
Responsibility for the Holocaust

Responsibility for the Holocaust is the subject of an ongoing historical debate that has spanned several decades. The debate about the origins of the Holocaust is known as functionalism versus intentionalism. Intentionalists such as Lucy Dawidowicz argue that Adolf Hitler planned the extermination of the Jewish people as early as 1918, and personally oversaw its execution. However, functionalists such as Raul Hilberg argue that the extermination plans evolved in stages, as a result of initiatives that were taken by bureaucrats in response to other policy failures. To a large degree, the debate has been settled by acknowledgement of both centralized planning and decentralized attitudes and choices.

The primary responsibility for the Holocaust rests on Hitler and the Nazi Party leadership, but operations to persecute Jews, Romani people, homosexuals and others were also perpetrated by the Schutzstaffel (SS), the Wehrmacht, and ordinary German citizens as well as by collaborationist members of various European governments, including their soldiers and civilians. A host of factors contributed to the environment in which atrocities were committed across the continent, ranging from general racism (including antisemitism), religious hatred, blind obedience, apathy, political opportunism, coercion, profiteering, and xenophobia.

Historical and philosophical interpretations

The enormity of the Holocaust has prompted much analysis. The Holocaust has been characterized as a project of industrial extermination.[1] This led authors such as Enzo Traverso to argue in The Origins of Nazi Violence that Auschwitz was explicitly a product of Western civilization originating from medieval religious and racial persecution that brought together a "particular kind of stigmatization...rethought in the light of colonial wars and genocides."[2][a] Beginning his book with a description of the guillotine, which according to him marks the entry of the Industrial Revolution into capital punishment, he writes: "Through an irony of history, the theories of Frederick Taylor" (taylorism) were applied by a totalitarian system to serve "not production, but extermination."[3][b]

Others like Russell Jacoby contend that the Holocaust is a product of German history with deep roots in German society ranging from, "German authoritarianism, feeble liberalism, brash nationalism or virulent antisemitism. From A. J. P. Taylor's The Course of German History fifty-five years ago to Daniel Goldhagen's controversial work, Hitler's Willing Executioners, Nazism is understood as the outcome of a long history of uniquely German traits".[4] While some claim that the specificity of the Holocaust was also rooted in the constant antisemitism from which Jews had been the target since the foundation of Christianity, intellectual historian George Mosse argued that the extreme form of European racism that led to the Holocaust fully emerged in the eighteenth century.[5] Others argue that pseudo-scientific racist theories were elaborated upon in order to justify white supremacy and that they were accompanied by the Darwinian belief in the survival of the fittest and eugenic notions of racial hygiene—particularly within the German scientific community.[6][c][d]


The question of overall responsibility for the atrocities committed under the Nazi regime traverses the oligarchy of those in command, foremost among them Adolf Hitler. In October 1939, he authorized the first Nazi mass killing for those labeled "undesirables" in the T-4 Euthanasia Program.[7][8] The Nazis termed such people as being "Lives unworthy of life." or lebensunwertes Leben in German.[9] Before the euthanasia program in Germany-proper was over, the Nazis killed between 65,000–70,000 persons.[10] Historian Henry Friedlander calls this period during which the 70,000 adults were killed, the "first phase" of the T4 Program since the program and its contributors precipitated the Holocaust.[11] Sometime between late June 1940 when planning for Operation Barbarossa first started and March 1941, orders were approved by Hitler for the re-establishment of the Einsatzgruppen (the surviving historical record does not permit firm conclusions to be drawn about the precise date).[12] Hitler encouraged the killings of the Jews of Eastern Europe by the Einsatzgruppen death squads in a speech of July 1941.[13] Evidence suggests that in the fall of 1941, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler and Hitler agreed in principle on the complete mass extermination of the Jews of Europe by gassing, with Hitler explicitly ordering the "annihilation of the Jews" in a speech on 12 December 1941, by which time the Jewish populations in the Baltic states had been effectively eliminated.[14] To make for smoother intra-governmental cooperation in the implementation of this so-called "Final Solution to the Jewish Question", the Wannsee conference was held near Berlin on 20 January 1942, with the participation of fifteen senior officials, led by Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann; the records of which provide the best evidence of the central planning of the Holocaust. Just five weeks later on 22 February, Hitler was recorded saying to his closest associates: "We shall regain our health only by eliminating the Jew."[15]

Allied knowledge of the atrocities

Upwards of 300 Jewish organizations attempted to provide information to U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt about the persecution of Jews in Europe, but the ethnic and cultural diversity of American immigrant Jewish communities and their comparative lack of political power in the U.S. hindered their ability to influence policy.[16] Various strategies, such as ransoming Jews following the Anschluss of 1938, failed for a host of reasons, not to exclude the unwillingness and inability of Jewish communities in the U.S. to extend financial aid to their suffering brethren.[17] Clear evidence exists that Winston Churchill was privy to intelligence reports derived from decoded German transmissions in August 1941, during which he stated:

Whole districts are being exterminated. Scores of thousands – literally scores of thousands – of executions in cold blood are being perpetrated by the German police-troops upon the Russian patriots who defend their native soil. Since the Mongol invasions of Europe in the sixteenth century, there has never been methodical, merciless butchery on such a scale, or approaching such a scale.

— Winston Churchill, 24 August 1941.[18]

During the early years of the war, the Polish government-in-exile published documents and organised meetings to spread the word about the fate of Jews (see Witold Pilecki's Report). In the summer of 1942, a Jewish labor organization (the Bund) leader, Leon Feiner got word to London that 700,000 Polish Jews had already been murdered. The Daily Telegraph published it on 25 June 1942,[19] and the BBC took the story seriously, though the U.S. State Department doubted it.[20]

Last page of "Raczyński's Note", official note of Polish government-in-exile to Anthony Eden on 10 December 1942.

On 10 August 1942, the Riegner Telegram to New York described the Nazi plan to murder all the Jews in the occupied states by deporting them to concentration camps in the east, to be exterminated in one blow, possibly by prussic acid, starting at autumn 1942. It was released in the United States by Stephen Wise of the World Jewish Congress in November 1942 after a long wait for permission from the government.[21] This led to attempts by Jewish organizations to put President Roosevelt under pressure to act on behalf of the European Jews, many of whom had tried in vain to enter either Britain or the U.S.[22]

Reports were also coming into Palestine about the German atrocities during the autumn of 1942.[23] The allies received a detailed eyewitness account from Polish resistance fighter and later Georgetown University professor, Jan Karski. On 10 December 1942, the Polish government-in-exile published a 16-page report addressed to the Allied governments, titled The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland.[e]

On 17 December 1942, as the answer to Raczyński's Note, the Allies issued the Joint Declaration by Members of the United Nations, a formal declaration confirming and condemning Nazi extermination policy toward the Jews and describing the ongoing events of the Holocaust in Nazi-occupied Europe.[24] The statement was read to British House of Commons in a floor speech by Foreign secretary Anthony Eden.[25]

The death camps were discussed between American and British officials at the Bermuda Conference in April 1943.[26] On 12 May 1943, Polish government-in-exile member and Bund leader Szmul Zygielbojm committed suicide in London to protest the inaction of the world with regard to the Holocaust,[27] stating in part in his suicide letter:

I cannot continue to live and to be silent while the remnants of Polish Jewry, whose representative I am, are being killed. My comrades in the Warsaw ghetto fell with arms in their hands in the last heroic battle. I was not permitted to fall like them, together with them, but I belong with them, to their mass grave. By my death, I wish to give expression to my most profound protest against the inaction in which the world watches and permits the destruction of the Jewish people.[28]

The large camps near Auschwitz were finally surveyed by plane in April 1944. While all important German cities and production centers were bombed by Allied forces until the end of the war, no attempt was made to interdict the system of mass annihilation by destroying pertinent structures or train tracks, even though Churchill was a proponent of bombing parts of the Auschwitz complex. The US State Department was aware of the use and the location of the gas chambers of extermination camps but refused to bomb them. Significant debate continues among historians about the decision.[29][f] Throughout and after the war, the British government pressed leaders of European nations to prevent illegal Jewish immigration into Palestine and sent ships to block the sea-route to Palestine, turning back many Jewish refugees found attempting to illegally enter the region.[30]

German people

The debate continues on how much average Germans knew about the Holocaust. Robert Gellately, a historian at Oxford University, conducted a widely respected survey of the German media before and during the war and concluded that there was substantial participation and consent from large numbers of ordinary Germans in various aspects of the Holocaust, that German civilians frequently saw columns of slave laborers, and that the basics of the concentration camps, if not the extermination camps, were widely known.[31] The German scholar, Peter Longerich, in a study looking at what Germans knew about the mass murders concluded that: "General information concerning the mass murder of Jews was widespread in the German population."[32] Longerich estimates that before the war ended, 32 to 40 percent of the population had knowledge about mass killings (not necessarily the extermination camps).[33]

British historian Nicholas Stargardt presents evidence of widespread public knowledge, agreement, and collusion concerning the destruction of European Jewry, as well of the insane, feeble, disabled, Poles, Roma, and other nationals.[34] His evidence includes speeches by Nazi leaders,[35] which were broadcast or heard by a wide audience that included mention or inferences related to destroying the Jews, along with letters written between soldiers and their families describing the slaughter.[36] Historian Claudia Koonz relates how reports from the Nazi security service (SD) described the public opinion as favorable where it concerned the killing of Jews.[37] Using these same SD reports from the war years, along with a great many memoirs, diaries, and other descriptive material, historian Lawrence D. Stokes concluded that much, although not all, of the terror inflicted on the Jewish people was generally understood in the German public. Marlis Steinert came to an opposite conclusion through her own studies, contending that only a few were aware of the immense scale of the atrocities.[38] French historian, Christian Ingrao, reminds readers that one must take into consideration the possible extent to which SD reports were manipulated by the Nazi propaganda machine when reviewing them.[39] Historian Helmut Walser Smith remarks of the German people: "They were hardly indifferent to it; the responses range from outrage to affirmation to worry, especially toward the end of the war, when anxiety about accountability increased. That their imagination did not press to the particulars is not astounding. Nor is it astounding that few failed to imagine Auschwitz. The idea that not the killers go to the Jews, but the Jews are delivered up to industrial killing centers—this, in fact, was without historical precedent."[40]

Historian Eric A. Johnson and sociologist Karl-Heinz Reuband conducted interviews with more than 3,000 Germans and 500 German Jews about daily life in the Third Reich. From the Jewish questionnaires, the authors found that German society was not nearly as rife with antisemitism as one might otherwise have believed, but this changed dramatically with Hitler's ascension to power.[41] German Jews claimed that they knew of the Holocaust from a wide range of sources, which included radio broadcasts from Italy and what they heard from friends or acquaintances, but they did not know details until 1943.[42] Responses from non-Jewish Germans indicate that "the majority of Germans identified with the Nazi regime."[43] Contrary to many other accounts and/or historical interpretations, which portray rule under the Nazis as terrifying for German citizens, most of the German respondents who participated in the interviews stated that they never really feared arrest from the Gestapo.[43][g] Concerning the mass murder of the Jews, the survey results were contingent to some degree on geography, but roughly 27–29% of Germans had information about the Holocaust at some point before the war's end, and another 10–13% suspected something terrible was happening all along. Based on this information, Johnson and Reuband surmise that one-in-three Germans either heard or knew that the Holocaust was taking place before the end of the war from sources that included family members, friends, neighbors or professional colleagues.[45] Johnson suggests (in disagreement with his co-author) that it is more likely that about 50% of the German population were aware of the atrocities being committed against the Jewish people and other enemies identified by the Nazi regime.[46]

During the years 1945 through 1949, polls indicated that a majority of Germans felt that Nazism was a "good idea, badly applied". In a poll conducted in the American German occupation zone, 37% replied that 'the extermination of the Jews and Poles and other non-Aryans was necessary for the security of Germans'.[47][h] Sarah Ann Gordon in Hitler, Germans, and the Jewish Question notes that the surveys are very difficult to draw conclusions from as respondents were given only three options from which to choose: (1) Hitler was right in his treatment of the Jews, to which 0% agreed; (2) Hitler went too far in his treatment of the Jews, but something had to be done to keep them in bounds - 19% agreed; and (3) The actions against the Jews were in no way justified - 77% agreed. She also noted that another revealing example emerges from the question of whether an Aryan who marries a Jew should be condemned, a question to which 91% of the respondents answered "No". To the question: "All those who ordered the murder of civilians or participated in the murders should be made to stand trial", 94% responded "Yes".[48] Historian Tony Judt highlights how denazification and the subsequent fear of retribution from the Allies likely obscured justice due to some of the perpetrators and camouflaged underlying societal truths.[49]

Public recollection from Germans about the atrocities was also "marginalized by postwar reconstruction and diplomacy" according to historian Nicholas Wachsmann; a delay, which obscured the complexities of understanding both the Holocaust and the concentration camps that aided in its facilitation.[50] Wachsmann notes how the German people often claimed that the crimes occurred behind their backs and were perpetrated by Nazi fanatics, or that they frequently dodged responsibility by equating their suffering with that of the prisoners, avowing they too had been victimized by the National Socialist regime.[51] Initially the memory of the Holocaust was repressed and set aside, but eventually, the young Federal Republic of Germany commenced its own investigations and trials.[52] Political pressure on the prosecutors and judges tempered any extensive probes and very few systematic investigations in the first decade after the war took place.[53] Later research efforts in Germany revealed that there were a "myriad" of links between the wider population and the SS camps.[54] In Austria—once part of the Greater German Reich of the Nazis—the situation was much different, as they conveniently evaded accountability through the trope of being the Nazis' first foreign victim.[55]


During the perpetration of the Holocaust, participants came from all over Europe but the impetus for the pogroms was provided by German and Austrian Nazis. According to Holocaust historian, Raul Hilberg, the "anti-Jewish work" of the regime was "carried out in the civil service, the military, business, and the party" where "every specialization was utilized" and "every stratum of society was represented in the envelopment of the victims."[56] Sobibor death camp guard Werner Dubois stated:

I am clear about the fact that annihilation camps were used for murder. What I did was aiding in murder. If I should be sentenced, I would consider that correct. Murder is murder. In weighing the guilt, one should not in my opinion consider the specific function in the camp. Wherever we were posted there: we were all equally guilty. The camp functioned in a chain of functions. If only one element in that chain is missing, the entire enterprise comes to a stop.[57]

In an entry in the Friedrich Kellner diary, "My Opposition", dated 28 October 1941, the German justice inspector recorded a conversation he had in Laubach with a German soldier who had witnessed a massacre in Poland.[58][i] French officials at the Parisian branch of the Barclays Bank volunteered the names of their Jewish employees to Nazi authorities, and many of them ended up in the death camps.[59] An insightful perspective is provided by Konnilyn G. Feig, who wrote:

Hitler exterminated the Jews of Europe. But he did not do so alone. The task was so enormous, complex, time-consuming, and mentally and economically demanding that it took the best efforts of millions of Germans... All spheres of life in Germany actively participated: Businessmen, policemen, bankers, doctors, lawyers, soldiers, railroad and factory workers, chemists, pharmacists, foremen, production managers, economists, manufacturers, jewelers, diplomats, civil servants, propagandists, film makers and film stars, professors, teachers, politicians, mayors, party members, construction experts, art dealers, architects, landlords, janitors, truck drivers, clerks, industrialists, scientists, generals, and even shopkeepers—all were essential cogs in the machinery that accomplished the final solution.[60]

Additional scholars also point out that a wide range of German soldiers, officials, and civilians were in some way involved in the Holocaust, from clerks and officials in the government to units of the army, police, and the SS.[61][j] Many ministries, including those of armaments, interior, justice, railroads, and foreign affairs, had substantial roles in orchestrating the Holocaust; similarly, German physicians participated in medical experiments and the T-4 euthanasia program as did civil servants;[62] German physicians also made the selections as to who was fit to work and who would die at the concentration camps.[63] Though there was no single department in charge of the Holocaust, the SS and Waffen-SS under Himmler had a leading role and operated with military efficiency in murdering enemies of the Nazi state. From the SS came the SS-Totenkopfverbände concentration camp guard units, the Einsatzgruppen killing squads, and the main administrative offices behind the Holocaust, including the RSHA and WVHA.[64][65] The regular army participated in the atrocities along with the SS on some occasions by taking part in the massacre of Jews in the Soviet Union, Serbia, Poland, and Greece. The German Army also logistically supported the Einsatzgruppen, helped form the ghettos, ran prison camps, occasionally provided concentration camp guards, transported prisoners to camps, had medical experiments performed on prisoners, and substantially used slave labor.[66] Significant numbers of Wehrmacht soldiers accompanied the SS in their deadly tasks or provided other forms of support for killing operations.[67] The murders by the Einsatzgruppen required cooperation between the Einsatzgruppen chief and Wehrmacht unit commander so they could coordinate and control access to and from the execution grounds.[68]


Stanley Milgram was one of a number of post-war psychologists and sociologists who tried to address why people obeyed immoral orders in the Holocaust. Milgram's findings demonstrated that reasonable people, when instructed by a person in a position of authority, obeyed commands entailing what they believed to be the suffering of others. After making his results public, Milgram sparked a direct critical response in the scientific community by claiming that "a common psychological process is centrally involved in both" his laboratory experiments and the Holocaust. Professor James Waller, Chair of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Keene State College, formerly Chair of Whitworth College Psychology Department, expressed the opinion that Milgram experiments "do not correspond well" to the Holocaust events:[69]

  1. The subjects of Milgram's experiments were assured in advance that "no permanent physical damage would result from their actions." However, the Holocaust perpetrators were fully aware of their hands-on killing and maiming of the victims.
  2. Milgram's guards did not know their victims and were not motivated by racism. On the other hand, the Holocaust perpetrators displayed an "intense devaluation of the victims" through a lifetime of personal development.
  3. The subjects were not selected for sadism or loyalty to Nazi ideology, and often "exhibited great anguish and conflict" in the experiment, unlike the designers and executioners of the Final Solution (see Holocaust trials), who had a clear "goal" on their hands, set beforehand.
  4. The experiment lasted for an hour, insufficient time for participants to consider the moral implications of their actions. Meanwhile, the Holocaust lasted for years with ample time for a moral assessment of all individuals and organizations involved.[70]

In the opinion of Thomas Blass—who is the author of a scholarly monograph on the experiment (The Man Who Shocked The World) published in 2004—the historical evidence pertaining to actions of the Holocaust perpetrators speaks louder than words:

My own view is that Milgram's approach does not provide a fully adequate explanation of the Holocaust. While it may well account for the dutiful destructiveness of the dispassionate bureaucrat who may have shipped Jews to Auschwitz with the same degree of routinization as potatoes to Bremerhaven, it falls short when one tries to apply it to the more zealous, inventive, and hate-driven atrocities that also characterized the Holocaust.[71]

Religious hatred and racism

Throughout the Middle Ages in Europe, Jews were subjected to antisemitism based on Christian theology, which blamed them for rejecting and killing Jesus.[72] Numerous attempts to collectively convert the Jews to Christianity were made by early Christians, but when they refused to convert to Christianity, they were considered "pariahs" by many Europeans.[73] The consequences which they suffered for resisting conversion to Christianity were varied. An extensive series of attacks was committed against Jews as a result of the religious fervor which accompanied the First and Second Crusades (1095–1149).[73] Jews were slaughtered in the wake of the Italian famine (1315–1317), attacked following the outbreak of the Black Death in the Rhineland in 1347, expelled from both England and Italy in the 1290s, from France in 1306 and 1394, from Spain and Portugal in 1492 and 1497.[74] By the time of the Reformation in the 16th century, historian Peter Hayes stresses that "hatred of Jews was widespread" throughout Europe.[75]

Martin Luther (a German leader of the Protestant Reformation) made a specific written call for harsh persecution of the Jewish people in On the Jews and Their Lies, published in 1543. In it, he urged that Jewish synagogues and schools be set on fire, prayer books destroyed, rabbis forbidden to preach, homes razed, and property and money confiscated.[76] Luther argued that Jews should be shown no mercy or kindness, should have no legal protection and that these "poisonous envenomed worms" should be drafted into forced labor or expelled for all time.[77] American historian Lucy Dawidowicz asserted in her book The War Against the Jews that a clear path of antisemitism passes from Luther to Hitler and that "modern German anti-Semitism is the bastard child of Christian anti-Semitism and German nationalism."[78] Even after the Reformation, Catholics and Lutherans continued to persecute Jews, accusing them of blood libels and subjecting them to pogroms and expulsions.[79][80] The second half of the 19th century saw the emergence of the Völkisch movement in Germany and Austria-Hungary, which was developed and incentivized by authors like Houston Stewart Chamberlain and Paul de Lagarde. The movement presented a pseudo-scientific, biologically based form of racism that viewed Jews as a race whose members were locked in mortal combat with the Aryan race for world domination.[81]

Bones of murdered prisoners in the crematoria in the German concentration camp at Weimar, Germany in a photo taken by the 3rd U.S. Army on 14 April 1945

Some authors, such as the liberal philosopher Hannah Arendt in The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951),[82] Swedish writer Sven Lindqvist, historian Hajo Holborn, and Ugandan academic Mahmood Mandani, have also linked the Holocaust to colonialism, but moreover, place the tragedy into the context of the European tradition of antisemitism and the genocide of colonized peoples.[83] Arendt claimed for instance that nationalism and imperialism were literally bridged together by racism.[84] Pseudo-scientific theories elaborated upon during the 19th century (e.g. Arthur de Gobineau's 1853 Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races) were fundamental in preparing the conditions for the Holocaust according to some scholars.[85] While other historical episodes of wholesale slaughter exist, there are still scholars who remain adamant about the "uniqueness" of the Holocaust, as compared to other genocides.[86] Philosopher Michel Foucault also traced the origins of the Holocaust to "racial policies" and "state racism", which are subsumed within the framework of "biopolitics".[87]

The Nazis considered it their duty to overcome natural compassion and execute orders for what they believed were higher ideals; members of the SS, in particular, believed that they had a state-legitimized mandate and an obligation to eliminate those who they believed were their racial enemies.[88] Some of the heinous acts committed by the Nazis have been attributed to crowd psychology, and Gustave Le Bon's The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (1895) provided influence to Hitler's infamous tome, Mein Kampf.[89] Le Bon claimed that Hitler and the Nazis used propaganda to deliberately shape group-think and related behaviors, especially in cases where people committed otherwise aberrant violent acts due to the anonymity resultant from being a member of the collective.[90] Sadistic acts of this sort were notable in the case of the genocide which was committed by members of the Croatian Ustashe, whose enthusiasm and sadism in their killings of Serbs appalled the Italians and the Germans to such an extent that at one point, the German Army's field police "moved in and disarmed them".[91] One might describe the behavior of the Croatians as a sort of quasi-religious eliminationist opportunism, but this same thing might be said of the Germans, whose antisemitism was likewise religious and racialist in nomenclature.[92]

A controversy erupted in 1997 when historian Daniel Goldhagen argued in Hitler's Willing Executioners that ordinary Germans were knowing and willing participants in the Holocaust, which he writes, had its roots in a deep racially motivated eliminationist antisemitism that was uniquely manifested in German society.[93] Historians who disagree with Goldhagen's thesis argue that, while antisemitism undeniably existed in Germany, Goldhagen's idea of a uniquely German "eliminationist" version is untenable.[94] In complete contrast to Goldhagen's position, historian Johann Chapoutot observes,

Culturally speaking, the Nazi ideology advanced by the NSDAP contained only an infinitesimal number of ideas that were genuinely German in origin. Racism, colonialism, anti-Semitism, social Darwinism, and eugenics did not originate between the Rhine and the Memel. Practically speaking, we know the Shoah would have been considerably less murderous if French and Hungarian police forces—not to mention Baltic nationalists, Ukrainian volunteer forces, Polish anti-Semites, and collaborationist politicians, to name only a few—had not supported it so fully and so swiftly: whether or not they knew where the convoys were headed, they were more than happy to rid themselves of their Jewish populations.[95]

Functionalism versus intentionalism

Frontispiece of the Nuremberg trials 1940 copy of Mein Kampf

A major issue in contemporary Holocaust studies is the question of functionalism versus intentionalism. The terms were coined during the Cumberland Lodge Conference in May 1979 which was entitled, "The National Socialist Regime and German Society" by the British Marxist historian Timothy Mason in order to describe two schools of thought about the origins of the Holocaust.[96]

Intentionalists hold the view that the Holocaust was the result of a long-term master plan on the part of Hitler, and they also believe that he was the driving force behind it.[97] However, functionalists hold the view that Hitler did not have a master plan for genocide and based on this view, they see the Holocaust as coming from the ranks of the German bureaucracy, with little or no involvement on the part of Hitler.[98] Within the content of Hitler biographies which were written by Joachim Fest and Alan Bullock, one encounters a "Hitler-centric explanation for genocide" even though other psycho-historians like Rudolph Binion, Walter Langer, and Robert Waite raised issues about Hitler's ability to make rational decisions; nonetheless, his antisemitism remained unquestioned, the latter authors merely juxtaposed it against his general mental health.[99]

Historian and intentionalist Lucy Dawidowicz argued that the Holocaust was planned by Hitler from the very beginning of his political career, which can be traced back to his traumatic experience at the end of the First World War.[100] Other intentionalists, such as Andreas Hillgruber, Karl Dietrich Bracher, and Klaus Hildebrand, have suggested that Hitler had decided upon the Holocaust sometime in the early 1920s.[101] Historian Eberhard Jäckel postulates that the extermination order placed upon the Jews may have occurred during the summer of 1940.[102] Another intentionalist historian, the American Arno J. Mayer, argued that Hitler first ordered the mass murder of the Jews in December 1941, due principally to the failed Blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union.[103] Saul Friedländer has argued that Hitler was an extreme antisemite early on and drove Nazi policy to exterminate the Jews, but he also recognizes the technocratic rationality of the regime that helped bring Hitler's ideological goals to fruition.[104] While others, like Gerhard Weinberg, remain in the intentionalist camp and see Hitler's part as essential to the unfolding of the Final Solution—he also points out the importance of Nazi ideological imperatives such as the Wannsee Conference, and like many scholars, demonstrates that there is still "much to be discovered and learned."[105]

Functionalists such as Hans Mommsen, Martin Broszat, Götz Aly, Raul Hilberg, and Christopher Browning hold that the Holocaust was started in 1941–1942 either as a result of the failure of the Nazi deportation policy and/or the impending military losses in Russia.[106] Functionalists contend that what some see as extermination fantasies outlined in Hitler's Mein Kampf and other Nazi literature were simply propaganda and did not constitute concrete plans. In Mein Kampf, Hitler repeatedly states his inexorable hatred of the Jewish people, but nowhere does he proclaim his intention to exterminate them. They also argue that, in the 1930s, Nazi policy aimed at making life so unpleasant for German Jews that they would leave Germany.[107] Adolf Eichmann was in charge of facilitating Jewish emigration by whatever means possible from 1937[108] until 23 October 1941, when German Jews were forbidden to leave.[109] Functionalists see the SS's support in the late 1930s for Zionist groups as the preferred solution to the "Jewish Question" as another sign that there was no masterplan for genocide. Essentially the view of functionalists concerning the Holocaust is that it came about via improvisation as opposed to deliberate planning.[110]

To that end, functionalists argue that, in German documents from 1939 to 1941, the term "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" was meant to be a "territorial solution"; that is, the entire Jewish population was to be expelled somewhere far from Germany.[111] At first, the SS planned to create a gigantic Jewish reservation in the Lublin, Poland area, but the so-called "Lublin Plan" was vetoed by Hans Frank, the Governor-General of occupied Poland, who refused to allow the SS to ship any more Jews to the Lublin area after November 1939. The reason Frank vetoed the "Lublin Plan" was not due to any humane motives, but rather because he was opposed to the SS "dumping" Jews into the Government-General.[112] In 1940, the SS and the German Foreign Office had the so-called "Madagascar Plan" to deport the entire Jewish population of Europe to a "reservation" on Madagascar.[113] The "Madagascar Plan" was canceled because Germany could not defeat the United Kingdom and until their blockade of Nazi-occupied Europe was broken, the "Madagascar Plan" could not be put into effect.[114] Finally, functionalist historians have made much of a memorandum written by Himmler in May 1940 explicitly rejecting extermination of the entire peoples as "un-German" and recommending to Hitler instead, the "Madagascar Plan" as the preferred "territorial solution" to the "Jewish Question".[115][116] Not until July 1941 did the term "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" come to mean extermination.[117]

Recently, a synthesis of the two schools has emerged that has been championed by diverse historians such as the Canadian historian Michael Marrus, the Israeli historian Yehuda Bauer, and the British historian Ian Kershaw that contends Hitler was the driving force behind the Holocaust, but that he did not have a long-term plan and that much of the initiative for the Holocaust came from below in an effort to meet Hitler's perceived wishes. As historian Omer Bartov relates, "the "intentionalists" and "functionalists" have gradually come closer, as further research now seems to indicate that the more extreme new interpretations are just as impossible to sustain as the traditional ones."[118]


Adolf Hitler

Hitler's prophecy speech in the Reichstag, 30 January 1939, during which he threatened "the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe".

Most historians take the view that Hitler was the opposite of a pragmatist: his overriding obsession was hatred of the Jews, and he showed on a number of occasions that he was willing to risk losing the war to achieve their destruction. There is no "smoking gun" in the form of a document that shows Hitler ordering the Final Solution. Hitler did not have a bureaucratic mind and many of his most important instructions were given orally.[119] There is ample documentary evidence, however, that Hitler desired to eradicate Jewry and that the order to do so originated from him, including the authorization for mass deportations of the Jews to the east beginning in October 1941.[120] He cannot have imagined that these hundreds of thousands of Jews would be housed, clothed, and fed by the authorities of the Government-General, and in fact Hans Frank frequently complained that he could not cope with the influx.[121][122]

Historian Paul Johnson writes that some writers, such as David Irving, have claimed that because there were no written orders, "the Final Solution was Himmler's work and […] Hitler not only did not order it but did not even know it was happening". Johnson states, however, that "this argument will not stand up. The administration of the Third Reich was often chaotic but its central principle was clear enough: all key decisions emanated from Hitler."[119]

According to Kershaw, "Hitler's authority—most probably given as verbal consent to propositions usually put to him by Himmler—stood behind every decision of magnitude and significance."[123] Hitler continued to be closely involved in the "Final Solution".[124] Kershaw also points out that, "in the wake of the German military crisis following the catastrophe at Stalingrad" that "Hitler took a direct hand" in convincing his Hungarian and Romanian allies to "sharpen the persecution" of the Jews.[125] Hitler's role in the Final Solution was often indirect rather than overt, frequently granting approval rather than initiating. The unparalleled outpourings of hatred were a constant even amid all the policy shifts of the Nazis. They often had propaganda or mobilizing motives, and usually remained generalized. Even so, Kershaw remains adamant that Hitler's role was decisive and indispensable in the unfolding of the "Final Solution".[126]

In the following widely cited speech made on 30 January 1939, Hitler gave a speech to the Reichstag which included the statement:

I want to be a prophet again today: if international finance Jewry in Europe and beyond should succeed once more in plunging the peoples into a world war, then the result will be not the Bolshevization of the earth and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe.[127]

On 30 January 1942 at the Sports Palace in Berlin, Hitler told the crowd:

And we say that the war will not end as the Jews imagine it will, namely with the uprooting of the Aryans, but the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews.[128]

According to historian Klaus Hildebrand, moral responsibility for the Holocaust resides with Hitler and was nothing less than the culmination of his pathological hatred of the Jews, which for all intents and purposes formed the basis of Nazi genocide and drove the regime to pursue its racial-eliminationist goals.[129] Whether or not Hitler gave a direct order for the implementation of the Final Solution is immaterial and nothing more than a red herring, which fails to recognize Hitler's leadership style, particularly since his verbal commands were sufficient to launch initiatives—due largely to the fact that his subordinates were always "working towards the Führer" in an effort to implement "his totalitarian vision" even in cases "without written authority."[130] Throughout Gerald Fleming's notable work, Hitler and the Final Solution, he demonstrates that on numerous occasions, Himmler mentioned a "Führer-Order" concerning the annihilation of the Jews, which indicates that at the very least, Hitler verbally issued a command on the subject.[131]

Journal entries from Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels support the position that Hitler was the driving force behind the destruction of the Jews as well; Goebbels wrote that Hitler followed the subject closely and described the Führer as "uncompromising" about eliminating the Jews.[132] As historian David Welch asserts, if one takes the scale of the logistical operations that the Holocaust comprised (in the middle of a worldwide war) into consideration alone, it is nearly impossible that the extermination of so many people and the coordination of such an extensive effort could have occurred without Hitler's authorization.[133]

Other Nazi leaders

Konrad Adenauer's State Secretary Hans Globke had played a major role in drafting antisemitic Nuremberg Race Laws

While significant numbers of Germans and other Europeans collectively participated in the Holocaust, it was Hitler and his Nazi followers who share the greatest responsibility for incentivizing, coercing, and/or overseeing the extermination of millions of people.[134] Among those most responsible for the Final Solution were Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Adolf Eichmann, Odilo Globocnik, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Heinrich Müller, Theodor Eicke, Richard Glücks, Friedrich Jeckeln, Friedrich-Wilhelm Krüger, Rudolf Höss, Christian Wirth, and Oswald Pohl. Key roles were also played by Fritz Sauckel, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick and Robert Ley.[135]

Other top Nazi leaders such as Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Göring, and Martin Bormann contributed in various ways, whether administratively supporting killing efforts or providing ideological fodder to encourage the Holocaust.[136] For example, Goebbels carried on an intensive antisemitic propaganda campaign and also had frequent discussions with Hitler about the fate of the Jews.[137] He was aware throughout that the Jews were being exterminated, and completely supported this decision.[138] In July 1941, Göring issued a memo to Heydrich ordering him to organise the practical details of a solution to the "Jewish Question". This led to the Wannsee Conference held on 20 January 1942, where Heydrich formally announced that genocide of the Jews of Europe was now an official Reich policy.[139] That same year, Bormann signed the decree of 9 October 1942 prescribing that the permanent Final Solution in Greater Germany could no longer be solved by emigration, but only by the use of "ruthless force in the special camps of the East", that is, extermination in Nazi death camps.[140]

Although the Nazi regime is often depicted as a super-centralized vertically hierarchical state, individual initiative was an important element in how Nazi Germany functioned.[141] Millions of people were rounded up, bureaucratically processed and transported across Europe due to the vigorous initiative of those Nazis most committed to carrying out their duties to the state, an operation involving thousands of officials and a great deal of paperwork. This was a coordinated effort among the SS and its sprawling police apparatus with the Reich ministries and the national railways, all under the supervision of the Nazi Party.[142] Most of the Party's regional leaders (Gauleiters) also knew of the Holocaust since many were present for Himmler's October 1943 speech at Posen, during which he explicitly mentioned the extermination of the Jews.[143]

German military

The extent to which the officers of the regular German military knew of the Final Solution has been much debated. Political imperatives in postwar Germany led to the army being generally absolved from responsibility, apart from the handful of "Nazi generals" such as Alfred Jodl and Wilhelm Keitel who were tried and hanged at Nuremberg. There is an abundance of evidence, however, that the top officers of the Wehrmacht certainly knew about the murders and in a number of instances, approved and/or sanctioned them.[144] The exhibit "War of Extermination: The Crimes of the Wehrmacht"[k] showed the extent to which the military was involved in the Holocaust.[145][146]

It was particularly difficult for commanders on the eastern front to avoid knowing what was happening in the areas behind the front. Many individual soldiers photographed the massacres of Jews by the Einsatzgruppen.[147] Some generals and officers, such as Walther von Reichenau, Erich Hoepner, and Erich von Manstein, actively supported the work of the Einsatzgruppen.[148] A number of Wehrmacht units provided direct or indirect assistance to the Einsatzgruppen—all the while mentally normalizing amoral behaviors in the conduct of war through specious justification that they were destroying the Reich's enemies.[149] Many individual soldiers who ventured to the killing sites behind the lines voluntarily participated in the mass shootings.[150] Cooperation between the SS police units and Wehrmacht also occurred when they took hostages and carried out reprisals against partisans, particularly in the Eastern theater, where the war took on the complexion of a racial war as opposed to the conventional one being fought in the West.[151]

Other front-line officers went through the war without coming into direct contact with the machinery of extermination, choosing to focus narrowly on their duties and not noticing the wider context of the war. On 20 July 1942, an extermination unit under the command of Walther Rauff was sent to Tobruk and assigned to the Afrika Korps led by Erwin Rommel. However, since Rommel was 500 km away at the First Battle of El Alamein, it is unlikely that the two were able to meet.[152] The plans for Einsatzgruppe Egypt were set aside after the Allied victory at the Second Battle of El Alamein.[153] Historian Jean-Christoph Caron opines that there is no evidence that Rommel knew of or would have supported Rauff's mission.[154] Relations between some Army commanders and the SS were not friendly, as officers occasionally refused to co-operate with Himmler's forces; General Johannes Blaskowitz for instance, was relieved of his command after officially protesting about SS atrocities in Poland.[155][l] Such behaviors were uncommon, however, as a significant portion of the German military acculturated to the norms of the Nazi regime and the SS in particular, and were likewise censurable for carrying out atrocities during the course of the Second World War.[156]

Other states

Jewish woman chased by men and youth armed with clubs during the Lviv pogroms, July 1941

Although the Holocaust was planned and directed by Germans, the Nazi regime found willing collaborators in other countries, both those allied to Germany and those under German occupation and by 1942, the atrocities across the continent became a "pan-European program."[157] The civil service and police of the Vichy regime in occupied France actively collaborated in persecuting French Jews.[158] Germany's allies, Italy, Finland, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria, were all pressured to introduce anti-Jewish measures. Bulgaria refused to co-operate, and all 50,000 Bulgarian Jews survived (though most lost their possessions and many were imprisoned), but thousands of Greek and Yugoslavian Jews were deported from the Bulgarian-occupied territories.[159] Finland officially refused to participate in the Holocaust and only 7 out of 300 Jewish alien refugees were turned over to the Germans.[160] The Hungarian regime of Miklós Horthy also refused to cooperate until the German invasion of Hungary in 1944, after which its 750,000 Jews were no longer safe.[161] Between May through July 1944, upwards of 437,000 Jews were deported from Hungary to Auschwitz.[162] The Romanian regime of Ion Antonescu actively persecuted Jews, murdering some 120,000 of them.[163][164] The German puppet regime in Croatia actively persecuted Jews on its own initiative.[165][166]

The Nazis enlisted support for their programs in all the countries they occupied, although their recruitment methods differed in various countries according to Nazi racial theories. In the "Nordic" countries of Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, and Estonia they tried to recruit young men into the Waffen-SS, with sufficient success to create the "Wiking" SS division on the Eastern Front, many of whose members fought for Germany with great fanaticism until the end of the war.[167] In Lithuania and Ukraine, on the other hand, they recruited large numbers of auxiliary troops that were used for anti-partisan work and guard duties at extermination and concentration camps.[168]

In recent years, the extent of local collaboration with the Nazis in Eastern Europe has become more apparent. Historian Alan Bullock writes: "The opening of the archives both in the Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe has produced incontrovertible evidence [of] ... collaboration on a much bigger scale than hitherto realized of Ukrainians and Lithuanians as well as Hungarians, Croats and Slovaks in the deportation and murder of Jews."[169] Historians have been examining the question of whether it is fair to connote the Holocaust as a European Project. Historian Dieter Pohl has estimated that more than 200,000 non-Germans "prepared, carried out and assisted in acts of murder"; that is about the same number as Germans and Austrians.[170] Such numbers have elicited a similar reaction from other historians; Götz Aly for instance, has come to the conclusion that the Holocaust was in fact a "European project."[171] While the Holocaust was perpetrated at the urging of the Nazis and constituted part of the SS vision for a "pan-European racial community", the subsequent outbursts of antisemitic violence in Croatia, France, Romania, Slovakia, the Baltic states among others, make the catastrophe a "European project" according to historian Dan Stone.[172]


In Belgium the state has been accused of having actively collaborated with Nazi Germany. An official 2007 report commissioned by the Belgian senate concluded that the Belgians were indeed complicit in participating in the Holocaust. According to the report, the Belgian authorities "adopted a docile attitude providing collaboration unworthy of a democracy in its treatment of Jews."[173] The report also identified three crucial moments that showed the attitude of Belgian authorities toward the Jews: (1) During the autumn of 1940 when they complied with the order of the German occupier to register all Jews even though it was contrary to the Belgium constitution; this led to a number of measures including the firing of all Jews from official positions in December 1940 and the expelling of all Jewish children from their schools in December 1941;[174] (2) In summer 1942, when over one thousand Jews were deported to the death camps, particularly Auschwitz during the month of August. This was only the first of such actions as the deportations to the east continued resulting in the death of some 25,000 people;[175] and (3) At the end of 1945, the Belgian state officials decided that its authorities bore no legal responsibility for the persecution of the Jews, even though many Belgian police officers participated in the rounding up and deportation of Jews,[176] particularly in the Flemish part of Belgium.[177]

However, collaboration is not the whole story. While there is little doubt that there were strong antisemitic feelings in Belgium, after November 1942, the German roundups became less successful as large-scale rescue operations were carried out by ordinary Belgians. Many bankers, notaries, and judges—people who had access to information about property, accounts, and commercial registers—refused to be complicit in the expropriation of Jewish property, which elicited complaints from Nazi authorities.[178] These actions (among others) resulted in the survival of about 25,000 Jews from Belgium.[179] Unlike other states, which were immediately annexed, Belgium was initially placed under German military administration, which the Belgian authorities exploited by refusing to carry out some of the Nazi directives against the Jews. Roughly 60 percent of Belgium's Jews, who were there at the start of the war, survived the Final Solution.[180]


Bulgaria, mainly through the influence of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, saved nearly all of its indigenous Jewish population from deportation and certain death. This is not to imply that Bulgaria was entirely blameless, as they passed special laws to confiscate Jewish property and remove them from public service in early 1941.[181] When this law came into effect on 23 January 1941—signed by Tsar Boris III—Jews were also forbidden from marrying Christians, they could no longer serve in the Bulgarian military, became subject to forced labor, and could no longer vote, nor could they change residence without police authorization.[182] Once civil and military administration over parts of Northern Greece and Macedonia were turned over to Bulgaria by Germany, Bulgarian authorities deported Jews from those territories to concentration camps. Originally SS Captain Theodor Dannecker and the head of the Commissariat for Jewish Affairs, Alexander Belev, agreed to deport as many as 20,000 Jews from Macedonia and Thrace.[183] These deportations were set to be completed by May 1943.[184] Belev had agreed to these measures without the knowledge or approval from officials in the Bulgarian government, which sparked protests that reached the Bulgarian National Assembly in Sofia.[185] Before the matter was over, however, Bulgaria had deported some 11,000 foreign Jews to Nazi-held territory.[186] Once those Jews were handed over to the Germans, they were sent to the extermination camp at Treblinka, where they perished.[187]

Channel Islands

Channel Islands police collaborated with the Nazis deporting local Jews, some of whom were sent to Auschwitz in 1942, others were deported in 1943 as retaliation for the British commando raid on the small Channel Island of Sark when most of the Jews were shipped to internment camps in France and Germany.[188] On the Channel Island of Alderney a labor camp for Jews was established, one which was notable for the brutality of the German guards; hundreds of Jews were murdered there and 384 were buried within the camp itself, while many others were simply dumped into the sea.[189] Some 250—mostly French—Jews perished on a ship headed from Germany to the Alderney camp when it was sunk by the Royal Navy on 4 July 1944.[190]


Ante Pavelić greeting the Croatian parliament in February 1943

Croatia was a puppet state which was created by the Germans and ruled by the vehemently racist head of the Ustasha,[m] Ante Pavelić.[191] As early as May 1941, the Croatian government forced all Jews to wear the yellow badge and by the summer of that same year, they enacted laws that excluded them from both the economy and society.[192][193] Within those first few months in power, the Ustasha also demolished the main synagogue in Zagreb.[194] The Croatian Ustaše regime killed thousands of people, the majority of whom were Serbs, (estimates vary widely, but most modern and qualified sources put the number of people who were killed at around 45,000 to 52,000), about 12,000 to 20,000 Jews and 15,000 to 20,000 Roma,[195] primarily in the Ustasha's Jasenovac concentration camp which was located near Zagreb.[196] Historians Donald Niewyk and Francis Nicosia provide higher estimates for the number of people who were killed, reporting the following ranges: 500,000 Serbs, 25,000 Gypsies, and 32,000 Jews; most of whom (75%) were murdered, not by the Nazis but by the Croatians themselves.[197] Croatians murdered of their own volition as part of their own "large-scale political repopulation project," one with the obvious goal of ethnic cleansing.[198][n] According to the 2001 census in Croatia, only 495 Jews were listed of the 25,000 Jews who had previously lived there before the Second World War, accounting for less than 0.1% of Croatia's population.[199]


Due in part to the fact that the Germans were dependent upon an "uninterrupted supply of Danish agricultural products to the Reich" they tolerated the status quo of 6,500 Jews living undisturbed in Denmark.[200] Upset with German policies and wishing for democracy, the Danes began demonstrating against the Germans, which incited a military response from the Nazis that included dismantling the Danish military forces and correspondingly placing Danish Jews at increased risk.[201]

Most of the Danish Jews were saved by the unwillingness of the Danish government and people to acquiesce to the demands of the occupying forces and through their concerted efforts to ferry Danish Jews to Sweden during October 1943.[202] In total, this endeavor saved nearly 8,000 Jews from certain death; another 425 who were sent to Theresienstadt[o] were also saved due to the determination of the Danes, and returned to their homes following the war.[204] About 1,500 of the roughly 8,000 Jews rescued by the Danes were recent refugees from Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Germany.[205]


Prior to the Second World War, there were approximately 5,000 Estonian Jews.[206] With the Nazi invasion of the Baltics, the Nazi government found willing volunteers from this region to assist the Einsatzgruppen and auxiliary police, which enabled it to carry out mass genocide in this region.[207] About 50% of Estonia's Jewish population, aware of the fate that otherwise awaited them following the Nazi invasion, managed to escape to the Soviet Union;[208] virtually all those remaining were forced to wear badges identifying them as Jews, stripped of their property, and eventually murdered by Einsatzgruppe A and local collaborators before the end of 1941.[209] Right-wing Estonian units, known as the Omakaitse were among those who aided the Einsatzgruppen in murdering Jews.[210] During the winter of 1941–1942, Einsatzgruppe A operating in Ostland and the Army Group Rear reported having murdered 2,000 Jews in Estonia.[211] At the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, Estonia was reported to be Jew-free.[210] Jews from countries outside the Baltics were shipped there to be exterminated—as was the case for 7,130 Jews sent to Estonia in September 1943, where they were murdered within months.[212] An estimated 20,000 Jews were sent to labor camps in Estonia from elsewhere in Eastern Europe.[213]


Despite being at times a co-belligerent of Nazi Germany, Finland remained independent and its leadership flatly refused to cooperate with Heinrich Himmler's request to relinquish its 2,000 Jews.[160] Some Jews were even able to flee German-occupied Europe and make their way into Finland.[214] Only seven of the 300 alien Jews living in Finland were turned over to the Germans.[160] Even the deportation of a handful of Jews did not go unnoticed, as there were protests in Finland from members of its indigenous Social Democratic Party, by a number of Lutheran ministers, the Archbishop, and the Finnish Cabinet.[215] Like Denmark, Finland was one of only two countries in the orbit of Nazi domination that refused to cooperate fully with Hitler's regime.[216] These historical observations do not absolve all Finns, as some scholars point out—in particular, the Einsatzkommando Finnland was formed during the joint invasion of the Soviet Union, which received collaboration from Finnish police units and Finnish military intelligence in capturing partisans, Jews, and Soviet POWs as part of their operations—exactly how many of each group remains unclear and is a subject needing further research according to historian Paul Lubotina.[217]


Antisemitism, as the Dreyfus Affair had shown at the end of the 19th century, was widespread in France, especially among anti-republican sympathizers.[218] Long before the rise of the Nazis, antisemitism was so pronounced in France that, according to intellectual historian George Mosse, France seemed like it would be the country where racism might direct its political future.[219] Before the onset of World War II, there were roughly 350,000 Jews residing in France, with only 150,000 being native-born. Approximately 50,000 were refugees fleeing Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia, while another 25,000 came to France from Belgium and Holland; the remaining Jews were arrivals to France in the 1920s and 30s from Eastern Europe.[220]

Once the Germans invaded, many Jews fled away from the advancing forces, but France's rapid collapse, both militarily and politically, the armistice, and the speed at which everything happened trapped many of them in southern France.[221] Philippe Pétain, who became the French premier after Paris had fallen to the German Army, arranged the surrender to Germany.[222] He then became the head of the Vichy government, which collaborated with the Nazis, claiming that it would soften the hardships of occupation.[223] Opposition to the German occupation of northern France and the collaborationist Vichy government was left to the French Resistance within France and the Free French Forces led by Charles de Gaulle outside France.[224] German occupation was quickly accompanied by harsh treatment; Jews were expelled from Alsace-Lorraine and their property was confiscated, whereas foreign Jews—around 32,000—were interned following a Vichy decree on 4 October 1940.[225] Additional discriminatory measures soon followed and intensified after the Nazis issued an ordinance on 27 September 1940; these were carried out by the French administration and included: identification requirements for Jews, a census to account for all Jews and businesses, expropriation and "Aryanization" of property, along with occupational restrictions and bans.[225] On 7 October 1940, Pétain's government repealed the Crémieux Decree, a move which deprived 117,000 Algerian-born French Jews of the civil rights they were granted in 1870.[226]

By the end of 1940, more Jews were arrested in Vichy France than in German-occupied France.[227] Another 1,112 Jews were arrested during French round-ups in May and December 1941; later, when they were deported, they constituted some of the earliest arrivals to Auschwitz at the end of March 1942.[228] Five thousand additional Jews were sent from France to Auschwitz at the end of April and during June 1942.[229] The chief of police for the Vichy government, René Bousquet, agreed to arrest foreign and stateless Jews in Vichy France starting in July 1942, and he acceded to having French police collaborate in arresting Jews in the occupied zone.[230] Per agreement between the Vichy government and the Nazis, another 10,000 Jews were added to the total being deported between 19 July and 7 August 1942.[231] Some 2,000 Jewish children whose parents had already been shipped to Auschwitz were also sent to the camp during the period 17–26 August 1942, and by the end of the year, the total figure of deportees from France reached 42,000 persons.[232] From the first transport of March 1942 to the last one during July 1944, as many as 77,911 Jews were deported from France to Poland.[233] [p] Most of the Jews in France were transported to Auschwitz, but some were sent to Majdanek and Sobibór with a few ending up at Buchenwald.[235]


The Jews of Greece mainly lived in the area around Thessaloniki, where a large and influential Sephardi community had lived since the 15th century, where some 55,000 Jews comprised nearly 20% of the city.[236] Following the German invasion and occupation of Salonika in 1941, an antisemitic nationalist party called National Union of Greece (Ethniki Enosis Ellados, EEE), which had existed between 1927 and 1935, was revived by Nazi authorities.[237][q]

The Greek governor, Vasilis Simonides, cooperated with the Nazi authorities and supplied local police forces to aide in deporting 48,500 Jews from Salonika to Auschwitz-Birkenau during March to August 1943.[239] Both Greeks and Germans looted the businesses and homes vacated by the expelled Jews.[183] Greek Jews residing in the areas occupied by Bulgaria were also deported following the deportations from Salonika. In March 1944, German forces and Greek police in Athens rounded up Jews and deported them. Upwards of 2,000 Jews from Corfu and another 2,200 from Rhodes were transported to concentration camps in June 1944.[240] Before the end of the war, over 60,000 Greek Jews were murdered, the vast majority of whom were sent to Auschwitz.[241]


Captured Jewish women in Wesselényi Street, Budapest, Hungary on 20–22 October 1944

In March 1938, several years before the German occupation of Hungary, anti-Jewish measures were already enacted by the Hungarian Parliament in the wake of Prime Minister Kálmán Darányi's announcement about the need to solve the Jewish question.[242] This legislation and the second set of anti-Jewish laws restricted Jews from certain professions and economic sectors, it also forbade Jews from becoming Hungarian citizens by means of either marriage, naturalization, or legitimization. Approximately 90,000 Jews and their family members who relied on their support (upwards of 220,000 people) lost their means of economic survival and when the third anti-Jewish law went into effect, it nearly mirrored the Nazi Nuremberg Laws.[243]

Once the legal exclusion of Jews from Hungarian society was complete, the National Central Alien Control Office (Külföldieket Ellenőrző Országos Központi Hatóság, KEOKH), turned its attention almost exclusively to expelling "undesirable" Jews.[244] By the summer of 1941, the Hungarians carried out their first series of mass murders, and again in early January 1942, when they slaughtered 2,500 Serbs and 700 Jews, demonstrating that the political leadership in Hungary authorized the commission of atrocities even before the German occupation.[245] Sometime in August 1941, the Hungarian authorities deported 16,000 "alien" Jews, most of whom were shot by the SS and Ukrainian collaborators.[246] In the spring of 1942, the Hungarian Minister of Defense ordered the majority of Jewish forced labor to the theater of military operations. Due to this order, as many as 50,000 Jews worked in military forced-labor companies starting in the spring of 1942 through 1944.[247] Accompanying Hungarian troops during Operation Barbarossa, Jews in these units were poorly treated, insufficiently housed, ill-fed, routinely used to clear minefields, and placed in constant unnecessary danger; estimates indicate that "at least 33,000 Hungarian Jewish males in the prime of life" died in Russia.[248]

During parts of May through June 1944, some 10,000 Hungarian Jews were gassed on a daily basis at Auschwitz-Birkenau, a pace with which the crematoria could not keep up, resulting in many of the bodies being burned in open pits.[249] The 410,000 Jews murdered during this period represents the "largest single group of Jews murdered after 1942" according to historian Christian Gerlach.[250] Much of the efficiency with which the Germans were able to deport and murder Hungarian Jews stemmed from the "frictionless cooperation of Hungary's politicians, bureaucracy, and gendarmerie", and popular Hungarian antisemitism served to block any Jews trying to escape.[251] After the fascist Arrow Cross coup in October 1944, Arrow Cross militias shot as many as 20,000 Jews in Budapest and dumped their bodies into the Danube River between December 1944 and the end of January 1945.[252] Jews in labor battalions were sent on death marches into Germany and Austria.[253]

Nearly one-tenth of the Holocaust's Jewish victims were Hungarian Jews, accounting for a total of over 564,000 deaths; some 64,000 Jews had already been murdered prior to the German occupation of Hungary.[254] Despite the atrocities in Hungary, approximately 200,000 Jews in total survived the war.[255]


Among Germany's allies, Italy was not known for its antisemitism and had a relatively well-assimilated Jewish population; its policies were essentially about domination as opposed to "destruction." [256] National pride and the need to express sovereignty had as much to do with Italian behaviors as did any general benevolence towards the Jews.[256] Approximately 57,000 Jews resided in pre-war Italy, about 10,000 of whom were refugees from Austria and Germany, comprising less than one-tenth of one percent of the population.[257] An Italian law was passed in 1938 as part of Mussolini's effort to align his country more with Germany; the law restricted civil liberties of Jews. This effectively reduced the country's Jews to second-class status, though the Italians never made it official policy to deport Jews to concentration camps. Edging closer towards Germany, the Italian Ministry of the Interior established 43 camps where enemy "aliens" (to include Jews) were detained—these camps were not pleasant but they were "a far cry from the Nazi concentration camps."[258]

After the fall of Benito Mussolini and the Italian Social Republic, Jews started being deported to German camps by the Italian puppet regime, which issued a police order to that effect on 30 November 1943.[259] While Jews fled once the puppet regime came to power, the Italian police nonetheless captured and sent over 7,000 Jews to camps at Fossoli di Carpi and Bolzano, both of which served as assembly points for deportations to Auschwitz-Birkenau.[260] Italian prisons were used to house Jews as well, the most infamous of them was San Vittore Prison in Milan where "torture and murder were common."[261] Nazi Germany's Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels, complained throughout the war about Italy's "lax" policies against the Jews.[262] Nevertheless, through 1944, no less than 15 transports carrying around 3,800 Jews made their way from Italy to Auschwitz.[263] Estimates from a number of sources place the total death count for Italian Jews between 6,500 and 9,000.[264] The generally accepted death tolls for Italy are about 8,000 Jews and as many as 1,000 Roma.[265]


Members of a Latvian self-defence unit assemble a group of Jewish women for execution on a beach near Liepāja, 15 December 1941

Before the war over 93,000 Jews resided in Latvia, comprising less than 5 percent of the country's population.[266] Immediately in the wake of the German attack on the former Soviet Union in June 1941, Latvia was occupied and incorporated into the Reichskommissariat Ostland as Generalbezirk Lettland with a Latvian civil administration under the D. Heinrich Drechsler.[267] Latvian auxiliary forces aided the SS Einsatzgruppen by following behind the advancing German forces, shooting Jews who they lined up in anti-tank trenches.[268] Other instances of Latvian brutality against the Jews manifested before troops even arrived, as the local populations attacked and murdered entire communities across hundreds of small villages.[269] Zealous Latvians assisted the German forces in collecting all males between the ages of 16 and 60 in the city of Dvinsk for support operations; hundreds of Jewish males never returned from these duties as they were often murdered.[270] In the areas in and around Warsaw, Latvian guards accompanied the SS in securing the ghetto and deporting Jews to Treblinka.[271]

The former head of the Latvian police, Viktors Arājs, willingly collaborated with the Nazis by forming the Arājs Kommando, a Latvian volunteer police unit, which worked closely with the SS Einsatzgruppe A to murder Jews.[272] As early as July 1941, they were already burning synagogues in Riga.[273] According to historian Timothy Snyder, the Arājs Kommando shot 22,000 Latvian Jews at various locations after they had been brutally rounded up for this purpose by the regular police and auxiliaries, and were responsible for assisting in the murder of some 28,000 more Jews.[274] Aggregate figures indicate that around 70,000 Latvian Jews were murdered during the Holocaust.[211]


Only a handful of Jews lived in the small neutral state of Liechtenstein at the outbreak of the Second World War.[r] Between 1933 and 1945, approximately 400 Jews were taken in by Liechtenstein, but another 165 were turned away.[276] According to a 2005 study, the royal family of Liechtenstein purchased once Jewish-owned property and furniture that the Nazis seized after annexing Austria and Czechoslovakia. Liechtenstein's royal family also rented inmates from Strasshof an der Nordbahn concentration camp near Vienna, where they employed forced labor on nearby royal estates.[277]


Nearly 7 percent of Lithuania's population was Jewish, totaling approximately 160,000 persons.[278] For the most part, the Nazis considered the majority of non-Jewish people in the Baltics as racially assimilable with the exception of Jews, against whom some discrimination was already present in Lithuania before the occupation, but it was generally confined to edicts against Jews being in certain occupations and/or educational discrimination.[279] Lithuania's Jewish population quickly swelled in the aftermath of the territorial arrangement between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, which proved a tumultuous time for many Jews who fled there to escape persecution; meanwhile, it increased the Jewish population of Lithuania to approximately 250,000.[280] Angry about the Nazi-Soviet pact, many Lithuanians began taking their anger out on the country's Jews by attacking them and their property.[281] The situation deteriorated further due to the see-saw of political power that started when the Soviet Army took control of Lithuania in June 1940 and persecuted thousands of its citizens through a program of Sovietization (approximately 17,000 Lithuanians were sent to Siberia right before the Germans arrived).[282] Many Jews were asked to join the short-lived Soviet government and were allowed integration into Lithuanian society. Just seven weeks later, however, the Nazis invaded and were greeted as liberators. Subsequent blame for the ill fortune that befell the Lithuanians under the Soviets landed on the Jews, which started even before the Germans had finished conquering the country;[283] Lithuanians carried out pogroms in at least 40 different places, where Jews were raped, severely injured, and murdered.[284] Blaming the Jews also afforded any Lithuanians who had cooperated with the Soviets the means to exonerate themselves by diverting attention onto a Jewish conspiratorial scapegoat.[285]

On 25 June 1941 Nazi forces arrived in Kaunas, where they witnessed local Lithuanians drag about 50 male Jews into the center of the city while one Lithuanian man beat them to death with a crowbar (cheered on by spectators) in a public display of brutality that shocked many Germans. After murdering all the Jews, the man climbed atop their corpses and played the Lithuanian national anthem on an accordion.[286] These deaths were part of the Kaunas pogrom during which many thousands of Jews were murdered by the Nazis with local acquiesance or assistance.[287] Mere weeks after arrival, the Nazis instituted a systematic campaign to eliminate the Jews of Lithuania by identifying them, rounding them up, guarding them, and transporting them to extermination sites—during which they were aided by Lithuanian soldiers and police.[288] The pace of murder increased and spread across Lithuania as the Germans consolidated their rule, sometimes by way of Lithuanian initiative, other times triggered at the arrival of Sipo-SD contingents.[289] Within the last 6 months of 1941 following the June invasion by Germany, the majority of Lithuanian Jews were executed, the biggest crime being the Ponary massacre.[290] The remnants trapped in ghettos were killed in occupied Lithuania and sent to Nazi death camps in Poland.[291] By the end of June 1941, around 80 percent of Lithuania's Jews had been "wiped out."[292] Scholars believe the overall Holocaust-related death rate in Lithuania was approximately 90 percent, making Nazi-occupied Lithuania the European territory with the lowest proportion of Jewish survivors from World War II. While estimates vary, the number of Lithuanian Jews murdered in the Holocaust is assessed to be between 195,000 and 196,000.[293]

Additionally, Lithuanian auxiliary police troops assisted in murdering Jews in Poland, Belarus and Ukraine.[294] One distinguished Lithuanian historian claims that there were five motivational factors eliciting participation in the atrocities by his countrymen. These were: (1) revenge against those who aided the Soviets; (2) expiation for those who wanted to demonstrate loyalty to the Nazis after collaborating previously with the Soviets; (3) antisemitism; (4) opportunism; and (5) self-enrichment.[295]


Known prior to the war for racial and religious tolerance, the Netherlands had taken in Jews since the 16th century, many of whom had found refuge there after fleeing Spain.[296] Before the German invasion of May 1940, approximately 140,000 Jews resided in the Netherlands, around 30,000 of them were refugees from Austria and Germany.[297] Nearly 60 percent of Dutch Jews lived in Amsterdam, constituting some 80,000 people.[298] Once the Nazis invaded, a host of antisemitic measures were enacted to include exclusion from professions like the civil service.[299] Anti-Jewish legislation that had taken years to institute in Germany was enacted within just months in the Netherlands.[300] On 22 October 1940, all Jewish banks and businesses had to register and all assets, whether private or those in banks, had to be declared.[301] Even radio sets in possession of Jews were forbidden and confiscated.[302] By January 1941, the Jews of the Netherlands were being defined by racist criteria, had to be registered, and merely a month later in February, many were being deported to Westerbork transit camp in the eastern part of the country. From there, most Dutch Jews were first sent to Mauthausen concentration camp.[302] While there was participation from some Dutch volunteers in various acts against the Jews, there was more of a tacit and begrudging acquiesance in the Netherlands, which required a very visible Nazi presence throughout the entire war to exploit the country's economic wealth and enforce Nazi occupation policies.[303][s]

From the summer of 1942 forward, upwards of 102,000 Dutch Jews were deported and murdered—much of which was made possible by the "cooperation and efficiency of the Dutch civil service and police" who willingly served the Germans.[305] Not only was there relatively smooth cooperation between Dutch authorities and Dutch police, the SS and the Nazi police organizations in the Netherlands also worked well together there; additionally, volunteers from indigenous fascist organizations assisted in persecuting Jews, and the Jewish council in Amsterdam, unfortunately, spread undue optimism and as a result, very few Dutch Jews went into hiding.[306] In all fairness to the Jewish council, however, they were deceived and provided misinformation by the Nazi commissioner for Amsterdam, Hans Böhmcker.[307] Historians Deborah Dwork and Robert Jan van Pelt report that in the Netherlands, nearly 80% of the 140,000 Jews originally living there were murdered.[308][t][u]


Amid a prewar population of 3 million, there were only 2,100 Jews living there, the largest contingency residing in Oslo.[310] After Norway was invaded, the Nazis took control of the government by June 1940 and the native government went into exile.[311] Power was given to the German Reichskommissar Josef Terboven and the Norwegian Fascist Party leader Vidkun Quisling, who supported the institution of anti-Jewish legislation.[312] Quisling attempted to establish himself as the ruler of occupied Norway, but the Nazis only used him as leader of a puppet government.[313] Like in Denmark, radios were confiscated from Jews by Norwegian police in May 1940.[314] On 20 April 1940, SS Einsatzkommandos were established in Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, Kristiansand, and Trondheim.[314] The Nazis, assisted by Norwegian police units, managed to round up 763 Jews, who were deported to Auschwitz where they were murdered.[315] Another 930 Jews escaped to Sweden from Norway.[316] However, the Nazis and their collaborators were very unpopular in Norway and many Jews were saved by the actions of Norwegians, including civil servants and police officers.[317] Quisling and other Norwegians, who collaborated with the Nazis, were executed as traitors after the war, at least partly due to their involvement in the Holocaust.[318]


A Palestinian Arab nationalist and a Muslim religious leader, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini worked for Nazi Germany as a propagandist and a recruiter of Muslim volunteers for the Waffen-SS and other units.[319] On 28 November 1941, Hitler officially received al-Husseini in Berlin.[320] Hitler told al-Husseini of the Germans' "uncompromising fight against the Jews", which included the Jews in Arab territories.[321] The Mufti spent the remainder of the war assisting with the formation of Muslim Waffen-SS units in the Balkans and the formation of schools and training centers for imams and mullahs who would accompany the Muslim SS and Wehrmacht units.[322] Beginning in 1943, al-Husseini was involved in the organization and recruitment of Bosnian Muslims into several divisions, the largest of which was the 13th "Handschar" division.[323]


Polish Jews comprised roughly 10 percent of the country's population at upwards of 3.3 million persons before the Second World War began, most of whom were well-integrated into Polish society in various industries.[324] Most Polish Jews lived in the cities and were self-employed.[325] Economic depression during the 1920s and 30s changed the situation for Jews in Poland, as a subsequent emergence of antisemitism yielded government programs to reduce their economic standing.[326] German occupation in 1939 only worsened matters for the Jews, as they started isolating them by forcing them into ghettos, eventually transporting them to camps established in Poland itself.[327]

Far right-wing party members in Poland saw the deportation of the Jews in a favorable light, but for the majority of Poles, their thoughts on the matter were far more complex.[328] When the Nazis attacked the Red Army in Soviet-occupied Poland during Operation Barbarossa of 1941, witnesses recalled a series of massacres committed against Jews by the Polish locals in the Białystok and Łomża areas, such as in Jedwabne, Radziłów, and Kolno villages, along with several others in the area.[329] The extent of local collaboration in these massacres is a controversial issue, as is the role of German units present there.[330][331] Historian Peter Longerich points out that "even if the pogroms can be attributed in large part to German plans to spark off 'attempts at self-cleansing', it has to be admitted that they would not have been possible if there had not already been a significant potential for anti-Semitic violence in the indigenous population and if they had not been susceptible to mobilization for such murderous campaigns."[332] This is also true of Jedwabne, "[which] was engineered by a unit of the German Security Police... [which] had recruited local Poles as auxiliary 'pogrom police' for this purpose."[333] According to Timothy Snyder, there were about a dozen pogroms instigated by the Nazis' arrival in Poland, resulting in several thousand deaths, but "the scale of the murder was...inferior to what the Germans were already achieving to the north and east."[334]

There were multiple occurrences of individual Volksdeutsche turning in, chasing down, or blackmailing Jews; such people were condemned as collaborators and under threat of execution by the Polish resistance. Emmanuel Ringelblum wrote that he saw Polish Blue Police beating Jews and that they participated in street round-ups.[335] But according to Raul Hilberg, "Of all the native police forces in occupied Eastern Europe, those of Poland were least involved in anti-Jewish actions... They [the Polish Blue Police] could not join the Germans in major operations against Jews or Polish resistors, lest they be considered traitors by virtually every Polish onlooker."[336] Poland never surrendered to the Germans so there was no collaboration on a national governmental level as took place elsewhere in occupied Europe. There also were no Polish SS battalions, though there were SS volunteer battalions from almost all of the other German-occupied countries. Attempts to organize Polish SS battalions resulted in immediate, large-scale desertions, and so these attempts were abandoned.[337] Polish Jew, Nechama Tec, an expert on the Holocaust who herself was saved by Polish Catholics, writes that she knew of no Polish concentration camp guards.[338] In general the machinery of the Holocaust ran with little Polish collaboration, though collaboration did take place on occasion as Yisrael Gutman and Shmuel Krakowski reported in their work Unequal Victims that a notable number of Poles turned their backs on the Jews, extorted them (see Szmalcownik ), and in the rural parts of Poland, peasants joined the Germans in hunting down and killing Jews who escaped from ghettos.[339] They also claim that there were more bystander crimes than those willing to aide the Jews.[339] Nonetheless, Polish citizens have the world's highest count of individuals recognized as Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem; a list consisting of Gentiles who risked their lives to save Jews from extermination during the Holocaust.[340]

Nonetheless, due to its European centrality, available rail networks, and proximity to Nazi avenues of control, Poland was the nation where German persecution policies against the Jews were played out in full.[341] German-occupied Poland had the most ghettos, the only camps designed exclusively for extermination, and trains from all across northern, southern, and western Europe carried Jewish deportees into the country.[342] There were over 450 extermination, concentration, labor, and prisoner-of-war camps in Poland.[343] It was also the nation where the infamous killing centers of Belzec, Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and Auschwitz-Birkenau were located.[344] Before the killing came to its conclusion, upwards of ninety percent of all Poland's Jews—amounting to some three-million persons in total—were murdered by the Nazis.[345]


Assimilation was common for Jews in Romania, where some 757,000 of them lived but not necessarily in total peace there. Following the First World War, attacks against Jews intensified, as many Jews were stripped of citizenship. According to historian Lucy Dawidowicz, economic discrimination as well as violent antisemitism was present in Romania concomitant with Germany.[346] Similar to Germany, Jews were forbidden full participation in Romanian society and culture, and under Antonescu the Romanianization of Jewish property was carried out, Jews were forbidden gainful employment, made to work as forced laborers, and a process of ghettoization and deportation was begun.[347] Leading figures in Romania's antisemitic movement included the economics professor, Alexander Cuza, who founded the Fascist League of National Christian Defense, an organization that begat the notorious Iron Guard under Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.[348] Cuza wanted to expel all Jews out of Romania; poet Octavian Coga wished to send them to Madagascar. The fascist Alexandru Razmerita advocated imprisoning the Jews in concentration camps and working them to death, while a Romanian Orthodox priest suggested drowning them all in the Black Sea.[348] Copying the Nazis, the Romanian government enacted its version of the Nuremberg Laws in 1936.[349] Iron Guard leader Codreanu once exclaimed that he was in favor of "eliminating the Jews completely, totally and without exception."[350][v]

The Romanian Antonescu regime was responsible for the deaths of approximately 380,000 Jews according to historian Yehuda Bauer.[352] An official declaration by the Romanian government that denied the existence of the Holocaust within the country's borders during World War II led in 2003 to the creation of the International Commission on the Holocaust in Romania.[353] The official report of the Commission released jointly with the Romanian government concluded:

The Commission concludes, together with the large majority of bona fide researchers in this field, that the Romanian authorities were the main perpetrators of this Holocaust, in both its planning and implementation. This encompasses the systematic deportation and extermination of nearly all the Jews of Bessarabia and Bukovina as well some Jews from other parts of Romania to Transnistria, the mass killings of Romanian and local Jews in Transnistria, the massive execution of Jews during the Iasi pogrom; the systematic discrimination and degradation applied to Romanian Jews during the Antonescu administration — including the expropriation of assets, dismissal from jobs, the forced evacuation from rural areas and concentration in district capitals and camps, and the massive utilization of Jews as forced laborers under the same administration. Jews were degraded solely on account of their Jewish origin, losing the protection of the state and becoming its victims. A portion of the Roma population of Romania was also subjected to deportation and death in Transnistria.[w]

Iași pogrom in Romania, June 1941

In cooperation with German Einsatzgruppen and Ukrainian auxiliaries, Romanian troops murdered hundreds of thousands of Jews in Bessarabia, northern Bukovina, and Transnistria; some of the larger massacres of Jews occurred at Bogdanovka, a Romanian concentration camp along the Bug River in Transnistria, between 21 and 30 December 1941.[354] Nearly 100,000 Jews were murdered in occupied Odessa[355] and well over 10,000 were murdered in the Iași pogrom of June 1941.[356] Romanian troops also massacred Jews in the Domanevka and Akhmetchetka concentration camps.[357][x]

Jean Ancel, who headed the commission along with Elie Wiesel, spent his entire life researching Romania's treatment of Jews. In his book, he provides a confirmation using Romania's own archives, made available in 1994–95 after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and with Nazi documents, survivor testimonies, war crimes trial transcripts, that Romania not only participated in but independently implemented its own autonomous genocide of Jews in Bessarabia, Bukovina, and in Ukraine—the only Nazi ally to do so during the war.[358]

The protests of various public, political and religious figures, including Prince Constantin Karadja, against the deportation of the Jews from the Romanian Kingdom contributed to the change of policy toward the Jews starting with October 1942.[359] The result of this change of policy and that of the actions of a relatively small number of individuals, was that at least 290,000 Romanian Jews survived.[360]


Before the First World War, Serbia existed as an independent country before being incorporated into Yugoslavia in 1919. Approximately 16,000 Jews resided there.[361] During the interwar years, Serbia constituted one of the places where it was comparatively safe to be a Jew, despite the presence of some general xenophobia.[362] Serbia was occupied by Germany in April 1941.[67] As part of their effort to occupy the northern regions of Yugoslavia, the Germans established a military government in Serbia.[363] Serbia's collaborationist government was led by General Milan Nedić.[364] The internal affairs of the Serbian-occupied territory were moderated by German racial laws, that were introduced in all occupied territories with immediate effects on the Jewish and Roma populations.[365] Indigenous Serbians who harbored democratic beliefs were also targeted.[366] Partisan activities in Serbia elicited harsh pacification measures from the SD and Wehrmacht.[367][y] The Nazis had a collective punishment policy of killing 100 Serbs for each German soldier killed and another 50 Serbs for every German soldier who was wounded.[361] Resistance activities continued for some time in Serbia nonetheless.[369]

Sometimes the Serbian authorities cooperated with the Germans as matter of course, whereas others took the individual initiative; some Serbian military commanders rounded up Gypsies so they could be concentrated in one area, where they were shot.[370] German occupiers declared Serbia Judenfrei in August 1942.[371] The major concentration camps in Serbia were Sajmište and Banjica but many others like Topovske Šupe, Šabac, and Niš concentration camps also interned considerable numbers of Jews.[372] Before the war was concluded, upwards of 14,500 Serbian Jews were murdered.[373] Legends about Serbs saving the Jews in World War II are widespread in Serbia, and 132 Serbs have been honored as Righteous Among the Nations.[340]


Adolf Hitler with Slovak President Josef Tiso in 1941

In 1938 approximately 135,000 Jews resided in Slovakia, around 40,000 of them lived in Ruthenia and Subcarpathia, areas previously ceded to Hungary; most of whom led good lives despite the presence of antisemitism among the peasant population of Slovakia.[374] As early as April 1939, anti-Jewish legislation was enacted, but this was religious and not racial in nomenclature. Nonetheless, the restrictions against Jews proceeded accordingly, blocking them from various professions, which was accompanied by violence against the Jews from the indigenous Hlinka Guard.[375] Slovakian Jews were among the first to be handed over en masse to the Nazis following the Wannsee Conference.[376] Members of the Hlinka Guard went house to house and brutally seized young and fit Jews from their homes in March and April 1942, sending them to Auschwitz as slave laborers.[377] The Hlinka Guard was assisted by the Freiwillige Schutzstaffel (Slovak volunteers in the SS).[375] Between March through October 1942, Tiso's Slovakian regime deported approximately 58,000 Jews to the German-occupied part of Poland.[375] The Slovak government even paid the Germans for the Jews that were deported.[378] The deportation of the remaining 24,000 was stopped due to the intervention of a Papal nuncio, whereby the Slovak president was informed that the German authorities were killing the Jews deported from Slovakia. Despite this action, approximately 12,600 Slovak Jews were still sent to Auschwitz, Theresienstadt, and other camps in Germany before the deportations ceased. Around half of them were killed in concentration camps.[379] Aggregate numbers of Holocaust victims tabulated by experts indicate that at least 60,000 Jews as well as 400 Slovakian Gypsies were killed; high estimates place the total number of Jewish victims from Slovakia at 71,000 persons.[380]

Soviet Union

As early as 1903, Vladimir Lenin had already formulated a Communist ideology about the Jews, who he avowed, were not a nation since they did not possess any specified territory; this position was shared by Stalin and in the 1920s as many as 830,000 Soviet Jews were considered lishentsy (non-citizens).[381] Some of those Jewish non-citizens eventually applied to work in factories and subsequently gained their citizenship but Jewish culture and literature faded fast under the Stalinist government.[382] Nearly 90 percent of Russian Jews were urbanized and lived in one of eleven cities, with the largest groups in Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, and Leningrad.[383] Antisemitic literature like the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion—which purports to describe a Jewish conspiracy for world domination—was popular in prewar Russia.[384] Russian pogroms targeting the Jews were among the first in the modern period to incite its citizens to violence for the sake of political expediency.[385] Still, around three million Jews lived across the vast expanse of the Soviet Union in January 1939.[386] The Jewish population within the Soviet territories was distributed as follows: 300,000 in Bessarabia and northern Bukovina, 5,000 in Estonia, 95,000 in Latvia, 155,000 in Lithuania (excluding Vilna), 1.5 to 1.6 million in Soviet-occupied Poland, and another 3.1 million in the USSR.[387]

During the invasion of the Soviet Union, the Jews were unaware of the Nazi anti-Jewish policies, partly as a result of Soviet silence about the matter.[388] In the German-occupied Soviet territories, local Nazi collaborationist units represented over 80% of the available German forces, which provided them with a total of nearly 450,000 personnel organised in so-called Schutzmannschaften formations. Practically all of these units participated in the round-ups and mass shootings. The overwhelming majority were recruited in the western USSR and the Baltic region, areas recently occupied by the Soviets where the Jews were typically scapegoated, which exacerbated pre-Nazi antisemitic attitudes.[389] Ukrainians in particular, displayed some of the most virulent hatred of the Jews and approved of German measures against them, despite their initial constraint in persecuting them.[390] Eventually some 12,000 Ukrainian auxiliaries joined the Nazis in perpetuating the Final Solution and while many of them participated as Ukrainian nationalists, antisemitism proved a factor, one which they acquired on the job.[391] Thousands of Ukrainians rushed to occupy businesses and homes vacated by persecuted Jews.[392]

German Einsatzgruppen units, members of the Wehrmacht, Order Police, and auxiliary units mostly from Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine were already engaged in killing operations in the summer of 1941 and by July of that year, they had helped kill 39,000 Ukrainian Jews, and another 26,000 Jews in Belarus.[393] Local citizens aided by militias in Latvia, Bukovina, Romania, Bessarabia, Moldavia, Lithuania, Bialystok, Galicia, and elsewhere killed tens-of-thousands of Jews on their own accord.[394] Throughout the remainder of 1941 to the autumn of 1942, the concerted murder operations proceeded apace.[395] Not accounting for the deaths of victims from its territories, at least 700,000 Soviet Jews and 30,000 Gypsies were killed in the Holocaust.[396] Another three-million Soviet soldiers were killed or starved-to-death by the Germans.[397]


Franco and Hitler in Meeting at Hendaye, 1940

During World War II, Francisco Franco remained largely silent in regard to Jewish matters, and Spain became an unlikely escape route and haven for thousands of Jews. Franco was known to harbor virulent antisemitic beliefs and agreed with Hitler that Judaism, Communism, and cosmopolitanism were related threats to European society.[398] Western European Jews still fled to Spain, as they sought to escape deportation to concentration camps from German-occupied France, but also Sephardic Jews from Eastern Europe, especially in Hungary. Trudy Alexy refers to the "absurdity" and "paradox of refugees fleeing the Nazis' Final Solution to seek asylum in a country where no Jews had been allowed to live openly as Jews for over four centuries."[399] In the first years of the war, "Laws regulating their admittance were written and mostly ignored."[400] Once the tide of war began to turn against the Germans, and Count Francisco Gómez-Jordana succeeded Franco's brother-in-law Serrano Súñer as Spain's foreign minister, Spanish diplomacy became "more sympathetic to Jews", although Franco himself "never said anything" about it.[400] Around that same time, a contingent of Spanish doctors traveling in Poland were fully informed of the Nazi extermination plans by the Gauleiter Frankel of Warsaw, who was under the misimpression that they would share his views about the matter; when they returned home, they passed the information to Admiral Luís Carrero Blanco, who told Franco.[401]

Allied diplomats discussed the possibility of Spain as a route to a containment camp for Jewish refugees near Casablanca, but it came to nothing due to a lack of support.[402] Nonetheless, control of the Spanish border with France relaxed somewhat[403] and thousands of Jews managed to cross into Spain (many by smugglers' routes). Almost all of them survived the war.[404] The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee operated openly in Barcelona.[405][z] Francoist Spain, despite its aversion to Zionism and "Judeo"-Freemasonry, does not appear to have shared the rabid antisemitic ideology promoted by the Nazis.[407] About 20,000 to 30,000 refugees, mainly Jews, were allowed to transit through Spain to Portugal and beyond.[408] About 5,000 Jews in occupied Europe benefitted from Spanish legal protection.[409][aa]

In 2010, a document was found in Spanish archives, which revealed that Franco's government gave a main architect of the Nazi "Final Solution", Heinrich Himmler, a list of six thousand Jews living in Spain, upon his request. Jose Maria Finat y Escriva de Romani, Franco's chief of security issued an official order dated 13 May 1941 to all provincial governors requesting a list of all Jews, both local and foreign, present in their districts. After the list was compiled, Romani was appointed Spain's ambassador to Germany, enabling him to deliver the list to Himmler. Following the defeat of Germany in 1945, the Spanish government attempted to destroy all evidence of cooperation with the Nazis, but this official order survived. Spanish diplomats did save thousands of Jews, but it was done on their personal initiative.[410]


Before the onset of the Second World War, approximately 7,000 Jews resided in Sweden, most of whom lived in Stockholm.[411] Like Switzerland, the Swedish government remained neutral due to its financial ties and the economic advantages it secured from a friendly relationship with Germany.[412] There was even a small fascist pro-Nazi political group—known as the Swedish National Socialist Party—but they were unable to rally support for their cause.[413] Swedish authorities were initially resistant to Jewish immigration into the country and several thousand were turned away.[414] That was not to last, as by 1942 the Swedish government started allowing Norwegian and Finnish immigrants, as well as taking in some 900 Norwegian Jews.[415] Another 7,000 Danish Jews and some 9,000 Danish Christians were permitted entrance to Sweden in 1943. In 1944, the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg traveled to Budapest and negotiated for the release of thousands of Hungarian Jews.[416] Wallenberg's efforts secured passports for 15,000–20,000 Jews; he and those collaborating with him very likely saved the lives of some 70,000 Jews before the Red Army's arrival in Hungary during January 1945.[417]


Proximity to Nazi Germany as a bordering nation made the Swiss government very tentative about dealing with the Jews.[418] Sharing a physical border with Germany was also part of the reason that the Swiss maintained amicable economic relations with Germany.[419] Correspondingly, both Sweden and especially Switzerland cooperated with the Nazis concerning banking and the exploitation of financial opportunities, as they knowingly accepted expropriation of money and goods, which previously belonged to Jewish companies and/or families for their own gain.[420] Before 1938, Swiss alien and refugee policy was already restrictive toward certain people and groups, notably foreign Roma and Sinti. However, from that date, restrictions were intensified, particularly towards Jews. As part of that policy, the Swiss government requested that the German government mark the passports of German Jews with a "J" as they were not ready to grant asylum on the grounds of racial persecution.[421][422] This policy took effect following the Anschluß with Austria, as the Swiss government was concerned about potential Jewish refugees fleeing and inundating them accordingly.[423] In 1942 Swiss borders were completely closed to all Jewish refugees, which even included Jewish children.[424]

By late October 1942, news of the Jewish catastrophe had reached Switzerland.[424] After German troops seized control of Italy, which had withdrawn its political and military support when non-fascist Italians overthrew Mussolini, hundreds of Jews escaped over the mountain passes into neutral Switzerland.[425] French resistance fighters and activists were also instrumental in helping smuggle Jews from France into neutral Spain and Switzerland, where they were able to find shelter.[426] Sometime in 1944, some 1,684 Hungarian Jews arrived in Switzerland from Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, another 1,200 Jews from Theresienstadt concentration camp found safety in Switzerland and by February 1945, over 115,000 refugees of various types had made their way across the Swiss border to safety.[427]

The International Commission of Experts (ICE) set up in 1996 by the Swiss parliament to examine relations between Nazi Germany and Switzerland reported: "Anti-Semitic views were more or less widespread amongst the political classes, the civil service, the military and the church."[428] The ICE wrote: "by progressively closing the borders, delivering captured refugees over to their persecutors, and adhering to restrictive principles for far too long, the country stood by as many people were undoubtedly driven to certain death."[429] Although accurate statistics are hard to put together, the commission concluded that "It must therefore be assumed that Switzerland turned back or deported over 20,000 refugees during the Second World War. Furthermore, between 1938 and November 1944, around 14,500 applications for entry visas submitted by hopeful emigrants to the Swiss diplomatic missions abroad were refused."[430][ab]

United States

According to The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, the U.S. failed to live up to its creed about accepting the "tired, poor, huddled masses" of the world during the Holocaust.[431] The U.S. policy towards Jews fleeing Germany and claiming asylum was restrictive. In 1939, the annual combined German-Austrian immigration quota was 27,370.[432] A famous incident was the U.S. denial of entry to the St. Louis, a ship loaded with 937 passengers. Almost all passengers aboard the vessel were Jews fleeing from Nazi Germany. Most were German citizens, some were from Eastern Europe, and a few were officially "stateless." The ship's original destination was Cuba, but the Cuban government, after admitting 28 refugees, ordered the ship to leave. The ship continued to the U.S., sailing so close to Florida that the passengers could see the lights of Miami. Some passengers on the St. Louis cabled President Franklin D. Roosevelt asking for refuge. Roosevelt never responded, though he could have issued an executive order to admit the St. Louis refugees. A State Department telegram sent to a passenger stated that the passengers must "await their turns on the waiting list and qualify for and obtain immigration visas before they may be admissible into the United States."[432] Finally, the ship was forced to return to Europe and some 254 of its Jewish passengers eventually were murdered in the Holocaust.[432]

On 17 December 1942, the United States finally issued a statement condemning the Nazi extermination program, but this turned out to be a meaningless gesture as did the follow-on Bermuda Conference of April 1943.[433] By that same year, evidence of the death camps was circulating via firsthand accounts through the State Department but U.S. leaders took no effort to bomb the camps nor did America offer to take in hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees.[434] According to historian Victor Davis Hanson, American officials like then Assistant Secretary of State Breckinridge Long and Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy were "especially culpable" for their roles in "downplaying" evidence of the camps and for "incorrectly asserting that heavy bombers either could not reach camps like Auschwitz or could not be diverted from more important missions."[435] In the end, the United States did not lift its immigration restriction against Jewish refugees until after the Second World War was over.[436][ac]

Legal proceedings against Nazis

The juridical notion of crimes against humanity was developed following the Holocaust. The sheer number of people murdered and the transnational nature of the mass killing shattered any notion of national sovereignty taking precedence over international law when prosecuting these crimes. There were a number of legal efforts established to bring Nazis and their collaborators to justice. Some of the higher-ranking Nazi officials were tried as part of the Nuremberg Trials, presided over by an Allied court; the first international tribunal of its kind. Other trials were conducted in the countries in which the defendants were citizens — in West Germany and Austria, many Nazis were let off with light sentences, with the claim of "following orders" ruled a mitigating circumstance, and many returned to society soon afterward.[437]

An ongoing effort to pursue Nazis and collaborators resulted, famously, in the 1960 capture of Holocaust organizer Adolf Eichmann in Argentina (an operation led by Rafi Eitan) and to his subsequent trial in Israel in 1961.[438][439] Simon Wiesenthal became one of the most famous Nazi hunters.[440]

Flight from justice and other obfuscations

Aleksandras Lileikis was involved in the murder of 60,000 Jews in Lithuania. He later worked for the CIA. [ad]

Some former Nazis escaped any charges. For example, Reinhard Gehlen, a former intelligence officer of the Wehrmacht, managed to turn around and work for the CIA, and created what informally became known as the Gehlen Organization. He recruited ex–intelligence-officers of the Wehrmacht and Nazis from the SS and SD to work for him.[441] On 1 April 1956, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND; the German intelligence agency) was created from the Gehlen Organization, and transferred to the West German government. Reinhard Gehlen became President of the BND and remained its head until 1968.[442]

Klaus Barbie, known as "the Butcher of Lyon" for his role at the head of the Gestapo, was protected from 1945 to 1955 by MI5 and the CIA, before fleeing to South America where he had a hand in Luis García Meza Tejada's 1980 Cocaine Coup in Bolivia.[443] Barbie was finally arrested in 1983 and sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity in 1987.[444][ae]

See also


Informational notes

  1. ^ Also see:Enzo Traverso, "Nazism’s roots in European culture—Production line of murder" in Le Monde diplomatique, February 2005
  2. ^ Traverso also describes the colonial domination during the New Imperialism period through "rational organization", which led in a number of cases to extermination. However, this argument, which insists on the industrialization and technical rationality through which the Holocaust itself was carried out (the organization of trains, technical details, etc.—see Adolf Eichmann's bureaucratic work), was in turn opposed by other people. This argument is contrasted against the fact that the 1994 Rwandan genocide mostly used machetes.
  3. ^ Not alone in the pursuit of eugenic endeavors, other national societies (especially the United States) were rife with racialist ideals. See for instance: Kühl, Stefan. The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
  4. ^ In his works on "biopolitics" and in his lecture course at the College de France entitled, Society Must Be defended, French critical theorist and philosopher Michel Foucault argued that the Holocaust was a product of the modern polity as a "biological" notion, where whole populations "are at war with one another" and most of the time this "war" involves clever manipulation of social phenomena such as mass persuasion and Propaganda.
  5. ^ See: Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (10 December 1942), The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland. Note to the Governments of the United Nations.
  6. ^ Also see: "The Holocaust: World Response" at the JewishVirtualLibrary.org
  7. ^ Even so, special courts (Sondergerichte) killed 12,000 Germans for their opposition to the Nazi regime.[44]
  8. ^ For discussion of the psychological war campaign concerning the idea of collective guilt, see: Denazification
  9. ^ In the same entry, Kellner wrote that "ninety-nine percent of the German population is guilty, directly or indirectly."[58]
  10. ^ Also see: Browning, Christopher R. Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland, New York, Harper Collins, 1992.
  11. ^ The exhibit was produced by the Hamburg Institute for Social Research
  12. ^ Joachim Fest claims that Stauffenberg and other German officers involved in 20 July 1944 plot to kill Hitler were aware of the Holocaust and felt their oath was dissolved by Nazi crimes. See: Fest, Joachim. Plotting Hitler's Death: The Story of the German Resistance. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1997.
  13. ^ Alternate spelling, Ustaše
  14. ^ Many Jews fled into neighboring regions while others were deported both during and after the Nazi invasion of Yugoslavia in April 1941. Croats who opposed the Nazi regime were imprisoned in concentration camps. Some Croats risked their lives during the Holocaust in order to save Jews from extermination by the Nazis. See for instance: Croatian Righteous Among the Nations
  15. ^ Before the war's end, fifty-one amid the 400-plus Jews at Theresienstadt died at the camp.[203]
  16. ^ According to historian Yehuda Bauer, the Vichy government was profoundly complicit in the Holocaust; he cites the example of the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup of 16 and 17 July 1942, in which 12,884 Jewish men, women, and children were arrested, including some 4,000 small children who were previously roaming the streets of Paris. They were held at the Winter Velodrome and Drancy transit camp under harsh conditions, and nearly all were eventually transported by rail to Auschwitz.[234]
  17. ^ Members of the EEE assisted the occupying forces in identifying Jews and collaborated on the deportation of local Jews with remarkable efficiency, either for ethnic hatred or for more prosaic reasons such as obtaining profits from the confiscation and sale of Jewish property. By the time of the German withdrawal from Greece in 1944, nearly 90% of the Jewish community in Thessaloniki had been annihilated.[238]
  18. ^ According to a U.S. State Dept. report from 2012, there were only 26 Jews residing in Liechtenstein.[275]
  19. ^ According to Holocaust scholar Raul Hilberg—unlike Poland, where persecution of the Jews was openly carried out, the Nazis had to pay close attention to public opinion in the Netherlands.[304]
  20. ^ The 80% figure is also substantiated in The Holocaust Encyclopedia, edited by Walter Laqueur and Judith T. Baumel.[309]
  21. ^ Additional reasons that have been suggested to explain the high percentages of Jews murdered in the Netherlands range from: the occupation regime in the Netherlands was formed by fanatical Austrian Nazis; the typical Dutch landscape without mountains or woods made it practically impossible to find shelter; the majority of the Dutch Jews lived in the larger cities and thus they formed relatively easy targets for persecution and segregation; the Jewish leaders chose, "in order to prevent worse", a policy of collaboration with the Nazis. See: Ad van Liempt, A Price on Their Heads, Kopgeld, Dutch bounty hunters in search of Jews, 1943
  22. ^ Members of Codreanu's Iron Guard killed 120 Jews on 19–20 January 1941 and hung their bodies like cattle carcasses at a slaughterhouse in Bucharest.[351]
  23. ^ See the official report here: https://www.ushmm.org/m/pdfs/20080226-romania-commission-holocaust-history.pdf
  24. ^ Also see: Golbert, Rebecca L. "Holocaust Sites in Ukraine: Pechora and the Politics of Memorialization." Holocaust and Genocide Studies 18, no. 2 (2004): 205–233, ISSN 1476-7937
  25. ^ Retribution against the Jews was especially severe in Serbia, partly from the fact that the German forces encountered serious resistance there earlier than they had in the Soviet Union and took from the experience, lessons for future operations.[368]
  26. ^ Shortly afterwards, Spain began giving citizenship to Sephardic Jews in Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania; many Ashkenazic Jews also managed to be included, as did some non-Jews. The Spanish head of mission in Budapest, Ángel Sanz Briz, may have saved thousands of Ashkenazim in Hungary by granting them Spanish citizenship, placing them in safe houses, and teaching them minimal Spanish so they could pretend to be Sephardim, at least to someone who did not know Spanish. The Spanish diplomatic corps was performing a balancing act: Alexy conjectures that the number of Jews they took in was limited by how much German hostility they were willing to engender.[406]
  27. ^ Some historians argue that these facts demonstrate the Franco regime's humane attitude, others point out that Spain only permitted transit and did not wish to increase its own small Jewish population. After the war, Franco's regime was quite hospitable to those who had been responsible for the deportation of the Jews, notably Louis Darquier de Pellepoix, Commissioner for Jewish Affairs (May 1942 – February 1944) under the Vichy Régime in France. See: Nicholas Fraser, "Toujours Vichy: a reckoning with disgrace", Harper's, October 2006, p. 86–94.
  28. ^ The conclusions of the ICE report about refugees have been questioned, most notably by Jean-Christian Lambelet who criticises the statistical work and argues "inter alia" that there was a big gap between policy and actual practice. He believes that the figures of Jews that were sent back were overestimated. See: A Critical Evaluation of the Bergier Report on "Switzerland and Refugees during the Nazi Era", With a New Analysis of the Issue, University of Lausanne, Ecole des HEC, Department of Econometrics and Economics (DEEP), Research Paper No 01.03 January 2001. Accessed 2007-10-12
  29. ^ For more on this see: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/united-states-immigration-and-refugee-law-1921-1980
  30. ^ For more on this, see the following article: U.S. Recruited Over 1,000 ex-Nazis as anti-Communist Spies
  31. ^ Following an investigation by the Office of Special Investigations of United States Department of Justice in 1983, the U.S. government made a formal apology to France for enabling Barbie to escape French justice for thirty-three years.[445]


  1. ^ Confino 2011, pp. 126–128.
  2. ^ Traverso 2003, p. 19.
  3. ^ Traverso 2003, pp. 21–27, 35–41.
  4. ^ Jacoby (2003).
  5. ^ Mosse 1980, pp. 1–16.
  6. ^ Weikart 2006, pp. 3–10, 186–206.
  7. ^ Lifton 1986, pp. 63–64.
  8. ^ Proctor 1988, p. 177.
  9. ^ Proctor 1988, pp. 177–198.
  10. ^ Proctor 1988, p. 192.
  11. ^ Friedlander 1995, p. 85.
  12. ^ Hillgruber 1989, p. 94.
  13. ^ Hillgruber 1989, pp. 95–96.
  14. ^ Gerlach 2000, pp. 122–123.
  15. ^ Burleigh & Wippermann 1991, pp. 106–107.
  16. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, pp. 1–2.
  17. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, p. 2.
  18. ^ O'Neil (2005).
  19. ^ Shapiro 2003, p. 184.
  20. ^ Breitman (2001).
  21. ^ Wistrich 2001, p. 193.
  22. ^ Wistrich 2001, pp. 194–197.
  23. ^ Fleming 2014, pp. 156–158.
  24. ^ Lemkin 2005, p. 89fn.
  25. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, pp. 92–93.
  26. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, pp. 75–76.
  27. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, pp. 715–716.
  28. ^ Fleming 2014, p. 181.
  29. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, pp. 14–16.
  30. ^ Wistrich 2001, pp. 199–203.
  31. ^ Gellately 2001, pp. 256–264.
  32. ^ Longerich 2006, pp. 240, 325.
  33. ^ Longerich 2006, p. 221.
  34. ^ Stargardt 2015, pp. 82–87, 144–154, 472–475.
  35. ^ Stargardt 2015, pp. 244–246, 302–303.
  36. ^ Stargardt 2015, pp. 38–45.
  37. ^ Koonz 2005, p. 190.
  38. ^ Marrus 1989, pp. 381–382.
  39. ^ Ingrao 2013, pp. 107–116.
  40. ^ Walser Smith 2008, p. 231.
  41. ^ Johnson & Reuband 2005, pp. 269–272.
  42. ^ Johnson & Reuband 2005, pp. 315–316.
  43. ^ a b Johnson & Reuband 2005, p. 332.
  44. ^ Hoffmann 1977, p. xiii.
  45. ^ Johnson & Reuband 2005, p. 383.
  46. ^ Johnson & Reuband 2005, p. 393.
  47. ^ Judt 2005, p. 58.
  48. ^ Gordon 1984, p. 199.
  49. ^ Judt 2005, pp. 56–61.
  50. ^ Wachsmann 2015, pp. 12–14.
  51. ^ Wachsmann 2015, pp. 614–615.
  52. ^ Wachsmann 2015, pp. 616–617.
  53. ^ Wachsmann 2015, p. 616.
  54. ^ Wachsmann 2015, p. 618.
  55. ^ Wachsmann 2015, p. 619.
  56. ^ Hilberg 1992, p. 20.
  57. ^ Hilberg 1992, p. 26.
  58. ^ a b Kellner (2017).
  59. ^ JTA—Jewish Telegraph Agency (1999).
  60. ^ Feig 1981, p. 13.
  61. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, pp. 84–87.
  62. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, pp. 85–86.
  63. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, p. 85.
  64. ^ Evans 2010, p. 318.
  65. ^ Benz 2007, pp. 204–206, 222–228.
  66. ^ Bartov 1999, pp. 133–150.
  67. ^ a b Bessel 2006, pp. 110–111.
  68. ^ Zentner & Bedürftig 1991, p. 227.
  69. ^ Waller 2007, p. 111.
  70. ^ Waller 2007, pp. 111–113.
  71. ^ Blass 1998, p. 51.
  72. ^ Hayes 2017, p. 9.
  73. ^ a b Hayes 2017, p. 10.
  74. ^ Hayes 2017, p. 11.
  75. ^ Hayes 2017, p. 12.
  76. ^ Wallmann 1987, pp. 72–97.
  77. ^ Luther 1971, pp. 267–290.
  78. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 23.
  79. ^ Jones 2006, p. 148.
  80. ^ Bergen 2009, pp. 4–6.
  81. ^ Fischer 2002, pp. 47–49.
  82. ^ Arendt 1973, pp. 124–134, 177–187.
  83. ^ Langbehn & Salama 2011, pp. xii–xvi.
  84. ^ Arendt 1973, p. 153.
  85. ^ Burleigh & Wippermann 1991, pp. 27–28, 38.
  86. ^ Bauer 2002, pp. 14, 20, 71–76.
  87. ^ McWhorter 2017, pp. 282–293.
  88. ^ Bialas 2013, pp. 358–359.
  89. ^ Waite 1993, p. 122.
  90. ^ Dutton 2007, pp. 23–24.
  91. ^ Rees 2017, p. 291.
  92. ^ Bergen 1996, pp. 9, 22–38.
  93. ^ Hayes 2017, pp. 137–139.
  94. ^ Kershaw 2008, pp. 316–322.
  95. ^ Chapoutot 2018, p. 5.
  96. ^ Bessel 2003, p. 15.
  97. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, pp. 72–74.
  98. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, pp. 74–75.
  99. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, p. 72.
  100. ^ Kershaw 2008, p. 93.
  101. ^ Stackelberg 2007, pp. 60, 74.
  102. ^ Kershaw 2008, p. 255.
  103. ^ Breitman 1992, p. 203.
  104. ^ Stackelberg 2007, p. 67.
  105. ^ Petropoulos & Roth 2005, p. 4.
  106. ^ Kershaw 2008, pp. 92–98, 252–256.
  107. ^ Marrus 1987, pp. 40–49.
  108. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 86.
  109. ^ Browning 2004, p. 369.
  110. ^ Marrus 1987, p. 42.
  111. ^ Ascher 2012, p. 204.
  112. ^ Yahil 1990, pp. 160–161.
  113. ^ Yahil 1990, pp. 253–254.
  114. ^ Burleigh 2000, pp. 590–593.
  115. ^ Browning 1992, pp. 86–124.
  116. ^ Longerich 2012, pp. 508–512.
  117. ^ Rees 2017, p. 230.
  118. ^ Bartov 2000, p. 4.
  119. ^ a b Johnson 1988, p. 492.
  120. ^ Wistrich 2001, pp. 90–99.
  121. ^ McDonough 2008, p. 38.
  122. ^ Gilbert 1985, p. 116.
  123. ^ Kershaw 2008, p. 109.
  124. ^ Kershaw 2008, pp. 109–110.
  125. ^ Kershaw 2008, p. 110.
  126. ^ Kershaw 2008, pp. 89–111.
  127. ^ Confino 2014, p. 151.
  128. ^ Gilbert 1985, p. 285.
  129. ^ Hildebrand 1984, p. 149.
  130. ^ Welch 2001, pp. 88–89.
  131. ^ Fleming 1994, pp. 8n, 20–21, 53–54, 112, 148, 174, 177, 185.
  132. ^ Wistrich 2001, p. 113.
  133. ^ Welch 2001, pp. 89–90.
  134. ^ Hilberg 1992, pp. 3–19.
  135. ^ Hilberg 1985, pp. 29, 52, 151–153, 161–188, 273–281.
  136. ^ Hilberg 1985, pp. 48–52, 161–163.
  137. ^ Thacker 2010, pp. 205, 328.
  138. ^ Thacker 2010, pp. 326–329.
  139. ^ Manvell & Fraenkel 2011, pp. 259–260.
  140. ^ Miller 2006, p. 152.
  141. ^ Evans 2015, p. 133.
  142. ^ Benz 2007, pp. 213–233.
  143. ^ Rees 2017, p. 353.
  144. ^ Wette 2007, pp. 95–98.
  145. ^ Fleischhauer (2011).
  146. ^ Wette 2007, pp. vii–xiii.
  147. ^ Fritzsche 2008, pp. 200–201.
  148. ^ Wette 2007, pp. 95–100.
  149. ^ Heer 2000, pp. 329–341.
  150. ^ Wette 2007, pp. 125–131.
  151. ^ Bessel 2006, pp. 107–118.
  152. ^ Mallmann & Cüppers 2006, pp. 103, 117–118.
  153. ^ Krumenacker (2006).
  154. ^ Caron (2007).
  155. ^ Wette 2007, pp. 101–102.
  156. ^ Evans 2010, pp. 102–105, 219–221.
  157. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, p. 281.
  158. ^ Cesarani 2016, pp. 307–312, 543–554.
  159. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, pp. 20–41.
  160. ^ a b c Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, p. 33.
  161. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, pp. 26–27.
  162. ^ Snyder 2015, p. 237.
  163. ^ Cesarani 2016, pp. 378–379, 411–412.
  164. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, p. 145.
  165. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, pp. 27–28.
  166. ^ Cesarani 2016, pp. 444, 571, 573, 671.
  167. ^ Koehl 2004, pp. 212–219.
  168. ^ Cooper 1979, p. 117.
  169. ^ Bullock 1993, p. 752.
  170. ^ Spiegel Staff, The Dark Continent (20 May 2009).
  171. ^ Perry 2012, p. 131.
  172. ^ Stone 2010, p. 6.
  173. ^ Vromen 2008, p. 147.
  174. ^ Van Doorslaer 2007, pp. 250–368.
  175. ^ Van Doorslaer 2007, pp. 514–545.
  176. ^ Van Doorslaer 2007, pp. 763–1054.
  177. ^ Aly 2020, p. 261.
  178. ^ Aly 2020, pp. 261–262.
  179. ^ Friedländer 2007, pp. 422–423.
  180. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, p. 31.
  181. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 367.
  182. ^ Aly 2020, p. 243.
  183. ^ a b Cesarani 2016, p. 602.
  184. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 392.
  185. ^ Cesarani 2016, pp. 602–603.
  186. ^ USHMM, "Bulgaria".
  187. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 161.
  188. ^ Rees 2005, pp. 137–138.
  189. ^ Gilbert 1985, p. 598.
  190. ^ Gilbert 1985, p. 699.
  191. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, p. 27.
  192. ^ Cesarani 2016, p. 444.
  193. ^ Yahil 1990, p. 351.
  194. ^ Aly 2020, p. 259.
  195. ^ BBC News, "Croatian Holocaust".
  196. ^ Dulić 2005, p. 281.
  197. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, p. 28.
  198. ^ Aly 2020, pp. 259–260.
  199. ^ Schuman 2004, pp. 78–79.
  200. ^ Dwork & van Pelt 2002, p. 153.
  201. ^ Dwork & van Pelt 2002, pp. 153–154.
  202. ^ Yahil 1990, pp. 573–574.
  203. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 374.
  204. ^ Yahil 1990, p. 574.
  205. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 373.
  206. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 400.
  207. ^ Hilberg 1985, pp. 120–125.
  208. ^ Gilbert 1985, p. 281.
  209. ^ Hiio, Maripuu & Paavle (2006).
  210. ^ a b Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 205.
  211. ^ a b Hilberg 1985, p. 153.
  212. ^ Bauer 1982, p. 270.
  213. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, p. 164.
  214. ^ Gilbert 1985, p. 135.
  215. ^ Gilbert 1985, p. 534.
  216. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, p. 88.
  217. ^ Lubotina 2015, pp. 82–84.
  218. ^ Mosse 1980, pp. 140–143.
  219. ^ Mosse 1980, p. 150.
  220. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 360.
  221. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, pp. 360–361.
  222. ^ Evans 2010, pp. 130–131.
  223. ^ Evans 2010, pp. 131–135.
  224. ^ Price 2005, pp. 287–291.
  225. ^ a b Dawidowicz 1975, p. 361.
  226. ^ Cesarani 2016, p. 307.
  227. ^ Yahil 1990, p. 173.
  228. ^ Cesarani 2016, p. 526.
  229. ^ Yahil 1990, p. 342.
  230. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 329.
  231. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 360.
  232. ^ Longerich 2010, pp. 360–361.
  233. ^ Bauer 1982, p. 233.
  234. ^ Bauer 1982, pp. 232–233.
  235. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 221.
  236. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 393.
  237. ^ Mazower 2001, p. 238.
  238. ^ USHMM, "Salonika (Thessaloniki)".
  239. ^ Cesarani 2016, pp. 601–602.
  240. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 250.
  241. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 394.
  242. ^ Fromjimovics 2011, p. 250.
  243. ^ Fromjimovics 2011, pp. 250–251.
  244. ^ Fromjimovics 2011, p. 251.
  245. ^ Fromjimovics 2011, pp. 251–252.
  246. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, p. 316.
  247. ^ Fromjimovics 2011, p. 252.
  248. ^ Cesarani 2016, pp. 703–704.
  249. ^ Hilberg 1985, pp. 250–251.
  250. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 103.
  251. ^ Gerlach 2016, pp. 114–115.
  252. ^ USHMM, "Budapest".
  253. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, p. 87.
  254. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, p. 321.
  255. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, pp. 382–383.
  256. ^ a b Bloxham 2009, p. 117.
  257. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 369.
  258. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, pp. 278–279.
  259. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 370.
  260. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, pp. 370–371.
  261. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 371.
  262. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 400.
  263. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 402.
  264. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, p. 421.
  265. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, p. 32.
  266. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 399.
  267. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 295.
  268. ^ Gilbert 1985, p. 155.
  269. ^ Gilbert 1985, pp. 155–157.
  270. ^ Gilbert 1985, pp. 157–159.
  271. ^ Gilbert 1985, pp. 388–389.
  272. ^ Snyder 2015, pp. 169–171.
  273. ^ Snyder 2015, p. 170.
  274. ^ Snyder 2015, p. 171.
  275. ^ U.S. Dept. of State, "Religious Freedom Report for 2012".
  276. ^ BBC News, "Nazi crimes taint Liechtenstein".
  277. ^ DW Staff, "Nazi Camp Labor Used in Liechtenstein".
  278. ^ USHMM, "Lithuania".
  279. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, pp. 398–399.
  280. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, pp. 301–302.
  281. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 302.
  282. ^ Rees 2017, p. 206.
  283. ^ Bloxham 2009, p. 128.
  284. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, pp. 302–303.
  285. ^ Rees 2017, pp. 206–207.
  286. ^ Rees 2017, pp. 207–208.
  287. ^ Cesarani 2016, pp. 364–366.
  288. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 303.
  289. ^ Cesarani 2016, p. 367.
  290. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, pp. 664–665.
  291. ^ Cesarani 2016, pp. 363–368, 386–394.
  292. ^ Gaunt 2011, p. 211.
  293. ^ Bubnys 2004, pp. 218–219.
  294. ^ Gaunt 2011, pp. 214–215, 218.
  295. ^ Rees 2017, p. 219.
  296. ^ Dwork & van Pelt 2002, p. 155.
  297. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, pp. 366–367.
  298. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 367.
  299. ^ Black 2016, pp. 147–148.
  300. ^ Dwork & van Pelt 2002, p. 232.
  301. ^ Bauer 1982, p. 241.
  302. ^ a b Laqueur & Baumel 2001, p. 438.
  303. ^ Dwork & van Pelt 2002, pp. 156–158.
  304. ^ Hilberg 1985, p. 20.
  305. ^ Black 2016, p. 148.
  306. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 96.
  307. ^ Cesarani 2016, pp. 316–317.
  308. ^ Dwork & van Pelt 2002, p. 158.
  309. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, p. 442.
  310. ^ Bruland 2011, p. 232.
  311. ^ Bergen 2009, p. 137.
  312. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, pp. 371–372.
  313. ^ Bruland 2011, pp. 233–234.
  314. ^ a b Bruland 2011, p. 235.
  315. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, pp. 32–33.
  316. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 373.
  317. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, p. 451.
  318. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, p. 505.
  319. ^ Motadel 2014, pp. 227, 230–231.
  320. ^ Motadel 2014, pp. 42–43.
  321. ^ Motadel 2014, p. 42.
  322. ^ Motadel 2014, pp. 250, 274–281.
  323. ^ Stein 1984, pp. 181–185.
  324. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, pp. 395–396.
  325. ^ Hilberg 1992, pp. 203–204.
  326. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 396.
  327. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, pp. 396–397.
  328. ^ Hilberg 1992, p. 204.
  329. ^ Gross 2001, pp. 16–20.
  330. ^ Messenger 2020, pp. 142–144.
  331. ^ Bikont 2015, pp. 194–195, 422–423.
  332. ^ Longerich 2010, pp. 195–196.
  333. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 196.
  334. ^ Snyder 2015, p. 159.
  335. ^ Ringelblum 1992, p. 133.
  336. ^ Hilberg 1992, pp. 92–93.
  337. ^ Piotrowski 1998, pp. 83–84, 321.
  338. ^ Tec 1986, p. 40.
  339. ^ a b Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, p. 113.
  340. ^ a b Yad Vashem, "Names of Righteous by Country".
  341. ^ Longerich 2010, pp. 143–150.
  342. ^ Hilberg 1992, p. 203.
  343. ^ Hanson 2017, p. 490.
  344. ^ Bergen 2009, pp. 182–191.
  345. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 360.
  346. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, p. 384.
  347. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, pp. 384–385.
  348. ^ a b Dwork & van Pelt 2002, p. 119.
  349. ^ Dwork & van Pelt 2002, pp. 119–120.
  350. ^ Dwork & van Pelt 2002, p. 121.
  351. ^ Bauer 1982, p. 306.
  352. ^ Bauer 1982, p. 309.
  353. ^ Sivathambu (2003).
  354. ^ Yahil 1990, pp. 344–348.
  355. ^ Yahil 1990, p. 344.
  356. ^ Cesarani 2016, p. 378.
  357. ^ Cesarani 2016, pp. 411–412.
  358. ^ Levy (2003).
  359. ^ Paldiel 2007, pp. 18–21.
  360. ^ USHMM, "Romania: Facing Its Past".
  361. ^ a b Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 405.
  362. ^ Bloxham 2009, p. 90.
  363. ^ Bergen 2009, p. 149.
  364. ^ Evans 2010, p. 236.
  365. ^ Evans 2010, pp. 237–239.
  366. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 301.
  367. ^ Bloxham 2009, p. 199.
  368. ^ Snyder 2010, pp. 216–217.
  369. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 300.
  370. ^ Hilberg 1985, pp. 268–269.
  371. ^ Black 2016, pp. 134–135.
  372. ^ United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 1996, p. 171.
  373. ^ Jewish Heritage Europe (2016) "Serbia".
  374. ^ Dawidowicz 1975, pp. 377–378.
  375. ^ a b c Dawidowicz 1975, p. 378.
  376. ^ Rees 2017, p. 260.
  377. ^ Rees 2017, pp. 261–263.
  378. ^ Rees 2017, p. 261.
  379. ^ USHMM, "The Holocaust in Slovakia".
  380. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, pp. 27, 421.
  381. ^ Bauer 1982, pp. 62–63.
  382. ^ Bauer 1982, pp. 64–65.
  383. ^ Cesarani 2016, p. 359.
  384. ^ Bloxham 2009, p. 69.
  385. ^ Yahil 1990, p. 38.
  386. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 415.
  387. ^ Bauer 1982, p. 196.
  388. ^ Hilberg 1992, pp. 250–251.
  389. ^ Millo, ed. Teaching about the Shoah.
  390. ^ Dwork & van Pelt 2002, p. 193.
  391. ^ Bloxham 2009, pp. 129–130.
  392. ^ Cesarani 2016, pp. 402–404.
  393. ^ Gerlach 2016, pp. 68–69.
  394. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 69.
  395. ^ Longerich 2010, pp. 345–356.
  396. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, pp. 13–14, 24.
  397. ^ Bergen 2009, p. 204.
  398. ^ Black 2016, p. 151.
  399. ^ Alexy 1993, p. 74.
  400. ^ a b Alexy 1993, p. 77.
  401. ^ Alexy 1993, pp. 164–165.
  402. ^ Alexy 1993, pp. 77–78.
  403. ^ Alexy 1993, p. 165.
  404. ^ Alexy 1993, p. 79.
  405. ^ Alexy 1993, pp. 154–155.
  406. ^ Alexy 1993, p. 165 et. seq..
  407. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, p. 601.
  408. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 417.
  409. ^ USHMM, "Escape from German-Occupied Europe".
  410. ^ Aderet (2010).
  411. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 429.
  412. ^ Black 2016, p. 150.
  413. ^ Laqueur & Baumel 2001, pp. 182–183.
  414. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, pp. 429–430.
  415. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 430.
  416. ^ Bauer 1982, pp. 324–325.
  417. ^ Dwork & van Pelt 2002, pp. 317–318.
  418. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, p. 125.
  419. ^ Niewyk & Nicosia 2000, p. 126.
  420. ^ Black 2016, pp. 150–151.
  421. ^ König & Zeugin 2002, pp. 108, 499.
  422. ^ Hilberg 1985, p. 55.
  423. ^ Hilberg 1985, pp. 54–55.
  424. ^ a b Gilbert 1985, pp. 469–470.
  425. ^ Gilbert 1985, p. 622.
  426. ^ Gilbert 1985, pp. 641, 700.
  427. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 431.
  428. ^ König & Zeugin 2002, pp. 496–497.
  429. ^ König & Zeugin 2002, p. 501.
  430. ^ König & Zeugin 2002, p. 118.
  431. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 452.
  432. ^ a b c USHMM, "Voyage of the St. Louis".
  433. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, pp. 452–453.
  434. ^ Hanson 2017, p. 479.
  435. ^ Hanson 2017, p. 480.
  436. ^ Rozett & Spector 2009, p. 453.
  437. ^ Evans 2010, pp. 741–745, 752, 756.
  438. ^ Bascomb 2009, pp. 153, 163, 219–229.
  439. ^ Arendt 1994, p. 244.
  440. ^ Levy 2006, pp. 4–5.
  441. ^ Höhne & Zolling 1972, p. 66.
  442. ^ Höhne & Zolling 1972, p. 248.
  443. ^ Cockburn 1999, p. 167.
  444. ^ Steinacher 2011, pp. 203–206.
  445. ^ The Pittsburgh Press, 16 Aug 1983.


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responsibility, holocaust, subject, ongoing, historical, debate, that, spanned, several, decades, debate, about, origins, holocaust, known, functionalism, versus, intentionalism, intentionalists, such, lucy, dawidowicz, argue, that, adolf, hitler, planned, ext. Responsibility for the Holocaust is the subject of an ongoing historical debate that has spanned several decades The debate about the origins of the Holocaust is known as functionalism versus intentionalism Intentionalists such as Lucy Dawidowicz argue that Adolf Hitler planned the extermination of the Jewish people as early as 1918 and personally oversaw its execution However functionalists such as Raul Hilberg argue that the extermination plans evolved in stages as a result of initiatives that were taken by bureaucrats in response to other policy failures To a large degree the debate has been settled by acknowledgement of both centralized planning and decentralized attitudes and choices The primary responsibility for the Holocaust rests on Hitler and the Nazi Party leadership but operations to persecute Jews Romani people homosexuals and others were also perpetrated by the Schutzstaffel SS the Wehrmacht and ordinary German citizens as well as by collaborationist members of various European governments including their soldiers and civilians A host of factors contributed to the environment in which atrocities were committed across the continent ranging from general racism including antisemitism religious hatred blind obedience apathy political opportunism coercion profiteering and xenophobia Contents 1 Historical and philosophical interpretations 2 Authorization 2 1 Allied knowledge of the atrocities 2 2 German people 2 3 Implementation 2 4 Obedience 2 5 Religious hatred and racism 3 Functionalism versus intentionalism 4 Involved 4 1 Adolf Hitler 4 2 Other Nazi leaders 4 3 German military 4 4 Other states 4 4 1 Belgium 4 4 2 Bulgaria 4 4 3 Channel Islands 4 4 4 Croatia 4 4 5 Denmark 4 4 6 Estonia 4 4 7 Finland 4 4 8 France 4 4 9 Greece 4 4 10 Hungary 4 4 11 Italy 4 4 12 Latvia 4 4 13 Liechtenstein 4 4 14 Lithuania 4 4 15 Netherlands 4 4 16 Norway 4 4 17 Palestine 4 4 18 Poland 4 4 19 Romania 4 4 20 Serbia 4 4 21 Slovakia 4 4 22 Soviet Union 4 4 23 Spain 4 4 24 Sweden 4 4 25 Switzerland 4 4 26 United States 5 Legal proceedings against Nazis 5 1 Flight from justice and other obfuscations 6 See also 7 References 7 1 Informational notes 7 2 Citations 7 3 BibliographyHistorical and philosophical interpretations EditThe enormity of the Holocaust has prompted much analysis The Holocaust has been characterized as a project of industrial extermination 1 This led authors such as Enzo Traverso to argue in The Origins of Nazi Violence that Auschwitz was explicitly a product of Western civilization originating from medieval religious and racial persecution that brought together a particular kind of stigmatization rethought in the light of colonial wars and genocides 2 a Beginning his book with a description of the guillotine which according to him marks the entry of the Industrial Revolution into capital punishment he writes Through an irony of history the theories of Frederick Taylor taylorism were applied by a totalitarian system to serve not production but extermination 3 b Others like Russell Jacoby contend that the Holocaust is a product of German history with deep roots in German society ranging from German authoritarianism feeble liberalism brash nationalism or virulent antisemitism From A J P Taylor s The Course of German History fifty five years ago to Daniel Goldhagen s controversial work Hitler s Willing Executioners Nazism is understood as the outcome of a long history of uniquely German traits 4 While some claim that the specificity of the Holocaust was also rooted in the constant antisemitism from which Jews had been the target since the foundation of Christianity intellectual historian George Mosse argued that the extreme form of European racism that led to the Holocaust fully emerged in the eighteenth century 5 Others argue that pseudo scientific racist theories were elaborated upon in order to justify white supremacy and that they were accompanied by the Darwinian belief in the survival of the fittest and eugenic notions of racial hygiene particularly within the German scientific community 6 c d Authorization EditThe question of overall responsibility for the atrocities committed under the Nazi regime traverses the oligarchy of those in command foremost among them Adolf Hitler In October 1939 he authorized the first Nazi mass killing for those labeled undesirables in the T 4 Euthanasia Program 7 8 The Nazis termed such people as being Lives unworthy of life or lebensunwertes Leben in German 9 Before the euthanasia program in Germany proper was over the Nazis killed between 65 000 70 000 persons 10 Historian Henry Friedlander calls this period during which the 70 000 adults were killed the first phase of the T4 Program since the program and its contributors precipitated the Holocaust 11 Sometime between late June 1940 when planning for Operation Barbarossa first started and March 1941 orders were approved by Hitler for the re establishment of the Einsatzgruppen the surviving historical record does not permit firm conclusions to be drawn about the precise date 12 Hitler encouraged the killings of the Jews of Eastern Europe by the Einsatzgruppen death squads in a speech of July 1941 13 Evidence suggests that in the fall of 1941 Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler and Hitler agreed in principle on the complete mass extermination of the Jews of Europe by gassing with Hitler explicitly ordering the annihilation of the Jews in a speech on 12 December 1941 by which time the Jewish populations in the Baltic states had been effectively eliminated 14 To make for smoother intra governmental cooperation in the implementation of this so called Final Solution to the Jewish Question the Wannsee conference was held near Berlin on 20 January 1942 with the participation of fifteen senior officials led by Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann the records of which provide the best evidence of the central planning of the Holocaust Just five weeks later on 22 February Hitler was recorded saying to his closest associates We shall regain our health only by eliminating the Jew 15 Allied knowledge of the atrocities Edit See also Raczynski s Note Karski s reports Witold s Report Riegner Telegram and Vrba Wetzler Report The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland by the Polish government in exile addressed to the wartime allies of the then United Nations in 1942 Upwards of 300 Jewish organizations attempted to provide information to U S President Franklin Roosevelt about the persecution of Jews in Europe but the ethnic and cultural diversity of American immigrant Jewish communities and their comparative lack of political power in the U S hindered their ability to influence policy 16 Various strategies such as ransoming Jews following the Anschluss of 1938 failed for a host of reasons not to exclude the unwillingness and inability of Jewish communities in the U S to extend financial aid to their suffering brethren 17 Clear evidence exists that Winston Churchill was privy to intelligence reports derived from decoded German transmissions in August 1941 during which he stated Whole districts are being exterminated Scores of thousands literally scores of thousands of executions in cold blood are being perpetrated by the German police troops upon the Russian patriots who defend their native soil Since the Mongol invasions of Europe in the sixteenth century there has never been methodical merciless butchery on such a scale or approaching such a scale Winston Churchill 24 August 1941 18 During the early years of the war the Polish government in exile published documents and organised meetings to spread the word about the fate of Jews see Witold Pilecki s Report In the summer of 1942 a Jewish labor organization the Bund leader Leon Feiner got word to London that 700 000 Polish Jews had already been murdered The Daily Telegraph published it on 25 June 1942 19 and the BBC took the story seriously though the U S State Department doubted it 20 Last page of Raczynski s Note official note of Polish government in exile to Anthony Eden on 10 December 1942 On 10 August 1942 the Riegner Telegram to New York described the Nazi plan to murder all the Jews in the occupied states by deporting them to concentration camps in the east to be exterminated in one blow possibly by prussic acid starting at autumn 1942 It was released in the United States by Stephen Wise of the World Jewish Congress in November 1942 after a long wait for permission from the government 21 This led to attempts by Jewish organizations to put President Roosevelt under pressure to act on behalf of the European Jews many of whom had tried in vain to enter either Britain or the U S 22 Reports were also coming into Palestine about the German atrocities during the autumn of 1942 23 The allies received a detailed eyewitness account from Polish resistance fighter and later Georgetown University professor Jan Karski On 10 December 1942 the Polish government in exile published a 16 page report addressed to the Allied governments titled The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland e On 17 December 1942 as the answer to Raczynski s Note the Allies issued the Joint Declaration by Members of the United Nations a formal declaration confirming and condemning Nazi extermination policy toward the Jews and describing the ongoing events of the Holocaust in Nazi occupied Europe 24 The statement was read to British House of Commons in a floor speech by Foreign secretary Anthony Eden 25 The death camps were discussed between American and British officials at the Bermuda Conference in April 1943 26 On 12 May 1943 Polish government in exile member and Bund leader Szmul Zygielbojm committed suicide in London to protest the inaction of the world with regard to the Holocaust 27 stating in part in his suicide letter I cannot continue to live and to be silent while the remnants of Polish Jewry whose representative I am are being killed My comrades in the Warsaw ghetto fell with arms in their hands in the last heroic battle I was not permitted to fall like them together with them but I belong with them to their mass grave By my death I wish to give expression to my most profound protest against the inaction in which the world watches and permits the destruction of the Jewish people 28 The large camps near Auschwitz were finally surveyed by plane in April 1944 While all important German cities and production centers were bombed by Allied forces until the end of the war no attempt was made to interdict the system of mass annihilation by destroying pertinent structures or train tracks even though Churchill was a proponent of bombing parts of the Auschwitz complex The US State Department was aware of the use and the location of the gas chambers of extermination camps but refused to bomb them Significant debate continues among historians about the decision 29 f Throughout and after the war the British government pressed leaders of European nations to prevent illegal Jewish immigration into Palestine and sent ships to block the sea route to Palestine turning back many Jewish refugees found attempting to illegally enter the region 30 German people Edit Main article German collective guilt The debate continues on how much average Germans knew about the Holocaust Robert Gellately a historian at Oxford University conducted a widely respected survey of the German media before and during the war and concluded that there was substantial participation and consent from large numbers of ordinary Germans in various aspects of the Holocaust that German civilians frequently saw columns of slave laborers and that the basics of the concentration camps if not the extermination camps were widely known 31 The German scholar Peter Longerich in a study looking at what Germans knew about the mass murders concluded that General information concerning the mass murder of Jews was widespread in the German population 32 Longerich estimates that before the war ended 32 to 40 percent of the population had knowledge about mass killings not necessarily the extermination camps 33 British historian Nicholas Stargardt presents evidence of widespread public knowledge agreement and collusion concerning the destruction of European Jewry as well of the insane feeble disabled Poles Roma and other nationals 34 His evidence includes speeches by Nazi leaders 35 which were broadcast or heard by a wide audience that included mention or inferences related to destroying the Jews along with letters written between soldiers and their families describing the slaughter 36 Historian Claudia Koonz relates how reports from the Nazi security service SD described the public opinion as favorable where it concerned the killing of Jews 37 Using these same SD reports from the war years along with a great many memoirs diaries and other descriptive material historian Lawrence D Stokes concluded that much although not all of the terror inflicted on the Jewish people was generally understood in the German public Marlis Steinert came to an opposite conclusion through her own studies contending that only a few were aware of the immense scale of the atrocities 38 French historian Christian Ingrao reminds readers that one must take into consideration the possible extent to which SD reports were manipulated by the Nazi propaganda machine when reviewing them 39 Historian Helmut Walser Smith remarks of the German people They were hardly indifferent to it the responses range from outrage to affirmation to worry especially toward the end of the war when anxiety about accountability increased That their imagination did not press to the particulars is not astounding Nor is it astounding that few failed to imagine Auschwitz The idea that not the killers go to the Jews but the Jews are delivered up to industrial killing centers this in fact was without historical precedent 40 Historian Eric A Johnson and sociologist Karl Heinz Reuband conducted interviews with more than 3 000 Germans and 500 German Jews about daily life in the Third Reich From the Jewish questionnaires the authors found that German society was not nearly as rife with antisemitism as one might otherwise have believed but this changed dramatically with Hitler s ascension to power 41 German Jews claimed that they knew of the Holocaust from a wide range of sources which included radio broadcasts from Italy and what they heard from friends or acquaintances but they did not know details until 1943 42 Responses from non Jewish Germans indicate that the majority of Germans identified with the Nazi regime 43 Contrary to many other accounts and or historical interpretations which portray rule under the Nazis as terrifying for German citizens most of the German respondents who participated in the interviews stated that they never really feared arrest from the Gestapo 43 g Concerning the mass murder of the Jews the survey results were contingent to some degree on geography but roughly 27 29 of Germans had information about the Holocaust at some point before the war s end and another 10 13 suspected something terrible was happening all along Based on this information Johnson and Reuband surmise that one in three Germans either heard or knew that the Holocaust was taking place before the end of the war from sources that included family members friends neighbors or professional colleagues 45 Johnson suggests in disagreement with his co author that it is more likely that about 50 of the German population were aware of the atrocities being committed against the Jewish people and other enemies identified by the Nazi regime 46 During the years 1945 through 1949 polls indicated that a majority of Germans felt that Nazism was a good idea badly applied In a poll conducted in the American German occupation zone 37 replied that the extermination of the Jews and Poles and other non Aryans was necessary for the security of Germans 47 h Sarah Ann Gordon in Hitler Germans and the Jewish Question notes that the surveys are very difficult to draw conclusions from as respondents were given only three options from which to choose 1 Hitler was right in his treatment of the Jews to which 0 agreed 2 Hitler went too far in his treatment of the Jews but something had to be done to keep them in bounds 19 agreed and 3 The actions against the Jews were in no way justified 77 agreed She also noted that another revealing example emerges from the question of whether an Aryan who marries a Jew should be condemned a question to which 91 of the respondents answered No To the question All those who ordered the murder of civilians or participated in the murders should be made to stand trial 94 responded Yes 48 Historian Tony Judt highlights how denazification and the subsequent fear of retribution from the Allies likely obscured justice due to some of the perpetrators and camouflaged underlying societal truths 49 Public recollection from Germans about the atrocities was also marginalized by postwar reconstruction and diplomacy according to historian Nicholas Wachsmann a delay which obscured the complexities of understanding both the Holocaust and the concentration camps that aided in its facilitation 50 Wachsmann notes how the German people often claimed that the crimes occurred behind their backs and were perpetrated by Nazi fanatics or that they frequently dodged responsibility by equating their suffering with that of the prisoners avowing they too had been victimized by the National Socialist regime 51 Initially the memory of the Holocaust was repressed and set aside but eventually the young Federal Republic of Germany commenced its own investigations and trials 52 Political pressure on the prosecutors and judges tempered any extensive probes and very few systematic investigations in the first decade after the war took place 53 Later research efforts in Germany revealed that there were a myriad of links between the wider population and the SS camps 54 In Austria once part of the Greater German Reich of the Nazis the situation was much different as they conveniently evaded accountability through the trope of being the Nazis first foreign victim 55 Implementation Edit During the perpetration of the Holocaust participants came from all over Europe but the impetus for the pogroms was provided by German and Austrian Nazis According to Holocaust historian Raul Hilberg the anti Jewish work of the regime was carried out in the civil service the military business and the party where every specialization was utilized and every stratum of society was represented in the envelopment of the victims 56 Sobibor death camp guard Werner Dubois stated I am clear about the fact that annihilation camps were used for murder What I did was aiding in murder If I should be sentenced I would consider that correct Murder is murder In weighing the guilt one should not in my opinion consider the specific function in the camp Wherever we were posted there we were all equally guilty The camp functioned in a chain of functions If only one element in that chain is missing the entire enterprise comes to a stop 57 In an entry in the Friedrich Kellner diary My Opposition dated 28 October 1941 the German justice inspector recorded a conversation he had in Laubach with a German soldier who had witnessed a massacre in Poland 58 i French officials at the Parisian branch of the Barclays Bank volunteered the names of their Jewish employees to Nazi authorities and many of them ended up in the death camps 59 An insightful perspective is provided by Konnilyn G Feig who wrote Hitler exterminated the Jews of Europe But he did not do so alone The task was so enormous complex time consuming and mentally and economically demanding that it took the best efforts of millions of Germans All spheres of life in Germany actively participated Businessmen policemen bankers doctors lawyers soldiers railroad and factory workers chemists pharmacists foremen production managers economists manufacturers jewelers diplomats civil servants propagandists film makers and film stars professors teachers politicians mayors party members construction experts art dealers architects landlords janitors truck drivers clerks industrialists scientists generals and even shopkeepers all were essential cogs in the machinery that accomplished the final solution 60 Additional scholars also point out that a wide range of German soldiers officials and civilians were in some way involved in the Holocaust from clerks and officials in the government to units of the army police and the SS 61 j Many ministries including those of armaments interior justice railroads and foreign affairs had substantial roles in orchestrating the Holocaust similarly German physicians participated in medical experiments and the T 4 euthanasia program as did civil servants 62 German physicians also made the selections as to who was fit to work and who would die at the concentration camps 63 Though there was no single department in charge of the Holocaust the SS and Waffen SS under Himmler had a leading role and operated with military efficiency in murdering enemies of the Nazi state From the SS came the SS Totenkopfverbande concentration camp guard units the Einsatzgruppen killing squads and the main administrative offices behind the Holocaust including the RSHA and WVHA 64 65 The regular army participated in the atrocities along with the SS on some occasions by taking part in the massacre of Jews in the Soviet Union Serbia Poland and Greece The German Army also logistically supported the Einsatzgruppen helped form the ghettos ran prison camps occasionally provided concentration camp guards transported prisoners to camps had medical experiments performed on prisoners and substantially used slave labor 66 Significant numbers of Wehrmacht soldiers accompanied the SS in their deadly tasks or provided other forms of support for killing operations 67 The murders by the Einsatzgruppen required cooperation between the Einsatzgruppen chief and Wehrmacht unit commander so they could coordinate and control access to and from the execution grounds 68 Obedience Edit Stanley Milgram was one of a number of post war psychologists and sociologists who tried to address why people obeyed immoral orders in the Holocaust Milgram s findings demonstrated that reasonable people when instructed by a person in a position of authority obeyed commands entailing what they believed to be the suffering of others After making his results public Milgram sparked a direct critical response in the scientific community by claiming that a common psychological process is centrally involved in both his laboratory experiments and the Holocaust Professor James Waller Chair of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Keene State College formerly Chair of Whitworth College Psychology Department expressed the opinion that Milgram experiments do not correspond well to the Holocaust events 69 The subjects of Milgram s experiments were assured in advance that no permanent physical damage would result from their actions However the Holocaust perpetrators were fully aware of their hands on killing and maiming of the victims Milgram s guards did not know their victims and were not motivated by racism On the other hand the Holocaust perpetrators displayed an intense devaluation of the victims through a lifetime of personal development The subjects were not selected for sadism or loyalty to Nazi ideology and often exhibited great anguish and conflict in the experiment unlike the designers and executioners of the Final Solution see Holocaust trials who had a clear goal on their hands set beforehand The experiment lasted for an hour insufficient time for participants to consider the moral implications of their actions Meanwhile the Holocaust lasted for years with ample time for a moral assessment of all individuals and organizations involved 70 In the opinion of Thomas Blass who is the author of a scholarly monograph on the experiment The Man Who Shocked The World published in 2004 the historical evidence pertaining to actions of the Holocaust perpetrators speaks louder than words My own view is that Milgram s approach does not provide a fully adequate explanation of the Holocaust While it may well account for the dutiful destructiveness of the dispassionate bureaucrat who may have shipped Jews to Auschwitz with the same degree of routinization as potatoes to Bremerhaven it falls short when one tries to apply it to the more zealous inventive and hate driven atrocities that also characterized the Holocaust 71 Religious hatred and racism Edit Further information History of the Jews in Europe History of the Jews in Germany Antisemitism in Christianity Antisemitism in Europe History of European Jews in the Middle Ages History of the Jews and the Crusades Martin Luther and antisemitism Religious antisemitism Racial antisemitism and Racism in Europe Throughout the Middle Ages in Europe Jews were subjected to antisemitism based on Christian theology which blamed them for rejecting and killing Jesus 72 Numerous attempts to collectively convert the Jews to Christianity were made by early Christians but when they refused to convert to Christianity they were considered pariahs by many Europeans 73 The consequences which they suffered for resisting conversion to Christianity were varied An extensive series of attacks was committed against Jews as a result of the religious fervor which accompanied the First and Second Crusades 1095 1149 73 Jews were slaughtered in the wake of the Italian famine 1315 1317 attacked following the outbreak of the Black Death in the Rhineland in 1347 expelled from both England and Italy in the 1290s from France in 1306 and 1394 from Spain and Portugal in 1492 and 1497 74 By the time of the Reformation in the 16th century historian Peter Hayes stresses that hatred of Jews was widespread throughout Europe 75 Martin Luther a German leader of the Protestant Reformation made a specific written call for harsh persecution of the Jewish people in On the Jews and Their Lies published in 1543 In it he urged that Jewish synagogues and schools be set on fire prayer books destroyed rabbis forbidden to preach homes razed and property and money confiscated 76 Luther argued that Jews should be shown no mercy or kindness should have no legal protection and that these poisonous envenomed worms should be drafted into forced labor or expelled for all time 77 American historian Lucy Dawidowicz asserted in her book The War Against the Jews that a clear path of antisemitism passes from Luther to Hitler and that modern German anti Semitism is the bastard child of Christian anti Semitism and German nationalism 78 Even after the Reformation Catholics and Lutherans continued to persecute Jews accusing them of blood libels and subjecting them to pogroms and expulsions 79 80 The second half of the 19th century saw the emergence of the Volkisch movement in Germany and Austria Hungary which was developed and incentivized by authors like Houston Stewart Chamberlain and Paul de Lagarde The movement presented a pseudo scientific biologically based form of racism that viewed Jews as a race whose members were locked in mortal combat with the Aryan race for world domination 81 Bones of murdered prisoners in the crematoria in the German concentration camp at Weimar Germany in a photo taken by the 3rd U S Army on 14 April 1945 Some authors such as the liberal philosopher Hannah Arendt in The Origins of Totalitarianism 1951 82 Swedish writer Sven Lindqvist historian Hajo Holborn and Ugandan academic Mahmood Mandani have also linked the Holocaust to colonialism but moreover place the tragedy into the context of the European tradition of antisemitism and the genocide of colonized peoples 83 Arendt claimed for instance that nationalism and imperialism were literally bridged together by racism 84 Pseudo scientific theories elaborated upon during the 19th century e g Arthur de Gobineau s 1853 Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races were fundamental in preparing the conditions for the Holocaust according to some scholars 85 While other historical episodes of wholesale slaughter exist there are still scholars who remain adamant about the uniqueness of the Holocaust as compared to other genocides 86 Philosopher Michel Foucault also traced the origins of the Holocaust to racial policies and state racism which are subsumed within the framework of biopolitics 87 The Nazis considered it their duty to overcome natural compassion and execute orders for what they believed were higher ideals members of the SS in particular believed that they had a state legitimized mandate and an obligation to eliminate those who they believed were their racial enemies 88 Some of the heinous acts committed by the Nazis have been attributed to crowd psychology and Gustave Le Bon s The Crowd A Study of the Popular Mind 1895 provided influence to Hitler s infamous tome Mein Kampf 89 Le Bon claimed that Hitler and the Nazis used propaganda to deliberately shape group think and related behaviors especially in cases where people committed otherwise aberrant violent acts due to the anonymity resultant from being a member of the collective 90 Sadistic acts of this sort were notable in the case of the genocide which was committed by members of the Croatian Ustashe whose enthusiasm and sadism in their killings of Serbs appalled the Italians and the Germans to such an extent that at one point the German Army s field police moved in and disarmed them 91 One might describe the behavior of the Croatians as a sort of quasi religious eliminationist opportunism but this same thing might be said of the Germans whose antisemitism was likewise religious and racialist in nomenclature 92 A controversy erupted in 1997 when historian Daniel Goldhagen argued in Hitler s Willing Executioners that ordinary Germans were knowing and willing participants in the Holocaust which he writes had its roots in a deep racially motivated eliminationist antisemitism that was uniquely manifested in German society 93 Historians who disagree with Goldhagen s thesis argue that while antisemitism undeniably existed in Germany Goldhagen s idea of a uniquely German eliminationist version is untenable 94 In complete contrast to Goldhagen s position historian Johann Chapoutot observes Culturally speaking the Nazi ideology advanced by the NSDAP contained only an infinitesimal number of ideas that were genuinely German in origin Racism colonialism anti Semitism social Darwinism and eugenics did not originate between the Rhine and the Memel Practically speaking we know the Shoah would have been considerably less murderous if French and Hungarian police forces not to mention Baltic nationalists Ukrainian volunteer forces Polish anti Semites and collaborationist politicians to name only a few had not supported it so fully and so swiftly whether or not they knew where the convoys were headed they were more than happy to rid themselves of their Jewish populations 95 Functionalism versus intentionalism EditMain article Functionalism versus intentionalism Further information Historikerstreit Frontispiece of the Nuremberg trials 1940 copy of Mein Kampf A major issue in contemporary Holocaust studies is the question of functionalism versus intentionalism The terms were coined during the Cumberland Lodge Conference in May 1979 which was entitled The National Socialist Regime and German Society by the British Marxist historian Timothy Mason in order to describe two schools of thought about the origins of the Holocaust 96 Intentionalists hold the view that the Holocaust was the result of a long term master plan on the part of Hitler and they also believe that he was the driving force behind it 97 However functionalists hold the view that Hitler did not have a master plan for genocide and based on this view they see the Holocaust as coming from the ranks of the German bureaucracy with little or no involvement on the part of Hitler 98 Within the content of Hitler biographies which were written by Joachim Fest and Alan Bullock one encounters a Hitler centric explanation for genocide even though other psycho historians like Rudolph Binion Walter Langer and Robert Waite raised issues about Hitler s ability to make rational decisions nonetheless his antisemitism remained unquestioned the latter authors merely juxtaposed it against his general mental health 99 Historian and intentionalist Lucy Dawidowicz argued that the Holocaust was planned by Hitler from the very beginning of his political career which can be traced back to his traumatic experience at the end of the First World War 100 Other intentionalists such as Andreas Hillgruber Karl Dietrich Bracher and Klaus Hildebrand have suggested that Hitler had decided upon the Holocaust sometime in the early 1920s 101 Historian Eberhard Jackel postulates that the extermination order placed upon the Jews may have occurred during the summer of 1940 102 Another intentionalist historian the American Arno J Mayer argued that Hitler first ordered the mass murder of the Jews in December 1941 due principally to the failed Blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union 103 Saul Friedlander has argued that Hitler was an extreme antisemite early on and drove Nazi policy to exterminate the Jews but he also recognizes the technocratic rationality of the regime that helped bring Hitler s ideological goals to fruition 104 While others like Gerhard Weinberg remain in the intentionalist camp and see Hitler s part as essential to the unfolding of the Final Solution he also points out the importance of Nazi ideological imperatives such as the Wannsee Conference and like many scholars demonstrates that there is still much to be discovered and learned 105 Functionalists such as Hans Mommsen Martin Broszat Gotz Aly Raul Hilberg and Christopher Browning hold that the Holocaust was started in 1941 1942 either as a result of the failure of the Nazi deportation policy and or the impending military losses in Russia 106 Functionalists contend that what some see as extermination fantasies outlined in Hitler s Mein Kampf and other Nazi literature were simply propaganda and did not constitute concrete plans In Mein Kampf Hitler repeatedly states his inexorable hatred of the Jewish people but nowhere does he proclaim his intention to exterminate them They also argue that in the 1930s Nazi policy aimed at making life so unpleasant for German Jews that they would leave Germany 107 Adolf Eichmann was in charge of facilitating Jewish emigration by whatever means possible from 1937 108 until 23 October 1941 when German Jews were forbidden to leave 109 Functionalists see the SS s support in the late 1930s for Zionist groups as the preferred solution to the Jewish Question as another sign that there was no masterplan for genocide Essentially the view of functionalists concerning the Holocaust is that it came about via improvisation as opposed to deliberate planning 110 To that end functionalists argue that in German documents from 1939 to 1941 the term Final Solution to the Jewish Question was meant to be a territorial solution that is the entire Jewish population was to be expelled somewhere far from Germany 111 At first the SS planned to create a gigantic Jewish reservation in the Lublin Poland area but the so called Lublin Plan was vetoed by Hans Frank the Governor General of occupied Poland who refused to allow the SS to ship any more Jews to the Lublin area after November 1939 The reason Frank vetoed the Lublin Plan was not due to any humane motives but rather because he was opposed to the SS dumping Jews into the Government General 112 In 1940 the SS and the German Foreign Office had the so called Madagascar Plan to deport the entire Jewish population of Europe to a reservation on Madagascar 113 The Madagascar Plan was canceled because Germany could not defeat the United Kingdom and until their blockade of Nazi occupied Europe was broken the Madagascar Plan could not be put into effect 114 Finally functionalist historians have made much of a memorandum written by Himmler in May 1940 explicitly rejecting extermination of the entire peoples as un German and recommending to Hitler instead the Madagascar Plan as the preferred territorial solution to the Jewish Question 115 116 Not until July 1941 did the term Final Solution to the Jewish Question come to mean extermination 117 Recently a synthesis of the two schools has emerged that has been championed by diverse historians such as the Canadian historian Michael Marrus the Israeli historian Yehuda Bauer and the British historian Ian Kershaw that contends Hitler was the driving force behind the Holocaust but that he did not have a long term plan and that much of the initiative for the Holocaust came from below in an effort to meet Hitler s perceived wishes As historian Omer Bartov relates the intentionalists and functionalists have gradually come closer as further research now seems to indicate that the more extreme new interpretations are just as impossible to sustain as the traditional ones 118 Involved EditSee also List of major perpetrators of the Holocaust Adolf Hitler Edit See also Criticism of Holocaust denial Hitler s involvement and Hitler s prophecy Hitler s prophecy speech in the Reichstag 30 January 1939 during which he threatened the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe Most historians take the view that Hitler was the opposite of a pragmatist his overriding obsession was hatred of the Jews and he showed on a number of occasions that he was willing to risk losing the war to achieve their destruction There is no smoking gun in the form of a document that shows Hitler ordering the Final Solution Hitler did not have a bureaucratic mind and many of his most important instructions were given orally 119 There is ample documentary evidence however that Hitler desired to eradicate Jewry and that the order to do so originated from him including the authorization for mass deportations of the Jews to the east beginning in October 1941 120 He cannot have imagined that these hundreds of thousands of Jews would be housed clothed and fed by the authorities of the Government General and in fact Hans Frank frequently complained that he could not cope with the influx 121 122 Historian Paul Johnson writes that some writers such as David Irving have claimed that because there were no written orders the Final Solution was Himmler s work and Hitler not only did not order it but did not even know it was happening Johnson states however that this argument will not stand up The administration of the Third Reich was often chaotic but its central principle was clear enough all key decisions emanated from Hitler 119 According to Kershaw Hitler s authority most probably given as verbal consent to propositions usually put to him by Himmler stood behind every decision of magnitude and significance 123 Hitler continued to be closely involved in the Final Solution 124 Kershaw also points out that in the wake of the German military crisis following the catastrophe at Stalingrad that Hitler took a direct hand in convincing his Hungarian and Romanian allies to sharpen the persecution of the Jews 125 Hitler s role in the Final Solution was often indirect rather than overt frequently granting approval rather than initiating The unparalleled outpourings of hatred were a constant even amid all the policy shifts of the Nazis They often had propaganda or mobilizing motives and usually remained generalized Even so Kershaw remains adamant that Hitler s role was decisive and indispensable in the unfolding of the Final Solution 126 In the following widely cited speech made on 30 January 1939 Hitler gave a speech to the Reichstag which included the statement I want to be a prophet again today if international finance Jewry in Europe and beyond should succeed once more in plunging the peoples into a world war then the result will be not the Bolshevization of the earth and thus the victory of Jewry but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe 127 On 30 January 1942 at the Sports Palace in Berlin Hitler told the crowd And we say that the war will not end as the Jews imagine it will namely with the uprooting of the Aryans but the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews 128 According to historian Klaus Hildebrand moral responsibility for the Holocaust resides with Hitler and was nothing less than the culmination of his pathological hatred of the Jews which for all intents and purposes formed the basis of Nazi genocide and drove the regime to pursue its racial eliminationist goals 129 Whether or not Hitler gave a direct order for the implementation of the Final Solution is immaterial and nothing more than a red herring which fails to recognize Hitler s leadership style particularly since his verbal commands were sufficient to launch initiatives due largely to the fact that his subordinates were always working towards the Fuhrer in an effort to implement his totalitarian vision even in cases without written authority 130 Throughout Gerald Fleming s notable work Hitler and the Final Solution he demonstrates that on numerous occasions Himmler mentioned a Fuhrer Order concerning the annihilation of the Jews which indicates that at the very least Hitler verbally issued a command on the subject 131 Journal entries from Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels support the position that Hitler was the driving force behind the destruction of the Jews as well Goebbels wrote that Hitler followed the subject closely and described the Fuhrer as uncompromising about eliminating the Jews 132 As historian David Welch asserts if one takes the scale of the logistical operations that the Holocaust comprised in the middle of a worldwide war into consideration alone it is nearly impossible that the extermination of so many people and the coordination of such an extensive effort could have occurred without Hitler s authorization 133 Other Nazi leaders Edit Further information List of major perpetrators of the Holocaust Heinrich Himmler Reinhard Heydrich and Karl Wolff at the Berghof May 1939 Konrad Adenauer s State Secretary Hans Globke had played a major role in drafting antisemitic Nuremberg Race Laws While significant numbers of Germans and other Europeans collectively participated in the Holocaust it was Hitler and his Nazi followers who share the greatest responsibility for incentivizing coercing and or overseeing the extermination of millions of people 134 Among those most responsible for the Final Solution were Heinrich Himmler Reinhard Heydrich Adolf Eichmann Odilo Globocnik Ernst Kaltenbrunner Heinrich Muller Theodor Eicke Richard Glucks Friedrich Jeckeln Friedrich Wilhelm Kruger Rudolf Hoss Christian Wirth and Oswald Pohl Key roles were also played by Fritz Sauckel Hans Frank Wilhelm Frick and Robert Ley 135 Other top Nazi leaders such as Joseph Goebbels Hermann Goring and Martin Bormann contributed in various ways whether administratively supporting killing efforts or providing ideological fodder to encourage the Holocaust 136 For example Goebbels carried on an intensive antisemitic propaganda campaign and also had frequent discussions with Hitler about the fate of the Jews 137 He was aware throughout that the Jews were being exterminated and completely supported this decision 138 In July 1941 Goring issued a memo to Heydrich ordering him to organise the practical details of a solution to the Jewish Question This led to the Wannsee Conference held on 20 January 1942 where Heydrich formally announced that genocide of the Jews of Europe was now an official Reich policy 139 That same year Bormann signed the decree of 9 October 1942 prescribing that the permanent Final Solution in Greater Germany could no longer be solved by emigration but only by the use of ruthless force in the special camps of the East that is extermination in Nazi death camps 140 Although the Nazi regime is often depicted as a super centralized vertically hierarchical state individual initiative was an important element in how Nazi Germany functioned 141 Millions of people were rounded up bureaucratically processed and transported across Europe due to the vigorous initiative of those Nazis most committed to carrying out their duties to the state an operation involving thousands of officials and a great deal of paperwork This was a coordinated effort among the SS and its sprawling police apparatus with the Reich ministries and the national railways all under the supervision of the Nazi Party 142 Most of the Party s regional leaders Gauleiters also knew of the Holocaust since many were present for Himmler s October 1943 speech at Posen during which he explicitly mentioned the extermination of the Jews 143 German military Edit See also Myth of the clean Wehrmacht The extent to which the officers of the regular German military knew of the Final Solution has been much debated Political imperatives in postwar Germany led to the army being generally absolved from responsibility apart from the handful of Nazi generals such as Alfred Jodl and Wilhelm Keitel who were tried and hanged at Nuremberg There is an abundance of evidence however that the top officers of the Wehrmacht certainly knew about the murders and in a number of instances approved and or sanctioned them 144 The exhibit War of Extermination The Crimes of the Wehrmacht k showed the extent to which the military was involved in the Holocaust 145 146 It was particularly difficult for commanders on the eastern front to avoid knowing what was happening in the areas behind the front Many individual soldiers photographed the massacres of Jews by the Einsatzgruppen 147 Some generals and officers such as Walther von Reichenau Erich Hoepner and Erich von Manstein actively supported the work of the Einsatzgruppen 148 A number of Wehrmacht units provided direct or indirect assistance to the Einsatzgruppen all the while mentally normalizing amoral behaviors in the conduct of war through specious justification that they were destroying the Reich s enemies 149 Many individual soldiers who ventured to the killing sites behind the lines voluntarily participated in the mass shootings 150 Cooperation between the SS police units and Wehrmacht also occurred when they took hostages and carried out reprisals against partisans particularly in the Eastern theater where the war took on the complexion of a racial war as opposed to the conventional one being fought in the West 151 Other front line officers went through the war without coming into direct contact with the machinery of extermination choosing to focus narrowly on their duties and not noticing the wider context of the war On 20 July 1942 an extermination unit under the command of Walther Rauff was sent to Tobruk and assigned to the Afrika Korps led by Erwin Rommel However since Rommel was 500 km away at the First Battle of El Alamein it is unlikely that the two were able to meet 152 The plans for Einsatzgruppe Egypt were set aside after the Allied victory at the Second Battle of El Alamein 153 Historian Jean Christoph Caron opines that there is no evidence that Rommel knew of or would have supported Rauff s mission 154 Relations between some Army commanders and the SS were not friendly as officers occasionally refused to co operate with Himmler s forces General Johannes Blaskowitz for instance was relieved of his command after officially protesting about SS atrocities in Poland 155 l Such behaviors were uncommon however as a significant portion of the German military acculturated to the norms of the Nazi regime and the SS in particular and were likewise censurable for carrying out atrocities during the course of the Second World War 156 Other states Edit Jewish woman chased by men and youth armed with clubs during the Lviv pogroms July 1941 Although the Holocaust was planned and directed by Germans the Nazi regime found willing collaborators in other countries both those allied to Germany and those under German occupation and by 1942 the atrocities across the continent became a pan European program 157 The civil service and police of the Vichy regime in occupied France actively collaborated in persecuting French Jews 158 Germany s allies Italy Finland Hungary Romania and Bulgaria were all pressured to introduce anti Jewish measures Bulgaria refused to co operate and all 50 000 Bulgarian Jews survived though most lost their possessions and many were imprisoned but thousands of Greek and Yugoslavian Jews were deported from the Bulgarian occupied territories 159 Finland officially refused to participate in the Holocaust and only 7 out of 300 Jewish alien refugees were turned over to the Germans 160 The Hungarian regime of Miklos Horthy also refused to cooperate until the German invasion of Hungary in 1944 after which its 750 000 Jews were no longer safe 161 Between May through July 1944 upwards of 437 000 Jews were deported from Hungary to Auschwitz 162 The Romanian regime of Ion Antonescu actively persecuted Jews murdering some 120 000 of them 163 164 The German puppet regime in Croatia actively persecuted Jews on its own initiative 165 166 The Nazis enlisted support for their programs in all the countries they occupied although their recruitment methods differed in various countries according to Nazi racial theories In the Nordic countries of Denmark Norway Netherlands and Estonia they tried to recruit young men into the Waffen SS with sufficient success to create the Wiking SS division on the Eastern Front many of whose members fought for Germany with great fanaticism until the end of the war 167 In Lithuania and Ukraine on the other hand they recruited large numbers of auxiliary troops that were used for anti partisan work and guard duties at extermination and concentration camps 168 In recent years the extent of local collaboration with the Nazis in Eastern Europe has become more apparent Historian Alan Bullock writes The opening of the archives both in the Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe has produced incontrovertible evidence of collaboration on a much bigger scale than hitherto realized of Ukrainians and Lithuanians as well as Hungarians Croats and Slovaks in the deportation and murder of Jews 169 Historians have been examining the question of whether it is fair to connote the Holocaust as a European Project Historian Dieter Pohl has estimated that more than 200 000 non Germans prepared carried out and assisted in acts of murder that is about the same number as Germans and Austrians 170 Such numbers have elicited a similar reaction from other historians Gotz Aly for instance has come to the conclusion that the Holocaust was in fact a European project 171 While the Holocaust was perpetrated at the urging of the Nazis and constituted part of the SS vision for a pan European racial community the subsequent outbursts of antisemitic violence in Croatia France Romania Slovakia the Baltic states among others make the catastrophe a European project according to historian Dan Stone 172 Belgium Edit See also Holocaust in Belgium In Belgium the state has been accused of having actively collaborated with Nazi Germany An official 2007 report commissioned by the Belgian senate concluded that the Belgians were indeed complicit in participating in the Holocaust According to the report the Belgian authorities adopted a docile attitude providing collaboration unworthy of a democracy in its treatment of Jews 173 The report also identified three crucial moments that showed the attitude of Belgian authorities toward the Jews 1 During the autumn of 1940 when they complied with the order of the German occupier to register all Jews even though it was contrary to the Belgium constitution this led to a number of measures including the firing of all Jews from official positions in December 1940 and the expelling of all Jewish children from their schools in December 1941 174 2 In summer 1942 when over one thousand Jews were deported to the death camps particularly Auschwitz during the month of August This was only the first of such actions as the deportations to the east continued resulting in the death of some 25 000 people 175 and 3 At the end of 1945 the Belgian state officials decided that its authorities bore no legal responsibility for the persecution of the Jews even though many Belgian police officers participated in the rounding up and deportation of Jews 176 particularly in the Flemish part of Belgium 177 However collaboration is not the whole story While there is little doubt that there were strong antisemitic feelings in Belgium after November 1942 the German roundups became less successful as large scale rescue operations were carried out by ordinary Belgians Many bankers notaries and judges people who had access to information about property accounts and commercial registers refused to be complicit in the expropriation of Jewish property which elicited complaints from Nazi authorities 178 These actions among others resulted in the survival of about 25 000 Jews from Belgium 179 Unlike other states which were immediately annexed Belgium was initially placed under German military administration which the Belgian authorities exploited by refusing to carry out some of the Nazi directives against the Jews Roughly 60 percent of Belgium s Jews who were there at the start of the war survived the Final Solution 180 Bulgaria Edit Main articles The Holocaust in Bulgaria The Holocaust in North Macedonia and The Holocaust in Greece Bulgaria mainly through the influence of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church saved nearly all of its indigenous Jewish population from deportation and certain death This is not to imply that Bulgaria was entirely blameless as they passed special laws to confiscate Jewish property and remove them from public service in early 1941 181 When this law came into effect on 23 January 1941 signed by Tsar Boris III Jews were also forbidden from marrying Christians they could no longer serve in the Bulgarian military became subject to forced labor and could no longer vote nor could they change residence without police authorization 182 Once civil and military administration over parts of Northern Greece and Macedonia were turned over to Bulgaria by Germany Bulgarian authorities deported Jews from those territories to concentration camps Originally SS Captain Theodor Dannecker and the head of the Commissariat for Jewish Affairs Alexander Belev agreed to deport as many as 20 000 Jews from Macedonia and Thrace 183 These deportations were set to be completed by May 1943 184 Belev had agreed to these measures without the knowledge or approval from officials in the Bulgarian government which sparked protests that reached the Bulgarian National Assembly in Sofia 185 Before the matter was over however Bulgaria had deported some 11 000 foreign Jews to Nazi held territory 186 Once those Jews were handed over to the Germans they were sent to the extermination camp at Treblinka where they perished 187 Channel Islands Edit See also German occupation of the Channel Islands Channel Islands police collaborated with the Nazis deporting local Jews some of whom were sent to Auschwitz in 1942 others were deported in 1943 as retaliation for the British commando raid on the small Channel Island of Sark when most of the Jews were shipped to internment camps in France and Germany 188 On the Channel Island of Alderney a labor camp for Jews was established one which was notable for the brutality of the German guards hundreds of Jews were murdered there and 384 were buried within the camp itself while many others were simply dumped into the sea 189 Some 250 mostly French Jews perished on a ship headed from Germany to the Alderney camp when it was sunk by the Royal Navy on 4 July 1944 190 Croatia Edit See also Genocide of Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia and The Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia Ante Pavelic greeting the Croatian parliament in February 1943 Croatia was a puppet state which was created by the Germans and ruled by the vehemently racist head of the Ustasha m Ante Pavelic 191 As early as May 1941 the Croatian government forced all Jews to wear the yellow badge and by the summer of that same year they enacted laws that excluded them from both the economy and society 192 193 Within those first few months in power the Ustasha also demolished the main synagogue in Zagreb 194 The Croatian Ustase regime killed thousands of people the majority of whom were Serbs estimates vary widely but most modern and qualified sources put the number of people who were killed at around 45 000 to 52 000 about 12 000 to 20 000 Jews and 15 000 to 20 000 Roma 195 primarily in the Ustasha s Jasenovac concentration camp which was located near Zagreb 196 Historians Donald Niewyk and Francis Nicosia provide higher estimates for the number of people who were killed reporting the following ranges 500 000 Serbs 25 000 Gypsies and 32 000 Jews most of whom 75 were murdered not by the Nazis but by the Croatians themselves 197 Croatians murdered of their own volition as part of their own large scale political repopulation project one with the obvious goal of ethnic cleansing 198 n According to the 2001 census in Croatia only 495 Jews were listed of the 25 000 Jews who had previously lived there before the Second World War accounting for less than 0 1 of Croatia s population 199 Denmark Edit Further information Rescue of the Danish Jews Due in part to the fact that the Germans were dependent upon an uninterrupted supply of Danish agricultural products to the Reich they tolerated the status quo of 6 500 Jews living undisturbed in Denmark 200 Upset with German policies and wishing for democracy the Danes began demonstrating against the Germans which incited a military response from the Nazis that included dismantling the Danish military forces and correspondingly placing Danish Jews at increased risk 201 Most of the Danish Jews were saved by the unwillingness of the Danish government and people to acquiesce to the demands of the occupying forces and through their concerted efforts to ferry Danish Jews to Sweden during October 1943 202 In total this endeavor saved nearly 8 000 Jews from certain death another 425 who were sent to Theresienstadt o were also saved due to the determination of the Danes and returned to their homes following the war 204 About 1 500 of the roughly 8 000 Jews rescued by the Danes were recent refugees from Czechoslovakia Austria and Germany 205 Estonia Edit See also Holocaust in Estonia Prior to the Second World War there were approximately 5 000 Estonian Jews 206 With the Nazi invasion of the Baltics the Nazi government found willing volunteers from this region to assist the Einsatzgruppen and auxiliary police which enabled it to carry out mass genocide in this region 207 About 50 of Estonia s Jewish population aware of the fate that otherwise awaited them following the Nazi invasion managed to escape to the Soviet Union 208 virtually all those remaining were forced to wear badges identifying them as Jews stripped of their property and eventually murdered by Einsatzgruppe A and local collaborators before the end of 1941 209 Right wing Estonian units known as the Omakaitse were among those who aided the Einsatzgruppen in murdering Jews 210 During the winter of 1941 1942 Einsatzgruppe A operating in Ostland and the Army Group Rear reported having murdered 2 000 Jews in Estonia 211 At the Wannsee Conference in January 1942 Estonia was reported to be Jew free 210 Jews from countries outside the Baltics were shipped there to be exterminated as was the case for 7 130 Jews sent to Estonia in September 1943 where they were murdered within months 212 An estimated 20 000 Jews were sent to labor camps in Estonia from elsewhere in Eastern Europe 213 Finland Edit Further information Einsatzkommando Finnland Despite being at times a co belligerent of Nazi Germany Finland remained independent and its leadership flatly refused to cooperate with Heinrich Himmler s request to relinquish its 2 000 Jews 160 Some Jews were even able to flee German occupied Europe and make their way into Finland 214 Only seven of the 300 alien Jews living in Finland were turned over to the Germans 160 Even the deportation of a handful of Jews did not go unnoticed as there were protests in Finland from members of its indigenous Social Democratic Party by a number of Lutheran ministers the Archbishop and the Finnish Cabinet 215 Like Denmark Finland was one of only two countries in the orbit of Nazi domination that refused to cooperate fully with Hitler s regime 216 These historical observations do not absolve all Finns as some scholars point out in particular the Einsatzkommando Finnland was formed during the joint invasion of the Soviet Union which received collaboration from Finnish police units and Finnish military intelligence in capturing partisans Jews and Soviet POWs as part of their operations exactly how many of each group remains unclear and is a subject needing further research according to historian Paul Lubotina 217 France Edit See also Holocaust in France Antisemitism as the Dreyfus Affair had shown at the end of the 19th century was widespread in France especially among anti republican sympathizers 218 Long before the rise of the Nazis antisemitism was so pronounced in France that according to intellectual historian George Mosse France seemed like it would be the country where racism might direct its political future 219 Before the onset of World War II there were roughly 350 000 Jews residing in France with only 150 000 being native born Approximately 50 000 were refugees fleeing Germany Austria and Czechoslovakia while another 25 000 came to France from Belgium and Holland the remaining Jews were arrivals to France in the 1920s and 30s from Eastern Europe 220 Once the Germans invaded many Jews fled away from the advancing forces but France s rapid collapse both militarily and politically the armistice and the speed at which everything happened trapped many of them in southern France 221 Philippe Petain who became the French premier after Paris had fallen to the German Army arranged the surrender to Germany 222 He then became the head of the Vichy government which collaborated with the Nazis claiming that it would soften the hardships of occupation 223 Opposition to the German occupation of northern France and the collaborationist Vichy government was left to the French Resistance within France and the Free French Forces led by Charles de Gaulle outside France 224 German occupation was quickly accompanied by harsh treatment Jews were expelled from Alsace Lorraine and their property was confiscated whereas foreign Jews around 32 000 were interned following a Vichy decree on 4 October 1940 225 Additional discriminatory measures soon followed and intensified after the Nazis issued an ordinance on 27 September 1940 these were carried out by the French administration and included identification requirements for Jews a census to account for all Jews and businesses expropriation and Aryanization of property along with occupational restrictions and bans 225 On 7 October 1940 Petain s government repealed the Cremieux Decree a move which deprived 117 000 Algerian born French Jews of the civil rights they were granted in 1870 226 By the end of 1940 more Jews were arrested in Vichy France than in German occupied France 227 Another 1 112 Jews were arrested during French round ups in May and December 1941 later when they were deported they constituted some of the earliest arrivals to Auschwitz at the end of March 1942 228 Five thousand additional Jews were sent from France to Auschwitz at the end of April and during June 1942 229 The chief of police for the Vichy government Rene Bousquet agreed to arrest foreign and stateless Jews in Vichy France starting in July 1942 and he acceded to having French police collaborate in arresting Jews in the occupied zone 230 Per agreement between the Vichy government and the Nazis another 10 000 Jews were added to the total being deported between 19 July and 7 August 1942 231 Some 2 000 Jewish children whose parents had already been shipped to Auschwitz were also sent to the camp during the period 17 26 August 1942 and by the end of the year the total figure of deportees from France reached 42 000 persons 232 From the first transport of March 1942 to the last one during July 1944 as many as 77 911 Jews were deported from France to Poland 233 p Most of the Jews in France were transported to Auschwitz but some were sent to Majdanek and Sobibor with a few ending up at Buchenwald 235 Greece Edit Further information Axis occupation of Greece during World War II The Holocaust in Greece The Jews of Greece mainly lived in the area around Thessaloniki where a large and influential Sephardi community had lived since the 15th century where some 55 000 Jews comprised nearly 20 of the city 236 Following the German invasion and occupation of Salonika in 1941 an antisemitic nationalist party called National Union of Greece Ethniki Enosis Ellados EEE which had existed between 1927 and 1935 was revived by Nazi authorities 237 q The Greek governor Vasilis Simonides cooperated with the Nazi authorities and supplied local police forces to aide in deporting 48 500 Jews from Salonika to Auschwitz Birkenau during March to August 1943 239 Both Greeks and Germans looted the businesses and homes vacated by the expelled Jews 183 Greek Jews residing in the areas occupied by Bulgaria were also deported following the deportations from Salonika In March 1944 German forces and Greek police in Athens rounded up Jews and deported them Upwards of 2 000 Jews from Corfu and another 2 200 from Rhodes were transported to concentration camps in June 1944 240 Before the end of the war over 60 000 Greek Jews were murdered the vast majority of whom were sent to Auschwitz 241 Hungary Edit Further information Hungarian Jews Toward the Holocaust Captured Jewish women in Wesselenyi Street Budapest Hungary on 20 22 October 1944 In March 1938 several years before the German occupation of Hungary anti Jewish measures were already enacted by the Hungarian Parliament in the wake of Prime Minister Kalman Daranyi s announcement about the need to solve the Jewish question 242 This legislation and the second set of anti Jewish laws restricted Jews from certain professions and economic sectors it also forbade Jews from becoming Hungarian citizens by means of either marriage naturalization or legitimization Approximately 90 000 Jews and their family members who relied on their support upwards of 220 000 people lost their means of economic survival and when the third anti Jewish law went into effect it nearly mirrored the Nazi Nuremberg Laws 243 Once the legal exclusion of Jews from Hungarian society was complete the National Central Alien Control Office Kulfoldieket Ellenorzo Orszagos Kozponti Hatosag KEOKH turned its attention almost exclusively to expelling undesirable Jews 244 By the summer of 1941 the Hungarians carried out their first series of mass murders and again in early January 1942 when they slaughtered 2 500 Serbs and 700 Jews demonstrating that the political leadership in Hungary authorized the commission of atrocities even before the German occupation 245 Sometime in August 1941 the Hungarian authorities deported 16 000 alien Jews most of whom were shot by the SS and Ukrainian collaborators 246 In the spring of 1942 the Hungarian Minister of Defense ordered the majority of Jewish forced labor to the theater of military operations Due to this order as many as 50 000 Jews worked in military forced labor companies starting in the spring of 1942 through 1944 247 Accompanying Hungarian troops during Operation Barbarossa Jews in these units were poorly treated insufficiently housed ill fed routinely used to clear minefields and placed in constant unnecessary danger estimates indicate that at least 33 000 Hungarian Jewish males in the prime of life died in Russia 248 During parts of May through June 1944 some 10 000 Hungarian Jews were gassed on a daily basis at Auschwitz Birkenau a pace with which the crematoria could not keep up resulting in many of the bodies being burned in open pits 249 The 410 000 Jews murdered during this period represents the largest single group of Jews murdered after 1942 according to historian Christian Gerlach 250 Much of the efficiency with which the Germans were able to deport and murder Hungarian Jews stemmed from the frictionless cooperation of Hungary s politicians bureaucracy and gendarmerie and popular Hungarian antisemitism served to block any Jews trying to escape 251 After the fascist Arrow Cross coup in October 1944 Arrow Cross militias shot as many as 20 000 Jews in Budapest and dumped their bodies into the Danube River between December 1944 and the end of January 1945 252 Jews in labor battalions were sent on death marches into Germany and Austria 253 Nearly one tenth of the Holocaust s Jewish victims were Hungarian Jews accounting for a total of over 564 000 deaths some 64 000 Jews had already been murdered prior to the German occupation of Hungary 254 Despite the atrocities in Hungary approximately 200 000 Jews in total survived the war 255 Italy Edit See also Jews of Libya during the Holocaust Among Germany s allies Italy was not known for its antisemitism and had a relatively well assimilated Jewish population its policies were essentially about domination as opposed to destruction 256 National pride and the need to express sovereignty had as much to do with Italian behaviors as did any general benevolence towards the Jews 256 Approximately 57 000 Jews resided in pre war Italy about 10 000 of whom were refugees from Austria and Germany comprising less than one tenth of one percent of the population 257 An Italian law was passed in 1938 as part of Mussolini s effort to align his country more with Germany the law restricted civil liberties of Jews This effectively reduced the country s Jews to second class status though the Italians never made it official policy to deport Jews to concentration camps Edging closer towards Germany the Italian Ministry of the Interior established 43 camps where enemy aliens to include Jews were detained these camps were not pleasant but they were a far cry from the Nazi concentration camps 258 After the fall of Benito Mussolini and the Italian Social Republic Jews started being deported to German camps by the Italian puppet regime which issued a police order to that effect on 30 November 1943 259 While Jews fled once the puppet regime came to power the Italian police nonetheless captured and sent over 7 000 Jews to camps at Fossoli di Carpi and Bolzano both of which served as assembly points for deportations to Auschwitz Birkenau 260 Italian prisons were used to house Jews as well the most infamous of them was San Vittore Prison in Milan where torture and murder were common 261 Nazi Germany s Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels complained throughout the war about Italy s lax policies against the Jews 262 Nevertheless through 1944 no less than 15 transports carrying around 3 800 Jews made their way from Italy to Auschwitz 263 Estimates from a number of sources place the total death count for Italian Jews between 6 500 and 9 000 264 The generally accepted death tolls for Italy are about 8 000 Jews and as many as 1 000 Roma 265 Latvia Edit See also Holocaust in Latvia Members of a Latvian self defence unit assemble a group of Jewish women for execution on a beach near Liepaja 15 December 1941 Before the war over 93 000 Jews resided in Latvia comprising less than 5 percent of the country s population 266 Immediately in the wake of the German attack on the former Soviet Union in June 1941 Latvia was occupied and incorporated into the Reichskommissariat Ostland as Generalbezirk Lettland with a Latvian civil administration under the D Heinrich Drechsler 267 Latvian auxiliary forces aided the SS Einsatzgruppen by following behind the advancing German forces shooting Jews who they lined up in anti tank trenches 268 Other instances of Latvian brutality against the Jews manifested before troops even arrived as the local populations attacked and murdered entire communities across hundreds of small villages 269 Zealous Latvians assisted the German forces in collecting all males between the ages of 16 and 60 in the city of Dvinsk for support operations hundreds of Jewish males never returned from these duties as they were often murdered 270 In the areas in and around Warsaw Latvian guards accompanied the SS in securing the ghetto and deporting Jews to Treblinka 271 The former head of the Latvian police Viktors Arajs willingly collaborated with the Nazis by forming the Arajs Kommando a Latvian volunteer police unit which worked closely with the SS Einsatzgruppe A to murder Jews 272 As early as July 1941 they were already burning synagogues in Riga 273 According to historian Timothy Snyder the Arajs Kommando shot 22 000 Latvian Jews at various locations after they had been brutally rounded up for this purpose by the regular police and auxiliaries and were responsible for assisting in the murder of some 28 000 more Jews 274 Aggregate figures indicate that around 70 000 Latvian Jews were murdered during the Holocaust 211 Liechtenstein Edit Only a handful of Jews lived in the small neutral state of Liechtenstein at the outbreak of the Second World War r Between 1933 and 1945 approximately 400 Jews were taken in by Liechtenstein but another 165 were turned away 276 According to a 2005 study the royal family of Liechtenstein purchased once Jewish owned property and furniture that the Nazis seized after annexing Austria and Czechoslovakia Liechtenstein s royal family also rented inmates from Strasshof an der Nordbahn concentration camp near Vienna where they employed forced labor on nearby royal estates 277 Lithuania Edit See also Holocaust in Lithuania Kaunas pogrom in German occupied Lithuania June 1941 Nearly 7 percent of Lithuania s population was Jewish totaling approximately 160 000 persons 278 For the most part the Nazis considered the majority of non Jewish people in the Baltics as racially assimilable with the exception of Jews against whom some discrimination was already present in Lithuania before the occupation but it was generally confined to edicts against Jews being in certain occupations and or educational discrimination 279 Lithuania s Jewish population quickly swelled in the aftermath of the territorial arrangement between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union which proved a tumultuous time for many Jews who fled there to escape persecution meanwhile it increased the Jewish population of Lithuania to approximately 250 000 280 Angry about the Nazi Soviet pact many Lithuanians began taking their anger out on the country s Jews by attacking them and their property 281 The situation deteriorated further due to the see saw of political power that started when the Soviet Army took control of Lithuania in June 1940 and persecuted thousands of its citizens through a program of Sovietization approximately 17 000 Lithuanians were sent to Siberia right before the Germans arrived 282 Many Jews were asked to join the short lived Soviet government and were allowed integration into Lithuanian society Just seven weeks later however the Nazis invaded and were greeted as liberators Subsequent blame for the ill fortune that befell the Lithuanians under the Soviets landed on the Jews which started even before the Germans had finished conquering the country 283 Lithuanians carried out pogroms in at least 40 different places where Jews were raped severely injured and murdered 284 Blaming the Jews also afforded any Lithuanians who had cooperated with the Soviets the means to exonerate themselves by diverting attention onto a Jewish conspiratorial scapegoat 285 On 25 June 1941 Nazi forces arrived in Kaunas where they witnessed local Lithuanians drag about 50 male Jews into the center of the city while one Lithuanian man beat them to death with a crowbar cheered on by spectators in a public display of brutality that shocked many Germans After murdering all the Jews the man climbed atop their corpses and played the Lithuanian national anthem on an accordion 286 These deaths were part of the Kaunas pogrom during which many thousands of Jews were murdered by the Nazis with local acquiesance or assistance 287 Mere weeks after arrival the Nazis instituted a systematic campaign to eliminate the Jews of Lithuania by identifying them rounding them up guarding them and transporting them to extermination sites during which they were aided by Lithuanian soldiers and police 288 The pace of murder increased and spread across Lithuania as the Germans consolidated their rule sometimes by way of Lithuanian initiative other times triggered at the arrival of Sipo SD contingents 289 Within the last 6 months of 1941 following the June invasion by Germany the majority of Lithuanian Jews were executed the biggest crime being the Ponary massacre 290 The remnants trapped in ghettos were killed in occupied Lithuania and sent to Nazi death camps in Poland 291 By the end of June 1941 around 80 percent of Lithuania s Jews had been wiped out 292 Scholars believe the overall Holocaust related death rate in Lithuania was approximately 90 percent making Nazi occupied Lithuania the European territory with the lowest proportion of Jewish survivors from World War II While estimates vary the number of Lithuanian Jews murdered in the Holocaust is assessed to be between 195 000 and 196 000 293 Additionally Lithuanian auxiliary police troops assisted in murdering Jews in Poland Belarus and Ukraine 294 One distinguished Lithuanian historian claims that there were five motivational factors eliciting participation in the atrocities by his countrymen These were 1 revenge against those who aided the Soviets 2 expiation for those who wanted to demonstrate loyalty to the Nazis after collaborating previously with the Soviets 3 antisemitism 4 opportunism and 5 self enrichment 295 Netherlands Edit See also History of the Jews in the Netherlands Known prior to the war for racial and religious tolerance the Netherlands had taken in Jews since the 16th century many of whom had found refuge there after fleeing Spain 296 Before the German invasion of May 1940 approximately 140 000 Jews resided in the Netherlands around 30 000 of them were refugees from Austria and Germany 297 Nearly 60 percent of Dutch Jews lived in Amsterdam constituting some 80 000 people 298 Once the Nazis invaded a host of antisemitic measures were enacted to include exclusion from professions like the civil service 299 Anti Jewish legislation that had taken years to institute in Germany was enacted within just months in the Netherlands 300 On 22 October 1940 all Jewish banks and businesses had to register and all assets whether private or those in banks had to be declared 301 Even radio sets in possession of Jews were forbidden and confiscated 302 By January 1941 the Jews of the Netherlands were being defined by racist criteria had to be registered and merely a month later in February many were being deported to Westerbork transit camp in the eastern part of the country From there most Dutch Jews were first sent to Mauthausen concentration camp 302 While there was participation from some Dutch volunteers in various acts against the Jews there was more of a tacit and begrudging acquiesance in the Netherlands which required a very visible Nazi presence throughout the entire war to exploit the country s economic wealth and enforce Nazi occupation policies 303 s From the summer of 1942 forward upwards of 102 000 Dutch Jews were deported and murdered much of which was made possible by the cooperation and efficiency of the Dutch civil service and police who willingly served the Germans 305 Not only was there relatively smooth cooperation between Dutch authorities and Dutch police the SS and the Nazi police organizations in the Netherlands also worked well together there additionally volunteers from indigenous fascist organizations assisted in persecuting Jews and the Jewish council in Amsterdam unfortunately spread undue optimism and as a result very few Dutch Jews went into hiding 306 In all fairness to the Jewish council however they were deceived and provided misinformation by the Nazi commissioner for Amsterdam Hans Bohmcker 307 Historians Deborah Dwork and Robert Jan van Pelt report that in the Netherlands nearly 80 of the 140 000 Jews originally living there were murdered 308 t u Norway Edit Further information The Holocaust in Norway and History of the Jews in Norway Amid a prewar population of 3 million there were only 2 100 Jews living there the largest contingency residing in Oslo 310 After Norway was invaded the Nazis took control of the government by June 1940 and the native government went into exile 311 Power was given to the German Reichskommissar Josef Terboven and the Norwegian Fascist Party leader Vidkun Quisling who supported the institution of anti Jewish legislation 312 Quisling attempted to establish himself as the ruler of occupied Norway but the Nazis only used him as leader of a puppet government 313 Like in Denmark radios were confiscated from Jews by Norwegian police in May 1940 314 On 20 April 1940 SS Einsatzkommandos were established in Oslo Bergen Stavanger Kristiansand and Trondheim 314 The Nazis assisted by Norwegian police units managed to round up 763 Jews who were deported to Auschwitz where they were murdered 315 Another 930 Jews escaped to Sweden from Norway 316 However the Nazis and their collaborators were very unpopular in Norway and many Jews were saved by the actions of Norwegians including civil servants and police officers 317 Quisling and other Norwegians who collaborated with the Nazis were executed as traitors after the war at least partly due to their involvement in the Holocaust 318 Palestine Edit A Palestinian Arab nationalist and a Muslim religious leader the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al Husseini worked for Nazi Germany as a propagandist and a recruiter of Muslim volunteers for the Waffen SS and other units 319 On 28 November 1941 Hitler officially received al Husseini in Berlin 320 Hitler told al Husseini of the Germans uncompromising fight against the Jews which included the Jews in Arab territories 321 The Mufti spent the remainder of the war assisting with the formation of Muslim Waffen SS units in the Balkans and the formation of schools and training centers for imams and mullahs who would accompany the Muslim SS and Wehrmacht units 322 Beginning in 1943 al Husseini was involved in the organization and recruitment of Bosnian Muslims into several divisions the largest of which was the 13th Handschar division 323 Poland Edit See also The Holocaust in Poland Polish Jews comprised roughly 10 percent of the country s population at upwards of 3 3 million persons before the Second World War began most of whom were well integrated into Polish society in various industries 324 Most Polish Jews lived in the cities and were self employed 325 Economic depression during the 1920s and 30s changed the situation for Jews in Poland as a subsequent emergence of antisemitism yielded government programs to reduce their economic standing 326 German occupation in 1939 only worsened matters for the Jews as they started isolating them by forcing them into ghettos eventually transporting them to camps established in Poland itself 327 Far right wing party members in Poland saw the deportation of the Jews in a favorable light but for the majority of Poles their thoughts on the matter were far more complex 328 When the Nazis attacked the Red Army in Soviet occupied Poland during Operation Barbarossa of 1941 witnesses recalled a series of massacres committed against Jews by the Polish locals in the Bialystok and Lomza areas such as in Jedwabne Radzilow and Kolno villages along with several others in the area 329 The extent of local collaboration in these massacres is a controversial issue as is the role of German units present there 330 331 Historian Peter Longerich points out that even if the pogroms can be attributed in large part to German plans to spark off attempts at self cleansing it has to be admitted that they would not have been possible if there had not already been a significant potential for anti Semitic violence in the indigenous population and if they had not been susceptible to mobilization for such murderous campaigns 332 This is also true of Jedwabne which was engineered by a unit of the German Security Police which had recruited local Poles as auxiliary pogrom police for this purpose 333 According to Timothy Snyder there were about a dozen pogroms instigated by the Nazis arrival in Poland resulting in several thousand deaths but the scale of the murder was inferior to what the Germans were already achieving to the north and east 334 There were multiple occurrences of individual Volksdeutsche turning in chasing down or blackmailing Jews such people were condemned as collaborators and under threat of execution by the Polish resistance Emmanuel Ringelblum wrote that he saw Polish Blue Police beating Jews and that they participated in street round ups 335 But according to Raul Hilberg Of all the native police forces in occupied Eastern Europe those of Poland were least involved in anti Jewish actions They the Polish Blue Police could not join the Germans in major operations against Jews or Polish resistors lest they be considered traitors by virtually every Polish onlooker 336 Poland never surrendered to the Germans so there was no collaboration on a national governmental level as took place elsewhere in occupied Europe There also were no Polish SS battalions though there were SS volunteer battalions from almost all of the other German occupied countries Attempts to organize Polish SS battalions resulted in immediate large scale desertions and so these attempts were abandoned 337 Polish Jew Nechama Tec an expert on the Holocaust who herself was saved by Polish Catholics writes that she knew of no Polish concentration camp guards 338 In general the machinery of the Holocaust ran with little Polish collaboration though collaboration did take place on occasion as Yisrael Gutman and Shmuel Krakowski reported in their work Unequal Victims that a notable number of Poles turned their backs on the Jews extorted them see Szmalcownik and in the rural parts of Poland peasants joined the Germans in hunting down and killing Jews who escaped from ghettos 339 They also claim that there were more bystander crimes than those willing to aide the Jews 339 Nonetheless Polish citizens have the world s highest count of individuals recognized as Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem a list consisting of Gentiles who risked their lives to save Jews from extermination during the Holocaust 340 Nonetheless due to its European centrality available rail networks and proximity to Nazi avenues of control Poland was the nation where German persecution policies against the Jews were played out in full 341 German occupied Poland had the most ghettos the only camps designed exclusively for extermination and trains from all across northern southern and western Europe carried Jewish deportees into the country 342 There were over 450 extermination concentration labor and prisoner of war camps in Poland 343 It was also the nation where the infamous killing centers of Belzec Chelmno Sobibor Treblinka Majdanek and Auschwitz Birkenau were located 344 Before the killing came to its conclusion upwards of ninety percent of all Poland s Jews amounting to some three million persons in total were murdered by the Nazis 345 Romania Edit Main article History of the Jews in Romania The Holocaust Assimilation was common for Jews in Romania where some 757 000 of them lived but not necessarily in total peace there Following the First World War attacks against Jews intensified as many Jews were stripped of citizenship According to historian Lucy Dawidowicz economic discrimination as well as violent antisemitism was present in Romania concomitant with Germany 346 Similar to Germany Jews were forbidden full participation in Romanian society and culture and under Antonescu the Romanianization of Jewish property was carried out Jews were forbidden gainful employment made to work as forced laborers and a process of ghettoization and deportation was begun 347 Leading figures in Romania s antisemitic movement included the economics professor Alexander Cuza who founded the Fascist League of National Christian Defense an organization that begat the notorious Iron Guard under Corneliu Zelea Codreanu 348 Cuza wanted to expel all Jews out of Romania poet Octavian Coga wished to send them to Madagascar The fascist Alexandru Razmerita advocated imprisoning the Jews in concentration camps and working them to death while a Romanian Orthodox priest suggested drowning them all in the Black Sea 348 Copying the Nazis the Romanian government enacted its version of the Nuremberg Laws in 1936 349 Iron Guard leader Codreanu once exclaimed that he was in favor of eliminating the Jews completely totally and without exception 350 v The Romanian Antonescu regime was responsible for the deaths of approximately 380 000 Jews according to historian Yehuda Bauer 352 An official declaration by the Romanian government that denied the existence of the Holocaust within the country s borders during World War II led in 2003 to the creation of the International Commission on the Holocaust in Romania 353 The official report of the Commission released jointly with the Romanian government concluded The Commission concludes together with the large majority of bona fide researchers in this field that the Romanian authorities were the main perpetrators of this Holocaust in both its planning and implementation This encompasses the systematic deportation and extermination of nearly all the Jews of Bessarabia and Bukovina as well some Jews from other parts of Romania to Transnistria the mass killings of Romanian and local Jews in Transnistria the massive execution of Jews during the Iasi pogrom the systematic discrimination and degradation applied to Romanian Jews during the Antonescu administration including the expropriation of assets dismissal from jobs the forced evacuation from rural areas and concentration in district capitals and camps and the massive utilization of Jews as forced laborers under the same administration Jews were degraded solely on account of their Jewish origin losing the protection of the state and becoming its victims A portion of the Roma population of Romania was also subjected to deportation and death in Transnistria w Iași pogrom in Romania June 1941 In cooperation with German Einsatzgruppen and Ukrainian auxiliaries Romanian troops murdered hundreds of thousands of Jews in Bessarabia northern Bukovina and Transnistria some of the larger massacres of Jews occurred at Bogdanovka a Romanian concentration camp along the Bug River in Transnistria between 21 and 30 December 1941 354 Nearly 100 000 Jews were murdered in occupied Odessa 355 and well over 10 000 were murdered in the Iași pogrom of June 1941 356 Romanian troops also massacred Jews in the Domanevka and Akhmetchetka concentration camps 357 x Jean Ancel who headed the commission along with Elie Wiesel spent his entire life researching Romania s treatment of Jews In his book he provides a confirmation using Romania s own archives made available in 1994 95 after the collapse of the Soviet Union and with Nazi documents survivor testimonies war crimes trial transcripts that Romania not only participated in but independently implemented its own autonomous genocide of Jews in Bessarabia Bukovina and in Ukraine the only Nazi ally to do so during the war 358 The protests of various public political and religious figures including Prince Constantin Karadja against the deportation of the Jews from the Romanian Kingdom contributed to the change of policy toward the Jews starting with October 1942 359 The result of this change of policy and that of the actions of a relatively small number of individuals was that at least 290 000 Romanian Jews survived 360 Serbia Edit See also The Holocaust in Serbia Before the First World War Serbia existed as an independent country before being incorporated into Yugoslavia in 1919 Approximately 16 000 Jews resided there 361 During the interwar years Serbia constituted one of the places where it was comparatively safe to be a Jew despite the presence of some general xenophobia 362 Serbia was occupied by Germany in April 1941 67 As part of their effort to occupy the northern regions of Yugoslavia the Germans established a military government in Serbia 363 Serbia s collaborationist government was led by General Milan Nedic 364 The internal affairs of the Serbian occupied territory were moderated by German racial laws that were introduced in all occupied territories with immediate effects on the Jewish and Roma populations 365 Indigenous Serbians who harbored democratic beliefs were also targeted 366 Partisan activities in Serbia elicited harsh pacification measures from the SD and Wehrmacht 367 y The Nazis had a collective punishment policy of killing 100 Serbs for each German soldier killed and another 50 Serbs for every German soldier who was wounded 361 Resistance activities continued for some time in Serbia nonetheless 369 Sometimes the Serbian authorities cooperated with the Germans as matter of course whereas others took the individual initiative some Serbian military commanders rounded up Gypsies so they could be concentrated in one area where they were shot 370 German occupiers declared Serbia Judenfrei in August 1942 371 The major concentration camps in Serbia were Sajmiste and Banjica but many others like Topovske Supe Sabac and Nis concentration camps also interned considerable numbers of Jews 372 Before the war was concluded upwards of 14 500 Serbian Jews were murdered 373 Legends about Serbs saving the Jews in World War II are widespread in Serbia and 132 Serbs have been honored as Righteous Among the Nations 340 Slovakia Edit Main article The Holocaust in Slovakia Adolf Hitler with Slovak President Josef Tiso in 1941 In 1938 approximately 135 000 Jews resided in Slovakia around 40 000 of them lived in Ruthenia and Subcarpathia areas previously ceded to Hungary most of whom led good lives despite the presence of antisemitism among the peasant population of Slovakia 374 As early as April 1939 anti Jewish legislation was enacted but this was religious and not racial in nomenclature Nonetheless the restrictions against Jews proceeded accordingly blocking them from various professions which was accompanied by violence against the Jews from the indigenous Hlinka Guard 375 Slovakian Jews were among the first to be handed over en masse to the Nazis following the Wannsee Conference 376 Members of the Hlinka Guard went house to house and brutally seized young and fit Jews from their homes in March and April 1942 sending them to Auschwitz as slave laborers 377 The Hlinka Guard was assisted by the Freiwillige Schutzstaffel Slovak volunteers in the SS 375 Between March through October 1942 Tiso s Slovakian regime deported approximately 58 000 Jews to the German occupied part of Poland 375 The Slovak government even paid the Germans for the Jews that were deported 378 The deportation of the remaining 24 000 was stopped due to the intervention of a Papal nuncio whereby the Slovak president was informed that the German authorities were killing the Jews deported from Slovakia Despite this action approximately 12 600 Slovak Jews were still sent to Auschwitz Theresienstadt and other camps in Germany before the deportations ceased Around half of them were killed in concentration camps 379 Aggregate numbers of Holocaust victims tabulated by experts indicate that at least 60 000 Jews as well as 400 Slovakian Gypsies were killed high estimates place the total number of Jewish victims from Slovakia at 71 000 persons 380 Soviet Union Edit Main articles Holocaust in Russia Holocaust in Ukraine and Holocaust in Belarus As early as 1903 Vladimir Lenin had already formulated a Communist ideology about the Jews who he avowed were not a nation since they did not possess any specified territory this position was shared by Stalin and in the 1920s as many as 830 000 Soviet Jews were considered lishentsy non citizens 381 Some of those Jewish non citizens eventually applied to work in factories and subsequently gained their citizenship but Jewish culture and literature faded fast under the Stalinist government 382 Nearly 90 percent of Russian Jews were urbanized and lived in one of eleven cities with the largest groups in Moscow Kiev Odessa and Leningrad 383 Antisemitic literature like the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which purports to describe a Jewish conspiracy for world domination was popular in prewar Russia 384 Russian pogroms targeting the Jews were among the first in the modern period to incite its citizens to violence for the sake of political expediency 385 Still around three million Jews lived across the vast expanse of the Soviet Union in January 1939 386 The Jewish population within the Soviet territories was distributed as follows 300 000 in Bessarabia and northern Bukovina 5 000 in Estonia 95 000 in Latvia 155 000 in Lithuania excluding Vilna 1 5 to 1 6 million in Soviet occupied Poland and another 3 1 million in the USSR 387 During the invasion of the Soviet Union the Jews were unaware of the Nazi anti Jewish policies partly as a result of Soviet silence about the matter 388 In the German occupied Soviet territories local Nazi collaborationist units represented over 80 of the available German forces which provided them with a total of nearly 450 000 personnel organised in so called Schutzmannschaften formations Practically all of these units participated in the round ups and mass shootings The overwhelming majority were recruited in the western USSR and the Baltic region areas recently occupied by the Soviets where the Jews were typically scapegoated which exacerbated pre Nazi antisemitic attitudes 389 Ukrainians in particular displayed some of the most virulent hatred of the Jews and approved of German measures against them despite their initial constraint in persecuting them 390 Eventually some 12 000 Ukrainian auxiliaries joined the Nazis in perpetuating the Final Solution and while many of them participated as Ukrainian nationalists antisemitism proved a factor one which they acquired on the job 391 Thousands of Ukrainians rushed to occupy businesses and homes vacated by persecuted Jews 392 German Einsatzgruppen units members of the Wehrmacht Order Police and auxiliary units mostly from Latvia Lithuania and Ukraine were already engaged in killing operations in the summer of 1941 and by July of that year they had helped kill 39 000 Ukrainian Jews and another 26 000 Jews in Belarus 393 Local citizens aided by militias in Latvia Bukovina Romania Bessarabia Moldavia Lithuania Bialystok Galicia and elsewhere killed tens of thousands of Jews on their own accord 394 Throughout the remainder of 1941 to the autumn of 1942 the concerted murder operations proceeded apace 395 Not accounting for the deaths of victims from its territories at least 700 000 Soviet Jews and 30 000 Gypsies were killed in the Holocaust 396 Another three million Soviet soldiers were killed or starved to death by the Germans 397 Spain Edit Franco and Hitler in Meeting at Hendaye 1940 During World War II Francisco Franco remained largely silent in regard to Jewish matters and Spain became an unlikely escape route and haven for thousands of Jews Franco was known to harbor virulent antisemitic beliefs and agreed with Hitler that Judaism Communism and cosmopolitanism were related threats to European society 398 Western European Jews still fled to Spain as they sought to escape deportation to concentration camps from German occupied France but also Sephardic Jews from Eastern Europe especially in Hungary Trudy Alexy refers to the absurdity and paradox of refugees fleeing the Nazis Final Solution to seek asylum in a country where no Jews had been allowed to live openly as Jews for over four centuries 399 In the first years of the war Laws regulating their admittance were written and mostly ignored 400 Once the tide of war began to turn against the Germans and Count Francisco Gomez Jordana succeeded Franco s brother in law Serrano Suner as Spain s foreign minister Spanish diplomacy became more sympathetic to Jews although Franco himself never said anything about it 400 Around that same time a contingent of Spanish doctors traveling in Poland were fully informed of the Nazi extermination plans by the Gauleiter Frankel of Warsaw who was under the misimpression that they would share his views about the matter when they returned home they passed the information to Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco who told Franco 401 Allied diplomats discussed the possibility of Spain as a route to a containment camp for Jewish refugees near Casablanca but it came to nothing due to a lack of support 402 Nonetheless control of the Spanish border with France relaxed somewhat 403 and thousands of Jews managed to cross into Spain many by smugglers routes Almost all of them survived the war 404 The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee operated openly in Barcelona 405 z Francoist Spain despite its aversion to Zionism and Judeo Freemasonry does not appear to have shared the rabid antisemitic ideology promoted by the Nazis 407 About 20 000 to 30 000 refugees mainly Jews were allowed to transit through Spain to Portugal and beyond 408 About 5 000 Jews in occupied Europe benefitted from Spanish legal protection 409 aa In 2010 a document was found in Spanish archives which revealed that Franco s government gave a main architect of the Nazi Final Solution Heinrich Himmler a list of six thousand Jews living in Spain upon his request Jose Maria Finat y Escriva de Romani Franco s chief of security issued an official order dated 13 May 1941 to all provincial governors requesting a list of all Jews both local and foreign present in their districts After the list was compiled Romani was appointed Spain s ambassador to Germany enabling him to deliver the list to Himmler Following the defeat of Germany in 1945 the Spanish government attempted to destroy all evidence of cooperation with the Nazis but this official order survived Spanish diplomats did save thousands of Jews but it was done on their personal initiative 410 Sweden Edit See also History of the Jews in Sweden Before the onset of the Second World War approximately 7 000 Jews resided in Sweden most of whom lived in Stockholm 411 Like Switzerland the Swedish government remained neutral due to its financial ties and the economic advantages it secured from a friendly relationship with Germany 412 There was even a small fascist pro Nazi political group known as the Swedish National Socialist Party but they were unable to rally support for their cause 413 Swedish authorities were initially resistant to Jewish immigration into the country and several thousand were turned away 414 That was not to last as by 1942 the Swedish government started allowing Norwegian and Finnish immigrants as well as taking in some 900 Norwegian Jews 415 Another 7 000 Danish Jews and some 9 000 Danish Christians were permitted entrance to Sweden in 1943 In 1944 the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg traveled to Budapest and negotiated for the release of thousands of Hungarian Jews 416 Wallenberg s efforts secured passports for 15 000 20 000 Jews he and those collaborating with him very likely saved the lives of some 70 000 Jews before the Red Army s arrival in Hungary during January 1945 417 Switzerland Edit See also World Jewish Congress lawsuit against Swiss banks Proximity to Nazi Germany as a bordering nation made the Swiss government very tentative about dealing with the Jews 418 Sharing a physical border with Germany was also part of the reason that the Swiss maintained amicable economic relations with Germany 419 Correspondingly both Sweden and especially Switzerland cooperated with the Nazis concerning banking and the exploitation of financial opportunities as they knowingly accepted expropriation of money and goods which previously belonged to Jewish companies and or families for their own gain 420 Before 1938 Swiss alien and refugee policy was already restrictive toward certain people and groups notably foreign Roma and Sinti However from that date restrictions were intensified particularly towards Jews As part of that policy the Swiss government requested that the German government mark the passports of German Jews with a J as they were not ready to grant asylum on the grounds of racial persecution 421 422 This policy took effect following the Anschluss with Austria as the Swiss government was concerned about potential Jewish refugees fleeing and inundating them accordingly 423 In 1942 Swiss borders were completely closed to all Jewish refugees which even included Jewish children 424 By late October 1942 news of the Jewish catastrophe had reached Switzerland 424 After German troops seized control of Italy which had withdrawn its political and military support when non fascist Italians overthrew Mussolini hundreds of Jews escaped over the mountain passes into neutral Switzerland 425 French resistance fighters and activists were also instrumental in helping smuggle Jews from France into neutral Spain and Switzerland where they were able to find shelter 426 Sometime in 1944 some 1 684 Hungarian Jews arrived in Switzerland from Bergen Belsen concentration camp another 1 200 Jews from Theresienstadt concentration camp found safety in Switzerland and by February 1945 over 115 000 refugees of various types had made their way across the Swiss border to safety 427 The International Commission of Experts ICE set up in 1996 by the Swiss parliament to examine relations between Nazi Germany and Switzerland reported Anti Semitic views were more or less widespread amongst the political classes the civil service the military and the church 428 The ICE wrote by progressively closing the borders delivering captured refugees over to their persecutors and adhering to restrictive principles for far too long the country stood by as many people were undoubtedly driven to certain death 429 Although accurate statistics are hard to put together the commission concluded that It must therefore be assumed that Switzerland turned back or deported over 20 000 refugees during the Second World War Furthermore between 1938 and November 1944 around 14 500 applications for entry visas submitted by hopeful emigrants to the Swiss diplomatic missions abroad were refused 430 ab United States Edit According to The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust the U S failed to live up to its creed about accepting the tired poor huddled masses of the world during the Holocaust 431 The U S policy towards Jews fleeing Germany and claiming asylum was restrictive In 1939 the annual combined German Austrian immigration quota was 27 370 432 A famous incident was the U S denial of entry to the St Louis a ship loaded with 937 passengers Almost all passengers aboard the vessel were Jews fleeing from Nazi Germany Most were German citizens some were from Eastern Europe and a few were officially stateless The ship s original destination was Cuba but the Cuban government after admitting 28 refugees ordered the ship to leave The ship continued to the U S sailing so close to Florida that the passengers could see the lights of Miami Some passengers on the St Louis cabled President Franklin D Roosevelt asking for refuge Roosevelt never responded though he could have issued an executive order to admit the St Louis refugees A State Department telegram sent to a passenger stated that the passengers must await their turns on the waiting list and qualify for and obtain immigration visas before they may be admissible into the United States 432 Finally the ship was forced to return to Europe and some 254 of its Jewish passengers eventually were murdered in the Holocaust 432 On 17 December 1942 the United States finally issued a statement condemning the Nazi extermination program but this turned out to be a meaningless gesture as did the follow on Bermuda Conference of April 1943 433 By that same year evidence of the death camps was circulating via firsthand accounts through the State Department but U S leaders took no effort to bomb the camps nor did America offer to take in hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees 434 According to historian Victor Davis Hanson American officials like then Assistant Secretary of State Breckinridge Long and Assistant Secretary of War John J McCloy were especially culpable for their roles in downplaying evidence of the camps and for incorrectly asserting that heavy bombers either could not reach camps like Auschwitz or could not be diverted from more important missions 435 In the end the United States did not lift its immigration restriction against Jewish refugees until after the Second World War was over 436 ac Legal proceedings against Nazis EditSee also Nuremberg Trials Subsequent Nuremberg trials Dachau trials Supreme National Tribunal Kharkov Trial Belsen trials Hamburg Ravensbruck trials Stutthof trials Einsatzgruppen trial Ulm Einsatzkommando trial Belzec trial Frankfurt Auschwitz trials Majdanek trials Sobibor trial Chelmno trials Treblinka trials and Trial of Adolf Eichmann The juridical notion of crimes against humanity was developed following the Holocaust The sheer number of people murdered and the transnational nature of the mass killing shattered any notion of national sovereignty taking precedence over international law when prosecuting these crimes There were a number of legal efforts established to bring Nazis and their collaborators to justice Some of the higher ranking Nazi officials were tried as part of the Nuremberg Trials presided over by an Allied court the first international tribunal of its kind Other trials were conducted in the countries in which the defendants were citizens in West Germany and Austria many Nazis were let off with light sentences with the claim of following orders ruled a mitigating circumstance and many returned to society soon afterward 437 An ongoing effort to pursue Nazis and collaborators resulted famously in the 1960 capture of Holocaust organizer Adolf Eichmann in Argentina an operation led by Rafi Eitan and to his subsequent trial in Israel in 1961 438 439 Simon Wiesenthal became one of the most famous Nazi hunters 440 Flight from justice and other obfuscations Edit See also U S intelligence involvement with German and Japanese war criminals after World War II and Ratlines World War II aftermath Aleksandras Lileikis was involved in the murder of 60 000 Jews in Lithuania He later worked for the CIA ad Some former Nazis escaped any charges For example Reinhard Gehlen a former intelligence officer of the Wehrmacht managed to turn around and work for the CIA and created what informally became known as the Gehlen Organization He recruited ex intelligence officers of the Wehrmacht and Nazis from the SS and SD to work for him 441 On 1 April 1956 the Bundesnachrichtendienst BND the German intelligence agency was created from the Gehlen Organization and transferred to the West German government Reinhard Gehlen became President of the BND and remained its head until 1968 442 Klaus Barbie known as the Butcher of Lyon for his role at the head of the Gestapo was protected from 1945 to 1955 by MI5 and the CIA before fleeing to South America where he had a hand in Luis Garcia Meza Tejada s 1980 Cocaine Coup in Bolivia 443 Barbie was finally arrested in 1983 and sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity in 1987 444 ae See also EditSee also Outline of genocide studies Rescue of Jews during the Holocaust People who saved targeted groups from Hitler s regime Evidence and documentation for the Holocaust Bibliography of The Holocaust Collaboration with the Axis powers Command responsibility History of the Jews during World War II Holocaust denial Holocaust studies Holocaust trivialization Holocaust uniqueness debate Holocaust victims International response to the Holocaust Like sheep to the slaughter List of Axis personnel indicted for war crimes List of companies involved in the Holocaust List of major perpetrators of the Holocaust List of most wanted Nazi war criminals Perpetrators victims and bystandersReferences EditInformational notes Edit Also see Enzo Traverso Nazism s roots in European culture Production line of murder in Le Monde diplomatique February 2005 Traverso also describes the colonial domination during the New Imperialism period through rational organization which led in a number of cases to extermination However this argument which insists on the industrialization and technical rationality through which the Holocaust itself was carried out the organization of trains technical details etc see Adolf Eichmann s bureaucratic work was in turn opposed by other people This argument is contrasted against the fact that the 1994 Rwandan genocide mostly used machetes Not alone in the pursuit of eugenic endeavors other national societies especially the United States were rife with racialist ideals See for instance Kuhl Stefan The Nazi Connection Eugenics American Racism and German National Socialism New York Oxford University Press 2002 In his works on biopolitics and in his lecture course at the College de France entitled Society Must Be defended French critical theorist and philosopher Michel Foucault argued that the Holocaust was a product of the modern polity as a biological notion where whole populations are at war with one another and most of the time this war involves clever manipulation of social phenomena such as mass persuasion and Propaganda See Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs 10 December 1942 The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland Note to the Governments of the United Nations Also see The Holocaust World Response at the JewishVirtualLibrary org Even so special courts Sondergerichte killed 12 000 Germans for their opposition to the Nazi regime 44 For discussion of the psychological war campaign concerning the idea of collective guilt see Denazification In the same entry Kellner wrote that ninety nine percent of the German population is guilty directly or indirectly 58 Also see Browning Christopher R Ordinary Men Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland New York Harper Collins 1992 The exhibit was produced by the Hamburg Institute for Social Research Joachim Fest claims that Stauffenberg and other German officers involved in 20 July 1944 plot to kill Hitler were aware of the Holocaust and felt their oath was dissolved by Nazi crimes See Fest Joachim Plotting Hitler s Death The Story of the German Resistance New York Henry Holt and Company 1997 Alternate spelling Ustase Many Jews fled into neighboring regions while others were deported both during and after the Nazi invasion of Yugoslavia in April 1941 Croats who opposed the Nazi regime were imprisoned in concentration camps Some Croats risked their lives during the Holocaust in order to save Jews from extermination by the Nazis See for instance Croatian Righteous Among the Nations Before the war s end fifty one amid the 400 plus Jews at Theresienstadt died at the camp 203 According to historian Yehuda Bauer the Vichy government was profoundly complicit in the Holocaust he cites the example of the Vel d Hiv Roundup of 16 and 17 July 1942 in which 12 884 Jewish men women and children were arrested including some 4 000 small children who were previously roaming the streets of Paris They were held at the Winter Velodrome and Drancy transit camp under harsh conditions and nearly all were eventually transported by rail to Auschwitz 234 Members of the EEE assisted the occupying forces in identifying Jews and collaborated on the deportation of local Jews with remarkable efficiency either for ethnic hatred or for more prosaic reasons such as obtaining profits from the confiscation and sale of Jewish property By the time of the German withdrawal from Greece in 1944 nearly 90 of the Jewish community in Thessaloniki had been annihilated 238 According to a U S State Dept report from 2012 there were only 26 Jews residing in Liechtenstein 275 According to Holocaust scholar Raul Hilberg unlike Poland where persecution of the Jews was openly carried out the Nazis had to pay close attention to public opinion in the Netherlands 304 The 80 figure is also substantiated in The Holocaust Encyclopedia edited by Walter Laqueur and Judith T Baumel 309 Additional reasons that have been suggested to explain the high percentages of Jews murdered in the Netherlands range from the occupation regime in the Netherlands was formed by fanatical Austrian Nazis the typical Dutch landscape without mountains or woods made it practically impossible to find shelter the majority of the Dutch Jews lived in the larger cities and thus they formed relatively easy targets for persecution and segregation the Jewish leaders chose in order to prevent worse a policy of collaboration with the Nazis See Ad van Liempt A Price on Their Heads Kopgeld Dutch bounty hunters in search of Jews 1943 Members of Codreanu s Iron Guard killed 120 Jews on 19 20 January 1941 and hung their bodies like cattle carcasses at a slaughterhouse in Bucharest 351 See the official report here https www ushmm org m pdfs 20080226 romania commission holocaust history pdf Also see Golbert Rebecca L Holocaust Sites in Ukraine Pechora and the Politics of Memorialization Holocaust and Genocide Studies 18 no 2 2004 205 233 ISSN 1476 7937 Retribution against the Jews was especially severe in Serbia partly from the fact that the German forces encountered serious resistance there earlier than they had in the Soviet Union and took from the experience lessons for future operations 368 Shortly afterwards Spain began giving citizenship to Sephardic Jews in Greece Hungary Bulgaria and Romania many Ashkenazic Jews also managed to be included as did some non Jews The Spanish head of mission in Budapest Angel Sanz Briz may have saved thousands of Ashkenazim in Hungary by granting them Spanish citizenship placing them in safe houses and teaching them minimal Spanish so they could pretend to be Sephardim at least to someone who did not know Spanish The Spanish diplomatic corps was performing a balancing act Alexy conjectures that the number of Jews they took in was limited by how much German hostility they were willing to engender 406 Some historians argue that these facts demonstrate the Franco regime s humane attitude others point out that Spain only permitted transit and did not wish to increase its own small Jewish population After the war Franco s regime was quite hospitable to those who had been responsible for the deportation of the Jews notably Louis Darquier de Pellepoix Commissioner for Jewish Affairs May 1942 February 1944 under the Vichy Regime in France See Nicholas Fraser Toujours Vichy a reckoning with disgrace Harper s October 2006 p 86 94 The conclusions of the ICE report about refugees have been questioned most notably by Jean Christian Lambelet who criticises the statistical work and argues inter alia that there was a big gap between policy and actual practice He believes that the figures of Jews that were sent back were overestimated See A Critical Evaluation of the Bergier Report on Switzerland and Refugees during the Nazi Era With a New Analysis of the Issue University of Lausanne Ecole des HEC Department of Econometrics and Economics DEEP Research Paper No 01 03 January 2001 Accessed 2007 10 12 For more on this see https encyclopedia ushmm org content en article united states immigration and refugee law 1921 1980 For more on this see the following article U S Recruited Over 1 000 ex Nazis as anti Communist Spies Following an investigation by the Office of Special Investigations of United States Department of Justice in 1983 the U S government made a formal apology to France for enabling Barbie to escape French justice for thirty three years 445 Citations Edit Confino 2011 pp 126 128 Traverso 2003 p 19 Traverso 2003 pp 21 27 35 41 Jacoby 2003 Mosse 1980 pp 1 16 Weikart 2006 pp 3 10 186 206 Lifton 1986 pp 63 64 Proctor 1988 p 177 Proctor 1988 pp 177 198 Proctor 1988 p 192 Friedlander 1995 p 85 Hillgruber 1989 p 94 Hillgruber 1989 pp 95 96 Gerlach 2000 pp 122 123 Burleigh amp Wippermann 1991 pp 106 107 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 pp 1 2 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 p 2 O Neil 2005 Shapiro 2003 p 184 Breitman 2001 Wistrich 2001 p 193 Wistrich 2001 pp 194 197 Fleming 2014 pp 156 158 Lemkin 2005 p 89fn Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 pp 92 93 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 pp 75 76 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 pp 715 716 Fleming 2014 p 181 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 pp 14 16 Wistrich 2001 pp 199 203 Gellately 2001 pp 256 264 Longerich 2006 pp 240 325 Longerich 2006 p 221 Stargardt 2015 pp 82 87 144 154 472 475 Stargardt 2015 pp 244 246 302 303 Stargardt 2015 pp 38 45 Koonz 2005 p 190 Marrus 1989 pp 381 382 Ingrao 2013 pp 107 116 Walser Smith 2008 p 231 Johnson amp Reuband 2005 pp 269 272 Johnson amp Reuband 2005 pp 315 316 a b Johnson amp Reuband 2005 p 332 Hoffmann 1977 p xiii Johnson amp Reuband 2005 p 383 Johnson amp Reuband 2005 p 393 Judt 2005 p 58 Gordon 1984 p 199 Judt 2005 pp 56 61 Wachsmann 2015 pp 12 14 Wachsmann 2015 pp 614 615 Wachsmann 2015 pp 616 617 Wachsmann 2015 p 616 Wachsmann 2015 p 618 Wachsmann 2015 p 619 Hilberg 1992 p 20 Hilberg 1992 p 26 a b Kellner 2017 JTA Jewish Telegraph Agency 1999 Feig 1981 p 13 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 pp 84 87 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 pp 85 86 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 p 85 Evans 2010 p 318 Benz 2007 pp 204 206 222 228 Bartov 1999 pp 133 150 a b Bessel 2006 pp 110 111 Zentner amp Bedurftig 1991 p 227 Waller 2007 p 111 Waller 2007 pp 111 113 Blass 1998 p 51 Hayes 2017 p 9 a b Hayes 2017 p 10 Hayes 2017 p 11 Hayes 2017 p 12 Wallmann 1987 pp 72 97 Luther 1971 pp 267 290 Dawidowicz 1975 p 23 Jones 2006 p 148 Bergen 2009 pp 4 6 Fischer 2002 pp 47 49 Arendt 1973 pp 124 134 177 187 Langbehn amp Salama 2011 pp xii xvi Arendt 1973 p 153 Burleigh amp Wippermann 1991 pp 27 28 38 Bauer 2002 pp 14 20 71 76 McWhorter 2017 pp 282 293 Bialas 2013 pp 358 359 Waite 1993 p 122 Dutton 2007 pp 23 24 Rees 2017 p 291 Bergen 1996 pp 9 22 38 Hayes 2017 pp 137 139 Kershaw 2008 pp 316 322 Chapoutot 2018 p 5 Bessel 2003 p 15 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 pp 72 74 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 pp 74 75 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 p 72 Kershaw 2008 p 93 Stackelberg 2007 pp 60 74 Kershaw 2008 p 255 Breitman 1992 p 203 Stackelberg 2007 p 67 Petropoulos amp Roth 2005 p 4 Kershaw 2008 pp 92 98 252 256 Marrus 1987 pp 40 49 Dawidowicz 1975 p 86 Browning 2004 p 369 Marrus 1987 p 42 Ascher 2012 p 204 Yahil 1990 pp 160 161 Yahil 1990 pp 253 254 Burleigh 2000 pp 590 593 Browning 1992 pp 86 124 Longerich 2012 pp 508 512 Rees 2017 p 230 Bartov 2000 p 4 a b Johnson 1988 p 492 Wistrich 2001 pp 90 99 McDonough 2008 p 38 Gilbert 1985 p 116 Kershaw 2008 p 109 Kershaw 2008 pp 109 110 Kershaw 2008 p 110 Kershaw 2008 pp 89 111 Confino 2014 p 151 Gilbert 1985 p 285 Hildebrand 1984 p 149 Welch 2001 pp 88 89 Fleming 1994 pp 8n 20 21 53 54 112 148 174 177 185 Wistrich 2001 p 113 Welch 2001 pp 89 90 Hilberg 1992 pp 3 19 Hilberg 1985 pp 29 52 151 153 161 188 273 281 Hilberg 1985 pp 48 52 161 163 Thacker 2010 pp 205 328 Thacker 2010 pp 326 329 Manvell amp Fraenkel 2011 pp 259 260 Miller 2006 p 152 Evans 2015 p 133 Benz 2007 pp 213 233 Rees 2017 p 353 Wette 2007 pp 95 98 Fleischhauer 2011 Wette 2007 pp vii xiii Fritzsche 2008 pp 200 201 Wette 2007 pp 95 100 Heer 2000 pp 329 341 Wette 2007 pp 125 131 Bessel 2006 pp 107 118 Mallmann amp Cuppers 2006 pp 103 117 118 Krumenacker 2006 Caron 2007 Wette 2007 pp 101 102 Evans 2010 pp 102 105 219 221 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 p 281 Cesarani 2016 pp 307 312 543 554 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 pp 20 41 a b c Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 p 33 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 pp 26 27 Snyder 2015 p 237 Cesarani 2016 pp 378 379 411 412 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 p 145 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 pp 27 28 Cesarani 2016 pp 444 571 573 671 Koehl 2004 pp 212 219 Cooper 1979 p 117 Bullock 1993 p 752 Spiegel Staff The Dark Continent 20 May 2009 Perry 2012 p 131 Stone 2010 p 6 Vromen 2008 p 147 Van Doorslaer 2007 pp 250 368 Van Doorslaer 2007 pp 514 545 Van Doorslaer 2007 pp 763 1054 Aly 2020 p 261 Aly 2020 pp 261 262 Friedlander 2007 pp 422 423 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 p 31 Longerich 2010 p 367 Aly 2020 p 243 a b Cesarani 2016 p 602 Longerich 2010 p 392 Cesarani 2016 pp 602 603 USHMM Bulgaria Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 161 Rees 2005 pp 137 138 Gilbert 1985 p 598 Gilbert 1985 p 699 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 p 27 Cesarani 2016 p 444 Yahil 1990 p 351 Aly 2020 p 259 BBC News Croatian Holocaust Dulic 2005 p 281 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 p 28 Aly 2020 pp 259 260 Schuman 2004 pp 78 79 Dwork amp van Pelt 2002 p 153 Dwork amp van Pelt 2002 pp 153 154 Yahil 1990 pp 573 574 Dawidowicz 1975 p 374 Yahil 1990 p 574 Dawidowicz 1975 p 373 Dawidowicz 1975 p 400 Hilberg 1985 pp 120 125 Gilbert 1985 p 281 Hiio Maripuu amp Paavle 2006 a b Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 205 a b Hilberg 1985 p 153 Bauer 1982 p 270 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 p 164 Gilbert 1985 p 135 Gilbert 1985 p 534 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 p 88 Lubotina 2015 pp 82 84 Mosse 1980 pp 140 143 Mosse 1980 p 150 Dawidowicz 1975 p 360 Dawidowicz 1975 pp 360 361 Evans 2010 pp 130 131 Evans 2010 pp 131 135 Price 2005 pp 287 291 a b Dawidowicz 1975 p 361 Cesarani 2016 p 307 Yahil 1990 p 173 Cesarani 2016 p 526 Yahil 1990 p 342 Longerich 2010 p 329 Longerich 2010 p 360 Longerich 2010 pp 360 361 Bauer 1982 p 233 Bauer 1982 pp 232 233 Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 221 Dawidowicz 1975 p 393 Mazower 2001 p 238 USHMM Salonika Thessaloniki Cesarani 2016 pp 601 602 Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 250 Dawidowicz 1975 p 394 Fromjimovics 2011 p 250 Fromjimovics 2011 pp 250 251 Fromjimovics 2011 p 251 Fromjimovics 2011 pp 251 252 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 p 316 Fromjimovics 2011 p 252 Cesarani 2016 pp 703 704 Hilberg 1985 pp 250 251 Gerlach 2016 p 103 Gerlach 2016 pp 114 115 USHMM Budapest Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 p 87 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 p 321 Dawidowicz 1975 pp 382 383 a b Bloxham 2009 p 117 Dawidowicz 1975 p 369 Rozett amp Spector 2009 pp 278 279 Dawidowicz 1975 p 370 Dawidowicz 1975 pp 370 371 Dawidowicz 1975 p 371 Longerich 2010 p 400 Longerich 2010 p 402 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 p 421 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 p 32 Dawidowicz 1975 p 399 Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 295 Gilbert 1985 p 155 Gilbert 1985 pp 155 157 Gilbert 1985 pp 157 159 Gilbert 1985 pp 388 389 Snyder 2015 pp 169 171 Snyder 2015 p 170 Snyder 2015 p 171 U S Dept of State Religious Freedom Report for 2012 BBC News Nazi crimes taint Liechtenstein DW Staff Nazi Camp Labor Used in Liechtenstein USHMM Lithuania Dawidowicz 1975 pp 398 399 Rozett amp Spector 2009 pp 301 302 Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 302 Rees 2017 p 206 Bloxham 2009 p 128 Rozett amp Spector 2009 pp 302 303 Rees 2017 pp 206 207 Rees 2017 pp 207 208 Cesarani 2016 pp 364 366 Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 303 Cesarani 2016 p 367 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 pp 664 665 Cesarani 2016 pp 363 368 386 394 Gaunt 2011 p 211 Bubnys 2004 pp 218 219 Gaunt 2011 pp 214 215 218 Rees 2017 p 219 Dwork amp van Pelt 2002 p 155 Dawidowicz 1975 pp 366 367 Dawidowicz 1975 p 367 Black 2016 pp 147 148 Dwork amp van Pelt 2002 p 232 Bauer 1982 p 241 a b Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 p 438 Dwork amp van Pelt 2002 pp 156 158 Hilberg 1985 p 20 Black 2016 p 148 Gerlach 2016 p 96 Cesarani 2016 pp 316 317 Dwork amp van Pelt 2002 p 158 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 p 442 Bruland 2011 p 232 Bergen 2009 p 137 Dawidowicz 1975 pp 371 372 Bruland 2011 pp 233 234 a b Bruland 2011 p 235 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 pp 32 33 Longerich 2010 p 373 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 p 451 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 p 505 Motadel 2014 pp 227 230 231 Motadel 2014 pp 42 43 Motadel 2014 p 42 Motadel 2014 pp 250 274 281 Stein 1984 pp 181 185 Dawidowicz 1975 pp 395 396 Hilberg 1992 pp 203 204 Dawidowicz 1975 p 396 Dawidowicz 1975 pp 396 397 Hilberg 1992 p 204 Gross 2001 pp 16 20 Messenger 2020 pp 142 144 Bikont 2015 pp 194 195 422 423 Longerich 2010 pp 195 196 Longerich 2010 p 196 Snyder 2015 p 159 Ringelblum 1992 p 133 Hilberg 1992 pp 92 93 Piotrowski 1998 pp 83 84 321 Tec 1986 p 40 a b Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 p 113 a b Yad Vashem Names of Righteous by Country Longerich 2010 pp 143 150 Hilberg 1992 p 203 Hanson 2017 p 490 Bergen 2009 pp 182 191 Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 360 Dawidowicz 1975 p 384 Dawidowicz 1975 pp 384 385 a b Dwork amp van Pelt 2002 p 119 Dwork amp van Pelt 2002 pp 119 120 Dwork amp van Pelt 2002 p 121 Bauer 1982 p 306 Bauer 1982 p 309 Sivathambu 2003 Yahil 1990 pp 344 348 Yahil 1990 p 344 Cesarani 2016 p 378 Cesarani 2016 pp 411 412 Levy 2003 Paldiel 2007 pp 18 21 USHMM Romania Facing Its Past a b Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 405 Bloxham 2009 p 90 Bergen 2009 p 149 Evans 2010 p 236 Evans 2010 pp 237 239 Longerich 2010 p 301 Bloxham 2009 p 199 Snyder 2010 pp 216 217 Longerich 2010 p 300 Hilberg 1985 pp 268 269 Black 2016 pp 134 135 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 1996 p 171 Jewish Heritage Europe 2016 Serbia Dawidowicz 1975 pp 377 378 a b c Dawidowicz 1975 p 378 Rees 2017 p 260 Rees 2017 pp 261 263 Rees 2017 p 261 USHMM The Holocaust in Slovakia Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 pp 27 421 Bauer 1982 pp 62 63 Bauer 1982 pp 64 65 Cesarani 2016 p 359 Bloxham 2009 p 69 Yahil 1990 p 38 Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 415 Bauer 1982 p 196 Hilberg 1992 pp 250 251 Millo ed Teaching about the Shoah Dwork amp van Pelt 2002 p 193 Bloxham 2009 pp 129 130 Cesarani 2016 pp 402 404 Gerlach 2016 pp 68 69 Gerlach 2016 p 69 Longerich 2010 pp 345 356 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 pp 13 14 24 Bergen 2009 p 204 Black 2016 p 151 Alexy 1993 p 74 a b Alexy 1993 p 77 Alexy 1993 pp 164 165 Alexy 1993 pp 77 78 Alexy 1993 p 165 Alexy 1993 p 79 Alexy 1993 pp 154 155 Alexy 1993 p 165 et seq Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 p 601 Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 417 USHMM Escape from German Occupied Europe Aderet 2010 Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 429 Black 2016 p 150 Laqueur amp Baumel 2001 pp 182 183 Rozett amp Spector 2009 pp 429 430 Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 430 Bauer 1982 pp 324 325 Dwork amp van Pelt 2002 pp 317 318 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 p 125 Niewyk amp Nicosia 2000 p 126 Black 2016 pp 150 151 Konig amp Zeugin 2002 pp 108 499 Hilberg 1985 p 55 Hilberg 1985 pp 54 55 a b Gilbert 1985 pp 469 470 Gilbert 1985 p 622 Gilbert 1985 pp 641 700 Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 431 Konig amp Zeugin 2002 pp 496 497 Konig amp Zeugin 2002 p 501 Konig amp Zeugin 2002 p 118 Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 452 a b c USHMM Voyage of the St Louis Rozett amp Spector 2009 pp 452 453 Hanson 2017 p 479 Hanson 2017 p 480 Rozett amp Spector 2009 p 453 Evans 2010 pp 741 745 752 756 Bascomb 2009 pp 153 163 219 229 Arendt 1994 p 244 Levy 2006 pp 4 5 Hohne amp Zolling 1972 p 66 Hohne amp Zolling 1972 p 248 Cockburn 1999 p 167 Steinacher 2011 pp 203 206 The Pittsburgh Press 16 Aug 1983 Bibliography Edit Aderet Ofer 2010 WWII Document Reveals General Franco Handed Nazis List of Spanish Jews Haaretz Retrieved 4 October 2017 Alexy Trudy 1993 The Mezuzah in the Madonna s Foot New York Simon and 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Jonathan Roth John K 2005 Part One Ambiguity and Compromise in Writing and Depicting Holocaust History In Jonathan Petropoulos John K Roth eds Gray Zones Ambiguity and Compromise in the Holocaust and its Aftermath Oxford and New York Berghahn Books ISBN 978 1 84545 302 2 Piotrowski Tadeusz 1998 Poland s Holocaust Jefferson NC Mcfarland amp Co ISBN 0 7864 0371 3 Pittsburgh Press The 16 August 1983 US Sends Apology To France On Barbie The Pittsburgh Press p A12 Retrieved 27 November 2015 Price Roger 2005 A Concise History of France Cambridge New York Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 52160 656 1 Proctor Robert 1988 Racial Hygiene Medicine under the Nazis Cambridge MA Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0674745780 Rees Laurence 2005 Auschwitz A New History New York MJF Books ISBN 978 1 56731 946 0 Rees Laurence 2017 The Holocaust A New History New York PublicAffairs ISBN 978 1 61039 844 2 Ringelblum Emmanuel 1992 Polish Jewish Relations During the Second World War Evanston IL 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Stackelberg Roderick 2007 The Routledge Companion to Nazi Germany New York Routledge ISBN 978 0 41530 861 8 Stargardt Nicholas 2015 The German War A Nation Under Arms 1939 1945 New York Basic Books ISBN 978 0 46501 899 4 Stein George H 1984 The Waffen SS Hitler s Elite Guard at War 1939 1945 Ithaca NY Cornell University Press ISBN 0 8014 9275 0 Steinacher Gerald 2011 Nazis on the Run How Hitler s Henchmen Fled Justice Oxford New York Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19957 686 9 Stone Dan 2010 Histories of the Holocaust Oxford New York Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19956 679 2 Tec Nechama 1986 When Light Pierced the Darkness New York Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 503643 3 Thacker Toby 2010 2009 Joseph Goebbels Life and Death New York Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 978 0 230 27866 0 Traverso Enzo 2003 The Origins of Nazi Violence New York and London The New Press ISBN 978 1 56584 788 0 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 1996 Historical Atlas of the Holocaust New York Macmillan Publishing ISBN 978 0 02897 451 4 U S Department of State 2012 International Religious Freedom Report for 2012 U S Department of State Retrieved 1 January 2018 USHMM Budapest United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust Encyclopedia Retrieved 19 August 2017 USHMM Bulgaria United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust Encyclopedia Retrieved 10 August 2017 USHMM Escape from German Occupied Europe United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust Encyclopedia Retrieved 4 October 2017 USHMM Lithuania United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust Encyclopedia Retrieved 21 August 2017 USHMM Romania Facing Its Past United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust Encyclopedia Retrieved 2 September 2017 USHMM Salonika United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust Encyclopedia Retrieved 5 December 2018 USHMM The Holocaust in Slovakia United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust Encyclopedia Retrieved 4 October 2017 USHMM Voyage of the St Louis United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust Encyclopedia Retrieved 4 October 2017 Van Doorslaer Rudi 2007 La Belgique docile Les autorites belges et la persecution des Juifs en Belgique pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale in French Brussels Centre d Etudes et de Documentation Guerre et Societes contemporaines Vromen Suzanne 2008 Hidden Children of the Holocaust Belgian Nuns and their Daring Rescue of Young Jews from the Nazis Oxford New York Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19973 905 9, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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