

In mathematics, an infinitesimal number is a quantity that is closer to 0 than what any standard non-zero real number is, but is not 0. The word infinitesimal comes from a 17th-century Modern Latin coinage infinitesimus, which originally referred to the "infinity-th" item in a sequence.

Infinitesimals (ε) and infinities (ω) on the hyperreal number line (ε = 1/ω)

Infinitesimals do not exist in the standard real number system, but they do exist in other number systems, such as the surreal number system and the hyperreal number system, which can be thought of as the real numbers augmented with both infinitesimal and infinite quantities; the augmentations are the reciprocals of one another.

Infinitesimal numbers were introduced in the development of calculus, in which the derivative was first conceived as a ratio of two infinitesimal quantities. This definition was not rigorously formalized. As calculus developed further, infinitesimals were replaced by limits, which can be calculated using the standard real numbers.

Infinitesimals regained popularity in the 20th century with Abraham Robinson's development of nonstandard analysis and the hyperreal numbers, which, after centuries of controversy, showed that a formal treatment of infinitesimal calculus was possible. Following this, mathematicians developed surreal numbers, a related formalization of infinite and infinitesimal numbers that include both hyperreal cardinal and ordinal numbers, which is the largest ordered field.

Vladimir Arnold wrote in 1990:

Nowadays, when teaching analysis, it is not very popular to talk about infinitesimal quantities. Consequently, present-day students are not fully in command of this language. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to have command of it.[1]

The crucial insight[whose?] for making infinitesimals feasible mathematical entities was that they could still retain certain properties such as angle or slope, even if these entities were infinitely small.[2]

Infinitesimals are a basic ingredient in calculus as developed by Leibniz, including the law of continuity and the transcendental law of homogeneity. In common speech, an infinitesimal object is an object that is smaller than any feasible measurement, but not zero in size—or, so small that it cannot be distinguished from zero by any available means. Hence, when used as an adjective in mathematics, infinitesimal means infinitely small, smaller than any standard real number. Infinitesimals are often compared to other infinitesimals of similar size, as in examining the derivative of a function. An infinite number of infinitesimals are summed to calculate an integral.

The concept of infinitesimals was originally introduced around 1670 by either Nicolaus Mercator or Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.[3] Archimedes used what eventually came to be known as the method of indivisibles in his work The Method of Mechanical Theorems to find areas of regions and volumes of solids.[4] In his formal published treatises, Archimedes solved the same problem using the method of exhaustion. The 15th century saw the work of Nicholas of Cusa, further developed in the 17th century by Johannes Kepler, in particular, the calculation of the area of a circle by representing the latter as an infinite-sided polygon. Simon Stevin's work on the decimal representation of all numbers in the 16th century prepared the ground for the real continuum. Bonaventura Cavalieri's method of indivisibles led to an extension of the results of the classical authors. The method of indivisibles related to geometrical figures as being composed of entities of codimension 1.[clarification needed] John Wallis's infinitesimals differed from indivisibles in that he would decompose geometrical figures into infinitely thin building blocks of the same dimension as the figure, preparing the ground for general methods of the integral calculus. He exploited an infinitesimal denoted 1/∞ in area calculations.

The use of infinitesimals by Leibniz relied upon heuristic principles, such as the law of continuity: what succeeds for the finite numbers succeeds also for the infinite numbers and vice versa; and the transcendental law of homogeneity that specifies procedures for replacing expressions involving unassignable quantities, by expressions involving only assignable ones. The 18th century saw routine use of infinitesimals by mathematicians such as Leonhard Euler and Joseph-Louis Lagrange. Augustin-Louis Cauchy exploited infinitesimals both in defining continuity in his Cours d'Analyse, and in defining an early form of a Dirac delta function. As Cantor and Dedekind were developing more abstract versions of Stevin's continuum, Paul du Bois-Reymond wrote a series of papers on infinitesimal-enriched continua based on growth rates of functions. Du Bois-Reymond's work inspired both Émile Borel and Thoralf Skolem. Borel explicitly linked du Bois-Reymond's work to Cauchy's work on rates of growth of infinitesimals. Skolem developed the first non-standard models of arithmetic in 1934. A mathematical implementation of both the law of continuity and infinitesimals was achieved by Abraham Robinson in 1961, who developed nonstandard analysis based on earlier work by Edwin Hewitt in 1948 and Jerzy Łoś in 1955. The hyperreals implement an infinitesimal-enriched continuum and the transfer principle implements Leibniz's law of continuity. The standard part function implements Fermat's adequality.

History of the infinitesimal edit

The notion of infinitely small quantities was discussed by the Eleatic School. The Greek mathematician Archimedes (c. 287 BC – c. 212 BC), in The Method of Mechanical Theorems, was the first to propose a logically rigorous definition of infinitesimals.[5] His Archimedean property defines a number x as infinite if it satisfies the conditions |x| > 1, |x| > 1 + 1, |x| > 1 + 1 + 1, ..., and infinitesimal if x ≠ 0 and a similar set of conditions holds for x and the reciprocals of the positive integers. A number system is said to be Archimedean if it contains no infinite or infinitesimal members.

The English mathematician John Wallis introduced the expression 1/∞ in his 1655 book Treatise on the Conic Sections. The symbol, which denotes the reciprocal, or inverse, of , is the symbolic representation of the mathematical concept of an infinitesimal. In his Treatise on the Conic Sections, Wallis also discusses the concept of a relationship between the symbolic representation of infinitesimal 1/∞ that he introduced and the concept of infinity for which he introduced the symbol ∞. The concept suggests a thought experiment of adding an infinite number of parallelograms of infinitesimal width to form a finite area. This concept was the predecessor to the modern method of integration used in integral calculus. The conceptual origins of the concept of the infinitesimal 1/∞ can be traced as far back as the Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea, whose Zeno's dichotomy paradox was the first mathematical concept to consider the relationship between a finite interval and an interval approaching that of an infinitesimal-sized interval.

Infinitesimals were the subject of political and religious controversies in 17th century Europe, including a ban on infinitesimals issued by clerics in Rome in 1632.[6]

Prior to the invention of calculus mathematicians were able to calculate tangent lines using Pierre de Fermat's method of adequality and René Descartes' method of normals. There is debate among scholars as to whether the method was infinitesimal or algebraic in nature. When Newton and Leibniz invented the calculus, they made use of infinitesimals, Newton's fluxions and Leibniz' differential. The use of infinitesimals was attacked as incorrect by Bishop Berkeley in his work The Analyst.[7] Mathematicians, scientists, and engineers continued to use infinitesimals to produce correct results. In the second half of the nineteenth century, the calculus was reformulated by Augustin-Louis Cauchy, Bernard Bolzano, Karl Weierstrass, Cantor, Dedekind, and others using the (ε, δ)-definition of limit and set theory. While the followers of Cantor, Dedekind, and Weierstrass sought to rid analysis of infinitesimals, and their philosophical allies like Bertrand Russell and Rudolf Carnap declared that infinitesimals are pseudoconcepts, Hermann Cohen and his Marburg school of neo-Kantianism sought to develop a working logic of infinitesimals.[8] The mathematical study of systems containing infinitesimals continued through the work of Levi-Civita, Giuseppe Veronese, Paul du Bois-Reymond, and others, throughout the late nineteenth and the twentieth centuries, as documented by Philip Ehrlich (2006). In the 20th century, it was found that infinitesimals could serve as a basis for calculus and analysis (see hyperreal numbers).

First-order properties edit

In extending the real numbers to include infinite and infinitesimal quantities, one typically wishes to be as conservative as possible by not changing any of their elementary properties. This guarantees that as many familiar results as possible are still available. Typically, elementary means that there is no quantification over sets, but only over elements. This limitation allows statements of the form "for any number x..." For example, the axiom that states "for any number x, x + 0 = x" would still apply. The same is true for quantification over several numbers, e.g., "for any numbers x and y, xy = yx." However, statements of the form "for any set S of numbers ..." may not carry over. Logic with this limitation on quantification is referred to as first-order logic.

The resulting extended number system cannot agree with the reals on all properties that can be expressed by quantification over sets, because the goal is to construct a non-Archimedean system, and the Archimedean principle can be expressed by quantification over sets. One can conservatively extend any theory including reals, including set theory, to include infinitesimals, just by adding a countably infinite list of axioms that assert that a number is smaller than 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, and so on. Similarly, the completeness property cannot be expected to carry over, because the reals are the unique complete ordered field up to isomorphism.

We can distinguish three levels at which a non-Archimedean number system could have first-order properties compatible with those of the reals:

  1. An ordered field obeys all the usual axioms of the real number system that can be stated in first-order logic. For example, the commutativity axiom x + y = y + x holds.
  2. A real closed field has all the first-order properties of the real number system, regardless of whether they are usually taken as axiomatic, for statements involving the basic ordered-field relations +, ×, and ≤. This is a stronger condition than obeying the ordered-field axioms. More specifically, one includes additional first-order properties, such as the existence of a root for every odd-degree polynomial. For example, every number must have a cube root.
  3. The system could have all the first-order properties of the real number system for statements involving any relations (regardless of whether those relations can be expressed using +, ×, and ≤). For example, there would have to be a sine function that is well defined for infinite inputs; the same is true for every real function.

Systems in category 1, at the weak end of the spectrum, are relatively easy to construct but do not allow a full treatment of classical analysis using infinitesimals in the spirit of Newton and Leibniz. For example, the transcendental functions are defined in terms of infinite limiting processes, and therefore there is typically no way to define them in first-order logic. Increasing the analytic strength of the system by passing to categories 2 and 3, we find that the flavor of the treatment tends to become less constructive, and it becomes more difficult to say anything concrete about the hierarchical structure of infinities and infinitesimals.

Number systems that include infinitesimals edit

Formal series edit

Laurent series edit

An example from category 1 above is the field of Laurent series with a finite number of negative-power terms. For example, the Laurent series consisting only of the constant term 1 is identified with the real number 1, and the series with only the linear term x is thought of as the simplest infinitesimal, from which the other infinitesimals are constructed. Dictionary ordering is used, which is equivalent to considering higher powers of x as negligible compared to lower powers. David O. Tall[9] refers to this system as the super-reals, not to be confused with the superreal number system of Dales and Woodin. Since a Taylor series evaluated with a Laurent series as its argument is still a Laurent series, the system can be used to do calculus on transcendental functions if they are analytic. These infinitesimals have different first-order properties than the reals because, for example, the basic infinitesimal x does not have a square root.

The Levi-Civita field edit

The Levi-Civita field is similar to the Laurent series, but is algebraically closed. For example, the basic infinitesimal x has a square root. This field is rich enough to allow a significant amount of analysis to be done, but its elements can still be represented on a computer in the same sense that real numbers can be represented in floating-point.[10]

Transseries edit

The field of transseries is larger than the Levi-Civita field.[11] An example of a transseries is:


where for purposes of ordering x is considered infinite.

Surreal numbers edit

Conway's surreal numbers fall into category 2, except that the surreal numbers form a proper class and not a set.[12] They are a system designed to be as rich as possible in different sizes of numbers, but not necessarily for convenience in doing analysis, in the sense that every ordered field is a subfield of the surreal numbers.[13] There is a natural extension of the exponential function to the surreal numbers.[14]: ch. 10 

Hyperreals edit

The most widespread technique for handling infinitesimals is the hyperreals, developed by Abraham Robinson in the 1960s. They fall into category 3 above, having been designed that way so all of classical analysis can be carried over from the reals. This property of being able to carry over all relations in a natural way is known as the transfer principle, proved by Jerzy Łoś in 1955. For example, the transcendental function sin has a natural counterpart *sin that takes a hyperreal input and gives a hyperreal output, and similarly the set of natural numbers   has a natural counterpart  , which contains both finite and infinite integers. A proposition such as   carries over to the hyperreals as   .

Superreals edit

The superreal number system of Dales and Woodin is a generalization of the hyperreals. It is different from the super-real system defined by David Tall.

Dual numbers edit

In linear algebra, the dual numbers extend the reals by adjoining one infinitesimal, the new element ε with the property ε2 = 0 (that is, ε is nilpotent). Every dual number has the form z = a + bε with a and b being uniquely determined real numbers.

One application of dual numbers is automatic differentiation. This application can be generalized to polynomials in n variables, using the Exterior algebra of an n-dimensional vector space.

Smooth infinitesimal analysis edit

Synthetic differential geometry or smooth infinitesimal analysis have roots in category theory. This approach departs from the classical logic used in conventional mathematics by denying the general applicability of the law of excluded middle – i.e., not (ab) does not have to mean a = b. A nilsquare or nilpotent infinitesimal can then be defined. This is a number x where x2 = 0 is true, but x = 0 need not be true at the same time. Since the background logic is intuitionistic logic, it is not immediately clear how to classify this system with regard to classes 1, 2, and 3. Intuitionistic analogues of these classes would have to be developed first.

Infinitesimal delta functions edit

Cauchy used an infinitesimal   to write down a unit impulse, infinitely tall and narrow Dirac-type delta function   satisfying   in a number of articles in 1827, see Laugwitz (1989). Cauchy defined an infinitesimal in 1821 (Cours d'Analyse) in terms of a sequence tending to zero. Namely, such a null sequence becomes an infinitesimal in Cauchy's and Lazare Carnot's terminology.

Modern set-theoretic approaches allow one to define infinitesimals via the ultrapower construction, where a null sequence becomes an infinitesimal in the sense of an equivalence class modulo a relation defined in terms of a suitable ultrafilter. The article by Yamashita (2007) contains bibliography on modern Dirac delta functions in the context of an infinitesimal-enriched continuum provided by the hyperreals.

Logical properties edit

The method of constructing infinitesimals of the kind used in nonstandard analysis depends on the model and which collection of axioms are used. We consider here systems where infinitesimals can be shown to exist.

In 1936 Maltsev proved the compactness theorem. This theorem is fundamental for the existence of infinitesimals as it proves that it is possible to formalise them. A consequence of this theorem is that if there is a number system in which it is true that for any positive integer n there is a positive number x such that 0 < x < 1/n, then there exists an extension of that number system in which it is true that there exists a positive number x such that for any positive integer n we have 0 < x < 1/n. The possibility to switch "for any" and "there exists" is crucial. The first statement is true in the real numbers as given in ZFC set theory : for any positive integer n it is possible to find a real number between 1/n and zero, but this real number depends on n. Here, one chooses n first, then one finds the corresponding x. In the second expression, the statement says that there is an x (at least one), chosen first, which is between 0 and 1/n for any n. In this case x is infinitesimal. This is not true in the real numbers (R) given by ZFC. Nonetheless, the theorem proves that there is a model (a number system) in which this is true. The question is: what is this model? What are its properties? Is there only one such model?

There are in fact many ways to construct such a one-dimensional linearly ordered set of numbers, but fundamentally, there are two different approaches:

  1. Extend the number system so that it contains more numbers than the real numbers.
  2. Extend the axioms (or extend the language) so that the distinction between the infinitesimals and non-infinitesimals can be made in the real numbers themselves.

In 1960, Abraham Robinson provided an answer following the first approach. The extended set is called the hyperreals and contains numbers less in absolute value than any positive real number. The method may be considered relatively complex but it does prove that infinitesimals exist in the universe of ZFC set theory. The real numbers are called standard numbers and the new non-real hyperreals are called nonstandard.

In 1977 Edward Nelson provided an answer following the second approach. The extended axioms are IST, which stands either for Internal set theory or for the initials of the three extra axioms: Idealization, Standardization, Transfer. In this system, we consider that the language is extended in such a way that we can express facts about infinitesimals. The real numbers are either standard or nonstandard. An infinitesimal is a nonstandard real number that is less, in absolute value, than any positive standard real number.

In 2006 Karel Hrbacek developed an extension of Nelson's approach in which the real numbers are stratified in (infinitely) many levels; i.e., in the coarsest level, there are no infinitesimals nor unlimited numbers. Infinitesimals are at a finer level and there are also infinitesimals with respect to this new level and so on.

Infinitesimals in teaching edit

Calculus textbooks based on infinitesimals include the classic Calculus Made Easy by Silvanus P. Thompson (bearing the motto "What one fool can do another can"[15]) and the German text Mathematik fur Mittlere Technische Fachschulen der Maschinenindustrie by R. Neuendorff.[16] Pioneering works based on Abraham Robinson's infinitesimals include texts by Stroyan (dating from 1972) and Howard Jerome Keisler (Elementary Calculus: An Infinitesimal Approach). Students easily relate to the intuitive notion of an infinitesimal difference 1-"0.999...", where "0.999..." differs from its standard meaning as the real number 1, and is reinterpreted as an infinite terminating extended decimal that is strictly less than 1.[17][18]

Another elementary calculus text that uses the theory of infinitesimals as developed by Robinson is Infinitesimal Calculus by Henle and Kleinberg, originally published in 1979.[19] The authors introduce the language of first-order logic, and demonstrate the construction of a first order model of the hyperreal numbers. The text provides an introduction to the basics of integral and differential calculus in one dimension, including sequences and series of functions. In an Appendix, they also treat the extension of their model to the hyperhyperreals, and demonstrate some applications for the extended model.

An elementary calculus text based on smooth infinitesimal analysis is Bell, John L. (2008). A Primer of Infinitesimal Analysis, 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521887182.

A more recent calculus text utilizing infinitesimals is Dawson, C. Bryan (2022), Calculus Set Free: Infinitesimals to the Rescue, Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780192895608.

Functions tending to zero edit

In a related but somewhat different sense, which evolved from the original definition of "infinitesimal" as an infinitely small quantity, the term has also been used to refer to a function tending to zero. More precisely, Loomis and Sternberg's Advanced Calculus defines the function class of infinitesimals,  , as a subset of functions   between normed vector spaces by


as well as two related classes   (see Big-O notation) by

 , and


The set inclusions  generally hold. That the inclusions are proper is demonstrated by the real-valued functions of a real variable  ,  , and  :

  but   and  .

As an application of these definitions, a mapping   between normed vector spaces is defined to be differentiable at   if there is a   [i.e, a bounded linear map  ] such that


in a neighborhood of  . If such a map exists, it is unique; this map is called the differential and is denoted by  ,[21] coinciding with the traditional notation for the classical (though logically flawed) notion of a differential as an infinitely small "piece" of F. This definition represents a generalization of the usual definition of differentiability for vector-valued functions of (open subsets of) Euclidean spaces.

Array of random variables edit

Let   be a probability space and let  . An array   of random variables is called infinitesimal if for every  , we have:[22]


The notion of infinitesimal array is essential in some central limit theorems and it is easily seen by monotonicity of the expectation operator that any array satisfying Lindeberg's condition is infinitesimal, thus playing an important role in Lindeberg's Central Limit Theorem (a generalization of the central limit theorem).

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Arnolʹd, V. I. Huygens and Barrow, Newton and Hooke. Pioneers in mathematical analysis and catastrophe theory from evolvents to quasicrystals. Translated from the Russian by Eric J. F. Primrose. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1990. p. 27
  2. ^ Bell, John L. (6 September 2013). "Continuity and Infinitesimals". Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  3. ^ Katz, Mikhail G.; Sherry, David (2012), "Leibniz's Infinitesimals: Their Fictionality, Their Modern Implementations, and Their Foes from Berkeley to Russell and Beyond", Erkenntnis, 78 (3): 571–625, arXiv:1205.0174, doi:10.1007/s10670-012-9370-y, S2CID 119329569
  4. ^ Netz, Reviel; Saito, Ken; Tchernetska, Natalie (2001). "A New Reading of Method Proposition 14: Preliminary Evidence from the Archimedes Palimpsest (Part 1)". Sciamvs. 2: 9–29.
  5. ^ Archimedes, The Method of Mechanical Theorems; see Archimedes Palimpsest
  6. ^ Alexander, Amir (2014). Infinitesimal: How a Dangerous Mathematical Theory Shaped the Modern World. Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux. ISBN 978-0-374-17681-5.
  7. ^ Berkeley, George (1734). The Analyst: A Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician. London.
  8. ^ Mormann, Thomas; Katz, Mikhail (Fall 2013). "Infinitesimals as an Issue of Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Science". HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science. 3 (2): 236–280. arXiv:1304.1027. doi:10.1086/671348. JSTOR 10.1086/671348. S2CID 119128707.
  9. ^ . Jonhoyle.com. Archived from the original on 2011-07-13. Retrieved 2011-03-11.
  10. ^ Shamseddine, Khodr. (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-06-08.
  11. ^ Edgar, Gerald A. (2010). "Transseries for Beginners". Real Analysis Exchange. 35 (2): 253–310. arXiv:0801.4877. doi:10.14321/realanalexch.35.2.0253. S2CID 14290638.
  12. ^ Alling, Norman (Jan 1985), "Conway's Field of surreal numbers" (PDF), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 287 (1): 365–386, doi:10.1090/s0002-9947-1985-0766225-7, retrieved 2019-03-05
  13. ^ Bajnok, Béla (2013). An Invitation to Abstract Mathematics. ISBN 9781461466369. Theorem 24.29. The surreal number system is the largest ordered field
  14. ^ Gonshor, Harry (1986). An Introduction to the Theory of Surreal Numbers. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. Vol. 110. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511629143. ISBN 9780521312059.
  15. ^ Thompson, Silvanus P. (1914). Calculus Made Easy (Second ed.). New York: The Macmillan Company.
  16. ^ R Neuendorff (1912) Lehrbuch der Mathematik fur Mittlere Technische Fachschulen der Maschinenindustrie, Verlag Julius Springer, Berlin.
  17. ^ Ely, Robert (2010). "Nonstandard student conceptions about infinitesimals" (PDF). Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. 41 (2): 117–146. doi:10.5951/jresematheduc.41.2.0117. JSTOR 20720128. (PDF) from the original on 2019-05-06.
  18. ^ Katz, Karin Usadi; Katz, Mikhail G. (2010). (PDF). The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast. 7 (1): 3–30. arXiv:1007.3018. doi:10.54870/1551-3440.1381. ISSN 1551-3440. S2CID 11544878. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-12-07. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  19. ^ Henle, James M.; Kleinberg, Eugene (1979). Infinitesimal Calculus. The MIT Press, rereleased by Dover. ISBN 978-0-262-08097-2.
  20. ^ Loomis, Lynn Harold; Sternberg, Shlomo (2014). Advanced Calculus. Hackensack, N.J.: World Scientific. pp. 138–142. ISBN 978-981-4583-92-3.
  21. ^ This notation is not to be confused with the many other distinct usages of d in calculus that are all loosely related to the classical notion of the differential as "taking an infinitesimally small piece of something": (1) in the expression ,   indicates Riemann-Stieltjes integration with respect to the integrator function  ; (2) in the expression  ,   symbolizes Lebesgue integration with respect to a measure  ; (3) in the expression  , dV indicates integration with respect to volume; (4) in the expression  , the letter d represents the exterior derivative operator, and so on....
  22. ^ Barczyk, Adam; Janssen, Arnold; Pauly, Markus (2011). "The Asymptotics of L-statistics for non-i.i.d. variables with heavy tails" (PDF). Probability and Mathematical Statistics. 31 (2): 285–299. (PDF) from the original on 2019-08-21.

References edit

  • B. Crowell, "Calculus" (2003)
  • Dawson, C. Bryan, "Calculus Set Free: Infinitesimals to the Rescue" (2022) Oxford University Press
  • Ehrlich, P. (2006) The rise of non-Archimedean mathematics and the roots of a misconception. I. The emergence of non-Archimedean systems of magnitudes. Arch. Hist. Exact Sci. 60, no. 1, 1–121.
  • Malet, Antoni. "Barrow, Wallis, and the remaking of seventeenth-century indivisibles". Centaurus 39 (1997), no. 1, 67–92.
  • J. Keisler, "Elementary Calculus" (2000) University of Wisconsin
  • K. Stroyan "Foundations of Infinitesimal Calculus" (1993)
  • Stroyan, K. D.; Luxemburg, W. A. J. Introduction to the theory of infinitesimals. Pure and Applied Mathematics, No. 72. Academic Press [Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers], New York-London, 1976.
  • Robert Goldblatt (1998) "Lectures on the hyperreals" Springer.
  • Cutland et al. "Nonstandard Methods and Applications in Mathematics" (2007) Lecture Notes in Logic 25, Association for Symbolic Logic.
  • "The Strength of Nonstandard Analysis" (2007) Springer.
  • Laugwitz, D. (1989). "Definite values of infinite sums: aspects of the foundations of infinitesimal analysis around 1820". Archive for History of Exact Sciences. 39 (3): 195–245. doi:10.1007/BF00329867. S2CID 120890300.
  • Yamashita, H.: Comment on: "Pointwise analysis of scalar Fields: a nonstandard approach" [J. Math. Phys. 47 (2006), no. 9, 092301; 16 pp.]. J. Math. Phys. 48 (2007), no. 8, 084101, 1 page.

infinitesimal, mathematics, infinitesimal, number, quantity, that, closer, than, what, standard, zero, real, number, word, infinitesimal, comes, from, 17th, century, modern, latin, coinage, infinitesimus, which, originally, referred, infinity, item, sequence, . In mathematics an infinitesimal number is a quantity that is closer to 0 than what any standard non zero real number is but is not 0 The word infinitesimal comes from a 17th century Modern Latin coinage infinitesimus which originally referred to the infinity th item in a sequence Infinitesimals e and infinities w on the hyperreal number line e 1 w Infinitesimals do not exist in the standard real number system but they do exist in other number systems such as the surreal number system and the hyperreal number system which can be thought of as the real numbers augmented with both infinitesimal and infinite quantities the augmentations are the reciprocals of one another Infinitesimal numbers were introduced in the development of calculus in which the derivative was first conceived as a ratio of two infinitesimal quantities This definition was not rigorously formalized As calculus developed further infinitesimals were replaced by limits which can be calculated using the standard real numbers Infinitesimals regained popularity in the 20th century with Abraham Robinson s development of nonstandard analysis and the hyperreal numbers which after centuries of controversy showed that a formal treatment of infinitesimal calculus was possible Following this mathematicians developed surreal numbers a related formalization of infinite and infinitesimal numbers that include both hyperreal cardinal and ordinal numbers which is the largest ordered field Vladimir Arnold wrote in 1990 Nowadays when teaching analysis it is not very popular to talk about infinitesimal quantities Consequently present day students are not fully in command of this language Nevertheless it is still necessary to have command of it 1 The crucial insight whose for making infinitesimals feasible mathematical entities was that they could still retain certain properties such as angle or slope even if these entities were infinitely small 2 Infinitesimals are a basic ingredient in calculus as developed by Leibniz including the law of continuity and the transcendental law of homogeneity In common speech an infinitesimal object is an object that is smaller than any feasible measurement but not zero in size or so small that it cannot be distinguished from zero by any available means Hence when used as an adjective in mathematics infinitesimal means infinitely small smaller than any standard real number Infinitesimals are often compared to other infinitesimals of similar size as in examining the derivative of a function An infinite number of infinitesimals are summed to calculate an integral The concept of infinitesimals was originally introduced around 1670 by either Nicolaus Mercator or Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 3 Archimedes used what eventually came to be known as the method of indivisibles in his work The Method of Mechanical Theorems to find areas of regions and volumes of solids 4 In his formal published treatises Archimedes solved the same problem using the method of exhaustion The 15th century saw the work of Nicholas of Cusa further developed in the 17th century by Johannes Kepler in particular the calculation of the area of a circle by representing the latter as an infinite sided polygon Simon Stevin s work on the decimal representation of all numbers in the 16th century prepared the ground for the real continuum Bonaventura Cavalieri s method of indivisibles led to an extension of the results of the classical authors The method of indivisibles related to geometrical figures as being composed of entities of codimension 1 clarification needed John Wallis s infinitesimals differed from indivisibles in that he would decompose geometrical figures into infinitely thin building blocks of the same dimension as the figure preparing the ground for general methods of the integral calculus He exploited an infinitesimal denoted 1 in area calculations The use of infinitesimals by Leibniz relied upon heuristic principles such as the law of continuity what succeeds for the finite numbers succeeds also for the infinite numbers and vice versa and the transcendental law of homogeneity that specifies procedures for replacing expressions involving unassignable quantities by expressions involving only assignable ones The 18th century saw routine use of infinitesimals by mathematicians such as Leonhard Euler and Joseph Louis Lagrange Augustin Louis Cauchy exploited infinitesimals both in defining continuity in his Cours d Analyse and in defining an early form of a Dirac delta function As Cantor and Dedekind were developing more abstract versions of Stevin s continuum Paul du Bois Reymond wrote a series of papers on infinitesimal enriched continua based on growth rates of functions Du Bois Reymond s work inspired both Emile Borel and Thoralf Skolem Borel explicitly linked du Bois Reymond s work to Cauchy s work on rates of growth of infinitesimals Skolem developed the first non standard models of arithmetic in 1934 A mathematical implementation of both the law of continuity and infinitesimals was achieved by Abraham Robinson in 1961 who developed nonstandard analysis based on earlier work by Edwin Hewitt in 1948 and Jerzy Los in 1955 The hyperreals implement an infinitesimal enriched continuum and the transfer principle implements Leibniz s law of continuity The standard part function implements Fermat s adequality Contents 1 History of the infinitesimal 2 First order properties 3 Number systems that include infinitesimals 3 1 Formal series 3 1 1 Laurent series 3 1 2 The Levi Civita field 3 1 3 Transseries 3 2 Surreal numbers 3 3 Hyperreals 3 4 Superreals 3 5 Dual numbers 3 6 Smooth infinitesimal analysis 4 Infinitesimal delta functions 5 Logical properties 6 Infinitesimals in teaching 7 Functions tending to zero 8 Array of random variables 9 See also 10 Notes 11 ReferencesHistory of the infinitesimal editThe notion of infinitely small quantities was discussed by the Eleatic School The Greek mathematician Archimedes c 287 BC c 212 BC in The Method of Mechanical Theorems was the first to propose a logically rigorous definition of infinitesimals 5 His Archimedean property defines a number x as infinite if it satisfies the conditions x gt 1 x gt 1 1 x gt 1 1 1 and infinitesimal if x 0 and a similar set of conditions holds for x and the reciprocals of the positive integers A number system is said to be Archimedean if it contains no infinite or infinitesimal members The English mathematician John Wallis introduced the expression 1 in his 1655 book Treatise on the Conic Sections The symbol which denotes the reciprocal or inverse of is the symbolic representation of the mathematical concept of an infinitesimal In his Treatise on the Conic Sections Wallis also discusses the concept of a relationship between the symbolic representation of infinitesimal 1 that he introduced and the concept of infinity for which he introduced the symbol The concept suggests a thought experiment of adding an infinite number of parallelograms of infinitesimal width to form a finite area This concept was the predecessor to the modern method of integration used in integral calculus The conceptual origins of the concept of the infinitesimal 1 can be traced as far back as the Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea whose Zeno s dichotomy paradox was the first mathematical concept to consider the relationship between a finite interval and an interval approaching that of an infinitesimal sized interval Infinitesimals were the subject of political and religious controversies in 17th century Europe including a ban on infinitesimals issued by clerics in Rome in 1632 6 Prior to the invention of calculus mathematicians were able to calculate tangent lines using Pierre de Fermat s method of adequality and Rene Descartes method of normals There is debate among scholars as to whether the method was infinitesimal or algebraic in nature When Newton and Leibniz invented the calculus they made use of infinitesimals Newton s fluxions and Leibniz differential The use of infinitesimals was attacked as incorrect by Bishop Berkeley in his work The Analyst 7 Mathematicians scientists and engineers continued to use infinitesimals to produce correct results In the second half of the nineteenth century the calculus was reformulated by Augustin Louis Cauchy Bernard Bolzano Karl Weierstrass Cantor Dedekind and others using the e d definition of limit and set theory While the followers of Cantor Dedekind and Weierstrass sought to rid analysis of infinitesimals and their philosophical allies like Bertrand Russell and Rudolf Carnap declared that infinitesimals are pseudoconcepts Hermann Cohen and his Marburg school of neo Kantianism sought to develop a working logic of infinitesimals 8 The mathematical study of systems containing infinitesimals continued through the work of Levi Civita Giuseppe Veronese Paul du Bois Reymond and others throughout the late nineteenth and the twentieth centuries as documented by Philip Ehrlich 2006 In the 20th century it was found that infinitesimals could serve as a basis for calculus and analysis see hyperreal numbers First order properties editIn extending the real numbers to include infinite and infinitesimal quantities one typically wishes to be as conservative as possible by not changing any of their elementary properties This guarantees that as many familiar results as possible are still available Typically elementary means that there is no quantification over sets but only over elements This limitation allows statements of the form for any number x For example the axiom that states for any number x x 0 x would still apply The same is true for quantification over several numbers e g for any numbers x and y xy yx However statements of the form for any set S of numbers may not carry over Logic with this limitation on quantification is referred to as first order logic The resulting extended number system cannot agree with the reals on all properties that can be expressed by quantification over sets because the goal is to construct a non Archimedean system and the Archimedean principle can be expressed by quantification over sets One can conservatively extend any theory including reals including set theory to include infinitesimals just by adding a countably infinite list of axioms that assert that a number is smaller than 1 2 1 3 1 4 and so on Similarly the completeness property cannot be expected to carry over because the reals are the unique complete ordered field up to isomorphism We can distinguish three levels at which a non Archimedean number system could have first order properties compatible with those of the reals An ordered field obeys all the usual axioms of the real number system that can be stated in first order logic For example the commutativity axiom x y y x holds A real closed field has all the first order properties of the real number system regardless of whether they are usually taken as axiomatic for statements involving the basic ordered field relations and This is a stronger condition than obeying the ordered field axioms More specifically one includes additional first order properties such as the existence of a root for every odd degree polynomial For example every number must have a cube root The system could have all the first order properties of the real number system for statements involving any relations regardless of whether those relations can be expressed using and For example there would have to be a sine function that is well defined for infinite inputs the same is true for every real function Systems in category 1 at the weak end of the spectrum are relatively easy to construct but do not allow a full treatment of classical analysis using infinitesimals in the spirit of Newton and Leibniz For example the transcendental functions are defined in terms of infinite limiting processes and therefore there is typically no way to define them in first order logic Increasing the analytic strength of the system by passing to categories 2 and 3 we find that the flavor of the treatment tends to become less constructive and it becomes more difficult to say anything concrete about the hierarchical structure of infinities and infinitesimals Number systems that include infinitesimals editFormal series edit Laurent series edit An example from category 1 above is the field of Laurent series with a finite number of negative power terms For example the Laurent series consisting only of the constant term 1 is identified with the real number 1 and the series with only the linear term x is thought of as the simplest infinitesimal from which the other infinitesimals are constructed Dictionary ordering is used which is equivalent to considering higher powers of x as negligible compared to lower powers David O Tall 9 refers to this system as the super reals not to be confused with the superreal number system of Dales and Woodin Since a Taylor series evaluated with a Laurent series as its argument is still a Laurent series the system can be used to do calculus on transcendental functions if they are analytic These infinitesimals have different first order properties than the reals because for example the basic infinitesimal x does not have a square root The Levi Civita field edit The Levi Civita field is similar to the Laurent series but is algebraically closed For example the basic infinitesimal x has a square root This field is rich enough to allow a significant amount of analysis to be done but its elements can still be represented on a computer in the same sense that real numbers can be represented in floating point 10 Transseries edit The field of transseries is larger than the Levi Civita field 11 An example of a transseries is e ln ln x ln ln x j 0 e x x j displaystyle e sqrt ln ln x ln ln x sum j 0 infty e x x j nbsp where for purposes of ordering x is considered infinite Surreal numbers edit Conway s surreal numbers fall into category 2 except that the surreal numbers form a proper class and not a set 12 They are a system designed to be as rich as possible in different sizes of numbers but not necessarily for convenience in doing analysis in the sense that every ordered field is a subfield of the surreal numbers 13 There is a natural extension of the exponential function to the surreal numbers 14 ch 10 Hyperreals edit Main article Hyperreal number The most widespread technique for handling infinitesimals is the hyperreals developed by Abraham Robinson in the 1960s They fall into category 3 above having been designed that way so all of classical analysis can be carried over from the reals This property of being able to carry over all relations in a natural way is known as the transfer principle proved by Jerzy Los in 1955 For example the transcendental function sin has a natural counterpart sin that takes a hyperreal input and gives a hyperreal output and similarly the set of natural numbers N displaystyle mathbb N nbsp has a natural counterpart N displaystyle mathbb N nbsp which contains both finite and infinite integers A proposition such as n N sin n p 0 displaystyle forall n in mathbb N sin n pi 0 nbsp carries over to the hyperreals as n N sin n p 0 displaystyle forall n in mathbb N sin n pi 0 nbsp Superreals edit Main article Superreal number The superreal number system of Dales and Woodin is a generalization of the hyperreals It is different from the super real system defined by David Tall Dual numbers edit Main article Dual number In linear algebra the dual numbers extend the reals by adjoining one infinitesimal the new element e with the property e2 0 that is e is nilpotent Every dual number has the form z a be with a and b being uniquely determined real numbers One application of dual numbers is automatic differentiation This application can be generalized to polynomials in n variables using the Exterior algebra of an n dimensional vector space Smooth infinitesimal analysis edit Main article Smooth infinitesimal analysis Synthetic differential geometry or smooth infinitesimal analysis have roots in category theory This approach departs from the classical logic used in conventional mathematics by denying the general applicability of the law of excluded middle i e not a b does not have to mean a b A nilsquare or nilpotent infinitesimal can then be defined This is a number x where x2 0 is true but x 0 need not be true at the same time Since the background logic is intuitionistic logic it is not immediately clear how to classify this system with regard to classes 1 2 and 3 Intuitionistic analogues of these classes would have to be developed first Infinitesimal delta functions editCauchy used an infinitesimal a displaystyle alpha nbsp to write down a unit impulse infinitely tall and narrow Dirac type delta function d a displaystyle delta alpha nbsp satisfying F x d a x F 0 displaystyle int F x delta alpha x F 0 nbsp in a number of articles in 1827 see Laugwitz 1989 Cauchy defined an infinitesimal in 1821 Cours d Analyse in terms of a sequence tending to zero Namely such a null sequence becomes an infinitesimal in Cauchy s and Lazare Carnot s terminology Modern set theoretic approaches allow one to define infinitesimals via the ultrapower construction where a null sequence becomes an infinitesimal in the sense of an equivalence class modulo a relation defined in terms of a suitable ultrafilter The article by Yamashita 2007 contains bibliography on modern Dirac delta functions in the context of an infinitesimal enriched continuum provided by the hyperreals Logical properties editThe method of constructing infinitesimals of the kind used in nonstandard analysis depends on the model and which collection of axioms are used We consider here systems where infinitesimals can be shown to exist In 1936 Maltsev proved the compactness theorem This theorem is fundamental for the existence of infinitesimals as it proves that it is possible to formalise them A consequence of this theorem is that if there is a number system in which it is true that for any positive integer n there is a positive number x such that 0 lt x lt 1 n then there exists an extension of that number system in which it is true that there exists a positive number x such that for any positive integer n we have 0 lt x lt 1 n The possibility to switch for any and there exists is crucial The first statement is true in the real numbers as given in ZFC set theory for any positive integer n it is possible to find a real number between 1 n and zero but this real number depends on n Here one chooses n first then one finds the corresponding x In the second expression the statement says that there is an x at least one chosen first which is between 0 and 1 n for any n In this case x is infinitesimal This is not true in the real numbers R given by ZFC Nonetheless the theorem proves that there is a model a number system in which this is true The question is what is this model What are its properties Is there only one such model There are in fact many ways to construct such a one dimensional linearly ordered set of numbers but fundamentally there are two different approaches Extend the number system so that it contains more numbers than the real numbers Extend the axioms or extend the language so that the distinction between the infinitesimals and non infinitesimals can be made in the real numbers themselves In 1960 Abraham Robinson provided an answer following the first approach The extended set is called the hyperreals and contains numbers less in absolute value than any positive real number The method may be considered relatively complex but it does prove that infinitesimals exist in the universe of ZFC set theory The real numbers are called standard numbers and the new non real hyperreals are called nonstandard In 1977 Edward Nelson provided an answer following the second approach The extended axioms are IST which stands either for Internal set theory or for the initials of the three extra axioms Idealization Standardization Transfer In this system we consider that the language is extended in such a way that we can express facts about infinitesimals The real numbers are either standard or nonstandard An infinitesimal is a nonstandard real number that is less in absolute value than any positive standard real number In 2006 Karel Hrbacek developed an extension of Nelson s approach in which the real numbers are stratified in infinitely many levels i e in the coarsest level there are no infinitesimals nor unlimited numbers Infinitesimals are at a finer level and there are also infinitesimals with respect to this new level and so on Infinitesimals in teaching editCalculus textbooks based on infinitesimals include the classic Calculus Made Easy by Silvanus P Thompson bearing the motto What one fool can do another can 15 and the German text Mathematik fur Mittlere Technische Fachschulen der Maschinenindustrie by R Neuendorff 16 Pioneering works based on Abraham Robinson s infinitesimals include texts by Stroyan dating from 1972 and Howard Jerome Keisler Elementary Calculus An Infinitesimal Approach Students easily relate to the intuitive notion of an infinitesimal difference 1 0 999 where 0 999 differs from its standard meaning as the real number 1 and is reinterpreted as an infinite terminating extended decimal that is strictly less than 1 17 18 Another elementary calculus text that uses the theory of infinitesimals as developed by Robinson is Infinitesimal Calculus by Henle and Kleinberg originally published in 1979 19 The authors introduce the language of first order logic and demonstrate the construction of a first order model of the hyperreal numbers The text provides an introduction to the basics of integral and differential calculus in one dimension including sequences and series of functions In an Appendix they also treat the extension of their model to the hyperhyperreals and demonstrate some applications for the extended model An elementary calculus text based on smooth infinitesimal analysis is Bell John L 2008 A Primer of Infinitesimal Analysis 2nd Edition Cambridge University Press ISBN 9780521887182 A more recent calculus text utilizing infinitesimals is Dawson C Bryan 2022 Calculus Set Free Infinitesimals to the Rescue Oxford University Press ISBN 9780192895608 Functions tending to zero editIn a related but somewhat different sense which evolved from the original definition of infinitesimal as an infinitely small quantity the term has also been used to refer to a function tending to zero More precisely Loomis and Sternberg s Advanced Calculus defines the function class of infinitesimals I displaystyle mathfrak I nbsp as a subset of functions f V W displaystyle f V to W nbsp between normed vector spaces byI V W f V W f 0 0 ϵ gt 0 d gt 0 3 lt d f 3 lt ϵ displaystyle mathfrak I V W f V to W f 0 0 forall epsilon gt 0 exists delta gt 0 backepsilon xi lt delta implies f xi lt epsilon nbsp as well as two related classes O o displaystyle mathfrak O mathfrak o nbsp see Big O notation byO V W f V W f 0 0 r gt 0 c gt 0 3 lt r f 3 c 3 displaystyle mathfrak O V W f V to W f 0 0 exists r gt 0 c gt 0 backepsilon xi lt r implies f xi leq c xi nbsp ando V W f V W f 0 0 lim 3 0 f 3 3 0 displaystyle mathfrak o V W f V to W f 0 0 lim xi to 0 f xi xi 0 nbsp 20 The set inclusions o V W O V W I V W displaystyle mathfrak o V W subsetneq mathfrak O V W subsetneq mathfrak I V W nbsp generally hold That the inclusions are proper is demonstrated by the real valued functions of a real variable f x x 1 2 displaystyle f x mapsto x 1 2 nbsp g x x displaystyle g x mapsto x nbsp and h x x 2 displaystyle h x mapsto x 2 nbsp f g h I R R g h O R R h o R R displaystyle f g h in mathfrak I mathbb R mathbb R g h in mathfrak O mathbb R mathbb R h in mathfrak o mathbb R mathbb R nbsp but f g o R R displaystyle f g notin mathfrak o mathbb R mathbb R nbsp and f O R R displaystyle f notin mathfrak O mathbb R mathbb R nbsp As an application of these definitions a mapping F V W displaystyle F V to W nbsp between normed vector spaces is defined to be differentiable at a V displaystyle alpha in V nbsp if there is a T H o m V W displaystyle T in mathrm Hom V W nbsp i e a bounded linear map V W displaystyle V to W nbsp such that F a 3 F a T 3 o V W displaystyle F alpha xi F alpha T xi in mathfrak o V W nbsp in a neighborhood of a displaystyle alpha nbsp If such a map exists it is unique this map is called the differential and is denoted by d F a displaystyle dF alpha nbsp 21 coinciding with the traditional notation for the classical though logically flawed notion of a differential as an infinitely small piece of F This definition represents a generalization of the usual definition of differentiability for vector valued functions of open subsets of Euclidean spaces Array of random variables editLet W F P displaystyle Omega mathcal F mathbb P nbsp be a probability space and let n N displaystyle n in mathbb N nbsp An array X n k W R 1 k k n displaystyle X n k Omega to mathbb R mid 1 leq k leq k n nbsp of random variables is called infinitesimal if for every ϵ gt 0 displaystyle epsilon gt 0 nbsp we have 22 max 1 k k n P w W X n k w ϵ 0 as n displaystyle max 1 leq k leq k n mathbb P omega in Omega mid vert X n k omega vert geq epsilon to 0 text as n to infty nbsp The notion of infinitesimal array is essential in some central limit theorems and it is easily seen by monotonicity of the expectation operator that any array satisfying Lindeberg s condition is infinitesimal thus playing an important role in Lindeberg s Central Limit Theorem a generalization of the central limit theorem See also edit nbsp Mathematics portal Cantor function Differential infinitesimal Indeterminate form Infinitesimal calculus Infinitesimal transformation Instant Nonstandard calculus Model theoryNotes edit Arnolʹd V I Huygens and Barrow Newton and Hooke Pioneers in mathematical analysis and catastrophe theory from evolvents to quasicrystals Translated from the Russian by Eric J F Primrose Birkhauser Verlag Basel 1990 p 27 Bell John L 6 September 2013 Continuity and Infinitesimals Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Katz Mikhail G Sherry David 2012 Leibniz s Infinitesimals Their Fictionality Their Modern Implementations and Their Foes from Berkeley to Russell and Beyond Erkenntnis 78 3 571 625 arXiv 1205 0174 doi 10 1007 s10670 012 9370 y S2CID 119329569 Netz Reviel Saito Ken Tchernetska Natalie 2001 A New Reading of Method Proposition 14 Preliminary Evidence from the Archimedes Palimpsest Part 1 Sciamvs 2 9 29 Archimedes The Method of Mechanical Theorems see Archimedes Palimpsest Alexander Amir 2014 Infinitesimal How a Dangerous Mathematical Theory Shaped the Modern World Scientific American Farrar Straus and Giroux ISBN 978 0 374 17681 5 Berkeley George 1734 The Analyst A Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician London Mormann Thomas Katz Mikhail Fall 2013 Infinitesimals as an Issue of Neo Kantian Philosophy of Science HOPOS The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 3 2 236 280 arXiv 1304 1027 doi 10 1086 671348 JSTOR 10 1086 671348 S2CID 119128707 Infinitesimals in Modern Mathematics Jonhoyle com Archived from the original on 2011 07 13 Retrieved 2011 03 11 Shamseddine Khodr Analysis on the Levi Civita Field a Brief Overview PDF Archived from the original PDF on 2011 06 08 Edgar Gerald A 2010 Transseries for Beginners Real Analysis Exchange 35 2 253 310 arXiv 0801 4877 doi 10 14321 realanalexch 35 2 0253 S2CID 14290638 Alling Norman Jan 1985 Conway s Field of surreal numbers PDF Trans Amer Math Soc 287 1 365 386 doi 10 1090 s0002 9947 1985 0766225 7 retrieved 2019 03 05 Bajnok Bela 2013 An Invitation to Abstract Mathematics ISBN 9781461466369 Theorem 24 29 The surreal number system is the largest ordered field Gonshor Harry 1986 An Introduction to the Theory of Surreal Numbers London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series Vol 110 Cambridge University Press doi 10 1017 CBO9780511629143 ISBN 9780521312059 Thompson Silvanus P 1914 Calculus Made Easy Second ed New York The Macmillan Company R Neuendorff 1912 Lehrbuch der Mathematik fur Mittlere Technische Fachschulen der Maschinenindustrie Verlag Julius Springer Berlin Ely Robert 2010 Nonstandard student conceptions about infinitesimals PDF Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 41 2 117 146 doi 10 5951 jresematheduc 41 2 0117 JSTOR 20720128 Archived PDF from the original on 2019 05 06 Katz Karin Usadi Katz Mikhail G 2010 When is 999 less than1 PDF The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast 7 1 3 30 arXiv 1007 3018 doi 10 54870 1551 3440 1381 ISSN 1551 3440 S2CID 11544878 Archived from the original PDF on 2012 12 07 Retrieved 2012 12 07 Henle James M Kleinberg Eugene 1979 Infinitesimal Calculus The MIT Press rereleased by Dover ISBN 978 0 262 08097 2 Loomis Lynn Harold Sternberg Shlomo 2014 Advanced Calculus Hackensack N J World Scientific pp 138 142 ISBN 978 981 4583 92 3 This notation is not to be confused with the many other distinct usages of d in calculus that are all loosely related to the classical notion of the differential as taking an infinitesimally small piece of something 1 in the expression f x d a x displaystyle int f x d alpha x nbsp d a x displaystyle d alpha x nbsp indicates Riemann Stieltjes integration with respect to the integrator function a displaystyle alpha nbsp 2 in the expression f d m displaystyle int f d mu nbsp d m displaystyle d mu nbsp symbolizes Lebesgue integration with respect to a measure m displaystyle mu nbsp 3 in the expression R n f d V displaystyle int mathbf R n f dV nbsp dV indicates integration with respect to volume 4 in the expression d x i 1 d x i n displaystyle dx i 1 wedge cdots wedge dx i n nbsp the letter d represents the exterior derivative operator and so on Barczyk Adam Janssen Arnold Pauly Markus 2011 The Asymptotics of L statistics for non i i d variables with heavy tails PDF Probability and Mathematical Statistics 31 2 285 299 Archived PDF from the original on 2019 08 21 References editB Crowell Calculus 2003 Dawson C Bryan Calculus Set Free Infinitesimals to the Rescue 2022 Oxford University Press Ehrlich P 2006 The rise of non Archimedean mathematics and the roots of a misconception I The emergence of non Archimedean systems of magnitudes Arch Hist Exact Sci 60 no 1 1 121 Malet Antoni Barrow Wallis and the remaking of seventeenth century indivisibles Centaurus 39 1997 no 1 67 92 J Keisler Elementary Calculus 2000 University of Wisconsin K Stroyan Foundations of Infinitesimal Calculus 1993 Stroyan K D Luxemburg W A J Introduction to the theory of infinitesimals Pure and Applied Mathematics No 72 Academic Press Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers New York London 1976 Robert Goldblatt 1998 Lectures on the hyperreals Springer Cutland et al Nonstandard Methods and Applications in Mathematics 2007 Lecture Notes in Logic 25 Association for Symbolic Logic The Strength of Nonstandard Analysis 2007 Springer Laugwitz D 1989 Definite values of infinite sums aspects of the foundations of infinitesimal analysis around 1820 Archive for History of Exact Sciences 39 3 195 245 doi 10 1007 BF00329867 S2CID 120890300 Yamashita H Comment on Pointwise analysis of scalar Fields a nonstandard approach J Math Phys 47 2006 no 9 092301 16 pp J Math Phys 48 2007 no 8 084101 1 page Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Infinitesimal amp oldid 1222512760, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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