
p-adic number

In mathematics, the p-adic number system for any prime number p extends the ordinary arithmetic of the rational numbers in a different way from the extension of the rational number system to the real and complex number systems. The extension is achieved by an alternative interpretation of the concept of "closeness" or absolute value. In particular, two p-adic numbers are considered to be close when their difference is divisible by a high power of p: the higher the power, the closer they are. This property enables p-adic numbers to encode congruence information in a way that turns out to have powerful applications in number theory – including, for example, in the famous proof of Fermat's Last Theorem by Andrew Wiles.[1]

The 3-adic integers, with selected corresponding characters on their Pontryagin dual group

These numbers were first described by Kurt Hensel in 1897,[2] though, with hindsight, some of Ernst Kummer's earlier work can be interpreted as implicitly using p-adic numbers.[note 1] The p-adic numbers were motivated primarily by an attempt to bring the ideas and techniques of power series methods into number theory. Their influence now extends far beyond this. For example, the field of p-adic analysis essentially provides an alternative form of calculus.

More formally, for a given prime p, the field Qp of p-adic numbers is a completion of the rational numbers. The field Qp is also given a topology derived from a metric, which is itself derived from the p-adic order, an alternative valuation on the rational numbers. This metric space is complete in the sense that every Cauchy sequence converges to a point in Qp. This is what allows the development of calculus on Qp, and it is the interaction of this analytic and algebraic structure that gives the p-adic number systems their power and utility.

The p in "p-adic" is a variable and may be replaced with a prime (yielding, for instance, "the 2-adic numbers") or another expression representing a prime number. The "adic" of "p-adic" comes from the ending found in words such as dyadic or triadic.

p-adic expansion of rational numbers

The decimal expansion of a positive rational number   is its representation as a series


where   is an integer and each   is also an integer such that   This expansion can be computed by long division of the numerator by the denominator, which is itself based on the following theorem: If   is a rational number such that   there is an integer   such that   and   with   The decimal expansion is obtained by repeatedly applying this result to the remainder   which in the iteration assumes the role of the original rational number  .

The p-adic expansion of a rational number is defined similarly, but with a different division step. More precisely, given a fixed prime number  , every nonzero rational number   can be uniquely written as   where   is a (possibly negative) integer,   and   are coprime integers both coprime with  , and   is positive. The integer   is the p-adic valuation of  , denoted   and   is its p-adic absolute value, denoted   (the absolute value is small when the valuation is large). The division step consists of writing


where   is an integer such that   and   is either zero, or a rational number such that   (that is,  ).

The  -adic expansion of   is the formal power series


obtained by repeating indefinitely the above division step on successive remainders. In a p-adic expansion, all   are integers such that  

If   with  , the process stops eventually with a zero remainder; in this case, the series is completed by trailing terms with a zero coefficient, and is the representation of   in base-p.

The existence and the computation of the p-adic expansion of a rational number results from Bézout's identity in the following way. If, as above,   and   and   are coprime, there exist integers   and   such that   So


Then, the Euclidean division of   by   gives


with   This gives the division step as


so that in the iteration


is the new rational number.

The uniqueness of the division step and of the whole p-adic expansion is easy: if   one has   This means   divides   Since   and   the following must be true:   and   Thus, one gets   and since   divides   it must be that  

The p-adic expansion of a rational number is a series that converges to the rational number, if one applies the definition of a convergent series with the p-adic absolute value. In the standard p-adic notation, the digits are written in the same order as in a standard base-p system, namely with the powers of the base increasing to the left. This means that the production of the digits is reversed and the limit happens on the left hand side.

The p-adic expansion of a rational number is eventually periodic. Conversely, a series   with   converges (for the p-adic absolute value) to a rational number if and only if it is eventually periodic; in this case, the series is the p-adic expansion of that rational number. The proof is similar to that of the similar result for repeating decimals.


Let us compute the 5-adic expansion of   Bézout's identity for 5 and the denominator 3 is   (for larger examples, this can be computed with the extended Euclidean algorithm). Thus


For the next step, one has to "divide"   (the factor 5 in the numerator of the fraction has to be viewed as a "shift" of the p-adic valuation, and thus it is not involved in the "division"). Multiplying Bézout's identity by   gives


The "integer part"   is not in the right interval. So, one has to use Euclidean division by   for getting   giving




Similarly, one has




As the "remainder"   has already been found, the process can be continued easily, giving coefficients   for odd powers of five, and   for even powers. Or in the standard 5-adic notation


with the ellipsis   on the left hand side.

p-adic series

In this article, given a prime number p, a p-adic series is a formal series of the form


where every nonzero   is a rational number   such that none of   and   is divisible by p.

Every rational number may be viewed as a p-adic series with a single term, consisting of its factorization of the form   with n and d both coprime with p.

A p-adic series is normalized if each   is an integer in the interval   So, the p-adic expansion of a rational number is a normalized p-adic series.

The p-adic valuation, or p-adic order of a nonzero p-adic series is the lowest integer i such that   The order of the zero series is infinity  

Two p-adic series are equivalent if they have the same order k, and if for every integer nk the difference between their partial sums


has an order greater than n (that is, is a rational number of the form   with   and a and b both coprime with p).

For every p-adic series  , there is a unique normalized series   such that   and   are equivalent.   is the normalization of   The proof is similar to the existence proof of the p-adic expansion of a rational number. In particular, every rational number can be considered as a p-adic series with a single nonzero term, and the normalization of this series is exactly the rational representation of the rational number.

In other words, the equivalence of p-adic series is an equivalence relation, and each equivalence class contains exactly one normalized p-adic series.

The usual operations of series (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) map p-adic series to p-adic series, and are compatible with equivalence of p-adic series. That is, denoting the equivalence with ~, if S, T and U are nonzero p-adic series such that   one has


Moreover, S and T have the same order, and the same first term.

Positional notation

It is possible to use a positional notation similar to that which is used to represent numbers in base p.

Let   be a normalized p-adic series, i.e. each   is an integer in the interval   One can suppose that   by setting   for   (if  ), and adding the resulting zero terms to the series.

If   the positional notation consists of writing the   consecutively, ordered by decreasing values of i, often with p appearing on the right as an index:


So, the computation of the example above shows that




When   a separating dot is added before the digits with negative index, and, if the index p is present, it appears just after the separating dot. For example,




If a p-adic representation is finite on the left (that is,   for large values of i), then it has the value of a nonnegative rational number of the form   with   integers. These rational numbers are exactly the nonnegative rational numbers that have a finite representation in base p. For these rational numbers, the two representations are the same.


There are several equivalent definitions of p-adic numbers. The one that is given here is relatively elementary, since it does not involve any other mathematical concepts than those introduced in the preceding sections. Other equivalent definitions use completion of a discrete valuation ring (see § p-adic integers), completion of a metric space (see § Topological properties), or inverse limits (see § Modular properties).

A p-adic number can be defined as a normalized p-adic series. Since there are other equivalent definitions that are commonly used, one says often that a normalized p-adic series represents a p-adic number, instead of saying that it is a p-adic number.

One can say also that any p-adic series represents a p-adic number, since every p-adic series is equivalent to a unique normalized p-adic series. This is useful for defining operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) of p-adic numbers: the result of such an operation is obtained by normalizing the result of the corresponding operation on series. This well defines operations on p-adic numbers, since the series operations are compatible with equivalence of p-adic series.

With these operations, p-adic numbers form a field called the field of p-adic numbers and denoted   or   There is a unique field homomorphism from the rational numbers into the p-adic numbers, which maps a rational number to its p-adic expansion. The image of this homomorphism is commonly identified with the field of rational numbers. This allows considering the p-adic numbers as an extension field of the rational numbers, and the rational numbers as a subfield of the p-adic numbers.

The valuation of a nonzero p-adic number x, commonly denoted   is the exponent of p in the first nonzero term of every p-adic series that represents x. By convention,   that is, the valuation of zero is   This valuation is a discrete valuation. The restriction of this valuation to the rational numbers is the p-adic valuation of   that is, the exponent v in the factorization of a rational number as   with both n and d coprime with p.

p-adic integers

The p-adic integers are the p-adic numbers with a nonnegative valuation.

A p-adic integer can be represented as a sequence


of residues xe mod pe for each integer e, satisfying the compatibility relations   for i < j.

Every integer is a p-adic integer (including zero, since  ). The rational numbers of the form   with d coprime with p and   are also p-adic integers (for the reason that d has an inverse mod pe for every e).

The p-adic integers form a commutative ring, denoted   or  , that has the following properties.

  • It is an integral domain, since it is a subring of a field, or since the first term of the series representation of the product of two non zero p-adic series is the product of their first terms.
  • The units (invertible elements) of   are the p-adic numbers of valuation zero.
  • It is a principal ideal domain, such that each ideal is generated by a power of p.
  • It is a local ring of Krull dimension one, since its only prime ideals are the zero ideal and the ideal generated by p, the unique maximal ideal.
  • It is a discrete valuation ring, since this results from the preceding properties.
  • It is the completion of the local ring   which is the localization of   at the prime ideal  

The last property provides a definition of the p-adic numbers that is equivalent to the above one: the field of the p-adic numbers is the field of fractions of the completion of the localization of the integers at the prime ideal generated by p.

Topological properties

The p-adic valuation allows defining an absolute value on p-adic numbers: the p-adic absolute value of a nonzero p-adic number x is


where   is the p-adic valuation of x. The p-adic absolute value of   is   This is an absolute value that satisfies the strong triangle inequality since, for every x and y one has

  •   if and only if  

Moreover, if   one has  

This makes the p-adic numbers a metric space, and even an ultrametric space, with the p-adic distance defined by  

As a metric space, the p-adic numbers form the completion of the rational numbers equipped with the p-adic absolute value. This provides another way for defining the p-adic numbers. However, the general construction of a completion can be simplified in this case, because the metric is defined by a discrete valuation (in short, one can extract from every Cauchy sequence a subsequence such that the differences between two consecutive terms have strictly decreasing absolute values; such a subsequence is the sequence of the partial sums of a p-adic series, and thus a unique normalized p-adic series can be associated to every equivalence class of Cauchy sequences; so, for building the completion, it suffices to consider normalized p-adic series instead of equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences).

As the metric is defined from a discrete valuation, every open ball is also closed. More precisely, the open ball   equals the closed ball   where v is the least integer such that   Similarly,   where w is the greatest integer such that  

This implies that the p-adic numbers form a locally compact space, and the p-adic integers—that is, the ball  —form a compact space.

Modular properties

The quotient ring   may be identified with the ring   of the integers modulo   This can be shown by remarking that every p-adic integer, represented by its normalized p-adic series, is congruent modulo   with its partial sum   whose value is an integer in the interval   A straightforward verification shows that this defines a ring isomorphism from   to  

The inverse limit of the rings   is defined as the ring formed by the sequences   such that   and   for every i.

The mapping that maps a normalized p-adic series to the sequence of its partial sums is a ring isomorphism from   to the inverse limit of the   This provides another way for defining p-adic integers (up to an isomorphism).

This definition of p-adic integers is specially useful for practical computations, as allowing building p-adic integers by successive approximations.

For example, for computing the p-adic (multiplicative) inverse of an integer, one can use Newton's method, starting from the inverse modulo p; then, each Newton step computes the inverse modulo   from the inverse modulo  

The same method can be used for computing the p-adic square root of an integer that is a quadratic residue modulo p. This seems to be the fastest known method for testing whether a large integer is a square: it suffices to test whether the given integer is the square of the value found in  . Applying Newton's method to find the square root requires   to be larger than twice the given integer, which is quickly satisfied.

Hensel lifting is a similar method that allows to "lift" the factorization modulo p of a polynomial with integer coefficients to a factorization modulo   for large values of n. This is commonly used by polynomial factorization algorithms.


There are several different conventions for writing p-adic expansions. So far this article has used a notation for p-adic expansions in which powers of p increase from right to left. With this right-to-left notation the 3-adic expansion of 15, for example, is written as


When performing arithmetic in this notation, digits are carried to the left. It is also possible to write p-adic expansions so that the powers of p increase from left to right, and digits are carried to the right. With this left-to-right notation the 3-adic expansion of 15 is


p-adic expansions may be written with other sets of digits instead of {0, 1, ..., p − 1}. For example, the 3-adic expansion of 1/5 can be written using balanced ternary digits {1,0,1} as


In fact any set of p integers which are in distinct residue classes modulo p may be used as p-adic digits. In number theory, Teichmüller representatives are sometimes used as digits.[3]

Quote notation is a variant of the p-adic representation of rational numbers that was proposed in 1979 by Eric Hehner and Nigel Horspool for implementing on computers the (exact) arithmetic with these numbers.[4]


Both   and   are uncountable and have the cardinality of the continuum.[5] For   this results from the p-adic representation, which defines a bijection of   on the power set   For   this results from its expression as a countably infinite union of copies of  :


Algebraic closure

Qp contains Q and is a field of characteristic 0.

Because 0 can be written as sum of squares,[6] Qp cannot be turned into an ordered field.

R has only a single proper algebraic extension: C; in other words, this quadratic extension is already algebraically closed. By contrast, the algebraic closure of Qp, denoted   has infinite degree,[7] that is, Qp has infinitely many inequivalent algebraic extensions. Also contrasting the case of real numbers, although there is a unique extension of the p-adic valuation to   the latter is not (metrically) complete.[8][9] Its (metric) completion is called Cp or Ωp.[9][10] Here an end is reached, as Cp is algebraically closed.[9][11] However unlike C this field is not locally compact.[10]

Cp and C are isomorphic as rings, so we may regard Cp as C endowed with an exotic metric. The proof of existence of such a field isomorphism relies on the axiom of choice, and does not provide an explicit example of such an isomorphism (that is, it is not constructive).

If K is a finite Galois extension of Qp, the Galois group   is solvable. Thus, the Galois group   is prosolvable.

Multiplicative group

Qp contains the n-th cyclotomic field (n > 2) if and only if n | p − 1.[12] For instance, the n-th cyclotomic field is a subfield of Q13 if and only if n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12. In particular, there is no multiplicative p-torsion in Qp, if p > 2. Also, −1 is the only non-trivial torsion element in Q2.

Given a natural number k, the index of the multiplicative group of the k-th powers of the non-zero elements of Qp in   is finite.

The number e, defined as the sum of reciprocals of factorials, is not a member of any p-adic field; but epQp (p ≠ 2). For p = 2 one must take at least the fourth power.[13] (Thus a number with similar properties as e — namely a p-th root of ep — is a member of   for all p.)

Local–global principle

Helmut Hasse's local–global principle is said to hold for an equation if it can be solved over the rational numbers if and only if it can be solved over the real numbers and over the p-adic numbers for every prime p. This principle holds, for example, for equations given by quadratic forms, but fails for higher polynomials in several indeterminates.

Rational arithmetic with Hensel lifting

Generalizations and related concepts

The reals and the p-adic numbers are the completions of the rationals; it is also possible to complete other fields, for instance general algebraic number fields, in an analogous way. This will be described now.

Suppose D is a Dedekind domain and E is its field of fractions. Pick a non-zero prime ideal P of D. If x is a non-zero element of E, then xD is a fractional ideal and can be uniquely factored as a product of positive and negative powers of non-zero prime ideals of D. We write ordP(x) for the exponent of P in this factorization, and for any choice of number c greater than 1 we can set


Completing with respect to this absolute value | . |P yields a field EP, the proper generalization of the field of p-adic numbers to this setting. The choice of c does not change the completion (different choices yield the same concept of Cauchy sequence, so the same completion). It is convenient, when the residue field D/P is finite, to take for c the size of D/P.

For example, when E is a number field, Ostrowski's theorem says that every non-trivial non-Archimedean absolute value on E arises as some | . |P. The remaining non-trivial absolute values on E arise from the different embeddings of E into the real or complex numbers. (In fact, the non-Archimedean absolute values can be considered as simply the different embeddings of E into the fields Cp, thus putting the description of all the non-trivial absolute values of a number field on a common footing.)

Often, one needs to simultaneously keep track of all the above-mentioned completions when E is a number field (or more generally a global field), which are seen as encoding "local" information. This is accomplished by adele rings and idele groups.

p-adic integers can be extended to p-adic solenoids  . There is a map from   to the circle group whose fibers are the p-adic integers  , in analogy to how there is a map from   to the circle whose fibers are  .

See also



  1. ^ Translator's introduction, page 35: "Indeed, with hindsight it becomes apparent that a discrete valuation is behind Kummer's concept of ideal numbers."(Dedekind & Weber 2012, p. 35)


  1. ^ (Gouvêa 1994, pp. 203–222)
  2. ^ (Hensel 1897)
  3. ^ (Hazewinkel 2009, p. 342)
  4. ^ (Hehner & Horspool 1979, pp. 124–134)
  5. ^ (Robert 2000, Chapter 1 Section 1.1)
  6. ^ According to Hensel's lemma Q2 contains a square root of −7, so that   and if p > 2 then also by Hensel's lemma Qp contains a square root of 1 − p, thus  
  7. ^ (Gouvêa 1997, Corollary 5.3.10)
  8. ^ (Gouvêa 1997, Theorem 5.7.4)
  9. ^ a b c (Cassels 1986, p. 149)
  10. ^ a b (Koblitz 1980, p. 13)
  11. ^ (Gouvêa 1997, Proposition 5.7.8)
  12. ^ (Gouvêa 1997, Proposition 3.4.2)
  13. ^ (Robert 2000, Section 4.1)


  • Cassels, J. W. S. (1986), Local Fields, London Mathematical Society Student Texts, vol. 3, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-31525-5, Zbl 0595.12006
  • Dedekind, Richard; Weber, Heinrich (2012), Theory of Algebraic Functions of One Variable, History of mathematics, vol. 39, American Mathematical Society, ISBN 978-0-8218-8330-3. — Translation into English by John Stillwell of Theorie der algebraischen Functionen einer Veränderlichen (1882).
  • Gouvêa, F. Q. (March 1994), "A Marvelous Proof", American Mathematical Monthly, 101 (3): 203–222, doi:10.2307/2975598, JSTOR 2975598
  • Gouvêa, Fernando Q. (1997), p-adic Numbers: An Introduction (2nd ed.), Springer, ISBN 3-540-62911-4, Zbl 0874.11002
  • Hazewinkel, M., ed. (2009), Handbook of Algebra, vol. 6, North Holland, p. 342, ISBN 978-0-444-53257-2
  • Hehner, Eric C. R.; Horspool, R. Nigel (1979), "A new representation of the rational numbers for fast easy arithmetic", SIAM Journal on Computing, 8 (2): 124–134, CiteSeerX, doi:10.1137/0208011
  • Hensel, Kurt (1897), "Über eine neue Begründung der Theorie der algebraischen Zahlen", Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 6 (3): 83–88
  • Kelley, John L. (2008) [1955], General Topology, New York: Ishi Press, ISBN 978-0-923891-55-8
  • Koblitz, Neal (1980), p-adic analysis: a short course on recent work, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, vol. 46, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-28060-5, Zbl 0439.12011
  • Robert, Alain M. (2000), A Course in p-adic Analysis, Springer, ISBN 0-387-98669-3

Further reading

External links

  • Weisstein, Eric W. "p-adic Number". MathWorld.
  • p-adic number at Springer On-line Encyclopaedia of Mathematics
  • Completion of Algebraic Closure – on-line lecture notes by Brian Conrad
  • - on-line lecture notes by Andrew Baker, 2007
  • Efficient p-adic arithmetic (slides)
  • Introduction to p-adic numbers
  • Houston-Edwards, Kelsey (October 19, 2020), An Infinite Universe of Number Systems, Quanta Magazine

adic, number, mathematics, adic, number, system, prime, number, extends, ordinary, arithmetic, rational, numbers, different, from, extension, rational, number, system, real, complex, number, systems, extension, achieved, alternative, interpretation, concept, c. In mathematics the p adic number system for any prime number p extends the ordinary arithmetic of the rational numbers in a different way from the extension of the rational number system to the real and complex number systems The extension is achieved by an alternative interpretation of the concept of closeness or absolute value In particular two p adic numbers are considered to be close when their difference is divisible by a high power of p the higher the power the closer they are This property enables p adic numbers to encode congruence information in a way that turns out to have powerful applications in number theory including for example in the famous proof of Fermat s Last Theorem by Andrew Wiles 1 The 3 adic integers with selected corresponding characters on their Pontryagin dual group These numbers were first described by Kurt Hensel in 1897 2 though with hindsight some of Ernst Kummer s earlier work can be interpreted as implicitly using p adic numbers note 1 The p adic numbers were motivated primarily by an attempt to bring the ideas and techniques of power series methods into number theory Their influence now extends far beyond this For example the field of p adic analysis essentially provides an alternative form of calculus More formally for a given prime p the field Qp of p adic numbers is a completion of the rational numbers The field Qp is also given a topology derived from a metric which is itself derived from the p adic order an alternative valuation on the rational numbers This metric space is complete in the sense that every Cauchy sequence converges to a point in Qp This is what allows the development of calculus on Qp and it is the interaction of this analytic and algebraic structure that gives the p adic number systems their power and utility The p in p adic is a variable and may be replaced with a prime yielding for instance the 2 adic numbers or another expression representing a prime number The adic of p adic comes from the ending found in words such as dyadic or triadic Contents 1 p adic expansion of rational numbers 1 1 Example 2 p adic series 2 1 Positional notation 3 Definition 4 p adic integers 5 Topological properties 6 Modular properties 7 Notation 8 Cardinality 9 Algebraic closure 10 Multiplicative group 11 Local global principle 12 Rational arithmetic with Hensel lifting 13 Generalizations and related concepts 14 See also 15 Footnotes 15 1 Notes 15 2 Citations 16 References 17 Further reading 18 External linksp adic expansion of rational numbers EditThe decimal expansion of a positive rational number r displaystyle r is its representation as a series r i k a i 10 i displaystyle r sum i k infty a i 10 i where k displaystyle k is an integer and each a i displaystyle a i is also an integer such that 0 a i lt 10 displaystyle 0 leq a i lt 10 This expansion can be computed by long division of the numerator by the denominator which is itself based on the following theorem If r n d displaystyle r tfrac n d is a rational number such that 10 k r lt 10 k 1 displaystyle 10 k leq r lt 10 k 1 there is an integer a displaystyle a such that 0 lt a lt 10 displaystyle 0 lt a lt 10 and r a 10 k r displaystyle r a 10 k r with r lt 10 k displaystyle r lt 10 k The decimal expansion is obtained by repeatedly applying this result to the remainder r displaystyle r which in the iteration assumes the role of the original rational number r displaystyle r The p adic expansion of a rational number is defined similarly but with a different division step More precisely given a fixed prime number p displaystyle p every nonzero rational number r displaystyle r can be uniquely written as r p k n d displaystyle r p k tfrac n d where k displaystyle k is a possibly negative integer n displaystyle n and d displaystyle d are coprime integers both coprime with p displaystyle p and d displaystyle d is positive The integer k displaystyle k is the p adic valuation of r displaystyle r denoted v p r displaystyle v p r and p k displaystyle p k is its p adic absolute value denoted r p displaystyle r p the absolute value is small when the valuation is large The division step consists of writing r a p k r displaystyle r a p k r where a displaystyle a is an integer such that 0 a lt p displaystyle 0 leq a lt p and r displaystyle r is either zero or a rational number such that r p lt p k displaystyle r p lt p k that is v p r gt k displaystyle v p r gt k The p displaystyle p adic expansion of r displaystyle r is the formal power series r i k a i p i displaystyle r sum i k infty a i p i obtained by repeating indefinitely the above division step on successive remainders In a p adic expansion all a i displaystyle a i are integers such that 0 a i lt p displaystyle 0 leq a i lt p If r p k n 1 displaystyle r p k tfrac n 1 with n gt 0 displaystyle n gt 0 the process stops eventually with a zero remainder in this case the series is completed by trailing terms with a zero coefficient and is the representation of r displaystyle r in base p The existence and the computation of the p adic expansion of a rational number results from Bezout s identity in the following way If as above r p k n d displaystyle r p k tfrac n d and d displaystyle d and p displaystyle p are coprime there exist integers t displaystyle t and u displaystyle u such that t d u p 1 displaystyle td up 1 So r p k n d t d u p p k n t p k 1 u n d displaystyle r p k tfrac n d td up p k nt p k 1 frac un d Then the Euclidean division of n t displaystyle nt by p displaystyle p gives n t q p a displaystyle nt qp a with 0 a lt p displaystyle 0 leq a lt p This gives the division step as r p k q p a p k 1 u n d a p k p k 1 q d u n d displaystyle begin array lcl r amp amp p k qp a p k 1 frac un d amp amp ap k p k 1 frac qd un d end array so that in the iteration r p k 1 q d u n d displaystyle r p k 1 frac qd un d is the new rational number The uniqueness of the division step and of the whole p adic expansion is easy if p k a 1 p k 1 s 1 p k a 2 p k 1 s 2 displaystyle p k a 1 p k 1 s 1 p k a 2 p k 1 s 2 one has a 1 a 2 p s 2 s 1 displaystyle a 1 a 2 p s 2 s 1 This means p displaystyle p divides a 1 a 2 displaystyle a 1 a 2 Since 0 a 1 lt p displaystyle 0 leq a 1 lt p and 0 a 2 lt p displaystyle 0 leq a 2 lt p the following must be true 0 a 1 displaystyle 0 leq a 1 and a 2 lt p displaystyle a 2 lt p Thus one gets p lt a 1 a 2 lt p displaystyle p lt a 1 a 2 lt p and since p displaystyle p divides a 1 a 2 displaystyle a 1 a 2 it must be that a 1 a 2 displaystyle a 1 a 2 The p adic expansion of a rational number is a series that converges to the rational number if one applies the definition of a convergent series with the p adic absolute value In the standard p adic notation the digits are written in the same order as in a standard base p system namely with the powers of the base increasing to the left This means that the production of the digits is reversed and the limit happens on the left hand side The p adic expansion of a rational number is eventually periodic Conversely a series i k a i p i textstyle sum i k infty a i p i with 0 a i lt p displaystyle 0 leq a i lt p converges for the p adic absolute value to a rational number if and only if it is eventually periodic in this case the series is the p adic expansion of that rational number The proof is similar to that of the similar result for repeating decimals Example Edit Let us compute the 5 adic expansion of 1 3 displaystyle frac 1 3 Bezout s identity for 5 and the denominator 3 is 2 3 1 5 1 displaystyle 2 cdot 3 1 cdot 5 1 for larger examples this can be computed with the extended Euclidean algorithm Thus 1 3 2 5 3 displaystyle frac 1 3 2 frac 5 3 For the next step one has to divide 1 3 displaystyle 1 3 the factor 5 in the numerator of the fraction has to be viewed as a shift of the p adic valuation and thus it is not involved in the division Multiplying Bezout s identity by 1 displaystyle 1 gives 1 3 2 5 3 displaystyle frac 1 3 2 frac 5 3 The integer part 2 displaystyle 2 is not in the right interval So one has to use Euclidean division by 5 displaystyle 5 for getting 2 3 1 5 displaystyle 2 3 1 cdot 5 giving 1 3 3 5 5 3 3 10 3 displaystyle frac 1 3 3 5 frac 5 3 3 frac 10 3 and 1 3 2 3 5 2 3 5 2 displaystyle frac 1 3 2 3 cdot 5 frac 2 3 cdot 5 2 Similarly one has 2 3 1 5 3 displaystyle frac 2 3 1 frac 5 3 and 1 3 2 3 5 1 5 2 1 3 5 3 displaystyle frac 1 3 2 3 cdot 5 1 cdot 5 2 frac 1 3 cdot 5 3 As the remainder 1 3 displaystyle tfrac 1 3 has already been found the process can be continued easily giving coefficients 3 displaystyle 3 for odd powers of five and 1 displaystyle 1 for even powers Or in the standard 5 adic notation 1 3 1313132 5 displaystyle frac 1 3 ldots 1313132 5 with the ellipsis displaystyle ldots on the left hand side p adic series EditIn this article given a prime number p a p adic series is a formal series of the form i k a i p i displaystyle sum i k infty a i p i where every nonzero a i displaystyle a i is a rational number a i n i d i displaystyle a i tfrac n i d i such that none of n i displaystyle n i and d i displaystyle d i is divisible by p Every rational number may be viewed as a p adic series with a single term consisting of its factorization of the form p k n d displaystyle p k tfrac n d with n and d both coprime with p A p adic series is normalized if each a i displaystyle a i is an integer in the interval 0 p 1 displaystyle 0 p 1 So the p adic expansion of a rational number is a normalized p adic series The p adic valuation or p adic order of a nonzero p adic series is the lowest integer i such that a i 0 displaystyle a i neq 0 The order of the zero series is infinity displaystyle infty Two p adic series are equivalent if they have the same order k and if for every integer n k the difference between their partial sums i k n a i p i i k n b i p i i k n a i b i p i displaystyle sum i k n a i p i sum i k n b i p i sum i k n a i b i p i has an order greater than n that is is a rational number of the form p k a b displaystyle p k tfrac a b with k gt n displaystyle k gt n and a and b both coprime with p For every p adic series S displaystyle S there is a unique normalized series N displaystyle N such that S displaystyle S and N displaystyle N are equivalent N displaystyle N is the normalization of S displaystyle S The proof is similar to the existence proof of the p adic expansion of a rational number In particular every rational number can be considered as a p adic series with a single nonzero term and the normalization of this series is exactly the rational representation of the rational number In other words the equivalence of p adic series is an equivalence relation and each equivalence class contains exactly one normalized p adic series The usual operations of series addition subtraction multiplication division map p adic series to p adic series and are compatible with equivalence of p adic series That is denoting the equivalence with if S T and U are nonzero p adic series such that S T displaystyle S sim T one has S U T U S U T U 1 S 1 T displaystyle begin aligned S pm U amp sim T pm U SU amp sim TU 1 S amp sim 1 T end aligned Moreover S and T have the same order and the same first term Positional notation Edit It is possible to use a positional notation similar to that which is used to represent numbers in base p Let i k a i p i textstyle sum i k infty a i p i be a normalized p adic series i e each a i displaystyle a i is an integer in the interval 0 p 1 displaystyle 0 p 1 One can suppose that k 0 displaystyle k leq 0 by setting a i 0 displaystyle a i 0 for 0 i lt k displaystyle 0 leq i lt k if k gt 0 displaystyle k gt 0 and adding the resulting zero terms to the series If k 0 displaystyle k geq 0 the positional notation consists of writing the a i displaystyle a i consecutively ordered by decreasing values of i often with p appearing on the right as an index a n a 1 a 0 p displaystyle ldots a n ldots a 1 a 0 p So the computation of the example above shows that 1 3 1313132 5 displaystyle frac 1 3 ldots 1313132 5 and 25 3 131313200 5 displaystyle frac 25 3 ldots 131313200 5 When k lt 0 displaystyle k lt 0 a separating dot is added before the digits with negative index and if the index p is present it appears just after the separating dot For example 1 15 3131313 5 2 displaystyle frac 1 15 ldots 3131313 5 2 and 1 75 1313131 5 32 displaystyle frac 1 75 ldots 1313131 5 32 If a p adic representation is finite on the left that is a i 0 displaystyle a i 0 for large values of i then it has the value of a nonnegative rational number of the form n p v displaystyle np v with n v displaystyle n v integers These rational numbers are exactly the nonnegative rational numbers that have a finite representation in base p For these rational numbers the two representations are the same Definition EditThere are several equivalent definitions of p adic numbers The one that is given here is relatively elementary since it does not involve any other mathematical concepts than those introduced in the preceding sections Other equivalent definitions use completion of a discrete valuation ring see p adic integers completion of a metric space see Topological properties or inverse limits see Modular properties A p adic number can be defined as a normalized p adic series Since there are other equivalent definitions that are commonly used one says often that a normalized p adic series represents a p adic number instead of saying that it is a p adic number One can say also that any p adic series represents a p adic number since every p adic series is equivalent to a unique normalized p adic series This is useful for defining operations addition subtraction multiplication division of p adic numbers the result of such an operation is obtained by normalizing the result of the corresponding operation on series This well defines operations on p adic numbers since the series operations are compatible with equivalence of p adic series With these operations p adic numbers form a field called the field of p adic numbers and denoted Q p displaystyle mathbb Q p or Q p displaystyle mathbf Q p There is a unique field homomorphism from the rational numbers into the p adic numbers which maps a rational number to its p adic expansion The image of this homomorphism is commonly identified with the field of rational numbers This allows considering the p adic numbers as an extension field of the rational numbers and the rational numbers as a subfield of the p adic numbers The valuation of a nonzero p adic number x commonly denoted v p x displaystyle v p x is the exponent of p in the first nonzero term of every p adic series that represents x By convention v p 0 displaystyle v p 0 infty that is the valuation of zero is displaystyle infty This valuation is a discrete valuation The restriction of this valuation to the rational numbers is the p adic valuation of Q displaystyle mathbb Q that is the exponent v in the factorization of a rational number as n d p v displaystyle tfrac n d p v with both n and d coprime with p p adic integers EditThe p adic integers are the p adic numbers with a nonnegative valuation A p adic integer can be represented as a sequence x x 1 mod p x 2 mod p 2 x 3 mod p 3 displaystyle x x 1 operatorname mod p x 2 operatorname mod p 2 x 3 operatorname mod p 3 ldots of residues xe mod pe for each integer e satisfying the compatibility relations x i x j mod p i displaystyle x i equiv x j operatorname mod p i for i lt j Every integer is a p adic integer including zero since 0 lt displaystyle 0 lt infty The rational numbers of the form n d p k textstyle tfrac n d p k with d coprime with p and k 0 displaystyle k geq 0 are also p adic integers for the reason that d has an inverse mod pe for every e The p adic integers form a commutative ring denoted Z p displaystyle mathbb Z p or Z p displaystyle mathbf Z p that has the following properties It is an integral domain since it is a subring of a field or since the first term of the series representation of the product of two non zero p adic series is the product of their first terms The units invertible elements of Z p displaystyle mathbb Z p are the p adic numbers of valuation zero It is a principal ideal domain such that each ideal is generated by a power of p It is a local ring of Krull dimension one since its only prime ideals are the zero ideal and the ideal generated by p the unique maximal ideal It is a discrete valuation ring since this results from the preceding properties It is the completion of the local ring Z p n d n d Z d p Z displaystyle mathbb Z p tfrac n d mid n d in mathbb Z d not in p mathbb Z which is the localization of Z displaystyle mathbb Z at the prime ideal p Z displaystyle p mathbb Z The last property provides a definition of the p adic numbers that is equivalent to the above one the field of the p adic numbers is the field of fractions of the completion of the localization of the integers at the prime ideal generated by p Topological properties EditThe p adic valuation allows defining an absolute value on p adic numbers the p adic absolute value of a nonzero p adic number x is x p p v p x displaystyle x p p v p x where v p x displaystyle v p x is the p adic valuation of x The p adic absolute value of 0 displaystyle 0 is 0 p 0 displaystyle 0 p 0 This is an absolute value that satisfies the strong triangle inequality since for every x and y one has x p 0 displaystyle x p 0 if and only if x 0 displaystyle x 0 x p y p x y p displaystyle x p cdot y p xy p x y p max x p y p x p y p displaystyle x y p leq max x p y p leq x p y p Moreover if x p y p displaystyle x p neq y p one has x y p max x p y p displaystyle x y p max x p y p This makes the p adic numbers a metric space and even an ultrametric space with the p adic distance defined by d p x y x y p displaystyle d p x y x y p As a metric space the p adic numbers form the completion of the rational numbers equipped with the p adic absolute value This provides another way for defining the p adic numbers However the general construction of a completion can be simplified in this case because the metric is defined by a discrete valuation in short one can extract from every Cauchy sequence a subsequence such that the differences between two consecutive terms have strictly decreasing absolute values such a subsequence is the sequence of the partial sums of a p adic series and thus a unique normalized p adic series can be associated to every equivalence class of Cauchy sequences so for building the completion it suffices to consider normalized p adic series instead of equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences As the metric is defined from a discrete valuation every open ball is also closed More precisely the open ball B r x y d p x y lt r displaystyle B r x y mid d p x y lt r equals the closed ball B p v x y d p x y p v displaystyle B p v x y mid d p x y leq p v where v is the least integer such that p v lt r displaystyle p v lt r Similarly B r x B p w x displaystyle B r x B p w x where w is the greatest integer such that p w gt r displaystyle p w gt r This implies that the p adic numbers form a locally compact space and the p adic integers that is the ball B 1 0 B p 0 displaystyle B 1 0 B p 0 form a compact space Modular properties EditThe quotient ring Z p p n Z p displaystyle mathbb Z p p n mathbb Z p may be identified with the ring Z p n Z displaystyle mathbb Z p n mathbb Z of the integers modulo p n displaystyle p n This can be shown by remarking that every p adic integer represented by its normalized p adic series is congruent modulo p n displaystyle p n with its partial sum i 0 n 1 a i p i textstyle sum i 0 n 1 a i p i whose value is an integer in the interval 0 p n 1 displaystyle 0 p n 1 A straightforward verification shows that this defines a ring isomorphism from Z p p n Z p displaystyle mathbb Z p p n mathbb Z p to Z p n Z displaystyle mathbb Z p n mathbb Z The inverse limit of the rings Z p p n Z p displaystyle mathbb Z p p n mathbb Z p is defined as the ring formed by the sequences a 0 a 1 displaystyle a 0 a 1 ldots such that a i Z p i Z displaystyle a i in mathbb Z p i mathbb Z and a i a i 1 mod p i textstyle a i equiv a i 1 pmod p i for every i The mapping that maps a normalized p adic series to the sequence of its partial sums is a ring isomorphism from Z p displaystyle mathbb Z p to the inverse limit of the Z p p n Z p displaystyle mathbb Z p p n mathbb Z p This provides another way for defining p adic integers up to an isomorphism This definition of p adic integers is specially useful for practical computations as allowing building p adic integers by successive approximations For example for computing the p adic multiplicative inverse of an integer one can use Newton s method starting from the inverse modulo p then each Newton step computes the inverse modulo p n 2 textstyle p n 2 from the inverse modulo p n textstyle p n The same method can be used for computing the p adic square root of an integer that is a quadratic residue modulo p This seems to be the fastest known method for testing whether a large integer is a square it suffices to test whether the given integer is the square of the value found in Z p p n Z p displaystyle mathbb Z p p n mathbb Z p Applying Newton s method to find the square root requires p n textstyle p n to be larger than twice the given integer which is quickly satisfied Hensel lifting is a similar method that allows to lift the factorization modulo p of a polynomial with integer coefficients to a factorization modulo p n textstyle p n for large values of n This is commonly used by polynomial factorization algorithms Notation EditThere are several different conventions for writing p adic expansions So far this article has used a notation for p adic expansions in which powers of p increase from right to left With this right to left notation the 3 adic expansion of 1 5 for example is written as 1 5 121012102 3 displaystyle dfrac 1 5 dots 121012102 3 When performing arithmetic in this notation digits are carried to the left It is also possible to write p adic expansions so that the powers of p increase from left to right and digits are carried to the right With this left to right notation the 3 adic expansion of 1 5 is 1 5 2 01210121 3 or 1 15 20 1210121 3 displaystyle dfrac 1 5 2 01210121 dots 3 mbox or dfrac 1 15 20 1210121 dots 3 p adic expansions may be written with other sets of digits instead of 0 1 p 1 For example the 3 adic expansion of 1 5 can be written using balanced ternary digits 1 0 1 as 1 5 1 11 11 11 11 11 1 3 displaystyle dfrac 1 5 dots underline 1 11 underline 11 11 underline 11 11 underline 1 text 3 In fact any set of p integers which are in distinct residue classes modulo p may be used as p adic digits In number theory Teichmuller representatives are sometimes used as digits 3 Quote notation is a variant of the p adic representation of rational numbers that was proposed in 1979 by Eric Hehner and Nigel Horspool for implementing on computers the exact arithmetic with these numbers 4 Cardinality EditBoth Z p displaystyle mathbb Z p and Q p displaystyle mathbb Q p are uncountable and have the cardinality of the continuum 5 For Z p displaystyle mathbb Z p this results from the p adic representation which defines a bijection of Z p displaystyle mathbb Z p on the power set 0 p 1 N displaystyle 0 ldots p 1 mathbb N For Q p displaystyle mathbb Q p this results from its expression as a countably infinite union of copies of Z p displaystyle mathbb Z p Q p i 0 1 p i Z p displaystyle mathbb Q p bigcup i 0 infty frac 1 p i mathbb Z p Algebraic closure EditQp contains Q and is a field of characteristic 0 Because 0 can be written as sum of squares 6 Qp cannot be turned into an ordered field R has only a single proper algebraic extension C in other words this quadratic extension is already algebraically closed By contrast the algebraic closure of Qp denoted Q p displaystyle overline mathbf Q p has infinite degree 7 that is Qp has infinitely many inequivalent algebraic extensions Also contrasting the case of real numbers although there is a unique extension of the p adic valuation to Q p displaystyle overline mathbf Q p the latter is not metrically complete 8 9 Its metric completion is called Cp or Wp 9 10 Here an end is reached as Cp is algebraically closed 9 11 However unlike C this field is not locally compact 10 Cp and C are isomorphic as rings so we may regard Cp as C endowed with an exotic metric The proof of existence of such a field isomorphism relies on the axiom of choice and does not provide an explicit example of such an isomorphism that is it is not constructive If K is a finite Galois extension of Qp the Galois group Gal K Q p displaystyle operatorname Gal left mathbf K mathbf Q p right is solvable Thus the Galois group Gal Q p Q p displaystyle operatorname Gal left overline mathbf Q p mathbf Q p right is prosolvable Multiplicative group EditQp contains the n th cyclotomic field n gt 2 if and only if n p 1 12 For instance the n th cyclotomic field is a subfield of Q13 if and only if n 1 2 3 4 6 or 12 In particular there is no multiplicative p torsion in Qp if p gt 2 Also 1 is the only non trivial torsion element in Q2 Given a natural number k the index of the multiplicative group of the k th powers of the non zero elements of Qp in Q p displaystyle mathbf Q p times is finite The number e defined as the sum of reciprocals of factorials is not a member of any p adic field but e p Qp p 2 For p 2 one must take at least the fourth power 13 Thus a number with similar properties as e namely a p th root of ep is a member of Q p displaystyle overline mathbf Q p for all p Local global principle EditHelmut Hasse s local global principle is said to hold for an equation if it can be solved over the rational numbers if and only if it can be solved over the real numbers and over the p adic numbers for every prime p This principle holds for example for equations given by quadratic forms but fails for higher polynomials in several indeterminates Rational arithmetic with Hensel lifting EditMain article Hensel liftingGeneralizations and related concepts EditThe reals and the p adic numbers are the completions of the rationals it is also possible to complete other fields for instance general algebraic number fields in an analogous way This will be described now Suppose D is a Dedekind domain and E is its field of fractions Pick a non zero prime ideal P of D If x is a non zero element of E then xD is a fractional ideal and can be uniquely factored as a product of positive and negative powers of non zero prime ideals of D We write ordP x for the exponent of P in this factorization and for any choice of number c greater than 1 we can set x P c ord P x displaystyle x P c operatorname ord P x Completing with respect to this absolute value P yields a field EP the proper generalization of the field of p adic numbers to this setting The choice of c does not change the completion different choices yield the same concept of Cauchy sequence so the same completion It is convenient when the residue field D P is finite to take for c the size of D P For example when E is a number field Ostrowski s theorem says that every non trivial non Archimedean absolute value on E arises as some P The remaining non trivial absolute values on E arise from the different embeddings of E into the real or complex numbers In fact the non Archimedean absolute values can be considered as simply the different embeddings of E into the fields Cp thus putting the description of all the non trivial absolute values of a number field on a common footing Often one needs to simultaneously keep track of all the above mentioned completions when E is a number field or more generally a global field which are seen as encoding local information This is accomplished by adele rings and idele groups p adic integers can be extended to p adic solenoids T p displaystyle mathbb T p There is a map from T p displaystyle mathbb T p to the circle group whose fibers are the p adic integers Z p displaystyle mathbb Z p in analogy to how there is a map from R displaystyle mathbb R to the circle whose fibers are Z displaystyle mathbb Z See also EditNon archimedean p adic quantum mechanics p adic Hodge theory p adic Teichmuller theory p adic analysis 1 2 4 8 k adic notation C minimal theory Hensel s lemma Locally compact field Mahler s theorem Profinite integer Volkenborn integralFootnotes EditNotes Edit Translator s introduction page 35 Indeed with hindsight it becomes apparent that a discrete valuation is behind Kummer s concept of ideal numbers Dedekind amp Weber 2012 p 35 Citations Edit Gouvea 1994 pp 203 222 Hensel 1897 Hazewinkel 2009 p 342 Hehner amp Horspool 1979 pp 124 134 Robert 2000 Chapter 1 Section 1 1 According to Hensel s lemma Q2 contains a square root of 7 so that 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 7 2 0 displaystyle 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 left sqrt 7 right 2 0 and if p gt 2 then also by Hensel s lemma Qp contains a square root of 1 p thus p 1 1 2 1 p 2 0 displaystyle p 1 times 1 2 left sqrt 1 p right 2 0 Gouvea 1997 Corollary 5 3 10 Gouvea 1997 Theorem 5 7 4 a b c Cassels 1986 p 149 a b Koblitz 1980 p 13 Gouvea 1997 Proposition 5 7 8 Gouvea 1997 Proposition 3 4 2 Robert 2000 Section 4 1 References EditCassels J W S 1986 Local Fields London Mathematical Society Student Texts vol 3 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 31525 5 Zbl 0595 12006 Dedekind Richard Weber Heinrich 2012 Theory of Algebraic Functions of One Variable History of mathematics vol 39 American Mathematical Society ISBN 978 0 8218 8330 3 Translation into English by John Stillwell of Theorie der algebraischen Functionen einer Veranderlichen 1882 Gouvea F Q March 1994 A Marvelous Proof American Mathematical Monthly 101 3 203 222 doi 10 2307 2975598 JSTOR 2975598 Gouvea Fernando Q 1997 p adic Numbers An Introduction 2nd ed Springer ISBN 3 540 62911 4 Zbl 0874 11002 Hazewinkel M ed 2009 Handbook of Algebra vol 6 North Holland p 342 ISBN 978 0 444 53257 2 Hehner Eric C R Horspool R Nigel 1979 A new representation of the rational numbers for fast easy arithmetic SIAM Journal on Computing 8 2 124 134 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 64 7714 doi 10 1137 0208011 Hensel Kurt 1897 Uber eine neue Begrundung der Theorie der algebraischen Zahlen Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung 6 3 83 88 Kelley John L 2008 1955 General Topology New York Ishi Press ISBN 978 0 923891 55 8 Koblitz Neal 1980 p adic analysis a short course on recent work London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series vol 46 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 28060 5 Zbl 0439 12011 Robert Alain M 2000 A Course inp adic Analysis Springer ISBN 0 387 98669 3Further reading EditBachman George 1964 Introduction top adic Numbers and Valuation Theory Academic Press ISBN 0 12 070268 1 Borevich Z I Shafarevich I R 1986 Number Theory Pure and Applied Mathematics vol 20 Boston MA Academic Press ISBN 978 0 12 117851 2 MR 0195803 Koblitz Neal 1984 p adic Numbers p adic Analysis and Zeta Functions Graduate Texts in Mathematics vol 58 2nd ed Springer ISBN 0 387 96017 1 Mahler Kurt 1981 p adic numbers and their functions Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics vol 76 2nd ed Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 23102 7 Zbl 0444 12013 Steen Lynn Arthur 1978 Counterexamples in Topology Dover ISBN 0 486 68735 XExternal links Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to P adic numbers Weisstein Eric W p adic Number MathWorld p adic number at Springer On line Encyclopaedia of Mathematics Completion of Algebraic Closure on line lecture notes by Brian Conrad An Introduction to p adic Numbers and p adic Analysis on line lecture notes by Andrew Baker 2007 Efficient p adic arithmetic slides Introduction to p adic numbers Houston Edwards Kelsey October 19 2020 An Infinite Universe of Number Systems Quanta Magazine Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title P adic number amp oldid 1104249087, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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