermediaries) over the Silk Road.[citation needed]

Sea routes

River vessel carrying barrels, assumed to be wine

Maritime archeology and ancient manuscripts from classical antiquity show evidence of vast Roman commercial fleets. The most substantial remains from this commerce are the infrastructure remains of harbors, moles, warehouses and lighthouses at ports such as Civitavecchia, Ostia, Portus, Leptis Magna and Caesarea Maritima. At Rome itself, Monte Testaccio is a tribute to the scale of this commerce. As with most Roman technology, the Roman seagoing commercial ships had no significant advances over Greek ships of the previous centuries, though the lead sheeting of hulls for protection seems to have been more common. The Romans used round hulled sailing ships.[citation needed] Continuous Mediterranean "police" protection over several centuries was one of the main factors of success of Roman commerce, given that Roman roads were designed more for feet or hooves – with most land trade moving by pack mule – than for wheels, and could not support the economical transport of goods over long distances. The Roman ships used would have been easy prey for pirates had it not been for the fleets of liburna galleys and triremes of the Roman navy.[citation needed]

A small coaster

Bulky, low-value commodities, like grain and construction materials, were traded only by sea routes, since the cost of sea transportation was sixty times lower than land.[6] Staple goods and commodities like cereals for making bread and papyrus scrolls for book production were imported from Ptolemaic Egypt to Italy in a continuous fashion.

The trade over the Indian Ocean blossomed in the 1st and 2nd century AD. The sailors made use of the monsoon to cross the ocean from the ports of Berenice, Leukos Limen[7] and Myos Hormos on the Red Sea coast of Roman Egypt to the ports of Muziris and Nelkynda in the Malabar Coast. The main trading partners in southern India were the Tamil dynasties of the Pandyas, Cholas and Cheras. Many Roman artifacts have been found in India; for example, at the archaeological site of Arikamedu, in Puducherry. Meticulous descriptions of the ports and items of trade around the Indian Ocean can be found in the Greek work Periplus of the Erythraean Sea (see article on Indo-Roman trade).[citation needed]

Standard weights and measures

A standard amphora, the amphora capitolina, was kept in the temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill in Rome, so that others could be compared to it. The Roman system of measurement was built on the Greek system with Egyptian influences. Much of it was based on weight. The Roman units were accurate and well documented. Distances were measured, and systematically inscribed on stone by agents of the government.[citation needed]

A fairly standard and fairly stable and abundant currency, at least up to circa 200 AD, did much to facilitate trade. (Egypt had its own currency in this period and some provincial cities also issued their own coins.)[citation needed]

Contacts with India and China

Alexander the Great had conquered as far as India, and the Roman god Bacchus was also said to have journeyed there. The Far East, like sub-Saharan Africa, was a mysterious land to the Romans.[citation needed]


Gold coin of Claudius (50-51 CE) excavated in South India.

There was an Indian in Augustus's retinue (Plut. Alex. 69.9), and he received embassies from India (Res Gestae, 31); one which met him in Spain in 25 BC, and one at Samos in 20 BC.

The trade over the Indian Ocean blossomed in the 1st and 2nd century AD. The sailors made use of the monsoon to cross the ocean from the ports of Berenice, Leulos Limen and Myos Hormos on the Red Sea coast of Roman Egypt to the ports of Muziris and Nelkynda in Malabar coast[8] and.[9] The main trading partners in southern India were the Tamil dynasties of the Pandyas, Cholas and Cheras. Meticulous descriptions of the ports and items of trade around the Indian Ocean can be found in the Greek Periplus of the Erythraean Sea. In Latin texts, the term Indians (Indi) designated all Asians, Indian and beyond.

The main articles imported from India were spices such as pepper, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, sandal wood and gems such as pearls, rubies, diamonds, emeralds and ivory. In exchange the Romans traded silver and gold. Hoards of Roman coins have been found in southern India during the history of Roman-India trade. Roman objects have been found in India in the seaside port city of Arikamedu, which was one of the trade centers.[10]

Pomponius Mela argued for the existence of Northeast Passage through the northward strait out of the Caspian Sea (which in Antiquity was usually thought to be open to Oceanus in the north). [11]


Green Roman glass cup unearthed from an Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD) tomb, Guangxi, China; the first Roman glassware discovered in China, dated early 1st century BC, was excavated from a Western Han tomb in the southern port city of Guangzhou, most likely arriving via the Indian Ocean and South China Sea.[12]

There is suggestive archaeological evidence that Roman traders were present in Southeast Asia, which was roughly mapped out by Ptolemy in his Geography where he labelled the land bordering the Magnus Sinus (i.e., the Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea) as the Sinae.[13] Their port city of "Cattigara", lying beyond the Golden Chersonese (Malay Peninsula) where a Greek sailor named Alexander allegedly visited, was quite possibly the ancient settlement at Oc Eo, Vietnam, where Roman artefacts from the Antonine period such as medallions from the reigns of Antoninus Pius (r.138–161) and Marcus Aurelius (r.161–180) have been found.[14] An event recorded in the Chinese Weilue and Book of Later Han for the year 166 seems directly connected to this activity, since these texts claim that an embassy from "Daqin" (i.e., the Roman Empire) sent by their ruler "An Dun" (Chinese: 安敦; i.e., either Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius) landed in the southern province of Jiaozhi (i.e., northern Vietnam) and presented tributary gifts to the Chinese ruler Emperor Huan of Han.[15] Rafe de Crespigny and Warwick Ball contend that these were most likely Roman merchants, not official diplomats sent by Marcus Aurelius (given the absence of this event in Roman sources).[16][17]

Despite two other Roman embassies recorded in Chinese sources for the 3rd century and several more by the later Byzantine Empire (Chinese: 拂菻; Pinyin: Fú lǐn),[15][17] only sixteen Roman coins from the reigns of Tiberius (r.14–37 AD) to Aurelian (r.270–275 AD) have been found in China at Xi'an that pre-date the greater amount of Eastern Roman (i.e., Byzantine) coins from the 4th century onwards.[18][19] Yet this is also dwarfed by the amount of Roman coins found in India, which would suggest that this was the region where the Romans purchased most of their Chinese silk.[18] For that matter, the spice trade remained more important to the Roman economy than the silk one.[20]

From the 3rd century a Chinese text, the Weilüe, describes the products of the Roman Empire and the routes to it.[21]

Commerce and religion

Mercury, who was originally only the god of the mercatores and the grain trade[citation needed] eventually became the god of all who were involved in commercial activities. On the Mercuralia on May 14, a Roman merchant would do the proper rituals of devotion to Mercury and beseech the god to remove from him and from his belongings the guilt coming from all the cheating he had done to his customers and suppliers.[citation needed]

The elite and a dual mentality on trade

While Livy makes reference to the Lex Claudia (218 BC) restricting senators and sons of senators from owning a ship with greater than 300 amphorae capacity (about seven tons), they were still undoubtedly partaking in trade as Cicero mentions this law when attacking Verres, although he makes no move to charge him.[22]

Senators were still allowed to own and make use of ships under the size restriction, Cato when advising where to build a farm specifically mentions to have it built near an accessible river, road or port to allow transport of goods[23] which is in direct conflict to Livy’s assertion that all profit made through trade by a senator was dishonorable.[24] Senators often utilized free and enslaved agents as a loophole to legal restrictions, thereby allowing themselves to diversify their sources of income.[25]

That is not to say that the acquisition of wealth was not to be desired, Pliny notes that a Roman man should by honorable means acquire a large fortune[26] and Polybius draws a comparison between the attitudes of Carthage and Rome towards profit from trade.[27] Thus starts the confusion in the role of the elite in trade as Terence writes that there is nothing wrong with large scale trade; it is in fact completely honorable and legitimate to import large quantities of product from around the world especially if it happens to lead to a successful trader buying land and investing in Roman agriculture; what is dishonorable is trade on a small scale.[28] Small trade is again shown as vulgar by Tacitus as he describes the involvement of Sempronius Gracchus in petty trade.[29]

Cato himself was involved with trade, although he himself cautioned against it as it was a risky occupation,[30] perhaps this was part of the reasoning to keep senators excluded from the trade business, as if they had a severe misfortune with trading they could fall below the financial threshold of being a senator, whereas comparatively land owning was a far safer investment. Plutarch describes Cato’s involvement in trade in great detail, depicting how he would use a proxy (a freedman by the name of Quintio) to run his business through a group of fifty other men.[31]

The restriction on senators trading was itself passed initially through the tribune of the plebeians, a class of people who the restrictions would not apply to. It is suspected that this reform could have been the equites and other wealthy merchants trying to muscle the senators out from the rapidly expanding trade business.[citation needed]

Commercial classes

The majority of the people of the Roman Empire were living in rural areas, with a small part of the population engaged in commerce being much poorer than the elite. The industrial output was quite low, due to the fact that the poor majority could not pay for the products. Technological advance was hampered by this fact. Urbanization in the western part of the empire was also limited. Slaves accounting for most of the means of industrial output, rather than technology.[32]

See also


  1. ^ An, Jiayao. (2002), "When Glass Was Treasured in China," in Annette L. Juliano and Judith A. Lerner (eds), Silk Road Studies VII: Nomads, Traders, and Holy Men Along China's Silk Road, 79–94, Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, ISBN 2503521789, pp 83-84.
  2. ^ Livy, The History of Rome 21.63[dead link]
  3. ^ Safrai, Ze'ev (1994). The Economy of Roman Palestine. London: Routledge. p. 78. ISBN 0203204867.
  4. ^ Grant, Mark (2000). Galen on Food and Diet. London: Routledge. p. 129. ISBN 0415232325.
  5. ^ Cappers, R. T. J. (2006). Foodprints at Berenike: Archaeobotanical evidence of subsistence and trade in the Eastern desert of Egypt. Monograph. Vol. 55. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology UCLA. ISBN 1931745269.
  6. ^ Hopkins, Keith (2017). Sociological Studies in Roman History. Cambridge University Press. p. 169. ISBN 9781139093552.
  7. ^ Young, Gary K. - "Rome's Eastern Trade: International Commerce and Imperial Policy 31 BC - AD 305" - Ed. Routledge, (2003) ISBN 1134547935, 9781134547937 p. 35-48
  8. ^ "Radio 4 - Unearthing Mysteries". BBC. Retrieved 2012-11-07.
  9. ^ "South Asia | Search for India's ancient city". BBC News. 2006-06-11. Retrieved 2012-11-07.
  10. ^ Haywood, John (2000). Historical atlas of the classical world, 500 BC–AD 600. Barnes & Noble Books. p. 46. ISBN 0-7607-1973-X. Arikamedu was a trading port in the 1st century AD: many Roman artifacts have been excavated there.
  11. ^ Book III, Chapter 5 2006-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, copied by Pliny the Elder.
  12. ^ An, Jiayao. (2002), "When Glass Was Treasured in China," in Annette L. Juliano and Judith A. Lerner (eds), Silk Road Studies VII: Nomads, Traders, and Holy Men Along China's Silk Road, 79–94, Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, ISBN 2503521789, p. 83.
  13. ^ Raoul McLaughlin (2010), Rome and the Distant East: Trade Routes to the Ancient Lands of Arabia, India, and China, London & New York: Continuum, ISBN 9781847252357, pp 58-59.
  14. ^ Gary K. Young (2001), Rome's Eastern Trade: International Commerce and Imperial Policy, 31 BC - AD 305, London & New York: Routledge, ISBN 0-415-24219-3, p. 29.
  15. ^ a b Friedrich Hirth (2000) [1885]. Jerome S. Arkenberg (ed.). "East Asian History Sourcebook: Chinese Accounts of Rome, Byzantium and the Middle East, c. 91 B.C.E. - 1643 C.E." Fordham.edu. Fordham University. Retrieved 2016-09-19.
  16. ^ de Crespigny, Rafe (2007), A Biographical Dictionary of Later Han to the Three Kingdoms (23-220 AD), Leiden: Koninklijke Brill, ISBN 978-90-04-15605-0, p. 600,
  17. ^ a b Warwick Ball (2016), Rome in the East: Transformation of an Empire, 2nd edition, London & New York: Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-72078-6, p. 152.
  18. ^ a b Warwick Ball (2016), Rome in the East: Transformation of an Empire, 2nd edition, London & New York: Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-72078-6, p. 154.
  19. ^ The following source, although printed in 2012, is outdated compared to Ball (2016: 154) in regards to the Principate-era coins found at Xi'an: Valerie Hansen (2012), The Silk Road: A New History, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 97-98, ISBN 978-0-19-993921-3.
  20. ^ Warwick Ball (2016), Rome in the East: Transformation of an Empire, 2nd edition, London & New York: Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-72078-6, pp 154, 156.
  21. ^ "Weilue: The Peoples of the West". Depts.washington.edu. 2004-05-23. Retrieved 2012-11-07.
  22. ^ II Verr.V18
  23. ^ Cato De.Agr 1.3
  24. ^ 21.63.3-4
  25. ^ John H. D’Arms, Commerce and Social Standing in Ancient Rome, Harvard University Press, 1981, chapter 3
  26. ^ Pliny NH 7.140
  27. ^ 6.56.1-3)
  28. ^ Terrence 151
  29. ^ Tacitus annas 4.13.2
  30. ^ de.Agr. Praefatio
  31. ^ Plutarch Cato the Elder 21.5ff
  32. ^ Haywood, John (2000). Historical atlas of the classical world, 500 BC–AD 600. Barnes & Noble Books. p. 27. ISBN 0-7607-1973-X. the empire's commercial classes remained small and enjoyed neither wealth nor the status of the landowning aristocracy...most production in the empire was small scale and under-capitalized, the rich preferring to invest in land. It is in any case doubtful, in view of the poverty of most of the empire's population, whether the markets existed to support a greater degree of industrial production. This is probably one of the factors behind the surprising lack of technological innovation in the empire...The ready availability of cheap slave labor may also have deterred investment in expensive machinery....But most of the west was too poor and under-populated to support this level of urbanization and towns remained primarily administrative or military centers.

Further reading

  • Bowman, Alan K., and Andrew Wilson. Quantifying the Roman Economy: Methods and Problems. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
  • Callataÿ, François de. Quantifying the Greco-Roman Economy and Beyond. Bari: Edipuglia, 2014.
  • Duncan-Jones, Richard. Structure and Scale In the Roman Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
  • Garnsey, Peter, and Richard P. Saller. The Roman Empire: Economy, Society and Culture. 2nd edition. Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2015.
  • Greene, Kevin. The Archaeology of the Roman Economy. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.
  • Jones, A. H. M. The Roman Economy: Studies In Ancient Economic and Administrative History. Oxford: Blackwell, 1974.
  • Lewit, Tamara. Agricultural Production In the Roman Economy, A.D. 200-400. Oxford: Tempus Reparatum, 1991.
  • Peacock, D. P. S., and D. F. Williams. Amphorae and the Roman Economy: An Introductory Guide. London: Longman, 1986.
  • Russell, Ben. The Economics of the Roman Stone Trade. 1st edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
  • Scheidel, Walter. The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
  • Scheidel, Walter, Richard P. Saller, and Ian Morris. The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
  • Temin, Peter. The Roman Market Economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013.
  • Tomber, R. Indo-Roman Trade: From Pots to Pepper. London: Duckworth, 2008.
  • Vrba, Eric Michael. Ancient German Identity In the Shadow of the Roman Empire: The Impact of Roman Trade and Contact Along the Middle Danube Frontier, 10 BC - AD 166. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2008.

External links

  • The Romano-British Amphora Trade to A.D. 43 An Overview
  • Ancient Roman Currency and Economy

roman, commerce, this, article, possibly, contains, original, research, lots, prose, throughout, article, without, citationplease, improve, verifying, claims, made, adding, inline, citations, statements, consisting, only, original, research, should, removed, j. This article possibly contains original research Lots of prose throughout article without citationPlease improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations Statements consisting only of original research should be removed July 2023 Learn how and when to remove this template message Roman commerce was a major sector of the Roman economy during the later generations of the Republic and throughout most of the imperial period Fashions and trends in historiography and in popular culture have tended to neglect the economic basis of the empire in favor of the lingua franca of Latin and the exploits of the Roman legions citation needed The language and the legions were supported by trade and were part of its backbone The Romans were businessmen and the longevity of their empire was caused by their commercial trade citation needed A Roman fresco from Pompeii 1st century AD depicting a Maenad in silk dress Naples National Archaeological Museum silks came from the Han dynasty of China along the Silk Road a valuable trade commodity in the Roman empire whereas Roman glasswares made their way to Han China via land and sea 1 Whereas in theory members of the Roman Senate and their sons were restricted when engaging in trade 2 the members of the equestrian order were involved in businesses despite their upper class values which laid the emphasis on military pursuits and leisure activities Plebeians and freedmen held shop or manned stalls at markets and vast numbers of slaves did most of the hard work The slaves were themselves also the subject of commercial transactions Probably because of their high proportion in society compared to that in Classical Greece the reality of runaways and the Servile Wars and minor uprisings they gave a distinct flavor to Roman commerce citation needed The intricate complex and extensive accounting of Roman trade was conducted with counting boards and the Roman abacus The abacus which used Roman numerals was ideally suited to the counting of Roman currency and tallying of Roman measures citation needed Contents 1 Negotiatores mercatores and pedlars 2 Commercial infrastructure 2 1 Land routes 2 2 Sea routes 2 3 Standard weights and measures 3 Contacts with India and China 3 1 India 3 2 China 4 Commerce and religion 5 The elite and a dual mentality on trade 6 Commercial classes 7 See also 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External linksNegotiatores mercatores and pedlars EditFurther information Banking in ancient Rome Arcus Argentariorum in Rome a private offering of the argentarii and negotiantes of the Forum BoariumThe negotiatores were in part bankers because they lent money on interest They also bought and sold staples in bulk or did commerce in wholesale quantities of goods The argentarii acted as agents in public or private auctions kept deposits of money for individuals cashed cheques prescriptiones and served as moneychangers In some instances the argentarii are considered a subset of the negotiatores and in others as a group apart The argentarii sometimes did the same kind of work as the mensarii who were public bankers appointed by the state They kept strict books called tabulae which were treated as legal proof by the courts citation needed The mercatores were usually plebeians or freedmen They were present in all the open air markets or covered shops manning stalls or hawking goods by the side of the road They were also present near Roman military camps during campaigns They sold food and clothing to the soldiers and paid cash for any booty coming from military activities citation needed There is some information on the economy of Roman Palestine from Jewish sources of around the 3rd century AD Itinerant pedlars rochel took spices and perfumes to the rural population 3 This suggests that the economic benefits of the Empire did reach at least the upper levels of the peasantry Commercial infrastructure EditFurther information Roman economy Principal Roman trade routes internal and external in 180 ADThe Forum Cuppedinis in ancient Rome was a market which offered general goods At least four other large markets specialized in specific goods such as cattle wine fish and herbs and vegetables but the Roman Forum drew the bulk of the traffic All new cities like Timgad were laid out according to an orthogonal grid plan which facilitated transportation and commerce These cities were connected by good roads Navigable rivers were extensively used and some canals were dug but neither leave such clear archaeological traces as roads Consequently they tend to be underestimated Maintaining peace was a major factor in the expansion of trade All settlements especially the smaller ones could be located in economically rational positions Before and after the Roman Empire hilltop defensive positions were preferred for small settlements and piracy made coastal settlement particularly hazardous for all but the largest cities citation needed By the 1st century the provinces of the Roman Empire were trading huge volumes of commodities to one another via sea routes There was an increasing tendency for specialization particularly in manufacturing agriculture and mining Some provinces specialized in producing certain types of goods such as grain in Egypt and North Africa and wine and olive oil in Italy Hispania and Greece citation needed Knowledge of the Roman economy is extremely patchy The vast bulk of traded goods being agricultural normally leave no direct remains Very exceptionally as at Berenice there is evidence of long distance trade in black pepper almonds hazelnuts stone pine cones walnuts coconuts apricots and peaches besides the more expected figs raisins and dates The wine olive oil and garum fermented fish sauce trades were exceptional in leaving amphorae behind There is a single reference of the Syrian export of kipi stiff quince jam or marmalade to Rome 4 5 Land routes Edit See also Sino Roman relations Even before the Roman Republic the Roman Kingdom was engaged in regular commerce using the river Tiber Before the Punic Wars completely changed the nature of commerce in the Mediterranean the Republic had important commercial exchanges with Carthage It entered into several commercial and political agreements with its rival city in addition to engaging in simple retail trading The Roman Empire traded with the Chinese via Parthian and other intermediaries over the Silk Road citation needed Sea routes Edit Further information Indo Roman trade relations River vessel carrying barrels assumed to be wineMaritime archeology and ancient manuscripts from classical antiquity show evidence of vast Roman commercial fleets The most substantial remains from this commerce are the infrastructure remains of harbors moles warehouses and lighthouses at ports such as Civitavecchia Ostia Portus Leptis Magna and Caesarea Maritima At Rome itself Monte Testaccio is a tribute to the scale of this commerce As with most Roman technology the Roman seagoing commercial ships had no significant advances over Greek ships of the previous centuries though the lead sheeting of hulls for protection seems to have been more common The Romans used round hulled sailing ships citation needed Continuous Mediterranean police protection over several centuries was one of the main factors of success of Roman commerce given that Roman roads were designed more for feet or hooves with most land trade moving by pack mule than for wheels and could not support the economical transport of goods over long distances The Roman ships used would have been easy prey for pirates had it not been for the fleets of liburna galleys and triremes of the Roman navy citation needed A small coasterBulky low value commodities like grain and construction materials were traded only by sea routes since the cost of sea transportation was sixty times lower than land 6 Staple goods and commodities like cereals for making bread and papyrus scrolls for book production were imported from Ptolemaic Egypt to Italy in a continuous fashion The trade over the Indian Ocean blossomed in the 1st and 2nd century AD The sailors made use of the monsoon to cross the ocean from the ports of Berenice Leukos Limen 7 and Myos Hormos on the Red Sea coast of Roman Egypt to the ports of Muziris and Nelkynda in the Malabar Coast The main trading partners in southern India were the Tamil dynasties of the Pandyas Cholas and Cheras Many Roman artifacts have been found in India for example at the archaeological site of Arikamedu in Puducherry Meticulous descriptions of the ports and items of trade around the Indian Ocean can be found in the Greek work Periplus of the Erythraean Sea see article on Indo Roman trade citation needed Standard weights and measures Edit Main article Ancient Roman units of measurement A standard amphora the amphora capitolina was kept in the temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill in Rome so that others could be compared to it The Roman system of measurement was built on the Greek system with Egyptian influences Much of it was based on weight The Roman units were accurate and well documented Distances were measured and systematically inscribed on stone by agents of the government citation needed A fairly standard and fairly stable and abundant currency at least up to circa 200 AD did much to facilitate trade Egypt had its own currency in this period and some provincial cities also issued their own coins citation needed Contacts with India and China EditAlexander the Great had conquered as far as India and the Roman god Bacchus was also said to have journeyed there The Far East like sub Saharan Africa was a mysterious land to the Romans citation needed India Edit Main article Roman trade with India Gold coin of Claudius 50 51 CE excavated in South India There was an Indian in Augustus s retinue Plut Alex 69 9 and he received embassies from India Res Gestae 31 one which met him in Spain in 25 BC and one at Samos in 20 BC The trade over the Indian Ocean blossomed in the 1st and 2nd century AD The sailors made use of the monsoon to cross the ocean from the ports of Berenice Leulos Limen and Myos Hormos on the Red Sea coast of Roman Egypt to the ports of Muziris and Nelkynda in Malabar coast 8 and 9 The main trading partners in southern India were the Tamil dynasties of the Pandyas Cholas and Cheras Meticulous descriptions of the ports and items of trade around the Indian Ocean can be found in the Greek Periplus of the Erythraean Sea In Latin texts the term Indians Indi designated all Asians Indian and beyond The main articles imported from India were spices such as pepper cardamom cloves cinnamon sandal wood and gems such as pearls rubies diamonds emeralds and ivory In exchange the Romans traded silver and gold Hoards of Roman coins have been found in southern India during the history of Roman India trade Roman objects have been found in India in the seaside port city of Arikamedu which was one of the trade centers 10 Pomponius Mela argued for the existence of Northeast Passage through the northward strait out of the Caspian Sea which in Antiquity was usually thought to be open to Oceanus in the north 11 China Edit See also Romano Chinese relations Roman glass and Smuggling of silkworm eggs into the Byzantine Empire Green Roman glass cup unearthed from an Eastern Han Dynasty 25 220 AD tomb Guangxi China the first Roman glassware discovered in China dated early 1st century BC was excavated from a Western Han tomb in the southern port city of Guangzhou most likely arriving via the Indian Ocean and South China Sea 12 There is suggestive archaeological evidence that Roman traders were present in Southeast Asia which was roughly mapped out by Ptolemy in his Geography where he labelled the land bordering the Magnus Sinus i e the Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea as the Sinae 13 Their port city of Cattigara lying beyond the Golden Chersonese Malay Peninsula where a Greek sailor named Alexander allegedly visited was quite possibly the ancient settlement at Oc Eo Vietnam where Roman artefacts from the Antonine period such as medallions from the reigns of Antoninus Pius r 138 161 and Marcus Aurelius r 161 180 have been found 14 An event recorded in the Chinese Weilue and Book of Later Han for the year 166 seems directly connected to this activity since these texts claim that an embassy from Daqin i e the Roman Empire sent by their ruler An Dun Chinese 安敦 i e either Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius landed in the southern province of Jiaozhi i e northern Vietnam and presented tributary gifts to the Chinese ruler Emperor Huan of Han 15 Rafe de Crespigny and Warwick Ball contend that these were most likely Roman merchants not official diplomats sent by Marcus Aurelius given the absence of this event in Roman sources 16 17 Despite two other Roman embassies recorded in Chinese sources for the 3rd century and several more by the later Byzantine Empire Chinese 拂菻 Pinyin Fu lǐn 15 17 only sixteen Roman coins from the reigns of Tiberius r 14 37 AD to Aurelian r 270 275 AD have been found in China at Xi an that pre date the greater amount of Eastern Roman i e Byzantine coins from the 4th century onwards 18 19 Yet this is also dwarfed by the amount of Roman coins found in India which would suggest that this was the region where the Romans purchased most of their Chinese silk 18 For that matter the spice trade remained more important to the Roman economy than the silk one 20 From the 3rd century a Chinese text the Weilue describes the products of the Roman Empire and the routes to it 21 Commerce and religion EditMercury who was originally only the god of the mercatores and the grain trade citation needed eventually became the god of all who were involved in commercial activities On the Mercuralia on May 14 a Roman merchant would do the proper rituals of devotion to Mercury and beseech the god to remove from him and from his belongings the guilt coming from all the cheating he had done to his customers and suppliers citation needed The elite and a dual mentality on trade EditWhile Livy makes reference to the Lex Claudia 218 BC restricting senators and sons of senators from owning a ship with greater than 300 amphorae capacity about seven tons they were still undoubtedly partaking in trade as Cicero mentions this law when attacking Verres although he makes no move to charge him 22 Senators were still allowed to own and make use of ships under the size restriction Cato when advising where to build a farm specifically mentions to have it built near an accessible river road or port to allow transport of goods 23 which is in direct conflict to Livy s assertion that all profit made through trade by a senator was dishonorable 24 Senators often utilized free and enslaved agents as a loophole to legal restrictions thereby allowing themselves to diversify their sources of income 25 That is not to say that the acquisition of wealth was not to be desired Pliny notes that a Roman man should by honorable means acquire a large fortune 26 and Polybius draws a comparison between the attitudes of Carthage and Rome towards profit from trade 27 Thus starts the confusion in the role of the elite in trade as Terence writes that there is nothing wrong with large scale trade it is in fact completely honorable and legitimate to import large quantities of product from around the world especially if it happens to lead to a successful trader buying land and investing in Roman agriculture what is dishonorable is trade on a small scale 28 Small trade is again shown as vulgar by Tacitus as he describes the involvement of Sempronius Gracchus in petty trade 29 Cato himself was involved with trade although he himself cautioned against it as it was a risky occupation 30 perhaps this was part of the reasoning to keep senators excluded from the trade business as if they had a severe misfortune with trading they could fall below the financial threshold of being a senator whereas comparatively land owning was a far safer investment Plutarch describes Cato s involvement in trade in great detail depicting how he would use a proxy a freedman by the name of Quintio to run his business through a group of fifty other men 31 The restriction on senators trading was itself passed initially through the tribune of the plebeians a class of people who the restrictions would not apply to It is suspected that this reform could have been the equites and other wealthy merchants trying to muscle the senators out from the rapidly expanding trade business citation needed Commercial classes EditThe majority of the people of the Roman Empire were living in rural areas with a small part of the population engaged in commerce being much poorer than the elite The industrial output was quite low due to the fact that the poor majority could not pay for the products Technological advance was hampered by this fact Urbanization in the western part of the empire was also limited Slaves accounting for most of the means of industrial output rather than technology 32 See also Edit Ancient Rome portalRoman Britain Trade Roman currency Roman financeReferences Edit An Jiayao 2002 When Glass Was Treasured in China in Annette L Juliano and Judith A Lerner eds Silk Road Studies VII Nomads Traders and Holy Men Along China s Silk Road 79 94 Turnhout Brepols Publishers ISBN 2503521789 pp 83 84 Livy The History of Rome 21 63 dead link Safrai Ze ev 1994 The Economy of Roman Palestine London Routledge p 78 ISBN 0203204867 Grant Mark 2000 Galen on Food and Diet London Routledge p 129 ISBN 0415232325 Cappers R T J 2006 Foodprints at Berenike Archaeobotanical evidence of subsistence and trade in the Eastern desert of Egypt Monograph Vol 55 Los Angeles Cotsen Institute of Archaeology UCLA ISBN 1931745269 Hopkins Keith 2017 Sociological Studies in Roman History Cambridge University Press p 169 ISBN 9781139093552 Young Gary K Rome s Eastern Trade International Commerce and Imperial Policy 31 BC AD 305 Ed Routledge 2003 ISBN 1134547935 9781134547937 p 35 48 Radio 4 Unearthing Mysteries BBC Retrieved 2012 11 07 South Asia Search for India s ancient city BBC News 2006 06 11 Retrieved 2012 11 07 Haywood John 2000 Historical atlas of the classical world 500 BC AD 600 Barnes amp Noble Books p 46 ISBN 0 7607 1973 X Arikamedu was a trading port in the 1st century AD many Roman artifacts have been excavated there Book III Chapter 5 Archived 2006 07 28 at the Wayback Machine copied by Pliny the Elder An Jiayao 2002 When Glass Was Treasured in China in Annette L Juliano and Judith A Lerner eds Silk Road Studies VII Nomads Traders and Holy Men Along China s Silk Road 79 94 Turnhout Brepols Publishers ISBN 2503521789 p 83 Raoul McLaughlin 2010 Rome and the Distant East Trade Routes to the Ancient Lands of Arabia India and China London amp New York Continuum ISBN 9781847252357 pp 58 59 Gary K Young 2001 Rome s Eastern Trade International Commerce and Imperial Policy 31 BC AD 305 London amp New York Routledge ISBN 0 415 24219 3 p 29 a b Friedrich Hirth 2000 1885 Jerome S Arkenberg ed East Asian History Sourcebook Chinese Accounts of Rome Byzantium and the Middle East c 91 B C E 1643 C E Fordham edu Fordham University Retrieved 2016 09 19 de Crespigny Rafe 2007 A Biographical Dictionary of Later Han to the Three Kingdoms 23 220 AD Leiden Koninklijke Brill ISBN 978 90 04 15605 0 p 600 a b Warwick Ball 2016 Rome in the East Transformation of an Empire 2nd edition London amp New York Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 72078 6 p 152 a b Warwick Ball 2016 Rome in the East Transformation of an Empire 2nd edition London amp New York Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 72078 6 p 154 The following source although printed in 2012 is outdated compared to Ball 2016 154 in regards to the Principate era coins found at Xi an Valerie Hansen 2012 The Silk Road A New History Oxford Oxford University Press pp 97 98 ISBN 978 0 19 993921 3 Warwick Ball 2016 Rome in the East Transformation of an Empire 2nd edition London amp New York Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 72078 6 pp 154 156 Weilue The Peoples of the West Depts washington edu 2004 05 23 Retrieved 2012 11 07 II Verr V18 Cato De Agr 1 3 21 63 3 4 John H D Arms Commerce and Social Standing in Ancient Rome Harvard University Press 1981 chapter 3 Pliny NH 7 140 6 56 1 3 Terrence 151 Tacitus annas 4 13 2 de Agr Praefatio Plutarch Cato the Elder 21 5ff Haywood John 2000 Historical atlas of the classical world 500 BC AD 600 Barnes amp Noble Books p 27 ISBN 0 7607 1973 X the empire s commercial classes remained small and enjoyed neither wealth nor the status of the landowning aristocracy most production in the empire was small scale and under capitalized the rich preferring to invest in land It is in any case doubtful in view of the poverty of most of the empire s population whether the markets existed to support a greater degree of industrial production This is probably one of the factors behind the surprising lack of technological innovation in the empire The ready availability of cheap slave labor may also have deterred investment in expensive machinery But most of the west was too poor and under populated to support this level of urbanization and towns remained primarily administrative or military centers Further reading EditBowman Alan K and Andrew Wilson Quantifying the Roman Economy Methods and Problems Oxford Oxford University Press 2009 Callatay Francois de Quantifying the Greco Roman Economy and Beyond Bari Edipuglia 2014 Duncan Jones Richard Structure and Scale In the Roman Economy Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1990 Garnsey Peter and Richard P Saller The Roman Empire Economy Society and Culture 2nd edition Oakland CA University of California Press 2015 Greene Kevin The Archaeology of the Roman Economy Berkeley University of California Press 1986 Jones A H M The Roman Economy Studies In Ancient Economic and Administrative History Oxford Blackwell 1974 Lewit Tamara Agricultural Production In the Roman Economy A D 200 400 Oxford Tempus Reparatum 1991 Peacock D P S and D F Williams Amphorae and the Roman Economy An Introductory Guide London Longman 1986 Russell Ben The Economics of the Roman Stone Trade 1st edition New York Oxford University Press 2013 Scheidel Walter The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Economy Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2012 Scheidel Walter Richard P Saller and Ian Morris The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco Roman World Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2007 Temin Peter The Roman Market Economy Princeton Princeton University Press 2013 Tomber R Indo Roman Trade From Pots to Pepper London Duckworth 2008 Vrba Eric Michael Ancient German Identity In the Shadow of the Roman Empire The Impact of Roman Trade and Contact Along the Middle Danube Frontier 10 BC AD 166 Oxford Archaeopress 2008 External links EditThe Romano British Amphora Trade to A D 43 An Overview Ancient Roman Currency and Economy Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Roman commerce amp oldid 1166530286, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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