
The Holocaust in Poland

The Holocaust in Poland was the ghettoization, robbery, deportation, and murder of Jews in occupied Poland, organized by Nazi Germany. Three million Polish Jews were murdered, primarily at the Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz II–Birkenau extermination camps, representing half of all Jews murdered during the Europe-wide Holocaust.

The Holocaust in Poland
Top, clockwise: Warsaw Ghetto burning, May 1943 • Einsatzgruppe shooting of women from the Mizocz Ghetto, 1942 • Selection of people to be sent directly to the gas chamber right after their arrival at Auschwitz-II Birkenau • Jews captured in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising led to the Umschlagplatz by Waffen SS • Łódź Ghetto children deported to Chełmno death camp, 1942
PeriodSeptember 1939 – April 1945
TerritoryOccupied Poland, also present day western Ukraine and western Belarus among others
PerpetratorsNazi Germany along with its collaborators
Killed3,000,000 Polish Jews
Survivors157,000–375,000 in the Soviet Union[1]
50,000 liberated from Nazi concentration camps[2]
30,000–60,000 in hiding[2]

In 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland while the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east. In German-occupied Poland, Jews were killed, subjected to forced labor, and forced to move to ghettos. The Soviet Union deported many Jews to the Soviet interior, where most survived the war. In 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union and began the systematic murder of Jews. 1.8 million Jews were killed in Operation Reinhard, shot in roundups in ghettos, died during the train journey, or killed by poison gas in the extermination camps. In 1943 and 1944, the remaining labor camps and ghettos were liquidated. Many Jews tried to escape, but surviving in hiding was very difficult due to factors such as the lack of money to pay helpers and the risk of denunciation. Only 1 to 2 percent of Polish Jews in German-occupied territory survived.[3]

After the war, survivors faced difficulties in regaining their property and rebuilding their lives. Especially after the Kielce pogrom, many fled to displaced persons camps in Allied-occupied Germany.


Jews have lived in Poland since the twelfth century. Many Polish Jews settled on noble estates where they were offered protection in exchange for the economic benefits they could provide.[4] An estimated 3 million Jews lived in Poland in 1933 around ten percent of the population.[5][6] Due to historical restrictions on what occupations Jews were allowed to have, they became concentrated in trades such as commerce and craftsmen.[7] Many lived in small towns called shtetls.[8] After the foundation of the Second Polish Republic simultaneously with the armistice of 11 November 1918 ending World War I, Jews suffered from institutionalized discrimination and many were poor.[6]

Cover of a German Nazi Party magasine Illustrierter Beobachter of November 15, 1927, showing the depiction of the stereotypical Ostjude ("Jew of the East")

Anti-Semitism became a state ideology in Germany after the Nazis gained power, but even before that, Eastern European Jews, called in Germany Ostjuden held a particularly low position in German perception.[9][10] Jews in Germany tended to be secularized and largely assimilated into German society, while most Polish Jews lived in traditionalist religious communities, speaking Yiddish and distinguishing themselves in dress and customs from their surroundings.[11] Prejudice was intensified during World War I, when many Jews from the occupied eastern territories moved to Germany.[12] They were accused by antisemitic press and politicians of criminal activity, lack of hygiene, spreading disease, speculation, trafficking of women, spreading revolution, and were eventually blamed for Germany's defeat in the war and interwar economic problems faced by Germany.[13] Soon, especially in the Nazi press, the term Ostjude began to be used as a slur, and as a synonym for Bolshevik and Communist.[14] In the interwar period Polish Jews in Germany faced also legal persecution. In 1918, the Prussian Ministry of the Interior banned Polish Jews from entering the country on the pretext of their unwillingness to work, low morals, physical uncleanliness and the spread of typhus by them.[15] In 1923, the Bavarian government ordered the deportation of Jews with Polish citizenship as undesirables.[9]

Polish Jews expelled from Nuremberg

In Poland, after the beginning of the Great Depression and the death of Marshal Józef Piłsudski in 1935, the situation of Polish Jews worsened.[16] The Endecja faction waged a campaign against Jews consisting of economic boycotts, limitations on the number of Jewish students at universities, and restrictions on kosher slaughter.[17] The Polish government stated its intention to "settle the Jewish problem" by the emigration of most Polish Jews.[18] In 1938, after Poland passed a law to denaturalize Jews living abroad, Germany expelled all Polish Jews in October 1938.[9] Because Poland refused to admit them, these Jews were stranded in no-man's land along the border.[19]

Invasion of Poland

The German Wehrmacht (armed forces) invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, triggering declarations of war from the United Kingdom and France.[20] During the invasion of Poland as many as 16,000 civilians, hostages, and prisoners of war may have been shot by the German invaders;[21] there was also a great deal of looting.[22] Special units known as Einsatzgruppen followed the army to eliminate any possible resistance.[23] Already during the hostilities, the Germans carried out pogroms against the Jewish population, for example, 600 people were murdered in Przemyśl [pl], 200 in Częstochowa, and 200 were burned in a synagogue in Będzin.[24] Thousands of Jews were chased away to areas occupied by Soviet troops.[24] 6,000 Polish soldiers of Jewish descent were killed and 60,000 were taken prisoner.[25]

Germany gained control of 1.7 million Jews in Poland.[26][27] Parts of western and northern Poland were annexed into Germany and incorporated into the administrative structure of the German Reich as Zichenau, Danzig–West Prussia, the Wartheland, and East Upper Silesia—while the rest of the German-occupied territories were designated the General Government.[28] Around 50,000 Polish leaders and intellectuals were arrested or executed, especially in West Prussia, with fewer victims in the Wartheland and fewer still in the General Government.[29] Polish Jewish intellectuals and community leaders were not spared.[30] Around 400,000 Poles were expelled from the Wartheland to the General Governorate occupation zone from 1939 to 1941, and the area was resettled by ethnic Germans from eastern Europe.[31]

The rest of Poland was occupied by the Soviet Union, which invaded Poland from the east on 17 September pursuant to the German–Soviet pact.[32] Approximately 1.6 million Polish Jews came under Soviet rule, 250-300,000 of whom were refugees or expellees from the German occupation zone.[33] Of the refugees, 35-40,000 people were forced in late autumn 1939 to go deep into Ukraine and Belarus to work.[34] The Soviet Union deported hundreds of thousands of Polish citizens to the Soviet interior in four big deportations.[35] The Jews were particularly affected by the third one, which began on 28/29 June 1940, which affected refugees willing to return to the area under German rule, but to whose return the Germans did not agree. More than 77,700 Jewish refugees were deported at this time, representing 84% of the total deportees.[36] The fourth deportation included 7,000 Jews from the Vilnius region.[34] Although most Jews were not communists, some accepted positions in the Soviet administration, contributing to a pre-existing perception among many non-Jews that Soviet rule was a Jewish conspiracy.[37] Some 10,000 Polish Jews had left the USSR for Palestine, the Middle East and the West by June 1941.[34]

Resettlement plans

As a result of expulsions and escapes, about 500,000 Jews lived in the lands incorporated into the Reich at the beginning of the German occupation.[24] The Germans planned to deport all Jews from these territories by the end of 1940, by which time the plan was to place them in ghettos.[24] They tried to concentrate Jews in the Lublin District of the General Government. 45,000 Jews were deported by November and left to fend for themselves, causing many deaths.[38] Deportations stopped in early 1940 due to the opposition of Hans Frank, the appointed head of the General Government, who did not want his fiefdom to become a dumping ground for unwanted Jews.[39][40] Overall, between 80-90,000 Jews were deported to the General Government from Wartheland in that time.[41] At the same time, escapes, expulsions and murders continued unabated. As a result of these, only 1,800 Jews lived in the province of West Prussia in February 1940.[24] In the Wartheland, their number dropped to 260,000.[42] Deportations to the General Government resumed in January 1941, but only 2140 Jews and 20,000 Poles were deported from Wartheland.[41]

At this point, efforts to concentrate Jews in a compact territory were abandoned. At this point, efforts to concentrate Jews in a compact territory were abandoned, the focus was on separating and enclosing Jews in ghettos. However, such plans were not completely dropped. After the conquest of France in 1940, the Nazis considered deporting Jews to French Madagascar, but this proved impossible.[43][44] The Nazis planned that harsh conditions in these areas would kill many Jews.[43][40] After the attack on the Soviet Union, plans were made to remove the Jewish population to the swampy areas of Polesia.[45] In the fall of 1941, any such plans were abandoned.[45]


Unpaved street in the Frysztak Ghetto, Kraków District
A body lying in the street of the Warsaw Ghetto in the General Government

During the invasion, synagogues were burned and thousands of Jews fled or were expelled into the Soviet occupation zone.[46] Various anti-Jewish regulations were soon issued. In October 1939, adult Jews in the General Government were required to perform forced labor.[47] In November 1939 they were ordered to wear white armbands.[48] Laws decreed the seizure of most Jewish property and the takeover of Jewish-owned businesses. When Jews were forced into ghettos, they lost their homes and belongings.[47]

The first Nazi ghettos were established in the Wartheland and General Government in 1939 and 1940 on the initiative of local German administrators.[49][50] The largest ghettos, such as Warsaw and Łódź, were established in existing residential neighborhoods and closed by fences or walls. In many smaller ghettos, Jews were forced into poor neighborhoods but with no fence.[51] Forced labor programs provided subsistence to many ghetto inhabitants, and in some cases protected them from deportation. Workshops and factories were operated inside some ghettos, while in other cases Jews left the ghetto to work outside it.[52] Because the ghettos were not segregated by sex some family life continued.[53] A Jewish community leadership (Judenrat) exercised some authority and tried to sustain the Jewish community while following German demands. As a survival strategy, many tried to make the ghettos useful to the occupiers as a labor reserve.[54][55]

The Warsaw ghetto contained more Jews than all of France; the Łódź ghetto more Jews than all of the Netherlands. More Jews lived in the city of Kraków than in all of Italy, and virtually any medium-sized town in Poland had a larger Jewish population than all of Scandinavia. All of southeast Europe – Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Greece – had fewer Jews than the original four districts of the General Government.[56]

The plight of Jews in war-torn Poland could be divided into stages defined by the existence of the ghettos.[57] In Warsaw, up to 80 percent of food consumed in the ghetto was brought in illegally. The food stamps introduced by the Germans, provided only 9 percent of the calories necessary for survival.[58] Most ghettos were not fully sealed from the outside world and although many Jews suffered from hunger, fewer died from it because they were able to supplement their rations from the black market.[59] The 'productionists' among the German authorities – who attempted to make the ghettos self-sustaining by turning them into enterprises – prevailed over the 'attritionists' only after the German invasion of the Soviet Union.[60] The most prominent ghettos were thus temporarily stabilized through the production of goods needed at the front,[61] as death rates among the Jewish population there began to decline.[60]

Ghettos were established both in the territory incorporated into the Reich and in the General Government. Characteristic of the Wartheland were the so-called "rural ghettos," which encompassed several contiguous villages.[41] The Germans also set up ghettos in areas of eastern Poland occupied as a result of the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. Most were established in the Galicia district and the Białystok District.[62] In the fall of 1942, there were more than 400 ghettos on Polish soil.[62]

Extermination of Jews in Eastern Poland

Germany and its allies invaded the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941.[63][40] Around 100,000 Polish Jews fled deep into the USSR from German soldiers.[34] The Wermacht was followed by four special groups (Einsatzgruppen) which perpetrated mass executions of the Jewish population.[64] From September 1941, entire Jewish communities were liquidated.[64] The General Government was expanded by adding Galicia District;[65] the Białystok District was administered separately.[66] During the invasion, local inhabitants carried out at least 219 pogroms, killing around twenty-five thousand to fifty thousand Jews.[67][68][69] The pogroms were extremely violent with many Jews beaten, raped, stolen from, and brutally murdered.[70] Although German forces tried to incite pogroms, their role in causing violence is controversial.[71][72] According to political science research, pogroms were most likely to occur "where political polarization was high, where the Jewish community was large, and where Jews pressed for national equality in the decades before 1941".[73]

Parallel to Operation Reinhard, which was organised in the General Government, the final mass murder of the Jewish population was organised in eastern Poland in the spring and summer of 1942.[64] Jews from the Galicia district were transported to the extermination centres at Belzec and Sobibor, among them some 150,000 Jews deported to Galicia by the Romanian authorities.[64]

Liquidation of the ghettos

Cumulative murders of Jews from the General Government at Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka from January 1942 to February 1943

Plans to kill most of the Jews in the General Government were affected by various goals of the SS (Schutzstaffel), military, and civil administration; stretching from purely racial one to the more pragmatic, such as the need to reduce the amount of food consumed by Jews, in order enable a slight increase in rations to non-Jewish Poles, and combat the black market, to avoid hunger and increase of the resistance among them.[74] By mid-1942, Nazi leaders decided to allow only 300,000 Jews to survive in the General Government by the end of the year for forced labor;[74] for the most part, only those working in armaments production were spared.[75] On 19 July, Himmler decreed the "resettlement of the entire Jewish population of the General Government should have been implemented and completed by 31 December 1942"; henceforth, Jews would only be allowed to live in Warsaw, Częstochowa, Kraków, and Majdanek.[76] The majority of ghettos were liquidated in mass executions nearby, especially if they were not near a train station. Larger ghettos were more commonly liquidated during multiple deportations to extermination camps.[77][78] During this campaign around 1.8 million Jews[79] were murdered in the largest killing operation of the Holocaust.[80]

In order to reduce resistance the ghetto would be raided without warning, usually in the early morning, and the extent of the operation would be concealed as long as possible.[81] Trawniki men (Trawnikimänner) made up of Soviet prisoners-of-war[82] or Polish Blue Police[83][84] would cordon off the ghetto while the German Order Police and Security Police carried out the action.[82] In addition to local non-Jewish collaborators, the Jewish councils and Jewish ghetto police were often ordered to assist with liquidation actions, although these Jews were in most cases murdered later.[85] Chaotic, capriciously executed selections determined who would be loaded onto the trains.[81] Many Jews were shot during the action—making up perhaps 20 percent or more of the total deaths—often leaving ghettos strewn with corpses.[81][79] Surviving Jews were forced to clean up the bodies and collect any valuables from the victims.[81]

Extermination camps

Deportation to Chełmno

Gas vans developed from those used to kill mental patients since 1939 were assigned to the Einsatzgruppen and first used in November 1941; victims were forced into the van and killed with engine exhaust.[86] The first extermination camp was Chełmno in the Wartheland, established on the initiative of the local civil administrator Arthur Greiser with Himmler's approval; it began operations in December 1941 using gas vans.[87][88][89] In October 1941, Higher SS and Police Leader of Lublin Odilo Globocnik[90] began work planning Belzec—the first purpose-built extermination camp to feature stationary gas chambers—amid increasing talk among German administrators in Poland of large-scale murder of Jews in the General Government.[91][87] In late 1941 in East Upper Silesia, Jews in forced-labor camps operated by the Schmelt Organization deemed "unfit for work" began to be sent in groups to Auschwitz where they were murdered.[92][93] In March 1942, killings began in Belzec, targeting Jews from Lublin who were not capable of work. This action reportedly reduced the black market and was deemed a success to be replicated elsewhere.[94][78] Belzec was the prototype camp on which the others were based.[95]

The camps were located on rail lines to make it easier to transport Jews to their deaths, but in remote places to avoid notice.[90] The stench caused by mass killing operations was noticeable to anyone nearby.[96] People were typically deported to the camps in overcrowded cattle cars. As many as 150 people were forced into a single boxcar. Many died en route, partly because of the low priority accorded to these transports.[97][98] Shortage of rail transport sometimes led to postponement or cancellation of deportations.[99] Upon arrival, the victims were robbed of their remaining possessions, forced to undress, had their hair cut, and were chased into the gas chamber.[100] Death from the gas was agonizing and could take as long as 30 minutes.[95][101] The gas chambers were primitive and sometimes malfunctioned. Some prisoners were shot because the gas chambers were not functioning.[102] At other extermination camps, nearly everyone on a transport was killed on arrival, but at Auschwitz around 20-25 percent were separated out for labor,[103] although many of these prisoners died later on.[104]

Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka reported a combined revenue of RM 178.7 million from belongings stolen from their victims, far exceeding costs.[105][106] Combined, the camps required the labor of less than 3,000 Jewish prisoners, 1,000 Trawniki men (largely Ukrainian auxiliaries), and very few German guards.[107][98] About half of the Jews killed in the Holocaust died by poison gas.[108] Thousands of Romani people were also murdered in the extermination camps.[109] Prisoner uprisings at Treblinka and Sobibor meant that these camps were shut down earlier than envisioned.[110][111] Fewer than 150 Jews survived these death camps.[112]

Major extermination camps[113]
Camp Location Number of Jews killed Killing technology Planning began Mass gassing duration
Chełmno Wartheland[113] 150,000[113] Gas vans[113] July 1941[113] 8 December 1941–April 1943 and April–July 1944[114]
Belzec Lublin District[113] 440,823–596,200[79] Stationary gas chamber, engine exhaust[113] October 1941[114] 17 March 1942–December 1942[114]
Sobibor Lublin District[113] 170,618–238,900[79] Stationary gas chamber, engine exhaust[113] Late 1941 or March 1942[115] May 1942–October 1942[115]
Treblinka Warsaw District[113] 780,863–951,800[79] Stationary gas chamber, engine exhaust[113] April 1942[113] 23 July 1942–October 1943[113]
Auschwitz II–Birkenau East Upper Silesia[113] 900,000–1,000,000[113] Stationary gas chamber, hydrogen cyanide[113] September 1941
(built as POW camp)[116][113]
February 1942–October 1944[113]

General Government

Liquidation of Kraków Ghetto in March 1943 to Auschwitz
The Warsaw Ghetto uprising became significant as a symbol of Jewish resistance against the Nazis.[85]

Systematic murder began in the Lublin District in mid-March 1942. The Lublin Ghetto was emptied between 16 March and 20 April; many Jews were shot in the ghetto and 30,000 were deported to Belzec.[117] Most victims from the Lublin District were sent to Sobibor except 2,000 forced laborers imprisoned at Majdanek. The killing was interrupted on 10 June, to resume in August and September.[118] At the same time as these killings, many Jews were deported from Germany and Slovakia to ghettos in the Lublin District that had previously been cleared.[119]

From the end of May and especially since the cessation of deportations in Lublin, thousands of Jews were deported from the Kraków District to Belzec. These transports were halted by a railway moratorium on 19 June.[120]

The Warsaw Ghetto was cleared between 22 July and 12 September. Of the original population of 350,000 Jews, 250,000 were killed at Treblinka, a newly built extermination camp 50 kilometres (30 mi) distant, 11,000 were deported to labor camps, 10,000 were shot in the ghetto, 35,000 were allowed to remain in the ghetto after a final selection, and around 20,000 or 25,000 managed to hide in the ghetto. Misdirection efforts convinced many Jews that they could avoid deportation until it was too late.[121]

During a six-week period beginning in August, 300,000 Jews from the Radom District were sent to Treblinka.[122][123]

There was practically no Jewish resistance in the General Government in 1942.[124] Ghetto uprisings were only undertaken when the inhabitants began to believe that their death was certain.[125] In 1943, larger uprisings in Warsaw and Białystok necessitated the use of heavy weapons.[126] The uprising in Warsaw prompted the Nazi leadership to liquidate additional ghettos and labor camps in German-occupied Poland with their inhabitants shot or deported to extermination camps for fear of additional Jewish resistance developing.[127] Nevertheless, in early 1944 more than 70,000 Jews were performing forced labor in the General Government.[128]

German-annexed areas

Liquidation of Sosnowiec Ghetto to Auschwitz concentration camp, 1943

Tens of thousands of Jews were deported from ghettos in the Wartheland and East Upper Silesia to Chełmno and Auschwitz.[129]

Armed resistance and ghetto uprisings

Photograph of Jewish women insurgents captured by the SS during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, from the Stroop Report.

Jews resisted the Nazis with not only armed struggle, but also spiritual and cultural opposition that upheld their dignity despite the inhumane conditions of life in the ghettos.[130][131] Many forms of resistance existed, although the elders feared mass retaliation against women and children in the event of an anti-Nazi revolt.[132] As the German authorities began to liquidate the ghettos, armed resistance was offered in over 100 locations on both sides of Polish-Soviet border of 1939, especially in eastern Poland.[133] Uprisings erupted in five major cities, 45 provincial towns, five major concentration and extermination camps, and at least 18 forced labor camps.[134]

The Nieśwież Ghetto insurgents in eastern Poland fought back on July 22, 1942. The Łachwa Ghetto revolt erupted on September 3. On October 14, 1942, the Mizocz Ghetto followed suit. The Warsaw Ghetto firefight of January 18, 1943, led to the largest Jewish uprising of World War II launched on April 19, 1943. On June 25, the Jews of the Częstochowa Ghetto rose up. At Treblinka, Sonderkommando prisoners armed with stolen weapons attacked the guards on August 2, 1943. A day later, the Będzin and Sosnowiec ghetto revolts broke out. On August 16, the Białystok Ghetto uprising erupted. The revolt in Sobibór extermination camp occurred on October 14, 1943. At Auschwitz-Birkenau, the insurgents blew up one of Birkenau's crematoria on October 7, 1944.[133][134] Similar resistance was offered in Łuck, Mińsk Mazowiecki, Pińsk, Poniatowa, and in Wilno.[135]

International response

On 26 June 1942, BBC services in all languages publicized a report by the Jewish Social-Democratic Bund and other resistance groups and transmitted by the Polish government-in-exile, documenting the killing of 700,000 Jews in Poland. In December 1942, the United Nations adopted a joint declaration condemning the systematic murder of Jews.[136]

Escape, hiding and rescue

Many Jews attempted to escape death by jumping from trains, but the most of these immediately returned to the ghetto to avoid the risk of being denounced by Poles, which would lead to immediate death.[79][137] Ability to speak Polish was a key factor in managing to survive,[138] as were financial resources to pay helpers.[139]

The death penalty was threatened for individuals hiding Jews and their families.[140] Each village head was responsible for handing over all Jews and escaped Soviet prisoners of war, partisans, and other strangers to the German occupation authorities under the threat of collective punishment for the village.[141] Although one study found that at least 700 Poles were executed for helping Jews,[142] the death penalty was not always carried out in practice.[143][140] Rescuers' motivations varied on a spectrum from altruism to expecting sex or money; it was not uncommon for helpers to betray or murder Jews if their money ran out.[144][140][145] It was also not uncommon for the same people to help some Jews yet hunting down or kill others.[140][146]

In September 1942, on the initiative of Zofia Kossak-Szczucka and with financial assistance from the Polish Underground State, a Provisional Committee to Aid Jews (Tymczasowy Komitet Pomocy Żydom) was founded for the purpose of rescuing Jews. It was superseded by the Council for Aid to Jews (Rada Pomocy Żydom), known by the code name Żegota and chaired by Julian Grobelny. It is not known how many Jews, overall, were helped by Żegota; at one point in 1943 it had 2,500 Jewish children under its care in Warsaw alone, under Irena Sendler. Żegota was granted[by whom?] nearly 29 million zloty (over $5 million) from 1942 on for relief payments to thousands of extended Jewish families in Poland.[147][148]

An estimated 30,000 to 60,000 Polish Jews survived in hiding.[2] Some rescuers faced hostility or violence for their actions after the war.[149]

Some Polish peasants participated in German-organized Judenjagd ("Jew hunt") in the countryside, where according to Jan Grabowski, approximately 80% of the Jews who attempted to hide from the Germans ended up being murdered.[150][151] According to Grabowski, the number of "Judenjagd" victims could reach 200,000 in Poland alone;[152] Szymon Datner gave a lower estimate - 100,000 Jews who "fell prey to the Germans and their local helpers, or were murdered in various unexplained circumstances."[153]

In addition to peasantry and individual collaborators, the German authorities also mobilized the prewar Polish police as what became known as the "Blue Police". Among other duties, Polish policemen were tasked with patrolling for Jewish ghetto escapees, and in support of military operations against the Polish resistance.[154][155] At its peak in May 1944, the Blue Police numbered some 17,000 men.[156] The Germans also formed the Baudienst ("construction service") in several districts of the General Government. Baudienst servicemen were sometimes deployed in support of aktions (roundup of Jews for deportation or extermination), for example to blockade Jewish quarters or to search Jewish homes for hideaways and valuables.[154]

The Polish right-wing National Armed Forces (Narodowe Siły Zbrojne, or NSZ) – a nationalist, anti-communist organization,[157][158][page needed][159] widely perceived as anti-Semitic[160][161][162][163][164] – also collaborated with the Germans on several occasions, killing or giving away Jewish partisans to the German authorities,[161]: 149  and murdering Jewish refugees.[165][166][167]

Among some 30,000 Ukrainian nationalists who fled to polnischen Gebiete, thousands joined the pokhidny hrupy [pl] as saboteurs, interpreters, and civilian militiamen, trained at the German bases across Distrikt Krakau.[168][169] The genocidal techniques learned from the Germans, such as the advanced planning of the pacification actions, site selection, and sudden encirclement, became the hallmark of the OUN-UPA massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia beginning in March 1943, and killing of Jews in Western Ukraine, parallel with the liquidation of the ghettos in Reichskommissariat Ostland ordered by Himmler.[170][171] Thousands of Jews who escaped deportations and hid in the forests were murdered by the Banderites.[172]

The existence of Sonderdienst paramilitary formations of Germans from Poland was a grave danger to those who attempted to help ghettoized Jews in cities with sizable German and pro-German minorities, as in the case of the Izbica, and Mińsk Mazowiecki Ghettos, among many others.[citation needed]

Death toll

Half of all Jewish Holocaust victims, around 3 million, were from Poland.[173][174] It is estimated that about 350,000 Polish Jews survived the Holocaust.[175] Some 230,000 of them survived in the USSR and the Soviet-controlled territories of Poland, including men and women who escaped from areas occupied by Germany.[175][176] After World War II, over 150,000 Polish Jews according to Grzegorz Berendt or 180,000 according to David Engel, were repatriated or expelled back to new Poland along with the younger men conscripted to the Red Army from the Kresy in 1940–1941. Their families were murdered in the Holocaust.[177] Gunnar S. Paulsson estimated that 30,000 Polish Jews survived in the labor camps;[178] but according to Engel as many as 70,000–80,000 of them were liberated from camps in Germany and Austria alone, except that declaring their own nationality was of no use to those who did not intend to return.[179] Dariusz Stola found that the most plausible estimates for Jews who survived in hiding were between 30,000 and 60,000.[2]


The German surrender in May 1945 was followed by a massive change in the political geography of Europe.[180][181] Poland's borders were redrawn by the Allies according to the demands made by Joseph Stalin during the Tehran Conference, confirmed as not negotiable at the Yalta Conference of 1945.[182] The Polish government-in-exile was excluded from the negotiations.[183] The territory of Poland was reduced by approximately 20 percent.[184] Before the end of 1946 some 1.8 million Polish citizens were expelled and forcibly resettled within the new borders.[182][183] For the first time in its history Poland became a homogeneous one nation-state by force, with the national wealth reduced by 38 percent. Poland's financial system had been destroyed. Intelligentsia was largely obliterated along with the Jews, and the population reduced by about 33 percent.[184]

1946 meeting of Żegota members on the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising at the Polish Theatre

Many non-Jews had obtained property or jobs vacated by Jews during the war, and refused to give up these gains to Jewish survivors.[185] The elimination of the Polish aristocracy as well as Polish Jews cleared the way for the foundation of an ethnically Polish middle class.[186]

An estimated 650 to 1,200 Jews were killed in Poland after the war.[187] The most notable incident was the Kielce pogrom in July 1946, which cost 42 lives.[188]

The Polish state held trials of war criminals under the decree of 31 August 1944. Historian Andrew Kornbluth estimates that "several dozen Poles were executed for denouncing, capturing, and killing their Jewish neighbors during the war", and thousands more perpetrators were investigated or received a lesser sentence.[189]


Many Jews, fearing for their lives, fled to displaced persons camps in Germany.[185] The pogrom prompted General Spychalski of PWP from wartime Warsaw,[190] to sign a legislative decree allowing the remaining survivors to leave Poland without Western visas or Polish exit permits.[191][192] This also served to strengthen the government's acceptance among the anti-Communist right, as well as weaken the British hold in the Middle East.[179] Most refugees crossing the new borders left Poland without a valid passport.[192] Uninterrupted traffic across the Polish borders increased dramatically.[193][179][194] By the spring of 1947 only 90,000 Jews remained in Poland.[195][196] Britain demanded that Poland (among others) halt the Jewish exodus, but their pressure was largely unsuccessful.[197]

Around 13,000 Polish Jews left the country between 1968 and 1972 because of a state antisemitic campaign.[174] In 2019, the Polish Jewish population was estimated at 4,000.[198]


Monument to the Ghetto Heroes in Warsaw, inaugurated in 1948

Although the postwar Jewish community wanted to make Treblinka the main memorial site, the Polish government decided to instead build a memorial at the former Warsaw Ghetto and to focus memorialization efforts at Auschwitz.[199] During the communist era, the differences between different persecuted groups were elided.[174] Memorials were established at Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka during the 1960s as a reaction to West German trials, but these camps remain much less well known.[200] The most well-known Holocaust museum in the world is the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum[201] which receives about 2 million visitors per year as of 2021.[112] Since 1988, the March of the Living has been held annually at the site of the former camp.[202] The POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews opened in 2014 on the site of the former Warsaw Ghetto and is connected with earlier memorials such as the 1948 Monument to the Ghetto Heroes and the memorial at the Umschlagplatz.[203] The phenomenon of Holocaust tourism exploded after 1989 due to reduced travel restrictions and brought along with it increasing tourism and commercialization that sometimes was criticized as kitsch.[202]

In 1999, the Institute of National Remembrance was established in order to promote state-sponsored historical narratives, although the degree to which it is politicized has changed over time.[204] In 2018 the Polish government caused a diplomatic crisis by proposing the Amendment to the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance, that would have prescribed up to three years' imprisonment for someone who "attributes to the Polish Nation or Polish State...co-responsibility for Nazi crimes committed by the Third Reich...or otherwise glaringly minimizes the responsibility of the real perpetrators of these crimes".[205] The law was later revised to a civil penalty.[206]


  1. ^ Edele, Mark; Warlick, Wanda (2017). "Saved by Stalin? Trajectories and Numbers of Polish Jews in the Soviet Second World War". Shelter from the Holocaust: Rethinking Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union. Wayne State University Press. pp. 96, 123. ISBN 978-0-8143-4268-8. Including several other contingents of Polish Jews, at least 157,000 and no more than 375,000 were inadvertently saved from the Holocaust by Stalin's Soviet Union, which provided a harsh but mostly livable alternative to genocide.
  2. ^ a b c d Stola, Dariusz (2017). "Jewish emigration from communist Poland: the decline of Polish Jewry in the aftermath of the Holocaust". East European Jewish Affairs. 47 (2–3): 169–188 [171]. doi:10.1080/13501674.2017.1398446. S2CID 166031765.
  3. ^ Burzlaff 2020, p. 1065.
  4. ^ Rosman, Moshe. "Poland: Poland before 1795". YIVO Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 27, 2023.
  5. ^ Beorn 2018, p. 13.
  6. ^ a b Bacon, Gershon. "Poland: Poland from 1795 to 1939". YIVO Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 27, 2023.
  7. ^ Beorn 2018, p. 12.
  8. ^ Beorn 2018, p. 14.
  9. ^ a b c Hilberg 2003, p. 188.
  10. ^ Żebrowski, Rafał. "Ostjuden". Polski Słownik Judaistyczny (in Polish). Retrieved June 14, 2023.
  11. ^ Snyder 2010, p. 122.
  12. ^ Kliymuk 2018, p. 101.
  13. ^ Kliymuk 2018, p. 101-103.
  14. ^ Kliymuk 2018, p. 104.
  15. ^ Hilberg 2003, p. 189.
  16. ^ Zimmerman 2015, p. 14.
  17. ^ Kornbluth 2021, p. 13.
  18. ^ Zimmerman 2015, pp. 19–20.
  19. ^ Frankl, Michal (2020). "Citizenship of No Man's Land? Jewish Refugee Relief in Zbąszyń and East-Central Europe, 1938–1939". S:I.M.O.N. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation. 7 (2): 37–49. ISSN 2408-9192.
  20. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 56.
  21. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 57.
  22. ^ Beorn 2018, p. 98.
  23. ^ Beorn 2018, pp. 99, 101.
  24. ^ a b c d e Żbikowski 2008, p. 110.
  25. ^ Żbikowski 2008, p. 107.
  26. ^ Beorn 2018, p. 96.
  27. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 148.
  28. ^ Gruner & Osterloh 2015, p. 6.
  29. ^ Gerlach 2016, pp. 57–58.
  30. ^ Beorn 2018, pp. 102–103.
  31. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 58.
  32. ^ Beorn 2018, pp. 46, 73.
  33. ^ Żbikowski 2008, p. 106-107.
  34. ^ a b c d Żbikowski 2008, p. 109.
  35. ^ Beorn 2018, p. 86.
  36. ^ Żbikowski 2008, p. 108.
  37. ^ Beorn 2018, pp. 89–90.
  38. ^ Beorn 2018, p. 108.
  39. ^ Beorn 2018, pp. 107–109.
  40. ^ a b c Bartov 2023, p. 201.
  41. ^ a b c Żbikowski 2008, p. 113.
  42. ^ Żbikowski 2008, p. 111.
  43. ^ a b Longerich 2010, p. 164.
  44. ^ Beorn 2018, pp. 109, 117.
  45. ^ a b Żbikowski 2008, p. 117.
  46. ^ Beorn 2018, pp. 87, 103.
  47. ^ a b Beorn 2018, p. 116.
  48. ^ Beorn 2018, p. 115.
  49. ^ Miron 2020, pp. 247, 251, 254.
  50. ^ Beorn 2018, p. 117.
  51. ^ Miron 2020, p. 252.
  52. ^ Miron 2020, p. 253.
  53. ^ Miron 2020, pp. 253–254.
  54. ^ Miron 2020, p. 254.
  55. ^ Engel 2020, p. 240.
  56. ^ Browning, Christopher (1995). The Path to Genocide: Essays on Launching the Final Solution. Cambridge University Press. p. 194. ISBN 978-0-521-55878-5 – via Google Books.
  57. ^ Gutman, Yisrael (1989). The First Months of the Nazi Occupation. p. 12. ISBN 978-0-253-20511-7. {{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help)
  58. ^ Walter Laqueur; Judith Tydor Baumel (2001), The Holocaust Encyclopedia, Yale University Press, pp. 260–262, ISBN 978-0300138115
  59. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 255.
  60. ^ a b Browning, Christopher (2005), Before the "Final Solution": Nazi Ghettoization Policy in Poland (1940–1941) (PDF), Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, pp. 13–17 of 175 in current document, (PDF) from the original on December 22, 2016.
  61. ^ Peter Vogelsang; Brian Larsen (2002), , The Danish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, archived from the original on March 6, 2016 – via Internet Archive
  62. ^ a b Żbikowski 2008, p. 120.
  63. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 67.
  64. ^ a b c d Żbikowski 2008, p. 127.
  65. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 265.
  66. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 108.
  67. ^ Kopstein & Wittenberg 2018, pp. 2, 121.
  68. ^ Gerlach 2016, pp. 69, 440.
  69. ^ Kopstein 2023, pp. 105, 107–108.
  70. ^ Kopstein 2023, p. 104.
  71. ^ Kopstein 2023, p. 107.
  72. ^ Bartov 2023, p. 202.
  73. ^ Kopstein 2023, p. 106.
  74. ^ a b Gerlach 2016, p. 91.
  75. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 342.
  76. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 335.
  77. ^ Beorn 2018, p. 220.
  78. ^ a b Kay 2021, p. 200.
  79. ^ a b c d e f Lehnstaedt 2021, p. 63.
  80. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 340.
  81. ^ a b c d Longerich 2010, p. 339.
  82. ^ a b Longerich 2010, p. 338.
  83. ^ Grabowski, Jan (2022). "Estimates of the Losses of Polish Jews in Hiding, 1942–1945: Revisiting Yehuda Bauer's Observations". The Journal of Holocaust Research. 36 (1): 96–109. doi:10.1080/25785648.2021.2014673. S2CID 246652977.
  84. ^ Wiatr, Ewa (2017). "'Turning Jews Over' – the Participation of 'Blue' Policemen in Deportations of Jews Illustrated with the Example of the Radomsko County". Holocaust Studies and Materials (4): 302–314. ISSN 1689-9644.
  85. ^ a b Bartov 2023, p. 209.
  86. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 279.
  87. ^ a b Gerlach 2016, p. 74.
  88. ^ Beorn 2018, p. 209.
  89. ^ Longerich 2010, pp. 290–291.
  90. ^ a b Beorn 2018, p. 210.
  91. ^ Longerich 2010, pp. 280, 293–294, 302.
  92. ^ Longerich 2010, pp. 280–281, 292.
  93. ^ Gerlach 2016, pp. 208–209.
  94. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 243.
  95. ^ a b Longerich 2010, p. 330.
  96. ^ Bergen 2016, pp. 247, 251.
  97. ^ Gerlach 2016, pp. 286–287.
  98. ^ a b Kay 2021, p. 204.
  99. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 283.
  100. ^ Kay 2021, pp. 204–205.
  101. ^ Kay 2021, p. 199.
  102. ^ Stone 2010, pp. 153–154.
  103. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 199.
  104. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 211.
  105. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 273.
  106. ^ Kay 2021, p. 209.
  107. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 274.
  108. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 121.
  109. ^ Kay 2021, p. 247.
  110. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 111.
  111. ^ Kay 2021, p. 208.
  112. ^ a b Lehnstaedt 2021, p. 62.
  113. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Gerlach 2016, p. 120.
  114. ^ a b c Gerlach 2016, pp. 74, 120.
  115. ^ a b Gerlach 2016, pp. 93–94, 120.
  116. ^ Longerich 2010, pp. 281–282.
  117. ^ Longerich 2010, pp. 330–331.
  118. ^ Longerich 2010, pp. 332–333.
  119. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 331.
  120. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 334.
  121. ^ Longerich 2010, pp. 335–336.
  122. ^ Kay 2021, p. 203.
  123. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 337.
  124. ^ Longerich 2010, pp. 341, 353–354.
  125. ^ Engel 2020, pp. 241–242.
  126. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 110.
  127. ^ Longerich 2010, pp. 378–380.
  128. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 214.
  129. ^ Longerich 2010, p. 343.
  130. ^ Totten, Samuel; Feinberg, Stephen (2009). Teaching and Studying the Holocaust. IAP. pp. 52, 104, 150, 282. ISBN 978-1607523017. Human dignity and spiritual resistance. Also in: Gershenson, Olga (2013). The Phantom Holocaust. Rutgers University Press. p. 104. ISBN 978-0813561820.
  131. ^ Christopher Browning (2001), "Raul Hilberg", Yad Vashem Studies, Wallstein Verlag, pp. 9–10, ISSN 0084-3296
  132. ^ Isaiah Trunk (1972), "The Attitude of the Councils toward Physical Resistance", Judenrat: The Jewish Councils in Eastern Europe Under Nazi Occupation, U of Nebraska Press, pp. 464–466, 472–474, ISBN 978-0803294288, from the original on January 3, 2014, The highest degree of cooperation was achieved when chairmen, or other leading Council members themselves actively participated in preparing and executing acts of resistance, particularly when the ghettos were liquidated. Examples included Warsaw, Częstochowa, Radomsko, Pajęczno, Sasów, Pińsk, Mołczadź, Iwaniska, Wilno, Nieśwież, Zdzi3, Tuczyn (Równe), and Marcinkańce (Grodno) among others. Also in: Martin Gilbert (1986), The Holocaust: the Jewish tragedy, Collins, p. 828, ISBN 9780002163057
  133. ^ a b The Holocaust Encyclopedia (2011), Jewish Resistance, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, , from the original on January 26, 2012 – via Internet Archive. Also in: Shmuel Krakowski (2010), Armed Resistance, YIVO, from the original on June 2, 2011
  134. ^ a b United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Resistance during the Holocaust (PDF), The Miles Lerman Center for the Study of Jewish Resistance, p. 6 of 56 in current document, (PDF) from the original on August 29, 2017.
  135. ^ The Holocaust Encyclopedia (2017), Resistance in the Vilna Ghetto, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, from the original on August 3, 2017
  136. ^ Láníček 2012, pp. 74–75, 81.
  137. ^ Beorn 2018, p. 236.
  138. ^ Brethour, Miranda (2019). "Jewish–Gentile Relations in Hiding during the Holocaust in Sokołów County, Poland (1942–1944)". The Journal of Holocaust Research. 33 (4): 277–301 [299–300]. doi:10.1080/25785648.2019.1677090. S2CID 211662916. close contacts in the Polish community and decent knowledge of the Polish language were extremely useful, if not essential, for securing shelter... A few other cases were uncovered wherein a local Pole committed to hiding a group of Jews and then subsequently denounced or murdered the charges, transitioning from helper to perpetrator.
  139. ^ Grabowski, Jan (2008). Rescue for Money: Paid Helpers in Poland, 1939-1945. Yad Vashem. ISBN 978-965-308-325-7. Files of postwar trials of collaborators, many of whom committed crimes against Jews, and other materials show that the phenomenon of paid help was far from marginal. A Jew with money and other assets had much greater chances of being rescued than a penniless one.
  140. ^ a b c d Bartov 2023, p. 206.
  141. ^ Frydel 2018, pp. 190–191.
  142. ^ Beorn 2018, p. 269.
  143. ^ Gerlach 2016, p. 360.
  144. ^ Beorn 2018, pp. 269–270.
  145. ^ Burzlaff 2020, pp. 1065, 1075.
  146. ^ Frydel 2018, p. 197.
  147. ^ Cesarani, David; Kavanaugh, Sarah. Holocaust. Routledge. p. 64.
  148. ^ Yad Vashem Shoa Resource Center, Zegota October 20, 2013, at the Wayback Machine, page 4/34 of the Report.
  149. ^ Podbielska, Alicja (2019). ""That's for harboring Jews!" Post-Liberation Violence against Holocaust Rescuers in Poland, 1944–1948". S:I.M.O.N. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation. 6 (2): 110–120. ISSN 2408-9192.
  150. ^ Jan Grabowski (October 9, 2013). Hunt for the Jews: Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland. Indiana University Press. pp. 2–4. ISBN 978-0-253-01087-2.
  151. ^ Williams, Timothy; Buckley-Zistel, Susanne, eds. (April 17, 2018). Perpetrators and Perpetration of Mass Violence: Action, Motivations and Dynamics. Routledge. p. 337. ISBN 9781351175845.
  152. ^ Grabowski, Jan (2013). Hunt for the Jews: betrayal and murder in German-occupied Poland. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0-253-01074-2.
  153. ^ Hunt for the Jews: Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland, Indiana University Press, Jan Grabowski, pp. 2–3.
  154. ^ a b Friedrich, Klaus-Peter (Winter 2005). "Collaboration in a 'Land without a Quisling': Patterns of Cooperation with the Nazi German Occupation Regime in Poland during World War II". Slavic Review. 64 (4): 711–746. doi:10.2307/3649910. JSTOR 3649910.
  155. ^ "'Orgy of Murder': The Poles Who 'Hunted' Jews and Turned Them Over to the Nazis". Haaretz.
  156. ^ . policjapanstwowa.pl (in Polish). Archived from the original on March 29, 2018. Retrieved March 29, 2018.
  157. ^ Garlinski, Josef (August 12, 1985). Poland in the Second World War. Springer. ISBN 978-1-349-09910-8.
  158. ^ Zimmerman (2015).
  159. ^ Biskupski, Mieczysław (2000). The history of Poland. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 110. ISBN 978-0313305719. OCLC 42021562.
  160. ^ Cymet, David (June 1999). "Polish state antisemitism as a major factor leading to the Holocaust". Journal of Genocide Research. 1 (2): 169–212. doi:10.1080/14623529908413950. ISSN 1469-9494.
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  162. ^ Zimmerman (2015), p. 371.
  163. ^ Władysław Bartoszewski, ed. (2004). Poles and Jews: perceptions and misperceptions. Polin (1. issued in paperback ed.). Oxford: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization. p. 356. ISBN 978-1-904113-19-5.
  164. ^ Schatz, Jaff (1991). The generation : the rise and fall of the Jewish communists of Poland. Berkeley: University of California Press. p. 204. ISBN 978-0520071360. OCLC 22984393.
  165. ^ Cymet (1999).
  166. ^ Cooper (2000), p. 141.
  167. ^ Mushkat, Marion (1992). Philo-Semitic and anti-Jewish attitudes in post-Holocaust Poland. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press. p. 50. ISBN 978-0773491762. OCLC 26855644.
  168. ^ Cantorovich, Irena (June 2012). (PDF). Roni Stauber, Beryl Belsky. Kantor Program Papers. Archived from the original (PDF) on May 10, 2017. Retrieved November 25, 2016. When the Soviets occupied eastern Galicia, some 30,000 Ukrainian nationalists fled to the General Government. In 1940 the Germans began to set up military training units of Ukrainians, and in the spring of 1941 Ukrainian units were established by the Wehrmacht.
  169. ^ Breitman, Richard (2005). U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis. Cambridge University Press. p. 249. ISBN 978-0521617949.
  170. ^ Snyder, Timothy (2003). The Reconstruction of Nations. Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569–1999. Yale University Press. pp. 162–170. ISBN 978-0-300-10586-5. from the original on June 3, 2016.
  171. ^ Spector, Shmuel; Wigoder, Geoffrey (2001). The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust. Vol. III. NYU Press. p. 1627. ISBN 978-0814793787. from the original on December 31, 2013.
  172. ^ Rossolinski, Grzegorz (2014). Stepan Bandera: The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist : Fascism, Genocide, and Cult. Columbia University Press. p. 290. ISBN 978-3838206844.
  173. ^ Bergen 2016, p. 155.
  174. ^ a b c Grzyb 2020, p. 620.
  175. ^ a b Jockusch, Laura; Lewinsky, Tamar (Winter 2010). Paradise Lost? Postwar Memory of Polish Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union. Vol. 24. Full text downloaded from the Holocaust and Genocide Studies (with signup). from the original on December 20, 2014.
  176. ^ Trela-Mazur, Elżbieta (1998) [1997]. Sovietization of educational system in the eastern part of Lesser Poland under the Soviet occupation, 1939–1941 [Sowietyzacja oświaty w Małopolsce Wschodniej pod radziecką okupacją 1939–1941]. Kielce: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im. Jana Kochanowskiego. pp. 43, 294. ISBN 978-83-7133-100-8. Also in: Trela-Mazur (1997), Wrocławskie studia wschodnie. Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Volume 1, pp. 87–104.
  177. ^ Berendt, Grzegorz (2006). "Emigration of Jewish people from Poland in 1945–1967" [Emigracja ludności żydowskiej z Polski w latach 1945–1967] (PDF). Polska 1944/45–1989. Studia I Materiały. VII. pp. 25–26 (pp. 2–3 in current document). (PDF) from the original on December 1, 2017.
  178. ^ Gunnar S. Paulsson (Summer–Autumn 1998). "The Rescue of Jews by Non-Jews in Nazi-Occupied Poland". Journal of Holocaust Education. 7 (1&2): 19–44. doi:10.1080/17504902.1998.11087056. Relevant excerpt about the 'chances of survival in hiding.'. Keeping in mind that these cases are drawn from published memoirs and from cases on file at Yad Vashem and the Jewish Historical Institute, it is probable that the 5,000 or so Poles who have been recognised as 'Righteous Among the Nations' so far represent only the tip of the iceberg, and that the true number of rescuers who meet the Yad Vashem 'gold standard' is 20, 50, perhaps even 100 times higher (p. 23, § 2; available with purchase).
  179. ^ a b c David Engel (2005), (PDF), Liberation, Reconstruction, and Flight (1944–1947), The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, pp. 5–6 in current document, YIVO, The largest group of Polish-Jewish survivors spent the war years in the Soviet or Soviet-controlled territories., ISBN 9780300119039, [see also:] Golczewski (2000), p. 330, archived from the original (PDF) on December 3, 2013
  180. ^ Lukas (1989), pp. 5, 13, 111, 201, "Introduction". Also in: Lukas (2001), p. 13.
  181. ^ Golczewski, Frank (2000). Gregor, Neil (ed.). Nazism. pp. 329–330. ISBN 978-0191512032. Prof. Czesław Madajczyk ascribed 2,000,000 Polish-Jewish victims to extermination camps, and 700,000 others to ghettos, labour camps, and hands-on murder operations. His stated figure of 2,770,000 victims is regarded as low but realistic. Madajczyk estimated also 890,000 Polish-Jewish survivors of World War II; some 110,000 of them in the Displaced Person camps across the rest of Europe, and 500,000 in the USSR; bringing the number up to 610,000 Jews outside the country in 1945. {{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help) Note: some other estimates, see for example: Engel (2005), are substantially different.
  182. ^ a b Berthon, Simon; Potts, Joanna (2007). Warlords: An Extraordinary Re-Creation of World War II. Da Capo Press. p. 285. ISBN 978-0306816505.
  183. ^ a b Fertacz, Sylwester (2005). [Krojenie mapy Polski: Bolesna granica]. Magazyn Społeczno-Kulturalny Śląsk. Archived from the original on April 25, 2009 – via Internet Archive, June 5, 2016.
  184. ^ a b Slay, Ben (2014). The Polish Economy: Crisis, Reform, and Transformation. Princeton University Press. pp. 20–21. ISBN 978-1400863730. The Second Republic was obliterated during the Second World War (1939–1945). As a consequence of seven years of brutal fighting and resistance to Nazi and Soviet military occupation, Poland's population was reduced by a third, from 34,849 at the end of 1938, to 23,930 in February 1946. Six million citizens...perished.[pp.19–20] (See Anti-communist resistance in Poland (1944–46) for supplementary data.)
  185. ^ a b Gerlach 2016, p. 354.
  186. ^ Kornbluth 2021, p. 273.
  187. ^ Cichopek, Anna (2014). Beyond Violence: Jewish Survivors in Poland and Slovakia, 1944–48. Cambridge University Press. p. 117. ISBN 978-1-107-03666-6.
  188. ^ Cichopek 2014, p. 116.
  189. ^ Kornbluth 2021, p. 274.
  190. ^ Włodarczyk, Tamara (2010). "2.10 Bricha". Osiedle żydowskie na Dolnym Śląsku w latach 1945–1950 (na przykładzie Kłodzka) (PDF). pp. 36, 44–45 (23–24 in PDF). (PDF) from the original on April 13, 2016. The decision originated from the military circles (and not the party leadership). The Berihah organization under Cwi Necer was requested to keep the involvement of MSZ and MON a secret.(24 in PDF) The migration reached its zenith in 1946, resulting in 150,000 Jews leaving Poland.(21 in PDF)
  191. ^ Aleksiun, Natalia. "Beriḥah". YIVO. Suggested reading: Arieh Josef Kochavi, "Britain and the Jewish Exodus ... ," Polin 7 (1992): pp. 161–175.
  192. ^ a b Hakohen (2003), p. 70, 'Poland'.
  193. ^ Marrus, Michael Robert; Aristide R. Zolberg (2002). The Unwanted: European Refugees from the First World War Through the Cold War. Temple University Press. p. 336. ISBN 978-1-56639-955-5. This gigantic effort, known by the Hebrew code word Brichah(flight), accelerated powerfully after the Kielce pogrom in July 1946
  194. ^ Siljak, Ana; Ther, Philipp (2001). Redrawing nations: ethnic cleansing in East-Central Europe, 1944–1948. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 138. ISBN 978-0-7425-1094-4.
  195. ^ Steinlauf, Michael C. (1996). Poland. JHU Press. ISBN 9780801849695. In: David S. Wyman, Charles H. Rosenzveig. The World Reacts to the Holocaust. The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  196. ^ Albert Stankowski, with August Grabski and Grzegorz Berendt; Studia z historii Żydów w Polsce po 1945 roku, Warszawa, Żydowski Instytut Historyczny 2000, pp. 107–111. ISBN 83-85888-36-5
  197. ^ Kochavi, Arieh J. (2001). Post-Holocaust Politics: Britain, the United States & Jewish Refugees, 1945–1948. The University of North Carolina Press. pp. xi, 167–169. ISBN 978-0-8078-2620-1. Britain exerted pressure on the governments of Poland.
  198. ^ Bazyler et al. 2019, p. 311.
  199. ^ Lehnstaedt 2021, p. 66.
  200. ^ Lehnstaedt 2021, pp. 62, 66.
  201. ^ Grzyb 2020, pp. 620–621.
  202. ^ a b Grzyb 2020, p. 630.
  203. ^ Grzyb 2020, p. 628.
  204. ^ Kornbluth 2021, pp. 269–270.
  205. ^ Kornbluth 2021, p. 1.
  206. ^ Kornbluth 2021, pp. 1, 271.

Works cited

Snyder, Timothy (2010). Bloodlands. Europe between Hitler and Stalin. Bodley Head. ISBN 9780224081412.

  • Zimmerman, Joshua D. (2015). The Polish Underground and the Jews, 1939–1945. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-316-29825-1.
  • Żbikowski, Andrzej (2008). "Polscy Żydzi w latach drugiej wojny światowej" [Polish Jews in the years of the Second World War]. Wysiedlenia, wypędzenia i ucieczki 1939-1959. Atlas ziem Polski [Displacements, expulsions and escapes 1939-1959. Atlas of the lands of Poland]. Warsaw.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)

Further reading

holocaust, poland, ghettoization, robbery, deportation, murder, jews, occupied, poland, organized, nazi, germany, three, million, polish, jews, were, murdered, primarily, chelmno, belzec, sobibor, treblinka, auschwitz, birkenau, extermination, camps, represent. The Holocaust in Poland was the ghettoization robbery deportation and murder of Jews in occupied Poland organized by Nazi Germany Three million Polish Jews were murdered primarily at the Chelmno Belzec Sobibor Treblinka and Auschwitz II Birkenau extermination camps representing half of all Jews murdered during the Europe wide Holocaust The Holocaust in PolandTop clockwise Warsaw Ghetto burning May 1943 Einsatzgruppe shooting of women from the Mizocz Ghetto 1942 Selection of people to be sent directly to the gas chamber right after their arrival at Auschwitz II Birkenau Jews captured in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising led to the Umschlagplatz by Waffen SS Lodz Ghetto children deported to Chelmno death camp 1942OverviewPeriodSeptember 1939 April 1945TerritoryOccupied Poland also present day western Ukraine and western Belarus among othersPerpetratorsNazi Germany along with its collaboratorsKilled3 000 000 Polish JewsSurvivors157 000 375 000 in the Soviet Union 1 50 000 liberated from Nazi concentration camps 2 30 000 60 000 in hiding 2 In 1939 Nazi Germany invaded Poland while the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east In German occupied Poland Jews were killed subjected to forced labor and forced to move to ghettos The Soviet Union deported many Jews to the Soviet interior where most survived the war In 1941 Germany invaded the Soviet Union and began the systematic murder of Jews 1 8 million Jews were killed in Operation Reinhard shot in roundups in ghettos died during the train journey or killed by poison gas in the extermination camps In 1943 and 1944 the remaining labor camps and ghettos were liquidated Many Jews tried to escape but surviving in hiding was very difficult due to factors such as the lack of money to pay helpers and the risk of denunciation Only 1 to 2 percent of Polish Jews in German occupied territory survived 3 After the war survivors faced difficulties in regaining their property and rebuilding their lives Especially after the Kielce pogrom many fled to displaced persons camps in Allied occupied Germany Contents 1 Background 2 Invasion of Poland 3 Resettlement plans 4 Ghettoization 5 Extermination of Jews in Eastern Poland 6 Liquidation of the ghettos 6 1 Extermination camps 6 2 General Government 6 3 German annexed areas 7 Armed resistance and ghetto uprisings 8 International response 9 Escape hiding and rescue 10 Death toll 11 Aftermath 11 1 Emigration 12 Legacy 13 References 14 Works cited 15 Further readingBackgroundJews have lived in Poland since the twelfth century Many Polish Jews settled on noble estates where they were offered protection in exchange for the economic benefits they could provide 4 An estimated 3 million Jews lived in Poland in 1933 around ten percent of the population 5 6 Due to historical restrictions on what occupations Jews were allowed to have they became concentrated in trades such as commerce and craftsmen 7 Many lived in small towns called shtetls 8 After the foundation of the Second Polish Republic simultaneously with the armistice of 11 November 1918 ending World War I Jews suffered from institutionalized discrimination and many were poor 6 nbsp Cover of a German Nazi Party magasine Illustrierter Beobachter of November 15 1927 showing the depiction of the stereotypical Ostjude Jew of the East Anti Semitism became a state ideology in Germany after the Nazis gained power but even before that Eastern European Jews called in Germany Ostjuden held a particularly low position in German perception 9 10 Jews in Germany tended to be secularized and largely assimilated into German society while most Polish Jews lived in traditionalist religious communities speaking Yiddish and distinguishing themselves in dress and customs from their surroundings 11 Prejudice was intensified during World War I when many Jews from the occupied eastern territories moved to Germany 12 They were accused by antisemitic press and politicians of criminal activity lack of hygiene spreading disease speculation trafficking of women spreading revolution and were eventually blamed for Germany s defeat in the war and interwar economic problems faced by Germany 13 Soon especially in the Nazi press the term Ostjude began to be used as a slur and as a synonym for Bolshevik and Communist 14 In the interwar period Polish Jews in Germany faced also legal persecution In 1918 the Prussian Ministry of the Interior banned Polish Jews from entering the country on the pretext of their unwillingness to work low morals physical uncleanliness and the spread of typhus by them 15 In 1923 the Bavarian government ordered the deportation of Jews with Polish citizenship as undesirables 9 nbsp Polish Jews expelled from NurembergIn Poland after the beginning of the Great Depression and the death of Marshal Jozef Pilsudski in 1935 the situation of Polish Jews worsened 16 The Endecja faction waged a campaign against Jews consisting of economic boycotts limitations on the number of Jewish students at universities and restrictions on kosher slaughter 17 The Polish government stated its intention to settle the Jewish problem by the emigration of most Polish Jews 18 In 1938 after Poland passed a law to denaturalize Jews living abroad Germany expelled all Polish Jews in October 1938 9 Because Poland refused to admit them these Jews were stranded in no man s land along the border 19 Invasion of PolandThe German Wehrmacht armed forces invaded Poland on 1 September 1939 triggering declarations of war from the United Kingdom and France 20 During the invasion of Poland as many as 16 000 civilians hostages and prisoners of war may have been shot by the German invaders 21 there was also a great deal of looting 22 Special units known as Einsatzgruppen followed the army to eliminate any possible resistance 23 Already during the hostilities the Germans carried out pogroms against the Jewish population for example 600 people were murdered in Przemysl pl 200 in Czestochowa and 200 were burned in a synagogue in Bedzin 24 Thousands of Jews were chased away to areas occupied by Soviet troops 24 6 000 Polish soldiers of Jewish descent were killed and 60 000 were taken prisoner 25 Germany gained control of 1 7 million Jews in Poland 26 27 Parts of western and northern Poland were annexed into Germany and incorporated into the administrative structure of the German Reich as Zichenau Danzig West Prussia the Wartheland and East Upper Silesia while the rest of the German occupied territories were designated the General Government 28 Around 50 000 Polish leaders and intellectuals were arrested or executed especially in West Prussia with fewer victims in the Wartheland and fewer still in the General Government 29 Polish Jewish intellectuals and community leaders were not spared 30 Around 400 000 Poles were expelled from the Wartheland to the General Governorate occupation zone from 1939 to 1941 and the area was resettled by ethnic Germans from eastern Europe 31 The rest of Poland was occupied by the Soviet Union which invaded Poland from the east on 17 September pursuant to the German Soviet pact 32 Approximately 1 6 million Polish Jews came under Soviet rule 250 300 000 of whom were refugees or expellees from the German occupation zone 33 Of the refugees 35 40 000 people were forced in late autumn 1939 to go deep into Ukraine and Belarus to work 34 The Soviet Union deported hundreds of thousands of Polish citizens to the Soviet interior in four big deportations 35 The Jews were particularly affected by the third one which began on 28 29 June 1940 which affected refugees willing to return to the area under German rule but to whose return the Germans did not agree More than 77 700 Jewish refugees were deported at this time representing 84 of the total deportees 36 The fourth deportation included 7 000 Jews from the Vilnius region 34 Although most Jews were not communists some accepted positions in the Soviet administration contributing to a pre existing perception among many non Jews that Soviet rule was a Jewish conspiracy 37 Some 10 000 Polish Jews had left the USSR for Palestine the Middle East and the West by June 1941 34 Resettlement plansAs a result of expulsions and escapes about 500 000 Jews lived in the lands incorporated into the Reich at the beginning of the German occupation 24 The Germans planned to deport all Jews from these territories by the end of 1940 by which time the plan was to place them in ghettos 24 They tried to concentrate Jews in the Lublin District of the General Government 45 000 Jews were deported by November and left to fend for themselves causing many deaths 38 Deportations stopped in early 1940 due to the opposition of Hans Frank the appointed head of the General Government who did not want his fiefdom to become a dumping ground for unwanted Jews 39 40 Overall between 80 90 000 Jews were deported to the General Government from Wartheland in that time 41 At the same time escapes expulsions and murders continued unabated As a result of these only 1 800 Jews lived in the province of West Prussia in February 1940 24 In the Wartheland their number dropped to 260 000 42 Deportations to the General Government resumed in January 1941 but only 2140 Jews and 20 000 Poles were deported from Wartheland 41 At this point efforts to concentrate Jews in a compact territory were abandoned At this point efforts to concentrate Jews in a compact territory were abandoned the focus was on separating and enclosing Jews in ghettos However such plans were not completely dropped After the conquest of France in 1940 the Nazis considered deporting Jews to French Madagascar but this proved impossible 43 44 The Nazis planned that harsh conditions in these areas would kill many Jews 43 40 After the attack on the Soviet Union plans were made to remove the Jewish population to the swampy areas of Polesia 45 In the fall of 1941 any such plans were abandoned 45 GhettoizationFurther information Nazi ghettos and Jewish ghettos in German occupied Poland nbsp Unpaved street in the Frysztak Ghetto Krakow District nbsp A body lying in the street of the Warsaw Ghetto in the General GovernmentDuring the invasion synagogues were burned and thousands of Jews fled or were expelled into the Soviet occupation zone 46 Various anti Jewish regulations were soon issued In October 1939 adult Jews in the General Government were required to perform forced labor 47 In November 1939 they were ordered to wear white armbands 48 Laws decreed the seizure of most Jewish property and the takeover of Jewish owned businesses When Jews were forced into ghettos they lost their homes and belongings 47 The first Nazi ghettos were established in the Wartheland and General Government in 1939 and 1940 on the initiative of local German administrators 49 50 The largest ghettos such as Warsaw and Lodz were established in existing residential neighborhoods and closed by fences or walls In many smaller ghettos Jews were forced into poor neighborhoods but with no fence 51 Forced labor programs provided subsistence to many ghetto inhabitants and in some cases protected them from deportation Workshops and factories were operated inside some ghettos while in other cases Jews left the ghetto to work outside it 52 Because the ghettos were not segregated by sex some family life continued 53 A Jewish community leadership Judenrat exercised some authority and tried to sustain the Jewish community while following German demands As a survival strategy many tried to make the ghettos useful to the occupiers as a labor reserve 54 55 The Warsaw ghetto contained more Jews than all of France the Lodz ghetto more Jews than all of the Netherlands More Jews lived in the city of Krakow than in all of Italy and virtually any medium sized town in Poland had a larger Jewish population than all of Scandinavia All of southeast Europe Hungary Romania Bulgaria Yugoslavia and Greece had fewer Jews than the original four districts of the General Government 56 The plight of Jews in war torn Poland could be divided into stages defined by the existence of the ghettos 57 In Warsaw up to 80 percent of food consumed in the ghetto was brought in illegally The food stamps introduced by the Germans provided only 9 percent of the calories necessary for survival 58 Most ghettos were not fully sealed from the outside world and although many Jews suffered from hunger fewer died from it because they were able to supplement their rations from the black market 59 The productionists among the German authorities who attempted to make the ghettos self sustaining by turning them into enterprises prevailed over the attritionists only after the German invasion of the Soviet Union 60 The most prominent ghettos were thus temporarily stabilized through the production of goods needed at the front 61 as death rates among the Jewish population there began to decline 60 Ghettos were established both in the territory incorporated into the Reich and in the General Government Characteristic of the Wartheland were the so called rural ghettos which encompassed several contiguous villages 41 The Germans also set up ghettos in areas of eastern Poland occupied as a result of the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 Most were established in the Galicia district and the Bialystok District 62 In the fall of 1942 there were more than 400 ghettos on Polish soil 62 Extermination of Jews in Eastern PolandGermany and its allies invaded the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941 63 40 Around 100 000 Polish Jews fled deep into the USSR from German soldiers 34 The Wermacht was followed by four special groups Einsatzgruppen which perpetrated mass executions of the Jewish population 64 From September 1941 entire Jewish communities were liquidated 64 The General Government was expanded by adding Galicia District 65 the Bialystok District was administered separately 66 During the invasion local inhabitants carried out at least 219 pogroms killing around twenty five thousand to fifty thousand Jews 67 68 69 The pogroms were extremely violent with many Jews beaten raped stolen from and brutally murdered 70 Although German forces tried to incite pogroms their role in causing violence is controversial 71 72 According to political science research pogroms were most likely to occur where political polarization was high where the Jewish community was large and where Jews pressed for national equality in the decades before 1941 73 Parallel to Operation Reinhard which was organised in the General Government the final mass murder of the Jewish population was organised in eastern Poland in the spring and summer of 1942 64 Jews from the Galicia district were transported to the extermination centres at Belzec and Sobibor among them some 150 000 Jews deported to Galicia by the Romanian authorities 64 Liquidation of the ghettos nbsp Cumulative murders of Jews from the General Government at Belzec Sobibor and Treblinka from January 1942 to February 1943Plans to kill most of the Jews in the General Government were affected by various goals of the SS Schutzstaffel military and civil administration stretching from purely racial one to the more pragmatic such as the need to reduce the amount of food consumed by Jews in order enable a slight increase in rations to non Jewish Poles and combat the black market to avoid hunger and increase of the resistance among them 74 By mid 1942 Nazi leaders decided to allow only 300 000 Jews to survive in the General Government by the end of the year for forced labor 74 for the most part only those working in armaments production were spared 75 On 19 July Himmler decreed the resettlement of the entire Jewish population of the General Government should have been implemented and completed by 31 December 1942 henceforth Jews would only be allowed to live in Warsaw Czestochowa Krakow and Majdanek 76 The majority of ghettos were liquidated in mass executions nearby especially if they were not near a train station Larger ghettos were more commonly liquidated during multiple deportations to extermination camps 77 78 During this campaign around 1 8 million Jews 79 were murdered in the largest killing operation of the Holocaust 80 In order to reduce resistance the ghetto would be raided without warning usually in the early morning and the extent of the operation would be concealed as long as possible 81 Trawniki men Trawnikimanner made up of Soviet prisoners of war 82 or Polish Blue Police 83 84 would cordon off the ghetto while the German Order Police and Security Police carried out the action 82 In addition to local non Jewish collaborators the Jewish councils and Jewish ghetto police were often ordered to assist with liquidation actions although these Jews were in most cases murdered later 85 Chaotic capriciously executed selections determined who would be loaded onto the trains 81 Many Jews were shot during the action making up perhaps 20 percent or more of the total deaths often leaving ghettos strewn with corpses 81 79 Surviving Jews were forced to clean up the bodies and collect any valuables from the victims 81 Extermination camps nbsp Deportation to ChelmnoGas vans developed from those used to kill mental patients since 1939 were assigned to the Einsatzgruppen and first used in November 1941 victims were forced into the van and killed with engine exhaust 86 The first extermination camp was Chelmno in the Wartheland established on the initiative of the local civil administrator Arthur Greiser with Himmler s approval it began operations in December 1941 using gas vans 87 88 89 In October 1941 Higher SS and Police Leader of Lublin Odilo Globocnik 90 began work planning Belzec the first purpose built extermination camp to feature stationary gas chambers amid increasing talk among German administrators in Poland of large scale murder of Jews in the General Government 91 87 In late 1941 in East Upper Silesia Jews in forced labor camps operated by the Schmelt Organization deemed unfit for work began to be sent in groups to Auschwitz where they were murdered 92 93 In March 1942 killings began in Belzec targeting Jews from Lublin who were not capable of work This action reportedly reduced the black market and was deemed a success to be replicated elsewhere 94 78 Belzec was the prototype camp on which the others were based 95 The camps were located on rail lines to make it easier to transport Jews to their deaths but in remote places to avoid notice 90 The stench caused by mass killing operations was noticeable to anyone nearby 96 People were typically deported to the camps in overcrowded cattle cars As many as 150 people were forced into a single boxcar Many died en route partly because of the low priority accorded to these transports 97 98 Shortage of rail transport sometimes led to postponement or cancellation of deportations 99 Upon arrival the victims were robbed of their remaining possessions forced to undress had their hair cut and were chased into the gas chamber 100 Death from the gas was agonizing and could take as long as 30 minutes 95 101 The gas chambers were primitive and sometimes malfunctioned Some prisoners were shot because the gas chambers were not functioning 102 At other extermination camps nearly everyone on a transport was killed on arrival but at Auschwitz around 20 25 percent were separated out for labor 103 although many of these prisoners died later on 104 Belzec Sobibor and Treblinka reported a combined revenue of RM 178 7 million from belongings stolen from their victims far exceeding costs 105 106 Combined the camps required the labor of less than 3 000 Jewish prisoners 1 000 Trawniki men largely Ukrainian auxiliaries and very few German guards 107 98 About half of the Jews killed in the Holocaust died by poison gas 108 Thousands of Romani people were also murdered in the extermination camps 109 Prisoner uprisings at Treblinka and Sobibor meant that these camps were shut down earlier than envisioned 110 111 Fewer than 150 Jews survived these death camps 112 Major extermination camps 113 Camp Location Number of Jews killed Killing technology Planning began Mass gassing durationChelmno Wartheland 113 150 000 113 Gas vans 113 July 1941 113 8 December 1941 April 1943 and April July 1944 114 Belzec Lublin District 113 440 823 596 200 79 Stationary gas chamber engine exhaust 113 October 1941 114 17 March 1942 December 1942 114 Sobibor Lublin District 113 170 618 238 900 79 Stationary gas chamber engine exhaust 113 Late 1941 or March 1942 115 May 1942 October 1942 115 Treblinka Warsaw District 113 780 863 951 800 79 Stationary gas chamber engine exhaust 113 April 1942 113 23 July 1942 October 1943 113 Auschwitz II Birkenau East Upper Silesia 113 900 000 1 000 000 113 Stationary gas chamber hydrogen cyanide 113 September 1941 built as POW camp 116 113 February 1942 October 1944 113 General Government Main article Operation Reinhard nbsp Liquidation of Krakow Ghetto in March 1943 to Auschwitz nbsp The Warsaw Ghetto uprising became significant as a symbol of Jewish resistance against the Nazis 85 Systematic murder began in the Lublin District in mid March 1942 The Lublin Ghetto was emptied between 16 March and 20 April many Jews were shot in the ghetto and 30 000 were deported to Belzec 117 Most victims from the Lublin District were sent to Sobibor except 2 000 forced laborers imprisoned at Majdanek The killing was interrupted on 10 June to resume in August and September 118 At the same time as these killings many Jews were deported from Germany and Slovakia to ghettos in the Lublin District that had previously been cleared 119 From the end of May and especially since the cessation of deportations in Lublin thousands of Jews were deported from the Krakow District to Belzec These transports were halted by a railway moratorium on 19 June 120 The Warsaw Ghetto was cleared between 22 July and 12 September Of the original population of 350 000 Jews 250 000 were killed at Treblinka a newly built extermination camp 50 kilometres 30 mi distant 11 000 were deported to labor camps 10 000 were shot in the ghetto 35 000 were allowed to remain in the ghetto after a final selection and around 20 000 or 25 000 managed to hide in the ghetto Misdirection efforts convinced many Jews that they could avoid deportation until it was too late 121 During a six week period beginning in August 300 000 Jews from the Radom District were sent to Treblinka 122 123 There was practically no Jewish resistance in the General Government in 1942 124 Ghetto uprisings were only undertaken when the inhabitants began to believe that their death was certain 125 In 1943 larger uprisings in Warsaw and Bialystok necessitated the use of heavy weapons 126 The uprising in Warsaw prompted the Nazi leadership to liquidate additional ghettos and labor camps in German occupied Poland with their inhabitants shot or deported to extermination camps for fear of additional Jewish resistance developing 127 Nevertheless in early 1944 more than 70 000 Jews were performing forced labor in the General Government 128 German annexed areas nbsp Liquidation of Sosnowiec Ghetto to Auschwitz concentration camp 1943Tens of thousands of Jews were deported from ghettos in the Wartheland and East Upper Silesia to Chelmno and Auschwitz 129 Armed resistance and ghetto uprisingsFurther information Ghetto uprising Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and Jewish resistance in German occupied Europe nbsp Photograph of Jewish women insurgents captured by the SS during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising from the Stroop Report Jews resisted the Nazis with not only armed struggle but also spiritual and cultural opposition that upheld their dignity despite the inhumane conditions of life in the ghettos 130 131 Many forms of resistance existed although the elders feared mass retaliation against women and children in the event of an anti Nazi revolt 132 As the German authorities began to liquidate the ghettos armed resistance was offered in over 100 locations on both sides of Polish Soviet border of 1939 especially in eastern Poland 133 Uprisings erupted in five major cities 45 provincial towns five major concentration and extermination camps and at least 18 forced labor camps 134 The Nieswiez Ghetto insurgents in eastern Poland fought back on July 22 1942 The Lachwa Ghetto revolt erupted on September 3 On October 14 1942 the Mizocz Ghetto followed suit The Warsaw Ghetto firefight of January 18 1943 led to the largest Jewish uprising of World War II launched on April 19 1943 On June 25 the Jews of the Czestochowa Ghetto rose up At Treblinka Sonderkommando prisoners armed with stolen weapons attacked the guards on August 2 1943 A day later the Bedzin and Sosnowiec ghetto revolts broke out On August 16 the Bialystok Ghetto uprising erupted The revolt in Sobibor extermination camp occurred on October 14 1943 At Auschwitz Birkenau the insurgents blew up one of Birkenau s crematoria on October 7 1944 133 134 Similar resistance was offered in Luck Minsk Mazowiecki Pinsk Poniatowa and in Wilno 135 International responseOn 26 June 1942 BBC services in all languages publicized a report by the Jewish Social Democratic Bund and other resistance groups and transmitted by the Polish government in exile documenting the killing of 700 000 Jews in Poland In December 1942 the United Nations adopted a joint declaration condemning the systematic murder of Jews 136 Escape hiding and rescueFurther information Polish Righteous among the Nations Rescue of Jews by Poles during the Holocaust and Zegota Many Jews attempted to escape death by jumping from trains but the most of these immediately returned to the ghetto to avoid the risk of being denounced by Poles which would lead to immediate death 79 137 Ability to speak Polish was a key factor in managing to survive 138 as were financial resources to pay helpers 139 The death penalty was threatened for individuals hiding Jews and their families 140 Each village head was responsible for handing over all Jews and escaped Soviet prisoners of war partisans and other strangers to the German occupation authorities under the threat of collective punishment for the village 141 Although one study found that at least 700 Poles were executed for helping Jews 142 the death penalty was not always carried out in practice 143 140 Rescuers motivations varied on a spectrum from altruism to expecting sex or money it was not uncommon for helpers to betray or murder Jews if their money ran out 144 140 145 It was also not uncommon for the same people to help some Jews yet hunting down or kill others 140 146 In September 1942 on the initiative of Zofia Kossak Szczucka and with financial assistance from the Polish Underground State a Provisional Committee to Aid Jews Tymczasowy Komitet Pomocy Zydom was founded for the purpose of rescuing Jews It was superseded by the Council for Aid to Jews Rada Pomocy Zydom known by the code name Zegota and chaired by Julian Grobelny It is not known how many Jews overall were helped by Zegota at one point in 1943 it had 2 500 Jewish children under its care in Warsaw alone under Irena Sendler Zegota was granted by whom nearly 29 million zloty over 5 million from 1942 on for relief payments to thousands of extended Jewish families in Poland 147 148 An estimated 30 000 to 60 000 Polish Jews survived in hiding 2 Some rescuers faced hostility or violence for their actions after the war 149 Some Polish peasants participated in German organized Judenjagd Jew hunt in the countryside where according to Jan Grabowski approximately 80 of the Jews who attempted to hide from the Germans ended up being murdered 150 151 According to Grabowski the number of Judenjagd victims could reach 200 000 in Poland alone 152 Szymon Datner gave a lower estimate 100 000 Jews who fell prey to the Germans and their local helpers or were murdered in various unexplained circumstances 153 In addition to peasantry and individual collaborators the German authorities also mobilized the prewar Polish police as what became known as the Blue Police Among other duties Polish policemen were tasked with patrolling for Jewish ghetto escapees and in support of military operations against the Polish resistance 154 155 At its peak in May 1944 the Blue Police numbered some 17 000 men 156 The Germans also formed the Baudienst construction service in several districts of the General Government Baudienst servicemen were sometimes deployed in support of aktions roundup of Jews for deportation or extermination for example to blockade Jewish quarters or to search Jewish homes for hideaways and valuables 154 The Polish right wing National Armed Forces Narodowe Sily Zbrojne or NSZ a nationalist anti communist organization 157 158 page needed 159 widely perceived as anti Semitic 160 161 162 163 164 also collaborated with the Germans on several occasions killing or giving away Jewish partisans to the German authorities 161 149 and murdering Jewish refugees 165 166 167 Among some 30 000 Ukrainian nationalists who fled to polnischen Gebiete thousands joined the pokhidny hrupy pl as saboteurs interpreters and civilian militiamen trained at the German bases across Distrikt Krakau 168 169 The genocidal techniques learned from the Germans such as the advanced planning of the pacification actions site selection and sudden encirclement became the hallmark of the OUN UPA massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia beginning in March 1943 and killing of Jews in Western Ukraine parallel with the liquidation of the ghettos in Reichskommissariat Ostland ordered by Himmler 170 171 Thousands of Jews who escaped deportations and hid in the forests were murdered by the Banderites 172 The existence of Sonderdienst paramilitary formations of Germans from Poland was a grave danger to those who attempted to help ghettoized Jews in cities with sizable German and pro German minorities as in the case of the Izbica and Minsk Mazowiecki Ghettos among many others citation needed Death tollHalf of all Jewish Holocaust victims around 3 million were from Poland 173 174 It is estimated that about 350 000 Polish Jews survived the Holocaust 175 Some 230 000 of them survived in the USSR and the Soviet controlled territories of Poland including men and women who escaped from areas occupied by Germany 175 176 After World War II over 150 000 Polish Jews according to Grzegorz Berendt or 180 000 according to David Engel were repatriated or expelled back to new Poland along with the younger men conscripted to the Red Army from the Kresy in 1940 1941 Their families were murdered in the Holocaust 177 Gunnar S Paulsson estimated that 30 000 Polish Jews survived in the labor camps 178 but according to Engel as many as 70 000 80 000 of them were liberated from camps in Germany and Austria alone except that declaring their own nationality was of no use to those who did not intend to return 179 Dariusz Stola found that the most plausible estimates for Jews who survived in hiding were between 30 000 and 60 000 2 AftermathThe German surrender in May 1945 was followed by a massive change in the political geography of Europe 180 181 Poland s borders were redrawn by the Allies according to the demands made by Joseph Stalin during the Tehran Conference confirmed as not negotiable at the Yalta Conference of 1945 182 The Polish government in exile was excluded from the negotiations 183 The territory of Poland was reduced by approximately 20 percent 184 Before the end of 1946 some 1 8 million Polish citizens were expelled and forcibly resettled within the new borders 182 183 For the first time in its history Poland became a homogeneous one nation state by force with the national wealth reduced by 38 percent Poland s financial system had been destroyed Intelligentsia was largely obliterated along with the Jews and the population reduced by about 33 percent 184 nbsp 1946 meeting of Zegota members on the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising at the Polish TheatreMany non Jews had obtained property or jobs vacated by Jews during the war and refused to give up these gains to Jewish survivors 185 The elimination of the Polish aristocracy as well as Polish Jews cleared the way for the foundation of an ethnically Polish middle class 186 An estimated 650 to 1 200 Jews were killed in Poland after the war 187 The most notable incident was the Kielce pogrom in July 1946 which cost 42 lives 188 The Polish state held trials of war criminals under the decree of 31 August 1944 Historian Andrew Kornbluth estimates that several dozen Poles were executed for denouncing capturing and killing their Jewish neighbors during the war and thousands more perpetrators were investigated or received a lesser sentence 189 Emigration Many Jews fearing for their lives fled to displaced persons camps in Germany 185 The pogrom prompted General Spychalski of PWP from wartime Warsaw 190 to sign a legislative decree allowing the remaining survivors to leave Poland without Western visas or Polish exit permits 191 192 This also served to strengthen the government s acceptance among the anti Communist right as well as weaken the British hold in the Middle East 179 Most refugees crossing the new borders left Poland without a valid passport 192 Uninterrupted traffic across the Polish borders increased dramatically 193 179 194 By the spring of 1947 only 90 000 Jews remained in Poland 195 196 Britain demanded that Poland among others halt the Jewish exodus but their pressure was largely unsuccessful 197 Around 13 000 Polish Jews left the country between 1968 and 1972 because of a state antisemitic campaign 174 In 2019 the Polish Jewish population was estimated at 4 000 198 LegacySee also List of Holocaust memorials and museums Poland nbsp Monument to the Ghetto Heroes in Warsaw inaugurated in 1948Although the postwar Jewish community wanted to make Treblinka the main memorial site the Polish government decided to instead build a memorial at the former Warsaw Ghetto and to focus memorialization efforts at Auschwitz 199 During the communist era the differences between different persecuted groups were elided 174 Memorials were established at Belzec Sobibor and Treblinka during the 1960s as a reaction to West German trials but these camps remain much less well known 200 The most well known Holocaust museum in the world is the Auschwitz Birkenau State Museum 201 which receives about 2 million visitors per year as of 2021 update 112 Since 1988 the March of the Living has been held annually at the site of the former camp 202 The POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews opened in 2014 on the site of the former Warsaw Ghetto and is connected with earlier memorials such as the 1948 Monument to the Ghetto Heroes and the memorial at the Umschlagplatz 203 The phenomenon of Holocaust tourism exploded after 1989 due to reduced travel restrictions and brought along with it increasing tourism and commercialization that sometimes was criticized as kitsch 202 In 1999 the Institute of National Remembrance was established in order to promote state sponsored historical narratives although the degree to which it is politicized has changed over time 204 In 2018 the Polish government caused a diplomatic crisis by proposing the Amendment to the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance that would have prescribed up to three years imprisonment for someone who attributes to the Polish Nation or Polish State co responsibility for Nazi crimes committed by the Third Reich or otherwise glaringly minimizes the responsibility of the real perpetrators of these crimes 205 The law was later revised to a civil penalty 206 References Edele Mark Warlick Wanda 2017 Saved by Stalin Trajectories and Numbers of Polish Jews in the Soviet Second World War Shelter from the Holocaust Rethinking Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union Wayne State University Press pp 96 123 ISBN 978 0 8143 4268 8 Including several other contingents of Polish Jews at least 157 000 and no more than 375 000 were inadvertently saved from the Holocaust by Stalin s Soviet Union which provided a harsh but mostly livable alternative to genocide a b c d Stola Dariusz 2017 Jewish emigration from communist Poland the decline of Polish Jewry in the aftermath of the Holocaust East European Jewish Affairs 47 2 3 169 188 171 doi 10 1080 13501674 2017 1398446 S2CID 166031765 Burzlaff 2020 p 1065 Rosman Moshe Poland Poland before 1795 YIVO Encyclopedia Retrieved May 27 2023 Beorn 2018 p 13 a b Bacon Gershon Poland Poland from 1795 to 1939 YIVO Encyclopedia Retrieved May 27 2023 Beorn 2018 p 12 Beorn 2018 p 14 a b c Hilberg 2003 p 188 Zebrowski Rafal Ostjuden Polski Slownik Judaistyczny in Polish Retrieved June 14 2023 Snyder 2010 p 122 Kliymuk 2018 p 101 Kliymuk 2018 p 101 103 Kliymuk 2018 p 104 Hilberg 2003 p 189 Zimmerman 2015 p 14 Kornbluth 2021 p 13 Zimmerman 2015 pp 19 20 Frankl Michal 2020 Citizenship of No Man s Land Jewish Refugee Relief in Zbaszyn and East Central Europe 1938 1939 S I M O N Shoah Intervention Methods Documentation 7 2 37 49 ISSN 2408 9192 Gerlach 2016 p 56 Gerlach 2016 p 57 Beorn 2018 p 98 Beorn 2018 pp 99 101 a b c d e Zbikowski 2008 p 110 Zbikowski 2008 p 107 Beorn 2018 p 96 Longerich 2010 p 148 Gruner amp Osterloh 2015 p 6 Gerlach 2016 pp 57 58 Beorn 2018 pp 102 103 Gerlach 2016 p 58 Beorn 2018 pp 46 73 Zbikowski 2008 p 106 107 a b c d Zbikowski 2008 p 109 Beorn 2018 p 86 Zbikowski 2008 p 108 Beorn 2018 pp 89 90 Beorn 2018 p 108 Beorn 2018 pp 107 109 a b c Bartov 2023 p 201 a b c Zbikowski 2008 p 113 Zbikowski 2008 p 111 a b Longerich 2010 p 164 Beorn 2018 pp 109 117 a b Zbikowski 2008 p 117 Beorn 2018 pp 87 103 a b Beorn 2018 p 116 Beorn 2018 p 115 Miron 2020 pp 247 251 254 Beorn 2018 p 117 Miron 2020 p 252 Miron 2020 p 253 Miron 2020 pp 253 254 Miron 2020 p 254 Engel 2020 p 240 Browning Christopher 1995 The Path to Genocide Essays on Launching the Final Solution Cambridge University Press p 194 ISBN 978 0 521 55878 5 via Google Books Gutman Yisrael 1989 The First Months of the Nazi Occupation p 12 ISBN 978 0 253 20511 7 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a work ignored help Walter Laqueur Judith Tydor Baumel 2001 The Holocaust Encyclopedia Yale University Press pp 260 262 ISBN 978 0300138115 Gerlach 2016 p 255 a b Browning Christopher 2005 Before the Final Solution Nazi Ghettoization Policy in Poland 1940 1941 PDF Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies United States Holocaust Memorial Museum pp 13 17 of 175 in current document archived PDF from the original on December 22 2016 Peter Vogelsang Brian Larsen 2002 The Ghettos of Poland The Danish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies archived from the original on March 6 2016 via Internet Archive a b Zbikowski 2008 p 120 Gerlach 2016 p 67 a b c d Zbikowski 2008 p 127 Longerich 2010 p 265 Gerlach 2016 p 108 Kopstein amp Wittenberg 2018 pp 2 121 Gerlach 2016 pp 69 440 Kopstein 2023 pp 105 107 108 Kopstein 2023 p 104 Kopstein 2023 p 107 Bartov 2023 p 202 Kopstein 2023 p 106 a b Gerlach 2016 p 91 Longerich 2010 p 342 Longerich 2010 p 335 Beorn 2018 p 220 a b Kay 2021 p 200 a b c d e f Lehnstaedt 2021 p 63 Longerich 2010 p 340 a b c d Longerich 2010 p 339 a b Longerich 2010 p 338 Grabowski Jan 2022 Estimates of the Losses of Polish Jews in Hiding 1942 1945 Revisiting Yehuda Bauer s Observations The Journal of Holocaust Research 36 1 96 109 doi 10 1080 25785648 2021 2014673 S2CID 246652977 Wiatr Ewa 2017 Turning Jews Over the Participation of Blue Policemen in Deportations of Jews Illustrated with the Example of the Radomsko County Holocaust Studies and Materials 4 302 314 ISSN 1689 9644 a b Bartov 2023 p 209 Longerich 2010 p 279 a b Gerlach 2016 p 74 Beorn 2018 p 209 Longerich 2010 pp 290 291 a b Beorn 2018 p 210 Longerich 2010 pp 280 293 294 302 Longerich 2010 pp 280 281 292 Gerlach 2016 pp 208 209 Gerlach 2016 p 243 a b Longerich 2010 p 330 Bergen 2016 pp 247 251 Gerlach 2016 pp 286 287 a b Kay 2021 p 204 Gerlach 2016 p 283 Kay 2021 pp 204 205 Kay 2021 p 199 Stone 2010 pp 153 154 Gerlach 2016 p 199 Gerlach 2016 p 211 Gerlach 2016 p 273 Kay 2021 p 209 Gerlach 2016 p 274 Gerlach 2016 p 121 Kay 2021 p 247 Gerlach 2016 p 111 Kay 2021 p 208 a b Lehnstaedt 2021 p 62 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Gerlach 2016 p 120 a b c Gerlach 2016 pp 74 120 a b Gerlach 2016 pp 93 94 120 Longerich 2010 pp 281 282 Longerich 2010 pp 330 331 Longerich 2010 pp 332 333 Longerich 2010 p 331 Longerich 2010 p 334 Longerich 2010 pp 335 336 Kay 2021 p 203 Longerich 2010 p 337 Longerich 2010 pp 341 353 354 Engel 2020 pp 241 242 Gerlach 2016 p 110 Longerich 2010 pp 378 380 Gerlach 2016 p 214 Longerich 2010 p 343 Totten Samuel Feinberg Stephen 2009 Teaching and Studying the Holocaust IAP pp 52 104 150 282 ISBN 978 1607523017 Human dignity and spiritual resistance Also in Gershenson Olga 2013 The Phantom Holocaust Rutgers University Press p 104 ISBN 978 0813561820 Christopher Browning 2001 Raul Hilberg Yad Vashem Studies Wallstein Verlag pp 9 10 ISSN 0084 3296 Isaiah Trunk 1972 The Attitude of the Councils toward Physical Resistance Judenrat The Jewish Councils in Eastern Europe Under Nazi Occupation U of Nebraska Press pp 464 466 472 474 ISBN 978 0803294288 archived from the original on January 3 2014 The highest degree of cooperation was achieved when chairmen or other leading Council members themselves actively participated in preparing and executing acts of resistance particularly when the ghettos were liquidated Examples included Warsaw Czestochowa Radomsko Pajeczno Sasow Pinsk Molczadz Iwaniska Wilno Nieswiez Zdzi3 Tuczyn Rowne and Marcinkance Grodno among others Also in Martin Gilbert 1986 The Holocaust the Jewish tragedy Collins p 828 ISBN 9780002163057 a b The Holocaust Encyclopedia 2011 Jewish Resistance United States Holocaust Memorial Museum see map archived from the original on January 26 2012 via Internet Archive Also in Shmuel Krakowski 2010 Armed Resistance YIVO archived from the original on June 2 2011 a b United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Resistance during the Holocaust PDF The Miles Lerman Center for the Study of Jewish Resistance p 6 of 56 in current document archived PDF from the original on August 29 2017 The Holocaust Encyclopedia 2017 Resistance in the Vilna Ghetto United States Holocaust Memorial Museum archived from the original on August 3 2017 Lanicek 2012 pp 74 75 81 Beorn 2018 p 236 Brethour Miranda 2019 Jewish Gentile Relations in Hiding during the Holocaust in Sokolow County Poland 1942 1944 The Journal of Holocaust Research 33 4 277 301 299 300 doi 10 1080 25785648 2019 1677090 S2CID 211662916 close contacts in the Polish community and decent knowledge of the Polish language were extremely useful if not essential for securing shelter A few other cases were uncovered wherein a local Pole committed to hiding a group of Jews and then subsequently denounced or murdered the charges transitioning from helper to perpetrator Grabowski Jan 2008 Rescue for Money Paid Helpers in Poland 1939 1945 Yad Vashem ISBN 978 965 308 325 7 Files of postwar trials of collaborators many of whom committed crimes against Jews and other materials show that the phenomenon of paid help was far from marginal A Jew with money and other assets had much greater chances of being rescued than a penniless one a b c d Bartov 2023 p 206 Frydel 2018 pp 190 191 Beorn 2018 p 269 Gerlach 2016 p 360 Beorn 2018 pp 269 270 Burzlaff 2020 pp 1065 1075 Frydel 2018 p 197 Cesarani David Kavanaugh Sarah Holocaust Routledge p 64 Yad Vashem Shoa Resource Center Zegota Archived October 20 2013 at the Wayback Machine page 4 34 of the Report Podbielska Alicja 2019 That s for harboring Jews Post Liberation Violence against Holocaust Rescuers in Poland 1944 1948 S I M O N Shoah Intervention Methods Documentation 6 2 110 120 ISSN 2408 9192 Jan Grabowski October 9 2013 Hunt for the Jews Betrayal and Murder in German Occupied Poland Indiana University Press pp 2 4 ISBN 978 0 253 01087 2 Williams Timothy Buckley Zistel Susanne eds April 17 2018 Perpetrators and Perpetration of Mass Violence Action Motivations and Dynamics Routledge p 337 ISBN 9781351175845 Grabowski Jan 2013 Hunt for the Jews betrayal and murder in German occupied Poland Bloomington Indiana Indiana University Press ISBN 978 0 253 01074 2 Hunt for the Jews Betrayal and Murder in German Occupied Poland Indiana University Press Jan Grabowski pp 2 3 a b Friedrich Klaus Peter Winter 2005 Collaboration in a Land without a Quisling Patterns of Cooperation with the Nazi German Occupation Regime in Poland during World War II Slavic Review 64 4 711 746 doi 10 2307 3649910 JSTOR 3649910 Orgy of Murder The Poles Who Hunted Jews and Turned Them Over to the Nazis Haaretz Policja Polska w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie 1939 1945 Policja Panstwowa policjapanstwowa pl in Polish Archived from the original on March 29 2018 Retrieved March 29 2018 Garlinski Josef August 12 1985 Poland in the Second World War Springer ISBN 978 1 349 09910 8 Zimmerman 2015 Biskupski Mieczyslaw 2000 The history of Poland Westport Conn Greenwood Press pp 110 ISBN 978 0313305719 OCLC 42021562 Cymet David June 1999 Polish state antisemitism as a major factor leading to the Holocaust Journal of Genocide Research 1 2 169 212 doi 10 1080 14623529908413950 ISSN 1469 9494 a b Cooper Leo 2000 In the shadow of the Polish eagle the Poles the Holocaust and beyond Houndmills Basingstoke Hampshire New York N Y Palgrave ISBN 978 1 280 24918 1 Retrieved March 26 2018 Zimmerman 2015 p 371 Wladyslaw Bartoszewski ed 2004 Poles and Jews perceptions and misperceptions Polin 1 issued in paperback ed Oxford Littman Library of Jewish Civilization p 356 ISBN 978 1 904113 19 5 Schatz Jaff 1991 The generation the rise and fall of the Jewish communists of Poland Berkeley University of California Press p 204 ISBN 978 0520071360 OCLC 22984393 Cymet 1999 Cooper 2000 p 141 Mushkat Marion 1992 Philo Semitic and anti Jewish attitudes in post Holocaust Poland Lewiston Edwin Mellen Press p 50 ISBN 978 0773491762 OCLC 26855644 Cantorovich Irena June 2012 Honoring the Collaborators The Ukrainian Case PDF Roni Stauber Beryl Belsky Kantor Program Papers Archived from the original PDF on May 10 2017 Retrieved November 25 2016 When the Soviets occupied eastern Galicia some 30 000 Ukrainian nationalists fled to the General Government In 1940 the Germans began to set up military training units of Ukrainians and in the spring of 1941 Ukrainian units were established by the Wehrmacht Breitman Richard 2005 U S Intelligence and the Nazis Cambridge University Press p 249 ISBN 978 0521617949 Snyder Timothy 2003 The Reconstruction of Nations Poland Ukraine Lithuania Belarus 1569 1999 Yale University Press pp 162 170 ISBN 978 0 300 10586 5 Archived from the original on June 3 2016 Spector Shmuel Wigoder Geoffrey 2001 The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust Vol III NYU Press p 1627 ISBN 978 0814793787 Archived from the original on December 31 2013 Rossolinski Grzegorz 2014 Stepan Bandera The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist Fascism Genocide and Cult Columbia University Press p 290 ISBN 978 3838206844 Bergen 2016 p 155 a b c Grzyb 2020 p 620 a b Jockusch Laura Lewinsky Tamar Winter 2010 Paradise Lost Postwar Memory of Polish Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union Vol 24 Full text downloaded from the Holocaust and Genocide Studies with signup Archived from the original on December 20 2014 Trela Mazur Elzbieta 1998 1997 Sovietization of educational system in the eastern part of Lesser Poland under the Soviet occupation 1939 1941 Sowietyzacja oswiaty w Malopolsce Wschodniej pod radziecka okupacja 1939 1941 Kielce Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna im Jana Kochanowskiego pp 43 294 ISBN 978 83 7133 100 8 Also in Trela Mazur 1997 Wroclawskie studia wschodnie Wroclaw Wydawn Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego Volume 1 pp 87 104 Berendt Grzegorz 2006 Emigration of Jewish people from Poland in 1945 1967 Emigracja ludnosci zydowskiej z Polski w latach 1945 1967 PDF Polska 1944 45 1989 Studia I Materialy VII pp 25 26 pp 2 3 in current document Archived PDF from the original on December 1 2017 Gunnar S Paulsson Summer Autumn 1998 The Rescue of Jews by Non Jews in Nazi Occupied Poland Journal of Holocaust Education 7 1 amp 2 19 44 doi 10 1080 17504902 1998 11087056 Relevant excerpt about the chances of survival in hiding Keeping in mind that these cases are drawn from published memoirs and from cases on file at Yad Vashem and the Jewish Historical Institute it is probable that the 5 000 or so Poles who have been recognised as Righteous Among the Nations so far represent only the tip of the iceberg and that the true number of rescuers who meet the Yad Vashem gold standard is 20 50 perhaps even 100 times higher p 23 2 available with purchase a b c David Engel 2005 Poland PDF Liberation Reconstruction and Flight 1944 1947 The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe pp 5 6 in current document YIVO The largest group of Polish Jewish survivors spent the war years in the Soviet or Soviet controlled territories ISBN 9780300119039 see also Golczewski 2000 p 330 archived from the original PDF on December 3 2013 Lukas 1989 pp 5 13 111 201 Introduction Also in Lukas 2001 p 13 Golczewski Frank 2000 Gregor Neil ed Nazism pp 329 330 ISBN 978 0191512032 Prof Czeslaw Madajczyk ascribed 2 000 000 Polish Jewish victims to extermination camps and 700 000 others to ghettos labour camps and hands on murder operations His stated figure of 2 770 000 victims is regarded as low but realistic Madajczyk estimated also 890 000 Polish Jewish survivors of World War II some 110 000 of them in the Displaced Person camps across the rest of Europe and 500 000 in the USSR bringing the number up to 610 000 Jews outside the country in 1945 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a work ignored help Note some other estimates see for example Engel 2005 are substantially different a b Berthon Simon Potts Joanna 2007 Warlords An Extraordinary Re Creation of World War II Da Capo Press p 285 ISBN 978 0306816505 a b Fertacz Sylwester 2005 Carving of Poland s map Krojenie mapy Polski Bolesna granica Magazyn Spoleczno Kulturalny Slask Archived from the original on April 25 2009 via Internet Archive June 5 2016 a b Slay Ben 2014 The Polish Economy Crisis Reform and Transformation Princeton University Press pp 20 21 ISBN 978 1400863730 The Second Republic was obliterated during the Second World War 1939 1945 As a consequence of seven years of brutal fighting and resistance to Nazi and Soviet military occupation Poland s population was reduced by a third from 34 849 at the end of 1938 to 23 930 in February 1946 Six million citizens perished pp 19 20 See Anti communist resistance in Poland 1944 46 for supplementary data a b Gerlach 2016 p 354 Kornbluth 2021 p 273 Cichopek Anna 2014 Beyond Violence Jewish Survivors in Poland and Slovakia 1944 48 Cambridge University Press p 117 ISBN 978 1 107 03666 6 Cichopek 2014 p 116 Kornbluth 2021 p 274 Wlodarczyk Tamara 2010 2 10 Bricha Osiedle zydowskie na Dolnym Slasku w latach 1945 1950 na przykladzie Klodzka PDF pp 36 44 45 23 24 in PDF Archived PDF from the original on April 13 2016 The decision originated from the military circles and not the party leadership The Berihah organization under Cwi Necer was requested to keep the involvement of MSZ and MON a secret 24 in PDF The migration reached its zenith in 1946 resulting in 150 000 Jews leaving Poland 21 in PDF Aleksiun Natalia Beriḥah YIVO Suggested reading Arieh Josef Kochavi Britain and the Jewish Exodus Polin 7 1992 pp 161 175 a b Hakohen 2003 p 70 Poland Marrus Michael Robert Aristide R Zolberg 2002 The Unwanted European Refugees from the First World War Through the Cold War Temple University Press p 336 ISBN 978 1 56639 955 5 This gigantic effort known by the Hebrew code word Brichah flight accelerated powerfully after the Kielce pogrom in July 1946 Siljak Ana Ther Philipp 2001 Redrawing nations ethnic cleansing in East Central Europe 1944 1948 Rowman amp Littlefield p 138 ISBN 978 0 7425 1094 4 Steinlauf Michael C 1996 Poland JHU Press ISBN 9780801849695 In David S Wyman Charles H Rosenzveig The World Reacts to the Holocaust The Johns Hopkins University Press Albert Stankowski with August Grabski and Grzegorz Berendt Studia z historii Zydow w Polsce po 1945 roku Warszawa Zydowski Instytut Historyczny 2000 pp 107 111 ISBN 83 85888 36 5 Kochavi Arieh J 2001 Post Holocaust Politics Britain the United States amp Jewish Refugees 1945 1948 The University of North Carolina Press pp xi 167 169 ISBN 978 0 8078 2620 1 Britain exerted pressure on the governments of Poland Bazyler et al 2019 p 311 Lehnstaedt 2021 p 66 Lehnstaedt 2021 pp 62 66 Grzyb 2020 pp 620 621 a b Grzyb 2020 p 630 Grzyb 2020 p 628 Kornbluth 2021 pp 269 270 Kornbluth 2021 p 1 Kornbluth 2021 pp 1 271 Works citedBartov Omer 2023 The Holocaust The Oxford History of the Third Reich Oxford University Press pp 190 216 ISBN 978 0 19 288683 5 Bazyler Michael J Boyd Kathryn Lee Nelson Kristen L 2019 Searching for Justice After the Holocaust Fulfilling the Terezin Declaration and Immovable Property Restitution Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 092306 8 Beorn Waitman Wade 2018 The Holocaust in Eastern Europe At the Epicenter of the Final Solution Bloomsbury Academic ISBN 978 1 4742 3219 7 Bergen Doris 2016 War amp Genocide A Concise History of the Holocaust Rowman amp Littlefield ISBN 978 1 4422 4228 9 Burzlaff Jan 2020 Confronting the Communal Grave a Reassessment of Social Relations During the Holocaust in Eastern Europe The Historical Journal 63 4 1054 1077 doi 10 1017 S0018246X19000566 Engel David 2020 A Sustained Civilian Struggle Rethinking Jewish Responses to the Nazi Regime A Companion to the Holocaust Wiley pp 233 245 ISBN 978 1 118 97052 2 Frydel Tomasz 2018 Judenjagd Reassessing the role of ordinary Poles as perpetrators in the Holocaust Perpetrators and Perpetration of Mass Violence Routledge pp 187 203 ISBN 978 1 351 17586 9 Gerlach Christian 2016 The Extermination of the European Jews Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 70689 6 Grzyb Amanda F 2020 The Changing Landscape of Holocaust Memorialization in Poland A Companion to the Holocaust Wiley pp 619 637 ISBN 978 1 118 97052 2 Gruner Wolf Osterloh Jorg 2015 Introduction The Greater German Reich and the Jews Nazi Persecution Policies in the Annexed Territories 1935 1945 War and Genocide New York Berghahn Books pp 1 12 ISBN 978 1 78238 444 1 Hakohen Devorah 2003 Immigration from Poland ISBN 978 0 8156 2969 6 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a work ignored help Hilberg Raul 2003 The Destruction of the European Jews Kay Alex J 2021 Empire of Destruction A History of Nazi Mass Killing Yale University Press ISBN 978 0 300 26253 7 Kliymuk Alexander 2018 The Construct Ostjuden in German Anti Semitic Discourse of 1920 1932 Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia 16 Kopstein Jeffrey S Wittenberg Jason 2018 Intimate Violence Anti Jewish Pogroms on the Eve of the Holocaust Cornell University Press ISBN 978 1 5017 1527 3 Kopstein Jeffrey S 2023 A Common History of Violence The Pogroms of Summer 1941 in Comparative Perspective Politics Violence Memory The New Social Science of the Holocaust Cornell University Press pp 104 123 ISBN 978 1 5017 6676 3 Kornbluth Andrew 2021 The August Trials The Holocaust and Postwar Justice in Poland Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0 674 25988 1 Lanicek Jan 2012 Governments in exile and the Jews during and after the Second World War Holocaust Studies 18 2 3 73 94 doi 10 1080 17504902 2012 11087307 Lehnstaedt Stephan 2021 Aktion Reinhardt Sources Research and Commemoration in the last 30 years Temoigner Entre histoire et memoire Revue pluridisciplinaire de la Fondation Auschwitz 132 62 70 doi 10 4000 temoigner 9886 ISSN 2031 4183 S2CID 256347577 Longerich Peter 2010 Holocaust The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 280436 5 Lukas Richard C 1989 Out of the Inferno Poles Remember the Holocaust University Press of Kentucky p 13 ISBN 978 0 8131 1692 1 The estimates of Jewish survivors in Poland better source needed Lukas Richard C 2001 The forgotten Holocaust the Poles under German occupation 1939 1944 Hippocrene Books ISBN 978 0 7818 0901 6 better source needed Miron Guy 2020 Ghettos and Ghettoization History and Historiography A Companion to the Holocaust Wiley pp 247 261 ISBN 978 1 118 97052 2 Stone Dan 2010 Histories of the Holocaust Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 956679 2 Snyder Timothy 2010 Bloodlands Europe between Hitler and Stalin Bodley Head ISBN 9780224081412 Zimmerman Joshua D 2015 The Polish Underground and the Jews 1939 1945 Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 316 29825 1 Zbikowski Andrzej 2008 Polscy Zydzi w latach drugiej wojny swiatowej Polish Jews in the years of the Second World War Wysiedlenia wypedzenia i ucieczki 1939 1959 Atlas ziem Polski Displacements expulsions and escapes 1939 1959 Atlas of the lands of Poland Warsaw a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Further readingMain article Bibliography of Poland during World War II Ben Sasson Havi 2017 Relations Between Jews and Poles During the Holocaust The Jewish Perspective Jerusalem Yad Vashem ISBN 978 965 308 524 4 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title The Holocaust in Poland amp oldid 1177720874, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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